The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 10, 1870, Image 2

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    - IC
orixcLu. PAPER.
Of. -Pittsburgh, Allegheny City
and Allegheny County.
11ZITTI BMOC 81. iID Si Ern Al.
THURSDAY. FEB. 10, 1870
Pwrsoszon et Antwerp, Nit .
B. S. BONDS at Frankfort, 92392 i
Gam closed in .. New. York yesterday
at 120E41201.
Own of our city journals propounds a
novel idea in iluisprudence. It holds
that "a decision of the Supreme Court
cannot be reversed"—next winter or any
Uther time. This dents], of the power of
that Court Id.ltconsidez its own decisions,
1011 startle even the Chief Justice himself
—lf he has a proper respect for the au
thority. •
sus, drawn -tfp with great eare, Is
before the Legislature of Missouri "for
the asseument and taxation Of property
Jidda State, and for Imisg tau there-
on according to Its true value inmoney.l'
Night it not be well for some member of
oar Legislature to send to Senator Gra
ham of. Missouri, its author, for a copy
of that bill?
Own Andersonian Treasuretelect„ one
Irwin, seems to be In no hurry to confide
- himself to the care of his friends, the me
jorlty of the Senate Committas which be:
pa the other day to "inrestlgatef' the
Memory. Unfortunate Committee!
Honest Irwin I Between them, they have
a wolf by the ears.; :They dare not let go
* —and they are*afraid to bold on I Th.
piople Walt patientiy, but with thoir eyes
Tea Lancaster Espresa Joins the Pitts
burgh Commercial and a few other Coal!-
. tlon journals in. defending the • scandal
ous treachery of Senator Billlngfett The
editor of that Capron has been' for a lona
• ' time In public fife. '` first appeared' In
1817, at the criminal bar of Dauphin
tunntty, where he wu indicted, .tried mad
'Counted for forgery. His opinion upon
and slang, is therefore' value
.: ble—sury l That Coalition' Is just the
place for Min, .now
- ZErga Porufan ExoTCLOPIDIA has
been coming tone for some time, end the
Centennial; number-is now before us.
This work, as far as we are able to judge,
is altogether singular, being neither a mere
. dictionary nor orirerbose cyclopedia, but
combining in onel . mcuy of the excellea
„• Sea tnd• Menthes of both, so that we
: • believe that, if its, pnblishers fulfill' down
to arnica and the rich promises 'made,
• rand thus far kept by theca, the book, coiat
. plated, will be one of the molt useltd,.
invaluable and popular works in any U
. brary of which It may form a part
Mews. T. Elwood Zell, the publishers
in Philadelphia, have our thanks for the
general promptness and regularity with
which they furnish us with the numbers
of the boot, as theY issue from the press.
'TwO Interesting questions are just - now
before the Bents. Who is Baktaxor t
'What is Buono t No one can aurae:
the -,llret query, except to say that he Is a
New jersey lawyer of lair reputatkm.
Hisconarniation; for the BouthernCircult,
Is not reckoned upon.. La to Judge
&mono, a precedent Is quoted against
-his record: it Is said that in 1868, Ina
aueinnrolving the validity-of the
tender Act, which was in Its leading
features almost Identical with the clue
jpst decided at Washington:, he held, from
our? State bench, to to
thatilven , by Chief Justice Chaim.' This .
statement , would not recommend his
Mane to: the Senate, if it were imbstal.
Sally tree-which it b not, as will arpear
from a brief reference to the Santa thus
• dlitOrted-tiy rumor: • -;
When, -
_ in 1866, the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania set in bans it RIMS.
' burg, WOODITAI6, 0. J., TROIMION,
Brims°, Reap and Aoxzw, Associates,
istesn welt, known as the "legal-tender
' cues," were decided and are iepoitedi'
IL Smith, pp. 1-116. Is is to' the opin•
, lon given by Justice &mono in One of
those cases--Bkidienbergerie Brlnton—
that the pewit - referee= - made..
Therelo,he held to the coed:Untie:oly,
of the Act of Feb. 23, '69, making the
treasury notes a legal tender, as well for
debts previously u far those later con
• tmoted. His opinion is framed in the
strongest terna,„ Many of which . are so
literally Identical with the language used
by Justice Mmes. on Monday last as to
warrant us in presuming that the latter'
• • Judge had particularly examined and ap.
proved of the Pennsylvania precedent.
- .Nor does it impair' the Position thus
taken by Judge Srsono, upon the abso•
lute validity of the legal-tender law, that,
In the particular nee cited, he held A ,
stipulation in a ground.rent_deed for a
rleeol.lPaltnent of a died sum 62 " law
ful silver Money of the United - States,"
not to be a "debt" within the meaning
of the Act of Congress, capable of ex ,,
tinguiihnient In legal-tender paper:
Bina the profession has se generally
approved of the decision of last winter,
at Washington, enforcing the specific per
. formanoe of contracts rude espreesly
payable in coin, It Is absurd to take
captions now to this ruling of Judge
STRONG. NO one can read the full text
.of hls opinion in Bludienberger. •
: - Deletion, and Slid any excuse 1:oc believ
ing that be would' not ilia been . foun if
on the Federal bench, at the aide of Jaettice
tie day. The' Bun
, . . ,
policy of the war for the 'Union mita not
'hart found a more able defender. •
- In the pi:vomitus of the Legislative
et Elateisbarg hit week, the following
int is mentioned as hailing been ieportial
favorably by the House Committee :=-
Be h humwd, are., .That In all ewes of
trust, whether meted by will, dexr
,otherarlse, now , existing, or he '
crested, and whether the subject of
.trast.shall be reel or. toosonal estate, the
cutaii qui trust. or • majority Interested
C 6: 4" 4117.aagersine Atiterestesti
nem ,the r ight to elect fir choose
V unites it torocuto laid trust, and upon
ApUllopolthe enrol gut treat; ,or parties
• 'Lmintenletesaforessia Mahan:tett estwo,
• the Omit of Oxman Pleas or Orphans'
Court haring 'lndscllctbcit•shall ream*
the acting trustroor trustees, and appoint
• Agther or ethers, so chosen or elected • by
said partle% who shalt have elf the pow
- • • 'ere lo twecute sald trust wanted, and
upon seourity being approved and en
• • won sald appointees es vilhoned by
wad court appointing them.
And when the actinic trustee shall not"
have free and uninctimlxred real,estate
to saidll Talus of the personal Ousts
ofrust, the oourt of Common Pleas
•," or Orpbanir Court having jmiadlction:
shall, upon compbdot, compel the.bald
trustee to file a bond with two or more
seeratities, se shall be. approved by the
This, as it reads, strikes saes as a very
crisp, rdinaritneastim r - 'lt Might as wen
.ba entitled an act to defeat the minim
It divests all tmstees, appointed by
• .. testators or benefactors,' post, present or.
fair% of their , °Moe, at the pleasure of,
the very panes; against whose Ittrxipe•
. ace, gatiliift,.or stdilectios. to" (villa:
~, f
r 3
~ .k }
^~. v!.
proposes to degrade our courts from being
tribunals for the defence and relief of
really imperiled heirs or beneficiaries,
Into mere regfitries to attest the creden
tials of whomsoever a vicious or misled
mini qui trust may choose to nominate.
Certainly this will be plain, if not digni
fied work for oar courts.
However often the vicissitudes of ho.
man affairs may bring about cues in
which trustees should be' removed, and
the wishes of beneficiaries be consulted
by the Courts in appointing new ones,
there is. still no sound region for the
sweeping revolution in thew, and the
startling reduction Of the discretionary
power of the Courts, that would follow
the passage of this" iict,7 ith its emcees
sive mandatory "shells,", giving ac.
live power to the very party, under trusts, .
whose function is passivity, so long as
the trustee does his duty, to enforce
which the Courts ever stao ready.
We do not criticise this "act" as law
yers, for we have no professional preten
sions; but as journalists, whose duty it is
to cell attention to public measures, at
fecting the relations of property and
society, that seem Inconsiderate, if not
positively evil. If. we are mistaken or
exaggerate the objectionable features of
this propceed law s we cheerfully accept
There are not a few able and upright
Uwyers in the Legislature, who are alive
to the necesslty,for great caution in legis
lating on subjects of this kind, to whom
we are very willing to leave this matter,
if It only receives their timely attention.
If our laws relating to trusts and trus
tees need amendment, .or out Courts
should hive greater raiweista enforce the
faithful performance of trusts, in guard—
ing the security of trust property, and
controlling the appointment and conduct
of trusteed, by all means let suitable logic
lation be had.
But let it be by a well considered
statute, not ignoring the wisdom and In
tegrity of our Courts, which In this State
happily deserve and enjoy public confi
dence, and not operating so exclusively
through the choice and action of the very
parties, under * trnsts, to 'restrain, if not
Indeed to incapacitate whom from choice
or action, la an essential aim in the Mlle
don of trusts.
Under the meit. decision' of the Su
preme Court, cuUtling sll creditors upon
trztliquidated contracts dated prior to
February. 25tb, 1869, to -Pap
thereon in gold wanes, it is Inter
eating to consider Its bearings upon
the finances of our Commonwealth.
Ai to what we owe, there ern be no
doubt or the honorable obligation of the
Commonwealth to meet both principal
and Interest, of all its engagements made
before that date, in sold. The principal
of this class of the State debt sums up
;51,810,047.90, of which the mm of 61,-
833;697.90 Is eready duo, or will be due in
July next. Of this amount; orly $369,.
482.2151511 M actually payable; the "other
mm $1,484,815,63, not technically
maturing until the coming July, has
neverthelesa been called in by the Tress.
ory, by public notice dated some months
since. The residue of the $9.810,047.90
above mentioned, as the sum of debts
contracted prior to February 95.1863, will
mature it vs does dates from August
1871,t0 February 1882. But the Interest
now payable semi-annually atit°ol2, can,.
as the law now stance, only be met In
We observe then, that, In addition to
the current payments of interest, the credi.
tors of the Commonwealth, to the amount
of about $870,000, are entitled to demand
coin for the face of theirsecruities already
matured. The holders of the 1840 loan,
of $1,488,815 85, are also entitled to coin•
It is worthy of consideration by the
Fund Comtels:donate whether they should
not suspend or recall their notice inviting
the presentation of this paper before its
maturity, so as to give time for the 'dap•
•tatton of the finances of the Common•
wealth to the recent ruling of the Su
preme Court. Of course, It has, until
now, been the expectatton of the Corn•
missioaers to discharge these bonds when
presented, In legal-tender notes. They
sill see that this position will no longer
be agreed to by that class of creditors.
To the above sums of coin-debt now due,
must also be sided Ore further amounts
of about 417,009 „In interest certificates,
and 496,000 In relletnotee, still outstand-
lienover, such creditors u hue hith
cep; ttndei. protest; accepted paper for
their obligations against the State, are
legallyinveated with thti right pireciam
ation; ander this declaims, against the
State Treasury, for the difference of values
between the coin they were entitivd to;
and the paper they were forced to take.
We can fincy the great complacency with
which Mr. August Belmont is , now at
liberty to , renew that demand .which
Treasurer Kenible ' rejected; perhaps un
der a necessity of fact, but, certshily,
with an unofficial indecency of language.
It is also to be observed that this obli.
gallon upon the State, td pay coln upon
all the clue ol debts in their origin ante
dating Feb. 25,_'62, (when the legal -ten
der act was missed) is not one' that can
be entressi, by legal remedies. A State
cannot be main the Courts, like print°
OeiiOna. The claim is wholly in equity
and an honorable good faith, yet it
should be none the lees Inviolable, with
the enlightened and honest people of our
greet and powerful Commonwealth. We
sincerely trust that the situation
cairn the immedlete attention of our Leg
ialsture, upon whose wise prOvldence its
meritorious data's should be tuged,:not
Only by the financial officers, hitt by the
consenting and, clear expression of the
entire body of he BMW' press.
On the other hand, all that class of en
gagements, either to or from the public
Treasury, which bear a later date than
of Feb. 25, '132, may, with propriety, be
held payable, Wm:mired by the coeditor,
only in the legal tender paper, which
after that date, mast be held to have been
the contemplated medium of discharge,
unless otherwise expressly stipulated.
Under Th4iJets, the loans of Alater date
amounting in all to $23,000,000, with the
interest thereon; will doubtless be re.
.1 1.1 #rp/ ai parable in paper only, until a
mineral return to the specie standard
Shatter all questloni Upon that
So, there are assets In the State Treas.
my to which the same rule must be
applied. Under the head of coin meta
must therefore be reckoned about $1,750,.
000 'of turnpike, navigation, canal and
railway stacks now owned by the State,.
end; the bather sum of $8,800,000 In
bonds of the Pennaylvakk
Company, all of which bear Ida In 1857,
and which are now falling due, $lOO,OOO
on the 81st day of July in each year.
The principal of these bonds, with pdn•
drat and dividende upon theother stocks
are. justly and must be regarded as coin
values to the Mato. The Allegheny Val-
ley bond; for $3,1500,000, were executed
since the leirattender epoch came in, and
the' debtors thereon will beAlkely to
claim for themaelyea the beaeflt of any
lower margin on a.paintent in paper.
This slowing is not so bad as It might
be. .• Against about $11,000,01*- of . cola
debt, we * show $8,000,000 of coin as
feta • We call the public attention to , this
itatennein4: In the , lope that no publlo
fluences, hints are resorted to and trus
tees named. It makes the new trustee
the mere creature of hie beneficiary, so
that he becomes a device for collusion
against the purpose of the true. Instead
of being its responsible guardian. It
countenance will be given to any policy
which shall propose either to repudiate
our just obligations to our creditors or
to relinquish a solitary dollar of our just
rights from the debtors of the Common
wealth. Already a movement is on foot
to steindte the Treasury out of Its main
dem of its coin assets, the $6,100,000
of Poinsy/rania Railway bonds, specified
above, for as benefit of a gigantic epaulet.
tion by a ring of the most corrupt and au
dacious jobbers. Can the people consent
to this enormous scheme of plunder, es
pecially in the face of their own obliga
tions to the creditors of the Common
wealth? The whole situation merits the
closest public attention.
What a Flinty Hearted- Butcher Pigs
Concerning Beauty in Washington.
"Mack," the ungainly correspondent
of the Cincinnati Enquirer, whose weak
ness is not "pulling," relieves himself of
the subjoined dissertation on the fashion
able society of Washington. We give
him credit for his pluck and believe he
hits the fashionable nail squarely on the
chignon, for, knowing nothing about the
pithy girls and - women of Ohio and In
diana, we think Pittsburgh and - Alio.
ghee) , alone present one hutdred true
beauties—to say nothing of their mental
qualities and accomplishments—to every
one to be scared spin Washington. But
hear hard hearted "Mack" talk on the
on must go from home to bear the
news, they say, and if you want to know
all about the beauty and fashion with
which Washington is filled during the
'season,' you must look into the unwept".
pera published a few hundred miles from
here. You may find It in Forney's
Ohroniele, but that is no newspaper at all.
Its Dame should be - changed to the Un
limited Puffer. But the New York pa.
pets come here every night laden with
glowing accounts of the receptions of
the previous evenings—what the charm.
ing Mrs. Thing-a-bob wore and how
beautiful she looked; and , how the lovely
and accomplished Miss So end-so was the
Cynosure of all eyes. From all of - which
we would think the Array was per'ectly
dazzling, and wonder how any bachelor
could manage to behold it all and keep
his senses" . Now, I do not profess to be
a judge of female beauty, and 1 acknowl. -
edge utter ignorance of those toilet and
millinery, mysteries which enter so large
ly into the makeup of the "perfect
woman, nobly planned" for courtship,
flirting and complied. Anxious to test
the truth of all I had read and heard
about the beauty and loveliness of the
Washington receptionsa secured the ter.
vices of a connoisseur in such matters,
and quite a susceptible young man withal,
and together we made the rounds, about
week ago. We went everywhere—
we plunged in audios res—into the very
center ' of all the "galaxies of. beauty."
I had no Idea that my friend would route
out with a whole heart. But he did; and
when at the close of the expedition I
asked him if he hadn't been impressed,
he irreverently said, "Not I d—n bit."
The fact la, - the 'atock company'—if I
may so call it-la a magnificent array of
bejeweled homeliness. You will, how
ever, find at every reception a few 'stare'
—real gems of female beauty—but they
'are here for a 'few zughts only.' They
come, mostly, from the West:. and Cin.
einnald just now furnishes a few of them.
There are seldom more than lour 'beau.
ties' in Washington at a time—and lest
Ibe considered a "brute" for this asser
tion. I hereby declare that every lady
who reads this and visite Washington is
[ one of the four deliberately meant. I
wakes, however, that I can't bring my.
self to a point of admiration for the
'stock company.' Though not a judge
of beiuty, I can toll the want of it a mile
off; and though an ignoramus on toilets,
I an easily detect a struggle between
age and art—that desperate effort to
smooth out the wrinkles of years, and
fill up the furrows
of Time, the ruthless
plowman. After he has passed over -his
inexorable sub soiler you may follow
with harrows and rollers, and no end oT
implements and artifices, but you can't
restore the beautiful freshness of the nu.
turned so& • And so the "stock company'
looks all the worse for this desperate con.
test. and resorts to diamonds and low.
necked dresses, and powders, and I know
not what else. Bat Nature has not been
demoralized by the war, and will not
yield to shoddy. And thus it happens
that the largest dazzle they can get up in
Washington falls short in beauty and
grace and elegance of the quietist and I
most unpretentious little social gathering
in one or the small towns of Ohio or In
diana—where Ponce de Leon's' . fabled
fountain of perpetual youth is not sought
after nor believed in, and scarce desired [
—where youth and beauty go band in
hand till they silently merge into a grace
ful and =powdered maturity, and where
the 'weather' is not selected as the only
topic of conversation with which all may
be 'Opposed familiar. -
Taus is the way the Fox girls produce'
their spirttual rapping's : Festal one end
of apiece of elastic band, four or five
inches long, to the middle of a pound bar
of lead, and the other end toe ring large
enough to receive the toe of your shoe.
Take another piece of elude band,
eight Inches or more in length, fasten one
end to the ring, and the other to the right
leg above the knee. When standing,
with tke contrivances arranged as des
cribed., the bar of lead should come not
quite to the ankle. Of course, a long
arese is necessary to conceal it. When
sitting, the raps can be made by putting
the toe of the left shoe through the ring,
and with a slight movement of /he foot
causing the lead to strike the floor. One
end of the bar will likely come in con
tact with the floor a little before the other
end does, and thus produce the peculiar
double knocking made by the Fox me.
diuma By a slight lateral motion of the
foot, raps can be made with nth a con
trivance on a table leg or o door. A gen
tleman walking home with one et the
girls, one evening after a seance, noticed
a sound in connection with her step like
that madeby a wooden peg in walking,
and the embarrassed girl' said. she could
not conceive what caused it.
JUDGE ALEXANDER C. litowrou, of
Columbus, Ga., a friend and executor of
Ttioruse Paine, has in preparation a life
of the celebrated freolhlnker. The ground.
taken upon the mooted question of Paine's
belief is defined in the bellowing extract :
"He was not an atheist or an Infidel,
nor was he a scoffer.of religious views
and teachings; but he had his own. He
promulgated them in his 'Age of Reston,'
When he wrote 'I believe in a God, and
hope for a future existence. The key of
Heaven Is not in the keeping of•any sect,
nor ought the road. to be obstructed by
any.' To Samtiel Adams, In 1803, he
wrote: 'I trouble not myself about. the
manner of future_ existence. I content
myself with believing, even to positive
conviction, that the power which gave
me existence, is able to continue it In any
form and manner he pleases, either with
or without this body; and it appears more
probe ll° to me, that I shall continue to
exist hereafter than that I. should bays
bad existence as I now have before that
existence began. I consider myself in
the hands of my Creator, and that He will
dispose of me after this life consistently
with His goodness anajastico.' "
T/32. report of General Garfield's' gold
panic Investigating committee will be
very voluminous. The report will show
that no Washington official fwas
pllcated In the affair. It will also show
that offers were made to Mrs. Grant and
Getnersl.fionme Porter to carry pelf a
million of dollars in gold for them during
the exiMence of the "corner" in New
York lag September, and that the said
offers were in both cases Indignantly
spurned by the parties named. The re
port will implicate General Daniel But
terflehi as having gone deliberately into
the illIMACI11:112, and hiving bevel:Med
bimsel/ and others thereby. This laves
, tigstion covers a period of two months,
while the corner was beingorganized and
during the time , of the existence of the
Warm the Maine Legislature woe
vacillating over the question of attending
the Peabody funeral, a respectable mem.
ber from the back country 'laid: "Mr.
Speaker. I am disgusted
of this Rouse. Thla fpneral at Portland
la *going to be a great affair, hut when I
see this Rouse a•toterlng and see-uwing.
-u if it didn't know its own huaineiss, I
declare I wiah Mr. Peabody hadn't died."
„, .
yggs..., pillow. husband, dearest.
rant sad - Witter come. my breath,
And lhe.e abed owe stealing slraCY,
Most, I know, be rhos. or deal]. •
nit dawn ease be Mat me darling,
t me clash four warm, strong hand.
Tomes that has ever CU sited me
To the borders of this land:
Thence shall lead me on.
When upon a throne &aunt
elm h - .• loved ud tat,. eon:
I've had alums end been dreimlne
O'er the put of lot and pale;
Seer by yea.l've vrawleredbutlased
71111. Ina a chitin/tale.
Dreams at atrlho.d.arid t h e assonant
When I stood roar wife and brldt—
How my heart Ailed with lave.* tr lumpb.
In the hour of weman•s tride.
Dreams of thee sod all the earth eheirde
- Firmly tielsed aroma My heart —
Oh. the bitter. turning antelsh,
When Ifni I hum that we must part.
It hint piss , d. and Old lus promteed
All res , footsteps to attend;
He that.s more than Mend or brother
',Rh pee to the end.
There , iso shadow o'er the portal
Lisa kilo hemvenly
Chriet 4as promised Ills Immortal
And he that bids me come
When I IV. trials Wilt Mound thee, -
„Led I chilling Milo , . emelt,
7 boul thank heaY6 that l'unpared them
• Than t *el that •5..11 la well.”
Brine y bola into MY bedalde t • _
fly t blatant lit th em keen—
But th ' Veit ale• pink,
. do not wake them.
They II l earn hoogh to weep.
Tell th en often of 4141 r mother.
Bias t em for me 41tin they water
Lead th neatly In life'. pathwaY.
Love them doubly for my take. ..
Clasp my hinds t t:11 closer, darling.
This, the last night of my life.
roe to-morrow I &hall
Answer when cell me "wife."
Pare Oleo r ell, toy noble hueboad.
Paint not 'neat h the chast•olig rod;
Throw yew a Tong arms ' roUnd our children •
Krim thorn eloee to tats—ald God!
Baena - taw has a "Woman's Club."
Nam= meditates a t5,t)00,000 park.
GattKAR maidens use cow tails for
ow tc.hea.
DR: Dunn; the Bwln President, gets
. $2,000 a year.
A..ll.allese apple measures 15j Index
around the belly.
CANDIDATEi foi the eacceeelon to Piais
X.begin to appars.
LATILNDICII ktda are' the rage. Prince
Arthur set the Cashion.
TIM building Improvements In Toledo
Isatjear eon $1,387,600. • - ,
Tan French papers now compire
0111vIer to Judaa Iscariot. •
Tug University of Edinburg has tlyo
ady etudenta of mediciae, •
Nomarsnue, Indiana, has decided to
build a VO,OOO high schooL ' •
Tne new Warren County Infirinary, at
Lebanon, Ohio, cost $51,816.
Licenses to marry are not granted to
drunkards in Waldeck, Germany...
TIIIII:TZEN citizens of Brooklyn 'hays
been sent to jail for cock-fighting.
Fatinal'iD is already preparing for Um
census to ha taken there next year.
FoETT coal miners 'have left Akron,
Ohio, because their wages were not paid.
Laysason. the French comic actor, has
died of cancer In the stoialicisTat the age
or 63.
Nem Jignazu will hare 'a mart•of-war
when the Stevens battery la launched nett
WIPTICE having put in an appearance
fora brief season, the ice and coal dealers
are happy.
Tun value of manufactures In the M.
honing Valley, in Ohio, hit year, was
Taw Canada papers talk of "the ether
nuisance," a nuisance that would be wel.
corned here. .•
Garr. Faucets Fasiennin, On of the
late Senator, Is a candldato for Mayor of
Portland, Maine.
A•catur faro excursion to .Chatta•
noogs -and Decatur. Alabama, la being
organized at Tulin, Ohio.
AT a recent Beltran duel both princi
pals ran off at the first shot, leaving their
seconds to settle the matter. . •
A Trim La West Gardiner,- ]fain, have
received an order from New York for
the nee of baw•bail players.
Tn sentences in the Recorder's court
at Chicago, ca Monday lastownounted to
two ce.nturlea of hard Asher.
DETROIT kill imported Ws winter from
Kentucky and Tennessee, several ban
died opossums for colored epicene.
Dirrnorr will have an International
wrestling tournament in March, orer •
three hundred dollar champion belt.
. J. DonaLro Csaurson has inherited 111.-
000,000 from his lately deceased fatherin
law, Mr. McCormick, of Harrisburg.
l'ne Literary Society at Massillon. 0.,
to making elegy approaches on the ques
tion of the Bible In the public schools.
A CINCINNATI firm was awarded the
constraction. of the iron cells at the Si.
Blairsville (Ohio) Jail for flee thousand
dollars. • •
litaug OLLIYIER recently said: "From
the day I first entered public I have
had but one policy—liberty without rev*.
BOSTON talks gloomily of her ability to ,
negotiate that now city loan in London,
even though the , price has been - marked,
down to 87.
. . .
Tim Springfield (Ohio) .lispubli• says
"a road must and will be tmilt from.
from Springfield, via Xenia and Lebanon,
to Cincinnati."
In reply to a challenge, M. Venlliot
lately replied: "My life belongs to Jesus
Christ, and he has none too many defend.
era just now."
Moms got by fraud aro dug out of
one's own heart, and destroy the mine.
Riches got by deceit cheat, no man so
much as the getter.
Ten Government of Sweden proposes
to expend ;4,000,000 in railway eaten-
Ilion, and taxation will have to be Wrest.
ed in consequence.
Tns. Lord Mayor of London duds em
igration the only relief for the distress
among the working classes, and writes
to the Times about it. •
Tun Parts workmen, who went out to
bury Noir lost $llO,OOO in wages, and
the whole lots to trade by the demonstra.
Son Is pat at $400,000.
A qualms'. among the members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church at Mitchell,
Indiana, resulted in the organ* being
ripped to pieces, one night recently.
A cam. in Manchester, England,
knocked out a friend's eve with a rolling
pin by way of showing her familiarity
with the use of howtehold implements. •
Tax receipts of the several See insur
ance companies of Hartford, for premi•
ours during 1810, web 0,811,629, en
increase over 1868 of mors than half a
Ramose. communication with Long
Branch Is to bo so arranged next summer
that people can go from New York and
spend the day them without lecturing
hotel bills. ' •
SALT Lars papers contain litters from
Mormon missionaries "laVaring" in
Massachusetts. One of them says be has
converted!. large number; and will bring
them to Utah in the spring.
Tan last seen of Walter N.. Burke, of
Jackson, Ohio, was on January 31, as he
entered a bagnio - in Portsmouth, Ohio.
His cap and coat were found on the bank_
of the Ohio River, next day. "
A suctortzurazza In West Union,
Ohio, has a nice little cemetery where he
buries his deceased customers, at his own
expense. Bill Lee was the last one tithed
out of the river and interred in it.
Art intoxicated Individual was arrested
in Springfield, MINI, for putting his
arms lovingly around the neck of a to.
baccontst's Indian, and inviting. him to
"come skink and take something." .
Ymtv had what they called a paper
party luaus Ohio town the other night,
and the local journal says panever
appeared to a greater advantag at a cir ,
notating medium than duriag the waltzes.
As Indiana young girl, attending
private party, excused herself when asked
to sing, saying: "You must 011:1130 me,
for I never attempt to sing, except . to
warble a few wild notes for pa at even•
Tax frolt trade of Boston Is Largely in•
creating. It received last year, eighlt
cargoes of oranges from Meishia and
Palermo, and fifty cargoes of other, Milts
from Malaga, tardy= and the West
Indies. . .
Boma or the 'western cities aro ntterly
Insolvent Galena, In n cannot pay the
t on its debt of 11290,000, end the
valuation of property, which In . 1856 was
02,212,674, is now less than half a million
of dollars.
BEN WOOD and Morrissey' have gone
on to Covington, 'By., to look after their
lotteries, for there has been a row among
the local managers.
Tun liquor dealers of Marion, Ohio,
have formed a "Protective Union," in
which it Is agreed to abut up the saloons
at 10 o'clock T. sr., and not sell liquors to
minors or persons in the habit of getting
A ins.Przn of Clinton, Kansas, was
robbed 'of his boots and money by his
Partner. Ills feet froze so badly that
both legs had to be amputated below the
knee, and he died. The name of the um.
fortunate man was Sines.
-Tar have a cat in Augusta, Me.,
which can open doors having glass knobs,
and, moreover, frequently with her paw
wipes moisture from the windows or
scratches off the ice, to enable her to look
out and see what is going on.
A wow who says she is "a medium
by birth," writes to Is Cincinnati paper
a card defending herself against charges
made against her, snd adding,j " earn
my living by cultivating Insanity to use
fulness., I call It metaphysica.7
Tom following is a statement of the ald
thus far voted to aid the Toledo, Ann
Arbor and Northern Railroad, south of
Ann Arbor: Milan, $10.000; Dundee,
$25,000; Ann Arbor, city, $100,000; Ann
Arbor, township, $15,000; total, $155,000.
A WASHINGTON correspondent tells
how an impromptu chaplain of the Rouse
recently opened the session by prayer,
with his overcoat on, adding that "the
representatives; who were all men - of
piety, were savage of the unholy Innova
A DAMSEL In Super county, Indiana,
who had no notion of being "one more
unfortunate," armed herself with a re
volver, and rode on horseback. twenty
miles, to where her betrayer was chop
ping wood all alone in a forest He mar
ried her that evening.
Tux Bookman, in speaking of the ease
with which the Egyptian pyramids are
ascended, says a Highland keeper ot
Lord Dudley's, unaccustomed to any
thing but Glenglary and the Black
Mount, was backed to go, up faster than
any drab of the desert, and did it.
...ACCoaDI2IO to Milton, •Eve kept el
lenos In Eden to hear her husband talk,"
said a gentleman to a lady friend; and
then, In a nielancholy tone, "Alas, there
have been no Err/ -ahtee." "Because,"
ilulekly retorted the lady, "there have
been no husbands worth listening to."
Mess Sous Husessaw, the "transcrlb-
ing clerk" of the Wtsamsin Legislature,
is young, handsome and well educated.
A bashful young member called her the
"tnmsporting clertr," in bls confusion,
the other day, and was Immediately called
to order by all the other unmarried mem.
Thousands of permit. Coder year la and year
• • t with • broken down con,Ution of the reins
• f the leas, whieh in our Units are easily re
toted and frequently otieeptible Of ewe, and
oder on, only because they do not know where
and to whom to apply tar relit f. Now, to Mee
the needhl totem:alio, to 'cues like tido, memo
to us 11, Proi,fir anti oo Put of thO U!..104;wr
'press, ►nd It Eves es leasise to be able
to reeoesmeed all seen Parr. ZILTSKR, OF 167
STOOD STILEETs 'eat number of appli
ances. and hla treat stilt fa carenlCdttesael,
(Ambles Ulm to arlled the greatest amouel of to
lief teat the present newel science eau alford.
feetnes these TllliColl4 conditions to wtteu we
Incorarnlance and surrofittir. each ae aweilinge
+nd Abnormal growths, ;Mall tha Dootom wtlh
hls Appllaner s, la mare to rellave.
Theo Mato the abdominal ereskneseee and
taking reeling petalled to teatalee, lea roamer
nib!. suffering and aezlety; for Wee the
Doctor has belts azd chlThci , cc which hch
constsucced as to Inss., %Utast Immunity trots
suffirleg wku they do not promloo 'certainty
of cam -
The DoMeV, amperienee covers s period of
oyer thirty years. Deride*, • natural aptness for
tram d(111 tolitnt of hie . profession. mslee him
more thee ord Merin OM/W. The rug. iolt Mee
Is rmtelled open: future texerstiomi by ne•
peel of the proper atones to correct the present
evils, night of itself be • sunittent cause to
enlist not 01317 the ettention or persons them.
raves, bet also tbatof ail mte.ll gent 74731th..e5.
Dr. Keyser's Once 0134 Medicine 3tore. 101
Liberty street.
The Ilttto mongoose when bitten by &deadly
serpent msOrts to • certain plat, eat of it.
and ease*. the effect of the poison. Teat is bet
etlect, Henan brings on thgetber band, mat
depend on 'neap aO4 emeerlence In Meeting
the means of protecting health end life sag' est
unwholesome Inlitences. Nar t wbet tore lama
my we this DMZ .ebjeetl Does Diet tell us Diet
to Invigente and purify the system le the bast
way to protect It &dant the talslbte Delta
which annotates dlsesee f Sorely it does.
