E 3 EitUfradl &i&e. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City j ind Allegheny County. onitna 1 WITTE IDIOM 84, /ND 86 11111 Al SATURDAY, VES.I2, 1810 L:r!e= ei 11. B. Boson st Ihsziktort, 921@92.1 Fi °ow cloud In New Tart ycsterlay et 120€11201. ' 1 Tax Legislature has adjourned over ti until next Nonday evening. Were that, 1 . a final adjournment, it would have been better for the Commonwealth. 4 .1 Wi have accounts of another , terrible marine disaster, and to a Pittsburgh boat. .l) . The Banjo limn exploded her boiler, ktook Are and sank, in the lower Minis: ,!. ind t sippl, on the 10ib. Biz lives were lost, ~ lain - the Captain and perhaps others, i,,,, who were well.lmown to our citizens. et Oa the 10th, before the Executive veto otitis Philadelphia police bill, the Brea "i of that city said: 3.1 ~ The peace and quiet of the city, the safety of the property and lived or the cli c. teens, to-day rest with Governor (leery. tit He can sign the pollee bill and save the ,4' °HY. Or rentee to do so and remit as to E, disorder, lawlessness, and taxes. • - HMSO= repeats !Melt We bare P Andrew Johnson again; bat in mists. 6 tars at Harrisburg. We observe grad ti lying indications that the Republicans t of Pennsylyanla, In or out of Its Leg ,' Lod will grapple as baldly and suc 'l °distally with the present situation, as therild with the more serious affliction of foqi.oFt slOce• A now and very rich silver district has . been discovered .In .Nervads.. Banal r : mining companies leave been formed, One of. which Is in opendion, taking out 44030 k to Ihnion. of ste. which 14.1° abundant that two men take out two tons per day. ...i It Is Metal that there Is in that mine a vett twenty itnilltel wide which assays eight thenuounis dollars to the ton. Still ' another district has been found supposed • , to fii equally rich, In which the silver is 11 . . . mixed with copper.. a . ' On. LATE District Attorney has &dyer. : . . lima in the Dispatch, at great length and „ b an enormous expense, roadry certificates 4 to his sterling Republicanism, from N. P. 1 . Bawinr, Esq., and the late Edgar Cowan, . with other documents of similir value. Ltre v k Since he has bees dismissed to private life;we have no present call to discus '.' - the intrinsic merits of his publication. Shonld other Chnumstences . hereafter . it, render it necessary. we shall then not fall 1 to recur again to a somewhat remarkable ... 0 CANA_ KY TEM pompous and protracted isi, ceremon- VA lei attending the obsequies of Mr. Pea. body, hive sadly marred the beautiful -,i, and 'grateful . memories: which ew e r around his name. The greatest of all Philanthropists WU entombed hastily, and without any ceremony at all, that his . funeral might not laterfere with, or scan ., dallie, • some pompons ceremonials just .: about, to be entered upon; yet his bents' Awas Just such as all who love and revere • 1 , him would wish to have had it. It wai k..- , . humble; decent; respectful, 'sanctified by i .:.:,.. tears coriaTiiiiiiniiin of tnig gesi x.Azicaco u ti in rogren e aff isi,: octi tte,w,sataeen oLLl gui d ronis stuo rimeri ud abl ed io.de by unutterable sadness. )James rivers. What, It may be asked, do the people away out there, beyond the itzsemni, Want with a water communism. tion from the Ohio to the James, through the midst of the two Virginluf It, h" that they may have water carriage aU the way from Ilansas to the Atlantic for their air. plus produce, which they believe would be cheaper than railroad transportation. They had better [fie up all such Moon shine projarls, and go in for a national policy which will build up manufactures and give them markets nearer home. For Slim:Garners to think of reaching for— eign markets, at rates which they can stand, is simply absurd. 11111 Tart Republicans of the XXlst Con gressional District will feel the most, sineere-gratillestion, in witnessing the final triumph of their efforts to preserve the Purity of the suffrage. The legal title of Hon. Joule COPODE, to OW representa tion of that District In the present Con gress, hes been so clearly proved that the seat was awarded to him on the 9th, members of both parties warmly conga& ulating tarn on his success. Hislatecom petitor, Mr. Foster, did not even put in an appearance, when the cue was brought to judgment. He declined I. face the music. • Many of his friends freely admitted that he bad been fairly beaten, but partisan considerations re• quired them to give their formal votes ruralist the jest claims of the now sitting member. Ws comma: wars the Coalition at Harrisburg for their adhesion to the min. ciple of the inviolability of contracts. Hach party to that league has thus far kept Its faith. The !Senate bas been turned over to the Democracy, who will secure a pportionments of the State to suit all the contracting parties, including the Hoy error who aspires to the Federal Senate in 1878. The Philadelphia corruption- . funds, the mice of the Treasurer's office, have no doubt been equitably divided. That office bus beim . awarded, as per contract, to • gentlemen who refuses to testify to his former execution °reissues trust. The police bill has been killed, ea agreed. The new county bill, to feather the nests of its fiends, will also pan us stipulated for. Heat, the canal swindle will go through—and then 'the contact will be completely performed. Really, it would teem, fro& this view, that honor is still found among thieves! NUMBEWNG THE moms: Ths Census of 1970 , will be taken tut. der the ditection of the, Ipterlor Depatt , I mem, and in pursuance of the provisions of the law of twenty years ono, ender which the wan:Absents °real sad 'BO bare - been made. By this Act, the House will remain at its present number of two Andrea and firty-fotrr members, unless therwise enacted. We regard It as ..oubtfal if the Senate will ever sanction • n Increase of this number, when that question should be presented as &single lona The enumeration will be made by the 'Marshals of the several district., mid the sppcutonment *moon of mem bers to the several Buttes will be timid by the Secretary, who - will divide 1,1 their ante PePlaulleel by 044, to ucertaln the ratio. for each number. The Act of 10 is clear and simple in ;;;14, its moilsions, of which we' thus briegy _LI give thembstauce. Assuming that the total population will / be returned at duty millions, the ratio will be of one member for 164,000 peogolci The freedmen *Ulna only be entuntin* but politically count, • life tOr skim - Signet the representation from the South will be pro rata larger than ever before. For this decade to come, therefore, the progress of our political empire will be divided between the South and the West. Whatever may be the effoct• of this enumeration upon the representation of Pennsylvania, we have no apprehensions that our own county of Allegheny will be shorn of any degree of her present influence. Indeed, it is more than prob. ' able, considering the extraordinary in crease in the popolstionof there dill:eland boroughs, eh well u of the rural ditkiicts, that Allegheny - will be found entitled to be reckoned for at least two diatricts, without erouing her county lines.l! THE. KANSAS PACIFIC RAI N AY. • The Deaver Brews/I—The wotk on this _important thoroughfare la headily pnagreadng, about a mile of track being laid daily. A. letter from one of the en. gineen, dated January 27th, now before 111, mays: "The end of the track is just fifty miles from Sheridan, and will reach Kit Car son, eighty-three miles, about March let, The track Isconch better laid than usual. 'Each tie Is bedded and hammered down, so that the road keeps smooth after. wards and the rails are not bent." In abotit.four months this road will be completedth Denver. A few days ago the lest of the bonds required for the work, $4500,000, were negotiated in London, so that the work may now be prosecuted with great vigor. The com pletion of this road will be the beginning of a new era In Colorado, and the open ing up to tourists of the grandest and most salubrious region in the world. The road will be finished in time for the seek er* of health and pleasure to make that Zur the present year; and with these will very many in search of mines and homes. • Colorado will very soon be among the most progressive of the western States; but it will be different in many respects from anything found on this side; for to develop° its mineral resources will require large capital, and the highest or der of Science and skill, Even agrictil. tore out there will require the skill of the engineer and the power of extensive co. operation, for it can only be prosecuted by mesas of Irrigation. We congratulate the company who are pushing figetgreat work across the plains of Kansas and Colorado upon their enter. Prise, and predict for them a large mea •-sstre-of meas.. - As they will unques tionably have a very. heavy trade, we beg leave to suggest that the passenger and transportation, rates shall be put at figures which will at once result in the largest amount of both business and reve nue. High rates would retard greatly the settlenient of, the country, and lead to the construction of competing lines before there is sufficient business to sustain more, than ore. The Mein Lilts. —A bill is now before Congress to authorize the construction of what has ever been_regarded as the 13111 ts line of that road, In a southwestern direc-_ tion through southeastern Colorado into New Mexico, beginning at some point on toe road already finished—probably at Cheyenne Wells, a few Miles west of the Western border of Kassa—and terminat ing,-so Tar uis protided for in that bill, at El Paso in New Mexico. This bill Makes a kind grant to alit in the construe- thin of the road, but provides for no sub sidy is government bonds. We thought It would come to that by and by. An enormous subsidy was granted to the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific companies in bonds— slo,ooo. 432,000 and $40,000 per .mile, respectively across the Plains, the Central Basin, and the mountain sections. The saunas Pacific (then known as the Union Pacific, Eastern Division,) also received &subsidy to. the amount of $lO,OOO per ' I MU* for a little over 400 miles ; but then • Congress shut down upon it, and the work lay impended for a year or so, un til the company became strong enough to push on to Denver, without a subsidy other than a land grant, much of which. across. the great plains, is of very little walla - Now it seems that the company is able and willing to undertake the gresterwork of carrying forward the main line almost to the southern extremity of New Mexico. From the Rio Geode inother company, or other companies, will carry on the work to the Pacific it several ports, ulti matel,y terminating it 'Ban Far:clam Thhre are two routes fro - tithe Rio Grande to the Picafic: one beginning 'at Alba. qui:ague; and Iblitivneg the parallel through hrirritts, to the Clont Colorado, aid thence: into Beitibera -CilLfornia; the other from El Paso,. following the 82d parallel throughlikrieunte, along they:Way of the'plie,t4Bottiftenicalifopla at Or near Fort Yuma. ihenoe to Bee Mien°, 1 and slab to Ban Francisco.' The WWI route rues qteer to' the' northern line 'Of Mexico; d :nnd its 'iOnstructioil would be very bitey_to result in the annexation of a large slice of that remote section of that turbulent Re to the United States. Ii to i good country, rich himinenals, but sparsely populated, and seml.barbarous. But to return to the road contemplated in the of which we are speaking. For nearly, its entire length it Aida the base of .the ,Rocky Mountains, and, for many miles, it passes over or near to rich and miter:ilea niiut of coal, iron, copper, el ver and "One coal Vein in Now Meitoo.'` says estatementnowbeforens, "along the contemplated route, shows a , thlcknetta of ten feet, and &nage of About slily miles." There Ls not mueli risk in building a rallwaythroughsuch &country as that:. To make giants of lands to aid In the arnstinction of this road is a better busi ness operation for the Government than li is for the company. The grant isevery ' alternate section for a' width of twenty mild on each side of tie road. The re scnred sections, ara then put at double prim, which leaves the Government just the nine nominal money value in Mose lands that it hid before the. grant was made. Bo fafas railroads have been con structed in Kansas and elsewhere on this principle, experience , has shown that thaw double price tracts, bemuse of their proximity to the roads, sell much more readily than do the single price lands be yond the twenty mile range. But in the kill more remote regions through which ibis road will run; lands without a rail. t ow, and without the'prospect of one, are worth nothing at all. They would lie there rtsolft; trundled, a mere stamping mund for hostile savages, for a century to come. For any national utility they might is well be lit the Moon. But nuke thit s road, and . millions of these scree Will become valuable and sale able; the country will settle; mines will be opened and Areikali and before this century Is ont r enough of mineral mesa. ores may be ,unearthed pay pay the nation al debt.. The nation pughtto be gladthat enterprising men are willing to do such a work on such terms. - ` That road Is admirably located.. While thellnion Pacific runs squarely across the monitaiis, touching no 'minable mineral region this side of Nends, this one, with Its Denver branch audits main line, gives easy aceess to the Rocky Mountains in their richest part for hundreds of miles. As an avenue to the Pacific it is better than the other; hut the wealth it will de velops in Colorado. New Mexico and Arizona will do more to enrich .and ex pand the nation than all the trade of the ritalfic ell ever it : DAILY GAZETTE: SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 12, 1870 13:0=1 Prominent among the noble things growing out of the reunion of the Pres byterian Old and New school bodies is, the collection of a monumental fund of five millions of dollars, to create and en dow grand projects, outside of tho ordi nary denominational demands. The Joint Committee suggest the following objects:- I. Theological Seminaries .and Colleges, including buildings and endow ment of the name. 2. Literary Institet tions for the raising of a native Gospel ministry in heathen lands. 3. Church buildings originating subsequently to the Union, end otherwise entitled to public aid—Hospitals and Orphan'Asylums. 4. Institutions for the Education and Evan gelizitilb of the Freedmee. 5. Special ' contributions - for the increase of the Per- I - • l ament. Fired for the Supporter Disabled 1 Ministers, and their Families. The - independent represents Gni the skidpan of the Union ' Theolnical Sem inary, New York,' are addressed once al l month by leading clergymen. The elder, Dr. Tyng spoke recently. He attributed his success to the fact that .he had never • sought for eloquence, or tor literary rep utation; but had stem y and constantly preached the fullness of the Savior's love, repeating this theme over and over. He did not tell men that if they would for- Rake their sins and repent, God would for , give them; but that God had already for given them, and now they were to ac cent the pardon. The pastors of the Cincinnati churches have organized themselves into a kind of clerical atsff for the purpose of giving spiritual counsel, and advice to the sick and wounded in the Cincinnati Hospital. Heretofore the Catholic priests ministered exclusively, until the Protestant ministers were shamed into the work. Rev. W. E. McCiaren, formerly of this city, now pastor of the Westminster, (0. 8.,) Presbyterian church, Detroit, Michi gan, who is versed in editorial work, is to be the managing editor, under Dr. Swazey, of the Interior, the new Presby terian paper. Henry Ward Beecher, in a recent dire cause, speaking of the excellency of one of the hymns of Charles Wesley, "Jesus, lover of toy soul," says that he would rather have written that hymn than to have the fame of all the kings that ever eat upon the earth. It is more glorious —it has more power In it. That hymn will go singing until the lost trump orings forth the angel band, and then he thinks it will mount upon some lips to the very presence of God. , The estimated value of the churches and parsonages of the Methodist Episcre pal Church five years age, was 426,883,- 7G, an average contribution of each - meta- • ber of twenty-nine dollars. The reports of 1863 place the value at $54,115,500, - which gives each member nearly forty too dollars, as his ownership in churches and parsonages. The. Presbyterian, in . answer to the y , question, what course will the UnittAl Presbyterian Church do with churches of the New School branch mixed with Con greationaliste, says that imperfectly or ganized churches are expected to become thoroughly Presbyterian 10 early, withal the period of five years, as may be per by the highest Interests to be con sulted, and no such churches stall be hereafter received. - A. Bible Readers' Society was organ ised net long since In Philadelphia. There were one hundred and fifty ladies present, representing every evangelical denomination- A Board of fifty. Man agers were elected, from which officers were chosen. Mrs. Bishop Simpson, of 1 the Methodist Episcopal Church, was elec.- 1 ted President, Mrs. Bishop Stevens ' of the Protestant Episcopal, was chosen first I lee President, and other denominations 1 - also - represented in the list of Vice', dents, and other .officers. Roy. II fi. If aa Cleve, ,of the Preaby. tery of Erie, has received and accepted a', unanimous call to the Presbyterian 1 Church of Leetsdale, Presbytery of Alle gheny City. Rev. Philip IL Turner, just installed pastor of the Gardnenville Lutheran eon. gtegation, has held a protracted meeting for over ail weeks, and thus far one hem. dred and nineteenpersecui tine presented themselves for prayer—most of whom are considered hopefully converted. The Pittsburgh Christian • eldweatt, Saturday week, has reports of recent re vivals, showing il,isummary of nine hun dred and aunty- eight conversions and accessions to the churches-. The Boston Roman Catholic Cathedral will cost over five million of dollen. In a recent work on baptism the term "Infant Baptism" is changed to "Household baptism," as being more scriptural. The root Idea advanced in the Pox VObiilitiffi; or, the Slicinti the Nee. fly, is, that the Individual Is not the unit of the Church, but that the family is; and that the promises of the Bible are not to 1 the men who believes alone, but to himl and his household—so that he has aright • not only to bring his children with hini • into the Church, u Noah took his sous into the ark, by his own faith, but that he may rest just as unroof their salvation as Of his own: • , Dr. Sheldon; of Troy, argues forcibly, that the entire nominal Catholic popula tion does not embrace over one-seventh of the whole population of the conntry, while Methodism has a constituency quite as large, this Baptists nearly or quite as many, the Presbyterians half u many, et ears. • The Episcopal Theological school, celled "Nashotah -Weston," in Wiscon sin, IW:the Advise', has no endowment, but forty-nine students and four profes sors, "depending for their daily breast upon the daily mail." A movement is on foot to make the ne cessary arrangements for observirti the two hundred and fiftieth annlversary,or Congregational Jubilee. It is proposed to hold a convention consisting of dele gates from theological - sembarles and benevolent Doane, one from each edito rial staff, and two from associations and conferences, to meet in New York next month, and decide upon the methods and the use of the hest means to Utaln the ends In TIOW.. . Thin:4day. the 24th of February, hi the day set apart by many,shurches 'ass day of prayer for God's blestings upon colleges and other seminaries. , • It is stated the Unitarians have In this ' country • three hundred . and twenty:six 'churches and two Irendred and forty-free 1 ministers: The annul exhibit of the Freedben's Aid Society, of the Methodist Episcopal Obirch, for the year 1889, shows a grati fying increase in Its work since 1887. The receipts reach ninety-three thousand dollets. Sixty Schools have. been organ ized, with one hundred and five teschas Fad ten thousand pupils. The society bib been lastrumental in putting up over one hundred and twenty thousand dol lars In normal and comment school build -1 inp ist the South. V The Episcopal Diocese of Penasylva ale is fostering streets' noble charities hal connection with the chnrches. Two of these institutions, the "Home for, Girlie" and "Orphen Asylum" for toys, are worthy of notice. A benevolent lady has given a number of acres near Philo delphia, to erect a suitable building for the Home, which will ant about forty 1/mutated donate. The Cosphan Asylums according to the report for 1869, contains one hundred and nineteen boys. It is proposed to erect ► bulling on Eleventh street, Philadelphia, to be a home for those who leave the Asylum . to learn trades until they reach full age. We believe there is a Hospital, and a Theolog. ical School, also under the auspices of that Diocese. The Guillotine. MI the accounta of Tropmann's execu tion agree about the struggle which took place on the sclifiold atter he bad heen strapped down on the fatal plank, and theidea is thathe attempted to force him self into the lunette, receiffe the blow on his shoulder, and be maimed, not killed. However, Monsieur de Paris is a pow erful and expert 'individual, and soon mastered his victim. There is an anec dote told here of powerful fellow called Montcharmont *ho was condemned to death at Macon, for having killed five gendarmes; ant* scaffold he skied hold of the executioner, pushed his head into the lunette, and/touched the spring; the executioner was badly placed, and only received a *gash 'on the crown of his head, but he went mad. Montcharmont was taken back to.prison, tried for th is new offense, and again sentenced to death. 1 This time he wits strapped, but he made a i, violent effort tot escape the knife, and was only wounded.. It was only on the third !attempt that Mo tcharmont expiated his crimes. . I. Tax Symms Etaterroxe.—Alhading to the attempt of certain 'agitators' to repeal the excellent law changing the Boring election to the Fell, the Nomatown Herald ye : " We trust that nothing is seriously con templated by any of the members of the Legislature by which the State win again be saddled with the unnecessary excite ment attending the Suring elections. That many of the districts require addi tional election precincts is true, but It la b far better to create thcso and thus di vide the labor of election day. The men) nominated, for the township and ward offices should not be afraid to meet the test of a full vote, such as the fall elec tions bring out. VARICOSE OR BROKEN VEINS. 7e...sad. or perms stair Too+ V sti 4 ye • t with s broten down °sedition of the ret .1 the leis, which In our tlmee are easily re laved and frequently ensoeptible of ewe, and utter on, only beeanie they do not know artery • d to wham to &0P1) D. row- Nuw. tog needful tafonnotton In cases Itko thit. • - to oo a proper duti on pirt of the newspaper meek and It rives vs 'peat pleotore to Do able to recommend oli such to Pr. EICTOI.II. OF 101 WOOD STRIET, whore root esether of spoil. au, and hts great All: to chronic itaeises, tables blan to afford the greatest amount of re• lid that the present elate or Iciest. can afford Regdcl these varicose conditions to which vs • famed al?ove. then are other sou nlea,e end 'uttering. sock as swellings Nod &Doormat growths, whist, the Doctor. with his &polluters, V sore b rollers. . Then again the abdominal weakne.w md Ming feeling peeniter to females. Ise 11011100 of lufferieg and tomlety; for them the 12=1 Doctor bast belt+, and gamma.'" which COPIaI QC Rd all to angora at least hatannit, Croat •off Watil the] do not promise • oertalst7 of . core. 'The Doeturo esvetlesee COM. • Period over Shinty pars. besides, a notaral aproeoctor this depal talon; or his ptufeuloo. mates Olm more thou ordluorily okll.llul. Stteoultm tag that PI entailed upon Mara genersdlono Or no. gleet of the proper cane to correct the-present astir or ItFelr be rut:Went e nut not only the atteellop of person. them.' leze, bet alto Unto( all le teillinat Dr. Eteaer's OOlee ask.l liedlelne Store. IOT I.lberiy .treet. JLXVABT 95, 1810 WHAT DOES . REASON SAT I The tie monsoon when bitten by • needle serpent recorts to s certaltr pleat, est, of it, set escipes the effect of the p 010... That Is In stinct, limb brings on the olLerliand, west deperd oh reason and experience In eeleettsa the mean. of protecting health sndilla sits'ast lognonees• laow,whstdeis reason sty on lb la Taal aabieety , Does It not DU us that 'to invigorate and purify the eystem Is the best way to protect It against the invisible poison which cent aaaaa dis•a.ef Surely It does. Tt,e next on. allay 1, what cafes shall we follow to eh./ lag a teed:cleat BA ? Reason re• sal , . let yoer moultor be rheerienee. Well, the experience of •Ignteany , en umprite4 o entreekrieetlns ofssiDlhatory ?V.lteer,"" US e-a1170i;t1..77;75-1;131". , rrertret re se _cps, enlag. reenletlng arrl nnorepile Deep della. which am not combined In the tame pa r AZ, " toT,. 7 41Ttigg:% . :A5% . .Vt: 4 ;;. bids resorthea oar health Is Inine•llled either by the L anz a mlari wh eh Produces •tildemle dlatoders or by other cense, ',libelee , it- berms Coo atl to; loe• or connec ted with our bseltt. oreeparous avid permits. The venom of • noxious than Is scaecely room en iiti• and opa than that which. Parke en foul .Ir and Imperil water. To eseare the fevers, bilious dieorder, oleturbanen of the beeeir. and °Um melees molanlea produced by ' these Insalubrious element.. It Is absolutely ner i r i e gia be. 'iiTlOlte":/t ne=s ' a t eOnfa tr. Upon the amount of mslatince which tile vltal ',stele net oppose to tbe deleterious Pittances • the& ei soli It. the eafety of the health dePende. and It Is bemuse th `l nts? WAY/APIA 1111110. Onset Impart. enefloe retro...My to the molt usporgsat Mac-loos of th e hod, that It can be recommended andsgnarenteed Invelnible prevenilve ee. - ' NOTICES .... larAN ELECTION FOE PEES, IDS ey r _ If AOlll9. SICILY:LARY avid TacLacrac , a th• flterentshans ant MIA. beth Turnpike Neal Co ,pany will be held at Raerveßro HOTEL.' tn Dirmtnebant. en the the /lUST MONDAY IN MASON.. 11110. twee& the hoar. of SI and 4 o'clock e. A. be. JOHN B. DAY& TIVI4III , T. reetlionott , Yet.. 9th. 1010. felOatt , tr • • ALLSOMIXT VALTAT ILAiLIVahn CO., illtabctron, January 211,11170. OrSTOCILHOLDERS ANNUAL MEETING. . . 'As Regular Annual Ele•llng of thealoeltliold an of the Allegheny Valley Railroad Conn.. will he held at the OFFICE OT Tall COM PANY, No. SIB Floe street, /lUD/ores. on WEDNESDAY. rebrnary SW, 11110, 00 11 o•oloct A. 00.. for Ile purpose of electing allow d of lllAnAgers for tlso ensuing Isar. and for its Dolomites of met other Dulness as nay pre.ented. Jan:0100 JOHN DALLAS:TEM Seeretsay. tar'OFFIVE OF VIONONGAHE- M\ 1411.IrEet OUMPANY.—An Won for thtrtran (13) Sartarars MONDAYmpany .1111,4, held se tle To:11 House, Marcia Tat, 1170, JAIffSO WRIGHT, Tresnunr. • InDstarra. 7.0. 3. 11170 te2 0 iDi.,liiizi:) l s OINYteRil A SUPERB VOLUME. Price 50 Cents D. APPLETON & CO 90, 92 and 94 Grand Street, EIMEM3 lILVS SUBTrtrit,ular.p. NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED, cb4TAisixo Forty-eight Pictures. Log raved la no bat stlta;ol The Principal Points of Interest in the Great Metropolis, Prenouteed by the ptees hI cheeriest aid most beehttfal volume veer habil.% ed... PIKE. raper Cows, 8 Cents; Cloth. 111. D. APPLETON & C , Publishers, 90, 92. and 94 Grand street, . Beet free, by isell, ‘ to asy eddies. ea sea 'lot of She pries.. TO THE 15th PennL ( Anderson) Cava JUST PUBLISHED: ."Leireos froml Trooper's Dairy," Warmth:4 O. experlracta ata!m -=- iaber of the armra amnia saalmaat Pausal'malt, Kai tacky. Taaaaatt. gall SWIM, WITS AN arnirillms, CO Prlstuida an Monti° account *I the Amon/ '•YattsT! the AIM/11M Cavan', sad or the. =ME= eeeelotoot vignette, colored cloth. with lem oti gloat angina Oil the nom., PRICE, $l4OO bast Iry mW. putrpalo, on receipt of price Ado/611/. Z. A B. WILLUAC3 171=1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAM FEDERAL. STREET, POPULAR BARGAINS LARGE LOT OF REAL KID GLOVES, Tar 11.90 a pair—a great 8.1.1. INFA.NTB loom Edgings,_ Hamburg Edging 4, Plain Linen Shirt Fronts, Embroidered Shirt. Fronts. AMR EIBOSSED FELT SKIRTS. tSL 6—l grekt BVPIn HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Handkerchiefs and Neck Ties, Collars and Coifs, Ladies' and Gent's Underwear, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S Nos. 180 and 182 "Federal Street, AMIGA/NT CRT• 10 - BOXES BENTS PAPER COLLARS Far 60 Cents, Good Style and Make Ladies' and Children's Best Quality CASHMERE STOCKINGS, at Out-half Usual Prices OPENED THIS MORNING NEW SLIA BOWS AND SCARFS Merchants and Dealers SUPPLIED AT EASTERN PRICE'S, NACRUM,GLYDE d, 00 1 8 78 and 80 Market Street. HORNE & CO'S. New Goods Arrivthg Daily. New Embroideries. • jj..ettrg Ylotte•Lag., ' Hamburg Idtt./0. Hamburg I skertme. Laces wtd Lace flood IN UNEAT VABIZTY Gent's One and Brown • Alexander's Ed Gloves. In all sisal. Welts and Oolored Denton Lids. • MI line. at 111.25. Wm , * *hits Denton Kids. all Les. II I. Cloth, 811 k and Far Topped lit Gloves. . HOSIERY. Lana woe:neat of Mary oOttoa Lion sad Ham Flawed lioaa. at to reduced prima. Woolen Hooter', at a great reduction. Opened tblo monastic, azotbar lot of lisad tar. ads! Vas and Pallas= Pala. Elegant Mob and Bow Baba's. Comets of all sizes and quidltlea. Mar 11.11401118 la real lasloas. la., /la. ► PULL A59011.111T8T JUST REOEIVED.L Gossamers sell! Wed our stock well &mortal d orlon the Tery lowest. • Tv Ji 19, JILLILIS I FT 8T hi NOTICE. Can Remain in Pittsburg BOORT TLIZE LOXOER, AT THE ROBINSON HOUSE, Cotner Duquesne Way and 7th st, ROOM No. 7. . • FOB A SHORT TM ONLY. PROF. R, S. FRANKS, g • •, Lecturer on the Blom nee. dlstuet and hetotaelec. Optician and Munn, 'to Ate Beer York Boseltal, sue Zee end lac Inerecarmilth • Dune etock alias Patented and luiproied Cued• Wks for sale. B. B. Opectallty. dleease of the lye a•d Ea. Prof, IDWARD Y. PRANKS. Qyhtelao I I take great pleamhe I mane that I hate tared tea spectacles lon adjoined to my eyet bra here, one they bare elven me mom mire sailor. otos. hale ***** before had a pate IM •at Itn/1 malted to my vista and that enabled am to read to tomt with to little Ineonyenlenee. - BropeetedlY lour: • , MILLIJID ILLIAQIUL. Xx..Pres't 11. E. - I bare WI the Ine =reed hotelman ed.hrrloi to my edit from en inermneUon of the ryes alone. by Itdwerrt O. Frank., em 'D., which en. Wes me tn•ee very clearly. em mrd mod. ter then With an , 1 bare heretofore teed. • ASSAILLY 41.140ULN. Pie et We have every unsterile:a In reememendies Dr. EDWARDS. FrIANKS. Demean and pa tented Escalades in she eau Adepts of our col. tent. He Is am oolielse •of rare feleellfle shill. tles..tel ad apt. bls eeted.withcreelsad ra merkaNele skill to tee va• Lone Strome& of the eye. He select. rpectaelss for us with the heel lisle at the ant attempt. which , enabled re to ru e with treater dialtactersa and ountlioll thee Qom we already peewee. We with Greet Inequities. A. 1.. RU . -Gee. or P ttlP rionrlffeele 1..111. ROMRIL AU. af. D., Pena street. Pith. J. E.DICK. Sseter, tl . - '• Harlon led the pleasure 0) emmetaing Dr. E. 4.. west tl. Prank's P &tent Itrorev...l by melee. We Sod them. experimentanv‘ really valuable &Wel° deism Ive vision.• , • • " lbe lenses are ironed. Delliben uRL R)Rnleldurf7. mentemetlemly accurst* Worr duos a Duly perfect len& Al nett, we ream. man • •hrm. John W. Geary, flovernorof rell1M11. , "• A. Doeneee. Bithrjoof fit Jul. te• D. Penn etrest.,_Pittiberth. a a. Inerrifth )L. Weatiet.) Peen street. fitsburph. Jessas 1.. Yeyntlaad. Prealdirus Merchant. National Sane. NEW XOUX. • It gine n• mo te pleasure to tll7 that we have Inernetan Dr.•g. B. grinks• Mr/ enenteM gemstone et , Byreetachwe nal Lena. • end 808 Own excellently calculs.ed to remedy suell toe rVtectlens of vlstes me nen he 'emended by the be matellal iMett in the massn'aMnre of Ms Blue- a Li of zemerkable multi and Nasty. and Ode Coll/ much to inch , vs se. W. momommd him +alb cheezftlnees to the conedence of all Who may 1, nom his welt.. Hon. Trends Jordan. nem. MS Of tens. delleff.-M. M.. Henlebarg, Psi •We bays exionteed what we Conealre tote en aisorlmeat or Borolasiee. saanntstured under Dr. isd•ard S. Fmk. , Patent. admirably wisp. sir to Steve:loam toe of Wet exuablie is delicate organ, the Samoa Sit, slsula Wa Impaired visa's Is tea rfsolt or disease. or the' Wood enamels lacidena to old sew. Werfuerd the 'mimes of D . .. Snake th e bast we have ever MIN 1114 Si such ted:=l. M lTTo d leNriv:ni lla ant tru ?bolas J J =da y it: Drir=. l ll os. holm from 9 a. 9: to 6 V.*. JaLlUll Sot AT**, MaIiMONO& NEMT •ADVERTISEMENTS. - nu SEMILE'S► and 182 Nos. 180 ALLEGHENY CITY. AT 'VERY LOW PRICES Pillow Case Muslin% heeting Muslins,. shirting Muslins, Irish Linens. TrjEll3 QUILTS, Tickings and Checks, Breached Table Damasks, Unbleached Table Linens, Table Napkins. IsiV l V. BLACK SILKS, AMERICAN SILKS A supeilor article—a Bargain. Cassimeres, Jeans and Tweeds, &c Wholesale and Retail, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Noa.lBo and 182 Federal Street, PIT SBITTIGH WHITE LEAD AND COLOR \YORKS, 3. StROONIABER & SON, PII.OPREE.TOIIB. .lassioracturers of WAITE LE tD, RED LEAD, BLUE LEAD, ZINO!, LITIIARGE, PUTTY and all colors DUX AND IN OIL. • OFFICE AND FACTORY. ' 61, 464, 466 and 418, Rain Atm We call att •titinn to the guarantee Peet., on our Etrietly Pore White Lead, and when we say • "parer carbonate of lead," we mean •'ebeml nelly pure.•• that 1,, free from Acetate and By. dram, ted thereto , . Is whiter and superior, both In color and covering proPertr. OItAItIiNTEED to be • purer Carbonate of Lead and whiter than any In the maiket, and will forfeit the price of this package If contain ing the I“st.eltersUon. ESTABLISHED 1831 LOGIN, OREN & CO., HARDWARE 52 Wood Street, • roar doors abort, St. Marko Hot. .0.. T Cou.lry Illerehintl. are Invited le mill Ana examine our Meek "amnia theCliy. )li 4 . . lents for Anderson & Wood'. Ateel an Merit...tern Horse. !Moe Nall COany. A fall stoek of Etu•hlntens. Black smiths and C aaaaa ter... Tool., 11 d• tweak Files. leather IteltenA, Lace Leather, Igo., alsra.To eh ilaAd • Jos. iTINCLIL..JAIL NCH/X..BOBL' MIMI.. PMENII STEIN DREARY , SPENER,XcHAY & CO., Monsters and Brewers of 4k, PORTER — AND BROWN STOUT; 111011 EST WATSON, Essager Moo T. T. !REGO'S TEABERRY TOOT = Ti the moat pleasant, cheapest and bestDentl tries extant. • Wairaated free tram Injurious Ineredlent. tilts.! It anaemia and the Tsetti I • Pit T r i tiVe:Vfl toriirmtlfl:te a .V l Tanta seem. °lath,. of Tartar aruSis and rallies rstactat Teeth! T. a manias . artful. for chlldran I 'Bola byail DwrePt. and Matisse. ro Ppeleteiet IC WILPOIS. Phdadelptda. For sale be .I.'C. EATTEUN, Pitt xbiangh. . • R. E. 11WODWEASS.11.11eghear. • . READ I IMAM ! BEAD omits Remored In one minute, without bleeding or 'Winn soreness; Bunions and Dimmed Nails Removed In a few minute. All operation. per formed erltbout pale or bloodsbod I Peffbat comfort Immediately! No noleotwas media:mooed! No sore feet after operating! relented and SUR Jabal treated socoaretady. Proelefllla sad Calltdalaihnred In a few W.. tlatlellellon elven or money Wended, Wood ~ ettv Reftrenees even. - • 011ie floors from 9A. m. to VIM.. Awl Ito 5% r. 0. 11004070. law 110. 0. Dememoer lee pleas, No.. 49 613.10 street, old 21. Clai r , ItTalmastizi, ritubmn, ra af tik• MEM MLIVORTII,IIIINER &CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, === WEBDIIII3. VISITING. PARTY AND . BUSINESS CARD EXGRAVINU, " N W= gclAj= g d . .74 l ,T. :et; tor issapleA• I.o= Chestant JOHN T. • GRAY, House and Sign Painter, GIIZATITEat /1.1.q3D 4.:.31.412ME1t, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, I CARPET - 8 - i Oil Cloths, Window Shades. DRUGOET: SQUARES, At the Lowest Prices Ever, ferell BOYARD, ROSE & CO., REDUCTION 131 CARPETS For a short Time to Prepare for ND COLORED POPLIN ALLLOHENY CITY =ll I:I3MEM3 r,r.rain3goe. PA PIITSBI3IIOU. PA 243 Liberty Street, (Opposite bead of Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OM DREKA Importer sad retail dealer In' 'lnns swevriorczatar Se. 6i Sloth Street Ja•t9 (Lau Mad itrost.) Plitslmrth. Ps. .IVINGSTON & CO.. .124 • Yenalantarers or LIGHT GRIM 73/0/1. .AS. STINC3rB. Light work our epreialty. -Loam Joint Suite, ablator seit Osto la me oak Pullen, and other staples of Bander,. linrdears always on humid. eV. c %?:it:l% k itiTrel i i i. n. 114 D lrl Ile. Vat C UE"-• STOVES AND TINWARE rwaDzas. WALL pl.1.11:6, /LIB IRONS, •s., tc.. at P. C. DPF7p7, I=C==l MEI (ZUNI CLOTHING. 90A1% cm. ao. Alto; Oiled CM:ablng of Oil Mad. always • lead and foe sal% wholes:ea an naafi; bl • •3. U. PHILLIPS. I. sad SW Sixth same. R. L o TON, .i.aelsr on Weights aget leasong, selit2:4°±7B. Isliskes.veveta= mewl. CAARS PEARL ASII 3%, sass sad for 175. =nu= REDUCED. DRUGGETS. Ingrain Carpets, 21 FIFTH. AVENUE. El= SPRING TRADE. OLIVER IdecLOTOCR & co nn : infr. 4 Veltlrogf da" b'g" Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggets. EASTERN PRICES. liere bar slot ea. be secured eettel Mr:4=4 olttl ta ki ng ""`""°` OLIVER• McCLINTOCK & CO. 23 Filth Avenue. HOLIDAY I GIFTS. Positive Reduction in Prices PIANO COVERS, Mosaic, 4.rminster, litou Rugs, • Crumb Clothe, gc., Arc- MUM BROS., Jro. bl 111e711 AWEJrUZI, ABOVE WOOD MU= as WOOLEN DRUGGETS AZT Dr FELT CARPETS, 11, 2,, 21,, 3, 31, 31 tad 31 ZADD WIDE. BORDERED SQUARES Bailable for Parlors. DINING DOOl CHID CLOTHS, Woolen, Linen and Cotton, IT LOWER PRICES TRIII.LLET SBASOII Retwlthstastillest the •eetmlalebed tariff on these goods. 'FBLAND & COLLIN 71 and 'l3 Fifth Avenue 0d9:4711 WILLIAM KILLER & CO., Nos. ill and 49i Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin. ;,,ig n i , ot . ig u t i l . 43 trade et bw Ils ert F ie New Crop New Oritsos Sugar awl r'rr Rk C a and Tin bh tM e t il idl =- aned do. • Golden Drips, LOTerIII(S, }lmage. Stuart . . Adams. and Long bland Walt. POIUI IMO, Cuba and lingt lib Inland liolusom. 'roan, Hymn. Isom,. lmyeri.l, tiunpoarder . MO trotting Tau. • Carolina aod !tangelo RIC, Java. Ira and Rio(Ptdine. Tobacco, - Lard 011. Fish. Halls, Olam. &mpg Coo Tanta, P. cotillion/1y oa hand. ALSO. EILPORTES3 07 Fine Brandies, Winei and Segue. beolstw Moselle end dperkling Hoek Wren of Hinkei Apo.. in bottles. dperldlng_Moselle,Cletursbelo and "Jobsos lt• Itoesstelmer. Pordandy, A. • Brodentrurg *Freres , flue 1111 Te 011. • . 'do do Clarets, Imported in bottlos • do do White When, In bottles. • Work A Pone bpsrklloiCattsrba 7,ae Old bberry. Stadebrs end Port Wines Free Ve ry orion 'rebels P - D.& do Baparior edoich do do. ALSO. Boleor iar Ateln .a for Mott a atuindon i s 0111114 Qtn Inf maims and Hendry Cluonpagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted GREAT INDUCEMENTS, No. 91 Federal Street, CLOSING OUT SALES WINTER GOODS, RECARDLESS OF COST, To Make Room for Spring - Stook. . . Tell Ilse Old Ladies. Caps, wholesale and rS battles. Unload Corsets ddc. osers droll , ' Salmon, MMI4 Str Ate• Ladles , Ilenekeretuels, Ladle. , New Style Ottleeellet 10 5 4 All fitheiGoods in Proportion, at MRS. S. C. RUB'S, 91 Federal Street. Allegheny. 171 Ia LAIII/II • HOUSE AND LOT, 72 WEi.shington ALLEGIIE.Tr. On THURSDAY, Pebraary 1194 dA o'eleen: will be offered at peddle eels. en the Prendeee. that very deslrab e property N 0.19 Was - legion strut, Fourth ward. Al',sheer Ol'l. , ne 101 bee a front of 119 feet on Wanington street and extends back about 5110 feet. The Mame le • two awry donbie bride WILL slate toef Thew are parlor. eettlng roma, library and kitchen on loot door. bib room.