The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 24, 1870, Image 2

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ttit ilittibut gap*.
orrictua. PAPER
Of . ptiitivigh, Allegheny city
and 3AUegheny tons'''.
. 1
BoxM at Prirkort 98404.
. -
PwraoLin= Aintwelp 60i
. loud In New York yesterday
at 1171.
Is ninon% dm:Aston affirming the
Bay bf a divorce grunted according to
1 the law if Indians; the Supreme Court
also balalbst Ako fat from being bound
by thiloailcil of her husband. a mar•
f r. tied woman may acquireruddence in the husband whenever such
a mildews Is necessary to the protection
of her rights by litigation."
I OrMandel In Conroe,.
4 a Wier says
If Whittemore eeraPaaau will Mos Po. ,
and there are certainjy more throe '
more room to tome. Whit la ono
s of the twat prominent of the Southern
UleateNts; Itlo war elected or twelve
thcareang nudorityjthe ooltored popula
t Son
helot. 11115 in hie district. • Is
• addltlontoita ator of Congress
be la minister In Methodist
end has Demi until recently, ToilolarlY
walgoad Oka circuit..
M D - Innch good reading, of late,
la the colexhas of our Demociatlc neigh.
bor of the Pea. For example :
Why will Messrs. Irwin, Kimble and
M'Oratb, reuse to tautly before the In
veattgattog Committee of the Senate,
now in sewdon? They have a carefully
=aria -
reply to the Committee, writ.
we.,understand, by Mr. Mann, of
Ttgladelphls. taking the ground, at least
le feel Mr. Irwin la concerned, that he
Li relined - front answer. He was the
tee Mate 'Treasurer. and Is new the
Tregenter ems and should, we thing, be
ansdOusk4all sit be knows.
—lt Is the laipeiteelos at the esliltal
that "Mr; Mann" was assisted in the
sweslarattott4 that document by Speaker .
Teat gioat notable ,purge in the re.
neatly published instruction' from our
Gorminient to 'the American Meister at
Ymbikis • that which the Secretary
"instincts Mr. Sickles to report at Madri d
that thialikmenopent has maintained Its
freedom or action against a great pressare,'
that its melon will he governed by facts
as they occur. The' President reserves
complete liberty reaction in case Spain
Ws to restore peace." The same dispatch
also says: • -"
It becomes more apparent, every Mgr..
. that the contest cannot terminate 'velm
ent the abolition of slavery. Tine ger
effluent considers the • government at
Madrid as'itecandded to this remit. - You
haze several. times received positive as.
gurasoes to this effects from more than
Gee member of the ..oatdnet. Yon will,
, therelbrs. frankly state that this govern
ment; relying upon - the sesurances so
sites given, will meet steps to be taken
'for the' smaxelretion of shires in the
Spanish colonies as well as tor the early
thlthdian of the promised reform'.
Here we are to observe the first OM
dal iiitatir intimation of the DreCiSe
line of policy to which the Administration
_ _ _
Is committed relative to Cabe. Its pies.
ma attitude din absolute neutrality will
be preserved so long an the progress of
events shall support the hope of a reason•
ably early restoration of peace
. and the
amanciPstion of the Cuban slaves—end
so lona. This attitude Is equally deli•.
ate rcsponslble, and exposes our
golrernment to a constant pressure in the
interests of the insurgent party.
e ~
The pas brings an announcement of
the very sudden death, at Bt. Petersburg,
of Anson BIIRLDIOARN, a WIRT° of Mar
eachinetts, bit who, since the last two
yearn, has been conspicuous in his native
country; and at nearly every Capital in
Europe; u the duly accredited diplopia&
ruresentstive of the Chinese Empire.
He first became eminent In public life in
his own land, as a Congressman, elected
• familitassachusetts, seventeen or eighteen
yearsego, cui the overwhelming wave of
reactionary sentiment, In that State,
with which the free 'spirit of the North
Protested against and Jienounced the base 1
trockllrig of thiaimpromiscs of 1850. n
Congress, Mr. Btnusecturit won a high
and universal regard Ihr the purity of his
personal and political character, for his
loyal devotion to the cause of liberty, and'
Ps thematclabffity Of his representative
carter,.. Leaving Congress be was sp•
pointed; by "President • Lrecome, our
Xinister to Chinni and continued
to rage, ,as such, sear the GOT.
amnia . ot Pekin, until It was deter:
... mined by the latter to seed &first formal
. to the powers of the western
worIW: It has always been known that
--• the liellunoe of our own Minister was
most cadent li penonding the Chinese
Govienment to this unprecedented step.
It iiii not surprising, then, that the
charge of this difficult trust should have
Man Mfered to . him by the Imperial an
us ) Olitsh Uthat, resigning his position as
the diurkan envoi at that Court be',
mould have accepted these novel duties 1
with prompituds.
As the Ambassador of China to the Be
patine and to the European powers, and
1 accompanied by a large suite of Han
data'. of high rank and an almost
royffiretinno,our citizen of MassachtuaUs
- baths Mowery Land, landing Arum:on
ourPeciflo coast, nearly two years since,
and had, up to this date, visited nearly
. wary Capital in Cheistendom, bearing
among his credentials a roving commis.
similes' the representative of the oldest
''. • and most populous Empire on earth to all
,-* ..--goveramemte In the civilized world. - 1
This mbralort has bad for its avowed
objects the inauguration of an interns-
&nal policy which should open . the
Chinese Empire to the Western civilize-
Ilion, end leal to a better recognition of
that Empire as an 'active member In the
* great flintily of nations.
ti How much of Wahl, had already ac
1, - complished, or how much has been lost
iby Ms death, both to Chloe and to the
t L. obsistian West, is at present only a matter
V . for speculation, We shill hope that the
' 'follcx which he roamed to be inauvunt•
lag an sneeessfully, until thus suddenly
al off, may not be abandoned, but be
committed to other , hands not less honest
or bauble, Of alloying less .the general
eonfidence of the wort&
e •
1, • I •
Gold was last quoted below 118. At
• the .mme date, our tire twenties of 'O7
were worth ,
' a all° T ia London,wlugioreitheehana:late' per
: pekezzoaibelnconiog fonriLper
cenThus,t- higher
thea neenand the
paper and long bonds are steadily appre.
dating in the markets, foreign and do.
i '
- , losetin. • The period Is recommended, by.
peculiarly farm.
/1 I=luz cite 800
m on or a new fund
x4l lug system. lb' Insists . with urgency
Iluta3t.l a pow oU:licit:de to place I cow
- • of the six per cent. debt
A -.
I ' " nib
pyon :1# P ;: t eign Mirata. at to Into iit
• .I''''- sot mike; *inn fire per cent. With tour
millions of the existlnit
...-ribtiads replaced at lids redaction, and with
ay rttantine of the — present sources 0
revenue imply, he justly recants the
prospect ma equally farorable for an
early oorrverston of other testalhoeuta, at
figures still more for the advantage of the
In this connection, the propriety of
any reduction in the rates of taxation,
internal and upon- bnports, becomes a l
question of the most vital isoporce. It
is held by the Secretary, an we think I
with fOrce, that any markedtement in l
the existing lkopoiltioris wi ll
ly impair -the _resourcesof , Travails
and result in weakening the public con
fidence in its ability to contAl the }Mkt-
dal altuation.„ We see very prominent ,'
indications Of the public desire for morel
or ban of relief from existing formi end
degrees of taxation. This !popular rest.
lemma, under the borthens which' vast
war expenditure has addled upon the
National shoulders, le, in itself, not an 1
auspicious element, in any view of the I
matter. Its effect is certainly not to Im.'
press capitalists, at home or abroad, with
the most desirable degree of confidence
in the patient and faithful persistence of
Our people inn rigidly und o ' tag policy
of justice at any cost to our tors.
It igannounced that the" P 'dent ban
recently made known a change In his
own views, and that he now favors a re
diction of the taxes. Bat it is evident
that, while Mr. BOIITIML may have
found himself forced to - meant to this re
vision of the aiindniiiration policy, ne
cannot and does not approve of It. It is
apparepi that, whatever concessions may
have been extorted by politicians from
the White House, the views curtailed in
the Smug Message are still adhered to
in the Treasury Department. Nor can
we persuade ourselves that the President
will insist upon disregarding the settled
convictions of his financial Secretary, by
committing the government to the "new
departure" which the anti-tax press have
lately made such a flourish. over.
There should be a great deal of satis•l
faction, in remembering that nearly two 1
hundred roillloni of internal taxes hare'
been already abated .111iCO the 4th of
March '67, three years ago. Not lesithan 1
$182,000,000 were taken off from mannrl
factunwin '6B, and more than $lBO,OOO, I
000 abated from the internal revenue col- I
lections etogether during this period. The'
next internal abatement when made must
be in the tax upon incomes—and here I
Members should be aware that, unless'
they shall; at the same time, reduce the'
collechottirmder the tariff, a good many'
of them will find that they hare their
hands fall, when arraigned, as they would I
be, before their Constituents, for the seri
ous mistake of maintaining the calming
tariff upon articles of general consump•
Lion but consenting to any abatement in
the - tax upon incomes, which 111 borne
only by the wealthier' classes. It will
not, be a safe experiment to touch the tat
ter,: until the first shall have been at
lost equally reduced. Members with
strong partizan • majorities at their
backs may risk this perhaps without dan
ger; but inch of them as represent close
districts would be sure to find it up hill
work 111 canvassing for i reelection.
This is pretty well understood at the Cap
itol, and, since there is no likelihood of
any obstantlal revision of the twill,
we may Infer that the income tax is rea
eanably safe to stand as it is fora few
years more. Indeed, it would not be
hoarding a very ,wild conjecture to pre•
diet that this form of taxation will prove
to be among the moat permanent of any
in the existing system. On the other
hand, it Is conceded, on allsldes, that the
duties Imposed on certain articles of
Prime necessity, like tea sad coffee,
shotdd be reduced at once, no matter wind'
other changes in the tariff may be ma
tured. And who will deny the positive
justice of relieving each articles from
taxation altogether, before relinquishing a
dollar of the 'sum derived from the lax'
upon Incomes. If the . Government con • '
seats dispense with its present revenue
saxofsl2,, ooo from coffee and $lO,-
' o
000, from ten, the aggregate will
be ‘,
nearly se much as any but the out and out
free•traders propose to curtail from the re-
somas of the Treasury. And no cx.
&don from the present list could bemore
highly recommended either for its intrin
sic lustice or for its effective popularity.
—With the existing tax.schedulea ob.
stentially unchanged, with the anticipat
ed attocess.of the. new _ funding scheme,
withtlie reviving public Confidence in an
early restoration of cash values without an
exhausting strain upon the popular re
-1 sources, with economy in all expendi
tures, with an honest effleiency in the col
ieMlon of the revenues, with • intend
repose and st pace with all other nations,
and with the sr/ailing tide of =Meal
prosperity which begins already to gather
force from timinlted efforts of tarty mil.
I lion, of Peonie,.alibinnogeneous in their
I Ord institutions and thcirpolltical right,
and all animated alike by the stimulating
impulses of 'an absolute liberty under the 1
lair.—with these as the sure conditions '
M[ -
of , our National future, it will not need
thalsipseof the begot anothergeneration;
to discharge the lad dollar of the greatest
burthen of debt which ever threatened to
crush any people in ancient or modern
On Tuesday we give the report of the
Commission appointed by the President
tb co-opemte With the administrative de.
Partments in the management of Indian
affairs; yesterday we gave the interesting
narrative of the meeting and talk of the
'special commissioners, Hen
Bishop and Dodge, with the assembled
tribes of Arapahoes and Cheyennes on
Canadian river, together with a brief
secant, by telegraph, of a horrible butch
ery of the people of an Indian village in
Moritaea, 'by' a detaciMeat of United
States sobileis; end to-day the reader
will and a more detailed account, written
Iby one of the' murderous party. That
men professing to be civilised, and sol
diers of a great nation, could be guilty of
such an act, end then give a report of it
which plainly — shows that the writer felt
that be.andhis party had done something
meritorious, is the most 'Praia evidence
of demoralization on the part of the mil
itary officers Out there that it is possible
to conceive. Contmxt themeethig of Mr.
Brant and his modeles with the Amps
hoes and Cheyennes at Campßopply with
that of Col. Baker and his party with the
unsuspecting and suffering people of the
village of the Began' in Montana. We
say *drains, for in the dead of winter ,
on Those Meal[ wawa plans, the small
pox was prevailing fearfully among them.
Bad this thing been done bya band of
inwless, seml•saeage borderers, it would
have been deplorable enough; still it
would not have been felt to have been so
much a national disgrace and crime as it.
Is. But men I commissioned, armed,
clothed and paid by the Government did
It, and hence the entire nation is impli
cated in the abominable strodti. •
The sentiment that prevails among the
white men of the border is that the In
dians mast be exterminated; and many of
them shoot them down in their tracks
with as lithe admpunetion se they would
shoot wolves.. Or course the feeling of
reverupe—whith is deemed a virtue by all
tames, both white and red—is aroused,
and they Cedallate on any member of the
1161%e:see that they may happen to
Bo tne miserable warfare is kept up; and
onkel time ,wandering tribes can be
gathered upon reservations, they will,
moat. certainly, be exterminated. We
trust, therefore, fur the sake of humanity,
for the honor of our country, arid to as •
it from blood-guiltiness, that the Presi
dent will follow up the excellent line of
policy which he has inaugurated, and
send out more commissioners, composed
of good and wise men; mach as those of
whose labors we have just heard, clothed
with ample authority to erred that mutual
butchery upon our border which is not
I only a disgrace to the age, but terribly
The Indian can be civilized. The Che•
roam, greets,. Chocktawa and Semi
noles, on the larga,,lnitan tetothOon
south °Manua, have proiro this. We
need not enumerate the means and &poll.
aaces of civilization which they have
adopted and are using; but judging from
the progress they have already made, we
think it would not be a hazardous predic
tion to say, that before twenty years shall
elapse that territory will be one of the
States Of this Union. It wouldbe unna
mable to expect that in a single genera
tion they can be brought up to the stand
ard of the whites ;but they can at least be
put in the way of rising in the scale. In
the independent, of the 17th, we find an
article on this subject, apart of which we
Copy as apropos to our argument:-
Besides our own brief experienceof
the hope of civilization through justice
for our tribes, we have the advantage of
• longer experiment carried on upon the
other EOM the Canada line. The Eng
lish Government has not .been always
distinguished for its merciful treatment
of Inferior and dependent race.; but no
fault Can be found with ha conduct to
the red man within its borders.
The conduct of the English toward the I
Indiana within their jurisdiction hes been
very different from our own, and much
more beneficent and honorable. And its
results haie been the very opposite of
those that have attended upon our own I
policy. The Canadian Indians have I
I never been the enemies of the English
slues the conquest of 1769. On the con
trary, they have been their feat allies and
firm friends. And this Is as true of the I
tribes which hate no knowledge of I
Christianity and retain most of their Rho. '
titans( habits!, as of those which are '
scarcely distinguishable from their white I
neighbors In their appearance and way of I
life- Many of the tribes support them
selves by farming, are well fed and well I
clothed, destroar of education for them.
selves and their children, and even ern
ling to tax themseiver for this purpose—
even beyond what white people are often
ready to do. The aboriginal pima:dation,
instead , of diminishing, as le. the case
with our Indiana. rather 'increases with
I the grown of civilization. Their diastases
have diminished in number and melte-
Mty, and the .null-pox—formerly the
I scourge of thence—almost exterminated
by the enforced application of vaccination
I by the government. It would seem,
therefore, that the progress of tho Cans
dian Indians from savagery to civilize.
tion is now placed beyond a doubt.
These most Interesting facia are re.
I ported by Mr. F. N. Blake, our Consul at
Hamilton, who was charged by the
Washington Government with this In.
qulry, which he stems to have made
with peat diligence and care. While
'we cannot but regret that the better ex
ample had not been set on this side of
the line, instead of proceeding from the
other aide to us, we must rejoice at this
signal proof of the pesaibility Of the civ
ilizing and Christianizing of the Indian
race. But, in order to do our part, we
mint proceed like Christians and civil
Iced men in the path upon which we
have entered so recently. Instead of re
garding the Indians as so many Celibate
—"born devils, on whose nature nurture
can never stick"—we are beginning to
consider themes immortal being% caps-,
ble of indefinite material improvement.
If the Government wilt but persevere la
its present Ilne ,of conduct toward the
Indians, there Is no reason to doubt that
in no very long time, as history counts
length of time, the Indians will be a
peaceful,' prosperous, happy race, an
integral and useful portion of the po
pulation, contributing their lair share to
the strength, safety, and wealth of the
le.rmyond• nee er the Ittal ureb Cunt,
ZANESTII.II, Feb. 21, 1870.
Here, like in most parts of the country.
this winter so far has been mild. A. few
days since, in passing about fifty miles
northward, I saw many fanners In their
fields plowing -and doing other work
usually attended to In April. High
waters have prevailed in the Muskingum
most of the winter. Last year at this
time the river was frozen over, and a full
supply of ice was laid in for the sum
mer's use. Up to this time we have
none, and the probabilities are that the
'apply will have to come from northern
Lakes, if indeed it can be supplied from
that source, and as yet it has not been
sufficiently good in quality to transport
so great a distance.
Farmers report the wheat crop at this
date In fine condition. Fields that have
been long
corn, or
sheep, fo r
111 corn, or fallowed for wheat,
and the '
result Is good crops. Perry
county. west of Muskingum, will have to
abandon sheep, and 'raise potatoes, corn
and wheat for the support of those build
' ing railroads, and afterwards for the min.
lug population that will settle within its
Unusual interest is now awakened In
southern Ohio in regard to railroads, and
when those now-projected are finish
ed, southern Ohio will be cut up and
across as much as the north part of the
State. The most important, at least for
Zanesville, is the Cincinnati and Id asking
= :Valley Railway, which comprehends
a line from Cincinnati through Zanesyille.
to Cleveland. .
'Dila Company was tqcorpo - tated recent
ly, with a capital cif :Mar millions. Tak
ing the Cincinnati and Zanesville Rail
road and the Cleveland and Zanesville
road, part of the gap • to be fil led is
from Milleralnug, in Holmes county, to
Zutesville,• about fifty five miles. This
can be completed to less than a year, and
the part from Dresden to 'Zanesville in
six stotitha Work on this portion will
be commenced very shortly.
This road promises to be good paying
stock, and mostlikely the best In Ohio.
If the Little Miami, Xenia and Columbus,
'one hundred and twenty miles in length,
leisure to the companies owning the line,
under the recent lieu to the P. C. ez
L. It. IL, over eight per cent. on six mil
lions, certainly the Cincinnati and Mus
kingum Valley RsUway, which is more
than twice as long, will do better on a
capital stock of feu millions, especially I
when It is remembered that for one hun
dad miles lt panes through the richest
mineral deposits in the State, and also
thst It can compete In rates and speed
with any other line between Cleveland
and Cincinnati, and that It Is intersected
by' quite a number of other roads that
will put heftiness upon it.
The Courts of tide county havenow.
a mount o f f
three weeksomd quite an
amount of business has been dispatched.
The trial of the City Marshal and two -of
his police, indicted by the Grand Jury for
Manabaughter, is now in progress and
will not be determined for some days.
Great precaution has been taken in the
selection of a ury. publ ic l tno
doubt In convin c ing the c wh resul o took
the life of Samuel Lee, but it may not
appear that under the circumstances the
act was justifiable.
.• A great revival is now prevailing In
thli city. In about eight or nine churches
fot three weeks nightly meetings. have
been held, and also every morning at the
rooms of the Young Men's Christian Ai.
sodation. for many years hull:ere
been such an awakening in the Presby
teems churches in this city. About sev
enty-five have already applied for 'admis
sion into the lint and Second Prosby.
torten churches, and. the work still goes
on. In the Baptist churches about the
same number are necking . admission to
membership. So also in the two Metho.
dist churches.
Jsmn E. Murdock was here last week
and gave readings to a large audience at
Black's Mute Hall.
.This morning _wu the coldest of the
season, but the sun shines out brightly
and the anowmay disappear. ,
ON ftatutday, in Baltimore, Wm. Cook,
colored, aged eleven years, with two
younger companions, amused themselves
by playing hanging, to loft belonging
to the employer of Cook's father.. The
boy Cook stood upon a bale of other .
placed a halter about his neck, ther
end being Welched to • railer. The other
boys left the place for a few minutes. and
on returning found Cook had stepped or
fallen, andhamoed himself. When found
life was extinct.
. _
some Plain Talk of • Woman to an
opponent of Woman mange, the Rev.
Dr. Ileadeld, of Chicago.
(Cornspospeneo or tad rounoran es:ette4
The Bev. Doctor holds that the agita
tion is based on a false assumption.
Will he permit some remarks to be made
by a happy married woman emancipated
long ago. He says nothing could * he
further from the truth than to say that the
sex is sorely ogpresseidOhat theleirdeithy
of Christianity Is to relieve women from
any - iinnatnril - burden. — Bnch,strulvis
the tendency, but large- gulf lice, be
tween the tendency and the effectithlpinc
tice of It. This gulf hi filled *lb Hone
suffering from being defiled the privileitek
of those lendencles, which vanish •like
,shadows by not being carried oat In a
true Christian spirit:
He is willing to assert ( that es, many
men stiffer fret. the effects of woman's
tongue, as there are women who suffer
from the greatest of evils, drunken bus
bands.- In some eases then may suffer in I
this way, but permit toe to say, that , gen.' ,
crafty his not man who suffers from the
effect of woman's tongue, Men Length-
eral rule are but littler effected pir what
women say about:them. - Their position
In life raises them above mere talk; the
privileges ' they enjoy enable them to
smile at woman's slanderous assaults;
woman is the only real 'offerer by wo
man's tongue, so she does not, except in
very rare cases, find in men that natural
protection which chriatian tendencies ,
should make him in such emergencies.
In this great coilfilet, called life, who ere
more apt to lend a willing ear to woman's
tongue than men? Let for instance an
intriguing woman use that faculty kcal.
cated by the serpent since Mother Eve's
time—flattery—and men, however gifted
they may be, generally will fall an easy
prey to it; will be blinded In spite
of good sense, justice and charity.
The world never renders-justice where
a woman Is the victim, and nine cases out
of ten, men, by not refuting slander, do
much more towards spreading it than
any woman's tongue could do. How
often does It happen that they join in the
joy tut chorus, when a woman Is to be
slandered, who, unlortnnktelg, by her
own succesaful endeavors has made her
self eminent, and thus Incurred the dis
pleasure of the grafts hems t How often
does It happen that when some pretty
dear has slandered her neighbor, or some
of her female acquaintances, how ready
are her husband, brothers, friends,. to be
blindfolded by the Ingenuous and con
ning defamer, who, in such a charming,
flattering way, lets them see ggith her
own eyes; but truth, piercing lthe the
rays of the light eternal, rises often tri
umphant, and rns!py a manbaa been made
to blush at the thought of having, alter
all, been the tool and fool of a cunning
woman's design,—of having altogether
forgotten to put into practice those ten
dencies of christianity.
The census taken In Boston developed
the fact that women could be and were
employed In seventy industrial pursuits.
It may be so, too; but menial work is not
always, satisfactory, nor should be so, to
gifted, talented females, while they suf
fer by the restrictions which their sex is
liable to, and can but gain by the greater
liberties which might, deyelope their
faculties and aspirations.
A. woman, with her heir eat short and
parted tom-boy fashion, is as ridiculous
in the eyes of any sensible woman as the
one who wears twenty pounds of water
fall or numbers herself among the slaves
who otherwise conform to fashion.
With regard to free love advocates. any
woman with sound moral sense and
judgment will condemn their demorali
zing views. Bat, let me remark here,
that I never was yet in a circle where the
free love advocates were made the topic
of conversation, but -men were in great ,
numbers in favor of these same views.
Woman clings naturally to her husband,
home and children ; her sphere Is home,
and but a small number would willingly
leave it. Here, again, man Is weak.
more apt to err, - to be led astray. It is
an acknowledged fact that the mostprom
inane ladles of the woman's suffrage
movement are known to have the most
cheerful homes, to be the kindest, most
devoted, mothers, and eminent &idolise
women. Here I will close, in the hope
that se the tendencies of christianity are
not yet visibly brought out by the oppo
nents of woman irciffrage, they will be so
by and by. - • - A worag.
New Canons Concerning the Church
1 [trough Work in the Ecumenical
The dilgemeins ,of Augsburg,
gives the following as the canons con
cerning the Church which are proposed
by the papal court to the (cumenlad
Council for adoption, in the Whims
"Cowes L Whoever says the religion
of Christ consists and is expressed in no
particular community established by
Christ himself, but •is duly observed and
exercised by individuals for themselves
without regard to any community which
is the true Church of Christ—let hiss be
"Casonaccursed. .
IL Whoever says the Church
hat received from Christ no defined and
unchanyable constitution but like other
communities of men, has ' been subjected
to changes and alterations in different
time, or can be subjected to them—let
him he accursed.
`Cason 111. Whearersoye the Church
of the divine promise Is not an external
and visible community, but altogether
internal. end invisible—let him be sc
“Cortort IV.: Whoever nays the true
, Church is note single body, bat consists
of the different and. scattered -communt.
Dee of Christian name, and is poured out
over the tame, or, the different comment.
ties diverging from each other in their
oonft salon of faith, and separated from
the union form, as members or parts, the
one and universal Church of Christ—let
.Poormis V. Whoever says the Church
of Christ is not a community altogether
necessary to eternal salvation, or, man
can be saved through the exercise of any
religion-let him be accursed.
"Cason VL Whoever says that intol
erance with which the Catholic Church
regards and condemns all religious 'sects
that have separated from' her, is not pre
scribed by divine law, or, as to the troth
of religion, only speculations and not 1
certainty exists, and consequently all re
ligious sects should be tolerated by the
Church—let him be accursed.
"CANON VIL Whoever says even this
Church of Christ can sink in darknesi
or be polluted with errors through which
she may go astray from the blessed truth I
of the faith, depart from Mr original
state, or, corrupt • and degenerate, .may.
'cease to exist—let him be accursed:
"OlziON VIIL Whoever' rays the at.
!sting Church of Chants not the best and
highest institution to Obtain salvation,
but that another is to be awaited through
new and more perfect pouring out of the
Holy Ghost—let him be accursed.
' • "Cason IX. Whoever mug the infelli.
bility of the Church is limited to that
which Is contained in' the Divine Revels.
Hoe, and does not extend to other triple I
'which are necessary that the treasure of
the Revelation remain perfect—let him be 1
"Conon X. Whoever , says the Church
is not a perfect society aectereirein), but
a colleSioto body (colkyftiv), or, she Is
placed in the general community or in the
state in such a way sato be subject to
temporal authority—let him be accursed,'
"Cason' XL Whoever says the Church
consecrated by God is a community of
equals (the bishops, indeed, have in office
and e duty but note power of. governing
thennelves, conferred upon themby holy
consecration, and which con be freely
exercised by than)—let him be ac•
"Carlon XIL Wboeyusays from
Christ, our Lord arid t3svionr, power hu
only been granted to His Church to coun.
sel anti perscuole, and not to commend by
law and punish and compel the erringend
stubborn 'by means of !external con.
damnation and wholesome penalitles—let
htm be waned. • .
"Carroll SUL Whoever - says the true
Church of Christ. outside or which no
one can be saved, is another than the one
Holy Catholic and;qtoman Apostolic'
Church—let him be *ccursed. •
"Cason XIV.. Whoever maths Holy
Apostle Peter hesnot been consecrated
by Christer the first of all' apostles and.
the 'visible bead of .the , mllitant Church,
or he has only received the dignity of
primate and not the primacy with actual
Powtrin himself—let him be &amused: '
• .`Coneix XV. Whoever says it Is not
through the consecration of Christ
sell that Peter humanism' summers in
the primocY over the entire Church, or
the Roman Popela not by virtue of Divine
right the summer . of Peter In tidiest!
macy—let him be accursed..
"Caws XVI. Whoever rya the
Roman Pope has only the office to super.
intend and conduct, but not full and su
preme authority over theenUre :thumb.
or that bis authority , is not regular and
immediate over all churches—let him be
"Cason XVIL Whoever says an mde•
pendent ecclaisatial authority like that
which, according to the dogma of, the
Catholic Church, has been Imputed to
her by Christ, and a sovereign civil
authority, cannot exist side by side in
such a way that the rights of both be pre
served—let him be accursed.
"CoA2cu- XVIIL Whoever says the
authority whicliis necessary for govern.
Mg the civil state is not from God; or, no
submission to the-same is dee- wording
to the laws of God; or,
_the same is op
posed to the natural freedom of mu—
tat hilt bea&nreed.
all laws -
smos tWhoever says
(misting among men are dirived from the
political state; or, no authority eilsts
outside of that so httparted—let him be
accursed. -
"CA2coti XX. Whoerver says the ewer-
Iva rule for - public indosocial actions,-in
e laws of the political state, or , in the
public opinion of men', or the claims of
the Church do not extend to these ac
tions, whereby the can express herself
upon that which is not allowed and that
which is allowed ; 'or, something can
be allowed by virtue of civil right which
is not allowed by divine or ecclesiastical
right—let hini be accursed.
"Cmcmc XXI. Whoever says the laws
of the Church have no abiding force ex
cept Bo far as they are confirmed by the
sanctions of the civil authority, or the
civil authority has, by virtue of ita sever•
dim jurisdiction, the right to Judge and
condemn in cues of religion—let him be
Born Gould and Corbin gave parole
evidence before the Committee of the
contents of the letter of Mrs. Grant to
Mrs. Cobb.n Corbin said his letter to the
President, which was carried by the mes
senger Chan, never received an atten
tion. When pt Mr. Grant's letter a y rrived,
Corbin became terribly frightened, and
begged Gould to let him out for his wife's
make, as well as his own, but Mr. Gould
wu inexorable, and held Corbin to the
terms of the arrangement. ' Corbin finally
proposed to write to the P dent, slat.
ing that he had not • do ll ar interest in
gold or bonds, and inlaid th efore may
impartially that if an .order 'in sell gold
was given It woald be a great mistake.
On Saturday night, Sept. 25, Corbin, as
companted by his wife, came here to try
and Induce the President to - reverie the
order to sell, which was given the previ.
one Friday. They returned on the Sun
k day night following, unsuccessful.
Drugg soma of P• 1111 asui Kith
(Old at. Clair) Streets.
Have jun ricedvad the largest and duet as•
or.naent of Mediterranean tlgosicasever beenflgt.
o this elty.
nue velvet Spans... ISt., Retainl BD..Rea
eine Velyeayponies. Mee Botta= !lomat..
. Fire Velvet Isponges. Moe Bathlore apooge •
And drools. of oleo sponges fur are.
aka also one cue, of tool Darb r monad. tee
beet idol guilty of Umtata spoliate sod Livery
etatde epladree of Story gelidity sole ay the ease.
stogie panne. tingle sponge, at toe v 4117101,
en wire at
1: C=2
Corner Pun and /UNA Striefi. (did C
•vAtticor Olt BROKEN VOINN.
Thouunds f persons suffer year le and roar
oat with a %taken down condition of the vales
of the leas. libleh la our tines are usily
ltered and frequently susceptible of cure, sad
suffer on. only became, they do sot know Wham
and to whom to apply for relief. Now. to sire
the needfal information la men Mks this. NM.
Was u peeper! duty on part of tho
• •
pre., and It rive. us great pleasure to be able
to recommend Mteuel to Pr. II TAMIL OF IST
W 001) 11141/.ltT, whose rut ember of appli
4.41, tad his meat skill le ce ratio Menses,
enables him to a/ford the greats/et amouut of re•
Ilef that the present slate of eeleime eaaatord.
Besides these varicose conditions to which we
• Cc...talents and mitering, neh as avellbsgs
hZI shim.* growth., which %b. 4:lostor, With
hi. appliances!. Unmet to relieve.
Then •gain ths abdominal wean:wan and
Analog feeling peculiar to tennis.. lea
terrible suffering and analeis; for.thase the
Dater bail belts and . suppertare which are so
eaniatreciad as to Issue atlenalhanoiali7 ton=
wafering when thsy 4o not 7roml•e aura/nig
of tura.
The Doetor•e experience covers a period nf
over thirty years, besides, n oeterel .preen for
this deputment of his profession, make. Ides
more than ordinarily stilifid. The gaffe: fog that
Ls en tolled upon 'Wore generations by M.
Wet of She proper means to correct Um pineal
evil., or ght Of Malt he a minden' Leans@ to
enlist not only the attention Of persons them.
selves. but also thotof all Intelligent ghysletens.
Dr. Keller.. 011ie lad Medicine Snore. IST
Llbert7 street.
JCTORPID srercr.
Sometimes. entrant any esslgnable these, the '
pltysteel strength ant unman saint , it,. were
and a strange torpor falls alike.. the body sad
letelleet. There to lulls or too wale. verbena!
bat the neonatal vigor eedelastkity of the eel'
verse sed ressoalar eystern seem to lave departed.
and Its lsdlgareace to the pleuhras of life. had
evanof its grave responalblittsh tatestbe plane
of Odd Aerate& Interest In both which ammo.
tenses Beery well balaatted dad when la, a
healthy eoadltJaa. -
This !tate of inertial co' lapse's often the pre.
monitor . , symptoms of some • tfi001111111Saf• It
tedi>W unmistakably thst %beetle/V.v.. Me
_ .
tatigilatdog and aead a slhamissil. In such cases
the effmt of a fsw doses of.liestatter• Stomach
Mem te wooden ally beseliolal. The great Santa
wakes no the syetem /min Itadramme. The wet
floss sod the elmelnitou receive a saw laspetas.
The }elated serval reeovee their elmtialty sada '
Opatattoaa of Ma imolai". WO UM dee/Metal
akength ot a musical instrantent In the proem
of doing. Lethargy and debility am replaced
by energy and visor. the optrim fir. sad 1111,
that almost messed a harden while the lemma of
drpresslonlaated: becomes oseemare eel MOW.'
That seek a radlest chants Ocala a, pr0d...4
Or a malady eattrelederold at the powatttil al
klias__, yin:3 ' l4nd arreiTge ' itii 111
dolt mats nre km smokiest eMesel of aaL g a
Tootataa, Dint. Stalls inkeptiaawlll Late the Iran a
ta ellantat of tabs* woo hate tested the none et.
tva and alteratme slimes of the Slums under
LW elreamatenees dmalbed. (hay will Bad the
statement lobe tree.
Annual War Leg of tbe Moon.'donor
tberaios Reining Lea norms Conapaur orUl
babel.' attar! <Mee astir alomikaor . ,rotart of
iighth aoo• Dropurno Way,
_.oa IiONDAY,
IlLabetl Tr 11, tologroso 1.60 boars of 10
sod 411 o'clock, for the ourpore of elrettai
Dowd of Monne= to tone Cr, the, antic Teat
bed otie o di' to loch otter tautness lunar be
rought before be roottluir. • "
WM. Y. 'Jaw.
f.& HUMOR 601IPANY.—Asi election
rot' thirteen (131 Idanseere of (Us etakoB.l/
7111 be held at the To:111ottse, YLIIDAY, Xereb
111, 1310,
JAMES H WlllWlT4.Tresterer.
Pttlebtirl3,-Teb. 11170. ft%
THE, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Are ner.OfOrble la - tisetrltatall Dtputaient,
eannteth• yell% Mar run Annafreturts Use
C4rvere, Butcher/4'
Bread And Pocket Haim
► very exteaare toitoilutedat of
RAZORS, • • .
ezeritedy for I►U[ trade by MI ben zat•
the .
No: 70 Wood Street.
I51i:) , 101116kTi14 Q OM
- antes been atepotated 0.136340A15 YET=
IIIbrIOTOR. (Wine/beer etrantY. mem
Inviter even Oat Sett' tte newsier! caw "'I
Illechaateal Tanta( Raebtsery can be Demeled.
‘lll be tonna at the OPPICI 0/.1111
. Pllll WORM.
Swente-thlr4 street, bele reee. Pi.".b ar g ik
, .
, Elsas and Sperillestioas for 4 BMOCS
oath. corner of Halter sad Yorfr-tiled "re".
alsy be Begla St SIM. Aft of rW. 1 flosta Eatlsr
sadTairS7 4 b l r 4 arssts,an TIIIIII4DaT
ff, rat:rusty 14th. Sal. Sin M dasi d ' l g ht
dais fans the Abu,. date.
swam. w. sticip,ADß.
FR 17J.A."2"
ET:i and 182 Federal Street,
Only Ten Cases
1: 1 / 4 r1r. Priam-to,
To Which Be Invites the Utilities of lie
Ifontreas Cullman, FesMK Awned
it Is the Best Banda that Will be Of
fend this Mellen.
NOft. 180 and 182 Federal Street,
For 60 Ceuta,
Good Style and Make
Ladles' and Children's Best Quality
but-Half ' Usual Prices
Mercbasts ana Dealer,
78 lad 80 Market Street
Second Arrival of New Goods.
Bztra giant/
nil • Ms.
tom wry rims IN 7Aismawo BOW BIBBONB
Trait aaaartkucat of
As tbs slaw plias.
Is Black sad Wont. sad 111 GSM . • .
T 7 ts ID MARKET sritszr.
52 Wood-Street,
Four door% ohm M. Chivies Hato%)
Country Nerelanta are Invited to
esti anti examine our stook wheal*
heta Ito And Illoodto /told
... t
Northwest* rierreonee Asa
A ran stork e Xaebtntetu, Almon•
wallas .ad Commies... Toole. Smit•
eel.. riles. loather Belttellir
Less/her. dte., stwoye on nowt.
J521:03 -
J. 86160mAKER it SON,
Xnanfaotarers of man mar. YID LXI.X.
/AUX 'LIMA zraos, Lrriuster., PUTTY
MI all colon DRY AND IX OIL. •
orTusillll PACTORY.
60, 40, 484, 40 and 468, lebteca atreet,
We ail stt•lttlon to the gasizatel patted on
ritsiedi Par•Whltai Laid; lid wham we tay
••enter carbonate of lead.• tie swan •Yhaiml
00111 that is, fete frail Jenetata and Hr
crate, sad tliertfteg Is whites and reirertor, both
In color and covering preplan.
atIAB&ItTNID to be a Infer Carterhati of
Lead and Winer than nay le i the "whet: and
nth tansitairwise Pella= Ll' • octal*.
lag the lout santunstlon.
TO , infiLDEßL—ildialled Pre
aLthreit'llttriltr=l ;MIX: te. rhea
IL BUN aaratell34l *ma Pena stretu.vartalrUni
b LL
DA,. Lae ma day kt Marcia. tot %ha • adios of
. . • , .
Four ?kite Stag Brick Direillig lona,
the earner of ratty-third a id Statist stmts.
Devodatatatli wuA. /ads Mat ALIA ate ;Ma
Par thassaad tar ?atlas Utak, cupid:tarn 'by all
Carptitter• Tyra TALUS' 111141 Oulu, am
posed"' A.P 1 . 1 . 1 . 111 -
Plana sad rpaallastte o na tad -le sees at the
ea. at Ilosaaa H.
WI • Mos, pa and attar taa
VW WS. .Tke wart wilt 111 lel to tad Elwood sad
broseter sad ratan asau
purrs arre.mmormal
m NOG any/ r0uT.9 7 ,0" 1 "" 19 .1.
Lan Cftestamit
JOHN. T. (malt,
SoW and Sign k'Attiser.
(ma nn= ND ca-Azzmit.
SIN el Rhin" Wir•st,
jdr,Lllu p sewltree,,)l.litsbenh, rat
4a .h ~s , -.i~s_- - -- S,:.v..+„a`a <T" urs ,,. p~.dh, i. .t..€. _ ) 4 ~ a ^.~. ' s2^,'k`
Noe. 180 and 182 Federal Street,
Cassiort3s and Jeans.
Marseilles Quilts.
PtCow Cue Marlin,
Shirting SiorllfM
Irish Maur and Shirt Snub,.
Shawls and Skirts,
Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street,
4 z
gl ,E
:1 02
e 4 4,
5 2 2 41 41 k 2
V W g: M i jt
00.0 1 7 4 511
° cr
M PI as •
oet o
r 4 p
Nu. 111 rud Liberty Mud.
Oaraar of Invla, Dow oft, the trade at lOW ar
area. tthett7
Vine Hew Crowir Orleans WW' nal
Porto BUN Cab. and Ingllab Island Zings"
Gen Torn, FlGlndelplant and Bs=nose IS,-
tined da
Golden Mina. LoresMP. GMGIa, WNW'
Adams , and bang .laland 137.+0. •
rllllO Moo, Cubs and impish Island Goma?.
10!ina 'GSM Imperials tiseapon
and vomit Tus.
Carolina and r.stioln Piss.
LW.STIS wed 11180effees,
TObbeeo: Lard Oil. Ptah., Hans, Glaut, 11.1 n
Cotton Yarns, AC.. 420.tantly on hand.
Fine Readies. Wines and Swam
flnenisb, Mamas and Sparkling Limn Wis•
of Hinkel • go.. In bottles.
Spastra b l e d. ••
Thrwrarialul Yawn
Videnbarg gewisVisdaYinirs Oil.
do do Cinzetr,_iniPorisd
do do Walla wines, In Portia,.
K. Walt a Eons. Sparkling Catawnw
lute Old Seem. Madeira and Via. inos
/roe Ind Mown gahala Pr .. para.
do Very Insparlor Old =oink do do.
1341.1 rats fat Kest • 031144104 0034 Vl.ll
Vren,s7 sad l!Mllary
Brandlin or oar own = l4 InaTu444
310.40 .
emcoseposis TO
Workman, Moore le 0i1?...
Yaa■fset*en mad DWars la • • '
gpring and DuckWagoui,
In. 45, 44, 45 and 48 Bum St., tileghtay.
r tg Ver tillattait,,3l.=ltA• si d
wensethe to g lee esti. W ale ever! s wathe-
Ira ze tul a hm .
Th o r :
- Mork trA t.. 47s.v ii, 9 o:itt.
Wirl.B!..d Hapros Patent QOM eldfler and
t.atl .Banter tor Shafts.
B. D• 1718 heeler nerthamil the
Meth nor and new. D. Nome. Lie
":4Naglif.;a. the
der l L he name a■] stile of • OBIILAN• li
DAVID. (Th '" Ue 4l.lits WORKYLN
Zitisetts' 2113.1malU a ll. Pittsburgh.
Without • lilratabothen she eau bwe axles
Solid 'Gold Smiling ease
For $25.00. .
I Warrantee a good Ume-kether. COil Nee and
Po 7 one, ►t •
101 //WM AIM.. °pyntt► tiot2Trz
N. 11.0-. We
_ctre moo ► l stlonttos to W►
Malting of _es. Watts sad Joolat7,___
L. B. VULTON O. J. woAP tir
pnscrricuo-t..0 7 -Aralorox us .
CUSS lam STEAM rrrraire,
Ptak Mena% *Me.lalk Sur wig.
. Firm:BOUGH. PA.
tend Pip*. Clusploso. One rirgritieZ
" Tans and wand Muds ... 4 .-u o w
7112Ings. lean Boor
rt=44l:l2 d Zian r . * VbSrdir s i h" :l,d E V "
Annormans. Jobbing sumps
manes, COAL BOX. TOM ptovs,
ac.. as
alpfrui Wm lab ayerecatrol daily
• .-Preas,_titoaly toe masa, iiio. ••
Diamond Market, Me:burgh, mel at the 'l4
017131*.i. Allen 7 City. coma of /fedoras
az Ohio anew Ow loos exi
,:“.x...h1-th the
Int.biao ensign las to air:Tura yule :
eal. arttals, lad an tell Mut mem,
EL:#6Blatt Swami to Pareli lat vim
low s. WM litaa Ts will = . ll lI,M
is. , Wbales le 00 MIA. All
MitsnlT. _ •
S. M. ICIER &' CO.,
xmatcum a
flasernvare, Britipt Ware, cite.
mks wadi Warebeaur.34i LIBZWY STMT.
iijirmi colas
. •
Jest veered. a fresh Smoke ha Ste
van" and "Hee Son," Wades saUs a tielse
Muss Nen • <0041511 sanorssess el nen
veers wise cigars. for sale lry the box or ss mall
N. the Vsnall7lines7 hum of
JOHN A. .6134811 AW.
fell . Comer Worm sad Nuts Smola.
• if Weights NA
it t A u u "Nu`
eguilso.ll.llcannerr, An.,
IU 4 I i t ke graitaz..•
Ira 1, sad a Ill'iterea — sa allesidcp.
4." Ind" W/r5 - 1". LANG 1_00.'5,
VII sad IT* wood
Norr , xc]m.
Can, Remain in . Pittsburgh
Cotner Duquesne Way and 7th st.,
ROOM No. 7.
I.II6tUrVZ eta the Haman cr. its diseases aaa
elpeetaelas. Optician ad °enlist. to the New
Tort HololUO,arto En .4 Ear Infirmary. with •
lane 'teeter his Patented and Improved Dime
N. E. Speciality, disease of thaiye asd Zar.
Prof. =WAND O. TRANS.S. Optielan I
take grestpleasnre In stalling mat I bare used
theegetneltl yea Wasted sooty erase ben here,
sildittel hove even me meet entire 'trap....
1 hare neverbrfore had a par so
Loth Males and that ensn led me to rem, to to
with so...„lttle Ineonmndenee. •
1,170;a0 lik.Pree't IL P.
I bare hid the Improved Spectacles edjusted
to my steht from an i zamsnation of the eyes
alone. by Zdward B. /nuke. N. D., which en
shim me to ee very dearly. easy. and much bet.
ter than with au. hare heretof ore lied.
ABILAHAY Lth COLN. Pies' tf. S.
DY.'4LINIPSINI.3Trirg 147=7.ir0tth.,-4
tented eye..lee to he confidence of our enl
aces. He bem onUelast of rare relentitle
Mee. ant edanta blespeetecles with great and re
nter) able Ohl totes vavious db.... • of the eye.
He selects speet.les for s with the first pai e .
at the trot attempt. which enabled es to reed
with er.ter diatinetnine.d comtott than those
we already Doreen. We with irr.M
recommend -them to an rtqulrlos
A. U. CURTIN, ez-Gem• of rt
tl P "47 i ?
E.Baak l 1..:71
upthe. J.I.DIC tr,Maaoille. Penneyn.
Having bad the pleasure Impxamining Dr. Ed
ward 0. Treat.. I' mem roved Specter-lea,
we Sad them, experrmentally, really valuable
She Ldietee s are wound. we melon.
lawrand. pollthod and central
by machinery, mateentatleally swum* to ore
dupe a traly lens...ea taco, tre ream.
men . then,.
John W, Geary, Governorof Lennselyants.
Doman., Strew, of r . shar. •
301 An Dickson, M.I). Penn etneet,_Pittsbnille.
5. A. Sterrett, IL, (Uentist.) Penn street,
James L. MeTarlsnd. President Merebanta
National Mak, Ml•deille, Pennsylvania.
1 -
It MITI n• much pleasure to Sir that we have
Inspected Dr. c. S. Crooks. veil emeolete
s,rtmexoeuentlyent !zt• Spectacles an I Lenses: and a n-
them cato Such Im-
perfection. of visio na l
e. be beltedremedy
iced by the
The material used In the manufacture of his
. Lee •e is of remarksh'e parity and heatity. and'
adds very muse d to their va'cie.
We noonamen him with Marotta. to the
a:madame of all who may Y. quire Ms service.
hon. Francis Jordan. necr.tarff of Penns. ,
C. Behar. Ilarrisherg, re,
We bate en/mined what we conceive to bean
assortment of Socemetes, manufsetured under
Dr. Edward B. Traits , Patent, edmirably
led to the vartoes intirmities of that exquisite ,
Ir Impalrtd Vii r btris U geWs . ;
netarli 'weakness Letdestwo'd sc.
We Rem the swimmer of D. • Pranks the
best we have ever seen, and so such :won.
Hon.o bW ite Ye l i d . a l t 81 . 17. °ZI U. tr. e Tier -
b lc. holm, from 9 m. to 6P. X. •
Genuine Preparations.
Prom the Celebrated House or
ream SQUIBB, - 'London.
Granular Effervescent Bi-
Carb, Potassa. Bromide Polar
sa, lodide Pot assa. Citrate Iron
and Quinine. BreinidecAMMOs
nillin, Carb. Lithia. Vichy Salts
Rissingen Salt, Cit. Magnesia,
Seidlitz Povsders, asc.—To pro.
tect Physicians and the Public
from spurious articles of this
character, purporting to be
"direct importations”—all bot
tles of the genuine-milli in
future bear a 'hap label over
the cork with the address and
pm 14mM:signature of the Man.
UDlCtUrer, P. SQUIRE; and on
the aide his trade mark. and
also address of the Importer
and Sole Agent.
BIROS; JOHNleruff.
Cor. Smithfield St. and 4th Ave.
P. S.—A Fresh supply of
Squire's Tine Glycerine Soaps.
tarses Vienna soap, Frics*
Glycerine Soap, Astringent
Red Gum Lozenges, and SUP
riate of Ammoniate Lozenges.
These Lozenges ' , are. meeting
with great success in England,
In c of Datum.' Sore
Throaast. es
Fronchilis, etc. ilust
felluiTM -
Jos. triniolB..JAE., MeRAT-Rolrr. IaDDILL
Ataltsters and Brewers of 4k,
IVECZ:24 S 4 ITI TO ' E r ti
Walt or. GEO :
no m T
anufacturing of
0 Olantrillbecontlaued
bO. aritontra. nude, Um name of JOHN BEST
fia l 7 P
, n.
93IIRbig. Feb. 16.11176.
The eaderstined heee tbli day entued Into
• eV for Ow purpose of earolog ea le
• • • sad Re tali.
At Flo. 111 111DERAY...81111211.. Frazier&
Mork, under the Inn num of ,
ALUMNI:IR C RT. Jan. 1.15j0.
Years. 0 , 1,11.A.EY BINOLLTON Dave lad
retulned trout
p t sstilrbero therperthemed
Car cub a nom a ce Meet of NOTlolid, 7ti113
and FANCY 000110. omnpulalnt o ln Part of Hu.
0 11. les t iuT • eell ' irtsmen i tru, 'ciat k rr
Basket. üblldren's Carriage , Honey Hera.
Hart.. Welto. a. An . vublett .111 00 opened and
ready to? sale THONEVAY. Fob. O. Ism
when we to pleasee w 0.70 one friend. and
the Fatale generally to call end examine our
bitt4l 0 , 1.1/I.IIS • BIUSLITOH.,
B. W.
"" ri. TllO3/2AO
The assiessigned base this &waders/lists
Co..szthentl • to St. DwPhs• wnlisSro
it No. 121 r WOOD STRUT. ander the @Weed
H(lrthirhsomog, Feb. I. lOU/. 73°N.
The long experience of Mr. Notreets‘hrbo re
Urea from the tooth of Roberto. Rowe
ilreVogieleetVt°ll,lt., etroUlgokthm:4l"::
eland shoroagh y the waste of. the uses. e e ed
with s new and flesh ewe of goods. ellabreethr
nerltWei 1p the Upho , •l4re Irak. tehltrehtet
-110110.1•eltere ht:Olthtla hetronklail.' 126:41_,
r. C. virrairo.
MI6 Oran% Anat.
Every article has been 1441e(;13
80 dews. Oat@ ficelogaireiyfor
li s iTSß GBGH
NOTICE.—To the Citizens of
THE. CITY OP I , l'm:surto 11,--
compatut. h.s . tog been made to me concerning
unsound meat lot l tram Country Wagons., sad
others. to prlthte Wallies, this ls to etre pptjo
to all persons who have been, or may be,
Ind by soth anseropolons dealers. that =Tote.
will be at, thilillieiof the SuperintendeiVor the
mwieu. gybes% Where all nth cane
shoald be reported that justice may be melee
out to nob offenders.
. Mlnt 111501107
raterWo ws.l b
atee plvdeods
o the s p o e r edlrr of l o Oe
ten be seen. np till Wron. kfees 3.1, SOTO. for
the es coma/Jon sad erection of • Cat and founds.
tlon for Zunlee end Poore at the Water Work.
o Bedford avenue. Bidders will state the poles
of ern stone. asides and eorneson =won work by
the perch. and exesvallene by the cubic yard:
else. for the erection of en engine been ,
frit duedCPll IfrilkinCii. Superintendent.
orrY ZWlllnuraes oryzes.
ausonzery CITY, 'rob. 19. 181 0 .
Owners or aut Istetr, we. , or roditnil
strut, who he ' ve felled to comP.7with the Rog'
wiry Lew, ere hereby mottled that they will be
0,101004 to return descriptions et their property
for ragleto7 (to pment deeds or title mere) to
Ws office Within the mace f thirty days from
the date of this edvertleemaeott other , . be they
will be held liable to the penaltlem set to la
the clause of met herewith appended..
State Laws, 1889, .Page 644.
• • • Should the duty otregtstettug prookrty
be neglected or omitted, or not D 3 cosoolled with
promptly no may , be deemed neeerem to In•
sore the early completion of the plane, then eter • •
. . . ,
one month's notice, by public advertisement In
the official papers of the city, to the emote. of
real estate In said city not registered, and
written or printed notice shall have been served
on th ' e owner er ownen, or !delivered on the
repair, shoold they fall to lave inch record
Made. then and In that calm they shell be setdrxt
to a fine of FIT. Do llars l for eselinonth of Back
. . .
'neglect. dating irom the termination of said ad
verthement; and In ease the same be neglected
for the space of six months, a Ilea for the &ea
mutated fine& wtet costs shall be Sled and cent< -
ed as municipal claims are now or may be here
after by law collected; the ....I Sees to be WO
into the City Treaenry; the notice to partite
ralltag to regtater property 'rosy be alien ao
to embrace the property or any particular ward
Or section. or any numbered 'rude. Or the ep7 at
brae. • • • • •
Cirr tsoixnasn's OTTICIC.
-ALLtOOixT CITT ,Yet. 111, 1810.
that the Immanent male by lbeltieneers
for Ibe opening of MO ttttet, etrellif .111 , 1e 4
ha, been died to thin °Mee tar examination, and
eon be seen tier. untit IfARCII 104. 1810, when
It .111 be returned to Councils for eouirmation.
The important discovery of
HEALING Agent is one of the
most remarkable results of
modern medical research.
During the late civil war it
was extensively used in
Hospitals, and was foun thed
be not only a thorough disin
fectant, but also the most won
derful and speedy HEALING
HEREBY ever known.
It is now presented in a
scientific combination with
other soothing and hearing
agencies. lb the form of a
SALVE; and. having been al
ready Med in numberless cases
witharbstsatisfactory and ben. '
racial results,we have no hesi
tation in offering it to the pub
lic as the most certain, rapid.
and effectual remedy 'for all
gores and Ulcers, no matter of
how long standing for Bums,
Cuts, wounds, and, every
and for Skin diseases generally.
Bold by all Druggists. Price2s cents.
JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Prop'r,
No. 8 College Place, New York.
' INTIErrnMe • •
J Driven diseases, tn all ita fonds, all
=nary dltruit tra t s lAT MUS =erc u wa ,
eam eta_rml%rta andlue. .2 1 11114 rime
minsdumeor other gum% and whim Draymial •
sons or Ina following efforts, no blotenes, DOLLY
wialmess. odrairtiPtioof Incralun ta
14=7:aummatoms, dread of Mtn wreath
inentore.ladoinnee, nocturnal enassione.
and duallyprortratlng the maul system as to
Tender marture imseaslactsiT. and thrtefore
55 1. den art Denticulate car rtrsollll
gated vim these or my mom e delicate. Mulatto
'Or tongs tanding aniadttitional scot Marti Marta J.
aim the Doctor • trig: he run. Ms. -
A tartiertu attention Oren to all pamale
plant., Lemont:ea or Wham, -Talling, lager. , •
=Mtn or '.iileeration of ide Womb, Ormank ,
priallis. Amenorrhoea. Mettorrlngts. DTmm.
notehme„ and birtility or Barrtintem, ere mart.
04 with rue greaten Mean.
it Is self-avlanittlut a lateMetan who cont...
hlmsellexeluavely to the dirtier certain dart
of damns and Mats thommds of ertas w w w
I =art Wane treater ilia In that
than one in Amend practice.
She Doctor partisan , • medial Tereartle4.l •
gutz 6i p.o.u.t. ihes exposltlo. of yam
an artiste dating... Oat um to had free atolls.
or Ibr two stumps. In sealed envelope..
Anne sartalie. °octane inatulirtion to the af.
Meted. and mailing them to determine the pre.
clue mama of .their compalate
.The • ettablishment, cortentatnit ten Mae
roomy orrasel. When It is not couradeas to ,
slat a clip. the lumtor . . opinion can be oh.
tarts be eying artritten statement of the mea,
andpy ntedletam can be forwarded Dy mai or ex.
au fl llil „
1791 ma attention to reiliOd3Al
for themecminodetion ef etch Dation Merton
apos Monts enameled with lb* Mace that are pro. ;
sided with every requisite that L eacirlahid IS
Fm oral, InChnling moilmted mein&
All prescription. art "mewed la Ina
.sowa x litasterf. ondalliszr. g h l.; •
flin two damns. Ho stetter who nave' .
Mod. read Mai he saga. Hours 9 A.m. to ' , ar i l
emday_Mll 3t. to ler. ar. trtice, N. 9
lumr Court Floess..,plirthanr.. •
T. -T. T.
• .
Is the most Vntitent. Olean/it add-beat
Wee extant.
Wannnted tree from Injurious Ininedlents. '
It praxes. , and amiss tan Tsetht
Invigorates and stattl” tee (lomat
Pante, and nerlotnes the bra atal•
Peasants tenon ulat.ton of Tanat
Cleans and Purifies artificial Teetbi
Is asp . fl oe arltela for unildrent
1 6 4 1 o d p7ete l r, D 1 7 . tr l t altleor. i'l=d el phi..
Tor rale ny • • ,
J. C. NATTER. Pitiabursb.
IgUI •B TAM= WILL 01:1111131ADACNII.
/11/..te2Ust's glum WiLL Cruz PrilninnLl.
Lna ,
attfln=afire;er ntrILL
• ca .g olmyenal... redle.Or
Ta .LT. i.subbal sad WW
, by
.b. e:4lia
vttsascrap Jaorm
I n geLTinarrerg=n lll4 :
that data on irresentsilub auo drltrerY. WA*
lent National thibit or Pittsburgh.
[ /KO. El: PAO& J.. Trrar.r.
CO 0 3Ci ,
Progress at
Is Now in
IT Tit:E
price, and feud be tokt
1.1111 CON MILLITII.3. I ?
c_929.!Vilf (