The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 15, 1870, Image 1

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vellums sT
0.108,84 mid 86 PUtill Amnia
F. I. 'gritltil;
IL P. aoustoi,
JOHLLI 1:01(1
L P. 1a11314
1f Lll. Dv rear
Dellystred,try carriers.
gittAurgir 64Etts.
ecsuti4c left#2oo,ooo.
Ccemccrons of sciund—Bandmuten.
Rnrrolu doesn't draw full houses in
Florenen .
r/E6 Khedive:, Is coloring a tfao,ooo
tunuax good play never "drags",
it udravra.”—Punch.
PRlir.= LEoPOLD'S had% ~ , , t 4O ASSISe
of Victoria's anxiety. ;
firizsrr Loan= in Lynchburg, Va.,
are sent to the chain•gang.
NEL SPANTOP'S littibirid IS writing I
sketch of the New York bar.
A NEW YORX:I3I has i n vented a /has
coffin', on the principle of nett-scaling caw.
ALASKA wants to be a Territory with
a large T, !ahead of territory with
small t.
Tux fattest -woman in Philadelphia
keeps a lager beer saloon and weighs 600
pounds. -
Ong franc forty centimes was the re
wind that led to a murder in France the
other day.
A BROM:MAT policeman elands six feet
nine, and in well calculated to -overlook
small offenders.
A CONECIENTIOCEI gambler In Chicago
gives ten per cent, of his plunder to the
Orphan Asylum.
Orncraxerz proposes to annex suffi.
cent of its suburbs to make it a city of
forty-two square miles.
A rtwaitax and a wedding drew two
crowds in a New York Church, Wednes
day, within an hour of each other. -
BUM:IMM affection has caused a Ver
mont youth of fifty to sell his house, live
in a haymow in his barn, and never have
his clothes washed.
kUss ArrIIORY la half a century old
next Tuesday, and so far from being
ashamed of it, she holds a reception' that
day at the "Woman's Bureau.'
A. Potion - x=los school teacher pun
ishes his pupils by compelling them to
run 400 times around the school house.
This la the way they pursue knowledge.
Tax neighbors have interfered with a
negro woman In Nashville, who bangs
her little daughter up by the neck while
whipping her by the hour with* rawhide.
Dn. Mawr WALuErt wu robbed by
highwaymen the other day, who wouldn't
Lure been so ungallant had they not sup
posed from her costume that she was a
Torxxa, Kansas, has blocks of sand
stone with human foot prints so gigantic
that they can be referred only to the
Cardiff giant, who, likely enough, used
to jayhawk in that region.
Tins House of Assembly of Minnesota,
In Committee of the Whole, has adopted
an amendment to the Constitution allow
ing females to vote. It is believed tkat
the measure will be defeated in the Renate.
Tux next steamer from South America
will bring ministers from Chill, Bolivia
and Ecuador, to attend the Peace Con
ference to be held at Washington, be
tween the Booth American republics and
Tux Internal Revenue officers In Mobile
are aharp. They arrested a man the other
day for giving a performance without li
cense, because he passed around Ma hat
after doing a few alight of hand tricks in
a hotel bar room. .
Timm Is no "professor of journalism"
in Gen. Lee's college. There are
twenty-tive scholarships Inc young men
intending to make newspapers their Mai
ness, and also arrangments for the pm.
floe ofty pet setting mid Menemsphy.-- -
Ramon has it that petitions are in cir
culation about Parker's Landing for a
new county, from parts of Butler, Arm
strong, Venarigp and Clarion. What are
the proposed boundaries, or the force at
work in Its favor, we have not learned.
La Crocus, of Paris, mentions that all
QS well meaning and honest people of
that city were at Victor Noir's funeral at
Nenilly. If this. is a fact it looks bad,
and would leave a balance of about
1,800,000 persons who do not come under
that category.'
Tan correspondent of the Dublin
Amman, writing from Rome under date
of January 30th, says: "The Holy Father
has Loaned an explanatory order relative
to the recent. bull against secret societies, -
which declares that the Instrument applies
to Fenian organizations in Ireland and
America, in express terms. The- decree
is signed by the Sovereign Pontiff.",
A BUTVALONIAII the other day rushed
Into the City Attorney's office, and lnc
very excited mane- said be wanted a
warrant. " What do you, want 0" asked
the clerk. "A warrant!" repeated the
• man. - "What do you want a warrant
for!" Inquired the clerk. " For scandal,
cart scandal on the street I" He was In
formed that scandal was unwarrantable
in any cue. _
Ton two rival Chinese* theatres in Ban
Francisco, the' Bee Yap and the Hung
Chien °nen, hare had a row. The Hung
' Chien Chien brought out a sensational
drama, six months long, that took all the
patronage from the. Bee Yup; and the
ether night the Bee Yup managers mus
tered alt the ex-railroad constructors in
.town and proceeded to clear out the rival
establiabinent. It was partially success.
goer. Foaxim, of lowa, in the Barman
towu I &graph, Rays: " I keep twenty
good of the fruit, the tress and the hop.
A. year ago hit Tune X gave tau dollars
for a four weeks' old Chester white. At
eighteen months I sold him, and he
weighed four hundred and forty pounds,
while my common hogs in the same pen
weighed but two hundred and sixty
pounds. By trefafrAfratwas in selecting
abetter stock of hogs, I this year lose
-1,10: 0 pounds at eight and one-fourth cents
FAEXIMS talk about an exhausted soil.
Exhaustion is a myth, en imposaibility.
No soil can be exhausted of its dormant,
=tricot. elements. These are deposited
in the coil In inexhaustible measure; yet
the soil may be forced into barrenness by
too much manure and too little plowing.
Right here is the first and grand mistake
of unscientific farmers—those who liy
;one and muscle dig Unlearned products
1- I ,:eu an unwilling soil--those who corn.
p u i t t : that their manure heaps are Insuffi
cient t o keep up the fertility of the farm— 1
a n:ow l : oxalic:et their Inability to FILVIII,II , O
C3MMtrde. thitnthellt like •porgie chum
and superptmaphates. Let me say to
such, trust to :latent manures less, and to
plow more; there is money, there Is suc
cess, in so doing-
OEN. tho State To:nearer elect,
wee In the city yesterday.;
Mne C. M. TRDITLY, the phrenologist,
Is holding forth at Oil city:
REv. Mn. CLEVELAND, of Erie, has ao.
cepted a call from a church at Leetsdale.
tionums deaths of old people are very
numerous this season in &Apart' of the.
Migiazmrseass CLAnnt, die famous
New York Wall street broker, is none
other than the "wonderful child clahroy
ant" who held forth at the Scott Bowie
some four years ago.
EVIBMIODY remembers the I:terming
hod' robbery and the lively sensation that
'vas crested by the arrest of Henry
p. Ei. Cady, and other , citizens of
ley, ' , tie, upon susp icionof ha
Titnsv. - • q u i j ' Ting exe•
cute e ob. The parties under'
tnation at Petroleum' Cen.
went an
at. Ought
wens discharged.
• !They subsennenUy'.7'Mu.tht Eat. agai n, _the • Botninghoft • for "'e re-artery of
„:• , 100,000 damages sustsine.:LtherebYr and
thls salt was tried at Franklin hat week
and was dismisacd on the gron...ut
there was not enough In WU) warran.
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Brantainzio . Lis i holler foolery.
Forminvoiin Common Pleas St)
tsars. had four,buzglaries in one night
last week.'
' Darrow proposes to bold the State Fair
at night by gas light.
CoLumnus Council is Inspecting Bay
kal Holly Water Works.
Torino is to have a new factory, mak
ing wheels and bent work.
ROBRIIT MIXT= asks the Legislature
to buy the St. Clair papers. It should.
By seating Blakeidee the Ohio House
stands 57 Republicans to 55 Democrats.
Tax Ohio river has had a greater aver.
age of depth this winter than for many
IT is probable that this winter teachers'
certificates will be given validity for the
whole State.
Ramis HoLe was filty.fonr years old.
He learei a wife amt two children an
estate of $1,000,000.
A Two year old child of Shreve died
from the lodging in its windpipe of a but
ton It tried to swallow. ..
Orval fifty men left the Stranger's
Home, Cincinnati, Monday, to work on
plantations in Missiulppl.
ANN Annon and four towns south have
voted 3155,000 aid to the Toledo, Ann
Arbor and Northern Railroad.
Ton Supreme Court of Ohio has decided
that James M. Brown, ex-Treasurer of
Coshocton county, belongs to the pent.
AN inmate of the Logan county in
firmary has the biggest head in America,
as an attempt to get him a hat proved.
An extra sized block had to be mad*.
A township in Htxtry county, hired a
lady =toile tuber by correspondence,
and when she arrived she had occasion
to ask if "de gemmen is guine to back
Bwrrauknan 16th, van, was born in
Harrison county, Ohio. James Mon
creiff, who died February lit., an honored
ex-Judge of the Supreme Mart of New
York city.
In the northern part of Columbus, 40
members have organised the fourth
Presbyterian church, named after Dr.
James Hoge, founder of Ohio Presbyter
ianism. Rey. J. C. Tidball is pastor.
. Sacs* of the present, corps of em
ployes of the Ohio Reform Farm School,
were once inmates of the school, and are
now justly esteemed as efficient and faith
ful helpers. This is certainly a good
A Ciscisnyx scamp sent dere» brick
masons to do work at a Rh:aril's furniture
facturY, and before they went he borrow
ed t dollar of every one, "for 'telling
him." Rlcird's had no job, and eleven
masons mourn eleven. dollars gone.
A Contirms of Investigation And
19,000 •Irregularities" In the accounts of
the Buoyrus School Board, and on Mon
day night their labors were rewarded by
a brutal assault upon one of their number
by Melanethon Felton, son of the Presi
dent of the Board.
Tex old Flying Morgan Horse died
near Mechanicsburg, Jan. 27th, aged
nearly 35 years. When 33 years old he
paced a ball mile In one minute and
eighteen seconds, at Dayton. Ire -is de
scribed as having been the finest taxing,
road and "addle stallion in the State.
BAnaiT KENNZDT, a young man em
ployed on the Pan Handle Railroad, was
knocked down and killed at Uhrichville,
by a tavern keeper named Robert., last
week. The deceased refused to pay for
drinks ordered, and hence the murder.
Roberts Red and has not been arrested.
Sono young seekers after knowledge
set fire to en old shell,lattYoadsy even
Ing, at Wellsville, Columbtan county.
They wanted to see whether it would go
oft It went off. Fleece of It went a
quarter of s mile. The young gentlemen
went too. General excitement, but no
body hurt.
• COMIZISILLTI is to be made fifly.fortr
square miles, by annexing 50,000 people
in Mount Auburn, Clifton, Avondale,
Walnut Mill, Fairmount, Corryville,
Cumminsvilfe, Winton Place, Sedams
vine, Camp Washington, Pendleton,
Linwood (all of the latter on the cast),
and all of Spring Grove Cemetery to the
Tug other day a young man named
Ochsenhine, living two miles east of Bt.
Clairsville, undertook to clean • gun, and
preparatory to doing so put his mouth to
the muzzle and his foot on the hammer in
order to blow though the barrel. The
gun proved to be loaded; his foot slipped
off the hammer and diechitrged the load
through his bead, killing him instantly.
Forts miles fromlYeit - Union are the
remains of a wall which can be traced in
a zigzig course for several huadred yard"
There are places where acres of ground
are covered with flints, arrow beads, stone
pestles, stone axes, &c., efitiwing the
camping place of some body. There are
many such places In Adams. county.
They probably belong to the work a a ,
race that have left their footprints allover
the continent, and more especially In
Mexico; Several of the mounds have
been opened, and the remains of bones of
a gigantic size and trinkets of a peculiar
and fanciful shape have been unearthed.
They have stood for years, axis evidenced
from the fact that trees are found growing
on them with hundreds of annular rings.
Tnxv have a ,boy in Scioto county,
aged fifteen years, who stands Biz feet
one Inch high, measuring around the
shoulders three feet eleven Inches, forty.
one Inches around the cheat, forty-two
Inches around the hips, weighing 188
pounds, and wears No. 10 boots. lie re
cently announced his willingness to test
his strength with any boy of the same
age In America. This challenge was
promptly responded to by Benjamin F.
Kiplinger, of Rock county, Indiana, !if
teen yens of age, six feet eight inches in
his stocking feet, measuring round, the
shoulders fifty-seven inches, forty-six in
ches around the chest, forty-six inches
around the hips, weighs 2.15 pounds,
wears No. 12 toots, and says he is wil
ling to try his strength at the scales, or In
any other way that said -Crawford can
' agree upon, for a wager of $l,OOO cin
each side, time and place to be agreed
upon hereafter. •
Children's Parties.
The Lanese has the following admire•
bin observations on children's parties, a
subject akin to the "late hours" recently
discussed In the papers:
Children's parties are among the many
pecnliariUts of our present social life.
The scale and style of them at the present
day are quite peculiar. The little guests
are summoned two or three weeks before
hand, probably "by gilt edged circulars,
and Will= formal and complimentary;
they assemble to the evening, and stay
well on towardsraidnight.
We shall leave to others the atmaidera
tion of the morel consequence with all
the forms of fashionable society, and
shall confine ourselves to a consideration
of the physical consequences, which we
take to be injunons and undeniable.
Children are excited beforehand, and
still more at the time. They are dressed
Insufficiently; they dance tktemselyesinto
great fatigue; they eat and drink, et late
searing hours, what would try their di.
gestlon badly enough in the midday vig
or and worst of a ll , they lose from two
toil.: hours' sleep.
The ulterior consequences of this dlr.
arrangement of-their habits and their
functions are paleneu, languor, and the
development of various other ailments.
By ail means let children have their own
gatherings,, but let them be within rea.
sortable houra. let food be simple, dress
sank:lent and warm. dnd above all, let
tot the precious hours of sleep be cur.
tailed just when, by mason of excite.
mant and exhaustion, they need to be e x
What pleasure are children to get out
of society when they become young me n
and women, if they are to be satiated and
exhausted with formal and late evening
parties when they bare barely 'got Into
Pennsylvania Legislature.
ROUSE: Bill Authorizing Pay
ment of War Bamages in Cer
tain Counties-Ohio River
TelcEraph to the Plnabargh Ue ett.)
HARRTSIIIIHG; Feb. 14, 1870.
Mr. DILL, of Adams, Introduced a MU
authorizing the payment of damages sur
tinned by the citizens of Pennsylvania
during the war with the rebellion, and
providing means therefor. providing that
WHEREAS, The correlative rights of
the support of the citizens and . protection
by the State are the basis of government:
AND wnitnsaa, .Citizens of .York,
Perry, Cumberland, Franklin, Adams,
Fulton and Bedford counties have at all
times supported the State;' id theirpro
rata of taxes and sustained the General
AND WHEREAS,During the rebellion
the State and Commonwealth govern
ments impressed the properly of chicane
of said counties for public use with
out compensation, and failed to
protect citizens whose property was des
troyed by the common enemy, and they
alone having suffered the injuries of the
ravages of war without compensation;
AND NVFLEHEAN, The Legislature, by
acts of 1863„1866 and le3B, authorized the
investigation of alleged Injuries and
adjudication of damages, and the record
of the mane now remains on the tile of
Auditor General's Wilke, wherein the
amount of damages claimed bract forth;
Aim WEINMAN The Commonwealth
recognizes her duty to protect citizens In
return for their support, and affirms her
right to demand- Indemnity from the
General Government, and desires to prop
vide for the payment of the remainder
of the damages so adjudicated; there.
Be tt,enacted, That the Governor, Au.
ditor General and State Treasurer-he
authorized to borrow by the tat of June
next on the credit of Commonwealth, in
auclatnounts and at such rates as they
deem necessary, seven hundred and fay
thousand dollen, and Issue 'loan cartiti:
rates or bonds at six per cent. per an
num, payable semi-annually In February
and August, In Philadelphia, which se
curities shall not bo subject to any taxa
tion whatever, payable ae follows : one.
half at any ime after five years and
within ten years, and tie remainder
at any time after seven years and within
twelve, and signed by the Governor.
State Treasurer, Auditor General, and
endorsed "Rebel Redd Bonds," and reg.
istered in the Farmer. and Mechanics
Bank; the proceeds of the whole loan,
Including premiums, to be applied to the
paythent of the residue of the claims for
damages aforesaid.
The bill also provides that the second
and fifth sections of the act creating •
loan for the redemption of over due
bonds, approved February 1, 1817, be
made applicable to this loan.
In addition to the amount raised by
the loan provided In the first section,
the State Treasurer la authorized to pay
upon the claims aforesaid out of any
moneya In the State Treasury Ave bun
cfnxi thousand dollars, on the 15th day
of March, 1870, and three hundred thou.
sang dollars on the lat day of December,
1870, and three hundred thousand to
June and December in each year there. ;
after until the whole amount of said ,
claim has been laid.
It atoll be the duty of the SACO "lireat.--
uter-lißmealiatery 'anti thereceipt of the
loan, and tifter - the tiateerwhen the pro.
portions are made, to divide the several
amounts among the counties In which
Wales were incurred In proper propor
tion. Said claims shall be first exami
ned and approved by Levi Afaish
and Arthur X Greene, for York, David
Wills and Wm. MeLan, for .Adams,
W. P. Sadler and John It. Miller, for
Cumberland and Perry, Geo. A. Smith
and J. 11. Longenecker, for Bedford and
Fulton, Thee. McGowan and J. W.
Douglass, for Franklin.'
- Mr. DILL moved the bill be made the
special order for Wednesday afternoon.
Loot, It requiring a two.thirds vote. •
leas Messrs- Adair.. Albright,
Beans. Thwinan, • Limber, Bann, Carlin,
Church. Cloud, Cowley, Cooper,
Gorey, Dailey, Doninger Dill (Adams.)
Eachbach.Poreith, Harvey, Hill, Hong.
Harsh, Keene, Kefor, Leidlg. Long,
Longenecker McAteer, McKlnatry,
McMahon, Maxwell, Meyer, Milliken.
Montgomery, Mooney, Porter (Cam bria ,)
Porter(York,) Roberts,Rebbion, Rohrer,
Schwartz, Sedgewiek, Skinner, Smith,
Strider, Steele (Schuylkill') Stevens,
Thomas. Wiley—t 7.
ays-,Messrs. Anse., Boileau, Brown,
Baffington, Chamberlain, Craig, Dar
lington, Davis, Dill. (Union) Alio%
Engelman, Fulton* Hail. Herr, Hum
p breye, Johnston, (Philadelphia) 'Kirsch,
Kerr, Kreps, Leslie, McCracken,. Mc-
Creary, McJtmkin, Marshall,Mlllar, (Al
legheny) ,Pearson, Sehnatterly, Scott,
Sherlock, Steele, (Armstfong) Stokes,
Stone, Tyler, Vankirk, Walton, Webb,
Wheeler, White, Woolever, Strang.--42.
icareaiss Fawn:
The hill authorizing the Governor to
appoint NOUIIiON Ptlbile was passed.
Mr. ELME, of Schuylkill, introduced
bill prohibiting the sale (demi by pub
lic auction.
Mr. WALTON, of Allegheny, pre•
seated the following:
WEIEREAP, The Ohio river is the only
channel through which the coal and
bulky products of Western Pennsylvania
can cheaply reach the consumer In the
Beath and West, and
WIELRICAS. The GoVernment of the
United States, in order to render leas
dangerous the navigation of said river,
and thereby Mimi:date inland commerce
between all the points connected with
'the great system of navigable rivers,
terminating at the Gulf of Mexico, have
made liberal appropriations to remove
all natural ohetructiona between the
source of the Ohio and Louisville; and
- Wirsenas, The Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company are .eonstructing two
railroad bridges scram • said river be.
tween Pittaburgh and the month of the
"Big Sandy," which will greatly and
permanently obstruct the navigation
thereof by the present and only mono
renal. mode of transporting mat , over
Mid river; and
WHEAEMI,TWO large steamers and a
great number of licensed boat-Dares' by
reason of unavoidable coal/don with the
unfinished Plea of add bridges have al-
ready been wrecked and lost; therefore,
Resolved, By the Senate and
_House of
Repreientativon of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, In General Assembly met,
that our Senators are hereby instructed, ,
and our Representatives in Congress re
quested, to urge upon Congrem the great
necessity of enacting such laws as will
prevent the completion of said bridges
across said river, and the construction of
other bridges, unless said bridges shall
have one span over the main Channel, or
water way, at least four hundred feet in
the clear, and In all other respects be
m a
conformable to the Importance and
necessities of, said river commerce.
By Teltereph to the eltigrOfel CiZette
Sr. Loots:Feb. 14.—Xu the State Sen
ate a memorial Wari.resented ask
ing Congress for a grant of all public
lends unsold in the State for educational
The Howie bill endowing Lincoln
adtpte as a Normal ,litticool L
for .00lored
teachers passed unaniteously: - •
The Committee on Penitantlary were
instructed to report on the feasibility 6f
a State Rrfbrtn • School for juirenties
connection with the Pendientiary.
—Rev. - Father Preston preached at
Few York on Sunday in defense of the
dogma or ;rapid Rev.' Wm.
Young. of the sameolty, favored the 00n
gregation of St. FMIII cburoh with s
643 urau eiralnet sensation story papers,
and May. Mr. Bads sermonised at Lbopor
institute In favor of the Bible to public
. _
• •
• r Cs• c, I D. •, FEBRUARY 15, 1870.
Municipal Election Trouble at Salt Lake
—,Oppoaltlonlo the Orthodox Great
(Uy . Telegraph to the Plttsbargh Gazette.)
Cawane, February 14.—A special from
Ogden says the election for city officers
takes • place in' Balt Lake on*Monday.
The Orthodox Mormon Church nomin
ated their tickets few days ago. An op-
Nankin ticket, aupeorted by the &myth()
snit God belle Gentiles, was to be nomin
ated on Thursday night.. When the par
tiee reached the hall it arm filled by
Brighamites and a largo number of
secret ward . police; who went through
the farce of nominating the orthodoi
ticket, giving the opposition to under
stand that they could do no business
there. The general opinion le that - If au
opposition ticket is attempted, neriouis
trouble will dwelt. Brigham Young II
making preparations to visit the extremh
southern portion of the Territory. TO
Godbeltes say It is more to shift the re
sponsibility of the election trouble from
. . .
There is great exMtement at Salt Lake.
Under present circumetances it Is doubt
ful whether any opposition ticket will
be attempted.
S,.LT Lags, Feb. 14.—The municipal
election passed off quietly, with the beet
of order at the polls The orthodox
ticket was elected by a large majority.
The authorities cdscountenanoed women
voting at this election. Some half .dozen
or so voted, however. Both tickets Were
voted for.
The Weather bee been "so pleasant for
the last two weeks that gardening has
been commenced.
—The Sunday service:a In Kit Burns'
rat plt, In New York, were largely at.
—Two of the hearleiLLlfe Insurance
companies of New Y eve established ,
agencies in London.
—ln Cincinnati on Sunday a child of
brae Loeb died from taking creosote,
carleasly left within Ha reach.
—John Sheppard and James Miles,
champion pedestrians, commence a
hundred miletwalking match at Mein-
phis to-day.
—Prof. Morse, Inventor of the electric
telegraph. delivered au address to the
African Colonization -Society, at New
York, on Sunday.
—The Williamsburg (N. Y.) Mormons
are about entering into negotiations for
the puncheon) of a Gentile church edifice
In the centre of tbe district.
—John Gabral, 'while watching a newly
plastered house Id-Chicago, went to sleep
n a room where f coal are was burning
and wasiintrocated by the gas.
—Maurice Conners, residing in Chl
riago, fatally Injured himself yoeterday
by bating down stairs at his residence,
while in an intoxicated condition.
--Supervisor Dwyer has ordered the
°lsere, at Clevelend, or Daimer's house,
with 123 barrels of nigherlnee, and di
rected the closing of Altin h Delhi's
tillery, and their arrest, for ♦iolstior. of
—The report that Captain Francisco
De Porto, who fought . a duel bat sum
mer with a Spanish editor, had been
killed in a duel,with some party at Niag
ara Falls, is a canard. The Captain is
'alien and well in New York city.
—A little girl. four years old, daughter
of James -Relgert, residing:ln Chicago,
died yesterday Wonting otitrarigulation,
from the effects of a screw which she put
in her mouth and which lodged in her
throat Jo such manner as to defeat all
Attempts to dislodge it: •
—Contrary to expectation the question
of the Side in the public schools was
not decided In the Supreme Court at
Cincinnati on Saturday. It Is under
stood that, each of the Jud os _has sr ritten •
au opinion, but nothing i 12121 transpired
as to what the decision may be.
• ,1 •w^••of
the - Dubuque and Sioux city railroad
resulted In thecholos of Mortis K. lea-
sup, Thomas H. Knox, Walter H. Burns
and John F. Slater. Mr. Slater, of Nor. i
wick, Connecticut, is elected in place of
John B. Kennedy, of New York. •
—Havana is agitated over the birth In
that city of a Cuban orinceu. The
mother la the beautiful Amelia Bourbon
nee Howell, who ran away from Europe
with Prince Juan Louis de Bourbon of
Naples, and who were Joined in wedlock
by a New York city police justice in
March, 188 e.
—The bookkeeper of Tolman A Kim,
druggists, In Chicago, (Mune not given)
w r ite detected a few days since Rustling
opium, morphine and quinine from his
employers. Ho confessed to having
taken eight thousand dollars' worth. The
relatives of the bookkeeper settled with
the firm and he wee allowed to go to
Canada In oorustderation of the respects.
Willy of his family:
—The Mexican Congress, before
Journing, invested Juarez with ample
powers, thus making him dictator. Tho
unpopularity of Juarez has been aug.
merited by his extravagant outlay In en
tertaining Mr. Seward, and by the sus
picion that there was some real estate 1
transactions involved in their meeting.
It is 'believed' In Vera Cruz that Juarez
will not be able to retain power longer
than four months.
-4. N. Ettilmi, City Atterney, has
brought Nuns against twenty-one foreign
'Muranoe companies, doing business In
Chicago. under the laws of Maas
every foreign insurance company, doing
wanton there through agents, Is requir
ed to pay two per cent. of its gross earn-
Inge Into the city treasury. Tho agents
of the companies prosecuted have ne
glected or, refused to comply with the
law. The UM suit commenced is against
the Astor Insurance Company, of Now
—Edward Rumrnel, Secretary of State,
of Illinois, has refused to respond to the
sammone issued by the grand jury of
Cook county to appear before them and
bring with him the Original petition by
which the 'muteness of Walsh, the wife
murderer, museommuted from hanging
to ,Impri sonment for life. Yesterday
morning the District Attorney applied to
the,Cond. for an attachment upon which
to bring the Secretary notensvolens before
the grand jury. The Judge will decide
to-day whether the case is one of con
te!rpe. alai correspondence from Rome
gives she present tone of opinion among
the prelates and lawyernattondlng upon
the sessions of the Groat Council. it is
certain that much confusion prevails
among the members of the Council, and
thinhe two factions, the_Uttrarnordanes
led by Manning of Weetrnineter,
and the
Antononbits by Dripauloup of Orleans,
are engaged In an excited warfare. - In
private sessions at the Quintal it Is *exer
ted that not all of the American Bishops
are Ultraineteener.Tbe Bishop of Savan
nah hu argued In Council against the
opportunism of the Syllabus, and sundry
other American Fathers have refused. to
sign the Papal infallibility petition of the
—Lettere received from Mr. Seward,
now at Ravens, state that the ex•Secro
tur3' proposes se soon as the situation in
Hayti will permit, to visit _ that country,
with a view, after a shortsojourn there
in, to piticeesisto San Domingo, Where he
intends to remaih until April, and thus
avoid the severe March weather at his
home at Now York. It is believed that
Mr. Seward ' s presence in the Dominic:ash
Republic will assist materially in settling
the somewhat unsatiefutory condition of
affairs that appear to prevail in the Re
public, and which appear to bathe result
of too attempt to carry into effect his pol
icy can ernlng the buskin of that coun
try to Ate United Stateli. His health is
much improved.
—Jno. J.' Roe, senior partner of Jon.
J. Roe dt Co., the heaviest Fork packing
house in Si. Louis, died suddenly on
Mondngeay of appoplexy. , Mr. Roe was on
'Chaat noon, in good health. At two
P. ii. he attended thifelection of directors
of the State Saving Association, of which
he wu President; at threco'clook attend
ed • meeting of directors of the Memphis
Packet Company, of wnich be was Vice
President, and after chatting about an
hour on business mattera, suddenly fell
backward gasping for breath, •and died
before a physician Could reach hins. - -
Roe was one of the mast prominent men
in the City, and his death will create a
void lc. /madness circles thit will be difft•
cult to filL Ho, came from Ohloirbont
thirty years ago, and was for a long time
connected with river interests, and cum
mended several Rue steamers. He sub
sequently engaged in mercantile
suits, amassed a fortune of about torso
million dollere, and was-known through
out the Union as one of the largest Pro-
vision operators in the country. He was years old, and leaves a wife
apd two chtlAsond . • •
[The telegraph lines worked badly
last night, owing to the rain storm in
the east, and ' • hence we are without our
atrial variety. of news.]
SENATE: Georgia Affairs—The
Printing • Bureau—Salaries of
United States Court Judges--
The IlUssissippi Bill. 'HOUSE:
Substitutelor the Senate Cur
rency Bill—Cuban Belligerent
car Temente re the Putnam eisetts4
WeaRDIONOW, February 14, 1870.
The Vice President submitted various
ExeCutive dominants, including the re-
Pert of the Secretary of War upon
Georgia affairs: ; Referred to Committee
on Judiciary.
The credtmtlida of Means. MR and •
Miller, Senatodelect from Georgia had
the same reference.
Mr. MORTON:made a statement rela
tive to the priated circular circulated
this morning in the Senate, containing
charges against himself and Mr. Fenton,
that they and their favorite, were man
aging thePrintlog Bureau. Perionaily
he cared nothing about such documents,
but Mated that of three hundred and
twenty-five employes In that bureau, but
eight or nine were from Indiana, of
whom only two or three wore appointed
at his instance, Ho asked the reference
of the circular to the Printing Commit
tee, ao that the persona making the
charges might appear and be heard.
..- At Mr. EDMUNDS suggestion the
Committee we. directed to investigate
and report upon, the truth or falsity of
the charges.
Mr. CARPENTER, from the Commit
tee on Judiciary, reported with amend
ment the bill to increase the salaries .of
the Chief Juatioe and A:monists Justices
of the Supreme Court of the United
States. The bill provide, that after
January Ist, 1871), the salary of the Chief
Justice shall be $12.000. and of each
Asw.n. ate Justice ;10,000. The amend
ment provided farther that the salary of
Circuit Judges shall be ga,loo, and of
District Judges $5,000.
Mr. MORTON Introduced a hilt to en
force the 15th amendment. Referred to
the Committee on Judiciary.
The nafintahed businosa, the Missis
sippi bill, coming up in order. a motion
was made by Mr. CHANDLER to post
pone it so as to proceed with bnainesa
retorted ,from the Committee on Com
merce. The yeti and nays resulted 24 to
24. The Vice President gave the casting
vote in the negative and the Mississippi
bill wee then proceeded with. •
Mr. HOWARD spoke at length on the
Constitutional question and In: aver .of
the imposition of conditions upon the
admission of the State.
He was followed by Meaux. Morton
and Yalta on the same aids and Mr.
Carpenter in favor of the unconditional
Executive se inen was held, after
which tha Senate adjourned.
Mr. DYER offered a resolution in ref
erence to extra of the Missouri State
Mr. LOU3HRIDGE offered a resole- .
tion declaring It the opinion of the House
that the bossiness interests of the country
require an Increase in the volume of cir
culating currency and Instructing the
Committee on Banking . and Currency to
report as soon as possible a bill Increas
ing tne currency to an amount of at least
Mr. WARD moved to table the reso
The resolution was not tabled-73 to
93, which
Mr. INGERSOLL characterized an a
healthy indication.
The morning hour having expired, the
resolution wont over till next Monday.
The TWO In detail was as follows.: Yeas
—Messrs. Ames, Axtell, Banks, Barnum,
Beamen, Benton, Bird. Blair, Brooks,
(of Mass.). Brooks (of New York),
Briskly, BufUngton, 13nrchard,Churchill,
Cooley Cog, Darla (of New York),
Dawes, Dixon. Duvall, Eta, Farris,
Fisher, Fitch, Garfield, Getz, Gilfillan,
Haight, Hale, 11111, Hoar, Hooper. Hutch
kiss, Jencks, Kelly, Kellogg, Kelsey,
Knapp. LIMA, Lynch. McGrew, !darter,
Morrell, (Peg) Merrill, (Me.) Bagley,
O'Neill, Peters...l'l'U, Poland, Potter,
Randall, Readies. Sargent, Sawyer,
Schumaoker, Scofield, Sheldon,(N. V.)
Slocum, Smith, (Vt.) Starwaather,
Stevens, Stiles, Strong. Tanner, Tillman,
Washburn,Twitll, Van Anken. Ward,
(Whi.) Washburn, (Masa.)
Wheeler. Willard and Woodward-7b.
Nays.—Mean. Allison, Armstrong,
Asper, Back, Benjamin, Blue, Bingham,
Bales, Bowen, Boyd, Buckley, Burdett,
Burr. Cobb (of Wisconsin,) Coburn,
Cook, Conger, Crabs, Dawes, Dockery,
Cox, Dyer, Eldridge, Farnsworth,
Ferry, Finkeinburg, Gideon, Galladay,
Green, Griswold, Hawkins, Howley,
say, Swim. Hoge, Holman, Ingersoll,
Johujon, Jones. (North Carolina) Jones,
(Xy.,) Judd, Kerr, Knott,' Lash, raw
rence, Lougbridge. Logan. Marshall,
Mayhem, Maynard, McCormick, Mc.
Crary, McKenzie. McNeely, Moore,
(Ohio,) Morgan, Mungen, Myers,
Sok, Orth, Packard, Packer, Paine, Pal
Phelps, Pomeroy, Prosser. Reeves,
Rico, Ridgeway, Rogers, Shanks, Shot.
don, (Ls.,) Smith, (Oregon.) Smith,
(lowa,) Stevenson, Stone, Stoughton,
Strider, Swann, Utica, Trumbull, Tyner,
Van Horn, Voorhees, Welker, Wells,
aguish:son, Wilson. ((Minn.. Wilson,
(Onlo,) Witcher and Wcod--93.
The bill to aupply deficiencies for the
Naval and Military Academy appropria
tion was taken from the Speaker's table.
The Senate amendments were no
concurred in ands Committee of Confer
ence ordered.
11,1, mosoAN, introduced a bill as a
substitute for the Senate curretuty bill.
Referred to the Committee on Banking
and Currency.
It provides for the repeal of all laws
authorizing the lame of national' bank
notes; andfor.isening gold treasury notes
to the amount of 5500,000,00 Q It requires
the seereter)",of the Tresany to cancel
I and destroy matured bonds deposited by
National Banks o security In the Treas.
' ury, and to relearn in treasury note the
bank notes issued on such bonds; to re.
turn te banks the non.matured bonds in
redemption of their notes; to destroy all
bank notes received by the Caked States
; for taxes orotherwise; to substitute for
' them an equal amount of greenbacks, and
to pay to depositors of bonds treasury
notee at par equal to the difference be.
tween the nominal value of bonds de.
posited and amount of bank currency
tuned on them. The Secretary of the
'Treasury is also required to give notice
by publication re the holders of the o.
bonds that 5200,0 00 . 000 of the same, t o b e
designated by number, date and amount,
will be paid treoury notes at par. On
failure to presentees!' bondafor payment
within els weeks after mach notice, the
interest on the same shall cease. It also
provides that all taxes and imposts of
every kind payable' to the United
EitatOe shall be reeelvad in gold
and silver or treseirry notes, at the I
option of the payer, and that upon the I
redemption a Itke.publla debt all out- '
standing.treexcuT notes shall be redeem
ed at six In gold or silver. • I
M r , Itersetran's calculation is that by the
adoption of his antaUtute 040,000,000 of
the pubUodebt will be paid and th e ebr ,
rangy Massed liff4ooo,ooo.
Mr. LOGAN called up the resolution'
offered by him On the third of February
as follows . -
Wusrests." people of Ceiba
have for more than fifteen months car.
dad on boded hostilltieseplnst Spain
for the &Moto of gaining their indepen
dence and eetabilablag a RepublicanCov
emment; and wheels, they brie este.
Maud and stilt maintain a defect. Gov
ernment; and tietecenpy with their
armies endeOntrol a large portico:sof said
Island: therefore
Jicsoived, That the tkuneedttee = y o ,
elirtt AfrAltaL be iiti44l/ to inquire
what reasons now exist, If any, why the
Republic of Cuba should nut be recog
nised by the government as a belligerent.,
and as such entitled to the rights of •
He had no doubt of the correctness of
the position he took, nor of the justness
of the cause he espoused, and as long as
he could raise his voice In behalf of the
cause he would advocate the progress of
liberty and the enlargement of -human
On motion of Mr. WOOD, the Treat
dent wee asked by what authority, the
Spanish war vessels were to be repaired
at the Boston Navy Yard.
Mr. PAINE moved a suspension of the
1 rules and adoption of the resolution of.
Areal by him last week, as to the mode
of choosing special Committees on Elise.
The rules were notsuspended—yeas 78,
nave lOC
The resolution was then referred to the
Committee on Rules.
- Mr. WILSON, of Minnesota, Intro
dumi a bill to reduce the number of
officers or the navy.
The Hones, In Committee, took up the
Legislative Appropriation bill, but rose
after dilpoelog of only two pages and the
House adjourned. .
The Fermentation Milieuay—Removal of
• Gauger—The Social Evti—Gettores
on Romaniam, Am., sic.
(Up Telegraph to torPlusburg¢ 053510 4
CINCINNATI. February cases
Involving the validity of the forty-eight
hour rule for fermentation on mannfac
tured spirits, recently begun In the State
court, will by consent of all pubes be
transferred to-morrow to the United
States Circuit Court, where they will
come up early on the merits.
The recent removal of Captain Naugh
ton, gauger in the second district, for
alleged disrespect shown to superiors,
bee created a great deal of dissatisfaction.
He has the reputation of being one of the
test racers in the district, and was sp.,
pointed on the urgent recommendation
of Governor Hayes.
The seven women indicted by the re
cent pond Jury for keeping houses of
ill fame pleaded guilty to-day and were
tined each one hundred dollars. One
man, Indicted far the tame offense,
pleaded guilty and was gent to the work
house for sixty days.
A. Beiderman was stabbed yesterday
at the Union House, Storrs township, by
Joseph Larmouth, and probably fatally
Rev. I. G. White, who ham created a
commotion In some circles of late, is
turing on Romaniana Ude week in New
port, and will begin lectures to this city
next Sunday.
The work on the Cincinnati College
building, recently badly damaged by
fire, hos begun. An additional story will
be added and the building ; greatly im
The Insurrection in Nextee
By Telegraph io the Plitebargh li seethe.)
New Yoax, February 14, 1870
The Vera Cruz correspondence gives •
summary of events in Mexico to the be.
ginning of February. The 'insurrection
agalnat Juarez Is making rapid progrese.
The strength of the If:evolutionists is In
the very heart of the Republic. Liberals,
Conservatives toad Imperialists are re
united and matte common canoe against
Juarez. The insurgents have complete
posseealon of the State of San Lule
Potosi. %smitten and Salesco, and they
are gaining ground in Queretaro, Duran,
go, Sinaloa and Tamaredps.
An extensive' amspirecy against the
Government boa been discovered In Pa
able, and there are symptoms of revoin •
tlen even to Vera Crux The city of San
Lots Potosi is the head. of tbe rebel-
han. General Negrete lin thnsa
paring to swoop down on the National
aud has registered en oath to
mow. lioo•aa, ~ .inaarid.,..llella- on
sight. •
Two battles have .been (might In the
nelahbOrhood or San Lula. The result
of the .rot battle woo doubtful, but In
second the. Government troops were
badly beaten. General. Eseobodo now
commands tho National army, and Gen
• eral Agriens Is Generalissimo of the Rev-
The 011 City ,Timee, one of our very
best exchabges from the oil regions, yes
terdsy contained a lengthy report of the
petroleum production" of die.
tricte represented in the Petroleum Pro
dooms' Arsociatlon of 011 City.. We .
glean tho following Items therefrom:
Numbeirof barrels of oil on bandit the
wells at close of the month, 109,494;
number of barrels of oil delivered from
wells during the month, 360,933; aggro
, gate, 470,427. Deduct number of barrels
on nand at aim pf last month, 120,599,
leaves the production for January 349,-
918, or an average per day. of 11,237 6-10.
Number of wells producing dada:kg
month, 1,582. Average daily production
from each well, 5 9-10 barrels. • Number
of wells being drilled, 442. Of these, 144
were commenced during the mouth, of
which 729 were completed; 46 wells were
abandoned and 12 old ones started. •
. ....
In tho remark. accompanying the re
port for December, it was stated that en
tire accuracy could not be claimed for IL
The January report Is offered with the
same reservation, though It is known to
be snore nearly correct than that for De•
comber; and RIB believed that a contin
uance of the diligence and faithfulness
which have characterized the labors of
the gentlemen engaged In getting up this
and the previous reports, will eventually
furnish to the public a perfect and Com
dote monthly statement of the oil min.
ng business of Pennsylvania.
The December report gave 1,763 as the
total • number of producing wells,. In
making up the present statement It was
round that 47 wells then producing were
not reported, making the actual Increase
in the number of wells producing In Jan.
nary over December 52 instead of 9, as
tne tables show.
The 47 wells omitted were yielding a
total of 325 barrels. perday, which, added
to the total amount theh reported, makes
11,454 barrel' as the actual daily product
for December. vorttp this oorreetion
made, the daily production of January.
shows a &dinged of 166 barrels; and this
decrease has been general throughout
the region, except Parker's Lending,
where the production has increased 392
barrels per day. •
There were 377 wells drilling in De•
oember and 482 In January—an Increase
of 65.
The 13hIrewel; on Cottage Hill, recent
ly completed, la doing six barrels daily,
but the owners not satisfied with its pro
duction Intend to torpedo it the week:
It is confidently expected It will prove to
be a good well. - - -
The Wingard well, located below the
Shirk well, near the line of the Hasson
tract, Is making a better show than any
yet put down on Cottage Hill. Its own.
ers do not deem it safe to work around
. .
it during the night on account of the
large volume of gas and oil forcing Its
way up through the casing, upwards of
one hundred feet in the air. It is now
about seven feet in the host sand rock, at
a depth of seven hundred and some odd
feet. and the rock is the finest specimen
orgies kand yet found on Cottage 11111.
The oil belt on Cottage Hill, experi
ence says, takes an entire different course
from what was at flog supposed. It is
supposed to run duo north from Olt
Creel, Its course taking In the Duncan
lease, where a well is now going down.
Well. going down In several Jocalitles
on the hill will folly. decide the direc
tion in which 01l Is be hound, and will
settle a question, ift t o
hey are completed
and tested, which all are moat anxious
to know.
We notice from a report in the Spada.
for that C. W. Mackey, Esq., of Frank
lin, Is the fortunate owner of some good
paying oil wells IA that vicinity.
On the Beaty ec Neykart farm, Good
rich No. I, pamoing 7 hart** N 0.2, 281
Beaty No. I, 8; No. 2, 10; No. 3,26 c Shaw
I& Durkee, 6; Beaty & 'Bailout No. .1,
drilling Mahe: "Brothers NI. 2 rig up.
mEsr inc=ar yraxs:
On the R. C. Scott firm. the Thorn
berg, No. 1 hes been deepened and has
23 foot of rock of a very good loose nod;
No. 2 is down 20 feet. Crowell & Co.,
No. 1, is down.7o feet; Child , itilaWinei
began to drill; 'Harmony Company, rig
going up._
On the Royal floitt farm, the Dewey &
Laney well irpumping 8 barrels; Mahar
& Rowlurton No. 1 ready to drill; No. 2,
lumber on the pound and rig Soh* PP.
(For the Pittsburgh G sietlg.)
MANhFII t 1), FL
The beautiful village of Mansfield is
situated on the line of the Pan Handle
Railroad, eight miles from the city of
Pittsburgh. This classic little village Is
'surrounded by alt the blessings of na
ture, being placed in a rich and fertile
valley, through which courses the may
tostle and beautifu .though at tim
orbulent Chanters l,
Creek. On either es
aide of this stream gentle hills arise,
from whose summits the page of nature
is opened, and for miles around Multi.
fel sceneries arise and follow each other
in itch profusion, tams affording ample
scope for the artist. - and plenty of food
for the lover of the beautiful In nature.
From those picturesque adornments of
I nature we must turn away, and seek for
pleasure amidst the' works of art: but
alas, how are our anticipations of fine
houses, nicely ornamented yard', streets
laid out with the strictest regard to the
rules of art, finished with the latest
stylenf pavement and marble sidewalks,
and all other improvements which are
necessary to render a village neat and at.
tractive brought to nought. Instead of
any of the improvements which we have
mentioned, we find nothing but mud,
mud, mud, until the heart grows sick
and the IPnbe become weary with plung
ing through the filthy mire. Mud seems
to be the general topic of conversation,
and the inhabitants, as you see them
hurrying along the roadeide r (pavementa
being foreign,) look like so :many mud
slickers seeking for some sunny clime
into which mud comes not; but, Waal
they find none. It must be recollected
that this village, although devoid of
everything in the way of architectural
beauty, is not without some
good properties, among which are the
number of its churches, and the various
denominations of the Christian religion.
You can find here Catholics, Methodists,
Presbyterians. United Presbyterians,
Baptists, Episcopalians, Mormons, with
the colored Methodists and Welsh Bap
tist churches.
_A -
division, of the Bone of Temper
ance, has lately been established in
this village, and we may expect that
something will be done to arrest the on
ward worm of the destroying omisery
of the devil. The Chartiere Valley Rail
road forme a Junction with the P. s Bt. L.
it C. Railroad at this place, and our an
ticipations for the future of the village of
Minefield are great.
We may- mention among the other
goixl properties with which Minefield la
blessed, its institutions of learning.
which consist in a classical and normal
academy (which has been chartered
within the past year) and an excellent
graded school. The academy la at pres
ent under the oontrol of Prof. S. A.
Snodgrass, pastor of the Mansfield Bap.
tint Church; under tie able and efficient
President this school has given a new
impulse to the cause of education, and
will, we have no doubt In the coming fall
elections ror teachers. furnish our °musty
with many efficient and well qualified
candidates, • The graded school, for the
past two years. has been tinder the con
trol of Prof. W. M. McCullough, assisted
by; Miss J, R. Davis. The Principal of this
school has been laboring arduously
and earnestly for the advancement of the
school, and his labors have been crowned
with Enemas. Yet with all these advan
tages Mansfield is not devoid of evil:
the demon of Intemperance seems to
hive taken a strong hold here; the liquor
traffic is carried on to an extensive de
gree. and, if reports may be relied upon,
without license, In the very face of the
officers of law. : Every day in the week,
reeling, staggering, drunken man may
be seen groping their way through our
streets, while many a limeade is left des
olate, and many hungry mouths remain
- unfilled; that the father or brother may
qtench his fiery thirst with death deal
ing and soul destroying rum.
Mitronbing Young Clrb.
The fashionable institution known as
getting 'matronized' has been entibe in
crease for the prat season or two, and has
now attained beautifully larg. e proportions.
-orlayarea-pra- >now -..,..‘ am% m-- - --wir,
only used here by a certain set of people,
a distinctive class of society that is very
hard to describe, but which does, in fact,
in many things, constitute the 'beat.' For
instance, no young lady may accept the
invitation to 'go to any public place of-an I
evening unless they get 'matrenized'—
that is unless they are accompanied by a'
married couple or by a woman that has
been married, althouch she may be' a
widow at. present. You may be en old
maid of sixty, as ugly as Venue was
beautiful, as virtuous as Minerva, but you
dare not (If you respect - yourself) accept
• young man's escort to church, to the
theatre, or upon any public occasion
whatever In the evening, unless you are
'matronized.' The couple who matron-
Sze you may hive been wedded only a few
hours. It does not matter. That is suf.
ficlent. The halo of the honeymoon
draws around the matronized couple an
influence as dread as "Richelieu" drew.
This is one of the ingerfious institution
of that society which turns up its nose at
the shoddy nobility of the day, and will
admit none to its circles who cannot pre
sent the patent of birth or of distinction.
I have known a case where the matron.
izing has been done by a young girl; who
was left a widow. two hours after her
marriago—tie marriage having taken
place with an old man, who was then on
his death bed. Bat this marriage was
quite sufficient to invest the girl with the
qualities necessary to matronization. At
church and inthe theatre she msy be seen
exercising the &fie= function, and male.
Mg happy the young people who like I
each other, and who, but for the consent
ing to form a picturesque End respectable
background, could never hope for immu
nity from the world's gossiping tongue.
In other words, if the modern Alphonse
sad Imogene are ever seen together, on
matronlzed, it means that they are engag.
ed, and society considers itself at perfect
liberty to consider the engagement as a
fad. I think that matronization deserves
to be called a New Yorkism, since it
spranglnto being and attained its present
proportions here. It fnrnishes one of the
many refreshing sightsamongsthe fash
ionable and exclusive phases which the
variegated life of the metropolis produces.
Ladies who are good at matronising, and
may always be depended upon to exer
cise that' function, are pretty soon found
out and fumbled with abundantoccasion
for doing the agreeable. If yon see in a
box at a theatre an elegantly dressed and
well conducted trio, two of whom are
ladies and the remaining one a gentleman,
you may feel pretty sure that the work of
matienizstion fit going on, though it may
be impossible to guess, from the respec
tive ages of the, ladies, which of them is
acting in the matronizing capacity. - The
position is ono that bestows all the confi
dences enjoyed by the 'companion, with
all the dignities usurped by the dueness.
N. Y. corliwondsnea to Pliaadelphia
le ----
130nd ,. • • Astronomical poet.
This great piece of mechanism. con.
tributed byrd Messrs. Bond & Bon, received
the awa ld medal at tbe late
exhibition of f
the go Massachusetts Charits.
Me Association. it his an entirely now
Detached Escapement, whose object is to
relieve the pendulum from all possible
work, so that Behan vilmde with absolute
freedom, unaffected byiny Influence from
the clock. It is ',most Interesting memo
rial of the skill and Ingenuity of the late
Richard F. Bond. When the clock was
nearly completed, Mr. Bond caused It to
be removed to his Rick chamber that be
might superintend the work to the end.
Such was the skill of the workmen that
they were able to complete the work from
Merely verbal instruction. He survived
its completion but three days, and thus
left it as biz legacy to the scientille world.
Besides Be escapement, this clock is
remarkable for itspecullar weights. They
are alnply balls, which rolling on the
cord, exert their whole power on the
movement, while those in general use
waste much of their momentum " In our=
coming the friction of the pulley The
break circuit it the only one which has
stood the test of years without the slight
est failure. This clock is- intended fig
an observatory or other scientific parpos•
et, and claims to excel in simplicity of
style perfection of workmanship, and
accuracy of performance. •
The Chronograph manufactured by.the
Messrs Bond received the award of a
silver medal from the same society. This
Instrument is Iniultiable in stellar photo
graphy, where perfect steeliness :of
motion-1s ea absolute aecesstiv .
NO. 39.
How to be.a Splrltuallat,
A contribution to the literature or
spiritualism is made in a published letter
from Hr. Faulkner, phillsophled instru
ment maker, No. 40 Endell street, Lon
don. Mr. Faulkner. writes that for many
years be has had a large side for spirit
rappings, magnets find batteries expressly
made for concealment- under the floor, in
cupboards; under tables, and even for the
interior Of the centre support of large
round tables and boles; that he has sup.
plied to the same parties quantltiesof pre
pared wire to be placed ander the cmpets
and oilcloth, or under the wainscot and
gilt beading around ceilings and rooms;
in fact for every conceivable place; that
all these obviously were used for spirit.
rapping, and the connection to each
rapper and battery was to be made by
means of a small button, like those used
for telegraphic bell-ringing purposes, or
by means of a brass-headed or other nail
under the carpet at particular patterns
known to the spiritualist. He describes
these rappers as "calculated to mislead
the most wary," and adds that there are
spirit-rapping magnets and batteries con =
structed expressly for the pocket, which
will rap at any part of the room. He has
also made drums and bells that will beat
snaring at command; but these two latter
are not so frequently used asthe magnets
are, because they are too. easily detected.
An Italian proverb says, "See Naples
and then dle." A proverb which should
be more current in the Western States
might read, "Go East and marry." The
practical importance of this proverb to
the female portion of the New England
people will be palpable at a glance. In
Massachusetts the female exceeds the
male population 30,000. In New Hamp
shire 6,000; Rhode Island, 6,000; Con
necticut, 7,800, in all an aggregate of
56,800. While these' States are endowed
with more than their share of these bless
ings, Western States are even more sadly
in .want of them. In California there
are 142,000 more males than females.
What a horrible Statel In Ohio there
are said to be 40,500 more heirs to the bi
forested apparel' than to its opposite,
and even in Michigan there are alleged to
be 40,000 real or prospective old bache
lors, that being the excess of male over
the female portion of our population.
"It Is not good for man to be alone ;"
hence the importance of the proverb we
have cited. Burns says, "Man was
made to mourn." That may be partially
true, but man and woman were both
made to marry, which is vastly more
agreeable and profitable than mourning.
And if he does marry, he may realize the
truth of this aphorism.—DefroLt Free
Press. •
Additional Markets by Telegraph.
LONDON, Feb. 14. Rooting.— Co 'mile
92% (or money; 92% on account. Amer'.
can Securities quiet and steady; in's, 87,4“
'6se; 87; '67e, 865 i: 10-40 s, • 83; Erie., 20 54;
Illinois Central, 110; A. t G. W.. an
stocks steady.
LlvEnrooL,Febritaryl4.—Cotton quiet
with middling uplands et 11%; Orleans'.
115 d:sa1es10,000 bales. Breadstuff.. firm.
California. White Wheat B.r& Ild(419s;
red western No 2, 7. &ps 13d; 'winter
8a sd@Ba Bd. Western- Flour' 196 6d.
Oats al sd. Barley se. Peas 35.. Pork
dull at 955. Beef me. Lard dull at 67a.
Cheese 52a 6d. Bacon 56e 6d. Spirits
Petroleum la 7d; refined Is 115 d.
LONDON, February 14.—Calcutta Lin
seed 58a 9d. Linseed cakes t 9
12... Refined Petroleum 0...7 :e
Tallow quiet at 46. 71.114,1'. .::Acrd
FRAN' Arorer,
firm at V 2:,,
Pwras, FVI%. - LAAry
Rentes 7Jtl3c..
Arm at*
138% . eft•m!
Pebrinu 14.—Beet
cattle are moderately ac tive and . a
fraction higher, with sates of 1,800
'extra Pennsylvania and western steers
at 9N(411e1 choice show cattle 150;
fair to good 7(4)954c; common s%ig6}4c.
Sheep rather dull, sales 12.000 head at
54Sc. Hogs lower, sales of 3,000 head at
14,50@1:400 for slop, and 513(4113,76 for
corn fed. .
PHILADELPHIA, February 14.—Flour
is unchanged: wheat in limited demand
at a 1,25: rye 980: corn in fair demand,new
yellow fetching 88@91c: Oats steady and
unchanged. Petroleum dull and un
changed. Provisions dull; -mem pork
826.80 @AT: lard 18c. Whiskey active at
Saw Fitaxemoo, February 14.—Flour
and Wheat unchanged. Legal Tenders,
members of the SECOND COMPAiT
DUQUESNE eItETS (Cain. Moore) are hereby
nettled to Meet .t the Arnim THIS IVES'S CI
Vi" o'clock. Ey order of
'AOTlCE.—Letters Testamen.
TARYon the mate of- JOHN Mo.
r: - }rEli. de , .1. late of Yienn triwestdp.
Allegheny, county. hasten been lamed to the on.
Gersinule, WI persons harlot elalms afloat
said estate will present theta. and persons In
debted will make ham edlate parakeet to
HOPS W. HABTIML Streator..
felss=t e.ata township.
OAS toII I All y d In the elork'i
~ § l 7q uors, e
Andrew Flynn, ravers, Oth ward:
Patrick Brown, tavern, Ith ward;
Patrick En tier, eating bonen. 14t h ward
Erartua Pine% War.. Pam:
dolont. Dress, ravrra, dbaler.
11a, Ideear WE DNESDAY ,hear the above ay•
Matto. on the 113,1 Dad,. at
o'clock A. Y.• -
By ',lane of order of tie Orphans' Connor
Allegheny event!. the undersigned. Adminis
trator of the estate ofJohn C. Retro; Will expo.e
to public sale. at the premises. on TIDISDAT,
the nth day of March, 1870. at lOoleleek, nat.,
all Owens. Lot of ground afloat., In the Ott
ward ol the City of YlStaburgh. bounded .4 d e•
scribed as folio.. to wit: Staunton at the
North side of W.W.I. Leen. (late nailed
"Island L.e, 4 ") at • point 437 feet eastward
from land now or late of Thom. Bakewell. don
(11131101 so fronton Washington Ae. line 2511 feet,
g.d ea,ending bask, sine width. 198 ft. In.
to an Alley. 00 wholi Is erected A Yr.tae
llonee, old Wag the same property dune ri
ed. In Deed from Jobn KM. 11111 d wife te: Wp
John C. get., deed. In 130 d Book Tel. BIM
page TB. •
TERNS OF BALIL-000..11 balan.ln
one year Don the tine of 501 e. with Interest, to
be Know! by bond and mortgage on the Preis.
SAEUEL 611.184 Aimisistrater
• •
NO. 6T fOIdnI T AAIN I Vi s fTITSB ei.
OPER' DAILY from Y to *o'clock, and gm
SATURDAY ZYERINO, from Bray Ist to No.
vember from lola
and tram .Plo
ember lot to Iday ht. 6to llceriact. lemma
paid at the rate of abs per cent.. free of tax,and
If Vol 'withdrawn compound, eaml.mumallyr. l
January and July. Books of 97.1.00.. ie., rar
niaboel *Mogi:Mee.
Board of llanagers—Geo. A. Berry. Wedding:
B. N. Hartman. Jai. Para, Jr. Vile PresthoaD:
D. L fd`Rinlay. Secretary and Treasnier.
1. Wailer. J. L. Graham, A. B. Belk Wm. Is
Nanirk. Jahn O. Dilworth F. Gahm 41 /titan..
bee,Joanow 0w04t5.Jn0.0C00.8011.015421m05.
• Cbrtmapher Zoi.
LE W. AA. 6. Tem soudton • TP •
YOE ItINI—NOUSZ,No. sib Lacciek itrists
EE.ELSONAL.—AII persons seek- c ,.. ° _ ° " 1 " :41 _a ream ", "t .la "la W° 4 •44 14 .
we NONE %or braansoanta In Real Za. .. L..r °" 4 . 4. • ' _.. t. , , ~.. ...
sob am tone. trouble and 6:1011ff nyrn. , roa EIINT — NOIIS2-. No. lb Wionat abllals
.IslnCa oo.PX or tb° ''Prrrßtntttli tc l A 4 enatalcsos 0 Moms end dubbed attle; , ...alitil
=Ars Ilacabir.a..:: Illselvensarayanalla ._
or will be many null Taxa tonna coon:lbn It. . 5 " 11 " 001.00.1
_ 4l medarn at 7114 ausakOs • • •
renong emu t 101 l to get WWI out of Um mg* 10.4 nolabborlsood, and la isatoclassVirs t stf
Mt Is contals.. caturr a rHuxen,_ Y. to 000070009 W. _ .
ushers sad Wel estate Licata, No. lie /earth
14•0111 e . r oum, No: ab. Weatarn %visits -Ceiba of •
Cbtallara stroat,contalsdnit, sOssasollM htt.j...
FISH. FISH. . •-, ~ .. ' - wk. i. 4 ,,, e , ,,,, - •- - , • -. •
rreatt Lake Renton
. .• Waste latv: I • '
-De peTtsisox,
No. I.A mi. a Illocklrs.l—all Ozer saga. .. ' .5na1......... ...—, ...
• Labrador Maskers% s• _
. : Vol nd Herrin; '. " - , - - At Lamber Yard. corset of Juliet& alit ittOpbt
Cod Illitt: .at . • streets, Statts ward. 41"141117{ 11 31. 114 , 11 '.
WAIT, LANSI it VO..b. . - . .
fat , ' ..o. /791 and iiik wood st.
' • A INCTION SALE:O. 6 4u litgliiibir . ..,
et 2 300 - ,111 1 A11101,1:74 EL--vdtwArmilegTiliwwLl
son.. looc 04 nOT °Q.aro."°- ..." 4 . 0 P....Q.4. ,tr: niati,:rst, ittncielt,,,, , . ,
Patna streel. near
_Swell. 1311.1'...• • ' ,
WILTON, at she boas.. . - . 114
' ' ' '
00. - rrEBIP.-11 bales.:lll.,Mrt.
R - lir-n,. -76 'Mitt- no-sMuie;urs ati - A V Un ''''
" ding " C " , - , f ‘.*: '
"...j ! . SSAfill 1:11Cilda ctia . ' Wa. - 9" " " isi.liltliuMiritith': - '
LI lII* loeilt O.III.APIM 033Meretti .;a te
Dmper vibUshol ressatmets.
No llinncr. soichaala ea anallilit shrates.
NNW Sabieribers............* a PP
•cep; ji finds/red iratillosile to Oa eigrir
Dof t rlnriof tea. reiterastirs' ire' regoestee
to act lug sa..t.
itarNO "IlbrAbblet
"Lou," i.w a t 4 r.
dte-, not err-eating YOUR LlNB9,::selin
be inserted its these catuinsia once, for
TWZRTY•FrrIs CENTS; each odd&
Honed Lim FIVE °ENT&
knowle:J ' Arnifll
Van Streik° best Of ratter... Dome Dine oat
of tr. , Olig Preferred. Adittess C. P. 8.. UA•
canTo OTNICS, Flttsbilrgh.
WANTED. -41 Tailor 10- 1 ..t0
Yr.. art, Pa. Om have aceady exualfY
meat.. Apply at GASSTri oak*,
:40 J tL if HOOP. rreepore..
WAPiTED,-Fitty Coal as d
Ore 7dtom. no oat, fee to nat. and fan
paid to the matte. ttaeeral theta are Wasted for
city and conotry. Apply at Iroploptoint 020.
No. 1 Ma= atrellt a ant doer trotat snapansloa
Badge. . 1.1
NV/711 PI F.EAD 111 , 111l e nrUHICII, ono
tnorone/y aconalated with mottos SW Lead
from toe pig . None ether need apDl.• Ismatra
at 64scr7a Otlee.
WANTED.--Sealed , IProposals
.111 ba received fur ace week. tor eeei
tbouilied (10,0010 PEET 0? CIIIIII arena.
to be delivered lo Pltreburgh or LewreoeifVlo••
Mast be of Freeport or ?atom moue.
CABII will be Dal son delivery, reteleisz pez
for fulelllment of contract. Addultivt
151Lf., IfillIITTIntlb?"
3areur Beal Z.L.ta Arent... Lameettlitlle.
► ► AN'rED..= INOWEGA6EB..
$20,000 to Lou In large or annal enttnlids.
at a Dar rate of interest.
• THOMAS it. rsrkr. ,
DUI. WWI and Heal Mats BP*ll/V
• No. 1711 Hsi thAeld strait.
L •
OST.—Policy 'N0..10,309 is
TF.NS MUTUAL LIPP: matitiwnucca.
N.rhtlarelphls, oo .W. V. . yi
otice tr hetet', RlTtn that applaoation tuu bp in
toads for Ada rrotate.
I 3 ll:3Vlf °
No. 31V;h0.Atf,; ; ..
1.405T.--Ou Thursday Events's,
either on Penn or ninth Directs, ONIC GOLD • •
T.ACZLET. with name mortared on blab:loa -'
hefinder -11 1 berewarded by leavinglawitte
JOUN 111 . 9.9139909.8 nomn 'A CO., 'Jeweler%
93 Market Greet, Pittabarab. 315 7,
BOABDING AND 1110031.-A ,
FRONT PARLOR well tarnished with
Award Dag snliable tor man and Info .1. two
11;11.2171n11Minj d eilty.N?'
The elegant .ton 000$ In tee Rereeettle
ir .ton ßuLdlng on Penn Meet, near 010th
street,` will be ready for occupancy itticettigellat
of Moat, and are now ogered for rent to cleat
table tenants. One t f the store* to esp.-Maly ,
adapted for a first-class r staurant for 'Wes &mg.,
gentlemen. Also, tolat. tee upper story 06 ,
Natrullelng. ' End alre efJ. MCl:atte. Union
tional rank. corner of rounb avaude and
Market street, or of NBLIX B. IaktUNOT, All.-
lama. if.
laceek street, A...
y~rr6800: 968 Irratikita 'street. 61140t . 91
7a Fint
avenue. 6360; as Less Set area. illso0; Vlgla
.Lee, 8240: Betr• street. $l9 • Summon 6300; 80 Cr asrlord-strest: 6E93. • 17
Peon weer; atom use dwelling, it rederal
street,ll4Bo; store sod dwelltea.aoreer NBA $.
arenas ad Koss street; Boyle meet, 6180:
rear o[ l o B eeeee
8. CUTHBERT 98095.
fell .• 3931:Menne.
T ,
ifsi.siDT.—Alt HaZieWDOSI. • . • •
TION. os Couselleellle IDO•nrit4. 21,•0r.t. VI
ACItI Or LAND. —rti ...u.-..0.r0 rot, c t, : •.,". .
fret trees tr. I•• •• ~. . ,-, .1 in r c ..rt, sn,ll , •It - . ',
ern, i,A ..1.'... , ,, ...a . ,1 , 1 -, C. , ,` 7,1:;, Tar , ' . . i
t.. 114 , 0 i `r. , •
rrt-, r. t•
omit - of Rooms
iL"dg i t?t a illitit
aril% Soma on 3sa
aotarooma 0Y tr iio6 o:ke
0. 17449L , 1t I
Y. 7 .4 A. it.
- cttnfr,--Tll6 wrotl ,
It -A.l.:f C'c • •
rAIO LET.—The • Large noire
. Boom No. 00 Wylie ANomoo, earoin , of
e en! Buret. Pittsburgh. A. N. .BEOWNi.
110 Pith mine.
roLuer. , on. Wood street, No.
75, occonled by J. H. killicronsn. and No.
7t l loccopleo by James Cochran I Co. - Inontse
at 47 VOW) eTREZT. • .2-10
"VOU PALE.-43.300 win bur
J 2 TWO 08./13 PRAMS HUSBOW, Bow now
eatb, and lot No. Id e al.le Went. Allegheny,
near aorta arcane. wlllßay yen per cant:
and taxes. Tani-111.1/00 down, balance la
Iwo Immo mt. Ewa., ea MI mblea.••l' •
nos LE,-13 Insite.•
BLN.—WIL c o nta i ne d AT A. IMMO
ICE the materials te a TWO mar
IOtA.ME DWELLING BoUtlE. located • near
Oakland car station. The bona* It In goat oeder
atio Is [IOW occupied by the autecrlber. Who
'Oahe+ to have It removedoff the lotba4. es Um
dnt of May. ot • • '"
tiEOll6l. W. 13001 T,
210 ' Charlotte street. Oakland. •
FOR SALE. Thine& • nra.
eta slew awl Tools, low, logitdr.
Ze i :eorN: N b' ll r gsti strC:i tr. 1ea :.,./
No.l4Matti* _Vt..' ROWWWII,
fire l , ' ATy. bt
bidder.e for Vi nto n 10 hit/heat and
at 711eArthureoankbl ,
on the 16th dor of February. 11110, toe t.
POILNACE. with the Lando nnionsinctbeleta
These lands contain inezionastioletntresof ore
and coal. and thn Iflantace la now In fall blast
making 12 tons not Blanchard:oil Iron i Say.
YS Bainbridge. Boss
FOR SALE.-1 Steam Engine
zo by 30. fn good sunning orate. WU
onaftlog, wevlng waiklag Beam and osiwtot•
In R 04214 lin SS 11(00d 12. r. •100, 71.
slid low. Can be seen st use Works.WV - tha
Yoosnlosbeny Gas Coal Company, Wea Maw
on. Ya
Olt SALE.-Stock and Inn-
Oracery...loleg n good badness. - .The
esolesslgosA btbf.eopled to other beanies Is
the reason for setling, 'O. W. ruszy; 49 . 1E6
issl street. /Wuhan,.
Fon - a/mg.
. six Aonis or LAND .
main the city mans. Will be sold chmiisend
on my terms. Ziotnire of WM. BLAULY.•Lite. 01 Giant street. 1211:11.
FOR SAJLE.—Engl.nes and
ER% New and tkeond Hand, of all lands
constaally on hand.
Ordera from all partaoraba ennatra,pnamidll
•JAXES HILL '£' 00.. ' • . .
Comer Ilarlon Mauna and P.. P. W. k W.,
Allcaltra. Pa.
That three diary BRICK DW/ELLING.
trebly located. No. e 6 Utter avenue: &Us.
ahem, City. comets!. tee wow and batlireM...
Not sae cold eraterau ern aod - seeped .turf. Rae
to all the loom. nage to Idioms. Itavessask•
eted on corner of Grey's alley: It fa email/heed
atm ventilated. Paetaaion Molln. L. .
. ,
Bond flours AN 1 , W% No. 78 todthertroot.
ward. A uegheny. House. II atm Br , ek
of 8 rooms. wen dellshed sou cosoviata.lma
1080 am lgle. God frame rue era rear of
t.Till. proper y ty la o worthy Use am bl anallind.t
gentling to purchase real ertate. •As • taa ea
ageono• of li. lota , lon •and conteolgoos, pt no
toyeetztent. It would re. fire. by 0081 1 14 . , Min
74 an
.orn till
ltat. Atte 0 7 , pl to 7. , •
;V. r.. num
Ni Diamond. Ad.mhany..
• The sobserrltair offers for sale VIIYZIIII
e1te64117.1t1) BUILD/AG LOY% attuning on
Juniata - street. near the Ohio Itlyar..hAtlie
gleth ward: Allegheny. The location lignite(
the most pleasant and %faithful In thsteltle
These lots' arillrbe surd at a wall artraset en
Int cost and 'on easy terms; ganef lidall4bY
124% fist. NVir - TOP 111300T'an4
21301EAVACIGON. and A. Obit-1101M Aid 1
.:'. .1,.,;,