Fal littointrtg eatitttt. OFFICIAL PAPI3I , f Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. 0771Crs . IBM BUILDING. %; AND 86 VIFTII AT 101130i10,810.1Y, FEB. 21, 1810 Boar.s at Fraxiktort 93i(g,94. rrrBol3l7ll at Antwerp col True validity of an Indiana divorce having becn dhtputed in the Supremo Court of the United States, has been kmrmcd by.that - If valid tinder the Indiana law, sash a divorce cannot be disputed In another Butte. _ • • Tits flat State election to be held under . the Constitution, u amended by the Xiirti Arlie.* trill be in New ilampabize. But In) distinction on account of color has hitherto been made to that State. At the Cannecticot election, to April, will be 0b.., *erred the , fit?t itineration of the opera: tion of the new Article. It willaddlrom one jo Iwo thonaaud into! to the - poll:, alarshinld increase as much - the Itepubll Cin Strength. , . Ir ts to be hoped that the House will, itot'idopt the r erilution to expel "Hr.l Whittemore, i . member from South Caro-; Una. on the. charge -of having sold hie nominations for cruletehips, wittiont eleari woof of his guilt in the prenatal.' - That gentleman is a native of 111133paliZell • graduate of Harvard, an accomplished. ; 'choler, and hitherto always respected as a men of high moral principle. Yet, if he be really guilty, he should be dealt with stainly, for an example. Tare law of Congress prohibiting , the I isle of coal.oll, or petroleum, for, pizat-4 tSithrg purposes, if,nuder the tire test of. - 110 degrees, L s constitutlortsl Ace only as to the territories. The Supreme Court, holds it to ha an Indefensible Invasion of the exclusive right of the States to freme their own polioa regulations. We do not; rinderstaxid that this ruling touches the legality of restrictions upon the transport tailors of the non•itandard article between the States. Congress has clearly the right, under the Constitution, to "I egnlatc commerce among the several States." In fees of this authority, it is to be presumed .that the decision here alluded to does not touch that branch of the' question, and that the Court, upon a proper case:would cce*nly sustain the, entotment regular tins, In that ratted, the Interstate coin ? Merce 7 This rusher Is one of considerable lesportaace to the refining Interest, and Should be properly nederstood. mount ADD vsoura RAILROADS. Cincinnati, In conjunction with the peeplo - of Kentucky, is moving energett catty in the wetter of having a great trunk railroad running directly south from that city, through Kentucky Into 'ffenneasee,' thus bringing .it Into union with the great thoroughfares of the Booth, embracing the Atlantic, the Gulf, and the Niuluippl- States. Cincinnati, in -this movement, is setting a good example to .Pittsburgh, which ought to be moving with equal vigor In a similar enterprhe, through the valley of the. Idonoutudaln into West Virginia, and, thence to t 1 fame great system of southern roads, only at points two or three hundred Mice farther esst. When the lumber and mineral wealth of the line south of Pittsburgh are drawls _lnto the estimate, our southward road.will be found superior to that in whlelf CIE pe4- ple of Cincinnati are engaged; while the connectiocus which it will give us with the southern roads and oommercial centres are quite asgood. . - illentofore the great lines of the WWl try have been from Etat toyest; but the 'time Eta coma - When lines running from North to South will be felt to be equally summary. Time wu when the widely different sochd,conddioni of the free and the slave States operated as a bar to n tich - close relations as are now felt to be area. wary; .bnt that Is all over. Reconstrne ,. Son • on the basis; of univerisl suffrage, is the ;eel spring of thecmaterial Improve masts. Iron , bands will Ihe added to constitutional amsndmenti to eatsbilih and - confirm - the. National Union, void bielg in an Ms of goodd - feeling and briik, reciprocal trade. T e calmly.° yore. Before the adoption of the X.Vth Amendment-colored men were voting la most of the States in which they are tie most numerous; yet that . amendment will confer the right of suffrage upon a veiy large slumber, especially In the border 'Slates of Delaware, Marylsnd, liCenticky , 'and litssourL The nuntben enfranchised by that amendment in the following nudes are about as follows : Is Illarylnntl, N ODO Pennerlranl. We° la IMls.nr , . CISCO ln New J.rem,i,tto ' • in.K.lnelty. 42. W) In Out+, I ILO 10 • M a s i ttgal4, I,t® -Bare are about 144,000 new Teton; and 'Kerney Safely cilealite that about Mtn tege•twentleths of -them Will be Bepuhli ' esti.voters. What will be the, effect ? .:;Delaware will be revolntionized;. for' the . Democratic, majority, when . none bat whites Voted, hes not beta more thsothalf the votes which will be handed in b$ colond LAM. In Maryland the Demo -attic majority will be overwhelmed by the colored voters, ,liCentuety, now overwhelmingly, D emociatte, will become . t debatable ground, and 12,000 new, votes thrown into New, York will plaj the mischief with "the party," unless_the science of repeating shall be still more extensively called into finance. We have but little expectation, bowever, of overcoming the Democracy of New York; jar they seem to have the means ie. oovirlng thst Stale, where they tare a .... city in which a single Irishman sum cast 'num ballot. in II day than six whim Re . publicans and four negroes. Wegive rro New - York colored men vote un der the present constitution II they can - show* property quallticatlon of 1260. It • Is estimated that there are In the Wine Wk/0 who are unable to de that. but who will now come in on the same tooting as TB2ASURY REFORM: . . • - The Pittsburgh Part " looks with ititer. - est to the record that the DemoctucT of • Perak shall make upon this question." We : quote Its remarks upon the pending proposition, with Its commendatory pref. • erence for the While bUt : Tim bill of Hon. D. N. White tOregti • lb* administration of the Treaaury, • 's Witch prised the House lest week, will wonte before the Senate to-morrow,. -r It provides for the loan of the • plaided balance' while it remains In the Treasury, to the highest bidder. for the ,' Itertelit of the State end tbr its rapid ap. plleation to the payment of tee • State okebtoand bra len elap forward . int : betray The proposi of Senstar Wallace. providing.in et for a SabTreavary • •• would be prefera r bl e. Bat gr. White's bill has run the gauntlet of the Nouse mutottestally. and half of - ite perils artr over, for the =acclaim can eastreery re. 'fuse to eanctien the legislation which hi has Moistly recoccseanded;: II sufficiently evident, that theta le Stay -sincere , tore for ti reform •• , tterossiget the Republicans of the Lentils. • The Canaoron•QueY-MookeY eonneo pzi nip It, to path the State Venn= ' ' - -- • ' . - i.......- ....-,„ ..,.• ~,...,-..,,,,..-......--,,',...,, - ,-,-- , -.....:., ,, i,....,' --,, ,,, ....,..u.,, - . ... .. . ~ . . , . , .. , . . . .. ; :i . ,.... .• , . ..... ~.,....,..,.:,,....,,,.,..:,,,.,: „..',..,,,.....,..:.. ~- , ,:..1., . ..., , ,., , ., : ,,,,.., .