The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 15, 1870, Image 4
KJ ..,W.Vts.4* &vitt-. THE CITY• Masse cif Silt. pressitnd daps' of the Daily and Weekly °Assam will he removed, from I tbeitith to the lest of Marsh, from their :=old staid on Fifth avenue to the large, ..the .10azirrirs lortlillngs," at the corner of Bechadeld street andelatti smienne, recently purchased by the pro, 'Priaors as a permanent home for itbe Gaarrit. It. Valentine's Day Winona. It puStel alma in Pew*. muted.—A House of rive or six rooms al a ratarrable rent. Address .H.." .ClissiTs aka. , Connell* meet thin afternoon at 4wootolook, to moulder the question of a Paid Fire Department. _ • Attestkna.—The members of the second deepen, of Duquesne Grays will meet Able arming on Fourth ►venue, at Wren +and a tall o'clock. Muggy MdinlMl Mr. Hogue, of Fad Lib umerls me from c, w hen 'Me horse stumbledho an , fell dhurc h roke b it. nook. The gentian= mesped without. sto/Wsg.—WithelminsTraviaal l eg esi baton Deputy Mayor Nichols. yesterday, that John &sigh had amalted her ant timber &OM John sae arrested and heid-Itz a hearing. • ilabbery.—Fridsy evening the sliver viably establishment of A. Ellison,-on Duqnsatis Way, was broken Into and about Itirty dollars worth of goods taken strayrTtet thief escaped. Noittit ritagPaßed—l burial meet ing of Um Central Board Education, ananunoid to take plane. •,t1 Irsday, Tues. the 17th beep - -1 Thursday, the 17th teat '`Mrs. doomed Mrs.= window blind tram her r .ermaa Donald -11011 homed .. . ,r the arrant of the aosneed.2 She wan held for a hearing. Slight itre.—A slight fire occurred la Cbvert's tin shop, Seventeenth ward, algal half put five o'clock bat evening. An alarm was Bounded from fo which the fire duartment r esponded PromPtlY• ... Mary Grebe yesterday made Informix. belbre Alderman Taylor against Henry hilhlistatn, a Penin.street =loon -Mawr, for selling liquor on Blindly. The mourned was arrested and gave ball ! fora hoaxing. Ileckstertrg—Clsorge Eckert, a butch er, was arrested la the Diamond market pseteularfor tbresdalllng. It was alleged that be pnrckaaed a quantity of veal, which be exposed to sale. He we. taken Perm the Mayor, who, after hearing the cue, Impose, a fine of VA on him. A Vlctarine Gone.-=4.lary Weaver. e restdent of Wood's Rue, appeared before Alderman Taylor yesterday and made Information charging Rebecca Brenne man with the larceny of a victortne valued at three dollars. Rebeona was arsieted and gave ball Ibr a hearing. Carpenter*" Toots Taken.—Testerday William H. Groin made Information be fore _Alderman Taylor against Robert TOWN for latosny. It is alleged that YONder oarrled from deponent's shop in Tronparaneaville, carpenters' tools to the ulna 6f 117+5. The accused will tame a Madre on Thursdal. . CeOmitted. yesterday afternoon a .secrimago" took place in Virgin alley, is which Kite Raney, Mollie McHenry - sad link Murphy were the principals. Wia rammed the natrire of a .-free t," and the Doles attracted a large crowd of persons to the scene of the combat. among others attracted thither were the pollee officers, who took the above named principals in charge and conducted them to the Mayor's ofdas• latter a hearing the Mayor imposed a line of twenty dollars and mats upon each of them; and in default committed them to Jail for thirty days. Tile Flat Can. Alderman O'Donnell had . hte lint case yatorday. John Teirney made Informs -. ticaragalnat Thomas Nevin for am:nut slid battery. TlerneY to a bon In the Company, and Navin was one of the hands under Liza. A day _or two ago he bad no farther service for Nevin,aid so tedbroled him: whereupon, It is Caged. that Itsilvidnal became impudent, and from words proceeded to blows, daring which. it is said, he abused Tierney vio. Intly. and threatened to knock his teeth art. The mauled was arrested and gave ball ihr a hearing. Subsequently a cross wit was entered before Alderman Tay lor, upon which the defendant gave ball foz a-hearing. Election of Metro An election of officers for the Wesuem Penman/de Chi. Company was held yesterday. The following gentlemem were elected to eerie daring the mining Y•eflie Affctor!: M. De. Lange, C. Reiter, Sohn voegt•ly. Jas. Morgaturtern, Robert Jamison, mug. Huge tad W. H. Gordon. Treasnuer, J. R. Livingston. Secretary, Henry Rosen. beesh. -A. report wu submitted by the Secretary showing the TM:Mpta for oil gnu the last election to • have been PTAH 81. _ The 'dividen re lb the .stocltholders 'during the d* same d period wars 184148 40. The company have twentpidx producing wells. A number Wiley wells will be put down next sum -, mar. having any acres of undeveloped • territory to 0141150 on. Real Estate Transfers The following deed. were admitted of - razed in the Moe of Thos 11. Hunter, • .11aeonlertir Allaigheny county, Monday. Pak.l4l.b, =ea Itaarnaan to Henri BerahirnOlier. Brat. 2 tetttiot 1.3 try 101 11. on rite at.. Slt snag • tlty COorine Orate Conrad Reed. May 2 1 . lasa: WHIM 141 roman 10 Son tp taw ;Tunes Heti to Una ihantenbellta, Way 1. WA; tot ivy so Is. tat ldethunt tp.... SOO Boner Tett Mau. Bap,. W. Bp: let 04 by 17 ea. Ithrtah , plan. M 319 liotlelallartaso t Iterated tiny, Sept W. low "" Xl 01 143 0501 4 7 her Ahaebeey thty Bt Darin O. D•Zoten to J. and A. Bays 00.. ,reit. ll.etrft Itt.nsat loth/07 MB. In Virg. slsolBlTWAthata Hwy Ileonotra to You Braaten. Telt 0. 160: login by tits 00. nornerof Butler and 43143.. 17.0 yard . • RAM 1240. - Ilratell to slits Itnryn.. Waren 4. MO; ph Wry 12) liMsatleld. L.. 11800 Illutatopher Walter to Jotiapn Last.. Bret. I. tet2o by tip rt. on Canal, irt., 000407 nor. AMP.. Y. Lantz to 1.1•714 Herr, July I. 15W: lot 100 DLitt R. lIllas11•71 SP rsa O. H. urn 10 Oil lleDera. Aptil WA; WI 3 0 • 1 1 larft. In CUM.. 1P..•• MAIN:m*ll3o uuper salient, rob. 4UM: abort lot - , Orimalimms-7With a very few rx. -,- ' septum. Booth, Forrest - and Mr.. Lander sr* ths only persons now-on the stags _. . Whr draw fall booed on the opening :might Of an angemsnent, said among the OweePitainf is him. D. IL Bowers, the tel. ... etitad lady now filling an engagement at ...' ' the Opera Holum Mrs. Bowers. In her , '., • , Mae .of ellarsoters, stands unrivalled, .'-', ... . • and at the very heed of her profession. • •:, • Who appeared bat evening -.. Lady .huriley in .. Lady Audiey's Beerst,” a - . . lime peenlarly her own, rendered to by • , the genius displayed In the rendition. !• f ! - Ihmi play Is Wall put on the Wags and the • . c• erg ill remarkably good and woe render. i - - 'sod tart evening In MI Its minutia to tine S.,- entire sathethation of the andisnos. There I - •ts a brilliancy and fl;er about Mrs. , :. . D ir r d r eh ate3=t , ir i : r 174 3 . ermielystillpo popular - i . with all of the l legitimate drama. :; Thepless will be repented this emming. • i Tag • Tenuraux Vicar's, Bluets*. •c• - Uri of ,the scenes and incidents of L ~. - the Holy Scriptural. after Gustave Licsi‘m now presemted in serial perform. 1 .• • - emu's, st Turner's liall,hy the Turner Pia edgy, should excite much mere atten. tiose than they do, inseolach se they form • ~ the Most Instructive, chute, end eater . taining exhibitions we have ever WILMS. .' Jo& Due night, on the third ocoadon, 4. • large end fashionable audience was le 1 sdrenelanoe, and the peribrnisnoak were . - . truly grand and beautiful. in the sub -4 . i wequent occasions we would suggest that i i „._ Ilk'. Ludwig, the lecturer, or some other i i. - -. k aatiewsn, should read also tbe English - smet or tte Bible descriptive a tt end. kr - •• geons. We urge a much better - - "mass In the Dinars on the occasion@ to \ - . - - Tim Honour Tolutoirc—We hots t t Vr, %. Pone °tour readers will Mures. the grand _ l . concert ooesalon of to-night under the 4, - ,* -- 1 1 . , . iw eeisedosi and m a utosi the Pl eribation ttshlillttl ef eari proE thin e. Bode- zse . •ei / , .r . ' *W... There - 11 betottre fi ft y Motors -4tili.Wery - In take Mtp- - -em tbe p er. - - - ,junta Madan! to atoll orehealro• The •,-; imignfle lig. , vied and mutt WeVe —assertalning Beebe toAr_ be i ' seared todaas pa M goersel! : ' ;. - Z . WOO dt9to, filth tlllOll, ~,_ 'l7Tr'."l ----'.----- Permanent Office:a F.lected —lnterest. in Discussion of Topics. The third moue waders of the Salo. bath School Institute, compued of .the teachers of the United and Refueled Presbyterian churches Of Allegheny county, commenced last evening at half past seven o'clock, in the First U. P. Church, Seventh avenue. t ias Rev. Thomas H. Hanna elected I temporary Chairman , and . John 41 ; Sande was appointed Beefe • A Committee wee appoint to nomi nate permanent officers. using. the absence of the Committee, the Institute engaged in devotional exercises. The Committee nominated Professor J. R.' 'Newell for President, and a num bar of gentlemen as yleepresidents. Rev. J. S. Sands was nominated for the office of Secretary. The nominations Were confirmed onset:reedy. The first subject discussed was the "Sabbath School Institute." The discus- don wasopened by Rev. 3. S. Sands, who said that the Sabbath School Teachers' 1 Institute was the Sabbath School teach. 1 ers' school. It instructs them how best 1 to teach the truths of the gospel. D. depends ore the teachers whether it is interesting or not. To make It Interest& '1 ing, all the teachers should be present from every schooL Then speeches' are needed to make It interesting. . They did not need theological disquisitions. but short, plain, pointed information and experience from those who come fresh from the Sabbath School work. They needed prayer too, to guide them how to do the work. Rev. W. J. Reid endorsed the thought the. all had something to do in the In- Mute to make it inereetlog. Ministers required to be relieved of their monoto ny—to be encouraged by one another's voice. So In midst of . decouragementa, Sabbath school teachers should meet and concur together, All should pray and do what they can to make the In stitute interesting. Rev. J. B. Clark, D. D., bad no speech to make, but he had a suggestion or two to offer. The design of the Sabbath School Institute is to get the personal experience of each teacher In the Sab bath school. He hoped this would be an experience meeting. They could not fix on any one theory that would ans wer the purpue. They most have the expert- once of all. He had no objection even to women detailing their experience. Mr. L A. Bison= thought the object of the Sabbath School Itostitate should be to obtain new recruits for the army of thelort. ' Rev. Thos. H. Hanna thought, from the hesitancy of the speakers, that the I meeting considered the subject had been I discussed sufficiently at the present. Re 1 alikect if they could' not pass to some-1 thing else. I • Rev. W. J. Reid opened the diseuialon , on _Teachers' Meetings. The teachers should have prayer meetings to ask the gaidanots and direction of the Spirit with- out which they would be unable to teach- I They should meet to study the lemon. They should forma kind of normal desk Then they will become familiar with W I lesson and the art of asking questions, one of the hardest things to be Gone. The beat place to learn the art of asking ques tions la in the teachers' meetings. They should have an opportunity of telling each other their discouragements. They should meet for conference, T. H. Rabe, Eeq , announced the time of meeting, and the subject's to be dis cussed this afternoon and evening. The Institute will meet this afternoon at half-pest two o'clock. Reports will be read from Sabbath Schools connected with the Association. The first report will be from the Mute Sabbath School. Rev. S. 8.-Reed will ooen the discus. don on the duties of Pastors to the Sab bath School. In the evening at half past seven, Mr. Samuel Mahood will open the discussion on the qualification of Sabbath School teachers, and Mr. itnosun the Encour agement of teachers. After singing, and a prayeibv Dr. J.B. Clark, the Institute, adjourned to meet this afternoon at half peat two o'clock. THE NEW 81110 D Last Day of Me Semicte—The Sante Adopted—Standing Committees Ai. pointed, die. The new Synod of the Reformed Church concluded its session rater- day. . • At nine o'clock in • the morning the Synod reassembled, Rev. A. B. Koplin occupying the chair. Alter the reading of the minutes, the President reported the following Stand ing Committees Examination and Licentiates—Rev. D. B. Ernest, 11. F. - Keenan, T. J. Barclay. B. Beigley, B. Seidle. ~,fig4Warfctitlirotzinz• H. Paii4,2lloß—Rev. (LTS.IgNAIRLEOT.H. M: Stelzer. . Finance—Rev. J. F. Taggart, T. .1. Stauffer, D. S. Dlffenbachar. The application of Rev. James Grant, of the Methodist Church, for member ship in the Synod was received and the papers referred to the Committee on Overtures. the application being referred to the Committee on .EX211211111011 and Lioentiatea. • Eider Samuel Barclay was granted leave of absence and Elder W. J:ltarr, optional attendance. A report from the Special Committee on the subject recommended the name of "The Pittsburgh Synod of the Re formed Church of the United States." The name was adopted. A resolution was adopted requesting classes and charges to send only such delegates to Synod as are willing to" re. main until Q. clot* of the session. On motion It was decided to hold the next session in the Zlon's Reformed Church. BinLtlo. AFTERNOON sasatoN. . • Synod opened with prayer by Rev. C. C. Russell. The official title of the Synod was for- I maLlydeciared. On motion a committee was appointed with Rev. F. R. Levan as Chairman, to prepare a charter and report to next , W. J. Beer, T. ].Craig and It. W. Set- ben. were appointed a Committee on Church Property. • - On motion Rev. Jamea &leant was ad mitted to membership and assigned to the Westmoreland dames. - A letter from Rev. Dr. Miller was re ceived and road. • Twenty. five'centa each was assessed upon the delegates far payment of the juatorof the church for hie services. The clerk was instructed to, publish the minutes in pamphlet form, and also to publish an abstract, In the denomina tional papers. The Chairman, Rev. F. K. Levan, was requested to present-a copy of hie opening sermon for publica tion in the minutes. The report of the Committee on Edu cation was received. Pending its con. 'adoration the Synod adjourned until seven o'clock. At the evening Senior' this report was taken up and discussed at length, after which, with II fee , Immaterial changes, it wale 'dented. • • Severainther matters were acted - upon, of -no general interest, when Synod tinal.ty adjourned. - Those we ~ Know. Ws tatodaorArtnlhat Rev. Drs. W. D. Howard and J. G. Brown were instal. led pastors of the congrowitiorui over which they preside, a short time before the pastoral relation was formed between Rev. Dr. Douglas and, ids congregation. These three gentlemen have held longer contintums pastorates than any other clergymen In this city. Dr. Preston, of St. Andrew's Epleconal Church, entered mid, pastorate at an earlier date than the gentlemen mentioned above, but he was absent from the city for porno yarn, and his rectorate has not been a conthf. norm one. A. S. el/ABA.Iv, Dui., will enter into the General Superintendency of the Panneyhotnis Railroad stout. the lit of April. Bay. A. B. Evinea, pastor of the U. P. Church. , Dineutentb ward. preached a sermon before the Sabbath School I Teachers' Inatitute of Allegheny Church. last Sabbath evening in the Second U. P. Church, Sixth avenue. Bay. Du. Ihczaseox took suddenly , ill int& church on Sunday and was um , able to attend to his official duties. We ate glad to know that be is convalescent, Die. L. OLDEITETL of this city, is Mar- ded ea the leading pathologlet of the , country. A LATE Lim fr L Om Bishop Domeuse chronicles his oo nod good health. • ionic B. ICENNETIT.q., Omura the editorial chair in the Allegheny evening B.pv.bya aloe.' Cob. N. P. 13/IWITH is no WEPT in the newaps* business. Tins son of Mimes Bees, Beg.. wheys" I scalded severely on the steamboat Mag gie Hayedboater, is , recovering rapidly. Tux estimable lend beloved wife of John A. Sergeant, who died on Sunday. .will be tented this afternoon. Till Tapping.—Alderman , Arent yes. terday received information of John O. Wornley. a shoemaker on Ohio street, against Henry Soldeich for larceny. The accused was employed by Wornley sad It win alleged' appropristed dollars from the till, Saturday evenlng.--,The &Medea was arrened and settled the sane by: psystyg backthe mow and the twettt . . . . ota4ii4i:111: 1 1 District Court - -Judges Hampton and Kirkpatrick. Mounar, February 14.—The case of Weisenberger va Bates, previously cc. ported, was resumed before Judgellamp ton, and the evidence concluded. The . counsel will make their arguments OR Tuesday morning, after which the Court will charge the jury. In the Quarter Sessions Court room, Judge Kirkpatrick • presiding, the case of Wickrell and Johnson vs Cook, a al., was taken up. This wee an action to ra cover attorney'. fees. It appears that James Blackmore was some time since appointed Sequentrator ot the Pittsburgh and Washington Turnpike, and the de. (andante desiring his removal and the' appointment of another men, It is alleged, employed the plaintiffs to have the change made. Tne plaintiffs, who were attorneys, undertook the cave and suc ceeded in having Blackmon) removed and Robert Johnson appointed, after, which the defendants refused to pay the bill. Jury out. TRIAL LUST FOR TOFADATI 94 (0. L) Duff vs Wilson. 95 (0. L)) Same vs same. 98 (O. 1...) Leahy vs Noble. 431 Rector, do., of St. Andrews Church vs Hoag. ED Harrison vs Ilrereton and Wilkins. 108 Irwin vs Shiffer and Standen. - 188 Trimble vs Williams. , 169 Sturgeon, Arnold d Co. vs Shields' gar. 171 Rubenstein vs P,ttaburgh, F. and M. Turnpike Co. 172 Simpson vs Gilmore. Common Pleas—Judge titetrett. hionnait, February la.—ln the cue of Snodgrass mt. Kul:elm tried before Judge Stowe, last week. the jury return ed& verdict foTthe defendant. The cue of Stanley va. ;Elehmart. pre viously reported, was resumed and con cluded. Jury out. Culet. va. Campbell. Action In debt. It is alleged that the plaintiff provided pasture for defendant's cow to the amount of PA, which it to alleged' was due and unpaid. Defendant claims to have paid the bill end took a receipt for the amount, which receipt be lost. Oa TRIAL LIST ROIL TUESDAY. 270 Moenßonn vs. Reynold■. 288 Schmidt v. Ewery Bros. 240 Hader va. Richeld.- . 184 Kennedy, et al. vs. Dlthrldge, et id. 218 Steen, et al. vs. Gilmore, et al. 842 Jenkins vs. McLaren. 332 Colllns. et al. vs, Rea. 884 Reed inhelark. 385 Monroe, et al: ro. Hays, of al. FIiMM , B ASSOCUTION. Regular .quarterly Meeilitg—The Cori emotion Again. A regular quarterly meeting of the Pittsburgh Firemen's. Association was held in the rooms of the Association In City Building, yesterday (Thursday) evening at half past seven o'clock, Pres ident W. C. M'Carthy In the Chair. The Secretary, S. T. Paisley, read the minutes of the previous meeting, which were approved as read. - On motion, the report of the commit tee appointed to revise the constitution was called up. The President directed the Secretary to read the report. The paper could not be found and con sequently wee riot read: • A motion a mad* to adothe Con. etitution ail teed at a previo us meeting. The motion was lost. Oa motion of Mr. Sims, It was resolved that when the Asaoclation adjourn it adjourn to meet at the call of the Presi dent. The bill of James McOaffin, Janitor, for services, amounting to 16 50, was pre sented and ordered to be paid. Inquiry was made relative to the Law. rence Hose Company, to which the dole. gate from that company replied that the company was not' disbanded, but was still in Sande& On motion of Mr. Sims the Secretary was requested to notify .the Troaearet that a report would be required from. him at the next meeting. On motion, adjourned. The Tempe:lame option UM. The following la the amendment of fered by Mr. D. N. White to theTernper anee Option bill now pending in our State Legislature .Szoriox 1. That at every annual [ma i:deiced election, in every city, borough and township of this Commonwealth, it shall bathe duty of the inspectors and judges of election in said cities, boroughs and Mr7l - P ' o . te of said city, borough borongh or township, -labelled on the outside "license" and on the Maids "for license" or "against license," and to dep,dt said tickets In a box - provided for Abet porpoal by said Inspectors and judging, as I. required by law in case of other tickets received at said election; and the tickets so received shall be Wanted and a return of the same made to the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county In which each city. borough or township is sit uated, duly certified, as is required by law which certificates shall be laid before the judges of the add court at the flint meeting of said court after such election shall be held, and shall be filed with the other records of said court. Sac. 2. Toot in receiving and counting bad in making returns of the vote coat, the said inspectors, lodges and clerks of said municipal election shall be governed by the laws of-this Comenonwealth ream. biting general elections, and all — the penalties of said election laws are hereby extended to and shall apply to the voters, inspectors, judges and clerks voting at and attending upon the election held under the provision of this act. - Sect 3. Whenever by limy returns of election In any city, borough or tovinsielp aforesaid It shall appear that there is majority against license, it shell not he lawful for any liconse to home for the sale of epiritoous alntoxicati liquors at retail or In lee s quantit ies than one quart, or to be drank on the premises, to any hotel, Inn, tavern or eating house or to anY persons or persons whedsosier Within amid city, borough or township from that time forward and until' the legal. voters of said city, borough' or township shall at an annual election vote in favor of license.. Sac. 4. Alt licenses granted after the passage of this act for the sale of spirit uous and intoxicating liquors at retail and to be ;bank on the premises In any city, bglongh or township, shall deter mine aTd be of no fbrce and effect so soon . as - it - 'be certified to the, court, as provided In the second section of this act, that said city, borough Or township has voted against license. Unprovoked Assault. Yeeterday. Mary Bradley made infor mation before Alderman MoManters against Neill Bficeland for aggravated assault and battery. Brlcieland is em . ployed at MoVey's livery stableon Irwin street. The- prose:marls resides in neighborhood. She alleges she went to the hydrant to get a bucket of water when Briceland turned a hose upon and deluged' her with water. the remon strated it his actio when he further manifested his ungall n ant spirit by sten. log her, on the head with a board, all of which in according to her statement. By this time her husband appeared on the VOUnd sod:as met with a threat - from' Brloeland, who Intimated a desire to serve bim in a atmilir manner. The Bradley's- conoldred .dtscretlon to be the Cotter part of valor and with. drew. Subsequently Mrs. Bradley made an information satiated, which Was fbi lowed w peace.ithapother front her husband nand .. 11 , s h er aosaltaii , t for_ oaret i 3f g i r t! I Ors ball for p hearing. - 4 IR/Alibis Articles. Tinatind Ttultey Prunes, Deheaa • aid Beittlus, Seedless and Wends' Hada; French Osprey, and • PiooolillcSpanish and French Olives, Cranberry and Celery Sancel. 'Athena sine, Wcrrestriefebire, Bengal and Lon don Club Sauces. Crop .fc a renowned .10how•Ohow, Walnuts, Mixed Pickles; OirkiWe -Pleballill and Cauli flowers, Tamarinds, Extract of Beef,. Eagle. Brand. Condensed Milk. Schepp's Prepared Cocoanut, French Mushrooms and Peas. Scotch and American Alarms- Andes, Intrham ec Oilman's Mustards,. awortad Jellies and Extracts, Stuffed Mangeasind Peewit, - Pickled -Limes, Canton - Minger fined Olive Oil, Hub .beit's Prepared Wheat Currie, Gelatine, Le quid Rennet, India Cum e Powder, liaz• urn a , Tapioca ,Farina, Whits:mina a Ba ker's Chocolates. dn.; de., at 112 Federal street. - Allegheny City. 3 - ' - - 13souas Beextuf. Great Barialna for ladies' idled goods . at Macauw, ULTDE Q co.'s. No. 7e and SO Market street Also ladies'em broidered chemises, night drswes, skirts and demon. Also. a lot of of em broidered edging' and insertions. above goals have been markad down to esoedingli low prices to bombs 'lron Is bidoie shipped from Indlump° , ]lo, odiside to Ilt;ttor Pit hos,: PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTB: TUESDAY ItIORNIN ;' II ' ' 5 ALLEGHENY Allegheny should haveapnbUo hill of proper proportions. Allegheny has thirty churches. Every denomination is represented. . Mayor Callow had one drunken ame before him yeateniayaftermxon. • ' Mr. Jacob Bass, the botcher who was gored by a troll, is slowly recovering. A Morning Newspaper le talked of in Allegheny. It's only talked of so far. The City is very quiet and the police Magistrates complain or a lack of bust . The new fonntain in front of Ridge street is one lot the finest ornaments of the Park. ; - - Vahan will the toll homes on the Per rysville plank road be removed outside the city llmlt►l • The Gee Committee of Connoihs held meeting last night. No boalneis of ape, .0111111:1 rtance wee troosaeuxl. - A Pro ent Councilman from the First Ward It teoxid will be • candidate for the hixyoralityf at the next election. Bars. John K. Blair, an Allegheny lady, won the elegant sliver fruit stand and castor at.the Plymouth Church Fair, by a large majority. • The Mono wall enclosing Abe Fort Wayne . Itallroad, through the Park Is most completed. It Is to be surmounted by a handsome Iron railing. - jut Evening at a meeting of the afar het Cori:mitts° of Councils. Allen Stew". Sweeperte Constable amf Joseph Bea of the Market house. There were fifteen common cams be. fore Mayor Callow yesterday morning, an unusualy large number. The majority paid tines ranging from 18 to f 25.. Citizens In the Eighth ward want a steam Lire engine. They have been con aldering this necessity for about three years, but that's all that has been done. The Rink, as well as the 'Union Park, presents a desolate appearance. nudists Wive at last become disoonraged and given up all hope of an opportunity to indulge in their favorite pastime. Atm Clippericti, the old lady who was so seriously Injured by falling down 'a flight of steps last week, -was somewhat Improved yesterday, and her physician has now some hope of hor recovery. Mi. Joseph R. Oxley. the correet and affable Clerk of Select' Council, who has been indoors for the past two weeks. on account of alcknets, was out yesterday. Me many friends will be glad to hoar of hie recovery. The enlaces on Observatory Hill have at last secured that plank aide walk on the Perrysvllle Road which they have so long been desiring. extends from the bead of Beaver atreet around the road to the city line. Ten thousand dollars has been Bab. seribed for a plank road from Woodville to EVergreen in Ross township. a die • Lance of two Mlles. The necessary leg. islation has been secured, the route nu , veyed, and the work will commence shortly. • The Horan stolen from the stable of Mr. S. Watson, last week. hare been re• covered through the agency of ez Cklef Bowden,who Sound them Ins some d istance from the citv, looking as though they had been put through some hard work. Committed For Thirty Days Bisalus Ranch, of the &with Sideflantel. made tr , formation beons.fusticet Barker charging John Brown with disorderly conduct. John Is a constitutional loafer. and in order to get clear of_ him for a time. he was committed to jail for thirty days. • Workmen are busily engaged In refit ting the filth Ward School Rouse. Con- trary to general expectation, the walla were round to be almost uninjured, and 'but a small portion was required to be taken down. The western bell tower will be rebuilt. The balding, It is thought, will be ready for occupancy about July. TM, gentlemanly and ellicleut Presi dent of Select Council la talked of In con nection wile the State Senatorship for the. next term. It suave manners. axe°. uttve ability, nnlmpeaetutble Integrity and Misr e-stituou eense are worth sop thyttang in our feglmistlye hells, Alla fgegILMV COrfilisies bow! zoo- The Fifth and Sixth wards (Isle Men. cheater) have improved rapidly since consolidating with the city. Real estate but advanced very much In price, and building Improvement , have been re markably active, Last week a small lot on one of the principal MAUI" wu sold for double the price, It was bought for three years ago. Assault and Battery Anglist Sax made Information before ittaUee Ammon charging Joseph Grimm with assault and battery. The parties were employed In a saw mill in Fast Birmingham where they got Into a difficulty which resulted in a tight when It is alleged that Orlnun hacked the prosecutor down. The so+ cased was arrested and held to ball for his appearance at court. The Shooting Atrray.—Yesterday morn. tog the parties interested In the shooting affray which occurred in Reserve town. chip appeared again before • Mayor Callow, - when a comprosalse was effected and the .salts withdrawn, the prosecutors In each cue pay. Ing the' coats. BteinbatiSh. - the man who was shot, Is not so badly InJured as we,, expected and he will be about again In a few days. The office of" 4 .A.ldarman Bolster ax. hPited a little life In a criminal way yesterday. Miss Christiana Lotihe ap: a i peered before the o dal and made in. formation charging Ma rgaret Reilly with larceny as bailee: ' riatiana states she was employed with Margaret at a house In Pittsburgh, to October last. One eves. log Margaret wishing to attend a "litchi fantastic' , entertainment, and desiring to be arrayed In proper style, secured the loin of a gold ring valued at fifteen dol. lam from bar companion. Ills alleged She became so enamored with the jaw. airy as to retain posaea,lon of It, and though asked, has steadily refused to give it back. Warrant tuned. SpeclotMectlog . of Contrils—The pew foi ConaldersUott . Thursday night, OwncLis wilt hold. a special meeting to take into considers.* Con the report of the Ordinance Com. mittee, laid over at the laid meeting. The papers submitted to Councils em brace the first installment of the new - city charier, an act in relation to street improvements, one in relation to the Directors of the Poor, and one in refer. once to taxing banks and Insurance com: pantie. The new charter is a revision of the old, with a striking out of some portions and several changes, The most important are those ptoviding for a change in the time of holding charter elections and increasing the term of, the Mayor from two to three years, and utaklug the ofllcial ineligible to re-idea tion—tbe present Mayor being excepted in this - preview. The most important change is that of the election. It Is proposed to have it fall on the second Tuesday of December. Under the present' plan of holding it on the same day as the general election, It has boon found that other than local infito. emcee control. Boma of the advocates fir a change favor a day some time in March. They contend that a December day is too short. That most of the voting, at the Primary meetings especially, will have to be done alter dark, and than greater opportunity will be offered' for fraud. Darkness seems to he unfavor , able for fair play bo a primary election: The argument Is certainly worthy of cowdaeration. By this plan the oillcene would take their seats about the first of April, !instead of the middle of January -as now. The set In relation to Nor Directors provides for a Board consisting of , six members to be elected for three yearg,• two Wombats retiring eseh , year—the election to be by Council instead of the. poople,es it is now. • The act in relation to Banks and I sunnier companies imposed upon these corporations a tax; not decided yet, pro bably one - mill, similar to the tax In Pittsburgh.' , Iferatofore ea - t A le a g y hen y has r rOm p th n w i bnnt utio n na,au w it ght d the alt3r revenue may be increased Irmo' ' this source without oppreeetni the horn, Peel or banks. • • - - This business will hate W. be firdithed up as soon as posal We, 1n order that the action of Councils may receive the eacte.. of 'the Deandure before the ed.' journment of t hat body. The cluhlitee proposed have been talked of for some Lilmikand 4t. , Is thouista no ofipodtlelß , , SOUTH SIDE The etreeta on the South Bide were In horrible condition yesterday. Ferry boats may be advantageously used at some of the street crossings. • • Noh9.—John heats came before Justice Helsel,' yesterday, and made information charging Henry Rite with disorderly tendert. Icappessa that Henry had been Indulging too freely in inger beor, and became not only noisy but belligerent, and wanted to tight, annoying his neigh bors. A. warrant was issued for hls ar rest. A ' Worthies. Ilusband.—hirs. Mary Field made information before Justice Rafael yesterday, charging her husband, Richard Field, with assault and battery. She alleges that the accused la a habitual drunkard, and not only refuge to pro vide for the support of. beraeMMd ohll 'dren, but en Saturday night he came home drunk, beat and abused her and his a/Indian, and then put her out of doors. A warrant was issued for his Sr , I reel. Disorderly.—Charlea Stevenson ap pears to have been indulging end r in "benzine" Saturday night, and when he returned to his home at a late hour, he amused himself by acting in a diem , derly manner, diming his wife and fam ily and annoyi ng the peaceable citizens of the neig hborhood by. his drunken brawls. Information was made before Justice Salisbury by Sarah Stevenson, his wife, charging litra with disorderly conduct. The accused wee arrested and locked up in the Birmingham toombs, where ho remained until next morning, when Mrs. S. relented and at her solicit ation her husband was released. Billy Bishop alias Billy Jones. and John ()Weed, a pair of rowdies from one of the South Side boronghti,took Passage on car No. son the Pittabbrgh and Sir .. minghamPaasengeißailway, on Satur day evening, end when they were called upon te pay their fare refused to do so, and acted in a very disorderly manner. The conductor remonstrated with them, but they paid no attention to him, and when his car reached Justice Barker's I office he stopped the car and requested the assistance of ati officer. to eject the scamps. Offices Stemiar responded to the call and the fell owslnto wet here brought out and taken Justice's office. The Justice advised them to pay their faro and behave themselves properly, but they refaced. and not only acted tic a disorderly man. net In the office, but abused the officers.! Tine conductor then made an information against them and the 'Squire, altar a hearing, Imposed a due of. nee dollars upon each of them _and in defanit of payment committed them to jail for thrty.eignt hours. , They ware conducted to the till where they remained until yesterday warning, when they were re• leased on payment of fines and costs. "The Thief of Time." "Prceraatlnatlon" is said to be "the thief of time," a saying readily verified by remonlrrg front cause to effect, but it is by no means the only thief of that much abused, yet often wished for arti cle: One Patrick Campbell tow entered into _cempatitlon with the universally acknowledged thief and commenced ope rations by idealist somebody's clock, whose we are unable to say as Patrick refused to make any revel:Hong calcu lated to throw light en the matter. About • month since Patrick was arrested by the night pollee In Blrronothatu, between two and three o'clook In the morning, in • semi drunken state, having In bLa pos. maim at the time a large sized mantle clock, apparently new. fie Wim taken to the Birmlugharn tootle and locked up far the night. The nest morning he we. . brought before .1 alnico Salisbury, who qtiestioned hintaato bow he came in on of the clock. to which Pat rick replied' "Sure, Ter Honor, and lie me wife's; dlircis she buy it herallf an pay for it, and velment It entail( that was [akin it to the shop to gib minded." The justice wee somewhat anspiclousof the story, whereat:am Patrick referred him to several prominent citizens whom he said would vouch for the truth of his story. The justice told him If he would Yost step out and bring one of the gentle. men mentioded and get him to vouch for him it would be all' -right. PatriCk was, ,itta do that, and Ittlifted out narug teat hriWatidd be back In a few minutes. The worthy jnatioe waited mu only a few minutes brit a few bourn. and • few day., but. Patrick did not mine back to claim hie clock. On Saturday night • man was arrested by the same officer who had arrested Patrick and brought to the (allot% on a charge of elninkenness. T e h j i toicle gu d o a rht. and rentwol t of the clock, Patrick Campbell, although ho had given • different name. He woe onkel.' If be had ever bean there before and admitted the fact. The justice tnen called ble attention to the clock and salt ed him If be knew anything about It to which he replied; "Sore yer Honor. an didn't I lave it here." He was again questicrned as to where he got pusses ion of the clock, and replied that he had bought it from a man In Allegheny. The justice having been fooled once, rasa. red to be on the safe aide and Instead of allowing Pat. to go after a man to vouch for him, sent hint to fail as a vagrant for a period of thirty days. Patrick's procrastination in accounting for the pos session of the clock nag oost him thirty days. Tbls Manse mpecially liable to oc. cur as an effect of cold or check of per ardratlon, and an accumulation of uric or Mille acid to the blood, which acts upon the muscular and nervous systems, producing pain, swelling, °antra°• lion, Ac. • The vitiated state of the blood hi the primary cause of Rheumatism, and the terrible racking pains and aches are merely the secondary consequences, which it Is In vain to attempt to cure by external applieathms, dm, alone. -- 01 all the remedies of this diseive, those which remoi4 the uric acid from the blood, and produce the croatest abundant* of them deposits In the urine, should be given the preference. In fact, tale Is the only true and scion. tiiic coarse of treatment for this painful disease. • A RIDc . . As soon as a remedy for that purpose gets up such an action the patient begins to convalesce and soon gets well. In old cronic cases, where contractions of joints, thickenings or oonotetions, have talon place, their removal will take a much longer time, but by a 'per. severance in this systematic mule, the materna mond wilt finally yield to the antagonistic remedy, as snow melts the 31111%1C1PAL We have seen so many permanent cures of long standing cases, that we have Implicit confidence in Chia Byrn'. matio coarse, and an abiding faith In the remedies winch we have at oar coin. Wand. • Every part of the system is liable to an attack. of Rheumatism, brit the hips, lola, knees, melee, wrists and shoul ders are Its more ordinary preferences. It often shifts, from , one part to another, especially when in Its acute stage, banes the inutility of blisters or liniments. The came is In the blood. Remove the cause, and the, effect ceases. This we prefer to do by vegetable remedies. Regular neutralisers of the cause—anti dotes to the poison. These antidotes to the rheumatic dia. thesis we always keep on hand. We prepare our own .compounds and have our prescriptions filled under our wn supervision out of the test osatily of medicines, w ithout regard to oast. Give our system add romad ea a trial, If you are troubled with this painted disease. L, or name, If. D. 112 Grant IlitreeL Auction !Wei of Beat Estate.—Thepio perty 109 Beaver street, Allegheny, will' be sold on the premises Wednesday next at 2 o'clock. - The fine prOperty. 72 Washington ave hun'tvill be sold on the premises Thurs day next at 2 o'clock. _ The nuirthands of the late Col. Jas. A. MlllsOn, being about 400 acres, in Pine township, will be sold at 169 Federal street, Allegheny, Friday next at 11 o'clock. Particulars by - r A. Thic,GATZ, AtletiOrleer. Alexander's superior kid gloves—full assortrdent opened this morning, at Maerum (Hyde t CID.% Nu. 78 and 80 Market ;street. If you want your hair 'dressed' or frizzled after the latest fashion, ,a com fortable' shave, a laznriotuf b ath or a little akUlfal cupping an d leeching t any or all, go to Williamson rani:liar MOOns FegelltigtiOlg, Allegheny.' T Co nanraini .% Noa. 78an in d e 8 12 0 a Pd t M a:kcei rum are a e ll t. de A di t linty cents each, metes fine white meri no under shirts and Araliretil (Slightly WWI). a decided bargaint at sixty cents, ten boxes (100 collars) men Cr. hogs' Pa' par Collars, any aim, good style; at thirty wren and a bait cents eachonen'e hcevY VW Merino drawers indatitrti. . . lieeTer's Farina forme Taff sees' able light nutritive food a superior arti cle *kr lltiddler. and jellies, imdlebighli reoommendee byphysicians far invade ItStd ettadnis. aold try ail groom, T Tile Best Ttme to Sow Clover During eighteen years I have kept up the pactice of sowing clover seed in April and have never lost a crop. 1 have sown from fifteen to fifty acres per year. I now inn dry a time as Teen get, and when the ground - is as much cracked as I can conveniently have it. The seeds then fall into the cracks, and are in a great measure prevented from being washed away. In sowing, twelve pounds to the acre of your wheat field is a fair supply,. but some farmers decidedly prefer mixing with it orchard grass seed, two bushels of the latter to twelve pounds of the clover seed, sowing the clover seed firstby itself, afterwards th e orebard tries seed. The latter should be mixed withtwlee its bulk of sand or ashes, the more easily to sow it. The mixture of the two kinds makes ,a much' better hay, than clover aloanro• awes more hay at first cutting, w e . the alter math 111 much greater. and' SIP tumn pasture much more luxuriant and enduring, and it is believed exempt from hovering of cattle. . P 13812.—8 m rni—on Ineaday aTetkimg. atth- Put• r's lesldense. AlleibenY. bi UV. M. W. • • • • - Jac, In, D. D.. 041121.1.18 CATI.ROLL to J 11241 i SMITH, both of Allogheoy. 88 ClLANT—Banday. Telmer,. 13th, 1010. at 11:30 A. N.. hire L.YOI & K., wife of John A. Sergeant, .n the 11:111 sear of her age. The funeral will tale place from She re s!denn of her husband. At Watson street. 1 Mannar, 15th last.: at r. Y. VeCLAIN—Lt Ansllo. Texas. Dthember 56, 1805. Captain DAVID kIeOLAIN. i.OO of the Olst regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and With U. S. Infantry. The funeral will take slime 10 DAY, at 11 o'clock, from the reeldenn of his mother. No. 30 Virgin alley, near Wood streak. Friends of the family are invited. 01101111D5—On Sunday aerates. Feltruery 15, at 9 Wawa, JOHN tiItoUNDS, la the 1 1 / 1 0 1eme of hie age. The funeral will take place from his late real, dean, Thirteenth ward, (ginereville.)roDay. at 5 o'clock.' The frieads.of the fatally are se gmentally iti•ttOi to at Wad. DIINN-0 , Hendee, 'February 14th. 1870, at the 4 o'cl.k A 4th yee . 9 of . her rs. SIAS HOANET DUNN. tn r 'The funeral will take place on.WanteiiiDay. the 10th inet.. at 10 0•E , OOIC A. st., her late residence. - Chortler. township. the former rest. dense of James Flani eau. Seq. Berneeta will he bold at 11 <Octant A. ra.. In Bt. PhilYp's Church. Carritges will leant Diner & 800'.,N0.1111 ; Peen Wept, en Wednesday moralng, at &'d Senora. Funeral to proceed to St. Mary's Cage. etery. The friends of the famtlynrerespeettally boated to attend. In and OnG CIVLES & FEEBLE!, UN- I TTAX.EISB AND Livvr__wrAar.aca , tOTLICI yr - SANDSKY isTaiscr CliUltah AVINIIII. AlleAttany,CitT. whOwi i 00YFD itOdhin ale CODAViIIy attpplied with real and imltation liotatrooti. Nithogattt ()oda% at prices earth( dies prepared for interment. dam, and 17x1. flue.* familtited; WAN oil hinds of lioninial floods, if innaired. (Moe Kan at all amts, day 1 sod night. - JOSEPH NEVER & BON, 117NDEIVEILTEMIII3. Ca. 4114110 far ViaJa•rla• V.ral•hed • COTTINI aad Funeral laralthment at te. 7 thee 4 rat.. . WALL PAPER At Greatly Retied Prices. • To make etvir room for newßoods. We will WI the anrt or Bleach noel now In elan., HANDODIII. PARLOR PAPLR% D12d1.0 ROUX PAPRRS, lIALL AND CIIAADAR PANCICB, trromtbe fl Wta Ittporter Btlenicuitlian. I=rl = UNDERTAKERS No. •114 PENN 61SiNT WAIL PAPERS Without Regard to Cost, COMPULEINU tarawarune ofCIITAP PArtHS N 0.107 MARKET STREET, I= 08. R. HOBBES a BRO. ELEGANT. PAPER HANGINGS. Intm.led Walt P.pers tyl_platt tints napey. ytotu tact sad nook. Varottlitoyfiniv , ds t-'l3 itittridAvro zs Z 07211111 . -3 eNmpad tt, 4 0""471r« te t and elsewhere la the eountJ7 "* . for We at e W. P. Er ATP MX A T.T:S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 292 //Merit; Street. _ _ WILL= KUM & CO., Ner.iti u 4 111 Molly Strut. Corner of train, now alter tba trade •t low 00. arta, .101.011 Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Malaise& Porto Shan. Cubs and Fnallsh island Haines. New Tart. Philadelphia and Baltimore , Nee load do. Golden Drip.. Loverinas, Brunils, INuarl'a Adams* and Lona Island drum Porto Cleo, Cuba and linailsh 181254 No/asses. Tomas Hymn. Japan. imperial. Unupowdet and Oolong Tt4.11. Carolina sad Hangoln Cleo. Java, Laguarra and Rio Cottees. TabaLVO. Lard Oil, Fish. NaIIs.NOMA Cotton Tams, /la., constantly oa hand. ALSO. IMPORTICES 01 Fine Brandies, Wines • and &gars. Ithenlab, Moselle and !totaling Hoek Wide of Motel _Co.. to bottleal. etrlrcabltn e reV. e he ' ku b. rd b 7fe.7 4 Bradeobari Freres. •IskeYvllve Jobane 00. do do Clarets,. Imported le bottled do do Welts Wines, to bottlee. M. Work A 0000 Vienna's Cal: wee. ' it. Old neerry, Madeira add Poet Wthes in= Otd Nooongsbela pd do Very dolman OW motel do • • do. , ALSO, Bole Ara. Ibr /11 Chandons Grand VII IVentiLy and &nary Cbioee. Brandt. of our own select n and warranted JUnd4.l GREAT INDUCEMENTS, No. 91 Federal Street, CLOSING OUT. SALES WINTER GOODS, REGARDLESS OF COST, To Rake Room for Spring Stook. tIII Mai, OW Lund , ems, vholentle 'lnd re- Kad eolored Corset. 65c. : 4 min Children's Rattner. floss Mt 95c. ..Laolbut , nandkerettlefs, 20. 110/41. 459 Mlle (Alums. 51k. AU O er Goods in Proportion, a IRS. S. C. ROBB'S, 91 Fedirrai Street. Atter/hell/4 JOHN M. COOPER & CO. _Bell and Brass Founders, 61181115, LOOOlllO7lll BRASSES Made „Prompt/1r Order. SABBIre METAL 151a,de and Kept on Han& PmNinon Ltd MumDiemen of S.M. Cooper's Improved Beano Wheel STEAM PIIMp. Office, 882 PENN STREET. roundly, Cor. 1 thand BallroadStreetey mu===l MRS ,OR GBNTLE Netifiloralairabala a a ' ae r"..emt thal - HOLIDAY GIFT. Would do Steil iloV i o s :sa_d_a_uroo oe k IsWILIASY arid IsIL 'itzlisT• C at ot the most dostrable patterns Jae received id. W. G. D:IINS.EA.TH'S azwiLmr. ♦ED O1'111:114.H. S. ITPTH 'ILVETTITZ NATIONAL HANK- STOCHIL— Toesdaf efrotut. February 111ILD. of. 734 o•doek, Dosold oe .cood Goof Of Cannon , 11101113r4:11 alfitTertMa..l‘ 30 Exeunt Notlatool Hash 10 sures Alice...) fininol Book; Iffllkbe atlded to the abate lists . " "M"n Al* 27l7.lt7rtgr. ru l olgneer. •-fit AQ42I I I IIILELS CLEVELAND e. • Lima . legs tiek=ervietse Fee lite 17 J. ). 981171311). THZ PrITSBITIIGH VINEGAR 'WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS 167:168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, •re now prepared so foretell PUMAS atlas LOW HAMM HATLIS. Attention la var• ticalarly called to our EAU %VLNE VIUGAIL CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, &O. CARPETS. REDUCED. Oil Clotho, Window Shades. DRUGGETS. DRUGGET, SQUARES, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever,Oreret BOTAD, ROSE &t 00., 21 . 131 TH AVENUE EMrill EDIICTION IN CARPETS For a Short Time to Prepare for SPRING TRADE. OLIVER IcCLINTOCK & CO Have marked Mal. gOod. 4101,11 below last W aon.• Hamlet Carpets, Olt Cloths, Drug-gets, Icc., EASTERN PRICES. Rare tarf sins can be seeured those ardlet. tv....u.h.1,1,a , mt,7 "kb- th• OLIVER 'fficeLLNTOCR & CO., 23 Fifth Avenue. HOLIDAY GIFTS, Positive Reduction in Prices PIANO- COVERS, Mosaic, Arminster, Hilton Russ, Crumb Cloths, ore, ICC° M'CILLIIM BROS., .Afta. it PIFTII Asovx WOOD errissr WOOLED✓ DRUGGETS nap FELT CARPETS, 1, 11, 2.; - 2.1, 3, 3 L tat 3. YARD WIDE. BORDERED squeitzs Suitable for ,Parlors. DINING ROOM CRIIIB CLOTHS, Woolen, Linen and Cotton, LT LOWER TRIC . RE TSB LIST Slit NotWltbstaadlas . the aadlallabal tut! on theta good/• 11111ILIND & COLLIN 71 and 73 Filth Avenue. WINES, LIQUORS, aro. WAGNER'S FBENEt COLORING The Very Best in the United States. I= WILLIAM WAGNER OSI .rorth Rev ent aeterenoca—All the Igsding [muses to Mts. delphia. AZATHS SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, I= WINES, BRANDIES, MN, WHOLIDIALI DEIIIMILI IS PURE RYE WHISKIES, 40, PENN STREET, Have Iternoved to NOS. 11841 AND 886 PENN, Cor. Xleironth Et.. (formerly CanaL JOSEPH S. *INCH & • w•s.. ash MOS& 191, 193 sad DIN 111.1113 T STILXIS, PITTEBLLakUi. "waxtraluTronzaa ibl Distil led Curs a er dealen La FOILLION and LL Q11010.1101.13.a% Nuaamal REIBIOVAIS CONT.EL Xai M. WHITNIORE, 11.E./LX. TESTATE AGENT Has removed from cornet Onto and Sandusky streets, to 103 OHIO STREET, IM=CM=V ELE.3 , I[CON'ALI_.. Merchants Fire 159: Co., Chicago, ASSET% $9046411•03* MARKET FIRE INS, CO, N. Y - Participation, MUT& M09.i11.40. Connecticut The Ins. Co., Hartfort xescrs. t 400.000.00 Ir.DIIAIID Kama. *moved to 106 lOVBTU AVILNUZ, batty 'Aced and ittaltbdeld rittabariWts. Ft. MI3 WC cry:TILL. 1111,AT & LOWS iiaye rOL19114 . !I area 4T . SIXTH ISTEMZT. 89 Fifth .Bvejaue. Until topeTinOnno on oin "tan fit tact TIM Id JERSBY ilutual Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Over m 500,600. AU Pollees tented by tble Company an Pandtt aally Non-ForfelUng alter the .payment of one *smtal ?readmit. • Dividends annually declared .d nDniind oa third annual premium. either on the permanent Masa. of the polity. or in reduction of preml- ffpNIVI JKLIMPATBICK, deneral •Agent, lel 1-2 Wood Street, (2d floor, air Aigeats vrantad. datqa THE IRON CITY IMAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Pexuasvivaxiin. Ofiee, 15 Fedenl St., Allegheny City. Ron DEIELDEODE . . JAILIW fARAILAJA, • 1 Dor. J. B. CLARIC,D. D.. Capt. R. ROBINSON. 'Rev. A. R. Rev. S. B. NESBIT. D.D.. W. A. BRED, Outlier Allegheny True. CO. JACOB BUBB. Beal Estate Aient.. SIDON DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny. 'C. W. BENNY, Ramer, A. B. RELL„Attorney-at - Laa, D. L. PATTERSON. Lumber NArchazzt. D. !MOOR& insomn. Capt. KOUT. 1108121501 g, Prhaldent. J. B. CLAHIC,D.D.Vic• Pmsletentt. JACOB 81.11311. Secr•tary, MANDY. Tress¢rer. M. W. WHITE. si emelt. Amylase. • . _ DANIEL EIWOGEft, Gang Asa*. COMWDWIONED Mill NTS lOU TIER CO,: John R. Donaldson, Alleghtny, F. . W. W. Mar, Rochester, Ps. Hey. James Hoilingsbead, Beaver, Pa. . r. M. Cousin, MoKeeeport, Pa. lieerge.D. Johnson Blairsville, Pa. • , J. B.Perayer'Jobnetown. Pa. - Company strictly mutual. All pronto acerulnit to policy holders by dividend returned annually from tbe end of the lirstyear. All pollute. nes. forreltins. 1.17 Casa • INSURANCE COMPANY MERMAN'S ZIIILDDIG, in NUM Avisamo. llseend Moor, rrrnuorma. r J. Ccrottitl4ll.l . N.J. Still. IH.l.7.oliver, Jr, IMDLISaIstiST• Dann allses, S. H Hartman. H . Bails Jae , S. 11. , Clurlus. J. IL. Bailey 6 'Moms sItS,JsaS. HSS HoPs.sT H. NINO, PrvAldent. Thu. JENNINuB, Vles Preaidua. _ JOB. T. JOHNSTON. Sftras.T. Oast. H. J. OHAUX, Has'l Ascat. .plandl on Mena Terms on all Wire and Marine Huns. . NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cor. Federal BL and Diamond, Allegheny BUIOnInn, In the SECOND NAT/ONAL sax= LDING. Vr in T.J,lATt * T7ll,Preddelt res 141-11Y0 aTIVI L AIT2r. Deerelr . . DlzazUTexa: .Ic;h3a A. Kyler.l.7u. I.ekkart. J."-Gr.h....18.b.,1 C. C. BoTle. tus i llw r =awr i i , Eierst. itat4l2.. INSIIBANCE COM. IV/T UM MY PITTBUREIH. IL:LANDER AMICK. President. WM. P. HIRBEB.I. Moreurr. (arr. Enceitus /maw. Watt Met 911 Water street. Song it Co:. Weir klitt OS rue M. r.b. HMIs. • home Institution, adummet7by Di rector. who me well known to Um eoromurdtr. and who am determined lir nmentpmete and Hem. n ut to maintain the character wtien ther have autumet. as etikrina the best twofer:Dont° tante WI. desire tO Weaved. - niXaCTOsni Women Pillniet. Joan 11.114,13 the. .10.. Clou.V. Clarice, Jamey MeLigen 01 Althand=r, Ltrk Andrew K i m. NorrLoa. Meld M. Leo& D. tbrasen. nide pontonir AIGLAINST LOSS . BIC rms. EMMA! lIISUIARCE CO.OF PHILADU2III4 0171C1,4111• 0/111521 5 11H 8T..9411X Omicrons. Curia ir.SUSSICArr Merdeta.lll. Lowe Tobtac David tS. Bows. Wawa Un; Jacob U. &glib. thrarn. Dalt. MM.% IY. BL .CICB. YnuWmL DW. C. DALE. Vire Prcrident. W. t:. im ,Mrißirr WIS. Arrest Sant. 'testae.= 11.1.1 awl Wood wear ISOMOoIIt • pwiasivrANta —11111.0310 E COMPANY OF PIITISBUIIini ODIUM No. 15TM WOOD max% MUM OD CA)101:E2C1 111111.7311i11. TRU Is • 1101. Calerury, and !RUM w4Plut la_plre LzuNAWALTER, nuldent. C. C. ROILY, Vim Previent. . El BOK EuBIRT PTRICK. socreu Truurn.u. AOLLIIIERY. Wall Air. e(Bcnte. , . Robert i4arld4, 1 1 .;E!ZI PEOPLES' MIIIMBANCE COM PAST. 011710 t. N. B. 00111118 WOOD a TUTU ESS. • Howl Criltaantaklag Wire and Marina Mat! Damson: t ,,,,e r ott 2 44 ;3 r. Eh c o . V . Eduka. . eI..VSF wm. valtit, ' Wm P.. Lang Junes I). Verner. BlowelHoOrakelt WIC PHILMLYS, &Went. JOHN WATT Vlee Premadest. • W. r. HABoirsit, swebm.. Al m . LEGII EN Y INSURANCE COMPAIPT OP FTPITBURGH. Near. SITId BTRIZT,RAIrs BrAcil. a desists& all Linda of PUT and Marto lOW. ;OEM IRWIN. J... Preradont. T. J. Fitnnal4SON. Vice Prerldezt.. 0. G. IXINNT.LL.ealnary. CANT. WM. CL AN . tl d sacral Adtal. Lasid:Toss: &Jut Inda. Jr.. H. L. Palumbo* T. J. litelOmod. W. N. itz.nddr. O. O. lilszk Robert H. Da.t H h. arvey _ . Trancla HWY..., Mules Hays. [laza. J. 2.lBtoadata.' Can, Wm. MAIL T. H. HaTis. =I *Less. oatrre. otrnativ 100 WOOD STREET. • NEw GooDs. FINE VASES. aosismias ABM WHIM • _ NlW Tol ls77. 2 t‘l:j l k9IN 31 . TEA E 89621, e • . . . 111101.13D3 ALlaxiest4at SILVER PLATED GOODS ant.42= 1 .1 sT4 lall b b.11%.7 R. E. BREED & CO. 100 WOOD STREET. CHINA, GLASS - QUEENSWARE. A lugs aisortmen anew noticing and shapes Jul received. Abo Plated and Britianta Ware, Yaw an* Varian Wan, now opening and for sale at very lon Prioen H. RIGBY & CO'S., No. 189 LIBERTY STREET. I=l.l • I A V/ 21 ;4'1.4;7- 1 fi 3 ifzil 1 / 2 F-N: fi 111 ROBIRT 11. Mina & CO Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., - rrrramostan. FL wan oe Event saturaau mom AN AUCTION BALE BORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES) WAGONS. • A NZL IT, 1 2 4Mrsono marled To tier ootJoh of ohodsozaent De or betas Thar/dos 0( each meek orderfor advallator• I pt Motion saA soot Cars vat be ens Wt. torsako. • - • • ronff H. KIKWARTI - rzairmsos. ROHM H. PATTERSON & CO., LIMEEVIC. SAlan Arm CONEISISSION ST COL & LIBATT CT. - - • • • - = WHEW OPERA. ROUSE. • Second aphuirsnce la roar 'easier the gr. stesll actress cm I Auserls. Stais, VIRO.•D. P. BOWERS. Sapported D NS J. e po C puI .McCOLLOM. ar young actor. TillMT/AT EVENING. Femurs RS. 11170. thelbeautiPal se e n Olga play of LADY AIdDLEY'S SECRET; ' bll. TUN MTSTRXT or Arum COURT. .Lasty Aadley Mrs. D. P. Hewers. RobertAad ........... C. McCollum. is mbesrsaland trlll Orally he produced the new play or SNARE. Gnold Matinee on Saturday. IarACALDEDIT OF music. SECOND 'CONCERT CANTATA. SOCIETY. . Taesday, Feb. 15th, Inst. performed tb. ht ttreertbcf Os Society. "Come Let or 'MOS' (13311 welt:eland ' , near bl) Prayer." by MI" , “Aeous Del." compored for tbs be. clety by Prof. Joe. Ebert. of Irlttabargb, beside* a their.e selection from the Work. of the beg t EM==3 eoesposars of miscellaneous pier., rk. 10 ../r/a etc., all with full orchestral accompaalmeat» The sale ofwcaxd Rale whl commence SAT• UHDAX, 1510 lest.. Cl 9 o'clock a, S., Cl the matte •tMTV of Mellor d Hoene. 53 FirLb Admission. 3g• No extra charge for sseure seats. - Tamil Cistie. 50 mots, • ' 1a9116/1 WHOLESALES GROCERS. 24: DILWORTII,IIIIIPER &CO., 243 Liberty Street, (Opposite head of Weed etreet,t WIIOLESALE OROUERS, MED ESTABLISHED BY L lc sr: GOMM, 1812 W. M. GORKY, WHOLESALE -GROCER No. 271 Liberty Street, (DI , r T OAP, TAGL3 DOM.,/ M= M. BTEELE & SON, • Coninstssian Merchants wx,otmoansilq. w7F=ix. ate. No• 93 OHIO STREET, itallmt9,3lo3. PLTEE BEIL Jim= P. Emu= KEIL & RICEIART, aosplussica DIBRONANTS,' PLOTTS, GUll, OEBD13; ELL lUD, &O. 149 Utmost, 81., Pittsburgh. 70114.17 WANOR & HAILIPEIy FLOUR, GRAIN AND FRODUCI Con:mission Merchants No. INN LIBENTY NTEUT, ffri!FMIT!!MITI W. C. ARMSTRONG, Mom= to leper a arozooma PRODUCE COMUILIS,9IO3 RERMET, No. 25 Market. Street. L . J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Ciroeer, No. MI PENN BTEZET ITTLE, BAIRD & PArFON, WholesaL• (inseam Commission M etchasta mad Dealers In Praslate. Pion, Baron, Caaatam. flab. carbon nod Lord Ott . Iron. Nails, NM .4 Vattusa Yarns and all Plateaus Manurseliares generally, 114 and 114 SECOND ISTRILIT. Pltatiaraa. JOIII4 I. BMW... WW. 11013..... AM. H. 11013141. lr OM I. HOUSE b. DELOS, •Sclir. PP reason tomsaN 1. HOUr hels sale Grocers sta'Corareleitou Merrlunts, Corner or atuattleld and Water etreete, Pittsburgh. Joan SITITTCS S. WALL/Mt. MPTON awsioLiem.whoier SALE liatWar.ll3 STREETII.ODUOI DEAL. No. /I HIXTH Plastoush. MERCHANT TAILORS. HENRY G. IBLWID, 1=217. Nyasa. JanVoatfid. L. Awn.. lITICKANT TAIEDE,• Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets, ~4 0 W COMPLETE. IPMSOI & EILANBROG, W. U. 111141113111 & Go., MERCHANT TAILORS, . No. 10 11171 ST„ late It. Clair. we h.,. Jest received • Urge se pl 7 of Pen end Winter Ooode vrhiels .111 t• sold et reason. able Am go aixentetßolrut suu at teaSzitteticeits.tiiiMerrAtirLAsinuje. S6BIIIOIIABLX istumnoHArrr TAILOR. Co1:14, Castanzeree and rigittes. _AIso.OICATLICICKNIIrorIM3HIN6eO OO n. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield ,Stoset, rrrreutmos. re. @9ent•i Clothing mode to order In CO Mart wow FALL GOODS. k.rpfemlld agir stock ot • CLOTHS, CASEIMICHNE4 Jost mend by SWINE iiirlaus„ • Xeretuat 13 Bidsalanta anat. ===l w. De CAMP, • 'IfTORNEY MD COUNSEI.I.OIt AT LAW.' lIL removed to No. TO GRANT ISTEXCLTIitV 171.k. - antri - ..1.11,1:14416 c a1ih LOO. H. H. ficCORNICH. Attorn.ev-at - Lavr. • wo. as ea.Aza-r arum: attention item to allk. AIICILULILD HLAEIZLEL ATTourossr-Aur:z.eb.w, JAMEN A. STRAIN, 214 " / 94r7gl i 1 T1 Lii1 24137 - 4317 tilenaftutionbl4B. zffe,T;dr?,.4%tdap.,. M * """"P"5". azi= Bulsead 141.11 UTOSIZaZeIII 114 war: lit NEWER, ALDPitILLN All"Rati-0116100 JusTie!lif OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE Jmtel attattn., Rw gdeinveracil= ate. legal Dulness Mended 14 Ms OW -7p4OIZICETO FLOURDEALIMI ADD CONSUILAIM—We Are now reedy w porch.. in Otte.. Xsrlte. Gross .4 Morgan conntlas, In4tana. •Tnts of of Wheat Is the very best 41 be faced and sansiot be ...sal by .y to the Unlutd Wales. We nave also nabbed our Improvirossa. IA Wineb l,3 .7. Moltlng Cloths and Cool!. /loom& awl an noir prepans4 to Mann Cie ban Yea. tot. AM. for Dm yews as prices fist eatnlallalOn on *alms grsitetal *oar. 111. T. HII2IIIIIADY BRO.. - • Thad ISlesa,a Ogniestart lt. /WM FZEZO Pittsburgh, Pa. ==,!! El= M=M7MI FALL AND WINTER STOCK =:=EI P. 1V1P.,4.3M131 PROFESSIONAL. 911_1114 11 orniwirs. !: FLOUR. 1