The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 11, 1870, Image 4

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/51fs littsburiA Gayttt.
arl AND BllBtfitliMi.
Oa awl after Aprlll4, MO, the GA
: !MTN 4111 occupy the banding raomtl•y.
.jareaased by Penniman. Reed & 00., on
•tha corner of Sixth ayenne and Smith
- leldatzseL
Roots For lola.
A splendid Bouts in Allegheny City on
the Glassgsm. NOoe but en energetic
man need apply. CYII today at the
.; zirrra pftlem
Candldatee,andmltmty of them for the
affirms:at county offices are In the field.
We beer of three aspirants, and all
'good men, who are willing to go to the
Mete Senate.
iChklEngtneer Hare his been notttled
that the Lawrence Hose Comp a ny is In
eerwbsi again.
The work house population will be in
creased by the transfer of fourteen pris
oners from jail •to-day.
Applltudknis for positions on the lnton•
dad paid Fire Department are quite
numerous and still Increasing.
A petltlan cfrotatlion saklneJa.
Pub Walters, En., to again ba a candi
data for the office of Prothonotary.
Now Hamburg Edgings and Insertions,
row Naimoli Dimling. ete., et hisernm, -
Nlyits Co.'., Nos. 78 and ea Market
01Bela—Tim Pollee Committee' of
- Fittaburgb, Cannella will meet this
(Friday) afternoon. at two o'clock. at
Mayor's °Moe.
Meese heavy grey Underahtrta and
Drawers at 40 cents each—tins white and
grey at'l3o centa s —at Maernm, Olyde &
W. a. Noe. 78 and 80 Market street.
Alderman Taylor yesterday issued •
warrant for the arrest of John Waldler,
a saloon keeper In the Twelfth ward,
charged with selling liquor on Sunday
on oath of Henry Wells.
Cantata Peelety—Special Hottee to
Illiembers.—There will be a full rehearsal
of the Society this _afternoon, at two
o'clock, at th e Hall, on Wood etreet. -A
prompt and full attendance Is requested.
• annuls Sexton made informaUon be
fore Alderman Motlnters yesterday
snubs% her husband, John Sexton, for
warily of the pesos, upon which John
was arrested and committed for a hear
Alderman Arent yesterday issued a
warrant for the arrest M Philip Luther,
with beating his wile, Maria.
te uu rppy couple reside in the Third
wad. Allegheny.
Istpudence Rewarded.—Jerry Rally
was arrested at the Union Depot yester
day fbrinsulting a lady, and alter &hear
ing before the Mayor was tined five dol.
lase and costa, and in derault was own
milted wird! for fortpeight hours.
A' Grand Banquet and Hop will be
primin Lafayette Hall on the 24th inst.,
By the members of the Henry Lambert
Lodge. I. 0. of 0. F.
We understand no Invitations will be
aztand outaide of their own Lodge . -
Onlclat.—Under theabove head. on our
ftld page, will be found Controller Me
Gowan 'a notice, asking for bide from
bank. and savings inatuntione, for the
nee of the unexpended city fund. All
bid. must be handed In before noon on
Ike Sißta Ingt.
Water Pipe Santee. Wednesday
night the water main at Smithfield street
and Fourth avenue bursted and caused
considerable damage to the street, which
eared in for a considerable distance. The
defect In the pipe and the tepees to the
Area are both being repaired.
• Ififoods limn has been selected as the
bre of operations fora gang of thieves.
lu addition to the robbery of Shipman's
Mare, noticed yesterday, they burglar
ised a 'hoe store in the vicinity, and the
tandem. of Bey. Mr. Milligan. The
police thin, far have found no tram of the
likrme sneak thief entered the office of
Weems. Schoonmaker R Son's Lead
Works, Rebecca street, Allegheny, yes
fardsy afternoon about four o'clock, and
stole• valuable overcoat. the property
of Mr. R. F. Northern, who had gone up
.atairs but a few minutes previous. No
Alleged Fraud. Seltzer 'Herber
alleges Henry Sharer became-Indebted
to Mtn to the amount of 125, and then
alter selling out his goods: left the tray
without settling the amount. Alderman
Bolster, of Allegheny. has Lamed a war•
rant for the arrest of Sharer on a charge
Of fraud. ,--
RapLiles' Flint —Yesterday morning
TIMMY ,Evans and . John Filming, em
ployed on (be Penneylvanle Railroad,
Oa laded. wialoh resulted in an Mfor
rnatkm before Alderman Taylor for na
sal:LE and battery. Evans appearing as
rm ut t or aednd. Flitting as defendant.
arr hom .
Mar, Dannais & C 0.4 Cream Ale is
• lawny' recognised by Its beautiful golden
color, transparent brilliancy, and a flavor
which bean, the genuine "tenon" of
Cleft and hops, and nothing else. By
asking for this brand - of ale you are sure
At a drink that invigorate, without Inju
ry to mind or body.
litetaraca.—The thieves who stole •
bone end 'reggae, together with buffalo
robes, • trunk and other article., from
the premises °fn. D.Coeliztui, Fag., New,
Brighten Road, about a week ago, have
Mara myetarioteny returned the minimal
and vehicle, they being found In Mesta
ddierelleerday morning.
. Wawa Prodense.—PeterBmith made In-
Obrmation before Deputy Mayor Nichols
ratiodaY. charging Amulah Hendrick- .
wow with obtaining good. tinder false pre.
tenon. He alleged that the defendant
had obtained a pair of boots from him
trir which he agreed to psy the imm of
gto, alleging that he had .500 owning to
Abandonment.—Barah bfoClatirg.mede
Information before Justice Helsel, of
fgrzolngbam, yestardah charging
her husband. John McCleary. with aban•
Assonant. sbe alleges that hob" a bat:.
!Mal drunkard, and bas refused to con
‘• Vtbnts to the support of herself and
' akildren, A warrant was Issued for Al.
• Sala.
• Test Her 'Minn.—Yesterday Maggie
Thompson made Information before Al
derman Neubert against 'Mrs. Bella
Matthews for larceny. Maggie formerly
boarded wlll4Belle. but thought ttbest to
remove to Philo Hall. She alleges that
her absence from tho apart
somata Terterday Bella 'Tidied them and
curried off a trunk containing clothing
gabled at $2O. Bella will be arrested.
Mr. George K. Swearingen, ■ ma
t/tent of New 'York, (formerly of Ms.
dielphla) whose death en Wednesday
evening. at the_reald once of lila brother-
In Allegheny city, Is announced
fa oa, obituary column, was a brother of
our *steamed fellow citizen Mal. T. Brent
Swearingen, and had many aeltudn.
tomes In this city. His remains will bb
romoirsd. for Interment In the family
Purling ground at Zutesyllle, Onto.
• Cress BelL—Yesterday James Murray.
I shoemaker on Grant street, appeared
betbro Alderman John A. Floyd, of the
esoond ward, and made information,
=g James Braddock with sesstat
tory, and asking that he bo re.
glad to gl i v il e st ball to keepthe pe
ailiop s = " smanated hint and had made
' tarsals against his life. A bearing will
beheld in Macaw Braddock made In.
Ilarsoation against Murray for samaratand
battery before Alderman McMaster.
Ornita. Housa.—Mise 32.1M00 Mitchell
delighted the large audience at the Opera
Haase bra taming with her repreeenue
taxi of 'llmte•, The •Tiny Belle of the
Osaka." This limn:kin Abe lakes a ben.
Wily when the, piece will be repeated.
We hops to see a toll house, th ere is
PM a More deeming soirees on the stage
than Maggie Mitchell, and she
glwajs been a favorite in this city.
Yedezday Jame Braddock, an em
ploys In one of our rolling milky w.
paired before Alderman McMaster and
wade Inhumation, charging lames hint.-
; phy, a boot maker on Grant, with aft.
graveled assault and battery. Braddock
Whew p urchased • pair of boots
. Murphy which more out In a
*w days. He returned to the
shop and. left them for repairs.
tholdentally remarking that the .tuff
oust have been of a ptxPr quality.
whereupo' he *MogenMurphy struck
on the n head wild one M of the boom,
hallotlng a verydeep guh, from Which
blood flowed freely. The amused was
Frosted and pve dal tor Court.
i : 4 l P , i;',i ,C 4 : . = „ 'l • :;- 4 .
Regular meeting—Petitions—Deperts of
Committeer- - .olneers , Salaries—Appro.
Frisbee ordinance.
A. regular meeting of the Select end
Common Connell, of Allegheny City
was held yesterday evening, Thursday,
February 10th, 1870.
• Select Connell.
Members present :—Mesms. Cidiery,
Gwinner, Hall, Hnekenstine, Long, Me
grim, Mon', J. C. Patterson, A. Patter
son, Peterson, Phillips, Relneman, Reit
er, Riddle, Wettaah and President Mo.
The reading of the minutes of the pre
ending meeting wu dispensed with.
Mr. Wattach. a petition asking 001113-
ells to restrain certain parties from con
structing a atone wall across a public
alley in the Seventh ward. Iteferred to
the Street Committee.
Also, a petition , for water pipe on
Buena Vista street. Relarred to the
Water Committee.
Mr. Long, a petition from Hamilton,
Algeo et Co., asking privilege to con
struct a line of telegraph from their plane
o n f u b e agi and e re " the
ca sle ra t e . r to o` thr Creervallavnßi
and Pittsburgh Railroad Depot. Re
(erred to the Committee on Streets with
power to act.
Also, a petition for a gas lamp in the
First ward. Referred to the Gas Com.
MY. mt
Raineinatt. a petition for the
°hangs of the name of a street in the Sev
enth ward. Referred to the Street Corn
Mr. Huckeneteln, a petition for the
opening of a street in the Seventh ward.
Referred to the Street Committee.
Mr. Moral, a petition to change the
name of a street In the Seventh ward.
Referred to the Street Commitee.
Mr. Phtillp., a petition for a gee lamp
on Lincoln avenue. Referred to the Gas
Commutee.. .
• ' Mr. Hall, a petition for a gas lamp.
Referred to the Gas Committee.
Mr. Riddle, a petition relative to the
grading of Gallagher street., Referred
to the Committee on Streets.
Mr. Gwlnuer, a petition asking that an
ordinance be passed authorising the pay.
lug of Adman street. Referred to the
Street committee.
Mr. Hall presented the following re
tort from the Controller:
. To the Honorable the Select and Common
Counetla: •
GENTLEILEN: ,The following recapitu.
'anon shows the amount on each appro.
prlatlen noceasary to pay all the bide of
last year now unpaid, which having been
approved by the appropriate committees,
I would recommend their payment as fol.
lows: . .
do. 3. Eosins', zoo nose.—
No. PnOga~-
No• a. Wharves, .......
T. Harvey.
No. S. Pollee
No. 9. Cowls:eat Yund
KO- Js Mrs
ffio• 17. Ilarstandbor *arrasla
.. ... .ICS OD
Oil DO
2.317 33
11 7 11'?
. G 4 78
. . . _. . .. .
The following bulls having been ap
proved by the appropriate standing com
mittees, I wonid respectfully recom
mend their payritent as lbilows:
.160. 1. Tire Itoulties—lforitTly riay roll
un • aundiy 21 is 82,424 12
No.d. btroate-811ontbly pay rail and
sundry bills 1.110 49
No. 7. darreya—ltootoly pay roll
665 .X.
No.B. Polar - Pay roll and bills for
; r V i ll;PT t l: 26r1a1" lA9
dry bills
1,010 62
Na. IS. 0.1..—8111 a
ea) 10
Nu. It. (11.17 Proparty—lilll 13 91
The report was received
Mr. Hall, from the Plaaupe Oommittee,
preesmteel . theibllowing ordinance firing
the salaries of certain °Metals:
• La. rralsaar. calm the solar!. of aerials
Clt• °facers:
• ..
gro - noie 1. Br It ordained and enacted by the
Select and Common Cunene of ilia Cat at All,
tbenY, me n le nerve y enacted by astborby of
he dune. Taal the Warns of the 0111 °Mien
nen,. destgeste ta sad the mine an beret , :
axed at the moral gnu reeinulvely enhielnea.
City Engineer 12.5 re 00
Centro Com:gingen OW on,
gape rittlendent of water Wait tint 00
Strict LSO tO
Ce.ntroUer 2.0i0
Junior lend (open,. S. U. ...Ocala e..s•
BzC. I. That to mood of any ordmanea or parts
or manta.* as Tony oonolot with or be supplied
M the toregoing,b• aad tha Now is hereby re
Mr. Phillips moved to amend the ordi•
nance by fixing the salary of the Chief
Engineer of the Pits Department at 11000.
Mr. Wet tech moved to amend by axing
the salary of the Assessor of Water Rents
at 11,20 e. Adopted.
Mr. Megraw moved to take up the
matter of salaries seriatim. Adopted.
Mr. Hall moved that the eatery of the
City Engineer be axed at 112,500.
Mr. A. Patterson opposed.the increme.
He said the Engineer now received
#2,400-51,800 from tee city sod 5000 from
the Park Coninshalon.
Mr./dr:gram wee also opposed to In
creasing the salary of the Engineer.
when be received, In addition to the sal.
cry of 11,1300 from the city, a salary of
5000. He would hot object to Increasing
his salary to 52,300, but would Oppose ■
farther Increase.
Mr. A.. Patterson called for the ycos
and na' with the.tbßowl Da remit:
. Yea& —Garinner, Hall; Inns, J. C. Pat.
tenon. Phillips, Relneman, Reiter,
Wettach, and the President--W.
Noys.—Hnokenstine, - ..Megraw, Mani,
-A.. Patterson, Peterson.
So the motion was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Mall, the salary or
the Controller was Axod at 52,000; Clerks
to Committees 5600; Superintendent of
Water Work. 52.000.
' 'On minion or me Long the 'salary of
the Street Commissioner was increased
to $1,500. • .
• On motion of Mr,* Hall the ordinance
was then panted under a anspenalon of
the rnlos.
• Mr. Hall presented the following ord
wince, entitled;
. •
' ordinal:tee levying a It• Peer, gusieese
netd Fenerage Tax for the imer Witt end an t
lulatur the ewes of Water Banta, mdappredinta
tlne +a.* revenue arising therefrom.
sor o • 1, Be if enacted de., That there shall
ameastd, levied ante collected from the
t2soa I T:7P4 d l P e i r.
ntom Joe um ase
the city
dllo, fim t 4 on the
mimeo welsollset, solooloo of tosprooomeals for
mewed, .puspm also. three of
on the dot
tenor lb e support of the poor of the dry; also,
there hi gemmed and 14.104 for the Treece, year
minx of one mill on the dollar for the um of "Id
ct.y on th • %meant of the annual sales of all
rddde, veins and seerchmelse, and upon au
arlseles of trade and commerce eon In the City,
whether sold by auction or other Wise; provides
that all persons, where salts do not amount to
el 010, shall ..e exempt.
:c." hereby farther eneeted that
the drilninee ale °added the litTelsterntb teetlen
of chapter Be renteen lecreartne the rates of
water rents mern•y.ll.e per o.nt. re. and the
same le hereby re.enseted In all Its perused
provlsions. at eept the rate of metre ntealOre.
ebleb Audi re main as Axed by ordinance parted
the Ts h day of February, MM.
550. S. And be It farther enacted that melon
Fernery, of an ordinance named the. 11 th day of
Fehrttery, lign Paint the rats of vehtele license
be and the senate hereby re enacted In all Its
parts and crovieloes.
ban 4 That all the receipts arltlng from
taxes, wenn Meta. merited., gnu and forfeit
ores, and all other source.. Weather with
monies la the ban d• of the Treasurer tot other.
ewise aptroprlated be. and the mme ere berth,
epproptlated to the following comma.
i.e I. flabilea 411 MO 0)
• I interest le Mt 00
/Ca login,. 91.0.4 to
•• a. Printing lAn CO
•` i !Streets 15.000
• 4. Whence sagi Lhoditim 1 500 M
• liPyrll:l‘ 7.707
33 Sna 71
•• 9._ oattegeht Fund 40.4. T. 94
• 10 "Prom eds of i rota Poor Tax
•• 11. Water Wu ........ . 100 CO
.• G. Osittandtast Warrants
••• 3 tias ..
. ... ...... .......
11. bloking Pan.l
Boners Tax
tMot. •
IW4 lab non
Woos and Bark
Vehicle lemon
Leaattrlog Bonds
ual• or Jfermatee
llvea nodfurfettarer.........—. .....
Lot Ranlatlems
Oronr ooads. Beats
Da:tattooer 7 axe. for In
Toe from CullirOnTS for In
Doe from TATUM. Vann fur in
Mr. ?don! moved to strike out that par.
lion of the ordinence providing for the
levying of a sewerage tax.
Mr. Bail said It weacompulsory on the
Councils to levy a tax under tts Act of
A vote being taken-on the motion to
strike out, it was decided in the nags.
The ordinaries wu then adopted.
Mr. Patterson presented the report of
the viewers on the opening of Ohlo street.
Received and ordered to be flied in the
Engineer's office for examination.
Mr. Riddle, from the Committee on
City Property, a resolution authorizing
the Committee to repair the city look.op.
Passed finally under a enspendon of the
Mr. linokensteln presented an ordl•
nano, relative to the grading . of streets.
Referred to the Counnittee on Ordi.
n &nem
Mr. Riddle called np the report of the
Omni:Atte° on City Property, presented
at a former meeting, relative to the crea
tion of silence around the geeond ward
square, Which was adopted in 0. and
nortoonctuved In by O. 11, and ISIOVed to
recede and concur with Ocanawin Coun
cil. Adopted.
Coneelf then adjourned.
tvankon Condi.
President Werner coaled this branch
to Order at a quarter pot seven o'clock,
when the following members answered
to the call of the roll. Messrs. Ash
worth, Brown. Brehm, Comley, Haired.
Gilliland, Bantu, Hunker,
Hastings, Herchenroether, Mont,
Rowbottont, Reynolds. Slack,
Seidl% Taggart, Thompson, Voegtly,
President Warner.
-The clerk read the minutes of the
three preceding meetings which were
Mr. Thompson presented a resolution
Instructing the Street Commlsaioner to
lay several flag stone crossings on. Bea
ver avenue, Fifth ward. Referred k) the
Commmittee on Streets.
Mr. Rowboitom, petition for pipe sewer
on Rash alloy, 81xth ward. Referral to
the Committee on Streets.
_ .
Kr. Harem, petition for water pipe on
Sturgeon street, First ,ard. Referred
to the Committee on Water.
Mr. Etaatings, petition for grading and
paying of Fraaiera alley, Sixth ward.
Referred to the Committee on Streets.
The President, petition for paving
Manhattan street, between Ohio avenue
and Waahington street. Referred to the
Committee on Streets..
Also, petition fora sewer on Beaver
avenue '
between Franklin and Nl"a
streets. Similarly referred.
Also, petition for grading and paving
of Nixon attest, Kalb ward. Similarly
Mr. Black, communication from citi.
rams of Second ward, in relation to grade
of Gallagher greet, eating for the ap•
pointment of a committee to investigate
the matter. listened to Commlttoo on
Mr. Daboll, a resolution authorizing
the removal of a gait lamp on Sandusky
street to the South aide of railroad °roan.
log. Referred to Committee on Gaa.
Mr. DAlzell, from the Committee on
Fire Engines, and Hose, presented the
following report
GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on Fire
Engines would respectfully report that
they have reorganized the Fire Dvart.
meat °Nth° basis of the recent ordinance
creating a Paid Fire Department. Great
care has been observed by your Commit,
tee In the selection of the men, only
those being chosen who -were active fire
men In the volunteer Service and come
well recommended.
In relation to the uniform your Com.
mittee have agreed upon a cheap, plain,
vet withal a dietingulshable °etch, viz:
For officers end men, except Chief En-
gineer, dark blue caps, (Navy pattern)
black bolt with letters in white, "Alle
gheny Fire Department;" also, gum coat.
For Chief Engineer the same style of
cape and gum coats, with white bolt in.
stead of black, and same lettere, color to
correspond with the belt.
Io relation to the Rules and Regule•
Cone for the government of the Fire Do.
partment referred to your Committee for
further consideration and rovielon, tt
was deemed advisable and neoeaaary to
add two rules, one. empowering the
Chief Engineer to detail one member
from each comoany to do extra duty,
and another authorizing him to details
Ferremen to take command at fires in
his absence. The Utiles, as approved by
your Committee, are reported with fav
orable recommendation.
A very important and delicate question
Imposed upon your Committee, growing
out of the disestabilebtuent of theold
volunteer eyatem, and the orgenixatlon
of the Paid Fire Department, was the
I question of price to be paid for the prop
arty of the various oompsulee. The fol.
lowing facts were sucertamed
That the Friendship steamer and a
number of email articles belonged to that
the Ellsworth house, hose ear
-1 rl age and gum coats were theoompany'a
That the hose card/bee, nook and lad.
der truck, horse and two eels of harness
belonged to the company.
. Tour Committee had very fair oder'
from each of the above companies., and
after a thorough examination of the
figural, concluded to recommend the
following amounte se Just and equitable:
Pot 'the 'Friendship Steamer 112,150;
being the balcume due the Amoskesk
For Ellsworth hose carriage and gum
For Columbia effects, not instating
horse, 11000. . _
Total, pas.
Tour committee in view of the refusal
of the Ellsworth to rent the property
now occupied by them, would earnestly
reeomthend that a suitable building be
erected -on the Water Work's property
and the Company removed thereto. _
Your Committee would also recom•
mend the placing of a signal box at the
corner of East street and Medium avenue.
The following resolutions are reported
with favorable recommendations: . •
/kaohred, 'That the Committee on Fire
Engines and liose bo and they are hero.
by anthorlasd to complete the purchases
above enumerated, and that thertkadrol.
ler be and • he is hereby authorized to
certifywarranta in favor of the following
parties: Columbia Company, 1900; Amos.
ken Steam Fire Encino Works, 12,750;
Ellsworth Company, Itils. -
Resolved by the Select and CoMmob
.11116,023 SS
- - - •
CAltniclis of 'the City or daltrw.hety . That
the CoturnUtee on
„Fire Boillusa and
nose be end they are hereby authorized
to have placed In position. ou the corner
of East street and Madison avenue, a
signal box,and the wires of the fire alarm
connected therewith.
The report was received and reerdu•
tiona adopted finally undet a suspension
of the rates..
Fang ORDINANCE comarrrne.
Mr. Comley, from the Ordinance Corn.
mince, presented as their report an act
In rotation to strems. Tho drat three
chapters of the new city charter, ell
act relating to Directors of the Poor, and
an act In relation to lazing banks and
insurance companies. •
The Chairman asked if it was the will
of Councils to hoar the papers read.
Mr. - Wendy moved that the papers be
laid over for conalderation at a •joint
special MORBIOI3.
Mr. Hanna suggested that the popeiti
ahcmld be considered as soon as possible,
en that they could be forwarded to the
Legislature for approval. •
.Mr. Slack amended by antherltlng the
Presidents of Councils to call the special
meeting at the earliest - practicable mo•
ment, The amendment was approved
and the motion as amended was adopted.
Box Moss from Select Council wee then
taken up and several concurrences had,
when the ordinance Increasing the Bala.
?ism of thy officers was read.
Mr. Comlek, was opposed to any M
erest& • Ile thought the salaries were
high enough nowAmd the taxpayers had
enough on ' .
Mr. Rowbottom moved - t o cionsider the
the offices seriatim. Carried. then moved to emend,
by making the salary of the City MOgia
near 12,0 , 70 Instead of 125,700.
Mr. Banns thought 12,700 only a fair
and living rate; fbr the work perfbrmed.
Mr. Black cited the salaries of Engi.
nears In other cities, and thought by a
comparison the work would be found to
be evilly worth 125,700.
. A. vote was finally taken, the yeas and
nays being called; when the amendment
was lost by • vote of 1t yeas to 9 nays.
The salary was then fixed at 1.500, the
action of detect Connell Wing timeurred
A conearrenoe Was had with goblet
Council in fixing the salary of the Clerk
to Comminute at $6OO.
In relation to the salary of the Burßir -
Intendant of Water Works,
Mr. Vocally moved to amend by mak.
log It $l,BOO instead of mcoo, After some
discussion the amendment was lost, and
the action of Select Council in making
the salary 12,000 concurred In by a vote
of 14 yeas to 0 nays.
In relation to the remainder of the
(Aces, omcurroncra were bad, and the
salaries aa adopted 'by S. C. agreed
A motion was then made to adopt the
ordinance as amended, as a whole.
Mr. Comley canal for the yeas and
nays, when the motion was adopted,
Megan. Comley and Taggart voting in
the negative.
Mr. Comley presented a resolution
providing for the increase of the salaries
of all edictal, not mentioned in• o f
and elected by Muncils, ten per
16 M
M S 01
12 0 00
.Vp.1.10 MII
AM MO 00
. 14 OM CO
. 95.000 00
. 15 MO CO
. 7.[00 00
fioo OP
"JUI 00
2 W 00
1.000 00
41 7= 41
1.651 10
3.671 34
11:2) 140 111
In offering the resolution the gentle
man stated that as some had been raised
he thought all should be treated alike.
He wlahed to have the salaries of the
- • •
Clint of Markets, Me:senger and Weigh
Master of the f 'rat and Second ward
scales Increased. The resolution was 40
amended and then referred to' thp Ft
ranee Committee.
Mr. Ilezttoga' resoltitton foaming
the salary of City Assassor from *4OO to
fOOO was referred to the Finance t om.
The Oonptroiler's monthly report was
read and the action of Select Council In
adopting It concurred In. '
na appropriation ordinance was next
read and a motion made to ooncnr.
Mr. O'Neill moved to &mead by strik
ing out the Ave milt tax for sewerage
Mr. Hanna said he did not know what
the gentlemen meant, but he know that
Councils would have to levy a sewer tax.
recording to the sot of Assembly. The
law might be wrong but the tax meet bo
bEr. McNeill said that baa been the
talk lastyear and ho did not believe in
haying the same gems played' again.
This sewer assessment business was well
known and hardly needed argument to
show Its Injustice. Rethought tide might
be laid over and 4 new law procuretf in
thirty days.
The yeas end nays were allied op
suspension of the rules-sad a anneal.-
ranee with Select Council in pulling the
ordinance finally. The vote resulted in
12 yeas and 8 nays, and the ordinance
was accordingly paned, the requisite
two-third majority being in the affir
Mr. McNeill offered a resolatkm in.
structing the Assessor - of sewrage tax to
levy no asseeement property entirely
surrounded by.water:
...The gentleman explained that some of
the islands, such . as Herr's. were within
the limits of the - city sad liable to taxa
tion-for these sewers. The residents
there were oompelled to pay a bridge
tax, and semi-annually had their proper
ty overflowed, entailing a imMelent tax
without having any more added to
Mr. Hanna moved to amend by exclu
ding ftom tax all property under water.
There were some ponds in the First ward
which he thought should be exempted.
The resolution was referred to the Com.
=atm) on Streets.
District Court—Judge Hampton.
THI3IIBDAT. Feb/11MT .10.—The cue of
Weisenbeger vs. Balm previously re.
ported, is Mtn on trial.
154 Maskrell k Jotinson, for nee,. vs
Cook, et al.
110 Citizens 011 Refining Company TB
156 Kre(ling vs Becket.
08 Leahy vs Nobta.
161 Gallagher va Sweeney;
131 St. Aaprews Church vs Hoag.
140 Steamer "Wild Cat". vs Steep:ter
106 Smith va Youghiogheny Iron and
Cost Cones m 7•
11:1 Harrison vs'Ehereton & Wilkins.
145 Louis vs Johnston. •
Common Pleas—Judge Starrett.
THURSDAY, February.lo.—ln the cam
of Hoehhebner as Vogel and Walter, re•
ported on trial before Judge Sterrett
yesterday, the jury found found for: de..
The next ease taken up aris that of
Joseph P. Lynch vs Thomas OlteHey et
al. Action to recoverdamages. Veictlet
for 'defendant.
. Alonzo Stanley by his next friend
same. Moreland ye Edward Hohman.
Action to recover damages _for alleged
negligence of defendant. The plaintiff,
who la a young man of about • nineteen
year+ of age, in company with other
young men, it appears, were engaged in
wrestling, on the evening of the alit of
May, in the Vicinity of a graveyard on
Fourteenth street, Birmingham, and the
plaintiff, getting tired of the sport, start
ed to run away, and proceeding along
Fourteenth street et a rapid pace, fell
into an excavation for a cellar on the
premises of the defendant, which, it was
alleged, had been left unguarded by de
fendant.. The bottom of .the excavation
wee covered with ...maul n or sharp
stone, and the plaintiff was so seriously
injured by the fail ae to be unable to
to rise. fie Called for help and hie OM
ponious came and assisted him out and
carried him to a doctor'. office where,
on examination, his leg was found to be
severely fractured below the left knee.
The fracture was reduced and subse
quently the injured man wu removed
to the Homeopathic Hospital In ibis
city, where ho lay over six months,
when it betame necessary to amputate
tile leg above the knee. It was alleged
by the plaintiff that there was no cover
ing over the excavation or harkade to
prevent accidenta, and that It wets too
dark ILI to render it tuggullble prr plain
tiff to see the excavation.
The defendant set ups plea of concur
rent negligence, alleging that Uwe was
a A 11050.1001 barrloade and that there was
a vas lamp burning acmes the atreet,
and further that the defendant was
toalested. On trial.
345 Metzley Ts. Jacoby.
Ski lissainger U. Patton's ex'r..
214 1 , 54r11ne ve. Catnpneil al at
=I Schmidt ea. Embry Eros.
2430 Swaney ea. Gordon 44 al.
240 'fabler va. ItlabelL
181 Kennedy et aL VS. Dlthridge
218 Steen et aI vs. Glitoore et al.
352 Jenkins vs. MeOlaren.
349 Martin vs. Gibson.
257 Dickey ta. Chapman.
Al L&4U Boy Severely Woombiled.... Nei
The danger of playing with fire-arms
had another illustration Ig an accident
which occurred in Allegheny yesterday.
4 little boy about twelve years orate, by
sotne means procured a pistol, which he
loaded with poWder and shot, and placed
in a pocket of his pantaloons, along with
hl. handkerchief., Shortly afterward be
was standing on Chestnut Street, Sev
enth ward, wilt a number of companions,
when forgetting about the pistol, he has
Illy pulled out his handkerchief. In
miming out the linen caught ou the ham•
mar of the 'teapot?, and as • result, an
explosion Occurred. The - load of shot
tore his pantaloons.' end pasting out,
lodged In the leg of a corepanion just
above the Yeas The Sounded boy fell to
the ground, bat was picked up' and
taken into a home near by, where Dr.
Enrhart was called in. After muldder
able MM.:city ths .phyaiclan utoceeded
in extracting the shot gild properly
dressing tbe.woundiwiten the little etc..
tim was carried to his home. HILDA-
Judea, though .very painful,nre not con
sidered dangerous, although his escape
was very narrow. The boy who carried'
the plan)! was not hurt beyond a slight
scorching he received from the flash of
the weapon. If the_abot bad lodged hut
en inch below where It .did, his aim.;
pinion would have been maimed far life,
or the conaequencee might have beau
. .
Antietam . j Illarrepir(attessi .)870--
" Compansen with last
Financial matters, especially !those
whioh •relate 14 kluge city, are always
Interesting and Instructive. Lut eve
,ning-the Allegheny Connell@ made .sp.
Propitalleni to cheer the mitilelpal ex
penses during 4870. Following he estate , .
ment showing the comParleon between
those of IND and 1870 whintimill be found
worthy of consideration by those inter
ested in the management of our local
4pnropHatfone. 1870 1169
madarles • !I :!? 1101100
0 ......-
TCIIII. ii a 5, i ii , ' Ei Eiii 1A
I' rlot la x ' I 203 00 3MO 00
Nticto.o.o4 Bridges.... 25 000 03 ' =.OOO 00
Wh4tves sod Landfalls 2.00:1 IA Low 0)
Sp rv.yo • 7,71 n 00 ' 5.100 00
toffee ' !Emty n 37.361 23
Poor yawl iKiis ii .. ii:cii tee
Poor Yam ti Jar 4 tan) i 0011110:1
Water Werlo 11.100 01 •• • al, COCO
Unpaid elahra. 16.18104• Re SO OD
Oa' , loom'' 11011011
1110klaa Pond.— ....... 30,073 OJ • :11.134 21/
WOSti no.a, Lai 17
DMA Payable.... ....... I LI 17J
0117 rryper it - moo co- *Am 00
04 191 a 7
..10,170 01
T rat
We had the pleasure of a lengthy con;
venation yesterday With Stephen Bar
ker, Faq , of New York,. brother of the
late J. W. Sicker, &eq., of Lids city. and
one of the administrators on hls estate.
Mr: Stephen Barker is a meet affable,
genial and courteous , gentlemen,,
seems to possess all • the noble chines
end qualities for whteli hle late and
much lamented brother was so eminent
ly duitlngulaited. altbough a redden!
of New York, he Is proprietor 44 a dry
goods establishment In Louisville, which
•Is one of the largest of the kind In the
State of Kentucky. His object In visit.
ing our city at present is to emulate the
progress of the administrators' male of
dry goods at 2. W. Barker et 69
Market street. He Informed um yester.
day that he had given orders to the part
ners hero to emcee out at seventy-five
cents on the dollar, rather than continue
the sale much longer, as the administra
tors have no discretion In the 'matter of
continuance, and the Immediate settle
menu oral 2 .4o o entis Is Imperative.
Fn*' peal
Meat Inspector Lindsay found -some
veal yesterday , which he thought rather
flesh for market, and authorized - the to.
lice to take It In charge. It appears it - MI
while In the dirchstgo of
,his ditties In
East Liberty, ImAnst 'Daniel Mike, a
butcher doing busintwO in the , Seven.
teerdh ward..who Mid til-hb; Posiossion
two calves; which be had purchased in
.tne vicinity of East Liberty, Ind. which
It was Alleged were not more than two
weeks old,' rather a "tender" age for
veal. The • calves were seised by,.the.
ponce and Mr. Mike Informed Qua be
would bo required to answer. do. Mr.
M. stated that it was not OW Intention to
alanehter the calves at present, and if so
the Meat Inspector had no right to seize
them. Tdere is no ordinance to prevent
a man from hauling olives two vfeaks
old through Me city.
etillerrna , sad 'ladle's flap Ciattmere
BtoMt3otte;lll ttatatemp °Mart,' at one.
belt tenant priced; a MACIOIII
00.4 a Noe. 713 sad 80 Market atZeta.
Consolidation 'of Leading - Trunk. Facto.
rtes—Liebler at the Head of the Trade,
Every sign of the times assures our
business community that the coming
Spring trade will be one of unusual
briskness and proepertly. Our leading
merchants are busily engaged in prepar
ing for It, closing out their stook, im-
proving their stores and ware rooms and
liking up genetslly. We do not hear of
many business changes to be made. but
we have one td record today, which ta
the Melt important of the season so far.
I . l l..foselth Liebler, the popular and
successful manufacturer of trunks, whole)
Mahe has long been intimately sweets
ted with that particular line of business
hart' Inn furnished the mercantile cone
mulaitY•rith fresh evidence of hie Indent.
Bahia energy, enterprise and persever
ance. We refer to his purchase of the
extensive trunk factory of W. J. Gil
more, No.loo Wood street, immediately
adjoining the Ihmous Premium Trunk
leretory, over whom destines Mr. Liebler
basso long and successfully presided.
Both of • thee., large houses have
been consolidated, and will continue
to be run ,sender the solo man
agement atilii4itoprietership of Mr.
Liebler. liar Is this all our Taman
KING. has accomplished. He has par
chased a number of smaller trunk storm
and la now master of therrituatton and
better able to compete with all eastern
and local houses • His complete and ex
tensive factory, on Penn street, Iri one of
the heat conducted in the country, and is
kept constantly in full operation In order
to supply the large orders which are di
rected to the principal and branch estab
lishments. A large hum of the • very
best, most experienced and skillful me
chanics are kept in employ, and the
workmaship of every trunk, valise or
carpet sack which leaves the factory leaf
A No. 1 character. He manufactures all
styles of trunks from the little, tiny toy
trunk up to the leviathan Saratoga or
bridal trunk. Ile uses only the very
best leather and materials ' and warrants,
in all Instances, twatford t he largest de
gree of retie/action to hie patrons. In.
deed, so high a reputation has been at
tained by hie trunks, that It lea common
saying on our railroads among baggage
handlers that it would be as °hard to
break as a Liebler trunk."
Mr. Llebipr,while really monopoliz
ing the greatrnuk Lundeen of the city,
will coMintui• to favor the public with
good articles in his line at as reasonable
prices as could possibly prevail. Whole
sale and retail patrons can rest assured
that it la to their interests to bestow their
orders in his direction, a. they will not
only receive kind attention and honor
able treatment,' but will likewise Have
the advantage- of large selection dud
cheap prices.
In noticing tide West bold business
stroke on tee part of Mr. Liebler, we
cannot help expressing our admiration
for Ma pluck, energy, will, deter
mination and enterprise- lint, a few
years ago he entered the city ithout
capital or influential friends, but with a
good character and honest determination
to work at hie trade end build himself
. •
In business; life. • Deaervelly prosperous
and singularly suceensful, he finds him
self to day at the bead of the largest and
most popular trunk bonito went of the
Allegheny mountain., and we • truut he
may long coutione to merit and receive
• fall .bare of public patronage.
. The stook at the principal headquar
ter., Nos. 104 and 106 Wood 'street, is
very large and Inviting, made especially_,
IKI by the recent coneolidation, and moll.
try merchant& and dealers will - Ilnd no
other eatabilehment en atirsetive; The
trunks made cre of superior Quality. as
1.40 came of Llebler s regared every
where a• a guarantee of the perfection
of any article in the line.
State Temperance ' tlost
COrtetletudeeee of the kittabergh ()seethe)
11.111111181ILT110, PA., Bob. 9, 1870.
The Convention assembled yesterday
at 10 'a. U. One hour was apent In dove.
Llonal exercises. -Hon. IS. IL Chase was
elected temporary chairman.
. The committal, of one from the county
reported nominations for permanent or.
glalliatknla CO wining of a PreaWent,
fifteen Vine Prceidants, live Eineretarics
and one TreamMer. The Chair to appoint
a business committee of fifteen.
• Qelte a number of Important resolu
tions were pained.
' The Idea or a third party, with tempo.
raucous Its leading Issue, was thorough
ly discussed. bin the organisation defer
nod In trope that the Legislature /I: pass
the Mil now vending called •••Tb Local
Option 8111.” which they were o only
requested to do. A great deal therefore
depends upon the action of the Legisla
ture during this present 141•110t1. it Is
my opinion that if nothing la done In the
matter by them, that the temperance
men of the State will organise a Prohi
bition party, and thus place the Iran be
fore the people and resisting panne will
have to take the enrosequoccea. We hope
however. for the needed legislation.
Lbrivention closed to day, having been
,a very Intereetlng as well as earnest sea.
aloft. There were upirards of three bun.
dred delegates. AU .parts of the State
were reptmented.
The Last Chance
What desperate efforts a , man will
make when be comes to the last chance
tor lire and liberty. Just se desperate,
annoet, are prudent men in their efforts
to more . money. They should take. ad.
,vantage of every opportunity—every
efianess, • •
The famone -Tobias, the Napoleon of
clothiers, now glare to the public the
last chance to obtain winter clothing 'at
lees than first oust. The great closing
out sale which has been in progress at
the ...big 13" for some time, will be
brought to an end March. At thet date
alrerniter clothing hot . drapcaed or will
be peeked away, and a magnificent stock
of new and faahionable spring goods will
take its place. PTOAI today until the
Brat or March, the stock ofovercoats will
be sold at fifty per omit. less than :gra
ter ratite; heavy instore :mita twerity.tive
roar Cent ,aqd all other ready made
clothing Illy per cant.; this is actually
selling out al one,half met. A splendid
spring overcoat eau pow be obtained for
IS, and pante and vest for FL., Boys'
°lolling will actually be -sold thin week
at half piles. Let all gill upon Mr.
Tobias, at the "big 19," during the pro/.
ant week. and make their purchases- in
theelothing line while theft famous bar
gains may bo obtained. Don't forgot 13
Sixth street. (old St. Clair), the greatest
bargains in the city. See the new
..Prince - Arthur" suits, just brought on
by Mr. Toblu.
the Anderson Cavalry
Few of the military regiments of tho
late war carried their banners; more
bravely and autioeurally In the Wriggle
with armed rebellion than the Anderson
Oavahy. ttfarefbre proper that a
neat and prettl volume, entitled .A.eavem
from • Trooper's Diary," fresh from the
prose, and written In eloquent and pet.
Med leragnage, finds welcome. It is
from the pen of John A. B. Williams,
Esq., of .Philadelphis, and does fall
credit to the ability of the author. Every
soldier who served in the regiment
should paean a copy of this great his•
torlcal work. White there Is much that
will. prove . interesting and remanent.
five reading matter to all clams .
An appendix comprises an authentic as
of the famous Meeting In the
Andaman Cavalry sad of the muses
which led to it while in Nuhville. The
book should - have large sale in this:
community. It is abut by mail, poet
paid, for one dollar. Addreathe author
and publisher, J. A. B. Williams, Box
2144, Philadelphia.
17141,1 be Schools
If there le one duty In therworld of
which parents and guardians are negli-
gent It la that of .vialtlng the schools.-
The teacher wants, and to order -to be
'nonmetal. must have, the hearty Co.
operation °laureate. If thoy talk with
him frequently, about Ms pupils, at their
homes, It lb well; If they visited the
school room conutionsily,
.11 la much bet
ter. The presence of father or mother at
chUdas recitation,
ones a week, or even
will once • month. wiheve a salutary Influ
ence on both teacher and child.. Even
the parent, In many Instances, will be
bens tied. Ills or ner attention - will be
awakened to questions which might nth
erwise go unthonght of for years, and
which have practical bearing ott the
land. To parents everywhere, then we
say, visit the schools of your neighbor
hood at least two or three times during
the term. Your children will be do
lighted with your presence, and teachers,
who feel an Interest In the great trust
confided to their care, will ever ilvo you
a cordial welcome,
For fashlinatde hair-dressing, plain or
-by curling, and a 'frizzle, for a hi: orlon"
shave or bath, and for skillful cupping
and leeching, call at WillistmcAz
gsnt *Coon at NO. no -Federal surges,
Gesttitian" , and Boris Pape r collars„
10 bease for ilaty cas ts—`oat style aitd
make—at Macrame, Glytte a Co.'s, Nos.
7810 d 80 Market street. • -
In ciao, quarteraGared by an Wail-
ated Animal--Eleverety -Wounded.
Yesterday afternoon • resident of Al.
legheny bad an exciting adventure
which almost him his life. The
gentleman la Mr. Jacob Hass, botcher,
reeldlnig on . Greerd street, Third ward.
About eleven o'clock he went to his
slaughter house on Spring Garden
avenue, to commence.. his ;cork of pro.
paring for this morning's market. In
the stall was a bullock which had been
Penned up three or •Ibur dart, and na
turally-with plenty to eat and no exer
cise, became a little wild and excit
able: Mr. Haaa watts attended by two
assistants, who made - preparation. for
slangtdering the animal while` ha went
to bring it out. ',ln coming to the
slaughter pen from "the ktall be led the
bullock along a • narrow pawajte way.
keening a short distiffice n advance of
It. Just an the two4eSared the pen the
animal suddenly became excited, and
quick as thought medea plunge forward.
Mr. Haas was caught with one of Its
horns, in the neck, Just behind the wind
pipe, lifted off his feet and burled with
force against a wall about ten feet ca.
He lay there bleeding and: helpless,
villa •• ' " Id bullock made
while the infuriatet. aulloak -prep
arations for another attack. By ibis
time the attention of thenther men was
called to the place, who with some diffi
culty succeeded in getting the wounded
man further away before he had been
otherwise injured. The bullock was then
secured. Dr. Ehrhart was called as soon
as possible, and attended the victim,
who was weak and faint from the wound
and lose of blood. It was found that the
horn had passed almost through the
neck and within half an loch of cutting
out on. the opposite aide. After being
properly attended to, Mr. Baas was re
moved to his residence. The physician
does not consider the wound owes:fart.
ly fatal, although very severe and pain-
The condition of, the victim was
somewhat improved last night, and with
care it Is thought he will be &bon; again
In a short time.
Excursion Over ;the Allegheny Valloy
and 011 Creek and Allegheny River
as Teterraph to tha Plttaburgh tihsette.)
OIL Ciri, Feb. 10.—The talkers and
directors of the Allegheny -Valley Rail
road, and a number of the leading mar
'chants of Pittsburgh arrived here to-day,
cMiaing the new bridge over the Alio.
ahany river at this place, connecting
with the Oil Creek, and Allegheny River
Railroad, and forming a direct conneo
don between Pittsburgh and Buffalo.
The officers end directors of the latter
road Join the party at Oil City and mate
an excursion over both roads.
Polities In New Respelllre.
By Telegraph to the l'lttabergh Climate.)
Conoonn, N. R.; February 10.—The
political contest In this State waxes warm.
The Democratic party Wall not put any
speakers In the field, but will allow all
so disposed to go over to the • Labor Re
form petty. A new secret organisation,
called ..Lsber League.' has been formed.
and It Is rumored it Is to offset the Labor
Reform movement.
—The remains of Hon. T. H. Hoeg ar
rived at Toledo, Ohio, Wednesday, from
Washington, under, escort of a Congress.
tonal thmuuttes and a Deputy Sergeant
at-Arms of the House of Repreeente•
Liven. At the depot' the cortege Mill met
by the Board of Trade In a body and
large concourse of citizens, and escorted
to itie residence of the family. The
farieral took place Thursday afternoon
and was the moat imposing affair ever
witnessed in that city. • Boehm.' was
generally euspanded. The Mayor, City
Courted, Board of Trade and other civic
bodies took part In the ceremonies.
Many thousand persona attested their
regard for the deceased by surrounding
residence during the aervices, and
several hundred In carriages and on foot
accompanied the rentsina to 'Forest Cem
etery, whore the body wu Interred In
the family burring ground.
—The Postmaster General Ili getting
nom. sharp rape from Congress for nis
agency in exemplifying the sacred right
of petition. The House is disposed to
require him to mike an exhibit of the
mat of printing the circularly and blank
• petitions provided by him to get op a de
monstration against the franking system,
and the amount of franking required to
get these papers through the postoMosa
and before Congress. It is charged, too,
that there is nut a voluntary name upon
any of the petitions. and that the woolly
enterprise Is the. Postmaster' General's
private Job. However resentful mem.
hers may feel, there are great abuses cf
the franking privilege. Nine.tenths of
the Bohemians get their envelope., ready
- franked, from Congressmen many of
whom are Injudiciously liberal with their
—Senator Sumner has been 'lnter
viewed" on the Cuban question. The
Senator Is strongly opposed to recount.
lion of belligerent rights as the case now
stands, and giveu la one reason that It
would Instantly, Involve the United -
States In a war with Spain, and as a con
sequence a Si:mental crash • would ensue
that woutl shake the pillars of the Gov
ernment Fa their very foundation; be
aides, he not sure as to which would
come out Brat beet to the event of a con
test between the United States and Spain.
Mr. Sumner believes, however, that both
Cube and Canada will be peaceably an
nexed to the Union within ten years,
and that we shall: absorb Mexico, the
West Indies and Use whole of the North
American continent. Wo have a Moral
right not only to this continent but to
the whole of this hemisphere, and we
shall acquire both.:..
Additional Mallets by Telegraph.
CIIICA(10, Februati 10.—In the after.
noon the Grain market' were generally
qhlet. Wheat excited and arm, cloning
at Sic cash.. Corn abd Oita nominal at
the closing prices On 'change. Proofs.
lone active and prides' Arm, and on Mess
Pork fully 500 per barrel higher; at the
close there were btlyera cash pork at 'r27
and buyer the month. FAIN. Mesta
firm. tArd held xt 160. Sakai Meat
Pork oasis at 127; .„ buyer February at
$26,75(§)27,25 seller March $27.
Short rib middle!' seller March 1.4 c;
abort clear leXo.
Iltntsumo, Feb.. Ao.—Catllol Fresh re.
colpte, 1600 bead;; Making MOO In all.
The market today In active and advance
sustains& with salmi of 1,2.50 bead at 13X
@We for extrit,',lX6Rge for prime,
6.3i0 , 730 for fair and &3 ®6%c for poor
to medium. Sheep: receipts moderate;
and market fairly active, with sales of
IEOO head at s%®7eer Canada, 4136ig630
fir common to fair western and fligago
thr extra mulch cows. Hogg Steady and
Unchanged, •
NL W ontawni, February 10.—Oetton
ender; middling 24X(104Xi0 sales 7860
bales; receipts 6709. Fiona Um at 95,40
(46,00. COM cr o tti mixed 70Xo. Wheat
9410. Oats Jinn $1.115. Hay:
prime liZ/. - Pork 120.26@129,50. Sager
armor; prime 12.4.___'115/23i°' o°l4 12" i.
NOW York Bight ...mange 3L discount.
Sterling BOX.
. Maw FAANCISOO, Fetrrnary 10.—Flont
and wheat quiet 'and nominal. Legal
tenders, 83M. Cleated; Minden*, for
Liverpool, with maxt seeks wheat. •
BARRICR—ZAIIIe—At the reeldenee or the
tmcle , e parents, la Xbeaeberit. Pa., ea thorn/.
re.t.. by Bey. B. M. Kerr, Ur. Y. U. 81.11K5.8.
tellies .11A801I A. ZAllii. •
. •
(We tender oar heartiest eanaratulatbens to
the heppr 'noon couple, sad with kir them •lip
Hill ‘ 4. peuou . proepertti , And eontentresat.)
1 3WakttINGEN--.14 tke reside:ea of Ns
brother.ln•lmr, N. a.W._Lale, Allegheayell3.
Vitr).lllV2.7.Brealltra 11".Ine'r
014, formerly ot
The remains will he; taken, ho Thheville ;or
ANDICRSON—On- WrOtoesda inst.. at
tP., ° 1 7 ;.. 1 110 liebt 1 141:gti
ancl ' all any.. sled 11 montW
The - tuneral will tabs Waco front tng lelljon4o
of her parents. No. SI ?AAdaltreet, nun tort.
dayl ItOoxinq at 10li o'clock. The &tends ol
the family are reNuotfully invited to attend. •
PNlVinlYee letardg ' slWV:P
Wa. A, toner, gird 14 year.
all MOW.
Paaeral 10 .DAT. 111 A lust., .Pcloelr, room
Zmanuel Chorob, 'Allegheny. Prlerds
Wally ars rOmmettelly turlte4 thaNead. •
PATTZROON—thtTilektly mondp.. r e b rom,
a }lr. youngest uus. Capt." Hen Mr.
ivi.,o ll :;ol A r-Ve , t:l;}
& PEEBLES, ult.
DB x 4xuay i p tir sw HIM •
t ow.
.........umlintY. *lnn Ittetr VOW%
indtstion BotewOod. M 11 : 4 41 . VI IC%
tent e " P rf . r tz 's ill ' l e
l e . t .
.4 1,1 eit , .Z.• 0 ,
Moo Wthilit .1 sii Laoof ii - o=
liatsatot . , . ( oon' SI ilMarft CU
lani - xtmirersicrune.
41./4 MIirrECET..
liCanisalil lirs,srais lhars.labed.
.21 LIG tantialuaaat at rk
M . ‘77r.rW
167, 168, 169 and 170
Al. nom mewed to furnish VINEGAR at the
LOWlitiT 11AltilY.T HATI/23. Attention le pat ,
ticularly called to our
Oil Cloths, Window Shade&
Itigrain Carpets,
At the Lowest Prices Ever, Offered.
Por a Short Time to Prepare for
Nape marked ;tarn= "'-
Carpets, °—
Oil Cloths,
Drug - gels, Nc.',
Hare bussing con be secured by those .I , l_bi•
patio( their wants by terse edirbbt•Ab 01 ."
Inducements offered by
S 3 Fifth Avenue.
Positive Reduction In Prices
zillion Rugs,
Crumb CIOBA4I,
19 . C .
.r.. it 711TH vairva,
11, Is, 2, 21, 3,3 . , .31 and
Suitable ibr • Parlors.
Woolen, Linen and Cotton,
aotwlthstaadlas the asdualateue4l4.lll
as 1b... roods.
111111 LIND & COLLINS,
71 and 'l3 Fifth Avenue. .
The Tery Batt In the United Stites. .
981 Jrorth Serrefith Street,.
d tagrzaces—All the laulln hormatgas-
lamealelnin as
Have Removed UP
NOB. $B4 AND 888 PENN,
Iglalranth st.. (formerly Canal.)
1 1 65.1117. IS% 7 W. lalt sad 1/20.
./1118T ETHILI7, 1.127331:120H.
111•111:17ACIIIIIIZDA Or
( *Ma DOEUed Pun W_lndatib_
also. dealers la YOKILION SMILE and Lem
WORE. HOPE, do. alidLala
/ 142; fir. 1 7 ,1 6101* oil :) A
CORM P, oa
SOYO2III Avenue and Liberty St.,
1 , 41,
wag ow . Boom Emewrdag Hold
A NTliengritg a gViarit thar
oath wiit e rio=l Milirserdt
tondo& aoo good we will bilging ad Ilgook i ion
OHS H. 9 WAR7 ,' lxtlieeee.
Near' e rst i kETT" - rissio'" wr. n irat, m ro:
1ti 4 1,131 AND
COL WWI MOUE t ism rt.
Prn9ll:oltalit, Pl.
ICll7r're !tk° IA; •
.1.7 1 1 474. 3 1 1 5 e1tera—a1l &lees pkgs.
• Labrador Waeltrel; .
Rased Ilmbas;
Cod run:
Whined Aldida
he leo. ll4 Wood Se..
Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
-Assets, Over $500,000.
All Policies limed by this Comp./ are permit.-
..illy Noir•Porfeiting afted. t h e payment of one
Annul Premium.
Dividends annually declared and nulled on
third annual premium, either on the permanent
t om ,. or aneopollu, or in reduction or smut.
• .....
General. Agent, •
167 1-2 Wood Street, Old ftoor,)
/Pr liallabla Assuan wissitud.
Of Pennsylvania°See 75 St., Allegheny City.
Bev..J. CLARK. D. D..
Bev. A. K. BELL lAD
Bey. P. H. mcnner,
W.A. MAIM Cmhter Allegheny Trust Co.
JACOB BUSH, Boot Estate Agent ,
BOSON DB.Uhf. Mayor of Allegheny,
' C. W. BENNY, Hatter.
A. B. BELL. Attorney-at-Law
D. L. rierriunoN. Lamb. idembLat.
D. !MOORE. Insurance Agent.
Caps. ROOT. ktOBIMBOD. Preeldowtt.
JACOBIeI.tkLARK.D.D..VIo• Proalduat.,
RLIBII, Beon,tary,
U.K. MEANT. 'Prewar...
M. W. WHITE, IlgoicAL
Jobe 11..Donaldron. Allegh •ny. Pa.
W W. MAO. Rochester, Pa.
key. James Holllngahrad, Beaver, Pa.
P. Courath, McKeesport. Pa.
George H. Jonnson Bletrwrllle, Pb.
J. S. Etrayer Johnstown. In.
Company strictly rentuAl. Alt mitts sterulnX
to policy holders by dividendturned ennu•lly
minuendf of the ant year .
All policies nen
f late
gee MI !Mk Avenue. Second Mow.
Capitol All _paid Up.
Z P e i dar. •
Jake 11111. 18. Id*Clorkan. J. Y. 8.110 7 .
nosing thzdtb.lJeo.B. Walpole,
nro. P. actiNlNds, v
• Joe. T. JOHNSTON, Se
OeDie 8..1. *MACE. 00
Imam on Liberal Terma
and Marine Rig
011 all inn
WM. P.' HERBERT. Secretary.
CAPT. BDHitrY SIXXLD, emend Agent.
02Bah VX Water street, Spans A 0o. , • Ware.
1114nop stairs, Pltteborrh.
ll twos* ageism Mnds Tiro and Ma
llet Stsits. A Moe managed by Di
rector, whom, well known to the ommently,
sad whom determined by promptness and Mem'
sllty to emintato the ammeter whine tool OM.
smutted. &mitering Ma best proteerms to Wte
trtio deed tow lamed:
Alasmoder Flatlet. Jean B. JIMATImrs
B. Killer Jr. flbas.4. k r : Larko,
711IIILS Manley,
Alesanderr, o n .rEsar laric K =4
„dfri t es.
IlanstM. Wm;
Car. Federal U. ar.d Diamond, illegkeay,
s tima t. th. kuccoarro zunolui. BARE
ga rt.,y
lli% Z. la v Tim
eihart. "
J 10.0. 4
30%, 8r0vr...11. etorie Gent, iamb D.
0.k1.11/1111sass .100. Tioarpson 1. Mc2(milta.
0171011. li. L 00ENZM WOOD & 111 NTH IS&
♦ Horn* OlaDaa7.4kl aiTire sad Waring Mak!
ndlltra. °a pt. Joan L. Woad;
Ps Watt. ' .nel P. Marl.;
eau Z. Party Chart. A..He
C. H. Lave,
t. V. Hirt. Jared 11. Brash,
Wm F. 1...
J. D. Verner. Intent.' ateldrickart
WY/. PHILLIPd, Presidet.
JuHN WATT. Vlea Preeident.
- W. P. ItARDNER. Herm.,
QFFio;WL 411401fICNPNUT scar
Marla W. Saunter. Nordoildff. leoNt
SOUW gym, David B. mirk.
Emmet Grant, itd='b.
imv. 0. Da_ult, Vino Pre/Mont. 1-
W. O. Irrt tbara is t i tz,r,„ . •
North Went corner Third and Woodlrglit.
. .
p... 1.4. . • , . , - - 7
OP 0010111.110 i BUILDING. „.
This is a Home Illomissay, awl Immo usiasl
lesss_leff Plye exclusively. .
LioNARDRLTILIS; ryes:Joni. ,
0. 0. BO Vice eretlAcut. ''. '': -
. n u i y i ltT me l. 4 M :
i rr w u 17. • .
. • . DTIMITO118:
Leosasilgalier. -.. • GeorT l Wllsoo,
0. C. Boyle, _.. Geo. . Evans, . -
Hobert Paula. •
J. C. Any. ; .
Itirli= " :"__ . • . igiV ri oelt . 4 . . -
as. H. Hopson.; , A, Oxman. , .
Haar Boma. . , . I . ITC
14.11,N0. 3711FT13 STRIEST, Banc 13__.
. aiatast all kinds of l'Ir• aa4 NAM'
JORN Illirni, Ja.. Preedeal.
Q. J. nil V' gr,l;r 44 °,
. OAP*, LYE. 0......4, *gut .
Lau inon. an. . , p_, L_, l_akaastailt .
J. lemma. .
~.r . "b 1. ,.. x e tiz o, a .. ,
Bit' 471=4, /awl Mon s , d . '
C C IVTAL I Teara ' t u kiiev6, U.,, 12.4.
MNnit • M''4" ... 7.41Mj . 77770
armsr GOODS.
somatic' . Aura 013111414
SUM:“ :""a".a P larte4A : sSee nD k
*I au daseepticou.
rt= zr i ct t. tzla
♦ unnlasOstsossl otsew pattems sat slim
Jost recare4. A Mesa sad Ballasts Wspa,
Voss sod Pasha Wore. DOW °pea,.
.49,9 1, 4 4
419 Di My /9W pates At
H. BMW! &
JOHN M. COOra, & CO.
aaa tans Founders,.
11111118. UP:•1101 1 14 k tOLLING 11111,11
IMP • sere
Miele Pronspoy to order.
Made and Kept on Hand.
V - melon sad Itaaafactarers of
7. M. Cooper's Improved Balance:Neel
Office, 882 PiNN STREET.
}Wary, C0r.17111 sad Railroad Ignmar s
ma. DICO pretest Ito their
.117 4 1 d do well t z a v a,„0 .4%.1 3 14 m 7 poet
5T11,74 the moll dateable patteloo N o
recolired at
W. G.' D.IINSEA'ra'S.
atWZIAIt AND orneux
3111171:11T of charming ang favorite anima
FRIDAY lIVISSING, February 1111, 1170
will be presented the hematitel now plat ftoa
*selenium. by J. U. Iteacwalkt•lsq.. entitled,
Balnrdar 1 fternoon—Wagele Mitchell Usti.*
Monday wealth:is Mrs. U. P. BOWERS any
porpwt liy Mr. J. C. IteCOLLUX.
Tuesday, Feb. 15th, inst
On which oneastonerlll be performed tiy the fel
Wealth of the Society, ••Come Let ee Mee"
pealnO and ••Hear My Prayer, • • by Me n
dtlasolt, "Aeons Del," compose.* for the So
ciety by Prof. Joe. Stem of Plothereh; bonfire
choice selection front 'the work. of the 1.1
mpoters of miscellany°. els, Solos,T
C., all with lull orchattral accompaulatent
Tho We of secortd scot. wilt cominenco 'SAT
URDAY, ISlth inst., at. 0 o'clock ♦. W. •t the
tie Mare of Mellor & Horne, 5310111 h aroma.
Admission. $l. • No extra charge for rtxured
Nos. HI aid Hi Liberty Merit
Corner of Irwin, sicrir offer tae ;rods at low di.
' %qrs. strictly
Prime New Crop New °Ammo Nagar eqoi
Porto Rico, COM and English Island Hogan..
New York, PhiLadelphla Italtimvre Ik
lined do.
Goldea. Drina, YAweringa. Brun l la, lituartia
Adams. and Long gland arrays.
Porto Rico, Cubit and Lug.lth Island )lotuses.
Young tlyson. Japan, lmperlal. bampowder
and Oolon Tem.
Carolina and itankoln Wee.
Laid Oi l,
Itio Coffees.
Tobacco, Lard Oil. Plan. Nails, Clam. goapa
Cott , . Tanta, dte.., constantly on hand.
Fine Brandies, Wines and Sequa
ithenteli, lenient* live evykling libel Wive
Hiram &Co.. I, lieittlet.
Elparkllnt Ito.lie, tnellarsbert sod Jnbtan
• mt. tloekbelmer. tlrrgemlY. te.
Bradebbort it Freres , Floc 01Ise 011. '
do do Clarets, Imported In Mall..
do do White Wines, In bottles.
W. Wort & Foos , Sparkling Cstrtrba.
Firm Old Sherry. mot Port Wthes
Fde tVer I y t Co pn ibt a
asotch o
p d e..
sole rt t r u fbr Moat et Chandad's Oman Pin
Wrsenny and Salary Champagne.
Brandi. of our own 'Mecums and Manned
L & .T. 6ORI IY 1812.
lanaarmqAT.Sl GROCE R.
No. 271 Liberty Street, .
Wiazarui laAr, Mums Horiz.)
17279131711UU, rA.
Commis/ton Merchants
No. 99 OHIO STUMM, iear Nast Common,
Liberty M., Pitteberyb.
Commission. Merchants,
Morin:meats solicited.
(Bowater to Fetzer a ermstrng.)
IMN.. 25 Market Street.
Wholesale and Retail Grocer;
Priaotendo Grocers, 3..4.1. 4.lerehanta
a Dealer. Produce, 1.. r.
Flab. t ...lon .4 Lard Iron. Nalta t
cotton Tarns and tt Plitaborr. Manufactures
Conerall 119 and 114 ISICLIOND IiTRICZP4
almr.. •
JOHN I. HOO![..tCN• siollll.
I. BOUM & BMW, Suai ,
VP reason toe /OHS( 1. mourn,. L int s . W..-
.este Groton Abel eAmeolselonllo Collar
of SmlthOold ►nd Witter sterols. rttesleurits.
"cum eairtoa ♦. w••••ft.
333 MX 017..9.r-ft.
llu resioved from mom ChM sall IMadmki
streale, to
103 0.1110 STREET,
Rte+'-MOy - AT4.
Nerekants Fire La. Ckleago.
Aram. 5irdi,4148.03.,
• /MITS. $611511,81L110.
Connecticut Fire Ins. Cu, Hanford,
ABBICTS. 11400.011L00
Vemared to - 300 V(WRTU n1711117Z. between
Weed end nallettlebleteeet, Pluebassle .
"* . :ncd tram 41 SIXTH 111[ZET, to
SD rifth,Avenue„•: _ . ' Jot!! ttopraveinento on old inand ore , comply,-
tad. • lel
efuccvsson 7
Workman, Moore & Co ,
Max afaetanas and Dealers la
spring and Hack Wagons,
Nu.4l 44 46 and 48 BeaTtr 81. Allegheny.
Repelrlnft neatly and promptly emended. Or
der* for beer Work rotten ap is good Mlle and
warranted to era aatufsetton In every , particle. ;
IlgrNewst strln of work m oaf...ay. bend.'
AlneUTd fur the Pow II sr. Wm.'
Coo. ol''. make of oAItVIS 14 PATNA. T
WIl Zit sad Rapp's Patent Qulek Marra:id
Loll Bat er far naafm.
Ff. RICIIAII.3 Winn baring numbered Oa
Interns of /11_ ,orr and Pro. 0. Noon. no 10 .
non of WLltinia
. „at I/omm & oe kW
award' bereaner nom Innen a. dm old and,
ardor the name end nla of WOBJLM&R
DAVIS. Orden aollelttd. •
00R%W0 0 111,LAt.
LaVo 'lash Munn` li n ation "" al t. Pant " .1110,..12.•
131101 EM
PltAcricwx, rx.aretrisloAse.
GAS AND sTmearrsTriortv.
NUM Avenue• ar• tie With Hemel.
. rnirmsysuu, PA.
PIM U■m Trove. (1U Pls.:urea, IMAM
71!atb l o be and Wrab *IaM.. M 23 ri p" "
Vittlogs. Ala and Deer Pomp% and gimp Cook►
alw►ja op bond. P■bl:u .04 Private Butidhupl .
1.1111 UM. W►lcr and Steam
♦pparat■►. dobbin[ voaptt astradea to„
i..` -A