The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 08, 1870, Image 1

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PENMAN, BSio k 00.,
Offlee, 84 and 88 .Filt)h Avenue.
Y. E. PENITII4, man
T. T acrderoi, X it'lltEX
ssa.u, cv~......._..~._~.._».
_Pennsylvania Legislature.
Extension of Allegheny City to
Woods gun—Plan to Diminish
State D ebt — Extension of Char
ter of Erie Canal Company—
History of Pennsylvania "Vol
Meahl D i .ehatth to the littaborirti Elazette•J
rikIIILIBIIORO, February . 7, 1870.
•By Hr. GRAHAM: Bill for
.the ea
itenslon of Allegheny City, which an
natio all that pact of McClure township
beginning at thercar Stables, taking for
boundary all south of the railroad track
from the Maw:heater line, now a ward In .
Allegheny City, to Jack's run In McClure
Also, a bill for the better prosecution
of disorderly persons In Sharpaburg.
By Mr. WARFEL: A bill to diminish
public Indebtedness, which authorises
the Stoking Fond Commissionem to lend
out all money and receive interest from.
the blithest bidder, secured by State or
Hatted States bonds, and the Commis.
adorers may sell all State securities and
s.up the
.publlc debt with the pro.
. By Mr. HOWARD: Validating certain
deeds to bar estates tall in Allegheny A
• ,
The Senate bill authorizing railroad
companies Idles*. or become imam
named finally.
Mr. KERR called tin Ma bill Incorpo•
Parrating ed th
finally. e retroleam Railroad Company.
Mr. WHITE nailed op Ma bill relative
lieut./oho:tent% Musa:l.second reading.
Mr. WRITE called op the Renate .tip.
pletnent to act for the entry of Rena
against nonatented lends, extending the
time for
bewail reading.
. ion of tabuicee. Passed
!titan rstrnonccEn.
By Mr. . 10 MN6ON, of Crawford: Ex.
tending the charter of the Erie Canal
-I:lompany, Prodding that whereas
might benefit Pennsylvania to have the
Erie Canal enlarged to mule boats of flee
htuadred tong burthen between Ede and
Pittatmrgh, therefore be it epacted, that
the charter of the Erie Canal Comps.
y ii hereby extender( from the
terminus of the canal at the month or
Beaver river to Pittsburgh, with Dower
to construct a canal on either bank of
m Ohio land locks, dams and
=butes on said river, and maintain alack
water navigation on the Chic and such
penitent of the Allegheny and
/rabe/a • riven as may be t he to
form navigation within the limits of
Pittsburgh of not exceeding eight !Set on
the lower outlet look of the Monongahela
the l ga ea
rfaTition Company: provided that
ks shall not exceed 350 feet
leugth and 75 lbot in width; that no toils
'hall be charged on boats not using locks;
the amount for which mortgages may be
lamed on the canal is increased to Mx
edition dollar' at seven per neut.
By Mr. BOWMAN: Urging Congress
accord belligerent righ,• to Cubans.
1 1 The Cal appropriating eight thonaand.
live.titindred do Wire for the ootuplettonol
of the History of the Pennsylvania y
"roma. ttotesus finally, cut down Weight
'ffeet of lagal Tender Decisio—
n Burns' Bat Plt—lmmense
Revenue Fraud, &c, .fie.
relerrapit to 'he Plitetonsli Gazelle.]
Nave Tonic, Feb. 7, 1870.
The filupreme Court decision on the
legal tender question was the great sulo
,ftiet ef disensai, on in financial circles this
• afternoon.' The decision, as understood
'la Wall street, is that the legal tender
sot was justified by the war, but that
Congress bad no power to home any more
legal tender notes, and that all contracts
' made before 1882 are to be paid In coin.
In this shape the decision Is certainly
a very important one, but its 111110800 e
0 on values was remarkably slight.
The decision makes tome hundreds of
millions of railroad bonds and en lot.
manse rearaate of Btate and city. bonds
payable bot principal and Inter
est. the Interest of which for eight years,
• hag beettruld in greentseks. • Payments
of Interest on principal aloes 1802 having
been accepted by the creditors, will not
be affected by the decision, except
. where money has been accepted under
protest, accompanied with a demand for
gold, which cases are, of mune, very oX.
olipdOnal. Is Is, perhaps, not Improbable
that r ioine of theimorer States with heavy
debts, as North hemline and. Tennessee,
being unable to provide for their debts'
even ou a currency basis, may be driven
by this deaden Auto open repudiation,
placing the -iiection of the Supreme (-bort
as impridog on them obligations which
they could not honor. '
The price of gold advanced in the
morning on private telegrams from
Washington,to the effect that the de
cision woul be in favor of all contracts
made before 1882 beteg payable. in coin,
but when the other part of the decision
. was known, this a ft ernoon, the price of
gold declined, from the fact that Osti
limn under the decision cannot Issue any
• more legal tenders.
The °fibers of the Chicago, B. L and
.Itsilroad hare agreed to give •
formal engagement to observe In future
all rules of the Stook Exchange, relative
registration of stock and notification Of
of all new issues of shares, or of convert'.
ble hoods, and Lida being all that is re.
spired by tha Cloven:nog Committee con
ditionally to the replacing of stock on
cell, It .1. presumed tr will tomorrow be
wan restored to its former position on
the Stock Exchange.
• IMMEIIBII refine.
The arrest of A. Stevens, an es-United
States Inspector and G augerappear s to
have been Mae in Si. Louie ' by topers
from this city. It Is said the fraud* per,
petrated by Stevens and a number of
Maness mem here wilt ^vregregu e to
nOOO,OOO. Jo one case of 325 Carrels of
proof •starlts. the Government IC said to
have received only 11,000, Where it ws
entitled to $25,000. Stevens was brought
to New York and has been committed to
KIT - nuaars' HA? PIT.
' The Inauguration of Kit Bums' rat pit
at the Water street mission took
today. Bishop Jones, Rev. Mr. Tyng,
Jr., 'and other., delivered addressee.
Barns still runs the liquor salad next
door, through which the ministers were
ob_ligeen ho u se.
cekraomirat 07.1.n..0.1t1E8.
Is the Court of Oyer and Terminer tot
day, Judge Ingraham charged the Grand
Jury that all agreements with persons
who have committed felonies not to
prosecute them if they return portions of
stoleni property, are Illegal, and the
offenders should be brought to trial.
Picruirm GALL.
the sale of the Thompson aolleoffon
of piCturee Wes. opmea today, The
macs wee spirite, and the pricalassl.
though low, were fair for the poor pia •
lures which were offered: •
/XL Rockefeller, of the flievezity•firat
Regiment, has rec eived: from an official
in Richmond, a tender of the return to
his regiment of two' howitzers captured
from it at BaU Run in 1881.
Five Inaba of snow fell at Louisville
yileterday after two r. x., and the atotaa
continued lastulght. • •
rgaZzamul ST
(By Telegglibh to the Pittsburgh tissette4
WasniNcrrols, Feb. i, /SRL
Mr. MORTON presented resolutions of
the Georglar Legistature accepting the
condition% recently irupooed by Congress,
by changing the State Constitution and
also ntifying the 14th and 15th Amend
Mr.- FERRY remarked that inquiry
already had been directed to be made
whether the present Logialature of Geor
gia was a legally organized body.
Mr. EDMUNDS said the present laves.
tlgatlon of the Committee would embrace
that question.
Mr. EDMUNDS, from the Committee
on Pensions. made a report upon Various
petitions from soldiers of tho war of
1812, for a change of the law by which
they may be entitled to pensions, .I.le
stated that the weight of our' taxation,
caused by the payment of pension to
disabled soldiers, was so great that In
the opinion of the Committee the Gov
ernment would not bejosthied in enters
lag the penalon lie; for men ,who were
not disabled.
B finr. TRUMBULL: More effeetn
shyrevide far the execution of the
charge for the protection of owners of
trade mark,.
Roulutions were introduced ow`
TRUMBULL requesting the Attorney
General to furnish information oolicern-
Inn charges against the U. S. Marshal '
for the Southern - District of 'Meets.
By Mr. BAYARD, requeating the Poet.
master General to report by whom the
draft of the petition for the , abolltreu of
the franking privilege was prepared, Ire
whose order and at whose expense,
Mr. TEIATER objected and the resolu
tion laid of
Mr. fd'DONALD, from the Commit-into
on Postofflou and Post Roads, reported
favorably without amendment, the bill
to encourage the - establlshmerat of a line
of steamehipe Cinder the flag of the
Union tbr the conveyance of United
States mails to European' and Asiatic
Europens; for promoting emigration from
Postepe„ and for reducing• the rates of
Mr. HOWARD, from Committee on
Pacific R.allroad, reported with amend
ment the bill to amend the act of July
21, 18&i, granting lands to aid the con
struction of railroads from Missouri and
Kansas to the Pacific coast by the Routh
ern route. It provides that if the Atlan
tic' and Pacific Railroad Company shall
nom Mete the road to the Weitern bound
ary of Missouri by June /oth, 1872, the
same shall be held to be a company with
la the conditions of kaid act,... but • the
United States shall secure to the compa
ny the right of way over the lands grant
ed thereby and occupied by Indians.
Mr. OSBORN, front the Committee on
Public Lands, reported with amend
'Manta, a bill granting lands to aid in the
construction of certain railroads In
Mr. CHANDLER, from theConimittee
on Commerce, reported a bill with an
amendment, amendatory to the act fix.
log certain rules and regulations for
preventing collisimis on water.
Mr. COLE introduced a bill to amend
the -act authorizing the establishment of
ocean mall steamship service between
the United States and Hawaiian Istauds
and to extend the same to Australia.
.Mr. FENTON Introduced a bill to pro
vide additional commercial and pond
facilities in the port of New York. Re
ferred to Committee on Poatonices end
Postroads. It Incorporates Marshall 0
Roberta and aaeociatea a company to
cocurtruot a eubmerged tube or covered
way from New York city to the New
Jersey shore opposite, to be used for
railway purrosea. All railway cnpa•
,lea are to have the use of and tunnel
on equal terms. -
Mr. STEWART introduced . bill ex
'tending the provisions ot the civil right,
act and for the enibrcement of the XVIII
Amendment. Referred to Judiciary
Mr. SUMNER offered. a resolution,
which was agreed to, directing the Sec.
rotary of the Treasury to report the Bev-
Oral dates of bonds issued to the Pubic
Reliroad Co., aggregate amounts Issued
and dates payable, also the character of
the bonds-held In the Treasury on Feb
ruary first as belonging to the Sinking
Fund, as also of the bonds parchaded
and held subject to action of Courant.
Senatetn of Mr. TRUMBULL, the
took up the bill to -reihsve from
Importridity and to preserve the inc).
pendence od the several Departments of
' the Governinent. He explained that the
bill originally prohibited recommenda
tions to office by members of Congress
unless In writing, and at the request of
the appointing power. The Judiciary
Committee believing this restriction
would be evaded by members throwing
Ithemselves in way of being asked to
make recommendations, and that the
Imbues complained of would not be our
rected, had attempted to make the bill
more effective by prohibiting reurm•
mendations entirely.
Mr. POMEROY said the bill would
prevent a member from stating hie
opinion, even when rem:Meted to do
1 by the Executive, in regard to the Mer
, actor and fitness pre member, '
Mr. TRUMBULL replied that the bill
I did not propose to prohibit a member
replying In whatever manner he chose
to a communicstion from the appointing
power. If Raked In regard to an Indt
sided, a member might state his
I opinion.
Mr. SCHURZ believed reform in the
civil servioo was desirable. bat it should
be upon a better basis than that pro
pmed, for the effect of this bill would be
merely to transfer the right to make a
recommendation to office from the
higher to the lower class of politicians,
to the greater injury of public Interests.
Mr. HOWARD recognized the extent
of existing abused, but considered the
bill of too sweeping a character. The
President necessarily would have to rely
upon 'somebody In making appoint
, melds. The members of Congress were
perhaps lead - fitted to act as his advisers.
Mr. WILLIAMS proposed to prohibit
judicial, military and naval °Moen, as
well as memtera of Congress, from re
commending applicants. and supmitted
I en amendment to that effect.
The morning hour expiring, the bill
was laid aside In order to proceed with
'the Census bill.
The House bill was read at length, and
also the amendment of the Senate Com
mittee, simply directing tho treasury of
the Interior to so change schedules and
blank, to be used An enumerating the
Inhabitants of the United States to 1870
as to make the same conform to the cus
tom of the United States.
Mr. CONKLING advocated at length
the prepared substitute reported by the
Senate Committee, to take the ceneu,s
under the act of 1850.
Mr: SUMNER followed In support of
the:Honse bill, claiming that the differ
ence in the expense between the two sys
tems 'Misery Immaterial.
' Mr. CORBETT, from the Comniittee
on Commerce, reported without amend
ment the bill to encourage telegraphic
communication between the'Eastern and
Western continents It gives to the
American and Asiatic Telegraph Com-
pany the exclusive right for _fourteen
yews to conduct and maintain a submit.
rine cable to Ada, commencing , at a point
smith of Cape San Jun, in Washington
Territory and provide, for detailing
United States vessels to assist in the pro..
motion of the enterprise.
Mr. WILSON, from the Committee op
Military Affair; reported a joint rare
lt t Ylnin • (certain ien to give the National Soldiers'
A timi n g from
fines and forldted heen
A12:30 a message Was receleed from
the Iltreso announcing the death of re
presentative Hoag, of Ohlo.
I After short addresses by 1110,...
I man and Thurman, and the adoption of
the deceased
resolutions of respect for the memory of
, the Senate apjourned. . -
Bills were Introduced and referred as
By Mr. MORRILL., Marne: 'lb aid the
construction of sea•gotng vessel; steam.
boats and ohip o , by allowing a drawback
of Maine on malaria* ninety pe r o . m.
on home industries and eighty-life p er
on foreign tooductimut
By Bin - SCHOFIELD: To except fro m
the law abolishing the franking priall oge
the circulation of weekly_ newspap un
within counties where published.
By Mr. GETZ: To allow ail newspaper.
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end periodicals published within the
United Steles to Le transmitted through
the malls hen of postage when eent from
the Moo of publication to actual and
regular acibetribere.
By Mr. KELLY, Pennsylvania: To
promote the establishment of an inter
net ions] metrical eyptem of coinage.
By Mr. RIDGWAY: For the repeal of
the act Droecrlblng an oath of office; also.
relieving political disabilities; from the
people of VI rginia.•
for m rellrttul
By Mr. D,OCgauge in tile U KERY: Requnitiried ng
` Also, removal of political disabilitlea
North Carolina.
Mr. WELKER: Todiscontinue the
Freed:nee'. Bureau.
Also, amendatory of the act entablieb•
leg a department of education.
By:iir.STEVENSONI Toamend bank
leg act, RD tIY to emend the that) for sults
by and egalnat, aasigneee and for proceed. ]
Inge to set aside the order of discharge.
'By Mr. ARNELL, To give female'
employes of the Government the same
compobeation ea men in like nektons. I
By. Mr. JUDD: T Incorporate )
Nahonal Irish Wanigran o t
Associatios. the
•By Mr. ASPERt To amend the teat for
a bridge across the Missouri river at
Port Leavenworth.
By Mr. STRICKLAND: For the ac•
ceptance by the Government of St. Mary's
Falba 'Miocene!.
By Mr. SatYl'HE, of Iowa! To aid
the construction of a railroad from St.
Cloud, Via Stink Valley, to the Western
boaudery et tile. Slate.
By Mr. TA FF'E: Granting land to )
aiduxthe construction of arailroad from ,
breaks. eltY, lawn. to Coltenbus, SO. I
Abdo, to reimburse Nebraska for ex-
peens Incurred In Indian boatilities in
1867 and 1869.
By Mr. SPI97K, Dakota: Granting
hinds for a railroad from Spriegfield
Yankton. Dakota, to Rock River, lowa.
BV Mr. HAWLEY: Authorizing the
.Secretary of War to have the Rock
Islind bridge constructed fora Single
track railroad only, and to place the
wagen trek below the railroad track.
the expenditure not to exceed ILT00.••
IMO Passed.
The following resolutions, offered last
Monday by Mr. MARSHALL, came as
the next linnineae ill order;
ittewrett, That the power granted in
the Federal Constitution to levy.end col
lect taxes, duties on imports and exelsee
to pay the debts and lerovide.e9Pm°l3
defense and general welfare of the United
State., does not batted° or embrace any
power to levy duties for any purl:Kee
other than the collection of revenue' for
such es therein indiestad; that a tariff
levied for any elopes° other that reve
nue, and especially one levied t t foster
and enrich one section of our country at
the expense of another, or to Caster and
enrich one Wessel eitetene at the sip onee
°tethers, is nueethorited by the Coast!.
tution,unjust to the groat body of the
American people. and In its residte Inju
rious eventually to nearly every Indlvid
oat Interest of the country.
Reaolved, That in the preparation of
the bill for the modification of the exist
ing tariff laws, Congress should confide
its action strictly to the preparation of a
tariff for revenue exclusively, and that
duties. on no articles should be greater
than that which would give the maxi
mum of revenue on such articles
The question was on Mr. Keleey's
motion to lay on the table, which wan
carried. Yeas fa), nay,. 77, as follow,,:
Yeas—Messrs. Ambler, Ames, Asper,
Banks. Beaman, Bennett, Benton; Bing)
ham, Blair. Boles, Bower, Burk, Buck
ley. Butlington, Burdett, Ceases,
Churchill. Clarke, Cobb, (Wiel Conger,
Dawes, Dickey, Dauley, Dave!, ale,
Ferris, Ferry, Fisher, Gilfillau, Hale,
Hamilton, (Fla) Heaton, Hawley, Hoar,
Hoge. (S. U.) Hotchkiss., Jencks., Kel
ly, (Pa-) Kelsey, (N. Y.) Ketcham.
Kneoj, Ladm, Lien, Lied., Maynard,
McGrew, 3isr) u-, Meives, Moore, (0.)
Moere, (N. Y..) Morrill, (P. 1,) Moron.
(Me.,) Myers, .Negley, Paine,
Feltner Phelps, Poland, Prosier, Recto,
Sanford, Recto, Schenck, (0.,) Schofield, Shel
don, (La.,) Smith, (0.,) Smith, (Tenn.,'
Smith, (Vt ,) Starkweather, Stevens,
Stokes, Stoughton, Strickland, Strong,
Taff°, Tanner, Tallman, Twiebell. Yee
Horn, Ward; Washburn°, (Wis..) Wash
borne, (Mane.,) Within, Wheeler,
Whittemore, Willard, W llltenie,. Wilson.
(0)0 and Wltcher.—.99.
Nuya—Masara..l.llatue, Allbson, Archer,
Arnett, Axtell, Beatty, Beck, Benjamin.
Biggs', Bird, Beaker. Brooke, (N. Y.)
Burcbard, Burr Butler, (Tenn.) Cat
kin, Coburn, dm. Crabs, Cullom. De.
Weeee, Dickinson Dockery, Dog, Fluk
e:l:them, Getz, Gillian, Gallaway,. Gria.
weld, Haight Ll,ldemen, liambleton,
(Maryland.) yamill, Hawkins, Hey,
Ingersoll. Joh son, Jona... (Kentucky,)
Judd, Julian Kerr, Knott, Law
rence, Slarehall, Mayhem, Meter
wick, McCrary, McKenzie, McNeely,
Niblack, Orth. Packard, (Indiana.)
PolosfoT. Reading, Reeves. Roger,,,
Scbumaker, Shanks, (toll.,) Sherrot,
Moroni, ' - Smythe, (lowa,) Stevenson.
Stile+, Stone, Strader, Swann, Sweent.y,
Tremble, Tyner, Vanauken, Van
Trump. Well., Wlleon, (Minn.) Wheel%
Winchester, - Wood and Woodward-77.
A motion to reconsider was tabled--
41es 91, nays 80.
Mr. BINGHAM introduced a bill.
amendatory of the laws relating to the
rates of postage, making letter postage
two cents, and one cent for every addi
tional half ounce or fraction thereof; ma
king postageon newspapers or periodical's
Issued daily, weekly, monthly, or other
stated periode, one cent, where not ex
ceeding four ounce, In weight, and ono
cent for every additional ounce or frac.
lion thereof; papers circulating in the
Sta and Territory where published, or
withinone hundred miles of the place of
publication to be exempt from the pay
ment of patage, and exclaaMgen between
publishers to be free; postage on drop
lettent and unsealed circular, tette ono )
cent and one cent for each additional]
half ounce or fraction thereof menu
leripts Intended for public:nide, not ex..)
reeding two ounces in weight, to 'be
three manta postage and one cent for
every additional ounce. The mooed
section makes it the duty of the Past.
maser General to establish a uniform
and moderate box rental.
Mr. BECK introduced a bill to author.
Ize the Government to adopt all patents
and copyrights for its own purpose* on
such terme as may be agreed upon.
Mr. ORrm offered a lesolutiort Ogling
on the Proficient Ter the correspondeoce
with the Spaniel. Government and the
American Minister at Madrid in eolith:ln
10 Cuban affairs, with curb' informegon
as may be In his possession as to the
present position of the struggle for In
dependenee In that Island. Adopted.
Mr. SARGENT, from Committee on
Appropriations, reported the Indian ap-
Ipropriatfon My, and briefly explained IL
It appropriate. 13,0930 agalnet F1,2/7,-
781 imtyear, toe ampunt estimated :for
the war, 19,048,334, being 11,959.404 more
than amOttrit applied. The bill was made
the e r pees.' order for Friday next.
M. DICKEY Raked leave to report
from the Committee on. Appropriations,.
and have put upon it, Odeasge, the ) bill
authorising the Indemnity fund received
from the Governments of china and
Japadto be covered Into the Treasury.
Mr. BANKS objected, stating the ques
tion had been referred to the Committee
on Foreign Affairs.
Mr. DICKEY meted to enspend the
rules. Not agreed to—yeas 81, nay.. 84.
Mr. LAYLIN offered a resolution, doe
daring It a wasteful expendito re to con
tinue tile publication in . tbe•Gicee of p‘'.
titkma against the franking privilege, as
issued under the direction of the Poste
master General.
Mr. MAYNARD objected. protecting
against an attempt to suppreas
Mr. LAPLIN moved to suspend the
rules. Agreed to, sad the resolution
wont over, as undid:Med business.
At ten minutes beforethree, Mr. MOP.;
.GAN erase to announce the death of 1.3 a
colleague, Truman H. Hoag, of Ohio,
and offered the usual reeolutions of con.,
dolence and respect.
I 'After remark's la honor of the deceased
Member by, Messrs. Margin, Bingham
and Woodward, the resolutions were
I Messrs. Dickinson, Beatty and Ara.
bier, of Ohio, Winchester, of Kentucky,
and William of Indiana. were ap.
pointed a committee to accompany the
remains to Ohio, and the House at three
o'clock adjourned.
strike of Ratiroad Laborers.
thy getserapa to the Plttamonto Gazettu.
OIL Crry, February 7..—Owing to the
reduction of wages from two dollars to
one and three quarters per day, a large
Portion of the laborers on the Jamestown
and Franklin. Railroad struck last week.
They are being paid off today. The 'dig
kers threaten to force every men to quit
work, several hundred in number. At 4
o'clock this afternoon It looks as If they
meant badness. The foremen of those
who remained at work have advised the
men to quit work for their own safety.
_~ ~,. ~
SKONII EllllllOl.
The Legal Tondo Law Decided
Unconstitutional - - 'Dissenting
Opinion. -
(By Tide/daub to the eltutiuran melts.)
WASHINGTON, February 7, 1870.
In the ease of Hepburn vs. Griswold,
brought from the Court of Appeals of
kentucky, involving the legal tender
was-decided in the United States Sur
poems . Court Chief Justice
Chain delivered the opinion of the Court
below, and held that a contract made be.
fore the legal tender law could not be
discharged In United States notes. The
opinion Is very long, and discusses at
great length the polder of Canteens: 'lt
holds that Congress had no right to
make, governinent notes a legal tender
on pro exerting private debts. It does
not touch the question el contracts made
mince the law Watt passed. The nehilon
was concurred In by Justice
Justice clifilird and. Jostles Field. Jos
lice Miller delivered the minority
ein, which was ouncurred in by Justice
Swayne anu -Jostles Davis, holding it to
be constitutional and treating it intact
, pally tic an Incident to the war power.
The opirdon delivered by,Chlef
Justice Chaise on the n legal tender quest
lion Is very long. After an able review
Of the cue It Bayer No one queetions the
bgeneral conatitutizmahty, and 'not very
many, perhaps, the Ohara' expediency
of the legislation by which linrrency
notes have loath nialliorlied in recinit
yeare. The doubt Is 43 to the power to
decree a particular clue of these notes to
he legal tender is payment of preexiet
, logdebts. The only ground -upon
which this power le resorted, • le
not that the teat, of notes was an appro
priato and plainly adapted means lei
carrying on the war, for that la admitted:
bet that the making of them a legal
tender to the extent mentioned was such
a means now. We have seen that of ail
the notes homed those not declared a
legal tendek at all constitute a very large
proportion,....and that they circulated
freely and without discount. It
may be said that - their . • eqUality
la eircalatlOn and credit was due
to the provision made by law for the
redemption of this paper in legal tender
notes; but this provialoncif at aft useful
in this respect, was of trifling Import.
Jane% 'compared with that which made
them ib for Goverent dues.
I 'All m oden history teatitlea n
th m at In time
ousted, especially when taxes are mug.
large leans negotiated and heavy .
disbursemeins made, notes leaned by
the authority of the Government and
made) receivable' for duos to the
Government always obtain at nrst a
ready circulation, and even when not
redeemable by coin .on demand are as
little and usually leas aubject to degree/.
mum as any other description of notes
for the redemption of .which no better
provielola ta made,' and the hletory of the
tegielstlon under consideration is, that
it was upon this quality of receivabilly
arid not . upon the plenty of regal
tender that the reliance of dr
dilution was orlgivally placed, for ,
the inconvertibility clause appears to
to have been in the original draft of the
bill, while /be legal tender clause seems ‘.
to have been Introduced at a later elate
of its program These farts certainty are ,
not without weight, as evidence that all
useful purposes of the notes would have
Wen fully answered without making
them a legal tender for pro (uniting ,
debts. It fa denied, Indeed, by eminent ,
writers, that the quality of lege tender.
adds enything at all to the credit ur ues
retirees .of Government, notes. They
meet, on the contrary, that It Impairs'
both. However this may be, It must he
rutswaat.ama a l that it lama a voestas to an
end, to be obtained by the action of the
makinGovernment, that the' implied power of ;
g noes a legal tender In all pay.
went. halftime:l under toe Constitution.
Now, how far is the Government helped
by this means? Certainly tecannot obtain
newsoppilea or met vices ate cheaper rate.
- for no one will take note% for more
than they are worth at the time of the.
new contract. The prices Will rise in
ratio of depredation, and the la all that
could happen lithe note* were not made
legal tenders. But it may be Bald that
the depreclatlon will be leas to him who
rakes them from the Government if the
Government will pledge to.hitii Its power
to compel his creditors -to remise them
at par - Inladments. - This la, as we have
said, by no means certain. /f the quan
[lcy leaned be exoessiveAnd redemption
uncertain and remote, great de
predation will take place. If on
the other band, the quantity Is
only adequate to the dematida of bust.
• nese, and confidence in early redemption
la strong, the notes will circulate freely,
whether made legal tender or not. But
of it be adm tied Hutt some increase of
availability la derived from making notes
a legal tender under new contracts, it by
no means follows that any appreciable
advantage la gained by compelling ore
/Mors to receive them In satisfaction of
pre.existing debt., and there
abundant evidence that whatever
benefit is possible from that compel:don
to .404:14 Individuals, is outweighed by.
losses of property, derangement of Mel
ees; fluetuation of. curroneyippd values
and Increase of priors to the people and
government, and a long train of 'evils
which dew from the useof an irrodeem
__able paper currency. It Is true-that
liege evils are not to be attributed alto.
'tether to making It a legal tender, but
this increases these evils. It certainly
widens their extent and protracts their
We are unable to persuade ourselves
that an expedient of this sort It, an ap
propriate and plainly adapted means for
the execution of power to declare and
carry on war. If It adds nothing to the
utility of notes, It cannot be upheld as •
means to an end in furtherance of which
notes are Issued. Noncan It, in our/ eds.
meet, be upheld ea encb, if while faciti.
biting In some degree circulation of notes
it debases and Injures currency In its
proper use to a much greater degree.
And these considerations seem to US
equally appllattae to the weer to regu
late commerce and to borrow money.
Both powers necessarily involve theme •
of money by the people and by the Gov.
ornment, but neither, Ss we think, ear.
:lea with it appropriate and plainly
adapted' means to exercise the power
of making circulating notes legal tender
la pavinent of pre existing debts, -
But there is another view, whin seems
to us decilitre:- To Whatever express
power the Implied wirer in may
be referred, In the rule stated by Chief
Justice Marshall the words "iippropri.
ate," "plainly adapted," "really calm/.
dated," are qualified by a limitation, that
the means most be not 'prohibited but
coexistent with thatletter and - spirit of
the Constitution. Nothing so prohibited
or Inconsistent can be regarded as "lip.
preprints" or ',plainly adapted" or "re.
ally calculated" means to any end. Let
en inquire, then, first whether making
bills of credit a legal tender to the ex.
tent Indicated la copal/dent With the
epirlt of the Constitution. Among the
great cardinal purpoees of that luaus.
meat no one is more conspicuous or more
venerable than eatabliekment of justice,
and what was intended by the establish
ment of jute, In the minds of the
people who ordained It, Is happily not a
matter of disputation. It is not left to
inference or conjecture, especially
in its relations to contracts. When the
Constitution WU undergoing discussion
in Convention, the Congress of the Con.
federation-was engaged - in the consider -1
Mien of an ordinance tir the Govern.
meat of the territory northwest of Ohlo,
the only Territory subject at that time
to its regulation and control. BY tills
ordinance certain fundamental articles
of compact were established between the
original States and the people and States
of the territory, "for the purpose," to use
its own languae, "of extending the fun
damental principles of civil and religions
liberty, whereon these republics as the
States united .ender the Confederation
and their law and Constitution are
erected," Among these fundamental
principles wee ibis: "And In just eraser
' ration of rights and property, it a
understood and declared that no
law ought ever to be made or
have fere,
In the said Territory
that shall- In any manner whatever
Interfere with or affect private
contracts or 44 / 1 1 e042111213, bona fide and
without fraud previonsly formed."
The same principle found a more con.
dented expression in that notivaluable
• - - ------
provision. of the Constitution of the
Coned States, everrecognized as an am.
dent Safeguard - against Intrigue, "that
no State shall, pass aliy law impairing
contract." It is true that this prohibi
tion is not applied in terms to the Gov
ernment of the United States. Ow:egress
has express power to enact bankrupt
laws, and we do not eaY that a
law, made • in execution of any
other express -power, which inct •
dentally impairs the obligation of a
contract, camber held to be Unconstitu
tional for that reason. But we think It
' clear that thcise Who framed and those
who adopted the Conte-Button intended
that the spirit-of Ibis prohibition should
pervade the entire body of legislation.
I and that justice which the Constitution
1 1 was ordained to establish was not
~ thought by them to he compatible with
' legislation of an opposite tendency. In
other words, we cannot doubt that a law
, not made in pursuance of . an.expreas
p r w ecetr ,
op wh at c i h o n nimep a sa s rl l t y
ea obligation
i of contras:hi . la inconsistent with the
spirit of the Donstitution.
Another provielort, found in the sth
amendment, must, be considered In Ibis
commotion. We refer to that which or-„
doing that "private property alutlinoi be
taken for public Use without oeinpensa• I
Bon." Tale provision la kindred in spirit
to that which forbids legislation impair.
log obligations bf mintracts. But unlike
. that, It is adds eased directly trfand solely
to the National Government. It does tot
in forme prohibit legislation- which
appropriates Privelie property of one
clime, but of eir Iseult to the moor another
taken lin t
the if lamsche property cahoot be
t of a
compensation, it is la difficultll
toWitheti Un
derstand how -It can be co. taken /for
the benefit of a part, without violating
this spirit of the prohibition. '
But therti branother prOfisiona, in the
same amendment, which in our Judg
ment cannot have lta full and intended
effect unless construed as a diree prohl
bithin of the legislation which w have
been ermeiderlug.. It la that woh de.
elaree "that no person shall -De deprived
of life, liberty or property without due
process of law." It is not doubted that
all the provision of the amendment
operate directly in limitation anu re.
straint.of the legislative power conferred
by the Constitution: The only gustation
la whether an act which - IX)cp,
pets all those who bold contract.
for payment of gold or silver
money to accept in payment a
currency of inferior value, deprive/teach
persona of property without "doe process
of law." -It is quite clear that whatever
maybe the operation of such an act,
"duo proemial of law" znakes no part of
It. Does it deprife any person or prop.
erty? A very large proportion of the
property of civilized men exists in•the
farm of contracts. - These contracts al..
moat invariably stipulate for the pay
ment of money, and we have already
seen that contracts In the United States
prior to the act under consideration, for
the payment of money, were contracts to
pay the some specified In gold and silver
ouln. And it is beyond doubt that the
holders of these contraeta were and are
as fully entitled to the protection of
constitutional provision es hOldersof any
other description of property. But it
may be said that holders of no deeerip•
don of property are protected by it from
legislation which Incidentally only Im
baira its value, and it may be urged, in
illustration, that holders of stock in a
turnpike, a -bridge, or manufacturing
corporation, or au insurance company.
or bank, cannot by authorizing similar
works or corporations reduce its price in
the market. But all this duce not appear
to meet the real - difficulty. In the cease
mentioned the injury in contingent and
Incidental. In the case we are consider.
- leg it is direct and inevitable. •If in the
case mentioned the holder- of stock
was requested to convey it on demist:rte.
any one who should think lit to offal
half value for it, the analogy would be
mere obvious. No one probably could
be roust - deo contend that an art enforc
ing the amoptance af 50 or 75 acres of
land In satisfaction of a contract to oon
fey lee would not come within the ro
hil bitten neatest the arbitrary deprivation
of property. We eonfese ourselves uua.
be to perceive any solid distinction be.
tweeu curb an act and an act compelling
all elt.iaens to .iimpt.ineattafaction of all •
contracts for money ono half, or three.
fourth., or any other proportion leas
than the whole of the value actually due,
according to their terms.
It Is difficult to oonceive what act
would bike' private property without
process of law. If such act wield not,
we are obliged to conclude that an act
making mere promises to pay dollars a
legal tender in payment of debts pre.
vlounly contracted Is not a means "ap.
propriate " "plainly adapted," "really
calculated" to carry into effect any
express power vested in Congress; that
each an act Is Inconsistent with the spirit
of the Con.ditution, sad that it is prohlb•
ited by the Constitution.
It Is not surprising that amid the tu
mult of the late civil war, and under the
influence of apprehensions for the safety
of the Republic, almost universally - dlr.
terent views, never before entertained by
American statesmen -or jurists, were
adopted by many. The time was not
favorable to considerate reflection upon
the cionatitutlonal linilts of -legislation
or executive authority.• If power was I
assumed from patriotic motive; the 1
assumption found ready Jtuditiostien in 1
patriotic hearts. Many who doubted.
yielded their doubts. 'Many who did
not doubt, were silent. Some who were
strongly averse to making Government
notes a legal tender, felt themeelves
constrained to accitueace in the Aimee of
the advocates of the measure. Not a few
who then Instated upon its necessity or
acquieiced - In views, have, since the re.
turn of peace under the Influence of
calmer times, reconsidered their con
clusions ,and now' concur In the views
we have just announced.
These conclusions seem to ref to be
fully sanctioned by the letter and spirit
of the Constitution. We are obliged,
therefore, to hold that the defendant In
error was not, bound to receive from the
plaintiff the currency tendered to him
in payment of a note made before. the
mu f tsage of the act of February 25, 1 862.
It ollows that the Judgment ef the court
of Appeals of Kenteaky moat ho af
Tho diesenting opinion by inatice
Miller,- after arguing the case at much
length, .aye: The legal tender Marines
ortbe etatotes under consideration wore
placed emphatically by those who ,n.
acted them upon their necessity to the
Maher borrowing of money end main.
talnlng the army and navy: It was done
reluctantly and with healtation, and only
after the necosaity had been demonstrated
and bad become Imperative. Our states.
men had been trained in schools which
looked upon such legislation with
something more than distrust. The
debates of the two Houses of Co,.
green show that on this necessity
alone could this clause or
bill have been carried, and the
able prove. as I think very clearly, the
exiatenoe of that neceiolty. Th e hi story
of that gloomy time is not to be readily
forgotten by the lover of his country.
and will forever remain a full, clear and
ample vindication of the exercise of this
power by Congress. As lie results have
demonstrated the sagacity of those who
originated and carried through the
measure, certainly it seems, to the
best Judgment that Ican bring
to bear upon the • aubJect, that
thin law was a necessity -- in th e
most stringent sense In which that word
can be need. 'But It is said that the law
is in oonflict with -the spirit if not the
letter of several provisions of the Conati.
tattoo. • Undonbtectlylll la a law Impair
ing the obligation of. contracts made
before its passage. Bat while the Mead.
tutlon forbids States to peas such laws,
it does not forbid congress. On the
contraryo.congreas Is expressly author
ised to establish a uniform systent
of bankruptey, the emortoe of which
in to discharge debtors from the oblige.
tion of their contracts, and in pursuance
I of this power Congress has three times
passed such laws, which In every ' , M-
I stancaoperated on contractemade before
it was tossed. So it Is
propertyt the o
! rhllooa that private shall t
bo taken tor public use withoutpust com
pensation, and that no person shell '
be deprived of life, liberty or Drop
aret due course or low,
comsat to the act ender considers.
thou. The argument la too flee for my
perception, by which the indirect effect
of a great public measure in deproaLat-
I int the value of land; stock; bonds
taking Private property for
an other contracts, renders such a law
ipunTbailliedri ors depriving the owner of
it without ,
d ourse of law.: A declare.
don of war with a maritime power
would thus be tin oonstitutiona4 be.
cowl the value or every ahlp abroad Is
loosened twenty-flve or thirty per cent.,
and those at home almoatas Much. The
abolition of. the tariff on iron, or sugar.
Would in like Manner destroy fanatical
and sink capital employed In the manu-
facture of these articles. Yet no states
man, however warm an advocate of high
tariffs, has claimed that to abol lab such
duties would be unconstltutiouali as
Inking private property. If the
principle be :sound, every aucces.
stye issue of Govern/nerd bonds;
during the war' was void, be
cause by increasing the public debt It
made theme already In private hands
less valuable This whole argument on
the injustice of the law, and the injustice
which, if it ever existed, will be repeated
by now holding It veld, and of Its op.
position to the spirit of the Comanitutlon,
in too abstract, intangible, fur ap.
Pileation to courts of justice, and
le, ably° all, dangerous ground .
on which to declare the legislation of
CY:ogress void by the dentition of a court.
I It would authorize thia c o urt to enforce
theatrical views of the genius of our
Government, or vague notions of 'the
spirit of the Constitution and of abstract
Justice, by declaring void laws which did
not equare with them. It eubstitutesi
I our ideate( policy for judicial construe.
lion, an indefinite code of ethics for a
ainatitution nod courts of law for o
Ildcal legielat ere.
Upon the enactment of theme legal tea
-1 der laws they were received with almost
unlearns! acquiescence, em valid pay
meets were made In legal tender notes
for debts lu existence when the law wait
paullone sed to the amount of thounanda of
of dollars, though gold was the
onitttlaWful tender when the debts; were
contjacted. An equal If not large amount'
is now duo under contracts made mince
their paseoge, under the belief that these
legal tendert! wou be valld payment.
The two Houses ld
of 'Congress, the
President who signed the bill and
fifteen State courts of last resort,
question, all bt one, that have palmed upon
the e have expressed belien
the couatltutionality of these laws. With
all this great weight of authority, this
strong concurrence of opinion among
tbose who have passed upon the lineation I
before we have been called to decide it, I
whose duly. it was, as much as it
Is ours:. to peas upon it In the
light. of the Constitution, are we
to reveree their action, to dieturb
contracts, to decide the law void because
the necessity for Its enactment does not
appear do strong to Clean it did to Con
greed, or en clear skit woe to other courts? I
Such fa not my Idea of the relatlia tune.
intoa of the lerslative and judicial
departments of this Government. Where
there Is a choice of means, the selection I
fa.witti Congress, not the court. If the I
act Is to be considered in any sense':
essential for the execution of an acknowl
edged power, the decree of that ricotta-
eity Is for the Leglslatilre and not for the
court to determine.
In a cue In Wheaton the Court soy
"that where a law la not prohibited and
It is really calculated to effect any of the
objects 'entruated to the Government, to
i t
undertake here keinquire Into the degree
erns necessity would be to pout the line
which circuruncribes the Judicial depart.
inept and tread on legislative ground.
This Court disclaims all pretenelores to.
such power." This sound expendtion
of the duties of the Court in this class of
case, relieves me from any embarrass
: ment or hesitation in the case before me.
If I bad entertained doubts of the con
alltutionality of the law, I must have
held the law valid until those doubts be.
come convictiene; but as I have a very
decided opinion that Congress acted
within the scope of Its authority, I most
hold the law to he constitutional and
diseent from the opinion of the'court.
I am authorized to say that Mr. Justice
titleSwayne aion.nd Mr. Justice Davis concur In
Interruption of the Telegraph in
Ireland-:-The Rochefort Sensa
tion in Paris—Outrage. Upon
Americium In Havana—One
'filled and Two Others Wound
ed Raft. . •
VALZwrs.a, Fah. 7 .—There LI total. In
terroption on the Irish telegraph lines.
Comtnunleation eastward la entirely cut
PARIS, Feb. 7 .—General Heine lea yes.
Corday for Panama, to conduct the explo•
ration for the new Darien Canal Cont.
Meagre. Thompson and Vanchoate, the
agents for the American table Company.
have returned from the Hague whit the
concession forte landing of a cable from
the Dutch Government.
The new arrangement for a postai Der.
vice between France and the United
States, recently announced by the French
Government, applies solely _to prepaid
letters, and not to thoee nriprepard, as
has been stated. Steamers carrying
these mane will call at English porta.
The postage on unpaid lettere from
America to France will be 80 centimes
under 80 drammea. .
The Afarscillais, Henri. Rochefort's
journal, appears this morning with a
characteastin letter over the signature of
Rochefort himself, relative to the recent
notice served upon him, ordering him to
constitute bimetal a prisoner In °Nall.
once to the sentence of the Court..-He
declare,' boldly that he will not surren
der himself. anti that if . the Ministers
want him, they must come and take him
and fakthermore. they must come pre
paredlo nse force.
Fetus, Feb. 7—in the Corps Legialatif
to-day 51. Cremleax rose and said ho
desired to question the-Minister con.
Corning the Rochefort affair. .M. 011ivier
replied he would not await the result of ,
an interpellation, but would doh!, duty.
M. jd that it was pro. I
cisely as tow hat h the Silniaters considered 1
their duty he sought to ingrate and the
Chamber would decide that this should
be answered at once. He then proceeded
to make a strong appeal against the con
templated arrest of Rochefort as a wrong
to his comultuente. M. 011ivier made a
at i ne Tantaran agita ted tleliumer%Ys vote of
to 45 adhered to the view of M. 011ivier.
It was expected Rochefort, who was in
hie seat during the debate, would be sr
reatedon leaving the house. but be wee
not. At the termination of the sitting
he procemled to his office, and up to eight
o'clock this evening had not been taken
into custody.
Rumors are abroad that the Prince Im.
period Is very 111 , but the Joternal! Le
Public says there la no founilation for
- -
HavArts, Feb. 7.-=Yesterday morning
about eleven o'clock, four Americans.
Isose Greonwalt, Henry K. Foster, Hugh
Johrumn and. Gardner Wells, all of .New .
York, ware on their way to visit a pho
tograph wa r ty. They Intended to have
their WM taken and all wore blue
neckties. -Wear the Talon Theatre they
were stopped by a man who pointed to
their neckties and addressed the men. in
an excited manner In Blemish. None of
the party understanding the language,
no answer was returned. The unknown
man then took out a revolver and fired
upon thorn. Greenwalt was shot and
killed, and Foster and Johnson "severely I
wounded. Wells was ' , Unhurt and ran
for his life. A number of people followed
and raised the cry of "stop him." The
wounded men were badly treated by the
crowd which gathered aroundthem. The
man who fired =he shots disappeariei
mediately after and it Is not. known
whether he was a volunteer or not, The
declarations of the parties and witnesses I
to the affair are. now being taken by
the legal authorities in the presence of
the United states Consul General. The.l
Indignation of the Captain General at the
outrage la very great. He Mut called on.,
the Chief Justice and other leading ofti.
cent of the law to use every means to
discover the perpetrator and abettors of
the deed. People of all parties denounce
the act. The officers of the volunteereare
hunting for the assassin and his sworn.
pllcea, and the Government has placed
the entire police force In motion.
Do Roden was offered a reward of one
thousand dollars for the arrest of the
culpable parties, who, If tonna, will b e
tried by drum head court martial and
executed, within two hours 'after the
sentence Is passed.
The victims of this unfortunate affair
'arrived here
weeks ago to open a from New York several
mery store tor oatmeal() and perfri.
.Lsaman dr. Kemp
Lozmos. February, 7.—The relisaam-
Whig- Or PUllanaota to.nainnnr !braes
the theme or coOvarmon and ammo.
• L- •
per comment. The genqal Impression
is, that while the Administration Is so
overwhelmingly etrong, the Opposition
will be hopeless. The only hope of the
latter will be to create a division in the
Liberal ranks
Mr. Austin, the representative of a
largo American shipping company, has
conciuded the purchase of the Depart
ment and Government Dock Yard; and
it is specially Intended for iron ship
. building.
The Indo-European Telegraph Com
pany have just romploted their line
from London direct to ladle. Thla
is composed of land wire and cables, and
rune via 11:1-11n, Warsaw, °deists, Te
heran, Persia, through the Persian Gulf
and Indian Ocean to Bombay, Madras,
Calcutta, Messages will be taken
from all stations In the United States
after the 15th instant at the follow
lug rates In gold: To Kurraches,
for ten. words, 18,10; twenty words,
112,16; to station,' west of Chittagong, ten
words, 11,95; twenty words 114,25; to
stations emit of. Chittagong, ten words
110.25; twenty words 115.25; every addi
tional ten words, or a traction beyond
twenty words, will be charged one.half
of the twenty word rate. Chittagong le
about ninety•two degrees east longitude.
The Times this morning reprints a
groat portion of the editorial art hole from
the New York Times of January 24, and
comments approvingly on the latter','
&assertion that American credit is dying
in 'Europe beCauseruftlansalayit at home.
Ecumenical Roma, February 7.—The Ecumenical
Council will soon deliberate on the op
portuneneea of a diecuaalon of the d
of papal infaltbility. ogma
' MADRID, February 7.--lliaturbancea
have occurred at Ajan near Malaga, but
have been eupproseed.
LONDON, Feb. 7.—Acteroon.— Console
02.3. S for money; 02% on account. Ame
rican mecuritien quiet; '6ss, 883;: '67e,
801.,l; 1040 s 84,;. Mocks quiet; Erles,
20; Illinois Central, 111534; lireat . Weet
ern, LI.
FRANKFORT, February 7. - 4 - Bonds
active and Ilrut.
iPauts, February 7.—Bourne flat at 731"
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 7 .—Cotton quiet and
stoady; uplands 11%; Orleans 113 i ®Ilg;
sales 10,000 hales. Flour lea 6d. Other
breadetufth unchanged. Punlslona un
changed. Linseed Cakes IS 6®-Ell 16a.
Sugar .28.. 3JCS2Sa ed for afloat. Sperm
all 86@87a. Llnseed oil dull at £3O 15a(
A:3l. Common rosin , os 6d&ss tht; Tal
low 46.@.4a1 3d.
Harms, Feb. 7.—Cotton quiet at 137 r
rwaltr, February 7 .—Petroleum flat
- I
at .59hfr.
—The - Virginia Legislature meets to•
Commissioner Delano resumed his
official duties yesterday.
—George M. Wharton, a distinguished
lawyer da. , died Monday evening, at Phila.
—Peter T. Washburn°, Ex-Governor
of Vermont, died at Woodstock, Monday
morning. .
-Ed. Wise, a Nashville barkeeper,
committed suicide yesterday by taking
laudnum. . •
—The trial of McFarland for the mur
der, of A. D. Richardson, will commence
March ith, In New York city, In the
Court of General Scissions.
—The residence of Colonel Walton
Droeght, formerly occupied by
Daniel S. Dickinson, at Binghamton. N.
Y. was burned Sunday morning. Loss
$70,000; Insured for 1064.000.
—N. C. Meeker, of the New York
Tribune, Gen. Cameron and W. C. Flak
have gone west to select a site or lows.
lion (or the Union - Colony formed in
New York city a few weeks since. •
—Dining a fracas at a house of Ili fame
at Canandaigua, N. Y., Friday evening
lest, a young Marl earned Albert Day
received serious injuries from which he
died Sunday. Several arrests have been
_ •
ale the. Kentucky senate yesterday a
resolution was Introduced for the ratifi
cation of the Fifteenth Amendment. A
motion to lay on the table wall instantly_
made, but on the suggestion of a member
that such disposition was looked upon
in the light of au aversion, and thin It
would be better to settle the matter as
far as Kentucky was concerned by a
square, unmistakable vote, the remits.
non was referred to the ommittee on
Federal Regions.
a recent meeting of Broo kly nrs
of the Plymouth Church lt
was determined that a committee should
be appointed for the purpose of revising
the articles of Faith. many of the meal
bera demanding that they should reat on
a broader basis. Mr. Beecher said that
he approved of the proposition to revise
tie creed of - the Church, but that Inas
much as the committee for that purpose
was to be appointed by himself, he
would ask that a little time be given to
him to make the proper
Tide was granted.
—The Mormon mtssion In the vicinity
of Kew York city is being pushed for
ward with all tho vigor and energy Poe.
named by its leaders, in the vicinity of
of Freeport, Patchogue, Rockville. Ven
tre, Uempatead, Long Island. Daring
the earlier part of the week the molt
favorable accounts of General Benton's
work were given out. Meeting and
prrefekluge are held three time a day to
aid the mission. Many preachers hay%
been sent from Utah.. They aro looked
for daily. Elders and priests are travel.
log and preaching to every tilling° and
town situate within a circuit of seventy
miles of Freeport. At Williamsport,
yesterday, Eden Jackson, of Utah,
preached to a large congreg ation. _
"Harlot Court-4udgea Hampton and
MONDAY, Feb. 7.—Judge Kiritpatriek
delivered the opinion of the Oourt dle:
solving the special injunction .granted
In the case of Johnston vs. Kier. Foster
& Kier.
The first case taken up this morning
wee that of Phillip Welaei2berger vs.
Francis A. Bates. This wee an action In
covenant upon an article of agreement
entered Into between pleb:dill - and dates.
darns, as partners, io secure a Settlement
of - partneratilp buaineas, On trial.
110. Citizens Oil Refining Co. vs. Dil
worth et al.
166. limning et ux vs. Becker et al.
98. Leahy vs. Hobbs.
161. Gallagher vs. Sweeny. •
131. Rector, de., of St. Andrew's Chinch
vs. Iloag.
140. Owners of Steamer "Wild Cat" vs.
Steamer "Whale."
106.. Smith vs. Yopgh. Iron dt Coal 00. -
160. The Com. for use vs. &plat.
16d. Taylor vs. Reed.
167. Dean at oz. vs. Bolton at al. .
Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett.
MONDAY, February 7.—The tint CUB
taken up was that of Coin. ex rel. divine
Hoffman vs. Anton Hoffman. This was
an Inquiry concerning theeanity of the
defendant. The Jury found the defendant
to be • lunatic. _
George Metsgar vs. Michael McGill, ac.
lion on an appeal. On trial.
A. Campbell va. Bias Duggan, owner,
and D. B. Williams, contractor, action
On a mechanim lien. Verdict for plain.
tiff for 1189.04.
A. Campbell va. Evan Williams etc:,
owner, and D. B. Williams contractor,
action on mechanics' lien. Verdict for
plaintiff for *RM.
A. Campbell va, eanae, action on me
cenlm' lieu. Verdict for plaintiff for
328. Lynch va. O'Reilly. et ttx.
398. McClean vs. Patineeto*.
346. Klotzley vs. Jacoby.
849. Hartroan et US, va. Pinch.
851. McElroy vs. Barker fi Co.
185. Hocheimer vs. Vogle.
853. rltagentlit va. Lorimer.
98. Masainger vs. Patten's Ex.
188. Snodgrass vs. Hlll.
21t vs. Campbell et tax.
288. Schmidt va. Emery Erna.
Accident from wren:mg.—Ur. Thou.
McNally, of &nth Ettsbargh, met with
rather a a saloon In eerioux accident while wrestling
In that p
heavily on the floorlace,
and fracturing y being
his thrown
leg In two places below theftnee. Dra.
MoOord and Meant.= werebrimedlate
/y summoned and reduced the fracture.
An Old Dodge Itepeated—The False
Alarms Last Bight.
U seems we are to have a recurrence
of the criminality which attended the
discusaion of the. Paid The Department
question last year. Yesterday afternoon
the act creating the Paid Department
failed to receive the aanctionof
Lsat night the firemen_ were stalled out
three them by hire alarms, One at (en,
o'clock from box 83, on the outskirts of 1'
Lawrenceville.' Another half an hour
later from box 17, corner of Wood street
and Sixth avenue, and the third at, len
minutes before twelve o'cloct from box
45, corner Franklin and Logan streets,
on tho hill. This Is the old programme,
and It's well understood. These scala
wag. who desire the paid system think
they can hurry it through by. this
method. It ' only defeats the object and
makes oppoaltion stronger. The matter
I should receive the , prompt attention of
the authorltlet,
I A reward should be offered for the de•
iSection of the Milani!, and the severest
I Punishment meted out to them. Lest
year Ite matter dropped when the Dar
ties ceased their nefarious practices.
-This ought not to be the method of treat.
lug the subject again. Let the moat vig
efforts be put' forth until the of-
fenders are apprehended and properly
punished. The effectiveness of our fire
■larm:and the whole system Is too im , ..
portent to be trifled with by such rogues.
—At five minutes pant two this morn.
log another alarm wee struck from box
81, Lawrenceville.
that the aent!eman .
411, r a e n.42lto n ng m l yang. wme month. elaee
7.„ ft5::75
Tabteaux "Wants.
WEDNESDAY, February 9tb. 1870.
Overture BT Brent Wertem Band.
1. Tableans ...Toseoh Interpretlei the Dream
of Pharaoh.
Generic Chapter LXLI.
11. Tableanx../oeeph Maktni IHressAl ) Qum
to HU Brethren.
(kneels . : Chapter IXLV.
3. Tableaux Jacob , * Journey. to saw
Ger:eels: Chapter 1.Xt.71.
4. Tableattx. Moses Hid Amang Mopeds.
Chapter IV. •
G. Tableaux. Pharaoh Chides Meats•MoseS
And Aaron Before Plum&
Beady.: Chapter V.
G. Tableaux... Toe DestroelAgAngsl—Theltrat
Born are Blain.
Ilealus: Chapter XII.
7. Tableaux ......Motes DeseendleA MI. Bleat
. Earths: Chapter 111.
B.•Tablessix Water 113raardously Sepplled.
Ixodus: .Chapter XVII.
9. Tableaux. .... . .......... .The Biases Berrien,.
Number.: Chanter XXI. •
10. Tabltaux Jul And Mona.
Judges: Chapter IV.
An excellent Orchestra (Great Western Band)
will entertain the audience while the Taldeaux
Are art apectl.
Tl,ke,. 30 cents.
-rnis. SO, 92 and 94 Grand Street,
The Riviera, Corsica, Algiers & Spain
%VIM numerous Wax:Mat& Chrone.l.ltho-
Krapha and Steel Enaraelop• Oro.
Cloth extra. Pries 113.
"tinder the quaint and 'eccentric title of C A
Search far Winter Sunbeams,* MY. gaud Ca
has given us a plea ..... d chatty volume, agree
ably illustrated, i,howing us the merits of tech
intent localities as Nett... Menace, NI., and
.a.rejlillt Os late 11111/111, Mil tree Into Corsica and
'lt is coat ening to be told that 'lt Is always
dtlZI/1111113 somewhere In the world,• and this de;
seription of 'Winter Sunbeam,, shim blight
mad sparkling• The style Is entitled: t.e author
enjoys himself, and comment. ates his (Woman
to the feeder: and the Illostradons . •te flitoroni
and characteristic.,—Attenemn.
' . Mr. Cot's book • h a lively and readable vol
ume. Ile gossip. pleuuaatlysuoegh about the
reran, and places be Milts; cad, though he is
sometimes a little more personal In his megrim
than our taste quite ippr.ver, be is never ma
licious. lie seems to have seen much of lb.
shorm of the Mediterranean, and something of
Northern Africa. Nut main tem than hilt ids
volume Is t noted to his expellent. In Spain•+•
— Bp..etator.
"line of the most Interesting chapters in a fa*.
cleating trout Is that fiddled `among the
gahries. , R rieople "these hu: bu not yelp..
come a part of the moderi flubloaable toar."—
John Sell.
D. A. A CO. HAVE .Idl3l' f.OIII.HHIN'.
BIRDS AND .BEPTILIIO. Iliumtrued with
307 Eneravloira. 1 vol.. I vu. Cloth. .5.
Law. and Coaatqaeneca. By TIAACIII Dalton.
Price 13 50.
WHAT Pt Or. A Pew Words to
the Jew.. By Her. Raglan/ DV. Levels. one
vol.. 16rao. Price $l.
. •
Lady georglans Fullerton. Pelee 60 emote:
' 13.1inett, E.D. Prise SAUL
One aol., ISmo.
Inizoo. hire 63.
PHOSPHORESCENCE: Or. the Salulon of
Light by Minentla, Mute and Ohr
lather of the Moro sent bee hy m.O to any
addren In the •Unlttd Slates en receipt of the
price. ' •
Application to iou Liquors mid
Mark , . °floc.
Fi fth WW`oloo Mitoureo
The License DOArd t•LI hell the
.abov• AP
plicatlon 00 the Illth lait, At Y D'Aicet
ream Joszesi ssowir.
-A- that the undersigned; at:Totaled rowers
to sten and assesithe damages and beneant os
thi opening of LANE ALLEY, In the Second
ward, Allegneny City, Cron:tits peanut termlaea
to Je Rattan atmet, IND meet on the ground on
TUESDAY, 82d 'February, MO, at 3r.
to attend to the dittos of their appolatmeat. •
X 023121 BORLAND
DALE —A lama welt beat brink drelllatnan..•
In (004 lorallan, near meat am. write," la
font. Co n te
4 : 74 : 41 3 1 .3. 1 re.,`11.12
.7. !L. 38 "' biniiikarraWaie.
.19 SUM arenas..
. 14.1 1 k° rtOThak;
NO: t; sista 3 litatketal-01 atzaa pkga
k.teaaor Michael: • Cane
Cod ti;• • at
~tts . sto.rts aatal_• Wood de..
Aver/Oar SALE;--A 1641 hie
..111.1114pouble BoDer-4141 411
r:Itt.TIOZ-VM "fihium,7"
4 , ar a , aa 11 44047,1114,14n„ ----
LI UM kart aad ettelpait
oabastml Is Waste= reszsitnullit.
Nofuser. laechaalcCOr Umlaut should b!.
♦ eon ts rennued gratottoon to the setter
spot dub at tea. Postmasters sre requests
Woe: as agents.-
PE.NI11M&11. REIM & co,
far ivoraym
,151, 4 . 4 " • sß ca rdi. / 0
dk., not exceeding FOCTA 2 1J27.527, urai jjt
De inserted in these collating once
. ftor
TIVICNTY,FIP2 OEN Thrt each iakti. '-
finial tine RIM CAN= .
______' -~ai~'-
WAlNori rst ., ! l ge T r i ?g b ie r .""ir' 0 4)4" c
WAgyED.—Fifty Coal _mad
tow to Leo orartfL`3l2iithl:4:4,lV.l%;
<De and country. Several Men fled Bove.wass
different kind. of. work. Ail omen n.led as
h a rt notice. A pply at 'iimplornrent 020. -
lline door fnatu I oveentitin andel, 4
TITAPTEII4—:An experienced
e', J IDCr
annallaled with making Nod Lead
from tar . I g. None other need a pal Inquire
at ti AVM. °Mee.
ANTED.—A Geraaan Gen-
TLEMekt Who speak. inall.k to take the
ammel 1 4eney of a New Yoriaitoila nuap nme
company. who Pave an Loali./1 Mo. r. 411.
bank. Liberal Inducements tO•PrOperPerON•
Addres% for toteryleii, Lock•boa' f a, Peet
met!. j!iya!!!.:11.. • a:IIFL
WANTED. Two. Solicitors
for, an old establlahed New Too coil
cub) Life insurance Company. to °Poste
Weecein Pennslleanta. W/11 be pe,4l salary.
A4dreva Loei.Oox 431, Pittatnee4 P.O.
. V V -
GETTER, FT . .. ELIE. that Is sEIII2II .I' t
rapt Illy. ahply E ttol 34. tederat qrset:Alir. ..;
the.nyier.______ -•-• X.' -!
WANTED. -A main, bat tom.
roavrAniat, Ettttlitt.' for a f amt4' , kb. --
oat child. E. The tont.Mra cony• ale nEit stad a
goad nellibbirhoott todiowamibi, Aneshaar I
ETTETed Will pay oot over 8300; Adopm. I
th t t phtee,ttytttoe,tton aid terms.",. - I
rea. i
',IA:, r iItRIMITM. ' , 1,°1,96°', 1
..!...........29 5.... Nnwyment., persons walktutg katp•
liartly . TED_ Bepo
It%T.uPlitlrofitfrad at ,",;,r eu . Igk s . ru fble.
rust he rittilbursei or Lim
z jp.irrilfiTrtx*"'
. 66 . I
00.000 to Loan in tort e
at. • air rate of intorolit.
MIL Bond and Real Estala Broker
itBa. Medd ittn4l.,
41. Ar4=l.l2°Z6l:liggittr.7,l
GAZZ77I 031/Ct.
Goss.IDICIPARDING. Givitlpinstat
Zejli n ittitatildren or two
Lrrm 5, UN°. 8.111 T n.
Mares shut and rownlred.. :t-t •
F ° Ai n ci ,-„ T;i777,' L ht,Tp L b q r,ee
req . or 1010 Wood, faorman7 0000 ,
47 W m.
C 0.. ,
■ad 174 Wood Pt.
T O-LET.—AVllazlewood
VON, on . Coanellavllle Railroad. shunt /0 ~
ACRES OP LAND, well planted with . eltole• . 1,
Pratt trees In bearing: Adios large Barn andlarh eS,
of Mansion norm. Ingatre of Mrs. RAOHIAL
E. WOODS, on the prenthisa. or of JAKIIIS A. 44
MeRRAN. 140 roam, avenue; Littabargh• ,I
• " '
• •
dr0,64t7:7.1.14)..111•• Congress it.
rilAcartqaTrrtaTir latritzf'.%
a MISS. 7 Grua aireet.
LET.—The Large Store • I
etin4r:C. ritatYnti-AA..'ea"'
tie ave.e. "g
- B " •
Toull'h., thveec.nzeri
iNL ET. :— nd nOO,lllB. -' Beseral
taL °a bam 6 A/cleanup as arenas.. maga-
Tbr am room. an• alley clearable. plc 11 RE at 411
N/17Th FITHEEt aaal. • • • •v •
rirl3. o %vr 4 Froszt Boo' itii•4of
oOrfAlpo. the
of feta " "".
deel Into taro room.. Can be rented ratt, 41' 1 1.
Vigitthagi "h'ir J.
b°"z 4 " 123
LEIP.—A suit of llamas
front Holman aro hour. Ono 41th
two au t4roolo .on 4th door. Ono Store nom.
;74 !
z..x.p. o. DS Fourth smog.
C 0..•
PO LET.--A lot of ground 192
giZ d
sawd, CAM. Sad /rim Janata bOl3ll it.-
111,64ng:"6:6"6116196".66" er
Caieon and Tun ttgeriaf
"roam narmattrast, .
Room Ann orrialla
r.ww.,,or . 3 *. 0
00 .4 3 ,
96 Fifth Averall,
F'CIR SALE. • • , '" L t
'von SALF.— Turners , - Ea. and Took, Isqutes at 7; Mot ,
:OrW of Item Itz.k.,l4:4ll4kita.tha onatx.j../1247k
Fr o"n
da at E 'Me 971"PTrVig ~K41 1:1i t1 1 air,l6fn Ti le 4 ? lh.4 .aua
n . Pun ; t( IMILnI7 .7lZar o ..rcom
e 1
von SALE. -1 sialtirvirmw
to by. 30, la pat Doming orden,oo,
aminttlng, veulog, rutin, Beam and e , Aneet-
;VI /Pi It ier' t 47 4141'.relesrlio.
L!OR SALE.—fitock azid
A.: TOE/Cd. MUSE AND (100 D WILL. of s
grgt.elaas Grocery. doing a good nig:Lieu:4th*
"gemmed Aelng engaged In °Mullein/ins Is
tne reaaon for selling. U. W. PL151T..49 fe6.
end etreee. Allegheny.
SOX 4101183 OF LAND
Moan the city llama. Will be kid
On ease tem. Eeq I i of .Wit, BLAKILT
leDrtf ..
Atttrbee-at-Laer, 91 9rartt
-ROIL tag
rRAYB Tilit s ifOta ging
AL Is CO ' Ott : Tied . ' bf tae
filigVie.P.`ll:47aT° °ft 4..1'46'4'6°4
mamma coma.
Fire Bleam Preines and a larva gain ai
type. Man work than th ey gan tern oat;
Flilkarense and Teazel atom.
- ,CHAatimula IN ISO&
812.TURDIPY ETILNINO . ,, An ' tft L aid te
'masa lar, from to 9 o'clook4cho froat No
ampoer Lau, Nay Ist. 6to Vo . retAaan.
P at thonte or ea per mt.. nnt.of
g mot withdrawn conisaanda paw. - auj,
JaAaary ttad Jul,. Boots of Ny-Lawanta.-tait
&shed Elbe
B. Board of M allazen.-Gith; A. Berri._Pritaidwat;
_.N. Jta. Park, Jr..YLoa Ylnidttator
DAngdAtrlaricatar7..,.....adl rammer: _
tHK Narnink, Joon Dilw-ortittlmltrn.
obrtr an h a jtt e ,Jno.beott.ltotrl.o.
DW.a A. &NW. llohlettora • •
LT Z -r .v c, i 4 r 141 ‘ ,1 b..,P111P.V417`1,-1
3 1 : 12111 ZigIMitritliantal,fniS
city of tlttiburg6. In the ftrlgnty of Alk,eetlie.EY
ratilita t o4rv...4w ;azwizez , ,
putties by the Am/ *that intttin.
Dated WilbWifib.,lll . 7li 4"114:17114
Boirre.g.-0. Tender nerderr, • Yarrow
;rope I_
nom it "' poelle• sale. The propene oorTnrelit
Pinar., Carpals. faraltoro, Irgerporente; ono
Varglair Sag natio otbez ks&
By order of Amon' rum -
• .ADth•BUW '••
ilis.2B4 jr §Pi Ytw eli a rl ut lT atinl t tttits .3l 4,l
E.,,o42_,streer "rt I.7akhrelL,
seld Sintl7