FTNAN CUM. iNEMCiaI BANK, NO. 80 'FOURTH' AVENUE, PTTTSBIIItGFL . •20%000 assn CE,PIT&I. • • • S'imkbolders Individually Liable. ILLS tc or MINIMUM'S' AIM DEPOIIIIT. JOHN Pr.taM WM. /WYO. Presiden, Gabler. DUMMY.. Tlica. If ! Jobe K. /1 "" 1 " i ` W.. T.....nrion, r Alrebibald Wallace. EcU!. ..b..t.11V.1.•="U., I r. yield. Job 310 d. Tlmi , Mank vow orraalsed wad prepared I,..erat Rank.; Outman. JeW.44. • =GOLD SILVER AND COUPONS, - zr o ught at Highest Prices. P/L B. HERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth.Avenne T. - Th DANES - 1. DRAW • & Co ., 15neeersors to 13, JONTS a CO.. Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood St., 113.4.INTICIEDEIS, Boy uld roll m kind. of _ • . SOVERNMENT SOLD, tilLYEil AND:CODPONS, • OM MOST TAVOILABLV.TrILM2t. • ur Interest Allowed ow Deposita. all-Monor loaned on tiororoorent Bond. al 1•111 , 03. mat.. rat.. Orders executed for tn. Purchase and Sem or STOCKS, BONDS and AIERS T. BRADT & CO, gittsly#2ll Gaptte. FINANCE , AND TRADE. • CMOs 07 Prrnatrutons dessrva, Tonainer, Feb. 8, 1870. The entire markets opened dull and heavy to-day on ICOOllllt of the snow storm. Gold opened at 120%, declined to 120%, and closed strong at 12034 on unfavora ble news from Europe. There Is a din- ' position to put up gold for the purpose of aiding In the upward movement in stocks, but bow far this will be" suocesaftil do ponds on the improveshent of our bonds In the European markets. Government bonds 'Were very heavy, and sold down about one-half per cent from the average quotatidd of yesterday and appear to be a better. sale than purchase for the present, although it seems almost. Impossible for a Mx per cent security to sell, even at present pricey it a four per cent bond la ex. beefed to sell at par. Stocks are strong but Inactive. Every effort is made to sustain the market and work a short interest, but so far the bears have been cautious. Our local money market works easier, bat the docuand Is fully up to the eupp.y. There is also an improvement in the de mand for local securities which beer from Bto 10 per centinterest. East Birmingham and Twenty-tint ward school bonds are rapidly taken up. The banking house of Ph. B. Meru has a Molted amount yet for sale. Diagnose very dull. quotatiors as received by Ph. .R. lLtrts Gold, 120%; Sliver, 116; Eighty one's, 11774, Flee Twenties, 186811 11434: do 1864. 114%; do 1885, 114%; do' 1896, - 11.1onto,s, 112.,4, do leB7, 114%; do 1868, 114; Tan Forties, - 112%; Adams Ex. = ~...ComPenY 6334; Merchants Gni= Company, American Ex- Cm' Company, 27%; Western Union 97 i r oh. It; New York Central lug, 97; Pittsburgh, Foil , 9034; Ohio .5 sisappf, Michigan Southern, 8834; Cleveland ts Pittsburgh, 9634; Chicago. Book island Pacific, 117%; Chicsgo d North Western, 7234; Chicago &Barth • Watteau Prate:d NW; Erie 25%. 11:1:011al10a. /ergo enstaff. London, per 116.03 Parts, per franc 2334 24 34 = Molar ..- 88 91% rt. florins 150 5135 (ity Telearsoh to the Plttsbazgh Quetta.) Nam Yong, February 8, 1570. The decision yesterday rendered by the United States Snoreine Court, In re. gard to the legal tender act: and 'the bearing of this decision on the different markets, are the subjects of absorbing In- Weld in financial circles. The ap proximate statement of the bonded debt of the following ratio:ads issued prior to 1862, viz; New York Central, Erie, Harlem, Michigsn Central, Lake Shore, Illinois Central, Pittsburgh, North West an, Bock Island, Bt. Paul, Wabash, and .'Adding, amounts to 1110,000,000,. on ° which the differentia In Interest between . currency and gold at 120 • amounts to . 81,526,000.. The New York Central . Company bad 12,000,000 of bonds failing due on February Ist, and 11,400.000 of these bonds have been paid. The Rock bland Company . between now has about 81,20000 • bonds falling doe and Jody. Tbla Company realized a ' premium of over twenty pot cent. on its sale of 12,000,000 stock, which would more than equalise the premium In gold on Its ma tudog bonds, prpviding payments for Ms laid hoods should be demanded In gold. The latest available returns show that 11182.040,020 of State obligations, the Interest on which, 1111D00 1884 has been paid almost exclusively an currency, ex . naptlng the suspended States, now be. exam payable, both interest and princi pal. tn Moved easier at 4(%6 on call loans. Sterling steady at 11%(99%. Gold opened 5t.20%. fell to 20% and closed at 2035. Carrying rates 24,234 per cent. Clear 111601e, 881,003,000. Glaverunents were quire doll and s freetion lower, but closed stead Con rk'll, 181918%; do '62, 18411 y. 5%; do ifilietegs do 'B6, 14 7 014%; do new, 1.11%.18%; 00 '67, 18%(414; do 68,14®' 1434; 10 40's, 12 4481234. Pacifies, 11% 4812. • The Treasury Department has received in Us purchases of bonen! about 176,000 et the moven bonds stolen from the - Cason lisult, but the owners cannot ob. Who any redreas, as the Government dies riot recognise any caveat filed aseteet coupon bonds. State bonds are quiet and- steady. suwais, 91; 014 Tennessean 57; new okf Ylrgittim. l22 %; new, dO, 6,3;, old N orth Carolinas. 44%; new do, 62%; Louladans Levees Siam, 70. Too litc--k market bas been very stalang etch Vaodertalt stocks and Lou. tiliense as the Medal features. It is re. na:L;l4, jester stock hi under the man of the Vanderbilt party. The ltas th New York Cootral and Hudson Wiesteasisted by Gls report that the cont. _pony Win collect parrant,er fares In gold. After the slacks named duo principal dial lop bore be Rock legend. which ret ono time *A tannedllll%.. New litory termini and Oblo sad lacrumnbi Wert ta , ,alcoably strong. The upward 49.00. of UPI thafkell today was directly AAA to strong rpocuistive influences kw*. 7Y. arty Pr:cu.—Canton, 68%1 Cum berhaod, 81 ; Weston= Union Tel& graph lillf s tt.ip p puoar :4; lef . eiia Virgo' , ;Or er - +llll, 37; ehthied SWAN, btici 41 50 Thirw York Cerrito 263411 ore pretetrel,' 4f; itarbsoi, 1411; •11 pry. fatted. itiobvei. scrip. ;,•••••,. isa tti ; Michigan e•a: , c;, 4 I.4kire i-ixeir Mau 1 44 0 i; P...tb 00 14 vr%; yr, 714i.prn.trol.bnir Wait J/w 'II, Ill } is el, VW. It 3; *Waned, N 7% viereaLl. 417%; preferred 7A kg. Wan** rtm 0 0.14;11 , t 0,00c44 0, *, /A 11 4 fti 1 . 1 6 °1 4 ; ('• U. A , V. , 741 1 . 0 ,4 149;C. &I, G, 19%. chrta4reataWY 721; cur: ellmh 85.7 48 .5 6 7. General i Awe, 111,017.4ee• itty tiehtla Narita. hraw your, h —tiathw Ma pan 0090, ahem on Ito yreviutut Oho osletin.o. I s WM derfresuuont Qr trails swim to b,,,, isroppertro, sgpr Qoasolurmay we h a y, ari pun a Yory duU unrka, with o w N/ oh mono , in the Own, *WOO the ehtvhdt Itt• ti MIES mivallas, Wbl4b sift arosal frami§3l to .`.~~ y. ~(. .Ys! RE PITTtIBURGII JIAJBKETIS, Oran= ov Prilarsmum tkixbrrr, TUZSDI7, Feb. 8 The general markets are qiilet and devoid of anything very new or es pecially important. According to late advice*, angers have touched their low. est point for the present—reflneds are reported a quarter higher in the met: . this being the Case, we may expect an improved demand, as It Is hard to cell on a' declining market, and Dryers nearly always take hold more freely when prima aro to ding upward. Pitts burgh is pretty w 11 stocked with New Orleans engirt; a dd molasses, and it is said that there his good deal bought and afloat for this market, and by the time this all resokes;bere the supply will be unusually large. There is no doubt, however, but what it will all bo wanted between this and the time the next crap is ready to move, and holders are quiet ly ptittirig 'Cairo, feeling satiatled that It will all be called for in the proper time. Provisions continue steady and rather firmer at Cincinnati, _l_while at Chicago the market continues dull and weak. it is laid that a good deal of Chicago meat, this season, to of an in lector grade and does not compare r.vor ably with that of Cincinnati, and this ae. manta partially for the difference be-. twoen the two markets. APPLES—Quiet and unebangetl. Sales la a regular way at $2,513V3,e4 per bbl. APPLE BUTTER—Sanoted at 65®750. BUTTER—C.mtumen dull, with a sup. ply considerably in @seems of the de mand. ' Sales of prime to choice roll at 30633 - BUCK WHEAT FLOUR-843y. BI.A.NS—DaII with increased arrivals, but nominally ~unchanged-42,25®2,50 per bushel.. BROOM CORN-14018 eta per pound. BROOMS—Store prices: No. .r —, 53,75. No. 3, 54,50; No. 4, IMO; No. 5, 55,50. Carpet Brooms, $6,00003,50. CHEESE—Is steady but unchanged; Western Reserve and Hamburg, 16x® 17; Factory, 17017%; New York Sete Farm Dairy, 18®10; New York Goshen, 1914%W • CARBON 011.—Continues quiet and unchanged Standard brands may be quoted at 115 in a Jobbing way. CRANBERRIF.4—In steady„ demand, with sales at $13®15, as to quality. DRESSED HODS--Oantinue dull not withstanding the arrivals have fallen off materially. We quote at 154®10%. DRIED FRIIIT—Very dull. Apples, 7 g43e4 Peaches at 3Q9c: for quarters, and lu®ll for halves. Blackberries, 14141.11 c; Pitteduherdes. 25®300 per potind. EGGS—Unchanged at 250. . FRRTHERS-464300 cas. - FLOUIL—There is only a' modenite local demand and prices are unchanged. We continue to quote western flours at $505,50. for sprtun, and 55,75(0 for winter. Rye flour 550g5.25. GRAlN—There le no movement In Wheat in this market and prima are nominally unchanged. A Chicago pa. per of Monday nye: "Holders of wheat are becoming firmer in their views, see. .ing that our stocks are smeller than was expected, and that the mild weather of thla winter la believed to have been tofu• rime to that planted for the next crop. Indeed, there were free bets made to day that wheat will sell at 90 eta before the 16th of March." That there is some truth In this is generally conceded, but there Is too much wheat in : the country to admit of the passibility of big prices. (bra continues very dull, though hold ers generally are unwilling to make furthen. concessions In order to effect sales. - Dealers are still asking 78080, for ear on wharf and track. Oata quiet and unchanged-46017 on wharf and 48 050 in store. Barley is quiet; prime spring cannot be quoted above 11,00, though there have been wales of choice recently at 11,05. Bye is unchanged at 900, cash. HAY—Sold at Allegheny Diamond market at 021020; am • general thing it wu not In good condition. RIIRKS—BaIee at 2,400 c per pound. - HOMlNY—Etales at 0,7506,00 per bbl. LIME—Sale of Cleveland white lima at 1202.25 Der bbL ONIONS—SaIes at 13,6003,00 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. LARD OlL—City brands No. I extra quoted at 11,4001,42. and No. 2 at 00. Fancy Cincinnati and Chicago brantin held bleber. , PEANUTS—Tennessee at B®9 Cs PEAS—DuII: !PAW per bucheL POTATOES—SaIes prima Peach Blows, In store, at 50c per bushel. PitOVISIONY—Quiet and a shade lower. Elhouldera,l3®l3,4‘for Plain and 14c for Sugar Cured; Ribbed Sides, 15,4: ®lBe4 Clear Sides, 11844; Breakfast Bacon, 1834 e; Sugar Cured Hams 18,40. Dried 8aa1 . .. 19 544 2 0n. Steamed Lard in tierces, 1801 choice kettle. 17,4 c; tidied Lard, in bucks A. 17%. Mead Pork, LP. POULTRY —Market almost bare. Dressed chickens, 13@14, and dressed turkeys. I$(.2U SEEDS—Cicero? seed la quoted at 18, buying, and 18,50 selling—we beard of an offer to sett 100 bush. at $8,40. Tim othy Seed is still quoted at $4,508:45, and Flaxseed at 52,1002.15. STRAW—SaIes of rye straw at Ito, and oats at Rows. SALT—Is quoted 24 1,75 by the car load. WHlSKY—llighwinee firmer at 98@ 51; rectified, 51,00; proof readied, 51,10. Old whiskies mime and Armen, =MIMI Om= or PrTrseoson Oirarra, Toe:ever Feb. e s MO. The oil market continues illstresaingly , dull. andirtutt Is worse still, Is the fact that there is but little prospect br any Immediate Improvement. The trads has been and is stilt anxiously awaiting , for the "good time coming:" It bas been coming for several weeks, but wo are not yet enabled to announce its arrival. It Is generally conceded that 01l Is low, but the Impreolon stlll prevails that It must go still lower; New Yorkers - appear to be Impressed with. this tenet very strongly, judging by tiretr actions. They are now offering to sell "linen" for al most any delivery this year at remarka bly low figures, and what le still more remarkable, they are unable to find buyers. A s we have repeatedly noted, however, the feeling bore, particularly among manufacturers, is decidedly against encouraging this kind of bust nese. and, according to present Indica-• clone these New Yorkers will - bays to seek some other place thariPittaburgh for buyers. • • CRIME Sales la two lots of L4OO bbl. on spot, at 13, and this appears to be the standard price for seller this month or alter till July. Buyer until July nominal at 15; and buyer all year . 15(a /634. I I=l=l Continues very quiet and dull. though without quotable change In price. Spot quoted at 2934; and February at 30. Sale 600 etch April to July at 81, and March to Jaly is offered at the same figure. I Buyer all year nominal at 34%. azczirse or 011IIDZ OIL In A. T. B. B. Citizens Oil Works 962, on account Lockhart, Frew & Co; Spear's 011 Works 160, on account A. B. Mills; Fisher Bro. 100, on account E. H. Long; Jas. Wilkins 400, on account McDon ough 011 Co. Total .. . »1,626 bbls strnstairrs . OP OIL BT A. V. B. B. Citizens 011 Co. 697 bbla refined 01l to Tack Bro: Lockhart, Frew .t Co. 467 We ref. oil to Warden, F. at Co., Phila. Fawoett, L. ,t S. 49 bbls ref. oil to W. -P. Loran at Bra, Philadelphia. Montzheimer, Koehler at Co. 600 bbla to Waring. Kin& Co., Phila., Forsyth Bro. at Co. 60 bhla refined to Warden. Frew tt Co.. Philadelphia. Livingston Bro., 164 eases; refined 01l to Warden, Frew at Co., Philadelphia. Total refined -864 cases. .103 bbla. OIL 80111111/ DZPOT. Fleming & Co, 666 isbls refined oil to . Tack Era's, Philadelphia. 1 1 11Alikk1i IstmaArti • Naw loss, Febitiety 8,..-Cotten fa vors buyers; isles 1,160 Lanni at 26N0 for middling organdy. Irlour—r omelets, 1,870 bbla—duU and In buyers' favor; isalito 1,600 Ms at g4,Wia,4,70 for superdne State and western, 36(0,80 for • extra seats, 14,904}5,90 for extra western, If 5,60 18,25 for white wheat extra, 1506,10 for 8. fl. 0., 15,50(48 , 25 for extra Si. Louts, 18,264:38,60 for good to choice do. Itye dour quiet; _Wes 100 Ma at 14@4.75. Corn meal quiet. Whisky more steady; Wei 300 bbla western at 98€1990 for free. Beryl pts wheat, 380 bush; wheat dull and heavy; salsa 38,000 bush at 31,16 for. No. 2 spring delivered, ro r winter red p, m a t ioaatda, 11,24@t.27% for witer red A mber weatern, 543704.40 for white Weldon, 51,60 for choice white State. i nye quiet. Barley dull. Barley malt 1 lOC olden 5,000 bush State at 97Me. Be. , Apt* corn. 4,7 00 bulb: cores dull and •; - • err sales 1,18/0 bush at 69Q000 for ':, • mixed western, it for new yellow i ;', • veil old mixed western nominal ;at in store. Oats: receipts 1,238 bush: ..,:- , 'Om, with seise 28.000 bush at w i g or iireourrn awl Clickl2o fur State. : • - lull. Coffee dull. Sugar dull, .. 4., Ise 60 bide Cabe at 10;413. attolawa -. •etroleow 10114 at 1 1 15119188 e for !' ~, d Sum for refined. flops (inlet et •1 , -,'• ••,•-• . for Amorlaus. Linwood oil .4.14" , e,',X4c0b0 In Make. Pork heavy $.O lc , , with WIN ROO mot at 02460 ool.} . .:1 . - • - vets" row woo t MIPS An - _ E=M prime and 122,25a526 for prime mesa; also sales 2,25 u !obis new moss seller February, March and April at 125,50i175. Beefateady, with sales 200 bbls at 210fd 15 for new plain mess, and 214@17,50 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef quiet, with sales of 1.000 heroes at $20g.93 for prime mess, and I"..B4,3oforlndia mere. Beef hams quiet: RI bells it 228(432. New cut meats heavy; 180 pkgs at 10,41®11.114c for shoulders, and 14@14M.c for hams; middles quiet and heavy: :71 boxes lon dear fancy jbrands at 15c; 100 bxa Cum berland :cut delivered In Chicago 12440. Dressed Hogs quiet at 11@llific for west ern. Lard lower and dull: 370 Ice at 14% ®ls%c steam;' 16%®17 kettle rendered;. also 1,500 ice steam seller Michigan at 154.4 c. Butter steady and quiet 17(N0c for Ohio. Cheese quiet 16@l8e. Freights to Liverpool nominally unchanged. Latest—Flour closed dull without de. cided change. Wheat dull and declining 5t.21,13®1.17 for No. 2 spring, and ;ix® 1.27 fbr winter red and amber western. Rye dull, heavy and nominal. Oats quiet at 56(pfic for western In store and afloat. torn dull and heavy at 88(4193 for new mixed western. Pork quiet at about 225,50 for mess for February deliv ery and 225,50@25,75 for March.- Beef quiet and unchanged. Out Meats and Bacon nomluaL Lard firm for prime steam; for February 15+,4e bid and 1524 c asked; for March 15i;f: bid and 15Na asked. Eggs in fair request without material change. Crocauo, February B.—Eastern Ex. Change b.:nett' buying and 1-10 premium selling. Flour quiet and unchanged at 23,60%5,20 for spring extras. Wheat In fair demand, with mainly speculative sales of No 1 at 813c'In store. No 2 at 7944 @79,,fc, closing with buyers at 79!..4e ; this a fternoon Not dull at 7914 c cash and seller February. and 80©80 3 ..40 seller March. Corn a shade firmer at 6931070 e for new; no grade closing at 011,4(gois: for No 2; this afternoon the market un changed. Oats very dull at 38(3384fc for Nu 2 cash and seller the Month. Eye filmset nominti, cleelog steady at 70c for No 2, strictly fresh. Barley inactive at 65@700 for No 2. High:wines dull, In active and nominal at 92g,9*4c. Sugar 113®133, n for - common to- cnolce Or leans. Previsions firmer. Men Pork active and higher, with sales at 225,50® 25,75 cash and seller March; 1523428,12% buyer March ; 225,75 buyer February and 225,50 seller February; 225,87 seller. April. Lard Is In g demand and steady at 1434 cash anti seller Starch. Rana; green .12 3 4@13c. sweet pickled 140141.;,C. Meats mode ' rattily settee; country rough sides 12,4 e; short clear middles 140; short ribs 134 e: dry salt od shoulders buyers first half March 10i4e. Dressed Hogs quiet at 12%®250; lower, closing dull mid easy at 21(511,62% for prime lots, dividing on 200 pounds. Receipts for the pant 24 hours-6.003 bbla flour, 33,150 bush 'wheat, "8e,490 bush earn, 13,140 bush oats, 1,075 bush rye, 4,633 bush barley, 5,126 hoga. Shipments-4,698 Mils flour, 7,215 bush wheat, 16,747 bush corn, 3,670 bush oats, 840 bush rya, 12,000 hush bar ley, 3.949 h. a. Live Hogs'ln fair demand and firm and steady at 193,514.8,75 for common to fair shipping, $‘3,80eg,9,00 for good tochoice, 19®9,25 for extra prime. Cattle un changed at pas,io for common to extra cows, $5.9734@6,00 for fair to medium, 16„6034@7,37 for good to choice, and 18 for extra prime Beers. CINCINNATI, February B.—Floor un changed; family 85 2.16t5 40. Wheat steady, red $11050112. Oorn dull, and supply large, at 72®74c, the latter rate for white. Oats in moderate demand at 504345 c. Rye 855090 e... Barley un changed and dull. Cotton dull and un changed; middling 24;(c. TObaoCo firm at full rates. Whisky steady at 930. Hoge nominally unchanged and the sea- I, sou about over: receipts, 450 head.' . Provisions dull, prices nominal. Mess pork held at F 27 for beet No. 1, and saleable at better than 1W,50. Lard de premed; prime steam sold at 143;501434c I this afternoon, and in the forenoon at 154 kettle rendered nominally at 160.1 Bulk meats dultand norolnahahouldsra held at 110 sides at 13%1;0114.4C for clear rib and Clear loose. Bacon irregidar,l shoulders can be bought at 1215 c, and clear rib aides at 1534 c; lest clear, there I being none out of amoke, are held at 16q501.6144 there la ne demand. ) Butter steady at 285032 c. Egira2 3c and firm. Cheese 34c lower at attjigltic for Western Reserve and factory. Linseed oil 934950. Lard oil lower and moot- tied; extra $1,411®1,43. Petroleum acarce and lirui at 29(01c for rat:lnca.. Sugar ateedy at 11013 Ne for New Orleans. atoimmes firmer at 751070 c. Coffee firm at 15(324e. Beef cattle higher; good to extra 0547,50 gross. Sr. Louis, Fab. fi—Tobacco a shade easier and not quotably changed. Cotton and hemp unchanged. Flour active and unchanged; super 14,25E143e; extra 14,45 @,4,75; double extra $5, 503;50: choice to fancy, family 16.607,55. Wheat firm for lower-grades; No 2 Spring Inspected 930; ho 2 red Fall $1,03@,,i,t6; No I do ei,e9507,12%. Corn du .l and declining eaten of mimeo dry mixed 75e2 do yellow 70r; prime to choice white 7650e20. Oam dull at 411(448e in bulk, a decline; 52(0401 sacked. Barley dull and easier at 92G $l,lO for Minnesota spring. In Rye noth ing doing. ' Whisky better at 9350e4g Groceries doll and unchanged. Previa lona firmer with a consumptive demand. Pork at 127027,25, including 300 Ws, seller for the month, at $27. Dry malt shoulders 1014 c, clear rib 14c, clear aides 150. Bacon ehoulders 12344 •clear rib , 15%c, clear sides 16y,e. Lard dull at 15c for prime steam to arrive. Cattle steady and unchanged at 450535 e for fair to prime, 6506Nc for choice. Hogs—bind nese confined to butchers, wants at 81300. Recenpta—flour 3,300 bp, wheat 11,200 bu, corn 24,600 ho, oats 11,400 bn, barley 200 bu n rye 100 bu, hogs 1.1.60 bead. CLEvELarui, February 9.—Flohr dull and unchanged. Buckwheat Flour: mar ket steady and moderate demand; sales at $1.50508. Eve Flour quiet and nom inally unchanged at 15.2.5®5,60. Wheat quiet and steady at $l,ll for No. 1 red; 11,01 for No. 2. Corn: new Is a shade better and held at 80c; do. rejected The: no Inquiry for old and prices nominal. Oats steady and unchanged. Rye dull and heavy being. held at 8050e5c se to quality. Farley: market quiet, but holders are asking 111501,10 for State and Canada. Petroleum: market quiet and loss firm; relined held at 2634@27c in large iota, 2250300 In small lots; crude firm at 0,75 per bbl. LotnavaLte, February 3.—Cotton; there were small. sales of middlings at 23X0.. Four. tinlet and unchanged. Corn; ear in bulk 77c. Rye 99%95e. Wheat qu t and unchanged. Sales of 142 Mule tobacco, at 434(J25ita for trash, 6+117e for logs, 734509 a for common leaf, 93.450110 for medium, 113Q01/3,ia for fair to good leaf. Mess pork 127,60. !Bacon: shoulders 12Ne, clear rib 15ilic, clear sides 1630. Bulk shoulders DSc, clear rib 1430, clear sides 15,-;c. LBO; tierce packed 1930 C. Whisky steady at 93094c.' TOIXDO. Feb. B.—Flour dull. Wheat dull and lower; Michigan held at 11,22; regular $1,10; amber 01,02 X; No I red held at 11,12 X, 51,10 bid; No 2 g 1,03 bid. Corn dull and 155 c lower; now 7034 c: no outdo Ole. 05U1 uncbanged: No 1 48c, No 2 40e. Dreesed hogs;lo@lo.l4e. Clover seed 48. 2 5. Mr ttwaustas, February B.—Flour nom inally unchanged. Wheat steady at 84340 for No. 1, and 70360 for N 0.2. Oats unchanged. Bye nominal. Barley dull at. 75c for fair. Dressed Bogs lower at 19,75®10,1235. Dirrnorr, Feb. B.—Wheat at $l,lB for whits No. Ido $1,09@1.10; amber regu lar $1, 0 1®1,02. Oats at 47c for State. Bon ley 11,50 per medal bid for No. I. Clover seed - 042,50. Dressed Hogs 11.0,250 10,75. Nueuvnam, February B.—Cotton dull and lower; middling 23c; good ordinary 22Xe; stock, 5225 bales. Maurine, February R.—Cotton dull at 24c; receipts 1,291 bales; exports, 625 balm. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. OLIVICLAND /MD Prnssurox Ran. 80A.% February 5.-1 car lake sup ore, 114.eanter; & Co; 1 do do, Rees, Grad" & Dull; 3 do Iron ore. McKnight, Porter & Co; 10 do do, Shoenberger, Blair & Co; 2do doipmber, J Heath; do do, Slack & Elh e olen.4 casks zinc, Park & Co; 25 b bra am_Plckereglil, Co; 20 m to- aoco, W. H Kir ick & kpatr Co; em 7 aka clover seed. McCullough, B & Co; 50 bra clues, Dilworth, H at Co; 5 bble oil, care S B Floyd & Co; 65 aka oats, K Campbell; . 2 bble butter, 1 bbl eggs. S Dovol; 2do eggs, Bruggerman &O'Brien; 2 do scrap, iron, .1 Jones; 274 aka oorn Rabb dr. Her ron; 0 bbla beans, 15 do di7 apples, 6 do onions, It Rea Jr; 60 bags potatoes; 10 bbls apples. 81 eke dry apples, Randolph 8; 5 bola dry apples, Head & M; 4 bbla butter, 2 do eggs, 2 bra poultry, Manor & Harper. February K-10 cars Iron . ore, Sheen berger, Blair & Co; 1 do brick, J ben; I do do, H Hartmseter; 3 do lake. sup ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 2do do, Coleman, Rattan & Co; 2 do Canada ore, McKnight & Oa; 1 do champ ore, W Clark & Co; 100 bbla lime, 'lt L Pahne. stook. F . & Co; 101 bbla lard oil, J Spear; 100 bbis time, Ripley & OM 0' bra hard ' ware, 3 bbl a4 casks wire, J Dunlap; 100 nut chorea, H Jenkins; 25 do do, 8 kegs butter, Doff & Son; 25 do do, Jft Dil worthdo, El Errart & Co; 25 do do, E li Myers & Co; 25 do do, Day & Co; 25 do do, Knox & Orr; 18 kgs lard, 6 aka rags. 1 bbl tallow,B do dry apples, Head & Menton; 101 gs pearl baney, 4 bble oat meal, E Heszfeton; 14 bdis, 1 bx chair stuff, Bedford Chair Co; 85 aka rage, McCullough, 13 &Ca; 103 do rye, 31 crocks apple butter, Rose. & Ewing 10 bra pipes. J Kauffman; 10 bbla flo u r, 5 rolls leather, W. Flacon & inn; 0 tree, 4 tailor( tobacco, E Worms's:it Co; 51 an nss, R Christy; 130 hf bbla deb, - Watt, Lang .Co; . . 143 aka ear corn, Robb & PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 9, 1870. Hence; 3 tubs, 3 Ina cheese, B 48 bbLa oil, D Ely t Co; :3' bids dried beaches, W H Graff & Co; 4 labia onions, 3 do eggs, 2 do butter, Volgt, M & Co. - - ALLSROJIRT VALLar Rarisoira Feb ruary 8.-3 cars . lumber, Keystone Bridge. Co; 5 aka aled,. !Raptor' & W; 9 do rage, McCullou 8 & Cu; ilars railroad Iran.; C A Carpenter; S pkgs eggs, 1 do butter, 1 do poultry, L .1 Blanchard; 2 ears metal, Iteea, Graff & D; 3 do do, Klmick & Co; 30 bgs a seed, Os Craig; 4 Pki rye 17 do oats, Adams &A; 1, par bay, Gra h am & Marshall; 168 Ike rye, 50 do corn, Scott & °hal; 75 do oats, Kell &R; 90 do do, .1 Carotkern; 13 do do, .1 Boyd; 20 do do, J Prewcott; 1 car metal, McNish A B; 36 aka corn, 11 Schwan: 120 bbla salt, John I Dolts° & Brat 24 aka corn, Blaney & Moore; 110 bushels do, W Welsh ,t Co; 30 do onto, W Seibert; 125 do potatooe. I , A Patter. son; 102 eke oats, 5 do mlllfeed, Graham &M; 61 care coal, Rler, Fodor & Co; 31 dodo, Armstrong, D A Co; 18 do do, Colsman, R & Co. FITTIDORAIII FORT WATNR AIM OM. 1 0 OO RAILROAD. February 8 —4OO bbls fl ur, owner; 100 do do, 11 Linden) , Jr & • =hides, flays& 8; 1 car rye, Dan allace; 1 do do, J W Fl lllMotit 60 hicles,•Jacob Lobinger; 1 car. middlings, 100 bbls flour, Whom:taker & L; 25 oases lard, .1 H. Parker, 250 bides, J Ilstrimett & Sun; 8 bale onions, Volgt, M & Co; 38 kgs white lead, .1 W Wlleoni 1 oar bay, OR Allertoa; 4 bgs a arid, Bead ,A /11; 4 has butter, P Duff &Bon; 25 bas cheese, E Hazleton ;21 do do, N J Braden; 10 rails leather, 51 Belling.; 25 easel.' bit ters, It E Sellern .8 Co; 61 bxe yeast, F Guttendorf; 20 hbls vehl.k. ,v A 0 1110 • Grow & Co, 2 eke cheese, 11 Riddle; 15 bales hope. J D Witt; 10 bbla apple*, W Hillier & Co: 5 rolls loather, Seibert & B; sdo do, J Keys; 10 don brooms, D Haworth. PriTsaintem, OntOniti.lLTl AND ST, Loins RszLiios.D, February 8.-100 bide flour, Dan Wallace; 2cars meat, W B Hays & Son; 2 Ice sausage, P Hanna & Co; 1 car lumber, .1 Young; 5 bbls all, W 11 Craig; 151 bg. barley, John Elang.wlch; 33 laze corn, Central Penna RH; 30 do do, Meanor & Harper; 8 tat. sausage. Bdo horns, F Beller. & Co; 7 do sausage, 100 bbla flour. Watt, Lang & Ce; 22 bpi feathers, W I Noble; 30 kgs pigs feet, Kramer & Bobo; 25 do do, Dalzell & T; 15 bbl. flour, H Elohnelbaoh; 3 bbis ego, 4 do butter. 12 do apples. Volgt. Mahood & Co; 22. bp barley, McHenry & Hood, 10 do do, F Schield; 2 has tobacco, 8 Allen; 81 bga barley, Hood; 10 bas starch, C Bro. ALLECIELENT STATION February 8.- 74 bgn corn, C Rabm; 67 aka flaxseed, Ewer. Hamilton tr. Co; 8 cars metal, Rogers a Burchfield; 7 do do,Gratr, Ben nett at Co; 4 do do, Lewis, Bailey a ma sell; 6 bbls oniony, Robb ct Painter; I car oat., Ido nillifeed, R Knox at Son; 73 hides, Stuckrath It Hare; 62 aka rap. J B Jones; I car metal, Llnduy aAlo t)utcbeon; 67 ate flaxseed, M B Suydam; 1 car wheat, R T' Kennedy Bro; Ido cooperage, Rely& d Robertson. RIVER PACKETS. 13=3 PITTSBUROII AND. CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The new and eoleadldeldelehrel a ggEt Steamer. AItIANCITUN. DANIEL KWH& Matter, A. S. tiIIaYAILD. Clem team Pltteburgh for Cutelona* every TIIIADAT at 1* K. PrOnlitlY, hetatalet. leaves Cincinnati for PAL' oburgb, at II K. every F. IDLY. Des:aae, or other Inforetatlon. ap ply on board or to A3i.ts coLGINs. fel FLACK A COLLINGWOOn. Agents. MIZE= ld OR ST. LOUIS -The adgege .plena pas.etif. r atellller AL:LLIE 8,1111189T..6. W. , Afaat•r. 4 . erPaard. Clash. 9111 Dave for the above tad Intemeatine porta. on THIB DAY. 9th last. Yor Weight or p••ter" FLACK • C.II.I.IBIIWOOLIP, or fel JAMEI COLLIN/A Agra... = FOR CAIRO AND ST.adir m e . 1.k.0.318.—Ti0e rowortal Tow- Itvut, WiLD DIMS LLND 11/LRCMS. Dovx a-J Swan. J. W. NA N' Al4.l.lentunand ;Ai UAL, yea for lb, above ala a i n Le ratrOlate Port , ror (flight STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL ♦ND QUEENSTOWN. TUE INDIVOI 811611. STEAMSHIPS. NomhertngalMeert Brat-clue vend., among tram the mlabratrd CITI • rir PARIS, CITY 11l ANTWERP, CITY OP BriaTON, UP CITY D Or NALTLIWILL, cITT LONON. Banta; SYNICI ISATIJIWAY. from Pler 45 North River. New York. for passage. :Lather Informallort apply to WILIALLI BifitilLLl, Jr., 143 EntrrFl FIELDAsTRERT. PI t.bur OILS TAC& BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1= Petroleum and its Products. .71gbarr=1.71=11:.111;1°. 1111!s;terlplas 01114*-13T W.111.3177' SC WADING & KING, Comnabdon )(ant=lamUl BreWs to Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY ViILAUZLPHLL ADD IM!‘ 109 WATER STREET ws ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HE R. C. mom.% MANII/ACTURCII Of Lubricating &High Test &Wag Oils. Vallee* Railroad Azle Oil, Weida great heat without change; remains limpid at loweettempetatures. Bipedal for trwolcalellmatee or hot weather. Locomotive. Engine; Raehlae Shop, Wlll cot terews. MAW Mill aid Plaalog,lllll Olio, Adapted roe high speed. Sp ladle OIL Wool, ilemi-tiebt Oil, 011,TammenVetoMIReasole, leg end Finishing Aimed Me, Oil, Ramose OIL IPoratlino. •ARKOLI VARRRII, to preserve Bright Iron Work as 4 itamancri Ml= Flint. These , pnadttets am manufactured under Dr. Twaddle s patent by Sept heated Me= In Vs. coo. TheLubrleatlng Me are Almon odorless, Perfee 15 pore, watered, and mow ly Debt col- Geed, Bta.l • high temperature unchanged, and remain limpid Miring extreme cold. The Pall road Oneare Coop nailed, and are In corulunt UM on many of the prhae4d Ballsoads. dampleseen be egamlnco and orders lett at 174 WOOD iSTRAET. Worts at ehsrpsburgllddge. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. 80 JOAN Q. WOBS.M./..N...H. RIMMED DAyta WORKMAN Qc DAVIS, ECEE=II:I Workman, Moore & Co , Manufacturers and Dealers in CAB,B.TAGEB, BUGGIES, Spring and Duck Wagons, Nos. 41, 44, 48 and 48 Beaver 86, Allegheny. REPltiritr titally and promptly executed. Or den for ew Wert gotten up to good atrle and warranted to ere eattrilletron In every panted• Kt-Newest styles of work constantly on hand. bul.IC ASSENTS for the New Haven Wheel Ceram ny's mete of sAltl7lo , B PATENT AnaWHEILLS, .fo 4 r Rayp'M Patent Melee ellillar and Battler abates. R. RICHARD DAVIN bs;ring porehered the Interest of Al.:. and Wee. D. Moore. In far iota arm of WWI/Me_ ,N HOOKA , A CO., the bold ness will hereafter De c00tie...4 er the old stood. Meg9 t . be og,...g.ntim is /OWN Q. ' , ADMEN AR, R. RICHARD UAVIS. Late with ClUseus , Neueusi Rawl, Pittsburgh. COTTON MILLS. HOLMES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. ■aao6aana eIELLVT ICIEDWII aiIILIIIIII *smog env assacizaa sa-ru - wriwas AND 111AreiTRO WWIT COMMON • •. Machine Mono iporkaa- , liarpmeitaaraerofWesWasnada. Allegla ItTLYZWIL &MIMI'S& & 00. , Ilan baad or tarel oa gean - ¢otion Man) sad amp Mama, far aidtwaas, Brericarr Vaal% Sc. NewtTeantolltoues, 111.14 ptotaytlr cam um. rrua • ria tree • RIVER NEWS. The river was about stationary last evening. with four feet three inches in the channel. Weather cloudy and al- Pleasant for out door business. • Jae Shone° and Barney Given are the pilots on the Camelia. Theft. C. Niitt, a new transfer ferry boat, bee arrived from Wellsville, and will start fromlhere to Omaha. • ThelArlingtoh departed for Cincinnati about I r. w. ,cl b some 21)0 tone of freight and 90 to 45 cabin passengers. Among her tatesengers, were CaPliQ Chas. W. Itstcholor, O. 11.Moom and Barry Oliver, of the firm of Lewis Oliver & Phillips and Mr Rue, of the firm of Rose& Ewing. Mr. Oliver Is accompanied by his wife, and he purposellialking a tour in the South. The Arlington had morns engagements below, Including two thousand bushels oat. at Wheeling: The Camelia departed-for Nashville with about all 'elle could take on the water. Bhp, too, will doubtless make • • d It lone to her cargo below. - The Belle. Capt. Richey, Is the mogul a i r packet for l'arkersburg to day. The Julie departed for Zanesville last evening. • The Mollie Ebert, Capt. G. W. EbT i t, is tilling up steadily for Bt. Louts. .Com.W. .1. Knouts returned from 1. Louts on Haturday, where he spent sev eral days , looking after Ms mountain steamers. ' The Wild Mei:, Capt. Anima% is an nounced ler Ht. LOWS. Cfipl. W. W. Nessloy, at one time in command of the Belle, was in the city yesterday. It Is said that be in nego. tinting for a boat for the Pittsburgh and Parkersburg trade. Up to our tatted edvicee the. Mai. An derson had not reached Wheeling. Pos albly she will come through to Pitts burgh nom. trip, or Unto time whenever it is convenient. Builnoorwas rather slow et the land ing yeaterdiy, which was owing in part to the bad condition of the linding. mew.. galllke, qf New York. practi cal mon, hive leased land on the river front at the lower end of Rock Island City, and propose erecting twat-ways with capacity fur six weasels. . —The MaJ, Anderson having:been laid out by the Arlington on her teat up trip, the Wheeling Intelligencer intlmstes that the Anderson will attend to busi ness hereafter, and let those who so denim run fur glory, - This is a - very wise conclusion and 'should have been adopted some time ego. Messrs. Goodin & Bro., the Lexitnr lon, Mo., coal man. and Captain grant Marsh, of Rt. Looks, on Friday; bought the Kate Kearney front tho Keokuk Kteket Company for 514,000. They will 'take her, as noon as . ponsible t up the Min nowt, and In the spring to the Rooky Mountains. •—The Carrie V. Konnts arrived at Louisville Saturday night, and being unable to ascend the falls or pan through the canal, reshipped from Porte land 1150 tuna for Cincinnati, and 200 tuns for Pittsburgh, which was hauled from Portland to the mall landing by dray's. estimate that the channel - . depth In the pees overehe Tells has beep reduced about live Inches Moos the arse tier' of the dam at the head of the fats. . . There Is mill ample water. for descend, log boats, but all upward bound craft are obliged to take the canal route. —Memphis papery state that there are between six and seven thousand bales of cotton at that port awaiting shipment to tiew Orleans. A stentletiratt Informs ua that on yesterday week he saw 3,500 bales at. the mouth of White liver swelling shipment to the name port. —The submarine, Thos. P. Eckert, has succeeded in roonverlng from the wreck of the Swallow 8 bales cotton, 40 bbla. molasses and 57 hbda. sugar. the latter being more then one-third full. —The R. C. Gray, St. tools to Pitts. burgh. wl.ll at Evansville on Sunday, and tha Messenger. Plttaburgh, to New. Ofleatle. warn at Cairo the Rattle day. —The little steamer Tom Stevens, running hut Beason in the Osage river, la about to be sold by the United States Marsha. Mary Davao and bargee were at Louiesille on Sunday, en route from St. Loafs to Pittsburgh. -The Colmts is. on her way from New Orleans to raentai the Memphis and Ar kin:teas river trade. —The Minnie, haling made a few trips, has laid up at. New Orleans for dull Omen. —The Nellie Rogers has withdrawn from active service In . the Naples trade at present.. —The St. Lout; bridge Company have purchased the tug boat Rains, for #6.000. —teethe ia the name of a boat Just built for the 9uyatolotte river trade. SPECIAL NOTICES arCONSIIMPTION. DR. SCHENCK'S POLMONIC eynur forth,. more of conghe, • !olds and coetontatiner Du. SCR .1.1.1K•S SEA VrP.ILD T. , Nl , l for the tim of and all the Dcblillated Condi on. of th• PLer• act. OIL rEIIENCKM MANDRAKE PILLS. for Ma.es of the Liver or to act as a (anti e Pur geAl:ir e. t of then. three Med , d es we often reeve' red ill coring Consumption, though the Pennwalt 117. re :Iren Te al otleTlVll ' .l;:ln;re . grlMritrt• regulating the Stomach and liter, and help the pelmentolyrup to diced and march through the bleed Tustin, by Wadi means •• core Is soon et. tente, Tue d se Medicines are conscientiously offered to the Publicas toe only este. certain and reliable remedy fur Pulmonagy Consumpllon. end for all these morbid .ndilions of the hotly which lead to that fatal disease. Liver Complalmand Dye peed& are often forerenners or Consumption. sad we en they manifest aerate's. they require tbe mo t prompt attenCou. • The Pulmonte Stra is a inedleine which-has but a loon probation before the penile.. Meal. has been proved bythe thousand cores it has male through peri od of more than thirly-Ove yeArs. in all of which me its re skepticism en creased. and the most otme antecan no looser doubt th at it is remedy which may be used with erieldelthe In all eases witch admit of • cere. • If ale patient will peraveringly follow the recta, which Accompany each bottle, he will .• , T. • • one. an not too much waste:to.C.. r-e.in alone tt PW rt blre to L d sc. po• .17 :moan +de:duel sd within the dielne., bus bare us" rtrt !sac when palleato toe oast Sat such as • violent covets, creeping collie mg. sweat.. general delc ha, n such * * degree that they are obliged to lie In a bed, and when they me given nob) their physician th ey may stlll be mired. leo med.cal treatment Gan create new lungs. toll when Me leo. aroverysad ydifeued and to solace:teat destroyed. unre may be ef fected by Or. tichentk . • medicine.. Also, In ticretulots Diseases, vase medidnee are equally eille.ent Or. Schenck has photo• graphs of • number of pecans who hate been nearly covered with naming sores and now all healed most i.e heat parirylng propertl., welch able to eflo Dies In the lungs. In the treament of conanation it is act the t out Importance to g lee vigor and a ne•lthy tone to the system. Hence is le neesmiley to ig g egth. the Appetit, of the patient and im• prove the digestion• Proper nourishment is ro osted/ together with so. means as will make tC rood gully digestible. The articles most suitable for the diet of ConSIMI Doe Pap.. are desiernat.d In De. Schenck's A1m..., which are die t riamed gratuitously. general, the most bignly nutritious articles are to be pre -_ digestive orga•sagustbesttength- . ened breeder to makealther food or medicine serelcesble. This aqulrement Is met by the Seaweed Tonic, end for this purpose It was des ignated Whe ,thee dluestlee were are then good order(omit. Its proper cffeet; system of the palled, is insigoratcd and e lungs be- Ea to needle their function. In • normal and healthy matter. Then the healing powers of Polmonle Byrne will elf .ct the cure. ruimen , ry COMIZIOPtIOU is almost always cora. pikated with Dysimpina and Liver Complaint.' bchenck's Maar.. Pills are In ended to rer moot abstentions from the Liver and restore Its m beeline mum. They have all the el:demi which IS Merlbed to calomel or "bine masa." and an warranted net to mettle • particle of nay min eral poison. These Pills core the most obstthate Onatheness, tick beadabe, plle4 bide. effect Dons, and all other di...a which •rise from a toroidal . obstructed condition f the Liver. One box o r these pills will prose the efficacy of the medicine. In Consumpt on the Sea Weed Tonle and Man drake Pills are invaluable auxiliary medicines They relieve tee sufferings of tee Patient and assist the Pultuonic Syrup in effecting • ant. They have been found useful In advanced stases of Consumption. where the lunge are &Imo. en tirely destroyed and all symptoms accenting to the Judgment of the physician In. lotted aspecty death. Thg_e !inset patents wee• were setaa'ly In a dyin •ndition havebeen preserved for =malts by the Me of ectleack's three great rem- Dr. &helmet'. Almanac contat. a fall treatise on the various forme or diseam Ms ode of treatment, and genet. dtrectlons how t o use his medicine, ma be had grails. or aost by mall by addre.i. 104 PrluclPM UM., N 0.16, North ninth street. Philadelphia. Pa. Price o• the Pnlmoum Syrupand Seaweed TO.. le each hies() per bottle, or 17.80 e. half dozen, Mandrake Ms AS cents • bon. lotale by all dinagistl. del2PlB7 IarDOCTOII WHITTIER CON. T1P11195 TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE IIIkiIEASES. That numerous class of cues result lad d e bf-abut, prodneine unmanlincsa. nervousity , irritablllty, eruption., .emlnal emissions. and Impo tent/ permanently eared. Persone at:lard with delicate. intricate and long standing coustltuti.dim ta are politely lorded to rail for conseltsnop, width omits nothing, - Experience, the bort of teachers, has enabled him to perfect remedles at otter al. permanent. and which la most ease. can be used without hindrance to business. Med trines prepared in the establishment s which an brecee ofitee, reception and waning rooms; also boardlus and Oecping moan= cuts fins patient. requiring doll b y . co , nal attention, vapor nod chemkal dm concentrating thelhmed mineral winos matter who have faded. state of rani Read totw to addre ss n for ant of we page., sent any two stamps In sealed eovelcipe. Thousands of cases treated annually. at onl. e *ad all ...the cone try Consultati.n free, tscrsonally or brined. Oboe No, 9 9 Tito Meet. (near Coon Hoto0) Plstsburgh. Ps. Hours 9a. 0. tonm. Sun day. 191. r. Pamphlet genet. any 14- dregs for Me stomps. era IW"BATCHELOWB HAIRDIVE. —This splendid Hair Die hi the beet to the world. riarmlefr, Fellable, Inetantaninn , don not contain . tad, nor any elzalle poison to' 9 ,a-wiener thaill. Avoid the vaunted ad delaalre prentration hosanna airmen they do not nowt. The genuine W. A. batehelor•4 Heir Dye h. had 30 yearn untarniehed repots. tson to ny •' Id Ite Integrity Felde only Perfect Halr Dye— • lack o , Brawn. by all Irma glen. Aye el at la Hand Intact. N. Y. 117 STOND tariff z T OTT. ocNtliftY PZCITOHAL TROCHI3O. TOIL COLDS. 00110111. BOER THROAT AND • DRONCHITZB. Nous so zoo& Pew K. Vow*. . - 10 Larif Vol mori of ilsour g o.2 borritaa tasted noool. ot.Nrows COO Wogs." 4,01, ME THADESIIEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., cot. Second Avenue. IN'TEELEST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Oonpou, Bonds and Stooks . W. VANCIRK. Vice President, CYROR CLARKE.. Ja S. McCLEAN & CO., Government Securities, Personal and prompt attention given to every. thing In the Maine.. Collections made. Cer tificates Issued. and Int nes allowed on Time Deposits- Advances made on Prime Collatorsle and Government Becuritles at Meru rates, Dealers in rattllll2 and Domestic Exchange. Gold, Silver. Bank Nolte, Au.. At. All local or Other AllscrLaueutis ttockr, Bond., Mortgages, Commercial,a er, Lc.. negotiated at the =nal [AWN' tomcat...lon. - lel: PEOPLE'S SIVINGS RINK Cor. Federal and Lacock Streeb3. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. DITERD3T ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Safe Keeping of Valuables, trodor goanfoteo, sod tbe rentlnif of Dates In Its Fire and Bardlar•Proot Vaults. No, 83 FOURTH AVENUE President—WlLLEM PHILTIPIL nee President—HENßY LLOYD. W 111.11.111 PIIILLIAI3, {BYRON H. PAIII2I/14" IIIf.NRY JON. N. MOBlttsoN, - WILLIAM IMA. tiICORLI6 BLACK - L WILLIAM Y. YON. CURTI3 O. 111Unel , LY.' . JAel. 1. BONliraT. - WWI . TRZAS—S. F. ON BONNUOINNTt open daily from U o'clock A. B. to 11 o'clacll • NHOLMES & SONS, 57 MARKET.. STREET Coitoottons made on I/1 tko goinelpsl pointa of the United tltatco and Oaxuo Stocks,Bouds and other Securities acceur is]) SOLD ON pertleelar manilas pet sad es of , United, States Securities. Et""' CAUGHEY & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Axel Milady stiention veld to 40e parity, mad ule of Sje a t Drafts on London. CITY BANS. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. stoo.ooe. , ITOCIIHOLDEES 111DIVIDUILIA UHL)! OrrkiEST no ON DEPOSITS. irtnucioN xxcrtsxua Bought aud tol4. and lakes desire remitted to Europe. Collection. , 6.4 on all ta • mettle/ polo/a of the United State sod CM .I'. 000th ez 100110. Prestel•r• . • j_Aulta McCaus. Prara.,.• W. E. NOuttaN. Cubits. pt/scro Jfinet Met:rtb, Hugh Itmtlg, Ti rape+ Ca lo mpbell, JIM,/ Mariam 11. A. Treyroglo, home /311-6C6. . , FINALNCL9L. DODGEM AND SOLD. MUMi==l BANKERS. No. 75 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. Of Allegheny. = =! E= Stockholders luridually Liable. OS rITTSIIIJIta7.3, =EU 13ANTIMIELS, rirrniustan. PA. PITTSBURGH, PA.. (613COLSSOEta TO MARNA. HART h CO GOVERNMENT BONDS r). Damen. Tlonnas Rourke, PaWet Ease. Chas. Magian K. J. Um*, Jerki MM2VE WIIMM MILLER & CO., Moe. !II and lit Liberty Street. Cotner of troth, noer the %rode at low offetrcy COmui Begat &ad _. ~.:}qLt. in•± ::41Un ire ;1q ar, la„ I ar•orac, Adam.' mai Laza alar I ova lalco. Cubo and traa , l•a ao T tl o ar t'u"'".4" 0 Teu. • Carolina and Iran/role Ulm. Java, Laraarra and Rao lloffeca• Tobacco, Lard OIL Flab, Nall., Glass, Saap• Coo. Yarns. to., constantly oa band. ALSO, DLPOETZES 01 Fine Brandies, Wines and Rhenish, Moselle bottles. ktoeliffla of Hinkel _Q a., to Bnarkling Moselle, &banner', and 'abase, bm hoekbelmer, Brumley, ae. Briteenbnor Freres , Tine Oltre do do Clarets, Imported In rmtlf do do Widte Wines, In bottles. M. Work l Para , anarkling Cat...atm. Lae Old Muni under% and Port Wine. /free Old Mono kahca 1.7 ~.,Isktee, Pot% do Very Mt Oar 010 botch do es• do. ALSO, im 7 7, l r:v a i r 4.4.7 :4 7 tb o.i.tk e r Mon.,:eri.ca,.,:hisrontdgloe;:ewraavmd:l3, Murray & Lanmares Florida Water, The most • Mel:mated and most delightful of all per- fumes, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and in the bath, for sale ly all Druggists and Perfumers. ja1:11111 PUBLIC NOTICE. Mortar been appointed GAtiand GAS METER INSPECTOR ter Allegheny Coma/, netten hereby given that until the mecum? °Mee end Mechanical Teltleg Machinery can be provided; I will b found at the OFFICE, OP THE NA. TIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORE& Twenty-third street, near re., Pittsburgh. • R. H. swan, ig,rll , 7t , l‘ Pelt (.T I=ll2l iTRADE MARK. DITHRIDGE'S ........00. , irAtuitp OfffEMS*. CHOICE COFFEES., . . Fresh stook Clinton lilo,lsra and Lsdnalln Cate, jut reeelved; Ehnen aadlliestednellnd wholesale and men, as pfloce tweed on then. &talon In geld at the Oscar Illswely Sum of JOHN A. B.CI6IIAW.' ' • Comer Liberty and Ulan Farads; • Y~li) t} yl a:1li, NATIONAL :FOUNDRy AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and dmallaran !drool., =I P1I"I•19III:fi“;11. ED.,!1.. WILLIAM SMITH, ILANUTAOTOUER OF CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOS OAS AND WATER. WORKS. My Pips. are all east Invariably In Pits, In dry and and 17 feed lengths. Also, tell ansurtment geaeral Castings for Gas & Water Works. I 'Gadd also calls to my te Me atntion of eljApg nta of Gas W ok s of en ' W4g e . " }INN' FORT prior OUNDRY COMPANY. OFFROD AND WORLD, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA. lir Engines. Bolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts. and Cast' generally. = =ll MONGIIIBLI FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON - & CO., Mmornototoro of LEON 1101.7nE 111(3.NTB, WINDOW LINTILS and Slid,. and Castings of all DescdpUon. ARrElooolol attention paid to ARCRITECTO• RAL CARTINItti and to Cultic:At tor Wlndow lua OrP1(71 AND OtrlfDllT—No. 150 WATER 'STREET. rltttborgla, IrBINBON, REA & CO., sutteuure b RODINSONt MlXlit &MIAMI% WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS - AND 11/OBTRISTS, PITTSBURGH, ligaunteataren of Boat and Stationary Stem En gine. Man Engine. WU Machinery. Gearing, Snarling, Castings of She e t prlonc.ollTank• and SOU. Boller and Iron Work Wane, No. 15, corntr /let and oniltbleld streets. agents for CI InTARD'S PATENT INJECTOU lbw . feeling Rollers. 1.11412 TOOMMIC 4BLLi & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, I=l3l Mum faetnrera of Stationary and Portable Steam Itualnes, till Presses, Pulleys, Mullane, Grist and sag Work. Honing MIR sad Machine Castings, biota Rats. Weight.. Wee°. Boxes it, malt to order and bate on band Erosion of all plus. ruyl4lql pfIIEVILX ROLL FOUNDRY, .Co. LIBERTY WI 94TR STUMM. BOLLM AN & BACALEY, 1:1=71 Chill Boils, Sand Rolls & Pinions. ENGINES, BOILERS, dm, FORT PITT BOILER. STILL AND TANK WCOTI.I3S. DARROLL AND SNYDER KAN UFACTUREII3 OF TUBULAR, OMILLYLD .TUBULAB EIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER IJE eSTEAII BOIL ER IE STILLS AND OIL TANKS, rNIME BEERe/GNO AND ASH PANS, SICITLINO PANS, SALT .lANS AMD WE DEVIMIAPCPLE, GASOMETERS AND IRON MOOG Rs. rHISON DOORS AND COAL SHUTE& Offline matt Waretionso earner fircotad Third, Short and Liberty Wrest, . PITTSIIIIEGIII, Pa. IL/PUders sent to the stereo address will be .romDtli attended tn. mb7:l/10 HUGH M. BOLE & CO Cor. Point Alley And Duquesne 01.1 =EI Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Nanufacture STEAMBOAT ZEGYFIES and STATIONARY ENG tedd INES. of ell Mae+. Jr tert4Ua. TATION ENUINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, °LIS bone power. CAISTINUS, of every k Ind, m below rder stout Foondry, on THIRD STREET,Market. RIGS for 011 Well., SHAFTING, PULLIMS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS add IRVN TOBACCI FREBSES, on band and =do to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, immuNg on the Allegheny Rtrer, near the Mat, I=l P 11)mfaliAmmt , 41ESICH. & 800., rum a auaaust-raooir SAFES AND VAULTS. PO DAMP. .N 0 MOULD ENGINES AND MACHINXBY, BREWERY WORK, REPAIRINEt AND rirr- T1110•UP ILACHINEBY. Cm 17th and Plke Plttabhrgit s Pa. .014:qat O'HARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO., 113zoitantarors of STEAM BOILERS, OIL TANKS, STILLS, AO ITATOR, sALT 1.A1413, OASomETESS. BET. .TLINO PRISON DOORS, OILIKNZYS, LUCRE/I PIM& BEDS. tc., Cor. of Second Donne and Liberty St., PITTSSIIRGII. PA. doorxomptly. Urdermeo: to tle i.gr . d F. an r— & SNYDER'S,. - oempti WIL BARNHILL & co., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. so. Ns, ma Aldo me PLNR Err Having eeenred a large yard end famished It with the most approved machinery. we are pre red b manure. tare merle...loMo of BM ABS In the best whetter, sad warranted equal to Condeamrs. Salt l'ens. hanks, Oil Mins, Mat. tors, Settling Lou,, honer ito, Bridges ~ bver rane, and sole ataaufacturars of slamulll . o int ent BMW. • Repairing dune ort shortest netke. JAM. M. 3301011 IDLIDND D. 310 JARED M. BRUSH b NON, BLAIMACTUILLII.I9 or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. 82EST IRON mons, &O. 61 Penn : • Usburgh, Pa. ARCHITECTS B ARR & 310SER, rams Kw:isa AINKICIATIQW 130ILDERIA, If as. 111 * at. Oath Case, F1L;0917.h. F., lbehal attention gnat to the asthenia ar,6 banal( in COMM HOTPaal sea krIBLICI Trltalrvir“, GIIII CLOTHING. COATS, PANTS, OVZHAiLe. CAPS. 04. Also, Oiled C/otlllng of all lends elnare on bandand for sale, wholesale or total, try • J. • 0. ?BILLWO, dela . and $lll elate *trees. H••ut LYON, • haler -of Weights and Reasons, Ofnee—bo. a PoIIIITH JAMMU& rinsbantik. m eat. eu JOIELN ilaSetir.B, Deputy', Plsiatarglt B. 31011:11.7r. Doan bens• linetet. BAIIREZEI CLEIVELAND Lbw!. • . ., . . . Tremont Lim, ' . • • wUO bells Eastern Whip Lime. . - • . IPer sale by J. H. CIATITTUT.D. ' BIITTEW-10 Half bble prime roll- Smiler. rot ale try =III IRON AND STEEL, DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. RAMA & 00., In IRON. NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCI i l. I. DtitIMENNX, X MID ruNIATAL. FLATNAB, ROUND AND I , IIITARC IRON. BANU NA . IRON. HUARD IRON. DRAO &Ad 1.41•PF11. RAILS, FLANINIL CUTTER BARD. UYLINUEII IRON, AND FLAT RAIL. for Coal Roads. CRAJW WRININA A HARROW TEETH, SINIING.PLOW AND CULTIVATOR Erl EEL, !MEE,. WINGS AND MOULDS eat to patunn. ATEEL TWO., SILLYTINtI. A. E. . . . . . . . • COA;3 • Ef, BUGGY and WAGON SPRISCUI .4 AXLES. . . uu r NAILS AND SigICIES. All Goods First Class.and Warranted. OPTICS! AND WOMEN: Sixteenth Strut sad Altcfrheny Steer wad II Water Iltreetirlitehtirirh. mar MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. WM. METCALF, REI7BEN MILLED. kiEIL W. BARR, CHAR. PARKIN. erscr.AL Pipii:47ll4 X. BIi ^ Tr7 ‘V('7","! Mi i L'r BE ME BEE MEM kikcbiS! . pkra, kie ' PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ISTABLINIED IN 1848 ANDERSON & WOODS, ruartnricrEntins or DEBT REFINED O.&ST STDEL Of every dm:Option. Mee, beet Refined German Plow and Spring Steel. CORNER ROM AND /MST IVENITY. booth. Co. aa11:041 DUQUESNE. FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER, Successor to ros. 1111011 & 00.0 Han fsellttles no-extensive with the leading For ges to the East. and is prepared to promptly and ati P tramorily Olt all orders Ur BTEAMB OATT HA YTS, eItANK3, P4Tont RODS. LEVERS. rum 6.14 JA Kb. IN ttItSTAILAILR(II.I. AXLES, LO VP S , COITIVC PRAMtogether with evert dssetiptlon of SHAPE Sk ORE. O. and Forge • Corner or Duquesne Way and First Street. ao13:040 ELLBRSIBESEN PROCBSS. t0'r17,71".=: tee 11.7ETmrdlir.itm GNU. The en peeler quailty Ig=l good Iron. the rt ' c ' fi l roTircrrYgg it to nu glt.ortt=l:7l. • Parties viable/ tome is can obtain licenses by apply,. to JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees, EOOMA 1 and 9 lingll9os Badding, 1103 i n orth avnue. Parlit3 interested are limited to .01aIt the 15119ENXE119 lilt WORKS. when the process Is now In thoossaltd operation. feerdel purrsinaten • • NOVELTY WORKS. I 2:2=1:1113 1111301111EAD, ADAMS & CO csraroxrz STANDARDOTAIRRANIC Pk*. ItNT) PLATFORM AND COURT= SCALES. lanan Faccil i Patelaor . 1...0eka2e LAtehek MISEU OP ' AZT VilfITA GRANT BR P. 1.0.116 SITEFFAELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMICK & CO, PITTBHOW3II, PA., Ifutelecturers of every desealptlon of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL RAILWAY SPRINGS, ILLIIITIO AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIME, &A. fm. Warehoust., 88 Water and 100 Bret S. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., = SEITNEEMm. =lee and Warehouse, THIRTIETH, THIRTY Ir DitaT and RAILROAD ISTRIXTII, I STOVES. CAST/NOS. ito. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TEIUNEPH. FOE BITUMENOI.7B COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Stole la the Won. BIS I PT.TI46 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. Also, on hand and for We, pAithuit BELTING !STOVES. GRATE 'FRONTS. }ENDERS, • COOKING RANGES. Le. ORAFF, HIJOUS & CO ■►3VT►CiO333! at ITilff VAZERIT 07 STOVES, • BOSTON GOOSING RANGE, 'THE FIERY FURNACE," Fos WAsartra Buuseirag max . Evr ANTI-DI:MT COOSINN 'REGULATOR,. COLUMBIA' COOK Ma VA.N.s (etreisnall PAmers) PoSTABLI MANGE. CASTIELIN MANTLES. WELLMAN'S GNATS M ESPLEC7TU INTS, :ENDUE,EL NEATLY, rm.+ trum to. dlit sad dust; 206 and 208 Liberty Street, .anyet rirreaunes. PA. A. BRADLEY & CO" NO. 50 WOOD STRUM Manaleetosere of the Greatest Veda Got Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO 81. "FOUND Id our amortmenteelllbe Ilmadall the LkTilllT PAITEIINS AND INPROVZICINTS, and the rep natl.an of our Mane to such that shy oat th wet at a ghpl ankle should plush". mho bat thmemasaooteusee4 by at. ea they tent be Mead the Coat durable WI well IN eoozomiesl.•-Would call particulat attention boar hew VOLCANO 0r.., ha charehee. rms.. Auras. Deer' a oat ha the,* aut.xplea with or 1111.601.11. onto:. Al. Way 00.0. tlIO3 them pro -11.1.C6 WO. 6110110.001.0.10111111./114 cheap er. rent tor .A1.10E1113.13 Meet An. MA P:4 SDIOJ 421:f O 1 1.11 9062A1S BASCH. HENRY BIER tic - CO., aucotaame to JOHN INL. COOPER & 00,, Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS YADZ PEOICPTLT TO.ORDIII. Idaleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBLNG, 111110711BilifETT IND UM ILL ALL GLOBE PATTERN IRON cos,M:MK Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and OIL XANI.T7ACTUESISI OP J. Y. moms & 00 , 11 IMPTOTedOnted alum Pimp. Agents for .Dreill'ise Patent OW ere, the beet in the Market. 011124 • 5 sad Works. corner "A'artessith sad Me treets. ATWOOD & AIcCA . Comer Linn,. West, aad Mad Am 10". masa raturnzst .uu) =Orlin Mai! sad AGENTS 'DA . A. 15. ammo" . -cum errsAix roars ASO 1L01,3111.' fk• fir' ME RAILROADS. - - 1/IENNSTLV AIL.aiIIIMM • •;,:, NIA CENTRAL RAIL ,1 AI). On and ter 11 ar 1". ul.. Mhos NOV. ...., 14th. 1869, Tmles w6l rlue 11 424 4 ';- from the Cal.. Depot. °ors. Cd W ' SNP 2.lbertv meets. se Boer. . Arrtos. DV.% . '-' .'. mall Trio.... 1:10 Ma *Poutlartk.x. Slim ~ Fast Una.... 1.66 as ''Faelle . 111: am WWl'. No. 1..6 NO as Wall's . 1 . .. la: ma NrtattothoNol V:6O am Nall 'MM..— atm en ~ Wall's No. 2.. 11:30 am Sri.. is Pe 014 ma • Clodanatt La. 9 010 am BrantsAlNlO • • I J.a.........}011501m Claela.tl as. 121. Bra.. le Nol 7:60 pm Wall's No. h. SU aln Flosn't It Er. 1:30 pm Johnetows 1 a.4 pa -i pnesee'hator. 1:60 pm Brat. At Non II: pa Wall's No. 1...11:543pm Nall. Nip..3:12 P 1 Itra"ks'AeNo 2 9t6.0 pm Wall'. No. 1.. 3.014.11 I Waive No. 4. 6:66 pm Wall'. NO.. 4.. Sipa Brlatorthe No 21:10 p: •rut Lthe..... V: pm • t ke:e " tiilarre ' re P elotr V.,litigi . .l'inAr. :* burg for Ilaltlmore. • T. churnh Train loseraWalM . Stulianorerl tr . ..47 . ..t . f1:08 a. us.. rsuellna 11=a2 :II , 1 111:10 tr. tn . . 6 ' ll2 ' g:eft ' s 1r7...,T1 e-,,,„,. -., 1 d,lO p. L. s Chietnnatl Iron. 1, ayes dolly. Souther a . Eaorest leans dolly ex.pt Noadar. All other mei. dolly except Snaear. For thrther tarorreatton apply to ... .. W. II ISICILWITN Ape• ,s a-.arreanlaltall B. C . DanY4lll • ' ' -. '''' .l.7 4 .r.. Orli. 4. ' 4124 m pf Mr era 'A rr: -,_ = l .. o arP7ll , lt , ha:rcefrelnllllu to IM.Mi6. Um amount la sine vlll tgleitt g :rlak t i n . "!,.. owner...loo .11,410.1. .12 octant Saverlamndent7 NEST ERN. PENNSYLVANIA. 1t0.A.D.--On tad attar NOV. 1 • 1 Passer Trains oa the Wester, . Rau TW will uriye at sad dm . Peden! letreet Depot, Allegheny ,as Arriew. iimingd.e No13:40 31111111—.... • •31 - port No. I 8:110 • . i Fr.P.lsr. l au Expre5e......20110 ate Sanoteg Ma n y* '".' : 1 . r a 1 ;11 eV ;::Irt 11 ' PI I I'ATLA 47; ii ii . 1 :. 11a11—.....—. ciBo pm WattPurt 11.2 pie t ..,.•,- . • - ... , :. , - , lstiL z.:EI i•: , s •": '. 'r - 7 .` ' '-.. ''', ' ''.' ' .. `;‘ 7 ' :,• :1 e....e.5.7 ... T;:y./ . ;. in..l-T.'4,!..L ,T e1 ,, ,;- , ...t• f • ,'.. • .v. •• 51 , ...r ... ,-..: ...4‘.7. , t, 1 ,- a ..ii.. ,. :0 ,, ,.. - :. ....,, _ et • . es. := l.t r of etn7es for Puller Intr a dalrati o =. and ilttsharan. and at tee Depot. "Weibuly. Tor =her inn:Tomato. ' , Er to An 11.4 L MITE, Pe eral Street ?,:; The Western Pennsylvania Balinese At' ...rune any risk fir Baggage. nnesPt at ,... apparel, .d Molt their reniOnelbllitliTeßa Hundred Dollars In value. All brume. 'gm. 7, eeedlng=oust In value the owner, • unle ssEDWA taken by . WILL spetal manta,. RD sole eencial inoarlntandent. Altoon. • • .... ..., . J 1. . - ,,i q ‘t. -- - mow , Il .....H. _POUT WAIME /1 0 OANO •; B. W. and OLE. ~V NLAND &PIT/WIT& Nt...8. 1: Jams NOV. 14th. lifg. teal s wl taavcrroel L .') and arrive at th e Union Daeet , berth tide, •M ‘te. .1 tntrgh atztlme, as follows: • . •,. , ;.. W e asiir4 . l4z i .„ll:llll a m plemati l 7. l l:ll3 ' s CL A WI% Mearl :I ' Olin EMU it 1 -j 3 calmatall..6:sB a m tl.k a Hz 4 118 ola r. et,041 , alellVillita 1.1 CI. & 'gra ss l : pa , Vlerelape . 2l. VII m ; ,.. 4 ciorillif;'/Ao6s o' l l Whii EZCOSP: ~i fe q i:lV=kt.tr:Se ;ni h e . tiAl it."..Wilm"• Leat.ll4•lo .• 19:1111a as Na a s r Cas tl e " 110111tait . :1 " 11:53 aes a Castle 70VA am i 7, 1 1 , Idoehestor " 1.11:$14 pas 1111 . 9 , Saa rt Neon " 4.:asftp es Leetsdale "Ile• lei Leetsdale Aca-a:l3 pat flaan•Yalls " 0 pia Bes , rFalls " .elailp m Leetsdale " 4:41 ma ~ I...tsdalc •'10:1.2p.. •• 7 , 4 0- Ma ',: 711 r Oaks !am. Tar Oaks en, , Zgarp . . llMill i: 4x° d ap= l ' s ' avil 'a M l . , t.'; Pre iiilik . cl".k_gicy . 'l•llln . 2:o l 7ilir . ” i, Beal. res. & 'flu. et le•al.- . ... Gem. Noisier. i• 1 note • c., .fill orazimmit p' BENT VL17,2X3 12/11LEtO/Ll3 THY ONLY DIRZOT ROOT 11 TO THZ OIL ~. 1 1181/10513 WITHOUT MANGE OPCAILS. , , On and attar atONDAY. Nov. 011. 1 1 15 11 ; TWO V: THROUGH. TRAINd DAILY (except Mandan) 1•111 kavo Plttiboott Dopot s oo^n.o . Or Zins :1 astb and Inks sticats,fOr Frantlist.:3lC3ls • ' talo. and all pants In too 0111550.055. el 111117 „.. 1:111 no ligr a n. LX ... 5:30 D I f1eg,A . ..... :411:111'ell.c. - : 'Alt: .4 f1u1t0n...11 . 050 mllin Dalton.... 9:00 aam • . 3.11101100.. 5:50 pso,ta 1105.0... 5n se 443 Holton..ll:ue p m 140 Hultsn. 1116 1 pni TreeßArs AC. 9:35 am , soda Worts 1:55 aon &oda Works— 5:35 p solPreoport An 5:111515 : Itradrs It /Lc 3:15 pm Brady/. 11 An 1051 C •11 0nn5v0...... 1:00 p m Charcb— 10: ain • Vapresslrslns stop .007 00 SSIAmPaI POTstas ... Accommodation trains stop at 011 et lat.- • r 4. J. LAWRZNQa, song 2.110X.113 Z. 8.155. Asso.. ATISICINNATI /ULU fir. r iTSA 3.111.4741. T. PLY( HAND' LS ROUTS. (MANGE UP sad law eromiAr. Not. 14t2_16109, tratos wi ll lama arid Matte at llMonpapc Ilatabab. as fblioarm D mo lttsb n argh 1}:a8. 4111111. m. 111:13 Boutbera Express 51:28 D. M. Bsoo la. Fast ..... m. 1.111p. m. Mixed Aeo , ri b:43.. m. • p.m. H ra. 1113 as. MenbenaUte Loom:mood. 21:4317.114 9:480.m. MoDonal4 , s Am.a. N0.15:53 p. ID. B'9Bo. a. tinads4Cbureb Train.. 19 :69 D. Shbal a. sa• llslii 77 r. ll7• r it P a r in•lir F w. gffer . ifaa . t ia =lo=l".. • -' • rux,11731 , lIIIIGH & omfaxua Nr ILLS AD. On and afoyember Mit. tratnt wi l l arrive xi l a 4 Qattara firca Sins Depot. eortiar Of Grant and Water Meath at follows, - . Walltoiteditresaltalon• . , town. 7 r o o 5... If. 131 . 1X1r.1.i H o. 11•00 A. W. NAMP. Ss. to end trots 3:00 r. N. 20:10 A. West Newton blood rikarl p. sr.' Sae A s sr Ilreddifek•s Aceemdt , ri. efltsr. 7.0 10: Melt tolreltport.lo:39 r. 'kWh a. lb Irandsy Cbureb Trats .4 11.4 Wert HOMIAIIi .1)0 0.10,50 0. BICIL181) 0. BOWIES& Agent. 13 B a i a linj iaggirgN UNION PACIFIC ILLIL*AY, Eastern Division. arlrs s gte&V.f.l = Colorado - Nevada, • California Utah, Arizona Washin g ton, New Mexico, Idaho Oregon. Two %Ws tine State lama attalliatranli ri v ir gc rf E zp=r bat azd Ra Inat at Maar lor t alrAttta Law at E SI. IU*IFIrCPEIP, zomrtv=m to IT i.AJcati;h All Petuu In the Territedee, Von ariolpg Altnalvanow l , Buda th rants te• Isom .sd Wow eattoo. - agata t"B " *. pott. 4"l with isspondblettrerlgertTnnsportOal Lisle from Its enutecateradauj. ti e toed 011171 se roalltles ltie Mama/edam of trelirbt tom gar Itest. tlngar3ll% " A ' 1 1 Prh4":'°lll6.lll Eatpfdr i: l4s k 7VPP.6ll l tal r AVP.l9 LIM - DI v MON. • . 41,assma80is. ==l J. sa.wsnerms. =Es= 2,000,000 A C U J or ti _ ... .. il OHOIOELANDBFORSALE- O Union Pacific Railroad Company, i =WOW DIVIELON. , • . • MOO Lracalmut the line or their raid. as $l,OO TO $5,00 PER LOU, &ad al 021:077 07 TIVS TE11.121; tor minim plutteatm, mop% tit:. «maim JORN P. Dziiraxilx. Lead Gommlttlonar, Topeka. EArans. Ot,IIXLIAIS. B. LAE1130KII; anal =l2 COAL AND COKE MRS - 11. ARMSTRONG, - Youghiogheny and au Coal, • COIL, BLAME IND.DE6IIIIII.IIIIZED.CIII. OM= AND !MID. ember Batley mid .Morton street. 'Liberty Clime? meet% Muth teurdtalee Beerod oreet, Migritli ward. . Aid et toot or Bore Cabal. 2 . .:1 C. B. B. DIAN. 6seond 'suet. • • Orders Aft at eltber et the sbeye Allem or 24. drese to toe through Pfttaburgb C., mill re. Wee prompt sate:atm - Ram to Abe= tem oftplftrig: Harm, i (A.,Wic • 13soltb, Thilort loci Mins. B. IL ri ter I 00.. biltebell. - Ifterlicture • liessit • Co.. Graff .1 Mucus. Alex Prsdieft co& Are. • Co. Put. Keened yCo. 'beefs. linsr• LAIL Wau bt... aber • Cu.. • - B,• Lyon Mosball •8 ... 3 1, 41 1 .11 . 14 6 LELi r co.. orr=2 . — L ' ll e .aiimy Valley U. B. • • • COAL! COAL!! ICOALM MESON, STEWART NO.'.667,LIBERTY !Ram, siocx muu*suoiroimoos.. 9 99.9. 99 01i* f 9.1 1 .1211 tom yaknap , lora2r t 4o . C 0.93 v s . itr,A /1.11 '1199941.- OS' egl=ll.l Jieregi of shaft lapAta cis of - Lia....4,4:l7lAo.o.LAilpswooravrtimaasirloa:,:og, EN= ~ : - . ' , ,• - ,T '_, , ';''',l:'.;-t' ,, '•-.• ~ ..:.:',- . .., : ., -: -,i ::. K :t') , II El ~.~::,~< ~y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers