The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 02, 1870, Image 1

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Offite,B4 and 86 FU'alik 441 tie
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TILBJI2 OP 'lllllll DAMP.
SY mall. Der
.11Yere4 by taITiEM Der et&
Pennsylvania - Legislature.
SENATE : Additional Supreme
Court Judges The Philadel
VIM Metropolitan Police Bill
Passed. MOUSE: Number of
Local Bills Considered and
Media Ulepsteh to the At Ossetio.)
.1113Imarouo, Feb. MO.
' Mr. FURMAN.introduoed a bill in.
creasing the number of Judges of the
• Supreme Court. -
ThnPhiladelphla Metropolitan Pace
bill passed . ,linally—yeas 16, nsysl6. Mr.
Lowry was the only Republican voting
Mr. HOWARD called up the Senate
bill extending fifth-class auctioneer. to
Allegheny county. Passed: • • -
The bill prohibiting aldermen or Jul'.
throe of the peace from sating as attorney'
was defeated. -
music nttii I•ABSED
Mr. RUTAN.called up the Senate bill
authortzlng the 'State Treaxarer . to re
fund -collateral inheritanoe tax errone
ously piid oy William Quail. Puled.
Mr. OLMSTED called up the Renate
bill repealing the third section of act
of 1667, relating to jtoilicial sales and
preservation of lien Of Mortgagee, so far
as relates to . Orphans' Court sales.
Mr. LIENSZEY called up the t3enate
supplement to panel laws. punishing
wltneseesforrefualog to obey subpoenas
in forgery, perjury and felony oases by
two tbooeand dollars fine and two years'
imprisonment. Passed.
Mr. MILLER celled up the Senate bill,
allowing writs of - error in mew of mar
dir or voluntary manslaughter, authori
sing the Supreme Court to review the
law and evidence. Passed. , -
~i - asiaaim nu..t.a Wenn. •
• i The following Senate bills passed:
- Increasing West Pittsburgh borough
• tax.
Supplement for Pitisburgb,'Rrowns•
• ) T ulle andponeva Packet Company.
- Supplement f..r- Mercantile Library
' - Ball Company, Pittsburgh.
i • - ' Hones Pam= .
. The following House bills passed:
' . :Relating to Supervisors of West Deer
township, Allegheny, - ,„.....,
/ , Monongahela Vs llap.aall oad l suppba
' • anent.
i incorporating Allegheny hilPrlnt ,
. , ." lug Company.
locorcarating Farmers and M tile
- . Manatee-truing Association, Del wn.
. - Supplement extending the r
, - draining wet aud sprouty laapkto. •
county, be•Maiaq. draining and
Or Otherr solnes B4l lln said
~ . .i .2,...,-;.' ails . • .-,-, • bums th e of liquor. In Fay
. ; ;Ift -%. parzorwlt.hin two miles thereof.
4 .; , .. -, tug the Asthma Savings
4" ' .
TO . lletrapolltati Pollee BM.
.13AlLaistmito, February I.—The Metro
pedhan Police Bill for Philadelphia, re
amended by the Insertion of te Mayor'.
name among the Commissi h
oners, was
panted by the Senate.
Attaches' Change le me Affairs—Met
Ousted as Dictator and the Old
Regime Established.
ear Tete mph to tbarlLUbtreb Gazette.)
111t%110., February I.—A special from
st. Paul says_ the startling news comes
front Fort Garry via Pembina, January
iblib. that lilell has been molted from his
brief but absolute dictatorship In the
Red Riverse Clement and the old Hudson
Day Company's government reinstated,
IsnaOr the title of Governor and Council
of Ateinibolo. with Governor McTavish
at its head. . rem some time dieseridae.
Don ban existed among the half-puede
no account of Reill's ineMcleney or In
activity, and taking advantage of his
-temporary absence the old re fists was
'reinstated.. A guard met Relit on his
-way back to Fort limey, and after some
faint resistance he was taken to Fort
marry. • -
The correspondent adds that Riell
master of the situation again, and that
the report of his arrest needs confirms
:deo, but the case as above rutted is un
doubtedly the true one. The object of
ibis coup &eat is to tandem the accom
nlishment of the original design of the
half breeds. They will petition the Ca
nadian Government first, and if name
ot sand, they will resort to annexation to
crown colonisation..
!titother special says that when Wien
,a ea on his way back,
and nine miles
from Ft. Garry, two armed menjoined
lim and attempted to Drat him, but he
row a revolver and told them he would
_ ever be taken alive. Other citizens
.c tmo up and stopped the fight, and . the
-whole party went to Vt. Garry.
Tinirrapit to no Flttabonb Gianni.)
Comte:nu, February I.—ln the House
arnejority of the Committee on Petvi•
Urea and Elections reported in favor of
BiJett Glover, Republican member from
eirloto, *hose seat le contested. 4 Ito wi •
north report sru made. The matter
yrs., discussed at length.
tnet this morning. In the Houle a pro•
tt st from Bryant against the legality of
th't organisation Ina read. a long discus.
sten following, in which Bryant and
A ntler Democrats matte vehement and
bitter attacks on General Terry and
Governor • Bullock. Before action was
taken a committee appointed •to
'lna on the Governor reported they had
fulfilled their duty and the Governor re•
plied he would notify the commending
tioneral of the organization and that a
communication from the General cam.
-mending and the Governor would be
runt In on Thursday, to which time both
e llouses took a remelt. •
' leasavit.r.n, February.l.—Lreeolntion
erAa adopted in the Senate tnelayealllng
on the CemmMee on Federal Ilelath:nal
to rep3rt the XVth Ampedment.
NEW 1011 K CITY.
Mr Telegraph to the rlttoborgh Iluette.)
NEW - YOtall a Feb. 41870.
TrixAmars Dianna cABF,
Ono or the rozeit extraordinary dtvoroo
awes sier brought before a New York
Clourt 1$ now being tried by Judge Bar.
mord, In the Supreme Court. The plats
lo Commodore John T.• Gleaso. a
ratt °Meer of tho United States
Navy. aged sixty-four years. Trio dit•
readmit. Ms wife, la an old lady of fifty.
lice yeara and mother of twogrearnatuA
.end her companion In her alleged &dui ,
tory i a another elderly person John . S.
'Howell. who is also the pareneof grown
eildldi on. The witnesses against - Mni.
kl'ou, , oi; who wore examined yeaterd_sy.
aver° the wifo sod daughter of Mr.
Tho alleged criminality was
comml:ted In Providence, Rhode Wand.
• The unusual charaeter of the 'tiVidenoe
fOrod aood for the prosecution and the
large wraith of the one and high meal
alauding of the other of the families in.
Aormiod. Another with other dream.
Lltsneee,Makie this case of redlorkoble In.
• .
. 1
71A111- lit .. )1',..,, 1 1 1 .
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. "RI - AL; - LA-r. - , ~ r w
Amov N: A... .. , ,
Publie, Debt Statement—Redue-
Lion Last Month $3.933,664.39
—The Colored Senator—The
New Tariff Bill, Sm., &a.
By Telegrapb to t➢e Pitlebergek Gazette.).
Wasureurroit, D. C., Feb. I. 1870.
THE eetkoßED eprATOR.
Revels, the colored Senator elect from
Miellsalppl, is her, the guest of George
T. Do : timing, the Capitol restaurant
keener. Revels, is a well developed
man, has good, intelligent features, hot is
not more than a quarter African blood.
He Is the object of considerable attention
from the elite of his race. Reis assured
by members that he will have no Win.
salty in getting his seat, on the ground
of color, the only queltion bolturnpon
theadmlssion of h.thislasippl. he is
elected to fill an unexpired - term; it' is
not impossible that the to-morrow and
to.morrowsystem of delay may consume
the time allotted to bts (Meier tenure.
The question of eligibility on the score
of citizenship has been raised; but It will
not be considered a merlons impediment.
It is expected that there will be &clews
action in reference to the admission of
Mississippi this week.
fire pa cent. eats bond. •
tllioerc act. coin bonds,neL,
Interest on s.mes
?Dm per amt. . — 43.5.3070 t..
N. , 1 %Pension land OW,OZO 03
IntereSt:on sal!e
ikebemt oflebtelfat Istosest
bed &Lob soerity
fate. est
Debt biasing to listetert — do•
sleakdasol legal tender totes 1156,110.1DS 60,
Dertillestes or gold deposited. 86.82=110W
Total debt
Total Inserest .. .... •
Toal vim:Opal and Inters 0.
docmlst fs' S4relrrV
• Shaking Paid.
. y. S. Coln Intintit
b. • t
I and scorned tatoereat. •
U. lit nonombnerostboaills ' 2s.7l'.Ce°
Other U
r..gattl -- I- "
Debt. lees elbett3t to Treesurf.s 2,44.11,11t3.133 VS
Dees, lets aideest In the Thu
ds) on Um not
Deereale to Debi,
Decrease of. debt Cartes the
put mentb $ 3
933,654 39
Decree. of debt Adds !larch
, 6.911 es
The statement of bonds issued to, the
Pacific Railroad Companice, interest pay
able in lawful money. shows totals as
inte ws;
reit a AXDoccruedunt outstanand u di npin& pin
ng, 164,46 7 .-
2.54: 1 intsreet - paid by the United Suites,
6,594865; Interest repaid by transports.
tion of malls, .tc., $1.923.1i01. Balance
Interest paid by the United States,
The now thrill was submitted to the
House toAlay. the bill is most notable
• r additions to the free list and tne re.'
• actions on iron, sugar, tea, and the
tranafer of many at%a in the drug line
from an ad Valorem to a specific duty.
On pig bon the duty fixed at $7 per
ton, $2 less than the present rate, and on
scrap iron at $6 per ton, $2 len than the
existing rate. On tea the duty is changed
tom 25 to 20 cents per pound; ou coffee
from 5 to 4 cents per pound,. and on the
th'ree standards of augers from 3, 4 and 5
cents to 2, 3 and 4 cents per pound.
BittiMinOtta coal and salt remain at the
old duty. Anthracite coal is placed on
the I've list. A .consolldation Kati
steel, in all shapes, is tizod at 334
per pound.. On tin, in plates. a s epeeitie
duty of 2% cents per pound is übstitu
ted for an ad valorem duty of 25 per
cent. On cigars the duty ix made specific
at 12 per pound, and the ad Valorem part
of the tax a nd boled; the old *tax is
13 specific 25 per cont. ad 'Valorem.
. .
Representative Brooks has prepared a
statement embracing his views and those
of the minority of the .Committee .of
Weys and Melina relative to .We tariff.
Instead of collecting revenue on about
Your thousand articles, as proposed_ by
the bill reported today, it is claimed that
$150,C70,000 can be better raised on
twenty.thirmentioned articlesonly. Es.
limiting the aggregate population of the
country at 40,000.000, and the average
amount of articles consumed .-by them
per annum at present, it is said the
revenue from the - tariff Is $lBO,OOOOO.
. The President has signed the bill to
protect <awn in Government" employ',
providing %what solicitations of COnt2l-
butions for the impose of making gilts
or, presents to otheials; also the supple ,
went to the tot admltthig Virginia into
the Union. providing that wherever the
word..oath" is seed 11 mall beoiXoetrotta
to include an affirmation.
I .
The 'Executive order,
• tamed ' by the
Internal Revenue oince,2oth December,
in relation to the use of the new blank
for:n.2o. 52, la impended until farther
order, andthe old -form wilUbe Lutual.
JUDGE ORECH 11811Bli9.
In the Supreme Court of 'the Unita
Buds' to•dey there were Impoefrin 'este
monies, Including remarks of Cider pas
ties dr ie r o t
of Atikortate
Justinefrom,fbe enet.
The Committee on Elections today de. ,
dded to give to Mr. Van Wye& the Rea:.
now held by Mr. Greene, of Now York.:
The President has nominated to. the
Senate J. B. Kerr, of Missouri .
Consul at
—The steamship 'Batons, from Taireci
pool, arrived at Now York yesterday.
—Balch's] Walsh, aged 45, a natide of
Ireland, has been arrested at New York
for kicking his wife to death.
—The Center street (New York) tombs
has been returned by s grand jury as •
nuisance; also the tar pavement off Filth
—Philip Stammets, who , murdered
August Ifelck ID June last, bas_been
eentenced to be puns at ToledoeOhlo,
April 11cM next.
—lllrtkreeven rived of the DOW epldem.
lc, the relspsing fever, were reported to
the New York Board of Health on Mon,
day. No deaths have yet opcurredlrom
-Governor Sauter, of Tennessee:has
announced that be will take 'steps to
bring to punishment - all parties who
have taken pert In mobbing or otherwise
violating laws.
—The Grand _Army of the Repablie
met to Jefferson City, Ma, Monday, lbr
t illerr i tmentolt he orrer, an lna d
M establie r t i t
• Mutual 1116111111101) Company.
—The gnat rites et .Portland, in honor
of George Peabody, took place yesterday,
after. which, with appropriate ceremo. i
flies, the remains were escorted to the
can, which left at one o'clock for the
town of Peabody, Mesa. ,
• —The Kansas Senate bee pawed a eon.
current resolution ,saking President ,
Grant to recall Hugh Ewing as Minister
to the Hague, denying that he is a resi
dent of Kansas, and charging
biro with
supporting_ the -'lliereeies - of. Andrew',
—The town of Key West was iir r ic wg 1
Into • state of great excitement by the - ,
killing of the editor of the rose de Cuba,
of Havana, on Monday, In a riot. rho
Grilled States soldier/ stationed there'
,were callodoutand stationed about the
town to preserve order..
—Vie decision of the United StateeSti.
I prerno Court, affirming the validity of
the Allesouri teat Nish, has produced cm
' elderable surprise at St. Louis. not only
a mong the Democrats but Republicans
„a go . , At lefforson City quite • sensation
was prOdnced when the action of the
Court was th:lriounced.ln the b eg i a im ur ,
' —A. farmer unwed Clayton, a man o f
wealth , ii el ass few mime from Odes,
t i m. 4,,,, z i ga gited stritatie,on Jihudity - by .
shooting hlinself. He was • heehaw.,
and 'worth 000.0 011 lie trill Touch no
spurted. e labored s well ing fear et
(banal.coking todeath by • on his
h with which bit•bild.hiWolifflicted
for many pare. -
SENATE : Official Opinions by the
Attorney General—Transfers of
Naval Appropriations—Media
tion in Red River Troubles—
The Currency Rill Further
Considered, Without Action.
ROUSE: Another Virginia Con
, gressman Sworn—The Tariff
Biii Reported and Discussed.
'o3y 'Seleeraph to the Phietatith GaZi Ito. )
Wmonscirrox, Fobrnary 1, 1870
: . SENATE. , •
The Vico President hildhefora the Sen
ate's i.iii*LiOatfinktroln,the!Altormei,
General In response to iriosOlution
the Senate calling fora copy of any com
munication sent by bun to any of the
UnitedStatis military authorities rela
tiog to'affairs In Georgia slam the res.
sage of the lest act of Congress concern
tog that State.
The Attorney' General replies that he
has Brian no official opinions In writing,
butted Informally upon oni' , Ocalasion,
It ti
.$ 1 00
.1317.704 112
legotist of the General .4 the
Arniy,'Mado" s private triemorandum of
his views upon particular . questions.
The communication was referred -to
Committee on Judiciary. '
Mr. SAULSBURY presented a zno•
mortal praying - for such legislation a*
willseeure the Government of the Ur&
.11 . 59.4X3 COO OQ
• 717.950 CO
leTStares to the whiCe race.
Referred to Committee on 'Judiciary.
Mr. MORRILL, Me., from the Com
*fitter, on Appropriation, reported with
an amendment the bill authorising the
Secretary of the Navy to make transfers
for the use of Bureaus of Construetion
and Repairs and Steam Engineering of
certain balances to the credit of other
banns:mot the Navy Department which
are available for the current year. The
amendment of the Committee specifies
-the amounts of transfers from the. dell
dent bureaus, as follows: From Bureau
of Steam .Em fettering 11,400.(00; from
Bureau of Construction and F.auipment
e 501,000 ; from Bureau of Navigation
1250,000; from Bureau of Yards and
Docks, $1,950,000.
• The bill was taken up,•but laid over
Without - definite motion.
- Mr. - ANTHONY reported ' a bur to - re.
striOt the printing of documents to the
lowest limit and providing that all citi
zens who want documents shall procure
them at met
Mr. CONKLING introduced a joint res.
elution restoring Miseinsippi to repte.
sentatlon In Congress. - Referred to dal-
diary Committee.
On motion of Mr. SPENCER, informa
tion was asked of the Secretary of the
Navy as to the number of naval officer"'
rtsiffiligin or employed in Washington,
'or who 'visited Washington dining the
assemblage of Congress.
Mr. ItAbinET offered a resolution in
etructing the Committee on • Foreign
-Relations to consider the expediency-of
recommending to the President that this
Government *hall tender is". mediation
between ttfe Dominion of Canada and the
Red Rieer settlement, with a view to
the adjustment of pending difficulties.
- He referred to the continued disturban
ces to Winnipeg Territory and made an
argument to show that by annexation to
the United Stater the commercial inter
'.ests Of:'that country were.suamotible of
great development. This country was
separated from Canada by almost Imps".
Bible barriers, and he proposed through
mediation to allow the preferences • of
the people there to be expressed..
The resolution was adopted.
Mr. WILSON offered a resolution,
which was adopted, ailing upon the
13. - -crottary of War for Information relative
to the number and rent of buildingefor
the Qinartermaster's Department'Of the
The Chair designated the new Sena
tors, Messrs. Howell, - Lewis - -and John
son, to fill vacancies on -the Committees
on Political Disabilities, Pensions and
District of Columbia. . • . . .
The Senate then resumed the coned.
elation of the Currency bill.
Mr.. BUCKINGHAM delivered a
lengthy address in exposition of his Own
views upon the financial policy of the
The question was further debated by
Menne Humber, Williams and Morton
eXplanationand support .4 Fg amcints
previously advanced.
The Senate then, in pursuance of pre•
cloy" agreement. prooeeded to. vote. on
1 the pendhig propositions.' • •
The amendment of hir. Morton to In
crease the amount of, additional ' circula
tion from forty-five to 152,000,000 weal
agreed to—yeas Mr. nays 4.
CONKLING proposed an atnend.
went Intended to make the first section
more definite, by inserting after the
words "but a new apportionment" the
words "of the $32,C00,000 of chin: dating
notes hereby authorized," the effect be•
ingto restrict the apportionment to the
extra volume of circulation now author
, bed. Instead of the entire amount. The
amendment was not agreed to— yeas, 23;
3 CONKLING moved to strike cat
the concluding sentenee of the Oral sec.
lion as follows: "But
_new apportion- •
merits shell be made as mon as practice
ble, barred upon the minim of 1870.”'
Not agreed to—yeas 10. nays 44.
The amendment of Mr.. Sumner, tole-.
sue $200,000,000 additional currency, was
voted*down. -- •
, Mr. SAULSBURY submitted an
' amendnientlepeeling the Bth section of
the net approved March -Id, .1880, 10
amend ttie internal revenue sot section'
which Reposes a taxed ten percent. imam
the - Manta - of Mate banks. The amend-,
meet was not agreed to—yeas 18, nays 42
'Mr. MORTON renewed an amendment:
I authorizing the withdrawal of $19,0C3,000
of circulation from the States having an
excess and Its distribution among. the
States and Territories having leas than
their share, the demand to be made tint
upon - those' 'banks having more thart
111,000,000 (spina.
• jbir.%MS, moved, to expend' :the
amendment by Increasing the amount to
$25,000,0t0. Notagrped to.
The amendment of Mr. Morton was
then adooted. —yeas 34, nays V.
Amendments were offered by Marrs.
elling, Chandler, and Vickers, all 01
which were rejected.
-Mr. SHE RMAN, upon consultatiem in
formally with.members of the - . Floance
Committee, Inoved to amend so as to
provide for the apportionment of the
agerunt authorized by the bill Anon the
basis of the census of 1870. Agreed to.
Amendments offered by Messrs. Las.
eirlYs HAW, WllO O /3 and Thurman were
ilia bill was then reported to the Sew
ate from Committee of the Whole, and ,
the[question being upon agreeing to
the amendment'. Mr. itiIERK AN said
he desired to have a separate vote nem%
the amendment of Mr. Morton. with
drawing $13,e00,000 from the present cir
culation of States In every, lie desired
to make a statement on the subject.
Upon the -suggestion of Mr. cpr•
Ertoti, the final (Reposition of the bill
w deferred' unt • morrow, - n eider
that the bill as amended might b y print
ed, and the Senate, at 6:4e. adjourned.
II:001 . 177 T
U.. 99 Ul3 TO
let l
4100 '7O 77
11107,t417 41
2,448 7469= 73
1112:01LITY VIEWS.
(SiECOND 5EL4.4101Q.)
- • •
Mr. pitits p,Chairmert of the Commie.
tee on Elections, made a report lit layer
of having the oath of °Mee administered
to hit: Bookar.l3loMber elect groin t h e
Yourth Congressional District of Vita.
Ko admitted that there were
chaigne of disloyalty sealant Mr. Booker,
bet Glainted pat hls case stood on the
lure ground ea thatof Mr. McKenzie,
who was sworn in yeelerasy.
Mr POLAND declared Mr. Booker
could not, without committing perjury.
take the teat oath. lie had reed tie. U 9l.
ttmony In Mamma and soured the
that Mr. Boozer had • given oftielat and
Pa zonal aid to the rebellion, was active.
arpourgstilntNrid czl i to more take
The diecusalon was continued by
Messrs. Butler. a. Tenn., Stevenson,
Whitmore, Welker, Kelly, ot Pa., and
Stevens, and Healy the • Tenor; wee
iiidoptedde TI and (460. VP, Booker
dune forward end took the oath of office.
Mr. FARNSWORTII. of the Postonce
Committee. reported a bill to prevent
Improper matter, finch tia gift enterprbte
*milers, are., from being sent through
the matte, and asked that it be put upon
'Mr.'WOOD objected. ,
Mr. SCIIENCK, cheirman of Com
mittee on Ways and Means, reported a
bill to amend the tari ff law, and moved
Its referenee to. the Cominittee Of, the
Whole, end that It be made' the special
order. from Thursday, 10thinst., until
dlimosed of.
. The following are among the principal
On teas of all kinds, twentyccita per
pound. . •
Coffee of all kinds, four cents per
, On refined stove dried, in loaf, lump,
crushed:powdered or granulated sugars,
foul . cent* per pound; provided that all
sugar other than retitled, stove dried,
whieh hal in - proeets Manuficaure
been advanced in quality above No. 12
Dutch standard In color, by being boiled
Or chryirelizett...hf .
_women pen, or clay
ad, or liquored in Moulds or purged in
Centrifugal machines, or by vacuum
process, or filtered-through One block
Or its equivalent, 'Labia be regarded', I
Olarified sugar; and provided further,
that the Secretary of the ry Treasu shall I
by regodatlOruipreenlbaandroquirethat
templet taken by spectors - shall be
from the middle of the package, so as to
get a true average . and that the
Weights tit finger imported In casks -or
boxes shall 'be marked distinctly by the
custom house weigharby scoring figures
Indelibly on each package.
On molasses from anger cane 5 cents
per gallon:. on tank bottoms syrup of
sugar can lutes Meads, concentrated
metada, or concentrated • m,gassede 13
cents per lb.; provided that all syrups of
Curer cane, juice m ea ds , concentrated
inolieriesentered under thenauie of unt-'
lessee, shallibe forfeited to the United
I States.
. In champagne and all sparkling wines
In bottlers, six dollant per deism; bottles •
cants's:dog not more itiatrope quart each
end more than one pint each; three
dollerir: per . dozen; bottles containing
More 'Mantilla quart eaelEshall pay In
addition Walk dollars per dozen. bottles,
two dollars pC gallon on quantity 111412-
visa dr ode 'quart; provided that winos,
brandy and other spirituous liquors
Imported In bottles shall be packed In
packages Containing root lute than one
bottlers i each Parkage. addit io n a l
Sock betties shall pay an additional dtity
of threerienta for each bottler. NO allow
ance shall be made for breakage unless
such breakage is actually ascertained by
count and certified by-the custom house
Mlles appraiser.. and so much of aectiou
59 of an act entitled "an act to' regulate
collection. of .dutioir on Imports and ton
nage," approved March 2, 1779, as pro.
vides for allowance or • leakage - • and
breakage; la hereby repealed. -. .
On brandy and other spirits, Manufac
tured' or Mantled from grain or other
materials, and .not otherwise 'provided
for, two dollars per profit gallon.
Oa cigars, cigarettes or cheroots' of all
deseri ptlons,' made of mbar:nor any ants
saltine or tobacco, and on paper cigars
and cigarettes, Includlfig 'wrappers two
I dollars per pound, and in addition thereto
twenty-Ov a per centrum ad valoreen; pro-
Ideralt cigarig cigarettes, elierootir and
I all paper cigars and cigarettes, in addition
to tne duty aforesaid, shall "be sleet to
I the same internal revenue tax as I made
or • manufactured within the United
,States, and when Imported or landed
Shall be placed In publla More or bonded .
warehouse and not removed therefrom
uOttf the same shall have been Inspected
and stamped and branded as provided
for cigars, cigarette" and cheroots manu
factured within the United States.
• On all manufactured cotton and all
other articles manufactured of cotton,
the quantity or value of which is usu
ally estimated or based upon the mesa
urement of square yards. and not Other
wise provided for in ;hie act, If un
bleactiesi, five cents per ednare yard: If
'blew:died, five cents per square yard and
to addition thereto ten per Cent= ad
valorem. • '
On lace of every description convoked
of cotton or Saw notinade up by needle
forty peg cent: ad. valorem.
On Tacit shawls and lace scarfs of cot
ton or Ilex, or cotton and flax, and on all
lace articles of the same materials where
lace Is the materlal of chief value, pre.
pared by needle either by hand or ty
machine, forty-five per cent. ed valorem.
On all manufactures of cotton, or of
cotton mixed with any other material or
materials, not otherwiee provided for In
' this act, thirty-five per cent. ad valorem.
On women's and children's dream goods
coon on real or Imitation clothe
. pned wholly or in • part of wool.
worsted, hair of goats or other animals,
weighing less than bar ounces per square
yard, and Veined "toot ericeedltig twenty
squareer square yard, Mx t he reto •
yard, and. in „addition
thirty-five...per- egatiam• sd..valorem: If
weighing lens than • four ounces per
square yard, and valued at over twenty
cents, per square yard, eight cents per
squire yard,. and in: addttion tittered)
forty per centum ad valorem; if weigh
leg four ounces or oven per square yard,
fifty cents per mind, and In addition
thereto thirty-five per
~centum ad valo
rem. . „
On flax. Inelndlnit. klaisitraw, and all
flax not hackled or dreamed, twenty dol
e tars per ton; on flax hackled, known as
dressed line, forty dollare per ton.
' On hemp manufkottlred ss'o dollars per
On tow or flax or hompßlO per ton.
.04 Iron In pigs IT per tontdea .
On camp iron Of „ireful, hie
per tau, provided nothing sha cri ll tes ptlot deem
ed scrap Iron except waste and refuse
material that has been In actual use and
le lit only to be re-manufactured.
On all Imo .in slabs,bloome,.loops or
other formates* tinisold , tiian bias and
more advanced than pig Imp, except cub
Ines, one cent per lb.
On iron bars, rolled or hammered, com
prising fiat barn not joss than 1M nor
more than four Inches Wide, and notices
than M loch nor more than two inches
thick, one tent per lb., :
• On iron bars, rolled or hammered, coin.
prising fiat bars lees than-. 1% Inches or
more than 4 Lahti wide, and less than
m and not more than % of an inch think,
and on Iron bars, rolled or 'hammered,
more than two 'lnches thick, ly‘ cents
per pound.
On all cast or other description of steel
in ingots, blooms or billets, and on all
rolled or hammered steel in bars, rods.
sheets, plates, bands, 'coils or
stripe, 3,‘ eel:diner pound. . •
On steel of circular shapes or forms,
act, cut. rolled Or•liamMered•to pattern.
not otherwise provided for, 4 cents per
-On awl railway bare. two cents per
pound. end on allrr-Ilway bars. made In
part of steel one and a half cents per
pound; presided that metal converted,
cant or made from' Iron by the Bessemer
or pneumatla proems, form
or description, shall be Massed as Meet.
On steel wire, not less than No. 111 wire
gusto. fie° rents per ponadt; finer than
No. 13 wire gorge, six cents per pound:
provided that wire for pianos and other
musical Instruments, strings and. steel
wires savored with silk, cotton or other
taxable material, shall pey twenty-five
per cent. advaloreni.
put steel railroad frogs, frog points,
Pali bars, aide bars, splice bars, cotter
bare, linger b4tC, crow 'bins and sledge
mold, Sit wow per , pound. , 7 •
On steel. ear wheel*, 34 cents per
pound. • • •
On steel carriage, Oar, locomotive, and
other springs of noel, 6 cents per pound.
On live animals., 20 per centum ad ea
/many, provided all
. animals especially
ImPorted for breeding pqMoams shall be
admitted duty free bbl 'proof re c ar
solefitoteui to the Secretary of the roes.
On done' or limit of Ooti, 1 tent par
pound. -
Oh wheat, -rye, corn or, buckwheat, M
cent per pound, •
On all timber not otherwise provided
for, alirlared or sided, 1 cent per cubic
On sawed board plank, tools end *her
lumber or apruce, hernleok r white wood
and bass wood, one dollar per I,W:l'feet,
board mecum.'
Anthracite coal hi op the free
• Other Owls are left as now.` •
Mr. SCHENCS explained the bill by
Cating that although the Committee on
WaYssild Wane bad boeultilittuoted to
report In the wend week or the seselon.
It was impossible lb do so in justice to
the sashimi Interests of the country,
whose representatives same befall
Committee day after day. The result of
snob consideration given by the Commit,
tea to the subject was the bill now pre
mated. It was not'a general revision of
the tariff, although the Committee' had
gone through a general • rimiest of the
tariff. The hill was, therefore intends
tOrr of the tariff -and mot a pea*.
tariff bill. The Items in the bill were
confined to those In which changes were
proposed, either in rates or in mode of
imposing duty. Dutiable articles not
mentioned in the bill were to be regard
as not pi be interfered.with, but as
being governed by the present law. .
' Mr: CULLOSf Inquired ,whether t
hilt wee the unanimous repOrt of t e
Llemmittee? 1
Mr. sclutbicK replied . the order to
report tire bill was mania:teas on e , ry
item contained in the bill. Mecoutdesy
ere were items omitted (tom the bill
he thought ought to be In I and
there ware rates Of duties proposed in It
Which be thought either too high too
low; but of 000120 there were no toms
ib the bill that had -not •receilyed the
sanction of the. majority of the Members
Of the Committee, and there:bad gener
ally been a very fall attendance of mem
, Mr. CULLOM said his inquiry was
, whether the bill as a wholeveceived the
rtmarilmous vote of the Committee
' Mr. SCHENCK suMmatedthemodstion
'ryas en improper one td be or
answered. Hie duty wile-di tisk m
when he preseutod the bill . by or of
the Committee as the emtodimente the
views of the Committee on the au act
Of the tariff . He would Mate, hose er,
that the Committee endeavored where
ever it was possible to convert ad vale.
rem. duties Into specitio duties, even
where the change neither increased nor
diminished the duty actually imposed
on the article. In other words, the Com
mittee had endeavored to substitute equi-
Talent specific dnUes for ad 'alarm du.
Idea. The Committee had ,alao in this
bill very much enlarged chi) free
list on two accounts: first, that on some
articles, such as drags. it coat more to
collect the duties than the duties amoun
ted to, and second, that other articles.
raw materials, entered largely Into the
industry of the country. and . duties on
them could be abolished without impos
ing other duties. The Committee thought
also to smoonrage the Introduction of raw
Materials from abroad to be - manatee.
Lured here would no an advantage to the
shipping interest of the country. There
was another peculiarity in t h e bill, which
made it differ from other tariff bills.
The Committee had oughts, where
raw materials were produced in this
country, to give to them the same mess •
nee. of protection, equivalent in some
degree to the protection hereto.
fore afforded principally to mum
factured articles. The bill extended
at least a little more advantage to the
agricultural interests of thecountry than
any prevloua tariff had done. But he did
not wish to be drawn lutes discussion of
the merits of the bill, least of all of any
particular provision in it. All that would
come up at the proper time, when the
House came to cmaider the bill In detail.
Mr. ALLISON. is • member of the
Committee on Ways and Means, Mug,
gested the consideration of the bill be
post paned at least two weeks. The bill
affected every material interest obits
country, so far as those interests could be
affected by a tariff for revenue or pro
The MI as presented by the chairman.
of the Committee on Ways and Means,
changed the value of property in this
country to the extent of not less then
150,000,000. Tberatbre, it was important
the representatives of the people should
have time and opportunity to examine
the hill before it. discussion was entered
upon. He would - Instance a - few
changes made by the bill. For example,
In the article of. iron the classification
on the statute books was entirely changed
And the effect of the chum . . of Mier was
to Increase the protection to Iron manu
facturers. Is addition to this, there was
an Increased duty on many articles of
manufactured Iron that entered largely
into the consumption of the country.
These features of the bill should be care.
folly examined. The bill also changed
the claw:ideation of steel, upon some arti
cles increasing the duty, while decreas
ing it upon others. It almo it made a
complete change In the classification
of sugar, en article yielding the largest
revenue of any In the. country. He
believed that islamalf&MA rt vi
tr i chan
ged in thelnierostet -i ts , Mlleff
toe general rates of duty were reduced
by the bill. That he agreed to. But
whilst this bill reduced the duty on
sugar, It also Increased the protection of
sugar refiners. There had also been s
complete revision In the matter of drugs .
It was true, as stated by the Chairman of
the Committee, that the bill placed upon
the free liat . a large number of articles
not before on it, but the effect was
mainly hi the Interest of protection
and not in the Interest of revenue.
For Instance, there were many articles
placed noon the free list which were ele
ments in the manufactures of the coun
try; and where • correlmondlng reduc
tion had not been made upon articles
into which they entered, and there were
other articles upon which a correspond
ing reduction had been made. There
was nothing In the hill In reference to
.the abolition or reduction of the
duty on coal. There wee nothing
in - reference to - • the abolition" - or
reduction of the duty on salt.
There were other articles not affected by
the bill, which new bear a high rate of
duty. in his jundgment the bill was
constructed In the interest of protection,
rather than in- the Interest of revenue..
It was in the Interest of that elms ofpeo
ple who would be able to make large
profits . out of manufactures and not in the
interest of the consumers. For these
reasons he desired that ample opportu
nity should be given the House to ex.
=Mb the bill before the dissuasion com
Mr. SCHENCK expressed regret that
his colleague on the committee bad enter.
ed upon a general debate on the bill at
this time. HIE colleague seemed to Ma- I
understand theaenerat character, temper
and tendency of the hill, which he (Mr.
Schenck) could. only understand by re.
membering that colleague had been I
absent from the city engaged to another
business. So far as lie (Mr. Schenck) '
knew, the members of the committee
bad endeavored tokeep in mind three
things, revenue, protection and cOn
aumption. -
Mr. BROOKS, of New York,ahmapoke
In criticism of the bill. particularly con
demning that portion et It . relative to
iron, steel, carpeting's and many sr-
Voles, the duties on which had been In
creased. As to iron there was a rise- on
bars, round or equine, of ten per cent;
on rods and wire rods Sixteen per cent.,
on scroll. fiat, loop, strap, scrap, sixteen ,
percent; =sheet or plate iron, not glazed
or poiished, onefourth tientper pound; I
on. three - fourths of the •Importation I
not glazed: or polished an Increase of
twenty-five cent.; on glazed, looped.
collar ties, made of hoop, riztysix per
cent.; on Iron wire from twenty-three to
liorty.two per cent.; on Iron, spiral, fur.
allure 'primp from thl rty-five to liftplive
percent„ on steel =wheels one hundred
percent.; on steel carriage, locomotive
and other springs ono hund red per cent.:
oh trace, halter and fence chains ono-half
ant per pound. The Increase on
wrought Iron was on nuts, bolts or rivets,
from twenty-five to fifty per cent.; on
Sold ourtsge, ear, locomotive, and other
springs of. steel, one hundred per cant.;
on screws, iron, not enumerated, five
per cent.; on steel in Ingots, blooms. I
.16n, the Increase was three fburths cent
per pound; on steel rallWay bare, about
one cent per pound, forty-four dollars ,
per ton, an increase of ninety per cent
Mr. Smoke went on toexamine several
other advances in manufacauring stool
and iron bare, mentioning also the I
duty on nickel as raised from fifteen per I
Dent. ha forty cents par pountl. The rat
ductions In the bill he said had been in- 1
genlously made upon mere revenue erti.,
lies, suable tea, coffee, sugar. brandy,
spleen, liquors. Au, thus reducing the I
revenue in order to have an excuse fort
raising the duty on iron; steel, carpeting, 1
and even on old type. Bet what was not
done In the bill wee far more censurable 1
thaP . tflitil yo One. Ciblectlopabie
duties , ford upon coil, salt, lead, lum:
her. hides, 40. - 1
Mr.lirotilm went on to above that Mr. I
Sabena did not Oarly out hls Ides MI
'wide duties and gave details to show
that. measuring, weighing and specific,
- duties were a'l mingled tOgether
throughont the whole Mil, en Ingenious'
ndatilyanae, at /lir. prpoiks, to blind
the people and ne t manufacturers.
Mr. SCHENCK In reels said be would ,
not. Itay:efow vlnethei - itatitbangbi tip
'duties tin
theyns time of hen were
as low as should b e . The Commit
tee had reported a reduction of the duty
on pig Iron and while he bad sought at
Best not Winkle° thednty another forms
batitsain IMO. it
muchesort to
it considered a very lmproved
mode to collect d tit' en and that was about
the whets of it, so far as Iron was con
corned. As to hides, he hoer tanners
and - dealers in hides rare In favor of
their being on the free list, but there
were other. Interests than theirs to be
considered.Ho calculated that sevintY.
five per omit of all the bides used lathe
United States were raised here, end the
Committee Well erit Iniditied to pet
foreign hides on a basis on which Amer
ican, stock raisers could not compete
with them.
Mk. KELLY, of Pennsylvania, another
member of the Committee said. he
wished to put on record his dement from
th=ments of Mr. Brooks as to the
JO of the rates on iron. Pig iron
tuidLbeen reduced by this bill more than
toys r coffee, or sugar, viz: From $9 to
it per ton. In his judgment that was
an unwise reductio n.
Mr. MARSHAL, another member of
the pomnintee, declared hinuelfonpored
In toto to the principle on which the ex
isting tariff bill and the one now reported
were based. He • did not consider this
billiles meeting the hopes and expecta
tions of the country, or as giving any
relief to the great industriarclasses. The
ship interests and agricultural
Interests were entirely overlooked.
After some little further discussion the
bill was ordered printed and made the
'menial order for the 11th.
The House, at 2:30, went into cern.
irate° of the Whole, Mr. Cessna in
thel chair, on the Legislative bill.
Mr. HOAR defended the present ad.
ministration from the recent criticism of
Mr. Dawes in regard to economy, claim
ing that the present adminletration were
Willful to, their pledges, and declar
ing there aas to be no split in the Repub.
Rem party, and no quarrel between the
Peeple's representatives and people's ,
President. •
: Mr. WOOD spoke on the same subject.,
complimenting Mr. Dawesfor his manli-
nese and fidelity to duty. He criticised
Me. extravagance in the executive de
partment proper, with its four Brigadier
Generals acting as clerks and ushers. •
Mr. STILES brought up the. question
of the gold conspiracy, referring to the
testimony of Jae. Flak, Jr., as published'
In the New York Tribune, and remark
ing that the integrity of the President
was involved In the question.
Mr DAWES made the point of order
thit the remarks were entirely Irrele
vant to the subject before the Committee.
The - Chairman sustained the point of
order, and when Mr. Stiles resumed the
durum of ble remarks he was reminded
be must either obey the ruling or take
his seat: •
Mr. RANDALL remarked the chair
ought at least to hear what his colleague
Ind Marty;
The Chairman immediately ruled Mr.
Randall out of order, and was compelled
to repeat the ruling by a remark of Mr.
Randall that the sputter ought to select I
a better chairman of the Committee of
the Whole. (Laughter.)
Mr. STILES asked leave to print his
remarks, but Mr. Washbrirne, of Wis
consin, objected.
Mr. errumi said, if the charges pre.
forced against the Prealdent are true, be
ta mint on be the ruler of the people.
(Load calls to order.)
• The Committee rose and the House, at
4.10, adjourned.
Cotton Mills Suspended—Amiga
tion of Cable Companies—
'knoll Pox in Paris—Rumors
of .the Pope's Death—The As
sassinated Callan Editor.
ley Telegraph to Me Illuearre Gaitetisa •
LONDON. Feb. I.—Half of the cotton
Mills at Wigan, which 'wire recently
coMpelled to close on account of the
strike among the operators, - have again
resumed operations.
• The nhareholders of the Anglo-Ameri
can Company_ held a meeting yesterday
to consider &scheme for annexation with
the French Company projected some time
ago. The matter was postponed and
will be subjected to• a vote at another
Tho Rued= loan recently put cin the
erica here is a veld rumen. •
LONDON, February I.—At a general
poll of the shareholders of the Anglo-
American Cable Company, to-day, a ma
jority of 3,347 vote@ were cast in favor of
the proposed amalgamation with the
French Cable Company. \ •
Portsmouth, England, has beano-bodkin
as the point of call for ' steamers of the
new American line between Havre and
New York.
FARM Feb. I.—There la a remarkable
Increase In the number of cases of small
pox within the past fiSe days.
Yesterday there was a share debate
in the CorpaLegislatif, on the decrees
for temporarily admitting Iron and gotten
fabrics. On the vote being reached the
government was sustained.
Itiamors of the death of the . Pope are
agate current to•day. It Is ascertained,
however, that his Holiness tuts been af
flicted with an epileptic at, and is not
retarded edAsismesArloosly
and •
rary sojourners here have united In a
petition to rentmester General Creswell,
asking the formation of new postal ar
rangements between the United States
and France.
HIVLSA,IbtIIIII7 I.—The steamer
Levies, from Key Wait, arrived this
morning with the remains of Gonzalo
rectums, late editor of the Vase De Cuba.
Preparation are making for the funeral
and subscriptions are being raised to
provide for the children of Castonaw
Or.asoovr, Feb. I.—The utiarnship Co
lumbia, from New York, bee arrived.
Baser, Feb.l.—Tbe steamer Lafayette,
from New York, bas arrived.
LONDON,Feb. L— Evening . —Consols
9234. Amrican seinuitlea quiet: 1040 s,
84 %. ' 62 % 0 634 '6os, 80%; ' 67 s, 05 %
Eriee, 2014; Illinois Central, 103,4; Atlan
tic and Great Western, 2034. Btozks dull.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. L--Cotton Irregular ;
uplands 1134eil13id; Orleans 113;4: sales
10,C30 hales. California white wheat 91,
western 74 13d@i7s fid, winter De sd@Bs 6d.
Flour 203 6d. Cana 263 9d. Oats, peas
and unchangePork 100 Beef
102 e. Lardbarley
7211 6d. Cheese 725. 3.
figs. Receipts of wheat for three days,
20,000 quarters, all American.
LONDON. Feb. L—Linseeid 59. Linseed
oil St. Tallow 465 Cd. Turpentine SI.
MANORESTEI2. Feb. I.—Market no.
FRA.NEVOIIi. Feb. I.—Bonds clogged
Orin at 92. •
Pasta Feb. I.—Bonne closed firm at
786 65c.
ANTWERP, Feb. L—Petroleum Oat at
—Dates from Port arePrinee (Hayti,
to the 2.1 d ult., are received. Balnave's
family, vonalatiog of hie wife, mother
andeleven c had hil drbeen en,
pro together with rage
Byes w h o protected by the
American Consul, had sailed for Inagua,
and thence they would go to Ban.Dce
mtngo, at the • Invitation of Baer.. Mer
chants doing Widnes' in Port an Prima
bad offered heir gold- to the Govern.
ment for the parfase of paying off the
crews of naval The Gov.
ernmout had their
accepted this offer, and was
paying ofr the men. The - house of the
Rev. Mr. Reid, Wesleyan missionary at
Port an Prince, was burned by the late
terrific , conflagration and everything to
tally destroyed. The troop 3 who fought
under Batumi at the late engagement at
Cuba with Cabal's army. at whieh place
they were captured with Becalm had
joined Cabral's forces with the intehtf
of attaching the pqmbileel troops a
Mu. It wee amerced that the autbori.
ties at port an Prince hold t from
Manua offering , Iltio,OW In golald. ter
to two
drafts on two foreign houses In that city
to save his life. United ,A
Mates 1 10 igar
&Wien attempted titan the body of
Santee! Tor proper burial by his family
who, as was well known, were at the
residence. of the Minister, but his request
was dented with decialon, and Mauna
and threats of death wore uttered against
' by - the infdfiltted mob.
—The Prceident bag designated as
COMMISSIODBIII for the annual assay at
the United Suites Mint, ProL Joseph
Henry, WashingtOrt, Hon. A. E. Boris,
Philadelphia, Dr. Samuel Groan, Boston,
Hon. Daniel Anpleillite. Zanesville
prof. Jl3O. Terri. New York. Hon. Rol*.
B. Swaim), San Francisco, Jon. Bay
K n ox. W 061140011. Hon. F. , Batman°,
New Orleans, Prof. Thomas Eggleston.
New ork.
—The Tennessee Constitutional Cbn
vention has adopted a n dso drat all
Judas, chancellors other judicial
nersshould redo on the [ m e t ratficati
the ameadtheatto the Oceedituhee•
Organization of the New Board of Con.
troiters—Condition• of the Schools—
Teachers , salartes—New Teachers Ap
Last evening the members holding
over and the members elect of the Alle
gheny Board of School' Controllers as.
sembled In the Common Council cham
ber, City Building. - for the purpose of
organizing for the ensuing year, and
transacting anal bushman as might be
referred to them.
At Well and a half o'clock a tempo
rary organization was effected, on motion
Of Mr. Boyle, by calling Mr. Barker to
the chair and appointing Mr. Francis
Rev. Joseph King _led in prayer. The
roll was then called, the following mem
bers answering to their names: Messrs.
Ingham White, . Borland, Nesbitt, Bar •
Dunlap, Denruson, Eaton,
King, Bonney, Sprague, Beckart, Boyle,
Torrence, Kollock, Hobson. Fasts, Bar
ker, Brown, Miller. MoCance, Charley,
Rian, Parke, Patterson, Trimble, Chad
wick, Riggs,, Mueller. Wilson, Haney,
Forrester, Brehm, Ashworth, Moser,
Roberta, McConnell, MouL Morrison,
Smith, Barr.
The President stated nominations for
permanent Ofik Were CRS in order.
Rev. Joseph Ki ngnd Rev. B.H. Nesbitt,
BD., were nominated. A vote resulted
in the election of Mr. King by 24 to 15.
Mr: R. IL Francis was nominated for
Secretary, but declined, when Mearrs:C.
W. Benney and R. Kollock were named.
Mr. Benney was chosen by a vote of 24
0 17.
n motion of Mr. Francis, Mr. William
Hamilton waschosenTreseirer, and Mr.
Idaoferron Receiver of Taxes, by accla
mation. •
Mr. Joseph Marshall was designated as
The President elect then took his seat,
returning his thanks in a few appropri
ate remarks for the honor conferred,
when business was proceeded with in
regular order.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. •
The Second Ward Board reported their
organization with, Rev. Joseph King as
Chairman, and C. W. Bonney as Secre.
Lary. During the month TROADalsil 00-
curred in the Printery Departments. by
the resignations of Misses E. M. Wake
tilled by the appointment ofwhich
Mime E.
Ellis and Eva McCune. This action
was confirmed. .
The Third ward Board rePorted their
organization with Mr. C. C. Boyle Chair
man and Mr. A. Hobson Secretary,.
- The Fourth ward Board - reported the
election of Mr. S. Barker President and
R. C. Miller Secretary, and the appoint
ment of Miss Lucy Rodgers as teacher In
the primary department, house .No. 6, 1
roues balance of the year. .Thesppoint
ment was confirmed.
The Seventh ward Board reported the
election of Miss Mat 7 Longwell sa sada
ant in the Spring Garden School, which
was confirmed.
The Eighth ward Board reported Mr.'
Mort as President and Mr. Mlnnemeyer
. Mr. Eaton, from the Standing 03111-
mlttee on M usic, presented their .annual
'report reviewing the work In this depart
men; end paying a high compliMent to
the teachers, Prof. - W. H. Stack and R.
Received and tiled. •
Mr. Francis presented the pay rolls of
the Fifth Ward Sonoole, stating • that
although the teachers were not teaching
all the time, owing to the destructlon.or
the school house. yet, as they bad been
awaiting orders from the Board, it seem
ed nothing more than must that they
should be paid the full amount for the
On motion of Mr. Francis warrants
were ordered to be drawn on the Trove.
urer for the amounts duo each teacher
for the month.
. .
Mr. Francis offered a _ resolution that
the rules governing the Board in 1869 be
adopted for 1870. Carried. Also a retie.
lotion authorizing the Secretary to have
printed a sufficient number of rolls of
membership and lists of standing com
mittees for the me of the Board.
Mr. Ketlock - .called up the resolution
providing for the adoption of Bartholo
mew's drawing cards in the schools. The
resolution was carried.
Mr. Koller& also presented a resolu
tion for the appointment of a Standing
Committee on Special-Instruction,to
be composed of one member rorn
each ward, whose duty It shall be to
supervise instruction In vocal music,
Writing, drawing and gymnastics, and
render their renort annually.
Some discruslon ensued, when the
resolution was carried.
Mr. Nesbitt offered a resolution pro
scribing the duties of this special com
mittee, to be the lame as the Standing
Committee on Inspection, appointed
according to the established usage and
the Rules,
: that committee at the same
time being dispersed with. The resolu
tion was laid over under the rule requir
ing all amendment" to be postponed one
month before action.
Mr. Dunlap presented a petition from
the teachers of the various wards for an
increase in their salaries to the earns
rates as those paid in Pittsburgh. .On
motion of Mr. pannier.% the resolution
was laid over until .the and meeting In
the new school year. beginning In June.
-The Beoretary.presented the following
tabular statement of the attendance, do n
at the schools for the put month:
41w0774 No.
Ward. Ear 017.171. Ataradaner. Puofte.
rfir: r4 . I'M No 41 la
3 .47 . 9191 ***** •••••• 1 370 1,150 • .56:
4 Ward— * .. .. as .01 'XI
4 Ward "150.5 , ... 'l2 . . . 462 34
5 Ward zo: . 413 17
k.7.;111.i... 7r. • Gr. _. 1
Weedy Ile II 75 • ' 7
awin d g kiardell..• 1:7I 157 9 244 10
I - Wa . III..."
Ootored detwol... 173 ''-- 113 27
ll.rft s 6G3
The statement wu received and tiled.
On motion adjourned.
United States Ctr o e n t Colll—JUdp Me
Turrinkr, Febricitry I.—ln the honk
ruptey branch of the District Court an
answer In the'ciaart of Lloyd Sanaa and
H. Walton va. If. J. Hackett, was filed,
and a trial by jury demanded. The cue
was fixed for trial -at Williamsport In
' -
Jane next.
In the Circuit Court, H. - v. Gamble,
ESq., rboently appointed Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the Western District of
Pennsylvania, presented his bond and
the oath of once was administered by
Judge MoCandiess.
District Court—anew", Hampton. _
TUESDAY, February I.—The case of
Calhoun dr. Edwards vs. William Frank;
previously reported. was resumed mid
su bmitted to the jury. but a verdict had
not been agreed upon when COurt ad
Jeffries vi. Johnson et. aL, libel on a
vessel, for labor done and niateriala fur
nished. Defendants oonfessedJudgment.
117 Pith. and I.lole ReaVer Creek 011
Co. vs. Eit0 , 70111013..
Grant vs emtt.
/A LIT 14?IwiOrglingik71114:1LIIMU.IPS4nvs Ewing et. id.
1141 Rinehart et. an vs Trunick.
141 Cowie vs Johnston et an.
148 Weir vs "Young.
Common Pleas—Judges Stows and eo
• TUESDAY, February 2.—ln the cue o
Theo. Simplon es. The Mutual Life. In.
aurance Company, previously rorported
as being on.trial bcfcire Judge Collier.
JUdgment of non snit Was entered.
The first case taken up was-that of
Bpang, Chalfant, & Co. vs Hoffman. et al.
Action on book scoonnt. Verdict for .
plaintiff in the sum of 207 86.
J. Henderson vs. D. Rellexuner,. ate
ppeeaal from a judgment before Alderman
MoMasters. Verdict for plaintiff in six
cents damages and ovate of suit.
John L. Scott vs. !Matel Washing, et
ux. Feigned issued to try the yalidity
of the will of Alexander Wilson. John
'L. Bonet. the plaintiff, is designated In
the as executor, and the defendants
are heirs at law of tbe testator. It was
alleged by defendants that at the
time the will was made the testator vu
over eighty-six year ef age . end that his
mind was not in a condition to make a
will. On trial.
The came of Long . vs. Brown. previous
ly reported •as on trial before previous
was resumed in the Quarter Bea
alone Court room and had not been con
cluded when Court adjourned.
108 Matialitim vs Carlisle.
195 Spang, et al., vs Seibert.
100 West.Savinga Bank' vs Fulton, et al.
204 Idetdasters vsPennsylvania Railroad
207 Scott vs De Knight.
214 Carlin vs Cam 3= 1 : 1 x.
216 Pennaylvanta Colman,' vs
Manufacturing company.
217.1Efahn & Hadley vs .lEtna and Veen
vious Coal Company.
The teachers of Sewickley. town
ship. Westmoreland . connty„ held
their last Institute at Shaper's Station.
on the Conneßevak! Railroad. on the
19th nit. Dozing the forenoon the oral.
nary school exercises were held, which
evideiaced the school to be in a good con
dition, and to be making nrogreri highly
creditable to the teacher, Mr. N. W.
Boyd. The pupils were addressed by
Messrs. Newland, Ingraham and Hunt.
In the afternoon a clam drill In orthog
raphy was given by Ur. Franks, and the
question. "Does good government in)a
schooldepeod on a set ot_rules sad rev
cdattorut.priblished. , to ttie school," was
debated by Messrs. Fnmks, Ingraham,
Embree, Hunt, Lenif, and.Newland.• -
The school interest of this township is
by no means backward; of which fact
the Institute gave good evidence. The
school house at this place is new, and
may be considered ass model. for rural
school buildings. The next Institute
will be held on the 12th inst., at Yough
[ loitheny school house No.l, Elsa Martin.
The following le the Pittatrargh Letter
Carriers' report for the mouthpf Jan
uary :
Mall Letters 116.793
Drop Letters - •• 19,441
Papers '... - 41,376
Mall Letters. 90,109
Drop LA tters:...- - ' ' 21 8 310
Thee Par s ,157
lag collection Is made at 7 P. M.
NNW ApirrivrisEnnowrs.
for thirteen (131 Ifonarero of this romiiel
will or 1104 r.t tkeyo.l/3auoe,lll/2iDAT(.
'7ll, 1170. • •
Ll[l3 R WRll3ll3.lltaiurr
Plttkbur7t - Too: 3; 1110.
ommenelm Banda! Evening, Feb.
Nast Utters, TIIIIRSDAT AND 70.111 DAT
ILYZNINfi3, rebtll.l 3Q Sad
.4th. .
COLLINS.. • - •
• - KULMES . • . •
• - •M TIMER'S
Cud. of admliiloa
Tor farther parilculars gee smsli bllla. ft2:t4ll
WILL MR NI 1870,
• An !ladle. wallet, of new sad beant,libl d 4
mans, from the cheapest kitchen to toe !Meet
Stamped (told. Decorations fbr Hells. revers
am Very element lealmalon Verret, for I..thritt
rles, Dinitia Boom, dr. SU %rapers at
. , . •
. . .
bit come lots at vety decided betroths. WIN.
DOW SHADES, plain mad Soared. it , lamewe.
Daly eleap. Floor, MAD at d Table 011 Cloths,
, Se. We arrdlally lulus all our mends and tim
petite i tz ... zuglg i tz , t — gru our : ste zi
style, enmity
.5000. sod Townes s of price.
we Melee* to be.nnsurpaased 11 lathes. city.
We always consider it a pleasure to alum goods.
and newer offend customers by oar importunate
reQUellta to hey. , ,
NO. 28
Letter Carriers , Leport.
• s. simains, •
- wn.zaems AND
The Great Comedians
33 cents
30 cents
101 - 1E1N77
JAMES 11010, JR'S
74 Federal Si, Alleghen
No. 174
grarrooraT OF THE
comornos 07 Tar.
TuraDAT Moirixo, I.A 10,.11170,
Lai.. and 13Deounts..... 8 L 14 .6.6 19 09
U. 6. 5.90 Bond. lOO.OOO 00
Heat 'Natant . 61. 0 0903
mock. and Diseellantes 15.330 21
Due try other Bala , .•• • ..• ..• 3/11.1111 . 60
Leest Tanner ..
r otos & ...... 29
Specie 169.911 31.
. 101,301, VII 69.
41.18L900 00'
838.040 98
DeoDal Meek.
fnu n 4 Et:ulnas
l ... aps 1 ittel4ende • end elm
. penes Account
Due to other Dinke
• 0,1101.711 OW
TOG above Statement U correct. to the beat of
awknowledee aid belief.
• • • W. BASIC Billte. Outlier.
Sworn to sad enbsettbed thlelat day of Feb.
ream 1870, before me. .
fey ere S. SMITH, Notary Pablle.
elt SALE.
Mediae coal.) situate in Itobieson to/mean.
Atlegbeny emso vs'. near the village of many
ab 41t6 miles from the thy, on the Ilse
of the Pittsburgh. Clnelnusti and et. Wats
139 •ORES AO rERCHES Or COAL.. le:Wah
ine the ahem MID to the Poet deotraole
property le the Itorktt see eras fe•taerly
. coned by Joseph sad Jeep Bus. lax farther
particular., theatre at the
82 Dorm& Weer. 8100 s las Pearl 1101. • l.
"b lqi.lkerre Spring Ws's':
i ; •
1:= W Morel Heel:
pen iattY, • •
le do, - do. • hada.; •
- 50 Sasso Verve
-50 barrels • - •
llzpress. Lumber 11114 finftel Aeroer for Mrs.
:1 . SOlll3l DYER. .
rOll. ALIE.--Ittstld g mats.
al A1.8,W11.1. BC 1101.0 AT A
(CR ten =MAO al e•stalned In TWO STOUT
14siss DIWZI.I.ING VOUS/. loonted nest
O „Is iso d oar station. the boats It In good order
and Is now ocotpltd too autworitar.wko
10 hate 11 renwroll off the lot beat tin
Mat of nay: Znonlen or • • - •
OZOTIOIIt scnrr. 1 .
; • • Chiliotts oreet.
• • Oakland.
$/5•000 7°
"AS '
Impart Wan:1100f at r ' 7
• n..u,u•coaricar. •
tr AgWfu.l.ll.l.lm. NQ.N ersat ette•S.
, ,
Is the .as sad cinatest oosuttenilal cad anus
aeweCapue published to Wastes rIaIfitTIFIVO:
No Meer, seagull' or 71 inlay aoulli
Mule a al
clamor as
Club. of tea
♦ copy Is finished isatilliessy tot gilts,
ay at • slab of Sea: radsissbus Nta 7.l.estsa
Addle e% _
,1141 1 . 1401, REND a 4 co,
Vir.NOTICIA9--026.1at,.....Fbr fiats,.
"Last," "Wassts,""lbenel." . Bairdinge
cte., not taxeeditect.:lPOUS,Ll2l44 wig
be inserted iw Mean columns coed fbe
TWE.NTY-FIP2C Cil.NrS; finds oda,
tonal tine FIVE CEN2ISI.
WANTED., --A •sui •
!lour ket per or tole.' sod take. eisre of
ohddres. hr a respectable PIM... Addiedi. He
H.. this office. •
. _
WANTED. Two_ Soliatori
• for as 00l established New York On
cub . ) Life Issannee - ComlanY. Olintto l
wauetryi,millsanta. Wlll_l* p 414
Address Boa P1t1.011281 ronome:
WANTED.—A Germs, Gen,
TLEBIAII wio speak. Initihit takitle
General Agency of a Now York Lilo Isninieev
Compaay,erbe have. so Zaaltshollive Y Pine.
burgh. Liberal lndheemenutdaprupB;ye»oa•
Addrovv. for Interile.r. Box 184; rioNeace.
Plliabergh. ,
WANTED.—A small, but (*Rif..
.101iTA11LE, HUtio.E.../or• I &Lady with
oat children. The modern convenit races and •
Root • neigOblehood indismnastrie. Ait.gbaay
preferred Will pay not over •500. — Addresll.
at this °nice, vith loonier, and toroth:l . :X." . i
4:VIF i St7
f hundredtlel l
."" Paithg b""" Z . DIP at sitarenii stmt.. ,
vv r . ,TED. noADDEIRS...
C. , WI wood tVllnrAinrA t tlnCair d
, Arit
Motet. WSW OMB mid • /W. • ter.
Rinds of employment. Persona mutant ' •
WANTEO.J—HeaIed P141111111481b1
will 'be r. eelved for one week for . ! •
thee and 110.000) FILET OF etf/1B 'STOW
to be delivered irt Putsburgb or awrsobeegle.
Yost be of Freeport or Hoorn stone.
Cktill wit be •ol vielieerv• retltiotkiksVok ,
onto set: Adareed.
Isl7olll Heal Foliate Agent!. iktentookettso:
1130.00(rto Loin bilmio or ®all - mans:''
al• tar rote of latorest.
Blid, Bond .rod Heal %Male Moroi.
No. 818 scowled moo,.
Wood Stribet;!..
a riredr Jazotti t , C ,.. ochnui 004 , 11:bt.
MOLES—The Newt St ore WOW
Afri Wood ! I `;` - `` . z'qu'r
LET.--Ifts.klßdnie .Ib - 44r
Atinsdaoasaly Itt.alimpottlea,lttsrtaatralto.,
earogn for butlataa. 'apply at No, IA fourth
arose. *mow/ 1100 V) • • •
fjlO.LET.—Futttl.Led- :Fiat
.y,•raekor mooi. , Apay ac f
bT/iSi ~ •
rLET,EA_ destrable . .. Etrirs.
• 11 , 01( on %ph streo.. Alto; 'novella
0 11110101 on t 3 0 °rid Ooor.an6 11.0011(
60 by 510 on third 'Enquire of , P.
ALA. Mare No. 1 61.031 ntleeS. ,
10 LET.—The.ree Stere:
Moons No. AM—Wylie/ us, earner or
eral strset. Pittsburgh. Ls 1/1. BROWN,
114 /Mb areal.. • : ,' .. : . .t. ,-;• ~—, -:
A l
LET.A.. large tiro Bees,
r r i trulstred. on woad disks •
' 101 nu •
b‘leolty, suitable for geetleleare ' d a V. <missal
single gesilleuaeo- .I.oe.latlety. O. 1.0 i t.
et, et.
LET.—Two li set brick
r r touts, Nei, BS and 115 Orn Arrruuk
toutaluter tee rooms tub, wilts all pdern laa.:
rosesne•U• leastials••StinisiadOno
Mr. Blcv/LL.L. It. . .
LET.—Five ..rooau-,ex.„
Pen larsecin th et e.ntiti Of Pei'Work'.
r (Halamel) layrA
meta. • Alb two dwall
oi.lpg. .nth el ea alnd sevet rocuas. Z'
as ATI Tenn • beet.. • • .
Isms and, fornisbed roams:a
cubi. iobstlon. 'moll' bead . alb bad
min be bed bY a.. , Dingl o .lisz r00m.... very desirable. Atacama emmim
MIST!. I.TRIMITeImes bu.d. - At
Ftronfkoos of
T o_LET.•_The
Eircond ntorr or wo. 1518 nmtit Arid driwk
*DO. the entire 211.1111:1 .FLOON of onane WO.
ded turn rooms. Con he rernied eliter kayin
or anoxia's , . • Inquiry or J. htIENSII, coney I
ViintAh Y , Lef .V. , M o t4lda Of.t , • ttP
ZEST.—A Suit 7 •or i Ito cizad
F E:tritf Wa l tr
front Mom o , ara moor. we Late Unli t =
11111[ W
two ante.rootos on 4th door. One Stan
Sl,lo van . in Knit lib.. now banding.
FLoonts For ten. Ir.notro Of A. U.
iNGL1611...% CO.. No 92 Fourth avenue.- • ,
LET..—A very sisperior
aostMatoi" T.'
athltoom sod Wash N or OTISC shoe dry g =li
wader whole boss, tat largo op. lot a&
Joining, containing Mutt shd dowers; LL "Matta
mom /moue of too menet sad two samedletamme
from sie street ears. Tits lea moo' eh MKS TO
°hula • most Mmtrablo • remodel.. • loMstas
).121:112 'Orpereer Ante..? CMY.
LET—Thi3 Store Mid Dilel
.. , -
llig recently fitted uh at the Cornet Of Son
street and Totirth - avenue. 'eotarrtshirtielhirs
Vantt,h4 , 3rOitoolu, IClleltrus,4ll.ll4ol.o , ,tArtil
two chambers. with ens ind *ate:lanes oils
plate. Annual rent 4400. Apply anent dOOOhe
Fourth avenue, to
T 'VET:—Titsit estaloll*k.'r
EV . 4 . ktid wan-knsiont DBI3O a•ronii..saik
tns toner of Wasktevon ►od iiolls. .12..06
linguist. Of
ouzix If 00.7. 4
; 9i!rortha ;maw;
Llquife of
OANDING:-- A Gentlest
WI/ r a wit boat child rnk or two laiLl9.
nd board. with a al. room. no WOW : moderato
ersnecs given and.
Are a•F showleut tiler fuill.efort4=44„.„
9 6911 to 11911 V 3
894.955 ILO
In their Retail Departipiii;
Is ao•aeetou with ERO(4ll'4 . aLCAST:pith
tbey sllso SNI HIIIIIIBBLS AND' ItleltrE
VATIILTIES of Table Kotula lad loft.. MA
one ONL - THINDRI.D ANA pnlr annroAt
oat ttt t .
An roods waraaated saa2 Drleaa to Matt pr.
Olsson aary 10E. -
_ .
Washington St.; ..flteislaffilb
The property 'WO. 'TS Witattiptei 113,141.
Fourth ward. Allegheny. to new sassed la Pa
vete sale. The irt fronts Ith feet con =a
t.. Meet, and extend. 170 dreg to
The bate .s • two wary doable Oftektw
for ohwae Md... 'ltalia Soaa - tddinbt • M
Inland &ma at the other std.:
On sec nd
ond i i ro: T ird as:naiad attlFe.:;rl-i
ids 0000 , wash tabs, statereerdelt• Sohn, fld
Nissan 't room The beeedfal ntsroshelhe
Snit reside ant and the mined totality, raldlotat
destreble_.• 7.4.lespeettots ot yrrtm4e•.
pgr, terms, IC. earl , . • - -• •
.. ,ueetTa
V c FOR ClALE,deatzaol7locstod
■ city, beim,. I 'okra' .s**lllll-
4•1••• Wens. • sciclr. Uwit k cir, ic k
acitST. inte
..r..l:=lo.7=reig n =y .
, ! 11 . 1 ..'" " 141. !rir batrailat.9olK4'..
' ff., ,
101 Wood !itTeitil.
~~ "'.