The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1870, Image 1

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Office, 84 am 4 88
.Fjw Avelva4l.
s. 7. rcnrirmi,
7- 2:70-dirros,
nosim me.
Jr. P. um%
iaiipatl Aza.raoraisrOu.
• OW Tits DAILY.
Ddher dM urriers, pee week
Pennsylvania Le,gislatuie
SENATE: The New County Bill
.Passed—The Coalition Denied
—:Xetropelitan. -Police Bill
Passed to a' Second Reading.
ROUSE: New Bills Introduced.
fhp7.Chil.Dhp . Mch the rlttiburigh hasettn.)
iLintiinison4l,..Tenttsry 31, 1670.
By Mr.: GRAHAM: Incorporatinithe
Blarimburg and Etna Fire Insurance
c b arnY•
ByIIir.RUTAN: Regulating the pay
of borough and towtabip auditors and
aupervieore in Beaver and Washington
countll4,lll.lim the same at two dollars .
By Mr. PCIRMAN:' Relative to the die.
tribution of the estates of Intestates.
By MiI t ,i;ONNELL: Providing for the
!nook Pirating sod regulation of Jelin-
Inot(er.on paolea.
The bill erecting a new county; to be
tailed Petroleum, out of , parts of Craw
ibni, Veliengo and Warren, came up on
Anal passage.
Mr. ALLEN moved an amendment
strTni.. utts Crawford. Lost—yeas, 121
r. ALLENepoke vehemently 'gaited
the bill, alleging coalition, bargain and
Gale between Mr. Lawry and the Demo.
Mr. LOWRY answered-la a lengthy
Isilegx% denying : • bargain with the
Democracy. He could tot see why von.
issues should be inflicted upon him be
anies he voted for Irwin.
Mr. 111130KA.LEW denied any.bargain
or any patty obligation of the Demo
crats op thin question..
The bill posted finally“-yeis 16, nays
13, the Domoerata voting - aye and Re
- puhtleans generally Toting no. •
Mr. CONNELL • called up the Phila.
debthia Metropolitan Pollee bill.
The hill passed second reading ander
the operation of the previous question-
yeas 14, nays 18. Mr. Lowry wan the
only Republican voting no.
1101:f.dirrOp REPRN.BENTATIVES. s•
By Mr. HUhiPHßEYlk"Authortzing
theachool Directorsof Besarrie township
to borrow money. N_
Mr. KERR: Authorizing the School
Directors of Banana borough to borrow
Cresting two additional Notaries Public
in AlleghenYccuntY.
By Mr. LONONECKEEtt Incorpors.
Ong the Juniata and Potomac , Railroad
By Mr. A DAIRE : Repaling the act of
1844, authorizing county commissioner.
to mama and collect taxel On all mdstios
held under the constitution or corpora
lly'. 43.0tizei: Providh3g . , that
manufacturer" and mechanics selling
goods other than their own manufacture
not oxesteding live hundred dolleorper
suipuut.'. shall not be cbseilled among
throe paying annual tax and license.
By Mr: WEBB 1 Providing 'that there
shall be no recoycryforadniterated tzar
4FAV - YOrtli CITY.
Bto lightess Prince Arthur—
Official - Cuban News—Effeets of
licam p, &o. •
(61 Trine-Mr taise riturnarab omit. .)
. Nave YORK, January al, 1870.
Prince Arthur wax waited upon at the
Ikeloort house this morning by a dale.
gaterifor 'English, Scottish and Irish res
idents, headed by the British Conant and
prkeented.with santgratulatorjr address.
TB, Prince made a feeling reply. _He .
Mark with W. B. Duncan this evening
atilliartbsequently attended the Firemen's
ball at the Aeademy of Allude.. On Wed
aTevetifgh°Ti"tne with IT; rtrnnel on -T h ursday
Belmont, and on Friday with Edwin H.
Stoughton. The Prince will leave for
Boston Saturday.
This trunk of Wm.. E. Grey, the person
who, In company wih T. H. ?rail. swin
dled I numbep of Wall street firms by
means of altered bands which he deem.'
Raid a• collateral security for loans for
large amounts, has been found at the
Whttnt Where It vias left nearbr
a molt'tb ago by a person who registered
himself as Charles P. Hopkins, Chicago.
Tha trunk contained .Grays - clothing
and a large number of counterfeit dies
and implenlents for altering governAltrat
bonds; 11 is said Orgy is In Europe;
The Spanish Consul has received the
taming official telegram: .
Hasams, January 80.--Gen. Fatale at.
tacked and captured the entrenched
catnip of_ Insurgents' at Gualmaro with
only' twelve hundred troops. He re
undned there seventeen days, deatroy
ingrall the fortifications which tney bad
Wit up In the encampment. The in
museum fled after the first attack, may.
Ingreirenr climber of dead on the field.
BS stated that Jay Gould, Prosieent
Matte Erie road, has boned =order plat
ting sn end to a policy on the part of the
Simetintendent and.Andltor ot the road
of removing old employes for the pur
pose or finding lucrative, pantie= for A.
3:Q. W. men.
'Henry Allen, formerly employed In
the Sub Treasury building. who tras been
nedtw examination ma a charge of having
premulted false and fraudulent vouchers,
with a view to defraud the United States,
win to day discharged.
Bait has been commenced by Evan
(iembreck, one of the parties In) wen et
the incident at. Willow Tree, on the SW
of April lest, asalost the Land Island
Railroad (3onipsny for damages in
- •
.• 1111011111 FIRM TAILIIRR.
The failure of Leroy, Nichol s
bickers, Is announced, upon contracts
for ascend: thousand shares of Rook
Island stook.
The Peabody Funeral. •
Orr Telexian • to the gmaterat Eissauca
ProotoKMaia., homary fu;
nand of tieorge Peabody Is ollicially
nouneed to take place are on Tuesday,
February. let. In :South Church. On the ,
arrival of tho faneral train to morrow
the nemaloa wIU beeioorted to Peabody,
Institute from the sillnisd. dente, by a
battalion of 'United +Stairs troop/solid the
Button (lauds of this town, the latter
rarnlahlng the guard of honor while the
remains lay In stale. The doors of the
1 Institute will be 'open daily to visitors
1 , from the ld to the 7th of February mein
live. Sunday excepted.
PORTLAND, January 11.—A constant
atream.otypople dowed through the City
Hall today, where the rem al of Mr.
PipaboditZsAn state.- Governor Cham
berlain this afternoon gave a dinner to
Captain Oommerell, Admiral Farragot,
their respective officers, and other dia
. avant shed visitors.
setioas AClalr at Key lireat=An TAKai
(ley Telegraph to lbe Pittsburgh Gentle.).
Wtmr, January St.—Gonzalo
Coastonen.editor of the - IPose de , Matt,
while standing on the pomlinf his hotel,
was stitched by several 'Cubans. who ,
opened tire on him with pistols. Ira ris- ,
turned their tire and had wounded three
of his standlants when he received a shot
from which he died In fifteen minutes.
Several arrests have been made. , The
ed fu tr iontf. 'Fay West JAmatekin
card - withdrew an article published this
motnior on the approaching Mao, for
the reason that the !adamants made are
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L'9l4lD SESSI.OI4I.)
SENATE Abolishment of Sur l
veyors Of Customs—Fifteenth
Amendluent Ratification—Pos
tal Telegraph System—Resto
ration of Mississippi—The Cur
reney Bill Further :Discussed
and Amended—The Frank
ing Privilege Bill Reported.
110118 E: Large Number of
Bills lotroduced7mo National
Labor Union.
tar Tole/nob to the Intlebargb
WASEIttOTOIO, Jennagy It, 1870:
The Chair submitted a - communication
fmm the Secretary_ of the Treasury, eon
lathing the draft of a bill tor the organ
ization of the Marine Hospital service.
Also, the annual report of the Corn.
missioner or Patents.
Mr. SUMNER presented a petition
from citizens of Kansas for the eeleo•
tir s on- of a commlasioner to distribute
eligible lands for homesteads for freed
Mr. SHERMAN, from Committee on
finance, reported, without amendment,
. bill requiring the Secretary of the
Treasury to, Withhold any monist due
from the United fitatea to a defaulting
State, on any account whateyer.
itir. CHAO'S Introduced a bill to abol
ish the °Rice of Surveyor of Customs. It
Provides that the present, duties of that
Winos shall hereafter be performed by the
Collector of Crustome, and the Surveyor's
Share of forfeitures and fines shall be
paid Into the United States Treasury.
The bill was referred to the Committee
on Finance. ,
Air. HARLAN introduced, by requeat,
a bill relating to the Central Branch of
the, Union. Pacific • Railroad Company.
Referred to Committee on Pacific Rail:
MX:WILSON, from the Blithely Com.
althea - reported adversely the House
joint repletion authorizing the pur
chase Or lease of buildings in New
'York for the use of etaff departments of
the army, . '
Mr. SHERMAN presented foto lettere
of the Legislature of Ohio ratifying the
15th 'Amendment: Re explained that a'
former legislature, being Detuomatlo,,
rejectedthe . amendment, Mit upon
an appeal to the people a Republican
majority bed been secured and the pres
ent affirmative action followed as • a nec
essary, consequence. The comminutes,
Lion was referred.
Mr. HOWARD offered a resolution,
which wee aereed to, requesting-the
Attorney General to communicate fettle
Senate copies of any cemmunicetlon sent
by him to any of the United States mili
tary authorities since the passage of the
last act relative to the admon of Geor
gia and its representation in Congress,
and particularly soy opinion given by
him touching the eligibility of members
of the Georgia Legislature,.
Mr. MORTON offered • revolution,
which was agreed to, calling upon the
President for Infmmatton concerning
the ratification of the Fifteenth Amend
- wont by the Legislature of fdtesiseippl.
and in regard to other affairs there.
Mr. RAMSEY, from Committee 'en
Postoffices and Pest roads, reported back
with amendments the bill to establish a
postal telegraph system and to lean.
Ponta 'the Portal Telegraph Cempa:
The company prov ide
is required td.
lines of telegraph• id every city and vil
lage where _telegraph. Mathew ere now
maintained for the transintealon of roes
eases for the public to all Maces which
have • population of .3.000.. inhabitants:
the person performing ,the duties_of
commiadotter of telegraphs shall -be
styled Fourth Ambeant Postmaster Glee
oral, and any posmaster may act as -1
operator. with the approval of the Post
master General. The company may par
chase any existing lines of telegraph
which may be offered to it prior to Janu
ary Ist, 1871.
Mr. MORTON Introduced a bill to pro
vide Rettig admission of Mississippi. It
Imposed the same. conditions es in • the,
case of Virginia. except that the mem-
bees of the Legislature are not required
to take any oath. Referd to Commit,
''tee on Judiciary. •
Mr. CRAGIN Introduced a joint rest,
Intim, which was referred, authorising
the Secretary of the Navy to transfer to
the Bureau of Onnidructionand Repairs
and Steam Engineering s certain balances
remaining to the credit Of coiner bureaus
of the Navy Department und available
for the current year.
• Mr. RAMSEY reported favorably the
House bill abolishing the franking priv
&m• .
The ate then took op the Currency
Upon the truncation of Mr. BEIER
MAN the pending amendments of
Mesas. Morton and Sumner were with
Mr. SHERMAN then submitted. - from
the Finance Ournnittee, an amendment
which, after diseastion, was modified to
read as Mewl'
That after the expiration Mex. months
' from then:maga of this act, any bank
ing association located in any State, hav
ing more than 11l • proportion of circula
tion, may be removed to any State hav
ing lees than its proportion of circulation,
under-web *Massed regulations as the
Controller of Currency, with the appro.
*al of the eleeretary.of thsTresitury, may
require: provided, the amount of issue of
said bank shall not be deducted from the
amount Of thit new Mite provided for
We act. •
Mr. MORTON said If the State of Min.
newts was te be allowed more banking I
capital, the additional facilities should
be given to citizens of that State who
were , ready and: willing to taker them,
Instead of authorising the transfer thereof
to other Stabs
Bir. CONKLING believed the amend.
meet objectionable, because of the un
certainty and confunlon to result from it.
Practically, after aportioning the present
sdditional volume of circulation among
Staters now deficient, any bink might by
the amendment ramose to increase cir
culation; but no provision was made in
regard to the amount of the excess to
be:allowed.. _
The Senate then adopted the 'amend.
ment—yeas, 49; ney6.1.3:
• The former amendment of Ur. Morton,
to fix the additional amount of eircula.
lion at 02,000.000, 'was then reneWed.
Mr. CHANDLER moved to amend ao
as to 'authorize an issue of 1100,000,000;
while preventing any diminution or in
crease of. - circulation by substituting
bank note* for legal tendeis. If banks
wine not darted under this propcultion,
no, greenbacks would be withdrawn: but
if Clanks were started, then an amount of
greenbacks equal to the amount of new
cirtitdatiOn Would have Lobe withdraws.
In:other. words, he said If thin entire
.100,000t000 was taken, - .we would be
brought 4100,000.000 nearer to specie Pay
meat thanvre are to day, a Mention to
that amount being effected la the pre*.
Out dretfhttitrite edelMtlum the amount
Offlutreinsould itthitto changed in the
slightest clegree. In reply to Mr. Sum
ner he said the amendment was substan
tially similar to that offered by that Sen
ator and was calculated to equalize the
amount of circulation of national banks.
He favored the provision to authorize
banks upon a gold baste.
During the further discassion Mr.
I MORTON opposed :the .amimdmaut of
sin Chandler, because be felt inithdied
that no bill to Rind legal tender notes
that bear no Interest Into an interest
bearing debt could pus Congress at the
present session. He desired to relieve
the present wants of the west and south,
leav ing the question of funding the
greenbacks for future consideration.
Mr. SUMNER advised the Senate to
give the country all Indication of its
financial policy by maturing the present
measure in the manner proposed by his
The amendment of Mr. Chandler was
then rejected, Without s division.
• Mr. CAMERON remarked the only
remedy in hie opinion for our difileul•
ties was to be found In the . resumption
of specie payment. After that had been
attained he would be ammeg.the _drat tri
make banking. like other kinds of bud.
net, free and open to
An understanding having been effect.
edl that • vote would be taken on the bill
on Tuesday et four o'clock, the Senate
us o'clock wont into executive see'
skin and shortly afterwards adjourned
A large number of bills were Intro
duced end referred, Including the follow
in f%r*appomticeohip in the bat;y.
To admit Miraiarnprd to representation
to Cant:tom ;
To remove all political disabilities.. f
- To provide for the redemption of not
exceexling $100,030,000 lu United Staten
tenon and If..ennui therefor MI enul alma
amount of notoe not bearing I otereet.
To divide Ohio into three judicial dia.
tries. •
To authorize and old cite Kansas Pacific
Railroad to extend the read to fir Paw.
• • -• • .. • • • • • ..• •.
Setting spirt a porthin of Ft. BEl°lllllg
Military Iteaervat, lou for a permaut nt
military post.
To repeal the act of Sd March,lStl3
relative to habeas corpus.
To abolish the Department of As ri-
To declare the Graud river In Missouri
not nariganla.
ikaing.tba pay of Senators' and rtepto-
Romany - as at p,OOO per yorr and roduo.
ing mileage to ten - cehtit per milo from
the 4th of March, 1870.
Extending till the let of December,
1872, the time for tiling claims for addl.
Ronal bounty.
131 r. INGERSOLL oirsred iiresoltalon
directing the (b)nt - cnittati tin lianking .
and Curtatity , to retort.back within six
days bib bill authorizing an additional
uo legal Undue notes to the amount
The House refused to second the pre
vlous question, 43 to fl, and the roeolu
don Wont noel.. • ,
Mr. CULLOM. offorod a reoolutiort di
rooting the Special Committee on Postal
Telegraph to inquire tutu the whole sub.
pot of telfitrephlng throughout the
United States, end anthOrtzing it to send
for pbtsons.
The Moose itfueed to second the pre:
slows question, 35 to 75, and tho resoln
Lion went over.
. .
'Mr. McNEELY offered a resolution
declaring the National debt should be
paid lu strict compliance with the con
tract, and that 5 Nis are payable ingreen
backs, and condenining the policy of the
mintstration in redeeming each bonds
at sihitlkrate of 'premium little it has
a cleat tight to te, som them at -
Mr. JONES, Kentucky, moved to lay
the resolution on the table, for the par
pose of tasting the sense of the House; . -
Themotiou was carried—yeas t2B, rokya
St, astrictparty vote: . • .
Mr. BURR offered t'ineoltitlon falling
(or information of the quantity of raw
material, macho copper, tin and pig Iron.
on hand to the various dock yards and
arsenals, and why they cannot be sold..
Mr. CULLOM. offered a resolution
calling for Information as to the =bunt
of tax collected for 1589 on litinpra and.
tobacco in each Cour,reestorud District;
also, the aggretute amount collected
from all sources in each Congressional
-District. Adopted.
Mr., LOGAN offered a resolution to
invitetheNsUonal Labor Union, In-ses
sion at Washitighint and td hate an ad
dreeit deliterod by ono of its members in
the halt of the House of Representatives
some - evening this week on the pried
pies and objects of the association.
Adopted by 76-to 38.
