131 Eta Eittburgil Gapth. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Western Unlyerdty..- - -Tbe next term will eoumteneti Wednesday, February , The Pollee Committee will meet this evening at half put seven o'clock at the Meyer • 011110. alea, M. Finch & Co., distillers, paid Pa.us tuft on rye whisky during the month of January. Go to Xommy Lenergan's m Latrobe for papers, magazines, candles, Began tobsoco to The GAZEITIII supplied by the week or single copy. Mawr. 'Rowan Institute.—Tho calms of the first term of this School closed on Friday. The second term of the seesion begins to-day. The Institute with to full course of study and Its ex• perlenced teachers °tramp:collar ad vsn • ;ages to parents who have. daughters to educate. Prof. Henry Rohbock, the well•known and akillfal instructor, has charge of the musical department. .. • Alderman Jahn A. anus d, of the Second ward will open office and commence busi ness; at. No. 116 Diamond street to-mor row. From long personal acquaintance we aro enabled to commend Mr. Floyd In the heartiest terms to our readers as a gentleman eminently worthy public confidence and a large share of Moline= patronage. Ile will *attend faithfully to all civil and criminal pros - ecutions arid carefully mete out Justice to and for all pities lumested, • etented Humanity.—This evening Rev. 4 ' Mr: Hays delivers the second lecture of his course in tbo Central Presbyterian • Church, Allegheny—theme. #.Btonted Humanity." Ma first leMare, delivered on Thursday evening, on "Hunting an Appetite," was as rare a cOmbiluttlon of humor, satire and good sense as Is often heard. The Louse was well filled. This evening •stlll larger audience will prob ably greet rho piquant and eloquent ors. tor. The entire proceeds go to the sup, port of deserving poor. Church Este:idol:L-1c may not be known to moat reader. that JohnWeeley Church (colored) edifice has recently boon enlarged to double Its former capa city, and la now capable of comfortably seating some seven hundred Persons. The building la located on oti alley con. electing Arthur* and Roberta streets, In the Eleventh ward, is a brick structure. and Is a credit to the oongregition which worships therein. Since the advent of t=toriev. llia large iulve been madeto the merbr: snip, and to his indefatigable labors la the congregation Indebted for their fine ' now church edifice. Yesterday we had a call from Charles M. Rowley, EO4 one of the editors of the Chicago Bureau. Mr. Rowley has visited our city to nee and make himself acquainted with the manufactured and mninufaciturers of Pittsburgh, and we trust that his visit will be made pleasant to him and profitable to all parties by those attentions which our citizens know so well how to extend to distinguished strangers. Probably . no publication Issued weed of the Allehenies goes into the bands of many merchants and manufacturers as the one with which Mr. Rowley is connected; and as It hi an earnest - and vigorous advocate of the policy or protection, it has strong claims for aubstantiol support in this great man ofisctnring community. Loot to Your Port. Pork eaters will have their digestion helped by reading the following from the Cincinnati Cowns. - reini: "One day last week a drove of one hundred and twenty Logs wait received at William Mother's slaughter house from Wood and Clarhaon mantle% Kentucky: They were pot to death and about to be dissected for cou it:motion; when the City Meat Inspeo ,-,-tor's attention was called to the percept ble evidences that they hed been sick of the Cholera. The lospeetor was satisfied that such was the case. and condemned the pork accordingly. Now It has been given out that these hogs were sA4oped to mother city, and that the Health Officer tinned a permit - 1.0 - tIIO - o*aers to mod them eleewhero. The propriety of al. lowing meat that is deemed unfit for food here to be sent to another city for consumption, when that city la en. tirely igte‘rant of the reason, even the 'fact of its condemnation, is a subject, foe serious debate, and should •be agitated in the Ward of health at once,. Die eased sausages, tainted pudding, trichina steaks, all perhaps on Pittsburg tables. Ugh! who can stand the idea and yet oat pork? I= Remarkable Come'debt i The Post of Monday publishes an ''Apotheosis (?) of Washlngton.by H. M. Brackenridge." closing with the follow rag lines: eart4l era another Washattat In thou &halt The g. eit des' roye - , rime, shall throw dui The epitaph on the tomb of the Cm:lo tus Dowager, of Pembroke, (who died A. D. 1621) written by William Browne, although generally attributed to Ben Joneon, Is u follows: Mulareteth tete :able 10We ' 1.1-2 Mesta.) et el* • 11-e•r•ee: • Mae . e Muer! Pogsb - e•b's melba I Muth. tre thou ban stun another. Fur. sad leaned one rood as dm, Time I.:11111cm •dari at thee: • Marble plies leen. af t er T ber name Mr after dAy s; • llama • Ind woman. Own as •ala, 1.11 A lobo !Mal. turn marble, and baron , . WWI her mourner Sad tier tomb •LLsauzirr, Jan. a. MIL 1&101V6 OFFICE. Report of the Repave Clert, Of the Revenue Received and Bushman Tram- acted OtteDag the Yea.r. We are indebted to James 8. Patterson, Esq, Mayor's Clara, for the following statement of the baldness transacted at the Mayor's office during the fiscal year. ending January 81st, 1870, and also of the revenue collected from tines and other eotiroea Ibr the month of January, 1870, and the total for the entire year. Tha whole amount collected during the year, 1126.827.80, Mu; ben pald Into City Tresunny. Thls is e the largest rthee turn by several thousand dollars ever made in any previous year, and it is noel probable that the receipts will be so large for several years to come, Swarm. !dn. IVO Ibr Ma ir enr 'tLto e 6: SAW IS Jh 0.1 Night ran ee n 1 . 0 0 0 6 Dr.goatle La-nmen... IfIJ rY 1.131)13) paws Ur.aar and de L'a twin =. CO W Ain • Hall smut— 73 CO To'at * 2 413 q mar to Tor dauuary ilisu a(9 TWOS 4.12:4L I:1=3 =MI In the above amount of fines there was received from Deputy Mayor Skimla 118t8 SE4 from - Deputy Mayor Cartwright, POI 85; making a total of 8908 20, Number of wee disposed of d the Mayor's offlee daring the year: ; ME= LESS == =WO ' Total 14.tabaollboaaraed In addition to the above there were 86 liquor dealers tined for selling liquor. on Sunday, from whom-was received the snm of 4,503. Of this amount 52.150 was paid to the persons making the informs, thins and the other moiety of 2,160 to the Guardia= of the Prior. E=3 Robert Graham, the attentive, careful end efiloient Biller Captain of the per tral endlon, tarnishes us with the fully detailed report of the number of persons arrested and oonlined in the look•op during the last year, ending Jan. 1871 k f - , -;EXALZII.-. 3 ?: Tee..... VS 90 0 16 40 IL ja r , d.. •34 to II I) 1; a1t..... 63 10 •II .....••••••39 29 SI Jitly .... =4 106 • 17 •Il Il •liiitist •99 90 I . 1 Ia • I it. ' =EI 9 15 21 24 t)06969: 279 .01 VI II 91 9116 .... 547 Ili IS V la ..... .• • 9 to . . ... ra 112 7.1 I - .9 •••••• Tel IMP 214..• ZSCMITISLATION. • Tuts! Vagesser—itales 7 Dr.:alt's•—)l•l • Females Coa— ltale• ' Tanslas 't Insane —Male . . ... • results. 7as Ii is mama that of the number under the head of disorderly conduct, both males sod females, nineteen twentieths wensinderthe lawn= orliquor when k • yl,< k ~;A. • Z+,-'.7.'.SrR3:~ CITY COUNCIL,. Regular Meellog—Appropitatlon 8111 for IRTO—Pelltions sad CNIIIIIIMISICa . Uous—Reporta of Coutuallseea, ordt. Dances, die A. regular meeting or the Select and Gunmen Councils of the city of Pitta. burgh wax held yesterday, Monday, Jan. nary 11, 1870, at 2 o'clock P. Y. I= Members preeent•Mrisars. Md. AM born, Aiken, Armarrong, Stinell, Devlin, Duncan, Edwards, Hartman, Jones, Reliew, Ririe, Latifman, Liddell, Lloyd, Morrow, Murdoch. Murrity, Phillips, Rafferty, Rook, 'Schmidt, See ley, Thompson, Wain fight, White, Wilson, President Med.ffiey and E. H. Morrow, Clerk, .r . Messrs. Brown , Burgwin, Coffin, Gal laher, Grose, Herron, Nouse, Jones. Lit. tell, McMahan, Sbipton and Z. Wain wright came in after the Clerk had called the roll. • • - The minutes of the kreceeding meet ing wore reed and approved. Mr. Phillip., Chairmao, of the Fi nance Committee, submitted the_ appro priation ordinance rui follows: Ais Ordinance Makin, A oropeialion• Jnr it , . year lICIL bud. I. - befit ordained an omitted by the Cite of Pittsburgh, in nehretngd Coulson Council Ise Ulf . audit Is hereby enacted by anther ty of the sone. That UlOOOOlllOO or said city. for the year 1470,doisIng from the tars, loan.. • •nd sll other mouteri, tegether with „ oneys in the treasury not mtb,srls , apyro moneys ore hen by approißlatt d tor the fol wing Pu,P°.e.' Or? 1100100100$ 1170. No. oalart 1. Interest No. es No. 1. Prlnllag No. 4. rto Nagoara and Hose No. 0, Poltee . No. a, Waver Works No. 7, Streets No. 8, Oa, 1,1090110 140. 1/. D.arnona Market • No. la, llonongattela W half. No. 11, Alleglaeoy Wharf . No. 12, Welsh 9acalo - 11. Eloatlnprit rood • No. 14, Board at Ileallds No. 10, UN) r.ormny No. 17, ut.tandlog :Warrants No. 18, roaoce rood o. N rankloc rand ••• No. VI. Fltlh Ward No. 21. PiroAlarm ta=ll No. 12, Roads No. No. •A Sorvey No. 7.2. Water aalassloa Laza No. M. 1141210 g Fund, Wat,r ICSTIVATZD 7011 ISt. City Tax Financial Cit. hi:rectal IlAwrencevilie tiocelai Tax. Wat.er llonougshala 1.4 L0af..... ... allegtiany Wharf.... ...... . Irialuoad Market' 111.40r1a fltf C i irL r ieene. Postenaer Inallgraya Weigh male.: Str..ata Englounro gees from Lots. Building Inopintor l all Instruttor oud MealCact. Wee% COIII.MI.IIIIMer $ &N. 70 hoc. It. Mo.for ih• p.m°. of providing .Iric.lnd noel., to meet the ordtoory two. • of the city. to nay the Interest on OnUtandlng boot,. and to discharge ati. other Ilabilltles no 4 due or video redir been.. payabei dueled said ear IWO, tages shall bend are hereby levied cod unused op. 41 property and other objects of ...lion, as fdllosest I. Up.. all p.operty taiable - for Sits. no purpo.• eleVen mills upon each roller of ...len, elect:4ln the port.. of said city designated as hue., to which We tag Omit be aasets , d at two- thirds of tale rate, le wilt twee. aid ...third Wile on cacti dollar of valuation. /t 00... UpOnpe eper aft property taxable for grate or s, the Iltalts the • lip of - rusbo irgh, within hree.l le upon of each dollar of ealuatio ~as special tat for the separate Indebtedness of special dlstrie . . 4. Upon all Prop..) tax *Ma for !late and Count. purpses. caltblcolmlitullc of the former Borough efl.a•rfetteVllle. fire mills upon reel Patio, se • specie' tax fur the Rep. slate ta4ebteeness of salt! slistrle.Z. 4 Upon all goo.lo, wares sad tnnfennnalSO.: and 13p0., II sr Mies of trade zed e amerce rem lo sat.. city. In arty manrer ant here.° otherwise provide. , Ls,. one am) three-four non each dollar ol aslit sirs. a, Upon ell solos ot Roods, Wares an mer iih shellac. sad articles of tra.• or commerce seta by consMIWOD meruhasts In main pity. One sncl three fourth mills epos each dollar of said .ales. 6. Upon theactual pan , aales of eattl sad ten neason sr arse engaged la the trade. 130.4 oesa or oecavallon of retelling. lot Ws or theln reedit, elbow,. f.rmented or dlslllied hewn, each dollar el esld axles. . 7. Upon the actual pearl, awes of each and 'try person or firm enpagtd 4n tee bat or 'onstnallonefae sertloae, wetland atter-fourth milts on each doler of wad . sale, exerptica on ape sales of stock., real tattle and ate. c boats, at on welch the tax shall at the rata of one end nth. eaea dol.- of said on es . . 8. 1.19 : •n tut connalsaloa or brokerage of merehandleebrokera, [dr...mann and team Adel merchants, not Ine:ndlogcol:multilane altales, ten mllla vn end, dollar ut geld rota •• es. • 9. Upon the yearly bnalneaa of beaker.. book. and basking Incduattona. one. nal( of one mat on each dollar. - - co l m o m eno.. th u ya c relo.o. exp ressu rani. tom peek., atm telegraph c =peal. • onsanit time aillls h e tech eoliar of ..id receipts. - 11. tip.. he yevly receipts of fires.. en Raged in the brislaes a of keep op 1441.ard table .14 ten pia Mier, for nubile asp, lee oaths •• tech idler of such receipts. L. Too er.hribile cr !rater Heats for the ye LC050411 be the .amt pa during lbw AR .:50. ILL ones. t the Oboe. tax e s. the I.) as *visor ...II ilthe 4.14 taxes. SEC. IV. Thet the amount nnoessary to ply theilaterest on the sald Depurate Indebtedmas if the old city and botoeskot Lawrenceville. shall Gies le t he the acelpts from the stwelui of the districts aferesind. and fibers In nd addm shill be No. I, un which warrants be dr.• or •rente lon the debts of sold diet:lets resin c 'tail: V. That the balance of sold remlpt• from :Nl i tra _Lald"viti: (Suer payment I.ludi`.7g. from wince at ' conteted. sad shall be cued for tne payment of the debt of said Manic?, tie, - VI. .•11 orelnancet or parts of ordl• Sefton !remanent "let . ..with are hereby se pealed. Onlameo and enacted Into a law ILI Councils. this slat day of Joosary. •. D. th7o. hors—ts the above ItY7 the City Tax has Mien reloced belowlll, and the 11.113 ea. Tax, one-half mill he assessment of liastyear. Kr • Kirk moved that the ordinance be t aken up and. considered seriatim. Lost. Mr. Morrow moved that the ordinance be adopted as • whole. While • the motion was pending Mr. lisfferty presented a communication from James Condon & Co., proposing to keep the streets In the Second district clean and in repair for the year 1870 for the sum of ;mom which work wet the city the sum 01125,000 last year. Mr. Phillips moved the reference of the communication to the Street MN ;tattoo. Mr. Kirk thought the ordinance was of too much importance to crowd through without consideration, every item of ap propriation had been increased and the .citizena had a right to know for whin P W•Littell said the Motion to adopt taa Ir . hole did not mat off debate. Any member had a right to take exceptions Tip any Item in the appropriations. Itdr. Rafferty said that he had been informed-by Mr. Aliloder that the city was holding' a .large - amount of money from year to year which might be used in lifting bonds dde, and thereby atop the securing interest. Be thought If that was the case there was something wrong, and it should be righted.. Mr. McAuley made a explanation of the matter. Mr. Kirk desired to know whet the Item of 140,000 for city property was In. tended for.. • " Mr. Phillips replied that It . was to cover expenses to be incurred In the ereo. ;ion of engine houses and station houses. Mr. McAuley ataten that he owned riow all that install of the Eagle Engine Company, which he was willing to sell .to the city at drat coat. Mr. Burgwln Raked several questions relative to the appropriation for police, which was answered by Col. Phillips. Mr. Rafferty asked why the rates on books was not larger. Mr. Phillips fepiled that the Commit tee have no control over the matter; the rate was fixed by law. • Mr. Kirk moved to reduce the appro. illation for city property twenty thou, sand dollars, and strike out of the esti'. mate for business tax the rate of 34 ma, end from the tax on rest estate one mill. Ile then referred to the proposition to tax the butchers, which, he said, had been voted down. Re thought Councils should be more carefulin looking after the Interests of the - eitisen, instead of EEG =I , ninbera. Mr. led to Mr. Kirk, say ing . that the Coutriiittee bad carefully considered the matter .24.,puttIng a tax on the butchers, and had come to the conclusien that It would be placing an Indirect tax on tho people. Mr. Rafferty moved to reduce the appropriation for streets t 0150.000. Lost. The question then recurred op the motion of Mr. Kirk to amend and was decided Inthenegative. ' • Mr. Hartman inquired why the appro. priation for fire engines and hose bad peen Increased ismo. Mr. Phillips replied that the increase hattfieenrriarle for the purpose of provi ding for the purchase of two engine; 'below held by private individuals, and providing for running them the ensuing ear for the protection of the citizens at large. The question then recurred on the mo• than of. Mr. Morrow to , adopt the ordl• nance. Adopted. . On motion the rules were impended and the ordinance passed finally. The. President read s - eommunication from toe Secretary of theßoard of Health, A. L. Pearson, setting forth that there were vacancies In that Board to be filled. The law requires that all vacancies be tilled on the last Monday of January. Acoepted, and Common Council nodded that Select - Council was ready to moot in Joint melon to elect four members to the Board of Health. Mr. McMahon called the *flintier' of Councils to the fact that the borough of Lawroneeville was not represented on the Pintrace,Ocrmmittee, and moved that Mr. Ahiborn be added to the committee. ERNI 158-411 171 372",11%. RiMMENMMI Mr. Brown. • petition for gradlng and paylgt• Poplar alley. Referred to tho Oommlltas on Streets.' Also. petition of Meek - Tell heirs for appointment of vieweisonßobtnia street. Referred to Street Committee. Also, a remonrsance against the sasessment for the Eleventh street sewer. Referred to Street Committee. Also, petition from Win. Smith asking oermuntion to erect an ironclad butlding. Referred to the Committee on Wooden Buildings. Mr. Gross presented an ordinance pre. .vhomiy presented and referred to the Iteilmed Committee granting privilege to thePltteburgh and Birmingham pg.- Danger Railway to traverse certain streets, from Its present terminus to the corner of Grant and Washington streets, and also Second avenue to ttuf Binning. hem bridge. Mr. Phillips offered the following amendment to the ordinance: "Provided the said company commence work with. in three months after the passage of this ordinance, and finish the same.within six months thereafter. The amendment was adopted. Mr. Rafferty moiled Id refer the mat ter to the Railroad Committee, which motion wee adopted. Cannella then went Into Joint mention for the purpose of electing members to the Board of Health. When the busineisa of the joint eeeedon had been concluded Select Council re• aseembled and the following badness Mae tranaacted Mr. Morrow presented a petition from John Flinn relative to his bill for the construction of the Fifth avenue sewer. Referred to Finance committee. - Aleo, petition of James Cunningham relative to damages alleged to have been eustalned by him, and ankingoompenna. lion therefor, in consequenoe of a flow of wata.r from the street into his house." • . . Also, petition of Wm. Anderson asking Privilege to erect an iron clad building. Referred to Committeeon Wooden Build. Inge. air. Phillips, an ordinance providing for the enlargement of the committees of Councils by toe President. Mr. Kirk moved to amend by requiring ell the committeee to be elenstituted of ono member from each ward. Re said that It wee a matter of greet Importance . That ail the wards should bo represented on at leant uomo of the more important committees. 'rho Water Committee in particular, on which an It nowsauxithere Is net a member from any of 41en new wards, which more than angel the others should ,rie represented. A new Water Works was in contemplation and it was iii.l..inifirtant to these wards which want•. ,1 , Nol , X,500 40 Mu 80.000 OM 1 000 ..... 10 WD • ed water and woo not supplied, to have a re presentative on the Water Counuit toe. Mr. Burgwin thought the question tin. der dlecumion entirely out of order. It would come up properly when thereport I= of the committee to revise the rules for the government., of Colwell,' was pre sented. TIM Matter wax then laid over. Mr. Jones presented the report of the Committee on Roada,accompany ing which was an ordinance 'Ulna the pay of Road Cominiselonark at P.OO per annum. The report was accepted. The ordinance Axing the nay of the Commiationera was then taken up. • Mr. Laufman moved to emend by tusking the salary *l,OOO. Mr. Murdoch moved to lay toe amend. went on the table. Adopted. Mr. Jones moved the third reading and final passage of the ordinance. • Mr. Brown moved to strike out fBOO and insert $OlO. Mr. Lsufman hoped tile motion would not prevail, as It would bo toluenes to the Commissloners to pay them but $6OO. Mr. /one, said that the Committee had caretully considered the matter and thought it Injustice to the Road Unmans stoners, and to have their entire time their salaries should hot b . ° lets then MOO. 4:300 .I.OOU WO On motion of Mr. Jones the amend meats were laid on the table. .The question then resurrect on the adeptlfai of the ordinance as nrcaented oy the commhten. Mr. Phillip, moved the third tending and final passage of the ordinance. The ordinance tree then weed finally under a eurponalon of the nitre. Mr. Phllllp3.. a resolution requeClng the Legallature to pate an act ea - tending the time for ruatilng amsaatuent, and entering up leis, on the Fifth avenuil newer. Adopted. Mr. Jones, a report of rlewons on the iipeuiog of Mill, Atwood and norm streets Reports redeltott and enutlrmr•d. Mr. Burt:win, a petition for. the par. moot of amount due on a board walk. Roferred to the Finance Cowinitte with power to net. Mr. Gallabor, a petition for the repeal of the ordinance for opening Rose street, accompanying which wan an ordinance Providing for the repeal °timid ordinance. Too petition was read and accepted. The ordinance wee read, and on motion of Mr. Gallaher, woe passed to a second reading. . Mr. Abiborn moved the matter be tarred to the Street Committee. Adopted. Mr. Iturgwin offered the following: Rule?mi.-That the several committees, having charge of the alsburnement or moneys be required to rep,rt to Conn ells every mouth. an account of their disbursements, certified to by the Chair. man cf the Crlalmlttca 53 to Ito correct. Dent. Comldersble discussion ensued on tho resolution. Mr. Littell hoped that Mr. Burgivin would withdraw his 'resolution its it was contemplated to get up an ordinance re. quinine the Treasurer and Controller to report monthly a detailed report of. the receipts - and expenditures of the city. Mr. Burgs In said the proposition did not cover the ground. He desired to have a report from the persons who knew how and by-whom the money bad been expended and to whom It had been paid. Mr. (iallaber .moved to refer the matter to the Ordinance Committee. :The mo tion was adopted. The President announced the'Standing Committees. The oommitteea aro tie some as previously' published In the Gazette, with the exception of the addi tion of the name of F 3. G. Seitz to the Finance Committee. Mr. Thomnam, a petition that the name of " Westminster" avenue be chatiged to "Frankstown" avenue. Re ferred to the Road Committee. Mr. Z Wainwright, a petition for a gea lamp at the corner of South and Foti: ter alieya. Referred to the Gan Commit- 'Mr. Lanfman, a petition to locate and eitend Negley etteet. Referred to the Survey Committee. Mr. Alhborn a pititlon for grading and paving 40th 'street. Referred to street Committee. Mr. Lloyd, a petition for an avenue In the 14th ward, commencing at Robinson street and Fifth avenue.. Referred to the Barvey Committee. Mr. McAuley then presented the re. port of the Committee to whom had been referred the matter of revising the rules of Councils. The rules of the pr wend ing Connell.: were adopted with a few alterations, the principal of which are an follow.: , • The Water Committee shall conned of one member from each ward. The Committee on Monongahela Wharf will hereafter reiort In Select Council. .. - The Committee on Retrenchment and Reform shall be a efandlnit Committee. Councile then adjmirned. ' Common CpunelL Pres!deLt Tomlinson In the Chair. Present : Messrs. Arthur; Albeit; Batten, Batchelor, Backman, Baymer, Black, Booth, Bradley, Cameron, Carroll, 'thtskey, Chalmers, Creegan, Doom, Dla `mond, Dietrich, Doff, Edwards, Faxon, Fodder, Hereon, D. L. Fleming, JOhn Fleming, Oarasm, Hare, Jahn, Jamison, Jones, Kane. Long, Leonard, Lyons, Mattern, Mitchell, Miller,Moore Moor bead, Morgan , Mosely, lcCandless., Mo. Coy, Mcciann. McKelvy, Negley, H. W. Oliver, Jr., H. W. Oliver. ar., Preston, Schleiter, Schneider, Seibert, Selferth, Seitz, Shoot., Sims, Smith, Sneathen, Snodgraaa, Verner, Wallace, and Tom. /Boron President. The minutes were read and approved. • nssottrrions tem Mr. Gazzam offered the following Resolved, That the Pollee Committee be instructed to Ruthenia the. Mayor to provide more suitable apartment', for the confinement of such persons of 're spectability as may be held In custody upon mare suspicion, until euch times as they may have a hearing be committed or discharged. Ramrod to Pollee Committee. • . _ Mr. 'Cbaltnore offered a petition for grading and paving Clark Street. , Referred to Street Committee. Mr. McGann offered a resolution fer erection of gas lamp on comer Mulberry alley and Sixteenth street. Passed. • Mr. Oliver, an ordinance prescribing duties of meat Inspector. Read three times and passed. Two remomerances. were presented against the report of viewers on Fifth avenue setter. Referred to Street Com mittee. Mr. McCandless a petition for review on paiting and grading of Roberta street., Referred to Street Committee. Also. petition of John Beatty for re. vlow on his property on Dovillera etreet. Similarly referred. Also. resolution for gas lamp on Ar. thure street. Referred to Gas Commit. teo. nirrItsitCHIEENT AND itii4olim Also, a viola : Lion. prodding that all undalshed business In the hands of tho Committee on Retronohment and Reform for 18.39, be placed In the hands of the Committee for IVO, with instrucdons to report at the next. meeting. Read three times and Mr. Wallace,Atillon for gas lamp on Arthur' street. Referred to Gout Oom. mlttee. Mr. Moßelay, a petition, accompanied by ordinance granting John R. Hague privilege to erect an ironclad building on Twenty-ninth street. Potation so. . PlM3lMtli DAILY; ciAIE I 4.7B: TUI3SDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1870 I rented and ordinance passed [Wally un der a anspenalon of the roles. A.:so, a resoladoti recalling. ordinance for paving Ravine street, from belect Council. Passed. Wth:VH AntAID. Mr. McKelvy 'dated he had been re quoted to present the following paper: To the ,Ctointnott Counea of the City of Pittsburgh: The undersigned citizens, residents and voters in the - Fourth Ward, Pitts burgh, respectfully represent that at the organisation of your body, on the third day of January. 1870, William A. Tom linson appeared and claimed a seat, and was admitted as a member of said Cam. mon Council as a representative from the Fourth ward of Said City. • We deny that lie Is entitled to repro; sent staid ward, and. was not and la not eligible to a neat therein; and all votes cast for him, at the election held on the second Tuesday , of October; 1869, wore void from the fact that he was not then a resident or legal voter in said Fourth ward, Pittsburgh, and ham not .been a resident there's for the last year, but rd "Ides at or near Mutton Station, In Plum township; Allegheny county. We, therefore, pray that his seat may be declared vacant, and a now election held. ~. _. .., ~ P. McClure, .1 . ... P. Dickedn. Wm. T. Shannon, J. S. Rankin, 16.11, Wm. McCreery, M. E. Gillespie, W. K. hiaCanco, Sarni. McMaster; John Fostei-. Q. N. floffsiot, L. O. Oarmott, J. Plummer, John P. llornish, - Robert Campbell, W.:O. McClurg, Win. Mingles. Mr. hlolrelvy, after reading.% moved the acceptance of the communication. Mri Sims moved to lay it dn the ptble. . M MoKolry Insisted that the matter ahou d be investigated by Councils, as _ their attention had been called to it in a rte fat manner. -He called for the yeas and nays on the motion to lay it on the table. The President—Yon are out of order, No one member of Council hue a right to demand the yew, and nays. Mr. Morgan—Mr. President, I don't believe in this way of hushing up met. term. Let de have the yeas and nays. I ill tell the President that a member `can call for the yeas and nays and ban a right to be Ilisard. • The President , Jeli the .jentle.• man from the Twenty-first ward that I em not afraid of him or the gentleman from the Twelfth *eraeither, or ,any I member of Council and will not allow the_ yeas and nayeto be taken unless called for by one tenth of the members. Mr. Morgan—And I am net afraid of the President either. and hope the yeas and nays will be taken. Several members here erase' to second the call. The President, after counting, decided the motion lost. • . • Mr. Sims' motion prevailed and the piper was tabled. ItEOULAR BUSINESS IILIBUMBD Mr. Duff presented an ordinance ma pealing an ordiesuria for reVirtyrttet and opening Kirkpatrick street.. Referred to Committee on Strootn. Mr. Sehleittal petition forgnidlng 'end paving or Madison and Teeth% ,streete. lieferrred to Street Cc' immittee. . Mr: Miller: petition for grading and paving Davidson street.. Similarly relat ed. Also remonstrance from property owners against onerous assessment,' for construction of sewer on 42nd etreot. Referred to Committee to Appeals and' Assessment. Mr. Seibert: petition for survey, locat• log and !math:a of Eta toad Insane from Rutter street to Morningslite Road to summit of the hall, Eighteenth ward. Referred to Survey adunaittem. Mr. Barton: icaition accompanied by ordinance for opening. Roup street, Ilthh ward,. Petition accepted and ordinance finally teased, undcr auapension of the rules, THE WATER QUESTION ONCE HORS. Mr. Batchelor offered the following: Reached. ThAt the Water Committee be and they aro hereby authorized and Instincted to engage the serVicea of a competent Hydraulic P.lngineer and his asektanti, and Cc micas shall, In Joint convention enlivened for this purpose, elect three citizens who are not members of Councils, and who shall sorra with. out pay, to be known as Water Commis sioners. The Chief to,tincer, Water Commix sincere and huperititoulent of Water Works, shall constitute a board of ex. nminrn to take into consideration tho subject of new water worka to supply the city with- pure walla, make a careful and thorough examination of the various plans eingiteatedi and report the result of their deliberations' to those Council& The Water Committee 'than cause a warrant to be drawn on the Treasurer far expenros of hoard of examiner., sod have too acme ,cliargeal to the seasse-ere tenston fund. 'The gentleman in °fibrilla the rennin. Con. elated that en last Councils he had offered a revolution with the same object In view which. however. had been de. Med out of order on some legal techni cality In Ile Wording. Lie offered the now one which ho thought would meet tb6 csao and be free from the objections urged against the other. On motion the resolution was planed on its amend reading and laid over under the rules.. • Mr. Morgan, an ordinance for opening Lang avenue. Passed finally under sus pension of rules. Mr. Rohne, and ordinance for opening a road over Squirrel Hill. Referred to Road Committee. The Prealdent now ended Select Coun cil was ready to meet Common Council In joint wession to elect persona to nil the I - SCSI:Idea In the Board of Health. The President also stated that Coun cils would he as repelled to meet Tuenday afternoon, February hit, to elect persons to fill vacancies in the Board of Guard ians of the Poor. ACDITLIid COMMITTKII/3. After the adjuunamentof the Joint Bei. sesolon Mr. Barton ;ailed the attention of the Councils to the fact that by an act of As. %suably Ceuneits were compelled to ap• point ti,Joint Committee at the second meeting in. January, oonsieting of two members from unnmon and one from the Select braneh, to audit the account', of all city official& Atter reading the section referred to, Mr. Barton offered a reeolution that Councils go into an elec. Son of said Joint Committee.. Carried. On motion. Meaars. J. E. McKelvy and Joseph M. Gazram were elected 88 said ommlttee on the part of Vommoe Donnell. Mr. 111nrgait called attention to the name regulation in refarenoe to the ao. counts of the Central Board of liancitiou, and offered a resolution appointing Meows. R.M. Snodgrass and E, 1.. Faxon on the part of Common Councils, as mem bers of said ComMittee. Passed. Mr: - Moorhead offered a resolution hi sinactirg the Committee on Printing to receive proposals for printings Municipal Record. Carried. Soleet'.Councll non concurred. • DOSINKSS Mr. McCandless presented the report I of the Street Committee.. giving the or. I gantratlun with M. A.O. Moilandb an as Chairman And Mr. Win. Roo Secretary. Tim report not being signed by the members, it was referred back to the Committee With instructions to be prop. erly reported. The gentleman then offered the follow. lug: An ordinance authorizing appoint ment of viewers on Fifth avenue sewer; read three times anti passed. Bill of J. .1. Kendall, for work done on Webster avenue to the amount of $55 50 by order of City Engineer; referred to Committee on Claims and Amounts. - An - ordinance regulating construction of vaults under sidewalks; laid over under the rules. Ordinance for paving and grading Trap ty first street; read and passed ilnally. Ordinances for paving Thirtieth, Twen ty-tifth, Twenty-third and • Twenty. fourth streets laid over under the roles; ordinance for opening Greensburg turn pike. laid over; ono for opening Reed alreet, laid over; one for publlo sewer on Diamond Street. laid over; one appoint ing viewers on Locust atreet, laid over: report of viewers on Rose street, received nod approved; report of viewers on Devilliera street. approved; also, report of viewers on Roberta street. •In relation to this, Mr. Moorhead of fered' a reacdution referring the ordi nance back tO the Committee with In structions to report an ordlnanceappoint. log new viewers. The resolution was adopted and the ordinances° dispoeed of Report of Viewers on Forty-sixth street. Mr. Morgah presented a lemon. *trance against this report. The re monstrance wan accepted and the report of viewers laid over. Report of viewers oh Forty-eight street sewer approved. Report of viewers on Diamond alley sewer approved; also on Forty-second street Newer, referred to Committee on Appeals; al so on Eleventh Urea sewer, approved;; . also on opening Webster avenue, approved. PAID /IRE DEPARTMENT. Mr.' Elms, chairman of the Committee on Fire Engines and Hose presented their. report, acoompanied by a draft of an act creating a Paid Fire Department,- and recommending the passage of the following: Iteaolved, By the Select and Common Councils of the oily of Pittsburgh, that they respectfully ask their Represents-, tires at Harrisburg to :bays the , aocom' ponying - act parsed by the I...gislattue, and that the Clerks of Councils forward the same for that purpm.e. Mr. Barton moved.. to postpone the matter until the act had 'been 'Printed once In the Official paper. . - Mr. Hare hoped the matter would not be postponed, as something must at once 00,110 with the the department or the city Would soon be witEtenit Mr. Barton's motlen prevailed. Mr. - McCandless presented the annual report of the Street Committee for 1869, Which was accepted and placed on file. Mr. lideffelvy offered a resolution call ing for a special meeting or COlinella for Monday, February 6th, 1870, to consider the Paid Fire DepartMent question. Carried. Mr. Pender, a rebolulion providing for the appointment of a committee bf three from Common and two from Meet Conn ell as a Committee on Retrenchment and Raferin,.with B. W. Morgan as Chairman. Carried. Business from Select Council was then taken up. TEM AriliOf ILLATIONS. the ordinance for appropriations for the year 1870 was first considered. Mr. Berton objected to the passage of the ordinance. The chairman decided that according to the act of assembly the ordinance most be passed before the meeting clos ed or Councils could spend no money daring the year. Mr. McKelvey objected to the ordi nance and moved that it be considered seriatim. Lost. Several members tiled for esplana. Clone or certain appmPriatitrea, and some parillmentary practice followed when dually a Motion for, the yeas and nays. In - concurring with the act! , n of Select Council prevailed. 'The vote resulted as folloive. vaias silri eats. Yena—Monsre. Arthunt, Albeit'''. 'lista,. elor, Beymer, Black; Bradley, Cameron, Carroll, Creegan, Daunt, Dietrich. Ed wards Vedder, D. L. ' , Aiming, Jno. Flem ing, Hard, Join], lonise, Kobe°, living, Leonard, Slattern, 'Meyer, Miller, Mor gan, Monely, Stec*. Begley, Oliver, 11. W., Jr., °Slyer H. W.. er., Pander, Pres. ton, Seitz, Moab, Sims, Snout:ten. Sited gram, Verner, Ibuilinsou—SP. Nays—Messrs. ' Barton, Beckman, Booth, Ceskey, Chalmers, Diamond, Fax on, Pinion, Fulton, Gomm, Lyons, Mit chell, Moore, • Moorhead, McCandless, MciSann, McKelvey, Sehleiter, Schneider Seibert, Selfertb, Smith, Wallace—M. When the reedit *in announced, the President said: - l'The action of Select M:lie Council le don. 1 in." Mr. McCandl (with an air of over whelming illifp oj Is it t You don't mean to nay—do 't it take a thremfoctrth 'min to spetid [none y f Preaidelit—BM Mr. It don't take a tbraii-tooreh voti to conelli. Mr. MOCatiClLesi—Sot to . spied money —Well, I don't-Iftsbrt decide that Nay I suppose vie toilet !of lend. , The tnealber , then testimod his seat and began indtiatrlously hunting fur the rule upon which to appeal from the sle cision of the Chair, and business was proceeded with. '" • Several resolutions were read and con curred In, when the ordinance relative to increaaing - the salaries of the Read ittcrilneloders to SBOO elicited some Ws- cutedott. Mr. Cidadiers objected to any Increstee In the Wales. He tioderetood the tiomMitteionera WoreMnPloied but about sight Months In the yea; And he thought VIM enough for the work. Mr. Jones -staid this was a mistake. That the Commissioners wero fully em ployed all the time and worked hard; The salary was altogether too email for a man lit to bold the position. lle thought the mettffiers or the Road Com !nines could testify to that fact. Mr. D. L. nothing salkconnclis had pmaed a rtiaolutinn pledging the Maui bore to vote against coy increase In the salaries or making donations to city offi cers during the present year, and had commenced retrenchment by reducing the price paid bfficial newspapers more than one half, He did not like to see them halt in the. good work so soon, and take the batik track. if the object a•ae merely to eqballae the salaries of the Road iClomtnlsaloitters,-that might be am campliAbetl by reducing, all to nix hou dred dollars a year. Ile did not con elder the cotnpetgatlen toe much; but hiving pledged himself to thin reeOlu. don, he felt compelled to tote against the erdluanet. . , Itir. (Lassos objected to giving airily motley gratultowily In this manner.• Re trenchment and Reform Wan .1' the day. Councils In acting upon this idea had commenced to cut down even on their friends, the mots, the very worst piece. Th.•y had reduced the newdea pent and requlred but one paper now to do the work and at a rate which wee not at all Jutt or fair In proportion to the work done. And then after that an at tempt would made to throw away money on all- the smaller offices. He believed in oonsiatency and now that the' Reform and Retrenchment machine bad tamp started It should be allowed to rum Alt hands should share . ikei not one retired - and the other cut down. ' Mr. Caakoy offered an amendment In the shape of s reablution of Inquiry In regard to the salaries, Mitt 4 was decided out of order. Mr. Chalmers again Inaiinati that it was throwing away money to Merano. the Wanes of those low Onkfali. The men had applied fur the ..poirilione knowing the salerlee and be thought that it ahould remain eo. Mr. Morgan believed In paying men or their labor. a man was paid a . utllcient salary It removed the tempts. lion Metes!. He fairorrd theinerease. MeCandleas mid he underetood the Come - Malone= were compelled to hire horse' to get over tho districts given them. 11. this were ao eight hundred dollars was not too much. Mr. Oliver, Jr. said a Commiesloner had eotnethnes ten thousand dollars oass through his hands.. He would not have a man about blm reale:m.lbl° for so much money, and only getting a salary of nix hundred dollars. A vote was finally. taken when a mo• lion to concur with Select Council ore veiled, and the ordlnance was according ly passed. Adjourned. Joint ?Amigo The meniters of both branches having assembled in the Common Council chainber,Prealdent McAuley, or the Se lect took the Chair and - called the Joint Session to order. Ho stated the object of the meeting to be the election of three persons to serve for three years as members of the Bosrd of health, the terms of Messrs. John Wilson, 'Frank P. CHIIIII/11i Thomas W. Welsh haitng ei pired, and to elect one person to serve for one year to till the vacancy occasion. ed by the death of Mr. Divid Holmes. VACANCI TILLED A motion was then made to declare the first three persons elected by aochunit• lion, Which was quickly voted down at the suggestion of a member. - who re. marked there were "young and ambiUmut asoirantirwbo should have a ahow:. , Nondnations were accordingly made, a dozen &Women being named as can didates. , Tho roll miscalled and the voting pro needed with viva rove. Jost before the result , was announced, Mr. Morrow moved that the tired three candidates receiving the highest number of votes ho declared elected for the three year term, and the fourth on the list for tbo one year term. Objection was made to this, nod the motion was amended by striking out the latter clause, In relation to the ono year term. The vote was then announced, from which It appeared that Dr. A. G. Mo. Candleaa had received ad, J. J. Albeita 47. and M. A. Edwards 45 vote., they Nana the highest three on the Rat. A motion was then made to elect John Ito:datum-King to MI . the remaining va- QM Borne dissuasion ensued upon this mo• lion, but it was tinnily carried by p large 'majority. - °TILER BUSINCSEI " Mr. McCandless stated that the. Street Committee bad elected Mr. Wm. Roe, clerk, and asked for his confirmation, which was agreed to. President McAuley now called /titan. lion to the changes in the :Dim, adopted by Select CounciL The only material change was the one making the Commit teo on Retrenchment and Retornr a standing instead of special one, and providing for lie reporting through the Select branch. A SMIND—WILLS "TIM'!" DID. Mr. Morgan, (excltedly)—Mr. Pres• !dent, that's a trick got up by • whisky clique. It la intended, in fact, to do away with the committee. They want to smother this thing up, so that we can't got a report. If it goes In there aro will never have a report. This is a out up Job. They have been working on it two weak', buttonholing members to get this man Chairman nod that man Chairtnan,!And all to beat ice; And when they found they could'nt do It, they take this mean plan. I don't care whether I'm Chairman or not; but I can tell them I unearthed them last year and I'll do it again, no natter where the com mittee reports, or who is Chairman. They, are afraid of me. That's what'. the b-vTitiecaliegioenTet was hiwa interrupted _ . . - President Manley—Let him talk on. I want to hear him. I know, gentlemen, lt'a a little out of order, but let film have a little latitude. Mr. Kirk—Mr.l President, I think this Is no place for such discussion, - . and I move that the President of each branch report the change in the rates in Ids own branch separately. Mr. Morgan again attempted to getthe floor, but Mr. Batchelor obtained a hear. log first and asked if the rules goterning the old bonnets had not been adopted 16r 1870, and If no ' sihir s change had been made in this Committee: The Prn:,.. 4 dent mated It Was desired to make the committee i.V.enning one, and that was the reason for the - change. Mr. Morgan—lt's a mean, dirty trick. It's set up. lam only stating facts, and I can prove them. I know all about their workings. I don't care about being chairman, but I hate to see such tricks. When they couldn't beat me fairly, May tried a sneaking— (Apphruse.) President McAuley—Now, gentlemen, 1 hops you'll keep order. This is not a beer garden. We have not got no low as that. • • . Mr. Morgan—Well, I don't know how low we've got. but I don't like such— Mr. hicXeltj—Mr. President, if that Committee is not a !Winding-one, why wan it appointed with the rest of the Joint committee.? . President McAuley—lt was appointed in accordance with a resolution passed at a preceding meeting. Another lengthy (hammier' Was about to ensue, when acme pacific member suggested that the wrong time hadizeen selected to discuss the - question, and moved that Joint session adiourn. which Was carried amid groat confasion, TEE COURTS. Dhtrict Conti-Judge Usiapten Mosnar, January 3l.—The ease of Calhoun it Edwards ve. Wililam Frank, action to recover for goods sold and do. livered. The plalntits aro ruanufitcttl rUN of soda ash, Mud la tho mantifati. taro of glass, and the defendant Ft si plass manufacturer. The plaintiffscontraded with defendant to tarnish him with a certain quantity of soda ash, represent: log it to be of good quality. Some of the ash was delivered to defendant, who worked it up, when it was discovered that it would not make good tibiae, but on the contrary wee filled with small stones, which broko the altos as soini as It cooled. The contract was for 150 tons. to be delivered at the rate of 25 tons per month. After the third instalment had been received Mr. Frank protested against receiving any more of the ash, on the ground that it was not what It had been represented. This action was brought to recover the full amount of the contract, On trial. TRIAL LIHT POE TUESDAY. 117. Pgll. End Little Beaver Creek 011 Co. vs. Stevenson. 116. Jeffries vs. Johnston 01 al. oltheis. 119. Chant va. gwtt., . _ 121. Ewing ye. Thompsou. 128. Morgan's adm'r Va. Ewing of al 141. Rinehart et al. va. Truulek. 145. Lewis va. Johnitou et rm. 148. Vi'Blr . vs. Young. Common Plem—Judgm Sterrett; Stowe ==! MONDAY, January SL—The MOO of Bette Va. Ititirc, action to recover for work and labor done and material farulehed, was taken up before Judges Sterrett and Collier. The defendant is a glees mann• facturer and' It inpearS enipldyed the plaintiff to make three' leaching tithe. The tubs were made and delivered, bat it appeans that they leaked and were returned br defendant, who refused to pay for them. This action was brought to recover the value of the tubs. _ In the case of Ilea nerd Retie ve. Alex. Ring, tbe Jury failing to agree were die charged. The next case taken un was that of Thomas! Simpson va. the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York. Thin was an action to recover for services rendered by plaintiff ea agent for defend ant's company. Jury withdrawn and non stilt entered. LIST FOR TO-DAY 379 Goodall Ta Giulia, ot. 18. Mc°lnch; va 'Hamalton. 187 Peeples Vis McClung. 194 Spcnglst. el. pa Holtman ===MM 55 Scott vs Roseburg et. ox. 124 Henderson At C o. , Heilbroner. WI West Seeing. Hank vs Fulton et. al 2l Sauce va came. 206 Wlghtrusu vs Barker's executors. Before Judge Stowe. In the Quarter Sausione court rol?m, Judge Eltoate prelitthap, the ease or Loon • va. Bruce, action to recover dtitnagea was taken up. The recta or the case are FB follows: The Plaintiff. Mr. Long, ID lil6l leased a coal mine from Mr. Wood which It appears la adjacent to Brown's coal mines, and it la alleged that Brown by careleaaly working his mines caused the water to flow from Ma mines into the mines which Mr. Long Was working, hog's Mines being lower than those of Brown, whereby It is alleged that Long sustained damage to the ettent of several thousand dollars, The ease was tried before Jodwe Stowe some time since and a verdict rendered for plaintiff, and upon • motion a new trial was granted. Ou triaL scriptural . Tableaux—successful and iteaudful interpretation of the linty Bible by Living Pictures. - The Turner Seeley of this city have, after a long and tedious preparation, In which no little mechanism and Sit were required on the part of - those engaged, arranged a series of rablectux rivards lustiatlve of the Old and New Veda. manta, or the Holy Bible complete. At drat blush we were Inclined to think any truthful representation of each eacred pictures could not be made as graceful and faithful in themselves as to preclude the possibility of ridiculously mildew's senting the subjects portrayed: but the chasteness, neatness and beauty of the sketches presented In the Arid merles last night to a large and intelligent audience assembled at Turner Hail, fully ino •presaed us with the ability of the per formers to do as much credit to the Bib lical scenes as most artiste do on canvas or steel plate. The more solemn and holy incidents worded in the New Test ament of course will not be presented, as the Turners hays keen appreciation of what la in accordance with exact good taste; but the leading prdinary bbstorlcal scenes will be faithfully translated In living figures in the several serial per. formanoss to follow on the Brat Monday of each of the seven succeeding weeks: out lam The pro nightwa gramme as follo hl w so faiteillrfollowed s s: I. Creation of Ile World. S. The ravishing nt of Aden:laud VG,. 3 Thebleyina of Ale I. 4. The °emend Deluxe. 4. Noe^ curvier Gain. ...The banishment or Hagar and rdrild 7. The Garinoo of train. b. /texw at the W ell. s. Isaac node. Rebecca W. Ziale of joseph i.1.-brethern While all the scene were .hapully ren dered, the 6th. 7th and Bth sketches were remarkably fine, end were rapturously encored. The explanatory lecture of Ludewig was a very beautiful and eloquent accompaniment, and contrlbu. ted largely to the enjoyment of those present. Dr. Hartle, the Healer The excitement created by this cede. brated healer at the Robinson house, In this city, is only equalled by the furore he occasioned at the Paris Exposition in 1847—where the wonderful curve he pre formed were the principal topic and eon salon of that city and throughout Eu rope. Among recent cures performed by him here, we may mention the CUBS of J. Upleger's eon, of this city, who was treated for a severe cough. last woek. Now the young man is free from It. Mr. if. Rehm, River street. Allegheny, was very miraculously restored to hearing teat Wednesday. He had been deaf for seven years, caused from a catarrsh affection. J. A. Risco; of Birmingham, was treated for hip disease and rhenma, Clem, and cured with ' two operations, ao he left his cane. A. J. Werner Esq., Penn street, Elver and kidney complaint; cured. Mrs. Davis; of Mcßeenport, skin disease and fever sore; cured Intim days. We aught mention a score of names, but the above is enough to con. vince the 'most skeptical. It does seem from the, result achieved .that again a man is seat to walk the earth for the healing of the nations. = The Coroner's Jury empannolled to In quire after what manner Phillip BULIOII came to his death, met at Turtle Creek yesterday, when tho investigation was concluded. As the detallsof the case ace familiar to our readers It is tuineoeflary to repeat them. Prof. Otto Watt'. the chemist who had been employed to make an examination of the stomach of deceased, was Who and sworn. Ho stated that he had been unable to find any trace of polaon, except copper, which Is frequently found in toe stomach, being taken In with the food. A written statement from Dr. -Daly was read in which he said ho was of opin ion from all the oirmtmatances connected with the moo, that deceased died from acute gastritis. The jury returned the folloWing ver dict : "That Philip Hanlon came to his death, on the 13th day of January, 1870, In North Versailles township, from acute inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Metter's Farina forms • very agree able light nutritive food, a superior arti cle for puddings and jellies, audio highly recommended by physicians for invalid% and children. Bold by all groans, 2 Ire= the Fittabarah Medical Newe.l Times Put and Pretest. So rapid has been the progress of med icine of late, that the medical science seems to bale passed, through a vast change in the course of the lasi twenty years even. In times past, mercury. , In some One of Its combinations was prescribed In nearly every class of disorderal, and the lewd was resorted to in all plethoric diseases. At the present time now many persona willingly take mercury when sick? how they permit the reeking current of their blood to be shed by the lancet? The use of the one has been very much reduced, declined? the other is rusting in its scabbard, going, gone! into ferri oxidant rubrilet. In times peat, the medical profession seemed to have almost entirely neglec ted the examination of the urine in di sease. At present, the microscope, test tube, pipette and nrinometer are found In the office of nearly every respectable and well qualified physician. In time. past, it was asserted, that many things mid to so change the gnat lty of the urine as to make it an uncer tain criterion In disease. At present, it is agreed that there is not a more certain sign offered in disease; and that "we can arrive at a more accurate knowledge re specting the nature of disease by exam ining the urine than by any other symp-. In times past, there was Such an 'aver sion to the study and practice of this system of diagnosis, that scarcely._ a medical college irr the 'United States would give to urlnupathology the atten tion Ltd ImP3rtrince • deserved. sow, many of them are liraYing twecial at 3o ° - lion to this branch, some of them hay ! ing established "special departments" for Ifs stddy, in one of which, we haVe been honored with the Professorship. •-•••• • • • _ _ In times mat, there was a prejudice against the system, and a squeamishness on the part of many people, that preven ted them from Seeking relief in any but the ~o ld.faiblatied Way." At present, the really sick seek the quickest and beat relief that science affords, without regard to this or that fashion, or this or that eye. fern. So fully la this lest fact verilled in our practice, that our physical ability has lately been taxed beyond endurance almost, to satiety the demands of the sick of all classes, who send to us from all parte of the country, and obtain the remedies to perform a cure when a cure is at all tube hatl. 4 . . Not only do the rich and the poor ap ply to us for medicines, but the learned and the scientific seek our professional advice, and bow With respect to our med ical opinions and . anzionsly Solicit our medical aid. L. CiLDSHOE, M. D. I= - Graut etr.t. Plaiburgh iiattatts—:Buckeye Colony—Cheap Fare to the Irssost. The Buckeye Colony Association is prepared to send passengers to Kardiaii at about half fara—linst class. Members can go at any time, singly or in compa nies. Land explorers and excursionists can preedre "Hound Trip Tickets." To obtain reduced tarp flersOns must Join the Association by procurinipt certificate of membership—single person is, family 15. Members need not settle with the colony If they prefer some other location. Do you desire to go West.? Then visit Kansas: A map of the State, description of sail, cilinate, price of land, free home. Isteade, etc., sent to all who enclose 25 cents: Address V. P. Wlrsow, Agent Buckeye Colony. NeW Philadelphia, Ohio, or call at 240 Liberty street, Pitts. burgh. Fire losurance.—lt is highly gratifying Mate many friends of Can't Etwoger,Es' q., to learn that he bee received the entire agency of Pittsburgh and vicinity for the Farmers' - Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of York. Pa., one of our old est and most reliable companies doing business In the State, established 1853, and now having a capital of over W 3.- 000. Policies issued and special atten tion nitre to all Mildness of the Company. Office, .3 kedoral street, Allegheny City, Pa TIM Great Auction Sale-300 Beautiful feu ding Luta.—On Wednesday, Febru ary 2d at 1;4 Y. it.. In the Twentieth ward; adjoining McFarland's Grove, within two trandtes Walk of liottp's Sta tion; on the Pennayliiinis kailread and adjolning Fifth avenue. Vert:obi attend ing the sale can- leave Tinton Depoi At 11:51 A. M., or take the Oakland street cars For plans and full particulars In quire of Dircks Lefstrom, Rest Estate Agents, Mi. 49 Sixth (late St. Clair) street. i Ti. Wicrriau & Co., AOC. The Demand for Cream Ale still rushes in upon Pier: Damnsls R Co., at the Ore gon Brewery. This poptilar drink la the moat reliable and nutricioue . boverage ever made in this country, and all that nee It once never fail to come back for more. Alm's , . ask for Pier, Denude dt Ca.'s ale. . If you want your hair dressed or frizzled after the latest fashion, a com fortable shave, a luxurious bath or • little skillful copping and leeching, any or all, go to Wil I tamson's popular saloon. No. 190 Federal street, Allegheny. r Constitution Water us ■ certain cure for Diabetes and all diseases of the Hid. imp. For sale by all Druggleta. wriza:T. =ME CUCKtNS BOtgIIIIMAN —Wednesday. Jan. lath, 1910. at tho realdence of the bride's pa rents. by ll' T. J. B. Remote. assisted by It.y. Joseph Montgomery. Roe. J. M. COCKINr., pastor of fourth 11. P. Chttreb. this city. and Mlsa JB. IK DOSSERMAIY. of Dayton. Ohio. I=l 11 0 NAUJIT—On Eabhath morning. January 31/th. at 3 o'clock. CIISIILETS B. ININAGIIT, sun of Bernard mtd !Mean Doemety, In the 19th Year of Mt age, The fan eral wIU take place !tom the reeldenca of h's mother. No TO Craig street, On-TOILBDAY A/TIM:WON. rth:6lll7 M., at 51 o'clock. The Mends' of the family are respect to le Invited to attend. . • KIGUEL—On Sumb,y, January 30th, IRTO. the residence of ht. mother, No. >l6O Peon strat a. Plttaborah, , ANDREW LiNt/X The funeral Inn &aka place In WIDIaZeraT,. February lid, at 2 o'eloak F. Y• The friendlier the heal} are respeeUtally halted to attend. F.HRLIAN—On Zatkuary HU. ult.. Mrs. W. CU A EnBILAN. at her reale/earn In ii den. nearer eoun . .y. gaged 7• years. F V FAX Banba la ornltig inailary 301 h .1.1170, t AHAB FILLTR. aged GO gem,. . The funeral vrlll tate place from her late real. scree, No. 62 Claude thy street. Allegheny Cigar - Tuts NO /a lao, at 10 o'clock• The friends of the fatally are rertieetfully invited to attend. ItTILIYART—Qa 1105 day. January 31st. 1070, at 5 o'clock A. la.. Mrs. 31 shiGratLT STEW /OCT. Irk tuff 71st par of her ate. The funeral 1011 me place froni her late veil. ence. No. 39 West Street, Third laud. All.. neny city, Tura ATTE/NOON, at 2 o'clock. The f lends Orli, family are respectfully Invited to attend. UNDIMP.AIM . IIB ("IBAHLE do Piaan.r.s; vv DEILTAILIERA AND lAVICItY iW.4l7 r Mg - L1 1 ,4 1. ,AP9.... 1 .4 - 113 1 ?LaTirli 11(KIIII ale conatanaly likened with real mad larilicUra ar o eood, wispy and Walcal - C 011.% at prima warring from yyto SW% IN. Mel prepared to Iciaricerat. nearraaAed Ine• Dam fartalabrAlz alao, all cicala 44 YOurnial dealt, If reaaltea., Omen pima at all hours. dm and algal,. JOSEPH DIETER b. SOF, lIHHH.P.Tbara3IW. =2 Oarrisees tor rumirrall, 1113.00 Meeks COTPIIIII sae all raring Feraleturtent at re. Quaid rates. eel JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, MINA LOCOIOTITS MILLING 1114 Made Prompt/1F to Order. RABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Han& rroprtetors and Yaskutsetunui of J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Wks, 882 PENN STREET. Foaedry,Cor.l7th and EallmailStresta, rrryaßutem: PA HENRY G. HALE, ffiEIICHANT. TARIM, Corner of Pen and Sixth Streets FALL AND.WINTER STOCK N,,OW .00MPLETB VJENEGAIt. ~y~i:fJ4G4~~1~1 t')~~ VINEGAR WORKS, BALLOT! & OHO, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Are now plecared w faratehTl.laXfA Ai at aus lAMYST MASIIILT BATES. Attu:Maxis pas tlealarly ?allied to oar EXTRA WINE ITINEGAL WINES, LIQUORS, &o. IVAGNER'S FRENCII COLORING, The Very Best Id the Wilted little/.'; MANUFACTI:IIIZEi err WILLIAM WAGNER. 9EII ororth Screnth.Strett; • • pIIILADLLIMA. 41. 7.gexnees—All the leading.ol=24 IMI.. SCHMIDT &FRIDAY, INOONYSINI OF WINES, BRANDIES, 61N, /la, WIIOLZSALIC DELLO= in. , PURE RYE WRLSKIES, 41(8 PENN STREET, Have Removed to NOB. 1184 AND 3136 PENN, ;;or. Eleventh at.. (formerly Canal.) JOSEPH 8. FINCH Nos. 1.511, 18•41119. 191. 1113 said mor IrTHAZT. ITIVEUSLIBBH. • • • ,• • lristllled Pare • Wllddlos Cil sOrdmier• rovizaa B RIM sad CII3OXB. HOE% is. • WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER At Greatly Reduced Prices. TO Make 511,0 room far betr 00041. We WM eti till the ant of Mann ditoes now in Om; Without Regard to Cost, 1=f273311 NDUABOME rAIII , OIIPAPpI. Dila^ u ROOM r eViiests rAssaa . HALL. AND Alto, slugs assortment of Clllar P . 12736 at No. 107 MARKET STREET; NEAR. 111.711 AVENUK. JOS. R. HUGHES k BRO. ELEGANT • PAPER RAMIRO& Enameled Wall Papers Ill_El san Hitt lamer viol. to soot and mote. Vermillion gen_emis with If Id VA/ I V/PIRO: JAM:IM etainped end petaled gold. Newly Imported and not to be tonna ellowitere in the conntry. fur sale at W. P. NL&ELSRALL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Birtg. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &o JOIIN Q. IY , WIELKA.N...II. 81,0131.11. D DAVIS WORKMAN .& DAVIS, EEEZEZEZIM Workman, Moo're Fe Co., Nan rase tams iitdDealess In ' CABB/AG.ES, BUGGIES, ..... . . Spring and Buck \ratans, • 41, 46 and 48 &Ave It., Mightily. Renaltlng neatly and peolaptir azeenled. Or der. for New Work setae.. up la rood sill.. and warranted to etre anti, rectum 'seven pullet. tar_ Zl — Neweet style. of workttrastantly we hand. tiLE ANENTS for the New Raven Wheel flomptora mate of rAISTEI , II PATENT WHEELS. and V.aop•• Patent Wet Miner and Antl.Battler tort:llmila. : , • H. RICHARD DAVIS' htillti 'pAreltued Abe I Akre.. of Alex. and Wee.' ,Mrserfa, to the IM firm of Welt Kit AN. I.lot/115 4, CO., sba bash ntsa will hereafter be continual a' the rdd M stand. fader e name aril style of WORINIAN DAVIS. • Orden. sollelted; • Joni, la, 'mega' N. 11. RICHARD DAVIS. La.. wbb attune Hatton & Bin*, rltlabargh. jan39o *LASS. CHINA: OUTLERY 100 WOOD lITIIEET. NEW , GOODS. FINE VABEB BOURNIA.III AL9IIIIIIII. amome atm SILVER PLipll) NODS l l rao4 so ono al:tato bonalto a r. fOH u R. E. irEu3ED & co. -100 WOOD. STREET. AUCTION SALES. • IIZATIONAL RCM STOCKH, Ant - 0111111NWIAM . WATlett„ COLUMBIA, ATLAs WORE% BUPIIIIIOB MON CO., PAT. TNT RICHT IN PUNCH MaCHIII7.3. - • Tuesday sten+ng.. /Abram Is, at IN o`elcci., wfU besohl oh secoad. door of Cornemet eta' dales Bo .tcr, 100 antltalltld street. • 10 snares Nsonnal Bean of Commas.; 33 shores 11. A M. Siatlonal Barely lon shares Ptoples d 0... dm: 110 sharer AU 10 Alwyn Zan/muss do.do.;' 40 shares Slonoagentla .3'dior CO. (131 r. 30 snares dapsrlor Iran Co.; • so edam MIAs Warne: — .; • 10 mars Gastonia 011Oo: Alpo the ons.ntlf interest >e a Patent IlLehi for...l.mprovemest linealses for Pimento., Lhoodoo( Mehl," missed to Phlilp Haymow by .J. Pardoner. one of Um Palenteet. A. aIaILWAMB. Auslloneer. , • ASSOMMENTS• t the Mater of Optslig Linnla Btreet. Notice Is Myths ghsa thls tnr ausunalm Ihr dames es made by. the Vleweu for the o eentar of Lincoln street has Moo peel In my otbee roe eollectles; thin it meld ametemests are sot paid within ltdrty days Itsma the date bettor. liens wilt - be bled therefor agsleml. the prepiny so sassed tub bmerssa,,dste sait tees, math. eased Collected by legal process. - J. 1. KLAOLZ: e'er Attorney. • No.lo67ll.liannras. Prrnisintoz. Jas. IS. 21110. /Ma si LADIES. GENTLEMBiI to Modulilet ORR' Reebezt for Oar HolokDAY.: Woold do well to di RI oliO oiowoo 07.1000 of WATCHER. UT JZWILRY. ..1 .IL• VZR WORE of tho leostdosproUo psitorns Jos W. G. DIINSEATHIL ramtula'anto animas. • e • TIVINGIIMIO-84 Mum seSiortmet/JAHT GANN IRON. cl.eLe.T.xlyCk l3 - LlOl watt Hiaele3.o.` tact, Batts. emitter sad Haus HI 14Illors. and 4..ber atl.le. • HoUlhav SiIIBI/ ea Med • Mike and 'Werke. mar Mier City. Postogllee ettarall btitsb; p., , jaZiniti lOWA WO- ' 11 "" E ' - ' 41° 112 . o! Lass of sholeslos44 l l ctim ,„ In lows. -salfixAm of Northwesters Rat w i ly b. m i d tra r it = F r t itrarlon ' AMUSEMENTS prNEW OPERA nom& , gi f .t b ::: imwt of UN celetr a- SW. JOHN. COLLINS. rummer i.'"KmING. 7.b...1i5t. n 79 the amusteg Colo le; *r th. . inctsfi .h . : I. ° II4 SY. rim. o•Hara... ......... ..... Vt. Coll ae.. , I o which he will glee "lisrenC . Wihe Cltsee,.• . 4 end ••Wlee, Bright Wane. , Atter which the merles three n: ' :. ' . • • HOW TO PLY 1,1111 RIF:. • Merest toes. Ile. Joh,Z c 11.,: Alta e. • • Dnek Deep My 80we . .. Wldow tat. nista Too Leee."nd rl e.b...l 2"*"'"e '7rl!rA l4 / 3 2 Collins %lettuce on Nara nlay. ---. fgrA4-CITY BALL. PLYMOUTH CHURCH FAIR. The Ladle* of rlymonth Charch wlll bold a Pair, daring ..It *eat. at City Rail. - atencing on Tut-MY/LT LVXNII:I.I, Tebruar r, Mayer each day trove 1S to 31,. Tableaux, leselead aa,t Giber asetittlaelleata ' Teri evening. • Acimieelon. lie.; Including" d,..".• IarRICH, RACY, Instructive Common sense It'etlatt4 • Bev. GEORGE r. HAYS, In the eXATUAL FRISBY TRIIIAN corner of Laconic snd Anderson streets, Ails enemy. Januarl —11171411141 ti AN Arrrnta. February I—St USTED HUMANITY. Yebneary 3—FAIIHIONABI.F. EDUCATION. swede octet,. 110 e. Fur Um ramalalear two T....elutes at late C01n . .. 7lc. HM:O9 ENGINES, BOILERS. &o. FORT PITT BOILER. STILL WI. TANK WC)rtIIES. CARROLL AND SNYDER.: X&X Cl/ACTOR/10 0, 7711 2 01 7 4(WAN D DIEril r D L E V A I TZ T AI e llie: .p. STILT-9 AND OD: TARNS, H INN LYS, BSZEIRIINII AND ASH PARS. RTTLINO PASS, SALT. PANS AND PIN, • . D MA K IIPISS. OASOMNIZRS AND 'LION" DRIDO Es, • PRISON DOORS ILND GOAL MOTU. °Mee mod Wareboase, eenter 64111•14. TlOrd. Short wad &liberty street, GB. PA 41/Orden sent Po the' above addram vela ba m proptly attended to. =IMMO HUGH EL BOLE & CO4 rOillit Aligi and DOVES* oficui m rorerr.) • Engine Builders, 'blinders mai Itsvdeiora EITEAXBOAT ZNGINES sae. sr/TR/NARY X.MIINCB, realists*. r htl attustion invited to air som STATION. , A OIL WELL 'MOINE AND rownonat. DO LER,_of 15 base parer. vASTINOS,of..ver• Itio_,d :made Word., at oar Poondry, on THIRD STIINET„ below DI krlttt RIOS for Oil Well% SH•MNO, POLLS HAMMES _Hume, awl TOE &CVO SCALA add MON TOBLCCO rEESSIII.• of heal and made to order, et We INDUSTRIAL WORKS, PrOettes on the Allegheny nivel', near the TOW , . ITITSBURON. PA. • • 'All order. crosently Stied. Tar CA O'HARA EOM WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO.. Ittatitactsrers of eirssid somze4 OIL TANKS. STILLS. •2- IT &TORN. SALT PA NS. HABOMETEIaI. Twerti eLNp. PRISON liOOEII, 011YNEEN RaIOEULN /IRIS BEDS, to., . . Cor. of Brcond Irmo Lad Muir M., • prrrantizair. PA. , Bundling done promptly. Orders meal to LOS • above adelft.e. 'Mill be pr.:ETU/ • P. RE PHAN, IbrmertY MusllOrr Rt. t SNYDER'S. ocaMpla RIBBON & BRO.. PLUi a BUUGLAB-PBOOP SAFES AND VAULTS. - BU DAMP. MO MOULD. ENGINES MID MACHINEBY,:" matp.raracztv.--..—".T - Car. 17th sad Pikeiga.,Plttabardh Ps. ROBINSON SEA A. CO., Summon to BOonISON• MI MI l;• • WASHINGTON WORNS..: FOUNDERS AND itiwarasis, PITTSBUROII, - , kfiwillotwers or Boat awn Stationary ?Nowa Ikt, , a tt ath El 0 0arfa i ,; and 011 Holier and /Street Iron Work • .• a... No. 10, maw lira, owl tololloo. • tri•els. Agent. for 917 NAND•II MINIM XNrscrolt Ow twain" Boilers. . • 1•114111 1 - O,T7NWMW-T7W - ITEI ROBE! 11. PATTIRSON & COQ, CORMS OP • Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., prronsurran, PA,. tria on /livery Saturday Sol„ AN AUCTION SALE Ur BORSES, CARRIAGES BUGGIES wAcioNs, DOtkle or ooniditomepS Cl or Wm& Tiandayair ( VE = I r c ijX? I rail i ngi ; MIN 11.131KWART. Molionson Jo n. !must mom u.rxratisam Roar. perriessoar & yY Amp CZ lON BULB:LEO •` COL. ES MTN ITINIII k Lunn 0. Orr?!letMarg, FA: GOAL AND 130831.- CMS `I IBETR O N G, naata .w ::: Toughogheak and Coneellevilie • ,Itanornotarer of • • NIL, AUDI AND DESUAPRODIZED COO. 011108 AND YARD. comer Butler : and . Morton street; • Liberty and Miner Meal. ward.,• also Second re, Mani a .ank sad at Amt. or Sou street. P. t C. H. B. Del" Betand ward. Orders lefts& either or. the above oases, wad. or drew. to me th rone. Plttsbargh P. 0.. wlli ogre rapt attention. & k e y. _try: l' o7%l4Ni. =Mr Haas?'l al! ler & Mite ell. inept-mon Os. B & ' Co, Oren & R. Alex Brattler.Pait, Bro.' Br • Co., Part..llloonrdy rk Co. ..Beam Graff • 0114, Wm. M. labor co. J. : . fi t. tr. co.. Jaw . Mennen & Co., &pm' =Kee Oa, tla ZiVigMlit;;lD,Ri!. B. Naantvaids 00W COALISC9IALIII DICKSON, STEWART k Elotei mama tens ono to. 1 • NO. 567 !A:Barlrf WM% rusairotry noQ YOUISIVOND/11.0014 S~iinrM e tirrr 6 0 " 41. WartMtetelsoatis, them thre444. MI% , n 3, D 4 MOM FLOU& gOTICETO FLOURDELALERS AND CONSIIIINRS.—We are now nwts, t 4 14 lezit:"MTNl:NWT•l'hw= "Ler, pusehased e. Glee.. Poets. the sad `e eonettre. /names. TO4 lot. Mr Wheat Is We seer best to be found and cannot be earremedhy any lo tee United neeneet. We lave also Clot h eur Improvements In - libehlsery. Babb' and Cooling soon* awl meow prepared to, turniele the bet 11501 we IMse mad. tar ten year at tutees UMI AWN onsplattleaten the same Kneel of Sion. • . , -• • IL. T. ItENNZDV Mani • . Paarl'ateantlllll.Alleinneltr , PepteMbeir as. 1169. - Lol7ltl • FLOUR! 7 FL01111,1' .. .. 7 7 1: 1[1612112317TA MOM mud& , ....... " I. *BO bbIA. lot Tender, 3111 b b l. H 4.... tibia Erwin% 70 blds nommit Ellis 111 abbe C0.. 11 bbly ROW Elver. US Itolla EV CHOICE wikoziniiikitran... ._—: • 660 bbls Rivere er lde, EEO bids vibtve elarl .. woe: • „ Obis j i rterlyrtal Mr tros t ii i , - City l aß ofinvlbsield. " l/610............ 0 =mine a* " Ttlot %Th l i b te%...7 ._,....' • dor We lower tban ewe be ..... Wen. . WATT, I. • CO., lIIM • - ' . AIIS and ISA Wind spedis. ~. •:. .