El P 1 El tirs pail* &pat. CITY AND SUBURBAN. 111er Callow had four eases before Mat . • "To-kW' Dir are dilly in- Hal eresaiiirlirrver theredti. Badness Macau The boldness changes usual at this season are not very attaleroas this year• Alderman George rubest has received his commission end will open an office on Fifth avenue toe tow days. Saturday afternoon Deputy Mayor Nichols committed Frank Vogel for a bearing on a charge of larceny. The Proposal City Itospital.—Why is not our Baird of Health represented to the Meetings held to °welder the city Bespltal question? The Pittsburgh Zoaaves will be mus tered In soon, orders to that effect hay ing been received from the Adjutant General of the State. Cosnaltted.-71m Stall and Andrew Morgan, charged on oath of H.. R. Mc- Fall with larceny, were committed on Saturday for a hearing. Baud of Centre mooting of tbelloard of Controllers of Allegheny City Will be held at City Hall, on Toes' da3r evening next. at seven and a half OblOok, for organisation. A Penult) Tater stole F silk dress from a reildenoe on Anderson 'treat, 'Allot• gbfal.T. and was about leaving, when th e lady of the house met her In the hall and secured the garment, the thief, how. ever, escaping. The Board et Health.—Under the law our City Ofmordis are required to elect members to the Board of Health at their meeting to-day. Vacancies in the Board of Guardians of the Poor are also to be tilled, we believe. • Intel Statlatics. The report of Dr. Phyalclan to the Board of Health, fir the year of 1669 will show. fifteen hundred deaths reported. In ad dition there were probably three hun dred deaths In the city not reported. Mayor's 'Diem—There were twenty wren victims to bed whiskey in the lock up Saturday night, twentyone charged with drunkenness, and sight with disor derly oanduot. Twelve Paid their noes, and seventeen were committed to jail. astbed the Wrong Child.—Bethar Nenbel was before Alderman Arent, Sat urday, charged with whipping a young daughter of Joseph Honer, for some alight provocation. lifenbel gave ball for at:towing on information for assault and battery preferred by Mr. Honer. I Dtaorderly.—Sate Smith and Mollie Perkin, were on a "tare" Saturdey night arid attempted to "clean oat" a uleignio" on ?Thirdevent" over which Jennie Keefe presided. An officer was called In wbo took the pair In charge. and yeeter day morning they were each fined Pend emits. Died, in Philadelphia, on the 20th in stant, James H. Gould, formerly of Car lisle, In the 47th year of hie age. He was &member of the Cameron Guards In the Meslean war, and daring the late rebellion a member of the Duquesne Gram of Pittsburgh, and also of the 610 Pennsylvania Reserves. He was inter red la the Old Oak cemetery. The Income Tax.—The United State. Armistant Assessors are leaving blanks :for Income returns for all persona who, In any probability, may be liable to the tax for 1869. Under the law and instruc tions from the department, statements will be required from each person, whether liable to tax or not. nature, abOuld be made on or before the first day of March. _ *Mons Accideat.—Mrs. Flaherty, wife of John Flaherty, residing near the Mtneraville ear station, was seriously .banned Saturdey evening. She was en at baking In so out oven, when aged aught lire. She Immedi ately ran Into Mr. Davis' store and Mr. ID. wrapped a piers or carpet round her and smothered the flames. Dr. Thore was summoned and attended to the in. 'mod woman. The Renton-Case.—Tula .morning the Coroner's jury empanelled to inquire into the came of the death of Philip Han lon, will meet at Turtle Creek to con clude their Investigations. Prof. Otto Wuth, analytical chemist, of this city. who was employed to analyse the stom ach, has oompleted the work, and will ive th e result of his examination to the any J.. We have been Informed that no tram of potion was found In the stomach. Sixty Days.—Thomas Lerman, whose name is familiar to readers of police news,.was on a "rampage" on Saturday, and went into Sine's saloon on Wylie street. where he made an attack on the barkeeper. He was finally ejected from the premiss and Mr. 11l made informa tion • before the hiayhr, charring him with disorderly conduct. Yesterday Morning. after a hearing, he was fined _ Ito. an In default was committed to the Work House for slaty days. Failed to SetiM.—VaLentine Danhart alleged, before Alderman Bolster OD Saturday, that be had given Amos Macklin PS to settle a certain, prosecu tion for selling liquor on Sunday. In which both were interested, and that Macklin failed to perform his part of the contract. Oillwr Knight, armed with a warrant, went to' Macklin's boarding house, but was observed approaching by the man he wanted, who Immediately skipped out of the back door and away. The offices Is still looking for him. -Pigglah.—John G. Wormley, residing In the Third ward, Allegheny, is a dis , °We of St. Crispin. Re alleges be has been illy treated by Rudolph Humble. Mr. Knoeble, he states, obtained goods from him to amountof 112,50 by rep. resenting that he had an interesting pot dot which he would return In payment. Ho failed •to go the whole maker, or Indeed any of it, and hence Mr. Worm. ley brings mat against him before Alder- Man -Arent- far false pretence. The amused will be arrested whenever found by the crater. - - Saul Postbag-The School kintival la Morebeed School HOuse, in the Elev enth ward, on Saturday evening, was well attended and the performances ref o ecti o g i c n r e a d it m Mositt c o d ia a e h m er a s n n nd pupils. Some rude boys evinced the. eLiit Miss Loal Evans render of Hood's "Song of the Shirt," hot so well pleased were the major part 6f the andienoe, that she was encored and vociferously cheered upon retiring from the stage. It bas rarely been our good fortune to spend an evening so pleassuct ly as we did in. Morehead School House on Saturday night. "Amen the Coutneene."—Oo Pritia7 eveulog of last week W. C. Smythe, Seq., of the Pittsburgh Press Club, lec tured In Brownsville. Fayette county, under the auspices of the Lecture Also. cdatkm of that thriving town. There wee a large audience In attendance and the madam, "Across the Ckettlnent, , was handled in a splay, humorous and In structive style, which gave the heartiest sathifeenlow, judging from the moment* of the members of the Association who pronounce it the best of a coarse in which was numbered the "Fat Contrib. ator.. , Griswold; and other, distin guished In the lecturetleld. NaNasal Dant or t enenerce.—Eise• where, among our new advertisements, will be found the Melly creditable ex peetkgrof the affairs of.thla bank, cor ner of Wood and Blzth avenue, which wore it to be one or the staunchest, .Malthiest and best managed In Ms atty. It has been rapidly and ateadlived vanelng In yeti' h mandato. over since es. tebtlabed and takes a high &Min genes , al estimation. Tho Baird osD rectors and other atoms of the bank are all reliable sad careful business gentlemen, with . whom it le a plowmre to have business transictions. However, figures speak stronger than words, and we direct the ettenten of one readers to the report of the eledltioX of the bank up till the 22d tartan, pubtiahed elsewhere. Bate Plctures in Tamer MIL We call the &Bernet= of our renders to an edveribermentiln another column, set. Ung forth a new enterprise by the yur: niers' Society of this city. They have made it their halt to bring before the public a series of tableaux etstrate, repro. • slanting incidents fcom the Scripture history. and bare for this purpose seise. tad se model. the reace= drawings a Gustavus Dore w hich ornament that - renowned splendid edition of the Bible. The exhibitions will begin this evening, and on amount of the inmost. ascetic= and attention required by the prepara tions,' onlyone exhibition per week will hi - given. It I. the Intention of the Bodily m. give twelve embittitkes, each .to commis, tea tableaux, In their Hall on Minh moan nett doer to the Third Priebyterlaa March. ; ase mintage. - . . t - - -.-- - --.---, --77-f-"---1:t ':',-.7-;-11-:..f4-,,-t-'7,cf"---?itit.--7:r-1744--74.--z-gr'''244A-kiii--.."4'l4'si''4'''''''';'44—;'l' . _ . ----------- , -..i,, , ..,.W--P...-,4...4:zy.,,-.. .. • i rAA''. i . i r';',, \l ' ''' ','! . - :,,, , ,,., 4 ~,:', t'...,-; A lf..4‘.'ilL'A.,;44,•';kill. A .4'l/.1;1';:',14,...'4'. A 4, . ~ ,, A 0 . .'. .. . 1 " A 7 '‘-- '-' • - . 7 "- . 4 • - • , '.ti''.- .. - --.1- - , :<=-7,:ii. ,-1 : 1 / 4 i...1. - C,I.x.,,W , ts... 7 . ,..., › ...:,.. . . . - -•:..-;;441;,' .. ' , . 7,,•...*„., , :7:... ,-;...:;,;, '..,,-....^...,-, .f -- --h. -,--,,,t-'-'—' TERRIBLE DEATH. A Woman Litereuty Soaked Alloe one or the Veartad Results of Intem perance—Coroner's Is quest—The Bun ' band Arrested on Sempleion and charged. . / • A moat horrible affair ooccirred In a court off Virgin allay about half past nine o'clock Saturday nig . ht, reoultingba the death of Mrs. Elisabeth Adams, wife of Daold - M. Adams,. under the most fet Ightful circumstances. At the time • elated the residents of that locality were it aroused from their el bets aid thrown into a state of exciteal nt by the cries of •!fire." The cries p ended from the house .of Air.. Adams, and when the neigboors got' there they found the smoke issuing from the door, which was ' partly open, and on entering the room the body of Mrs. Adam's *as found lying on the floor in front of the fire, the clothing all burned off her and i the flesh literally ar roasted. It appen d, from whet we can gat her from the circumstances surround ing the case that the affair was an acci dent. Mr. Adams end his wife had both been Indulging inliquor daring the day and Mr. A., sometime after dinner laid down and went to sleep. His wife who was seen about.half an hour before the occurrence, yory drunk, came in_elt down In front of the fire and must have been smoking a pipe, as a pipe and to. bacoo were found on the floor near the chair on' which she was sit ting. The Presumption - is that she being very drunk, went to sleep and let the are from the pipe (anon her clothing, which set her clothes on fire, sod that she was suffocated by the flames and smote before she awoke, se It does not appear that she made any - nobs° whatev er. Her husband, who was mishap in the same room,was awakened by the smoke, and says tat his wife woe rating on the chair when henna saw her. He Jumped out of bed and tried to smother the flames and then gyre the alarm of tire. The body was removed to the house of a neighbor and a physician called. The (broiler was sect for and empannelled a Jury, after which the Investigation was postponed until Sunday morning. The body, II appears, was terribly burned, and when it was being removed from the house the flesh fell from the bones. "Mrs. Adams was about liftyyroara of age, and for some time past has been addicted to driek.• Her husband, David Adams, is a quiet, peaceable man, but it appears is also of intemperate habits. TINIIEBT. , The Coroner's Jury empanelled to 'in- vestigate the case, me: yesterday morn tug at ten o'clock, when the following testimony was elicited: Frank Taytor, sworn.—l was on Fifth avenue, near Cherry alley, when I beard the cry of "Are," I ran down the alley toward Virgin alley and heard there had been a woman burned to death. I ran to the house and saw a crowd of men and women In great confusion. I went into the house and found It fall of smoke and saw something black lying OA the door. I grabbed hold of It and found that It was the body of a woman burned to a crisp. I heard some rattling among the fur niture. I got stifled with the smoke and bad to go to the door to get fresh air. I then returned and saw a man, her husband I believe, covering the body with something. Ido not know what It wag. I told him to go out or he would be burned himself, and pulled him to the door andinaced him in charge of a I policeman. aaw the womad at a store on the corner of Cherry and Virgin alleys about half an hour before the ac cident occurred, sod she was drunk. John H. Wilson, sworn-7 was in the basement of the cathedral at the fair. when the alarm of tire was given. Whep I came out I littard some one say a woman had been burned to death. I then went to the house where the tire was. I went to the door-end amid not yet In.. The door was about half open. When I got In the room a policeman was taking Adams out of the house. I saw Taylor and another Man trying to carry the woman nut. I took hold to help them and the Haab pulled off her arm,. The body wee carried Into Mr. Frich's house.' Dr W. .'nicely, sworn—l examined the body of the woman carefully this morn- Mg and do not And any contuelous or mark. of TAAOII2 I .• except the burns. She must have fallen 012 the lire. The burns on her breast were stallelemt to moss death; her-back wee slightly. burned. Wm Porchaartswort —Mrs Adams came to my store about half-nut nine o'clock Saturday night; I thought she was otlp. sey;" she was buying matches; I was busy at the time; about half an hour afterwards I was going down the alley; I saw Mr Adams pat hie head out of the door and cry “fire; . I ran over and Lund something black lying on the floor and discovered that it was Mut Adams ap. parentty dead: I than ran out and cried ••dre" and - "murder." 1 did so because I was seared. Mena Prich sworn—The Sent I saw or knew of the affair, was when I looked out of the window and saw the men carrying Um. Adams to -my . house. I hare seen Mrs. Adams drunk several tibias. Mr. Ad ma is a quiet man. • .To/fn H. McElroy sworn—When I heard the alarm of Ore lest night, I ran to the house, and when I got there 1 found them carrying the body of the woman out. I requested every person ! mRo oat of the house and called for a police °Meer, but there were none there. I placed Mr. Fender in charge of the hbaaqq and sent two parties for a doctor. Ihad Joe doori of the house locked up, and went for the coroner. , Bd. Magian, sworn—MG Adams la a baker. Be has worked with me since IBC. JIG is a quiet and civil man: I never knew hlm to quarrel with his wife. Several other witnesses were exam ined, but their testimony Lin substance the same as that given. Mr. Adams. the husband of deoeased, was then *eked fora statement of the affair. He said: I had taken k couple of drinks after dinner and laid down, and laid there on. till was awakened by the smoke In the room. My wife was tatting on a chair. sod was on Ore, when I awoke. It looked to me as If the lamp was burning tin, der the chair. 7 knew nothing of the affair until I was awakened by the awoke. 103132 Thejury. after a brief deliberation, re turned the following verdict: "That the deoeased, Elizabeth Adams. came to her death from Injuries received on Saturday eight, Jannary 29. by setting fire to her clothing while under the In. Buenos of liquor." Adams wag taken to tho watch house Saturday night and kept until yesterday monitag, when, after the Investigation, he was discharged. UNSUCCESSFUL ROGUERY Venn , Man Mlning—Operstion• with ■ forget Cheek—A 80111 Game. The banks seem to be monopolizing the attention of the rogues Just now. List week Pittsburgh was the scone of their operations which, unfortunately, were but too successful. Allegheny, however, has not been entirely exempt from their games although_ they base not realized anything. Last Friday af. ternoon a young .man, named Frank De Russell, entered tne Franklin Savings bank with a business like air and presented a check for 1300 signed by James Crayton, a carpenter, en• gaged In extensive business and ■ depositor at the bank. The cashier, • Mr. James H. Riddle, glanced at the check and at once detect. ed an attempted forgery in Me signature . Being slightly acquainted with Russel. ,he called his attention to this fact, whe that individual falteringly insisted that it was all right. Mr. Riddle thenturned to the book of depositors original auto. graphs: Be bad hardly moved round when Russel disappeared hastily. Stating as be went out of the door, that he would take the - check back to Mr. Crayton and have It fixed. The cashier followed and attempted to secure him, but he got away with briskness, Investigation was made, when the check was discovered to be a forgery. Russel was, until with. in a week - past, in the em. ploy of Mr. Crayton as a Jour neyman. and was known as consid erable'of a sport. It is Said that be tried the check on a bank In Pittsburgh where his employer wee known, but failed there also. Minot, the 'operation he has been missing from town, leaving, the report goes, a balance unpaid with his landlady. No information - has been made, and it is likely the matter will be allowed to rest, unless the delinquent should make his appearance again in Allegheny. Going to Chant'. Mary Wilson, a colored woman, was arrested on Webster avenue yesterday for disorderly conduct. Mary wasgolog op the avenue about Lall.past three o'clock, talking vomfirlotudy and as. premlog. her private opinion of another adored woman In terms by no means complimentary. When brought to the loCk-up she Informed the Captain that she was o, her way to church when she was arrested, and asked !tithe could have permisalon to sing In the cell. The Cap. rain had no objection, and Mary, as soon as placed In the cell, commenced a 'oils: .millar hymn: , She was Interrupted, however. by a gentleman from Cork. who occupied an a*•Joining cell. The In. terruption aroused Mary, and she es. premed herself In words not usually heard in prayer meetings, to her Irish Piglibbor. 0: riDiflipo United Slates Court—Judge McCandless. SAIVRDAT, January 22.—1 n the bank ruptcy branch of the U. S. District Court the following business was teal:muted: In the cue of S. Seibert, previous rule discharged, and on motions rule granted on W. F. Balser et Co., to above canoe why DU decree of adjudication, as pray ed for in the petition of assignee should not be granted. The rule to show cause In the - case of F. Soucy, bankrupt was discharged. In" thecae° of Stein' Bros. vs. Charles Elopfer, debetor, the Court adjudged Klopfer to be bankrupt, and referred the matter to S. Harper, Esq.. Register. In the case of A. J. Hagan, bankrupt, an order was issued to the assignee, di recting him to deliver to Restage rt Co. 4118 boxes of canned fruit stored in that establishment. On motion of John M. Kennedy, Esq., Butler C. Christy, Esq., of Pittsburgh, was duly qualified and admitted as a member of the bar of the Circuit and Dharict Courts. - District Court—Judge Hampton and - Kirkpatrick. SATURDAY January 22.--rn the MUM of George Bassett sr. James an ac tion to recover . darnages for an alleged mallelons prosecution, the jury found a verdict for defendant. Jury trials will be resumed this morn ing before Judge Hampton. Following is the trial list : 117. Pittsburgh and Little Beaver Creek Oil Company vs. Stevenson. 23. Calhoun & Edwards vs. Frank. 112. Morrow vs. Hill. 119, Grant vs. Scott. 127. Ewing vs. Thompson. • 128. Morgan's adm'r. vs. Ewing et al. 131 Rector, &0., St. Andrews Chnielive. Hoag. 140. Owners steamboat "Wild Cat" vs. Bally et al. Common Pleas—Full Bench B.PruanaT, January 29 .—The Jury In the case of Blakely vs. Moreland it Mitchell, reported on Friday. found for defendants. Oa motion of A. 'M. Brown, Esq., the commission of Aniust Ammon, Esq., as Interpeted in the German and French language. in the worts of Oda county was read in open court. Shields vs McAboy, motion for a new trial and rimsons flied by plaintiff's mon ad. David Phillips va Mary PhDlip3. In di. vorca. • Petition presented and subpoena awarded.. ; . Judge Sterrett gave notice to Attorneys to be ready. in all cases set down for trial, as it had been determined to hold , two branches of court. TALL LIST FOR MONDAY. 63 Long ea. Brown. 379 Goodall vs. Glues et 160 Kale va. King. 165 Simpson vs. The Mutual Lire Ina. Company. 185 McGuire vs. Hamilton. 187 People ea. McCune. 194 Spang et aL vs. Huffman. 195 Sands va. Seibert. Roaete,e Stooloo—Judge Stowe SATURDAT. January 2,9. - Jerome Baum, ludtoted for selling liquor to miners, was sentenced to pay a flee of 120 and costs. _ . • The commission of August Ammon, Eaq., - as Interpreter In the Geradtri and French languages for the Courts of Alle gheny county was read In open Court. In the case of Jacob Newnieyer, re cently convicted of Incestuous /artier; a new trial wee granted, and the dehead. ant was admitted to ball in the nun of .1,000. Christian Jakie. convicted on an in dictment for selling liquor to miner., was called op for sentence. Sentence was suapendad nu pennant of meta. ANOTHER MINE COKE Attempted Suicide—A Foreigner In the Tonatie—His Account of Himself. Yesterday morning °Mars Scott. and Weir, of the Allegheny police force, brought to the tombs estrange prisoner. 4ttention was brat attracted to him while they were patrpling nivel' avenue, near Ridge street, pighth ward. He was evidently bent on suicide and had plunged into the water when the police came to the spot and effected a rescue. When taken out he gave his name `la Frank Holaskie, and stated be wished to drown himself to escape the vengeance of eight soldiers who were in pursuit of him. Perceiving the man to DO Insane the officers at once took him into custody, and at the — Mayor's office be was ptovided with a dry suit of clothing. He appeared to be spout thirty years or age, but was sane only at Into is and them either could not or would not tell any thing In regatd to his relative.. He claimed, however, to be a Polander and showed a deep scar on • his forehead. which herald was from a wound received during the revolution of 11d3. From his conversation, it le thought he ham bocci ID this country about two )ears. He converses fluently in the German, Rus sian, French and Newish languages, and has some acquaintance with the English, although lu this be speaks with diffi culty. His appearance • and actions are those of • man of tine culture, but his condition 'waders It impossible to get any exact Information from him. He Is never very violent although ap patently laboring eahstantly under the impression -bat the soldiers ere attar him. During the day and last evening he was kept ip the tombs, but today be will be taken in charge by the proper authorities and provided with suitable accommodations City Commas. A regular meeting of the City Councils will be held this afternoon at two o'clock. The ordinance offered by Mr. Baton, to Common &canna. and peened under the suspension of the ruts!, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for fore the safe.keep• log of the City Finances," which provides that the onezparideCtielanoe" to the Treasury shell bo leaned to or deposited In the bank that will pay the highest s$ to of int, rest for It, will be taken up in, lige lect Council. ... Mr. Barton, to offering the ordinance, cited as authority to section 1, page 198, of the City Digast, which made as fol. Iowa: "That the Treasurer shall give bond to the said city In such sum as the Cuy COMIC/11l may from time to time direct. conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. and shall, bt. fore be enters upon said duties, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation before the Mayor of said city, honestly to keep and sestount Abe • all public monies and property ,entrusted - to - his care; and if such Treasurer shall knowlnsly violate such man or affirmation be shall be deemed sniffy of, perjury„. The said per wat shall keep the pantie money In suet place and manner so Councils Malt direct and shall verify his cash account at least once every mouth to the satisfaction of the Finance Committee of Council& &o " The foregoing to from the act of May 113, 18.57. Tne Sons of . Temprranee at Work Jonah Bonghton, Ete., , of New York, - s special Deputy of the grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of Painsylva Ma, has been at work In Ulla and adjoin log counties for the post ten. dayr. The number of new divisions of the None of Temperance Instituted through his ef forts show that ho has been more sue. uessful than others who have. proceeded - him. The reault of his labors in this vlclulty may be briefly summed up, as follows: On Tuesday. January* Igth,, -- at Johns town. in the Presbyterian Mauch of that place, he instituted a Dietitian with f irty charter members, to be known se the "Ohio River Division of the Sons of Tern perance." On the following Wednes day, at Port Perry, he instituted a Di vision with twenty. five Charter menu. bars. Oa Friday night, at the Ceetene ry M. B. Church in Ile Thin eenth ward of this city, he inettiuted the "Egerla • Dlvision.' with twenty-three charter members. On Thursday night, at the M. E. Church, Mansfl , -id be imitated ,the "Mansfield Division," with forty two charter members. Oa Friday night, at Bargettstown, Washingtonceunty, be instituted the "Burgettatown Division" with eighteen charter members. On' Saturday night, at Eldersville 'Wash ington aonlitY , he instituted the r , 81.- daraville Division" with - twenty-three charter members. Remembered their 'reacher. • One of those pleasant affairs that help to make duties light and labors dent/M -AIL =tared In the Sabbath School of the Methodist Episcopal Church peter. day, at Irwin Station. The male Bible clam took their teacher, Mr. Alex. 80. yard, altogether by surprise in the pre. sentation of a pair of fine gold spectacles Asa slight token of their personal regard, 'swell as appreciation of Ins services. This 'clans la composed of persons meetly past the meridian of life. and to one of the most interesting in the school. - The spectacles were bought of James R. Reed CO., No, 65 Fifth avenue, and troll the Omni patio. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: MONDAY MORNING, _JANUARY. 31, 1870 iuirAmt Penurytvaula Bee.rve AaseellUoti—The , Annual Convention at Leek Haven-- Delegatesto be ..ent. Irma Pittsbargl. Prr t .*(nary Arrangements. . Saturday evening, "a meeting of the members of the Pennsylvaniti .Reserve Association, In this vicinity was held at the Board of Trade Booms, Wood street. Dr. E. Donnelly prodded with O. S. Mcllwalne Esq., as Secretary. The chairmen stated the object of the meeting was to take stele toward soon. big the attendance of members at the an nod meeting, to be held at Lock Haven; also. to collect dues and form a local ore ganizatlon for Western c getinsylvanla. On modem' of Cant.. Chamberlain, It was resolved to meet once a week until the annual meeting. The following Committee was tnen ap pointed to arrange preliminaries, for or. ganizlng the local association and at. i tendia the meeting at Lock Haven: Dr. E. Don elty, Captain C. K. Chamberlain Ninth Regiment; Sergeant E. Abel. Filth Regiment ; James E. Steidle, Ninth Regiment?: aeons° W. Mingue, Sedan Infantry; Captain T. B. Swearin, gen,f.. th Regiment; Evan Pugh, First Cava' ; Captatu W. McClelland, Bat tery, i Onmotion of Captain J. K. Barb.onr , this mauttee was authorized to act as a Fin lace Committee, Dr. Donnelly to be Chairman. and E. Abel Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary, also a OOMMit tee of one from each of the regiments t , from this section to assist said committee. Th lollowing were announced: Cap:. How , Teitth Infantry; Cot. S. M, Jack son, leventh Infantry. On' motion, the following Committee from the South Side was appointed to act in contrite:Mon with the Committee al ready appointed: Col. Jas. Balentine, John EL Young, James Wilson. On motion, an additional Committee was appointed ' from the counties and towns named as follow.: Washington county, Captain Chill Hazzard, Captain charles McDaniel, Captain McGreggor, First Cavalry; Colonel James B. Kirk; Connellsvillo, Pa., J. C. beaten. Mr. Mc • Ouire'; Oil City, Captain Charles W. i Owaton,lsase Sowers; Crawford county, (Norge Bernie, S. B. Dick, Joshua Rey nolds. Adjourned to meet next Thursday, February ad, the place to be announced in the daily' prose. The Aliiegneny Part The Park . Commissioners, we under-. stand, have approved and adopted a .boantiful device for the still further em bellishment of that portion of the West. ern Park intetmediate of Ridge street and Western avenue. In place of filling up the low ground In the northeastern part of this section, it Is to be converted into a specious begin or lakelet to be fed from the contiguous fountain. The mar. gin of this lakelet to to be appropriately arranged so mit° produce a good general effect, the plan Including a beech, levee, or landing place for the tiny craft to be used in theaquatie pastimes of children, I for which the fake will be eadpted. The lake will cover but a limited area and will be so shallow as to Involve no peril to the paeeengerst even if a boat should swamp or capsize; it will, besides, be_a beautiful feature of the Park, giving variety to the landscape. We be lieve the credit of this happy thought Jo due ' to Mr. Davis, the City Engineer, who we know is very in genious in inch mestere, and seems de termined to do everything for the taste ful adornment of . the Perk, which* the Commissioners will unction, and . the Commissioner, have evinced • • liberal and enlightened taste In the work thus far done. =2 awing la npldly approaching, and the annual overhauling 'and renovating of private dwellings and buelnesa benatit will soon - be commenced. The carpen ter, the upholster, the paper banger, but more than all the. painter, will than be called upon to west in the work, and It becomes an interesting questkez who to employ. In the matter of painting, which . 1a SO swami.' to the cbeertui, comfortable and attractive appearance of a dwelling or , More, no misake Will be made by those who employ one of the beat attune in the city, Mr. John T. Gray, who has his establishment at No. 54 Ninth (Mind) street. Mr. Gray thoroughly undersupda his trade and is prepPed to de house and sign painting with dispatch and in the neatest mapper ; • The work which he has done throughout the city, and the enviable reputation he has acquired thereby, are sufficient evidences of his skill and taste. Re keep, on hand a meek of toe finest color*, paint; oils and varnishes, and Is always ready to all form tile work to the satisfaction of all partlee. We would advise all who have anything in his line to give him a call at 54 Ninth street. Real Esteri Transfers. 'ho following deeds wart ad:Wiled!: record In the olllce or Igoe. R. llnnter Recorder for Allegleny county, -Retur day. January 29.1670: Chu. Weber to Miller J.. 10, 1O; Int 9 300 fon 11• In lateen. / b. B. 11.0 M, tbtmtf. to Mathew I•lnhprbabkr Jolt 70,15f7t lok 14 fl 7 102 ft. Itb ward, Palo at f 0) W, tno (b al to John Porter, rub 1 VC: I.a mt., 53 tt. on Middle 84, rir Itel.nuto to Aodnw W•ls, July 30, iso. SC It. on Short •Iley, award. Pia • bate. tPrltard L\o• o.oey L. Overbeck, Vet. an MOS lot 4.10, 17.5 r.. ......... 1110 Exerotors bt nt. tto•ln•tn. Jr. • o 4.1051 110.1. Ana Jots U. Mak. J.., 111. IWO; lot o by Ir fton o tote ayaaly,O, Allot haat —33 Ito WPebr , nth: 1' Ll.vmhn (Ittqw•t,Pot. 90. Inlblot 21 ► by 130 Cl. onnbtatnt., blitolnat Yamhto Lett find !ma to Caro.lno Jan. I llavl l o Scte Of CfOEIO4 In Dor . alb •I Mt. Waablng too. 0,v1d15. NI/ I.U•so• to Wm 1001... toll 7, liths. lot on reb - lllltsbotalt, 29 by 131 ft.•..015u Wm. Onllaber to . 0•1101 tl core. Oct. I, IWO; lot . . . .• b. 5 ft.. oo ./Lattley Lt.. 141.0 ward. I ° ,ll- otty.h lyoo.b .Y I r t yt . bIyV M. y,o Filtoe. te . to c p o yr y t N a O , Yj.o ly J. 5 by in 1 ‘.llvotawCy Hell, b 7 Ita .4 l s o o t B Yet Y. Irt lola, to Matllds' - St. /1/00: lot 5 , by 00 ft.', oP oplat tbilt et , no 74 4 . 4;', Ittlye:iti . WI; ' MI; W . li g . r'.° /0. above lot ' -;. • '.1117:10 The Orp Fair Closed on Saturday night after a very 'imocessful term lot amnesia weeks oper a Mimi. The maniple will be larger than that of any fair ever hold by the Cabo. lie denomination in this city. The sliver mortar and pestle for most popular drug gist was awarded to Mr. M. J. McGann, the Fifth avenue apothecary; the elegant gold trimmed buggy to most Popular gentleman was awarded to Mr. John O'Neill by a large majority. The "Little Orphan," a splay Journal of the Fair. published each evening, was a conspicuous feature, and reflected much credit to the journalistic abilities of the editor, 0. P. Meitenna, Esq., and sa. sistante. . • . To•ulght the Fair reopens ender new auspices for the benefit of the worthy poor of the ally. under direction of the Seeley of St. Vincent de Paul. Many new attractions will be afforded, and as the cause la good we hope there will be •generous igtendanoe. Going It Alone Not to be behind their brethren of other rural villages, the Catholics of McKeesport, who are without's pastor, concluded to "go It alone" and get up a fair on "their own hook." Accordingly • committee was appointed to visit this city and attend the Homeopathic, Fair, then in proxies's. Tho committee deter. mined to adopt it an their model, purcha sed a number of useful articles, returned, went to work, and soon bad a Fair In full tide of encoessful operation. The gentle. man In charge were J. P. White, Capt. H. Hotrough,ht,j. J. F. Ryan and Lt. J. T. McMullen. The principal tables were presided over by the Misses White, Mo. Mullen and Ryan. The Fair-was well Patronized hymn chimes and denomina tions, closing last . week after netting over 12.000. Rev. Father Ruch, of an adjoining parish gave a portion of his time to the furtherance of the object of the Fair. • • . The Dog Star. One hundred and thirty-three billions of miles away through epsoenhines Striae —one of.the brighteat eters In the hely tine. .rcatr hundred each sane as ours If - pbmed at as great a distance, would etnd us no more light than Mesa the brilliant ..dog star." Through . the aid, of that wonderfal instrument. the - alloutraouopo, astronomers discover that its compoaltion differs much from that of °urine, or any of the worlds that revolve around It, that In It in fact, is no hydrogen,' and eons& quently ; no water, and therefore the In habitants are deprived of -Pier, •Dannais & Co.'s Cream Ale. .Wonderfal beingsof 'lncomprehensible Worlds, we pity you I Jewelry Stoleat The - residence of David Bruce, Esq., near Shadyside, was entered by burglars yesterday, and Jewelry to the value of five hundred dollars stolen. Mr. Bruce and his family bad gone to church, lock ing up the house before they stetted. When they returned they found' the back door broken open ' and on going up stairs found that the Vl:ll.es¢ drawer con. Mining the Jewelry had beeb forted open and the articles, consisting of ear rings, breast pins, a watch sada pair of brace lets taken. There Is Lo clue that will Wady Igad to the arrest of tie talon's, • Burglars At an early hour Saturday morning some thieves entered the residence of Mr. R. C. Cochran McClure township, New Brighton Road, and after helping themselves liberally to the edibles In the Pantry, carried off a lot of clothing and a large travelers trunk. They neat pro. needed to the stable and selected a light covered 'spring wagon to which they hitched one of the horses, and then filled with seta of harness, robes, and saddles. With their olunder they drove MT q albs leisurely. Two gentlemen pass ing oy at the time, observed the wagon, and went for assistance, when they re• turned it was gone but the thieves were traced to Pittsburgh by way or thelland street triage where the trace was lost. Mr. Cochran offers a reward of ;so for the return °kite articles. E=521 1 .2! Hors.—Mr. Collins, an Isiah commedian 'second to none pn the stage, will appear at the Opera. House this evening as ~ Rory Oldore." Mr. Collins, we regret to say, has been engaged for one week' only. He is an admirable 'vo calist and has a true conception of the Irish character. he will doubtlos play to full houses during his short stay In the city. The frrince Arthur Ball The ball given at the new Masonic Hall lash Thursday evening by the British Minister and Mrs. Thornton, in honor of Prince Arthur, was decidedly recherche, and one of the most magnificent affairs of the kind that has ever taken place at the capital. The ball was profusely des orate dwlth flags and flowers, all of which were arranged with the most artistic taste. In all of these decorations the American and the British flags were conspicuous. At the east end of the hall a platform was raised, the surroundings of which were tastefully hung with festoons of flowers, while a large number of ornamented gas jets were added to the perManent fixtures in different portions of the room. Long before nine o'clock a vast assem blage of people bad collected in front of the main entrance to the Hall. Between nine and ten the carriages commenced to arrive, and before eleven an immense concourse of distinguished ladies and gentlemen had assembled, thronging the spec:ono halt to Its utmost capacity. As the - guests arrived an ofacer at the door took the name of each .one and introduced them to Mrs. Thornton. About ten o'clock Prince Arthur arrived with Ida suite, and was met by Mrs Thornton - at the head. of the stairs and escorted into the hall and up its centre, the band playing "God Save the Queen" meanwhile. Tho British Minister bad at first determined to Issue but 400 cards of invitation, but increased the &umber to 900, and declined 900 sp. plications. At least 500 or '1:90 ladles and gentlemen were present, malty oT the lat . ter being officers of the army and navy. At 10 o'clock the President and Mrs. Grant arrived, and as the band played a national air the Prince, who was con vening with tome ladies at the east end of the hall, skipped across the room, and, I meeting Mrs. Grant q; the bead 'of thd I mans, escorted her to the platform and handed her to the chair, President Grant leading the way with the Wife of the British Minister. The dancing com- menced a little before 11:20 ba cotillion, one set only participating. The Prince led off with Mrs. Grant, their via e.eis being Mr. Fish and Mrs. Thornton. The set was further composed of Mrs. Fish and Mr. Thornhin, Mrs. floutwell and General Belknap, Mrs. Sherman and Ld• miral Porter, Mme. Blacque Bey and General Rhenium, lime. Gated" and Mr. floutwell, and Mtne. caties3y and Mr. Eneson. Additional Marton" by Telegraph. BIIPTALO, J•l3. 29.—The receipts of cattle for the week were 4700, shipments 5,450; the market closed firm at pester daragnotations with the garde all clear. ed. Hogs— teceipts 8,000, shipments 7,250; market quiet at 9 for poor to fair, and 9,44,0U0 for extra. Sheep— receipts 9,140, shipments 3.406; market closes firm at previous quotations. New Onunkres, Jan. 'A.—Cotton Uncut nally'lie letter; middling Upland 23X c; Wm, 1,200 balm; receipts. 4370; egporti, 5.668. finger dull; prime 1141allyle.. Molasses 68470(1.. alike firmer; fair 15344101514 m prime 173,03117340. Other article@ unchanged. Naanctilm Jan. 79.—Cotton quiet and pricers Jowar: low middling 233 e; good ordinary 2:3c; stock, 5,250 ;bales. MED • DlFNlST93—adaurdayorale' . leo 9 1149_19511qt 9/.31E9 sofa e , an o, 111 . 3±07. 5. Desolator, aged 13 91aallut neat V • KERN—On Monde,. J.1.11•1* 4100. "Ott it the rend. ore or his w:ener. No: 1104 Penn l'lttebersh, Pa •NDBILIT • LiNita %CNN. Tonto of 14.881 , a1 to events' Tapirs. it/ITB-0n tltnaal morphs/. Janaa'T TOM, 18119. Tr - ALTAR T I. f Lot son of Job. 8 8.8 Jeanie:. Halo, aged IT montA4 and T day.. The Mural .111 take place from the Mohan [Ads Howse. tet•otT. In. Nat, at o'cleeli P. at. The f. lends of the femlll are railhead a:1 y tor IWO to attend. VAT.,,A116-8.•111°. humeral Mali Arctosood.'lt 9 o'clock. Irmo the realdeneiblbermidlrlaor.Gm.W. gushes. 901 Bum arroyo. •11.11 coy. 'lke (Mende of the Pally am maim 01014 Melted to attend., —oa lobby!, moeolok. Januar y 3101. at a ..,i.a.cawacas UONnuegy, ma of /Pro and lad enetothrauky.ln . the 19111 year of 00 ale, The Itoteralallt tote ream tram the residence of h • mother. No I'B Craig attest, Allegb:oy. TIASLIAT £OOOOOOOO. Tebraarr lot, at I o'clock. The Monde of the Zatplik ore »ryect: • y le atom& UNDKRTAIKERS:' B. YAITZILSOIf . . ... . L. WILLIAM. rAirri.fisos . 414 WILLIAMS, Oadoinantr*, cornet al 711th atentia 'and ehllfastsf all kinds. tu .f.73ltt =1: r„ 01 VtLl,l3 rg; meat r.naonable terms In the city. Ile and .nal'llnc.farttlibird. Man aPna - day ears . . . .. . rP.ABLEB & PEEBLES, UN VVDSKTAsEss iis in Y AnLis, cornet, t 0.11. ND MCA' ND VD 11111.. t A.YXNUk Allegheay W. where llictr COY 1111 R4M.IMN we eonacartily willed lOU, real set l' Utila . lt PA= 14 jr " trV it li Ali ol v .'r Z.' ritYl='; ':l*_Tl t si gral=t; tiouds. If malgia. Mite opi,watig lIMEM. day sad alaht. JOSEPH METER & SON, ITNDEnTAIEEIIIB. . No. 4A4 PINIX errant Oarrlares tar VILIMMiII, 13.00 amnia iiati all razor* rualausea{ at ro• JOHN X COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENOINK, LOCOIOTITE k FILLING RILL Made Pros:aptly go Order. BABOIT'S • METAL Made and Kept on Hand. ===l:3 J.M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN STREET. Foundry, Cor. Uth owl. Railroad Streets, IMI=I HENRY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets FALL Al? WINTER STOCK NOW QOMPLETE RS. STOWE'S BOON. LADY BYRON VINDICATED • hlstorr of the Syron Controversy. .". t tram the Ren heitten to . the present Ume. BY h ew towe 11.6 0 'DOM s ISON4I MIXT URAIL. One volume el eh 11 1 i Ona v ol u me. lama. : paper 0130 v N•PliE108 PHTISICLL-LIFX ulr isrotriat, al.llu ORIZZLZVe RIGOOLLEOTIOateI OF • am AM? DEveLOpilinser Ur I.4titOltrel . ilscletr. .lly lL Bar .1 O i al : 2 .01.100 UN rThivr.littB • *6.00 HITHSBT... tly the au.hor at /nds Mutat N ', VI /I= U . 31210A.VD3 41Ic , In mealy Wive% MEM VINEGAIt. TILE PITTSBURGH . 1 YT EGAR - WORKS . . BALLOU & ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 ECOND AVENUE, Are now prepared to tarnish ITNEGAB at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Attention to sea tlenlarly called to one • • FNMA 'Wu 'MEDAL FOR SALE. VDU SALE—FURNACE—There A: will be or red for sale to the highest and beat bidder. al McArthur. Tipton county. Ohio, on the 1005 day or rebruary. 1070, the PAO , It YU/MACE, Otto the lauds belonging the , eto. These lands contain inexhatistl/leml es or ore and coal, and the Furnace Is now In full Wass making 151 tons Hos blast Charcoal Iron N per day. PALMUSI, BER. 1.3 Bainbridge. Moss count EN y, Ohio. FOR SALE—PROPERTY. • - - haundersigned off rs for as e his Dwelling Rome. 8 able and Urnund,• sitnated to the Fifth ward. Allegheny City. between Ridge and J •laptstree,s, having front of 15010,1. ant a death of 550 feet to Rid street. This Is one ge of the most d to and an Dal situations in the city. Terms accommodstins. Annul., of Ir. BILAGN. 111 No. 111 Liberty •treet. Plitsbn 0. fi&LE. cur acres at 710 n of Walton, 71. Wayne B. R.: houses and 3 lota to Pleasant Vale): 1 acre grooad In Bellevue lloro.• boos. and 51 sores 171,1ssbeth Bora: house andlot 10 Bridge water, Beaver county; 17 acres at Uleodsle; Horne snd Lots oo Lombard avenue. 3d ward: • al lots on Tremont street. god ward; 10 acres la Ross township; House and Lot, 64 James street, 34 ward: House aoa Lot Waite Oat street, 3. ward; Douse and lot Pen - Twills Pis Hod , Gouda house wld lot on Quarry t Sid ward: and lot, 97 nhellleld street P otts In Nam Ern shann: 31a. and bursae In Beaver Falls; hoar. and 4 lots norm% Rm. neventa ward Bk and 011 blocks for sale. for norther Battl an er:lass .Ingsdre of ' 114 Beal llstata Agent, corner Ohio and Sandusky street.. AlletkenT EOR SALE.-AT A BARGAIN. —IIOII - E ANli LOT, No. 76 Ledi eeeee t, .0 6 ...ed. all , ltben7. Bowe, moo !Wet bf Brooms. well damned a a e - dnOlete• rot SO y SID to an • ley. Dowd frame stable on ear of lot.. Thls property In w. , rthy the attention or all deeding toylmee real estate. Ay a bogie on 500000 . or Its l oot lonand .OTOOLIILCO, or at inieetment It would remlime. by reoitmie. hose Vo ' rillnft orn.:l=ll6.T` r" only. "" I ° P. PRICE, X 1 Diamond. AlleinenT. P2OK SALE. —DW ELLING4 lent three store 11010 K DWIL LIAM}, rably located. No.• 00 Neer tremor, All.. dhoti) City. somata/or ten Mona snd bathroom. nut an, told water In hest and second mory. In all the rroms aaa a ballit &tell on eotn-r ol PI alley: It towel' Naiad Ito yalatllatyd. j Er i tir ; A 1 , 1_12401. 7.0.. 1111 No.llo reortlt aveacte, Fos WALE.—Rostapsond Boil- I j iq. New tod &Mind nand, of 111 kladt COUtt.dir on bond. Ordert from all parts of the country PrOmetlY extrattd. _ . JKMILEI HILL a CO., Cotner Marlon Ayezole and I°, P. W. a C. 11-W kliestoso. Pa. F ain SALE. • VAUNTING orrian. •IPe soma ie9wa 4.4 ► lame a.a.itil of type. Man work:thin they cot ton pt.. 4utiv A. IlkBT, tr Ilfthavehoe and . /want O4edt. F ON RACE, SIX SORES OF LAND Wlthli the city Ilona. WAIN] told cheapen.] on my tertne,Yetilre of WM. BLLIELLT. eat reepateLa, 91 Orentstrtet. jean.' Fos SALE.—Stock and Fix TDREt. LEASE ♦ND 000 D WILL of gwt-elan xery. doing n good by I•taa. .1% sod< rataned being engaged In otAtr batialw tba reason for atillog. 0. W. .nBEI - , 4p/fed ororal street. ADerben• . . pEusoNAL. - --AU penerta seek. 0 1/011Z13, or 'Denunciate la Real Le tate, estll save time, troable anti meter Dna caring ropy of the ••PITTSBUItt4H INT/Mr. SY,01•17.11.“ kis etyma away gnarl/ or will be tent try mail su itedy requesting Perm. cannot tall to yetout of the mut Ina It sontalus. CROFT a PHILLInt e Pub Milers and Baal Idstata Aslata, No, Lle Fbartli avenue. lOWA LAND FOR 64 LE.-400 tenon //choice land In one on!. tow, sln lowsuses the line or the Meat & Tiorlisseester• Hat road. and In o•eof the most neonnell I portions of the Mate. R ill be sold low. the Whole or • hart. IP IT nt O. to I' o CLAIN Co.. fonstlienne. WINES. LIQUORS, ace. WAGNER'S FRENCII COLORING The very Beet In the Enlted States. MANIITAc'TURZO B 1 WILLIAM WAGNER 9gl.llorlh 4erent/i girsit PUILJULLPHIL. .t .et-CL tee leading howes In Phil. de Ode. 16.11:00.1.11111 SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, I orporarails ' WINES, BRANDIES, - GIN,' WHOLLIIALZ DISALM PURE RYE . 'WHISIZIES, 409 PENN STREET, Haire . Removed to NOS. SS4 AND *S6 PENN, Con Zleventh St. (formai:ly Canal) JOSEPH & FINCH & Isos. 1650E7, 1110,191, IDS wad VA ma: ovum., PITTSKIIMM . . . DWl.led Pius El_e_Whiskip IPONZION WOIIISI wed LI. QUOR HOPS. 40. • • ahla.n2l 14.ifirg7.1*L%4:1 WALL_ PAPER At Greatly Reduced Prices. To make ah-If room ate new bode. We will sell UM the ant of March Wet how to More: . Without Regard to . Cost, ==l HANDBOKS PAH , OR pAprms, • DIAI AN D E CHPAPUA. HAL AMBER PAPZILS, Alm a luminertamtaclitai PAPZII3 at. N 0.107 MARKET STREET; • NIAlt 11ITH • VENUE. Jos. B. MOM & MM. EimeANT PAPER, HANGINGS. Enameled Wall Pavers to plain than Impel , 0100$ to oat and smote. V - ensmillongrounds mitt cold sod Igen% F.IIIISoMIXD VOL. INDIA TAPESTRY, MILK PANELS d rerlj a P rie th eilrfigi, to be &sad 01000000 Lo tao county. For sale of. W.P. wr A MOW AT.T NEW WALL PAPER STORE, *ll 19.1.u/4:lry agree:. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN, Withlst to melon a sus pretest tkolz Mends tore HOLIDAY CIFT. A r .°ol46"7ll3iZieetriaing % P a l :re TER WARE of We molt oeslf able pa/WI . ..APIs received at W. 0. DIINISEA.TEL'S. UMTATA AND OPTICIAN. WITTR AVANT= Ir.IIrINGSTON & L 1 Marlalsomers of LIGHT Gl= MON. GA M a r a TM ' Car OS, Bh . trfra oo articles of Haildersi tHt were slimy. on mad. • tlllOceind Works, near Outer Depot,. A.nortnly TostoMeo Wilms. Look Hoz 30%, 1.21:us PlAtiTs suntan PROPERTY TOR wiLIC.-11 , 66 beers 'td- firm ums. /IVY feet Mut tro Main street by 150 0 . 00 u,,,,m,.11,13.d. MIAMI* In the tenure of the town. Iwo llwelltlc . flosutes. met tight rowan. Pries:sr both 045.005. Ay to. • • D. OWfuSIIIT • SOS% .• • 30 Walk evens'. INS_'nO , OEl TB NEW JERSEY Mutual. Life Insurance Co.; NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Over 8500;000. All Policies issued by tbie Company are perpet ually lion-Forfeiting alter ine payment of one Animal Premium. Dividends annually declared the'.Dlalea third annual premium, either on permanent therheee et the policy. or to redaction of Pnhhi. HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General .Agent, 167 1,2 Wood Street, (2d floor,) I= SW Ilallablin Agents wasted deSq7l ME IRON CITY HEAL LIFE • INSURANCE Of Pennsylvania- Offeae, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City, DIRECTORS: HOE. JAMES L. killltMl, Bev. J. B. CLARK, D. D.. Capt. IL ROBINSON. Bog. A. E. BELL, D.D. Rev. S. H. NEbBIT, D.D., JACOBREED. Cuhler Allegheny Trnst Co. BUBB, Real Haute Agent, SIMON DEUR, Mayor of Allubehy. 0. W. BENNY, Hatter; A. S. BELL, Attonsey-at-Lam, D. L. PATTERSO N RWOOEIL. Insurance, Lumber Merthant. D. Aftenc. Capt. BOOT. ROBINSON, Prostdolt• Bay.J. B. CLARK.D.D..Vie• Pr•OdsAl. JACOB RUSH,' fOreratary, C. R. 13BANT. Tommolo. U. W. WHITE. id tomcat. ADVIEEK. DANIEL SWOGER Den Agent. COMMTbSIONED Alin NI 3 DOE THE CO.: John D. Donald..., Allech op, Ca. W. W. MoO. obester, Pa. Rev James 110111Pgthrad. Beaver, EA • P. El. Courslo, McKeesport, Pa. lieorge.S. :Johnson Malreville, PA. J. S. etrayelT Johnstown, Ca. Company strictly mutual. All profits SCOMartr to:0110y of by dlvidold returned annually from tbe end of the S t year. All policies non. forfeltinu OttSo • INSURANCE COMPANY. PITELAN'S BUILDING. Is. sia mix Alrokun .5.054 Moat, PITHEIBURUH.. Capital Alt PIMA VV. DIRECTOItn.. N.J.Ririe,. 111.W.Oileer.P.Tapt.M.BalleY. Hang trallace, 0. H Hartman. n. Camber.. Jake Hill, B. )(Tiara... Jas. Y. Balled. Tames Smith, Jn0.15. ROHL= H. NINO, President. P. JRNMINGS, Vice 1.0.14 1. JIM. T. 30111S0101, Beeret..y. Colt. H. J. 66105. 6,r1 Arent. Injures on Liberal Terms on all Mrs • and Marine Blau. aimret NATIONAL ... INSURANCE COMPANY. Coe. Federal M. and Diamond, Illegboy, s tra n c a t i • at i. the ONODND NATIONAL WINK W. W. MARTIN Presitte JOHN BROWN, yruident. JAMBS E. HTS NsON.Bearrary. • • - • John A.. My 1er,1.1.. Lockhart. J o.. Myer., nham. ;Robert Les, C. C. Bawls. mr=1.7,.%11.211,,,,i!`"24.13. PEOPt h raP ILNOIaiILaNCIC CON. Wry: I==== • /u... o..P.u,saking rut am manse auks • SIMICTOISS Fa z i RMS. ;auk L. liaosels. hum' F. maim, • . park,. Caul. Arbuckle. Jared W. Brash. Jam. Vaa Ach e w. James D. enter. samnel rot , 474 ,ll l ,LlF tk. Prestde ie T it. , W. P. HABDkKR. Secretary. VILESTERN INSIMANCE COM* PANT or PITTSRIIEtOIi. lANDER. manes., Dmtam. WW. L. IREMEHT. 9eeretal7. CAPT. 11EMON tianeral Ague. O. 911 Water stroei. alga" a Oe..s Pam house up stairs. Pltisba ar} rab. Will lam= all_ lin& of Pins sad rt. Risks. A hom avat e lastitutloll, Managed Dr DI. meson who Ste Well Intent to the COWllkeitter. awl who an determined by peoloptaess and Met. a mas s ehlitllela the Chanel. Which thOW Lava a. as arlarlag the ten protectlaa Man irba deal= to b lamed. i cirk r a = 4 muon J n Oredli Wzn. l itorsisolt • an .• Almada. 'haat. B. 'Millet, Jr. James lteto)l,4. Alexaniber Ispea, klattrem Adden. David M. 1.4 u, I). pENRSYLVANI4 . INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITISBUIONI 071 ICE. No. 16E% WOOD 1322.7.11 T. BA= us cumulates sumiume. TER Ls • V ammo , . as 4 Daum ligatalt lAD brYlre =DUE. LZONAR WALTER, Preadult. 1 ;0 E. BOIN6Iben Prldent. 1111dMILIDLIA: EACTEW . Dialwows: Leonard Oeeorvrol. C. C. Bore, kko. , rw. "ri l4l ‘ P: X. s. 1 , 131.1 . J. V ocArgi. • • JaoeD as. H. HopaLua. Rimy Syron!. A. Amnon. . _ . AGAINST LOSS NY MASAN INSURANCE CO. OE PHILADESPRIA; 011107.486 41r1 IMEITIATIT Matsu lorg. rown, Maur W. Bw. waged ß. . UMW T o w. w 3.3.. r. nvid B ragenia,. krtllt• t ° I * MILTi U. BAN * 4. 6 .'3= o . 4 . 1 . 4 t/ e igs d 4" . 4 - laD '7.14 21pr. kam , North Wert ozater sad wood wlauwis • AIL LE GI it EN Y INSUUANGE OOMPAirr i llirent. ITS.O. WI VISIZT.RASE BLOM N Lofww olol= ail of Pim matt Mutts IWO. 30,/pl i r o lWlW.V re eddeoit. T. thilLIN If .Vlao ?redden, CIL_ , I 4 Pinill, tar,. CAPT.-WM. DE . General Unit. • Driscrois: 1 John I. Jr.. B. L., Valmestook 0. HJ. II asoo. W. 11. 'hams. . Livai i , Robert H. Dank 71.0.1aliollers, 4= 7 . 7,14 ...• _ flant. 3 vin. d . - 1 Oslt. W. Diu. T. IL Navin. . I...inzt.M.lou o ip,r.liorm:l:l PHERSON & 1111111,11VBRING, OUCosseoms To W. a ai'CiNE it 00., STERCTLART • TAILORS, No. 10 SIXTH late. St. Clilr. Jewt..Trialdrr,A l 7,l; o lr4.".7.l:7 T 7 able prices. Mr. au .214.= Hal Nar l irld 4.111 "e'leV:soll 14Teafiso"Tinfrinaiirmiuge. P. NE'MLEOLM, FAIMIONABLII MEROHANT TAILOR, am* coaffisatlioa Mad Clatha, Caannserne and resting'. AIso,GEFITLECIMS DIMNIMMEIGOoDe. No. 99 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. rA. m irGent% Clothing made to cotes in the Utast in. tognigi XEN AND BOYS CLOTHING. ir.:42nd a i s Titif=l:l "xmh'il GRAY & LOGAN, 47 Sixth St. 89 Fifth Avenue, /Lab St. Lisle. son NEW FALL GOODS. ►'etaasma saw stmt. of CLOTHS, GlBB/Mgll/48, &C., lan neetveel IiZITZIII. Sat Meechant TaitF. TS amithilald stmt. rERIAI . 6 :ilitinlasigv : 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FENT, VASES. somuudi ,azn cum*, SSW WAR ISM7s, GLIM 01714 aIIOKINO errs. • ..teak ot SILVER PLATED GOODS = nr.,lll.7.Vr..lLMtbr..fu«,•. R. E. mn & co. l• 0 WOOD !TIM% WHOLESALE GROCERS, &c. DILWORTH, HIRER & ilk 243 LIBERTY STREET, (gpposito head of Wood.) Are receiving large snieraenta of New Crop New Orleans SUGAR and MOLASSES Ilir Meg give 12 per cent. tars on al/Sugar by the Hog ahead WILLIAM MILLER & CO., Not. 21l and 421 Liberty Street. Oorner of Irwin, t x , T e w .. off .t ef ic t t tg trade at low 14 Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and ioLasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. anew Ne w do York. Philadelphia nod Baltimore Re . Golden Drips, Loverings, Brun,ls, Stout , . Adams , and Loug Island Byrum. Porto Rleo , Cuba and Popish Island Malaise*. and O You olongng ymns. , Japan, imperial, titinpowdur Carolina and liangoln Wee. Java. Laßaapra and aluCollees. - Tobacco, Lard OIL link. Nails, Glass, Soap, Cotton Yarns, de., constantly On hut. ALSO, • IMPORTERS OP Fine - Brandies, Wines and S Rhenish, Mo, elle nod Sparkling IioeN I T I. , or Minket & Co., to bottles. , Sparkling Moselle. &blushers and Johimn hu. Hockheimer, Burgundy, de. Brad enburg t Freres , rine Olive 011. do do Clarets, Imported In bottles o do vreito Wines, lo bottles. M. Work A Sons. Sparkling Cat.wba. Pane Old Sherry. Madeira and Port Masa d n o Vedr M s Su o p n e g O ar notchdo pa d r o s .. ALSO, lola Amta Ibr Janet • Chandonts Grand VII Versenas and Salem Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted 110:0411 ESTABLISHED BT • A. & Te GOItiILY, 1812. • W. DI., GOBBILY WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIZZOTLY OSP, EARLS GOTZL,) prrrewußau; PA. M. STEALS J. A. STEELE. Air STEELE & SON, • Commission Merchants Ezovrt.GßArN, Ace No. 98 WINO irrEr.sr. ne.r Eua Com.don, ALLEGHENY crry. G. PIT'S SZIL JAXICH P. B.IOIIABT. KEIL & lIICRABT, COIIITaffiSIOIf RCEHOWINTII, DIULLXIISIx PLOD'S, GUM aI3IIDB, MILL PRIM 449 Liberty 81.. Pittsburgh. L 724. MEANOR & HARPER, TLOUR, ORAIN AND PRODUCT. Commission Merchants, So. WO LIBERTY MITZENT, =M3!MM W. C. ARMSTRONG, Oftenamor to nisei. 41 Armstrong.) PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 25 Market Street. aya L. J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Na 296 PENN MULL? solizzYS TITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Orman, Coma:anion Merchants an Dealersln Prduct, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, fish. carbon and Lard 011. Iron, Malls, Gin s, Cotton Yams and Ott Pllubursh Manufactures generalli. U and 114 SECOND Ifrararra Plttsbera. ions-1. riovei..irly. notrie....ver. U. noun. 10Hril I. HOUSE & 'BROS, Soc ., oessors to JOHN L HOUNE a CO.. Whole. ssle Grocers s Commission Merchsets, Cornet of 1.324112104 Wad Rote> meets. Plusteareb. rIPTON AWALLACE.WhoIe BALT. GBAI±CI.IOI AND PEDDIJCZ DIAL N. !METH STRILT. rlttabarrb. PROFESSIONAL Mccostatitic, torney-a' -L aw. No. Oa BRANT STREIT 111Prrompt attendee given to all Ueda et legal Onalam • lag :tla - G. w. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ee, No. UT TODBTII • AMMON. Pitt& nntn. (firrunerty occupied br Non. Wolter H. Lourrie,) will prank. In the 8. Circuit and District Contra, In the State Supremo sad all We Courts of Allegbeni county, and make eollee Cons to most of thoadiaeoutouttues. joinerl Ttie contractor will be required to delver the Locks, at Ids expense at the rostotece Depart ment. WasEngtoo. D.C., out up on atleks,tonn. tun separwe bundles ot five Locks each, and lie curdy packed In wooden I.7.lcciatatning Itot , more than two hundred Looks each. The Ithym, are tope - delivered to an matelot the Department duly and .rectally authorised In rack ease, to., take charge of and conve the same from the. contractor's manufactory to the 'Department,. antra both Locks and Ireys are lobe tunneled , rrrrsimasig. P. I aai - - - - IILAISIELEI, A.TrOltrirElt-ALT.X.A.W. ■O. DS Flan II BTIIEET• JOHN A. ermus, .ILT,IMIZRDZArf. EZ-01 , 11(HO .TOBTICE OP THE PHLOX LEE LICE ACHIITHATE. °meta PO M ls PIPTH tITRET. opposite the Ca. thwtral. Pittabargb, Pa. Deeds. Bowl; Man. rapes, AzkaowLadmenta, thapoalilona sad ali Legs Bustaes. tracttiad with 11)2011/420. •110 4.1•0•1.041. Wlff. B. NEEPER, LUMMOX AND XX-0171010 a wain 07 THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVZNIIE. atenuoa i t ordi r tl e r. '"l t do 7P. deli legal trtudam atteadaWramptly uad stogratelv. OARBIAGES, BUGGIES, &C. 13.1174:170irrui-Ari=alarAZlMit'l WORKMAN & DAVIS, BUCCISSOUS TO Workman, Moore & Co., ' BLasofactarers and Desters la CAILIUM.GES, BIICKATS • • Spring and Mick Wagon., ell. 41, 44, 46 And 48 grayer N., Aileen). • P.. 32 07.XC" 0 .d . Or . den for New Work rotten up Se good sts le and Wazr•llted to Olt 81114111/C40U121 tlery turtle. ANlPNeterst 88888 g of work er Intently on hand. OvIALAULNTO for the New Women Wheet OomP•hI '1 male of eARVNN PATLOST HEALS, lied S a ga. Patent quiet Planar and ANN Battier fo - H. RICHARD DAVIS bather pus:hared the hatrestaf aod Wis. D. MOW.. .f We/Mid/IN. moons a Eli, the [isth mus will hereafter be continued at the old eland: n. der the name saltie IVUItYLKAN DAVIS. Orders solici t ed JuHifi WORKMAN , . R. lIICHARD D•VIS. La's with ClUmns•lialional lima" Filtsbuten. Jaime Af3BEBI3DIENTS ili the Natter of Opening Lincoln Street. Notice to hereby 'leen that the auessenent 'SW dantares mage by the Viewers for the coining of Lincoln street has been Med In my Ogles for collection: that It said atset smelt ts are sot 17.1.1. within thirty days ltt in the date hem:4llmi win b. Sled therefor against the property- limed with letereat, cost. and (en. andtheaassi collected by legal process.. ' , J. P. SLAGLE. elty Attorsel.. • Igo. Imo tir.o A , ....- Prrristrnaa. Jan. SRL 1870. J.=. 01 • • COTTON. 16.1.L.143: HounmyuEiisetk.. ANCHOR COTTON PAIL.LS. rinrrourriziGia. I[ l, allo4llittn Of ECLANi BlZDlLlisaOrdllff 1111141111111111 .KMANOLIA SarIIBTEMBit AND ISATTENG, AMUSMWENTES arNEW OPERA HOPPE; Xog taw ment for bit nights with the Web atrtt rho Comedian acid Vocatitat, Hr. JOHN COLLINS.. MONDAY EVENINO. JrWitary 311 t, 1870. be lotereating three act diaina of .15011): O•MORL Rory o•More. In which he TKEEND or THE GREEN. Chilli. LAWS and WIDOW lIACHREE. To conclude with the Comedy YE IIIECTION. . . Collins Matinee cn Nettled ay. lar'AT CITY HALL. OEM PLYMOUTH CHURCH FAIR. The Ladle. or Plymouth Church .111 told I Pair, dollop ken week, at City Ball. ron. ma nets[ on 21:1E3D1Y EVINING, Yebrou I 2.3, 1870. Dinner tub day from 12 to 3. Tanleaux, Alnateal and other .ontertalnments very evening. Adnal• l7 alon 20e.• Me riding dinner, 500. .=; lay - RICH, RAC*, Instructive Coinmon Fens° Lectures, &v. GEORGE P. HATS, • In the CICNTRAL PICCBBYTERIANCHI.P.IOI, Corner of Lucia. and Alohnon 4ty , ttttt Jaututry AT—HUNTING AN AYPETITH. locury I—S i ii. , TED HUMANITY. • rebroary 3 — FASHIUNA ELK Ramo ATION. Single tickets. 50e. For the retnaistoit too Lectern of the (cone. 7EO. Jet:sta PROPOSALS . ethiiorrtnr. qm,VAILTMENT. WASHINGTON. GolOber le, Me. piIOPOSALS FOR MAIL LOCKS. • SEALED PROPOS ate for furnishing Mal Locks nod Keys of new kind., to be substituted for the Locks and Keys now used on the United cotes malls, will be received at title Dep.' - meat nntli 9 o`thick.l. 9.. the 94i day of y B- Eli KY, 1870. It Is desirable to obtain Locka and Keys of anew construction tor the exclesive use of the IfeltedidiatesmailLandaprectlesido. Invented exprestle for that purpose. I • sue ex posure of a model Lock and Key hi public exam- Ination would Impale. If not restiby. Its of Illy for the malls, tte Department Prearrlbes no model for bidders, but relies for Its selection oil the specim. as f incehuilcal skill and ingenuity which . nth' comps Woo 1100 of lusentorc bore. by Invited, may develop. It ts, oftlelent to soothe the principal rent mattes of a. Mall Lock, as follows t Pelf-Locking uniformly security. lightness, strength, durability, novelty of eime strn Aloe and faullly of use. Tn., kinds of Locks ant Keys, one of brass and the other of Iron. different In txt,riar form and. Inierlor construction or ivrangentent- ale required; and Propoials should specify separately the Price of each bras lock. each Key for the same. each iron Lout and each Key for same. Duplicate samples .cif each kind of Lccks and Heys : pro- Intend, are reenired to be submitted ebb the Proposals; one of reek muopie Lock to la t i re c. ed up and finished. sad another - to he epee or unriveled, so that Its Internal structure said ar rangement may easily he examined:. Every 50.01110 should be Plainly marked with the bid der's name, sad. I! Um Lame or say part 0(11 be covered by . patent, the dote of tech rattni and the name of the patentee mum be also ate tacked thereto.' The Inter na , ,plan or arratutement HIP Loots offered, and the particular shape or the Hey r•- • qpl.llo to do en Ahem, moat not be like any now or heretoirre In ose. They must be warranted not to Infringe's/man or °millet with any patented invention of sehteh he bidder lstot the patentee. rrelerence will be given Va a Lock, the Bey of whieb hes cot been expmed to general ohs, rvation or been pabliely described, &Wand or suggested. A. &Melon On ttlll VILHOUII imeemeni and pro cows will be made on er before the ald day 01 MARCH, Ville; and Meese the Postmmter Ow eral ball doom It to be for the Intereats of the Department to reject al the Proposal...a open. 911.11 anbmitted under this advertlsensoat, the mot hereby expressly reserved to htm,) eon.- 'meta will he . mend Imo .0 soca thereafter au Preetimble, with the successful Welder where Locke shell be adapted. Por tarnishing shallar Locks and Kees for four years. as obey mar remand mit ordered. If mutually agreed In is) welting by the coarattoraed Postai aster If en end. tor the time being, not len than alxmontha before Its expirellon, the contraet may be ex-- tended and tootletard for an • Mitiamal Rune of four years. But on and after the expiration, of either term of the eon tract, or on and after Its rightfni anerilment at anytime, the Postmas ter General than here the right to contract wills or eing , oy any other party to lamb& the tame. or any other kind of Locks an 1 Keys; and Übe shalt deem prone. to demand and emetic from the late or detalltol , Coutraomr sit AMAMI or anguished Keys and the In teinal parte of the Locks contracted foe, and all the, emcee and designs. (whirls monad not others to make or force meta Locks and Keys) in the postession of • such 'conMacter. who, after their surrender to. the Department disli ba paid for the mule. M. such price- as may be emertalned by Pair ay preasement The -ontractor - ne contraeurr mut agree and be able tollm nirb, If reel:dud and ordered, 20,0011 Brat& Locks and 3,0 0 Bran Key... Min thteomentha from the time of °uterine Into mil:dent. sad 110,0 Ot/ Inin Locke and 60,000 Iron'Keys rrt h rn ten months Lem snob time. Ant the Poet sewer th nem alit reserve the right to lactic. or diminish, as the was to or IrtereaM of them , vice may des tad, the qoantittes of the Locks had I. r• there epeeteed, with a ProPortlahhla alloweatee of time to fornlsh them. •• the Loelts tarnished by the eentrutor mos be -- dad to lupin enod oro-" A warrant _ •eep.in wo - rklaa order fa. two years In the onllner7 aof the service. when not auttlected to cbr I 'balance: such eee become defective within that time to tm replace& with perfect 'Locks without charge. All the Lock, tarnished itadar,contract are to be, each. distinctly marked "17. Kali," to Sitter estok. or lilted letters, and sit the Keys are to be In the natant order; each Key heeler Ire appropriate number distinctly stamped [MOS sae side of the bow and "U. 15. Yell" on the opposite aide. td approved before they alien be paid tor. , t . the contractor wilt be required to glee bend: mitts ample security in the num of Yilly sold Doi arr. to be forfeited laths thilleufltates Ilaidated damages, la 'cue ethic rah. 2 to ettihngli Veribros the coctmer, either as to fur nishing the supplies ordered within a reasonable time. or as to gitarding the mthufacture of the Salt Leaks and Keys with doe privacy. Interim and care. : • So proven) will theralbre. be adottited if not - accompanied with a bond.of the Penal . sum of Tweet? Thousand Dollars, dulr:elecuted lif the ProPmed sweats. (mlieserespohelblllty must be. certified bra lodge of a Conrad Iteeenl nearest. to their place of residence, attested' by the , 1 11 Clerk of sorb Collie° oder the eesl thereof.) and' . condltientd f.r thti, r tar -emit', responsible ea. •, mantles on toe rut kid bond for the felflUment, of the contract:in ease suds prob.:nal stall be. wanted. The rninufacltre of Alan Locks and. Steins of iteetastlf. a blentp turporttu.a.di delicate Ir.; blob the Department will con-. fide to ho bidd. rmhose rropessts are. net. gU oecompanied milk testimonials of good champ. , In afelolait Op 06 Ptapo.loo.i end smalltime. , the Postmaster (lepers' mar emet blade,tmileat _ to elect the BMA Lock of one and the r i Iron Sort another. • withetefore. reserves ' the debt ontraction ap _meat Indirld. . nate for such 4:afferent Killdeer Loaf as he may s elect. • Proposals sh - eld be enefnity.eellot and ad- dr. strd to the t•noteed Asalau s Petasster . . Atllalintlaryo on taqenvelope "Pro-. iMr , JOinA. I. CiTWWZrf. .. ... Poettosater floaerel. Et=l • Corrr.Otaseitt etym.!. • PlTTexczion. Pa.. anuass39te. /1110..{ SEALED pandposAlA will be' aj re. eArtd at this o • eer to TSUI/90Kr. V.t , I eery , SOT lenti.bleg lea City vritie JOB reiltil I N teethe- entente Yoe , tra.....r the vro•lt to Da done cati be seen at %tweak. By order of JaZ: Xi Ctilt3aVlTlN. QN LEGAL - - pAPTHE MATTER Or PLIO6TIOCi of •,•The Mara', Munn BeMtn adel Loan •thociation of. titian:mbar. and Etna ler a Charterer Incorporation. . And note. to ill, tot. 36E0 dayof November, .11L D:lo69.the with o vet sloe and letetremesti wrlane netha been enternted to. perused and ceatained br the Cowl, and the oiled., a, win end , cond.tione the en se , Tonal and eon weed, eppeuter to ba karat and not lethrlone. It la ordered and directed that ;aid Inamtsbeet of' ..minim Wed ha the &Scoot Cho Prothonotary of the coon of Coalmen Illeas,nad lb. notice. t old enpllestlon ho Inserted In the. Pittatiorth f °rah* Almillt fors. lout three weeks, . netts, forth that an application hoe beef nude .• the Coact of Common Pleas of the Comity or •Leabasy to grant 'the and •l edtleittha Mutual. Banding and Loan Anne ation of Itharoabutith end =La.. • Charter of Inc , ,ieration.” *ad( that then Charted will be droned at the neat: term of sold Court, unless exceptions be 01.111* proper am.. j ig y • B. A. eCLII NO Corner 6rent and Diamone air bundler. • ja17:03 • - 46DIIIIIIISTRATOWS NOWICE. —NoUosla hereof aloe n that tottemj et .4. • Oration on So outs., ROSSaYSA No so.usto, • ofd.taty of ailmobeny City. mom by • iirouttesi to Ito undenalsoon. Ipm todebt od 00 said estate ri no mud to el ite pm... is sod Mom bayous Maim, won in..., r seta. wont. • 1517,730 t . JUITN BUT. Administrator. A 'moo& k McCA FFRET, to Conger Liberty strtet and:Tlaltd Avian% PII4IbWICIL. Pa.* BLUE 'BUMS ALND IRAN YIPS FITTE/2. aa6 AEOLIS= AN & C•la2ON • ars. STZAZ P1:111211111ND BLOW/4A. wr ; , 4 -__) 'T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers