The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 10, 1870, Image 1

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nommi, Imo a oat
OfiSots, 84 and 86 .Filth dame.
P. 3.P131 - ,firii.
Y. r. J.
exams UV TIMM .
*MU, per year:...
Veltrend try carrier.. •......if CL.
ctu gittsturo qaptte.
Detainee peach trees arebloesoming. -
r Crecrestert Is to have a "jubilee" la
BT. PLTEWIIIIIRCI hu • population of
TIIF. Canadian Indiana are prophesying
eatly spring.
A 2thamasuret sportsman haa shot a
white partridge.
MIIINEBOTA . le ranking Ice at forty de
greet befow zero.
Tau wicked Schneider Leabeen 'Week
for The poor at Mee.
Pasta talks of tree doctors, with •1 111-
ilea paid the city.
' Maxims haalnan to ship white, stud
to the Northern markets.
city judge
Tax Chicago Post ban been libelling •
tecrrth 35,000.
humus pays Cor twenty-fire daily pe!.
Pon. for whof its legislators.
A $A2.11A13 fanner sowed sax acres of
'wheat on the 11th of January.
Tway base just hid a ball at 'blanches
tor. Vt., to p‘y cemetery expenses. .
"Datricwirsa" have the misfortune to be
arrested as vagrants in Charleston.
Tax Mormon missionaries in Denmark
made a thousand converts last year.
Naw roux ladies improve their com
plexion with pulverized gravestones.
Enimmar Ohio goyernora are now well
itteservid in oil and hung unto dry.
Is was 7lteddy's .law" Mu got him
into troubles inidlockjew
Tax Bunn's' Betond Astrologer is
blown as The Illikal•Blieereef neatly.
ki faz Yorki .
tmslgrir Arth ur'st=e
. Tim red men of thepleans are our West
Indians, and they are as troutdesome as
Aia ex olisynr of Sacramento slapped a
State Senator's face, and there's 'duel In
AT the concluslon of a tin weddingin
Hartford, the couple found a baby on the
door step. •
Tax Chicago Ti - MC, asks If thi Coroner
Is in partnership with any of the sdiool
mistresses. •
An Illinois man shot himself beanie
be had a lore throat. It was an Instan
taneous cure.
Iv Is conv,mplated in Russia to build
barracks for the army, which-numbera
830,045 men.
Tros harbor oU Rio Janeiro Is crowded
-with sbipping, but. the mars and stripes
are invisible.
A KAN named Smith, in Chicago. has
brought a breath of promise nit against a
vain; Woman.
BRAZILIAN troops draw rations of dog
meat, and Lopez ands their bark worse
than their bite.
A GALVANIC tummy is carried about
by nervosa New - Yorkers as a protection
against garroters.
IN France there is 1 temente to 240 of
the population; in Ragland. 1 to 72.8; and
ia Austria, 1 19 4 111.
Brrus can't like care of its poor Rus
sians, and the mayor wants Alaska made
the T.:scions] poor-house.
SMALL caps trimmed -wlth - gold cord
trod tassel, a la mditairs, are among the
newest fashions for ladles. : •
IT - COBI &Man $6,000 to go to a.thestre
in New York, The pickpockets diSCOT.
wed that sum in hiii trousers.
Costumes lIPTAGGIMT b a London
girl who has spent eleven out of the
tweedy-one years oilier life in prison.
CAIILOTTA PATTI was hissed by a bat ,
barons St. Louis audience because she
woutdn't sing In responae to an encore.
- • AT a recent session of the Criminal
, Courtin Nnoro, Sardinia. Immo:malicious
parson set fire to the Judge's wig and robe.
Wawa la the Worst enemy of society—
the family that keeps %parrot, or the one
whose son is learning to play the bugle ?
' Tax sales of two dry goods houses in
Chicago for the year 1899 are reported at
$12,000,000 sad $10,000,000 respectively.
Tea Romans criticise the Archbishop of
Ban Francisco, because he comes from a
land of gold and yet wean a silver cross.
Tax house in which Pierre Bonaparte
shot Notr was that forinerly occupied by
Madame IlelyeUus, Franklin's admire.
Mamma is the name given to . a new
disease among the Colorado cattle. It
his prevailed there to a considerable ex
, LAZE Wuziressoo. In Wiscotan, Is
said tribe tho largest body of 'water en
-. {trey within the limits of any Western
A DEBT of nee shillings so preyed upon
the mind of an English soldier that he
blew out his brains with his musket a few
days ego.
AN urchin being rebuked for wearing
out his stockings at the toes, replied that
It couldn't be belped--"toes wiggled and
heels didn't."
A WIUTI Pun miner who came east
on a palace car, and slept with his boots
on, says the beds are "as soft as down on
& maiden's Bps."
An Illinois teamster tumbled off his
cart on a lonely road the other day, and
was frozen to death before he could pick
himself up again.
Monona is prevailing with fatal et ,
feet among the horses In Ban Francisco.
One railroad company lost twenty animals
within two weeks.
A Dimswanr. bridegroom was thrashed
and made to sign the pledge by his mother.
wlaw, the other day, for getting drunk
ring the honeymoon.
A "nustuategurcr" led a Chicago alder
man to Insure his life before starting for
BanPrancisco, and he wasn't tilsapooint
ed. His wife gets 5,000.
Tan New York Vines says there is
nothing %o ho dreaded from the "relapsing
fever" by those who pay proper attention
• to ventilation and cleanliness.
- A. TOOTH who rescued a young woman
from suicide in the Erie canal has been
arrested -for mutat and battery. •He
wrenched her chignon out of shape.
Tali English telegraph companies, it
Is announced, were paid by the British
Government on January 28th, the sum
of $25,872,240 for their telegraph lines.
THE Alabama man who offered a bribe
of $100,000,000 tor the assassination of
President Lincoln, now humbly prays
Congress to remove his political disabili
ties, . .
Tax Swigs Judge who recently pit the
thumbecrows on a thief who wouldn't
confess, Is poring ram who recently
took his degree at Heidelberg with high
Tsor, N; Y., Is to have a $250,000
public hall. which Is expected to "eclipse
everything to the way el' public hang from
New York city to Chicago, neither
A Miseouai gentleman carries about
with him a memento of a lost brother in
the 'belie of a cane cut from the trim on
which that relative wu hanged for horse
Tneerdlroad connecting the Baltic Set
OA the north with the Sea of Axel, In the
south of Russia, it is announced, has been
completed, the last section having been
opened for travel on January 4th.
Trauresuics'i family having claimed
his body, which had boen buried at Ivry
situ the execution, it was exhumed and
handed/trot to them, after the necessary
formaliffis had been complied with.
A noturto mill in this State has rolled
out a finely pollahed sheet of iron three
feet lung and twelve inches wide, and
weighing but three and a half ounces.
Il is thinner than ordinary writing paper.
A Wiscoren4 youth, stied for breach
of promise, offered to - compromise by
marrying the girl, If the Court would
protect him from several other; girls,
- _
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rC ‘ tittt
• , .
who bad the lame tender claims upon
A WOMANRecently fen out of a fifth
story window m Paris upon the glad of
a foot passenger. 'They both had atoll
In the mud, but neither was badly in:
Tex Wheeling ineilligencer says that
no Iverson in West Virgins', so far as it
knows, favors a reunion of that State
with Virginia, and that certainly no party
willing to avow any such wish or par-
A CINCINNiaI woman, In destitute cir
cumstances, sent back a pair of shoes she
had received from the Relief Union, with
a note saying she would like a finer pair,
with high tops, since her daughter wore
short dresses.
Indianapolis physician of 4S has not
slept in a bed for twenty years. Ile rests
at night In a large arm chair, taking naps
of about an hour's duration each, and
always keeping the gas lighted that ho
may read each time he awakes. •
A VERSIOST doctor recently gave up -a
case sa hopeless, and on his way home
broke his leg, while, to illustrate more
fully the uncertainty of human predic•
tions, the man he had doomed to . death
*covered In time to make him a pair of
THE Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
decides that the inspection laws of the
State only extend to spirituous liquors
distilled within the Commonwealth; and
that.liquors distilled In other States, and
brought into Pennsylvania for sale or ex•
portation, are not subject to Inspection.
A 3lissountan tried to trick an incur•
ante company by drowning himsolf. Im
mediately after taking out a policy. By
'dying he escaped a great dleappointaient,
for while hie application for insurance
want by mail, the news of his death went
by telegraph, and the policy was not is
Annie liatinton, a young lady of Wil
liamport, Pa, aged eventeen, datighter
of Thomas IL narittlon, killed herself
Monday morning by taking poison. The
reason Ott Oren for Is extraordinary act is
that her parents h d . interfered In some
manner in a love air in which she was
A. YOUNG girl err a Nror In dlicksoa
county, Indiana, beard a noire under her
window the other night, and peeping out,
saw a burglar climbing twit ladder.
When he was within one step of the win.
dow she dashed him to the earth, and next
day a burglar with abroken leg was ca•
ried off to Jail.
Hain Fort IdontgOirtery, on the 'and.
sou, there !Fred a man named Storms;
who was born with a malformed spine,
and has never been able to move about
=tyon "all fours," using his hands
.with his feet. Ile has a wife and
six children, and earns a living by out
nog cord woOd.-
Gummia planters want bands to till
their lands. Many of the negroes have
died; very many have flocked to the rail.
roads now building; the towns have ab
sorbed i good share; some have hired or
bought lands and gone to work on their
own account, and the women, as 'a gen
eral rule, have wholly deserted the fields.
ACCORDING to a recent estimate made
the population of the globe Is 1,228.000,-
000 souls. Of this number 132.000 090
belong to the Mongolian race; 360,000,
000 to the Caucasian; 190,090,000 to the
Ethlopian• ' 176,000,00040 the Malay; and
1,000,090 to the IndoLAmerican race.
The annual mortality is over 33,000,000
Tug Countess of Derwentwater is still
at large in England. Her last exploit was
to cause the seizure of a lot of live stock
for rent. She promised the people a barbe
cue If she retained the cattle, and so when
the sheriff came to remove them be was
driven out of town by a hungry mob, the
Counteas etanding at a window of the
hotel and waving her handkerchief..
Tua execution of Traupmanti him re.
vived a discussion in the Paris papers as
to whether teach by guillotining is in
stantaneous. A Dr. Pinel has written a
letter in which he expresses an opinion
that not only is death delayed, but It is
possible that it may be postponed for two
hours, or even more, the head remaining
not only alive but capable of Sensation
during the intervtd. '
A Naw Yonx paper says that "many
people—especially strangers—in this city
stay away from church on Sunday for
fear of being considered intruders, and
this feeling is a very natural one under
the circumstances. We have seen In
festdonable places of worship half the
pews vacant, and yet a visitor unable to
obtain a seat, unless he or she would take
one near the door or up in the organ
loft" •
PROYESSOII Actuate is so unwell that
be is not able to attend to his correspond
ence even. A recent letter from his wife
states that he has been, and still is, seri
airily ill, having had several somewhat
alarming attacks, a consequence, as his
physician/issues him, of nervous pros
tration and overwork, from which he may
entirely recover by absolute rest Ile is,
therefere, forbidden to work (or a long
time, and will be obliged to give up all
public lecturing.
Tax mina of banking are reported to
be very large in England. and it is Con
tended that Parliament should direct an
investigation of the 'Whirs of the Think
of England and of private bankinglinith
The last nix months, It Is asserted, were
very trying to lenders of money; and
during this period the earning of large !
,profile upon sound principles of dealing I
was exceedingly difficult; yet the "Joint
Shick Bank" for the last half year de.
clued a dividend amounting to 18i par'
cent, r annum, with a balance to be
carried over to the guarantee fund, which
now amounts to over $2,000,000.
Jeroos Jotters P. Bnapurr, of New
ark, N. J., is a graduate of Rutgers Col
lege, and was a member of Senator Fre.
lingbuysea's class. fie graduated with
high honors, and then studied law in the
office of the late Chief Justice nornblow
er, whose daughter he subsequently mar
ried. In 1882 he was a candidate for
Congress on the Republican ticket, and
was defeated by Gen. Wright, of Weil
-1 demon county. Ile Is a lawyer 'of
eminent ability, and is understood to bets
warm supporter of all the reconstruction
acts of Congress..
Ms= is the latest story from Paris—% ,
conversation tetween two friends on the
Bowe : "How are yon 1" "Not as welt
as I might be." "So much the worse:
What have you-been doing that I haven't
seen you lately 1" "I have gotmarried."
"So much the better." "Not at all, for
I have got a coquette for a wife." "So
much the worse." "Not st all, for her
dowry Is 800.000 francs." "Bo much
the better." "Notst all, for I risked the
money at play." . "So much the worse."
"Not at ell, for I doubted it" "So much
the better." "Not at all, for my banker
has absconded." "So much the worse."
"Motet all, for my wife has gone with
Tun statement, which was read turd
tiled as Mr. Justice Grler's opinion in the
legal-tender case, taken in connection
with the dissentg opinion of the three
Judges, leaves a strong inference that, es
the Court stood when Oder was in it, the
law would have been held valid as to con-
tracts wide alter to passage,H such este
had been before the Court. Mr. Justice
Miller prepared the dlisenting opinion,
which is spoken of, by those accustomed
to judge of such matters, as one of the
ablest ever delivered in the Supreme
Court; Attorney General linar, in pri
vate conversation. expressed hie appro.
batlon of Judge opinion. The
effect of the majority opinion la 'almost
i m i vers ally, discerned among the
l ea ding lawyers in both Houses, and as
sorts of opinions are expressed. it is
pronounced one of the most important
decialonei that has ever been rendered,
and many of the prominent Republican
Senators believe that the decision-will
prove disastrous to the business of. the
c oun try, as all the railroad corporations,
county and State bonds, and all other
obligations of individuals or associations,
contracted before the war, must be paid
In gold and silver. It is also believed
that It will have the effect of raising the
price.of gold and delay the day of. •specie
Paimelit.. • , . •
Mr. Mackey's Detailed Statements
Not Ready—Writteu Document
of Ex-Treasurer Irwin Not Be
ceived=Some Wrangling—The
Committee Adjourns to Next
(+peels' 12 Espatch to the rlthibursh G co.lte.]
HA RRISBUIIO, Feb. 9, 1570.
The Senate Finance Committee met
this afternoon to hoar the detailed State
ments by Treieurer Mackey conch'.
eton of bia examination. Mr. Mackey
stated that the statements were net yet
prepared. .
Ex-Treasurer Irwin immediately after.
wards presented. • written doaument,'
which Chairmen Blllingfelt handed back.
in pursuance of • resolution last night
not to proceed with any other witness
until Mr. Mackey's examination was
Mr. White desired the Committee in the
meantime to proceed with other witness.
es present, including Mr. Irwin, to hast
en the investigation.
The Chairman rtiled:that they proper
vaq Waft to reconsider the resolution of
last night. •
Personalities ensued -between Messrs.
White and Wallace, the ibrmiar chiming
the latter with desiring to make partisan
capital, WhiCh`Mr. Wallace denied.
Mr. Maniire moved the Committee
adjourn to meet next Tuesday afternoon
at throb o'clock, to: complete Mr.: Mack
ey's examination. Agreed to. •
Another Acronnt—lx-Treasurer
Irwin 'Declines to be Sworn—
Disorderly Scene in the House.
(By l'acific and Atlantic Tole taan't Line.)
llawarsuutto, February 9,-1870.
The Committee of Investigation in the
State Treaaury affair met to-day at three
o'clock. Mr. Irwin, the predecessor of
Mr. Mackey in the Treasurer's Office,
appeared and presentees a written state-
ment,. to which he declined to be
sworn, or to . answer. the Interroga•
tortes of the Committee, on the ground
that they hare no right, bin term
of office having expired, to InArdro Into
hie official action. He utterly ref heed Co
answer any questilbne touching his dlepo.
I adieu of the public money under Maven
The Committee refined to receive the
paper and adjourned till Tuesday next,
when Mr. Mackey will be recalled.
The meat disgraceful and diairderly
scone of the 80.4.i011 took place today in
.the House, on the Motion to have the
proceedings published in the two
daily papers of Harrisburg. Per
sonal remarks were indulged, In
by the members, and the Hpeaker
pro fem. Bald that ho would be compelled
to call upon the Sergeant-at-Arms to re.
store order if the memtiers did not take
their seats sod proceed with the tilecue.
alma in a more orderly manner.
I think ills well, perhaps, for some o
the metribers, that toe proceedings of
this astaion have not been published, for
could the people see and know how their
Representatives are soling this winter,
here Mould be but fewer them rammed
Pennsylvania Legislatuie
Bills of a Local Nature Intro
troduced-*-Management of . the
Public Treasury.
[ENNUI Ditoottli to the Ptttsborsh Uasetto./
HARRISINIRO, February 9, 1870.
By Mr. GRAHAM: Extending the
grading, paving and vehicle license laws
of Allegheny City to Sharpaburg. ,
By Mr. WHITE: For the incorpora
tion and regulation of :life inference
chnapaales. , .
By Mr. HOWARD: . Supplement for
the Allegheny County Trust CoMpany.
Mr. WHITE moved tho Senate proceed
to the conalderatlon of the act for the
safe keeping 'and disbursement 'of the
Commonwealth's revenues, being
, his
bill for the management of the Treasury,
which had been reported farrably. •
Alter some discussion, at the ensues.
lion of Mr. Graham, he consented to the
bill lying over till tomorrow, when other
bills on the subject would be printed.
By Mr. MILLAR: Incorporating the
Pittsburgh Cold Exchange company.
By Mr.RUMPHREYS: Scipiolament to
licenses In Robinson township, Alle
Supplement for South PittsburghVo.
operative Association, repealing the pro
viatica limiting the number of shares and
allowing . declaration of dividends in
cash or KOCK. •
- • •
Joint resolution to appoint- a Mono.
graphic reporter for the Homo.
By Mr. KERR: For new indices for
Rehorder'sciflioe. Allegheny county. '
• By Mr. WALTON: Authorizing Mount
Washington borough to borrow money
for street improvements.
/noorporating Citizens' Bridge Com
pany or Pittsburgh, to construct abridge
from Cherry alley, Pittsburgh, to Bomb
By Mr. TAYLOR: Incorporating 'tho
Brownstown and Soho Ferry Company.
Republican Male Convention—W(lmin*.
. .
Teisaraph to ter rittirrirrtt.r.stts.)
LIARTrono, February 9.—The Repub.
lican State Illenvention, presided over by
Senator Briehlogliatn, ,nominated the
present State ticket, except for Lieuten
ant Governor. for iiibidh °Mae. lion. 'dor.
its Tyler, of Now Haven, wee chosen
J. R. Hawley, - from Committee on Res.
olutlona, reported a platform, which he
supported lean epeeists, and It ITU
unanimously adopted. It exprearma gra.
Stade for the devotion. of the Repobil•
can party to equal rights; reaffirms the
Chicago platform; congratulates Frani.
dent Grant arid the country upon the
completion of reconstruction and the
adoption of the X.Vtli Amendment
praises the National Administra
tion for economy and fidelity to
ing ettihng
d th e e b it revenue
thaen d
pay re m d e u n c
of the national debt in coin and a speedy
return to specie payment; denounces re
pudiation in all its forms, whether by
taxation of bonds or their payment in
paper calla for continued economy in
National and State affairs, for the impar
tial levy and prompt collection of taxes,
removal of taxes from necoesarlee of life
and Impoaltion of taxes on luxuries; fa.
vans tariff_for revenue, but so devised
as to relieve labor, encourage Industry
and avoid strengthening monopolies, and
advocates the generous discharge of ob
ligations to disabled soldiers.
Governor Jewell and the candidate tax
Lieut. Governor Amade .brier- speeches,
and the Convention' adjourned with
SENATE: Neutral Relations of
the United States—The Case of
Cuba—Reorganization of Ju
dicial Circuits—Mississippi Ad
mission—The Census. ROUSE:
The Contested Election in 21st
Pa. District—Mr. Covode Sworn
In—The Legislative Appropria
tion Bill The Outrage on
Americans in Havana..
Trierrape to the l'ittntiorau (humus.)
WAsauserrots, Febritary 9, tiff O.
Resolutions were adopted calling for
inforreation as di the aetioh or alit, Of the
departmente rotative to the. claim of the
Central Branch of the Union Pacific
Railroad for betide or lands in aid of the
road, and directing the Judiciary
mittee to inquire into the roOrginisation
of the Georgia ,Leglalaturee • . •
• Mr.`C(TNILLINGI ; ; frif th Committee, on
Revielon of Lawkireported with amend.
moats the'Reuse bill extending the time
for revising and consolidating astute&
It authorizes the Frosidord to *eyelid
three commissionsiri to win&
three years, the work prescribed in the
act of June 27, teed.
• 'Mr. CARPENTER, from Committee
on Military, reported with amendments
the bill for vdthbolding monies from In-
dian tribea holding American captives.
Mr. HOWARD; from Committee on
Territorial, rePotted a bill to provide
the payment of expenses ineurred by"
the. territory. of, Moptapa in the bemires
sion of Indian hostilitiee.
. Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to in
crease the number of Judges of the Su.
preme Court and Circuit Court. of the
United Statess,Snd to estate's& bounds-
dos of Jtrdlcidi districts. Referred to
Committee oh-Judiciary. It provides
for eleven circultjudges. . • I
The 'greeter pottion of the morning
hour was consumed by Mr. MORTON in
speaking upon the neutral -relations of
the, United States.. Mr. Morton add
Spain bad lately fitted out in the harbor
of New York thirty gunboat. and pub
enlisted , crews for them in the
filmiest!, of that city, for the avowed pur
pose of subjugating the people of Cuba
to her rule, the most Memento and inhu
' 1
known to modern timers.; ;Ws have
knowingly furniabed ships. arid sailors
to put down the efforts of a neighboring
people, with whom we were on the moat
friendly term, and enjoyed the moat in
ilmate commercial relations, who were
struggling to free themselves from the I
military deepotism of a cruel and .effete
nation, separated from the& by toe broad
ocean. • lie ',roosted all to amend our
statute that theta things should. not be
repeated by authority of law. If any
principle of the law cf nations required
that Spain should receive this au batan.
dal ateletance 'at our hande, that
principle was not based-uron reason and
was improper. He held that no nation
ebould feel bound to admiohner any pre
tended rule of the law cf nations, when
to do a, would be to inflict great 'Was-.
ilea, cruelty and destitution upon large
moms of people, and cited from- various
autheritlea upon international law In
support of Itiepolitlon. The relations Of
parent States and colonies were those of
pareotaud child. W heu protection. sup
port anti edecetton were required on one
side there should be obedience and sub.
mission on the other; but when the son
had arrived at manhood, and the colony
entitled to the functions of a State, caps- I
hie of_rielf government and self-protec
tion, parental control should cease and
Independenoe be accorded. He instated
there was a di Serene. between an attempt
et revolution by a colony forming an lute-
gral part eta kingdom and a like attempt
on the part of a dietant, colony, and. re
marked the time had arrived to proclaim
this doctrine as one-vindicated alike • in
reason and justice. The allegation that
when a nation took possession:of a dis•
tent territory, and established a colony
there, such territory ;became part of
the nation equally with its former
possessions, was unsupported by
'reason or facts. The American col
ones of England, France and Spain
bed never been treated theoretically or
practically as intregal parts of those
empires. It wan a horrid mockery when
the Spanish Government affected to treat
Cuba as part of the kingdom of Spain,
when she denied her rights under the
Spanish constitution and treated her as
a mere possession, governed by the will
of a despodeCapsin General. Without
meaning to aasert that the United States
should Interfere by military force on be.
half of„.thiba, be would maintain that the
United States should not contribute
directly or indirectly to uphold the
power of Spain over . that Island;
Leaving ollt of view the question
whether the present condition of Cuban
affairs Justified our concession of bel
ligerent rights. It was sufficient that we
knew-that a considerable portion of the
Cubans were in arms to throw off the
Spanish yoke, and therefore, if we could
not aid one side, we ought net aid the
, - other. Ho then referred to the magni
tude of the contest in Cuba, and de
picted Its revolting incidents, asserting
that the war had been carried on with
murderous cruelty, in emulation of the
French Revolution, and indicated the
' Spanish character bad lost nothing of
the atrocious and satanic barbarism by
which it was diatlnguieluei In the war in
the Netherlands. Our silence was in
marked contrast with our former pro
fessions of sympathy with people . strug
gling for liberty and national rights.
Moreover, the Cuban insurgents were
struggling to abolish slavery, while
Spain would perpetuate the institution
In the Island.
VlORillg the Cuban question from an
American standpoint, he said Cuba was
an entirely included in what was . called
the "Monroe doctrine," as. though she
formed part of the main land, and the
possession of Cuba by Spain being hostile
to our policy, its retention by that power
should depend upon Spanish power and
resources exclusively. Her continued
possession was to be regarded by us in
the light of sufferance or toleration, rath
er than became of the existence of valid
tile.. -
The billet Mr. Morton, with that of the
House:relative to the neutral relations
of the United States, were then referred
to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
The Census bill waster= up. •
Mr. ANTHONY, on leave,- made •
statement in support of Ma bill to reform
public printing. -
Mt. TRUMBULL, trete the Committee
on Judiciary reported a anbeAtnte for
the House bill to admit Mississippi to
representation. The substitute declares
limply. without preamble on conditions,
that the State of Mississippi is entitled
to representation inCongress. •
Also, from the same , committee,Mr.
Ambler's bill to change Judicial ci rcuits.
As amended the bill constitutes circuits
as follows; let Circuit, Maine Now
Hampshire, Vermont, hisseaellsetts,
Rhode Island and fkmnectinut; '2d, New
York; 341, Pennsylvania,' New Jersey,
Delaware, Maryland and Virginia; 4th,
Misedssippl, Louisiana, Texas and Arkan
east 9th, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Oeorgia, Florida, Alabama and Tonnes•
etre; 6th. Ohio, Midhigsa, Kentucky and
West Virginia. ' 7th, Illinois, Indiana and
Wino:mein; Sth, Minnesota, lowa. Ne
braska, Kanner and Missouri; 9th, Cali
fornia, Oregon and Nevada.
Tho bill further provides that the Jut- -
time of the Supreme Court shall be
dente of their respective circuits, rand
vacancies now or heretofore existing In
sald Court shell in every case be filled
by a resident of the circuit.
After Osculation Mr. CONKLIN°, as a
teat of the sense of the Senate upon gen
eral questions, moved tolay the Houma
bill upon the table, remarking that the
proposition of the Senate Committee,
containing certain directions to the Sec-
retary of the Interior relative to the can
sets, would be disposed of separately.
The motion wan agreed to—yeas 46, nays
9, tut follows:
YeasMessra. Abbott; Anthony, Bay
ard, Boreman, Brownlow, Cameron. Car
penter, Casserly, Chandier,.Cole, Conk
ling, Corbett, Davis, Drake; Edmunds,
Fowler.. Gilbert. Hamilton. Hamlin,
McCreary, McDonald, Osborn, PoMeroY,
Pool; Ramsey, Rice, Robertson. Rows
Saulsbury, Sawyer, Sahara, Spencer,'
Stewart, Stockton, Thayer Thurman,
Tipton, Tnuabull, Vickers, 'Willey and
Nays—Mears. Origin,- Morrill, (Vt.)
Nye, Pattereon, f ratt:Bsefmih, titian:am,
Werner And Wawa.
Mr: CHANDLER, on leave, Introduced
the bill of last 'session to promote com
meroo among the States and cheapen
transportation of malls and military and
naval stores. The bill authorises. the
conahuttion of A find class railroad from
Washington to New York, the capital
atOck to be ten Million dollars. It also
provides for a railroad and telegraph line
from Washington to Pittsburgh, to be
called the Washington and Northwestern
Railroad and Telegraph Company, and
also for• a railroad had telegraph line from
Washington to llinelrundi. the provisions
as to the former being applicable to all.
Tho Senate at 6:15 adjourned.
the Honee reatimed the consideration
of the Poster-Covode contested election
cue from Pennsylvania.
Mr. Randall continued hie argument
in atipport of the ailm of Gen. Foster.
Alter a dtachasion of about thiel Lours
the Molise proceeded to vote on the ream
lidions. Tiles of the minority, declar
ing Foster ,eichted, were rejected—yeas
513, Tokyo 123, a MOM . petty iota. Those
of the majority, ;declaring Coro& duly
elected, were ad by a like vote.
The oath of o was administered to
John Uovode , ea epresoutative from the
Mat thetrict, Pa. '
Mr. JULIAN, ni the Committee on
Public Lands, re tied a bill for the re.
Der or batiste netted' lands in /owa.
Mr. LA.WRE E, from the Bacon
striiction Cominlttee, reported a Mil to
enforce anteildMehte to ilia Ootialltilliest.
Mr. COX amber leave to offer a resign
ikon calling on theillearetery . of the Wavy
for. intormationAi r r a the bite
Marsr al :de
0.9 e
P : t n tlary . 4 12 2 0 th , ille . aggregate etpeudi!
sure for same patios!, and if in excess of
appropriatiooe, the . amount of access;
also, the amonntrof proceeds of sales
of propertt for thiesarne poriod.
Mr. ELLSEYiIfew 'fork, objected,
re m a rking that Ml.the Ipfordoatibn was
h oh* the Mouse already.
. ' Ca ' n= '' at 3,45, went into Commit
tee of the Whole pn the legislative bill.
Mr. DAWES meted to strike out the
Peel for reportet of the Congrearional
Globe, on the grodud that its publication
would be abolished after this minion.
.Alter dlacussialk the motion wee re.
• Without dispaeing of the • bill, the
Committee rose.
Mr. BINGHAM moved adjournment
today until Saturdny—lost, 51 against 91.
• Mr. BANKS offered a resolution call.
log on the President for information that
may have been received brthe Govern.
ment in reference to the recent assault
upon and reported murder of one or
more American dtisans in Cuba.
The House at 6:10 adjourned.
—The Hudson flyer Is closed by Ice
from Hudson to Albany.
=One hundred and fifty canoe of re•
lapsing fever are reported In New York
—The California Legislature has
pufal a bill changing the name Lake
Tahoe to Lake Bigler.
—The New York board of police com
missioners will likely hivestlgate the
Prince Arthur amesalnation canard.
—ln the State Supreme Court at
Philadelphia, the.arguments In the
Schoappe case were continued yesterday.
—The treasure product of the State of
Nessus last year was $13,815,0 . 00, of
which $3,164,000 was from White Pine.
—ln the New. York Assembly yester
day, a motion to appropriate 1219,000 to
pay the anti-war debt In coin was re
—W. W. Ingersoll, a claim agent. tail
been arrested at Nashville fur retaining
bounty monoy ipt a colored soldier named
—Matt. Green, a well - known sporting
character and Republican politician; who
kept the Opera Saloon In New York, died
on Tuesday .
—Leroy Dolton has been convicted M
Galveston for the murder of Meier Loch.
mar lest April, and sentenced to be hang.
ed on the Sth of April.
—Captain John U. Arthur. of Blue
Point, Long Island, doing business In
New York City. hoe mysterlowily diasp.
peered. Foul play Is supposed.
—A proposition In 'the House of the
Missouri Legislature, to pay the Interest
on State bonds In gold after Talk drat,
was defeated by a vote of 82 to W.
—John and J■mes Laaghten were eon-
elated of arson in Jersey ility,yeaterday,
for having fired their liquor store with
the intention of procuring the insurance.
—Revenue Collector Peabody, at Nude.
ville, has seized 200,000 cigars in the
hands of Campbell & Spero, in that city,
for alleged violation of the revenue law.
—Mayor Hall, of New :York, has me.
incrralized the legislature for the paging*
of a law which, by refusing to accept ex..
clue, shall compel the beat citizens to
serve on Juries.
—The steam flouring millestWaverlv,
N. Y., owned by Yeti Dusen, Hallett &
Marsh, were totally destroyed by fire
early yesterday morning. Loss 14.5,000;
Insured for 1 3 3. 000 .
. —The Texas Legislature convened at
Austin on Tuesday. Much interest was
manifested In the Senatorial candidates,
Hamilton and Reynolds seeming to be
the strongest candidates.
—Atorrible wind storm occurred at
Virginia City, Nev., yeaterday. Houses
were unmoved and chimneys blown
down. Several pereorui were eorlouely
Injured and one man killed.
—At Huntingdon. Pa., mow com
thenced falling Monday night and con
tinued until Wednesday afternoon,
reaching the depth of thirty inches. The
drifts reach ten feet and over.
—Valentine Ebert, atone MUM, aged
forty-five, commtted suicide at Louis
ville, ye sterday, by cutting his throat
with a razor. Cause, auppesed insanity.
He leaves a wife and fivechildren.
—At Cincinnati, A. J. Thorpe, whowu
convicted in December of fraudulently
using tobacco stamps twice, was yester
day sentenced to pays fine of IMMO and
to ono year's imprisonment in jell.
—The general school law of Missouri
ban been amended so as to allow all
women of twenty-one years old, owners
, of property, to vote on question' affect
' ing the raising of taxes for school pur
t poses.
—The - steamship San Jacinto, which
arr iv e d at New York Tuesday night,
from 11M111114 brought the body of Lieut.
General Windham. K. C. 8.. late com
mander of the troops in British North
—An arrangement was effected at.
Cincinnati. yesterday, whereby all
through pessengerson the Atlantic and
Great Western and Erie roads can have
secured seats all the way'without addl
thine cost.
—The extensive 'gables belonging to,
H. C. Mehoff dr. CO., dairymen, two miles
from the corporate limits of Louisville,'
K en tucky, were entirely burned onTueri. l
day night. Leas 112,000; partly insured
In home companies. I
—Thos. B. Harper, of S. Louba. has I
Obtained judgment for live thousand dol
tare against the Indianapolis and St. I
Louis Railroad Company for Injuries
received while In the employ of the corn- I
naoy over two years ago.
—The Mormons are said to have made
• large numbhr of convene on Long
Island, scattering through a dozen towns,
a majority of whom are girls of sigh.
teen to twenty-live years. Tboy are to
be sent. to Utah early in the spring.
—The committee of the Grand Army
of the Republic of the State Se c t
Y or k, appointed recently to ean
amalgamation of that body with the
Union Home and School, whose object is
similar, has succeeded in accomplishing
Its mission.
• _The Labor Reform Party of New
Hampshire have opened the campaign
that State. They claim to be able t eL
throw the election of Governor Into the
Legislature and elect enough members
thereof to defeat an election for Tinned
States Senator next Juno.
--Several hundred barrels of whisky
Weri seized at San Francisco th
bye rev-1
enue autherltlee• few days ago, on the
same grounds that twenty-llva hundred
barrels were seized In August last. Job
hers refuse to purchase the whisky until
the matter' is legally decided.
-Gen. Roberts, postmaster of Brook
lyn In 1867 and 1868, was arrested ler.
terday on a charge of- embezzling - from
the mousy order fund about 1800. This
deficiency in his accounts wee discov
ered before Roberta was relieved from
alio% but by Instmetions At the time
from Washington he was not prosecuted.
The,Reirolutionary Proceedings
• In Parls—Details of Renewed
Outbreaks Indisposition to
Use The Arms—The British
parliament Denunciation of
Dr. Bolinger by Ultramontanes
—Considerable Fenian Demon
stration—The Cause of Recent
Telegraph Interruption.
D 7 Telegraph to tb.. Pittsburgh Gxar lts. I
rebrllary fl-10 P. DI. • At noon
to day tranquility was restored In all the
districts where dioturbancea arose last
night. Up to thla hour the city has re
mained quiet.
Falsis, Febrtiary A.The disorders
broke out again at RelleVille and is Rue
Da Fauburg Du Temple at midnight.
Several additional barricades have been
erected In narrow streets. Troops are
still In tho neighborhood of the Seine.
DUI off to this hour have not fired on the
• • The pollee ate Active. ,Thera Ire ru
more of many being kllitedeled-woorided
on the Boulevard Montmartre, the police
having made 'Emend charges on the po
sition of the rlntors there. This point is
fully a mile and shalt from the scene of
the distUrbance yesterday. ,
Many additional outlets bate been
made. Onstave Flourens, the loader of
the disturbance, is still at lagge, though
the suthorlUes are making every effort
to arrest him.
Noort-The Morning Journals have the
following details of the disturbances of
last night :
There had been much excitement
among the people during the day, which
culminated about midnight In outbreaks.
Them were not confined to one locality,
nor were they on the scene of those sun
premed yesterday at La Villette. Belle
ville, but nearer the centre of the city
and only a few squares from Palace
Royal. New and stronger barricades
were thrown up snd tenaciously defend.
ed. Tee police attacked several of these,
but were quickly driven OIL The mili
tary forma were then brought Into requi
sition, and ax on the day previous, car
ried all the barricades without firing on
the crowd.
I There seems to be a hesitation on the
part of both troops and rioters to resort
to the use of firearms. Strong detach.
mews of police have been placed on all
the boulevards, with orders to forcibly
disperse all crowds. lf adreds of rioters
have been arreated. Severalwere woun
ded, mainly in conflicts with police, and
It is reported some wero killed. .
The Maraellais did not appear to-day.
All its editors are under arrest for aiding
the rioter*. One of the editors of the
La Elven was also arrested for the same
The Ministers remained at the head
quarters of the police ell night.. The city
is now treenail.
LklEß—The city la now tranquil. A '
strong police force- la patrolling the
streets. Many workshops closed today.
A crowd of several hundred persona
gathered In the Afareettaieelast night and
hissed and In other ways insulted the
police and gene &arms. They were Num.
I moped to disperse, but refused. The
police then charged on them and made
a large number of arrests. After an ex
amination-of the prisoners tkils morning,
only thirty were remanded to prison. •
Lonnox, February 9.—The newpapers
comment variously on the Queen's
speech, and the debate In the Parliament
" '
- The Times thinks the weak' point In
.the Ministry is timid policy on the Irish
question, though this is somewhat re
deemed by the courage displayed in the
matter of the Fenian and premises to
urge vigorous legislation.
The Doily News, Radical, only refers
to the speech tuutdebate which followed
to urge the ballot as a panacea for na
tional grievances, for which the standard
conservatives. consider the government
-In the House of Commons to-day
wrtte.were Issued for elections in South.
wark and Londonderry, to fill the swum.
dee canned by the appointment of Mr.
Layard as Ambassador to Spain, and of
Mr. Down as Solicitor General for Ire
Mr. Bruce, Home Secretary, premixed
to Introduce a bill enabling ahem to an.
quire and bold land In England.
An address In reply to the Queen's
Speech wan agreed to, and the House ad-
An act of Parliament Is proposed to
protect foreign inventions sent to the
Workmen's Exhibition to bo held here.
The merchants of Cork complain of
lose of prestige to that - city by the trans.
far of shipments of all foreign malls save
to ct.:;nnel ports.
'The 'llltramontanes are exceedingly
bitter against Dr. Dellinger for hie letter
against the proclamation of the dogma
of Infallibility. They everywhere de
nounce him. and. In some quarters he ie
dew:mined as anti-Christ.
A dispatch from Paris confirms the
statement of the arrest of the editors of
the dfarsellaise. The printer refuses to
put the t aper to arum. • •
The cies to day says It considers the
symptoms manifested at the opening of
Parliament last slight contained no.
threatening elements.
' Bir William Gordon, COllBlll at Chat.
ham, who cut hie throat a few days ago,
Is dead. . -
Dostarr, February 9.—A Fenian dem
eastratlon took place at Mayo yesterday.
Eleven hundred men attempted to res
cue someprlsoners. • The priests aucamew
tally exhorted the mob to preserve the
VALEarria, February 9.—The sudden
interruption of telegraphic communica
tion eastward day before yesterday is
thus explained: While tforernment
employe. 'were repairing the general
telegraph office at London on that day,
in' order to accommodate the great in
crease in telegraphic business occasioned
by the change in the system,
it was
found necessary to cut all wires to west
ward. Communication was soon m
anned and the service is now. excellent
in all directions.
130IITEWSPTON, February 9. —The
steamship Weser, of North German
Lloyd, from New York, , arrived last
Quserierovrg, February 9. The
steamship City of Antwerp, from New
York, touched here yesterday forenoon.
LONDON, Feb. 9.—.Afternoon.—Consols
92% for money; 92% on account. Five.
Twenties of %Ss, 87; Ws, 135%;. 10 40a
84g. Brigs 20; Illinobt - buoyant at
109%; Ore it Western. 27.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 9.—Cotton firmer:
uplands 11%; Orleans 11%@1.1%d;
sales 12,000 miles. Breouhtneta dull.
California white Wheat Ls lOd@ea lid;
red western 7s ficl@7Ws 3 s 4 Winter Ss 3d.
Flour 19e 61; Corn d;
d. Oats 2,6 d.
Provisions quiet. Pork Ole lid. Beef
102 a. Lard 71a. Cheese 721. Bacon 575.
Refined Petroleum Is 1134 d. Tallow 44i
3d. Turpentine 30s.
Lout:row, Feb, 9.—Tallow buoyant at
4es 3d.
Pasta, February 9.—Bourse opened
dull at 72f 300 and closed quiet at 73f 22c.
FRMUCPOET. FebillAry 9. Bonds
firm and unchanged.
I - AleTwsne, February 9.-Petroleum
quiet at 68%f
frAyrUr, Feb. 9.—Cotton quiet.
Arilltgrlr. February 9.—Petroleum
closed Armor at 39%fr. .
Oil Creel and'Allegheny Railroad Attu a
al laisetlag.
ar Triumph titbs Pittsburgh asserts.)
Coast'. Pa. Feb. 9,—.The annual meet
lex of the stock holders of the Oil Creek
and Allegheny Railroad was held to-day.
Edward F. Gay was elected Trealdenw,
and for Directors Thomas A. SCOtt,
B. Wright. Chas. H. Lee. Wm. S. Lane,
John M. Kennedy and Edward Smith.
The groan receipts for the past year were
82,07 4 .0 1 : 0 0, being - an exam over the
previous year of 000,000.-,
Georgia Affairs—Address to Col
ored People of the Nation—An
Indian Wail The Roll of
Honor—Revenue Receipts for
1869 Sale of Cadetships -
Navy Reorganization—Use of
Coal Oil Forbidden, Se s &e.
Telegrlph to the l'ltUbttrtti Occette.)
WtusaiscrioN, Feb. 9, 1870
The Senate Committee on Judiciary to.
day heard tilleen Georgians, who are
here as a delegation of Conserratives,
who took the ground that the present
Legislature Is Illegally constituted, ow-
Idu to the admiecion of minority candl• I
dates, and argued In favor of the re
organization of that body. Governor
Bullock and others on 'the Republican
side spoke briefly in opposition. Sena
tors Carpenter, EdmOnds and Conkling
remembered that at the former bearing
Gervernor Bullock said the expulsion of
negroee and seating of minority candi
dates instead wax sheer usurpation. The
cgmmittee will, on Saturday. give Gov.
Bullock en opportunity to explain this
apparently contradictory position.
The National Executive Committee,
George T. Dawning, President, and T. G.
Borhedes, Secretary, have issued the fol.
lowing address to the colored people of
the United States:
Your National Executive . Committee,
created by you In National Convention
assembled, January 13, 1989, to urge leg
islation looking to the educational, ma
terial and political interests of the col
ored people of the nation, deem that
they have .at length arrived. in the pro.
greet of their efforts, at the probable
political consummation of their hopes,
in so far as the organic law of the
Republic is concerned. They recog
nize that desired result in the an
ticipated announcement of the refl.
dcauon -of the Fifteenth Amendment
to the Federal Constitution, which for
' bids any aoridgement of the right of
suffrage ou account of race, color or pre
' vioua condition of any cittzsn 'of the.
''United Staten. They feel that title
Amendment should, In the estimation of
colored men, transcend in importance
even the revered declaration of our
National independence. inasmuch as it
to a practical affirmation of the rights of
men, while the other was but a theoretical
entinciatlon thereof.
Therefore It has beeri. determined as
fitting for your Committee to advise
the general assembling of the colored
people of every State and Territory
throughout the length and breadth of
the lend, whenever said Fifteenth
Amendment shall have been officially
announced as retitled, in .order to offer
up prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty
God, and in all proper ways to assure
the world of our realization and appre
ciation of the righteous set of oar fellow
ceuntrymen, in constitutionally securing
to tie that which has always been
our pug due, but unjustly withheld.
Your Committee does hereby thus
advise, and token 'occasion at the same
time to - declare, In your name, that this
just act of the American people will be
held at Its full estimate by those whom
it enfranchizes; that they will make such
use of their rights as • will add to the
honor and material intereins of the
country, and that. In the possession of
rights, along with others previously ate
cured, they will feel they really have a
country to - respect and defend aa well es
their fellow countrymen, towarde whom
they can cherish the most affectionate
A message ban reached' the War De
partment, signed by the Chief& of Arick
areas, Groaventree and Mandarin Indian
tribes, directed to General Hancock, in
which they rotate their grievances an/
wants. They state that notwithstanding
the trestles they have made with the
Government and the friendliness they
entertain for the whites, they have never
been assisted by their Great Father to
protect themseivesagainat their °herniae,
the Sioux, with whom they could be
friends if they won IdJoin them against the
whites, which they often had been asked
to do. They also state that the Sioux are
supplied with plenty of fat, bacon, beef,
bread, sugar and coffee, while they have
to fight on empty stomachs; and not only
are the Sioux fed, but they ride on horses
and mules stolen from their Great Fath
er's people. All of which leads the coin
plainante to believe their condition would
be better i f they would imitate their
enemies or even Join them and war neon
the whites. They also complain that
their lands at Painted River. about twen-
. .
ty miles above Heart River, had been
given to the Sioux. who derive all the
advantages which should be theirs.
With regard to giving away their lands
at Painted woods, lien. Stanley, com
manding the Middle Division of Dakota
Territory, writes the atatement la a fool
ish one; put Into their heads by wood
choppers, whom he had been trying to
dislodge. Thoy were - speculating and
cutting down the beat timber on the
river, and besides are unlicensed traders,
each of them keeping good. to trade with
the Indians.
In regard to the large reservation • pro
posed by Gresventres, Mandan and
Arlckareea, It covers ground conceded to
the Sioux as bunting grounds by treaty
or July. As the hostile Sioux are at
this time almost all on the lands biota-
ded In the proposed reservation, It would
take the three tribes named, backed by
two regiments or troops, to put them In
. . . .
There are now In' the vaults of the
Treaanry Department thirty-four boxes
of cancelled steel plates and other mate
rials heretofore need by the American,
National and Continental Sink Note
Companies in the printing of Govern.'
went stamps, monies and bonds. The
Secretary has requested Senator Thayer
to act as chairman of a committee to ex
amine the contents of the boxes and
compare them with the schedules of
those furnished by the bureaus of En
graving and Printing and Internal Rev°.
nue. They aro to be taken to the Navy
Yard and there melted Ina blast furnace.
Quartermaster General Melgshse, un
der the authority of the Secretary of
War, publlshedlbree more volumes, the
last being the 24th. of the roll of honor.
These show that in nine national come.
Miles near Corinth, fabotissipei, Pitts
burg Landing. 'Tennessee. and Jefferson
barracks, !almond, the remains of 19,400
Union soldiers are Interred. In Naafi.
villa cemetery there are /2,500 graves.
and In the cemeteries at Vicksburg and
New. Albany, Ind., 18,400. The names,
as far known, are given in the yel
times, but many of them could not be as
The Rouse Conamitteo on Military
Affairs , was today engaged In the loves.
tigation of alleged sales of cadetship&
Only one witness was examined and he
positively testified that a member of the
House of last Congress sold a naval ap.
pointmeni for eight hundred dollars.
The youth, however, did not peas exam;
Ination and the parent lost his money.
mcvnanis BXCEIPTS.
From the °Moist statement ft appears
that during the year ending with Decem
ber the receipts from apirita were nearly
150,000,000; tobacco upwards of F 27,000,
000; from atarePs. 115.88Z000: ,from pass•
porta through the taste Department,
$27,000; from salaries, 1701,000. The ag
gregate receipts of the Doreen were
nearly 1174,000,000.
AMKRICIAN 001018110 S.
The select domihittee curate decline of
American commerce here nearly com
pleted their report. They will recom
mend a drawback on ell shipbuilding
materials and the repeal of the tonnage
duties on American rases.
• The President milky sent the follow
ing nominations •in : Jesso P.. Grant,
Postmuter, Octstngtoist, Ky.; Jas. M.
Cowly, Postmaster, Columbus,
The Senate Indian Affairs Committee
to day agreed toveport favorably on the
ProponUlan for a Joint Committee on In•
than Affairs. - •
The House Committee on Naval Adman,
have under conadderation the bill !butt's
NO. 35.
reorganisation of the navy. It la
mood a majority of the members are in
favor of arranging the matter of rank
without aesimilstlng. Tide, however, Is
not definitely settled.
noit..oti. FORBIDDER.
A general order from the War Depart-
meat provides that no ooa o area
titian bo used for the Illuminating or mil
itary posts. Lard Is to be antaaltnted
generally in its plate. •
Supplementary 'lmage to the. Leje
tare by Goveruor Weather.
Ry Teleuraph to the Pittsburgh amen.)
Rtonstorrn. February O.—Governor
Walker today sent • supplementary to the Legislature, relating
olneny to routine of State matters. _Re.
ferring to the difficulty of finding Judges
not disqualified by the Fourteenth
Amendment, he recommends that eon.
greea be petitioned for a general :a
movel of disabilities. The establishment
of an asylum for insane colored people
lselso recommended. 'The Governor also
ouggmta many excellent changes in the
administration of the criminal law of the
Sate. - '
The Conservative memberi in einem
to-night nominated Jae. McDonald. edi
tor of the Richmond Whig, for Secretary
of State, and William F. Taylor, for Au
A -German Colony fur Colorado—Recep
tion at tn. Louts.
Tateiraoh to tea Pntabarah Gaunt., •
ST. Loma, Feb. 9.-=fhe advance of the
German Colonization Society of Colorado,
namberi ug 175 men, women and children,.
arrived here this morning from Chicago.
They were met on the opposite aide of
the river by a German society of this
city with a band of music and , escorted
to Washington Ball, where a tine break
fast was served. They were organized at
Chicago by Carl Wulston, who Is their
President, and are supplied with
provinions, machinery agricultural
implements, .blooded stook. and ev
erything necessary to Establish and
maintain their oniony. They are
moved under the auspices of the 14a.
clonal Land Company, who provlue
transportation to Fort Wallace, whence
they will be furnished convenient trane
nortation and escort to their destination,
Wet Mountain Valley, twenty•five miles
south of Canon City. Colorado. They
left thin afternoon via the North Mignon-
ri and Kansas Pacific Railroads: Many
appliCatiOna to join the company were
made by Germane here, and a colony
will be organized as speedily as pcwalble.
—The Governor of New Foondhuld has
addressed a message to the Speaker of
the Assembly, deprecating the &Sion of
the House in formally . voting no cone-.
dance In the Government entire/getting
the House ahould have adopted therun
oonalitutional mode of naming to him a
mozober for whom heshotild send to form
a new adminhstration: and expreaaing
the hope that no diarespeat to him nor
to his office wes intended. The House
adopted a resolution disclaiming any in
tention .to act disrespectfully towards
me Excellency and stating Its action wan
founded on precedents. - • •
=Eight sailors belonging to the crew
of the ship Neptune, which arrived at
New York from Liverpool last Saturday,
have preferred a charge against the asp.
Lido and two Hates for the perpetration
of the most atrocious outrages upon
them. The statements read like a page
out of the history of the Black Hole of
Calcutta. The complainants are natives
of different nations; two of them are
Americana There is no evidence exhib•
Red of malice or collusion on their part.
—At Cincinnati, Valentine Kline was
arrested on a charge of murdering his
own child, seven months old. The testi
mony before the coroner was lathe effect
that Klein came home drank, when Ills
wife asked him for some money to boy
bread, at which he become enraged and
took s pot of boiling coffee and poured*
on the face and bosom of his child.. It
lived twelve hours.
—The declarations of Harry, H. Foster.
Hogh Johnson and Gardner Wells. the
Americans attacked in Havana on Mon.,
day, were token before the American
Gonad. General in that city. All agree
in stating the assaardnationof Greenwald
was most inhuman and without cause.
The corpse of Greenwald was embalmed
for transportation to New York.
!Orr/ 11 11/11TES E GBETL-A
meeting of COmpanlas A. and C will
be held at the Armory on SIitIBADAY
MG, 10th Inst.. at Vio'eloelt- /Mr.,7 member
Is root anted to attend.l.3 beldam of Ihshortance
wilt be transacted..
By order of the Commanding onkel . .
felthtell J. J. ALBEITI. rceretarY.
and TR% AMMER of the Ittra Ingham all Rile
&bats Turnpike Wad Cos.pany be held at
PRAFFEnni HOTEL. in Blrrolostun. on the
twsea Uss hours or S ana • o•closh. r. m. . -
JUR V B. Was. Tremens .
Timm:rads. Feb. Eau ISTO. Selthtel-eir
QTR AT COW.- - -litraved from
stmet, Barder. fltb loot,
BetALL SVOTTaft BLACK sad Willi% COW.
Boron. breed. about 0 years old. Inftemalleda
left at rim Orrta will bewail [awarded. 2.10
that aupltruttou boi been rtuarto to the
Court of Common Pleas of Alloubouy constr. et
No. 471. tiara Tor:n.lB7o. fora Charier GC
lueorporsttou for the •
Keystone Premium Loan Association
And that the ...will be Amsted at the null
ing feint of mild Court, unless exceptlona aro
Sled thereto to prone, time.
fellitteo Tu IiOSEILT POLLOCK, Boll.ller . ,
CITTOT .ALIMPIZAT. 2/00.11114a eta, 111170. 5
N OTICE TO . _ •
16 MAD PROPOSAL , trla be metro. at Ali
orteo until 3 o•olook TIINSDAY. Tatman 15.
1570. for mealtime the alleibe-lWatar Weebl
with Mamie sae earroat year.
Bldg are requested for _both Nat awl herb
etve,„=rt..billcz . .t.'auftatnril
tau &Urea:-
Th• data tart...reed to 'Ant any or all bide.
felt W. /1.. POBTLia Contr4llar.
COrrilsol.l.thlS OFFICIL
Cc Or lkiLsonirrrr. rebel:tart 9U1,11140. I
sicALth ”RnPOIIALIi will be reeVved it Ills
1ti:711 1 747 1 . * 1T; tra;6l%74r MONDA Y .
daring •he current year with the tattooing shp
'NY.. : 4. 1 1 p . bratiebes and 1 I' the fol.
forilo ' d r dlnMeter. 4, 30,14, II and
end AY Incited; life nog.. Valves gad Weeel
'Serape Castings: 1100 Plug end litopOost Boxes
mane storpilee to be delivered at .111E11
Mars sod place. es the inDerietendent of the
Works BM Moot.
-B14• are milleltrd, mush a In 7 Per Onht.
twenty •ear Blade. exempt from SUM end as.
nielpel tame, or oath •eart three menthe. -'
dpcClOGllltate and blanks for bidders eau he.
de et this Mee sad MUNI saes of Um 841.
pertmenet, Wm real,
The right It res.rna to rOcci. my or *ll Ida.
M. Y. roalza,
lbw Grading of It. Clair etre**,
from tries attest to Pro_porty
Edward Brasil. Esq.. sae Bream a ".
street, .aft sad west ream SC Clair
Etc. talo n It ordained by lbw lib
baba lt -Of the Sornott of lib Walltdisp.
ton, and It ordained by the Mahon. or tare
same. That et. Clue drort he traded lobe fell
width from the nor th corner of tbe Prelowty Of
idererd Brea, boo.: altaatrd ma the west 1141
of meld street to toek masner• at to Alvin the
wet.. from - said MM. Sato Sycamore Mx.;
and that eeld grunt. between Bremen .ad
Man Mee, Y than be dole to Mb =saner sato
drain the water of .aid Bt. (heir str.terptally
Into Svemrsore .0 High streets. • • •
Y. Tll.ll emnre street bonne'. la ao•
otrilsace with the c.w.o. ef Ina Drewelan
melon to Psfell a.. from Its letoriettllon Wlth
es. Clair stmt. east and we.. Iv seek mosey
ms to form a - proper sae eels. grad* for Mid
8-tillAltalf. the Street etresialttee ambor.
red to
rep.ntoga ~ ;re i.,:aelsozi t tive i i sttideeer to
streets e. are erninbefore uthoria:d to
be graded; std es soots ea Um
la mowed
it then be oiled to the *Mee of the burg./ of the
St a. 4. That ai tom as the laid draft of sald
street' Is so died. , the barge. Shall •dtere
14 la'
GAZalls, emstarretol sod Fooodom.
aewsp.p.. for prep.& fot the rreallse of geld
Rid Mean Said progosals be teal.d end
died la Ms ohlee on adaye,rtaln tte! aimed la
mad adverdsement,eet Ms thee .tre day. holm
I°C date of the drst petdlcatlon; and LIM tbe
igoegem .hall Calla Meting Of Its Tows Coseell
'to WV held on tbe eye.. of the 417 lot tn.
Mottos of . the. lima for tteettios rttenetnan.
when .al l proposals shell be op ned la the en
*se. 01 the Barge. bad Tons Council; so the
gottleaetawsfael to the lowest and best bidder.
Mee. O. That elm terms open whWa
gouda Oth be.traltfd seal be es folirom nor-
MIIIS payable en ibe brat est of Oen
%smog r best. to be MO. la font ensal Weton
the commelloa of every eme.feettb pats of tale
gra..., the wort to. rtagewUkte Inmemeatto
tram the dine a %menet. and Ike eltatrateter to
give Wads la tee sum of C.P.M fen thdFle
and racket oompteUom of tee more,
Xs the MR aft Quarts% elnintedil
....ISpet . Vtlbllalked W."I r""h•ala t
No Meer. meohiabs ocrt l4l3 .bmila
me. or sen ........ ..... "
vlthinat ft.
A Popp Is banished gratuitously to thirOn. l
op of • elan of ten. beetnisstan ire reerill
t% set as was..
1ef7".P0T10144—.,T0-Let,".•Forßale4 "!
"it 4 z" " Wants." "Pound," “Boarcling,”
•41. e., nod morello; POUR LUSA goal
be inserted is them CW111311113 knee Jer
TWENTY-P.M* (Mire; 112ZA Ci&ek•
&nal Lino FIVB OK a• 8
WANTED -A Tailor to go to
Ymriont.. ra. Can Dave Steady employ
,Dent. Al - pt, at. Oata22s offlea. nr
:•10 H.151100X, trim. t. r..
WANTED.—Fifty Coal and
Oro Mlsert, no Mlle, f. to 0.7..n0tue
paid to the min.. thrts are waned for
cSty and conatry• APOly at itoplopeont
No. 1 811t0 slreSti, Am door 119 M
VirANTF:JD-To burro* $2,0430
tor TWO OH TIDDLE YID on 'non
sncn , 1 AddrevlA,l9. liAzrrynse, :
WANTED.- - - - -An experienced
Inorougnly annualnled with maninn 104 Lend'
tram Do Pla. Noce atAnr aced EAnalr•
at IiALLTrIG OM, • - •
WANTED.—SeaIed Proposals
will be r. ceived for nne ,wtel. for Veit
tbOn•and (10.000) SEEN' or CONN STONE.
U. bb dellvered Pittebilrgb or Lawrwocryille.
Mutt ee of Freeport or Bhp. stone.
CASH 1.11. too delivery. retatolnE s Me
centage for foloutnent of contract. Addr.Wa.
1:17:•11f Real Estate Aunt.. Lawwinoevllld,
. 1130,000 to Loan la isiga or mall annoellia.
at a falr rate of ll:accent.
21101LILS E. riCTTY,
Bowl mid Best r.stain Brotim,
274. lig Balthlci4 street
7 , turnithed room. im • salmon sod
var.. •Odrom. with %um. SIG locsitou. J. n.
8., Ii•ZILIM 071 , 101. ,
. _ . . .
I mo-LET.—
0-LET.-4ln Wood irtrett, NG.
74...c0up1e4 to .1.11. DIU. rata., aatt No. Toevepled Or J•rnes Coelosl A Co. IL:01Am
at 41 WOOD tint/MT. . , 2-10
- Eva BENT.—The Three liter,
BRICK WARICIIO.III6 la Choral, allay,.
mar of No. ISO Wood Watt, fonsorly.occophd
by Wm. Nuadoxf d Co. as a ATOOPI Pwtoqq.
!imam of .9701 . 11°. LAWI.ICO..
21 No' 17M imd 174 Wood Bt.
orp L
IteU Bt.
Vestlbalr.. — t! ' c
ratrs,:et ch
/0 LET.The' Dirge ' Store
Room No. , 96 •Wytto AVCIPIe comm. of
nomai moat. Fittobargb. A. Y . BROWN.
Paw avonte. •- •
T°Joa BOOMS. Several
dab, large wen taralebod loam la a
nn location. quiet and aear to business,
dun' be had by gentlemen as aternlan rooms. room• ara eery desirable. Snow. at 48
2illllll ISTREET. late band. ar •
- Snit of Rooms
Eomparlng Two Lazar., are I lighted f. out
on Mind floor. Ona lama, wen 441441
front Homo on 3n4 floor.. Ono taro &ao•fil
two onto-room , on 4th fool . . Out Store Zoom.
Ivor, No: US. In In qu ire lnUtlioi,
Fourth avenue. For term, of S. R.
KlitiLlhtl CO.. SO. 55 fourth avows.
TO-LET.—AI Halewood Sta.-
TION, on Coneelierille Railroad. about 10
ALlttEri OF LAND. well y 1.1.431 with chows
Hutt trees In bearing; Mao a largillarn abet:tart
of Metelon•HUMW. inquire of Hrs. BLOBS'.
E. WOUDII, en the premium. or of /AM= A.
EfeHEAN. 1416 Ifoorth premium .
rlttebursh •
re. • 2-7
T o . LET.—,
01 ULM • CO.,
WI FM mut.
P:OB ISA.l.lltllding • leklits 6
111.21.1•—Wilt. B BOLD ssT_A BLUM/-
11ns stannous cost slbed la • TWO STUNT
+RAISE WILLINtI• liutl2l2. looted feW
Oakland csr station. The Sess. Is Is hood s rder
ero , Is now occupied be Ms subscriber. onus
wino.-to ban It ressossd off Ms tot tofOrs
rst of liss.• =quire of • • -
egonaa W.OOOTT.
2-10 Chung/. street, Oskin.l.
'UM'•• SALE.— ?inners , 11
and Tools. low. .truu hi
tre et T. m ,
rut. o. 114 Litter r St.. Pittsburgh. oral Ito.
434. comer of ftetouto sad Corry the.. Alle
-02.0007..Au0t4pia,. . _
.1* 11 tie ht.: . M=6ll)
van fb
be ored for sale to the highest and
rtb...." McArthur. Vlefon county. Oble,
on the lath day of a ebnisrf MID, the XAG
aIIENAtiE, vette the I.os belenghor Moneta,.
Those I.da coetaln inexhaustible Ogees of ore
and coal. and the Ferns. la .noer to Poll blast
nuking lintonellot bleatChereeral mitt.. day.
Bainbridge. Boss comity. 0010.
WOR SALE.-1 Steam Engine
bg 30. tO good rooolog order, long
otodlang. goosing. Wukkg ED= /Ind 0 , 0 , 1 1 . 1.
log Moos, all as good a. new. Alm, TWO DI.
INOH• Lin AND 701200 PtIMTS. TWO
Linn • lin ANL) /0110 E PUMPS. Will be
10.. Vas bo teat at.tho Woito of 9.0.
YoughloobOaT 010 Cl.! (30 11 PC , Y• W•3l
VOU BALE—Stock• and Fix-
T 111355. MUHL AND GOOD WILL, of a
Cry{.diary Grxery. doLng a Food bULIDOY. The
andetelgned being engaged In other batineaa la
Ow venison for lelllng.' 0. W. PUCKS; 49 god
ell sweet AlM:heal , . . IL
pea SALE..
„ tax *oats or Lamp
Within the city Wait. Wtll he @anthem , end
on ow terms. Inquire of WW.
rney-it.f..a. 91 Omni Ito. et.
inn 84$ pre*. .4 • lane qtasthr ar
'typo. Bore wort '
itteTssa Im es u tur , e ,
11.11.h ' imeiFe sad Tnisisi 8 Uvet.
von BALE.i—iEngines and Boil
. New and tleeond Hood; Of oil Mods
eoottsaof on bud. • .
°mere from all puts of the eoontir.Ore.Ptil
, JAIL= 1111. a. a 00..
'Corner Mailern Ayente add P., T. W. $ O. S.W..
Allegheny. P.
T three .tor, - 811101‘ , . DWALLIIIO,
b. r located. No. ell !flyer
11.1 , :zet.eralar 113 r t a o tia d " a d el tar y
La all the room , raga to 1111ohea. Salop eta.
sled r om a nc ed . , Grey's alley. It Iswellltahual
two PeNseeelon April In, -
301.1.11 U. 11/111.117X it ARO..
1.27 1111 /mirth aloha&
E.-ATaoup. AN)) LOT . No. lelLed ll e ztreet.
wera.. - AllsebotsY. Home, 111 Mr" Bt
bf B rooms. well Sold:led a,rl .00mpleto lot 40
yßßto an aley. Good frame stable oh rear of
ied.• Thla Drew rty la worthy the moor*a of all
&sults topurchase real estate. Ar • leaMe oh
ammo. of Its location. and ooavenience, or as
lovotmeht it would realize. by lode
per cent. as the heel. Tellel. SW. mos low.
ror forth. r laturmation. apply to
fll • - W rams.
• Diamood. AllotheitY.
The subscriber Orme for, saIe:SIPTZIN
L.Rhh•riIdEDJWILL/ING LOTS, situated OS
Juniata street. near the Milo Sint. ls
moth ward, Allegheny. The loestlea,tease of
the most pleasant and keelatal eh* cli7.
These lota will be eold'at a roan *drawee ow
Ant cost end caller, terms: en Of t". 11 1.
rat. A ha,. NEN:Sar BUOUT and
BUOR-W ABU ON. and 1 and 1
IWo.ootillE WAGON.
101 lidgiT-410UPE,N 6.11310 [Arlen street.
containing. 9 1111=1/1, lot and cold ware!. sm.
BOGIE, leorild: eleglern arenas. minter el
Ceartleisstreet,conlideingb roosinsallalsbed
attic. lnihdreer.. ;
. ..nzamauguurt raTroint.
Atialsber Taal. cartaf of Jails% sag helots
Streets, Slits ask. Allesbely he' W _
sTunsT, .ALL.Gusaor .crey. pos
boat tales flze . !lts4 3 l=ti:•
Lost. oatens p.n.., all% b la saes lsuWa. sear ilet es% s.
otea ft. infant by 149 deop. on an slam.
Abp. two 'story de elallitboasta. silts lakll
sad fair rooms,. salute on - nukes t Aaegbs
ny. Lot 08.11. by 110 It. doi• silty
• S. CIITHB , aItS
Its •
. 29 Stith Maas.
ni 0 HOWLS, or Mem:tests It Bell Leg
NM gave Moe. trouble and omen tW ,
111711 4 14 NiVile r ritt.. , ttla inronaleel GRATIS
or win be gent by null Min tonne requegttell
Penn= calbot M cal?? nes tatted est et tbe inr
list .11. contains. •• .rejlagm,,_r..- -
lukers ann Ot►M Asegaa. Joh
. Ades of Cholas bootie au of the but eosin
sto 'Loom neat tlio Oaf of tko Vhicato t
Northwester. Itorgrae o l* o.:l4r u t i O4most
rwltioli=o pod. kW at, oacz to kl 4
, , „ . ...1M toult arena*.
AIICTIOX RATE.-Ain E ng i ne
and Igoblu liveMollti—MM ft. lona. Ca
oriCtaArylludoe et 14 incl.
Imo., nal so:d at Adler. ilirofas, Tartan!,
ward. Oa Monday, 9 1st MM., at 10 A. N.
ino EAR lITB.-183 bap on steam.
VAtt i figai: o.
ill=PL—aa bales is 'store,
br • .. Dier s r . i , co, •
• ,