Ul littsintrit etapttt CITY AND BIIBIIBBAN• • Change of ease. ' The pram and °Blom of the Bally and Wieldy Gaiter= willies removed, from the 2011 to the hutt of March, from their old stand on Filth 'avenue to Mellor, Sour-atorled "Damn's Buildings," at the corner of fimlinlield street and Sixth menus, recently purchased by the pro. neteturs 'as a psrmauent home for the ()Louvre., Emits fur Sale. A good Rent* In Allegheny City will -be .old cheap to an energetic man. For html,e An.., call to-day at . the.tiAzrms omee. Slap; Callow had four asses before him yesterday morning• aka. Usdy SWIM& will lectors In Mtn burgh some time next week on ...oor Young Gin L" Rey ,W. D. Gregg, of Plttahorgh. been Installed pastor oK the "bird Re- Ibmtad Church of New York city. !!banal.—W. EL Carroll, Esq., ao so complished rresentative of the Boa. too ere( al Bulletin, laln the city. Yesterday was observed • day of Prayer fur eollseee and Befidnaries by the Presbyterian churches In this vicin ity. Frew present indications of (i.e wea ther weshosid sq "G. A." bu predicted trpibfNl7 when he informed 04 WO • 100 k out for snow. lest evening. leatertlay afternoon a runaway bone attachedt to a buggy collided on Sherman avenue with a coal wagon. The damage w alight The buggy contained no oc cupant at the time. She art gallery on Liberty street Is a SIICCOrm, and Is attended daily by large crowds. It will close In a couple of weeks, that the gallery may be put In tam tar. a grand exhibition In April. Dwelling Donee For Heat.—ln the t.For Rent" column of totlay's paper, wILL be fbond one of the tinsel dwelling hones In the city offered "For Rent.' To a good Tenant tide Is a rare opportu• nap Nary 0•111rlea made Owens before Al derman Herron, against John O'Brien. bar husband, atm alleging that said John attar whipping her in a brutal manner, struck her with a shoe. He was held for an appearance at Court. *mut Hunter, a brakeman on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. was killed at Liverpool, Ohio, at eight o'clock morning , having been caught =trost: Y the bumpers while coupling seam cam. He leaves a wife and three children. -Joins Emmet and .W. B. Nowell, rival hotel keepers In the Allegheny Dia mond, yesterday afternoon had a dispute which resulted In a knock down for Newell• The defeated man amused the amid of Ms opponent Newell, who wee fined 1U tad costa for dlaorderly conduct. A slight tire occurred last evening at BAX o'clock. in the frame building in the rear of H. Sturm" hardware store, situ ated on Penn street, between ThirtY . seoond and Thirty-third streets. The fire companies responded promptly. The Valwas slight. Originated from I e flue. Two prominent pawnbrokers - doing badness on Smithfield street have, we are hdbrised, been brought before the United States Commissioner and held kir a bearing to maga the charge of not having used.reirenue stamps on - their think books.' The penalty in this meta eft) dollars for each offence. Tba Grand Final tale. On the 11th of March next the admini strator% sale ot dry goods at J.W. Bark er-dr. lb.'s will close finally. on. and after that date the present 'firm will came to exist. The adminudadmi and proprietors are =done toeless out every yard of - goods in the establishment be fore that time if possible. In order to accomplish this they are willing to sell - every article at seventv.fivs vents on the dollar, or Oren law. Those who expect the sale to continue beyond the above date, will be disappointed. Bilks, cin ema. house keeping goods, every thing thing will be sold. The sale will not be postponed one day longer. Now is the time to get cheap goods. Many of them at half price. MX= The twenty-dye men and eighteen wo. men arrested' in the raid of which wo spoke yesterday, were discharged by His Honor, the Mayor, after a hearing yes• tarday morning.res we felt conlident he would do, unless there was moms other charge brought against them, othei than that of being present at the bill. "'Tfitia, it appears, is not the end of the matter, as we dud that Charles Manning, one of the victims. made information be fine Alderman O'Donnell, charging Geo. Hannan, the °Maly, who arrested him. with assault and battery. A. warrant was limed for the arrest of Hannan. Hunter, the proprietor of the House where Sheba wee heldi against whom them was an infinmation fur keeping a disorderly house, was, after a hearing, — held to ball for his appearance at Court. Pare: Impreverents. Ltd evening Allegheny Councils ap. purred the act granting the Park Com _mbeica'authority to purchase so much • of Seminary Hit., now owned by private parties, as might be needed for the im provement of that portion of the Park. For this purpose the Commission are empowered to brute Bonds, to the amount of 11100,000, which will extend the time of paying for the Park improvements ..111te years. although not Increasing the taxstlim. Thin improvement was not Lnoluded In the brat plan of the Park, bid the beauty and utility of the werk already done, has convinced all of the - greet advantage of making the addition. BeMinary HI% when adorned am content. .. plated,- will, be perhaps the most at. tracitve feature of thy Park. The Park la the work of a generation, and we are glad to ass that the importatoe of making . it complete Is so liberally recognized by the Councils, who thus exhibit their an cord with the people. The act wIU re. olive the adoption of the Legislature without doubt. ~. r=l Another meeting wu held yesterday afternoon In relation to the Monument I The Park Commission and4he Building Committee of the Association had a con femme In the City Building. The Own. mission again agreed to build the fiends . Con for the Monument, and contribute from a fund raised by Individual sub ecriptions the $5,000 promised. They asked two month's ttnle In which to do this after the spot fortfie foundation had been selected, guaranteeing In that time to bare their contract executed. It was also angeated that a new design be adopted, more suitable to the elevated site winch has been Chosen. Tne parties after their conference adjourned to Semi nary Hill and selected a elle Melba foun dation on the eastern ;obit, nearest lolderal street. The plans and specifi cations ars to be prepared ithasedistals, wbenthe work will be commenced and poabed forward. Sat the corner atone . may be laid on ration Day. The Mxscutrea Comm ittee of the desoaLstlon will bolds meeting to-montow afternoon In relation to the matter. P6l,llololllCal We are glad to hear the endortement Of the Dispatch aa to our opinion of Dr. Initeat roperior Atli as an organist, although he comes from the Eut. Our neighbor commits, however, a greet error In supposing that anybody would see in a brad forehead and broad tuck the Apes of monad genius. We agree oar-, tainly In considering • broad forehead as indicative of intellect, and the - ter - oat ma blear country most dialnt ten fitment:id stattur,Webiter the massive end Clay the slender, had in common this stomata:We align of dower--a broad auk. w he n thi c k . a low, prominent lip, when thick. wAlesh7 end hanging. denotes a sensuous, voluptuous temperer mad. But a thin, prominent lower lip lean unmistakable sign of decision and saingy. In repraenting the artist reedy So mama Wawa! with the vast and . complicated struct ure of an - orpni It was got Perhap s eat of plea to consider ' *mew he possessed, beside :nrusical nowieri= z rhyalcal qualities which would a success in the struggle between mad and mattar. If onrinllgh• ber bate at • picture of Bach, the organ let 111 .2= wham we had na.lis toDr.alitilrox's appear inse., ire our deigniptiou. will noknowledge that [t - con- Baas • M ALLEI3IIERI COIIISCILIO. P=EMM vitro et Committee sad Onliniineis— Ezteaslim et the Comma Greunils, and New City Charter. • regular semi-monthly meeting of the Select and Common Council of the city of Allegheny wait held yesterday (Thursday) evening, February2ithaB7o. Select Council. ' Members present-Mean. Callery. ilackenstine, Lang. Me raw, J. C. Patterson, A. Patterson Peterson, Eshle man, Riddle, Wetted:, Prealdent Mo- Brier and J. 11. Oxley,'Clerk. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read apd approved. • - PRTITIONS. Mr. Wettacb. apetition from the 611• sena of the Seventh ward f orW ater pipe on Winer street. Referred to tbe Com mittee on Water. Mr. Relneman, a petition for grading And plying igh street In the• Seventh ward. Refer H red ,to the Street Com. mitt**. Mr. A. Patterson, a petition asking that s pond in the Fifth ward be tilled up. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Riddle, a petition for a lettere' sewer in the Second Ward. Mr. Hall, a remonatranee against the sewer on Lincoln avenue. Also, a petition for • sewer on the east side of Beaver street, in the &mond ward. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Sewers. Also, a communication from James Bindings, setting forth that there was due him by the City of Allegheny over f 13,000 for grading and paving Ridge street, and asking for some relief. Re. ferred to the Finance Committee, with Instructions to investigate the facts, and with power to act in the premise*. Also,. • remonstrance against the gra. ding and paving of Pasture Lane. Refer. red to the letreetijommittee. Mr. J. C. Patterson ; A petition for the lending and paving of Whig alley. Re ferred to Street Committee. Mr. Peterson: A. remonstrance against the view of Sedgwick street, and asking for the repeal of the ordinance widening Main street. Referred to the Street Com. lanMee- The President read • communication from Mears. Grothenthaler tr. Remote, setting forth that they propose° to .tart I a "ehindry." • place for working up dead animals, two miles below Temper , anoeville, where they proposed to work all "cadavers" into glue and fertilizers, and asking that the Councils grant them the exclusive privilege of removing all dead animals from the streets of the city. Referred to the Pollee Committee in conlunction with the City Solicitor. Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Street Committee. presented the report of the Committee, covering several ordinances for grading streets and for a malts sewer on Beaver avenue. The report was accepted. . Ordinances for grading Vista street, Nixon street, Adams street and Frader's alley was passed finally under a =man sion of the rules. The ordinance providing for the con struction of a sewer on Beaver avenue was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Hall was referred beck to the Committee. Mr. Patterson also presented a profile of grade of Loinbard street. which was approved. • Also a profile of grade of Feeble street, Stanton avenue, and of Willis and Mary streets; also of change of erode on Galls her street. The profiles were approved. Also report of viewers on the opening of Fulton street, which was disposed of In the usual way. Also • draft of an act of Assembly pro viding for the opening of Federal street from Its present terminus to the Perry!. stile Plank Road in McClure township. On motion of Mr. Long the proposed act was referred to the Committee on Surveys in connection with the City So. Bettor, with instructions to have it printed. • I Mr. Patterson presented a coMmunica. thin from the Park Commission trans mitting a proposed Act of Assembly, providing for the -extension of the City . Park. 'so at to include the property owned by the city and such other prop arty as the Park Commiwdon may desire - in the Public .Park, and that the Park Commission be orivd te expend an additional 4100,000. Mr. Hall moved that the act be go ' proved and the clerks of Councils be directed to certify the, sante to the Sen ate and House of Representatives. Mr. A. Patterson opposed the set and moved that it be laid over and printed. The motion was lost. ' The question then recurred on the ma , lion of Mr. Hall. Mr. A. Patterson called for the yes* and rays, when the motion was adopted. Messrs. Huckenstein, A. Patterson and Peterson voting in the negative. Mr. Bucket:stein presented a petition for a board walk In the Seventh ward. Referred to the Street Committee. Mr. Callary presented • resolution in , etrncting the Committee on City Prop erty to examine and report the cost of the construction of a house on the basin lot for an engine house for the Ellsworth Hose Company. • Mr. Riddle moved to amend by requir ing the Committee to report plane. Mr. linckenstein moved to refer the Metter to the Committee On Fire En gines end Hose. Mr. Riddle amended by referring the matter to the Committee on City Prop arty. with Instructions to report : plans and mat of a frame building. The amendment of Mr. Riddle wax adopted. Mr. .Long: a petition for gas lamp on School and Robinson streets. Referred to the Gas Committee. Also a petition for street crossings on Federal Steeet. Referred to the Streit% Oommittee. Council adjourned. ~ - - - Common Connell President Warner called. We branch to order at half put IIeTCM o'clock, the following members being present: Items. Ashworth; Brown, Brehm, Condos, Daisall. Gilmore, Henna, Hun ker. ELasttrigs, Herchenmether. Mont, Rowbcdtmn, Seidl°, Taggart, Thompson, Voestly and President War ner. The minutes bT the preceding regular and specdal meetings were read and ap. prove& VAfliOt PKTITIO3II. Mr. Voegtly presented a petition from Mr. John Sloan of the Third ward, war. lag for some action looking toward lg. relief from the damage done by the water from a oprlng on the Perrysville plank road, which constantly flo od ed him premises. Referred to the Committee on Streets. • - Mr. Amiworth, a petition for the grad ing and paving of Pastore lane. Re. tarred to Committee on Street& Mr. Thompson presented a communi: cation frau the proprietors •of the Atte. gheny Daily Repub lic , asking that the Journal be designated the °Metal paper of the city and setting forth at length Its datum Referred to thei_Oo . maattee on City . Printing. - A .4108E111:4112117 • . Mr. &Idle protonfed a communication from Jos. Gotenhelier, of Temperance. Olio, setting forth that he contemplated eats fishing oschlnderey," and would aagree to remove all dead *Dinah, "from tap dog to an elephant," from the streets, free of charge, provlded,p3un... Cita would pass an -- ordinance giving him the excltutive right to this trade. Also. agreeing to employ a- force of "dog catchers" to rid the street of the csurines during the bested term, are., &a. Re ferred to the Committee on Ordinances. Mr. Taggart, a sagionstranee sgatost the opening of Monterey street, Second ward. Referred to the Commtttee on Streets. NEW OAS POWEIA Mr. Howbottom presented the report' of the Gas Committee recommendime the rection of gee lamps at the corner of Park ind Sturgeon streets; on Lincoln avenue bawler, Rope alley and Grant. avenue, and four lamps on Hamilton street. The report was received and the recommendations adopted. Tll2 CITY CODE. Mr. Cowley, fmm'the Committee on Ordinances, presented a report recom• mending the following changes: In relation to the terms of city officers, strike out "they shall be elected anon. ally" and add section giving Councils the power to fix by ordinance ' provided the terms do not exceed three year! and be not lea than ons,year. Also, changing the act relative to Poor Directors, so as to glue the Board power to till vacancies. provided always that none but a qualified elector -shall be chosen from the ward in which the ye canny occurs. •• The Committee also deemed It advise• ble to add chapter "Pour" to the City Code, embracing the general duties of any officers, which had been under con. ;adoration previously, but not reported. Mr. McNeill moved theadoption of the report. Mr. Warner (Mr. McNeill la the chair) spoke against the adoption of the report, on the ground that it conveyed upon Councils an unwarrantable power —Met if continuing in omof city °Metals for three years, which was two years longer than the members of one branch of Connell* held elllce themselvea. Be thought one Council Amid not burtkett its successor with any - such action. V. It was altogether ii • stretah of power,, though it might be granted by theleg. islatareg .The .PresVut Plan eon elbetlene - answered every purpose , w very sad he saw no tassel' gr. Hanna Moral the adoptkin of the report. When good men were chosen it would be better to have them continued to ognml.kciug they were poor officers any Cott could' throw them ant. He thought the change would do away with the agitation at each .aanual eters tion and. result in securing better &n -oon, One Council often transacted busi ness which Its successor was bound to finish. He didn't see why it might not be the same in this case. • After some further discussion by Mews. Warner and Hanna, a vote was taken on the adoption of the report, the yeas and nays being called, resulting in Su adoption—yeas 11, as 7. NOSE ?animist,. Mr. Rowtottom presented a petition from W. W. Brown, asking that the 'paving of Frazier's alley be postponed unlit a petition was presented to Coun cil i for the same. Referred to Commit tee on Streets. rI.ILAILATIT VALLEY ItAILW,kr. Mr:Heating' presented the fo llowing: I Whereas, Inasmuch as there is now bill before the -Legislature to grant the , Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway the I right to extend their line to Pittsburgh: therefor*. Resolved, That our Senators and Rep resentatives to the Legislature be and I they are hereby requested to use all their , influence to procure the passage of said act, as it wilt be a public benefit to the citizens of Allegheny and Pittsburgh. and for. the defeat of which we will hold them accountable. - Mr. Hanna was opposed to City Coun cils mixing in any fight of acorPeratlen. He thought the city had no particular interest in the matter and our Represen tatives should not be instructed how to vote on any bushiest outside of a city matter. • Mr. Hastings said he thought this road was a matter of benefit to a large portion of the city, and he thought Councils should takecongnisanos of the matter. He knew iomething of the case and bow it had been defeated thus far, and he wished to inform our Representatives in the Legislature that if such a matter of vital interest to the city fatted, it would be known where the fault lay. -Mr. McNeill thought this railroad should be completed, and thrall was just such a matter as should recetvethe atten tion of Councils. It interested the MU rens, and should be urged forward. Mr. Henna did not believe in being drawn Into a fight only interesting to a corporation. Councils had done all In their power when giving the company the right of way through the city. He thought their power stopped there. The yeas and nays were called on the passage of the resolution, resulting in its approval by vote 0f..13 yeas to 5 nays. - - = The President read a gammons com manding the Mayor, aldermen and cid rens of Allegheny city to appear before the Blatt'let Court on the *het Monday of March, 1870, to answer David Bo i y . 4 . and William Boyd on a plea of tree on the use. [This has reference to the negotiation In relation to the pnrchue of the Boyd farm for a Poor Farm, the Molars. Boyd contending that their property was pur chased by Conncils.l Mr.liggart preionted a petition salting for the grading and paving of Irwin avenue. Referred to the Committee on Streets.. Select Grinnell business was then acted upon and concurrences bad in alt. Mr. Brehm offered a revolution In structing the City Engineer to establish the grade on Rod street, from the old line to the city line. Adopted. • Adjourned. . - The City Railroad !Inking Fund• An intermting Explanatory Card from Uon. Rowell Erroll. MESSRS EDITORS I—AnA/11( . 1a appoared the Dispatch of Teratlay, relative to and sot passed In MS, creating a trust composed or Menem Phillips, McAuley, Hardman, Brown and Steel, to bold one hundred and thirty•tbree compromise. . . Railroad bonds. leaned by the City of Piltsbusgh.and to apply the accernulatiog Interest thereon to the purchase of other similar bonds until the whole issue is abwarbed. M I Introduced this bill into .03 0 Hen' ste, in 18438„ and wee Instrumental in it. paaaiire, and as I um familiar with the Mete which led to lle pastage„l feel it due to the gentlemen zoned as Trustees In this bill, to state tEe facts, in order that they may be relieved from any mincers. bonbon to which the article In the Da patch may possibly give rise. When the city of Pittaburgb got Into trouble about its R4iITOSCi bonds, rouse. ouent upon the failure of the Railroad companies In whose favor they were Issu ed to pay the interest thereon, (in 1857.) the tint effort of the bondholders, after obtaining judgment against the city for the unpaid interest, was directed to levy ing upon and welling the stock which the city held in these roads. Thecity was at that time a stockholder in the Fort Wayne and Chicago wad totho extent of gbito,ooo; Allegheny Valley, P 400,000; Connelleville, g 500,000 ; Steubenville, $550,000; Chartlere Valley, 1150,000 —in all :1;000.000. • When the stock was thus pat up for gala, it was sold f,r it mere song, and went into the hands of a very few persons. — the city not being able either to buy it, .or provide for its pur chase by others in its behalf. In fact, the roads being thou unfinished, the stock was regarded as nearly valueless. Meows. McAuley and Phillips, two of the Trustees named in the MI, which is the waking of the article In the Dispatch, and both, at tint time as now, rutrubora of Councils, with their'. own means, be It understood, got P3MeltSlolll of a por tion of these stocks; and, RS the lit.. igation against the city progressed, by a timely throwing of themselves between the city and other purchasers of the clock, and bondholders who were =ink he were enabled, in the compro mise that wax finally effected, to obtain fro& those who were pressing the city • release of hOnds In exchange for the pro ceeds of the sale of the stock held by them. This stock had, by the time this settlement was effected, appreciated con 'Morality, which - will account for the comparatively large price they were thus finally enabled to obtain. . The purchase or procureMent of these bonds had not, be it remembered, ant ' the city one cent. The gentlemen I named used their own means, each'. sively for the original purchase of the stock with which they were enabled to mate this arrangement. They were not acting for the city, nett In its name, nor by its authority, but as individuals. They would, consequently, have been i Perfectly justifiable In holding on to the bonds se their own personal property, if they had . chosen to do Do, and to alidn. tents and purposes these bonds were, and are, their persons" property, annuch so es any other bonds purchased and owned by them to their individual ca pacity. But these two large hearted and noble men did not so Otlooll6. They did not desire to derive any personal benefit from the transaction, but to transfer all the advantage to the city. How bast to do this was the question. If they gave the benefit to the oily at once, It simply wthed out that much of Its Indebtednen, and the annual interest thereon, without contributing to the extinction of what would then remain of the city's railroad debt; and If they held on to it, adding the annual Interest to therprinci pal, with the purpose of finally giving the bonds thus redeemed to the city, they run all the risks and uncertainties which the death of either, or unforeseen financial contingencies, might create. Moder these circumstances they con ceived the ides of creatleg a trust Witold three bonds and apply the annual inter• eat to the purchase of other bond until the whole tease of railroad bond. was absorbed, and then hind over the total to the city, thus paying off the entire principal of the railroad lodetdedness of the city, without any other cost to the city than the annual payment of the In tenet thereon. For this purpose the act In question was drawn upend passed; ana the trustees hold the bonds acquired through the foresight and spimerealtY Of these men, for the ultimate benefit of the city. They are not the personal property of the trustees; cannot be made use of by them without, • violation of the trust; are not liable for their Individual debts; but are held solely and exclusively for the purposes named In the bill, and In Its preamble, vbir the ultimate extinction of the city's railroad Indebtedness. These bonds do not now and never did be loni to t city, o m fth city babeen used their purchase, and Qua hsa no ageorcotolthetrtials,aha have aid,aniivawilbetion:ftrth. ultimate benefit of the city, and the do nors alone have the right to direct Its management. The editors of the DivareA were not, I ern sure, acquainted with these facto, or they would not have commented en this bill as they have dons; Midi feel equally. mire I - Would bederellet In my duty RI did not make them pnbllm in order to place the:gentlemeo above-named right before the tionimimity.., Busest.b Eungrr. Orders freer the country receive prompt attention' -at the' Oregon Brewery. Mean. Pier, Danner; a Co. chip their cream ale without delay, and guarantee every barrel that leaves their artablish meat. - . advtaonr readers wnottre &Wogs of obtaining hard Were anti other geode at cost to go. to. .Btapra, 144 sudtbriald atrtieti who - will continue Mx very cheap sales only* few weeks longer. V URGH DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1870 THE COM& Crafted States Cours—.ladgeiartutrielt Tnvmanev, uibroar7 24.—The ease of Rsbenstein vs Pittsburgh Farmers & hied:Lanka • Tait:Tito Road Co., pee- Timm& reporttd, wu resumed and con cluded. The next cue taken up was that of Simpson vs. Gilmore, an action to re cover monpf in the hands of the receiver of the firm of Simpson, Gilmore RCS. It appears that some three years since the firm or Simpson, Gilmore &Co. dis solved partnership. and after disposing of the real estate and stook on hand and settling partnership account*, entered Into an article of agreement for the set tlement of the book &commis of the firm by appointing a receiver, who should re• celve the aoconnts, not. Ate., of said firm, and after settlement divide the balance remaining in his hands equally between the three partners. Mr. Gil more, it appears, was desigasted u re ceiver, and about a year afterward ren dered an account, showing a balance of 16,467 46 in his hands after the settle. ment of accounts and the payment of the debts of the firm, which still remains fn his hands, one-third of which Is due to the plaintiff and remains unpaid. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR PEIDET- G 4 Rees va Morrow. 145 Lewis vs Johnston, et nx. 112 Jacoby vs Schoen and Laurent. 176 Brown, for use, vs owner of steam boat "Reindeer.", 178 Kennedy vs Errett, Anderson I Co. - 178 CratB vs Birch. 184 Graham vs Fisher. • 185 Johnson's ex'ra vs Rodgers, et al. 187 Elliott vs Ball. . Sta Reinsanhauser vs Keep, et al. • Common Pleas—Fall Beach TILUESIDLT. Feb. 24.—The first cue taken up was that of the First National Dank of Clarion vs. Duff & Ewing; action on a.Promiaeory note. The defendants purchased from Lingers & Livingston a coat load of lumber, for which they gave a note at four mmittes,lbr 1147L76, which note passed into the hands. of the plain- title to this case. The lumber, it ta al leged by defendants, was warranted to be No. 1 clear stuff, and when delivered It proved to be of an inferior . 4ualtty, and they claimed a Pet off of over 1100 against said note. The note, it appeared, was not paid when it fell due, and was renewed by the bank, and when it fell due again payment was refused,' where upon this suit was brought. The cue was submitted on statement of counsel, and the Jury found for the plaintiff in the suns of 0514.14. The next case taken up was that o Cover vs. - Strlght. action on a promissory note. Plaintiff it appears was the pat entee of a rat trap, the right of which for Allegheny county was purchased by the defendant, for which he gave his note to payment for NA The plaintiff. it .Is alleged, stated to the defendant .at the time of the sale that the trap would sell readily for two dollars, and was a "big Ming,. and that defendant shoul¬ lose anything If he purchased the fled. , W hen the note fell due defendant rammed to lift it, an the gumnd that the trap was not what it had been represented and was a failure. On triaL In the case of Collins vs. Rhea, previ. onely reported, the Jury found for the plaintiff in the gum of $51.91. _ • TRIAL LIMIT FOR FRIDAY. 213. Aul vs. Itolandor. 3. Amerlean Iron Mountain Company vs. O'Connor. 5. Groward vs. Allegheny City. 19. Ball vs. Pittsburgh and . Cannella. villa Railroad 24. Horn ve. Abbott. 36. Henderson vet. Allegheny Valey Railroad 03. 65. Finney vs. BOWII. 67. Palter vs. Taylor. 14. Tannehill at al. vs. Pfaff. 81 Smith vs. Howard. 65. Hewitt Ti. Allegheny Insurance Co. ltte Cost of Cheap Lodgings Wednesday evening Mr. George Sala. man, a wealthy farmer residing in West moreland county, haying mold a lot o f °stile it East Liberty, went to a hotel to obtain lodgings . for, the night, but on . ascertaining from' the _clerk that the I lodging. would cost him fifty cents, he refried to stay, and concluded to come to the city, where he said ho could ob. Lain a night's lodging for twenty.five cents. lie- came In on the emigrant train and unfortunately for him the twenty five - rent house was domed and he failed •to get In. lie then went to a saloon In the Diamond, when he found four men playing cards, and as there was a good fire in the wove and several vacant chairs be resolval to spend the' night there and save the quarter. At an early hour in the morning he started to leave the saloon whereupon the men who were nlaying.rards insisted on him remaining and taking a drink with them, which be consented to do se be would not have to pay for the liquor. While he was stand• leg at the counter drinking, a couple of his new friends caught him and held him while the others took his pocket book containing three dollars from Me pocket. He had In the Inner pocket fly* dollars Ina - roll, which the thieves. lo their hurry, missed. As soon the pocket book hod been secured, the party tied. leaving him minus the three dollars. Mr. Salzman reported at the Mayor's office, and stated his troubles, but being unable to give an accurate desription of the men who had robbed him. of course nothing could be done for him. Had he been content to atop at a respectable house, and pay a respectable price for bta lodgings, hewould have fared better. lie left the city a sadder If nut a wiser man. The Organ Concerti. The third of the series of de• lightful convects at the Third Pres. byterfan Church, under the di recticrne of Pref.Willoox, the celebrated organist. of Boston took place last even ing before a large and refined audience. We are pleased to announce) that POOL W. has commuted to give one more grand entertainment—the last in the - city—for the joint benefit of the young Many Mercantile Library Amodatlon • arid the Young Men's Christian AIIIOCIatIOD, the entire proceeds of which wlll be equally divided between the two Associations. Ticket for this concert are for sale at the music store of Mellor it Hoene, No. 53 Fifth avenue. Adms*lon 50 cents, re served Mats 75 cents. The- following card explains Itself BEZEZZI By very generous action of the Board of Trustees of the Third Presbyterian Church, and by the unasked kindueen of Prof.Willcos, there will be an organ con, ' cart for the benefit of onr maw:fattens this evening By suggestionof Prof. Willcox, whose services are matiChindly tendered, the entire proool4lll will he devoted to the Young ?dente Mercantile. Library and the young ?den's ChtlatianAssociationa. In our official capacity we would hare by make acknowledgment of oar in debtedness to these kind friends, and tender our thanks for this token of pub lic interest In the welfare of these association& 4. 11 ; upthrix. .Preeldent M. Lthrery.neeoelation. B. IL Poems.. President Y. 8.. Christian Association. Man Shot.—Dhappearaace of • Police. Monday evening a policeman on duty in the El aventeenth ward, while patrol ling hie beat, was insulted by one Ma) Intoxicated fellows whom he met. e immediately put one of them under arrest; and while proceeding toward the lockup the chap broke away and ran. The officer. tired three !theta alter him, one of which took effect in the fu gitive's back and brought him to a halt. Upon examination it was found that he was severely, Si though not den. erotutly wounded. nce then he has bean confined to his bed under medical treatment. The matter was kept quiet until yesterday, when the °Motor sud denly disappeszod., lila unifOrm was subsequently received, with a note stat ing 66 had been called to West Virginia to visit a sick father. It is thought he became alarmed and his cleared out for gond. Hie victim, though severely, la not dangerously wounded, and in all probability will recover. The affair, slime it became known, has creatod con eldesable excitement. Leopold, - flirt • kivlng punished. no email quantity of "benzine" on yesterday, Indulged In a hist drive . on the hose carriage of e Lawrence Ore company, of which L eh a member, much to the consternation - of persons on the street,. and to the disgust of ono Danlel Vogel, a member of the Sarno company, who interfered with Leopold'a fiat driving. Daniel 1 r" forthwith made th e object of out DAD. stet' friend's wrath, and be administered to him a sound thrashing aqd Paned 0 ... ° enjoying the luxury of a fast drice, now: be bad fully satisfied himself. At such times the proper authorities brought before Deputy Mayor Nichols, when Dewy Smith made a charge of dietedirly. conduct, 'Daniel Vogel for Moult and battery, and a third party held cruelty to Animas. Leopold wee held Or I hearing. 4 .. O3FESSION A Strange Mari. - -A Voice frost - JIM— A Crime Confessed—km.4loMM,o i be Matte. A day or two ago Chief Hague received a letter from a constable In Schuylkill county, statingituit Michael Turley alias Buffer Bunn had been arrested and lodged In jail at, theplace. While in n il amended he had made a confession t the effect that In June, 1869, lut had am - dared a man by drowning near Te - peratustyllie, la this county. The 'two were coal miners and had a quarrel, so Michael States, which resulted In his throwing thebther in the river. By an examination of the 03roner's books It appears that two inquests were held dur ing that mouth upon the bodies of un known men found In the Ohlo river at different times, below Temperanoevllle, which gives a shade of truth to the con fession. Chief Hague professes to know all about it. He says the man was stabbed and not drowned, and that a poise of three hundred dollars was raised as • rewind for the apprehension of the mprderer. The money was afterward given to some be nevolent selerDrise. This statement however la not corroborated by the con.. fission or by any other evidence outside of the Chief's recollection. It la possible there is some truth in the story. It is hardly probable a man er,iUld confess such a crime unless matity:7'The matter, however, will be Investigated. Arrange. mean have been made and Michael will be brought on es soon as possible. What It Is to be Popular. Quite slugs company; comprising tne members and friends of Liberty street Methodist Episcopal Church, met at the residence of the pastor of this Church, Ear. W. E. Locke, A. M., lut evening; and took possession of the house from cellar to reef, for purposes thatvrill ap• pear hereafter. By the time eight o'clock had arrived, the spacious parsonage was crowded with happy people. Very soon • the special object of the gathering became manifest by the display of an elegant easier tea service, consisting of a large coffee urn and_ five other pieces to match. The set is a au , perlo one, e.egantly and elaborately chased, and' the open vessels heavily gold plated. Each piece Is - appropriately lettered—the coder) urn having Inscribed those words: "Presented to - Mrs. Rey: W. H. Locke by her Friends of Liberty Street M. E. Church, 1870." The cost of this magnificent preseht was. about one I hundred dollars. The gift Wax presented to Mrs. Locke by Foy. H. Nesbit, senior editor of the Pittsburgh Christian 'Advocate. In his usual felicitous manner, in words appropriate and worthy of the joyous I occasion. Unfortunately we are unable to reproduce the 'peach, but were Aorta- nate enough to be able to give the nub. I stance of the reply of Rey. W. 11. Kincaid, who received the testimonial on behalf of Mrs. Locke. He wild: / am very happy to receive this el.. gent silver tea service on behalf of Mrs. Locke. No better evidence of apprecia tion and worth could be given than by ' this testimonial. It is ornamental as well se practical in Its character, and ma souvenler that will often awaken hereof- 1, ter pleasant memories in the family cir cle, and also be admired by friends who I shll gather around the social board. 1, Long will the delightful associations of 1 this hour be treasured up in oar hearts, and long will tho pleasant- relations to our charge be remembered. It la a gift eminently proper and serves well to per petuate the agreeable relations an hoop'. ly begun nearly three years ago, and we trust, never to be sundered In the annals of time. It alas happily Illustrates the nice discriminating judgment of the fair oars, who are the honored almoners of this superb gift. Please accept for Mrs. Locke her homily thanks for this gift, and her best wishes for the welfare and hap piness of you all. At the close of the presentation It was announced on behalf oar excellent friend, Joseph Shallenberger, Ern , that the gentlemen friends of Rey. Mr. Locke' ' had presented him with an elegant tint. , claw cloth snit: and eater testimonials of regard, to the value, it is expected, of full one hundred dolma. The spacious supper room was then thrown open for the guests, and two or , 1 three hundred enjoyed the rich repeat, as abundant in quantity 'se varied in quality. i It was fully demonstrated teat anLaffair of thin kind could be madcruf the moot enjoyable char acter, without the • use of wino and I spirituous liquors. Hours pawed before the large company bad ceased to discuss the luxuries of the bountiful bawd. Vorsd and imernmentel music and social conversation helped to beguile time away, and towards midnight the guests surrendered the parsonage to the inn:stria thereof. We noticed among the Invited guests K. Johnson of the Christkm Advocate Rey. W.W.Roup, Prof. Goff, of the Western iLliveralty, , Edwid Ileasleton, Kay., and -other well known chives,: The ladles In charge of the aurprise visit, deserve to be named, Mat we fermisr to give their names, but if any one wishes to learn hoWto manage t an dale of this kind In a skillful min i. oar, ate would advise them to ascertain a. the names of these fair ones. in - Meal Estate Transfers. The following deeds - were admitted of record in the Milos of Thos. H. Hunter, Recorder for Allegheny nounty;Wednes. ' day, February W.. 1870: Jacobs/ 1 1111mM to Saha Wllatomott..Fett. MO lot PZI by. 1111 It. on Laurel a ccccc , totwashla axe Joololk Carolhero U 1 1101,1. pa rc hdo, Feb. 111111; 184 pore.. t'y s I.Versant. towashtp illsabetb Malty to Jame. Ycllegroy, Too. It, 111701 lot 51 t 7 too ft. 0a110111141177 street, 1 . ..1000 ward ritt.torit. .4403 Jaw.. Hoar to 11 ens y Lats. May I. Ms los V) t :al ft. la IfeC.u,. towaitttlp 41050 Ito nt. J. Davis to wrilmr 11. Bmytite. 41. 11, =ls tot VIP) 100 n. 011 L 84000 0 147404 4111.. Pattertots to James Loan.. LAptllll4, 110; has lot 73 by 140 ft. 00 130/tlet. Uri at. J.114(04 , 17 11101 TM, 1re:..1,16. 1.77010 1101..7, On i ra ' areirrilliro j t . V.L l a , boo; r. I. Itannewatl to R. donut:L.2'M. 1111. $ 11g lothy 200 ft. on ten* eeeeee Mtn ward, Pltteburgh $1 110 Thos. Mellon Mt Mary Jan* Lynn, Feb.:, 1070 lot 23 by 130 71. la Dreglits ..... MAO Chu. Andorran to Vat allabon Aug. let: lot In by 'WM., on Moat 111. South elltabitob 4150 Wm. V. need to tlamb V. Mare et al. Dee. D. =tuns 12 Out lavergp John Wat. to tharine C. DUOOIIOII, 001. OW: tote l i p and 11. WtightO plan, Igltt tn. 617 0 L. On to Leal, .If.tosobllne toe. 11. 11100, .01 1010 OS .on 1100108 w , loglient e11y45.0n Jas. K. Mellon to Morten ntratnon• et , 2 . irt tot 10011.. au Mlghjand ayeeee.l2.4l.. Pltoboran ' NCO That II Maple to Sawa. '. uttons". t /M: lot M., In Meplg Moab lowa Colr town.blp- tr 3 K. K. .00040010 ThottuotAltilloti, 10. WO: lot 112 to IGO ft.. In the 7•4, ritMborit , " • loalkairms. Some day twenty mortatme Wore 01,4 . .1 .0- _ Lies Inetranee. • _ 0171011 OF Till( CO-OPNRATTVE LII/DlssunAlme Co. Orr Parfell i 2 Smithfield squat, rittsburgh. 40P% the V.lre Agent} of 444 pity there ire 'many go/Almon who would worn to misrepresent this or any other competing comParrY.; Rut there are cer tain other unscrupulous parties who daily betray their friends, and the 'unwary public, Into accepting leas desirable forms of insurance by deliberate false hoods in regard to the business of this Company. to detect and It is Impossible, tangly, 'expose these riamilities. I, therefore, propose the following plan by Wadi any one on whom this .contidenee game" is attempted can certainly avoid being vie , timised: Whenever anyone tension that, ours is an unsound scheme of insurance, sad that his company la the beat: dm., ask him to come with you to the oMoe of the "Co operative" and make a fair corn-, presort of the two. If he boilers' his own words be will be glad of 00 good an opportunity Jo expose our weakness; if he declines the otter te confesses to an intended fraud: A. PArreasoe, • Secretary. CO Oar genial friend 001. Jas. Bleakley, of Franklin, has just consummated the nurchase-of the old oatabliabed banking house of Mr. 1). C. Strawbridge, at Sharon, Pa., and will hereafter conduct the businve under. the flnxi name and style of Jame. ineaatley, Son St Co. thlonel S. win continue to conduct the popular International Bank of Franklin, while his on, late cashier of the last nettled institution, and Major McDowell, will conduct the affairs of the Sharon Bank. We are tors that the latter bank will receive a continuance of that large patronage which has been hitherto dl. toned towards it, . for its management under the present auspices must be cred itable and successful. For Xashionable halr.Oreming, plain or by curling, and a frimale, fora lugusiona shave or bath, and -for skillftl dhpplag and leeching, M WilltammOn's c- Qan maloon at No. 190- Federal /street, —The Preeldentior three freight Hoes leading from Lontsville have alfreed,to reduction from GO to 50 cents on fourth elms and fart freight,. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Spotted fever and meningitis prevail at Mobile. —Hopes are still entertained of tne safety of the City of Boetcei. --Another large New Stork liquor ea tablishment, that of Flatus and 'Slyer', hie been seized by the revenue alto:ors. —'- - Outrazes upon Chinamen are fre quent In Ban Frenetic°, and several per sons have been Injured In attempting to aftbrd protection. —Presidents of New York-city insur ance' oompsnles, have been notified to report before the Inenrance Committee of the State Legislature. —A. portion of the roof-of the Old Bed_ mines at Moriale, N. Y., fell in on Wed nesday- and killed two miners named Martin and Lynch, who were crushed under 300 tons of ore. —A lire at Galveston, Texas, Wednas. day night,destroyed a block of buildings on the north side of the strand, of little value but tilled with large Mocks of good'. The _loss is estimated at 11.000.000. —At Lonistille. the July in the libel suit of Mrs. Mary Evans vs. the Courier Journal, returned a verdict for the plain. tiff, assessing her damages at WOO. She sued for 80.080 dollars. The offense con sisted In the application of the word "Bawdy House," to plaintiffs establish. meat. —A. dispatch from San Francium anodes "another glorious rain" prevailed Wed nesday night, making a total of fifteen Inches for the aeuon. Abundant crops are almost certainly soured. The peo ple of the Southern portion of California are jubilant over the improved pros pects. —.John Dean, an old river pilot, was attacked at a late hour Monday night at Chin, JILL, brutally beaten and thrown from a high aide walk, breaking his thigh and arms. He was taken to, the Sisters' Hospital, where he died from his Injuries Wednesday night. The cause of he attack Is unknown, aa-he was not ebbed. No clue to the perpetrator.. • Rumors were circulated In Jersey city on Wednesday that some notable changes were taking place, or were to take place, among the Erie Railway of ficials. Upon inquiry It la ucertained that intimations have been given from the headquarters of the Company on Twenty.thlrd street, showing that the resignation of Bucker le being consid ered, and leading to the belief also that other sweeping changes are to be made. —Brown Wallace and Roland McDon ald, Canadians, who fled from Winnepeg to escape the .wrath of Mall, the lemur. gent leader, have arrived at St. Paul, Minn., having reached Fort Williams, on Lake Superior, by traveling with snow shoes, from which place they made their way to Duluth, 111,10 on foot. and thence to St, rani by stage and railroad. Their emergency from exile by this pe culiar route, most of which is a howling wilderness, at this season, is somewhat remarkable. —ln August next a third visit Is to be made to this country by the profeuional English cricket players, who are repro. 'tented to be far - superior to the elevens that have preceded them here. These men, according to their agent, are not coming here upon a venture, but have been pledged a large sum of money, a portion of which will be paid to them be. fore they leave England. Twelve men will be brought on, among them Captain E. Wileshire, the same who accompanied the late eleven. ' —The project of the removal of the capital of Wisconatu 1. being agitated. The Board of Supervisors of Milwaukee have adopted this resolution: - ...Rissolvfal, That we do hereby donate to the State of Wisonusin the tree use of the extensive county building now In proems of erection for the various uses of the State Government, to be re, modeled in its Internal arrangements and to be ready for occupancy at the next session of the Legislature, provided that the seat of government of the State shall be permanently established at, =wan- . Additional Starkela by Telegraph. BOIMALO, Feb. 24.—Cattle; receipts , 1,450 head; market active and extra 14e lower; other clown without quotable change; kale* 1,000 bead at Slio for premium. 7taitc for extra, 7iple7lie for good, ISN,Q)7%c fbr falr. and 5,4(44,tic for poor to medium.. Bogs; .reoeipta light and demand good. Sheep run moderate; quiet sod firm at last week's prices. . Naw Oar.s.aus, February 24.—Cotton: receipts 2,001 bales; exports 0,906 bales: sales 4,000 bales; market nominal, with sales at 2214%230. Flour unchanged. Corn scarce: calve at 11,20(4,1,22%. Oita Pork eaaler, Atitti males at iVkb 29.25. Sugar dull with stains prime at irkshinlanaea quiet at 78(410a. Col Toe: fair 1.5%0113qc and prima 17%(417.4e. KtOWII-4111 Tonday, February 11514. ht la nlelock r• as eltalth MCCOWN. la tha 71st year of el, age. Funeral will take pile, of 7•10.1.1'110allilla, at li!‘a . elock, from Ole late real It act. Perry et le. to proceed tan. Mary's Cemetery. Funer al arr•lce. 15t.'lletarl• Mulch, Allegheny. at 1* D. /nen* of the family ars respectfully In vited. DAVIE—Oa Wednesday. Teti. 93d. at 9 divided CIARAM Z., *lf. of 'lender sou 9- Davis. rotten! THIS ATTLIIIOOX, LL Ilo`doet, fto • the Welly realdenee. No. 79 tn.retrelt. A tegbo■7 &E.ll J CEARTRLAXLEB AN PEEBLES D LIVERY STARLY4 tome , al SAN DEPIKY 6211.117 AND CliUltyl •VNNUL Allegherar Clty, when tleolt (;01 . 71.1 RtIIIMS am constantly'applied with real sad Imitation limeerood, Wears...l- aad Walasl Vona., at fideca varyla4 from 14 to 4104. Be. din prepared tartar/resat. Beams and eIJ• daces frinbliedl Lad s all Den of Yourellaa Hoods. If nvalred. OGiee eltea ma lep.a. aad Welt. JOSEPH DIETER k SON, 117NIMEONLIEMILS, .tlairliages far Iftmenils Furnished 001171,111 aad all naafi razalslizatat at daaml rates. met FL MOUE CO 7 a L. D. DUMMETT, (Lste of Liberty street..) H. ss-cclsted Mr. DAVID N. PITVIIIIIONS with him 10 business. mud 'skim tho stew or.d commodious moscroom No. 04 Wood Street, When the near etm Wul (feeder the teeentse tote arta uk• at me lowest youth. palate Pure American CorKlionary L. D. poem/Mr :e, co. ft7.1i.41 p --, 41 3)V4 lICIDAVAir- - - 1 1 1 AI , M. Warndintrit IXE*4-V. -14 err 4%!ZWI *GENT, M r i tUra.tfo , ll 0401101 Ohio and sandusky P :; • n II A IC•JVIII. 01 GRAY & LOGAN Hays iimand from 4T SIXTH STSIET, Until Iraproremerda on old stand are twmpl. tad. fe litADDE AND CHOICE COL. LErTION VIRST.CLAIM CHMSkim IN OA NT IMANES.—MONDAY NOUNINO. At egENCON and kVININti, February Met. at 10. A and IN o'clock, on SlCowl floo rof Com mercial Sales Roour A s,lo6ltrultbgeld street. teldr entravde on Fifth rentre.) bri commenced the Isle of a large ana choice rcllection of Met. gclass CHNOMOS and OM PAINTINGS, in ele ant frames, embracing NEW and FAVORITE BUILIECTP Ind Amer byica. the must eminent millets of In. orie Teas collection Is num:ulled by any former display of One arts In our city. end will afford an nooses' opportunity for nocorating home. with works of unquestionable lasts and art. Saturdaylon soli bit open which Friday And far examlutiou to ladles and gentlemen are Incited. f, if A. NoI MAINZ, •nctioneer• Bank Purchased JOHN M, COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, - Smug, Locomotria a Inman 11114 MUM= Made Proleiptay Co Order. RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on :land. proprietors sad Stauteetitre set J3l. Cpper's Improved Bahu ce Wheel MEM VINE() BALLOU & •: 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Axe now pro-oared w temlsb VINEGAR at Ile - LOWICAT MASK= ItATLII. Attention Is Der- Uentarly called to one „ MA WEE VINEGAR. IMOR'SALE.--On Ohio avenue, near Irwin aeon.. TWO BRICK. HOUSSin n Int Na . 333 Ohio avenue. The Pont house hat 6 large dooms. On and Water, troll da. lobed and complete. with yard in front. The boom la the lent of Santo front. on •94 feet paved Ailey. contain. 6 Buono Dail. Ite.• This property la located in a rant iroprnsidir Ponion of the tleeond ward; Allegheny. Will ne sold low and on terms to wit the mirehmer. For further information apply M 91 Diamon W. d. Y A . P3l llen bony. F OR. BALE .— Large SECOND -HAND SAYE. Call 22 or Addram N.. No. 112 Wm. street. "WOK SALE.--MARE and BUG- J: Glr. - 41. line Mare six years old , well broke nad le oro aaaaaa ; Rood ror Wally um. SUIT or Eastern manotnture and almost es good as new. Inquire at 5147 Liberty street, or 46 N loth street. = kil;3o2o:_yif.ll:•7izizi = RE KO VAIS 103 OHIO STREET, I= 89 11119 'we e AUCTION SALES STEAM PUMP. Mee, 882 PENN STREET. math I:wank am 6=13112EZ! 171 .rs - ItGH • ~ • ~,...: • , .IA.. • ''''...'...,l)_';'';.:i':.r(..S. 606:q1111 FOR EIALEL F°.,!l . BALE . — Ti No. and Tools low. lo el° Rh" •34.%,;4:: Übir LIR.. P131%74093' troy., 0 , No. 14 r M o. and Corry ilo.,%101:. Lao., Alleabroy. "8 81.. 112.4'" "VOR-PALE.--$3.300 will buy J 2 TWO GOOD FIUME HOUND..., four rooms each, end lot No. 10 hoyle man. Aneithen,. near north avenue. Ret.. will down ten per oenl.. and taxes. Te.—N. n loo do p wn, ballad In wogernsents. Nagel:a on the pftlalwe. FOR SALE.-1. Steam Engine 10 b y 30. In rood ruenlng order. with nnert/01. Searles, W i ng 8.11 .11 entneet leg Ras, all as - sopl at new. Also, TWO IS INCH LITT AND TORCH PUMPS, TWO G. INCH LINT AND YONCI THUM Will he sold low. Can be aeon at the Works of the Totorsebeny Hu Coal Comnel/Y. Wee. Mew l.= FOR SALE—Stock and Fix itRILS. LEASE AND I.IOOD WILL. or Asst-class Grocer). dolor a Rood bedizen. ' 4 lie oadersigned being .mated Id other bnalnenla the reason for oclllog. G. W. PUB2T, 49 Fed eral lancet Alirchenv. It • riCIIII SALE—Banding mate- RIALS , "WILL BA COLD AT A V the materials contelned Ina TWO tlTt)lif Ink It WELLING ktuUeli. located near Mkt. ear station. The house 1110 good order sae la low oceerted by the oubeeriber. who willies to have IL removed of the lot before the drat of Mop. Xequire of UXORIAL W. SCOTT. 210 Charlotte .truer. ()Mcleod. FOR SALE.—BIDWELL PROPIKTY.—Lot Ins hot trout on Bid. well street, between Witmer.. aaaaaa and Pay, et e street, by On feet in depth. privilege of 100 feet alley. na which lot ts double TWtt aTtOttICLI PRICK DWILLLINO of Ablrtees rooms and bathroom. All modem Improve ut• throughout the house. On tbd lot ts also a good Peanut litsble. The property will be sold as a whole. or Melded lots ewe parte: Invitee of Tltit ANA HAT. No. SO 401 amuse. FOR SALE.--A DESIRABLE RIZIDENCE —2le. ROT FllllllOlO Welt, • liegh eny City. The lot le 24 wr 220 nut. The banding is two-slaty, arlitt . MA'AM Har lot; contains • BOOM: lIVITOOI2I, with botassd cold Wass; has Mute., Mantels; Inside MVO iers. rialmsn. Caries, IRMO Hall. Mate Reef. and has been both one year. Inquire .W.3OE:IN A. COCHRAN. N.. S3O Hamilton street. Alleahe ay City. or Attie() Lieettl Meet. rittAtoltt , Y-11 pOR SALE.—Engines and Boil 1. MIS. New and Second U. d. of hied. emartaskily eu band. Orders from ell Darts of the 0000107 Pre. , PUY execeded. JAM= BILL • CO.. Corner Marlon ayezait and P.. Y. W. 11 Allegheny. '' * " FOR BALE . DwELLING.-- That three /toff 11841/M....DWF.LLIIIII. entrant % lasted. NO. efl . The Stratton, Alla Rho.% caltalas% ten tOolnasad bath root. net IMO cold oractr Is era sod band stotT. XII In all the MIDI. nos e In Itheeen. Setae sta. Wed art *omen ol OM'. alien. 1 1 la tatilllehled atal Ventilated. Poreentat Atell la. JOHN D. RAWLY A X 81).. 1 , 0 No• ILO Fourth aver.. QMIALL COUNTRY SEAT FOB GAL E ILENT.—Contdalnle acre% all u ' est fence and frosting Pie Obto elect. rue place bias • near. 411•Feltlag. PHA ♦ 1 memo. error Stant, with t murrutss n outbutlclines. and_ gl ' ;n1 " ;. 1.41. ns mute; It am 11 140 Per 'ear A l t ~t.Uuo to interest. E. 3.—lt not add. API Pent , for SAPP per year and j ar all 1 4 .7.7 . ,....AP. 11.14 Fourta PERSONAL—AII persons seek. INO HOMES, or investmen Neal Es tate, ■ will save time. tr?oble moot y ty mules a cobs of the .I . I7TBRUSIM IMT.ILTZ Ills elvenavral Wants or will be sent by mall Fain to any reps= Nag It. Persons cannot fall to get salte4 oat of Um tam list It cont... (MUTT PHILLIPO,_ Pet. Ushers asul Neal Zstate Aloha . No. 139 roan! arenas. $2.30 0 WILL BITE • NICE NEW BRICK HOVEL a I' rooms. good grim' and Trends roof. 51 . 0 ate on Vuittonmutat. near Caldwell. Inquire of W. WILTON. at tba boon. 2-14 1:411;N:F.10.1.fr,e):I:1 I 8.3 fl MERCHANT TAILOR,: Coiner of Penn and Sixth Streets, FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE rPIIIRSON & 110111ANBBING SOCC/31101111 TO IC IL lira= & Co ITERORANT TAILORS, b. 10 111.171 . 0% lilt 01. tiailr. Ire w lv z. ,:a d reent i zed itr gearyor Fall Me prices. ILTltrNO•rlititat et: teed to tik• C uttin g g Retartmont. Q.J:a■■ YeIUE UBOP a lIIIKLANBRING. - DrALXI.I3I_4IE, r=llWl4l/11M11 MERCHANT TAILOR, Rest's eosisisaUT oa 11..4 (Rothe, Vaminseres and riga." aI?NOICIATLZILLAII MINIMUM 600.06. No.. 93 1-2 SnaltiMeld Street, • 47 arflentoi Plotkin ands to (Oka Ix the latest les. NEW FALL GOODS. • eteadld Raw stoat Of CLOTHS. GASHIMERES, Jai our rseetted try AMMAN BILTAIL. 43: Mer34:34 Teller. fi 133314413 And& 1 r . 1 50.3 , 1'.10 A calk,);l;N SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, lIIIIPONNIJUI 01 WINK BIIANDIIB, GIN, SP., lIKILLZ 22 PURE RYE WHIG 409 PENN STREET, Have Removed to Nos. 484 AND $B4 PENN, car. Moroni St.. (formerly CaxkaL escro B. FINCH & co., 199, 197,180, 191, UM sad 196, MST MO M% rrrrimmcon, X.11117/lOrtlniall Or Dinuited ran 'll elnerdealers In 7011611/2 1 1 w/NIBMS. 8019 s. nurs. ammo MABSELAWN ELMS. , • • 'frissiut.t.,B =xis wits. Ciniz IiARIALL•II WILL MIMI LITIMPOL. MAZIWILL•II lI.M. WILL Cris Carats mg, wwWw.u.. Mal% MOO = l on a Dime. 1301 MOW. rinet. • S. ImosV,Xlf i rollt n _ wriMlXtbaraw. kLENDESION JABROTHERS„ im it to rs l i ts: z a ra h t Diier! ix me THB NE JERSEY Mutual Life insurance Co., NEWARK, - N. J. Apeets, Over $500,000. radell tined DT tDL Comp., we Period. sally on-Yortaing alter the payment Amami rteialum. • Dtridende annually declared - and Wiled On third annual premium, either on tar permanent turnout! al the Policy. or inreduction l at prem.!. ulna • HENRY KIRKEILTB.ICK, General Agent, 167 1-7 Wood fitrfet, (2d door, r=tisusez /Or Balialela Agents wanted deVq7l • THE IRON CITY IWITAI LIB DISIIRANCI CO, Of Pensuarilvanla. Ogee, 15 Federal St., Allegheny City BMZIOTOBB I Hon. JAR L. GRAHAM. • • Rey. J. IL CLARK. D. D.. Cent. S. RORYNHON. • -_ • Rev. B.l.lLlter D if:l3.: YliCAUßßiltriteLstirs.talestl " iIIMON USUAL. Rey. of Alkalis:in C. W. BRNRY. Hatter. A. 8. BILL. Attorney-at-Lsw, D. L. PAM' Lumber Merchant. D. BWORRIL ...nee Agent. Capt. IROBT. 11011111111021. Praeldatat. B. C L ARK. View prestdsmte JACOB RUBE, Itemtrotarys BII6IIIIIY. Treasurer. IL W. WHITE. MIDICAL MING EfiVOGER. Senn Ageat. COMMIBRONED MONTH YOB THE John Donaldsen, W. W. Male. Rochester, fn. Rey. Jam. Hoillogsbeed, Beam, I • n.. P. H. Cousin, McKeesport, tn. Ream EL Johnson. Blalr.llle. In. .• J. 8. - Etruyer Johnstown. es. Company strictly mutual. All profits accrete/ to policy holders by dividend returned annually nom the end of the first year. All Pollnieel... forfeiting. LLD e mH INSURANCE COMPANY. ruswors WILDING, MIIM XS Flftle ATIPI4II. Seemed rumor. PITTBBUBIAH.. PL. Capital All Paid Vv. DIRZCITONS. N.J.ErT• zi r i ..W.LlllTer...N.l o ept. ll .Balley , Duel MINN, S. le - narDass. L. Chemeers. Jae , 8. M•Olarken. J. K. Nei' Thomas 8.8,1 th Jao.B. WlUset., NOB H. KINN, Pn - JNO. T. INN NINHS, JO& T. JOHNSTON, Be - H. J. BRACK. Gs Imam' on Liberal th" Ternsa Mel 'Mir P . INSIII/ • aldent. es Pres Meat. 10141:1r.Mr• INDEMNITY • AGAINST LOBS ET STAN. Finial!! tiIitIIANCE CO.OF FHILADEVIIIA. 01710 3.411* a 43T0 MIVIITUT BT. ,acm Mann gr. 11•3141mr, Mordecai H. Lealdill ToWas WIIVICY. David B. Bunn. ISsamel tirant, Dam 1.41, Jacob B. ltlg. Volward O. DWI t:=l3 U. BAN Cl lga /*T W. lt. C. t l,, - Vice Rrtuddent. • . EMONLITIMIN, , AMER. North Wen corner =ad sad W o od IStaleta. pIaNNSILVANIA lIIEURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTBBUIIIIII , 071ICZ. Do. 10106 WOOD STMT. BANK OV OOKIIMEOZ BUILDLIB3. nu t.. Lks. Company, and LussoW MAID IGO By TUB ezelash . o7. LEONARD V. T LTZB., PreOLlaa‘ C. coirt. VW. Fro.ldißß. , 808 V. Ca, Trolsorar. l ive lir, .asaa. Bare t. 7. 2.11110102.0 C. O. BoS liar : ' OsclLVaas. '- ' Boberlff__ IrjAWI L L„ . . -. tat vowiTi. •; i i t zt e g mx. . : A.. _AmMon. tre . . irTEI23IIIIII6I7IIANCECRSH bw o oi r iviza r rizsa rr . ar r .ilolBlaiM:=,4,,tet. °Mee, Of ti nteke n trodPent • 00......10.1 0 , ?Vow M a ne 1111r1;idil Of PIM and Me =dm • Mane Institution. tenneded 01 Di. radon wbo are well known to the easnmendty, and 'dm an determined to' Predennem mkt Übe linty to strintaln the clowemor wnlert .theY boy. hh offering the D.: proteetton to t1m..1 WOO dean to 1* Insured. ontmwOnm Alexander Minden. Jean B. liteensh It. Willer. Jr., Cnas.q. Junes Ne.kultry, • William Birk =6 Alexander , ww. fierolk Andrew Wien, • rbilltDßermor. Dmrid Lori. • W. Mordeon. D. amt.. 111/3 NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. . Ca. Federal St. Aral Dismand,lthittiny, s M n in e. lll6 MOND NATION*. BARN r. W. MARTIN IMldent, OkIN EIROWN*.,The Yresidral. AWLS Z. UTZ NBON. beersury. laszclol4: • __ le 4 "Lt=:littAl kh " t r. -teonrrkle...ess, pF I O .A IaViP 11!BEILANGT. COM- 017101 C. N. Z. INNNINNINUOD i 111TH en. L iia•aOsealaiS.taklas Wire &ad Martas Maga 14. 10 ,2 stow, MIA= La.= ...,•;!, ratt. . P:426 . . • W. . 6/11tardr.E. Ifecret.., CC:LEEI MEN Y INSVIIANCE 00XPANT OP PITTSBURGH. .No. BTITIVII STREET.RI BLOOM.osabut all kinds of PHs and MAW ma.. crylNTonlgili-'vriirloo. 0. G. DONN ....L.A.:. • WT. •M - DZAN. (Moor/Imes& insiCTORO: rtrivre u ta h kit %mistook , VI . I g ' oP.F. MTIA.A.r..' &I: w .. le.. T. tar.. WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER At Greatly Redieed Price& To make Ad/ room fee now goods• We will oell 4111 Ulu ant Of limb, goal acnr 10 More, Without Regard to Cost, ==rl B Te Px.rzeis, DININZLOtin rAPZIIB. • • BALL AND 0114.111111TAX101% al" a lane amaataLeat PAPILBS .t Na 107 MARKET STREET, sioinmai'maim JOS. B. HUGHES i BRO. ELEGANT PAPER HANGINGS. Zoaneted pall Popes to_plato non Asper nog' to loot and nooks. Vorrlnos mits . TPirrktitrlt WPM% :UZI& PA.N.T.LAS rtijnry 1 1 / 4 d P ror i ra l ot. d m . lo renal enewkare p. 741 f A RAW A T,1,13 NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 19.1 Liberty Street. IA VA 31 ;4* ir 111.1 fpll:4 t/A ROBERT Q. PATTERSON .& CO., Seventh Avenge and Liberty St., rrrrszurston. PA. Witt on Every Saturday Hold AN AUCTION SALE or lORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS. A.gmothurTud.th. the Haim daw • to Mil M t pus lean thatr lotleo of toga at on or WON Thartd•Yog oath week la order for admitting. Prompt at toottooa.had gOOd care be ging all suout 101 l Most JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. JOIN N. STIMST tOrt. 11.PAITMOIL RUNT. R. PATTERSON a CO, PEXELIC. AND 130ffidISSIO1Q STABLES Cllll.lflntl LUNDE 4 LIBEHT.rk. . 11TTSBITROII, PA. L.eseinio -7 - ar'7,lE9V OPERA HOOPE. IMM=11:113:112 DIRS. D. P. DOWERS, And the popular young actor. • Ma.,. C. MeCOLLOM. . THE TIMPEbT, On,. MAllinninivra TEL WADDLES). THURSDAY F.VIIIINU. copular ISTO.. will Da preset:dell the ever copular play el • EAST LYNNit, ou Teti Eroraitwar. Lady Dane'.. Madame Vine. ....... M"' P. ble Yr•ECIA.ThCIE Mr. J. C. IleCollose. - Yriday—Varnweli Ha nags of Mrs. How... when will be presented LADY AUDLLY , II near?. • Mrs. D. P. Rowers Matinee of Saturday. igr4 , I.CADFMT OF MUSIC. • TITOBSDAY and PRIMLY ITENUAtin. Feb. rrary A& and 25,11170. forth. Benefit of PITTSBURGH HIGH SCHOOL. Committee of At raasemr nts—Oro. J. Locker. City nupetlorendent: Jelin Wilson, Pre•ids blot Central Board; Jar.d M Brevn. ayor; Fedlo tus Dean; Principal Echoed; Q. M. Ander son. Joseiph Michell. 3 . J. Craig. John Harrison and Joe. ;Unman, who , at the request of the Committee, will ma. as Treasurer. • • J. M. HAGER'S GRAND NATJONAL. • Allegoty and Tableant' w, I be elven by toe Pupils or all Departments or toe MO &bar!, under the 'Unction of .O. RAWER. h ob. s t rig r" e p . rln M ez Ana frila r b t t h jy=l i ts Otto -NM F. A. =GER, PIANIST. • .pigiZld Brelnway Concert Grand, 0111 be steed, forntsbed by R. Krebs r Bro. "'Admlrslon, 00 *erns. lererved Seals cents. For .ale on Moods" morning, February MI, .113.. Wteber It Bros., IRS Wood rarest.. Darn open at 1. Comb , nee at* o'elock. • Manual , Plaiturday •fltersooet.Web.ste Ad:nation to all parts of the House: &bads end Children. 516 metes t at* 60 ets. Oren apse at / We, act: to 'V: • . 3 GROC ' DILWORTII, HOPEI SL CO., 243 Liberty Street, (apposite hed4 of Wood street.) WHOLESALE GROCERS; PUtablergh, Pa. ITSZEI ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. MOM, 1812. IL - GORILY; . WHOLESALE GROCER No. 271 Liberty Streot; ----- = (MUMS OAT. Law; 11011,1.11 PVMISIIIIUGH,PA !!In=ll =MM M. STEELE & 80N+ Commission kers-hangs FX.olCrli, 4GRATN, V.11a111:D. Mo. 90:96 01110 BTILINT. 60. Eksi Commis. ALI,S4:7IIY2CY CITY. Pb MEANOR k HARPER, /LOUR, GRAIN AND rsoeuos Commission Merchants, Na $ LIBERTY STUMM. Costlemmata solicited- PLUM MILL JA 11123 V. /INBAR? K im & RICHART, -- Boimussime nanicusatTs, lac °smalls za PLOU3, GRAM azos, nu. PEED, kg. 11410 Inert, 3.14:b.12 W. C. ARMSTRONG, teaceetac7totetser *Maud:roam) •r . **ma cadmium meth" •m n ßo.. Tor t -Market laireets J, BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail 6.1r0ftr,3 9Na 396 . PENN BTIM.ZT a93:91 BAIRD & PA_ . rro Wholesale Grocers, Coinentson: en% W ao Dealersta Prodeee. na, cartan and Lana 011. Seo., exams& Yarns and an l'lstaborin aenerally, 1151 and 114 HYOUND ISTRE ristabnegh, JOIN 1. If Hoilall....arx. Z. sweat TORN I,,,HOILTSE t BROS, Slier ta °visors to JOHN I. 11013151 C i C 0... Whole sale' Grocers Cud Commission /derehasta, florasr of Shaltheeld sod Water streets. PltillsOres.' • .101nr •Ntrr A. WALI.AO6. rIPTON-&WALLACE.WhoIer !SALE HROCNpI AND PEUDIJCIL DrAll No. 6 BUM MINIM PlUsburib. • FIA:f 4110 '1:44 100 WOOD STREET., Of NEW. GOODS. CI FINE VASES; SOMMIAB AHD CIIKINA. A "wcru, aitortwahrs, Err ' I large Moak of, x, SLOWS PLATED GOODS = DOI sad esizeiso ear fool& 014 ere trt talleited no one abed Tell to be salted. R.. E. BREED & CO. I t: CHESFA, GLASS QUEENSWARE. • Jest received. Abe Plated led Brittar.la Were, Vases and Parted Ware. cow opal's' and t. Wykt very low prices at H. RIGBY & Pro. 189 LD3IIBTI iITREEM. .Is= Oil +W.\ CIRRUS IL nmsnoNo, . PLUMS rif TOlighlOglienY and connengvme c*, - And atanalketerer of • COIL SLICK AID DUOLITORIZED Cent mu= AND YARD, corner Holler am% . Dorton street. IdbertY rod Crer satLairW. ''' ?IWO ward. alto &toed street, loath warn, and at Bon of Boas street. P. A O. H. E. Depot, Ostend ward. ;,..iefi at ei th er of the &bora ofbeell, Or a& dress to ma through Pittsburgh. P. 0., will ra• mins prompt attenun. Pra to wbom I are maldyloot Mussy, Walla a 00. Wm. Smltb, Union Ina MUD, 13. a. Tow. • ler a 01411ebell. iftepbenana £ Co.. Blesell b ee., Oran A Magas, Ale: Bradley. Park./1. Co., Park. NeCardy &Co., Seen, Oral/ ielindr.. W. Y. labor a Co., J. Si. Lyon & CO.. JillOO , Mushall A Co., Mita. WIC. i Co., Desna Da— Et , 1 1. 01 4dr.:ZtZl i t c rin . t.. 1 !!.. renraylianla 8.. COAL! COAL!! COALW 'DICKSON, STEWART &CQ. HMIs Moored Untr 011BOick • NO. 567 LIBERTY BTRELTi aatali my Moor /11111151MilliD/11.0014 WEFT ari.l.lieras lirgfrrigttlwlroile. witiegwig to .hem itowign lb. oall, will lie siwwwio so aromathr. pr7y.Tr TO THE COURT OE QUARTER 1 89181066 of All