PINANOIA EOM& BIM, NO, 80 FOURTH AVENUE, Prrrssuzait. C* 3U CAPP:TILL Isoe,ogo Stockboiders Individually Liable. BANK OF DIMCOFHT AND D,Erosrs JOHN FT.OI'D - Freslslent• DastlerYoft. Tiros M. Marshall, John X. Maitland. Wm. T.Ftisonon, Archibald WaLUCA James W. Areett. Jas. D. Kelly, Mom. 11. Lexh, • Wes. Floyd. Jobs Floyd, Tills Molt Is sole tolls' les elottedo • Ircemeal Bazars, y, MM orruntsed .d pr.P on.d - GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, .nou g ht at Karma Prices. PIL IL MERTZ, Banker, Cur. Weal St.,Asth Avenue JAIES ' T. BRADy. & Co., Moooeuors to B. JONES • CO Corner Fount Minna and Wood Bt. 13A.NMIRS, Saj =int' all kind. of GOVERNANNT SECIAtIITES, 90LD,i1LVER !ND ORTON% :41 , T ow 'oar salroxasus Tzums. ur Interest &lima on Deposita. .ti . 4. , / PrMoney . loaned on tioiernment loads at - e I wst market rate. P' - , Order* executed for she Purchase AA and Nero et. 6 - POCILB, BONDB mai ."$. VOLD. • dBHSS T. BRADT & CO: littinttg4 exaittit. FINANCE AND. TRADE. - 0 pin cns o s Prrresuacat Chtlarre, V vi F011.D,Cr,,. Feb. 4,1970. t 4 . 1 - The premium on gold declined today . .li . to 120%, against 121% yesterday, in ceni. .4 sequence of the currency bill now bo ti fore Congress, and which has passed one . ' 15 , breach. ' The large amount of gold on the market, the daily accumulation of • ' specie in the banks of Europe and 1 t.; France, and the steady . appreciation of . %). our bond! in Europe, make it manifest that we _: are ere gradually approaching .. 9.1 specie payment. This fact has checked .1 • speculation for a rise in the gold room, and the abort interest .being closed out . it is likely . that . 110 resat:um will be •nl mole to elate& 'CiciaflalliUn-thß.rudsh.leo. .• - -since the stock market moves inde •' 1 Pendently of _ gold and bends; and the A operatives therein entirely ,based on the ill easy money Market, .. 1 - 4 Government Wide ere doll and heavy :f 1g with a decidedly declintog tendency. 1 Money In good demand at fall rates. ','.• Local aecuritles command full Wine., 3 and under the decline in governments '. all the low priced secruittes are eagelry . 11 r.,::.1,,darue,„...E...: the 1 r m ru . t r n i :Jr in 1 j a m erA ' 7 7: -l e.', quantity. and can be had at Ph. R. Stir .z's . ...., banking house. • ' ..ii s Quotanona •as received DV Ph • E ti : . 3 Kerte Gold, 120,4; Silver. 116; Eighty -1 =leis //8%. Five TwenUee, 1862 115!;: L• - • 14 do 1884, 114%; do 190. II& do 1886, '• li Consols, 11 ,84.1, do 1867, 114: do 1868. '• • ~ 114; Ten Forliea. 11_ . .2%; Adams Ex :s' ' inzsg . Certipsny 64; Merchants Union . Company, 6; American Ex- ColnPanY , 9734: Western Union .. . gretoliph. 5634: New York Central .. -„ e 9 , 7 e Ilearrtrea,...fivrittsoil-h:inrgb, Fort .., ' • Ids a igt:, 26%; Michigan ' f3onthern a 813 1 Z; 1 Clerveland a .Pittaburehr 92: Chicago. Bock Island &, 11634: Cldestro & .: 1 North Western. 72 0 ; -Chase° & North ':.:'l.. Werdern Preferred 69%; Erie 2 . 43. is liecomfall ‘141116 , i:I2 London. per A ' 1 5 , 1 6 , , thole? per franc 22% 25 Berlin ........ 88 91% } Frankfort. &oboe 50 52 • ." —Closing quotations received by James .. •T. Brady & Co. Gold: 120%1 United 1 ' States Sixes, 1931, 118: Five-Twenties, •' ", 1862, 115; do. 1864, 114 y: do. 1866,114%; •:-• Ten-Forties, 112%; Fivo l l'wenties, Jann ~: • cry and. July, 1885, 119%; do. do. 1.867, ::: 114: do . ' dc. 1164.113%; Union Pecifirs ••• Railroad. 68: Central do. do, 99; Cy. • ' Pada°, 1.1.1%; Lake Bopezior 90. . Crly Telegrovb to tee Pittoberrn euesse-i Fite YOMr, Felettarr4; 1870. - s ' Mosey easy at 146 percent., with ex ceptions at 4 per neat. to Government dealers. Prime business notes are want . -`eel at 7Vail ;per cent. The Meanie of the United States Its. • press 05: held a meeting to-day. The Company , has not yetn of signed the agree. , for theardatabullo the routes. , 1 The first eleotton for nine directors of • Wells. F.rzo .8 CO., under the new re gime, takes:place to-morrow. The board. ~ will probably consist of five gentlemen from New York and four from California. ' • The funding bill reported to the Senate 1 yesterday la regerded In Wall street as 1 . the best considered and •most practical 1 measure for • the reconstruction of the financea•yet presented to Congrese, and parolee who have the beet sources of in formation at Washington state the bill has been thoroughly considered lobed: Rouses, and la accepted s•o unanimounly as the great party measure of the peolon that there 14 itsou as to its adoption In stitatantlallypresent form. There are mono! fru h stamen g and wealth In Ea \ rope prepared to gusrantee a market of 1µ00,0v0,000 of 5 per cent bonds. Of °aurae books do not relish a compulsory substitution of bonds to be held against 1 their tapes of notes by others paling 1 lq/Ao less interest \ The clause of the ME I prose:llM for free kinking is disliked on / the ground of its providing for a contmc- 1 Con of legal tenders equal to the new Lanes of National currency. .. 1 A private dispatch states that Secretary Boutwelitemoti the floor of the Sena, I this afternoon explaining certain foe. tures of the funding bill. He stated i that it the bill should become law, old bonds would be a u xchaeable for new 1 at the Treasury, owin ng g the fail mar- ket value for them and that banks would oat be allowe d to sell their beads ho open market. - The .coon: of gold In the treasury to day le,IIK5,000,00 0 .• including 665, 000 , 000 bald stgalhat certificates. The' currency Mimeo is 1 , 11,000.004. Sterling firm at 6%0 9 , Gold is weak - -under - the anticipated passage of the Funding bill mid the ad vance in lauds in harope; opened at 120%, touched 12050 1 2 0 % and closed at 12036. Carrying rate, 55117%. Clearances, f 43.000, 00 0. Governments steady: Coupons. , 81, 18t4 01834 i do 62, 15Q1 16 %; do '6l, 14%0 Ifs do '65, 14%01 5 ; do new. 12%0 14%: do 'B7, 14%; do '6B, 14@14%; 10•40 a, 12®12% , Banfice, 11%6(51134. eloutheraShite securities are genteelly strong and higher. Looldatias advanced on all Issues, especially levee sizes to 71. 1 New North Carolinas are salve and Mee to 20. There is an active borrowing de s:rand for these Donde. TOnnellatieS and 'Virginias steady at an idyl:nos of morn. fug prime. Mbaouris and South Caro- Illnu a little. sweater. Idissotuis. 9056; oblTenneseees, 5436; new do, 48%; old 197trairflas, 6234; new do, 68%; old North Oarolitall , 42%; new 10. 28... In railroad tends Central Pacdfle la in active request by banks and other finan dal LnaUtutions; at the close_9s was. Ind for round 1011. Beltway markets firmer zed telfiet ads:snood 36igo. ter cent. from' the lowest point of the day; most active stooks New York Central stock and ' elaxßock. Lilted and NOrthWeelern. I Idaramold no to 117, the highest point yet reached on the present Milli Movement. Miscellaneous shares quite active and higher in Mariposa:sad Pacific dleExpress :stock, weak . In United tes, but others Steady. pi . ii. Twig Aious. , —Canton,sl3 - b er land, 52% : Western Union %; _ Tell. graph,...118%;. Quicksilver, 15: Madras., 10; preferred, los: Adams Express. 61; Wells & Fargo. 2634 . _; American, 57%; United Stake. -49: P acific Mall. 40%:1 New York' Central. 97%; E r i e , 2040,rd, 1 41: Harlem. Wig: Prefeetbd, 141112 nd• WM Scrip, 94%; R e ding. 96%; mt e bi een Central; 118%1 1 . 0 *e 811090, 6234 Illinois ' I central, 157. Plttabnrgb, fa: North. w eetarn, 72%prerd, 89 4 ; Rock Island, 116%; 'St. - eau!, 72%; preferred. 87%; Wabash 413t0 preferred, 77; Ft. Wayne, M: Terre Haute, 2i%:- prorerred 54 O. 8 A , 145; preferred, 148; 0. it Si .,fd 26%; O. O. 8,/.. C., 20%; N. ,I. 0., 98 34; C. fl/. & BEI 1, ; -4 3 t f; . . • :am s73344..Dutatque, 108 U: St. Jo, nay.; Burlington & Quincy. 1.55. Boston prices: Calumet, 64: Copper rall B . 514% Fraltlln, flecia. 80: Quin. cy, S t)Hu Treasury balance : Gold. 178,371,- 780: currency. 