) 4; n ristutO akitts, 'CITY AND - SUBURBAN. W after April let, 1870, the CU iitlTta will the building recently :parchteated by PelllllMllll. Reed & CO., on sb. earner of Sixth aremne and Smith field etreet.. Bouts For ,ftle. good paying route on the Gaziarra. Apply today et Gazarrs counting room. Meyer Callow bed four cues before Lam yesterday inoralnir. The guns for Company C, Duquesne Groya, have bean received. Allegheny Valley T-30 Rona' sold at Wilwaine's Stook Rooms. UM Smithfield - • „gnat, lasterfening Betzel'a great picture, now on a:bib - *it at the Art Gallery. No. 231 Liberty *tog, 15,yalned it 31,000. • .oHelatNetlee—The Committee on Fire ~.11Cojghisic and Hoee will meet it the COM -_,itbon Connell Chamber to-day at three o'alock:s. Alderman Cornelius 013o:mIL elect brOetober lot, ono of the AI Orman fbe the 'Twelfth ward, has opened an • sees at No. 425 Penn street. . . -..„..Dere. Kate Rasa was before Deputy " MakiOr. Nichols yes:442y, obarged with Johnson with • broomstick. The cue will be beard to= • 7,....7llftiaterday afternoon a man named .thutley fell through the trestle work .' near the railroad bridge in Allegheny. sad brokerhis leg. Dr. Thorn attended , Tke Catholic Fair in Mansfield still 'continues. Thus far It has been a sue ' cam All who attend will be kindly treated, And while away the boors plea*. - Reward.—The proper authorities have Offered a reward of 1100 for the appre• beoaloo of the person or persons who awed the Mae alarms of lire Widow day night. The Vlnanee Committee of Allegheny Ml kl • meeting list night to consider the avroprlaUons. The result will be made known at the meeting of Councils morrow night. A @Minted to Preetlec.—Joseph N. Hay. maker, Esq., was yesterday, on motion of Jahn rdailon, Etq , sworn and admit ted,to practice in we amoral combs of Allegheny county. Oer Presidents and emblem of the dif !erect banks are busy seeking Informa tion and making calculations preparato. ry to bidding on the city funds to be loaned nest month. • Three young men were before Mayor Callow yesterday for loafing on Spring Garden avenue. Seventh ward, and in mating pedestrians. They were released upon payment of fines. Contadfu-d.—James Walbank was be. /bre the Mayor, yastorday morning, on • charge of disorderly conduct, which a3vaistect Of boating and abusing his wife. • land alter a bearing was committed to jail lb! thirty dart. . • ..The Massuldeturer . - artd Builder, a anatbly =Kathie. amnia to us from W. -. 21. Ondenbuney, of No. 46 Fifth avenue. Th• number for February oontains a great many autlects which will prove at Interest to our scientific friends. Altana and nattery.—David tiaria war. arrested on a charge of umult and bat tory, _yesterday. preferred by his wife, before Jumbo Helsel, who after a hear ing committed the accused to Jail, In de , fault of ball for his.appeirance at court. An Aceldent.—Yesterday afternoon a two horse wagon laden with empty boxes was upset while turning the am ner Ohlti and Chestnut street, Allegheny. The travel on the street was Interrupted ter a short time, while the damages to the horses and wagon were alight. Pire.—A alight tire occurred yesterday about lutirlast ten o'clock A. 116. at Patterson & CO.'S oil refinery, in the 14th ward. The fire was occasioned by an explosion In a still; which wee WWI with crude petroleum. The still Ind' contents were destroyed, but no .farther damage was done. Sadden Death.-r-corouer Clawson was ' summoned yesterday to hold an Inquest on the body of Margaret Wagner, a col ored woman who sited suddenly at her residence on Lvock street, Allegheny, Monday night. Dr. Herron made et poem =nem examination of the body, ana inquest Will be held to day. .1111Itun Kerr, the pigeon shooter, vraa arrested and taken before the Mayor, yesterday, on a charge of disorderly con duct, forabusing his wife. , Subsequently Kra. Kerr came to the Mayor's office and made Information, charging herhuaband With aggravated assault and battery. He was committed to WI in default of ball for a bearing. Held On.—Bensuel Fitzsimmons alleges be bought ten dollars' worth" - of house bold goods from - Patrick O'Brien. Pet. rick received the money, be alleges, but kept the goods. Deputy Mayor Nichols yesterday had Patrick arrested for len. oeny es bailee. TIM case was amicably Nettled by the delivery of the goods to Samuel and the payment of the costs by Patrick. . Nitl•Ohl Refining and started Co. Aline annual meeting bind In Mlersch's Han on the 7th Mat this company elan ted the following palms ror the current year: President, James Old; Treasurer; John . Sirrhlnghatn; Secretary, James Lee Old; Directors, Jsmes Old; U. Ora yen d.. M; HammettilWilllam Sachem M. J. Sawyer; JIAL , IIOI Hemphill: John Rieder; J. P. Kauffman; F.. A. M4ersb. A horse 'Seeped to a out wagon fell In Virgin alley, near Cherry. yesterday. In some two minutes two hundred young ladles and about twelve loafers, who art. stow to. be found at the corner of Smithfield street and Virgin alley, were on the ground and studated the borne to hie feet. .When the noble brute found the neighborhood he was In be Immedl. ately started oft in a trot. leaving his diieer and the youn g ladles snowballing. A Lively Rum—Monday evening about Len o'clook a oar on tho Central Paeeen. ger Hallway, while desoending Wylie street got the alert of the driver, and the horses being unable to bold it back. had to ron to keep out of the way. Car and threes came down the street at e ”rattiLate , pace, but fortunately the car kept the track and the driver succeeded In coining to a atop at Fifth avenue. One of the horses was slightly Injured, 'but no further damage was done. . Alleged Pelee Preteme.—Teeterday Information was made before Deputy Mayor Nichols by John Szhatel, chug. log Fred. Keener with obtaining from him boarding and each to the amount of gig,-by falsely representing that he bad money coming. from Germany, with Which he would square ttp. The seensed.wan arrtated, and his trunk, together with a valuable Nhot gun, seized which satisfied the prosecutor, who, in Oonsldaration of being allowed to keep the articles, withdrew the charge. Gnitifslng. The "Bulb" and ..Bean" Wrings:mane way, who were so recently en gaged In conflict, spent almost the ontits Whim:Mins yesterday In three-Ms snow balls stesch other. It was a gratifying eight Ito see theme men en kocontly en grossed -in - the cares of beeline's, ono •,..; pony laborin g to establish a " ring" or 'korner" In order to increase their stove of "sordid putt', , and tbo other laboring • eandthhilly •to "break" the 'king" and spoil the game, thug engaged In the lu . • , sourest amurenrent of their boyish days. "Lookers on" enjoyed the sight Im. -xnewiely,.and 'weer" by were delighted with It, palls:timely the ladies who bad • the pleature of running the gauntlet of a raking fire of the harmless winters hurl. -• ad by these jolly fellows..- Molumgabela PrcUqwnt • . The United P.reebyterx of tdonongehe. •L wet yesterday morning in the Rev. Mr. Hanoi's Church, on Blith avenue. ' The rely buslntan before the Presbytery wee the Contaderation of overturns sent • down by the General Assembly. Oa the overture regarding marriage with a deceived wlfee slater, the Presby. tory vru very nearly divided, eight " --- eutlng for rescinding the article in the '' ,- Cionfesaton of Filth on the subject, and Ida against 8.. Preehytery voted naked changing the ,-..arglugastion of the Board of Church Bs, ilo , Be.,..selellon to the deliver,* of M - Preebytery voted to. leave 7, , 4;illialsatstrotalonal with the Presbyteries .-he.to 'dueller**. trlat dlithxtreer hall Om or L. Vektl ieser •Cirdir kitit irs; '44 OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL! Sleeting or the Central Iteard—The Old and the New—Monthly. .Reparta—Sec retary.• Dutles—leinanelet platten. Yesterday the Central Board of Edit- cation held a mooting at their rooms on Fourth avenue. Present: Messrs. Aiken, Anderson, Chadwick, Craig, Cuddy, Fleming, Getty Harrison, Hartman, Humbert, Liturman, Mayo, Mitchell, Neckermanti, Hobbs, Sergeant, Shaw, Wilson, President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Some discussion sprung up in relation to the proper, method of proceeding, some of the members contending that the new &aid should organize liomedl ately, end others C onte ding that the old tint 4 , Board should rst lint up all old busi ness and then adJour The matter wee settled by the old rd proceeding to the oonaideration of t e monthly reports end other unfloished business: • OONDITION 07 TOE WEIOOLEi. The Secretary road the - following re. 1 port fpowithe City Superintendent: Cknaemen: 1 beg leave to make the following report of the condition of the Public Schools forthe month of January: Number of male teachers 25 o female teachers 102 'Total 227. APPORTIONMNNT Or Ts/MERS. High Sohool 11 District schools 196 Colored schools... 4 Mute School 2 Music teachers' 4 ENROLLMENT OP 'MAMMAS. Make 4,611 Featslee . 4,405 Total =I Males.... Females QM Thin is an Increase 111 the enrollment for December of three hundred and seventy-four, and an average attendance of three hundred and thirty-three, and la the highest ever mado in the city. The' I....aincipal of the Mount Albion School reports the music teacher for that district as being 'absent twice; the other are reported as being in attendance the fall time. The number of corporeal punishments for. the month wee two hundred and nine, an Increase of eightpelght on that reported for December. The average attendance in the Grant, Highland, Lincolnand North achoole.Jo over ninety per cent. of the enrollmeot. [Signed] Gan J. LUCENT. The report was received and tiled. The Secretary reported that during the mouth warrants to the amount of $15,• 851 31' had been drawn on the Treasurer according to authority of the Board. NIGHT 801100L15. Mr. buddy, form the Committee on Night Schools, presented a-report show log the following appropriations in the sub•dlstrlots Mimed: Highland $ 150 00 Liwrencn 191 54 Peebles. 10 85 •= 415 39 Former appropriations 3,66'3 65 -.44,128 0 IE3 The report wee received and Iliad. Mr. Craig, from the Committee on Dunham cud Bennie*, reported the allot meat of an additional toucher in the Pd. mnry Department of the Lincoln Sub- District. Tho report was accoptod and the action approved. THE HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Anderson, from the Ctimmittee on High School, presented their report. Gentlemen, the Committee on High School respectfully report as follows. -They have visited the High School and find that institution In as good working order as can be reasonably expected in rooms so poorly adapted to school our -1 Professor Konaston. under the direo lien of your committee, has been Indus triously at work classifying. arranging, marking and cataloguing the book, of our library, and In the course of another month will have completed his work In this department. Your committee would respectfully suggest, thitimproprlety of -purchasing any addition I apparatus or books for the library until-the new High School building shall be completed. We annex a report from Prof. Dean In relation to the procurement of diploma plates. • GENTLEMEN: The Normal Dooart ingot of the High School Is expected to , hsve a graduating class about the last of next month, and pnriodicaly after- wards. The law empowering the Cen trot Board to establish and maintain that department, provides for the issuing of diplomas to its graduates. As there ie no engraving from which copies of the diplomas may. be printed, I would. re spectfully urge upon lour atiention'the I ai parlance of ordering the oinking ofono. The Commercial Department it export ing to need diploma blanks at frequent intervals and it also has no plate. The condition of the High School diploma plate is .not very natliTactory. The gambol' oflmproolng It and perhaps of snaking the three plates uniform In style or of making one blank Ibr *Milts mboolsiabonid. I think, be considered and . settled when tho question of the Normal and Commercial diplomas le set. tied. .• • PmmoTra Dicer( _ . • The report wan received and fled, end Prof. DOW'S communication referred to the Committee on High Schools. Mr. Maya, from the Committee on Colored Schools, mid they had hold sev eral meetings In relation to the establish. rnent of a colored 'school, but found so little Interest manifested in the . tiattve. went by the colored people that the pro ject had been given up. The report was received and commit tee ellacharged. The Secretary read a number of bills for the payment of which wan-ants were ordered to be drawn, subject to the ap pretal Of the appropriate eammittees. The 'old Board, having thalehed its bualtkess, then adjourned. OROANIZATION OP NEW DOLED. , The new Board was then called to order , by Mr. Craig, upon whose motion M. John Wilson was called' to the chair. The Secretary read the credentials or Mature. T. W. Shaw, of the north sub district "John L. Hamilton and John I larrlain of the- Thirteenth ward, Joseph Hartman of the Franklin dlatrict and Mr. Aiken. Of the 20th Ward. The credentials were approved and' the member admitted to *eats, after which the roll of the new Board was called." • On motion of Mr. Anderson, Mr. John Wilson was then elected permanent President of the Board. Dir.. Wilson, upon • taking his neat, thanked the oard for the honor, and announced the election of a Secretary as this next businciss in Order. DUTIES OP BECRETAUT. . Mr. Hartman presented toe following preamble and resolution: Witanr.as, The office of Secretary of the Central Board of Education Is a paid- oak., and. the duties belonging thereto have been and aro as important as they are parlous, and :Warnues, The duties of said Seem lary aro only partially and too vaguely defined by the city school law enacted the 12th day of February,' ISM and which law bas been the only rule for the guidance of said Secretary; therefore. Resolved, That a Committee of Three be appointed by the „President, which Committee shall report at tho next meet ing of this Board, the particular and goners] duties required of said Beers tory, Including the regular °Moo bourn, end recommend a sufficient notary for said servicen. • . Resolved, That until a Secretary Melee. led Mr. John Sergeant arts. Secretary pro tem., and be Raid at the rate of lest year's salary. Mr. Shaw moved to amend by going lute aa.electlon at ones and allow the dudes to be dralgnated afterward+. Mr. Hartman favored the resolution, because the duties of the Secratarv-woro not now defined, and no member of the Board knoll bow much the salary ahnuld be. Last year they had Increased the eatery saw, and had been denounced through the ne we:avers for vending money naelontaly. If the whole matter wee attended to in a proper way they could 111 the duties and the salary, and there would be no further trouble. Mr. Shaw thought the proper way was to elect all the officers and fix the salaries afterwards. • Mr. Caddy thought if the t3ccretary warelected end the salary Axed at au amount afterward* which he d id not like, he could reidgo and a new one bechosen. Mr. Craig said there were two -reasons why the elections abould be poatponed until the duties were properly defined. There was a proposition to relieve him of the transcribing of the duplicates, which. ho had to do last year. Then there was some thought of adding a lit tle to his work ttr having all annual re. ports Incorporatedln the minutes. Me thought, the duties should then be es. After some further discussion Mr. Shale% amendment was carried and the remintion so amended adopted, Messrs. .11artmen, Anderson and 13hew being appointed withenonamittee. • The Meatiest Sies then proceeded with. • Metwn. John'A.. Sergeant sod Frank P. Uric were nominated _ „ jianixammitheliew the name a esae.and Mr..nentann, was sleeted John'a.:fateenna war nominated 2 ; '.:11Y11; and nnaninconsky elected Treasurer of the Board. THE- “UNEXPEADED BALANCE.' Mr. Craig called attention to the 101 l now before the Legislature in reference to the funds of the Board, in relation to which he offered a resolution inetructing the Preaident of the Hoard to appoint a committee of three to proceed to Harris. burg and nee that the case was properly presented to the Legislature. He was In favor of Retrenehment and Reform, but bethought the Board should have something to may in the manner and method of depositing these funds. Ha did not believe in it being disposed of so summarily. They might be com- Pelfed to deposit their money in a hank out of the way, and very inconvenient, perhaps on Squirrel Hill or at Pracka. Men, simply because they could get a little mere interest. The Board should know who are the hest men and who are the most responalble depoisitarles, and net be compelled to scatter their money all around: Mr. Anderson favored the resolution heartily. He thought an affront bad been put upon the Board in the manner in which the matter was being pushed through. He thought the Board capable of managing their own affairs "and he hoped that the committee would be an' pointed to proceed to the Legislature and chow that body and the people that the Central Board of Education was compe tent to manage Its own affairs. Mr. Harrison moved to amend by including all matters relative to school affairs of Plttaburgh. Carried. The resolution as amended was then carried, and Mesas. Craig, Anderson and Caddy appointed according to its pro visions. Mr. Hartman moved an amendment to he Third Rule in relation thslatea Mod:. • In which WAR adopted. W. F. Bretton wee elected Janitor and messenger. .9,016 The Members then proceeded to select mats, the roll being called and each ma king a choice as hie name wait designated. On motion It was decided to hold .8,938 .3.676 special minting on Tuesday afternoon, February 15th, at two o'clock. Mr. Anderson °Bored a revolution pro viding that all interact from the surptua funds of the Board be applied to the School Fund. , Carried. MEI ram= Mr. Lauffman called for the. report of the Finance Committee.. The Chairman mated the Committee had not reported to the old Mooed and there wan no now Committee- yet ap• pointed. Mr. Lanffmen condemned thin derail° lion of duty, and cold It wee what wee getting the Board. into disrepute. He thought the Committee should report at every meeting, ao that the public might have an intelligent etatemeul of their financial condition and what woe being dune with the money. Mr. Getty also thought the Committees should all report every month. He In• tended orfering a reenlution to that effect. He believed in having a regular elate men& made out every month and pre. minted to the Board. They would have to be tnnre careful In there matters and have more system. After some further discussion, no defi nite action was taken, the matter heirs; allowed to rest. • • Mr. Laufman asked for an additional Intermediate teacher in tiro Highland Merrier: Granted. Oa mottortadjourned. THE COURTS. Malan Court—Judge Hampton TURADAY, Feb.-B—The case of Wale - mer vs. .Bate., previously reported on . trial, was resumed and nad not been eon. eluded when Court adjourned, 1= 110. Citizens Ott Rttintng co. vs. Dil Werth et I. 150. Keening et ux va. 8t.C16( el al. 1.8. ',Ally vs. Nobbe. 16L Gallagher vs. Sweeny. 131. Rector, Ate., or St. Andrew's Church Vs. Hoag, 140. Owners of Steamer "Wild Cal" . tom. Blearier ' , Whale." 106. Smith vs. Tough. Iron St Coal Co. 15n. The Cern. for use vs. htepler. 167. Dean et oz ca. Bolton et al. 145. L3Wi* vs. Johnston. Cowman Ptesi—Jetige Sterrett. Tummor, Feb. B—in the cage of Metz. or P 3. McGill, previously reported. the Jury found 11)r. the &Omit:fin tho enm of The first cove taken np wan that of S. P. McClean ye. ft. h Fahnontock it O. which wan an within on the case to mom or datioagna. - Thn farts of Oro nano aro so . followd The plaintiff, Mr. Ms!lean, was driving a horse and buggy along Libor ty etrent part the Ifi.aci works of the do fondants when his horse Crag fright and ran away, running against a wagon, the property of defendant, which, it arm al. teged, had boon eareleaely loft standing upon the street in front of their lead work Tho buggv way broken and tire plainild paid the own of $122 for the repeirn of oald which Ire ni-eko to reorcer from defendant., Tan defouilanta held that the horse wan "scary" and in tho habit of running off, and that the wagon was in front of their establiennont tent porarlly only; that it was dose to the curb mono, ntid the plaintiff had a clear roadway or forty fee: to pour. Tho Jury f mod for the defendant. Hartman & two v.. JOIMMI S. Finch, action to recover for work and labor dune and materials farnishe 3. Plaintiffs are r. °fern, and were employed by Mr. Finch to repair a roof on his building on First avenue. in this rity. Thework was done and :the bill presented, which bill Mr. Finch refused to pay, on the ground that the work had not been props. arty done. Verdict for plaintiff's In the sum of MIL • 8.8. McElroy vet. J. W. Barks'. Feigned issue to try the title to property levied upon by the shuttles the property of James M. McElroy, at the suit of the defendant, J. W. Barker & Co. On trial. The arguments were heard In the trio tion for a preliminary InlMlction in the OW Or Um, Elbsrpshurg bridge company to. The Citizens . Refining nompat y to. restrain the respondents front con etructing an ell tankfinar the bridge. Toe bill fled by the petitioners sets forth the facts as Mated above and complained that-the reale-m(lmila were erecting an oil tack an near the • bridge as to endan ger it in camel fire. After the argument the Court granted the preliminary in junction. to remain In force until the for. Cher order of the Court, restraining the respondent from proceeding with the work. and from constructing any tank nr other vessel for the storing: °f pet ro. loam ln any plago of distil atinn within a distance of two hundred feet of the wood work of the bridge. • • = 526 Lynch vs O'Kelley, et al. 345 ley vs. Jacoby. 176 Hoctitielmer vs. Vogin. P 8 Kissinger vs: Patton's ex'rs. 133 Snodgrass vs- Hill. 214 Carllne vs. Campbell, et oz. 28.1 Schmidt vs. Ewing, Brox. 361 Stanley vs. Fishman, 200 Swaney vs. Gordon, et aL 2411KM:der vs. 184 Kennedy, et al. vs. Dlthrldgo. ROBE OF IT Ttoubin or Collectlng-2411egest,.False Preteuse—An 011ljer A easstd. BJI3IO time ago we published the panic. Mars of a carer before Deputy Mayor Nichols, of alleged false pretense, where In J. It, Fricke. of the firm of Frieke & • Co., appeared as prosecutor. and J. J. Preston es defendant. Preston we,. charged with obtaining lightning rode to pot upon the Meadville Court Helmand promising to pay fir the goods when the contract was completed—a promise which, It was alleged, wax never fel filled. The amount Involved was 511.8. Yesterday a new phase of- the case was developed. Mr. Fricke appeared before Deputy Meyer Nichols and made Information charging J. If. Mulholland, a police °Meer, with false protegee. The prosecutor alleges that he gavo the defendant fifteen dollars to go with a warrant on the first Intormation to pteadvllM and arrerot Preston or get the money. Ile states the °Meer went to Meadville, collected about ton dollars of the money and then returned, but not to return the proceeds. Thews he is charged with keeping and refusing to Nettle, Imam the suit. If all Remains are true. Mr. Proaton must have a wonderfully &eel. noting way with him. He le charged with_ tint talking the goods out of the firm and then, If the allegations In the second information are correct, either directly or indirectly having en influ ence with the officer. It la but proper to mate, however, that but ono aide of the case has be,n yet beard. Mulholland was arrested-and gave hall fora hearing next Monday, when probably the other idde will be developed. .. Ittlendly, Veiy Yesterday afternoon John 'Ewan, a young Englishman, having taken too much 4qanglefoot," was mitring abOnt the Connellaville depot, w en be was accosted by one James Nolan ' 'who at once manifested a lively interest In the young man. He induced him to go with him to a r rnetal yard, whore he made NM effort - to - get Home .money from Eagan, but failed. -The two then went tq a tav ern onlcrater etreet, near the depot, and while in. there, It' la alleged that Nolan took a gold. sovereign oat of LEsgen , s arrestedg racket. N rid ola takerit n; MI well aa hie Yriend;r Bad' beenindulgingWan he d they werei:both e ttip.-, EU 1 74:4 1-, * rf '' ' - - - "Aq PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9, 1870 AMUSEERNTS; Nov °Pena HoUSH.—Thp engageoUnt ' of the winning, pretty add aCcomplighed. Notice artiste, Miss Maggie Mitchell, his thus far proved ono of the most success ful of a siaeon of signal brilliancy at the ' Opera Hotue. Last night the beautiful peasant life story of Fanglion was pre hooted for the second time, and despite the inclemency of the weather, there was drawn together a large and fashion able audience in the parquette and dress circle, while the gallery was uncomfort ably crowded with the admirers of the fair actress. Perhaps the plot of no other domestic play la.rnore familiarly known to, theatre-goers. Its true sketches of life, faithful exposition of the varying ' passion, virtues, vanities and follies o i which 9 ter more or less Into all human !wade d hearts, strike home and appeal tor F chon a place among true and nature . stage paintinga. f As the chlld'Werieket," guileless, innbeent and good, or as the modest, loving woman, - preservieig all her girlish virtue and pru dence, Mid possessing the real. qualities begotten therefrom, a pure and queenly pride' and loftiness of character, Miss Mitchell is without a superior ou Ameri can beards. She, enters fully Into the character she: 'Assumes, and aim ing at naturalness. Imes her own identity and la nothing more to . the andt ence than the leading heroine in the play.' She was admirably 'supported throughout by the members of the Stock - company. eFather Barbeaud" could not have a more truthful interpreter on the stage than Mr. 'A. Ulauford, Sr. He hut rapidly been winning his way into popu lar favor, and In thin particular role haiaolded largely to his laurels. Wheth. or his is a clear conception of that pas sionate, Impetuous proud old farmer ' whose outside was no Index of a bettor nature within, painted by the author, we know not; but that he hu made close study of a character found as nu merously as any other presiding over the destinies of farm yards and families, - we do know, and he presents him fully tip to nature. As "Landry" Mr. Chester wee very gond, while Mr. Wood Ronson sustained "Didier" with Ma usual ability and cleverness. Mies Orborne as "Old Fadet,"'seerued to us out of her element, as we could not recognize the sprightly, queenly actress we know her to be, in the cabalistic garbs of the disappointed And decried old mother witch. Mrs. Chester, as "Math:don," sustained herself admirably. The other cparactera were well supported, and altogether, we think, Fenehou was never better put. mem our local stage than it was last evening. Tonight it will be 'reproduced, and then give away to the beautiful and ' natheticdrama of '`Lorlio." Thin latter play flea been eulogised and praised In these columns sa onto ealculated to in *mire a heartier appreciation of all that is good In the character of woman, and a Cl:detain detestatiou of the pride, I pomp, end conventionalism of a rotten and decitrut fotsbionableaociety. ..I. or lie" la the natural tale of krUorlilfga and beauty, virture, innocence and true .womanhood permitted to thrive and I blossom In the woods and wilds of a rural home to he suddenly transplanted Into the heart cf a wicked city of dissipation where she is °teemed to sink her true maitre, dlasiniulate and appear Itt ativatb toga In good 'society. Tee play is hu. 1 morons in the true simplicity of Iswile, ' but there is • deep, pathetic vein run- Illog UllOlllO it which cannot fall to ex. cite a tear of compassion for the unfortu nate innocent. Mies Mitchell'aatrangent 1 I claim to public favor le In the dellnes lion and iuterpretation of thin character. and in it her genius and hletrionle• ability make themselves marked anti cOnspicUOUS. SECONn CANTATA Ocrasione—Under 1 I he muNlcat direction of Prolemor C1..1 turn: Tetedcux. the Cantata Society of Pittslourgh. will glee its woad grand concert at the Academy of Mneie next l'nesohly evening. This Society embraces the. bent vucatiste of the two olden, and in chorus numbers 1.0100 riot.) , vooire:s. all thoroughly trooltexi and cultured. Among the ronditinna prc- Mbit-t1 are the 95th Psalm, MettolelrActionn. "Hear net prayer," and an exquisite "Ague Ind" especially entepeeal fo•r time society by Prof. Jos. Ebert of tint coy. A number of solos, trios etc. all with full orchestrelaecompanimente will to offered. The main of reserved sesta, without extra charge, will commence at Mellor it Homes' well known mule store, No, all. Fifth avenue., next Satur day morning at nine o'clock. Tanta:Aux —The second exhibition of the con.n by the Turner A. ..elation of this city will lake place at Tumor Hall, Sixth avenue, this evening.. The eXhitoltion will consist of Tableaux-Al t:mute, representing the erriptural paint legs by Ouldave Ikorto. The lut extilbi. lion wax very tine and rendered unlver pal satiefaction. The tableaux . are pre pared with great Cite and regardless of expense, and we have no doubt that the exhibition this evening will be equal to the one which preceded It. _ • Commtnetereity HINEVIT.—OIIIer r Mee e , who, It will be remembered. was won deal bye pistil Macs while attempt ing to erreia thillabs Arnold and Len. Hartman. bag been tendered a bard tit at the Varieties Theatre on Friday evening next. Mr. Moore is a deserving officer. and )natty merits the favor of the public whom lie has en faithfully served: We are pleased to bear that he bas AO far ro e remit from his wound to bauble to be about, and will probably be on duty lu • few weeks. led &lett ILIAL RElrffrON. —The St. Paul's Cathedral Orchestra announce their first annual minion to take place on Monday evening. tha god inpd., at City Halt, at which time and place a plearant enter- lidument may boandeMated. TM) Com tunten of Arrangomenta, hto.ara. T. 01.1ary, Frank litnes and S. J. are gentlemen of experience In such matt ere end - wiil, of °mire°, leave nothing undone tending to add to the enjoyment of the occa•lon. _ TI/it thilmeh Mortirner'n tit Instreln, who hive been playing to largn audiences nt the Amin. my of Momlci for 0. fewoliightolpiltri will close their esiottsisAieut thin evenknib Thu troupe In no excellent one she. thitertildninnete aryl r0.4.14)..wi1b" humor, ne watt" ref' ,idtf. • NARROW ESCAPE. Explo.lon In Alieghemy-4. Pholegin _ . _ ured —A Imos7 fig gratioek. . Monday afternoon, about two o'clock, an accident of a abutting character ae. rimed at the slime of Dr. tkiherer, No. 254 Ohio street, Allegheny, which might have been . attended with very surions coveequences, but for . the physician's _presence of mine. It cowls he was engaged Id mak. log a medical preparation, the invent one of which wore turpentine, limed and olive oils. These liquid's, amounting In all to about a quart, were poured in a vowel and being nested on a Moen in the laboratory at the. rear of the main otlice. The physician wee standing by stirring the mixture, and occerion. ally turning around to converse with a lady end child who were Milting at a window In the room, when suddenly a loud "reput was heard. Upon looking round he dim 3n va red that the door lead. leg into ten hall, and directly oppoelte LAS RUM), 1,1111 been blown, with its mut ing, Into the hall, while the apartment was almost tilled with smoke, end a strong flame from the vessel on the stove threatened to create a emelt tgratlou. Waltzing tho danger,' the Doctor at , tempted to carry the vowel containing the burning Mutt intothe yard, hut fail ed, and overturned it upon the floor. TACI lady and child; in the mean time, miraculously, it 'teemed, escaped without injury,. and immediately called in the ssidattince of the neighbors. , Alter a deal or trouble and danger, the burning mesa was drawn from the room with a boo when the games which bed sot tiro to t hel ciao' and were blazing in. Timely were - extingnietied. Tito excite. ment being over the physician for the first time realized how narrow had boon hie MSCIPU. The right side of his face vr,s very painfully scorched, and his hair burned pretty Mom to the head. • The tight baud was so !overly burned am to ho almost usaleee. The lift ales Buffeted from the flame. The ell and turpentine had been sprinkled over his clothing, which, fortunamly; were woolen and would not ignite easily. As soon ea ' the extent of his injuries watt ascertain. ad, medical attention was called in Daring Monday night hesuiTered greatly, kint yesterday he waft considerably itie proved and mo serious conacqUences are apprehended. The lady and child be yond their fright 'unstained no damage which. under the circumstances he re. markable. Dr. Soberer cannot 1,400U1n for the aceident,aa be had often prepared the same compound and never had any previous As it is, he may congratulate. himself, although he will likely be compelled to keep at home for several wen', that the result. was not more earlous. • • • Meath Side Rein..—We aio indobtol to Mr..l. I). Morgan for the following notee from the . South Side: -Lewin, Oliver et Phillips' works inn to Intl oper• anon. Magnlght rk Co.'s works aro run. rang the full force; except nation. The window glitexbiowars , strike ended yes. tordar, coven of the blowers returning to work. The Brownstown mill, *rood running. The ashore will not go to work at ton imr cent." off lormir • rates. worth*, Porter's mill WY idle yeatertiai for repairs. great many Parana aro idle Apr want of . employment ow the Eloptk Olds. " • .FATAL ACCIDENT. Two lien JEUled to Corn'. Run Tunnel— The Ronlea Htirrlbly Mutilated—The Coronet's Inquett. A mot& shocking accident, attended with fatal consequences, occurred at Cork's Run Tunnel, on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad, about four miles west of this city:yesterday morning. It appears that three men on their way to this city on foot, started through the tunnel and had arrived within one hundred feet of the eastern end of the tunnel when the Express train west, which leaves this city at 5.35, came whirling round the curve and en tered the tunnel. The men, it appears, attempted to save themselves by getting against the aide of the tunnel, but un fortunately they took tillrewroPts'' side, and the passing train struck two of this, crushing and mutilating the bodies in a most.frightful' manner Med killing the unfortunate men Instantly. Ono of the party, James Parcel, managed to es cape unhurt, and from him we get the following statement of the affair: lie is a miner and came, to this city in search of employment. He fell in company with the two men who Were killed in the tunnel, about eight days since, at Akron, Ohio, and the three-came together on foot to the place whore the accident oc curred. ,They had followed the line of the railroad all the way in order to avoidthe Muddy roads. When they came yesterday morning he objected to enter ing it, but his companions insisted that there was no danger and they all started through together. As stated abovo, they had arrived to within a short distance of the end of the tunnel when they Raw the train coming. He says that nil took the sumo aide of the track, and that he had plenty of room, and he la unable to account for the accident. His companion. were Germans, but ho did not know their names. One of thane was a far mer and formerly resided near Colone -1 bus, Ohio, and was coming to this city in order to procure employ. meat. The other was a brewer from St. Louis, and was on his way to I Philadelphia. DErt`Dorrlngton, the As sistant Superintendent of the road, as Coen as two heard of the accident sent out and had the bottles removed to Devoro'a undertaking establishment, and notified the Coroner, who will empanel adttry in the eases this morning. One of the men carried a carpet sack with clothing In it, but there wore no papere about tither of them by which they could be ideistilled. Teachers , Institute The teachers of Penn and North Hunt ingdon tow.uships, and those of Irwin' borough, Westmorland county, hold a joint institute at Irwin on Saturday, the sth. Sessions were held in ha fore noqn, afternoon arid evening. The first was opened by religious exercises, con; ducted by Prof. 'McKee. A class drill in penmanship was given by H. L. Mer shon. A report. on school finvornment was presented by Mr. Pada, which wan followed by a spirited disenaslon. The dlactittaion.wam resumed in the afthrnoon. A clap , . drill In geology was next given. by Mina Haybrank, and an able report on the Whie in etitnnton echcols wax pre- accited by Mt. E. R. Sweeny. In the evening an address on Profeaelonal Courtesy was read by G. IL Hunt, of Allegheny city, and some select readings were given by different person, The citittenx manifested their interest by handsomely entertaining the teachers In attendance during the day, for which a vote of thanks was tendered. The meeting gave evidence that the Mime or education In that part of the county is progressing. ArrangeMenta were made for holding a Joint Institute at Atiamsburg.twq mile, from Manor Statinn, on the 19th instant, to be composed of the teachers ofFoun. Remplield, North Ilunti flint,.a and Irwin borough, • The exercises ,there will conalitt of a clam drill, a dinennOon, l •litiOnlit poplin tie rettilirod to Stinky when nut of .whool not a lecture by Prof. McKee—subject, "Duties of par ents towards teachers anti schools." Friends of education are invited to at tend. A G.At. Yesterday afternoon Jamea Sterling made Information before Deputy Mayor Nichols charging Wm. Nicholson with malicious ittLechlef. Sterling nays he had a ariatia William goat,—a favorite pot of his eMldren and a popular animal In the neighborhood with all but Nich oleon,.who maw It. near his home yea terdayr morning, and thereupon mani fested him hatred of the Innocent quad ruped, the pleneing plaything—by put ting a bullet through it. The millet was too much Po. it, and It gave up the glmet• lamented by a large circle. of friends. The Inas entailed by this eel upon Mr. Starling In dollars and ceutalmeitiltnateli etre. To have the matter inveatigeted and Justice rendered Nicholliim was Cr. rested and held fora hearing to-day. Lawrence Lbw company. Thedlabanding of the Lawrence Hose Company, of the Seventeenth ward, seems to hare crcatea n great :deaf of dhualiatiotion. The Company sold out their carriage, horse end harness to Mr. P. Weisenberger, but the price Is kept a secret. Sothe any It is SOO, ethers put It at Ifl,ooo. The property was pub chased by voluntary antsicriptiona from the rillsmei of the ward with the express understanding It to said that it was always to be kept the ward and owned by a company etimposi.ti of citizens therein. There la (nimbler/ibis feeling manifestos' at the axle, and threats of a litigation were freely indulged in h 7 some of the contributors yesterday. The matter may take that turn. Ear= Arthur Goodrow made Information be. fore the Mayor yeeterday, • charging Simeon Purnell with larceny. Arthur is wsieliman on the steamboat ' , Traveler," and he alleges that the accused came to tha,heate"-Monday evening - brgging for fitig to eat and a place to sleep. a took commutalon on tile man, gave him Ms supper and shared hie bed with him. 'Toward morning he woke up and , discovered that ble guest has taken his departure, and that his, the prosecutor's, pocketbook, containing seven dollars, had gone with him. Purnell was armee. ted, and after a hearing, was committed all In defaulter ball for his appearaoce at Court. Increasing Popularity The merchant tailoring ortablishment of Wm. Hosponheldo ,t Co., No. 60 Sixth (St. Clair) street, Increases in popularity; with every reason. By fele Bleating, superior goods and reasonable prices, this firm has steadily won iw way Into popular favor, which gets stronger in• stead of decreasing—a sure indication of merit. One rule adopted is that of not allowing work, regardless of Its charact. tar, to go out of the !Innen unless the cue tomor la fully salaam]. They proper(' to hold on to this rule in the future. They have now on hand a choice stock primed' Imitable for lino dross or business sults, to which the attention-of gentlemen is invited. A good article, well mado and a perfect tit, is guaranteed In every case. Call at No. 60 Sixth street. Where to Lamb. BUSII:1899 men dining down town should take a look In at the "Continen tal," next door bele*, the Posteince, Fifth avenue. Mr. lioliabotmor, the en terpristng Proprietor, hen determined to excel in furnishing noonday lunches, and a visit to his establiehment will con vince all of the facilities he enjoys for do ing en. - Evdrything is plentiful, neat ness in a cardinal rule, and polite waiters are ready to attend to every went. The bill of fare embraces delicious Berme, warm or cold meats, of every kind, game, fish, vegetables, pastry, hot coffee. In abort, everything healthful end appo. Lining In the edible line. Call In at the "Continental" and teat the palatable en. tertalument. Lord Bulwer Lytton,, In one of hie' novels—one of them, 7,400111, the " finest of all hie worke—makes the plot dopen• dent on a certain elixir of life which Rome ono has discovered, Tide minder fel hnuld hi now eupporad to be vary Molnar to the Cream Ale which Messrs. Pier, Dannels dc Co, are brewing at the Oregon Brewery. • • - Everything In the line of, (metalware, from the tiniest toy cup and saucer to the largest sized wash bowl. may be oh• tallied at the warehoune of the Keystone Pottery, No. 363 Liberty street, Moser& Kier .t Do. proprietors. Every article carries with it the reputation o(lbe firm. Thoro Ala no bettor ware !Atha market than the Keystone. Moorhead, No. 81 MU/tot 'Oast, Ina nn Immense assortment of lace goods, hosiery, trimmings, millinery goods. gloves, hoop skirts, neck ties end bows, woolen goods and everything In the lino of fancy and dugs goods ind'notions for the ladles. Daily arrivals kmin tho stock tip with the times. Ladles should re• member St market street.- • Buy your moorsobannt plots and to. bacon ponchos at Ittograw's,' 45 Hand Bract. He hue one of thelargsat, cheap. eat and beat amortized' .ltr the city. You can also . got a supply-41f the beat brands of tobaooo, .anuff 'and- 'dining at . Megrim's. He makel rite 1 = 15 1t7 or sugars, and cannot ba:eot, '.. I ECM= Col. J. D. Egan, the courteous and obliging proprietor of the Sixth avenue Book and Literary Depot, near Smith field street, announces that ke has com menced the sale of a full and complete !Mil of new and second-hand hooks at half price. The opportunity thus afforded tne nubile of making good aelectiors Is a great one and should be generally em braced. Col. Egan never advertise. what he don't mean to do, and our read ers should by all means favor his estab• liahment with a visit, if just to look through the stock and inquire the prices. Youngson , o Saloon, corner Smithfield street and Diamond alloy, is the popular resort for ladled" and gentlemen who love a neat, clean and palatable lunch, at any hour of the day, or cakes, pastry and confectionery for home use. Mena g rs of public, and private parties In the peat have also learned that Youngnon'e I. the place to secure everything neces• a ry for the success of their entertatn ment. Additional .Marketa by Telegraph Crtiowar, February EL—After one o'clock Wheat sold at 79%c cash, but during the afternoon the market weak ened and sales were made down to 74 c cash and seller month, closing at 79y 4 c cash and 8030 seller March. Corn quiet and prices the same as at the close of 'change. In the evening the Grain markets were Inactive. Provisions quiet but 'steady. Mesa Pork Keller March V 7,75, and buyer March $26,3734. =CECE HOLLIDAY-BAXTER—IIe Thunday even ing, Yebreary lld.lllllo, at the residence of the bride's sister:by Rev. Snonel Collins, Mr. DAVID HOLLIDAY, of Allegheny City, and MI. SADIE A. BAXTER, of New Brighton, Beaver county, Pa. No card.. UNDERTAKSLRE3 reiIIARILES & PEEDLII O -, lJ DMILTAIOLNB.AND LIVERT corned t ta. N DUVIKYEttItitES AND CHUlrtb 1 , 715NT:A Allegheny 0111, nt,re idalr (7t)!,TIS BOOMN we constantly topylled Itii real mrd brdndlon Ntwanood. 'Mahogay and lAddlnd Cofllns, at prices earylnr/ from at to altitl. Bc• N1:. "" At t gr. ', 1,.. 1 %1.0, `"° !11 " ,,,g; ' ,. " ,!?Lt114.tf4 flooZ, rviaLed. - °Moo nyen 01011 bon... dr} and night. JOSEPII METER b. SON, UNDE.lirrAliEllt4 • = Carriages for Fimirals Furnished COPTINS 114 all Pollan] Tunlshmant at r. daerd rates. • at ASSESSMENTS NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, appointed ,Viewers to view and aseeea the damages sad benefits on the opening of.LANE A1.1,Y.Y, In the Sevin.' ward, Alla gieny City. From Its present termitic. to Jefferson 'thee, will meet on the ground ma TLIEYDAT, Wild February,. 1570, at 3r. to attend to the duties of thtli ' sy polo treent• DEB= = =I N OTICE IB HEIIEBV GIVEN that the undersigned Viewer,. appointed to View and a ..... the damages and betted., on the opening of TAILOR AVSNUK, with its present whist.. from Milo Alto street to Webster street, wilt street On the gronod on FRIDAY. 111th February. 11110, at 3 o'clock r. w.. to at. bend torte curies of Vale appoirtment. JOHN 12101111111 UN. A. V. MALITHIEVN I= rwAss NOTICE IS - HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Vie +ere. niiii 2 ntred to lien and assess the chimaera and brnen • dle the opening of it(tiliTlr.ttitY enmEr, m•ln lathlue its present width from the north side of Carroll street to the north side of J•fre1000 street. will meat on the remind ott SATURDAY. 10th February. 11470., at 1 o'clock P. r., to attend to the duties of their appointment. AND. DAVIDSON. 15. W. IicOINNIW. JAWTS OIIANAIII. Vlewer• MO NOTICE. firitie Natter of Opening Lincoln Street. Notice Is heretir rivet. that the assessment for domain made br• the Viewers for the porting of Lincoln street has twen thr.i In nit' omen tee rottectloa: that ar said amenu are not psid t.:m withla thirty days trim the data honor. limos will he hied therefor against the propene ar• leaned with leterest, cost, and het, and the same collected by legal Proee.t. J. P. el.Altt.X. Cite •ttor=re. • No. 106 ril.h Avenue. Vrrranutiorr. Jam. Z. 11870. A N ORDINANCE to provide len the Safe Sintdas Custody of the 'node of the City. Bs ordained tied ontend by Me Me or Pox.- to rp4 in &feet andsmon Cnoinel Is us iv mhtod, "7.1,1 f I " . h T " ha d'i tthe '" Seleet by st. " .7 : C 4'r ornto U' en ' C A t ' os " o r e n rlZ of the tits of Pttleolrgh ohall, at the tint retro lee alter the usage of this ordinal:on, Ito litto plot sesoloa. sod chaos., elect and des ignate torn of the Banks or Savings Innito. Ilan of sold nity to be depositories and cam o aten s of the mobile money or fonds of raid city. Until Inc Ant Monday Foonsary, Hee. 1k That at the annual Joint sersion of aald Councils hereafter for etc.:ens cityofliterv, threw of the Ranks ar Savings linen tout of said city *ball be thaw., elected end designated to be depositorie• and custodian. of the public money or funds of salt! gi ll) for the raining Year. Sze. 3. That it shell be the Ants of the Con troller of aid city. Immediatelytoo the p sage of thls obilnasee. and annually t hereaft er. at least ten oat. bebon Wm g of mild Joint senloa of Cos nein. to advertise (brand tonne lotted proposals from the beaks and lacings la /Mallet. of gold city. settles forth the rate of interest such hanks or sarthaa 'lnitiation will entract 11011 sites to pay to the city forth.. an and advantage of sato deptnits of smelt public fond. or money the same obe adJarted, settled and bald monthly. and computed •.0111 the arm ada amount of the depoetts of each mouth. said settlement and 14.thalitlottat tab...044e by said Controller. 'abject to the approval of the rinane• Committee of said Omelet's. Inc. 4. It shall b the duty or said to lay sold bids before slid tiny Connell: atContraller yid joint anent session. when the some shall be opened Co unci l srealitent of said /tent cession n . and the shall rho°. tad th•three appearing la be the higheall and best bidden. pbac. 0. That the Banks ort3 gringo Instintlens, ito designated. elected and ehoscu, shall mike, execute and deliver t°, .0 'Le with, the tea- Muler of 6.10 City • Mo., In Mr Prnal tom or One Hundred Thousand Dollar., wick warrant. nr AU . 0..7. wi th at least three sufficient ....- ee, conditioned ftw the true and faithful per. formance of their duties •stuch nubile deposits. rtes. And that all uterus or warrants drawn isgoon the fund so on deposit In mile Bank. or Palings intltutions, be authority of law shall be paid en Osman& which bond , bo approved Bute Finance Committee affirezald. Sc, 0. That so soon al tee Hanks or Bayley* tondo tl.s so designs'. .as &peal tortes of the fends of laid city. shall have elven iodate et • %TV [ b y ' Pr i :Xu d gr ' ro *. sttrgit n s Ir e ftaliVlk o ll 01.0 cite ody, or that atterorwde name Into his official possertion, la the. Hanks on Davin. Institution. aforesaid, keening the amount la esch as nearly equal to can be done. vac. T. That the public moneys or fends so sourmay be drawn ay the City Tremurer moi. to Meet of said city, arum warrante or checks drawn by himself and counter. good by the COULD:Mei, suett regulations a, the said Controller and linance' c..mmittee may from time to time es tAblish H.. H. !Mould any nag hank or savings Ina. lotion close Its coon at any time during boffi n., home, or fell to pay any warrant draws upon It by the City Xrettsnrer. entittrllignerl by tn. controller, upon the funds . onder*. with said nettle. melees lustitotion, when the game is presented at Its cou fort h w ith l me th• duty of the City 'Treasurer to report the same to the City Controller. Who idnil at niceness the °facial bead of such lank or me lee. Institution, to be entered op in the proper Court of Record, by the Ctrttiffitelter, and an execution forthwith tamed WV. She Sem.. and also that said City Contrellet al. tall together and repOrt the same to the unsure Committee, who shall te e same the lame to COlinCllll SA Mar nest meeting. Hoc. IL That all ordlurnmeaor pieta of emits Olltc. • Ineatulatent herewith be and the same are 'hereby repealed. Ordained and enabled Into • iner in C•unells, Ibis Tan day of January. A. D. into. kIoatYLET. Atiam, 8. 8. 81. }:z.v.., of &den Council. Clark of fieledeonnoil. W. •. TOMLINSON. ?resident of (Memnon Oonasil. AIWA: N. licalanyas, Clerk aeons.= Connell. lag JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE k lOLLING SILL Brt A PUMPS Mule Prompt/if to Order. BABBIT'S Made and Kept on Hand. Proprletms And Briankhanren at LM. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. (Mee, 882 PENN STREET. Foundry, Cur. 17th and Railroad PIT1UB17!BH. P.. LADIES OR trINTLEMEN, whblux to parcbue a zuge wiriest roe MM. MOWS lof I HOLIDAY DIFT.' Would ae well tO .stclp In and exancine My nook of WATCHIEB. JEWNLILIC and oil. VICK WARE of the meat deniable patterns/ea received II • • W. G. DIiNSEATEII'a SHIPMENTS OF ALL yj Mods of titian 'aka Mai argirocolved dolly :rulpress , pcoolor dal stood, 240. Gal Diamond Market, IThe burgh, sad as the TIM. City Mood. - Allegheny city, conker of Yodotal and Ohio MITCI4I. Our lone experlenge In the beau= enables a. alwaß bee a oa band Mit teleVir )31 . 11' 1 3 .7. 7 2 u l i ndirr. i t ' arnr4 meru e z . 1 . 1 . 4 .„ un. .... A11 1 = aiN z. • • • JZW21.112 AND OFT/MN. 3OcAiths i .tf . ,,mx„, 7 ASH . IX • TORN r I"W`X,,.. c,m: ME VINEGAR, THE PITTSBURGH VBIGAR •:.WORKS. BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND• AVENUE. Aro now prepared to torttleb VINEGAR Mike LOWEST MARKET RATES. *Manton Y PM- Mentz'', called to our MIA MBE • MBAR. MERCHANT TAILORS if.ENIZY G. BIERCHANLIAILOB,' corner of Penn and Sixth Streete FALL AND WINTER STOCK W OOMPL E ET E iI'HIEBSON & 1111111ANBRING, SUCCESSORS TO W. 11. 112'01311 /k. 00., MERCHANT TAN:LOBS, No. 10 1111TH 11T„ late 81. Clair. - We e.•e Jolt. received. l.rxa.nyplyot 1.11 sod Winter Ooode hleh will be told at reuon able prices• Mr. fI.ANBEIRO will still'ot- Vag'srekICATE=7BIII.A.NBRING. P. ISI!...A3ELTICLAP.,. PASIIIONABLII MERCHANT TAILOR. Keeps unstantly on had (laths, Caesinseree and Veatings. AIsraGYNTLICIIB2I . IIIII7ENISHLNEESSOODS. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURG - H. P.a. styles. M Clent4 Clothing male to order In the latest UD= NEW FALL GOODS. MEE rolonald new 'mock of stiorns, GASSIMEREB, Jost rextved byWIRT MICTILIII. blercbsat Tall.. Ti thaltbdeld stmt. WINES, LIQUORS, &o. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, The Very Bent in the United Rates, ILANUFACTURZO WILLIAM WAGNER, 9SI .Vortis Seventh Street, ron.►ur.crUTA. Z l T:rm.-All hora , V;llll s . SCHMIDT &FRIDAY, lIIIPORTZEB or WINg BRANDIES, GIR, AL, WXII,OLUNGLIJS DCALSRO PURE RYE WHISKIES, - 400 PENN STREET, .111a4 , :o Removed to NOS. SSA AND ASO PENN, Cer. IPOTI , Oth St., (formerly e rscpu 8. riNca & co., • N... ISEIa, JEST, UM, 1111,101 std /MT eiTILLST, lITTISHOJtaIIi. IILL-NIIIIACTOILIIIII es Ripper Distilled rare Ikel9l.lsker. WO. dealers la 7OMLION WISZS sad LI. QUOIUS. HOPS. ee.e. • • statasall WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER At Greatly Reduced Prices. Till'lVlgt"g7=°:,%7l:4ll;l4 - 4,' " 11 Without Regard to Coat, COMPRIBIND HANDSOME PARLOR PAPERS, DININ 111)011 PAPERS. HALL. AND GUARDER PAPERS, ADo, s lame assortment of CHEAP PAFIRS at No. 107 MARKET STREET, NEAR MPH AVENUE. JCS. R. HUGHES k BRO. ELLQANT PAPER HANGINGS. • Emmaled Wall Papers In _plain tints = pm , 'loos to soot and smoke. Vermillion gronads T iPs'aillYLVVlt.47l7l l . StrEETRITESI Ott l ipplid printed dt to be b ond elseirben IA tke countr y . For sj:at. P. wr A VERT4 A LT.'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street. •ell LIVERY & SALE STABLES. Blinn H, PATTELSON & Sevekth Avenue and Liberty St, prrriuntman, PA. wan on Every Bagenvkiv /row AN AUCTION SALE GORSES, CARRIAGES, BINGIES WAGONS. £ll l.l:P l eztrrgn:ll . nkoet their notice or consignment on or oaken Trtugdag of toot week In order nor advertising , . PrMogOntli terabit and good care will be ems all Bt. Jell Weal. JOHN R. HTEWAR'r, Auctioneer. aorntu. WIIIWART . Rolm plyrizillirATTlSlSON. & (y. 82L1.11:! A.N.D omrasszinr STABLES, C 08. 18111 .7e11 MOB 4 11118}171 BY. PITTSBIIIME, P.& 11M1111:10 FLOUR IXIITOTICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONSUNIII.U.—W• are now recut, r a lot of 40.000 bushels carefully eelected WHITE AND AMBER AND TXMIXEMNE WHZAT. pmehmed Illtron, Parke. Orme and Morgan counties Indians. This lot. or Wheat D the eery Mat . to be :Mind sad caret be enmeshed by Any In the Unlowtf3Ustes. We have also nalehed our Impromtments Nhchinuel. Beatles Clothe sad CocUsg Doom.. and are now prepared to rarnieh the best Pitt, we ham made for ten years at prises timidity competition on the same grade. of lour. - 8. T. KIIaIIRKSIY & Due.. Pearl Steam MM. Allesboy. September 13. MS. . WM INSURANCE Till NEW JERSEY Mutual Life Insurance Co • NEWARK, N. J. • Assets, Over 8500,060. All Pond. leaned by thia Company are perpet ually Hon-Forfelting after the payment of one Amount Premium. Dividends annually declared and Willed on {bi r d peemium, either on the permanent increase of the Poliny. Or In reduction of Intuit- REMIT KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 161 1-2 Wood Street, (2d tioor9) PITTSBURGH. Agg.Rellabls Agents 'ranted. gegen 11 :LE IRON CITY MUTUAL . LIFE INSURANCE CO, Of Penusvlvaa. • Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. mutinous: . Lei. JAILS* E. CLARIL _D. L. URAL LA 11. J. D., ti • Capt. It. ROBINFON. Rev. A. K. BELL,D.U., Rev. B. H. NEfBI. ILO.. - WA OBRUSH M , C B . e L l e S nd g Anent . , on CO. BM/A DRU Mayor of Allegheny. • C. W. BENNY, Batter. A. B. RELL,Attorney.at-Law, IL 1.,. WOO PATTERSO a N. Lumber Merchant. SEIL insurnce Acorn. • Capt. CLARK. NSON, Proaddemt v Maur. J. BIL D.. V lee President, JACOB ILUNII, Secretary, C. R. DENNY. Treamager. M. W. WHITE, MEDICAL ADIRSI3I. DANIEL 8W061E14 (kiln Agent. COMMUSIONEO Afli NTS FOR THE CO,: John M. Dopaldv., Alto/th 0 7. W. W. Moir, Rachmier,ra. irll. 4 rop7st i ggee ' irpa, Pa. P (Merge u. Jobamin r.. J. S. lltnuer Johnstown, Pa. Company strictly matual. All profits Berates to rolley beide. b dividend rturned aimll from the end of the y Orst Ivo. e All policiesse r f forfeiting. 101 l °ten • INSURANCE COMPANY. PHELAN'S HULLOING, R. s!1 Wlftes AV•11111111. inseoad MOO/. PITTSBUIGI. Capital .11.11.10tald Up. DIRECTORS. 'N. J. Mirky, lH.W.Oliver. Jr. ICapt.M.Heilel. Deal Walinee.r. H Hartinen,lA. Chambers. Jake , S. !Vulcan... 'Jan. M. Galley. Thomas Senn. dne.S. Wlllo HOSEI T H. RING. President. JNO. Y. JENNINGS. Vice President. JOB. T. JOHNSTON, Seeman, Cu'!. R. J. GRACE. (leen Agent. Imams on Liberal Tome on all Inn and Marine RIM, • • NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cm. Federal St. and Diamond, 11legheny a ffa m in e. the SECOND NATIONAL BA.xx W. W. MARTIN Prestdent, JOHN BEOWN,i , n., vice rm.:Mesa. JAMES K. STEV .NSON. Secretary. DIIIIINCTOttli: Jobs L. Ilyier.i.las. Lockhart. Jen. Myers. Ju.L.Ornham"Sobert Lea. C. C. Hoyle. Jno. linrern,JV ,George tiers; J ,,,,,,, hope, o.H.PWlWarnaklno. Thompson J. Meliangnes. alt PEOPLES , EVIMILiNCE CON. PANT. 0771 CZ. N. Z. C0N411.3 WOOD a MTH OTC ♦ H.A. On.DX.r,ULIc la r Me and Hato. illsk. :OM: Capt. Jots. L. Mamas, Iramart C. Mclver. AratekM, Jared r n ush. wmZ. Lag, amel iteCrickan rea Pres blen til t. ent. B , v:eta ry. Wm. MUM& John WALL, Joins E. Puts, C. H. Love, Wm. v. Kik,. James LP. Verner. WM. rtumarn. JOHN WATT. V' W. F. CARDHS • pENNSIELVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITSBURINI OFFICL. No. 11:1TH WOOD ISTHSIPP, HAWS OP 001/WEROB BMILDINII. Skis la a Hama Company, an 4 1111021111 Satan loas_by Vire eiclarlvaln. . . I,HONAHMALTICI., pramtaat, C. C. HO Viol Pre.!dent. ROHE= PA RICH, Tra..... , • /SUCH WeELIIHN Y.' tlecretat7 • Dutscrons: Leonard Walt., Eleariy . roa. • C. C. Bowie oco. W. Emma Hobert Patrick. J. C. Po. Jacob Palatcy, J. C. Plc nu, Joe.. Lana. Jobs Yoectloy. Jaa H. Hopklns, A. Ammon. Henry a.... lac WESTERN INSURANCE CON PANY OP PITTSBURGH. " ALIXANDICH MAUCH. PreslAcitte CAP P. HERBBII__ _T Secretary. CAPT. GIVORSIZNRICLX, General Agent. °Moe. 106 Wcer street, Buena * Co.'. MUIR ilOme, up stein, Pitishoryo. Will MM. nesinct all kinds of letre end Mae rim Bilks. lk home Mal Moon, managed by Dle rectors who are well known to the community. Mid who areeleterroloed by promptness and lib.- alßy nodutalo the moter which they lime assumed. calamie the best prowetka se tatell who desire to be tom red. DIRBOTOIini Almander , HimiCit. • Juan Et. 31.1120, B. Killer, Jr., Chm. 4. Claret. Alma McAuley. Willimo B. Brans. Aleilndellipeere MithPotritilt Andrew Ammo, David M. Lon& Wm. li=n, D. Damson. niCt pnEarrerrit ' AGAINST• LOSS NT VIRAL FRAIIILUI INSURANCE CO.OF- PHILADELPHIA, ofinozoksaitortcHmauccne Hl . ..nem Has. DIItiCTOIM •-•- . Chuisal_Jr. Bah Cher. ' llordecel Lorah Totssa weaver. David B. , Ilaisinsi Grant. IMMO Lil l Jacob 11. Isra Ht tth Kdward (J. DaIe.CCUELI U. B . A " . V %IILVIIMitkr . . C. svpmx, ice Presitlait. • VV. C. SWIZZ. decretarymv rth W J. OAS.DIMIL COTYIN.. 01. Noert corner Third sad Werod!Amb. LLEGMENY IN:dUItANCE COMPANY Or PITTIW, Ruri . OZ•Na.. nrirTUKT r -zar,BANZ BLOCk. 111 k4e.a ru, sad Metal JOHN TIMM J... p ni x e .t. }1 ,_ 08 ...K1P VLse Proaltlent.' • kurearf. ' • flexterslACW. DMICTOBR: 4,. 11 1 . ..., Jr.. B. L. /emu:oak 0. 0. ar.chuok. H.Tai /nada sellers, Muir Hay:, • T.p3tackalia. CaDt. Wm. flew, T. H.•Nuto. 1 . PROFESSIONAL: G W. De CAMP, &ONES AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Hu renewed to No. 73 dr.A NT STRUM% Pitts beret, ern' practice In the U. IS. Oreille ago Mettle& Courts, in the Mao Supreme god all toe Coasts of Allegheny el:nasty, ana mate <Weer 'Oohs Is Moat of toe adiseentoountlea. 3173:077 H . R. McCORDII9II, Attorney-at-Law. ' 614 , B RANT STRUT At" Tromp% attention then to all kinds of legal .bustness. ttitt ARCHIBALD BLABELEY, ATTOUNMV4LT.I,A/I.W. Ito. 71:111711 sTrisar, 11==1 JOfiN A. STRAIN, siduEsuarAir. xx-ornino roams OP Tax PLOT 'aft PO/Mt MIAGIVHATII. OZa.lllsl 'FIFTH IsTILEXT, oPPf.at• tae thedna, Pittstwgb, P. Deeds, roast. Mr, gaffer, ga.owteogirenta, Deportiloos amo. dhpate Legs ,B h ulseoa asecnted WWI Imeargaes WM. B. NEEPEII, ALDERMAN Asti ks-ostitiO JO MOM OP THE PEACE. °FEIGN., iits FIFTH islroxitie. Bp= attention Alm ,to wan sysasstar axle Collections. Deeds. Rends ..d Mot times Assars AP. aad all legal Dullness Meads Ato Droned. am/ aesstratalf. - OECINA.. ' C'JTLXItY 100 WOOD Er: ritukT. NEW- GO OILS. I FINE VA SES. BORICRIAII *ND CU Mirl" Tgl WI% Tz• 11/ CIIII 'GUT C 13216 SMOKING axis. •Istge °diet SILVER PL.6.TED COOPS of alid.in mertptlors. ft c dttl2..r=zamitbr.Vitt e B. E. Ev= & t XL 100 • 0011 CHINA, isigAss AND QIJEENSNITAItE. large atataltat t ofnix pattern* sad iSPes Jaet tac.red. Aire khaed sod Brittilala V. Srr, Vases and Perlost Wan. - SlOw opetlitF and • for tale at wear low prices ..• . • 11:(0331r. - 8/. 1 5114 r. AJVIIISEPHENTS fa"NEW OPERA ROWE. Third ?debtof tho enhaderotot of int. charm.. tug and favorite are tac t - MAGGIFI-MITCHELL. WY.I/NYSDAY EYE?: LNG. Y.lll oar). Ihk. 11i70. poaltircly lost time or the ever popular ploy or rarganow. I Yaucho a, the Cricket Margie Mitchell. PeaPtiful 'THURS Pew pIaDAY KVIINy ofIN (I will be prodno<4 tla LOHLEt THE TINY HELLS OF THE CANTON. Friday—Reach t of Metal. Mitchell. m.gdic into. a 31.11 Dee on !Saturday. afrACADEMY OF MUSIC. FOUR NIGHTS ONLY, Commends', Saturday Evening, Ali t ilk. Also, at LIBERTY RAIL, • • /tut I.lbert, TITURSDAY AND ratbAr /IVENINOt, rebrall7 4th. COLLINS, HULMES fi 4 MORTIMER'S MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND. THE STARS OF THE PROEM:HON.' COLLINS. IHILMES, mownrcen, DI'GREW, wiLumas AND RICHMOND The Great Comedians Cards of admisslon Reserved Seats HARM CONRAD. Agent. For thriller particulars wen rowan bolr. fe:l4s IarPITTSBIUtGIi TILTUNZR HALL. THE SCRIPTURE HISTORY:, AFTER THE CELEBRATED DRAWINGS OF GUSTAVE DORE. Tableatii Infratets. SECOND EXEIDITILON. WEDNESDAY, February Nib, MD; Overture By Orrat Western 11.4. 1. Tableaux...sr. Inter...O. the Dream - of Pharaoh. lienesta: Chapter IXI.I. A. Tableaux....losupti Maklng Himself Memel - to lON Brethrsn. Itenests: Chapter I.XLV. 3. Tableaux Jacob's Journeys to Egypt. Genesis: Chapter IX 'S!. 4. Tableaux..... Moses 1114 Among the Plage. Exodus: Chapter Iv. 6. Tableaux ..Pliaraeh Clildre Moars—Moree and Aar. Before Pharaoh. - 100101: Chapter V. 6, Tableaux—The De.troylnaAnael—Tbartran Born are Exlbius: Chapter 111. T. Tableaux Motes Descending Mt. Ms/. .Exmles: CbapterXlX. B. Tableaux Water Miraculously Supplied. . .. Suodos: ,Chapter XVII. 9. _Tableaux The Bruen Serpent, Numbers: Chapter XXI. Joel and !diem 10. TAblearix, Judges: Ch*pter IV, An exeelleat OrebeUri (Gnat 'cream Bud) wul entertaln the audience **bile the Tableaux are arranged. • Tickws. 50 teat*. ft* TRE 0011511TTEE, WHOLESALE GROCERS. &c. ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. SORELY, 1812. w, 11. BODILY, NATIOT:PA A T: 5 l GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dniscrur oar. YAQUI HOTEL.) =MTRMI ii. STEEL'S M STEELE & Commission Merchants AID DIALXIB UN FLOUR. orww, E=Eaco,A o. No. ?s OUtO STREET, near East Common, - PET= KEIL TA11143 P. ItICILLEIN KEIL k RICIIABT, 'oonsnusszon manacnamms, AND DIALI.IIII noinz, aunt, aztoe, !ILL PEED, to. 349 Liberty lit e Pitt&bum". Inv24.Xf MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, DRAIN AND PHODIN7II Commission Merchants, No. 329 LINEUTY SUM% conncrtmentas gondola. `.; ". W. C. ARMSTRONG, Ono: woe to Petiole i Anitaf Ogg.) PRODUCE COMMISSION lERUGLINT, • No. 25 Maiket 155zroot, 13375 T „I, BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Na 395 PENN BTRZET. Trrrix, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholands Omen, Commlaslon Merchants la i Dealersta Prndnee, Pinar. Bump, nab, cartan Lard 011. Iron, Nails, flhas. Cotton Yams and MI Ploabarsh Mannlattnres 114 .'. 3 .f 4( T D nF'rr. - .701111 T. nousa..zow. TOUN I. HotreE & &nos.. Sue • orraora to JOHN T. WO Una a CO..= twle Groton and Commission Ilerehols, of antl talent and Water Weal., Pittabaritt. 15=12 eSnoroN awALLAcE.whok- ALL .780017.144 ANN pRoUtION - IXSAII Na 6.BIIXTII6TNNBT. Pltutwork.` REMOVALS 3E1.301215.C:01i7.41:. t • -- M WHITMOILE,_ aiDamierm sGEN V, Has ssmove4.l hoax SOrs:as Obto asl6 istsdasky streets, to • 103 onto STJELBET. • re 4 " 11.711ENIECVV.A.X.A. • • lire...until nralmr. ce.4.0y.40., A85Ev...04,..84..0„ • - .: MARKET FIRE' NS: CO., 11. - ,. Y., . - PartiteAruba, ASS 178.. 1e5i.e1L40.,.., ~, I Connecticut Ylre :Ins. Co., Horfford, . - . Af!arrS, $400,cloomo:' IL Al . .. ' IDNVAILD LliMi IIEtIN Zeitoyed to 108 YoUTIVII'AVERIIIky cm: m m Wcod sod madded street , PIUSIMMT P. XL.E~OVB:=,.' . GRAY & LOGAN plat nmoTid . f,Om 41 ME*. io S 9 Fifth AVEDUC. Until ImproremiOs O 0 E; A•r„ A•r„q: Li ic:11 -• •- corrimnraws orrlcs, ' • - crrr or ALLIKIIIII:XT. /obrnary N S. uTICE.--1N A CUIN 151 8 AND: BOILDAtI. e.l.4propowus 1.11.1 t• rftetved at lhL oftice• .nll. coetoet TIIURSDAT. le.brasr/ ilea, 010. for • , n i u t e.ths. Boling and ahrinking Two. ffrought.lron Cranks. 1 ea roan Fhaft It Watt 'Work.. Cranks eau tor iNCIS at Miller's Itorfro, ' , rodeo.. Way, ritss b.uh. Illdders to to off obi Cnoks, diets !lank Dina. oat leave roman reed, to aura. Wort to be done to the astldfaetlon Of the 800 yr rlntothloat of Water Work. fed • W. X. POUTP..II. Clt; CONTRALTAR•SOrrms. • Orr or aLtsouser. I. b. 1. 1010 NOTICE TO -CONTRACTORS. • • elgoard-ProDorals will be menet d et this al. Roth 3 o'clock P. nt., TIIOIISVAT, l eero.p 10th; 1 1 110, fur the • Grading of Chartiers Street, .. • /ram Western Artaae to Pliplfs.e, 'Xs, • Ppeehleatlons tin be seen at the niece or (tam Darts. , City T.nahteer. The right Is re forma to Nees KO Or all bids. - M.' PORTICU. • . 1.3:41 , •• City Controller. M" , 1811 . FllOl. " A F. !! ILA sad 3 Mackerel...Wl ittelV33t. I.lorsi.rMatterel; .ioalt : at • ••• ♦ -. 4 '" - Wiere. 1,3 )40. 31111 sad 174 woca4at4-•:. ES . . .. . .. , . ---.;.,Ai-47.ar,1 -•-• ...-' . - --..„...,„1.4 ~ :,..„,..„--•c4.,i6:-,m4l'''' all r , sita 30 cent. =1 =ZIr.G2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers