rill 1711 ka - 1.1/4 :14 SST PURIM EKED t 00., pike, 84 and 86 "rib Avenue, P. B. rEIIIIII.II. P 1 01:111TOS, Xprenas ADD JOELLI I. P. NM; Tian/ 0/ WWI DAILY• Z. 7 aau. Der y mr .1S et*. by carmen, per needs...., Rittitu4Galettg. GENERAL NEWS. Aram= Fasaiatrr 18 111 span. \ Tax mlaer's dibeasa—money-atanta. A WRINGING ciactitne—tho Income tax. Momaxa cnielopea—dresaing gown— Aim& INDIANA has thirty-seicn towns named Jackson. War.r. street is to have another female broker's firm. TEL cadetship market is quoted just *Ow 'very dull. - Tam founiky for casting shadows is 1p• sated in the sun. Pzortar. are now crossing Lake Cham plain on the Ice. - WMIREBOTON COMpllallll of A scarcity of Send harm scmnta. Missisantrz is receiving large numbers s3I Swedish emigrants. Santa ridtahes have made their appear. anise In Alton, Illinois. Tin book trade of Chicago amounts to about $2,000,000 a year. -' • TEA receipts of Booth's Theatre during Jane were 'were over f. 10,000. Ora Bum.'s concerts have drawn splendid audiences In California. VILILY are to have what they call "rellg. one pLsys" at the Prague Theatre. BIBILANK Is reduced to severe economy by unlucky 'peculation' In stocks. . Dtcsauts Is to give readings to Parts, mow that his new novel Is finished. A !API& to Canida very solemnly sake, "What does shoo fly moan ?" A RIZTUODIBT church has been buitt ia Clinton county, lowa, In three days. Bogs people object to cannedmeats, on the ground that they are putup jobs. A GIMAT German Bank Is to be estab. Whoa. Lt Berlin, with 162, 0 , 0 00.000 mel ta A rimiow in Danbury, Connecticut, boasts a moustache nine inches In length. Bo far from being to a dying stale. Senator Grimes is sold to be improving in *math. • " Write me as ono who loves his fello w to the cannibal said to the ads. alonizy. 01.111:mBEYOYFUL is the mune of the Indian editor of the Port Hope Brilith Camatitan. • • defendant of ral punishment in Boston say that cor po "a, switch to time !sires nine." • • A Pictrwasszw distiller complains of laving four barrils of whisky ' , stole by tnibta disguised watt kraip.' • Gitinraw newspapers say that emigra tion from that pcnintry to America will be - larger this year than ever before. Du. LITINGSTO/12'11 brother at Fernan do Po writes to a London paper erpress• tng.hlabelief in the safety of his relative. Bums of the period wear an English frock coat, trousers of some ribbed mate terial, a Lord Stanley scarf and lavender eons. Tax assassin Payne's corpse was re• moTcd from Washington Arsenal recently by his friends, and taken to pasta un known. Tn strongest newspaper articles yet written against the woman suffrage move ment are said to be from the pene of Br the Ecumenical Council the propor. tlon of Bishops dying to Latin speeches nadir ta said to have been dins far as one jo eleven. . AN Ma eerr imma that lid, about to eight a duel, insisted that ha .'sberild Mend six paces nearer his =taco -List than the other did lam.. . Brom= Blom once said,...Philanthro phy lin lanircrsel sentiment of the human hurt. .• * Whenever A sees B in trouble he always wants C to help him." isrtawric young lady of Philadel. gibe decorated the roiling around the Wswhington monument with Immortelleti, rawly on the morning of the 22d. MSS JANAUSCELEIC is about to cell for Germany,- but will return in Jane, and •taippmr on the New York stage in Englishtragedy during the autumn. . PAOPLE In Trenton got together the . ether evening to eonalder the ice quegion. While they were In convention the weather changed and the river frorh over. Tau Zwiesville Courier is informed that tke late cold spell has cooked most of the peaches-tar 1870. We should have pre. tared it had left a few to be taken raw; with cream, and hope It has, for Mr. Barrows thinks some of the buds on the highlands are unlejnred. We pin mar hope! to that. ' ADtassi POET= alkyl the Monarch is the greatest naval vessel afloat; that ahe can easily conquor any vessel belonging to our navy. She can ran down our iron clads and monitors at sea, but a fight with • her "in shore," or in harbor, might be wore equally contested, for then she could not so readily use the thirty.foui fest iron ram placed in her' ,some Mara feet under water. He declare, she is the greatest piece of naval architecture he has ever looked upon. Tume seems to be little prospect of as adjournment of Congress until June , and perhaps July next, as an Jame= amount of business =mains to be dispo , lied of, even at the close of three months' continuous work. The affairs of several of the reconstructed States and revision of ther taxes necessitated by the change in our national financial prospects are matters which demand the first attention, and then there remain a thousand_ one lever matters, private bilis; &a., which' to prolong the minion to a late day. Tint bill just passed by Congreea, and which will be signed by the President ; takes from the treasury over fire million dollars, and gives the same to the asylum for disabled soldiers, under the act of February let, 1884. The institution has received• 000,000 of the fund in the treasury created by the above act, which relievedall Quakers from military duty by their paying ipoo to the Government. Of thla fund there yet remains about t 2111,000, which goes directly to the ineti• tutlon. The bill just passed also gives to the institution all the funds withheld et Ow various branch rendezvous from these soldiers who subsetptently deserted or Jumped _bounty, and who have never claimed their money on account of laid desertion. Ox Wednesday the last ration the Pipe Grove and Lebanon road was laid. Itet fora deep cut that had to be excavated near Lebanon. the track wouidhave beti completed in November. The first regu lar train will parr over It on Monday, March 7th. This new road is about twentymight culla in length, extending from Pine Grove,Schuylkill county, to Manbeim, Lanciuter county. It will be of Immense advantage to the coal owl tors of the Schuylkill region, who will be enabled to ship the mineral to the turns- Des and other Iron manufactories of Leb -11141011 and Lancaster counties much cheaper than formerly, this route being dir*l- I while the others are circuitous. 'the shippers of oro in Lebanon counti will also b o o vreatly benefitted by the road, as they will base an additional and expedi tious avenue for transportation. Ire their annual report the lilassachu- POO Railroad Commissioners say that on the let of January, 1870, there were at least 100,000 tons of steel rails laid down on the railroads of this country, and probably 10,000 tons of stoel-hosded rails besides. • The commissioners sent I dr cular containing interrogatories in regard to the use of these rails ten large number of roads throughout the country, and from the replies received conclude that extremes of temperature do not InJuri cmaly affect the steel ralls ; that their demi bility far exceeds that of the bait iron' rails, no steel rail having yet been report ed as worn out ; that heavy Fades and sharp curves do not materially affect their wear ; that the rails shcmld be carefully Inspec'ed before; laying, and that usually all haws and imperfections can then be d'scovered, and subsequent breakage in t o track prevented. 1 •• . ‘ l. - _ • , - _ • -4 ./ ' - ~', l .. , 7 ,, ci , Z. jeltitt l . ~..4 _...; . • ; .., ~ - VOL. ll= STATE . Dinvxu.s. wants a new Jail. on FrrisSunday: inckts of nuns , tea! it eottsville Tacterry at Ptrker's landing hes been purettatiedly Mr. b. 13) Hunter, of filen esta. Msnrirtita 11' hitting about k mono- Ment to the memory of its "honored dead." THE ' , oldest Inhabitant" uf Reading, Haze W. Harper, eioa on Thursday or hust week.' PRILIDIMPHIL owes a larger debt, by several millions. than the Slate, tat• 142,401,934. At Tamaqua, a few days ago, a two or three day old Infant was foundletsta mutilated by bogs. - ; ' ' • Tun "Drumm:act]:loy" entertainments of the G. A. R., In eastern towns, have been very successful In a pectudary. way. Tex marriage contract of Thomas and Amanda S. Hamilton, of Crawford county, has been atm:tiled by the Legis lature. Jones Dolmas, Esq., of Meadville, has made a cotteyince iiithis President and. Trustees vf__Alleglieny College of several lota In 'said with , * - large building thereon, now kacwn as the Col legelloardlng Tilt bill constituting, Crawford (meaty an independent judicial district has been signed by the Geventor. The Titusville Herald says "this bill originated with the court -house ring at" Meadvill.s, and wee designed as Another nail In the new county coffin." . • Flrranonalarm .l ilterntizgro. —Tile Columbus (Ohio) Slats Journal says : A. Pittsburgh drover invested $.050 in a sharper at therdepot or sear tight bxality: Sharper borrowed the Money, leaving as security a check on a Pittsburgh firm for $l,OOO. Drover took-tim thing comforts. bly for some hours, and then waked to to tbo realization that he , etas itetndled: Ton new county project having again failed "alter forty years' agitation,' ilia now proposedto annex Titusville to lie nango county. leviowing the :!'nevr.. County Swindle "controversy, the .T.itusellie. Herold j ays `q• ;111 . 'er- - pedisitt to go on year "ietif year in the future, as wa Aar) done in the past, handling this podium thing, defiling ourselves, seeking to' ley the foundations of a temple of justice, God save the mark I upon the rotten founds. tions of: peniiinal, cIEOII and popular corruption. For this Is what it amounts to and alt the world knows it." Asa measure etrellef the Herald favors annexation. The Boosts *shops and Ifs tithle4l In the Convocation in London the Bishop of Winchester offered the follow ing resolution: "That a committee of both hewn ben , paillted, with power" to confer with any conatilttee 'that'pay, be appointed by the Conyocatibb Cof the Northern Province, to report upon the desirableness of a revision of the author. ized version of the Old and New* Testa ment, whether by insrginal notes or oth resets; in all those passages where .plain and cleat errors, whether in the Hebrew or Greek text, originally adopted by the translators, or in the translations made from the lame, Abell on due investigation be found to exist." The Mahe Pr in offering this resoledion, said that everybody who studied the 'matter knew that there were in their prevent volume parts of it which did not really belong to the inspired: Record. Therefore he believed it was the duty of the Church - to remedy these errors. ' The Bishop of IX David's said he. wits: not *Mott feat that- thigliseffidien if carried, would involve the necessity of constant revision of the Scriptures, and for this ha was 'by no means -prepared. Ste did not believe that any alteration in the gran:retied or -verbal construction of the New Testament - would In any way affect the doctrine. which the Church of England now hem. lle believed It would be a great advantage, both to the public and private reading of the English Church, if judicious revisions l were made. Such a revision would, no doubt, alter In very material respects the face of the Holy scriptures; but that ought to. be no reason why they should abstain . Born revision if, by inch roosion,i they could secure a more faithful representation of Scripture than they bad hitherto had. • The Bishop of Liandaff said he thought the resolution should apply to the Old as well as the New Testament. (4s origin , ally proposed by . the Bishop of-yin cheater, itapplied only to the New.)- • Alter some remarks frem the Bishop of Salisbury,' the Biahop of Brain and othet prelates, the motion providing for with/ quiry into both the Old and New Testai went was unsahnotraly agreed to. - PETECILEMI . We clip tbe Following .Iteu4 fro:wilt" fHt City - .Dail', Tines, the mot rograbld 011Dapoi,publIshed : . We learn that .1. .Diekey, Esq., 015:6111 city, exploded One of hbi 'plant' tame: does Ina, well anomie four miles- from TicUoute. belonging to .our trlendlL, Clapp, Esq.- The well weal producing three barrels per day, but Once pada explosion, which took 2aoe on. the til tor. 16th of February, It has neaWly yielded seventy barren' per day and th us far the Indications are favorable for - Its oontinui • .oe. . On the Igew York and AUFbeny, tract Mr. Pershall's No. 21s num g No. 8, '25 bbla; No. 1, 160 Mat No. 5, pumping 5 bids.; No. ols down 200 feet. fdesers. Stevens and Flehezare down 125 feet, • On the Tidlonte and Warren trial, the Company's No. 21s down 600 feet, No. 8 250 feet, p_ rogressing finely; 'Ei th er it Cushing's Noe. 1 and 2 are being drilled deeper. No. 0, new well, drilling. Other wear lIICKORY On the R. C. Scott lower farm. ThOrra. berg & Goodrich Na.. 1 is pumping: Ip bbla.; No. 2 down 110 feet. Crowe! Na. down 450 feet. On the Royal Scott farm, • Dewey & Ls nay well, pumping 8 bbia.; Fisher eit. aton No. i, drilling; No,, 2, rig op. On the Widow Gorman Tarm, Figier Cushing have • new rig up, will soon etilladelphla Company'a territory on same farm, Canfield well No. I, pro- ducing 8 bOls.; Warren and llesango gall 3; Snyder, 3; I.rwintorroll.o9.4lo. 1,44 , 210-2, 10. On the Mlles farm, Collins Bros, No. 1, pumping - 10 trots; No. 8. 18rNit: 3, riz up; , Wide Awake,,l3; Mende, Meg & Co.'s, Hickory and Tidlobto 011 Qr.'s No. 1, ik No. 2,12.• ~ On the Beatty & Neysrt Farm, Good. rich No. - 1, pumping 7 Dbl..; 2S Batty rim), 8 btale t,Ne. 2 10; hics-9, 23; tihaw& Durkee, 6; Beatty & Neyhart No. I. draining; Fisher , Brothers Na, ki; down 100 feet. The Petroleum Record of 'Saturday • El 2 'Vali, on the htetropell we.geshm lin track near ICIUW Clty, was recently torpedoed, aid the production mate ally increased. The Flayille well, recently struck. atill conthmes to yield nearly thirty barrels per day. We understand that one or two more wells ars soon to be put down on that part of the Central PetrO. imam Coompanya farm. Mr. R. - Elargaokhu about,. to _put down. two dark weal - 053W Optitral Petroleum Company.] flarM,' th d-'ll,lll commence drilling on Monday. W. bear of other wells going down on this farm. rilEkiEß FALL& Fire—Feat Banding: Banding: Destroyed-13ae err, Vreg Store, and Clothing*Store. • Nes/Jhuarcrort: March 1, 70; Sabbath morning anent half pain sight o'plook a Are broke out In a cloth. fug 14016 on Maim street, Beaver Falls, at the foot of the hill, near the old school house, and spread until four bulidiare were destroyed, as follows: A. „ "tore owned Mr. .Porter; a b um b akery owned -by a Jew ; ado owned by Watson and Wilson, and's tenement house. They were all frame buildings, owned, as we were told, by Charles yaIUMI - pert:ape ge,ooo, and about - hair that" lunnunt of. Insurance on them. , Did Aoki:mmou amount of - fnanranee Was Sett' ols'the goods. The lire originated by a lamp uptake' In the cl ot hing Item B. FIRST OMR JRD.1176111% HARRISBURG. Penisilvania Legislature. SENATE: Bills Passed Finally —National Improvement Com pany Pittsburgh Railroad Compromise Indebtedness Herald Printing. Company of .Pittshargh. HOUSE: Variety of Bills Introduced—Diamont Hospital Management The General Appropriation Bill. HiwcialDisya'ch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) HAtousauss, March 1, 1870. ' SENATE. • - nitie PAIMOID IrrleAbrr. The following House bile were painted: • Authorizing. the• Pittsburgh, Virginia And Charleston -Railway Company to Issue mortgage bonds. Authorising the Oakland School Dia- Plttsburgh, to borrow money. • AUtherlaing the School Board of Re,. serve teivrildp to borrow money. Authorizing Mllivelo horongh School Borini,tcrborrow ten thousand L , . NAfIONA IMPROVEMENT COMPA*T. Messrs. Ratan, Howard, White. Ruck. ralew and others opposed the bill inoor poratinir ' , the Netkonal• Improvement Oornpaby," me extravagant in therwers Eby," Mr. WHITE moved indefinite post ponement. Mr. CONNELL moved postponement for thet.preepent. Tho latter motion carried. - DIV* PASSED. - , , The following Senate bills were passed: Incorporating the Western Pennsyl vania Life Insurance Company of Penn sylvania Changing the Pittsburgh city and ward elections to December. • Incorporating the Beaver Falls Water Company. BanSu k. pplement for the Artisans' Saving. Extending to the Baldwin School Dis trict the act of April 21. 18G1. In rebates to the collection of ,school dike-lets of the 'Commonwealth. -•-- Authorising the Sixteenth ward School Board, Pittsburgh, to borrow ten thous. and dollars. ! • BILLS INTRODCCED. By Mr. GRAHAM: -"Supplement teamt creating a sinking fund for theettln goishment of railroad compromise indebtedness of Pittsburgh and an. Pointing a Board of COVOulisslooOrS, which provides the Controller of Pittsburgh shall be an ex.offielo member i,f the Board, and Councils may dll vacancies and remove Commlasionitrs and entirely regulate the sinking fund. Also incorporating the Harald Print ing Company of Pittsburgh. Palmed. By Mr. OLMSTED: Providing that persons conflated of fornication cud bee tardy shall not be discharged as insoly ent debtors until they hays paid Hue, ~ l ying in" expenses and costs and given security to pay for the inslntensoca of Wetland, unless they have undergone one year's imprisonment. Relative to requisitione of the Goy. emment upon other Statca,.which no. quires the costa WIO4E! as other Casts in suit. HOUSE OF BEPRESENTATPIES; BILLS INTEODtICED By .bir. WEBB: Joint resolution for adjournment March 3lst. Biy Mr. BEANS: Making the mode of selecting 'school directors in the Com. monwealth serve for selection of jurors. Also, regulating .newnbroken. .y Mr. AMES:. Regulating the mete Me of dentistry. • •- - By Mr. McCREARY: Reviving State military agency at Washington. By Mr. SCIINATTERLY Extending the act of this session allowing railroad oompanlell telease and become lessees to Pittsburgh and Connellaville Road. Ry Kr. ROLLE/at: Urgtzet Congress to repel! the present Income tax law, beauumk It Ls inquisitorial and oppressive and'Anesttonable, because It Is a direct tax. By Mr. BUFFINGTON:Providing that any election officer who shall raffle to receive and count the votoof any oilmen on' - aooOtod of 41108. color; or ..preViOILO condition of servitude Quill be guilty of misdemeanor, puniattabLe by dna and imprisonment. . By Mr. PARBo.l.ile : Joint . resolution directing the Governor, Attorney Gen eral and Auditor General' to'•'uzge th. General Government to pat the border 7 ' 1: i• - “• 3 to:motor Rosereab.. --- ( DAVIS rebid - in article in tie - Mita. burgh Ossonarcial of Feb. 96th; In refer; elm to the Dixmont Hospital appropri. salon and management, • referring . to Mr. `Davie championing the inatitutn and, as having' recently visited Pittsburgh' with Mr. Schnatterly. Mr, DAVIS pronOtinced the assertion or Imputation: es false and toe writer a Itat'of the nrat ;water,' whore he shonld Introduce a resolution to expel from the' courtesies of the House date knew him.' If any specific charge was brought and proved spelatettie peewit management,he would - vote for a change of the man ' xygentent, but In ; the absence of, stay charge he would not allow the impute. lion to rest upon honorable men. The men now trytng to obtain> the "manage. went were too mean to contribute the one thousand dollars required to become managers: - • . Dimas. 81.71INATLERLY and XAN KIRK followed. defending Weir action ,In favor of the appropriation, to. hy r adyt .LA Ft defended the loatittitton. The general appropriation bill was con: iddered on second reading. • The • Dixmont Hospital appropriation Was Doled again, excluding the peons. ion for s new management -Mr. REINOEHL mond an appropria. tion of six thou/Laud dollars fora mow ioment to Thaddeus Stevens in WAehingi ton. Mr. BROWN moved an amendment, adding James Buchanan. Both amendments ware withdrawn. The section allowing mothers to re• move soldiers' arphanti from schools at halt allowance reseed alter conaiderable opposition. WHITE proposed to add , a sea Non. diverting nom tho' sinking land the. taxes on taverns, eating house:, restaurants. distilleries, breweries. es. tailors,' broken, theatres, billiard sa. loons, foreign Insurance agencies, am; Ruled out as Irrelevant. • M. WHITE moved an additional sae. Hon obliging hospitals, charitable Mimi, du., receiving aPCuPicittimic to leak° annual reports to Abe Governor, Auditor-General and Treasurer r , contain, ins all amounts of receipt* andexpendl• turn in detail. Defeated. • The bill wawa second reading SCBANTOIi, The kgplooSes—lturther Panic: - 'CU Att OM& $43 , qui ritobirgh osmium:l ''SOnereitore; Mirth t—The diautor of last evening has cut a gloom over the city. The , explosion was the moot truffle that 2 ever Able section. ,blany,truildings In the neigh. borbooft of the • reifies mill were badly shaken, and the concusalon was felt half $ mile from the spot where It originated. The cause cannot be satiafactorily trued, as all who were in the Immediate richt. ity at the time wars instantly killed. n is feared that several of, those badly jund gal dingm Um effects.' The roar of-the builidirectly over the boiler was blown to places and shafting of manse also and weight was carried to an ,elevation of from aeventrlive to one hundred feet. Some of the men b In the runts were not extricated until a late hear last night, and the , atentbdng suspense of Rita' and children WAS meat l i painful. The, scene. to a conaldantlde degree resembled tbat of Avondale it is as yet impartible to correctly estimate the damage to propotty;tnat it Wilde heavy. The mill will not be 'with in running order for aavorat weeks. ill PITTSBURGH, W i Ep ) pT4Sp4lir,- MARCH 2,- 1870 FORTY-FIRST CONGIIRSS. (SEACOIID MIEtIS10111.) SENATE :• A grieultnral - and Me • chanic Arts—Additional Boun ty Claims—Homestead Rights in Land (hunts -punding Bilk HOUSE : Indians' Status Under XlVth . Amendment—Distilled „ Spirits in Bond.—ltesolution Censuring Pa-Representative Peweese—CadetShip Inrestiga lion to be Continued—Gold Panic Investigation Report. city Telegraph to the Pllterargh WASIIINGTON, March i t 1870. EMMEE2 Mr. WILSON Introduced a joint reso lution for the better obutrvance cif Son; day In the military and- naval academies. Referred to the Military Committee. Mr. RRVELS pretianted .a petition from the colored men of Philadelphia for the portage of a bill . to secure to all parsons equal protection f the laws. Referred to the Judiciary Cdpmlttee. Mr. MARIE, from the Committee on Education and Labor, reported a ■ubati lute-for thrjoint resolution concerning colleges for the benefit of agricultural and mechanical arts. The substitute Irroyides that distinction on account - of race or color or previous condlUon -of servitude in any such institution, or , by any State, shall occasion ferfelture of lands and script. • • Mr. WILSON, from Military Commit tee, reported 'without amendment the bill extending until December let, lir°, the time for presenting claithe for addi tional bounties. , • Mr. HOWE made his Ant speech to 'eupport of his revolution, that In ,every grant of landr - to railroads a prey's* chili be Incorporated seeming the rights of settlers to homateads on grants, and requiring the land to be put in the mar ket at an early day at a price not ex seeding two dollars and ally cents per sumo. He desired 'a permanent pollee -by which the protection of the west and southwest from the great evils of land monopoly Would be made the feature of railroad grants, as inevitable as the Wll toot proviso ~.used to be In territorial The rapid accumulation of capital and the - powerful combinatiops of rail road corporations augmented the dan ger of land monopoly In these days end necessitated the imposition of restraints. While advocating this policy, he would continue to favor most earnestly the granting of lands to promote the • settlement and develops the resources of the west. The wisdom and enemas of this policy had already been estahlished. I 7 view of the rapid territorial expansion, be thought Mat at no dletantday our descendants would mane from the balls of the Montezuma; the annexed Dominion of Canada and' the States of the Red. River country, to take seats perchance In the capitol, which will then tower in magoltieent proportions on the western banks of the Father of Waters, or upon the beantlftd and commanding alto of the city of his own realitenee, the city of Keokuk, overlooking the States of the Union. In conclusion he said the policy inset( would not be coulmained of, but its abuse. The Mates interested in the continuance of this policy moat unite to correct thee. abuses or , the system itself would be sect - Diced with ell Its ben, The resonation IntroduCed 'e7 Mr.' Rama wwwdenseed, ,, z The Septa resumed the consideration of the funding bill. Mr. CORBETT submitted and advo. cated au amendment previously intro. duced by him as a separate bill. Without action the Senate went Into executive aopimo, and Pon alter ad journed. " • ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Senate amendments to the poet route bill were concurred in. lissolutions were adopted instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire whether the Cherokee, Chocktaw, or . . . other tribeof indlins, are United : State@ citizens under the fourteenth' intend- Mout, andirbettier, if theyare, any eon. trace., or treaty can be made with Weal as tribes or natives: Calling on the. Seers. lazy of Wig for General Crane's report of St. Marra Falls shlpesoaL - - Mr. ItENNEIT asked leave to report far action a bill authorizing the construe. lion and maintenance of a bridge across Kissers river. Mr. KERR objected. • - •Thejoint reremtion Introduced Jester. d a y byjgr., gar*, Aziending. to ..tbree years the time for keeping distilled spirit' in bond, came up. • • • his,giaraball's amendment araereieet. erV—yeas 84; hays Sit' • Mr. ilowar'a imbeittrate, requiring the Payment of oneeeht per gallon for•each month-after the drat year, wax agreed to without divieldn. Mr. WASHEMIZIE, Wis.. Moved to In the bill on the table, ea -being a bill to suspend the collection - or revenue on whisky for the remainder or this admM- IstraUou. Lost.-•.yeas 62, nays 104. The bill. as amended, was pared out division. . . Mr. LOGAN, Chairman of the Com *nee on IMMO Atlrche,, , madike report WI the case of John T. Drones*, smbatt Ung the, testimonytaken In the case and a stataweat wade by Mr. powsioe bop:, the Committee. . , _ . Ur. Dewetee forvleg reelimett, the Committee reported the 'following. rtm. !taupe, the report being Signed by the Members of the Committee; Revived, That John T.' Retraces, hum Representative in Congress from the Third. CongreesiOnal District of North Caroline, did make an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy in violation of law, and that snob appointment was in final:cod ipecurtlary could oration, an d that his conduct in the premises has been to chew him unwonhy of a seat in the - House of Representatives, and there. fare condemned as conduct unworthy,sf a Itepresantatietlef lb. lieoPiea The' tostitne wee read froth 'Cie Clerk's desk.. at of him L. IL Bean, proprtetreee c the 'United Rates Hotel in Washington, was to the effect that die tutd.peld M Devisee for the tomitio, Con of her no nto - the Naval Academy, and that thole:Went had: been.rargaded ! by Hr. Deweetaiwlthin the tut Tow days. 1 That of her son was to the same effect. The statement of. fifr; Deleeuw was that Attila time he niceived the money he did not know there was any wrong in it; that the Secretary :of. War and the . Necretsry of the Navy were both cogni zant of what he waa doing. As mu as he realized that he had done -wrong, lie returned the moony and sent hie wag. nation Utile Governor of his State. He had not acted froa. mercenary motives, for he had expended 112,000 in his State in the last Presidential election. _ The resolution was then adopted unanimously on a vote by yams. and nqa Mr. OAHE, ehairinan of the Cominit. tee On Acleounte, nude a report aa to the expenses of the various committees of the Soaae. Total amount 147,788, of which 120,962 has been paid. The Ebro. mitres on- Aeon:into was directed audit end allow the acoomita. • Mr. LOGAN saked instractioos from the House what the Committee on Dem kW. iery.Affaira Gu ip ild do in the InvutUa. of oadetah aoi ? early male by , mem pt: bersnt omentsf th imprope former Congress. - kitare.- Woodward, Bingham, Banks and Logan expressed the opinion that the House had no - jurisdiction, while Mr. Cobb, of Wleconen, thought it would be unfair-to eertaki exuembers• suited whom ukiencatted, already been taken to cut them off from datum. In reply to a Animation he mentioned the name of Mr._ ill iii, - Alibates, who had been charged with rag:felting money, for an ap. pointment *tithe S aul Academy, which statement be (fdr.Calils) denied. Various ..uiggieltions and resolution. 'Were offered and tootUllad. Finally' the following, offered. by GARFIELD, we.agreed t; (a =mist that ..not hit% contained in this resel aattliddnnshall be eon• strned to said- Committee eon- It ' ll "( alingding already stnameneed." ha pant adopted and th en.reeonsider m= od been and. re* litteuf Uef,r That lei the execution of the opfee.pEteeklionn or .February 4.1870. the Um:an:duets on Military. Affairs be reinteraeted sc:continue its initial tion of aLL putobeeee or miles of cadetship. by .. ES --- any person wa beim . eleuted as a member or., ].gate of the • tiouee of Representatives In the 41st Congress, or by any_ Person ho beide any executive or Judicial Oghee. , • Mr. GARFULD, chairman of tkon mith3e on Banking, preeected the testi. mony taken Mho gold panic investiga• thin and the ;wpm speed to by the Com-, =lace: Mr. COSpracnted the minority report of himself analar. Jones, 'of Kentuaky.. Both report& were laid on the hlo and ordered to be printed i ii nd reco • The recommittal gi es the co mitten control of the 'matter, oas to -4 it any time. Adjourned,,...l STATE EEGIISLA'LiaIIS. LBy Telegraph ectetteFlttaburghelaXtle . . 1 =ll=4l • Naseruameglarch the Rouse • to-day Mr. Knew - 11, chairman of Mtn . chairman„ of mittee on InvFallon, reported that . Odd committee proof that Secretary • . Fletcher was c aged Live cents more per acre for the the' School Scrip donation to titer State by the general government thanhe bold it for, and that be conid Dave gleaned' cash nstalceof _ Calling on time,;-7 The bill introiloped, in the House by Mr. Steele, Mehl:nen of ' the Finance Committee, la aftellar mite/nth , foaling to th e North cerethle ; bill, and.provides that railroad o ffi cials shall, npon oath, state the number and series of all bonds leaved to thent tinder Its Legislature since 11365, the pidhe received for the male of -the sameeti and the Governor and Comptrollerghall be governed by the price of mild sale In fending said bonds with new ones: - any railroad sold its hands at 'My Beets, inter/at will only he psid on said tengsketrifty cents, and the new bonds will Leine for them at the slime, that is. onienew bond for two old. The bill passed *et reading, was 'refer red to the Fininte .:Committee and ordered to be pritstbd.. • The Legialettne trill adjourn Oti therth Inst, but the 'ingraining, to investigate the legality of bdnda homed to reUroada will remain In sliirmondtuing the recess ‘llo4.,,timunla • Much Wasimutn, I.The Joint rose ,. proposhitax amendment to the Slide Coninitution so as to enfranchise ingroes and ex•Criefederatee, passed the Senate today by a vote of 18 to 4. It wee passed by thialouse on Priday by a vote of. 36 to 18. „,I3 has to be concurred in by the L.021101'2'0 next winter, and then submitted to the people in October, 1871. Under lieneovisicsta the enfran. eland Confederal* will first Vote lu 00. toper, 1872. , . IME Tazarox, Iffarikil.— A bill bu been inntwirmed Into theitterrate looking to - new railroad roilb) between .Now York and Philadelplaik-- . BRIEF TELEGRIMS. _ —The earpentili at Albany, N. Y. Gave atruek Walk a rodttatton or waged. —The eincinnidl Southern Railroad bill was defeated friths HentockY Senate yesterday; by a eels at 22 to IL •• • —Orders were liven to• reinstate half of the discharged, Wrurkuten In the Chat , leetown Nary Yid*: They resume work to-day. —The House ofqh., Ohio Legislature yesterday reetinaidered the none° on the woman soffrage sod allowed It to be printed. —The woolen Shoddy mill of Wash ington Patton, at Marley, wee burned Monday evening. 'Los 120,000. Partly hunted. —Bay. DeCblltkoata.ligMhettial fOsusattitiqutom . len., been foun. 'theor adultery and dismissed from the ministry. —The rasidtutee of George Baker, near Quinsy, IIL, was burned - on Monday night and two children had a narrow escape from being burned to death. Loss, MOM. —The Northern Railroad Elevator, at Toronto, cootaining• 125,000 bushels of grain and 18,000 barrels of Doer was de alloyed by tire yesterday morn ing. lonia estimated at pa 000. . —A. young lieuustielely, named Eliza beth ?dully, who was supposed to have died on Monday in Chicago from aim. alve intoxication, it turns oat committed suicide by taking amnia. —Gov. Bowie, of Maryland, has signed the death warrant of Jaa. Lewis Collins. colored, for the murder of Eiaba Ranks, colored, in September last. Collins will be banged on the lit of April. • , " —Rev. I.k.rnelhis Smiting. • Jesuit Priest, ratator Of the Church Holy Name io etamilu, died at his •residence yester- day nownlng. Father - Bruartus bore an excellent reputation ass man and Chris- The German .oolohy that left Chi cago a abort time aloft under the charge of Cart Wellataln, alerted from the end ante Karam Pak& Railroad on Mon day for their. destination, Watmountain Valley, Oalorado. —A Madison (Ind.,) dispatch earl that Incendiaries made another attempt to burn the Courser printing office Monday night, and also the lower Nondairy. The Are In both places was extinguished w!thontlni , c l d im3istV 6 —A fire at Thorntown, Ind., moudaY night destroyed - the large flooring • mill of McKenzie & Co. The lose la twenty thonaand dollars. Insured for sixteen thatusand—ten tlimeand or .which la In the Underwriters, of New York. —John Kllbrlde, a butcher ln Chicago', went la a ball Monday nlght,'got fear fully drunk, was taken home by friends and about four o'clock yesterday morn. tog ahot himself dead with a reyolyer. Deossiod loaves a wife residing some. where lrilgew Took BUM. •=TGe Flu preme Oonit of Ohio yesterday granted the application for await °terror lathe CincinnatiNbleht the schools came. bit set the Me tor hearing on the second Tuesday In December. Thls learns the case so that the Bible can be read !tithe schwas until that time at least. —The Wed foreign null brinme details of the opening of the famons /Sfordannt divorce case, in which the Prints of Wales impaired on the stand. The wit nesses worn (Ingo emphatic uto the in sanity of the defendant, and some of the most extraordinary evidence ever given in a court room was elicited On this 4X. onion. Intelligence has yet been re oelved,, either• directly or from com manders of passing vase* either of the City of. Boston or of the Bremen steamer Smidt. which latter vessel cleared at Bra men ibr New-Tork on the 20th ult. and sailed on the WA. and has oonsequently now occupied-. thirty-eight days , on the —Letters from lit. Petersburg state that never in the memory of man has more Intense oeicl bean experienced than that to which the people at this moment are exposed to in \ Raisin, In number d in all northern countries. Aof deaths from congestion are militated by Rtualan journals, amongst them of eep. oral sentries frozen at their pmts. —Thursday of hat week a small party of tntozlcated Indiana went to a mobe twenty miles from Helena, Winans, and their demands tbr whiskey being denied, they destroyed the most of the fiarniture about the premises, and left. The three white men barricaded against the Lid'. diens, who returned after a abort time, but unable to enter the house, they stole fifteen bead of hones. The whites re. captured the horses next day. The Indi• cans threaten fOrthenvielatitat ' . . affair —A shooting ai occurred at Camp Carlin, Wyoming Territory,yesterday, between L. Mason and gatawood. clerk In- the Q. M. Depart:meat, The difficnity originated the previous even inorseg at • salmon t in.. Cheyenne, about a h ram,ich is said' to have us ed .W offensißatafordve remarks towards Mum restalley Mason - 'd.. . mended an apology,. and Sanford de 'alined to apologize or retract, whereupon Mason • shot, wopmidus: him in .the shoulder. Bateford returned the fire, wounding Mason, who has since died. l i n o Blond" who lately douriahed in Chicago, arrived at Milwaukee on Monday. Duringday. handbills were circulated on the street purforting to be addressed to the troupe, and COD. tanning a savage attack on Mr. Morey and, a Mu, Written, byaggin, xnum ber of prominent , cuing= protested to the Mayor gairwt e the troupe ying license to exhibit on the ground that It was 'indeeett., The' ligOora; ealled • the License committee of the Common Council togetner, and - ender their in structions wanly granted the limns& SECOIII Ern THE CAPITAL. Pa lie Debt Statement—Hedne• t n Last Month $6,481,111 port on the Gold Pante of S ptember—The Oneida Calam ' it ,&c. • (Ey Telegraph to the Pittsbarghliasette;) Wasatawrosr, March 1,1870. PUBLIC DEBT STATEMENT. The following in the statement of the public debt: Bearing cohtlaterest $ • ^1.079.2550 Bear nit currency 1.1142 f eat ts.sat.opo 00 Debt on nrucb luterast has ceased. 5.072,344 Debt bearing no lateseeL • ' .057 31 Total .. Intaloa% r.,111.910.854 9V47i7.1111 4r:4,lAm 79$ ' /meant In Trta/ury. a 113.400 TA or 10.260,115 61 =ls= =l9! =lE= MEM Bondi awl Intent Total .$l3 340.31134 =I = I==! . Eetre&la OD manila • 6.4M 1 811 76 creaseslnee March let. b7.1.31.7tC fide W.A. to raBaa . Ralf , rtoul. Cotoptolea la•trest ply able. in lawful mosey, aampant • outatandlng Interest anernad and not yet bald. 1en,541 20 neatest bald ba th e Vatted bun.. 6.111.1164 Inte•est repaid by transporta• • • , armada •-• " ' • 1,104,Cd4 al balatten off latatei bass by tee - • unmet Itate• 4,617,206 00 • Gen. Garfield, Chairman of the Com mittee on Banking and Currency, made a report today on the gold panic. It kites a riesumidantial amount of its his. tory, and comer to the following concha- Sone In view of -the testimony: • . Pird. Proinlnent 'bankers and mer chants who testified before the Commit• tee were nearly unanfmons in -the opin ion there was no gullicient reason for the existence of the Gold. Exchange and Gold Exchange Bank; that they were the source of measureless evils and ought to be destroyed. S'ecoad. The gold conspiracy dealt a heavy blow at our credit abroad by shaking the faith of foreign capitalists In the stability of our trade and honesty of our people. Hundreds of firms engaged In legitimate, business were wholly rained or severely crippled; importers of foreign goode were for many days at the mercy of the gamblers and suffered heavy losses; In fact the entire country was injured, the foundations of business and morality were shaken and numer ous defalcations that shortly followed were clearly traceable to the mad spirit engendered by apeculation. Third. The committee fled that the wicked and cunningly devised attempts of conspirator' to compromise the Presi dent of the United States, or his family, utterly failed. Mr. Corbin, using the op-. portunity which his family relationalnp to the President afforded, and under that wore. form of hypoclery which puts on the guise of religion and patricide cumsed his arts to learn something from visit. oonvenuttione of the President., which could be made profitable to him and his conspirators, but with all the efforts or hla.asociatea the teetlmooy has not elic ited ono word or act of the Provident Inconsistent with that patriotism and integrity which befit the Chief Execptive !gibe nation. The tussaag• sent to Cor bin, when - big doplieltylein enenect: ed, and the order which laid the strong hand of the government upon the con spirators and broke their power, are most significant. The report relieves lire. Grant and General Porter from an suspicion of gambling. All the public, funds en rusted to Gen. Butterfield were faithful' accounted for. It la not oencludvely pro ed he was In terested with the conspirators In realmg the price of gold, though on 'this point the testimony is conflicting. Gould swears positively he bought two lots of gold for Butterfield, amounting in all to a million and a half dollars. Butterfield, also under oath, denies this statement. Both Flak and Gould swear they receiv ed messages from Butterfield and an ewers to messages which they sent during the days of the panto In reference to news from Washington, and this 'statement receives some support from Brown, a messenger of .the Sub. Treasury. It is proved by the testimony that during the days of the panic two firms, brokers, sold gold on Batterfield'a order and for his profit, and that during his whole term of office he was dealing largely in United Staten bonds on his own account. When asked by the Com mittee whether he knew of any °Meer of the United States who was directly or Indirectly Interested In gold, be answer ed unqualifiedly in the negative; but when afterwards confronted with the tea. ttmony of Seligman, concerning his pur. chases of gold, he admitted It was Una The committee recommend' the slop. lion of the following resolutions: That the Committee of Ways and Means be instructed to report a bill levy. Ing such tax on transactions of Gold Ex change and Gold Exchange Clearing houseras in their Judgment the interests of the demand• .. That the .oemmittee on Judiciary be Instructed to Inquire Into the expediency of reporting a bill to define and punish conspiracy against the credit of. the Tinned States and business of Its people. That the Committee on Banking and Currency be Instructed to inquire wheth er. atiy farther legislation la 'necessary to prevent the improper tree ofcertified checks by National banks, and that they have leave to report by bill or otherwise. MINORTIT AM MOST Mews, Cox and Jones unite In a minority report. They contend the in ception of the sold plot was involved in Cie appointment of the Asalatant True urer at New York; that it was encour aged by ohangbig the polity of Secretary hicCullooh; that the salmi of gold, if at ell made, should be regulated by law; that the Comndltee refused to invest!• t rce p gilt . %trzi conduct of meant in a c n l , Ming therefbre the investigation wa partiaL toes or TflE orribs. The Navy Department has nothing by which to relieve or allay the terrible slur pence of those most interested in the panic:shire of the 'Oneida disaster. A letter was resettle:l 'here by Collector Tullock, from his son, Paymaster Tab leek of the Oneida, dated January 23d, In which he mentioned the home pen nant had been hoisted, and farewells made with their friends of the squadron who were to remain on the station. Ad miral Porter says that the si roaent com plement of the Oneida will t fall much shorter one hundred and ty Routs. The Navy Department hu not yet re ceived any particulars of the Oneida dis aster. It Is Impossible to Obtain any perfect list of the °Moen and crew of the vessel, for the reason -that as she was about to leave China for the United &stem some transfers, both among offi cers and men of the squadron to which she belonged, probably took place, particularly In the came of men who had yet to serve some time of enlistment, while ethers belonging to other United States vessels of the same squadron whose terms had expired, or were about to expire; would the transferred to the Oneida for home passage. == President Grant, Secretaries Fish and Boniwell and several Congressmen to. day attended the Manilla* of Winfield Scott Smith, a prominent newspaper correspondent, with Miss Dupont, of THE WEATHER State of me Thermesseter at Varietal Petals Yesterday Morning. )87 T.lemon to tam Plttentrob Gssato.) ST. Lows, dem and; bright ; ther mometer 54 dell. steals. _ . 50. PAUL. eleszandoeld; thermometer 1.5 deg. above. Concmoo, cloudy and cold. CINOLINTIATI. 0101/dy. and Omit looks like imow. Ost Orrr. cloudy and a/sawing a little; thermometer 34 deg. above. Himmel:l, *toady r thermometer 40 dea..above. ihrw Yonx;mll.dand plessent. ti Piumanr.urnit, cloudy and modem ne. Hanalsnallta, clear andplimant. El NEWS BY CABLE. The Saved from the American Corvette Oneida—Yacht Race Controversy—" Sold" Sculling Match English Parliament Proceedings—Violent Election Disturbance in Ireland—Death Penalty Abolished in Germany —Carnival Festivities in Paris and Rome—Mr. Burlingame's Remains en route to America. (RI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.) GREAT BRITAIN. ' flosnon, 'March I.—Dispatches just ro calved announce that tlfty.els lives were saved at the sinking of the Oneida. Aakbury refuses to race the Calabria nalnst the Sappho unless the latter will allow time in favor of the Cambria, to eited the difference in tonnage. • These, Is much, Indignation In boating circles at the result of the boat race yes. terday between Sadler and 'Heath. It le supposed that the result was pier arranged between the parties for, betting purposes. EC= In the' Ilotuie of Lords this evening the bill Introduced by ,Lord Redesdale to amend the lath Church act was passed to first reading: • • In the Commons Mr. Evian& gave notice of a motion for the reduction of the African squadron. • Mr. Torren■ moved that it was expedi ent for the Government - to encourage emigration by enabling the guardians to borrow money tortilla purpose. A 'pro tracted debate followed, in which Lord Hamilton and Messrs. Ayton, Monte end Laurence Were the chief partici. pants. Mr. DIES announced the granting of state aid to promote emigration. Mr. Gladstone strongly opposed the motion and Mr. Torrens replied. A. di vision was had and the motion was die. agreed to-48 to 153. The Insurance) on the steamer City or Boston has been advanced. It la believed at Lloyds that the steamer has gone southward under canvas. A meeting of Irish -members will be bold on Monday for the parpcee of tat• to action 1n reference to the Irish laud bill. The liberals will endeavor to Add an amendment to the bill extendingthe system of the tenant rights of Ulster to the whole of Ireland. A 'great Many liberals, especially the whip, will maid this amendment. The blab 'liberals do not feel satisfied with the explanations made in Parliament in reference to tan. treatment of O'Donovan Hosea and fel.' low convicts. The whole subject will speedily be brought to the attention of Parliament. The Time, severely miUcises the vague. nem of Mr. Gladstone's remarks In Par. liament lett night on the proposed action of the.goVernment In relation to the bill for reform in the land system inlreland. It does not believe there can be any thorough reform so long as the govern. ment fails to assert the majesty of the law. Crime Is still unpunished in Ire. lend; disorder is rampant. The govern ment can never pacify or control Ireland, or establish a decided policy, until It as. sena Its power. The Times demands the adoption of such a policy Without a day's delay. Dumas, March I.—lntense excitement exists in Tipperary district, arising out of the:e.: Won of a candidate to succeed 1" thef anconvict O'Donovan Roma. Kidd' , who was supported by the Fontanel and known to be Rosaa's choice, watt defeated by only four votes. The suoteeattil candidate, Mr. ;Baron, Heron, who area tkaapolitt.arsemdpna • from the mob by the police. An attempt was made to attack him at Colomo, and be was pursued far beyond the town by , bands of Itosaa's friends. The army polies continued their protection until he passed the limits of the town. =173 ST. Farseeing°, March I.—lt is re- ported that J. Dior ev , 7 Brown, Secretary of the Chlrma° Embassy, will be appoint ed to the place made vacant by the death of Anson Burlingame. The remains of the late Anson Burlin game will be sent to the United States via Berlin. The widow and sons of de. ceseed remain in St. Petersburg. The disease of which Burlingame died wee, Inflammation of the lunge. The Chinese Embassadors continue their negotiations . with the Russian government. =2 MADRID, March I.—The Bishop of Ostna has arrived in Madrid in custody of civil guards.. Senor Market intends to interpellate the. Government respecting the visit which . the Spaniels Bishops in Rome made to Prince At urn on his arrival there with the Duke De Chaste. =3 PARIS, Karon I.—No . withstanding the announcement that the-!Mardi Gras' , festivities would be ♦urpreasad by the police, at this hour (one o'clock) the Fat Ox Boeuf Gras procession Ikea pal en tered the court yard of the Militaries. Great mods of people are gathered on the line of procession. =En Banta:it, March L—ln the Reichstag today Count Bismarck made a long speech against the abolition of the death penalty. He said the adoption of such a measure would be fatal to the new node. The Reichstag, however, voted in favor of the abolition, majority 37. Ei332i7 Roma March L—For the first time Mum 140 the police permit the wearing of masks In the streets main the car nival. No disturbances have °marred. The weather la unfavorable and there Is little animation in the festivities. =EI Marrennem, March' I.—The Bank of Holland has reduced its minimum rate of discount to four per cent. The opLulon le general that other continental banks will fellow the example. =MIME! BRZILEN March . L—The steamer Eichorn gm:waded yeeterday while coin ing up to Bremen Haven. She Iles In the outer harbor and at last accounts had not got afloat. Souramarrorr, March I.—Tho steamer Doran hes arrived from New York. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LONDON. Much L—Evening.--ConsoLs nu: , Five-twenty bonds of '62 9054 '65, 893,1 '67, 88M; Tomforties 88 21,4; L U., MN; A. G. W., 9. A LONDON, March I.—Tallow steady at 464046 s Bd. Petroleum Armor but not higher. Turpentine steady. Sugar arm. Fasettvoirr, Much L—Five•tweuty bonds closed active at 9534(325j4f. PAULIN, March L—Bourse closed Arm; route. at 74 francs 22 centimes. Awrivanr, March L—Petroleum flat at 694 The Red Rher Country Trimble& at, Telegraph to the rat sbargh Gamete.) CHICAGIO, March I.—Advicee from Red River say Rein was unaninesualy elected Preeldent of the Provialonall3krvernment after th eadjournment of the Convention which framed the bill of rights. The English residentaare reported SA greatly incensed at the manner in which their delegation knuckled down to the French In the Lae Convention, and an uprising was regarded as Imminent. A letter from Pembina, dated Feb. 27th, states that Col. Bolton, of Demila ter ming party, bas a force of loyal English and Canadians, with a liberal sprinkling of Indians, and was moving upon Fort w het Garry, where President Melt was ready to recei them. - The following are the other provisional officers a lard with Hied: James Reese, Chief Justice; Thos. Bunker, Secretary of State; W. B. frDonahus, Secretary of Treasury. The New Nation consider) the bill of right. adopted at • moderate one. General amnesty for political offences would soon be published. Gm). McTav ish and hie confreres had teen ne4 at liberty. The Convention appointed Judge Misch, Rev. Wm. Bice utAlfred Scott. delegates in behalf of the settle. , A letter from Pembina, ideal Febru ary 18th, repeats the Old story of &Sioux = Dan raid upon the Red Barer law gents. * NO. 52 PIEW 'YORK CITY. The Gold King Investigation— Questionable Hospitality to lir. Seward—The Last Attempt at AssassinatGar. . My Telegraph to the Pluateregh Baaatte.) Naw Yon.K. March 1, 1870. ,THE GOLD ”RING" The testimony before the special Con gregational Committee In regard to the gold plot, is publlahed. It was very vto luminous, and clearly indicates the cause of the panic and the untruth of the dories regarding the compliclkrof the ad:Attila; [ration. The Times, of this morning. In reviewing the report, says that thewhole story conies to this: Beetvrell undoubt edly acted sa he believed, In the Interest of the public. Fisk and Gould thought they were going to make a fortune by sending up tho , price of gold, and they believed that Corbin would further their scheme.., They oleo tried to got General Butterfield on. their side, and It must be owned that' be does not corns out of the affair with variedly clear hands.allnut and his associates did not find the plot work well, but Gould modestly declined to say bow much they made out of it on the whole. Finally the President and one or two others who were scandalously traduced at the time, are shown to have acted throughout with_ the highest In tegrity. MturrieriabLel3oBPlTADlTY. Mayor Hall has returned the reololu. lion of the Common Council tendering Mr. Seward the hospitalities of the city, saying It does not require his approval, but at the same time calls attention to the provision of the charter forbidding expenditures for celebration, do., with out a three.fourthe vote. TittE MILL?! T 7100131.5. Patrick J. Mennen, who was shot last night. la doing well, though the ball I. notyet extracted. Keenan was arraigned before a police justice bola morning and persisted In hia denial that he tired the allot. Several wl Menem on the contrary Identify him aa the would•be meassin. =MIMI A fire at 343 Broadway this morning . occasioned ■ lam of 120,000 to 8. M. May. enborg .t Co.. 13.000 to T. M. Wendel. bacon do Co.. 11,000 to Bubo* htlitovero & Ca, Ind considerable to Rldgely dt Co. All fatly Insured. The building was not much irdtured. • MOWS YILIBITERKIIINCI. • Another Cuban exnectltlon le reported about to leave the country; Pour hun- dred Cubans and others are ofd to have left on &dards) under Colonels Harper and Romero., • . About Ilftir persons left to•diry for Karma under the dor Colony. • aulPicce of the Excel . CINCINNATI. The Southern Railroad Preieet—Mere Decton—nuichle—Retigious Revival. UV Talcs mph to Um Plttatotrgh Gazette. ] ULNOLIITIATI, March I.—The veleta the Kentucky Senate to-day against the Cinch:mail Southern Railroad bill has been einocted for several' days. The blll pending in the House is the one 'containing the amendments upon which the friends of the' measure have agreed. It is thought this will doubtless pan the House. There is not much ho o f Its becoming slaw by the present fila ture. The friend. of the measure, ow ever, regard the., building of the road as kai:4: of time. Theyi will not cease to 'mark until the object is attalned. The Medical College of Ohio graduated fifty-seven students to-day. Matthias Hailpt, a German tailor, mom. milted suicide this morning by shooting himself. Religious luttireet In the chureheecea tines mutated. - . The Gorman societies are bolding their annual masquerades with encase. The collections of internal reventusin the Find district last month amounted to 1164,942. Additional Markets by Telegraph. Lrvitsroot., March L—Ootton fiat with uplands at 11%©115(d; Orleans 11,id; sales 8,000 bales. 13risadstulla firmer but unchanged. Receipts of Wheat for the past three days 35,000 quarters of which 3,000 were. American. Provisions unchanged. 'Fine 'ltosin lb s. Refined Petroleum la U%d. Osmeinnos, March L—Beef cattle are in good demand and former prime main talked; receipts 445; sales of extra 112,50 ©13,50; first quality 111,60(412M, nomad quality 110,41.0©11,251. third quality 19© /0,25. Sheep and Lambs fully .s(c lower on medians: receipts 3,593; sales at 12,50 @op each; extra 1503.25. In response to the effort' of the parties Interested In the immediate reversal of Chase's legal tender decision, Attorney General Hoar declines to fturthsr consider the question. NElVir ADITART/13HISIIINTB. - FAIR FOR THE BE.SETIT OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, nu",,,w,, tot. he dln the ball of Um . _ Central Passenger Beltway Company ' , THURSHAY •ad FRIDAY AFTERNOONS and EVENININO. Munk 34 104 4th. 1810. AdmlssloO. EH ontt e ll t tgregoolt ovenba. wlll tan m note. antLL the aloes o[ tie Natr each mald DisiCiLIPITON.--The Co-Part- HERMIT r Demeter* eulyttag between JO. SEIM HARTMAN and F. W. C. TRIM. under; the stile of Harlem. t Feld. was dleeolved on' February 16th, MVO, by lha said T. W. C. Feld ',eller Ids Interest la the &Of Om to JOHN P. HAVEHOTFL. JObirH HARTMAN, mbdand W. C. FILLS. STATEMENT ON' THE CONDITION 07 TIM BANK BF PITISEMEII,: TIMIDAT /Immo, Kuck' lag isTO EOM • Lanes Bll'a and Discannts. $1 000.307 • D. 6. 8.110 Banda • 700.000 CO Real Estate 54619 03 Necks and Maneltanles ' 10.3116 T 1 Dun by other Banks /03,346 la , EptLegal Tender s ores Atetteolts.• 1,01 90000 111011 41. cla .11 112.2111,611.4 at =! (Sp B:ark Proits and Eustis/cm .1146%150 00 ■11,087 II:maul Dividends au4 Su. pentelLeouuut , 'F , ; Liza ae Due to other Banks LOO 021 Depoalts .................K501.901 TO 5e.A111,61111 al Tim abase Statement Is 4X , llett, so the test of my knowlslao oml b4a.ra• W. - 11081Y BURG, Cutler. Sworn to and subscribed this Lt day of Murk 1510, before me. ' • lIM O=M:=MI Mi r UNITED NTAT D AIL. PENNIBYLYX lA. • . PONTorTiCII AXIIIXarr. WAIIIIMITOX. Jan err 31. 1110. PR0P0111.123.011 lia ravel dat the Contract Odlea of this Denartanins oath 3 o'clock r. Y. Mach 39,.11170, (to be dentided by the 3711; April.) for carrying *be mage or tb• Italie A !Kates from Jolly I. 1070. to Isom 30. LIM. on the followina mkt In the Starner Connellnals and by toe schedales of done, tam Sad &nimbi hereto 'hedged. at.: - • No. 111110. Prom, Amon. by Ilk Lek% AnJ bare Your Corners.•nbern Cent re.and donth Auburn, to Lacerrille, AIM sidles mid back D... • cons • week. loave Aoutros• Non. , day, Wednesday and 7 rilday at 9 La .t. X.; • rrive at Laceyelite ny 4:15 7. 11.• Lerma lacoreills 7 ?bander aildttitinda• .11 :30 a. at.: Arrive at Montrose by X:3O No. X3OO. Irons Loape , t Bla Una tri West isle. field, 3,M mlles Mad back. sin Wiens week. berreLotkporitlt& landell/..teePtltmdAY. et 10 A. x.• be at. Wen /traria lry /1 A. A.; Ledo Weal 111511.14 . dolly. eneept krtinday. at $ A. X.: Arrive at Locaperins• Aloe h. 9 A. X.. No. X 333. Prom Wastitnaton. by Matey, Dan. talars•llle, Ulnae,. 11 lb Ifosionabela- OAT. • Ininoyakle, and tialablits.. to Neat Ponce.- , ADM miles and back; six than a 'mt. erre Wirablagton duly oze•i 13 . 1 .40,* 0 A le b Antra at Wt.% Moto& by 3P. x.; LeeireWert, Newton don' t ekes% glantse. at 10139 L. X.; LUX. at Aseldtketmlytrack Poe tonna Or_Dromat.‘irearantaa sad Simon. eate. ead clad for thatructlona sa to the mall. tont to ho ellbrseed In ills rosined. An... ednettsenseat of geterer 31. 1001. +sneers.. 1309. and January 2,1610, Inolttogyoreyogals for =MI .eenlee in pennatleanta, an., to as found at tletntocloal post *Acta. Bids should be matte voided romelotien giil .o %. smashed ..Melt proposal/4MM of R.. M.A.... ..1 &Alarmed to the needed Asedesatroe ter tieseral entd-W JOHN A. J Po . CIASI stmaster areassaLWALL. ME WEEKLY (UMW IA tis lkm sad aMsapest pia arela sat illaU7 annpillee aaauara la Waste= Yeamilinat.• esraar. mow.). e r umlaut alkoakl Da Islwat It. Ivaital . , Entls 111 SO Crane at ma Globs of too ID Lamm Isporanot orstattnly to ma gam.. ns of • nob ttt tut. Postmann no rososato . , • RSEEDat co _." • ' Fr paistput oirrrortroxis—"zb-W'""rB44 3 "Lod." "Wants,"'..Pbund," . eb, not exceeding ,POU.S.LEKEK 41111 be inserted in . Chisel coismusa ovice I'W/ray27--RIVIC 0R.N . 7.4; aced' addl. &sal line FIFE OSIPTiR WelsTTs. "WATIMEIIr-A PARTNER with -1 mat) .PtOl. to Z. hate the Tie b05h00m....1 ts • r/Vo coonce. ea Om ioootloo Nemo ot Lko tent thO , NY. Andy at No. 111 CootTo! .. Onnoe. WWAFTED. - DRIVER, Olge wt.) his hid experience and la sayable to drive a /oar gorse team. eloglegaaa preferred. Steady employment and good wages alma Wain anderstaadteglbe management of .horsed. . SI? to JAMES I , IUNTZIt, No. 110 Centre aye- WANTED.—An experienced -t /MD LY&D Afg.Nl/7.11311.1tr8. ago thoroughly senuslortd with =Agit( ItZ i lg om mit awn um ms.. No/. hthrt.hhhtl. ttgzirrrit Ogite. 'WAFTED.—Fifty Ciotti ADd O.mlaers. ea Gala , fee to pay. Dad flits' Wed to the odium bestial Girls are Wasted for r o l . tiatratity. Apply at ltaqdoyraeatOWoe.' street, int door wow - aatastaalort Bridge. WAFTEIk --MOILTGALGIEr4:4 , . $30,000 to Loaa la large or mall asl9 , l4la rr . at • fair rate of Interest. • - 'THOYAZI • 14111.,80ad and Beal !Galata ilrakar t : IT9 titaat, TO-LIT. • 910 LET. -Four Acomns- .4pov w..m.gon Altesimuy qty, one sqoarofrof ratiread,. wherf aU, lealoo stop. Inquire of J. H. 01AM% 04-, urn !Ma. , LET.-The Large , Store . F A III) Hoo..NO. t6' Wylie Avenel., ecereet4(_ • e era, • street. littebuts h. A. Lt. .13111/WI I. 114 Falb • _ WOE BENT.—Tlie•Tbree BRICK WAIINIIObtI6 Chula bile , n y br of N. no Wood infect, formerly Omoplerl . by Wm. blusolorf Co. am • dram toetatyr• fograre of - No. -I ATT, L N 00A * G ; • W lOll rix*lT rLET.—A Suit bt":110011.1 eomprislng Two Large, well llghted r!9,4 s Shot door. Ow arso,• UMW . front Koons on :bra door. Ow large Onll_wlade two ante-rooms on 4th door. (Iwo sore 0000 r. first door. Nu. Inkto Angash'S rt Ww. tfitINIST Fouh w enee. For terms Inquire or , 'ENULT.BII t CO.. No. VI Ponyth avow. -,.• !TM) LET.—A ROOM in the rear: Dispatch bulldus. suitable for Job Prin ~t log Ware. Inquire i of C. BAER. , on tbe pr o% tutees . Also. the COUNTING 'Boom D oE tbe Swain,necond Aoor of Croat Dia.44 , 1 building.' Inquire on th e T it sulres. or of • .felthorT 409 Both ST j .12110.11211,4117C/E6. . o -LET.-- sTonz.laeoms:.—. Tbe elegent store room lO tee Itemiserle. Trary Bubdlag on Enna street. • near • SLIM street, 1,111 be res.dr for azupaney Montt the lab of March, and are now Mitred forraotto dab. rable • tenants: 'Ono of the'ltOrtll.lll ermelel adapted fora grit-elms r. &Laurent for Main airi Ireetlemen. 10-let, the upper Kerr same building. Zmiutee of J. H. McCune, Unless National Bank, turner of Fourthavenue and Market atreet, or of FIX U. UNI/240T, All. sheep. arTO•LET.-28 ROSS 'teat, *MOO; next corner Ilene anelflflh Imes& nor, dwelling suitable for kaddlery. ctn., pock rte. 96 Wylle street; • sular - *n881.0194, IT Penn street; 5111 dwelled , In Sharry.nwbors sod sae In Laerresee•llle; Cheall.y. 11110: 89 Crawford awes°. 8398; 100 Wylls Anat. 0000; Tel Frankttry Allegheny. peso: varetu all 6140; Rama In Conn. Wylie Arrant and Boyle Allegheny; More err Mutat street, waif • Fourth luta 39 S. CUTEILEIVIT &B sy • O Sixth W% nee. TO LET. DWELLING HOUR One of tna finest boamea Intbeeity. coO _ . •DIODIIIIN IMPROVEDIE Water and Gas throughont. This hoe related very low to a /odd tenant. 4WD'7 at . _ OkZiTTE COUIiTIN6 MMAt.. V.O.O:O4CAT"I‘Ni ;e:~.we.~a~ ... TO LOT. I A Live two7itofy ' . ~ r • BRICK BUILDING • - Containing light Booms . shiste On VOetl/1. street, BUM Possession All iMILOS . Lot. isshrubbery. &e. Possession um of April. )or ms., Long. of . ISAAC INIERA47, • Beal Estate lewd, '- , 134 Besity/Ayennec ,•7 fe=alV Allegbear. • FOR SALM; 1410 D . BALE..-Tiust , Desirable feetnrilginttl =WA': :VS I. erected • rtuareb culldior And one y_wo Story Hoek Derville• Helm. Treel.el oU • feet on Grant .tract lettortelp . teem, at. , WiSaki.:l4llr•r+it. JR SALE.—n Brick lion! Noa. 7i .d 713 . L0gsa Artris!et,...Ul alas oft& 14:1;7anr? :11Zirlaire"lab.VIZZIR,1•7.r4 Bedford anon. 2-31-ILW6,. VOR—A SALE.—BIAL IE years and well bro old B ke ala- Due Mere six , Le middle ea berm se; Ma an ti family lue.ary or Eastern ukasufsetnre Crust as , Ael sew. 'squires/ X 97 Ltbetty street, or la th street. _ . . FHALE.—S3.3OO by .12 TWO GOOD inems to ar each, sad lot No: 18 *kola groat. AlGibeoll. Ledao.non...h oil d l o o wn si . ter,...r n i t ; toroasyments; Novato on the potatoes. .. Feat. SALE.-1 ...ns.r.l"trePert°Takkhm e6a. a e r1:14 o2Nol.ll4lZ•7khrilalgeolit: 120 LINT AND POULIN •P MPS. •-WDLAN, 1,41,374 h. tip •b• 7.e. 144 , Wt. 77 - of ibe 7 OND C.7VADT. we/: Ne 1 , VOll . SAT.E.4toek and. Fge:. ITEM LILIIEWSUID GOOD WILT 4 Or: antselass Gratin: &tail it mad OuluepL 'VGi vadenhosed- pattak aligned Jo ether rahltassm the reason for menus. LOO=T, , SIG 144. eral Greet. stheattar. • • • ty, ONE art_o_y_ BAini,Top os p.",„, muLeir RAW aA4IIINERI ayaE triesi, 11112,11 are ticarly ,"' 'pn AWN." tgUILIOWN i*MK% • Fro. ass Elver AT ' " " . am- . eUr OR 9ALE.-4iIIDWELL-• .12 rEUPLIVIT..—Lot laikg alstfalit dr.114 well street, betwer_s_ Weatera avenue ma oIUTINIT.7'4, I ,tArt,'„O,IT I S." aTOIIIELS suraic nwzmAetir - Q-ii. • room sad bath twat." Ail tuatara tat = t nu throashoot the house. (ha the lot •good Testae, Stable, ,Tba proDeririvii,b= as a whole. or divided tato two parts. of TIZILAA.* dr PAT ) Eo., 09-"IdW.Y • .•Vot. NALE.---.A.' 71DEVIIIKIMUC fUrHICSIDNCT. —lit t Hr s riantir a ris. c h .olllTafiti tin i rratwy. Alta a Il b rithed 1 r . .. ra... coadtlai• KOMI; .Hattiroata..yrtHi hatilit cold Wars: has liarb'a ilanklat 1.14. ab,,,_ i era. baloon. Part., wide Hall , blare lteer...oll tiaa Duo 1.61... con• ' , ear. . /WWI ...r 111 41. COCHRAN, go. 924 Hatulltaa •Ve.t.ll _ iltd nMif, In• at HOW LlbeHy Welt. PlHaNa , . 1010Rie io "me. TWO 31110‘.11017drial oa los No. 233 Ohlo avenue. The /lost ammo had Larye Zooms, Vas and Water. Wa l liff. go b " i7 . 4 ibTara -7 A 7 41 , 16 th A54 . 4_3N-It pared who: roatalasb Koons, IDWr property la located In a laelimprorlog portioned' and B ort trio it w". Act= ioformatlen appo soYl - W. •Diamond...X.o4a T. SALLE.--Roginesandlll44- a: Nag, New awl Nieeend. Head, it al/ Wade, catmint:a/ ea tend. • • - n ME1;1 1 1M=:1 akiuM iLG a co.. • - Corner Marton &venue and P. w _ C...V71. Allmbenl. PS. MIOR LIME. -1 1 11 VELILErigime. eitriry taigd.qrj MOM elm Cit. contalnlon tea roaamand Cala room. hot anel cold water In Am and woman nom gas In oil Um roma range to kitchen: Dolan anal, alad on comer of ( leer. niter. It to trrL sun rentilanon.' Parana:on Amt. let.. JUIII4 D. DAME!' &118).. , 147 N0. 1111/Penarta * j. vp tars FOR SALE CHEAP .earl y adjoin!! f tbm•liit , .1111. t hlt e raln ..d Bomb rittaboryT tama Tionly 50( n ) 4 17t beat walt ° l f stely IL MM. a Rood shiny at blurb ban boob & •DOn. Only . aboqt. 000 remain tba4mvateryst Am sale by tboarlyinall.wMesMasowboillm• 1 9 :111:110::: "" T.:,rieddiTere=l,,,ASZl of Lois nob coo. . from 111TO.R.ifee • • wigb iktmAim , , 104 teens mass. yoEIRSONAIL—AU persons soak. - NOBllea. o r inscsanants ate; arill sava - laa tzgatas anaAltActlarpp_ -WM OZZOI4Z. itralititra4elrlf II cantatas. Zito% .113 ° 14.1".= crs and Best Estate Atttata•Na; ATMS. • DR'_ 'SUIT AND ,PEANIXII,.? 38 snail oanuu• Now laneng from steamer omtit., ror tis ISAIAH DWI= .11sAin. 0 S. wi.o bil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers