4 1 0- 1 4•1r1ii AMBRIOAN. BANK , tiO, 80 FOURTH AVENUE, 1 3 77110317110211. OALF4I carrear Satoomeo Stockholders Individually Liable. BAFH OP DINICOIIIPfr AND DEIPO/111% JOHN" PLOYD - WM, FLOYD. President. Cader. DIRACP3II.. Inca. 12. linnhall, John H. Mortinna, WID. I . .ebannoa, Arcienraid Wa damns W. Arrett, Jar. D. Kelly, - TI. Ueda, W. 710 PI. Jona Pia-d. Pank is now cony orrnalsed and prepared in de • rt. rat Dantntr bustnera.. pink COTLAD, SILVER AND COUPONS, - Baugh, at Higheal Pricer. PIL R. MERTZ, Banker, Coy. Wood St. and sth Avenue =TB • JANES T. - BRA — DY inotnesion SO 11..NNIN • 00.. Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., „ • Buy seasonal' kinds of GOVERNIENt BEtI)B.ITIES, 'GOLD. SILYBB AllD 00IIPONS, ...N MONT FAVOILASIA raven. 11, - loterest Allowed en pe9oalts. dirltoner loaned on Government !toed” at lexcra. narset rues. Order. execrated for the Terehnee and Nate of STOCKS, BONDS and SOLD. rt. 11 - 17., T.' BRADT. & CO. 5000 ALLEGHENY VALLEY it, 7-30 BONDS. for ckle at fal2 N. =LIMB & SONS. tte gin** *tit FINANCE AND TRADE. 13= Orrtex or Perrentreent 11-AISITTa, TURIDIA.T. Feb. 22, 11370. The markets in a getter - al way continue very dull and devoid of anythhig ovally now or important, and .while the pros. poets arc not very eqeouraging, hopes of an Improvement are still enter tained. As has been the case for some time past, the demand for almost every thing is con lined mainly. to supplying Immediate wants. For some of the lead: log articloa.lneli ding Sugars and Pre. visions, buyers are' taking hold bps. singly, not being disposed to stock-up for fear of lower prices. The grain trade con. Unties very alugalah and very unsatisfac tory, and the complaint ,ameng „dealers Is pretty general that there land n: In other worde, prices are too high in the country, and - this accounts for the very meagre volume of baldness; Flour, also', is very glow; „there are no Moyers ontaido of the retailers and ba kern, and as a general thing their wants are easily satisfied. There is an Im proved demand for prime Butter, In con- , sequence cf a temporary scarcity, and prices aro tending upward. Eggs, also; firmer and in better demand. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 115(r5e APPLES—The arrivals continue very meagre, but the supply seems to be fully equal to the demand. We continqe to quote at $2,51311,50 for fair to prime and 11.00 for choice. BUTTER—There is an improved de mand for - prime to choice Roil' and we can report sales at saws. Common and Inferior is abundant and very dull: BEANS—May be fairly quoted at 12,00 Git,so per bushel. BROOMS—Store prices; No. 1, 13,75. No. 3, 14,50; No. a, 15.00; No. 6, 16,60. carpet Brooms, 10,00(46,50. BUCKWHEAT FLOOR—DuII at S cts. BROOM MIEIN—III3I7 cta per pound. CHEESE—Ia steady but unchanged; . Western Reserve and Hamburg, - Dix@ 17; Factory, 17@17%; New York State Farm Dairy, 18;610; New York Goshen, 39X(32:4 CARBON 01L—Standiud brands are still quoted in alobbing way at 23 Ma. CRANBERRIES—Prime to choice eastern cultivated, 517@i8 per bbl, DRIED FRUlT—Condi:wee exceeding ly dull and the market Is very fatly supplied. We continue to quote Apples at 738 cis; and .Peaches, u ligtio for quarters, and 10@llo for halves. Blackberries. 1.4@i5 els, and pitted Cherries, 25330 ma. DRESSED HO3S—Arrivals very light, and the demand is limited. Prices nominal at 10(gi1l eta. EGOS—We were reported salsa at 230, thoreth hoiden generally were asking 25.. Ills aald they will not beer shipping even at 23 eta. FEATHERS—SaIes at saga°, and the 'usual advance for small lota, in a retail FLOUR—The market continues quiet and dull, and devoid of a single new foe. tare worthy of natio& Western flours, In store, are still quoted at 35.00636,60 for spring and 113,7606,03 for winter. Bye flour, Km GRAIN—As already noted, the grabi business is very slow and very dull, se there is reareoly enough doing to es. tabllsh quotations. Wheat comes In Vert slowly, but the mills aregetting ill they ward in the weal; we continue to quote in the Absence of ales at 11.,10@1,12 torn Is Quiet and unchanged; ear,73@ Tbe Ott wbart, and Dilittelo in store.. By. is dull • as ever and cap not fairly be quoted atove gin. Oats unchanged and anti; dealers quote at.; 42@t3, buying, and 46@t8e, Belting. Barley, • 90693 for sprtng. and 1101,05 for fall. • - HAY—May be quoted at 116=1 from country wagons. as to quality. Baled, on wharf, 2t6(4,23. Hll2Ks—Balea at 2).‘@30 per pound. HOMINY—Baire at 0,7E46,00 per bbL 7ilste--34des of. Cleveland white lime at 12d1it2,25 nor bbL • LIME) Oth—City brands Ira 1 extra quoted at 31,38(41,40, and No. S at ONIONS—Quiet and unchanged; VI 40 2,75 tier bbl as to quality. PEAITUII3—PrIme - 'l'ennesseri quoted Pbe.S—Dulls $2.50 per bushel POI . A.TOR3-06ininge only moderate, but the' demand continues ligbn wo 4 continue to quote at 45 on track- and whet f. and so in store. PROVISIONS—The market continuer quiet and without quotable change in plus. Shoulder', 13 for Watt. and 14 for Sugar Cured; Ribbed Stdre,lSKO 1534: Clear d0,16%@17; Rreaktbst Bacon, le; Sugar Cured Hama. lB@leg. Dried Beer, Lel. Lard, 16 In tierces and Pia 17% in bbl. and kegs. Ham Suing!, nu. Mesa Park, ' .1 5 0Araftl"—Rectipt• continue veiy Eight and market is almost bare. Ws continue to quota 4 iPd dickens., at 146615 eta. and drowsed turkeys. likpo, SEE DSLCIover seed 1a tutakangetit we continue to quote at* 180311,611 Timothy Deed. 111,t0(0,66. Flax seed, 12,10453,16. feTRA.W--Satee of rye 'straw • at Ile. and oats et fbeetif. . SALT-1e quoted ail; 1,7 e by, the oar bad. .2'4.V..ow—Sidra of rendered at 10,441 Tench. 84 3 4. Market very quiet. WHISKY—Very aulet:• Ulgbarinesi troted at 3 3 041; cm it:Mt Tieetl244, proo f •, - ,2.420e 21,10. . j i - :51:117. Cbrsrma 01 iorreburnON GAVOT* TITZSDAZ Feb, SF, IWO. The anniversary or 'Washington's . Blrapday was pretty generally observed by the oil men today, as-Inalnees was almost wholly . pospended and Meat of 'tha' ell ollltas wore locked np. We wore not able to discover, however, that the fact of it being the birthday or the father alibi country, heti a n y precept,. Ms effect - on business, nor that the trade muffored any that damage by the sane. said offices behtg under loot, and key. It war just about to good today as it has beenduring any preceding day fin thateeks, and there are no indica. Dons it win be any better to.mor. row. Dullness is the order - of the day, and while hopes pre entertained that the worst Is over; that s•reaotton and better times arsimar at band, thellresl l o4ll, it -Mast be - confessed, are not erna ;he trade is so completely. heels= -r "' r .~...:4~ .arm++— "';~-F^"'°^""""""" >,v every ilde that there 11 no chance to make a movement, and until the draw back, we have so frequently referred to recently have, in some way or other, been removed, we may expect a con tinuance of sluggishness which has char acterized the market Since the : advent of the present year. In regard to prices, there is no change compared with yesterday, and in the absence of sales, quotations may be omitted; The tendency, however, of both crude and refined is toward greater weakness. - or MUDS OIL 111 - A. V. B. B. Peerless Oil Works 320, on account B. B. Duncan; Eagle Oil Works 400, on sic. count B. 8 Duncan; Jas. Wilkins 160, on account Porterfield dc McUombs; Sun beam 011 Works 160, on account Thos. Hackett; Fisher Bro. 240, on account E. H. Long; Jas. Wilkins 80, on account & Boston Pet. 00. Total 1,3E0 bbl. smuts:Tyro OF OIL or A. V. B. 11. Mentshenner, • Koehler & Co. 600 bbla to Waring, King & Co., Phila. hicKelvy t Bro. 48 bbla refined oil to W. P. Logan it Bro,; Philadelphia. J. M. Biter 412 bbla refined to W. P. Logan &Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. it B. 250 bbla ref. oil to W. P. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia. J. A. McKee, 250 bbls refined oil to W. P. Low= it Bro., Philadelphia. • Tarentum Oil Works, 250 bbla, relined to W. P. Logan it Bre , Philadelphia. Livingston Bro., 150 cases relined oil to Tack, Whiting it Co., Phila. Total refined • 150 cases. 1,810 bbl.. OIL SHIPPED EAST EY Wl= PEEIE Kirkpatrick it Lyons, 285 bbla to W. P. Logan it Bro., Phila. Mentzer, B. it Co. 280 bbis relined to Waring, King &Co., Philadelphia. Total refined_ 625 bbla. M BEETS HI TELEGRAPH Sr. Loma, February 22.-Tobsoco un changed. Cotton nominal at 23;4@24c. . Hemp nominal at 12@160 for undressed. , Flour; good order demand but no ship ping facilities: fall super t 4,2605. extra 14,60@4.75, XX 14 95@5,25, XXX. to fancy 0,90(?.6,60. Wheat very dull: No 2 spring 83q@e0e, latter for Inspected, No I do 92c, No 2 red fall 950411, No I do $l.OB, and choice 11,12@1,:e3. Corn heavy and easier, mixed In tackle 69@72e. yellow 72c and whlte 76(4178c. 0141 doll at 44(4)4f0 in bulk and 4903520 for sacked. Barley: small sales prime fall at sl.al. Rye; nothing doing. Whisky easier at sax to 943. Shoulders dull and un changed. Pork $27,50@28,00; the latter for retail lots. Dry salt shoulders 1010. clear rib 143.0)14% cents. clear aides oge. Bacon, Jobbing: 12%c for shoul ders, 16c for loose clear side*, 16t40 for clear aides, 10!4.3 for clear rib, and 16%gi 170 for clear sides. Lard nominal at 14,4 @lbo for prime steam, and BOHN° for choice kettle . rendered. Cilial.24KATI. February 22—Wheat; No. 2 red 11,06; No. 1 11,18. Corn: mixed 613@700;-schlte or yellow 743. Oats 524 550. Cotton dull; middling 2350. To bacco In good demand; sales 86 hbds at 16.33 to $22,95. Whisky Ilrui at 04.3. and in good demand. Mesa Pork firm but quiet; $27,25 is offered and M. ,50 asked. Balk meats: about 500,000 pounds sold at 10 . 10 for shoulders; 13%®143 for sides; 1434(415a for clear rib and clear sides. theme in bulk are held at 133 c. Bacon: sales &boulders at 12%®1230 and sides at 16®17c for clear rib. sugar cured Hama . steady at 18®19c. Petroleum steady at 30®33c. Sugar firm for New Orleans at 10,4013%c, but refined dull, and prices go lower. hfolaases very firm at 67®783, demand good and stock light. Coffee steady and In fair demand. LODISVILLY, February 22-Cotton dull. middlings 2354 c. Flour quiet and steady; extra family $5. Grain quiet and 'toady. Wheat $1,05®1,15. Corn 930. Oats 630. Rye 95e, all sacked. Pro. visions dm.; mesa pork $27,50, bacon shoulders 12%c, clear rib 16%c, clear sides 16%c; bulk shoulders 143fc clear rib 14 3 ;0, clear aides 151.0 Lud in tea 16m hams, sugar cored, 18%®19%c. Whiskey, raw,93®94c, With sales of 190 hbds. Tobacco; full prices, with sales at gasogAbo for trash, 16®7,50 for lugs and $6®13,75 for low to medium leaf. CnEvEninn. -Feb. W.-Flour dull and unchanged. Buckwheat flour nrohang. ed. nye Slur in moderate request at $3 ®5,25 per bbl. Wheat dull; No. I red winter $1,121 N 0.2 do held at $1,05€91,06. 'Corn dull and tower: new No. 2 held at 76c: rejected do 67c: old nominal. Oita lower at 470 for No. 1 State. Rye quiet and nominal. Barley dull and heavy. Petroleum dull and weal: refined held 2.5%W; retell lots 27 i®V.m crude chan ® ged but dull at $5.65 per bbl. an- TOLEDO, February 22.-Reerriptas Flour 6;0 bbls, wheat 8,100 bush. corn &TX besh, rani- 600 bush. Shipments: firer • 100 bbla, wheat . 700 bush, corn 18,200 Muds, Flour dull. Wheat a shade bet tar and regular; white Allchlgan $1,10; amber Michigan $1.66)4; No. toed $1.14; No. S red 930. Corn a shade better: No. • 1 old 83m new 6934 c; no grade 59c; yel low 75c. Oats quiet and unchanged; No. 1 . 48 c; No. 2 45c. Cloverseed /310. Marernts, February 21.-Cotton dull, nothing doing on account of the weather; nominally 2.3%c. Receipt' FA exports 895 bales. Flour unchanged. Cern 00® 02e, Oats 674570 e. Hay $2O. Bran $2l. Lard Pork 629. Bacon now. liraL Bulk meals: shoulders 1134 e, and aides 1534.8. Cirtroraran, February 22.-Beef cattle are In good demand, and the supply be , fug light prices advanced 25®30c per canted, closing firm at 11,50®7,50 per • cents!, gross, the latter rate for extra shipping. Sheep scarce and In Rood &- amid at s4®6 gross. DETROIT, February W..:-Wheat is very arm, with extra white at 11,25. No.l d 9. $1,14)1.1534, amber 111,06. Corn is very dull, with new at 63c. .0411 47e. Barley advanced to $1,65 per rental. Clover seed $8,25(0,3734. Dressed hogs $10,50 (911,00. ST. MUM February W..-Cattle active at 4 @So for fair to good, 534®6.3 for prime to choice, and 634®7,3 for extra. Hogs: no packing demand; butchers paying 834 We for medium to heavy. Ncw Yong, February 22.-Bnaintas was entirely suspended in honor of Washington's birth day. No market re. porta. Cattatoo, February - 22.-The Banks, Bird of Trade and Open Board were closed today. No markets. • Nesavna.s. Feb. 22..--flotton fist: low middlings 213.0, and good ordloary 20v., stook 6,820 bales. IMPORTS By . BALI,IIOA.D.. ' CLEVELA2eD AND PlTlTStliffill RAIL izoAD, February 22-4 can lake sup ore Jonas & Laughlin; 2do do, Reese, Grafi & Dull; 13dotron are. Shoenberger, Blair it Co; Bdo blooms, Graff, Bennett & CO; 122 toe lard. F Sellers & Co; 2 can iron ore. I Painter & Son; 1 do lumber, B Schmidt; 60 bbls oil, .1 Spear & Co; 8 bat scales, Fairbanks, DI Co; 2 bbla var nish, Fackiner & Irwin; 4 bellows ' 4 levers, Lindsay, B & E; 1 car l clay.B Lyon; B bble eggs, Sdo onions, 2 kgs lard, 4 aks rags, Day d; Co; 18 bdla TB Young &Om 3 do do, Gil Dealer Son; 6 kegs, 1 bbl oat meal, 8 kegs pearl barley, Druneva & Bro; 2 bbla oat meal, J Porterfield; 15 bales cotton, Holmes, & Co: 10 bbla apples, Bruggerman I O'Brlono do stlndries, Wtodwoll Do; 1 l iM lobate°, F . Map!: 2dosobinns H Berger, 7 bbbe eggs, do ryp, Means & Coffin. Frrranuneir, Onirmciacr AND Lorne RAILItoAD, February 22.-12 bD apples, Bruggerman A 0; 1 - car bon Seward & .g; - 5 his drugs, H W Bice • lough:. 4 dO do, C Begat A Co: 10 bbls oil, J Brown; 4 hhda tobsitai. E Wormier, 91 bgs : barley. .8 Hood; .7 Mils onions, Vangorder &8; 20 tins handy, Dilworth & Ht 2 1 dog ware, Ditbridge & Son; 2 bbl glYamine, Paoli 51; 1: route. Fahneatoptc & I box . Mob% J Woof. well; Ido do, P Lsohnini htlds 'attn.& D Chambers ; 12 Able *Pyles, Volga, If 041 do eggs, S Devoll 2 biz h wars, H White; 44 bgs feeds - ft a Her. ton; 25 do meal,. DAY it CO; 100 bbla !bar, 1 Kell A R:100 do do, Watt,.L ft Cu; 60 do b 101teii, Udell a 61; car wboat,,lB. Y'g 45. lard ? J Dair.ell & Son-. , Prrxrallall Foto& Wi,igaw 4147 D cm "OD 41140/0. Februily r,•••-1 tar barley, Orangeman dr, crartot ; • 100 bbia norm Allen Kirkpatrick & Ca; ICO do do, Beghtnyer A Wilmot% 100 do do, do, Watt, Ling & Co; 100 bdts brat= hdis, g McClellan . A Co; 2 rolls leather, Pine:Lefty A iciz ,o kegs while lead, S Fowler: - lObbis, 40. aka Colt' dg EbePardt 27 bgs oats, J Hinkle; 1 c 07 4, 4 Pane , * Son; 200 letri inns, J sn :tr e, ; eer wooden ware, worth, • Arne* Co; hale" hopik wop ght; 1 gar ore, . Drag, Byers It z!". oar rya, J Abodes cw 2 nark wheat j lA `mets A 4 Cot . btila Wpm' Deed, 1. — Crldgbei...; - PO 11oa1, Wiwi. • ALLZHOZ'T v4r44.7 RkILBOAD. Feb ruary 22-5 cue rally ad Iron. A Carpenter; 4 agan seed; Dilworth, 11A Cog it gars limestone, Shoenberger, A & Co; Ido metal, McKnight A' Co; B tibia butter, 1 do ogee. 32 F Broggermarol car wheat. W McKee Co; 3 ban britter. 3do eggs, 3 Billy; 34 eke cowl, Gnaw. & Id; 53 cars coal. F AK: 3740 do s Armstrong, To dr Co; 1$ do dp, Coleman. B *Co; 3 bag butter, 3 do eggs, - j caddy; I pitga eggs, g do . batt er, Moor. - ALLEOIIIDIT EiTATION February 1 oar lumber, John Nana: .1 do dangles, A.Patterson; 5 Ohio flour. J V Wilson; IBQ bbl. flour, J B McKee 10 do whisky, gotiondoper, 23 do do, Bd A Winn; 81 .1W:Ob Ahlwei3ihn ag rolls bulb. en, Jae Gallery; 2 oars wheat, gem:lo4 aro' .1 5 0 3 pigs /ad t; 'Delmer , imin RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily nt this point with eight feet In the chan nel by the Monongahela marks. Weather moderated somewhat yester day, although atilt very cold, with a north-west wind. At 4 r. x. mercury marked 22. Business was moderate at the landing, though all and more than could reasona bly be expected under existing circum stances. The new ferry boat H. C. Nutt and the Lorena were at Cairo on Sunday. It is said that tho Bengal Tiger, which boat was sent down to tate the tow of the Tigress, lajured by her collision with the Tom Rees, on Saturday, was unable to move it, the ice being jammed in all around the bargee, ao that they could not be removed. The Arlington departed for Cincinnati yesterday, with an excellent trip. of both - freight and passengers. Among her passengers we noticed Capt. Wash Herr, Joseph Fairley, the grain dealer, and a portion of the crew of the Tulle No. 2, which boat wee afraid to venture out In the ice. The crew of the Mated Scar, were also woer:lore on the Ar lington, to take charge of the Stella re cently purchased by the owner. of the Star. We are requestedhy Capt. Moore to state that hereafter he will not reoeive freight after 12 o'clock, and shippers should make a note of this and act ac cordingly. Capt. Moore is determined to make time, and In orderto accomplish this it is absolutely necessary to leave here as advertised. The Glendale, Captain Zara, is an nouneed for Si. Louts. The Muskingum river is said to be closed, and another day or two like yes. terday and the day prcvloue will close the I Allegheny and Monongahela, and, possibly, the Ohio. As reported by our - dispatohes of yes. terday, Capts. W. J. Haunts and H. K. Hulett have been awarded I.he con tract for the transportation of govern. merit aupplisann the Upper Mississippi. Pittsburgh, therefore, beat 81. Louis into time. &The Ironsides barges were loading at Cairo for New Orleans, at Int amounts. The Arlington brought up the !urn!. turn for the new City of EvanailLle. This fine steamer Is announced for New Orleans. The Mary Dsvage and It. C. Gray will probably load for St. Louie. —Tho Evansville Journal heard are. port, Thursday night, that Colonel R. IL Woolfolk, of Loutaville, was negotiating for tho purchase of the steamer Louis ville. In referenoe to the Richmond, the Evansville Journal, •of Saturday. says: We learn on what we madder good authority that Captain Slut Neal expects Whyte the Richmond out of limbo in a very few day; He has a propoaltlon, we are told, from Sherley A - Woolfolk, to sell their interest, which, by the assis tance of friend; be confidently expecte to be be able to accept before the Bth prox. No other claims, It is said, have been filed against the boat, expect thoee of Sherley fc Woolfolk. —A Whaeling special to tho Cincin nati Colnmercial says: One et the bar ges belonging ty Capt. Booth's tow boat Hope, sunk last night, while lying at Washington Mill, In this city, It had about.6,eoo kegs of nails, a lot of spikes, bar iron and glassware on board. She Bea in about 20 feet of water. It Is thought that one of her planks was started while being leaded. —The Dubuque Time.% of the 11th, says: St:ippon:wore yesterday notified of an advance In freights on grain, be tween Dubuque and New Orleans, of ten - cents per 100 lbs. The advance Is on the river portion of the line, from Cacao ,down, end is occasioned by the blockade of oats at - Cairo, and tho Inability to get enough bottoms to carryall that arrives by rail. —The Galveston Nava, of the 11th ssys: The Whimlaw, down this morn ing from Houston, faille first arrival in four days. She reports the T. B. Bagby aground In the Weal Pass, and the Era No. 3 aground In Esst Paas of Berl Flah Bar. The Henry A. Jones on the mouth aide of Red Via liar. awaiting °Kart:s ofty to cross, —The Evansville Journal., of the Iltb, says: Cans. J. V. Tbroop baa named ins new boat Jest built here •i3follie Raton" the name of the beautiful and fascina ting young daughter of nor very Justly esteemed follow citizen, F. H. Ragan, of the firm of Flagon, Dickey .t Carson.. —Freights south from Clarksville have advanced to 850 per , hbl on Hour, and 36e per hogshead on tobacco. This advance to attributed- to the great de cline in tonage by river, and the tirp preotidentext increase of every kind of freight to southern pol Os. —The Jackstaff of the Robert E. Lee . says: "Shoo, fly I Dan% balder met" The j tekataff or the new Natchez retorts: ..If thoflyboddere you, well hrnsh it off as wer° kV! —Woods Wilson, formerely eomman• der of the steamer Cherokee, has bought • fine farm near Rattle Creek. In Marion county, TOOLICIS*3O, and Mae quit the river. —The Messenger left New Orleans for Pittsburgh on Wednesday, and the Leonidas arrived there on Saturday. —The Great Republic was to have left Cairo for New Orleans on Sunday with all the freight one could take.' ...trhe Sallie reshipped her Pittsburgh freight on the St. Charles at Cincinnati. —The Mollie Ebert and Bellevernon were at Evansville on Saturday. RIVER PACKETS. IMEr3IIZ3I! PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACHEr The new• and splendid sidewheel a dat Streamer. AIIGINGTON. DLNIAL 1100 FIE. Master. A. B. Buiranp,.Clere. iItS7CI Pittsburgh for Mein:tall ere+, TUESDAY at 14 Y. promptly. Returning. Paves CinetunaU for ntosburgb..at 19 M. !Ter) . 7PIDAY. For fret. ht. oss.age, or other Informatlott. ap ply on bo.rd or to ' JAILPIS COr.LINE. fel FLACK A COLLINGWOOD. Agenti. Sr. LOUIS Ably MISSOURI RIVER ;FOIL ST. LOUIS AND 1115901317.1. WWI: —Tb ent Id pa .. .rug:7 SWIMS . 0 LENDAL2.. Capt. Mix; ' Wlll leave for the above and Interinedlsts wits TUDAY, re.. SM. st 4 P. x Per h t or it appiy on beard or to &IS PLACES it IIOLLINOWOOD, Agents. INEINPIIIB MID NEW ORLEANS 10 OR E II I 13.. f iggEt .A 2 and ITICW• OftLE6lll3.—The //de-wheel pax se Mr!, steamer CITY OF EVANSVILLIC.....CsDt. H. Dias, iv fit •le sve thr tbe above and Intermediate ports sitg . tpia. :40 to os- usrd For MlRltirrf PWIEII, * 1015. FLACL COLLIN° WOOD. Agents. STEIA.IIIBEQPB TO LIVERPOOL - AND • QIJEENSTOWN. Tan INMAN MAIL sTiteassuirs. Numbering Aileen drat-tinu nmOnis. among them . tbroolobra CITY or pARtIL CITY OT ANTIVERT„ CITY Of scrsTo oITY 0/ BALTIMORE, CITI? or LONDON. Ballot( EVERY !SATURDAY, tram Pier 45 North Infonno River. N ply ew t ort. /or mange*: farther tton ap WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr.; 143 surrunaLD STREET, PltUtourgh OW STORE IN A NEW PLACE, The undersigned I, ...paved to foroOb IMS • •• DP I Y. IA Perlegra, or IS to r desllM4e queotltt. too (allowing: Vilma Mackarrt. New Cedaeb. Howard and Pleaßd' alteon. Holland tad plotter !laminae, .ardlare. • A 1.0 Agent tn. HAMILTON A JONE 3, gat Stone Warr, le st at Oreeattone Pa to3oJth and vest ta i tter_ns cr. ronsistla p g . r r topa l O j nia n. ttlitt Vireig? "" "L' ; roman Vain eV wait , ' and olored llama Cbaln.r get4Drltdabd Maned 11 . .alta, TOMS aadsrepry arta , to be ronod e ia tre r ht:res:l7.7jrnpi, P lTalli, ,11,Atitrub, ter , / . obw e'l ' a d liffirtariltrilials. Nee. 19 eltl.o, onrniT k en • [tutus wa:eol wusl , LADY sipL Dtl Without. . Watottooltun .b. cut pay u!cp 4 0 00 1 GOid PsFisc!ffir cfsff FULL JEWELED LEVER WITCH For $28.00. Wa ranted•goed Ome-keerer. Call, see and Da~Ope } at .. WATTLES & SHEAVES'S aviesy STORE. • 101 nrru AVL. tlppOstui tAiirrs Orncs. N. B —We eta oar peremal attention to ta. r•TclarTw!r2ry • imrsToirr, psyrrzny. 8. . _ X1E13.4 Oa' ,M k na . tapwell et_ cpueensware, Brlpipt Ware, t ile r apil WareItcane.3B3LIBER•TECTIMILT .I4pAII orders •termelli otunded to. H IL LYON, Stialir or Weights and.„ y easatel, . Ofiloe—No. TOTTECTII A1i781114 Pittaar" , i t tltsJOHtl ILUSUIRTS. Poach ristsbami Lkoze, GSM litoNOL/Ti /1: 0 0 1 #117 Priz fgasW• ~.....e:~x%:. , ~.: , tia«,~ac: mow""'._,-.. ~PITTBI3T-TEGH- DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY ....310,RXING. 'FEBRUARY.. 23, 1870 SPECIAL NOTICES Ir'cONSIIIIRTION. DR. lICHICACIVISPULSIGNICETRIII , Aar the ewe oleo:Melts, Colas end , All3.ll._ption. Du. SCUM aCK'9 TONDO for the mare of Dyspepsia and *Lithe Debilitated Condi tion., of th•hioreseii, I DR— VCDYNCIVIS INDT:LH& PILLS, for Dheasta of the Liver f r o to act as a (kettle Por e. Ali o, these three Med , ctres are often ra.0. 1 .d tit miring Consumption., though the Pulmonte Rreule :Zed Tonic and 111:21 1 rak e e s rg, i trari s i Pagrirbrzvep th trdr, b ,ralid L :LerraThenZE blood vessels, by Millen Means a cure Is soon ef fected, Them Medicines are consclentinad7 to the Public ohe only pee, certain and reliable remedy for Pulmonary Consumption. and for ail those morbid condition. f the► ody lead to that fatal alreatte. Liter Comyil b aint and Pyre pep , la are often Ibreninnere or Consumption. and w :en they manifest thentaciral the/ Mar. the IMO %prompt attent:on. The Poilmonic Saran is a medicine which boa had a long probation before the politic. Iterate* has been prayed by the thousand cure. It nu made through a period of more thaw thirty-Aire lean, In all of which time its repo t &LOD h a to. mated. and the most onetWlte skepticism can no longe with that IL la a remedy which may be naed confidence in all cases which admit ef scum If the patient will perseyeringly follow the di rection. which accompany each bottle, be will certainly be core If hl . lungs are not wo much wasted to make $ cure yogi It lye, bs cues ...posed tObar al, when friends and play- Me she have despird, the Me of this Meads, has saved the fife of the patient and restored him to perfect h•alth. D . miterhenck does not gay that all eases of Pnl. ,onsumptio hre that res et of medicine but egemphaticallsp anent, teatbftea when patient. have too moat alarming ...Pt... such as a violent cough, creeping chills, bight Cats. len cral eye to th eft ideune that they are obliged to Ile In bed. and when they arg [lvan lb by their physician they may stlll be cured. Fe med.eal treatment can create new ' art t eVni l eltea e .re ' rgyTd. ' l7:l:4ll3l:7fl lected by Dr. Stern-V. medletne 4. Also. In Perotolou. Diseases, meth medkletal are equally Mee ent. Dr. ...bench has photo graph. of a number of perroth who have beers early covered with running sores and now all healed •p. This shows It. purifying propertles, which must be able to hem ca. In the Inure. In the treatment of Unnsumption ttla ot she utmost importance toglve vigor aid a healthy tone to the system, Ileum It II necessary to nrengthen the appetits of the patient the 11. P. , . the digestion. Peeper nourishment m a ke Sired together with loch means as will the sood easily dbrothlble. The articles most sellable for the diet of Consumt tire pettentesne designattd In Dr. &bench's Almanacs, sehtsb are Unlimited aratultonsly. In genetel, the most Mealy nutritious articles an to be pro. ferree,bettbeeSg”tare °rex. must be *Wehrle. cued In order to mate either food or mediate! serviceable. This lotion...meta It met by the Deserted Tonic, and Inc th is purpose It was des ignated When the digestire p wen arepot In good Other. the food has Its proper effect; the ...teen of the petit. Is Invigorated and the lungs be gin to exerchte their function. In • normal and healthy manner: Then the healing power. of Pole:moth Pyre:, will eff.et the min. Pubsion Oottanhiption andmost sheath am 'sheeted with Din:epee. Meer Complsint, Samna'. Renentle Pills ace 111 ended to tyr move obstruction. from the Liver and restart Its health action. They base all the Mersey antes Ls ascribed to calomel or "eln., man." and an warranted not to mlnt in • particle of any min etalloolsOn. Theca Plll. cure the mow, obstinate conthencsk headache. pile.. bitted= age. Mons. and ell s other &seethes which +rise grom • torpid or obstructed condition r f the Liter. One boo of these pia/ will prove the epot, corner of WISMCS•3 and etretts, as follows: .. . . . • Aretm. . ..0401. Mall Trate—. 1:50 am:•: 4 oathem XX. 5.9 0 Ma Put ',me__ 1-25 am , •Paelele Ex... 2:15 am Wall'. No. 1..6 AO am iWall'a N 0.1.. 5115 tab lirlotopAo,Ncll:so am, Hail Train „.. 0:10 am Wall's No. 77:11:50 alai Minton Ae.. 141:510 am clnalsmall Em9:so am Ilra•lsAs No • 5 10 MIL 501MatOrro Ae /U:5O am Clnelalrl re,. 11155 pm Beets Ae Nol 1:00 pea Wall'allo. 5..11:541 an PlttalOgh Er. 1:30 on 'Johnstown Ae.4:os.pM Pacific A`lso. I:50 p ee Il Pinta. Ae No 2 NM/Wm Wall.. No. 2...11:50 pa. Expre443:5 6 .01, Bralka Atli* 20:55 pm Walln No. X.. 310505 Wall. No. 4. 0:55:0W Well,/ 110. 4., 05::5400 Mint.: Ae No21:10 pral•Prat 1.15....• 5:00Mal Way ramn•r -111,14 U pm Woll'ls e. e.. 11:60 PM . Mme. trains Intle deft tun ucctlau at HltreM4 lam Mr Palltme.r. . Tee (Merck Trela. lemma Walla tllailmi *Yen San at 555 a. re., 1 , 054105 i'll" o "..tb " 10.010 a. Ir., lie te.0022, learaa I•lttsb. at / 2,2 2 P. m. rod anima al Walla 51•110 l at .S:10 r. =. ir . . C. d.. ,41 X.r... , 1.5041 14.U.V. gootlur , ..Pl . Laa least, .lake except Monday. AU :Ma/ 1:41* . ;%;'!'.?' a " 4 "; A , W. H Hr ' \ WIT S Arent. The Ymn aximel Hall N. ICo ~; .. ' ~.‘ - ..._ • mime, I. y fle, fpil: ‘l ,2o.ge,eicett ijitt U ani, n a ,.. ti:..?, 1 • , 1Z1:, rearm ibillty to MO 111:1• IL la glaoUnt In valuZ: Ifni Z/fls.Ne ' rrfar It 01111kr. illlll:llltslll;ALTgat‘,...,tract. • 5015 G,tAral HurcTintvedeLLNllNlnll.,". ~jEßPELiN ~jl7ll4l6g—ii PENNSITATANIA AD.—On chit after NOV. - 14. 11.31). tee Faasenger Trains on Om Wertern Peroorylvenla Ent road Will arrive at and depart. from the /Wave I Str rio.eet Depot, Allegheny // tllty.as toltomet ArOar& 113:40a m' l Hell ..... t. ....1:04 111 9001. NY 20 N0.180/0 • m Freeport No.l 9:40. ■ ltzpram. • -.10:40 a m Sharpb . g No111:50 •la IlherptOgWo.llsl ,, p Enemas , , 31: . 50 PIK Freeport 2.0. 34:05 pm s.prlngd eNu 3.10 p 13:50pm FreeportNo.3s:sopm erstesce'eliol caw snmtcd'• t Oa. vto Above trans ran chair eneeP...11 0 . 1 .7. - • • The Chnteh Train leaven Allegheny atettton every donday at 1:40 o.l...resent:La Allegheny City at 10:60 a. to. =amine. leavni City 1:50 p. and sr:West Anse= Lon st:11-0 nu me trains leaving Allegben_y (My at 7:05 n. to. 1.10 direct coanoctlan at Freeport wlthWal• terse Moor etnat ,- for e and HannabrtoWe a Through tickets may be perch:wad at the OtiCe. No. IBLCialr frusta, near tto Haspenshonllrldge. Pststorth, and, at the DepOt, Allegheny. • For farther Lc . oitaige tig . lia rr, reeerat tiefiet Mot. The Western panushirents 'EnnTO.4 vrtll Oct aesame say rt.% ter Yl t aggese. eneept.Prweaglig tiMd . ra.lr 00100.0 Ai sealing this amount In 7.11110 wlllbe at the dak of the owner, Were SD taten by meets] ontrant,. . vat. non General nuoerta WAllD tandent. — 64lgagge' rn" • WAYNP: & 01310•00 • P/TTSBUNCiII E. • 9. train. Id/ilea's from Dot, aoritiMUNTltill• N. tad i3i,kb ELAND Worn NOV. 111th, lain and arrive at the Union • bare' ettLilnia, aa • • . , anleizorix..llSl ie Peals Ex..•131:05 p 30 Wheeling Eac 11):48a 5:18 pm Chi's° Exdall3:9s r Cleveland La 11:3Ily as Ss'n&so:o3pas 01. W Y h's ExlNollysa Arta. fw Alleglansr. Leetsdale Ae..8:5111 as Beer Yells 8:518 ssa New Castle ..19:93 aa Enna ant Leetsdale •• 1R:43 le 13ca•eFalla 51:93 pna Leetsdale 4:53 pes °. 1:33 rats Oaks 03311. k day church. 9:58 311 WO Mamas leave. dally. I N. eat. 'dole!. 3013.11033 th 010521,p_rx..._.11:05 m Enna ygn Ex.7:1161. m E i th a 4O IL ITI.TV: Past - 0- CI. • Writ 341;011 58 D m maaao Ex .. fi:AN pm ea' IW•ft U. ti am Le stadele 10:18 a el 116:3 m .*; . Rochester . p ltnon •• pea Leetsdale ar.. .5:1 3 Hea•rialls • O:LSp ID Tale Oaks Leetadale • tlipm ea . 41 . 4) C61111:0 :131.9 51:914 - airis :o t ;u. Chita •• =l3 IHAI4 E OF miI_TIME. (Msl.alt VALLEY resuazoA., THE ONLY DIZEOT HOUTZ- TO THE OIL BZOION/1 WITHOUT LILANOZ CABB. • • On and afterAIDA.Y. Nov. XV, 111109, TWO THROUGH NS DAILY . (caccjit Buxton will Wawa ritlJborct Depot, cornet-of ZIGw. oath and Pao atrumm,,tor TratAlln,ollCitzllnl tto. and all 110111th th NG Oil /tejamix. ra.ivz rrnrommeu. IA mill, ulyrr . izsten Eon 15-- Zatlain Day 5. p la altos... BIM° et at: Btl 11111.11u...:•%13 :1' 1V:1`12....: 1 p a m Gth Holton..11:00 pima Iloiton. mmmmlZl pm "d: Brady. B i.e 345 Opm f;;11,. B Caorek 1100 p lemma . 10:10 am ETpreas trot. my only at iirl . nr.:?al points. Accommodation tram. 'top at all am qns. J. J. LAWILZIICG, Goan lop% • THOXAK X. WINO. Assn. rrrsauniall L'IN ,rmigarafth CIVNATI AN . LOUIS RAILWAY. • PAR RANDLE METZ. calm Gm tia• TINE.—Da end atter NITSDALT. Nov. ichotuem. trans will leave and arrive st the Union Depot. Pittsburgh. se Ptsburgh Dpe it r, rrive. —...... : o Ott a. au 1A:IN p.m. Southern alitll3p. tn. MVO. re. Tut ..... 9:48 P. - te. T:18 p. rt. ltized Acc`n 11:43a. Sc. 8:53 p.m. McDonald's Accon.No.l 11:118 a. M. ; Tana. a. ts_teatenville Accommod. 3:18 p.m. 9:48 S.M. McDonald's Area, N0.28:33 p.a. N:113 p. r. p. Banda Climb Mad" vaav m. 9.88 a. in. /WA 218 r. Express will leave 11:18 r. sr. Mlll.lwlll arrive General Ticket Agent a,019 - w. D W. CARD, Dennison. Ohio. no . , • ETSEIVEIGH&Mumm itt ' 0027NELLS V ILLS —.‘.... AD. Oa and atter 'MCADAM Ifamibut. AWN UM, Was will arrive at and depart Dux .the Depot earner of Gnat mi Water streets. as mown Nefewet. - Arelatar.' Mallto aid froinXtnigne Ttown. TAO A. N. 6:00 • Kelteerportdecomom 17.00 A. at. , 100002, e to and from Unt , n. 2:00 P. 10110 A. 2: Wart Newton Aecom , 4 4:30 r. 2, 22 41.1••• Braddock., Atrotodt , .. 82115 r. u. T:3O Night Se. to7teK•eoort..lo:Ve r. te. Gams. nu Sanday Comet Tratu to • . ander= Wee t Nro,tn 1.00 o. Tahoe •. RIONABO it. POOEMBIVAaant. 11:42 HILL W6IISIIM UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY Eastent Ilia SHUR 2EST lion Er Willa NUM% from 1.116 Butt* al DOM* If Colorado Nevada, California ' tub, Washington. Arizona * Prewitrezico,Lab°, Oregon. . Teo Truths leave State une...uctexcivoni n i grlillTgargit i ratf l avol=l! bal and at. Joe Raltd from atlLiddY•coanoet. la.' at Lawrence. = " Prgrt " lntiwortlnnirtbe irrara immes IeXPPIZOB 00111PANYI3 • MILT Male 0 l OVERLAZID NAIL AND ims 108 MIZIVEing SASIL .7 AND . All Points in the Territotiel. Lid ea ILVDTIISORM TRI-WWWW. LTUIII of 001CITTS for Fort Union. Bent.. Tort ..-- Albeerenne, .11 v4z,t, Ar; tone end Weer Sderf co: . • • WILI the mean • eddltlens of Stab/ and eenhement end the errendasunts with sesoonslble Orerland Transport...lion LihMt Eras We western termtnawe the, road new *Tan quelled Esellltles tor.. the trewandrelon ed, trelOt to the Yu West. Meta. Los eare at Oil the vaincips: caeca le the UMW antes and Ctenadu • • Plt u i& s . 41 S E. i n ' lt a .0 oxlo . AISIII/316011, &tuna flupt . kadesnl43l a-; samsarrss, ==tl=22l 2,000,000 ACIM " OHOICELMIDSFORALE ET 2111,1 Union Pacific Itilioxtd .compuly, ILISSERN nrnios; moss Blue of tbeir road. at • _ $l,OO TO 15,00 PRO ACE:Ii; , lades craltDrr 0'7112 IMMO." tar tanker partttality - Tax,, 'Ural .7011. N . Land Cinesalgoaer.Vapalca. W.V.4114. Or CHAR. B. LAMBORN. 111m4. er. r arm Affrieul. 1 w ;Wag a;:i:Kit ff)4111.P., . • - z ifroanr ANTICOLAISEIIOII AT lAMB ' - • Elaillna4 GRANT uto No. TS ANT WritlpLT, -1s - Os V. Uresta ant Diatilpi3g l =ilicata Simms am ati ylna mut* coly_ko, ( 11.111.% sof, of =a••0110e111COMIT1111.• Ar!cilinemin BLAILELET4 so. as sista srasss k ilsillrailka LT 5T7.7".311:1R0ff. MCCORNUCK. . . Attornevfza'.-I.aw. • . - Igo. ell Ortirr trn!zrr: `arrliziopi atlcition alien to ail kinds 4 Ina W IL NEEP T S m asanaaus °Fri = nrilki ,l72 LlTlM • mew.. • ' 4.003.7inett 110 ei ons. Deed.. • ••• •• andalroMWl up. and all teal • aded la wawas i. . „ ' ; ,TrtAII.3 I IE MARK'! DITHRIDG .. ,1 ES : i 7 11rAta_.. ." GEMS °3 7- SI . 3_ i - V