The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 02, 1870, Image 4

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gift telstatritaapttt.
MVOS . Ilinatlif to borrow money will
askas. gaiellOO tO•diire piper Of re ;
000 so tosa.
members of the Paid Mrs liepart
menata of Allegheny were uworn In by
Meyer Callow and went on duty Tester.
dadr:aftarnanth •
Alderman Ineliasten tuned &warrant
yesterday for the arrest of John Itswan
sad Andrew Seibert, charged, on oath of
J.C.McCarthy ,with malicious mischief.
A warrant was Issued by Alderman
her, Lawrence v yesterday for the
ille, o arrest or
Us of n s
charge of.salllng liquor on Sunday end
without license.
Jena Clendening and William Thomp.
son were arrested and taken before Jas.
tire -Sollingahead yesterday, charges'
witb_the farceny of clothing. After a
boas' they were commltted for Wel,
01111011 Meettnita.—Tbe Survey Com.
=WM wiU meet to•day at 2 o'clock P. U;
Road OOMmtttoe, Thursday at 3 o'clock
7F.'3l4lKater Committee, Frlday,at 754
r., Y. Members of tho commit+
tees willuke notice.
tits Ilaulltes of Irtushsrigh should not
fall to see that embroidered picture of
thliVeStxtiste - to the the.. Vatican at
hams, , DOW cm free exhibition at J. 3
Co..s looking shuts store, 'Apr
81 Wood street. It challenges the world.
Town.-8. F. Ban% Vasq., General
Tiekat Aponte( the Pittsburgh, Mein•
nett and St. Louie ReilwAy, wee know
for a short time ye s terday. We f
no more sooompitahed gentleman, nor
more taithitil and eflielent corner, than
Otteat Beret IsliduL —Satyr.= twelve
and One o'clock yeeterday, Girty's paint
bout Island . Was destroyed by
Lees a $5OO. No insurance.
NO liana was: Dennded, ma the. Me Do
esitfol, *nudes the dread of the alarm
lereeby or Geese.—Andrew Wein•
beach made information before Justice
HeHine:teed. of Temperanoeville, yes.
hisrdaY , charging Wm. Thompson and
Jacob Olson with staking. ten geese
Tile flOcarel were arrested and, after a
MOW& committed for trial.
They WI tiraturinnatiwhen a nor.. sir=
le entered in the cal of an indictment,
Mt it is The new term is
Wed, =booth and expressive, and will
do very well when people get tubed to it.
Thai may smile at its etymology, Out
they cannot deny lta legitimacy,
4sisei McKee, proprietor - of the
IftptipWard Foundry, made* charge or
rase pretence before Alderman Romig
ay, against A.•
=go' with retaininglB, 7o of - the
proceeds on Woof goods manufactured
at the lbbndry arid sold by him on corn
minion. Warrant mood.
The Greys.—The third company of the
ihninesne Greys met at Wilkins Hall
Ist evening and organized by the elec
tion of the renown:to onions:
• Orptain—Jarnes Wood.
Piree Lieldesant—wiutam Reed.
Second Lieutenant—J. rOder.
Sergeant—L. P. B rown.r .
.EWlwtzleeaeat.—S. A. Sheppard made
WWl:nation before Alderman McMas
ter', charging ...Thomas Kennedy with
embezzlemeot. The scented lz driver
fbr the firm of Sheppard & Tangorder,
grocery., and. It 4 theged that be col
ladtedi VD% wldeb he failed te pay o
This one aide of the case. The other
will be developed at , toe bearing today.
Plymouth Church Fair. —This pro. I
rinsed fair and' feast was duly oresnissa
City o Bid toT thhoes p u w bl h ic o
ha e ll v e v i i n sigt at
Whom we bops to °oust by thousands,
will nnd that our liberal prophesies con.
earning it are alt liberally
Good reader, look in and DO° if suer
a* we sa y, dinners, ers,
fancy. goods and an.
Ore worm.—Tne Superintendent of
the Piro Alarm Telegraph, hir.• B. T.
Paisley. repeats that during the month
of January there were twelve Ares In the
city. The aggregate law was $5,500.
upon which Oars was an bisuranoe of
IWO. The largest fire during the month
was that at the Standard Oil Works, In
tbe Eighteeth
wiguary 25th, by
which about n $ 11.500 destroyed.
Sae of Bionics Tuesday evening, Feb,
]at. on aeoond floor of Commercial Bales
FoomakNo. 106 Butitltdeld street, by A.
Mrlinsine, auctioneer : ~.
Mittimml. Bank of Commerce 1133 60
Merchants and Manutaeturers
National Bank..-- 67 60
Citisams National Bank 63
Exchange National Bank 67
Allegheny National Bank 68 00
Body Found.—Tho body of a man was
found below Lock so. 1, on the south
side of the Mononttabels river, yester
day. The body was supposed to be that
of a tailor from Lower St. Clair township,
- .who wee about fortyllve years of age,
but it was 13 much deoompued as to
render recognition impossible. The Oor•
- ones
M wjil bold an tannest in the case at
the °oe of Sdistiee Salisbury, of
min: ham, this morning.
Batt Trada.—Auguat Furtels allege.
Fred. Bower Obtained from Mai Shone
valued at 415 and 511,60. in cub for
auotlibi animal which' he represented to
be perfectly wound, and capable of draw
ing a load of coal up Troy 'Hill, when a
subsequent trial of the horse proved that
be was hardly able to draw an empty
wagon on a level Mad.- Alden= Eg
oists limed • warrant for the arrest of
Ilosnar Itz false pretense. , -
::,31,1ber Hia,r—Yemerdaymonting milady
eallesi at the Mayor's ofliee and stated to
mod.-that she WU in quest,
She Bald her name was E llen
and, that she melded in . PhDs
= that about three Years since, he , r
husband. Daniel:Morgan, ban abandoned
,Elho hid been unable to get any In
brntatiOn as to his whereabouts .notll
rawantly she learned that he was in this
PEP An information was made, upon
width a warrant was lined and Morgan
leremed and held for a hearing to-day.
Ibmites Extoned.—A number of work..
WOO under the direction of lir, Henry,
Superintendent of the Uniondale 011ZUJI
tiny, here been engaged during the past
wesk .Iti exhuming the bodies to the
graveyard attached to the First fteforto.
•ad Presbyterian church, corner of
Liberty street and Plum alley. We
understand that after the bodies shall
lOW been removed, a new church will
beerected Olathe ground', or thoProPenY
will be sold and a new elm purchased, as
may be agreed upon by the cengregation.
, ;
tstrivtteart inurrovertnent 1i be
lug made at the PostoMee In this city by
the Introduction of one hundred and
new lock bo The boxer , s_re
from the Tale Loc M a nufacturing_Cio..
for which Kr. Thos. F. Keating, Esq., of
'his city le agent. and are a very regent
one °madman*. They are composed of
cut iron frames with plate glass fronts
pr doors, so that person is enabled to
see in them without unlockiog them.
The Tale lock is of. the most recent pat
tern. They will be reedy fat use 111
few day,.
The hoyder.Varner Cue—A Deposition
. by Dr. L.V. Halt.
In the child marriage contract case, to
which Moans. L. - C. Rail and J. C.
Dicker: figured conspicuouel yfarmer . as we
have already reported, the yes.
leidtf, to explain the matter from his
Arland point, made the following sworn
Personally came before me L. 0. Rail,
who, bolas by me duly sworn, ooth de•
pus and say that it wee by the request
:of the mother of Rachel Ann Varner,
with the kge and desire of
the said Rube AnnTirner and An.
tbooy Snyder, meter ng been COO
salted by the mother s ealthe condition
CC her deoghter, and being informed of
- the ity of their Immediate mar.
stag ,thatbe procured an agreement to
;bs drawn up the them to sign, slier
• Rut trying to have them married pro
• fprsta, that the writing of mid agree
• Wiel gone for Sam at his iestanoe
• and request, and that be Slone is re.
auerdbie for the writing of the same:
that D was written for him; tbat none of
the. parties were at th e . ethos of Ur.
sun that neither of them spoke
•b idtd or ho to them is regard to the
agebensent, end that they were not
one lad Wrdereierd by deponent, or soy one
alai as to the tree ehusoterof the paper:
they fully understood tt to be their own
. vitentary agreement to live together log
tnsp ADO wife; that deponent told them
that lf they lived up to it, it would. pro.
mom front a charge of fornicate°,
gad that when they signed the piper it
tee tint reed to. them when of
their own accord slgneelt. DepOnent sit
Illimethas ogles to them: "Now live op
'to this endrect, and go and get the eon. I
'll r 7c .a p md crur parents , and so to the Priest
lehd. married by him,", which they
to O.,OALL,
lierern to and subscribed beferre
Tabery Lt,
A. S. latooreon, Alderman.
• •
• • :
. •
4 1
- I :
YVM . aka cork"
Adjourned lleetting—Eiectlon of Meu3.
berm of the BOILIV)III °aerate= of the
Poor—The. 4.Unexpended Balance!
Onnuanee—Plazdespal Record, dr.r.
An adjourned meeting , of City Conn.
ells was held yesterday, Tueedav;Pelo.
rtiary Ist.lSlO for the purpose of electing
four members of the Boardof guardians
of the Poor.
Select Connell. • p
Members present: Messrs. Aiken. Arm.
strong, Bissell, Brown. litargelo, Devlin,
Duncan. Edwards, Friday!, Gallaher,
Glenn, Gross. Hartigan, Beim% Mouse,
Jones, E....P., Jones, L, hew, Kirk.
Laufman, Liddell, Mull. Lloyd, Mor
row, Murdock, Murray, cEweu, kin. -
Mahon, Rafferty, Reese. tab, SeMey,
Shipton, Thomcion. Wal right. S. 4 '.
President James` MeAule , and E. S.
Morrow Clerk. '
The President stated tea' object of the
Meeting, after which he read a ° corn.
munleation from rho Pr ent of the
Board of Onardlata of tb , Poor of. the
1 city, stating that there ! as e four. viola- , 1
L I cies In the Board' occsalo ed by i.tie ex -' 1
piratlon of the terms fo ; which they
were elected, of Rewire. muel McKee
and David Fitatimtnor.e,: T. •W. Shaw
David F. McKee. ' . .
Mr. McAuley stated thit it was the
rule of Commits for each body to elect
two members, and tht Messra•McKee
and Fitzsitrunons bad a been elected by
I Select Crunch. It was, therefore, nacos
, aary , for Baled' Ccirancittoelect retayer.
r eons to till tliejacluicti decialcitied - by the
expiration liflhes. tenet for wide". they,
had been elected. He' arthoubeed that
Councile,was now roady,to receive :nom
nations for the position. - '
• ' Mr. Shipton nominated .Mr. Samuel
McKee. . -
Mr. Morrow nominated - IF._ David.
.171txtimmons, and Mr. House nominated
Mr. William. Wood.
On motion of Mr. Morrow the nomina•
Bons closed.
• A. vote was then taken, with the fol.
lowineresul ..3 , - - ~. , °.,.
I Fiforitnitons;2sfldelfee;-23; W00d,14.
Means. Fitzsimmons and McKee, hay
lig each received, a majority of all the
vowel, were declared elected: .. ,-.- •
.' • altars aldreaTen.
The .Ppeeldent read a comintutioatiori
from A. I+, Regent, Secretary of the
Pittsburgh Grain .Elevator Company,
asking a postponement of the assessment
for the Canal street sewer: The commu
nication was received. -
Mr. Morrell gilled UP tog - Ordnance
and paned WI:till - January
11„0170, and laid over in Select COUVICIie
under the rules providing for the tee
keeping of the hands of the city.
The clerk read the ordinance. I
' Mr. Kehew thought the matter one of
greet . Importance and , should not be I
passed through' batty. Ha thought tt
should be referred to some committee, '
and moved'llaatt be.referred to' the- Fl. I
Dance tkimmittee In conjunction with the''
City Solicitor, with Instruction. to report
at the next meeting of Councils. . ,
, Mc Murdoch substituting •
the Ordinance Committee and City So
licitor. -
Mr. Morrow thought the nectarines of
the case demanded Immediate action.
and moved that Select Council concur In
the action of Common 'council. •
Mr. Kehew said that he was In favor of
an ordinance of that kind, but could not
vote for It unadvisedly, and thought
Councils abbuld have the advice of the
City Solicitoras to he - legality. And
another fact should be taken Into conaid.
°ration: Th. City Treasurer was paying
at the rate of 116000 per annum for clerk
hire, which he could not afford to do if
the funda were taken from him. The
city should make some arrangements er r
i n creasing his salary, when such an or
dinance as the one proposed was teased.
He hoped it would lay over until each
time as Councils could have the report of
the Committee and Solicitor on the mat
ter. •
Sir. Brown said that he had examined
the ordinance and was fully prep
area td..
vote on it. It was a matter of great im=
portance and had been before Councils
fora month, and If it should be laid over
a month longer he !Mold not be any bet
ter prepared to vote. He thought that
there was no nocesairy for afarther pad,-
Mr. .Littoll.
.8'1)1dt - that. there. was great
diversity of opinion on the question' of
the legality of the ordinance, end he was
not prepared to vote for it. When a
man expended his time and money to
secure an office of profit and trust and
had entered bonds, da., . it .amounted to
a contract.
Mr. Devlin intoned what amount of
money would be saved to the city by the
paseage of this ordinance. _
Mr. McAuley said he could not answer
the question. He had not ex relined the
amount dr...unexpended balite*" in the
Treasury. • _
Mr. Jones add the arguments need by
some of the gentlemen opposing the pas
sage of ordManco were, In his (Minion. I
strong reasons, why the ordinances I
should be parsed. If, as intimated by
ono gentleman. a man was corrupt
enough to spend money to secure an elec.
tion to the office of Treasurer, and the
people corriarit enough to receive it and
elect him it wart time a check was put
upon !Fedi matters. H e did not say that
the Treasurer bad' done etc but - It had
been sm intimated. It malaise Intimated
that the Treasurer wee using the city
funds, which was a direct violation of
law, and be thought the community de
manded the passage of such en ordinance
ea the one - pro Posed. • When the Tress.
urer was elected and accepted the office
he knew the salary paid by the city, and
akin knew.the law In relation to tne use
or publics' fends ' by municipal °Meer*.
and it could by no means be an act of
Mb:tattoo. to him to pars the ordinance.
Tne city was' ready and . willing to pay
its officers a good salary.
Mr. ,Eiartunip. paid that be .was not a
lawyer; but as a matter of common arose
he thought the city Councils, who levied
the tax, should be 'be natural custodians
Of the tncinef. iretbonglat no pet bank
should be allowed to have and hold the
utinexpended balance,'." to , the exclusion
of all eitherea',lr there was any benefit
to be derivedTrom It, Itabduld be equally
distributed,and he , believed that
dividita the Wadi only made , the money
more secure. An opinion of Mr. Kuhn
had, been referred to. Mr. Kohn had
given an opinion to the Central Board of
Education, and all be had to say on that
question iss; that he *would not give a
de lor ap atto rney who could not give
an opinion to', trait , his client. - IL Mr.
Kuhn was the paid attorney of any Mitt.
tonne, and could not give an opinion in
Hecliend t's favor heshould to discharged.
ba heard in this chamber the ()pin.
too of two lawyer". whose judgment woe
as good as that of Mr. Kuhn, and he waa
withagtdhe governed by it, and , ants
prepared to vote for the Ordinanoe.
Mr: Litton
t h ou the passage of the
ordinance . . He thought that It shoilld be . :
folly examined before It w,us enacted
into a law. He had a plan to suggest
I which ho thought Would be better than
I the .one proposed, lie thought In say
the lead that, the Finance Committee
could be seemed of negligence. They
should bare so arranged matters that in
awing; their-bonds they abould have
'Managed to have hem fall due at the
lime when tbe city taxes were collected
or paid in, and there then would be no
'moexpended h toabitue waren about.
He was opposed to fatteniog a nog which
the passage of this ordinance would be
Dr. Gras called the previous question
, on the 'notion of Mr. Kehew, which call
, wan was surstalned.' . - ' -
', The question then recurred on the mo.
lion of Mr. Kehew to refer lone Finance
Committee In conjunction with the City
Solicitor. • . .
Mr.. Brown called for the yeas and
nay* on the question, which were ea
fon - lows:
Ayee.--tdeeers. Armstrong, Devlin,
Duncan, Edwards, Friday, Boma, Be
hew. Liddell, Littell, Murdoch, jr. Mo.
Ewen. Bath, Shlpton, Wainwright, Mc.
.A.uloy-15. .. , .
Nays —Messrs. Alken;Blesell, Brown,
Gallaher, - Glenn, Orrin, Hartman, Her
roe, E. P Jonas. Isaac Jones, Kirk,
Ltufaran. Lloyd, Morrow. Murray, Mc
Mahon, Rafferty,Seelay, Thompson-20.
-, So the motion was lost.
Mr. Gross• moved to concur with the
action of common council in the adoption
of the ordinaries.
Mr. Litton objected. • •
Mr. Brown then moved a suspendonof
tow rules.
The you and nays *ere called with the
following result.
Ayes -Alleges. Aiken, Blase% Brown,.
Gallaher tolenn, Gross, Hartman, IlFr.
rott; • f :: P.' loom,' •Issao.Jones, Kirk,
Laufman. Lloyd, Morrow: Murray, Mc-
Mahen, Rafferty, Rees, Seeley,
Naya-Meen re. Armstrong, Devlin.
Duncan, Edwards!, Friday, Horse,
KehaW. Liddell. Litton, Murdoch, - Mc.
Ervd.e BusMhe A S ul l
Y o — nl 155.. J. Wanight
peedeqig a tbree.fourth vote to sue.
the fUlell, the motion wit lost.
Mr. Edwards snored to refer the ordi
nance to the Finance Committee as It
would have to lay over until next meet-
Mt. Brown rno rod to lay the motion on
the table, a• such a reference would do•
feat the ordinance.
The motion of Mr. Edwards was with.
drawn, end the ordinance lard over.
Mr. Gums offered the following:
Besotved, Ttist the Finanee Committee
date:lato immediate consideration the
salary of tbe City Tcessnrer. and If found
insdequst6 and inindielent, to - reeort
amotmt to which the duties and respon-
eiblUtlee er, the ;
. oillot entitle him
. . . .
Mr. fielieterne •
ved to 'reconsider the
vote of Council in adopting the report of 1
Viewers on the opening of Rose street.
Alm, a resolution referring the report
l i
beck to the Committee, with matructione
to, report an or Malone appointing new
Viewers. Adopted.
Mr. Rouse, a petition from the attor
neys of the Grain Elevator Company,
asking fora reduction of business tax.
Referred to the Finance Committee with
power to act.
eir:Edwartia moved to call up the rem.
elution relative to-the puolication of a
municipal record.
Tee fallowing additional business from
Common Council was taken up.
An ordinance for opening a street from
Hazlewood station.Referred
to Road Commitii3e. B.C. non concurred
and referred the matter to the eurveyor.
Ordinance for paviDg tit irty.first street,
concurred in.
Opening Roup street, Concurred In.
The folloiving bnalnessirom common
.councils was non concurred in.
,Ordinance _relative .to toe„ duties, of
;Resolution appointing , a committee on
Retrenchment and Reform.,
:Mr. Edwards called up the It:diens
Sdin,C. CI. Jalitlaryi 11. tilthori.
tria aomnsittrein.; Pen hi OOP- 1
Air thicrinbllCatiOn of a utiicinal
fdr Morrpsv vaned to adjo n..rhich
motion was •1 • ,
Mr. 13nown-halled for the: . r lnn s bf
the original resolution called pby Mr.
The President -stated ;that the paper
doubt not be round, but read the resolu
tion as published.
Mr. Brown said he objected, to , receiv7
ing the , rciport of :the. Commirciat. from
which the resolution was read, as official.
The Chair said he thought the resolu
tion-was correctly-reported, -
reported, but if Mr.
Brown insisted upon his objection he
Would have to sustain it.
lifr.:Bltipton meted to adjourn. which
motion was carried- by?, vote 6 . flik,yeil;
to 18 naye. •
Conunon CounelL
Al, two o'olook this.braucb mos,- called.
to order by Pilsident ..forMinton,
the following members atnewered to ilia
call of. the roll: . - , f
Messrs. Arthnre, Barton. Batchelor,
Bookman; Beyrner, Booth, Bradley,Dam
eron, Chalmers, Creegan, Duda. Dia.
mond, Edwards. Faxon, Fereon, D. L.
Fleming, JohnFierning, tiassim, Sore,
Jones. %ohne, Mattern, Mitchell, Miller,
Were, Mdorbead, Morgan, McCandleinc
McCoy, McGann, McKelvy, Negley, H.
W. Oliver, Jr., IL W. Oliver ' cr., Preston,
Seibert, Seitz, Sims, Smith, Snodgrass,
Verner, Wallace, aid Tomilnann, Pros.
Went. -
Co motion of Mr. McCandless the
reading of the minutes was dispensed .
with. _
The President stated the meeting had
been called for the purpose or electing
persons to lilt - the vacancies in the Board
of Guardiani of ate Poor occasioned by
the expirations of the terms of Meagre.
T. W. Shaw and David P. tioli‘ee. ,
Nominations were declared in order,
when the following, Dr. T. W. Shaw;
Dr. McCook, hi. N. Moorhead, G W.
Hallman- and -Monett , Anhui* Vera
Before the result of the vote WAS all-
DOMMaifil on - motion of Mr. Morgan the
two having the highest number of votes
were declared the choice of Councils.
Dr. Shaw received thirty votes and Mr.
Moorhead twenty-eight votes, which
being a majority of all cast and the two
highest on the list, the gentlemen were
declared elected.
Mr. Morgan moved to adjourn. The
question was put by the .chair arid de ,
tided In the pfermative. Several mem
bers oblected to thin action. .'
Mr. Batchelor auggesied that Councils
should not sojourn' without having'
adopted rules fur their government. The
Matter might occupy a great part of coo
taw Mitalop, and it should be attended to
at once.
• Mr. Morgan withdrew his motion, bin
the t. hair decided that Connell' could
only.proceect to business when the 113.-
, lion to adjourn wail reconsidered; aelt
bad been decided by the_Chair. rho;
ton to reconsider was acobrdlogly made
and carried. . - .
The rules as-adopted by Select Connell:
were then taken up.
• That In relation to the FIIIIineO Com
mittee, on motion of. Mr. Barton, was
' amended so as .to provide for twentyr
' three menibers=one Dem each ward=en
the Committee.
Concurrences were had in all the I
amendments made by Select Connell.
' Mr. Meßelvy offered the following
amendment to the rules on organisation i
'-In case the seat of any member be
I contested, it shall be done at the time
the election rename from the Ward of
which he claims to be a member from,
are presented to Councils, and the mat
teaand all papers shall be referred to a
Committee of five, drawn by lot, Immo.
diately after the organisation of Coon
dia." •
Mr. Batchelor offered an amendment to
Rule fah authorizing the President to
refer reeolutions, petition% dc. to the
appropriate committee, unless otherwise
instructed by a motion. .Adopted.
Mr. Batchelor also offered a resolution
instructing the Ordinance Committee to
prepare an ordinance to' provide for
all the standing counnitteee ap
pointed, and to provide for the adoption
of the rules. The gentlemen **plains.; I
that this was necessary by an ordinance
pained in the former Councils adopting I
the rules for" the governniunt of that I
body, and which required all amend- I
meats to been adopted. Carried: • •
Mr. Morgan called up the report of I
viewers on the Forty-Wend abet
sewer, which had been laid over in the, I
common Commit: at a previOus Meeting: I
After some doseussiontlommon Council
receded and concurred the eetion of
Select Council, and approved thereport.
osittxruock adiolvna4.-
- -
'Leon, Gregg &
Away back in Umlaut, nearly forty
years ago, when. Pittsburgh niunberod
about fifteen tbom!autt sonts—Wtita, the
(now obsolete) Frintinylienlit Cinil wag
not yet finlehed-Lition we had no water - gas worke r . : no rialirostl,oo
telegraph,- sadJwisen:wer . ,bad:: o o3.o 4 9
Or two hard Ware stores in the city—two
young gehtferneit, to wit: John T. loon
andllabert T. KellfOdy, came ,te,thba
oily from Lmeaster, and; associating to:
gather, established , 1831, thehouse of
Logan & Kennedy, which- quickly took
a, first-class piecethe trade.- After ;
some yams Mr. Kennedy - withdrew to
embark in manufacturing, when Mr.
Edward Gregg, hitherto' a confidentle3
clerk Ititbe hente,-wasiaken'trdo`th
firm. Mr.,..Ortgg'a. experience An the
hard Ware business of this silty bee been
continuous sipoe I§32,outmeasneng that
of any living coteroporery new ap.lve In
the ovalness, and no Doe of 'ail our mar.
chants bits a parer record, whether as a
merchant or (Attain. -
George B Logan. gen of the non-
lar pertrum, has been raised In the bonne; 1
end la energatio active _and thorough.
The business henceforward' wily be un
der the special management and over
night of these two. The senior founder
of thehouse, Mr. John J. Logan Beloit
(fumbled by physical lefirmlites ibt Se
five duty: the firm. thus reirrangeri
dace the tst. of Jenard's , : made up of its
old material and retaining its old name
of Logan, Gregg dr (V.. is essentially a
oontionetlon of the old hones establish
armlSM, and we desire to say of thin
that It is the oldest hardware fine
to the city—it survives all its 'first co
temporenes—it has from the beginning
stood deservedly high for its enterprlee
In seeping always a stook as large and
su pplies as soy to the west, and
su from the,factoriesof Europe
America, adding every year to the list
of its customer., eCarrely ever losing a
customer once rocuitomed to dealing
with U. maintainitug lathe community,
and with its numerous cuatomers
through ell the years of its history the
very highest character for - strict probity
and lair dealing; Such firms Very rarely
tail of complete success, this ono boa en
joyed s well earned and large share of
it. The new firm, oonentmed exit leo
of the material of the old, sod • with Its
large expenenoe,extenalse arattalotance , I
Its unsurpassed facilities, ample capit.l
an deta ils knowledge of the trade In all.
itsknowing what the market
require' and the best source of inefilYi
together with the accommodating and
courteous manner of treating all who
deal with It, which tin; always character.
Iced this good substantial old firm, Its
future cannot &if to be at once honorable
and prosperous. See advertisement its
another column.
Fire at Reek% Run.
About three o'clock Tuesday morning
fire occurred at . Beck's Run, four milts
above the city, on the Monongahela
river, by which a row of tenement bonsai,
owned by Meters. Horner, Wood et Co.,
coal dealers, &strayed. The houses
were compled by the families of odour,
' In the employ of the nem mentioned_
In ono of theme houses, at the line spoken
of, the tiro broke out, from what cause
we could not understand, and burned
until tire o'clock. Before the names
could be cheokea, seven of. these double
houses" Were entirely destroyo& and
foartoen—seine say sixteen. famllleS left
shaltorlees and dostßitte,. The losese - of
the tenants walleye not tiosnable
certain. The loss of Messrs. Horner,
Wood I Co. will probably reach Row.
Orconizatlon OfJima; Board—Ofileers for
the accent Year—Annual !Malaria—
Bantcary Lozuildon. of the city...
Yesterday .afternoon at four d'olOck
the Board of Health hold the . Ant tneet
lug of the current pear, at t heir aloe on
Fourth avenue.
Present: ?deafen.. Grow. Holm, Hips,
Ardary, Pearson and - King; of the' old
Board, , and Maori. IdeClandlemi, Ed=
wards and ; Albeit; who .were elected
menthens at the last meeting of Connell&
. LsLacrriox os oraimms.
dritiotion- of Dr. McCandless Dr. A.
H. Groin Was re-elected President for the
ensuing year- -
Mr. J. ,11Albeitz was chosen Secretary
end Wm. B. Hays, Esq., TVASISIOr by
The election of the paid Officers for the
Board watt then proceeded with.
Mi. Crosby Oray was tmanimonsly
elected Health officer. -
/'or re.latastaiit Health officer Messrs.
John D. McFaden and David Danseath
Were'notiiiiiited. Mr. McFaden received 1
a majority of the votes cast and was de. i
clar,ed elected. • ~.' , ' - "
my P McCandless:was elected by
hyairlan te the
The mtintes of the last.meating. were
then read and approVed. '. '
hfrAIDOSO stated that' Councils had
appropriated 112,000 for the use ot the
Board f r theyear.
•.. . . .
OVr-9.I4L'APSIMPI ' . r ' ,'.
[I Emit - officer Gray reported for thir
1 month clf January, twenty.elght peptone
netilied,l twentyalzt nulasuose abated,
rand tivmperrulta urinated:, 1 2 eft oolltteted.
and IS 30expended. , . 1
Meat Inspector Weaver reported .six.
hhedred and eiltfitYldx visite for Jae
ulry, and ono hundred and one condom.
tirmlatif Meat and 'cattle. During the
oath three meat.aliern or the lowest
otder.were closed up. There - are seventy
stolid:lh the ally, now, twenty-one, of!
which . are. arent:tam thirty.ftve second
claret. Mid fourteen third clue. '
IS. B Williamrs'Atisistant Health Offi
cer', reproftal nineteen •persons notified,
and . :siktepii nuticumee. - abated' Miring I
. , - , ,..TEF,Tus.e.'s WORK.
l'iliEl ' exinual repOrte Id ithe Officers were I I
next .reidln'Fram . the report of Health
1 Oflltiet'Grel,ll. appeared lie had nOtilled
1 during the year Isfahan:Mtad and twenty- I
seven persons, sod caused-five htmdred 1
arid ninety-three mdranCes to be abated.
He granted four hundred and , forty live
' Permita r receivldg therefor 1450.50.• The ,
(Oda expenses' were g 108.46, and the
ankitiht ' handed over to the Treasurer . 1
! During.. the Jeer, ore;hilttdred ` end '
eleven mutts were instituted against Per :
ties for violation of .oßoard of Health" I
laws, eighty , flve of which rare , decided
in favor 'of the -. Board, • twenty-one
welted' it and fire dimity:m:4l4lMM
Attention ,la-,called to the aubject of
"vital etababes," - and' a . real:tory of 1
births, marriages and' deaths .rocom.
mended, TM. pi kept " in other cities,
and an attempt bas been made to do go
in this. but the MoOrvidd . has been too in
definite to beef any,en, which Is the
fault of the law. , , ...
' The officer also calla attention' to the
great ne..d of a "Pest House" in the city,
and makes some unease:lune on that
Ito report climes soggeation is
reference to •compilation of the reports
of the Beard Miring the yeu book
fbrm for reference. - '
The paper was - received; and, after
rime discussion of the recommendations,
flied for consideration at • a future meet-
The Militant Health °Meer's, annual
report shows that • nine hundred and
thirty Persons had been notified and eight
hundred and thirtptwonolaanote Mated
Luhlidlstrict. There were Instituted by
him thirty-two sulfa. tttreeof which were
decided against the Board; live Macon.
tinned, defendants paying costs, eleven
appealed to Court, and the remainder
in tavor of the BoarcL
Meat Inspector Weaver reports eight
thormand three hundred and eighty-four
visits made during the year, three htind
rod and seventy condemnations or meat
and cattle, and ten dollars eollected from
contbacations of uneound meat.
These reports were received and flied,
and, on motion of Mr. McCandless. the
thanes of the Board-returned- to Officers
Williams 'and Weaver for the efficient
and satisfactory manner in which they
had discharged their duties.
Dr. W.'A. Phyrician to the
Board, preempted eiebular statement of
the "mortality records" during the year,
from which 'we glean the following- In
tweeting table: - . ,• • - ,
•The total number of deaths was 1, 4 9 0 ,
of which Unlwere still born.. The deaths
were divided as followsi
Mt 2
. •
CL lorz , t
Total ' tec
Tholarguat number dying during any
single week Ness forty•three, snd the
smallest fifteen. Tho most fatal diseases
were phthisis malmonalte, 163; cholera
infantuni, ha; scarlatina, 511; "typhoid
Sever, 4(1; whooping cough, 82 One. case
'of -death from lightning and one by poi
ami unreported. The remainder Of the
.table isfilled up with alassllicatiorse of
the disease, nativity of the genera; ad
' This tabular statement ti commented
upon by Dr. Snively, who stattethat the
Munrof mortantrtscompiled heaths
;data furnished the..utnao, and is by no
meant, as and precise ss It
should be.-: IS titcomplete
trefective tut Moires sci
curacy to its statements of the °umbel ,
'of deaths, and tasmati, 1j Is defeptiva as
regards the Osterberg* of die 'canws of
death. In tho absence of, any previous
report, no coMparisen can ho instituted
betweer..the mortality tor the year . Just
ciosod and that ,ptovinga yealy. The
population of Yittshurgh is 'estilliated at
05,1100 -
The tripod idioms thatl,B4El deaths oc
'currid loth!' Meyer rittsteargh dosing
; the year ending February I, 1876.
The average death rate 15 estimated at
:14.61 ip the 1,000 inhabitants. In
aitred,NcritYdrlc it it gt. 46. ;
, During the year no epidemic diseases
have perraded In the city. The meat
notable fact has-been the ' mortality
emongehildren,espectally of three under
ono year of age, and tats has beenso
great U to arrest vedette attention and
to lead to ,abet ' whether
the deaths aro not out of pro
portion- to- the *DOWD causes which
exist to endanger their live. Reit
eration lutbe table will ludlcatetimmor. ,
tallty or children under One Year of age;
commred with the geperai mortality for
every west of the'year‘ 'From - this ta
ble It will be perceived that Rem Opi
fourth to onelblid of the whole mortal.
‘ l4l to be hauqd argong childrentander
one year orate. " Children over one.year
end under. Am- Years give 8 0 0 deaths.
Improper nourishment, convulsion',
puournonit and brain dimwits are
' charged with meet of this , wide of In-•
font life. •
The retairteinlblts 160 deatheeherged
to consumption. This show, us that
from which we have moat to fear. It le
equal to 11 62 per cent. of the total from
ad cause*. .In the city of New :Tatham
deaths from this diocese average 13 72
per cent. of the total mortality.
The report shows thatecarl aline calmed I
to (teeth& Tins pt equal to 4 per cent. of
the totatt mortaille frog all %ADM
Typhoid fever mused 46 deaths. Thiel
to equal to 8.81 per cent, of the total mur. l
tidily from all canoes.,
ouB hundred, and two still births on. I
mitred In the city for the 'milted closed.
They amohnt to 7.35 per cent. Of the I,
total number of deaths that,ocourred In
the living population of Plushinll l 3.l
The per cordage of still births to the to-
Lai modality mill to the population hi I
enormous. It causes are worthy of
physiological and medical Inquiry, and
the records required by the Board of
Health concerning this clue of death
„b a wd be soughing and .minuts. The
comments are tbus concluded,
..1 would respectfully *urge upon the
Board of Ilea-tit the necessity of provi.
clog an isolated ward In one of the prt.
vote hospitals,separate building, for
the acc,,niniodation of persons afflicted
path coutogious Maoism. During the
pasts year considerable di dicnityhas been
experienced In getting trite oleos
of cases admitted Into our PrIVIDO
andsecular ,chargindo institutions,
and "I hereby desire to express the
obligations we test under to - the dieters
of Mercy for their humanity in
tog and caring for these unfortunate suf.]
ferore. In the event of the acqtion
of the present %old hire Home' at a!pub.
110 hospital' for the city. gettable quarters
might easily be obtained in that buildings
or, if objected to, a separate building
might be erected on the ground connect
ed therewith. This the Increasing de.
manes of the city will eertaittly In time
require." r .
1 would respectfully...tinge-up= the
"Board of Health" the necessity of pro
'Mang for the registration of marriages.
This only mind be engrafted upon those
eiready portent:toil by the ..Board 01
Health" without any material Increase
In coat or hobs:: Isla needless to adduce
argumnnta In favor of the value tad Ina.
portend° of title branch et vital iNatbia l "'
An American attainder' Inalltatly
MaTkOdt would be Impossible for a
large portion of the adult men and
women born in the United States, to
'Vera by any public records or other le
gal documents that they were legitimate :
adapting with a natural right to the
name 'they bear, or even tint their
parents were Ayer married. Is the city •
of New Yotk,...the . registers ere daily
searched by' persons who deere trans.
tripta of marriage., of the solennization
•J which no, legal proof can be ilbtained.
The searchers aree-aomedmeekteserted
wives, the 'victims of faithless Isisbands,
negligent clergymen and victims mar.
:lyres. Sometimes they ere grief
stricken Barents in search of the evidence
of the marriage of a deluded and dis
honored daughter, or a son inveigled
into a' digreprntable union watt some
designing adventurers. More frequent
ly still, they are widows, dependent
upon their own. exertions for ; support,
with a family of half orphaned children,
whose just Claims :o the heirship of some
small bat sadly needed fortune depends
upon the 'evidence of a marriage of
which no record bat been kept, and to
the solemnization of which no. witness
can be found." . . .
- • • • • • ...
!.Of equal. if not greater importance
is the neerselty for the registration of
births. The social, economical endmoral
intercede of society demand,- that this
branch of vital stattattm shall te render
ed as complete as possible."
The paper, after being read. was
referred to a committee consisting of
Messrs. Gross '
• McCandless and House,
in connection with the new phesician to
the Board,' Dr: J. G. McCandless, for
' lonnakieration of the recommendations of
Dr. Snively, a vote of 'thanks Ming also
tendered him for the care and efficiency
with which be had fulfilled his official
duties during the year. •
A communication was received
from, two Germans In reference
to the establishment.. of. "What In
the German language would be called a
*kW:Matey,' but for which there la 'no
English term except that found in the
French, •Abbatoir, which even does not
exactly signify the meaning." •,
They proposed to contract far the to.
moral of ell dead - animals, "from a cat
or don up to an 'elephant," daring the
night time. covered with tarpaulin and
complatelthid from sight or smell; take
thearaway Bats from the oily each
Morning: during the "heated term" catch
all unmusaled canines and, put them to
pound for three days before otudiscation.
The only . consideration Relied •is that
Contrails give the men the pdvilege to
pals though the streets with the refuse,
and Pay thorn a slight compensation
when any - of the animals, dying from
Infectiorm diseases, have to be buried.
'The zommunicatinn was received and
filed, action being deferred until a future
The Secretary was instroctedlo re-let
the office now occupied by the Board for
the year 800, at a yearly rental of 5300.
Warrants fer the payment' of the sal.
arias of the oMcera were ordered, after
whibli the Board adjourned. -
Meeting. of the - Coat Exchange—What
the teal Men Want—The "e rater
Improvemeut." and Heavy pHs—Hese
batons of Protect.: •
' Tu.''' . tonnage tax to which our coal men
are subjected by 'the "Slatikwater ' Im
provement". has been a source of con
sidereble trouble and 111-feeling betimes
those engaged in the coal shipping trade
and the company. The matter has been
discussed and efforts made to compro.
mile, but without avail, each aide Ban
ing firm bs its deniand. It has finally
reached the londalature in a bill provi.
ding for the repast of the tax, andryes
terday afternoon a meeting of the Coal
. Exchange was held at their of 130
' • Water street, to conelder the imalnees.
:Therewss a large-attendance, and after
a lengthy discneston the following relic,-
Infinite were unaulmoualy adopted :
Remixed, I. That the gratuitous alto
gallon of the Harrisburg correspondent,
"hi," of the Pittsburgh-Dispatch, under
date of January 28t that the coal men
were seeking to 'ro bthe State Treasury
, of '200,000," Is a gross mlarepreeentation
of these engaged in the trade. a willful
or Ignorant perversion of the facts, ea is
clearly proven by the provisions of the
"bill," introduced by Mr. Walton, of
this county. The "tax" which we seek
, to have repealed is what le known as the
"tonnage tax," and which we behave to
' be unconstitutional, and-which we know
' to: be an isnjetet discrimination agabrat
I those operating on the "Monongahela
Slack Water -
Improvement." and In
favor of thoseengaged in the same trade
outside of the . jurisdiction of said Im
provement, aggregating the heavy toil
I and taarto Wee perscre-aseratedng Pool
No. 2 as the bads of as average estimate.
Ressivert, 2. Teat in view of the fact
that we were engaged in shipping coal on
I the Monongahela river prier to what Is
I known as the "Slack Water Improve
, meta," and that we carry the roducts
of our own mines, in our own p veinal.,
to markets beyond our State lines. we
regard this "tax" as eppresslve In Its
operatives and a violation of the rights
snd privileges of inter-State commeroe,
nd inaemech as the ealgencloe,' which
furnlehed the plea of justification for its
original impoeitlon,-have °eas rc ed to exist,
we regard its continued enforcement as
unwarranted, and its Immediate repeal
imperatively demanded, We do, there
fore, most earnestly ask the Legislature,
now in- session, to reprove this unjust
burden from a trade already seriously
crippled by exessaive tar,ation and en
dangered by edified obstructions,
blocking ,up the cbanoel ways of our
rivers, imposing peculiar hardships and
extraordinary expenses. - ~
Rewired:3,, That the hearty thanks of
this Exchange are due, and aro hereby
tendered; 'Hon. Joseph "Walton - Ihr his
prompt and energetic efforts to intro
during the bill NT the repeal of this ob
noxious stax, and we do moat respectfully
retreat btu. Senators and Representatives
to give their united aid in - securing the
speedy passage of the BMOC. ' " ' ' ".• .
R 6, 11 1 1W 1 . 8. 'That we retitled Our home
'.papers, at the guardians of' borne pros.
PetitYtto acct Co It that - the legislatton'
'neceatiarl, for the adreheonlelit of the
'vast Uttered*' of the oity and, county is
not defeated by false and tiogeporowl.
misrepresentatiens in their columns:
Remoked, .6. That a copy of these remo
tions-Ile f4rniehed our city gapkra for
pirbilettiod; and the Secretary transmit'
the same to our Senators and lispresen
at *salves at Harrisburg, , ,
,ha , -
• 21' 72:0 m 2
1 ? . 71
• "*.'• •
*7 `. ...... 07
11 7 : .. ... 11
Reglster , d fluslnesi.
°r pbtailitemia.t thp ,pnipOpAtepttster's
Mee for the month of January, 1870,
was as, fotiowp ,
Lit ittiiiior ph: GRANTEP •
I•empleht.., .„. A.lnsts,lotoM ,
Manuel Ring*, ..... _Mary -Rthiran $ 1 OK
Woo. .
Hen . ic h ...... ihior.y
h t i . ,; . ....... 2.P.0
'3 , 11 RIMS •
..... gm
.F.llahhhth J. hill Wm. Rill ...••••.
John Ford Won. P..rd .01
Aaron r
Wm. 4 . Me - oirteo..ii-a n . $ t " 1,1°:;: = 0
Lama Roltots Ili Di
WK. yh i ., Wymer.. IMAM,
J¢y~ll raft
oborim.. 4A*
11:1 11 11 . ; /LIMO tsi K •:i . • I.
1p BCCK Ca:M.Th. . 0 0e. ..... 100
virine McCarron. pelertßeCiirrun ..... 1. 4
eticalty . . ... gins h.lckleT ' 400
, irdetltit,-r WeAtio-'
J0h0 1 . 111 r P n a0M■47.7 . m 141 • 1 1 11 ........
Jha Joheph C. Rennetly....hargaret tl. lien,nedy.
ChopAn •
Wary Ant. Lni .
llaty • e.•Avlrhinb.ugh.
. Thom.. Prnar. -
Wm, H. Wohlitllen , m.
• jhen•M Mich..
John WI.O 1 A-Min. . ,
• • . / lama nafhr.
Om R O gg . •
J.b°"nri I Richard narton.
Cs.that Inv ReOscrall..i.a Iltetatlien.
Pol. Wm.Dtehl
G. r°7''r .1 ohn MePP.n.
tobst IteUrtif ' 1 113 " :.81 2 1 1 11 ' .
, Contempt ,of Court.
On Pritley of last work Mr. Franele.C.
Porter was brought into the Common
Pleas Court on a process for opnteuipt,
Whim directed .by the Cond. to, Clio an
answer and otherwise purge himself of
the contempt, ha replied that he would
not employ counsel and would not Moan
answer, 110 said he would make a ver
tal statement, ..and, If that will not do
you, I will go with this -man," moaning
the Sheriff. Tho Court ordered him to
be taken to ;1,114 Ind' tilers. to r e
until such time as ho Wortid imike
proper answer and purge, himself of the
contempt, and till further orderorCOult.
Meeting of the Police Committee—The
Pay 801 l Approved—The Office of Re
llerCeptain Abollshed—The Mayor Au.
' Merited to add three Alen to the Force.
. The Police Committee of City Councils
held a meeting last evening at the May
or's . office. The meeting organized at
half past seven o'cl'
Rare presiding.
The par roll for January was submit
ted and approved.
Thematter of abolishing the office of
Day captain or Relief captain which po
sition has been filled . by Robert. Graham,
was brought np. •
Mr. Phillips Inquired if it was neces
sary to keep a man in that office during_
the day.
Mr. Patterson the Mayor's clerk in an
tiwar to the Inquiry stated that there was
hut little business done during the day
and that there was always someone .
about the front office - who could attend
to the duties of the Relief captain. . '
Mr. Phillips Inquired of the Mayor if
the office could be abolished without
any inconvenience.
Ills Honor replied that he could get
along w Shoat it perhaps.
On motion. it was then resolved to
abolish the office.
the matter of increasing the pay of
Captain Reed, of the blighttch, was
introduced, and the Mayor war author
ized to allow him for extra time, as it
appeared that his boors of business were
generally from eight o'clock, P. tr., to
ten A.
. The Mayor asked for three additional
men on the force, as he desired to place
a man at the corner of Fifth avenue end
Grant street, one at the corner of Wood
and Water streets, and at Smithfield
and Water streets, on day duty: The
request was granted.
After the transactions of some further
business, the Committee adjourned.
Kansas—Sockeye Colony—Cheap Fare to
-. 7 the West.
The Buckeye Colony Association is
prepared to send passengers to Kansas
at about half fare—first chum Members
can go at any time, singly or in compa
nies. Land explorers and excurnioubda
can procure "Round Trip Tickets." To
obtain reduced faro persons must join
the Association by procuring a certificate
of membership—single pitmen 13, family
15. Members nerd not settle with the
colony If they prefer some other location.
Do you desire to ,go Went Then visit
llamas. A map of the State, description
of nod, climate, price of land, free home.
steads, etc., sent to all who enclose 25
cents. Address V. P. Wilde's', Agent
Buckeye Colony, • New Philadelphia,
Ohio, or call at 240 Liberty street, Pitts.
"burgh. 2
floitabehner Ciintinental Flfth avenue
below tho PostonLee is always ready far_
the reception of violent from five &Clock
in. the morning until = midnight. The
genial-heater the establishment endeav
ors to be always up to the autos in every
arrangement connected- with- his
business, and how well he sue-
need 6 is evinced in the LI:DCI3I3IM
ta4ronage . enjoyed by but femme
Cobtinental. Oysters game, non. poultry,
In sticirt, everything in the ecilble line
will be found on his tablet in Dessert.
hlealn are ready at any hour, and thus
M business man or traveler ratty suit
s 'own ebnverdence, a canalOoratlon
which LA very important in ttp Rifling of
time. Fora healthful spout there in no
place in the city better than the' Conti
' nental, Fifth avenue. •
Excellent lateca.. •,:
Mr. Wm. Hespenbeide, No. 50, Sixth
street, has on :hand one of the Sued and
moat select assortment of tailoring cloths
and gent'ii furnishing geode to- be found
in this city. He, la now. engaged In
making up badness and fine dreas suits
at rearionable prices and In every cane
with satisfaction to the patrons. The
goods are 'away s warranted to be exactly
guaranteed., anditatlsfaution is always
The Mock: of . neckties,
gloves, paper and linen collars and culls,
and such articles in also .vary full and
varied. Young gentlemen can do "no
batter than patronizing alespenhaidatx,
No. 50 Sixth Nitwit.
Books, Books, Boots In endless - vitt.
sty, In relation .to every ooneelVable
subject, large and email, at Egans No.
41 Sixth avenue. Some of the . latest
publleasklas in .sialoice, art. philooophy
and theology have been received. Call
Egan'a and look at the amok.
Great Auction gale-300 Beautiful
Building Lots.—On Wednesday, Febru
ary 2d at 1 3 4 r. M., In the Twentieth
ward, adjoining McFarland's - Grove,
within two mtnutea walk of Ronp's Ate.
lion, onlhe Pennsylvania Railroad and
adjoining Fifth avenue. Persons attend
ing the sale can leave Union Depot at
11:51 A. N., or take the Oakland street
care For plans and full particulars In
quire of Dircka h Lefatrom, Rest Estate
Agents, No. 49 Math (late Bt. Clair)
meet. • N. Wnernso tt Co., Ann.
The recent decision of Judge Birk
du reference t the liability of of.
eers In making a o rreats hail created
almoat as much excitement in the com
munity as that • occasioned' by the low
prices cud superior workmanship of the
articles manufactured • at _Lender's
Trunk EmporiUnt, and which sold off
rapidly from the warehouse, No. 104
Wood street. The same policy presidia
now, and exPlains the great Patronage
enjoyed by this honse. • .
A calm and peaceful and contented ,
smoke is a luxury, which no man need
ever expect to enjoy unless he is fortu
nate enough to know whore to get the
right kind of a cigar or brand of tobacco.
blegraw's, No. 15 Ninth (Hand) street, la
such a maw. Thousands of smokers,
his patrons can testify to this now. and
thousands more will have that privilege
In all posalblllty in years to come.
st. Valentine's nay is approaching,
and in autleMition of ' that occasion.
001. Egan, IQo. 41 tilath avenue, has
piled atm, with a very large end
complete assortment of the missives
appropriate to the day. some are sen
timental-and others are comic, and all
are from new and original designs.
Every taste can be supplied from the
Immensestoolc. •
To Leta are very numerous this wtn.
tar. Parties wishing to engage spring
wagons for moving would do well to at•
lead to it in time. Leave your orders at
No. Ea . Darrah street, Allegheny, for
moot any - alze wagons noeded, and y
will be , attended to by •John Dyer's
Enreks Llcai Express, • At
Send Neer Orders to the Oregon
Brewery, or. leave them In .pesson for
PISMANumala Co.'s cream ale, and it
will. he delivered at your hoses; or
shipped to your address promptly. The
Oregon Brewery le on Stevenson street,
in tho Sixth. Ward;. pear the corner of
Pennsylvania avenue;
Ater dt Co" IC.Ystone rettery,3 63 Lib.
arty street, have on hand a very select
assortment of tho finest queehrefte Ittr
table woe. No table eomplete withoat
a good get of oneenaw.are, eral no place
la the city offers' better advantages to
purettmers. Pittronlie Mane manufao
torero and purchase the Keystone ware.
Oyidcza in every style at Youngson's,
eacher'llinitheleld irtreet au& Ttlareencl
eilsy.**hest confectionaries in the city.
Everything In the sweetmeat and pastry
line. liannuets prepared with care and
promptnway PrlVate nippers gotten up
in the beet style at the house or in the
ain g B P l l l " l4 ak =mit* pease Armor
son 4.
Daily arrivals of now and fashionable
ladleegoods at Moorhead's, M Market
street Everything from the finest nee
die to the moat costly Indian Shawl may
be had at this establishment. .Isdiertn.
shopping should remember the number.
They cannot hod a better house for
dross goods in the city. .
_ .
Illy A. a r. Telegraph Llne.l
. Orrir, February L—RlVet falling
slowly with al inehes of water ln, the
channel. Weather cloudy. — iitenneine ,
ter 27 ate Tr. It. - , c.
nancoutTowa, February .L
falling with SO. Inches of water in. the
channel. 'Weather clear. Thermome•
tar Mat 4 r. . o.
Onssetenono, February I.—River its•
titulary with 4 feet of water to the ehan
nel. Weather dear: Thermometer 30
Additional 11a!kets by 'Felamb
Catena°, February I, After one
o'clock No lisprlever beat sold up to 81340
cash and Heller the month, but closed en
80,air. Pork, seller February at 125,75:
seller March at 1126,35. Dry. salted
*boulders lea; green sides, averaging 56
she, at 12;°. Lord 150 cash.
Meta 702; prices nochanged. Shoop
and Lambs; reonipta 5,4601 with lees ar
rivals there is an improvement in the
prices of he.
Inwnrr, Fab. I—Wheat weaker; ea.
tra white 11,19010, No.l/011.1001,11.
Oats weaker at 45a. Barley 11,75 per
centaL Dressed hors at 110,25010,75.
Wit3C-111.110N -0 n Tummy craning, tab•
1•t, 1870, at the F.a.g e Hotel. Liberty
treat. br Her. Jahn trantat.D.D.. Mr. CMS
lkopitic J WISR, and Yin JANE 110‘13014, bo.h
Beaver eenet7.
KILIIR—On Sunday, January 30111,_ eel% at
tit. re nee of Ma No. YOB Penn
Krai g. rhraburgh, - Pa,ANDium Lamm
The funeral tak a place on WADNItSoref,
Llfabroary Yd, at elo`utock r. N. Via frteuds of
toe f.raity are reapeetftaly larttld to atteed.
