THE DAILY 'GAZETTE: PENNIMAN, BUD it 00, Office, 84 and 86 PIM Avenue. P. 1. MaHMI s T. P. ROtrani i Eamon .urD JOULE ZINO. N. It WED, 411cliEtli OW Willi DAILY. Sr mai. Per curten, per pitsiturgij Gaietti, STATE' ITEMS. fionsnarr county is making maple g nu:U p county has two surviving Mid len oftho war of 1812. 45,000 have been .subscribed to the stock dike Borden - et and Mineral Point Tnn people of Safe Harbor, Lancaster county ' spend their nights in digging for buried treasure. Tama are now from two to three hundrsd- oil derricks erected in and around Lawrenceburg, 'run Schuylkill Navigation Company will have their canal ready for business aboutthe first of March. Ax effort la being made to form a new county out of a part of Lucerne, with the sonny seat at Scranton. Arun Hoff of Ession is miming. We know a good many fellows who enjoy names sounding like tins. ea: Wm. Morehead, of St. Clalr ship; Beford. county, died last week anlllness of fifteen minutes. - .Tint Keystone Coal Company has sub scribed seventy.five thousand dollars towards' the Salisbury Branch Railroad. .JOSFSII P. °novo, residing DOW Ti tusville. was caught to the machinery of his grist mill last week and crushed to • death. Tmr. Altoona Sun says that Clitles literray,thehiventer of corklinitaijs an tit mate of the Cambria county alma house. This is too bad if true. Wannionstaino.county has two hun dred and eiglitrseven school houses, valued, with the . grounds and property . belonging to them, at $316,000. TiTh Aiicuttrong. county. sheriff has bagged a number of saloon keepers of that modern Sodom. Parker's Landing, on a charge of Illegally selling Liquor. Cohwramar. John H. Walter, of Union township. Bedford county, died Very sud . denly last Saturday In a ebel in which he was traveling on the way home from side. Amitovr, Erie connty, is still afflicted with the new fever. The patient takes a chill an dies inside of a day. Some twenty. live cases were reported and about ten deaths. Ernam. Green, of. llosiertown, Craw : ford 'connty, has sued some members of his congregation. for malicious mischief, • In placing his carriages where they did not belong An OK lady ofAltoonabought a shroud for her husband, remarking that he - was not dead yet, nor particulexly idling, but see didn't know that she could bay it so cheap again. - Qom, an extensive cave has been dia. covered near Bellefont, Center county, by some men engaged in. orking in a lime quarry. - The cave la said to contain some genuine cave stalactites SUDDEN DRAWL —Mr. Rhoades Rower, an old resident of Ilshland, Schuylkill county, slipped and fell on the ice on Thursday, .rupturing himself inwardly, from the Meta of which be died shortly after. Pasmaxxv.axte,since the establishment of the United Sutter, hashed twenty-nine different United States Senators. All were natives of the Commonwealth ex cepting two foreleners and one Mary -Two Meadville Republican says: We I 'hear- it eatedthat the Ohio Company now - "la:Ma/11w. cusp pmne eight miles south of this city,.near thelfneorefebTliterepilte, have struck a vein of coal five feet In It has been decided in the Court of Columbia county That the business of a barber in ehaving on Staidly to a world ly employment, not excepted . from the ' prohibition of the set of 221 April 1784. It is not the work of neccessity or charity, - . but of mere convenience. tz hive published a clipped statement toe effect - that 'Gabriel ii. Eldred, of 'Susquehanna ocunty,siked for =appoint. meat froth Gov. Geary to Succeed a then - dying officer. The part of Mr. Eldred • bas been fully, fairly and honorably ex. • plains:l, and the traveling Item alerted by , tome Bohemian should be stopped in **. exchanges. Mn. E. W. SHIPPER, Meadville, has a men of French (Percheron) horses, which ha imported last May.' They area dapple iron-erey, and of remarkable strength. 7110 Meadville Republions- says: "We • , have seen the weighmaster's .cextificide . from Mr. dames Hariett's Miles. In which one load of wet ashes is. put' down at WC Kis., wagon 1100 lbs., total 7863 lbs., almost four tons or two tanato the bone, and this viva • hauled by them stp over a ' - • • , _ OHIO ITEMS Atium har.: a i 4 ,000 Ono • week. Briumaaistn to howl It now posto ace and Aaron wan:o one. Tim Pintoface at Mount Vernon was robbed on Wednesday night of last wank. What amount was stolen is not known. A Tocnao man In Btonington tried to -clean Ms gun by patting a red hot poker down the barreL He can't }lnd - ono of !Malingers. • Ten State Board of Agriculture of Ohio .'III9C decided to bold the next State Fair at Springfield during the second week in september. Mu. B. N. Smarr, of Lawrence coma ny, raised from one piled° twelve and a • Ulf bushels of - potatoes. The sou wu . :Fond muck.. liirinrrus.turr societies are in existence 111 Akron, lisvenna, New Philadelphia, and mtart towns of any sire. There' are. .not enough in Canton to meet . PARTIES • *selling —patent rights and notes, and not hunting. in the noted "given for a palest right," are lie- . . bye to go to Jail In the State of Ohio. lifterrow, A- , for the Vat wo Years pastor of the Martin's Ferry 11." E. Church, bu been elected .Predtlent of the Wheeling Female Col. -lta AND itoswma.. Ls', of Parmingum,lito parents of Mrs. Cyrus . Cluk, of New Castle, celebrated their _golden wedding on the ist inst., in. the .lunnestead which they occupied when a:curried, iliftF years ego. .cox. P. IL ()Lumen, who died Feb. 2*, 6 , 14 ^d 67, began in 1811 to publish the Cohniattis: ~ , Chgetta, the pioneer of the Mato Journal. Excepting' 24r. - Brown, o f Ci n cinnati, b.j) wax the oldest ;untying - newspaper man in the State. • TOE grad& of the Reintopt and Toledo Railroad, if -built on thejracit pecently . surveyed fromliellahon's Creek filo Bt. • Clairatille to Wheeling creek, north of • the Infirmary term, will not exceed • eighty feet to the mile, and the collo! • construction will be far leas than the •aererage of the Central Ohio. certtfleate of Incorporation of the allle Woolen Manufacturing Cow laatrwo tiladat %becalm of the 13eme tarp a Pate last week. The capital stock la $50,000, in shares of $lOO. The commutate are C. W. Potwho, Wm. Houston, Robt. Fulton, R. Elliott,' and Win. A. Grahatif, Futnarti /01 IMO io have a new woolen mill Tag Noble county Erpubffoon lays: John Pukes, of Bloomfield township, Is a nephew of Louis Wetzel, %baguet In , ditto tighter of early days.. Mr. Ftskes 000 01 the earliest pionoera of Oblo, and helped very vigorously and with a bbany good will to drive the "noble red man' out of oar beautiful BULL For ',)tr. Ln be has the bitterest dislike and ' ll l4 ll c :clo r° f °ix n ee d a ( tfo ll urh i ei t. eldTl o c h f u ale th g nose, wily a mass of dirt and feathers: car rying a tomahawk and scalping knife, - ever ready -to ranee the "kat" of any nu " torsi/mu polo-face that saw WI in 'his way, Mr. F. is about eighty rogue! age„ and poll.9ollCll fort the vigor and actitrit, .a m any men of y. lie bouts that Ile can split one hundred and fifty rails Per day without difficulty. i(iur 0 )it „ v + II _ . t 11 ,,,, I „ (rr 44 .tt .. • L 4' t/ - ~ i , _ is i it , r , _ \ i , %%I v A \ 44-4/ 4-: \, r -'--' N' % 1 ' IV 1-- --- s VOL. r4I7M 6ENER• NEWS. 11011.702102 A • • rts--dressing gowns. A wrirsionso sums:rat—the income tax. ASTOTICILIt female firm is to start on Wall Mason.' bas venison at four . .coots a SPIII.ITVALIBIS la called "Spiritleen" in Auatrslis , , A Pittrosuy le- to Introduce horse-ears nto Chine. WALL (street) flowers—Woodhull, Chinn Co.. Vrerro has frequent quarrels with &Mat Edward. Fesn:rox nurowrarts take opervegbiesca to church to New York. A Idirtmue hu an oath "registered. to shoot Juarez and Romero. Castes, the Chinese giant, hasj hied an Ethiopean minstrel troupe. Ir costs almost as much to run the (Ecu menical as to run Congress. OLD STOCATNOI3 are the favorite banks and pocket-books in Canada. A 'sew drink is made froM the sweet potato and is called Aromatics. Guriavn Dona is to make a sketching tour of the United States this season. COUNT OTTO VON BELWIT, OrNew Jersey, hi a brother of Lord Aim,ley. How do persona manage to sleep on a spring mattress all through the winter ? Judy. Tan grasshopper that was seen in the fields two weeks ago is now stiff at the Joints. - UHT/LANA/11e Stumping along Through secreaty•tecond year of revolutionary Tux= ie a terrible jealousy and a newspaper war between Cincinnati and Lon'utile. . Tam City Council of Baltimore la 4k ingatepa to preTent trapeze performaneee in that city, A Cam:roams .paper mays that John Chittamcn can be conyertato ehriatianity "In just one fight."! Form hundred new money offices will be opened by the Postonlce Department on the let of July. NUS MAGDALZN LOUISA. BTOCYWILLL is a member of the Freshman class of Michigan. University. A courts of. Englishmen have made the ascent of Mount Blanc in January, and came down alive. • Tnz father of Hon. Anson Burlingame, Joel Burllnganae, Beg:, Is living In Bun ton, C.Xik county', 81. Tux 'British Astronomer Royal has a salary of £1;000 a year. He may thank his stars for it.—(Fun. Tuns is competing with California in matter of naming Its towns. It how hu Hog Eye and Sand Fly. - MR& E a r ri ZAIWM CADY STANTON, who OM been oidly 114 in recovering. She will lecture, here this week. Tom French Prince Imperial contem plates a tour through Germany and Prus sia, with his military tutor. Tux habit of going to sleep with a lighted cigar in his mouth proved fatal to a Kentuckian the other day. ' ENGLISH papers say that Patti•Csux will "pay one visit to the . United States, and then retire into private life." Jams D. BRIGHT is In favor of taxing private bills that come before the Legle. talus, which is a bright Idea. Tnvout is a movement in the Council in favor or beards, and the Pope is not disinclined to the innovation. . Accrosisr insurance Is nuprodltable art Bloomington, Wham the city pays a man $250 for a sprained ankle. A MAN has been piononnoed Insane In New York bemuse he lived as a hermit and carried his money In his hat. Fasnecorr's tile is not considered in danger after his tmcccsathl contest with those seven Chicago doctor some months Joint Forukrg, aged 105, claims to bo the oldest man in Ohio, but Elias Sad durth, also of Ohio, claims to be three yearn older. A max has been tined $5O In Buffalo for' wiling explosive kerosene oil. A more appropriate penalty would be to compel him to use it. Tug SI. Aliens Messenger says Maine winter has amounted to so little 'this sea son that It will Trobilab no more compli mentary notices of it. . Tug New York Herald claims that it has already affected public sentiment In Prussia, in Austria and France. Fejee Islands not heard from. HSTURY WARD, Brawn= says that the most perfect description of a gentleman ever mitten iscontained in the thirteenth chapter of the first Corinthians. "Pnscrrest usualness" are the fea ture of this season in London. They contain not only rythes, Ist gloves, pen cil cues, jewelry and other gilts. PRESIDECT Wooten's, of Yale College, has memorialized Congress for a census all incomes, large and 'small, In order to determine the national resources- OWING to modern scientific improve. provements, the little busy bee is said to be no longer responsible for much of the maned honey on the grocer's shelf. linurty-xnus speeches delivered and nine Bistibps dead is the record of the Baum:alai Council. Bo it only takes eleven speeches in Latin to kill a Bishop. Tins fact that the Zurich defaulting cashier stole as high as 113.50,000 did not prevent his sentence to eleven years' im. priaonment. Swiss Justice 'Mai from ours. A COBII66POIIIDIXT believes that many of the girls remain slngla only because they cannot Hod money and a brown atone home, with a man atttached an • conitata. Itt Wor4Nter, Massachnsetts, they ire. go/11l to try man who attempted, and fall ito kill hlmself. If punished stall, it should be; not for the attempt, bat for the failure. Bsoarrawati has explalned his speedy return to his Sheffield admirers. Re says that the American press created such a prejudice against him that he couldn't obtain employment. In Chicago, the Rev. Dr. Hatfield, againstar guing the woman reform.decTarts "that is many men suffer from the effects of a woman's tongue, as women su ff er from drunken husbands." • • BOVEMODY welts from California that it is a hard place for the poor, man and laborer there at the present time; •Taxes are oppressive, the prices of Most tom moditics exorbitant, crime abundant, and the courts corrupt. A "BUTCH= HOT" became so deepl y erected over Luci ll e Weston's rendit ion 'of "But Lynne," in Cincinnati, the other evening, that the police were obliged to remove him. We are Mid that his ..sono: roan sobs" were painful to hear. Tug women of Florence, New Jersey have just found-out that no female "can be healthy herself or haves healthy child" unless she wears a cutuine made up of'e gny tvonvers, a black kersey aseque and a WOl3llM'a- bonnet , ' The bonnet Is whist none of them will give up, even for a "healthy 0414.1, MT VIRUINIA Cs= Inn bas been laid In . at Wheeling. enalinturrow is the coming capital of West Vireo's. A. 21itor.mi, Superintendent of the State Public Schools, died recently at Wheeling. Alvaa D. Williams has been appointed his successor. .AN ATTKUPT was made to blowup boiler Whet s largennmber of men were employed in Griffith k Brewers' machine shop, near Morgantown. Tax follotslug la the amount of Internal revenue for the year ending,,December gist, 18641, from West Virginia: Stdrits; n38,m8. .48;. tehieeo, $177,651.90, and on Incanin and from other sources, in. eluding spirits and tomato, the aggregate amount Is $619,649 FIRST EDITIOX. MID.TIGHT. NEWS BY CABLE. Sale„ of Cereals by Weight—Bit- Hard Batch—The Struggle In Spain-Monte ensier Defines ills Positlon—Carlist Disturbances —Conscript Demonstration at Lyons—Napoleon and Ills )1114- istry—The Carnival Season- 1 - The War In South inuirica— Reverse to Lopez—The Hissing Steamer City of Boston. MY Telegraph tothe Pittsburgh !Waite.) . GREAT BRITAIN. Lemnos; February .%—in Recordation with resolutions adopted by the Cotiron• lion of Chambers of Commerce, a bill tvill . Seen be brought • hereto Parliament legalizing tho sale or all cereals by weight. The Duke of Richmond has accepted the Tarp leadership In the House Of Lords. Another splendid game of billiards was played at the Corn Exchange, at Aylos. bury, last evening, between W. Cook, Jr., and W. Dillon. Cook gave hie oppo. vent 200 points in the game of 1.000 and made tke unexampled run of 119, spot, winning sadly. LONDON, February T.—Oxford and Cambridge are both making changes to their crews for the annual trnivendty . raoe. Cam bridge has rejected Spencer and Oxford Haulblon. FRANCE. PARIS, February W.—There was a demonstration on the part of conscripts at Lyons on Thursday, but the troubles , . mere anprereeiod without bloodshed. Archbishop De Ronald, of Lyons, is dead. Two more editors have been arrested for publishing false news. It Is mud that the Emperor is dissatis fied with his. Cabinet on acooust of its inabUlt icireennclle the Opposite phrtles In the Corte tcglalatlf, and its tendency to extreme measures not sanctioned. bya majonty, as Instanced in the vote on the question of supporting the °Mend candi date for the Chamber. Yenta, February Z7.—Tho Emperor declares ofiletally and personally perfect harmony exists between himself and the preaentidintstry, and he believes they have the sympathy of every • honest Frenchman. The journals which support the deptt• ties of the flagt*Atave commenced an at tack on the 0111ine hiltdetry. The Let)st, a court orgartrdeCtaxes It will not join la the attack. but protests against the meas. nree of °diver air contrary to Its prin. t Is asserted the Council of State will propose a reduction In the army contin gent. The drat day of the carnival weed without the slightest trouble. There was a promotion which marched through the streets quietly and was not interfered with by the police. The weather was very fine and the display attracted great crowds of spectators. The Bishop of Meet publishes's letter declaring hewould die rather than aid in the projects spoken of at Rome. The Bishop dem not Indicate what these pro jests are. France has made a. new in. tempt to Weil:ad. the Camizdeilidelibtm: cil from acting spinet her interests. I= Mantap, Feb. 26.—The struggle be• tween the church and the revolutionary parties is becoming • more Intensified. The debate on the proposition to preseente the Archbishop of Santiago for treason threatens to C011}11.11:00 the session or the Cortes. The Duke of hioutpatuder, In reply to repeated newspaper articles demanding the definition of his position, publishes a letter In a leading journal wherein he says he has not and Is net now a preten• der to the throne; that In all things ho will follow the will of the Cartes, and that . he Is in no way compromised to any political party; that he Is satisfied to be a Spanish citizen, and that he loop for a definite constitution for Spain. There have been some Carnet disturb ances recently at Careolort, near Albaoet, but they wore suppressed in all cases by the clvii guards. SOUTH An ERICA. - LISBON, February 28.—Tho ateamablp from Rio - D 6 Janeiro arrived yesterday. Lopei had been forced to• 'inmate Pas• sadro, abandoning his sick and wounded. He moved towards `Denacaro. At but accounts Count D'Ea was moving across Um. Alps river, In hopes of Intercepting Lopez's retreat. I= lisummo, Fob. 27.—The Barsenhall aye &project le on foot for the estab lishment of a dismount bank In this city by capitalists hero, at Berlin, Frankfort cud New YOrk. I=3 HAVANA, February 25.—Advtoes lay the murderer of (ireenwaldth Is ono of De Bata's guides, named Bars or Bart. 1=11:72 LIVERPOOL. February 28.—The agents of the steamship City of Boston have sent the idesmaldp City- of Durham to cruise off the Madeira labuids, in hopes something may be learned of the Missing steamer. Tbe opinion of all old sailors is that she is making for port un der nail.— . . yityarukar., February 25.--The steam Reships W0644141' stud Ilona Ova ar rived. QUICEINSTOWN, Febmary 26.—Arrived, Ctiy of Waahinmon and Pennsylvania, from New York. 431:71611NITTOWN, Feb. 27.—Theigteamihip Sam from Now Fork,: Pnived this morning. • FINANCIAL AND CONLIIERCIAL. LONDON. February 26.-11 A. x.—nve• twenty bonds opened Arm; 873; for lend , of 186.5 and 1361; for issue of 1867. Lwanroor.., Feb. 25.--Abrafpg,—ibt. ton; tette for week 6,400 bales; exports 6,000: speculators 6,090; receipts for, the week 99.000 bales; American 1 9. 0917 : dock 311,000 bald t American 110.000; sales to. day 10,000 bales: market firm and ,un changed. Wheat quiet: red . western 7s 64. 'Corn 27@27 0 64. Wheat—receipts for three days 8,500 quarters, Including 7,600 American. Provisions Unchanged. .Lonnotr. Feb. W.—Turpentine 80a 84. Tallow dull. Fasiduroz7. Yee. 26..-Flve.twenty bonds opened firm at 9540. ' Fuzz, Feb.. 26.—Bourse closed _firm; route. at 73 franca 65 centimes. Waviest, Feb. 26.--Cotton quiet at 117 francs on spot. .- .- • ANSWIRP Feb. 26.—Petroleum flat at 69; IX -- FItiVICPORT. Feb. M.-1620's closed seas). at 95%.105x. • LIV/11114XPL. Feb. 26..—00tt0n quiet and unchanged; vales of 1,000 bales. Wheat at 83 6d for red winter. Losnorr, Feb. 26-11 a. sr.—Refined petroleum Is 9d(2)16 9)fd. Linseed oil dull. Cotton closed Usreu, Feb. :26. quiet. Lomnos. 'eb. 25."—Evening.-- Oonsois 02,3 f for money and , amount. ponds; 90k; '6ss, BOJO , 671, 88W. 10.401, ush.. stooks—F,ries, 2234; 111113ols Oen; trW, Ill; A.. O. W.. 263 f. LIVS33Poor,„ Feb. 20.—Cotton closed at ilgd for uplands; 113 I f0SII8d for New Orleans; salearlo,ooo balesonaludlng .000 on.sPeoulitUou and - export. Wheat; red western Tied. Cheese 73a. Loernoff, Feb. 26.--Tallow 4713 d. . , 1•011111111 e Municipal Election. - ter Telerreati LO tte museum omatus) • . - LOUISVILLE. February .77,—The Re. publicans Last ninht 'nominated W. ['ranger, a, prominent. -merchant, for Mayor.• There are three Independent Demenratle catujldatep It' We field. La Matters 'thaw • stand, .nolgier aerate ooncentrate their .atronaql on on! , candidate, the Mspublioszsyrill unaMisai eleetthetr ticket, attouid the provisions ef the fifteenth amendment be in tome upon the day of election. PrITSBITRGH, MONDAY, FFBRITARY 28, 1870 DEATH ON THE RAIL. Fearful Accident en the hibudalppl Cene tral Railroad-liver Twenty Pawn. gin Killed. (By 'Yelegysott to the PlUsbortt. Ossettll4 OrFORD, MIEL, February 25.—A fear ful neeideut occurred about four o'clock yesterday afternoon to the regular morn ing train on the hiliodasippt Railroad, for . . New 'Orleans. Tho train, leaving Mtn boldt behind Unto, rapt approached Buckney trestle, which I rty fort high and over a ravine, a engine crooned safely, but the rem Ceder of the train ran olftite. blank, c ;lathing the trestle anti completely wrecking the baggage, mail, agnate and three passenger cans The cause of tho adeldent hi believed to have been the pinioned condition of the trestle, the timbers of which per. mitted the rail to slip out of plies and thus switch off the care which arashed,tineugh the troetlo and plunged into the ditch. Every car was utterly . destroyed. The baggage, mall end ex. press freight broke loam and wore scat tered on the sides of the revise into which the wreck plunged. Tho first and second paaaenger cars were akattored to places, and the containing passenger car kept Its place on the track, while the forward end rested on the wreck of the aecond car in the ravine at an Inclination of fifty degrees. Twe women, four chil dren, twelve white and throe colored persons aro known to be killed, and It is leered some others. Among the killed wu Colonel Spoors, a planter, reeldlng fourteen miles from Jacarmn, who was returning from Chi cago with thirty laborers: abio S. C. Moorohoueo, of Allthart,. Indiana, Mra. Duncan IC. Farrell, who Just arrived from Eloothind via New York, midi. McDonald, supervisor of eontbern end of the road. The-names of the ethane have not been ascertained, but' it is believed they were all from the welt and south. Among the Injured was Idles Ago. Elliott, of NSW York, who wee fastened an hour in the Wreck by the lido of five men who were killed, Mit she was res cued without apparent Injury, except a badly mashed band. Colonel Sato Tate, President of the road, was nearly suffo cated by passenger. thrown upon him in the wreck. One mane,leg was badly broken, anther's knee rushed, many were cut and bruised and three Or bar, suffered Severe - Internal Injury. A spacial train front Luileville was only half an hour behind the wrecked train.with a large party of northern and western railroad men, with their ladles and a few passengers, Including John E. Russell and wife, J. W. thmonton, Gene ral Agent of the Associated Press, and wife, of New York, and Mr. Gomm, el New Orleans' The party aro all nail, and assisted in succoring the victims. The wounded were chiefly brought to Oxford, Where the citizens proffered every assistance. ' H. McCarthy, mail agent of the. train, was slightly hurt, but declined medical aid. The southward bound paisengers will proceed to-day. Mimeses, Tenn., February 28.—The Ledger'a Oxford (Mississippi) special says seventeen persons were. killed by the railroad accident, among whom were Col. Speer., of Brenda, Miss., M'Donald, the road master, two ladles and two chil dren, names unknown. The remainder of the killed. with few exceptions, were emigrants en route for Tem. Fourteen or fifteen paeeengera were wounded, several fatally. Sam Tate. President of the road, was slightly wounded, alaw J. M'Comico and son. hi'Donald's body was horribly mangled and hardly recce nlzable. The train, except We engine, is a complete wreck. CHICAGO. The Lydia Thompoon Blonde Troupe and the "Times Proprietor ln the Pollee Couri-4.3001ng elli0001011.101111111ty; Eisr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh o uette•) CMCAOO. - Febirtialy 26,—The trial of Lydia Thompaon, and a portion of her troupe of blondes, took place this morn ing at the Armory, In the presents Mien Immense audience, embracing all dames. When the blondes made their appearance they were received with lively cheers. . . Mr. Story, when ho made his appearance, was greeted with hisses mingled with cheers. John Lyle King audJohn,VanAtusan appeared es counsel for the blondes. , Mr. Story employed no counsel. After the examination of • number of witnesses on both aides, in which were detailed all the facts of the cowhiding, JusticeSomnierileld imposed a fine of one Jet:mired dollars each On Lydia Themreon, Pauline Markham and Mr. Henderson,and ten dollars each On Araby Gordon rid E. W. Eldridge. The' tines were paid. This afternoon, just before the' com mencement of the matinee, the Lydia Thompson troupe were ag ain arrested, at the instigation of Mr. Story, charging them with riot. This rendered it MOW' eary to abandon the matinee performance ' at two o'clock. Misses Thompson and Markham and Messrs. Henderson, Gtr; don and Eldridge were arrested. A number of witnesaea were called, who teatllled. to the came facts as previously. The Court held the prisoners in live hun dred dollars each to appear , before the Recorder's Court. CHICAGO, Fel:unary 27.—The Temper. anre Ommaitteo appointed at the great meeting on the WA, will to-morrow after noon present to Mayor Mason a petition bearing 251,000 signatures in favor of eh:s ing liquor saloons on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Ryder and Dr. N. S. Davis will make the presentation speeches. . Last night after the blondes bad even bonde to appear 'before the Reodrder's court, Mr. Stony, editor of the 75mes, stied out another warrant !umlaut Hen. demon, ono of the defendants, charging him with assault and attempt to kill. The Sheriff, it said, was ordered to serve the warrant during Hie perform. anew, bat declined to do so. He served it this morning and alter an examiha• Lion Henderson was required to furnish 000 bonds to antiwar before the Reoor• der's court. Thls afternoon the Blondes troupe left for Detroit. via the Michigan Central Rl'lrani. Just before leaving Story ob tained a moils for the arrest of Hender son on a civil mull. The officer went to the Central Depot to serve it, but Hen derson escaped in a carriage, went to the Fort Wayne Dean; left In a train which starts at the same' hour as the Central, and probably Joined Ms troupe where the two roasts arms, !mime 'thirty miles from here. STATE LEGBISLANURES. Hy Telegrapb to the Pittaborn (iatotto.) . TElifeilEllBF.E. • . NesuVlLLie, Feb. 26.—Tho Legislature passed resolutions today requiring the Governor to bane a proclamation direct ing t'he holding of an election to secure a vote on the ratification or ••relection of the amended Constitution on , Saturday, 24th Mat. Persons voting's* said election will not bo required to have a certificate of registration. A bill passed the Muse on first. read. lug to fond the bonded debt of tae slate, and was ordered to be printed. VIRGINIA. Giontrorrp, rebrum7 26 —The 1 1 01210 hu paaaed the enabling bill. This lewd. lees the acts or tire military appointees In office educe the State was admitted. and provides that, the places shall be filled by appointmenta by the Governor. When paned by the Senate the bill will !bridals the Abate with new officers as fast as they can . be - appointed by the MAINE, Anonym, February 27.- 1 1,1111 e Senate sostordaY She readatlon for the pap Mont In coin of debts of the Stater con. caVol Prior to ?Ornery 25, 1882, was led. Mott Law lit Illinois. (BY TolegraDb to Ufa PlttsbOrgb Ossettej . . sr- Lorna, Feb. 27%—1t is stated that the mob that lynched the ncgro Ander. min Road, near Venice, ;on Tuesday flight last, haloes to the vigilant* oommit tee which existed several years no* Fraternities Attorney Helbred„ of the SttA Distract; of which Madison county fcrfloo_.• Pert, has commenced investiss• Unit the rustle-rend err of men, en ' der the direhoh of unites Etobinsou. are searching or . the y of . Rene and endeavoring to Or ascertain who 'were en- , Wired IA gide, and the Inthsequent attack/in young Tut r tle. The flalsreinthis attorney say, he simimOne. Mar/ , man ln the county, If necessary, to asp certain wbo paiipotrat94 the outrage. ACM ERR FOUR 0 , 14100 R. 4..)R. TIM CAPITAL. Gen. Butler tbr: Next P.resldent Postal Teleprph Scheme—Dis abllhies Case of Gear ' gla—Gold Bales and Bond Pur chases. By Telegraph to ito rtUoloush GinottO.) WAsuirraTotto). C., Feb. 20, 1870 OEM BUTLER Elk NEXT PEXIEDENT .. . .. ~ In accordance iffth pnbliihod . notice, the meeting of theOlends of Gan. Butler was held at Enlotl'lwague Hall toolght. Remarks were maite, the' oratereepsak- Mg In eulogistio terms of that 'gentle. . . man, as having bye company of Man. (Musette troop, Vl in et , beginning of the war saved the Gov ent. Otie,of them remarked .•ildtt: ribla was only, the beginning of a rudiment to eleat.Butler to the Preelden, Another said ~that. while he admiredXaler ' bethought this movement - premature and would do him. more harm. then' good. , A mr... few: colored - were present anti • , band . the wee -• raze played during the twists of speaVese.. Seeoludons w ..- idepted - *means; thanks to Gan. 13 .IbrAtleservietta tri the army and on ;41wiettion to Oen. grass and out of _ ,Ws trisects then proceeded to Was he the pWr. pow of seemed' , R The Sena sl te Ju I, W UY ffi Ottintittee hare' nanimoull etill~li the resolutiony • of •. rerty..edei t On o Georgia. Thed • - themennind any farther legisl at es 4 _het sly there Were irregularities in urganization of the present lintel • ', They.,,deside that the terms of the • .r and Mesta tore commenced - Wet& Misreport is considered favor* to news MU see . 1 4102 hillier, although eallattnittectsake WI special reconcume in !owl to the , senatorial queen° nose vo ' ' PaIIiiDNICIN . In the confrudoenttendi admin. lion of t3enator Birds to amt yeder. day, Senator WI WO withdrew his motion. to reconsider thei: 'vote by.- which was passed the bill regtoving Man, Whiles from ablaut three thousand persons in the South. The Mil nov to the President farina signature. egors TUN ensatentwo. shims:an. - . The proprietor of it New 'York weekly newspaper bed an Interview with the Senate Poet Odloo Committee and offered hie views on newspaper postage. Be subsequently laierviewed Postmaster General trainmen on the saute =Woes. Be also urged thelbolltion of the frank ing privilege. WAnwripaxoN, Feb. 27,1870 THE POSTAI. lIIIIWILAPH WIIMILE. At a special suasion of the . Senate Postal Committeif yesterday morrOng Mr. Orton maligned his argument - agalnst the Hubbard scheme. In the' course of his remarks Mr. Orton WO% eompet:l lines ware now In operation , In the ma ern" of Ebb Stater. all of whick , were g unteallsd, and that If the , busLueea was not interfered with by . Congress, it was probable that with in a short tlme,.. a year or two at the farthest, competition in tele graph would - exbrt all over the country. Competition really promoted the Interests of shareholders, but so long as the latter are ;early, to Imre* capital in abokkaottoTrrtlillt , thepatoUa will no& complain, and the government has no occasion to interfere. .He called atten tiou to dialect that the House Commit tee, after giving two years consideration to the *object, unanimously ordered, near the dose of lase session, an adverse report against. the Hubbard, and two or three other schemes. He also called at bunion to the error of the Senate Corn ' unfree's report In regard to the charge for message* from Washington to the follow. log Frisco= Waltham, Mass, given at $1,75. is but $1,20; Chicago, given at $1.75, to $1,00; Geneva, 111., given at $3,00, is 0,80; Omaha, given at $3,75. is $245; Jackson, Ulm, given at $3,25, Is $2,85. He concluded by saying: "If after , due conslderatlon by Congress, and with a full understanding of the subject, it Is decided to authorize in future postal °graph 'parolee, the inducement would be so strong that I should be almost tempted to urge the paragon( the bill in order that my company might Mall of Its' provisions and get control of its organize- Mr. Hubbard, in his reply, contended that in Europe, under the control of the government, four miles of wires cost no more than one of the Western Union; that the average rate abroad was forty five cents per mesaage against seventy In this country; that the telegraph Is more used In Europe than here; that the adoption of the postal system will reduce the average rates fifty per oent., And that under the postal system in En. rope the business has increased one hun dred per cent., while the expenses In. creased but twenty-five per cent. He believes a greet saving of. expense will also be made by uniting the telegraph with the perdue:ice without earresporidlng Increase of the expense of that depart ment. 00T.D MALES AND BOND PI7RON.AIEN. The Secretary of the Treasury has di rected the Arithitant Treasurer at New York to continue the sale of a million of gold and the purchase of one million bonds on alternate weeks during March on account of the sinking rand, or. sale of two mullions of gold In all; also the purchase of a million bonds each alter nate week for the special fund. XLLIVAURE V. State Capital Eltscival.-ILcrotene At eldest. By Telegraph t 0 the Pittsburgh Gazette.) MILWAIrKidc, February 27.—CiUteri' of Milwaukee assembled in maze meet tug bud night and adopted resolutions pledging themselves to furnish the IRMA with grounda and a capitol 'building, equal if not better than the present one, provided the capital be removed to bill waukee. A number of members of the Legislature were present and sooke strongly in favor of the removal, and thought .If-the :question wax submitted to • vote of the people nine-tenths would vote for it. A committee of Influential '6lllwankeeans wu appointed to_ Melt Madison and lqber In the cause. As nearly all the' Wombats of . the Legisla ture have to pass through Milwaukee to ge t to maroon, and the hotel accommo dations at Madison are so meagre, it is thought the majority for rampant will be large. • Two servant girls. named Kwitny and Ear, employed In the City Hotel, were fatally burned ills morning by kindling a tiro witb kerosens.'. : ST. LOUIS. Precautions Against Indian Raids. (By, TeleFesph b tle.PlttsbeilgtOuetta.3 Sr. Lows, Feb. 25.—1 n view of appre hensions of hostilities by the Indians this. spring, orders have been issued from the military headquarters here to furnish all employes on the Kansas Pacifloßallroad from Fort Harker to the terminus of the road with arms and am munition for defense. Small infantry gogrds are to be stationed along the ex. tension of road beyond Fort Wallace to protect working Plinths. In addition to thlede r u r ts d ."v4rrwbe placedscastdefen sett le rs on Solo- Mon Saline and Republican . rivers inroads by hostile or roving bands. Posts will be established on Sib ley Lake, on Republican river, Great Spirits spring on the Solomon and Wolf reek on the Saline, y e t", which points the troops will patrol. It Is be. aimed these measures will prevent any hostile demonstrations and ware peace to the Scalier. Upper Myers. My Padget seal AlWeek Telegraph.)- Ott • errr, February 28.—ItIver la at • ptand, with thirty 'fiches Of water In the otiandel. ' Weather cloudy and puirmOinster-14 deer ad it 7r. u. y. .B/1019NONTW•ne rebrtlaTY 28 —River rising slowly, with 54 feet of watir In ihp channel. fl•lnltm. Thermometer 49 degrees at 7r. if. • # l. NEW YORK CITY. Another Missing Steamer—The Situation In Cahn—lndictments In U. S. Court --Revenue Mat. tern—Coal Strike—The Tobacco Trade—New Masonic Temple- Evangelical Commission—New Railroad Scheme, &c., &c. By 1114grap IL to the Pitt.birrib 0 &sotto.) Niw Yo February 214 187 u I=l:l==== Another ocean steamer le mils/deg, the Bremen steamer Susldt, whleh left Bre. men January 10th. She had two hundred and ninety . ..led , passengers. Them le much anxiety about her. • THE . iOI3ACiCO TIDAL The national tobaeco association before adjourning reit:dyed to reneromnied the separate collection of the tai on 'Tints and tobicsio, lied the abolishment of monthly retains. : zairrszt sTitss cotrxr. In the United' Btrins'areult Ooert to day the reoogulsatoss of ',Several t•mem. bent of the Gabon Junta were declared !Welted for nim.apprarance whew:Ards names wens celled to answer to preient mental from the grand Jury. hulkaed; General Tuomas Egan and. Frank Webb. for frauds relating to fraud ulent wedghar's pay rolls;:'Samuel T. Blatchttord. R. B. addwell and 'others, charged with drawback frauds•. Richard Olarte. the notorious omintorfelter, and R. T. Oakley, defaulting csaldsr of Mer chant& Exchange National Bank. TUE OTTOATION IN CORA. • The Cuban Junta have the following , dlapateto Jacksonville, Fob. 20.—Tito Sismlsh minter campaign - acme to • t dlautroua end at Nelms, Cuba, on the%2Bth of January. • The S retreated to the town.. Dal from drdirmed chums of the Cuban army are Seifiting • for antes to attack thalowns, iCesipedea has appointed General Quadada and - Colonel Addle Varotra to unimportant foreign mission'. They salted ftem Dabs to the. midst of' tbe amoral; ambers, tore now at Jaokamtvillee and will NI In. New. Yolk Kate time betwixt the 261 h A iwa. And 'the let of March, , „ t General Queeada and 'tarot the Cuban , army, pausd through Savannah.' Ga;,`tut Saturday, hom Florida. The General la inexealt health; and verratieerrat in* regard to the acne. r He represents the Cuban army od 80,000, but says they need arm: Heap' they will snowed whether aided or set. • swamis wArnats. The chargesagabutitehisr brewers, for defrauding the revenue, have been disniimad. - • Commiskonee Betts luta , dogleg the motion to dismiss the onamialut,- spinet Cooked: Ferrington, charged with rev*. nue frauds. . A movement is reported on foot for the removal of Michael Scanlon, Internal - Revenue Assessor in the Third District. The names of *emend candidates are mentioned. , RUMORED COAL Erruncs. The coal dealers are circulating a re port that the ruiners In the Lackawanna and Schuylkill districts are about to quit work In consequence of a reduction In Wag*. It is supposed to be a pretext to raise the price of coal. BROADWAY TtrxxiLV. A car accommodating twenty penume to-day traversed the Broadway tunnel, now three hundred feet long and twenty one feet under the level of the street. =2 The . Importicur house of Hormons, - Eamon &:01:: , 4 — Htiode etioo., were rob. bed last night of twentpllve hundred dollars' worth of silks. ACTOR DEAD John Nnnan, a welt known actor, died on Thursday. NEw Tom, February 28, 1870. = The corner stone of the magnificent Masonic Temple, corner of TWenty-third street and Sixth avenue, la to be laid on the let of June. By that time the Masons will have 560,000 cash on hand with which to commenCe • operations. 'The coat of the building is estimated at 5100,000. The net yearly bloom ni esti mated at 110.000. . EVANONLICAL COMMISSION The American Cbristian Commis'lon, organized to evangelize the whole American people, met thia evening. Ad." drama were made by Rev. Dr. Adam& of this city, and Rev. J. T. Boma, of Brooklyn., NNW RAILROAD SCHEME. A new railroad enterprise, with the title of Mahopac and Boston Railroad, Is projected, starting at Croton, on the Hudson river, and connecting at Brew ator's Station with the Boston, Hartford, Brie, Harlem and other roads. ABSOONDED. The Sunday News reports that Nathan Kingsley, Br., of the Arm of Kingsley a Co., vinegar manufacturera, has abscon ded with thirty thousand dollar', leaving his eon and partner In the lurch. ciausen oxqmso. The uew Methodlet Bplaconal Church, erected at a coat Ot POMO. was opened to Brooklyn to-day. Bishop Janes preached the sermon. I= Thomas C. Acton, ex-Pollee Commits. *loner. Erse-been appointed Superintend. ent of the United States amy office of this city. • . gliournssa' iirrarneu A Board of Engineers, headed by Sen. bielliellsm, held a meeting yesterday to devise means for the more rapid train& through Manhattan Island. One hundred and forty doctors gradu ated yeeterday from Bellevue Hospital Medical Mine, representing twenty four Meta. NORM RESUVISD Work at the Brooklyn Navy Yard will be commenced with vigor. About one thousand workmen will be engaged by Tuesday. NSW 00U1ITZRFKITIS Counterfeit twenties on the Market National Bank of title city were put in circulation yesterday. Es=a The rumored realmmtion of Mr. Ruok• er w General Superintendent of the Rrle Railroad L officially denied by Flak. IB6WAAD Lucursr The Seward banquet is set for next Thutsday evening at the Astor Rouse. BOSTON. The Remain, of Mr. Burlingame—Al leged Embezzlement by • Poatmante —A Swindling Bankrupt. • OW Telemann to tat Pittsburgh assette.) Barron, February 26.—A crib'e dispatch states that Minister Curtin will take charged the remains of Mr. Burlingame, in connection with members of the Chi nose Embassy. The body is to be em hammed and lie In state at, the American Legation and finally be sent to America In charge of representatives .of both Odes and the United Stake. It is said said the negotiations commenced with the Czar of Ramie will be completed by the Brahman , and they will then return to Clans. It le understood Mr. Burlin game caright • heavy cold, which culmi nated in a congestive chill, resulting in death. War. W. Lander, of Salem, was arrest ed to day, en a charge of the miesppro priation of six thousand dollars of funds belonging to the United States while postmaster at Salem. He gave ball for trial.. _ • . Hugh Clark, of Randolph, lately con.. vict•W one charged concealing property from creditors In bankruptcy, was an. fenced to day to fifteen months hn. prisornment in Dedham jail. • Convicted of larder and Vanteneed. (se Tattoo& to we Pittideave Guette.) Incrsoir, February 47. TAB trial :ett George Vanderpool, at ktanlatee, Michi gan, tbr the murder cf.:Herber Field, t ionaladad on klaturdrry. with a yerdlot or bonnier in the tins dogma, v e i ns a k m why muotenoo should not be pronounoed. the prisoner spoke ten minutes, ailintit Clod to to his' innocence 'of the crime- go wen sentemoed to solitary owillnemezt for We. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —lce cutting has commenced on tho lluttionaud the eupply promises to be plentiful. —Thu giand musical festival at San Francisco closed on Saturday. The gross receipts are estimated at $BO,OOO. —The storopf Beers it Son, at Could well, Conn., wail burglarized 'Thursday night last to the amount of MO in cur rency and checks. —The Boston steam firoengine Howard exploded her boiler Friday night last while working at , a lire. Several fire men were Injured, not fatally. Mllwarlkee, on Saturday, a sort , ant girl named Doyle,-. in the employ of .W. 11. Wheelock, was burped to death by kindling lire witlikerceene. —The nags of the public buildings and shipping at San Francisco wore at half mast on Sunday out of respect to the memory of hflnister Burlingame. —Professor Jefferson H. Williams wan sentenced on Saturday,' at Phi!Adolph*, to eighteen months In the county jell, for an Indecont assault on two little hope. . . —Tbe shirt . factory of S. & B:Panton at Danbury, Conn.,' was destroyed- ,an, Incendiary . flre on Saturday. Three hundred workmen are tempo , thrown out of employment. ' - - 1 —Nearly thirty promittent firms!- A ir New York: city are. aeocied , of tie De smuggled _oils, causing _ a lisle .1 of revenue to the Government. Aran %, Ration 121 In progress and three' la have - been - made..• i —.! '... , .. t .. —A Dashfolnes (Iowa) Idlapatchasis the weather thereltaispeasii•wmiderfe uy 'Warm far February. •On tillturdisk blue birds were out , singing/In , the southwestern pintOf .Itnea . the fame= were sowing wheat. r• —An old man named John 13°4mi melding in Chicago on Saturday -morn ing topic a dose of liniment, supposing it to be aome,othor medicine, and died in *short time. Thelininient he swallowed contained about an ounce belladonna: —dbill providing dim Internal improve ment lands of Minnesota, in such abape a:lto:Pay old railroad bond indebtedness of that State, pawed the Minnesota House Representatives.lilaturday, yeas 28 nays 16. It, is thought the bill will pass the Senate. —John W. Demon, ex-Federal General of Fenian notoriety, was taken to Rich mond, -Virginia,- on Saturday ; from West Virginia, on a requisition from Governor Walker, charged with obtain ing money. by representing himself to be a revenue officer In York county. . Lotters from Ottawa report a alining debase In Darllament, In which Sir A.. T. Oslo sPrdro In favor of a change of gov. eninsent,Nindependence or. annexation, and Hon, DpiHuntington opposed an. negation, buf‘favored confederation as. thogreaf step toward independence. .AlBaltimore s ).yeaterday, Right Rey. Thomas Foley waitbonseerated illahop de Pergamtukand Ittah'Op Coadjutor of C 1244 owl, Thine were Delmont BLUM* Rd,: Maim. of loulityille,"4,he consecrating Bishop, Blahops Roargolatz,of Ohio, and Beckett, of Delaware. \ The latter Preached the sermon. Therkesremonies wero Imposing, over two hudlfod priests taking part. H. Stein, a well known lir2d.!sitro merchant. has een tined one hundred , dollitra for a violation of the Act of Congrata which prohibits the hasulOg of advertisements of any kind made In the semblance of United States bonds Or currency. The defendant issued flume' , one imitations of two dollar bills, but all' containing hta name. The snit was brought in behalf of the United States. —Prominent Irishmen of San Francis. en propose a monster petition to the Government of the United States, in reference - to thetcruel treatment of Irish political prisoners in English prisOns, made public by theEngliati pressi the Government to appoint a Commis sioner to visit the different prisons and ascertain the real facts., The petition will be signed by the whole Irish popu lailcm and forwarded to Senator Cassidy for presentation to the President. —A woman named Sarah Chaffee, with six children ranging from an infant to seventeen years old, arrived at St. Jo seph, Mo., Thursday night of last week, having walked alt the way from Phila delphia, except between Chicago and Quincy, railroad panne having been procured for them between those points by some citizens of the former place. They left Philadelphia three months ago and are bound to Lawrence. Karam, where the woman's husband mat with a serious accident some months slice. They were without money when they started and have begged their food along the road. —A young man named Charles R. Rowan. conlidential book keeper of the commission house of C. Hinckley Jr. Co., doing business In the Chamber of Com merce building, Chicago, has ...absconded taking with him United States bonds valued at six thousand dollars and ISM thousand dollars In cub, He has been In the employ of the firm for the peat due years and had borne an excellent reputation. He had lately been some what dissipated and extravagant in his habits. When he departed he left 'a note In his room, addressed to Hinckley, in which he said "My bran is crazed. I cannot stand this pressure any longer. When you find me you will learn the quickest manner of death and I be. queathe to you all that Is left of me." The Foils of .Ant Anthony The mill seats on the Mbaisaippi river, at Minneapolis and at Bt. Anthony, are arranged according to a novel device in hydraulic engiieering. The bluffs of the Mississippi are composed of a stratum fourteen feet thick of limestone, support. ed by a layer of soft white friable laud stone. As the result of this formation, the Falls of Bt. Anthony have changed greatly within the last sixteen years. In 1854, the natural dam at this point was formed by a rocky ridge sixteen to eighteen feet high, and the stream below I was Wed with Immense blocks of lime. r stone, which had fallen down from the ridge and the bluffs by reason of the washing out of the sandstone. This work of undercutting the limestone rock, bas been going on continuously, and the dam has been retreating up the stream. In order to prevent the Author destruc tion of the falls, the people of the town of Minneapolis on the west bank, have cominenceebuilding an expensive pro. testing apron across the face of the Falls, and to facilitate the work a temporary side dam has been constructed with a sluice, which carries off tke water in nudg ing rapids, leaving the ridge of ,the na. tariff fall dry. East of this ridge is an island dividing the main stream from the . Mao fall on the east bank. • The Mississippi river at this point has a descent of 70 feet to the mile, and fur. Wilma water power in great abundance. The water is supplied to the mills by ea• lab fed from above the dams and the tail rates for the discharge of the water after it has passed tha.mill-wheels, are con structed, on a novel and Ingenious plan. A well or shaft is sunk through the over lying earth and limestone down ' tho sandstone, and a tunnel is excavated to the river bank below the falls. The sand stone, it is asserted, yields as readily es sand to the picks of the workmen, and tunnels several hundred feet .in length have been constructed. The shaft serves u • water wheel pit. This description, the main points of which are are taken from the Atlanfie Monthly for Muck, ex plains the hitherto unintelligible dispatch received last summer in reference to the tunnel which was excavating beneath the limestone bed of the Mississippi river he• low the fall, for the Impose of opening a water power for Nicollet Island. The workmen struck a fissure , in the lime stone rock, . and. the Mississippi Acorn. muted dischareng through the tunnel, and threatened to.destroy the falls of Et. Anthony. The vigorous and protract; ed exertkma of the .workmen, . however, were successful In preventing such • die- t Tmt Hew York Trauns aye: "Po rtugal discipline, as it is celled, is, in nine mails out of. Ice, merely the eimillUon of =controlled menden. The father flogs, not because he mould' reform the child; but because flogging is jest then the pleasantest thing for him to do." tma produced s new swindle. It is a reeelpe for making two potulds .of butter from one. The "agent" sells the formnbt for WI, and as it requires eigh teen days to prepare it, he Is Barely outof the way before the thud is discovered._ * 1 1 . 0. 50 bipedal Legislation The following is the Joint resolution read. in place by Mr. Wallace, on the lath inst., in the. State Senate, proposing amendment to the .Constitutlon control. log and preventing special legielation, which renniree the yeal and nays on the Anal passage 'of every 1411: Po:Toting - an simendmint to thetonetl lotion to control and prevent special legislation, Be it Resolveck by the &male and _Mme of Representatives°, the Commonwealth of Pennayioania in the General Atmembl,y met That the following amendriserds .be proposed to the Constitution of the Com monwealth In accordance with the pro. vision of the tenth. article thereof. Thoro shall bo two additional sections to the Ant article of the. Constitutions to be designated as sections twenty-seven and twenty-eight, as follows: . . . . SECTION 27. No • bur shall be pureed unless by the meant , °fa majority of all the members elected to each branch of the Legialature slid the question upon limo BOW peerage 'shall be taken immodl. ately newt Its lux reading and tie yeas and nsys entered upon the journal. Eterron Mi. The Legislature shall not pass local :or special lam, granting di vermin, or changing names of persons, - or authorising the ' sale mortgaging or: , regging •of the. re al property.' of minors Or. other persons under disattuty, or for'the atiessment find collection of 'taxes' ibr mats, I,l7Wliri TOW, bOlOllO, - Cr ligliXdl poor or abet .purposeo,z or ibriolm ., %fit Opening, working, or Mi. itsiblat " • highways, itreata,l•4oB. g i art4t4l tikt= ar ot'Ofn : 4 ‘*tatil3sl I kl ili=odn iucetP*l624" %tail =adularia?' Jeanne', ft *km; .iddannan - or con. stable. or !Di punlaMitiant Ofnnea And miedemeament; or yegulatinn the practice In - arimhal of .Jostler, 'or , providing for ch l 44 l ittlibiterilleill'_illAil`br In orlMl bat cases,' orprieriellng f ibr t grig and' Conductl_ rig libations:of - 7. - indloiali , city,' dist ri ct, tenet iiii rsag r lova: ship °Meng, .0* i ri - .thif Pint"' ti? and Owe id - ' 'or glir- In effect to inlbruild :or lirlini re easing the,right Of the , WW, 14,1*. dii acquired by esetiellii bistitallihiluflui w' log any privateciairu or ac enet sashed the rimta, or authorising any corporate body with banking or discounting privi leges to redeye more than the uniform rate of Interest fixed by the general w, or creating or amending the charts qf any corporation which the 'Marti or aball heareafter. be . authorized Vi create, or attending or law length of term of office of .litty . 4 elected by the people • during :- term, .or increasing or deorpak :the tam or daily pay of poNtooMeen ing, y or, to any cm for which prodaMitiew 41.5. Ist or shall hereanimbefluale by any moral law; and tho„Ladidatuna shall pass general lam prOvidlng far the eases enumerated In this-;section, in which mach general lawa,do cot now exist. In trio 6enite4i — trotted States; on . Febinary 23d. the 'fcillearing was of fered-Sy Sbllilior tkOtt, and ordered to be printodr " kligtri)3llENT, Intended to be peroposed by bir. - Boott to the joint resolution (H. It. LW) dealer- story of the meaning and intention of the law relating to incometax, via: Insert at tho end of the resolution, as reported from the Committee on Fl , nance, the following: ,That Instead of the tax heretofore im posed, there shall belivied a tax of three per centum on the amount annually de rived from the Bourses in said acts mentioned over two thousand dollars, except upon the salaries of the judges of the Supremo and inferior Courts of the IThited States, which salaries shall not be autdect to - such tax: Provided, that if any person holding, either in his or her own right. or .as guardian, trustee, ..ex ecutor. or admi in•scry - lidu- Mary capacity, any sto ck, atausdor policies, 'de. posits, bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness, upon the dividends, undis tributed sums, Interest, or coupons, of which a tax Is directed to be levied, col lected, and paid by the officers of the corporations, shall, and do, declare under oath or affirmation, before the assessor or assistant assessor of the district In which he or she resides, In such form spi shall be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that he; site, his or her ward or beneficiary, la not possessed of an income of two thousand dollars liable to be assessed under the provi sions of Bald sections: and If the assessor or assistant assessor shall be satisfied of the troth of such declaration be shall deliver a certificate to that effect to such party or truatce, the production of which certificate, to the officer required to col lect such tax and Its deposits with them, shall exempt suehillvldends, undistribu ted sums, Interest, or coupons from said tax. and they shall be paid to the party entitled thereto without deduction of tax. Tax on Rant Stoat 07' Telegraph [Atha Pit obariiti Gazette. ) PHITADELPILIA, NObrllary 25.--A ease was argued In the Supreme Court this morning tooting the validity of .the tax on bank stook Imposed by act of Assembly of December 22d, 1869. De cision reserved. • —The Legislative Committee of Routh Carolina appointed at the last guidon to Investigate the disordered state of at faire in their Congressional districts, have reported there was a thoroughly organised party to defeat theismt object of the reconstruction acts,- and that the Republicans were intimidated, threat. need, 'whipped and murdered. The Democratic portion of the Committee are preparing a minority report, asiertiug the majority report highly colored. BIIVVALO February 48.-Cattle r 6. manta, 600 geed; market quiet and steady; sales 683 head at 6X@Be for medium to• extra. Hogs Arm but unchanged. Sheep In tkdr Inquiry, but none In market. MIW ADVERTISEMENTS • iRrTIIIIIIOIPH OIL COMPANY — NOTION. -1 he easesll3lool.lllll, Or the !Stockholders tbe Trkestplt Comessy he heed • their 07t104. He. 45 reeenth Mt. Irene) street, on 1(133111A.Y, Marsh Vta, 1470. wt. 3 r. ensuing the ourpose at casette, ealeitre teethe year. lad ter the treassetlett of tech other business ee marrows berate them. -eN;u76 W11.L1&1[.1117551.411, . A H. LECTVIIES. MISS SUSAN 11, ANTHONY WILL LACTUSE AT Tilt ACADEMY OP MUSIC Wednesday Evening, March % 1870. sunaccr—..wort, wages km tha 2 i.TICKSI3 50 cents. ern'' , No:lnvtilos limes, tt • ALLICIBIRIT CIIT, PA.. ►e b. AG. 1810. N 0 7ICE " Ewe UT GIVEN that the lasensent mane by the Viewers for the opealin or FULTON . ISTRZILT,- Plan Ward, has been Bled In tble omen fax exists*. (lon, and one be seen bore until Itareh 1%70, when It wilt be returned to Marlene for CHABLIS DAV/9. ==?l NATioNAL BANK STOCK", AteIODIZE BALL or BOOXACCOUXIA TDBBDAYkYRNRID Mud, Iet,INTIAst Wolock.ernibesold on emend Boor of tAcemer old Melee Myles, 100 bullthbeld Meets .6 'bun. X A 31.1.1 a, lona Beaks '6 scares Allenbouy Netlonal Htuk•L Also. by order of Aulgzees Is Bankruptcy of .1. D. Drava. the book Amounts and =quiet J. D. Drove, • Bankropt. . fan A. IicILWAIRE, Auetioneer. SO bbl. No. 9 Manktral; 00 noir. do. do 34 tints No. a 4 3 10 1 XaCkerld: 05 baits do. do.: 05100•• d . Medina do.; 33 balls do, _ do. do.; 25 Wan Pltkultd 0.000 pounds Codfish. /roe oats 51' f. a. CAKVIMLU,I4IInrst Arenas $2'300 glit.l l .9_ Ni gi roome:guod telt. and Tenth t.a." 51 nits no tnaor:t. itotar.Cablwalt. lowan tate now*. j_)01 L 11.: SLITTER. ' 4.10 30 b nal /nth 2.6lllllntlert 6 twf hbl. do. Tarsals by bit 'J. 11. - CASTIILD, 1611 , 2nraves ma p.ltaplAElid. vvi.-319 bts on rhwner te,.7lrArzeira=,..iv,.; C0TT0N...413 bales •la 'atm*, Mall* os /UTAH DICIEST It CO. TILE iMiLlf GAZETTII tbe ' baisail aid Maar MIUSISPU inaglsta ta Pasta& Irtsms?lnaba. So Aram. loochoidi or =*relaai ihosi4 ba ,pplisat oasts *stoats:L.—. Clubs of ten.— ...... ♦ copy Is Punished pacalcoasll to U. grouse •oof a club of tea. rOltasstafil aie riscalisted =I PEXIIIMAN, HERD As CO.. • LProprl•wi tar NO TAWS—"To-Lr.4.',....P0r Able, ...Lox," wmag, ,, ...fibrad,” ...Marching." den not incseedina .11077.13 LIS'II7, wll be inserted in Uwe comma glp Jfrir nvEztrrliurz osNTe; dads add!. Sienna bins FrfrAl VENT& WdNTI3. WIN'TED -TO .4‘r,wr-.w. a 411tAiTIIM:1,111!"0 . "'"'*; closet, la r • Illobarah or aTt141% 4 4,_ - "a plea:sat mention 5ega1...41 Ad 41011.. °Livia aIoGLINTOOIC d. CO., 93 avowal., s tita bas,,ll, giving doscrlptlottitadaocatlan SI loam and lanai, 1411 . • . . WANTLIN—An 'et - palm - - T v BM , LICAII .Ym1f1:1111431:1111124 zaao thoroughly senumatmt mita, zooklOg AK UM tram the W. •No mammal &nip.. Bataln • • •• - - WAAPrED•rut3 , „Goalr -and Oro ot104•1141.6 NW. Whirs Dold to tno minas. tteresal Gll.lllato , Waltottor city .d country. A poly At Isuplorala No. 1 alnta street, ant door tram. WANTED. —110R7640105. 130.000 ao Loss In largo or mall Apolist% at a Air rate , or interest. • vArikall x. rzavy, Am. Bond sad East Zatato Brotort No. 119 Itralthaatt MOM PMM LOST. -Polley No. 10 - 339/ P2MeIIUTUAL Ltrz - ncaAtfor cs , rhtladelphls, on life er IT. - 1 . .11.1114.11111LL,. Nome U hereby Riles that applloutlon au been made flan daplecass. • r 111Aurgr.ti, •itew lull • , Re ' r"waria"'".. TO-LET TrLET,ROOM—Second Mat y od; 4121111.b1., for gontlemes.• zvota. Tamara st 104 lonrill'A. 14211 141ET.--Folur . , iloo s isli •z. of - 1 19, 1rabblalt0.' dmiit .11c/hair Oily, awe villa,* trim Alirgiii*, where nh iiiiazjp_odal*on tralmi .11mdliv or 1. 11. cgerry„ Ga. LET.-Vite Large,•.•gfore .•~~L. Loom No-. 94, Wylie Avenwp, ,tietsker et /1D94W11. -Altarn. BOAUDING.- Twtt./ ItONxit^OMß, hew the tnasteeas eet. ter of Aanatekilslty. Wang the calk .1111terthe nieeed o ferult bed. Otte a lance:root puler oh Itillt.hem. the otho r • trerrY t'erelneltheateela o"se!.ocid Coon. Inquire at 11 , 1 Math Avehae. lIENT;--The Three Story - 6f ttliorred u gMeAnl=l,l mliZtliArd°' l C°4.'"t • is raiSTR,... • , No. 1711 &nil 174 Woo d Z• LET.—A:•Buitn,ot 8003111 hu iz i r pate Lied front /gnomon Std none. One b a nes 11014 011.11 two antaromosork 4tblloor. • One Stare ZOOID. UE.14001:4, 40 EnristVa ut.w: bul/.othie .I , ..artb• averne. , For tenor inquire of A. H. KNOLISEI C0..,-X.. OW/omb avenue. rirIOLET.—A. ROOM ing suita tu the rear .A. DLryste. buildble tar Job Relat ing Omce. Irqulre ofO. HA S. Oa the prs. mins. Alm Qui COUNTING OON of tbi batty Egrodug Nat, skcond now. of hunt Dforstes bending: Ingnilzt.b.p.micripAT„iti, 'rei.ori2 sox loull *ramie. Al egbany City. STORE . BOOMS::: .TllO - elegant store roost In Uri Xereantlla lorary Building on Fenn street. near Mann atecet, will be ready for 000tinatoy anent theist. of Ma. eh, and are no. onered for rent to dial rabla trinket.. One cf the eta!ts le adapted for a Arstiolan 1. stanrout for127:11 1 11 soma to-let, the upper atory of soma building. Lund... old. B. lsoinute, Union National Bank. corner of Fourth *roans and street. or of . FSLLY 1111.1321()T.:Alio rheay. • U. TO LET. • '• DivELLING :mount. One of the flutist Musa: WM. City. contOulog MODERN napnornarnrrrh. Water slid Gas throughput: Thla /intuit very leilito 88 Piltb Al.yeua e. For particular.. TO LET. • A loese two-story. BRICK BUILDING . . Coots Mine Right Rooms.situate Oh Locust &meet. watt/. Allegheny. Lars, Lot. übborf, Ae. P.neubn lint of Apr% for Strum Inquire or ISAAC , STgIVAZT., Riot Rotate Aiwa. - 134 BOITtr feßiu67 AlloshisnY. TO.LET.-108' , 11600; 59 Crawlord street. $366. 111gatia treet, tore and dwelling. $4110: Lamm:est lila 6400; nerell3. Street, 4500: 41 Vera strait. 85118; near earn, n Dih arenel• aid Maley alley. 1216; 1108 street, - 111560.57. $1140; 888 Latiock street, $300: 4 Federal Burnet, $480; ware and dweling mgt. eorwir Flan an nee and • Hood street. Itnyle sinek rewr of 106 Wylie street: $O3; litalla Snot 4 49 Elm stree!. 4240; Bennis Strati, tame rooms anti large lot. $l2O. - • it. VVTHBSRT 3033, tea , • au WWI attune. FOR SALPL FOB RALB-11, Brick Hopes, a Mad 75 Logan .treet. and lf 75 nn Carpr.nters a 1147. Vier wl , l to said ow for cult. /noire of 0, I:IAuffLTT, 197 Bedford floor . Fon SALE; '-- _ . ONN SST GP HAMILTON'S PASENT MULAY SAW' HANGINGS complete, inelndleg Saw. Them: Hangings nes nearlynew • Address 110111110024 it HANKS. , . . No. 386 Elver Avenue, 2.21 • ' ' ' ' Allegheny 01.7. • VOR BALE.-MARE and Me- , 0 Y.—A goo Mire Mr mei t .an; Wok. to stead le or ham es: goal for limn, esT el Latins 1111111101SP , Iire and £1 meet as is new. loonies MAW/I.loer ty Woes, or f Mtatte 11%15ALF...;-$3:300 win buy 0 6011 D / 9 / 1 1:9 HOLUM, rove ova cad', wzd lot No. 10 iloyle atreet, AllegnenV , near north avenue, Beni. os7 wpw. amt. and taxes. Tama—U.Boo alma. In we pament*. inquita on Ina Dram's/a.. "L'OR SALE.-1 Steam Engine io 7 30. lejond reenter order; lir au, '4 II.OI IIf IN . ne`r Alf l2 % l vr l emw r' i•tyliA" % : 7 4 _7o l2: 0. INCH LIFT AND POHCSIL PUMP& WM W •••id In..h oett be eeen-et the Werta of the Youthivehtny Oas Cool Commy. trftot, 'VOIR SALE.'—fitock and 11x- A:. TOOLS. MUM AND GOOD WILL. of II 1111402 gs Grocery. doing * good badness. TV godoratool bglog engaged lo other trulness Om region for selling. 0. W. PD81 . 1%.46/ Ned. end gOcalailegbeay. FOR HALE.-411DWELL' ST. PEWRTY.—Lot 133% feet front on BM. nen Omer. between Western eremite Lad Mr. et e street, by .311 feet In eepth, telin nrtrUege of 110 Wee, on winch lot Is seeable TWO. nTOILIED MUCK DWELLING .of thirteen rooms and bates room. All modern terprom. nu nes .tbronehoot she boon,. On theist Se Wen snood tram NOW. M o e preterit' will be resl4 44 : 1 ;. °31 21 . 741. d irr1F 1 115 t° 141 * :& "".. RMICIP EOlt 'DEStitIIIILIII lICSIDINCIL —BO. 997 Praia - Mt abseil s gli thy City. Iha lot Is Ai at, The winding ht • two.ato.y, with Oar. tot; contains 8 Boom: Bathroom. with hotaaa anid Water: hat limb'. Matilda; dtsrlatit tem Winona. Parlor, arida 11•Uolista Beok_aad has been bnilt on. year , lopytra of JONA A. tS)CIIBAN.34.. 220 Hawittaa atreet..Allesba nt City, °r at 5100 Libeny .tnet, rittoDurgb, VOR SALE.--On Ohio murmur, near Irons sienna. TWO D 0.104 HOOK sh as let N0..033 Onto "nee. The haat boom hub I..arre boom... Ga. and,Watrr. ha. tebed'aaa. complete; nub 7." is frost. "rho house In the rear of tame &NIL an n 11l Meet p.,ed a ler. *oaten:ea Itousse: NUJ. f.a. Thle property /s foamed la • felt haprearlagportton of the Seneca ward: - Anegbens. wtit b.: saki low nonce woe to aaltthe sot/laser. 7...tystfter Information anal/ w R. P. Al Dhunoad. illeabany. lawn PALE.,—Engines and Boil zits, Now and Sewed tread, Wads constantly on band. • orders AU parts of the conntrfproipUy seemed.— JaYlO3 HILL s 00..:'. - -:. OmierMartoil Menai and •C. LW. FOR . BALIg.". DIiVELUNG: anlr wan (bre." story MUCK nwzramie. loeutale... es alum m5...-Aue• ere. gZl`4ll er I:1 rat sad segni mui itennto e rfalts i Cgrat kW e. Mist 16.6 6.- f .,47 , • "" 4. Ji.414 147 • .• . No..llDhatrikussue. 209 LOTS FOB SALE COW' —SIMM, Dearly as e 1 111L . Ilefo peahen alnalnybultis• emitu tiliabut sad "Ulan [Rae Weals, wait of (Awn ears: Menlo moo lieor Dam Maly bN• sok! /MM. • Ibl.od samy_lr. width bay. biea_ballt. 11•11.• boo owYssial• tkU mimes% dl “le by 151. orbOaals,.birboaa aow . b• Oa* bY1.1•11t • Mal asolnistodm eioott•Lia. 0.1.0 r In °WIT* WO Wrae Y•r•r• .. 4.110.• of Lot• nO low Talmo pitylil4oo A.. ap. loesoNLAnipersositaisisk. AL 26 BOW. or nntssallest , to Sul XX. •111 owe el r anaerbte sad sa z rzm ri t ffATICE." giveaway GYM_ or *lll be uns by arall Peas ararrortrtglrri TVIr:prLI " nose 801 l USA' Aguas. Rik.llo Im