The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 03, 1870, Image 3

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N 1 !T IT
'CAM ,•!.•••
Stockholders :maw
i l ! 4' ? r •
J.. 11:40.11 . 1 " •
19 .'14 " i'o ! 4•
T. • - brunt Ile •!, cell ir4l4o' 4pobrIAIRPO. II A. P A -VI
1111.8 GM13,..11t16
Bought at Highest Prices.
an t i d
Cur. Wood St:ond'slh Avenue
. 1 . - 1 71"-7k4 16. 1. 11ADie. 0 ,
•o or. ‘,713! JoNINIVIcaI' A.ll
'9lsioenr 1 ufol
Cornet Fourth Avenue and Wood St.,
PAT'? T,F-m%:luK:..,
Lid; ad ;;,•:ii ;1;1'64;
• .1111.. a
Ox 211 .911 T •kVV,Z4 Trjui
Elr Interest Allowed on %Mei
ATOM! MO ffvfl°""'°""*".
"MITI elan= tit AVIV
1104.01. D.
• a . • las
q, c lNßlvi talettt.
F~ b' "u4D ~r#lDE.
rri" cot or Prrroousali
..WgzorimuS. Yob. S. 1870.
The movements In the Mock market
advance' viiite etittrelvih.
dependent or the ; sold. ends:boob miEf;
ket. Gold in firm but dull et 1211 a
tialtlfettaltfdii thteteittW
favor of a decline; 'the general dr.
mend forgold to too •inalgulticant to ad.
mlt otaiiy#4aditlaa fitifiB44!
Ikatezruntua6 ..bondts Are. andap.
pear drooping. Among the sailors there
Cr,, throw who bought just lbeforn the_
close of Abe . old: front- throe to
four per ssmt tallow :present.. gni:asthma
Tke prospeattaraussimmediace Advance
DO; behni. :they. prefer .to
realige,and await deVE/DpMolltl,
Mot trnprovrm . - Jur -Cnntrod
Union Pacific bonds had also a depress
ing Influence on itieFGAifirnment Issues.
books ro Pavatn
t g r a claknlVra
New - -york 'tkstral, linden:lt; -- Iteadhsg,
leortherosr tchinacfn and preform:l;am::
lake Shore are the strongest stockbbn
the Hsi, and • and rappelled to . go..ntlialt
higher; the. Market, hcrwever, 11Pke the
antpport of the ontstdo • public!' who are
atlil: lithrkrent, except; for the mast.
Wild cloak& our hornet market fhb
rlemard for local securities Is brareasing
tmder an :easy: mOntry 'Marker- '
linen) Valley' Raurcad bOtararb id. re
qaect antbout. 85. but fait bonds Me
offered. - . Next hi Wiest stations
school bonds of the difforemt :watCa;: at
hater rates. Banta - atonkti' Ilse corn-
Eland good brlnetrj Con now; considering
ihttho'dlyiderala colt be expected for
sir:months berme. ' : • -
'Beelnewa_tery.dull: • '
lationamtat. : tul reeetred by Ph. ' 114
Mart= 004,1i-Valsgt Silver. /17; glot,ty.
One* 8X
/1, Vivo Twenties, 11314" 11534:
'a, ' et-, A/6)41- 1866 1 1155 f; dO 1885,
o .11357, .11430, do 1868,
I,l4Ml.Tere Jrostkee..likkis maßhuse..fak
ppttmes Company —;
...Merchants Udioa
Eapreat Company, "Ametielin - Ex.
prep COMpluis.. • ' Western Ulnae.
_Telegraph. 7634: New York Central
VT: Beading, 853f: — Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne Ct. Ch _ 88; Ohio dt MI&
Medlin!, 2.5%; Michigan Southern,BsX;
Ceetehtud- Pittetmrgh,lo%; Cicago,
Nock Island it Paultla,_ll.44; Ckdosgo
North Western, 72X; Chicago .8 North
-Western Preferred 60)0, Erie 26%.
.. 24 2.52.1(
Imam, por
Titlegirsott to th!Plttsborsteasetso.]
*Nsw toss, FeSessry 2,1870
Monajtaas3t ai.s€44.leala gent., with ex
condone at 407 per cent. Sterling firm
ar kr'l3l;tl. "Joldipilet, and opened at
121 e eCand closed at 121gtE1141%._ Ravens
-41#7:0,19.9.•. - TenaDeakiZt... ,
SoStretnelitistrtergl cdhleend. ICC •
• lON t11NX436.401r.Ki: do-A% 4
• WO •,, ele mew,' 1430
eN417,•:18R ®l4N;eirild% 13%glitg;
- raw* ...„
Mane bane. attire and generally;:hledt
err Mlistratilit DIN: old. Tenaeateee, as ;
DOW do. 49,11 old 1 71rid_nlatid2; row_do,
tilUiliMict.h.Qlsslllllu4. tl2)..naW 40, le;
Lonielana beries: idgec Wftt..), • •
• np.totbe biditestaprieesof the dy: -- -
`:... l WlTriritieTtl k *" ol .o.t l 7;:bfq
• balligno„ 82v, 4...Vattern rettlert.*V•he I
ttrapti,.B6Wgnlcktalleror, 1634; Maximo,
Aeolis =l , --rargo,---igt ,
WW2 .Entdie• 524,4; aside Atet i 4031;
"New. York Central, 97; Erie, 28 3{ 1 Wye.
413(; Harlem. 138,g; preferred, /41; Hod
s= Scrip. 93%; Reeding, MC Michigan
Central, 118; Lake Shore, 8.53 f ; Illinois
Central, ine; Pittsburgh, 923 ; North-
western, 72%; prerd, 8934; Rock Island,
1184 St. Paul, 7234 ; preferred. Mg ;
Wabash, 8344 preferred, 72X; Ft. Wayne,
158‘ Tile l P iirntr a
N. JA7.. 9 ; tibuque, 1 • t. Joseph,
um 6. a. a c,. 74: c. L . 0., 18K. •
Bob Treasury balance—gold, 11 78 . 959 .-
MOTs sViropt=;l3
Live Stock Miutet.
Nzw Yong, February 2. Ooole
iri@mo higher at the close, with a good
deal of firmness. Receipts of fresh ani
and •, 1,000 wlth'lab% • ;6441 frig f OW 4om Monday,
' ettperior
stock brought IS; because It was so
nu& The lowest grade of. .bulls
Vent at .Tter. 'Melt tiered° Taunts Co
sale; thinnish nettle mold at 1343114 c; raid
to prime at 10 43 1 534cC best 15m Inclanal
itinge. - 12 egt:aViiraitierno, 'inbellt"bn
•acales - OS and 63 'potent' Per - caft; nett
best 13 teeter from liticittgatr, ,z Z lt ;iet, iora
.aslyof 601"atillowt; Ohio • , ionr- gt
isgoft‘c; 65 Kentuelty,lte •et poi
-016 o; SG Camels - antlers, 'ex. owe;- at
1414 c, with 12 Canada bulls; 7M-prt,''at
In each: some Retches* county, N. y;,
• !teem rated by Cyrault sold at 41300 each,
are now on exhibition In the city. They
are the heat four ever got together.
Sheep aro firm at Monday's: mks; sales
of • car-of Ohio, 77 lbs, at 6c; a car Illi
nois, 82 Rut, at 65ic; a car Michigsg,.23
lbs, at 7,Mc; si:car, 102 lbs. at 8,4 e; &Ulf
047.,Qmeda,.116 lbs. aY
day, 4000 head. Bogs soaroe and higher;
'AW head mgy44lftiley: ling=
Am* rd.or IFO
'western 12(312W.
Cmoeoo, February 2.—Live hogs quiet
at 18(43,90 for common to medium, 112@
An_esixs.. Cattle-steady
at AO for butchers', 116,2566,27. ti for
ship berm— -
ST. LOUIS, February 2.—Cattle un
ehtinamilgi •Idezic amallsolus
good to cbcdoe at 113,60(343,80.
'Dry Goods Mullet.
BriW YOME, Feb. 2.—The advanoe no.
ardrittn a tEt i nlVao r Tittnrat
extended to %kV Rattan_, and
come buyer. 'oonsiguenili'meem more
anxious to.take bold „of 11114..01im
txt.n4: 4 o l4l :Mrbiro4lik.rtligdoCaloof,
knowing' tbsontivaitee estinetr‘be. ntgiti.
MENA'. Ilanbi."*APpladdthlAi
Atnoakeag A. Stark and
,Indlazt Seed
701144t74.1w0titi.:: -iiill ad
•1401.1.4r104 aißitgOti:Andiffeettweelitii
itra - auelribrinotr 'nom lippglEgi, -
Anawan brown are reduoed from 1
1130. nines or good styles and printing
cloths are in fair request at good price..
bad mitts In fugitive color. are selling
AgBol6lr4ll ..Forldtastrun.da.gath,
at ills, and Sprague. at 170.
WEDNESD/A Feb. 2 - 1170.
EIIIIII3CS. gobilritlY Warm dell. the
. . -
ttiet a Vint r inarp i Atta:
nod late stints, lad with a light volume
M " po us rt in anTil l' ult ‘
!rain trade coit it I a
OL ilfg t u.
o tia.:;.,drobtitply:onfestTrotidme.-
,a , Tit a armee, corn, rye
n Into mere of
di an ar. It a ruposaible to find
mrchasera. Flour, also. le ices active,
ho fl:mnese which prevailed some ten
lay,, since, under the Influence of the
the vr4ha
u".l T. • nrlM
• er T i
narket Is dull and weak, and for some
11:3W= 'frjiraiseryZie
rately active, though it might be a good
teal better and then .be nothing to
AL jLI LIA 'Leh .leVaLf out 6n
APPl.X.BUTl'Lli,-keindedad .701dihda—
BUT Mit—The arrivala continue larger
nusualiy so for this season of the year,
to Ml4caullglVlnbantni
ball ' ited—.s.sg43 for good 40_ elioice rp
ilidbeiigetti - hetes of
ale atk::,2s; prime at 114,60;_and choice at
.2 311 da tORIVjg t IC 4 ;tll l 4lLitid
CRANBERRIES—DuII: 1 12 €9 . 5.
CI(1 81 1 yy~ to
incisangea, at 5, 1 ( 4 5 , porf 661,,
as to
CARBON OIL—Is quiet and un
hq~ggtlttltMes"ultti.k/VIA fn u
"eir RUG
sail rty
MILD leßutc—uontinties quiet and
eclair:god...Apples at 21,3.9 c. Peaches
• t BGfie for quarters, and 10012 for
DRE-091.0RD' HOGS—Very dull,
xrZitimvx" itYit
EGGS—Unchanged at 25c.
FEATHERS-85(g.90 ets.
FLOUR—Markes•quin• and devoid of
ny new features worthy of notice. Wo
.ntinue to quote western flours, at $5,-Od
4.5,00 for spring. ii5.76,(0.0 (11• for valntsn,
Ryes ionr; V3(g4243..‘ ' t ~..:
GROCERIES—The most Important fea
ture In the grocery market i• the fact that.
ucaranaseallllfttost rehneds
being down a full bal( cent, and New
Orleans has declined about
lht % to a
w t t=ti C alkcititPlrrehlrttrct
bottom had been touched, and buyers
were advised to lay in their supplies,
'but in ibilishtsure rwwttcerett It
le podsible that t eibottoin no eu
t b oalt:
I nt sr 4 l i e=y ea t i t4l . gig o ;
ere quiet and unchanged, end the same
Is trust:Nl Tema antellipleen ohlotad•Cau•
dies are down s cent, while in Fish there
Is scarcely, enough. , doing .to qatablich
Isuusu.s.43 11% layieloll;...l3mararsollie
13; Cuba, 113E@113; Porto litco, 1234@1355
Damara/lc - 133;013V Crop - Ntliir
Orleans' sugar. 11301,1330 ttrr •cho:ci.
Ratitua4 down 34a throw:A,.
Iliorata.4.VolenCroll — lOW Ottibliatt .
gamer, 73(480c; Porto' Woo, 650711a,:i,
5143rtnre—P. , hits Honey lee, 850
Silver Drip., 75c;_ Peal:mina 1 1 0r1m, 55e;
Jerne:f;- , ole Levirig l , 4 7.seV`o6loll. , soe;
Amber, 50; Common, 45; Booth Sr. Edgar
(Ammar.* G 6 > 411 71 If
Covrzn—Falr to Good Rio, 20@r1s;
Prime, 21161; Choice. 23!,1.
11c; Rangoon, 7,140.
P.T E tta c :ii n gi MAI:Mak t :
1,00. Oolong, 85 to 11,45. Sou Chong, 90e
to 11,50.
STAR:la—Pearl, 7; Silver Gloss, 11XX.,
and Cepa tnarcb,./. 2, _ 3 . _
cottmcfavram q :ar - Am,oepergisati.e
Fnurrs—New Layer Patens, :5 per
box; Prunes, 13.,4c; CUMULI 15c; Valen
cia Ban eM.L.V..osana, lithe.
Sri '=,l[EleidelOpea, Ht rain
Pepper, 35 Allepide, 30c; Nutmegs, :1,50.
Bea LEAD-12o; Shot, ; 3 , 00 Per bat
Stoertf-a..l3abbit'ar. ..01kelyes4 .
HOAIP. 7 ei
ItAttntral, 6 lt;tiztlial
BI Cann SODA—iii% per 100.
Flan—Lake , Herrlowlier , half - bbl 3,00;
White Flab do do,7, Lame C7 00: No. 34ackerel
Shore In 06 5 7. T. 7.870 - N 177 rin Jay, bble,
.40 bbla 14,
100; Half
b 7 ln nrielltiotiff
rhe 11C1HA111
li'nßelelittellollik In
Irboaftt this market and mica. are
21:!riAni'.ivt • n unctranect-111,1601/111t for
good Co cheleartitt...arkdiniAo:7oto4i
mon _to fair- Rye la dull and 'weeded—
unkt-be "ctliorerM.9o - ttealL - antl:llsc,
Matta Cdanteintlinnewtlutit rad - .thm nr
[Palle both by -rail and river are In.
cresting: we continue to quote at 780.1)
on wharf. Hag 211111 - Thn'lldlnand being
dull and nominal at bl for spring and
11410 for fall.
• HAY—.f" :=8 from. oonsatry-wasonent
11.5412; and the offeri n gs_ continue
. _
M4 3 ./IS" .iVSVITAP°URd
HOMINY-Bales at'Keo 7 (2,, r eltstrEer'al.
LlMB—t3alea oL Cleyeland white limo
at P 142.2.5 Der bbl.
• ONlONS—bales at :2,50(A00 per bbl.
the outside tIZUrp for elloirfc
LARD OLL—Gity•branda _
quoted at 11,43g1,45, and No. tat 93096.
Fancy Cincinnati and Chicago brands
tied biglabr, .
PE4NllTS—Qcofea'at . 9ol6 - cre." ""
PEAS-Dull; Por oawoL
A:YrATOES-The demand continues
tlirMa loan and 65 for small lots-Minims.
PR0V.1.11 , 3101 , -hfsrket weak, with a
taUdeney. Bbnu
gi r deeZtTr l2 4l2 4 lu37,lMVl '
lit u realr.ft,pm e : 41 .„ W i r t l= t Ff e tx1 .. .
Pork t 29.
Dressed. chickens, IS®l4, and dressed
turkolN• u
SEEDS—BaIe of - buihriaclover
seed at 19,C0. Timothy seed la still quo
ted at $1.750a5 and flaxseed at 12,/061/.1 5 .
STRAW—SaIes. of rte. /draw Ate NO,
and oats se 110(414: ' 4
SALT—Is quoted at= 1,75 by the ear
WHlSKY—Highwines firmer at 1113@
11l weetilkedfil,Ow smear isee‘tlieL,4l,lo.
Old whiskies seam and firmer.
Omar os PrrremysalL.G
.1270. !!.
neotragelkttenun mut "s t ag s' appear
to be very popular both in business and
1501,tWit50111 tW4refl!giftilt#4P:
ert sufficient petrel:3:i AitiliWita% Meta' t
The latest ..ring't reported,mut la must
be (woof no mean proportions, la in the
oil meow w4reAgogilapatlgn 4 said
to'exit, whichlhaa for ICS principal ot.
j a c hTtt i rn i gnr a gidrbr f AV
Um composing, the "ring' are said to, be
producer" and - eastern 'upon: Uteri and
Mat they have been able to. outniPaiste
the trade tbrseyerslweek.amist mimosa
mnstlw coin:Vied. 'TUG ltlique or
"rittr..";iiirlila•COUsd; "ftioitiltihtt
b ittgirafrint t ftlttnt
liners Jeer dealani feel. Warranted In pay
ing; And but.for this coultdnatiou, Ig
• boilavoWthottoormib hrtinid.bioddern - tb
Its level, and If It amid , only reach that
Mad /alio •presion ottani:N. th they..l 0
wen is iiretty 'tintitilt: fg tOkWIO4
however, that this :mdmiZsuan
iaW rimo6rptisboillti opjeell alitt4o
It dissolves or is brolkOrtltg:44l
agalttiber. inte.mnd .notesmeme ed,
ee"eee t 4"
od,, , :ttOirersso4. Sp••eop !eve • t
Mtelli tube . 1 44 11 :00.404
&mom.. or itiro,., botaigtoaa sad!
luthriated, !Us probabltUtligrir, ebtlidd
*cable amount of crude oil could berOplil
Weans - ter it gets down to its proper
, 9 I r•
Market weak with a continued droop.
tog tendecy. Spot quoted at 2934; Fet.
nary at 11 03(-13atei , toue IhntrulYY
to July at .
• rrabs.
There le some little truantry fir aito
With 411.bld,•tatt Mere era no sißleflk;,,to l ;
said, Under .183(. Eteltdr: 7 t 1 1.14 num'
stal•arAaind taryerat .
=alarm OF Marini ou.
Liberty .011 Works_ 1110, on account
Reber itro; Froarar 011-works 8:41, on
act Fisher Brora, - 11-Milie sa ~o n
Warik.Toatsk* Aid(l,6lo.aa.
1,0004.0t*, Vi. htiotesa
on • tiasalbt ..Ptitladeltkh 'Aida
Petrblearor, - W :1;
011 - Woricsaki on aclool2nt4i
/Dot eitnßint: V / 7 0 0 0 1 , tou
WAN; taiVrt
SitTsooortntjk INtrest
TataL .4 Minas
arrinircrgr,9S Rv•
LOOkhatti Frew' & %&a2.15 bbls raf. oil
to Warden. F.& CO.. F
eumortiolipa,,satbDlß refloatonao
Viraiden, Frew At
Fawcett, oil to
W.-I"..Tbserbikiimail'hiliuraltaiiie •
11.. W. 11l Twaddle ITO bble.ittbrltatin
;oil to it. Bartlett, blow . York. 'lv
Total ..
'T' 3l • l r?k1404:;•:_-.4-44...r.,44;1747417AMII
• . . -
.r. at..l as , • .4...11
. •.• 3:11
.rrrr 2. r
s ..... 'ui tvL....:.."~ s.+
:U: e; a:a • e. , r.iwo: • ; ; c 41. 8 • •-3
_1 'ORE Fobruar Z.—Cotton Ilea
and lower; !ale* 2,G.00 bales at 2530
F1t4tr; 1 5.1.411‘11614
b£34 librd a9.f4,10@4,130' for•
trtilirfleth'Stsmand mutterer 16,1505,90,"
.ifiriv• Mate; :Paftt,V, Idea %Wetiter*
5,83g0,95, wbita Ailidavolten:-115,10%
H. 0.; $5,60a0,20, extra
V13,24:(1.1.i,111ig1aa11'0 choler, do.
tya Flour heavy nod lower; wile. 200'
aPilts!' Khlb
.y heavy; SSIOR 257 ladawearerrs at ;Jug
' .314/
arks t letenctl vetted 114.284enr a r; . 11±1%4
0,00 bus at 51,17@1,20 for 1.1 - 6. :2 spring; I
ial7,..einans.cedd 111,181441:30,1
lmtecrginndamicer svegternithnlntier.
extremiilll:42, ithltCwasairia,
tye quiet. Barley heavy;
,salcal 14,N0
eta afilb@gaella.stri del tb chdici rooi
AWL'gadl. W.141.0.1,ed IWO:fertile:
• ley melt dull, an es of .lmah State '
.i 2 4 -21 jd. :fitt ,11.1a : 4441:44atai;; ou DGc
er.steatoiloti Jersey.•
• Ostat reesipts 4 .
of ,
•,471.hush; dull and declining; eaten mf
SAM blrl*9t,Sf l tot avanc.rn,b 4 WOJos;
:taut-Mimed ail bettay,llB®9lln casket
Bee rUiro Mon seE4o7c: coffee firm..
dkdil.letiBY; ! t.des'er TARIi
Vist a :Villa'. at
t 89,11,, Mulct nos dull; eislen.of 150 balm
'esserleservet Potrileufn dedlJ
. .94017c .1. crude, - 341'fdr_refl tied, l'imlut
rut..lll(7PtLaor ,
Wool- tirmt I
ales of 5.,e,000 !beat 4 , 145 1 .3 for donamelc
fer,pmbett„, Lcachan.hetn,
wk. ado. steady. - AGmc.... for .13ueuel
y rein Cenliniet.anct unsettled, • Tex.'
.4 4 1tino ditch 41%74.447g: ribenthfugebnPor.
letuki . , 12V. 'lngot goniediuoderately me.
iv:, lake
_§nperior 21511.;c. Pig fro)
4 4t14G:Z ltd.X l .l4rient: Bar dillirro
ttouniug.,44c,N..,to: fur. rvtined -Engllrtr
rid: Anrerirant_. bliaet Itcollulifltt7lloni •
Ildla gold Incficiaalti: : 14,111 a
454(6f0t5eut...350814c far climatal, ang
'1441'43 for horse anon.. Petit. heavy • and
4 1 44.12§112. 1 i25 : .
onnow. - .meni;422;so4 . tlpSfor rirne,42o
nv• priced mewl- bblx Odor
. p
Pas ' IttelletAlitrejt,' at 426,25:: ..Bad
teady, with - stales or 145 bbls, atllo@tls:
debt* pain .ntelsa, l 9l43 18,58 •61 iS
xtrall#E l Pas- 7 '. - 17@ftV:
toady. _ivttuir salta_: or -lat. -Lt.iiirgai
• t.t2e,00®114,111:4 fur pa . ha/ tuant,'; l7 ,4 , ol
hdla. • '; Beet_iiunn
inlet, with males 75 bbl.. at. V2.8.4:5a• 40c::
ow. ',Meant. dull,. Vat an,as . 100
I lig - evit'll34:lslE.Ner alincileisrn,. and
14)41411640. net ~..tistuas Idiaract. ant%
• ott nales.37s-boxes- at 140-for thitobod.
land; for .sliortrthhigh.
153301a8 long -.tut .niung; -acid 15 . 440f0i
• atfordsi - Diesetzt.•:llda : steamy at ,
I:l.4i4O . lWlirir viesieiii... : : id ot a
-ha4a... 11 1011 8 1 ,: ead . . closed heavy, with
vide 6 =d 4 ta ls l ORrild A.VV atesui, and
1761144 r tca.katiLatrangered;,alias 1041
if:nett:am% 111@j16 . Nn futi Etblllar_Vl
/ 6 SPliellilr.tll l l4. ll , ~1 . 1 . 1 /87 /nell/ir
14u ‘toy.qutpl.fitpu_
.b . ettlrly ut.l7lgLLoiu
„Olean quiet at
/ 4 :4'.Bl...4 l llC. l 4*P o lll.44.ll „ atiddercimitZg.
Latest.—Flour crested dcttl acid seJoa.,
Alma very quiet and In buyora ,
favor with vales No. 2 spring at fl 15
' 2 1 4.4 0 811teli.veh.stallo•anlber aveareitY
1127@11130. Rye . heavy and mentinn;
Gitsllllll . Lamy "at : 51.f. , 44g.54c , fir wes t
erg., Gorm. dullan.l_l l e4Yl ett..lBQBoe. for.
new mixed :tie:dorm - Pork heavy, lower
and nominal at F 26002.1 25 far nuess-fus.
hlsroim-.-Beet. in moderate request and
unchanged. Cut wean., winter, In re
quest wnhcatt* material change. Itatmh
rather more active and pricei
buyers' favor. Lad dull add starcelt
53 firm, EggqVJAYat3°.•ctr.9,lll°3ot.
CiamiNNATI, February 2,—Flour dull
atflfTfobriilsCielthltfiffPrAt v5,20G.5,49.
Wheat. nemlianrad and . rho aupply light;
rod winter 81, lug' 1.12. Corn unchanged
--ear 75c. atemlY at W@R:aa. live
at - Ekan-V - Mirlby — dull and no
changed, with. spring 00 1410001,20,
and • winter.
.41,25@1,50. Cotton dull,
wlttairsiddlings at .1:41144,24tes =Taming.
cri,Ml4.ld . atoll : demand, vital : eats 511
1 , 810111.1ate•xem lisattirrlving, .191ilety
lotrin-and-irt txuter -- d erdand, • with; cisiee
40U Wilt tit Mita dull awilower eV
4 8 ,475%9,25.f0r-live, - anc4slo,l:soll;Utifor
dreacWiyeadti . in Pri)V.lOON dull
and:iinsettred....-51iety •Park
aides LBX,c,far dear . IM:ana
cror;,. 4;4 - sand: : ..drooldne.
matb , ;.ldltiddellB • at 1 2140. 'idea at
II arfci 16;40. , 2toraoitst doll . ; 000.:
giwir ceded !Amine -Mack
dultandisetleetett; Steam fso, and kaule
itic nominally bead mold at 1440. Green
roads dalliv.strocriders an; Metes - 113
12,44 nod-hams 13q,t0 .840.- -Butter
but not 'ewer; fresh 28 .ta 32c. ' , Eggs
firm at 2.2.82Ae: the /atter. vate ;or .aslins
kV- /Aniseed. ell arm at :4 1 0082e. Lard
oil 41,13001,45. Patroleuum- 30a33e for
reatied. tsugar dull; X(.7 Orl jte
13Xe. Molie•ses dull ut 747"fc. fur Noir
Orleans, AVISVO,. gw1414 _ih, „good do
wand at 18 to 21c.
Beef tattle firm and in -good demand;
rulliAlt toeholds lid to Tr- groin. Sheep
111 • 131 and 111 94 en Pea to 91,
Pi! C6l " l g r e. s
dV• YOU. - Jidivitly 2.-••14 . 4
cross; prices tuiL at arlatolypior Ruts earl
Mumtaz leaf, 89Ril for alecilturt ;leaf,
1{2416 friegoodansaufargefilrue, azo&24
fur bright; clock ou hand; 331 htid. 63
roma., Dottori,,unchaeged at 2•1@24%c.
Hemp nominally unchanged. Flour
firmr - for low grades at 34,15@4,40 for
superfine, 14.50(04,80 for Xr 18(96 12S ar
X.X. 15,50:55,75 for XX. X', 1647,50 far
tawny.' 111zedr" ratifffr'ellifB4 choice
spilug hl elevator at 96c, No, 2 red fall
a. 11„02.1,41,06; No.-1 do 111.19(g1,19,
choice at 81,181:005. Corn steady and
mere doirrg;-No,•1 yellow in elevator 70c
"clteksilitO fancy white 79(476c; mixed sack
ed- 76e;- yellow 77490 c: cpglpa TP,l9kflf
16nt155•389a: "lira • ilrmer, at 61@61e
for mcked. - Barley dull, at 8103541,25
for Minnesota spring and 41.65 for prime
fall. Rye firm at 784:p0c: Whisky pilot
at 93e. Pork dull and_ lower at $27,000
27,25. Dry- Sill -teats: small Judea of
photildera at lie and clear &dos at 14%e.
Bacon. vary llali ,~t 1234Q12% - c for
Pipes. and ••19e 3jr
n o tt e, '..rred raid Ball atiGgc
f .• •'Sugar ••unsettled and admirals
31 1° R t r mr ".ellutlot • tm74And
autkpward: . Coffee, aux@t3' •Pliada.
Don Moltases 66t980c. 'Receipts-el'our,
3300.44414berg e 05,300 bush, corn, 10,700
builbt oats, 4,500 bush.
. 4 01 3 1.4.fai:Ftbraal7 '4:. - Pratartr
9•Pe•9lo.StaPninged. Fhlur,qulctl !PM*
emus .st•' ;3.8084,76:-,'Wheat:- '•
rall i gq,T i li• Var . adltd, '8946
,ctordno at 0.14481 c: this after
saamoustrket dtfil•at ;Verson and :101 . 1199
XriprlarY44l4ldgoaelfaiNatah. t karn
firm; with Wee. of a at 7o34@rogh
regulsr,,arld 7Ri47.1.3.4c for fresh: closing
at.'"ZOl4a-regfilart. new at 52@53e; this
afternoon, No. 2 nominal at lle. - Jloais
tolerably active, and 1, , ,ag,%c hlghbt,
wlth,ertiett pfNp. 2.13.1gai 0, elealbg
Ditedde..,Fiye Zatetllo•for Nee 2.
4sArmaltmeaviscaroo aarro; grja
*VOA kult„fat °traria; .
kaa • s;oken.•• mom vork••usasettleid•anifl
rezragi a = , 2 o tig . te s ta
-Laid staler. at ise..'SqyaelP9hotildere
053 0 %. , k l l4 l laliikA arAte.' shot Avit
pa =motes at /3%Q1334e.. Zreasedittogit
iikroriggeert ^aalldl ar,f117,25,141410,150,
closing at_ 110,25. ttecelpte doling the
past 24 bourn 550 bbla flour, 29.183 burl"
wheat. 45,166 tenth corn,,l6,6osboutic.t.,
2,615 bosh rye, 9,042 bosh learter,:ll=g;
boo. Shipmeats:
bush wheat, 12,230 bush corn, 11,256 btiell
oats, 1,480 bush rye, 1,300 bush barley,
tobaccos3. B oa4s,l2 for frosted trash,
440 7 .44f9rAimad,44M. fit/SJP.:Gr,krlr
wadi am sear Ilk (I'M for good.toprintie,
rOlll3O tor • metiprac tigut
Mem "dun ItadlOwer; mlddlliar.2slo
Float anil grain unchanged. Provisions
firm andlyery active, with large sales on
orders. Neas.pork • 9A. Daqpn-akqul•
6w, Aettr 4b,lsVir; cliaraddis .14141 a
aou., ahauldais 11)50. , clear-rib , •945443,
clear aides 15416: " TAirt.f=tleVco" 170.
Whisky iki. Haw, adgar cored, 19%
TOLEDO. 0., Feb. 2.-Recelpts of flour
690 - turretsir.wlZUlf , 0 150 1h luyg ,
7,750, corn 16,000, oats 1,400,
i ze tii 4qn hogs
20,490. Flour OP., ',Ntre ug and
nominal, Michigan,atelawill old, but
held at 81,03%, garriateadrat. Rd v ..
1 old, 72 new, raid no grade 63,'Oate, ull
and nominal. Dead hagestallat 100 . 10 g.
•PaIidaIWIPMA, February 2.-Floaran
mati.:deinand sod -firm; Northwestern
eXtra,farally,Bs6274. AirtuattAtillf
Ait2owts - whits 11 35011'50.; aye dull
itt gee. pdrit;ardlta sliewl,9lAntr
S1019(W: • Datil dull • 8i..60(06L , PH:mt.
113011*.T . 0r atipi InveePlPtkr 3 Pik . . at
Ifito6l7e, - . Metwilencistesq.9l. audit 2,10.
Whisk" offerad at 08c(Mi.
BALTISIOHY., Feb. 2.--Flotu--dull -and
0.70 4 9 • -. :sitgisaAzalimgy;:.• st,airiga
en* alt
t tit lam.
MCI= gili j iritZlefrai
alear'alditiEs"VET .1/471.1t:711
• • ur q e a
33®13Xe. •MSOP
4 3arxe.. mammy q. et and weak at 97
.ISnalThlabs; atv
andantelatared.ei Wbfrati , dull,•No A rep
*WO. fl; 1 1, ' Zi4 l ,ap. Au% v 404; 'O l 4
Oatre linclaanged. Rye un
friallleum qulet and un-
Drrrniffi, Febriffaifyirefkleitt
portant change; extra 11 DX gio. 1 in%
amber Ilo3®l 05. Data dull 'at 45c.
Barley 76 per centaL premed hogs
advanced to 830 61411 L Cloverseed vinyl
scarce; prima .8 5 0 . I
4 1/11
r 4. la I
The river continues to recede Idea. fly .
4titntsvblitif/Odlftils Mt/ tiOlinatiesituothe
1 tnittqc lll . rthe l ltanotientiNiPtiiiiinfliiie '
TA -li •
si l t4 Vbi t
I 4 441 i;m01 .1 41 1 b , AV:iiit .60".11raliti':(711/11 1
but. ~ nmilenrsourt .14w ~astriyi i '
(Il .SUPOO,tilhOttevvlrAneilt6tett .reigtltokt 1 1
t. rapitetadi ti4trSVllllooitienintaio...lAtxuad.. I.
lnipte the leht.Dantrakd coroftrhy veto tow -
• Mice sii i irlenkiniotlrtif vont .ietittbkrh: •
...' l iP l4' Wi l fEnfr"
AVO. TI I4I. Ri r-.
41 PLA 14 0. 9 .1 . 1 1 .
*ol4 l 794,..tiidAPtleirAvd.t; i egliiirp A..4411i ,
Luning.uloo l oi pougagoo..bpailt, .04 and
ippests , phintr °Preece tor 11111provement,, ,
• i mutt! , th itort:r-mottrtii•ftbre% 'Wild ;reiiyakm d eib,inturrotmcia ‘ , 11.....11 I
MO Mita irrevert.ssaU idepartea ten •
arlesslissipstith mien& tidosartitmey..
The lawbc*4olo.7diallilasutdc.e..taxce
oratt rieb h i Liton_ le ty s o; t t 44:
11 ix ttElti rinruttgig , "Tit l eti'llg . talet" of
':t i testiltigskters Hllllll,Bl rented wtips
• reerut , t‘n unaseettylistliromitintitint.oll
. liontvenOcltssinh.e.tliteprowere; pool..
Ole t hesnuridees atioutrLissen Lepel Wide,
• s.v.titatalussatisttene Ists.ttprihridges,,
llteseitlenhO l p 5 1 1 tr r gt.
ltlyir i iik,steafilil . .$ W'.
OvilienFere Siikr Mltili nr * t. lim a- t
thum -finem...TlS6' Ittlifitd SOLitiltr t e
66LR'lx.iterffi en ttnEer" - 4 ""° •••••
• . Wei Wi kflahrcie, 1)44 linsOnittiisoo. •
l i
' . erring.. for I St- latilits,sitio.willi neap& .
reigiot , theterstsso Neve -Orleans...Slept. .
urtrh shippers. __ _
- -
or, aottTe data.
. ......, .
atatrAayen_lghte itabOUt .eft
be.altit grds ogtoem nr, tbs.
nt nant to ba.dirtlitaleti.; taketrditinnit
o:hts zno.ther. wlnt.teanltp .1.11.-0 0 11 AR-. I
np..; Ysnattcht.t. meuttoll..ho. tnt in on
gpeatancamigtditue,,t4 _gut, gigitt.atelLtif,
U./Ilk/aged iniantewhavraa„alotgat,dia,
meted on account of 1130.44010, CUM
4e had, recolvett „It seiniul that anti
the far,. 'd!
iigoarna . great; ciiirvijaik "Witt,
hart; bittlae had rt6ldsabfartillfit
Ibtot a wagalinkidtV TAR: ett
.tit rzaabbrei
. .geyfte:o,lol,2 reacheidi ,to'hit
ng a kiodit'salmtiletnitiffillat.eli y i as tr.;
tooted condition that 11683%1d vkatdery
tartd,:whEch Trams:Medi him from • • te.
. tint soblibra-Cniclanati'ettmesercbsp
iikinerica;Jth r .44ttld ' .rdtXritot; of
Wediiilrfav,' 'Wet t Ed-Verock .
last night, below. Smlthht
near Beaver dant, `while under full
headway, she stviletc•i snag, tearing
..hßiLoil the. atertiziard- cr Abg
boat, to sttch an extent tlitarinitboutrtno
minute oho sunk in. Armors feet -of vita.
tor. -best' iasobetained
tour lives were loot—two. boys - w • •
werti 11 eniblz1 8 9. 1 2671_,,.nne 1 1 .1switt•
: finer '7vvitt, 'crew.. -.The'
at and Old'atf are a "total- Ina. _744:
tall; Of drm.oL Owner, .k .Eade,.of
tide_ oily._ la. - Thar 9Wweollars
lost everything audaolua .of.theut wan"
takan,„on..the Giberito than. night
Tun= 'Amid ht - • .
airlved liight bow Pirtsbiargh.
The formerretelded'one'hendrelr tons
,fettrrinintlratitires,eitheletng ofstorell,
v, - gla.Aware Und male for - sea
Orleans. "Xjaa). latter got' t*o ' handled
I t -of she ammeter - of' freight weu
tloued lhanahelthand, raver and
the lower Ohio. Bath steamers left last
evening. Tee. tateasenger,had,ataa..
o.elll[o. trip—her guards being weryi
nearly on AS level• with the water,—
;Meting Intetligenr . er let.
—Tbo Knoxville Malin! Friday isyv:
We were inferived laid evening thal a
onnipany 'bed been already formed In
this city, mitt a suftlelencY of
put steaullso,sut upon the river between
this !villikistid Eligtoripoirds, l
deliver corn at At Irian; Goorglik:a
cents a bushel, and all ctikos produce at
41thilar reduced rates.
'home Uncle Sam,
which; la •44i • 436- - namenatatrod,- mai
burned on the 231 of JUDO lam, above
Suakin' Vo k ry,lias haallet idachldary
Add' boiler removal and.Auwau . up
. t .gr i gn2 centgi nox IVAIS
—The Canada la loading et St. Louie
'or Cincinnati. She fa to ho dismantled
at Niadiaom an her Anachlnery, Iran.-
terred tbsia.lpeekol;.: thee e'Rock
Island," building at that point for the
elltplds.Tcades"i c.t t I M •
—The new steamer ficigh Martin, in
tended to run between London and
Kiiiitai,W4 7po t4hat,•*ellft.l4 l 99hed et
the letter place a day or two ago. -
lairizay Awn%
from P•ttaburgh, and Volloeaal from Ar
kanaaa on
—The Bellevernon and -Wsnanlts ar
rived at NevrOrleans on Monday. •
—The Maggio Hay* and paeans. phas
ed Vickahurn orritrondsy.%;
—The Greif Reptibile, loft Cairo for
id tit
—The Pt. Charles left Cincinnati for
Pd . • y.
... ra . Y .. 1 4. A lE TAPI . •
solav February 2.-9 overt-it ore, -Me-
liolght;P a:Co; 10-dti Ore," Effiden•
3 Reamer; 2 do Is ore, Coleman, B& Co;
5 do pig ltlfaticli - &M 2 do lumber,
Kelly &Km. 00 bhp', flour, Sheppard &
Davis; 65 NO - Mill feed;F
40 cases tobseco,•Arbnekles & Co; 8 bee
scales, Fairbank, M & Co; 15 -bdls hdlg,
gkEltery rd' kat 41071wheenUarldbia,
worth dr 1),;.10 tubs do, J Mitchel; 7 bbls,
6 hints 1 toot; YKsallleirl - b2;l'hf•bbl,
drums tobacco, Hanna & Co; 5 aka rags,
ttlattibrue3•kge litiltldHroYth`& 4.7 d;
32 bdt, brooms, Molina' & Butler; 19 ski. •
Tyr, :1 , W :Fstrisyt.. 41.:Addes;11. rolls
- leatharrllliMisturel• 23 hdls; 1 be.•chp4r
stuff, Bedford Chair Co; 27 bbls apples, 4
sikseeehee.flindotplt &St II tars, 2 legs ,
fatr,,J All MI. bOle o Mtk, 2 de' SOMA
6 kaki., 'lb butter. &Mgt, idelmod. al
Co; 9 casks cullttt, W Frank & Son; 5 do I
di., 4 all CtegrAir l s - / 2 :htds. }WM 4
do peaches; antes ~ rrf , 59. , M1 Obis, CA
Wordscasft 59 - bpekete ta d APStirlyer;
. 1 (par; do; meanicalCottln; ell,
44 rcreendo, It ,EI ; M oore; 6"bble meal,
NlccP s .o: l o4J . ,%tcoj t 43 Idle a:pies, 60
eke corn, W C Armstrong; 22 bbtemetrol
sea .1 I. Dilworth; 15 irks, 1 bbli - t box
=la; t
fitAWtrayTidtrelYl s l4 . ,:iiii,g:rone
dust, Seward & Emerson. blgh.
Wiretap Hoary Wattstkeatibblebbls
do opiate, B L P'shnestook & Co; I car
bey, 0 II Ai ken= claatsbbl gin, Ido
whisky, Allen & Rosenberg; 10 bbla,
20 mks dour, Rama Cavell •1l bblw bawd
ny, U Rea Jr; 1 bbl eggs, 1 bale loather,
Rlddiet leassithestodad Urged A ,
100 bbls dour, owner; 6 dressed bogs, I)!
Bysos GS eke regs,. - Reba- Chrlity; •SO !
hides, Al DeLange; 10 bait dos.brooms, 8!
Landw, Jr et Co; bbls tallow,. W W
1 170 a M 1 M1.% rrpiell°llMlVE
/Cars barley, Franenhalm et Co; 229 bee
cheese, Widt; Lallg a Cot Bleble'dll, H M
Henderson Bro; 6 canoe oil cloth, Weal.
Itundlrmaildo MuMcFaskind Jr. ibMns;
8 do do, Bayard, Roma Co.
Gamest/a22. Aim— 3%
auza ReirstoAD, February 2.-200 bbl.
four, Dan Wallace; 1 cm oats and corn,
I of ..bit;'Yair Oats and barley ,
Meek; 83 bga 60 bbis flour, VP Fadt-1
ker , Son;: 12 blll4 annlol,_ d 2 ekge,
Volgt"MWC4Nlite Ilerd' BMW& 51;
kgs butter, Bigger & . I.; 6 . do do, F 0
Craighead; 1 bbl do; I Keg lard, Meenor •
4.11; bffbarler.,4 Jackson. ,
tbEcceed; lir Eirlebarf: tea' grea se,ll
,I'Dalzall; 1 bhd tobecco, M Hoyt: 15 care !!
B roth gaper* IrolVidc,lthrs
114tild4 3EIVA, . Nagar
:ae.agap reek •• yore taku4SSl
p 2 .2 a rnilrerr 2 We
tart Ltiwiago.;ulsaock.W
ll ama; tear bleennsOlhmeklk , Co.. -
~biiQl~Ca7rs7♦llOar,F.brß .1i-
4 cov•akeiti Kternellgr m
roi t t TIT -
Treatniti EllidYeardt, bkls4lo X l90 Stewart; Boars Mayas,' - Hemphill; 1
do do, Balsa 4l3; S bills eggs, Arbuck
lea & Co; 2.pkirs butter, /as 011aniint 2
draeled llo 2 ll , Eebt Ma'am: I ear
11 ..Holunaia - r u ed.7l - biiiciatX -Ira/lila;
Ileckelmin: 5 cars Metal, GratT, Bennett
Co; Wake flour, Medi/stem. 40
bales cotrob, E Hyde &Son; /60 mks feed,
Rose & ovAlblogeis,,c C Boyle
& Cco do lumber, Darkre la Parker; 1
. 4012r 2i4 1 1;ti .10 , Use. 401114-11,•1.
ALLIDIGIEMY RanalliAii, Veil*
ruary 2.-6 cars railroad Iron, 0 A Qv.
Meer; 17 4 1*cl - drier Veid, 71 KIHI
patrick'doCac; 2 ears - limeataklN Shoe •
berger, B dc Co; 2 do. metal, Brown A Co;
6 bgadried apples...lL H. Kirkpatrick. ••
Co ktqugncal, , :jilsogic• - x„6,;;;;„1:tbla
dried Pplee. Volk - /A/a - bood &Coi sbb
0 meld. L BlikdblIII; Aaara.haf, • •-•
Duncan; 72 bga corn, J McKee
do rods, / Age inntarrat B rown;
.§I,II,VOS,II.P.tkuIAT; ..I.l4atbedl•.'
CHEAP -7 77 7 7 1 - 7
" 76111 )1 I
dt.f4 itY. 1 1,5 Ifaft zurattAt
Pirantre.l3slr. - .IINtIISITT
gi.Mig MA/tel.*. I/OW*l4p. c
•v F 9uo'U~
I tiarmilt, 17, 1 3 41
,7 8 ,4 t
rpreveraktirkrtsl6.4.rri semen" :t4
0••••• •
eon grolAlLL.onaragoggottiardutintastloiN eV ,
4361.0.11araft• 1••.•.1 L. 1.1 •
t.. ILES •
're t. O..IILALID .I.4)OLLItieWOOII4 Asurte...
D •87., MOMS ...The z l i gsa t
....ha parirog•nosnaw
• ' 44Poi•di 1 / 1 .16.1..fps
I,X .7lV.Oittltejelt i pt l WAl l" t ? '
blVeil?vs , Otg, -, or^ ••'
141.. .1.1Jdr.6.1171.1.LTA1N14 diarma.l .1..1.1.* I
•llAtittl•lANH•dre IX) ~.•4.
1 naliAllllo.AND AT.sallikt , T .
,L.6.014,7.415e. OP.ritibil 'lO , O
ortptlatipypOpc..r /
usli.d;::: ? . q i ll 'Mont"
:t• RIM! On FRI . V. , Ve " b, IL 11 K ...,
• ram labs vtau 41,4 tnno e Oslo parte. ..........;
II fr XIV: I "I' 01.....4101,411:
: rigkg,F4l 4 .or 4l 9.,W,Zi, ~,
am wan: fiTEAM's -110r#,
. ty i t . i;,
, t i•jatrityi . H . .......\ llll
ITY 0 , PA111 . 3,_ ' CITY OT A r ßi,
ITV OF 1108Ttcs,• . 01fT A I .A. Ibloll7l,
&Ulla r • EV - Ettl • - eATunitY, froartier 45'
::"SAginflaj4 ll6, ", molts ?trarpacc
449 1 !. 0 ( PT WORgi;
H.M.-.1:011C'4 - 004 •••'
:ii • " •
l AcskAmeTnEus;
• "
' etkolAwii: Jai& ':l47,l . rodlicti.'
Ltv.dtvkii.oo .
1 &RING & '"" ' '''
*etroleam—and Ito Products;
siquiL.E.Lr.jur..!Ammoza. . . .
17, Chambir o% birnsin,.
•„„i„ ,
MA HII/MYEllß i elt • -• •
Lubricating tallailikilurning Oils..
ftitNlll74l - reniAtjaw 4 lL'u
Locomotive, ottglem,llecolite ll*l o l' •
win cue -crews.
Ad• Pt-41 for WO spr.d.
glplokle Wool illead,l.lgaalf.' -'U ri l ltrlTTlr dr l "ll".l44. ....
. .
V• l ekV•WllM l tr P llrst. r" d f bLl"'
[49mm• Na
lareddlea [patent hy Yupm beau atm= itVcco.
[ cuo. The Gramteastior t[lls Ara Almost odotiom.
P e lf Aol
rm aaz • fecarasysloce Ace ogrd,sml
r• mak, atumAl stsatufrs•term•/ NO* AIMS.
rano cllla Sr. Arecualled. Sad Sr. Irt collA49laßlat
o• sumo of the principal ItAllrouls. Sma plea <so
..”. _ .
I:0K a Sharf , , th . tija.Pieiaietai
Si s rtg*TG.7ECAtit.:
QuMll4l4:l4Pc! 1 & " Co
prgat, marled , ths,r
il poi* 4lowlibeloorJrn
---- • -41i1 elfithi f -
Acivil.iitt - ;tas hi ti<ureo brIVO4 - : - .11.1
ragr4 , 5 4111: 67: 141011k . •6 1 111111.11ittet
Filth Aireaaw
La- • - •
Q . Cloths_ WAz 4qw_ $h s,
DRUG w:tm-
,arr4) . 6l;
dt„the Lowest plget . 3
. 3tet: Oared
- ;".4: 1 g .:a9vPkA
• ' •
4zlnir#ers _
:fri4tata Jrciglro, •
- ; •. ; Crirsalb .
. •
,r 7
X*. 61 FDTIi 4 FZNW/11,
,Amigivtoo.r? : l!riu=;
190010 : moos
4- I L:i Bi thajg
• riff= • .
Ecniittittimir 41*
MING OUIIO .0140tilS
:Woolen, Zink Ma l
••• Votiflieftelirr he liemihr
i ll ad 73 Fifth Avant:
Pit - .
PliVT',l/ ' kJ: v i z -isncriajOiolkArtriLD ~,
SQ.* • trudge. Beriet.,:ttettarok
treessuuizralk cart n.
'3 "* ":" I' Rowan: rinna
la i lkoOrdaarikr i m i lz i ama .
Vorek l ir t reVit lMP OWAPitiFfiVa .
°.. 4 - 1 1,TM/4.41111,M MAW.
1D1•17 a It oft
4 1 41.1=1:41111;Ati,11=1.1.06.
dt ThlMAClAVALTJAViglilagrvilli
TrirelVlrglth'MllPM ID:.
lb 00d 4246.•••••, Arb....26.11111.43110 dINGSM Ah. ,
tl At
i„„4f tle Mit
4 ut , j r a r f z Ni l et in ld
me ir i j
tba , mt& 7 a. o
..vrVor I r ! r U,
I Yd Isc oftea..foeratatrd.C•••uviqa b
7 arraElM.ine.:s•72lls• •
S k e rlingreir Wthiti
• a•I rir 43 011111 nal
..ra•t!isuit ebefhlets.tstat ITIAMM , QI , O4. Inr•
Ay, *
. V,l l ll7itliLini ... l =2 " 44'7
! jli.lNldi eat 'lll .r.toti &An
..•-• AiVoir.,
• •
p meanly te.greed,•te hte•lttneeelleetnittoootoch
r0tt2'..11..F1 W`,7fr, 4eo.l:,Afatp.lloo
. kir tltlittetY. flee We' •thfillft
4.0. th. poltlatAnod.te•CO.UP,
we h eeettel cfrloitt g o 6.111 lo.Ancl•a_tle g o.e.
• 4"en•j,el l , 4 7l 4 l l4 C4lrepigrt&hfc:ng
1 , orea d jaai,l4eat. 11..2•111. el 6.0
lea. 4
3. npiolt•l.wh e chin I ones o p t l ocyo pol, r p th em el l
Vell/I°.lVlVltg4 i ttot:."l"97Vl•••
I Ahth. 11-13ettdmoos Die ontseentollelos t
nr. monallp.ce l e eat. 4. 1 ',./taaeak_iiV.Vg.
=YAM, ' elt11 . 1? - 1=4 9 :ZrZan tanZall•
Mho etn.lTehloetttera Int ParirralLtrata i l"ch
IM 9'et i tTakt i atani .. n . gene•
, Outten I l er =. t . o ol • l l 47A7 t , c ,. lstorattlty
nkrot logneheeJoteh•sneo.stUEL..lll 4 4na
ge L aMtP l4. .l;ll l l . l47:etter:2
a d
eolgoetetrtd•Ort•hoebegtht ellmoheeeotehine
ro•dtmtloate4.l.l.•??..tY l attrrAeV l ,Vr:,,,.
e*dNlVille/ITalart , :cgia:l2allgt*.et , ettleth
nod.ler•ortte• to•maket eleheettoott or candle I r .
. Ylettlig.,rndlTlMUalftW b ais
Whoa lhO 4104a1v0 th Warn. are, h u t la apfl
:',4lr•V,ll,Tv 111,141011.7',1 , 1',1717,1%3N
I..tallb.tlaole fon•thoor Into, nor=al and
• Thtl i tiM f rprerly
.trgthtlict t gfer.""S"
"'CM. ry cortra4natitralanawiawariooew•
• Ilcotetl. Ilp• n epoo• o alt.LlTer CetnPlOlNto.
i 1124 A
Tbela llft44laZ4 • V
•etbee M lWe al,the .3
esp r tat
a.merlbed. aala7a.lff Maa
arrant. not no copt n • parllcit E rthe ilo+'
naVotaaw. rat , eterothenotltt Jt r sbnlft
them. % elet.headontete PLlen•-r
. et theme plan will h orns the aleanf of the
• ihellelgpri . n . Pite 14iNr4ea 11416351 AV
• IrgeVinikl isr f
Pa h l IflTl=Oull n`b
Ri a
n O t in g %MTh. hate oven artietVellrar
noeht.topelte ewe of behest/Mate.. .... rent,
thchebelrei hlmense etiolates•Pah Mesila.
i44 .:41V.411=4: 1 47,A,:11 • 4 ° ,1 , 1:. 0
leinnytoot be hut •ratlocun • .I:Oben: et %
adsasalas allbfitriZepra '°•••• • •
' PAU: 41. rolttfctittirOn oath Ititmeee4Tos.
•s•ottptg ea per hoille, hielcdpie l• ,
•••• • ,•!.,=rt!!,
Ci nocronlvnirrikilitiis- -
DstAi r e.iitr Vgigist
oR•.lftifbe;.'r- wool:mime, mammailanms
ammon dinilly t annitiallit7. MMElRlnnkAmmk l / 4 1,1
c " :4l * Pe roo tClc t tfc WKdut2tab, fou4 ,
innr olandimenmmennoti"nal consmint Mace
InniMely.l3mltml.lo.ca4.ll4 nolAVkiWgon, minmk
nonto nozhlng. manrorteneeVtb• pert Mine..
vu ntabletillmtomerfeer tratedlnt. ghee. nin
e's:a, emtn- parnmsem-an4whinh Immentg4onn
' V 434"1 n b agell " VglirnttrrN . V. - -
I ti-jg• P aiir nevem:ma- siket v:Mning . mniscL; alma
egencticand_Memstandp4Mr_ , ,in fer
...,-kwanin,fmrt,,-;=4, '4=
IFALIAr 11.110. MM. Art
ArJr , irnat b
wit m-
Zi , VP Daft.. tit . 4.1 t o
tthlfmts fur two ,
pmts nnmealedmempinyom immainads, mama'
r ' Von a jMnliet, " .„.. ° 4 4 .ll7o ` ,ll7lll2
Offllne - Mb.:'.?" WOK nIAM:,' Continlitmm)
Plastmjnik,Psn, ? a. M. to.V.r Snip.
OrCALIICELUS. ; .T UMORS, • sad :almost
ettelieglotia agiAlictilij dolly
soul* by Dn. IL H..KLItUr. a -CO, SAlik
CASeer Infirmary, OJT Arch Street,
ligasen of
ap 111 charge et' Proreavor L. d. DAVIAI,
Aged Aro - glirtieer gietldelese the viecie4,e/ratile
sucsastql iao•i ila. the glelUird.vcorld.
Toc7. •FE npt eAtieg or barn tag seed'.
clam • 'limy give litt 4 sin
dersoirbritielko rittlrgeenav — or •tbi Axe: IlAs
Wu, pereeesbeee -Itterse,..thiates. °Alex
4raataatakila..l4 W. N.Sar, , AP! ..A.! . ‘t” C IA I .
or .demo as above. noa.sla-171111
• -
1. 4 0,°‘:`,17'.1..
trodpm• weZt•-ti Is —.nut ccni
et.......—..s.Laola—txrix.vmox curt., .A.vplo
the •alow tell and ele , o , lre
Vlitaiselbby dO not hinsees,ltr. vOuttl
tee dallgert A..—stzbolocf•
11•11, Zli letY, l . pekt RN:Tiro:l x ' 4.
f.!632,7611Z,V4h•tr-ii -',fc“:l.l:-
poaggps, C 017.1111. Ytib
- ;Kim oc, rood•• N. pleamit. - . ~•
• •-•
. •• • - ..10 Asttr Neer• tehr
- is.ntont.otaladre,t4rated oataei•
UagriltPwq.Cppeo .10p.
DILWORT11;111RPHR"& . 110.
~. . .
mi m osa. limp:for:N*o
.s.;; reattriis itray.fiiomenia ori:
• • New Crop Nei/. ;:.
or gitpi oftd• tal!.
aN isliSi!g#r by 6hcllopekpad
~0.. paN Ali i 4
ruum..., wow
• Iltitkameatitik, Near- llllcb Street..
Lead Pipe, Unta Apse, ban Pixtbros,
Vain:Tuba alieg 'ff.* few. imia - rivi Sid
tlitnia«.lllo ilia 54=5.5 , W
nimaya on hand. Plabl'a and - Private ;landings
Atletatonth'ur4;; Water , awl fltesm•llwlas
time' spliolaged 071310
IMACTPII for..Atlegbeug r . mums,. uutie• le
hersh*given Aseidity Oleo gad
11101aulaal Tes Uri Multiuse* can be provided.
' , *ta , b•cAlfiCa.•urePXVlM o 7.2 l( .t.4 , ..t -
. 1101 , 111.1. - POUSDIIT AND. PIPE WO E h.
Twomtv-third street, nest Perm, Pittsburgh.
.• • . Clat awl Bu Hetgrjuspectur.
21. ............... 7. MI• 311.1111 ,
SWINT gio 06 &TT e • •-• .
- 1134iIITS • TUirAls ATM
int PiAli OITA 1.1.. -" C ARlO4ll‘5
• :.:111p4i4aatihskylt ) , itilegheiy;.lll.
..A large Wort:nag Acancynsu,
'1A1 1 1,159E8 connantl7 es •bs,ll, • S OH
7 , ::)3•9,iiiiesZ4o4 .
No. at illoth eititeig; •
(Latelintd s ire e Pa. -
tGE sorptortrrs or AL
Jlne.Yr frestjaks doh ll* reef in{l..d.l/
yicul. Pulpress , ,Tx.volar let atand. No. •
Ded Markt; • PIP: bomb, tau at, thd Tort
ql n ir
busUn,Clq; corner or roda
..tabita to alwsy. have An eon a I'o
<lass article, wade can bell Will,* .71.001n0i
gry... 1 .11-150 1 8"11 fign_ d _i".I,MITMI4.
1 •
at!" ,1 ? Ru iW i cett9 4 `;•
. .• •
• - wa' oraesAismaxiss sn
•fiteigsianilt Dtrittestie-Dry
Na i 4 liciozi •
21drill door abov• DtaidrodloA,
C4.•Var CLIMUNG:' , _
Alio, 'titled . cnoinimi of oil 'tbi'do
tuipi aJutted 'al. wholiiele ottaletl, Cf•
• . &H , PLIILLM.
• •CeSrit . Finadrpittaaaa.
May . aadA3rlid-Dest of tibias,
Cana =NM aid Aida strait&
3 . Cri n
68 . O r lu .. cla r iTAPPrtgitft:Xegi=
th the. rt-do•remecto dr sae
lttstetot dr au t t'L t " VATt i g 9 2INI b WY Pr h OMR ' Iy 4 lSt
A o.' uAlunkalonamat,ißßAßAPß
I/ . rd'is ai said. 5i .,4 0, ,, ,, ail taaayou,so t .,
` . V" ;1149 ( "4 ""I I T ", • , "47,410i4a. ,
1 11 ,. .e1,...w.,VAC1AtPt Wf ..,L A N, A "„ 0
il furialaag•neri,sigrAls4....,., it cgs ,
1 , wriltstiactlif,47Pgtweipie.T... ~,*,..... ,
• dodtddaddldwprr td,1m1nd.1 . ... • ...01joiVilV d •
%-' I .l:ol l,l N; ➢ Stii6P,tvm••vdd,.•(.l".,
1 I' a 1,1 d ~. ~,,, ••• ...It .•i 11.14.490111.1!HI. I,
I/ dn..... I. , •..1 /1 3 -
1 leitittGlirnkiidriaA' ..-.l .ff.
,1 I • .0 VI 11 )i . • ip,/111/. i... 1 W, NS Jfirfte , Alqi f•
' I.Baulc•Jappux.yo. NOV. 0..1. 2 7 '0
' ~ tt• ...LA, 0.11 •.0 1,1.• d ••••••dmidddiddila.
1..,i.... .061
_,...llde•••••••=r — lF — ' -- ,
,•f44,44.; 4 1, 41WIOMANN,M !riimii r ale . :'
t.temletr4r.l4.4, ~ itm rive., 4A ,-. ui • 410001 Up, 1
. r:,,,,..... 1 te.d t • t'bol.'' ... ' ••• ' 1
m i c. :::: wrt 4,9::::::: :.
. : 6 732 ,...,.....,4 7 9,,,, 1
.I t iyit.. ' ' "4 11 1 044 '
• .....0 ....,...:1 ..1.,, , , , i.. ada1 . 1 40 ,5 41 ,
• "-P..
" '''''' '''lll/4.tldb 64 C
' i 69 . 1;? ' . ................... l!i. '-
: r T7l,7 7 :2;vi ‘7ll :::,..l::6l ," :::: : •Aa tllk ilviamiL it* , ' 1
414IVirligit;;A... :. V.' ;:iii" li P:
1 lu.ted Ivan.. i....... 1 ,• •_lllisol.
d'.7 , ridd J 0... T. J9IIIISTON. beerctdrl. ,
[l. , IMPORT Of 4,111 E itAIRVID ETHAN
! ttL1170 , ! 1,1b" 4 11. ..t t V??!
34 94trilii
rdlllll`."4.4 l ;Fit'll'A ••••
";:r ii " l """ "" 1 -
' " " ) 4 41'411'
• M . :,l,„, Kef ,r'Nitl e nal
*renu. 0 g ....
oYo ..
4. 4 3 1 32:04 ,
- ....
.2,;lfir s Ml l Vi".!!' • •E!:" 17Xa.93I 7 Xa.9 3
'roll -.MO 450 1M
gageamll g . f 14a.1• o 0
, a . 819 :eU„,.:
our to UAW. p.
161; v Irt.rkg.tFA
(Iow, , TT or At.taggrakTt
tardy tweet tact the above akatrw•w• ,• actle.4o
ha beet of my knowledge goElpellgf. ;
4• W;Er.EXN.,
gleam to and enb.,r1Ve.4.1W1'!.i.m;904;2,14
ay of Jaauary,lBlo. •
T:CAM • IDAY NotulTuttliKT
Jo , fittituDETr.CT., )
T! ,11 - 6( IA( rtiftsvcrltGir VAN T.
K 7~cucx, gLfAsia.
t lseusry 47,1117 u. gE , c kn i a . o?
tosts'and 41.5111 1 .31 , 654
11. 61 1gt ` i :?; neori C 11113: 4 • • -
I 1. ~--••••••••••••••••'..',"`..,•"P.11.1:01:24j38
I Bond. on %and
noua d Ro,rve •sent.. .
no - trout • . eittor . . .
f7..efr .
. ..
,410 13 0311:
B..king.ltopse.•.l, t
rcrnatoor fent Fixture* • ....,716.1•934/
• •
ram. , ...-•••••- ••
~•••• _ _7 .
a t rep o
• ..
IPertsse rev
le , ll , eeeeeee• 2312/11 ,
i-telmead.Lef.elT,ejorg, . ;,(131„alto 00
Tent Per (Ant. cartreasta... 110,e00154
ayii;t lihri 1 1 14 ....... Duo, bdo dot
- •
(Ural mock ...- .4.6(1,01113 XIV
I all csa, W
DrSade a a a
u ak•
•, 7 1 .. a
3 2
_ars ~„,. . ,
Dividend• USD•Id
thltdtturan Omuta tay .
btU "'
"•:. •
110. H.
wood - St. ear. &Wad' ATenne:
Gold, Opl*mA Benda and Stooki
• 4 . t4 , l=.
oopar °faun cg..ftscs., 414:
S.: McC,PEAII tk - CO I
• • • BANKERS, - •:
. .
♦:fIID{~Ca~ 11f,
rkri.ern34ent. sPeFE!Rieit.
.Ifo. 76'puryk-e4tel,Wit
. .
' i•enonel and proineciteenttida given to &id, • 1 1
tbLi[lnt4e. heehaw. Collealdhi nude. ./Dlr-1
iltlpayi Issued; s.Ad."lntf*.d eillOirett deflate
Dertelte. "Adviicei wide of Vrlrei Collatrels
ind Okiveratiiesi &entitled Merit nqi.
Detlereht 11Ofilin Donieette "ZlEherrile
Gold, &leer, Back Note*, de., Ac. All local cr
ether Insert sheen atoele, loads. gortgeges.
.Chtesterclalra. • r.. se, , new4lfyy4 at the
rates of twatmleatoo. -1011
PEOFLE?S ~84INGS:1111$11
0 f
113. : 411SiTIOLN,ProiliNlisIL
. llr . . .
„11...P.'01010,C•Olor . -
• - Eloapolderi:lll4,dillail 14We: •
. • •.. •
-Safe Neephig.of •YOaables,
tr.derWanntee:aild'the tenting ell teal to
. Erttand Similar-Proof. halls.. .
Rite .frtt: • -:£0I/8TM : TrA•NWS
viviakm mutts. brufm=ll4 3ls .
HIM HY LL. ,, V,D, - r. -9f
60.12 Z zwAvn-- •
ntill.ii i t. 'Tog; ..T!!! itr?
.J.III. 1.•11j5NNE.V.....: ..„1. - ~....o imi l „ „
?AC T i.allAt-T. T. ,rarlt:l6loed.7
uvom. oiir .... 9 YP -IT -, . .• •,..
itanT r bstruzzEN 81. ce
Varner Aurae and
Wood e .
• .
teucom+sose.ra,a►xa waris
10/41110 IN
Exd*OlgA,o4l;i - 0 1 0 01111
• . CITY' =BAI A •
112F~itthArennoPlftsbnrb .:
VAWIAL, ‘100,000;:. • • ,
-.1. • • •
611C11101 4 111M lIIDITPRIALLT UHL,.
ieuritis and imle, mut when dolma remitted •
.11srehe. .Colleettons tends o MI. is ..ritedD
petir.i.rpcgr u lpidAnd l LttrQrsts3 . % 4 . 1.1
ihrenett. 1 , 4n2C
71 4 Mel t IrT t 0. .
trig. l" r l At‘trih;•
771 Jot
Alttr Mr *W M'
In., Tab v01511,..1e3•P• Tti
t rastraupron shaeloitornetwellerlikbei,
.0110Nhypiti6V0i , ail 44/111 f.
I••• wan.. .77.17 la ransl Z. •••t I 1.
:Loh 441.41.•'
. „
Intsvpai.ore•ait oeirtlmethinifp7ti, , heht y
d And feet lenzttts• At4e..f.a.aesorten.
[CACTI; ar..lEl
tinge for" Gas & ti t ater*orkii.
eal Ma., I
I would also eau the attention of
111101011711 TV
OMltti• - • CONROY:
..~ ....1. ~ .1.. ....i i.. 1...1
... .• t ..n.rr
.. G ..~. .... IV ~.
Ir. 1......1 .:......~1
"PlTTsBUltiklir re '• • • " • •
Zeii:d l 44.4 ol / 1 1 4,MAInt:
icintieatfrie6 4 Or - rs(111 - ' utottis
WINDOWLINVEIdi •aedlilbLeoeid
'Citstiegti-ef:an DeseriptiNs.-- , !
1 ,
sa-hitapvSneetel attetttlo
-24 iri esteem, 4 . 311"'
Ornce AND /01711DIIT—No. 130 WATER
•aow.san of
pt OBIIIitiON,.IIEA 4 CO., ••
c r itnif P r a thdVy I PVI T ,O.ATPA
t 2.• otteulat 14 a
rtlowtto. tf•Oeoraer- Vasa •asol tlettta dd
tolVAlMtig. -A193'1 P 1
- 4Z- 37.
Pain h
BANDtliapr FM. A** , AMMInCriT.
Lrt 111 1' 7" fl a itStril4l.
Cuastip../.lrata.Bus. ,W eta. Ls•
uovix;4or..L.Aiiipian.F,_ •
v Manalitalacsraot linparPu
egin Baag;i4alia Rolle fliPinto-ni.
... .
i••:_':i• - • - "VV:iiniiTtiatig:-_ - :" •
ilare HOX A HA_ _V 1I LP. D EA.
OIL trriLttiD WHO &
."VaPpIi,o.,-4ulolorawra.vii uofr
%LW ) 1 " . 9 . 1)0410
" • PrritZtatClit, PA. : -
. =WAN.
611 ,, E80L11 :00 4 .
i 0: 'OWAne./
*swineand. . .
Avrtilr'artrdiffe327lll 3 . I ' s , ;7'
AMturatiatia brsrAilla
."447.1120% 4 Zbi l7li; llA i.,46 rd ~ ullarut:gt
21 1 t nair sj4l: xmdinmiNAL,G
merle w order, et the a
NO00.1* 1 4: V1:90K%
lloauns on tlin Antnnan7lnTeroinu•tha rotni.
171.4 7 }4. /1.1 , 17• Me r 1114
'"'' '
• • •‘'iiac 4.lnutotai,mxpr,
DES. AND vinirs.'
g ( T REs A w . ikomEßT,
dot. 17in ail Hie 116
"11 4 ;la k I r t iF. "-t
ntattptro§:l 4
tOV: . bfSeednd bum Igti..Weriy7ll.
ft< Tablas done INT. Ordniit i fin to th
qAt i ffilltl7l l . l ,4l3l7lC4:l% OaitOL
Wid t. BANNIIILA•.I%:4OO,. •
. • •• • • •
•::,;;iii2bro*Frantpiv •
iZet= l igin e ne • WaTergka l :l7
Jui . 442l:4=rrage tit
840112.1 I . lt. lAtenolae• Bola"
rg rah PaWansoatv Mins. ,4„
co,ikaillat t Doan •
ati a lMrelwo.9 . KM l 4l , ; 4 l.P. •
- • nvi d 4 ;;qo . 1 1 '0 7C 4 **itite; -
liiis : ................. Ui
MOM M 111811161101147
- • • !. I MAltrrualtrki:W .
Bteiina Uolle 011 Salle;
Ltolll:3lFcallti -
61 Perin Street. littsburglr,t •
sticliplFregrnion MILL*
.....4..-ANCEIJRII,IMI-1/W/1 . 0
warleirrtriciA AVID 1111.197.11:
',lMo2qiit. b ...:ii...,.::.-:,
10031210 Z,
Mapittatiflone . ..
ys Aki•gbli
ATWI 411:
Sa as bxnE Dm (Vo TIZR. n
~1 up Z u lttaToTb B= l . tg. •
07...••• . Prin.% mmit(s•
4F . : i
TOlll. BMW Bilduipopsedi
4%444, atia. itLxl.l.l
I' 4 / 1 t). (raded aver 11 1..x7, 6.;44, win.
: ,.. iwif ..., vo 2 sad d
; ,•
• • all Tntla .... 1:110 , •Postbsen lex idle
• 511414 . .
1: ..
kill VZ'r! , :fil'lP. i - :. t • 22 '
• sclansit .1):• mkicaras o • 2 pa
=l74 A •Vtig .. i AP • &it. ..."1- ra,'
I laticre4A.liD,l4 tEIDI
all , . No. 3...51•30pr0•Phi15. If.y.gmull peau
Wks Acid° 19• , pro4liall:e N. s.. Soda pss
-: glid N i a a t s i3tP4Wr
poo k l• t o . l3k li ,
t amt tarMalP , Ve.ites
i iv t m*So o asedeaildAmsliin
To Marsh 4gin
!ewes Welts •Atdaderellter
•rteday st LOP a 41.,•dreneat ty. a t
30 1 ., , rop“ditturralpsa Ippx, Ot,
V4 l: los..Va ••IfFIV”...ITAWFFI4%.9.
101 .6.wiar.rese.i.ammiamis.iiwamit
ipress leaves doff d eicept diOntilidsaMidllillil i n
rains daily elvept pipardS_l• .
tiVar i'?..."glllolo4ri.
j kratEAVAttl4.4 2 .M . :
..71..= 14 ,iT4 °mu btYttf.'
union Ladvn py . -•I en •
tit ... rte.. 4110 SLAV
•:: r , s ••• , 'la
)'• ) • ,n.. tt om mt 1
, 1 t ,1P).:1.1,-9¢ avid afdd• N I*, la , sad
• '(4.1414,44,1A74iV"e1e15.4'
• .....m...ftii,..4.41.), 40 ,...
• IttlettOris:stalmildwitZPAl% - cefK li e
• • 2ioedatellWam Penamero..4•liplaaase
5pr055......10 :40 s osbarpO'l4f SI v Tref
: sepal- N 0.11,9 • pm'
A `Vdre POl 4:08 pr l impriVel?l ao
• • varget
.s:ollPir ' . Du?
iLatr Siti E Vel tY °"
T res- t rfir
t'-it'" Vprw...Viny* I e
b A.
lon at 1:40 p. m. - •
Sao Miss. hortap•AtletZto 01Ipditsel I.
teifteffaintti9 'f
-`o•®etst bhopitedittad-at 4
••• .2 • aLt zgastra..itsigtoh,,
PWAVIRetegrAVC Wer-VID.“•••••
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HELSLING:Agent, is One' ot tisks
most retnatikatste - I•erafts - 111
modern medical rele t imch.
ervg virm
Nosiiitain and lea; liOnaudF.:to
bet nit :anir. A tistwOMMAild*
tectaat,:butalso this meet Sarola
.and.; !pretty: : 111E4AMPIII
itESlEnlqever known..
It is now presented in a
WhatQC:.vousbistattott - with
mime . 7msotnintf heath*
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aiid: haying - --•bedip
ready used in timistpekrestotses
Cation in offering it'to tkeptt
lie as the most certain,
and _effectual _rented, .!"lor".all
floret 'and lUleerk. no -.Matter - a
haw: lotirstanding-loe
CUts. 04014 r •
.AglicekSieril tin.llll or";RILtS .
and for tlkin diAfimgeiteraltir.
Sold by all DrEilrpt‘ • Flit:lo2S cialta.
311 W . F 11E 09 r ' .
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