The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 23, 1870, Image 1

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Office, 84 and 86 171,16 Anemia
ILDITORS AM) riarilirnig•
ti mall. pa r year
'livered 13T-carriers. par vreet..—.....-IScla.
SENATE: The Georgia Senators
—The Civil Service Bill Re-
Norted—Tbe Few York Re
scinding Resolutions. ROUSE:
The' Case of Judge Busteed—
Alleged Abuse of Privilege by
Mr. 'Kungen—Special Naval Ap
propriation Biß—legislative
Appropriation Bill Still Undis•
110 f.
(By Telegraph to the Plusbarga Omits.)
WardUNdron, February ZS, 1870.
. Mr. VICKERS presented a memorial
of the National Board of Trade for the
passage of a marine apprentice law.
Jarred to Committee on Oommeroe.
"Mr. STE WART presented the creden-
Usti of. Means. Farrow and Whitley,
Senators elect from Georgia, and asked
their reference to the Judiciary Com
Mr. DRAKE said the papers were elm.
ply Commissions from the Governor of
Georgia. The manner of the election of
rename and of .the authenticaUng of the
lact to the Senate was prescribed by the
Copal totter, and nothing in that Matsu
. anent or in any act of Congress authori
sed any Governor of any State to com
mission any man as Senator of the United
States. It did not appear from the paper
when tho party was elected, nor was his
election certified to by the President of
the State Senate, as required bylaw. He
thought tae paper ought not to be re
Mr. POMEROY said the Coordination
requires each House to judge of the qual
ifications and election of its members;
therefore he favored reference to the
Committee, so the facts might be in
Mr. DRAKE insisted on his objection.
mid Vr. STF.W.ART withdrew.. the pa
pers for the present.
Mr. HOWARD, from the Committee
- on Pacific Railroad, reported a joint res•
elution authorizing the. Northern Pacific
•• Railroad to lane mortgage bondalwith
an amendment providing that the com
puny may make good deficienclia In Its
land grants, arising from the previous
dispOsition of lands along its lines, by
taking an equal quantity with - an addl.
%lona' limit of thirty Mile
s WILSON, from the Committee on
Military Affairs, repoited without amend•
meat - a bill providing for the disposition
of various useless military reservations.
Also, the House taint resolution author
. lung the sale of certain lands at Spring
field, Masa.
Mr. ScHITR7 from the Joint Com.
miit'O on Retrenchment' reported with
en amendment the bill introduced by
himself last Decem6sir to rearm Me civil
service. It.provides for the appointment
by the Preeldent, with the consent of the
;Senate and of the Civil Service Board, of
.Commissioners. who shall prescribe the
.qualifications requialte for appointment
Into each of the branches and grades of
:the civil service, and examine applicants
:for snettnositions, excepting judges and
'clerks of the United States Warts, mem
bore of the cabinet, ministers to foreign
courts and officers of the Senate and
:Home of Representatives, and hereafter ,
ail other appoliumenta of civil officers
sheikhs made from persons who - have
been found duly qualified under the
. :regulations established by this Board.
Appointments by bead. of department.
see to bo made in the order of seniority
a t ;:t merit. The tosid may call to its
menu. Me
such °Mears of the Govern
ment si'd anon of learning as it deems
tit. in the civil service may
be required 5.,7 UM President to submit
• to the t ea t of
...sue:Dation, and if not
found quslitled ab:U he 41113:11130d. Oth..
er wise prtsent oftiOre shed,: hOld their
positions for five years from iho date of
commissions. Officers appoirstal ors reo.
,ommendation of the board are ell to bo
appiinted for twelve years , end of
first nine appointed three shall go Cut
every four years. Their salaries and
fixed at six thousand dollars per annum.
Women are to be eqnally eligible with
men foeexamination anal appointment to
all offices they can fill equally well.
- Mr. CONELING, from Committee on
Revision of ,Laws, recommended the in
. definite postponement of the considera
tion of the resolutions of tbe New York
Legislature rescinding the ratification of
the Fifteenth Amendment.-
Mr. CONKLIN° then spoke at some
. length, 'bowleg the effect this amend.
merit would have throughout the cowl;
• try, extending right of sußnge to bond
' • - reds of thousands of the downtrodden
Tice, and claiming there was no more
fitting time for rejoicing over this great
accomplished reform than on the birth.
day of Washington.
Mr. DAVI3 delivered an argument to
• show that the power to reject • coinatitu. ,
Donal amendment existed in the Mize
by implication. -
Mr. POMEROY moved as a tribute
'respect for the day, that the Senate no f
et two o'clock, adjourn.
Same putting the motion the chair
called attention to the invitation from the
Maryland Legislature to visit Annapolis,
near which city the British ship Monarch
-was now lying.
'Mr. GINGHAM, from Committee on
judiefory; reported there was not sum-
Mont evidence in support of charges
agilnat Sedge Busteed on which to im.
Teach him and asked that the Committee
thedischarged from further OolUddarinton
Agana matter, and that It be told on the
So ordered. •
- .tde ELDRIDGE asked leave to imbmit
,:rdia,..tty report on behalf of himself
an d mi. z . e7+; but Mr. BUTLER, of Ide
eachneotta, o - lente d •
. The Sneaker ',au. ~em. n ood- the' rl inf.-
queue of the folio 7tttit Idditkaa mem
bers of - the VonufePreein ltlestlons, so
se. to make the whole 0 0 ,...,,..titherh 2nen:
-Messre.' Batman, Herr, Sinufax/ and
Mr. JLIN, irons itureinuraltiee on
Vabtic Linde. lapaned a bill extending
the -bene fi t of the lionteetea. 4 Int to
Children of deceased soldiers. Penn._ _,
; Mt. DAMES. rising to a' duestio_3...
rivilege, referred to the speech of Da fe..
ld nn gen, published to the Globe of last
gidna day, purporting to have been made
In the House, bat not actually dellveree,
end which reflected on - Seeger Socenee,
and offered a resolution that the Com
mittee on Rules Matructed to inquire
and report Whether eald Mr. Idongen
hes not abused the-privilege-thus ob.
, - tamed, violated the rules of the House
-and deserved Its censure; and that lathe
--meantime said IlpeOeti be excluded from
• .00 congressional Globe. The gawk he
—referred tows, in violation of both.
Mr. COX ezpresed *dere for the ibo. -
Mien of the privilege of printing undo.
livered speeches In the Globe.
Mr. DAWES eolfl permission to print i
speeches Invoiced - the Implled alinarsn be Cial
that whatever was printed'would not
In violation of the rules of the HMIs%
much lees in violation of common de.
- Mr. MUNGEE disclaimed any listen.
Doe to violated:lerules of the House and
defied the gentleman from Massachusetts,
to point out an, objectionable passage In
this speech. He bad read a lenience
-from the emeriti; declaring gitythlrigLhlt
: Shoed slr hild- no teatimes, to Idir
or word of Mr. Sumner In - the Senate,
but to his public lectures and' speeches.
110 stood hero the representative of hie
COneStUente and.he demanded the right
of froo speech under the Oonidtutlon.
He would rot permit any one to - attempt"
to deprive him of the right to discuss
public questions. There was no foul or
vulgar l a nguage in that speech. Was It
violation ef the final of
is Gibt the House to
quote from classics or Dornm? IC
Cho gentleman frees Massachtunitts;
or his friend the , Senator. 'shows.
. to wa g e an applicallod ur Ms re.
i narka, ho was not to be held
responsible for that. If the remarks
fitted the Senator, let hlm wear them.
• Could this House gag in discussing the
wh estu
o oatrlnest 'Of the i
theories and mpertinent
h lnis;
cramming is hie
illogical, damnable doctrines on the
• • people of the North? Had he. not the
fightto discuastheru and to sheer their
1 . ,
- • a b 1 . ,
t it te itr .. l o r, , zjet
71 4
, •
1 41 1 ' o LA r 4 t
s- _ 1,
-'''4 .
ateurditY? He assured House he
had been respectful to it in that speech,
but would not allow sortie new rule of
etiquette to forbid him ctiticistrig the
sayings of • a man who was eternally
thrusting himself in the face of every
body with his impudence.
Mr. DAWES called Mr. Munger to
order. He did - not think it proper to
speak of the impudence of the Senator.
Mr. MUNGER—I speak of him not as
a Senator, but es a public lecturer. I
take issue with the gentleman on that '
point, and I leave it to the House.
3he SPEAKER—The Chair rules the
language unparlitimentary and out of
Mr. IdtINGEN went on to argue he
had not been guilty of a violation of the
rules of the House andhe scorned the
imputation of being guilty of any inde
cency. He was perfectly willing to have
the matter referred to the Committee on
This diactursten was farther participated
' In by Messrs. ffchenek, Garfield, Jones,'
(of Ky.,) Velrhees.; tFarnsworth. and
Dawes, and then the resolution was
agreed to.
Mr. DiYER.V from the Conference
Committee on the special naval appro
propriation bill, reported the Committee
bad agreed to fix. the appropriation at
f 2 000,000. The report wa s adopted.
Mr. VOORHEES,• rising to a-personal
explanation, referred to an ineinuation in
Mr. Benton's speech, of Saturday. coup.
ling him with the Knighta of the Golden
Circle and Indignantly denying all con
nection with secret Political organize.
Mr. SARGENT asked leave to offer a
resolution instructing the Committee on 1
Ways and Means to inquire into the ex
pediency of providing separate legisla
tion for taxation of fruit distillation, and
especially whetherthe latter interest
cannot be properly relieved of capacity
and per diem taxes, and of regulations
not properly applicable thereto.
• Mr. at'CARTiIY objected.
Mr. SWANN moved to adjourn to
honor of . Washington's birthday: - Re-,1
jeeted—yeaa 70, nays 103.
The Howie then went into Committee
of the Whole on the legialative appropri•
itlon bill.
The amendment offered by Mr. Axtell, •
last Saturday, appropriatin 11000 for
the Bureau of Education, g
elicited a
lengthy discussion.
Finally the Committee rose, and the
House having closed the debate on all
Items under .the head of Department of
the Interior, again went into committee,
and the adiendment was agreed to.
Mr. BECK gave a humorous descrip
tion of the circumlocution which a law
yer had to pass through to get a judg
ment from the Court of Claims.
The Committee rose before the bill
was disposed of.
Mr. 8011133111 was excused from service
on the Committee on Elections, and Mr.
lisle appointed in his place.
At half past four adjourned. -
Ohio ever Bridgeo—olpeeek of Heuer , .
mutative Walton.
Menial Correttendexce to rlttsbarett Gasette,)
HARIUSBUItO, February 21, 1870.
The speech of the Hon. Joseph Wal
ton, in the House, on the leth Instant,
having attracted considerable attention
In the columns -of the Pitiebargio press
and elsewhere, I.lbnrard you a report of
that gentleman's speech in the House on
his resolutions relative to bridging the
Ohio river, and so much of his remarks
touchline the action - of Mr. Graham, in
,the Senate, as seems neotasery toe cor
rect understanding of the Question. It I
will be recollected that the day saber
orient to the offering of the -resolutions
by Mr. Walton in the Hottei, Senator
Graham referred to the matter Si involv
ing a breach of faith- on the part of the
former. On calling op his resolution in
the Horse, Mr. Walton, after making
some preliminary remarks, Proceeded to
address the Rouse as follows;
Now, Mr. Speaker, I bend to the desk
the Pittsburgh Commercial, of Wednos. '
said to ha the 1131 b, sh ve o beeng win the
used by that
as Senatora
Graham on these resolution; and the
phonographic report of the actual lan
guage that wax. used by the gentleman
on the same: • .
Mg. • Gamiest. Mr. Speaker, after
some consultation with some gentlemen i
who were at Harrisburg some dayseince, 1
wee are largely in brunnees on oar west
ern waters, I had prepared this preamble
and resolution. Last Friday I gave
them to en officer of the HOUSE. for the
purpose of trenacribing four copies and
pendia; them hoot to our Pittsburgh
papers for publicatlem. Very much to
: , :o . B , 2r priee. the resolution was read lu
piece by • member of the House of Rep
resentatives on Modday evening. I
found that the gentleman td whom I had •
given it to transcribe had been induced
to tarnish a member of the House of
[ Representatives with a copy, and that
gentleman. being pleased with it, adore.
ted it and road it in pies on Manch* ,
evening. I have no particular objection
to this appropriation of my resolutiors.
Lt MI had given them verbatim, but he
has transomed two words, which mars,
I think, Gm features of my resolutions,
arid be has also inserted • clause of four
lines, which I also think detract very
mach from the harmony and fair propor
tions of my.bilL I object to these inter
polations In my bill . ,
Now, Mr. Speaker. I propose to give a
clear' and untarnished amount onto)
whole business. It la well known by
every gentleman, at least from Alto.
lawny county, that I have teen Laboring
for the last four years—l might say seven
years—to have this iniquitous law of 1862
repealed. And, air, it Is known by
almost every gentleman on this door,
that there Is a party now trying to lees.
lata fora ship canal from Erie to Pitts
burgh, and a great many of the support
ers MAIL° measure havo persuaded me
from presenting my"resolutions in the
early part of the session.. And, sir, on'
last Friday, ea I was coming up from the
Lochiel hotel, to company With Colonel
Kerr an eminent lawyer of Pittsburgh,
I said to him that I hoped you Erie
Canal men would get along with your
projectv as I wanted • •to gat offering my
Ohio dvesimprosmanamtdosaure._ Why.
said he, I have jest completed a set of
joint Tamil:U.l6m Tor - Seriatet Graham
M'effilf 'on - next 'remsdery: -- In reply to
tide. I informed- him-that - I would
offer mine •Ces MOIMIY-Mght, if there
were wheels enough. on the PlaineylVerill
Rilathed tO 'cid y me - Heft. '1 curie en
up to the Capitol, went to-the-Poslollitai.
received -my mall, and finding I had n I
Ines • to• answer - my correspondents ,
went into thoTranecriliing Clerk's office
to sed.Csiddlinfiranes. 04 Informed me
that be was Way Milting four copies of
abet of joint resolutions, to send to the
litisitidgb papers ter senator Graham.
I inforniit LS' the/Iliad some moth.
icons tooffor also, and that the -Senator
„hail doe watch - Ms: that WY liferinfrit
ten i'...77 . 001. Keen-Cif Ritteburibt• IMI if j
though!". that ,tay Rif:ch* them_ would
Interfere to nnY Ws, with the
preps, He
• d minds irons offering
replied that !he Senator couldto t h e
through; whereupon I Wad itn fo
cop to comparewitb mine.
wag ,
at the'. same time that. he woad Clue
them =to : me or, any other :gentlspian•
A lpersadoiniiiii Ahem reeolthidimi and
flatting the ptirasedidgy somewhat better
than mine, and feellog at the same Moe
that I was not appropratlng the len.
Of my honorable friend, Senator riZ e stolalttiough it was In the hand.
Writing ef• that gentleman, I took them
home, and submitted them to my attor
ney, Mr. M. W. Acheson, as a basis from
which to write me a new set. Feeling
that I would be acting in the Internet of
my constituents, and performing . a
special duty for which I have been sent
here, and in doing so that I would not be
infringing upon the rights of any of my
oalleagneeilleilneldded-W.rsed %twin in
Om on thOlight nt,l*der. I\u/ea?
4th. slather hall hello Irrepita, bj Mr.
Ad m .:, On the Tomday following,
Captain Harass came to ray seat In the
Home, in a very excited manner, saying
ebetiftletteitor was much displeased with
bun • I weed with him to the Senator.
explaining the whole matter, as I mop*.
sasi, to his entire satisfaction, until Wed.
ne .d m , tbovith, when he offered his roe i
citations. and made his delement.
Mu. Bresnan—The joint rescinder'
'whichh I have bad the honor to present, Is
one that Interests not only greatlseult bat every citizen of this tam= '
monwealth, and all the States BOUM and
mt h wes 4 es every city in the United
- States is lit up by gas and warmed by
the coal from the mines of Pentutylvanle.
Xsay ibex:lllmM ci fM Coyampnwealth,
for what interests portion of the State
will give impetus to other portion',
although not directly ;
interested. Tbs
State of Ohio, at the last Mellon of her
I:miniature, plowed a lawbrohibltlng the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from con
necting on her.shore a bridge, of le/aspen
than four hundred feet, over the main
ebannel.way, under a penalty of $lO,OOO.
This, of course, the company will pay,
and go on with their obstruction of Mix
Ever since the year 1864, we have been
urging upon Congress the necessity of
repealing the obnoxious act of 1862, al
lowing the erecting of spans of three
hundred feet; and as our efforts, in all
other directions have proved ineffectual,
we now propose. through this honorable
body, to effect some action In the matter.
What we want is immediate action. De
lay will meult in irretrievable disaster
to all to groat interests involved, inter
ests so widespread and extended as to
embrace the limits and demands of an
empire. Our objection. to pier bridges
spanning the Ohio is not based upon con
jectural damages. It may be quito an
easy affair, for the-advocates of the
bridges, in windy speeches and new*•
paper columns, to steer clear of stone
piers; but practical river men and ex
perienced navigators, who have spent
tong laborious years learning the tortu
ous channel and cross currents of the
Ohio river, and the handling of immense
tows, findit exceedingly dangerous and
uncertain, requiring, the most consum
mate/kill and experience.
Tne sob feet channel span bridges hale
been demonstrated beyond all contro
versy to he a serious and costly obstruc
tion to navigation, and no amount of
miareralosentation or bogus certificates
can leverse the dilaters of the past, or
.change the convicti ns of those who have
to pass them In charge of their valuable
cargoes. Only a few months shoe, one
of our finest and moat magnificent
steamers, the "New State," laden with
a valuable cargo of freight, besides a
great number of passenger,. collided
with one of these Incompleted piers, and
look with the less of fifteen souls and her
entire cargo: And but a few weeks since,
aedmilar disaster occurred with theateam
tug boat "Star," by reason of an unavoid
able collision with one of time undulated
piers, musing a toss of the steamboat and
her tow of eleven coal barges, containing
130,000 bushels of coal, valued at about
$lOO,OOO, and two more human beings
sent hurriedly into eternity.
Rad some obstructionsof a railroad re
sulted In like damage, long and loud
would have been the complaints and ex
ecrations of such an act. Rad the torch
of an enemy destroyed an equal amount
of !property, the honest indignation of .
the - community would have been un
bounded. But the loss by actual COntaxt
with the plant, is but a fraction of the
enormous tax imposed upon the coat
trade, by the narrow channel-ways.
Every trip made by our boats from
twelve to twenty-four hours are lost by ,
having to loud and wait for day-light to
run these artificial obstructions, and fre
quently days are consumed in sight of
' the bridges waiting for favorable weather
I and water, to insure a safe pasinuce, and
not unfrequently an additional trip is
I lost by the detention Imposed by this
' unnecessary- obetruction. These are
I the items of the loss and expen
diture which constitute the ruinous
tax upon the trade. Some sixty tugs are
employed in the coal trade froth OMN-
I, burgh, to towns and cities below; aver. ,
I aging ten trips yearly, aggregating 600
I trips fer the whole number employed.
I The daily expense of a fully equipped tug
boat is about 1200. The loss of time in
cident to the first night's landing in
volves very frequently • like result the
, second night. owing o ther wisethe rtion of
I river reached, which could
I have been run; but to exempt my adores
I from the possibility of cavil, I will ex
dude this from m calculation, and re
strict myself exclusively to the finmed(-
I ate and direct results arising from the
con•truction of thine bridges., which
impose upon the trade yearly 600 lend.
toga, and the consequent law of time, at
an expense upon the lowest possible es
timate of ;0,060. Including the wear
and tear of -such landings, the frequent
loss of entire trips, the expense of
mending extra towbUts below the
bridge with a portion of the regular tow, '
and we have another sum exceeding the
, atove; but' piscine- it at the saute,
we have the sum of 190,000. Add to this
tphi,smamanoudnitelosthavbeytoohelli.sionnuawil tsbumthoer
1110.000, to be paid by the ooal trade
alone, in order that the corporator* of
these bridge. might be saved the extra
cost of a 400 feet span. Noir, suppose •
bridge properly constructed, with s 400
feet span, would wet ;300,000, (and we
have authority for saying this amount
.would be amply suffictent,) the interest
on this sum would 48,C40, and 1162,000
less than the coal l uteinterest is now taxed.
In consequence of this obstruction to
navigation. Much are the unimpeacha
ble facts, such the detention and losses
resulting from one "SOO feet span."
1 What will be the result when ten or a
I dosen similar obstructions, Melted at as
I many different points som oft_ em even
more dangerous in location than these,
abed block up the , river, we _will leave
o t h e r
to figure; for long before they.
' are completed we will have cowed to
have an - Interest in the matter, as not
onelourth of the number will be modes•
nary to seal the doom of the slyer as a
navigable stream and dive us all from
the trade. Ooal men, at Incredible sacri
fice and tral, have built up a vast busi
ness, employing men by thousands, in
Vesting capital w
and extent of mil.
Wins, adapting accommodating
their trade to the natural con.
dition •of the river, and now to
Dave this great and increasing trade so
crippled as to virtually amount to de.
Wootton, fo u r nvasion of our rights, s
disregard interests, ro flagrantly
unjust u to entitle us to the proteetion
of national legislation. to which we now
confidently appeal. The wanton Inver
'loosed disregard of pre existing rights
Is more inexcutable, In view of the fact
that science and experience have demon.
"totted that at some ditional xpense
railroad bridges, sp an ning na e vigable
rivers, can be eo constructed as net t to
materially obstruct navigation.
Some years age I examined the Niaga
ra BOspension railroad bridge, erected
across the 'Niagara river below the Odle.
by John A. Boebllng, Esq. I watched
the passage of beaVy trains of cars with
iooomottves, while numbers of carriages
and wagons and foot ' passengers were
passing on thesame bridge, buinedlately
under theme heavy trains, all In perfect
s afety. ,I have not been -at the bridge
since, hat I know that it lira continued
to this day in perfect order, doing ahem..
'o t iosely Ineressingbusiness. That-brdge
hies dogle sparr of more than 1100 i feet
But piodern engineering experience
has settled the question that spans of 400
feetOan be resi3ll7 built:end safely used'
a g eorposill of a bridge, Ineluding the I
lif thcoldeavleat loadM9lllell and 1
trains. It mats somewhat more in first 1
contraction, but little or nothing more
afterwards. Why then should not Con-
gr ow be asked to prevegt additional ob •
'Unctions from going inteibe river, as.
well as to order the retrieval of obstrno.
' Mono that are already in ? .Resry addi
tional bridge with span s limited to SOO
Wit will eadsinly Ito toartatlitirthe n
oral water-way from one thottsadid
bo ys feet, sea it I. naturally,
to three
hundmet feet, or leas than one-thittil.and
'in trially 'Mawr pore , ' than - - onefnurth..
With 400 Wit totWersti the blete,'lrhlch
Weise thettilddl the_pettold way, the
Urgent fleets, with ordln.r.Yr Wet Was
.ps ..... , Intolerable eatery. .Tlasy will , then
nave scram Chance to maneuver), ip se.
.. . . _ .
The matter' seeine so Wahl, that when
fairfy. powerited it . ought to ennimand
genera/ qastent. lb° railroad and , the
river interesta are n e verely antagonia.
[Mal; they ought to beg bag ar e
marely.different means of acomamoda -
Wig the business •ot udillems Moue peo
ple, who are interested in tbe encesuacal
maintenanoe of both in their integrity,
and if individuals or corporations shall
nndeitalce tirbitrarily to intinfere• with
what has been made national, the only i
source left for the people is to the na.
Smut Government. let Congress do the
thing Oct in right, and neither railroad
or river interests can have any just gauss
of complaint. _..
Congress, after makings complete cur-
vey of the Obio I river, blla appropriated
, severs" millionsiof dollars; from time to
time, for the improvement of said river:
and re moving natural obstruction; such
Et trees, snags,
a n boat; wrecks,
Etc and shoals and-tars, for the•full
muliculareof whictr. I would refer you
to the report of the Surveyor. General of
the United States, where' you • will Sod,
sir, a great amount Of money has beea•
extended in maintaining a hop fled of
etearnbusta end ansg-bostat With' • great
.ntimber.ormif ii';,
Tbist , reserd a (rattles visate'of nub
ile rands, to appropriate large sums to
Improve navigation, while more danger.
cus obstructions than DV,' existed he.
fors are authorized by lefslative author:
It e. •It la conceded Mat td genial wel
fare demands the conetructiOn of GM
road bridges over our WrOatestaivedell MS
°ui :ii, gWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1870.
It is not yet conceded that they shall be
allowed to be put in at random, Sir hap
hazard, and without proper regard tothe
navigation Interests. It is to be pre
named that competent Judgment would
be exercised by the railroad interests, in
securing the erection of structures .'
which, while benefitting their railroad ,
traffic, should not necessarily Interfere
with the river commerce.
The Ohio river is& magnificent streatio.
notwithatimding that almost every swoon I
the navigation nearly. ceases for several
months, owing to low water. It Is, nev
ertheless, acknowledged to be one of the
great National. commercial highways of
our country, accommodating upon Its
placid waters, through much of the year,
an Immense general commerce. a vast
coal trade, and a very heavy lumbar bu
siness, the aggregate amount of which is
known to be several hundred millions of
dollars annually. it is no part of my
intention here to enter upon the details
in regard to these matters. I merely
desire that we @Mould refresh ourselves
with a few facts. which happen to be In
harmony with the object of these resole-
I have referred you to the Niagara
suspension railroad bridge, with a span
of 800 feet. " In the few of such 'experi
ence as this, is It not childish for any
one to argue that there is any enghleer
leg difficulty In constructing. bridge
spans of 400 feet, only one.hal f the length
of that perfectly successful structure?
But we have a later and still more msg.
nitioent bridge erected by Mr. Roebling,
at Cincinnati. which is 1,057 feet span,
upon which the city cars run, and over
which an immense traffic by wagons,
omnibuses, drays, des, is hourly eas
ing, and which, upon the testimony of
Mr. Roebling. would carry a locomotive
and twenty-five heavily ladened cars
with randy. Furthermore, • the mane
eminent bridge builder, previous to his
death, had completed his plans for the
erection of a bridge over the Fast river,
at New York, of more than 1,600 feet
span, which is now under process of con
struction by his son and former partner.
There is, therefore, nothing unreason
able In asking Congress to require that
bridges across the Ohio river ahead
pleas at least two of their piers 400 feet
apart. But, besides the reasonableness
and modesty of this requirement, it is of
great. Importance to the safety of the
river trade, while It's redly no Injury to
the railroad business, and is absolutely
necessary to preserve human life; and
while you are legislating Tor the preser
vation of human liven In coal mines, It le
Just as necessary to provide for the pre.
serration of the lives of men In the nav
igation of our rivers. If the river inter
ests were asking Something that would
hurt railroad traffic, Congress might
properly pause; but It is not so.
I feel the same warm interest in the
succesaful prosecution of railroad. Mot 1
have ever telt, and believe that they are
among the greatest of modern national
blessloge in our country. But 1 have
never been inattentive to the water com
munications which pervade our land, and I
now, se heretofore, I regard them as the I,
great arteries of our national commerce
especially the great rivers, such as the
Missisdppi, the Missouri. and the Ohio.
end I regard it as • solemn duty to our-
selves and to posterity, on the part of the !
people's repreeentativea, that they should
to preserved and Improved as much
as possible. Congress has underta•
ken their preservation and IMO:mo
ment, and It will probably need only to
call their attention fairly to the facts
bearing upon the present question to
Induce such wise action as will, without
injuring theAreat_rsileoad Intarreet, pro
tect the equally important river interests
of our people.
The report of the Committee sent to
Washington on the 17th of April, 1869,
was here read, with a number of resole
tins, the last of which was as follows:
~n eseteede. That Simpson Horner, Cap
tain 14.. J. Bigley and W. 11. Brown are
appointed a Committee to confer with
the officers of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad in regard to the placing of piers
In the Ohio at Bellair and Parkersburg."
Now air, the result of the labors of that
committee was, that they could not in
duce him to alter his mind: but still per
sisted in building the bridge with three
hundred faetspana .
And, air. they found
that this company bad already located
their piers in the river, and that they
were almost an entire blockade as ,far as
the coal trade was concerned. They (the
committee) desired the company to let
them locate the channel span so sa to In
' carters as little as posalble with naviga
tion, but this they utterly refused to ac
cede to; whereupon the committee In.
daoed thecompany to make another
span next to the Ohio shore, which had
always been thegos. regular channel for
heavily laden Lar And, Cr. the
WoGf this privil they paid Mr. John
arrett, President Bedtimes° and
Ohio Railroad Company, thirty thousand
dollars. I speak, air, from the book, for
I paid of that ammuit. L.638.50 t wid wall
found to be my proportion. Ther esa no
longer room for doubt that the secret of
all title bitter La the opition on the part of
that corpondlon saving of an ex
penditure of • few thousand dollars.
The best engineering skill has been em
ployed to demonstrate that 400 feet span
bridut be built as easily and 51 1
safe asof 300 feet spans, the only dif.
ference being in cwt. At aisle estimate,
an additional outlay of 1160,000 will en
able the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to I
construct each of Its bridges at Bella's .
'and Parkersburg so as to allow a channel
way of 400 feet. Shall this corporation.
then, eoardise the entire commerce af
a grea j t n a tural highway by placing arti
ficial barriers therein,• simply to save a
cost so trifleaf Will CongresaMen,
pretending to legislste for the good of
the whole country, and preterit the rights
of all classes, legalise such a monstrous
wrong as this?
- - -
Further Particulars or the less of Ike
Stemmer. Emma No. 3.
userelegraph to the ritt*batiti linutte.)
CAIIIO. February EL —The steamer
Emma No. 8 struck a snag on Chute
Lund, No. 55. on Saturday morning
about ten o'clock, and while sinking
slowly careened and upset the stoves,
setting pre to the cabin and driving
every person into the water except Capt.
James Maraita, who was saved by cling
ing to the wheel, and the mate, Caleb
Idaratta, Pilot Alteribergh,- three pas
sengers, the head chambermaid --end"
head cook, who managed to remain on a
small strip of- the forecantle, sheltered
behind some- oaks-of-iron, which they 1
I prevented from -burning -by throwing' .
I water up= them with-their hats. The ' I
I °Mears launched &yawl and succeeded
1 In keeping back the affrighted pakten.
I gore until the ladles •On boird, Ave In
number, were in it and as many penmen
-1 gets as was ooniddered sale, . Before the
I yawl could bedewed from the stcarnsr
It flames burst out with such fury that
ipeotilatiot the
, sad they
turned it bottolit,Upatards , .by which all
the ladies were lost, and some twenty
others. .'The' surviVorif, - except those
saved on ths bow and Yu the wheel, man.
aged to reach the shore Oe.doont, Plana*
and cotton bales, and were plated up
by the people 'along' River avenue, and
by the steamer - Oolurobtan, which
, brought a number to this. city. Other
survivors were taken to farm houses in
the neighborhood, and haie not yet ar
rived. Engineer f..yonberger died from
exhaustion after reaching the shore; also
a passenger named McFarland, • The , 1
steward, James Ford, is 001 egpegted to 'l
live from the =me - cause:
The following le s list of these known
to- be eased when the Columbian Asfl:
Parkengeri-John Fawcett, Cincinnati;
I Dan Vinuca oln0S; William V,xset,
Cincinnati; a. bytteb, git.. Ueda; Joseph
George, Oltrinaltoll. Indiana; William
'BOdalbSeas Wheeling; Adams Minister,
Owensboro, , Kentucky; George Casey,
Ottawa. Canada; A. J. MOrris, Cl. Wesley
and Alf. McFarland, (Jaycee; pending
Mar James Cameron and J.- titagortl.
Maud Vernon, Ind ..• T. Kagliab. Vincille
-nett; Michael Murphy, St. Louis; J. Dec.
rig. Cinclumiti; 'James Ipiedeeker, Day
ton; Kentucky.. °titterer Jam= MamM,
captain: thieb Murata. mateil) avid Por
ter ,second, clerk; Charles Charielliorb
second mate; EdWard Wylie, writchMant
William Altenbuigh. - pilot 1.. James
Ford, steward._ peaty added-Parker,
drat roost second nook, name popoitin
Charley Brown,' porter; bead chamber.
maid, unknown; George Webstor pan
trytaan: Robison,- second santr ' yman;
Henry lielson, O r eman; and about four
teen or the deck.hand crew; Walter
Marotta:DM clerk, In noble disregard
ci danger to bitullelf. made an attempt to
rave a iaily assentor, and perished with
others. --.
Cie ourkArt, February 33.-- - The cap'
Jain of the XIXIMII.Iio. 3 telegraphs from
Mato that seventy lives were loot by the
POEM or ermalic, N.
The Cadetahiii Inrestigstion—
The Situation in Cuba—Col.
Baker's Indian Fight—Sicken
ing 'Details. ;
Ultl to tkaklttaeargh (Bette.)
WAsturra, February 22, MO.
T.O ce.ogreS 111111rITI0ATIOrt.
The invadigaticisi of the mercantile
transactions of malMbers in Cadetships
has thus far Impliiiited several members.
The secrets of thiCCOMMittee-room are
not fully known, .nd when they are,
more startling fists will be disclosed
than have aireadysOome to light.
Fernando Wooit, It appears, took no
money, but he aiuMinted scar who was
not legally entitleCto it ass resident of
his district. .4
J. S. Golladsy, bf Kentucky, will be
thoroughly investigated. No witnesses
have teen examined in his case, but he
berme of the meat anxious of the vic
tims of Congressicsial scrutiny.
Mr. Hoge, of SeuttithroUna, les mem
ber of the Committee. He, tt is charg
ed. appointed a boy at Annspolla,_ but
allowed - hint to resign, for which. 11,000
was paid. Sutweguently • scut of Mr.
llpsher, of New York, was appointed.
It is Inferred that Mr. Hoge is having a
Jolly time on that Committee.
In the case of Newton S. Pettis, of
Pennsylvania, his own letters seem to
furnish his record. They acknowledge
the receipt of money, but be claims to
have expended J6OO for party. PurPoses-
Dowses, of North Carolina, It Mahan
ad, bargained .away his cadetship, but
subsequently traded it to State Senator
Laasatee of that State, to prevent him
from rouning widest him for Congress.
It is also said therels • railroad }obit' it. ,
Some of the parties implicated openly
defend their action, on the ground Mats
It is no worse tosell cadetships than it is
to sell pubiio documents, and that the
tatter hie been practiced from time Im
moral by members of Co
The Committee are making exam
ination of the recited% showinthe
from which appolutinente of ca det s - have
been made, and who were the members
making them, to see how far the evi
dence before them Is sustained in that
ias must inetmlUlXlVlon. •
Mr. Phillips. tinned States Consul at I
Santiago de Cuba. writes that "Political
affairs are in a deplorable state. -It Se
well known that vemsseds aspills to the
position of CaptaffiGeneral of the Island,
and In order to increase his ix,.
polarity among the blood-craving Cats
lonians who are operating In his behalf
both In this Island and Spain. gives im
perative orders to make Ibis a war of ex
termination. an we daily hear of peace.
fnl citizena residing in the country being
ausasinsted .by mobilised Spanish
troops." ?T he Inettrrectlon," says Mr.
Philllps."Oontinnee in full form and there
ars frequent erflyalsof wounded Spardsh
soldiers. The Cubans being better
disciplined thin formerly. In many cases
take the offensive and have had their
ranks increased .by desertion from the
Spanish troop...wino And it impassible to
endure the climate. It Is estimated
fifty per cent, of the Spanish
volunteers from , sickness are put
1 hors du combat.. The hospital. are
full to overflowing. It is generally
known and admitted by liberal.minded
Spanish officers that it is Impossible to
atipprowthe insurrection."
The Indian - ,,Cominhaion announces
that It has merged the sickening detalle
at Monet DOM" attackqentheytitage
of the Revak In Montana, on the MI of
January lad- Of one hundred and sev
enty-three killed, only fifteen were
what might be called lighting men,
that Is men between the ages of twelve
and thlrty•seven years. Ten were from
thirty-seven to slity_yesas and eight ad.
dltlonal were over silty. in all thirty.
three. Therewereninety women killed,
lifty.tive or over ono-halt of whom were
over forty yeare of age,
and the remaining
thirtylive were between twelve and forty
years. Lastly, there wore fifty children
under twelve years of age killed. Many
of them were In their parents arms. Toe
whole village had been entfering for over
two months :past with small pox, some
, half denim dying daily.
The confirmation of Judge Strong was
delayed In consequence of the hesitation
the Senate to confirm Judge Bradley.
It is believed by those acquainted with
the facts that the latter will also be con
firmed, notwithstanding the reports to
the contrary. The publliMed report that
he Will withdraw la without foundation.
tnl Telerrseh to the Mut:Nosh essettea
Rimunonm, February TL- A oom
munication was resolved in tbs Lend.
intim today from Senator Johnson. at
Wuhington, that Virginia's share of
the, public lend granted for agricultural
colleges, amounting; to 800,000 acres,
Is now subject to the order of the State
a uthorities.
The report of the House Judiciary
Committee, declaring the second MM•
cation of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Amendments unnecessary, wool adopted.
U. A. &hatter wu elected Superinten
dent of Public Printing..
A motion to reconsid n o t resolution
adopted last week. that persons Inds.
gible under the 14th amendment shall
be elected to oilloo, failed. An arrows
onsimpreesion, that Hole. Walker'. mes
sage suggested the election of ineligible
perms, was corrected. • •
The Legislature adjourned In honor of
the day.
• February 22.—The Cin-.I
sinned 'longtime • Rallway bill „mast up
in the ROOMS. ko day.. .An amendment'
wee resed that none of the franchises
given in k the charter shall fie- into effect'
until.anott tints mg the - Fergiumn bill 1.
declared ooasatuuotolby.the q.t. of
Ohio. No tuition.
nqiar, February Hail.
ton and Lieutenant 'Ocrrernot-Flanimman.
were to day elected United 'Mates Sena
tors; In artordance with the Radical cau
cus nominations, the former for the long
and the tatter ibr the 'short term.
Kate of the 'Therztolseter at Various
- -
Points Vssulltin7 AlornlNV
my T•LairlOloll.2/tisbustra OSAMU.)
Fnizzoszitos-clear and very cold.
:ftzurotcout-olear. ..Thermemeter 20
deg. above OHO.
T r rusnw.ll, Pa.-clear and cold.
Om Myr-cloudy. Thermometer 6
deg. above zero.
y, pow., 16mm-clear and pleasant.
Thermometer IS deg. above zero.
m wois ooza-clear and very cold.
Nzw Yong-clear and very COW.
ST. LOUllY.cloudy • and moderate.;
Thermometer 86 deg. above zeta.
CHICAOO-.Bondy., Thermometer 23
deg. above zero.
lanneztennt! - Inedefsilsg, cloudy,
but cad.
m o upote-celd and raining hard.
In g i,,g3A. MONT I February 23.-. A.
rain and MOW storm prevailed through
out the territory lutttight. • The Weath.
or hio teen uncommonly mild and
pleasant so far this winter. The moo n:
prospects for water nazi season are not
math betas: than Int 'Winter.
teroalmo Circ. -T, The weather for 1
pest two days has been warm and
dougy, with s little rain and snow.
Owing to the warm eather. mining
quite brisk in the
lower - put , et . the
gulch. t
Utp1 1 16 01, 0. - T ive 111 40 6 . 0 f =Ow fel
. .. .
cembion of Railroad Tribal. I
thy Te k et we to the Pltlebarsh Gazette.] I.
r o p q mptErStS, N. T . " FebriF
The n i g ht alpacas height and engei .
train, bound north , and Mitre gbt train '
boun d s outh, eollided at Tivoli talk
taornlng, dainaiting the engines er,-
ofai slightly.dome of the yawns
ggveraa vier* banked a little *by befog
+WWII from their YS4. • -
Petroleum Tests—Telegraph Dif
ficulty—Sunday Observance
- Cable lonopoly—French Gov
ernment Reforml,3-7he Inter
pellation Regarding Domestic
Policy—Attempt to Asisuminate
Another American at'llavana—
Belgium Postal Affairs—Crisis
in Spanish Cortes.
By TaUsgraph to tba Plttsbarittt auttto.)
LONDON, Feb. 22.-4 n view of the
many shocking accidents mused by pe.
froleum, • law his been projected for
subjecting It to still severer testa. A bill
will soon be brought before Parliament
looking to this end.
A letter to the Daily Fora denounces
the curtailment of telegraphic facilities
in London and Liverpool, when the au
thorities had no reason anticipate and
time to prepare for an Indefinite aspen
' d o
on of btudneas n the tder
telegraph wires to the Gov ran ernmento f the
In the House of Lords to-day Lord
Chelmsford Introduced a bill to secure
the better observance of the Lord's
Day... It restrains, and in some cuss en-
Only prohibits, trading on Sunday.
Lord Chelmsford said the bill was In
tedded to check a growing evil, and read
statistics showing that over ten thousand
grog shops were kept open In London
The Stahe of London spoke In sup
port of the bi ll.
The Earl of Morley signified the bill
had the approval of the vernment.
The Lord Chancellor thought the bill
would have the effect of depriving labor
ers of the recreation to which they were
entitled on Sunday, sud doubted the
wisdom andsfileiency of the measure.
The bill had a second reading.
In the Commons, Mr. Brute Horne
Secretary, said the majesty arthe law
had been fully vindicated In the recent
events in Ireland.
The Postmaster General said the Gov
ernment was not disposed to suffer a
branch of the German American Cable
tObo landed at Lowstistaff to connect with
the Milos of the Anglo American Cable
Company at London.
Rune, February H.—M. Valdrome,
Minister of the Interior, has submitted
to the Emperor and to the Legislative
bodies a report FATO ng decentralization
of executive ad straiten. The Corps
Legistatif has refs it to a committee,
consisting of Barre Gulsot and Prevost
Parade]. . .
The Journal 0 el publishes a list of
persons appointed revise anti modify
, administrative I Walton throughout
the Empire, on the suggestions made by
the Minister of the Interior and approved
by the Emperor. , Arming the names on
the list Ire the following Morale: Ben.
olt, Dozy, Demers, Onillatune, Gaizot,
Louis, Lame, Delavergne and Prevost
n thel4l
the debate on
the inte=ion regarding the darner. 1
tie po d. cy li of the government was_oon.
tinne Corint D'Arn replied to the
aPeligh delivered yesterday by Jules
Fevre. He pronounced against the de.
mend forth e dissolution of the Chamber,
declared the Covernmeat • desired to
maintain peace at home and abroad, and
desired to lay the foundation of
parliamentary government. The Em.
oeror bad manifested the will to
follow a liber al ' policy. If discord
Ministry, tween t e Chambers and the
the Em Emperor mcus decide, and
the Ministry wo d respect his will. The
speech of the r was received with
enthusiastic eh f and the debate ter.
mlnateri with a vote of Ell in favor of
and 18 against the Ministry.
Havana, February El.—A report wee
lately let afloat here by an American
that. Captain Franklin of the fi shing
smack Fulton , had helped the assatudn of
Castenon to escape from. Key Weet and
had landed Col. Tinker In Cubs. On the
arrival of Meowed this morning a party ,
of men put off in a boat, and rowing to
the smack called for the Captain and
threatened - his life. The latter
becoming alarmed, took refuge on board
the Britbh man-of-war Eclipse. The
men in the boat finding the captain had
disappeared, returned to the shore with-
out molesting the crew. Through the
efforts of Conant General Biddle they
have sloop been arrested and the govern
ment has sent a guard' to protect the
k Fulton.
M Anon', Fib. 22. —A. d • tertnined con
test Is anUclpated In the Cortes over the
adoption of the new constitution for Por
to Rico. It Is feared this dispute may
lead to a rupture of the good nudes
standing which now exists between the
pit ties In the Cortes.
nauaeurs, February Y9,—The postal
authorities forbid the sending of money
or valuables by mall, and threaten to re
turn letters containing them to the
Lonoorr, Feb. 22—Evening—Consols for I
money 92341 aocount 92%. Attlee= Sem
curitiesquiet. 'B2s, 89%; '6ss, 8814: '67s,
7734: ten-forties, 843 4 ; Eriea, 22: Illinois
Central, 111%; Great Western, 29.
Pews, Feb. 22.—Rentes active at 73
francs 87 centimes.
Faertzvonv, Feb. =.—Bonds firm at.
9% @H.
Kearns, Feb. 2:l.—Cotton; declining
tendency and quiet at 136 francs on spot
' and 137 francs afloat.
Aivrwitar, Feb. 22. Petroleum firm at
.85% francs.
/ARMEN, Feb. 22.—Petioleum flat at
7 titian.
Haetnune, Feb: 22.—Petroleum fiat al
15 marobancos 8 achillingr.
• 7.aveziOork February 22.--Cotton firm
with' sate. 10,000 bales uplands at 11349
1134, Orleans 1134.' Breadstuffit_ quiet.
Receipts wheat past three days 7,500 qrs
all AMER 101111; red western 7a Bd, white;
lis sd. ' Corn 26s Od. Flour 10a 9d. , Oats
ti 511.- Peas nominal. Pork doll at'94l.
Beef 103 s 64.. Bacon 665. lewd 781.
Meese 73s ed. Produce remains without
Lortuorr, February 22—Refined petro
' lento la 934 d 1s 10d: linseed oil 33t.
. Steeling ss. Turpentine dull.
___ __
'' Republican State Convention.
Gil Xelesoiss t• th e pittoorgs oesstie.l
.. INDILICAPOLiII, FOtortlary 22.—The Re.
publican t3tate Convention met here this
afternoon. General Thomas M. Brown,
of Randolph county, was made perms.
rent Chairman, with one Vice President
'from each Congressional District, and the
Rey. Malon e, ookired. of New
Albany, as Vice President, from the State
at large.•• The colored Vice President was
conducted to the platform amid thorned
deafening . °beerier the delegates. There
are two colored delegates from Wayne
county and tures from Floyd. The Con.
yention Is largely attended, ore*" cattail
In the State being fully represented.
The present State calories were venom.
laded, with the exception of the Trees
ur of State, one of the StlpreMo Judges
, end Attorney General. Gan. R. H. liddl.
' roll or Carroll - Onanty, was nominated
1 ferTreamurer of State, Nelson Troller, of
Fayette minty, for Attorney General,
and' Judge A. L. Osborn, of Laporte
county. for Supreme Ridge, In place of
Judge Fraser, who declined to be a can.
dictate for rtitieotion.
' tkrtsus litre at Plymouth, Ohm.
city re cgtill h to W. Piteseugh Gansu.)
"Plor3totr26,re 22.—A Ale broke
out in this plant this morning Mont
o pp s k, apd exte nded to Me - clothing
store of Spear et hield, the dry goons.
establishment of R. McDonough, peak
rube building. Photroitravb Wein; 01R.
gamy. boot atid shoe store of J. Mo.
Leughboo and t7erY store of J. 'D.
jamystiest ~ dopy nearly sa
bitch. Anon:pit o look te not known.
The might of the lire is unkiumn. The
triguranos as fir lit' lupin IC f10me,..00.
iambus, iiksoo; queen City, • elnithinsil;
gum, Tiallaysore, Podium% $2,4001
gm= Musum, Mt. Vernon: 1140004
taod *Mae 'MmisaMid• 13,000..
Xurderer Convicted Whiskey
Fraud-.-Countetleiters Caught
—Exports. ' •
New to the Pittsburgh theete.l
Yonx, Feb. 22. 1870.
The jury In the ease of John Reynolds
alias Sylvester Breen, charged with the
murder of Wm. Townsend, this evening
returned a verdict.of guilty, of. murder
in the first degree. Sentence deferred
until to-morrow.
The examination of the cue of Cook
and Farmington on a charge of coturpir•
acy to defraud the Government of tax
on whisky, wee continued today before
Commissioner Belts. While It wail in
progress proceedings were being taken
by Collector Bally, before Judge Bletch.
ford, to confiscate the property of Gor.
don, Fellows a hialitillan;of which firm
Cook Is • member. The property is
valued at 5250,000, and thesuit for cmfis.
cation Is divided into five Cll/18/11. in each
of which It is alleged the Collector se.
cures a moiety of 0000, which, with other
fees end allowances, will amount to about
sixty per cent. of the total amount.. The
remaining forty per cent. goes to the 11.
B. Treasure.
ostrowr AT LARD
A man named Thomas Doyle, for
whom United States detectives have
been searching a long time, and Bald to
be one or the most coma eounterfeiters,
was arrested In Brooklyn yesterday.
P. B. Emory, arrested for naming
counterfeit ten dollar Treuury notes.
and on whose person were found $145 in
bogus money, wall held for examination.
week leach expor
ed $3,208,t5, excep 786. t of Vide, the past
Red River country
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gesette.)
Macaw, February 23.—. d. letter dated
Pembina. February 10th, brings Intell -
deuce from Wirompeg, to the effect that
William McTavish, a Germ an ,an of thd
Hudson Bay Company, Cowan,
also a prominent officer of the Hudson
Bay Company, were detected lb tamper
ing with the members of the Provincial
Council, in order to defeat the final adop
tion of the Bill of Right', whereupon
General Well had both arrested and pia
ced In confinement. The letter also says
that G. Bannagatin, a leading Canadian,
who- it will be remembered, took the
erttiof allegiance to the Provisional Gov
nment, hu been retained In his former
°Moe of postmaster at Winnepeg, en
deavored to gain access to the prisoners,
and l iberal refused. threatened to rah a
ore. toe them, whereupon he.
too, was arrested and placed In °online.
IA private letter says Well Is not yet
defunct, and agents in Canada persist In
attempting to corrupt the representatives
of the people. There will yet be serious
trouble In the settlement.
(By Warmth to tOo phtsburge essettal
• TORONTO, Feb. 22.—A dispatch from
Halifax says the troop ship Orontes,
afore the City of Boston, arrived after a
passage of twelve days. She encoun
tered fearful weather. All the of
the 16th regiment periahed. Thesafety
of the City of Boston is almost des
paired of.
Among the _cabin passengers In the
missing steamer City of Boston are Mrs.
M. Cosgrov Mr. nene,
ton, J.- Wh e,
it taker. Gu
w ig ife, four children
and Infant, Dr. Tupper, Allen Ebby,
wife, child and infant, James Adahed, M.
A. Proior an d 11, E. P. Archibald,
Mr. Bytan d wife, W. M . Cochnute,
James Carginve, Mr. Lewder. R. 3.
McDonald, James McKinnon and John
Upper flyers.
tar Pacific and letliatle Telegraph.)
Om Ctrs'. February 22.—Rlver falling
slowly with 3 feet of water In the chin.
nal. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 20
degrees at 6 r.
Bnownevims. February V.—River
stationary with 734 feet of water In the
channel. Weather cloudy. Therznome
ter 11 at 4 P.Y. n.
GILF.Emi3onO, February 21.—River eta.
tionary_with 4% feet :water in the chan
nel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 20
at 4 r. Y. r.
bloactarrrowrt. February W.—Blear
falling with 40 IncheS of water In the
channel. Weather alloudy. Ttuomonta
ter 23 at 6 P. at.
-43ontInental Hall at Lockport, N. Y.
wu burned Monday night. Lone 110.
000. Lora:wt.
—At Louisville the 22d paned off very
quietly, no public demonstration of any
kind being made.
• —To-day the first formal political col
ored convention ever held In Kentucky •
takes place at Frankfort.
—The Connecticut Democratic State
Convention yesterday nominated es-
Governor English for Governor.
—The flannel mill of Austin & Taylor.
in North Salem, N. H.. was destroyed
by fire Saturday lest. Loma $100,000; In
sured for 04,000.
—The petroleum refinery of S. Lord, a.
Philadelphia, was damaged, yesterday
by fire sis,m Insurance $7,000, in Bald
more and Wheeling.
—A new aponthut mineral spring hu
been accidentally developed near Santo.
cs, N. - 4. It throws water several feet
high. similar to the Geysers of Iceland
- and CaliforMa.
—Radical changes are proposed In the
pollee department of Boston, in effect
substituting for the special d etective eye•
tem the selection by the Chief of.Pollce
of patrolmen for special duty.
—Large temperance meetings were
held at New York, Chicago, Richmond
and other cities. yesterday, in accord
ance with the recommendation of the
Lbogreaalonal Tempera_ nce A.labelattou.
—Monday night, in Loulseille, Early
Smith, a negro saloon keeper, shot and
probably fatally wounded another negro
named Lewis Smith. The cause of the
Millculty le unknown: Smith was ar-
—The ease of Jamel vs. Tate Is again
up for adjudication at New York, In an
scam by George W. Barren against
son Chase In the BOprOMO COTIZt. • Bor
ten Claims as the nateral son of Madame
—The Erie troubles have again been
partially revived in an lotion by George
P. Wray vs. Fisk, Belden. Co. kith('
Superior Court, New York, to recover •
balance of some thirty thousand dollars,
growing out of operations In Erie stock. ' 1
—A. Are Monday night damaged the
varnish establishment of .Smith, .Bald
ofl CO., a New York, to the amount
15,000, and the school furniture menu
votary of Behr,. Reiner a Co. mow.
Both insured.
At New York, yeatemlav •
was entirely suspended, and • Waahing:
ton's birthday more generally obererved
than ever before. Appropriate mdebra,
done 'marmot:ad it Philadelphia, luau
more, icsalalngton, Providence and ebto
—The Methodist State Convention, in
aeolon at Syracuse, N. Y.,adopted
imotuly • resolution favoring the pro,
hibition of the liquor tralc,and pledg.
Ina members to attend the nominating
conventional and tabor tor the nominal
tlOO of good temperance Men.
—The United Steles Expense Company
has signed the agreement - with Adams
Express and American Merchants Union
for the redlatribiation of the mates. The
delay in affixing signatures wee owing to'
• dispute es to the proper equivalent for
the office In Chianti Representatives
of all the companies were In New York
—Count Otto Von Below. the bogus
, Prussian Count, and cousin to Count
Illsatexck, who succeeded in marrying,'
young adc rich
n • wo mElna be aug , hter of a
New Jet
say, and swindling the family oat of ten
thmutanddolUus. was arrested on Mon
', day and Is now confined In Jail to &wilt
eXlMlnati ol l.
' •
A . band ttif regularly Orgawarou
eminterfelters - In Pulaski, Wayne.and
_adjoining counties, in Indiana.
have een engaged for some time in elf.'
mating several thousand dollars' worth
of bogus um dollar Ulla and Oily cent
NO. 46.
currency. A clue haa been obtained as to
their headquarters, and the early arrest
of the gang is looked for.
—W. Jasper- Blackburn, of New Or
leans, publishes acard relative to charges
of bribery in procuring cadet appoint
meats, In which he says: "I believe the
sum promised was 42,600, but I am very
certain but $1,400 were ever paid. There
area no - secretry or fraud Intended or
thought of on my part. and all Insintra
lions of the kind are false slander...! ,
steamer from Brazil brought back
to New York on Monday a cargo of ex-
Confederates, who went off after the
close of the war to settle in Brazilian .
territory. After suffering terrible priva;
S ons they were skipped home by the Im
perial government. Several companies
of Southern emigrants who located
themselves la other parts of Brazil, are
doing well and will remain.
The 011 City Times says: Went :
that a new well has been strut ,
miles north of Emlanton, on Ur. ,
Samuel Bushey, near Nicklevit
go county. The latest report is that the
well may be considered for twenty bar
rels; if this lathe case a large held of ter
ritory will be opened for development.
This territory lies on a range between
Parker's landing and CU City.
The Isarrenceburg /ruler:endear gives
a few new strikes in the Parker's Land
ing district. which will be interesting to
our readers.
The Oil City well, is a new strike on lot
of G. S. Kelly, on the north aide of Mike
run, in Lawrenceburz, which starts off
pumping oil at a rated rate—promhdog
to prove a good well alter a few weeks'
pumping. The well was sunk at adepth
of 1048 feet, passing through a third sand
thirtydne feet thick.
We are informed that a well has been
struck four miles up the Clarion river, at
a point called Alum Rock. The indica
tions are said to be good.
No. 22, Fox Farm, is anew strike. This
well is located on the river and is esti.
mated at 50, 60 ar.d 75 barrels. it - will
average at least 40 barrels per day, and
may reach 50or 60.
A well has been struck on the Arm.
strong indent river, soe ny
below Parker's the
landing, m which has
thrown outs considerable quantity of oil.
The oil excitement is high in Butler
county. Preparations are beteg made
to sink wells in different localities.
A well owned by Cantos, Tillingtuart
end others, has been on the river
hill, on the east side of the Allegheny,
opposite Parker's Landing. It Is said to
be pumping at the present time about
six barrels per day.
Some three months agothere were about
seventy producing wells in this district;
now there are not Mee than one hundred
and forty, with an average production of
twelve barrels per day.
The Petroleum Centre Record says: A
new well was struck on the Emery tract,
Red Hot, on Wednesdayevenine, end on
Thursday was yielding at the rats of 200
barrels per day. Owned by Emery Bros..
of Pioneer.
A. new well on the Story Farm com
menced testing yesterday morning, and
to-day la. yielding at the rate of eight
barrels per day. Owned by the Columbia
Olt Company, and known as No. 72. One
or two wells on this farm will soon be
We learn that two new wells were
struck at Red sot, recently. One is
yielding from 15 to 18 barrels per day,
and the other will prove a good - twenty
barrel well _
The Titturville hera ld :siert,: Church
Ran territory does not seem to depreci
ate in value, and the production cannot
fall off while such wells sa those men
tioned below continue to be Struck.
Yesterday well No. 5. McKnight pro
prietor, wait struck, and were informed'
is doing abou t flity barrels p er day. It
Is owned by M. A. Morse and A.S. Mur
ray, of this city.
The Wingard well on the 11. P. Farms
Asacelation lands. at Oil OW, ig doing
about forty barrels regularly per day,
and la one of the finest wells in the local
ity. , .
Another new well was struck at Red
Hot on Saturday last, which is reported , 1
u doing 40 barrels per day.
The Vantassell well, at the mouth of
Church Run, is about being cleared out,
preparatory to being pumped. The own.
ere are sanguine of success.
Additional Planets by Telegraph.
CAYBRIDOE. Feb. 22.—Beef cattle—
receipts only an head. and prices opened
with considerable spirit; galas of extra.
at 112,60®13,25; first quality '11,60Q/12,26;
second qmallty 1110,50@l1.115; third quali
ty g8(§110,25. Sheep and lambs—receipts
of 2921 and prima advanced Mo for good
lots; sales at 112,60®4,60 each; extra Pog ,
Naw ORLZANB, February W.—Cotton
steady; middling 23%®23%c; receipts
8244 baler, exports,.3964; sales. 501:0b stoat,
248,791. Flour firm at $5,70(g6,12@6,30.
Corn $1,1442)1.20. Oats Wan Her
New York .34); western 13 5 . Sager
easier: prime 124.
the OTICE.- - The
Annual We ng ef Steckholder. of
Melaka Creole, nod Stange Company will
beheld at Its calla of ale Compaiy.nter or
eighth ant Cuenca. Way. oa MO_ co NDa Y,
111•10311 TTEI, between ate boars of IS
and IS o'clock, for the papaw of elating •
Woad of Managers to AVM far the •Dina( INS
amenatten it g to tech other besieges as say
ght before the mettleS.Will.LAllo.
f.atuaS Scatters.
H. WILLCOX, Mirs. Doe
WIII giro a /mud concert on Um ORGAII of tb
Third Presbyterian Church,
ADV(ltilON'.*lth Itteveri*CatlLUC.' TS CV:
- Tickets for 1 lilla/16 Mmic 7 ore of llY.LLult
d fiOENZ,S3 rris
Rednoadayil Woke% A..
Are now oßlrlatrll theft Ratan toeWtmat4 Il
n*l23=llol. with their connatoctorics nut or
Bread Arid Pocket Knives:
. ► very . extealTe asserimenta „
Vs.4e moralsl7 roriitelr Ir 4*
Ilu sufalaetar,rs.
NV 70 Urcica: Strf 3 fft•
nevi., bete appothted OA size OAS UMW,
ilthrscrpa for.AlleilbeeT C 1 4 1 . 11. P O 4 O .
hereby /teem that petal Lte seamen peke eall
II easeful Testis: g Msehlseir 61131 be *ieTb/til:
I will be !pawl tee DYIICI 01 , Tat ITA.
TmentlAblrd street. MONO. Pitisbeirtb:. y.
Pllll6 AlO4 ONCLeCaIkeLS' fa 4 STo47itl
be the conker of Better sad jorty.l4ll4 Meth.
say be sessit the (es ,o/.141. 44041. ZYSem
sadminpiatra areets.WrailtsP! , XVit, ll- :
vev.sloy slim.. 4101441 ba:doeth trobt
days from the alththdatb.
B.utzi. ye:stamina:
to 11:X';' dAI ii•cr.VA:l :1
the lest and cheapest aoatsaatat sad
IIeRMIXt published is Wester& nacultvinilas
Pro Anew. seelisalc or znezeliaht should h.
without K.
- Slagle sabacrlbers 111
Claim of Ave ;IBS
Clubs of tea— .........
Loopy I. furalsftd igrataltausly to the f aun
up of Achill of tea. Posivewtal ate sevicesied
to act a. •
pmenti.A' w, SEED a
"" Wants," ...Retold," oßoarallith" •
de., not excisoiliy SOUR LEND% wig ;•.:
be inserted in those columns once jbr
&mai tint FIVE CENT&
expo I need to driving and tha eau. o
Horner, and Smola g a good knowledge ann., two ./
cities and surroondlog esdustrr. with good se
foreseen and good habltea In granted at
Carpet Otago, A 3 With arenas,
WANTED An experienced
Lintrougnly ammatated making !tad Lead
from Urn put. None ether need sing.. Measles
at tiAninfTit Mee.
ANTED.—FIt Coal and
no otno %he to
• i..ter vmomed Ger
of the Oily pteforrea. Add..
=ITS Ora le o, rittobrirgh.
WANTED Sealed Proposal
will b., r•eelved for nue verve for tent • ;
to be delivered in Pittsburgh or Lulrreneervtlie.
Must be of Freeport or Bap.. stone.
CASH wilt be ost on delivery. retsiuthe • For
eoutsge {or fullilueoloitr UTTS $
i .. T.
jar7Pllf Best Estau Agent
Lawful...llla. •
B=ooo to Lola la WV of mall 100 . 306
at a rate of Interest.
8111. Bead and Beal Mate Broker,
No. 119 Breithrleld wrest.
PRONT R 111 IS, near the hastheas center
or Allegheny elty. facing the rat. either far•
lathed or n,furn gybe d. One a large fro - t Darter
on CI est BOO?. the otlo r everycomfortable twee
on second floor. laqutre at North Arena/.
A large two - dorl
Containing 541.% Rooms. situate co Lorstit
strrel. ttilb mud, Allegbany. Loft,
oblubber7. de. Pessresston nrst of ARM. Wor
tsrms Inquire or
WU reale AIMS. •
134 Hearer Arlllllllll.
• MIMS, •Oood House a 81x Rooms. In•
ItrOC°ODIRCV,VitaVg `4IZA.""Iy
we'LET.—The Large Store
EOOISI No. 96 Wylie Arr... carver_ of
liattnien P"'.b"gb. Ba°".
1001 R lIENT.—The Three Story
j: BRICK WART:110011i to Church .
rear of No. IRO Wood ttttt formerly owenpleol
by Wm. undurf la Sroom Poetory.
Immix. of W oo‘T. L ONO Os CO..
1.8 • No 17A and 17* Wood
r=LET -A Snit of Dooms
eotoprltlngTwo Large; we.l lighted f oat
son And door. One luxe. well lighted
front 110.1011 Ira Boor. One lame •Ith
twoootte-rootne On 4th door. One lituantßoorn,
first ROW, No. OS, In Enclehts me, buudt., A .
I:762llaenar.:o. 7 . o :;:fUrr i o n nT:l , 74l.« . u•
T .
0-LET.-108 Wylie htreet,
woo; au 0345. IT goon
street, store and dwelling. 114 SO , IL...ranee' llle
$4OO Stevenson Cm., $000; II Ferry attest.
016; near aware Fifth avenue ad Carry
016;.4611 Franklin street. Al!exiting,
4140; 9811 Lanais stiyet. /660: 4 Federal
wrest, $480; store and dwelling, next
Fifth avenue and Koss street. Sale sin et. re:
rear of 108 Wylie street, State TIC
14S Elm wart, 4040; Brett,. Street, these
roams Elm
'age lot. 41'20. dens. _
398141 k arenas.
The elegant M room ore rooII tne Merma llla
aser liel.dbmg on Peen Street. neat - BM*
*meet, RUI be ready tar memos , ' about Insist
of Ma en, and a:* non oeered for rent to desi
ble (Calla. One of the stores la espeella
adapted for first-elan r merman Mr ladles _
gentlemen. Alto, to-let. the tepee elgff
mace banding. Enquire era. B.:llmmas, unto.
Nat West leant, corner or ?eill /Leanne Sad
Market street, or of FELIX. BILUNtrg,
(beer. "
FOR ALE.—The best Vag Car.
543 'lllt=egt:bllgh."'" " t4 ' "
FOR SALE.-Large sECoNe-
RAND bATE. Call on or addrces U.. Tro.
ItaliVoter stn.. t. 2 LI
A: 4111.—A One Mae six yeas old, well broke
to addle Et. Parma; seal for family s.a.e . :fay
of Intern asseurseinre and al ost a ksi
new. lowan, at 1197 ktbeity street. or. Muth
street. . a
VOR. SALE:— Tinnere Mk.
mtd Tools, low. Iqulrt• et T. Moe.
no'. No, lt & Llb .r 7 et, PI tlaburgle. or at No..
634. corner of Retie tea mid Corry
Sony. No. 14 Ila tht ht. formerly
' Built
Lane. Allegheny.
egheny. -
MIOR MI:E.-131100 will buy
TWO 01011.7RAMX 11 0 111110. roar maws
earl!, and lot No. 10 Boyle street. Allegheny.
nearnorth avenue. tells will par ten Dermal.
and taxes. Tserns-11.800 down, Want= to
pro woments. /Lunette on the pit mines. • •
111 !fern
'VDU SALE.-1 Steam Engine
10 by 30. In rood running order; wlth
Ro l.
Vasslnf. V. &ROE Beam and a moan
ing Rona. all a. 1,001 •. oew. Allo, TWO M
mld low. Can b., Bean Co the Worts of We
Youghloaheny OS. COl,l Company. Wa.t NoW.
ma Pa. 1-91
SALE.-43tock and Fix-
arsvelses Gracerk. doles s good - beLlseas. The
sedeeeheoed being esgased Itt other beldam Is
the reason for Belling. 0. W.TOSZY. 49 Fed
eral 'tree:. Allesbeii,
gOR SALE-Balldtag -mate.
BILLS.—WILL BE 1 1) 01. if/Xin
/ the material. contained in a TWO nTOII.Y
enallS UWELLINO HUUIE. locatrd near
Oakland car ttation. The nous* I. to aced toter
sad Is now occupied by the subscriber. who
suites to have It removed off the lot beforethe
aril of Yaf. ICoquire of
910 Charlotte street. Ostlaad.
PR'll r ßitTY. — Lat 1353 feet fronton Bid
well BISOct, bet.. W. Meru lITIOne sad ray
eLa tuna, by 211 reel la , eptb,llll.oprleßeee
a fin t et Or, vie whirl, lot It • doable TWO
meals and bath room. All, movera - Improve.
Ina no thronibout lb. house. On the lot la mho
*good Prue. bt.bin The prOpttty will be bold
• wrioll. or divided late t•o ports
ot TIRItaAN 41. N A Y , No 80 4 th netbue.
VOIR liatitiArLE
..A: 221311 MINCE —llol-291.1lYsakilii , aktalt;
Al.flitiosly City. 'the lot Is 24 ar .11211folt.
The oallding ,a a taro Isto•nortIll
not; cortutosS Booms; Ba th room, with 201.4
cold Watett la% Matlicklatrtari twollaatst
""'°1 111: *41. "40
i l ina grrfrAtrA 4
tr_ onyeat , tut
_ arc, A.
Wel - ULAN. No. $3O liasolltoa str_wt. se
ny CUT; cr atROU Lltsertlatnet.rlttaa a
- 50 0111'
VOIR ALE.--Eng Ines andittoil
ERS, New orirl ueono 50...1d1d.
cOrotiodly on band.
Orders from all ports of UM Omar , pronsPUT
CoMmerlforMa mew:lc - aide', T. t 9. a O..
Allrghtny..Ps. • '
That. three don. BIRICK , SDWIILLOICIs'
desirably located. Ho. 66 River .Panne. Ar.r.
'bevy Llty, eorunsdnin rooms tad ban Nem
not and cold water In and and woad stl z ettn
It all the moms r. 0010 01101300. at..
shed oa corm - rof Si rs alley., Is tswell sod"
sad estinapad. rot arab. Aprildlst.___ .,
. 19: - j,!)-toaltilfgetit =dia.
r—uou , z AND 1.01. Ra ISlLwddentreat ,
orvad srazdjrAlljahasj..Zl.SVAAMlV
b T imp is a. .7e7•' 610edttrUtie stab. OR bar of
deelinbgTms°thr atel4:37trs "Xte=
,d'aeStn- Of sur sees,lon and eosvenlente. ts
landsman would renin4 ressltaganns,
par cent. on the ca. Terms nay.
For far r lalialnattol3. Spnvto
Sit Diamond AtirabeaY.
SRI"' cousTuy SEAT FOR
SAL! LllVllENTl—%Coiteloloot 8 acres. ell
oter at. feu. anA Iron tlng..tee 9hto Mt,
1.l "plsoe bat n oast ...ft Ilitlerento 'MAI.
goo d etable. 1,1 , 1 h ...opt oullenilAtom:sall
lA' grimed to triante-f 'MIX a (flit 'rudely Of
(Tan pf tee eery beet selectto. q, 04_000.
royere.; $l - 00 111 num ISOU.Pu
)W. "Mb 4 , tenet.aot . 111
roan for 112Ot) per Y.. tool_ple all tea.. .1110.
P 7.17 ' • • Agile:Atm- .
rEMlONAt.:—Allioeisoki seek.
um eeKies„.• laTo•llo..Tas
till Nte trtanar r At u lta
nu, ilvertalramaiini
or will,be,..trutt". v r i vr& r i tr t a r
infMrarthV Can i,9I I IILIAia
Itskmaddlial 42 . 9 1
sad ,n toot. , Oft:usto out
Vlum sweet. near Italdott.. SWltartt, of W.
WatTOltt,.at th e quo: - . - 114
m a d. ty Roo ot palloolotas.raillAteodia be
• Sall - myl