65,340,613. General bel ays°, 183,893,5 61 . • PITTSBURGH NAIIKETIS Orruns or PiFa rrastrac i Fo n b. IS7O °Awns., mes. 4. . There is bat little tliat is new or Im portant to be said about the markets in • general way. 6 .Bweeta" have been de cidedly panicky for some time past, bolls sugars and syrups having declidcd considerably, and there are no Indica tions at present 'on widen to predictato that the bottom has been touched. The impression tprdvalls among dealers that price! are not likely to go much lower, and that Ni,W • Orleans sugars and mo lasses are cheap, but there - Is no telling, They thought the same thing a mouth ago, rind retailers and consumers were advised to buy, to lay In their spring and summer supplies, and many of . them did so. It would be as well perhaps for those who bought then to buy more now, and thus reduce their average cost,' though it is not every one that Is in con =to take advantage of the present APPLE BUTTERnoted at 7 0 @ 50 0. L' • APPLES--In fair demand but tin ganged; sales at $2,50®3.50 per bbl. MUTTER—Prime to choice roll is in fair demand, with sales at 30 to 33@35. Common is in big euppiy and dull. BUCKWHEAT FLO bli-3@3.q. BEANS—DuII but unchanged; tales of fair at $2,25; prime at $2,50, and choice at $2,75. BROOM CORN-I.l@lB cts per pound. ClDER—Continuce dull and nominally unchanged, at $5,60@9,00 per bbl, as to quality. CHEESE—IS firm, with a fair demand buttmchanged. CARBON ClE.—Standard brands may be quoted at 2534@23, in &jobbing way. CRANBERRIEI—Io steady demand, with sales at f13(§15, as to quality. DRESSED HOGS—The arrivals are failing off somewhat, but the demand continues light, and prices are unchang ed; le@lolo. DRIED FRUIT—Is quiet and un changed. Apples at 13@0e. Peaches at Sipe for quarters, and 10@11 for halves. Pitted Cherries. 25(00c. Blackberries 14@lbO per pound. - k>3oS—ln rather better demand but unchanged at 25, for fresh packed. FEATHERS-115® 9 0 cta. • . FLOUR—The market is quiet and de void of a single new characterlstlo—de wand continues light, while prices are unchanged.. , We• continue to quote western floors, at $5,00@5,50 for spring. and , 15.75@16.00 for winter. Rye Flour, $5.00@ 5 . 25 . GRAlN—There Is not much inquiry l for Wheat, and offerings continue ex ceedingly light; fair to good red, sl,oo© lilOraud prime to choice $1,15@1,18. (A dispatch from Mansfield, Ohio, says that the farmers are selling freely them at 95c, and that dealers are not anxious to tiny even at that.) .Gate dull but un changed-46@47° -on wharf and track, and s8(S50o in store. Corn. also, Is dull, though dealers are unwilling to make concessions imotder to effect sales: ear is offering on wharf. at 78@60c. Rye could be sold at 90 eta. cash, but there are but few sellers at tide figure. Barley may be'quoted at $1,00@1.05, for prime , to choice Penna. and Ohio Spring, with sales at these quotations. - H&Y—Sales , from country wagons at 415®23, and the offerings continue B HUSKS--Bales at 2)0)3c Per pound. HOMINY—SaIes at $0,00@6,50 per bbl. • ..1../ME---Bales of Cleveland white lime at V..@2,25 ner bbL ONIONS-Sales at r2,50@5,60 per bbl, the outside figure for choice. LARD OlL—City brands No. 1 extra Quoted at $1,43@1,45, and No. 2st 93@95. Fancy Cincinnati and Chicago brands held higher. „ PEANUTS—Qtiotisd at 9@lo cos. PEAS—DuII 112 50 per bushel. POTATOES—SaIes in store at 50 cts— 1 demand moderato. PROVISIONS--The market continues, rather weak though prices aro nontl.- lastly nucllange. Shoulders, 134 for' Plain and 1434 for Sugar uurod: Sidon. Id for Clear and. 17 for Ribbed. Breakfast Bacon ' 101 4 and Sugar Cured Banta 19. Lard 17 in tierces. Mess Pork EN. POULTRY Market almost bare. Dressed ahle.kens, 13@14, and 'greased turkeys, 12.@20 SEEDS—There is a continued active demand for Clover Seed, and we can re.- port ea' es 07160 bushelsat—salell tO the trade at 18,25. 'Timothy sale is scarce and firm at .4.7505,00. FlitZBoou 141 still quoted at $2,101192,15. STRAW—SaIes of rye straw at ;10. and oats at 1110@14.. SALT—IS quoted all 1,75 by the car load. . WHlSKY—Filgtorthes firmer at 980 II; rectified, {LW; proof ree...fledl, 11,10. Old whiskies scarce and firmer. PETROLEUM MARKET Orman or Prrisiroseit Gamin - re, FRIDAY Feb. 4. 11170. The oil business continues very dull, with no prospects of any. immediate im provement. Thera seems to be little or no demand for either crude or refined and sellers are just about as scarce as buyers; as repeatedly noted, a consider able amount - orcrude could doubtless be sold at a reduction of a cent to s cent and half below present quotations, as there area good many empty tanks to be filled. but manufacturers are not dis posed to "stock up" st figure, which, viewed in the present aspect of affairs, would yeld them no margin. They do not ask nor expect a margin of two or three dollars per Woo was the case at one time, but will be satisfied with a fair snanufactureneprodr. and to this they are certainly entitled. • 01%13D3 Market quiet but arm, though as already intimated, buyers aro very scares at present quotations. Spot is quoted at 130 bidadd 14:o aked, with a rumored sale 012,000 btu at t he outside figure. Seller to July 13c.; buyer same time, 15. . . BnrlttßD Ito sales—market dull and N,g unchange ry, d. Soot nominal at V!(15'; Fabrna SW: and lines, at 31(§34(. =cairns or camm OIL BY A. T. B. B. A. B. Mills 80. on account Bartle; Fisher 80. op acoonnt E M Long; w Wilson ,t C0.'42, on sooonnt C Mackey; W Wilson it CO. 60, on account T Chess; Waring. K it Co. 160, on act J K Barbour Peerless Oil Works 160, on so. count B. ; S. Duncan; Jail Wilkins 80, on account Fox A Funk. Total. 652 Edda strasfarrra Or on. wr A. v. B. B. Lookhart, Frew A Co. 456 bbls ref. oil to Warden, F. A Co., Phila. National Refining Co. 255 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Cu., Philadelphia. Forsyth Bro: & Co. 100 bbla refined to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. AS. -.103 bbls ref. to W. P. Loran d: Brogrhiladelphia. McKelvy A Bro. 7 bids refined oil to W. P. Logan A Bra, Philadelphia. Braun it Wagner, 824 bids ref. ,01l to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Total refined....----..........- 1,711 bbls. AmtAroxarr Vara= Itaii.noso, Feb ruaryt, 4W 2 Welsh a 5 sits corn S , as o; 2J 5 do c orn, 824 d M o whea nay A Moore; 12 do wheat, Scott it Meal; 16 do oats, Geo Rememan; 80 do wheat, P Weaver . 7 bra clover seed, E Bev Meteor 16 do oats, Adams it Austin; 1 car lime, D L Reynolds; 1 do metal, Slink& & Co; 3 do do, Brown d: Co; I ao do, John Moorhead; 4 pkes leather, D Chestnut & Co. PITTSBURGH IRON OrrICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, February 4, 1870. The metal market la In an unsettled and rather unsatisfactory condition, though, as noted In our Bat report, there is rather more inquiry and the sales in the aggregate, are larger than they have been for some weeks past. Eastern irons are offering pretty freely, and con ft.:inanity are Week, 10010 holders being willing to make, conoeselotut in order to realize: While, on the other band, weal. ern Bone are held pretty firmly, and as stocks at western furneces are by rie means heavy, these western furnacemen seem disposed to bold back In hopes ors better and stronger market. Eastern rurnacemen, for some cause or other; or at least some of them, seem anxious about realizing, and In some Instances are Instructing their agents here to sell: we are cognizant of a case where an offer cub, wits refused a week or so since, was steep to -day, with four months time allowed. Indicating as it dces, that some of these eastern men are pushed to s teed, money. Buy ers, as might be expected, realize the sit en, and, as might be expected, are very "bearish," buying . as little as they can,posaibly help. just enonith and no more, than what will kb D their works in operation, hoping, by so doing, to foroe a still further ffeoline. Mill own ers still allege that metal is much higher niairroiY than its products, and that the one must advance or the other do cline, in Order to give a Margin: ANTHRACITS: 200 tons No. 3 Hard 136 tal 6 mos 100 No. 3 Hard na 00 6 0100 100 Mottled and White.. 3.6 60 6 mos 100 " No. 3 do do 36 50 4 Inca 150 " No. 3 do do 36.50 4 mos 100 " tkild Short Native • cash ore 33 00 uds 53 ...... 33.004 mos 20 .• No., 1 Foundry Extra 41 504 mos 20 " No. 2 Foundry .30.004 mos 10 " No. 2 do ...... 33.50 4 mos. 20 No. 1 Foundry 8...... 37.00 cash 30 " No. 2 F0undry......... 36.00 4 mos 300 Cold Short Medium . =I CRA }OVAL. 30 tons Hanging Itqck 149 00 4 mos 10 " Foundry Forge 50.1 g) 4 lILOS BITU.MENOUS COAL SMELTED PROP LAZE SUPERIOR ring. 200 tons Gray Forgo . 135 50 6 mos 100 w No. 3 Forge.— ......... 36.00 4 mai 100 " No. 3 Forge__ ...... 36.00 4 mos 100 CDN'oll Grade Close . Forgo. 35.50 6 inns 50 w Open Gray Forge 37.00 6:mos 120 Com'on Grade White and Mottled 31.00 cash 100 ",.Good Medium Gray. 36 50 l• Forge . inos 230 w Medium Gray Forge 35.00 :cash 100 " Common Clone L. S. mos 35.50 ore Forge 5i 100 w Coke Clam Forgo I Mixture with Native - ore 36 00 mpg nwoms. 00.00 tcash 10 tom Juniata. . • MARKETS BY TELEOBAPI4, New Vona, Jan. 4.—Cotton revere buyers: 9•6 bales middling . uplands at 2534 c; receipt , ' 4,784 bale& Flour dull and in-buyers' favor: I,eoo Ibis at 54,60 '6B for superfine State and western; 55,10 tp,eo for extra Slate; 556e,t0 for extra western= 85,7566.35 for white wheat ex tra, 55,10®6,20.. P.. H. O.; 55,50®9,25 for extra St. tinfie, and 56.2568.50 for good choice do. 'Rye flour quite heavy, V) bble at 84®4,80. Corn meal quiet.. Whieky ' steady; sales 350 bids western free at ile ®99e, chiefly 98140. Receipts wheat, 9,940 bush; wheat dull and drooping: sales 27,600 bush at 11,1761,20 for No. 2 mitring, 81,25 for winter red Illinois, 5 1 .2 5 ®1,293a for winter rod and amber west-' ern, 11,26 for Mabee Jersey, 11,54 ®1,59 I for white Slate. Rye and barley dull; 1 Barley malt quiet; sales 2,600 bush at ill for State, 11,15®1,20 for.tunada. Pea. ' in fair request; sales 8,000 bush in bond at 51. Receipts corn, 4.728 bush; corn without decided change ; sales western; bush at 88 6 920 for new mixed 11,03+34®1,00 for old do, including. small lots choice ft $l.OB, which is above the market price; 95%®980 for new Penn. sylvania atedeouthern yellow. Oats: re celpta 7,427 bush; Date irregular and un rettled, wiih males 34,000 bush. at 5334® Ole for western, including some damaged at 62, 596000 for State. Rico steady: sales Carolina at 6®7!e. (Jaffee firm: Sugar firm : 260 hhde Cuba at 0046010341. Molasses dull; aalca of 274 hble New Or leans at 70®764. Petroleum quiet, at 167e®17c for crude .and 30ei(p1e for refined. Hops quiet and firm at 18®2...50 for American. Linseed 011 steady et Eei 6020. Turpentine firm 47346'4,48%c. Pork a shade firmer; toles of 5000 Mee, st 526,25®626,50 for new mess, 522.50® . 23,00 for prime and 524628 for prime mess; also, sales 1750 bbis new mess. cellar February and March at 526,256 26,37. Beef steady, with.aales 200 bide at 810015 for new plain mess, and s l4 ® 17,50 for new extra meas. Tierce Beer quiet, with sales 310 bbis at 125620 for prime iness, - and 127®30 for India meet Beet Hams quiet, with sales 130 bills at 126®32 fur new. Cut Meat" heavy, with pales 160 packages at 1134®12e for shout dere, and 1434916 , :t for bans. Middles quiet, with Woe four hundred boson deliverable in Chicago at 21340 for Cumberland cut, 13340 for chart ribbed. Dressed hogs lower at 107.A111e for western. Lard opened steady and closed heavy; sale., 550 tea at 1.53i®16340 for steam, 17®17340 for Kettle se ed ; rend: also eaten 250 tea steam, seller ery March and April. Butter at 157401.6!..;c: quiet and steady at 1762400. Ohio at 16® lite. Cheese quiet. Freights to Liver peed. nominal. Latent—Float closed dull and In lower. spring dull and nominally lower; No. 2 :et, t0@1.19. winter red and amber western 11,25@1:2334. Rye morainal. Oats very quiet at 6334®540 for western. Corn null at 88®910 for new, and 51.039461203 for red mixed winter in score and delivered. Pork steady; sales 500 bile mesa, seller March, at 126,25, for April '026,25 bid, 5'% 6 , 1 0 asked. CHICAGO, February 4.—Esstent 'Ex change a shads firmer, 1-10 off buying and 1-10 premium ceiling. Flour quiet at 13,80®4 for spring extras and 13,50 for spring nu perfiue. Wheat a shade more active. and price. ranged at 80 , iftg,81qc. closing at 80 ~c for Na 2; sales No 1 at 88 9289 e; market this aftentood irregular. ' but there Was a fate dammed ar. 80}seis 1, 0 ,A, c ,. i i . 7.1 - ... 7Tei m ®U l e e t o a r a r d egl;a l r " ,.. e ri fresh receipts, closing it 7014®710 for regular; new corn firmer mot a shade higher, with sales 53 ®s6e ; market this afternoon dull and nominal, closing at 71c for No 2. Oats 'Viridian - rely active, with salmi Not at 3814(418e40. Rye more active and firmer, with Hales at 68®70c for No 2, clostng,at leiter price. Barley quiet and unchanged. Highwlneo firmer and 340 higher, with isle, at 93 ®94c for iron bound and 96e for wooden. Sugars dull and 34 0 lower; 12.34®130 for common to -choice Cuba. Provisions firmer. Mess _pork stronger and 25e higher, closing at 525,75625,80 cash, 326 1234 seller March. Lard a Mile 1 weaker and leab active, closing at 1431® 15c. Meats very quiet, closing at let: lor dry • melted !Moulders, 1234 c for rough aides, 13®13}io for short rib middle*, loose. D-tosed hogs active and good demand; sales at 59,50(0)10,3734. dividing on WU lbs. Receipts for the plat twenty four hours: 6,245 Mils flour, 26,190 butft wheat, 26,470 bush corn, 8,656 bush oats, 1,100 bush' rye, 399 bush barley, 2,678 dressed hogs. Shipments: 6,027 bbis flour, 14,290 both wheat. 11,41-elbush corn,' 3,725 bush oats, I.Beo bush rye, 1,291 bush barley, 1,508 dressed hogs. Sr. Louts, February 4.—Tobacco mar ket steady and unchanged. Cotton nom inal at 24e. hemp unchanged. ranging from 11,25(3,1,75 for dressed to 52,3562,40 for dressed. Fleur active and firm for tow grade. at 14,2064,40 for fall super fine; 14,4064,75 for extra; 55(35,25 for double extra. Wheat dull and drooping for best grades; No. 2 spring inspected 92c; No, 2 red fall 11,0361,05; cice 51,ft)®1, 25 . Corn heavy: sales were made at 76®770 for yellow; 84®890 for white. Oats heavy and lower at 5234 9255 c. Barley and rye nominelly un changed and nothing doing. Whisky steady at 93c. Sugar =settled. Coffee dull at 18% 623 c., Molasses dull at 65® 80e. Provisions dull: pork 127, dry salt shoulders 1034 c, clear aides, loose, 1434c4 bacon: shoulders 1234 c, clear sides 16® legw, lard dull: small sales at He for tierce and 1133e0 for • keg. Cattle un changed at 434®534c; good to prime 6® 034 c. Choice hogs quiet and unchanged at 809 e. Receipt. flour, 2800 Ws; wheat, 8400 bus; corn, 17,300 bus; oats, 8100 bus; barley, 400. bus; bogs, 800. CLEVELAND, February 4.—Flour mar. , get quiet and steady for country brands; white double extra 5660,50, red double extra 55,22055, 60 , amber double extra 15 , ®5,75, spring double extra 15®5,60. ', Buckwheat Flour market steady and in demand; fair 57,5068. Rye Flour in moderate demand and 15,25® 6,50. Wheat: no sales and market nom inal. Corn dill and inactive; new is held at 79e, no grade or rejected y. Oats: 70c, bld Ls nominal with no Inqu ir y nothing doing and market nominal. Rye and Barley nominal. ' Petroleum market flouter and better being held at 2762734 c cash for large lots and 24c, 29 @We for small lots of refined; crude firm at 15,80 Per bbl. • CISOIHICATI. February 4.—Whisky dolt at 930. Hogs dull and lower; live 18®18 75. dressed 1110®10 receipts, 110 Ia. Provisions very dull, w ith no de. mend; mess pork is hold at 526 50; bulk meats held at •10346107i0 for shoulders, 1830e113e1 0 fer clear rib sides, and 1434 c for clear do; loose, no sales: bacon neg lected: shoulders 12,14®12d40. Clear rib sides 1561534 e, clear sides 115ei0. sugar cured-hams 181011930; lard held at 15® 160 for steam and kettle • rendered; best, none selling: green meats dull at 934 c for shoulders, 113;®120 for clear rib tildes, and•l9%®l 4o for ham& LOrdevit.LK, February 4.--Sales of 100 bhda tobacco at 4%®6140 for green frost ed trash and lugs, 667340 for sound Inge, B®l2e-for low to medium leaf, 2®123-ie for good to fine. Cotton very steady at 23e10: • Flout, extra family 15 Wheat 51,e5®1,16. Corn 05c. Oats 63c... Pro visions quiet and fi rm. Mess pork 127, 50 . Bacon: shoulders 1231 e, clear rib 16%0, clearal aides 1631 . ,1u 1 e meats: shoutdes igc„ele.r,blm°.eleireddeeil z c. Lard. tierce 16%0. Hams, sugar cured, 19®19340. ' Whisky-95e. ' . •.1 BAISTMOHE,FebruM7 4.—Llotton weak and unchanged. Wheat steady, Mary land at 11.4001,45. Corn . very dull, 1 white at 950(351,02, and yellow at 90® ' Me. Oats steady. at ,540 360 . Bye dull' at 914950. Mess pork quiet at 1 23 ® ' 28,50..e11ac0n quiet, rib aides at 16®1634 0 . clear aides at , 18346163;0, shoulders at 13e, and hams at 196200. Lard dull at 17e. Whisky: fair demand at 97®990. Dirdireftie, February 4.---Ootton quiet 243(3; receipts 1,583 bales; es its 9 Zei bales. Week's receipts 11,248 bates; ex ports 84,001 bales. Stock 24,416. PlittADELitni.a, February• 4. ,W . in limited demand and unchanged: Aye unchanged. - Corn: transaothatuliMited; tinW yellow at 88691 e. Oats unc hanged. ,BURGH DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5, 1870 PITT Petreileum steady; crude at. 21e, refined at 29ye. Provisions dull- and weak. Whisky declined: Ohio at 98c( 11. • )I . AIIII VILLE, Feb. 4.—Cotton quiet: low middling 23Ne.; good ordinary ZZyic; stock, 4500 bates. I=l2 NEW YoaX, February, 4.—Oattle eel qulckly at prices last quoted, or 11I4c for b 3 cwt. Tolima, up to 186 for the best to 11 cwt. Illinois fat cattle: most of 1400, received to-day, brought 14®160. Weath er fine. Sheep unchanged, with 4500 ftr to-day and market not active; t ado &Oven of 76 to 85 Ibs, sell at 6@6 3 3ic, with some of 00 16 e Canadee at 1334 c. There wore 14 cars of live hogs to day; prices at 10if,®109fc; dressed are weak at 123 k (4113 c; weotern dressed come In more freely and sell at IIX ®ll3ic. Carcaoo, February 4.—Cattle but without material change; eater! at at =3,37!4®,50 for bulls, oxen, Sc., to good shipping steers. Hogs 10(415c higher and active; sates at ;0,50.,59,25 for 03MMOTL to extra prime. Dry Goods.riariet. • NEW Yontr, February 4.—There is an increaelug demand for goods suitablh for the want.' of thoharly trade, and Prices held with increased firmness, especially in heavy makes of plate and colored cot.. tons; yet there 15 not enough of business doing to warrant any further advance beyond the equalization - of rates already established. All makes of detainee are now held at 20e, first clam prints at 12® 1234 e, and heavy atierainto at 1634(317e. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND Pyrrimunou RAIL ROAD, February 4.-2 care lake cup ore, Limon Iron Mille; ado - do, Coleman, Rehm & Co; I do do, .1' Reamer; 2 do do, McKnight. Porter Ar. Co; 10 do iron ore, Shoenberger,Blair dr. Co; 8 do pig Iron. Nimick d C; 2 do lumber, S A Wood; 1 do champ ore, W Clark; 11 bra sewing machines, Smith d. Forrester; 38 springs. S Shafer; 28 aka turnips, Randolph tt Supper; 10 bills broom bilis, E Ileaale ton; 10 cases tobacco. Segbmyer AV; 3 bbla 4 kge oat meal, 50 bra cheese, Watt. Lang Co; 8 bblsoat meal, 6 kg., 5 bbhs pearl barley. Strickler A M; 157 aka corn; 10 do feed, Rinehart A Stevens; 80 slot rata, Arbuckle. dt Co; 14 do barley, Mo, Henry A Hood; 26 bble knobs, Adams, McKee Co; 244 eke oats, 1 dressed hog, Graham M; 14 do • rye, 14 eke wheat, Bricker Cc Co; 1 ear brick, Hussey, Wells Jr. Co; 27 bide apples, Head tr. 111; 18 do dry apples, P Duff A Son; 88 eke mlll - J Dorringlon; 4 bbls apples, M Woodwoll. PTTISBUTVIN FORT WLYNII AND CHl owao RaILRO•D, February 4,-400 bbls flour, Watt, Lang, it Co; 50 do Is wines, &Lipton & Wallaco; 2 -cars none duet, Seward it Emerson; 7-care wheat, J S Liggett & Co; MO bbls deur, Schomaker it Laugenhelm; 300 do do, owner; 70 lulls felloes, J Hardman it Son; 20 tube butter, .1 A Graff it Co; 1 car lumber, , Superior Lumber Co; 1 car barley, ' Wainwright & Co; 1 do do. Pier • Dan nal a & Co; 1 oar corn, Scott & Blast; 1 do lumber, C R Lsrge; 25 bbls flour,W Welsh; 62 eke cam, 2 do rye, R Re Jr; 9 eke wool, hi B it J H Fullerton; 67 bells shovels, Myers A A: 3 pkgi moat Rey mer it Bra: 3 bible :mains, 4 d hose. Volgt, M & Co; 10 bx.a cheese, S P Shri ver it Co; 1 oar bay, 0 H Allerton; 3 care limestone, Graff, B it Co; 5 do do, Shoonborger A B; 27 bus cheese, J Mul. llgan; 16 bze acusp,ll Riddle; 25 do cheese, Canfield& Kaler; b collo leather, 51. De. lunge. YTrTsitUitaff, CITIOCIPILTI ADD Err. 1.01318 RAILROAD,. February 4.-82 bits barley, Fred Schield; 110 do do, Sam [load; 2 care wheat, Kennedy Bro; 4do maces, Hastings & Davin; 24 bga corn. .Rinehart & 01; E.B do barley, Meanor A Harper; 4 tube butter, Heed & Mem.gar; 12 bola apples, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 6 do do, 4 nicbutter, W Rankin; 11 tuba lard, 4 h b ble butter, W H Graff 2k Co; 11 do do, J A Graff; 1 bbl do Brugge' , man & O'Brien; 40 bgs barley, P Dud' A Son; 14 do do, John Usngelch 14 do rye, 1-' Schield; 125 pkgs hour, 20 do meal, Clark A Co; 00 bbls flour, 60 bge do, Seicbmyer at. V; 72 bbls grease, %Ms haste, F Hallam & Co. ALLEOHENT STATIoN February 4. I car mill feed, 60 aka do, Jan Steviart; 1 do lumber, L Walters & Son; Ido car riage ware, Forrester & Coleman; 0 elm rage, J B Jorme; 1 pkg tobacco. R& W J enkimam; 2 cam - metal. Lindsay & Mc- CutcheOn; 1 do lime, J K Holmes; 23 bga oats; 61 do corn, 12 bbla corn, E H Ma. gltu 4 cam wheat; Kennedy Bro; 1 do do,. W McKee & Co; 18 rolls Mather. J El•en. bele; 1 car mill feed, It Knox & Son; 200 turs do, SO Mc'Alesteng; 1 ear- barley, M El.mgelman; 6do staves, J M Hemphill; 1 car ore, Rogers & Burchfield; 2 cars lumber, A C Taggart; 1 car flaxseed, Suydam; SI kegs lard. Elippley & Beekert; 68 bge flamteed, Ewer, Hamil ton & CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &o REDIICTION CARPETS For a short Time to Prepare for SPRING TRADE OLIVER IiceLINTME & CO Have winked ther nood• down below lot or oo•a Duo.. Poll lloesnf Carpels, Oil Cloths, - Druggets, EASTERN PRICES. con he secured hy those menet pities their smuts by taking advhstsie of the Inducements ul/rrsd by OLIVER NeaI:STOCK & CO., 23 Fifth Avenue.. CARPETS. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window Shades DRUOGET SQUARES Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offer BOYMO, ROSE & CO zi Firm AVENUE. HOLIDAY GIFTS, Positive Reduction in Prices PIANO COVERS, alrosaic, Axminster, Mlitou Rugs, Crumb Cloths, ac., df c. Jro. 61 prrTEr ABOVX WOOD STILL= deal WOOLEN DUCATS FELT CARPETS, 11, 2, 21, 3, 3}, 3}, and 3 BORDERED SQUAB Suitable for Parlors. IRVING BOOS CRIB CLOTHS LT LOWER PRICES THAN us? KEBOB Notwittlatigndl2l the undnalaithed tarlif On these goods. VFIRLIND & COLLINS , 71 and• 13 Fifth Avenue. Ganda MtENDER/30N .11.110 BROTHER S, see 1./WIT Meet, Dealers In rus e &ad Mont icellotaci. Wag itIVER NEN7B OILSESSIBOUO, Feb. 4—River stationary with three and a half feet water In the channel. Weather clear; themometer thirty-eight deg. w. M.OllO/0120 ‘9la, Feb. 4 —River stationary with two feet water in the channel. Weather clear; thermometer at forty. fonr deg. at 4 o'clock, r. at. w. 11ROWS5VILLZ, February 4.—River sta tionary, with Ova and a half feet water in channel. Weather clear. .Thermemeter 35 at 4r C. OIL erro", Fob; 4.—Raver falling Blow. iy with about 26 inches water In channel. Weather clear. Themomter 33 deg. at 6 The river continues to recede elowlv et this point, with Elva feet in the chap. not . by the 'Monongahela marks Weather Clear and pleasant, and al, that could be desired fur out door Oust' ----- Tho St. Charles departed f r Mein. null loot evening, with aTO lair trip, having about all the could t e on the water. Capt. Joe. L. Lytle, an Old steamboat man, but who for several years past has been connected with thci Northern Line Packet Company, has quit the river, having accepted the position of book keeper for Jam. Bown, on Wood street. Capt. Lytle la an experienced and sworn. 