The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 04, 1870, Image 1

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1:1 .
Office, RAW :It6rAft7l Avaise
.r. xprixtuih Aff4E
r. " =T - UElie
'ir.Rilta IDAtLY.
naktl. pwr
13.11yeretl by canter.. t0.....k••*—...Z-11;:".'
1 1 111 ff EDITIOL
;~11~p , A7 6 ~ 7 :. ~.
itinl.olMW l '
Pennsylvania -Legislature:
rot it ions f er aliegolation of the
Lignoir . taw and 'Attention of
- Petiiii:TelWATt-P,_°„§ 4 4 l . l 'Bar
Snake Killed by Sonaer'Gra
en ,Postnened7nills !giro
45;ecIal I)lspi . h . lell to tilrlttabursh liasettc.)
Esti; 8 '1670
ASllitrgrOnal*,pelltlona tvere, pre%
Nonnia tnr a . laVe inthoitztng Citizens 'of
any lilatrlctvote-fer. or against the
liconalc Mr. lof llenorehopa, andfortheabo•
litioq hidc.liplanNalty.;
loaCar'd a heense enprhernent
for Allegltenyeonnty was reportod favor
fi'ilardtfOlELL l ,l"noorPciralliiklb i
Grana.Lotige ceche Halted. Order Pf
Sacred Temple of Liberty.
By Mr. GRAHAM: A supplement for
the Pittalitligh I Bridge, o . ompany. , art.
thorizing the erection by them of a Sni
ped! -bridge from Pittsburgh to Alla
ghety,C.l%. supplement for the Ra
nders! 15iipoUt spaity
By Mr. WHITE:. Relative to interest.
locroaalng the same to seven_per cent.
and legalizing the rate of noregbeedMg
ten per cont. In writing...,
By. Mr. , ..M#MAX.44,•; Behave to sol •
dlersof epAtheir widows. Admit-
Ink 'ptrdsliM"theah not worth more
then tivisboarleed dollars.
Mr. LOWRY called up the bill extend
ing the act, .of IM9 „regnisting.inedical
protection b 3 York and othir,agultles to
Prig, Crawford ' Yeast:lgo: Passed
lOn motion Ot Me: 'ALIAS bills
lending the charter, pf .the _Central and
Southern Transportation Cotenants%
dsky u
g 1d Passed.p the - tm ( d
ellitihro." certain sand bar In the OW
oprosite Middleton. an Island, and
bad it killed. .
Mr. RUTAN. in earraining, said he
bad nrpganzeatir pass It. , • , .
Mr: DAYIB eallesl Senate till
allowing husband and wife to testify in
dititoreepenet , Moped ascend reading.
Sir. CONNELLt callisd-mp the Senate
bill authorizing railroad companies to
lease or bcoonle telaseeabfar with other
roads. Passed second reading.
Rom's= moved - tin,
lion of his bill 'relating to the''Bette
Treasury and creating a Board, of Con
Mr. WinThkoppctses l it and the motion
weld # ' • • ; . • ;,
'Arr. arcArtAk called tip a bill repeal
ing the sot requirinz the Landsdale
Turnpike , Company to,complete two
miles heroic, taking Toll. 'Parsed. '
I.l=o . t ri b al iaglpabrilrtc2l47.Vl
'Ali. o:Mt,or Yorltj billed ;We
Sande bill' writs :of error to
newws-ot--ruur — dar...or—vcdArdeSZ—.
Alaugbigrothipkrahorlser alimmo
rryie7 the:taw and evidence,
an ,
&mai iieripsnatogin
10 • mti, fkattta lie 41111 e at liei
Tt 'wise favored by Matures. Niles. &tits..
von. Bowman and Porter, and oppeed
I,y Ideserp.tßehrnatterly, and Cr*,a Auld
pursed an second rbading. • •
A House resolution urging Convert to
.-44-31§,Arvreanctiout thOurtgr.
dir other Iron and lat. Passed.
The House bill authorising the people
of dtstlictstc.:cute.fOr Or wgetheilimpaing
lunot shorn, was made the spedial Order
nu . Thursday evening.' - -
11,Z=n 1 Varyfiltellstet P*4"..
spplying exclusively to a particular class
cr otlectlenabiskpthile,tlolo-
• ttt, t • ~. • TAng TREASURY. FUND%
• •
I,,Thelltusste Ciomoslttee on the Manage.
k , meat otAtw'mmintry - rands met OM
i internam , . bat no witnesses being prate.
S t MA:, the Catarnittee determined toad.
Joan" all Taesd. 'eftertMon willee
Aleol; when all , the mullesbe
t Sal:sent. ", hir.: Mackey lel': tor hems to ,
day. -He will be examined' lisle Mal
i '', '8W1974' LEOBLerii,_
LRy. Vett/FAO- to the
IS SOU Pntabi ß Go.icite
§v; ,
pottno, 'February 3..—At the Badi
ciincus,leJefferson City last night,
the question of tho expediency of sub•
the people ski amendment to
constitntlon, entreinetdabigalt three
bon . deprived of suffrage, without red
tveniirractior bikke; Wasillwxlcankt lend
osrried by nearly a two-thirds vote.
thi Sista Smite yortordsar the Com
voltteo,on, Constitutional Amendments
reported amendments repealing the dou
ble ltalitlitr g attnae• to the Itiersentnnoth,
oboltehln the , Dlatrice. Cousin arid
The ,Lbnislitutional .bIIT. yea made the
WlPvial °oder ter Wednesday nest: ,
Day .tetbie..,Yeatertlay the • Souse
adopted an amendment id the Agrloul.!
burst bill tinirldlog that there should be
Sso restriction , on students , enterin9 ool
legs rm account of sex or color; "Testabi
'nay; after a long . common, it was Ay
commended to the EanclA llienata:*
' .411 v„ F o b:'.in
L • the New York
...tesetobly. to-day, • report WWI .pre. l
;_i•otitedfroot'tbteCansa limo”! 'writing tbal
mesaist of tompletlog the Erle, - Omer!
.1, rid Cbarriptiloperatelso seogrdlow to sett.
; y:atW re 411 Erie 12.4Litekii
4•131111:1 43E4C61* 1124,t4,
intsr„. 10,220. 'Vie Ward. gorepor
tile work zbookl be octropleuml i•
. ~. , ,
. ..
Aiiaterl.rabrnia7.2.—ln , lb* amine
in, order was- Introdtum4•.4l rooting Li
„ir,lty luta the nicpadiencry of abolishing
- ,s t pital.punislicninit.
TlioObioilotusa evict sit day grater•
dar ocieslderinx the county
contbaled,olactioa: It will probably re•
salt in Laver ofßlatsatoa Iteptitatein.
-3)Pg1,11, ItIYEFIS t
Off. crrr. February 3.—River falllui
lowly. witir two feet three Inches water
to U, cliwoneic4Vellibtr cjr• Reg'
duroutanorto:Wriar T Y
log rawly with about four feet water lb
eliennel. Weather cloudy. Tbermeauf•
ler ttUrty•ati at alz r. al. -
Monoawrows, February 3. Wirer
r. , ntlonary, with about two feet water la
the channel. Weather cloudy, Thee.
'moulder tbirtyuLx. of Mx b. ar. L. 1
jFrI4,M"-reb.Ma7,3, rrßlTei
U' .1 0 .7kWInt await dV fad wader'
go itrebanner"Weltbardtmdr.4•lter
tmmr.ter thlrty•three at Ex p.
Additional Marken by Telegraph.
nuppAW, FabLlLl,4{l.l.9*Weir4i,
i vo head, making SAO this' Wee ebip•
pie ," Gm market inactive and boldern
.e.tunut make sales except at CODOSSIIIOI3II
buyers being reluctant even at
llogs; receipts o , s erilltad;inprtoft
.o„ive and ti rm.xt y.wo qu
Sheep; reenipla i lido LI ;
ry very extra and do na
:42,0,1110 . A at 41400,4 fat
vrr: , ' ,ad gga.yje for geed. to foal
emu da. .
014.13A.F5, FobV , Bl7 8..--Ootton
Fir nit n,Vb INTlldfUlag• a4111C44000
—r&erpt trexpdrts 8, e r* T h
Linn at 61,073• . 1117 in lower, and sells
at 828 per ton. Bacon 14@17@180. Gold
2lg. Petroleum SI; New York ern ex
/menu:Be Ka Moment:. r
. ,
.. . . ,
. t•
• _. _ , ----_ ./Lankl , v4_444-o._mvmsq.opt. l llN..mdA4n , _
~ ,
Il t , i '
ill ~,. -1, m )
1 ---.
•: '1 " i , A rc'' " v - 0 1 ,
. ~
_,..,. „. a,,..•,n,,T--......4..............,„,.,..
~,.,..„..,......,............., ..,
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- ~.1•64,,,. Rifidelked IMULIMMY taI:WW il•tiwt
it ~
1 1
, 1 ' - spot aelnlitt II& reitallaerig ►ra rillisSad
VOL. :•.:' ,
liormonism Aimed at—Rai • ay
;Aid—A Proposed Ng
American Citizens in British
Priimus Reconstruction .
.Nayy - Bell
' cleney—Spicy Debate-Sher
mates Pending Bill, etc., etc.
illy TeetersAk re the rquisargb ussettel ,
~ NV AelfthoTets February; 1670.
. . . SENATE. • .
`,ter. SiltitelAN, front . the Finance
Ct)Mnsittee, reported the following bill
to authorize the funding and cousolida.
lion of the national debt, to extend bank.
tag faeUltlea and to establish specie pay
violets. It Providea for the bop' of throe
dames of bonds for $400,000,000 each.
The first for ton and thirty yeses -at five
pirS l ,Cent.; the : amid lot Man • and
t., years at faireand a bell peebent.,
the third ' for twenty. and sixty years at
Mar per cent. , It also provides for set
ting aside yearly 11150.000,000 of custom
recelpte to pay the interest on the public
debt. and for &shaking fund to reduce the
public debt.
. The following is the text :
Its it enacted, Se, That for the purpose
of needing the debt of the United States
and reducing the interest thereon, the
Secretary of the Treasury is 'hereby au
thorized to issue on credit, United States
deepen or registered bonds of such do-
nominations, not less than 850, as he
may think proper to an amount not ex.
deeding letesetelo,lloo, redeemable in cola
at the pleasure of the Government at any'
Gene- after ten . years and payable
Ile coin at twenty years from date,
Dearing Interest at the rate of live per
dent. vertu:mum, payable semiannually,
lb oath. end bonds thus - authorimed .may
de diaii4ed elf at the discretion of • the
Secretary under such regulationa •se he.]
dalipreseribee either in the United States
qr elsewhere, at' nut leseithan their par
value for OWN, or they may be exchanged
for any of the nutstanding' bonus of an •
equal aggregate par' value heretoftine le
gend and known as 6.20 bonds, and for
no other purpose ; - and proceeds df. ea
Mech. thereof as may be diseased. de for
dein shell be placed in the Treiuntryeto
be used for.the redemption of Such 'lax'
per near. bonds, at par, as may . not be
offered for exchange, or to replace truth
tmount of cola as may have been used
for that prir , w.
i Sat:: 2. That the Secreta ry of the
Treasury is hereby anthorieed .to issu°
1 est the credit of the United States toe
: pone or registered bonds to the amount
of gi00,000,000 of such denominations,
tat less than 150, as he, may think
proper, redeemable to coin, a the pleas-
are of the Government, at any time after
_yeaa ,
n d ln c e a ar inagt ,
1 Interest at the rate of 4M per contum per
r amens; payable semiannually in coin, •
and bonds authorised by this section may
he disposed of under such regulations
as the Secretary of the Treasury Wall .
prescribe t In the United States and else.
Where at not lees than - par, for coin; or
they msy be exchanged st par for any
Of the ontstandi ng Obligations of the Gov
ernment bearing a higher rate of Inter-.
I est in coin, and the proceeds of such
bonds as may be sold for coin shall be
deposited In the Treasury, to be used for
the redemption of each ooligations bear.
log Interest in coin as by terms of Irene
'are to replace such own as may have
been used for that purpose. .. • '
! lOW. 3. That the Secretary of the Trope
' ury a hereby.. authorized to hems on the
!credit of the United States, from time to
'time, coupons or registered bonds of
!such denomination not less than gee, as
be may think prop er, to the amount of.
.$lOO.OOOOO redeemable in coin at the
pleasure of the Government at any time
Iliete.liaralde4aleseleilitildiS Pe' .
forty yeas from date at a rate of interest
,of four per centutu per annum, payable
Ilienitennually In coin, and such beads
may be dtsposed of either In the
:United . ' Settee -or elsewhere at not
less t han • their • par • • value for
coin; - or at the' discretion of the See.
rotary of the. Treasury for United States '
notes, or may be exchanged at not lass
than Part= any of the obligations of tap
. United States outatanding at date of Issue
of such bonds; and if, in the opinion of '
the. Secretary, it is thought advisable to 1
issue a larger amount of four per cent. I
bonds for any of the purpa'Ce herein or
hereinafter recited then would ho other.
wise authorized by this section of this
act, each further lanes
shallereby au
thorized; provided there Po no in
crease In the aggregate debt of the
United State; . Ite consequence of any
Wanes authorized by this act. .. .
' Elec. 4. That the bonds anthorieed by
this act shall be exempt from all taxes
by or under national, state, munleipal or
Local authority.
Sze. A That coupons of said . bonds
may lie made payable at the Treasury of
the.tinited States or at the ofgee - of any
agent of the United States either In cities
of .letindon, Paris, Amsterdam or Franie:.
Fortin dollars or its equivalent .thereof
in sterling, money in France or it:libelers
Sw. 0 Met the Secretary is hereby
enthorisad to appoint such agents in the
_Sates Ind Europe es he may
deem nee - weary to aid In the negotiation
of said bonds, and he may advertise the
loan herein authorized and-coned - Goes
thereof, inrush newspapers and Journals
in this country and Europe as ne may
select for the purpose, midi Pont not
exceeding one per cent of the goods
herein authorized, is hereby appropri
ated to pay the expense of preparingese
. aiding and disposing - of. the same.
Bro. 7. That in order to carry into one.
Cation the provisions of. the fifth section
of the article entitled "An sotto author
ise the Issue of United States notes sod
for the redemption of funding of-the
floating debt of the United Statoseespe
proved February 25, 1662, relating to the
sinking fund, thorn is hereby appro.
whited out of the duties derivedfrom ' ,
imparted goods tee SUM of one hundred
and fifty edition dollars, annually, which
Ottwelurlng each. jewel year. Arable
appNed to the pay - teenier Internet swill
to the reduction of the principled of the
public debt, and the Vatted Stales bonds
now held as sinking fund. and the'
United Sauer bonds now held teethe
Treseury &hall be estimated and nee:.
timed, 0 detailed record theredi .belng
first made in the books of the Treasury:
'Department; and beads hereafter peel I
*dialed ender this 'section shall In liko, 1
Manner be cancelled aid destenyed, end
a foil and detailed account of the applicael
Sou of money herein sporoptiated shalt . I
be made by the Secretary of dhe Treas.!
any to Congress, with an annual reporti
ea ggregate amount of bonds emir 1
palled and destroyed shall be stated id ,
the Plynady: , atateMebtOr the Merle
IWO , a T
reegraist on and be OeWe tb e 10 Ccto.
her, 1 370. tered t of aty &mom.;
;triattoarcioi eaerthaeone .tilesetettl del=
lore, Sealed leader tile erovisiona or this
set std"no ' °there,'wall be deposited
with the Treasurer of rho United etatee 1
as security for notes lamed to Naked
- Banking aluesiettons lot circulation, ue, 1
Aar the act entitled Pan Set to provides I
tratibtai mirrener setvired by pledge of
United States bonds, and to provide for
the circulation and redemption thereof,e '
approved June 3d, 1864, and ail national 1
padcfree,iinesocilidelle organized under
spy anseeslitants tbekeof are hereby - re. I
c l
gaited to depent - bends issued undo
this set as security for their eircolatin I
notes within one year from the date 0
the passage of thus act, In default
'whicb,lbeir right to lune notes for fi r i
collation shall be forfeited, and the Trees. I
neer and Comptroller of Currency !hill
be antborieed and required to take stab
-awes as nor Dr neamtem• heealirin
eind Alleeteoy .;itutilr findstanellng Wrote i
lateen, and to Wilton' theeteddirheldedi
Niamey therefor, to the asoweation by 1
which they were deposited In sums of
not lea than one thonsand dollars. pro.
videct„ , tbasivereinsociation now in ex-
'sauce eneY, man giving thirty days
notice to the comptroller of Currency by
resolution of Its board of directors, dee
weds legal tender notes with the Treaste. ,
rer of the United States to the amount of
ooteteetedibgif lime:dation, and take up
On/splodgecfor its redemption; and
peostleed farther, that not more
any ban thane:no k
ohisel tif eel:duds deposited by
as such security shall be of either of the
claws of bonds hereby eareorirtd Ili
which the maximum rate of interest li
Axel et four and ono.fourth or livelier
tint. per enneiete e•: , •;. .1 P , . f" ,
That the amount g i
notes which any bank may (
receive (torn
the Comptroller of Currency under the 1
prevision of sectiou 24 of said acc t. y
etrul bat net vial* eight y Pee et
par false of betide departed, but
atlabl not exceed the aggregate amount
to which such bank may be entitled on
der said section.
Sec. 10. That any banking association
organirodArtohe organised under- the
national' thrrenby act, and the - seta
wmendatory thereof, may, before depna
hang with the Treasurer United
Staten notes to the amount of not
less than one hundred thousand dollars,
recetroau equivalent of registered houcha,
et States of kind and deactip.
Lion provided foz by section three of this
alt, and may deposit the name as seen.
rite OirtiZeiltatiliz-tintea,,, and tnerellptus,
'abets bathing assoclatfone shall be en
' titled to and shall receive circulating
slots; upon the terms and conditions and
to the extent provided in said currency
scut and without reaped to - limitation or ,
the, eggregate ponditlon cif motional cur
runty, ttreterlifedhy said swts: tnociddd, . 1
limbo.tki that' ' tut 'circulating ' notch _ fee
lashed under this section un equal
[Catmint of United States notes obeli be
canceled and destroyed.
Mr. MORTON presented a memorial
Itom the men:et:roof the bar pf_lndlan.
spoils fafait hieteksti in` the salaries of
"Jed of the District Courts of that
fitaMielheilidao Jll4llolBl* , Coniinitibe,
Mr. CHANDLER introduced a bill to
*organize thelffarine . Hoapitid service
and provide for the sick and disabled
ebamen. Referred to - the Committee on
- Commerce. • ,
liesolutionairefir . olffered and .- adopbstl,
as follterstnam --
Ditthiltiftdol ol 7..cthedii4f fliffh
,occurrence of frequent violation's of the
public peace in various - aouthern
tlea, and that protectionin life and prop.
arty - by the Government was the right of
every .and, instructing the Com-,
Mittee on! Judiciary"to Inqbine hide the
power of the Government to give protec
tion to its citisena within the'-limits of
Ouch States, and to . report what legiala
lion la requited, and especially to in
quire,.ltdcf the , oonatitutior fa itty, and
expediedat 'llf , eatablialtlng Motional
police force for the better enforcement of
thelaw.r", -" o,^
lly Mr. kELLOOEI : Directing the
Committee on tannuferee to Inquire into
the oxPedtc.V._Of, alrodobing „a Port of"
delivery w theasamemuthe dispens
ed with without detriment to the public
• ; On motion of Mr. MORRILL, of Mo.
a joint'readlebat'adthotizing the Seerre- 1
of the - Navy to transfer to the use Of
the Bureau of Construction and Repairs
and of Steam Engineering such appro.
priatione to the credit of other bureaus
in that dopartmett aline'-6& required,
a ti taken
Mr. SHERMAN said that at the
t session, Congress appropriated all
the money deemed necessary for on=
roan construction TO repairs, but
the Navy Department went on to I
Contract an expenditure twice the
amount appropriated. The extent to ":
whrat diparniantn lad ionerlit dtakllg'
trulifaciamg„ , aloaAi , :aattsoM.,-Ifkattent
specific legislation by Congress was
Shown by the fa - L1 that upon the books of
the Treasury it appeared that upon July
let, 113413, there wartfi=,o3o,ooo among
the dolitar,trtienta 'SUR: aßimMrlidediand
unexpended. Of this amount 117,000.000
belonged to the Navy Department. He
proposed that Congress should not only
put an end to this practica,nf the de.
partmenta in transfernug appropriations
from one source to another, but ahould
provide for,-...anyying 'all- tufacpencted
balances ethe end of fiscal year to a
isurniusfund froth which appropriations
inight 'be made,by higislation.
Me favored thd present bill, as it would
enable the Government to - proceed with
the work now Incomplete' in various
navy yards, which, if left in its present
Condition, would bo liable _to injury,
neglect and decay, and thus Inflict lees
upon the Government.
Mr. ,MOIIII.ILL (Maine) , and Mr.
CRAGIN smite in impport? of 'the bill
'and Mr. Trumbull opposed it, - because
itr its limos of,peaeu, would continue, apt
ein'ployteei“ eleven thousand men In' too
construction of war vessels. The bill
was, laid - temparurny tudde, sed'h bill
'relatinglo the extension of timii for the
'completion of the lateral road of the
'Baltimore and Potomac railroad extend.
taa.Westaltttela 4, o ll all
,t np,and pealed, , .
naval transfer olli , waa then- ,
ceeded with. -
Mr. MORRILL ' (Maine) moved to
'amend by making a direct appropriation
'to the Bureaus of Construction and Re.
pairs and of Steam ‘ Engineering, of en
amount equivalent to'that proposed to be
trwaltnttted . froto the maser blu'eatta.;
Mr. HOWARD opposed the bill he:.
cause lie end not believe It converting
he United Btatea into an eleemosynary
institution. - --- •
Mr. NYE followed in advocacy of the
Mr. MORSH,,L,said that, itm uuder
standing 1n , the Semite appearedley hi 1
that the men wore to be employed as a
Mattel', of charity, and he 'therefore
moved to amend by adding the words
"that the wages to be paid to employees'
shall not to at a higher, rate timothat
paid .by priest!) citizen,' in the reepective
localities.. , •
Mr. MORTON said the amendment
would absolutely overturn the eight hour.l
11w In the• navy - yard aof the Hatted
States, but after . discussion It was
adopted—yeas W. yma 22.
Thu bill was dually laid aside in order,
to,pornaltAirroOarpepter tb AddeeSelliill
Senatengino the bill 'rigidly° to the net
trality of the United Stites.
Mr.. QAB,PENTSR Matroverted - the
posittonti !Seamed by Mr. Sumner fa a
former dianuasion relative to the fitting
nut of the Spanish 'gunboats at New
Twit. He regarded them as wholly um
tenable and cited at length from hiatory,
from, dJpleinatici correspondence, mud.
Cann ay.4,lb.saitcognon fltnegnittog
ol.he Sot that the act of 1018 had been
applied to every rebellion and to every
war that bad arisen from that time to the
present, Including the rebellion of Tessa
against, Mexico and the Crimean war.
He contended that the statute applied to
spy amitotic betwoon the revolted colony
Midi the Pareeit &ideas abon:ail it .obtact
be said a state of war existed, and that
this state of war did not exist when the
civil owl , ' were Closed and the Htivern.'
meet es unable to arrest and 'deal with
the offenders by civil process. He also
paid hie restsino to.skimitorA i tbeiM of
neutrality, Bit' announced ' I ill speech
on the Alabama plaint& Ittirlestetained
that the doctrine there assumed was sett-
American, and oonldnot beiniaidaided
without tying our hands from Ammons
tog the belligerency pr' independence of
the varlets* colonies on , thiStinititiont
which might be . asp ect-to rehel,agalost
the tyranny or "European - were.
Mr.. Sumner , dinned the :Mao:anima of
the position stun/Wed Atli #lot P , Tl. ld r"
Carpenter in regard; to hlt,epp tnetulity
to Spaniels celonhie iilone...Re 'Wald ids
appbcadim which alettiteliaa tottienaso
of colonies had already achieved
a condition of beillgenence, and that
atalute);Mtilit gad? it case.
Mr. fib tritiD inquired thejenalor
from Wisconain (Mr. Carpenter) for '
ambethifartgatton Oesitsnallig the present ,
status of the insurrection in Cuba:. Lie;
viaeetqaded, that..tberet. Jim Jo WA's'
heeittev ireveregum Pett..ind =they
deserved emse end _rights of bellig
(wept* tte -high tke the fact win
knosio Ind the policy, of the Hni
of air ft OM M , , reeegnikt
.tpri QMPHOJ'En , raptpo is foe
condition Of things la Cubs was a condi
lieu of war, not of pram end in support,
i l l
otitis aspertioareft,fredjo the starnt
id tber,Senuid trieMLIP Of 4ILB e ea,'
Wet a people Mil et? Sorel ad. Wen,
11W4Viteliti&IV.1,11Vdttia -31,t:
stay bloodshed between that etroggliug
people artd.Oppin thieertatigepublio had.
cif red its good °Moss.
,Strttlikatiltd:R.Leisald ties itesitiesiadull
not epohen of the Cuban insurgents' to
belligerents' ' His own recollection of the
,Loateeerco.yro.PowoV—Pßl fiCit .44
.protettechot Its. weaning,,, , 4e
to the rights of belligerents, rsipeop a
must have a government of their own
,esione...itaah,leandersuineauis eiithsitie,
didnot now and never did posses.
'Hifi VIOE' iItRiIDEASITIstd . before
rt340,' ,1 ' eomecepteitlo, teeth:she
resident wreapooso. l o lll l 4 to . . eisiiis=,
ution of inquiry relativolo , he, trouble
in Hip, Wieurpes koriitoty, wahm g ra e
re r,,, T egf,..l is ~ . - ...:-, l (I,t_' , " c„1 . 7„,r !
The Senate aißible o'clock wentlitto
examMire - sailioni 'sari won. after: , ad.
learned" ;', ' r. , .- ' •'. ..-,,,...-• ~,1 .. : I- , 1
- ' -
Hills Intrcidaced Mt. 41:ILIANj
amend Welber botaaatead sate
Its• Tilt. 'ALMON; to bring weigign
`eta 'ma/um rpb bf tletzeirveta taco
Obit " • ' • - "
'tieet:lLLlMfrom thalaatiimlttgai on
eetalArieglVPprted a bill" in - aid' Of Abe
Y on 0 the Idly% trtal, *Welt Waal
recommitted. The tentfiliactlan etakei
queotttpatent u grand or perk jurors all
who balmy° In ialsaatits' nr pthcMoe edn
cucinnge or pOkysamy. "trio'vpiroootiolt
e4itete that any man in Utah WhO shall
liVe or cohabit with one woman;
or! more, Other than his lawful
wife, 'as his wife or wives, shall
be adjildged guilty of the crime of
poncuttidage, widen conviction thereof
•shall be punished , by sane notexceeding
ode tho o tid delklare and imprisoltM*Fd
id thel tentia at bard labor not ex-,
ceedlng vet y rs. The 17th section
anthortzes Life United States Marshal, if
visited or threatened with reenlist:me In
Die exec i on of any writ or proms, to
apply to epornenander of any military
camp for *poise. The 18th section enecte
that he Alien practicing bigamy, vielyt
gamy or earicable age shall be admitted
'to I:tnithd. Stein'Citthettahlpt nor , shall,
any polygamist hold any office of trust or
profit In the territory, vote therein, or be
entitled to the betroths of the homestead
,of .Preompilsait Isms.' The Bad section
enacts tha erring° ins territory may'
be solemn only by justices of the
promo rt, by justices of the peace
i tlrily appol 4 end. qualitled,and by any
p lest or minis rof the Gospel regularly
°Maimed a settled. It declares all
coats nit =triages', tnoestisonr.
and void, punishable by twenty years'
Imprisonment In the penitentiary. The
tell le very long, - .enataining. thirty.four
sections; -
!Mr. FITCIS, from the Committee on
public lands. reported a gill 10 aid the
amstrization of a railroad. frcins Ali:lMb to
the western boundary of Louisiana. Re
j Mr. Rmayiss offered*resolutWn4or
suer cediffel' deg tax ''o toHare and
arty cents. Referred the Committee
on Way!' and Means.
• Mi. - ROORRS Introduced - 1;M feirpthe'
location and entry of swamp lands by
actual settlers in ArkanMs. Referred.
Mr. COBB, of Wis.,lrom the Commit.
tee on Military Affairs, reported a bill to
amend the act of March Bd. 1885, in rein.
Don Ad adititiceiel7 bounties, - extehditig
its benefits to wldOwa and" children of
[soldiers who bad enlisted for a loss pe
1 rind than One year, and boon killed or
1 cledin•Mie aerslee. .fitemint ! - !. I. .-,
r On motion of Mr. SCEIENCK the tax
1 1 L was mace the special order for the
* o f March, to ,fro ,takon up- after th e
1 tariff bill. ,:, •
trg d
' Mr.I3P.I.NR, jilt' Dakota, • in a
bliltifientidg andti to the Mimic d
htisaouri River Railroad . - for a
from Minnesota State line t 0.., ton?
Dakota. Referred.'. , .7... , " •'' ,
Mr. SCHII,MAS.It offered a resolution
i structing the Committee on Basking
d Currency to inquire into the ween
oy of grandsguterany citizen-of the Uni
ted States the prrvilege or banking on all
IfultellitqcfOripla.: Adented.'.
The resolution reported ' yesterday
from the Committers on. tooreign Affairs,
ailing on the President for information
ids to the treatment of 'American citizens
in littlish ,prleons for, political allenaes.,
chine up and was dliciaseed In the mum,
- Mg hour by Mr. Willard, a member of
the Committee, agaittat'•the report, and
by Menne. - Swann, Wilkinson and
Ward, elle Members of the Oonunlitee,
and by Mr. Cox in Its support,
The maralng hoar expired at LBOWith.
out action. • ...
Mr. BUTLER , Maria., Chairman of trie
Reconstruction Committee, reported a
hill to admit the State of Miasissappt to
representation In 'Congress, and asked to
have it , put 'urea Its pulse. The bill
hiving been read, Mr.I3UTLER said it
was exactly word far word the bill under
Which Virginia had been, admitted to re
presentation, although - to, some respects
the :pampers of the Committee, and
himself:among the number, would have
been glad to have it 'changed. yet the
!Mean:atter having beim so 'dilly end
thoroughly discrisaed, and a "precedent
sot in the case of Virginia, it wee.
thought, alter mature 'deal:Mellon, it
wee beet to admit Mississippi under the,
same conditions and with the flame pre.
gleams a. Virginia. He moved the pre•
vious question, first allowing his eel.
leagurton the Committee, Mr. Beck, to
offer &substitute. '
Er. BECK thereupon offered hie snt.
&Elute declaring Mississippi entitled to
representation without preamble or con
Mr. BROOKS, of low York, another I
of thpea
itibedouse. They tiqulescard
Lis measure, but they did
cquiesce. This case, In their judgme nt,
differed essentially from that of Virginla
In the fact that s,Stereral of the..Unlted
States Army in command of Missisaippi,
had so tram military ducts; in that State
RS to elect himself to the United Mateo
Senate by use of the army.
A vote was then taken on Beck's sub.
ettateand It was rejected—yeas, 85; nays.
BS. Among the Republicans voting for
the eat:ether) were Fitch, Bombard,
Farnsworth; Ferry, Flnkelberg, Garfield, ,
Hay, 11111,,lenckea, Kellogg, Ketchum, ..
logauand Orib.. The hill as rt•
tweed was then paused.
Mr. BURR presented a minority . re. ;
tort with opposite renulta.
Mr. 1.A.F.1,124, from the Committee on
Painting, reported a resolution to. print
of the tariff bill 2000 extra copies In paw.
pale. form, and 2000 in, ordinary bill I
form. Adopted.
Also a concurrent resolution far the
'printing °IF. V. Hoyden's report of the
geological survey In Colorado and Sew ,
;Mexico, 2000 copies, for the Senate and
MOO for the House. Adgpted.
Mr. DAWES, from the Couttoittee on
Appropriations, reported i hate reapply '
toe delieleaey for the Navy, as follows:
;Bureau of Steam Emaneering,ll,;
!Bureau of Construction and Repairs, 11,.
`,llso,ooo—total,' 83,000,000, and to cover
whidh frpm the Treasury would be drawn
:the following unexpended balances:
',From Bureau of Provisions and Clothing
:111,400,000; Bureau of Equipments and Re.
'creating 1390,000; Bureau of Navigation
1250,000; Bureau of Veda and Decks
951,000—t0t5113.000.000. Heyielded the
door temporarily' for other business, as
• Mr. BUTLER, of Tetin., from the Com
mittee on Elections, reported in the case
of the contested election ease from the
flh District of New York, a resolutlem
at My. Greene, sitting mereber, Is hot
Multled„to the lest, 'sad that Mr. Van
Wyek; the contestant, La. He gave no
tice that ye would eel It up on next
The fluse then took up the 'bill to.
ported by Mr. Dawes to supply defieLen;
rles in the navy. •
Mr. DAWES explained the Matter ret•
ferred.'to by Mr. Morgan as an•extra
elearaliee 83'4 'per cent. to oiSeers of I
the navy: Under an order of the Seem'
tory of the Navy Of May itad, 10130, allow. I
mods • that had been .previously made
45_41,31.1100t etc., had been abolished,
sea while the pay of the army officers
and civil °Mears had been Increased
twenty per pent.. no tucreaso bad , been
made to the ay of navy officers and the
Secreta, or the natty had fixed 113,34 per
cent: ap con:mutation ' allowances.
Whether that wee a falr corninutatton,
might properly be a subject cif criticism,
but, on, the whole, he suPeosed the ,Sot-
rotary, of the Navy was lutthelleed 113
/fl eeing it. UN own opinion 'was, boW..
ever, tirettliameientetiori of all Ctileera,
In the army, nav or civil life, should
be defleitelY,end lie would
milt the. attention. of thelibuse Cathie,
poles in tire legielativeeppropriation bill
Mr. MORGAN.characterisedthe order
of the Secretary of. the Navy as the most
s tresione • set• of usurpation that ever
marked the administration of any bead
of , a department, ; He Inquired of Mr.
Daweawhether he meant to uphold the
sot abolishing the allowance to naval ofil•
cam and authorising:the Increase of pay
lby one,tbird by a. simple order of the
' •
Mr.. DAWES .replied mat he bad not I I
assumed to defend ,that order; nor the
payment of a dollar under it, •but he had
thought it due to the Navy Department
, to giro Menem the explanation which
the department gave to him. • • •
;LELIA( defended the legality and
Tref , ct th e e re • ria and l iigrtm B far
eating under •, •• ; • -
Mt: , DAWNS resumed• the floor, and
- 1 1 67 . 1 ° 4 i t e l ltr i c n e t fer a n rel :0 1 1
• fanner discuulon of the point.' • •
Er. MORGAN , made a remark. &Mut
the Inconiestetury of the gentleman from
hismachueetta,ln ettempting le bide end
carer up an uneoUtarlsea expel:dip:triter
"three million deflate: - • -
Mr. Th&WES replied that het pnoword
had ttpo . n from him In Justification of
el:defer in attains; Le cover It tip. •He
had stated facts and elated along with '
them that they did not meet his rippro. ,
Val. 'Xie OlenpnicWided . tbAtalit the
enMweecetv wniont randinwiVie bill Ito.•
eessary, remarking .' however, that he
had bo o In; favor, of melee epfnelMt;
Mum Inasmuch as themwis nothing
the affairs of tie 40year/tent thla,lbt•
Marallediargempandlinme/or Menet?.
I In 'reply to a anti/Monet .Mr.. Mandell;
[ls Sala the whole number employed In
all tbe itavy,yardaTivot about woo,ot
wheal abtatt 6.000 Were employed In tip.
mans. for ybich ' these deficiencies were
reeoutmetided. , ' -••?' • •j ••••, •
, saittzEANDAl.74 aid that whlll .041011*
tail Bone took o i tof the 'Neel `lte.
txtrtment there w between Might htin.
dred and"rdne h ' man imMe Phil.;
adelphis Navy Y andwithhis month
of that time me had Atcreased to,
tweuty.ilve Mut withoM any public
r t .
necemdty whams ' The men now there'
were actually fti ' other's' , way, iht
li. hie judgment ' Mal , sete justifies.'
lion fbr this a ' platteit.df.; them
ahops had been butd..tts ilmouldhalw
been better and meamatuloal Mr4he
Goiernmeut. " et: _
_.; 1,.. ~ , •—.l .7 , , .
Mr. BENJAMIN - Mon, MOM to. re-.
decothe appropriegan_Pai/MOl o 69.`and.
argued against thiamelelle "expenditertel
for the navy at ati WIND Iherelwitabo
-public necessity. • '., ''.. F 1 ,....; ,_• ' , 1,.....,
Mr. MAYNARD - Milatinthattlit
ai l d
hew, with an In -' mtVli - ettneltir.
Mem= could. regetpolsebthet Moen,
denoeof Cuba? it *Mai 10 'AIL t i l:
American Navy . turiberee= k lo4lo,
navies of othe r
~ ,,,e7x iS
strengthened, an*
.. .tithe , r ie ,
were,latinratiodt . ~,Pate
of the times f' ~_," , "
_'-- .i. -",... 3 ':.
ITV. BENJAMIIif--Is the gentleman'
prepared to vote'f vibe .9seroaiff.
either belligerent
dimes of. that . ' • "
Mr. mk - stri IV= ' Wilt:Emil
have, rain n ot pre .to ..trii tr.
i Mr: BENS , " thatieb,"bit
has my MUM* to' . Pim tot -
Prepared -to vete- 'llltgei , sitiotmts
from 'the Tien; ' Ildrall does Mt;
septet meoeseary thbtUbtairl. b --., r.
Mr hiANNAR It lamotishat.mag.
be tie , opimon the .ittillliman,boC9
Missouri or na i l: to the alike%
of the indepee of CO ' rwe
hriow that m wer our fellow el Mee
are prepared oxliergnize 11, 'end that
there are genUltenitkin this Ronne who
are Mao propidtedtelmoognire it. I have
now, tn. my e7aottaief them. [Mr. Logan;
rising, I.Yeeelr.lges.prepared for it." 4
In view of that I esmit we should keep
our nary _
~.iit order. " .
'Mr. BENJAMIN —I will"- till- the
iteutiennuittirther,3that the adiablistri. '
tfon whic " tiasupptleta and which" I nip.
port, is at this time even to
recent llisi ' - tion of the bal.
ligeren of Outs. .
The oontinuedat length
' by id Eolien. Lawrenoe,,
, Beck, . — "W Mune (Ale.), Rehr,.
' field, Mitt e, Di 7, Dos, - K e ndall,
Davreitord Judd. .- "-- - ' vr"
Mrorß__lllitien' ameudment - was
agreed- to imt -division; the yeas
andintya balm and the bill, as
andedded will& .re • • ;
13.1411•0.00:91ko'clook adjourned..
lc, WI city.
. 41
, a 98 -.7Th e
11114'649D ' tiSti
- . • , - . .41 3
StOnomaaotu?...l tiike Kai.-
.. . ,
• •F
Meats" sot - Wine: Arthur—
Whereaboabl althorn. Cook—
/mai/In' ce Beata ten. --.. Wh, lay . '
. .
.and•Citfar kinds--Suceessfal
Charikr Ball;1
f i,
(BlTelegrijoh to the '. rel Gmetla.) :
• ~ NliarVolt . February 1, 1870:'
Thojari tzethe: a divorce 'case
could not 'POO ind, artillielrarsedywt.,
terday. They auxigiwion far the plats.
tiff and five for '&o4oW:dont.
There were 867. Indalgrinta , landed at
ttda port 'lnce Zazdatry- 26th. matting a
tot"' of 4,284 who intro anivedalnee the
Tee atone rasseal are still on • strike.
and are quite reeolted - riot . to Otte in to
the reduction promited ''by Commodore
Vanderbilt. The etriVers number one'
hundred and ten men ,'end were all em
ployed on the new' lagallet River
road depot. The Conogilodore wants the
men to work for four Aboard. instead of I
0,50 per day.
Prince Arthur .. Juvitation of
'Gen; ei turbot' guts
'royal astute a t .. Governors Island. •
Boy. Horace Cook la now with his ikm
ity near Boston under" medical treat.
I Tho tax levy for city purposes amounts
[ to $9.851.000—5100,000 lasathan, last year.
The National Beard of Fire •Under
writers, who have teen holding sessions
In New 'York, have adopted a form of
obligation pledging all • companies to
abide by rates, regulations and require•
manta of the Board or its executive.
Agents who place Hake at less than tariff
rates are on second conviction to be re.
moved. The Board has adjourned.
Gold was depressed this afternoon by
I dispatch to the effect that the currency
bill which passed the Senate yesterday
was MA to the Souse which will pass it
with alight amendments.
, The Directors of the United States Ex-
press Mellen) ate now In motion in this I
I city, having under-consideration a de•
claration of,a dividend.
I ,
Bults were Instituted by Judge Pierre
pont in the United States District - Court '
today tooondenin 1200,000 worth of die
tilled spirits recently seised by Collector
Gay. These Inns are in addition to those
heretofore commenced by the . United
States District Attorney. The grand
jury. heard testimony todsy showing
that nearly one hundred .11gruar dealers
of this city were doing Mutineer without
license from the Collector of their ma.
relive District. •
Some $200,000 worth 'of smuggled
cigars were seized today on board the
"Berle from Havana.
• The annual charity ball tenight at the
, Academy of Music, was largely attended
I and yielded handsomely for the poor.
Prince Arthur was preatina
—Gov. Washburn Is dying at Wood
stcck, Vt.
Tom'Altee cliti a treeirtnieihtbition
el Memphis last night.
—The Maine Senate has pealed an eat
distranehtstett pitmen.
' Banyan hu rued the Chicago
nutfor libell damages $llO,OOO.
NeW Jorioy spoctally col:udder
the XVM amendment , on Monday.
'—Ex-Hov.? Allen Trimble.:-aged '
died at Hillsboro, Ohio, yesterday.
.The. Trotting Convention In New
York did no business yesterday. They
again meet to-day. • • ••• •
—A.young man traveling .for
Louie. hones, shot himself to death In
Memphis yesterday. , , •
—No Life Insurance Company, either
homeor foreign, has been enjoined from
dtdos-bustneas at Eit. Louis.
—Santa disritehsa ay. there la a
movement on foot to aeons the admis
sion of that territory. Into the Vnion. •
—Tho Massachusetts legislature Itas
virtually. declared women' suffrage,*
bons and will act only on Luber reform
—Judge Liormont, of the Nth
inn District Court, la to be impeached
for illegal decisions mtd general inoom-
•^—lrtnrOcireroor of Loulaireseiseeoodal
officer. He has , repeatedly refused
bribes of 150,000 to align airlndllog bills
,b 141,110. IP/toed.'
. .
• '--Tallferro,"hda Past nista r' ' of New
Orleans, bap had his bondsmen aced for
a defalcation mild* part of 120,000 In min
of revenue ptaotts. - •
=On Haturdat e'retdrut Ititrand4
Bouirool.xmaty, Ps.. had a 11250,000 fire
twftlah will .oust - companies
moat of that amount. • -
Horace Blaney, Jr., Prealdant of the
Union League Club, and a distinguished
lawyer, dled yealefdeY, after a brief 111.
noes, In Fblladelphla. ? • ,
—The Ckrvernmont revenue detective
°Moore 11/I.lli been looking into the &Mire
of litholnanti alatilleas Auld reeittyora
'end Prods/in all O.X.
—The Iron spoon shop or &harp & Par.
iter East Karelian- oolintYi Ct.. wee
yesterday entirely dtatioyed by- lire.
Loss pt,o,oce. Small lasuranoe.
. old' Man yarned Borth was
chopped tai death with an .axe by John
Rom, at Ilewarlit Indlans,
It was caused by a mlanniterWandlag.
—gOTl5/410! Butler," or Iletiraaks, yes
Omahaexaminaetphn M d iLiee Of three to,
Railway before Issuing patents or State
—Thelma Wynooke Children, In Now
ieriey, were found yesterd4 , bride a
ithelyles rook; tiro:. miles from their
bonie. — The trdies were partially
handieil i e rtiave eitl
sans, armed and' rriount odarted 4nin
Port Stanton In pailittlt of padlun on the
25th of `January. , The 7 harrow been
heard trulnidnee.
.Ipssdastpiol Beeonstrnetion4Con
gratalatory -. Utter—Paasport
• „
, ! itegidatton—Setion of : StestaV
. ,
iitait finpeixisiirs--Heavy Case
i i
Seekiog . :Conipromlsa—ladlae
Xattesslrltallway. "location r. 7.
:, i *tote Pottriosuous , Hoar
. I #!4iftt.o) . etc-i ete•
ily,.i.F.,pi, so the Plitsiorih tisicite:i
.. . - ..SVOltla4til'o?,f. Feb. 3, 1870,
': . , stiOaaioir * autemetrrx.
The Reamstotetlett Oommittee tO•ds'y
*mad Osea,atineereltardlag the Situation.
a l ,
I Atillithild4 , '1:. Gen. Antes' expressed.
arshilislait that the tatitaratios of the
o,iteiedia.keitifitlii Ui 41. 0 1 4 07ia i :
Ori,IILIOPOTith '4-,L, Crane,
?floor. of, 40M4; ; .4101 1 1 1 P0: toll iilefr.
Moe Lithethet , 11,. mitered, illesiedppl
ittiald realalnloyalf•He'repfledleiftble
thatihairailtrlbi levers' lytearret IstA ,
aklo,addltloa to e*relshiginflitiirpits.
aisle* ortioi recraitihetlou'itelse,lielsitt
apitolitted siiih clic
. 00* - iii. as gave ea,
"Smoak -of protection, to adl ,slesies,
regardless of nee or c010r... The Coto nalttee fatally agreed to report a tan tar
the repreeeatattoa of. rdlesholppl In Con.
venation& to the Virgin* MIL .
, ' •i a FLICAVY WAS. • •
Thiele yeatWage the Government made
an agreement with Fraser, Trtnholm dr
Co. In settletnent . koi effeeta they, had on
hand c airagente of, the late Confederate
/3tatea, and which. were claimed. by the
Vented States as' pnbtla property. • This
agreement, lf coeummeted, would
haSe •placed .In .• the •T in raseury "half's
million 'of t dollars' gold. An
agent of these parties Is now -hare
to., Induce the • Government _to 'Dom-
Promise the matter 'by "...taking
' their promissory notes for $800,00 . 0, In
currency, and &miming legalprd
needing* against the:loners and In Eng.
land. .Frar.lec. Co. have, It
is said, several million &Mars worth of
landed imitate In' the South, all of which
la under Injunction' by Order of the Court
to satisfy the clalteus of the Government.
The Senate today confirmed - the fol.
lowing nominations: M. W. Page, Poet.
master at. Fort Dodge, Iowa; Henry Car
penter, Postmaster at Hamilton, Nevada:.
Wm. S. Wood, U. S. Attornexfor Nevada;
Samuel M. Clark. Surveyor of Cuiroms;
Keokuk, lowa:Samuel H. Byera;Coneut
at Zurich. The Senate, In executive
session, again took action on themomi•
nation of E. Italoar at luisoclate4natift
or the Supreme Court One report
said he was rejected by a direct vote, but
• mnreveliable statement says that the
Senate by a vote of yeas 24.. nays 3.1, re,
fused totake -the nomination from the
table on which It was laid several weeks
Iwo. This action' is considered Naive.
lent to rejection. There was no debate.
Secretary Robeson has addressed a
letter to Capt. Commerill. oomcoanding
IL_ B. M. ship Monarch, expressing con.
gratulations at the arrival• of the Mon
arch in these' waters, and upon thesatis.
betory•lasne of his 'mission. A- cordial
invitation is extended to Capt. Clornmer.
ill to use Any or our navy yards Mr lbw
purpose:of maiming MIT lOhairs to the
Monarch ;bat, ma • ,he r • • [tired, and alio
Senetors and tnembdra of the Cabinet
would be happy to pay their reiroectu to
hits and visit the noble ship under his
command. I
BTEAXOtoIT 9UP/Llnillolll
The eighteenth annual Convention of
Supervising Inspectors of Steamboats of
United States, which has been in session
during the past week; adjourned -host
night after a revision of the existing
steamboat laws, and preparing a draft nt
a bill designed to serve as a codification
Of all the provisions• which they deem
beet calculated to Insure safety to life
find property on board vessels propelled
by steam. This proposed bill has been
submitted to the Secretary of the Treas
ury for consideration, and it is believed
he will recommend its enactment by
mutate ATTAIM
' Governor Campbell of W.Tominil, wu
before the Senate Committee on Atll=
*Matra tovlay, endeavoring to procure a
knodillcation of the treaty with the Sioux
Indiana so that they may be removed
from lands they . no , koccupy. embracing
!about otielteutir or the Territory. -
A ItAlxviAv 'ciPeavrow.
An trderestiou cams will soon come up
before , the United .t3tatea court—,,obn
tdpi'rhompaon and othem against the
Rana Pacific; Railroad• Itineolves the
ilabt of the Mato of Kauai to tax the
There is some confusion tomlglit se to
the exact mean by *bleb 'the Smite
:disposed. or the nomination of Judge
,hoer, but members of We Senate say
they understand It by a vote at. rejeetlon
`direct-24 for and 83 against..
• •
The Proaident, tO•day aligned the • bill
'authorizing tho purport olerk of-the
Mete Departininnt to administer oaths
'and affirmationnou appltaationa for pus.
A. Joint Cominittee, on Printing h i s
awarded the °ant:acre for supplying the
Japer for Governent pr office. for
the cotton% Your. to Nen Tort
phi% Baltimore and Boston ttrm.
Colonel C A ha lurr riesA. T I MmI P %. now at
Bt. Lords, is ordered to "Fortran Monroe
as Depot Quartermaster, relieving Lleut.
CM. Jones who is :ordered to Portland,
'onsaingo ro warmsnaron.
General Terry hal heed directed to
come bore 'On public business, upon
the completion of which he will return
—A letter reeelied at Gen. Elheridanbr
headquarters in Chios& from the Camp
Supply, Indian Territory, dated January
23,asys that • Bull Bear, a prominent
chief of the Cheyennes, came tothst post
with important news from stiveralboatilo
tribes thereabouts. Be states that the
Moira& Cll33lllChOll and Apsents, who
are yeri numerour and ibrullitable, are
=akin collie preparations t
hewar upon
the wh tea, and had urged Cheyen
nes to 3610 them. No little apprehension
Was excited among the white settlers of
the territory who heard this news, and It
is to be feared that merlon* trouble with
the treacherous red skins is in store for
them at an
—Charles Thomas, hying some eight or
ten miles from Floyd Uourt House, Vir
ginia, 'was forcibly Cohen from his home
Wednesday night and most anmerelfsdly
whipped, by a party' of disguised men.
It appears that Thomas had been In the
service of- the-internal Revenue MM.
mlealonnasinformer, . sad upon btu re.
ports several • Pirtle! engaged In Illicit
distillation whiakey were arreSted and
their property seised In that neighbor.
hoed. It is atippoted that the friends of
hie vietime administered to Thomas the
cogitation. He was stripped and bound.
11126 received several hundred lashes.
A.iorrlble accident occurred rioter.
day on the :Boston and Albany railroad,
halt a mile woes of Chatham village. A
largo freight train going out broke the
coupling and eleven cars inn back, down
A heavy, grade, coming in collision with
another freight train, piling them all up
We be* o ruln. and instantly killing
Muße~htltles, CluM Sprague,
brakeman, end•WimfY 441b 1 •7. dietniur
Jelin • Lenny brakeman, WAX sarkenly
injured, and William Booth, engineer,
slightly. The oars:were heavily. loaded
with; Valtinhin fornduner nand/
raged. : ,
—:YestOrday - thitillfo of of
Rockford. 11/..,w0i thrown from R aleigh
while the horses' were .rticaltiog away,
ablVac badly lohged that the died In a
few minutia. Atother lady was aeriorudy
A Yacht Race Proposed--The ,
"Spaniardi .Taking Rnvenge roie
CabansLFeatinL and India
criminate ilassacreThe CDS
tanou,lVidoir and Orphan
lief Fund—kaciiic Letter of the
General to Spanish
Wroois—isc,ipe of a Carlist,
• Leader—Orleans ,of
to Get
Back Their .Propurty—llio
Suez Canal, etc. ;.;
has reoelved ` e lettei from Mr.AMilitiky'..
:declining Ma formil chillenge for hied
tiiitticiin the yaeMis Sappho ' ()Um;
,bria, Anti now MAWR - a iie* ;proposition
In Mx. Douglas for three raitea,teim Nan'
' , tight round Ovite'S Light, Off „she Boom
likwitti;thence round e. stesunbestAwardn
Mlles mit to mil iirid, 6 4•l o3 Nah.4 l . 1 tti
Whit dbitint , ?9t BAY-fivP mllae
) 4 , ,
;Aithburyireea/la his fernier _ , °cm toMee,
the "thippbo"unconditional tudidittest
on n'tline shciold fringe - new
Mks. p lace, and the otiwireance of, the
'New York rule In nitaunirement.- Mr.
Douglas will pioblbly Wicepridr.'sAah
liorp'irLlght.rsoe offer. • i ;
The atnetust,of specie in the, Bank of
England luwincreseed £22.800
,aince Wet
:Thursday.., . ;_. .
A. diimstch has , been received here
from. BombityAnnotincing that the Great
Esaterti hid been signaled off Malabar
East on the 29th of-January.
KEY WEET, Feb, 3.-2dr. names, agent
sif the Cuban Inca, hail received a dia.
patch confirming the report " that three
'bandied and eighty persona kik 'been
. .
killed and wounded by the .Bpaniardd In
. . .
Krirallaina tumult growing out of the
Caster= affair. At latest &neonate the
Carnage had .noralosed. The' Cubans .
deemed to• have been nturtieredWlthont
itn_g respect to persons. • •
New. , Yenici , lfeb.iB.The following
telegreni.lexplatuttory of the Kily_Weitiv
tramxly, has beetireceived in this city:,
• Key Weft, Feb4 , l4l.—Tbe duel between
Casuaion and Beyer.. editor ,cf the El
Bepubiticano„did not take pr because,
the authorities Interfered.. A ofber Cu..
ban then challenged Castarion but he
would not accept the challenge.' The
Cuban then !milted Cietanon, - who fired
a idiot at him, and' In returning thetfirif
Castanon was killed. Another Cuban
end Spaniard,. who were esent,. ex.
changed shots and were, b ot h ' slightly
lievalta, Fahrtuirir a.—Two Men were.
killed in this , city last ni f fitt:.l 3 ubliodiP•
lions ard ooraling4ti . , the' or l
phew' of,Csinanon. the giUtiabeig*iitt'
limit groat' Indignation at' the' kliMig.
of CIEEEMOII. From all parts of -
Island ' pome , reports of ..public
tr.onstruions of bitterness . against the
.Cubant. The . ..Captain General sent
dispatch to lidattanises warning
the volunteers that they will give , a poor
Idea of the Government which employs
them by cpmmitting acts of retaliation,
mid advising them to confine themselves
to their duty in the maintenance of pub.
lie order. In the performance of which
they are the ilnn fluff of Ihe authorities.
PAsucirebrnary 2.—Midnight--fieveral
deputies propose soon to move in th
Corps tests'stir the restoration of the
property of the Orleans family. •
February - 3:—The - anunint. of
01141.1.. e. lowawr-slip-ilrber
-rrallo6 Is 10,100,000 more tmueettPAL-jg
hut Thursday.
Manure, February B.—The notorious
Carnet leaner, Marquis Hernia; recently
sentenced to perpetual haniahment for
participation in the late Carnet insurreo.
Lion, has escaped. tie was on his way to
the port of evils, in custody of a civil
guard, and it la supposed the escape was
the result of a collation, as the Sergeant
himself has not since been beard from.
ALEXANDRIA, February has
been fairly demonstrated tbat vessels
drawing DO more than seventeen awl
panful( feet of water are able to pass
through the t3nez Canal with safety.
Eiorrotamrron, Feb. 3.—Tbe deem
ablp Bremen arrived here today from .
New Orleans.
Ltirrixrd, Feb. 3.—Eberthig.—Odololl
112% for money; 92% on • aceounti £.208
'065. 010. 86 , '675.• 855 i: 10465
87%. Stooks 'toady; bales, 26;4;1111nel.
Oenoral, 103%; Atlantic and Great Wes
tern 26%.
Livangoot., Feb. B.—Cotton; sales 1%.
000 bales uplands 11540; Orleans 11%@
11%. Flour and corn unchanged. Wheat
es 7d4Ws 24 for red western and 8e 6d
for winter. Oats, 2s sd, Lard 73e.• Pork
,1008. • Beef and twoonunchanged. Tar.
pentane 294 ed. Common rosin 6d. Cal
cutta. linseed flat. Lluseedloil flat at S3O
16s. Sugar dull and unchanged. Sperm
oil Arm. Refined petroleum firm. Tor.
pentine 31d. '
' BREMEN, Fib. 3—Petroleum entice at
e thales 5 groats.
HAMBURG, Feb. 3—Petroleum firm . at
15 mare bancoe 10c. "
A.rurwanr, Feb. 13—Petroledm quiet at
FILTER, Feb. B—Cotton quiet.
A Live, Town Six Weeks Old
The town of Evans, in Colorado terri
tory, affords a striking illustration of the
rapid growth of the Far, West. At pleas•
ant sketch of this thriving young place
appears in the Boston Commontssaia—a
correspondent writing as follows: •
"Evans is a thriving town abont six
weeks old. I was too late' by a few
weeks to witness thfi birth of a city ; here
It is now in running order; icons two
hundred houses—all stores appareitlY;
or places of business; saloons very &bun&
ant; and several young looking hotels,
with large names., It is midway between
Denver and Cheyenne, audits the present
terminus (January find) of the branch of
the • Union Pacific road to Denver; and
a busy place it is, with quite an amount
of trade. The citizens are placing con
siderable confidence in their back coun
try. which, they say, will ot Itself sup-
port a town. Knowing- some of this
back country, and knowing in a circuit
of twenty-five miles, there may be three
rencbmen or ' farmers, possibly five, I
should say they were discounting the
largely; but from ' what I have
known of these regions it will not sur
prise me If a year hence soils wandering
circus company should stop here and show .
Itself to an atidlelied of five hundred. •
"Like the East, this city is complaining
of a lack 'of ready money. It was sap.
posed by one of the city fathers that there
was only about $4OO in circulation In the
piece; that, concentrated by the aid of
whisky In the saloons, the saloons dis
bursed it . to the hotels, and they to the
trade, and thus every twenty•fonr betas
all the wheels of Undo get greased; and
that but for whisky the town would be
dry. So by the . quenching of thirst in
tills vile way the sinews of war—trade,
ratberare kept here; or otherwise (and
but for these drinking and gambling ea.
loons) currency would be one of the lost
arts. I never heard a good 11007 argu
ment . In' my life; yet I must own If I
were a merchant of Evans, I Should pro
visionally thank God for whisky, and at.
same time, keep not only my powder the
dry, but my thruttalso,"
No action has boon taken on the nomi
mation of Gen. Sickles - bat It !evader.'
stood he'vrill be early confirmed u
ter to Spain. '• The cceiespondence
regard to Cabals said to bo fall of ability,
sagacity, and turning.
A Bantootan tfaireller Says that it mat
bbn 1116 In New 'York to tllko his fsadly
and baggage to . the boat; and that very;
much the same senricewas performed for
aim In Paris for two dollant and a bait
NO. 30.
Ipecac Syrup.
To-ono mince of ipemc take ne pound
of white 'sugar 'and a teacup' of water;
dissolve, and abbn cold add mince. of
Wintergreen easenca.*,This is a :valuable
cough 1 media hi ghly prized by ;those
Who are alit wi It is an ex,
pectOrint to loosen , the phlegni that sc.
cumulates in the mucus membrane ot 'the
, throat and. lu/wee:which .imodynea :or
opiates dry up, giving but ; imapontry,re ,
lief. Nature makes an effort to n litrOw elf
the offetiding Wittlter, • aiiaNsetialf.aitalit
tier With is Midictrie'thaWiti foosertlirg. :It
knew • eiyoung lady:thetzieeugbed , fo r
rtionths,,with emaciation, lassitude, melt.
and, in fact,' coustimption, to all
appearance. '.'A friend Mir bee,' and re
eonunendad i.bia Bynipr—to' lake ',hall
teamookooca in three hours 4. or when ;
she had coughlog spoils, and Jammu
the dose to a' tetspoepful itsWion le Me'
'Oonld hem , itc::"Before alto bad' lakeif tip'
the second wend, shooing euredof ,
.$ For,croupor Alyea lt-is amre =WY.
if taken' In% ammo. , Byyintems, ,wheezy '
Mudd, in breathing, ' hoarsneK chop.,
Desei for children. elVelteyearzidd, one
Plit , OX.iiiirtrlirePf.trt9l4 , Yrtlr, ol ,do
regs, WI '172(3 Ipecachano ar lac
Ord IMMedieUlytPurthelhet
Induce lot Artitity' Ablated; too Mein,
3 e Induce a 'vomit by drinking fmely%it
rPregiti. the , itiroSZ
Aoann of swrtiog,Mttof het weter v coy,
with dry.cloth.: Tb synitgoths'
Mies spited tlfit'll.edd'idght,i but yotrhibre
'tie: remedies, and, can • allaythoze femfal
symptonti. immediately,: •
Hine* Breathe. ' • ' '
• .
Hrs.' Waiter 0: Liman; in a lectern : in
New York'reently, said : •- .- ' • •••
• Few persons know how to breathe so•
as to promote a perfect-and ,thorough pa-,
purification of the blor4, d still fewer,
suroct that the want or lack of proper
breathing is the principal. chose of the lig
activity of the liver, • Hen . breathe more
naturally than women, having , greeter..
freedom of action, and t aking more regti•
tar bodily exercise, their mode of dress
HBO giving them greater expansion of the
thoracic and abdominal , viscera' Hence
fewer men than women suffer from lung
Said liver complaints. The lunge oontain
Cout sir hundred million' of Or cella;
mposed of '• the most 'thilicathr:lnstrien, ,
Which shrink and expand accerrdleg bike
action og neat efoicold,rixothise, ,gr..rera k
*hue making rt:iiiddiux ,ribin • . asua
over-hiated attrisidiare'te iv 'bad,
s dringetoneandoertenlyattA •
tment., Women; • as , a waters' : ~
Ores* only, with tbel thoracic r 1nR 11 44 1 .4
Crowing the.lower and larger part Of,the
forigs, Wei:l,ll4B6'lnd' irirden; and 'tithe_
Weakening , theirr power - `or i regownee;*
Shia breathing ToWer: may be T restored
even at an advaithed,,a4th, , by , judicious
mrisculalkinrchrit and by admitting, to the
pulmonary 'system - `the ''largest .
possible of friraltair,=' , 'I , '- ”'. -". .. ". 'r - -
.--OnaMy's Opera House. chimp. heel
• narrow escilPe from destruction by lire
Weltidesday night.' The 'fire originated
trirhe !tunic...of Um. U. S. fit. John. 1;1er
art work was J:Marly all burned. Byihe
active energies of the 'firemen the fire
was confined to the studio: sioss, seven
to eight. thousand dollars; insured for
about • half that meant: 'When the
alarm was given an' audience of four or
five hundred wail in . the Opera House
and were saved with panic and made a
posh to escape, but fortunately no one
was seriously Injured.
Yesterday a young man nabtad G. H.
Coates was caught in the machinery of a
St. Louie :flouring milt, and•befere he
could be extricated Fan terribly muti
lated. He died scan after.
—On Tuesday. night, • at Dextigton,
Wis., the wee ophe 4elinictin Matehauts
Union Express wan broken !map and
trantri . lo . /#en , htsijitiOjklik - ' •
Joseph H. Mardnyeaterdeir site
diet of 12.040 against F. 21.• Hamlin. a
weld known dry good dealer of Chlosigo. ,
for false imprleonment. Lfo"olalmed
. .
notified to •tteod • meeting of the tiroptny
Ting LVSDf9U, for the potion.; of,
Wen °Mom
JOHN* b. srcYLatisan
2,43 .Liberty Street,
l'Ut+llSsrghl Pa.
I. -7 lig nil A Citivrirolli 1119
Rai nmo - Ted from cornet Ciao and Ban/Emit),
ALtz'attalrv -
Joe. krisclnt.4,4t.
SPENCER, 111cRAY-dc CO.k
masisitis and ßrelvers of 41e,
110BM11' Wirlo . N. isinager
. coartnOzzgivaOrsic%; , i
CITT or . Ailsa aura,
rested yropo.oio Iv ILI b. r.eolved at 'hi. office
until. 3 osgadst Yobriarl
lUto, 1.1113, for
~ , •
Boring . and: Ahrinkiaer.Two
Wrought-iron .o"tuatis .•
an min lithaftxt Watt r Climate' exis be
s m een at M0N..., Forge.. t.ootteme Way, PIM b -
ob; Bidders lo takeoff old' Crank., Inept op
trent pine, and leave cashes ready start.
Work • to be done to toe sautfoatlon Cribs 8.
I..*lnUndent Wate r
TER, CI; W PORTER, CI; Cantrollfr.
FOR BAILE.' ." •
tne ent‘Seriber diets 111rTRZT1
Juniata ..ativet. nest , tlus tee
!lath ward; Alicilieny. .Tba location la one of
tooli'nleaiant in The et:,.
Tnase.leta 'will be Airman edvaiteena .
eget cosi, and Oi !Sal te;EN:,plsa of lota AID/'
134 N -fest. Also, NtW Tor lITIGUY nad
Yoli BRNI . :-.IIOURS.Ro. SRO Igicoek Ouse,
coniallitng irTcorst;Det 'tan .cmit
46, 1170iterp arpnaik -ecrnzer• of,
o►lWerr &Me t,con‘a#l4 IS rooms an 11111slicd1
otUe; ' • ;
r#l l rAiBBoll,
iXdtir pt Jun Lits arid rreils
ititeti; 9litti.ird. ithwaterliclti. fri
Aa , Übe Sagas &Dining 'butassici Ma
day leucd to My San. _ •
The Grows', Stank Sugar littilielY
D a. Barren,
111 , I11g leased, the &time named
*in Lorlleno thel7iilliais as heretotori, snd
h.. spotted - •
grOgilltaY ak
. . „
,•NVbl,Blll-ettreqbr isle lte ieM mra brasubt,
of yoefteetater,crt. r . 55 ; 1; 5.-
BalloVS' Elfin gugsr
' ask= 13a8rol:
rPtx&immi. suura & Pas.
larBoanuasvakzuzadv 2 .4tfflorAw•—.
"Lou," f a Wanfi t ltilpown4TA,Thxintitp,
cre., nog cr:ceetiing.,2o.M4l2ll6sl. oat
isuereed in Mese ,agicsissi royiop:Or
'TWENTY-Pin? CT . ?! .7y; ecieJli mkt&
tional line
TVAPiTED ,, -CAltvAtBEitii; , - , 10 .
ralidiflrpTie M7i"-AilZtrautat7nanT.r
'WANTED-- Tue.-SeHaters
7,) Mr an. OAP vatantundirviti Yang hi
flabi 146 %swami rii.pityl4. - opinta
17ii et ' ii.4.- - Alitialifottit,coiiiii.
- ~ Etat:woo troun, tor ',WWI 411 W
t chlldion.. The modern 0etiM112111111 .... i la ..
good riefitdotdesbdinglapftiodaWv Wag - I
- warmed Will pay not over $6OO. A , t t
of tell; onion. with location nll..11•11.r.
iniz ,..." " '
lilT "At l. i 0r 5 r...1
tairlgAte.ti= : ffl anouna, . i . I. Batgtad Akai ie
lovrAmmEn6 r -Fiesaed: pro .14.
I 1• 'rill 130 r.;iivrt for ono Ii•
I t ONT it litliktllo
,lIIILICT mil 4.4E01
atri Mblll
.. , '?ge i tlitiTla r pVll:ialir: . . J.ll , t• pi(
' c a WI : !IA i t , .,1t ; • I=2%l°' 'Ma
, .. bll.l. aIS• UT .• I. , .
~ ..• .. • . t Jr el
' r
• , n• !a. Iltlitommix:rreerit 1,94
mi6V4:TOVAITI„In"7 2- ! M r 9 3 9°l2 g!f
14E41)41m5:1 pagnotawaracimpr:.,,,,i
• • saw- • •
no.rii • '
,LET.,,N0.71, Wood Wreol. , - .
• - now otenbled by COCiiilll • CO.
gum! .1,47 Wond stteut. • ' ' "
13( • LET.—The New StorsinUldl•- ,
a Pend
tug-No. oe woolgizem lumtux• WSW.
,IrtHiVi i ,l
mit.on",For 04111..00r1,1•,..prf
*Tani, Ikea. 1.1
3 tr
.I.l 4 .l"= — ' 9 riitraL A r l it '04 ,- /r"
„. Yak =vase, • ;
.LEZkaqUirite Fiala 111441111.79
wrrudnu.r.tivtroi storsiati
ar.'gtats. oe
ub .„nt
n,.. 1•
..N;:re-Wife; ilait.•ert.
r - t tirj.,!tarO Atm =ea Tama.
el:Loader 1111/=. 4 l=
A 77 kaan •treet. . _
- •
O.LET. -
tloo.limga tod well Yerelibea rooms a
o somata lotatbott. qoAot. edit nolo to. 1
4tan be bad by getaldnen as sleeples room%
bine rooms are very desirable. istialtaiwooL.,
ET,,-The - Front Nroassi of
Seeopd litore 1119 EimMileld street ;
lb/ ea the THIIID 7Lt1014 of sues. Ord.. -
ea Leto two,raam. Can be remodel/her eleiar
or altoretter.• Inquire 'of J. •IfORNXII; twee: ,
Or vim'a alley aaa Ismtuulautinze4L • - i•at,
rro •LET.—A Anil :or Roosis,f
IZIL u •grirs:l2.l
(Mint on 3: t oiltgr ao g , t9o grgo io rtl i Xt
Ont. M.?, criL m Ensama.n.w 9nl+
• oort.b! avtoolr. Fortoms Molt.' Of - 41.•
NOLINI C 0.., No. 98 Fourth svaaos.
tre. , Wo—A 110 t Of .IrreltUlit 192,
in ' et "' Ikt b t i 79ll , l=w i r i aga r ra st=ttal
ee bunlinifirtateplt two moon, totasat
;IV ° At= . ard i' ll i tritte i st a lttb tit
Denitii eultlible Dar loanufeelartniperperes a',
Matti ery. Anpiy to
arrzatioiii a co..i -., I
Carson and Tenth ateroaneathataghwel.
• t '.'verr-'
elPZNi l :nTO":erdnr s = lik
du um . bane..alelosauveq )
uslmr; co -.111 W (mt and SOW;
• “/.41510..• • . • . #
p :tan • moot gestratt i n sr. n "
L7Slttl2.. 801.Ver kW: AJlegbeln :
TO LET ...411e Store awl Illarel-7
; •
. Atte/ Ilt,A , t SA, corner df,getie ,
nick awl fourth tVOILOS• eomrrhitog
:veldt; Biota Boom; eben,Dieted Hoorn rite
t•ito etteastere: elitt du and water pipes otral:
AnsmiLAreatolOO. Apply ?text 4s oTete.
rohrth aftpue, to
: JaUttli. A. PLCITI/...
jriOi• MT.-That old,'OdablOsh.'
„ , • •• •
73. PTLIOTT..)
10T, Wood otrolit.
1 1° E'Vr*--
90 71.011 AxVISII.
win be otr.-red. for sale Ad the Mem% oat,
• st bldder4 as Idelittbar. 'listen eouney Milk ,
'in tba 10th day or Yebruary,lll7o, the .11101
./131011GC., , edis th e. laud. laeloairforrAbetirto: -
Tbese leads contain IneshartattelemPeaprora ,
wet eeal,and Abe Pomoe la now In toll bun
glaai4ga.akaoaallls Islest.C.bettoelhleklliii‘
5.01010., BZ
. 1•Z . .. ..Batherldge. Ms %%%% y. 0
02011.8 ALE.-1. Steam Enitae•
Ina Nona. nocci .v. AIso..TWO Oki
soul low. on 00 seen At WOVIS pf
YonablOanisty Oar Conlq7canolian•
on, Pa.
F°Tl' ,41tock and Mx-,
Ttritri: Lskst ;Om adoii WILL
aprhelaskergedff - ddluir aVead
yWenfjaM Agin; 4mi/sited la otherbe.Uge
tie reai4inloEmirline. 0. W. POUT. 49 74:
RV 1. ! 4,'
,OF *PRO : or LAND . .
Within the city limns. win be sold elsesdrasyk
on ey.y terps..Engolts of WK. BLAILLI.T.
dlOrstit itrist. lannt
. . . . . . .
SALE.—balldtag mato.
CIF the zy ate Halm a • 'ltal. 41 In • TWO NED .
E/tEN' DWELLING HOEHN 'located. - Woo
O•klbsd elw itattoth ibo Coosa Is In EN/di:mew
and It tiow. occ4pled bythe tabs.:loer.. who.
ytlabwio Imo It yomoybd•oft 'lb. lot bbLni Cl 4
Mit of Kay. 'Empire of • • ~ ,•-•.
•„..,- : , . ..: •• . GEORGE W. 50017. '4 , I
Marione able; .
'2 2 (Mamie
EtiLE.:' "
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net sowcold 'rater la dent sad mead every. Rb
la ail lb• .reema Motels aJtelyea. Swag
lted decorate of Or.yos MI wall BOWL
Ana yArllatatl.. raattalon
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F . OR 1 EiALEAT . A-1111AIIGAIlle
—IIOUPP. ANII lArr. Ho. 701. We slroo4
A 11.16. y.• , llama. II noir Irrel
or 8 rooms. yrrll Ottllhoo a ..• anoldrte,.l o ;
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