The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 07, 1870, Image 1
THE - DAILif - CFAZETTE: POEM, REED t 00., Office,B4 and 86 I .V * Avensie' P. D. vzlnaliwr, T. P. IiOUVPDX, nem REIM EDITOI6 AWD rmorannozn .1r kalif 111 or TUN DAILY. ._........p.N il man. per year BEE= I= Ets gittslntrO Gairitt. STATE ITEMS. Lateaucra wants good water. Kirrarisiso has a Methodist revival. INDILNA is moving to get a gas works. Jonarrowu has an English Lutheran revival MONONGAICELA CITY ill ID have a new woolen mill. . . Besmok, Armstrong' County, has a David revival. Twa'spitzlet ferret epidemic is subsiding in Indiana county. WILLESTLAIOUL ia , tO h*TO $150,000 new Catholic church • Parma county criminals are sent to the Catnerqn * ennt , jell. A COAL NOTE in the town of Scranton gives signs of caving in. ' Tom Broadtop, Hontingdon courity, coal miners are on a strike. WASUINGTON county bag Biz thousand dollars for a soldiers' monument. Ten grasshoppers have made their ap• pcarance In Montgomery county. Boman COUNTY people are amusing themselves with grand foi hunts. DAVID LUPPER, a pioneer of Perry county, aged 72 years, died last week. SNAKES are coming . ont in advance of the season_ to nearly all parts of the State. "AultleilLD SKINNER is the ap• proprinte name of a Washington cond: deuce man. SCARLET fever has been nrevallins in The neighborhood of Few Geneva, Fay ette county. Dn. J. Z. Gramma, of Lancaster. has been chosen , a physician to the State Lu static Asylum. RIGADMG is coaxing ladles into billiard halls. The clty'also vaults a visit from Prince Arthur. EDWARD PRICE, a coal miner at Dodge mines; in Scranton, was killed last week 'by a falling roof. Tax Priedenevllle zinc mines, near Bethlehem, annually yield 24,000 tons of ore of all grades. JA/AES ELL/OT, of Independence, Washington county, recently died sud- denly of heart disease. SAMUEL M. Fox, a wealthy, useful and influential citizen residing near Parker's Landing, died recently. Tint wife of John A. Patton, of George townihip, Fayette -county, fell and broke her leg a few days since. • - Tax smallpox has appeared at Bethle• item and' lx or eight persons are suffer ing from this terrible disease. • Osmium Vantran, SR., one of the cid. eat citizens of Cambria county, died a.few days ago in Jackson township. Timis are are no less twenty Penn sylvanians in the present lowa Legislature —seven Senators and thirteen Representa, lives. FATm O'Roonstr, the genial Catho lic priest, of Kittanning, Is styled the .Chaplain of the Allegheny Valley Rail. road." Dxrrnmsus. has seized the mules of the ,Scrantoii`coid mines. Work in some of the collieries had to be suspended for this refine. ALL the recruits at Carlisle Bairacks have been ordered to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to fill up the Eleventh United States Cavalry. •Trg attorney for Thomas Brown's heirs is koking after an old lease about expirinr,in Brownsville, making a stir among the present occupants. • Fenn fomenters were tumbled out of the Somerset hack, in the western end of Bedford, the other "day. over a mortar box, and considerably injured. A TZLIAPI POPLAR. TREE, on the farm of David J. Potts, in Hartle.' township, Lancaster county, was felled last week, and the lumber therefrom yielded $7B. Joins Fur, of Westqampeter town ship, Lancaster county, recently shot a chicken hawk, which measured fire feet, ten inches from tip to tip of the wings. Tan oil interests on Drinkard creek, Greene county, are beginning to look up again. The " Boston well" is throwing oil at the rate of fifty barrels every twelve bouts. A mune= car was robbed at Connells ville a few days since, of a sewing ma chine. The thief got scared and threw the machine in the river, where It was fond. • - Tax waiies of the laborers on' the Jamestownaad Franklin Railroad eaten. sion have been reduced to $1 75 per day, in consequence of which a number have quit work. MICHAEL Suanii, of. West Donegal, Landaster, died suddenly Of paralysis ei the heart, Met week. He was 72 years of ago, and a prominent member of the Mennonite Church. Tine robbery of the Commissioners' office of Indians county is still a sensa tion. The greatest ices was a book of, registry for county bonds sold, and a number of blank bonds. Joan GILLIAN, of Bradford - county, raised from three aces ninety bushels of clear spring wheat, and from one snd half acres dug three hundred and forty- pine bushela of potatoesr AN intemperate man named Andrew gyedeg. Bring In Earl township, Lan caster, committed suicide by hanging himself, s.few days ago. He leaves a wife end several children. Jona :Daigsnax. of Ashland, Schuyl kill county, list week. undertook to kill his wife, and after being arrested attempt• ed to kill the justice who committed him. He Was in for killing somebody. T. MORRISON, of Carlisle. has been op erating a little in the horse stealing bust nets In Berkley county, West Virginia. Be was arrested in Perry 'county, and turned over to an authorized officer of . , $26,000 was the modest sum returned by w Dr. De GabrirJ„. conductor on the Pittsburgh and Brie Railroad, to a pas senger who had dropped , his wallet. He refused a 'reward. He le surely a cousin to the Angel Gabriel. Tin roads are still Ina rather unpropi. Sous condition for timber hauling in the ' lumber regions. The prospects for a large lUD the coming spring is not very fl a t t ering—the scarcity of snow. interfer ing greatly with the business of hauling. Tnr. Oil City Timea "aye: "It is gen erally` understood in this section that .Ames came home for a strew drirer In order to tighten up the loose screws, and thatwhen he left for Harrisburg he took Ivlth him a large one of a peculiar kind. AY - Gibson; Sutquehanna county, a gold bunter is prospecting, and tra di tion gays many yearn so the Indians gathered the precious ore in large quantity In that locality. The ditch constructed by them has bean rOtlndr but the gold has not Yet tinned up: TIM Schuylkill Navigation Company are musing their canal to bo dredged out at different points along the- line prepare tory to the opening of the season of nevi. gallon. The freshet of last fall tilled up the channel at some.points so much as to prevent easy tniusit. '1 car wife of Hon. Jesse Lezear died in Baltimore on Monday of last week. We have no particulars further than the de ceased died of typhoid 'pneumonia—the same disease of which the. former Ms. Lamar died, just three years before to a day. A atrange coincidence. A Few days ago the house of Mr. Ds yid Wilson, in Brady township, Clear field county, was burned . . Two. Buie boys - Were left alone by their mothenand is a t a ying with matches set Are td the 1 .6 0 . One of the little fellows escaped; . the otheryas burned to death. mnat.paw Ling, a respectable citizen .40,w [noon, last week. while walking tHong the'roid, tsai Belied with an epl. l • loptic fit (to which he has long been sub-' led) and fell with his face buried in too mud, and when found a SllOll time alter. wards, life was entirnlyeztingt„ Tara light used to dispel darkness In Aszrisburg Kerns to be hid Wider a bob IMEMi==MRS GI ' • I • • . ... .. , . , . . ..• _...... •. r 7 ... t • • ....:, ~. . . __.,~._....,...,a,........ .. ._ yur — 4,. : . , _ ", 1 ( O _ .: k .l . .(......1 - . 7' N • • • VOL. LXXXV. el, if theoontracted limits of its Influence are any indication.• Tallow dips would almbat answer the purpose of illumine. lion as well. A purer article of gas than t no* consumed is greatly desired. Tmr. Philadelphia Keening Star says that a wealthy lady of that city has offered a young man $30,000 to marry her daughter, The strangest part of the story fa that the . young man never-U — w the young lady, and Is required to aban don her forever, immediately , after the knurl age ceremony. STEI•UEN STOKES, of South Buffalo toivnahip, Armstrong county, wax found dead in his bed last week. Re lived alone, and as he was known_ to have money about him, and there being none found after death, it Is believed the house was entered id the early part of the morn. ing and his money taken. THERE era rumors of an effort to divide Lucerne cOuntyjnto three parts, making Scranton the county seat of Lackawan na, Plymouth the seat of Shawnee, and leaving Lucerne on the cast aide of the Susquehanna south of the month of the Lackawanna, except Neacopee, which is to be attached to Shawnee. Arr oxn Dutchman engaged in boring for oil near Tionesta, made fifty-three feet; when he struck a quartz rock. He con tinued boring and the next four days he made slx feet, and the following two days the drill failed to make any impression whatever, when the Dutchman gave up in despair. upon pumping out the hole, a (to him) curious substance appeared, which unquestioned judges of copper pro nounced native copper of ninety per cent., which is remarkably pure. Raexnarso to the Board of Charities, a correspondent, writing from Harris. burg, says: The Board will meet here' early next week to consult with the Ways and Means Committee on the subject of eleemosynary appropriations, as well as to further their own work of organiza tion. • Of course no report can bamade by this Board at the present Legislature, as no definite action has yet been had on ' which to base a report, and no data Bath. cred to present to the Legislature. Ws learn that on Thursday evening of last week, a young lady, Miss M'Cormick, of Independence township, - Washington county, having recovered from a very long and severe illness and being yet very weak, attempted to place a lamp filled with oil on the mantlepiece. In doing so she stumbled forward, the lamp fell from her hand on the fire, exploded and scat tered the burning oil over her clothing, which also took fire, and before assist. ance could reach her she was burned to death. Tim Miners' Journal; of Pottsville, says :"A few days since we despatched to Senator Cameron a tariff petition osrm HONDIIBO AND SIXTY FEET IN LENGTH, bearing the names of workingmen of Sehnylkill county. The petition is riot sectional or selfish. It prays for protec• • tion to every branch of American Indus try that needs it. It is framed in a spirit that should animate all similar petitions, a spirit that will add strength to the princi ple of encouraging our own producers and workmen In preference to those of Europe. - Dam Eiscrrn, an old maid Of Amwell township, Washington *inky, was burn ed to death last week: She bad been washing, and while drying the clothes her skirts, burning the clothes almost entirely off. When she caught fire she ran out into the yard until the fire was puttally extinguished; after which she redressed herself and went to the house of Mr. Dunning Hart, about a hundred "rods distant. The hair was horned off her head, and the skin and nails off one hand were found lyibg on the boor of her house. She died next 41 LAMM?. eagle has been Committing some depredations in the Dunningsville neighborhood, Fayette county; and - all sharpshooters of that section had been trying to shoot him, but without success. A few days since a young lady named Lucia Donaldson, of Somerset township, concluded to enter the list for the prize. She noticed the noble bird feasting occa sionally on a dead sheep on her lather's farm ; and during Its absence abc placed . . poison on the carcass. The bird soon re• turned, and after satisfying his hunger flew to an adjacent tree, where he eat few minutes and then fell to the grofind. When Miss Donaldson went to the spot she found him dead. He weighed over twelve pounds and measured over seven feet from tip to tip. . Sava a Harrisburg letter: There is Lague and mysterious whisper ing in the lobby about a gigantic reptile that is shortly to make Its appearance here in the shape of a bill asking for vast and undefined privileges, by which a mon ster railroad monopoly in New York cal. culates that it will be able to damage the influence and prosperity of oar Pennsyl vania-railroads. Of courseilke snake, so called, has been concealed front public view: but when It is permitted to draw its allay length along the ball of legislation, the vigilant men In both branches will scotch and kill it. The day has gone by for Pennsylvania, either by the narrow policy of her legislators, folly, or Mite utility, to deprive her people of protec tion for their vested rights and invested capital, or to prevent that fair camped; tion by which her great natural resources can be brought to profitable markets. It is not judicious to say more on this sub ject at present, but at the proper time your readers will, of course, be fully en lightened on the business referred to. Luxury of Easy Dresses. The following clipped from "Laws of Life," is especi ally commended to the careful perusal of ladles who Indulge In tight lacing: Very few ladies know how to appre ciate an easy, healthful dress. They think their dresses are loose, when a man or boy put into one as tight would gasp for breath, and feel incapable of potting forth any effort except to break the bands. Ladles are so accustomed to the tight fits of dressmakers that they "fall all to pieces" when relieved of them. They associate the loose dress with the bed or lounge. To be up, they must be stayed up, and to reoommend a comfortable dress to them is not to meet a conscious want - of theirs. • It Is a great pity, none the less. If they could once know what a luxury It Is to breathe deep and full at each res piration, to feel the refreshment which the system takes in by having the blood enityened and sent bounding through the "stales and veins, to have the aids to di. gestioa which such process gives, to have their own strong, elastic muscies keep every organ In place and themselves erect;lf they. could for a while know this blessed luxury, and then be seal back Into the old, stiff stralght.jackets, they would fume and fret and rave in very desperation If they could not get rid of them. As it la they prefer to languish and suffer dreadfully, and die young, and leave all of their friends and their hes• bands, and their little children, and I do not see any other way but to let them be sick and die tiltothey are eatlitled. If only the sinner was the sufferer it would not be so worth while to make a great ado about It, ben the blighting of future Innocent lives Which must follow renders the false habits of our women In the high degree -A remarkable clerics' scandal. Is re. ported 'tithe Phtladelphla paper■. The delinquent In a Catholle priest, name Mr k no wn, and the victim of his wiles a MIAs Louisa Doter; Who hen andoenlY and mysterloredy disappeared. Rev. Mr. Hartley. of the Second Reformed Church. has received a letter from Mins Debar, in which she states abets confin ed In a oell of the Catholic Church, and that : alio' Is to be sent to a nunnery In MLtwankeo.' The affair creates much ex citement in religions circles In the quaker City. ~ • r- —The House of Representatives of the Tennessee Legislature adopted a regain• bon severely censuring Congressman Smith for furnishing Ids frank to members of the Legislature for their use in transmitting documents to their coo• oultuents, and calling the attention of Oonmeas to his conduct.,Ono hundred of the documents have en oltentatad Otteupeou Solltlee frank, GENERAL"? EWS: --- Rocx. county, Wisconsin, will raise 100 acres of peppermint next year. Tun way in which the Senate finance committee has reported •the funding bill shows that they are opposed to the retina tion of the revenue, as they have provided for a sinking fund. Monts than a hundred hay growers in New England indorse the report of the Board of Agriculture, that the time to cut hay is when the Rower is dying, as formerly practiced. Sssur.. L. CLEMENS, one of the edi.: tore of the Bo Kilo E rpm+, and well known as "Mark Twain," and Miss Olive Lang don, daughter of Servie. Langdon, Esq., were married in Buffalo, Wednesday evening, 2d Inst. • Tim souse has made the revenue bill the special order for March first. This was done on motion of Mr. Schenck, end shows that he expects the tariff hill to be disposed of by that time. Mr. Schenck is sanguine that both bills will pain some shape this session. GEN. NEGLEY, of the Pittsburgh Dis trict, tried to get a bill before the House last week to prohibit the transportation of coal oil• which would Ignite below 110 degrees Fahrenheit, but Mr. Holman ob jected, and it was referred to the Ways and Means Committee. Judge Scofield Bald ho had been considering the same subject for many yearn. ' THE recommendations of the Congress onal Temperance Society to the minis era, churches, temperance organizations, etc., throughout the land tololdaimul Mucous meetings on Um 22d ofFebrus.ry, the birthday of Washington, and unite in the organization of-temperance societies, based on the simple total•abatinence pledge, has met witl(much favor. -Tee Archduchess of Austria, whose sailing to the United States was'annoonc cd in our dispatcher; is a cousin to the Emperor, two or three, degrees removed. Her father was the. Achduke Joseph, a brother to the late Emperor Francis, grandfather ofthe reigning sovereign. She was born January 17th, 1831, -and married in 1847 toe brother of the Duke of Modena. Ile died in 1849, and in 18,54 she. married her cousin, the archduke Charles Ferdinand, by whom she has had several children, REV. Rorrr.DEER, pastor of the Independent German Reformed Church, Washington City, died very unexpectedly on Sabbath last, at the residence of 'Mrs, Haas, three and a half miles east of the city. Mr. Swhler had been engaged in baptizing lonic children, and during the ceremony was taken suddenly ill and died in a short time afterward. Before leaving town he had complained of a bad cold, and the immediate cause of 'Ma death is supposed to have been conjestlon crtke lungs. A MOVEMENT is maturing at Washing- tnn, at the head of which are the Virginia Senators, to reorganize the Republican party. of Virginia on the broad platform of Universal Amnesty and Universal Sul' (rage, making a union of all the good cit izens of the State against the radicals ana Mattes of both theßepubllcan and Dem. ocratic parties. It is expected to secure such an organization as, will place Vir giniain advance of all the other Southern States, and make her soil as safe for all settlers as the soil of Massachusetts. J. J. WIIIOIIT, the colored man, just elected Associate justice of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, was born in Pennsylvania, graduated at the Lamas. terian University in New York, studied law for two years at Montrose. Penn., and was thelfiri3t colored man admitted to the bar in that' State. In 1805 he went SOutb, and wai made legal adviser of the South Carolina freedmen. -lie was a dele- gate to the Reconstruction Convention, and was afterwards elected to the State Boita. Th - st. Charleston 'Newse;—frosit which we glean these factsr adds that he is quiet, well behaved and decidedly in, te_lligent. • Tux Mai* lamer, of November 0, says: "One night a sort of semi•domestic animal known as a skunk took up his abode in the back entry of our coriespon dent B. C. M.'s house, and being disturb ed by the cat, emitted a most disagree- abe odor—as he is always Buret° do when be le at all suspicions that-his rights . are being invaded. The dairy being in the neighborhood of where the conflict took place, it became infested with the nox: lons oder; when bur friend, in his haste to cleanse the premisea, burnt some sulphur is the room. The effect Was magical; ash completely neutralized all the foul retell. He consequently desires into recommend its use Or similar purposes, or for the cleansing of wells, cellars Tun canard from Key West about the riot and bloodshed in Havana on Sunday lest is one of the most 'audacious pieces of mischief which the Cuban Junta has yet concocted. -It so happens that the fact was known in this city on Tuesday last that Aldama, of the Junta, had prepared such a canard to be sent to the agent of the Junta at Key West, and by him tele• graphed back to New York to fire the American people and inflame Congress. As first prepared' this canard had an ad& tional feature which does not appear in print. It was proposed to announce, in additionlo the carnage going ma, that whole district In Ilevana known as "Jesus del Monte" was being burned and sacked. Dispatches received here direct. from Ha irline to February Ist report everything quiet. THE managers of the Pennsylvania Institution of far , the Deaf and [lamb, altuated 'in Philadelphia,- announce that there Is room in the establishment for in digent deaf motes between 10 and 20 'Y years of age, who are- citizens of Penn sylvania.- This class of:deaf-mutes are maintained by the Commonwealth free of cnarge; and application for admission can be made by letter, 'addressed to the Su• perintendent of the Institution. It may be mentioned that during the protracted period of war prices, the deficiency In the annual fond provided by the State for the support and education of her wards was mode good by the voluntary offerings of the friends of the Institution. A de• partment has been formed for the training of the vocal powers of the deaf semi-mute children and a separate teacher is to be placed In charge. Ex GovEnnon Am= Tannins, of Ohio, deceased February 3J, at his resi.l deem, in Hillsboro. Highland county, Ohio, at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. Governor Trimble was one of the early pioneers of tb State, and bad been Identified with its history almost since its adnalsacorr inth the Union in 11302. He was almost, if not quite, the last repre sentative of the oublie men or Ohio of half a century ago. Flo was the friend and compatriot of General Harrison, of Governor 'Morrow, of Findlay, of Charles Hammond, of Joseph Vance, and others of that old regime, who have been long dead. Ho was .bore in 1783, and Was therefore six years old at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. In fact, his birth was coeval with the conclusion of the treaty of peace with Great Britain Which secured our independence. Tau Indiana State Temperance Atli. ance does not seem to have accomplished much at its recent session at lndianspo. pis. Its committee on resolutions re. ported that they had faith In prohibition, and in favor of Its advocacy in Sabbath and common schools, and the establish mentocluvenile temperance organise tionlq in favor of a textbook by l'rofes soy Brown, on physiology, presenting the nature of alcohol and its evil effects on the human system; In favor of a general traveling agent, and a continual agitation; In favor of the co-operation of women; deprecating the indiscriminate-prescrip tion of alcoholic liquors as a - medicine. and in favor c f preventing the issue of licenses, and to bring to punishment of fenders of theprelent law. The stetted lug resolution was In favor of temperance men for office, and contained a promise! to 'work for the nomination of ternperaoce , men to office; but; in case of failure, claimed the right to vote for others, or far none at all, as they might think best. The report created a lively discussion, and was lost by one, majority against it. A resolution favoring fentalestarageWaS then debated, and fluidly ruled out of-or der, when the convention adjourned Sine ~, „~. ,~-;;,. ask ~~:~,. ~'F~.,'; r~~ - ~'a PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1870. FIRST EMTIOX. MID.WIGHT. , NEWS BY CABLE. English Estimate of the Ameri can Congress—Dissatisfaction with the Government Telraph System—lrish 'Laud Qviestion —The Council at Dome and State Governments—The Case of Henri Rochefortdifairs in Spain—The Prospective Duel. (By Teieirreph to the Mt:twill Ossetta.) GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON, February s.—The Times has an editorial on American legislators and legislation, wherein it comments on the composition and peculiarities of the House of the United States Congress. The writer attributes the faults in Amer icon leglelation to the. utter absence* of ability in the Hoitee of Representatives ands littoral _sequence to the - popular elections. The Sonata, hOwever, Is bet.' ter, the Times thinks, because Its mem bers are otherwise chosen. Manufacturers here are preparing to take advantage of the' expiration in March next of the Beasemer steel pat ents- The Saturday :Review predicts that the Irish land question and bill for regtilate lug the ballot and diffusion of edurstion will engross tho attention of Parliament at the aiming session.: Extraordinary scenes are occurring at the telegraph offices throughout' Eng. land. The dissatisfaction is universal, and complaints of delay and error have been greatly multiplied eilleo the new arrangement went into effect.' In this city particularly crowds of people stir. round the offices, and there is thentmost confusion. The movement for the abolition of university tests has been renewed vig. orrritsly. A large meeting was held at Plymouth last evening and resolutions leading to that end were unanimously adopted. Meetings are to be held else. where. The - Pall Man Gazette proteeds'againat the Inteirciption of the Indo-Chinese trade ln opium, as contemplated. There has recently been an improved demand for American bonds, both fed eral and staple. • It is reported the Cabinet have settled upon a land bill for Ireland. The new bill proposee to give security of tenure by confirming and securing the same rights to tenants aa are held under the beet customs of the Province of Ulster. It refers disputes concerning improve. ment of land by tenant and amount of rent to a tribunal with power of comma .ry Jurisdiction. E 92313 Menem, February IL—The duel be tween Senor Figueroa and Luque will probably bo fought, as the fermer will• not withdraw hie offensive len ,- pingo. It fa reported that the Poke Itlontpen glees candidature for the throne of Spain will be altogether abandoned. Gee, Catholic, thirty-Fermi yearn of age, son of the King of Sotaony,' le now talked of In some quarters, while othera propose the auto of Prince Charles, of Prussia. The Clerical Estimates passed the Corks yesterday afternoon after a stren uous opposition. . Paws February B.—ln the case of flenrl liochefort, no appeal having been been taken, sentence becomes final. The Ministry have determined to put It into execution, and the defendant has been notified to surrender himself to the• au thorities. Eustace Fteurena Into be prosecuted for word. used Ina speech at a political mention. The Journal Official pnbilahes ■decree removing M. Lererrlar, the eminent as= tronomer, from his office as director of the Imperial otiftervatory far taking car. tale action In the Senate, of which he Is a member, inconelstent with his duties u an officer of the Governnient. 1:1112i2 -Roma, February 6.—The Cirira Cale /ire, published here, has a remarkable article entitled "Les Manilas Polit hoes Et Le Conseil." Alter referring to the menaces against Ecumenical Councils establishing decrees contrary to modern ideas, it says: "The Iliebopsdesplao men aces. If Governments make laws at va riance with the decrees of the Connell. the subjects will not be held to observe them, and to exact obedience to such laws would be odious tyranny. If goY ernments separate Church from State, they must expect terrible revolutions to overthrow . thein. France alone has been true to the Concordat, and the Council will tear this In mind." =EI PA1179, February 6.—n is reported to- day that Laden Anatole, Prevail Par- . edol, the celebrated author, nu DOM appointed allniater from France to Wash ington. • htuunsimms, February s.—An excite ment was occasioned -In this city this morning by the falling of two houses. Twelve potions were burled In the mina. It is thought all were not killed. Two bodice have been recovered from the debris'. MEM HAVANA. February 6.—Gerieral Goy onoche returned to Port Principe on the 28th ult. He announces that be defeated the rebels and captured two pieces of ar tillery and many prisoners. .It Is repor ted that a eon of Ceepedee. eleven years. old, Is among the captured prisoners. Seven houses and several sugar fields have been deatroyed by Incendiaries on the line of-the Remblo and Call:whin Railroad. . _ . =I Quarsset OWN, February 6:—The stearn aid p Nevada, from Now York, arrived to day. Lesbos, February 6.—The 'bark Jesse Campbell. of Weymouth, United States, from - New York for Bristol. England, foundered at sea In latitude 42, longitude 30 degrees, on the 4th of January. AU halide saved. FINANCIAL AND COPIMERCIAL. Lennox, Feb..s _A/lernoon.-Conaola 02% for money; 02% on account Ame• rican securities quiet; '62s, 8734; '6ss, old. 85g; '67e, 00; 1040 s 84%. Silos, 20%; I.lllnole, 104%; (Treat Western, 26%. Stocks firm. . • _ . PARIS, Feb. y--Bourse lower and quiet at 78f. 560. Ferguson?, Feb. s.—Bonds Arm at 02 -e.rmaroot.i Feb. s.—Cotton steady; middling and Orleans .11,4(4)115it sale!' 10,000' bales. California white Wheat es lid; red western winter is 4d; winter Ea 4d. Western Flour 20a 13d. Corn 26e od. Oats 211 bd. • Barley sa. Pe*a Ms. Pork 09s. Beet 102 s. Lard 83a. Cbeedia 721.. Baron 78s. Spirits petroleum Is 0d; refined' Ala 11,4 d. .Turpentine' U. Lin. seed Cakes*. Storting toe. nAVRE Feb. 5 Everifim. Cotton closed Bit; tree ordlealre on spot 13834 f per cwt.; low middlings afloat 137 f. I,orinow.Feb. s.—Tallow 40s 3d@h6a 6d. Morrwisar, Fob. 5.--Potroleum berry. Unsling:, Feb. b.—Petroleum quiet• at 7 thalens. . . . HANDURO, Fob. s.—Patrolaam firm a lb mam .bariora 121. fIA Feb. R..otton quiet The Red River Trouble*. Mr Telegraph to the ritunnoah Ussatta.l . ' • CliteanO, February 6.—Theßed Itleer New Nation give* a long Recount of the meeting hold at Fort Garry on January' 2lst. It wee addressed by Donald Smith, who explained his mission and the policy of the Canadian government, Mr. Rlell moved that twenty reprourt tativee be elected by tho English people of Red 'liver to meet twenty represents nem elected by the French population, on the 26th ult., at the Court Gouge,' ler 'the purpose of the consideration of the subject of legislative oommlasioners and deciding what would be the tut course for the welfare of the country. The mo. lion was carried and a Committee was . then appointed to apportion the Enalleh repress:ll4lM The result is not yin /WWI& CI NEW YORK CITY. Prince Arthur ko3lolinittion Hoag—Still Another Logan. Rogers Sensation—An Eloptn. Party Caught, &e., H 7 Telegraph to the Plltabaggh Quetta.) .NEw Vonr, February . 5. 1870. GORE TO BOSTON . Prince Arthur left tips aiternoon for Banton. He is to attend the Peabodyeb seguien at Peabody on Tuesday. Tnere to no more truth In the report of an at. tempt to assuainate the Prince than the rumor of each • thing' being intended. Several arrests were made. The Prince's friends deny tke correctness of the story and the men reported ander arrest pro. fatale know nothing (Wit ! ' The belief is general that it is a hoax. • MORE smarm Mean. A large quantity of Write was wised today at the rectifying establishment of Trott & Kearney, for eked • . violations orthe revenue law. CM= An explosion occurred yesterday lathe dye house of the New York Dying and Printing establishment, on Staten Mind, by which four employes.Were frightfully Darned. Loss alight. =1 NEvr . Youx, February a—The steamer Shen', from Bremenodi Southampton,. arrived to-day. Among-the passenger. Ls Hon. Wm. Orton. • =I A Ere on Saturday nlgis 'occasioned Malden tcr buildings and Kock at 64 nd 66 Malden lane to the mama of gy0, a 000; Inured, The principal loam Heidrun& Jacque' & Ellie. The Bellmarael Dine Fa,otory, on Union Hill, back of Hobokao, burned tut night. Lose Immo. A man known ■s Wilson was arrsated yesterday, on informatlos furnished by his mistress, who stated that his name was Logan, and that he was a witness of the murder of Charles M. Rogers. Wil son, otherwise Logan, waciaeld lbr• ex. amination. Re denies all knowledge of the murder. THE NEWARK TRAI7D. It appears there is a alight foundation for the rumor of frauds on the Newark Treasury. A forgery of the Auditors signature, amounting, however, to only $178; having been discovered. The check, however, was not paid, but its discovery texialotui suspicions • that others are behind it. ELOratll3 CAUGHT. An eloping party from Springfield, DL, were captured yesterday by the father of the bride, Mr. Thomas Renter, who car ried his daughter west, leaving the hus band, whore - name is Menders, in the lurch. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. (SECOND SESSION,) <B7 Telegraph Lithe Pittentrigh Oasttte.) WASHINGITON, February 65.1870. HOUSE OF REPRpSENTATIVES. The House met for {t 7 O . nerd discusslon, Mr. Loughridge in the chair.. About thirty members were present. Mr. SARGENT made a speech In vin dication of a remark in the discussion on the general disloyalty of the Democratic party. Other speakers were Mr. Packard, of Indiana, In support of the policy of the Republican party, Mr. Sheldon, of La., on finance. Mr. Tyner, on the abolition of the franking privilege, Mr. Riggs on general politica, and Mr. Lawrence on the mode of paying l ' e ' n4 T 4 __-- Adlotuaect. STATE LEGISLATUSES. =I Lswinfticx, February s.—After a hill debate, by a vote of 51 to 10, the Kansas Rouse of Representatives passed remota lions asking Senator, ind Represents- Ryes In Congress to use theft Influence to secure the -removal of all Indians In this State, endorsing the wise policy of ' the Government in granting lands for the construction of railroads, and asking lib. end grants (or railroads, with the prom. Ise that the settlers on the - Osage trust. lands and the diminished reserve after ' the date of the • order for the removal of the Indians, shall have each one hundred and sixty acres at one dollar and twenty five cents per aces. The Rouge also appointed a committee to visit the Cherokee neutral lands to ln veatigate all matter" connected therewith, with power to send for pasting and Rapers.. The Governor, Auditor,Secretary of State and State as averequeded the Joint Committee to investigate all matters connected with their same. LOUISIANA. New 0111.1LiNe, February IL—The House has plumed the MU authorizing the luaus of ♦13000,000 In bonds to pay for the work heretofore done on the levees un der contract of the Board of Public Works. MEXICO. PrOffEla or the Rervolutket—A. Banta Alma Plot Dlseovered—Government Troops Defeated by laseeieenta. (by Te*Arson to tko Ilttatorso euetto.l. • - Cur_ or. Maxico, February I—via Ha. vana, February 6.—An attempt bytroops to alseusdnate Lerdo De Tepid' and pro. claim Banta Anna boo been discovered hero and frustrated. The iingleaders have been arrested and lodged In prison. Order has been restored in Puebla. The authorities in Michoacan are arm ing troops. The real purpose la unknown. The pretence is to preserve the peace. Troops have marched from Vera Cruz against the Orizaba Insurgents.. General Echegary has joined the Insurgents. A battle took place In Ban Luis Poked on the 11th ult. between the Insurgents and Government troop*. The Insurgents were victorious, capturing twenty pima of artillery and compelling Gen. Roche to fly In huts. It is believed General Negreto Is concealed in this city, work ing In favor of Santa Anna. COLORADO. Denver Pacific 6inroad Benda—Hall road , Progrean—Lolonks Locating First snow of the Season. (By Telegraph to the Plitscorgh Ualitte.) DENVICR, Feb. s.—The remaining mil lion and a half of Denver Pacific bonds were sold in London February sth. The sale wee reported by cable telegraph yeaterday and caused great rejoicing. The Company promise to complete the road to Denver In four months. The worken the Kennel Pacific is progrea. sliest:rho:a o f ta te of ite a v m er i a li nTro d uill y 4 colo flies, proposing to locate In Colorado 'mkt spring., are now here to make anal preparations for purchasing stock, work cattle, .to. The delegation is expected The first heavy snow of the season be gan on Thursday night. About eight inches 'fell. The weather is now moder stitn EIM GEORGIA. Conservative Opposers or Coy. Bullock Ea route to Washington. (111 WWl= to the litteberigh Duette./ AUOUSTA, Fat 6.—Banators Hall. Bry ant, Caldwell. Bolden, and other Repot- Beans opposed to. Gal. Bullock and his policy, are on their way to Weill i ie l t e n to represent the condition of affalts fn Georgia to Congress Mr. Bryant aye the object of the delegation Is to show that Gov. Ballow' bee vioLsted the recon struction lawn, that the Legislature ea now organized Is Illegal, and that aware! persons are allowed Beall In the Legisla ture who are not entiCel to them; and ~t c onitt ees =stains Clavernor Da cia tt.,. Republican party id Georgia will be destroyed. The delegation rep resents the Omeervatioe wing of the Republican party in thie Mate and rope- Ohne ell egthia= with the Pecooceup gliffigllll FOUR O'CLOCK, 4..1N. TILE CAPITAL. Revenue Raid in Georgia—Army _ . Changes—Bounty of. Deserting Soldiers The Treaty with China—Summary of its Provis ions—Supreme Court Appoint ment& By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.) WeennieTeN, Feb. EN, 1870. ==E Internal Revenue Detective Cowan reporte to Commleeioner Delano, under date of Augusta, Ga., January- 31at, a' very aucceesful raid on the Fourth Die. Wet of Georgia. Eighteen illicit stilts were captured and a number of the men engaged in rimming them. The dletenee travelled was over maven hundred miles, I=l Brevet Brigadier General B. G. Rob. bin, nnattaohed. is detailed on recruiting service and ordered to report . to Brevet Major General Hoffman, Superintendent of general recruiting service at St. Louie, Mo., for assignment.- The following °Mears, unattached, are relieved from duty as Indian Agents. and ordered to proceed home and await order!: Brevet Major J. A. Bern, Capt. W. H. Merrill, 0. C. Knap and First Lieutenant J. S. Stiles. The following officers now unattached are detailed for duty as Indian Agents and ordered to report to Commissioner Parker for assignment and Instructions: Capt. D. M. Bella and Find Lieutenant 11. It. Bourne. POPMEITED BOUNTY Gen. Butler, as chairman of the Na tional Asylum of Disabled Soldiers, some time ago made application for bounty due soldiers who had deserted during the rebellion, amounting to tlOO,OOO. The Treasury refused to. turn over the money, on the ground that the bounty was not due until the expiration of the term of service, and that as the men bad deserted, their term had not expired. This decision has been affirmed by the Attorney General, and hence the money will not be paid over. SIIPTIEIIB COURT APPOINTMENT President Grant is decidedly opposed to appointing a man from the Southern Circuit on the Supreme Bench. An effort Is being made to secure the ap• pointment of James F. Wilson, of lowa, to wham the President offered several places in his Cabinet. 13=1 The Senate Committee on Commerce held a meeting to-day and oonsidered among other things the levees of the Mistisidppl, finally determining to refer the matter to a enhoommlttee consist ing of Mesa's. Backingtoun andifellogg: • The Hotise Naval Committee hope to be able to agree on a measure satisfacto ry to both staff and line. officers in the Navy. They are opposed to the bill pro posed by becretary Robeson. Neither staff nor line will get ail they demand. TREATY RATIFICATION. The President will, on Monday, Issue a proclamation of the ratification of the treaty between the United States and China, and giving the full text of the IMMO. ==! There is no doubt that Minister flash Ewing will be recalled from the Hague. His friends have ceased their efforts for his retentiou. DICATIII a► A CONOILERNMAN. • ca-Hoag. of Toledo,,O.ltio, died to-night at aloe o'clock of poCumo. ' WAPOITINOTON, FebruagyA 1870. TIIE CII MIMI TREATY. The President yesterday issued a proclamation announcing the ratification of the additional treaty with China, and communicating Its - provisions. Article first provide. that in making concessions to citizens or subjects of foreign powers of privileges of residing on certain tracts of land or resorting to certain wa ter; of the empire of China, the Empe ror by no means relluguishirs his right of eminent ,domalti. He agrees that , no such concession shall be con strued to give to any • power or party which may be at war with or hos tile to the United States the right to at-, tank citizens of the United States or their I property within said lands. It is also , agreed that the United States shall ab stain from attacking offensively citizens or subjects of any foreign power with whom they may be at war, and the right of the Chinese Government over persona and property is retained. except so far as that right may have been expressly re linquished by treaty. Article third provides that any privi lege or Immunity in respect to trade or navigation within the Chinese domin ions, which may not have been stipulated for by treaty shall be subject to the dis cretion of the Chinese Government. I •Articie third authorizes the Emperor of Chins to appoint consul. at United , States ports, wheshall enjoy the immu- Inails and privileges of the consuls of Great Britain and lanai& I Article fourth guarantees the entire liberty of conscience to American citi zens In Chins, and citizens of China in America, and exempts them from all disability or persecution on account of religious lkith or worship to either country. and provides that cemeteries for the dead shall be held in respect and free from disturbance or profanation. Article filth . provides for absolute free. dom of emigration and immigration Of citizens of both countries, and that the taking of citizens of either country to the other, without their free and , rolon. lacy consent, shall be shades - via offence. I Article sixth guarantees to cal 'ell the United States visiting or residing - 'S China the same privileges, immunities: or exemptiotus In respect to travel or residences. rosy there be enjoyed by citizens or subjects of the most favored nations, and reciprocal privileges to citi zens of China in the United States; but •the stipulation Is not to be construed as conferring the naturalization of either. Article seventh provides for reciprocal enjoyment by calving of the two coun tries of public educational instilationr, under the control of either, which are en joyed In the respective countries by the citizens-or subjects of the most favored nations, and given the privilege of estab lishing and maintaining schools within the empire of Chios at those places where foreigners are by treaty permitted to reside, and Chinese citizens are to en joy the same privileges and immunities in the United States. Article eighth. The United States al ways disclaiming and discouraging all practices of unneceseary dictation and' intervention by one nation In the affairs or domestic administration of another. do .hereby freely disclaim and dis avow any Intention or right to interfere in the domestic adminis tration of China to regard to their construction of railroads, tele- I sraphe or other natural internal Im provement' On the other hand, his Majesty, the Emperor of Chins, reserves to himself the right to decide the time and manner aria drcumstaoces of intro ducing such improvements within his dominion. With this • mutual tinder ' standing, it is agreed by -the con ! trading . parties that if_st any time hereafter his Imperil Majesty shall determine to construct or cause to be constructed works of the character mentioned within the empire, and shall make application to the United States, or any other western power, for frailties to carry out that policy, the United States will In that case • designate and authorize 'suitable engineere to be employed by the Chinese Government,. the Chinese Government, in that case protecting such engineers in their per sons and property, and paying -them a reasonable comperestiou for their ser- Omelet advicea have been received from San. Domingo that the Haytien irovernment had'offered to assist the Revolutionlata in the Ramer republic, but the Administration attach no Impor tance to the Infontatlon; ISUPTIS.YE 130118 T VALCWIO=4 The President will. as goon as he shin reimive offkaal no of the rejection of 111 121 Judge Hoar, nominate to the Senate two gentlemen to supply vacancies on the Supreme Court bench, °floor whom will bo Judge Strong of Pennsylvania. The President has not fully determined upon the other. . The President informed a friend yes terday Judge soar would remain in the Cabinet. I= The Mowry Silver Mining Company, of Arizona,has filed its claim for dama ges against Mexico, before the Joint Commission, for the seizure of a train loaded with silver bare by Mexican troops, In_Senora, in 1868. CHICAGO Smuggling through the tent Developmenu—Farmers and their Cast Crops —The Mormon Reform Movement— Important Court CABO 13treet. Murder and Robbery. (By Telemph to the Pittsburgh Simone.) CHICAGO, February 6.--The system of smuggling through the mails which has been carried on for some time was brought to light in the Chicago poet. otlice two weeks since, and SIM* that time quite a number of books and arti cles manufadured In Europe have been seized by Custom House officers. It brim, possible to estimate the value of articles. smuggled, but it must be considerable, as within the last ton days over one thou. sand dollars' worth of smuggled goods have boon seized. They consist of books, laces, fare, &c. They arrived done up In ordinary newspaper wrappers, with the necessary postage stamps. Had they not been so frequently directed to one address, suspicion would possibly-not have been excited. Several packages were addressed to H. Brotherton, Free port, Ills. They were seized and found to contain ermine furs, lace collars, and other lace. H. Brntherton was discov ered to be Mrs. Brotherton, milliner. She acknowledged having smuggled five hundred dollars' worth of goods. A member of the Chicago Board of Ed ucation was also detected In smuggling books. Twelve dozen hymn-books, ad dressed to Brigham Young; Salt Lake. have also been seized. The title of the hymn-hooka is ' , Sacred Hymns and Spir itual Songs for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." One hymn Is entitled "Lard, hear the Red Man's wall," in which the Great Spirit Is called upon to "save him from the pale faced foe," dm.' A special from Salt Lake says the Mormons are circulating petitions signed by Mormon women-in opposition to Cul lom's bill. The Reform party, composed of the most intelligent Mormons, is In creasing. So far there has been no inter ference from the church authorities, but all work and assistance are denied them by the Brighamitea. The Tribune, in an editorial on the lose of rimers by grain raising during the past year, says they have found partial compensation in the high price realized for their hogs, the receipts from this crop having .saved many of them from bankruptcy. If hogs had been sold at a -price corresponding with wheat, there would have been wide spread &stream in the west and . in all classes business men .would have felt the .sharp pinch which prevented farmers from buying for "part But b & abu ng new blln f rcd ete farmers have not madeth moat out of the situation, though shrewd enough in driving their ordinary bargains. Enconrged by the prognosis of a short crop, many of them bought - pork options at high prices to the full extent of their means, and nave recently had the satisfaction or settling with sellers at a loss of two or more dol. tars per barrel, thus losing every cent made by the sale of their hogs. Specu lation in pork has been much - more ram pant this winter than any In former year since the close of the war and much trading has been done for parties in the country. _ While thin has benefited corm mission men, and put money into the pockets of sharp ones here, it has not helm so .nOnatintive to the Werra' of firmer* and drovers that they can afford to repeat the experiment. In the cane of the city of_ Chicago against Capt. Jame.' Malinke, the Su preme Court of this State has just ren dered a decision sustaining the constitu tionality of the ordinance passed by the Common Canned of Chicago, which required draw bridges over the Chicago river to be closed as often as once In ten minutes for the passage of teams, pedestrians, die. The case was first tried in the Pollee Court against Capt. Mc- Guire for violating said ordinance, and he wag fined. He appealed to the SePe• tier Cdurt, which reversed the decision, decal:jag the ordinance unconstitutional. The case then went to the Supreme Court, which reversed the decision of the Supe rior Court and declared the right of the Common Council topsail each an ordi nance. • Callet Weigle, of Indianapolis, who ar rived in this city a few days since In search of work, on Saturday night was set upon by three robbers,-Ids throat cut and otherwise injured and robbed of all the money he had. After the robbers left him, supposing he was dead. he contrived to crawl Into a vacant building near by, where he lay all night suffering frightfully from his wounds. Tto morning he was enabled to crawl into the street, where he was picked up and taken to the City Hospital. He can scarcely survive. ST. LOUIS. Roman's Suffrage Ammelation—Fast Freight Line booth—Slimouri Pacific and Missouri River Railroad Dißealty --Malt for Damages. By Teievsprk Co the Plasbure, Gsiette.) Sr. Loins, Fob. 6.—At a meeting of the Woman's . ' Suffrage Aasoelation, last night, Min Phoebe Convene. made a long and spicy report of the proceedings of the recent suffrage convention at Washing ton, correcting mistakes alleged • to have been made by New York and Philadel phia papers, and denying some state ments in circulation in regard to the aellon of that body. Arrangements were made for a lecture from Olive Logan for the 19th inst. A proposition to .send a delegation to Jefferson City, to ask the Legislature' to submit to the people an amendment striking the -word "male" from the State Constitution, was voted down after s sharp debate, it being deemed humiliating to again petition that body, after the dia. respectful treatment of their request last winter. Francis Minor, Esq., then de. livered an address on the subject of citizenship as connected with -suffrage, In which he maintained that women are citizens and entitled to vote under the Federal Constitution ' and quoted emi nent legal authority to prove his posi tion. This question had never been tested before the courts, but a test ease would be made at the next general elec• tion here, and If necessary taken to the United States Supreme Court. The Board of Director, of the Mer chants' Exchange have directed their President to appoint • committee to raise one hundred and seventy•iive thousand dollars to enable Thomas Allen, President of the Iron . Moun tain • Railroad, to purchase, In con-, nection with the Mobile and Ohio Rail road. sufficient freight cars to ran a di rect fast freight line between St. Louis and the cities of the South. This will largely Increase business facilities be tween St. Louis and the southern can try. The Directors of the Missouri Pacific Rallreed have agreed to renew the con tract with the Missouri River Railroad between Kansas City and Leavenworth at the rate of $811,009 per annum. Tho Missouri River Directors demand seventy thousand. The Leavenworth, Atchison and Northwestern Railroad Company have entered suit against the Missouri Peclfic Companyfor violation of contract, claiming three hundred and eighty thoustrid damages.. • ... Serious Fire et 41.;ineinuati. 037 Telemph to tbePittabarah 'saute.) February fire lad night broke out In a building on the northeast corner of Sixth and Baymiller 'greets and caused a loss of 500,000 or WM*. Tim-building • was owned by Oliver Patin and occupied- by B. H. Hamilton & and rectifiers. The banding was itumred fogllo,ooo, and the distillery for 515,000, of Which 13,100 was In the Delaware hfutual;l2,soo in the Western of Cincinnati, and the balance In Cleveland and eastern companies. The banding Mier-eta on the eastt 000 n• pled by H. H. Weasel &Co. and A.Kribe On. was damaged by -- the falling wail and by water. The building eu the west was slightly blared. The tire broke oat about IvieriV minutes after tha work• men left the, distillery, No clue to NO. 32. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Bergh hay made another raid on the Brooklyn milk etablea. —The s lib of Bon. Jno. Wentworth, of Chicago, died at Troy, IT; Y., on Saturday. —Snow fell itt Richmond,Virginia, yes terday, but the weather was too warm for it to remain. —Rufus B. Kinetic,: ley's Express, died at Provi Saturday morning, aged 73. —The jury in the ,Wareham homicide case, at Cincinnati, brought In a verdict of guilty of murder iu the seoend degree. —The schooner Eleanor; from Balti more, was wrecked near Fort Fisher. The entire anw, live men, are anppomd to be lost. • —The Tennessee Conatitutional Con. vention - called, on. Saturday, on Mra: Polk and were plearntly_ received and entertained. —A. Convention of the conductora of the Conservative newspapers of lambi ana is called to meet at New Orleans on February 28th. —The Lezielattire of West Virginia has adopted a resolution .for the impeach ment of Judge Wat. Harrison, of the fiev.. enth Judicial district. —Kit Burins' dig pit, in New York, will be dedicated to religiotut worship today, and thereafter daily noon-day prayer meetings held in it. —The Impeachment of Governor Reed was killed in the Florida Rouse of Re presentatives by adopting the minority report by a vote of 30 to 24' —The Kenna Benakt bac paned a bill removing political disabilities, to take effect after the promulgation of the rail. iloation of the XVth amendment. —The large machine shop In A:Word, Ides., owned by Macy t Eldridge and occupied by E. A. Albee, was burned on last Friday night. Loss, 130,000; Insured. —Three Siren occurred at Philadelphia on Saturday, two trifling, and a third causing the total destruction 'of Wal lacen planing mill on Spring Garden street, above Broad. Loss 120.1300. —At Poughkeepsie, N. Y., a Are early Sunday Morning destroyed Webber's cabinet shop, and an old man of eighty live named Myers!, a German, was sun.. Gated. Three bones were also burned to death. —The lower Houma of the Missouri Legialature has pawed", bill regulating the pay of school teachers, giving fe males the same pay aa males,. who are equally qualified and perforating the same duties. —Another sugar fraud class, Involving eight hundred boxes, has been decided by the .llnited States District Court at Hew Orleane in favor of the Government. The sugar was Imported under false In voices as to weight. • —H. J. Church, condictor on the St. Joseph and Council Bluff Railroad, shot and' killed Michael Culligan, in a Street -tight In St. Joseph, Mo., on the night of the ad. Church gave himself up and was committed to jail. Ctilligan was armed. about. '—Wm. Cullen Bryant and daughter occupied the same box with Prinoe Ar thur at the Philharmonic rehearsal, at the Academy, in New York, last Friday. The orchestra broke away from the regu larprogramme and the Quee played "God sass —An old fetid between partlecculmi nated at Rushville, Mo., on Tuesday of last week, In the killing of Sinclair and Jackson Hurst, during an altercation, by Joseph Fry and Clint). Jones. The Murata bad been very drunk and quar relsome, and at the inquest it was shown they were the Faulting party, —The owners pf cast mines in the 'Ak ron, Norton, Chippewa,Wadsworth,-Fal ton and Massillon, Ohio, districts, have fcrrined * , The Tuscarawaa Coal • Mining Assochdlon,' '• with head-quarters at Ak ron, and have reduced the pries of min ing to the same as in all neighboring districts, to go Into effect Feb. 20th. —The Louisville Courier Journal putt lithos tbe - fnir circumstances: attending the attempted-reausenked Gen.--cfsomas by Gini:Gnuit before the battle at Fxank• tin. Oen. • Balleck disclaims having alluded to the subject at the dinner in San Francinco last summer, but admits having pocketed Grant's order relieving Thomas and appointing Schofield, as his SI/0006301% --Halifax papers report that it a meet ing held at Meringomish, in Ptctonoonn ty, a resolution was passed declaring the Confederation a failure, and urging the loch Legislature to move for annexation to the United States. A Union dosage lion how been formed in Prince'dward's Island. Hon. T. H. Hoagland, M. P., was chosen President, Hon..loseph Pope sad Hon: Wm. Heald. Vice Presidents. The object of *the society is to forward the cause of the Confederation. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IaritATCHELOR 2 B 1/AIIIDVE. • - it spieedid Hair Dye le the best in the world. Harmless relLable. Instant... Se. dues not contain ,esei, nor say elicits potion to Prost., paralysis or newt,. Arvid the eanntad nod delusive preotratlons bo.tiris vlrtneathey Jo tint came*. The secoine W. •..atotialori. Hair Dye u has had 30 years untarnished repute- Hon to phold it. integrity as the onlyrerfeet Hair Dye—Clark o- Brown. Cold by all Drug gists. Applied at /6 Baud Street, N. T. PlTlssuaos IVHITE LEAD HD COLOR WORKS, J. SCHOONNARER & .SON, :1-niorrtrxortl=4, Manufacturers of WHITE L 6 +D, NED LEAD. BLUE LEAD, ZINCB, - LITUANGX, PUTTY .d all colors DRY AND IN OIL. OFFICE AND FACTORY. HO, 452, 111, 46 . 6 and 458, Rebecca Street, • ALLISGMCNY. • • We all att.' talon to abe guarantee pasted on °urge:Letts Pero Mlle Lead, and when we say • “purer carbonate of lead," we mean *.areal- Calls pure:" teat Is, free Krona Acetate and By drab e, and them fo Is whiter and superior, botb In color and ceverlag properly. IMALEAS4TEED to bei purer Cerbonate of Lend and whiter than any In the ina:kni, aad will forfelttbe price of this packese tfoOnlatn- Ind the !nut sotslteration. ' . , PIIILADILITZTA, Milan 1111,1870. HLYING RETIRED FROM tee Bogor Rasing beeleeett I 1..•• tier leased to toy too. HENRY W. BARTOL, The Grocers' Steam Sugar Refinery IL H. BARTOL, Having leased the above named Redstety, I mill vaneee the business as beratiderm and nave aDlX.Wedis- • • Messrs. THOS. P..STOTt3I3IIRY & CO, 1431,E ILGFrZirIS, Wbo wlll °Ter for sale the well-known brands of the Refinery. TI Bartol's Extra C. Yellow Sugar. BARTOL'S CROWN SYRUP. 2. ,- UENRIF W. DARTOL. felirorret . NATIONAL RANK STOCKS, ALLEGHENY VALLEY IL It. WADS, PITTnIIIJEGH BuLT Tuesday evenlts. gebruary BM. at Elf oicloek. wIU beloold on seemed Boor of Crenneen• dal naleaßan me 1118 Stulthneld Greet. 110 shim a Exchange National Bank; let enema Antonym , eo. do.; - • 100 ahar:a Yitubureh Bolt Ca. 12.000 Allegheny ',Alley R. R. 740 Ronde. ft 7 A. McILWAIN K. Aillllineletf . ETTERS . TESTAMENTARY at the • state of /AYES ALEXANDER. deep t to ml Hartlson. to~eshlo. o tee ill pe , baring heed 6r anted rsons luCehteal am required e.t.a.:Ml- . MN, MI Aerie, having claims ageing& said estate nIII reneant them properly autheall- Med for settlentone tnenudereignad. at Tin. Y WY. Y. EVANS. Executed.. CHOICE COFFEES. . /unit &tont CYoke Rln. Jean ennl Car.. Pat received; Green and Roasted *ell:nd rrhotssals =4 mall, ai prices banjo,' onthere. nun. In vllO4 Um ?mai GrOCei7 Btu. 44- JOHN' A. RENSHAW. ' airair Ltbeitr and Nlnt4 etieetn. strivDnit.s. 23 two Cotton,• 2 d 97- do.o. Broom Coro: Prerszed ..eke re stberr.. -1 bag Pealed Pegelte.: , g -s d4 *' frgrZiettl 'i 'liary thAtitt DiIitAPTPL $2W0wILL . 11111" A NICE NEW DEICN - HOUSE W W Stnad altar citd Finch sot. Rimless Wanes 'tree. sear Caldwell. Zsgilles at W. WWILON. at the base. T - - THE WEEKLY GAKMB . cheapen — oin - al /Mil, wsraver DubifgCOA In Western peettgiteele• No flamer, meehaale or steralisat Amid lie =CI * , Slaste ilk- Club. of - ♦ oopy is farttleed smilltoosty te`ths gratis pof s camber tea. Postmasters ari remelts i, to act ai agents.. Address. PERNDRAW, REED & CO., Proprletot. FirNo27M2it—o7b-Le.," I +Pbraitisel °Lose" Warits,"...Ftnend,"“/loarditig," de., not exceating 8008 LINJA be inserted in Mae columns mod Jam : . TWENTY-FIVALORN2I9; took addi, tiontd Fin: WANTS& • WANTS. ristor of Fins- =I tooAHNIMT E L D. D — An eeaACp e O rien cad iu l gol7 leaEAtatelf w W t% F u ! .g. M m R La fton the Taft. NW. elatr atroa Spplr. 111pcmir. 1 IiA.CITIC 011ie, • TTANTED.—Two SoHelton for an old establlalld Raw Tort lash) Life SWeranee Comma), to Oland* It{ Weatertt reunlyiyania. Will be peel, We* etideeilLeek-Bee 421, 'Pit tabereh P. 0. 14 WANTED-CANIFASSEIIB.-10 Canvas......for 141 tlele test L oath* rawdly. Not tedust stmt. Ark slimy City,. • WANTED.—A small, but coma v PORTABLE, HOUSE; for tautly With out Children. The nal.* onevenlenoet min Shod neighborhood lndltpentabl, Alteglany preferred r Will pe p not over 11500, Adana.. et tett office, 0110 tboatlon and terms, weirrEn--amg...--AT Rs: W PLOTAILENT'OIItejk IP. lEt CU! Eltmet. BOYt, BULLS and MXN. for wi.d. of .mplayment. Fem. w •4118= WANTED.—AeoIed - Pro will be r. celved for ono vee r l l 2lll4 , tbon and cliA000) FELT OF Clliiil to be delivered in Plitaborge or Lawrenceville. Moat loc - ng Freeport or Banta stone. CASH Wilt be 1,51 on delivery. retaining kW . ceniege ler 1111111sient of conireet. Addresei SILL Heal HstatriArrate. Lswreneweillia. WARTED. " 3IOR/14A411* $30,000 to Loma to taiga or mall aosate, at a bar rate or Interest. THOMAS X. ?WI TT. BOpd. sad 24.1 ROMs Broker, • . : No. ITS Ha:ltUaeld inset. BOARDING vir ANT ED-110A 11 With t fornlrbed room. by • leatle••• Wit h erlfe. Address. With terms slit localbar, J. U. • - E.. liAZlrril OrIICZ. BOARDING. A Gentleman .4 WIPE, wl.hout children. or two ladies. can Ind hrd. With • nice ...Lein moderate term, at N. . 59 SHEFFIELD IST/MET. Ile emcee even end ' • 34 TO.LET Arfeeoe.enedwww, . TO-ILET.;—At Hittle*oed eta TION. on Connelluilli Railroad, about 10 ACRES OF LAND. well pate." with oho.* halt Woes la bearing; ni.onUrs. Du.... pus of Mansion Hon.. Inquir. of Mr*. BAONSL Z. WOODS... the prosoDut. or of ;MUNI A. kfoliZAN, ' 145. loan. mute. IlUslargl• Pa. Pado,-LET.—No. 411.• Coiggress St. e.stlbalr. two P.lor. tame • cbastteri, vooes.;kltatetvand osotry. twoutt• or BoazWELL 11A.ItTliANS, 71 Graaf. Moat. !1.10 LET.—The . Large Stare Room No. 96 Wylie Avenue.corner _o' erat s trees. Pittsburgh. A. BROM( lie Path aveuss. • rre i l;LIET—A large Front Ileom. t.÷ l .01 , M:Yor=lit.117.L4' P lTt i reArt eloyle seamen. ',WPMOn, LET..—TWO 2 story brick 1 houses. Nos. 55 lute 115 Centre wrests. m 11510515 ten morns eeeb,wi t a , =541:: , , , ,..._ rove-meets. Enquires% No. Mr. McCALLIIII. - .710 LET.---FIVe rOolith— hr, eery large—on the corner of Penn ..1101(11aneoek)etretts.lo two dwelling" saJothlng. withelgettaadsavettrarma. t.rq•U. at All keou a ?Xt.,. MO- LET: .ROOlllB. Several '1.., large .11 well rersolsbed rooms la a pleasant location, gales and near to troshoese s TII be bad by gentlemen as steeples room.. hese rooms are very• desirable. Eagan.. as ea NINTh OTRYIET, late toned. tr rpo-LET.—The Front Boom of. .1. Apo.S eo nenSiraTßU No. ru D cu d o t sun s, m el • died Into trro•roontr. Can he rented either etas/7 :; ViVitTre . f is gr. 11.1. . . • •, • • •,. rpor Snit of Itimiiiii: a ,, pra!lriug Two Large, welt llghiltd foal . front itoomtri ATlCE.H"birftr .• - h". 4 - two autewroona•ow 4th floor. Ono Star. Room. first Boor, N0. 99. h. In English*, new bulldlaA 'fourth ovenwe. for teems loonies, of 'A. N. ,. ENGLISH & CO.. No. 911 fourth aroma. TLET.—A 7 lot or ground 1192 A feet 6196 tot t.lis 140 will, a large. Babotaptlal brick building 8U fee and a rt 01. gee building containing two re onsa former on- copied be James Idillingar al slam:dug ardll.alte , sated, Carson and Pint street. loath burgh; aultable for sualtutnetartng purposes og a ablsiY to ATTERBDUT i CO, . . Carson and Tenth Streets. Bthaisibus. TO-LET.—That old, establish- YD and wali•lnxw¢ DRUG STORY, Oi tba canter of Waalottont sad sinesia. Cl=l9 TO LET.- "roans; DWELLINGS, 11001115.A11111 017101hIL Inquire or ZZAIII t CO.. 95111 W Aveswi. FOR SALE. • MR SALE—VIIIINACE--Therei. _m•••rin be oared for gale to tpaetibat gad ne.bidder, a, Hearth.. Vinton County, OWN no the lath day r MIT% Pb. NAHUM a URNACX, watt the I.ds belonging thwato.. The. Lads contain. Inexhanstilde ode. of ens and coal. and the guru.. Isnow to lOU bleat otathaglf tans Hoz blast Charring Iron poi day. tittatUil. MINN RR. ' •Bnitstaldge. liaaarnanty, Ohio. F Olll SALE —T Bteam Ei•~iae 10 by 30. la hondl cahotheardar. mortar , . Veatieg, Whaler Beam sad oquabet log Iloa oil as etiod as nevc -- Alee, TWO IS. INCH LOOT AND FORtm POMM,. INCH LIII . 'AND YOH= PUMP& • Nod low. Van be •een at the ,Worka. of ttel Yoaghloaheny Co., Coal Company, West Int. OD. Po. VOIR SALE. -Stock and. Viz- TIMM, LEASE Atib GOOD WILL. of • or.i.o...Gmeiry., doing a Rood badness. The lading/rood LObs enVised In other bulaell ti the noon for Wang. G. W. row, 49 red, croistreeL Alleobenv._ LOB SALE. A: SIX aonos OP Lomb tie city limit.. WM be sold ding . cm easy Sneolre of WM. BIJOUILT: Alt may-at-La.. 91 Ontot strret. tarktf . • OR- SALE.--Buildiag,.mmotir.- RIALS-WiLL BE BOLD AT 'A AM. h the materiels e•otaLned In s TWO STOW ' , NAME DWELLING HOUSE located near O. kluld ear station. 't he bonne Is hi good *Mt alines now oco ipled by I t removed o f subserleer. who ', to have It the lot before thili Mat of Nay. icgelre of OSORGE . Charlotte street. 2 2 tieklandr. F OR SALE. PIIINTIIII3 OPTICIA rt.. Steam 'Presses and a largo dizaHT it type. More work than they as art nat.. ' JOHN A; Diaz "?' 1111% h areapa and Tumid Stmt. - • on • HALE. —nwil.ijarni-r That three story }mimic Difiretrt: he i rtrati. ' etra - lel% u"' et ma cold arater teem and mead 111016 ORO ratedl the room range la airmen. Itativ *Ammer of Gr.ra allta." leareUUntel aaa yealUatpd. Ito. lAA St art& sewage FOIRSALE.—AT Is .i..BARCIALIL —lmpe AN D LOT . N. 76 Ladd* stoma; Good ward, • Ilraboni. , Home: A man HIVE of II rooms. well Otalahna a:a anaplats: /WI 511111 al M 1 11. irawo mum.= neer toe kg. •property is worn thwattaattolt of 111 OTIoTr " lon l ja laraltatent. It would. roollse. by mold(, yha g 0 ..; o r g v a L o r n i. tp= m 7:g O pyfeyoor, Al Diamond. Allegheny. OR SALE. F The aabseMber °rem far mde YyPTEEY Lela/Z.BI2ED BUILDING - LOTS. situated en Juniata street. near -the Ohio litherr.Et the Meth ward. Allegheny. The lie:anon b owe! the most pleasant and hialthfat ta the es t. These tots will be sold it small 'Messed ell Ant coat and on en, twills; else atiouldlif 134)1 teat., Alto., NEW: TOP. BOOUT aid BITCK-WAth.OLN." and 011.1Y:NO11EZ aMZ TWO-Efiegtog WAUON. -r , • '` ItIOTT-1101.11Mw0.-220 Emmet sgmed, enntalnlng nnuas. hot and nald Water. MLA ..BOOBY. lice westirri aegis. einiiti Olirtlera atmet,eardaledrin mellesani Shishall attic. Inqnlre of eimuataiist pATTEßsoiiii , At Lumber-Tayd. earner of Juniata gad Amble streets, Plate ware. Alkitheay city, gehugg EERSONAL.-4111penont lievAlg. 1 2 ,0 Hommog Invauseunts AI tisk Xgo. ' vill we OA" 4, 1;" ht. " 4 W r:4 16 72 70 1. aai r tr i n it c67;,,SrAlt,in iitt r=l be ... tn b rzv p„... m .. . ti. ===. x 4M Lair" Ve" gym& . '. - , 5 '," 91 . " fr ,'• -, , ~,...... lI=O B. maw. 107 Wood gnat , .41.1.: