The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 09, 1870, Image 1

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Offiee,B4 and 86 Fifth Avenue
rbiTOMI •rn 71t01.=MMilk
$ 7 ." 1 41 , e , rev
Deliverietly rleH . per weet.,......1......-111cte
Eke al ittrurgij Gktit
A soil of Abd.c]•Kader is noir eduoa
tins at the University of France.
Guzzor's sprotite is eo cloyed by do
Touring dates, that be cata but one regu
ler meal.
THAT says in Paris that Victor Hugo
has, after all, made up his mind to return
to that city. '
GOIINOD is again said to' be subject to
frequent and very distressing attacks of
VILLRME%RANT, the proprietor of the
Paris Figaro, is believed to be one of the
wealthiest men in Paris.
ERLANGBII, the Paris banker, it is
Thought in that city, pwes a great deal
more money than be can. pay.
IN Europe, women receive
the degree of st.,,n. In France, Russia,
Switzerland, Sweden and Scotland.
THE Independence Beige aye that it pays
more for - its Paris correspondence than
the whole English press taken together.
SOME valuable manuscripts Of the cele
brated martyr, John Huss, have recently
been discovered at the Hadschin in
Tog King - of Pruasia, it is said in Ber
lin, Lemont the present time principally
on eggs. caviar, milk and very strong
French brandy. • .
Auriga, the veteran composer, received
eleven thousand francs for the score of
his last opera, and Jean Jacques Offen
bach seventeen thousand.
A - - nowaolit countess,. widliw of a
Scottish earl, has bestowed her hand upon
her Italian cornier. The fair bride has
,paasedher sixteenth year.
Ina Universal Peace League in France
has elected Andrew Johnson, Charles
Sumner, Benjamin F. Butler and Horace
Greeley honorary membent.
Fonterzen of the most beautiful shop
women.-at - the - Palace of the Universal
Exposition; have been married, In the
• course of the last few years, to wealthy
SAINTE•BRUVE, by his, will, left ;SOO
to Ids mistress, an e=-governess. She is
one.mme.l, having Idst the other arm by
accident; he soya "with $BOO a year a
woman may live honorably."
Tent Belgians think it disloyal tolave
.theireorereign's head on their postage
stamps where it would be instanUy soiled
and defaced, and the Minister of there's.
tic Works is to be substituted.
THE walls of Constantinople, root
plated fifteen centuries ago by the Em
peror Theodosius, arc to be pulled down,
and the stonework in them employed In
various municipal improvements.
Rocuttronr says in La Marseillais that
AdolphekThiers brought hie influence re.
cently tot. bear against him because the
Lanterne once called the little statesman
and orator, "Wed visits. cocotte" (That old
Parsec PIERRE NArol.EnN requests
the public, Ina cardpnblished in Le Pays,
not to attach any credence to the words
which hostile or favorable publications,
concerning the tragedy of the Rue d'Au
tenil, have put into his mouth.
Tar. young Grand Doke of Tuicany
has anent three years of authorship upon
a book on the Antilles, the retail mice of
which is two hundred and fifty dollars a
cor7. Fortunately be Is not entirely
dependent on the sale of his works for a
livelihood. .
Tmc incareersted nun, Barbers Übryk,
Se assidlo leek extreniely well and far
younger than .she really Is. She has s
smell merry l ace, with a retrousse nose
and bright; lovely eyes. She converses
freely, though incoherently, and laughs&
good deal=
teams, in his conversation 'recently
publiabed , in- Germany, says of dueling:
"Of what consequence is a human life?
A single battle destroys thousands. It is
more important that, the principle of a
I:pint of honor, a certain security against
rude sets, should be kept living."
ApohrniTIIIERS succeeded, the other
day, in effecting a large Insurance on his
life at very low rates - , In favor pf his sis
ter, the examining physicians having
found that he was perfectly healthy, and
that his excellent oonstitution would en
able him to live for twenty years longer
• OZOIWE SAND 11/11 recently beef! in.
volved in a quarrel with a young author
In Tors, named Jean Dumartel, who
-has Just r.ublished against her a pamphlet
abounding M very bitter personallties,
and charging, among other things, that
her son Maurice, was not the son of her
husband, but the illegitimate child of one
of the Otleanist princes.
A GETMAN pamphleteer asserts that to
bin certain knowledge, the reports that
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert led a
very happy life during the first yearsafter
theirmarriage are entirely erroneons, and
that the Prince, on account of incompat
ibility of temper, at one time seriously
thought of separating humble royal con-
Sort and returning to Germany.
Tug Duke de Persigny, Napoleon's
old confidant and adviser, bat who enjoys
now but little consideration at court and
in the leading political circles, thinksthat,
in Investing so many prominent Orleanista
with: of vial functions, Napoleon —the
Third signed the death warrant of the
second Empire. Ile raid the other day
that all the leading prefeta, Judges,
.now, were more anxious to prove that, in
titres gone by, they were good and loyal
Orlaialste than Bonapartlsts. -
- Tax Pall Mall Gazette says: "There is
a writer in a popular English newspaper
whose chief employment is this: On
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays he
haat° say that the French Emperor. Is
looking remarkably well, and mounts his
horse or leapt into his carriage, with
quite astonishing vigor. On Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays the same inde-
PendentJournaliat regularly exclaims
.. prit•the Emperor is tho most generous
sne kind-hearted of mat; or that the Ern
ryyab has the meet melting soul in the
world; or that the Prince Imperial Is the
darling of nil the young gentlemen who
rbiy with him, and the hope of the army."
Mena is an anecdote about the ales
which Parisian servant• girls put on to-
Ward their mistresses. A femme de
cliambre presents herself helms Madame
M—, who has advertised for a servant
girl of that deneripUon.- After listening
.to Madame for awhile, the servant girl
_says to her, "All that Madams has said to
sae sults me exactly. But, before I deg:
mtely makc up my mind, I must have
_ information on another point. "On
• wilt disr• aloes, Madame receive her
friends P." . "On Tuesday." "II that
cane Madame must change her day."
?" '''Because Wednesday is my
ally, Madame, and yen must see that,
Tuesday being Madame's day, I would be
too tie&l to receive my friends."•
Wit have already told of that famous
"switch" of human hair live feet four
inches in length. There was, however,
one more famous. It was eatilliited at
the London Eapoellion of 18,51, belonged
to Leon Peitery, of Paris, and was about
seventy•two inches in length. The story
of this one that measured sax feet Is rather
TninalgiC. Reame. from the head of a
Swabian peasant girl, who had two suit
ors for her hand, one a poor farmhand,
who earned six kreutzers a day, and the
other n rich miller. The miller owned
tie cottage in which Use Swabian girl and
1. 1 ,70de - owed mother lived, and being as
and unscrupulous as he was
wealthy, :hreatened to drive his temente
.out of their Lorne unit', tits suit was Inc.
copra], altlicagil they bad already paid
vizier the price demanded for thatottege,
and were saving end , worhing to pay the
reni.93drt. In , this emergency n travel.
log bate merchant aPPnared in thecji Age„
and sooner !tutu marry the Wealthy nal
on the o!itrr hand have her
ier, orag ed
mother driven front .kossar mid oome, she
determined upon the sae:4losof her been.
Wel hair. It was taken to the Licpsie
annual fair, geld there for $17.5 to an
American. dealer, and from his hods
found its way to Its present owners.
..ja valued avbetween id3d and 4300.
IC - *
• t
' :k*
N. P. lESD,
. • . j_
TIIa St* •yenitentlary at Moundsville
is rapidly approaching completion.
A man: i'VO/lIAX in Morgan county,
by mistake Illast week gave birth to' a
black chilk
Jortir STram, of Martinsburg, was badly
burned while kindling a fire. He em
ployed coal dil for the purpose.
STEPS are being taken to locate the
Martinsburg and Potomac Railroad and
put It under construction at once.
Dtruma the put year at Wellsburg
Wm. Ilassen manufactured 593,1100 clam%
and Hugh Barth 192,000—0 r 175,M)
together. .
, DURING 1868 9 the births in/ Brooke
county were: whites 116, colored 3; 66
males and 54 females. Deaths during the
same period 17; 7 males and
.10 females.
THE Idoorfleld Adverfi.ser nOtices the
export from Hardy county of a drove of
nthetyrlve bead of cattle, raised by Solo.
men Vanmeter, averaging 1;400 pounds
IN Hancock county the births for 1868
and 1869 were 112 ; 62 malea and 50 fe
males; 11l white and 1 colored. • Deaths
for same period 16; 11 males and 5 fe
Parini Coos was found dead on the
morning of the 29th ult,; in an old limo
kiln near the town of Berkley. Sup
posed to have fallen in and died from his
A LADY named I - lodger', from Con
necticut, on a visit to some friends in
Bethany, died suddenly on Tuesday last.
Without any intimation she fell dead
from her chair.
anprecedented revival is progress
ing In the M. E. Church South at Mar
tinsburg. The church has been at times
so crowded that those seeking the altar
have been obliged to climb over the
MR. J. E. Wittrams, of Parkersburg,
has a hen that daily lap an egg about 4i
inches in length, of middling diameter,
small In the &ladle, like a wasp or rash.
ionable young lady, contains two yolks
and white to match.
A DRAW is demanded by steamboattnen
in the Little Kanawbabridge, at Parkers
burg, or the removal of the bridge to n
locality that will permit the boats to lake
the oil from the refineries, bring it down
for-the trade, &e t without reshipment,
and open one of the beet harbors for boats
on the western rivers.
CONSIDERABLE excitement was occa
sioned in the vicinity of Kingwood some
days ago by the report that two mad dogs
were traveling over the country. The
dogs were pursued at once by a small
party armed with guns, and were
finally overtaken and killed• without any
injury resulting from their travels.
Wooi dealers have recently been very
active in Brooke county. Some who
have been holding back wool for higher
prices: have concluded to sell rather than
risk a further decline, and others because
they must have the money. Fiftythou
sand pounds of wool 'were taken into
Wellsburg th e past week, and brought an
average at 45 cents, putting into circula
tion over 1622.000.
TUE work upon the piers of the rail
road bridge at Parkersburg is going on
now night and day. The pier at the
western bank has given tuna difficulty,
the workmen having been delayed and
bothered by quicksands. The piers
being built this far on the western ap
proach are also subject to the same dlf•
11=4, and they have to go down about
forty feet to the solid gravel. The work
cannot be delayed now by high water,
and the superintendents express no doubt
that its whole work except the . super
structure will be finished during 1870.
A pgw days since the Messrs. Gearen
found a vein of bituminous coal on the
land of Mr. Moorehead, on the Copper
Fork of Bandy. in Jackson county, about
two and a half miles from Bandyville and
six miles from Ravenswood, as the pigeon
flies. It Is said to be an ,excellenr article,
free front sulphur and slate, and burns
well: The Messrs. GearMi soy that iron.
ore, in considerable abundance,
is found
in the same locality. Since this discovery
was made the News hart heard of other lo
calities near Ravenswood in which there
are good indications of coal and Iron ore;
and at one place not more than two miles
from that town, It. has been informed,
beautiful white marble has been found.
'The Oil City Timu reports that anew
100 barrel well was struck at "Red Hot,"
on territory heretofore considered outside
of the belt. A - large number of wells are
nearly down and will be tested in a few.
The Meadville CempanV wells, two in
number c on the Porter farm, within the
limits of Pleasantville, are increasing in
their production daily. The Increased
daily yield within three months lambent
three barrels.
The Nartiern Independent, of ,Law
renceburg, gives the following report of
"new strikes" In that vicinity: "The
Mountain well is a new strike on the cast
side of the river, which starts oil pump
ing& handsome stream of oil, promising to
prove a mid well. This well Is owned
by David Reynolds, R. Wilkins, of Rai
Bank, J. E. Williams, of Parker's Land.
ing, John A. Thompson, of Ebensburg,
and others."'
The Eadenton, on the Robinson farm
which we noticed lest week, Is now pro
ducing forty barrels. This well is craned
by Porterfield & McComb and other
Parties of Emienton, J. E. Brown, of
Kittanning, and E. Ferero, of Butler.
The Fountain well, on Mike's Run,
owned by Frank Conley and others, has
Lean pumping for some time at the rate of
one barrel per hour—making the bent
start of any well on Mike's Run. This
well is immediately south of the Ride
pendent lota.
A new well has been struck on toe
Bheaaley farm below the mouth of the
Clarion, on the east side of the river,
which commenced pumping on Monday
last, throwing out a handsome stream of
'oil, and promising to prove a good well.
This well is owned by Winner Bros.
Co., of Parker's Landing. Treat & Por
terfield, of Ernlenton, 8.11. Patterson, of
Cherrytree, Venango county, and others.
Tax Parkersburg Uautlt learns that Bin
big well of Colonel Ueorge Jackson, at
VoleanO. Wirt county, West 'Virgin*
has resumed Its large flow of oil.- The'
tubing bad become so obstructed that the
yield was reduced to about forty barrels
per day. Upon drawing the tubing it
was found that a bard, marble like sub
seance had formed In it, wbieh was very
difficult to remove. After clearing Bout
and putting It back, the well again com
menced Its aid flow of 140 barrels a day,
which still continues. This Is
the best oil well In the United Stint's.
Tug coat of upholding royalty In Eu
rope is estimated at about forty million
dollars In gold yearly. The moat expen
sive monarch of all is the Emperor of
Russia, who gets 1800.000 in gold year:.
ly. The Emperor of France costs $7,-
000,00:10 ; the Sultan of Turkey g 0,600-
000. The other European monarchs get
rery moderato pay compared with these
Austria pays far the support of the
Hapsburgs $4,000.000 a Wart /tall' Pays
for her monarch M 200.000; Prussia pays
x,11110,000; and England pays Queen
Victoria $2,350,p00. Among th e cheap.
er royalty Bavaria is the dearest at $l.-
000,000; then comes Portugal with $405).
000 i Holland with $500,000, Norway
and Sweden with $200,000; Denmark
with ;240,000; Wurtemburgh with VA,.
000, and the Pope with $200,000 per an.
aura. These sums hardly represent a
fraction -cost of the European
snonanchlcs. 'To give the proper Sages
we should have to include the cost of the
variotut standing armies and a thousand
other minor expenses unknown to repair
Br the beiiej explosion at Worcester,
Manselumens*, en litorni&V. hires White,
a giri living In an adjoining bowie vise so
frightened as to be throwntato convul
sions., She remained all day speechless
India great pain. Thirteen pbygichtna
rifted nr, but could afford no Mier,
Pennsylvania Logislatnie
Bills or a Local Nature Passed—
McClure Township Annexation
—The Mill Regulating the
Treasury Department Consid
ered in the House, without
Final Action.
(Special Dispatch to the. Pittsburgh Darette.l
HARRISIIURO, Feb. 8, 1870.
The Senate }lnane° Committee met
thli; afternoon and postponed the Treas
ury examination till this aliening; but
there will be no examination to-night,
owing Mille fact that several members
of the Committee aro otherwise engaged.
Gen. Irwin, whole in town, will be placed
under oath In a day or two.
The following bills, called up by the
Senators named, passed finally:
• By Mr. GRAHAM: • House bill ex
empting from county and municipal
taxation coupon bonds of East Birming
ham borough, leaned under actor IN&
Also, Senate bill authorizing idx addi
tional Notaries Public for Allegheny
county. • . -
Also, Bonne supplement to act giving
new wards in Allegheny City the right
to compensation - from old wards for
school purposes..
Mr. tinnzEy ratted np the Senate
public bill authorizing corporations to
decrease capital stock. •
Mr. WHITE oppoaed it on the ground
that it would affect the revenues of the
Commonwealth, and mentioned particu
larly a case pending where the Common
wealth him: a claim against a corporation
for taxes amounting to ;100,000 on capital
On /IN motion the bill was postponed
till Thursday.
Mr. °BABAS!. had flamed the Senate
ailment tot he National Deposit flank,
'Pit burgh,. . • -
A ), Hamm bill iimorporatlng the
Atas' Saving Bank, Pittsburgh'.
He also presented a petition from Mc•
Clore townahlp for annexation to Alle
gheny City; also, from Burgess, Council
and citizen:l°f Stiarpabarg for the exten
sion to that borough of the Allegheny
City grading and paving and license law.
Mr. RUTAN called up and had panned
A supplement to the act for the Improve
ment of real estate, exempting :mort
gages cud other money securities from
taxation, extending the same to Waah
ington county.
Tho following noun° bills passed fins
Incorporating °Duquesne tiroya" of
Incorporating Fidelity Trust and Safe
Deposit co, of Plusburzh.
Incorporating Pittsburgh Law Ansocia
Supplement for , Ewalt street Bridge,
changing corporatont - and autnorising
additional toll ou foot passierigers.
Authorising School Directors of Bella
♦uo. to borrow meney to build a home
for graded school. •
The Treasury bill was made the special
order for. Mutant.
The now county bill will ba reported
At the eveningaseelon the epeclal order
was the bill requiring the State Tronal.
rnr to give security In the mum of live
hundred thousand dollars, and fixing
hia salary at eight thousand dollars , ' re
quiring funds to be put out at the best
rate of interest, not more than ono-half
to Iwo deposited In one Institution:month
ly statements to be made to the Auditor
General, etc. .
Motions to fix the salary M five, three
and ten thommtidliollare were all lota.
Mr. STRAND offered the following
That the OPmmiaolonera of the Shaking
Fund are hereby' authorized to purehaae
from ttme to time for redemption each
amounts of State inane or nortitleatere of
Indebtednen, an the tondo on hand in
their opinion may Justify, at a price not
ozeoeding the market value of curb cer
Mr: DAVIS offered an amendment
simply requiring the Commissioner*, of
the looking fend to expend the balance*
by semi-annual pfxrchasee of State securi
ties. Loot-60 nay. to 23 ayes.
The ayes were Misers. Adaire, All
bright, Amos. Bowman, Cloud, Coady,
Davin, Delninger, Dill," (Adami,) Dlll,
(Union,) Elliott, Hen Illft; Hong,
Keene, - Miller,(Philadelphia.) Moat.
gomery, Porter,York,)StokeseXhomas,
Willey, and Strang, Speaker. •
The nays were . Meagre. Armetrong,
Beano, Balloon, Brobeit; Brawn Boning.
ton, Chamberlaini Church, C ooper, Co
rey, Croft:, Darlington, Dlmmlck, Ellis,
Engelman, Poroyth, Fenton, Godachalk,
Hall, Harvey, Humphreys, Han 1, John
son. Crawford, Johnston, (Phila.) Keeeh,
Keifer, Kerr, Krepa, Leonard, boodle,
Longenecker, McAteer, McCracken,
McCreary, McJunkin, McMahon, Mar
ahall, Maxwell, Millar, (Allegheny),
Porter, (Cambria,) Itehnsetil, Roberta,
4 4 ,3
Robinson, Ro rer,Schnatteriy, Schwartz,
Sedgewick, urlock, Snyder, - Steele,
(Armstrong to hens, Stone, Taylor,
Tyler, Vankirk, Walton, Webb, Wheeler,
White, Wooleyer.
A general discussion °mined, In which
Mceare. White, Vankirk, Johnson, El.
Witt: Strang, Davie, Dlll, (of Itnion,)
Brown, Craig, Johneon, . (of Crawford,)
and others participated. I
. Finally, without acting upon Mr.
Strang'', amendment. the Committee of
the Whole, which had been considering
the bill. rose and reported pmgrees.
Mr. JOHNSON; of Crawford, moved to
refer the subject to uspecial committee.
Finally the bill' was postponed '
next Tuesday evening. - •
Hr. CHit it Introduced an act 'to yell
date deed. hereteforo Made to bar estates
tall, in the eounty.of Allegheny.-
Also, an wit to provide for the payment
of Wm. 0. Buchanan an Captain of Oonc•
patty H, Eighth Regiment Cavalry, Penn.
aylvanla Volunteers. ,
—The President of the 'Mardi Consti
tutional Convention yesterday presented
a oommuniestion from the State Auditor
re!atlve to the condition of the Truatee's
"variant In the awe of the State of Illinois
vs. Ex Gov. Joel A. Matteson. It shows
Wit the amount of the claim against
Matteson, , , inaluding interest, was
f2tit1,61.4. At the sale .of the defendant'',
land the State bid to the amount of the
Judgment and interest. The Trustee
.ime received from the redemption and
Bale of said Janda the sum of 1194,491
Ife has paid into the State Treasury and
rreenaind for !hemmerlllo,3lo, leaving
In big bands on pecemke T the
Rumor 13,107.. _. ' H
—At 2dinneopolls, Minnesota, the
boildlnvi and Improvements for 18C2
amount to one million of.dollars, an , In•
crease of a quartet' of a %piton over IMB.
A new cotton mill la eomplbted and will
sown be running; a horse car railroad in
coinplsied sand. In operation. On the
21st Met. the city will vote upon the
question of healing two hundred' and
nfty thovoiAtyt dollarel worth of bonds' as
a bonne io Ii building the new outlet
railroad r., lows, thence to connect
with lir:, •: , 1 Iho Pennsylvania Central
and Chi -'t Lop la.
,ommittee conalating of
Foster, Willey, SJog
and Li ItTPW York Conference
of the Itpbmopal Church, met
on 5,,r the purpose of preparing
a re; ,^ . -; INtwrooce to the propofted
nun, - qchialt women to the min.
latry, milt be brought prominently
hero! uferenee at Da aeration to be
4nlo next. The. preliminary
PnIT revert were agreed upon,
ant ; • - ament will be put In shape
Jp u.. of a few dirs.
C • 9 ►►
• t FEBRUARY 9, 1870
(SECOND SF-,4510N.
(By Tele:mph to the Plc tursb Basotta.)
WaSaisferroff,-February 8, 1670.
The Vice President submitted resolu
tions of the, lowa Legislature ratifying
the XVIII Amendment.
Mr. SUMNER, froM the Cammittesean
Foreign Relations, reported n bill to pro.
vide for the appointment of Solicitor of
Department of Stile and for additional
clerks in the Department.
Mr. SHERMAN, froth the Finance
Committee, reported a resolution re.
questing the President to meditate cor
respondence with Great Rotate and
other foreign powers with a view to pro
mote the adoption, by the Legislatures
of the several. powers, -of a common
standard of international coinage, and
that Such correspondence be submitted
to Common. Adopted; r""
Mr. TIPTON Introduced a bill granting
lands to aid in the construction of a rail
mad from Dakota Territory to lowa.
Mr. RAMSEY introduced a bill' au
thorizing the .Northern Pacific Railroad
to Issue bonds for the construction of
their road, and to secure the same by
mortgage. Referred.
Mr. ABBOTT offered a resolution call
ing upon the. President for information
as to how, much of the appropriations
bereMfore made, amounting to 84000 ;
900, to provide for the defence of certain
suite known as cotton cases, pendingg. In
the Court of Claims, had been expended,
and how. Agreed to.
Mr. EDMUNDS offered a resolution,
whichwai agreed to, calling upon the
Postmaster tlenoral for information of
the number and Coat of blank petitions
and circulars for the abolition of the
franking privilege Bent from the Peat
office Department since September Int,
1501, etc.
•Mr. DRAKE called up the resolution
to aniend the rules of the Renato so as to
provide that hereafter Indian treaties be
considered In open session.
The resolution was so &Mended as not
to apply to treaties tranamitted . by the
President forzonlidential consideration,
anti agreed to. •
- -
- The West Point appropriation bill and
bill setting apart a portion of Fort Snell
ing military reservation for a permanent
military post and In settlement of all
claims relating thereto, were passed.
Thelfill to relieve all persona, named
therein from all legal and notate/el dlea.
bilitles Imposed by the Fourteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of the
United States was taken up. It contains
a large number of names of persona in
the lately rebellions States; Various
amendmenta, Inserting additional names,
were agreed to and the bill passed,
'rho Census bill was then taken up and
Mr. SUMNER. spoke in support of the
Rouse hill.
Mr. MORRILL. of Vermont, moved to
amend by providing that the census
shall embrace additional statistics upon
the subjects of petroleum, molasses,
grape wine, cocoon silk, wages of labor,
telegrapher, railroads, fisheries and tim
ber lands.
At 4.12 the Renate voted to go into
Executive session.
Prior to which Mr. MORRILL, of
hiatus, from the Committee on Appro•
prlationa, reported with amendmenta the
House bill tosupply deficiencies in naval
appropriations, by Increasing the appro
priations for tits bureem of steam en
gineering from 0500,000 to 11,000,000, and
the appropriation for the bureau of con
struction and repairs from *1,000,000 to
Mr. WILLIAMS introduced a bill
granting lands to aid In the conatruction
of a railroad and telegraph line from
the Columbia river to l'uget Sound. Re
'Kr. CONKLIN°, from the Committee
on .Commerce, reported with amend.
manta. a bill to preront odcroachmefita
upon the harbors of the United Stater.
Upon tho expiration of the Executive
seurnon, the Senate adjourned.
Mr. I'AINE. Chairman of the Com
mittee nu McMinn, gave notice he
would at onion future day offor a resolo.
Lion providing thin all d ay
of contested
elections shall ho tried separately by a
jury drawn from the members of the
House, each party having the right to
challenge until tbe_twelve are drawn.
The reaolution was ordered printed.
The resolution offered yesterday by
Mr. Ladle, declaring the publication In
the Globe of printed petitions against the
franking privilege, as 10.411011 under the
direction of the Postmaster General, to be
a wasteful exixiuditu re of public money,
and•directing the discontinuanoe of such
publication, came up as the first baldness
In order.
Mr. Lenin supported, and Messrs. Lo.
Rao and Allison opposed the resolution.
During the 'discussion it earns out that
the daily coat of the publication of the
Globs was from $1,200 to $1,300. •
Mr. DAVIS suggested in amendment
to abolish the paper, which Mr. LAFLIN
refused to accept.
Mr. DARFIRLD desired •to offer an
amend meet 'declaring the continuance of
the Globe • a wasteful expenditure -of
money and directing the Committer) .ou
Public Printing to Inquire into the ex
pediency of its discontinuance.
Mr. LABLIN regarded the proposition
eminently proper at the proper time,
but declined to admit it in connection
with his resolution.
Mr. D&AFIELD advOcatod . his aneolti
lion. He regarded lila Proboeitton as
ono which would not only promote gen.
oral economy, tut would maim the ens
alone of Congress more buaineselike and
give members such - a' status as they I
ought to have before the country.
After further discussion by Messrs.
Strong. Conger, Vo3rhees and Blair, Mr.
Mr. taillu's resolution • was. on motion
of Mr. FARNSWORTH, laid on the table
by a vote of 72 to 53.
Mr. INGERSOLL asked leave to Intro
duce, for reference to the Judiciary Um:
mitten, a joint rtaolution proposing to
amend the Conalltution by adding an
article as follow.:
"The Conran *hall have power to
tattle tinned States note* awl may,mak
them a legal tender In payment or
Mr. KNOTT objected.
Mr. INGERSOLL gave notice that he
would introduce It the first opportunity.
Mr. McCARTHY made a peraonal ex.
planation, to the effect that certain impu•
tattoos againit him In the New York
Exerting Pod of February 2d, relative to
the duty on salt, were untrue. He had
defended that tutored, breams] It was an
Interest of his district and was one of the
industries of the country.
Mr. PORTER .asked leave to offer
resolutions as to 'the incompetency of
John 1: Marye, appointed Lieutenant
Governor of hold office.
Mr. BROOKS objected.
Mr. JUDD introduced a bill making
an appropriation for the enlargement of
the harbor of Ghlooro. Referred.
Mr. CHURCHILL, from the Commit
tee on Elections, called up the report in
the cane of the Twenty-flrat • Congrea•
clonal District of Pennsylvania, with
resolutions that Henry D. Foster is not
entitled to the seat and that Jon. Covode
Is. 'He proceeded to address the House
In advocacy of the report.
• Mr. RANDALL took the floor to. ad.
dress the House In favor of the !Maim of
Mr. Foster. but ylolded temporarily for
other business.
Mr. WillTrintilßE, from the Flacon
'tart:nion Committee, reported &dill to
remove political illimbilittee from certain
Forams and to &lately* them from taking
the teat oath. Itecommitted.
.. • .
The bill for the temporary relief of the
poor of the. District of (Womble was
takep from the Speaker's table, the Homo
amendnihnle lasiste4 on And a conference
committee asked.
Mr. LOUAN Introduced • a joint resent.
tion for tho payment to tho faintly of the
late Secretary of War Rawlins of one
year's salary, leas the amount paid to
him us salary before We doath. Pamela.
Mr. STRICF_IAND lntrriduced a bill
for the improvement of the barbers of
Ontonagon, Marquette and Eagle Harbor.
Michigan.. Referred.
The contested election ease wee then
resumed. While Mr. 4andair woo ad.
dreating the House lie yielded to Mr.
PAINE, who asked to be's:cased
from farther sorrier) on the . Committee
on .W 00 1 .101 34 telberking that wbllo bie
personal reletione with all Its members
were pleasant, there weroaueh diffqatman
of opinion between some or them and
himself on vital uneetkme underlying
their duties, that bethought it beet to be
Mr. 114iNDALL declined to yield the
floor for that purpose. and. hoped the
gentleman would not ho excumed.
Without concluding hie remarks, Mr.
Randall yielded for ntnotion to adjourn,
Pal the limns at 44.5 adjourned.
The Irruption 'in Paris Roche
fort Arrested withint Resist
anes—Subsequentrol nt Dem
onstrations—Ban* Erect
ed in the Streets-114i lad' the
Disorder'—The 7`gops Roddy,
but Not Yet Called lipon—reable
from Wales to Musk Island—
Speech of Queen lieteria to the
English Earlhutmit
(By Tolegropti to the P)tttbuzaessette.)
PARTIN February 7 .—ESL'se.—libudr.
fort was arrested at Wei Saddam* _at
.11allevIlle. In thoportbeutera part of the
city at an early boor, this ervening. Ells
friends are assembling In great crowds
and serious riots are anticipated...
PARIS, February -&-2.e.'w.—LA‘.TER—
The trouble. at Belleville are seilelle.
The streetastre tilled with shouting peo
ple, and barricading hasehmtnenced. A
detachment of troops baa mired.
STILL LATER-8 A. ici—llarrlcsdes
have been erected lnFenburg, Tommie,
Rue St. Marie, Rue Grarete, • Aux Belles
and other streets in the vicinity of Belle
The Beene of dieturbanew la near the'
Northern and Strasbourg Railway Sta
tion. Additional datatelunents of troop.
have arrived, but firearms have not as
yet been used.• The troops in the parr!.
eons In the vicinity of the-city have or
ders to hold themselves in readiness to
move at a moment's! notice. Great pre
cautions are being taken be the military
authorities. It is believed that the riot
will not be attended with any serious
consequences.' •
PARR% Feb. 8-7 A: w.—irhe troubles at
Bellereille lasted all night and have ex
tended northward to Ls Illette, the ex
' tremenortheasternarron lasement with.
in the fortifications. - T troops have
not yet resorted to fire The police
are active and have made many arrests.
Beyond the excitement , zietnrally Incl.
dent to inch occasions, the rest of the
city Is tranquil. The Government con
tinuee precautionary measures. -
Noorc.—The following details of the
disorder in the northeastern arrondisse
meet . are gleaned from the newslaperic
Rochefort wea arras as be wag on
the point of entering a ptlcal meeting
In the Rue do Fiends krunnlne from
Belleville to La Villette.. 4.lthough there
was a great crowd of people present,
mainly his own partiasas, he nude no
resistance and no appeals to the crowd.
Aegean as the arrest warm/tee known
to the meeting, the wildest Hoene. no.
coned. Gustave Flemming who' pre
sided, rose excitedly, dre w' a sword,
fired his revolver and declared the in
surrection bad begun.. The meeting
broke up in disorder and a crowd
under the leadership of Plourene Imme
diately proceeded to barricade the
streets. This wee accomplished without
lons of time by the emeeteation of omnl.
buses and other vehicle, froth stables in
the neighborhood: ••
A comminsary of pollee, who accom
panied the guard charged with the duty
of arresting Itochefort, was forced along
with the crowd and body Injured by
their maltreatment.
The district lying between the Rue du
F . '...Lrir On ['ample and the fannies.
VAlette____, a of about
=lee, was 11-3—theblciOrther
rioters. At eleven o'clock a body of
pollee charged the barricade lu Rue do
Fauburg Du Temple, and attempted to
carry it, but was repulsed. One of the
commissaries wax dangerously :wounded
and one policeman killed.
At other Name buck...sullen had Rico
been erected, but they were not de.
' The military are now out In force, but
st ult far have made no use of their Ytre
acme, although the basements have. The
latter had pillaged the armoriea and in
that way obtained their weapons. Sev
eral policemen were wounded with these
in daikinlehess early In the evening.
• A great number of arrests have been
made. At three o'clock this morning
over three hundred persona had been
taken Into custody and imprisoned In the
barracks of Prince Eugene. Many were
mere boys, all armed and moat of them
nder the Influence of liquor.
It be reported that. Gustave Flourerus,
who Is looked upon as the loader of the
rioters, had been arrested, bat Ude is not
eenflrmed. He la said to have ammo need
to his mother before going from home to
the meeting, that if Rochefort were ar. '
rested she probably would never see him
again. At this hour all la quiet,
• 6 v. the Corps Legislatif today
M. Herein', one of the liberal Deputies,
demanded to know why Rochefort was
not arrested' before going to a political
meeting whore eve thousand persona
were assembled. It was not necessary
that this meeting should have been thus
disturbed, and the people who were par
ticipating In it aroused to violence. The
act of the Government was a provocation
to the disturbances which took place.
A member of the Ministry explained
that the authorities had refrained
from arrealing Rochefort at the Cham
ber", to avoid the scandal to which his ar.
rest at with a place would give rise. He
asserted that the friends of Rochefort
were prepared to. make the demonstra
tion which they had made, and upon this
fact the Ministry would rest the reopen.
eibMty of what had taken place. The
country would judge between the Min
istry and the rioters. He said there
need be no unnecesuiry uneasiness for
the people. The GoVernment was ani
mated by the best isentimente towards!
The Minister of the Interior_fellowed
with the assertion that the friends of
Rochefort bad determined upon a do•
monstration had Rochefort been arrested
at the. Chambers. M.. Oillvier praised
the conduct of the police In dealing with
disorders. He acid they bad acted with
prudence and humanity.
LONDON. Feb: B.—The news of the
arrest of Rochefort and its eonsequenoen
have made a sensation hero. There are
many rumors afloat, ono that the troops
have tired on the crowd. The rumour,
beaten'', ere generality discredited.
Another cable to Connect Wales and
Rhode Island is shortly to be laid. The
centre* for cable, to short
000,000 pounds,
has jest been signed. •
To-morrow the Oxford University Boat
Crow will accept' the challenge of the
Cambridge crow for the regular annual
Striae the transfer of the telegraph
lines he the Government, the amount of
domestle - telegrams hag Increased fully
Sir Jelin B. Ifsralake "has written a
commnnicatien to the • London Globe,
urging on the Government to notelet's
emfgratlon sag social
Mr. Glad:atone has Written Professor .
Rogers approving of the removal of cler
ical disabilities.
The Queen Is still at Windsor. She
will remain there till the 15th of March.
The steamship Maine, from 13onttiamp
ton, to-day took £31,000 sterling for New
th Th . o 6o ow Speech,,
n d e e x l t veendeedd report ef
by &COM.
Lords and, Genliernen:! We h ave i t in
command from Her Majestyagain to in.
Vito you to resume yourlerdnoun duties,
and to asperse the regret' of Her
?Aplenty • that her recent India.
position has prevented Ater from
mooting you In Pomo. as it had
been her Intention to do. You re•
assemble at it period of remarkable pub.
Ito interest. friendly sentiments are
entertained In all quarters towards this
country, end these feelings Her Ma. -
jelly cordially reciprocates. There is a
growing disposition among nation.
to resort 10 ate good ofh o o o of
their Mlles In cases of international dif.
faience. Prom the conellitory spirit In
which several of Melt owe have recently
been treated and determined, Her Ma.
jeaty has confidence in the maintenance
of the general tranquility. Papers will
be laid before you with reference to the
recent occurrence in New Zealand.
Gentlemen of the Howie of Commons,
the estimates for the itgyfolohlog Mimi=
Cialyear are in a forward elate of pre.
nitration. They are framed with a view,
in the first place, to the effective
maintenance of the public eatab
ibihment, and will Impose a dimin
ished change upon - Her Majesty's
subjects. The condition of the
revenue bas answered the expectatlorm
formed In the-paat seicsion. Her Majesty
trusts you will be disposed to carry Into
completion the enquiry you last year in
stituted Into the mode of conducting
parliamentary and municipal elections,
and thus prepare materials kir early leg.
Lords and gentlemen, It will be proper
to amend the laws respecting the °nen.
nation and acquialtion °nand In lrelan d,
in a manner adapted to the peculiar cir
cumatancee of that country, and calculi.
ted, as Her Majesty bring
about improved relations between the
several claimer concerned in agriculture,
who collectively constitute the—great
bulk of the people. The provisions ma
tured by your Impartiality and wis
dom, as Her 'Majesty
.trusts, will
tend to 'umpire among persons. with
wheal such sentiments may HMI be
'wanting that steady confidence in law
and desire to render assistance In its
effective administration which mark Her
Majesty's sbjects In general. Thin witl
aid cons u olMating the fabric of the
. We are further directed by Her Majesty
to state that many other ail bjects of pub
lic importance appear to demand your
care, and among these especially to in
form yon that a bill has been -prepared
for the enlargement, on a oompirehenalve
scale, of the means of national education.
In fulfillment of an engagement to the
Government of the United States, a bill
will be prooosed to you for the purpose
of defining the status of aubjecta who are
citizens of foreign countries and who
may desire naturalization, and of aiding
them in the attainment of that object.
You will ,be invited to consider _bills
Prepared in compliance with the report
of the Committee on Courts of Judie*.
hire for the improvement -of the Consti
tution and procedure of the superior
tribunal of original appellate juriselle
The question of religious teats in the
Unlvereitles and College. of Oxford and
Cambridge has been under discuation for
many years. Her Majesty recommends
curb a legislative settlement of the flues•
lion aa may contribute to extend the use.
fulness of those great Institutions and
heighten the respect with which they are
1 111, 4 -regarded.
Mer Majesty likewise recommends
on to Undertake the amendment of the
laws which regulate and grant licences
for the sale of fermented and spirituous
Meareffes will be brought under your
consideration facilitating the transfer of
land, for *regulating , the• succession to
real property in casts of inteatacy;
amending laws as to the disability of
members of trade combinations and for
consolidating and Improving the body of
statutes which_relate to merchant ship-.
While committing to you these
weighty, matters . of legialatlon, Her
Malady commands ns to add that the
recent extension of agrarian crime In
in several parts of Ireland, with its train
of accompanying evils, has tilled Her
Majesty with painful concern. The
executive - department has employed
freely the means at its command for the
prevention of outrages, and 'partial Im
provement maybe otserved. Although
the number of offences within this class,
of crime baa been by no means
so great as at former periods,
the indisposition to give evidence
in aid of the administration of Justice has
been alike remarkable sad injurious.
For the removal of such evils, Her Ma.
Jetty pieces main reliance in the perma
nent operation of wive and nooss
nary changea in the laws. She
will not • hesitate' to recommend
the adoption of epeeist provisions,
should finch a policy appear during the
session to ho required by the para
mount inteleste of peace and order. •
Upon these and all other - aubJectitHer
Majesty devoutly pray* that your labors
Inky be eneataTitipartendiedi bythe bless
ings of God.
Lownorr, February B.—..E'veithig.—Oon
eels 923 tor money and My,' sn amount.
American securities quiet and steady:
87. 65's. old,
SIN; Erie, lii N; Illinois Central, 106.!‘;
Great Western, 27.
FRANKFORT, Feu. S.—Bonita firm at
l'Aitte, February 6.—Bourse quiet at
L3VO February B.—Cothin
steady and unnhanged, with Bales 10,01 S)
halts. California white wheat as 10d®
as lid; red weatern 7s 3dg7s 4d; winter
8e Ed; receipts for three dap; 12,500 quar
/era; American 10,000. Flour 10. s lid.
Oorn 26a 3d.- flats, PBllll and Barley un
changed. Pork declining; Baler at 07s 6d.
Cheerio 72e. Beef Hrts. Lard declining,
with Balsa at 725. Bacon 5686 d. Relined
Petroleum Is Ild.
Lornxiw, February b.—Linseed cakes,
£95 9.®95 10. sterling. Sperm OR firm.
Sugar 39 on spot and 28 afloat. Calcutta
Linseed 58a ad. Common Rosin quiet.
Tallow dull at Rig 3d. Reflood Petroleum
Brtbiamr, Feb. 13.-LPetrolonn2 active a
6 Maier., 70 groats. •
IIAttOURO, Feb. B.—Petroleum firm ■
15 mares.
A rcrwanr, February B.—Petroleum
declininge at LB4L.
Itavna, February B.—Cotton_qulet and
Negotiating fora Privateer—Rail
- road Litigation—Removal of
Railroad Shops.'
By Telegranh to the Plttsl;nrib Orntte.l
. Nsw Yorts, February 8, 1870.
It is reported a southern gentleman,
who spent several years In the African
and Asiatic, coasts, is negotiating for a
steamer for use as a privateer against
pirates in the (Mina seas.
Oa Saturday last •j 2,000,000 of old con
etruction bonds on the Hudson River
and Now York Central Railroad'', due
Febroiry let, were paid obi f 1.000,000
was. ropreeented by two prominent
gentlemen, who deuutuded - payment iu
gold. They were cifered currency, and
offered to take it under protect. The
Company refused to accept protest and
finally the currency was accepted -
The Erie Railroad litigation against
Ramsey was again before Judge Barnard
today, and • reference was ordered, to
ascertain whether any officer of the
Court has participated in the al
leged proceedings of Ramsey in vio
' baton of the injunction restraining
him from prosecuting his rnt. The
Court also ordered a reference to ascer
tain -if any attorney of the Court
has berm guilty of a breach of trust.
This is in reference to D. R. Eaton, for
merly counsel for the Erie Company,
who Is alleged to have used his know
ledge of the affairs of the corporation In
drafting the complaint against them.
The Intention to disbar Mtn wan an
nounced If the charge Is proven.
It is stated the "Erie .thmpany are
about to remove their work shops from
Long Bock to Port Jervis, and will die
charge ono hundred and fifty men la the
Jersey City chore.
An evening paper asserts that the
charges against ex•lnepector of Revenue
Stevens '
arrested In St. Muhl and
brought hero, will prove sheer fabrica
A severe storm In thls ally occasioned
much delay to, travel. and prostrated
many of the telegraph whoa. .
Railroad Convention at selithouport.
(Ily Telegraph to the 11MM:web Ossette4
. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa.. Feb. t- Ono
hundred delegates from the northern
railroad conManlee of Pennsylvania and
Western New York mot today to devise
meson for building an Independent
direct railroad from the Jersey Shore to
Buffalo. The meeting wav quite enthu
siastic and there 'memoio be no doubt
that the Buffalo arid Washington Rail.
road will connect with the Pine Creek,
Jersey Shore and State Line Road at
Volt Allegheny. A Committee was an-.
pointed to carry out the design of the
upper Rivers.
Oldirtranoito, Feb. B.—River Madan
arY with 334 feet water In the ehgnneL
Snowier; thermometer 34-deg. at 4 r. Y.
OIL enr, Feb. B.—,River at-'ar eland
with 20 Indira water In channel.
-Weather bloody: thermometer 27 deg. at 6
The Spanish 'Mission—Disability
Measures Nominations —Re
tired Officers Relieved, &c., &c.
(87 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WASITINOTON, February J, 1570.
The Senate ( . 3°mi:tittles on Foreign Re
lations have agreed - to report favorably
on the nomination of General Slekles as
Minister to Spain.
The Reconstruction Committee today
instructed their chairman to report a
universal disability bill, requiring peti
tion and application to the courts, and
an individual disability bill covering
about three hundred names and includ
ing all persona who have been heretofore
recommended for clemency. In view of
the action of the Home on a bill of the
Committee on Elections, propoeing the
selection of Jurors from members or the
House to try contested cases, the latter
is for the present held In abeyance.. •
The following nomination,' were lent
to the Senate to-day: Joe. A. Battler, Jr.,
S. Consul, Acapulco; Silas Reed, of
Missouri, Surveyor General, Wyoming
Territory; Frank Wolcott, of Kentucky,
Receiver of Public Moneys, Wyoming
Territory: Chas. C. Crown, of Alabama,
Register Land OMoe. Wyoming Territo
ry; Sam'] R. Franklin, to take his origin
al position as Commander in the Navy.
General Sherman has issued general
Orders carrying into effect the am of .
Congreas relieving all retired officers
from duty. The order takes effect Feb
ruary 21st.
The Senate Foreign Committee today
agreed to report a supplemental article to
the recipncitytreety with the Sandwich
A snow storm commenced. last night
and continued till daylight. The ground
le-covered to the of two.inchee.
Mumbling of the 'Legislature—Menage
of Gov. Walker.
[Hy TeleerePh o the Ilttsburgla Hazen,/
RICHMOND, Feb. B.—The Legislature
met at noon today. The Hamm, by a
vote of 109 to 10, adopted p resolution
asking Congrees to remove all the politi
cal dinabilities of the people of Virginia.
The colored members voted for the
resolution, the negatives being the white
members of the extreme faction.
The Governor's 'amperage was read. He
congratulated the Legislators that they
are the lawfully constituted General
Assembly of the sovereign State of Vir
ginia, a State that, notwithstanding
rundateontel conditions se futile
u Unnecessary, Is coequal - In all her
rights and, prerogatives with any and
every State in the American Union.
You and I havo been qualified by taking
the acme oath of office, and we hare
solemnly pledged ourselves before
Heaven to support and maintain the
Constitution cud laws of the United States
as well as of the State of Virginia; that
we recognize and accept the civil and
political (quality of air men before the
law, and that we will faithfully perform
our ,tflicial duties to the beet of our abili
ty. A strict and conscientioue °beery
once of thin solemn obligation will
redound to the peace and . prosperity
of the State and be a vindication
of the just expectations of the people anti
our friends everywhere. It In your duty
to make lawn; mine to execute them.
Fulfill your duty, and I pledge you a
faithful and fearleita execution of mine.
• Ottheritate Constitution he says: Ita
provisions "hall have a fair and impsuiliS
trial, and when, if ever;experlenee shalt
demonstrate the inutility or im •
tinny of any of them, we will proemial&
make - Snell modifications as necessity
may demand. Themantfestation of.ffitinc
faith by others affords no justification
for a departure from - the path of right by
no. The ancient and proverbial reputa
tion of the people of this commonwealth
for honor and integrity will be maln•
talned, Geordies,' -of the genialr and
fanatical vituperations of our enemies at
home and abroad.
The Governor advocates the encour
agement of emigration Into the State,
and nays any attempt to reopen the norm
of the war tor party .purposes should bo
frowned down. He concludes: Always
a firm and - consistent unionist, I expect
to live and die one, Beyond thin, the
chief tenets of my political faith are State
and National unlirnlshed honesty
and economy In the administration of
punlic affairs; the equalization and
reduction of the tariff and taxation to
the lowest degree consistent with
the maintenance of public credit;
free education for all; a fostering
care, encouragement and elevation of
labor; and until folly, finally and • pre
matteutly accomplished, universal am.
nasty and Impartial atiffnige. These are
the fundamental principles in my politi
cal creed, and It matters not what you
may call them, • whether Republi
can, Democratic or . Liberal, no
far as applicable they will be faithfully
adhered to In my administration of the •
affairs of the State. Those Who agree
with them will .natorallyl sustain and
uphold the admlnistratiO% while those
who disagree with them may oppose. -
The Legislature adjourned after filing
Thursday next for the election of State
—Prince Arthur left Peabody, Maim
ycaterday afternoon direct for Montreal.
—A. fire at Bay City, W 1.., yesterday,
destroyed property to the amount a
1 5 . 0 ,000. •
—About three Inches of snow fell be.
fore daylight at Philadelphia yesterday,
after which it began raining.
—A Geran colony, consisting of one
hundred a n d sixty residenfa of Chicago,
hare started to (blorsdo, where they
will locate lands.
—Tho liabtlltlen• of D. W. Flog.
tobacco merchant at Hartford, (ban.,
who Made an weignment recently, will
amount to ;100,000.
eche= for he divielon of tbeState
of Missouri, witht h eh Missouri river as
the dividing line, has been defeated in
the State legislature. .
—Monday night a laborer named Sny
der was cut in two by a train of cars al
Milburg, Ohio, while attempting to crawl
under from aide to aide.
— Mr. Billings. Member of the Illinois
Constitutional Oonventionfrom hiadloon
county„ has bean taken to the 11:114130
asylum at Canandaigua, N. Y.
—A. boiler explosion occurred in Lu
nn'. steam brewery, at Louisville, yes
terday, killing a hone and damaging
property to the amount of $l5OO.
—Thb Democrats of the Missouri Legis •
lature havo resolved, in caucus,. to sup.
Port the proposition for the enfranchise
ment of all disfranchised persona
—The Connecticut Republican State
Con/sullen will meet. Senator
Rockingham will probably prewide.
The renomination of blov. Jewell la re
garded certain.
—A severe expiration of gas occurred
Monday night in Boston, damaging pro.
pert3i-pkthe extent of ;WOO, but doing no
person&-InJury, The explosion wait
caused by • leak Ina cellar.
—A. C. Martin has been arrested In
Baltimore and taken to Cincinnati,
charged with obtaining money from
cartons parties is the latter city on tho
pretence of entering baldness..
Dobbs bee been elected
Justice of the Peace of Jersey Landing
township, Jersey county,,4llinols, by a
majority of twentysix. This Is the drat
woman ever elected to Milne in Illinois. •
—The resignation of Dr. Andrew Mc-
Pa rland. ll operintendent of the Illinois
Insane Asylum. at Jacksonville, which
wee tendered one
year age, has been
finally accepted by the Trustees of the
--A Port Renton dispatch says the hall'
breeds in from the Indian campe oa
Madan report that the Indiana are dying
at the rate of twentylive per day from
the email. pox, and are boning the
whites to spare their lives.
—The Defrauded soldiers' Association
in Now York city numbers one bun.
dreg and eighty mombens and is eon.
Ideally increasing in membership. A,
test casein their behalf will shortly he
tried In the United Mates Court.
=lt ie
statodthst Brasil has established
a military station at Illitieritas. which Is
ntha giotitti of the river is Path), mid
NO. 34.
. .
in a potation commanding all the internal
river commerce of the Small American
republics. The al tootle. of onr Govern
ment hoe been (idled to Ibis fact.
—At Benton, Illinois, on ItiontjaY, Rum
Dutcher committed suicide I, A - hooting
herself through the head.. After thu
shooting she tell into a fire and was bad
ly burned. She wan one of a poor ram.
ity of ten children, and It Is supposed
want and distress drove her to the deed.
—Two aharpora, who registered their
names as Geo. F. Rates and S. R. Gray,
Pittsburgh, havabeen awindlingthe
einosa men of Indianapolis lately, by
Imams of forged drafts and checks, par
chaaing largo amounts of properly, Arc.
They eluded the vigilance of the police
and - escaped. • •
—ln the lower branch of the New Jer
sey Legislature yesterday" a resolution
woo passed asking Representatives In
Congress to urge tho acknowledgment
of Cuban independence, and directing
them to demand the liberation of persona
imprisoned in England for seeking to
gain the independence of Ireland.
—The colored people of Cincinnati
have determined to celebrate the adop
tion of the Fifteenth amendment, by a
daylight parade and a public meeting at
night to hear addressee. The celebra
tion la to be held one week after the offi
cial publication by the Secretary of State
that the amendment has been ratified.
—The adventurous women who have
started a brokerage °Moe in Wall street,
New York, are attracting a largo share of
curiosity, if not business. All sorts of
rumors aro afloat, one are that they
Have brought seven hundred thousand
dollars in the street; and another that
are they backed by Commodore Vander
—The proposition to appoird a female
asslatant superintendent of public schools
has been deteated in the Missouri Legis
lature; also, that colored teachers should
be glveltilie preference In colored schools;
and also, that colored children should
have the pnvilege of attending white
schools where separate schools for col-.
ored children were not establiahed.
—The filial .obsegnise of George Peli
body took place at noon Tuesday, at
Peabody, Maas - , and were carried out
according to programme. The attend
ance was large and the services solemn
and Imposing. Mr. Winthrop occupied
about three-lourths of an hoar In his ad
dress. Prince Author, Admiral Parragut,
Governor Ciento, Minister Thornton,
.Capt• Oammerell . and Governor. Cham
berlain, of Maine, ware among the dis
tinguished persona Present- .
Two workmen, named Jahn Nolan
and Stephen Cregin, engaged on the St.
Paul bridge across the Mleaiaaippi river,
which le now being rebuilt, were on
Tuesday morning precipitated, by the
breaking of a plank, from an elevation
of 0130-41 andred feet to the ice on the
river b atow. On their WAY down they
struck the timber of a temporary scar.
fokling. When taken up both were
alive, but so terribly bruised as to ren
der their recovery Impossible.
the Rinses Legislature, on Mon.
'day, resolutions were adopted instruct
ing Senators and requesting the Repre
sentatives to endeavor to obtain a speedy
adjustment of the rebel Price raid claim,
memoralizing Congress to protect the
frontier, Protesting against a redac
tion of the army, and asking Congress
to appropriate money for building a
court home,. custom and revenue Mee
at Leavenworth, and a Federal Court
House and postotiloe at Topeka.
—A. hole seventy-five feet long, forty.
live feet wide and thirty feet deep has
been blasted In the rock bed of the river
at St. Anthony Balls, Minn. It ins been
cleared of stone, thus exposing a Section
of the tunnel. An enormous tight plug
of timber Is being constructed which
will he forced Into the mouth of, the
tunnel by hydraulic pressure and cOver
ed by a packing of city. Tho river will
then be turned on, and sand, drift. /ce-,
will close the aperture forboring.
FIMTOAS GAZLITTE: Wa tlO not think
its your earrespondent ( - LB. from Clinton
Hearne to think—that it properly belongs
to the company owning the Pan Handle
road to build a • branch from Oikdale to
connect with the Cleveland road at or
near Liverpool on the Ohio river. If
capitalists are not blind to their interests
(and they seldom are,) we think thin
route will be a connecting link in a
grand trunk railway from the lakes to
the seaboard, using the C. & P. toad
from Cleveland to the Ohio river, 'and the
Connellaville •road from Pittsburgh to
- Baltimore. The route is not only finuri.
Ade but comparatively cheap. Crossing .
the Pan Candle at Oakdale and the
Chartiern at Woodville, it would open up
an entirely new field of coal, loan:seal
ble to any other line, except by the
building of lateral ramie. Independent
of a consolidation with the Connellsville,
the prcJected Southern, or any other
road, we regard this as the beat route
by which Cleveland can reach Pitts.
burgh. Even as an independent road
from that point on the Ohio river to
Pittsburgh we would rather take stock
inn than in the Erie Ship Canal. D.
131LazAurra. Feb. 5, 1870.
zwrrx—Dear Sire: At a meeting of the
citizens of the Borough of . Elisabeth,
John M. Stewart In the chair, and Harry
C.Sheriff Secretary, held last evening,
February Sth, it was determined to or
ganize an Infantry Company, and sixty
men at once enrolled themseivee. We
expect the neceseary papers from the
office of the Adjutant General of the
State to enable us to fully organiza at
our next electing, to be held on Ftdsy,
February 11, 1870, by which time we ex
pect our enrollment to number one bun
dred able bodied mon, most of Whom
have served in the late r
I am sir, yours U. C. S.
January 31, 1870. f•
EDITORS GAZETTfi: We are under ob.
Bastions to 0. W. Vincent for the grand
social party .held at Ids residence on the
evening of the 31st. After we bad par
took of the delicious supper he had pre.
pared, wo 'named to some beautiful
songs, esrecially those which were sung
by MIAs Mollie Vincent and Mr. James
I. Wilson; and also thankful to - Mr. Ci.
Reed for his splendid music. They have
our sincere thanks.
12rDlt. mccoork- DEsmEs
tb.t Um gentleman who borrowed ki
Lite and Anatomies' Maps,. aome months *Mee,
will return Mena Intentillately. ht1:176
Tuesday, Fob. 15th, Inst.
Oa whleb °cession will le performed by the fel
streeirthiS i Boricty, l.(lome Let vs blob°
(05tIr psalm) and . .. rif Xy Prayer," by Idea
delssohn. ••Aeris flel,!' imposed for the So
ciety by Prof. dos. Ebert., of Pittabtfrab, besides
a:choice selection from the - works of the beet
composers of miscelleurviee pieces,-Solos.Trlos,
etc.. W with foil orchestral aceempaarment.
The sale of ' li - torrid seals will someserce avr•
1 / 1 111AS. 19th Inst., at 9 o'clock A. It.. at Mk
.mazle Moro of Mellor 6 Hoene. 53 Firth
Admission. *1- No extra elms,. for mama
tits. Fandi r SO anis. Ild/slto
st.elt —Alarm , . well PRIM brick dwelilnyhou •
In good inration, near stress ears, pities In
(mot. douldrimrinta. 'wide ball. II or moms.
Lot 90 n. In rev rl• by 141111,1 T. •Iley.
alp, two Id story slit slim, dooms. eget ball
awl four rnnms, Moat* my Market • L., itArgite
ny. Lol 36 It. by 111111 , de•palL3,
EI..(ArT/11l It It JO r .%ttllsß.
- •• • 3SISL‘ Lb avenue.
_LA id goose:wen of LIGHT GRIT IRON,.
(CAI. SalirliMr•lec.
With; wort our owcialtr. loon Jcam ROL.,
:MT; rti ii:h7ll7l;=nlZZVan!
Waco urea W...ta. mar Outer Groot, Alleghoul
Car. rogtothco a•td.rnsi. Lock BoX3OI. Pitts.
bur gh, rt. - • ja . :US •
I3EngtiNA.l4.--Allwitons seek-
HOM R 3, or hers mans V 11.11
lat ,rill gave Mr% lroul.le .4 motley 17 pro.
'orloq g cow, of ibe “I•II763UHULI }MAL
IMAfk 811,3131131.." 14Is given ag•47. 3 . , 39
or wllt Do colt by hall ?Rig foamy Teigegth3lll.
Verson, eArtota 1•11 04 get aolted man( tee Jgr gg
It.t 3 ocssastus. (.BUTT i r1111.L11%, Pelt.
13bers and 11.1 Y. 131341 Agents, No. _
and wn?
I. th. leo, and chuoist
4 .nraper publi.hed la ,Weiltera PenaeylTaale.
fanner, tocellals'.or morclart shoold to
Clods of ten..........
• oopy U fornlohed ontationoty to SU ilittor
ooof • dub of tea. rp.taukatetv fno requests
to not ma went*.
"Lase," 4.lvat4a," u-Abund,""Boardhqh"
noi exceeding POUR LENZ% win
Ge inurini in these aolsonsf am Jbr
tionat Una FITZ CR&2
11 , 11TANTIRD..—A good steady BOY
All• IF as the tirocery Iltore. No. 20 DIANOWn.
TirANTED.—Fifty Coal ar
Ore ?Others. no OM, rtql 10 p.y, lad We
PO Tooth e mines. trot, rat an n•^ud for
11ft y . tl7rsrtitt-44A1l a.t.:,71:27.74417;
WAN TtD.—To borrow $9,000
„MtoetWO Oa IMMIX VILNA oagh.ll
_gum... A. U., G•zrri,sorlae.
1 - XTA lIVE D.— *n experienced
thoroughly amtuntalon nrith Jew LRMI
from the nig. None ether need Zmnalre
as tingarrn4/Mert • - -
will be ',Allred for nye w“ Ibt
thon.and (10.000) FRET or CURB lITONZ.
to be delivered PRiaborgh or Lawman:4l,W.
Meat he of Treepart or Rapti" stoa,
CA-SHAM be ~a 1 • on delivery, retaledilt •per
centage for fainilment of contract. Address,
0.27i11tf Real Estate Anent,. LawlenierVUblv
$30,000 to Loan la largo or .6.11• Salotati.
at • fair rote oklnVrest.
ELL Bond and Reid fatale Braun.
. 2io..l79ltrabJeld strepS.
Ifa furalthcd room. by • goatlonaa sad
Addren. with ten. &Id location, J. H.
E., e.znn o,,us.
FORRENT.—The Three.litery
BUICK WAX/COOL:8Y In Chorea rialay,
rear of No. 1110 WOO 4 strut, formerly obeapled
oY W. Illuadorf.t Co. as a drama Taolory.
Inquire of W.CIT. LA.Na CO .
2 s :No. 119 anti 174 Neael,.
T O -LET.-At nazlewood
TRIM, on Connellrellle Railroad. about 10
AC ES gp 1.A.4/, well planted with abeam
hull trees In bearleg;: also a large Bun sad part
of lfanelen Horse. Inquire alder. StAatilfe
E. WOVDS: on the premises,. or 13.11113 A.
MoKILAN. 145 hoots then4e. Ilteptrah.
yo.tor.—No. 41Parlors, Cngress St.
Vestibule. Pao tla o
rso amnion.
ritz...E . T . .. 77 , h p Large stem
fitgann:t.z—bworri: raw,
0 -LET.— ROOMS. Sever ne. large and wen Pronldled tom. In a
L O inz !neut., quiet and no to bantam,
eau be bad by itezalesen aa Ad/tying biome.
NUiTll Tat. rooms are very neal rabic. 'Cavite* at 43
nTREET, laze band. .
?P0 LET.—A Suit of Rooms
nomPrbine Two Law, wed fleeted .f.ost
- Rooms on Slnd floor. One Wee, welt 114httK
front Ramon 3rd floor. One lore. Ilalli•Ita
two ante-rooms on 4th floor. One Store Zoom,
Orin Boor, No. 95/1. to Nulntshl• 0.4
'Toone. For teem tropOrn of. A. B.
KNOLINH CO.. No. 98 fourth mese°.
legulre of ROOMS AND orrwaii.
GAZZ &Ka 09.,
96 Fifth avenue
F°!!„.. SALE. Tin
lflr ners , '
44, -C W,4ll'
egx. A174 1 :4 1 . 4 maAla f r 31 * a
• 111
_11.! otfsred for sale to
thehliboat and
grib b e i ' kg; M o c As'ethAf4 1110','4113.21.%
Ultlisien., Itu r tne b lauds unionising Wont,.
These lands contain Inexhanstlatesulves of ons
and coal, and Ma Zurnase oss la fag blast
Mukluk batons Rot Blast ChareolrolllrdaT.
7. 1%N • ' B a l nbrlJMUloanfy, 0130.
• •
FOB SALE.-1 Steam Engine
to grate. In_goeal evening order; la
whaling, aleaang, Walking Beam sad_ win •
Inn !t
I Rate. all as oed ae new. Alw, TWO 111
old Inn. Can the seem at to. Works.e.
oughloeheng Ow Coal Comp.). We& Nam
n. Pa.
• ;1.711
SALE.—Stock and Fix
.11:111.14S„ LITABE AND I.IOOD WILL.. of •
Oret-etass Ornery, dole[ • godl bettneza. Th•
a•tetalgned bd.* eesenett In other Nohow l•
the mean for selling. O. W. PUS*Y, 49 Fed
eral street. Alleehenv.
Within the city Ifmns. WAI b 6 ssild cheat:mat!
ea easy terms. Env:lre of WM BLAKELY.
Att .rney-at-Lase, 91 Grant sin et. tal7sll
. .
the Stearn Presses had h Ihrga gethatlty
type. More work than they e.a tam eat.
if /fah had Thaahl Stmt.
Ron PA LE.—En gimes and Roll
-••EILS, Raw and &condi Mad, of all Mad,
conetantly 'on band.
• • 'JAY RD HILL CO.. •
Cope , •
Pa. Menne and 1 . ..1;W. it (1. LW..LW..Allegheny.
ably)at three etory BUICK DWICT.LRIG....---..;"
. leeched. If o. AO Ulm avyinte. tte ..:
g Tsi; :tied Tll:Pgrig.zoi.aavu-r.
in Si! the mow range In kitchen. Solo !Un- i..
ased ...niter of thvy's Alley. II Iriruckleil ii
.sod """ ! 'd. ,Sirit " Vail tiIIT I V I, to. J
.NO• 115 Pcorth 0va".16.
—1 , 1017.1 i AND LOT. No. 16 Le Beetroot.
nd ward. Allegheny. Hcara,S Mary Br et
of rooms. well flolabed • , (1 complete. Lot BO
by BY tan wky. flood frame Maeda qa rear of
lot. Thla prc atm ls wonky the attentloa of
deeming topurchase real estate. AA • home on
ocelot , e localon and eonyealmece. or as
.1 treatment. It would rendes. by moles, mega
per cent. on the cost. Terms easy. nice IoW.
For fanh.r Information. apPIY
St DlaintdrAldlellay.
FOR 113.14,E.
The sabserlber *Sera for sale Irirrsur
L a Ito SSIZED BUILDING LOTS, attested on
Dentate street. near 1b (AIWAMerl' Is the
Sixth ward, Allegheny. The locatloli aw.f
the most pleasant and healthful' la the altY.
'These tots will be sold - at a' mall whims aa
drat eon and on emy tense; elastof lots 11461
13 feet. A 1.,, NNW Tot i .tuour sad'
BUCK.WAGGON, and 1 oirr:kolsa sae a
TWO-1106n WAGON.
lIINZ—BOUSE.No. SISOLAinek sto w ,
eentalelng9l.ool2ll, hot and cold 'ratio.. icc., ae. •
HOUSE. Net 10. Western &Tema. eons/ or
.i.ette.olsloing 0 rooms salt/LW
ma. laquuur
Awrzainnix.l perrmisox,
At Umber Yard, camas at laateta risible
streets. 81 sts ward. Alter. Hey. tie SI
sad, riv i s wel t , 411
b0rt..! . ..,.. a tT.ed at id ' laewteilta„ twin
wad, on Nosaay. 'inn • •
Price 50 Griefs.
90, 92 and 94 Grand Street.
1,1414. JUStPUSLIPItir.D.,
Forty - eight Pie Lures.
ZligraTi d la the Bed 1t71.* or,
The Principal Points of
, Interest
in the Great iTeireßepir.
rnmotneed try the pew ..113 chasten sal mat
beaultal YOlttt. fiat ittllgfl.'!
r:10t, ?spar Corot; SO Cents; Cc,. 11. -
90, 92 and 94 Grand SiflNds
41 11.21 free. by midi, to atty eIAreYA .40110.0,
4 ".77