NINANCL&L. *MOO BANK, NO. SO FOURTH -AVENUR, PITT cumin eavrraz " isee.eoo Stockholders Indlvldnally Liable. BANK Or. DIIIICOMIT ABM DIGPOSIT WM. Ineki.x, JOHN ' , torn •, Pteat4okt. - DIRSCTOILIL ?bp. IL Marshall, John Y. listslssid. . Wm. T.*llstinos, Aid:lll4ld Wallace. James W. Arson, J. D. Kelly, J Chas. an. ITlLoyilt'N Wm. TleiG. .; This Rant is saw falls orgialsed and Prersted 06 !Ina inisral Utaing busLuells. . telolts 431-43141), SILVER AND COUPONS, Nought at ifighest Priors. PR. B. MEILTZ, Banker, (or. Wood St.and sth Axone . : JAMES T. BRADY 8C 00., Uhoccosors 10 S, JOB= & CO.. Colnerlvartit Annie and Wood St., 13.A_NPMEtS, BF, sa , 6 well all Muds of tiOVIKELNiENT SEMOITES, MILVER.AND COUPONS, 011,3105 T YINCIFULDLE TIMM. ur Interest Allowed on Deposits. girlloner loaned on GOTOIPIDeIIi Bond.. St lowest 11411%111. rata? Orders - agtorialad tar Om rutabaga alba bids of WOMB, BONDS and JAMES T. BRADT & CO, 5000 ALLEGHENY VALLEY 11, B. 7.30 BONDS. Tor sale at N. HOMES & SONS. tais;.a • gittaatto aitttt. rnikicE )1i) TRADE. Cimoa ow Prrrestraen diurnal Eartinnag, Feb. 19, 1670. A careful _perusal of the statement ol theeitY banks of New Turk, and the condition of the cotton and bond mar ket will lead to the conclusion that the :greatest sue in the money - roar - kat had lbeen reached during the'-'week from the sth to the 12th of the present month, and that hence we ,moat look to an active money market and higher rattail of interest. What influence-this will hale on • the gold arid bond. market is plainly visible. If gold could not to manipulated for an upward movement under money at tour per cent, it will be much mote diflleult under a seven per • oust market, -and an entire absence of any orders to buy for legitimate bred. nem • Importers have bought all they need and more down to 120, and the steady rise in our bonds in Europe will prevent any gold from going abroad. Lower cotton is also in favor of lower gold. as eventually shimenta of cotton hive to be made, altho p ugh held back no Everything considered, • all the ageridea favoring an advance in gold are at rest at present, whilst tae °attend dines:lion to leave it alone, tend to de poses the premium beyon d lie national commercial value. Government bonds are dull and heavy in close sympathy with gold. The large dealers are rot buying now and tne mercantile community will hiave to use their funds in badness,' nor Lit certain to what extent the Government will buy next month,- should the purchase not exceed those of the present month, we may look for a further decline, whilst an beereasse would not stimulate specula tion to the same degree as formerly. Stecks are vet strong, and every de cline is only increasing the abort in termit. offering a strong temptation for the cliques to buy for a rise, whilst the outside public is not In the market at all. The present easy money market la ;dating the upward movement, but be. fore the end of next month a large de cline Is inevitable. The public to general, not speculators to Watt street are investing their mans 1 - ; In the numerous tempting western rail road bonds now offered in all verities by the bankers who eo successfully have placed Pacific bonds. Money In our home market is de cddelly Garter. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz; Gold, USN; Silver, 114; Eighty. one's, 117%, Five Twenties, IWO, 115%: do 1864, 11434; do 18135, 114%t do 1866, Comae% 11E - do 1867, 113%: do 11368. 1111%; Ten Forties. 11234; Adams' Ex- Company 62; Merchants Union Express OomPany, —; American . Ex " gaComplay, 37%; Western Union lirlfra 9s . ' 54 % . ; New York Central 51. ft- Reading. pa; Pittsburgh, Fort waTue ar Cniolgo, Ohio it Mts. 16 1 1101 6 . 10; Mfr , sart Southern. 593‘: Cleveland it Pittsburgh, 10234: Chicago. Nock Island & Pacifte, /52: Ch! an° A Solid Western, ,Thi,f; Ohleago No rt h • Western Preferred DOM; Erie 2534. London, per A.........,2.1%.1480 56,90 Pools, per franc ......... 2354 24 11= 85rs• 67 °rt. florius. .... 49,4 60 Central a. blo nds. ... 96 98yi —Liereloa P. s• - - 116 • • SW Rock Island • 96 - 9534 167 Tatesrapi to the Pitabiuss (hawk.) 'flaw Toni, Feb 19,1870. The weekly batik elatementlaunfaver. able, though better than was expec t :4- - There is a net Toes of $2.090.000 in rear's, but banks still hold 181,000,060 - the legal requirement. Leans 1204821.366, - Increase 11.46:4116; ' , Pe& 117.2e4,857, decrease 5807.71,7; circulation ' -P;8613,457, decrease 5ll,M1: deposits 1514- Awe-, decrease x 1,003,850 "legal tenders 156,154,906, decrease 51,468,934. The gen 'mil trade of the city Is steadily' lamas. leg. Customs reeelptifor the week.wefe ' unusually bugs at 13,907.582. Money easy at 4®o. with exceptional transactions as low IS 8. Slecounte also easy atG44B per cent. Sterling nominal at 8140A9 per met. Gold week; opened at 11934 and closed at 115 M.. Some heavy. purchases were ' made brinerchants who call and sell goods on a baste of sped= litot l33, 4o P rl r e rat" c rodey, `I.,M c S . • a. the week, 1676.446. Imports or steamer Alain; 1.34,1500 sterling. Governments lower and in sympathy • With gold. coupons, 17,}0511735: no 62, 10401534 do '64, 1414551.4,40 1454d01434 ; oo new, 12%011%; do , 67, 15 %9 13 %; do '6B; ismolagg. 10-40's, /234W1.2%; Currency Os, 1134(011%. ; Stocks are armor, with a general ad .. •.l spnura aiheer m sh o anres s d onTh n ;lading - ' Kooks wan. New Jersey austral, Chic. • and ataaiaappt. and Lake Shore. • live , Thirty A.k.a.—Clanton, 58; Cum -. Noland, Mt-Western Union Telegraph. 114,94; Quicksilver, 14; Merinos; 934; do. preferred, 2134; Hartford and Erte, 734; Xdama Extrer, .1118 f: Wein' '& Fargo, 25X;.American. -873{;. United Staten, 51%; Partite Mall, 4.2%'; New York Gen. . teal. 17%; Elude:ea - Scrip, 9.534; Erie, 27; do prefer d, 44; Harlem, 146; do pretest& Fit Readies,. 97X: Michigan Central. 1205‘; Lake Shore, Sh Pittsburgh, 100%; Illinois Central; 142: ; Northwestern, 7111‘; de restaged, 97,g; Hock Island, Mit ;. , - gt. pant, ea r Eu.. Paul -pro fared,e 78%; Wabash, 4744; do. p rd 72; Fort Waytte,9lX:Verr• Mute, MU; do. preferred, 62,g; 0. & 113%, do preferred, 11444: 0. at N., 81%; New zinal.Central, C. C. L b.. 2 0 5:: - Dubuque, 110; St. Joe. 105 . W Boston prices: Calumet, 70; 3lecia; 67 ; Quincy, SOL . - !State betide firm, except North Cara. - line, and lower : hfuraourls. 9034: old Teriootan. 665: new do, 495;; old Tit -61: new 0046; Georgia 6s, 81; 7e. tiA old North Carolinas, 46%; new do, 2534; Swath "Carolinae. Lonisisna . old es. 10; new do. 67; levee ea, 70.541 81: Alabama Se, Nu. - imports for theweek: dry goodail.t t a• gel • general merchandise,l2,o62, total for the week estimate d et 58,000,000 t o 110,000,000, as the same over steamers; yet to arrive. SubTreastey balaiurn gold, 575,07&. egi...eurre9 63,sl tenr. 7. 17,75301; g snand Amoco 582, - Dry Gee& Market. r p m Ta l i. Feb. ID.—Littleantaistton exists In the general market. la cotton goo d ! . f o r all standard bands, were dem. with a food Inquiry!. market soisiewhat hervess, Yet there te s tilde. The 'oinking week win rtro inerP ah 7 dilF,l4" that LFraght..... rITTSBOII6I,I lIAIIILETS Orn al or Prrrestiso Feb. 19 GLu 70.rni, B A ToRDLT, . L 9 The marir . .ete, - we regret to say, con. Hone very dull, and the prospects for an early Improvement are not encouraging. Thera is stair local demand,-however, and a pretty good business In the *gine ga te, while in regard to values there are n o ;i n t - want changes. There is coriald. erable complaint, among grain dealers particalarly, In regard to instal margins and this, of course, has a tendency to re tard business and rested operations, as there is no encouragement offered to stimulate gperatont to look after bust . nese, knowing as they do, that there le little or nothing in it. The great trouble lies in the fart that there are too many engaged In the business, and it is. the strong competition that has reduced margins to almost nothing. This is a matter, however, that will rectify. Itself In the course of time—the sooner the bet ter. - And what la true of groin is equally applicable to floor and some other ant. cies which It lanot necessary to notice. Provisions and groceries unsettled though without quotable change in ' APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 6547 be. APPLES—The market le fairly active 'under the influence of a A(r local de mand but prima are unchanged. We continue to quote at $2,6043,be per bbL BUTTER—Prime to choice roll le in fair demand with sales at 80(p3c,' while common and Inferior is very abundant ,and very daIL BEANS—Very dull with a supply con siderable in excess of the supply; we now quote at $2@,2,26 per bushel. BROOMS—Store prices: No. 2, $14 76 : No. 3, 14,50; No. 4, 15,00; .No. b, fb,so. Carpet Brooms, 114,00(0,611. • BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII at 3 etc. BROOM CORN - -13€,17 Ms per pound. CHEESE—Is steady but unchanged; Western Reserve and Hamburg, RN@ 17; Factory, 17@17%; New York State Farm Dairy, 18419; New Yerk (Mahan, .ti 19@CA CARBON OlL—Continitee quiet and unchanged; we continue to quote in a jobbing way at 26@)28%, for standard brands. CRANBERRIFR--Searoe and (*mad erably higher; we now quote at 116®18 per bbl. for fair to choice. DRIED FRUlT—Continues In rood supply and very dell. Apples 7@rt ens Peaches B@9o tbr quarters, and 1041ic for halves. Blackberries, 14@t5 cis, and pitted Cherries, 25®30 eta. DRESSED 130t3S—Oderings continue very light, but the demand, also, is very limited; we quote at 10,402711 eta E603--Same reported ar. 23c, and this may bearded as the ruling price FEATHERS -Sales at 85@90, and the usual advanoe for small lots, in a retail • way-. • riAtts-Theralrnot mach inquiry. for flour, the demand being confined olnyfiy to supplying the Immediate wants of the retalL trade, while, In re gard to prices there le no change. We continue to quote western floors at 05.00 ®5,50 for spring aria 15,7508,00 for whi t tr. Rye flour, 15,00. ' no wheat offering here of any consequence and millers re port that they cannot pay over MOO® 1.12 for prime rod. Oats continue very dull, and car load lota cannot be quoted above 45C048; sales In store at 48. Corn, oleo, continues dull, though without quotable change; may be quoted at 68® 700 iq,firet bands and 73(975 on wharf and track, Rye very dull, with, so far as we can learn, no . -buyers above 85. Barley is weak and drooping. we now q af allt 90® 0 95 m f e o r o f sp rihng, = an d d e tlln%alods brewers are impreateed• with the idea that they will be able before the season Is over to buy good spring Barley at 75, HAY-May be quoted at $lB ®23 from country wagons. as to quality. Baled, on wharf, 115®20. HUSKS-Salesnt24@ao per pound. HOMMY-Sales at $6,754®8,00 per bbl. 7.1 • - - , Roles of Clayeland white Mae atM25 Der bbL 0.11.-City brands No. I extra quoted at 11,315®1,40, and No. 2 at 90. ONIONS-Quiet and unchanged; s2® 2,75 oer but, as to quality. PEANUTS-Tennessee at B®9 eta. PEAS-Dull: 12,50 per bushel. POTATOES-Quiet and udchanged; sales In store at 50®55 per bushel. PROVISIONS-The market continues rather doll and unsettled. though gen erally, prices are without quotable change. Shoulder+, 11 for plain and 14 for Sugar Coxed; Ribbed Bides, 15X@ / s iv.: Clear do, 16y.®17; Breakfast NMI), 18; Sugar Cured Harris, 18®18X'. Dried Bee, 20. Lard, IA in tierces and 17® 1734 in bbls and kegs. Ham Sausage, 1334, Mess Pork. 128X@28. POULTRY-Receipts continue very light and market is almost bare.. We continue to quote deemed chickens. at 1401115 eta., and dressed turkeys, 18®31 SEEDS-Clover seed is in steady de mand and dealer"' are buying to hold at sB(gfig. Small sales in store at IMO. Timothy seed is scarce and firm at 4 4 34 %I But little 1. lassoed offering In ibis at fi2,101®2,15. • STRAW-Sales of rye straw at 410, and oats at 410®14. SALT-Is quoted at 1,75 by the ear load. TALLOW-.-Bales of rendered 'at fili; rough. 8®4334. Market very quiet. WHISKY Very . quiet; Hignwinee quoted at 984/41; common rectified, 4L - proof rectified 41,10. PSTEOLEUII lillMtlICM• Comas of Frrnurcrabs °isms, 6►TaaZDAT Feb. 19, 4970. xurnsw Fos THZ WEEK. • The oil business this week, like last week, and for Ave or six weeks past, was exceedingly dull, the Sales having been very email, and what is worse still, le the fact that there le no prospect of any immediate improvement. There are 'Korai good and sufficient reasons for the stagnation whloh has so long 'and still islets, but as the readers of the Claaarrn are all famillsterlth what they are, it is not necessary to mention them; and that there will be no improvement until these drawbacks have been in some way or other removed, is generally con ceded. Ineeme reveals the trade, gen -1 erally, is In better condition and ter prepared for btudness, when it does come, than for several years part. There U an.almost total atomics of that wild spiculotion which prevailed so largely last year, particularly during the early part and: our manufacturers are not over loaded with contracts for futureLiellvery, as •• then; as a general taint they have refrained from selling !long jinea" and are now .free to sell whenever there is a margin. The Broker's Petrels= Board, which Mai organized the other day, have Axed the rate of brokerage on crude petro leum at elevewfwentletlts of one per view of the fact that the Gov ernment 'requires ode•twealeth of one per cent on gross sales, It is certainly low enough as it really allows bet ono-half of one per cant to the broker. . Receipts of Crude tilts week 10515 bble; last week. 11,151; from January Ist to date, 78,140; same time lest year, 83,091: Ex its refined this week. 14,. .197; from January Ist to date, 55,4654 . same -time last year, 40,188. Bales this last66o bele crude; 4,500 s re. lined a week, 13,400 Wile crude, W 0,110 . bide rafted. - . =I Continues weak and dull wltb "droop.. leg tendency, Bale 240 bbls on spot at 1214; seller this month may be quoted at 1234 l seller until July, 1230 buyer same time, 1.434; buyer, all year, 15%. =MMiI Sale 600 each March and April at Mg. February quoted' at 26%029. There Is nothing doing 1011ne• and prices ;are nombuUly oncl/aAged. azosarre 01 cntuna on. BT A. T. 8. a. • jas WilkinD4oo, OD DOODUID P6lla: A Boston 011 Co; Spray 011 Work. 408, on account . Ropier a Co; same 1510, on ac count 0. S. Brown; Star OS Works 210. on amount E. U. Long:- Pearl.= 011 Works 560, on account B. EL Duncan: Thoarßacketll24o, on account Elisabet h Well; A. B. 541/15 80, on account M. Bartle. larinouns Of car. sr A. V. Z. Y. Tweet= 011 Work; 250 bble, refined to W. P. Lon & Bro., Philadelphia., ' Lockhart, - Prow & Co. 824 bbl. ref. oil to Warden, F. & Co., Phila. bicKeley & Bro. 686 bbla refined oil to W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. 3. K. Truax 60 bbla lubricating to D. P. Wright, New Torr. CIIJ. 1 .? Total refuted-- ..... j,160 • bbls: om 11.1111 , PED WIT ITT 'WM - PION Kirkpatrick & Lyon; 63 bbl to W. P. Logan & Bro.; Phila. Total 63 bbls. • Curcriermat, rebrum7 19.—Conen dull with sales lowe 21a. Tobtooo unchanged.-r middlin Whisky gs firmer and Mama at 940. Mess pork in fairde. mend with sides 500 bids at 10,25 mostly bold at s2l.&t Bulk mean Arm but quiet, shoulders sold at,leXo, sides/mid at 13K 14X and lbo for rib clear riti and clear loose. BUM less Arm. demand light, shoulders 16)(4, sides 160junio too clear Sugar cured hams 18®19soa lard firmer with 'aloof prime steam at 14X0, kettle kidd at 11$3‘e, no sales. „ FebidarY IC—Ltvo boom. iseadyst p oem° Ite common -up "dn. cum - Mid./ st %OWN grc OOWI and good Mooed ohm Coons. R.M7I iSM!IMI Faw Yomr, Feb..10.--Cotton steady; Wes 1,700 bars at 2130 for middling up lands. 'Flour: recelpte4rere 10,223 bbls; market dull and a shade lower; sales 5,800 bbla at 84,7505 for superfine State and western; 85,7505,85, extra d State; 85,7506, extra western ; 85,7005,3 0 , white wheat extra: 15,2000.15, R. H. - 04 15.3006,25. extra St. Lout■; .1 5 . 25 0 8 , 50 , good choice do. Rye Flour firm: sales 200 bids at 8104,75. Corn Meal more ac tive; eaten 400 bbls Brandywine at 14,90. Whisky unchanged; sales 400 bbls west ern, free at 98%099c. Wheat; receipts were 6,840 boob: market dull and lc lower; sate.3B,ooo bush at 81.0501,07 for rejected No. Searing; 11,260430, winter andatriber waters, the latter being en extreme: 11,50, white State. Rye quiet. Barley a 'Wide firmer and more active; sales 3,400 bush Canada West at $l,lOO 1,15 end slforinferiar dal Corn: receipts Were 4,705 bush; scarce and unchanged; sales were ID,OOO bash at 80Q900 for new mixed western; 70(ge7b, unsound do. Oats; receipts 4,278 bush; market firm; sales 16,000 bash, at 54%55e for western . . and 604624 for State. lila) dull. Coffee firm. Sugar quiet; Lyle& of 250 libde Cubs at 101101034 c. Molasses doll. Petroleum dull, at 15%®160 for crude and. 20%@300 for refined. Slops firm. Wel quiet. Leather bap at previous prices. Wool firm; melee of 500,0001 W, at 463‘®5113 for dm:Emetic Awe, 62)40 for pick lock, 36@481ic for pulled and 67c for tubbed. Lineeed 011 firm at Wane In casks. Turpentine quiet at 470 e 4 00. Alcohol 11,95(411,97XC. ' Pork firmer and quiet; sales of 450 bble, at 126,7513127,25 for new MOON,oo for prime and 175(3,24,60 for prime mem; olio, Bales of 1.2.50 bbla new mew!, seller March and April, at 1126,67g47,00. Beef steady and '4u.telt sales of 160 bbl!, v 3015 for new plain ultra and /14617,50 for new extra maw. Tierce Beef quiet; sales of 50 tierces, at 1r25627 for prime moss and /27630 for India mesa 'Beef Hawn dull; sales of 90 bale, at P. 8632 for new. Cat Meat heavy; rates 90 pkgs,atlON(4ll%c for shouldenY and 14 . (41 . 4)50 fcii - baths. Middles quiet, with sales 120 boxes al 13.i5c fur Cumberland cut, and 14;qo for short ribbed. Dressed Hogs firm at Ill,' ®11340 for western. Lard firm, with sales 525 tierces at 14i5i®1535c for steam, and 16®16Me for kettle rendered; alsO 2,500 tierces steam seller March, April, May and four months at 15%®16,-fO. Butter steady and quiet at 17@283 for Ohio. Cheese quiet. Sheathing Copper steady at 32c. Ingot Copper dull and drooping at 21®2135c for Tennessee and Lake Superior ore. Pig Iron steady and - falrirnedve at 2033.1 for Scotch, and 33 ®350 for American. Bar quiet at p 2,60 for relined English-, and American.. Sheet dull at 11®1.0 gold for Reseda; Nalle quiet and steady at $4.80®4,6234 far ce4101,10®6,25 for clinched, and 23(429c for horse shoe. Freights to Liverpool quiet, with shipments per steriser 12,670 bush wheat at Sd. • Latent- , Flour closed dull and scarcely so firm. Wheat dull and heavy, at 51,15 @LIN for'No. 2 spring, and $1,26®1,29 for winter red-and amber western. Bye nominal. Oath cadet and steady, at 44055 e for *extern. Dorn steady, at 80®90c for sound new mixed western, and 700750 for unsound ditto. Pork is more active, with sales of 1,000 bbls mesa seller March, at 526,8734, and 250 bbls mess, seller March and April, at 126,6735. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut meats nominal.. Batson la in light request and unchanged. Lard quiet and unchanged. 'Eggs dull, at 240250 for fresh. Sr. Louis. February 10.-Tobbacco active at full prices. Cotton in good de mend and steady at 26028,4 c for Mid dling. Hemp unchanged. Flour a little lower for want of shipping facilities: fall super $4,25®4,50; extra 54.75; double extra 57,25, treble extra to choice 1 5 : 70 G 6,75. Wheat dull and drooping, with No, 2 spring at 88®87e, .No. 2 red fall 95 •®9Bc, No, 2 white 51,0 3 , and No. 151,100. Coin unsettled and little done: mixed 70 071 c; prime white 74075 c; choice white 77 @Tee. Oats dull at 45c In bulk, and 66(...q6110 sacked. Barley eery dull at 61®1 1,04 for spring, and $1,35 for etioioe fail. Groceries. spring, , and unchanged. Whisky steady at 94a. Provisions: Pork stiff at $27,50027,75. Dry salted shoulders 10,54011 c; clear rib aides 14S ®I4No; clear rib ilic.. Bacon very firm: shoulders 12®12,!t; clear aides 1634®16y. Sugar cured hams canvassed 18 ®19;... Lard firm buyers and sellers afloat held at 150 for tierce and 16®1635 for keg. Hogs unchanged at 7.,a;®ile fir light to extra heavy; number cut to date 235,000 against 2.32„000 last year. Cattle firm for better evades at 4yr, ®SSo for good to prime, and tle for chmoe. Receipt-dour 63,000 bbla, wheat 9,000, corn 14,000, bar. ley 2,200, oats 8,000 bush. Ciricauo, February 15-Eastern ex change unchanged. Flour quiet at $3.85 (34,50 withpring extras. Wheat very quiet sales No. 1 87 ®,87.5.k.; No. 2 opened at 807,;®81, advanced to 81 , . , ,,c; closedilrm at 813ic this afternoon, No, 2 dull and steely at 81iie, cash Sl%r. .fora quiet at 63c, 'new 59®60c, no er:ds 47®5135c; closing at 69®0340 for No. 2: this afternoon market inactive and un changed. Oats quiet and steady at 38if (4.3e.t4c. Rye inactive and nominal, 67e for No. 2. Barley quiet at 66.372 c for Ncs- Highwines quiet firm !Au higher 112.4®930: closing firm. Mesa pork very quiet and firm st $27; cash $27,6234, buyer Starch. Lard firmer bat quiet at .14N® 15c. Sweet pickled hams at 14 !ie. Mesta quiet but stronger, rough Sides at 1234c , short ribs at 14e. ' Dressed hogs quiet at 1110,25011,00, closing 5t.810,3734®41.0.6:4, Receipts for the past 24 hours: 8,471 obis flour, 8,747 bush wheat, 23,965 bash corn, 9,891 bush oats, 1,029 bush rye, 2,029 bush barley, 8,500 hogs. Shipments: 6,691 bbls flour, 7,700 bush wheat, 8,760 push corn. 6,709 bosh oats, 720 bush barley, 8,061 hogs. 81.surnts, Feb. 19.-Cotton dull and nominally unchanged: receipts 822, ex ports 824inales. Flour; demand moderate at 114,7608. Corn 90c. Oats 70c. 'Hay 124 ®25.. Bran $24. Park Pk Lard 16® 17. tic. &aeon less active: shoulders 13,4: sides 17c; bulk shoulders 11yie, and aides 160. • Mil.araux.ens. Feb. 19.-Flour dull: city double extra /4,2504,76. Wheat dill, at 8834 e for Ns. 1 and SINc for No. 2. Oats firm at fle for No. 2. Corn quiet at 60c lon track. Bye and Barley unchanged. Dressed Hogs firmer at $10,50®10,75. PHILADRIAMIA._ Feb. 19.-Flour ati• ocarina jf,3734., Wheat quiet reesl,2l 01,26. Petroleum dui% cruile Mc: re tined 2.5 e: Provisions dull. Mess Pork 2.6328, , c. Lard 1634 c. Whisky steady at 98c(451. BALTImona, February 19.-Flour: western Paper 54,70(40. Pork firm at $27,60(625. Bacon firm: rib sides 15® 16c: Meer rib 16X(3.163ic: shoulders 1231 @la. Lard firm. at like Whisky • Oral at 0041,81. CLEVELAND, February 19.-Petroleum dull: refined held' at 26c for prime light straw to white; standard white 28i4c; small lots for retell 28®29c; crude a shade lomat. at $5,85 per bbl. ' Lounrvir.a.z. February 10.-Tobacco; Pale, 143 hhds; trash $3,50®5,00; logs $863,9; low leaf 110®17,f0. Cotton dull and nominal. lisenviLLE, February. IL-Cotton flat With low middlleg at =34e; good ordi nary 220; stock 6,626. . RIVER PACKETS. CINCINNATI •PIifSBURGII .AND.. iChICINNATI PACKET LINE. Tile new and splendid sldewhest m gre . Steamer. MILINUTON. DANIEL muoisE. Master. A. 5. SITZrAin. Clem leaves ?Milbank for Clnclnu►t. over) TUESDAY ►t to Y• IFIL•tt for Itttab► IA 11,00ry NkIDAY. For Int+ ht, porage, or other Information, U. ply an bo.rd or to JAMES COLLINS. t i VLACXAL coutNowoon. *gent,. PTSTORITROIC loaT WATS/tin]) CM -01.00 RAILROAD. February 19.-400 aka flour, owner; 100 do do, W Mot Hut% 1 car barley, 2 do potatoes, Volgt, MAC ' Co; 10 Ude R 1) Clark & Co; 50 — hidea, J Y McLaughlin, 6 page liquor, ST. LUCIA AND MISSOURI RIVER, I yttell aM; sdo do, .1 O'Conor; 10 do siteOß ST. LOUIS AND MISSOURI RIVER.— 'a seld Immoletr steamer OLINDALE Will kayo (or the slioveandlu c la I.:,,,Z;UJXhAT, rob. tr...f,.4—t• Ports . row and'A' °" or T' is (MOW), Arm—. 2,243 Dbla. KEMPEN AND NEW ORLEANS 0 NMIE 11 PS. 1 nib: A: and. ORLEA—T tom ode-Whoa passe nicer steamer airy 07 SVANOVILLZ.....Capt. H. Dexiin. .01 11 !sive for the 1001 re and toterroe Mate ports oa WEDNICWK7."774 fret.' Pern'4 Blll7lrir . few . FLAOB COLLINO WOOD. Agents. . STEArdSBIPS_ TO LIVERPOOL ,AND i O.IJEENSTOWN. _L. 711.111XXIAN NAIL lITHAOLIOUrs, Dinsaberiag sixteen drePalaus ferlr.' moot them the celebrated MTV; WM, EIR 24"1 IM R 4 X.. Sailing EVE.lllPBYTtligrliNironi Pier 45 North Hirer. NOW fOrk. tor Ditsaageor farther leerormatlenapPly to 114 EXETWIIIIMIELTIZIAIIIINOTIMSTaRa34, bARGE SHIPMENTS OF ALL elude of fru& lake Ilab g fonnTer go dd l i l lattVlidiutYlet:lCharFtohatad at the 'Fobs City Mad, elle bbbbb Clty, corner of Federal and Onto street,. Uor 100, esPerlehee to the ,teshiese mutate tut to alwap_heve on band a arat Particle, and can till Ite 0101, Balsam eg, Flack Base ud White Penn all et nary ___,zrvrzunrcur IT =-411 ....... _ . • • 4:iw PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY MORNING, 'FEBRUARY _2l, 1870: ~:i~L]I;i:O}1S7 :, Upper Elven. My rattle and Atlantic Telegraph.) Orr. Crrirt Feb. 20;-11.tvar falling with 3 - feet 6 inches water in 'channel. Weather, cloudy. Thermometer 31 M m. r. • Bsownsvmmr, Feb. W.—River felting slowly with 10 feet water'in the channel. Wiather. cloudy. Thermometer 14 . at P. Y. 0. The river Is falling slowly with eleven feet aix., inches in the channel by the Monongahela marks st,noon yesterday. Weather has turned decidedly winter ish, and it begin to look as it we might have acme ice , yet. The mercury did not rise &Cave W.—wind northwest. • The 41sta Putnam, from Ilashrlie, and Belle, from Wheeling, are the only arrivals from below. The Putnam had a very good trip. • The Arlington, from Cincinnati, is due this morning and will return an usual tomorrow at noon.' Particulars In regard to the collision between the tow boats Nom Be.. and Tigress, Will be }build In our local news. The Glendale, Capt. Hare, will depart for lit. Louis not later than. Wednes da Bhe will leave here with, as she de serves, a good trip. • She will be fol lowed by the R. C. Gray and Mary , Daces°. The new steamer City of Evatittile, Capt. H. T. Dexter, Is announced to de part for New Orleans this week. Here is an excellent opportunity offered to those bound for the Crescent City, and it should be taken advantage of. . . --Thtiallie arrived at Cincinnati - on Friday la probable she will reship her Pit burgh freight and reload there for New Orleans. —The Bt. Louis Dement! Kaye that one hundred additional steamboats are now wanted on the western and south ern rivers. • Pittsburgh does not own half as much steamboat stock as she did prior to the war: nevertheless, there are boats enough here to do the business. . We suppose it is different at St. Louis. Tho Allegheny river was patting out acme fleeting Ice yesterday: another day ortwo like 3 esterday would soon fill it from bank to bank.• —The new laW recommended to Con. grass by the Supervising inspectors at their late meeting at Washington, la a full ofcodlfication of all existing laws,bat I with such changes recommended as ax. perience has dictated. The bill is clear, but elaborate in atelier' to the construc tion of hulls, decks, .engines,-secomme. diatoms for passengers, do.; providing for the safety of iffe - and property by pro. hibitlng the, carrying of combustible merchandise on passenger steamer with. but its being properly covered by tat. panting, sod properly pecked; by pro- viding sufficient means of escape In case of Tire or other accident; by having watchmen stationed at intervals all over the boat, and by carrying lights all night, to prevent collision. A rule is provided for examining and licensing not only pilots, and engineers as hereto. fore. but-also captains and mates, and all I are bold to strict account for negligence. —The St. Louis Democrat, of Wednee day. !aye: W. A. Wilber is the name of the sugar broker who le alleged to, have procured by false statements ship ' manta of sugar on the Sallie, some 18,009 ' from Lewis Monson A Oa.. of this city. The agent's name is A. Britton. who Is an old steambred agent, and la, of course, not supposed to have had any oomph-. city whatever In the alleged swindle. He did as agents do every day—signed the bills of landing certified to by a man known for many years in the commu nity as reliable and trustworthy. TM, boat will probably foot the bill. The Silver. Bow was also practiced on by the same person, representing that he had shipped to Lewis NlfillOti Co. Sligar 'on which he draw fur nom. Thus W. A. Wilber was a loog time animal mer chandising in Now Orleans, but we learn that he was a bankrupt some ears AV. —The keel of Captain Fink's new Cln cimutti and Wheeling packet Is being I laid. The fallowing will be her diatom. Mont: 250 feet long, MN feet beam. 03{, hold. She will new machinery— cylinders 24 inched In diameter, 7 feet stroke: eve boilers, 28 feet long. 40 inches In diameter. Her capatity will be 800 loom, and she 16-1.0 bo ready for the fall,buoinese. —A Louisville special sage; Capt. Neal, of the Richmond, stars to St. Louis this evening, In the Interest of the boat. He was guaranteed sufficient to release the attachment In the United Staten Gnarl, and give the roguish° se mirity, and hope." to hoot the host run ning in ten days. It la contemplated to at her In the St. Louts and New Or. Peens trade. —Boatmen complain of contracted limits and the crowded condition of the levee at Viciotburg. The wharf la cov ered with cotton. and deep In mud. Steamers haves hard time leers. —Clinton Thorn, of the firm of Dongh erty d Thorn, wharf boat proprietors at Evansville, is seriously' and not ex- I .peeled to live. —The St. Marys was due at New Or leans on Wednesday, with 2,308 bales cotton from Ouachita River. —The wreck of the steamer Tempest is offered for sale,as It now lies, - at the mouth of Ouachita river. —The Nick Wall, St. Lards to Reek River, was at Cairo on Thursday. —The Ida Reese has been laid op at Memphis six weeks. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD Prrrastrooff, Clwicassatt awn SY. Louis Ramsoan. February 19.-100 bids flour, t3chomaker & L; 234 bags malt. 0 Ober; 12 bbl. eggs, Vele, M & Ctr, 212 it hides, A Hotattoo; 6 bbla all, I Dickey; 3 hbda tobacco, J Omer,. 6 do do. W Rinehart; 6 bbla oil, 8 Evert: 11 tos hams, 3 blida barns. 10 bbla 01l J H Par. ker; S hhds 'boulders, F Sellers; 23 bbla apples, Woodworth & D; 2 do onion*, 1 do I aced. W H Oral? 9 bgs Pagoda/ do onions, W B Rom; 100 do barley. F Schield*: 6 bbl. meal, 0 H Bell; 66 Ingo barley, 8 Hood; 98 do com, Rinehart & 12 bbla apples, 40 bgs barley. Meanor .8 IL; 1 car stores, hi Adam,. A Bro; do do, Butlnp D; 63 bbla bud. F len; 50 tea hams, W B Hays &13on; 9 hda tobacco, W D Rinehart; S -do do, E Wormer; 2 do mnage, E H. Myers dt Co; 6 canoe tobacco, 1' Schmidt; 45 bze candles, J H Parker. CLEVKLIOW AND Prisantraan ELUL noatyFebrnary 17.-2 can lake sup on, Jones & Laughlin; 3do do, Rouse, Graff & Dull; 1 do do, McKnight, . Porter & Co; 9•clo iron ore. Shoenberger, Blair & (Jo; - 104 bbla potatoes, 7 do anions, 20 do ap• plea, 2do tallow, Volgt. Mahood & 0o; 67 maks soda, Jas Irwin & Co; 100 - bbl. limo, Atterbttry& Co; 100 do deur, Sella maker & L; 2 oars ore, .7 Painter & Son; 10 bbl. oil, Dilrell & T; 9 do dry Mg es ;.V VI M Gormley; 26125; 40 cases • frames, L & Co; 20 cases tobacco, 8 Ewart & Co; 10 bbla wine, H Young; 10 CAM* tobacco, Watt. Lang ,t. Co; 10 do do, 0 kegs, 1 bbl butter, M W - Rankin & Co; 8 bbl. oat meal, • : Moyer dt V; 16 kegs pearl barley, Rine . art & El; 10 bail glass ware, Weldon & K.; 8 tubs butter. 4 eke clover seed, 1 bbl eggs, Bigger & bowls; 18 bells chairs, T 11 Youug h Co; 5 bbl. eggs, Broggerraan & O'Brien; 10. do flour, W Macaws .8 Son; 20 bg• clover seed, McHenry .8 Hood; 10 bee glass ware, Mutual ohm Co; 20 eka, 86 hble potatoes, Randolph ad; 20 aka corn, P nun Son; 18 bble apples, Head & Metz ger; 10 tee lard, H & C Maguire; 9 bble apples, 4 do beans, 1 do eggs, H Rea Jr. do, D Haworth; 2 pima butter, W H .Graff Olt Co; 4 do do, Yolgt, A 1 & Co; 2 do do,.Woodworth D; 20 cubs tobacco, 'E Mcgraw & Co; 28 Ice lard, Dalzell £ T; 4 bids whisky, A Clemendinger; 28 bbLe flour,L Blanchard; 95 aka rags, R Christy; 24 do do - 13odirei & Clark; /0 kegs lead, J W Wilson; do dO, D Yorlett; 1 car malt, 13 Finch & Co; NI Mdes,,Selbert &. B org ; 17 bids b duet, rSeward & Emerson; 8 pkgs hiestnor & Harper; 4 base seed, J Hinkle; 2 pkgs tallow, W H. Howard; 1 oar barley,' 3 Rhodes & Co; 30 baa cheese, .11 Riddle; 47 dodo, N J Braden; 15 bits seed, A Kirkpatrick & Co; 43 bbl. oil, G E Palmer S . Co. =MEI ALLEOHERT STAMM February 19.- 1 oar. ore. 1 do metal, Graff. B h Co; 2,d0 weeet, Kennedy. Bra; 2do staves, Stroll et It: 2do metal, 10Imlek d Oo 206 bp f semi, 51 B Suydam; 8 bales b corn, ID 13 Mathews; 1 bbl eggs; Rolllna .t Co; 1 ear mill feed, R Knox Bon; 2 tars lime. atone, Surior Iron Co; 500 legs lead, Deemer, B i d: Co. Aisanomart V Ataxy RAttaloAD. Vet. rotary 12.-58 ski con:, 9 do Data, 5 do thou,on & Meal, 1 pkg butter, Han. 39 can ooal, Naar, Folder , & Kier; 27 do do“&rmatrong, Mokson & Co; 4 oar railroad Iron. 0 A Ilarpontar • STONEI Madame Mons *Weeks, psswstssuswestossas slum . pairaim *swam= s Co. armed as kaul se gears ort sitla• Marta Taltrnt, :112noU sal l ab ta d liertte Orden InvOPII7 tad . rrhms masa SPECIAL NOTICES Or'CONSUMPTION. DE. SCHENCK'S YULIIONIC SYSIIPifer the cure of oughs, Colds mid Consuption. De. selleaCK'S SEAWEED Ttlhlo for the one. of Dyspepsia and all the Debilitated Condi tions of the Btomaeb. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE' PILLS, fer Diseases of the Liver or to acts§ %Gentle Par yetive. f Ali o these three Idedielnes are often re(1. 1 . 4 la curing Consumption. though the Pubnonle kwage. man are ' MI •TA bloodregulating the thonmeh and Liver,. sad help the mile Syrup to direst and search through the blood vessels, by wtdelt mesas n Ore In lam ef- , Parted. These Medicines are eselentleasty offered to as the POOllO the only o dor, testate axe reliable remedy for Pulmonary Consumption, sod for all those morbid condttlOto of the body whleb lead to that fetid disease. Liver Complaint and Dys pepsia me often ibrenanners or Consumpthe sed w see they manifest themselves they require , e mo t prompt attention. Thu PalMonle dine Is • Medicine which NU hod • long brolattlou before the poblle. lte value has been proved by the thomand mires it has made through a,perlod of more than thirty-an creased, years. in all of which time lte reputation has In creased, and Ibigtallst obst.nata shaptlelirm can no longer doubt Dealt Is a remedy which may be used whti eeaddence In all cuts which admit of score. • .. Lf the patient will perseveringly fellow the di male. which itheamputy ear bottle, he will eeitainly be cured. if himlungs are not too much wasted to make a cure pees I.le. Reels in essea surposed to be Incurable, whet frie•de sadphr Clean have deepaired, the nee of this Medicine uh saved the life of the. patient and tutored him to perfect health. . Dr. Schenck dote net ear that all wee of Isul naynall consumptlem are within th e reach of medicine, but be emphatically asserts that often when patithts have um nioet alarming umatoms, each as a violent cough. creeping chill.• night eta, general debility, even to Inch a . dentee that they me obliged to Ile In bed, and when thoyare given by tuft' ntirdcbt. they MT "al tut cased. Nom edical treatment can crute new longs. but when the lunch very mut dlseued. and to some extent destroyed, a aura may be a looted by Dr. licheuh'. medicines. Also, in Pcrofulous Diseues, mesa medichtes ern equally emu ent: Dr. Menet has photo. graph. of • number of persons who have been Cmetered with meninx th ree and now all heitird op. Tials shows tee verifying properties, which must be able to h Consu m p ti o nl the loot. In. the treatment of Dm no Ina utmom Imortance to_give •Igor end a beialth7 tout to its wth iin. Deuce it necessary to etrengthen the appetite of the patient and ire. prove the dlittstion• Proper nourishment Is re- Ve r roor g l7; d lotio g b l e.. mAte:tig!': tat suitable for the diet of Con sumtalve patients are callable in Dr. SchenclOs Almanacs. nten are dietributcd gratuitously. In morel, Ur. most highly nutritious uticles are to be pre. ferred,botthe digestive organs much. stiength eised in order to maim e lement o met en aervithsble. This sequi Is by the lettered Tonle, end for this porton It was der. . Minted When the digestion pnwere are pet to good order, the fool has proper effect; the system of the patten. to bmigoramd .6 tee Inge be in to exercise their function. In • normal and healthy mama , Then the healing powers Of Pohnonle Syrup will effect the cure. Palmon•ry Coitus:option is Canon always cm plieeled with Omer.. and Liver Complaint. Schenck'. Itandrate Pills are r a n d ded to re morn obstruction. Dare Live restore ita healthy action. They all the eltleaCY plop is meribed to-calomel or f •Mine mesa" and are warranted not to contain • particle of any min eral pole.. These Pills Care the mon obstleate coetiyeneas, slot headache. piles, bhiona lions, slid all oiler diseases which •rlse Prom • torpid or obatrumed rendition of the Liver. One box of these pills will promo Me elflees7 of the medicine. "In Cormorant on the eta Weed Tonle sad Marl. drake Pill. are trorainable military medleisea They lieve the all CNrings elec ting Patter. and Theythy Syrup In a care. They hays been found useful in advanced stages of Conanmption, where the lungs are almost en. tirely destroyed and ell symptoms according to I the Jedgmeat of tbephyalcian Ins kated •apelaily death. The item of patients woo. were neterOlY In • dying clip:Won bare been preserved Pm months by - the nee hebenck • i three great sea atlas. 1)r. LiehenekM Alm.. rentals. .All trentim on the various forme of diets... hie mode of treatment, nen lectern., directlons how to ore his mene, cat be had gratis, or seat Ist mall by widen's,. his Principal Le, Forth • olgth meet. Philadelphia. Pa. Price sO the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tea, Mandrakesl,so per bottle, or 1r7.00 albe. PM& MP cents • box. Fary all armrest.. • deflntalr IarDOCTOIa WHITTIER CON. MUM TO SMUT ALL IMITATE DISMARES. That namensemelese of wet result ing Ova self.abu r pm/Swans unmantinese. EtTOU• tabllity, eraitiona. eestilnal erolmloas. and anal y lapels.e7 permanently eared. Persona an:acted with d kale. Intricate sod tons manillas constitutinum complali Is are politely :nand to call for consultation. waxes emits nothing. Zsperienee. the heft of lasettere, has en abiell him to perteet remedies at ones •0- con safe, permanent. and whkh la moll eases min be awl without tileidraum themes. Me& [eines prepared to the establishment. which ent brute nem. treeptlon and waiting room: also boarding and slushing apartmenta for patients reilultlns dolly personal Mteallon. and •apor and chemical hats", than soneeatnAlsg the famed mineral springe._. _No matter who hale Wed, mate your rase. Mead what he says In OM pam phlet of atm pagen went to any address for two torap• to sealed envelope. Thonsende of eases treated annually. at olaiw cad allover the roan. n. Hoare IS s. sc. to •r. N. Sus. day. IS Jr. Sr. r. Passaties mat to nay 14. dress foF two Maws. arBATCHELOWS HAIREITE. —lllOl. ett , adld Nair Dye Is do beet In the world. Iterat e es% tenable, Inetautax eons, does not etrataln leads oar any sllestre pole,. to pnemot peralyele or death. Amid thavounted and delusive ormaratlose M.D.; virtues thol depot roues.. 7b enutrm W. S.ilateAelor's Lion Dye has bad 30 years •otarnthed ',mou th. to uphold hr letteerlty at the eo , y Perfect Heir Dye—Block a d brown. bold by all pud dle:A Arylled &tad licad Sarei. N. RS larilllST OUT. • "CLIERRE PECTORAL TROCTINPL. TOR COLDeL COUORA6ORX . THROAT AIM RRON(11.17:13 Ilona 24 rood • Nona no piriMal. Nona Curs usank: ow a co zip Astor New Pork. Ono no mows of 1.11.0 Ourribts luataU nausea ••lirolen Cabal, [Mugu . ' derO OILS WAUILNG & KING, Ocamtados itercassts sad Thmien Is Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOOD, DUQUEIWIE WAY rktILADZLZILL• ADD =SS. MARINO, SING k CO., 109 WALNUT STREET SOD TACK BROTHEUK g • M., AND DIALZEB IN Petroleum and• its Products. rittabargb Oaler—OlLWS ismer af Duquesne Wu .d Ifinsatreat. ralladelpblaUloe--131 ifiLNIIT IT slarwa, ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. UMW If. C. TWEDDLE, MARITYACTOZER Or Lubricating<lgh Test Bum* Ona Bellowslatbroa4 *al, OIL • inahr• gnat heat *Silken% manna Tenths limpid at lowest UncesaUkree. *pont toT tropical Climates Or hot weather. Locomotive. EINFILINO, IlloOtoo Chop will • liikw WWI am/ Plautus . WILW WU* Otitigit I/I%W ifeall•Ltigki Su. on. Ts ne i rcall . rW 4 1:04 . 37 1 1:. !At Har tl ass. OW , rararnsib VA.10511151.1, 16 mama Bright Inn Wort .4 Marroncry mom Mist. Trim products are manufactured audir . Tweddle'a_pateat by Papetheated Mama In V.,. guo.• Lubdcatlfpr MIS are almost mlorlem, erfac s ta y ad and mostly lighted& staud , tamptrature .000.141, and remain limpid arias entrone cold. Ths E r a. uumuallsd. and ars in etrustant 61007 of Om prlnclral Railroads. Pimple. Ise examiuot .4 orders Left at 111 W9O BTX.IICP. Worts at hearyobars !Mdse. LEGAL. TM THE COVUT OF QUARTER 1313510N8 of Allegtetty contly..N.lll). c . a bu 11169, Nue'Hansom DoolLot. In the atatter of the openly/ of Hulett &Wet. Clty of P/Itstafgh. Appeal of RIUn A Wtiller. Notice It busby glum that Qs iirdolttoood Ly,ygyayar, itypolateA by It. Court to lobo the yayboyroy *Cored by Um partlaylotarotod In tha .&bore ono Is relalos lotto mattes at woe tbortla sod *upon tlia flats. irta hU ova jou {baton so to tultioodlabottou of lb. rlPort of yaoya. If any, sod the 'bra of an order to ho made . by the Court, 1011 attend to tby duties of its aypolatattot It tit/ olice, No. CY Diamond area, city of Ifitttburgb, on VNIDAY, the Iltb. dal of ltuob, A. D.lllO, al I o.slook P. X.. vim sad urban! all parties lotorested may hl7Olll J. 11. OVAL Coicalttioner. IN THE JOISTRICIF_COVRT OF THE WiITED 8T ATEA. 1011 Thillf, Wl42'. R DISTRICCOV YEN NOTLVANIA 'lzmir. ()WRNS. of l'lttobbrah, Coo 1007. har lot ePplled for • dlrcharae froze all els dons. sod eta. r elates provable seder .old loit, by order of the court. Nance le herebyelves. to 'all person. woo Into proved their other erre°. Intern.. 24, ilpoear on the ROM day of Yeb o oary. leau, et lo o•olock a. N.. be. fore 0001070. II Alt PES.Eso,. Realater In Beak. rapier.. at ble •blee. No. Iva thamoul etroot. Pltteberge. to01:10.• cause. If nay tiler have, *by diecha•ge ehOuld not he Mated to the sold bae l ltroiL. And 1rt . 11.1, 1 =01 , le ?oral F i gtattirelf the told bankrupt. requtrd trt,g ' s Mitig end Seth tko.lose Of 0014 Act, will be held POW* the told Blitater at the time end , 8. tI.MCCANDLIPB. • latteS.M . Chart. gfiTATE OF :JOHN sAnnErr, late ot *depute 0111. deed.: tiers tastareestary upon the thine of tald 'Jobs Blaint haring been irritated to the ands. mimed. $ll lament. iodated are requited to Inake . prze i u . orsohe w lizV u llairej No. DWI./ Streahillyi l yMCl i eL . Szecutor of John Berndt, devd. bLICTEUS TESTAMENTARY pof alatal: o (Atm . i ii .l . l i NA.r o w de0 , ..1. hams be en ipseitorbto onkaltert all n AnATX Z e annio rt hlVlVl t lli ' gr l ooor .*" 4 .014 estate will Drown them propaly auture:u. rated for sottlemoot to the undersigned, at To lor.or . WM. V. IMAM% Motmrtor. ii .u.5........._,...,A.. , 0 moms, /le,—TillialliiLT ErtMINO. 01. on seosii9.!_oer or commersial sales Amor: 100 OW. !•1:,_,_.... ,le wd. or mamma 111ther. 4..1 , 1.a.:=. 1, 1 , 1,• Ar Assignees l b rtg:1211 ° 11/ti gda1 1 :1 . . 7 1 3. ° 131:14 1 : pkrl9l: ' . alitm 1. 11 . 11 M/11114 Anat.losimer: DBUNISTRALTOWIt NOTICE. —ironae henorr Etna that Uttar* of ad. - . or litaAstaut of. ROBLBIIIA. MT CLUBS, dr a% tate of htleghany Rafe bout rymeo fo the andatalinad, Aol persons tadala. ad to said attata ars rumens/ to mks mon. and thont hafts* dal= Will pretest De titan Oar vitlaseato • • ,Arrugna • JOUX ItRR. AleidalstrOckr. F'INANOIAT• TRUISM'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., cor. Second Averse. EMMET PAID OF DEPOSEIS Gold, Coupons, Bondy "and Stooks sovikrr AND solo. EEC= W. TANKIBK. Vlee Plwldest, oel.d AT CTISIIM CLAIM& Is.. Ossitler. S. McCLEAN & CO., B.AN.KERS. Government Securities, 2ro. 78 Furth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. cyouct sod prompt attention given to every. 1. gin the . loudness. Cellectio. male. Cer n • este& Issued. sad latcrcet allowed on The Deposits. Advance. Lade on Prime Collateral' and Government geterltles at Masi rates. Dealers In TOTtigll sad Demesne Ischaages Gold, Sliver, Bank Rotes, de., de. ♦II lout or other Miscellaneous Stocks. Sonde, 'Mortgages, Commercial Pager, to., negotiated at the weal rates of oontmlulos. late PROPLE'S SHIMS BANK Of Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Law& Streets. B. U. lIIIIITIIaN. President. L. P. TOON% Caskler. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Itockholders Invidnalli Liable. DITIOIEBT ALLOWED OI TINg DEPOEIIII3 THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF PFTTErSiTIIOI:I. MED Safe Beeping of Valuables, Under guarnice, and the renting of hares In Its fire end Burglar-Proof Vaults. No; 83 FOURTH AVENUE ProstdosS—WILLIAN PRIMPS. ♦lee President—HENßY LLOYD._ • WILLIAM PRILLTIII. BYRON U. PAINT 99, MINDY LLOYD, J IM. R. MORRI9 O 9. WILLIAM RIGA, tiltoltdr SLAM. WILLIAM AL LYON. CUDTIo ntloasZY. 7Atl. IDYNETT, Itsc•if • Taan-111. IN ON NNNUOMIT. open daily trout 9 o'clock A. 8 . to i o'clock CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. TOCIIOLDEDI INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FORILIUN LICH/OEM Bought sad sold, tad when destrot remitted to Europa. Collections snags on an to menial potato of the United Mate and Cau 4.. Doarixim itutetx, Prealno.; !Amu, bilce.m. Via. ?sem. •. W. Moso.x. Cubic, nlniCtOus. James McCabe. Hugh 'Keating. •Mp 1,14 Jamas Pb C elAa. b Li z A. Fregvogna D. Mama. Th mot. Rourke. !Zia Ems. Chas. Mulch b. J. Ora Ca. toe. refi'lasmr. moues. N. 1101LRIES & SON% - rill AI 57 MARKET STREET PITTSBURGH, FL z.lll.lo . ltioclpal points of Stocks,Bonds and other Securities 101JUKT /SID BOLD ON 001011:1111111011L Partlottar *Math= psl4 to tee voila.. =4 solo of IT&ited States Securities. 3 :al HART, C.CUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, amierrourib and Wood Streets, PITTIIIIIIIOI4 rt. 03130CEBBOR TO ILILBSA. HART • CO Ii flail Exchange, Coin, Coupons, • Kok portteaugr oat ex,sal tloa paid to the porch and or COVERNMENT BONDS. Si t Drafts on London. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANN. NO. 65 FOURTH ATI:IMM. CHANT/111D IN ISIIS. MEM • 13.690 311 60. 09. 6 WY. from 9 o'clock A. a. to 3 o'clock r. ta.. oud 6LTUIIDAY ILVENL99II. from May Lt to Nora.. lat, (roar 7 to 9 o•olock, ant Dom Nov... Lit to May Sat, from 6 to 9. o'clock. • EMLl e lt, T ild o i declared twice a rear. to Joo and Denclabcr. latemln neobeerk declared scrai.ansmlly J.• sad December. lin. the Bank was ors.ined, at the Ms of ma pat cent. • rear. lf out drawn out. la pl.. to Dm credit of the depotitor nonrineloal alto bean the I lateraat Dom Um ant days'of sad December. common:Cog s7e...Unoot troobllng Um depositor ra ta 11. ors.. to present tag p.• boon At DU mo n e y .F 1114.001. Ln , less tban twelee loan. Books containing um Mart.: Enka and Itegnlialwls, furnished grata, on applica tion at IleMace. ramuloaxe-4 AM= HERDI9I.B. • Vico rnasuncars , Georg* Mime. A. lal• Pollock. U. D., joka ee. ilsekofea. Naked Robb. r.-rabosetock, Join U. almoners.. • JAB.% *Amoy, Jam. eldal•. 1.1.41 B. U. Yeade, alen.der *peer, Dam K. Pennock, CIIrt•IISZ Teaser.. Tatra ins Aodersca. rt.°. Loom% Caron 1.10.12.. .Dry J., 1000 0. llindley, eter A.fdadalra, *corr. Bieck, John blartnali. . 11111 Putout. Waiter P. Maranall. ebbrles 7..110006. .10 66 H.N0r.... John 1T00,. ,, Dar Meeandless. 1n J o n. 1. o.gnic, 11. ow W. 01Wer. William a. Han.. instant' Vamps • • KNIVA . P.ta m _ta• .7..7",6l;trrttu . aleoescer Wiliam V. Kirk. TlWASnitsit—Cll/111..X.4 A. COLTON , amoarrang —.Mita 11. D. 1160 DO. BEAVER FA LLS CUTLERY COIPANY ♦re new ettewins Oar tdl sasortmant of ABLE AED POCKET CUT In their Retail Department, N 0.70 WOOD STREET tdconnection Iv lib their DM Due of OARVERE. 51PrOPtitiiii.' BREAD E.NIVEN. ate, at, um care DWI— =NOSED AND EIGHTY VADLICTUDS of Tsble Zaire, sad. Torts. sod over ONE tiOliDliED AND 7111 T Merest patterns et Pocket Naives. All Darts marimba sod prices to retail Per.; chafers DM lOW. 4C4.LPSNOIC.JAII. WeILAT../HOST. LIDDiLL. TIONIMMER BPENCEB, SAL! & CO., Xarts:era mut ifetivers of ofk, PORTER, AND BROWN STOU =9 SOSYIiT WATSON. C11641_18.. •.• fairie!etne, Ruh tavola '4V M . Pll%lftc 11=. ..4.A.11: . ll=lg4o . 4 l l , !"”°*!ArgiV I.r ~ rm.... Calif? pinny and *nab meet,. IRON -Mirri't DUQUESNE WORKS. GOIMN. RABli & 00.. ==:l3 IRON. NAILS STEEI:., AXLES AND SPRINCB. DIOQUESNIL L X .11XD JIIXIATL, FLAT BAN, ROUND AND squARK IRON. BAND HOOP oELEXT AND TAN - K=ON. BOILER PLATEN AND HERD9,____ VENU E . , ROlWp r ilanj Pf_GO . rrn , a AB.I CILLIR I a bt o No PLAT HAIL 4 for Owl ARROW SPRIIS.PLJANDVIMVATORATIiEL. STEEINGS AND HOULDB eut to pattern. BTEXLL W WIESE, MAIMING. A. R. OTEEL. COACH, SCOOT and WAGON BEIIINED3 sad' DDT NAILS AND BPIXE& All Goods First Gas and Warranted. 0117ICSS AND WORKS: Sixteenth Street and Allesheui River and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. tete MR, BARR & PAMIR I:l=2l=X=l WX. XPT. CAT:7. RISIMEN MILLER, 0813. W. BMILi. CRAM. PAUKTIN. = CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARB k PARKIN, OFFICE, No. 110 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. PAL. fcl4:d4S pITTf3BURGH STEEL WORKS. INTABLISHED IN 11145. ANDERSON & WOODS, atalarrAcnratas or BEST REFINED OAST grzimi, Of every description. Also, but &dined German Plow and Spring Steel. • CORNER BM /MD 71.1113 T AVlClttli.. POO bards. rn. . nun:lW DUQUESNE FORGE. • WILLIAM MILLER, (311eausor Is JOB. HARM k C 0.,) Has facilities Cbeztenctlre with tike lesdin pi For, B F L IA K T IN - ZtrarsKran D aD"AlfinA 2/OSIOTIVE • PRASL,Fot together with cos"; description of SEAM Otffee ud lore Corner of Daman Way and Fine defect. &ell :1140 BLLBRSILIOSBN PROCBSS. Tbe Trustees of now brewed to grant Men ges ter the tue of the ELLE.MFULTRIEN The superior quality impanel to flood iron. the grest Improvement la inferior iron,mud tbe re duced cost, oommeud It to all inmittfuturers of iron. Perth's within/ to use it tan obtain Messes by applying to • • JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for two Trwdew, ROOMS 1 and la litallatita Dolldlng, 96% Fourth !antes Interested are • Invited to visit. We ISHOKNIIEIItIRIS WORKS. 'Were the process Ls now In weeesslnt operation. fednlST pITTEIBURGH NOVELTY WORKS. =I MOMM4ADAIS & CO. mting.Ttriktrigg'&3ltlrTVlrAT SCALES. rum !wed rntent. _p.or Loan and isictue. Paint and coffee !Mc' en. 10111131 WIWI' AVENUE Harr EMI tetwona. Poem's.. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORK& SUOMI, NIMIOK & CO, PTPTSHIMGII, PA, NAtatacturers of ever? ae.KADDOA of CAST AND GETMAN S'ItEL. BAILWAY SPIDIgOS, lILLMTN: AND PLATWitI( BFRING S. AIWA STZZL MAN, to., *O. Warehouse, 63 Water and 100 Pint Sta. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Moontactunol of all deseriptloos of 1=304 ni-s n-a .141 D iu]T audand eh Warouse A TEURT IRILLZTi 171, Tali= D STtti. PITTNEURGILL STOVES. CASTINGS. &o. COOS STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH. FOR SlTtlifflinOus COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake sr Bout as well as any *titer Stove la the Union. MEM & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Alm, an band and tor rAULOR STOVES, HEATINO STOVES, (MATE FROST& rximarsa. WOWS° lIAKUKS, &a. tl:l 3 44Wital*l IIIANV7AM=MI OP ITENT . TAIIIIIT OP STCONS, BOSTON COOKING RANGE, 'THE FIR! FURNACE," ton ITAzinto licrannpaa TIM FEW ANTI-1517ES COOETNO' ILEOULATuIL , ooLUMNIA COOK VAN'S OnteinnaU Pattern) Mal g. IMMIX CAST IRON NULIPTLE:I WELLMAN'S ILEI.E.CToB. ORATE* free from armad aut.: SNAKE .IMUKTS, PENNER* Ac. I A. BRADLEY & CO., 80. $0 WOOD STRUT, of too stoma vottott Cook, Parlor and Heating Stough SO nr. romrp.. loner owertawatcrlll be lbowitlOl tho LAVAS? PATTiliala AND III.PROYWNTS. awl the tap [tattoo of oft Stowe b sorb tau way tee to Wu t of • good ankle shouldporchwe wow bat those meow? Oared try oh. ea tart Wilt bo rood too oon ewoole ea well as eleoheiploet WOOl4 Call porta:miss a/Walton to oar pm VOLCANO aro V 0. for churches. Usu. 53511 etOree. Orer le I Sul 10 three whine.. 1.4.1.L4 to Wlthor Without taunt. Ass Woo. 0.03 towl WWI prO• notic etteettor to .7 others... , ier chea er. 0005 5 lot CatelOWuo the r u ne Lai. le*, 1:1:V.T:f:. yilel;p7)31:I:1 COMM 1 / 1 1104 HENRY BIER at -CO., ffucczoooss to Jxone DI. COOPER & CO., Bell and Bram Fonilder& BILILSIS CAST-LIMB MDR PROMPTLY TO ORDZL 11deable and Grey Iron Fittlnke, GAS • ,Pli ALND 17:1331.14G, MIME, MT LAD SIM VALVES; ALL GLOBE rewrap. CCOIIKR, ihass Work of _every description for Siam, 'Water. and. OIL . • ILLICIPACTIVIIZNS Or J. K. - 0001118 a Cell haltered laince-Wheel MUM ' 4' for Deyfis /2 1 /teng Ott ers, the best in the market. Oka mid Worts; was Tairanui,iia Par A TIVOOD & McCAllFintra, Cana Libilarstit , tit 111r4 AMMO. Pittabwirk. ' • - Diu"; rayons aim I:10111'1p saa Arian ibe A. s. iLuoisolt aCOs 1112/131 rintn /112rD BLOWAIIe. • EINGINEIS. BOILERS, ato, 'LOST prim BbILER. STILL AND TANK WORKS: CARROLL AND SNYDER. YA.NI3FACTUK6EB OF pL u ilal ß iNVintaitifir.m t ue EltS, STTLLS AND OIL i A AN HPA U N . DENSEIts, STEAM pitagl GA31D1X171.119 AND LEON BRIDGES, PNIZON DOORS AND COAL nuvria: OSIco at Warotkoaso,_cortalre Sortreet mail, Ward, Short wad Liberty S. rrrrsnurtait,. PA. MirOrdus tent to the above •dares...tit be promptly attended to. melds HUGH N. BOLE & CO., Con Point Alley otd, Duquesne Sty WY. TIM POrrt.) Engine Builders, Pounders and Machinists. Manufacture ECTEAMISOAT . =OEM, mad STATIONARY ENO/NES, of all alaeu Special sue:Rhea Maltedw:woes, STAMIS. ART OIL WELL' PINOIN to K AND roamma BOILER., of d 15 horse power. w a 4 o .r srv ii r Arlo sill to ordez at our RIGS 14 011 Wells. 811/,7IkIerPTIIMAB. NANDNAs,..Noves Toascbo add IRON wofth.COL) YE.YSSIES, on bud aid made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, tronting on the Allegkelyltteer, near the Point. PITTESSIBOIL PA. siren orders Drones RIESXCIL & 11110., 7.tesL BuziaLAß-ftotyr SAFES AND VAULTS. NO DAMP, NO 110171 D ENGINES AND MACHINERY, way m te i LK, 3 II.EJLISMO AND PUT. e(r. 17th and Pike SIB., Pittsburgh, Pa. doltimie . BOILER WON& F. REPHAN & CO.. manuftetoren of STEAM ItOILIRS , OIL TANKS, SITLLB, AG ITATORS, RA LT PANS, GAIROIRTA44.SECT 'MIRO PANS. PRISON IRNMIS, ____ UnICLIEN PULE BEM AS, Cot. of Stand LVedne and Liberty SL, =MMI INiyalliar done promDUT• Oriert eent to the above add me* will be promptly attenolp4 to. Y. lIKPRAN. formerly Yampa' eVeIItROLL At SNYDER'S. 0018392 WH. BARNHILL & CO.. BOILER MASERS AND SHEET IRON WORKNRS, NOS. ■O, 1151; 94 AND SO 4INN IT. Having moored a large yard and garnished It with the most approved mimennety. We Are bre mHESad tomitilacture ev every description of BOIL- In tbe best , 112 Id warrted ova to any made in the mannerw intry. Chimneys an , Breeching, Fire Bala MemOnes; Locomotive Hollers, Condensers, maen P lanks. 011 mills. Agin. tors, nettling Pens, Boller Irma Br ai i i =gailar PAWL and sole manuesetureis eel/ r at Bowen. Remelting done on shortest notice. ILE= N. 111,0111.. . ...... ...1121111:711D JARED as. &sort, .214 Oloal.: .1, Steam Boffins, Oil Stills, Tanks. =ENT IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ij 31 : IKT L q: IA 1.4011: NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Comer Carrell andllmallimanilreete, rrx•reittriscgA. 3E.A. WILLIAM SMITH, ILL121:171.0113/iXII os OAST IRON BOWL PIPE /OR GAS A.ND RAZZ/ WOW. lity [l➢et are all cast ll:variably to rib. In dry nag me 19 fees lea'/as. .9119., hll aaeortmes9 Or 'sacral Castings for Sae( 7z Water Wait& AnrilgeVasti:grarteleirßitgri. SNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY Offl4lll AND • W0111:11, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Engines. Balling Mill Ma. chinery, Nail Machines, torts. and Castings generally. W. J. ANDEW3OI,I ONONGALI FOtORY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO., ttmgr o lt i l=i•Stll 4 4 EUbf , i n4 MONTE tlughiox or all lkew:ebtions. {air attrilUon paid iNC7HITECTII 'HAG CABTUWB and to Cullors . Wind° hEItPFMI=ONI ROBINSON, BEA A cO., - Knteessors tO BOSINEON. MINIS kW:Cala% WASHINGTON WORMS, FOUNDERS AND 111011ISTS, PITTSBURGH. senfaotureis *Most an,llltallostary Stem 1 a grit . ' Ur ". "I T 1 .1 VVlrtglell . " Tlai Lod Utho.. .1301_ r i aatl a bat Irga Wora. office. Ito. 11/1. corner nut and nakithllold stree 1 411 t flar 0117 . A.5 . D'l3 PATXI4TENtriMB CARLIN . 81. CO., Pala Wird Yousdry aid luthe Work, 11/LICDUBILT BT.. ALIMIHISTCTIT. Pra.2 Nanutacturen offltatlorim usd Partable Steen Una ' Will ;Mr ho l lT11711 . 1: eadlng% _ante _ Bus. Wciautf, !Ulna • Bow :tax c so =sr 'wpm.= hand =glues cl • 1.114t0 • : 11l 4 . 1 I ' BOLLMAN & BACALE.Y; • rfaasticturers OC 5u 110? . r. 011111,011 s, Eland Rolls kinal IKTWIT'‘ 7 TTNTEI IiprOLDIES, DELL & CO,' AJL Atict4pit corrort MILLS EllII KsziOkirmsatiMtrigllnreMladi ,nl " ammo* LID 1i110101.14 SlVt=tllol AN/3 jalMila ARCWi• B mar mos Ass•owetiitimZoas,_ mu tsa•st. oast mak' ssussnes. smug -stutsast igium u. lA* deolsotsio sal consuls of 001 . 111fT 11911141:! soAl }U/!_ir°_3 • • Er Waims satiemene, r. es°.L ituart t rir. Dfror; bcav &Mu - T " rENlNlSTLVithaillinNw%i .. i NIA 1:331TE.51. AD. ou Inn after 11 P. 9., 11,4 NOV • 1 itth, 1509, Watts 5111 &MY* la i al sll -... 1 nom _the Delon Depot. comm. " ' '"-- aaa Lamm" 313 , 554,, aa collo,. Dopm4. Itau 'hats... . 1:50 ma • Sootimeols an 53, 1 P lll .. 14 ..... 1.45 ma •Paciao Ex. .SA vs W.11.s ti r c.. 1..5 50 55 Wml . • N 0.1.. o:3sam 1 8r151555. !Jot irtao ma 5an'in.15....., 5 .2 ...,„.. i 1 Walt.a N 0 .... Vmu ma lirbitos ALe.. 1N N at] me.,...ta 5..9:50 am itheasa4 No • ATM Mlrrttf:l l 47s3l : : "°a ! n 7..t V I : ft a . ri Vga Et 1:30 oca 1:.! - -,1. - 4:. .. Pate NEVI. 1:50 Pm rariiiiiama I F Walla No. 1...5:50pm Pan, Igorrem 3114145 i Bungs AeNo 10:10 pm Ca no. ...150413E3 I. . Wain. N 0... 6:133 pai ../1.4 N. 5. sajtvla ~ .15 BriatonAt No 11:10 ps . rk • 1433 4...—_9:70n1 .'- Way Passa , e 55:9111 p WMP• No. L. 1109 ma I nhese tralas make dote eortmfettoa at Alietta. 4 Dart[ foe ~ilea Walla Ra m t.loirma 1 . Pauaday at 9:05 L. ... 00050 i lre , p a.. La : .. 58 4 3315 .r1 114 . 1erfAltt nts.„ La 1,10 p. m. Cloollmatl Express ~are. I L .I. Alma. , Expream leaves 40.1114.0071110 mgr. 5.n . 1191.115 , ',' arma• dolly except =lmlay. . . . ... , Per. farther tator.;aa7sa , M n . ; 4 , Tao repoyvanlaltalleo . dW..., i, soma arYM& WBAi mrortmrr. " iuAe., All ~1 - ' 'r P.m amount to Tam 51/111. 1 =r1a/g•I money ..seer taImATIZSI 4 aomias,... .. - 1' I nol3 General lam.leat.. . • p P r ima BT.E R Nianslipppl. !,•'. .-01 l a r niNiloe r Trilni oil tha tam, TW= trill arrlra t and•• d ri fts. red..' Street Tospat, 2 6l.legnellk i'. =l . 2roV4 l llll 2 llnpOrt:Vil `I! II i Knpress... ..I*o sat l 5pc41.31 II 11: ',, E52411:110/1= 1 UW '/' 4".4o7'gratr2llCilrM ' 2 11 ; artl ""2"111 11grille ' l'' p 1 miry danda str y at P:4O a.. ro.raseVnig , Shl cit 1 2 :1 2 12 ;: t arallge'llittercell7 .:7 lion at 11:111) D. in. . . . I,: 'no trance essin: AIM Mr a a .1; al. male dines dung at sio . ' 1 ..". "tar MOO lye MU la aitel 0 Tbrunen tleketi e n p at ill , 170. 1 Bt. ()tar Winne s p. rtggpk, a az b at • Perot.. scent. • ' 3•1170133 tilf &B.- s s. • ''.: Th. Wet. 1 .... 7 4 :a era1= . amuse and lbr Pagirate. anaSPl IbT LUrdt their rarponallillty Cu t 2 Hundred Dollars Cl value. All bainlace al. 1. treading teas amoral In value 'Kilns at Oa Mk*. ?; the minor, unless takespedal IDW IL. runt General lune Isndent. Woes. B. w. - OL . E From NOV. Pun. ISO saa amtta at the Ulla= Inuittely=a, aa • (Minya /a il: IVA:: GL IM' jklar10:111i am cattsKto..s.sB m Put a m Ea . 0 a ltx . p: SPriErtalizilasjnr. Bea , r AU. 4. 1 11..cil a l e" II 0:I:113 m S am Soon JtOolustor "" C LO OS pmS pm Leetadala ALca.S:l3 pm BeVsFalls .6:711 pm Lattadale "111:*3m Pala . Oaks Son- V,1.: :et?, 1110 - 191:08 p. m. Uhle 7. B. ItYPltti, J. I Ccal. Pia. al Ticket 00 stolb oP g a r iL IANGE Tam GIIIINT VALLEY TIIL I M OAD ONLY primer ROUTE (I ItOiuNS WITHOUT CHAPE% ON 0 I . rier ."'..'lBo9r :TlOlmiDSnT (Q 0 1..1K . 41f ltlli. f.tons. rato., end at potat• 10010 0 1 Eeßio O. 1.1•99 Ftrrettrriulll. 4.1111.11 , Is Der Ea....« 705 am 1)01 t o WOO aust .11 tel 1 1 E 1=1:IA0:: Et I rat ' s! : • M:2, id Wm... I:00F= -Sag p 4tl ilton..11:009 Ilth Holton. T:l3 la xi Freeport Al. 9:30 •10 S .lo 9iforks. ..198 w Dods - Warta.. DIDD n trig:944 zz, Dm 1.016.7, Iteprees Mau NOD onl7 jpriltApel . 901.994 AoretetraodAtlon trent rtes. 0 0 1 011 inateme... t a t i a , .WlttLAl tzt • r: : . : , fi ; T. sv ri q s arw a r x tviz rAr : . PAN HANDLE BOWL 011A121212 0P T 1102.-425 uiaflarr NOT. 120,11812. UV= WM lemand in ntli tralan Thum, Plttsbarti.::lbilennt 12511. 22.pots. mos. 2:08 a 22.12422.2. Seutturrir I:9e p. to. 11:v0 pat M2B Amen.. 9:43 aau 542 P. p.m. ao2r2i,Thi.l 1142 a. la. macs.. a. aDubosaal i l l , le LAcc olom No d . 2 5::5a2 a p.m.. 2:411 2:222. a. panda, March Trata.. 181:1118 p. n. 9:11111 a. 82. IT N 28 P.S. rapleS• will wars daily. • 15;131. at. Mail rill arctre B. P. &MAW 'Platt Alan. 0.21.2124. .O W. 11 W. CLAIM. Denal.on. 0510. parramnaGs& 0014NZLLE VILLW _Dn_and after TUESDAY. , BOrnanbar, EISI .'"-: t IWW. traths will wrote at and depart DM Doh corner oh Grant and Water stmt.. 9 cabins Yalta aid bontUnton• I-1 town. . .„./... v:ooA.x. erOar.s: fr•A. IreNanwportAecennd •n. 11.00 a. 14 - LOB IN Y . trf: Sn. to and from Dung. AB? . tr. lthle.a. . ~ : s. West PlediWn Ancona , 4 Can 2. 4.. drir,,,V . Braddocra Aceoludt'n. 15:15 2. X. Is 2. ~., Alen Ae. ta tes llediZrort.lo:lo P.M. w: A. . ri, and Oan West wawtoo 1,00 -'4 RICHARD B. EONYBBS, Amt. .tit . . FAk•viikluv.:"Afty_.:fhA ROBERT 11. PATTERSON &CO., 1 - : i st, • M 00BWOR OW th Avenue analibe arty rrrrasnraa* PA. inn on Every fk/urdav Hold - AVCIIOI4I SALE -or NORSE% CARRIAGES, BIJG6IES I WAGONS, 1. • no i netinVleiVni Oi l . l '''t e l ll 'l' Allet.ise l leself their notice of consignment on.or Wore Thursday of M 'i tl ri il k, l i t are fol.' 4 r l'eV't 011 'I. rA't Mt JOHN H. STEWABT.-Azetioneer. 10g11113. E.TA.TrIZIKII4 ROBT. H. PATTERSON & CO. l . , . xxv - Eaty, sAian AND COMMISSION STAIIMP 4 , 11, REVUE! AVENUE' & LIBERTY ft: PITT=OIIO32; PA. Mlngs:u . - " NZ @EMUS L IRMSBONG, DWarll L= . . Youghiogheny and Conne . • and liar,rsetarerat COLL, ELLCIIIIII DEBULPHERIZED COKE. °Filar - AND' YARD, corner Buller sad Morton week Markt mull. Clymer owns. Moth ,leard,• alw &wad elms, ilakth_yrord. medal Awe of Bow street, Y. U.A. - kitewt. Ortlers Left of eltber of the Wow °Wow, p i oat. Amt to me through YlitsbumW P. 0., win re. ocere`erompt &mom. i ßtru oo WV. b erlith. l"' Unlr su t P r i on 1111 13 1., 118" 6.&- l jorr- iii, ler alo„ Mitekelkiltepbewoo Co.. Orwell • Coy . area • Howe, Alex Beadle% Yr nit Ntik..4l Co.. York e lieConly Co. , Remo, 0 Wm. R. Yober t Co., J. B; Lyon • oe. Renhall Co.. Welke., it Co., the we Hotel, Ommellwllle R., Yekorytemelo R-. Allegem Valley IL , • COAL! COALU 00 Ilf MESON. STEW BT 00., minx: rl3 ! x,;ft,dutitioawititi NO. 667 LIBERTY entg.ll% oity4nos; *OM. itionvirlAmMatzulim tbxcrosit— ereenttnr: °Annie .SALvx The impertaot discovery: of the CARBOLIC AOlO ,as a CLEANSING. PinaIETING, and HEAVING - Aim* 011 V et ItilW ascot ressoritable • results' of modern Medical research. During ther - late civil war it was extensively wed in the Hospitals, and was folind to" be not only.el,thorongh &sin. &Distant, Instals° the mod.won derful and speedy, ÜBAW nEBIETIT ever known. ,_ _lt mow presented In a • scientific , combination. math ether acotbing th acid healing alevric . in e form ef a SALVE; es and. having benumb , ready used in sulabertess eases with mostsatisfactorg &oaten alas' refults,We hale ad ktst Cation iik offering It hi this pub liu.iuithe Most 1.7021411/11, mad effectual •s -Y for Sores hied inftmue 'Natter or hour;:tortystaadiay. for, Duras, cuts. . mteuade,astd -every AuitAitios lawfrer Faxen. auditor Sliptotiscasedigeaerally. Pr c giM. / % Pia /00 P:MKNRP, BOW Prier, 1 , tug College Phi*, MN/Tort. 4 151 11 r I• t; . ...i`"S ... - . . v a ir NA Vu a g g itE: 1, , 9, vales tent wen c; '0 acct. Math sea% mu. .. Mirage ix.: Elea ala t, Paella Ze...11111:011. se : nelle/ zx zo•arn. xi t. u. r. ax ?in ela t''. ChVeelex&Xl2:lll:47 li Clem:dam:l Ex LSI a ..: Ede A Yels ralSt a 0 . CL 14`10a . M i it en , :me :pep Arrow Ca Asea Leetsdale Ae.. l e:a a asll., 11 Bea . r Yells •• tlptlf aaa ~ New Castle' ltr.a.a as 1, anon ._ lltlic Leetsdale "tat ea . 4 Bees rails 4 . rt . L 1.* .. *' 11 . /.0 pa 6 Fair Oaks eau- ' . day unmet— 9AS am ti • Express laser &MT. , 3 arrives tally. ' . .;N=ILLOIIEL : -at. OW. Marteasr• I 1:/ . ara :~~