AMERICAN BANK, _ NO. 80 rAIII/ITH A.VBNUI, ms-recinThea s . CAM 'CA - VITAL . . . . .. Stockholders Individually Liable. RANK or Disco TINT AND naroarr. 10111 t ELOYDWY. /LOTT). rrecklent. enabler. • • ' 012111CLOWk Ties. X. Warab./1. I Jobs W. WS L. , . T. than... Ardillni4 W • use* W. Arrott. J.. V. /WT. 13.......a4 'WI. ' 11. _ .. ". tht• I2a - 4 to now telir ort.15•01 ...I PTI/wei le do , tones! Vanilla/ 1.e.... •. 43-OLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, a - auras at 'Behest Prices. PR. R. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue UPI Co., T JAS iiMES T. BRADY UO., • Ofeeeemors to 8, mulct a CO. Corner Foirth Avenue and Wood St., 113ALINTIEJEat St, se GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND wuron, oN Nan FAVORABLE MM. , lie - LeeredAUow ou Deposits. • alir Money loomed on government Enda se lamest market rates. Orders oseesated for the Porehams Lad. Nate of 'STOCKS, BONDS and MOLD. lAllf/S T. BRADY & CO, 5000 ALLEGHENY VALLEY B. R. 7-30 BONDS. Tor ash at lama& N. HOLISM 8. SONS. ttig Eittzinat Gaittle, FINANCE AND TRADE. OWYTini OF Prrrestrzcor GAzerra, SATURDA.S. Neb. 12, 1870. The statement'of the city banks of New York, against all expectations, turned out to be very unfavorable, and - instesedof an Increase of deposit's a con siderable decrease le shown, likewise for legal tenders, currency sad specie, yet the stock market retained its bullish =1 In gold, however, the market appears weak, although the under tone le strong: but quota long are merely unstained be. cause there fano regular organized bear party In gold; and the balk la held by a very large number of small speculators. The state of the foreign exchange mar. ket would admit • further decline, also the favorable condition of the foreign money markets regarding our bonds. Government bonds were weak, but rallied at the close of brudneaa and are firmer. The alx per cent issue• will certainly hive to advance considerably before the- proposed new issues of 4 3f per cents can be launched on the market at par. • Stocks were strong and gradually ad vanoedin turn. The whole movement L based on an easy money market and an expected large increase of receipts of the western roads. Money la more easy for all prime paper at 8 to 10 per cent. quotations as reoruved` by Ph. B. Karim Gold, 120%; Silver, 115; Eighty-. • One's, 117%, Ave Twenties, 1882, 111%: do 11854, 114%; do 1885, 114%; do 11135, Comaols, 113%, do 1867, 113%: do 1808, 113 %1 Ten Forties. 112%; Adana. EY _ serer 112%; Merchants Union FzPrasa Company, American /ta pes Company,. 36%; Western Union Telegraph. 35; New York Central 17%. Reading, 88; Pittsburgh, Fort i lfa i r p n p e i. ; Cllces, 92%; Ohio a ' s l i t Cleveland a Pittsburgh eaa ...99; Chicago, Rook Islind a Pacific, 119%; Chicago- a North Western, 78%; Chicago a North Western Preferred 90%; Erie 25. --.- larciaAncia. &mall; London, per A ...... 16,05 • Firth, per franc ..... 23 25% Berlin, tha1er..—.......—.. 83 91% Frankfort. llorLas 60 53 --Closing quotarloni received by James - T. Brady a Co. Gold; 120; United States Sixes, 1814 117%; Flve-Twenties, MO, 114%; do. 18644,114%; do. IBA, 114%; Ten-Fames, 112%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary % ; do and . do. July, 1 18 805, 113%; 1111%; tfrdon PacificlBB7, 11858. Railroad, 87%; Central do, do, 90%; Cy. Peale% 111%; Lake Superior (By Telegraph to m• rutatensh 6ssete.l . New MUM, Febrnaly . 12, 1870. - Money la extremely easy at 405 per cent. en call. The supply largely ex ceeds the demand. Large loans on western shams have been arranged als 6 per cent. for twelve months, here and at London. The name of a prominent rail -rued L mentioned In this connection, snd it is supposed some spring electkras in western zallrocid companies will wit. flees a lively contest for their oontroL The bank statement . is unfavorable, showing a net, loss of about 122,000,000 in legal reserve. Loans 11262,881,652. increase 11,850,533, specie 138.072.184. decrease 1935,002; cir: culation 133,703,572, dee:rouel42,Bo9; de. podia 1223,192,740. decrease 11,546,439. legal tender 15003,100, decrease 14445; Sterling dull at 8%((49. tkaton bills scarce, showing portion of such exchange goes dlrecty from southern porta. Gold dull; opened at 120%, touchel 119% end closed at 119%. Advioeir from Washington state the whole force of the administration will be thrown spinal 13herman's Cuban resolution, and its td. Umtata. passage is doubtful. Carrying rates 4(0% per cent. Governments more active than meet ly, and a fraction higher, clewing steady. Coupons. 411, 17%@17%; do 'O2, 144G4 14%; do 'O4, 14%@14%: do '65, 144161%%; do new, 135{,,@13%; do '67,11314@1n%; do 1111%@113441 1040'., 11201.1.2%; Cur rency size., Ilyi(i)11%. In State bends new Tennessee. were the Natant. and advanced In large and exalted deahnp from 51 to bd. The cause of advance was dispatches from Nash ville announcing the bill to sell State In terest in defaulting railroad companies bad passed one branch of the Legislature, and will pass the other. bilinouris, 93%; old Tennessee, 57; new do, 54%; old Virginias, 62%; new do, 66%; old North Carolinas, 45; new do, 25%; Louisiana levee 60., 73. The transactions In new Tennessee' reached 11,200,000 in the 5T181710013. Stocks dull; and on reports of unfavor able bank statement fell off xvy, per oent. Its publication. however, caused improvement, and the market closed Arm.- .Flve•Thirly Prices. Clanton, 58%; Ads= Krems, 62%; Wells & Fargo, 19% . ; American, 36%; United States, 50%; Men 31 de- 'll, 41%; New York Central, 97%; Hudson Scrip, 91%; Erie, lb; do. =d, 4134: Harlem, .148%; do. pre -16:4 Reeding, 98%; Mlchlßan Central. 120; Lake Shore. - EON: Illinois Central, 146; Pittaburgh,99: Northwest. ern, 711%; do preferred, 90%; Ronk land, 120 ; Mt. Paul, 74%* Preferred. 88%; Wabash, 46; preferred 71; Terre Haute, Si; preferred, OH; 'O. & 113%; do. preferred, 113%; 0. & .4930 N. MN; Dubuque, 11 2 i Jos. Ito ; 0.0. & C., 11141ron Mountain. 41; Om, Col. .8 Pittsburgh, 74%. PETROLEUM MILAHVALT. Oliros or Prrrestraas Warm, SATITILDAT Feb. 124 1170. $ 1=1:011=1 The market has again Peep van , quiet during the week which has just closed, theses' having again been light, while in regard to prices them is but little c hange compared with last week. The drawbacks/ to the trade noted from day to day, - and from week to week, for some time past, still eg ad until some or all of these have removed w irrr prOesment can reasonably be imped e & And to the Wt of grivearioes, already presented, may be added another, and it is a very important one, we refer to the matter of freights. Is M alleged, and there must be some truth in the alloga• lion, that it coats more to ship oil from kers to the sea board than from any other oil manufacturing point in UW =ENIMEI country. and, as might be expected, thin opsratea very badly on the refining In. tweet here, as our manufactures are not able to suocessiblly oompete with the points above referred to. This Is one of the principal causes of so many of our refineries being Idle,and the bualnese so much prostrated There. are other causes, some Of which, perhaps, are equally as bad,'but this one can be more easily removed. • Receipts of crudethis week. 11,134 bble; last week 5,924; from January first to date, 67,825; same time 1869, 76,190. Ex ports refined this week 14,197; last week, 9,565; Jantuiry first to date, 46 : 4 7 4 ; Mine title lastyear, 81,617. Sales this week, 19,1500 bbls; IteCtinitek, 13,700. As will be noted by the above, our shipments of refined are steadily increasing, but It alionld be borne In mind that the great proportbn of the oil now going forward le to 611 contracts made In November and December, intrDa. Not • single oats reported. We nii derstand fast 13 Is bid for spot. Seller to July is quoted ,at 12X; and buyer, sometime, 14g. • =l2 No sales. Market reported stronger and prices a fraction better. February to March, 20%, bid; February, 88%, bid; March to July, 81 asked. - RECEIPTS OW ORODE OIL ET A. T. E. IL Peerless OIL Works 060, on aceoant B. B. Duncan• Sunbeam Oil Works 160, oa account W. Robinson; Penns. Oil Works 400, on account B. S. Duncan. Total 1,620 bbla iRPICEIESTS Os OIL BY A. y. n. B. comma Lockhart, Frew ;1t Co. 614 bble ref. oil to Warden, F. et Co., Phila. Livingston Bro., 228 cases refined oil to Warden, Frew Co., Philadelphia. National Redoing a Storing Co. 271 bole ref, to Warden, Frew & Co., Philad. Citizens 011 Co. SU bble rained oil to Tack Bra. Phli'a. Tarentom Oil Works, 250 bbls, refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. McKelvy t Bro. 252 Ws refined oil to W. P. Logan t lim., Philadelphia. Fawoett, L. t B. 197 bbla ref. oil to W. P. Logan & Bra, Philadelphia. hientrhinmer, Koehler t Co. 500 bbla to Waring. Xing & Co., Phila. Total refined =8 calm 2,315 bbls. OIL SHIPPED NAST DT WEST PENN - B. & Lyons, 216 bbls to W. P. & Bro., Phila. Mentzer, H. 6t Co. 153 bbie refined to Waring, King Sr Co., Philadelphia. Total refined 371 bble. I . I7fTSBURGH 11101.RILETS 017101 OP PITTABURGH GAzarii, 1 BAIWIDAY, Feb. 12, 1370. Trade in Our general merchandlze markets continues rather slow, though the indlcationa .are becoming more favorable for an early Improvement. The pale buttress continues very slug. Matt, and the same ts true of flour, as the demand is restricted almost entirely to supplying Immediate want.. Sugars are steady and rather firmer, particu larly relined. but the demand is only moderate, and it Is hard to make them go at any considerable 'advance. New Orleanemolassre, very firm and some what excited under the influence of late news from New Orleans, and an ad vance of 3 to 6 eta per gallon will doubt. lees be established during the coming week. Syrups very low and very dull. Provlslonn are looking a little firmer In the west, both at Cincinnati and Chicago, though, as yet, there la no advance In price APPLES—Demand rather better and market firmer, and prices are tending upward—arrivabs have been small for Some time put. We contlnue to quote at $2,50(0,50 per APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 45075 e. BUKE—Is uiet d unchanged: calm of T f l' 'good to q prime an at 80®33e, and choice Roll at 35 eta. BUCKWHEAT FLOCIR-3633(. SEANS—DaII: salsa at 1 2 . 25 6 2 ,50. BROOM CORN-14®18 atm' per pound. •BROOMS—Store prices: No. 2, 33,75. No. 5, 34,50; No. PA: No. 5, 35,60.Crpet Broom., 418,00%6,50. Carpet steady but unchanged; Western Reserve sad Hamburg, 16 356 17; Factory, 17@173; New York Slate Farm Dairy, 18(919; Now York Goober', 19,riGGA CARBON OlL—Continues quiet and unchanged Standard brands are still quoted at 2534@2e; in a Jobbing way. - CRANBERRIES—SaIes of prime cul tivated at 814,50©15 per bbl. • DRESSED ROOS—Dull and un changed; may be quote4 o ,/00)103‘. DRIED FRUIT—In "good supply and dull but unchanged. Apples, 71201 m Pea Ches at 11§90 for quarters, and 10®11 for halves. Blackberries, 14®15c; Fitted cherries. 25(430c per pound. EGOS—Unchansed at 25c with a imp. ply_ fully up to the demand. .46.THERS—Sales at 1 38G90, and the =mai advance far small iota, In a retail way. FLOOR—The market Is devoid of a single new characteristic worthy of special notice—The demand Is light and -mainly local while prices are unchanged. We continue to quote weMem flours at ;5@5,50 for spring wheel, and 15,75®6 for winter. Rye flour, 85%5,5.25. GRBlN—There is no movement la wheat, and, In the absence of sales, we continue to quote winter at 11.12®1,15.. Oats very dull, and dealers still corn. plain that they have but very little mar gin; we continue to quote at 45, baying, and 48@50 selling- Ear corn may be quoted at 7513,79 on wharf and track. We can report some small salsa of rye at 90, cash, and 93495, time. Barley Is quiet and unchanged; may be fairly quo- ted at g1(41,05 fur prime to choice spring and Ill,10(4;1,115, for prime to choice fall. HAT--Bold at Allegheny Diamond market, some 45 loads, at 114@)22, as to quality and condition. HUSKS—Bales at 234 @So per pound. HOMINY-Sales at 15,7506,00 per bbL LlKE—Balm of Cleveland white Mae at. 924132.25 per bbL ONIOI4B-4911c0 at 12,50(0,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. LARD 011.—City brands No. 1 extra quoted at 111,40€0,42, and No. 2 at 90. Fancy' Cincinnati and Chicago brands held higher. • PEANUTS—Tennessee at 869 eta. PEAS—DuII; $2,50 per bushel. POTATOES—Quiet and unchanged; wales In store at 60455 per bushel— mainly at the inside quotation. POULTRY—Receipts continue very light and market is almost bare. We continue to quote dressed chickens, at 15®16 eta., and dressed turkeys, 18€020. PROVISIONS—Quiet, without materi al change. Btu:madam mizts to Plain; 14c for Sugar (=red; Ribbed Bides. 161( Clear &des, 16; Breakfast Bacon, the. Lard, prime kettle, 17 in heroes, and 17 3 / 4 4518 In kegs. Mess Pork $2B. 10EEDS—Clover seed is arriving freely and the market Ix weak, with offers to sell In store at SBX, a decline et 26e per bushel compared with hat week. Deal ers will not pay above $7,75. Timothy seed la quiet and nominal at K 6055, and Flaxseed at POO/CNA. STRAW—Bales of rye straw at $lO, and oats at II lo@l4. BALT-1s quoted at; 1,75 by the car • WHlSKY—Highwinee firmer at 98® 111; rectified, 400; proof rectified, 11,10. Old widakies warm and firmer. = NEW FORK, February 12.—Cotton la a abide sutler, with sales of 1,200 bales, at 25;tio for middling uplands. Flour—re inlets, 7,143 bbla—quiet and a shade firmer, with Weis of 5,800 bbla, at IRAS@ 4,85 for superfine State and western, $5,10 §5,80 for extra State, 15,05Q15,90 for ex tra western, 15,00@8,25 for white wheat extra, N 5,1 0 158.10 tbr R. H. 0., 15,60@6,25 for extra St. Louis, 16,2608,50 far good to choice. Bye Sour quiet. with males of 160 bbls. at $4(4,70. Cornmeal quiet. Whilky lower, with western at 97@98c, , free, chiefly 0734 c. Wheat; receipts 680 I bus h ; one cent better and not a ctive, with sales 88,100 bush at 11,18@1,20 for No. 2 spring, $t,23 for No. 1 do, 11,27 for 'red Pennsylvania, 41,27©1,Z114 for win ter red and amber western, and for choke white State. Biro quiet. Barley In fair request, with sales 8,800 bush Canada West In port st 11,15. Corn; rts• celptsBoobush; in fair demand without decided change In price, with sales 28,000 bush at 885000 for new mixed western, 7011:180c for damaged new mixed western, !de for new southern yellow, $1,05 for old southern yellow. oats—receipts 650 huh, dull and heavy; sales 21.000 bush at 654215730 for western, gsgatto for State. • Rice q u it at egladlio for CarolltuL (Mike firm and quiet. Sugar arm sales 200 ,hhda Cuba at 9X(?11 934 a. Molasses—Wm 60 bbl, Hew Or leans at 70(1)723. Renowned. Petroleum quiet at 1834@i8V3 for crude, 80)0 for mice& Leather—bemlook sole Arm - at 2212031 Me for Buenos Ayres and Ato Grande. Wool quiet; gales 660,000 Its at 480850 for domestic fleece, 10($48a for pulled, and 650 fin tubbed. Coal quiet and unchanged. Linseed oil firm at 94(8950 In casks. Turpemtthe quiet at 48®41134e. Sheathing Copper s umo at no; Ingot copper dull at tW3io for Baltimore and Lake Superior. Pig. Iron quiet and steady at $32(834 for Scot and Ffsaps for A 13381101111. Bar dull ch, at gt:4so for refined English and American. Sheet Iron quiet at LK/120 gold for Ramie. Nail, dull at $ 1 . 6 0C91 1 .6254 for cut, 113,1003,25f0r clinch and usiva for horse shoo Pork lower and very dull: with sales of 270 bbl, at 120,60 for new mese, 1 32 , 60 63 771 , 00 for as U O 75 0 nbdb f e a 'ne 3 w MO b M t osre p l a e tr o A Pm a~i„✓.`xi•,-..;,: ~.~.:a4 ~ 4oe f r.' - w ~s.s.i~S a ~~* 126. Beef quiet and steady; with sales of 165 bids at 110®15 for new plain remand $14017,50 for new extra mess. Tiers* beet quiet, with sales of 50 tierces at 125 (323 for prime mess and 227(330 for India mess. Beef hams quiet, with sales of 90 barrels at $26,00®31,50 for new. Cut meats heavy, sales of 50 pkgs at 103( . ®1134c for shoulders; 13%0150 for hams, latter price for choice. Middles, dull; mina 175 boxes at 15340 for Cumberland cut; 14%c for long clear. Dressed Hogs firm at 1134®11%0 for • western. Lad heavy and a shade easier; sales 370 heroes at 1434(311534c (or steam; 1634 ®l7c for kettle renderedt, also 1,000 tierces steam, seller March and April at 1534 ®ls%c. Butter quiet at 17(4300 for Ohio. Cheese • dull at 18 ®lea Freights to Liverpool are nominally unchanged. latest.—Flour closed a shade firmer on low grades, with a moderate' export de. mend. Wheat firm and very quiet at fl 16(31 Z 3 for No. 2 spring, and al 27® 1 30 for winter red and amber western. Rye nominal. Oats dull and heavy at 55 (3 5 7 e for western. Corn mteady , at 87 0390 c for sound, and 76@850 for unsound new mixed Mestern. Pork ateadyt $26 bid and $26 25 asked for mess for Febru ary; sales 500 bids mess, seller March, at $2628. Beef quiet and unchanged.' Cut meats quiet and steady. Bacon ih mod. orate demand and unchanged. Lard quiet and without decided change. Eggs dull at 33 , 3)34c for fresh. CIIICACIO, February 12.—Flour in mod erate demand for low grades, quiet and nominally unchanged for upper grades; sales of spring extras at $3,80®1,76. Wheat firmer; sales No. 1 at 87®6730, No. 2 at 8134 ®B3O. closing quiet at 81.440: this afternoon No. 2 was firm at 8134(3, 820 rash, and 8234 c seller . March. Corn dull and 34 @Sic lower; sales No. 2at 703,;(370%, new quiet and steady at 60c, closing quiet and unchanged this after noon. Oats dull; sales No. 2at 38 34® 383:c. Rye Inactive, but steady at 68® 70e for No. 2. Barley dull at 65®70c for No. 2. Highwines firm at 921:393e. Pro. 'Visions metier; mess pork 25 , 357340 lower: sales at 128,50®526,62% cash, 127 seller February, 127 seller . April, cloning at $26,3734026,75, cash, and seller March, Lard quiet and 340 lower at 1434(,153(0, closing at 1434. • Meats quiet and 34c lower; rough sides 13, dry salted shoulders 1034 c, abort rib middles 140, sweet pickled hams 1331 e, green 1830; dressed hogs dull and lower at 110,1234 @510,80, closing at 11005®10,40, dividing on 200; live steady and fairly active at 98.75®9,55 for common to extra. Cattle quiet and nominally unchanged, R•scid3ta for the past twenty-four hours; 6,739. bble flour, 36,380 bun wheat, 24,155 bush corn, 14,250 bush oats, 3 343 bush rye. 4,556 bush barley, 10,169 hogs. Ship ments: 6,066 bbla flour, 6,140 bush wheat, 19,716 bush corn, 3,533 bush oats, 800 bus barley, 5,144 hogs. • CIRTIMNATI, February 12.-s Flour un changed: fhmlly 5529(35 40. 'Wheat dull but not lower: red $1 10 ®I 12. Corn un changed and quiet at 70®74e. Oats dull at 5.0®540. Rye unchanged and steady at 85®90°. Barley in fair demand at $1 10®120 for spring, and $1 2.5®1 30 for fall. Cotton dull: middling 243a0. Whisky in good demand at 030. Hogs dull at 18 50®0 25; butchers and shippers buying; receipts, 700. Provisions neg lected, but holders remain comparatively firm. Mesa pork held at $27 and some sales made at this rate. Bulk meats dull: shout Jere 10%e; shies, 1431(314%c asked. Bacon dull and demand limited; shoul ders 1234 and sides 1534 and 10340 for clear rib and clear. Sugar cured ham 18%®19%0. Lard dull and neglected; steam 14340 and kettle held at 16c. But ter steady at 28033 c. Eggs dull at /9® 20c,: - Cheese dull at 16®18c. Linseed oil held at Siegal, but mostly held out of the market. Lard oil doll at $1,49® 1,43. Petroleum 30,331 c for relined. No change in seed. Sr. Lours, Feb. 12—Tobacco active and unchanged. Cotton nominal at 24® 24348 Hemp unchanged. Flour: low grades scarce and firm, other grades are heavy, super at 14.103,4,153.4,40®115, 5 XX at /5®5,25, XXX at ,50(36. Whis key firm at 54c. Groceries dull and un changed. Provisions firm, but notes ac- tive. Pork at $2 9 ,50,329,75, Dry salted !boulders at 10%c, clear rib at 143(13 1434 c, clear aides at 14%®150. Bacon: there was a large consumptive demand. shoulders at 1230, clear rib at /5%0, clear sides at 1630. Dud: choice tletce on orders at 18a, resist 170. Cattle steady and unchanged at 4®5340 for fair to prime, 6®634 for choice. Hogs firm at B®9o for light to extra; packed to date, 233,040, against 232.1137 last year. Lontsvn.r.e, February 12.—Tobacco: sales 104 lihds at 85©5,60 for trash: I. 6 @ti for lame 58,50€115 for low to good leaf; $25 for medium bright wrappers. Cot ton active; sales 11l bales low middlings at 23c. Bacon shoulders 1234 c; clear rib 112;-clear sides 10340. Bulk shoulders 11340, clear rib 10c clear aides 15340. Hams: sugar cured peeked 11130. Lard: tierce 163,40. Whisky 93(91e. • TOLEDO, February 12—Wheat $1,50 . I Corn records 15 649. Dressed hogs re ceipts 65,000. Flour dull. Wheat 10 better: No. 1 white Michigan $1,20 , am ber Michigan 11.05. No. 2 red 51,05%. Corn dull: new 70c; no grade held at 61c. Oats dull and nominal. Dressed hogs dull, with no sales. Clover seed $8,30. PHILADELPHIA, Feb, 12.—E1Our very dull; Northwestern extra family $5435,75, Fenno. aw 75®5,50; Indiana and Ohio $5,25(36,25. Wheat In light demand; red al 24(31,26, white $1,45,31,50. Rye cons mends 97,34988 Petroleum steady and, unchanged. 'Whisky active at • 97(398a, hin.warxxs, February 12.—Flour dull with city double extra 'at 145004,02. Wheat quiet and firm at 8634 c for No. 1, and 82340 for No. 2. Oats steady at 390 for No. 2. • Corn,Rye and Barley nomi nal. Dressed H oge lower at 110,25(310,50. Dirrnorr, Feb, 16—Wheat steady and firm, extra white at 11,20, No. 2 do at $1,12®1,1234. Oats at 47(4480. Barley advanced to $1,50®1,65 per rental. Clo ver seed steady at $8,25(38,50. Dressed hogs at $10,25®10,87. Saar Faison:gm, February 11.— Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet and firm at $1,40131.65. Legal tenders 83%. Business In this city dull. In all depart manta of wholesale trade there is an appearance of stagnation. RALTIMORR. February 12. —Flour: western super $4,0®5; extra 15,2505,75. Wheat steady, with sales Pennsylvania red at 51,22 and Maryland at $1,40®1.45. Mesa Perk advancing; sales at 127,509328, Whisky 98®990. • Mitarals, February 12—Cotton held at 24c; receipts 1,857. bales; exports 113 balm Flour. sales superfineat 1505.25. Bran $22(323. Pork VAL Shoulders 110; rides 15340. • Cum:warn, February 12—Petroleum quiet; refined held at 263ie for round lota and email parcels for retail at 28(W9e; exude unchanged and held at 0,07 par barreL lIMIIIVILLE. Fob. 12.—Cotton dull; low middling 2.2%@2.1c, -good ordinary 12c, stook 260 balm. Dry Goods Mariet. Ifsw Toss, February 12.—The market In cotton goods le rather inactive, although for all classes exceedingly strong. Brown and :bleached sheet. log and shirting' of all leading makes continue In good request. In Denims a fair business Is reported, • while for cot toned's of prominent makes there con tinues a fair demand, and throughout the general market business may be re. pertod In an Improved condition, although the volume of business ts not much Increased for the week. . IMPORTS BY- RAILROAD: Pll2lOllllOll FOIIT WAY2CI AND CHI CIAGO RAILIWAD. February 12.--25 tca lard, J Dairen; 100 bpi timothy seed, A Kirkpatrick & Co; 60 bbla spirita, Hoe. tatter & 8; 1 car wheat, E H Myers & Co; 100 tcs lard, F Sellers & Co; 100. bbl. flour, Watt, L & Co; 7 eke wool, B Pdum; S Ma cranberries, Woodworth &D; 19 eke aga, R Christy; 25 bra starch, Strickler .t M; 5 do soap, S Ewart & Co; 8 pkgs 4obacoo,' J L Stye; 100 bbla flour,. ownor; 200 dO do. Sop myar d V: 1 car hay, 0 H Allerton; 114 bdiapkg warn , 81 do do,'e ggs, J Woodwell; 2 o butter, 2do ' 4 bbls L Shipton & Wallace: 25 bbla floor, J°WOO Kei. sel; 1 oar oats, Elevator; I bbl butter, 160 bite d poaches Volgt, & Co; 2 can wheat, J B Liggett & Co; 200. Dbl. flour, owner; 7 pkgs produce, E Heszleton. ALLHEIGNNT VALLXT RAILROLD, Feb mary 12.-1 car bay, Thai Montgomery; 63 aks wheat, 54 do rye, • 285 do oats, Scott &Waal; 3 bbl, & Co; 55 aka oats, Adams A A; 12 ski a seed, A Kirkpatrick 1k Co; 19 do .do, Bhlpton at Wallace; 19 do do, W W Knox; 12 sks lour,' Watt, Lang d: Co; 5 bbls onions, Eichomaker & L; 5 bbls tal low, G Hastee;.4 aka flour, 1 bol eggs, F. Gattendorf; 16 sks a seed, Et B Hater; 11 bbls do do, W. 3.1 (iormly; 42 aka oats, Hell &R; 108 do do, Blaney ,* Id: 1 oar S w an meStaFl,Mc K night o & JC o W . miertn; Prrramment, 011110131fATI AND ' ST. Lome ItArLsoan. February 12.-121 bp barley, 8 do wheat, F Schield; 1 bbl eggs. Bigger & 14 68 bgs tags, H - Chrtsty; 1 bbl scp, 8 Deyol; 5 do onions, 1 do butter, IdoW Graff; la do apples, 2do peaches, eggs, H Rea Jr; 8 tubs butter. a bbls apples, 6do cider, Voigt, M dt Co; 28 do applea s. J A Graff; 6 do do,' 1 do eggs, Msatior H; 14 bgs mail, Schomakar 14 10 bbls flour, J Smith; 40 bgs barley. McHenry & Hz "2 do rags, 51 B Flood; 50 hills brooms, McElroy , a Co; 1 tilm staves. P Adams; 1 do do, Hastings .1 D. CLIMI'LLAD AND Prrristraox Raw =AD, February 11-2 airs iron Oro. Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 1 do Canada ors, McKnight & Co; 2 do lake ;inn ore; Rotes, Graff Dail; 2 do. do, BlaKidgitt. Porter & Co; 100 bdis br ooms, Conner; 1 oar corn, Hoots it Glad; 4 obin . t'Sre, 11 1 11 e. AIM : 1 DI ' IZ. killk .43:;1.k ' Smith a Porter, 9 bre sewing machines. Smith ftForrester; 25 coils rope, lot Iron, Godfrey et Clark; 18 akcoata, I ek meal, A Black; 11 ski clover 'seed, Mo. Henry dr. Hood; 6 bble; t keg lard, A Kirkpatrick @ Co; 4 bbls dry apples, 1 bbl onions, Atwell ec Lee, 73 bre obesely, 8 bbls dry apples, 12 km. butter, 1 bbl eirgo,'Volgt,.Mahood et 0o; 3 corn abet lers, 3 wheels, W W.Knor; 171 eke corn, Robb *Harrow 68 do do, W H Bantker a Song 221 do do, Schnelbach a tr.; 12 bbis dry apples, Hitchcock, MeV a Co; 12 bge °ogee, Rinebert a 8; 21 bbbs charcoal, Seward a Emerson i t Azarionskr liwnow February 12. Scan metal, Lewis, Bailey Dairen; 1 do shingles. F Becker; 100 bbla Boor, J BfilcKee; 1 car wheat, Kennody Bro; 100.11ble flour, Hippley a Heckert; 1 car Metal, Lindsay et McCutchson• ' 2 do do, Oraff,.Bennett Co; Bdo do, Spang. 0 a Co; 1 do lime, J K Holmes; 28 eke. Sour, Merest a Robinson; 8 bblirdo, .1 ht Lusk; 30 bdla broom hdbli W Hardorf; 1 car corn, Oro Stewart; -2 „do coopersge, - .1 Hemphill; 4 do barley!../.Rhodee &Co; 2 pkge, Jas Lockhart. i. RIVIIR NEWS *le river s ress considerably yesterday, and was still swelling bat evening, with tone feet nine Inches In the channel. The weather clear and pleasant. • 'Aare havribeeti no arrivals or depar. ufts since the date of our lut report. The Arlington, from Cincinnati, is due his morning, and will return as final (1.-Morrow at 4 r. X. ' • . . - .. r.. Wm. Harbison, clerk of the Kate Pu nam. writes under date ef Evans vil Feb. 11th, sa followei ..The Bate Putnam tett Nashville on Wednesday. Feb. 9th; no freight for Pittsburgh. .W 6 are picking up considerable along the Ohio for Cincinnati. which plane we ex pect to reach on Sunday and leave for Pittsburgh on Monday evening. All well." The Mollie Ebert and Wild Duok will Leave for St. Louie es soon se there le water. . • - —lt is believed that the seizure - and detention of the steamer Richmond at Columbus, Kentucky, will result in con. alderable llgitation and lola to some of the parties interested. We are credibly informed that some of the shippers have telegraphed to the conaigneea at New Or leans not to receive the freight, on the ground that it hue depreciated In value by the detention. If thin be true, it would seem that they intend to hold the United States Marshal and the owners of the boat responsible for all lost and damage. Of comae, this will result In much lhatation, and someone will have to foot the bills. A; last ac counts the boat watt Still at Columbus trying to get some boat to take her freight. This, It ;stems, none of the on amends:a are a filing to do, as fr tights have -advanced considerably aline the .Richmond took In her cagro at Cairo. —Freights along' the lower Ohio and below Cairo are reported more plentiful at present than they have been at any time since the war. Upon the arrival of the Indiana at Cairo. the agent of the Illinois Central Railroad Company offered Captain Neal all the freight the lost could carry if he would turn bear, and at much Oetter prices than hare been paid for some time. Captain Neal had a lot of TeAsa made on board, and offered the owner his freight bill ;Lao% if he would agree to reship at that point, but the owner refused to accept the offer. The agent of the railroad company then offered to ahlp the rattle to Louisville by rail, free of charge, but still he refused, and Captain Neal was forced to bring them through to Loctinville. We relate this incident toahow the anxiety of ship pers to forward their freight from that coint, and to show the scarcity of ton nage. —A new rule, adopted by the Board of Bupery loon at their recent meeting, la that requiring every passenger steamer to be supplied with a float for each deck pusenger to the whole number that ahe may have accommodations for. The float Is to be made of light wood, four feet long, fourteen inches wide and two inches thick, with two hand-holes in each Host, each hand-hole to be six inches long and two inches wide, one on each side one inch from the edge of the float. This rule was to take effect from the let of February. —A Louisville opecial to the Cincinnati Commercial says: An association of col ored men have determined to raise, by - rubscri Won, enough money to build • fine brat, to ply between ?demphia and New Orleans. Anderson Lewis, • well known steward' on the river, hu been deputed to contract for the hulloing, and has received bids here for the boll and machinery. • —The engineers on the Maggie Hay. at the of the explosion were both Cin nnsti men. The second engineer, the, e who was killed. • shipped on her at New Orleans In place of Jacob Parker, who was discharged: —Capt. J. T. Stockdale has sold his half Interest In the Nick Wall, now at St. Louts, to Capt. T. Pole, at the rate of W.,000 for the entire boat. " —The R. C. Gray left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday . and the Leoni das le ft there the same day for New Orleans. - —The Argosy left Cincinnati ow day, with - all the freight she wanted, and some thirty-five cabin passengers. : —The Bellevernon from New Orleans, was at Cairo on Torsday, and the Wan 'mita was at Memphis the same day. —The Messenger, for New Orleans, added SOO bales of c otton at Memphis, on Wednesday. —The Ws:unite was at Cairo on Fri day. She has lito bbis of molasses for Pittsburgh:._ RIVER PACKETS. == PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI • PACKET LINE. The new and splendid sidewheel Steamer. ARLINGTON. DANIEL MOORE. Master, A. 8. BISZPARIN. Clent; leave. Pittsburgh for MatJamul every TUESDAY at IS IL promptly.• lacerates., leavetrelnelanall ter Pittsbarzh.r it 19 Y. every FY IDLY. Tor traria" nu role. or other information. al. pig on bo.rd or to JAMES COLLINS, • tel PLACE • ,COLLINGWOOD. Agents. I= OA ST. LOIIIEL-The a dre . . IDlesidnd passonser Steamer .111, , LLIE JIBBSZT..O. W. Insert, Master.' B. Peppard. Clerk, will leave for Oa sleeve arid WIC MOW/AY. lath Mo. Nor hWAP(rlll'AßEZLl'olv`itri. to fel JAYA" COLLOIDS. Areal.. CAIRO AND T. LODI& FORCAMO AND ST.A i dGe z .. i LuolB.—Tke Tarrartut Tow- WILD DUCE AND DADGES, Dove zed Swan, J. W. KNAWALT.Comaiaader will leave WALLVNINDAY. Feb. 141 h. at 4 rah ter Um above aaa a l a a a t a e g r • e edolialt e ports. JFo reghteo 44ll44 sp arOMTLY d . O e t 0 . STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND • QUEENSTOWN. TEE INDIAN SLUG 11211A11111:111PS, Numbering sixteen lira...class vessels, among thewine celebrated. INT YOP PAR% MTV ANT W E R P (lITY OP //MTh CITY OF BALTIMORE., Of OP IN - Don. 13stlizAZVER1 SATURDAY, Dom Pier 411 Nook er, New tort. for °weans WINN into unpin) b. WILLI/14 BINOHAAIN 143 5111TEPIELD STBEZT, Pittsburgh GREAT INDUCEMENTS, AT No. 91 Federal Street, CLOSING OUT SALES or • • WEN'TEEL GOODS, REGARDLESS OF COST, To Make Room for Spring Stock.. line Old 7.4.11.., C.D.4.4oleeele "a re ladles, Colored Corset. 41.. ' 4 oars Child reree Balmoral, Lbw Ptr Us. Ladles. el”Oketrobisf., 100. • • ladles' Nem Ohlsnons, $O.. All Other . Goods in Proportion, at MRS. S. C. BOBB'S, 81 Patera Street, Allegheny. T. Th T' TREGO'S TEIBERRY:TOOTRIVASII. Is tee moat pleasant, the lad best DeeU trice extant. Warranted Wet from Inlailou Ineredlenti. Is Drawees and wining the Teeth I rata end :Teri:4r l e relifir rrevents awnWawa ef Tartar: Melba and Paribas anneal Teeth! la a sailsins unclothe Children I , hold by ail =next. a and Dontlats. ProYdsdari n• M. W 11.501.1. Philadelphia. for sale by a. a. "[ATTU*. raump ,peow-rasmsb: int onesuassi Allogniaar• • iq SPECIAL NOTICES OrCONSUMPTION. DE. SCHENCK% POLIIOI4IO SYRUP iambs ea.. or Cough., Cold. and Consumption. cur,SCHEVCE , SEAWEED TONIC tor the o r Dyepepela end all theDeldlaatest Coedj. Hone of tWatcres. DE. SCHENCK% HANDE&ILE ILI.B , far Dlmaaes of the Meer or tout ea • Mantle Fur. 111 or them three Kedlel me are often rtgulred le eating Conenmotlath th ough the Pagooolg g r o d ge:= itA11i.V5211,1,1 • .17; repolattos the Stomach and Liver. and help the Falmouth Syrup to dire% and march through the blood 4. meads, by which mean. • MO le soon el -I*s. Thee., Medicines are erniscieutioeslyolfered to the Public es the only safe, certate and fellable remloy for Pulmonary Consumption, and for all Move morbid 000dltions of the body which lead to that fatal dlcesee. Liver Complaint min Dye. penal. are often Ibrenranell Cousumptdoth aad wreathe} manifest themselves they require the mot promtm attenton. The Pulmonlo Boren Ina medium, whleh hart had a longPrObstlon beforetbepubllc. Iteealue Mn been proved by the thorned tom It hint made throush a period of more than thirty-flee MM.. In all of which time Ito reputation has In creased. and the most obttltaterskepticism can ao tourer doubt that It lee re:n.17.1 , 1.11 Mar be railed with confidenCe In all ewe which admit of • cure. • If tbe patient viill perseveringly follow the di rection. which' accompany each bottle, be , certunly be eared, If his loom are not too much, wasted to make aeuro meal, le. /van In cases' so PPmed to be Incurable, when friends and pby-i 11011.0 have despaired. the of thin hi.dfelh has saved the 1110 of the patient and restore hoe to perfect health. Dr. Schenck doe. not say that all caw of Put rifrit .114 rhl a s tr e cai7 " l l ;:erls e th ' lT ?irk a when pauenta have tnemmta.snelngeytripterma, loch as • violent cough, creeping chills, algid sweat*, general debility, even to Erich • degree that they are obliged to Ile in bed, and *he* _thelltre Y*. up 07 their phygiclein they may et oe cured. Yfo medical treatment ma create ne that when the loon are Very sseLy &sem, !Mg t° some eaten!. destroyedi item may bee Meted by Ile. bettentki. reedlc neS. Also, la berofolons Unease , saeas medlein an serially elac.ent. 111. Scheock has ptio graphs of a nber of Serena. who have bee nearly irovered um with reirmlug sores and now all healed up. This show. its earthier properties, welch meat be able to heal este Wes in the longs. In the treatment of Consumption m oor en the ' utmost Importance to give vigor and lthy tons to the system. Treece it hi neoessary to strengthen the apPetite of the patient snit gpoved th o ed t g er t i w n th :n ` oo ` men u. ealaanern ma k the good email,. digestible. The articles most sellable for the diet of Connotative patientaare dmlgeated In Dr. gicateack's Almanece. which are 'disuieuted gratellomly in general, the most highly natritloin &Melee Sr. to be pro. I hrred,botthadlgerstryeelegattlatnetbestietairth. coed to order , to make either food or medicine eenlorable. Thin moulreMent le met by the Sewed Tonle, and Mr this porno*. It wee der Whes the distiesge wmers are pat In good Order, the Nod has I proper effect; the system of the tallest ineleorated and tee lungs be rattungl=.thlaeTtig'iget::=l rolmonle Syrup will .et the core. n of IMlnton•ry Consumption is almost alwaye ees tlehnet•e Mate-s., t•Ille are ylltaNd with Dyspepsia sad Matra,— ..._from the Lyer sod • Itto esove obstructions from the Liver and restore t. to action. Tbe el sys bl u ethe egicacy which is ascribed to calomor " roma.. and are warranted not to co nt•ln • twettele Of auy,min eral potenn. These rills cure tan Most obstinate ocatlesneas, sick, headache, plies, Mous threw thous, and all other dim.. which •rise from • turbid or obstruoted condition thee Liver the bow of these pills will Ore. Mem7 o f medicine, 10 Conant:opt' on the Bea Weed Tonle and Man drake PIIM are Inealnabla auxiliary inedida es They rolleve tne sufferings of the patient cure.: assist the Pnlmonic Syrup in effecting • • cure.: Thrff b /ea been geoid awful adva•md Magee (CoumpUon, where the lunge are almost en. tirely ns destroyedand all nonotonie aceordisig to th•Jadgment of t o e phys. lw , icated &speedy tlasitt. The lives of patients been were utast ty In • eying e othitlon bawl been unsullied for month§ by the use of 00000.0. Wee groat rem- * Ve:fichenok•sllmaale addable a full treatise trethe various forme of Mae... his mode of atment, and ,ataera2 dlnetlons hoe to usable Mediator, nee be had [retie. or era tAmall addresetnn hie Prtnellal COM No. TO= nleth west. Palladelphie. re. Mee n. tee Palmonto oyrop sad bealreen Ton. le cut .1,50 per tedele, or .T. 50 a baled.... Mandrake Mew cent. • bon. for 1e1.07 all, gmtellite. delT:d/17 arDOCTOR WIIII7IEII CON.' TINITIE TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE' DISILABILL That numerouseless of theca mealt ime Rom self-abuse, producing samanilinesal tiered. debtlity. Irritability, erupt/oils, seminal missteps. met Inally impoteedt permanently LI cured. Person. aftlided with dellatte. La dot laud dandles constitutional oomplalate politely Welted to tail Ler consultattou. ado bode no th ing. isperlenee, th e belt of teethed. has emelt/al him to period remedies at once aftl dent, msfe, permanent. end which to most can be used without hindraum to badness. Red kind prepared ln the establishment. which em 'blame. ofthe,reception and waiting rooms; boardleu nod sleeping apartments for pe tit reqtdring dally . ;monsi attention, and 'Apo end chemical b thus coneentrsting th e Mattel mineral seders. o matter who bare failed, state your ma. Read what Do sass let his pam phlet of any pages. sent to ate address for two damps In .riled enveiope. Thootancht of eases treated ennually. at °Eke thd all over the coon. trf. (.nsultatisn free, oersopally or human. Office No. 9 Wylie street, Omar Court Hum) Elllthsfgh, Pe. Hours 9.. m. to Or. V. Poe. d r ay s f ur or 2. m tos amps. mphet sent o ao4. IarCLINICEEIS, TUMORS, 111, 4o.—♦monlshlog and almost miraculous care. of Lauer are be daily made by Drs. - 7/.. H. 111.12111 A 00.. al the Philadelphia Calmer IntirmatT, 98l Arch Urea. Philadelphia. Penns., and at the branch oft ilos In charge of Proltmor E. G. DALTON,. 1110 Ilia Dinebutatl. Ohim The treatments need am Cancer Antidotes, tho moat ecientido and meceasUl known in the civilized world. They are not camtic.. eating or borstal medi deem They dim little or no oain. They ara en dorsed by the beet mrseom of the axe. No other persona brie them antidotes. No Other treatment ellatid he amel. /or partlenlAra call or address u above.. stee.ois•rnis • IRTHATCHELOWS 1114111111 DYE. —Taus splendid Heir Dye le tbe best In the world. Heinle. reliable, instatitsanes, don not contain ,ea ' . not anyetlalto polio. to pro , era paralysis or do a. 'Avoid the vaunted and delude° ureosratio. twenties virtues siny do noyocesess. Thy jiaaullefr.W.k; Wiltebelarle Hair Dye bee had&W years untarnished .puta.' Hale uphold ho o ters.. ag o lli d e,:elf,T, gin!. t.Dipplad. II; lad Siren. 11. p Yt fay it er OUT. 'THREAT PICTORAL TROCHILIcIi TOR COLDS. COUGHS. SORE THROAT AHD DRONCRITO. Nona so nod. None . pleasant. None Cara as Wok. RUSHTON & CO 10 Ann Hone. New York. the no won Of tkon borribla tasted nausea. no ••ilrown Cubeb tblines." den mwrm NrAISSILAVS SALE. r virtue of Distr i ct swaddles! sspono• honed oat of the Court of the United States for tl a Weetera Distils& of Pennsylvania, and to me directed. f Will euluisolw Paella .ale at the store of SCOTT a lituAL, neer tee ear net of Penn •nd thinsl streets, on the 11th an ll.s 111111•11.1", 1010, at 10 Welook A. 0.. all richt title,cialm end intents tof 11. Merlreaely Co.; Brichnell. Dant A Schnell- O. M. Dod son, William 110015., J. P. W 1111.19. .4 Jolools Drentaer, of. in and to the following de. mined property, to-wits • Three barrels of Distilled SO:W. Nineteen eaddlet of Tahoe.. One barrel of Distilled Spirits, • Poor Hundred Cigars: Three Caddies of Tons eco. • Thlrty•elcbs hundred Cigars. Soloed and condemned as the pioperty of the Pawn)named at the salt of the United States. .1. • MIIIIDOCII, Marshal. sfananat'a 01,11101, g - Pittsburgli. P.. feCi674.1,11 VIIVATE OE JOHN BARRETT, late, of AilegnenyOlty. dee'd. its," teetaeasntary upo gluttedWats of said John Barrett luring bees to the ander signed, all peewee Indented 5. required to make payment, and &di persons having elidnis melees &aid estate wlll plea. present them at No. 151 Ileava streejaarel L ti&iy e r i.. DM tern liseentor of John Barrett, deepd. bETTERS TESTAMENTARY ME upon the e state of JAS AI.ZSATIDEIt; e of Harrison townsalp, Allegbruy cousin. de&d. bane been {mond to the undersigned, all Twee. ineebten rebind jo Mate pay- Mesa sad all present baying ennui ara l an said estate will present then properly aothentl. mated for settlement to the mOereigneo, at Ta rs alum. fe7474 WM.*. IVAlia. Hammier. ASSIGNEE'S SALE-BOOK AC. COUNT& A c.-11.11C3DA.T ICVENTNU , enlist. on second goer of Commercial Hales Noon; 106 Braltbiald stmt. by order or Beebe, 111111. r. Jr...dLti.ort• ri • Armelroeir. Ambrneee lu Dankroptor of J.• D. Dray°, min b...,d the Boot Ammuntin and Minos of J D. Drive.. a Saner.* =sit • 'AI XeILWAINE. Auctioneer. .4kIINIIINISTRATOWS NOTICE. gotleaV Wake Oren that letters 07 ad. Zt.ll . lriVdre:l ' 32B o o rXs o f y.Bar b wk leie7 Fl oated to the undersign.. Jut persions Indebt ed to raid estate are mounted tombs mamas, and those haring claims will patent theta ler settlement. Warts' 4011 S MT. Administrator. NEINAT WILL PIPER FOR 1870, JAMES HOAG, JR'S, 174 Federal .St.; Allegheny. An Oodles. variety of new 4id baantlini de. elem. tram the etwapest klte •to ins Onset Stamped Hold. Decoration. far Balls. Parlors, rie. very Cern% italtitiou Velvets for Libra. Dee, Dinlux Moms. de. AU repellant - Low Priori. bur some lots at very decided berrldlis. WIN DOW IIitADE& plata sad neared. • bartea• r am eleeo.', mot, Stair .d Table OU le. Ws cordially Melte all our Meade and the • 01110 generelly rail and exanalue our eaten air. stoct wider,. ter beauty and neatness of idyl% quality or stock. and lownue of pries. we 1.011110 tO be nuesiTassed to sitter city. We always soludder it • pleasure to slum ma. ad larnr oirced ristonoin by ow Lmpor Innate requests to bra." 310A.0, Jr., No. 174 FEDERAL STREET; MEM DREKA. Impala and mull dine tc Marna errwriorgiaznar. WENDING, VISITING. rimy AND BUSINESS CARD mrasAvzrO, - MONOGILUIA ALUM MIIIIIISATING. .a. Orden by reaalt•Proantattaatloa. Zeal Ira samples. Lass or•staut 11$4etthil.. ~-..._...m0w.+i.. ~.{s;'.^, ~ _..i0..v ..~:.0 ~e;.%1M1-' FINANCIAL. TRIDESIEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., cor. Second Arnie. INTEZESTPAID ON 'pawn: Gold, Coupons, Bonds andltooks 130II08T AND 1101 3 7. A. BIIADLIY. President. W. VANYIIIB. Vise President. 0e9.0A7 Winn% CLAIIIOI. Jn.. Clank, S. McCLEA.N & co., BANKERS. Government Securities, No. 75 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. Poisons' and prompt attention elven to every. thing In the business. 'Collections made: C.a.- .111Icates Issued. and InCesst allowed on Tins Deposits. Advances mad. on Prime Collateral• 'ad Uovernment Securities at Iltwral Votes. , es to Fn• . ' Nod Dow - lie Ischr- Do.lan foreign and Doan.. itzebanges Gold. Miter, Bank Nolan, at., £o. All local or other libeellaneoas Stocks, Bond., Mortgage, Commercial Paier, id. negotiated at the lanai rates or contakisidon. 113 PEOPLE'S . SAVINGS BANK Of Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Lacock Streets. I. H. HALIZTIIAN, Pres Pleat. K. P. TOPING. Cashier. - BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. - I atockholders In (dually Liable. ISTEZEBT ALLO OK ino DEPOSITS ] 7 7 t 1 1 • THE SAFE EPOSIT CO. .LT8.(421. I= of Taubleo, e renting of Bates Is Its Trod Vaults. Safe Keeping Under guarantee, and Fite lad Bart! No. 83 FOURTH' AVENUE. PreslOest—W/LLIAN PHILLIPS. Wee Presidest—HSSSY LLOYD. WILLIAM PHILLI[B, BYRON H. PAINTER; HERBY LLOYD, JuS. B. MORRidoN„ WILLIAM RNA. GIOROZ BLACK, WILLIAM . M. LYON, CUBTId G. MUMMY. lAd. I. IDINMDT, Rae,. T./..0-11. IP. ON EIIIIINUORST. p. daily float V O'Cloc• A.i A. Y. 10 co.olock CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. TlOO.OOO. MCILEOLDEBS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. YORLION I.SCIELIJI tiZ Bousbt and sold. and schen des mitted to lamps, Collections mane On Winl ritinilmi pinta Of the United State• and Con Dostislicm I Presider. Jams McCaw. Vlee Presi.., . W. N. lionamc, Coltler• Joni. Mead.% Flush lirotiolr, James oe Melmon. Caobe:l. B. A. Frorrogle, 'imas Banco. X. Steyr. JOS. Y. tiAZAr. Solicitor. p. m, Tbom Ih as sea ßoark% Patrick chug. *Nth.. L. 7. Gr.*, MIMI N. HOLISM & BON& 57 MARKET STREET. PITTSUUROU, PA. crona4ttona made on all the minden' WM. of the 021%64 Mats and Caned.. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities swear AND NOLO ON COMMISSION. re:taco/a attentio ➢ all to the pat : chase ame Ws al • • rated Stags Securities. jamozel HART, CAVGRET & co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth' and Wood Streets, FITTAIVROIL CMCCZODOZ TO StlttlA. !UST t C 0..) • IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, tad putkutor atirrz e p ol d to Um Pontotk COVERNMIENT BONDS. Sight Drafts; on London. DOLLAR SAYINGS BANK, NO. 65 FOURTH ATENVE. CIIARTZILED IN I$U. AMIN X 9.699,87160. Oyes daily. from 9 o'clock a. at. to 3 o'clock T. 9., and IDLTIIILDAY IVENINOB. Dom Mel Let to November lot, from 7to 9 o'clock, and from November lat , to May lets DOM 6 to Welts*. • OkralLtlVT:l'd o : 4 2lMl=2l;lllr7Mlll declared twice a year. In Jmie and December. Interest has been declared semlquanually In Jima and December, eines the Bent was organtsed, at tbe rater of ma per rent. a pear. Interest. If not drawn out. Is placed to the eredit of the depotitor se principa,ana bean the some Intenat from the • drst days of Jou• an/ December. compounding Melee spear. without r.° P lineolaarlthuag.ll;',;;;;ll,t2=2 1... PM.. twelve years. Books containing the and Regulations, fund tun at t he °Moe. • art., Ily-Lawn. Hales • e 4 intl.. oa nnPlion- HERDHA.N. A. M. Pollock. H. D. Hobert Robb. John H. Shoonberger, Jamul Ohldlo. Alexander limo; CbrUslan Tenger. VIC/. 0 0.10 Albere. ;atm Ilsekoren • Benj. F. Fahnencia. Janes liteAulley. June. B. D. Yeeds, J. AndersOn. •en Calsln Adams. Urri le s e ei l lreT, ". nornwha Chars A. Colton, John grans, John .1. tilllesplea Williams O. Havens Peter H. Honker, Diehard Hain James La .1411 y. - Bolter* 0. Loomis. Hem J. L)netr. Pear A. Diadem, John MarshalJ, WAlter P. llarnhall. Jona Beradden. Dav,d McCandless. 2l.nry W. Oliver. Jr Washy ohllllp. Henry In.lonivralt. AI.Z. bobrnerts, ander Tindle, WWMAto VI TON,LA Kirk. I A. COL B. D. ItEIDel. TBRiturzzit-OH I Clin WARING RING, CommLan sad Broken).* Petroleum d Re Products, DALZEWS 001 K, DUQUESNE WAY. rBILADZLPH.I4. ADDBXIB, - WARING, RING & CO., 109 WALSITIT STREET. np*, TA BIUMFEBS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DAMN= IN Petroleum and Its Products. rittsbnfick ONco—PALZALL , II BITILDLIDA musket Daquena Way anti Inds stmt., IlilladepliDOSes—lllT WALE= T. solnfla ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY BEM= W. G TWEDDIS. WAXII7ACTIMEE or Lnbritatthg &Thgh Test Thum* 011 a, ZellpiallaUread Axle on, Stands great heat Irttaout cesagat raaataa InrcaS teaspatatanta. Opectal 0U log trolealeUmataa or hot MSSNI;;N=I Ilaw llllgod Plantar Xill in _Atiantsa tbr bles rimed. IMlWll=lll,=l=l:tett lag sae TMMaim Hlw Oil. t i 30,1 19P,541gtir,re. ant Iraa Sr.taw p.oaaeu namifieure“ sadar_Dr.. Tindtgatra=sumbestel Steavi via. rgo alimrans. lad = tea Gay Los ramsialiistaalss=rl TONI OIL an assa_asues, sad ass la esastsa ..a 11• f Pm= Psi Riareals. Vs* b. f sad orders Islr at lig WQ !".! 4 .Bridifs. . . . FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, NATIONAL FOUND= AND PIPE WORKS. Verner Carroll Rad listallisa L ia Street+, ' tRINTIa WARD.) .IP/TE533171113 , 11, WILLIAM SMITH, YARUFACTIIRER Or OAST IRON BOWL PIPE YOR GAll AND WATER WORKS. lify Pipes are all east Invariably In Pita to 4r7 sand and 14 feet length. Also, NI assortment 41 vassal Castings for Gas & Water.. Work& CL'VeL l Tvltt'irmake Of ftLTORT4. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY °mom Ana *mum, TWELFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. lirEngines,ltolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines Re. torts. and Castings generAly. . W. J. ANDEKOON A. SAZYVOGLRo FORDRY, • w..T. ANDEESON & m afaelorcra 01 IRON HOUaZ FRONTS , II4DOW 1.124TR1A sad BILLO. and I r. Within of all Deseriptloaa Bowls! atteaUou paid to ARCRITECTII. R CACTLNUC and to eutloaa far Window o PO lainai—No. ISO WATER 15 BERT Pltuborah. Ca. ROBINSON, BEA as CO., Sinootaaori to RO/110000. YtAIO a lltLiza . a. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS MD 11101INISTS, PITTSBURGH, Uanufaotorera of Boat and Stationary Steam En- Ir na. of oil d..rrlpUun.; OIL Teat. d StlIl:. Ito u and Berm Iron work. nion, No. a corner Vint and nmithdild ntrrr fo ictlf:r u TirM.llD • l3 . PATlST fIfJD OE THONAS CARLIN & CO, Fourth Ward Foundry and lacklue Works, BANDIT HET T.. ALLEOHEYY CITY. Pa., Manufacture Presseson and Portable Steam Unglue., , Palley, snafu., we, and Saw Work . WM and Macbtoe thate Bars, Wefghts, Wagon Boxes WAu, built to order and !arson hand /ulnas of Ilse& ntsbloW pummix BOLL MIJIILDRY, Cor. LIBERTY •Ld 514n1 STREET& BOLLMIN & BACALEY, Muer:Waren of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls & Pinions. piht)P,p3.:ll49irrial:l:l"l FORT PITT •`• BOILER. STILL AND TANK Wort Sig. FARROLL AND SNYDER. IMANIITACTUESES OP 1 I lit t iO L ANDaf L LUD L IOST KUnfre A Mti., STILLS ND OIL ERIAINETS, BRZEARINt/ AN DASH PANS. 'TITLING PANS. BALT PANS AMU CON DENiUM,_ STEAM PITIS, GABORZTERS AND IRON BR T ES, R IDG IBON DOW/BAND COALBRUTZII. ~..r.641e GM PA. !Orden neat to the above madras will be promptly attended to. mb7:1111 HUGH N. BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St. (111LLE,TE7 PCMIT.) &twine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Mannhature STEAMBOAT ENGINES and SIATIONARY ENGINES, °tall elms. venial attention Invited to our new STATION AZT OIL W ELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILEEt,orIB barb power. CABTlN_GRAfeeerridadoltade to order at our ITlVe rr ior OTIV I L I ITARIIII7,4II% RANCIZIM, MOOSE and TOBAGO] ECHE add IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on band and and. b order, at tba INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Peoating oa the Allegkeayltleee, Mutat. Mgt PITTISBURGH, PA. . AiAtt orders rm:ltaly filled. TIT rd. TIVESICIL & HBO., rias a atrauraa-moor SAFES AND VAULTS. NO DAMP, NO MOULD. ENGINES AND IACHINEBY, 14 ThE RIMYONLEVAIIP . AINING AND PUT. Car. 17th and MUM, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN It CO., MAdosbdtends of isonacius. OIL TANKS. STILLS, LING P D PAIS. OADOSIZTABit,_Birp. ?LINO P p. maim BOOBS, CW.WIIIS. BAN VIBE BIDS, ft., Gr. et legend Avenue and Liberty .11., PITTSIMBON. PA. Brpalrled done promptly. Orders sent to UR sbere address promptly eth ou. V. REIMAN, formsrty rat suds SNYDRWS. oeitspal ViPL R&RNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. IA AA, 114 AND AerzßA R. Baylor neared a lards . lard and ltrahlted with the mast approved issehustry,sre are pn ➢ " r "' "" Tirr lP = " stilt we =de te eConerg. 1:111allaelf. HAMS& ilre Beds. Mesas Pipes, LooontoUve Boilers, Oztemers, ten pai ti z.e., nuns. /far. :Incl . sots sidußdtarerrik Bel:mated dittoes shortest settee. Btedal Jh.UD K. louse ininnw is IRVIN t pUIFJ) N. BRUSH & SON, XLIPIIIAOTIJOILBS OP Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. satyr neon WORK, as 61 Pews Beet, Pittabaria. Pa. COAL AND 0011311 CHILES. H. 1101STRONO, Youghiogheny and L camaivina. Coal, •ad Maxabeineer of COII, BLitt ADD DESIILPHURIZED COIL 077101 -ADD YARD. comer Butler aad Morton Wen. Liberty raid Clymer Wee& Ninth ward: also Osmond streak Eighth ward, amend& sadist exit warof Baas Meet. T. • C. B. H. Orders lettgAtker of the above Mem& 01 VI. dress to me h PlUsteughP.O., Iv. WPM prampt auen on. Beier to whom I am. mmpillags _ Tiunry, Wells Blatt& Ugh= on . &w ise & co„_Misehell. steptiemere A Co., Bissall • Co., ( *shwa 80g... Alex Bradley, Park. Bro. & Co.. Parlr,,. _livened) • Co., Bases, Grad& Da% Wse. M.' rum • J. B. Lyon • Co.. hams Marshall • Co.. A ll McKee • Co.. Unto* Do. set lio v ellairtkeit. 8., Pennsylvania E. 100 ALI COAJLI! COALIII DEISM STEWART & CO, nous reconsil their Oise to NO. 567 STREET, tutus Otty non Kan MOND =OM dimMSZEOft = mom AND STEEL. DUQUESNE' WORKS. COLEMAN. IWIM & 00., Manillalowa al • IRON. NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DI7Q177.11111:. L X ABD JUNIATA. • PLAT BAIL SOUND AND SQUARE IRON, HAND. IDA/P ali SET AND TANK IRON, BOILER PLATICS AND REA Ds, DUARD I R ON. DRAG ana DROPPER RAWL • /ANGER, du tit fuss. (masttti IRON. • AND /LATIUM, fbr Coal Road.. CROWBARS, WEIN/ES HARItoW TEEM. SPRING. PLOW •ND OULTIVAToR MILL, STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS col to pawn, STEEL TIDES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. arm. COACH. BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES. DDT NAILS AND SPINE& All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORMS: Sixteenth Street sad AlLetrbetty Star uts wad 71 Waist Street, Ettlabargb. MILLER EMIR & PEKIN. 4111:1111AL minnuns: 475. . PAW. if. 4,u 1 , PIiTICII-13. M. XIMI. CRESCENT STEEL . WORKS, MILLER, BARB & PAREIN, OFTICL Ni. U 0 Warty Strut, PITTEIBITPA3II. PA. fel4.ldol prrnmunGH ,STEEL -WORK& ZIITALBLUITID IN 1140. • ANDERSON & WOODS, . XANUYAcrploa OP BEST EETTNED OAST STEEL Of every deuription. Alen, beet Refined Ceram Plow and Spring Steel burgMAh. r W/ BON AND 11111:11T AVENlTA i r w ite- DUQUESNE :FORGE, WILLIAM (Successor to JOS. HAIGH k C 0.,) Hu faelliefee co-extensive with the leading 1:7 IH :OA t ett . ; VIM= r ' lgrartrOtT AFTN, OnAN PIPIToN lions. LYNXES. PITMAN J A KS. %V &ILBOA.O AXLES, LOCOMOTIVIL FRA Y us, together with every dwell:Mon aI:MAPS WOBIL. Ofilte and Forge Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. . apl3:h4o BLLERSIIOSEN PROCBSS. c sajw7r T tr::: ra•Erizrahreatt qualify I.D.ted N toad great Improvement in Inferior 'roil - dno_e . d coft. commend ICI* MI man= the of • Parties wishing to arc It can obtain Manes by oplylna to • JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Tramtoady ROOMS I and A AngliOANt Anddidt• Font th - . . . Parties Interuted are toTited to •101 t the BElDENBStitilta WORKS, wizen the P MOW to Boer Ia eueotealel operactoo. (MOS pIIT B / 1 1314 . 411 . . NOVELTY WORkS. Yommilsel A. D. flu. MOORHEAD, MIMS & CO. maxtivAincassi co " Mt r B L/170 AHD BX AD A W " : "( mi l l - SCALES. !Una faced Patera Door Lot/ur Ulan. Pralol wad Cores 1111/o r fa. Pr 0011E1 OPitaboi PLISTATEIVE sun BIS SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK & CO., PITTSBURGH, Pa., Manufacturers of esery deserlotiou of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL. itIYILIS I M B I'LATTOMII SPRING AXII3, STEM, ILEX ho. at Warehouse. 88 rater and 100 First Sts. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER &,.CO., Butnfteturersot denrlpUonior EITM:III7a. ute m ar4W dl =2p r iln . MITT. PITTSBURGH. 000 K STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TBIIJMPH, FOB BITUMEN° VS COAL, Warranted to Coot, Bake or Smut am well as any other Store la tie Cram BISSFLTI CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Alsma E t ad E r z m a r !ally HIATING 1110 ORLTMIZSITIR"&r. ORAFF,IIJOUSt, CO., kutII7ACTOIXIS or MET TAMMY 07 . SaNYVIBS, BOSTON cooKura BANOS; "MB EMIT FURNACE," Tor *Amara Ilsrmanroa. Trlr NLW ANTI-MET 0001:1110 WILGULATON," 001,1:11181.A. COOK Mirk IE&. 0 ( 201 I 110 N wirwziut: rkritAglirtS -4 7.:° - "' 206 and2oB Liberty street, 1e5:717 PITTES :H. PA. A. BRADLEY & CO., O. •O. WOOD mumr, Manufacturers of tW Greaten Venetia: Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, LoarueortmeatXlllM foudeli the LA PATTEUNS AND IKPROWLIMDTB. Ud n n rep 'Winn of our Stang Wads that awe am Le wet tof good aridelesbould werobsee moue bas thotesamis filetured DI us. lus Mel win be_Mund the .noell durable m well ad eeomaleal. sad call particular attention to our hew .VOLCANO ego VS, sor churches, nit" And stores, OTOS but In throe mantel. intended to with or without easing. Au woo rued them mo• notice. woe. etioeVor toasty CIMm. er. tong tor (Mullane Sad Mee last. lee. F:c:CI:ill aiolVtli 0 21:1:1 EMT MIX 01711741111LOCLL HENRY BIER & CO., JIIICOI3OOII to zomi to: &torso a oo„ Bell and Bran Founders. BBASS CASTINGS NMI PROMPTLY TO ORDRIL Naleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUNING,' 11110TTLS, SAFETY MID CUM Ulan, ALL GLOBS PATTERN, . TELOINT COCOIEKI4, d Brass Work amp description for Steam, Water and 011; MaRTINLOTTIRZIM OF J. M. 000PIR a COT IMPTOTOI EataaeaWheel Itrani fanit„ Agents Ibr Dreyfus , Patent Gii ersohe bed in the Market. la Olio a sad Wo u. EMU TMTtmath sad Puy rec • A.TWOOD & DcOIIFTJULT, 001.1gLite1171M1•11 and raid 1•11114 rite tartly ra., . SIUSTOLGIDMIS MCP MOM 14P11 FIMIL lad Milli= In A. GAMMON a 41Xre BTZAX roatre AND slowsze. . RAIL' ROADS RNLIE TRAE-V iiiirifienTh ".."....* • ll.aali • AD. Oa Lad after. II r ai ba' da NOV Ca. Wig. Tiara. I will antrii aamtitapart: AD. Mme has {Talon Depot, eery.. ~ w.." 4... Sad Id v at:rests. se follow.: NW Tra=l:2o as •Ileata= SIR 4' . LIR... 1:5 am • aMA . • M.- li:113m a ITilitclaile ' 21.14 8 11102 Mi'ar ....:). INV M. En WaWs N0t....:50 am rtaleaA4.. 10140 am Clastasall .9010 ass , ItsAa as • 11 . 14 pa - JstmatinraAslo:llo am , t 1 Sm. ita.a. am ~ tra all e al : Pm all airs. L. 3151 as pro ?Nil f.: Ear: trerz.vtiro,' 1 igo. ArtiN tar. Prii..itr. rm.-. iv.... No. 4. lieu pia all's WI. 1.. sip. BriatoaAe No11:10 yAits......A PI , Vraj' lassit , r 10:90 pea Wailes Mo. I. . / LI., laea •Theas tralim We close of au at Darla. •• . . . Serra for Baltimore. The amnia Train iesyrevoli - • . Seaday at 9:01 a. m.. 10:91. a. a. Be taralag, leaves rum MI: ' Dl:ad p. m. sad • arrives at WELD 117 1 A aa 111:10 p. at. • Ciaailisati Imam leaves daliv. lariaWe nr.rrsair-ranttivm-... An "a" .. P. fanMiarorressaapplo mt. W. H. BIC The rammaylval Cam wan s al. some aar d ett i lerflrgr sr ad. Mits ' llara lit ilea. .t"Th 1 t 1 %. C"' la.' tact amount la villa will to • rad et the mew. .Cl.*. takes a 7 Isola emieral darerLatendant.„ • NESTIIIIN: PIaNNISTLYit i Ia . Nov. tet tati . rW = wW Vl'rl'lll e it e alr: zwar•lntreetDapot. Alteatusayar 3. =rt fi rcnltn: tilt* I PUilealia l Parp r iliVilitigi , .... lio pin . Yt IMP al °P AW., ilVainir dap, " Mn ee ' llia 21 . ___ '.", The Chunk Trata lee - . ./ 1 / 4 ="oaatnatat orrery deans) at TvAO a. la, Alli . City at 9410 a. 131. Pataratup. lanes All City at 1110 p. la. aad saTIV• at Allashna Ilea at 1:40 p. at. The tram leaving Alleatten My Lt IMO a. L. rhos OUP.. eonaltel.toa at t wttalralo tor • lino of Puget Ibr Molar and Thepaghtreta 11At , los parchaoA at No. Int. latr Er* near the daspoulZet nttettato and at • 11, /WM 1 ..7. ffOrn.Wll.lllbrato to , • end trest A CAS. •see Winos resse7tvess. setuve 4 1 , rl g SWUM an risk Iby itaggagea w asedo Lj ece annual. ond than thair 7 ta laundry] moan la val.. An es tootling tale amount ta valna wIllb• se Ask al the anaor, gains tatoWA . K , by rpoc . hal ILD wth Chimera/ donartatendant. Altoona. M 1.......--. j! . t " • • Liaidals " V: • NOP. and _Lir. ream BOv sad =IL,. at:tha Masa isargh elytigai as ma. Cbler r lx ....M'S e ID r "- gln ym Pr•ls Da l cix.fil Lutulals 10118 • NI • Rochester• 111.ptlipst Eson 4:ailiptat Leetsdale Lec•lr pat BeaqVall. " •6: Ppm Leetsdale .10: Spin l'alr Oak. Pan 41;4 Uhum. lksle Zazprum twos . 21V01ri.471144,_ at. Oath marger. . d vra OWrrINNikT. r... Tlcz , et • g a II s ANGE 091111iM,:, GREET VALLEY RAILROAD • inTofll L wrp " W cT ullat 010774 97 ' • On nap after meitgraY. NOV 11/439. TIM THIMPIIGIL , DAILY (except isee leaps YI tougt Depot. earner at Pi sad Pike stmelieler Trankes.olloll7. ' CAM, and all poises a the 0111tefiorm. DPP ern p l etttri.e . s . llll 00 1 a11055,..11: ase d Wm... 9:00 a m Heltess.... COO psi Haltem... is p m r`s " .:rtis . . l 92l " allr= trial • .. ‘ orki.. 1330 p m re 13:1119 so' Madre II An p m Pm% I lOsele •ei 01005 1:00 p m Mach.. 10:110 •as Mums wefts Moo only set:prlar . pofitoe, Acoommodailon Mize geoi 001 . ,1 . . J. J. LAWRY _OP,. THOMAB EING. ALM. IRV% ' pp • ITTSBI7IIGIMAIMMIN' AT.a g as c riai l irix. -• i : • it . PAN Blinn& BO IMA OP TIYIL-02 and L s alZ , l l, la. Nov. 14th,1889, trains will le al Oa Union Depot, Planimaphis: tar si Tlae. ...—.—..—............... Part 4,...ta lies" 11.01 . tc. Psalms ltrpres. A all p it. . il as. fgeereniT......,...77,. :111 in. Til p.;.. McDonald , . Aos.n,ao.i 11:88 ea. Tail. a. liteabensille Acefaanod. 3: 43 in. %VS ...a. McDonald's Aeon , N0..18:53 p in. 3113 v. a. landsitnren Trait.. LII:111p at. 9188 a. a. sr Bi. ar.. 'express nut i to duly. U P. at. Malvin arrive rtn112,.., 6.1. __ i Clexinati Thant Meat. Colttni. W. , W. (iza. Inittn.. Dennison. Ohlo. non" tITrBVEGuhi L.Z Ittirtgan a rldli Ti gVetilair " lketi Fla t . ?orals of fin* SU water .117/41. Depart.: •rift TT," 4. N. 111.1.:00 Nantoaxittrasirniaa- ktisieWArzeamiilii ii;iro".r.r. iirtri: f. t o ..d grour. Loot 7.10, Al. Na raldrir ' 4.lltocoadVa .d . 0 4 327.1111. 14 T R U : It LI fittAc. tollavgortaoso 1.. N. , ili t A.Clif Bandar aster] ' 011 i to and freak Weet lane,. 110 p. ur.llllllo A. RICHARD B. 8011rISCI. AMU 13 Witi r W lL EOgingli lINION PACIFIC RAILWAY; Eastern Dtvhian. adra rn aripsotte x ii &d i m. Colorado Nevada, ,Cal tfornla. Utah, Arizona Washington, New Meztoo, Idaho, • Oregon. leolalte n Tra Mitt and Mitt Bt. ~ looArfon . fooodorto tr tor ad trE — Kaags. onrortb Vs dOf 0 111.AND= 1 212g 40111:5 NOR iniztvEnte e i er r..n.mcne All Paints in Av the TmftusN, • am ogetiar i nS u ir w MV 0 .1 7 , 731 .1, ariu . = tram Its 'otem uransg r va • want 1 naags t lled tt rlll ; Velar taint ai.t intaakpg Gem to. the tad &Wag and as li Ta i rg MAI PM ettexason, J. ix, wamnsa,• an. 4 91.. or A I. 2,000,000 "cam CIHODE LANDSFOR BALD: = Union Paeple bfflApid Company;; lAZITZRZA.DI426LON. Wm Wag the use of their mad, at MAO TO PAO PERK, Amos salinrr or mrs. !MUM its Maar vanadium sems. Situ, same Joni P. DD♦Q:. r, ToDska. luau. Lead Or MIAS. D. LAMED N Whey, •4115 Lent.. *Moot. iTRADEMARK. - DMIIiIDGFS., I ' SVEI,EI - P2tCHIYAP t . , = Lamp . . , 0 Mil 'fa i prEa. BIIILTT, - Ascrinvk Tutus AID ORNAMENTAL CARVIBRII, lio. 61 daadniki Bt., Alegielay, h. , -_, 4,LIMC 1 . ; .. 1 A 9 ZU _ITIVI7; 1 BS = 1 3W *LL til.11:110IGIE-11111PMENTS 'OF lob al freak i.ek arelneeOred o_illta r in e- i r atutt ' r s• thra Milk.... Mei) irny tam, arranger anorak. stoma., Oar imam expersmor bultussApables us se ahruckm as y= clam 11/111310. CY /ell fl• =l . lllaost. Eau astel. Vil • WlLlwrorchabl atm • Wk."l •Wille loft Gibuuj, •Ialz ,11 : 4 .r. gip. VIZE-19 Half bbisprilaie VAI/11 1 1 ..rEARILF , 21 4 1 7511alsmr .• . . El SIM i lOW