• 11, in 'Tawlat. the lt lett..ll6l3LitT
a. ben., It, le the 4tot teat et hit eltet
The Inv tst edit take tilsee from LIS late red.
deuce, Ito. 45 Adams attest, lktaaehester, ea
TntresdaY, at 104:eldest • • •
P 0 LET. -.A. lot of
largo, grouik 199
brick• feet by SUB Petlrilli sobattuti
brick bulkily it earl Lot by 140 kw, bad-ww an
aft boadmt contain lOW two name, tamer rtey
yopied by dame. latllluoy as splaulug mill Mt
sated, ensue sod /non bloods booth FRU
burg b. imitable for IsanutarAttling pupasee or
ampler:. AVP.Y t.
1 -Carson siad Teed strum Biromishani.
Llbertet, Deslan to Awl
sad raZIAI
AVENUE. Allestent CRY. WU' 00r/D1
ROOM Are coststaatii_..lpylled with roAl ald
ra TFACCIrs4IArg s t IVA to
P.pAre.l for We:m.4 Hearse. and C..
furntaludt alma, •.11 Alltd. of Ifoarnlnt
H 0.% If 1.02'0. ome• nen of all boars. RAT
and muftis.
No. 4A4 PENN ono=
Oarriagos for Vowels, 113.00 LIAO,.
COFFINS and all Funeral TurnMantua aur a
&teed rates.
will he off :red for sele to tb• higbert and
t bidder, at alcaribur. Vinton county. Ohlg.
on the 15th dsv of rebruary. 1870, the SAO , Z
OfiNACE, wile the lands belonging theetta
These lends contain inexbaustlele ;Wee of ore
and coal. end the Furnace - Is now le fall Watt
mating 19 tons 1101 itlafaor r eleirAr i tEler.
i.) - Bainbridge. Hose toenty, Ohio.
i'ne undersigned c;ff re for sa e
bin Dwelling
Home. S ante and tirounds, Masted In the
Fifth .ward Alles henY CDT: betw". nidle
•laps streme. baring • s
treet.fro 5O test an! a
+tenth of St3o feet ton:dee s able le one
or the most desirable and Man Dui situations In
the city. Terms accommodane. ti
innulte of P• BRAD N.
I.M No. 1011.1besty •Isma. r/tbstmSgb•
- 11314 acres at Fleming Stntlorle Ft. Worn a.
Ft.; Si •boneee and 3 lots In Pleasant Va le)s.
1 sere grooad In Bellevue Born.: tools sad A
acres InEltssbeth Flom; noose and lot to
water, Beaver county; 1 . 1 wt. e. tilt=
House ,nd 9 Lots on Lombald avenue. 3d ward;
lifts on Fremont street. And ward; 10 acres la
H‘s. townsdlD: Holm and I.ot, 54 James strov_t,
3d ward: 110000 and Lot Wellte Oak street, ad
ward; boost and lot Perrysellle Pla Roe , lid
and; Douse and lot on Quarry meet. !ad d:
04041 and lot, liTtnelleid street; lots In New
Brighton:3 lots and house In
ward. ouse
sod 4 lots ormlnn Km, oevento Book and
011 Macke for sale• For (nether PartlonFam
/nretlts ot
Seal !Mate Agent, corner 0010:and Barn:V=9l
Streeta, Alletnenl.
nd ward, Alleghen OT y. Hon.. SI Mary Br'elt
of It . rum.. wril , anishen a•ut complete. got AO
igt. ' se pt f s!re ity rear str i t r tryThr=flas :11
clout. to purchase real vita.. As • hot. on.
accoon• or Ka loartoa soft conreolonce. or as
loyestment It would teethe. by 'caving. large on
. the coil. Terme easy. Price low.
for forth 1 fur.. 9". app' lk o i. pima,
• *. .t Diamond. Aslert
'Pt hen?
That three orr BRICK DITILIZING,
•srably•lorared. No. em ELITer avenue, Alla-
Rhtor Vial. non , odolue Inn rooms rodeauretron
hot one told roster to neat and arcood atory. gas
In all the rrotos are. to Morena. Henan alto
sten on cot tor of lin y's allay. It le wellllghted
and ventllated..l.4lrt.loWallak sum..
ITT • . lip 1 , 41.121 avenue.
•L , OR SALE.-1 Steam Engine
10 by 30. to gd running order. with
eattog, Welting Sean end e •ntget-
A rl ln . Zt d r lr.TTO9
eiqlflA;ak H 0:
15011 t•ITT AND FORCIL PUMPS. Will ve
Vgg l ifb7ghgr 0 1 1: tr. 7 1041.7,744 ° Wr.
0.. Ps.
F" 'ALE.—Engines and MAI
ER% Now and Second Hood. of all Pails
coustantiy On band.
a of %ha coastal N 0151417
Core er Marlon LTe►ne ►m PO% W. L 0.}1..W
Allegheny. .r.
:live Steam Pm"e and • large nuantit7 al
M . N. More wort than they can turn out.
tf Birth •sd Tassel street.
Within the city limns• Wm De bid ebestmatt
on est! terms. Enquire or BLAILELY.
♦tt rneyat•La.. 01 Grant street. • Dear
FOR SALE.—Stock. and
first-class Grocery. 40101 s geed bnOneu. Tita
undeislgned being engaged In other bo•1ne•• Is
t 0• reason for selling. G. W. POSIT. 49 Fed
eral street. Micah., IL
10EIRNONAL.—All persout seek-
R. !NO ROMER; or - Invetment. In Rea Yo
tete, ease time. Ur We and money taa
curing_ a cope or th e •PITTSBUIOIII
or ottl be neat ny e 117911 to eel red...GU SU.
Persons rootlet MI soget netted cheat the large
lies It eentoths. CILOpT & PAILLIPS,_ Pub.
Ushers sod Rosa Masse Agana,. No. Egg Worth
Bell and Brass Founders,
n trade Peon/win; to Order.
Made and sept on Hand.
Proprietors use Ilenufeetarere of
J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wbee
Offiee, 882 PENN STREET.-
Voimdri, Car. Ilth and Railroad Struts,
Roma. Bud or 14'4
Lm iceyviaglares lagnments of.
New Crop New Orleans
vr Vier give 12 per cent. tare
on al/Sugar by the Hogshead
• Of Pennsvivezia.
011163, 15 Fedval St, Allegitey city:
ont i t
YOAB lL Bll%, ( Tdikali e s " t7 ""
SIMON Mayor of auar e iLy.
D. L. PATTamuN. Lumber ourtelkoat.
D. SWOOSH. Dunn.. Aron.
Capt. ROOT. ROBLalaoll_,Praldosto
Hoy. H. OLAREL.D. Vice Females%
JACOB RUSH. INlernao7.
0. R. DYNXT. Treanor*.
•• . •
• TI MM BITO6ER. fieng Agent.
OW! Q;•
ires Itallanteebta O.P d, neareF, PA. •
tie.rge (I."4:tinslit ?.•
Krayer Jnbastowe.
Al •
Commoy lrlectv metnal. l WOE
g4Ortg Ur:
Gaft.ltlBB. •
Maar to porehano s moo preset% for their
Meads lor •
3'"4I4III7I;,'ZIAIL'kuidEINVO :XI ;l l'
VCR WAILS of toe moat desicsble pußetv.R.-•
received K .
raez.easts stuanta,
1111 ORB Lvssus. Ilaccaul
a t c 11 .1. 5214 1 015.
Pl. J. Ilkley •11 Oliver Ca LW
OsiVl Vrallieesletlisrtsisi t :l S,PCbs=.
131.1 4.1 s. 'Mass. Jas. Maim
r"""m RoRIVIVRT4NBMeaIdret.
• JOS. T. JOHNSTO N .leal
Sesseus7. •
• • •
an U. J. GRACE. GeRG Agent.
lunar" an Liberal Tema on all Mrs
and Malmo litlad
Idausilacturers LißliT Clitilr MON,
0 :EL €I OI I I 3EW
• 2Autis wort oar 21,221•1t7• Lowit Joint Butts,
abutter erd Gam Bloom WO Pollen. and Inbrir
.W.I. a or Builders' B r or g rsrus sisrals on bend.
Ott, I ' oetomee Wdr I. akual•stran
musk. Ps. • • • JsZlithl •
T LAD —275 Pip Felt Galena
-Yos b 7 • -
-10IITTE11.-10 Half bbls prime
J.) toll Buttes, for nu M a. B. IMVIIIILLD.
167, 168, 169 and 170
A. now prepared w Walsh VlNEfilMit ittate
WWl= MAKI= HATE& Atlanta.= 1• Tar
tacedarly called to oar
The Ter! Best in the Baited States.
981 Arorth Seventh Street,
References—All We leading boa .. I. r. 1.. .-
6011111111•31 AHD 0111178..
Have 'Removed to
NOEL 384 AND 386 PENN,
Cor. Xlevanth it.. (formerly CanaL)
Zei LSS. 187,139. 191, 193 ind 100.
wAscrruravxm or
Distilled Punt -Ste Whblury.
aellnrs In 1/WiILIEIN sod LI.
WON& HOPS. 3 ushlisti
: I
Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets
NOW 0 0 I , LEP T
W. U. & CO.,
anauxErwn ~T AILORS,.
No. 10 BIM St, lak Bt. 0104:
orwIN:rTIMV , Ta 1 t IrLlVlrtal!!
able prices • Mr. MU iIhAN wl.llOl/Ist
Keeps ooartaatlY on Caul
Gotha, Cassisneres and Vadings.
No. 93 1-3 Smithfleld Street.
iirrthontes Clothing made to order In Ma latest
NEW FALL ooOns. •
...gnic6l4llllll, 'loci al
:ad secelvaliby nog. agicig
letPatlikt Tanor..ll7lllakkileill Watt.
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
71,:mk,a1.4.4),:g=ratt., We 7111..11
Witb.ont Iligard to Coot,
AU" &WV 1.011118 at
NL&R virtu aVESSIZ.
108. B. 11114iIIEB_& BRO.
- tassasied Wall Pawns In nlsla . ttnts amps! ,
'lons to soot and stione. Valgiat WIC
selsasold and Ittallqrns.
PWIts.I2IDIA. n•AP itY. • 0}11611.1C
atom llerjrin=e7 04c4 to be Woad eisawhern
la the oonnU7. Tor Ws as •
W N A IFIRTT ALT. 7 , 98,
191 Liberty Street.
z 4 1 0 r ro
YoughiOeny and Connelloffle
/Lad hissarbeturey of
sonar glades . wad
Morton 'street. ilbertY sad Clyther streets.
Haab stardtalps Seas.d weer. lnallth
masa last. of Boas sweat. r. O. M. E. Haag,
Second ward.
Orders an at either a ilis above eises, or ad.
drew is are thsougli Pittsburgh P. 0., will as.
sells prestat &aerates.
Hada so whom lam espirato._ Hussey, Wells
• Cd.,_Wis. Pasta, Vales tros Mills, 51. Wow
-5j0,. gar th a a;,tttritrakt e fih l` . sl M u . 2
Co., Park, McCurdy • Ca, geese. tieslY Ural.
Ww. M. Faber fs 10 a• B. •Ides • Co., James
Marshall Co., •IlsayrieKts&A Co.. 131,011
r .„, vizveava . Pennsylvania H.
omu.s main cosiall
1117/24 mourn d War Once to
110..667 LIBERTY most
crAwyCHT Vow illuttszt3OirDlLLooll.
Inress tspr et Oct.
All arras leant theiro et addressed tt.'
them twouglg tb. Mall, willM atteD4ad ro
AHD OUNISUMILIta.—We are now 0)00W
4111 . 41 VNIPPlati . 7.lP e r N ' lrtah t t=
111 ei Ort F V; ITV(
Wheat e very best to be foetid and cannot
1.1 any in the United Wales.
We vs
nabbed ur. Improvements to
Maeldnery. Boland Cloths and Coo &WWI
and are now prepared to now& themlWet rani'
WO MT* maths ler ten year. at Peal 1 31 nt 4erl
00131p6U11012 CR the same trades of
Re T. ILW&VIIDY & 111804
• Pearl assamMUl. Anaturm
patras mount FLOVIRI
brlrsiXrfol'attf.lttitirßer. '
WIDOIIf co.. 1180 bbts Bed BM". 133 Was Nay
Da)., ,
WWI= WISOMBiIi notrEs.
SOU tad* Havered., 1165 idds e ri dire flea?. SOS
Bbls jirynarrtraraltripalint. .
(MN 'MI a
! gig *41 , 011911t0. A.
ansiesess sad Oros's. abtaaa
rar sale losrsr tbss ass Us= the
'w.t. WAT. L&N & CO..
sia4 n 5 Wax Buns.
Tblnt nligSt
mediane or •ternenaof the eelebta
tad Irish Coand Vocattet,
Dloo Bonelnsult's three set deala•Of Jibe
Mlles Ns CopPsleen Mr. John Collins.
w m, the po,s, wCrul /Awn." Dols of Eilkeeins,' • and "Widow liscbtwe.”
To conclude with the .1191.t.Z Wee of
inaelday Evening-71M NZIVOINI MAN
and It Attie bHIIIT.
Collins Matinee on ^starils7•
Select BOad lugs
Filth* . Evening, Feb. -itb,
serest teals. Tickets foe sale at the
Library Dooms, corner Fenn and ElStll weer.
Instructive Common Fense Lectures,
corner of Lama and Anderson stmt., Alle-
Februaryl—sru,nw HUMANITY.
Single tlekelo..lloe...For.abo rematulas two
Toeturel of the ( ourre, 13e. .1.7.319
v ft
67;11414RT:12 "•.irr cum
e ..tmk 01
01 all deaciptlasa,
414..t.fax.sscra a d r out :AZ!
R. E. BREED: gr !
'w large pAsortaientof nor pal Sens and Anvil;
just - received: Also Vlsted andlisittanls Wily;
Vista nod Poem Ware. now Opening and for
We at rely low prices at
H. HEGBY dr. CO'S.,
wo. 188 . LIBERTY SIBE.
;kei 34:3zit9,r3.
.Attorney - at - I aw.
SirProsayt attention given to all thad• of 14:111
boot . All
G .w. De CAMP,
once, Ito. 127 10IIIITU
Munn. (formerly occupied try Hon. Waiter u.
fUlsigleCtartNee to
Omuta erheny 00unt7...11 mend nollote•
Ilene Inm o stof.theadlonentroanitee.
terrourry. - Irlierws...A.w.
aa 98 rum STUTZ!.
011eme,1111 rani MILEET, opposM the Cli.•
tbectral._ Pittsl , *7., Pa. Deeds. Denali, Mart: •
fr4".. , 5t`?"."..`.= 6 , -Pro'ert
.tl ~Dd
M. B. NEEI.F./1,
. .
• , •
Ante ... l.tcentinn Riven to conveyanct2
. Deeds. Ronda and MortMt.a. en.".
t7,77niM =ants. attended g. WomPtal:
and aceurst•lT. .
4601INZR or
Seventh Avente and Liberty St.,
firiU :gni Every Baturciait Had'
i .
1 ear11 A 6 . "2*7 111. 4 71 e. 114:417 .. r ui rd '_ 44 4 ll l :o7• eu 3'l l : Reer :'4 47 : e i r t :
mot rawint., :akotrr.
BH r F.U• PATTPUI9*,'& 'C ••••
ma - v - Farm. sem= Amin
.4.:T=11111G1111. PA
APPLICATION of: 'elite °WSW& 3111t11•1'.
Betiding a. d Lean Association of libarpeburt•
end ?ma for *Charter of Inoorporaslon.
; Arid 00. r.-to day of Hove:caber,
A. D. lean. the within petttlen and lasintment:
of writing baring Mao presented to, wand,
examined by the Court, and the objects, at.-
their, WA conditions the: tin se:forth and *en,
maned, sppearing to be Lw rut and not Irelarlintm:
file orderrd and directed that said Inesepaeut of
lending be filed In tb•offtre of lb* Trothonotary
of the Court of Cosonton Plea:4.d tan notice
of odd application be Inserted I. the Pitteleurah
Daily Morning 0 AZITTX ford hut three
netting runt, that an application Dam bare made
io the Court of Common Fleas of the Cont . / of
Alw;iheny to grant the mid ••ClUtten's Mutual
Building end Loan Meoe atton of number'
and Etna. , a Charter of 1nC4r90nt1..." and •
that such Chaney viii be granted at the next
term of null Court, unless exceptions be tiled In
nearer time. DY TEN 0.13).T. -
ti. kIeCLUKO,
Corner Uncut end Dlamona etreeteotollonor.
3W:tr. , •
NOTlCE.—Lolteis oi adininis.•
THATION entitle estate or nAlittlEt. BID- -
DLit. dee'd. late of Allegheny City, heelog Wen
. need to the onderalgued, all persons ed
ID sale estate are heeehy nettled to make imme—
diate payment. and all parties bselng clalente
'talent wed estate to 'resent them 10.
C. P. DIDDLV, Adtlnl6Vae. es
&MeV. W • se. 950 North, Avemp..
Workman, Moore & Co.,
spring and BuckWagoinsi
Nov, 41, 44;46 and 48 Beaver Bt., allegheav•
Urpatrina wally and promptly exria ad. OTVI
den for New Work suntan up to good Min alto ,
warranted to stye satlefac lion la every patio.-
ViiirlVewf et at Or work nstntleoll h* ,ol- ; •
13.0.16 AIIiNTO rve the New Stave. Wheel.
r_ w a i m m p L lL s t tea , :
p LA . E.J ..wa lea . ll
sb P . ATA. e hlr
anti IletEer tor . nu atra.,
11 ' RIODADD DAVIS brettr.parettss.t.tti•'
lutcr.lnt and Ww. V. Dowrw.
an* 1 1 V en/kW/LH. StOWLIE (.7)..te slg
° ‘ . ! .. '9lllflll4.'Woll3[ l iAtf. '
.I.ll,oltlseas, FI swami Deal. Ilttabluith,