1/ pliehed accountant, and Mr, Bown was meet fortunate in securing a gen - ices. The Mollie Ebert, Capt. 0. W. Ebert, Is riffling up steadily for St. Louts and will take her departure early next week. The Belle, Capt. John lila:ley, la the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day leaving at noon. The Catuelia. Capt. R. C. Mason, is announced for Nashville, and will probably get off on Tuesday, The Wild Deck, Capt. Antivratit, will, it is expected, be ready to depast for St. Louis on Monday or Tuesday next I week. Capt. Brennan expects to rafts :steam 1 on his now packet early next week. The painters are now engaged In putting on I the ilinsidng touohce. • -- k• Thei(act that Pittsburgh is 'placing some fine boats In the Cincinnati packet 1 trade seems to annoy some of the Wheel ing people very much—particularly I those of them who own steamtoat doer.. There is no necessity for any bad feeling on this Subject. If Wheeling cannot support their boats without the aid of Pittsburgh, that is their misfortune. If Pittaburghers see proper to run a line of packet boats between Isere and Cincin nati, Wheeling certainly has no right to complain—the river's free, and the Major Anderson or any other boat can come hero If they so desire. —The following special - dispatcll, dated at Ironton, to . the Cincinnati Gazetle„ - explains itself: Steamer Char mer left Cincinnati after steamers Ohio end St. Charles. Still holds her own. Passed a tow boat under way and was out of sight in less than an hour. Passed another (with barge.) Now three miles ahead, at Maysville. St. James passes all. have all our flags flying, and fire our cannon at all principal ports. Ex pect to pass the Ohio a: Pomeroy. tit. Charted barely landed here, thinking the Charmer would follow her to. Pitts burgh, which was - a mistake, the Char. I mer goes no farther up than Marietta. I 'there is a good deal of excitement over tti skirmish between these boats. ,_, 'WA special dispatch from Indianopo. newsy*: In the tinned States Circuit Court, before adjournment, in the case brought by the owners of the steamer 011ie Sullivan against the Owners of the steamer Quickstep, for damages, by cohi llisionch the former was iamond sunk, I t e n Court decided that both parties were equally to blame. and the loss (12,500) should , be equally divided, —The Louisville Courier..lournal, of Wednesday, says: A dispatch was re ceived in tills city yesterday, stating that the octcera of the Richmond. which is In the hand* of the United States Mar.hsl at Columbus, Ey., refuse to resell) the rernahier of her cargo. It la probable that the libellant' of the boat will charter a boat to carry the cargo to its destination. . _... . .. • - • —We notice that our Cincinnati ex- Changes of Thursday have the Anderson advertised for Pittsburgh again. • We would not be afraid to wager a big apple that she does not come above Wheeling. This dodge on the part of Wheeling boats to deceive shippers, and beat Pittsburgh boats, at Cincinnati, wilt soon be played out. —The .submarine steamer Thos. F. I Eckert, wag to have commenced wreck ing the Swallow on Thursday. AU the upper works on the bwarnw. except the 'chimney breeching and wheel-bouae. have been swept away by the high wa ter leaving nothing but the bull to be —The Cincinnati Commercial says: A letter received from California, a few days since. announced the death of Mn.s White, a sister of the late Caps, Frank Davidson. Five members of this family have died during the past two years. —The Mirissippi River has been navl gable to Dubuque all this winter, and the Keokuk and St. Louie packets still continue to run in connection with the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. —The Glasgow lett Cincinnati for Pitts. burgh on Wednesday. with over 400 tons, including 600 hbla molasses a d Vlll "Wads sugar. Pliots—Javens n an d Hays. —The Kate Putnam left Cincinnati for Nashville on Wednesday evening with 400 tons,- including 3.600 kegs nails which she took on at. Wheeling. —The Carrie V. Nounts, New Orleans to Pittsburgh, was at Cairo on Wearies day, and the Great Republic passed Memphis the same day. —New Orleans is a busy port. On Sat urday last thirty.three steamboats were advertised to leavetbat day, all but nine being for the rivers. —The Messenger arrived at Cincinnati on Wednesday and was to. have left on Thursday for Newpriesuk -The wreck of the steamer Rebecca at Parkersburg is distinctly visible, and should be removed. —The Lady Pike is to run regularly between Evansville and Tennessee River. • —The David Watts enters the tonnes see River trade from Bt. Louis. —The Wauanits and Bellevernon left New Orleans on Wendesday. —The Nellie Rogers left Si. Louis for Illinois river on Monday. —The Belle . Bt. Louis goes on the ways at St. Lords for repairs. DittrflGETB. 1111311111 BR EEC] YARD t WIDE Woolen, Linen and Cotton, arcoNsumprzori. DR. SCHENCA,S PULMOXICIIILDP For the " L o s! ' CM F.'*li4" it for t e .the Of Dlepepsla and all the Deldlitateti Condi tions of th• Sto ach. DEL eCIILSCII.,S MiliDligKE PILLS. foe Dbesses of the Liver or to act Its a Gentle Pere g All of these three Mediei^ee l am often requlred In eosins Consumption, though the rullaorde Syrup stone has cured many desperate eases. The seaweed Tonic curl Mandrake NIS, acme! in recthiating the Stomach and Liver. and help the Pub:souk syrup to tiler.. and .arth through the blood vessels, by which mean. ••core Issoon ef fected. These Medirines are conselentlessirolfere l the Public. a. the oely safe, sod reliable reels., far Philhollary Cotteumption. and for ail those morbid conditions of the body which load to tali latai ratithe. Liver Complaint and Icy. pehaa are ones forerunners of Consulaptien, and w en they mthifeet themselves they require the me t prompt stteot.uu, The Ramon. S. raves a meat.. ',which has has a long probation befutet he public. Its valve kiss bred proved by the thousand tun a it has mane through v red , . of mere than thirtt•live 7e5011. to all of which t i me Its reputation hue In creased and the most °set nate eiteDlthllet an CO longer doubt that It is a reseed,. ehiel ma, be used etch edundeuee In all eases which admit of aeon. If we patient will Perecierthely follow the di rections which accompany each bottle, he nal cons.'s be cored. If hie 'noce are en to th moth erected to mete • cure nova le. Ev ren bate te locatable: !.:11111,:k",1111; has cater U.fernethe patient and rintorea W m to percent h shit. dees not say that ail rues of Pea anomnip. are within the of v tb wtt^n •••• •• • Ti dent rom e a, ertheing collie, cage( i="tturirsa%.,!blil'ebetli"i; Clotobl.CistOLild.4if;,l they me given .by toeirphiglelsothtS turf .111 second 7 , 0 rued till troi. , to. nt eau dteete new act dt:eaeed I na:1;•. theted limo. sia.n...k medicines. Also. I Met as.. tie medicines are thuain ly Scrofulou egle nit s Dr. ...bench se hth pools. graph. of a ni miter of persona who have been early covered with thoracic gores and now alt teand op. This Shoews eta rurlfythg praperace, width molt Le able -o best el hies In the louts. In the tre•thit tit Or o.p,tun I.A 01 the inmost leipertanee to sireigor and a hts'lbl tOCO to tue mestere, Hence it to necessary to strenctben the aptielt of the pament and im prove the stioo• PrOper Is re yyal t s d oe t .i ." I; TaZ,T. makelil os suitable foe the diet of Cabman• Ste patients ere designee• d In. Dr. lie Alma ,cs. sehleh ern dletrionna rata 1 ton 1.1 y. to general In most highly natation. articles are to be pm.— ferthd.bat medians. , e organs menthe et nestle hies in order to mate either food or medicine gervicetble. This theolrement Is MeL by the Sthweed Teeth, and for this purpose 11. vv. des- When the diaced gestive re wens are put in good osier, the food has Its proper effect; the system of the panes is lovlcotan d aud tt o lunge be gin to exercise their function. in a normal sod healthymantic., Then the healing powers of Peleconie Syrup will eff et cure. Polmon ry Cnneuncidien rr l l=ll` . :l l :n r d ' i:sl P lUs " ge Lin'e'n(;l'end'Pgirg.- more obstruction , from ti the Liver and reetort It. healthy action. They have all the tincacy which toathrlbed calO el or '•blue mem." and are theracittal not to root in a particle of any min eral poison. These Pill. cure the most mblloate ocativenesc, sick beitilathe. elle.. 01 tho. e Den, Rod all other dlvencas match e rise from a torpid or °bet:tped condition , f the Liver. l/ne boa of teeth pi.t. will prove the elllthe, of the =OM RIVER PACKETS. CINCINNATI PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE The new and splendid ridesrneel Steamer, ARLINGTON. DANIEL MOORE. !darter, A. S. tlllieA.D. Mon , . I.'o , PlttebetTh for Ctocinnall every TUESDAY at AS AL promptly. Remotes. leaver Cloclonati for PlOsimrsh, atlA If • every YEIDAY. Tor frelsht. passage, or otberlnformatton, app ply on board or to I LAMES ooLtuce. fel PLACE A OOLLINGWOOD. Agents. CLARKSVILLE AND NASHVILLE. FOR CLARKSVILLEAdr o g AND NANIIVILL6. — Tba p. unaar steamer C. INAlM.l..Cataatader. Wm. Baltikwltit..Clert, IFNI leave far tbe shove and intermediaut ports ea TUESDAY, l‘ bmary !MI. at • r. N. rft6Sh' * 6 LIM% iggi; sr. LOUIS FOR ST. L011119.--Thexidr i g, opiendid D Mesmer moLLIT.ZBBEET..42. W. /Labium Menet . . 8: repperd. Cleft, wlll leave for tae above and Intermediate Dorts.on MONDAY ..Ith l"."llhl,lfATirrclel.Gobgtrai. • fel JAM COLLINB. Agents. talito AND . NT. LOUD* OR CAIRO 'AND ST.agirat . LOUSS.—The powerful Tow. I %mu Duos AND BARGES , Doan .d Swan. J. W. ASIAWALT.Commander. OI it•T• on MONDAY. r.b. ILA, at Ar. • for the &bore and Intermediate porn. jr.V"W"-"ertlVlDTP•Mata:4;t4. STIIA.MBHIPS To LIVERPOOL AND A M aatENSTOWN. • Win ormax nem ormentastro, Numberiagigra lintedas. yawls, imms PITYTYPAIns , _ • CITY Or MiTWERP, _ CITY Or Bung%• or CIAVILLTiMusz, 8.111. x srrAra EILTUFWAY. from Pier 46 North Meer. New for k. Tar ratesakeor farther labratattonaply to in. p .Lll BIREOLUI, Jr.; 163 6111THILILD6ITE1133.,113111r/31. arri. PlTTilffigiLircio. CO? Nr.I.L . 8711-LN Prtrsio2oll. Jae eery IL4m, limo. ( voTics T O BONDI/OLDIERS. Tattle Croak Division Sonde due Febrilary 1. 111110, urtll paid after that date on presentation and detiVery, at tue Strut 1110.10=1 Haut of Pituoarin. jalllur Ili JIW. H. WIZ, Ja.. Trion% • • Motile U.. In Contempt on the Pea Weed Toole and Mon drake Pills aro luvaluanie auxiliary mmileines They relieve thesufferings a the natient and stunt the Culmonle tiro ° In effeting • cure. of ey h see been founuseful In adrIOICe4 of Consumption. wh ere the lung. are almost en lire], destroyed and all Ist mptoms according to map:omen', of phylOClell I tested aspeedl death. The dyes of patio its wive were sotasqy In months lug c bare been prescrecd for by the rum of uchenek l a three great rem- edict. Dr. Schet,kis Almanac contains a full ;Ware on the various forms of disewe. his roods' of trentmentono owners: dlr. di s c how to use s addressi Cat ng sbrtcliptarlitelilg, ITs.mPtiC.% Muth rtmet. Philadelphia, Fn. Price o the Pulmoino mirth and &tweed Ton. Ic each sl.sAperbutile, or 07,130 a half dowm. , Itali g iract • a 115 cent s a box. rordegaia.ll ar DOCTOR WHITTIER CON w TINUES TO TREAT Al.!. PRIVATE DISEASES. That numerous. lass of eases result ing from self.abiese, pro,netne unmanliness. nervous debility, Irritability, eruptions. &mama emissions. and Molly Impotency permsni MIT cured. Persons enlisted with delicate, Intrinsic and long standing comtituth oaf complal• are panels . invited to mil for .hi consultation ch ilttlii ' Vretitanl E tt P ;e r r i gg ' re ibnee elmnt, safe, permanent. and which in most eases can be med without hindrance to fortune. Med icines prepared in the establielment. which em braem &Dm, reception and waiting roome• also bo patients wline JS sad .7. pin : sod Mar . for concentratl ' og the am...d mineral springs. Tio matter who have failed: Mat , your ease. Read what he says in his pam phlet or Slits pmts. sent to any address for two stamps la sealed envelope. Thousands of eases treated annually. at oE. rand all over the coon- L7...ti'r,'°e4);fls fe e t a . ..Vl. l V. Y e: , ' , r:L= Pittsburgh, Ps. Moms s. R. to el P. R. nun. days L 2 as. to %I T. R. Pamphlet scot to any ade dress for Moo Momps. Mr -CANCERS, TUMORS, 111.. GER% Ac.—Astordshing and aim.* miraculous 'cans of Calmer are being daily made by Drs. It. H. KLINE A. CO.. at the Philadelphia Cartier Intl rm.Y. 1/31.grch ntreet. Philmtelphis. Penna. , . thd at the branch of fice ln charge of Professor E. 0. DALTON, DICI Elm St.. Clneiram I. Ohio. The treatment. used are Cancer Antidotes, the roost mientitt• and thecessfet bacon in the civilized world They are not caustic.. , eating or burning medi clues. They give Mug or no pato. They aro eh domed by the lest of the ape. N , other persons have these autldotes. No othe treatment should be used. Poi particulars ea or address so above. noa.itha.VMS arBATCEIELORIA HAI D—dne•R DYE wURI. not nontaln lead—no Viii lug nuUonS 10 psralynn the systoun or prOthlce ,eath• Jr IS ZETICII.I IsAnlithah—rellabln —.OSA:V.11100, Avoid the yannted and delusive preourutLoon boa.tlng Tinting they do not Losaese. Ifyntl would oscepe toe danger. The g-outun NO. A. at 011.... Y Dye lian Titan Tango ILichniATION to uphold h• Intevrlty• fluid tT Dteggir.S. AP plied at 10 110nd Street. N, 1.21 ar.IIIST 0117'. ••CEI IRBY PECTOBAL T_ROCHES.. , YOU COLDS. 0017.4FIS.CHITIS. SOUK TRIIOAT AND BRON None so rood. Noce to pleuann. 2:anal:Naze as Quick. • 0.1.11221 . 21.)N , N)., 10 Astor House. New "Cork. UsenO more , of tbo . o horrible tasted natuea. One ••llrwen Cunt , . thlsse." de2o BU - S . INES3 CHANGES. fiRTNERSIIIP NOTIC The uaderalined here ads day entertains° paetnerablp for lee per;ose of earplug on an Wholesale and Benin NOTION, TOY, • Jam FANCY GOODS BUSINESS, 148 Federal Mud, illegbeny. yr.tevs Block. under the firm name of O'LEARY & SINGLETON V. A. O'LEARY. EDwA k o ,4titiLF.TON Ika,maux.wr CITY. JAI.. 1.1820. Messrs. OILE.A.RY S•BINGI.ITON bare lust returned 'rout the Inst. where , they purchased fur cash • comp etc stuck of 11011111111. and SANCY corepr t islux In garter 110. t Nook ßaskets. Chtldren's ClUliSSe , Hobby Mim I.utre and Neat. eatehtla.. Carts Wagers. in . which will he opend ready for tale TlllthltHAT. gib. 5. 151 0 when we wm e pleased to hale our Mends and the Yublle generally to tall and examine oar sork. ftl ttl O`LISAILY a TrgOLETON TIUSOLUTION. W/AT POINT POMMY • JANUAUT 1, /110. . _ . The firm of EYITB t WAYWICK has tbts day been dlasolred by =tail consent, WM. WAS• The business of the tae Arm all be settled d continued by th. underslnned elder thi Ann L. H. SMITH & CO LUSIIAIt a. BMITII MO ARCEELTECTS RAM MOSEIII, • AUCI.C•I79. /BOIT ttoxiax iltgxnAnox BumpiNes, Nos. 11 sod 4 Bt. Cgslr argot, Pittsburgh, Ps. gporliti 'Motion givens to the designing sod Whirs' of COMM HOPIATS sod VUOLICI arm:mum. PIIBLIC NOTICE Marten been appointed °Alined GAS METER INSPECTOR ter Allegheny Count,, netts. is hereby given that until tte necessary ethos and Mechanical Testing Machinery can be provided, I will be bound at the OFFICE OP THE NA TIONAL 'FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, Twenty-third street, near Year. Pittsburgh. 1 ,s11:.41 Cu and V u Meter Umpteen I WINT & 11UATT• ARCEUTE TURAL AND ORNAMENTAL, CARVERS, No. 66 Sandusky St, Allegheny, h. A large 'assortment of NEWEL rosTs sa4 BAIJAATEIB conscantl7 on h•n4 UUN7NN •• C IIJ CLOTHING. • IOATS, PANTS. OVERALLS. OAPB. so Uto, Wed Clothing of all lands alnnyt on use and for sale, wholesale A or retail. by 4. B. PEULLIPEI. tie= Ste and 88 slntb &treat. BREAKFAST lIACON. BUir Brand ElMgr Cared. Breakfast Bacon Alio B. C. Hams and Dried Beef of ate sam amid just received sud lor sal e by - JOHN L. ItttNElll4.W. . Cormier Liberty and tlmh streets. BARRELS CLEVELAND 31 1Qt;66 =6l 71nte. 0)0 bbl. Lamm Wane Pew salA b. J. R. CULTMTM.II. LEAD —2 . 76 Tip Soft Galena LEAD. Yor. We by . 3. B. pastrixt.n STTER-10 Half bble prime 1U roLl Butler, for rale by J. B. CAI97II:LD. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., cot. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks BOUGHT AND SOLD TI ET 11 AIL ROUND AND SQUARE IRON.. RANO. II I . "II ELTANU VANE. IRON BOILER PLATES AND READS: p 1:111W WI) IRON, KWh Enwrir, mum. !MANGER. CUTTER BABY_ CICLINDER IRON. TILN I) FL AT RAIL. for Cos, Roads. CROW it A RS. WEDGE, 4. HARROW Tirril. Nrcif, ' ... 6 1)11 1 .414 . .01 1 : gitTlYS k e T urw ß o 3 01 1 E A . ISTEEL TIRE S . ISTIVEL bEIArTINU; A t f 13: 3TEF.L. coAell. BUGGY Ltd WAGON SPRINGS !Lad AXLYA. cUr NAILS AND SPINES. All floods First Class and Warranta OFFICES AND WOMEN: I 8"" .1 ' 71 ' & r ig' rat At i g h attirrgr. s' PITTSBURGH; PA. • ada9_ A. flYtikni.,KT, Prt.sldent. w. V ANKIN.K. Vlee erraidont. ocvaa.r • CICUITS CLAUSE. la.. Caskles. S. McCLEAN & CO., BANKERS, I= Government Securities No. 75 Furth Avenue, Personal and prompt attention given to ererl• thing In the bottoms. Collectisne made. Cer !ldeas. s lasutd, and tnt• wilt allowed on Thee Deposits. Adrauces made on Pilate Collaterais and GOVCIIIOIIC9L rocurittes at liberal rates. Die:less In YOYeirn and Domestic 7.thilthgea bold. Parer, Datth Notes, ac.. Au. All local Or other Allthelrancous Loth.. tholds, Mortgages, Commercial Pal er. negotiated at the usual rates of conardthiou. hat PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK 0 f Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Lacock Streets. 15. H. HARTMAN. 'President. E. P. YOUNG. Calatler. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Stockholders lohloally Liable. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO OF. - PIPTSIITJWSF II , @l= Safe Keeping Alf Valuables, IJuder guarantee. and the renting of Bates to Its Fire and Burglar-Proof No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE Preoldent—WlLLLiN PHILLIP& Prealdeni—UENlll LLOYD. ran== WILLIAM PIIILLILB,IRYRRN H. PAINTER, HENRY 1.1....xD, 1.10 . 3. P. MoRRI.PIi, WILLIAM REA. I :IEORGE BLACK, __ WILLIAM M. LYON. uURTIS kIUbaEY. 308. II AM Sic'T F. ON BONNBOUNT. Open dale Man 0 o'clock A. 0. 10 4 O'clOck N HOLMES ts, SONS. g. .11 Di . 67 MARKET STREET pn-rsDunGa a the prtnelPet WW I Of Collections sea,le On • the United etates end Canadas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON comuanomr. Particular attention paid to - the Duras= and aalo of United States Securities.. Jue.., • H.MT, CAUGUET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Owner Fourth and Wood Streets, PITTSDUEIGII, PA., 'I3I3CICE6BOIIB TO ILILENA, HART it (.10 115=E1 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And oartionlar attent sad ion paid hi the Dent. ale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. SAW. Drafts on. London. CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 6100.000. ITOCIHOLDSES IND1 1 11DUALLT LIABLE. DiTEREST PAID 03. DEPOSITS. PUREIUN EXCHASIOE Bought and a01d...1 when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made cm all in mental points of the United r tate and r, an. Bonito , . Itneeltar. Breed., dense McCang..Vlee W. N. YOuPGalt. x.CT Cardin, luOns. demos strentr•. Heed itt Ming. T. r CautrOna. Jamie Phelan. H normseaome, 1 Bannes. ' N. Mere. JOtt. M. KAZZAY. Bottettor. D. !haunt. Patrick . Kw.. Cho.M.Ow. B C. IL J. Grace, EMI BANK STATEMENTS. Erowr OF TOM CONDI— jy TCVN of OA PITTECUROR NEI lON Lt. OFCOMMERCE. at close of tonsla.... Jannal7 1151. /1170. 13=1E2 Laan. sad illicooota Orerdr►Os U. 5. •Bonds to at cure Clro. la- COI U• Hoods on nand Due from Redeeming and Ito•eree agent.. LA ._ 65 II Coe fromother Na. Canal Banks..... . 14,47 077 . Del nom other O saka and banters__G MS74 150.437 40 Bantloo Howe 63,041405 tither heal lace 5.000 00 Wornithee and Fixtures .... ..... %IW 94 Current Fspenees 1.030 9 • Pfenderns 4.300 PO Cook Came.".... 0,599 70 tinehannes for Clearing noose. AO 337 73 Cots bud losal Tender 101,810 00 Three Per Cont. Certificates... 20,000 00 CaliMl Stock paid In Bl 800,000 00 Harping Fund 71,000 00 Disc :unt at to . Xzel7age 1,17.6 RS float aud L0t1.,., .... 1 WA/ 71 imm. 84 L. I. SMITH,' WILWAIIWICE Circulation 400,000 00 lodividnot Deposit,— 409,20 Dna to Notional Banks f 0,113 07 other Banks and Bank- Dlrldends tropnld anodeve statement Is ge sad belle!. J. A. BILL, Casale"• S A L• I.N KIRKPATRICK, Direo 10‘ WM'. OM). • tilttl. H. ANDElttlOts. 5 TAC& BROTHERS, COMMIS 0 ' Petroleum and Re. Product& . I glgb:ittLgli.7: - .lvl‘g z ed i g a m l =:." 6 Putiadelollo2m-13T WALNUT CT Wm's: - - WARING & KING, v R. IL NELITH OmadaWmiluauttamulßteriM Petroleum and its Products, WE= DALZELL'S BLOOK, DUQUESNE WAY ntruanuqus ADDIMBO. Boom 11, Charnber of Commerce, ' pa 15011111 SECOND ISTRIIT. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERIIM IT. C. TWEDDLE, XANOSACTURZB of Labriesthig . &High Test ,tuning Oils. Eclipse liallread Azle Oil, Mode wes best settbont elkaoßat_ lbapterat lowest tesepetaVars‘ eirocal o 0 for. tropical climates or Pot IreVner. Lecosoottve. lasine, Machine libelee cut screws. Raw !LIU add Plaided JEW On* • Adapted for high apes& • Folda Tanaeze bleWool Flesed-Ildlit ISM leg and PlesistitseiGasoliesea OU Wormed. 0d... I Pareeloo WWingWallegirris= 7. 'nes? products an rean h e i teLtMond i ts v r:r e t Lo. 'dTt,:ate=s" sr , almost odorfers. Perfect II lIDUOIIO., and meetly light ool: oredotand a SIAS UnsPeromr l nuthsa oA Ohs t remain Limpid dories spasm e»W.notes row 011. sussimea. and are Lo conetantase os WSW olaba principal Railroads. Itaawrdes earl be estandoed and orders Left at lire WOOD tirlalire Worts st litesroaccel Edam • - • DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. RAHN dr, CO., IRON, NAILS sTEEt. AXLES AND BPRINCS.. DIIQUEASE. L X /ISM JUNIATA. =I 411411111311 1 1 , 101 M • WM. IikTOALF. REllnrm GEO. W. HARR, . CHAS. PARKIN. tlrscut Pennizz-B. M. HISS, CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & OFFICE. flea NO Liberty Mod, rEIM - prrrs BERGH STEEL WORKS. I:IITABLISITED IN MIL ANDERSON & WOODS, iumnrAorxmos OP BEST REFINED OAST STEEL of even . dezotipilon. Also, best Refined Seeman Plow and Spring Steel. CORNER BOW AND rnier AVilarb. rut.. bough. Fa DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM 1111=11; (Successor to JOS. libittH & CO;,) Has ftrilltlesco-extensitte ith thaJosoling .gtVaggirinTgeig.l:.,PtiViratiral SHAFT 3, Iits3NIVS. PlitToN twin& 1.1117101/3, PITMAN - a 0 33. Mt HAI LBW LID AXLI3.• TAXH`dt iTIV F 10013.3 , together with ewer! . dkacription oral/XS WOUR. OM= sad /ow Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. mitt:L.o L PROtBSS. • Tbe for are how rrepered to great Itoen ee for the use of the LLLERSHAUdide PRO- The sooerlor qwelty here.' to good leo.. the 17:41.11;"=VIVd. Iron, the i(011. Partle• wishing to nse It mn obtain noon...ate - I opplytne to JAMESAttorney P. SPEER, for the Trustee!, - ROOMS 1 and 9 ranglish•o mamas: 909 !Vann I";erier tothoo to Tuts the MORN HEW/ ell WORK& where they eess now to Gowen:MU over/Won. fell:dle NOVELTY WORKS. retrugell *. D. In& MOORHEAD, MIMS & CO. tarfalDOL WIANDAPDayAIMBAME a PAT. UT) PLATPOILM AND 0011121111 SCALES. have need Patent Cove y . Mills, Leeks sad Latches, Patat lull te. MOH& OF MIST AYBEIB & GUM ER • ..5t5.1.1.•&... SHEFFIELD STEEL WORD& SINGERS NOOK & CO., lianstutumrs of every desert:4l.lot • I CAST AND GERMAN DUEL. 'BAX.P.IaLWIAITIxBgKAVS'PLAT7OII.3I e. • LEO, '161 . 1L11. 'IMP, to.. WareheneN 88 Water and 100 That Rs. SLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., lianutsetuters at all cmt.werazorim THIRTY CAtsTINGE3 0001 S. STOVES. BISSELL & CO'S FOB BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted f o Cook, Bake or Bout as well as any other Stove In the Union. $ 6545.5144 54 1,731 58 BISSELL No. 285 Liberty Street. 500.000 00 05,0L10 00 Also. on hand and for WO, emdLoß r10171E3. HEATING STUVIdn. - ORATE PICONTEL YERDZHZ. COOKING RAMOS. do. RUT, HUBS & CO., sunnA.CTIJILIES 07 . zrzirr SMCIPVMS I 9 . • BOSTON COOKING RANG% "1132 FIERY FURNACE," $1,5811,065 14 =I Tux NEW Arri-Dulrr comma gr. “ILEGULATOFto COLUMBIA 000 E VAN'S Minetnnati Pattern) MUM Lig RANO C CASTIRON SIANTLIO3. WELL/CAMS arFLECTOMORATEs, free ilum MK/lad/UM: °BALE MONTS, BEN DER:. Ara 208 and WS Liberty street, PCITSBUBGIL PA. 17,C7 90 ooLooi oo ...... 4,084 OU 5N9 065 54 Ca best of exy S.. 1=553 OILS Cook, Parlor and Hen • lo our assortment 'WI to (mind ell the Latzerr evrrEtracs AND LIIPROVIMINTS, sad the rep natlm of our Stores Is such that say one In Tau of • Fold ankle should pnroshoee none bat those tallaalPartal or us. as they will be found pie cep durable p.) wall! lao)Oliatal. Weralci eon parilettlat ententlon to our new VOLCANO jrupaireaps, . Met )) 1 101 ttrea alOutas. .161 Pat:Dana L. Witi)ot Raga . . e.t . a.. Au *au a,* 02100 WPM pro` lIMILC , 11, as plpenor WM) outer.. ter oltsoC •r. 'coo tor I;stattnene PM men• tea, • ASD DZAISES M == HENRY: BIER & CO., - STE . ..... EIIENNSIZ LYV AoIMEMMI • NIA. CANTRAL rtAIL %AD. 1.411.4 after 11 r. a.. Sunday NOT. 14111. UMW - Tr. s will arrive at .4 ilePan from the Unlon DoTot, tonsor of Walitillthierf and Liberty atrotts. as follows: _ Aretee. I L 411.7. ___ Mall Train-- 1:20 am t rtouthernET. olwo WI Tan 1..ine..... 1.75 am IlTacillo Et—. 14:10 am Wallls No. 1..0 30 as am` No. 1.. 5:30 am BrlnionAc Not 4:50 am ttall Train .... •:110 aMi Wallis No. 1-1::30 am, Brinton At.. SAND am ClacJAnatl 7.7..17:410 amilirailmAs No' S 10 - pm Jetllllltenna Ao 1050 am i noel:111.. 1111.54 pat Ilmllia At Noi 7:W pm t WAWA:to. S.. 11= MN Plltsblign fin. 1:70 pm IJotmetOwa Ac.4:03 poi Patine Ittpls. liso pm • Pre. At Not SOW pm Wall'. 1 1 :1 - 4 . 71:./I PI ! Val 1 . ; VET ' . .. VIVA Won , * No. I. 111:n0 pm i Wsll's No. A. MOO ma BrialonAc No21:10 pM1•7741 Line ...•7: 1 1 0 11 44 w..T Vat., 10:711 pm i 11. - slils it o• S.. 11:00 v. *ltem trains mate close cnr.nectlori at Barris. Mi . !, for Baltimore. .• Tne Churth Train mares Virile 4,4i:enure', h. at 0:05 A tn., t eaching iltl , St 10:05 :: :: ,l e d"' .. , r: ................... :1 'nor... •Clatinnatl B all 1... dolly. 7011thern lisnrest leaves dall e amp% 11011dief. All I. Ott nrlrfeit U jellAr ''''''.7. • 'r e:l7. ' lloK R .l lll. Are.t. Tat restartivanlaltaileos4 Company will what. some any rt. roe:lath ac=, '_s: pt env wraith/ ay lem...pailtst,trgtelintr..rcurtinsitilltv to One Hit- AB .Ilaairt estimdiall r et e e i Teunt la vele. will be at the lAA of the ""°"":I4I3W`AT , notS General 1,1,11.0... wit et Mei'. E S EFt NiAsumum PI r: NnYLVANI.A 01.1.80A1 , .--Un sad atter NOV. 11; 1e49, the P ter Trains on the Wnstern resnasynnala Ral:road will *retro at and depart Rent- tee Federal Etrect Depot. Alk shcmy Ottty.m follows: arelsr. I //sport. Spriagd'e No 18:40 a m11.1.01....—......11:04 • is Freeport No. 14010 a mrimoPort No. 4:110sm Express.... , 10:40 a mlnharplex Not 1 1:10 sm libaspleg No. 1:g . •In m , Esr.reoe 13 in Freeport N0.24:03 p tut nptltted e n NOl Ittlo pa J5:50 p Freers,: No.l 1110 pm 101. , ed`e314.28:90 p mlSnring.t . e N020:44 pm 7 bonet dilly e.ncniti• unite. The Churce TM's I~sves Alleghonj imalow CityPonders* 7:4U reaching Allitral City at 9:606. m. Actnrnlay, leaves all eel li/t3 my. I. and attire ra t Allextruy ape. '?Tu at nt trains AlleshenT (.3tY IV. O. make dlront connection. IL Freeport with al.' F O. ker's line of etage. Pallor mid Frismshrtowe. Through tickets natl h e purchased at the 00ee. IPt. Clair tt.txt Dal laulasaloriftridae, Plttsbersh, and at t Depot. Allegheny. • For furttnr information spot. to LEfFERTI3, agutt. Federal Stmet i s The Western Pannsyl.aula Railroad will sot assume say 11.1 Mr lise rape. except ler weariest appare, and limit tiselr restronalooll7 So Om hundred Willis In vales. All bacrage o f needing tots amonnt In value vrtilbe at the MY ol the owner, unless rates b • sT.ontal Cantata. IDWA.OO ttivr , . It% stole General lionerlotendent. Altoona. ra. PM4710 - g B. W. awl OL.EVALAND PrITNIItt Nattan, tram NOV. 14th, 1409, prang wilileare fres and arrive at the Ohm Lopot. north stag. Pllll. tough city t4im9le. PoLiovre: .4. se Max° LA —.MAN a to I ,- Nria ltica Ntr.7:4B • m V6l B.Wb lal P .ll::st Taargle. ....1):08 • m el. A Alax silo pm pm ViVrialeixtOt Daparafroort lttaaerty. Bear tans c• 4:38 a m . 11W1 1 :: Pochelpor *AR pm Leen I .• 4.04 Laatvlala Ata.4:l3 pm ee•astis •••15:13pm LeettAala •'l4:67 Pm :fair OW Nan gCllLlZall. p ID .4111_ 14 7.111. G 149.4 V. A'riglik . " A '.lt Oen!. Pu. A 7. Icaet att,l aol6 gLI.A.NEVEI OF TI.IIII. CIESENT VALLI:IIr 11.1112LSOASI • THZ ONLY DINZOT ItOUTS TO THP. 1134710115 WITHOUT GRAMM OP OA 68. On and After MONDAY.-No.. 33, MU. TWO THBOUNIII THAINS DAILY Oncept. Ganda, 4111 buys Plttsbarnb Depot. corner math mid Pike soonin,for Prank:o4oU PO. and 4U Imlnt3 In Co 011Beslons. 1.34.113 rtriedmm3ll. :WOVE 717 4: 3 7011 . Dallis . l I LVO ;M I Nls r btli ".... 1 , 00 t: Intainlton - .. 5:40 milm Flultuu.: 15;05 • m Hulton . . - ..11:511 • m Uniton... 9:00 •Is 3.1 Hutton... 5:00 pm 3d Bytom 111:10 pm Ott "tr V:1151% ILIA worm.. 630 paeeporl AC ' 515 p Bradrs An 3:15 p Brady. B BAc 10:055M (Much 1100 p m Chum/ 10:10 am lexprom trims Any only at Idind , P sl WW l * •ecomnand taVs u at 11A8 fge sa A.I. A TH(3 nn. Prrrssurtan, P. STF~L. CET THE BEST TRIUMPH. roz Wzazrzo Bt:= A. BRADLEY & CO.. 30. BO WOOD stexer, Mattulactarcrs of the Grontest Verleti of TO TPO pi ;11-Nzi:. Moi 9 I) 1 al GUOTATI IBLOCCIL BIICOLSBOBa SOM. coomm & Co.. Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS IUDZ IBOXPTLY TO °ROZA; 'Moable and Orei froi GAS PIPE. AND TUBING. 11111047L8, lIPBTI AND CHEM 1101 ALL GLOBE PATTERN. rEtON .COC I NKS , Brass Work of every deseripttou for Steam, Water and Oil. m O)1. Y..coons i CO'I .1 Imperial Nataiwitheel Rum hap.l Agents for Dreyfus , Patent' Ott ere,,the best ma the Market. es. sad Works. corner =re m* and Plts Btreeta. A TWOOD & IIiceATTDET, ik. Coma. LAWq mon gad 'nut /Yens: Fitton:TO. el., - -" • nal rooms in mom rips man Aid AGESITS Dar A. 11. CAXICKar CC' , aimixruursimoisialrugi.. : IMESE3 Chleigo Ex.. 1.83 avs Wheeling x...11:0111p es da10:411s se ILA et. L. EX I:111p se - Chl , goExlkelle:Ve s m • Clereland Ex 11:311V se Erie JI, Yg , is Ex6,o3p A 01. & Wh.e Ex7:otipse Arms i. 4/40.V. WVPSI e ti ll : Vti Tut New Castle ..10:%1 am Enon •• " e:111 ale L eetsdale ."12:43pm Peer Palle " e:CS put L 'lt d'U . ! . tt 12 r..i. K . g........ ean dei therth. elle swe so Express leaste dairy. •ress WTI.. Mail ‘ l'i r . ' &LCULi•OU . iii. 'At. ' sleet. M an n er IVrrrEintintait - INCIIPNA.7I AN LOUIE NAILWL.Y. . , . • PAP HANDLE Bum. • 4 11 0111.7321. After SUNDA.T. 0v.14112. 1882, trains ,7;11 Nave and aniTil 61 Untoa PIPAPorAIk. Pittsburgh Time. DrAA. rs. —.. 6:uo m. reaz BenthamExprom 3:38p. to. 5:00 Pam ... UAW a. m. 7:18p. m. Mixed Axon% . . ..... :f:43 A. ork. 6:63 p.m. Nol)onAl44 Acen,No.l 11.•A8 Isl. 7:33 steubenv4leArpmamo.l• 3:43 p.m. 1.:61,1 ltoDonal(P. Axel.. No. 25! 63 p.m. 3 - .93 MalcMigh, oreb TrAl S.. 15:55 p. m. 9:58 A. zn.. air BP. M. Leave dm.y. • :13 7. 11. 1114.1 5111 snipe dally. • B. P. 60 Geuem.l Ticket Ater ColozobWl • W. W. OAILD, Dennism, Ohio. .• zrrEnamiGn & Mm;olg CONNILIZEIVILLN On and atterliaDAY. Wove:o4w Mt. 1501. Waist vrill arrive at .4 depart dun tee Debt stria: of Great 003 Water streets. le D Kalil° aadtroin Union town • 7:00 A. Ke 0:00 Pau. IdoKtegMl..6.ccomft`n. 11:01.1 a. w LOS 1.0. Zs. to and front 2:00 T. le. 10:10 0.1, West Neinixe tweeted 4:391. tr. 0: A. 3) Brenda:Ws Accorodt•s. 11. :00 713 7.5 Pleat Ae. toliteraport.l9:llo 7. Z. - 0:411 Am E eanda.. True to • • " 7~~West bteeloa 2:00 r ,5t.20:116.11. ta 10z11 L.M. RAYMOND " W. B. STOUT. SoPertandont. rob/ CARBOLIC SALVE. The imp 7riant discovery of the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING. PURIFYING, and HEALING Agent is one of the molt remarkable 'results of modern ' medical research. During the late civil war it was extensively w need in Hospitals, and as found the to be .not only a thorough disin• fectant, but also the most WOW. • dean' and speedy . HEALING RED b V ever known. It is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and healing agencies. in the form of a SALIrt r and. having been al ready used in numberless Cases . with most satisfactory and ben.. eflcial reset iti.we nave no hest... tation in offering it to the pub lic as the most certain, rapid. and ; effectual remedy for all Sores and Ulcers. no matter 'of hOW , long standing for Burns, Cuts. Wounds,' and every , ABRASION of SKIN or FLESH... and for Skin diseases generally. Bold by all Dtogglats. nice 20 =U. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Prop'r, Flaw, New York. No. 8 Colle 200,000 A""" or OHOIOEEMIDEFORBALE ES= Union Racine Railroad Company, I 11 1 00, TO $6,00 PlOl keno and oa OBZDIX 07 inns TICAII6 l'or r ituttler pullcalars, mays,„&e., sdArua - Jona P. DaysxkkVZ:' 121 Load Commitstonar. 'hanks. Oraral. Or oaks. a %Alumna emer.- ITRADE NIARICa DITEIBIDGES ' Fr.. PIROCII? Lamp CHBEETS. - . L. . I L ............ ... ...O. . • • MIST NOAIIII - GAS AND rrrTmit!', ~ - 141 th /Wpm% Near "Numb Streets ~.; rirsirossiosau, Pie - Lead Mtn Gore Hasa fiat IftsturawElless istb nib* and Wish Bards. LTOS ripe an& llittags, ale and Beer Pumps, and Steam Goa, arms ennead. Paella and Private Bandltnat shed avails Gas. -Water and BUMP litattaf • • Wis. rotates prenatal" attendant. . . :DREKA. laya[teranE mall Aaler m. lrzrrin eFre.TlOrizany; Itteono8,V18171116; peter( ARD"BusimEas. CARD CIORAVANO, • NOSOCE ARMS: ILLOIUSA I34O I Ordus by ..redase .UOO . diredtwat • CMOs. ' • - , bl,._l_Tow4;!B PLFWL. ARM' en' corms.' • Citirrhs.d."ll'ijag.h."llllll° I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers