FINANCIAL. Anion Bin, NO, 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSIIVIIGH. MICR cArITLI. 11200,0 Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OF D031`01.17111' ANDDZIPOOET. JOHN Vl,Ol . 0 WY. /LOYD. Vrehldcut. (Whin, umsCreng. • , TAO.. M. l[= • •Nha i lreir d ', ::bjorrg: 14: ~,...,,.. cu.. 8.1.,,h,L. W. Hold. —lot.. nod. Thin Ilsot I. mow WI, omen fired ►sd prepartd to do a ..o.ral 11.akIng bil.lue.s. .._t_ldk 4, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought ot Highest P,r[u s. B. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and sth Avenue JAMES To BRADY & CO., E:==! Corner. Fourth Avenue and Wood St, 13 A.I%T . 'Klaus, Huy and .11111 lands of £IOI.'RNIL'NT SEaTMTTES, GOLD, SILVER MW COUPONS, OR MOOT FAVOILLELIS TX/M. Or Interest Jalowed on Deposit& I. ??tonfirjoAt at e . on horernment honed • • Orders exeeu ed for the rtneethene Led Rate of ISTOCALeI, 80/11)111 odd NOLO. SAVES T. BRADY & CO, egittsintrO etaitttc tetiANCE JAND TRADE. Genes OP 'Trailing= Gaxerre, lidexpay, Feb. 7, 1870. The upward• movement in gold and stocks was checked today, and the mar keta became very unsettled for a time, cloning, however, firmer and with a general improvement from the lowest point. Gold oponod at 120%@120%, advanced to 12154, and clotted at 120%(4120% , . The general impression about gold is still In favor of higher prices, which seem to be warranted by the decrease of the gold held by the city banks of Now York from over forty millions to thirty eight millions, and the begin • ning of abipments of speck, to Europe. Bonds in England are barely steady, but at Frankfort are strong. In some aeries like the 1881 a there la at present a profit In shipping them from Eroope. New leskaare also weak,, as well as , all bonds where the option of the Govern. meat has expired, or to about expiring. There Booms to be. however. no cause for • that, since bonds would have to - advance to par la gold behove the Government can redeem them and pleas new five • per cents on the market. The etcck market began to advance, , when. .after Ohio and Mississippi had suddenly advanced to 12W,. Beading 97%. Inks Shore 865 4 . Fort Wayne 90%, ann Cleveland 9034, the Now York Cen tral prude a retrograde movement and fersticuslly declined from 98% to 96%, Beading eold down to 96%„ Lake Shore 85%. Fort Wayne 61154, Northwest corn - mon 72%. The only stock that about held its own was Ohio and. Misaarippl, which was taken In hood by cliques on , ' • Saturday. Judging from the extreme ewe of the money market, this down - ward movement appears to be gotten up especially for the purpose of working a ethers Interest in those stocks, and run them - far above any:-prices Vet reached since the September panic. The unusual ease of the money market, however, is moat likely to draw to a close before the , end of this month, as nitre are already indications of a demand for _.currency from tt Wo-t and South to begin aid pinente of cotton and grain. In our Meal market money Is In full supply for good A. 1 paper ' but second grade Is more difficult to bell and is closely scrutinized. Local securities are also bought up to email sums by good parties. quotations a* received by . Ph. A. Mertz,. (Rao, 120%; Silver, 118; Eighty " one's, 11 8 ,' 'Five Twenties, 1882, 1.1554; do 1864, 115; do 1865, 115; do 1865, Como's, 1130:, do 1887, 1145.: do V 368, 11454; Ten Forties, 112%; Adams Ex- Proms Company ,61; Merchants Union .18spreas Company; 0; •American Ex press Vompany,47%; Western Union Telegraph, 35%; New York Central ITC diteadAng, 97;44 Plttaburgb, port ayne & Chicago. 20; - , ohlo & blie. slanppl;a,%; Michigan Southern 86%; Cleveland 'et Pittsburgh. 90%; Souther, Rook & Pacific, 117%; Chicago & • North Western, 72%; it North We Preferred 1.934; Ede 12354. aXortalion. • Large. gatail. „London ;or f,..........»..::85,10 86,03 pea. 23% 25 Berlin Maim —........—...- 8891% • Frlnitiort. 50 152 - —Closing quotattom , received by James T. 'Brady Co. Gold: 120341 United States Sixes, 1881, 118%; FlvesTwaalloa, 1E" 116%: do,- 1934, 114,10-188 8 1 11 6 4- „ Ten-Fortin, 112%; fifv*Twesithas, Jane. cry and July, 1105, 113%; do. do. 1867, 114%; d do. 1868. 114%, Tinton radar Itailroad o. , 8734; (antral do, o, 90%; Cy. Plain& 7 111 k; take Saptlielr f Br Telegrst* to the to ttabarile • Nicw_Yorek, February 7.1.20 a. Nea[.York Central stock and aerie dined 134 to. 2 'pi& cad.; owing to the face that the Company hag 87,000. 000 at bonds falling dtie„ very s oon, whieff were Issued before 1862. S Jumped to the Go:tele:ion that bonda would bass to be paidan gold and hence the depression la the shares. Thal decline in New York Central had ade 'Pressing influence on the balance of the *bare Itate,, and prices were lower, but not to any greed extent. Money May at: 4(0.1 Or call leans and 7 to 8 for prime business • Sterling firm at 8%®914. •aold heavy and lower under the. Su preme Court tied/non ; opened at 121, touched Iffiffralt to 12034, advanoed to 120 y and closed at 120. Carrying rates Maftiper oent. Clearances 829,000,000. Governments were lower. but closed 16 graady. Conon!, 'Bl, 18®18%; do '6B. ®1554; do '64, 14%(a)15: do '65, 1 4 '4 ' ge do new,@l4%; lgt%®l4; o's,ao '67, 14%014% do &1, 14% 10 s, 121'®12'.Pe dalos, 11%(?" 1 /,‘• state toads, except new:Virginias, are lower; bilasOurill, 9; 014 Tennessee', 50; new do, 48%; old Virginias, 61; new do, 69; old Nocili Carolinas, 433 G. new do, 25%; Lordalana Levees Sixes, 7 . 0. 4 h ". .'bda y g w oo s k s M tro a rnkge ta n d d urg v atnhe em oagenf era , ten touched 145; Central, erally. liar 983,4, end Scrip 97; New Jersey Central, 10054: Erie. 25%. Reading , 1 1 7%: Ohio and Lake Shore, bak: St. • Paul, 73%; Northwestern, 73: Bock Island, 118; and Cleveland and Lake • Shore was freely bought by brokers who wrtally deal for the 'Venderbllt party. Late In the day, however, the market .-- -was ll one to two per eent,-iwer Via' &atilt shares end Lake Shore, but the bel-Moo of the list env not down In the Mune proportion. The most active stocks were New York Central stock and scrip, .131 to Shore, Readleg. Northwestern, N ,w--Jersey ()entre!, Book Islaiod and Ohio and Mississippi. Bardares to day was more active and ibetter distributed than for sometime, ' while fluctuation was more• frequent. bracelleneous charm lower. Express •„. Mocks lower and dull. - .74oe•Thirty .Brices.—Ciallon, se; Cum berland, 32%; Western Union Tole. • - "graph, 5; 3 quicksilver, 1454; Mariposa, 10%; do preferred, 21%; Adams Express, • 54; fan;m; 'United States, 51; P.,clfle - Mall, 60%; New York Central. 00%; Erie, 25 54; do preferred, WO Hallam, 143; do pro . ferry], 143; Hodson scrip, 95%; Read , Mg, ; Michigan Central, 118%; lake Abort), 87%; Illinois Central, 1485; Pittsburgh. 98%; Northwestern, ' 7*4; preferred. 89 , 4: Rock Island, 117%; - St. Pm', 73; preform:lc-87; Wabash 48; Wayne, 8914; Terre Saute, 28; prefer. red, 81 ; C. & A . 14734; preferred, 147%; o. At M. 28%; N. J. 0.,99%; C. 11.1. & C., 74; Dubuque, 168%; Bt. Joe preferred, 10954; C. C. &I. C., 20%. Liston pricer. Venn:let, 60; CoPPer MEM Fella,. 6; Franklin, 7 ; Hecht, 81 ; Quin. Huh Treaaory balance : Gold. 878,177;- 620; currency. 15,389,684. General bal ance, In, 1a5. 653 . Importa for the week: except epecie, 1e 3 376,015. Imports epode, 089,032. P*TTSBUIWH suaimra, Canoe or Prrnmrrnew Geary-TA / MONDAY. Peb. 7, MO. The markets, In a general way, present. but little that le new or important. Pro videos appear a little stronger in the west, especially In Cincinnati, but es yet thorn I no improvement in the demand: private advisee from the latter place, in timate Me- some of the packers there feel more like buying ' than selling, though It is natural to expect that they will feel "bullish.” - The ',recent decline is attributed to two things; one, the in creased arrivals of hogs: and the other, Kowa of the packers were obliged to sell in order to raise money, and these two infuses combined, ware sufficient to bring about lower prices. It begin. to look now as if the worst was over, that the bottom had boon touched, but it is Yea hard to foretell. If there should happen to be another big run of hogs, and thin is not all improbable, toe proba bility Is that' provisions would go still _lower; and, besides, tt should to Berne, in mind, that the former are relatively higher than the latter. In any view of the crwa,the altuatlon IS nut favorable for packers, particularly.tho:o of them who did their packing in the early part of time winter. APPLEIIUTTER--Quoted at 45g475c. APPLES—The demand la fair and market steady but unchanged. - Sales in a regular way at 1480(.4,641 per bbl, as to quality. BUTTER—Continue to arrive freely and the market is quiet and unchanged. Sake of prime to choice at 30 tb 33@,35. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 1(33y. BEANS—DuII but unchanged; vales of fair at 42,25; prime at $2,30, and choice at $2,15. BROOM CORN-14®l8 eta per pound. BROOMS—Store prices: No. 013,73; No.S, 14,50; No. 4, 13.00; No. 3, 1.3. 3 0. Carpet Manna, $3,0046,50. CHEESE--Is steady but unchanged; Western Reserve and Hamburg,' RN@ 17; Factory, 17017 S; Neer York Sate Farm Dairy, Mark • New York UOSKen, 1954(420 CARBON 011.—Standard brand. may be quoted at 2334@26. in a jobbing way. CRA.NBERRIE.s—IIi steady demand, with aides at $13 1 310, as to quality. . ' DRESSED 1100 S—Continue dull not withstanding the arrivals are light; may be quoted at 10q010%. -- BLUED FRUIT—Vey dull. Apples, 7®Bc; Peaches . at 8690 for quarters, and 10®11 for halves. Blackberries, 14@15e; Pitted cherries. 250304 per pound. RUGS—Are hold at 25 CtR., though it laid they are being retailed at the sam. dgure FEATITERS-85090 cts. FLOUR—Continues quiet and un changed. Western flours aro 'still quoted in store at f 5,00 ®5,60 for spring, and 95.75(86.00 for winter. Rye Flour, 15,00®5,25. GRAlN—There is nothing doing in wheat In this market, and prices are nominally unchanged-51,1061,15 for fair to prime. Ona continuo sluggish, and there is a general complaint among dealers that there is no margin In handling them; we still quote at46®l7 on wharf and track and 48®50 In store. live is quiet and - . unchanged. with 90c, cash, bid for No. 1. Corn continues dull, with offers to soli ear on wharf at 79. Barley is quiet and unchanged—Vl6l,os for prime to choice State spring, and ;1,1001,15 for ditto fall. JRAY —ls outfit and unchanged; sales from country wagons at $15®23, so to quality and condition. RUSKS—SaIm at 2MOSe. per pound. .HOMINY--Sales at 95,75®8,00 per bbl. ramei—stales of Cleveland white lime at S 2 225 per bbl. ONIONS--Sales at 112,50e3,00 per bbl, the bitable figure for choice. LARD OlL—city brands No. I extra quotod-st 11,400442, and No. 2 at Si Fancy Cincinnati and Chicago brands hold higher. PEANUTS—Quoted at 9©lo eta. PEAS—DuII; 12,50 per Iniahel. POTATOF.i—feales in store at 60655 e per bushel. PROVISIONS—Market Is regarded an a little firmer under the influenee of the advance from the Wont, though prices are unchanged. Shoulders. 13340 13% for Plain and 14% for Sugar Cured; Skies, 17 for Clear and 16 for Ribbed. Breakfast Bacon, 19 and Sugar Cared Hams 1 9 © 19 %: Dried beef 1934._Lud 1634(31163f In tlemee, and 173401173'1 In kegs and pails. F. Sailers & Co's. caddy lard In 8 and 6 pound packager, 1 11 %. Mesa Pork S29GZ3i. -. POULTRY Market almost bare. Dressed chlekeca, 13(1,14, and dressed turkeys, isgao . SEEDS—Ciover seed 4s boleg sold In store, generally, at 18,50. and Timothy at $4,76C46.. Flaxseed at 52,10 , 89,16. STRAW—SaIes of rye straw at ;10, and oats at flo©l4. • SALT—Is quoted at; 1,75 by the car load. •WRlSRY. , —lligireilmet firmer ft: it;® 81; rectified, ;LW; proof recrified, 11,1 u. Old whiskies scarce and firmer. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET ' OFFICE OF Pri4NßUltoll GAZETTE, MoenAz,iFeb. 7, ItEd.' CATTLE. . The number of cattle on sale to day was much larger than generally sup• posed, close on to 1,560 head, 51 car loads from the West, the balance. hav ing been brought In from adjoining counties. . 8.-Lowenstein, Chicago 2 care M Venter. Ch1cag0............. .. ... 2 cars Blackstock & Kahn, Chicego 4 care L. Rothchild', Chicgo 3 cars L. Keifer, Chicago 3 care .L. & J. Blumberg, Ohiesgo 4 cars Sam Kranz, Chicago I car Ham & Kraus,.Chlcago 3 'care B. Marks Bro., Chicago 5 care Sheldon & Means, Chlmtgo 1 tear 4.101 Shaulberg, Icar r S. Kaufman, Chicago . 1 car Trautman & Malan, Chicago.... 5 Cars Jrlo. Shaw, Lima 1 car J. A. Yancey, Indiana .......... 1 car J. McAllister, Creatline I car P. 0. Conner, Mansfield 1 oar Greenwald '& K., Londenville...._ 1 car C. Banbery, Loudent lila 1 car .11 R. Branbery,. Loudonville...—. 1 car H. Martin, Laudenville 1 car J. Keeler,Loildenville 1 car 41t fit Netiy, Newark...—. 3 cars 'Prepaid.— ..... 4' cars .}ati creek The market was a very ;low one to. 40 2 at lout nearly every drover we saw reported It so--sonio of them thought It exceedingly hard. There wen a larger Imbiber of cattle - on kale operators generally had counted upon, and notwithstanding four or live ear load& were bought for shiont the impply was novertheleae co nsi der ably ItrICZOOSI of the demand. Ilutcbr rs, for some region or other, took hold very slowly; possibly they thought that by holdkig back they would an d na to do better, to buy cheaper, It leiprob. able that in some Instances, at least. these hopes were realised—ln a bard market some parties, who are anxious to sell out and return home: on the early trains, get very weak. In the knees, acd these aro the very meiLlhat the hutch. era and other buyers IMb to w i ll old of, as the chances are that they close out very cheap. As a general thing, however, we do not think that there Is much change In prices, compared with last week. Prime to extra fat steers, aold at .from 7344C0P6, some few at 194. bet mainly at 73447 N, and these figurea were realised for the same grades of cattle last week. Good to medium may be quoted at 6g,70 and stock steers, of which there was a goodly number on sale, brought from 411 to 634, as to quality and condition. L. itottuftdids & Ziegler sold IS bulls to L. Hoffman, at sc; 33 head steers st 07e. Sol Shamberg retailed 19 head at 6@ 6.60. Hartman I Lowenetelne retailed 53 bead mixed stock, from Chicago, at s(gi y.. Id:Verner 36 head, fro= Ch!cago, at 6 WM. • Jacob :Needy sold 50 Ohio cattle at 7 tdolmes, Lafferty t Co. 87 head mixed dock at 6%1W. Jas. sold 13 head Washing ton amity Meer; and cows, at torti. Hass & Kraus sold 25 stockers at 4%© 5; 88 head fat cattle at 8 3507,;. .Katz & Kcefer 89 head Chicago steers -at 6®812. liaztewood & Illachetoek 60 bead mix. ed ;dock at 058. y. &J. Shambentabout 90 bead mix ea stock at 5%Gi9... _ Carr & McAllister 89 head of cows, heifers and steers at 5c0734. Greenwald & Kahn.. retailed about, 70 head at 66 8 . B. Marks & Bro. sold 25 stockers at 5%; 85 head fat cattle at NGsg; Trattrman & Libman Ite; . sold stock. era at 6%; fat cattle at 814(47X. Medium & Taylor 53 head mixed Moak, from Indiana acid Ohio, at 53057. The supply of sheer. wee ;mato largo thts week, fatly 1,600 head, and the quality appeared to be better than usual —there were more good sheep on sale thaw for aroma time past and fewer saws- The maraca wail a ray 041 one, ENE MEE In the ebsence of any demand fur ship• moat, and, sw a general thing, prices ruled a fraction lower than last weak. Butler butchers were unable to do much, en there were but few a their kind on stale, and net to wall.known, they cannot Afford to pay the price fur any thing like good cheep—nit grads are considerably higher within the Past two months. •Ao will be seen by reference to the report of Pelee, sev eral email iota were sold at 6@634 eta per pound, but these are outside prices and can only be realiewl for extra firm 'sheep. Medium to gond may be quoted at 63Q4 per head. Scalawags sold at 11,00 to 22,00@.2,50. JRII. Kerr sold 26 head to Welde, aver-. aging about 94 bbs, at 0 dm; 20 head to - Kimberlin same weight anti price;-ltd to Hollman averaging about 85 Its at 14,110 per head. Henry Dias 74 from West Va., averag ing Cti Ms, hold at 8355 per head. D. D. Taylor sold 40 scalawag's to Thos. Kembeilin at 81,50 per head. John Fairley 138 head; wholiealad 41 bead at 83%. I. C. McNeese 60 head, at an average of 13,75 per head. M. Beiglaley.retalled 106 mixed sheep at an average of about 1334 per head. Kichnxtl Denver bought 3.6 head of felt- Isis, averaging abut 05 lba, at 82,50 per head. N. Flinner 70 averaging about SO lbe, offered 03.00 per heed. W. Holy cold to Patridge 202 heed. ._..ising ab:Jut 65 Ills, at 5 2 , 10 1 1 c 1 1 10811 . .1. F. Album sold 125 to blarwan-CO., averaging about 80 lbs, at 0,70 per bead. Smith A Blue 400 bead, nearly all very common; Bold 100 at 52,2502,50 per bead. John Young sold 35 head mixed stock . at 31@4q. J. Garwin & Co. sold Al, said to aver aging about 130 lba, to Dab, at EN per oat. I= Market quiet and unchanged. The demand at these yards Ia confined mainly to supplying the wants of the local trade and we quote In a retail way at $9.60(4)10,50 per cwt. for fair to good overages—emu° low yore line, sold up to 11 eta, thin to an outside price. PETROLEIIIM MILEIKI6'I% OFFICE OF Prrrsnrracia GALErrs, t. IkIONDAY Feb. 7, 1470. The oil market is quiet and dull and devoid of a sinclo new characteristic worthy of special notice. There are several drawbacks in the way of busi ness, the principal ono of wnich Is that crude continues much higher,relatively, than refined, and until this obstacle is overcome, In sonso way or Other, no int provament can reasonable 'be expected; it Is said that time reclines all things and It may rectify thin; . ECI MEI Continues quiet and rather weak, though without quotable change. Sales 1,500 bbla moot at 13; 1,500 .ller thia month at 13; and 2,000 Heller WI 2510, at 13. Seller till July nominal at 13; buyer same time, 15. Market quiet and work, with a droop. lug tendency. Sot quoted at :IN; I.'eti ruary or March, 30; March to August is reported as having boon °flared at 31. nuye: all year, 31.1 i. RECEIPTS OVOBBDX 011. BY A. Y. B. B. Jamas Wilkins SO bbls; D.. My h Co SO, on account 13. 0. Crawfbrd; AVaring, ; it). on aceount J. B. Barbour Spray Oil Works 010, on account 0. S. 0oldrIck; Spray 011 Works 160, on ac count .1. Wilkins; Citizen 011 Works 460, on account Fisher Oro; A. B. Mills 80,.0n account W. Bartle. Total 1,100 bble racialist:Ts OF CIL BY A. Y. B. R. Forsyth Bro. &.Co. 350 bbla refined to Warden, Frow & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 3:15 bbls ref. oil to Warden, F. JE Co., Phila. National Refining Co. 163 bbls relined to Warden, Frew t Co., Philadelphia. Livingston Bro., 576 cares refined onto Warden, Frew Co..&Philadelphia. lacKelvy & Bro. 106 bbls relined oil to \V. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. . .1. A. McKee, 250 bbls retitled 01l to . . . Logan & .5318zerta Oil Co. 16 bbla reflood oil to Tack Bro. Phil's. Fawcett, L. S. S. 200 bbla rot. oil to W. P. Loa= dr Bro.. Philadelpina. 576 amt. 1,411 bblEe Total relined OIL sincruo EAST DUQUESNE DEPOT Kirkpatrick et Lyons, 1&O bble to W. P. Logan dr. Bra., Phila. lILVEKETS BY. TELEGRAPH.' NiYuan - , Feb. i.--Cotton dull end drooping: 6CO bales uaiddlirg uplands a, 2.lNti. Flour dull .t 34 s@loo lower: re• oblpUß 7,644 roles 4A-0 bble at 14,50@7 14r supetfluo State and'arastern; i 0,5,89 fur extra State; 4,9eG5,90 for extra west- em; 15,60 G, 0.,Z5 for white wheat extra; 65 €O,lO f.'r round hoop Ohio; 65,50@,6,25 extra SL Louis; 66,22Ee.60 good technic:a as. Rye flour quiet; 109 blots at 64(94 he. Corn meal quiet. Whisky hear) , 850 bole western at 95Q93%c free. Wheat heavy and 1(420 lower: receipts 2 720, sake 39,010 bush at 61.1681,13% for No. 2 spring delivered; 81.20 Nu.l Ma store; 81,25 amber State. 01,26(91,L1 for Winter red and amber Western, and 111,43 for white Michigan. Rye quiet.- Barley dull and heavy. with sales of 2,500 bush of choice two rowed State at 95c. Barley malt dull. Receipts of corn 4,000 bush, 'with out derided change; sales of 19,000 Muth at 90(6.92c for now mixed Western, 111,04 for.old do in atorc,and 98c(5.61 for new yolicrer Jersey. Receipts of oats 7,300 bushels. Oats firmer, with sales of 25,000 bushels at 16%58c for Western, and at 60462 c far State; closing quiet. Stock of srraln in war ehouse--Wheat, 2,2c2,MS bush; corn 634,603 Mesh; oat., Li 09,672 bush; rye, ' 62,112 bush; barley. , 32,125 bush; malt. 89,214 rase, 10,342 bush. Bice quiet. Coffee dull. Sugar in moderate request, withsales 4ou bags Cuba at 931%1040. Molasses dull. with sales 20 this Now Orleans at 63rallic: Reps quiet. Petroleum quiet at 1634 0116 Ne for crude, and 305,1(jettle for reined. Linseed 911 quiet and steady. Turpentine quiet at 4741 a 487. ork -lower, with salsa 1,726 bola, a P t #26.76G.25,25 for now mem, 11.1.60 igzs,oo for prime and 151,25454,00 for prime Mews; also, mks of 3,250 hbls new mesa, seller March, at V15,75%26,00. Beef steady; sales of 176 bbls, at 810%16 for new plain mess and 614(417,50 for now extra meas. Tierce Beef steady; rates of 465 tierces,' at 121628 for prime mesa and V 7030 for India mess. Beef Haute quiet; eels of 75 lobis at 92ti632 for now.. Cut Mean+ heavy; Bales of 130 pkgs, at 19,t4(41114c for shoulders and 1.441434 c for hams, Middles heavy; males of Mu bxs. Cumberland cut, deliverable in Chicago 1240 ' and 60,000 pounds loose Cumberland cut deliverable in tirdmige,, la,Lc; dressed hogs heavy and lower at 11(e11140 for wetterm lard heavy, sales 320 tierces at 11018 for atoam,istter Puke for choice, 1e4(.41734 kettle rendered; also 1,1350 tierces steam, seller February, March and April, at 15%0111c, closing at 15,14 e; butter quiet sod steady at 17(530e; Dube Cheerio steady at 10418 c. Freights to Liverpool firmer; shipments per steamer 16,009 bush wheat at lkl. Latest—Flout closed dull and a 'Made lower. Wheat very quiet and strongly In the buyer's favor at $1,14511,18 for No. 2 tiering. and 61,2501,27 for winter and amber western. Ryo dull and nominal. Oats dull at 561358 c for western. Corn drdlat 906910 for new mixed western. Pork quiet et 125,75 for antes, with sues 609 barrels. Beef steady with moderato business. Cot manta nominal. Laool2 in monorato ropiest and the nrlces slightly In buyers' layor. Lard quiet anti heavy for prime steam for February at 16%c bid, 16%e asked; for March 15340 bid, inVo asked. Eggs In fair related but no change. 0/1/OAI7O, Feb, 7.—Eastern Ezhcinge 1.10 off buying. nare6l ID premium sell- I2g. Flour quiet at 63,7560 4,25 for spring oxtras. Wheat quiet and 14(50%.3 lower; sales No. I at 81146937 e, No 2 79540790 0, closing at 7t)%c; the afternoon No 2 dull at 79.t40. Corn dull and 1(4140 lower; rules at 69W370c. and 60664 c for now; this afternoon No 2 Is nominal at 694.3. Oats very dull and weak at 338.140 for No L, closing at 3863384 c. Rye quiet and . steady at 09%700 tor No 2, and , 65c for rejected. Barley dull and nominally unchanged at 65(070o fur 1402. iligliWinell dull at 635193)i0 Provisions fairly active and eager. Mess Pork' , opened fairly active and easier, with sales at 626,60 cash, $27,755r March, 626,12 buyer March, 622,60 buyer Feb ruary, 925 seller April, closing firm at '125,37% ®25,t0 cash, and 626,76 seller March. Lord moderately, saliva and 3, 0 lower, with sales at 14340 cash and seller March,' closing unchanged. Meats a shade More active,' but less firm, with sales at ii,UQIOO for dry salted shoulders, 1234 c for rough sides, and 1844 for !Mort rib middles loose. Hems dull at 1451150 for country and city sweet pickled, and lac for green. Browsed homi , opened at the closing prices of Saturday, sumo. c:wally became easier and closed dull at 610010,25 for prime lots dividing on 100. Itecelpts for the put ferty-elglit hears; 7,969 bbl' of dour, 37 070 , bush of wheat, 31,635 bush of corn , 14,556 bush of oats, 1,060 bush - of rye, 6,950 bush of barley, and 5,783 hood of hog.. •-• Shipments: 9,022 bbl" id flour, 15,133 bioah of wheat, 11,661 bush of corn, 2,5h9 bush of. Oats, 1,100 bush of rye, 2,558' bash of barley, and 6,826 head of hog% Curoxisswri, Feb. 7.F100r ateadyf family 15,20515,40. Wheat unchanged at 111,10(g1,12. Corn dulls receipts large at 12(0730. Oats dull, with mixed at 60® ' • MI PITTSBURGH. P.AILY - GAZETTE: lUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1870 . 52c. white F4C5 , 5c. Rye Steady at 85a 900. Barley unchanged; spring #l./048. 1.20, fall #1,2A1,30. Cotton quiet; mid dling 24 y.c. Tobacco li rim salon 81 bade. Whisky in fair demand at 93c. Hogs firm at $8,25@9 for live; 110,25g10,75 dressed. receipts, 1400 bus. Provisions-opened firmer on part of holders, but closed dull. Mesa pork advanced to #27, with sales of 400 bbla. Bulk meats held at 110 Ler ithouldens, 14@141.4b for clear rib alder, and 1434014%e for clear do, but no Naha. Bacon held at 1230 for shoulders, 15 , Q15%c for clear rib sides, and 16®16;40 for clear do, with a fair demand at Inaide quotationi. Sugar cured hams at 1814@i934c. Lard was hold at 1535ai1d14c In the morning, but could have boon taught at 15®16c at the close. Butter and chetso unchanged. Linseed oil Is held at 90@e5c. Lard oil 11.44G1,4.5. Petroleum: 3M for relined. Sr. Louts, February T.—Tobacco active at full prices. Cotton dull; middlings held at 243.4 c. Hemp unchanged. Flour ncOre foi mei grades: superfine 14,25@ 4,50, X54,50@4,75,'XX 8505.25, choice to fancy faintly #6@7,75. Wheat on. changed; No 2 red. fall 111,03@)1,50, No 1 do $l,lO, choice $1.20, fancy white #1,40. Corn dull and lower; yellow 740#76c. prime to fancy white 80@010. , Oats heavy and lower at 44a In bulk4ind 52055 cents for sacked. Barley, ull et 111,0501,17 for Minn. spring. Rye very dull at 75@700. Whisky unchanged at 95c. tirocerics very dull and unchang ed. .Proviaiona very dull. with email sales Pork at $27, dry salt shoulders 10% WOlO. clear rib 140, and clear sides 14,140. Bacon clear aides scarce at 17 kfc; shoulders. sales in a small way at 1234 c. Lard dull and lower: °holm steam offered at 15%c without buyers. LOULYVIT.I.7., February T. Tobacco firm and unchanged:. vales 58 lihda at 4%@143.0 for trash to fair loaf. Cotton dull; middling at M.M. Flour active; extra family at 0. Grain active mos chilly corn; red and white wheat at $l.lO 01,15; corn at 95c; oats at 63ci both sacked: rye at 95,- Provisions very active; mesa pork at 527,50; bacon: shout. 1 den at 12nc. clear rib at 15!..i'ci, clear aides at 165., , c; bulk shoulder. at 1134 c, Iclear rib at 141‘c, clear sides at 15m lard: prime tierce at 1614 e, kegs at 18c; hams: sugar cured at 1934 c. Whisky firm at 93®94c. Tousno, February 7. —Flour dull. Wheat dull, with sales No 2 .white We. bash at 111,20 and No 1 white Michigan at 11,22; regular sales at $1.10; amber held at $1,03 and No 2 red at 11,113. Corn dull and unchanged, with sales new at 72c and no grade at • 610. Oats dull ; no sales. Dressed Hogs dull at 516®1035. Seed active and better at $3,25. BALTIMORE, February 7.—Flour fair to active and prices weak but not quotably lower. Wheat, steady and unchanged. Corn dull; white 05c( - 4.1, yellow 90®91e. Oats dull at 22(455e. Rye dull at 95c1g11. - _ Mess pork quiet at 518. Bacon quiet: rib sides 16, clearrib 16} and shoulders 13c. Ilams_l9®2oc- Lard dull at 16%® _ 17 ;;c. Whisky firm at 98@1eo. PIIILADELVIIIA, Fob. 7.—Beef Cattle In fair demand and advanced ,tic; sales of 1000 bead; extra Pennsylvania and western ntoers choice 10;4e; fair to good 7@9c; common 6@,,014c., gross. Sheep in fair demand; sales of 12,000 head at 0g,9,3 per pound. gross. Hogs In demand; sales 3000 at 113,50®14,00, net. lifir.wauggx, February 7.—Floor un changed. Wheat steady at 1350 for No 1, tilNic (or No 2. Coarse grains nominally . _ unchanged. Dressed hogs quiet at 1100 k I 10,20. Receipts; 1,000 bills f10ur,26,000 bush wheat. Shipments; 1,010 bids flour, 1,000 bush wheat. • PHILADELPHIA, February 7.—Floor quiet, with aides northwestern extra family at 10®3.75. Wheat unchanged. Rye steady at 98e. Corn: prima dry in demand; new yellow 8500910. Oats held at 53654 c. Whisky 93®990. DETROIT, February T.—Wheat dull, but unchanged; extra white 1{1,18@1,19; No. I do. 11,09P1.10, amber 41,02gi,03, regular $l.Ol. Date: State 480., Barley 11,6essed hop $10@)10,63.0 per metal. Clor seed P 41119,50. Dr ve CLEVELAND. Feb. 7.—Petroleum quiet and less firm; refitted hold at 27e In large lots and 29g.30a in small lots; crude firm at 15.80 per bbL litEments, February 7.—Cotton quiet .and nominally 24r; receipts past two days 4,392 baba, and exports 2,372 bales. Nnotrrit.LU, February 7.—Cotton dull; low middlings at 23!.e, vood to ordinary 22,14'e; stock on hand. 2 , 930 hales. Live Stock leletliete. Nutt - iiOOK, Fab, 7—Total beeves 680, with 340 to-day. Tradu began lively but closed tame with a few left; prices ars about as they were one week ago, but lie lower than on Friday; quality generally interior, scarcely any good enough to so neer at 16,14 e; Texans Fold at 10®11e. Canada Cockle increasing; over 400 bead arrived fur the week, 471.1,wch Kentucky and Texan, 660 Otdo, 4,000 Illinois. 353 State; prices range from_lo66l6l4e, aver aging 14!te la drove, 270 Illinois steers and 735 head 'Kentucky so:d at Poilickr. i 67 Texana,s3l cwt poor at $57; 50 Ohio. 7 owl, marshal, 1441543 96 Illinois. cwt, 136614 e; 96 Canada, 7 cert,l3@l4,l4e; 60 Illinois,B cwt, 15!,®1614c. Total of sheep. 30100; for to-clay, 9,70.1; market slow and peers unchanged 'at 4,4550„ mostly 6€57%e; 1 car tit; pound Ohioa sold at 644 e, a car 90 pounda7e; a ear 97 pound!, 734 c; deck, 130 potinde, Canada, Sr;li a. ear, (X pounds, Ohio, 51;e. lloga weak at quilea decline; for the, week, 15,660 head arrived, and fdr today 40 double docks ear.; prices 9 !.401 0 e for alive and 12@1244e. for dead went:ern; grossed 111: (11134 e, with fresh arrivals in fair con dition; 2 ears Ohio live, 185 pounds, Bold at 934 e. CITICAOO February 7.—Live - steady anefirmer at 68,40(i1e for common M pod. Cattle steady at 14,70€45,10 for was and light steers, and ith9oh6oiiii7 for fair to extra prime shipping steers. Br. Louis. February 7.—Cattle changed at 435H0 for fair to prima, and 661.634 for choice. lingo: small sale. of light to extra at 7m3,9, Dry Goode Market. NEW Tonic, February 7.—There Is lit tle or no animation In this branch or ho. Binem.yet, but prices of notton goods are nevertheless nrin, and an advance of lie per yard haw been establlahod on Bock• dale and bleached rnualln, which now commands 160. while Pequot A ticks are reduced from 25 to 'Mc. = PITT IBUBON FOXY WAYNE AND 011- OAOO RATUROAD. February 7,-4 copy preemi, W G Johnston; 400 bide flour, T t, Jenkins; 300 do do, Schoinaker di 14 200 do do, Watt, Lang & - Co; 50 bbl)) blighwines, Hoetotter- & Smith; &t oil bbl., W 1 car 11 4 10 , CamPhen, Jones &Co; 10 Op lard, 1 .111)1 do,H Res Jr; 150 eke wheat, J Liggett dr.o; 100 hides, Del Ange; 120 tails broom hdle, McElroy & Co; 73 eke rage, & Co; 17 ream)) poser, Godfrey & Clark; 4 cars limestone, Graff, Hamlett & Co; 1 do Mahood, Hutchins. (Rase & Co: 17 empty hbla, Harris & Ewing; 8 care lime atone, Shoenborger & Co; 10 bibs flour, Elbepard & Davie; 05 bhle crude oil, Pen nock & Reenon; 6 bb h, scrap Iron, J Donee; 75 elcs-barloy, Robh& Herron; 18 trunks, W J Gilmore; 8 kgs butter, 11 Rea Jr; 18 eke rage, 4 bale vapor. McCul lough & Smith; 8 dos brooms, J Porter field; 100 dog hdle, Poetloy, Nelson & Co; 8 cooks pearls,- I:Ethridge & Hon; 18011 bids, W Howard & Co; 50 bits March, Stockton & hi; 103 lize sterol), E Hee glotoM • • OrnalliNATl AND ST. Lamm RAILROAD, February 7.-1 car 'Moulders, W 11 Maya dt Son; 1 do wheat, R T Kennedy Am; 100 eke oath, 97 do tern, 148 do barley, 8 do wheat, Mo. Henry & Mod; 144 bge barley, W °engird; 4 bbls lard, 3 do butter, 1 cask Arbuckles & Co; 75 eke barley; F Schield; 40 doe meal, Hohomaker & I.; 13 pkgs butter, 12 age c meal, F O Craig. head; 1 oar malt, P Gerd; 160 bga bar ley, 12 do oats, 35 do corn, Meanor &II; 4 Ws sensege; Dairen & Townsend; 10 to lard, J R Parker; 4-page drugs. Har ris ek bge corn, Robb &It; 140 bar ley, H food;, ? bole. 20 bge dour, W S Foster; 2 bbls eggs, I do butter, Bigger & L, 10 bge oats, J D MoOoffrey; 7 okge rodeo, Votgt,-M & Co; 11 pkge brooms, 0 Rlchardsom pkg.; butter, H Bea Jr; 100 bble dour, owner; 100 do do, It Knox .0 Bon; 1 car wheat, J W Bomgardner; 10 to hams, F Sellers & Co; 28 do lays, Didn't & T; 100 bble dour, Watt, - & Co. ArJmnorttr VALLI= RAILROAD, Feb. roomy 7.-3 bble butter, W H Klrkpat, rice. & Co; 7 pkgs margeting, J MeD Carson; 1 box rodeo, Volgt, M & Ca; 50 aka rye, 7do o seed, Knox dr Orr: I cars metal, Rees, Graff Jr I); 1 do do, Nlmlck '& Co; 24 do coal, Armstrong, D & Co; 18 do do, Coleman, It & Co; 2 pkgs butter and eggs, J Furganom 2 do butter, C Malone; 2 do do, A Rlonnver: 2 do do, .1 Shoal; 5 eke seed, E Hazleton; 3 Mtge butter, 11 Freese . 1 box books, Q /1 Wel don; 11 eke a see d , Johneon & Calvin; 1 box mdse, Corbutnot & Shannon; S do do, 4 . Sink; 8 Olds MP, Head fd; 8 aka oats, 10 do rye, Adams &A; 6 can Ilms• Mono, SbOdubarger . 6t. II; 1 car bricks, nem Graff .16D; 1 car wheat, R T Ken. nedy & Bro; 1 car grain, 40 eke oats, 0 do Tye aeon& Glatt. . . ALLEGHENT. STATION FebrWM? 7 4 care wheat, Wm 11cReo & tb; 26 dos brooms, G Meyer; ado do, Clark Bro; 6. bble liquor, Fred ICopendoffer; 88 hides. Luckcamp & Co; 2 care metal, Graft, Bennett & Co; 1 oar flaxseed, Ewer, Hamilton h Co; 2 cars metal, Lowly. Ridley & Dalian; 1 car flaxseed, MB Suydam; 2do do, Soong, C & Co; 8 aka oats, .7 II McKee & Co; 25 rolls leather, Jas Callen , : 2 care cooperage, Ralys & -Robertson; 1 car lumber, C C Boyle; 25 bble our, E Jenkins; 1 car mnd. .Pgh Forge - a Iron ON RIVER NEWEL Upper Rivers GREENSBORO, Feb. 7.—ltlver station ary with 3% feet water in the channel. Weather cloudy; thermometer 88 deg. at 4 r. m.r. • _ OIL Ctrr, Feb. 7.—Rlyer falling, slow ly with 20 Inches Water .SIL channel. Weather clear. Thernionder 32 deg. at 0 T.: H.' F. BROWNSVILLE, February7.—River fall. lug slowly with about . 5 feet water In the channel. Weather clondy;lhermomeler 15at5r.m.• C. osioexTpwrc, Feb. 7.—River MII g. with 22 inches water in. the channel. Weather cloudy; thermometer at Se at o'clOck, T. x. . - w. The river was about stationary last evening with 4 feet S inches, by the Mo. no ug ab e h i marks, Weather mild bet dark—mercury Sti. According to .43.. A.," whose predictions will be found in another column, February into be a dry, cold mouth, and that it has made a avast beginning most bo conceded. The Camelia, Capt. R. C. Mason, will: leave for Nashville this morning at fl o'clock, with all she can. take on the water. • Paseengers and shippers should bear this in mind. The Arlington arrivod from Cincinnati shout 1 r. N. yesterday, with a fair trip, about all she could bring on tho water. Pamengers cad ahippore should boat In mind that she returns today at noon— also, that she leaves promptly as adver deed. The Julia No. 2 arrived from Zunis; vile yesterday. As we noted yesterday, the Arlington left Cincinnati three minutes ahead of the Major Anderson. She preserved her diatonoe ahead until reaching Now Richmond where she stopped-to take on some freight and the Anderson passed by. She absequently overtook . the An derson at Yarireburg where silo (tile Anderson) stopped to tate on a pannon• ger, and this was the last soon of bar. The Arlington arrived at Earkernburg considerably. ahead—it is reported that the Anderson broke her wheel at [ilia point and was delayed throe hours. The °Mears of the Andereon.,are proba bly satisfied by this time that she la not equal to the Arlington in point of speed. Tne Mollie Ebert, Capt. G. W. Ebert,. is filling up steadily for St. ,Louie—the is one of the best bolds In the •-• , wu pect , e. tit I . 4.xtt. 11,. 'Slid 17. off (or , The Carrie V. Room.. ' Cincinnati and Plttabnrgh (reign. Portland, there not being water enough to let her over the fella, and ehe la too long to Pau through the canal. She will probably return from there to New Or. least. Tho Glendale, St. Louis to Pittsburgh, wee expected to plea by Cincinnati on Saturday night. It i■ reported that St. Louis parties have offered tSO,OOO for the Richmond. The linilevernon and Wauanita passed Vickanurg.on Saturday, enroute from New Orleans. The Colossal left St. Louis on Satur day for Arkansas River. The Leonidas, New Orleans to Cin. cinnati, hint 30 hhde auger and 39 bble motion's for Pittaborgh. —The New Orleana Bulletin, of Thurs day has the following: The New York, from Bayou Bartholomew. on her way down, at or near the Red River wharf; boat, on Tuesday morning, caught :tire among her cotton, and had it not been for the exertions of the officers and crew, we would have to record another do. struction of a boat by tire. Capt. Liv ingston and hla crow throw' overboard between 160 and 200 bales of cotton, and by It the boat was aaved from .total de. struction. A groat part of the cotton was recovered, and the boat proceeded on her way down, and arrived here safe last evening. CapL Ltvingston author. lead the Kankakee. lying at the mouth of Rod River, to save the balance of the cotton, If po ulble. RIVER PACKETS. CINCINNATI PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. • The new old solendiel stOewheel h eiGit. Steamer. ARLINGTON. DANIEL 11001tE. )1 , A. S. blinrAnn. Cleric. leaves Pittibunch for Cincinnati every lULuilAlf at 111 G. promilJy. Returning. I aaaaa Cincinnati for nt•strrgh, atIAY. every I? ID•Y. • For frel•ht. twarags, or ether Information, ate ply Or Ware or to JAM= COLLIND, At /LACE t OOLLINOWOOP,-.lgents. =I PiTLI67I - "'" C, MASON. CM, iko . er. Wm. Ballttwlib, Clerk, •rl.l lesero . fo . (l 2 “ Snot. and intertordhoe Toro on TUESDAY, Ihlars.7 Ist , . at • Ir. ti. Mtita Or V....V....pp7 on bawd or to fib ONILITAT • TORTEN.. Agentr. @EMU A. ST. LOUIS —The spitadlit passeoser steamer W. inSabe, Wavier. rtimerd. Clef k, will it.e ter the above sad le tertoedlate aorta. oa THIS DALY. Mitt . ..L. or 141 JAYS CULLIS., Mem& - CAIRO. AND IST. KOR CAIRO AND BT. lA/UM—The hetet Del Toe. t %into DUAL AND BADGES. Dove se 4 /toren. J. W. AN A WALT.Dommentler. loth Dave ea TIII3 DAT. reb. It. la 4 r. IA, for the sneer eau mterwedtete Done. JP.3l`""i"'"XritteviTi' BTEADISHIPB TO LIVERPOOL 41.11Dai O.IIEENSTOWN. TTIZI INDS&N MAIL STEABISUIPS, NumbertnA sixteen . krat.elm. Teasel., moos them the evlebroted CITY OP PARIS, CITY Or A IiTW Xkp, CITY OP BOSTo, (Wry Or BALTIMORE, PITY Or LoNDOm. Bolling 'WIRY SATURDAY. from Plet 45 Nonblilrer. Kew f ork. /or mono forLher Info/motion apply to - - WILLIAM lIRIGIUJI, Jr., 143 31113111/1111.144TR4ET.1.14144r44 STONL7. - -- WEST COMMON • -Arathirse &me Works. IlOrlbwra.rner er Reat,Coastmira. ♦Beaee • ATVATIM & CO. data on awl at prO•ra on char. notice Haan! wad atep 111.0nea, Tll4ll Tor Nterwalt.. Brewery CARBOLIC SALVE. The imp !tient 'discovery of the CARBOLIC ACID as a. CLEANSING. PURIFYING, and DEALING Agent is one of the most remarkable results of. modern medical research. During the late - civil war it was extensively need in the Hospitals, , and was found to be not only a thorough disin fectant, but also the most won derful and speedy DEALING BEDEW/ ever known. It is now • presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and heating agencies, in the form of a SALYi ; and. having been al ready used in numberless cases wßlsmost satisfactory and ben eficial results,we have no hesi tation in offering it to the pub lie as the most vestal's, rapid. and effectual remedy for all Sores and Ulcers, no matter of how long standing for Burns, Cuts,Wounds, and every ABRASION of SKIN or FLUOR, and for Skin diseases generally. Bold by all Druggists. l!rice 24 cents. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Prop'r, No. 8 College Place, New York. HART, CAUGHEI 'fit. CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS,- Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, P1TT91111711012, PA., 031300rH0N 6 . T. 0 BAANA., HART 1 W. DIALII2II IX Exchange, Coin, Cmpons, Aid pa:W:IW altr i t ry to the parcluum COYERNMENT BONDS. Slap Drafts on London. SPECIAL NOTICES trotoNsumprioN. DR. SCHENCEISPqrmosic EYRUP taring cure of Coughr Colds mad Cont.:lnt°. Dd. SCLIRra ,'S'S SEAWEED TiJNIC for the cornf Dyrpepsla and all the Debilitated Condi tions of the Stomach. DR. PCIIENCE'S MANDRAKE PILLS,fte Diseases of the Livertar to act as • Gentle Etr alive. All of these three Metilel - .es See often required in curing Consumption, thbugh the rulmotde The he MiTlrgAlgir4e.7,7lrm irtit regulating the Stomach and Liver, and help the Pultoonle Syrup to digest and search through the blood vessels, by which means a cure it *Pon ef fected. These Mmilcince me courcientinuely offered tO Got 1 . MOM as the only sale. certain anal a l l reliabe remeny for Pulmonat y Contentption. and for those morbid cotdltlone of the body which lead to that !alai disease. Liver Complaint and Dye• pspala are often rumrunners or conaumption and war. they in•nifest themmiset they require the too t prompt nttenton. The Pulmottic rah Is a medicine which has hail alo ng probation before the public. Da value ha. toe. proved by the, thousaad cures It has mate through a period or more titan thirty-nye leers. hi and theh Cene lie repntatlon has It emised. and m ost otstuate skepticism can cen Integer doubt that it Is a remedy which may u used with °outdo.° In all cases which admit of a cure. if the p a tient will perseveringly follow the di rectiona which accompany each bottle. he will ertalnly be cured, if his longs are not too much wsated to mate a rum petal:ls. Even In caeca &unposed to be IncurabLe. viten Mends and phy sicians have deepatred, the use of this Medicine has sated the Ilfe of the patient and restored him to perfect lit alai. Dr. Schenck dnn not say that ail clues of Fat ale., shmeomption are within the reach of notilcine. but be emphatteally amerts Mat often when patients have rough, alarming symptoma, such sot a violent ern:Whit Malty. flight sweat.. general debility, es. n lo inch a degree that they are obliged to lie lu Led, aral when they ate (h.' , up by tad, physician they inc still be Mired. No medical treatment ran create new lunge. hut when the lungt•revcry sad 7 direatted find In tome extent destroyed. a cure may he of. Groot i.e lir. Schentk , medicines. Also. in Scrofulous Dasemem these medicines me tonally Mlle ent Dr. Schenck eve oto. graphs of a number of person. who been nearly ...rod with centaur sores and now all Itvalr sp. This shown its purifying propertleth whirls mum be able to Leal ca. Ries in the lungs. In tn Im por tance of Consumption It is or the utmost to give vigor and a braith7 tone to thesystem. Henri! It is necelearY to strengthen the appetit- of the patient and Dm move the dig' Mho, Promo onurlehment is re. tialn4 together withtutu means an will make the food easily digestible. The articles molt etalteble for the diet of Consume Use patients are deftest. 4 In De. !Schanck , * Almanacs, whim acv dime, towel prataltoesly. In general. the most highly notritlous article. are to be pm. hirred.but the .1.1 sett ITO 0 ..... maitre ength coed in order to Snake either food or medicine eervittable. and tient is Met by. the romermi Tunic, and for this purpese It was dem gentled When the dismal , . to were ace put In good order, tbe Pao) hat Ils proper c it ed ; the sYstem of the potter, It invig.traDd and tt e lunge be gin to cancel.. their function" in a normal and heelthy temter. Then the healing power. of Yullunitle Syrup will elf et tin cure. l'ulinon cry Conaumptiou le almost always rum nitrated with Diem..and Meer Complaint. heltruckls Manure. Pillsare In coded to re morn latreetlot e (rem the Liver and restore 11l health, action. They have all the enamel' which merllmti ealecori or "blu• mass." mud are warranted not to • particle of any min eral poison. Them. Fills mire the Mott obstinate corthreness, nick headache. Pile.. Wet. .Ir.- Dons. and nil other disease* whic h •riett from a torpid or nbstlncirdeonditiOn Liver. One or these pill. will prove the eMcitcy of the _he, Tonic and Man- • . t-xr.2 . r direly destroyedand „. _ . the Judgment of the physician In-.... death. The dyes of pollen's who went scissor Inilllng eindition have been preserved for emonths by the use of Schenck's three treat rem dies. Dr. Schenekia Almanac contains a full treatise on We various forms of dbieme. bl s mode of treatment, and senerait dir , ctions now to use his medicine, min be bad emus. oraentby mall by Sildreaslns his Principal Office, Ho. 15, .11ortb tll itreet. Pa. Linea is the Palmonie syrup and Seaweed Tow. le cub sl,so per bottle. or 47,00 a half dosen. Ilanilrake Pills AS cents • bos. Yor by all drovists. de27:d&P IR - DOCTOR WHITTIER CON IINUIES TO TREAT ALL, PRIVATE DISEASE!. That numerous i Mu of teat • remits, I ng Prom seirwkimee. pro , nelne nntanthiess. wanes debility, Irritability, erupt ions. seminal " r ffs impotent tilf permanently ?; omplol ;:h1.71 ut tang. Experience, the heft once.... denied him to perfect remedies at one , - ICI. At, safe, permanent. and which la most cues .n be uwol without hindrance to but.... life/- mines prepared, in the establishment. which em braces OE., reception and waiting swims; also boarding and steepen{ apartments fur patients aineremlenl bath s, mineral springs. No matter who have felled, MP, 10111 . taw. Read 1•1111. Ile sap in ale Peal phlet. of lifts nacres, tent to any &dare. for two stamps In pealed enstisme. Thousands of eases tee• Led le at oni , e and all over the coon- Cousultattos free. personally or bEmall. (Mice No. 9 Wylie atreet, (near Coon Hoe.) Pa. Roan 9A. 9. to Sl, X. Sea. day. 190. to 9 P. 9. Pamphlet sent to nay na. dn. for hoe clamp.. _ , , tool politely costs 1p has OrCARCERS, TUMORS, lIL. te.—Artodsblng sad &LIM mtratmlous eons of Cantor aro /ally =de by Dn. R. H. KLINE. a CO.. It the Phlladolphla Co hoer lulrmatT. 931.1.teh Street. Philadelphia, Penh.. toad 01 Um branch oft Ice I 0 charge of Professor Z. U. DALTON. 111 Elm IL. Cluelttooll.l.lolo. The treat:nom apes aro Canoe? Antidote,. the mom. fattotHlo and successful known. In the clvillied world. They are not °mate, eating or burning Ynedl elites. Thar glee little or no vain. They are en. doped by the best surgeons of the age. No other person. hate these - =aldose.. No other , Issatsacat should be used. For particulars sal or uldress as albino. nol•ONbill1S ggrBATCEIELOR I BIIIAIBOYE, —Th. sp'toold Nair Dle le the beet to the world. Hermit.; tellable. lestantaseca, 40e. rot contain .eal. oar &ay eb'egite poison to p.b.hee paralysis or ecath. Avoid the taunted and delo.lye bneearallooe boa. Una virtues they do not mule.. The genuine aalehelor.. Date Dye has had 311 eer ily tazabed repots- UM. to 111)/1.14 Int at the on , y Perfect Kale Dye—Blaell, Hewn. Sold by all Drag. Dam Applied at 10 Nowt Stern. N. Y. re. riff - JUST OUT. "CHLTERT PECTORAL TROCHES" TOE COLDS cotrotts„ ROHR THROAT AND Ho NOW s notod. No. ples.sant. • • Note Com os 10 Rut, HTON CO. Astor Doom. Ne A t oik. Um no more of Mono borriblt tammt oamose Rot "Brown Cabe, thießs." MN) FINANCIAL. S. McCLEAN & CO., BANKERS. ' I=il Ciovornment Securities, No. 75 Fourth Avenue, rITTSDI7/21311, re. rerommt sod prompt atmatton given to over• Wog is the business. Collections made. Cer- Wiest. sod ?tat allowed on Time Deposits. Advances mute on prime Colloteralo and Uovernoment neenrltles at Meru rates. Beeler* lo and Ilnineetle Radioing. (told. Meer. Bank Notes. de, de. A 11100.1.4 other laseel,anerus Pteeke. Made. Mortgages. Bummers's% Barer. de., negotiated at the eine% rue. of conimieslon. lan PEOPLE'S SHINES BANK 01' Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Larock Streets. I=l =I BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT gtotlitioldere luvldattlly !~~ kiwi a:M~.f B~ilYi Y~D)'.i~ wt' (~~iaY~laY~~l THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO OF 1"1"1"1"SISVI$.011. I Safe Keeping of Valuables, =I Fire and Burnlar-Proof Vanita No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. President—WlLLlAM PUILIIPN. Ince President—HENßY LLOYD, ' DISZCTOSS: 811ILL13 B.BYRON N . PAINTEII. HBNuy Juti. 8. 810111,184 , 8, WILLIAM ItICA, OEOBO6 )31,81 , K t ___ W 11.1.181181 . LYON, CURTIS 0. 11118881". AS. 1. 118NN611`. 888 . 11 Truus-8. F. OR DONNHORST. Urea (Slily from 9 o'oooB A. er. NI • o'llooB r. 8. N. HOLMES & BONG, 13ALINTIKEIELS, 57 MARKET STREET. nrromman, rik" th iloin t rar d ag u ratle a n gai t urthapal point, et Stocks,Bonds and othor Securities 8011:1611IT AND BOLD OBt COMIRBBION. sale l'artleetie et attention pall to the !Meehan Ile United States Securities. 0.10.1 CITY lIA.NK. 1121ffth Avenae,Pittaburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. {lOO.OOO. STOCAHOLDRIDS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. I=IMCI . - • Nought and sold. and when desired remitted to tem*. Malleestons mule on all In. *.rinelpel polnts of the Nutted elate- and oan 4, DOSIIXICIt Preildhr JANIS MCOAMS.. Vsea Ptent.c..„ W. N. 3LOROAX. enlace.- Mau Itou lDmsen . 'rlua, . James Mekaibt. Heat Nesting Patrick Kane. i rtraree Cam. N. Barr. . Jamea Phelan, Chas. lidallan. A. pinenze. B. J. Gran Ihomna Barnes. W. Mk ristsar, somata. FOUN DERS, MACHINISTS, NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallmao ptreeta, USTERTH WAD,) Prra'SlEttritGll l . WILLIAM SMITH, ILINUPACTIIKEK OP CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR OAR AND WATER WORKS. My Pipes as:e all out InvarMbly In PIIn In dry sand and 1M Xest lengths. Also, MU assortment of general Castings for Gas 8z Water Works. I would also call the attention of If 9 r W a. sad ante of Gas Works to MI make of af• OAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFIKON AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET PITTSBURGH, PA tar Engines.ltolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Be torts. and Castings generally. .11: A. ViIEYVOGLE. IM=:=l MONONCIIIEU FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON CO., Manufacturer, of IRON 13011101 /ROHM VabDOW LINTELS and BILL.I. mud • Castings of all Descriptions. fiffrinn.iil attention paid to ARCHITECTII Rai. CAATllititi and to liartlnna for Wind° = =MEE WASHINGTON FOUWDERS AND MAOIIIHISTS, PITTSBURGH, /K .. 2 nifit: ili t s. nr: F re n o o f . ll.3 ... !t i. r il d , 13 . 4.: 0 ntl rry erv Elt ti ern . En andxa St in, , Gastlngs of Sheet eiptlone; OS 4 1 % . o.,.. lle N, ll . ol l if i r . and Iron Work '4° corner First and onsittoleln street, • • Aireists for GIFFAL.D.B PATENT INJZOTOIL for fee.llor Boilers. THOALLS CARLIN &CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, =I mat ur e'Man urs oratationare and Portable Steam in Presses, Pulleys. Shama R. Grist and li&W 11111 Work, Mill and Machine Castings:Crate Bars. Weights, Warron Boxes Se, bunt to order and Dave on hand Engines or W sises • sayltrqs pIIIENIX ROLL FOUNDRY, Cor. LISERTYsad Baru STREETS. BOLLMAN & BACALEY, Alsoulhotuners of floparl or Chill Rolla, Sand Rolls & Pinions Jul ENGINES, BOILERS, &c, FORT PITT Emu. STILL ANTI TANK WCOYIXK.S. • CARROLL AND SNYDER. =I TUBULAR, Doonor-rLorm TUBULAR WIRE-BOX ANU CYLINDI.II STEAM BOIL OIL STILLS AM o OIL TANKS, THIRD:RYA, Bill:ROBING AND ASH PANT, ATTTLIBR PA NS , SALT PANS AMU CON-, DENARID, ISTRAM GABON:KUM AND IRON BRIM RA, • PEDRDI DOORS AND COAL BRUTES. OfDm and Warehesee, comer Second T Stria, Sheri sad I.loerty Street, PITTSDIIRGII, PA. haeOrdere sent to the above address will be Vanandle attended be. enhadet HUGH N. BOLE & CO. Cor. Point Alloy and Doqueaso St. (Fiat ma Porw7.) Engine Buaders, Founders are , Machinists. M.nfahture .11TZAGBOAT GNOMIC; mid STATIONARY ANUINKS, of all sloes. Etptcltl attention Invited to oar new STATION 'ANY OIL. WELL ENGINE AND TOBTABIeh. BOULICII, WAS horse power. -- CASTINGS, otter's hind. mane to order stow Foundry, on TIMID STBERT. below Market. 14104 for (HI Wells, SHAFTING, FULLICTB, HANGERS, HOUSIC .4 TOBACCO SCREW S add 11100 TOBACCO r ILILBJEM, on band and mad* to tinder, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Frond.. the AlleithenT Elver, hear the rant. = al71" AU ardor. promptly tilled. TaY tre. RIESICIL & BRO., . nett L ,lIIIIIULAU-PROOIP SAFES AND VAULTS. HO DANP, NO MOULD ENGINES BU! WIRY WORK, nvrualxe AZD PUT - Cor. 17th and Pike Ste., Pittalnugh e n 0111. 0 .6 . I'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN & CO., mumesetaxer. of • dTYAIt UOILYRE. it. TANEN lITILLII, ITATOHS, SALT PANE, OASOMETEI42S. dip - TLING PARR, FRRSON DOORS. CHIMNSItt, lIIIICHEN FIRE REDS. EC.. for. of Second - avenue and Maly St., =GM rii Daniel( don. orometly. Orders pent to roe above and reapylirbe Peenej tialnlY.ded ILISPA.n, X 2 V. H nomad, Kanner at OALI, virivciumniLL & co., Bp,..T.txuBTAICERS AND imam IRON woßms. 808, Ao, NA, 514 AND SS rzNist MMus seemed a largo yard and farnisturd It with the most approved muldnory, wa are . ore mired to ttteafa, tare every deveriptlonot rata In the belt teanaer, and warranted mon) to any main to the sonetty. ebintnom. Mee dila& VIM Beds. S nom, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, ail Pam, Tank., Oil Stills, Anita. tors, bettllng Pane. Boller Iron. Bridges, Sugar ranv, and soie manntastarers of Atarris il li's kat ent Rotten. liewalatar deoe Go shortest thatlca. talk= , !Assn u. enveu =Mng 11 D. 11117121 TARED DE BRUSH & SON, 111.191MACTURCI8 OF Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. sumps mom worm, sm. 61 Penn f nreet, PiUsburgb, Pci; rAtlo:l94lroine:l BARR & IOSEU, irsurr muss ABBOOILTIOU BUILDINUI Illos.llltid • Ct. Mir Bide!. =Wanly Pt. Budd '; . staantimi giun to the Mudd:Mut u d baddlaial courr Hol7l= and roma a Gll3l cluvraEvG.. . • "aOATS. PANTEI,VyILEALLB, Also, -Oiled Clothing or ;ma t ied .d slimy band and for salsotholosile or retail, by J. i. H. FRILL/19. •aM 51t4 SIVA .treot. NANlffscrroun2 or i. x. coorzu adore Itan. LYON , &proved BalaucaWheel Steam yamp. . • er of Weights sod Measures, ' Agents' for Dreyfus' Patent Ott- Oftee—ho. s 70IIIITH AVEDILE, P_lttebetlN erii, the beet its the Market. sa;ill2 °HN mzBB24 "' riU"Mt Mee sad Works, corner 2111zteeittlt sad rte. Leut. 050. D. IeeNIILTS. Deputy. AD. I & m u, , hear Mum A TWOOD • & PicCA Fraigt, • 90 RELS CLEVELAND A i c Corner Liberty street. gad TWA AMMMIL. • • ... bOM Tremont . plit.‘barnt, "I ° bbll gtti r rrb , . 1 . n:CAi 4l : ll4.4 ': BUM FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE nmu. BUTTER-RO ilaltbbisprime . 1114 A-GrarrE OLKlcaati a 00 , 1 row'sum, galkb7 ITIMCPUNIII AND BIAMINI. AR. Winn!, • • IRON AND STHRL. DUQ'UYANE WORKS. 'COLEMAIt. RAH K & Oa, EB= IRON. NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS. DuQuewsr., L X AN II JUNIATA. • RO PI L T I II IPPI.A I7 EA I a T i A ) A I. 'b e. 4. II, ANIEUIR F . IRON FLAT RAI L, COB 7townAM; TX S t SPRING. P 1.0 W AND ee LTIVATott STEEL. WIND s A '. , I) Motll.ln onto paters. wricEi, siIATTINti. A. B. STEEL.. COACkI, ROBOT and WAGON SPIUNUS and CUT NAILS AND SPINES. All Goods First Clan and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS: Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River Bl and 77 Weger Streel. Plttabuggh. mho MILLE, BARR & FIRM = UIdETCAT.P. lIISETWEN MILLI& KO. W. BAGIB, CHAS. PAILFIN. Bricua. rAuvr. xn-5. Y. KIRK. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE. No. ZOO Liberty Street, rrnlnummrs. hMrlOl prrrsitiman STEEL WORKS. I= ANDERSON & WOODS, BEST REPINED CAST STEEL Of : every due:MM.'. /deo. best, Refined German Plow and spring Bleol. CORNER ROSE AND PIRET AVENUE. Pitts burgh. DUQUESNE FORGE WILLIAM MILLER, (Successor to /08. HAIGH k C 0.,) Has facilities en-extenstve with Males/find For ays In the Xsat. and Is prepared to promptly and sall?tasSortly fill all coders ts . 14TILAbIBOAT 3. r'naliEn. PISTON RODS. LEVERS, , • AXLE., t,ormi4 r apl3:h4o BLLBRSBESON PROOBSS. The s are now prepared to grant Men ges fo Thene or the ELL/LBSIDLUdEN PRO. CASS. The auperl °rottener Imparted to rod iron. the Ifllll.lggi • Parties wishing to tim It can obtain licenses by applying to JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Trnatees, ROOMS 1 and 9 Zoelah , s Bedldiom 96% Fourth avenue. Parties leteretted are Invited to elslt the SHOZNBEIateII. WORKS, where the hreeesi IS now ID IDICCADDIUI ODDIDIDDI. rell:det piTISBUBGU NOVELTY WORKS. I=l=3 MODEHEAD, ADAMS & CO. =I24I7rACTOIIIIIS or LET' NE HTANDARD STAIRBANX SPAT. an) rIaCEPORM Atai COUNTER SCALES. _. alma ?aced Patera Door Locks sad Latent,. Pal At an O d Coffee Ellis, ie. • /0111113 OF PIR. T ATEIME GIWIT OIL 11.4 bo re h. Poores- • SHEFFIELD . STEEL S. / ELL MICK & CO., PITTSBURGH, PAL, liturafacterers of every deserlytloi of CAST AND GERMAN SULL. R1 EL A M70171..LA.T7017.31 SPRINGY. AXLES, STILL TLEX., to., to. Wlrehollify 83 Water and 100 First Ms: B LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO:, =1 SPTWAIEELa. Men and Warcba_ ,use THII2TIETR__, TIELIXtir- SIILLT mud RAILROAD BTAZA-rea, PITTEIBI7ROL4 STOVER. CASTINGS. ace, COOK STOVE& CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS CO.AL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well we any other Store In the Bohm BISSELL & No. 235 Liberty Street • • Also; on bandana for BAN • rAlcl.oß HTOVIM SKATING wrovEß. OPIATE PIiONTS,_FENDKVA. COOKING ILANGEnr--de. RAPP, HUNS & CO. XANOZACTOILEIS 07 XVIBEY vAluarr ar STOVES, • BOSTON COOKING KAXGE, "TFIF, FISBY FUBNAUE," lOU WiIIiTXCI BVILMItaI THE NEW ANTI-DUST 000KINO STOVE, oRIEOULATOIL' • COLUMBIA COOK WM iVE, VAN'S C Oda nMt Pattern) Po!MANIAC RANGE CAST IRON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S RE MAT E Z P T HON O S B . ATE ND ERSEmdirt and dan: 200 and 208 Liberty Street, r177911111113H. IM2fri A. 313.1LADLEY & CO., NO. SO WOOD STREET, Manufacturers of the Graded Varlet, of Cook, Parloi and Heating Stoiei, TO na volm) Incur aimortment win Onfoond all the LATICAV PATTN-sift) AND IMPROVIsMENTIS, and the my mita% of our Stavin Ls son that nay one In wait, of a sonl snide Should purnme none tent thotmmulbotured by as. as they will be fond the nost dumble pit well as economical. Would salt ponconlan attention to one new VOLCANO dru Yr: Am churchca. WA" AWL norm.. One I gni On throe mon.. tuttodeil to with or wllnooL indlaT. All w ta.Ve WWI loom brow n - kuno Llll DM, tun at. ny...0r...1n Minti er. tens tor Cummrus and Price rat. lea BRASS FOUNDERS HENRY BIER ar CO., nrcOnsons to EL COOPER & CO Bell and Brun Founders. IMAM CASTINGS YRDP, PROMPTLY TO ORM& laleable and Grey Iron Mingo, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, .116101718, KIDD?! !ND CUM TALUS, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. IRON Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and OIL . xeiLRO D 8 • • .........-- . trNrisTimr.. a iillisalM NIA CENTIIAL AD. .Lni mad slur It r. A.,. flosolaillOire 14th. 1389, Tr.:, s /rlll antra at .1 = .• . Irma the Unlon Depot, earner Of W and Uteri, streets. es follows: Arra• 1 Japan. Stall Train -.. 5. I:llo43:l 4 3centbern33. Sa :• run 1.300..- 1.45 am i•reclflo 3.3... l im n Walls No. 1.. 0 20 exe iWall•el ND. 1.. 6:al NricaollAc Not 1:50,am Mal Train .a. 0110 I3I• Wall e. No. 3..6:60 am I Banton At_ 10 MO sea Ctreclunel: Lx.. 9 :20 am Itne'lsAlt No •- . An Johnstown A010:50 sal elprinll Fa. 11. lit Bre . ks Ac Nett 7:00 pm Ways No. a..11: 1 & ." Plttsb•grt Xr . . 1:30 pm .johnstovra Ae.II. 4* Irsolda Zip's. 1:50 pminnoks Ac Nes 4:010 pa . Wall's No. 3_0:30 pm!Phlle. 3:prima:Sam . Bra'ts AcNo 2030 pmialP No. I- 31011101 ; 'o'oPa No. 4. 13:50 pm W ell' s No. 4.. 0010310 11, Beinton.Le No21:10 om,•3est , l.lco —.._3tlPwa I 'AIT r 10:20 pru (M. cet s N J : k. pa These creme ensue riots manuce.t.o. ea Itarrtie e . • hot (or into.. Watts clutsoneweery `• Settler at 9:04 4. en., retch:ea' ellitak as .: 10:05 a. ID. S 2 tArniur, Norco MU at , 1 • 18:00 p. m. era earl's. at Walla SI 1.1:10 p. es.- . •Clnelnnatt ,ch ess 3. le arcs 4011 y. 3•10311711 Xxpreeclreset y except Mends/. All ether , trulaz .. e n ure/ ticulAt 4012.10. , t . Per fort, W. ner luformsu 3: nte 088 Vl.l. 3.WITEI. Allan. • ': a loVeaosylonoloAollros4 Coell 6rWMIIOII3O. rtnne Loy et nu for nmscrecierp 11e...310* 3:7, 1 1%';:g . ,1;?;, i ' ! ... - VT g k ib,"" - cfr - i t." tbet amount In rte.:. wile bu ' ft:T• rilit .. • , owner. unless teticAlvarjae i ct i ....._ 4015 Genoese coverteacuarnt '.: . HIFA S T E R N-Mmalmom PENNSYLVANIA tOAD.-0a and atter NOV. V. laie94 .: Paathuger Trait. oa. tbeWeetern l'earuir t . Re road will rive at and des. ,4 leder , ' Stmet Dept.; Ategheny As Arne. , Mol'e No 1 e:40 a xe1Xa11...—..,....1411 ethic , . I thfil) a nal Yreeparlll4.lpe Os; • ? e ". b. ...;* Mr NIIVITa g . X ! ' It: I : ! ], kire P tyett go:24:00 p In' Velar ';;(11 , 0,111 5 , s•so p sli reeport 0.. I 1111 5 iti a17a , (74,3;1113 y m,Surlsrl'e 1.201.0 a r. Abele Mane rap daily excep Sttudayi TM Charcia This LlaVes Al46nty .1 every elanday at WWI e. tn.; AV City at^ 0:54) a. nu Betnenlng, eaves All y City at 1:51(1 y. tit. and U 11.14 ailltegilsay use. lion at 1010 r. ta... . Thu tranae leaving AVelltAeh+9 at , TX:WI ta. make dines comenctlos at.' arl IP f.• Thr ough met Stag. for 'haler sad Thr ttek,ts mai be parr St th No. lb, Glair statkrkneartte Fltteleglith, and at the Depet, S =y, ~,,' Pet ramau tstarseation epylytg, , . , ~., J1143)3 L114171...1.23, Amt. Fedceal Street Dapoi. The Weviern relinelientlil ir.arogd.ll.l.o 50i ~ ',l Ilintma asy rlst for Baggage, earzyt Jle wearies ~... a_ yore! .4 IlAntt their rap3naluUlty le, Om 14uudre4 Dollva In win, All teems, 5t seeding MI6 SMOSTIt 111 wlrolwillbe at, as elsk of theenner, unl,:ea i ne . ; . ..spe . Writra.‘l. % Soil 0.1151 . 1.1 d'al..4.l.tikafint. Alleotte. M 191,671 ,7 FOE. 'B. Vir.and OLINs hem NOV. 14ch, ISO and arrive at the Unloa burgh ialtLtlme. as I. an Chicago £.•,..LCH m Ertel itiraZa . .l:llB Crt. Wll4 W16:38 m ettleaViall..o:lsl3 a m nat. e. • m CI. & •gE.1.51:0 , 3 pm! C yf h l " rE i g ur;garifroas .1144.0.1, PiCer Yana Azak.l6 a ro Lactadala 20:18 as Wi ri gi t oina tr air= ink •• •. 11:53 • licenea tar .• 111:14* p PCIIO3 4.8 p tatV4LAIIS 6•.'10,111r 1113 . , ft 11 AN G E OF . '" ,;:.• IL,TLVE. E . • ALLLMGENT 'MILEY WiTlßOali nra ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THR, OIL 1. REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAM' 2.1 On andaytar ltv:gl326X. Nov. 51111. 100 TWO THROUGH TP.A.INS DAILY (except Papp •, will leave Plttalmrst Depo; _corner of oath and Pik° atroots,for Pranklts,oll um talo, and all points in il , e 0118W011.1. L . - -. LILIVI ITTLIMICSIT. 0...7.17 - IA I Day En. T:l5 an, 119Ly b Ex—... •: pMI iltrufj . ..... Mit iltilt . f.7.: L'es LI .7 921 Hu1t0n...11:50 atn Rd finnan... 9:110 •IR ' '', id Halt On... 5:00 pan Sd Hunan... M.IO pls P, lith Halton...ll:oo p nalt,ll! /L2llOO. 7:15 psa ~ Presejt Ae. 9:30 ato , Vn.a. worlw .1,015 a 1:10d1 work... 0:30 pm s . /nepart. An '0:111p m Rudy's 11 An 3:113 pm l Bra.' ya BLe 1010 a m ~ Churels.. 1;00 p la Clutrat—.... 10:10 am ~,,. 'L.,. %rat. stop only at ptinem•l pols H as ~,0 Anoossunoda . triLtl i r a wdl , tal, o allams. THOMAS H. /ILA. Alltl.'&14„ . ITTSBURGU M . f=lessgs. 11°rfa.V. PAN HANDLE HOME. ORANGE GP TTRE.—On sad after a Noe. 14th. trams lea , * aadWIIIII Ltie Anon Gavot. Plastm2ite. ea fellow!: Elttaburs4 Tina. Ntpart. . Avitev Kati NA_ a. m. MIN P. 11. seeteava Arpresi 11:2g p. AI MO a. 1. fraLlites 9:48 m. eft •:43 MA m. B p.m. nald , s Am.a,No.lll:6R a. la. Takla. le. 'tstembenvina wasoream..3:42p. N. 9:1111 McDonald's Ato'a. No. 7 16:63 D. m. 21:3111 Gooda i furth Trath..1.14113 p. .9.1211 fa. m. mr P. Y. ExpresS leave !MEL • az P. Y. 3i•alwlll 5. T. daqz,,,,, Gezerai Agert, Comnlaa. Q. W. W. luso. G0an.11032. 01310. • =trrton&jmimmi 00N1rELLS VILL CM ma atter 1711:9DAY. Tfe7,mbarly JAM, trAlas arrtro at ',VI 4111rput els tke I m tpot caner or Orsat azd Watat.4tzrits, Yatlto aNdfrateXtal D."l. 4.11.14 TIOO Xs e:oor.ia millixat CZ sc. tand from L'aVa. 3:OU P. M. 10:A0 A. Ir. West Newton Accons.d 4:30r. se. Baia. it Braddock's Am.:Alb". B. , T:101. ll !flea .15,t0MeK . 1T0rt.8.1.3101.:14. 0:114I AO. Sa:- . 4%,,TV. T =1? .04 v . ‘:49,116 S. RICHARD B. EOWEBB. /feat. OILS TICK BROTHERS, F . TT I T"M r. I Petroleum and lur Pioduete. • rittob.rrti Olifee—DkLZELLni But Unix% earner of Duquesaa Way and Ineln Ann. Philadelphia Oftlee-137 WALNUT BS InDI vorllO WAGING & KING, 00131121SSIOU Veielltag sad Brokais ta Petroleum and its Products, DALzEiVs siobx, DUQUESNE WAY; rEfILADELPIILL - ADDRZ&I, 109 WATER STREET. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. fl , -: • 14 • • BEABEHT If: C— TIVEDIThr o • :P. , . 0 , • murtniAorusce or II • ... - . l',' Lubricating &High Test Batts' g Oils: q . . . .. . . Eclipse litallroad Azle Olt, r3 Pi Wanda great, beat without enema: lump( ';'f limpid at lowest tempetaturea. Special oil fop -, - 1, tropical ellmatel or hot weather. l3 yocometlye, Euirloe, egaehlne Illoip. ._- WilleutuereWs. • . d Now 1411 and Planing 1110.1 . 01/a,; Adapted for blab 5peed.., :,..,; Nplokle Oil. Wool ; Ilesil-Llght Olt, 011;Tasiners• Allaff-1 Zemmol'', , , log end Ylnlshlog Aissoltno, ', ', il 011, iLlonivoi Oil. 1 ratan:lna • , Atti.Wit S m ARNIIill„ to preaermlirtght Imo ti Work and aentriery from Bot. li., Thate pnalucta are manufactured , uneer Dr. L 4 T ead patent by dupe r heated Steam ln Irao• al coo.. heinbrkatinu WS are almost odorless. perfect ry pure uniform, wad meetly light eel. TA red, at”d a hiagh temperature unchanged, nod remain limpid mina extreme cold. The Yell..'l , „‘ roaatillsare noeauelled. gad are la eceistest vie ri <lnman, et the pallid oil Kan..% 8aPP 10 . 5 . 4 ' , I be examined end atdere lo ft at 11: 'WOOD . ff STRaYT. Worca at tiboxpotniza . Bridge.. i .. : „. 6 ‘• sii M . M!WI A virEtu rnr .VANlA 08. i DISTRICT OF 4 ' rigNICSII _ r,, At . ittsburgia, the Nth day 017anaary, 41.1 , cl 1870. The undersigned hereby lines nated of Ma 1 itonolntment as Assignee of ILZEFIZ OW/MIL . r of Plttsburgb, couuty, of Allegheny, .end fitate„ 1. of Pennsylvania. within .1.1 - Dtinlect o 0 nu 1 beers adjudged ts Unnkrupsunou b. ova gen. . lion!. tbe District Court of .1d District. • ' JOHN H. 13A11,Y. Assignees ' i . j 411,71 I ' Atton.B7-:8-1.4.. 09 Osant EL . I'VELIC NOTICE. f.-1 Hiring been appointed GANand OAS INILTZN INBPICTOZ ter Allrgbeay County: =WM ht hereby given that unirt etc necessary Odle. sad Mechanical Testing alscblneryeanb•Wierrlded. will be Itusnd •1 the 0111= OTTHIG NA. • TIONAL YOUNDBY . AND PLPJA . WOUND. Twenty-third rens , . lt Pitlahura. ====l ==sl DREK.- ------- f-4 A..- - r . . Importer old retail dealer in .1 FINE"STATIONEIrrair• - - WEDDING, VISITING. PAIITYJADANNIINEIII .14 calk° INNGIBMIINGI ,-- -. f,. lIIONOGIU-103. Alms, umninaiTse_ .6B CI . Orden by scuLu receive prompt astaltion. 111114 , rl . 'j ; far maples. . . • ' . A .-. • : IL= ebeatatit Itt..Ptailii. . -, V=: 3C , .:ISEIALIPLIALEUR. rtaxmions. ett632l.bitlato. - 31.malauta. , 8 )14.2..ria,WiLl.Otras 11111.811ALL'ill 2'1421:11 WILL : MIL* , 1•1183. rm. ot ttanhalrs stiztr. p9or Mph, Dopot, 1301 Market meet. ht. pi Ai /I Drepprns. Proprietors. • •• Toe sale; wholesale ILOOL.Tetan. exo. WELLY. Phtsho rob. • ' Owca PaPreornan. arm C0D1111.14111.141t ILAIIMOADCOAraw - Y. - • mammon. Jataix7l47p.' 'Wrap NOTILIUE BONDILOLDERIL . . , imbo 710:1IL Teats. Creek Division Bomb due February 1 - ISTO, bapid lad after Hutt date on presentation and • dc/Piery, at Use Inns Natlosallbmk of ittottorgh. 11•171;r2 TIZ .11(0. El. PAWL. in.. Trearr. EaDERSON J.ItOTHLIM w Ig SBAS Whom A.treia. & Il Damao ta . pm. au ra ~_~ LI ES 0 . ..• 14, • : Rgel Iti li l a i Wheeling.: I : in C.& St. L. Ex 7:19 pug :. Clinic: rs8ld13:1111 r ur Cleve Lund /kg 1:311a ;f Stied Y 5 4:3:15:0 mi ' CL Zs WI: g MT: .is 1 gre-lw in Allistnag. ") Leetsdale Airei: 3 WS Beier Palls Sim : New Castle "1.1.011 Wm _ Keen ". 0: an ~, i l ip Leetsdale ' , III: in '4 lica.rYalls '• 111:114 pa Lee,Vnale .. 4; -,• 9:11 = r t! , IMP Pall Oaks Sus. • '' — ww..cruweh. — .7 •-•t*:!t w • c.. ,- t' • , ...,, - 119.1T11. II
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