The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 26, 1870, Image 1

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ABED ; * 00,
Offiese,B4 ... and 86 PVIA deeisesei
701.11 III&
r. unnur,
T. P. Satirali,_
?swigs toir lynx
Stoma, per
13 , 31 T5r.d by cantas: pez
.i.t : eg4,154.0, - qi : .
, .
Tanta WA11173-Im ; rdng candles. ,
TWaLvis murderers Feat isigeln:lterr
c "l!'ork city.
has a 11,4ei t t
A Krarreery egspleeloped on a Mei.
az the otherillyi „
A Pnesrmaus poixq, ' . ter aireet.tag.,
geniV-West Potnt. .
Tau; question of tomorrow—whit
shall ; No hare for breakfeatt
• LYDIA T/1011LPSON tuts been entertaining
the Cineineati Common Cotritql it nip.
' It"' •• -
• 'Tex piti tried culipaign in Nils' Ramp.
shire this spring 111 said to be Tory las.
Tan American 'sales in Rome are talk
ing•of ecoattintetell - forthe benefit of Use
.PRINCIGTON College congratulates itself
lhat more than half its gratitude' still Rd-
. _ .. _
A. sanitizing rants advertises a "not.
' elty in - gas-burneri" Can, oh, can It be
light? -
. . ;
A mantle acas.erpent has been dii.
In Indiana, ISO feet beneath the
.141tztre C. CLIPLIN Is giving the
Nei! Von papers her ideas on finance In
jialfronlussn letters. - - . . ..
Takatch Cuban. exiles- In New Yolk
to Untie for the benefit of their
~ydetor compatriots: -:. -•-• ' " ~
• . -Winn a.wonan'ains a:ginned, vie
anous.bnabantlabe makes& lucky bit, and
„ labaselt a•lucky Kim- - • • ' -
Boer= has hereofore made her public:
school . childsan buy their own books.•
: Tke cilty, ii now to buy them.
• A oo3 Rniimunntsch hints that there is a
"seal ring" at Washington In connection
' with Alaska thr seal legislation. : .. :
_ , .
• •
Trot establishmout of hone railroad/Ith
Chins still An a...celestial enterprise, to
Irbil:b . America Will give the cut. •
' 'Mit ex ninjiter to Enildis Hale but
' nethearty: 'Ns- his lost one hundred
• pounds bt nail witbilva tew mouths.
- Tux 'sword that Ileums blandished
- wheat be heard of Rochefort'a smut, was
the twelve-loch blade eta eword.cene. -
• Tin New York -Tinto saysto have a
..'!grand funeral" seems to be the highest
.ambition of many of its tellow.cithens.
'. ~ Tams is no death penalty, In MCI&
tan, and the penitentiary now holds a
afeightymarduscre,thyty otwhom
are Women: - '
. - A Cairrossu paper reports 'a recent
91AL - shower" near Mostere7,,, in which
Garish taxied iniengtb from "Ix - Inches
Pi three feet I- - •
Tax mentor of the ..pigolet," liras in
Vermont. He made a whistle out of a
• pl;'0 tail, thereby dlspraring the proverb,
as early as , • ,
A coluttasroxratier of the Pall - Nall
Gazartxraeommends a return to the old
fashioned hooded domino for ladies to
wear idpublic places.
DE. Mary Walker's lecture in New Or
e leans, the Pie. says, was Nellyered In a
bumblebee sort of fashion to an tremens
Wray - of erepty chains."
Tin Good Tcmplars Lo d ge at, Au burn,
. N. Y.. pays out of its treasury the meal
dpal gates which ita-members may bar
to pay for drunkenness.
Quack Vie-rows Is said to he thericti
est, widow lir. ttat world. ; this
veasiniNdaymber Inn at Abliiiinbs went.
ed -40 merry her, we Suppose. •
. A St. Lords, husband bad suspicions
aroused by catching his wire holding chlo
roform to .hls.nose while he pretended
slaw. She has gone to simit her mother.
A TOUIICA *ow= itiCrtilistuul a button
in her asouth.when .• -fellow tried to kis
her and, by. judiciously : resisting, she
swallowed It and is not expected to Bur
Tun Louisiana - Penitentiary contains
ten -George Washingtons, two Christo.
pher Columtruics, and one , each of An
drew Jackson; Chas. Carroll, and Henry
Cliy. -
; A train, called the "Atlantic Hotel Ex
• Ter me' is running between Omaha and
Map. It , is composed of dining,
drawirtg.toom and sleeplog cars, and no
actrncharge is 'made. _ .
Bann in a matrimonial adartisenntut
ent from a cotanporary : "A young lady
. - of exterior and - pleasant appearance
welshes td marry a gentleman of lust the
rinse xay of binking." •
.th3istaii the performance at the theatre
In Basanah, tut week, an admirer of the
.:actress : who assumed- thp_ leading part,
threw at her !bell not a biuractof
but s handsonte set . of flat..
Axton° the packages hid eft at an sec
tional:do-of tepees& peckegesdn.Hatiford,
t" Isa.week, was alot of lOTd letters written
. by a young lady who,-having -married,
• requested her old loner to return them.
Twain is a row In
.the Philadelphia•
•'-alscesntile Library on the qua . ;don of
eliesind OA OundaY; sit, was voted to
allek.thn.library, Nit the Bablatadma
Muir : Vann baullods hare got their 1
rests - so thakthere is a general emi
tat Ind and they are
that The of Ch
tiritsClkrsnh mp
- A acamarroinotiuminiiew,Yorkpaid
460 to hen her daughter abducted and
wady marriedlo a rich sultan but the
”Ug worn= felled the scheme , by leap•
tug from the bridal hack and running
shrisktog through the streets--
Nimanforta editors still licrtopllmelit
eichother. "One of them,qualtrinat•
er's statement, wrote under it: "These.
Shot of the above assertion. that we.hatre
placed in hall , is a Ilar—st , grapple's,
'themeless; Tillaluour, detectable ,
, .
rims schoolboy out, West presented
:his teacher the followlag note from honk
as an excuse for - tardiness: .“Baby aota.
Biscuit to Bake Had co';Baikal vendee&
the dog op set the coffee pot the at
lkkde in the Milk and got cup We Ei•
Tells American finterals have entei
ed the service 01 Linnet Pasha—Gell
Mott, Loring and Sibley.. Thal all three
hirve nominally equal commands as Oft.
ends of division; one taking the
another the infantry, and the third •On
'llralrY; - •
A eorawar got out of Uses& In Ifew
York, Use other milli, and scampered
op Broadway. 'A policeman, mistaking
- the animal for a yquirre4 gave dills :and
captured him. .Tni .11. , :I'. went .Isteme
and boded a new uniform worth 00 in
the yard.
BOTII IOU) and slurp was tbatIV0011:11
of Baltimore arlso sent: '&110... her grocer
these R ues: "Ni.. 'Tuttle,- this here
Wog has got too mods hemp in it far
molasses, and not quite enough for is
clothes line, so I beg you will exchange It
for a purer article. '
A urns glrl in Chicago does a profit
able business in the tiegging line by pre
trading to have lost her way, endearing
the paalls-by torsion'', Pennies to nitY . bar ,
• car fall, She is Weil dressed and prefers
her request In oche childish, mania way
that few can refuse her.
Mumma. having said that she was
twenty Ave years old,,Angtudus exPerwri-
VI grad surprise, rerearilisr," o.Boar
can that possibly be, Angelina? I will
born on the Sun day with yourself,
and, being twenty-nine, It must
.Ali I brit you must reosembeir.rAgaPok
tue, that you hare Audi mliells Ant*
than L" . • • t"
, k •
Ar a depth of eas in t r6 the ten4ra.
tura of the coal, at the Rose Bridge Col
liery, near Wigan, the deepest mine in
Britain, Is ninety-three degrees and • hair.
Dew tbilbld red .Illidstone eitirta
snalatibi that the temperature
In the ratio of ono degree to e Att
Ave feet. They are evidently
:.sear .g .1.77 hot place ,brat,
. . .
• .
, • . ' •
. -
. .
. .
. '
. .
. '.6,' • • • - ' '.., ..
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11 ,
. lio ex. znecbutio ="m or stextla4t,
' . • g \
( a ~.%-::, • .
.. „,
. •,....„
, . 1111,01* sallealbars..«.---..... Iv 8411
. . _ .
. .
.. . . - # . CIO§ et In -.....--- .. ——.- Iti ,• .:
..... - .
• . . 10001 la fariblied ircittionalf Se the etter t:..... . . •
they =mil deeper safety
ba of mighty littl, : mao to th.
A Mantic paper recently p I
motioe nsder pa head of. D.
da'y (intik - tarp si r ftogiaa fo,
erman pa
exinouncoment: .•'Last.night
three, God took to Maw% a
to the grandparents, onr ontyll
ter Antonio of teething. *Bch ,
S. and Frits." • •
~ TIM non. Cassius Id. Clay, late Mind.
tar to St. PeteratutrEts td vadecucia,
tdr tfte pumotie - Of - lowing a "frerpetical
candle" manufactured. The canclle
a fluid called "Temsne," and gives a
light•equalici ono attd Mom* vizi-
dies, at a wit' of one cent.. for twenty.
four hours., -It'll . a nodal" insenticirt,
nearby the' nobles of tbat &dairy, of
which Mr. City be the talent for this
A WASIIINGTOR correspondent says
that while thy toilette of the American Id
dies at the receptions is quite as costly, it
canna-be said to be as'-elaborate or far
fetched as that of their European sisters.
The 'dresses of these fdreigners are usual.
ly made up of .trimmings, , The .eye is
bewildered and lost In the multiplicity
of-flounces, fringes, laces, ribbons and all
those things which, in moderation, might
to be dear to every woman's healt.
Tins Senate Foreign Relations Com
mittee will not report Sherman's pooped.
tlon that a state of war. exists on the
Island of Ceba, but agree, in the main
with the views of Morton's resolution
prohibiting the building of ships' or Am
nishing of war •materisla to any foreign
government-with which the United Stet=
is at Name. Owing to theabsenas of Sen.
ator Morton, they decided not to make
anY4Ver ( lltibm tabled, ueMilmrchuttet.
In .Marseilles a lady. was returning
from church, when she hoard steps be
hind her, and felt someone take her head
'and draw it under his ann. - Tinning
round she saw a gentleman,'• elegantly
dressed, who was 'quite a stringer to her.
She tried to draw away her um, bat the
unknown held it firmly, and said with
air of greatest politeness: ithlimbune, I
era a thief, and am closely..pnrsuedby
the police. They know , that I am a
stranger in the town,, and will never sue-
pert me if they see me in the company of
a lady so respectably connected as yoll
IT Is expected that the President will
issue a proclamation, during the early
pact of the present week, announcing
the ratiflestlon of the Fifteenth Amend
ment by the required three.fpniihs vote
of the States. The laminar of the time
'emotion May, perchance, be de!ayed un
til the admission of Maslasippi t (the Leg
'stature of which =laded the Ameralment
on the 15th of Jannary,),es.- it, Is held
that the..lstates. of Georgia, Ximisrappl
iscuPreins cannot be ',oriented until their
admission to representatiodln Congresa.
Misaluippi will be admitted prier to' the
others, and its vote counted in will make
up the requisite number= votes.
Ruovarnosas have been adopted by the
.Tenneasee &Dahlia= Convention that
the,PartY In power. in that State lama
pectin, haying no ,faith. in . the general
government; tbat they havestlicken down
the Jediciary;Ahat they bane prevented a
large - chariot citizens:from tedng the right
of.anifrage,. and that they are not worthy
of the confidence of . the people Some
speeches were made, in which the =deers
of the Manorial Government were called
upon 'to Interfere .in the .all'ains of the
State. A.State executive Committee was
then appointed and especial cormulttert to
lay the proceedings before- the President
and Congress, and to investigate-Medi>,
A suisi g( 1,14. I,IA,
I 'LiscrzOnnuartiar,thurav B. Bran=
of the, Pawnee, charged. -.wild inflicting
cruel and barbarous punishment on:three
°ibis crew, was sentenced by, a. court ,
mantel to be suspended from duty for
four years on fa lon& pay; with loss of
rank for Ahat time, and in 'be publiely
reprimanded by the Secretary of the Navy,
The sentence has just been.carried opt.
In publicly Wprtmanding Ident.-Com:
mender Seeley,•Secrolary, Robeson; says:
"While he belleyes - Abat the 'neglect of
duty' which •resulted in - punishment so
cruel could only haw existed on board .I
well-ordered shipot.war, under corer of
I the 'scandalous and unefflcallke conduct'
which awned to Shield and pfolongtche
can find no acute . far the °Stet' whohas
been fond guilty of both." -„
A cite of "dlipirkid - OMasion of a
child wee recently brAire New • Orbinna
Court e each ot. two -women - cleimbig the
•boy salter son., The Came siras,srearled
with the.casu r annoyed lay,thesfre,
quad applications for 13.4 intor , n , aoy... • • ,
"The boy belongs to' both, Ahern," fie
- "But your Honor," interposed an at,
looney, "that can't be. • Onoor the other
mast ba blimother.". - • : •.3 • 3 ,, •
chihkeutektlari.i.B.4. l z44f l .."•.
• "Oh, yes, he can ."_
"I don't understand It. '" ••• "
"Tbs..Seriptuse_2seys yonmpot. be
tiMrilwirm," and Pd - like' to "know the
ntason* ber. auk% i2110,-borp got j*o
Mothers;" and clloghig to fhb yiew the
easewas &WSW& • • • • - • ;
Tan followlrur is the latest official Hit
of GM Esther"' now There
at prese — nt . 43 cardinals, 4 Oritinsdnl, 61 , 1
bishopsi'4o patriarchs, 187 ardhblibb*
&ablate -without a dionees,-13 general
abbots of monastic orders., without the
privilege of the mitre, 12 cardinals and
general vicara.of regular clerical ordersj
16 generaia and general vicarfof mendij
aust,orders; sent total, 779 `Patna Con;
cillE - As to nations, these sit divided;
according to the Unita Cattollca, 1n 4hui
Wl= Austria Ind Hungary:43; Gams.
It; train*, 81; Bpain, , 40; 'Naples; '
68; Piedmont, 20; Tuscany,_: 10;1.Som+
Multi an 4 Vealce.lo; Modena; 4; Parma;
2; Stites of the Chureb, : 62 (Which, tivet
170 „to Italy alone); EturimuY and-Colo
tiles,- 27; Ireland; -29; .Pcntmgrti„
glum, 6; Holland, 3;:SwitterlainV 4;
Greet Arehiptlagar, 4; United 843 40‘ 91 4
&nab Ueda, 40; Canada*. 9; 99191191,
Orientartite4 49. 9,119 " 1 4 91, V 49
partitms."MoStly ndsal
TM' report of the Adjutant General ot
Pannsylmuils, Jost Mooed, abets the pres,
'erneofaveryttongdesiNe militaryirtirit
in one midst, and also Lpronsi tinCtba;
spirit is on the Imineaso. 1a , 1867,-tkert
were but . thirty•eight ~cmpardes of-unty
formed militia in existence In thentole
State. In 1868 - they,. heel td
ementpeight . - companlem This
stigma one hundred and sixjeciebrami
pasties in Wont organization tad tundli
tion'for service, and, in addlten, Wordy.:
five companies are organizing. Of tho
one hundred and seven companies organi
iced during 1869, filty-six more than one,
half, wen raised in "Philinftelphis: - The
tem iirtetiseed The -butt:sus of the ittl4
. 1919111 1 3 fttet 7 a,a' Ilairtentuaster-'oeiteral
and Paymaster Genemi, all now united,
in one, and tilled by one officer, during
the past year, have amounted to $19,017, 1
42 -4 - lantifying.. mintiest with tho
imetalimlliterytebtxaddied on our neigh: .
bet her Democratic admiu-'
01110 ITEMS.
NOR. &Wu:NM Omitting Ilving scar .
Circleville, ran a nail Into her foot, and a
week after &Oaf lockirw—= .- - .4 ''''"
..ticker hie:discoldniettals dose
$4,000,000 worth of business a year and ,
Is now In a promising stage of arid
fever. 0 k .
J o ms.,l=nts, a boy of sixties',
hie been ly missing from Wel,
Wigton, Lorain county, since October
BOW, 1868. 'I
A rouse LitlOWLif named Lyons died
goy le:, at Canton, altar talc..
ea edldne from a traveling.
;Pk talks were burned to death
by negligence last week-4 child of XI
chael lino, in Browadnlnth AO chi*
of Jobs Harrigan, in Genoa. .
_Mk lidegiCN ;NA yaisf OF holliktrel t he
SlllpmeTen nevi:mil ugs were erected,
at a cost of $1,878,600. The" dty now
claims a population of nearly forty thou.
4 11 4
-- -,.'-, ; . • ;, -,11l Yr.. ~t-m.s,l
P4,1r, 7 6 W.+'
pa will
from a
ted this
e third
had this
tie dimes
Penn4lvinia _ Legislature,
. .
ISpoOlat Dlapillth to the killsborgh (lasstt..l .
HABRIsIII:11W, k - eb. 2.7 . 4 1870.
Both Houses adjourned at tielie,
out ttansaating much Maims..
The Plttehtirgh Board of Health sup
plement pissed therßenate.•
The general insaiartoo law traixeportt
ed favorably. - . . . ,
In thri limits tbi) approprlallin bill
was olltausied qngeoond readingivlthoul
material alteration. ' ;
Among a bulge number of vetoes - front
the Governor - wgoi ono Nalsapproving of
Mr. Ilumphrey's bill Incorporating dui
Fidelity Trlist.and Safe - Deposit 'pont;
pony of Pitts burgh, became it embreeed
more than one subject not clearly ex
premed in the title, and because the
principle of the bill was wrong.
Haniusourni, February 2.s.—Governor
Geary has vetoed the bill prorlding for a
House of Correction/or - Philadelphia. in
deference to an lamest unanimous vote
of the City Council and the aesurazuup
that tbe matter should receive prompt
Railroad Leased—The Missing
—Legal Tender Question—The
Tobacco Trade—Judgment Set
thy Telegraph to the Nttatoargh Gazette.)
New Tong, Feb. 2-5,
The Delaware and Hudson Canal Conti
piny have completed the perpetual lime
of AlM:Albany and Susquehanna Rail;
Mid, paying an annual Interest of 7 pet
escition the bonded debt, which la PAOO,-
000,.and a dividend of 7 per bent. to the
stockholders .upon a stock of p e soo,ooo,
except that' the first year the dividend be
only 1140,0170. Branches- are to be con:
Weeded to the mines. ' '
The captain of the Weirder Calabria
expressos the opinion there is no cause
for alarm relative to the City of Boston.
The Calabria and other 'meanie lately at:
dying report continuous easterly winds,
against Which disabled Mesmer* make
small headway. It appears the following
cabin pamengent left her at Mallet:: Mr.
Seigneur% A. O. Morton, „I. Whittaker,
wife and Live children, Dr. Tupper, J,
Mahe% E. r. Archibald, A. N. bicDon.
aid, James McKeown:a. John Isom,
Duncan McDonald, F. X. Proem, and J.
O'Neill. She took on board there three
mein and several steerage passengers.' .
' The. case of Cook and Farrhiglon;
chanted with conspiracy to defraud the
=went, "wits argued today before
Itetta... The counsel L4cdefeneti.;
'denounced the Connie of tkalectorßalley
against merchants as Infamous. while
the district attorney expressed the opin.
ton there was enough evidence to war
rant sending the Cabe to the Grand Jury.
It appears John S. Grigg% Informer
in the cane against . one of the firms
whom property was seized; has been 1W
- pointed a deputy under Mr. Batley.
TAB LrUAL TENDER umorrion.
One of our Fire Insurance Compactlei
has resolved, on the payment of mort
gages and indebtednem made to them
previous to IBC, to receive only the cur
rency of the country and not to demand
or receive gold. The subject will be diet
clamed at a general meeting of all the
comptuales oh next. Monday. •
The National Tobsocolowembly today
adopted resolutions condemning, In
many respects; the Internal Revenue
laws on tobacco, cigars and muff, and
merunrielizing Congress to restore the
old duty on imported cigars. el= Uinta
.doilare • per, pound, and fitly per cent;
out taker/IL
-31:71,011111t INT ARDIS. •
Judge Barnard today set add() the
judgment to the amount of 11%000 re•
mired by the cityagainst the asourklea
of Bomar ppunOlia admlulatrator, Bred.
ford, who od In 1365; leaidng
deficit of 137,000 In his scan:luta h. new
trial US to be had.
Tatet raOh to the Plttsbarch 0 asetto4
ALBAIIIf, February flft.—Jay. Gould;
•Witil - Vanderbilt, Hamm F. ,Clark
eihers were before the legialatlye
jbturbed.tlOonnitteo yestenlanto; glint
tanitemy in relation to the sleeping and
drawtoj room ear bulimia. *Vanderbilt
tattling Spit he had on Interest In thee.
=hat no etfbrtslirere made by tai
company to indite* passengers
to ride in them: that be regarded 'thine
seen .intury to. Mee: ad on seentet of
their groat weight in_ proportion, to the
'online of pemmican' they earned; but
that they were forced to - permit them on
connect with tbe.lindson River roads in
otderto compete with the Pennsylvania
- Central and•ottew roads. Jay Gould tes.
titled that the palace cars on the Erie
road merest= by an.lodependcmt corn.
-mny bedew no cenneetion with the Ede
ftniiay i.titniiiuo; and wboaa Proddill
he didn't even know by namo.
The fibula en altz pawed the bill aboll
itlhlextltecontnAleg 'Teen on canals.
The new excise billuregubdlng the miet
of liquor , was also passed. ,
• MEP? ,V 111 49,4, 1 0i ; f
/ 86.—U tlet:iidria•oe .
Delegate, yesterday a Joint resolution tq
=od the State tXnunitutioni etrildtlid
ant 'the word whIK from. the sieffreigif
elawie and 2 eater' ng the hilllot t tholes
Maim:lO4:4ou inoosixt u %siilolnatloW
In the 'rebelllob, war by ty a vote
.gtttdrtreight - to eightwea. - -
Tbe (Aphid question wal "up Wore'
both Bosses yesterday it[ the , Senato r ,
the bill repealing the ant Waling It at
()bargee* was passed by i Told or tour.
teen to 116V011• The teat witeln the licuwe
• Indicates Hague' peonage, • •• •
Sr.'Loots, February 26.—The State
Senate yesterday adopted a farther OoO• i
'atlttlUotoil Amendmente, to besubudtted
to the people, which 'provides that en
franchised performs shall have the
to hold °Mom and serve as jurors.
1' it. special trona Isffeenon City says the
.13olum • Oommittea on Ormstlinflonal
amendments will report In favor of Wo•
inane .saffrage: The Senate Oommittee
eatil' probably do the same.'
Neenexiim, February 28.—The bill
chartenng the.'Lentrralle end Matte.'
noofts , Xeitroed Jest paned both
Houses of WI Leavielanitn; • •
nit aftete biz Oidlettiltwiin the Bowie
aosoluttqa et iecting the Ihtlietnendineet.
Feemintione goo been adoptett by both .
Noineite beiroletboes Mb charges *plait
)6-J. , Flatober, .htuengiu7 •of - State, of
Mud in ebb :bale of - Atreculebral bleed
eatpdosiakd Teiuisembe tr Conant".
Louteratax. robriiary 25.—N0 Tote
eakeiceVti, igettes 2e111114:= 0
GettoriV -Amirrobez -2ote the' van el
Boatbelltltallway - bM until the early
rofticalirooV VAFTO4 II #4O I, .S I O
be defeatrk.
. .
ad 7 1
kki l .9 Palmed to no engroesedtbareeoln.
tian to PO an'.ooatrsate padq l*r,ta
nitquarnaS6l6 In gold.. , -
(sEco .
SENATE: Proposed Division o[
Texas—Punlshinent of Prig*
Bevels Swoyn as
a Senator from Mississippi)
HOUK : Admission ofAleorgia
to .Itegrosentallen—lndian4l4
propriation Bill—Denuneintion
of Recent rndlan Slaughter., 1
By Telcitisa b the I'll44bn - 110 klasettt,)
wILLTAMs, from Costlyeki:-
itititteuteioi the
bill incorporatimrthe blissourl, Kansa*
and Texae.Xiallcoad
Mr. novreuri . with ad
amenduittedi tlicilist the plaCe of
junctionmt the Union, end - pacific EMI;
Also, the bill , to. 'diVide. the. State of
Texas and 'establish•the Territories
Jefferson and; htatitimrtis. Tressed
proposition vies tddivideTexes Into three
parts, that portly:in - ells! - of San Antonio*
and Trinity river, containing by the - oen:
sus of 1860 about =0,01g) inhabitants, to,
be called the Territory of Jefferson,
that portion between those rivers and
Colorado river to constitute the State of
Tessa, :which. apace. in 1860 montained
about- .150.1100 Inhabitaitta, , Meek and
white, and all west of the western boun
dary line of the State, embracing by ttie
census of MOO abaut,likooo inhabitants;
td be'deriemitiatedlhe Territory of Mitt.l
agorda. These divisions were considered
necessary, In view of the present exceed-:,
ingly o:tat:mire' area of the State and
incongruous character of the population:
The simentof the State of Texas would
be insisted upon to this arrangement be-{
fore Itt adnaission to rePresentationi ,
The bill was referred to the Committed
on Territories.
Mr. - POMEROY reported, without
amenduaenti r , the tail-regulating oartaid
locations of agriculturel college lands In intrOdUAX4 a billto pre;
vent prise lighting. It provides punish;
rnentrry Imeriessameet format law Shari
three year" and a fine of not leas than
$3,000 for engaging ins prise tight la any
TerritoryorState, and half of said pen
alties Rl' aiding such fighlitskseconds
or sttigedreic lirnlistilitatee Cantata Isite
Cognisance of tberiffesans. -
• Mr. lIAMLVi introduoed a bill to - Pro:
oldss territorial government for the
DlstriatOrOolumbla. Referred.
Mr. HARLAN called up the bill for
the sale of the (treat and little Osage
Indian - reservations In Antennae, and:or
tbp settlement of Mid Indies SAM the U.
Man territory.
I. discussion ensued, participated in
by Messrs. Trumbull, Harlan and Drake,
upoujihe Senetii Committee'* amend
ment increasing the amount to be paid
for the land* (tom T1;800,000 tot 200,000;
and also upon theespediency mid jostle.*
of farther contracting the linalteof the
reservation asaigned to the Osage Dathum
Oa the explraUen of the morning hew
the tall was laid aside. .
Mr. ROBERTSON introduced a bill bd
rollers" the disabilities of various Oil
lie also presented- the credentials! at
Gen. Ames, Senator elect from Warts,
elppl. Referred to the Cominitiesl, - ori
The pending boatmen, relative to the
CieJentials of Mr. Reseda ea a Senator
from fdiselsiippi, was taken np. •
The (Inhere which folloWed assumed*
wide range on political questions.
At 4 40 a vote wan taken nice the ma
tlon of Ltz.l3lochten to rarer ,tho creden•
etair.-...thavelaloShe OoMmittelo4l
Judiciary, which was defeated by it wty .
vote—yeas 8, coot 48
The vote to administer the oath re.
suited you .04 nitysB.
111 r. nevelt wan then. nenddetad to
front of-the President's dusk by Mr.
Wilson the 'oath adadulatered, and' be
entereSupon kis office.
-Mr. Sterols toot:. ,a seat assigned MM.
on t h e Republican aide, when a number
of Senators and otbers tendered him con
Adjourned unlit Monday.
A number of Mlle were introduced
and *Mitred, among them one •
courage The MiridLing of tint chum Iron
steamships to Yid In restoring commerce
and carrying United Maim mull..
By Hr. HOAR: To establish a ca.
banal system of education.
Mr. JENUKES,: from the Oomeitiltse
.Retrenciunent. reported a bill tq
tablleh a dePartment ofWince. Hamm:
" BARGE= offered a reeolullin en•
entries ,- into the expedteney : Of_Separate
tegisLatlon for the taxation or Troll die. tllia.ion, and especially whether It MM.
not relieved of capacity and Mt diem
tax. Adopted.
The Committee on Elections wore dia.
charged from the further consideration
of the Chartall• Mahn& the loyalty of
Repreasotatlaa Hamill, of Maryland, the
matementa being • merely sr:-per. and
41°,1019-114.& ~Irt!!:11,"901,1B
Mr. KELLY presented a memorial
for the appropriate celebration of the
ceutentliel.studservery. of
. ..inerican
da gt= p ' n;Ooeded to vol.; the
amendumnta to the Leglelativo appro.
Printle l2 4. TOOZMI YeltPifillOr• lioti4
were a dopted.
„lid,r, /WELKE, of hisset,„ front •the
. corilltitiotten Cierediftteei 'reported It bal
to ittlmLt .littergla to.repreeentation id
congress and asked tO lave It put upon
Its painege( but, various augi
gedions had the bill recembritted and
ordered printed, giving notice be would
revert it Leek oh Taesday.‘
Mr. DECK offered saubstitu,te, widen
wee also ordered printed.
Tim /134" limn .1101203404 to the con:
'adoration of plirste ' large numi
her reported from. the Committee ort
Pensions dere *dlipesed Of. '
ildri.BENJtethUNlfrorn the Atlitel
inVltortilid• Tender* reportetlit bill tlipi
. duties of- pension linent
which: Ureter' with irobstitutes ani
ameudmeninnifered. by. Mum. Butleri
(Ehrts 4 )..thiari. Lawrence end , Wlllatlfs l
was ordered printed and recommitted.
Mr. SHANKS offered a resolution lei
drooling the Committee on &Unary,
Affairs to? sedgeten Whether any odor
Of thetarMY citlMMinoindinifitlio.W llo
and 'Navy Departments, hie advised or
eolicited any, member of Congress to re.
commend'appointments to cadotahipa td
tho nallitary'pin =o seadeltila of ani
pardon not bond ld
/We realdant of the die;
trlct,,or l wee othenrien .
Whether :My etich Caner' ha montane&
In or odi y poised upon and accepto&
any nominatiomknowing it to Do of tho'
character indicated; and also to inquire.
and report In relation to money or other!.
itupoppr ootosideratiolui In the ponnam:
' -
The Home then went into Ooteranteel
of the Whole on the Indian approprietion;
bill, appropriatio #3,188,935.
,' who had "chaige of the'
bill an a member or the Committee on
AppropriatiOns, explained Its provisions,
and exposed tho dishOnestios and Peen.'
lations pearlised undor. , the general In.:
Ohm treaty system.. Ils -denounced the
late 1/39JIMICII) or Indiana by Col. Baker's
osainikhd,lutrelatald by . Viticanr Colter,
comparing It to there ssaeare of Glencoe.
lie regretted the hero nr the Shenandoah
*id to atand'eporisor for auth 'a deed as
Mr. PAlNFamoarked, If Gen. Sheri
dan were responsible for t h at massacre.
his riniicendbllity was a very grave one.
But he colild not believe theattitameni
made .by *. l lincent °Glynn', •partksilarly
after reading the onier andreport of Gen.
filairldan,aati his instructions to General
Haycock, 'Ncrrember, 1869. - Thtnie Mr.
Paine sent to the'Clerk's desk and had
Mr. SARGENT said: he .wm net am
damning General Sheridenor the Om
ani' of the anny. .11c1 weir gimpy atrilc.
Ina at the aptam. Theta WM no warrant
for tisittoylig *lnnen and' chlidtext, ba
cause their Uliabatibr O p t - fathers were
of the ryatem of warfare as expmed by
(blyer'sitter Ile -would pot. voted'
abwora popeinottla 'uphold alioh :
'mem of ndhletiminMe nowasera, ,
said he mould ;tot? so
4da by Toting - agalMt
the „yr wataatincak 40 apPrePria"
tian'tor wiry purposes.
idtarilaßlC) expressed. :Ida ;Ono
Iguana the whole Indian trea9r 8)440.
and* favor of the abrogatien of all ex
letiftgladiart treatii*; . .-,
The general &Mita having; closed, the
House proceeded to consider the bill by
Sections for emendMents. ,
Mr. CLARK itsd an amendment
providing that hereafter Indian tribes
shall bo considered Milatetble Of Making
tzlitadis. , , • '-• " A' . - --.
Mr. HOLMAN made the point of order
that that was Independent legislation and
not In order,to an aphropriation bill.
The Chairman suseelned the point:
Mr. LAWRENCE expressed his Views
naldnetthirlndlan HOMY eyatentand his
grandestkier sit loseltdrig-that President
Grant haillrecontirellilidrawn Irma- the
senate all pending 4odian treaties. - -
Mr. BECK, a meßber of the Commit.
tee on , Appropriattion, -declared his be=
lief that this bill - been' as well eon.
/adored in ,Ce an any bill had 1
over been.
Mr. witsobl, 'n., put In the plea I
1 for-a treaty system, tln advocatkm of
r.the correction of its bum ' '
tir....ELDIUDGE, entered. his solemn.
piigest ageing the 4aliner in - Which the
Indians haietheiintMated, andeapeclally
against that barber - 4ns, infamOns , order
of General kerida ;„ ,
Mr.. STE Hriso Ohlo, entered htil
protest the coping obademtiai
lion of Goattinnient oars.- -If-he Mood
alone, he would ea his approval of
the orders ef ,Gern eridsn., They ex-!
pressed the Santini tof war, and he had
always believed that in war the most,
vigoroue poiMyleei n tit t uA, only Abe -held,
but Me most - mb . • Tholki savares,'
who themselves ca : not for age or asx, ,
whose woreenaad/hlldrim made war ors
white. woman and icidnin, who dance&
tot jby 'anima b g Mak* whose
wcimeni' mid , and ware-tdenvond of
torture, wore only , be warred upon, It
at all, by a war of. nation.. -..-
Mr. MIJNGEN sal ha ..was not aware
his mild and gentle ly colleague from
Chirinnatl wait of Ito lood-thlrsty a •dis.l
poeldon. He could t overlook the In
human earritice of ihose itemises, .and.
could not see any mercy or justice, or,
humanity, or airlift/pooh:I it. As to Chet
mirages who meal land destroy veldts
women and obit , he would light
them lathe Lai. MI e certainly would
npt,junip info aAd Indian sick with
lthiel.pox and till
° The Committee to clime debate on
House adjourned
t a n=o g irdi ti and:
natters lu Nemlio-::lVastilnigtotest
Wortexpeadenee atth;ltteniree daunts.,
New LE, Feb, SS, 18W.
• Enivotte Gag/efts: Witatlintou'u
bi rthday round na lit the 'Wring town of
New Crate, and is are wandered round
through the town , •to, satisfy ourselves
'with the. sights, always having maul.
resod Is spirit enraptured with curiosity,
we. found an ample scope In width to
exercise It here. Nat alone .in gloating
over soanurywhicis of. Itaelf L excellent,
nor .of, the cerupsetneas of the town
or the style of its buildings. Bat
ulna o'clock found us wondering
why such • 'peering In -of -stopple
whither - they were:pound, or if. indeed'
we had mistaken Wohingten's birthday
for the ninth of 7uty, but ewe gather.
ed our tiverticida utate timely arotmd we
and felt theentdnemeas if 'twat* lemun
log our permit, rotted ho•vtirld recollec•
tion of 'teeing spent our list national an
niverits In regionCgtilte ao`chilly, and
in esainche questions , we Joined in, se.
Minnbraing that ".When; -ROM° do al
Rome doea,". At length -we brought
up in • building • Capable of
seating quite a large concourse, anti
wo turenwebri in,e ascertaining that
then and there watt being held a macs
temperance conventlen. Bronx morning
until evening the subject was dlectuesed.,
Many were the partapplutta in the Moms:
lion of the great !Amerman enemy," and
views were nuideknntruarithblevenpit;
Leda thas. Imuld_hisiginatr.ll6 Jet!
august body of Senators.. Itbxmence
and solidity met face to hum. But with*
beers weot by, and evening approached,'
the deans was general hr the "reforvii.
Lee of the inner man." The meeting
. ,
then adiairtied only to meet again In'
the evening With renewed vigor, and as: !
Rev: J . B. liittenger, A, took the '
stand the applause was general and leaf
ing, for it was evident that with his
giant - Intellect he would Merely "do"
the cause. Ile dash largely in the eta- .
dales of the cause. and siltowed up,altke
tea temptations and Its mulls. The leg
islative wiper; was viewed from stem- ,
parent.° eland point In an 'elaborate
asyrtnnent, allowing teat the must.
be heard fronton thih great g n e a ttQU''
And If appearance la a criteltort from
'which we are to Judge, we have no
taw, In say Ing Inside meeting of thetem l
pumice cause it had many lard friends.
To say.the least, It was a meeting hel
coming on such a day, and 'a muse
coming our people generally . at a very':,
early day. And as orators and authors;
have exhansted the lang nage ln attempt
ing to detail Washington's virtues car
each successive twenty-second of Febru.;
sty, It becomes a monotone's% rehearsal.
handed, aown !to gonerstiolte es they,
come, tainted strongly of Thomas Jeffer
son's language. We felt the relief a re
freshment, having finite back ground the,
'girdles clustered round the birth end llfe
of - Washington. And as the speaker;
urged that our windows might
barred and.our doors bolted Kan* in.l
tempetance, and urged that Merumrei
taken naiad It, It seemed to be blend-,
lug together tire ideas under our grand'
canopy. such, sh. was alike novel and,
Pleasing to tho audience. We were eat
highly pleased with the I:fleeting tint we
were loth to return to the comforts of mut
elegant Angel, 'after-;having witnessed
such a treat en our that Tait .to
Xetd -
V and with many wishes for its
inch welt' being end that It nitylaig row
dime in Its earnednese as - the astapert
sure anal Rebid the town an efilectsigi-i
--Rev.Hai Muir, Bishop of MOM ;
and Church, at IS:tontineHo • lull
arrested and bold/19, to •nolfOr 4
few dart slims for inducing a seventeen
year old danditar tiritiith J. Bilawbori
ger: orator O Ina tewn"chlarch. HIS ceni
duct be. annum! We indionnionia
wbolo community, and 04P0oially,iiit lira
own minion, and on attemetlng to WWI
In Monticello lest Handley, was !saver
mitred tocio sch Habib a large Dimity.
-baring air. chlldreunmarrionoWO
CSlldron of ass, /labor war Dont.*
Joilco Turner at two o'clock on F ,;
' ,Rung, et, Rhiledelphik, on tiniOar
rendered • decision n favor o Shop 3tro-i
weed lease' of the Atlantic and Welt
Weetero'Bitilenti. to the Erie Ooinfanyj
and pereaoptortly
_dientleied•thei Mite
exemptloneattat bad. Wien. Bled ..b et
Inatome bondhOldein sod ether woos/
log parties; the 'parities oppowebui the
leers Mot ”bedered , to Tay 'mita, the}
tesitt RISIIMPted.
Eris Canioany.l•l2oW fenaeletio•of4ll4
line front Salinene• te,Cloptletel,,intd ,
thrOughlo neinhau. • • - - •
tkdfared ConirtddllnN
adjourned ! atter hearing, that,tamt of tact
()duration, whleh, set*
firth that the State shotild - edttoate'allt
her , children; that they :alionid drink;
from the same fount of knoWtedte; that.
the wane common tnd should be aped,
and duttribated , to 'all - for edncltUenah
parporaie that the educatiort ; 7 6cierti;
elected by the people ebonlderessee
echoolu le common.. A State Areentleo.
committee wea &notated.
. . .
—lt In stated that . -the Fate kialiway
tkimpany. has • ofrered 1000,000 riot, the'
ground on which slut Prdentant EPlee
pal Thirloglcal Seminary, stands, en
Ninth 'uremia New York; will a View . to
create amoktr railroad depot:on the
ProPer-Y— Erie cur; It la etatedelao.
are intended to arose t,tte river from Jer•
eey by running under the 'bed 'Of the
nverin a gigantic Unceet. L
—An excursion party from Washing
tartiAndledlng filecratary Robeson and
other members of the cabinet, Britton
Minister `sod othar forelAu • taPiculatth
the; Boogie Nasal Coru;dt m a l z other
members of enuffiest,'
the hlommtla atlllettspept, went
10 •1 110is ic t 0 , lii
' , Apr " ,•• • - ot•
ape gon~ibAtion .. u[ solondkum. at
ritkivnfe; Tannage* idjoftriia, after' 'a
SWIM 4:IMP@ dies. Aielxgrtwor Oximk
patting show favorable prove* i n
on and litiororemant; bat obi
unsafe condition of sn4ri At to, ;Imo
security. lerunerbus entrains. eontlo r t
to be perPetnitad_n_WP colored people,
and they ask farther promo= •
* -1d Uriett:gtesithib of the
Board or Police lacaulgoolonars *f Balth
more, cud laaL , tltithi or bliralysiu
I I. .or 7
. 4. .M.
Registered Bonds—Army Orders
--Neminatlons—Reception Sea
,son Over: •
By Telegraph to tie Pittsburgh Gazette )
Wsantricrrorr, Feb: 25,1870.
On March first and the first of each
tuonth thereafter the Secretary of the
Treasury proposes to Issue a circular
Siring a Ilst of all registered bond' ow.
vested on the books of the department.
-The list will prove of value to brokers
and bankers, as a chance to protect
themselves from forgeries.
. .
The following.. nominations were sent
In to4iy Geo. , B. Goodwin to be .hai
senor of Internal Revenue, Fhat
Wisconsin; Postmasters t Tnibdore
O. Phillipi, Bay City.' Michigan; Geo. F.
, general order from army head quar
ters annottneee, by &motion of. the Sao.
rotary of War. that the following named
Intonate tiro dielgitated as arsenals of
°obstruction, 'vie: tliningfieldi . Mem;
Rook Island, Watervleit, Watertown,
Mara, Frankford, Pe.. ,Wardilnitton, Al
legheny, Bt. Louis, San Antonio, Texas,
Atigunta,l3eorgie, Columbus, Ohio; In
dianapolis. • '
.An order. hes been lammed requiring the
generals commanding military depart-,
mottle to give awfal attention to the sm .
nominal acludntion of all branches of
the service within their command:
Secretary end Mrs. Fish to•nigho gave
the Jut evening. card reception or the
season. Speaker sad Mrs. Blaine also
held an evening reception. '
Terrille Eirjosion or the Bailers - Of a Tui
BtrhLIYM last—itemanable
By Telvirapb to tba titubargt Uuett.).
CLIMINNATI, February 25.—This after ,
noon at one o'clock zed forty minute@
the tow boat Neville, bound from Louis
ville to this city, burst her hollers impo
alto North bond with terrific force. Per
sona on land asy it seemed to lift the
cabin up and then carry the broken frag
ments aft in frightfuloonlhalon. A fire
broke Mit einewt Immediately.. The boat
had three bargee In tow which..wereim
mediately cut loose and caved.
The pilot, James Pester, Who Was at
the wheal, was, thrown up „a 'great die:
tante in the air, and catne. down In the
Water. Strange to say he Was able to
get iota one tot the barges, though badly
hurt. 'Be nettles in Covington.
Norman B. Durant, seohnd engineer.
was frightfully hurt about the head, and
died in three honra. He is supposed to
live in Veray, , lncl.
Ivan Feet', deck hand, was - °maimed
'and podded and will probably die. Ho
lives In Covington, Ky. •
George R. Mover, deck: hand, wee
dangerously madded. Pis live" In New
: Richmond, G.
A colored fireman was thrown 'Moths
barges and killed Instantly. He is sup.:
posed to be James Italy, of this city:
Charles Nelson, colored fireman, and
another nun, name unknown, are mho-
pteLu Monte ilckelhadmor was I n
.” •
. sad escaped without hr
That any of the omoere and crew of
the fourteen should have escaped with
their lives la almost miraculous. The
iMunded and such of the crew as ware
saved were taken to Lawrenceburg by
the steamer Bern Franklin,With Dodoes
Perry and 7Csaludy. of Cleves, woo ad:
ministered to their wants on the way
and at Lawrenceburg, where they wate
Joined by Doctor Layton. They were
taken to Lilutield 'House, whore every
want was provided for.
• The boat was owned by-John P. Kel
logg. of Covington, and A. F. Johnson. of
Cincinnati, who purchased her and re
paired her generally only a few weeks
are. ..13he was valued at 110,000. The
ballasted down four ml ea and sunk
!Mr burning to the water's edge.
By the explosion of the Neville Charles
Nelson, colored, fireman, was killed. fie
madam yid Cosine., oh. Oliver 'Jones,
white, deck hand, is minting. • There is
no doubt ho was lost. James Baty, col
ored, fireman, Is not known to be dead,'
though he to miming.
Iniurront Cioimandoi - lu-Chlef~u Pier-
1105-lapanlarde Dlscocantut
two Coollagratlon--natventler C In
atuireata—Landlas of Nllllbtote
retranah to (be rattsbargb eaattla:i
ST. AUCIUSTIII6, Fla., Feb.-:s.—ben.
goosed,. Commander-in-Chief of the
Cuban artifY, and stall; arrived here yea,
terday on in important mlsaion from
President °lmpedes * leaving General
Jordan In command. He left Cubism'
the 27th'ult,VimMing most enthusiastic'
demonstrations of confidence from his
countrymen. Paella and Gayanechea
had been defeltedie Oarusgtosy and the
Spaniards were discouffited at stipulate,:
Havana. February fire broke
' out yaaterday.On , 'Hume plantation;
near Cardems‘ hightelpdouvied the
flames to fbur adlcdnieg Widen and
fourteen fields werei:dretrOYad and all
the buildings upon thetas Owing to the
maasuree of* safety noir taken every,
where in the , uff flames were
mastered in four hours . . H .
laurgaub Wong. Garcia, with five
°Moans and eighty meddlers, surrendered
voluntarily`to.dureft Villa Want, and
took the oath of idleOstectrtifSpaln.
A report is current thatwither party
of filibusters with 111100111 IIUSW:11111/-
awl, effected a lending near lears,.and
are now In- HMI
Valnuteetta luta gone lu
• i mEx ite:
riorui.w.: maces OFelare ladepen.
dente: • - -
(My To am& to th.• ttnoimusti einual
. .
SAN Flia.,Aulaoo,Febry 25.—Privaki
&gotta* *OM Mailed" lista that a
pad:ale ; soaking it Nolo, February,
15th, doolariadlti,favor :of the !I:depot',
demo of theinartisTeatern States, Ine
eluding VldhWihmt, — Durango, Sonora;
Sinaloa, Lower California and • tganuea
of Jallaeo. Lauda ' tuifro ' Uga,
leaders of the nett, mo vesvette the
people of all, the HU named and the
GoveoOnr , Sonora, :Chihuahua and,
parer ChallOroli favor Independence. ,
Thriffavercori of' Ello3loll and . Durango
adhere to Juarea.
State of the Thermometer at Santos
Feints Yesterday alundligi
(By Tetuan% to the Pltt.burall liaxitte.). •
. .
PHILADELPIIIA, clear and very cold.
Naw Yeats, clear and very cold. +
BALTIMOBI3, clear and study; ther
mometer 28 degrees .hove semi.
OIL Cm, cloudy tldecoldt-,thermorue
tor 10 degrees aberversen. -
CneonensTl, clear and Cold:
C. sumo, clear and cool.
Iliketnlstuasi clear and cold.
Virginia. roukkx
(aa Telemob to the FltUtrargn
Auclosorso, Hebruary 25.—The .Repub
deed Stets Ventral Committee,' of *blob
Charles H. Porter la Chainuan, to-d
approved a call signet by Benabsr Lewis
and others for the ounsolidation ef all
political *temente opposed to Democracy :
in Virginia. • q _
A resolution wail adopted annealing
to the other • Republican. lards Central
Committees the practicability of h*Wsz
a state oonvenuotrior carrying out toe
objects the above blintioned
MCA G01d.01116101111C4 1;1711
(By Tele A rOli to.tbe 41t4yireriti Quesl4,lV
Bur Falitimido, keb:'
V. L, dbipittokeart" o oolonl4 Is greatly
excited over the news:rout Pewairor.
and the lower- eolinstry - Arill betiairly de.
Batted In April. Tba miners And Bug-•
gets, gold 'ulnae add sliver. in about
egoai proportion in t h eir.slakes,
two- , 1:Z 12.15iD
Atlantic and Great 'Western Rail:
way—The Mordaunt DiTorte
Case—lady Mordaunt Found to
be Insane—Sale of Cereals by
Weight —French Anniversary
Celebrations—Marseillaise Edi•
tors Released—The Struggle in
l'elegrapttto the Pit ebnigh Closeste.)
LONDON, Fob. 25.—The Times bee an
editorial on the troubles of the Atlantic
and Groat Western Railway. It predlote
that the organisation recently formed in
New York under the lead of General
McClellan, 10 further the intereate of
creditors, will go far toward realising the
hopes of the projectors of this great road.
Tho Mordaunt divorco case was con.
eluded today. The jury rendered a ver
dict that Lady Mordaunt wasinaane and
not responsible for her words or acts.
- A Convention of the English Chambers
of Commerce has adopted a • resolution,
urging the sale of cereals by Weight.
The Chancallor . of Endanger admit.
tad today In a speech 'lb Vie - ClinudDrie
that he sew opposed to commercial trot;
PARIS, Febnsary uewe is
unimportant. The celebrations yeater.
day of the armivemery of the proclaim.
Lion of the French Republic were very
orderly. The police did not disturb the
meetings anywhere.
The three editors of the Marsail/nise,
who were arrested for a violation of pram
laws, have been liberated.
Letters from Spain elate a tierce etrug•
gle is going on between the , Revolution.
ary lad Church parties: . '
LONDON, February 25—Eenting.-.4.1m,
Gals for money and account 92,4; Bonds,
90% for '62a, 139 3: for 'Ma:an d 88% for
'67e; ten-forties,e6s,l Erie% 22,q; Illinois
Central, 1140 Great Western,
Livairrom., Feb. 25.—Cotton quiet and
unchanged; Corn 275027 s 3d. Bdcon
quiet. '
Lonna, February 25.—Limeed oll3:31
15032. Sperm oil 89090.
Fannt, Feb.' 25.—Bourse closed firm;
Bentsen francs 90 centimes.
FRANKFORT, Feb. 25.—Bonds opened.
firm at 95%.
HAvRZ, Feb. 25.--Cotton opens quiet
at 13t francs afloat. -
—The Taxis liagiflature Las adjotirned
yo — rk Et ad .r3acre nig tori lit. '
. Seriord veld at New
—Tho steamer thihni.irom Warne% or•
rliotat Now York lon night. ,
—A state ball in honor of Pfil3Cif Ar
thur took place hat night in the Senate
Chamber,.at•Ottawa; Canada. •
—A ponce judge in SWF:ander° bas
been sentenced tb six months imprison
ment for abusing Chinese women.
—A four oared rowing mitclifor WOO
and the champlonehlp of the world has
been definitely arranged between the
champion English crew of Newcastle
upon-Tyne and the; Perla crew of St.
Johns. IC EL, the • race to take • place at
Lachine In July next. .
—Joseph Tattle, who was unposed tei
have been killed by a - meb at Wealee,
Illinois, on Tuesday sight, It now proves
camped from the lynchers and went to
tft. Louts on Wednesday, We nersfelY
womMed to ttreitTilr, ,, Martualbesten
and nee he was robbed of nis mormy mid
other valuables. .
—John Francie KLarenaar, ono of the
proprietors of the Volk& Friend, of Cin
cinnati, died suddenly. Thursday night,
between eleven and twelve o'clock, at
the age of sixty-two. Ile bad been con
nected with the newspaper referred to
for sixteen years, and wee a prominent
and excellent (Jarman citizen.
—Mr. Waddington has arrived at Oda
ent,_Danads, from England, to pram upon
the attention of the Dominion Govern
ment the construction of a British Pact-
DO railroad. Be believes the_ beat point
to cowmen°e is at the month of Elpegon
river. Lake Superior. AU the money ,
required for the work can be had tri
—The Louisville, lry., muncipal oleo.
Lion under tho new charier will take
place on Saturday neat. No nominating
conventions will be held, but every can
didate will run upon hie merits. • Should
the ratification of the Fifteenth Amend.
went be officially proclaimed before the
election, the colored vote, amounting to
4,000, will be cast. •
The conceit of Prussia is almost be
yond conception. You see everywhere
the busts and portraits of the vain weak
minded King and bulldog face of Bice-
mark. You hear everywhere the ennui ,
sion that Prussia Is the greatest mlllitary
power in the world—talk like that of
village schoolboy bully-,"Who dues
knock . this chip off my shoulder?" But
you hear another talk, too—deep-toned,
indignant, resolute. They denounce the
conduct of Prussia as characterized by
every kind of fraud, treachery; and - vioj
len= They say that it was the whole of
the old Confederacy which Waged war;
' to redeem the Gemmel in Bchleewig•Hol4
stela from Denmark, bat only to - bring
them into the eeriness Confederation as A
constitutional member ofit..That Prussia
incorporated them Into herkingdom, and
when the Confederation wagwitr upon
them, which was summed only because
it was treacherously determined upon and
plumed years before. Mat had
Hanover done that her moiszeby eioti.l4
be abolished and her people annezed
Prussia t What had the` , (tee repuldleof
Frankfort'one that. her liberal Institate;
none should be crushed out, and madn:si
Prussian province.? Why„ amid: r
these Stales oomeintothe new CkinfaXera4
Lion as members of It and trot hinn,ibirin
votes cut by Prussia ? Where is 41:hr ti
freedom now ? brushed out by the Iron
heel of Paula. "Wherals . theilarnari
Fatherland?" What is now Gm only
Otto of the German liberals?. The only fate
they can look for in the figure is to serve
In the Prussian army, and pay taxes, and
he Prussians. Thera la no Gesman unity
ascent the unity of the Paulus tyranny.:
U you could hear +wed Germany, spark
ing English as well as you could do, talk ;
thus with streaming eyes and faltering
voices pahaps you would doubt u to
whether Bismarck bed erected a imam:
Thisueolt is Coming.-13kript Gar. aim
Mulcise . o Bufletin.
The clover French missionary Hue,
who, with - his companion Cabot, first
gave us an intelligent account of life in
the interior of the Flowry Kingdom was
not a little surprised, and quite inciedu- ,
hiis at. first, when hie Chinese friends
told him that cats were their watches, and
enabled them to tell, with unerring aces
racy, the hour of the day. He teamed,.
however, by careful observation, that this
was really so; for he noticed that the
pupil of every cat ho saw, though wide
open in the early morning, would gradu•
ay contract as the sun !oft; at noon a
perpendlculir line of extreme delicacy
would be all that was left to be deen, and'
then the pupil would dilate again, to re.
turn to its ,natural SiZe by. sunset. And
when poor Palsy has served her time es
Atei, she is served up hemelf—not in .
dincuthit; se inn Wench restaurants, but
OA tingly.. In Many. lowly
house lit towe, Ca in . almoot every lanu
llouse in the; Country; a number of cats
aroma faidenedto cluithsfor the pumas.
of fattening them; and In the.
houses they hang In long rows.entilbit•
ing ' their snowy - • whiteness, and with
Ueda and tells carefully left untouched,
to, testify .AO. their , venison's's. Hence
the fondness of the Chinese to lite:A:nee
than In their illailthWcf,bsipLif s :
door Ws; while their: Mange - neigin
the Jspaneee, show hen I*.tbetrsuperlT
ratty, being roe of wictiWAngthe poor
. creatures; and novae in n ii2f,thm alter
their own meatier : Harps-'} i:grep4l.4o
NO. 49.
,• . : , 1 .
4111.111CH._ (Railroad ntreet, near Depot,)
Olreorr. Pa. n. r. ellekliVTltEllanater.
g Ealcar Ba.satera, at ItOS a. al- and
PODU eardlails lamed.
?' M
TOR.will preuh Us CENTRAL.
Autumn atTuU. Allegheny, Tu-kumajow..t
no% and IN P. X
DX J. V. BMX/if?, Ir-ctor. officiate X di
vine service lu Ws Church ea TO.IIOBIWW
half-put reel o'clock h. x., wad half- uhrt 'Ma
o , cluck r. X.
igruririvr.neemurr cnvecn,
W. ' ITT/ 21 1 ntart glC an tUlt i r rd . ' L T :Arai
EVERY bIINDAY at UN at and 'I T.
Orate Rea and a 'volume to all. Mods) School
W.Va. N.
Mrr o t , ej ;,. n o lpe l l . gatedlx t
aer,lcae ever, DajaritjA Isaadt
&IWO' at YS r. Y.
The peblic are ear 'WIT Welted.
• • CHURCH. tamer • Beaver arn i r k i
l'arrat,rl4.7;la`4l4'lllo ( ll/thi('u.p.
11.7) 1051, •• m. luld. 7r. u•
entirely free and a oordL6l luvtlatlon
all. &Miar br.bool at 9A. 9.
garposuic LECTURE- Al"
net of •Wood Isth stretla. on NUM
EVI.IIIIIO. YebruEry 3870. klubJect—The
"au. or BplM in sad .pOO awn% Scda tw
44Sirresp_o_ndones. •
rr- Cc
I%lmi:writ CoNeiMMIL.
- • .TIONAL anintait, 'lei.% 7.4 UIJ.
itiLTIT. Pastor. Preaching• adorning egg nag.
I gat ten and a tulf Wel.* awn strishasg start
at agoolstor ..Hati,. =truer or -,Losseock awl tott-'
erg strietl4 - Allegbeny. SobJect Vrr the Smuts,
evening-dlsOcoaso- , ,Sciking •Ilis igld NI le ta ,
mar os 'band."
mi L
:. gems ..0 ff. and • ocirdial welo to 111.... , 1 1
• .I.l33ooLatlON.,Thet , Pig Sesd.a4,
, nnsi =stating of the , Stockholders will beheld sit
tho "oars of P. "8838. ht; .1).. - "Hrsit street. "'
Pittsburgh. HONDAT;:Xasch . .IOI. 1814). at
I.Htun . , 8. W. HILL. Secretary. "
A meethnit orIheTPITT BUILDINGana
LOAN' ASSOCLATION will be Ella am TUI!!.
WeJoel: M cora<r or roan and 71d10-I.ldrd
treeit, for U,. Dorpoie of ZLECII2IO 0171-
CEEB to fern,' the besot[ lur
MONDAY EVIIIIIIIO. retusalr 211 h. tbie
pleasing comedy, 1.11 throe acts, ®tilled,
• ; TEL lame mos.
tickets. DO cents.. Precede for the beikellt of
the poor.. teht-a74
TOG us darslgneo has lettCrs ' WMnt Og ten
tilted State. for the lalprovitd oonstruittosi df
inalde Wittig and of waltl•
noting for Ow:tura The lienther-boardlig, by
tbls patented Lniprovement;lkibig morn partico
luly Intended for vertical, au; And contbintng
great durability and beauty opainniaranCe; tied
It Is so constructed a. • to entlinlY avoid the o
°fining etri pi, and to preyeat :rater Qom enter
ing tbe plats. or the gaping or the atoning of
'the lologgby action' of the Rather 0 Milani ,
bey. ""'
. . .
fable Rand and weinimollud by
. this new
method are eo unsirocted • is to' form Parford
pasnels as thesply u by the' ordinuy.flooring
boards alone: therebYPreeentiolt Meath:mimic,:
the iiiintS DOM itnycater, lad leliTiog ratagas
for bade. . •
• n• hums. souitLim•iia•ciaait
ls commonly keOwn Weather
lie has disposed of the followlog territoilat mid
shop right. In Allegbeay minty, for both pet
rol., to wit:
ToO. A. Xsodorff. the right for the territory
south of the Meanie mild county. •
To mega,. A Doe glass,' the right for the
11.41 ward of rutabaga
To McKee & Dougrasa shop right for their
Meteenth ward. Pltubsreh.
To DUI. Patterson & co.. shop rights for their
tool. sloth.ward. Pittsburgh. •
To Alea '
McClure, for the borough of Mc.
To (`anger. Peal, for oirst. Second, Third ant
/mirth wards. elm of Allegnery. • • •
To Seed &rota.% *UP right at Rear mill. hit
1314C041 ward, Ur y of &ileitis itY•
To Duatiam. & falba tiormighe
sheratiorgh and Erma; also the townships in
tlbalcr usl
AD persons - are waned simian
upon either of said patents, and those wish ``
to pontsue will please WI, or 1114441.11. .4
No. T 5 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. Ps. • •
fat • 4. C. ANDERSON. •
MRS. S. C. R,01311;
No. 91 Federal. St., Allegheny,
Rang determined not to earn, our uy Winter
goon. edit IMatabLV all, melon ONR• RIM ths
nest 30-durl,
LAVE 11112iDIAECIra.
I.ll4 EsE C ll L CVelli t j j 2g i tarZ,
lINDEZWIteIc; ' .
.14aDLEA , LP2ONb _
- - /tor iptyl!Likt/H LIU E!WITCI3I9I.
LoN i o=ar:M. tel&C)Mt../AV
Reduction in •Prices
70 coniugaioab innt
151 . FIFT1:1 AVENUE
Ton INPATik'S.
"IA ituriarre.
Old Stand StOcking: Stores
24 11/221 ATWIL
Blum waircurs.
; -
.tr. S.', wAircEtr.:l;;
11, Gold and Silver Caw; Iftelei
WVl4l;7l7trlttArriarlitatprlT bigiuWair"
. ::JZWELZEIEg r, .).•
sox rtrra - Avr...lhoodul Orriat.
SDe _.l.49l.44llAgirj.ttett:
U. for ' melying 9soPollli.tri... • Flliat-
Ins. Dock.?: called for by adv.rtlaexezt Um,
- try U ext ß ea .= iVOID m ea O t V h I e T Sa la I dy E .p f i A
111 k tlai so* ata a*al
eFITa yilloll.o/eF,117., AVIZ . ••• mit
• _ bateau..
TWA L . Nrili -491-sacks 'aim
froovites..7 at . ci4EsAlorsuo,,
up of s dab of tow rostilastars are requistsa
" •Ci si Matti.
NOTICBS—"TirLet." " 2 bra4 6 .'
"Lost," "Wants," “.Fbund," "Boarding,"
ea., not exceeding 'POUR LINES, will
be inserted in these cottorint"bsee'
TWRZTY-FM2: oRNTS; :icick wag'
Itonot Zino r.nrio ORNTS.'
..11..ITED—TO DENT —fly
o . X. ilods J.T.N EI:71Z1 V=;3`?111!
closet. la olla , Ittabornit or Allegaeno. A
pica.mat SOnanan reltdlVll oLIVIIN
MCCLINTOCK CO., 43 V.l.ln•aooitt. et Ma
baron. arcing dtocriplioll anti location ot Otago
- TirL e N u TED.,-A STEIIL STA2I4
rrEg * - WrIZ iNituaiiMbrld
WANTED.—An •expelri
thoughly negualeted wtth" amities 1.. m
from Mot gog. None ether noon &poll: qWe
19gr AinnE
um. no o D.-4fty
Tv. ore Mdic, fee sr44,lgre
qtr dto the mines. Several Iltrly and wanted for
1.211 uouutrn Apuly at XruploymentrOMeg.
No .1 Muth street , ern door nor thspention
WANTED. = TG419,1*
*MX; tqLogag sapii.all
talteste of latcht4L I
. . Tauiati s. ern%
MU. Bowl sAll Beal &WA
. . • • ~He.lllkßasltigield s4reele
' . 7 4: 4 4 .4 47a 1 1 . 1, 1 . 4 16 " :2 a
ito% =4l .I . ., X7ZITATTS. ClA
zrrrrinave,--- -
. • .
. r • • , till/6 2 W ro
Now,tithWythr. Aleut!, x.briW_Ent
kratrir . 41•'-
uer—vvrtit uotunniarJ
TWOllol47lrollo. neer he buteessenn.
rot Allegheny city, geeingwe rallt , thlb.LlM...
¢131.<4 81.1•11.11111bed. , tha4 Infra front parlor
- onltnrt floor. the r hey enhfothble rah,
un emendlloor.- ineturalh,l2l.llogge
FOB RENT.=The Three Story
BRION WAWlliOntlle 'ln - Chnenb Miry.
near of Ng .180 Wood otrest, formerly ormmked
by Wm. Wandorf I C 0... 0 dromo_rakyl.M.,
- -
ntivr•.-LA-• siuiit • - or
omyridng TWO Lame; wed Ilitted.llo.3
on And - floor.. Ono lace, "OA 11gb
Root ro om on Ira floor. • One Lugo all .111th
.taroanto-rvorus ea 41k door.. Ono - Btornfboorn,
ant floor, No. 921,
TARlLshWatwlntlldlyi„ .
/omit -ammo. For toms .qtaro
NNGLIBIi s CO.. No; 98 Fourth arftrae..
• Presideat.
MO . LET.—A 11(1014 the War
DlSPlLlChbolldnacmdtabli'fol J0b1.1114
Alto., the
Strath. anti, setae loordlt boat
betiding. ./.4.1rta11 . t . 4 , 1 . 11
6:::u0 202 South mean% Al.egnen,yoty.
Ibrar7rge elegant storiareoutiln telalligreardiga
Betiding on Penn. street. ilitear-Mta
tines, 'Mine ready for oceepaaet Itww,th 'lst
of Mama, and. are eon , °tiered for rent t
rattle tenants. Oar of the stuns Le 14 .
adapted fora arstselus r.staurael for
gentlemen. Alto, urtet; the ' l =a ricr ,of
mune building. Itantntreer,74/: .
•• D
Oaeof tne Attest haaspliaglactiv contaliiing
monziner.papzorp:EntrT r ,
Water aad UN througttims..- Tlttarlaisise irlttbe.
riated veri lair to a liaoa .t
' APPty '
Tor partko or.
. •6 lane tsenotors .
i ISI.h -"S weet, elxit 4 l 4l' wro, nltestetly. T.; 66*- arse
tthtubbery, Possessiort Kat Of MOIL Yor
tenna Inquire of
Wel SoriteAKetst: .-
rllO-LET.--1011 W7lie s
1. WOO; so Crawford street. 03511. 11 le On
street, store satt,dwelllor.ll4slo, Lawrenent We
;SOO; Stevenson ,I 1,100: 80 Terry street.
$4111; neer corner SUM avenue and 4 . 3 1.n7
stir?. 89116; SOS Tronklin stoPett SS=
SAF4O; SINS Lanoelt Meet s 4600.;'4•
$480; store ted dwelllno, next oo*,r
/SW oventil
_sad nossatrest,..Soste ssreeti.
rear of street. 453: State alle7, 9
1411 Cm street, $111110: Berth& 1140111,1 Mhz
,rooms.o 4116 lUi• $l , l O . •
• • 11. utrrairmiti
witrizul mesits,
100 R, SALE. , - , 3 Mrickvilouses,
Jv No.. 73 and 71rLoinn wee, awl bno boa
of TO on earponters' Thry Will .beoold
low for cash. Inquire .01 ,C. 13Aultirital
NEWLY BAW waren/as coaineti,
stopealnagings ars nearlynew. , -Malalsa
_ 1106.1660 N A HAS3A7e
' NO. 386 Slier ANe66e.
631 ; etrevr . Ctq
/LEE SALE.-Large
&km. Cativa ofiddresi .
II Wsterstreet. • "Ig
w. GC-Wins -Kate az yeaselB. wed woks
Baddlesr num
raBoo4lBc '1.13.
fma.l7 F6 8 .,rM63
br raster% mmileere 001 el A At
" , . F4l
"VOIR BALE.= Tiruie • as
•ettlown and Tools; low,
•lquio at
ts. No. El;uoorjkl
!a, corer.of Nowa= so FTa -
S ;P4.1,4
"pint BALE.1.11.3011)litil . 11; ity
1 'TWO EWOD - ritatts. HOussw. mar hkopo
.., .4 tot
*Li No. 19, Hoyt.. street,. 31 . • . .. :
oeszvorth socaue... A U.. I Witt.
and. t.... - T.2. - 11.490 49.4 , • 9 ,1 ;.PL
We payments. Ell4alte oa tlet primto.:- , _•... 1
2,12.11 rat
VOR SAlM—i.steaavEngja_e
- I''lo br3o. Indoard Iva ithieorder.
tr n ati. alre r i:oo. IV * L . P . % "ft TWOnt
fill' BR' In Ora FU* T 'M ,m
Out aeen
IrVe h !,7 GI" (; ° *l, C rrliag
FOll. • SALE —Stetir Mgt Wit -
TOBEd..LiAeZAZID ciednifynras - .. -
erat•eleas 6 racer7, 6 • l •• • sr..d.b
~.041-pit- 1 4 ,
wade Mina "Wag wizard Ili ot h er MIS title . .
enereasonrermilli=. 0.71 V. L ruern 44Wat.
cral Meet., m.buttesn• • - •
F on RALE—Building Mate-
C! lb IZerlalsti;xtalnejf: aVI4 Stiga
la„te ilVdri4e4gll.4ll.N.
Suitt: T 0.... 71110 ed off a tow- the ! . !
211" t 4SY. Mginkstrib 6ffk4;l4.'
Chollot 10 at.ol. 04[441
VOW eiLLE-lIIDWELL i .47r.
PRUPUTY.—Lat. tatkfroin on litp.
.61 'treat, betwall Wes,gra =lave AiN.l rd•-
allinetllVAMTlVr r , TatSVanr
bTOLIOI , IMX/...tia or , UM
roams awl bath room.
-.61l auWerst
trogel=e g rell:!l " at4:4liBV: Era'
BIGUDWRCI2Io. lrnakili
Ngt , itat i plyi l at e 1141 . :0 , 4 , ; , 4, 3 4 , tat
1176. k vgb1"%__77,‘VI l atinVfler f aer
0UC11114151. 4f a *au e tiaialitou
rit ,/~l
seri 02: Melly Utast. rityrttypo
T'OR SALE. , --On Ohio:avenue
near Irwin. TWO. B lIRJR 110
nit lot 333 Oblo nvonne.- Tin, float AAoowbe
hu II
• Lao Rams.. Oat, and Water, welt o.
WW and• cosiDlstev with yard t. front... Vim
A.A. in the Mt. of same fronts on aRd fast
masons lieut. This
WeT ni stootid s ir p re
Auden Was to Dolt tht pnrohater.. Yorgontnr
Infonnatlon apply to W. P.:PRI 1a;
LAOS NALE.—Engines and Rea
.ll:l rucas 9n9 sad 13enond Iland,. of
Constantly on hand.
'-. . r
:10i r id thin all part+ of thiicatintif prun
"3"t". .
OffikirMrlOsATeiltoled-4, Y. W:llo.7Ctik
Alhibelar. 1"*. ' -
EMI , - 1 1/LLE....DWEILLING.ig.
-EL Mee 4ry. BRICK .DWiLlailfi.'l7o Inter aririnieN• aut..
ror Cl. 4 . 4 " := l u gsraire=2 " : I:4M
la all Um MOM nage ikklnuh. ar r di.T.
&Led ox tomer ut titvrs s•to we ink
yeattlauld. • Pe.mtor kvg:Lit. „ La
Arittup.a. a law..
r . ; jte.3l6./sartlm
1141111/ALL yourravitEAVlroi t
bi l 4 A l l ianitt r eagoltrlOZlAV
na ea le, Irbb nintg l art i5r14014 11 4
D Vgritelt i tt j'ax g" u
Nlbi ' 1 1 :700 ibian,r
4f' Vaikmi,
Ten: b Ibtertilt: B , et airti-941
Vtir*t "UV g'° YC,414144414W41P
•. ARIL -
. .