The neat on, etla Is, +bat able thou we DA"
In chatted , a rnedieloal sefesuard Reason re
ellt• let your matter be torerionce, Well. Um
I.f,=:: o 4Vl:l(,;°Nl l 4lll ° . °, 4 7 .
carts 5. that Hostelt-risitomach Buten Vei
etragPoelnat regulatind au antiseptic PtisPi•
Mlle* whk.le sin set (*Waned In tee mme happy
c r lflrstlt . to t tl. 7 ..r . eultrolcTZlLT:he i coos
• DIM 0. retort when ear twatth leave Ailed
tither hi the mallets wh eh euhliMl.
dborders, or be any other nun, whets. In.
hermat and conitimitional or connected with our
Welts, emanations ad pti
The venom of a toxins. whale IS ms. , eal
Waft" .MlO
deeds tone h s that ' , etceteras
in tont *le and Meant water. To rant. the
fever. bilious disorder. 4:Uteri:taw s of the
boosts. and n Dor 1M2104. produtfd by
leusalabriee. etement. It Is shoo mull be
c,mati ilia the stomach sad all secretive organ•
should De, to to spent. In a solemn condition:
Omni the meat of eeeee Lltife wrtlrh tee vital
Jstoma en 1 11 .1 a toll oppose Tee.l,%•lrolelV.V.7f,;%°"'l,ll
, •
and It la bananaa the Gnaw" vEgars...m.■ "ma
o ANT =Matta ...orgy awl rend,trlty ta the moat
'rltnpOrt.dit !nucleon of the Vote. that It can be
eeatenianded mad guaranteed as nu laratnable
pn,•lnd iota Waft- • • . • '
that tbe gentleman who borrow. 41 Mt
Ws sun Anststrnollisps. some months /trees
tun return . ft Itt7S
uaPslatneonV AL a AT s RA MA ODCOot i
tar ST • coc KtfOLwetaii ,• •
The Regular Annual Weeting of the StOstbolds
en Of the Allegheny Valley Railroad doutvany
vitt be held , at the OFFICIZ O► THE MIR
PANT,. N0..110 Pine street. Pittsburgh, on
WEDNEODAT. February SU, 1870; at 11
o•clock A. W. for the portasn cfelecting &DM 4
Of M 1121142. for too ousting year, and for the
trannettng of cub other business u may be
yre , entsd. • •
Annual Iffeethe of es Stockholders of this Con.
van; winds hale at the office oo /AM rtiest. on
TIMM e. 2: lre.hrstacr Mb. at 51 o'eleck r. Y..
which time there .411 be arielectlcte for SEVEN
0. larrolLY,
T.813311)38 00/t PAN T.—An ah otlo
for .giilVlVlglirrlit'47, /ULM'? itsie
1870, •
Pittsbarg3, Vet, 3, 1870 fti
agseear: e l t e , Eook.
Ww b.iu,TZDdna,
of SILYER ria
.011 .low. • . • .
warms & snrw.ziws.
101111TH ATINFX.
°ppd... °AIM% Orrtcs..
Jos. trzazpL.JA,s, MelLAT—ltorc. LIDDILL.
SPENCER, Meßia it
Xaltoters and Brewers of dle,
243 Liberty Street,
Moodie bead ol Wood Milt.
itusburgh, Pa.
Nos. 180
(idle a impel for aktele. Prices very low
Nhw Amorioan Poplins
Slut •ad Inautlfol sbades
for 811litIngi and Dram,
Wholesale and Retail,
Nos. 180 itad 182 Federal Street,
i,x6ritieNr CITY
For GO Cerstay
Good Style and Make
Ladles' and Children's Best Quality
.4t One-gait Usual Prices
Merchants and Dealers
78 and 80 Market Street.
Can Remain in Pittsburgh
Corner Duquesne 'Way and 7th St.
BOOM o. 7.
• ,
Lecturer on the Haman ay.. Its dhows and
apteuelea, 4.441c.1an and Oculist. to the Sow
lora lloanUal an , Zoo an V. InertaaryoelUt
large stock of Ms Patente and Lmproyed Ere
tanks foliate.
opentallty, di.. Of the Eye and La
Prof, EDWARD tf. PRANKS, Dellelan s 1
tate great Dese:ire la slatleg suet 1 have mod
toe aeseetaeSea 'eau:gained inY
.4 their Wain Ores me molt astUra rant! Vito,.
I bare never Colors bad spelt ao entirely suited
to my eta.+ and seas enabled Meta read Co lona
with so
partrall• little teconvenkbee.
Isee Loam
MILLARD ,71JORE, En-Prea't 11. E.
I bore had the Improved bleetseles 10%0.1
to 'my nicht (root so •ohifrostioo of tbe eyes
alone. by Edward h. Franke M. I'., wWI so
shies me to •ffe ref y eletriy, ea.y. sod mach bet
ter than with eat t bare heretofore ewes.'
hfIUMINt tah WWI. Pres't U. O.
`We have every eatista , lion In m emmend In Y
Dr. EDWARDS. FUMY/irk latravvew nod pa
tented Spectacles so 'he ennldeues ettr eta.
sum. Hole an ontlel. of rare "'acetate abill•
Uns e ats :adapt. 4111 spectacle. 'alas peal and re
mark lade subleasehats deems, o , the eye.
Ile mires, apretaelea far es WIM tLe best pair.
ws the first attempt. which enabled ca to mad
ith creator die bateau nod context than th , ao
47C 510.107 501115.01. We 1•11.11 Erma. beerfalness
reemetnees 155111 to all mgetr of mamma...
A. 11. CURTIN, e2-Gov. of ksensylemsta
A. L. 110 1 A AvdtM. li. Alen. Of
1.. 11sE . A.U. . Penn mere, Pah.
1•11.. DICM, LaMar, Memellie,Pennaylvania.
Swish had the pleMmrs of enaminle(llr. U.
warl ot Frank's P meet Improv.o Ppeetacir..
We doe them.emyertmentalv. oxlll/ Tennant.
alt• • o dere° Iva alpha.- .
The tense. are (rowed'
pollituot and centred
li7tewitteetT, tomitemedmilly acentate to or ,
now • t•nly perfect lens. As won, We vereom
',:rir.ool4lTlOrof Pennsylvania.
A. Dotorree Blanco ot Pit 05006
Jobe Dickson, 11.1 L. Penn Btroet, Pittatmrel.
• hWoroll. hi, 0
.. (uentlet.) Penn street.
Jeree. halt . ee wealth. Prelatic= Merehant.
National taeletile, Pennaylvanis.
It Vete Ise lance pleasure to ray teat ens hive
Inspected Dr. a. ti. Yr mks'. veer emplete Sr
n Spectacles s.maat rY Speacles sat Leases. 11111 led
teem excellently insulated to 1 etnefly inch la
peer...lnes of Vision as can be uetteattea by tee
The snatetlal tact la . the utazaltatere of els
glees s Is or remarksb'e panty nod basely. sod
*ads et ey meet to !bele veae,
Wit - CorG;Aitr irliiiirili s acerfulne.p to th
onederteactaltll4/0 may 1 , 111,re L 4 •Vrvices.
hoo. lirantisJaqps. Slcr. tat, of keno..
It; r*.
We been examined What we <once Ive . to be an
amortment of nmetwes, manufactured under
D ' , dear,' 8 Pm ha* Veten4
te delicate Tarim,* thgnaltles of that emplane
ay organ. the Duman e, vah-Lner the
.thavetred vtatun Is the r , salt' of claret., a at the
Avert, welltneee Incident to 0 , 4, sae. ,
We reran, the epeclme.j of Prank. :be
th we
em. la hnee ever seen, and loch memo.
Hou. w, Hays, iirvir of ilanidnuir
Irma. J. Sordaa, Brtg. G. U. B. A., Ll.Briti
• .
ON.. hours frola 9 A. M. to 0 r. x.
Mum!Yukturers of WRITE LC kD, RED LEAD,
Anil WI colors DRY AND LE
onion min maroar.
460, /6,161, 466 and 168, Rebecca Shut,
We call att•ntlon to the connote* patted On
onr Strictly rats White Lead, and when we lay.
► "purer carbonate of lead," we mean
pow tbSt to. flee from Acetate and Hy
drate, and that fo•o 3a whiter and superior, both)
In color and coteries property. ,
GUASIAATEZD to be a ewer Carbonate of
Lead led whiter than any In the ma ket, and
wIU forfeit the price of thli paeltege If contaln
tog the leeit enulteration.
T. T. T
Ts the most pleasant, cheap. t .4 but Dent!
Mee rasa..
Wansitted Me Dean fatalism maned lents.
IS preserves end is lawns th e Teeth! '
P=tItI=3IZ. G IVI .
Peacoats secant an at Tinsel •
Cleans and Pinnies A nianini Teeth!
Is a ripe sloe article for c h ildren
Bola by all Deneriste Dentists.
Proprietor, Pinia4elylds.
17 Pittsburgh
U. X. NOME/Jib, £llszh eay.
w Prices at
At Very Lo
and 182
At 8 1-8 Cents. •
Good Dark Calicos..
At 10 Cents.
Light and Dark Calicos
At 12 1-2 Cents.
At 25 Cents,
At 1.2 1-21 Cents,
Yard-wide Bleached Muslin
At $2 75,
WOETII 44.00
Nos. ISO and 182 Federal Street,
New Goods Arrivlig Daily.
New Embroiderlea,
Hamburg Flouncing,. •
Hamburg Edging.,
Hamburg lamrHate.
Lean and Lams Goode
Genve Once add Brown Alexander . e Kid
ti.ovee, In all altos.
Ladles' White sad Colored Dented Md., a fall
line. at $1.93.
kirnt , e. huts Denton Kids. all rlaes. 111 AL
Cloth, Blitzed Par ToDDrd Hid Oloen. .
Large amovntent of Ileagy Cotton Hole and
Rene, riveted Bose. at the rednead prices.
Woolen Mastery, at ► peat re tnetlt.n.
Opeied Otte morning. another lot of flandltor•
chief rtes and Coltman ra , aeo Bows.
Zlegant gash andßow
Cores ta rf all Osmond Qualities:
Hair Baited. la real hale ►ad battalion.
Chignons. in., de.
ohms will end nor .to well imputed
• ere the rerY lowest. -
lln. their Retail Department,
In countotion lOLA diet! . (draws at/AYRES,
VAEINTLES of Table Nottse and torts, and
0.. r ONE IittOiDELD AND 711 . 1 T diluent.
-oattorooof PootoilLohco..
All goodiworrontoot gad prices , to retalloar
chasers very low, , • • . to 3
._ .
-vgil p,
g ria zi
,7 E.,01
H .0 z Pi
y .ati re
-44 Nls op H
i=t 2 41 .4 Ep .
P" ' I:
P r ' 0
0 2 ` 4 "csi mi
&• 4 0 " 4
I= l s PI ' 4 g .
-a r 4 74 z
0 -0
LORAN, G 6868 1Y C
52 _Wood Street,
Country Mere Mints are Invited ye
esti nun examine nor stink wheals
Shadily. •• • • • •
..11111:AIZTAt: w .11 ,4 .: 1 111
Comte: q.
A fall 'Meek of lesebtalste.
smith. mod itarpentees Tools, Maur
ear'. Mee. 'Leather Bettialr. 11 0 1
Leather. de.. alwesa es haat.
_ _
liT411:1 1 BE ci lD l a BEAD I
BUOlffeet ly one OSIOON. WithOOt bleellillj or
leaning soreness: Bunions and Dimmed Ifs.
Removed In u few m10o•e/. AU Operations per
formed el:bons pale or bloodshed f
Pardee: comfort Intmedlatell .
Bo velsOnons medlelminseelt
. .
No sore het alter orrattnal
rnlarred and 5114 Joints treated nem st
. /rod-Bite and Clillblebts cured inn few darn
Entlefteldon elven or money refunded. flood
City References glue. .
=o4 « e nda
ann from
te 9 A.
9. to ISM., and 1 to 11.4
.. 9 11 a. x. •
B.,enee.r. tee ploc.. No. 49 Sixth areal, old
St. 9117: iiri•VEßs ON. ritesurgh. ra.
dennele •
Ho w . and Sign Painter,
Gintiortzu Arm "Gmaznan,
e r attre2a= DeQuo to
i D o ra o
I try . C,3:471t01.1,5u•S "Cr,
PITTSCIMOtI. PA,. Yebroary IT.h. 11110.
portaat ce of an ordiusnee of
Couu Ps of tee City of , 11whor. entlll.4
tt O
. .Ardl atter rf (WA . - for tie Sat .K mot.
and custody of the ••I t •e Cty.•• patted
the 7th davit , boars. 110'0 :Waled Promo els
will be root Ired by the nod, rOgued front toe
Panic. and caving,. 1 ustlwtlone f Vac cit, set.
One forth toe rate ad intefett such Ila ti or
Harlots Instltriti.nt will Uon,ratt tail &greet°
pay to the city for thence and advautsge of tie
deposit of the city lands or metier tenufdlna
the terms and co Intl •as of Saud ordinance. All
bide to ha her altd is It , fore DI We on MON
DAY. the Alta dam of lfehruary. 1674.
ft 10 11 l6OOO WAN. Controlla.
A N ORIPINtiIiCE to provide '
ti ler toe Safe Beeping and Comedy of the '
Pond. of the Curl
Be 11 ordained and enec - fel he fee My of lqte#:
Derek in Coffer dud Common (ros•telt• too. cotter, ,
and sle Aerobe° , adea Or/ entherfty Omen:doe.
rig. I. That ate Select ono Comecon coll.'s I
of tbe city or Plltenurgh OWL at the drat repo I
ler meeting, alter the •• Mestre Of Ohio ordlearter,
Ku into Joint .s•lou. end eloto-e, elect end dee_
lgrate toter of the Banks er S clogs In.
toes of veld oily to he. detto . lioriel and cos o
dines of th.• or fond. o said coy,
until the dot Monday of Felonry. Mt.
beg. B Thee at the &aortal joint motion of
mot COUntlls toresffer for election g city omit mr,.
three of the tanks or String. 1,40100 ion Or
said City shall be 03. n. ti.cted and deelmoutte
to be depoeitorles rod tcusiodiana of the public
meaty or funds of ma l l
city for the tusulag
Mag. T. That shall he the duly of the Coo
troller of sold elm/. innotfliatrly upon the Dab
lenge of this ordlusa•e, and enormity therv•l ter.
at tract ton days before the meeting of sold Joint
mselon of Cot nett., to ad•eri Ise for and receive
staled propoe ale (Pont the hanks and sayings In
stitutions of esld city, soling fortk too rote Of
luterest such books or revlne• Insiltattnnt .111
frantrant and alp a 1 to pay to the City foe the am
and advantage cf sal t depot.. of mob public
funds or Ironer. the mato. be arßurter, settled
and paid monthly , and computed upon the ave•-
age amount of the deposits of each mouth, said
settlement and adjustment re be made hy se.
Controller, subject thenproval of the Finance
Cemtalltee of mid Coet
4. It shall be the ditty of said Controller
to lay said bids before slid tot. Connells a: mid
Joint zoom , etaelon, when the same shall to
opened by tlin Preolde ch o os e aid joint r esslnn.
and the Councils shill and el. ti Mew toot
tbrte aPPearingt to to the highest std ost
tout. 5. That the Bank and 5.10-e ImillutiMwr
so designated. elected and ghost n. eball make,
delver to. and gin with. the lon•
trotter of Old City a geld, in the pool' oarrant
One Hundred Thousand Dllars, with warrant
of Attorney, withal least three sufacteot sure.
tier, candid teed for the true arid taithful per
formance of thelenutles so fail) 1.00110 depottto
ries.. And 'bat all checks or warrants drawn
noon the font so on drposd Int salt, Barbs or
!wrings Institutions. h., aufhurity of law Mali
be pad on domend.w bleb hoed ball be approved
by the gloauce Committee aforesaid.
elb. O. Thu so soon as tne Sankt or leaf.°
Itoututione so desimtat d as &pot' cries of the
funds of said city. shall have gives bond at e
Bonet try this eminence ‘ it stall be thr duty of
toe City Tree. tutor to depo,it ell lands in his
• Metal ens ody, or that afterwards' mama 10:0
his °Metal posttetslon. In the Books or Carlota
Inatitutions afortaald. keeping the amount in
each as newly tau al as can he done.
r JO, 7. That the publimoneys or fund. to
on deo nit may he &two 0y the City treasurer
rt quiet d to meet Ire COMO esrf mid coy.
noon wsrmn o or checks drawn by lalmettf 11101
Counters good fey the Controller. unorr cob
msale Contre r and
Crmtnitlee may from time to lime notallivb
Sem H. oilfield any anc.', hank or melees
moon Owe I le. tic, at any time durists bull
nets hottrr, or fall to pay set warrant drown
open It 11T the tity OtoutUrer. counterelarted I Y
the Controller, o the Mode so 00 &wait
with mut took, or seri, Inottution, wheu the
to is bottom' nine carte., It 'hall se the
tint, of the
Cty Tres r farthwlt h . repot
the same to the Cit y,y, CoCntror. Who aball at
°Nee muse the m uta t e m o re Of b l oat hook or sev
lags InstltatlOn. G. b.. toter. d up In the proper
Court of iff cord, thy the Coy toile./ sod an
execution forthwith Inset d upon the same, and
alto toot said CO? Controller almll tall together
and report the same wale Flush. ommlitee,
who shall repat tiro latn9 to Counmis at Altar
at nottletg.
h.O. O. Ti at allordinances Barbi of ordir
nauef s I:won't/dent heforrith ho and Poe smut
are hereby [rotated. •
°Malted and enacted into slaw In Counclia,
tors 76.h457 Of /abr.!). A. D. 1570.
J 411168 111.<0,1.11AT.
President of Select COanCll.
Attest: 2. 13. IdounOW, '
Clerk of belectCouncli•
W. A. 10IlLI0130)1.
President ot Comma OoluteLl-
AMU. /I.ldglissrah,
Clark of Common Council. • fop
AX.T . ,
AN OBDIN ANNUL relating to a
a Saner o• Fifth %taunt.
• bnii. 1. 11. a orriainwiand iiriartrid ay
to. My of Pittsburgh, in Select and Caw
nun Councils assess/did, and ft is Purr
fly ordained and enacted by tag. ant/unity.
of Ms anase. That au di so 0- passed lleee r
MO. 18511. en lied an *Winona.. antnotisite Ilse
eonstrueslan of • saner on: elfin .10111 G. from
Washington to Dinisiddle street, he .and the
sane Is berths' sinwided rlibstitn tiny Th-mas
Neel-and John 'r. Brown as ABSINIBC.I In mare
trilitam Jeneey, who Aiello.% to set, .and
Jaw.% Waeli, vim Is not %freeholder of the gitr.
7110.2. Tow toe r •port of %e.0.m . % bee. robot.?
"toady, ha n_d It hereby disapproved, and the
se Is reflirg.d to the as,essors tor roconsidera.
SEC. S. Thatanyonlinariee organ ardinar.ce
welch the pee.mi et this oithtienra et
the preeent time. be tne emi. Is h.,' chi re
paled *0 far the MOO SWIGS this ortilna.s.
Ordatne4 and en.ted into a. leo In Commit;
this 31st der ofA. D. AS7O.
JAsEs ice..1168.1r.
rreel.ent of Select Connell.
C%onsi .
Preelcient of Comssion %AMAMI.
Attest: H. MCM.SATE.,
Visit of Common Council. AO.
AN ORDINANCE for Grading
eel thht•ig Thirty-era street. from Lae .
est" street to the Alice'tsar Meet
A =non C. At peasant.: andesached h the
ear grPilLe6l..6ll, to rutty: alga Common Cosa
ante/aka, and it it etram ordained and an.
acted by the authority of Let booths that the
Lit) Anetattr be and be Is hereby tabor Led
tun directed to advertise Ice prorate for the
eradine and paving of Bla street, fe. Liberty
s tem to the Abegheny er. and to lea the same
In the manner Mrs.:at/ILp an ordinance concern
ing. ...tea. pseud Anftla Mat. 1.1457: al A MI
eimeeratag street.. approvad January
Bac. S. Ilea any ordhance or part of enti
anc . with pemene of this 0r..1.
nauce at tee patent time. be and the sane. It
hereby repcsied solar ma the same ...Mt this
Uadeinsd *AI ruacted Into a law In Opunclthe
this Lt day of Febrawy. A. O. 1510.
• President df retest Louie%
Attmat YounoW. •
clerk of common Cnell.
Pmeldtut of Common Connell.
Attest: H. IttrhiAsTpli.
Clem at .mon Council. fee
.A N ORDINANCE opening.
Warp street, Rom Fifth' arena. tor, LAM.
avec.. • -
ittrrlorrt. He 0 ordained and mewled by the
MY Or Pittshnryh, be 'Eastland o.nenton eons-
MP, mrsaabisd, and Al fir hereby ordain.. and
muted by ths autitoriry • of tits dome.. That the
City 61setnete be dad he. 'snatch, authorised'
and directed to surrey and open •Hoop orate
from !Intl Amin., to Wilklns enact 1n at
cordostee with k ha pled in to. Etteinter l soom,
and b. appraise demons and seams *meets
Cited thereby. Jelin Beecher. Anallion• Shen.
ard rod tivattel Chadwick are horedymnoluted
In accordant Mtn anActor.temembly.rd/Piored
January 6th. 1888. • •
Bac: 0. .That• any ordlne nee or past or arOl.
n once
contlieting wit time , aemtea or inf. ordi.•
nonce at the present he and the ,ume
hetet, repealed so Issas the same &Adele this 01-
Ordained and enacted into a law . tu Councils
161 A 1" day af.Jszuary.. a. D. 1820 • -
•Prestdent of Belem. liOnnell.
Attest P B.llonnow, . • • .
Clar of Select Connell . •
• •
• . W. A. 10111.111.8012,
President or C>anancoe Comelier
Attest: 11. Ifedrommt.:. • , •
Clerrog Vomtson Cowv.ll.• ' fe9
A IV ORDINAN D'irethorizing
. the opeuing . of Loot e'r'ase, -' iron L•..e
thoyesiocilwards Railroad.
dicrimo 1. ordatord and intruded ii&Zr
..IrPtibobrirldb. &tat and Commas
et. aumbled. and It Lc hovbp.o.tarsat and
mortal by Mr ootbority of to. scrim llbar the
yearnrnie and he is berebyatirborlard so t
direttcd rary •ti op,o L.IIKSTII.I I ,
Nate OITYIIOO tots, Pran.mlvarda Hallrtian arid
to spyrslaw dun.. and batman; C/cont
ilh'hit Cananel Chadwick *DA fluky Totten
s , at/Pointed In acoordignce oth an Al
oL A.e.uply rAncornhlg stream. apkoved Jon
Gth. t.
• •
SEC. a..
anyorslinance eiriurt 'or ordi
nance conflicting with the passage or this ordi
nance at the present time, be and to
hereby repealed go tar se the name affect! thls or
ortli;lied and enacted Into • tale In Coma 4
thin •east nal of Jautta . iT . ,.. lo. 2 lljlll. tzir.
Ptcsldent or fleece C?uncll.
*Mist: E. B. alonnow. •-.• •
Clerk of linteat.Connell. :
W. A. 201CLIN'SON. "
• President of Commow•Couneit..
Attest: f. litclinsizil, .
Clerk of Ctroanon Connell. fit
ORDINANCE granting Sun.
It. 11.01.t0 oast an 1,011.0 ad
meant. • •
gramme is Be It oribsitiut and sitaead by ill
CatW PatsburiA fn &Ws and Cowman Colin
asseinbad. and ft a *mita, ordained anti
snarint by Oa authority of ths screte. I - hardline
E. Hague be seat. motto, antbarised to erects;
Iron-tied holitllty on COnlier of 9ltn and Sal all.
min streets. 1211 wood
Yltc. A. nits any Ordtulkaoe or part of or4ll.
anima conflicting with the pasture of Ills orat
e...lM! st - the.yresent time, be nod -the same Is
hereof repea te d llo fora , . the unman - ma too or,
rerlmnrivaa. rA
Re. 54 Ninth 111 tree%
Ordained and' enacted Into a 41r this the Lt day ot 4annary. A.
tan 070.
. • auto!
Attest: a; s. w.r.74. 4 """`"""` g. .
• • Clark of deleatCeunell.
K. A. TuaILINSMr. •
Preslaentot Common Cennell.
AU""L Connell. fat
Oirrics nrilrßutlou Ann Co:orsta.STll4lll
Kai LBOAD Coict , itr. _
Vl , Sszonan.
...I tuna ty.14:0. IEIO. • •
15,apon No: SU. Takla creek II
DlylPion Uonda
dna room./ 1 ISTO, will to paid do and altar
that data an preaentatlan and delivery, at Ina
rirai. National Bank of VIM en rah.
. _ •
rowsr gar
Is Now in
INTd. 59 - . '3I4ItIE.
article has been tedteee
80 sap. we acciusivery pro,
tamp'eftwqvir ,- -m -- 0 -v. —9l/1
teat ale onderstgrod. appotntid . Myers
to •teur and itfttou the . 1 11.1.1.• benont• of
she ovenlng of LANE ALLOY, to tbe Second
bNIII . . Alit gunny Cily..ftom Itt inertia taw.,
J, ff r,on • 'On meet on the ground on
TUF,DAY, 1.12,1 February, 1070. at 3r. Y.
gO attend to %to d nUes of 11.11 r ai.polnunnnt.
W. B. E• 8.4,
N - --
that the andortUnect Viewers, appwate4
to view and sulfa the domaxes ud beoelta a*
tte opening of .TAILII3. AYES 111, •ilit Its
nmaeat wld,h. from Palo Alto street to Webster
Street, will milt 00 the ground 0 0 raiDAT.
lath Ifebroxi7, 1170. at 3 o'clock P. 71.. teat
tend to tie codes of their Oppul.tavol•
WM. rnomrsoN
that the undersigned Vie arta. app anted
to view and rte.'s the 9•91111e1 Ina benefit on
the opening of HUNT MM ., math
taintnt it. present width frtnt the north side of
Carron street to the north side of II:rson
street, will meet on the ground on SATOND
19th February. 1919, at A o'clock' T. It.. 10
attend to the Italics of their appotertment. .
B. W. 11cOLNN7.4.
JAWEB oreAßAii..
Natter of Oponing Lincoln Strut.
Noticet herebr given that .Übe neaesement
dank.... Made by the Viewite for Ili* ooenthe
of Lincoln street ban been tiled In toy oars for
collection; that tr satd avet ramie are not PI Id
within Uttrry de*e tom the date hereof. Ilene
will be tiled therefor enlnsl the Pro Peri) lot
st.wo with le tercet, costs And het, and the sum
collected 57 kgsl proms.
J. Jr. CU') Attoree).
No-106 PU.s'Aye..
Jan. Wil..•/1110. =”111
vinmommes OAICI..
cizr Or ALLoG ilSo T. re ortiary.3, IST O .
BUILD clUt. - • .
reated liropoeeit w received at Milo efilee
Cola a o'clueit P. Y., 2111:111.1601.1,
Planelug. Boting and Shrinking Two
Wrought-Iron trunks.
on malls Ellett at Watt r Works. Cranks ten 'AI
seen at Stiller , Forge. laoluesne Way. Nits.
eigh. Bidders to take off Crank., drtss up
crook plea, and leave engines read. to cart.
Wora to he done to ti,e eattsmetlon of theft.
partnt.ndent If Water Worts.
fe4 W It, VOlirEtt. city Controller.
• CITY OF •LLIMILISMT , b. I. 11410 1
34 lied prohomf. will be rea-I•-d at tht. ate.
• antll.3 e•aloek T. 31.. TISUBIONLIC. Yebraary
10th. 1010. for the
, ,
Grading of Chartiera Street,
prom Wetient Avenue to Fanlamer
!Teellleatlons can Defter, at the ogee of F hat.
Davit. p• CA, .Englat el , The llitht n•-
to r.Jeet aol or all bid&
'CUT Controller..
modersltsed have able day entered lot. •
oartnorthlp for the par Asa Of oarriltse oaths
Wholesale and Beath
Ito.A 116 71tDERA. , ISTIttRET. raeler`a
cn the AM name of-
T. A. 1.14.15AN.T.
ALusancir Crrr, J.. 1.11110.
Mews. O'LEAILY & tIIAULATOW la, lust
returned 'lam the llAt. where ll:purchased
for rash IL MOO •LII IlLotk Of NOY 1,1/1
and ,AeCY domorlalag I oar. of Ho
were. I lien HIM., unit s, Poets.
Boot., turtle and 00nto'
Ruske... CArrlage.. Hobby Rom;
Cerra. Wheal., An . whirl of teed OL.O
rr.dy for
•wben In:loin e pOLIPLO LO hay. OIL friends UM
01. rablto generally so e• 11 and 4ae oaf
al 11l O'LEARY A el .GLET4II.,
• . A. THOWDON.•
The enderelgned bey. thle eef eietehlthte•
511 . p b tesgzha , f:r• the putipeee of canytegon
At No. IOT WOOD EITIIZI.T, easier the !style of
80111308, NICINISON 8;1110)1110N.
• W. A. TilertOLS.N.
Crn:snpnasc, Feb. 1. 1870. .• • •-••
Thn• wog taparkoon of Kr. Rapers, who flo
taw fro .-n lb.. hon., of nobartc *molt &Go.,
Id MO. of Mr. In leholsoa, bus Inn leboltoa. Wow..
nor Malta . ook .100 , aaaVes Ova to ordor.
. .
with new •6411e.ti +lt cm et Itento. embrac t =
tritqag Iq tl. 1.1
,4 o 47 trade, th.l.r
P p l7 i,¢areorpxo..epayolatc. 1to: ■
' Raring been appolated.OLßand GAS METER
IN . PPECTOrt ter . Alleabeir Cougar, hobos le
hereby then that anti Ve neeisaaly eaSee and
Mechanical Testleg blaehtherr eatbbe prodded.
t 'ran be 'forisrl at the 0,71/10g -THY KA,
Twenty-third street, he Pato. e#to.,rlth•
,IIILTON , &-N010114,_
aris AND STElAlD•vrrrenf.
fifth Avenue. Near iiiitertitreat.
• rrrresurnuti, PA.
Lead Pipe. Gam Nene, (la.a. Tavatres. Mtn.
Bath Tuba sad .W.b .tandi. 1,0. Pip. .d
Fittings, Lie .dßevi Pomp,. sadB:4l=lo , a.
ahrai• en haat'. Pub! a and Pttrita
Ursa up 1,1%11'1/JIA Mart , sue Btesso Wm:Mc
Apparatus. ..labblag Ptnn Ott/ nttniett tn.
DR.: warn. - -z,ut . - ...
L i . u. discs et[erplet t it to all'lta toms, L . ;
urtm - y y d ' lseareri Ind the elect. or Vase=
'aid Vrigera durniPo=rrerutat Mr.
eratolntrear otner causer, lad ertaritloreou ,. .•
ammo co the follow:nu c Ent*. ar Watt... 2 ... 52 1
orreinns., latllsestam, aturamptlo t t afar, .' , :t .c
?L'llMa =itltlin ° :,':,l4.l7l.T Vl . _ .
tea easily to rattsrmattng lee MUM rystent 11 Lb
...Orr rewriter annatittscW7, cad (Praetors
Imprudent, are pcnotoeutlr cured.' Yersone le.
tooled vtla tarto or ter eta, dr/taste. Intricate
or lons flooding oeuttltutlonal eortt4ulut thor.:4
ere the Doctor &Utah be puree WM
station or 171erratIon or II =b. ortrlt!:.
nrcrltlS, Ammo:lllms. )(moral-41N Dymette...
norsboas, Sad eternity Orllarrenaats, are that.
d with use grottos?, stoma.
• It la arlDrondeutthat. It pernellet Wild toe errs
elmeolt ezoluttrely to the at.ll of a CORM, e‘rre
er dtsterril sad terstr• gammas of caret ryc.l
getr mart snostre grouter MU la Mt' tpoartte
TlVl.Ve n trrlpnlars a trateProapalet ol
art, lOtrottOot rrefor it fall • tttortaterucrcel
~,,,, wiirte denerteroth at eta lire. at otO re
•or ay null it? two Comply In i set eavelopc . ...
raZ. VITZ2 9 SIVit . MI to detteriLtrUla VIS.
.aso as re of tErUetunplatutr. , . ,•
Tee etllthroent, comprllled .tee nage
roOT mt.). Warm It la not oOlcreelest IC
Mgt . . City. the DOetOrr OP/A i.. 1 b 0 Ot •
Wee by irtllnd ". `written itetercro or the cur,
and.autoltrinoscan tut fenniMed b 10111 Or ell.
mt./SL )01316 111111iiteeS, Gower • pertrcal
stltut le altmletely neressarj, white Ie
7—.. .r0rl ro l2 llNomunl tttentlon Is nattered, sad
rot' tbe neetaamodAtlon f f such tuttlatts tarn see
manc i ut tb e conuotedtrltb the cella that
srmnoto recoterW,Vgairur ¢ l 4ll=l raprr,
Dotton ll w plrsettocrriptolr o r n .stao pontred la thi
Ut. 00050021 r"
4trvl m aina llir /Ledleel t. osalal i e rd. .T.... re b nt. b a
rolled . Tr. t• two
t% XV: RA. 91.170 4 P...
in.'," .A..9!,,t, 1 111,; li.,,V,Wittl:7-Z1
0 0 7E) g ,
Progress at
ET s9ria. ^r,
d in price, and must be sold in
Al. a, APGAR 4