FINANCIAL. AMMICAN BANK, NO 80 FOURTh AVENUE, PIT'raBI7RGEI CAIIII CAPITA) 113419.000 Stoekb(ilders hilividnally Liable. EMIR Or zurscorwr AND PEPCitirr. JOHN BLOW) Wbf. YLOTD. . rrestdeut.nothlar. 1,1121:(..T011;.- .. ?Mph 11. Morahan, t ran M. Mariana, Wm. T. iolation, /krehthaM V. allaec, , Came. .. a rrnth, tJ. U. Xa.,n7. - Chas., • Ch. 'Fiord, , B I.rtrh. • , 1,. ... f i°7 '“ • J.rha i ..,. Thin Bark to vow lona orrmaaav and PrvPhrvd to Oa a amen! BmatLaatr Warm.. • jelm.a... • GOLD SILVER AND COUPONS, Bolt cht at Micheal Prices. PIL R. MERTZ, Banker, Ca. Wood SL and sth Avenue ITAII . .EB T. BILOY 84 CO., tOltecessora to tt .191 , 1K11 i VU Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., 's~rl\ u~z~.s, almost If not altogether reached;and that en Upward tendency is now probable. la fact,Sugara have already advanced slight ly, and generally the market presents a stronger and better appearance, and we mai eipaet an Improved demand, at buyers nearly always tare hold more liberally and freely when pnoos are tending upward. As WO remarked yea. :today, Pittsburgh is well docked with Interk Allowed on Ihvoalta. I New Orleans hiugare and Molassee, 11,S and .3.11 all kind" of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, E4oLD. sitYrii •ND CVI:IPOSf% 11!===M Ns -Money loanc.l on Ocrro.nanent Botldg - 161. I•wrs!. ,r.arken. flay.. , • Order; easel:Sled tor *be . Puretusse and Nam hr NICOciLS, BONDS t MU/ 3 ' 7i 4 1; I T. BRADT & CO Ditt g t4 ' aMittt t ' t • f. FINA4I6E AND TRADE. - Orsecesorlqrxamenen Cassarrs,* Wkerussost,.Feb. 9, IRO. t. under themarket_ Improved to-day; under the skillful management of-the bull Calcines. Gold tooksi atiergst. =M. and did not sell 'below, 17%. ' The. Govern ment sale to-day of one million lad no effect on the - market, !! : , ~Fovernment bonds Improved id!ghtly an` lintinifed IgOld qnotaldons, 130-isrp 121411101.71. gin very stronly, althotigti in • -.etta main somewhat:- MI. from; tits ex.- trethecinotatiOne: Thia ItiesCeetaliy the . Vane of New 'York.. -Central and ;Rook bitt the' balinbe of 'the stock lid Money ea s ier at hill ratei. ;LOW money market works tolerably may un der* light demand. , , tinotations taa _received- 1 7 6. Ph. R. Marts Cold, 1263 Mier. One's, 118, Fivo Trre;atles,' 1882, 115: do 1264, 114%; do 1865, 114%; do 1865, ." 1 °Ousels, 115,%, do 1867, lit: do 1868, 114; Ten Forties. 112%; Adams Re ._ Rival Compel: l y 64%; •Btlereltisiits Union elOrprom Company, •—,: American Fs meas Company, 373,1 1 : Western Union Telegraph, 8634: New- York Central IE%; Reading, 97%; , Pittsburgh, Fort waYoo & Chicago: 9/%;. Ohio et Mts. stsuppl, 19%: Michigan Southern, 283{; Cleveland 9854: Chicago. Rock Inland a Pacific, 118,%; Chicago a , North Weetern, 73%; Chicago et North .Western Preferred 9134; Erie 2434. - 'neortaxitts Large aniall. tendon,' par.. . . Paris, per - .=;.‘ . 25__ 89 el% Frankfort. florins 5 031 i 152 =Mooing quotatone received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold:• lhi%; United !States Elite, 1881, 118[' Flvo•Twentioa, d0..1264,114%; do. 1265, 114%; Tsit-Fortios, 112%;*Fivc.T*Maties,. Janu. • ary and July, 1865,-118%• do. dd. MI,: U 4; de. act, lass. 114; 'Union Pacltld 1 Railroad," 13714;" 'Central . do, do, 80; Cy. Pacific, 111%; Lake Superior —.l - (By Tileirion to tOe rlttabillytt Yaaeste.l ' Tcax.'Fahruarl: 9. unix In flosoehd clreles little objection is . . . . , ' r eagitt 'pleat the equity or oonstitution • silty ol4he argument and conclusions of Cider:ldadoe s Chain, but . Gm decision . bear. somewhat heavily quarters tiiAreeiollgatlena 1111' neer' be required to be paid in specie lonised of currency, astir the last eight years, and Core Is consequently a desire to evade, by some --lommeithe nteruirpr 1118 decision.; This haling is likely to fled excretal= In the ' Introduction of a bill In Congress .which Word an opportunity for instituting ' ' •• test came before a dull court, it being hoped the court may, as then comnitnt- ed.• randsr a decision qualifying the I(. abet, of that delivered briadge • Money easy, and unchanged at 40 - glion - • ' call loans. Sterling firm at 834@934. - Gold' without decided change, ooeeing • 19P%; declining to 103%;' advancing to react IC - 12:134@120%. ' Clearances of 1124,000,000. - . SubTresaury sold 910. 00 0.9. 00 at 120 - .7— '41.100®120 au JO& Bldg aggregated ise 840.400.: I • ' '" Governments dull but rimed steady. s °maw; 'Bl, 15418%; . — eg, ;14. @ • - 25%; On '64, 14%11)15: do '65,14%@16; do new. 12%®13%; cm '6B, 14(311;34; le 4e',, 1214®1234. Currency sixes, IiKESII34. Stater securities arm:. Miasouris,' - 90; • Tennessee, Tenssees, 56%; trow do, 49%; Old r WM; nerf.tdo• 8734; old. North Carolinas, 43%; new du, 23%; Lodlatans Levee &zee, 71%... The Pre-Orem of the Stook Eel:therms' to day restorsd Rock Island to the call „lhatetiM written guarantee that the com pany will comply with the byditirta in Vie Mare, The most active/shame gni - Loutnlzass, Bock, Island, Vanderbilt allocate, hut Wayne, Southern Emma and Pacifin Mail "Oc.Teiriy, Prfees...-caoferli 591 Cum ' berWid, Western Union Tale- graPh, M%; .I%,Meriposs, , 307, do preferred; 217%t `l ime Repro'', 64%; Welts & Fa1e0, 119 14: America*. 87%; Ucutedleitates, bo ; Pacific Matti 4134; ,Norh•lcectiral. 24%; • "d 0 preferred. 43: Harlem, 140 1 ; do pre. n/'°' 146 k -11"°'°u at r nent U r 8 a ; 1.1 11 121 1: frt%; ' IMMO • lAlte,l7 Wier*, 88%1" Illinois' Central, - A 10; Pittsburgh, 1.58%; Nerthwestetp, 7_4i: preferred, MN: %mit Island. 1118%; . 61L1Paltl.' FirefitirekBB%;,Wabriab 47; preferred 7x; Fs. Wayne, 9134. Terre Hone, 5734; preferred, 60%; C. & A. II& preferred, 14934; 0. a M., 2934; N. V. Volt , 74; St. Jbe pre . lelred, 108%;`C. C. a I. C.; 19%. Sub Treasury balance: gold, 970,957-, ,11 74 t; currency, 95,878,803: titmerM bid _ anoe 982,921,097. PETROLEUM mikuxxr „AMOMI.OLATTOBVBAUE-04 3 aniat WXDXWAT Ff 106,9, 1679. • There ls'db imprinteritent' to note in lltu oil bust . nese, and the indications for . the future continuo diaroureging; The i idepthud continues, very. light rfor both °rade and refined; there is no Inquiry from the West of any consequence, and the ithipments both South 'West have been very meagre for some time pelit. Exporter°, it la said, Mime orders, but they are holding back In Impulse .tion of lower, prloes, and the fact that ' there 'heed 'been quitd a number of °Ore adoat recently, all coming from New York, to aoll"lines" 'fbr almost any delivery wi th in the present year at remarkably low prices, smacks some* • what of a bear movinnene on the part of these operators and others to break down the market. The New York Bauetin commeotteg on this 'abject, re marks 'lad the cause of •• the very low „bids on the part of foreign shippers le ' undoubtedly the low premium on gold: bat at the same time,. commercial linen eters who are as able as the New York • exporters ought to recognise at once the _ thin that Arderican products can not pole duly be bought at the same prices that wer e paid for them when the premium on gold was It per mat higher than it has been .far -the the put. two month. E uro pean buyers ought, therefore, - to take into consideration the present low mu d w e edy premium, and, since they Want our wax's, they should advance their prices to figures for which they can be °Meter& Taut la the only pea n. remedy for the present stagnation In the export of Petroleitirt and all other American commodlilea.”' ' ' Minn. , • The crude marked continue* exceed ingly quiet, and hi devoid Wf. a dingle ... • , obarraterlstic worthy of notloa. Sale of .1.000 bbbineller February at 13; and the same quotation is made for seller till July. Buyer twill July hi offering, it is said. at 1114; without Ending buyers. MUM The relined notylot, also, is very dull and while [hero is no material change In pricey, the tendency still seems to be downward, Sole of 1,600 bids, Imme;i• ate heavers. In Baltimore, at SOr and 2.100 'March, Philadelphia delivery, at same figure. Spot was quoted at 290y20i,..;', and February at te9!,‘("41.9,44^. Lines are still quoted at 31, and buyer's option all year, at 31@31,4, REVEIPTS OP OIIIID A. OIL ST V. IL B. NV Jas. Ilaina WO, on account Phil'.. and Bolton Pet . Co; L!vingston Bra. 720, on account Lockhart, F. ttr. CO; NatIOII7II Refitting Co. NO, on account Pioner Bro. Total 1,810 bble SIP :M=lm OP GIL ' BT A. v. n. It. Loekbart, Prevr & Co. 667 - bbla, ref. oil to Warden, P. & 00.. Phila. IStrilleivy & Bro. 95 bbls refined oil to W. P. Logan dr Bro., Philadelphia.' J. A. McKee. 250 lAA* refined oil fa Logan& Bro., Philadelphia. Total refined 1,012 bbla. oth MUTTER RUM DT WENT PENN R. R. Kirkpatrick & Lyona, 257 bbla to W. P. Logan & Bro., Phila. =I Ornax PITTAPURGIIOA crrri•, Wxormsnir, Feb. 9. 1: , 79 t The general marebandlio marketa pre en& but little that la realty new or Iris Portent. Provisions and Groceries have been. attracting considerable attention recently, In con/legumes of the material decline In Prices, but Cho Impression heetne to be that the bottom boa been which will be lucre:med. by recent pur chines, but that It will all be wanted Le tore the next crop is ready to move, sitartely adnatta of a doubt, Ih- . regarl hibrovlsiona,.-wa . cannot speak. Lo den nitely. While there are thee., who be lieve that the pante (and it cannot be termed anything else) is Mier, tiscre are other., equally ea 'well posted, who are not so sanguine. The recolpta of Hogs et nearly all et the leading °entree emninue large, and so long as tads continuos, the ityrdvisiornt market to likely to headline 'week: Then. again, someof the western packers era oblige d realise In order to raise money, and the,more staff- Is thrown upon the markt the weaker ii will get, particularly inlthe absence of presziag, demand. ;A. Chicago paper of Wursday Safe: "Provisions were rather quiet tad irregular. Pork was dull, holders ask. lug 1125,150 for cash lots all through the snAtacw, but darling no-taken. at over F 25,26 ttit near the ohm, W hen 373.0 was Ltrd was steady at Saturday's prices, though qtkoted dull at lha East. It has declined rapidly here reasnily, he production being large In proportion to the number of ge killed, owing to their suparlor fstriew, and this . fact hal made thepremium' on fat 'hoes meet .leasthafinstial. Meats were Orb and steady at former quotations, under; a fate order demand from Europe, and beldam era &Boom] to firmness in their views, lonswing.that the proportion of meats la awl!, itarthispackers have largely run to pork and lard title season.' , APPLES—PontInue quiet and Ain. changed,' We can report regular enlist at 12,50%3,60 par bbd. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at I:ls(irEe. BUTTER—ClJntinues to arrive freely, , and :with no improvement In the de mand, the market Is dull though prices are anchanged-30€0333 for prime' to choice Roll. BUCKWHEAT FLOOR -3@3y.. BEANS—DuII with increased arrivals, but nominally unchanged— 26(2,60 per bushel. 111100.5.1 COI - 0.7-44@18 eta per pound. BROOSIS—Storo priest: No. -, 13,75. Igo. 3, 34,60; No. 4, $5,00; No. b, Carpet. Brooms, $3,00C4.43,60. CHEESE—Ia steady eat Amami:4:lNi Western Reserve end Hamburg, 161.5 17; Factory, 17017 X; New York. B.ete Fs= Dairy, 18(919; 'Slow York. Goshen, /9„Vii2o • CARBON OlL—Contlnnes quiet and !Standard brands may be unettanwed quoted at 26 In &jobbing way. URA'S BERRll.l3—ltiateady demand with aalea at 613®15, as to quality. DRESi3ED liCe3S—Q3nUtmo dull not withstanding the arrivals Dave fallen off materially. We quote at 101i@liON. DRIED FRUIT—Very dull. Airples, _ 7(180; Peachee at gaffe for. quarters. and nett for ' , Bluoltberrtea, 146311tc; Pitted cherries, 25(§30c per potutd. EGGS-51tIll quoted at• 2.5 c, but the °lmago In. the weedier has produced a firmer (coheir. • FEATHERS-85@M eta. _ _ .FLOUR—There is no improvement to nose in the demand and no change to make In quotations. IN e continue to quote- western thmte at 15G5,ful for springy and • 115,7a@t3 for winter. Rye flour. 5565.25. GROCERIES—Bader the influences of an Improved demand and sharp advance in the price ol.'sweets,". both at New York auci.Nevr Orleans, a more cheerful feeling prevails In grocery circles. 'and strong hopes of a good spring trade are now entertained, and it is to be hoped that these hopes will. ha intty realised. That thetleinarid, especlellyfcrreeweets," will continue to improve, scarcely' ad mite of Odottlot, eo lone tit least as the market present a etroog front, for, as we inclaucte4, bt‘.9erli lieezir always piton In and stock up more liberany when: there is a probability of higher prices. Coffees, Tees, Spices, etc.; eta, have• undergone' no , change' since. the date of our Mat report.' "Sousse—New Orleans. 1134; good,;l2%::prime, 13y; choice, 12%; Cnba, a1f.E111343 Pario Ric0,12%018.i. Bahasa: A Ogee. .14%; .B, 1 414; Extra, 44 14; Crushed and Urania:Med, 15%, . 15fotiassasNew 'Crop "Now Orleans M otasaes.„ 7811150 c; Porto Alan, 65075. 'Sinurs;-.Prefection,ls; Salver : Drips, 75; White Haney, 85; Garden, 65. , • Corms—Pair to Good .M 621%; Primo, 24123; Choice. 2334. „ Rum—Carolltui; Rangoon, 71,4 e. •—Young Hyena, 11,00®1,5C, G. P.. 11,10 to 1,90. Imports!, $1,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to 11,45. Son Chong, 90e to 11,50. Siena—Pearl, 7;Silver glyassi 1134 c., aridDirri — Stirch. 12c. -- •• . OONCONTIak.eIfJ) bva-119,00 per. mac Frturrs—New Layer Raisins, $5 per box; Primes, 18340; Currants 15c; yalezr. eta Raisins, 11340. Srunta—Cassla, 65c; Cloves, dOel grata Pepper, 35 Allspice, 20ci; Nutmegs. 331,54. BAR lor.&D-12e; Shot, 13,00 per bag. • Soars—"Babbit's," 12c: "Oakely'a,' , lie t Rosin; sto 7c .*Dobbin's,” 150; Wax, 9c; Chem. Olive, 8340. CalitmEs—lllould, 1.1 c; Star, 23c. BI CATS SODA-1634 Per GRAlN—There ls nothing doing in wheat and prices are nominally uttettavg• ed-11.10@1,15 for prime to choice. Data doll and unehanged.;-413@47 on wharf and track, that lain the hands of dealers, and 48@50 In store, Rye is un changed, with 90, cash, bid--aales on' time at 91@93. Ear corn le dull and cannot be quoted above 75 ®7B, on wharf. Barley is quiet and unchanged. 111(41.10 for spring end fall. . RAY—Sold 'at Allegheny Diamond market at 112320; as a general thing it was not in good condition. HUSRS--tiales Ist 2%@lkipm pound. BOMENY—SaIes at 15,753600 par bbl. LlME—Sales of Cleveland white lime at 12.32,26 per bbL 0121 ONS—Sales at /64,3,00 per bbl, the outside figure for ' LARD 01L—Clry bratids N. 3. 1 extra quoted at 1440®1,42, and No. 2 at 00. Fancy Cincinnati and Chicago brands held higher.' PEANUTS—Teamsters at 1339 cts. PEAS—DuII: 112, 10 Per buobal. POTATOES—SaIes , prime Poach Blows. Madera at 500 per bheL : PHOVISIONL M Q.ulet and a shade lower. Shoulders.l3Gsl.3% for Plain and 146 for Sugar Cured: Ribbed Sides. 15% @Mc; Clear Sides, HS'S:Breakfast Bacon. 18.140; Sugar Cared liainti 18340. Dried Beef. 123416,200. Steamed Lard In tierces, 100; choice kettle. 1734 c; r efliied Lard, In buckets, 1734. Mess Pork, 5.e0. POULTRY Market almost bare. Dressed chickens, 11@14, and dressed turkeys. 19@20 SESDS—There Is no particular change . in,, Clover seed; and we Continue to quote at 58 buying, and 834_selling--one grader assured tie that . he would sell 400 bushels at 1.934, but there are bat Sow sellers, in store, belew 1834 .:, Timothy seed is still quoted at 1434@5, and' ram med at $2,10@2. 15 . STRAW—SaIes of rye straw et 110. and oats at 110@l4, SALT—Di quoted ats 1,75 by the car load WHlSKY—Mgt:twines armor at 963 11; rectified; $1,60; proof rectified, 1 1 , 10 . Old whiskies scarce and firmer. Du Goode Martel. lists YORL Feb. 9.—Dry goods market languid and prices steady. The legal lender dictator' anvil not meet with Terse! saltation. , • NAawnr,an, Feb' a.—Ciotton dull it low waddling 23c and wood ordinary at 22 3 ii stook 6,264 . MARKETS ISA' TELEGRAPH New Yong, February o.= Canton Steady, with sales 14,000 belts at for middling uplands. Floor: retielpts 4,350 bRa; flour without decided change, with eaten 5,103 bbla at $4,5067 for super State western, $565,10 for extra State, $1,9005,40 for extra western, f 5,600,0,25 for white wheat extra, $5600,10 for round hoop Ohio, 155.596 - 1 0 ,25 for extra SC- Laub+, and g0, , z,®13,50 for good choice do. Rye Floor dull and declining, with sales 150 bbls at $104,70. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky firm, with sales 250 bbl went. ern—at 7034 e. Whoa:: receipts 14,534 bush; wheat opened dull but closed more ncilve and better ; sales 09,000 Wish at $1,1001,18 far No :t spring, including one toad choice No 2 Milwaukee at 11,20 de. livered, an extreme; $1,20401,2234 for No t spring, $1,23,4 fur winter red !Blunts, 1.1,2101,28 fur winter red and -amber westeru, and $1,47 for while Michigan. Rye quiet. Bliley dull, with sale* 700 bush two rowed State at 000. Barley Malt dull. Corn: receipts 2.370 bush: corn heavy and without decided change: sales of 27,000 bust, at litta for new to lied weatern, 1,0101,0? for old do, 9809840 for new southern and Jersey yellow. Oats—roc:llpin 600 bush. firm and without decided change; roles 24.000 bitch at 65).5 6058 a for western, 01®62e fur State. Rice dull at 05407i(e for Carolina. Coffee quiet. Hops quiet and firm. Sugar firm; salee 150 ithda Cuba at 1001014 c. Linseed ell :Inlet Suit cleady. Alobeses dull; sales 200 bbls New Orleana at 650 72e. Petroleum dull at 16.S.ic for crude, 110 So for relined. Wool emu; althea 600.- Ols) Ibe at 50@51e for domestic fleece, 60e picklock, 3634042 c for pulled. Leather , —hemlock nolo steady at Zi(a.`303.0 for South American. Coal—domestic quiet at $556 tier tots by Cargo: foreign dull at $0,511 for New Castle gas. Turpentine quiet. Sheathing copper !steady; Ingot 32e. Copper dull and drooping at 621 for De troit and Lake Superior. Pig iron quiet at f 32634 for Sootch and 1133035 for American. Ras dull at $82,50 for relined English and American. Sheet quiet at 1111012 gold for Russia. Nails declining el 54,60604 6'2 for cut, $6,20605,25 for clinch and f.23Q29 for horse shoe. Pork timer and quiet; sales 350 bble at P.3,75(5) 20 for new mesa, 111.50(9)211 for prime, and $23,505620 for prime mesa: also sales of 3,2a0 brie new weal, seller March and April et 120. Beat steady; gales 150 bbla tot. slo®ls for mew plain mesa. 114017,50 for now extra meas. Tierce beef quiet: sales of 50 tierc-is, at 026025 for prime cow and 127030 for India meta. Beef Hams quiet: of 75 blip at $28(e)32 for new. Cut Matte heavy: sales of 100 packagea, at 10; 1 '0114e for ahouldera and.l4Ql4l4c fer ' lmma. Middlee quiet. Drrased. Itigs quiet at 11ia'0111-ic for western. Lard firmer: wales of 375 tea, At. 141,01534 e for steam and 111,4017cf0r kettle rendered; also, sales of 500 tierces steam. seller March to July, at 15015Nc. Batter clearly at 1703n0 for Ohio. Cheese quiet at 160154 Freights to Liv erpool nembiaL Latest —View cloacdqnlet without lb cldcrichange. Wheat is quiet and Very Brut at $1.1601,19.f0r No. 2. spring, and $1,20601,28 for winter red and amber .western. Ave nemivaL Oata very quiet At 55057 c for weatern. Corn dull at 5860 flae ler now mixed western. Pork elated a shade firmer: eaten 250 tibia mess 'miler March and April at $2B. Beef dull and uncnanged. Cut meats and Bacon nom inally unchangsd.- Lard a shade batter. about 1534 e for primeatoam for Feb., and ta9p3 for March. Eggs quiet at 83434 e for fresh. Crucario, February 9.—Erarerri . Ex change unchanged. Floor fairly active at 114,5t1G4,60 fur spring extras. Wheat timer and Iy,(tdsse higher,-with sales Nu. lat 87e, and No. 2 at 80;i(0154e, closing steady and firm at 81;;(sfilSc; this afternoon No. 1 active at en. 5,0 cash and seller February, and 82,rie seller March. Corn tidier, With old at !1(51.0 higher; sales No. 2 at 70@70%c, closing steady and quiet at 701(es7Ur5c; this af trfrnoen No. 2 nominal at 7u3 e. Oats dull at 880.,;(5038lic, closing at outside. Rye steady at 68(4;70c for No. 2. High. wines. nominal 'at 81(gi924. Provisions firmer and fairly active. More Pork in good demand and .250 higher at 82,5,7.50 10,00 men and seller March. Gird firmer end do higher at 1434@t4 ,c. Mesta firmer, clueing at 1012)1016c (or dry salted .thoulderr; 121 1 10 for rough aides; 1334@ 13Xo for short riba in bulk. Hama steady at 14 1 4.3 for sweet pickled, and 12c for green. Dressed How; firmer. ranging et 5.1.50@11,60, cloning Arm at $ 0,123,40 10,5,73., dividing on 21.0 pounds. He comts fiir the past twenty.four hours: 4,906 bbl, flour, 27,610 bus wheat, 26,950 bud corn, 12,7243 bus oata. 1,465 bus rye, 2,350 boo barley, 10.6e1 head of hogs. Shipments: 4,655• bide flour, 4,310 bus wheat. 14,031 bus corn, 3,700 bus oate, 740 bus rye, 2,240 bus barley, 3,175 head of hogs. Sr. Loris, February 9.—Tobacco in buyers' favor: medium leaf 19510, good manufacturing 612q015, and floe bright 2163440. Cotton dull at 29@24y0 (or middlings. Hemp unchanged. Flour quiet and firm: fall auportine $4 2544.40. extra $4,60®4,75. XX $4,90@5,25, X_XX to ramify $5,50,7,50: Wheat dull and, heavy; No 1 red fall $1,0341,03, No 1 do $l,lO, choice 21,15001,W. Nu 2 white 11,04 uorn loa-er and unsettled; mixed In bulk 62c, choice:nixed eacked 70(Vic, choice white dry yellow 74@,75c.. Oats firm at 4812,420 in bulk and 52(41540 1 sacked. Barley dull; prime spring 90c end fall $1,30®1,35. Rye dull at 7t@72 cents- Oroceries dull 934 @lO cents for common to fair { Louisiana sugar, 11@13y1e for -fair to choice and medium to choice. Rio coffee 2014@23c. Plantation mangy". 70(4,80c. Whiskey firmer, at 9309414 c. Provis.l ions dull. Stem - pork $27@i27,150. Hey sail shoulders 10@il0tic; loom clear rib , sides 1414 ®l4;c. Bacon: shoulder 1201 I.2X•c, clear aide; 1010, plain barns 15c. Lard dull p 1 15@16c. Receipts—flour, 6,400 bbls, wheat, 22,000 bush, corn, 20,- 000 • bruila, ors, 2,200 bush, rye, 2,20 bush, hog s , 1,000. Hoge erm at 78i@,9. Cattle quiet at 2X @6%0 for common to choice. • CINCINNATI. February 9.—Flour un- I changed: Wheat firni at $1,1001.12. 1 Corn Milled 72@74e. Oats -dull at 150® .55n. Rye and Barley unchanged.. Clot ton quiet. with gales middling at 241.0 ' , libbacco Arm and In good demand ° with calm 01 irbds at 124,30; receipts light. • Whisky steady at 730, and demand firm. Roo: fair $8,60@,9,50; receipts 460. Pro. visions qulet, , but hardly anything do. log. MenaPork held at T26.75®27..but 59,10 wee Abe best offer made. Bulk braes nasal tied and in no demand': Shoulders' Offered .at, -10,Xc and sides at 13,'014X0. Baron dull, ,though there is but little out or srucket• shoulder' 721‘c; sides 15y6®1131,0 for clear rib and clear auger cured; hams 13340)19tic and demand light. Lard unsettled; prime nteam sold at 140 and , kettle rendered held at 10%0. Butter Unchanged and quiet at '280,83e. Eggs 23e: Lipseed Oil quiet at 930950. Lard Oil. dull and drooping: sales extra at 111,40®1.43. Pe troleum firm at 29@310. bogar dull and drooping, with sales 240 bade at 1.10113'e for New Orleana. Coffee steady at lb@ 240. Malaise, firm. . , CLEVELAND, February 9.—Flour (viol; country brands; white. double este:, go® 0,60: red double extra 85.25®5,50; amber double extra 4.505,76:- spring double ex tra 1.5(46,50. Buckwheat Flour rather dell with a lower tendency; held at 87,50 158,00. Rye Flour quiet and nominally unchanged. Wheat unchanged. Corn quiet and unchanged. Oats firmer; No. 1 State bold at 48c. Bye dull and heavy; hold at• 80 ®BSc, as to quality. Barley quiet; holders ask 111®1, ID for State and Canada: Petroleum quiet and un changed: relined held at 2/334027c In lots and 29®Sikt In small Iota; crude held at 56,76 per. bbl.- . LoUISVILLS, Februarj 9.—Sale tobac co,-188 bads, at 9804 62 for frozen trash to common bags, 56®6 for good do, CI 50® 7 50 for common leaf, 58®13:5 for low to fair -do, and 8350 for bright wrappers. The market is lOwer for troth, but arm. or for other qualities. Flour. and grain unaltered.. Cotton very dull; middling 24c. 'Mess pork 52750. Racon: alioul- den 12%,e, clear lib IfNc, clear sides 1654 e. Built meats: shoulders 1134 c, clear rib 14,1 e, clear aides 15qc. Lora, prime, 158,1 c. Barns, sugar cured, 1034 e. Whis ky, row, 940. Bamistong,Tebruary 9.—Flour fairly active and favors buyers 'lightly: am superfine 84.02®4,85, extra 15,26® 5,75, family 56,25®8,76. Wheat dull; Pennsylvania red 51.= Corn dull; while 95®985, yellow 920. Oat. 52®570. Rye nominal. hires pork weak et 827,50 ®2B: Moon quiet; rib sides 158A16e, clear rib 16i.(®15140. shoulders 12850140, hams 19®260. Lard dull at 160. Whtaky firm and In fair demand at 980. . TOLEDO. Feb. 9.—Flour moderately active at' 25,26@5,60 for XX for red. Wheat quiet; amber 51,03..-240..1 white Michigan 51,20, ,white regular 81,07%i No I rod 51,10, and No' red 11 1 .a 1 34. Corn a shade lower: new 70,340 and no grade 0234 e. Oats; No 1 held at 48c, 470 bid. Oloverseed closed 10c better at 58,85. Dressed hogs dull •at 810®10,50. High. wines In demand at 9234 c. PrimAnunertra, Feb. P.—Flour doll and steady . Wheat very quiet at 111,24g1 1,22 Rye, 28451,00. Corn. felt and in demand at 88®930 for new yellow.' Olt steady at 64@55 0 . Petroleum u • changed. Provisions dull. Mesa por 27r, lard, 16e. Whisky, western won bound, 78 ®9oc. Dwrnorr, February 9.—Wheat steady, flee extra white 11,17@1,18, No. I, $1,090 , I 1,10; amber 51,02, regular 51,01. Corn:l old lower at 900, new:nominal at 750. I Oats: State 47c. Barley 51.6601,80_ per centaL Clover geed_ very steady at 58,00 CoS,10.: Dressed hos:scarce at i/0,2243 10,76. • PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : - THU RSDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 10, 1870 . RIVER NEWS. Upper . lllVer• =I Baotartsyttax,February 9.—Rtrar eta. tlonars' with 5 feet water In the chair nel. Weather cloudy; thermotueter 34 at 4 r. OIL CITY, Fob. 9.—Thver at a stand with 20 Indies *Met In channel. Weather cloudy, mowing: thermometer 32ater.u.. Y. Mourialotioertc. Feb. 9.—River eta tionary with two feet of water in the channel. Weather clear; thermometer 37 at 4 P. X.W. • Cinanssnono, Fob. 9.—River station ary-with Sys feet water' in the channel. weather otondy; thermometer 84 at 4 r. The river remalne stationary at this rxthit with four feet two inches • In the chlinnel by the Monongahela marks. centinbea cloudy and raw with ev ry 'ippon-Linea of more snow. Mer. en at 4v. lt. 88. . • • he Glasgow. (rout liaahville, With a big trip, including a large quantity of Sugar and bielaases, 'Allah she received at Cincinnati, arrived on Tuesday even• Jug. The Bello arrived and departed - as usual, with a good trip bOth wail. The Mottle Ebort and Wild Duck are both announced for Rt. Louis. . . The Algoey departed for Cinch:matt, with a fair trip. Capt. J. P. Smith has assumed com mand of the Belle. Business was dull at the landing, and freights for all points appeared to be ecatre. Capt. John Rogers has sold the Swig boat Greenback, to a Mr. Jones—price, 15,003. • —The following is the local Inspectors, report for the port of New Orleans: Dn. ring the past year the steamboats that have been condemned and "which hate gone out of service, are: The Grey Eagle, Vicksburg, 'terrine,. Late - Inch% Lizzie Tate, Now Era, J. 14. Sharp, Judge Fletcher, - Monsoon, Hetty Gli more, H. M. Childs, ,L!zxle C. Hamilton, Swan. Tebbe, Minnie and Camden. The total tonnage of these waft 421,1172. The following were the number of lives (oat: fly fire, 65; Making, 2: collision, 2, foue dering, 1; explosion, lit: total, grl. Nine• teen eteamere *ere also lost, whose value and cargoea amounted to 1472,000. Thq :otal amount of tonnage gone out of service *ac 10,637,61. The number of steamers Inspected was 171; Maher ol pilots licensed, 410; of engineers, 402. During the past year 85 boiler sheet., 3 high pressure holier., and 650 tubes wore condemned. —The Cincinnati Gazelle, of Tuesday, says. It was currently reported last evening, and generally believed, that the Cincinnati. Ingurance Company, of Ibis city, hid paid to the United States Mall Line Company the - amount of the Judgment Um/ the latter had recovered ..,fore the Superior Court for the loan of the ateatuer America. It was al's) ru rooted that the National Ineuranco Company would follow suit today. The Di— the former company held a Arnatorit of Ine furl meeting yesterday. —The steamer Aricansax went out of the Arkaneas river this trip bound for New Orleans, with 2,N30 bales of cotton —the largest toad of cotton ever carried by a stern wheel steamer. She had three tiers on her harries:lo roof. —Parties la st. Louis have °Crazed figi, 000 (or the Itichmond. It he. not. been acrepted; but Captain Woolfollc has gone to St. Louis, and It Is thought that she bo sold at that price, If a larger sum can not be obtained. —Capt. .!: 11. Mantas has purchased of MciAskey & Karr and G. W. Como, of Beaver county, Pa.. one•fourth of the Emma for 13,000 7 , and J. G. Idiom bought of J. H. Cuthbert one•stxteenth. —Capt. Woolfolk has returned to Louisville froth St. Louis, without hav ing sold the Richmond, which boat is now enronte for Louisville in charge of the United States Mantle. —The Nick Wall, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, wee et Cairo on Monday—she was loaded down. and the Lorena, from New Orleans arrived there the same day. —The Carrie V. Ronnie arrived at Evansville, light, on Monday enroute for New Orleans, and took on 140 tons. —The Leonidas, New Orleans to Cin cinnati, was at Louisville on Monday. —The St. Charlei left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Monday evening. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PlTTelltritoN, Cl I. AND ST. Loom Itatutoan. February 9.-3 tubs butler, bleanor A. Harper; 1 ear eleven, Gaining ,5 11; 2 tibia eggs, W D Cooper; 11 tubs butter,l bbl eggs, 1 5 . brill rags, W H Graff It kr; 24 bgs barley. 19 do wheat, F Robleld; 4 caddies tobaoco, P R Klboald; 1 bag coffee, Jenkins Brat - 2 tibia eggs, Id Wltankln; 6• do flour, .d bgs meal, F G Craighead; 70 bdls rags, It Christy; 1 car corn, Woodworth It D.; 15 bble, 40 bgs floor, C A Blucher; 29 tale ' kips, G N Herstott: 5 toe Lame, Watt, L dt Co; 25 do do, J 11 Parker; 25 cases, to beam, Arbuck.les It Co; 7 dodo, E Gold smith; 6 ta; hams, Daizeli St Townsend; .301:sts rye, 100 bushels corn, 200 do oats, 25 doz broom', Campbell it - Coulson: 113 bge barley, J Gangwleh; 11 bbls dried peaches, 3 kgs lard, H Rea Jr; 1 car staves, 21 P.. Adams; 25 bales cotton, Eagle Cotton 3,1111 e. CLEVELAND AND FITTIBBIIRON RAIL ROAD, February 9.-2 cars iron ore, Mo. Knight. Porter .5 Co;:8 do do,Sham. berger, Blair A Co; 284 grin stones, Lludaay, le A Co; 105 bbls oil, J Spear; i car Iron ore lioHnight ft Co; 9 bag Reales, Fairbanks. Morse de Co; 10 bbls ;pr i mal, E s t. : me3 ; 1 1 1i; =lt , loner :. pert A Co; 25 aka oats, F G Craighead; 58 do potatoes. Randolph ad; 5 Dells bows, 'rhos Hared: Rio; 24 bdla felloes,2 do shafts, F Lanz 4 do rope, Godfrey It Clark; 163 blots tuoleasos, Dilworth. H It. Co; 4 bbbi eggs, 1 bbl, butter, 8 bge dry apples, Head It Metzger; 129 bids motes. see, Arbuckle* A Go; 120 ski corn, Mc. .Bane it AoJert 7 bbls driod apples, 5 do do peaches, 1 bbl bean., 2 do egp, H Rea Jr; 8 lads apples. 2 do eggs,.l box butter, Volgt, Mahood ft Co. 1 FITIIInuROS FORT WArns AND CH.- OAOO RAILROAD, February 9.-3 care wheat, .118 Liggett & Co; 400 eke flour, 100 Ude do, Schomaker & L; 200 bola de, Culp & 8; 7 tubs butter, W H Graf & Co; 100 bbbr flour, Setannyer & Vi 1 car barley, Spencer & McKay; Oda% brooms, IP Shaver & Co; 18 aka c seed, A Kirk , . patricir & Co; 25 has chem. Millar & Co; 26 do do, Beymer Bre; 25 do do, .1 8 Dilworth & Co; 5 Mils onions., Wood. worth &D; 1 car oats, Bricker & Co; 40 bbls bones. Seward & Emerson; 189 bdis paper, R Christy; 1 bbl onions, Bigger & Lewis; 80 bbls flour, J.W Simpson! 1 car lumber, W HHopper; 100 bola flour, owner; 100 do do, Watt, Lang & Co; 2 care barley, J Rhodes & Co. 'ALLERGENS VALLEY Itausoan, Feb. teary 9.-0 cars tall road iron 0 A CET. peter; odo limestone, Shoe:lo.'4[er. B & Co; 1 do metal, Slmick:dt Co; 13 hides, Lappet 69 can coal, Kier, Foster & Klsr 50 do do, Armstrong. Dickson h Co; 16 do do, Coleman, R & 1 car metal, Rens, Graff & D;•1 car wheat Kennedy Bro; Ido grain, Brett & (Heal; 60 eke osta, Kell & It; 4 bdls hides, J Ilanunett & Bon; 1 beg coffee,. Knox & Orr; 4 bga o seed, J Wilson & Son; 7 bbls onions, 3 pkge butter, .1 -W Marshall; 6: rolls leather, W Flacons & Bon; 9 nkus butter, W Dlokeon; 1 car grain, J W Thuniby. ALLEGHENY STATION February 9.- 2 oars wheat, Kennedy Bro; 3 cars metal, Lewis, Bailer & Dairen; 2 do do, Spang, Chalfant & Co; S do do, Graff, Bennett it Co; 100 bbls dour, J B McKee & 00; / 10 bga rye, 93 do oats, R Knox & Son; 4 bbls cloverseed. Jos Wallace; 1 oar wheat, W -McKee & Co; 12 has yeast, Mercer & Rubinson; 1 car shingles, McCurdy & 'Walnut's.; 2 bas agora, Jenklll-' eon; 10 pa; marble, Bens &L. • RIVER PACKETS. =I PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. Th• new and splendid iblevrheel a dUt Steamer, MILIPICITON. DANIIL 1100121 t. Muter. As h. BIURAID, Clem. Mare* Pittsburgh for Cincinnati every fURODAT at IS M. promptly. lieturnlus. Iran. Cincinnati for Pittsburgh, at lAN. every FP IDLY.. Per WWI 6 rmaiage, or other Information. app ply on buena or to JA31515 COLLIN!. fel FLACK t COLLINOWOISD. Agents. Sr. LOUIS 1011.11 T . 1.011:18.-Theadr i g Lplendld panengwr atesaket MOLLIE EBBEHT..G.W. Lamm, MAW. • . 5 . PePPLnL Cletk, I.ave for the strove Niel soteriesealato pont, on THIS DAY. 10th tar ! for r"b;2l,7=',' I==2l== CAIRO AND IST. LOUIS INOR CAIRO AND ST. t LUUIB.--Tha powerful Tow. Wait DIGS AND DARWIN; Dave sad Swan.J.W.ititt A WALT-Connaander. trlll teary on TWA DAT. Yab.,141.14 at 4 r. X.. tor Ina abate sag I A nansaaata _ or r " " ralgX s SPECLeiI, NOTICES irr CONSUMPTION. litt. SCHEN DX'S PULMONIC, EXAM. for the cure of Cough, Coble +Ltd sienssinsption. I/it. siCKsal SEA Whitt, ToNts! for the mut of Daspe pale and %lithe Debilitated Coudi tion• of the St°, ach. eCtIENti 1, C'd MAXLMIAF. Mt.& for Diseases of the !Aver or to act as a Eleatic Pur gative. All of these three 3fed , clses am often reonlred in curing Consumption. thoash the Paimunle At"417:11"17,Arga%:7,; toe the !Stomach and Liter. and helithe rolteunic Syrup tu diseet Sod 'resell throng the bleed vessels, by which meats a cafe la coon eft framed. • T . hese Medicines A. offered to the retitle . me only pare. certain and reliable reme..) for Puiruonkay Consumption, and for all these morbl-1 conditions of the bio me Mich lead to that fatal ni.e.2. laver Compla and Iffia peps are once forerunners of Conencaption. tail len they manifest themselves they require hem i prompt S t rap tenLon. The • - ninionic als a medicine which bu lint a long probation before it. ps talc. Its voices hs• been proved by the' thou than e thirty NU mace through • Peeled at more -Ma years. In ell of whirls time Its reputation h. In creased. and themolt ooecnste skepticism can no long, doubt that it is a remedy which may be need with cenildeuce In all calm which admit et a cure. if the e t ri et a will perseveringly 1011 ow the di rections which aCCOMpanY Onell bottle, he will oeffialel to meteal. It bleas menet too much wanted •• cute 0 01. 1 In• teen In cases supposed he Incurnble. when friend. sicians 11. 0,, despatredi the v. of this Med ici ne h has eared the life of `hem pa.ient and metered em to Derfeet h,alth. Lir. &bench does net say that all eases of Pol. urinary censuileptiont •re within the reach of medicine. but lie emphatically .aerts Mat often when p•tientsh.e the mustedervalng army.... wen as a violent conch, creeping Otillis • night t ' t7a7 "._ e ge_ l7(t e o ral btrt b Ol ii4 lie111%:23n_ n ol .d ;i1 " O; t he, m h e y vac u " si by teffirplayslcamthev mar .tell I be cured ° . 1,0 o.eal cal treatment Mb create new lung., Dot' when the tan. are very sad. Mt cued end to some talent deatroyed. a aim may be ca nted ty Dr. lichenik • • mediate.. Also. In ticrnfulous Iffiseases, to medlelnee arc trmally en. cut. Dr. Schenck has photo. graphs Mt n rumber of persons who hay. p.pen nehrly covered with room., sores ants aow all healqd op. This shown Ile peril - ring properties. which linnet ue able io bell cavil ce in the lunge. In no treatment of ConsetaaPtlett at let (no Utmost 119001 . 1• coo 0_51,0 visor LEAS net(ltby lino to Ulf wylltkin. ...CO I( is neceesary to etrenothen the aPPOIIts or the patient and im prove the dlgesion• Proper . nearishment is toad • v together 741:11.1f3T. 4::".t:4,lPlCrt dratable foetid- diet of covanmetive patients... eMmottid la Dr. Iffibetick•s n Alrnamtas which are dlearlimted gratoltously. In emend, .1 most Manly nutritious articles are to be pre farred.butthe diguStlve °ream mosthe tatting..- .ea lis order to make either load or medians serviceable. This ,aqulrement t• met by the net*. ed Toole, and fur thla perm. It was dee thrusted When the dlamtlee D , xere an pot to n;.rni order. the frail nee its Posher egret; the rystcre of the math-at Is Invlgidated l e tee Ma. be- Velsolity ' t•T i nn ' lr. thr lVle r eg " r•lli a lg ' =tro d f rum:ionic hymn *PI eff let the clan. P'''''' . . 7 C . " " '''''P""n is VEI '1 .1'417 ;171 :1 7 r. rl ' . '.':l4 411111117:g:T11.14"4re 14 4 .11.1 t a ft- Mate Obattlictlore• from the ai lvr .d restore Ite health -, .irt ion. They have l the efficacy which -is ascribed to ealuvel or •ihlne masa." and arc w•re.t• .I nut to cont •10 a b0r1 , r.14. of any min veal poison. These VIII. cure the most obstinate cotairecese. stet !amt.'s, oiler, hi lens affec tions. nod it other discos. Which vitt, from a t.,1111d oSttneted vonolLlon , (the Liver. One box of thet plat xlll prove thc enema, of the medicine. dratCoaearept on the Set Weed Tnelt end Men tills are Inealonnie anxtlienf mmlleiete Th.) , roller.. toe me , the , er sne retinal and tt the Intimente 07ruyy'ln elfeethig • Me. They 1.75 torn forted ereful In adverted stases ..r eon...orlon, souse the lungs are almenten llre.t.c.tru).tl ; thMa G, Arlon] 14.13V4112, to at nph ',lel kb 111,1 C ate d doaat. The :Prue of petit :In whit were actell'lT In dvlng c have twee preserved rut' month. by the tle of cesenek'd three great rem ad! r. Senor thr Almanac contains full matt.. on nip various 1 - 0171)• of direr., ht. non. 01 treatment. zoo Irene.aidlt (Nous bow to rechlt meninx,. no tin bail . tn. or rot ter mall by Minh OW Principa or l tonre, No. 15. Nonb Minh Wert. rhll.4elbbia. Pa. 111, o• rho Yonando anon ttnAtletrwenl Tor le cacti ill, au per bottle, Or 17.50 a half dosen. ttnolrake Ittllatill coat. s bor. Yor ale by all Snignlsta. dellorklf Ig'DOCTOR WEI - 1111ER CON TI!Run TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE MBE AdY.S. That ulnae roes r lass Of 411.1.1 result tog from aelf.ebuse, p tmlng nalalutilaus. nervous debillty,lrritabalty. eruption., reminal vela/ince. and dually trapoteitey n o rm aatotly cured. . Vermin, aftllcted with delleate,latricala. and lot standing conarittithmai comirlal.ts are ptiltely turned o call for oennaltetion. which coma sot hlsig Experience. th e haft of Ma rte n. lass ay aided Lisa to pert.% =ltalica St one• til de et, rare, pertaaneui and which is mod caste can he need wit/tont hindrance to tartars, Med icine. prepared In Ma eatebildtment. which em braces office, reception and waiting roostart also nn Irma dally 1....r4ing and •Iceping aparttrenU for pati oa, and e por nt, snd n Mateyo!spring). ,0 matter who have failed, Mate your ease. Read what ha Save la his waste pilot of dn. ease sent to Lay address for two bump.. in armilt. envelope. Thatieseds of cases treated annually. at 09 • e and nit over the eoun• glieri e' liN l ;Ra lr mrt e reeT r UZ lT c=l 4 : l' ..) Pittsburg!,i Pa. Bourg 90, is. LOS r. Y. Ban. day 5..12 ar. to 9r. m. Pamphlet seat no any ad aerCA !WEBS, TVIII6IIB, - - = tolneolone ant or Canner an bang daily made by Dn. D. H. ELM! • CO.. at the Chtledelobln Cancer In&mazy. 931 Ankh IStnet, Philadelphia, yeas.. and at the bnoleb of fice to charge of Proferaor L O. DALTON, 1,16 Etta It.. Clewbawl, 0111. The Motional.. tied are Cancer Antidotes, the fOOfft nicotine asat sueressfa knows la the elvillned World. They are not etnstk. entinn or bonne' nod,. clues. They give litre ur nu Dein. They green Coned by aka beet surgeon. of the age. N other pitman have LOOMS antidotes. No 01St treatment should be used: for particulars cal or address RA strove. ' • not.an3TTlng arBATCHELOWS 111AIRDTE. —l9i• splendid Asir Die le the bast in the world. lisratlrsr, reliable. Instant. coos, duet not contalu .sad. nor an 7 Waite rotten to in ' t.lTiX:e " r;ronia n ti t hei:t 7l 4 trol:t7t= i; Kill: latrigliiiiradi;in — Bilt;d - Wiiii. tWd to uphold ti• Intritity m ony Perfwal Flair Bye—Black a- Brawn. told' by all Prod Biy.ll,..._Aßlßled at In Bond titrett. N. Y. (.7 far.llJBT OUT. ••CIECEItY PECTORAL TNOCIIIITS. , . TON COLD& CO UNML. 81111 O TEUIDAT AND EIIONIII RIC 3. None so rood. None GO plegaaat. None Corona Itotek. 111:01:1TON a OLL , lo en.; Tree no mareof 100,0 norTIMa tasted m.o. ..lirearn Cabal" tbtalft... dela OILS WATUNG & KING, • Commhcton klenbante and Broken Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK. DUQUESNE WAY rtlitsprizata ADDIMO. WARING, RING & CO., 100 WALNUT STREET; TACK 111/01rUEEKII COMMISSION MERCHANTS ♦ND DIULEI3S LR Petroleum and its Produeta. Illtanorgb 00145e—DALZELL'IS BUILDIWU *awn ar Ilapueunt Way and Irwin alrant, PhPuleiptp.some•-137 WALNUT 67 CLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY MAW W. C. TWEDDLF, MAJIMITALOTOBEB Olt Lubricating &High Test Burping Oils. -seitps. Nat'road Itl6 St.ds ■ bald without ermuso; milder limpid as lowest treor.motorro• BWroiol ou :Or rroptcolollrost. or hot weather. r-wTlj - ilil New 11111 sod Insular 11111 . 01 ls, ` tgirOfirn.bartas a u. 011,Temanomentuff•I71imma1e, • 10t sad 11alstainAlasollue. Oil, llormeas 011. 111aringlIsse. . •11111011. VARND3II to smarm Wort and hlachlnere hem dem, 111 4, 4 b " Theme products are manufactured aer Dr. Lw o ed . dle..e_pateathTTOperbeated Stea Is Tate Th a slalom odoehum: petrel qpurr, nelform, and re mostly 1101.1- ored, Inliald a high temperature enehanard, sad •remata limpid during extreme veld— Th reed Otte Sc,' unequalled, arid are Itt tousle on man et the principal Hallioadr.." peu,obeel n be ..amluod aml *Mere left at tTek WOO D -" wrDI.LT. Woe., at WA/palmed Drtdgn. CARBOLIC SALVE The imp3rtant discovery of the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING, PURIFYING, and HEALING 'Agent is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical research. During the late civil war It vas eAtensively cued in the - •ni fov 0 - . Hospital-, and was found - to be not only a thorough &lila. maenad, but also the most won derful and speedy HEALING li DUDDY ever known. It is now presented in a scientific combination' with other soothing and heating agencies, in She form of a SALVL; and, having been al ready used in numberless cases with most satisfactory and ben results.we have no hest. Winn in offering it to the pub lic as the most certain, rapid, and effectual remedy for all Pores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing for Darns cuts. Wounds, and ever; ABHARION ,of MIN or FLESH. and for Skinditeases generally. Bold by all Druggists. Price 2 . 3 cads. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole .Frop'r, IVrARBILILL 9 B ELIXIR. rozottaitto Rum WILL CinriffiLaDA.CSlX. .11JU6ELLIMI Its.ant WILL Cal lITILTIMA., WILL Mal OMITS. sr . . Price of XL , s =Wt. 000 perboXI B A L DaV4,../ 301 X et stmt. . I= & proolftsto, 4otiotors. ERA *IV= " 4 "4"Ati.lll.°Aillt FTNANCLAL. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., cor. Second Avenue. MEREST PAID ON purism. Gold. Coupons, Bonds and Stooks BOUGHT AND BOLD. M=M=ol w. vANKIUIf. vlCc Prrstdent. ockil&P OYILT7t4 CLARKE. Jn.. Cashier. S. McCLEAN & CO., BANKERS. Government Securities, No. 75 Fourth Avenue, PITTSDIIIIGH, PA. Personal and prompt attention given to every. thing to the briefness.. Collections male. Coy , 'ldeate. lashed, and Interest allowed on Time Deposit.. Advances made on Prime Collateral. and .Irovernmeut Becuritlea at liberal rut.. Dealers In ;foreign and Domeille Yucbauga• Gold, Slicer, Bank Got., Me.. a.. All local or other illseelianeous f locks, Bond, Mortgages, Commercial Pater, Me., negotiated at the usual rates of commission. tall PEOPLE'S SHIMS BNB Of Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Lacock Streets. S. H. lIAIiTNAN. President. E. P. YOUNG. Cashier DANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. Stockholders larldnally Liable. INTEREST ALLOWED OE.TINE DEPOSITS THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. prr , reuEttriccal, COM Safe Keeping of Valuables, 0 oder prarsntne. and the renting of nall.ln Its Fin and Burglar• Proof Vaults Yo. 83 FOURTH AVENUE Preeldent—WlLLlAM PHILLIPS., ilea President—HENßY LLOYD. wir,t,w4 rumuka,i 'SYRON H. PAINTS% HENRI' LLOYD. :JOB. B. If ORItInON. WILLIAM ILEA.. HEORGE WILLIAM M. LYON, CULLTIOI3• kIUSKET. JAB. I. HitNNETT, klic'T Txuae-1. F. ON BOAIIIOIIIST. open doll) ft= U o'clock a. U. la 4 o'clock N. UOLDIES & SON& BAI~TKERS, 57 MARKET STREET PITTSDURGU, PA. ib, C s or i tioctaaadtfa =T s :n=lW point. of Stocka,Bonds and other Securities SOUGHT LND BOLD QN CONLYNNION rartlealar attention to tba parabua awl axle of United States Securities. HAUT, CAUGHEIT C 0. ,& BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, PrrTssunan, pa, IBUCCICSOODS TO 11.6311 A. HART a CO.. I:=1:3 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Asd portlealar atteand ntlext paid to th e pintas* salo or GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sift Drafts on London. CITY SANS. 112 FilUtAvenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. BDIVIDUiLLY LIABLE TI MM= PAID ON DEPOSIT& YORXIGIN 11.21311ANGL, Ponta sad .old. sad wbo• destoel remitted to Earoto. Collections mole .ou all tn. r nuen , al panto of the Untle4ltttato• lOW Oan 4.. J Troaturics Presl4.4, via Pr i d , W. N. 110alf Ayr. Culatz. DLO7=OII,B. IfeCoOl, Roots lit Mw. TorareneampbeiL, Juno Pbelan. H. A. YrerrOote, Thomas Sams. N. navy. JOB. Y. idiaK...v. SolloAor. La9riVeourkin s Patrick Kane. Cu+. B. Ban, S. 11 J. Gram EICI LEGAL MAIIIIIIIAVEI SALE. • ....Thy .111,00 of a wilt of eemlUtossf imposes* leveed one of the Dlstrlet Court of the United Mates tor Western District of Pennsylvania, and to me &meted. I will expose to paella sale at the store of BCUTT & near the ear ter Of roan sod 0.41 bertha on the 1110das of To BRULEY, 1070. at 10 o'eloat A. 0., all he rlght.title.elaim emnd inierestof R. IlnUresay i Cr.nrletnrlL 10001 & Selman. R. M. Lod. Jacob William 11001.0. 4. L. Williemson and Jacob linemen ohm and to the (otiosely's de. scribed propettr. .ern barrel. of Distilled Braille. • ' Nineteen caddies of • (tos barrel of 010tlied opirits, Tear Dundee d Cigars. • Mrs* ()eddies of Tobseeo. Thlrty. glint hundred Mesa, Belted and soademnfd se the plonerld'of the Venous named at the salt of the Dullest States. A. lIIURDOCUI lLivetut.'s Ornax, eltisburgh, I ON THE PETITION OF ALICE Dopes, of Plttsbargb. Penna., admlult trattlx : of Calvin Dodge, deemed, praying far the oute.lon of • patent grant.] to the •ald Calvin Dodge en the Mb day at Such: 111188. and mimed on the fad day of July, IMIT, too ••• Loprovement In lire Place. It le *Moral the% the leillteony In thU cute lie closed on the 11th DAT OF FEBRUARY MIXT, that the Wee for Allog arguments and the Re miner,. report be halted to the 25th day of yearn+R nest, and the said petition be beard OA the lid DAY OF MARCH NEST. ♦n7 person riser Oppose thl, extension BMW= a Fianna COIiktIMIONZ4 Olt PATZATI xisza 91. 16139 pETTER4 TESTAMENTARY. All persons !iterated militate norm , that esters tastes. aaaaaa to the esiate AMIAH sLvs.y, deceased. have been ratted to the undersigned Itneenters. 'Ail persons hamar claims Aga. , the estate trlll please present them Without delay, and person s k acorl ng them 111... Indebted will Ideate mate payment Wilts undersigned! animators bumsMYS d,ately. 44 • . . J AO:18 et•VODY, Vzroutors. rAo. Ps. W. A. TAZWIS, AtlOrtlei• at No. 93 Dlato.nd et. Plttaborith. EA tiETTEIII9 OF ADMINISTRA. It on the estate of SLIZABILILI J. L. of anhineen township, submits: y dee , d. haying been granted to the undersign• ed. all parson Indebted to said estate will mite laniedletO fmtment,. and all persona haying sielms tablet the same will rerre..ei then , Von" arty anthentleated for settlement te the under slined. ' WILLIAM HILL, MansgeldNalte7, Allegnee7 ts. Jag: Wert .E 4 l ate OF JOHN BABILETZ late of A.:testes y.Cleg. dee . d. ten testamentary uponstlie wow of told John Hamlin/ming been granted to tee ander signed. all pereonn indebted are mdeise h tg ai m" : e niter p =AI?. m ai o . !. IST Bean( streeilaign i sf u lgi n ee a Jon iglu ttgeentor of John Stumm deold. COTTON raILLs 1)06, ANCHOR COTTON MILLI Itazitkatarors ataILTY KEDIIIIII aa4LZONI Aiming Juno wigwam gyrNNTTerCHS AND NiA,TTIND oRt - - COIIIIIOR - • Machine swiss Work,. NoitaputtcmistotWtsteommoo,Altistbs' rRLDtK 6TITATMII 411. co. KIM coR !mad or tipua.otMkort mike Hearth and Map Moos; for !Melnik., Petits* MoMo. Ilmst Ttom Moots, Ps., Orden mon , es twos. tsd, Prima reasons NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Verner grrell likd pissuiUmaza etireetm, =1 prx-rsninacm. ILLIAM SMITH, 11.1LNUYACTUI1E11 VT CAST IRON BOWL PIPE I 1: Xy PMVes are all cast Lovariably In Pita, In dry and and 12 feet lengths. Aladokfull moruanat (general Castings for Gas & Water Works. I would also call t►e attention of 8114 , 1 .1 %7 . nd Ma of Gas Works to my make of NI OAP FORT PITT 'OUNDRY COMPANY OFFIOII AVM WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. larEngines, Rolling mu Ma chinery, Nail Machining, Re torts, and Castings generally. 1313=1:=1 NONONGIHRIA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON &; CO., startutheturers of IRON 1301fb6 . LINTICI.B and BILL, and (*tiny of all Descriptious. letived.l ottenlinn paid to AIVISTATTICTII• Roc CAATUitiS and to Costing. for Window Gloss Houses. °intro Awn. ffetrlsonT—No• LSO WATER Plttoborgti, Va. ROMSSON. ISEA & CO., VlTteco.tOrs tO 80010300. Mims s MILLS.% WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, f ITTSBUREN Mattplacturcie of Host and Stationary Steam Ea j'agforii 1;1' id d iletVon r A; ' Oltl r gt, nod mine. Bolkc ,and Sheet. Iron Work. allot, 80. ri, corner Fent and ranlthrteli forguasor f 0 IFFA BD'S PATENT INJECTOR. A fee line Boller. . TIIOBILIS CABLEV & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Work' RANI/MKT BT., ALLEGHENY CITY. Pa., Mannesetnrers of Etatlonarr and Portable Seem Keene., .41 Presses, pulleys, libartles, Geist and ea. Mill Work, 11.61:ln g 11111 and lresehlne Castings, Grate Bars, Weisel., Wason'ilonea to, built border and hereon bead Engines of an else.. pawn: BOLL FOITABRIt, Cor. LIBERTY and 94111 BTEERTII. BOLLMAN & BACALEY, MAWlketaroro of Spoor:or Chili Rolls, Sand Rolls & Pinions. )n . , ENGINES, BOILERS. &o, FORT PITT BOILER. STILL ANII TANK WORKS. CARROLL AND SNYDER. 'ILA24IIIIACTITRZE2I CHr TUBULAR, DOUBLE.PLUED Tin t PIR-BOX AND CYLINDER isTRAY F n bV OIL srn.t.s AND OIL TANKS, CRIME KYR BEM:BINH END AEH PANEL SZTTLINO PARS. BALT rAbts ADD CON EE DME STRAY R*, ELMS, GRAIN:ETERS AND IRON BRIE PR D IS G ON R, DOORS AND COAL BRIITEII. Wilco mad %Caribou. earner Eteessl Tklrd t Short sad labezty Str.l, PTITSISIMGII, FA. • 'Orders mat to the above Met - envlll be promptly attended to. mh7:1117 HUGH L BOLE & CO. Con Pointer and Duquesto St. I= Engine Builders, Pounders and Machia,ts. • Nanahetaso STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STATIONARY ENGINES, of GI sizes. AN Of eft; o ZiW w l'attiri • BOILEB,of S, G . abon .every Down': CASTING Mnd,_llo.lllup oar Foundry, on TH of IRD STREET. below Hulot. RIGS for Ott Wells, SHAFTING, PIILLItya, IMHOF...PS, HOUSE And TOBACCO DUREWS add LEON TOBACCO ellEallin s on nand sad made W order, at (be INDUSTRIAL, WORKS. fronsteg on the Allegheny kiyer, near the . Pant, I:= .04r•n[Z111.4 t RIESICR & FIRK i BURGLAR-MUM SAFES AND VAULTS. NO Del?, NO MOULD ENGINES AND MACHINERY, BREWERY WORE, BEMIRING AND Fur -71.101.13P NACIUNILILY, Car. 17th and Plkefits"PlUsbarsill aoll:q611 ==l O'HARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO.. Yanofsettuars of STEAM BOILERS, OIL TANK% STILLS, AG IT oToILI., SALT PANS. OABVMETERC, SET• - TLINO PANS. PRISON DOORS, CLILIBIRTS, BoIOREN rum Bum AS.. - Cor. of Second Avenue and. Liberty lit„ =Cra • • .. • Bt paten*. done promptly. Orden sent to the &boye add rem will bo pro*PtlY .IPm Y. BECHAR, Ibrmarly.Mansimm sitrEOLL BNYDEM.I3. • ' WM. BARNHILL C 0. ,& COy BOILER MAKERS AND BRENT IRON 'WORKERS M3l= NOB. so, as. A 4 AND so rams sr. Beeing eteursd a large yard and tarnished It with the roost approved ntelehtllol7. We ale pre. Wed!!! leaner. , tare every deentlptlon of BOIL. Zan In the best manner, sod warranted eSletd !spy tasde in the gauntry. Chimneys, Ithreehlag, Vire Beds. Steele PleGh LOGIMOUTe Boner*. Condensers. tali l'ana. Tanga, rtllls, halts. tem Bottling pae. Koller Ito.. Bridger, Bag. Pans. arse sots manufnetarere of riarnallVa Pat ent Boilers. Benalting does 013 1111011IM Seth.- Paull XASIIIIPACTURIB2I or Steam. Boilers, Oil Stab, Tanks. imam :sox. waltz, Aix 61 Perin Street. PUtsburyib. Pa. ARCHITECTS BARR & MOSIER, ' A.llo3l:l73:CO'ref, ram? Boum( AISOCIATION stni.Dizes, Noe. ■ and • st. Clair titreet, Pittsintrah. Ph. tl7W►t attention given to ths Smashing sae Indkilns of COUNT 801.111113 sh 4 ZUBL)O 011)11 CLOTHING. ‘lowris, runs. Omuta.% WP!. Ac. " Also, 01114 Clothing of oil Wadi always on hand and for Wry violets:a or fatal. Dr .pq-B. LION, .eftla of Weighte : 4l4 Measures, ones—bas 70174711 AVIMIIZ , Plttsbiarek: Capt. 30H14 )I.IORINZIA, Dip , ty, .!lttabargs Mulct. • Limas. 01:0. 12. WoN,ULTY. Deposi, Wa balm 111srket. cLEvEl,.eulto • ,001.01,16aaten:Wlate'Llise. • ' !Pm ogsle b• 2. H. OAITIPTILTI.. BATTER -10 Half Dbl. prime " 41 /4 " 14 14 ' " 1 "J. n. oulyinam. IRON AND STEEL. CHINISTS' DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. &um & co., IRON. NAILS• STEple, AXLES AND SPRINCI. DUQUESNE, E Z AsnIVNIALIEL. /I, AT BA&ROUND AND SQUABB BAND, (I .FIEBT AND TANKIR N, BOILER PLATBS AND BEAD If BARD IRON, DitAU and DROPPER, BABA, /LANGER., I.3.ITTER. BARS, Cl/LINDER 'TAN D TLAT %AM. Tor GoO Rod. CROW RARS, WEDGE,' a Ft A It ROW TEETH. SPRING. PLOW AND CULTIVATGEINIZEL. STEEL., WINGS AND MOULDS.% to pattern. STEEL TIRES, ETNEL BHA/TING. A. IL STKL. COACH, BUGGY and WAGON STUMM and AXLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All °nob Pipit Class and Warranted. '• OPTIC= AND WORICei: 1112.1.1zah Street mad Allashoway River and TT W.Z.r Scrams, Plttabargh, m , Ka BIRR & r=a= WM. METOALIr. kiEe. W. MUIR, aPiCI.II. P.urrxxß-11. M. MX& CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PAMIR, OFFICE, Ea SD Liberty Fired, rams MUM, 1.4. fE14:c146 prrrsatraGn STEEL WORKS. =IMMURED Ut 1845 ANDERSON & WOODS, VEST PETINED CAST STEEL b. A. FILKYVOGLE. Of even A.:dotty. Alw, beet Refined German Plow and Spring Steel CORN EN Ito 3. AND FIRM? ANIMUS:Pitt. harh. r.. ulltalll DUQUESNE FORGE: WILLIPaI MIME (Successor to J 66. HAIGH at C 0.,) Itha fact IP lea co-extensive with d erthlnacthoEy,anadl p rde a s Ur o STZAI t BOAT BHAFTS, Clt ANKK Pl 4 CoN PITMAN J A MISTS, ITAILIVrAII A.XLEn, LOCOSIOTIIrta together arlth coon , d0...1V-lola rant:U.2Z 'it Othce and Forge Corner of Duquesne' Way end Pint Street. Ara ak4o MIERSILIESIB PROCIISS Trutitees are Prepared to_graet Been e. for the use of theELLZILSHAWZN PILO CEBO. The sopetiarquellty Impart' 'goal 40 , 14 the croggirer " g rr *tog? b*"rif Partite wiatang to we It can obtali 'lmam/ qitool7l.. JAMES P . : SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees, BOOM 1 and 9 Zuxllalm's BIDSIng, fourth avenue. litteAslevl ere Loyi 80KNIIKIPLIER WORES, wnerid the°veldt the 13 tow lamer.. .1W operation. ' lainte prrrssunen NOVELTY WORKS. towed eill L. D. MS. 110 MEAD, AMIDS & CO. 121 ""Or)zr.ATFM. AMNIA ? "' SCALES. • /ma Paced Patent Door Locke and Undue, Paint and Coffee Intl& fa. OOZIER OP MIST AVMS ORM IML . sateraburgh. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. .111IGER, MUCK & CO., PITTSIIIIBOII, !IL, MAARlsetarm or ev'ery description at ; - CAST AND GEBYLLN STEEL amiogrAy HPIIINDB. 141.4.1nT1C AND PLATFORM ernarse AXLES, BTLKL TM; Re., AL Warehows, 88 Water and 100 First Ms. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., MannoLatnnora of •ff d•scrlptlow 05.113MM1X.6 Cie. and Warohnuae, TYDRIIXTD. Mal' and RAILROAD WISEST% STOI7E9. CASTINGS. dQ 000 K STOVES. CET THE. BEST. BISSELL & CO'S FOS ' BITUNITIFOUS COAL, Warranted to took, Bake or Bout as well as any other Stove In the Union. BISSELL & 'OO., No. 2.35 Liberty Street. Alan, onlmod and for ande, pAnuuß aTOVREI: HEATING OToVER. GRATE FRONT& TINDER& COOKING RANUIDI. GUFF, RUNS 8z CO. IUPOPAC+I7IOIII OP lIMICT TAZIETI OP BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "TIM EERY FURNACE," ERE NEW ANTI-NEST MONTAN MOVE. .91NOULATOE." MLIINBIA COOK sisIVJE VAN'S IClselnustl Patters) PuSTARLII RAMIE CASTIEON NANTIJE. WELLNIANE lird e / 7 1 " 10 B N't4 i R I T E/%2lWrt n"ad "4' 208 and 208 Liberty Street, rrrrosirßes. PA. rzia A. lIRADLgY & CO., 2i0., 80 WOOD =MI Geardaetarers Vie Greatest Vartetrot Coot; Parrot and Heating Morel, Is old' assortreent win b• awned all tbo LATEST PATTERNS AND IMPROVEMENTS, end ths rep natl. of our StOT*4 11 Mb that. sal Quoin Itm of asg . tr e rle i l; thong. sl e ir As i s i t arg . br De noel Mantas ou as *mamma. Wood/ partlerdsz .11001100 to our new VOLCANO SLJ VC. tor churches; tlst..• Ana Dotal. UM 11 Sal Or" 12101110.. LIIV-lIIIVA 'Wta Of *114041 cuto 4. At, WA. tufa pro. LOSILC, tivsuper,or Guilty OLAWASIANS CAM). it. :eau to f . ..AnAttte Sod ente BRASS FOUNDERS. lINWIT EMU 3 aatran 7l•ll:2L HENRY BIER & co., Bell and Bras Fiamder BRASS CASTINGS xina PROMPTLY TO witiza. lalesible and Grey Iron EG,Giige, GAS PIPE AND TING THUTTLE, SAFETY AND tHICI TILT% ALL GLOBE PATTERN. IRON (34 - 37:KS, Brass Work of every - deseriptlol' for StPAD,,,Water and OIL YANUFAOTURF.II3 OF J. M. coop= a 0011 Impwnd lalanctoilkeel Steam Pump. Agents for DreMso Patent at era, the best in 06 Market,. Olddd dad Wddid. Owner pdeteeptli ni atm% ndi J. aa. rummy. • 46 and till etsta wad. A TWOOD NEWAFFIXILT, Coma.at4tl7 street sad UAW Founts AND MAWR FlTTtie and A9lllllB ter g. a CAJUIDOH •,.00'5 ITIAX rcriarcurn inowass. ........., ....—_—_-___ t• pENNeTLltzliglgfirdet, Z Vitt% a 4 aftat II r. m.,.a.5k , . i 11.1.11 14 ch. 1069, Tf Trill arrive at hoot tha Union Depot, toner Of, u , gnu Llbertx atraeta. ao to t., ,-- Arrtaa. Mall Tres.... 1:00 ..11•CootloWSK112 on ~,, rut Li .y...... 1.45 .1. •P l a ni = Wax.. 0. • 1..6 SO tat al'. . ~. BrialouLe Nal 1:60 ata Mail ... is I Oa ~ Wa11 . % No. 2.. 0180 ntalltirtuton ha:. 1 ail I Claaittuatl gx.9:tlo ars 8ra , a464110 , OM 1 , ahlutat6on./010 110 am Ctaaluni Ss. IS. pa ! NnVlta At Nol S:00 pm I Wall'a No. S.. 11: 611 Pittab•gh Et. 1:30, pot ioasatoss_,66.4l MI 1 Pudic rap% 1,60 so, ' , Was As ISIS: ma 1. wall , s 1i0.1...,11.1110pn1rin1i5.1r 4 7 4 . 8 . 31,10 13ra•ka AcZio 9:11,6 pull ,W• 1 1 ,4 So. I— 3 , 01816 Wall'. N 0.4: 6:50 pra l rall4 No. 4.. GeV in. j. Briatotat No21:10 rat not, 'intr.. 74 1 , SIS I, W.'"/Tialett .rttrirtVePtroalVtjtuittelelott.altihat:: i b oge!taVgl4lzl :61..11W !US Stet . st rt. , / Sunday at 41:11* a. st.. reaonloS ruts IN 14 10:00 a. ra. Re larolag..laavoo 0t , 111:04 7. ta. and aztltagl at NV 011 1 S:10 p. 011. ~ %'IOOIOOOPI Pianos Raves doll. . OU4OOOOI Itspreu leaves da11165*426/ 1 4 6106 1 , AM MO! V :,, tram. daily oatoPl ...A./. • - Proftrtner tuntrztattoa an 1t166 5. W. ti. StiO T'aareautylvardaltallroulCogrAl 101. tmo any rl.t for fae.r6..sT, I.• parekand Omit their rdspouslttlity to OS6 •1 , ~, ared Milt, 10 Taint. . All 6 assart, I '', that asoatt tr. riot .4:1 be at too Kat i, - :'• strum =let.. r :M . i.nt . zr. .vM mi 11.15 tionertl Soonttetaatent. t• , === NE STEEN- RVAIT- 5 411L i e A: NoY. grzer , 4 l l.= g• wrsre ...', relent Street Depot, AD?gbovSLA , f-,' , Arrive. - Ziald'e No ler a mieta1L.... x ..... TA • • ;...".. fipTte etl'°. . 10 ' 43 ii n i glPn i :Na it • ,4,... _ll4 ~.. m." 74 . ;12 <,.:, I . ift' iriiF,_. . 7 b I .. y , Oprtnydte No 2 CI:SO pan arrived'. I Above tratcm out daily . . r er T e b ir; ' 5 !IT a L ' ill 'ea it ..Z.VE,A€ ~,, Olty et LAO a. t 0... Returning, lea Ott? at ItMO p. m. and art:re at Allegheny • 0 . .. Don at SAO t The t o h a ling alletheS.9 7 , „ . 7 " ' re e 2 . 1-. oz. make duets tottmeolon at wl W - ,-,... Woe Poe of etaces torßatler and alvVit :,,, Through ttekets maiZe Darelmeml ee Ft leo. 1 ➢ tn. Clair etree near the Evepratedi . t,- . .- ar Plite4.A. and at e Depot, AD 'Pony. ~,, I re mu a A 'Srt. : 1 The Western PanneylesaLs Rallptatt ... 4 1 :4 ~, anstme say Ilea ror Bag Lag a, exeeyt fer. ~! flied:ad an Bat area, tad a t 6, le tog:: - ex. t he MD aroma ta valve wilitte at the risk al the owner, =dean take. by epedu ea Meet. . ILDWAAD i. nole Getterml linnertatoadent. Al t o o n a , RZUBLN 1111,_LIB. CLUB. PARIIII4. tad arrive at the Onion Murgh en fe ] r time, folk Chicago •—• ;OS •O , e k Ygatratlig•m Cf.36la bimMall..o;sB a m gut e. .".114•11 am , Cl. •ig 11:00 p n. Cgicago7:4.. gag pia W;e a Sale SAG:O3 pa. s..,etcg .01 • • 10,1 S • • • $33 am Tv..Le:ter .• 14:413 p Lana .; 4;IV pTM Lea tadale Am..11i22 pm' Itea•cgglie •• .o,ta In I lg , Mdcle .; le:481m, O.R. -4 ' ... liar 001 A. Chnrth• sl day' tgISIC.h. 9:101/ cr. air tikssei IN se. I:taw,. rap 161,0 treglii,gt .C mck',PAllTlVlYer l ' Gaza. Prs. *note: iieul. non CII A Iff CtFitaligM . iJ TULE. ALIZIGIIHNIE V.E.I.L"LY 12/11.1.U0.= t - 4 , THT. ONLY DTRECT mu= tO THY OIL ILZOIONB W/THOUTURANON OP OA/U. #i °nand atter MO Al. 2 , :srs. 7 - 40 1..; IDNOINDI . 1`.6.AD711 DAILY (merle will leant PlttsboNo • Depotocornsr of Le.v. min wad all strosts,fOr r•awm...uu cte7,Bra• DAN and all pants la thy 011Itertons. DIN?. .7-71Tl i b a im 11sr leZ nlt7 rl=l ij Nollon...11:10 Std RU10011... 01041 a al :4" 311 Han... coop= aa HEW . 5.19 r 4 ,, Rnlton . ..ll:oo pto 4th Dutton. ..7:10 m het po rt AP. s:3O octs Worts, 1:00 ns soda works. 6:30 pm Frelort_ 41.1. _6: . 13p 'o= " 8h14.4 1`41% Cypress wins T J. I IO H t. Atßo D 0.17 stpriosill Pons. ,y, *" .tAti ' 01: " 4 ' 47,.!4. Y. .101Wfasi.l.:Ptratm. TDB ITTSBIIRGEI t • PI kyr nom soma, ,•4 - CHANGE OP TDDS.-0a and after 1311111 DA T. ,13. N0v.14th.,11159, tralns will leave and &rire at ne Man Depot, Pittsburgb. es relines: Pit pe tsburgh r. Time. -,Yt , n'°111" 1, 1 011 ern spress p. b: , het Lino 9,43 a..=. Mixed lax , n nt. eital p.m. McDonald ,,No.l 11: 98 a. 10. i 4 liteubenville Accommed• 3:43 p. 9:48 son. McDonald , . anent, No. 25:62 p. m. 3:03 0. re. r o.ndaye Tram..hatch JAM/ p. 9:6Oin PO a. • JPITA,III P. O. Enemas will Leave daisy. 7.11113 P. M. Anil van arrived T. Ft. • General Ilekel Agent. Goi POULl rualle.. W. W. GADD. Burn.. Denutoon. Ohio. prrysnutton. TRIUMPH, I3rrONFA3, =I TO BL TOIIIIP ISUCCESEIOII4I . w . .. <~w,v7~~:Ss~a~,~~.~'x 71:3 EZESI * MINIM 71tW137017 , ail a it ° .9, mt. lea:: norka Arrliod, gatc.ggo a in tAZtryi 'A rx i lrat 0.415 t. T03S11,1113:!ili , 2: . (l , lll , Nat w et CR. it WC N. :t. 11%0 (c, Amt. kin`l d klr:VZ Now Castle ? , igFea , ran noa Pear • 9:41.1 isas i. bel...ste , • ras ,_.!_T:Sr? rnrrrs ., sinaGn&iipmem •4 O,,NICELLB V I L I. E. 'OA.D. idi . . • * rr On lad anti TrarAD.A.Y. I.ltimx Ot 7, IT. IVO, Oaths Trill arrive at and crates Om r , Papat ooriiiir of Graze and Water ravels, al tea:mot : r • . • - t e Yalta nee tresi Mien- Zin're " . , " "W. iit Wire.. . Irieo K. sr.' . •11:00 elii tl titelieraieFrirle;iiirrern 11.00 A. z. SOO r. ha c. v.. to sea tr.. v.v.,. Lou r. x. 105.112 A. la ig Wart Dream* Aooonild 400 r. at.' Simi .a. ji 1 ii, Braddeekls Aoorrindtla, • elle r. X.• • T:6O r.O re i'llalit .le.. solikapapgrt.lo:3o T. X. MAI .1.11 re B' llValr 7 1 '''. au err vane, 14MI P. ar. a Illilie A. ti RIO BAUD 3.IIOWZBIR•AIonat. 'ig rli I:_9l,l3vz.veit4:4l • ' 0 Er° LIVERPOOL • /LEDA& 0 • .11. . . • -' • QtrEENSTOWN. t ... 4 TEM INSLIN SIAM STEMMER% ri littotorlag atitten Arst-cbuls Tema]; moat r them the colabrat nt • Siff 81 , AM% @Ty' r AIMITai, CITY Or tottl24. E. ; Bailing /MIMI B/CTURDOY. from Pier 44 IN Nona Myer. New York.. If or mean or Duller 0 q trtOmoottonspoly to , WILLLIE 11EIGEME, Jr.;. ,_, 143 WitITHIITZLDNT II WET. Pittstomith. L: COAL AND 0083111 CHARLES IL IL,IISTRONG, , , Youghiogheny and Connelsville Cod, !-.: " ~3 And llantifer of . .., COAL, BLitt AND DEBIILPEORIZED CDI!. 4 I ... OTYIOIC MID MILD. corner Maier sad -3" . Norton street. Liberty and Ulmer ' streets. a Moth ward; .0.0 Second street, Eighth ward. g. and and oot of P.oustreat. P. it U. It. R. Dined, 0 Strward. Orden !eft at either or the above °Mom or ad. a . dress to sob through Plttzburgb P. 0.. will ro. , .r cetre prompt 141X014011. - • _, • r4l Safer to whothlam guard , ' 330/1 0 11 WSI ii '..g latched. oneph . p...-•cO. 'star; F;'• CO., Ova. Alast . ssradlay.r.6. Bro. ' II Z i,l. Frilkagyraer (14 . ... 1 ; . 8ee5% Graff Dall. Mushall &Do.. /Ilea. IltaKealt.tlTo . lo j srDs. " Dos Hotel, Comelvvllla it. It., reskslsylvanm 8.., Allnesany Valley B. It. - —•-• riOALS COALS: COA.LM DICKSON, srmiTAm • Haring removed thotr Outs NO. 587 LIBERTY nargr, (lAtol7ol l l Marx le11)11ZOOND 'MOOR. VAT ant, eTZOALL 'i MIZSes W%' boort aortal. once. All On;erSlaft tbetr °Clop or addrowd tot them th roarls - th e mut, wl.ll ter stOevlr4 toD TRADE MARK. • DRUDGE'S I .11`LEM .1"17A30S" t, Tj3 LaMp law \ I I 0111 MS. " - I DREKA. banana and retail denier In iErrArriozur.ww. WEDDING, VISITING. PANTY AND BUSINESS CABO rx inumare, 110NOGILAXB. ARI. ELLUNDINTIMI an; omen try and isealts mop% attentlon. 141113 Clienctuta a Lawnrr....... fiIiWINT & 13.1mrms,- . -,p . ", , -- mecarrifvEfait, AID • - : ORNIAMENTAC.CARg !FASO , go. if Mikity M, Alteglany, 4. ♦ r3Ar l lr1111 : ,. Iwituient Ps ovat? t vins ilMl hgaka 4 ... PC.I" TuSZTVk 3 LTin & sGsToN co: •-`lllkorieturota of LIOUT OBEY IZONi d ej 10 AS. SE/INAttrlliii 'Watt wort ono rpeolalra. Lobo AMA ThqUit, Utt:OY ( T?:lllrt i :M S. Str.4. l. ll i till . . i re d a: __ ti. .. lib. .. krtio w ea ,.. a ...,.......,M A .rotif_i. filc la ilutia P ' • -' ' ' 5 4- STOVES sant *iiiivene, 114 . , FiILIUMEA. COAL soZze; ruti* was. sa d ", 14 - - .. - P . C. ntrirris, , 0 2,,,,‘ , . .. VIM gnat iktnes. ..... :EAD —2 Piss NotAGAleall -Jl 4 /4143 ' r*r "I." J. v. ovinnu.n. 1:11 BO.~tora and lbr 1.1 cAssis PWIL MX 1. bt 41 am , J. R. IL 75T0N9 BEST BRAND!' B °d .4•21. tar OP, i•ANgitoi.y: U x. sawri.fe MO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers