FINA‘NeLt.L. AMERICAN BLNK, NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, - IPTSTSBIIROU. DAMN CAPITAL . . .900,0011 Stockholders Individually Liable. 1.40111 OV DIPIOOO/IT AND DEPOSIT. "1" President. WE. 714.1.21 ' ir * PIRIKTOIRS. Thna. kt. MarstisJl, Jain W. lterri.a. Wm. T. htmonon. I m4q..411.""4 Junes W. Arent", Ja5.... 7. Ch.., H. Lech, Wm. PUT& Joins PI d, Hank Isnote rune oriMmlsed and preparto todt.. Kmaersi Mutsu.. }WU& 13ILVEIrAND COUPONS Bongld at Mirkest Prices. PH. B. 111EIITZ, Banker; Cor. Wood St. and sth MOM art JAMS T. BRADY & CO., Mammy to . E. JON3/11 i 00.. Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., 13A1NTICIEMfiii, Ittii .4 6611111 alai. of 90:VERNIENT _ BW3, GOLD, SILVER AND COIIPONS, ON sigsr I'AVOILUILL 711[8.103. me - Interest Allowtd on Deposits, Sir Mone y loaned on Government Bondi at lowest market rotes. Ordersi executed for the Purchase and Sole of !STOCKS, BONIN! and VOLD. JAMBS T. BRADY & CO. 5000 ALLEGHENY VALLEY H. B. 7-30 BONDS. 1:22213 N. 110LIIIES & SONG. MEEI Gaiette. FINANCE AND TRADE. Grimm OP Prrreatmorc Gazwrrs, • Mouroar,-Feb. 14, 1570. Gold woo weak at one time to day, de clining to 1193 ,frotif which It advanoed to 1103:, closing at Il91(. There is seam:. 'ugly no disposition to buy gold for an upward turn and the market Is left to the daily wants of the public for atudom house purposes. Gold speculation is apparently dead, and unless the preml. um declines. far below present quota. lions, speculative purchases will be very limited. Government bonds are very dull and have again declined today to the lowest point yet reached since January. The declining tendency of gold exercises • powerful influence on bonds at present, but the upward movement can not be delayed long, under the strong and ad vancing tendency of the stock market. There is a steady upward movement in Northwest, Cleveland, St. Pant, Rock Island, Ohio and Mississippi and New York roads. Express Bharat • are stronger. Money is in very good demand at full rates. Munincipal and school bonds are all rapidly bought up at advancing prices. quotations sa received by Ph. R. Merle Gold, 119%; Silver. - 116; Eighty one's, 117% Five Twenties, 1462, 114%; do 1661, 11134; do 1865, 114; do 1865, Comae. 112%, do 1567, 11334; db 1868, 113%; Ten Forties. 11116; Adams Ex press MN; Merchants Union ComPany, American Ex press Company, 36%; Western - Union Telegraph, 85; Now York Central 115 F ort %; Readlng, 86%; Pittsburgh, ...ept.t)rizeT, 81 3 4; Ohio ardti Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 100%; Chicago. Rock Pacific, 121%; Chicago & North Western, 73%; Chicago & North Western Preferred 90%; Erie 25g. SXMlAntnr. Leave. Mesabi. London. per A........._._..95.91 16.00 Paris, per frano---; - .. ...... 24 25 Berlin, thaler . ..........89 91 Frankfort, - don nar 60 68 --ClOsing quotations received by James T. Brady d Co- Gold: 119%; United States Slam, 1881, 117%; Five-Twenties, WS, 11454; do. 1864, 113%; do. 153.5.1/4; Ten-Forties, 111%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, .1865, 112%; do. do. 1887, 113%; do. do. 1968. 118%; Union Pacific Railroad. 8734; Central do, do, 80341 Cy. Pacific, 11194; Lake Superior airy Trle.rapb to the Pittsburgh Gasette.) New Year, Feb. 14, 1870. The Cotton Exchange was opened to day at the corner of Beaver and Pearl streets, under the auspices of the Board of Cotton Brokers. The Lebanon Springs and Rutland and Bennington Rollwaye have been consoli dated as the Harlem Extension. Au gustus Schell is President. The suspension of Thames N. Bide & Co.. manufacturers of tailors' trimmings, &c., is announced. Halstead, Stiles it Co., whose Mare has been already ar, nouneed, are said to have offered a com promise 0f . 75 per cent., which Is said to meet the general approval of creditors. Notwithstanding- the somewhat ant* vorable features of the Bank statement, the week opens with a very easy. feeling fn the money market. Rates 4@13 on call: diacounts 6GB; sterling steady at 8%(.49. • . Gold was weak In the forenoon Under a strong "bear" movement, but became strong in the afternoon from& report from Washington that the House had refused, by a vote of 93 to 73. to table a MU pro. -riding for tha issue of 1150,1103.000 addl. Venal legal tenders. Gold' opened at 11934 touched 11934@119% and closed at 119%®119%. Carrying rates . 4(g15 per cent. Clearance' 129,000,000. Governmenbeheavy and rather lower under the reduced qnOtationa for gold and the return of bonds from Europe. At the late comparative quotations in this market and Frankfort there has been a good Margin for the importation of bonds, and some considerable amounts have been bought abroad on New York ;emoted. The market closed steady. Coupon,. 'Bl, 1734@17%; do '62.14%@ 14%; do '64, 14®1436: do '65. 14(514%; do new. 131318%; do' 67,1133(®11334; do 418,118%®113%; 10.40'5, 11134@1.11Z Cur rency sixes,'ll34(3lll%. Sete securities strong except new Tennessee., which aro lower; Miseouri; 91%; old Tennessee' 57; new, 60341 old Ylridelina. 62%; now, 663; old New Or leans, 48; new, 2534; Louslanaelse; 734. Tho stock market opened less buoyant but etlll fairly active. especially on west ern shares. In the afternoon the market was generally active and Strong, with an onward turn in all leading shares. Sr. PAul preferred advanced to 8936.0. & M. to 3086, O. C. & I. (Ito 2134. Lake Shore to 89%, and Illinois Central Mg- per cent. Rock Island active and ranged between 12.2% and 121. New Jersey con. tml active at 09% .to-99%,' tin d• - • la being manipulated for another rise. North Western shares are strong but less active. Pittsburgh advanced to 100% and was more liberally dealt In. Other changes were not Important. bilscrella. Deems. and Express shores dull, with only ono exception, Pacific Mall, which was actively dealt in at 41%04234. This movement is bared upon - street reports that the Company intend to retire one. ball of Ita capital stock, and will shortly ask permission from the . Legislature. Rive. Thirty Prices. Canton, . 5734; eztoberlend. 35; Western Union Tele. „ ran : ; 34%; CintekeivenlB.ll; Maripoea, 1054; d o ;.sreferred 273; Adams Express, 62%1 F 1 711% 19 %; American. • 8634; United Sta:W. t'9%.1 Paeßle Mali. 42%; New York Cent. . 97 50 Mos 25 %; do preferred. 42; -Haploid, /48f.Hudaon Seri p. 0114; Iteading,99; wa l lop Central 121; hrike Shores 8 9V IllixtehiCen., 74 _ 8 % 1 • Pittsburgh. 100%; Northwestern, 93%; Rock Island. 122; St. Paul, 7434; do. preferred. 894.0 Wabash, -47%; do. pre. lerred 71; Fort Wayne , Vl%; Terre Banks Si; 40.. preferred. 63; C. jr, A. 314' 'do. 113%: O. a Si., % ; da. -oosi; N. J. C.. 99%; C. C. dc C, 9434; Bt. Joe. 10734; C. O. h 1. C., 703; Western Union bonds, 87. Berton prices: Calumet, 68; Heels, 83. tktb•Treasery balance: gold, p 5,467,. 244 alm oner, 86,197,977; general Del aney. 18%14738: • Dry Goods !target. Nave Yong, February H.—Market fairly sotto° and prizes of all grade* of cotton gado vary strong. Hope 4-4 bleached advanced to Ifo: Other quota-, 41ona unchanged. _F,•.~ - MBE PITTEIBOROR MARKETS. Oen= or.Pirsunnzon %Assyria / MOnnav,Feb. 14, 1970. Business, as usually is the cue on Monday, was dull to-day, and then again the, efeethet. was very ttrifillersh' le for outdoor operations. The grain and flour trade continues very Waggish and there Is not much prospect at present or any Immediate improvement. Procla ims continue rather dimly In the west, and while the leading markets are re. ported firmer, there Is no advance In prices, Sugars are steady with a fair 'demand and prices are pretty well Ms tattled—refined sugars are lower, rela tively, than raw. 1t le alleged that the proposed change In tho, tariff on sugars mi Is being manilated In tho Interest of rearms, and the feeling both among dealers and Importers la decidedly against the change now contemplated, *onside:ring- an they do, that it lag et op job on the part of eastern refiner& APPLES—In fair demand and rather firmer, but unchanged; sales at 42,E6@ 1,60 per bbl. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 25, 3 75 0. BUTTER—Oontinnea to arrive pretty freely, but It la mainly of a common grade, and, consequently, prime and choice roll is bringing fall priest, 321435, while common is very dulls. BUCKWHEAT FLOOR-31g33(. BRANS—Dull:sales at .72,004g2,50. BROOM OORN-14®12 cts per pound. BROOMS-Store prices: No. 2, $3,75, No. 3, p 4,50; No. 4, 15,00; No. 6, 15,50. Carpet Broome, 18,0046,50. OREENE—Ia steady but unchanged; Western Reserve and Hamburg, 1634(4 17; Factory, 17@1.754; New York State Farm Da l , 18012; New York Goshen, 34(4,21?ry CAItBON OlL—Continues quiet and unchanged Standard Luanda are atilt quoted at .263(@26, In a Jobbing way. - CRANBEltitltli—Saiea of prime cut. tivated at 1114,6631 b per bbL . DRONED HOGS—Contlnnea QM and can not, even In a retail way, bo quoted above 1034@lic. • , DRIED FRUIT—In good sUpply and dull but unchanged. Apples, 7058 c; Peaches at &We for quarter% and 10011 for halves. Blackberries, 14(016c; Pitted cherries. 2.5(430e per pound. EGGS—Market doll, though fresh packat are still held at 21. . . FEATHERS—BaIes at &Walla, and the usual advance for email lota, in a retail way. FLOUR—The marketle quiet and un- changed. Western flours, 15495,50 for Spring, and 15,7506 for winter. Rye flour $5@5,25. • GRAlN—There la no movement le wheat here and prloea are nominally an• changed, 81,10®415, for good to prime Red. Oats dull and unchanged; dealent generally quote at 160. bruins. and 48@ 50 selling. Ear Vern la quoted at 70 buy ing, and 76c willing on wharf, and 78@ 800 In store. Rye is quiet and un changed; sales at 90a, cash. Barley quiet and unchanged; 91,00®1,05 for prime to choice spring, and 11,t0Q1,15, for prime to choice fall. HAY—Sold at Allegheny Diamond market. some 95 loads, at 1114€4; as to quality and condition. HUSKS—SaIes at23agdle per pound. HOMINY--Salea at }5,76Q)6,00 per bbL LBW—Sales of Olepeland white lime at 1242.25 par bbL ONIONS—SaIes at 12,500.1,00 per bbl. the outside figure for choice. LARD 011.—tlity brands No. 1 extra quoted at $1,40@1,42, and No. 2 at 99. PEANllTt3—Tenneesee at t3(g)9 cta. PEAS—DaI: $2,50 per bnaheL POTATOES—There Ia no Improve ment In the demand and no change In Prices—sales in store at E.o@iss per bushel. POULTRY—Receipts continue very light and market is almost bare. We 'continue to quote dressed chickens, at 14(4)15 eta., and dressed turkeys, IMPO. PROVISIONS—The market is quiet ad unchanged. Plain Shoulders, 130 /Pi; Sugar Cured, 14(gt144M Ribbed Sides, 15%; Clear Sides, 113%@)17; Breakfast Bacon, 18,tiq Sugar Cured Hams, IBM. Steamed Lard, in tierces, Ific, kettle, 174V1734. Mess Pork $29. SEEDS—Clover Seed Is quo:I:d at 583 j @834, in store. , Timothy Seed quiet; 143405. and Flax Seed; ;2,1002.15. STRAW—SaIes of rye straw at ilet and oats st load. SALT—Is quoted at; 1,75 by the car WHlSKY—Hlghwinee firmer at 98Q) /I; rectified, ti,tfoi proof rectified, pod. Old whiskies scarce and firmer. PETROLEUM MI4E EET Oman ov Prrrearrnem GAzirrrn, MONDAY Feb. 14, 11170. The oil market continues very quiet and devoid of anything new or Impor tant. The trade Is becoming pretty well satisfied that Pittsburgh la .not.heinrig treated fairly nor Justly in regard to the matter of freight, and as we noted In our last report, this is having's very bad effect on business. It is reported. and there is not much doubt but what It In true, that Cleveland can ship oil to the seaboard cheaper than Pittsburgh not withstanding the distance is considera bly greater. Now this should not be; and we hold that In view of the heavy patronage derived from the oil interest, that the Pennsylvania Railroad Is in honor bound to protect the oil trade of Pittsburgh, and there Is certainly no good reason why this company cannot carry oil from hete as cheap as other roads can carry it from Cleveland. Our refiners ask for nothing but what Is fair and just, and to this they are oertafelv entitled, and It la altogether probable that when the corporation referred to Is made aware of the situation, that the proper remedy will be applied. 1:121=10 Market quiet and without quotable change, bale 1,000 bble seller twill July, at 12,,f, and It is said, more offered at lame bigure, - Spot or seller this month quoted at 12% bid, and 13 asked. Buyer until July quoted at. 143 g. No itales—market qnlet and without Important change. Spot or senor thus mouth quoted at 293,144934; March lb December, 31 bid; March to August held at 31; Jaly to December, 313.0g32. RECIIIIYI7I Or 1100011 OIL BY A. T. R. B. LOCkh/11. F. & Co. 1,130, on account same; Fisher Bro. 80, on account E Long; J Wlllrdna 240, on account Pall'a and Boston Pet Co; Penn 011 Works 400„ on account 11 B Duncan: Vista 011 Works 400. on account EH Long; Oh stet Oil Works 480, on account Platter Bro: Liberty 011 Works 480, on account Fisher Bro; A B Aline 80, on account V Bartle. 3,390 bbla 101 . 111113119 01 OIL BY A. V. B. B. Lockhart, Prey & Cc, LOSS bbla ref. 01l to Warden, F. & Co., Tarentum 011 Works, 250 bbla, relined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. .7. A. McKee, 250 hbla - refined oil to W. P. Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. Mcßaley & Bro. 502 bbla refined oil to W. P. Logan 6C Bro., Philadelphia:. Citizens 011 CO. 444 tibia refined oil to Tack Bro. Phil's. Total refined OIL HIPPED EA/STET WEST PENN E. B. Kirkpatrick it Lyons. MO Ms to & Bro., Phila. ALLEGHENY !CATTLE MARKET. OFF/OS OD PII T73808T18 GAZETTE, MONDAY, Feb. 14, 1870. °Arils. • The following hi a correet report of the nnrober of cars of Cattle received from the *eat, with the names alba shipper* and tho poltit at which they were shipped; D. B. Burnell, Fort Wayne.. l'''' 1 car M. Verner, Chicago - ' S can Haste:good a. 8., Chicago 2 cars L. Jr. J. filhamberg, Chicago 4 cars Greenwald a K., Chicago 8 cars L. Keifer, Chicago 1 car • H. Lowenateine, a IL, Chicago.... S. cars L. Roil:millids a a, Chicago 3 cars 8. Kaufman, Chicago 1 car 8. Mark. Bro., Chicago 4 cars Haas a Kraus, Chicago ' 3 cars Chas Maas. Chicago • M. S. Bowers, Lima Ohlo 1 car Geo. Welah, Indianapolis 1 car J. J. Dye, Indianapolis. .... . ......1 car J. L. Anderson, Indianapolis, 2 cars M. C. Manor, Creatline 1 Cu A. C. Boller Mansfield • ' ar 1 c " J. Rherrick.,!Canton .. .. . . ..... .......... 1 car 3. it 8, Needy, Newark ~;.,.:.. 5 'cars Prepaid 5 cars Trsurnaan d. Lohman, Chicago._ 4 care Total Ed cars Total laid week. ..... __6l eats In addition to the 11b;300 len were filly three cars of Penna. °ante, making the whole number 54 cars, or, calculating 18 heed to the car load, Tory nearly 1,000 p e w, :sat the market was a had one dealers genertlly conceded—some thought it the wont one experienced this winter. There Were wenn! eastern Munn In cndig among others,Brigge and Moses "AY In tho dais' but owing to the rain widen then • pre. waled as well as to the fact tt er Mit very few ef the kind aul te bl efor e shipping on sale, and ror these the butchers paid more than shipper' could "dient—eo It, we! said at least they. me not buy.a single bullock. The retail de mand did not seem to be up to the Mal standard, the number of butchers in at.: mutants,, apparently. - being tmultudir small. and when we left She yards at /MO, it looked'he Mere wottla be quite a number left cm:li unsold. While the number.of really good settle on aide was very email,• It Is also true , that there were fewerscalaaags than meal, and it is probable that the stock on ule to-day was nearer of a grade than for 1101326 time Put. Theie were but few really fat cat. tie, and not Many very pool' . ones, and there were fewer stock cattle than last week. We have no doubt bat what the New York buyers would have taken sev eral car loads lf they could have otalned the kind they wanted, and If 10 or 12 car loads or even half a dozen loads had been taken out of tho market It would have been quite a lift to holders; as it was, there were toigtuany cattle for the demand. Primal compared with last week. are logerr.. and aa already Inti Mated, the Market was a very dull and *uneatisfao. tory one. Bonuf few very line cattle sold at 8 and even up to 8%; but there are °Malik quotations,. as the great proper. tion or the beat cattle were sold at 707%, and fair to medium at 608%. Stock steer, still quoted, at 4%os%,„according to quality and condition. J. R. Pringle 17 head' blamer Co. stock gold at 4%05. L. Rothchtlda & Zeigler 55 bead from Chicago, at 5%07%. 8. Kauffman 13 head from Chica 606% go, at Kranz & Hasa sold 56 from Chicago, at 6 Y.09 7 3i. inawansteltie & Hartman sold 56 head from Chiang°, at 5%@7,62. Jacob Needy 51 head of good to extra Ohio stock, at 6% - Keefer & Katz sold 24. head from COl• sago, at 6%(gi7. &J. Shamberg 80 head from Chi cago; stockers at 5%; fat cattle, at 6,20® 8,37%. .Trairrman & Lot man; 68 stems all from Chicago; at 6@B; 22 bulls at 4@o. Emefick & Co., sold 4 head. Carr & McAllister mild 72 head on commission, at 5@7%. ••• ' Greenwald & Kahn 63 steers, all from Chicago, at 61;g774. B. Marks & Bro. report 80, all from Chi cago, at 6®B. Holmes. Lafferty & Co. 39 head mixed stock. at saB cut. Hodges & Taylor 80 head mixed stock from Ohlo and Indiana, at 4%®7%. r=2 The number of sheep on sale to-dity was large, thought not up to that of last week, bu t the absence of eastern buy ers, and au unusually limited retail de mand, the market was the hardeet one of the aeasort. At 10 A. at:, there were quite a number of droves unsold, and several of them would have to be driven over to East Liberty; as a general thing, however, the quality was better than last week, but prices ruled lower. We now quote prime to extra at fQBc, some few fancy sold up to 7c. Medium abeensoid at &l@4 per head, and scala wags, of which there were bot few on sale, may be quoted at 81,6002,50. lc H. Frew 103 head from Lawrence county, very good, held at Cr. John Walters retailed 160, mixed stocki at 12@i4,q. per head. .1. It. Pringle 100 head, averaging 80 to 85 lb+. held at 134. C. 11. Moulton had for Chrlaty 180, held at $2,6003,60; WWI °tiered $2,50 for the whole drovo. . _ . . M. G. Bele'ley 113, weighing about 80 to 85 Ws; would average about cl per, bead. Corwin dc Co. report having had 150 on sale. John Gallagher 100, unsold, • held at ;3,50 per head. John F. Neely 76, mixed atock,Xt per head to .5,N0 per lb. J. B. McaShan 116 head—unsold at 10 A. M.—expeeted to drive to East Liberty. J. S. Kerr 160 bead—only had 10 sold at 10 A. at—expected to drive to Central Yards. Emeriek & Co. sold 135 prime. &Ter aging 110 Ms, to Peter Teab, at 0XG.70. The market is quiet and unchanged— demand, as is always the case .at !limo yards, was mainly local. We continue to quote In a retail way at 123 ®10,4 per cwt., fur fair to prime averagee. Jacob Needy sold 09 to Emerick•& averaging lbs, at 9,60. John McMurtry delivered to W. Ad ams, 12, contracted about - two months Mime, at 10c. HARKETR BY TELEGRAPH NEw Yosx, February I4.—Cotton heavy, with sales of 100 bales at 2.5340 for middling uplands. Flour: receipts wore 3,716 bble; prime s®loc better; sale' 6,800 hbla at 54,75(34,95 for sneer fine State and western; 1.5.20®5,85, extra State: $5,15g43, extra western; $5,6C1ee6,30, white wheat extra: $5,20@6,15,1t. H. 0.; $5,506,25, extra St. Louis; (8.25®8,60, good choice do.; included In the males were 1,000 bble extra State, to arrive In two weeks, at 15,25.. Rye Flour quiet; Wee 200 bble at $4G.4,75. Corn Meal quiet. NV hinky heavy; wiles 220 bola western at 971p734e for free, chiefly at 97c. 'Wheat: receipts were 4,380 bush: prices were I@2c better for spring, and 3( 0 )40 better for winter; sales 41,000 bush at $1,20 for No.. 2 erring: 51.06, reject -34 spring: winter red and amber western: 41,38, common white Michigan, and 111.57 for white State. Rye quiet. Barley dull: 4,500 bush two row ed State 85e. Barley Malt quiet. Corn dull, heavy end declining: receipts 11,114 bush, sales 24,000 bush 84488 c for new mixed western, and. 95@;97c new south ern yellow. Oats lower: receipts 11,800, melee 48.000 bush at 51%@560 for western, and 61(0) 6 3c for State. Stock of grain in warehouse: wheat 2.813.977, corn 524,822, oats 1,176,163, rye 41,900, barley 318 ; 5C6, malt 84,018, pesa 10,15/2. bush. Rice dallaatrolina @7l‘c. Coifs° firm. Sugar steady, with sales of 400 libde Cuba at 9@lo3ic and 150 boxes Asylum at 105(c. Molasses; dull; males 25 barrels New Orleans at 68®75c. Roes qtdot at 18 CpStio for American. Petroleum null at 16302)16;40 for crude and 303;043034c for refined. Linseed 011 lirm •at 96a98e. Turpentine nulet and unchanged. Perk opened heavy and cloned firm; sales 480 bbls at $28,25®26,62 for now moss, 122,50 ig2.3 for prime, 154.50325,50 for prime men; alto 250 bble new mess Seller Febimary and March, Oriole, at $26,25® 26,50. Beef steady and quiet, with wiles 149 bbls at slo@ls for—new plain mess and $14©11,50 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef quiet, with sales 8:i tierces at $255. 28 for prime mean end $27@30 for faiths mess. Beef Rams quiet, with sales 60 bbls st $18@32,50 for new. Cut Mealn heavy : sales 40 rags at 10,$@lle for shoulders and .MX014%0 for hams. Middles quiet: Wes 75 his at 13yic for lump cut and 14%e for short ribbed. Dressed hogs heavy at 1105113,6 e for west. ern. Lard heavy and lower; Isles 400 tierces at 1454 @ION° for steam and leg lens for kettle rendered: also SAO tierces steam rendered; seller February March and April, at 131(®16 ;e. Butter quiet at 171330 c for Ohio. Cheese dull And unchanged. Freights to Liverpool dull and unchanged. fgveat—plour closed 6c. better 'oh IoW grades of extra, with a moderate export demand. Wheat firm, at Il..111(011,2I for No. 2 spring, and 11 ,30®1,54 for winter red and amber western. Bye nominal. Oats dull, at 5434:M60 for western In store and afloat. Corn dull and heavy, at 02®880 for new mixed western. Pork quiet and without any decided change. Beef quiet and steady. Cut meats and bacon are nominally unchanged. Lard more active and lower, with males of 2,000 tierces prime steam, seller all this month, at 15 , 4@1k1i0. Eggs quiet and without any decided change. Camas°, February It —Flour steady and moderately active for all but choice grades; prices unchang Wheat: No. 1 quiet at 85e; No. 2 fair e ly d. active at 82 34 clastag at 63X(3,82340; this after- noon market hi dull and unsettled at 82% @8330, cash; 112%., seller March far No. 3. corn In fair demand; sales No. 2 at 70®704 , c, closing with Beliefs' at 70e; re. Jested at 68 ;'new Is firm at Ole: this after. noon No. 2 is dull at 69",;(37700. Oats glrm and WI higher, ranging at lw@ UM for No. 2, closing with buyers at 38%c. Rye quiet and 20 lower, sales No. 2 at 66(368e, chasing weakat 67e. Barley firmer, No. 2 noininal at 65(370e, wines quiet with buyers at 92(392w; sellers at 93(366.W. Provisions fairly active. Mass Pork easier at 327,37340 26,50; math - r 1.7; buyer February F 425, miler ra, buyer SA closing at 126,37343, 26.40 cash, - 936,25 seller, and 927 buyer for March. Lard In better demand and lower at 14%c cash, 14340 seller March. ald Meats dull and almost nominal; dry salt- ed shoulders 10e, rough esig„,W, short ribs loose I3W, sweet pleklod barns I4tic, green 1313113.0. Dressed bogs dull at 31i053410,60, closing at 110,1234 e) 10,0734, dividing 00200 lbs. Reselpts for. the pant 24 houre-5,0'.0 bbls flour, 30,410 bu wheat, 36,370 tin corn, 11,094 hn. oats, 3,677 IM rye, 9,501 bu barley, 8,636 bogs. Shipments-070 bblo flour, 5,470 bu 16.364 bu corn, 3,725 bu oats, 300 bu rye, 3,640 tm barley. 4,715 hogs. East-, ern Exchange 1-10 off buying and par Sr. Loris, February 14:—Tobacco mar ket activexul higher. Cotton morainal at 24 €9 24 50. Hemp quiet and unchanged.. Flours low grades scarce and higher at . 54.25(34,50 for superfine; i4,60§4,90 for extra: 13(35,25 for doubleextra. Wheat: spring unchanged i tall lower and irregu lar; sales No. 2 spring at 90e; do. red f a ll 95 30611; Na - 1 do. 3104 cholee 11.12:51,2234. Corn heavy and easier at (1043,610 for mined bulk; 700 for . white; 38@700 for mixed snicked; 7 0@110 for yellow; 720713 a for prime to fancy, white. Oats 'heavy - and easier at 46t 47340 in bulk; 51131.530 packed. Barley dint at 1416 forlall Minnesota. Ryisslow at 704 72c. Whisky firm at 93s ,Sugar 4011 5t,11,313ga for fully fair 10.b110,0h. • - I'ITTSBURGIf DAItY GAZETTE : TUESDAY MORNING, 15,..1516 Coffee dull at '2o®23c for 'medium to choke. Moieties dull at 70(:§80r for plantation. Pork in fair demand at T 27,24127,60. "Dry salt meats firm at 19.14(ga1c for shoulders, 1414@14340 for clear rib, lbo for claw sides. Bacon strong at 12340 for shonldens 160 for clear 10340 for clear aides.. none out of smoke, 1634®1&}; 0 seller the month. Lard quiet: small melee choice Bone at 'at 16c. Receipts flour, 7,410 bblr, wheat, 34,690 bush; corn. =,600 bush; oats, 26,607 bash; Barley, 1,100 bush, rye, 2,300 bush; hogs, 170. CrscartrAV 1, February 1.4,F10nr nn changed, with aides of family at 15.2 5 0 0.60. Wheat dull at ;1,0801,10. Corn dull at 79@020. Oats chill 'at 60p)55c. Ityo dull at 86@8Eo. Tobacco dull, with sales of 64-bds at 17,60(423.40. Cotton dull; sales an:addling at 2434 e. Wlakey firm at 93c. Hogs are in good , demand from shippers at 19@9,60; gross receipts, 6.060. Provisions are classed dull and pricesrare - nominal with no demand hf any consequence. Mess pork wan sold at W. Bulk meats at 10,1Q)1434@ 143tfct for shoulders, clear rib' and clear aides, but no sales. Bacon held at 1234 4111.534016340 for shoulders, clear ribs and clear sides, the latter scarce. hence the high rates asked; they were offered at 1634 c to come out next week. Sugar cured hams at 18340a340 and the de mand light. Laid rear - dull at 143,A160 for prime steam and kettle rendered. Butter dull at 2a71 , 0 Cheese dull at 16®16c. Eggs drooping now at 1701E10. Linseed oil very firm at 96598 c, mostly held at 11, and stock quite light. Lard oil dull at 111,4001,44. Petroleum un- changed at 295031 c for relined: Sugar unchanged; New Orlesns l 1®133%. Cof fee firm at 16024 c. Molasses firm at 76 @Pao for New Orleans. Tocsno, February 14. —Relpbs; dour 500 bbla; wheat 3 , 000 bushels; corn 14,. 700 bushels; oats 600 bushel rye 400 oushels; dressed hogs, 10,000 rounds. Shipments: dour 1,409 bills; wheat 360 bushels; corn; 14.400; dressed bogs. 400 lb.. Flour dull, Wheat 2®30 better and active; No. 14whIto Michigan 11,2134, amber 11,07, No. 1, red 11.15, No. 2, do 11,07, No. 3, do 95c. Corn dull and 1(§120 lower: No. 2, 804 now 690; no grade 60c. Oats nominally and unchanged; No, 1, 48c, No. 2,45 e. Dressed hogs 10@l0y4c. Clover seed; no sales; held at 18,25, oulactLtx, - February l4?-Eiales . 35 hhde tobacco at 11,85c66,50 for frosted trash, 16@18 for lugs, 45&50(4116,00 for low to good leaf. Cotton dull; middling at 23Ne. Flour In moderate demand; extra family at 45,25. Grain quiet; wheat at 11,10®1,16; oats at 63in corn at 930; rye at 050. Proytalona firm, me= pork at 427,60; bacon shoulder, at 1234 e, clear rib at 16c, clear aides at 163pn bulk shoulders at 11%e, clear rib at 15c, clear sides at latic; lard at 163 c: hams, sugar cured, at 18al9c. Whisky at Me. OLEVZLAND, February 14.—Flour mar. ket quiet, steady and unchanged. -Back- Wheat flour market quiet and lower; held at s7@7 50. Rye flour quiet and nominally unchanged at lb' 25®5 60. Wheat doll at it 12 for No. 1 red, sod ft 06 for No. 2 do. Corn market dull,. with no transactiona and prime nominal. Osta dull. Petroleum market quiet and unchanged: refined held at al®Mic In large lots, retail parcels 26@i3lq crude quiet et =5 70 per bbl. BALTIMORE, Fab. 14.—Flour fairly ao• five but weak; western superfine - 14,M® 5,00. Wheat steady; Maryland red 11,55 ®1,48; Pennsylvania red 11,22@1,24. Corn active; Pennsylvania white 94 @age; yellow 95®97c. Oats steady 53(05c. Rye dull at 95ci311. Mesa Pork firm at $25,50®28,00. Baconlirtn: rib side" 153; WS= clear rib 1 8i4111030e; shoulders 12%®13c: hams 19®Mc. Lard quiet at 1630. Whisky firm at 98®993. Mysterns, February 14.—Ootton dull and nominally Mc,c. Receipts for the put three days 3.720 bales: exports •3,12 8. F10ur unchanged. Corn 92®93c.. Bev 524®25 per ton. Bran 124. Lard 16c 1730 c, Pork 129. Bacon nominal; bulk shoulders 11a, alders 15i4c. Dirraorr,.Febrnary 14.—Wheat 1420 higher and very firm; sales extra white 11,21®1,V.; No. I do. 11,13; amber 11,06; regular 11,03. Oats quiet at 45®480. Cloventeed 18,25(38,50, Dressed Hog. 110,250)10,75. Mrf.wsurgs, Feb. 14—Flour . nominal. Wheat steady at 87300 for Na. 1,86 c for No. 2. Rye steady at 70c for No. I. Oats, oorn and barley are nominaL Dressed hogs steady at 110,25®!0,00. ST. LOUIS, February • rip. Louts, February 14.—Cidtle qtdet and unchanged; sales at 41@b1,4c for fair to prime, 6@B 4c for choice to extra. Hogs: scarcely any arriving; a small lot dividing on =Ms held at SW. • C.,tusao, Feb. 14.—Live hogs easier itt $5,60€.7,03 for common to good; choice steady at 14,751a7,76 for cows and choice bullocks. NAAHVILLE, February I7—Cotton quiet with sales low middling at 23e; ordinary at 22}4; clock =hales. Live Meek Market. limy 'Volta, February 14.—The 4,130 bullocks of today make 6,600 for the week: the market wan quite varied, be ing very good at Commumpaw, and the 1,740 cattle there were sold at half a cent advance; the other markets were dull and an average of 100 left over. The rain of this afternoon Is unfavorable; the qual ity varied; for very poor Texans, at lON up to really prime catttle, selling at 17c; 18c was bid for extras, but they are holding for Wednesday. 111 poor 5% cwt Texan,' mold at 512,50;100 111lools, cwt, at 14©165; /16 fair to fine oil, 6U ovrt, at 14@17c 188 good 6 cwt, Texans at 12c, 40 Canada', 1135 mat, alive at Lk. Total sheep, 26,940; for to-day, 7,470. Trade is somewhat more active at full and stronger rates, or 5!....02) 7 % 0 , with extras higher, via: A car of 124 ibe. Otnadas at B%c; a car of 81 lbs. State at 7c; a car of 91 lbs. Ohio at 7!,;c; a car of 68 lbs. *Retest 5%c. Arrivals of hogs for the week were 16,700 live, and 7,650 drained. Them were 39 care of live today, and the market ia.weak at IN® 11.0%c; sales of 6 oars Illinois, of 315 Me, at lOye; 1 car Ohio, of 220 lbs, at 100; • dressed fell to 12(412t,C, with western dreamed offered at 11,to and no takers. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITTOIMBOII FORT WAYND AND o>a -01,00 RAILROAD.. February 14.-9 ears metal, Nlmlek & Co; 16 do do, Brady's Bond Iron Co; 1 do do, Onion Iron Mills; 6 do do, Superior Iron Mills; 3 do do, Bryan & Cal:whey:l do do, Brown & Co; 1 do do, Graff, Byers & Co; l do do, Hall. man & Hammett; 100 bbla flour, Culp Shepard; 200 bgo barley, rier, On; 166 Obis flour, Schornaker & L; 15 bdls steel, Anderson & Woods 1 car lumber, John Chielett; Ido do, W 0 Hopper, 7 rases hdle, J Woodwell it Co: 200 bbls Hour, TO Jenkins it Bro; 100 do do, Seghmyer. &V; 100 do do, p Wallace; 24 sewing machines ' W Sumner & Co; 100 bble nour,..Watt,Lang & Co; 34 sks rags, McCullough & limlth; 40 hides, 4 N HotTetott; 14 kegs butter, H Rea Jr 14 bbls oil, 40 hf de, Geo E Palmer; .8 bxa butter. W H Graff; 4 bbla turnips, 1 do oolong, Woodworth & 0; 23 bdle paper. Godfrey it Clark; 260 his March, Mau, McGrew it 001 CLETBLAND PITTEISMIN RAIL. ROAD, February 10.-7 cars Iron ore, Shoenberger. Blair It Co; I do Canada ore, McKnight & Co; 2 do lake sup ore, Remy Graff & Doll; 2'do do, McKnight. P &Co; 2do blooms, Grad , B - & 0o;' 3 do Iron ore, 2 bole steel, Hussey. W Co; Ido Wheat, 10 T Kennedy .Bro; 100 bbli. oil, J Spear t Co; 100 do turnips, T McCoy; 2.2 eke wheat, Culp & Ei; 43 do d peaches, 1 big lard, 6 do beans, 4 do ap ples, 4do eggs, F G Craighead; 13 pkgs eundries, 0 Barnett:7 caw s machines. Grover & B; 20 eke corn, H Rea Jr; 20 DZS candidly Munhall & M; 83 Phis male, Schomaker & L; 10 Mule Hagar, . 7 S Dilworth & Co; 10 do 'sugar, Johnson & Co; 22 bide oil,. F Hollers di Go; 20 do ap- ples, Randolph & B; 5 do do. 4 do eggs, J A Grain 5 de apples, H. Riddle; 222 aka MD. OrahaM M; 86 halls chairs, B Young & Co: 24 do do, 12 rockers, Bed- Chair Co. Aram:tangy VALLEY RAILRO.&D, Feb ruary 14.-6 care limestone, Shoenberger h Blair; 21 eke oath, 7 do corn, C Reiter; 1 car metal, Tattoo h Cu; Ido do, Mc- Knight & Co; 1 car rye, J A Gault & 1 car grain, 52 aka oats, Scott & Meal; 1 car grain J W Simpson; 8 bbl. eggs, 20 eke rye, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 bbl eggs, Head & /debtor; 1 hale calf hides, 0 LI Anderson & pkgri eggs and butter, H Freese; 2do eggs, - 3 K Vous kamp; 56 cars coal, Kier, Foster h Kier; 60 do do, ArMatroog, Dickson & Co; 18 do do, Coleman, Bahm & Co; 802 rails railroad Iron, ill A Carpenter. 103 bble tar, L Openhelmer; 1 Mc dooks, All English & Co; 18 mks rage, McCullough, Smith & Co; Y sits elOver seed, .1 S Dil worth 4.C0. • Prnwsultalf. OrSOMCBIATI ..11.111) Sr. LoVta Renacoan, February 14.-12 hhdli tobacco, Wanton ft Bro; asars cooper , age, Hastings d 11; 40 tee ham', Debunk T; 59 bp barley, . F Schield; 128 do to, Hood;119 do do, John Gangwich; 85 oga corn, Meanor & H; 29 do barley, Z Wainwright; 8 kgs lard, H Rea Jr; 8 tuba Minter, F G Craighead; 1 oar .eatai A Blackburn; 10 do cleaves, J H Daley; 1 do do, M PAdante Bre; 98 eke_ wheat. F Schield; 188 do barley. McHenry dH; 80 bloc do, 43 do corn, 19 do rye, do 0a1e,,8 do wheat, Memo & H. ArasasattSTATion Feb:curt 14. B.carli 000pprage...John Ronlah: pkge ego W H Park; Ido d 0.25 do tobacco, & WJeoldliliont / oar flaxseed. 81 B Buydanu - '76 aks oozy, 48 do inilifeed, Steel .klikin; 1 ear shingles, F Beckett; Si cars 000nerage,Dalya A - It; 1 do barley. J Rhodes & Co; Ido do, ht Heakehrlan; 1 oar shingles, aoeghtly d Kopp 60 bbl bigtorhine r a de; 18. - ; thy seed, Joe Craig; 94.1601 barley 4 Dlpple; 69 bides, Lippe & Who; 80 like flour. J /I MACH. - RIVER NEWS. tipper Rivers. By radio and Atlantic Tclevraph.) OIL CITY, Feb. 14.—River at sr stand with 20 Inches water. In channel. Weather cloudy, raining; thermometer 42 at 8 P. lc. tioinAN+ows, February 14.—RIver rising with six feet of water in the channel. Weather raining; thermometer 56 at 4 r. 11Ir. ansrmationo, Feb. 14 .—River rising with six jfeet water In the eltannel. Weather raining; thermometer 45 at 4 Bnowitsvita.s, Feb. 14.--Rlver rising fast, IN fib seven feet water In tho than. nel. Raining. Thermometer 45 at 4 P. • C. Thellar Inns swelling ideality last evening, with live feet eight inches In the channel by the Monongahela. der the Influence of the rein yesterday, we should not be surprised to see 8 or 10 feet of water here within the next 48 hours. Mercury at 4r. x., 48. The Arlington, Capt. Dan Moore, la the regular packet for Cincinnati today, leaving at noon. Although this Is only her third trip, it has established beyond doubt, that she can make the time easily and give all nonemar .time and at tention to way business, even S he pa rd low stage of water. Cs t. S. la In charge of the omee. Vasscmgets and ahippera will bear in mind that she leaves on time. The Mollie Ebert, Capt. G.. W. Ebert, le announced to leave for' St. Louie to. day, u to also the Wild Dusk. Capt Ana. wait. The Julia N 0.2 arrived frOm Zanes ville yeaterday. • —The Cincinnati , Commercial says: khown steainboat commander, whe was of the opintoti that the Robert E. Lee wasalaster oat than the New Natchez, since his return to N. 0., writes boa friend In this city ea follows: .Your favorite boat, the New Natchez, they say la as feat as a tiocomotive, makes hardly a preoeptiblebreak in the water, and runs so steatillyza to make her pass. angers think they are landed half the time. Cannon Is ribald of her, but says for them to set the pegs for a fast run and he, with the Robert k. Lee, will try and move them up a hole or two. rata glad the Natchez Is a SUOMI% as I have aPlw aysert thought Leathern the aggrieved Y• —lt is now stated that McDermott. the engineer in charge of the Maggie Hays. when the explosion occurred, attempted to stop a leak In the boiler by soldering the defective parts with lead. It le also stated that the boiler was cracked In the centre In several places about the rivet', and that Captain Martin was assured be. fore starting that the boilers were tier. featly safe. —The Wheeling ridellipertrer says the Anderson made the run from Qn. cinnati to Wheeling, on her last trip, In 50 hours and BO minutes, and calls that pretty good running. We have stern wheel.boate that can beat that. —The , steamer Umnmonwealth was attached at Memphis yesterday by St. Lords creditors, for a debt of twenty-two hundred dollars. The matter was Sub. seq eased.uently arranged and the boat re -1 —The Saute, from New. Orleans, ar riven at Leann'', on Saturday. She reahlppeol her Plttaburgh freight on the KVA Putnam. and will return float there to New Orleans. —The Bier Wharf Boat at Helena, owned by Penny a Co., stink on Ban• day. by the opening of a seam while steamer was pulling her off shore. No freight wu lost. —Qtr.. Wish Kerr anived here Yester day. Ma visit this time is to look after his new packet for Pittsburgh and Pons. mouth trade, now under contract. —"the remalna of the late Capt. Martin, of the Maggie HaYa, left Memphis on Saturday for slateraville, Va., for inter. —The Kate Putnam, Bellvernost and Wm:might arrived at Louisville on Sat urday night. —The WU adyantsed to leave Cincinnati for nabargh on Sunday. RIVER PAC/MTS. 8/3312311 PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The new and eolendld aldrarbrel a dr in g /Reamer. ARLINGTON. DANILL 810 , 01tE. Master, A. 8. flnaraan. Clem learn PRObargh for Cowl*nal eyery. TURIDAT at 111 Y. promptly. Rataraiat. for Pltuhnrah. at IR at•avery lb IDAY. rorfrel•ht. nantafn, or other Information. al. ply on board or to . JANLII COLLIIIB, fet PLAINT • COLLINGWOOD, Agents. ISENIPHES AND NEW ORLEANS O$ miEniruls : i adZeFand NEW OHLEANK— Thee "maw In da-arbael passennen steamer CITY OF IMNSVILLY.,....Capt. H. Duna. w i WZ In DK/ M o O A th T e . lOt v h e Manatd. nmedlas tort " or Fete FLACK t CULLUM wOOD. •ffenta. E33=112 VOlt. ST. LOlllB.-Theadat pas tttttt Oemaer *OLLIE EREIZET..O.*. , Muter. PePPard. Chat, will learn for the above atol mien:mediate tarts,. TO.DAT, lath MC. pool. tlerly, /or freight or p.m" apply board to FLACK COLLI . N6WOOD or , or fel JAMES COLLIN 4 Ageate. CAIRO MID NT. LOUD! os csiso AND sr. LUUTA R powcr[el Taw . t WILD DUCK AND BARGES, Dora sod Plana, .1. W. ANAWALT.Comaander. 111 testa Tlittl DAT. rob. 'llll.b. at 4. r. tor Ma above and inparTordlate ports. jrnjr n"'"?ricartriLPlVlTTadktrott. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND, QUEENSTOWN. • THE INEEIM NAIL STEMNIBULPS. Numberig lebruied Muter* Irshe/mi newels, mom 9eru n ou . . . CITY or TAMS, onit or A NTIVIEUT iz, CITY Ulf BUIITUY CITY or 011 1 1 1 or LonDo.l4. ILTEICI -SATURDAY, from nee 46 Norsk/Liver, Now tort. /or oassageor fortllet. Information apply to • WILLIAM Shit HAM" Jr.; 143 SIGTHFLILD STUMM Pittsburgh PIIBLIC NOTICE. Having been appointed Gag and OAS WlTtli INSPICTOS ter *Mabee, Comte. antic. la berebr given that until the lama.) , unite and igechaulcal Testis' Obeli leery eau be provided, I gill be loand at the 0/7IUK OP TON NA. TIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPZ WORKS. I...gtg.thirg atreet, near rem, Pittsburgh. L H. MUTH, Ja11:141 au sod Oas Neter Inspector. MMARSHALL'S ELIXIR. 'itruirtitams rz.nai WILL ComistlßADAcias ItAttutsit.4l EMILE WILL COl/11mantraLL. IletAostissWs ammo WILL 00112 00111rIllb NW!.& , • • Yof Ilanbalre Sitstr, MOO tagkale, _ DsPotbl3 o lMarket street. K. stABOHALL Co.. rattsr.X.DlS i bli n nth. EtELVI'II,III ' " ". ifiailarmit OFFICS Pirrri A llpall , .. ol : lZ . 737l.. LITMUS TITTSSOnaII. January Iftn.' 1870. NOTICE 20 130 NDHOLDERS. • .ponN SII. Turtle Creek Division Donde due Tennant I„ IsTo, .11 be paid on and alter that date or i ijsesentation and delivery, as tn,, Taegu ° IN "k olB . lolV.l h n . .. Wolter Lm 11 -N aP i tticure N re ;. I,ll l ' l..Tifteg OILIT MON,' C/11. 03 TX ar Llibt wort our fpnelolty:' Lowe Joint N u tt, et Wee sod Gate Hinges. gal h had Other Wining of Bolhiers• IfOnlerare Moray. cm hood. Oeloiond Wort.. noon 09ter DeOot, Alleghnoy City. Postogles adqms. Lock 1602. alma. buret, P l.lams GUM CLOTHING. COSTS, PANTS. OVISL&LLS. 01.113, an. , Also. 01lad Clottans of ail lamb &halm. on hand and for saps, w bolus!. at ratan, by • • J. •H. PHILLIPS. • deg Se and 00 Math atraet. HIEAP s C 'STOTAIS A;iTD TINW.III2II, PIINDEBEI, COAL BOXED, Pl= MONO, ite., De, at P. C. DISPCIIM. 146 Unot street. II!!!1 FLVE CIGIAR9. • • tTesh haoo vole• tato , . and .80e Boa. LOllll WIPE:Spilt-00 Ul'." Uyc rayW •aF We • JOH I. N A. BiNIIHAW, Comer Min, sue Nteia streets. TT If: la , it Welgh4 aid Iffeasona, B sown 11 PlUslamet IMIZY, Dm. Tr. Devitt. *ile a : SPECIAL NO.TICES WCONSUMP' . IOI , I. DR. ISCHENOBIIPULMONW BYRD? for the Cure Of Cooeb.e, Golds and Consuna_ption. tiCEIR.DRA3 SKAWIED DJNIO err the cure of Dyspepsia end satiate Debilitated Condi. on Ds of tbe Startled,. DR. PCHENCIVII lILNDR a.XE MLR, for Diseases of the Liver or to set as •Sentle Pur gative.. Ali of these three Ifedlei es are o Ren renalrrd In curing Consumption, though the Pulntorde 11,71.TLItIrni:":"V m:triATrint" - .o.`trt, regulating the litostoseb and Liver, zoo tel the PollaOuto eyrnp to direst and search through the blood Te•Sele. LT 'which means a Cora Is eoon ef fected. • . The,. Medicines are conscientiomayoffered to the Public as the only safe. certain and reliable mon. for Pulmonary Consumption, and for all those morbid condition• of the body which lead to that fatal Menace. Liver Com plaint and M.- pepela are often forename. oC Consumlnion. and worn they manifest themselves th ey main the too tprompt anent:on. The Paltoonte Spree in a medic!". which bas bad a lone probation before the paDltc. Its value has been proved by the th ou./Led cures It has toad. through a period of more than thirty-ore years. is all of which time its reputation hes In created, and tire most obstAnte skepticism ear, no looker doubt that It is a remedy Winch mar be seed with conlidence in all uses which admit acme, 11 the patient will perecyertnely tallow the /31- none which accompany each bottle. he 'rill btaibl t o eb eared, thu lun gs are not be ranch sated e]. ewe poub.le. Keen In eases Pe P irtrAre t tres t rier;el. l ll;tii: of Thl ' in . f a eleti; nes saved the life of the patient lad restored him to perfect htalth. Dr. Savant. does not asy that all Claes of Pul =Mir/ tiontamption ars within the each of medicine, but he emphatically asserts that often when patient. hare tbe most alarming symptoma, SOCD as a violent cough, creeping chill., night sweaeral debility coin bed , and egree' that thi s are obliged t . Ile La %rhea . . they are even op by taeLrplrfalcianthe• may stlll be cured. No medical treatment can create new langs. bet when the ta.. &revery eady dseed and to some extent destroyed. core may be ef. , Meted by Dr. medis. Alen, In licrofulous, Mimesescin e , mese medicine. are exma/ly egic.ent. Dr. lichencA ham photo. graphs of • number of persons who have been nearly covered with riddling sore. and now all healed tsp. Thts shows Its rottilYleg Prolverdee. which 20. i be able to at cavities In the lungs. In the treatment of Consumption It la of utmost Importance to give •Isor and a healthy tone to the system, Hence it le necessary to strengthen the appetite of the patient and lm. prove the digestion. Proper nourishment I. re.. &I ' Vorets th li7 :1 . 1 1 ;e L • m TlVatt . l7l:Plgt imitable for the dirt of Con sumcilve patient. Are designated In lie. Schencrs Almanacs, which are distributed gratultonely, in general, the most highly nulrittoul article. are to be pro. ferred,butthe digesttve org•11111:0111it be Wens - tit , ened In order to make either food or medicine . nil t Seaweed Aff a and r=ry i ste '" l ' l " d th. es . • I .7. 4 rib.:2.d..itsurtl,PlP'pl' t Fseee s ,lll37_Pe" of the valets lx invi " ten :as see tunas b ' e! gl . ll,l4cf . ralg r. thlLf . sts7c u :.lons In a normal and I . .l:sonic Byron will effect tlie h et i V p 0.0" 01 . Poisson. ry with Is almost always conPi plleated with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. 13chenckie Mendruie PUN Sr. in Sided to re= . . ... • . . move obstruction. from the !Ayer and restore Its L action. They hate all the ellicacy which le ascribed to calomel or •.blee mass." sad are . . . . ... . . . . .. .. ... warranted not to contain . partial of any min eral poison. The .0 Pill s cure the most obstinate co.tiveness, lick headache. piles . Og affec tion, and all other dianses which oriso from a torpid or oburocted condition of the Llirer. ti eOn box of then pill. wlll prove the a:Wan of e medicine. In Consumproinhe an 'Weed Tonle and Man drake Pills en it valuable stuilllary medicines They rolle Pnanors Um suffering. at the patient and mast She lb ay - rap ln babbling a mow. They hare been round useful In advanced stages I . or Consumption, hero Umnge lan almost en- Ural} denroyed d all symptoms according to the Judgment of o physician lanceted insp.:off) daub. The lives I* patients wad were actually In • dying cosdon hare been preserved for month. by the nada A thena 's three great rem. milts. Dr. Schenck , . Almanac contain a full treatise' on the radon. fbnas of disease. his mode of treatment, nes general directions Mo. to use ht. medicine, eau bot. gratis, or vett Irt =i siddrenlog las 1 thelpal (Men, No. Lb, 1(0.1 Sixth street. Phil Inn, Pa. Price ot the Puboonfe Byrn _and Seaweed Ton. h lita7l,ll .' att Ptlis ' PTieorg; rbtll,,, h grary ti fragrant, .1.17:de1. IarDOCTOR WHITTIER CON. TINUES TO. TAIGAS ALL PRIVATE INSZA2IB. That =onerous class of eases result ing hum selfusbuse, producing usintanlinum, nervous debility, Irritability. emotions. seminal emissions, and - finally - impotency permanently eared. Persons afflicted with defies., intricate and long standleur constitutional =an plal4ta ate litel notnvited to put tbr constiltatton, mnthing. Experience. the beft of teachers, bu enabled him to perfect remedies at ones effi cient, safe, p