El firt IttbArust CITY AND SUBURBAN glees Alf. Gabby. tbrinerly of Ale gbeeg= for" Is now with Alder - Mk W. Robe domed Um arrest of Jno. Sore yesterday Mr the larceny of 145. Mr* war oosunlttall for Mot by Alder- Man Taylor. ♦ Warrant was hotted yesterday by Alderman Thomas for the arrest of Geo. thookbam kir threstanlnglo disembowel David Adams. Mawr Bowden has resigned his pad tlea on the A 3 heat' potion force end will open an Alderman's odice in the .111sencesd la a few day". gelemea Matters, of Alderman Mullin's pollee, was arrested and held for a hear ing, yesterday, on a charge of Meallng a gulag balsam scale from Isaac nitwit! 'lllesers. Forrester it Meow. of Alle• essay, have been awarded • the ens:Oast r the stonework for the beam to abr• nand the -Humboldt Monument in the Pitt. reaarylvanla itettervea—Tbere will In an adjourned meeting of the Penney'. 'Maga Beeerre Amputation held this Mud= as per 11111101111106 Melli elsewhere nod& INsuderly.—John Poop appeared ha. fors Justin, H•lsel yesterday, and •t•tid that lobo Honman had been conducting hltmell In • disorderly manner. A warrant realigned for the arrest of John. A warrant was loaned by Jostles Barker yesterday for the arrest or Wm. B. Edwards. on a C2llOlO of assault and battery preferred by ffiinnarkid. Plant, who alleigeethat be atrack herrn thereof.. Abased his Wlfe--Jane Goopei made inituautton bettors Justice Helsel yester day, charging her husband with assault and battery, and also with abaudon stout Jk. warrant wax Issued for Ms az , nist. Margaret Jones says her .husband, David Jones. has deserted her, She think' he has gone to Detroit. Alder. man Mullen has taken action looking toward MO apprehension dr the della. gaited. MeAlwalti Taylor alleged before Alder. Ma Mullen yesterday that Joseph John son had Wrack and abased him, a charge which, howeveroras not sustained at the iworing, which resulted 10 Joseph's dl charge. Mod appointstent.—Officer John Mo. already baa been asalgned to duty at the mum of Grant street and Filth avenue. Mr. MoGready Lan efficient officer, and a better @election for the position could not have well been made. Ikbastlut Held. according to his state. Mont Ultimo Alderman Mullen yester day. is in daily fear of death at the hand. of Ma won, Charles Held. The Alderman bas tamed ■ warrant for the youth of used parricidal [endow:dm Alderman Yellen yesterday roe:dyad the Information of Thomas Thicket sariltutt Thomas Harrison for assault and battery. Harrison having, It was alleged. = the Thicket by the throat and him. Warrant Issued; - • Isearenee.— The Immrance on the property destroyed by tire at Beck's Ban, ea amount of which we published yes• tarday, was 114.446, distributed equally between the Franklin, Boatman's and Clesh Insurance Companies of this ally. Meld far Court.—Daniel Morgan who was arreded on • charge of abandonment on oath Of him wife. mode balers Mayor Brash, an account of which we publish ed yetterday, waived a hearing and was held to ball In the aum of 11,000 for hie sippearsztoe at court. attlargsd.—Oar enterprising and well conducted contemporary, the Dispute A, yesterday 'misused four columns, and now presents every handsome appear ance. We are glad to note this new evidenos of the continued prosperity of our neighbor. , E Fay, Zsq., of the Oli My Than, a new and enterprising ashy paper devoted to the interests of the oil region; and Mr. O. W. Stall., of Oil Olty are in the city. Both are genial an and we hope their visit may ts7plo7raant and profitable. Margaret • Manta alleges Frederick Bowers obtained boarding at bar house to the amount of six dollars and then re • moved his baggage without paying the bill. Alderman Mullen yesterday ar mated the youth and held him for hearing on a charge of fraud. Not Paid Up.—George Snyder yester day. made Information before Alderman Mullen, setting forth that John Myora lad obtained from him 112 24 worth of meet on credit, and was attempting to lases the city without paying the bill. The aroused was arrested and held for a hearing on a charge of fraud.. Mild ter Trist—Westleyßall and Jas. Scanlon; who were charged before the brayer, on oath or John Padden, with the larceny of • watch, were yesterday held for triaL 8111 RIM tall, and Sandiae, who was In Jail on a former - charger° , larceny, waived • bearing, and • coat• adtment was lodged against him. Committee Meetiug.—The Committee of My oounclla On Fire AtaraiTelegraph met yesterday and organized by electing John H. Bare chairman, and appointing T. Palsely, clerk. • The pay roll of the Fire Alarm Tale. graph employes was presented and ap• proved, after which the committee ad journed. Alleged Gambia - a—am, informations . ware made yesterday before Alderman Taylor by Edward Doggett, charging three young men with keeping a gam Ming house 'and txdng common gam biers. The accused were wrested and gave the names , of James and John Me Ores and David Link, all Actitioui. They Ware 2teld fur a healing. ?rover.—lilannah M. Plant brought an Batton for trover and conversion before Jostles Barker; yesterday, against HAD zablApperta She alleges that she was some time ago employed In Mrs. Lip pert's family, when she cult work sbe belt her clotbLog there. She subsequent. , I,y called to get It when Mrs. Llppert, refused to let her have It. • Assault and Battety.—Harry Skinner, • adored man, residing et the corner of Great street and Fourth avenue, was ar. rested yesterday and taken before the Mayor On a charge of assault and battery on oath of John Hopkins. It appears that '.}he parties had a difficulty when John threw a brick bat at Skinner's door, whereupon the latter struck him Skinner gave ball for a hearing. Capttallsta.—ln another column wilt 'be found an advertlament of the Dollar Savings Bank offering for sale the fee of large body of coal land. The situation, on a railroad, only six miles from the rill, rendering the surface as wel as the underlying coal easyand quick of adzes and ther efo re saleable. will commend this property to capitalists as presenting a no chance for profitable Investment. **sculpted. Praud.—Yesterday. Louis Blumberg, of the firm of L. & J. Sham beg. cattle dealers, made information before Alderman Mullen natant Louis Zeller and Henry Groebel fur fraud. The accused are charged with purcbu ins cattle to the amount of ICH from the Ibamberga, and after gelling them sock. Ming the money and attempting to clear Old without settling with the firm. Watauga have been Issued, dosed trentale College has just dewed the first half of the winter tern, Nd We almond hairiest:out own attitude s. She present la thereinto • very opportune thaw for new scholars to enter. The Co llage fa In • pear:wrong condition, and equats If not surpasses any rd miler place !sr the education of young ladles In this muart m end th e terms are quite reason'. able. 4 for a circular to Rev. I. C. revelling. D. D., Praaldent of the Pap The Teeth'a Cablaet.—Tbe 7th or Feb. mu' No. of this elghtpaged journal ibr youth is already out. me contents, Original and s ac, are such as vrilliator. est and instrt youthful radars and meatball Where and mothers will not hike be edified by an attentive perusal of this excellent periodical. It should may. very large droulatoss. 'Where 011ie= so much readingat once harm- Less and usebal, be parchassd for the pit. tames of afal7 onto ? o,l=ly.—Jscob Rol ilia la' a vender Allegtosny. Yeetarday be wee ifettirningorne after his day's labia, pretty MI, b it is said, not . of milk. but sontethidg - else which had a pugilistic Influence. Its effects were exhibited in an eau* on Jacob Bingo, whcise rigid minim in consequence shrouded an Jacob Blum, however, bad one age lan, and with this left eye be band ha way to Alderman Egger 's office yes • today and charged his assalant with Os lookout Jacob sad battery. Thede police are on Ibe R Oh - . v..~h~ (i~'a ~ bvi^.~i! ~ ~ j :~+C m*~ w")'µ~.V.; . 1 Pli ~!~< ~ ~~ ~:_. OIIARDILIEB OF TEE POOR Monthly Mee(log Yesterday—lfew Memo her• nworn lo—Oroutzte for the Tear ItepOrtn—itelolntlone. A meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Poor wu held at their once on Fourth avenue, yesterday afternoon. Present: Messrs Anderson, Dousing, Hutchison, Hartley, Hayes, Torreoce, members holding over, and Messrs. Blum, McKee, Fitzsimmons and Moor head, members elected by Councils at their meeting Tuesday afternoon. These gentleman were sworn in by Aldermaa Nicholson. R. H. Hartley, Eeq., was then called to the Chair, pre. tem. An election for °Ulcers wu then held, Mr. Hays acting as teller. Por President, Mr. Douglass received dye votes and Mr. Kincaid three. The former gentleman was accordingly de clared the choice for President. --•-• • - • . Mr. George Foittme was unanimously elected Secretary. Mr. Shaw offered a resolution provid ing for the appointment of an *sextant Secretary. Postponed until the next , regular meeting. Mr. Shaw, from the Committee on Con ference In relation to the Western Penn sylmilayfospltal, reported progress, . -Mr. Hartley offered a resolution in structing the President to correspond with Senator Howard In relation to the Interest on the "unexpended balance" in favor of the Board. Carried. On motion of Mr. Hartley, the poor tax was fixed at one mill on the dollar. Oa motion of Mr. Shaw, the Secretary wan instructed to inquire if F. 'Weir. an inmate of Dixmont Hospital, could not ne removed to and kept at the City Farm. . Mr. W. D. Patterson, Superintendent of the City Farm, presented his monthly s report, nin r a r t o . in the from which It a ppears Home ch at the therepr e s e nt are limo. Daring the month 12 males and 9 females wore admitted, and 16 males and 12 females discharged, showing a net de- crease of seven • inmates. There were three births and three death' during the month. Dr. T. A. Reg submitted a report showing .56 vbdts paid, and 24 patients receiving medical attention at theoillee during the past month. Dr. Benham.submitted hls annual re port, abowing 571 visits made, 232 pa lmate treated, 5 deaths and 5 births der. lug 1869, showing a large increase over 1&38. The report. ware received and filed Ou motion adjourned. BiIIIaNOHAII COUNCIL MeetlngTuesday Slight—Etualness Trani. aetea—iteperts—plloUons, aye., Be, Birmingham Connell Tuesday ereldng held Its regular monthly meeting. The 'following members were . present : Messrs. • Atterbury. Doyle, 011yer t - Sebirarm, Redman. Ward, Vogely and Burgess Ballaburry in the Chair. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting were, on motion, dispensed with. Mr. Atterbnry, &ono the Ordinance Committee, reported that It had examin ed the accounts of the Treasurer and Nand them correct, and that there was a balance of about 11,300 on hand. The report was accepted. The various borough Mocers sent In their reports which were adopted. Mr. Oliver, from the Street Committee, reported that the Committee bad made considerable repairs In the streets, and that a break In the sower on Washington street had been attended to. Accented. Bills were read an follows: From Ga. Company, amounting to g 311,04, which gis was used for borough purposes; from Charles Rol beeker for tatting care of tire plugs, ph from Walter Finch for street reledring, 19,50. Sundry bills from the borough officers, amounting to $174,00 from Mr. Patterson, the borough regola. tor, for forty dollars, for services render. ed: from James Stenger, for medicine furnished to a man who died in the lock up, forty meta. . Mr. Oliver moved to refer the bill of Eollbecker to the Pittance Committee, with power to act. 'Adopted. - On motion of Mr. Sehwarm, ' warrants were ordered to be drawn for the amount of the other bills. Mr. Davie moved theta warrant off 600 be drawn to favor of Mesora. Hastings & O'Neill for paving done. Adopted. On, nu3tlonowticrorned. Inquest, far January. From the Coroner's books we ascertain that inquests were held as Tallow' . during the month Of January, tile : Ist, William Murray, conductor on the *Fort Wayne Railroad, killed at the ontet depot In Allegheny; sth, Christopher Hosbach, a lad, accidentally drowned in the pond formerly used as the National Skating Park, East Birmingham; 7th, Joseph Wetsinger, an old man, run over on Penn street by a passing wagon; 10:11, Wm. C. Temple, aged fifty-five year, death from congestion of the longs; 10th, Infant aon of Jane Bird, death from spasms; 10th, Thomas Blower, death from apoplexy, in Shaer townahtp; 12th. Rtuabeth Davis, child, death from con. vuislons; 17th, John D. McClelland. brakeman, killed by a freight train on the Connellsvllle Railroad; 18th, Wm. Rea, death from congestion of the Mugs, In Allegheny; 20th, Jane Montear, death from natural causes, in Allegheny; 20th, Mrs. Marlin; death by suicide while la • boring under • fit Insanity, produced by fever; 2lst, Mary Hoffman, death from natural causes, Allegheny; 29th, Joseph Grubbs, death from manta a pefu, in the Allegheny lockup; 81d, Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, burned to death at her home In Virgin alley, on the night of the 28th; Slat, Philip Banton, death from Genie pas. trill,. Total,^ls. A Word to the Ladles, We would cordially , Invite the atten. bon of our lady readers to the very rich, elegant and beautiful display of artistic handiwork In varicolored wax now on exhibition In the art show windows of Messrs. Gillespie ct Co. and Boyd, Mur ray it Fawcett, on Wood street. These are specimens culled at random from the wax works department of our excellent home educational institute, the Fitts burgh Female College, and they attract universal attention and admiration. Spectrums are exhibited of nature pro. coking fruits; exquisite flowers, artistic: ally elaborated crosses, pretty -- virgin white harps, lyres, pond lilies, La, and we marvel that the art has attained mo much Perfection. The department for tuition In this branch of fine artals always open to receive pupil., and we are told that the pupils of the College attain, under such capable teachers, a proficiency In very little time. No ac complishment is prettier for a lady, and It la one from' which when acquired an easy and large revenue may be drawn If the scholar studies from a desire to follow It for a livelihood, am fine wax ornament' have ready sale at highly remunerative price.. ..Fashbnable Eancatloa.” TMs evening the third and last of the series of lectures by the Rev. George P. Hays, will be given in the Central Pres byterian Church, corner lacoctr and An; demon streets, Allegheny. The former two were very largely attended, and dr: veloped the fact that our lectaregoers may be amused, iruttrooted and enter tained as well by hotness foreign talent. The Ray. gentleman speak* with the greatest ekes and fluency, has keen oon-, ceptlons and • logical method of present ing his thoughts, and withal • Yoh rand of quaint humor which renders his disconows .eiceedingly at tractive and enjoyable. His theme this evening "Fashionable Education, , Lone which wilt afford ample scope for his fancy, wit and logic, and if his other efforts be any criterion, cannot fall to be replete with interest and practical sop sessions. We would advise all our readers who with Weepy a literary treat and to spend an hour to the moat pieta ant and profitable manner to be in at tendance. - The Thompson Burglary Yesterday afternoons hearing was bad In the cane of Jeff. Donahue, charged with breaking Into tho store of J. D. Thompson I Co., on Liberty street, a couple of week. ago. The fellow Bain, wbo drat "peached" on him, when brought before the Alderman, rohnied to testify. An elderly colored female iden. Wild Bain as one of the parties abe saw coming out of the store on the night of the robbery, but Could not recognise Ifo was accordingly dischar ged and Pain remuded to prison for Allegheny Letter Carriers' Report.— Following la tho report of the Allegheny letter carriers for the month ofJanuery. WO: Delivered. Collected. Mail Lettere. 46,288 16.505 Drop . 5,441 1,235 Nommen. 24,710 606 . To 76,448 _settlicione leischief,...4obe, Hopki ns . a I negro boy was arrested yesterday on a charge of malicious mischief, made be. fore the Mayor.= ostnaf Harry BMus-, who alleges that John threw a brickbat through the door of hls domicile, which' L situated at the corner of Fourth ave. nue and Grant street: John was coat. milted la default of ball fora hearing. THE CotrITHL District Court—Judge Kirkpatrick. WZDNISDAY. February 2.—ln the PPM of Calhoun ,t Edwards vs. Frank, pre viously reported, verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $6OO in currency. The first case taken up was that of Brock Grant vs. Philander Scott, owner of .the steamer "Hero." Action to re. cover for services ea en engineer. Ver dict for plaintiff in the sum of 1150.67. William John Wier vs. James Young. Action to recover the price of a hOrse. The defendant, Mr. Young, Is proprietor of a livery stable on Penn street, and some time since sold to the plaintiff a horse for $250, warranting him, as the plaintiffalleges, to be sound. It appears that the horse was not sound and was re- turned to the defendant, who refused to refund the money paid. Jury out. TRIAL LIFT FOR TIIIIRBDAT 117 Pittsburgh & Little Beaver Creek 011 Co. vs. Stevenson. 127 Ewing vs. Thompson. 128 Morgan's adm're vs. Ewing et aL 141 Rinehart et al. vs. Trnniek. 149 M. it M. National Bark of Pittsburgh VB. HOgb. 106 Smith vs. Tough. Iron it Coal Co. 150 Commonwealth for use vs. Bapler. 151 M. in. M. Nat. Bank of. Pittsburgh vs. Tillinghart. Common Pleas Judges Stowe and ..... _ 131=2 WEDNZEIDIT, February 2.—The cue of Long vs. Brown, taken up Monday be fore Judge Stowe was resumed In the Quarter Sessions Court room, Judge Stowe presiding, and had not been con cluded when court adjourned. In the Common Pleas Conn room. Judge presiding, the cue of Scott vs. Roseburg et. ur.., previously reported, was rearmed. The jury found for the plaintiff. The first case taken up WA that of W. B. McCallum vs. L. H. Carlisle, action on a promisory note. _ Verdict for plain tiff In the emu of 1388.72. Western Savings Bank vs. Mishit Fullerton et. al. Jurors withdrawn and cue continued. Win. Hines' sdm'r VII. Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne ,t Chicago Beltway Com pany, action on the case to recover dam ages. 'Verdict for plaintiff in the aum of on• thousand dollars. Blakely vs. Moreland .t Mitchell. TRULL LIST 'POB THUBSDAT 204 Mcblasters vs. Pa. R. R. )o. 207 Scott vs. DeKnight. 222 Lewis d Rlchoot vs. Donning. 239 Armstrong vs. Hall. 240 Ranier vs. Riche!. 244 Graham vs. Vandever et al. 248 Wagner vs. Barnes. 260 Swaney vs. Gordon et al. . 263 House vs. J. V. McDonald etc Co. 273 Peeples vs. McCully Q Co. New. 133 and 21.4 are fixed for Tuesday of next week. Sixth Ward School Board. At the meeting of the Sixth Ward School Board, held on Tueeday evening, It was decided to purchase the astronom ical instrument called the Heillotelins. Bills to the amount of !tome one bun. dred and fifty odd dollaxa, for articles purchased during 1869, wore passed upon. The occasional prolonged absence of .teachers on account of sickness or other causes, and the need of substitutes In such cases, was discussed, but no definite action was taken farther than to Instruct the Principal to report to the Secretary of a continued absence over one day. Mr. Case called attention to the require meet of the law in 'regard to the Treari, urine giving bonds, which Mu heretofore been neglected. Agreeably to the call at the previous meeting, the Treasurer reported that August ;)th, 18039, he received from Joe. R. McCune 82,064.81, and eubsequently WSJ)r an old Safe; June let, 1889, the balance due hlm was 871.g1; glace which time lied been expended, leav ing WO 58 due Min. Ott motion of Mr. Hamilton, a tom. mittee, consisting of himself and Mr. Orede, was appointed to audit the ac. counts of the Treasurer and report at the next meeting. Mr. Case moved that the Board go into an election to fill the vacancy canard by the removal from the ward of Mr. - Wag staff. The President and Mr. Caseapoke In favor, but Mesas. Hamilton, Neely and Gre:le, a majority, being opposed, the matter was dropped. The Board adjourned after the trans. action of some unimportant In:wines& CoronerosinquM. Coroner Clawson yesterday held um inquest on the body of the drowned man found in the Monongahela river, an aca.tud of which we published yester day. An examination of the person wee made, and papers were found which showed the remains to- be those of Jan. Mitre. a roller, who resided in East Bir mingham, and who had been mii•lng from hie home for about seven' weeks. The strangest thing discovered about him was a large paving atone In one of his Poeketa, where it could have been pissed only with considerable difficulty. From the testimony it appeared that deceased had been very unwell th 3 night before his disappearance, and that for some time he had been at Intervals unnaturally excit ed. He arose early in the morning and went Out, leaving his wife in bed. She did not see him from that time until hie dead body was found. So far as is known he had no quarrel with any person. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that ciecessed came to his death by drowning himself. The deceased wan between thirty five and thlrtyelght years of age, and has been about twelve years In this vicinity. He leaves a wife and two children. 1=1:03 Oran Homis.—Mr. John Collins, the truly celebrated blab comedian, who commenced an engagement at the Opera Hones Monday evening, la drawing large and select audiences. Mr. Collins Is a true artist In every sense of the word, and has a more accurate and clear per ception of the line of character ho al- UMW than any man on the ;cage. He is also a fine vocalist. "Colleen Hawn" was presented last evening in a highly satisfactory manner. "A Kiss in the Dark" wes played as an afterplece. This evening "The Nervous Man" and "Magic Shirt" will constitute the bill. At:Litmus' or Mtono.--fdlas Augusta L. Dargon will give 'elect readier' from popular authors, at the Academy of Mu. sic, Friday evening, February 4th, under the auspices of the bleruntile Library MISOCIItIOO. biles Dargon's reputation has been fully established, not only in this city, but wherever Me has appeared. There will be no reserved seats. Another Attractlon Major Burnell, the enterpilsing pro- prietor of the Museum on Fifth avenue, is always up to the times, honed the great 'popularity of his establishment. Not satiated, however, with the rare col lection which be has already bemired, bu enterprise bas eitended still further, and In a few days another attraction Is to be added to the list- By reference to our New York diepstches, It will be seen that be has secured the great Oriental Giant, who will appear next Monday, for the first time, in Pittaburgh 'The Giant has been engaged for four weeks, and as be is Immenae in his way, will undoubtedly, prove a big thing among theother features of the Museum. Major Burnell evidently understands his business and should be rewarded for his energy and liberality In endeavoring to please his patrons. Allegheny Paid Vire Department. Tim Committee on Fire Engines and Hose of Allegheny Councils have' com pleted the appointments by the selection of the following persons for the Columbia Hose and Hook and Ladder Company: Foreman, Samuel H. Maxwell; Driver, James McElroy; Hose and Truck men, Ttiomu Samuel Hulitt, John liracey end John Gray. Those mon were 'wont In by Mayor Callow yester day. All the companies are now fully manned. We understand that the Corn. mimes have decided to recommend the purchase of all property belonging to the old members now In the houses. The moat of this is In the Columbia.' the own ers of which value It at 11900. One of the horses, the only one they owned, was sold on Tuesday for MOO. Their other property Conshitaininel pally of the truck and bpse carriage. ==22 An accident of a serttms nature 00. aurred on Smithfield street yesterday morning, the result of careless driving. Mrs Mary Jenkins. a resident of South Pittsburgh, was noosing Smithfield street at Diamond alloy, when she wu knocked down and run over by abe. mocha, the wheel passing over ber ankle and Injuring it severely. She was re moved to the . Mayor's °Moo, and wee from there taken to her home In a car riage., The driver was arrested, but there being no Information against him, and the officer making the arrest not having seen the occurrence, he was discharged. nto declined to give his tame. 14205 - - ' PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZEITEI THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1870 The Fair at the atyneit The Plymouth Church - Fier was duly opened on Ineeiday evening, and quite a number of our citizens availed them. selves of the opportunity to pay It a visit. We were quite favorably impresied with the arrangements of the booth; and the decorations upon them. There are four upon each side of the hall for the display and sale of fancy goods, end one in the centre occupied as a floral and refresh ment booth. The first to greet you at the right as you enter the ball la the shooting gallery, which Is one of the beet ever put be at any falr In thecity, and we think it one of the leading features of the fair to judge by its patronage. Next to Ir. Is the fancy booth of Mrs. C. West and her daughter, In which we notice many . fine articles, not least of which Is. a beautifu ll y dressed doll. At this booth is a splendid gold watch to be contested for by the principals of the schools in the city. Totes are also taken at this table in behalf of City School Superintendent Luckey,' as against the Allegheny County Superin• tendent at another table. The next booth is presided over by the younger portion of the Sabbath Scheel children,. and has many pretty toys In It salted to' the taste of the "wee ones." Next Is the fancy booth of Mrs. H. Smith, assisted by a corps of young ladies, and it . luta a very pretty display of fancy articles. We have no time now to make is fall • report of their tables as we hope to have before the Fair closes, and pass on to the next, which is under the charge of Mrs F. Woods, In addition to the many articles herein, the votes on the watch in favor of Allegheny City and County School Superintendent Bouthett are re. calved here. Last on this side of the Hall, though not least, comes the New England Kitchen, the latch string of which hangs out, but upon entering ,you see the furniture of "ye olden .tune" ar ranged only as an old lady of that day silt, can do it, and Ina Eau; —lta master spirit—will be happy come you within. Dinner was and it la only necessary Ally that It was excellent. We Judge by experience. Mrs; H. Boone has this branch in charge, and the table chews that she knows how to do It. She is assisted by ,the young ladles of the Society, who act as waltres. see. They will be glad to serve youdally from La till 3 r. M. till the Ur closes, and in addition will serve oysters In the evening. We will endeavor at some other time to describe the booths and the contents upon the left side of the Hall. A Sound Body and a Sound Mind In education it Is essentially necessary that while the mental faculties are un dergoing the proms of enlargement and expansion In a mimeo( Intellectual training and study, the physical striae. ture—the bones, muscles and. nerves— should not be neglected. The power of the mind to comprehend what is brought upon It, to think, to understand, to learn, Is Just In proportion tothe vitality, strength and healthfulness of the phyla. sal body. It ts, hence. • matter of grave moment 1p parents and others charged with the education of sons and daugh ters, that a due amount of attention be paid to calisthenics in the school room. Always progressive, and keeping pace with the advance of science, the Pitts burgh Female. Pollege has Just intro duced Into Its curriculum the true science of light gymnutlca (or a two fold purpose—Lt to make strong, active and healthy trie young ladies in attend ance; and godly, to impart to them the art of graceful and easy manners and motion. Two full classes have already been organized under most promising auspices, and a competent and falthfUl interpreter of Dr. • system of light gymnastics has been scoured to head the department In the person of Mem Mary M. Heard. The President of the Faculty, Rev. Dr. Pershing, has kindly consented to admit Into the gym nastic classes outside ladles who are not otherwise connected with the college, but who desire tp embrace themselves of the advatitakes for physical culture and development afforded. The Grand charity FaW.. The grand Charity Fair for the Joint benefit of the worthy poor of the city and the Public Catholic Library now to pro gress in the basement - of St. Faure Ca thedral, Whir more attractive Is Its ap pointments than the late Orphans' Fair. The booths have all been readorned, re arranged and refurnished. and present • beautiful gala day appearance. Among the articles to be contested for are the following: A tailor', iron, shears and lapboard for the most fashionable mer chant tailor at ten cents a vote. Among the entries are Means. P. die, H. • Smith, W. D. Duffey, IL G. Hale, An elegant gold hesdad canero most'charitable citizen; contest ants. J. G. West, Hugh Fleming, Joseph Llebler, Joseph Butler and Alex. Coch. ran. A valuable crimping machine to the moat fashionable boot maker; COIF. testants, D. Allen, T. Malartan. F. Woor, Hicks A Co-. J. Jahn, George King. Jos. Linder, T. Kennedy, J. Kanfee and Wm. McLaughlin- A rare good time ',expec ted to mark the Fair throughout, and all are cordially invited to attend to partici. pate. Petroleum Itetsa. We take the following from the 011 . Cify Daily Times: The Forest well, located on Cherry tree run, recently torpedoed, has lncreaaed Its production to 30 baize's per day; The Elliott well on theastne farm has produced 500 barrel. In fourteen hour... The Brodhead well, next above the Hasson well, on Cottage. - Hill, is about ready to be tested, and already there is a show of oil, which encourages the own ers, and it is confidently expected that It will be a paying well. The Brown farm, upon which is located the Elliott. Burns and Forest wells, pro duce% in addition to those already men tioned, as follows; Oliver well, 8 barrels: Blakely well, le Uhl% Gordon well, 7 bids, making a total production of shunt 90 barrels daily. The Black farm, adjoining tho Brown farm, Is now produclng about 45 barrels' daily. Cherry Tree Run Is steadily Im• proving In its daily prod uction. and the Brown and Black farms are holding their own In that vicinity. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were admitted of record In the office of Thou. IL.Hunter, Recorder for Allegheny county. Wed neaday. February 2. 1870: R. E. Sailers to Richard R. Warta,. /Stott 15, 13411; 3 acres In Ocilla. torra• by sll.lco JamasUtrt to ratrtek McCort aI. reb. 2 IRO 1011:0 by 130 Peet In itercusti ward. Pittsburg,. 500 Dasld Da ml. to Samna U Dee. ZS. Pik lot SI On.. 11S Melon nniele d tll.. Mlles beny F. Hatolee's In In to It. Cotbart. Jo.. 1, 1770: at No. 3 Horens'il plan, 150aler town alp Thomas S. Maple to Geutse Jim ad tartan Lansey..Atinest IS IMO: lot 105 he 13 fat on Hold arena, Maple". plan. Low.r et. awe township ISM/ 7. W. Rletia - d. t /testa Iltleteitd, Jan. 11, mu; 1 sere and ti tattle. In /kW.. banslllo. , . . acri) J. ii. Vie•balter to Adam Heineman. Jan. a, ISIO: lot IS 0)110 foot to Dirooad stain. I'll m. tiortiti mita° 'Moans ward to Motel Moistly, Jan. Ii libat • lot orillovtileis street. Plttoborgil. V 11,111 fa 1 11a0 Thoanny or Dronlienneiv Yesterday afternoon • middle aged woman appeared at the Mayors Mace and made inquiries for her husband who had been committed to jail a few days borer° for disorderly conduct. She was . directed to Warden &land Felt and pro. ceeded on her way down Federal- street. Add opposite the passenger station • and. den fancy, or something else caused her to become very noisy and pugilistic. She conducted the entertainment aa • star actress for about fifteen minute•, alternate abreika and attacks on pedestrians form ing the programme. By this time • large crowd had collected, including a couple of policemen, who escorted her to the lock up. Here she was-providedwith • cell. opinions being divided as to her In sanity or drunkenness. Her cue will be attended to this morning. Sbowballlng. Tuesday afternoon a number of urchins on North avenue, Allegheny, engaged In the pastime of snowballing. One of the lade, named Carnahan, unfortunately eelected the wrong mark and Mt a young man named Joseph Birchen with one of the balls. Birchenn wins driving an express wagon along at the but he Immediately descended therefrom, and catching young Carnahan horse. whipped him severely. For this he was brought before Mayor Callow yesterday afternoon, and compelled to glye ball far court on a charge of tumult and battery, preferred by the boy's mother. Dangerous Blasting. Yesterday Charles Koenig called the attention of Alderman Bolster to the fact that (leo. Smith maintained °ibis prem. lees. In the Seventh ward, Allegheny, a nuisance in - the shape of a quarry. Koo. nig alleges a blast went off at the quarry yesterday afternoon. when some portions of rock were blown through a window of his house to the serious danger of the In. mates, one of whom, his little daughter, narrowly escaped injury. The Alderman leaned a warrant for the arrest of the accused, on Koenig , ' information. Constitution le stet a • certain ewe for Diabetes and all diseases of the Hid• swim Far sale by all Drente& I Ftretal, Where is Purchase Fise Wail rapers. if L harillY necessary for us to direct the attention of our Allegheny readers to the very large 'and elegant stock of fine Plain and fancy wall papers of the moat recent ityles and patterns which battiest been opened at the Bret clue and well conducted establishment of Mr. James Haag, Jr, No. 174 Federal street. lhouse has ao longandio suoceafally i l i t • front mpe in Mutt linear bad rank nes am s on ong the co other titors aide of the river, that It is universally and most favorably known to elf dream. The present stock Is one of the finest ever received by the house and will prove tie- Pecially attractive to visitors. embracing as endless variety of newand beautiful designs, from the cheapest kitchen to the raulluveetellisattmes,Ple gold, rl de rc ;e a l i vre Por libraries and dining halls, eto., etc., all of which have been marked down lover) , low prices and great bargains. Mr. Hoag has also in store a large assortment of fashionable window abades, office, hall and attar oil cloths, etc.. likewise offers at greatly reduced ma te s. Parties wishing anything In his line are respectfully Invited to call an look through the stock, whether desirous d of purchasing or not, as goods will bo shown cheerfully to all visitors. We commend Mr. Hoag-to the confidence of our readers, knowing him to be a fair dealing and honorable business gentle and one eminently deserving a large share of public patronage.. Admlinstrater's Sale or Dry Goods. We do not need to urge oar readers to attend the great closing out sale of dry goods at J. W. Barker &Co.'s, BD Market street, for the salesrooms are crowded every day, and the managers and pro. prieton inform us that they have as manycintomers all the time as they can well and conveniently attend to,' and very often • great many more purchas. era than all hands can wait upon sails factor-11y. But we do desire to assure them that the uniform testimony of those who have attended the sate, so for as we know, Is, that goods are sold at decided ly low prices. The determleation is to close every thing out to wind up the business. In such circumetancen, good bargain. may be confidently expected, and if they were not to be had it Bar ker's, we huller. would be absolutely impossible to keep up the crowd and excitement so long. There is still a choice selection of silks, detainee, plaids, poplins, calicoes, ginghams, cloaks, shawls, &c., ,to., on hand, all of which mast be sold by order of the *adminis trators of the late J. W. Barker, Esq., In order that the estate may be settled up. Purchasers should go early In the morning, as goods can be examined more satisfactorily before toe_ salearooms be come crowded. - People are becoming aware that in or der to secure a delightful and harmless drink they most use Pier, 'Daringla A: CO.'. Cream Ale. When thirsty do not fall to ask for it at any first clue saloon. and be apre that thoy do not give you any inferior brand. Pier, flannels de Co.'. Ale can always hotline:eased by its bright, golden color. • To Lets are very numerous this ter. Parties wishing to engage spring wagons for moving would do well to at tend to it in time. Leave your orders at No. 82 Darrah street, Allegheny, for al most any size wagons needed, and they will be attended to by John Dyer's Eureka Local Express. 1t OHIO Indio. EDWIN Fonharr is playing at Canton. Pao'. Meows is tho new hone tamer of Chia, A *EMT newspaper is to be darted at OrrTille, ,Thryzasom county jail lost three prig. onere on Wednesday by escape. Two muses of body snatching bare oc curred at Independence within the past mouth. Kr.Aners. cheese factory is to be started at Springfield, Fulton county, by a stock company. BAD liquor and cold weather killed Thomas Smith on a public road scar Columbus. Dm. W. McCooa. and wife and all the little McCooks were registered at Paris on the SOth of December. Tax:Second Presbyteriab Church of Columbus has a new bell weighing 4,397 pounds and costing $1,280. LILT week Jonathan Watson, of Leb anon, died from wounds received at Chicamanga during the war. A WILKED Duni enanintered his former minter, mistress and family at Toledo begging to help them through Chicago. Tug public schools of Salineville had ,to suspend last week owing to the fever epidemics prevailing among the scholars. Borst Houses of the Ohio Legislature have passed a bill repealing the law of last wlnter for the InspecUon of steam boilers. Tua Ohio Game Law pennies the kill ing of all kinds of game until February Ist, wild ducks, wild geese, teal, itc., until Akprlf 15th. Prior. T. F. Mae, formerly of Pitts burgh, leader of the G. A. R. band, of Canton, gave a grand vocal and !marts mental concert at Maasllon last Satur day night. Hums BARRE° Slipped from a ladder from the top of a house ho was roofing at' Canton, fell to the craned fifty feet below and was killed. Ho resided at Cleveland. Tna citizens of linbbard and vicinity are sorely afflicted with sickness, some fifteen deaths having occurred wlthin.the past week. Scarlet fever and chicken- per prevail to an alarming extent among the children. HAMILTON has discovered that the nice Christian young man who has been ex horting the people to repent, and collect ing money for the Young Min's Chris. tian Association is a fraud. He applied the funds to his own use. Tint place .of holding the 'Ohio State Fair is agitating the cities of the State. Cleveland wants to have it. Well, she ought to have It • but Mansfield, Spring— field, Columbus, Dayton and Akron want it, too, and a few ot he rs likewise hanker for IL . A YOUNGmatron of Bridgeport, aged 16 yews, recently made an addttiott to the CeThrolli with the assistance' of her mother, aged 31, her grandmother, aired 61, and her great grandmother, aged 78, thus compressing five generations into the steeliest compass on record. A MAN at Port Clinton, Ohio, imag ined that he beard a burglar breaking Into his house the othet night, and, seis ing Ns gun, ran to the door and fired at the Intruder. On examination, he found his best breeches, which were hanging on a clothes line, all tattered and lora from tho fearful shower of shot. Mns..D. C. Gnu, of Chesterfield, Fal lon county, made during the nut season 1,950 pounds of butter from 11 cows, besides 188 Pounds of cheese for family use. This would give u the product of each cow 117 pounds, round numbers. calling butter worth 80 cents per pound, would foot up to $5910 product of each Tams are repotted in Cincinnati, 105,624'5ch00l children; 21,624 In Cleve land; 11,198 in Dayton; 8,873 in Colum bus; sad 8,248 in Toledo. Taking the school population. at 86 per cent. oleo whole this would give the population of Cincinnati 998,400; :Cleveland 76,450; Dayton 81,106; Colon:dins 28,086; Toledo 25, 080. •' • Does to the number of 2,839 were owned In • Columbium county, costing the owners of sheep 603 head, the value of which Is stated at 411,001. The sheep injured from this source numbered 217, being stated at $472. This will aggro. gate the nice little sum of $2,241 loss to the farmers of that county for the sake of people keeping a few hundred worthless curs. Tim names of 1,800 disabled veterans are on the roll of the Soldiers' Dome, near Dayton. and the Institution Is Oiled to overflowing. Nearly one, hundred men have been sent to the Asylum at Milwaukee. The new hospital will be finished Ina few weeks, when room will be provided for metal hundred more. This Information is important to the In valid veterans. Twxamann years ago Wu Rebecca Jones. of Barnesville, betrothed hertplf ta E. D. Pierce, an ollicer in the Mexican war, In addition to his love fever the engaged 'gene .agaged gentleman took the gold mania and led a party to California. Ha grew wealthy, came home the other-day and mauled " the girl he left behind him." Who can match this story of faithful lovers through so many changing years t Taw Jederson Iron Works of Btenben• - TURN B Pooldins, Wood ward & Co., and 'the La Belle Nail Works of Wheeling ! Bailey, Woodward & Co, both owned and Controlled by one company, made, ESSEN during the year 1889, 900,000 kegs of nails and 12,000 tons of pig iron. The market value of said productions was over $1,750,000; of the nails, 162,000 kegs were made at the "La Belle," and 138,000, together with the 12,000 tons of pig iron, were made at the "Jefferson." Ms. L. D. BRELDON of Vernon, Ohio, received from one of his cows the put year eleven thousand one hundred and eighty.eight pounds of milk. Ten pounds of milk will make one pound of cheese, and at that rue her milk would make one thousand one hundred and nineteen (1119) pounds of cheese, which at 18 cents. per pound—price it sold at the factory—would amount to two hun dred and one dollars and forty-nine cis. If the milk had been sold at five cents. a quart It would have netted $2BO. The cow washenied with the other cattle and bad no extra care or attention. AT Thornt ß o r n i d w p a ugh t o by g t l r a adiyn named of cars while walking a trestle work- over a ra— vine. She was half way over when the locomotive came thundering along. She eat down on the extreme cad of one of the Cross timbers, clinging to It with her hands and leaning out as far as possible so that the train might not strike her. In a moment more the train passed along, and although she was beyond danger and was not stru:l, the nervous shock was so great that she let go her hold and fall backwards into,the ravine, .distance of some ten or twelve feet. She was severe ly injured, though no bones were broken. Additional Markets by Telegraph. Hsu °Amalie, Feb. 2.—Cotton In fair demand and firmer; middlings 24;4® 2434 v, sales 7,400, receipts 7,462, exports 7462 bales. Flour at $5,40(45,80@i6,12. Corn easier at 81,07%. Oats firmer at 76c. Bran $1,30Q1,65. Bay firm at PO. Pork etuder; mess .29.26@29,60. .flacon 14@i 1710. Lard doll; fierce 16144316 3 / 4 0, keg 180. Sugar—prime iiyAlima. !doles. les—prime 68(470c. Whisky 31®1,0.5. Coffee 16X§17,10. BUFFALO, Feb. 2.—Cattle—receipts of 2,140 head, market quiet and x@ , o lower; aalea of 580 head, mostly good to prime Illinois, averaging 1200 to 1260 ibis, at 87@7,75; one loft:of - extra mold st 18,15. Hogs—supply light and market firmer: - with • fair demand; sales at NW/go for common to extra. Mn.waunaz, February 2.-" Flour un changed. Wheat quiet at 860 for No. 1; 130 X c., for No. 2. Oats stead/ at 400 for No. 2. Corn unchanged. R.je and Ban ley nominal. Dressed Hogs firmer at 1110®10,25. Ella BYl'll--On Tuesday, the Ist Inst.. 11011411 T H. SHIA 11, In the 41st smog !that. The (sacral will take plane from titillate real dense. Ne. 4 Adams insect, Manchester. on THUS/MAY, at 10 o'clock. HZMINGILLT—On Tnettlas. Telartutry let. at SIX o'clock r. M. CARRIE EAT. telant daugh ter of B. P.nd Jennte Hemmers). ages elitht day. and 19 mouths. The Mineral take places from the realdesee "WM. NO. TM Liberty street, SOLO mom" a, at 10 Weloak. OAS/ORD—Oa Panday, Jana a. - r 3D. M 0. ., 102 o'cloca orlngnmenallon or the bowel.; at tan renalence of cant lienrga •W. Ant, to Nnorport, lgentnekr. THANK 11., only too or Anna W.. Onkford, of Allegheny, aged 10 year,. 11 manilas and.. , day.. Funeral steel... at resident., Olds =name, 05 Church avenue, Allegheny, Idle ,AFTLI adog, at / o'clock. UNDREtTABIaS & rEEBLES, UN CIMAxtas - AND twiny 15t . ..M.1.1. 0011.1 r I gAy aunicy IiTILZ/ST AXIICHI/tiet AV7CI.II_IE Allegkelty (11t., where :belt cor t n) womb ma austvilly Applied with rio air lialtaitoa Iduiriood. klatoguy aad Walul Midas. at Dr!er. varying froni_a4 to MD. ik Dar $Z for Itirruot. mearsound .1.10.1 14.4: aloo, .11 Kinds of On , Uri duds, I roolf.d. 011.0. 0r.12 at all did ud Meat. JOSEPH NipTV.R. & SOH, triIrEEETIMAILIF../T.S. No. 494 VENN STIMILT Carrisapa I. Vailaarala, 13.00 Moab 00711 d 271 and in l'uneral Puntlatntent at n dan rano. aul GREAT INDUCEMENTS, No. 91 FedeTal Street, OLOSING OUT SALES Or WINTER. GOODS, REGARDLESS - OF COST, To Make ROom for Spring Stock. Poll Ilne ' Old 1.141,.' C.W. wbolesale and re tan. LaMar Voloml rorseto lie. 4 Mall, t ndren•• Ilalmora Hose her 515 e• Ladses• Ilandkersolets, Ladles' New lieu, I.Adations. 50e: ill Other Goods in Proportion, at • MRS. S.. C. Mllllll - • DI Federta Street. Allegheny. IT/IF JOHN Q. WOURNAN...H• RICHARD DAUB. WORKMAN do DAVIS, IDICCISSORS TO • Workman, Moore & Monsfactareta and Dealers In • CARRIAGES. Spring and Ruck Wagons, Nu. IZ, 44, 46 and 48 Muer . R., Allegheny. Repaid:lineally and promptly exec Ced. Or ders for New Work rotten up h: good nth, and w ta arranted to VV., eatlrfaetion In Sir Newest .for Mph. o work'ornstrotlyon . q9 M ; 2 6 Ft Zet f Ala i t l tr " 7/741* w • ar.l.Vand Rapp . • Patent Quick Shltur sad Anti Ratter for nnafga. • H. RICHARD DAVIS haring puraused the Darren of A 1.,. and We. D. Moore, In *he late arm.of WT./MAN. 110ORT. • CO.. the heal-- nee. will hereon. he eentlttnne at the old wad. ra ,, 74 ..ibe t , :d a tT:z l, ll s e a i le of WOR KMAN ► J9ll . 7lg. , inexid4l.l. 11. RICHARD DAVIS. La , e 'ebb Marne Natronal Rana. ilttebargh. .3•Dpell JOHN' M. 000 PER & 00. Bell and Brass Founders, 111151115; LOCGIOTITE a LOLLING SILL MUSSES Made Proieepe/y to Order. BABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Tropflotoro and Illoaaftotonto of 1.11. Coopei's Improved BalaneetTheel STEAM PUMP. OMee, 882 PENN STREET. Oirankaad Railroad Rireeta, PITTAff nom.. LARGE HOUSE AND LOT ON • Washington tit, Allegheny. The property IVo. TS WasOlno &reel, Fourth ward. •Ileshenv. 1. now effend at pri. vete isle. The let rooms OS feel on Washing. ton street, and extends STO net to lialirond. The house's s two eery doable brick, with Pne lor on one side, sitting ro no sad inswre wren folding doors at the other Ode. LI 'some, bath room sod closet on ground Soo., five hcd•rooins on woad stmt and three finished st a les. 1 hero .minee Wean lens, stahle.esrelsge house and 6001• The beentlfril lot norm:mons this residenee and _the retired _Meanly, reader It v.ry desirable , . Per leepection or Premise., prier, terms, a.. svols.•o A. LEGOATTrAletleneer, fer.:4l7 1119 Federal atreetc•CleghenTe LIDIBS OR CENTLIIIIIK 7 .11 .13g1i 0 r . P• L nhato 0 rite" pre•••• for their HOLIDAY CIFT. s°o24 t 7 VALWEicli,"/M7.,1417.1Tit VIM WAKE. of the most relatable D.tteroe Jua reallved at W. G. DIINSE4TR7S. JEWELEE AND OPT/(1!•X. dell 16 nrrix •ivziruz. KEYSTONE POTTERY. " ' Manalbeistrars cf Quarean. =aro& MANX Aft A Va”l"rijrswAss•Mittrallienjirr BTAXIT & CO.. Moottlitotororo of LIGHT GitJtY num 049. iSi r i ll Xwearts Lied work oar . meelalty. Lame Jahn. Gott.. =MIT' LTLltAtimatv..P.mt . ..gtz • ilfilco sod Warta, Sear Voter Dopes Ai leo bony' Cll :Pootalltoo:oddreso. Look Box b oa. Pitts. burgh, Poo AZ.:113 T MAD —216 Pigs Volt Galena 7or Ws by J. B. CANIIIISLD. rar T.10.E8- 0 2b-Let," LW, Wmt41166/4,,Vtulk..di v, ll not exceeding FOUR LnUr...4, wu be inserted in . Mae whams once for' TWENTY-F.11 7 7C OEN T 8; each add& tionat_dine F/17211 OVITTS. • TO.LET rpo LET.—No. Wood street, A_ now occupied by June. Cochran Co. In qudn. at 4 7 Wond sweet rLET.—The New Store build. pj a Woal •treet. Hamalze at No. T 0 LET.—Desk Room in a hundsom elf t.ed up olllce t ln serum' on for business. Apply at No. 80 Fourth avenue, atcutut 11. r. Room No• • LET.O--TheWylie Large. Store . 6 Avenue, corner of 1 1.eitime . t i. r . Ittsburgts. a. C. BROWN, rno-LET-A large Front Rooms furnished. on second door, openin ng o • hsicony, soluble for gentleman analsdr, or two gotta gentlemen. admatlon. No. /8 Wylie street. 1 TO LET.—Two 2 story brick tonscs, Nos. BO and .116 Contra aeenue, containing ten rooms cacti, with all instlern hro v.:nests. Enquire at N0:54 Centre avenue. r. AIWA-LLCM. - T 0 LET.—Five rooms—eV' very large—on the earner of Penn so. hth(Hancock) streets. Also two dwelling. adjoining. with eightaad seven rooms. i delay at J 77 ten, Ore, OrO•LET. ROOMS Several Sae. largo and w ell tarnished rooms In a iaaant location, quiet and near to business, mut be had by gentlemen as sleeping rooms. Tbese room. are eery amilralue. Enquire at 45 EU, Tin OTEKET, late band. TO-LET.—The Front Boom of Second Sto T H I R D FLO OR trield street. o, the ertire of mac, divi ded into Deo rooms. Can be rented either slimly or altogether. Ingot. of J. GURNZIL, corner or Virgin alley anti liadthaeld street. I it LoLEr.-A Suit of Rooms comprl•log Two Large, we I lighte ne ttled ••on Sad floor. Onl laree„ aril front Room on 3ra floor. One large Hall 1 , RD two anterooms on 4th floor. Out BLOM Room, grit floor, No. US. In Rng lob's n,w btaldlne, Founts. For tenon Inquire of A. H. ZNULIBH CO.. No. 98 Fount armee. TO LET.—A lot of ground 192 feet by 995 t•et 'nib• large. subotontlal brick bonding 59 feet by 140 feet, sad an W en building contaloloo two ri otos, former y at- Ul d , b ja j om a " at i t " Tlffet: as a l'it'lataltir burro. suitable for warm factoring porposea or a Apply to AT TERBUTLY A. CO. Canon sod Tenth streets. Hlrmuse Nan. LET:--A very superior Brick Dwelling, containtng Ten Rooms, 2 . t l ti Room sod Waal Boner; a One dry miler under the whole boom. with large open lot ed• joining. containing fruit and flowers; la within n. tqo n C of toe market and the same distance from toe street can. This is a rate chance to obtain a most desirable render re. Inquire of ItAkletty A HALL, Jaßliti2 91 Heaver M., Allegtony City. T O LET.—The store and Dina . Hog reoenUy fitted op at the coiner of nos. street sod Fourth avenue. com•rising Cellar. Vault, Store Room, •li(Sebell, Maur Room and two eharatwrs, with gay and water pipe. co plate. .111 mm! rent 41100. Apply next door Fourth moue, to MM:I TO•LET.—That old, estaiiiih ID and weD•kb - wn DRUG BTORS, oa the corner of Raehington and le elle etreets. 131:1139 CUM 107 Wood otreat. TO LET.-, sum's, Dwzmurtas," Inquire of ROOMS MID 017/013& CITEME2 98 DIM Avenue FOR SALI. FFORYALE—FURNACE—TherewiII be oit.red for sale to the highest and nest bidder. at McArthur. Vletsn enemy. 0010. ou'the 16th day of rehruarg, ISVO, she XAU t X VUXMACIL, *lto the lands belonging theteto. These Lads acutely Inexhatingsla mites of ore and coal. and the Purslane Is now In fall hint matt:4lM Mats I.lo . 'Slastahereoal Iron per day. SL 88, 1 , 50 BainbridgAe.MUE t °a lEN nteN, E. 001.. FOR BALE.-1 Steam Engine 10 by 30. in gond re ales order. with onattlng, yearn's. V. ;ides Beam and_enneet lIVCrTtg . 511 ' 111 . 011C ri•sun.T_Tvoir, , a. PT AND FOUCK PUMPS. "Will - be Can haittl at the Warta o('_the Youghiogheny Oaf C oal Company, Waal /lem on, Pa. 1.2) FOR SAlLE.—stock and Fix- LZABE AND GOOD WILL of a arst-elass Ossuary. dialog a (nod business. Ma ssdursigued Waif engated to other business is lbs fauna for selling. G. W. PUILEY, 49 Fed eral street. /Weems, tf. FOR SALE. ROL AOREB Or LAND Within the city .llsoits. 'Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Enquire of WM. BLAKELY, skit roey.at.Lasr. 91 Grant Jeff:Sr OR SALE.—Bnilding mate- G`l Ile 0014 AT A OACHI• the matrrlals A.ntalned to a TWOEMORY NAIIK leWeLl.l2lo HOME bowled neer ear he 110/tse is In good order and la no ow t pled by toe aubsertorr. who j r . l i r ir tgernealrrnovEd off the lot bebre tte 111 UaURUP. W. SCOTT, • Charlotte street, Oakland. Fan SALE. • • PRINTING OFFICE. lira Akron Prearea and a tame quantity of type: Nora work than they can turworit. =SEM Fml a{•+•[~ r 44+~TTL~f:1~ pore PAL E.—Engin es and Boil- ER.S.lgew and Senynd li.d. of all ands collat.:ally on band. . Orden (Nn all parts of the coustra promptly monad. JAlltEl HILL & CO.. Comer Karla. Menne sad L. T. W. • C. LW Alleatieny. Pa. EOR SALE. DWELLING. That tame MaryNlCK.' 1./WILLING. ra. located. No. e 0 laver avenue, ASP, alien) Oily, cantataaa tea room. and bath room. tot too cold water to ant sod *maid atom, gas la all the reams root. to kitchen. Bet. ate ated oo earner of Otter. alley. It le wenn/hied aaa ventilated. ?mammon April lea JOHN 11. BAILNIC A ARO.. No. 115 /earth avenue. OR BALE AT A 'HAJRGAIN. —IIOLioND LOT, Ni,. 96 Ledlle street, F OR wart alothemy. Monte; 91 story Er ek or warns, well finished ao complete. Lot AO by B Y to an a ley. 0004 frame stable Cu rear of tot. Tblspriperty Is worthy the attention or alt desiring to purchase real estate. Asa home on 'Acosta. of its lOCIVIOIII sad conseutanee, or as loyettment it would realise , by renting . tarts par rent. on the Cost. Terms easy. Price low. tor forth r Istrulmation. apply to Al DlasoVori;dP:Aflietsy. pOll. SALE. • "169 acres at Fleming Station, it t. Ways* R.; A boater and 3 lota In Pleasant Va ley: 1 acre ground he Bellevue Boro.• house end arras In Ellaabelik Bone; bona. a cres Bridsvu water, II Courto; 11 acres at Glendale; House and 9 Lots on L,ombard avenge, 34 ward; 9 iota on Pramout street. Mad ward; ICI aureola Rau township; Rouse and Lot, 84 Janes ganef. 91 ward; House and Loa Oak street. 3d ward; booms and lot Perrysville Pismo Hos . . Yid ward; house and lot oat quarry IS 94 ward; boa.. and lot, 07 rhenleid alma; IS rola in New Brighton:3 lola and noose In Braver Tails; house and 4 lots nprlng Mtµ Ilerenui ward. Beak and Oil litocks for sate. Tor further partkalara legman 01 a. WITITAORS. streets . Heal Zgat.a Ak lesnenv.an. dor m er 01d0 mid Sandusky . AU FOR HAILE. VALUABLE FARE AND COAL LAND . . 331 ACII.LS 154 PICROEIE3 OP LAN D. (I. eindlef mat.) Mamie le Rob:omen ton.htp, Atargteley connate. near the village or mane arid. attnit miles frets the sod the nee of the Pittsburgh, Chet:watt ISL Louis Hallway. I= AC9leB 90 PNRCTIIta Or OOLL. attialst• leg the above. Thls I. the rent Oeslesele Droprrty to the Mutt&eel wu tumult. owe. by Joseph .0 John 10W Per [tether Der tteettue. thqulre at the DOLLAR ZAVINUEI BANK, MEI M==M FOR HALE-At Warehouse, No Dsmss .treet. opporne Pearl Mill. Al "- Itg hoe Drin Wego9l 1 1-bors n e Loge WeloO; • - 1 l•borso Barrel Best: 3110 Toney near Hamel JOO Rouge Iron bound do.; • 10 do. half do.; • 00 00 barre Baconls ( Materel me. R2P.29. Lumber and Semi Wagons for hire. 11 • • JOllll DYZIL PERSONAL—AII persons seek. /NO MIMS, or investments In Real LP tate, ...11l Hare time. trao_b.l.474l l =lllll ran . ii n a t fria l g s tee H...• Ms wen away mum or mib be sent by mall Sub to any ta wny it. persons csarket fall to salted mg of tbe ism list it measles. CROFT PLLI% . pub. limbers sad Real Rotate Amts. No , 1 3 9 reartb mane. . • 'VALUABLE NORTH AVENUE • HISIDEN c FOR SALX, dedlmbly located In Allegli•ty n Federal and Ban dna, .Wall. • t t Ink ffirellldin In Isnenjmnt nditlon,olth all modern Improyemenol and con••nlencen. 100•111 Nn ir hell• at. Inos m alimony AllIllttid• In otimnbera adored cellar, all Incomplete order. Empire of no CU CH TIERT 80No. Itl • •. '39 Blain access. lOWA LAND FOR PALE.-800 Aare. orebOleo land le One of the ben coon •to lowa near Um line of .the Mute & Northwestern etaliroad, nod be 04e of the moot km:WM 0 porttoo• of the _ Mote. Will be mid Me, the or bolo or • poet 3 t . okla . o2No i o: IL . 10. Sweetie man*. $15.000. TO, LOAN' LW SOND AAD XthirrOAUL . Inquire latatedlately of . H. H. ItiCO2.ll/01. tr Attan.T•at•Law, No. ell Clllll3 SUM. AgaBARRELS CI EVELANII Tnatont Lime. IMPO limfam of Liam Nor ago by J. 31. CAMILIELD. 1711TEGAB. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALLOU & DINS, 167,168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, Are now prepared to turnialt VILNAGAR M. the WWl= YAWL= RATES. Attention to oar tienlarty called to our E3VA WINE VINEGAR. WINES, LIQUORS, &o. WAGNER'S. FRENCH COLORING, The Very Beal in the United Billies. KANUFAVIIIIIID BY , WILLIAM WAGNER, 9SI .forth Seventh Street, PIIILABELYBIA. d NlLeoce.—All Bie leading bcr.vat.ggs. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, 1111.POSTEBS Or WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, des wsoissaiLs DEALERS IR PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Have Removed to NOS. 1184 AND *BB PENN, Coy. Ilerrenth St.. (formerly Cana) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., Wes. Isei. 187, IS9, 191.193 mDd 193 FIZZT 971L877, ITITBKOZteff, Pate . Milled Yore Ex mcß Wldaksj. &aim la AMIGA asul LI. ODOM. HOPI. La. . vetaansi J•im:ts):Ll.;bubliler,s);l: HENItY G. HALE, MEICIIANT. TAILOR, Corner of Penn an Sixth Streets FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE INERSON & 111111 LAMING OUCOESMOLS TO W. W. BOUGEIfik 00., • ItERCERANT TAELOB./3, -- 110. 10 11.1111 ST late SL Mir: • t 1 ire nava dol ed readved a larva supply or MI and Meter . s. tebleh will be sold at reason. able price.. Mr. bait( LAN t 121.110 add atilt at tend to the Cutrlna Department. • dame. IffePHIC=,DS P. 1V1'..t&R131..M, FASECIONABLIII M.EROMANT, TAILOR. Ken. Mainsail, On bawl Cloths, Cassitneree and Vesting.. A 1.03 ZNTLZIII7,}I , S FITENIMIINU GOODS No. 93 .1-2 Smithfield Street. PITTSBITUCIES, P. 11.. argent.' Clothing made to order In the lateat Kyles. gam= NEW FALL GHXIDEL spleadld new reek 01 CLOTRS, CIBSIME4ES, last MOW by lINIIIRT NST.CIII. IN: MEreautat Tailor. TIII Bmlthteld Knit. WALL PAPERS WAIL PAPE At. Greatly Reduced Prices. To make lb* If room for new Rood.. We ge till the drat of March .toot now in .tore, Without Regard to Coat, COIIHNNINH HANDSOVE PANT oR pAPERS. . • Dlrgl.4l NAME PAPNIO3. HALL AND CHANEY@ PAIIL63. MAN • lug. assortment °MEM LP PAPERS' No. 107 MARKET STREET, NLRB 'FIFTH ♦ VENUE JEW., IL HUGHES a BRO. ELEGANT PAPER HANGING& Kellamleel 'rat roes 11:1_11ban MU Imper vious be emit and mote. YermLibm Mar aItA4AITIVIIGR Iminatti "- rd. be towel elsebbele Newly Impo D rted an not to ta the cocain. /or sale at .. w.p.mavogirraTirs . NEW. WALL PAPER STORE, . 11 191141, WV Suety - 00AL AND CONN CHARLES H umsTll.6ll, Dail= nt • YoughlogbenTand Connellsville Coal, And ldeandeturer of UHL, CLICK IND DESULPIIIIRIZED COIL OPTICS AND YARD, corner Butler and Norton 'greet, Unity and Clymer streets. Ninth erod• also Second street. • Sigbib voird, end at Mot a Ems meat. 4".. a U. B. if. Dot. Snood ward. Orden inlet either of fin above alone, or ad• dot to me throne, Pittsburgh P. 0., Inn re. Ce n l7 4:m n rim a liorpgt Finsen, wen, a (v.,Wm. Smith. Union Don Kiln, s. /ow n, & Mitchell. moony.. & Co.. 81em.11.1 Co., Grad& Henn Alex Bradley, Park. B__ •__ro & CO., Perk lifeCtslloo.,_ Been. Geer& Deft. Woman a Co.. II en: H. elfreot t irn!o a nte e ! B Hera ju)oye=;zl... Pennsylvania lest! COAL!! GOAL!!! DICKSON, STEWAIIT & COL, Melee rossoved theft Pelee la 60. 567 Minn SMUT, (Gate, olt, Hoer M.IIIOII6COPPZLOOR. a unw s alt r Mut CAZSIE e eI re . worn soriestiose. All en.tes 1 at their elect, or addressed to PPP talent, (he pall. VIII be speeded Se smearele. FLOUR Tiernan TO FLOIJII, DEALERS GrA I PD. OO ..-NsubignS,"WO Aft 1.111 meet, Mbusheis earerv i Zr z eil WIICAT, purchased nit it ha ll o i nt PAIN Breen fvt2tatt etV • to " illt.4 0 1 .41../ b.,r,rl=l , s tir St i r lo Zhu United Wats.. in to ../iduh a Mar?. HrtitrPl e olhr il N eo7Usr ihresath -"" ...Su. ared peso. gue the this roar We have mado lb. We at grant. this defy termpsiltian on the Mae grades of BOW. Z. T. 10EPISEDY i MM. Pearl Blearaillit, Allatbeay. renielablz 17.1169. FLOIJIII FLOVII I FLOOR! 490 ble r . ll743°T lorred • end ßAZ ar 341 lads Armand, ITO billeinnadi *Ma lieu bill !Mona Co., $4O bill Bad Blue. 133 bids Nay CUOICA WISCONSIN 1201T33: IGO bbla Iliversida *dm OW Veldts Btar, 100 irarina bm heat Floor. WINTIII WA NTFAMILY "LOUR. City Mal or 'Weld, Mao, Pride of tie W.I. Depot Maranon A. Paragon Mlle Ilia/leader and Ounce be. Louts. For sale lower Man can be brought from tie Won. WATT, LAN Co.. fTMall sad ITCWeed amt. AMUSEMENTS pr'NEW OPERA HODPE. Last night bat two of Um flagag.mepg of u kg celebrated trite Comedian aod Vocaldot, Hr. JOHN COLILITIs. • . TEIURSDAY4,VENING. February id, HID.' the nacelle:at comedy of THE NlEVOlatt MAN. mamma,. the Man of Nerve.— Mr. Johuttellles.. With the coot.. •Votte o• ••Bold Soldier Hoe" and "Birth of Bt. Patrlck... After which the roartng farce a( the ' 31118t0 SHIRT. ' biddy Mor . plir Kr. John e a u, With oong_of "Widow Noel:ate , . Calms /Wines c. naturday. arACADEMI OF MUSIC. MERCaIerTILE ILIBRaRY LECTURES. MISS AUGUSTA L. DIRGON WILL. GIVE Select Headings • • TAY r ( )PITLAIt!AUTFIGEII AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Friday Evening, Feb. 4tb. AMU-0310 N 50 Cents. No resereed seats. Tickets for sale at the Llixtry Rooms. corner Tenn and scan streets- IarACADEMT OF FOUR NIGHTS ONLY, Commencing Saturday Ereaing, Fcb 'Also, at LIBERTY HALL, • lut ttbeztv. THURSDAY AND. FRIDAY ZVI:MINNA. Februbt7 al .4 4tb. COLLINS. HOLMES & MORTIMER'S NIMBUS AND BRASS BAND. THE STARS or Tai PROTHSBION COLLINS. RIMMED, _ MORTIMER, EVOREW, ' WILLIAMS AND RICHMOND TAe Great Comedians Cards c f admission Reserved IR eta CONRAD, ►gent, Yor farther particulars ...mall Mc fat US =0! Instructive Common Tense Lectures, Rev. GEORGE P In the CIO THAL MISS TTEILIAN CIL tiDeff. corner of Lacoek and /Lade...on atreeta, • January SIT—IIIINTINO AN APPETYtie February 1-81111.1213 HUMANITY. •. February ar—FASHIONABLY Mule waits. 1110 e. Yoe the remalehea two Lretnre• of the Coupe, The. . —Ja=tele FA-47,111 TN THE BIATTER OF THE I N APPLICATION of “The Cwa.nv Mattel Building u It Loan Association of intarpabitli and Etna fora Charter of Ineorporation. , f And now , to wit, this 16th day of Noveintsei., A. IL 1809, the within petition and Instrninta of stetting haring been Demoted to, Pen,* and examined by *Dreamt, and the objects. ar— tistes and . condrtlone the, eln set forth and *607 earned, Impairing to be lawful sad not Ullmann.. Mtn ordered and directed that geld !neat:meet ad mans be died In tbe °Mee of the Prothonotary of the Conn of Common Plea., and lbw settee of said application be Inserted In the Vlttabanth. Daily Morning °ASCII'. for at least three weeks.. setting fath that an application ban been made. Court of Common Pieria[ the Coned:, or •Leaheny to grant the geld ”Citisen'e Mutual . Betiding and Loan Amsoc:attort of BliarDslineg, and glue" a Charter of Incorporation:" and . Out such Charter will be granted at the bent: term of said Court, unless exceptions be Med 131. prover LIMO. BY Tlitt S. A. Ile(ILIINO, Corner Grant and Dimon., streets, Solicitor isl7:ttS B• P.I.TYNT OTTICL. • WiIIMAITION. D. C., ee. 16. UMW § ON THE PETITION OF ALICE DODGE, of Pluzburib, admlal•• Matrix or Calvla DoiJim deceased, prarimier the extens:on ors patent gtsuttd to the emit Calvin Dodge on tie ISM day of limb, /Mir and Moaned on tie 23d day Of July, ige7:4- an Improvemcnt In Firs Ilsee • It la ordered that the testament - rim (Ole mallet Owed on the Uth DAY OF FEMMES NZ= that the time for , fillet aramenta sadtbelLt.. =leers report be bathed to the 95th 41.7 7...u.rT next, and that the sild..peiltleraimp heard 011 the 9d DAYrOF YAEOtI XLX.F.• Any person may oppoie tbh extension' sessuzz. S. mule% commtnnorra or rArigii Mclnnis 91.1860 IIiETTERS OE .hT on the natal* of ILIZABATII J. L. of Itobteson township, 7 Pews. I• deed. herring been granted to the nee wags. ed. all persons Indebted to told estate will mono Irstnedlete saysnent, and MI pawns Wang Wanes sgatnst the ems. will oreeent them Wee— Grip authenticated for !settlement to Th. angst. signed.. WILLIAM HILL. Jal3: Manollekl 14110 7, Allegneng toomy, 14, . • tjSTATE ON JOHN BARRETT, teenlate of Ailegbeny Olty. dee'd. • a testamentary upon the estate attar& John Ha baying been minted to the abler. signed. all penons Ingebted me Impaired:Mr , Make payment, and sit palms having atista yviltalit estate I/eV Ine L r i at I peattAlL pal MTII azecutor of John Barrett, &Weis I.EI iYarA •441 BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY COMPANY, Are now Altowlax thelr 111 asportrunt of ABLE AND POCKET CREW, Io thrlr Retail Deptrlnient, No. 70 WOOD STREET.- • In mono:Mon vial their Cal Hoeg CANTERS.• BUTCHERS. BROAD KNIVES. A.. AL* they effer 4.1 , 111, HUNDRED AND XION2T VARIETIES of Table Enloe. and Ifortn.. over ONE HUBDRAD AND 7/M: ditul" patterns of Poole& Huhu. • All vied., worrnito *no igloo to retainer. ebasernvere low. . LIVERY &SALE STABLES. ROBERT O. PATTERSON & GO., I=3:=l Seventh Avenne and Liberty St., Wrranultasy. PA, Will OD Every/ kik&turdas, AN AUCTION AUCTION SALE op RORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIESk WAGONS, „ . . • r=vaivizavintivteiort. i pollee of conainornpr on or berms Thorsdn? tr. trul Z or itsr g * oirisz 41 :11 1 rgeart OILS m pt. i jOlOl if. STEVAN% AlleUsaseri I • JOHN Q. m.e rr nw.rinua ikuk .k rr ? pATT a N 004, 3r.asr3alsw. sexais ADD COMMUNION STABLEBa COL BETEATI AVENUE I LIBBLIT IL; PTTTUIVRGII, 33 tents 50 cents