FINANCIAL. NEM BM, NO, 80 FOI7ItTN AVENUN, riTTSBI7ItGa IDAall CAPITAL 12118.00. Stockholders Individually Liable.. 'ANN. OF DUMDUM! AND DMPOMIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD. Cashier. Freddent. DuL2Cleolsl. Thos. W. Marshall. Jots W. Maitland. Wm. Y. bhaental. Archibald ~.... 4 James W. Knott. Jas. no s. Chu, jt. Leech, W. .. Joh. Floyd. This Bunk to now full! .-- to do • utuend Simkins Selnkts 'ortanined and Pr.P...a basincsa. • GI-OLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought at Inghtst Prices. PR. B. MERTZ, Banker, C,or. Wood St. and sth Manna wrs toffs T. BAY & Co., (Stivoessor. to IL JONES t CO.. Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., Bay sl4 sell ill ktzda of GOVERNICEST : BOLD, Muss AND COUPON% ON AUNT I►VOSABts !VMS. rer Interest Allured on fib' airlioney lastste 41101811151110. PalAs si lowest market rote S... Ordain to for S WIM bano and Plato of !MOORS, dad MOLD. AMEST. BRADT • CO. -5000 %ALLEY B. B. 7-80 BONDS. 1 " "I` " N . nouns & SONS. 01319 11ttOstit44 &Ott. ANUE AND TRADE. Ounce ov Pr2211817808131.1:27111, WICIMESDA.T, Feb. 23, 1870. s Gold declined to-dav to 117% under better bond quotations from London, and lcoks weak ensl i l dull. The decline in gold had she a very depresalng Moho° on cotton, and- the probability exists that the dentine in prices which must necueSarily follow In this article will force down the price of gold still further. Bonds remain firm and have only de °lined %per cent for the now lesnes, but per cent for old 18625. Stocks: were weak, but reacted and closed fairly &Lily° under purchues by 1 1 the cliques to sustain the • market. The ease of the money market Is favorable to a further rue In stocks, and the present decline only served to shake out weak parties of their margins. Disney in our home market , : is rather more Inquired for at higher rates of Wrest. Quotations ee received by Ph. R. Meets Gold, 117%; Silver, 115; Elghte one'e, 117%. Five Twenties, um. 116: do 1664, 114%; do 1865, 114%; do 1866, Consols, 113. do IBM. 1 / 3 %; do 7868, 118%; Ten Forties. 112%; A.dama Ex. C°l7lPloY 63%; Merchant* Union OrmilssuY. American Ex- MOM Company, 88; • Western Union Wager:ph, 34%; New York Central 97%: Reading, 97%; Pittstrargh, Pert Wayne A Cnicago, MK; Ohio & eselpoi, 81; Michigan Southern, Be; Cleveland Cs; Pittsburgh, 102 %; Chicago. Rock Wand & Chicago & North Western, 72%. Chicago & North 'WerZion Preferred 891 Erie 28. szormsurs. &eat/ London, per 16,00 • • Paris, per franc.._—......... WA 24% Berlin, thaler. 87 90 Frankfort, florin; ... . 40 Jame, MI —Cooing quota:dims received by T. Brady di Co. Gold: 117%; United States Sixes, 1881, 117%: Elve•Twirntles, 1892,116%; do. 1864,114%; do. 11365, 114%; Ton-Fore, 112%; Five-Twenties, Juan. ary and July, 1865, 113; do. 114 1867, 113%; do. do. 1868. 113%; Union Pacific Railroad, 87%; C e ntral. do, do, SON; CY. PloWv 111%; Lake Superior t By TeUtr.PIX to tae putsteass (mums.) Nzw You's. February 28,'1870. Today marked an Important era In the National credit. The 1881 bonds, or the long sizes, sold at 117% to ILB, and at , the same time gold was at these figures, thus reaching par in - gold. The 1881 bonds were among the first Mimed after the breaking out of the rebellion, and the money realized from the male of these bonds equipped the first army put rote', the field and also enabled the GOVOIII ment to rate an impromptu navY to at least make a show of blockading South. • ern porta. • The declirio ha gold today to the lowest point since September 22d, 1862, was one of the morninent features of Wallatreet. In the gold room to-day it was a most , -matter to And a single bull, and the indleitiona were certainly in favor of another popular stampede to sell gold abort. The great demand in Europa for American securities seems to be th in e the be; ' she for this strong bear feeling gold market. st 4 Money easy g 8 cent. Sterling dull at w@sx. Gold laser, opaline at • 118%, touched 21301117%, and elosedst /17,10/ 17 % .. Government seid all gold bid for, viz: $650,000_ at 17,95018,87%. Carrying . rates 4 54(46 pei cent. Cleanness 144,000,000. The Alteamer from Liverpool brought 1255 Governments heavy under the decline in gold. Coupons. 'Bl, 17,4017 m @)15%; do 64,' 14%®14:M lbW oo new, 1334(313%; 67. 13@1.3%; do 1.354@i5%; luso", 1251w2s ; Cur rency 6s, 1.1%®1 1 %. State bonds dewy: old 91%; old Tennessee 56; new 49%; old Vlrginiss 6% new 65%; old North Carolinas 46%; new 22%. At the annual election to day for directors of the Quicksilver Com.' psuy the knowing were elected: John R. Pruyn„ James W. Elwell, Ashbel Creen. Alfred E. Fulton, Edwin Hoyt, 1). Mshoney, Ludlow Patton. Jbhn N. Tobin, G. E. Trainer, Charles Mould and Geo. W. Butts. ' Toe Railway marke rallied Soererd the close, and there u se a general re. cover yis prima from the lowest point of the day. The ohlef features were Lake Jerre, Northwestern, Rock Island, New Jersey Central and :Vanderbilt shares. 1/11) market aimed firm. Miscellaneous 11,.t Arm in Mariposa preferred and Pa. ed . m a th Rzpress stocks quiet and steady. Paso Thirty Prkes.—Lenton, ts; Cum. bed and, 30%; Western Union Telegraph, goo quicksilver, 14%; Mariposa, 9%; do preerred. 22; Adams Express, 034; olio & Fargo, 21%: American Express, 38; United States.,s% Pacific MaG, 42,e; preferred, k Central,Rrte, zg; 46; Harlem, 146: do. pre. forted, 150: Hudson Berle, 31%; Reading, 97%; Michigan Central, tut; -Lake Shore, 88%; Illinois Central, 142%; Pittsburgh, wig; Northwesters:, 77,%; do. preferred, a 9; Stock Island,• St. Pant, 84711 do. preferred, 78%; Wabash, 46; do. preferred, 72: Fort Warne, 91%; Terre •Haute, M do. preferred, 6= && • 11% do. Fe. ferrod, 113: 0. & M., 81; New Mosel Central, 104% C. C. & I. C., 20%; Hartford & Liles 8: C. C. d: C., 74%; Joy 107. Boston pima Calumet, )30; Falls, Er, Franklin, 7; NO% 85; quinerYS__3 6 . Sublrossory balance: g01d,37 6 . 763,873 ; currency, 17,60(c692; general balance, v 81,438,110. 'l4 • .• • '4 vti , i..t ', = „ .H, '/ •:. ; 1 1' ME EN , 1 t Dry Goods Market. Ilsw Tonic, February 93.—Tke market Wdey is Way wt Tree; blown, .bleached ds nd thanme drint* still more In de. other classeit of goods, buy ers showing more confidants and par. o h o ldott lOW more animation. We notice r poppeell 8-4 brown, changed from onadnock 8 4 brown. from 37)4 ts • M to Sa, R2ckdale 4 4 bleached, from 6 to 6,511 there are no other changes of importance to-day. The folkowlng is few of the prices of staple brands: Atlintla 4,17 e; Fulda extra, lam ar e; A.ognsta 15; Agawam FL 1234: - Pittedeld 12%; Nashua. B lB ; Broadway New York Mills 22%; Wernstitta gib Tomos% 17; hboonville 17; Fran. of I.oinl 17; /30edb 12%; Elope 16; Airiazkeeit 1344; York B LDenton 80; Arnoekeig B elk Clarks W; Ode B B 24; Peptimim Dri L l 7; ll paper! UM; Wracks • ; 4;A . . PITTsBOBGI3 INULIIKETS: _---- ri Osman 02 Prrrastrnart Gazwrrn, i WEDNESDAY. Feb. 23, 1370. Business 0300 generally continue to 'complain bitterly about dull times, and they have good reason therefor, but hopist of an early improvenient are still entertained. The competition for trade , Is so strong , that, In many Instances, par ties n order to secure custom will sell at abo t cost or s very small advance on cosO and by ao doing they make little or hing themselves, and prevent others i et f m doing any good, There is no ob. • j on to competition, It Is all right, and en properly conducted should be ' en raged, ws it, prevents monopolies and tortion, but at the same time the dial* "live and let live" should be ad hered to.- Would it not be better to do less business, and have • margin, than to do a heavy business and make little or nothing f Then, again, to build up : what islormed a big trade, It Is nec incur es- sary to sell freely on time, and a good many bad debts, and It Is those small margins and bad debts that does the n mischief; it frequently places men I such a condition that they are unable to extricate themselves, and are forced to the wall. It is true that those who do what is termed a small m oneys, uswho will not, as a rule, tradeb anything that promises no return, or who are cau tions about selling on time, are stigma at - used as "old fogiee." but it la a fact th these uold fogies" are In better condi• tion and can show a better belanoe sheet at the close of the year, than some of those who make bigger pretensions. The feeling among business men gen erally is to curtail as much as possible this old fashion of selling manme, and It Is well-known that the who buys for cash can undersell and make more Lash the man who buys on time. The cash customer can always buy for less, and, consequently, can sell below the I man who buys on time, and where brisi_,l nem is conducted on a cash basis no ball debts Ire Incurred. APPLE RUTTER—Quoted at 65®750. APPLES—Quiet and unchanged; sales In • regular way at $2,50tD3,150 for fair to prime and $l,OO for choice. BIJTTER—Prime to choice Roll Is In good demand while common and infat er rior is very dull; sales of the former k 2 3. 23fg - EANS-May be fairly quoted at 4 2 , 03 0212,50 perROOMS brothel. B -Store prices: No. 2, 53,75. No. 3, 14,50; No. 4, 55,00; No. 6, SSA. Carpet Broom's, 26,00(0,5 0 . BUCKWHEAT FLOOR-Dull at 3 cis. BROOM CORN-130 17 els per pound. CHEESE-Ds steady but unclumged; Western Reserve and 'Hamburg.. 16140 172 -Factory, 170171{: New York. State Farm Dairy, 18019; New Yore Goshen, 191503 0 CARBON OIL-Standard brands are I still quoted in a lobbing way at 26 dm CRANBERRIES -Prime to choioe eastern cultivated, ;17 ®lB per libl. ' DRIED FRUIT--Continues exceeding. 1 , ly dull and the Market le very fully 1 supplied. We continue to - quote Apples at NISS eta; and Peaches, at We for quarter , , and 10@lic for halves. 1 Blackberries, 14015 eta, and pitted Cherries 25,2230 cts. DRES.4ED HOGS-The arrivals con tinue yelp limited, bat the demand 1e light, and prices unchangea, atle@lOX can. for fair to good. EGOS-bales at 25 eta FEATHERS-Sales at 35090. and the usual advance - for small lots, In a retail way. . FLOUR-There is no improvement to - note 2n the demand, and while the mar ket is dull and neglected there is no change to make In quotations. , We con tinuo to'q _uote spr ing uts. in lapre. at $5~,5 0 for and $5,7508,0 0 for winter. Rye flour. IWO. GROCERIES The grocery market is devoid of anything really D9W or 101- portant. There is not a very motive do. mend, which may attributed mainly to the fact that buyers are timid, buying sparingly, being - apprehensive of lower prices. Sugars are hardly u strong . as 1 a week ago, Indeed, rounds ;ire lower must, though without quetable change here. New Orleans blolassos reported arm at New Orleans, Cincinnati and other points, but here it would be (JIM. cult to dispose of a round lot at quota tiODA , 00 Dees quiet and unchanged, I l and the same is true of Tess, Spices &A. 1 Struans-New Orleans.. fair, 11342', good, 122 prime. 12;42 choke/NUN:Cuba , 11(411%; Porto Moo, 12%©13. Relined: A. Coffee, 14y.; Et, 14; Ems, C, 141; i Crushed and Granulated, 15. IllorAssaxe-New Cron New Orleans 1 , tdolseses, 78030 m, Porto Itico, 65076. I Brenta -Perfection,3s; Sliver Drips, 7Er, White Honey, SO; Golden. 65. i Corms-Fair to Good Rio, 204521342 I Prime, 22031232 Choice. 2 3. Itims---atrolins,Bm Rangon , I No. Tnao-Young Hysam, iii.,0001,6e, G. P., 51,10 to 1,90. v i al. Impe 31,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 86 to 11,45. h 90c to Et 41. 5 0. rnaa-Pearl, 7 , Hann Gloss, I.l,tic, and Corn Starch, 121. ~-„..._ __ CONCIiaCIWATED .L.. 01) per 019.5. PIiIIITB,NOW - Ley s' SS per box: Prunes, 111%e; Currants 15v, Valen cia Badelns, I.lllte. Sennes-Caasis, 65m Clcrvea, 40v., grain Py t p ki e i r 25 Allanice, 30e; Nutmegs, 11,5 e. He; • Shot, 63,00 per bag. soars-•.Babbit's," 12= ..oakely" lie; Rosin, 6to 7c; Do Was, 15v., Wax, 9c; Chem. Olive, 8340, Cautmes-biould, iltm, Star, Me. • Bt Cuan SODA-4135 per 100. Fisn-No. 1 bisekrel, 629 per bhl; Na q do, W. No. 3 do, 316. Lake Herring, $4.60; White Flah. 60, 60 - ~• ORLIN-There is no movement in wheat, and in the absence of sales, we continue to quote nominally at Slab@ 1,12 for prime, and $1,13011, 14 for dubs.. Oats offering freely and very dull; we no* quote at 42, busing, and 45@47, selling. It is worthy of remark that prices are lower here than in about any other market In the country, andsome a/ our dealers have been shipping to Cincinnati from. Wheeling and ot doll her pants below. . Corn tr ues very hands, but unchanged; 66 to 70 i fast and 736)7510 wooed hands for ear, and 3 Us be more for shelle There le not much enquiry for l and;e so far m can learn, there are no cash buyers above 3.5. • Barley shoo is dull and weak, and the demand is restricted by the fact that buyers, generally, are saps . cling lower price M we continue to th e spring at WW2, and fall at 1L1G31.05. _ - HAY. May be quoted at 616(VA from country Wager" se to quality. Baled, on wharf, 415437 0 . HUSKS-4311es st 23031t0 per pound. 1102.11371" --Sales at 16,1500,00 per bbl. Llalt-aaes of Cluroland 'late lime 4LWD2IS Der bbL 01.1.41tylbrands Na 1 extra_ quoted at 41, 1,40, and ..Nos" 2at 90. ONIONS-Q et and: unchanged, 12.2) 2,75 Der bbl. as to quality. PEANUTS -Prime -Tennessee quoted at 9600 eta. , PEAS -Milli 112,50 per bushel. POTA.TOS3-Offorlngs only moderate, but the demand .continues light; we mitelVentg brrelett 45 on track and \ pet market oontinues quiet and without quotable and che 14 tn. paces. Shoulders, 13 for plain or Sugar Cured; Ribbed Edda, Mt@ ON; Clear d0,161f@17; Breakfast Ilseen, 18; Sugar Cured amine, MIN. priOd Beef, 20. Lard, 16 in Caress and I7@ 1714 in bbS and keirs. Own 13 1, W 9 0 1 / 2 Pork, t9SH @29. POITLTRY-Be oordlnue verl Iht and market la almost bare: 'We continue to quote dressed chickens, at 144015 eta., and dressed turkeys, 16020. EDS-Thtielis . f air demand. far ' Clover seed with ulea at sew:mgmay be quoted at VI ih Met hands. 'flenottly seed unchanged- at 14346)5, and Flax seed at . K.,lMi 2 , ',IL . STRA.W.-Wes of rye - straw at 510, and oats at 510®14. -,_ BALT-Is quoted sti 1,76 by the ear TA . LLOW—Wm of -rendered 9}4 rowb, Matir.ptym.l4,9.lBt._ , _ PinataLlann aLARIFA T . 9171000* Yrri9-7"'1iii*044.5111134 Wltuf*aDA.T Feb. 1070. In the present condition of the ell mar ket, operitois have little oleo to do but to contrature in regaid to the future, and, sr might be expected, the views en. tertained are vary conflicting. home are impressed with the belief that the dull ; nes which Ins so long and still prevail/ is a good omen, indicating a better and more hertithrtrede in the toturr6 akilleS that it indliates a deieriarinatkau to dia• courage all wild speculative movement., end to encourage legitimate business. time ere others, again. who are very; apprehensive in regard to the future., discern Write very serious draw- , backs in the way, sod while they pad 1 bad about aCkie Arnent; ; it 44414411 ere gloomy 10 regard to the future. With ; crude bleier relatively , than rained, and a disoriminstlou in freigiate,..ith„ one of which la sufficientof Itse lf to 'tut lily the bullpen, they, as already Intl. mated, have serious and Unpleaseet doubtaln regard to the future, and that they have good cause therekm must be conceded. We are not without 60 however, but what the latter diMcuty ; will be fairly and attliPakiY eluded. while the former may In the connect time, correct itself, at least it is to be hoped so. 63 no time, Penis* f0r2 2 2 , err years have oar snantasotunon keen in better condn foz butane than at Present, not wing embarrassed with "long linco, ,, and a good many of them, as was the cue last year and the year befor: all ey want_ fair geld, and Ude i e t is, th earnestlyhopedo they wilt obtain. There is no movement in crude—the market le as dull as ever—no mi wa n d no no material change in prices. e to !rote spot or seller this month at 12% @ 12 .11% seller until July 1236; buyer same time, 14@10.4; buyer all year, 15f45%. EXPLEIED. Continues quiet and weak, the ten dency still being • down Sale 1,000 bbis March.Feurary, 22)0 ado, at 28; and 1,000 ar at 29g. _May to December nominal at. 31; March to December. 31. REOILIPTE OP MODE on a L. T. Star 011 Works 80, on account E H Long, Spear's 011 or 78, A B Mills; Fisher Bra; 820, orCitocount FLOAT; Btu; A B 511115 80, on account W Bartle; Forsyth Cro 80, on account B Bar bour; Liberty Oil Works 240, on amount W D Robinson; Sunbeam Oil Works 80, on account Thos Hackett. • gabble. ou. 'Tarr= JUST DOCIITESES DEPOT. D. Bly, 60 bble lubbricathig to It. B. Hubley, Philadelphia. OIL suirrso EA= CT WEST TIME B. Kirkpatrick 6. Lyons, 110 bbli to W. P. Logan t . Bro., Phila.. - - . MARKETS BY TELIEGRAPH. NEw Toss, February,.-Con heavy and lower, with sales 5200 balei at 24024)40 for middling uplands. Flour: receipts, 8198 bbls; floor is quite firm for low grades, which are scarce; sales 8800 bbla at $4 75105 for super Stab; western, 151505 85 for extra Stale, 0,1508 for extra western,l s io® 6 30 for white wheat extra, $ 5 2008 15 for round hoop Oltip, $5 5006 25for extra Si. Louis, and $8 2330 850 for good choice do. Rye flour arm or, with sales 250 bbls at 11l 2505 10. 1 1 Cornmeal quiet. Whisky is without ehangel sales 350 bbls western at 983430 '99c; free dull at $1 19. Receipts wheat, 8800 bus; wheat beavy,and 102 e lower; ales 41,000 bus at IL 0501 10 for No. 3 spring. $1 1401 19 for No. 2 130 for winter red and ambewes t ern, 11 40 for amber Southern and $1 88 for choice white State. Rye quiet. Barley active and firm at $l. 10®117, the latter for Bay Quints. Receipts corn, 14,840 bus; new scarce and 203 cents better, with gales 34,000 bushels at 85093 cents for new mixed western, $1,02 for old white western, 110 'O3 for new yellow Jersey and seethe n. Oats : receipts 10,387 bush; oa ts to better, with Wee 38,000 bush at To for western and 8206443 for State. Rice quiet: Carolina 6070. Coffee quiet firm. Sugar with sales 500- ti des - Cubs at 10%4010)0. Molasses dull. with sales 200 - bbis New Orleans at 70074 c. Petroleum dull at 184: for crude and 29)/0 for refined. Hops quiet and firm at 15428 4 3 for American. Wool firm, with sales 250,000 Da at 480 55 for dornestio fleece and 38%048340 for pulled. Leather: hemlock sole steady at 29030340 for South American. Coal heavy - and lower, with salea by auction today of 83,009 tons of Scranton at 14,0504, 15 for lump 1402% 04,17% for steamboat $4,0504,2D for grate 14,17%04,22)4 for egg 14,87%0 4,87% for stove $3,92%04, 00 for Chestnut. Linseed oil needy at f17098c. Turpen tine quiet at 470480. Pork heavy and drooping with sales 975 bbla at P 3.820 26,75 for new mess; and $24.00 or orime mess; also sales 250 bbls uew mew seller April at $25,75 and 250 dull do March and April $26,62. Beef steady sad unchang ed with sales 150 bbls and 250 tierces. Beef hams quiet with sales 90 bbls at .128,00032,50 for new. Cut meats homey with sales 120 pkgs at 10744011340 for shoulders and 14014%0 for Munn middies dull with sates 50 Loxes long clear at 14%015e. Dressed hogs a shade firmer at 11%011 y‘c for western. Lard tinny and _drooping: 780 tos 14%40 1580 steno, and 16016)4c kettle render ' ed. - Butter quiet at 140280 for e Ohio. 1 1 Cheese dull end heavy , 16018 c. Sheath , ing Copper steady at Va. Ingot Copper dull $2l. Lake Superior Pig Iron quiet $32033 for Scotch. arid $33035 for Amer. Iran; Bar dull at 184,50 for relined Eng. fish and American: Sheet quiet 111012, go ld for Ruses. Nails lower 41443 cut and litclinch, and •40.44 horseshoe. Freights to Liverpool nominally unchanged. , . Latest.-Flour closed quiet and scarce , Ily so firm. Wheat lower and dull at 1 , 51,13041,18 for No. 2 spring, and 111.,2504 11. V for winter red and amber western r Rye nominal. Oats firm at 65057340 fo western. Corn quiet and fltm as 75%650 for unsound, and 8540930 for sound new ' mixed western. Pork nominal at $28,60 for moss for Mardi. and $28.50 bid and 14M,75 for April . Beef dull and lin ' changed. Cut meats and bacon noon -11 nally unchanged. Lord dull and heavy at 15%0 for prime steam for March and Aprll. -Basin fair demand at.23)40‘ 60 for fresh. ,Carosoo, Febroary 23.-Flour quiet at $3 6004 76 far spring extras. Wheat quiet end firm at 87087)4 0 for No. 1 and hio. 2. at 8108134 c, closing at 81)4081).‘cr. this afternoon the market waa dull and unchanged. Corn linu and quiet at tny.o for No. 2,, 80081 c for now and 4705184' cents for no grade, cl ' osing at 660 for No. 2. This afternoon No. 2 was dull at 69%080%43. Oats quiet, with soles No. • 2 at 38)4038)0, closing at 31)4c. Rye more active and steady at 56340620 for No. B. Barley almost nom inal at 55072 a for No. 2. 114bwines firm and %OM higher with Wee al 911 094 e, closing firm at '93)44094c for I activron bound psckagea Provisions e. Mess Pork dull and easier. with sales at 01, 70 buyer February, $27 seller and $27.5 0 buyer. April, closing nominst 128,75 ouli. Lard 'ls one fourth ce nt lower, closing quiet at 1431 cents. llama quiet; sweet pickled 14540, green 13340 loose. .Moats brisk and steady,. snort ribs 1314014 c; dry salted shoulders 104041044 e. Dressed hoes active at $lOO 11, doers st $10,60010,75, dividing on 200, Live dull at 1809,80 for r, fair to ex. Ira prime. Reorepts for the put 48 home -11,999 bblis fieu044,7 97 bn wheat, 41,781 bu earn, 13,784 bu oats, 400 bu rye, 2,440 Ma barley, 11,416 begs. Shipmenta- 10 ,. 480 bbla flour, 21,780 be. wheat, 28,344 bu cord. 12,624 bu oats, 7738 Ma barley, 3438. hogs. - Sr. LOUIS, Feerttary 23.-Tobacco In brisk demand and prima Wm. Cotton nominal at 2314 c. Flour : tuner 54. 25 0 4 4.50;- . 1.' at 14,M04,75: .7i2C at 14.85141 6 . 2 ir , XX-Y. 55,50406; family-18,5000,70. Wheat quiet and unchanged. Wrilaky firm at Otc. Sugar doll aod Week at 9)440111)40 for common to choice. Molasses: no plantation in market: oOffeeUnchan Pork ged at 20340210 for medium to_aholco. firm at $27,15. Dry salt Merit ins o small way at 10X0110 for shoulders, 14g for clear rib, and 130140 for clear sides. Bacon firm, with este* on orders at 12)40 for shoulders, 113)40 for clear rib and 16)4017 for clear Ades. Lard nominal st 1434015 c for prime- steam; 15015%a On abate° kettle . ' ,'' CIerpOTNATA, February 23. -Whisky arm and in good demand, at 950 cask, Sio on time. Mem pork firm but quiet, , 5t1137,50 for standard city brands. but ' the demand is light...Br:lk meats firm, ' ,' at 1034 a for shoulders, 14, 14% and 150 for rib, clear rib and clear side", but the' detrand is light. 810011 firm but quiet; shoulders' 12)(0 1 2%c,', sides 16017 a foci clear rib and clear; sugar cured hams 151 (0190. Lard firm but quiet, with steam et 14,10, kettle 151443. Butter Karp! 'Lodi d, st. rm 55@a50. Aggs 10020424, and In demand. Linseed roll 11, with a fair Jobbing demand. Ifird oil 11,3701,40 for winter:, TPOrtrialeinn i 300310 for refined. 'Groceries unchanged and quiet. . 1 Lamsetisx, Feb. 23.-Iktion quiet it 1 ', 23c for middling. Flour quiet at $5 for extra family'. Grain quiet; red and white wheat $1,0501,16. Corn 030. gate MO, all siked. :Provisions, demand only fain Mesae Pork $27,50. &aeon, ahOuldere 1234; [ dear rib 18)40; clear sides 18,1 c; Milk 1 shoulders 11%n: clear rib 14);c; clear sides 1 63 Lsrd: tierce 1843. Sugar nured hams 1901914 c. Whisky steady 94095. Tobscoot sales 175 hhda at $2,85 - 305 or frosted trash: 15, 50 0 7 , 50 ordinflly tzral lug; t e.0.g5.7; low to good Mini ,8011 Madin te fantf WraPPers. at Cr.gvir.f.arru, February 23.-Flour dull and unchanged. Buckwheat !lour] ma. ket le well supplied; sales at 8507,50. Wheat dull but 1p better; sales No. 1 red_ Winter at 81,18; No. 2 do beheld at $1,00, - Core dull and nondad. Oats quiet and UrleiteUged. Bye steady at Wi99se. Bar. ley dolt starange of 850051. Petroleum dull and heavy: refined held at 25%0 2flet retail lots 37028 r, crude lower and dull at $6,60 per bbla. • . Ranriaorta, .Fehrriary 23.-PlOurm fetnlly active arid PM; Watts= super 1145. Wheat dull; Maryland $1 4 0 30 witltenrisylvanis 11 2301 28. Onnt steady at 950980, yellow dull at 92 0930. Oats dull at 520540. Rye dull at 830950. Ideas pork firm at $27 6040.% clewtive - and flrau4rib aides 115X® 180, rib 15%4018440, shoulders 1234 013 e, beinelso.wo. Lard quiet • 1 isVio. 3.- Whisky quiet at Pile(o, l .l' Ppitansefils, Feb. Plain pall; 18,2507,801 ether i des unchang ed. Wbeadi improved IMand tar Penn. :my, wed:ll;r - limr. inif:;.lll , :m"' cue. Oats In fkir .de d, Petroleum quiet; crude 21M refined . Zalil.4 o . Pronskrns. dull: Mess pork 11M(f4 5 . 0, Whisky dull al 990111. . ' . __ 8111.wimear., Pebruary22.-FlOtir dull and prices „ unchained., Wheat weak; No. I:at 870. No. Sat 820 Corn: new „Vhelted at $1.19. Oats mallard at 4014 c. Rye steady; Re. lln stare at 0 9 34. Bar -1 1 NY dell and entirely nominal. Watatellits, Feb. 23.-Cotton is ()mien low middlings 211110; good ordinary. M.& . J. • •-; • • • URGEDAILY GAMTE THURSDAY. RNMG. F EB RUARY24' M. ENG..O Live Stock Market - - - Haw Totur, February 23.—There were 1,460 on cattle to-day, besides 300 halo since Monday; trade was very dub and most cattle sold from 34 to McDowell the best lota, which werejeally prime, kept at 16®1634@i70, but Most of the stock went at /4(415)04 the average quality w= with no 'Texans, but many and a lot of 75fat Ohio grade" 7% cwt., broiaght 18@17a 65 Canada', 63; owt,. ave 1434 c; 60 Illinois,6% cwt,went at ISeiV market closing heavy, with some at left. Sheep go quick -at former quota dons, with sales 6,200 to -day, varying from 6% for the thinnest 79 powida lIL lots, and up to B%a for 108 pound Cana , dart two cars 77 lb Ill—sold 63i, and one car 64 lb Ohio brought 7%'. Arrival llve hogs 17 cars, all to alsoighterembrought , 10(§)103‘; city dressed remain firm at 1234@M:1 16. cars western dressed held at - 11%. Cutosoo, February 23.—Cattle dull at 64,500 6 , 25 for _fair to good butchers' stock and 96,60q40,75% for good to choice shipping steers. - ST. Loore,bruary 23. 7 . - -A:tittle steady and unchanged at 4W° good to extra. Hop very few arriving; light to heavy sell at Tyalta. 1111P091113 BY BAII.IIOAD. PITTADDILDN. FORT WATNI AND CIU DAD° RAILROAD. February 23.-23 bates old paper, Markle & Co; 91 bales saire. I Pgh Paper Co; 25 sk it clover seal, P Duff & Son; 40 bye scythe stones, Lliathear, 8 &E: 30 do do, W W Knox; 1 car tor ay. Z Wainwrights 100 bble nine. T C Jmk tom; 14 mks clover seed, W W Knox; 7 kegs powder. Atwell & Lee; 14 cut lery, 110 70 Wood street; 2 pkgs butter, 1 bbl eggs, Woodworth &D; 141 bp oats, 67 do rye, W J Meeks; has Cheese, RerDet Bro; 300 Wm glass, C Innlion; 2 -shovelr, Jos & Co; 606 dos, handles Graft; 1 car bay, 0 H Ailerton; 100 bbls flour; 407 bdls paper, 10 skit rags, Bobt Ctiriaty; 1 car wheat, J 8 Liggett & Co; 25 bbl. flour, 8 8 Marrin• 2 kegs butter, 2 bbl. onions, Henry Bea Jr; it dressed hogs, Elhomsker & itaimPna helm; 25 UP starch, Head & Metegar. awn Prrrsiscrisza Bali, ROAD. Rawson.] 23.-4 cars lake lUD OM Jones & Laughlin; 2do do, Reese. Graff & Dull; 8 do iron ore. Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 3 do`blootos, Graff, Bennett & Ox do b ore, J Painter & Son; 4 do I s ore, Union Iron Mills; I do clay, .7 B. Lyoni & Co; so DXS candles, 1 8 Dilworth & Do: 25 do do, 20 cases matches, Dilworth, H .8 I* 200 lolls hides, Lippincott & B 10 cases tobacco, Reymer & •Bro: 2 casks, 3 bbis wire, Park cases matches, E Heszleton; Oaks barley, Meal= & 11; 8 bblz d Indt, W W Swan. - ALIaIIIOIOITVAI.I.SY RAILROAD. Feb. rualg 23.-5 ears railroad iron, 0 A. Car penter, 1 bbl eggs, 1 do eggs, E Houl 'Kennedyton eat, W McKee do. Bro; I do lime, D L Rept. olds; 50 pkgs powder, A Kirk; 150 aka oats, b oas, Joh n 15 do wheat, Scott & 0; 13 do W Hoffman; 87 cars coal, Bier. F & K; . 54 do do, Armstrong, I) & C o: 18 do do, Coleman, It & Ce; 3 do metal, McKnight, P &13o;-/) do limestone, Shoenberger, B & CO. rwrstrotto., onfonwasz Alan' dr. 1.000 Bantu:ran, February 23.-4 care wheat, R. T. Kennedy; 2do staves, Ha. stings & D; 53 aka wool. Springer &H; 1 sack Pars, L 68 aka barley, Doff &Son; 100 Ws flour, Schomaker & 1414 s Singer Nlmick & Co; 4 bales tow, Close & Fl; 6 bzs tools, Whit more, W & D; 5 sheets Iron, Hassey & Wells; bbls o seed, 20 cases c 011. Sehwarti d Co; 80 bdis hides, J Elam matt &Son. Atidsovourr STLTIO2I February 23.- 5Ws crackers, McHenry & II; 100 do flour, J B McKee; 15 bales cotton, Holmes, Hell dt Co; 1 car shingles, Alex Patterson, 4 do wheat, Kennedy . Bro; 5 do metal, Lewis, Bailey D; Sdo do,l Nitniek & Co; 9 rolls leather, J Eisen. ben 10 dos brooms; Cleo Myer; 274 bgs malt, Smith & Co; 1 car cooperage, M Hemphill; 1 do barley, Geo - Ober; 186 bdls paper, Frazier & M. RIVES PACKETS. CINCIII PITISDERGII AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The new and splendid aid ed:mal a dr oi t Steamer. AULINOTON. DANILL MOOS'. Muter, A. 11.13unrAish. Clem. leaves Pittston . %ls fur Clnetramil every TOZSDAY at lY M. ProaPOY• Iteinridne. leaves Cinelnentl for Piti thumb, at 14 N. retry FRIDAY. For fraleht. VW are. or other Information. ap ply on bo.nli or to JAM'S COLLINS. hl , !LAM COLLINOWOOD,' Agents. Sr. "Amiss AND aussouai alma. -rOll. .11T;LOVIS ANDddria •11113R43/11. =VIP- eale psesen or steamer tILINTIALI• ' Capt. RUM. Wlll leave ftrr the agave sadtatermeatate porta To-I.:AT. Poe. 43d, at 4r. as b... 4 I na IrrAZlrrt.tet ?Nal oil D. rir.u. INEEPIES AND RILE ORLEANS. F ORM vnitPuls . and 'WSW OILLSAIVa..-The my, d•-• heel passeeser reamer CITY OF ILVANSVILLI4.•-•CaP 6 Hs Dirna• 111 leave H? the above and Iblenaediale ports elsjarelrallAT, Seth tan. oar"nertiltrfa.b"rd " relS 114LCIS. COLLINaI vo 00D. Meats. STEAMSHIPS r LIVERPOOL ARRA& QIJEENSTO.WN.. • TU MOM ILEL sTnatasinrs , Nuteloertag atzteea lest-eless yawls, amen them the eelebrete4.. Sll- 1 13; OR ..„ERZI ABITATTis, leallier v 1 1 .9 3. AA -8414)111aR ban Pier 41 Noni, Ai :, rg t to re. 10.1"..sinwilull. , lALLLLI MOHAN. Jr.; 143 BYITHTLZIAD WIRZET, l'lttebsegb. WA1111761 -- it. =P.M, Comm Mos Dlntemali sad Brokers ta Petroleum and Its Products, DALIELUS BLoac DUQUESNE WAY rtukunaznit Annum - 14LBING, KING & CO., 109 'WALNUT STREET NIMEMI Mii COMMISSION MERCHANTS Patrolmanaud Its Product& j el tr a rce- ir tg i i i z=zna e . yg*PIAI... Olierni WALNUT yr.., ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY: HALBERT Irr. C. 'MEDDLED lustrrunnkim Qlr • . . . labricatlig &High Test )3unlig Oils. zeupu Railroad Ails 011, Steads Mid but without easiest. reatalla Mahal at tweet teammate.... Biwa. Wr treldeetelingSten er hot weather. • IdeeemeotlWW. SIMON" lifiebila• Rama. Will ant eerews. Slew =lll and Plalidag ilakagtha - Adapted tddt‘.=l,4zam.ligirt One Marl g t r. I.l.7.lll= l .gintmo n 'e'• - wW3l; l o2grAthr:r Yc'' These prodtleta ere leenalhotared Wel Dr. Twtddie a went by Saherhastaa Mama ta Va. tam TheThlintedias Oils are gamed ;Aortae. Wen If loarone, and mostly llebt eat and. Mane It kr. tesapunturt nnehanaedip remain limpid ulna extreme cad. Tee reed OM are nneartalled. and are tn West= NW on may of the prlndpaldsllroade. Salapteele be eland:ma 'and olden ot wire Wuvio wriwaT.. worn at taupe.= BruttO. lArya. aLaiiman's Florida Water The most COebl'itic.d and most delightful of all per fumes, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and ill the bath, for sale b3`-all Draggists [Lail Perfume,rs. !grim otrr. "CUSEISIX PICTIMUL TR00113110. 1 VOS COWL weak suss ntsokt AIM Xess so nod. Now so plessuit. Eons Chrs u li onsA ny 10 Rotor Hass. Nosairsk. Ow ppsoAses at dam bossibie tsstoil sows. dill "PM& MUD Slitsts . 0 40111 RIVER NEWS Upper Elver. tor nen. a atlantic Telegra.b.3 MOIWANTOWN. Feb. 25.—River with three feet of water in the channel. Weather clear. • Thermometer thirty ' two at 4 P. at. w. On. Cur, Feb. 23.—River falling dew ly, with thirty Inches of water In the channeL Weather clear. Thermometer twenty-one at el P. X. GEZEMBORO, Feb. on. ery with four feet water in the channeL Weather clear. Thermometer 30 deg'. at 4. T. x.. Baownern.fx, Feb. 23.—River falling slowly with IN' fee* water in the channel. Weather deer.' Thermometer St dogs at 4 P. x. - o. The river continues to recede steadily, with 'seven feet in annel by the fiforionishela mar Weather eon -filmes to moderate t oold, and would freeze spin t night. Mercury. at 4 r. hr.,' 30. The Belle, from heeling, is the only arrival we have to revolt. Bhe did not 'teatime out again consequence of the ice. tiTral tow are ice bound beo n here and W eating, among others the imam at Ca e's Eddy; Reindeer at log , bright.; Rey neat Babb'a Island, and 'the Bengal Ti at Industry. The Glendale, Hare, and Marc : Day pre, Capt. t, pbell, are both load lug 'or St. Louis. The City of anuide Cepa H. T. Dexter, is an no for Nee Orleans. .11 li, expected that Haht. Brennen's new packet will be toady to leave for Cincinnati this day week. —The Nashville Banner of Saturday eara Captain Wiley films yesterday calved a dispatch from the agent at Clairol of the Nashville and Cairo Packet Com- I piny, stating that freights at that point were abundant, and advising planters not to ship their tobacco at present rates. From the tenor of the dispatch, It is evident that connecting steamers from Cairo to New Orleans are disposed to gouge a little—that is to say, demand higher figures or refuse the tobacco. —We clip tbe following from the Cin cinnati IRequirer: We .have good au thority for tae statement that parties In New Orleans now have in contemplation the building of a duplicate of the Nat chez here this summer, for the Vicks burg trade, with the view of making her still faster than the Natchez by giving her one more boiler, and couiderably more cylinder power. The parties. are reliable steamboat man, and abundantly able to; do all they undertake. • -The following are the dimensions of the Wade Hampton Just built at Leeds villa for the New Orleans end Ouachita trade; Length, 226 feet; beam, 38 feet; 800482 feet; hold, 8 feet; engines, 23 1 inch cylinders and stroke; six I boiler& 2$ feet longa nd 88 inches in diameter. Capt. Tobin, by whom ahe was rbullt, ,expended 9325,1:100 in building four steamboats at Louisville. —General Weitzel him stated that the new canal at Louisville will be nom. pluted in a year from the present spring. The contract& are let, and workman have ever since been engaged in prto paring machinery and material, so as to prosecute the work with vigor as soon as the weather will permit. —The Arkansas Is falling and has about 3 feet on the shoal places to Little Bock. W hits river is falling slowly, with plenty of of water to Jackson Port. --The Edinburg tum been purchased by 'Capt. F. Y. Batchelor and will be paced In the New Orleans. and Cincin nati trade. Price, said to, be IMAM —The Machette said to have made the run from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, in 9 hours and 18 minutes, making 3 landings. Distanoe, 135 miles. —The Lorene mused Memphis on Monday, and the Wauanita was at Louis villa the same day. --Celt. Abe Hutchinson has sold the Countess to Butterfield it Carr—price not stated. —The Cumberland river wu falling on Monday with g feet on Barpeth Shun. —The hllsaisalppi is again frill of ice at St. Loule. _ SPECIAL NOTICES. rarCONSVIIIPTION. - • DP- IKTEIIINOWS ?MAIM° STROP lbrthe c lilenrgllllM Maniftrthe Dr sadalltbs Wm/naiad ,Fandl lt.acra.- riVeleasi Litt iht: Ali or these three Medici .es an often noel red Mt ening Consumptioe. limash Irallacmh, &Vtt mit=, w,g,sr hava: Own ves vy welch means a arm le mos of, Toes. Medicines are ouniednUously Mitred ho the Mete as the only safe. wean nad far all ratable moony for Pontoons/ Coneamprlon. and 10omrbi padttlon et the eddy vele° Mid UM to tal d alseme. COMIIMUS Sad LOS. Poldls an °Rea torenouers or Coneuraption. and menthes soulless thennives they Ando N t er Pla orionfaireir Indira welch Du alng probation bentretben Um lineal. pm Made tbranFraod ot sore Illso ‘' thlrtr. dre years. la al ot width time 100 reputation km te enaged, sad ebe most oneVaals stersielma j=varlaTl et name It Me patient sill PerommiMly Mew Me di merlons whin moo - mean omit DOW e• h• .111 aorta:My muted to maanro la 4 e h s i ep olsnone an Wren i n la no c n h ouppmed to 00 tameable, when hind. ea= melons have despaired, the ass ot lt sant the %V . tie malleoli a m id eastern has i tr i ,ls= root not say that all easel M . re snarl Conemapiloa am within the roan modiene. bat as roopludioalliteV that atlas when paUnto ban the moat l moo to a Molest enditenop . leTeM= meats. no oral debt eon/7. .0.0 SO Mb* UtSt. they are *blind tO Me, and= tholircas Icy tu mar plusicisaUctir Mental be cored. Plo mederal Madmen Ma eteueaccr Isom bat whoa the non areverf an. 7 ammo. Wito soma slant gtter n &l. tare maT slso.vitrololon Dhow mem coodistuei Iwo amity ollsonst... Dr. elm& has photo s'A 1 " : , g ih o L 111 =NU .111. V:. I: atVtMfalt=. i i la Me treatment of Consilpum Ist.. Mons Importance to_ohn ir soda nanny ton to the licoco I m anordorl atinelhoir thO appetite ot the rattan moo prove % a s delsre.6 maw .. . 41 I •Vi d oo4 gully Monne, The ankles .moat Wenn foythelliets.i_Coodpoptin_poinata,ms 1 :"galettettargLl:4 nrtlOs7. 81.474°1442: nod to order to .0005 00 0011 to:ado:a percloesble. soudraneat, Sot VV. becoreed TULIe, and In law Whom It deir I f sled two th e dima to P . MOIS are put in rood I o A. the ood pope' 'Tau Um mum 1, of the paten, is Mods. - non and teen nds be. gin ,to novelle mar feleS/01.1:1 a &nand and I MAIMS manner. Theo the Imollos• pones et ranee& limn mill of nt the cora. " 21 1 tyro= man . . adorn. Us an to one* to re• tore obsymetloas tros Um Urn an, restore Its That hen MI the cTiolicy mid& t 0 toot or "Mee maw. had an .0151 Ir er tfutLl.llo,ll:lo.oElV re i r• Orr ."1171521.3"ht%C. ertedUdi laeklbU•ebilte= u U MI 7a-oicitmccuM atth•Lbrat. 000 On of these phle peor:Lbe elleaff of to. AosellatoO. • a p £llll am tuvollabl:inigu t raZju l tr They tonne too solierloss Itilmatest mist no ralmons Strop _MI off mtM a care. Them loom boon Rend ntrok ma t osoccl Mans , outrralr red' o a r 1114 , =1 1 2 1 thotaandlirg MO SCUM, Mated an7al.tey 01 ware aetsalb tr t. mr , m . month , Dinh,* um et ara. yam nor V:Belossolc , a /Manse ea:MUM e fen Treledu cm tho modals tom. of emu. locus ui Venoms% Slid diumlosa Pow to t alc um =Mbcowilu,:byt oTsclattit ukkUli7 .• Na 110110 N to r = 0. It bo ut i tir,L s t"42l: tut 111, wets I "*.z . • "a:szt OILS AND DIAL= of TRADESIUS NATIONAL BANI,, 'wooa It, tor. Stood ARM IMEErri PAID ON DEMO% Gold, Co'npona, Bonds and Boob BOUGHT AND SOLD. A. BOLDL=Y. President. W. VAIMIRK. Vice Predate.. aerial CYRUS MAXIM. is- C a rla. S. McCLEAN & CO.; BAT4SERB. Government Securities. No. 75 Feu Placate and frompt Wootton area to wren , thing la andd he badness. Cllectls tawade. Cer tificates lamed, aria laerist a ll oed oo Time .Depacita. Advisor. matte oa Peas Collateral, Goreramoat !Magritte. at Moroi rates. Dealers la Varela. and Domestic IC/Amager Gold, *Silver, Back Notes. le.. Sc. all local or other Ntseellaamna Meta, 1050., Morten. , Commercial Paper, ie.. negotiated at tan moat rates of emmoMaloa, _ PEOPLE'S SAYINGS BANK cor. Federal and lowa Streeta. IN H. ILANIIILAI6 Proltitat. IL P. TOIINGI,CuIIer. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Stockkolden laaldually Liable. I IDLE Dspoerrs 1 I OF PrTrraritritfall . 708 VIZ • Safe Keeping of Taluableo, Rader gasmatee, sad th6nattag of Baer la Ma Fire and Burgin . ..Proof has. Ao. 83 J7OI:IIZTE, AVENUE. Presutest—wirimm rermars. mi. rrestemitt—auggar LLOYD. WTLLTAII PHILLES,I:7I:ON EL PAINTER. RENEE LLOYD . Jos. B. ItOßß.hant , WILLIAM REA, OROIMIT. BLACK kI , WILLIAM M. LYON. CUR= . 9 • J mi. I. BARNETT, SIC'T 1 Trice—O• P• ON 131191HORIIT. UP= &My from 9 o'clock A. 9. so 4 o'clock CITY MOM. 112 Fifth Avenue,Pittaburgh, Pa. cuirrru, aooeo.. ITOCILIOLDEIS INDITIDTIALLY, UMBER PAID' ON DEPOSERS. I TORSION =CHARON Bought and .old. lad whoa desired readtted to Lamp. Collection. male wail tal i•flitCl9. l liolitta of tbe United Mato. Caa •40 Dominica lirasTs, Presider JAMES McCann. Tim enskorn... W. N. 111.011.0A5. CUbia. Duiscrom. Roan Keating. ?mew C5...9n.11. D. Das.... Stomas Routh Pautet Kans. Cum. H. Barr. Ms. mm' A. J. Dna. N. HOLMES & ION& 313ALNIKKELS, 67 'MARKET_ STREET la lintrrriEll CON. ID m C 2l a ir S l o Z o 1D & 6 to 1 o 4ll P s kd .ei i r .1 as7Tlolfe.n2slmTerouMA ?mtaaA. Lo lrla .z Pausmßs aI mlVloAemtTnaltsl DMerma deMllty.bint s tW with ot rl narkiertitealmi sad tong stsodimc ommtitation&LorMliets ma politely limited to aIA Mr ea idoo, mbreil oasts notblagt Zroostesan. Oa ben OttaKdiarn, boa enabled bloat° perfect remedies it Mom ell. du t= == "" rats i a dir = MUMFormed in 'MAMA ma mma ofnee, XMili Llke.=llitalm....A.eri retVigh., ariWnWea. to WO si smiortrallag Um DoW saw Wog& • miSt• Wbo baffle Wei. IMM ymu ems. WO ••••• b. WI bilis paw. pblot o ff ' mans, Wit SO ooT Salosig os.. me im Is nealed-eavalme.. ThOaloada Of cues tressed airg . st Want lad t a l l erregm ems. NeMTrri Wylie Mimi. imiir Y ersiMplirmi rictaintlyo, ro.' Hams WA.X.toII Y. 16 - 411. Y. 1M st. toll or Mr EMOJM.IIII ant to say M. diet Air ello gawp& ^ EirC4RCEINs TVIIOII4 I , 11L. strussloss cuss sr Meer us bolas Olaf fads. by Drs. S. U. !LIU it OM,- st tM plorsdslyhts Cason larnairy. =WO SUtat.. puls4elytils. Puma. sad 1$ tits broad. U lm is .ekirp or Purpose!. P. DALTON. yoorstst,, otsPoslXT.Ohlo. Tip zustrosta I mo ass onus AsPdotsi. tbs part serestllls sod ssomastol taws aOa etstliama Pori& ?bums sot cassOb WWI to buoys" elses. TbitY stulltilsaz sours. Tbrt arum. soma by to lost nrious sr raw Us. as 04114 2 ealatialaf• VMS sattrotss. 9w ^fie eat ausio• gaga. sne pug ranBATCHELOWS UsIURDISS —Tots Waned Rutz 1:110 la litt tout to the lissude%'ibliebles turtositaalluds: does not domain leso, nor toy witsillopossod orodnuo piirslysts or tundlls Avoid ibss i s sad delusive P1bre"..2260011,40.2 e/r orbits Wd 3P+ 21/7. Wu to obbold lablussur Wanly Polbai elr - sug u vk a , 8.... am by .arty.s. answiletreetat. - Va rim Pm BOWL STILL AND TANK NIAL- :vi B m 01 A.II As, _DORLLIPMAN I-PLDlT t i&r il ate 17000kittEnalit% Ant Irian. BATTLING rA.DIS, SALT PANS AND CON. DtrarPIPIS, OLSCODITZAS AND uog BRIM PAM% DOORS AND COAL anvils. oee. Waretkoaw. comer. Socoad, Tiara, Short sad Liberty Strlmplic IT=M PITTSB4IIO3I3, Pd Of Alleghen9. MiEGI rflizzar. &ow. PrinininlaCO& Pa. ocalection. mism, as ail Uu. ormalist VOWS of tlalte4 ntsses and °swag. Stocks,Bends and other Securities SOUGHT AND SOLD 011 OOMENUNION. rankalst MUMS= pit Se las or V ated States Securities. HAFT, CAI:MILEY & CO, DAMNS AND BROOM, 17orserrOurth and Wood SWOOP, , PA. CBUOOTBB O I TO swum, wort. I co =ID Exchange, Coin, Coupons, .tatt patient. &Mottos ptld to tho parasol , sod solo et GOVERNMENT BONDS Met Dra ft s on Loudon. mai 11 DI VOIiTHAMPER 243 Liberty Street, (Orpoilta bead of Wool WROUSALE GROCERS, .Pittsburvb, Pc!. ESTABLISIIED sit A. k. T. GORILY, 1812. W. IL 6011 Y, WHOLESALE 012001318 - No. 271 Liberty Street, WIRSCITIM OAT. WA= BMW - .ITIT7SIIIIBEL. PA. N. erssim J. A. VIZ/SOL M . STEELE & SON, Cbssos&sion Merchants° /MD Duns II '3ILairaIS.MMT.N.IMi=P• to. Ito• IND 01110 WIWI% aw Iran Offlemos. ALLIS:III2NT C7ITY. Pa. mums a. 111.111 , 1131, PLODS, ORA= Alp MOD1:102 Commission - Merchants, ,Nip. LIUMEITT 1111131/11r. Cha;iilinlistatts "Welts& " ' 147 PICTZII XX11... JAMAS Y. MORA= it FEL ly. "7160111111=10111 NEEIRCERA'MIT% 'LVD DIAIXII Dlf F ELM, UM ins. rEED. 14$ somas Ir» rittalbargl6 mutat W. C ARXSTRONG, Onwess!toistiont AnutralMl noDucs camtstol =au* No. afAigIVIM Otioet. L J. aLANcuAgs. lirholeale'and Oxoeer, =C 'l=3 ''SAD & PATTON, Nik..l=3:= M al "_, liar= Auarbiesaa LarLOU. uaa, 1i& e .....111.16 =I :Mr i4TIZTOIr" _ sad I.lllk D KIT. 10E311. VOIJO..IZII. x001Z....1ng. Z. WM& NOUN L HOENE AI WWI, Vac m; imic et 11116 La Zreetz. Plttatzsil. aamc .............. WALIA6II. tiEIIPTON "ee. 0 6 Mrgr iSD Ararr a ., rmw.wm• Du°3 -I"ll3°lraLC L,. 40g & 00'• G IllsaalMausri Lie= RIT IRON L I 40.111. 061. 11 r IN:Oren Sh i er sad sour gOsirsiligraral= sraddi soutbas• Inn slime es VIM. I UAW 1014WcaSS. 110111 Mitt City. ,osaalt , ?k 011 1 / 1 1111. LeckDW'hlllp"re bungh E3l tygliiss mune mum= semi rim 44114, tor NOM :J. L MatIMMO. "Vg . CI I RIX S. CARROLL AND SNYDER. 311.13‘0711.0:111R185 Ol PA- illrOrdelt omot to the .eon address mill be •tomptly attended to. mill 1111611 N BOLE 8; CO Con. Pilot Alley and Duque Stn OILS TES POURT.) Efigirie.Builders, Founders and ifachiniste. Itswitutuie STEAMBOAT SEWN= and I STATIONAILY ENOINEO, of &Base. VIgNIS Virg/WM N 3; 3 . ll . A.F l rts,, PMH Ytigit IlErratZit.tV MNLESSES, sAd INDUSTRIAL WORKS, hosting on the Allegleny Blur, near the Point. rtrrEcsußeu. PA. Mr.= orlon proximity 111 ed. IST VS. REMICK & BRO., 7181. suscu.A.B,raoor lug AND VOLTS. NO DANE. NO ItOTILD KNOINEB AND NACHINZBY, BBILWIDIT ORK, IMPAIBINO AND POT. iLDG•SIP YADELAZItY. Cor. 17th Ltd Pike Ks., Pittsburgh. Pa. O'HARA . BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO.. Iltastalaattuvrs of Tag -ulna vato-useva: largh- rue?, .91r -..A - v , Car. et lima bane and Liberty M., TITTIS81711 1 : 1 1 1 . Remains done promptly. Orders sent to the sbitymefirezz '"rmedir ettl be promptly siresti U tello. a tiNyEarar...: collo k co.. BOLLER. MAKERS AND ANENT raow INORKN.NS, NOR. SW, SA, a 4 LSD Ad Mae BT. Having secured large yard ukd farniehed it with the most appraved nutehinery, we are ore eared to mulatacture every description at ROIL- Wn La the beat canner. sad warranted equal to 5411 wade La the country. Menem Breeentag. Tire Reda. Meant Fines. lanamouve SWUM Conensers. ran Para. Tehts. Oft atlas. hew r.a..svaarigrawbmago Par e n t 00111.11. Retethhh eem en rteurt Me. Alma • YANOTACTOBIBIS or Steam Donets, Oil Stills, Tanks: Sal= IRON 1O0113„, &O. 61 Perm Weed, PUtsburgb, Pa. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, NATIONAL FOENDUT AND PIPE WORKS Vali sr Carr•U sad Ilimillnaa•treets. llatiTli WARD./ VIT-r81 51311 . 4311.1 . WILLIAM SMITH, YAKUT ' ALO.ZONZR OAST IRON 8071. PIPE NOS 013 AND WATT& WOLLB• •Xi Mee are all cast Inariably Is zus, ass • ....taad ant isafahr• v Air°. n'n Of (total Cludings for Gas & Water Work& also can tle attention Of Mi& este 43 . 1 "" Elia TORT PRI OIJNDRY GONANY °Trio. AND WORMS, TiWELETIEI. STREET. wrissIIRGH. PA. larthisines.Bolling Min Ma. chimney, Nall Machines, Re torts. and Eas icltits W. J. I.IIIIIIIIZTVOGLi. MONSITIELI MINE mW. J. ANDERSON it CO., i n ne o mt ia ra u rabll ad FRONT& Castings of all Desartptms. alp pooch' &anti= pile to Ai.OIPLTECTIS . Itta, trAPTILNIAS and to Outings Ow Wladow Btu Ho use& trovoxit AND VCOntioti—Xo. lao W 4.14. 5 t ISTILSZT., PlUstrarob, Pa. - ROBLASON, BEL & CO., Baconsoors to lioaiirlair, lama A 1131.133 . 1 1 . WAILEIINGTON WORKS, IFOUIDESB AND , riunimutrrasepßsp Illfflukenatareso *Moos Cod antimony Stem Za am Btoss Novas satill=Oltw. &cap= sod Ilffre._ONTs 4 noel gala*. . _ _ Moot.. No. Al. ot/EMI Mit sad toonosolo Moots. ibettgallgelDlS rATICIRT =ll Elit lOWA 'Mud MAW nil MAW Yob,. &puma BT., ALtscacrrr. raj dietithr *MOP= and LI,Ve Steam aslii r . Willcgrek. cgiusallt ei= tAa : 41 4 .34: 2.;.E._L______l4toorjgC4 Z. oraliainss of PI MP" "Lib "Ininars '. Oos. LIBIRTT sail AIM 1!IT1Z OS. B& OLLM AN & BACALEY 7laaanemnra of Superior Chou Bolls, Sand Bolls & PlnlOUs. COTTON MILLS. taus, BELL i & Co., • T. 4 ANCHOR COTTON MILLI).- gilitt-ei eiZZANT JOIDIUM unmoor azosom a. l mLcor*iduk swnsT[ss; wing*. moms, Vita! HOUSII 41019007AT10W EMIL= vs. Edi• 11 saa 4 IWO:sir Mugu Pitatbargh. . . i I .000 a il cokrinar, ' iPidal aisariglon gin lo s tba ded4P13 1 4 .111 I :Fr'. ..7...„_ ~...4 sa d, Thia musk mums a aouwe Bourn sad TIMM ..,... . Foul nysiS•AlW TIN yin missi. •rn , "^ , --- ' . lutiash. P., - - - - • - 1 11(11411.11.1111a8' CLEVELAND ing , . - I. ciAmmari 4 , co ., vegN1........ :t t,t... -,....,' ,- - ..... -..-• ______Lrn-5.x..±.- b Was — ars —Lis& 11 , 1 . 1. "I fibr .Js ta i. S. CAPriliiik Milt : . ' ,- DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. R& & 00.. Xnautzetarers at IBON, NAILS Nitgia ' s AXLES AND SPRINGS. nvqrstalsZ, L Z ♦ED JUNIATA.' PAVD 71APRA t WNW • p I iATIRMNIIata btoWlAVltga r...TlEll.u2k* erginti s AND CULTIVArarRn-1 reTztlitlntAirDsrultrurrlt riTLEL. COACH., SUDSY utd WAHON sruutsts sad A.ILLTS• - • c NA11,23 AND MM. All Goods First Glass and Warranted. °MOD AND WOMS: iiiiiVi.°N"Arr latt alartir Wet MILLER, 888 & PRIM •ICIFIMAL rxrnrass: • 113 EN wy. WISCAL/. R.A6141i. ULU. W. BARS. PAstirza-B. Y. MIMS. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, I.IIIEII, BARB & PARED, 0111CIL XL Ito Libitty Strut, 1e.14:d0 —II7IIIIIURB E. PA. pITTIMIMG II STEEL WORKS. 13111BLINUED 1K 1141. ANDERSON & WOODS, iustrrAcnnzas OP MIST BEFINED CUT .T BL Of viol desarlptlon. Mich 164 Unwed Genoa Plow aid , Iprlig MAL b g i OMB BOW AND TOOT AVlZlnnatir ta..wz! DUQUESNE FORGE. 4S6 rni-wi WILLIAM MUM _ ch trx_,ool maeoessor to JO& HAIM A 00.,) lika •.• . . Eiss facilities eo-exteadve wititille latellas Toil Igitiicth:erilrailrriPislorigggraT =6" .: new-% ViNS, Panto& fa i n u La.M, 4 ll , B .IM A : Purreottiwiuss ritESZ.Bkoseiaer with even L . ......,.. i1d ,,...}1: ', description of MAPS WO Mee sad Vona ' ra — c7V- - Corner of DIITIEIIIO Way lad Ent !teat - lIMM BILLBRZIOSBN 1110CBSS. *net the use cc trarMILA.WIr2IO4 UMS'lllth C T). sueortor velty telhethed to lOW 1000. U. ire.otatropto. then.= Otto i r 1r05.,j4th,A...1e 11 U nties within( tothe It cha °Math llamas by 09017100 to • SPEER. - JAMES P. - BOOICEI 1.4 "=llr ItglirrigrAi Toth* these. • . 'Puttee latesetted are Invited to idea the BEWINJOYeth EA WORK& whore thopethoth_Le now la euthWhopersta urnowman N E OVELTY WORN& IP•sodked A. D. 11111. MOOBBO, ABMS & CO. munnmeroizis ADtalwOrneMitr An a INV Ai " SO ALES. : !taus yagiVatel. Dor . ihrsata.d Wash EINEM OP PIE 6 Arai, eurz Pittsburg ~WO. SHEFFIELD STEEL WOWS& SINGER, NECK & UVq PITTSBIMGII, PA.. ILanatacturers of evta duesiptlcnn Of CAST AND OgRIMI DM& iurizal o lvn friAguf.iv ius awn: ifavester Flist Sta. BLACK DlAllea STEEL4;vr PARK, BROT H ER & CO., ltanutooloroos of aIl deo:notions of firiZElnr.a. canivL,xd.dwv.l=.ADiarwrisvm=s.rra. :suer: STOVEf3. CASTINGS. &O. COOKCOOK STOVES. CET THE BEST BISSELL & CO'S FOB 81T17111210D13 Warm's' ta Osek, Bats ar Bast as veil as say War nine to the tralse. BISSELL & 00, 285 Liberty Street. No. Mow on Lod and nan.nlin PAILIAIn tiIrOVEP , BreEVIL • • . COOLING !UM. Mk. CM, RUOIS & NANCITACCoZZILII 01/P Fat Tanen' or S t rCOVV-a S, BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "IN NISI YUBNAMI Fr..w_Awykrivele coorisa wrovs I a& OM TMO N ripmr'g l an k 11113117 AL W 1.1.14•14 raraMitgiegiVinnne ll rt,sul dust: 208 site 208 . L iberty! Street, p f I % I 10011311. Th. AL.L - E - r •IBR.AII CO 30. SO WOOD 312 M. llsaabezzen of Ike illeatAst Wade/ Ili Cook;' l'azkor and Heating Stores, -lacer sewn:Oast sin P 41.10101? PATTSIONI AND lIIPSOMUNTS, the rep Kailas of oar Waves to ea& that es 7 *se Is ens of• good snide shoal( psrelesee arse bal thole seaarseiseed by us. ea illop 0111 be tease mandonaill•• SI earaouncel. esll,l),Mfff sessatios to oar per 7 'Mokpo est larttro=ad. =WI L idth WWI.% PAW:. A. W.) 0.00 meet to= peso 000 T-Ca the nm •lIOVIVX ta any OtraXsuu cum,- Os. 0004 to CAWORIO 1.11011 PM HENRY BIER & SOMA 1111._000P1271 is 00. Ben snd Brims Founders. BRASS :cAtilerffir64l AIWEEITIN7/. zuknonium t a tl orart i s tiT l - Yr Us sad after II r. alt.. _ I as, 'Mak, Trains ddli ULM it5.1: 0036 ., Ilead irA WldAM o u...Z:4, \ • 4 110 an *Scathe...l= 11 1 - . rut um,— 1 • nli .. wo . , . uth' t ." A•s l"Vio ° rt. ° T1A7.4. At- 1 4 11 50 •4 7 4,4 171"21•X•rNo..."1-111:1108 ass' 1C...1.'11'n% TX :L . 6 6 8 . , i ...M"...glV:l2,la.alt.:92kLatarn NSX:tar ri:ISXII vsl ' i \ ars ,rat:ilsig!.ll7-3,2 Paa pi L1U:ir.k....,42,...wi„ . „.., ......,.:::,. „b r ig. _ . . Be% A zio. ° 4. 11 ., • 0 •= r al .u' l Litt tato' tonkAo No% 1:10 ps , 4- ay .,..i.. sma Wsy rsass•r 10:50 pm. _____.....t rt.. "These trans make el osssss..... bugdoetZsg rnu s. , I .. y av frili, anddad at 9:0111 a. 22.• 10:016 5... It. tarnidll. / , ..L._&" 7 :fla as 111:119 p. at. and as/1000 Id .a• 111:10 v. sa. "rducinantl inn... I.d , d , . VALF.' SO A VM :Vg: V= 1; 11= u ' Non rada italbressuom aMil_n_. W. x.ll=X - WITEI. TierwassWissistisuroadeMra_ V,t, maa any talttrdterMen. : n . a. MDT:ti.r. u.,•..'"1iri5....... UM mount in 0510 a will'. as rut a awned. nulida taktn i ainv ,.. .eenctua„l Doll Quisrssnertnumlest. /shown sI , , ffliNfn.,sl-.2121111.1111.0 : rnmientestalsoad itritiarrive"daC;‘t asta4hsst " 1144:A tmat am tidos 10„..Strsat Depot, sa datt,r, eorhigd,• lihssoko a m X 5i1....,, A . 1 •:M • a LL r= T s i . s° A 943l 4\ R= „., E=AuM sarph , g . .. ll- s .,m irsrffte..figi rs "Man! ir• . tlprind,ova:SO pm dtatPgdieNollll. ii , Above muss min daily assat•••••.Y. 'ma Cbasch Tir leaves ~ ... M A A S amsday at tl4O a. m.. FMnst LSO a. ift. UntSITZIng. IMITIM OM al I.: . ll_lkp. m. and arm* asalloglisso %A=f' "'in am itheglast* TAN IS.. u.dszks Weds umnaction as ~rig. Makilgkr,,,...fro=:,...vF at the LisrPM. Bl = . • • - i11gV1‘4"4124t5411.75ATe4 Mu Western Peniurytirsists. Esitrowl not ainersay MO Ita Minch exempt thr w•atith mid watt las-1,-mstmsl•llltl to 0. •Erst• Tail Dothan •hi mils. - 111 tonsta ast." smiddsig this amount Itt•ataassillba at - th• hia et - ths [mast. luilesaropanChavOiltb. Megell Ildtraserlatandeitt, AlGoTaailla WfiGH 703811ATNIt t r ao.ll.lo , g.4lfOrttNa "IT" ' 9. trallutwil.l4 9 9lPte and rjyB st.l9 tIIDY.B Tjalat Dr. sort& Ads, t I t.... 19 99 a it CROW Fi tz ring: mg, ilvi, .. W..6:58 • m 0.98 is Valli Din \ iii IC . : ICu r ielig i rill: tr 9 . 1:9. ' fir.rac , nam: rat.'lls.-= utargo...ars - It 11:: Yeses fall." •:{Y Dm Stunk .. Alt II:98 put La ale Tlitta ll= =gar •• t.• r.. , :., „,,,, 0 ., „ ;:f . p. ~-raTiv; ~.i.ttNelimitrAinhsvg. OP. ,'"lratigrna.e_vrait,_. vrtfaa o. Pas. • tutt Mesh OW. 41. m ., ■ell OA 1% VE OFNISINII , IZIL.T VAILLIIT SPAWILOAD TIER ONLY DIRECT ROUSX.337 THLOIE REOILVftVENtriVe. li p .1.81 *Witt Dlttabunt. Emlm‘997.ArA tr ß lZ WMIOOEIIB sunfrbenotrum am, \ la "1 ilt 5.. 146 7... lA. •m Fri.. ...nirp. a ifftor a , ... 800 pm 1eatip........ TIDO •si eltoa.:. 640 • m DI Halton.. 11:10 sag Rd Mt0n...11160 •m Rd RPM , . RIR.* m SP Bpßos.. 5.00 pm Ed Hulum... SAVOR , tesm a " rr " lilit. T,T , , 1.!.. th 14"otgi. VAIIII% gap. w °WM. 6:30 pm \ nmnport Al Otle D • Basdrn BA° 11:16 p m Brady. II La lOW a Church. .... 1;00 pm Cbora—,..p, _ auk tip.. Using enoto null nt. Mao . pow; j"ws= .1. 3.1.1LAT1M B. • alatfoa MP. stoßgal. ~ . 3. .._ inv)itAs.. N. - atilitiParrresuiton r esizt v,, y , FAN HAMS ROUTL CMS= UT TTILIC.—Cra sad ta 1513110/.T. A.M. INA. MO, mesa will Iwo and anti, aS t►a DalaaY)aDat. rittstankt:Z i a... Mall ..................—..—. M. is. 111:13t IN aeathana Express IS Alig P. sa. ort a.. re...41.1=v.............. lal O. 13 atm illakraald,a .4;a:fa:l ItRI a. sa. 1:.1,511.6. „,. =.Tigt.=.o.limr:::.zatt "liPMTAFT.:. ;;;X4lll PA dltr" .6 11 " MU r. rt. litiul will arrive do/.11 . ' B P. Gemara Pietas &sent. Calasalaui. tip. W. way, yaws., Denalaws. IMO. , ■om -.—................ rM B II.I.#3 IFI VT.I , X MIMMIL i r es Keld anal TirgaDAY. Volizaber. , • tx2,lsurill antra at awl &tart trus =Vora. o'er.; Wstar . _ • StiSlteaadtrortraca .. T.OO A. SAKliati IT =Pita . = :N.::P. ' Z.' Rgrig.t.c.6.....Lta=1.1:1:30 P. OAS and II•om . • SIM! InLia UNION C RAILWAY . it rrisuoson. grnimmm , H. VOX SITILDI79I TO EX 70 MOW FOUNDERS. . MUMS 11101LETSX TO 91011:16 Ibleable and grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, mans, sown in con ALL.Ctielen PATTENII. 11:1EtCVN 41CXX:MEES, Brasile* of every desetiptla for gam, Water as 011. , ouunroiottroosoor JAIL COMM* Das Wand baluaAked Item bray. Arias for Dreldlt Patent Ott. ay, She best ta the Marta. WM mai Wads. Ora Tanen* va.: Tuai gloom - Eastern Division. !Re saunrsirt AND muer szLIA I I WlllTtiramtnetaatteal p:dats 00IeradO P NeVada, Calit'orala Via b,. Arizona Washington,' New Efrillco, Ma% orison. Two !Ulna leave Biala Lbw . asdLeareallettli • a l t i VgrarroseWV4V =Mord= bid Latin. Joe Railroad now eaoseatie at. Lemmaleal, Teririre at "=.4feenellinrorili art the 1:1 :tv • Mr ) , o le ir lerAll ...I MICR= MR IVECrevEIII4 BAXIC lalat*W..... &HD An points in the Territories, . aan.i ikinysvaosnorattrii7 irg...ra or Calm= nor Iron Una*, Yon. ~,,g LI run to an. /lOnlwr. tot* sa """" e"'l'eteubs.. O rams aka t. ". .as the . ta • •=r,,,lo.trontotrin M I S Ma Ito innol.tonalaa Sta tr.daiw.oola = l nn Aujit2 o ,i; t awsloot anon v 111 attiorStros sod Cooogi,i. • , ~.,,,.... 4fforttarionaliall i'l" l3l i - rixmlosh o.%era,ll3 ll Per , *" 4 " ••,...•• 0.1N4 annA TV.. N A II 2,000,00 Q. am" " 0110I0Blare FOR WE I=9 'Union Pacific Edlaad Com DP7I4IOX. , Tates &bat the ilea of tbeir roast. at $l,OO TO 86;00 rzit Acar, ►aaoi a=COTT .011RV,Z , retch paucalus. awu se.. '44 nu Jou P. DZVEiiisPie Lutd ComatoOluir. TOPetis'isal ft WWI. IS. wizens. U. IL IAntIL MOOS PRoWmisTorrAL. W. De emir, 9 • •_ fiOnEVAND:tousstitOs Ai LA .dtOEo. VS MC I% MCI% lint practice in Ma . 15. rents MrCourts. tn Sato IWO., as: all of Alletnenl eisinAT. lop Was la ntYa m.Yt•Y°two°tfY. 7AI , ABC AerTent..l4RDT.A.T.l44ll* V =MI STMT. . 1 „i"waiar YTS:TSB - 09AB. i U. • • Attornev-at-Law. QM= /lOrProskpt s!lention ewes to all kiwis NEEPEIL, "MiIIgA".2' T D IIP -I rire "6" • imam so,nrra Ainut e =4 Waal , oz vottlise 11 • TRADE NI,ARIC. , . - Elna n,- , .. . . . _ sixml.i.l 4 ..opw - Lamp - - _ :-.-01111INETS... II BM >.