Mr. MARSHALL offered a resolution
declaring Aron (7otttlintional atithority
to levy taxes Soca not include any Dow.
er to impcse duties for any other purpose
than the collection of revenue; that a
tariff' levied for any other purpose than
that of revenue, and especially it levied
to foiO.Or and encourage one aectlou of the
country, or one class of citizens at the
expense of the other sections or chum.,
in imanthorizsil by the Constitution, un
just to the great body of the people, and
injurious to alinost all Industries, and
directing the Commltteo of 'Ways and
Moans to prepare a bill In accordance
aith Mesta views.
Mr. KELSEY moved to table the res
The morning hour expired, it went
over till vest Monday. •
Mr. Fl TCLI offered ineolullon to grant
belligerent rights- to the 'Rernblic or
Cuba. -He ranted tta rererenetr to a se.
test committee of wren.
.Mr. BANKS moved its reform:me to
the Committee on Forego Affairs.
The latter motion was agreed to-135
to 14.
• Mr. LAFLIN offered a resiolullon di
recting the Committee on Printing to in
tOrna the Bemis aft to the practicability of
providing a more economical and dB.
cdent method of publishing transactions
of the patent office. Adopted.
' Mr. COX asked leave to offer a regain-
don Instructing the committee on Wert
and Means to report a Manse repealing
the unjust and burdensome Met!' on
Mr. CESSNA objeeteil.
Mr. COX moved to sttepend the rules.
The mien were not inivtionded-114 to 76.
Mr. BECK. from the Committee on
Ways and Means, offered a reaolution
calling for information as to the author
ity by whlcir.J. K. Ruch & Co, 225 Pearl
street, New York, had procured a copy,
right of the revenue coupon book, to be
used by distillers, etc., known as blank
form No. 52, and directing the =spon
dee of the .xecationof the order in that
ressmot. Adopted.
Richard payer, member elect from the
Ist Congressional District of Virginia,
appeared and was swore In.
Mr. BINGHAM moved Lewis Mcßen•
ale,' member elect from Virginia, be
sworn in without prejudice to claims of
the contestant, explaining that he bad
not been sworn in becanse there was an.
absurd charge against him that be could
sot take the teat oath, while every - man
knt•Whe could takeit as conscientiously,
as any one the House.
Messrs. PAINE and CESSNA opposed
the resolution because the question was
now before the Committee on. Elections.
Mr. FARNSWORTH supported the
resolution, which was agreed to, and Mr.
MeHen zieVas accordingly sworn In.
. Mr. UPSON moved to suspend the
rules so as to offer a resolution calling
on the besda or Departments to state
whether the eetimetes of their respective
Departments for -the year ending Jane
So; 1871; exceed . the estimates or appro ,
priatlons for 1870, and If so to state the
mamas for such increase.
• The rules were not suspended.
The business 'on the speaker's table
was taken np and disposed of as follows:
a Senate ainendrnenus to the house bill
to establish land distribution in Wyom
ing territory, concurred in:
The senate bill to make Omaha a port
of delivery, referred to committee do
The Senate bill for temporary relief of
poor and destitute people in the District
of. Columbia. appropriating 130,000, vrm,
referred - to Committee of the Whole.
The Senate' concurrent reeolution ac
cepting the statue of General Greene. was
Agreed to.
Adr. SCOFIELD introduced a au
thorizing the transfer of certain appro.
priations In tho Navy Department to the
Damao of Construction. Referred. __
Mr. WITCHER presented a joint rano.
lutlon of West Virginia Legislature op.
posing reductions of duty on foreign
mil. Referred.
Tbe Bevolutkni Upreading—Xtrizaba Pro
nounces Against "Juarez—Universal
ItyTelegrepb to thePlitabargh Gazette.)
BOUTIEWSIIT P La., Jan. 31.—C01.
- .
Glum, who left Vera Crus on the 17a.
Solent, arrived today on the Schooner
Isabella. Colonel Quern is Secretary or
State of Vera Cruz, and represents that
he - was compelled to fly for security.
He reports the revolution increasing
In Flan Lula Potosi. Orizaba has pronoun
ced against Juarez. The Governor, Col.
Arvid°, who belongs to the Church
Party, is atthe bead of the revolutionists.
' -The sumpewdon of the constitutional
guarantee by the government had pro.
dated general dill/satisfaction and indig
natio°. There la universal alarm and
the - personal security and lives of the
opposition are said in jeopardy.
(6Y Tele . rapt, to the!lttstrarghtlaz,e4
. hisw Osman*, January 31.--In the
Les . filature today :tbe House peened •
resolution of Impeachment *Omit State
Auditor Wycliffe upon the charges made
by Goyernor Wermsmth of maladminis•
tattoo 'biiberY. fraud, etc.. sod
appolsied *committee of five to conduct
the Impeachment on 'the part of the
- -
- An attempt to rob the National Bank
at Cessackle IC Y., Sunday morning OW,
roam .s.
Treasury Circularfatiet
poinhuents—New Military Dis
trict:— Reconstructed Missis-
sippi—Case of F. P. Itlair, dr.
—Supreme Court, Cases—The
Tariff Bill—Revenue Receipts
7 —TheT • ranit,ing• - • _Privilege-.-
Polygamy—Product of Dis
tilledl Spirits.
( TbleArndt to Ms Dt.sborgb WAotte.)
,WAHLIINOTON, January st, lox
The Secretary 'of the. Trefoil:try has
issued a .cirCelsr to, disbursing clerks
and . proper aciionnting officers of the
Treasury Department, requiring that nil
amounts presented by officers, clerks or
other - . of .departmenta for.
mileage or oapenses Idortrreci while
engaged In afield business, must In
future have _appended, thereto the
oath of the. linty that the alstanoes
charged . • have: been setnally Mid
netessartly - traieled at the date therein
specmed, and that none of any such die.
lances have been traveled under any
free psee On - any rallioad.iteamboat .or
other convovanots and that the eipenses
ellaiged nave been actually Incurred and
paid. No account of such party, unac
companied with the oath above spectiled,
will be paid by any disbursing officer of
the department of pawed by amounting
Nkw , MILITIJIT nzanuar
The rolfewing general order wee le
aded today from the headquarteas of
thn army:
First—The Senators and Representa
tives from the State of Virginia hairing
ham idthltted to their respective Rouses
of Congress. the Command known as
let Military District has ceased to exist.
Second—By direction of the President,
the States - of Maryland, Virginia, West
Virginia and North Carolina will com
prise the Deportment of Irsdnia, under
the cdattrushi of Hsi. lits.j. Gen. E. R. S.
canbyt headduatters at Richmond, Va.,
sad will form part of the military Dirt.
sion of the Atlantic.
Third—Commanding officers of all
posts and detachments now serving In
the limits of the new department will
report to Gen. Canby for Instructions.
The companies Of the Bth infantry.
bow serving In the State of North Caro
lina. will ho relieved u early as possible
and will then report to Major General A.
H. Terry. commanding the Department
of the South, for orders. .
The Supreme Co urt today affirmed
the judgment for the defeni`ant In the
Supreme Court of !diamond, in the QM
if Drenham vs.. Stifle, involving the
eel zure of the former's property during
the war, and.the oonatitutionality of the
new State tionaUtution: The Court held
that a State may enact retrospective laws
when not inhibited by its established
must itution, and not In violation of the
provisions of the Federal Constitution
in relation to er post face° legislation.
The Court also delivered an opinion In
the cage of Morgan vs. Town of BAWL,
Wieconsin, atDrudng the action of the
Circuit Court of that State in refusing e
mandamus to compel the levy of a tax
sullisfent to pay the Interest on the bonds
Issued by the town in aid of a certain Rail
road. •
The followtag oppolatmente of cadet■
to the trotted Slate' Maim! Academy
- -
were made today, at larger George T.
EMMOUP, mu of Commodore Emmons,
U. 8. N,; Henry Jackson Hunt, Jr., son
of Brevet Mojor General Hunt, U. 8. A.;
William Beverly Debate*, son of Captain
Do:utter, U. S. N.; Augustus C. Macomb,
eon of • Brigadier General Macomb.
U.. 8. A.; .Theodore J. Wood, asp of
Chief Loginebe.Wood, U. 13: N.; Joseph
F. .Terner, eon , of Uommodere Peter
Turner, U. S. N.; J. C. Cauldweil, am of
the late captain Canldwell, U. 8. Vole.;
Willie G. Clarke, am of Colodel Clarke,
U. S. A. Harrington°. McGunnegle,
run of .the late Lieutenant tkrmmatider
McGunnegle, U. 8. N.; Alex. Sharp, Jr.,
appointed from the District of Columbia.
A partial canvass ante Senate shows
that there will be wore opposition to the
Users° of the bill abolishing the frank
ing privilege than hu been generally
supposed. In fact, the bill is likely to te
discussed very fully before vote is
reached; and ilia by no means certain of
going through the Senate without some
amendments. An effort will be made
to pass an amendment to exempt front
its operations alt newspapers Herniated
within the county who: :117 , are
printed, and all free list exvi,i.;,“.
The ease of Frank F di.,
ing for several years newre
Buprome Court, iris 'decided , tu-431.
The appellant woe debarred from his
right to rote became he refused to take
the 'oath tpfloyally preacribed , bYthe
Constitution of Missouri. The Supreme
Court of that State sustained such denial,
which now stargls la the Supreme Court
of the rutted States with the Judges
equally divided inopinion. •
Tharp, a yap , little doubt that the .
Hods' will pas I bill sbollablog pain*.
my In Utah, and directing the President
to cue the army to execute It; but the
Senate Irrinelined to wait for a few years
lonser, and see It civilization -and the
Pacific Railroad won't aocomplish the
A statement prepared at the Merrill
Revenue office Shown the product of dle
tilled spirits for five months, July to
November, 1869, exceeds that of ;the
dame time the previous 'ear by 10.767,-
or gallons. Tne number of gallons in
bond December las was 13,402,645.
General Antes called"upon tbe3lll
- today and presented him the db.
dal records of the organisation of the
laissimlppi Lea Mature. the adoption of
the constantional amendment and the
election of United States Senators ao.
(lording to law.
?Vl TB !ID EL TlOa.
The Committee on Election,. will to
morrow consider the cage of VanWyck
againtt Greene, ...of New York:: They
have changed .the former programme
and will now let the poll ataxia, endeav
oring to settle the case by excluding in,
diVidoal fraudulent--votes.
synioitign To nut ma nn
• Wert. M. SpenCer : has been restored as
Assessor of Internal Revenue for the
Fourth District, Kentucky, and the Pres.
!dent . notified biro today of
coneequently Mr. Mullbollend retiree.
The President sent .to the. Semite to
day the nominations of Francis A.Ntral
ker, of Masa., Superintendent of Census,
and Wm: Wood, United States Miming
for Nevada. • •
• •
A large number of corozninal on" - for
Ambitarit Ameasora aro being ]tuned for
the purpose of making the annual
The Interital revenue recelUti Waits
word it,258,40p, and' ibr the present
month 1L1,479,000, a gain of 81,380,000
over January of 1809.
The Committee on Ways and Moans
to•day completed the tariff bill, which
they wllliepori tomorrow. ., •
, . ,
—Oen. E. 8. Salmon,
,late county clerk
of Cook county, Illinois, and newly
pointed Governor or Washington'. Terri
tory, has been arrested .and. taken to
Springfield, pott an order from the Su
preme Court of the State for contempt
in not obeying, the Instructkrne of the
State Auditor to extend the tax of Cook
county an equalized by the State Eoard
of Egualliation.
—About dr inches of mow fell at Con
oord,lf. EL, Saturday, and the storm
yesterday promised sufficient depth to
eatable lumbermen to do active hulloes.
IndhsOverland Telegraph—Great
Eaiternlieard from—The In
fallibility Dogma—Excitement
in f i lm Spanish Cortes—Proba
bleilltiel Iletween Ron. Priin
uni the Finance MI ster—
Telegraph Monopoly A dished
in Fnume*Amelleau College
at Rome Visited by Pope.
By Tehßisß 13.0itilllil4t1 ' /
L0NE . 05:01 , 4 Januery 31.—The aI
'not pnisent the opening
meet. fler Mijenty's speed
.tieen will
1, will be
read by bsommtssion. •
The ovirland tbletf soh to I • die to in
working order twain and in gee of to
day's date have been exchanged between
London and Bombay. A dishatch an
romances the arriVai of the Meehan/tip
Gond Pattern at Bombay.
battens from home may Dr. liiallinger's
dogma o
the declarat ion of t
.dogma Papal infallibility
much exrittment and indignation at the
Vatican. ,„A telegram from Boole today
says the Pops refuges to rebel*. an ad
dress signed by one hundred and thirty
seven Bishops, also pretesting against
the declaration of that dogma.
IldantairAin. 31—Au excited discus_
Won Occurrei I in the Constituent Cortes
on .Saituday. between Senor }lgnores,
one of thetthaders of the Repnbiloan
and General Vrtith The thrther defended
the Republican Insurrection, and asserted
that It was sdelinerate act of the people
to defend their Individual rights, which
had been violated by the Government.
He further smarted that those 80-called
insurgence who had been killed by Gov.
ern Mont ttotp6 Were simply atassinated.
Gen, Prim demanded the retraction of
offensive words. Figueras refaced to re
tract. The general supposition Is that It
will end in 'duel.
The grand .mllltasy review which was
announced I today has been Indellnite
ly pentponed. the .weatber being Very
stormy and disagreeable.
Rows, Janaary 3l.—The Pope, yeeter.
day, visited the At:eeriest' College, where
he sweated eta macs and delivered a am.
mon. Ho afterwards took breakfast with
the studetak and a nettitier of American
visitors, including several ladies. The
Holy Father examined his gratification
at the progrees Of the Church in Americs.
He declared that the lt,public of the
United States was a Republic of intelli
gence and virtue. He added that the
Condemnation if the Church was applied
only to licentious. infidel revointlonlets,
who were as dangerous in the _United
States as In Ecropo.
PAnts, Jamtary 31.—The Journals to
day state that the French Minister of the
in reply to the demand of an
klugllshUompsny for the .privilege of
laying a cable from Algiers to France,
said that hereafter all monopolies In tel.
graphic cables would be abolished, and
bust even private parties were at liberty
to lay cables.
tiny/ace, Jai:nary 81.—The new or
the shooting of senor ensatonsn, at Key
West, causes great excitement. The
volunteers to•nlßht arrested two men for
using seditious Yoguage. It is reported
the prisoners attempted to mews and
were tired upon by the guard and killed.
An Investigation is going on.
BEntan, Jan. St.--The Berlin cone.-
pondeot anode 11'4 the 'german govern
ment. will ea their Blettomtnerrent
of a contest with the iraticaut.
QuXIINNTOWN,Jannuy 31.—The steam
er Samaria from New York, has arrived
LONDON, January 31.—Emninp.—Con.
sots, 92%17012%; American sem:mitten
firm; 5 'AV: 6a, 875il 651. old. 67;
67a 865:; 10.40 a. 84x. Stocks_.Erks,
24i: Illinois Central; 103%; Atlantic d:
Great Western. 27,
LIVERPOOL, January St.—Cotton 010fted
with a downward tendency: uplands
11%; Orleans, 11:1;®11%; sale, of 10,006
halos. Breadstutes unchanged. York
dull at 100 s; teef. Inc lard dull at 745;
cheese 725; bacon Us; produce nn
LONDON, January 31.—Linseed cakes,
3) 10e; linseed oil, g3O turpemttne,
38,401833 3d, Calcutta linseed, 13e.
Pante, Jinuary SI. —Bonne, eat at
73f. ,
FRANKFORT' January 31: Bondi
opened fi rm at. 81%.
11AVAR, January 31.—Cotton quiet.
6.24TW1L8Y, January 31.—Petroleum
quiet at 60%.
Buinands, January 31.—Petroleum firm.
al .h.lems 6 groats.
7a,rotry 31.—Petroleum
. , t:• a: thillingn.
1;1 , :lirr
. TYLF.(:;';, , ,... 4
There was I as.. -:„T
—The Tennesene Legislature has enact
ed asevere law, for punishing masked
—The (Immoßaited twilit of Louisiana
as New Orleans was robbed Bentley night
of nearly 150,000.
—The street rsUway company of
Wheeling shows s profit of 11,600 aver
espouses last year.
. .
- —.fudge Lewis • Collins, of fdayeeElie,
Kentucky, • prominent citizen and
author, died at Lexington Saturday night.
—lt is stated that Kr. Brunt, the Intee
oat Revenue Ammer at -Blackahear,
Georgia; who wee reported murdered;
really committed suicide.
, :-LThejtiry In the rise of Mrs. Decker,
tried in Rockford, Illinois, for the mur
der of her husband, brought in a verdict
of not guilty, the plea otinsaulty being
—David Roach shot and killed his
brother Benjamin,• wealthy cotton
planter at Hope p lantation, Yazoo river,
a few days ago. , Intempwarme is sup.
posed to have prompted the,deed..
—On Saturday Mrs, Woke, wife of the
clergyman who eloped with Miss John.
.on. received a ,dispatch from Chicago,
signed by Horace Coke, saying: "I have
left for parts unknown, add you will
never see me igair•" - -
-The employes 'of the Philadelphia
Navy Yard about to be discharged, have
sent &petition ip Congress asking leave
to continue at work and allow the wages
to socumulat4 until the passage of the
appropriation bill.
--Reynolds, the murderer of the nn.
fortunate grocer in Hodson street, N,Y . ,
Willlarn:TOatwiend. having recovered
from blot Kaptimoree, is inclined to be
defiant He eve hanging for murder. is
played out in New York...,
—A lire - mil:treed Oaleibarg,
Sunday morning, Involving a lotus of
.12,000. -Thourincipal MMus, are Cut
ting & Tohvy, confectioners, Saimel
Cady, &
owner of
tal l tally
and Ban
craft Pastrtins; all Dilly insured.
The . Steubenville. . accommodation
train onSaturday.,afternoquamagainst a
woman crossing a 'bridge near West
-Wheeling,-throwing her down 'an sim.•
bankment twenty feet, severely_injralng
her, though no bones were broken. '
short but violent hurricane palsied
over Helena Saturday morning, unroof
tug houses, blearing down chimnies,
The United. States Arsenal was com
pletely demolished and the Court House
badly wrecked. 'Total'damagello,ooo.
—The trial of Philip Wareham for the
murder of David Kirby, at Cincinnati,
nearly cloned . last evening. Yesterday
was the seventh day, and . under the
law the jury must be kept together on.
ell a rendered or until they
are discharged. •
—;At Cmcinnati, Henry Heck, about
one owock Monday morning west home
Intoxicated and began cuttingup Smear
vet for bed covering.. His wife and
daughter Interfered. when he stabbed
his wife In the aide, inflicting probably
• fatal wound. -
• —lnforMailon bocci - Topeka Is to the
effect that evidence of a startling clause:
ter in reference to Senator Pomeroy will
be produoed Were' a committee of the
teglslature to hives' agate the charges of
corruption against the Kansas C,orgrete
atonal delegation.
—Thictor George F. Coiling, a' noted
desperado, was arrested at Louisville,
on Monday, and sent to SuHitt county,
El., for seriotlidir Mooting a farmer
named Perry Bishop, three miles from
Mount Washington. Collins had gone
to Siatiop'e to collect twenty dollars,
Glitch he wan unable to pay, wheroupon
Collins shot hint.
—Early on Sunday morning Madison.
Wioconain, was visited by a lire which
detroyod property - to the value of thirty
thousand ,Thliare. The victims
were W.
S. Sullivan, dry goods merchants, Far
, dee d Co , _druggists, Henry Ash, tailor,
Mrs, Enlion, milliner. Total insurance,
thirty-three thousand dollars. Mostly
In Undeewriterti, .Etna, Hartford and
—At Buffalo, Monday Morning, a kero - .•
none lamp exploded In the house of
Nicholas Bliss, setting tire to the furni
ture Ina bed room occupied by the fam
ily, consisting of iniB9, hie wife and two
children. All Were burned Ina dreadful
manner. One child died immediately
after the tionce were extinguished. The
other is In a very critical condition.
BINA and bin wife will recover, but they
will be much disfigured.
• —The 14ew York Tribune's Wash
ington special says toe. public
debt will be reduced • this , month
between 81,900,000 and 83,000,000.
The expenses or the Government for
January do not vary much front last
!DOOM While the internal revenue re•
ceipts are light the custom receipts are
fair, amounting to 813.b00,000. Tho pros.
putts for a•red notion of the debt are not
so favorable as this time last year.
—While the steamboat N. Longworth,
from New Orleans for Louisville. was
lying at Napoleon, Arkansas, on Battu.
day, two rouging came aboard. and after .
Insulting Mack Levi, of the firm of Levi
~ . otitcalm, of Louisville, they drew
p'. .114 and fired upon him, sheeting him
through the cheek. Levi returned the
fire, mortally wounding one of them.
The other was arrested and bailed. Levi
took the ears at Memphis for Louisville.
—The last span of the Ohio river
bridge at Louisville was immolated Mon
day afternoon. Thelen tof the bridge,
exclusive of approach Is one mile. It
has two main spans, of three hund
red and seventy-four f and the other
of fotir hundred feet, with a draw over
the-canal. The time (ampled in C01:1-
'Or rictlon was two years and six months.
It Will be-ready for tine passage of trains
in three or four days.
—Tile N. Y. Time Paris spodal Bay.:
The organization of the new company
for the canalization of. the Isthmus of
Darien was completed bud evening. The
capital was all subscribed by four French
banker'', and a dozen American capital
ists are at the hard of it. Bach are the
powerful combinations existing that a
concession from the Isthmus Govern
ment will be secured. The company
wait the report of the New York explor
ing expedition to go to work. •
—Haytien advlces elate that various
revolutionists have expressed the deter
mination to crush out the Salnave party,
. _
and In the principal towns of. the South
the shooting of Salnaviata la going on at
quite a bask rate. At Jeremie.a large
number of them have been disposed of
in this summary way, and at Teemed
there are no fewer than forty-six In
prbson, most of whom, if not all, winced ,
tainly be shot. In Port-au-Pence, also,
plenty of work has been cut out for the
military tribunals.
—The New York Tribune's Hamburg
correspondent writes that emigration to
the Southern Staten opens very favorably
for Misiditalppl. A steadier -to New Or.
leans took out nearly two hundred
Swedes. who sailed fdr the Water `alley,
In that State, to people a plantation and
engage In their Industrial enterprises.
Mr. Berglund, one of their own country.
ono], advances every coot of the cost
of the J.,urney Ot these people from the
north of Sweden to the centre of Mimi..
elppl. They have been all poor, although
decent, and generally abltaboAled. The
advances made to them will be repaid
'through their labor In Fiwslasi pp!, Dunn g
February and March of this )ear elz
- Manfred or erght• hundred—persons win
be sent by tho same gentleman, under
the same terms, to Mississippi. These
Swedes are not Mormons. as several
papers erroneously report.
J. Charles Dieken Appears and Testifies
MOM. Pure and Disinterested
—tile Care Fully Develop d
In Saturday's Gazarru we gave the
particulars of the case of the Common.
Wealth vs. Anthony Snyder, a youth of
seventeen, charged by Rachel Ann Ver.
ner, a little girl twelve or thirteen years
of age, with /arnica ed. Toe claim was
at first set up, it will be recollected, that
the parties were ILO , II and wife, in purau
ance of an agreement, naoked up, It was
alleged, by ono L. C. Hall, an itinerant
doctor, and J. Charles Dicken, Esq.,
who' does not practice law in all
the Courts of Allegheny ixintity, bnt
upon investigation before an Alderman,
the marriage was not' considered valid,
and proceedings instituted for abandon
ment were Clismbased. Hence the bring-
I lug of the other, charge, In which there
was a partial . hearing _before Mayor
'rush ore Friday last. Dr. Hall appear
cc ; t;
and testified, but in con.
.1." Mr. Dicken,
day itll.. 7.,:ni Lt
developed thou
J. Charles nickel'. 'Esq., ...4 , -,^nt„ ~.
and being called, affirmed. "Hie - appear. '
sure was on behalf of the defense, who
insisted that the marriage was of suffi
cient validity to legitimise issue. D. D.
Bruce, Faq., interrogated Mr. D. Hie
testimony was In substance:
He thought he bad seen the parties,
defendant and proacntrix, before; be-
Boreal he recognised them; first saw
them some time in December, at tit
Whoa . of Dr. Hall, on Grant - Street,
about Erin of the day. Was passing
down Grant Street with Dr;. H. on
the way to dinner': and when op.
panne the door of Dr. We residence,
Dr. H. Invited him up stairs, saying he
wanted to pay him (Mr. Dictum) some
I money; believed the money was in refer.
1: 4 ,
ewe to paper which he had written for
him, at to request. Up to this time he
hal not seen either of the defendants.
Th. tor said , "Come up. and Vii pay
?router at paper.", He (the Doctor)
I nadthe planer; had Mien It to him , that
kday,so e time before. Went up stairs;
the tae or showed him Into the medicine
zoom. he Doctor then stepped out, and
came • again with the parties, inn girl
and , saying the mother of the girl
had home. When they came in
Mr. en was sitting down. (Mr.
Dicke was particular in every detail).
The tctor handed him a pa
per, it 4 . asked lain to read it;
mad t'. aloud. The • Doctor then
faked. aidrmning 17&) boy, "do you
want to sign this?" The boy said he dicli
he sald heceuld not write; at the Doe- I
men request, Mr. IL signed the name of
the bor,,and also that of the girl, leaving
space for than to make their marks.
"When they were through with whater.
ever they (Imo" (the witness' precise
words,) the Toiler said, "Now live up to
this contract, go home to your parents,
.mend for the Priest and get married." I
"At the door," said Mr. D., "the Doctor
gave me two d
it ollars; did net say from
whom he got ,or what it was for."
In answer to Interrogatories by Mr.
Bruce, Mr. D. said he read the-paper be
cause the Doctor requbstel him; made
no remarks to the - parties, or they to
him, at the time; made no charge for
writing the paper, built was pornole the
Doctor Intended the two dollars for that
service; he did not Do say, then.
. At this point the paper wet' shown.
Bald the witness; "Thin may be the
paper; I have no '`: particular mark by
which I can recognize It." Mr. Bruce
said; "Your writing Is some mark."
"Oh, ; it la in my hand wri
said Mr. D. the seems to have been
almost painfully particular In his con
duct on the occashoml He did not
see them make their marks; he might
have been looking at them, but could
not say. Ho did not hand them the pen
after he had written their names. Mit
laid It down; did not Nee them pick tt
up; could not say that they did nick it
In further detailing the history of that
interesting paper, he said that Dr. 'Hail
came to his office on the day before;
stating that some parties wanted a piper
written by which they could live to.
gather until they could get married. He
(Mr. D.) said he;ffid not know of any
form in the books, but would see. The
. . .
;next dap the Doctor came. and spoke
again of the paper. Mr. D. said he
preferred having notbirg to do With lt.
The Doctor wild "do it for me." Mr. D.
told him to call back What( an hour. He
I did call In in that time, and theantime
j the paper had Neu prepared, and Mr.
D. handed it to him. It being about noon,
Mr. D. went oat with the D..ctor, on hie
way to dinner.
John Coyle, Esq., who appeared for the
prosecution, crone examined Mr. Dicken,
that as to what took place on the coca.
skin of; Mr. Bruco voilting his office in
company with the defendant. He might
havesaid then, he stated, that he had
not Been the boy previously, or until
within half an hour, in reply to the ac
cusation that ha had married him.
Mr. (Myle asta ho bad been informed
that yesterday morning two papers bad
_rep trod, one for the proaccutrix
mid the other for her mother, which they
were naked to sign, without the contents
being made known to them. The papers
were written in behalf of Mr. Dickers
and Dr. Hall. and Mr. Coyle thought an
Wort had been made to tamper with the
prosecuting witness. He desired to in.
terrogate Mr. Dicker' about the matter.
Mr. Bruce did not object, but Mr. Dick.
en thought the Inquiry outside of the
case. The Mayer allowed the Inquiry.
Mr. Dicken understood an affidavit lied
been papered, but not by him; had not
seen it.
Mr. Bruce drew from the witness the
fact that the paper or papers purported
to be a statement of the circumatancee
Connected with the case an they had
•actually occurred." Mr. Dickerdwas
careful to say that he had no hand In
their 'preparation, and did know who
had prepared them; was not present.
and bad. not dictated any of the cements.
Being pruned rather closely. he mild he
believed the papers were Impeded* hie
office, that ha was—present' psisr , ol the
time, and that he Might have mdde some
suggestions as to the contents; he further
believed that Mr. Hatch had some. hand
In their preparation.
The evidence closing with Mr. Diction,
the counsel for the defense, Mr. Bruce,
addressed the Mayor briefly. Be
claimed that the law recognized as mar
ried persons those who lived together as
man and wife, without the performance
of the marriage ceremony by those le
gally authorized, and In the present
on the strength of the agreement
entered into, the law would protect the
preeecutrix. Dr. Hall and Mr. Dioken,
In the part they had taken in the matter,
bad acted from pure motives, desiring
nothing more than to seek the welfare of
the parties. He therefore caked that the
case be dismissed.
Mr. Coyle had a few words to say be.
fore the case was - dismissed. If Mr.
Dlcken and Dr. Hall had acted from
pure motives, why had they taken such
Pains to excuse themselves '
or to deny
that they had endeavored to establish
the relation of man and wife between the
partiesr. Ho thought, in the face of what
had been developed, from what bad fal
len from the lips of the witneeses for
the defense, it was nothing short of
cheer effrontery to ask that the case be
The Mayor said he would treat the
agreement, the handiwork of Mr. Dick
, an and Dr. Hall, as a nullity, and hold
the defendant to answer at Court the
charge preferred. .
During the bearing a large crowd was
In attendence, the attentien of spectators
being about equally divided between
Mr. Dlcken and the youthful defendant
end prosechtrlx. The former seemed to
realize his poaitlon, and desired to ex
plain away any seeming impropriety of
the part be performed in connection
with the case. Is he a encase, in that
Paid Fire Department In Allegheny—
How it le Organized —The Men Sp;
pointed Loot Night—ln Operation To
Allegheny at last rejoices in a Paid
Fire Department. The matter heti en
gaged the attention of Councils for Bev
era! months, during which It met with
general favor and was brought to the de
!deed sonantettuathisn.. is van dlv t.,
nitonduot arrangements could be made.
The firemen aro saddled, the wishes of
the people accorded with, and general
satisfaction as a result prevails. At the •
last regular busbaesa meeting of Conn•
ails the ordinance providing for the De
partment was passed. the gist of which
has already been laid before oar readers.
All that remained to be done was the
appointment of the men for each com.
Pony, a very delicate matter, which was
left to the Committee on Fire Engines.
Several meetlngewtro held by the Com
mittee before this was accomplished,
but finally butt night everything was
perfected satisfactorily, and the men
appointed for all but the Columbia:
The organization as it now stands,
compriere the following persona.
Chif Enmateer—Jamea E. Crow.
Superintentlento/ Fite Alarm Telegraph
—L D. McWandlesa.
Hope, [steamer.]—Foremen, Simnel
Kane; Eugineer, Hugh Lackner; Fire.
man, Joseph Quarts; Driver, John Mat
thews; Hosemen, W. C. Springer, John
Sylienberg. W. C. Richards.
Friendship, [eteamer]—Foreman, John
Hall; Engineer, Robert Waddle; Driver,
John 'Whitehead; Fireman, Edward
Gamble; flosetuen, Frank Murphy,
Wm. Grabens, John Quirk.
' General Grant, [ateamer.]—Foreman,
F. Faber; Engineer, John Hawkey; Dd.
ver, Andruee Raider; Fireman, George
Hotchuly; Lindeman, C Gronagle, Peter
&batsmen, August Lode. -
Good [Rose.)—Foreman, George
Speer; lloatanen. W in. Myers, William
tas - ia John Rock. Fred Aeschelman.
- _-tee I—Foreman, Adam
. .
',7,1 - :••• • •.• ti •-• "•
ed. The men k r. ; in rc,..:L.;
tar order, all running the en
tire list, instead of by
member will be required o, wear while
on duty a blue navy cap with oil cloth
cover with his number stamped upon it.
and a black belt with the inscription
"Allegheny Fire Department" In white
letters,The Chief Engineer's belt will
be whie with black letters to distingnist
him. There la no other uniform Maid.
ed for, and the members are privileged
to adopt any style of costume, ea that
, the number on the cap and belt are kept
conapicuona. A copy of the "Rules and
Emulations" will be hung up in each
engine house, each member balm. re.
quired to giro strict obedience to them.
This afternoon at lour o'clock the per
sons appointed will meet at the Mayor's
calm with the Chief Eagineertobe sworn
when they will go on dntyaa the De.'
pertinent be fairly organized.: At the
meeting of the Committee LAevening.
the matter of disposing of the property
belonging to the old members of the
companies was disoussed, but no definite
action will be taken until alter the next
meeting of-Councils. The Paid- Depart
went in Allegheny le instituted under
the moat favorable auspices, and its
workings will be looked to with great .
Interest by NA, h the friends and oppo•
Innis of Such system in our vicinity.
Conetttntional Amendment.
Pursuant to a call issued s few days
since, a number of ministers and lay
men of these cities and vicinity, who
are favorable to the proposed amend
ment of the National Constitution, so as
to have embodied in that huuniment a
m i tr e d recognition of Clod es the source
of all governmental power, dm., mem
, bled in the Pastor's Study of the First
Presbyterian Church, Wood street; yes
terday afternoon at three o'clock. •
The meeting was organised by . calling
Bishop Kerfoot to the chair, and appall:d
ine Rev. John Meldillan Secretary.
Rev. Mr. Stevenson, of Philadelphia,
Secretary to the National Association,
addressed the assembly at considerable
length. Re spoke of the importance of
the proposed amendments In order to
secure the divine favor, and make the
lundantental lawof the nation correspond
with the State Constitutions, moat, if not
allot which contain a recognition of God
as the supreme ruler of the nationa.
Dr. J. T. Prosily - said be bad. been
Identified with the movement Edna) it
wee first Inaugurated, and expressed his
hearty approval of the proposed amend
ment& He offered the following emote.
Resolved, That we, the ministers and
laymen of different Christian denomina
tions present at this meeting, express
our approial of the proposed religious '
amendments lo the Constitution. and
extend a cordial welcome to the National
Convention soon to assemble in this city,
and . prombse a hearty cc operation in the
Work. _ .
B. Reed did not like to &condi
..., - ,,...44-4
--4 v-i
-...,,,,,... :
".. - i:.:,F;''_.'''? . 7j....,..Y:= , :.'','• : :. , . - .
himself to all be prftbiildi a witititi:.
He believed- in the: Headshipit . Vhilst
over the datlons,.but , all ellbruilibsger did
not bellev_ti lt,,and
should be Introdticeilthat would produce
division among themselves.
• Dr. Easton was of the opinion that a
recognition of the Word of God. in•
eluded a recognition of all the doctrines
contained in it. If the Headship of
Christ le to he incorporated, why not the
deity, personality and gracious opera
tions of the Holy Ghost?. He believed
Gist Christ was King of nations, but not
in the same sense that he was Sing of
Bishop Kerfoot (leaving- the chair)
said this matter had occupied a place in
his mind frequently. But his attention
had been directed to it more particularly
of late. Lie believed that all chrlatian
bonnie should go forth in solid phalanx
amount the blatant Infidelity of the day.
Oee of the ht.( ways of doing this was
to incorp - rrate in the organic law of the
nation a distinct recognition of 'God and
the blessed Saviour. He believed that
this in a chrirelan nation, still he was in
favor of the proposed amendments.
Rev. George P. Hays did not believe
in leaving out a recognition of (theist.
If that Is left mit, then he loses all hie
tire and enthusiasm. If Congreesehcruld
strike It out he would submit 'end take
half aloof rather than get no bleed.
Rev. Mr. Hughes' only fear was that
they would not Boomed In the scoom
pitehment of the end proposed. If they
failed they would then be In a worse
poaltlou than before.
Dr. Sloane was free to confess that a
recognition of God and Ms Word. ould
embrace all that was asked. -
Dr. Miller had given the subject some
thought and be believed the object wan
a proper one. • •
A number of other gentlemen ad. ,
dressed the meeting and proposed sev
eral amendments to the resolution of Dr.
Freshly, but it was carried with some
vsty alight modification, which did not
aiDct Ito definiteness or oleaning.
'rho °Mesa, of the meeting, in bonnet.
tion with the Secretary of the National
Association, were instructed to appiint a
committee to make arrangements for the
convention which Is to meet, probably In
the Academy of Mud; la the month of
March next.
The meeting then adjourned.
Additional Markets by Telegraph.
Axon:sv, January M.—Beeves; supply
II car loads more than last week. The
average quality is not superior to then.
There le a moderate attendance of bay
era, and a more dleastrons market to
western dealers, except the first week in!
January, has not been felt since last
July. The beat price obtained was 9go,
next best 834 C, others from 810 down to
age. The early sales , show a decline of
34(g,30, while those of today were ,40513.50
.lower. Sheep; increased recelpteand less
activity; common off %®!., ,, c;•choloe to
deeirable droves unchanged;.a few taken
for the East and New York. /logs dull
fur live; dressed fairly active,
Nsw Oarmase, Jan. 31.LCotton abaci
tied and lower; middling at 2,4340, sales
3,500. Receipts of 10,674, exports of 3,312
'hales. Flour lower; no grades firmer;
sales at
. .10,00@8,12. barn at 11,07%
oats scarce at 72@730. Bran at
1,40: Hay tirmar; - holdars ask.lns
$.10: Pork; Mesa at 1.20,60: Bacon do
at 14@173 , i@1180. Hams at 18V:421c.
Lard dull; tierce at 16%®18 , /,c. sugar
dull; prime at 14441.130. Mohawk
steady, prime at &WM Whisky at II
01.06: Coffee; fair at 1635016,1 et, prime
at 17,74@1734c: Hold 121, Stealing 3136
New York sight exchange yo discount
January 31.—At open board
in' the afternoon wheat was moderately
active, at 8003;8050 cash. closing at 80Mo;
seller March bold at 824:®1231e. I.kirn
dull, but closed steady. Lard was of.
fered at 15ize tab. In the evening the
grain market was quiet. Provisions
quiet and easier; sales Mess Pork, buyer
February, at 820,50. thimberlands 12%d.
short ribs 133 e. all packed.
iIrfsBUROLI. ilbra•ri 1. 1870
notified that the electloa foe Cosomtaalooed aU
Beery wfll bo held at the Armory THIS ISSN
-11:6. o'clock. Ity &der •
lel d. J. MatEITZd thteretary.
?elect Beading
Friday Evening, Feb. 4th.
No moneyed seats. Tickets for Ws id lb -
Ll t tr i ney Booms, eorner Penn and Blzta stream
B" "DING. A Gentleman
an A WlPlS.wltbont child ran or tmo Is dim.
eta Ind board. mutt a Wen room. nu morlanme
terms. at No. 811 81161.1 FIELD bTREir. Bel
em:rims viten sad moo . rad. '
s A
a.ILVKIt ED spooN.
iZZ'7"ri."( ce
Ilmo romorod from VI 9IETH
SO Fifth Avenue,
Until Improvements On Old stawfai• compio-
Ma dal tal e rad taloa
tapir u"'" kn i ta b roef OUntaa a. the
No. 148 Federal Stmt. illegbeny,
traner'• !nod, daft, the dna ausai at
T. A. 0.1.1,461 r. •
„ .
Messrs: 01.EABT a-VINGLICTON have just
returned .roto the Hut: where theirpurchased
tbr cash comp eta stock of NOTlutin, Win
sad teANCY WOW, Comprising is out of Ha
881 th en thins. Paper Collars. rocket
Bookr, Ladles and Gents Patristic entlerr.'
Baskets. cbadrows earrtoßea. Hobby Hors..
Carts, Wegoes,dr-. which udll be opened sod
reacly for tale TritlinDAY. Ps h. 5. Elle,'
hen we e Plresecl to. MST. Cur friends and
the Public generally to call and examine our
prrilstracta . • _
OPRA DAILY Dom Ws* *admit., '
!SATURDAY EVILNINU, from hop est to mid No
'amber 1
from 1 to D o'clock, sad Crtmt Nos
y . as t
i 4 . 7 to Ito:
tree of
f Kr
if llttlllltbdraWn
untary sod Joly; ,-
4ifook, of 81-w Ol .
sighed st the ofilts , o
Brstrd of Ilansaerfr—Geo. A. Dein, President:
so.T.Mari.jr= 0° 2teses+oo.
Nlmlek.iobee.Jogaim Ao-es,dzio-li ewrlh Zots.o.otZ.Viehtsr!rta,,
Christopher Fott•
D. W. i A. D.Relli Solicitors air
T)°// N
13 bales Cotton:. . •
1.1 bales Broa
Nat& om eorst ' • •
Noir latulbag, for lip. by
; ISAIAH Dimity i CO
vtal Dbl. &Wein White
J. _
• Itnr *Ale b• J. U. (law- J.
AeLl tnleN
75 4..b.7.7,g, Air19!,T.,,L11 soda
i ;;yw fir,} ~e.cts
• *MOM vakupdg NO 7
picialde 00ttismkuM alurald
$ll ll
Crahrot Un—« ..... 1111
, ;/I.coPilit tarnished graultouty to to giqur
itioriciab a tan. rpm: mum an ,gutted.
P11331/01113AM. HEED a co.,
iarßOTß3.lo—'o , :ket," "For tinier"
"Lost," " Wants,"".1 1 1)uril,""Boardiv , "
141., isot exceeding FOUR . LINA Ina
be insertcd in t.4.:3C cottinits once An'
&mat lute FIVE CENTS
UTAriTE D.—A am al 1, but corn. ,
aroar4lll.lS, 1100,111, lot (Amin' "'ab
out colliltre. mode, convert!, viers and a
Avail nelgob rituod Indlnte ouoblo. Allrgoei./
preferio ti Will pa, not over 11 0 00. Adorers.
at Will josvitoriivid torn*,
Wit 1 a for Ittuadttil Eollart to love.; tn .
• g`" bu‘ Apply at 543 read street.
- • It DENA. -
~g,b:ritT 1. b .4 ;TN P "i t
$4.30 per wed..
WASTED---11ELP,--AT 011.
PLOYMENT 1/F710F., No. 1 fa. cue,
Stenet, /101711 WRVS inn 11LF.N. for
of ernDlornent. Persons wanillea nen,
of 111 11nAt 0../1 10 oniontool on thong nonce. '
WANTED.—SeaIed Proposals
will be iTeed fur one for tea
Moo Ails iltiA/00 r,o 1 FEET it? CUED. LiTOW E,
UP be red In Patel:A..o or Lawrssetwdle.
Hest It it FreerJrt or llapen moue.
CASH wit. be .-01 on °slivery. r,taining A per
sentage lot filiSelfseutwf CLeO Li let. Ad,
Heal Estate. Agente..Lawseseerllle.
130.000 to Lout Itt large or =Oat sm.anta.
at • Oar rate of Interest
. • TI1OBI•ti K. ?TT!T,
Blll,ltood and Beal Isi ah Broker,
-90 e llff Btaltladeld • street.
file-LET...The Front Boom of
A. Second Morro( No. IRS Serdtt &Id atm,.
Alto. toe •ntlre THIRD FLuOlf. of same. divi
ded into two rooms. Can he rented Hider oluly
ofalto,ther. Inquire of J. ROHNER. oorner
Yuen ado dadtbeeld street. 1 91
TO•LET.—That old, establish-
ED and wall-tn-wn DRUO STORE, on
the corner of Washington and if ylla street.
rpo LET.-The Store and rkevel
ling recently acted up at the corner of Roe.
.treet anil Fourth 'arcane. comortatag,Odiar.
Vault. Store Donors; ahen. DM's/ Roost and
two chamber.. with gm and 'water PlPt. bora.
Plate., Annual rent gtoo. Apply next door ea
Fourth avenue, to
JaZithl • A. kLOYD.
rJO , very isuperlor
Mirk Dwelling. coatalalag Tea BOOM.
ecb Hwang sad Wash Hotta; aE DO dry cellar
ander tbe whale &mow, with late. oyes lot ad.
Jalslar. casitalnlag &algae/II dowers; le within.
. . .
on* tql3 t? 0 Of tee mute; and the acme dittos. e
from toe otreet cars. Thin I. •rale chat. to
obtain a most reridecre. Inquire of
.4=3= . 91 Dearer St.. Allegheny City.
IMO-LET—A. large Front Boons,
fornlshed. on second floor, eventing on •
belong, entteble tor gentlemen and ledy. or two
aloglo gentlemen. •oomlon. No. 111 waet
we. et. 1 71
MO LET.—No. 77 Wood street,
Marccesuoted by James Cothran a CO. ..11s
e as 47 Wood street
rLET.—The Newtitore
ung. No. 68 Wood street. If.nquire at N.
Peon atroot.
TO LET.—Desk Room in a
handsomely Stied up office. la s e sand lee
nation for business. Aprl 7 .0 N 0 $0 s o . l s
avenue, {RCM., boor.
rX141)171151.7 F urnished- Frunt
Awri.k ,
momn. r Agir. No
910-LET.—A desirable St , re
n-ost•on ISt. Clair "Mt.. Also. wrelsl
on PICAS on L. at and second doer. and ROUII
110 by A 0 on tblu , m,or. ZOOM. Or 11 , .. 0.
W ALA in., Stant °gine, No. I.l3lith itTeet..
WU. LET.—The Large. Store
'Room No. 06 Sitylla ATenOP. eon°. of
eral Plttsb.rgtl. A. M. BROWN.
11% 11 . /114 male.
TO LET.-Two 2 story brick
nottees . Blne. 58 and Cetametre....,---
eoulatolear ten mans each, With all taaerrn ha
rovemeate. renew. et N 0.55 Centre smut.
idr. MCCALIAItd-
very large—on the corn, of Venn se.
lehth lllsuroet) streets. Also two awellloos
11•0)010iNg. r/ght•sol seven rooms. E van
st SIT keno trees. • •
O.LET.- ROOMS. Several
One, large and' mtll"lnnitetied rooms la
memant location. quiet nod near to bushman,
Tba tin had b 7 gentlemen at limping roams.
-. room, ore very aentrable. Enquiry St 46
biltElLS.elate hand.
Nnit of Rooml
r Et
toprt , lng Too Luse. we 1 flighted f oat
on flan. hoor. Ons Luse, It Ilsolnl
front Room on'ant floor. • the tun Ham,
two snterr.cons on 4th nom, One4tort
itrst ll.r. No. 92. In ktoAsh•
L u ll. Fobrth &stone. Fur ton ' s Inquire o
alit) LVIII I CO.. No. Oh Fourth &senor,
fro 10t1.17 7 4 eiw cif grow!id 1199
flek c %Vie. t,"l4'4lVet: iltrg
Are building coy !Albin* two rtotoraotnol., we
cooled be Milllngar at • Vatting m 5 -us•
bunund, Unman and kin% intents Yount rltto.
rg! , . suitable for mlnntotturlng purposes or •
distiller'. to
will , be off, red for este to Iba blab*, and
at bidder. . Meanly., 'V baton nounty, Otti
on the lOW day or r abruary, Ib7o, the BAG , Z
g innaguig, nits 'die nods halonginr the no.
These Cann cantain loeshattati ant . es or on
and eoal, and tb.. Janine la 06.• fdli lanai
making lib Woe Mt 01.0 noel Inalrp , r dap
. Bainbridge. Bon nen , Ohio.
:v d taat i t 1 et all
1.25 N. 112 Ltber:llll. ' Y.. I'll
end acres at lleralns Station, Pt. arts B.
P.; FL bonus and 3 . lota Is l - rleasant Talut
1 acre grouad In Belleue Rare. • boo.. u 0
acres In =Wirth Born: Roam an d to 130444.
otter, Bearer county; 17 acrrra Mufti.;
Rouse andll Lots co Lombard ...eau 7d ward;
• lotaoa Fremont street. ward;l, 0 acres to
Ross tawnshle; Uwe ud Idt, 04J F. rat . r
3,1 ware: House and Got Wane I treat ad
ward; noun and tot early's:lle Plat. • Boa , lid
ward; bons e and lot oa guars tree lid ward:.
non, and lot, 93 rhetleld area; II •ts Ber
Brtablent 3 Data arid bonse In Bazaar 14; !Pala
and 4 luts aorta( WU. na flans Bank aaa
011 blocks na• sale. 700 Cortbse • artlcalan,
Inquire Of
' X. s v .r ens.: fi•
streets. An Estate. Adwar eq. Warr (Ado: . gladutr
, t. . •t• • l• • I .
P •• • •
—llol.trlC AND Lin, No. nn 'Yuma
emnd ward, •Ileabeny. House. ! Hp,
r rooms. well Ilalehed.a. , o m
ayl . :Ltd
Or SO to an a ley- :41004 Irma a Ail.; or ..
lota This pro petty Is worthy the •Ittlot Oran
denying to patrolman real eatated Wheaten.
income of De lovalon.atd vow* UMW , Al
111,0sUilitll It would rimolee. by tillejr. t larta
per rem. on the Cast. Terms low,.
Tor Dints r letorsuaDou;apply ' •
91 Enamoaa.linasagnir.;
'I hat terse story BUICK WISLLINO.
rabiy lowed. No. 86 Myer 4 *line. Alls•
chesty City. corratel Ile tan at dame resat.
sot and told ale/1118..41.d d Steer. MIS
all tbs moms "mix In IWO Beteg sem- .
Mad en corner es &errs *dry. Is Is well ligesed
.""'"'"""..l3rinntrkel; PR.:
lor . . No. 118 Scapa...M.
' VOR PA/MO...En lin CS iiiill DOR. ,
Ji. , Zll3, Nog and *tend 11.0 d. orlon Wafts
a onstsally on heed. :' i,
Orders freer ill Data of Ore ess Irsesvmpay ,
"A ""a: . 4 ANIS RILL & CO.. ' '
a d mr ifi nr wijiyeeil!oandr..l l .W .&C.S.W ..,`
Allegheny. Pa.
J. llg
ranwr g*Er- or r oriztris
s 't .
Tire Steati Rear '
s, e nd la quantity iof
soe. itore - worklit. they can t oat. 1
U. . - TilthArenu• asta Taszeltitreal.
•11 •••
etritss D P LAND .
Within the elt7,llpits. Will Do
on envy tern:4. lintnalre oI Wit
FOR - , 41,11.1M.4it0t1i and-
T1111t5.'1X,L1924.24D GOOID WILL 01 •
krat-µw eroctty.. &las newt pbs .
1.1. g idiff.teir to otlia ba.tnese ts
the rta/KM tbrftlUng. D. W. rtr . kssr. to Pa.
ElZSONAAllperions •
11QXY.13, at le•tetlisatil In lie Zr,
-eu woe tiros, trobblmot eiratif zro,
WWI al AFT. , ;MU egaterelleg .
Etylli be teat by mon flux teeny repoefUllf
now Lett to fontetN , 2 1 it
it coml.. • OltulfT PIS
Wert and Beat /Wale Ayeate, O. U.
• .
• ,
nano.. In
Mahar h.
a cbasppia
8LL111... T.