THE DAILY -GAM= n'w:ma R PENMILAN, R 00, Officer Stend 86 "f TA -Amuse. P. A MEM. • T. P. Emu% Lomas LID 101111 K VIM I. P. 1 WZRILII OW OILS DAILT. 3 I rwin. "'Med by careen. per week.--1-...-111ete. Elf Eitt54 . 4311 Gaiitts, GENERAL NEWS To kill time—sleigh it. TROY has s baby killing establishment. Wow:* that burn—exorbitant gas Wis. .NEw roax CITY is sending colonies to Hanes: GEN. SAM. HODSTOIN fatllll7 ire In poverty. - • . , A mosrmizzor to Prentice Is proposed Lordrrille. Nate Janata' has put the dog tax at $2.60 per dog. A MAII can get his Milted cella Chicago for air dollars. WISCONSIN has a paper called the" St e Point Pinery." ensurarra, N. C., lights Its streets on Sunday nights only. - BAILONIII.I7SISIAN spent 0428,500,000 In Paris during his rule. Bk4ANI) TATLO/1 says we work too much and think too little. COXPE.DERATE notes are quoted In Ma Con at $2,300 for a dollar. - • A BOSTON restaurater has ..roasted Buf falo meat" on his bill of fare. - Tun Balasky romance is ended. Ma. lankyhas married the widow. AN Ohio farmer found 'gold dollar in side of a squirrel he bad shot. SocrrAny confinement bli crazed nine convicts in the Detroit prison. COON eking, It is said, are still legal tender In Vermilion county, Ind. Ts: town of Lost Trail, Montana, lum only one woman within its PHYSIDYIST thamm'aitather WILY SOM. ty•alx yean of age on the 6th Inst. ROCHIFORT'S printeir says the great reyoluttonlat doesn't pay his bills. • 'Or Garibaldl's floret It Is said that somebody dies on nearly every page. RAILWAY trains now run through tunnel tinder the Thames In London. Srmrzett bulls are enraged by a red cloak; Spanishbnlfea bya blue cant. BRIONOLI and Mill X Oth hare formed an opera troupe lo c * li g through the South. Trotllfelnannince examlnersin France, It is raid, allow Thies twenty years more of exist/mix. NEW Yoni expects to NM I tunnel opened to Brooklyn before the East river bridge is passable. • Tun California papers ay that Mien who corgi, to this country are easily con yerted from Paganism. Cnn.unica are going out of fashion among the Southern negroes as they are among the Northern whites. THERS is a Defrauded Soldiers' At/Gel ation in New York. But only 180 de frauded soldiers have joined. OFFSCHBACH is better paid than Anber. The former received $B4OO for his last opera, and the latter only $2OO. GI songs PEABODY died on the 4th of November, and was finally buried three months and four days after his death. Jsnesir C/TY and Hoboken school boys engage In regular pitched battles, having for weapons sticks and stones. Tex Commodore, being a married man again, is quick to announce that he has nothing to do with those female brokers. Twa Rads censor has struck out a monkey part from a new play, thinking it might reflect upon Eugenie's pet Jocko. Cox. ELranorroia, of Prince Arthur's staff, considers himself too heavy a swell to attend the New York Fat Men's Ball. A. norm mPEg a Munich acknow ledged that he had leas trouble with one hundred Aluminum than ten Wench. • • then. Cincaoo Intends to prolong her lake tunnel four or five miles Inland, to fa cilitate the distribution of the , water supply. THAT new comic paper which the Ne w Yorkers intend to make their swat news. paper failure of li to be called Punchi nello. • Ix the scarcity of currency at Salt Lake, ailekens are taken at the _box of fice of prigham Young's theatre. Change is made with eggs. A Lruennuno, Va. paper announces Star every man in t hat region Is either running for office, arming for 'debt or being sued fOr the same. Tax latest dodge of conadeace men is to make their checks payable to the order of their victim, and then oil the back so that he cannot endorse it. ' A' LITERARY thief In Cincinnati has gone to jail for stealing a copy of Mr'. ;Stowe's book. It is only jag to may that he immediately pawned ft. Alas. Axxxxs HOBEs has been elected Justice of the Peace In Illlnols. Justice is always represented u s woman, and now is represented by one. "A antrum 'or the Alabama Leiria.' turevecently arose and moved that "Mars Rvlan Randolph be brought before din House on de telegram wire." A weer dOor has recently been opened to -women—that of ticket agent in coun try railroad offices. Several Western roads have adopted the system. Tim Locdoh Quarterly held back its January number &week in order to get in its reply to Mrs. Stowe's book. It jives her a "sbudiesilon" of the wverest A. CINCINNATI reporter annoanoes that certain"magnifloent tobacco sales ware house was inaugurated on Monday with mach oe2at. Including a sale of forty-one hogsheads." - it will be .observed that the words o A.labsma Claims" nowhere appeuntn the Queen's speech. Can It be that England Is getting u tired of the dreary oontro. versyns we are? _ Tun Lord Mayor of London, at a re • cent meeting to promote emigra tion, esti. mated the number of skilled workmen out of employment in England as between 10,000 and 80,000. Tim Senate Postal Committee instruct their Chairman to urge the pusar of the flow bill for repeal of - tire franking privilege. They oppose amending the Mouse bill In any form. . A DUEL between a Mayor and asLegis. tutor was Imminent in Ban Franelseo, but the Mayor explains that "slapped the Senator's face under &misapprehension," and there will be no duel. As engineer in a mill in Lediana does not wear long English whiskers any more; They caught in a shaft revolving six hundred times a minute,. the other dsy, and the result wan a clessfshave. TOE lige& dealers, distillers and recti. here complain, that after being ordered to purchase a book at a cost °fp 80, they receive orders from the collector' live days afterwards, that such book would not be required. is reported (hut after the acquffal of j'tiaos Pierre "Bonaparte, which every one in Paris takes for granted, he is to have his I,easiort doubled upon the condi. Lion that he :Munn to America and makes It his pesumum6at residence: Tag Bt: Louis Bridge Company has put • telegraph wire to the bottom of the east pier, and Eastern stockholders now re ceive the report of the chief engineer direct from the bed of the Mlasfspppl river, 68 feet below the surface. ICEMAIMAIILE presence of mind wee shown by a man employed in an Indiana " saw-milli who, when his coat tall was ' • caught in a revolving shaft, clasped his ' arms abotrt a post, and allowed his outer garment to be skinned off his back. BTIULSEIOUS ff 431111 are being made by the Treasury officials to Lava Congress -pass a free banking law. It I. stati4that - there is nor a single national bank in the , errantry bat whit might Wore its charism revoked for violation of the usury jaws, rearm, the President's private Secre tary, examined by the Banking_Commit. tee, admitted promptly am Pah Gould attempted to seduce him km um path of rectitude. They offered to ere z - JJlijcxittL;%c li/wr I 4 °-; Zttitt - ci VOL. LXXXV. him a share in some of their speclations, with the evident intent of 'obtaining in. FIRST EDITIox new' from the t President, bat he EDITION. instantly declined all connection with them in their speculations. An editor in Litchfield, Minnesota, in. vites attention to the following record of of the progress of that town: February, 18811, "Howling wilderness;" August, 1889, wheat field ; November, 1869, countyce. seat; January, 1870, U. 13 Land Offi Tau British residents of New York are cursing CoL Elphlrodone. Amongother things, he mobbed an old fellow of 104 years, a veteran of the Prince's own regi ment, who called to see the Prince after pmmlesion. Wales had the old man to luncheon when he was here. ACCOMPANY has been organized at Lou isville, composed of colored river men, who are receiving bide for the construe. tion of large side-wheel steamers, intere, ded for the Memphis and New Orleans trade, their passenger accommodations to be exclusively for colored people. 'l'muur. is a great deal of ',ambition is to the chances of the confirmation of Mears. Strong and Bradley, just nomi nated for the Supreme Bench. The .robability is that both will be confirmed. - - . here is some opposition to Mr. Bradley on iccotuat of locality, but that will be overcome by the fact that he will take up his residence within the circuit to which be is appointed to serve. PREISIDEKT GRANT told a Senator, a day or two ago, that there was no Repub lican In the Southern States qualified to be placed on the Supreme Bench, and that. every prominent man in that region who is otherwise qualified is shut off by par. ticipation in the rebellion. This may probably account for the President's per sistence in nominating Northern men for Judges of Southern Circuits. Tee Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company, which now controls the Little Miami Road, and is a heavy stockholder In the Ohio river bridge, is negotiating for the purchase of the Niles' Works, at Cin cinnati, to erect on Its site a freight depot, and to make room for railroad tracks at this end of the bridge. The Niles' Works make it a condition of the sale of the property that the railroad company pur chase the machinery of the works with the buildings and ground. • Trot total production of anthracite coal last year was 13,221,386 tons, and of all kinds, semi-anthracite and bitumin ous on the Atlantic seaboard included, 16,339,041 tone; against 16,054,916 ltons In 1868. Including the estimated 'pro duction of 11,000,000 toss of bituminous coal in other sections of the Union, the total production in the United States In 1869 is put down at over 27,000,000 toss. The total consumption of coal in the United States is estimated at little less than thirty millions of tons. • nrerorrr ham just been published at Chicago of some Interesting experiments by eminent medical men with the new system of the transfusion of blood. The patient wut young girl affected with conmmtption of the lungs. The surgeon took twelve ounces of blood from the young lady's brother and infected it into the patient's veins. The operation was repeated with blood from a younger iris. ter, and again from another brother. Liter thirtpisix ounces of blood had been injected, the patient showed signs of Sit. turning strength, and now presents a hopeful prospect of entire recovery of heialth. Tax legal tender question can be re. opened before the Supreme Court, under the rules, in bat one way. One of the Juahces who made up the majority in the opinion in the Kentucky case can move that it be reargued, but one of the minor ity cannot make such a motion, nor can a new Judge, subsequently appointed, do it. This renders the chance of a rehear lug very alight indeed. Indeed, there is good evidence that the majority Wended the important question should be decided before the new Judges should take their places. By a rule of the Court, any de cision may be reconsidered on motion of the majority during the existing term. Of course, upon any new case, the same Court is at liberty reverse its decision. !MATE ITEIS. mew Republican paper is talked of in Franklin. Bucks commit furnishes most of the cigars smoked in Philadelphia.. MKRC7:B COUNTY assesses over six mil lion dollars worth of real estate. Tax Beaver Radical Is publishing an original story by Prof—Leonhart of this city. JAMES CM:IMM; of Darlington town• ship, Beayeiconnty, died last week aged 81 years. Tax Drake fluid is slowly lacremnig. The Oil men are not as generous In the matter as they might well be. • Mn. allttril. ldruart , an old and re spected citizen, died very suddenly at his residence In Lucerne township, Fayette county, last week. Comic is to have a first-class daily paper —so they say—and a stock com pany is to be organized for putting down an oil wali—two daring experiments that will need much greasing. Ws. occasionally come across papers in our State exchanges containing nasty' grumbles about delinquent subscribers. Why not establish the thing called a cash system and do away with the old chronic complaint ? Mss is on trial this week, in Belle fonte,' a case involving the title to thou sands of acres of land in Potter, Elk, Forest, Centre, Cameron, Clinton and Mifflin counties, which formerly belonged to the Potter estate. The plaintiff in the cue la General James Potter, ot Lewis town. MILL WOLY, residing with her husband in Williamsport, induced that confiding Individual to sell his household I Recta and prepare to go to the country to spend the winter with her relatives. He gays her the proceeds of the sale, when she coolly informed him she was ti redi of him, and left for parts unknown. • N. N. Burnt, of New Hamburg, Mer cer county, is foolish enough to believe that lushes "discovered, after forty yeari Rudy, a machine that has power In itself self-supplying motive power— capable of great momentum and enlarge. ment, and can be made to subeerve the purposes of other powers generally used." Tunnu hundred and fifty of the four hundred and eighty voters of. Girard borough and township have signed a pe. tition to the.Leglslature asking for a dis continuance of the act relating to that locality to prevent the sale of spirituous and vinous liquors.. The petition sets forth that it is en unfair and unjust dis crimination against a small portion of the people of the Commonwealth. Tux 13rookville Ropubflean says: Lam:. hermit generally have bad their pros pects greatly brightened by the appear anos of a goodly amount of snow. There is now a soUlelent amount for good haul inq, and every available team is now In the woods. or on Its way there, and general scene of activity will exist in every quarter as long as the roads remain good. Our Information is that a tr la amount of timber ready for ban at present than his been at the same me in the season for a number of years. It Is presumable, however, that not sufß dent to overstock the market will be got In. Tga Meadville Denswat toils &story of a bOy thirteen years old planning to-rob his parents, residents of western portion of Crawford county. The parents left home fora few hours, leaving the boy fp take care of the house. Upon their' re• torn they found their son tied to a bed post, apparently unconscious, and the farnitnre generally . tossed around in dis order. The boy said . two black men bad come to the house and offered to sell some medicine. Upon fin etso ding no pn at home but the boy, they prohmffed y him, and robbed the house. Borne of the features of the case looked suspicious, add the hoy, upon being cress-examined, con. tossed to 'haying clanged and executed the whole trick td&oelf foF the purpose of obAsinins his father's plopep XIDM'IGHT. NEWS BY CABLE. Billiards in London—lntensely Cold Weather The Alleged Conspiracy . Against Napoleon and His Empire—More Arrests —The Rochefort Trouble—The Carlist Conspiracy in Spain— Arrest of the Murderer of Greenwald at Havana —Tho Suez Canal. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) GREAT BRITAIN LONDON, Feb. 12.—1 n a game of bil liards for' the championship cup, 1200 points no, in St. Tames Hall last night, between John Roberta, English cham pion, *nu W. C. Cook, Jr., the latter wen by 117 points. The Prince of Wales and suite were present. Only live hundred tickets were impel and there were but 1200 epectators. The weather to-day Is intenaely cold throughout Europe. At Paris the thermo meter is thirty degrees below freezing. The Elbe is entirely clownd to navigation. The proofs which the Paris officials pretend to have of a deep laid plot against the Emperor's life are totally discredited here. The Pall Mall Gazette this evening is severe upon the Insincerity of Rev. Mr. Temple's disclaimer. Agrarian outrages In Ireland continue. Dispatches recolved la.night dais that a landlord In Kerry county wu fired at through a window while sitting In his parlor. The shot did not take effect. No arrests. FRANCE.. Pants, February 12.—Thirty-five per sona were arrested -yesterday on suspi cion of complicity In the plot against the State and life of {he Emperor. In all cases arms were found on the persons of the prisoners. Those arrested were In carcerated in orison Massa and will be proceeded against.. More arrests are to follow. The city :ht tranquil. Eleven of the editors of the Reforme newspaper have received an order to appear ' before the Court to answer charges for the viola tion of press laws. In answer to the summons the Iteforme this morning pub lishes an article against the I3overnment of extraordlhary violence. 7 r. sr.—There have been still further arrests by, the pollee today of persons engaged In the recent plot against the life of the Emperor. 10 r. M.—Several arrests were made this evening. In all cases arms were found on the persons of the prisoner'. Pants, February 13.—M. Foos&lie, friend of Victor Noir, and witness of his death, has been discharged from custody. The other editors of La Marseillais are still In prison. Rochefort is not permit• ted to see his fellow prisoners. A pro. position to Impeach the Ministry was sent last week by liochefOrt to a deputy to be introduced In the Corps Legislatif, but the Chimber refused to hear It, and after the sitting the deputy sent It to M. Schneider, President of the Corps. GEE! HAVANA, Feb. 12.—The Italian of Isaac Greenwald was arrested in thla city lest night. He la a Sergeant in the sth battalion of volunteer*. A court martial will be Immediately convened for thii trial of the murderer. The city is now perfectly quiet. No disturbance has occurred since Sunday last. Dispatches from Ban Miguel state that troops now occupy that city, and many families frau; insurrectionary districts had arrived and were settling in town. :HAVANA, February_ la—General Goy. irneehe returned to Puerto Principe on the Bth inst. - Sugar. slightly higher; N. 10 to 12 7,4%834' realm, = MADRID. Feb. 12.—1 n the Cortes to day Senor Alvaro, In reply to a quertion, acid the Government was folly aware of the conspiracy of Cathode. The Govern ment knew of their introduction of arms, giving out of money and appointment or officers. The Government would do nothing until the outbreak had actually occurred, being abundantly able to mush it at once. =EEO ligamw, Feb. 12.—Bismarck closed the aeselon of s the Prussisti Diet tau:lay with s speech. He regretted the spirit of opposition shown In the Upper Chamber and promised =extraordinary session soon. He made no reference to ibrelgo affair.. I 3M37 ALIMANDRIA. Feb. 12. The great rock near lamina has been aucceagfully removed from the bed of the Suez Canal. The minimum depth of water la now about twenty nine feet. =I CONBTATITINOPLE, Feb. 12.—The gar liana and Montenegrins are Intriguing, which causes considerable solicitude here. =GEED LIVERPOOL, Feb. 12.—The steamer Duals, from New York, hes arrived. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LORDO2I, Febtutry 12.—Consols opened st 92% for money and 92M on account. American securities quiet: 82'2, 87%1 85's, old, 87; 117's, 86; 10-10's, ex•coupona. Stocks quiet: Erie, 20%; Illinois Central, lit; Great Western, 28. LIWETIPOOL, February 12,—Ootton firm and unchanged: sales 125 bales. lied western wheat 7s 15d; winter 84 6d. Pe. trolenm ls. Bacon dull. Lard and Pork flat. HAVRE, February 12.—Cotton closed arm. Awrwitep, February 120—Petroleum Hat at NW. FRANILPORT, February 12.—Flmtwen ties closed quiet. STATE LEGISLATURES. (By Telegraph to the Plttsbeette Gasette.) VIRGINIA. itionnown, February 112.—the House today adopted with but few dissenting votes, a resolution declaring that It was not expedient to elect any person to any Milos who la dianuallned by the 14th amendment. =37=2 DENvan, COLORADO, Feb. 12 —The Legislature adjourned- lard night. A bill was passed granting 15,000 reward for the first artesian wellaunk one thous. and feet or km, if a flowing well be struck at a loss depth; the well to be not leas than three Mulles bore. Also, one for the organisation of a territorial school aye tem and providing for a superintend-. ent of the same. The law prohibiting the introduction of Texan cattle was re pealed. The woman suffrage bill failed. The Governor appointed and the ttoncil confirmed a full set of territorial officers all Republicanexcept the Territorial As sayer. ST. LOUIS. I:==2=l Ml==:l= By Tel egrar.b to to. rittsburytti omens.) By. Loom, February 13.—The Direct°. ry of the Missouri Pacific, Railroad yea. terday ratified the new contract with the Missouri River Railroad Company, at Me rate of J 67,700 per annum for twenty yeasts, and Mr. Garrison, Acting Fred. dent, left for loavenworth to-day -to take possession of Ike road and arrange for through trains to Atchison. The protectloniata hid n large meeting lilt night a; which semeral speeches were made. A letter from floymbor McClurg was road, taking Wong around against free trade, calling It a peruicleue heresy and aciloldal in results. A negro named Andrew Reed was ar rested here yesterday charged with mur dering-Mr. flurakee, near Remake sta tion on the St. Loull and Chicago nil. road, about eight adios from here, Oyer two years ego. 9 V o‘l0 ‘1 0 , 4 1 9 • EBRIJARY 14, 1870. FORTY-FIRST CONCUSS. (SECOND SESSION.) HOUSE: The Legislative Appro. prlation Bill Printing Fa penses. (Bp Tialescraott to the ?Hu:burgh Gnats.) Waaurricrrox, February 12, 1870. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. After various bills bad been introduced the. Houma went Into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Blair In the chair, on the Rigel:dive appropriation bill. The amendment offered by Mr. Davis, Of New York, yesterday. to strike out appropri ation for reporters of the Congreasimat Globe, was rejected, only three mamba's voting for it. • Mr. DAWES, Chairman of the Com mittee on Appropriations, complimented the Chairman of the Committee on Printing on his well earned reputation of economy In public printing.- He did not know any one to whom the country was more indebted for an industrious, faith ful and constant attention to the putting down of the expenses In that department. The disc:melon was further participat ed In by Meaars. Ell, Sargent, Maynard, Latlin and Butler of Massachnietts, the latter suggesting that If the heads of de partments, or of bureaus, were not fit to. be trusted with ordering the amount of printing which they required, they were not tit to be trusted with their pa:titter:a He thought that was n matter which might safely be left to thou:ion:gm with out interference on the part of the Home, Mr. DAWES commented upon the leo, tura read to the House by his gentle col- league, whose conversion monied as sud den and remarkable as that of him who traveled to Damascus. lie (Mr. Dawes) apprehended It to be his duty, whenever such a question was before the House, faith ruby, calmly, quietly and impartial ly, but without fear, favor or affection, to make diligent inquiry where every dollar of public money had gone or might go. and so long as he had the con fidence of the House and of the country he should continue to pursue that mouse without regard to such lecture. Mr. BUTLER disclaimed all intention of lecturing the Howse, and desired once for all to put a bar agalnet the analog between Saul of Tereus and himself. He had heard It nineteen times and a half In the House. There were three things, he thought, which might be omitted here. alter, because the country understood them : First, that he had voted for Jeff. Davis; mould, that he had a sudden eon :version: and third, that he had not been in the Republican party as long as some people. All that was true. He had no doubt that In all times there were men who staid by Judas, and against Paul. because Judas wu the old apostle. (Laughter.) -• One of the items for the library of Con gress brought on an attack from Mr. Wood against the librarian, for admit ting books of a scurrilous, Infamous and Indecent character to Its shelves, speci fying particularly a scurrilous and libel ous assault upon a member of the House --a' calumny published anonymously against him during a heated political canvass. The librarian-was defended by Mr. HALDEMAN, who said he had never wet a librarian more thoroughly ac. quainted with the books In hi■ charge than 'that gentleman; by Mr. Palmer, who Intimated that the pamphlet com plained of was one making grave charges against Mr. Wood while. Mayor of New York; by Mr. Banks, on general and' personal grounds. Mr. GARFIELD then offered 'an amendment requiring the library to be kept open In the evening from 7 mall 10 o'clock. Agreed to. The appropriation for a botanical gar den provoked the usual criticism, but passed without amendment. . The MunnMee roeo, having disioaed of about ono-fifth of the bill, and the House adjourned. • • CINCThNATI. Resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce Concerning the Tarlf—Rellgiiim mvata—Anneratiah of Suburbs-11am Freight Depot for Pennaylvaiila Rraß rnd—Murderer Arrested. . =I CINCINNATI. February I2.—The Cham ber of Oxumeroe of thin city to-day unan imously adopted, resolutions declaring the financial condition of the country required such supervision of the tariff by the present Congress as will realize a larger revenue In the least burdened:se manner to the manufacturing Interests. requiring it; that a - tariff to foster mo nopoly and give special advantages to • comparatively mail number of persons is oppressive and unjust to the great body of the people and will nen be tolerated by any political party, when people are en lightened as to its operations; that the tar iff bill lately presented by the Committee of Ways and Mean. Is not such as de manded In the present depressed condi tion of trade and manufkotures; that It renews and even aggravates the odious discrkulnating characteristics of existing laws, by which large advantages are given some departments, creating enor. MOSS wealth for a few, which is unjustly taken frum the pockets of the many, under pretense of protecting labor, but which in fact robs labor of Its fair return. by destroying other Industries and forc ing labor Into competition with itself; that all raw material and articles enter ing into the provinces of labor should be admitted free of duty or at the lowest possible rata' oonstetent with established Industries and with the financial condi tion •of the country. The resolutions provide for sending a copy to our Bens tors and Representatives in Congress. The religious Interest is maintained .in the churches of this city. Informs tlmi received from many adjacent cities and towns shows the revivals are bescom log general. Another meeting was held tonight In Cummlnirville in the interesUs of the an nexation of that place to Cincinnati. Tne recent additions to the ,city have stirred up other suburbs. Capt. IL H. Tinker, with his deputies, was sworn In as Clerk of Courts to-day. He gives halt the net proceed, to the widow of General OfcGroierty, who was elected to the office. The Pennsylvania Raßelied Company is negotiating for property npon Which to build • large freight depot near the Ohio River bridge now building. Fielding Walter. arrested at Eaton, O, ona requisition from the Governor of Kentucky, has been brought here. Ha is charged with killing Pstriok Far rell, his brother•in-law, at Maysville, Ky., two years ago. The Red River Country. =1 Cruesoo, February 12:Lille Winne. peg Neel Notion of January 213th contain. the proceedings of the Convention of the Eng'lab and French delegates, which mumbled January 25th at Upper Fort Garry, to consider the overtures to ad. dress to Canada through their minister and envoy, Donald Smith. Nothing was dare on the first day, all the delegates not having arrived. On the third day the Conventon, having arranged prelim inaries, was ready for busbies.. Sealed papers were opened when It was found, sa Is stated In one of the able speeches of Bell to the Convention, that Canada was disposed to do Justice to the Red River men; also, that oommunica. lon with the home government being difficult, Mr. Smith was to act according to his own private Judgment. Mr. Smith being admitted to a hearing, confirmed the. Impression that the Canadian gov ernment was disposed to grant them all the privileges accorded to its own cit.!. alms. Mr. Rein, Ina warm speech, ac knowledged allegiance to the queen, but denyed that be was a Canadian. Mr. Smith -was asked to explicitly state whether he was ready to grant what we. suited in the bill of rights of December. Mr. Smith stated that he could not state from memory it. provht lona and 'eked -time to look at it and consider the matter. A new bill of rights wu suggested, when Mr. Bell wished it explicitly understood that the represen tatives, sad not Mr. Smith, had the right or power to add to or subtract from the bill of rights. Oa motion of Mr. Relit, a Committee of Six, three English and three French, was appointed to meet on the path of January to draw up a bill of rights in acciirdanoo with the wishes of the people, and allow 'time to fraine the bUlwelL Mr. Reid was chosen ripe of the Committee. Re was evidently the Master spirit of the convention. PflVate odrlcoo oleo that If any clutrige Is made In this bill cf rights it will be tif stroosor guarantees for the righte.ef the WPM. ' I SKIM ERN. POUR CPCLOCX,.iII. TILE CAPITAL. The National Finanees—Ueorgia Polities—Nary Reorganization —lnternational Exirositions American Navigation Interests, &C., ( Cl Saturant to tnartualtauttlataattett 77a5ltra9TON, Bab. 12,1870. NATIONAL FINAIIONtt The Treamtry statement, >llbOiring the receipts and expencUinrwellis the quarter ending December Slit, 1049441aan tuned to-day. The following elt la made : lawootar. . . Stevtaine. 'll 79 39.1 693 Ed 14414001 ...... Bosses. • . ..44 11.020.169 66 L t9s)smentl 00994 Trmis967 Notso =973,4 NO 9509 St 1.694 To=l. EMM IR ea leb•* Dp i; eartutit, 16 EMI ===l EivetadThaw (lTU and lidaNdlandau. i.t 11.415,901 60 War. Navy. Interior, Imam/mid Pennons .1',?9•?'1 I n - tee'est on Public Debt.... . . - ereba.eof O. IL Bonds • —. Dodd...pito& of Ile Public Debt.... 44C.,712 as - Total 5107.1e0,912 07 Bala/tee In Tresintry, tea. n. ILMS.:IIIU,iii,7III The balance September 80th by We statement la *4,661,194.93 Inward of the balance as published In the debt state ment of October Lt, 1889, and the balance on December Ist Is 193,529,799.18 In excess of the balance as published la the debt statement ofJanuary Ist. These differ ences are accounted for by the fact that the expenditures are all known and in cluded in the monthly statement,, while the receipts, Whir taken from the re turns In the °Moe at the ekes of busi ness on the last day of each month, do not Include the entire receipts for the quarter. TM BHIPPLWO XICTOIMST The melon Committee on Atomism nav igation interests have wheedle report a bill allowing drawback. on ship build ing materials, not to exeeed sight dol lars per, ton on wooden galling vessels, ten dollars per ton comPoelta sailing ves sels with iron frames and wettest plank ing, ten dollars per ton on wooden steam ers, twelve dollars per ton on composite steamers, twelve dollars per ton on iron sailing vessels, and fifteen dollars per ton on iron steamers when the mater ials used are of home production equivalent amounts are to- be allowed. The second section allows ship stores and coal to be skipped and consumed free of duty; the third section, an annual subsi dy to American venal' engaged in the carrying trade for over six months or a year between American and foreign pods, or between several foreign ports., a. follows: With-British American Prov inces, 1i.60 per ton for nailing vessels or steamers; with European ports, 14.00 per ton for steamers ; with all other for sign ports, 13.00 per ton ibr steamers. The Committee will also retort. a bill substituting for all tonnage duties thirty cents per too and abollahing all, harbor dues, pilotage fees, or other taxes im posed by State or municipal laws. France, Pnuisis and other Brats of the North German Union, and Italy, having adopted a prevision as to Consular Juni. diction over crews and vessels. the Prem. 'dent has proclaimed Inch trestles with the Ignited Buttes accordingly. IM=I tii k.. Supervisor Conklin repor n Increase or X 60 0 ,000 in the First Distri .01.Lonisl ass daring the last six mon*, Mar any previous sossounenk ti " 001. Wm. G. Moore, paYmaigeq for: merly confidential secretary to Prendent Johnson. has resigand his position In the WmarnqaTox, D. 0., Feb. IS; ism NAVY ELORCIANIZ,ATIOIV Admiral Ferragut in • a letter to the Secretary of the Navy generally approves the bill for the reorganization of the navy. He . -believes, - however, there should be provision for a board of sm. vey, or rather admiralty; believing It would be for the general good of the ser vice. He things there should be ten medical ' directors with the rank of Captain, and 'twenty engineers for an engineer cerpa, with the rank of Commodore. He mays -that no Milner below the grade of Commodore should flit the °Moe of chief of a bureau of lite Navy Department, and that Exec utive oakers should have precedence over all officers attached to vessels, yen* Marlon; or estallahmente while In the discharge of their duty. With these exoeptlons the bill meet tila cor dial approval. nets glad all the Board and Secretary of the Navy are as ready as himself to accord earned promotion to staff officers. OLOPAIA POLITIM. A long communication from a commit mittee of the present Georgia Legislattue was veiterday laid before the Senate Ju diciary Committee. They claim that the former Legislature was composed In part of ineligible persona; that the present one was convened in pursuance of an act of Congress requiring reorganization, In which none but eligible members would be. permitted to take seats; they say that the old clerk had died, and that the new clerk was clearly eligible, and hence the precedent set by Gen. Meade in 1868 was followed In the. appointment of °Mom to organize the respective bodies. They add: We shall say nothing of their inns's. Gen. Terry being on the 'pot, knew both gentlemen well, and hisendoreementahould and we believe will be sufficient for your honora ble Committee. As to seating the next highest, when en ineligible member bad been voted for, it has not. only the sanction of the Committee, but • published circular that this rule would be adopted. This, too, la a question that was settled by the body after Hs complete and fall organization. If eligible members have been ousted, and ineligible members seated, we yield jurisdicUon and earnestly ask for Its immediate correction. As to the effect of a tion by Congress of this an the firetallY organism" body of OBl ble members of the Georgia Leghdeleee, suffice it to say we are not respon stble for It, nor should this question be settled other than by the Constitution, ordlniumeandlawsof Mato. When they are enforced we shall be content. Many surmises, conjectures and aspersions by honorable gentleman are cast upon Governer Bullock and insinuated swans. General Terry. We know they cannot stand, for It is but a repetition of similar charges from equally as respectable source. The - Committee close by submitting that If the object of Congress was to or. ganlis a legislature I Georgia of all eligible members undo the Fourteenth Amendment, and who could take the required oaths, and her, not to ex• elude eligible members who reoelved the highest number of votes, that is now an accomplished hid; and further solicit and defy the closest scrutiny upon the sub ject. . INTERNATIONAL BxmarnoNs. letter has been received hare from Victotia's commissioners ex plaining the scheme for a aeries of Inter national exhibitions of works of art and industry to be held annually In London, the first exhibition to take place in 1871. The arrangements will be In elegi es without reference to nationall tlee,• so heretofore. Exhibitors will be relieved of all charges for arranging and taking care of objects during the embibitlon, 7.61 a intended the exhibition shall be opened on the first day of May an d a im e d punctually on the 30th of Sep tember: Secretory Fish on the 10th Inst. wrote Mr. Motley that the Prat dent his appointed M. M. Beckwith, of New York, Hommlaeloner for the pur pane of oorrespondlng with Her Majesty's cominbsioners. hilt AA CL4Fautl• Hon. Jew. Cavanagh, delegate from Montana, presented Natant old Fens of bit Territory yonarday to the President, who made many inquiries respecting its condition and was gratgleg In ig grr ang of lie prosperit The visitors were pleased with the lt Wavle% NEW YORK CITY. Sarcastic Proclamation to Thieves —Hudson Highlands Bridge Company Murder. Mania- Gold Decline—Tennessee State Bonds—News from Cuba— Quar antine Abuses—Lawyer Danger ously Beaten, &c., &c. By Telegraph with., Plttsbrlrgb Quetta.) liaw YORK, Feb. 13, 1870 PROCLAMATION TO TMIRVER, AC. District Attorney Morrie, - of Kings county, has addressed a proclamation to river thieves, cot threats and murderers of New York and Brooklyn, inforniing them of the release of Perry on ball, and adding that the impunity heretofore en joyed by them In their praiseworthy Imainees has been recently increased to such an extent as to render murder in Kings county -entirely and absolutely safe hereafter. They will perceive, there fore, there is no assoltite necessity for the threatened distraction of his lode nllloant life; mid hOludulges the hope of being kindly permitted to live a . short time longer, at least until he again offloads by bringing any of their distin guished member' to justice. • =I Two cases of probable homicide lut night are recorded. Mike Halloran, aged twenty-three, threw his father down liter& at No. 55 Beach street and finished by cutting his throat; be is likely to die. The would-be assassin is still at large. • . Michael McFarland wu stabbed four nines at No. 43 Oliver street by Beni. Mallory, who was arrested. Schuman, the Newark homicide, Mu been convicted of murder In the second degree. The Jury were out thirty hours. TIEVZNOIC 1110131UID. The Eric Railroad trains, except the morning passenger and evening milk trains, were excluded to-day (Sunday) from running within the limits of Jersey City, under the ordinance polled Eby the City Council on the occouden of the refu sal of the Erie Company to reinstate striking workmen. THE GOLD D/MiLDIE, The Herattra money article says the gold room la becoming vary bearish end freely talk. of a decline to 115, but whether sineerely, or to Influence lower prices and abort Interest, on which to base an upward movement, la left for the revelation of the future. DISCHARGED. Judge Benjamin Low, Of &Whin moray, wee yesterday charged before Commlealoner Shields with retaining a portion of the pension money of a moldier. The testimony did not bear out the charge, and he was honorably dischar ged. QUARANTINE AIRMEN. The Quarantine Commiesloners heard yesterday complaint. on quarantine abuses. If the statements made are ac. curate, there is greet need of reform. Extra charge. and 6lackmatling were freely talked of. E27l===3 ' The transactions to new Tennessee bonds on Saturday reached nearly 12,000, 000. A priinainent operator was • free seller after the call, and the price, which had risen to 56, fell to 54,1. TIIIC 1300118 NICKIILS. The report of the coinage of counterfeit dve cent pieces prove. an exaggeration. Reports of the Sub-Treatiury show that but twent v•flve cents out of one hundred dollars are bogus. AO IC( PROM Tail HODSON The ice crop of the Hudson river la pronounced a total failure, and large companies have commenced Mocking their houses with ice from Lake Chem. plain. 133=212:2 Dr. trarrlereportad - 34ruetrarti) the Board of Health that the small pox Ls deeresalog. . NEW lioai, Feb. 13, 1870 BRIDGE ELECTION At ■ meeUng of the Hada= Highlands Suspension Bridge Company yesterday, the following directors were chosen: Geo. B. McClellan. Edward W. Sorrell. John M. Courtinsy, Andrew Carnegie, Caleb H. Malin, Chu. J. Slimy, David Liman, N. P. Stanton. A. C. Ellis, S. Duryea, Edward R. Wilmot% H. T. Guthrie and R. J. Hubbard. Tile Direc tors subsequently organised as a board and appointed Jahn M. Courtemty, President, Andrew Carnegie, Vice.Preal. dent, General Sirrel, Engineer in Chief, General McClellan, Consulting Engineer, Jas. H. Jenkins, Secretary, Ju. Turner, Treasurer. Qum A. Rapalle. Counsel. The new Board Includes the leading rail road men of New York, New England and the West, and is is their intention to commence work at once on the Highlands bridge, the completion of which will give direct railroad communication with New England and the West. Havana letters of the 7th state that Oen. Ossenecke met with no sweets in his operations against the insurgents be. tweet' Puerto Principe and liaissa. Re. port said 1250,000, sent from Havana to Nuevitas to pay of the troops, was never received, and the authorities fear it has been embezzled by the Commiodoners. The Cuban 'Junta here reports that the insurgents with the arms from the steamer Anna ware attacked about eight miles' from .Neuvitaa by Einiarda under Goyeneche. The Spanish troops were defeated and their General wounded. Three steamers left this port doting . the week for Havana, via. Hassan. One of them, the Regis, had 31,000 Renting ton rifles aboard, and 1,600 cartridges to each rifle, for the Cabana. I= D. Beaton, formerly oonnael for Flak dc Gould, now for Ramey, iraion Saturday night knocked down on East Twenty- Ninth street and beaten until Insensible. He !snow in a dangerona condition. His 'sentient Is not known. =l= fiorelan letters received at the New York Postoffice doting the year aggre gate 6,151,704; amount of money received on them 1729,358.611 number of letters rent abroad 6,626,328; amount received 1718,213.98. MORD= IN ♦ 147A011 D. T. Voorhees aru shot and mortally wounded by Chambers, at half put ten tantsht, In • saloon at Columbia and Carroll streets, Brooklyn. • Chamber. wu arrested. • PIQUA, 0. dallroad Accident—Tragedy In a Church —A Young Woman btillOtli a Fanner Lover. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh thecae,) Poaus,, February IX—The paisenger train coming north on the D. it P.L.R. which was due here Lst night at eleven o'clock, just its it was entering the canal bridge below Troy ran off, the track. The engine broke through the trestle. work at this end of the bridge, falling fifteen feet. The engineer, fireman and a wan named Charles Bronson, board measurer for the road, who happened_ to be on the engine at the time, were very badly Injured. • A tragedy "occurred In the- Catholic church here this morning. White the congregation at the Bt. Marva Catholic church were engaged to worship a young woman by the name of Mary Maher en tered the church and took • mat, and in • few moments thereafter deliberately took from her pocket a pistol and shot a young man named Thornier Wise, who occupied a seat Immediately in front of her. Wise, after being shot,' arose and started towards the entrance. The .woman pursued him, endeavoring to fire upon him the second time, but was prevented from doing so by a police man who happened to be present and who arrested hurt The cause of this ter rible affair is not yet fully known, but It appears from the various reports In dr °Wagon that Wino had at one time prom lied to marry the lady, had determined not to fulfill his promise to her, and had MOM engaged httell' to another, which engagement was annonnoed In the Mlarah this morning. Wise's condition Is considered rather cabal, sa it is tap coMthe hall penetrated one of hla . The woman la WM under arrest, and a prelimlgary examination of the matter will be had before the magistrate tomorrow Mornixgr;-:-. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —A cable telegram announces the ler. oeny of £lO.OOO in 'Bank of England notes. • —The Steamer Ville De Paris from Brest, January 29th, arrived at New York int night. —Two alight shocks of earthquake were felt In San Francisco at 3:30 on Sunday morning. --Gerard Larsod, of Sweden, formerly Consul at Chicago, died in a saloon In New York on Saturday. —Edwin Perry, charged with the mur. der of a night watchman In Brooklyn, Las been released on moo bail. —The flag. manufactured entirely of California alit, for the National Capitol, has been completed and will shortly be forwarded to Washington. . —The post of Moat Eminent Comman der of the Grand Armyof the Constitn. Uon Is to be offered to Gen. McClellan, Gen. Hancock being the second choice. —The small pox is reported raging among the children at the Roman Cath olic Protectory for Boys, In Westeheeter," New York. Thirty cases are reported. —The National Hotel at St. Joseph, Mo.. was .burned on Friday teat. Loss on building 118,000; insured for 18,000. Lost on furniture 111,000; no Insurance. —The steamer Monarch sailed yester day from Portlind for Annapolia. Goy. Chamberlain and Hon. Georgell. Wet eon were passengers, es rotas to Wash ington. . —Tile G0T011207 of California has YE. toed the bill awarding damages to Hall dt Garrison, publishers of the DOONOSIOO paper at Visalia, which was deatroyed by soldier" and (Minns. --Gen. Strongfellow has sued the Mb. sourl Peacific Railroad Company for 110,000, for services In procuring legisla tion from the Missouri Legislature bene ficial to the company. —An lowa gentleman at Chicago says the farmers In that State are compelled to borrow money at twenty per cent to melt their obligations. The - pressure of herd times is very severe. —Tile Memphis Avalanche says the engineer of the steamer Maggie Hays patched her boiler with lead. The body of Captain Martin was expressed from Memphis, on Saturday, to Pittsburgh. —The people of Long bland are greatly exercised over the subject of Mormon. Ism, and the enemies to and friends of the faith go frequently In villages to lis ten to anti-Mormon and Mormon dis course& —The failure of Halstead, Stiles; & Importers of woolen goods, at New York, is reported, with 060,000 liabilities; as sets 1289,000. Petrie & Co., importers of dry goods, are also reportedlo have sue. pended payment. —The men who participated In the riot on the steamer Dubuque last summer, an the hibubuiPpi river, between Rock Island and Clinton, by which live or six colored men were killed, are now on trial at Rock Island. —About noon on Saturday a clerk.= pioyed by Manning, HowLnd & Co., in Boston, was knocked down, choked - and robbed of 12,700 In the entry of the First National Bank, State street. The robber was captured by a teamster and all the money recovered. —The ruling of the Secretary of the Interior that all land grants for rail. roads moat be located on air lines, unless natural MUM intervene, his changed the Northern Pacific programme mate rially. Orders have gone forward to stun surveys until further orders. —The Preaident of the Ohio River Bridge has notified the municipal author ities of Kentucky. and...lndiana that the bridge will be opened for railway purpo ses on Thursday, February 17th, and for vehicle and foot passenger travel Stine Ist, when a grand final celebration will be had. • —Police Superintendent Kennedy, of New York, is still engaged in collecting evidence In'the case of the Prthoe:Arthur assassination hoax. It la understood that be acquits the representatives of the press of any Intention to mlarenresent the case, and ban evidence that the story orhilarited with the . p0110e..... —Another free love tragedy has cio. curred in Brooklyn. John Goulding, • well known politician, wu discovered In Intimate relations with the wife of Cloa. Linnett, a seaman, residing-at No. 82 Wyckoff street. He fled from the wrath of Linnett, and the erring wife at once cot her throat with tier husband's razor. —A proclamation appeared In Satur day's official gazette, at Ottawa, Canada, declaring that on and after the 15th of April, next, American silver Isbell pass current at the rates determined by the Government, as follows: 50 cent, pieces at 40 cents, 25 cent pieces at 20 vents, 10 cen cent pieces at 8 cents, 5 cent pieces. at 4 ts. —Tbe naturalization - bill pending be fore Coupe.. takea the subject out of the hands of the State Courts and puts It Into the bands of the United State. offi cers, and four years' continuous res. Idenoe before application for naturalize. tion must be proved by the intended citizen. it - will probably be reported next weak. —The sale of choice seats for the Ca mills Ursa festival at San Francisco jn aid of the Mercantile Library, on Satur day night, realized t 9,000. Mayor. Belly ;secured the grand box for 113,2Q0, The Legislature passed a bill permitting the Association to hold lotteries and gift en terprises for the purpose of cancelling the debt of the institution. —Havana correspondence giver the news, for the first time, of the brutal murder of another American citizen, Vincent Denney, of Florida. He went over to Havana from Key West in the same steamer .hat contained the remains of Castanon. editor of the Yore De Cuba, and for relating a somewhat modified ac count of the assassination was set upon In S. Jose street, In the evening, by a t ban of armed volunteers and put to deaf No arrests were made. After the Caster:ion obsequies nine Cuban. were massacred in Havana and a number to Matanzas. —A letter from Gov. Harvey, of Ran las, to Gen. Schofield, dated Feb. Bth, says; Banda of hostile Indians are again roaming off • little to the west of our frontier settlements. which are now at the moray of the miscreants. Will you please sand some troops to tbs from. tier and urge upon the President the adoption of the Indian policy we talked of last summer, viz: forcing them dis mounted and disarmed upon their reser vation and holding them there by mili tary power. No other power will give security to the citisms or civilization to the Indians, and the sooner It Is adopted the better for all concerned: , - —Suit has been entered In the areal -- Court at St. Lords, by Lucy Sanford against Benj. G. Sanford, for 00,000 damages. Tile plaintiff states she was married to Sanford at Terre Haute, Ind., in July, 1 1 305, end lived with him until May, 1809, when she discovered he was • married man at the time he married hoc and had • family In St. Louis; that he represented himself to be a single man, having large property, dm. She also tiled a petition for divorce, and make the custody of her child, two years old, and five thousand dollars per annum alimony. Sanford Is a grandson of Pierre Chants, deceased, Is Connected with some of the first families, and has large property. —Some months ago the Sob-Treasury at New York began to redeem the dye cent nickel coin. The bank, poured them In at the rate of several hundred dollars per day. The coins were received in fifty dollar bags, and were counted by the various clerks in the Sub-Treasury. Some weeks ago one of the clean em ployed by Assistant Treasurer Volger, while counting a bag of this coin, noticed several suepimous pieces of peculiar col or and slightly differing in general ap pearance from the others. It was supposed they ware counterfeit, and several speci mens were Pent to the mint in Philadel phia, where they were pronounced spur ious. out of every hundred of the nick's five cent pieces presented at the Subareasury In MIA city ibr re demption are counterfeit. _ Additional Markets by Telegraph. liaw Onz.nrats, February 12.—Cotton active at tall prices: middling 24.pg2434; sales 9,450 baling recelptas,6oo: export, to Liverpool 11.435 bales. Corn la firmer at 111,07,401,10. Oata dull at 75e. Mar urk timer at Ft 7 . 5 0 1 4 50.00. Fawn @boulders 14c, rib aides iNa, clear rib 18340. Code° active and firmer; fair-16j@1634, prime 175;®1734. Other article. unchanged. Gold 1 Zji ; light drafts an New Tort par@lBc discount; alerting Buipmo, February 12—Receipts for the weak: 5,049 beef cattle, 8,684 hogs, 9,191 idiom. Tbe market closed arm at yeeterray's quotations, Ms stock being al! sold and tbe yard cleared. NO. 38. • Mew Orleans Affa ir, pp to ie. peueuree pezetw.7 Raw ORLEiNS, February 12.—A prize fight. Is arranged for tomorrow between Gallagher and Curler. The mandamus against the Jackion Railroad extension along ' St. 'Joseph Street and the river has been made per petual. Two of the alleged Consolidated Rank robbers have been arrested. The .Piea. yens says special police 'officers. were -ringleaders In the robbery. Upon the application of a committee of citizens Judge Collins made the mends* mus peremptory requiring the city an tharlues to order municipal elections for the second Monday of March, ea the law provides. A bill was introduced In the State Senate to day requiring the municipal election be held on the second Monday of November, thus either prolonging the tarmof the present Incumbents, or allowing the Governor to appoint. Wilber, junior of the firm of Wilber & Co., is reported to have absconded with 1100,000. A Democratic maim meeting was held in Lafayette &mare today, and was ad• dressed by Ex Senator. Hendricks, of Ind., and others. Change' or Fraud Denied. • [Br Teleirspb to tba rittenmat Gazette.] BUTPALo, February Ili—Hon. D. B. Bennett, member of Congress from thin district, will issue a card to the public stating. In nub/stance that he returned from Washington at the earliest possible moment to vindicate his. character against the recent malignant attach Of the Buffalo Commercia/ Advertiser; that he had instituted proceedings in Court against the proprietors of that Journal, and that Hon. Noah Davis and Hon. Benj. F. Butler have volunteered their services to prosecute the case here, and had been accepted as counsel. Ha says the recent attack of the Commercial Is the crowning outrage of a long series to which he has been subjected from the same. source. He denlee the char. gas in tato, and asks the public to await the result of `the Judicial investigation Instituted. He charges the Commereia/ with sending marked papers containing the recent attack to the President,. members of the Cabinet and prominent Congressmen. He says he will bring the mule to trial with the hest delay the law will allow. It is understood the damages are laid at 110,000. METE FIELD has established her repu- tation in the West by a grand success at Chicago. Gov. Brou introduced herand all the best society crowded the ball to hear her, Monday evening. The entire press is now engaged in singing the praises of her Adirondack lecture. The Times ssr, ''Her style Linke the mountain breezes, from which she received her inspirations, fresh, racy and piquant, to tally different In kind from that of most of the female lecturers." T/17 New York herald says : "It Is proposed to penalon two little girls just rescued from Indian captivity, to charge this pension against the annnity of the iribo that stole the children. This ides might be carried farther. Why not charge against the Indians, in the nature of damages, a certain sum for every white man they kill, and reserve that sum from the annuity of the tribe to which the murderer belonged." Tux British iron clad frigate Monarch will arrive at Annapolis on Wednesday next, and as soon as the announcement of her arrival there is made to the Presi dent he will proceed with the members of his Cabinet. Kirshner Thornton, Admiral Farragut, Vice Admiral Porter, General Sherman, and other officials to pay a regular visit of ceremony to that vesseL —A breach of, prorate case, taken from the Sanerior Court of Chicago to the Circuit Court of Lake county, IIL, brought by the notorious tilamatha Yroc• tor alias Madame Cora James against Ira Y. Munn, one of the most wealthy and respected citizens of Chicago, which had been on trial fbr Several days .at Waukegan, retuned on Saturday in s verdict in favor of MUDD, the defendant.' A CASE baa just came to light in West ern Musachusetts, where a deputy sheriff took $lOO and allowed a thief to eerame, paying the complainant VS, pocketing the $75, and not bringing the matter be. fore a magistrate. NEW .ADVERTISEMENTES arPITTSIBIMGH - TURNER HALL. BIT VII AVENUE, NEAR GRA ST lITBZET. THE SCRIPTURE HISTORY IN Tableaux W' rants. • • Third Exhibition, Monday Evenink, _ Feb. 14th, at 1-4 before 8. B . ROGAMME: 1. Bong of Deborah and Barak. B. Ablmeleeh Slate Thebes. 3. Jeptbah•s Danskter Loath lorneetherrather • 4. ltpthates D”ahter and her Cren , anions.. 5, The 11.Juni:es. Carry off the Virgins of ' Shiloh. S. Both Gleaneta In the held. of Boss. T. runnel hewing •ffas In pieces before the • Lord, In Gligal. - .8. Saul castien the Javelin atTlavld. O. Death of Saul and Ids hon. - " 10. Battle between the Servant/ of Ish•boeheth and the Berrants of David. . ORCHLOCKL--41LEAT WESTERN BAND. Tickets, 50 tents. felt TN 'THE DISTRICT COVRT OF THE. It NITEII STATEN. FOR THE WILIT DISTNICTOTYNiteIYLVANLL RE lat3E WENP, of Elttatoira h. a bankrupt un der •be act Congress of llareb Yd. 1907. hav ing applied fora dhcharge from all hl. de As. and nth. r claims provablender said Am, By order of 'he Court, Notice u Is hereby glen. te all persona who have proved their debts, sad other pereact Intemat•d, lon mamate. the 211th day of Fem..). 1470, at 10 eioleck A. 0.. be fore SAMUEL liallPEit.Esq., Register MBank- . model'. at his Mee, No. 93 Diamond gime': Plttabn•go. to show cause, If any th ey have, wh• a diolas fir should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notice heteby f th t:e gatfi-mdu_prt!' Third Meeting.l I ge f . filtla and Allth Mc Jou of mad be held before the eaht Register at the tame time and It. C..144CAND1.1033. p i n e .. Ml lc • • Clerk. pIIBLIC SALE OF Valuable Oil Refinery lom TEII2IIII ACRES OP LAND. At Lancaster Qty. PA. kebans as t• Lann. 011 works, •,, lISS feet front on Rail road. loth on road stela,. Will be !told 'without liver's. on THURSDAY • Fab. 19th , 1k7% at 7 ward, r. x.. at nichange Hotel, In Lancaster, Pa. The worts an all near. In good ord.. Capacity 150 bbl.. per week. Terms made known by • linklt 111/r/g, RiatZsga.'Zi2Stea" "ELTlint!. QIN ILL COUNTRY SEAT FOR Ly BAnu t lt BNT. -- Contining II acres, all inter t fence and Boating { as. Ohio river. Toe place has a neat dwelling. with -V rooms. (cod stable, will numerous outbuildings, and ter. ground Is nianteu with great variety of Onto( the very ben selection* pee, 113.000. Payment. $ll.OOO In buimi balance •1110 pee year, with Interest. N. B. —lf not “Id. renwW t for quo per year andßay all taxes. AP- Piton B. cLAIR at Ca.. 104 oar* ammo. IZl . EfleopikLe—All persons seek: INO HOMES. Or lavestateats la Real 14 ta elll save the& trleb i bi. r. anitie r e a m o saa Vai4 Ngifirratt°,* llyeeerraYfilsill or will be lent by bull Faze foamy rae i essalag It. Persons esonot fall to get settee orc i lae J i m List It touter.. CROFT & PH Halters Halters and Beal Eats!. Agents, Mo. 1.10 loan& rre2oo. NATIONAL SAAR terocsia.— Tuesday even`ng, Yebruary aflth, at Ta 6 o'clock, besold on wooed floor of toessmess clot dales Ito-ms. LUG llndtbeeld street. - 510 shares Prophet Nallowa Rant; all than II ExeeluieNaUonal Bank: 10 spares All Notional 13.05. foie A. MeII..WAINIC. Atiellonser.- $21300 MIA BUIL& NICE Ltd V eep . rooms. good Olin Ltd Veep.. roof. olltall o n Fol.ri meet, now Cold welt. ,VrOgair• Of W. WILTON. at the bean. 2H QURDIFIIeB.- 1„.7 - 10e.clut Pea n: ,• - 1111 bales broom Corn: 1.000 feet Cedar Rout.. To arrive on inn-Ener IC•11. Putnam. formal. by • LIAIAH DICKIST 4 Cu. PE!lll: i fMtninCert li tt= 1001“.1( 41.. 0. Peti1L,4 1611 .7. - tiossalcsiustore NALD DICK•Y • CO. FnIIILOVr2OO bbh Extra Emu- ILY, tram Kenoleky White Mimi 'elem.!. or; for We by • ISAIAH DIONXY 6 CO. ROUND BOLTED 811711LiCe— N,A io tons :tam far tale DT mu An mincer a 00. WEATHERS-3,000 Hos to store .a. 7 WWII D 7. • ISAMU DICSZT • CO, TEE ITRIKYLY GAZETTII Is the lest cheapest cosesscial mad MIMI armisaver palslabel ta Realism ihasaavaale. EN=IMM!!VI =l3 IZ=ll Club. of Ivo Chao of XS Loopy L. famished aratatsoaary too. up of a dab of tan. Poatalaatars an taaaottaa to set .../eats Addams. PENNIOLUF, R IDs CO., . 'reowlegoo. E9l'NOTlCZ9— , ..llkLet.".4bradoe" ..Lost,"..Wasits,"Klrosand,"mßoandinis," dbe., "sot ezeirding FOUR. LENZ% wig be inserted in awe raleasmos once Or TWENTY--FIVE CENTS; NW ado* , Donal line FIFE CENTS WANTS. WANTED—SITUATION — BT & V T competent Dm:kg/rt. having • tborougi knowledge of the belln“s Si' branelise. /Jan o he. t est of refereOCO. fttEle Di•CO of th e oily preferred. Address C• P. Un- SSW) Oil/ ice, rlttiblligi. wrANTED.A Tailor to go to laneport. Pa. Can bane steady amain,. went. Apply AZO•iirra Ofart, or 2-10 ' J 11.111:100P. Preepaan Pa. WANTED.—Fitty Coal avd Ore Bloom 1343 olio. Re to pay: wad fon' Pohl to the mines. Severs! Gaels nialionted foe city and country. APuir 000. . No. I ninth street, first dope tnAnta.uspanStan . .• TIVANTED.—An expo °aced RED LEAD' MANLIFAe PURER, ems 111.01101 y thaustaltall with mailed Sod Lead Rem tee ula, Nate CAD. need &NAY. Eagan. at (ramie Odle, WANTED. --Sealed Pro win tro relved r one vreerrit7iTa s thousand (10,004.1 rc ) FEET fo OF CURB. BTORS. to be delivered In Pltteburab or Lawrmartnnitti. Rost be of Freeport or Bapen none. CASH will be oat On delivery. ("Mining Spde tentage for fulallment of contract: Addresa, I$ll,L d IMIUTTICELT, J127011.f Real Estate Agent. LaWrenoCllllo. WANTED. NEORTGAGES. 1130,000 to Loan In largo or wouil4.motato, it • Air nite of Interest. THOMID E. rarir. ' • • BILI, Band and Baal =ale BrotOrt Ha 119 efoltheeld Mon. LOST LOST.—The finder of a pairor 13PECTACL Kn lost between - 34rib wren.. ano Momnsnabeln Midge, will be liberally re vatted on leaving them at lanai Ten OP/ICZ. OST.—Policy No. 10.839 t* Pinibt MUTUAL LITZ ISSLISSINCT. CO. o s hilsselphis, ou fife rf W. T. WITOMILL. "'"'PP"^"'"ibu be " aedeFo[e do ° JOS. S. TRAVILLI. Agest, No. 3T Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh, Pas felt:taco-it TORT.—On Thursday Evening. .11.bte on Penn or Meth • L/c4 ta OE GOLD. ranCELET, wdb name endeared o h Isaias, The finder wth be rewarded by leaving 11 wale JOHN CRITENSON . B BONS a CO.. Jorelem, 93 Market. street, Pulabargeb 212 BOARDING, BOAUDILNG • AND HOWL FRONT PARLOR well rouble/smith Boarding imitable fora man one wife or tow 'geptleaken. requlned. Jfp. Jat XCB1NS01( 13711ZaT,'Allgiheay elf(. 111 TO-LET • ro-LET. -81108 E 1011110 ML t The Cerruti store room In tke Mercantile wary Asetullog on Penn Meet. nem Mask street, If 111 be ready for oceopriey about the 1/4 of Unite,. andare owe • onered for rent to Med rable tenants. One el' the stores le esp Wally adapted for a ent-elass r staniant Ayr ladke and gentlemen. Alto, to-let. the untie , ' story of same banding. Zeikel. ofJ. It. lileainne, Claims National tank. comer or roe rt bAme to sad Market street, or of FELIX If...BNIINOT, Alien gimpy. if. ryOLET. -289 Lacock street. .600; 268 Pratfall's street. iatos SI erre weet. $216: 110 WM' nt. 1811 , 01 72 Tint rrrrrr . $360; confer Perry and rues avwfoe. 8360; gume street, $140; Visits alley, 040; P e ns street. $1110; SPeoessos etre., $500; 59 Crawford street, Iwo. 14 Pens street, store and dwelling; 4 fedora! street, 8480; store and detentes ; corner Plftk avenueacd Koss street; Boyle street, $1910; °°f. of I°B flb r e tsi . f fi ;. 8058. 914 ' 39 filial mum. TO-LET.—At Haalewood Sta ?ION. on Connellrrllle Ilal'road. about 10 ACHES Of LAND. well planted mlth'ohnten troll trees In bearing; also a large Barn sad Part ollidanslon House. Inquire of Mrs. RAOHEI. E. WOODI, on Ole premises, or of lAN= MoKEAN. 140 fourth avenue. Plltsbargke Pa. nLET.—A salt of Roonis orirunz . L tg et iser uithmt Root Hannon 3ra fioor. ' One Ida. HMI• Ilk two anto.ruomfi on 4I Door. One Blare Zoom. first Boor. No. 92. to ICogisti , s new. handle Fourtharcane. For torsos Inquire of A. =GLUM & CO.. No. 911 Fourth ayszna M4OOll RENT.--)The Three Beery _a: BRICK WMIEIIOOBO In Cbureb rumor + o.lBo Wood street, formerly mernpled by W. Nondort a Co. Au • era= I/rectory. Impute of WATT, LANG CN- . II • No. /VI and 174 We Odlele rgHLET.—The Large Store oom No. 96 Wylie Meatn e , earner of e er al naval. Plitsbergtu A. M. BROWN. 116 /MD event. .1 iper.--ch3i Wood street, No. occupied by . 11. HlWyman, and bo. I awarded by James Cochran A Co..riaaldes az 47 WOOD nTRICET. . L-10 FOR SALE • • M‘OR SALE —53.800 will buy 4: TWO 030 D FRAME IRMSIV, roar room. eacb, and tot No: is Isar. atreet. Anegbent, near north avenue. /tents well par ten par amt. and Oita. T•rnu—el.lloo dawn, Ca ton two p tyments. Xnquire on the premises. tit arm EtOR BALE --Building mate- SILI.B.—WIL mag i BOWS AT A BACH.I - matertaised in a Two may illtAllY DWILLLIZIO .11ollkli. toasted near Oakland car station. The on. g o od order ant I. now 'Deco ted by thesalmerther. who wishes to have It removed off the lot tia/bra tha first of May. /Umpire or 110 OEOBSE .w; - searr, •• • . Charlotte street. oaktsad. VIM SALE.-- Tinners , chine. and Toole, low. Magnin at T. NOT. rig'. No. 114 L !her y Plitetonegh. or at NO. 434. earner of Rebecca mid Corry Ste., Alle gheny, or No. 14 Manta tit., formerly 41.11 Lane, Allegheny. - 24 -NOR BALE—FIIIINACE—There will be off,red for sale to the highest and ..: bidde, at Mcgrthor, twty, ()hip on the 16th Slay f gebroary, 1670, the /1661M attllNacE, 010 0 the lands haionging thereto. These leads contain Inexhaustiele tutees of owe and coal, and the Borne. Is now In flan blast making IS tons Hos Blast Oh email from per day. SAMUEL Blahlfgli. • ' Bainbridge. Eau county, 0E0; 10011 SALE.-1 Steam Emiliole . I ..; s e ir, b 3ol l ,4 l . n 4ai d • railtao o with 171:11r !fig Tri r eNClL° l r '" ii7in. "ll: TW i t. "." INCH" LINT'AND 70010 PUMP& WI:11 Oa sold low. can,bs seen at leo Works at eke Cool ConleasY. We.t Maw. Y WaR • %ILE. —gtock and TURN% LIAPIN AND GOOD WILL of a gnfclara eg.ierr. &dog a good budnes‘ TM ondenOgoe4jelo6 engaged 10 otbei banning Di tbo mum fft G. W. POSES, 49 gralgtreet. Allegbeny. FOR NAILS. MX ACMES OF LAND Within the city Ilan. WW Wu:ll4.oow on airy terau. Enquire at WIC. BLAKILLT. Att,rmy-aFLIIr. 910Mtstrer. tllllll pou SALLE.--Engineis and Soli- ERS, New sod Beeand Heed, of all lisds coagulant on bead. Orden Item all pants et the mate, litatildli eXecnted. JAMES HILL• CO.. . . Varner Marlon Avenue it'd P.. P. W..a 0:14L. Allegheny. Pa. yOlt . DWELLING..-. That three story BRICK DW644.136. esirably located. No. 06 Myer. wresite. sheey C 1,,. restrain? or ten rooms and bath nem. Oat sae cold erWrto loss sad woad stemmas .10 all the rooms nose in Mears. bees= alert as core, ot firers elley.•' It b well sea sealliat:6l. Progression April Lt. • • 401111 D. 11UL1T I *RO.: 1.6 140.115 /earth ens". XOR BALE.--AT A BARGAIN. —UOIDE AND LuT, No. TO Ledilittreitt, d ward. A Bei/bogy. DoMa' SI of rooms. well atliallea s, etompleM rl ig by UV tome wkly. flood frame stable as msof lot. This property io worth/ the _oh of OR &malting tops ets. real csisits. As mouse movie)* of Its lonise And eonysoleooe. et so ![}stamen}. it mould resits.. by esaihip. Isms per tent. oh }lts Cost,' Tern. essy. nice low ifutfanb.t Isforaistlies, Apply to • • • M ,• ; • • ; Masioad. Ailegbea Pßl r. • FOR SLE. •- The aubaplber Offers for iale./ISTZIIN .LiftOIt-SIZZD BUILDING LOTS, effeelides Juniata 'treat. near the Ohio Mier. In•the. RUA. ward. Alleah.r. The lotatlon Weaker the most pleasant and healthful La the NY. These lot. 1•111 be lined at a mall ideaseliel• Int wet and an euT tenni; Mae alter*. IT! 11111( feet. Alio. ,NZW , TOP BUGG! awl; •BACK-WAGUON, and 1 - ONZ-11011511, 1; TWO•HOWIIe WAGON. • • • 70R HINT-110119rt, So. A2O Loma Mee% o {. 'Alm as 9 rooms, bet and cold water. Fr. - FOR 111.1117-11011139, No. 151.W..1.911 813.1•1. *31.191.919, 9 rood. 4.a4 aWleO Vete. MOO 994 (1. 111.1.614 1.1 modem Iltasla Is a 1999 lielsbberhood, 194.1. 11.11..11 9 .91719.17 19 every reocet. 1191:1911, Siox 10. Weitarn tveive. ,ternazA.l Chullen Itreet,eol , I 2 . 411 ed attla. Ingslztor ' ' auccitnnust rarrEinsost; At.Lambee Vert!, earner of Jeststa sae Prsiee streets, term ersra, Maslow eft/. MIAMI , . . _ .z. _ A UCTION FIALE.=-11111 • /MOM, and Doable Plus Noller-1111 11.1.1M1 . tir.:•Avvva. rtatzvsimi._•:, wa,......y. JILL last, 011410 , 4 0.,;:-.
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