VI erg Vl** Gap*. CITY AND SUBURBAN Change of Ben. -The prase and °Moo of the Daily and • Weekly Gaulle will be removed, from taw 20th to the last of March, from their old stand on Meth avenue to the large, Iburstoried , ciszarre Buildings," at the corner of SmUnfield street and Sixth avenue, recently purchased by the pro. Wrietors as a - permanent home for the Warns. 11=1:31Z2 A good Route in Allegheny City will be sold cheap to an energetic man. For terms, do, call to•day at the ilezerrE Ogles. Reate.—Ex-Sheriff Samuel R. Staley returned from Richmond, Va., yester day, alter a pleasant exeurelon ever his toric battle Holds. A Petitlas hi In circulation and being imatlmlonsly signed by the members of the bar to pas" an act increasing the sal. editor the Supreme Judges of this State. IfesterdaY Alderman Renter received the Information -of Gotleib Letecbe against Fred Richter for disorderly coo duet, upon which a warrant was iassiesl. Pyre Engines and Committee will meet this afternoo at three o'clock e. Y. The Railroad m• =Wee will meet to-morrow (Mood ) at three o'clock P. 111. Arrested.—Fletch Calvert, chabled with mud& and battery, on oath of Mettle McConnell, before the Mayor, wan 'arrested loot oval:dna and Is now la the look•np waiting a heating. JoDs Walser a resident of the 17th Ward" tem arrested yesterday, while besting his mother, he being at the time attacked with mania a potu. Hs was "committed for thirty day, by Deputy Mayor Nishoia. A. E. Hodson, .proprietor of the "Whitehall,'.' was charged before Alder- MAO hfchiasters yesterday with "allow ing games with cards to be played In his house for money." He was arrested and gave ball fora hearing.- labitera , idenument.—We have been requeated to atate,that • meeting of the Hzecrattre Committee of the Soldiers Monument Asacciation, will be held at 'Maj. Hilgorte office, City Hall, on Satur day afternoon, at two o'clock. Harare Justice gainbary.—Fred. Haut add charged Conrad 'Friend with annuli and battery, Kant&ld having come out second beat In a small set-to with Friend In a bar mom, he felt justified In making the charge. A warrant was homed.. Asantt.—Wllliam Corcoran made In formation before Jostioe Barker yester day charging Edward Mallen 'and John Cunningham with assault- He alle ges that they threw tUmblers and plates at• him and threatened to kill him. A war rant was lasnad. . George Ulrich, In making Information Were Justice Helsel against Benjamin Page, alleges that. Page came tobis house to a disorderly manner, threatening the Members of his peaceful household in • eery belligerent manner. A warrant for ids arrest was issued. • o•Jaeeb Be4et madeinformationagalrut C. Israel before Justice Helsel. charging Lim with assault and battery, alleging that Israel-knocked down a boy at the glut hOllllO of Means. Bennett a Co. and Inflicted divers cruelties upon the boy. A warrant was issued.. ammo Stewart, yesterday, made an Information before Justice Conrad, of Lower St. Clair township, charging Bunn Stewart, a relative of here, with assault an 4. battery. Susan was arrested. and after a hearing, the suit was withdrawn at the mot of the defendant. Wm. LituMay made informations yes terday berme Alderman Taylor; against A. E. Hudson, proprietor of the “Whlte hall," and John Kerr, of the "Dexter," for-selling liquor on Sunday. Kerr waived a hearing and gave balilor court. Madsen gave bail for a bearing. To City AdverUsers.—Owing to the In creasing circulation of the Monongahela Peaky „Republican we cratesustified in [n itrogen:lg our advertising one-third irons ibis date. Cfstrit. W. liaszaan ' Publisher. Monongahela City, Pa., Feb. 27., 1870. Meets tole Tuesday evening, rab.22d, at the Commercial fades Rooms, 106 Smithfield street, by A. hiellwalne, Auc M. and M. National 8ank.......... . p6ll 00 AUtitheity 67 50 Monongahela Water Company 19 00 eutous Accident—A Man Falb and Braila Bu Log.—Lastevaning Mr. John Harr, who resider at No. 119 Lc & street. Allegheny city, while going home from his- work on this aide, fell to front of the toll hotme . on the Bt. Clair Street bridge and broke his leg above the knee. The Injured mac o wayremoved to Ms reeldenoe where he received medical attention. Death of a Mater or Chartty.—Slater Starr Daffy , of the order of the Slaters of Mercy, died at the Lretta Convent yea• terday: of consumption. She was estimable lady and her lam will be deeply mourned by all who know her. She was the daughter of Peter Duffy, Paq., sister of Mr. Charles Duffy, and Mace of Ron. Judge Daffy, all well known,,,eitisera of Batter, Pa. The cm* to horses, practiced bY their owners, in not having their shoes Sharpened is fearful. You could scarcely Co • squire yseterday without seeing sem noble horse lying on the street, having hillan on the ice. The owners of bones should all see that their drivers 'have their shoes sharpened. therebysav• Lig oking taste loge. these noble animals from the rink of bro Megrim's. No. 45 Ninth (Hand) street. la pot the only place In the city where tobacco and cigars are sold. but lovers of the weed. alter once purchasing at thm establishment, never care to hunt any other. The stock on hand la always large and of the very best character. Mr. Megraw's long experleacie In the trads enables him to anticipate-the wahta of his patron', and as • cense Quince, be has no lack of customers. tail at LS Ninth street. Tim Pittsburgh Zonaves, a newly or. staulseal military company which meets for drill entry Tneaday and Thursday dimming*, held an election Or: akar* last nbrtn at Oily Hall. under the swim of Capt. Miller of the Heath Zwavas, Glen. A.L. Pearson and Capt. Batchskit stating as tellers.- The election- reanited as fellowo_ Captain, Samuel Kilgore; Ist Lieutenant. John ItcLanalian; 21 Lieu tenant, J. Van Buskirk. The company. need slew more men to till up the quota. /Melo a Glass Honie.—About baltput els o'clock yesterday morning a fire oc curred In the glass works organs. Bon Co., on Meadow 'greet, Etat tilrudor ham, by which considerable damage was done. The fire originated in the pot house and was canoed by one of the pot/ bursting. Your or five of the glasspots was destroyed and their contents lost. The works will be compelled to stop operations for sometime to oomtequence of ths, tire, and the log entailed will be mrsirbeavy. Before Justice Helsol.—Hugh Arrison made Information swill:Jahns brothar.lo law, Joseph - Smith, for sorely of toe puce. Smith paid- Artisan a visit, the object °ridden was to Inform the plain- Wiliet his clays were fear; sit on the nut opportunity be meant to shoot' him. Arrlson bellering his .111 s la danger lost no time in beating.. hasty retreat 10 the algae of the. Justice of the peace, and the alleging that his life wee In dan gle. The disturber Wm 'arrested - and gave ball twat hearing on Elttnrday.--; Baltigarent. —George •Itaberkln at tended • party_at the bottle of George _ Hoffman- =inn • fawn; on - the 16th lest ~ and wane there became banger, at. Be got Into a difficulty with Jacob Laidig, and knocked hint •down. Hoffman interfered, when misery* her. Yamerday Laidig snide information be. fore Justice Helsel charging Huberkln with insult and battery. and Mr. Hoff man at.. the same time and phew made Information against him for mann and battery. A warrant wan issocod for the mire of Haberldn. Oar Street Ventsausseners, the 't'ketiner sad the Balla,* jorPector wbo occupy sztOrlce in the WiUtins Hall'Buildlug at meant see m to be deltgled with visitors, sOmnekeo that in their absence doors are broken open and for what -purfoeo the Meer throng preps in, upon the empty Sens of the °Makin - Intone can conject ure. Their doors can not be kept nosed long enough to have the .neemitsary re take made on them, While we dam to ineinsate business meat be goodie that outer. our honorable .ftiends ap pear I think ft s bit of vandalism an parslyd eind,vow should they dbcover the _par thie,Justioe will be meted out kifillitn to Op.reetlatter, , ' I - ~„- . - • • T. ' • RIGHT PREVAIL& Pardon of Wm. C. Wray and Geo. W. Shaw—A 'Gooey of tae. Cue—A Wrong Repaired. Many of our readers will be gratified to learn that William G. Wray, of this city, and George W. Shaw, of Connelleville, Fayette county, who were tried and con vieted in the Cotirt of Quarter Bettalons of Fayette county en an indictment for bur glary, and sentenced to the Penitentiary for a term of flee years, have been par dotted by the Governor, and are now en be tt joying the Übe y of which they should never have n deprived. As Mr.