„ ,,, , ,,,,, . ./. . .7,, , ,z.:3.- ; ,:q...4:qmi., , v,,;., , :,• ,: z- . 2x.4;.:.•,:z.:7:,- --4 - 5 , i r. ,. P7, . ;,iP.:''f(:- .1 ..::., E ., 4 -.:-, i ''s.:, ; ;'-'-'.1., L ,", k .R, , '0.:; f ;,5vg-4.:Lfg,Vf-r,Z : ~_ . .. • ._,„,,,.: . ;•::.v,.. . - -.,..'- - :. - • • -. 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Wo eresatistied that the only path to a reform to the nnanelal management of the State la throtigh the prompt the of Mr. White 's through the Senate as it came from the House. It is the duty and the plain policy of Democratic Senators to speed it on ha way. —We wish that or neighbor's advice might bo heeded.:-But it will do no good. If .any bilL.relative, to th 6 _Tram" be meted by this Legislature, It will be the • Blllingfeit shata, which can - effect no good , and will open a door for still greatermis chief. ' That is the bill for which "Dem ocratic Senators" and their Coalition allies expect to vine. AIaD DESISFIS. BRDNOT, DDIMOP DODGE. AMODIG TILE INDIAND— rErtsnrING SCENES. • In the Oszarra of Yesterday we gave an extract from the eloquent surd truly Christian report of the Board of Commis. Menem appellate(' to co-operate with the &doornail ation in .tho management of, In.. diau affairs, of which our excellent friend and townsman, Faux B. BattliOT,EDL., is Chairman. We now copy the report of the special Counniudoners, gess= Bth not,W - Bis hop _ and . Dodge, of their inter; , 'DO with the assembled tribes of Aispa. hoes and Cheyennes, at Camp Supply, on theCamtasn river, In the western part of. l the Indian : territory.. Two ladies, lira Bmnot and Mrs. Dodge, accompanied .theli husbands in this long and interest. ing expedition, thus affording to the sat , agei the' _most , striking pledge of peace which it was peadirle for them to give, and One with whteh the Indians were very cinch pleased. The opening of the :"talk" with a sheet and simple; prayer, in which all could unite (for if was Inter• prated to the Indians, sentence by sen tence, as delivered) wee, as an Indian. 'could extinies it, a good thought. Vto9l Mr. and lies. 'Brtmot hint 'graphic de al:4l.ton of that scene, which was solemn trninemiya' in the extreme—the few white men and women. Chrtathina, with huudreds or untutored savages, all rev erently standing .ti ether. " clasped hands Invoking the blessing of their com mon Father in Heaven. 'But we shall add no more, our only object lxingto in troduce this narrative, • - . Cute Soreta, August 10,1880. The Committee of . the United States special Indian commission arrived at - this place on Saturday laic and to dey have held a council with the Cheyennes, and Arapahoes. The talk was In many re spects more satisfactory than we intici. 'And, and the result we hope will be very The Indians seem to have been expect ing ns for some time, end. during the af ternoon Medicine Arrow . , head chief of the Cheyenne', and Little Raven, of the Arapahoes, Cape to know when we would have a talk. Monday was appointed; and yesterday the Arapahoes arrived 1„, 1 full _force, but _the Ctieviennes did not come. In the evening Medicine Arrow came with several .other chiefs, making excise that they were not notified. They were made to iniderstend that the corm. ' ell would be held Tuesday, and the corn. miesibn, would go. away 'Wednesday morning. end did trot - care whether they came or.not. ~. If they did pot relit to come they could stay Levey. 'Medicine Arrow then said they weild all come in the - morning: Abont .ten they arrived, I and by noon both tribes were aisembled. , Mcst of the chiefs were present, the ate ' snit Mies being engaged in a ceremony 1 Which began three dais ago and would end tomorrow. ' Mr. Bruen opened the council by "eying: "God rtho..made the' Plains, the buffalo; the white man, and the Indian, is leaking into our heart s. When the white men bold . a great fennel' eh ask Mimeo make all our hearts right en a eta tungabs good, and one words true Wh want to ask God to make our hearts right; end our- speech clear as the sun, and straight es an arrow. Fie -- wouldask one of the commissiven to pray for this." ...Mean .the" short, appropriate prayer. -, during which the Indians 'toed reverent. ' ly,with ctatptd hinds, he rem - aril: ••• The Great Father at Weelitngton has ' sent na to shake hands with the Arapahoes and Cheyennea. Re wants to know how you do. ~Me wants to 'know if you like 1 you reeervatlon. If you will promise to remain upon it and try. to do right, you ' Innow Ids brothers. Th white people Kansas and Texas axe e hls eons and daughters. His brothers must not kill his children. They must not steal their ontle.and horses. . ..When the wolf prowls about the camp he must be killed ; let not our brother', the Cheyennesand Arapahoes, be like the wolves. Let them be the white man's brothers everywhere. The great Wash legion Father told us to talk straight from the heart and tell you be wants you to be his children. Aiso,lie wants you to livelikethe white man. _Whin, there is much wood the camp fires burn bright and high; when the wood is surely the camp fires burn low; when it is all gone the fire dies ont. Winn the ann "hints it Is bright and warm; when It goes behind thehlll it does not die—it is bright and warm every day. It will never die out The white man is like the sun. The red man is like the camp Ire. "The buff/doers getting *career every day. . If you donot lrn to live like the white man your natio n will die out like the eampilres If you learn to be white men you will always grow bright like the sun. Thus are some bad white men; 1 you must' not be like - them. There are good white men; the Great Father wants you to be like them. He wants to send you good agents and teachers to show you how to live like good white men. Do you wane to do this t. If you is ill lay, the Great rather wilihelp you.' The commis sioners sent by the Great Father have come a long ways to weyou; we are your, friends; I heir talked - straight from the I heart. Whet do the Arapaho and Choy enne chiefs •eV 1' Wo will terry your words to the Great Father-at Washington; ' we want them Saba good:" After some talk among the chiefs, Little Raven spoke in reply with great earnest ness, appealing first to the Cheyennes. They had been beethme for a long lime; they had camped, and made war,, and hunted together._ He hoped -they would listen to hie words and make them their own. Rem lab white chiefs from Wash. Ington and soldier Chiefs: . What they toy is good. Here is the opportunity tor the Cheyennes and Arapahoes. It ie..their good chance; they must keep; t. (Then turning toithe couimissionere:: We will do . right. ,a ny bed. things had been done; this de all the had Is washed out. We arc here . ogether at peace; we will thrall rem at peace; we wish our children to Ilve and not perish. Tell: the greatlYashirigton Father thla. -We love one wives and our children. We do not want any more soldiers to come hero to - take away our wives and our children. We *ill try and do all that our Great Father wants us to do. As to the res. 'erratlon we want It to be along tide stream, (the 'North Fork of Canadian, on S which Camp imply Is located,) not too i far down from this, for we do not want to be near bad men. We do not want to go neer the Naga, who steal our harms, and we do not want to go ferher north on account of troubles; we want to stay on thla stream. Another thing, we want the traders to came with goods and they will not co p e We axe prepared to tradth them from this day in peace. Ho wanted to tell the commis sioners tint theyrlld not want to be un derstood as Promising to make peace with their enemies the. Pawnees and Utah.. We Itare made peace today In the pres ence of the it, in the presence of the Great Father 's chiefs, In the pro once of the soldier chiefs, and of our own soldiers. It will last alwayt. Oa r youeg Men would like t6 be gl a d. ss have a feast, they 'would like to CM with them and be glad. He asked abort their goods when they would come. In reply, he wan told the commissioners would only say their goods -Wm tepfsway on account of the war. They roue, expmt. the Great Father to do right and send some goods as scion' as It cad be doire. ,, Me wanted their rations of sugar and coffee to be given, even if bacon and wilt and corn were taken away. fla - rep*, he was told we would' tell' the g reat Father what he mid 'Mr: Smoot said : i'Do the Cheyenne* I agree tq,. Ditto .Hayen's words I Does Meltable - diroir. , agree? -.What„ does' • Medicine Arrow inky t" _• • . ' Medicine Arrow; "Hie father always lotted the white was. Ho wail nixxl from hirchildhood.to_love the white man.. He was brought op' all his life holding the white man by the hand. But the white man, overzuntog his country, made trouble. Only a short time ago, white men at Medicine Itinffi—whits men—took his hone, and only lately, op at the north, the white men had destroyed a village of his people. But notwithstanding all this,, we have made peace this day. Whatever words the Arapaho has said, the Cheyenne takes them for his own. lam chief of all the Cheyennes, but more than half my people are ln the north. I think floc! Rcome in, and I will try to get them' to lime in and be at peace... They will all/ come some time. When all come, thely.may want some changes in the res creation. Some of. his people were in prisons he wanted ns to intercede for them. He alio said - that now, havirtg made a lasting peace l he . wanted the right to trade fur ammunition. Theybad very little and they wanted to. make their fall hunt soon." The commie/dor:era replied, in regard to the prisoners they had noth ing to say, but they would carry the words to the Great Father. As to the ammuni. Moo, Colonel Nelson said they could not have tt. were (Medicine Arrow) said they were now ready to go with the Arapa hoes.- They did not coma in as soon as the Arapahoes, but as soon as he was sent for he same to CQI. Nelson, sod seemed strange , that as soon as the Chey ennes came in the rations were changed. Ile wanted the Commissioners to ask 'the department to give them coffee and sneer." Mr. Dodge said: Brothers of the Ara paho and Cheyenne", we, the Commie stoners from the President, the Great -Fathir,,have come this long journey to see you, and let you know that the good white people love the Indians and want them to be good. We have come to . see you and take yon by the band and say good wards to you. We know there are smite bad white Men who have comp among you Red chested you and Made you think the white man is your enemy. We want you to look at your present po-- 'Mien and see that the white man is in closing and suroundidg you, and that railroads will be built through the coun try, and will soon drive away the buffalo, and soon you will have nothing to de, pond on. Wo want you now to *Bale to settle down in one place, and each to seleet poor home, coltivilte the lend and learn to supportyourselves and .become part of the American peo-, pie, and children of the Great Father., There are a great many people east who love the Indians and - want to do them good. They wish to save the Indian tram ruin. They y emember that mini moons ago, the red n - sin lived ..where the white man now,llces, but-the are gone.. The great trine called the Narragansetts, Mohicans, Mohawks, Stockbridge", the. Delawares, the Oneidas, Senecas and Tuscaroras hay,: passed away before the white mats, while the Cticrokees, Choc-1 taws and Creeks who have gone on re senfallong, have lived and prospered. Now. we went you to begin to Dye like the-white men. Cultivate your land, and we will send good men to teach your children to wink, to read and write; and then theririll grow up able to support themselves after the buffalo bee gone. Yon must not drink whisky if you want to do well. We are glad to ass you here to-day, and hops all will be Peace." Mr. Brunet said that hereafter the Cheyennes and Araphoes mita: not regard the stories of Lad white men, who come to them with evil reports. They most go to Col Nelson, nr the commander of the post, or their agent, and they will always tell them the truth. The Commissioners invited Col. Nelson to speak if he desired to do so. Little Raven then said his young men wanted.to go against their enemie", the the,, to afew days. Would Col. Nelson Lila ULM a paper, so that when. their y unk men went to war againsttheir ene mies they could show it, so as not to get Into trouble with the whites. Col. Nelson replied, that they must be at psace with all men . while thsy- were under the United States protection; the :United States will not allow them go to war with any one. and sill not to low any ego to molest them. Medicine Arrow 'poke: "It Is a scoot • rule that will not work bah ways. Why do your soldiers fight our Cheyennes in the north Pi - Col Nelson arid; "Became they light our soldiers If they will adbmit, as you have done, our soldiers will not tight them." ... Medicine Arrow said: "If the Wash.4ngton Father's- COmmissioners will promise protection and peace to them, I will briog all the noethatelL Cheyennes to this place to give theraseivea up to the United States authorities, rith the ledges, women and children." -AL paper to that effect was bmnedlitely drawn up and signed by the three Commis sioners and Colonel Nelson, end a copy given to Medicine Arrow. We earnestly hope that this policy , which ought to hive been adopted long ago, will be followed ap, so-that the bloody and disgraceful era of mutual out . rage and butchery on our western bor der may be brought to an end. The Bar timent so prevalent on the border that the Indians must be exterminated is as false as it is barbarous. :We have a few more facts and observations to offer on this in' teresting subject, but these are enough for the present. EARN, GARDEN AND ROIISEHOLP miraluvoiss ton anus° WORK. The present is the firmer's time to ar• range his plans for the coming year, and on this being carefully donoi depends greatly the success of future Or:aeons. - Ile has the gathered experience of the past to aid him; and if one or snore crops limo failed, now is the time to consider the canse. Has he been unprofitsbiy stinted in the necessary amount of labor ? too - any other - than the best seed been I sown or planted ? bare weeds been al. I lowed to grow cmcbecked4 Las work been performed too much in a berry ? have the most approved implements of all kinds only been use-dt . Trade and busineu in the-cities hare been depressed the put season, es well as the prices of produce In the country. Let not the farmer be discouraged. Is the working stock of the farm scat "dent? baa three been false economy In the use of manures t has there been room to store the crops? . • All three questions should now be asked and answered; recollecting that the most Improvident of all kinds of farming is the raising of half crops, and that poor stock la always the most expensive, be should map out his plans for the year 1870, so so to avoid all these errors; and with the eld of agricultural pspers, to Introduce an improved system of management. The increase of railroad facilities may bring his farm within market distance of large cities or manufactories, so that his whole system should be changed—and perisha ble articles, such as butter; milk, email fruits, vegetables, be cultivated instead of beef and grain, with' which he has been striving In an nnerinal Competition with the cheap lands of the West. • •Lei, the farmer now consider and digest the tried capacities of bls soil , and its adaptation to partici:Liar . crops. • Bea he generally succeeded with corn or pots. toes, or carrots, or cabbage, or hroota ' corn, or hops, gr pastnrssel - rlot him not suddenly change his system on accooAtof temporary depression In prima " Time and chance happeneth to sli," and with patient lndistry !rid pewterer. once, every man in his proper calling, (not forgetting the performance of the moral, social and, religious duties) will find that for Mrs "seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cusp, nor the early and I the latter rain."--: •Let. It. then bey* sad doing, 1 - 11111 1 4:14g1; Ltar to lawr nstd vat:. • • sszonta eTOt P. young animal should be kept ate.adily but surely growing matlllt shell arrive at its full CO or be Rued for market, and we Insist that this will prove the most profitable emus?, and that the animal thneted and reared will give the brat re. tun. for Its care and • keep. A. great many of our limners stop so far short of this profitable liberal feeding In:the win. tar, that the young antral} only Hsu but does not grow any ,during a large part of Meseta', sad thus, as we think, the food is nearly loet. Certainly the time is lost, and the young animal isturned to pasture in 'the arcing with no,hicreaseof star, andso.moch lighter ea *haloes of Ita dab daily since the previous autumn taken to anstalaits life would whic h indicate, and: should haveleen saved by • Wore liberal and perhaps careful feeding. Again a very large part of the sheep Wintered in the cotway have very little :URGE DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23, 1870 Ammo increase of : wool from the fall until spring, and not a few - actually have more pounds ot wool the first of Deceinber then at shearing time, as Instead of any growth of wool, there is so much lout in tae health and strength, that the amount at shearing time will actually weigh leas than the first of the previous December. One reason - why a great deal of awaits not wintered better is, the hay is often cut too late. Two tons of hay cut before the fifteenth of duly' is worth at least three tons cut after the twentieth of the ratnemonth, - the nutritive qualities of the grass (manY Of - them)- turning to woody Abu as _the._ ripeniag process. goes on. Most of our best grasses have very little really nutritive quillOr, when fully ripe, and what they havd , ate not readily as simdated by the aninialiconsuming them, without: some otirer.feed.lika . grain or roots fed at Um same time, and_ here.. we probably find the greatest'value of roots ea a feed for all kinds of . stook, notin the amount of nutilmthit D:Ty Coktaln them selves; but. In their ability to assist the 1 digestive organa .to assimilate or. appro . 'pride the stionut 6f iintritive matter con t tuned In the straw or hay fed to animals . _ in col DMZ mrawai. Or ekrtikr PM indiums. Maas, when oonfined•for any consider- able time to one kind. pf food, is more liable) to disease than when We regimen is varied. The diseases common among tailors on long voyages is an illustration of this. . sow, What is true of man, is true of the various species of domesticated 'ant, - male. When confined for an undge period of time to one kind of feed, they sicken and die. For cattle, mature has famished a variety. In summer, the dif ferent kinds of grasses, with their rich Juices, tempt their tastes and improve their flesh. Tit, even then, we obtain an argument for a variety of feed, from the fact that • cattle, fed with grain, or vegetables, put'on fink more rapidly than when they are kept on grass alone. But, te winter, our, ordinary dry food is not h conducive to growth as are summer ..Fodder,". so It is termed, bas lost much of its original moriernes The defect, In part, may be supplied by roots of variona kinds. Among these, turnips, garrote, beets, and the like, have their value, but these. or :something of the kind, should he provided as a variety to winter stock. Farmers should look to this, and see if- the best cattle, and the best folds of sheep, are not those which are furnished with a variety of, fccd dew ing the winter confinement: WOuld you have good Stock! Then have a variety of winter &ed.—Boston Criatioater. wsouT DOA YHED. At. the present price of the lower grades ~of wheat (unsound)—about one dolls/end ten cents for sixty pounds, In New TOT: City—lt Is the glempest feed In that market. It is estimated to be worth one fifth more than corn, which Is worth oaa dollar per busks!, or more, for fifty six pounds. This gives the wheat the advantage of tan cents in price and four pounds, or cents in weight. For working anima's, talich cows, growing young stock, swine and poultry, it is an excellent food, and seems to have the same superiority for them over the other grains that it has for man. It should be . thoroughly soaked or ground, and In either cue im mdue would be increased by cooking. A. haltbarrel of boiling water, with a bushel of wheat men stirred into It, and then kept over night, will cook itself into a most savory and excellent mess for fattening pigs. OLD COWL How long is It profitable to keep a cow? I consider a cow In her prime (all things considered) from Ave to ten years old. one cows hold out much better than others, as with men and horses; and are really as young to ail in tents and purposes at twelve years, as others are at nine or ten. Never keep a . cow through winter atter she gets to I going doWa hill, or kill a superior cow on acccunt of her age; if her' teeth are &pod she is Iln riakt, without - any signs of oeto tiotion. Cows should be milked regular. ly and by steady mlikerk—Antierieen Stock Journal. EltiING COW. Tie a rope around the hind foot, near the hoof. with a slipknot, toe the COOT!. nienee of untying. Make the other end of the rope tut around the under jaw, With the foot drawn a little down. Than make her lack,.-untll she will raise the foot and replace tt without a kick, which will be In a few minutes, and the cure Is complete. The plan is equally Efficacious with horses and other frisky creatures. Ltt milkers and others folly test this safe and effectual remedy, arid I sm satisfied they will neither need nor use any other. TODD 11.013 ?MIL A Highland county correspondent of the Cincinnati G 417440 'meats for the following as the best feed. to make the biggest hog out of a pig in twelve months: Take two parts Naley, two of corn and one of oats. Grind' them to. gether; then cook and feed cold. This way of feeting is the cheapest way to make begs keep fat from the time they are pigs. Take any pig of a good improved breed, and it can be .made in this manner to gain one pound a day until a year old. C1U111311% 6011.601. The cure is very.simple and easily ap, piled: Get some pulverivil cayenne pep. per and sprinkle plentifully on the edge of the trough to which - our butte is hitched, so that be will tuck it up with the first draught of air. If you ride or drive out, carry some with you in a phial and sprinkle a little on the top of the poet to which you tie your horse, and he will soon be cured. We have known this remedy to prove sffectual. DOYESTIO azczirsa. Mot* Duck.—A. steak °floe well beat en, a rich 'totting, such as is need for ducks; spread it over the beef and roll tt in the form of a deck; then bake. Make a rich gravy with onto= and pour over it. To Prowl Kitehon Orioro.-111 boiling OUiOns or cabbage, place a dish of vine. gar on the stove at the same time. The boiling Vinegar will. destroy the odor of the veget"Lies. All who have near neigh bors try it. Chopping Dough.—Wo think that it Is not generally known that wheat bread, at least„ Is greatly Improved by chopping it, at the end of the second kneading, and Ii you want good becad, let there always he o pond kneading, putting in all the flour before that.—.T. J. Puts that will Keep a Year.—Dissolve a tesspoonfal of alum in a quart of warm water. When cold; stir In as much fliur as will give it the consistency of thick cream, being ,Particular to beat up all the lumps: stir in Its much powdmed main as willlay en n dale, and throw la half a dozen cloves to give tpleasant odor. nave on the tire &teacup of boiling water. pent the lair mixture into It, stirring It well at the time. In a very few minutes it will be the consistency of mush. POUT 'lt into an earthen or china vessel; let it cool; lay a cover on, and put in a cool place. illhen needed for nee, take oat 'a portion and soften it With warm water. PO Ott thus rude' will test twelve months. It Is better than gum, as does not gloss the paper: and can be mitten on. .Frytng OysteM.--When the oysters aro taken from the csn; wrap them in a dry cloth until thesuriace moisture of the oyster ls -stoorbed; . then take from the cloth, put them in the white of an egg— slightly beaten—from that tutu puliertsed stacker -lastly, for frying, heat together an hi:d as possible; and not scotch, equal . • parts of butter sod and frythem rap. idly.- Mrs: .7: Ginrinnali Wife*. deotiter.—The following la my.way of frying oysters ; IVA spread out the oys ters Intended to be fried, on a clean towel or napkin, and roll them well to absorb' 1, the liquor, season and roll them In white corn meal, fry them . in hot fresh lard, be lug *carethl not to Imre too much lard In I I,ll4:Verhe ( I - and serve_while hot, (balers fried in this manner are good enmesh not only for the plaid of a king or an d.meri , can' sovereign, but for any other msn. 0., in Oinetnnali Gesell* Wirts.Whoy—Pet half a pint of sweet milk over the fireand as soon salt begins to boll, slowly on* into it a with:seam of sherry wine edited with a teaspoonful of sugar. Oritto" Into Irs little nutmeg, and as soon -' as It comes to is ball again, remove it .11 . 0 M the pee. When cool, strain for use.. 2'o Preserseool4 Ytowerr-I—ifourrauP readers wish keep, a bonnet, fresh, let them drop n tablespoonful or . powdered thermal foto tbe.watzr .110m:idea for the flower stalks, and they- will keep their freshness and perfume for several and look and smell the same as those test gathered: The charcoal attics at the bot tom of the - vase, the' . water remalnlng clear. 31fW teeljkirmuds.— a ß t vr beef: it to asserted, proves of the ore st. benefit as a diet fOrpersonarif frail conatitution.. It Is reported 'that physicist's, are now ad- ministering to consumptives a diet of finely:chopped raw beef, properly sea • zoned with salt, and heated by Placing the dish containing it in boding water. This food is given also in cases wham the stomach rejects almost every other form of food. It-assimilates rapidly and affords nourishment. while patients learn to long for and like it as much as Dr. Kane did his Arctic dinners of raw seal and walrus. THE 13C1300L FUND. Prrrimunetu, Feb. 22, 1870 Enrrons GAZICITE:—The bill to pro vide for the investment of surplus funds of the Central School Board was intro . deiced by me in- the-Senate January 25. 'VI, and duly veported by the press. it Passed the Senate . -rebniary 23. The first letter from= Mr. G. H. Anderson, protesting against the measure, of which I had knowledge, was doted February ilthfit was addressed to my colleague, Mr. Graham, and Was first shown to me February Bth. These facts speak for themselves. TROILUS HOWARD. [Nova.—At the date lot mentioned, Feb. Bth, the bill in question was still pending !lithe Goitee.—Ehrren.] Mama. Fmn HITCII bate intro anded uponthe market the • Loan of tho . Chesapeake and Ohio. Railroad Cons- PIPS', 'which has been welted for with cousulerabte interest, as one of the moat important financial undertakings connect ed with thn current new railroad enter prises. The object of the road, in open ing a new roots from the West to the A.tiantic—which promisee to coins in formidable competition with the trunk roads of the Atlantic coast—causes this Loan to rank foremost among the many now before the public. The scheme is backed by the most prominent and sue: cessiul railroad capitalists in the country, and the negotiation of the loan la under. taken by bankers who bare marketed the largest railway,loans of past years—in. eluding the Centnd Pacific and the West em Pacific—and whose reputation for caution, honor, and conscientious probity la such as to conlmand "confidence in any securities they may cffer. The intrinsic merit of the bonds may. be ascertained. from a prospectus in another column. They are issued in denominations of $lOO, 000, and $l,OOO, and are either coupon. or registered, making them a Peculiarly Popular loan. The be de run thirty years, and , are 'payable, principal and interest, in gold, in the city of New York. They ounstltute a 'Fin% Mortgage lAA OA the entire property and franchises of the Company, and have the additional I protection of a Sinking Fend of $lOO,OOO per annum. Of the entire Loan of $15,. 000,00, only $13,000,000 iOOO s to be issued, the balance of 0,00, being held in trust. The hoods ere offered at 00 and accrued interest. JAMES E. MI MS & 00. Drug/eats. corner of Penn and With (old St. Clair) Streets. ca!wd the larva and toast ai t Of Madtterranaan gel era bronah to th , selty. - Flee Vd,ret Sponger. I'lleoltitntetr FPOritese ► the Velve..hoonger. biro Bettelorr Sp*or• B. Flee Velret boraces• liter liathina 300.4.• And two C.lll. Or Viet sPeotter for ro -, lrur.. and 010 one care nC rood' huh , event.. the best bee' pdallti of Ord-Aare *rouges and Livery crizole. .soar tut osery duality Adld by the rue, bluer pound at single &plat, at me .1"7 low- est price J A.3.1E a E stm.re s 4r. co.'s =MEM M=:2,=:= VARICOSE OR BROKEN VEINS. Thousands of weans angtr year In and year of with a broken down sondlUon of the Veins f the legs, sr bleh In our times are sadly re weed and frequently sump:Tole .of core, and tot on. oLly %meane at! do not know wt.x. aad mho. to anoli for roller. Now. to St , the rec.:lf-11s format iOll In oases Ilk. 41s. rem to to a proper diits , orritirt Of tie newspaper pre...4 It rlruAmt greet plea.» to be able to recommend ut etch t t r.ILIDOUt. OP let WOOD BTFIEST. , reboic met P.n.s of sprat- maces, nod bts grist an! In cereal , : Ala.. .see. ambles him to afford the greatest snout of r• • Ref ltr.t tee present theta of edemas ad afford. Besides these Tarte!sa coadttloas to wttlett we lave' nfufW ►hove, then an other •onreca ineoaranienca and suturing. nen as smadings And abnormal rowans, valet to Doctor, Ida spplianesn, U sum to relLirn. Shen again Lb: abdominal weaknesses - and gnaing feeling ;sepals: to remain& U. sour.. of wants suffering •o& sankSU foe the IMetor less belts - and saiMorters watch as. ro const.oeted to to insure at least ImmualiT from [Merle{ win n they do not promise scertainty Tbe lloclera ezretiesee.rovere s period Tor Utlrty !tars, bt..BlAto, a wears! aptaii. foe hks depattmeitt of hL profeulos, rakes Plat ttPs ord The sutra 1.11 that to' entitled upon fotori ifesirrotlooli by ow. 'cleat of Um proper moos. to comsat Do prop al voila, ought of Wolf Des rolarlest mum'to rung% not only 'too artrotlati of Pm"... team• selree,lnit also that of antotelligoaireirtclorm , Dr. If.troer , i Woo sad Mediator atom , . 107 Liberty .tit et. , • .I.LximtaT SS. 1670. A 'mum() Nygren • Sometimes, without auk 'Wettable eaves. the Vhf Meg strength , sat animal spirits glee way, and • tosser* torpor falls alike ea the body and intellect. There to Ulla et no vale. Seth... bee the neural vigor tied elasticity of the nee touts. Mu staler system seem to .d I's 1, dtrerenec to the pleasures of life. and evert of Its grave reepOesibl Ittes, taltr.lte pima of thlt tar...et interest In boih welsh charse• teems cell? well Wino. Wad when In It healthy condltioe. • TM. state of cartlal colaime le ate* the Pm moallary symptoms of some ter ma maul , It Ind leateru asuletakably the% the vital powers me litursisittag sad strode silmelael. /a sae/taws tics easel of an* dome of gostetter'a litoutseh Blit•A Is wooderlullbeistclelal. The rest tonic srh!he spitent from (tatter... 4. The a... Mons MI the circulation meet. • new Impetus. The relaxed nerve. rsoorer their elsetiedo7 wader the operations of the r p,eme, like the elackecal strength of A utualcal insmarernt jell. process of foblog. JAthifigy lad 4001111 ahereptscad by energy and rear, the eplel.s tise.aseSllso that almost seemed • borclin while the lesson of dryness; on lasted. theorems rhos more erloyab'S. TWA such a &heal change should hi produced be •remady entirmuSlorotd of the newel/al al• kelolde sad ehterals w •Uelast•ely owl 19 practice. may s m teeredllis In those seas p , n tbslr faith os It o ro.ietaal eMeeer or active poisons, bet P these steppe:swill tate the trouble to esquire Of those who Moe tested the storm.- sea elteratles virtues of tae BILltrA under tt.e eteenalstanees deirmth.d. theY w W bed the stattraelaUlt* : • ' - NOTICES ay" OFF iCE Or. 1403 ONGAIIE- Lk BM r COISPANY. — Ao aI , Won for flame& 11lat allearers of , tall rosaDaor. .111 be e , d at tart Tol ItovaaOIUNDLIN Narcb Ilb, 1010, I ALLICI4 Treseur•r. PattObarla. No. a. 11110. • . •• - • 1.1 • A.it.lortiltir VILLZT itArtmo , o Co., • Ctiuoargu. Jau.ary HMO, •I IarSTOC SMOLDERS NEETIN . 'Ma Ilegetax Annus; )fettles of thelStoelhold ere of the L AlligbealYelleT ukurna C"IPP 7 ,tUI r ho" hell! .at the OITICE Of TIM Coil-• PLITT, No. 'slo' rite street, rlttsbargh, oil WEDNESDAY, fibrilar, .23 , 11 1 070 , h , 11 o'clock A. Y., forth., porpolle of stet Unit • SDI] d of Mareifers . tor the resoling tear, nod for the tranaiettog of soeh - rither business ea may Dr ore 0131.4.; JAM. 103 rtittAivrnis, herroten. NEW PUBLICATIONS SUPERB VOLUME. Prfic bO;CFiIUs. D. APPLETON & 00, 92;64 94 Grand Street,. lI ALVA JUST PUBLISUED NEW YORE ILLUSTRATED, = f o Forty-eight Piot - res . , I. ~vc i 1 bat, it' 1 of The Prittefpai Poilitit'o Interts tot . the Great /tett. tit, Tranonneed tortbiplows ~ .ak.ebe*peit azd Most • • Ul6llllOll solaae ever ptallstad P; WE. P.Xter P. - Watt 50 Conti; Cloth, SI. . D. APPLETON 'Bi CO.,publkbers, 90, 92 ancL94 Grand Street, geld Tres. tir malt, 30 s.sy adthesioa :teems a EN DEBSION t L rac & BROTHERS, 1. Akrua "" iiEV7 ADVERTISEEM'N'TS, OFFICE OF FISK & HLTCH, Bankers and-Dealers GOVPIMIENT SECIETIES, No. 5 Nassau Strebt, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 16%1870, • Tke remarkable unease which bu attended Olir r egothition of ibe Loans of the Mcrae!. PACIFIC IRLILEOAD Coairaitir and the tViterans Ruffin B.aithoLD Cenruer, and the popular. Ity and credit which these Loans have thaintaiii cd to theme:bete, both In tble conalrs ud Eu rope. have Blown that the nut hicaidinte Bonds of Aptly-located and bonorabll.la ..... Bei toada are reedit/ tails a • the meet imitable, raft, and advanturecus form of Investmerd. yle IMO more Ilhoralincoms thane= hereafter be derived from Gove.rnment Bondi, and avails. ble to take their ylaec• Amerce test, In the *election end negotiation of eweerlor IdaUroad Loan., we are iseetleg - great peen, want, axe reiderina a veinal:goiter NEM= National torte of Internal Improvement whose lotraaetemrrlt ar 4 sub Attalla ebefeeter entitle Mete to the use of Capital and the confidence of i rs—we noW offer with epeetaleeendevoe and eatiefeetton the FIRST NORTOAGE BONDS OW THE IMPURE ANIOIIIO B. R. CO, THE CHEBAYE►EE AND onioxiamsoir, elneeettug the AUlet's coast audthe tenant , cent harbors of the Chesapeake Day,whis the Ohio near at it pole% of reltalCe baallteCan, Sad thins, with the entire Esttraad isttem of the great Wait and Bastherest, FORMS THE AD UITIONAL EAST AND it EST TRUNK LIN/, so lacperatwely demanded for the atcommodS• Con of the Cancan and rapldlf•growlng trans pertatlon between the Atlantic eastward and Hurons on the one hand, and the mat Pro: arming melons of the Old° and INtutadppl Va lais on tho oth2r. TUE IbtrunrAwer OP TTILS ItOAD Ad A NEW OUTLET TROY Tag WENS VI THE SEA maththea It Into one of national come- queues, and Insures to It an esten.lYa through male I,u the day of Its comtdetton; wale, In the detelenatent of the extentive agrlealtural sad mineral recounts of Virginia and West Virginia. It DOCltßiti, along Its own line, the elements of a large and preamble Meat bemlnese. Thus the great Interests. both general and keel, which demand the completion of the C II LSAFT.A.N.S. AND Wilo It►ILIIOAD to the Ohio River. afford the surest guarantee or Its 'success sled value. end RENDICII IT Trig MOST IMPORTANT AND SUBSTANTIAL RAIL ROAD ENTERPRISE NOW IN lueonrssiN Tins .000 NTILIi. • Its so per la ate iu an tut and West route, leg the 3rorelse of an Immense sad Prr itt. l) l. tn.d. .11tteg Its eautpletlov, bees drawn toll the uttentiou .6 erperattou of prominent Coot• talltts and Sett.. men of this Ctly of weed ledgeseut she Isnot. Integrity. estrous mouse. ttot with tog. ther with that of .tht.t emus. end busineu tees of Vlrstate she West Vlrgluls. IMBUE'S AN stactitorric, nummiutx AND succranitn. M.A.SIAUS. WIEST. US=M tlebsond t the selelesteg White notphss PDrin[e of West Virginia. WIT sties, and the "(main bet ZOO miles (now per tinily e onstracted. to Do completed, to cari7ll. to the or,trtstd W eltone too the Ohio slyer at, or sear, the mouth 01 the Big Sandy her, 150 tubes above Melt, Patt, an 6 360 miles below Plttaho Db. Vacs are now tnete dad ortetr n. al'At Otto and Kentucky to Hate point(whiehle Ico and. the CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO ifiTtf TEE ENTAIL* RAILROAD SYSTEMS OP THE WEST AID) SOU; /MIST. AND WITH THE PAKITIC RAILROAD. Itivelnable Duetting andinspertoradvantaires .111 place Da Czneursani AND. Oslo Bane COD , Conr.DE Dame De Hamel and moot powerfal end troaterotthy oornotatione of. the country: AND THERE EXTATJ A PKILIIN I VALHI. IS COMPLETED ROAD AND WORE DONE. EQUAL TJ THE zscreaz AMODIO Or THE MOSTOAGE: . • The desalts of the Loss have Wen !mussed spa Ail reface mewl.* LW west. of enflames f Isrestors, sod of Gold, afield over 9 per cent. Interest, and •4 an investment they an Daly as r cam as D. 13. 6-80 s, which now enly pay ON per cent. In ear...F. They set only leaned neon each seniors of the road as fan as the same Is completed and la our metal operation. Over two cwt a half militons or dollars have been expended on the Road. .Kighty.three notes me about Completed and equipped. and rerrady thaw large eerning. a mid ...remainder of the line le rapidly Praftt.tbit toward completion. The State of lowa, throes! , which ads Road mate, Is one of the richest add:lll.ra' section. Il America. Ito WS. Population, eateadlng with surprising rapidity, and Its Immense yield of gran pork, wool sod other agetealtural pro. ducts, create a presslne demand for the contrite tit. of this road, which MUMS the best pOielble itu.rantee be tee bondetrders, especially as the line en: a thrOulth the trialillest and moat Wetly populated sectlan or the State. ' TOO LOAD ALTO lONS TO5OOOO THE RICO AND GROWING STAYS Or MINIIIIIOTA. Refer ence to the map of the Bolted Mate. will now that IT TIAA TOO MOAT ILYTIArSI6II4O AND OnOwilto YoRTION Or TUS WRAY, SIP roams one Or AAAAA antari Leine to DIPAICT COIIIsIINIGATiON WITH NOW TOTAL CHICAGO ADD ST. LOOS. beteg to the latter city 90 miles near... from Northern lowa and at portions of the State of Illnaelota than by any other road now btlit r projected, sad also flee sonnet mute from Central and Montt... lows. The read he Deuces fer local tralite se rapidly ae cormoneted. and thus RICCEIV•II EARNINGS ON ITS COMPLETED SECTIONS GREATLY IN RECESS OF THE AMOUNT NEEDED TO PAY THE INTEREST UPON Ma BONDS FORE TRE ROAD IS FLIISRED. Tam Banta or verses 7 rixDS la TIIitaX7OSIIGUARANTXLD, IT • OnSAT Twits SRI AEA...DT IN lasts incaCs ovi TUG ROUTS or TUC ROAD, AS WILL AS UT NOW 01711.1150 T SaluelbloS. AND HAS SOT TO Slit ANT Or TOO COISTINORSCIIS WHICH Ale WAYS Arrant. TOO °talon° or Roane IS • Mier AND MISNITYYD COUNTRY. ' A html od quantity al taus ;toads ate now of fered al 03. After • tharoesti Investigetkra of the atmve eaten:wise. we recommend these Bonds as • Irate clue Investment. ago 0105 absolute safety, and Pallas an nom/illy /least rate of luterut. All marketable securities at their full priee. free of commieston an.l express chverSe• rsuleed I. payment. Pamphlets and mays famished map plleation. HENRY CLEWS & 00., 1 • Bankers, No: 32 Wall St, N. Y. Thebellat Omitted Government veltitaaa the o.foe lasts n 4 / 4 Per .eolk. lees .eeke. It desirable (Jr Memnon. to leek for eame SAPS LiIMCM.MII.I t►►t nay stood Usenet, ABOUT WHICH THERE IS ES, civissTioar. for which they eon exchants resit Goiensaient bond.—C.Pliatleitag the premium and set et Ittigtlter rate et Interest. laeldete et 5-1110 beagle at market raw Meatier get bat els Wad a 'waterier , par meat. rotenone Interest, while the bond. we offer PAT OVER TEN PER CENT.. We have had thus bonds earefelly woe Mod. ted betel ismillar with the wealth and reeesseree of the twenties, as will as the Mum. dal standing and diciest management o the part'. la•.eetrot of tbls -eater/dn. We rweemscread theme bends as n Arsteclase legresipasest.' S. NeCLEAN & CO., Bankers, No. 75 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. P. 19.—0 n mount of our 14g017 incnimmd home, and for the better accommodation of our Mend. ant curtomen. me Dave ....n a ions I Irate of larre frost .ofacca at No. 57 POIIIITH. AVENVE, Mike am bonding of the Merchant. and lianntacturera• Bant.trbere rit rcmove after the lot of Marsh. ' felenr2.W. ESTABLISHED 1881. LOGIN, OREN LL, =I HARDWARE, -52 Wood Street, - (roar desks moors St. Charles 'rote] . Ventste7.lll•rebanti are Invited to tail end enitnalse our sleek when 1* the ar n orfhorir AOaM n &Wo Obe . n ' , S Nall comasay.. - A lull sleek onNaehliolatie. BMW• snatbs and Carpenter's Tools. Prow ear's • Files, Leather Poltllnto , m/ Laatkar, dte.. &limns OR kaul• - PITTSBURGH. LEAD AND COLOR VOHS, J. SCiIOONIAKER & SON, ritopirocrerowsr. . 11anafteturers of war:T. Litt% BID LEAD. BLUE LZALD, ZINOB. LITEIUGS, PUTTY and all colas► DRY AND ni OIL. orricwerazo racrrony. 460, 461, 464, 466 nil 468, &beat lira maxplocrit . . • W. Wl:sting:Urn to the onarantee pasted ea oroitrietly Pure White Lead: sad Weave sap ..purer carbonate or lcad." ereorens •.•Olosal Calif.punk* that IS. tree froontostate annar strate, sad therefore lAwhites and !merlon, both In color sad evening propertr. GUALPARTIED to be • purer Cerhornte of Dead mid whiter than any to the rair enidf will forfeit the Defoe or WI package IS contain• lop the least sindteration. rips ,Beiri.DX,llB,-liesies pro_ tli s it' u g e uiM T :g • BUs., corner dld sal ?WM strteta.s.ULTllla DAA, tan tat day a f Vara, for the ereetlon of • . • Tani !line Story Brick 0111111'g buss, - . 1 • . . .• • • • 59 T-BIL4k-lIIK on the ear's , '" of Forty-1/4rd aad Dotter streets,. • .• • •Sarrntean.h ward. silde meet testa the paw. Ws • - . - •• •.- • Per thoessarat tor baster bitch. CarDenters for all . •• • .111 • , .• • , rn pmee sonnerratlona rad -be Rea th e . • • a_e..n! • °Saw of Thos.. 8111 Aron. on awl after the isveni Sol. MIX urn' reuses ' 28d Inst. The volt will be let tutu lowest sad. i• • beDart bidders. leuta43 • 222.0 W. , ;80 dee p.: omissive/I/for C . . NEW GOODS WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and in Federal Street, MEM Cassimeres and :Jeans. TABLE LINENS AND TABLE &MIN Marseilles Quilts. K AND DAMAO TOWELS, Pillow Cue Muslin, nheetlig flirting Muslin, Irish Linen and Shirt Fronts BILKS AND. POPLINES, Shaw /a and fikirte, WILLIAM SEXPLEI3, No& 180 and 182 Federal Street, M3=tM RFMr7A.N RESS GOODS, MERINOS & PLAIDS. iainsooks, Jaconets, S wines. Frots3li.G. 4 ;:pc•as i BELL MOORHOUSE Iltaeetniors to Bates &MAL) BANK RICCEIVED STOCK 10 BOXES BENTS PAPER COLLAR For 60. f;esda, Good Style and Makes Ladles' and Chlldien's Best Quality CASHMERE STOCKINGS, One... Half Venal Prices OPENED THIS MORNING GENT='S NKW MLR BOWS AND SCUM Meralmnts and Declare SUPPLIED AT EASTERN PRICES, AT MACRUM,GLIDE it Co's, 78 and 80 Market Stmt. ftio HORNE & CO'S Second Arrival of New Goods. ROM 84/1188 SLT •1111BCCNNIT 17.AX18. YIN 6 FRINCH ri..oarzas Rxtrs gasiliy SONNET AND TRIMMING MIBBoHN.: BMW UTILES US BASH AND BOW RIBBONS Trash masts ttttt LINEN COLLILIMI * AND COINS. LAOS TRIMMED COLLARS. LACE TRIMIDID LINEN MITTS, , ILLUSION WAISTS, '' • • OBEMIZEITRS ANDLAPP/TS. RUCB.CD SHIRTING. • TUCNICVNAINIOOK. TUMULI, CAMBRIC. ORGANDIN Anotbse lAA LADLES A GElirs ICSAVTOOTRuNIIOSIERIt At the WM ALINANDRZ OLOVIR Is Blsek sad Colon. and W Mans. • VT Iti Itc.if.nucer fts _ PiTTBRIJIG3H, PA .7 : ORN T. -GRAY, ,flouss and Sign Painter, eiCtlAtrrian arm Aa sa Innis agree*, is wig (Late Mad styleta Pittabartb. Pe. trE DIMISTIUT 31338V1T OFFICIAL PITTSBURGH NOTICE.—To the Citizens of .TILE CIIT OF PITTaDUCCIII: Complaint. bovine Manmade to too coteerolog unsound meet sot I From Cottutal Watson., zed other., to private tamlitea, thl. to to lire polka ev e, o o.etopelou I dealers, that toy odde to all persons who bey e been. et tan be, victim. tied by will be et the office or tee Stioerlotendent of the Mr.when ell suet, elm sboold be reported that justtee tool be rectod out to such offender!. .411011.A.9 W. LINDSAY, Sint Intweiid. MED CONTRACTORS. — Propo. f rais will be rtwelved at the °Mee or the id alto Woo.. amen , pi..• sod riawierrtiota can be teen. up MI noon. Mn eh 31. 1810. for ionsvation and erection of a Pit and f Wort. Medford (or Engine and Paulus at One Water Wort. o n Oedford avenue. Bidders state the price cut stone. rudder and common smarm ork try ofthe the prrch • aLd wyards. ALLEG Cirr Excaszte , / orris ALLIGEOMT Ctrl, feb. 39,1810, NOTICE!! • Otreeis of Real Hstetr, west of . Yederal suet t,utte hare fet:ed to e:00t9.7 wltb the /kg. tstry 1;ror, are hereby aottfled That they trllt , be regalrid toretuntdeeertetton..f 1 bete. oropertr for registry (to present deed. or title VW.) to tit!. °Mee ;ce Ride the zones f team deTslrcm the dete7at this aireettsement; otherertee tiler .111 be held 11sh1e to the henalUes stt form to the clause of see hael9tlt appended gaTRACT FROM REGISTRY ACT Slate Laws; 1869. Page 644. • • Should the duty of registering itro;erie be neglected or omitted, or not b t content d with as promptly ss msy be deemol otems , ry to to sore the early completion of lb; Vito', than liter . . • ow, month's notice, by publip advertisement In the official papers of the city, in the own. ra rat estate in said City not :teetered, and 11 written lon:listed notice shall Lave been served on the owner et owner.. or delivered on the ;VonVIVI, should Orr fall to have 'net r e cord made• then and In that ease .ther shall be sutdeat to a flee of live Dollars for each month of such itral!ct, dation from the termination of said ad vertisement; and to ease the same be or-steeled for the space of al: months, a lien fir the aecn• slalsSzd does and costa shall be tiled and collet - ad as municip, • dial. are DOW or nay be Dirt. der by lan collected; the rid finer to b laald ti`, ellt, 'treasury; Oct rotted to p fatant - to register prope!ty way be alien to an to ensbrwe the property of any rutleolar ward or Mc ormay musib, , r of wards, or 'bedt y at large. • • • • • EMZeI CITY EN01NT.2.11 .14 CYTICk, ALLYGUINT CITY. Yet,. MI, 1410. _ 1 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the gltefettlelltiende by the Vleirers for the opening of ilish stistt, s.ecutl ward, hat born flied In Ibis °fees fcrensadestltu, d can be wen litre at tll Is . , 11110, when It will be returned to Councils for confirmation. 13=3 WILL PIPER FOR 1870, JAMS ROB, JR'S, 1'74 Federal St., Allegheny An endless varlet, of oats aod besatlfot dei stitts. from the cheapest kitchen to the finest Stamped Bold. VotressWoo for Halls. P.r.ors. • W e.. S, Dl Ve olna B o o m s , elesans tc. A Imlttilon ll pa Velvpeets atr r Lib s fo ra - 7-Acivcr 3Pricseis. bat some Into at eery deeldati bargains. WIN DOW SIDADIOI. plain Imid figured. s Isere ea• Dety Weep.' /Icor. Stair a. d Table Olieloilts. t tt l l e n geeeraiayll Wnvnnd our M n ad u r n at e te n e - Ole stock. witlett. for beauty and nealnws of style. dustily of trek. and lowness of pries, we testers to be ansurpaased either OW- We always eon.ider It a piewure to show goods and never ahead estomers by bur importunate requesta to toy• • JAMES HOAG, Jr., FEDERAL' STREET, a' z c 4 . g E 2 Q 0 a fil A ,1 '7,'14 cO) II ° °I4 Zr r AIS 0 00:115 I=o,-, am cD OI PI i _ . 4 . t 4 P —l go z wco d l Pe4 al z : - 4 .A.'ir -- , DEL •,- zt - 4 D 4-: INDBmiNtrEs TO TREAT ALL 14 , 1,: , ~ rl u.1.L!.H.n., Be . = v: s o li I: fotnall3 a 17 4V01freztV,A174,9Vtir...717,1;, ...".b...., other •eadssa sta. srbfe% in In --el Wad of the followine Ciente, as Mounts, ' boil, wastosess, indigestion, eareramptlon, aseralou 10 ,nnep, taroaddluesra dread of More ItYCTItS. 1... OS ZAWOII. Indolence. mamma endeelon, 1141:,,i•adX0.. lar= ..TX: y rtt . sa = r an raZd:alt.r...-171g..,-mt,l7.mtri ,„,...e. r x = . 1 . z i....312.1. glep%osdirsterniAtilyett to all Analt COM. WAWA, Lanai:A:ea or Wblier . Yallln g, Warn. ISIZISOU Or .131c-.1.1101“.Ltbo Womb, Owrltle, 'amrtrWl' Whefltrdttor. j"lCUhairrt= ad ern. —ls greatest ruoeeis. - • ' It Is self-ellda9ttbal • Pbl/11Slaa Ina 661/111161 0111/911112031110.17 tO the suLayof a rertato class af diseases and treat, Vionwode of eenas even war Met Sentare Mater skill 11l that apeciaUp ;his meta emend M A po aa era* P pabllehes PM m edical ar9blet Of 91 lamate slposituro of Trauma . artndordatasehanst eara be had tree stereos or tiy - mall for two stoma ha waled ravers. 11= add IndibUn .. . Zia= to ' d v e=aTtle h pro: I . nr 'rtaillithinenZemilletrlag tea sable reesur,ll erattal: , lt is not cremate= to atilt 100 nlt!. Um , nottOr.6 opinion' contra ob. sot Wind a mitten midterms% of th read utedlolses east be forwarded by sun trot In' tome 1/111.11100. DOWITOT. a Demo- 9 ftSUM •IA litylantar anneww7. wean 1 igin..0..1 Weal:lon Is teethed, so .litn..........aorpor=oatterasti=re ars . Wortt9 Ar a ! tegoldte ttlaS Is tar %. = ,..... x .," t a p i...4..m .. ., , T e d= In ire 0.......1 ty, ond dierrsons % min tor tyro t 011 P . tont.PbiertnitterethVOrig tatted, rsadiro9 he esys. tg r 9 a.,to 9 to!, Tri_lt" CRTC= ESEECI 0111 , MAT FINAL G SALE CLOSIN 0 0 13 Is No:r :in "BARK CHARLES DAVIS. CITI ENGINEER. CE(AULIM City Ergleeer XV . MI;7 O i7 No. 174 ALISO ENENY Progress at ER'S, ET' STREET, d pr4te, and mad belsokl in I=2ll lila I