"_ E ".'--- - r.iit - iiiiricii-an'YbUll else, Mid' tblerte - not all true In businewe sell hi in social - ' ''----- Ire.__ .. • DiNic ANBRIOA APPLES-In steady a. ta t APPLE noted at 704E0c. 26 80 FQIIRTNI;' siOnigrlM • ' BUTTER .Continues to arrive freely ' ,' • ... -; , II , : ~., ..., and with a 'supply comdderattly in • a .mr • 7_. ousel the demand, prices are.wesk '' T1T 11 4 7 1 - 77. ,:, .•'' , • 't , iy unstained, ranging _(rata 2 2 4?) . e CAPITAL_ •• .i Id 11200. 000 good to chide° TOIL J 1,. a . , , , . i 434 , 11/ . 3 i.,,.:: .. .2....,n"- •' r fal,Aa • ' UCE.WHEAT FLOUR-3®3 ' . DiOeiutOiderS Lamy maul: lspery . .e ' S ~ ym,s,HS...Dull ;nom unchad; sales of , .. lIIANIE or niaccrtrat istr.D l falr itP ,2 4; . and choice at o .-. ..TrWAR DT S . 117 Y ' ,4 ' C "Int.T r i Alfa.n . t. - - PI-et. a moohtcoazi-14 Wig eta Per pond. • Dw ic " 33/ ,' „.„• 4 ~,,,,,,d.: entialllßßßll*l=Dull: 112,(415. "evro."'?..irat's•*bsT. ' - 11 7 01,11tvariaca._ , • CIDER-. Continuee dull and nominally J .,,ren,„ , , gtri h eAr; - uhchanged, at $5,00448,80 per bbl, as to Casa B: Leers. - quality. Jobs Yield. TM. Denote sorer telly °Matted sad prepared Wamos . tab_la. quiet, too, no. do aireeral Baaktap bert?.....!.! , Clunked, et .96410105% as., for 60t or .100 r_......_. ' OW lots, with the usual advi.f.teln i ratan way. i CRIED FRUIT- males of apple at 8® 9 Plitebesen thaa9c ihr quarters,. ton 1 12 for halves. Pitted cherries. Ito. 3/11ESSED HOGS-Very dull, and 1141110111111011 • Inen report that, they cannot I get over 10®1035 cut. , EGGS-Rather firmer, in masa:Fiance of the change In the weather, though primepo cus. are unchanged. as yet, us its.. - .1 EATHERs-so@ 1 1.0131t-Therti is only a ModeTatif i blitilnets, and 'the market is gimlet and j changed. - We centime to, quetowest.. , ke flours, at $5,00®5,50 for spring. $5.75 8,00 for winter. Rye Flour, P 45,25.1 , RAIN-, The - offerings of wheat in lit this 'smirked continue ve ry light, out UM demsnd a not preset ,ad the milli w e -getting all they Want row the west; we cotolutte to quote red winter , wheat a$ $1,15®1,1 8 for prime to choice. Oats dell, but nomiruilly nunhood-4(447 on wharf and track and 48(3.5u in store. ;berets not Much at 85 1ie.: 5 1 0 .. we continue to quote at 85G93. Cornls Tory Oa end hoe been IO• fol . idallarol days past, though nominally for unchanged t-78030 e for ear and 133@ Barley is doll and nominally unsnaps-I east SI for spring and 01.10 for fall. • - I •Hk. - V--Saleer from 0014.11137_ wagonS at $1L(.426, and the offerings. continue,. light. HUSKS Sales at Et cents per pound. IHONIINY--Sales at $8,00@6,50 per bbl. "e-Sales of Cleveland pr Sales lime FIN/XOL GOLD, SILVER AND-COUPONS, leosislit trialica)Pricesi PH. B. MERTZ, - Banker, Cor: Wo4i - St. anti stikire-nie Jon T. lave& Co etoccotoors to 3. JOWLS • CO.. Corner Fourth kvenuo and Wood FL, 33,ALzv'mE:rts, Bity.aan Batt $11dsi!lo of 60YEBNWiT, GOLD, t3ILTEN AND MITPONDi WOVT YAVOILLIBLI TEL tir uttered Allowed on Deposita /214. /Fr 3 f mom oo GOV•111311111lt bonds at ..1 market ws. • Orders execostedi for the Purehams NDS Q OM ale or ISSOCLIS, liO sod / &MRS T. BRADT & CO, Liittsint* &Ott. FINANCE AND THAD& Orrice or Pr rrerairstret o,&Elgral, FRIDAY, 1870. S There was more activity an stocks but-gold remained elmest stationally at 121%, declining' to 12.1%; advise:hag to 121%, and closed at 1213‘, with Ammo align of an upward moveme nt.. Government Government bonds . were dull WI heavy, selling about % psi dint' bitOw the closing quotations of yesterday. Bonds are considered too ,high! fog in vestment, and the market Is freely sup: plied . for all that Is .wanted, yet no reason exists for a lower market dories Ike present month. - . • Stocks were strong and -higher. 88- pecially New York Ointral; Northwest common and profaned and Lake Shore. The balance of thelbst remained inactive. 2,10001-111 bettar....supply Acid bait= rates. . ~ - Business dull. - Quotations as received Or b., R. ldertr. Gold, 121%; Silver. 117; Right: - ' cue's, 118%, Five Twenties, 18814 , 11534: do 1884, 116; do 1861, 115.34;' do -186 5 . Consols, 114, do 1587, 1.143/: do li3BB, 114%; Ton FOrgeo.ll2%; Allertleabot Ex prow Company 84%; Merchants C BrPrela ComPsoY, 634; American El:- gr . ca t u i! Pa a.; V.; ;I •247r t f u oe lj niil. a 9531. Telegraph.. 85%; Pittaterrigh, Fort W yne dt Chicago. 8834; Ohio it DRe sdeunnl, 25%; Dfroldtour Southern, 64%; Cleveland d 0 Pittsburgh. 91, Cicago. Rock Island it Pacific, 118%; Chimp it North Western, 7214; Chicago d North Western Preferred 69%; Erie 24%. TIXCIYABSIZ. barge. Retail: London, per .8 ...... ..—.-4 5 , 90 KOS Par* per franc 24 • 25% • Berlin, %haler ..--....... BS 92 Freakfort. florins 5062 —Clean quotations renamed by lames'. T. Brady et on. Gold: lug; Vatted States Faxes, 1881, 118%; Five•Twentles, 1882,115%; do. 1884,115x1 do. 1885, 115,%; Teo-Fortieth 112,'4; FiveTwentlea, Janu ary and July, lea, 114%; do. do. 1867, 116,4; do. do. 113e8. 114%; Union Paddle Railroad. 86; Central do, d 0 .99; Cy. Pacific, 1.1.13 i; Lake Sap erlor 98. c By Telegraph to the Pitt abejgb ossette.) New Your. February L UP. . Money easy at 4@6 per cent., with ex ceptional loans, however. at 7. Sitrling . eg(g9.• Gold dull; opened at 121%; touched 121%. and closed at 12.1%. Char traces, F 2 5 .000,900. '81, 18 34 . Governments firm. Oralgs2X 41,8%: do MY, 15%42016%; do '54, .154(Q 15%; do '65, 15344,§116341 do new, 14340 j. 14;1; do '67, 14%014%; do '68,14,4021 14 %.; 10.4011,1234@1214. Pacifies, 11%(01) %. State bends cooed strong. Mumma% be; old Tenztosseek-63341 new do, 4714; old Virginias. 83; new do, 63 % ; old North llsrolinse, 41%; new do; 24; ireW South' . Cuoitrum, 8.3%; Louisiana Levees, sixes, he 'railway market was active in New YOrk .oeutrodi Nortlirseet% Reeding:. • and New Jersey Central, closhigturset . Col, though kenerally 'strOngt. .Iseel -Ist:tome shares are quite strong. The ;,- Quickstlm advanced on the report or , • proper security being alven,Ori ttd; .Etlaek I emit,: , which Reyes the auripmey. Loo{ t: p.lseing into (he hands of a receiver. ' 1 Express stocks dun, •sza BD important . change& Thirty Prices.—Cautrux, SW; , • Cumberland. 82; Western Union Tete. • 4 • caliph, 36%; QOIOkIIIITBY. 15,0,111YttgAle. , . 9%; preterroo, 10: Adams Estmeasittll a Iviate ~ 6 F0rg0:39%1 ' lAtnexicanht %;' United States, 5254; Paola° NCI, 283 i; Karr York ctuitrat,96%; Erte,24%;,,Erdri 414 . sarioret. 137: ' Preferre d ; / 4 _ l i. il d a' Fru Scrip, nig; Reading, 95%; prichigin • :entral, /17%; lake mune, um - ' Dubois Central, 1U Pittsburgh, 9134; North. 'estorno 72%Vprord. 1031 i; Rock Island,.' . nag ; '136 eau], Ts.' - preferred.: acgi ; , , Watmah, 63%; preferred, 724 Fort Wayne. ' - 6i; Terre Menlo, 2034; preferred, ba, C. dt. A., 144; preferred, 1444 O. a 111.. -ISM; N. , J. (3., 98; • Dubuque, 109; St. Joseph, - . s lib. preferred. 108%; 0,, 0. & C., 74. - Dorton prices; calumet, .63 ; Copper rails, 1; Franklin. 7; .1100 11 , 80; guincy. Egi IR 30 Tho AsaLstantTreasurer announces the ' ;blowing as the 'sales of gold and..p f = asses of bonds for February: , gold of gold Feb. 3d, one million; Feb, 9tly one Million; Feb. fttb, one million. Feb. 12d.' sus mU l l oni Ural. !bar tn llllona . .Par-, hate; of bonds, Feb. 10th, one "Milikrn; 14th, one tnIllion; total, two millions. Sids•Trosanty balances: gold, 1711,033,- I'M; currency, 13,793,481; general 1ett *W0,179,931,205. The llovernment reserves' the right teil purchase any amount of bonds Offered in excess of one minion, es ettpulated In the pr IposaL i,exoy Nichols, whose failure on con. tracts In Bock Island stock was alumna ctd 3 ,0,4 0 rday, announces that he will settle on an contracts made °Medan of the tucck Bschauge the altos as if made within the Ezehange. ME M .OrTics Prrreurnsolt TUESDLT. Feb. 1. tsro. Oar' Merchants and manufacturers generally continuo to complain of, dull Idelea. and that they have good Mallon therefor, mint that, acknowledged. The principal reason for btudnses being so dull lies in the fact tat Margins are so very !mall that there is no Inducement offered to make busineer, and bedewt men, In some instances, have concluded that as there la little or nothing 'to be gahnxi by It, that there is no. uses tut!, Idug.pinch ; effort, and, meseipntly: they are not soliciting and .working fa' (rife, a' they woulu If there was some inducement to stimulate them in so dui ' . l jag, This hue been a great drawback to tra ns pore for, some time past, but we aro In hopes that It will not - continue • m uch . longer. Sortie• partite, In their , istalite.B for business, will mat margins down to a point ecareely deserving or . t.he n ame, and thus while they make • nothing themselves, prevent others. en gaged lei the suns line of basthem, from anything. Competition Is all right and proper, and ahould always be enceursifini, but the rivalry for trade to wale:lmes so strong that.leteOlfalltlee - are indulged In. %ME things Raid and done which had better not.' been; and which should always be' avoided.. , The gct.32oould ;Il a ire and io jgj i z i ! , Wrapped tip is therneelYell; illey't4 e NE II i I ,4 '4 =I Ghq Per bbL :ONlONS—sales at 12,50@3,00 per Lb'. the outside figure for choice. LARD 011,—City brands No. 1 extra _quoted at $1,43@1,4 6 , and No. 2at 9312,95. Panay Cincinnati and Chicago brands acid higher. , IPEANUTS--O,noted at 9@lo eta. PEAS—DuII: 52,50 Der POTATOES—The demand continues light; an prices are unchanged- 50 WY the car load and 55 for small lota In store. PROVISIONS—Market weak, with a confined drooping tendency,: Should ars, 14 for Plate and 16 for Sugir (hired: Sides, 16 for Clear and 17Sugarbbed: Sreatfast 8ac0n,79 and Cared Rama 19. Lind 17- in tieross. Mess ZPrk $29. OULTRY Market almost . bare. teased chickens, 15014, and drained barkeya, - 15® 20 SSEDS--We are reported sale of 150' bush blown teed. to go south, at 55,50. - Timothy seed Is still quoted at 14,750 and Plaraeed at 12,1004,15. SALT—Is quoted fui 1,75 by U.,. car load. RTIC./Lw --Sales at 114(4)16 per tan. WHlSKY—Highwinds limier et- 9KBP il; reediftwi, $1,00; proof recsd led„.1,10. Old wkdaldes scarce and firmer. rsiraoLgust muatime -.' Oman OF Prrrent mon GASETTE, •TusaDAT Feb. 1,..070. .$ ! •We are obliged to tue the itertadili o d Phrase, • continued dull market, with So indications at present of any imme diate Improvement. The only oonsola iiion we' have to offer; la the fact that thi nresent dullness and stagnation, accord ing to the views of Many, forebodes a lirighter • and better flan* that Abe present depression will be followed in the proper.time by bonyancy and ac tivity; that the cloud which 'has been hanging over and enveloping the trade in dirknets.,for same( 41181, ill sorely be scattered and driven away, and that the sun of prosperity will certainly chine on tho 01l business here again, As we have repeatedly noted, tho present depression leregardee by not a fewas a very favorable omen, In- - dicatlng as it - does, a determination on the mat of the trade to do a leghttnaie bush:teas hereafter, and to discourage any and all movements calculated to , stimulate wild speculation. But a single side reported I,OGO bbla on spot at IS, and Ulla for be regarded se the ruling quotation for that deliv ery. Seller option to July nominal at 13 and buyer, lame time. 16 eta. . . . There is no improvement to note in the demand for refined, and while_ ,the marker ls dull and neglected, Prme are e nominaby. Februar unchanged. Spot 1. quote it 30c; February at 3034 m y to Jaly. 30y.c, and March to July 31c. Buyer all tee year nominal at 34Se. PCGOllpis OT. ClitrOS cat. BT A. v. Crystal Oil Works 240, on acootust A. B. Mills: Citizens Ott Works 160, on so. count W. Robinson. Tetad. 900 tibia i mpasorrynt OY OTE. AT A. I. B. B. J. M. litter, 308 bbls rotlned to W. F. Logan dt Bro. ' - Phlladelpbta. Fawcett, 1.69 S. 196 bids ref. oft Stands to er D0.,028 bb Phliadel refin s. rd 011 la ptu ed oil to Wirden; 'Frew .tro.;"1"1111.a: • 1. Total 1,032 bble. • . . _ _ .... ' ~22.61112HT5,,E11f,TELK.0 liti tit!. `,.t - .., Eiw to-isr.-Febinarx l.—Cotton dull and heavy;.itith : arias Ofl3,2te' , hale at ftiMo middling npian . ds., . Flour T.Et rillit'Sfor 2,20`.;b1314 , ' ' Zuni heavY.witheat, leeldod changei sales of 7,300, bhp' at 60011,00 T. stiiiet- Hie Stile *Ahern; t t. 264g0,00 for extra State; 60,0312}0,1 6 for 1 xtra Weetern; .161,0c1,0• 40 •Pr wklie heat extra; 45.16G6,25 for Rand Hoop Lh10;116,r6.23 f ch Or o e i x oe d extra St. LUdi r ill. s . 2s 6,W00d 1. float illets;t4 •bsss-le: wE./t Se* ef-.R O ,bpas im ow: -hail ,trioid4.l6t.‘ 'Whisky Levy end lower. with vales 0f•260 tails t 98®98310 for Western free chiefly 98a. oelphi cd 'wheat; :2,618 Milli. Wheat opened firm end - closed 1(320 better; incidf. crate export and milling driniimdrealat of 69,000„ bushel', et ii,wgh2 2 fve 320. 2 sliding, latter Mho lot. , choice delivered, 61,23 for common No, 1 do, 11.,Za@1,81.' for ' winter red 'and tipper . Western, and 21,40 for white western.. Bye quiet. Barley dal, with sales 100 ' usb,ait q tiro rowed Mani at '37e. Barley bulb Corn: reoelpts bush ; born dullt. (OD' and heavy, with sales 28,000 o i fiab.lit 88(P0o for near niMed:Weiriern. far new yellow southern, and 21 ' 02® ca3for new white .sohern. , ipta 8,250 bosh; oats firui 'llidW i a itn fareir demand, with, sales 64.006 bosh at 66_}40 Tor western and 680600 for State. Bye deli. . Coffee,dull. -Finger aready,adth ' hales 700 Wide Cuba at 924011 e. l fuses quiet. with wales 260 bus New prisms at 704376 Me. Petrolount- oiggedutet 11%160)17o for crude d illethr p. Hops firm at 111(?,220 f or Amerirenti MI, Peed 011 steady at 996,4920. Turpentine quiet r iga se at ri o 46@Co. Pork Ault snd lower; M frl3lo'•bbls, at 2253,6046 27 •f0ii new Men, 123@auso for ,sad 11 ieW 2 4 tirbil for prime mew; also, 760 MO r mess. seller 'February and 'Zdarob,_al , 125.50: Stock of old and nesi 317,771 1ab%626; last month, 21,760, last yew. 31, ' Tierce beef quiet, with sales of 110 Cereal at 11250;2 8 .for prime mess, 27QPI satesl. for 1 India mess. .= Beet barns quiet, witti Of 100 bb's, at 204322 3 for new. Cut pests dull. with sales of 250 psoksges, at 1101120 for shoulders. 14)0116M0 for hams. Middles doll, with, sales of 125 boxes, at 14e for Cumberlaud ant, 160 67r abort ribbed. • Drewold hogs. steadY, It 11310123.0 for western. Beef steady, will, sales of 200 big% at $10(3115 for new vlain mess, $14®17,60 , for now extra mesa; stock of old and new, 21,2L0 pack ages. last month, 27,7119, last year, 60,611. Lard heavy and lower, with sales of 300 tierces, at 16M®leMe for steam, 163:0 17340 for kettle rendered ;a1e:4260 Carus steam, seller Marc at 16Mo. Butter steady and quiet, at 17031 e f,, Ohio. Cheese steady at 160118 s. Freights to Liverpool are dull and heavy. Latest—Flour clesed steady and with a moderato demand, chiefly for low grades of extra. Wheat very firm and gut t t 111.1601.7 2 .f0r , 1fe. 2 _opting, end 11:246 1.31 for winter rod and amber Western Rye nominal. Oats steady and quiet al cgMo fit s 'etern. Corn dull and heavy st cd@ for new mixed westarti Po k drill and unchanged tt6,20 bid nod 220 r A0 asked for mewl for February end March. Beef quiet and tead. ore. 'Mae and Bacon nominal.: s Lard y stead t yHe bid for prime steam, lame u k e d for Feb';; 16M0 bid, and 16Mo 'asked for March. Eggs gullet at. 211%30e for bruh. 1 : gr. tows; - February I.—Totateee i r , ' bribk.demand, at full priers. Cotton declined to 241,3230. Hemp only In local demand and unchanged.. YLOUr; i Wg a x 11 4 .25@ 4, 4 0 a e m 54 pu: gno°l double eaus $6€4223. and family at g6g, 7.60. Wheat low and unehangedt H o 2 inspected spring 92e. No 1 do one; rie : 2 red fall 21.03013'7. No I do 111,11101.1234•.• choice to fancy red and white 111,20@ LSTM;s _Coin; best grades IWte . .histter; mixed Id bulk 133146 7 c• mixed Wod , yel-' low tacked 76(4770. a nd white .64(31896, MM . Sr Met and mon: dolag, idt l l. ail* VITI BU6GH M**k TS L ima49 - 61a litalif6l36scli4c4ed; Barley um:lntuited, with sales at $1,05 for choice Illinois, and 91,0501,2 5 for prime so r - fancy. Minnesota. Bye dull and lower, with sales st 75080c;Whisky dell at 93 e. Orooeries dull • and unchanged. Provisions opened steady, but advices from other point.s depressed the market. .and only a small business was done. Pork; in small lots at $27,620 27 , 53 ; Ratted atioulders Bacon: clear rib 1414 a; clear aides 15c. ahouldera 12%c; clear rib leg - clear sides 16340. Lard nominal at 150116 a for steam and kettle rendered. Cattle steady at 434053 , 4 c for fair to prime, nod 00834 e for choice. Aga unchanged, at 834®93(0. Receipts: flour 8,700 bbl", Wheat 4,800. bash, corn 9,400, oats 8.800, barley 1,100, rye 500, hags 400 head. Crocaoo, February I.—Et stena Ex change unchanged. Flour in fair de.: Wand at $3,8005,25 for spring extras, Wheat ess active; No 1 quiet ai awg 88c4,N0. l 2 advanced %ale, ranging et 80340,81 c, and closing at 80 2 V®81c4 this afternoon •the market was unsettled at 81;/a cash and 8.1:4',0 seller March. Corn: Old‘l/p3 lower, at .71340720 for fresh and 700710 for regular, closing at 70340710 for regular; new 1 , 401 y.fe lower, closing steady at • 52.042,t4c; this afteroon No. 0 was dull at, 71e. .oars moro, active and j.,10 higher; sales of No. 2at 28038Nc, Moiling at 3.8340383ic. Rye quiet and firmer, at 60340 for No.and 670680 Mr No. 2; closing firm fit 68c. Barley inactive and nominal at 700750 for No 2. Efighwinee firm and steady, and lo high er, clotting firm at 920. Mess pork fairly active and 250 lower at $25,75 cash, 52 ,25 buyer, 125,75 seller February, 1'200 26 . 23 seller March. Lard steady and in fair demand at 15c cash, 115%0 seller lass half March. . Sweet pickled .bams 13,4 c; dry salted shoulders 100 loose. • Braised hogs doll at $10010,50, closing steady at 1110,25. Receipt" for the past 24 hog 7,,1172 blips flour, 31,550.'im . wheat, 24,925. bn corn, 14,895 !moats, 1,K7 bit rye, 8,887 ho bar ley, rB,Val.hogs. Shipments-6;M bbl, flour,. 15,217 bu wheat, 17.014 al corn, 6,BlB'bn oats, 895 bn rye, 250 MI barley, 3,ps2hbga. , ••• - . CI-StOMSlA:rl,Febrtlary I.—Cotton dull pad 3(.5 lower; middling at 243:02434 0 •. Tobacco firm and in good demand; males 71 hhda la $6024. Whisky dull and drooping; sales at 94c, no buyers better I than 93a at closet. Hogs dull and lower: 1 , miles at $8,7609,50 for live, $10,50011,00 for dressed; receipts, 1,900.. Provislorts lower generally and unsettled; Meol , pork o ff ered at V. 6,50 and no buyers; bulk meats nominal at 103.01434 0 ; bacon offered at 12/. 143( and 1530. and clear cut aides aid at 14c, demand; light. Lard offered at 1550 for. steam ' and 16® lai„0 for,kettle, bur. hardly any demand. GroOrriteat 2 at 10,12 and 14e for about- , eikir: Sides "puntms. Eggs at 21022 c for 811IPPors" and 230 for 'atoned, elating firm and supply light. ! •Lornisvit3.9., February I.—Tobacco ac tive; itatea of 23611de, at 4507 for fresh slid-lug! and $45111,75 for low to goad lierglartqn county, lett._ Cotton dull; wake 20 . baler," lOw middling =1,3(c.: 11 Flour in fair demand; extra family 116,00. Po:FAO:ins !Anita firm: Mess In. Batiom'abotuderi 12, clear rib 16c1 lead aides .. 16,tic.'• Bulk Meals: sho ere llt,f,e; clear rib 14".1m clear sides „tic. Lard: 'tierce 170. limns quiet; Packing , .. Tomo°, February I.—Grain In store In day lam f. Mews: wheat 890,000 btu. eery 36,"00 bus, oats 790x0 bus, barley 41,000 Des Receipts: flour. .5,000 bbliii erbeat.2,Boo bus, corn 8.280, dressed hogs 45,418: 'Shipments: flour 650 phis, wheat 1.200 bus, corn 5.600 boa, aids 14400 bus. dressed hogs 11,400. Flour doll. -Wheat *shams better; amber Michigan' $1.03Y4t.' 17". 1 red slple.. No. 2 grid 8.1012.waa bid. p r e Hogs 10 ®123 sod sold nominal. I If rr.wangr.z. ' Februry L--Flour tarkl amazed. , Wheat steady at 86340 for No. 1, and Ole for No. 2. Oats steady at 40c for Non. Corn lower at 51340 for new. Rye nominal. Dressed Hogs : lower at 19,50010. Receipts were: I,OXI bins, Hour, 22,000; Watt wheat: fttdpments: 1,000 bbl" flour, 1.000 bush wheat. CiMrStalan. February I.—Buckwheat flour 'market ateady and demand fair at $7 5008. Rye flour in moderate demand and imolai) , at $525(1500• Barter . held 45101 10 for State and Canada, as to quality. Petroleum quiet and un changed; 'refined held at 1X,340.27c; crude held 465. facSin 70 per bbl. i FltiLansz.stita. Feb, I. Flour ex tremety quiet. north western extra fans. iIY lit 1.2@,2; 7 5, Indiana and Ohio at $5,25 041;25, • fancy at 56.50®7,50. Wheat steady, Penna. Ted at II 423(g11.38. Petro re; refined declined to Z1,440.30e. Whisky steady and unchanged. CaloatiO,' Feb 1. —Live dull and 20® 250 lower at 26,7009,15 'far fair to geed shipping lots, Cattle dull and weak at. $4 600,5,72 for cows and light Mears, /6,60 07,12% for good to Malice, $7,623407,75 or ems prime shipping beeves. Msatrum, February I.—Cotton easier. 243(0241,. Flour firm, super $5,25, Corn 920. Oats 86. Hay 1H5®76. Bran $240,25. Lard 17018:- Pork r-ti. Bulk ineata: shoulders 1134 c, _sides 15340. RaLTImoRE, Fab. I—Flour active and 'unchanged. - Wheat - steady . Md. red 11,3001,40. tkirn; white $10,1,03: yellow 930940. Whisky 919099 c. - • Nasuvrt.t.E. February 1:,-Cotton dull, with sales low middling at 23340; good ordinary at 21%; stock 3,800 bales. CRITIDSI . • Dry Goods libirliet. 4 New Yong Fehrnsry I.—Dry goods is little rant; doing today, and prices heavy: brown shootings risen half cent per yenit.A.tlantio H Nashua 1D brown hay& declined from 11 to 12340. In other descriptions of goods no partici utar'dhinge, and marksilbss no redeem ing festuro beyond firmness of holders° maim goods. _• - . ' 1 . 3161.P015T 15 lii HAILBOAIL . Ars.uffaiewr VaLixr Iterr.nomi, Fel>. ruary 1.-82 axe oats, P. T Stewart; Ed boob potatoes, T A Patterson; 12 do do, JMe wain; 44aks .cona,, Graham & M.; 48 do 46, 3946 Oda; 5 dory:1;1 ear - lye, S. oott &0; 3 d hog., J McCready; 3do So. J Hotrman; 1 bbl eggs. a Boa Jr; 25 ltgs butter, rdetwoor & 13; 4 do do 1,3 Blirtcroard; 2 ars turgid', Maack & Co; 2 oa ts g do butler, A W Beer; 25 lbga .60 do wheat. Blaney &M; 1 boa butter, E Beast:Rom - 67 mire coal, Kier: IF .t K; 32 do do, Armstrong, D & Co; 18 do do, Coleman, It & Co; 49 bbis ref oil, Lockhart, FAA?). • ~ ~, , • ' Prrverirtnadit, , ' doironaragl 'an. T. j,erne Remseee, February 1.-88 bp oats, C H I.ove; 47 do barley, 13 Hood:. A 02. 40 do, 4 doirheat, F Bohield; 65 do cope novd,ll: roentral VR R Co; .217 tlia bailer, 614mioLlrbeit,'"72 , do oits, - P Dull7B do barley, W 11 Garr 8 ard; / car lumber. Ell Myers & Co; do staves, Hastingi ,k D; 6 hhcis tobacco, %Wore:Mar&Cm 100 40. :25 & Sr Yank. Limon; 1 do do, .11.1 Hoyt; 43 caddlawdo, .P. V Weddell ; Spkgs do; John Megraw; 12 bales to corn, I Dickey It Co; 10 bp pea nuts, 24 H N i tillianis' 6 pkga butter, 6 obis eggs, W ii Grill .8 Co; 6do eggs, .1, lA.Graff: 10.bbla d puerto% .13 do Onions, 2do beans,' M. W Rankin; 100 bge flour. LatißcerOn & Co; 13 balm ,cotton; Isaiah Dickey & Co; 6 blot flaxseed, Eger, 1 1 . a Call can Wheat, Kennedy Bro. • Firrancrson: Fong WATee, AND Car ew:to Itamtoan..February 1.-300 able Sour, owner; 1 car barley, Volgt, Ma hood it Co; 1 car bone dust, Seward & Emerson; 1 car middlings, S 33 Floyd: 100 bble flour, Begbmyer & Voekamm 60 b/We s ble highwines, Hostetter & Smith; 6 brown corn, Kellenberger & But. terfleld; 100 bbla flour, Elbomaker & 1.4 /00 do do, Dan Wallace; 100 do do, Watt Pace It 00; 66 101 lard, z a mien a c 4; , dbxs crackers, -Kramer & Beton; Bdo dn, J A Benet:wet; .75 L'gs timothy seed. W W Elms; 93 hides, BOYdo bl a OM 1 00 Ibis choose, W MAIM & CO; 1.1 Insi your,. V. GuttendOrfl 2 bbis . potash, 3 Wilton .t On 12 dos broonm, 7 A Hen show; 2 caralimestone, Graff, Bennett d: ' , Co; 20 bele oil, 0 E Palmer; 6O'Br kepi htd-1 ter, Bdo lard: Brum:amen & ien; 1 I bbr eggs. W li Graff & Co; 1 bbl butter, Volgt, Mahood & Co ; 12 bite - clover seed. 'enry Rea Jr; 12 toms soap, Shipton &', 4 eke rags ,2 bbla crane, Watt, :Wallace;'ping & Co; tal bbla flour, owner. '1 , -.elisMikroidry ' Erra.,rxort Febrility/ 1".- , ' 100 bbls dorm, It Knox J. Bon; 1 car lime, J K Holmes & Co; 1 bbl buttor, 25 do whisky, Rd: A Carson; 7 cars 'tares. Italy& & Robert:gm:. 2do metal, Lewis, Bailey I Duluth 8 do do. Graff, 13 & Co; 1. do emcee, J M Hemphill; 6Obis high. pines, F Kocbendotrer; 1 oar metal, .1.,113&Pay It McCutcheon; t car middlings, Jas Stewart; 1 car wheat, NV McKee it Co; 'do lumber, John Hans; 1 car metal, Lindsay & MoOntobeon; 36 Our broom handles, Wm Mardorf; 9 eke buckwheat flour. El Warren; 60 bills hides. A & 3 Groetzloger; 12 dos brooms, Moon Bro; 6 Cara wheat . Kennedy Bre: 4 Cara Mui , ber, A C Taggart; I car barley, Smith & Co; 42 by oats, 62 bales bay, 176 bp , Dorn. Rose & E‘4 111 54; 2 kegs lard. 06 aka corn, 61 Stool i tion. CLEViri,S7D ArtO PITTSBC:11.08 ItAtie 80A.% February 1.-2 eari I s Ore, ido- Knight, P & Cu; 10 do Iron ore, Sheen. 1 berger, B & 03: 2do 1 a ore, Hulsey. W 1