• Wra is well known In this community and enjoys the respect and confidence off many Influential citizens who believ him Innocent of the charge, It might out of place to give a brief not/Tubeßl OP Tag OABL 112 the gaily part of 1807, the store of Shaw & 'guts, In Oonoellsville, Fayette county, wiw entered by burglani and the wife, which Contained money and bonds to the =hunt of over elO,OOO, was broken opien and robbed of ita con tent.. The affair was , shrouded in myx. tery, and there appears to beta clue that would lead to the detection of the guilty parties. A number of persons were Cu.. pected of the crime by Mr. Shaw, one of the proprietors of the establishment that wu robbed, without the slightest grounds, And among this number was Mr. Wray, who, hearing that Mr. Shaw bad accused him, called upon him to to know upon what grounds he was suspected, and demanded an investigation. Mr. Shaw gave him no satisfaction further t than to say that he believed him guilty, and Wray being unable to obtain an Investi gation in any other way, brought Rotten against Bhaw for slander, or "words spoken. The case was postponed from time to time, notwithstanding the fact that Mr. Wray's counsel, G. W. K. Minor, Esq., need Ma utmost endeavors to bring It to trial, and • finally succeeded in getting it on the trial list for September term, 1969, over two years after salt Was brought. In' the meantime Joseph Robbing, a resident t. o of Connellseille, had been ar resed a charge of highway robbery, tried, convicted and sentenced to the Penitentiary, and a short time after his Incarceration In that institution, it sp. pears, Intimated to some one that he anew who had robbed Shaw SY Estrtes Rafe. He was visited by-Mr. Shaw, and soon alter an application was made for his pardon, .on the ground that he was an important witness in a ease of burglary, said application being recommended by Hon. Samuel A. Gil more, President Judge, before whom he was tried, In a private letter to the Gov ernor, stating that the ends of Justice could not be defeated, as there was an Indictment pending against Robinson for buiglary. Upon this recommenda tion the pardon was granted and Robin , son released from the Penitentiary. In the meantime Mr. Wray was mak ing preparations for vindicating himself egainat the foul slanders uttered by Shaw, never dreaming that there was a charge pending against hint for the bur-. glary, over .two years having elapsed from the time it was committed, when he was surprised by being arrested on a warrant leaned by Justice Ashman, of Conneliaville, charging him with bur lary id September last, He entered ball for a hearing, and on appearing before the Justice, found that an information had been made against himself and _CM°. W. Shaw, who had oleo institnted pro. ceedings =against Shaw and Kurtz fur damage., a short time after the date at which he had brought suit. Ile was held to ball for hie appearance_ atteourt, and the case came up for trial and' he was convicted on the testimony of Robbins, who admitted that he was a party to the burglary. JadgeGlimore, itt•his charge, warned the jury against the evidence of Robbins. which was not corroborated, LIM not withstanding, they returnbd a verdict of A. motion was then made by counsel for defendants for a new trial, and res. NMI filed. The motion wax argued, and the President Judge; we are Informed,weis is favor of granting a new trial, but was over ruled by the Associates, Nothing now remained for the Court to do but sentence the prisoner, and Judge Gilmore, who, although • man of strong prejudices, la a high minded, honorable man, and a eotmd j exist, ell dandy having doubts as to the guilt of the prisoner, favored a nominal sentence, brit was again overruled by the ides acres, the Associate Judges, whose only utility into draw t6OO a year each from the county treasury, and the defendants were sentenced to the Penitentiary for five yearaT The only hope now ibr the defendants was in the Executive, and an application for pardon was. made. Petitions, signed by many of our leading citizens, Judges of the Courts of Allegheny county, end many of the leading mem bers of the bar, were forwarded to the (taverner. He was waited o, by John Coyle, W. IL Playford and-G. W. H. Minor, Eels., Attorneys for the dared - - dents, and a number of our leading chi cane, including Mayor Brush, and . promised to give the matter hie early and favorable consideration. Time parsed and no pardon wee signed. The Governor was again visited and the fads placed before him by the friends of Mr. Wray, and altA several weary months of anxious deg the paper was signed and was VW In this city. yesterday by Mr. Wm. Phillips; who was an active friend_ of Mr. Wray, whom he believed to be a persecuted and inno cent man. The pardon was handed to ex-Mayor Blackmail), also a faithful friend of Mr. Wrap's, and that gentle. man accompanied by few. friends, went immediately to the Penitentiary, • and presenting the official document pro cured the liberation of Messrs. Wray and Shaw, who are once more free men; and, as for Mr. Wray, notwithstanding the fact that he has spent several months in the Penitentiary, he still enjoys the respect and esteem of all his former so quail:dances. Mr. Shaw being • resident of Connelleville, is only known In this city from his emendation with Mr. Wray In this unfortunate affair. "Trott, crashed to mat mill rite mate." Governor Geary, In sliming the pardon of these men, has done much to repair a wrong for which fell reparation can never be made, and we fell confident that not even hie bitterest enemy in this community will °ensure him for his ac tion In the premises, tut will rather say . Arnim Parade of the Crape; Although the day was ootd, and stand tug on the street corners was a position not enviable to any one, yet two o'clock yesterday found Fourth and Smithfield completely blocked with citizens eager to witness the fin; company or this fine organisation form. At their appearance _they evitmeda bearing strictiy Of the uniform much has been said be. fore and it would be it.uselem repetition were we to enter into a description which it morale.. • Idaneouvers were executed i'litimptnomt and efficiency 'that •witila have reflected honor to any vet, emu organizatlob; faetlheOreyearean organization - or that order; ail having " an • tuY 1 91 4 1 6. U) .!•/00:. unpleasant nate The. Groat. Western braes band lead the van and made their customary fine display! , with elegant mush. And not last nor least to be noticed ln the throng, having. donned his military stood the tt Johnny:Triangle" of the period, in the person - of - the "battle • scarred"' hero, (Gen. Jackson.) . , -Toasty the very least, the parade was suocetus, as was indicated by the pros. ence of such a multitOde of people along the route of march, which Wee as follows: Fourth „averuse - to Smithfield sheet, thence to Water, Water to Great, thence to Second aninue, thence to RCM street, &sato Fifth avenue, down Fifth avenue to Grant, Grant - to Seventh avenue, down Seventh: to Smithfield, along. Smithfield to Fifth avenue, down Fifth avenue to Market, up Marketto Sixth, down Sixth to Fenn, down Penn. tn. Fourth.. avenue, up Fourth to -Market, down Market to Water, along Water. to Wood, up Wood to. Fourth - avenue, thence to the-arm ory. Along the' - route awry brilidinipt made thatmatornary tlisplayon such al- cialonit as the birthday of the "Father of his Country,"-with flags and decors-- Gone. And while soknowledgedu illegal' holiday,lt is notcelebrated to the extent it should. When we hive a few more organhattons , presmalng such Writ as the Greys, then the Otrervance will be Mare 1110:11331IIVi,w1tli the hlational holiday. Bratat.Act. :Some min called= kettle McConnell , who Loops a house of bad repots on Third Isit taiga and haring Mi. tied'too long Mello's - "old taui" dared tiolne in a shitii“ot drink - ennui, mar Ace _caring, to..have things quite so tranquil raised a breeze with his better halm which said . Hattie wits Wender. fully abused, having knocked her down he boat her, kleke her broke her ribs Ana lastly tumbled here down stairs, swearing that alio abottld not ?Mom, NOW Martha in this altimet nude condi; Una wandered around • and finding DO hay= . ett, rest anchored -.her slavering add - -braised-bod_y ob the door Maputo!' • the U. T. BIM Rooms, In which Oboe she was found by the pollee who clothed her assiseutimred bar Cottle idayor , a or. Ace. , Hie Honor not .being In his office, •ahe„ delayed making information, was sent to.ber home and didnot sasinap, MS MUSICAL. The Organ Concert Last Evening. At the Third Preabyienan Church I night was given a concert by Dr. John H. Wilms, at the king of inetrnments, the mamm4th organ. Yea, the king of instrumental; for much moat certainly have been the opinion of all those who heard wlfh wonder the unlimited re. sources of the organ under the hands of a great linnet. For two hoary, elan! too won elapsed, the audience wait spell bound, listening to a most extraordinary performance. ABMs Pythoness of old, whose oracles were given only to those who bad prey!. only subdued her, the organ, whose secret inspiration is hidden in a vast and imposing structure, Beam to defy the weakness of man. We understand that a violinist or a flutist may master his Instrument and experience a sense of security when he comes on the stage. But as we look at that ponderous mass at those three kl.y boards, at those two dilaters of stops, and then turn our eyes to the organist himself, so small in comparison. we feel that there is going to be a struggle be. tween mind and matter, and that to true, genius alone will the monstrous Unarm ment yield its oracles, while It mutters only confused and unintelligible answers to the man of ordinary talent; I - I Without adding much faith' to the systems of Gall and Lavater, we would judge from the very appearance -of Dr. Wilcox that he possesses the true temp. erement of an organist. He has the broad forehead of strong intellect, and the broad back of strong will. Ills features are sharply -chiselled, his lower lip alighty prominent, denoting decision and energy; and there is a Yeah in his eyes, which would as well become a. General on the eve of a battle, as it tecomes the arthit poet, ready to measure himself with the powerful instrument. Ruskin has said that in order to judge properly of a picture; one should be somewhat acquainted with the pigments, and with the resources and limitations of the palette; and so none but those who are familiar with the complicated mans; facture of the organ, and the Innumera ble Wades and combinations of the orchestra, can fully appreciate the play ing of Dr. Wilcox. His hands move as quickly and gracefully on the stops as others' hands would play on the key board. We looked several time. with amazement at the rapidity with which he, M a de cresepado, would make all the stops disappear one by ens, each auccee. siva note thus gaining a new color, as it neared to pianissimo. Indeed. under this delicate treatment of the artist, the stop board with its white knobs, pro duced very much the same effect to the eye u a sheet of paper just thrown to the tire, when frdm its black, carbonized surface the starry dots vanish In rapid succession. - ... ! Dr. Wilcox'. representation of a thun der storm, while mainly Intended, we are told, to show all the capabilities of the organ, shows also conclusively that the author is a composer of no small merit. Besides the great effectiveness which he can always obtain 'vita comparative ease from his great knowledge and command et of the instrume he whole work is stamped with ermine poetical feeling, and written e main de maitre. His de. scription of nature is comprehensive and synthetic, and dose not descend Into More details and partioulariffee which often make of Imitative music a meretri cious maid of art. If those of our cltizins who - could not hear Dr. Wilcox, come to a full realiza tion of what they lost, they will envy our good fortune of being present as much as we pHs, It. lie playa this afternoon at two o'clock and to morrow evening for the last times. Do not miss the op. portuulty of hearing this great interpre ter and composer. 10=3:122! OPERA House.—Tao admirers of Mrs. Bowers were favored with an opportunity hut evening of witnessing her in a role which afforded ample mope for her re markable talent, and admitted of a dis play of the brilliant genies which she has given evidence of in every rale she has summed since her engagement at the Opera House during the past week. She appeared as - Jana In the,'Hunch back," a drams without en equal. Tne role assumed by Mrs. Bowers last evening Is perhaps one of the most dlnicult that could be Imagined, and one that is seldom rendered astiafac , torlly to an audience, In consequence of Vie power and genteel requisite to a true conception of the author's ideas and a faithful representation of them. Mrs. Bowers Was suocessful In an eminent de. gree, and if her hearers were pleased and admired her In her former effort', they were really delighted with her last even. hog. Mr. McCollum In the title role gave evidence of n higher order of "talent and rare culture as an actor. In fact the en tire cast was good and the several parts admirably !sustained. Tag Brag.—The weather canon uea cold, and there are prospects for the freezing of the rivers to a enillelent cx tent to enable our ice dealers to secure a goodly stock of the cold luxury ler next 1 summer. There was admirable skating at the Keystone Rink yesterday after noon and evening, and hundred. partici pated In the exbillarating sport and cx. creme. Tho Rink la in admirable order, and we marvel that thousand, In place of hundreds, do not visit it in order to enjoy the nticosaatily brief sporting sea son on the toe. To night a hurdle race will take plane, and math fun may be anticipated. To morrow night a grand masquerade will be held, to which all are Invited, either In mask or costume. By all means attend the Rink while the lee lasts. .. ALIXGORV AID TAULUAUZ. Our readers should remember the grand Al. legory and Tableaux to be given by the pupils of the High School at the Acade my of Much, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Mr. Hager having greatly improved- and enlarged his entertainments. it is to be hoped our citizens will not fall to enjoy a repast of popular son" eborusea, novel and striking tsblaux. seldom witnessed In this city. Admission 50 cents: reserved eats 76 cents. Tickets for *ale at Kle• bees. A matinee performanoo on Bator day. MurdoctOmi Beading The Academy of Wilde was filled last night with a very large and select Audl ewe, such as Murdoch invariably at• tract,. It Is ROM° time since Pittsburgh has been favored with an entertainment by this distlngniahed elocutionist, but his performance lest night exhibited no lack of power and wee as heartily greet ed as in former years. The programme was varied, and contained choice selec. thins of dramatic, pathetic and humorous extract, in muse and verse, and was extended through two hour.. the audi ence never falling to appreciate and ro- ward the performer with =dial- ep- . . ...Tble (Wednesday) evening &Ir. Mar. doe& will deliver blwiseinro on qmpres alone and,. Rem Healers „of. .iikbransen Lincoln," whic& he will Intersperse with seveyal . recitations, .by .special. tenant. There are no reserved_ seats. Tickets may be bad .at the Mercantile Ltbrery moms; isSrzier of!Penn Sixth streets. Fatal 4ectdent, An accident occurred at Bidwell's plow works, Denier of Duquesne way and Garrison alley; yesterday resulting in the death of James •Post' a -young man am. ployed In the establishment. Ho. was working at the' elevator, hh the - main floor and In endeavorirg to atop it caught hold of a rope which displaced a weight above him used for regulating tin automatic belt. The weight fell and attack him on the back of the head, in flicting injuries which caused instant death. Dr, T. C. Rhodes was summoned bat was unable to rendsr soy assistance, as death occurred a few seconds after he arrived.' The Coroner was notitled.of the occident and halo an inquest .on the body.'when the - Jury rata fed litordipt in mordent* with the above facts. ..110 Nsir PLatei Our genial and handsome friend, Color Sergeant Harry Alden, of the Driqnsene Greys; Who has A whole' - heat of filende and admirers in this community,_halil a regular levee at -Fifth Avenge Hall on Fifth avenue yeeterdey, after parade. Harry Is affable, kind, nourteous; and en- gaging, and while at the Revere House won so many friends to his side that we do notzlarvel that We Withdrawal bill canned a stampede of patrons to his new quartens He knows his business thor• oughly, end wherever he goes he will prove thorlght Men In the right place, with a weloome for all and a frown (or none. - - Long may he tarry the honored flag of the nOreys" and long may he en. Joy the hearty friendahlp of his friends. A Heap Thief', - Some -despicably mean scamp 'broke Into the bill • house on the Perrysville road, at the head of Federal street, Alle, gheny, on Saturday nighty and Stole a tobacco pouch. Mled with tobacco, and • bog of aegars, bolottglng to Mr. Brown, tne old gentleman who gulps the gate, and about two dollars In dye oent Tintattow who_ perpetrated the burglary' an entrance by culling Vallee of the window sash out. Be Is too mean to be Maned among weak., thieves, and would rob a graveyard If be bad an _9P PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1870 THE COURTS. District Court-Judge Kirkpatrick. TWZIDAT. February ZL . -The Court waa not In seseion to-day. TRIAL LIST POE WEDNESDAY' • .117 Pittsburgh and Little Beaver Creek • Coal Oil Co. vs Stevenson. 171 Itsbenatein vs. Pittsburgh, F. & M. Templke Co. 172 gimpeon TS Gilmore. 64 Reeervs Morrow. ' - 146 Lewis vs Johnston, et ox. 112 Jacoby vs Schoen and Laurent... 176 Brown, for use, vs owner of steam . boat "Re." 178 Kennedy vsindeer Errett, Anderson et Co. 179 Craig vs Birch. 180 Owners of steamboat I •Cirey Fox" vs • Milligan & McCloy, ..Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett.. TEtRiDAY, yebruary 22.—The clue of Kennedy vs. Dltbrldge, previously re. perted, was resumed, but no verdict had been agreed upon when court adjourned. TRIAL LIST FOR win:mammy. 332 Collins et al vs. Bea et al. 865 Monroe et al va. Hays et a/. 382 Poland vs. Realised. 385 Donthett vs. Kennedy et al. 388 First National Bank of Pittebtirgh vs. Doff. , 391 To c riplke Co. ve. Oakland P. R. W. 339 Kraft vs. Evens 400 Stewart et al vs. Williams. 401 Carr vs. Pier. • 404 Waterston vs. A. V. R. R. Co. 405 Same vs. same. • 213 Ant vs. Bolander. TIIE FLFTEENTIL AMENDMENT. A Voice from the Southsida:—Adjoarned licetlng—ReoluUlona An adjourned meeting of the colored citizens of the Southaide boroughs wu held In the public school bonze on Ffteenth street on Monday evening, the 21st inst for the purpose of completing :arrangements for participating in the forthcoming grand oalebration In honor of the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment !to the Comnitution of the United States, when the same shall be officially announced by the Secretary of State. The Committee on resolutions reported et follows: Whereas, The adoption of the Fif teenth Amendment, proposed by the fortyiint Congress of the United States, by a sudielent number of states has con ferred on lathe elective franchise, there fore, Resolved, That we. In common with our disfranchised brothers, here and else. where, hall with feelings of profound joy the dawning of the day that shall see' proscriptive franchise, unholy and =- just, swept from the statute books of our Commonwealth, and all Its citizens, Irrespective of race or color, clothed with such Incentives that will enable us to prove to the world our susceptibility of moral and Intellectual advancement. Resolved, That we will strive, by a wise and judicious use of the privileges of 'citizenship, to aid in oementing together this our national structure, that hence. forward there shall be no Muse (or frat ricidal strife, but that we may becothe In fact and inseparable." Reaolved, That while we make merry over the rights which Justice is about to sword to us, we cordially ferrite our well. withers everywhere, and especially our friends of the ~S .auth Side,''. to Join with us in celebrating this important event in the history °four Government, whose m atron:don principles are Jostles to all and malice towards none. The report of the committee was unan inunutly approved, and the following named gentlemen Invited to seats In car riages to. be provided for the occasion: Messrs. John Brown, George W. Jones, August Ammon,Esq., David Chem. Messrs. Porter, alph and Sweat, James Brice, John Page, ar., and Thomas Yodel. Mr. Shepard Waters, chairman of com mittee on 'Dunce, reported, that success had attended their efforts in collecting money for the purpose of the celebration, and a feeling ofgensral interest was MI/k -notted by the citizens. United Slates Wattbel—A. glib __._. = A good watch is s positive luxury, Ai) say nothing of the (moronism:a. Fete timekeepers In use faithfully record the fleeting momenta. Among the most famous are those manufactured by the United State, Watch Company,' and for which Mr. W.°. Denaeath, No. eft Fifth avenue, Is agent for this city. The_fol lowing testimonial to the worth, excel. lenoy and accuracy of these watches from the highest potable authority will hewed with much Interest by those contempla ting the purchase of a drat class and re liable time piece: _ °Watch No. 1,089, bearing trade mark Frederic Atherton A Co., Marion, N. J., manufactured by the United Suiten Watch Company, bee been carried by me from January, 1868, to January 17th, 1870, Its total variation being only two seconds in the entire time. '°L .E Catrricantrat, ' °tate Reuniter U. 8. Tresaury." Naw Tuna, Jan. 17, irRO. Seal Estate Transfers. The following deeds were admitted of record in the ,office of Thos. U. Ranter. Recorder for Allegheny, oonnly.Toelodsy, Feb. 22d. 1870: o w e. Wltllants to Addison F. Barna. Nov. Isere and lig Retch., la na era.d. rgeasarab. Js oat ItenOn.on to Wt. C1 , 11%.11. red IP, ISM; .otairty 100 feet. on limn Itia. Melt. eantot. Vrot A Herron to Sone Fri Jon :i r e, lerrp 1.1 lael. on Orleans lath baron .111,7;1,`A:Cl"E;I .1!°:;,1:12 2 3 .; * eltim to iee. A Llen el. ion ' 4' . We; 101 10 by ICO tent, Mo . ertedePlttainme AWL to Hob. on • t 10. to Joint A. ).bb 17. OOPS by 103 feet, Heath St, All nanny. 94 Ella Boronln. on ',Ulan. Joteph d J 000 ohn Om, Jo •. WO; lour* and la Donors an la knit IVothlnglun IC. MO 0. H. 11.99 •o B. boa W. Dai9.ll, ACM. 19.. lot 101 by 04 feet. Jones' Plan. Watt inyotlo towboblp. J/11.3.41 awl Rotn. x. Wilson , 00 Huth We La July n. Ilan lot 9 by 19111991. lb !leave town. 9blp nSCo Weed Sowing Machines The doctrine of the, Annihilation of the Wicked. according Ito the Afetkodist home Journal, Is taking root and spread. log among thinking men, both In and out of that enured', and both in and out of Its ministry, with a growth that is °bet. one and threatening. It fa asserted that the • question whether the Scriptures promise perpetual existence to any but the good must soon bays •rebaarlag to that denomination. • We have beard many In this city es. prora a desire to hear a discus/don of Ma Question. Elder Wendell, who fa now preaching In Quincy "Allegheny, alleges that "nen:wised arnitesee to only to the ripktrose.r and expreates his witilogneas to discuss the question with any man of acknowledged ability and reput.ttion. - The question is one of vast magnitude, and will not some one of God's watchmen meet Elder Wendell and both, in the spirit ottneeknee, glve us the signmente and Scripture, pro and coo, orithis all important irutlect. The above article, taken' from the Albany Rooting Jon, nal, attests that the (meg tion meat bo met with something better than client contempt, tq the paitod/hasar vadOns of erring man. Books at flair Price.—Col..l. D. Egan, No. 41 thnithdeld street, halt a large and choice stock of rare and standard works on hand, which may be purchased at half the price they are marked mat other places. They comprise every de partment of literature, prose and poetry, some of which cannot be had elsewhere. Colonel Egan is alio agent for seam of the leading mageelnes, and will receive aubeariptiona or, forward back number. at any time. No.' 41 Smithfield street is his eatabilehtnent: ' (6umEnu !crated.) ttensiona,loterest at Maenadle Pa. —quite roliona interest la how /loins nn in the °dieting ~Churoh o ..thla place. The pastor, Ulnas, 1$ conducting the servicing, mid the work bids fait .for • general. awakening- all through, the comptitdtp 4.ltnady,ner.• oral peraoaa have nWted with the thumb and others will loon. . • Ef,t9tysylbt,!.._P.4., Feb. 10,1870, Weed{ Weed I Weed t - . Freud]leg from the,tlntest toymnp the finest and most perfecttea sot, may bad at sue warehouse' er the Keyattme Hotter!. hiostthe.a. Kloia -0 0.. priolore, SU 'Liberty street. bkwne of.the finest qtletwerwate which 'paces the tables or - ode most fashionable're. *ld en ees has been purchased at this. ea. nablishinent. Low prices and the beat of material to the role 10:383, - Were,,,ll6Market strest. : . ' thatho Valstatr.—No Me ever yet Mad old Jack Falstaff wu a peilleularly ' moral man, though from ace reputed sip al, biemetet ea k must bays been a lover or good things. Meth:mein which . the old scapegrace lived had much to do with hie ethhe, no doubt. What must have been the morel. ora country and an ,age'whim ' , sack' , was the beverage, and , Pler, _Dennale lb.'s cream ale un. ALLEGHENY. lee at the Rink la In first Tate skating order. to-morroweeeUS wlll_ hold a regular meeting night. Esseßant alratlng at the Rink to day on Robinson street. The Pleasant Valley Passenger cars are making their usual tripe again. The oily was liberally decorated with the stars and stripes yesterday. Be 1 for the Rink.—Elegant skating to night. Tie Ift Is as awooth as mirror The new cepa for the Fire Departmen a re being made by Maws.. Pratt & Ben ney. • Tile Rink will be open to-day and to nlidd. A nand skating carnival may be anticipated. The par hut night. twee wile t Mayor Ca him Pedal trlbuted ego, the workhouse. . o . l itint'a wrong with the town clock on the Baptist church? For two or. three days put it has failed to come np to Limo, much to the Inconvenience of poople gen orally. The Mak will be ♦Wted. today by large delegations of juveniles. - The Ordinance Committee of Councils held another meeting lea; night to con sider the new city - code, and make the changes ordered by the ody at he hod meeting. The Young Folks will be rejoiced to know that there to akatinrat the Rink today. At the meeting of the pew holders of .the North Avenue M. E. Church, called to consider proposed changes in the char ter, it was decided by a vote of 39 to 13 to make no change In reference to tee Church property. It is now, • therefore, under control of the Board of Trustees, subject to the congregation, instead of Conference, as was contemplated by the Propesed amendment. , Go to the Allegheny Skating Rink to day and to-night. Splendid ion and a splendid time. =:=33 By a new regulation the members of the Fire Department are to be subjected to a drill twice each day for the Purpose of increasing the efficiency of the service. They will be - required; at a given signal, to bitch up the horses, run out the en gine and hose carriage to the street, and In every respect to prepare as though ready for a conflagration. 'The drill Is Intended to make each man a thorough - adept In his position, besides affording him ex ercise. It was adopted at the suggestion of Buterlntendent Idceandleee, and meets with favor among the hove. Some of the companies have already given evidence of a rapidity and correetneks which augurs mat satisfactorily for the future *access of the department. =1 The Water Committee of Allegheny Councils received bids and awardwition. tracts at their meeting on Monday even ing for the ensuing year. For water pipes, elbows, branches, etc., Mr. Wtn. Smith, of Pittsburgh, gave the lowest bid and was awarded the contract. For miscellaneous castings, to Messrs. Gibson et Riddle, of Allegheny. For supplying ferrules, A. et S. Mc- Kenna, of Pittsburgh, were the favored bidders. J, R Hutchinson, of Allegheny, was awarded the contract for tire plugs and stop cocks. tor waking wooden plug boxes and washout boxes, the contract wu given to Wut; Hazlett, of Allegheny. Skaters Attention l—Tbe ' Allegheny Skating Rink la now ready for skaters. Open ill-day and evetarig. THE EIVIFE. Another Cutting Affray—no Began of aL Eveolug's Carousal. Mollie McManus and Kate Walter are two 1131111.1 pretty well known In police annals.. They seem hardly to get out of one scrape before a new trouble devel open and results in a visit to the tombs. loading a wild vagrant life of carousal and reckleasneas, It le not to be wondered at that they have achieved such an un enviable notoriety, and no often afford a theme for t h e reportorial pent% They have again participated in a little affray. and are once more of interest-to the public. • • Monday evening near midnight Kele was a:reeled on Ohio street, near Cedar avenue, for disorderly condoet—ths Gril -1 nen Interfering with ear- emphatic but rather boieterous nocturnal serenade, At the tombs she boasted of having cut a eompankru, Mollie Maidanna,l and "fixed her," but as she wee noisily moths tested, no attention was paid to her state ment. In the morning before the Mayor she reiterated her boast of the orevions evening, but the Mayor thought Matting of it and committed her to Jail for thirty days for vagrancy. An hour or so later °Moor Miller, white passing along Ohio 'street near Middle discovered Mollie log on the ground. She had a deep gash acne. her forebea I and every appearance of having beau in a row. When btought to the Mayor's office she stated that dur ing a melee between her and Kate the previous evening, she had been cot bal ers( times. A physician wu sent for, and an ex amination made when it was discovered that she had bean cut In the beast, and the 'stomach, together with the guh In the forehead. !the was unable to sit up yesterday, and complained considerably of the cut In her stomach. Dr. Thorn attended her Injuries. He thinks them severe although not at printout very don. gerous. It will require several days to ascertain if they are serious. In the meantime abe will be Provided with quarter. In the tombs. She is reticent In regard to the atralr, further than *o kgrowledging, they had a quarrel. It hi Probable she will make a criminal infor mation agalnet her assallsAl. as soon she lo able. lkddlees , litopomeist. As there seems to be a difference Of opinion relative to the delay In building the Soldiers' Monument, we waited on the Chairman of the Building Commit tee, who informed U. that he, together with ._. h the SecretarY of the Committee, had called upon the Presidentof the Park Munnlesiori relatiVe to the site of the Monument, do. After a lengthy waver. nation they were informed that the "Park Commiodoners had not the fail control , of Seminary Hill, and that one of the members of the d i bad drawn nn • bllijo be submitted to the Semite and thalloule of Representatives. - That about lea feet would have to be :traded from the top of the hill before It would bean a proper shape to begin opera. lions," de., 40: Having. Implicit mull dome in the statements made by the President of - m the Commlislon, they re. ported the Pots to the President of the Monumental Astoci,.V:', - n who instruchid the Building Committee to proceed with - the erection of ;the Monument as soon as 'peseffic.' We are Informed that the. Building Committee have Donned - the Park Commie:lkm, through their chairman, that they will Meet I bend on to morrow afternoon at two Pieleek, for Cie purpose Of designating the spot, do.; that Immediately after, they will advertise for proposals, and commence Its ereptton. Wofeel wooed that the Building Committee ere anglona to proceed, and while there Is a diversity of opinion se 'to the plan adopted, tall! they are only an. thorned to erect that which was oilmen by the ladies. The design IN a bearlifful one. And while we think that l'the Committee cannot erect ft for the money they have on • hand. to wit, about twenty-seven thousand dollen, stilt we know that three who ate leteceste4 In the. Park of Allegheny City, and in the Monument, will not let the work be de. layed 'for the want of a few thousand dollen. We have no hesitation in sap ing that the Building Committee : will posh things to a final conclusion, and It remains.• fur the rark -,Commbelon to get Seminary Hill ready. We would :Mann that the work be pushed. for. warn rapidly enolligh to permit the lain` of the !sorrer . stone 'next "Dmoration . Road Ton Igoe; notioiat in year paper, • kin days ago, the brief but perti nent hultarf,.."/low long tbe Tell G ale of the Perrysville -Plank road-be stiflered to remain . within . the city limiter This inquiry, addressed to uci one le particular, has doubtless met the ayes of many atareiaiia mho are more ,specially interested • reply &him your oily "spinier, who but Manic-tacitly nottood apontrepthatbasbeem MOW, borne by them for a long time. Long before the city of Allegheny embraced, as it now does, nearly a mile of this plank road, her citizens, tempted to take a drive for pleasure or health in summer, or compelled to travel toward Perrys ville In winter, have been met at the threahhold of this nuisance with the in exorable demand for tolls, tribute forsooth, for the privilege of driving over a road which is never good, or even tolerable except through a prolonged spell of good weather. Ina cold or rainy season the frozen ruts are so large and • numerous, or the tough mod so deep, that an empty bow Is more than a match fora strong horse. The farmer, dairyman or mer chant who:was so unfortunate, In times past, as to be tempted by the prospect of taigira i npd i alle k rt fle a d ill t v e e o rs n er:vt u le highway, where the smoke and dust of our large and growing city do not reach, is now compelled to wend his tolleeome way through chartered mod or legal ruts at the imminent risk of his horse and vehicle, and to face the maids, and satisfy the outstretched hand of the re morseless toll taker, who doubtless stip- Preeses a smile beneath his venerable visage at Ike meekness aids victims, Thin was bad enough, but when the good people of Allegheny in their zeal to become a great and large pity Induced or compelled these denizens of the hills and.dales to cast their lot with her, hold ing up to view the iinmense advantages of police, gas, water, sewerage, street Improvements; et cetera, had they not a right to expect better things and reap some of these promised blessing' before two years had elapsed ? And if they are to be granted, It must be patent to all that street improvements should be the first In order, and gas last, but. It would seem to be the purpose of the "powers that be" to make the gas first, middle and last, and give them nothing else, Now it seems to me to be the right of mild citizens to dethand from Oonnella the removal of sad toll gate beyond the city limits, and the placing of the road to ro tha o tdoint in good condition the year I)ieetlng lid import mug before se re Me ttle jail and If there are legal obstacles in the way, no delay should occur in their settlement: They can be met and over come now as well en at any time, end the interestiebf the city and county de mand that they ahoeld be. In the mean time those traveling over this what shall wo call It? Well as there are still planks enough to impede travel, I will say plank road. should consider whether they are not only justified In refining to Pay toll, but in requiring this "Ineorpor porated Company" to pay for breakage of vehicles and damage to horses by reason of the outrageous condition of their road. The Courts should have a chance to determine its responsibilities, end decide whether its charter will cover its multitude of sins. "Vivo." want. but little here below, nor wants that little long," Is the language of the poet. but whether strictly true may be a question. We know ••• great many men who want a great deal, and want it for a long time; who will work and scheme to get it, and when they have secured the prize, will only resign it on compulsion. Oa the other hand there are thousands who hit a happy me dium, and are contented with a compe tency. Mauch are tne class of customers who daily alma the model dining rooms of Holtzhei fuer, Rifth avenue, adjoining the Postotilee, where meals can be pro. cured at all hours. And such mealsl bounteous, savory and cooked to a dot. We know whereof we speak when we say that Holtabelmer•s restaurant takes rank among the drst of its class, In this or any other city. • • Weed, 116 Market street, • That venerable gentleman, the oldest Inhabitant, le perfectly agreed with ev erybody on two points, that we have never bad such a otrange, changeable, unaccountable spell of weather as within the peat few weeks r and that the remark able low prices for the moat superior workmanship, snob as that manufactured and sold at Liebler's trunk factory, tuts never been known heretofore In the city. The warehouse of this establishment is at 104 Wood street, where those disposed to question the old gentleman's 'suety can call and Judge for themselves. • Need Eiewin Machine/. artermlnation to anCoeed is often half the battle. This Ss why Masers. Youegeon dr. Co. have made their ele gant dining rooms and confectionary establishment, corner of Smithfield street and Diamond alley, the tuition. able - and popular resort, They have always determined to have their house up to the Ingheat standard, and Inspired by that principle have spared no exer tions to wake it snob. For anything in the oonfeetionary line Meese. Youngson Co.'s will be found the right place. Weed, Jno. Biggert d Son. Ladies, If yoti want halgalus, In fine (Imes or lane goods call at MoorheadS No. al, Market Street. Ho bas every thing in the line of fancy trimmings, satins, velvet., laces, woolen goods, and an endless assortment of .notlons, and trinkets, for the toilet. Everything is new and fresh and of the latest style. Remember while out shopping, NO,M, Market street. - . We Sewing Machines. ' • Ekon sad Lot an Itabella Street, Al. Irgheny, at Auction...Theperty 15 Isabella street will be sold o Pron Wednes day, 43rd inst.. at 2 o'clock. The lot is it by 8 4 feet. The bonne Is s three story brick' of mx rooms. A. Leggate, Auc tioneer. I= • _ORVIIIISAIIbe residence of her parents. Is 11 . 7 1_„%lart 1.1.3 rz-zik.! I tanghter of l•sae sad Elisabeth to the mean-seventh year of her age. Funeral from the . r.eldenee a' her brother. I. Willard [Manna, No. 1,9 3/Iddleetreet. seesn4 door above Nonh ensue. AU......, Wawa.- mai, February 231, at 9 e•Joet r. r. T.leada of the nasally an resonant]] y tented to Knead. UNDIIRTAIUMB C fil at li k " ltlf/Le a iNT EERL y%Il t a . corset t dirt DHOW( sialific • /rD WI LO IN Hr. alltoreamy elm utter. %leer Clr/r1 Imltwoa KS eaartaatly 'applied letth real B ant Ito.serood. laahoranr Waetral CRGI es, at prises Tanta( rrom 1111 to 11100. •Iles oncosts d - for kr erllseat. Hearses sad eat• Nam Paraistted: slaty 01 ala4s of ItcoodUas 2 . 4nnota a .f.Lf t. HlCraolt HAOD olota Ilan kers. id. JOSEPU urgi•ELlßT.urLEm.i9. N 0.4 AG PENN alltirt. Canlages far Viionaleals Faralsiml. ais4 all Taile , ral Tual•imant t et xEouovA s EL 313331dC AL. L. D DUMMETT, (Late oC Liberty street,), Ru •twelitell Ur. DAVID D. InVIDAD)Iin with bim Is Wither.. .0 teleerittelie.rnid wthmodlow shireronw , • No. Q 4 Wood Street, Where the new $lll3 will eontleu • the teasetke- We and sable et lee inweelPh..tb;• Dtte.• • Pure American Confectionary. • Drat#l.Bl7 C0..4, R. 111 Miti.4%. . . 31 WIATISIORE, REAL Esnraanal - . 11.9.1111 WV, Bee removed ROW min Oblo 9,114 eaud!lety intoolll, to • 103 atm kirREAT, ALLIKUTIENT owl% R. MI NC • GRAY & LOGAN Have fetilOnd front 47 817TH lITILLIT, 89 Fifth Avenue, Until Improvem.ta on old Mind are comp!. a d. fa JOHN M. COOPER & GO. Bell and Brass handers; 111011111 L LOCONOTIVII k MILLING MILL BRABSEB Made Promptii go o;der. _BASSIT'S METAL, ma4e and Kepton Hand. nopn.tor. andllaalatietanst s of Coopersßaprovo Unice Wheel " -STEAM- PONCE). Mee, ENS PENN STREET. nunderiCor.l7lkialitfikoailla res t io prrrnanzen. Rik • •ROTWER-10 Ball:tibia prinks roll Batter, for nle bY • • _ , THE PITTSBURGH vi\ - EGAR WORKS BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are no. premed to tumble VINEUAR at tke LOW= MARKET RAM. Attention to I. ttealarly celled to oar EXTRA IVINE VINEGAR. na6. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. &o. CARPETS. REDUCED. Oil Cloth Window Shades. DRUGGETS. DRUGGET, SQUARES, Irwrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever,OfertoL BOVARD, ROSE ct CO., rawa 2l FIFTH AVENUE. REDUCTION IN . CARPETS For a Short Time to Prepare for SPRING TRADE. OLIVER, NeCLINTOCH & CO Have marked their good , down below last Mb. sortie timer. Full lines of Carrels, Oil Cloths, Druggels, AT EASTERN PRICES. Ram bargains ran 1e secured by those asillel• P.adtf,l= Att:l ' k '"` """"°"° OLIVER IIeCLINTOCIE & CO., l 23 Filth Avenue. fe HOLIDAY GIFTS. Positive Reduction In Prices 0P PIANO COVERS, asiniouter, 1111/ton Rugs. Crumb Cloths, Arc. 111111111 BROS., sit - FIFTH .0 rr,..rva, ABOVE WOOD "ram: WOOLEN DRUGGETS AN PELT CARPETS, 11, 11,.2, 21, 3, 31, 31 and 1 YARD FIDE. BORDERED SIaIIARES 'Suitable for Parlors. DINING 8001 CRUIR_ CLOTHS, Woolen, Linen and Cotton, 17 LOWER PRICES Till LIB SIMI Noterlthstsaglm the andledetleheet tutl MTIBLIND & COLLINS. 71 and 79 Fifth Avenue. ~~: • c .~;4 gl:~ HENRY GE. HALE, MERCHANT TAIL CE,7 Corner of Pen and Sixth Streets FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE E. SON, PHERSON & 1111LANBRING, 5VC0741029 TO • W. 11..WCW111 & CO, DIFRQHAPT TAILORS, 10..111 MTH It, late St, Clair... Ztvlt'i4Jo3:b z.v.m.Zaittn- IN. BRING wld MU Me letqjh JIM.IIIOIMaiIBIIIIO3. BIL'.A_IRTILM, rasmostazza MEROHAN'T TAILOR. Keeps eonstaatl7o:9llLia4 !Roth., azzoirtutres and Vesdnigs. AIsoAtINTISIONV PIIIOIIIIIIINO GOODS. Igo. 93 1-2 imittiflold StrAol.. rirr•aysee. PA. . . clotthut mune W Gnu to =rt NEw FALL Goons. CLOT.RB, wBSIMRRZB, alk Astra:om bit UNARY UT / M. lletaluakt Minor. ti !MUMS , gnat. WINES. LIQI7CISS, SCHMIDT dr.FRIDAY, ' iferearsome ow DBANDIRS, GIN, venomous MAXIM is PURE RYE WHISHIES, 409 PENN STREET, Have .Bemoved to NOS. 118.1 ARLO ass PENN, Car. enrentb at. (formerly ) JOfflari II & FINCH CO., so. um, Wan, 101. MI 03s0 116: ros &al . Aft Is PRLIHII ualll . lo/0. Ek.l l't4P 3 terl: l l • TEE NEW JERSEY Mutual Life Insurance • NEWARK, N.' J. Assets, Over $500,000. • • Au Policies lamed by Mt C j ompany are perpet ually Non• Forfeiting after the payment of one Anneal Premium. ' - Minden& annually declared and nOPlled On third mutual premium, either on the permanent Increase of the policy. or In reduction of premi .. HENRY KIRKPATRICK, _ . General Agent, 187 1-2 Wood Street, (2d floor,) PITTSBURGH. IMP Billable Arista 'mated. • derv" • REAL LIFE INSURANCE CI - Of Pennsylvania,. °flee, 76 Federal St, Allegheny City . DIRECTORS: HOD. JAMES L. CHAHAR. - .Hee. J. B:CLARK,D. Dept. R. ROBINBON. Bey. A. IL BELL, D.D., Bev. B. H. N.DIBIT, DAL. W. A. ED NE, Colder All46eay Trltit Co. JACOB HUB% Real inate Aseut, . SIMON DRUM. Mayor of Alleabea7 . C. W. BENNY, Flatter, A. E.. D. BWOONB. lasoreeee Aseat. - Caps. ROST. ILORINIIOII, Prealdinat. Kew. J. B. CLARK. C.D.. Vice Preefteut, JACOB HUSH. Elearetary, C. /4 BB NAY. Treasurer. • • . H. W. WHITE, lentolcAL ADVIZZas DANIEL WOOER, Clean COMIILOSIONED AGENTS TOR Tl ' ll e tl i tt Jane N. Donaldson, AM. /tit ny. Pa. W. W. Maly, &chaster. Pa. Rev. Jam. Honied...these!. Beaver, Pa. N. H. (Murata. Itclirsport, Pa. George H. Johnson Plainestlie, Pa. J. &Eimer, Johnstown. Pa. Company strictly mutual. All profits accruing to polley bolder* by dist& nd returned annually from the end of the first year. All polities nen forfeiting. ail ' CASH INSURANCE COMPANY. rusLaivs rtulimpra. ■a. IBS 111111 k Alnuamns. Neon/ Floor PIITSBUBI3II. Capital All Pahl 1:11). N. J. Ble7. Dal J Hill, Th ae aw Itmltb ROBY JNO. Jul. T. CUL Insures on 1:5.., i N.~l IFRANICLUI INSURANCE CO. OF `PHILADELPHIA. 01/1/01t, 411 lIVI (MESTA CT 87 . .,near IT. DISCICTOSS: Oilitiall W. EaLaker. Mordecai H. Loafs/ Tobias Wagner, David B. Brown,, Ssranel G t. Le.. Jacob B. ith. Edward O. Dale r ° ,47„ZI L zow. 0. DALE, Vim President. W. O. EHNILLE, Beeretas74.ll7 J. IigHDNAD CONTIN, AG_ .11. IT North Wert corner Third and Wood Strewth. rolalkwie pEANSYLVANLI INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTIMBURIN ornoz, No. 16Th WOOD STRICT, WI 07 COICKICBCI BUILDINo. PhD la lloma Company. and Samna adataat lOU by Tire estinnvelf. 1.310N.u14411.LT18, Prenatal.. 0. C. BO TT. Was Prenlaant. ROBERT PAL RICK, Treas.:rat. 111111.11 ItatLEEINY. &yeasty. crcraa: Lammed Walla; Drus &kora. W 114.114 0. 0. Boyle. Robert Patrick. J. Geo. W. Jacob Painter, J. V . . M j A. i. ontAl i n o g ki.. • We: INMINEIIIIIANCE COM= OV F ITTTSBITILOH. Itht NUCOR. PreeMeat. rl g rfilE z attriar irenerat *jet. Moe. VS Water Meet. Spas, C 0.4 ith Matra PthuWreh. ku lfrM limn against a/1 kinds of Pits ao A Pb Mae Was. A home Institution. Inanagedlny nether who an well known to the amarannity, lad who an determined by promptness and Übe, silty to maintain the thareethr whLeh they have assomed. aa efiertug the beat proteethth to UreMil who dean to to mend. DinleSol/At Alentander Matta. Seen R. Mean% M. Wther. • Otthe.'.l. Clarke, James McAuley, win's= EL ream. A , d2 .‘ atd =re . . wie .: yar. David K. lons, Wm. VI D. Ituasen. hap NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cir. Federal IL azd _Dlamoad, Allegany, siTaNe.fa SZOOND NATIONAL 'Lutz r W. W. MALRTlNlPreslient, JOHN BROWN. Vine President. JAMES Z. BTsV NBON. Beerelary. nnincontio John A. Stylerr. J a c Loskikart.. kyr" iras.L.Graham. Robert Les. . Boe. O.V.PW """ IIIAte J ' el= " nk.n bat=,. 13EOPLEEP INEMRANCE COM. PAID. omci. S. a. ti WOW • rum es. • Elam Oairpaantaklng Pus a . . 41 Xmas MAIL . . DMICIONJIt. Val:118. Lattar L. intoett. rre l lrt ri eh ilwi r tsl.. . 14. vi 111 Wart Led.i.. W. IL tt t. - . __ _ 4EGI/ENT nrstrnAticz aLarrANT UTTSBUTWIL WIPITTH STUMM Bind BLOM. avant all Mad. at Ma and Manna Mum 4.I.NIIIMAIfei antes a B A . It r. LWALamt Ar,u . DamnVas: E. L. lanalandek el i ra:lo ,7 4. .IL .Itvenaa, Wa. Robert R. pails,' malt adisaTl. ars .471alii,The a a WALL PA - RE R At Greatly Reduced Prices. Vii 'lll,ll,lllra fV~".Trit.t7,o%.'"" Without regard to Cost, • CO/11PItIBING.. JIANDSOML PA BLOB PAtiFirma, letzely i iTtlipalura rArins; /WIN , . !L sasert!wint of 9tit!l.l" 1 . tr719 it N 0407 KAMM STREET,' Filar:MTH JOR HUGHES a BRO. RLEGANT. • MEW IL&NOINOS: inameled Wall Poen laDiat;eiete IaIMIT MASS Up 5001 and Mote. VW li da g . 1.°17,1113,27 1 7, tem notiarli 46; . 010 WadJ6.ll leZerWirl:a. to be lband I gale as • b••• w. p. A. AR' A VOX KEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberig shwa. i) ~..T:1- 4 Kt i :, 4 ormaiii i i 4 A +l:k4 NEW GOODS. FINE VASES; . • stomumum AND (DMA. • NSW %D a all6 / 3 2 , 1 01/1... 41 aura SILVER GOODS -- • Pi Cal MI EW= otr Ewa, Sid .1“ . saitsawl leo swift( nu to Iftntlisa. g g E IMEED . do CO. CHINA. GLASS QtrEENSWA4V.: A lute unoninen ofnew patio as and stapes Art fumed. ♦lso YU/eel sad BitUnnla Ware, Yuen and Yalu Wana flow- unbar and /of: H. swim Sr. COS, ~wNei 18LLIBEfl ENROL INSURANCE) THE IRON U 1 Y. 4.W .. r,);.[Capt.ll.llalhay. B. B hi Harimart,.A. Chambers, J B. B Clarka, lam. H. Halley. %IN President. . J H. ENNING % 8, Vice Presideat. JOHNBION. ilea:rem?. J. CEA= Elen'l Adman. Tema on all Pin Marine BMA AGAINST L. 9153 BI TIRB. WALL PAP lIWI WOOD st an atieatioitias. 100 WOOD 'STREET.' MEI AIIIIISEPSEN - T - S lar'NEW OPERA MO - DiE. — Last idea not three of the faeorite artiste MRS. D. P. DOWERS. •nd' the popular young actor. ' VII. J. C. hIeCOLLOII tf)teEhLIAT EVICINIINO7 Fehr..., 9_ 1810. the (rest mentatlocial tiny la REAPING THY TIMPE' T OR, MARGICZIIItix T3Z t. Margueritte Mn. D. P. Bowen. Jean Paul 8erger............J. C.lleCelloar Tburalay livening— LYNN Z. Mrs. D. P. Bowen! M. lute on Saturday. ar'BEERICANTILE I IBILARIC • LECTURES. JAMES. E. MURDPCII 1111 deliver his groat Whirs on . "Impressions and Becollectio s of - Abraham Lincoln." AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Oa WEDNEBDiT MINING, February MI. •dtalulon. WS mile: iiokesi owed seat*. Doora open at TM. Readings commence at N. Tickets Ins We at Library Rooms, corner Penn and Sloth street. . arDil l ND ORGAN CONCERTS. AT res Third Presbyterian Church, - SIXTH ANENDT. Mr. J. IL WILLCOX, plus. Doe., OP BOSTON, ORGANIST. ON TULSDAY EVENING, Feb. 22d AT • O'CLOCK, Sod WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Feb. 23, AT 9 O'CLOCK. ADMISSION .. SO CVNTS. Reserved Seats for Torr.! tttt creog 55 rests calm, Will Oo sol lat the Store. or AI F. T. • LOR t HOEHN, No, 53 IGOR avenue, com mencing Sattll 4 lll6il.l.llolol. rlOOll3 try . IWA. At ' o'clock. - felt:de-7 fagrACADEirIY OF MUSIC. . THURSDAY litd.Fitiltali EVENINO.9, Feb , r.ary Aii and 25, 1670, for the Penetit or I PITTSBURGH HIGH SCHOOL. Committee or At ratumments—Oco; ./.•Litekey, City nuperin.endmat: Wiloorr..Pbarldi tit of Central Jar.d M. ftru h. Mayan POll5, to. Dean: Principal High School; O.IL-Andet, son, Joseph Ml.rhell. . J. Cr.!,g JolinMarrhien and Jna. liartman. wo. at the Committee, will act. . Treaturerrequest of the L.M. HAGER'S GRAND NATIONAL Allegory- and Tableaux. Wi I be elven thirPopila of all flepartmeratur or the h School, under the ulreciton of Mr. 11 AtiEit. Mc. J. M. LOB/N, Pd.. or the North St lot. It hi .Ati l itrtmthibition la Went tiyuinamtm whin . MISS P. A. MAGER, Pl•lonsT. A anbandld Steinway_ Concert. will he forniatied by H. Wen r drib Admimion, 50 eent, Reserved , peals. 46 mem. Per saleon Monday morning, re Unary II!. .1.111. Metier & Bros.. lenWood etre., • Doors ripen at T. Commit. at, o'clock. Matinee Naturdair •dmmelon tn hal recta of the Home, Schwalm and Children. 515eents: Adult. 50 em. Mom open at 1 o'c oak: commerce at hi • 1e11:049 WHOLESALE GROCERS. Ac... DILWORTH, ILIRPE.R & CO4, - 243 Liberty Street, (OPOOdte bead of Wood. stmt.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, feellll Pietas:ruby Pa. ESTABLISHED BY A. &T. GORNLY, 1812. . W. BL. SORRILY, WHOLESALE GROCER No. 271 Liberty Street, Mum.: cue. .Lous DOT.L.) lL M . mice ltir STEELE & Sar . I. Ma" ' 411.• Cbmmisaion 2Mn,wi,mks sz.orrit.exiJing,m•3Ew.n. N0..91t OHIO mu% near Zan COMMCiII. ALLEGHENY CITY. PL Pi?it KM- JAM MI V. JOCLIART. TIL & 1111111121110141 SLEROBANTB, PLODS, GRAIL BEEK KELL YEE% & stricr Llborty Pittsbarstb. xt MEANOR & HARPER,. FLOI7R : GRAIN AND PRODUCT, Commission I`4l-erohants; 11146. 1129 LIBEARZY ISTIUSMT : Continments ne7 W. C. - ARMSTRONG, sgeteamor to Fetter a Anastromt PRODUCE CORILDEDON RERCRAR t ..Ti No. 25 Marcos Street. L. .IF. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 96 , PINN STREET_ ITTLE;': BAMD k PATTON. : a lDealers la Lard bleon. Nall. Uotionlrarme and all Pltt.bunth 11...hgettt,“ eoerally, 1131 . .4 /14 • lIRCONDSTILICZT. Plusbargh. JOifif I. 11C9711. Arm, WouS.U....leK. U. 1100112. ,il 4 O/ 1 . 114 M . 001W.E & Bsos., • sac. 14. JOWN HOURC a co.. Whot. sale emara &nu Conantsclan Merrbants. Onus, - of SZUthtleld hod Water stteets,Plusbarsh. • =2 (2111.1P1'ON klWAtLACE.Whole ac.w.hiwmTAßNa,,s.- BUSINESS CELANGELS. Dishouniolir OF rAFITNER— Nair. -1 he To rthenthio et BXST. ovN CO.. le I h Goy elmolved by 10N B•ST noreesehot Atto lotenot of 14. I.IZO. THOMPBoN Iceman ho n. . The ateanthettolog of Cass wilt be eoetfr nit! ..bor.t.rere. ee4e tee nano. orJoliN /MAT 00. • J FIN•111JIT,• ! . THOMMONv JOHN MACI. .I.llllhcltill../feb.ll/1, remelt- CO - PIRTNERSIII? NOTICIL, The azdenluned bee., this Oar entered P...trtAefthlP for the teiriuse of carrying es the , wnoleule and fle telt NOTION, TOY, ' • • irdA r CY GOODS BUSINESS.. At No. In TEDERA". EITEICZT. 7rae4fle. Stock, ender Insane ardent:l O'LEARY & SINGLETON... ALIJaIIrEeT OrrY. Jut.l.ll/ O . LETONi . mum, (PLIAIST 131NOLZTON hare Jut returned :rote the Aug. Where they earthmen- Ibr out e ewe, ate ewe% of leolltelcd. sad FANCY fiIF , OF. OFF3FrisimF In pallor aff =if r L . nI.o b ier . fie P utr-lat t elt b re " ' e_e r tle e"l enet& (71111dree's Velrleare. Hubby onie r ei eVa:74., airk.olialekAl7.llY.l.or rt h . ea na - tro m ,;:itvt,t.o.r.°.,l4: ( " 7...t" -a oar OILVART Jaime; M. W. LOSZNTIS. W. A. tr • - THOMPSON WH P 93 9... • ; pcsPART N7Rsairt4-, _ Th....demmd. ..tunsitl6ll: COlanserstilr, :sr ttso p. ' Of tors:lsS His squeals o ITP HOIATERING.-''t • 2i o. wocru STREIT. undrr *brit* of ROBERTSI RICROLSON 7c THORPSOIL *NielMer TuumrDu . . „ _Tao dang oxpawkrodo or Mr. Roberta; who id . . wlwo AVM •Q. DOOM* o f ^Wont,. 80.1 r Co. j, o,3 .tta /11 Wow Yal.Alwaelt (w.. allaboo i nem tOllll4ll, nand thorough Triad wools of the %rods. ..sti limb •am and 2.1.11 •LCCA of NNW cot brachat doorman/0i 141.1:hhoWle•y ~the motor, sonsitss•ar• eg NU patrcnuyre. Mtn,