Tr DAME GAZTTE: rihuiluil NE PRIMAN, IQ= It 00., Optfre,B4 end 86 f:Vut Avarua min 1116. I. E. 110011T011 P. Icorross ritonumu. lIICILIII Or TU DAILY Ili vial, per rea'r Kieltrered by camel", per week ........ cu. s~ MERU NEWS COUNCIL Mar!, lowa, has impeasched Its Mayor. . MARYLAND'S oysterbedi cover 878 equate miles. Tan Sultan la going to make a pilgrim. age to Mecca. Ns= Elmrytt's - last baby has been christened Myth..:- • FETCHEn is at lust going to play Elam. let In New York. Borron Is to have at Fenettil ; Hail "policemen's Leven • As lowa paper hoists the name of Grant Ibr President la 1872. 'has bees discovered ih Ash. iatia cotistY, Wisconsin. Qaa of Pereire's daughters has eloped 'Arkin a Jewish law student Vag "Field of the Cloth of Gold" has beep, performed in Shanghai. •• A ansongsizant is Galesburg,' Illinois, has a Bible Jest SOO years old. ' 'AiseEnglish M. P., brother of the Home Secretary, is on trial for libel. • JLElnnanuirry it to be established on the line of the Pacific railroad. IitiTILIE all the tax-payers of Peters. burg, Virginia, are delinquents. vTric—,lrifteenni Amendment, It-Is meted, makes 500,000 Dew Velem TUJI Inituance on the Great Eastern and her Cargo' of csbla is $3,500.000. - Tn.rog hileettnixiginthe west on "The AnterAisio Woman." Which one A. Lire_ ns, boy at Port Ltramio has trapped poo worth of furs this winter. I Tent keeper of: a. gentleman's furnish- tog /store out West is called a "shirtier." An Indiana shoemaker has got slab:, 1300degsd, aud i ts_ now ; making Stsde. fly. • pun poems Of compiled by Iftirson Clarence. are /loon to be published. t•Tztens low in Chicago recently got shot while trying to interview a Itiglttre • thief; fat, has been damn as the sem of a female college because of its Tax eight to Bell itttoxicating liquors la theatres. ia to be tested in the Memphis tootle. - Ia ?alum% theypour &plat of whisky UWE etele stay at home lloai tho pauper banged klmadf Lifrowitk --dieed : of the workhouse, the •Gnitatiitnierroa, lowa, has presented hat fast' native - citizen,. 4 girl, with a corner lot. Tag gold discovery in . Clark county, nimbi, has broken up a prosperous re vivid there. Jam. S. Deitasaz has been, diet - ad Chief Engineer of the Boston Pith ABEL RATHEONE COIIBIN, is said to . have sold his New 'Yak residence and .. moved away. • ' ;Haroron is one of the largest landed panprietas in Spain. He has several chateaux there. I3IIUSATOIt SPTLAOTIE has been ,in his east in the Senate but once during the • present seal= Lrecuitrao, Virginia , has got Its first larger beer saloon, "ace conducted In Northern cities'' , . • 11x•Xirria:critavaus Sta rnes. of the Flaky' la - add - to; c e ntempbste , a retain to titelthited Ststhe - M ,ouiro. Paris 'women' lathed under the Tguillotine pmanato dip Wed.their handkerchiefs lri 'st Tux Beira of Alle;:ina of winning task. O. is compelled. of Have white • aila'aqd Ave megr - • • GIN. Lane health is not good, and his Thelulu Mends urge - . Lien to make a trip to Europe is the spring. her' Satiorturi 'common sense is said to be the most distinguished characteristic of Lord Ettaidcy's mind. Teaan lea Mit in Bock county, Wls coardis,l3l Years of age, who is tether of a child two deaths old. niat working girls of Cincinnati carry books In - their hands, and make believe taryinr going to schooL ve l a r you leave the church after a g 'ceremony, you may be said to - be golagent with the tide. Mit Baia tranvia Is lecturing agalrild tbs, female mangles In MlWgsn , and they are madder than oho is. DI3I/40 the citi ze ns in Port -land, one of themade $1;500 flan the sale of gingerbread. • • Man negro possesses an advantage over • the white man—be can more effectually conceal a black eye.—Punch. Hewer= la congratu latiu.g an heiress who was recently , left •$lOO,OOO by her uncle, murdered In Germany. Tanga hronaus` imprisonment was the sentence in a Liverpool Court of a fellow who baked alive a fsvorite cat. J. W. _Coon is an Omaha billiardist, who challenges all Chicago, and - Chicago . responds that he is a gone coon. • 011/4 twenty wands elapsed from the Traupman Milne out of prison until his bead tumbled into the haskri. Tex Wad boar Paris is that Eugenie has resumed her afternoon receptions, at which "tea is served at & o'clock."„ Lirwravovor man says that If he builds a house he will am folding doors — . they're so handy In meet a funeral." l'an Boston Pou thinks most of onr Austrian statesmen could solve the Chi nese pouts, could they only get a queue. Aa lwours editor abused a man to the extent of a half column, and stated In the Belt lame that it was a allp of the pen. 'l'na km mat addressed to wearers of Venetian cloaks at the last Paris masked ball "was:. "Prince, lead me your revel vet B,IX RUZIBIL&ND Wu In JetralOn City the other day and dined at the tame table with the sheriff' who had been chas . THE merchants . ot Dover, Delaware, have spited to dose their stores after 7 o'uscloc reervaL k r. M. "during the present relig io" A iturrAzasliA, melted for fist &iv . h i& escaped puniatunent by proving that his, horse couldn't travel beyond four miles an hour. Yu. Brows. u the creator of "Top. ley," VIA once famous for her colored femsle; now she Is notorious for her - Areas° the feuiale lecturers Is Ulu Henrietta Titus, who is blind, in Mono. lota, and Matilda Blind, who is not blind, in England. • • Join BILLMIII nays:- airtimd tew be blind; bat I know lots of phellows In love who can see twice as much in their sweethearts as I ken. " A wan In Davenport, lowa, Ines a ' local paper for lible, damages five dollars. It took three columns of Mile to bring up the bin to that mount. A o4inWisture e in lisidiepaa has • watof lauding her lovers In charge of a policeman to the station house when they mpg, on sitting up too late. A 'mum fellow In Btonington at tempted to clean out an old gun barrel with a red hot poker, and on InTeetlga lion found he had nine angers left. Or the ?OP members of the Ecumenical Council, upward of fire hundred have Wined a petition in favor of the adopdon of the dogma of the Papal Infalllbility: But Joan Yoowo has Invited Friel. dent Grant to be present at the hill to be given to Prince Arthur during the com. Mg session of the Dominion Parliament. PIA *Weave years a ohe legged man haa.been trying to get the value of his other leg Dom the Brooklyn City Ran. "lid Company, and his stilt is eta! Amp. Vizamm papers Idgdl7 for emigrant% and diacasaing cloqueatly _ * _ • ti E l itUttt A \ • - \ -. lt tit v "labor, educe on and religion" as the true means of generating the Old Go Minion. - A Mae. Mo AN, who danced with the Prince, last w k, Si described by a New York reporter presenting at the time a "panorenta of smiles, flowers and dia monds." AT a late revival meeting an impulsive young gentlemin prayed that God would bless the twoyoting ladles between whom he had been sitting, "especially the one 1 on the light." MRS. - STOWN Mill find consolation in ! learning that a Presbyterian holy in Al -1 ban'', /Milani', burned the last copy of Byron In the house after reading her "Vindication." An old lady In England kept her cof fin in her room for flve years, and when abedled, the other day, she couldn't be got into it. The carpenter hadn't calcu• listed for dropsy. "Tot 13nOwn" says, and ho ought to 1 know,"there is hero in England great a con tempt as for herd work as there was in the Solithertatates of Arner!en, although people scarce dare show it.' .71m Chhego govemment and Board of Trade were represe at it grand cock fight at Maim Cratedit Ind., last week, whereon:Le handred birds sup ! plledammtithent for two days. aw daystlnce a died In Nash ville,t Teti worth a mil l ionl defiant. lie used to peddle fich through the streets, but, by "sober industry and economy," Managed to-Increase his liehes2i A Tomato wiamaniin Et. Paul, /Untie, sobs, playfully tilt - ofther-lcrret's thumb, in.a , tiff• they had• the other- day; %The WRai* beenn - threatening to eta: their as for the last six thousand years. Tarr laid 'what they called a paper ,partyin Ohlo town - thkothet night,, iandliik local journal gays Pater' Mellrtom better advantage as a thou— etgmtedium than during the waltzes. • A thieranzurt nun; pith's wholesome horror of trichinte, whenever he IMMO. tee pork, setels a place ton. neighbor. He then watches the :result, and If the neighbor survives, revelthereafter In 'fatness. IT (6 scarce MIRO UlanVety 'yam duce t3an Francisco ly became a n ctty, and . already there are complaints of over. crowding, and laborers who Cannot get work itt, too town are advised to no to the !ainntry. .I.auss'Fran, Jo., wined and dined over five hundred people at Saturday night's rehearsal of the "Twelve Temptations," in his Opera House. Wine flowed, like water, and the moat costly eatables were supplied. . Taw heir of the Crosby. Opera House, Lee, has. become the heir apparent. He was found ;In Missouri, working on 'a farm, and, not having read the Papers for three yearn, didn't kaow of Ida father's ' luck or death. " AN Indiana schoolmistress attempted to thraah a - youth - of fourteen the other day, and respect for the sex did not prevent him from reversing the application of the rod. She doesn't believe in corporal pun. lahment any more, _ Nam Your papers say that Mr. A. T. Stewart has added by purchase one thou mind ACM to his Hempstead tract, and is now having it laid out In lots with broad I streets and avenues. It is Mr. Stewart's Intention to build a village. A alexia Leavenworth went oat to drown himself, but met another who called him a liar. That saved hie life, for the thrashing he got, In attempting to correct the false Impression, put all thoughts of death out of his min d. aocrraLaca In Newark; N. J., seeing a piekpocket'stcaling the watch of an la. toxicued countryman, gave the alarm, got kupeked down ,for his • pains by a Weed •or the Olen and aced vp bythe manta authorities for creating a tow. Taxes lea stung in Pals that the Tice. toy of Egypt hu written Prince Pierre Bonaparte, offering him tho comnutrod of. a foreign legion - tet_ftbl the Sultan. The Prime is sounwle*y that he has to have • sort of false collar on the paddle when he rides horseback to hang on byrecently Art Indianalis worn birth to a child d uring h er b band'sg a ahve Bence, and "the neighbor!'" borrowed two other babies and placed them in bed with the little stranger. When the father - asked to see his child, the coverlid was turned. down. He coolly turned to his wife and asked, "Did any get away?" A Mroverstur. father, having forbid den Mason to go near the dock, fearing that hewould be drowned, lately found him there; tied a rope about his waist and soused . him Into the river. The rope loosened, and the boy was In great danger of finding death in the stream, but was rescued. Now they propose ta drown the father. A fi nely mu, in s hee t tat ir on rolled act a finely polished s of three feet long and twelve inches wide, and weighing but three and a half ounces. It is thinner than ordinary writing paper. Ii was mannfacttired bl Mr. Wm. Rogers, of the well known Iron City Iron Works at Apollo, of which Mears Rogers and Burchfield ate the proprietors. The ex quiaite specimen baa been placed on ex. hibitlon at the Geological Museum-of Washington, D. C., where it attracts much attention. STATE ITEMS. YORK COMITY Id literally Infested with mad dogs. . _ Anima mine luso been discovered s Nonistowa. ABRAHAM JACKSON, of York county, a soldier otlBl2, died at his home la s. week. Micah= Zs= and Henry Blecrir, both old citizens of York, died suddenly this week. • - Co. A. U. TIPPEN Of . Ike Scott Legion or 68th Pa RegiMellt, died in Philadel phia on Sunday. Tin Locomotive Brotherhood of En gineers of Altoona have been PreIMMLOd with a Bible by the ladles. Pro mom is being made at York by means of coal and electricity, with sue. ass. Tne inventor deems the invention a very important one. Ma. Jai. IL Banos,. 'amorist ,of Cleveland,' hoe become financial editor of the New York Tribune, a. delicate and responsible position for which his high integrity' and intelligence eminently rat Wm. . POSIXASTRS Geßella Crewerell has rnado the following postal changes in Pennsylvania: Union Mills, Erie county, 'J. N. Beardsley, vice John D. Black, resigned, West Overton, Westmoreland county, 11. B. _a Overholt, vice J. O. "Urlllul, ton minty. J. resigned. Hickory, v Washing. X Dampbell, ice WM. Simcox, removed. ,State Attorney liced,of Chicago, has sent en . eilkeer to thaingtield, Illinois, to obtain from the Secretary of t3tate the original petition sent to Governor Palmer which induced him to commute the Den- L tee of Walsh, the murderer of his wife, - na banging to imprlaonment for life. This petition, it will be recollected, con. Mined the signatures of the Mayor and thirty.two aldermen and contains a fool libel on .tbe murdered woman.. The pe• Mon when obtained be laid efore the grand „fury for the Purnoseofwin having the signers indicted for libeling. the dead. Postmaster General Cromwell states that 75,000 circulars • and petitions were need in aid of the abolition of the frank. leg privilege; coat about live thousand dollars; that they were paid for out of an unexpended fund to be disbursed at the discretion of the Postmaster General. Lte &}9x= that It was a noceneary ax. Pendlture and hen the approval of the people who demanded the abolishment of the trlieking . Privilege; and that In recommending the repeal of the law In his annual report, ho Only seconded the recommendation of the President In hia MOUJlffeh —CO!lector Halley, M New York; has instituted snit against the French_Trans. Atlantic telegraph company to recover penalties In one hundred cases In which the company are . , accused -.of giving an., stamped receipts for money to theirpat. zone. Abe fine for each violation la 00, FIRST EDITIO). MIDJMIGHT. HARRISBURG. Pennylvania Legislature Bills Reported from Committees' —Another Philadelphia Police Bill—Change of Sunday Liquor Lan—The Treasury Bill—The Pittsburgh Elections —Beath Warrants for the Runtingdon County Murderers. by Te77t!*ll iu thbl'utteurocti usset . o.) ilAhliaslitato, Feb. it, 1870 5E:5.421%. . . - BILLS lISPORTXD. Among theooGinallteo reivrtenefe.the following 0111 v ' • L'xempilog mortgoge taxation tbrungh ont‘the *holt bOthilmn%ealtla. Atlittn atlVely. . . Exempting all hentioata to religions p ir l d, s ha ritable , instnntionalkom"-tollat= eralitilnirititnes tea. Negatitily- Making - Attorney Uoneral and SOM-4. tarp of the Commonwealth elective by the people. Negatively. . Providing for tlie - bealth and stafeiy of miners, with amendments litiggested iby Luanne county committee of labor : erididiiiiitrintin octal Made ape. vial order for Wednesday. IDDICIAL DISTRICT. ,'• Mr. toi.I.WRY called up bin bill making Crawford county amintlependent 'Mal district. Panned, .lILLIAIIqTRODUIPMIN - By Mr. DAVISt Supplement to the Sane* liquor law, which changes the Penalty from line and imprisonment to lino or imprisENSZY.fonment. B yPd elphia police bill, which glyes ew Co h un ila clia the power to solact a Provisional Board, with the Mayor as chairman, to act till Jam". Pry Ist, aud at the October election the people to elect a new Board; Councils to ha the • number of appointments and Wariest. - By Mr. WHITE: Supplement to act miming, amending and oonsolidating the laws regulating the licensing of for. Mot Insurance companies. Tux vmaariusty ntra.. Mr. WHITE moved his Treasury bill be made the special order fir Wednesday eveldng next. Lost, tho Democrats gee. erally voting no. Mr. CONNELL moved the be made the amend order for 'Monday morning.` Carried rim' coda. OVERDEr 6 TAXJLI. Mr. LT ItInLINGFE offered a tion inatructing the Auditor Generalresolu- to turrdsh a detailed statement or the amount of State UMW due from (soh aounty. Carried. M=ICIEM ROUSE OF REPRENTATWER. IitLIA INTRODUCED. fly Mr. TAYLOR: Providing that the anneal election for MEM bent of Cound la, School bit *atom. and ward officer*. and triennial 'election for Mayor Tr :trey 4 , and Controller . of Pittsburgh. el: II let: bold on the first Tuesday of bar instead of the second Tuesday o Octo ber. Br. Mr. ERE: incorporating Wildale borough, Allegheny. By Mr. PORTER: Ft:tribe removal of the Cambria county seat to Joltmatown. SOUTH EMU COMPOLIDATION. Mr. HUMPHREYS presented four re. moustrances from iiiiirmlughazu itgainat Oonaolidation: — Mr. KERR brdsonted a remonstrance from one Mau:Bed and ally-slx citizens of Ellzabeth against a steam ferry. Adjourned until Monday evening. DEATH HABITANTS. The Governor has Issued the death warrants for Bohner and Van Bardenberg. to be executed March 9th, M Hunting. don. NEW YORK CITY. Book Concern Frauds —Entigra- Hon Beport , Smuggllng Cigar: —Express Dividend—Firm Sus pensions—Supplies for Cubans. By Telegraph to the Plttsborth Useetze.) Ththe Yoair, Feb: 11, 1870. lioOr correzner I/BAUM . The Imputation Contained In Rater Clay's telegram; to the effect that Dr. Lana ban, agent of the Methodist Book IJOneern, had ever been charged with fraud; was entirely erroneous. Char: gerivere preferred by himself and not against him. A majority of the Commit the of Investigation yesterday reported there Ind been no frauds. The minority reported, serious lessee bad occurred by reason of the employment of brokers to malkepuichases of paper and by the on. accountable dtsappearance of loather and other bindery 1117PPLXIDI7O6 Cankae. :Romer; of the steamer Anna, which Balled from this port -after some delay with a party of twenty-two men. includ ing colonel Ryan, Cespedes and Oscan.- la in this city. He states he success fully landed the men. 2400. stand or arms, three tons of powder, besides some shot and 'hell, On the Cuban December 19th. The Arms Is now. at. Nassau and will be sold. • • , aW/ORATlOUlturown, .! •;. The Cominbuloners of Emigration re- Pon the aliens landed at this port In 1069 greater than to any year since -MA. The total number of pa...onorn landed was 807.05, of whom 159,era were aliens. Of thorn 99.605 were Germans, 013.204 Irish, and 41 . 090 English, BUM WWI other countries. ilwur oolfnzxxxv. The beil John Griffin haa - been eon• damned by Judge Benedict for violation of customs by barometer, Wm. Downey, in having emuggiod 16,090 worth of cigars. EXEEESE DIVIDEND The Adarrie Exert's+. CS:;cupany hate declared a dividend of Iwo dollars per abate, payable March 1516. SUSPENSIONS The aueponelona or C. F. Tearing, gold broker, and several small dry goods houses,. are announced. , - Boller Explosion in a Rolling 11111 IBy Taletrane to tbe Mitsbnimit Gazette Sr. Louts, February 11.—One of the boilers of a rolling mill In East St. Louie exploded this morning, severely In ring Samuel Q. Wort, Thomas Borne, James Gannon, Daniel Steven. and slightly wounding several ethers. The boiler burst at the bottom, and there was little Or no water In it, otherwin a terrible lois of life would doubtless have occurred, as some two hundred persons were em ployed at the mill. The bricks of the furnene, nieces of iron and molten metal wire 'scattered In all directions, some mlealles being burled two or three hundred feet, and It la quite remarkable no lives were lost. . —General Hegley pieraented In the House of Iteprosentattre, . yesterday. a Petition from the brewers of Allegheny county asking for the repeal of the law imposing a duty oa the "importation of foreign brandy. Also, one from all the leadinfoundrymen of Pittsburgh, ask ing fora continuation of the duty on pig iron. - one from tho producers end rafters of crude petroleum, asking that the duty on crude petroleum bo made the of the Illtne as petroleum Itse th lf, am Treasury a decision Secretaryetary ofa la brought from Canada by. the paying of but twenty cents per barrel to the Injury of the IreISOCIO and to the detriment of the Interests of the oil producers in the States. as , I —A Convention of colored men will be held at Frankfort, Ky., on the 23d Inst. A resolution was offared In the House of toe Kentucky Legislature offering them the Hall, and referred. 23=ZEI FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. (SECC)PIII AFA4BION.) SENATE : Resolution Recognizing a State of War in Cubit—The Mississippi Admission Bill Further Considered Without Action.. ROUSE o The Leg tion Appropriation Bill His cussed—Dealli of Ilepresonta tire Hopkins, of Wis., An nounced. By Teleiraoli to the Ptitotturgh Utsett.) WASItiNeToN, FobrUltry 11,1870 SENATE: Mr. WILLIAMS, from Conindttee on Public Lands, reported with amendment the bill granting land Maki the construe. thin of a railroad-from Columbia river to Puget Sound. .• . • .kir. MORRILL, (Vermont ' ) frinneent mitts* on Public lands, reported a bill hi:enlarge the public grounds surround ing the Capitol. Pasaed. ' Mr. SHERMANUtrodneed the follow- I rip Mean, ble and resolution: W H bse Tellnite dStatee orves with deep inter h estl.the tartlet wet host existing In Cute, and aympatbige with . Ita people pt with. the people, of ell 'American nitindillor colonies In efforts to swum •Independenes front Returner:, powers; therefore. be lt • ! • Reaolved,. &a That the .Unlted ,'States i . ecogolee the present esietence of a state of warbetitresin! the kingdom of,iliesln and colony of Cube, and waged on the part of Cuba to establish it indepen. donee, and the United States will observe strict neutrality between the bllllgerent parties, as la their duty under the law of nations. • Mr. SHERMAN said he desired to call the attention of the Committee on Fte , eigu Relations to the fact that the people IN fhlacmintry would .not much /Magee. tolerate the cold Indifference of thieGov-, eminent toward 'Cuban - edema It *as. f•ut natural a etruggle.ilke that now pro greening •sto• near OUP' • horde,' theta,' touch the national heart, He treenail the Committee world take some at Lion with e view of securing fair play ou our own part between Cuba and Spain. Ilia reso lution did net propose to recognise Cu ban independence, but timely a condition of 'actual warfare; with .• view to fair play hereafter. Mr. POMEROY suggeeted the re•oln lion be amended to declare the Cubans were not only nighties fur independent*, which was them due, but for freedomalao: Mr. SUILNER said s oma Committee on Foreign Relations had what anneld. Bred the subject,, but the facia before them as to the actual condition of Cuban stfilra were not sufficient to warrapt death,, action. Mr. SHERMAN 'remarked that the feet that Spain bad built thirty gunboats In ourporPt, to put doWn what sums ens to LW' a little rebellion, wait sufficient warrant for kb resolution.- • A gelation of order by Mr. DAVIS,. that In • its presont stage the mot ution • was tica . debateable, being affirmed by the chair, the resolution wee referred: to the Committee on Foreign It.latlone. ! Mr. POMEROY.. from 06mmittee on . Publielanda, reported without amend ! meat the bill providing for the location Of Agricultural College scrip by actual eetgers. Also, whit amemimente, tbe bill pro. I citing for the sale of certain land. on dee Islands In /Wanton minty, South Carolina. • Mr. HOWARD, from Ibmtnittee on Pacific Railroad, reported with amend ment the bill relating to the central branch or the Union Pacific Railroad. Mr.:NYE, letroduced a bill to relin quish the Interest of lb° United States lu the military reservation in San Fran. deco. • Mt CORBETT hatred need a bill grant. lag AM:4a to aid the nan ataaai netlu Oregon.; 001130Ondef .11.41.1dE1E Y. the bill to abolish the franking privilege was ta ken up. fdr.• DRAKE renewed his amendment to continue the existing privileges of the law In favor of publishers of newspapers and nerlodicabe. 'Be laid the true nolloy. was to encourage the circulation ofooun• try pa pers!. Mr. CONKLING favored the immedi ate mango of the bill. . • Mr. MORTON declared himself in favor of abolishing the -franking ;with loge; for the reason among others that the so called privilege had been to. members of Congress a greet annoyance. •He rho cot think the .Governinent . would 'save one dollar by the proposed reform, but preferred the preeent measure should be. prpperly perfected, so the come ground would not have to begone over hereafter. He said . the bill, as It came &dm the House, was regarded. by the country. newspapers as a measure of revenge on the part of Congreaa, because they had urged the abolition of the franking privi lege. He would not say there eras any ground for this, but such was the im presa/on. At this point the morning hour expir ed, and the bill was laid aside to proceed With unfinished bantams, viz: the Idle ! sissippl. bill. ' fdr. With a view to take up the District of Columbhi business, moved to postpone the bill until to, Antrow. which was not agreed to—yeas, 22; nays, 23. The consideration of the Misseardppi hilt wee then proceeded with. Mr: VIOKERS spoke in arraignment of the reconstruction policy. • Mr. WILLEY supported :the impoid tion of conditions, as In the caae of Vir ginia. Mr. TIPTON opposed conditions, be. having they would Itirove futile and shot. Live. ' Mr. DRAKE called attention to the foot that the Senators who bad mean fit to attack the Senator from Massachtlsette wore those who upon reconstruction measures had taken sides with the Dam octets. What was the meaning of this comlngtogoiher in the. Senate of hither to opposing and discordant elements. In opposition to the policy which the Re , publican majority In both Houses had hitherto sustained f It Conservative Re. publicaniam was to driVelopo itaelfin the Senate as opposed to Radical Republlean lam„ he desired the tact stated, so it might be known at once. 1 Mr. FOWLER ..made some remark, I open the general subject, winch called up Mr. NYE, who (twitted to know. on I which aide the Senator had spoken. When that Senator that came to thefien ate he could not get muskete enough to slaughter rebels, but • he had Bobs°. guently changed his polittion. • +tr. FOWLER replied that if tbe Sen ator from Nevada had occupied the pod. thin which he bold during the moat try. lug periods of. the war, his voice might not now be go loud nor his consistency so well established.. Had he (Mr. Fowler) in former times helped the slave drivers of the South to hunt down slaves, he would manifest the tender feeling that had been shown by the Senator trona Nevada. He claimed that if the boasted friends of freedom in the Legislatures of Massachusetts, New York and Missouri had been as faithful to the cause as they now claimed to lusve been, the slave driver would not have cracked Ids whip near no long as ho did. It was the fon.' delity of those who pretended to have been the earliest opponents of slavery that enabled the leave driver's authority to continue. ,•• . . Mr. NYE remarked that the • differ ence between himselfand the gaunt:nein from Tennessee was that him own were the follies of. youth, while those of the &meter from Tennerme were the follies of age. The colloquy between them war finally terminated by the Chair, who remarked the expreaalon, "Then raturned•to his wallow," need by Mr. Nyo, was not in order. - • • Mr. THURMAN laid the necessity of the proposed conditions was assumed to be that they were essential to the gland). nahment of a Republican forma govern ment in the State. If the condition that 'Mere ebould read was necessary to make hilaatanippl Republican, by what Privilege was Massachusetts allowed a place In the Union without the same pro vision, So. with all they conditions. When did It become that to be Republican the people of a State should I provide a *shoot fund and school privy. Imes f He proceeded to show that these requirements were unknown to the Oen. stitution at the time of Its formation. - J. Mr. HOWARD made some remarks In favor of Imposing conditions.. At 4:35 a message was received from the House annotmciog the death. of Rep. reeentative Hopkins, of Wirconabo. Remarks . honor of the deceased Ware - nutde-by Messrs. Carpenter and , Howe, eilkfiltiridopting Urn oilo4l ray'. lotions of respect. Sonata edjournbil. Hotter, OF REPRESENTATIVM. *ore intetidultil and referred as follows: Author'Mug the bialldlng or a bridge across the Mississippi at Olarkaville, For farther reduction of the army, Beeolutione were adopted calling for a report of the expendithros, go.. by Freed. mon'e Bureau. The Rouse went lista fbmixiitten or the Whole on tho Legislative Appropriation bill. _ The appropriation for folding Donee documents was reduced from 880,000 to $2.5 000. • The same Item fir the Senate Was reduced from 110,000 to 110,000. Mr. DAVIS, .N. if.,, moved to reduce the Item for news pore and _ststitmery for members from IfirE, to $5O each. Mr, moRRILL citqvott to striko out the ?Vitale approprlMlLL i Mr. DANIS (M 1 said it would be nececontry to re the law allowing Members stationery. and newspapers. It would he no use torbmit the appropria• l Bon unleec the law VI repealed. Mr. MOBRII. i • Will do it. 1 44 A MIMS— I will vote for it. • After discueelorrF, err. Davis' amend. !tient , Was •rejeCto4 oud Mx. Morrill's wan withdrittru. - " f • Mr. DAVIS (N.V.) moved to etrike out the appropriagion for reporters for the Congrosskinal plebe, underetanding that the pnbliehlegof the proceedings of Coupons could De done at the public, the print Mg ofiloo at' ,000 • year cheaper than in the ObAr. - ; • Mr. DAWES the question of the 0 lobe was up at e ry meration, and yet a new . eontract witiednade •WM year. Ife was waling to abide by - the contract. After farther debate, and without dis• •offieS . of 00 fludikO 2l . ,the Committee tasek. .. t • __ _, ' ..: 3 4 ._ . Mr. COBURN offered a remlution call. lug for information as fo the aggregate Of expenditure for public cod private purpose in the District of Columbia Once the eatablfetk mPted .int of t the seat of Ci overnme ' ' • • At three nt. o'clock Ado Mr:COBB. of Wiscon al ti,iitmotoubd the/Meth Of tie kW • ea. leagitei..Benri. .F. Hopkins at Madison, Wisconaln, last iatitrary. Alter pro• neuncing an culogyof4tto deceased, he of the usual moolutions of condo. lance awl reaped.. •-••' • After remarks Im klinctro, Eldridge; Waehburne, of Memento, :Paine and Lawrence, the reaohnione were agreed to and the Hance at ;:80 adjourneti unto' to•mormtv. • • 'i , , ' STEAMBOAT DISASTER. - Explosion and Ilturafag Of the Maggie stays, a Patel:tarp Boat—nix !dye, thr Tricereuh to the PlUeoursh Ossetia.) Maaritirt, Februit'y 11.—The following Vend, .datod am: The • Maggio Hays, of Pittsburgh, buret her middle bolter in that chute of thalytelx, nu her way from Nene Orleans. at 1:30 r. .m... 01 February 10.. The boat Immediate" tilled with steam. naught fire and burned until she sunk. The Master--Captaln Barney Martin— waa blown isle the ihr front the- it urn cane roof, and his body wan afterwards foundlo the hold. A . The etecomi - engeiviedir—Henry Maier o' mott cwas badly scalded, and tiled at five James Rome, this - .. 7 second clerk, was allghtly scolded, band now all . 'three deck bandiC and one fireman were killed and theirboales either blown In the river or humid on the wreck. No other ofricersadd hone of the pew • eengora were hurt. . MuDerntort was t : 4 llad on the jirkan ail aide at the foot o Island eat. Capt. Martin's y tind t howl of the other unfortunates, were brought to Ho. lena on the meanter lkimmercial, from where it goes up the river on the find boat. The Weimer Commercial, coming up at two o'elpck, landed and took aboard all surilvera, who will arrive this evening, at Memphis on her. The boattt no freighton her, and she Captainltatt ;11.ilibus4. of the stammer Oommercial, deserves all praise for hi. effort. In attempting to reecho the dead bodice, and him attention and kindness' to the passengers and officers of the Maggie • The Lectga , a Helena apselal says: Immediately after the explosion of the boiler of the Maggie Hays she mink. The body of Captain Martin wu blown Into the air, but won afterwards found In tba hold. The aeoond tradueer, Henry McDermott, was badly scalded and died In five minutes. Jimmy Hemet, second clerk, watt slightly scalded. Three dock hands and one fireman were killed outright, and three other bodies burned or blown into the river. McDermott, who had shipped at New Orleans in `place of an engineer discharged, was boiled on the Arkansas aide. . The beat had s light cargo of sugar. She was owned by Capt. Ben Contain and James Reese., of Pittsburgh, and valued at ;15,000. Berl:Mat clerk hadeome here by rail from. New Orleans, and thus doubtless used his life. It la said by river men that her boilers were known to be defective. FURTH= PARTICULARS. , The' Vonimerclal has just arrived with the survivors of the til.fated Maggie Hays, about twenty in number. Capt. Martin was net killed, but Severely In. Jared and died on board the Commer cial.. Iliabodywas left at Helena. Capt. Drove,- prat clerk, will conveyit home. t The following deck hands, all colored, were Mat : James Martins, Now Orlearte; Tom Wilson, David Skinner, Bellain Jobb Haynes, Pittsburgh. The paaaengers lost everything, but funds a re raised by the pamengem an the Commercial to relieve their immedi. The pilots,'Eagene Hamlin and Sara. nal P. Jones, were both In the pilot house at the time; saw - the smoke and ateam rush and felt the boat tremble. As soon as the smoke cleared they saw the 'forward• part of the: stoat was, tent aid steered here for shore .JOnes_getting' on the wheel Jumped ashore and Hamlin cut the clammy guys, made - a line, threw it out and soon had her made. fiat, but despite the efforts of the surviving crew the lire had gotten Under headway and soon wrapped the: entire boat in flames. - Mrs. Derr, of Pittabtugh, was sitting In the clerk's office, and was blown through. the bulk head Into the cabin, but not hurt. The pilots say the taller, were patched at Batches, Vicksburg, and at the mouth of the acquits they hod tied up igain to. patch the larboard holler, and had Jest gotten fully under way when the caplet. sion occurred. A number of thearew and passengers will leave by rail to-morrow for their homes. Ali speak in the highest terms of the Conduct of the °Moore and parson. gem of the Commercial. • The first news of the calamity was received In this City Than:day night, in a special dispatch to Mr. James Reese, one of the ownere of the boat. No par. Radars wore given, other than the as. aoiance to Mr. Reese that his relatives on board were safe. A second dispatch, from Mr. Jame. Dravo, clerk of the Maggie M a ya, w ee received yesterday from !dm:noble, sta. deg that the Captain. R. C. Martin, the second engineer, Mr. Parker, of Cincin nati, and eight deck hands had been killed by the explotion,and that Wm. Rens, a- young eon. of Mr.. Reese, who was acting es second clerk, was 'scalded, but would recover..-' Mr.Resee' e daugh ter, Mrs. Derr, and another lady, her; Mre. Sedan, were also on board, but escaped without Injury. The ateambciat Maggie Hays was hulk here In tget, end was coned by Meson. James Reese and Benjamin 0 0 1 / 1 111.0. the I former owning three-fourths and the latter ono-fourth of bar. Her tonnage was four hundred and fifty-three and thirteen hundredth, tons. She was • stern wheel steamer, and carried pawn. gars and freight. She warn considered here a drat class boat, but In the lower waters took a lower grade. She was valued at 1111,000, and was Inured in home companies for half her value. but was not insured against explosion. sh e left here, as we learn, on the 19th of January, with several messengers and a fall freight, consisting In good pert or agricultural Implement& She had the large barge "Monarch" in tow. Wield% New Orleans for this city on the evening of th e gd instant, bringing no freight, but quite a number of passengers. Mr. Draw, the clerk, was left at New Orleans, and prooteded thence by rail to Memphis, where he arrived and heard of the dlsatiter. Mr. Reese telegraph e d hi re to go immediately and attend to the.. wounded, recover the bodies of the killed, and have them forwarded to their homes. NEM EDITIO POUR O'CLOCK, .41. THE CAPITAL Nominations—Alaska Seal Trade —olllclul Statement of Revenue Receipts Georgia Politics— Hmal I Pox Among the Indiums— ) he Outrage at Havana --Rev& nue Seizure at Chicago—Funds In the Treasury. Py Tulegraph to thi Plttaborgh Oasetto WASIIITIOTON. February 11, 1810 I=! The President to day mot to the Senate the following nominations: Pa•aed Alialstant Paymaster George L. Mead to bo Paymaster; Famed Assistant paymaster Wm. H. Woodhull to be Paymaster; Commander Jonathan Young to be restored to his original po sition; Assistant Naval Optiatinetor John W. Ruby to be Naval Contractor, Hon, F. Wilson, orPenuaylvanla, to bo Consul at Matamoros. !MAL MAIM IN ALASKA. The Secretary of the Treasury, in a OOMMUMMILICn to the House in relation to the seal trade of Alaska, 'aye the prop osition to lease the Islands for a term of years to private pasties for au annual rental la objectionable, because it would give the exclusive control of one branch of indnatry important to the people of the Uniteddtates. If the preparation of sithm for use shonld be transferred from London to thin country, he proposes that the Treasury Department assume the entire control of the beelneee of the Inland and establish a rigid system of military and naval police, exclude every body but Its own . servants and agents_ and carry on the fare end seal Muslim. .with the natives by means, of Treasury agents, the skins to bo sold by the Government at auction in dan Francisco or New York; and the prodta, if any, applied to the education and religious instruction of the natives, and generally for their physical, intel lectual and moral improvement. The eixpenes of maintaining military and naval forces would not be much greater than at present. Be suggests that the Secretory of tho Treasury be authorised to appoint agents to superintend this businese, and that an appropriation of 110,000 be made, out of which the native. Iv paid fur the labor performed by them and otMr expenses Incident to the basi l:ten be defrayed. RATICIVIS—OFTICIAL 111TATZKRIfT. • The official statement shows the re ceipts of Internal Revenue for the year ending Dacember from all sources were: New York, $36,600,000, including nearly $5,000,000 from epirits and over $7,500,000 from tobacco. Pennsylvania, 17,000,000, including spirits, $4,800,000; tOIMICCO, $24,68,00u, New Jersey, aggregate, $3,070,- 000; spirits, 1303,00 m tobacco, 1490,000. Maaitachusetui, $10,300,000; spirits, $1,343,- 1 MO; tobacco, 9562.000. Kentucky, 80,000,00: horn., EG.5110,00o; tobacco; 11:257,000. filluoia, ;15,500.000; aplrita, 99,000,000; tobacco, 1,765.000. Indiana, $4.000,10);000; tobacco, Maryland, 15.(40.000; spirits, 11,667,004; tobacco!, 11...V7,000. Ohio, SIS,- r 00,000: spirits, -110,694000; tobacco; 12,317,000. W Inman n, 110,00,000; apt tits, $718,00; tobacco, 1422,000. California, 14.600.000, spirits, $017,000; tobacco, $903,- 000- Missouri, 95,,700,000; spirits, $1,860,- 000: tobacco, 11,741,000. Louisiana, ftZid,OiXh spirits, $443,000; tobacco, 17.V11,- 000. Virelnla . $4,333,000. spirits, $650,- 000; tobacco, $320,800. leelnrna from all other mates and Territories are given, ettdiving' the-liggregitirnritentilikelle from all internal revenue worms. OnOnota • • •• Hon. Joshua Hill and' I:if . ..Miller, formerly elected United States Senators ftbot Georgia, are still here and will pre. sent their credenUalsatlthe proper time. Should the leglslattire elect other Sena. tore, it wilt rest with the Senate to de. termine who are to have seats. • The President has taken no side In the con. teoversy regarding Georgia politics, as he believes a settlement of the question rests with Congress. There seems no doubt he has full confidence In the rep resentations of Gen. Terry. SMALL PDX AMONG TUE INDIANS. A telegram has been received by the Indian Department from General .Holly stating that the Regan Indiana of Mon tana are in a deplorable oondition. The small pox Is raging in the tribe and they are suffering interuselyfor the necessities of life., Unless some atanstaace 1a re. solved from the Government they will perish front disease and starvation. Commissioner Parker has issued in. structions that their wants be immedi ately attended to.. TREI OUTRAGE AT HAVANA. The Spanish Mtnliter here, lo MONO. quenco of the aztlon of Oongrees and the general excitement ° throughout tno Union upon the aubJect of the recent murder of an American citizen in Ha vana, has telegraphed Oen. De Rodas to spare no 6401:1B0 or trouble to bring the offenders Mimetic°, RAILROAD TO OREGON. . • The House Oommittee on. Pacific Rail road today heard Representative Smith, of Oregon, in favor of granting land. for a:Railroad from Halt Lake to Columbia River, and alto Mr. Hays, of Mau., in advocaey of the extending time 'for the location of the Atlantic and Pacific Rail Road, the act having been passed In 11366. BEVENUM BJLIZURAL Commissioner Delano received ■ tele. grata 'Me morning announcing the seizure of the large distillery, rectifying house and vinegar factory of:J. Ksrchoff rt Co., in Chigo, The legram states the frauds ar eeavy end proofecimiplete. THE (FOLD PANIC, The Committee on Banking and Cur rency has only one more witness to ox. amine. and will make a report on the New York gold panie toward the close of hext week. A.210111/7 12( TUB 111111511217. Tha.coln balance In the Treasury to day Is 153,000,000; currency nearly p3,- 000,000; certificates about i 00,000,000. STATE LEGISLATURES. (By Tnlegraph to the P)thsbareh tiasatte.) MASSACHUSET rek. , . Hosiers, Feb. 11.—The majority of the Committee 01 the House on intoxicating liquors presented a report submitting a Menne law, suppressing public bare and tippling shone, allowing licensed inn holders and common victualer' to sell to their guests, to be drank on the prem. less, and licensed liquor dealers ,grocer. lee, apothecaries and druggists, brew ers and distillers to sell, not to be drank on the premises. The fees for license are fixed at coo tolll6oo. A Minority report was presented -taking strong ground against license in any form. 131=1:21! RICHMOND, February 11.—In the Leg , 'sister° to-day Gov. Rye, of Shenandoah, was elected State Treasurer, receiving 110 out of 117 votes. Rye is a native of Shenandoah, and In that county cut his vote far Halo, Fremont and Lincoln for President. He was Secretary of the larnatitudonal &kit:Tendon. The Conser vative member who nominated him ex plained It was done as an indication that Virginia intended to forgot past party differences. LIDUISIANA. _New 0111.841N8, Feb. 11.—The House to-day passed the mixed education bill. The election bill wee reported favora bly and made the special order for Mon day. The Hoare adjourned 1111 Monday le honor of Abraham Lincoln. In the Renate the House bill providing for noco,oou In bonds for the Board of Pub. n o works to pay for work done was re. (erred. A bill was also teferred to pro. vide bonds to the amomit of 15,04000 to pay for the conatruckfin of levees. • TEBIHUSSEE. Nalutvit.Le, Feb. 11.—The Leglshi. tem ham enacted itMw postponing men. .ty electlens from the Ant Sigurd y to ttis fourth Saturday In fdarch. Th e a ob jets is tom:dank the amended Constitu lion to the people at the same time. NEWS BY CABLE Quiet Reigns in Paris—Discovery of, a Conspiracy Against the Borernment—The British Par liament—The India Telegraph Cable—Rumor of Another Carl ist Insurrection—The Discon tent iu (UT Telegraph to the Plttiburghpasette FRANCE. PARIN, February 11.—Tho city N quiet. There was no disturbance during the night and places of business were open se missal. The police patrolled tho etreeta but made no arroeta. Over four hundred person@ have been apprehended during the past throo days. The magic tratee aro invoctigating the canes as rap• Idly as possible. All'pereone to be pros ecuted aro to be scut elsewhere for con. !Moment. Gustave nourens is still at large. The Memorial Diplomalive denim the rumor that the French (leveret:fleet has complained of Presslp's nomfullillment of the treaty of the Prague. The police anthontles profess they have discovered en extensive conspiracy against the governmentand are. actively engaged In searching for. parties Impli cated. A great number of arrests were made last night and to-day. It is stated the editors of the Morsel Eloise and two editors of the Remit were arrested on charges connected with the alleged con spiracy. A policeman In plain clothing wax abet and killed yesterday by a mechanic, .whom ho was endeavoring to arrest in his own house. Tho man has been taken into custody. The Le ifarsellaise reappeared, and was eagerly bought on the streets. Several citizen,' were killed during the recent Sots and their bodies havebeen placed in the morgue, kut the pollee ranee any detail' concerning them. I= Loritxne. Fob. 11.—The specie In bank last evening was £145,000 greater than at a norreaponding period teat woek. The Times urges that O'Donovan Roma's election to Parliament, front Tip• perary, be declared void. The Times .ttenounce, the plan of the tllienceller of Eras-quer for rodeemlog the dent, ae the old sinking fend chimera obliged the State to redeem at anincreao leg rate for a century to come. lhe Mouse of Commons today Mr. Taylor gave notice he should move for au Inquiry tato the deportation of South Sea Islanders. Mr. Chi bleb, First Lord of Admiralty, explained that the recent cruise of iron clads was undertaken with the intention of seeing how they would work together as a squadron. Re said the adoption of Whitworth guns by the navy was uncer tain. The Postmaster General alluded to the proposed reduction of ocean portage be tween Great Britain and the United States, and expreeeed the opinion It. would result in a great Increase of mails ar.d of revenue therefrom. The Rouse without tmnascting any business of importance adjourned. The shore end of the India telegraph cable, taken out by the Great Eastern, has been landed at Bombay.. , The government examiner appointed to investigate the operations of the colo nial government of-Jamaica hex made his report. He bestows exewasive praise on the present administration of the Inland. The Papal authorities have permittea he restoration of horse racing In Rome. 1:110/ MADRID, Feb. It.—lt is reported that the Carnets aro preparing for another . inaurreetion. ob UtV llit tes,A l til tal °rlni ;Qn .a it ssid a proptaial that the Iron clads be kept In naval arsenals ready for nee In cameo! a foreign war, but - not' armed. Ildadrai. TOpete. Minister or Marine, replied that then, abseil* no fear that be would ever nee. the navy to Aim king upon a country EOM Boma, Feb. IL—The Ecumenical Conn. cil; at its last two sessions, was engaged In the diecussion of ecclesiastical disci pline. That subject has been disposed of at the meeting taday. The subject of catechism was considered. Seven Fath ers participated In the discussion. RUSSI.I. Sr. Plaza:mune, Feb. 11.—The Home Secretary, In view of the recent mantles; tattoos of popular discontent, reoorn. mends the Czar to cancel all the liberal reforms recently inaugurated. =MEM MOVILLIK, February ll.—Tbe steam ship India, from New York for Glasgow hu arrived. The bark Answer from Boston, foundered In the 28th ult. London•for The mate and seven of the crew were saved. FINANCIAL AND CONDIERICIAL. Lonnorr, Feb. It—Evening.— Consols 92% for money; 92,1 on acconnt. Ameri can Securldei quiet: 62's„ 8734; '65% 87; ?ass 864. FRANKFORT, February 11. Bonds dm at 923 @e23;. Lorrnois February IL—Fates. 20%; Central,lLmoia 92%; Great Western, 27g. Stocks quiet. Lrvaaroox., February 11.tton mita tins week 65,000 balm; export 6,000; speculation 1,000. Stock 382,000 bales: American 157,000. Recipta far the week 65,000 bales; American 50 , 0 00. Amount afloat 262000 bales, incladtsB / 27 , 000 American. The market to day was steady: uplands 1130 Orleans 1190; sales 10,000 bales. Recelpts—Wheat, .three days, 80,000 quarters; 27,500 American. California White Wheat 8s 11d@9s; red western Iso 2,7 s 4dtgi7a sd: winter 8a 4d @Bs sd. Western Flour firmer. at 19s 6d. Corn 275. Oats 25 sd. Barley • Is. Peas 25a. Pork 955., Beef 102.. Lard 67e. Cheese 7..%. Bacon 564 6d. Petroleum Is 641; refined is 1134 d. Tallow 44a Id. Turpentine Ms. Linseed 011 Linseed Cakes 9s. Sterling 955. TIONIX/N, February 11.—Sperm 011 89s. Sugar 39a. Whale Oil 40a. Calcutta Linseed '5134 6d. Refined Petroleum easier at la eyid@te 9%d. Tallow 46s ANTWERP, February 11.—Petroleum firm at 6834-f. Etaviur, Feb. 11.—Cotton quiet. Btutirmr, - February IL—Petroleum heavy at 6 Shalom 66 groats. • Hatrututo, February 11.—Petroleum firmer at 16 mare berme 143. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —The - vend opera ball In New York Thursday night was a failure. —The Nebraska*Leghtlatnre will meet on the 1711 t, and ratify the /117th amend ments. —The steamboat Ida, from Chatta- nooga southward, Mruchra snag on Thursday: and —B.G./dollen', a well.known citizen of of Water Valley, Maas., committed aut. old° a few days since. —W. E. Hill, Inmber merchant of Nebraska City, wan robbed In Omaha, a few nights ago, of IH,OOO. —The Grand Jury In Cincinnati has reported seventeen Indictments againit various parties for keeping houses of W hims. —The Ice In the bilasocul opposi r te Omaha has been weakened by 'the e. cent Anoderate weather, and team' have cossol crossing. —A bill creating an Insurance bureau and regulating life and Are Insurance in the State has been repotted in the Ken tucky Legialaturo. —A formed large number of colored men have an sawiciation the purpose of building a rat -alces st for eamboat to ply on the hilasheippl river. —Over aLx Ulm:amid bales of cotton are at Memphis awaiting shipment to New Orleans, at PM per Wool:fd pers, with no boats to carry it are . by chip. r, Wims. no4nlons omit numbdente man, the nia vkaludzsrof ,a large er of penance la the West and Can ada; has teen arrested at Loulaville. - - -Henry Eastman, convicted of break. lug into the Anteater's office at Hamil ton; Onto, and stealing stamps, was hen. teoceo to one year In the penitentiary: —Edward A. Beasley, accessory to forgeries upon the WBBamsburg City . . . Bank, Long Island, has been convicted and sentenced to-four years and eleven months' Imprisonment In the peniten• nary. —lsaac Levi, arrested at Osgood, Ind., on a charge of Making counterfeit United States currency, has Dean convicted and sentenced to four years' Imprisonment. —At Springfield, Tenn., Thursday evening, Thomas Hackers=lth, a lad of about 14, accidentally shot and killed rate cousin, Mrs. R. H. Bibb. The boy is now a raving maniac. —A fire at Logansport, Indiana, Thursday night, destroyed two stables connected with the Eaton, House and several other stables. It was caused by an incendiary. ' Loss itB,ooo. —Petitions to Congress, protesting against free trade and asking the re moval of all taxation from shipping In terests, are being signed by prominent shipowners and builders at San Fran ;deco. —A double allotted projectile, invented by J. W. Bill, of Jefferson, Williams. county, lowa, by which be claims a shot can be thrown eight or ten miles, Is being experimented' with at Fortress Monroe bygovernment authorittos. . • —A locomotive exploded on the Lou!.. ville Railroad, near Clarksville, Ky., on Thursday, killing Thomas Bradley, the engineer, and two firemen. Bradley was foreman of the machine shops at Clarks ville and was making the trip to sooom modate the regular engineer. --Strenuous edbrts are .bolog made by uncomfortable army official!. to get a revocation of the order making a general change and transfer' to other stations. The President and Secretary of War are besieged pla ces s who desire to remain in the eoft they hays enjoyed at Waabington (or a long time. . • • —The Legislature of New Brunswick was opened on Thursday by • a speech from tne Lieutenant Governor. Hie Ex. coflenoy alluded in • warm terms to the general prosperity of the province. ]Seas.. urea to provide a general system of ado. cation and to secure a share of emigre. lion from England were strongly recom mended to the attention of the two hOO6OB. NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS ligr" THE .FIRST !METHODIST CHURCH, (Italln..ltirerkneur De pot.) Y>Mllwatrum . Nzwllitiatrum..Ps. b. P. CROWTHER.. nap, Pp:aching ETZHT SAJszumu. at lU)a. x. and I P __ _Y. Public medially lirrlte.L. • rar"CHRIST - EPISCOPAL ClItlItCH, ALLEtialtart.— Tim Rem' BRQuKE, lactor. °nicht., at di ine retake thla Church on TCallatt/Ltrat at halr-pant ten Weinck a. a., and haa-maatneven o'clock t. a. • igrILINIVERIEMILIST CHURCH', _ . coy . n . eL qr . .* etneet end Tetra Avenue nac . " lr brace Me a nd a welcome to au. mousy =boot It 9 A. M. arPUBLIC • LECTURE AT Wood a ndERUSALKM CHURCH, ear • net of ninth on allninoT JCVISNIN(i, ransom., Lido. Boniest—The Prin ciples and Laws of tl, Octane. of Correeponn e, aopllcd to the I%tenstetatlon of the basal nerlptare, (FIRST ennisTlAN CHURCH, corner • Beaver meet awl Montgomery avenue, Allegheny elm YOSEPH KI NU. rumor. leresetunaTO.MOßMLlWthomeg Dor) at lteg •. Y. and 7 r. Y- , eata entirely free and a cordial rereltation to all. en adar echool at VA. Y. • REV. GEO. P. HAYS, PAS TOR. will preach to the CENTRAL PHIBUTTEILI AV CHURCH, corner Lueock and lO Andentou st•eete. Ailegbeny, TOddi 'MEOW, at M. The Mount (Meet di...a/log.lM be ooneludid at night. SubJeet — iiTite Asetnelon." Act., li ly. arriitsT CHRISTIAN CllUltell U . PITTeItUIICUI W. S. n:rd b gr e m r l , r .r l4 h lt'lLtat nerticen terry Lord's ;ay at 10S A. Y. Sunday Shoot 'AS r. Y. Bev. HALI.IOI * of Ina Ilattnwnotl congrent- Tg: , 4 oll4 .Te d ge : 4l -- .11471V:. Tt'."MtlW. GrPL IvIOUTTI CONGH EGA 110NAL CO Crlteß. Rev. R. T. OAR RER, Raster. Prea 'yennin and even t g at lan and a half o'clockching (110){) an d semen (TI as ay.hdor Ilan, corner of La rock and Fed eral ttttt allvalseny. !fanjet% for the Insuday v•rialag nisConsee—..4o,atnering thervaiundsla thaVati:rrajn4ll4Vsnineßmatcvall.- - • igrTOIE LOUD wuuNG. 4 ; O434 VriVIVEZZIIitVaTr*V_g nein+ rederal. A tlegheny City. on Witte; DAY. rebraary 11170. at 10:30 A. x.. 3 sad 7,30 P. ie.. and coulees during the week. CLDltit J. WENDRLI. will be Omni to an. pound the Prophecies °mixtWog th e shoe of toe times. um deletion of leplitteldloa. the cominadirogele Lumen the Xatioatof Dee Earth kingdomd advents, Duos. his SabJegatiog the and Republics ut this Work'. hie stare tasting relga noon the earth: ati and Destiny eau Deetruction of the wicked, exhort to °Litt talfaVCA:l come and take part, &bete who are ready for the coating day and those who an without bpd and without hope; thoseho warn men to gee from w the coming doom , and those who are exhorted. Genuine Preparations From. the COlebriOlifd Nous of PETER SQUIRE, London •Granular Effervescent Bi- Curb, Palterers, Bromide Potts*. sa, lodide Potassa, Citrate Iron and Quinine, Bromide Ammo nium, Carb, Enid'', Vichy Salt, Mlssingen Salt, Cit—Magnesia, Seidlttz Powders, Ac.--Topro tect Physicians and the Public from spurious articles of this character; purporting to be **direct importations”—all bot tles of the genuine will in future bear a strap label over the cork, with the address and Sao sterile signature of the man. ufacturer, Jr. SQUIRE; and on the side his, trade mark, and also address of the Importer and Sole Agen SIHOV JOHNSTON, Cor. Smithfield St. and 4th Ave, P. 5.—A Fresh supply of Squire's Tine Glycerine Soap, Parrs Vienna Soap, Price's Glycerine Soap. Astringent Red Gunk Lozenges, acid Mu 'late Of Ammoniate Lotenges• These Lozenges aro meeting with great success In England, in cases of Relaxed Sore Throat. grouchlti., etc. .Inst received, STORE IN A NEW PLACE, Tba uncleranried .nreparad famish. In large •ITIT/le. In ;menages, or la say dearable quantity. um faJonlon: fame 1/latteral. law Codneh. Banked and Blctled salmon. lloll42o anti Bloater Berlina% .111.1 . 4 tan. Also Apren min RAIIILTOA G re ens b o r o . egg Stone Warr, tee. ttred A Pa. 11:00.411.0 veal patterns. consistbig of Jog. J•rs. etet eta or all sizes. Large or mall ousnelt les sapplled. neon Yarns. White and Colored Carnet Moto. I , eish, Dried and Calmed Italie, lowa. metal, Jellies, and every ante', to be found In a drsteelase noose. 11010 articles Of Geoleeriee, even ee Angers. Syrup., :Valle. /lone. 01. s, eIn„; foe Jtiebtsig Trade, eubritrel et lose eau, ZD WAILS D AI RAILLETO Ilf. Nos. A 9 and 40, sonitrtrest earner Mammy/3 .!vane. , iCIAN E[oB/EUT, 0:1=1 1100D8 AND OAPS. EMZ=I lIAND SNIT ' lACQU =I Vi°C)LZ N BOCnS, WILES -361ELAWS Old Stand Stocking Store. 1t123 3 9 9. 94 nrra 4k9E9 41Y.. SPLENREO ASSORTMENT OF SILVER-PLATED WARE , lILL P `I P ATati?iriIIIVIVII4II%7wiLL ILL Main& VVlN'Tlilk "MIMICS. gitt. n t MIRB, 7 4 ., v , m 3T „ A dwa.. . C P A I svuUrylTetilan,. isPU9N HOLIACR3, c. . llMPORlffeTits:' Mama ICI and amain, - bane pnitliaatula thew tun. warrus • a ianarilia% L. 101 111171 t ANIL. Oppoolt• Guam" Open. fel _• • . II theor, 1 LIM ward, AllefitehLhare pet reeled to tbe anderaleard; o patentedmal dells s the east, resat be paid aa patented tor settloment St Its masralas i fraleo, • • hwarts i llaeleMl. corner of W... tat Avenue, rittaparo. Street fell: Ws • ' DAVID 1117,WAES. - - FINE CI6IAM. *last es - clawed. • &sea Involve **ha la. solo' , And ',lkon Mon. , ' Load C salsas Chises: also • aside* nay '"" Apailli sad 17 W:c "1 4ir ' LIgga b Ie f* ' ''" " li ' Itaardit•W, fan Conan. ZAbarty sad Ruda stdoSSd. • ~~~:: THE WEEKLY &MITTE- L the beet and e➢o►pet cesaadat Wilma? agnagig riabashial hi . genera ?imaginal.. Nobsratz. aseclukale w nenthaiat alma tit without Lt, =I Maxie cibtesiberS.-- Club. of ..... Clubs of .... . .. ♦eovs 4 (=Wiled itratalt•oa/r Mtae ratter IP Ora IRb or tel. lostmiteters en noillertiPt 113 act up aceau address, PENNIMAII,REED & Co.. ririVOriaß*s--.'2b441," "-ibr ° 4•Lost," mint.? taibuwv, ..BOClrding," ' atc., not exceeding . POUR LrNse, rral tht inserted in those ooiwnwas omit jbr - rwlover:pivla calms; mach a "" Fiona! Lino Fine 08N215r. WANTS. wANTED.-A Tailor to go to Yrreport, Pa. " Coo bare stead/ orrO/07- 11atot. Arplr at °Urn". WON,. or J N. LlOOl% FreeDeril. rL WANTED.—FIfty" Coal sled Ore Mitatra. tie *Me. fealo pay. awl fan 'raid to the Wales: Paveral lilN. araVantad for city &ad uitary. Apa!y at Employ:awn one.. No. I math warn., ant ciaor 11.00 1114.11111•101 Bladiae. "(XTANTED.--An experieiicak, /LED LEAD • JawiIIIPACTURLIIk. ow. aential hied with niak log oak ad Mom Um' Dig. Nona atittaneed apply. zaimits at liaarrwa Ohio, • . UrArrrif.D.--Sealled PERFOOSIIE t yy . . received for nee wee ibr tole 1110.11. d ilo,oook FEET OE CURB STORE. I, to be delivered in Pittsburgh or Lewteneertlis.• Edo se of treeyort or Raped stone. CANT be es* od delivery. retie. al le a peg. ce usage for Iltllllmeng i o r. f ia esTm i e4 i7 /Ate r ee,.. ;. 'lerritilf Reel Estate Agents. Law: guanine. WASTED. .1110ILTGAGE: 830,000 to Lemla Imo or mall mom•f. at • filr rate of Interest. -THOM.AB I. PETTY, 11/11, Beild'aad Baal SWAM Broker, Ma 179 Baltbflald Moot. LOST. L . OST.--On Thursday Eyenhug. JI_J either en Penn sr Math strut., 0 9990L0 eiseCELLT, with name engraved on Made. Ter Seder will be rewarded b7-IsavinstSVll9 JOHN SPEVILNBI3I , I , B SONS &CO., Jewelers, 93 alerts' street, Pittsburgh. 913 BOARDING. ti°ADDING AND ROOIN:- , A //PAM ;PARLOR welt funtlabed rdinf SURS.biC tor • man sod wife or two VIM& 8T112,7111=71.14.N0'.7 TO-LET. TO.LET.-6n Wood atTri , * N. oMpaig'lY.4Liagirug%,,„•,alll ; u 47 IV al b esTitlC 1. . 2.1/1 FOR RENT.-The Tillie' Wary BRICK wAitatroest Saley sterol' No. 1110 Wool street, formerly vocapias . by Wm. I:leadoff* Co. es • rfroom Ysetory. logotre or W 1-T, LA Di6V• 00.. No 179. d 114 Wood Bt. • XliglL"r.Thei, Large, ".Stiiire L eela No. 96 Wylie Averter; corner of r eraleuxt. Plitaburitt.. .11.. M. BROWN.. LIM POlll sevee. , • • 0 'LEI'..“A• -Suit of Miami Hoc Large . vend Ughtad "f oat ma on SlnCdoor. One lance. 11415.4 front On . on floor. One tarot Mat Ilk two anuerooms on 4th 11. r. one Store Nona, dreelloor, No. 52. to kott.le new balleUns. ktf r itell e r iSO.No W . iarf Inq r EL TO-LET.—At Haslewood Stu- TION, on CootieOreille ndirOld, about 10 ACEP.I Or LAND, well planted with cholas bull me. 10.b.rawr also • large Darn and part of Mansion House, Lunar* °Mrs. RACHIL E. WOODS, on de premise., or of JAIIIB A. hletigAN, 145 Forth!, avenue. Pittsburgh. FOR SALE. FOR PALE:-{3,300 win buy TWO 010 D IFRAME 1111UX., four atoms each. ao4 lan No. 19 Boyle Barnet. Alla/Mena, me ...nit avenue. Bent. will pay tan my neat. anti taxer. Tynna—sl.Bl.nt dont. balance in totonaymaata a Enquiter the ptanttata. 1.12.61 - tly • Fore HALE—Quildling mate. lIIALA —WILL H 6 801.0 AT A SACHS itkCE the material. coma:nett Ina TWO nTOUT ...NAME I:WILLMAN ISVIIBE . located am Oakland ear natl.. The boom I.ln /OW order eon la now oeempled by We matneliber. Irks L ishes to have It removed off los beforakka. nt ot May. Noqulre of OZOREIE W. BCOTT, • '2.10 • Charlotte &OM, Oaklaad. FOR er SALE.-- Tillman'rim . 4.. ofLt Pittabarsh. Gras No. et...Y.:9,7f0. mmurA! " , • /772:47. it= rtita.E , VVEOLLVE,, Theme . _ We to MO tattiest OV,,bevittg McArthur. Viacom oo t astk A Ohlt FURNACE" orti'rabillodiellgE4UtoPOL Theca lands contain Inexbaustlidosolocs ot ore end oml, sod-the Porno. nos—ist RIR Noy., nokklng., MillottE0111loateh•r000l Iron_ porday - OARUAL BENNER. • ' Nolololdge. Rosa toanty. UOlo. • FOR SALR--.1. Steam Engine 10 by 30.11.4604 manilla order. arltb otmltlog, a . warlatt, mato: Beam aad wwkaae_t- IVc Roos, all as Clod 11 e irk oil 74 Niel: INCH LIFT 'AND FORCE PUMPS. 111 Ca aod low. Van an seta at tee Works at to Youabloabeny Oat Coal Company, Weal Haw on, Pa. SALE.--Stock and .161 x TURES. LEASE AND GOOD WILL lei rnFelue 0r...7. doing t imod bnflaep. 27k• itideratgned being enviged fa other baGnesa le tea rerun for O. W. PUBIT, 40 Ted. eral street. Allerbeay. . • ' • FOR SALE. . • six LOBES or LAM., • • • Pubis the CU) /lows- Wnt be sold cheap aid on easy tenon. Zoqulse of Wll. BLACICELT, Att - rney-at-Ley. 91 Grant erne:. lalhtf VOR SALE—Engines and Ilan- EBB, Xeror ana.See.ead EU.% or aft kYada eaummilly an band. • . ' • Orden from MI pun ortbs amain mcniptly exteuted. Jillll3 HILL a CO,_ Corner Marlon Aiaaue aud P..). W. aO.gWi Alleshenr. Pa. . OR BALE- Thu three atom MUCK DWELLING, bony located. No. Myer • room, bony City. contain/Ate ten rooms end ba th et az. cold wales In first nod wooed! stern no ieVoigtl=-11474 la Ytuaea. De aRR Etta-. """"" ° %7SifillrilitTy'"k sn.•. • No. 118 ftExtb aaaaa XdOR .11ALE.-AT A BARGAIN. —}lol,lq Alleghen y. OT. leo. 16 Lodi's genet. ward, Bowe; X story fly °YR rooms. well gnisheo sea complete. lot AO by IS to an &day. blood frame *table on Meg of Ice, Tide property la w.rt by the Attention of at dallies . to purchase real estate. Ass hems. on ...come or it. 10.4.1 4.1.4 Colll.ol4llipt, or WI E m•th".v.7.v.l thr.v. d t. re',l47i rot . tbn h .r Infunnatlon. oppl to Diamond, Allegheny. Fon wain: • Tbe subscriber offers tor sale IrIYTEEN LUIGI-SIZED BUILDING I.OTB, Situated On ... Jenlita — street. near the onto Rfier, La the Eltatberard. - Alteclieur. The location. Us/4ot Um most Jeleasmst and issaltbral 1u tbanliY.• 'These lots will be, cold et a small adisuce an first coat and mossy tarraai ela• Or lOU SO bf 134 X felt. Also, NEW TOP BUGGY' and BUOK-WAGOON. and 1 ONZ...ROBSE and 1 11 TWO•011191C WAGON. •• - /MB E I LNT — BOUSB,Noi.II99 Lamas OMR a - outlining 9 rooms, bat and. cold water. Ina. bainrooni, de.... .• • ' TOR ItiNT—MOUSE, Ho. 1511 Thant. Wool. con Canton 9 room. end finhhed stile. Tide boom II Inbhert In modern etyle. Snubs hi *non imlgtborbood,And I. Itrrt-class proper.* In ivory nsDect . - • 116USI1. No: 16. wedeln :meow:. cane: of CbarUero street.oontalalizig S rooms an I nabbed sitlo. 'lnquire or • ; • • • -- : . AL ElrArifOtin POTEWION.. At Yard. Mar/ or Janis% aid Prede stmts. 81.attPward.-Alleatiesy'ett7.' R4A44 pust.le aim or Valuable Oil Refinery ITCI maim or LAND: At Lnnesoter City. Pa., known as i •Lann. oil W0r1w. , 185 foot front on Wall road, wig k rood aiding.. Will Am 0114 without plow°, on THUSAIDAY. Feb: ISTO, at .7 cettooli at noctisugo.llotol..l4inntatce. The works are all new to Cnoitcrir ADO por Terms Made byknook.. nits nett littate. Collection I nto tindranCitAiats, uslaavatatis., - Lancaster. ' ElRS ONAL — Allpersonui seek. INO Rre lIONZIN, or linestasenta to Neal it egetiliii ZlPtieUVlUlllgrail 7.3 TA. I W Mob tITNII." ILO ores avaNOWNI YrerVonjeAt teknurre:647 ttVelfrite lOt It caimans.- Mira - PolLLlPnita.. tubers and Seat it Anal,. no. 4.1 p *sr, • - • Comm' 'ssirrEtrzzLii'- AND .NIT • AVINUN PUN RENT:=L I.orge Store Boom and CaW room. na Goer. Meal on tblrd ‘1110; the largo hall oolong , ta ß . over botli ozone on roertb Door • al.* the bull ' over two d Irani.," no AID oronno; alloottnect.: rd by stairway wi th cats-e. Plllb .L . • - D. OUTHBeter • &MS. .• 011 . - 39111u/I avenue. . TowA LAND *via NALE,....g00 ti Mat = ,, t - TV=Al 4. ll:l4:l74ltriV°4l unr, the w bola or • part. Apo , at ova> to 1011 fourth A UCTION WILE.—A a Eitiine • ...1 Doable Plat n o llfr—.llll ft. Ine. MC ....L. dilkn.t. , , , ntli • oyllootr, of , nob. ban. will bo - told at /Wilto Won. .nklit, waro, oa *06417. Illialasa, ape*. la, .„ ;., • . MEEE3 L