E'INANQI~, AMERICAN-BANK NO. so A FOURTH, marmrp, . . isrmainritas. lb deN 11 CAPITAL $200,000 Stockholders ladiVidaaUf Liable. imam ow , ovolotaiT ARrOnzroarr. JOHN ri.6l - 1) •, Wid. 11.,trr D. Prmident. . Cutdet. wiMKTOSL Mon. M. Mardmil. John W. MmUmM. Wm. T. dhß,han uo ' n Amlbaiendls fa Wallace. r4S.IF;.4rYI):L 4134 b:I z t w os P an erelß w n W amI r mmscn.ldprepa d 1.L0t4.. GOLD ; SILVER .A.ND COUPONS, Boarht at Blithest Prices. Pll. R. MERTZ, Banker, ea. Wood St. and sth avenue IDTO Jius T. Bim)1 & Co., Waocessors to O. JOlOl2l a CO Comer Fourth Avenue and Wood St., B.A~ K~~, I= GOVEILIMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, %MYER AND MDPONN ON MOST PA:VOLUBLE TMUCE}. tom" Llterest Allowed on Deposita. Alir3koney loaned on Eloverament Bondi 114 lowc.l.market rates. Order. 'executed for the Purehase eel Pi n:e• of PrOOKS, DODDS eel GOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. Lan gittslntrAt Gaidtt FINANCE ANDTRADE. • • Grinds orPrrrsaartog Gamerrai Savannas', Jan. 29, 1870. I The past week was marked. In the financial world as remarkably unsettled for all the different departments, con sidering the ease of the money market. Gold was alternately strong and weak; the lowest point touched daring the week was 121% and the highest 121% The advance was doe to a slight export demand on falling off of cotton ship. meets, and the firmer feeling in the ex change market; the highest quotations could. however, not be sustained on so. count . or the large amount of gold now in the bands - of the public. and the banks of New York City now hold over forty million dollars. Government Londe had advanced with told, but the demand having abated at tbe higher prices, and el:almond' to Europe icing-unprofitable at mend. the market boon yielded about one•half per cent. Stocks are very unsettled in price. Taore was an average advance In New York Central; Rock Island and Reed it:it, but Me balance of tbo list is dull and heavy, especially Northwest com mon, St. Paul, Ohio and hileabralppl, Loke Shore and Cleveland. Erie end. duenly advanced from 22% t 0•2434, E. press shares are firm bilt dull. The general feeling at the stock exchange Is in favor of a higher market, but par diasers aro ctuittona. - • :4onoy Is easier with a slight decline of rates of Interest. tmotanems as received by Ph. B. Hertz: Gold, 121%; Silver. 117: Eighty- Mies, 11834, Five Twenties, 1882, 11534: do 1904, 1.15%; do .11935, 115%; do 1865, Cansols, 11434, do 1887, 11434; do 1898, 11434; Ten Forties. 112;0 Adams Ex- Ecess Company 64; Merchants 'Onion xpress Company, —; American Ex -3,01. Company, • 3 7; Western Union elegraoh, 25%; New York Central, 9534: Beading, 11534; Plttsburgh,.• Fort 17ayne et Uucsgo. 89:. Ohio ,X ti sitiOni, 25%; Michigan Southern, 64%: Cleveland ct Pittsburgh. 90: Chicago. hack Wand It Pacific, 111%; Chicago dt North Wcitern, 71%; Chicago Jr. North Western Preferred - bs%; Erie 24 94 am:muses. Lee Lander., per £.......»».....j 6 , $ 8 . 05 .Plrls, per ...... 24 2.5 Perlin, thaler 89 • 92 irlinktort. 50 ra (B 7 Telegraph to Slat rituneres useette.) - Nnw Yong. Jan. 29, 1870. • Money easy at 4(36 on tall. The bank statement is very fa - storable, showing an other large gain en, legal reserys:,, leans 1160,124,271, increase. 5721M6 ; ape. 0.0 540,475,714,1ncre5ee 111.021,711; clrcula. eon 533,712;282, decrease '594439; de. Potts 1210,150,913, increase 12,671,090; legal tenders $59,782,168, Increase. g 2.. 1G2,735. Sterling nominal at 8%(9. Gold steady; opened at 121 g, touched 1213.; and 121%, and closed at 121g® 124. Clearance. 537.000,000.. ElPerts for :he week, 114356,708. ,vernments nem. Coup, 81'0. 18%@34; do, 07'5......14%@%; do. 62'5,.....16%. (916 do. 68'a......15%0%; do. 04's 15%95%; do. Cs's secu ri 3 ti 156 ®%tdrmer Facido:i--11%@%; State es Mloriactrie ..... ....90% New 171rg , naa,.63 Old Tonne- 5334 Old N. 0,....--4134 New - 62 34 •Now "-•• 16 Old Virginias...6o LOIlla11114C;-...(W ELOCka dull and unsettled. New York Central, Rock Island .and Adams Ex. 'tare +e are oaceptlona and firm. Wabash, Northwestern and St. •Joe Roads have Oven notice to the Stock Eichange of their intention to lane now stock on bowki, as already published. • . Canton. . . -Lake SbOre 84g Cnn0ber1an . d.....34% Illlnola C....... 131 W. Q. Tel 951 Plttabnrgb Quicktilvor......lBg North West'n . ...7l% . Mariposa. •9g •N. Weet'n prof 88% Narlposa p'l'd..lB% Rock 151and...113% Adams Ex... .G 4 St. Patti 71% Wells. 2034 St. Paul pref..... 75% American 5734 Waoash 52% 'Called States-5134 'Wabash pref.... 71 Pacific slall ... . . 39% Hartford dtErle.B N. I', Central...9sg Terre Raute....2o Erie 243 Terre Haute pfd5434 Erie pret'd 41 'C. &A 145 Harlem "138'C. it A. pref'd.l4ll Harlem pfd..._141 aat 24 .259(, Hudson Scrip... 9 lg N. C 9133{ Reauling.....-....90‘ 0, C. &I. 0_...-18,g Michlgan C.... 117% • St. JOS.- . R mon - prince Cala:nor, 93; Copper Itilin, 5; Franklin, 8; Recta, Me Quincy, 521. letporta tor the week=dry goods, 52,, 849,545: general merebtuullze, 118,494.978. Sob-Treasury balance, g01a,1175.549,185; aurrrancy, 113,897,443 i general- balance, . rigI:ItOLEUX 11* E?. Omen. or...Frrrasmaan riasarra, skrannwa Jan. 29, 1270. ginus.w FOB THE WLICIL. The oil market oompated whit bud week, present.; no new or Important foe tarot, none at, toast deserving- of special notice. The - demand for present and future delivery muttons meagre. the vol . nets of business In the aggregate having agi.in been light, while in regard to pri. ens there is but little change.. There was a firmer feeling la the early part of the week and for a the. It looked as if %hero Was going to be an old feshioned 'lorry," but it did not Jut long, end con sequently did not amount to much— there was a good deal of smoke bat no tire. As has . been the cue she the opening of the year. there is an almost total attune of anything like a apimula• • tiro fueling, and as we have repeatedly noted. menufecturers pretty geeerally. seem determined to keep it down If poa , sibie, and if each a thing ta possible to do a legitimate butteries this year. This for everything looks well for • carrying oat this project. Front a late foreign circu lar, oilueldered perfectly reliable. IC spinier,. that stocks at the four leading foreign forte, Bremen, Antwerp, Ham burgh Mid Rotterdam, are somewhat In excess of leo came time In 1808. The f ()otiose ore. 284 775' bbls, and B/ 7 , 708 cases, - against =:731 bbls, and 139,92:1 oases, same Uwe °implores°. This oxen bar which le dated at Rotterdam January Bth. reports butiness d ull , and lacono selnienco of the. mil weather, conium. era wens lees to purchase. Front the abovo It would seem that the foreign markets do not present a very encouraging appoarance,and that there Is nothing to the character of these late 'rims to warrant advanced geom. - Receipt- of crude this weak. 7,818 bbls; Jul week 8,877; from January teat to date, .50,763; same time 1868,54.712, . Ex porta reflood this week 10,534; lest week; 4,228; January first to date. 22,812; Berne , time teat year. t3alee this w e e 12,600 bbls crude; 8,000 bibs refined; hint week, 7,5011 Dble crude, and GOO bble relined. From the above it will be seen that the exports of retined are increas ing while the recelpta or 7 ctUdar..aro smaller. , CTRUDZ The crude market is quiet and without quotable Orange. Salem In lota of-3,240 bola, on spot, at la: and 1,000 seller 16 day a at name figure. We understand that some partite who sold seller cptions January toJur3e, teat December, aro now ateliroal." - . • the oil. Bat a abegle sale, 2,000 seller first half of February at 30X. January and Feb ruary were both quoted at WU; Fetiru ary to July, 31; March to July, Six', and buyer all year, 8434. The market, has been exceedingly quiet throughout the entire week, though prices are a shade higher than at the ,close of last week and the feeling a shade stronger, but It seems almost Impossible to do any Mud- Ilea& POLORIPTH OP MUMS OIL By A. T. S. B. Citizens 011 Works 1,040, on account Frew & Co; Tarantula Oil Works 320, on account same; Chrystal Oil Works 240, on account A. B. Millet Eagle 011 Works 900, on account E. B. Duncan. TutaL 2,000 bbla 07 OIL BY A. V. B. 8. A. W. Bell 91 bbla relined 01l to Mors. show dr. Cloud, Phtl'a. Forsyth Bro. A Co. 93 bbla refined to Warden, Frew A. Co., Philadelphia. Miaow' 011 Co. 511 bbla refined oil to Tack - 8ir6...t. Co. Phil's. Lockhart, Frow Co. 987 bbl. ref. oil to Warden, F. A Co., Phila. Total refined. 1,682 bhla. PITTSBURGH lIAJIIIIRTS. Ornas or Prrrestinost Gssarrs, Bervansy, Jan. 29, 1570. S Business, generally,. continues very quiet, though there are indications that the worst Is over, and an improvement near at hand: Money Is easier, which of itself Is calculated to intone a better feeling, and then the fact that the ha premien is seining strength that many of tho leading articles have touched but. tom, and that there is a probability of an advance, le calculated to stimulate business. Tito advance in flour and grain In the west has produced a armor et feeling here, but as yet, prices are not quotably higher. Provisions in rather light demand , and-prices,-nom.. roared with last week, a shade lower, Groceries in steady demand, with* fair volume of business in the aggregate, but unchanged. The arrivals of. New Orleans.: Sugar and molasses continue large but, it Is thought that.pricso .ttre not to go any lower, buyareste taking hold pretty freely. Butter, eggs apples, and produce, generally, In steady local demand, but without quotable change. APPLES—In fair demand, with sales la a regular way at 12,60%3,50 per bbl, as toquality. • APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 75 86. '- BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Sales at St. 'BUTTER—The .arrivals continue large, and with a large stock, pricer are weak and barely maintained. Prime to choice roll at 90%33., • . BEANS—The remand is light and market dull; we continue to quote , at 12.25%2,79 per bushel. BROOM CORN—Ia firm and higher, being quoted at It® t& as to quality; ORAN BERRIES—DaII; 11Vg0.5.- ClDER 7 Centlimas &Maud nominally _ . uncharged, at $5,00ra,8,00 per bbl, as to quality. CHEESE—Ta firmer, bat not quota bly higher. Western Reserve,:l74l73.o Factory, 18018 X; New York. Wry. 111% @le: Gannon; 20. CARBON 011.--le quiet and on. changed, at 2802034 eta., far SO or 100 bbl lots, with the usual BIiVAII6B In a retail way. DRIED FRUlT—iklea of apples at 8Q 90.- Peaches at 'BB9O for quarters, and lowa for halves. Pitted Marries, tie. -DRESSED HCKlS—Continue dull, though prices are unchanged; sales at 105109110. EGOS—Unchanged at 25c for fresh pecked. FEATHERS—In. better - demand and higher, and we now quote at 135®90 to the trade and the usual advance for small iota in store. . FLOUR—The tuarltet le rather firmer, and the demand better, though priori; ate unchanged. We continue to quote al $.5,0U(0,50 for spring, and 15.7566 for winter wheat. 'Rye flour ; • ORRIS—The °tracings of Wheat in this market continue very light but the mills are getting all they want from the west; good to crake. Red is still quoted at 1it,16011,18e and common. to Pair at 111,0001,10. Oats - continue dull and prices are weak; we continue to quote at Ott on wharf and track, and 48t - 4500 in store. Rye, also, continues vary Anil, as there seems to be no demand of any con eequenee; still quoted at 85@94. Sale of I car choice shelled corn (yellow) at 85 Ear is dull at 71Q,E0c. Barley is cull and nominal at 111,110®1,10 for spring and fail. HAZ-Ia quoted at 117075. HIISIOs-dabs as 3 VellUl per potutd. HOMINY-Wm at 0,0006,50 per bbL 1.111.E-43a10s of Cloy°laud . wb.l.B.lbiaa at nalas per bbL MONS-Sales at 12,5003,00 per bbl. :he outside Arum for choice. 011,-Clty brabda`No. I.4atrt quoted at 11,1 '.t01,45, end No. tat 930 q Fancy Clndnnad and, Chicago bnaudi held Maher. • PES.NUTS,Quoted at 912:110 eta. PEAS—DuII: ..2,60 Der bushel. PROVISIONS hCarket oontintial rather dull, though prices are without quotable change. Plain Shoulders.,l4o; Sager Cured do, 16c, Ribbed Sides, 16el eloar do. 1 7 44 17 5.0 Breakfast Ramo, Sugar Cured Ham; 1931®1930. Lard, 170 in Roman 13(bI8350 In kegs and pally. Mess Pork 130.00. • POTRMlES—Continues dull notwith standing the arrivals are light. Babes by the car load at 60e. and In store at Me._ I'OULTRY Market amok bare.. Dressed chickens, 18(114. and dressed trirkeys. 1541€1120 SEEDS—We are reported sweat round lot sales of Clover seed at 18,00Q8,25 rosy be quoted at 118,60(P,75. la s retail way. 'Lmothy seed, is &aro° and dun with sales at 64.751215,00. Flaxseed can.- not be quoted above 12,1002,15. SALT—Is quoted all 1,76 by the car lewd. wrmw—Etzlea at 11413115 per, tau. WHlSKY—Hlghwines firmer .at 9El(i) ili remided. $1,0O; proof reerfied. V,lO. Old whiskies warm mid firmer. • MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Now YORS, Jan. 29.—Cotton dull and lower,' with isles of 050 bales at 25,H0 for, middling uplands. Flour receipts, 6066. this: Flour dull and decal:llos, withisles of 5,500 bble at 64 , 90®4;8u for_ . .. superfine State and !intern: 45,2 5 00, 00 for extra , EltateC $5,05g6,15 ' for ' extra western: $5.56a,8,40 for for white wheat extra; 65,152,6,20 for U. H. 0.; is,aq 620 for'eStra .01. Louis; 116,256100 At for good chrdoe do, Rye flour quiet and lower with sales of 150 bblest $4,25@0,00. Mtn meal quiet. 'Whiskey .heevy, "with Silts of 250 bbls at &So free.. Receipts et wheal, 8,318 Ma. Wheat dull. and declin.7, ing, with sales of 280,00 e bash els at 111:f0 for'good , No. .2 isprinc 61,30 for- wlitte,r; red, am bet 'Woliteird end anther State; 111.40®1,50 for white California, Rye. quiet. end heavy. • Barloy' doll and do s:Wog, with sales of 5,600 bushals at 870 for No. 2round State: 61,106 11 , 1 6 for Canada West, the latter for very choice barley; old dpli r with sales °INV buthe:w at $l,OO. Receipts 0f0wn4.076. Corn doll and drooping; ea1e5,178,002 bosh et 115®03 for new mixed western; 05g.090 for new for yellow Jersey., Recupte—oats 4,125 1 bosh; oats very doll; oaks 21,000 bush; Gro for western, 09(460o for State. nits) dull at 660 c. Coffee doll. Sugar dull: sales 10 bride Cabe at 100. Molasses du:1: sales 60 hhda. Now Orleans at 70(350o. Petroleuto quiet at 16,1®170 for much; 111 14(3) 31 .1.0 for refined. Hops quiet at Stigmas.- Wool firm at 130;- 'gales 5,0110 pounds, 431351 a for domestic Sow, 556 49140 forpulled. Loather; hemlock rote eold for 2 0 03L0 for Buenos Ayres and. Rio Grande. Coal quiet, Linseed oil quiet. Alcohol 'at . 22. Gum - .Kowls' at 29®330 for scraped. 35G380 for chtsellod. Naval stores quiet._ Sheeting oopper steady o: 82c. Ingot opper Arm at 2.41 Z 20 0 for Baltimore and Lake. Pig iron steady; 83101 " $32C431 nirisootir:tes33oll 25 for American Roe atthig,so for tined Bogliab end American. Sh iron "Fee, at 110)12o In gold , for R 9.114. Nulls dull, at 49ig42 o for cat. 6,1,1@9ge for clinched, sue 25%300 tor L e , 54 ,,,,h (k4 Pork steady, with sales of 610 bbl. at $27027,56 for new mete, . 1123 0z 1 A for for prime; 414G0 241 . 26 for prime mom ; also, 1,600 btarpow meas. wilier February March and April, at 1A75 1 247,12. Be,f doady.. with bales of 27U bins 'at 110@t5 , for now plain mess. 11412/11,60 for new' extra mess. Tierce beef quiet, Vitt' asleep!' _ lie dercea at lre 6 igats for _prime Mode, s27®3o for India mcas. Beef hams dull, with osier of 100 bbls at MGM for new. Cut meats steady. with sales of 23.1 packages at 11,4 @Ma for elmendere, lix 4',:)1163.f0 for hems Middles quiet and 1 steady. Dressed hogs firmer, at 11140 Itc for western. Lord le a sheds lower, with sales of 525 tierces at 153j®16M0 for steam. 17017n0 for kettle rendered; also, 750 UtiOrs Atc,l6in, 4 6 1.1. ilt!' Maretbr. 11$ IGI4c. Butter steadz at 17E421c for Ohio. Cheese nultitsW6®lBc. Freights to Liverpool erg nominally unchanged. LaresLX-Fliiur closed doll, and there Is no decidt.el change. Wheat heavy and nominal at 1.15@1,18 for No 2 Spring, and 1142:1®1.30 for Monr red and amber w'ostern. Corn lower and 'rely dull at 85VOc for new mixed western. Rye is nominal at 85®20a. Oats dull at 05c for western. Pork nominal at ;27,75 for mesa for Febrnary.'and f 27 for March. Beef quiet and without decided change. Cut meats nominaL Bacon in limited demand Mid unchanged. Lard quiet and steady: prime ateam 1611 bid. February. and 16%c linked, 1614 c bid for March, and 1651 asked. Eggs ,quiet at 7.7@300 for CAICAGO, January o.—Eastern • Ex change unchanged. Flour: steady at. 83.75g4,10-for epring extras. Wneat in fair demand and lc lower, with sales of No 1 at :90c and No 2 at 80ca,80,,i 'c, atoning 79%®80a this afternoon No 2 dull at 80@80Kc Cash and seller February. Corn quiet aud. 340 lower, With Wee No 2at 718072 c, and new at 54(g,5130, closing; at 70%671c for No 2: this afternoon Nb 2 nominally at 7034 c. Oats quiet andt,f® Ho lower. With sales No 2 at 2.83:®39 1 4,3, casting at 383:@39c. Rye quiet and lo lower, elosing dull at 69®70c for strictly fresh No 2. Earley more active, with voiles No 2 at !We. Highwines firm at 9134 ®22„iic. Provision* quiet. Mess Pork 250 lower, with salon at $26 25026,50 cash, and $27 seller March. Lard :inlet at 15,1gall5N'o mall, and 151,;(416c seller March. Meat dull: buyers and sellers apart at the close; the asking prices were i 0 c for shoulders, 12.5,0 for rough eldes, 13:4c for short rite, loose, and 140 for boxed. Hama nominal at 14c for green, 14,54@mcs for mit pickled. Dressed Hogs fairly active and firmer at $10®10,132%, closing firm at 510,25 for light and $10,50 12010,60 for heavy weights. Litre Hogs active and .114150 higher: sales at $8,65 (48,80 for common and light, 88,90%9,1234 for fair to good, 89,20@,9,50 for good to extra choice. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours were: 8,239 DIM: flour, 26.880 bush wheat, 27,470 bush corn, 20,- 012 bush oats, 2,938 bush rye, 4,178 bush barley, 12,662 head of hogs. Shipments were. 6,425 bbls sour, 6,638 bush wheat, 12.657 bush corn, 4,552 bush oats, 814 bush rye, 2,525 bush barley, 8,542 head of hogs, In the afternoon the grain market was dull and prices were without Important change. Wheat ruled quiet, closing at 800 cash seller the month or seller Feb ruary. Other grains Inactive. In eve. fling nothing was done in grain. Pro- vicious quiet. Mesa pork nominal at 826,25 cash; males to buyers for February $27; buyer. March at $7,50. Dry salt shoulders 70,i4e. Rough sides .1.230. Lome. Jan. V.—Volsaoco steady ittid_tmehanged. Cotton quiet 24,4(4 2434 x. Hemp steady and unchanged. Flour: low grades ammo and wanted; medium and beat Grades quiet; fall su perfine $4,10@4.35, extra 81,4054,90, double extra V4,85(3425,, treble extra 85@6 and- family 88.2.5@7.50. When -dull-and rather easier; No. 1 spring 111,10 @1,15: choice 81,20@1,26. Corn weak, at 00%6130 for mixed in bulk and 71@740 for white do.; choice mixed sacked 784 - 77c and prime to fancy whits 8234 (gB7e. Oats heavy and drooping, at 484080 in bulk and 63@1.550 sacked. Barley dull Cl 45c for choice fall. Rye: :mail sales of 'choice at 8314 e. Whlaky dull and lower at 94e. limeades dull 'mad unchanged. Park: small salea at 827,25@)27,50, and held firmly at latter. Dry Balt meats: Jabbing at 10%0 for shoulders; 14.1,4@1434e for clear rib; 15c 'for clear aides Bacon: small sales of shoulders at 1.8%c; clear rib at 181; clear sides at 18%c. Lard quiet at 16016!,,,fc. Cattle active for . beat grades; Prima range at 23413834 e. Hogs inactive at 834 (4934 c; packed to date =,934 *gaited 231.537 leaf year. Receipts; Baur, 3,400 . bbla; wheat, 6,000 bush; corn, 13,700 bush; oats, 8,700 bush; barley, 400 bueli; boas, 950 bead. _ Clnerritral - t, January M.—Flour:fam ily iti5,23fei5,50, extra 11.7540. Wheat le steady; red winter 1it,10®1,12, receipts light and stock limited. Corn dull at 74 •Ific for ear. 0 its uncnangi-d at 10456 c. kt'e steady at li."igtJ. IS &cloy steady at $1.10(81.1:0 for spring, arid for winter. , Cotton unchanged, but market lea.; firm: middling 24%c. Whiskey dull at U.Sniand buyers contend for lower rates. Hoge, Waller uwtug to light receipts; all sold at 19(P.75; receipts 650. Porn quiet and firm; muss pork held at f Hulk naeate; 113®1434 tor shoulders. clear Mend clear eldest bacon le bold st 12,4®12%0 for ebouldera, and 15016 c for clear rib and clear tildes on spot, to come oat Uc blither asked; too quantity of ba con smoked and ready tor delivery la Ltrd doll at - 153,;(4)Ifl , for Meant, kettle, no Ital.. Sugar dull and drooP dna; Nets Orleane 11013,fc. Coffee le unchanged at lig424u. t4ul.. eca ilrm at 7W378351r New Orleans. Linwood 01l le Ong - it Aft.' Lard oil 11,4k0,45. Petro. loam 3ilk;33e for relined. CLSTEILAVIII, January 29.—Flour mar ket unchanged. Buckwheat FlourateadY and demand fair at 57,50%11. Rye Flour in moderate demand and steady at 15,2 r. (pp). Wheat more act re but lower, with sale. No I. red winter at ;1,11 -and No do at $1,0434. Corn: no tratmictione reported; market nominal. Clete drill and lio lower, 'h.:Lb sabot .tio 1 State at 4Se, but the demand lie light. 101, dull and nominal. Barley quiet but firmer and held at ;IGLU) fortitate and Canada as to quality. Petroleum quiet but armor: relined held at 2614@:.17; crude .botter wed held at 1.6,66Wq0 per tad. • Lounniut.e„ Jun. 29.—Cotton dull and lower; Flour quiet; family 95. Crain quiet. Wheat—red and white 11,05fg, 1.10. Corn 65c. Oats 63c. Including sacks. nye WO. Tobacco active; sale of 146 /hag logs at 9713,6 i leaf 910(446; s official returns or salsa of leaf tobacco for the year ending December 31.4 1856, moue. tod to 54,316,067 71t Provisions steady. kleaci pork $2B. atoon—aboalders Ito, clear ribs 16c, clear aides 113.4 c. Bulk ebouldera 1130, clear ribs 15e, ,:fear sides, 1134 c. Lard—prime tierce 17c. Sugar bored hams Mt. Whisky 951596 c. Parranamenla, January M—Flour Bran end the demand limited. Wheat firm: Pennsylvania red 11,25fg1,V3, gra neckd:med. Corn steadr, new yellow 88(,720; mixed 95c. Oat. dull at 530155 c. Petroleum limed crude 2)4c; relined 3034 c. Provision,: small Medusas. Mesa Pork $2B. Lard 17®173.0. Whisky dull, at' Faro (or wood and 51,00 for Iron boun BALTIMORE, January 29.—Flourqulet, with sales of western superfine at 94 7 3 (3) 5- • Wheat dull at 111,30@1,40. Corn; white 4491,02: yellow 96®080. Meal park Quie clear W. .Baconaubit; des 10@,16g0, rib 1650416K° washoul ders Ma LSKo. Hama Inc. Lard quiet IS mirages.., Whisky 4cLlot at 69c.. , DUaryNll.—Flour dull; dity- double extra 14,6Q44,62, Wheat weak at 67c for No. 1, and 804' for No. 2. Oats steady at 400 for No. 2. Cora driner at s.sonew on , track: Rye nowt- Proased Hogs weak at 81.©10.W. Noselpta-4,000 bbla f10ur,23,003 boah• eta wheat. , Stdpmenta-6,000 barrcia flour, 2,000 biathels wheat. Burvazo, January29.—Nothing dolnZ in Flour,.l3raln, Pork, I.Ard or /Pali winos to.day. Prices nominal and um changod. ' emo,too,.Taauary 2E4—Cattle (Wet arid 25@a5ctoWertelalos at 1 . 4(?)5 for butcher's; 115,25G6,40 for fair to good steers. hi r xp li n i , jan..29 —flatten quiet 2434 c; 'receipts 1,764 exports 873.bults, Dry Goal. /Market., .; . NEW Yong,.Jan. 29.—The Dry Goode Market remains quiet and It Is difficult to move any OtiCt of goods unless at some .• concession In rates, but holders are in. 'di Aorent salient unless at full prices, hoping that a Ver the let proximo business aid retire, Heavy brown sheettngs are Win at 16(316%c for - beat bratultb Law ronce atAlg n ed ( i i ti ra l i tip li till , itilt 6 tl Allendale 0.1,-40e: do 10-4, 45c; Great Falls H. tee; Dwight Z, 12%o; Bedford R. 9%@9.3-.e. Hope bleached tnuallos sell at 14 s@lbo, and Lonsdale at Ifßi@l7o. Antoekrag blue Denims are advanced to. day howl 20300, and Pearl River from I . ..1841Sio- Prima in moderate request at .120 for Lancaster and Oriental; and 123f0 for Riclimords and all first class tnake%, bat a whole lot of trimly staff is selling all the way train 801I,,tio: • 112P06TS DY .11AILKOAD --Prrranonort. C3NOINNAT/ AND ST. i i i LS1.1:8 RAUMOAD, January* 2-1 Car horare, McClurg - Bro; 2 cara staves, & Darts; I do malt, I Fisher; pcs meat,. B Hays & Bon: 5 pkgs r Whisky, A Brecht tics lard, Jas Palatal: 3'ke. tobacco. 'F J Blackmore; Spiro do. 11 IC 11.10)dullin; 2 bhda sausage. H Myers & Co; 11 pkgs most, F Sellers dr. Co; 14 pkgs tobacco, Johnston & Co 3 hhile d0..51.110y1e; 3 do do, A Schaub; 4 do clx;, E Wormeer; 10 &Ms whisky, H W Beaumont; 2 cars lumber; . L Walters & Bon; 16 pkge tobacco, I Fullerton; 21 do do, W L Jones; 1 car blooms, Maack & Co; 40 bag it mr, II &Mlle; 31 Nis oats, I tuba butter, .1 bbl tallow, Molnar & Harper; ID bga total, Thoa Mitchell; 18 - b 5B rfloalt HO P3 O n or. Sboinaker & L; 0 bps oats. J 1) '34oCatfory; 6 rolls leather, G N Hogratott; 11. digs .1/ 20111 u 00 0 M. W I4uti3; 18 pkgs dried reachei, 7 1 41 11 TYE , . / keg lard, ?Manor &IL lb bga =cal, W C Brown; 1 bbl eggs, FO Cralg head; 20 bge fded, F Bradley; 5 pkgs_ dried awoke, W Steal tiro; llplcp out. W H Graff & Co; 21 birs wheat, 40 do, corn, McHenry & Hood: 64 bas barley, F schtebig; 100 Ns gout, Voeghtly & Kopp; 25 rge meal, Dior& Co; pa bdla paper, W . CLNNNIAND AND P3r3SDIINCIN RAIL ROAD, January W.—gears 1 s ore, Zog a On; Ido do, McKnight & Co; 1 do do. J Flame' & Co; Ido do. Colopati &On = .11 C. 4 W f I.' I 1 do do, Union Iron:Mills:1 do do, Hus sey, Wells & Cm 8 do iron ore, &men berger, B 4 Co: scar 1. ors, - McKnight, P & CO; 3 do do, Chesil, Smyth & Co; 93 eke c coed, H AM. Jr: 30 bbls time, W Clendening; 11 cases - matches, J S Pst, tenon A Co; 3 but trainee, 6 bdisrockerA J W Morrleon; 4 bales hops. 3 tuba lard. White Jr; 10 aka oats, L do apples, F Craighead; 14 do rye, Robb &Herron: 1,616 staves„ Spencer, McKiy & Co; 4 blahs oil, J H Scbaub; 276 aka corn, Mc. Bane & A; 48 aka rage, McCullough, S A Co; 8 bbl. d apples, Ido poaches, R McClintock: 88 able apples. J Rapp:n*4 7 do do, 1 bbis eggs, Woodworth A D:2 bbis butter, S Devol; 2 do eggs, P Duff A Son. P/TINIIIIRGH FORT WAYNN AND CHI CLOG ItartaoaD. January 29. , -.100 bbls flour. 20 do beano, Watt, Fang & Co: 1 earl:alio duet. Seward & Emerson; 50 hides, J Y McLaughlin; 2 Mils alcohol, A Kelly; 100 G H ANierson; 7 bins liquor, Yoe S Finch & Co; 30 pkgs tobacco, E Megraw & Co; 10 do do, 11 F Weddle: 100 hbls flour, owner; FM -pigs lead, Bailey, Parrot' & Co; 12 dressed hogs, McCullough, Smith & Co; 20 bbls dried • peached, 15 pkge butter, W Graff Cc; 100 bble dour, Shomaker & Langenhelm; 16 eke onions, Vangorder & Shepard; 15 bbis oil, G E Palmer; 11 bxs soap, W France; 1 bbl-cider, 1 box bolter, 1...1 Blanchard; 4 care barley, El • curer & McKay; Ido lumber; W Rapper; 20 bis soap, E Heszleton; 2 bbls whisky, Itodelhelm & Affelder; 6 bbls do, .J Aaller & Co; 200 bbis dour; owner; Ammongwr STATION .I,AttIIEIZy 4 aka onions, 7 pkgs butter, 'jobb Her bert, 70 bga corn, 1 car middlings, 17 bgs rye, J B McKee; 21 care metal, Lewis, Bailey & Beduin: 30 bait soap and can dlres4J Hoban: 2 cars limestone, Superior lroff Co; 2 can cooperage, J M Hemphil; 1 ear metal. Rodgers & 1 do do, Graff, B& Co; 1 do B urchfield; . cooperego. Ralya & Robertson; I hides, Lappo& Weise: 3 car, metal, Lindsay & McOntcheon; 276 hides, A & ,J Groetstinger; 211 aka barley, Gant &:Eion; 87 eke do, J Rhodes & Co. Armimentarr VALLXT RAILROAD Jan. nary 29.-18 bides, C Lappet 3 pirm: lard, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 13 can railroad iron. care E A Temple; 11 eke cloverseed, W M tiormly; 5 rolls loather, G N Hoff. ntott; 1 ear metal, Nitpick & Co; 69 ski oats, Kell & Mahan; 8 rolls loather, Seibert & Berg; 11 bble onions, S Ewart & Co; 77 cars coal, Kier, Foster & Kier; 45 do do. Armstrong, Dickson & Oa. SPILICLILL NOTICES tgrCONSIUMPTION. sonrims rutmoNthrrnur s. the CYpeo°.`ST 4 ,..t'6llrgalarfiraTri fs,r the care or Despvisla and &lithe Debilitated veld'- . U tir t rt h iiittiViVet 11.&NDR t for Ilheaan of the Liver or.to act In. • tientle res istive. All of throe three Medici; ea fee often restnlred In coring Consumption, thongh• the Palmate ny NP alone kas cored many desperate cues. I ke oesereed Tonto tat Mandrake thlls, mitt to h P retaining she demaset, and Liver. and kelp the Imunle birch seinen. and Marta throng h the niron vessel.. by which means a MT Is soon Cr • • I'hrso Medicine. are cOnselentionslr ogered to shea. the only sate. sei Min and sellable , PUIZIMOD Coosimn int au. end for all those morbid conditions of the Italy whiehlrad to that tarsi disease. Liget Cosolibaint and Dys pepeLa are often foreronnera of tioosatimUun. and w en they mantiPst themselves they require the orto %prompt sttengon. The Pulmonte Strati is a nuritelne which has find *lon ProbaUoti befo thousand M. Its va/tm him been proved py the tures It has ma...through • ortUel or [lll- , it thou shiny-Ave years. is-all of which time Its reputation has in creased and the most o.ut nor skew telmn can Co :mane doubt that it Is • remrdy which may bd of a MR used with confidence is nil lases whisk admit -• • " It inn ;tidiest Intl pereeentanhe follow the M edip'. end. seconittn 7 each Pottle , he will eneutple berated, It hit tana are not tool.. nested to nuke aeons poen lu. elven In seam et:Minted to be Inenrabta. when Mends and ph,- Cc an. nave deepened, the me of this Medicine ha eared tin. dee at the ha.lent and reunited ht.te nee. nith. • dee. not say that all, 000 t or Pal. mina • *aiad , on, see ninbles the reach of =snide.. b u t ne emphatically wed/ 1. the. sabre when potentate,. to* m at Idar Ling rs saystmes. MM. a %Infra% cough, creel:dog milli, eight theyeral drb lity, e••• 1/.11% de4 ems that are oblls•••1 is Ito In 1 , 4, and when therm. nu by laelrillayilaim ant/ an still blamed To med cal Damon. an a eat* sew langs. hat when the innta are nary ydl.eased lad in some Went destroy, a. a a nte may bo err armed by toe. Achim r.b• mcelletnol. - Alao. In bcrofulom to-we medlcloss are equally rite CPI 1,1 llebearle has boats. genets. of • masalwr of oes , onsi wno have been nearly overed with inenllle anteliand hew all boat" Tbls I . l••ifr I,a po'perham, ble • watch mast he a 0 heal ea th en to the langs. In the tee •tmentof 11011kUlarlip. hurt the bloom thaporanos to glee vigor and a emotby rope to tea swar e, Ilcmw sz a. murmur to Silkbit apoetit qf the bat lent and hal prolemi T.."4,'..1. 0 41i, I :Lsr.wIT.'IT:IIII7: IP. ...ad easily Creatable. The article. most suitable for the diet of ilonsom• live batten. are dralgnat d In Dr. Sotto:Vs Alma. which m idtie tcroril a ratnllmialYs general, th oat blenly Intl-Mous mane lamv reeepLeut shed...maw. ors` •• man he at mirth. ened In orate to make esti., mod or anediels• .baervlenlble. This 1 equlrsoneni Is met b 7 arred Tools, and lax OIL gamma It arm dew treated Wleen ties Mg retire vs wen am pet to good °seem the Mod b. orobT etbett the mine* of um males Its Invlewatril eon tie lunge be ells to exercise their hanctlon• In a num.! and II! ..11 , L117 Tara he Vol...ante byres, will 5.T Cl illy ehm. Putnam, ry CMO:shaph•so nywaye pas. : pil •ied with Icy., apt a 5 5 ,s Li. es .paet. xlvnekls limsdluae Mlle are In ',apt so me ! mom obsinictloai from the Liver sea rename Its healthy y mtlom The twee all Me o'Cleacy which ma worth.' 1.4 rale. el or "bine mess. .• and an warranted oat to cam to a partirla of asp ale e ridawileog. .pese riti.e.r. the teat anaule.p il=. " st ' llrttlt h e * r/te=ri ratan !Vrerf= t Tpld or obetrnewdreedlilost f the Liver. One box them old. WU PM.. ealma.7 lb* met drakonalapt an the Pea Weed Tonle and Dalai e 1 . 1111 are lovaluas I. geg amsteisse. Thi lee se n. n , -f nne mates, tad •i ti TL “ r4 ,l O , Lie or Ls eft heard OMt,tl to edveatig. • cum. of tgnsumptlon, worn toe Ira is are almost en• tried alessmrysol on 1 all senallnins moonlike Ds the laden:we. of Mei cony meta. tu 'Mated *scowl death. m e ters of.patln s whs. Imre site ly In • O adltivo have luen breserited fur months by Me awe of tellencli'a threo Veal rem *dim .rt!t=illtrwv=tinr-ur, treatment, ado cenel al di r• ettons bow to wee km WglnitltWaglArDl. l l:Nranll2 0110tb tercet, rltitadelphia, Vat. Mew o lbw Polmonte pimp awl Seaweed Son• to bad% el, Se pee bottle. or 10.10 a Ulf dawn. Kan/rake SO coat. • bor. 700 , ale by all truntzte. • de72:417 c e . I'l . TOMES TO TEILLT cue.vArr DMZ LBSS. That nolo:emus. Oa, of'ionis ing Ovaself.i.e.a.m. yr." , k.o.m auaeilaen PtIVOIIIII Irritablllty. eruptlona, .exhinsl etalolona sad Etmlly Impete*cy pr b cured: Persons allleO4 with delicate, Oaricate .-.-• . ~ • - ad long anadtria tonstitati... • complal ta an politely finned io cal fur rornitatiou, whirl 00sta nonfat raperleure. the bell of tratliera, has •tabiad pop lo periret manlier. at one- al. elan, We, pernannt .4 arldett la nentinnia as he and wit.. Ibindraina to bum tn. KO. , leihes prepared La the rstabllshmint. which rm. brae. ogler. thermion and walling rooms; also boarding and steeping sputa eats for militate requiring dally personal attenlloa. a 34 PM and etimpleng baths, Mits enhceniniting the 1110 mtueral springs. Nomatter who have falltd. Mal. your ease. Itcae , What he says in his pul p:slat of liftv onus. !T s. sent to any address for two e o, 9 W a mt. ills , (near (Mars mouse, liM Piharga. Pa. Hours 9A. at. to II r. rt. gat, this 19 3. to 9 P. Pamphlet sett lOU linos for Moo OMMIMP. 102 aralTipHlELOWslialß DYE - -Teti bare to 71411 WonLtr—does not contain teed—nn osszlol. otasows to paralyze Om sDnom or plOdttea clanh.. Ai Id Italllll4.llB— f eat-11. aralvictrxoce. Avold thet Vaunted tad Ise prro.reLlons ttoat Ulnae. they Uo pot it sr 7Lu would earape toe darner. Toe t•onsne A. • stebenst's HPt als 11/111 TreIVT 1 - Larta aeI•GTAILOR 10 apanut Its intarelLy. Vold el Drajgates. Ap. "toad at Ile none elteeat, tall a"JUST OUT. •LCII ZEST PZOTOIIAL TROMILN.r , lOU coLDB, collarrn. SOUR. TELINSA:r Jaw BBONCIUSSB. Now so rood. None oo Tarawa. • Nose Co.. an Quiet. • ' 10 LaCo j rte T " 800 se. N e w Yo rk. Me no more of spate portiOlt WWI nooses- Not "Brown CPUS, Unlash' , dslo HAUT, CAIIIIIREY GA, • BANKERS AND BROKERS, • Corner Fourth and Wood Strode, rrrzsrst man; Pri.;" (E30C121110113 TO HABRA, HART • C 0..) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And Vaticulsz aitentlmi Mid bn'tkn Inrreinin and sale of ..coyEprlmgpir BONDS. Si ht Drafts on London. II TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood • St., cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST PALO ON DEEONITS. bold, Colima, Bonds and Stooks DODGEM' AND SOLD. PTrsldellt. a*S"dar cyuufiNot'llfrakianrf= k&RGE SOIPOIENTS' OF ALL 11144. or tresti Take Sub lu art received .daltr.... gi n • a Le . ll , lnir../olar Can eland. No 118 .Gd Oldo 111.101. Our long exotra..n.ds In the bnelneee 4 11 . iro In alwyy barn 01 hand Brat elaaavtlele,. and uoui Dell a White Halle n. Herrtur, Black galls and White Perch .1141 very I.ez.ulmiv tu rge l rl . ea r W i r . e w21 . 1.:r 4 01. o.llt e ts women,.' pRIENILY ROLU FOUNDRY, Co.. LIBERTY &IA 914711 iriIIBETI BOLLMIN & BACALEY, 161 ) .1161, i4 4 i'* 1 !!, MI noll4Sand Ito & KEYSTONE POTTERY. N. suzn Co - S. • " ttamasesirsrs cf. QiirallaCNWAßE. BIitIUTOL WARR &O. oak. and wszetwa sea LIBRIMIT ma- Jun Qi(li -CASKS - , rialitt ASIA 11111 scam nod he sobs. bY' ' • J. at daarur.D , RIVER NEWS. The {river was about stationary kat evening, with 7 feet 3 inches in the the channel by the Monongahela . minka. Weather cloudy with every indication of a snow atorm—enow wee • falling pretty freely at 6 P.'N. Mercury 34. MMihiE= The Arlington and Mai. Anderson had not arrived up to 6 r. x. laatnight, but it is probable that they arrived some time during the night. The Arlington will leave again to morrow. It was reported yesterday that the Arlington was ahead of the Anderson at Pomeroy, and If so She will dbubtleas keep ahead daring the balance of the trip. We may have later news by telegraph. The hull for Capt. Sanford B. Caution's new mountain boat will be launched In a couple of weeka. It is 160 feet long; - 33 feet beam, and 43i feet depth of bold. She Is Co have three • bollers—engines 16 Inches In diameter and 5 feet stroke. As we noted yesterday, the will be ready In time for the spring campaign.. The Mosseoger departed for New Or leans on Saturday with a good trelgh; list. Pllots-Crate Reno and John Stewart. • • The Bate Patna& departed for . Nash. villa on Sunday morning with a good trip, and engagements below, including earns 200 tone at Wheeling. Pllota— Hamilton and Henderson. , The Nick Wall, Capt. Geo.. W Reed, will depart for St. Louts to-marrow srltb out fail, and passengers and shipper should bear this In mlnd.l The Mollie Ebert, Capt. G. W. Ebert, will commence loadingfor Si. Louis after the Nick Wall. The Wild Duct, Capt. Anawalt, will commence receiving. for that point this morning. The Belle arrived and departed on Sat urday with a good trip each way. —The Cincinnati Gazette In notlei v 7e the departureof the Arrington and Pits . Anderson for Pittsburgh, Bays: •'o e do not bellevethat•raoo for need wia tended, ea they needed businees more than sporting reputation." The Com; secretor has the following on the same subject: The sensation at the lavas, yes terday noon. was the departure of the, rival packet% Maj. Anderson and lingtori, for Pittsburgh. The Arlington led off in gallant style, followed. by the Anderson Inside of five minutes. • The former was comparatively light, while the latter had 260 tons. A party who timed the boats from the Beaton Ferry Landing out of eight; say theiAnd derson had gained two minutes on the Arlington tip to the time of turning the point. Both boatersre commanded by cool. careful and experienced men, who will not neglect way halls or business, or carrying more steam than the law al. lowa. The Anderson's machinery tho les tried and well worn, given her decided advantage over the Arlington. --Speaking of the Northern Line Packet Co., the Davenport Duette gays: The company have now nearly ready three new buts. They are to be called Lake Superior Red Wing, and Bock laland. The Wit named was built with spatial reference to speed and passen ger accommodation, and is to run. be• tween the upper and lower rapids. The appointments of oaken far the boats of the entire line are not yet all complete,. 124011 t of the old favorites will be again ot - duty for the company, but there will be corudderstde changing around, .so rumor says. —The Evansville Touren; of Wednes day,.says: The Fayette had c oleo trip out. dim' went above the city, and, rounding to, ran down put the wharf like a streak of greased lightning, and ran out of sight, opposite W. G. Brown & Co's- wharf boat, in exactly 634' min. tau, Jost the time made a few days ago by 'the Quickstep. The Fayette for many yearsplyed between here and Brownsville, in the packet trade, and w• never beard anything said about her speed before. ' • —The Memphis Sun, of Tuesday, says: A suit was entered against the Steamer Richmond, someday, 'for POO, by the owners of the flathcet that was sunk on Friday last, by the steamer Lbtelneatal, and for which 1600 was Feed s+, a oompro mlse by said ■tamer. The Richmond, making • landing, struck the par tially sunk flat hence the suit. —The two new steamers building. at Madison for the Northern Line will be named respectively Red Wing and Rock Island. and .that building at Pitts. burgh Lake Superior. The Superior , and Red Wing will ply between St. Louie and St. Pawl, and the Rock Inland between the rapids. —The New Albany Cbeinieretat, of Wednesday, sale' The Cincinnati Coes saerefar. or yesterday. ears Capt. James ban purchased the Dexter rde /111.000, Ind will place her zit the_ /mann/. and Memphis trade. It they be so. but it la 001W5 to James Cunningham, steersman on the John t.tiMedan. disappeared from the host, on isattuday week last. at Clarksville, and has not trines beephoard from. It la thought he was either drowned or foully deal with. —The Utah, Gill will proven total lots It hue been deohled that there Is no chaime to raise her. lihe is broken badly eft the wheels, —John W. Yates died at LaSalle, 1111 note, on the Mtn. He was well known In the Omaha trade u clerk of the Sioux City and Cornelia. —The Glasgow arrived at Nashville on Thnraday. The Sallie arrived at Novi Orleans the earns day and the Leonidas left there for Cincinnati. --Capt. Tim Packard, recently In jured at the Loofa bridge, had his leg amputated at the Staten' Hospital, Bt. Louis, Tuesday. —My Oolloasal, Artansaa river to St. Louts, and Wanes:Ma, Cincinnati to New Orleans, were at Memphis on Thuraday.., —The Bellevernon passed Vicksburg on Thursday euronte for New Orleans. —Canto. R. C. Gray and W. J. 'Count; were at St. Louis the other day. RIVER PACKETS. = PITIIMIRGII AND ChICINNATI PACKET LINE. Sidirot The New end Splendid Side-wheel St'r ARLINGTON, 2iI.OORE Master, A. S. SI3.3r.PAIID Clerk, LELVES PITTSBURGH von C)li3.olruaa,ll leiLT" v vngaglirirTTEll'ioraili 47:11.17tatte r iti nooleiii wilt, enry comfort Vgatralitte . Z.ltfut: slip ye- pers. mina. mum', or other Inlbrma.Con, pI)oA"W"' JANIS comma, JOHN rt.how lift J. 13. OOLLINICWOOH. . CAIRO MID T. LOUN MOM CAIRO AND BT.seir e t LuUlS.—The powerful Yoe twst WILD DIIOII AND BARGES, .DoTo s.d Swan. J. W. A NAWAT.T.Commander. will IcaTe os THURSDAY, Yob lid, al 4 x., !or theg i br u pmts rs Asa Intenno.Olote ._ to r. 31 _ VOR Chllllo AwtD ElT 4 aW i e .oLOold.—TO* int palmate NICK WALL end- Tana. Pow, Win I,ana tba anon and Intonandlata ports on Tin. DAY . 3lni Inst a irelAbt or [tannin apply on nond or to 1314 ri.Afig Ont..INGW(IOi/. EL&RD WARE CUTLEI RY BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY COMPANY KANIITACTUBXBEI or Superior American TABLE CUTLERY POCKET KNIVES, Quality rtssurpassed. D nn u n tn n now nattethalad all the Walaknowek MEI TZE styles of Ts • lot at CAILVe Eht. BUTCHIES. she . BREAD ginyrs et elk ateelthtlols. All lime of rocas: . • A MAIL 8/I.LISROOII. ones Is eouneettoe mutt-the - flanatzl Oboe and Wholesale Depart. milts. • No. 70 Wood Street, Excraatraes, PA. = ----`--d~.:a- :sLc.~:.*;~.saiun~.~n~s~c"-.7.:~.'-rte _`ms~m.: BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK Of illtsborgb. At the close of business January Mil /070. 211401TRCILS. Loa. mad Dtsomusts 51L921.224 07 UN. ncruds to Ethan elm-Matt. 920 000 00 Due from A etlethalug aud lie. • Wee Agent • 237.330 0T Due from otter Nat'l Bank.— 519,02 1111 Doe from other Banks and ' Panting House Current E3pensen...--2470 Taxes Paid Niel Ca ' - St - 'Ex shltems lchaon o s b fo NCletanyl Hanne.. Tractional Carteuey. tbsainding Nickels.) 11.312 07 Coln 90.714 00 Loyal Tendar,Notes 17-.000 00 L1A81L1TTE5. 53.644,059 6. . . . Dardt.l9tock paid tn. ... .. ..... 41,700,000 00 1360 in CO Discount and D.= 43 . 36.chistive I 6/1 34 Interest In. 16 Prod; and Loss 134.6 Id— 1410,699 73 Nations , Bunk circuit/Don out- .. . . Bt.VVJ Inteirealatlon outstand. Int Individual dandattP Dna to National Banta Doe to collar Banks and Banker. 83,864,659 60 82,17. OP PIINNITLVI7(I4. COrNIT Oy ALLIOLLIWY.I".. • . 1, aleDitftW . as i.hier of the Exchange National 11. k of Mist:direly, Pa., a , . soiemnig swear that Ike above statement Is true to the bea of my knowledge and belief. a. LONG. Cashier. Sworn toted subscribed before me this 48th day of Ja:nary.`lll7o. WY. E. liotary .Euhti BUBB, c. Correct—Attesti • D. gic , ANDLID3r, NARK W. WA 'EOM, Directors. B. BAXS WELL, En.. Jafilitt2 AEPORT OF. THE CONDITION OP aHE ALLEGHENY NATIONAL K at close of Duane., January MN, ISIO. RIBOUSCIII3. Loan. and Discounts Oserdrens bclted.nietee Bends to secure 800,000 00 Circulation - Other...kg. /Sond4 and Mort• . . MT. 50,417 75 Due Inns Redeems." sad Ro- . . .. ._ . ..... .. • . terve Agent • 41,251 50 Doe from other Natal Danks..... 15,439 06 Lao trot:anther Banks atm Bank •rt ng Route 3 1 45 Banki . lll 111 Other Stag Estate . . • 351.116 51 Current LX.114. 1 450 AS Taxes kohl 4931 so Checks oo Heats and Bankers • not 10 Clearlos &loose 1,353 95 Exchanges for Clearing 11011... 54,011 4. Illds of other Nadonsl Banks.... 10.090.00 1010 of mate Banks 964 50 Tmellonal Currency, Ineoullos Col 0, N n lckels . 1,650 0 500 61 0 1.4e31 Tenser Now 1171.106 MI *Par 000. Certificates 30,0..0 Oil /,954,5111 29 LlAi:aunts. ° CspMOStock $ 500.000 00 50rplux rand Itmerest 15035 50 1.4. 53 Kxclunie 1.785 0D Natiorml ki.k Mclaztlosool.- . . BeEMEafnM Inalvidual Inenedna te National Banta. Dna tenth, Bantsand 'lantern Dividends Unpaid 1.9615, STATIt or PENNSYLVANIA , t,". 5711 Conner or LIXAIMIT4 I. Pre. .I eat or the wiloebeny .2iational Bank, do tolerantly swear that the aDOTO emelt; la tree to the Wet of sty knowledge wet belief. • -Men 41, 4. K. telol. Preerbwit. Subscribed stow .worn before we MU :47th day or January, 11170. E. 6111Tp., Notss7 I _ . . c. V. lit NAT , J • max. NINO, Directors. C. W. ULTolloa.olt. }to jar,all REPORT or THE CONDI. TION ME FIRST NATIONAL BANK, = Looos.d DPOOII/111. St a1e,11114 93 U•l9d states Bones to strum eir- Wats 495,000 00 Othe r a on tortue. Bond. and Mom. rare - 19,1112 50 Die from 10.1.emt-g and Ttr wov Vat* Dun frrea sob r &horst nutks.. Daft from tabor Haat. and Bea. . 7.949 17 Rankine haute ' 37.5100 00 Current. ors vo 11 1191 39 Cosh I trmr. (In -tad red rtzmeett.. 7 542 11 Exchaarre• for Mew lag He atet...• 48,803 90 Mlle or other Natorat Banta—. 90.051 00 Frac% oast comacy incinot.g • 0 'clot ....... Stave Legal Tender Nam M!!MIG=UI '800.09000 Wm. 150191ns rand. 1493 014 50 na,X emulation • 343.500 00 li dtaleldal 11etwa1ce....11191.141150 It. tlanal 111944....119.1=11/ • Doe 10 Banta and 11.501411.009.141 10 rimn STATE 07 PiriasrLVANlA. I 101.1111,1/15 05 t i VOMIT, Or 1, J. to. eta Ir. COAatier of the 'lnt datlonat Boat of 710shorgh. do selemody at.. that the there vatted:et Is tree, to the beet of tar koesledee sad teller. JOHN D. FOULLY. CaslOo. va r . mu bortm me thlo direiy CorriM—AMer '3ilrff ' N"." - . ALVEANDZILSPZZII. . JA CULS PAP. • rag. IDtreal.ors JAS. B. bic„Ans.u. .123a311 REPoRT or TIIE . CONDITION OT THE X•robanta and lianufacturers National Bank, 2r; , tbzr.,A... a UM close ortnidiama, Jan- l a , Lams and Dimon ir nts ICSOCECICL II 749.755 54 Over (rail. 4.904 03 U. 8. Bonds l 4 amain Clreamunn 100.000 00 U. b. Hoods and Semi lies on band 10,000 t.O D'therm a Its. Bands and Yong's. 17.547 ST Dor from illeilmating WI Ite mise Astmts 19.5174 83 Orb from other lli II {MIMI limits— ' 90.854 1* Dee host whir Hansa 3 Banters. 19.353 Od Bulking Heine 95.U9 VT Current I, amines 1.955 34 Taxes Paid 4.119189 Plellailit. 53 50 Casts Items ilneladinit Stumm—. 34.897 59 ittnatoises forth. Clew Ins Honaa 37.371 31 Us flt ether National Hanka 7,009 40 Tmettonal Correney, Unclad's* Nlrk4.l - ' Legal Tender Notts • - 174 5 .1:5 4 . 22 Ed. 0151,7511163 EIABILITTES. Capital Mock paid In - 4 SOO,OOO 00 surplus Food - 5311 431 53 Dlsconin. , 1,596 59 Lit,...r 464 44 Rant Clinalation. Ont. • ...tar 630.1155 00 Slam flank Circulation ttotamod lea 10.585 00 individ sal Deposita333 551 14 to ws mipald ' ' 8.79100 Doe to National Hulks ' 31.35* 79 •Ltan to other Hanks altdalankers. . 8,991 74 810.012.71101 . 63 !MATZ 011 . I.3IdIiBTLVANIA. t - COUNT!' OF ALL/MIMI, I, JulIN Sl.:QTT.Ja.,Caettler or he Merehtute and Mauotaeturers Natmo al Bank of illtaburial. 40 aolvalnly swear that the above statement's true to the beat of tozit i trZAdiatsl , l .. hepa di, eatoerthed and room to br (Ora ire this AI th dal of Jamuti. MO JUk. SNOWIkEIe. Oometn—Atte.t: L. MILMAN, Neter) . Pohl e. pR. cti HY LLOYD. ) pusetore. p. A. !ME to•ttr, jad,tm §FATEMEDIT OF THE (lANU oaoli O'ItrANY or PIM -666. PA . . hots January Ist so Dew saner 3let. 11616 fuelanve. Publlp seeordatet with the. n1131C11401.1110f ti• 1 5 * merlon of Art of eaarmbiy of Lb. Commo• wank of run. sylvan?. approved Aprit 24,1550. I. Capita. tutOorised audisatd h5..5100,000 00 IN. AMC CV , .' IT. 5.520 1215555 g `in..' 1 MI 509 00 Bound.nd Monitore. on 1641 atata 17.225 00 An Aeon toNts Aa2 Loam aa Collatordi 41.551 15 Dank and laturanee Moth. par . 6 1051 00 trIgto:V212.74:11111:Q;i11.I 1100 g 05 r , ,Book aens' tor preioloia..... .11.14210 35 a. Peon Wins Reeelved $ 211,1fi16 TV 4. !awe.. and Oen inlaaloste. - eelv• d ell. 079 RA balance Juluary ist, 11r39.. 111.044 04 6 DLsBllRBMllinrrit. e .. ... . I 14_,471 le Dividend. J01y.15,, 1.469 o DUO 01/ umap. acta Tanya 4,150 DA PPrees. Gene anti tyl 'Expenses 6,11044 Freedoms returned and Cone. minivan paid on rn II 65 - 6 60 Ofßoo Vanntoro Bora g 85000 Pral o nn on 800,000 11. •5. Premium on Dant n00k.... Capital pant up Teal Amin, Jai. 1, 1870. ,_, -- . 6. Ontatanoing Mat. 19,466.9.1 a 69 T. Dab r of am. 1.1..1.0. lama& in. ted tem... ' None. . I.'l .'rr___ un • io. T. JOHnoTON. Ifeeertney. _ - „ - . AAIIPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE.PARMERiD6P,/^/7 RATIONAL '0 of Pittsburgh, at close of Duane..., Jan. AU. M.O. . Iitr.SOUNCEIL Loans and Discounts United Matra Banda to 5ec.: 1,054,541 50 D. front area sta n in cideamlng and ' B.. 300,000 00 ...rye Anent. -, 100.600 .11t Due tram oiler Nav•nsi Banta. at Una st Doe trian Banks and Banker.... • 61 700 46 Banking Haute • /0,0..0 00 Cucttat arse... . 763 54 1.V. K ._ . .....t..! 4 . . . • • - 1: * Cult Wm. including slump.,... 12456 *1 ro. Clearing House.. 8 0 HillSof o.ltar biatlogal Bants..• • 14 .!1.7 00 Milian!' mate 135 00 Itrsiction.oCurreicey. lininniThilt • Mk:mete Specie. eV; .09e 60 Leval Tender Nein • ' 95 000 00 Three per emit. 100.000 00 Puro lial Block Dad M.., Prod{ owl lone H. R. elrenlatlan uatstsadbag.. lodlvidua 8111.21 13 I!!ti,.lflary.s.... 71,41513 DD io oth ks er Ban and ' Dan.. DOW a . 1.099 579 93 911,901.6115 91 EITA. , III OT PERNIFYLV4aIA., Coors UP ALIJaatINT. I== - 1. 7. L. Bteobenion. Cutler of the Irannatst 1).. Mt National Bank of faltttburp. - manly swear thin tka atm.. statement It d 7o to osrt of my k... 1.31. and balmy • , .'7. L. artraswaus. ftiter. • aw , m , to and aunduultoed Wore. nua tate Seib day of January, 11110. , EMEgiWE= 30141121cDCV1 T. • JAR. IIIaREMALL; -. Directors. WAL WALZSD, , Jar,' BANK STATEMENTS R _ EPORT OF THE CONDITION Jr 'ns PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, =I I Lou. as DLmeauts. Inn:rstr,lta 11. S. Bonds to secure Circulation 900.000 00 ether Sunk). Bonds •nd Mo•r. VW. Due from Redeemtuir a Re.ur 7 . _ 154.?71.91 55.7%3 30 58.500 00 from otter ............... from nth• r Banks sod Bank- 19.345 IS .1.1149 71 39.3114 IS 11.608 00 Banktrtg House rurnitur, and ,litutes . . Current Exp enses -•—••• Prem. , m Cain Item.. Uclndl..ff Stamps Enettanyrs t C Cleating House Nl N Rinse National Ran. i. rAelionalthaTtner • and lackeli % .0 9 15.11100 00 I= 800.000 00 Capits,l Stock paid to. Kum]. Futid Dlsmunitt. Y:06.1 90.391 00 530 050 07 99,54115 M 7.709 i.ll =ME National Balza Clroalation Individual Dapenlts Certified an.eaa • ihr to National nanl. Due tootber Banta m. Bankers 8,392.7 173 1. 7. Y. GORDON. Cublrr 8 of the Pairle B, National Bask at Pttuburgb, ao solemnly swell 'bat tte above sumens to tree to th e best of us, k _escudo ta dbells( F. M. GORDON, (Usk., Subscribed and "ram to 10(001 /be 101597th day of January, 187 1010ira.) Jos. SNOWDEN, N. P. Correct—Altai: NAMnBI• MIA. • BABCT.AY PRLEIToIi, Dlxectors fir 08118 BLACK, Jo.Zhcs REPORT OF THE CONDITION TIZENS NATIONAL BANK of Pittsburgh .6 1185058 3 51 4 , ,530 0 At the elate of best." en the 926 der of Jan uary, 1870. 13=1:= Loans and Discounts S 1.153,055 57 errerdroits ' 1,440 43 U. 6. Bonds to ...ire otrenliWn 514,000 09 U. 8. Bond.. tuned 3.0011 00 i it her Steeko.Boues and blur's. 1.1,533 33 Due from Redeeming and Re oerve Agents ' 59.1173 01 Due from otner Notional Banks 14.243 63 Doe from other Ban. 4 Banker. 4 601/ 89 nankin. Rolm 34.761 61 enrroeit 1.7 eeeee 21 . 9111 In T... Paid - . 7.310 56 ...eh Items. inegudlog'tilmpe... 0 796 11 Rxebon.es for elcarius Roam.. 59.310 18 Bills of other Rational Basks— 1.700 1.0 Fresetionsi Oarn9o7, 1nt 1 .41.11 7.1... 9 667 78 Coln • 7,657 ill Leg. Tender dote, 100.000 00 Total ' q,011.49944 1.14 Capital Stack pald In131L11111: 11 660.000 MI Setpina Sand 141,1661 67 I cf.,. at anal Lie Itnnne 66,991 43 Nsttonal .66- Dann Clrenlatlan atoadlaw 450.000 00 StAte Sank Clrculatann ontstand- 4n,506 00 Mg lorirridual Deposita and Unpaid., 111,500 00 Divblew: 590.798 87 Due to National Rants 513.9180.38 Due to Banks and Banker. 31425115117 Tout 02.011,490 STA T. OP PENN •YLVANIA. COUNTY or 41,1.011. Y. I J SHADY, Jr.. Cashier of the Cll.ll.nirl Nutlonalltank of titterer, h. eo goiemnly swear that the above rtutement Is true to the best or., knowledge and nailer. J. SHDY, Jr., Cashier. Pubkrribed and sworn to be t ore sew thle Sllth day oh January. 11570. ADEBSON K. DAVIS, Pubic. Correet,Attrat: Nome, Pubi TI L. PAN le [STOCK, 014). A. ID likT. Directors.. tor°. b. krEAD, Jahlirtht 7.734 00 1144.341110 12.093 3.313 71 7.058 59 REPORT OF THE CONDITION UP - ILIX T tIUD Nsts'lolsAls BANK.of r•hstolrel, at the close of business. Jukuus NINO. nau. . . El= Louie and Inseran . da 41 789,82184 U. tl. Bonds ti ceore Clevala• Duo frau adopiarelillanks New Tort 574.00010 lt Mariamha. from other b &Moat CO Dee hum other Ilanks and 44831 Ltarskrrs ' 10.001 40 1T9,010 09 94,0411 41 Heal Latate. .. . . runtltore suu AIWA. ILzvensea T.te• ractinagea for Cleartng It an* • Mll2 7/1 /14 nintan , es, tbeci• ..nd Reven..4 man. 41 an 73 National :lank 7.0 na. /4. :ANS Co Tractional Cartencl 4.ka 41 [Kant 'r n 4 er Notes 111.144 00 3 rer Cent. llertlacatca.... 104030 in 5.638 9119 0 73 $1.540,079 es Capital Block ............ 00 99rplos Vand.,.... .... 4100 tal awl Int.;.est . )4 9,9 30 U sad S.:change Prod; sad Loss ---- 115,938 5. Circ. - lotion . 350,150 00 Individual 15-no•it 518,201 48 . • Dun Nano:LAI 8ank5........ z 4.1.7- 21 15,• other • liants and Hankers 1) W 55 61 563. , 53 36 Tiedlon..nnta.. n.OOO o• Dlrldenda unpaid 3311 00 •01 I. Jobe B. I.lvlng as uton. Chier L o 4,07 tt So Ine Uini National Baia of ClUsbash. do mammy sues+ that the shots statesman Is true be the hat of mr kocalsdr. and writer. JUILN B. LunlitllSTC.N, Cashier. bubseribal and saint beiOre me this ins day !swam, 1510. Z. DA'. B. Uorreet Attest: Notary Publ.. AUU. —Attr.TlS. C. SIMICAB, IDlreetort. JCCIL.t4.°L. FINANCIAL S. McGLEAN & co., BANKERS. Governraent Securities, No. 76 Faurth Avenue, Ntscankt l malt attention Eisen to every. inlet le the but... Collection. mad.. Cet , lineetee laced, and !na tot allowed . Time Deponta. .Ik4v.oes med. on ,rehne Collateral. aad Cioventemet lieensittes at Meru rites. Dealer. In Yoram and Domestic Machu.. Gold, Saves, Bank Note., dm., 20. All local er oiler Allsael aoeoaa Flock& Bowls, Iffortglgea, Coma:mml4lPa. ar, Aa., negotlstad at the usual ram of coandladou. 103 PEOPLE'S SIMS RINK Of Allegheny. Cor. Federal and Laeoek Streets. B. H. HA*TZ&E. Frostiest. IL P. TOTING, Cask' fir. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT Itoekholders mina. ALLOWED ON ELKS DEPOSITS TEE UPI DEPOSIT 10. OF pri-rsituncsix, Et=tl •144 000 64 Safe 'Keeping of Valuables, Under inst:sittee end the renting of Baru In Its }lire and Burglar• Proof Vaults. NO. 83 FOrriira AVENUE: Preshlwat—WlLLlLLl PUILILLPN. Vlee Pooldent-1111EDRY LLOYD. =Era WIT LIAM PHILLI*II.IBYIIOI7 R. r•nrras. IL HARY 1.L . .c 11, JO& B. 11017.11.10 , 'W. WILLI kW BBL. ' 6E0E114 BL ArlLL__ WILLIAM L LIMN, r v .:ULCils O. tlUbOk.l.• J OS. I. 8010 NE cT. flzenr a Talus—B. P. ON 80144110a4T. open dally trona 4 o'clock*. W. to 4 o'clock P. 14 mama M==l C= 400 00 100.00000 N EIOLNIEB & SONS =MEI 57 MARKET STREET th Caggr a ilralega = 4 ..lllrlbleipai Wild. of Stocluhßonds and other Seentitlim soliatiT A.ND SOLD ON 00101:1BUOM ad* of raellealar &Mattes paidl to taw plur.ksao sat • TAted States Sectwities. CITY -BANK: 112Fift6 Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, .:CAPITAL, 8100.0" . C=ZZII 300,00000• 6..000 UO 3115 481 7. • x 03,1•1 00 3,01000 ITOVIROLDERA INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. ENTRUST PAID 'ON DEPODITS. PoREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and bolo, and nyboo dente I mantled to Europe. Colleentona mule on all ee ~n el.ol points of I , lleAtalted Mato an' Can e • Dowjairi 166.4 n, Presti JAmits - liooAss, Into Preo.... • W. 21..1dOsomr. C• 411.4. Jmees Me4llo*. . " Tama& Ronne, H^.o . Patrick Enos. e: Celm. H. Han. Jna , o Mee 1 , 44' G. A. E. J. ernoo. 8. stn 26,noneNeuttes. JO6. N. otAZZA,.-6,41n1t0x. BUTTER -10 Half bbla prime but!er. I S. R. raw -MLR.' . . TONS BEST *BAN DS Soda 75 AA, DR I! Pi 6 3V .. B. 1:1 id , - a:-TatvWc3l4-17,1A3LT;c:e5tx::,-:-- DUQUESNE WORKS. COIL MAN. MITA 4!z CO., ' lisnatacturesa IRON. NAILS STEEL, • AXLES AUG SPRINGS. DETQUENNIZ, 1. X AND JUNIATA. 7L0.2 BAP., ROVN AND , QuAIOr. IRON, BANLI. }I t' AND • ANN IRON. BOILER N.ATF's A NO GUARD IRON, 11)1.41.1 maw ..r. ,rg HAIM FLAN•iNIG. cuTrpac ((LID. 67i LIN,DIA IRON. A s:l3 FLAT RAIL. for Coat l , natia. cgownAllB KS A R a RiloW TEETH, :SPRING-PU.lv AND CUI.TIV A - IVH.fI/ EEL. WINGI AN:, MOULUS cett to px..,rn. STEEL TIRES. bTkaL SHAZTINO, A. R. STE.L. COACH, RIIFIGY and WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES. 4,11 T NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS: MAUl:math Rtraat Rad 41.13.likany Rive. and TT Watt.. Iftraet, Pittsburgh, alba • 918.091 400 51' 110.650 75 91.}14 13 6.1143 61 93 314 14 3..9 , 41 • 905 15 11.010 1 . 1 1.711 1A 11 310 11 3.405 00 0,394.11483 .$1,06000 .000 000 00 00 =TM ELLER HRH & 111131313 AL PAZIMS: M d. Wag : liar i ti pant lrlLL!3. Bram.. Par.razz-B. M. MAE. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 1111108, BARR Sc BURIN, MICR. NI ISO Melly Strut, rrnsevEratt, PA. POO.OOO 0(1 543.831 08 3 00 on 9,33. 38 104 97 CC= piTITIBILMGH STEEL WORKS. INTABLINESZD 11(11145. . ANDERSON & WOODS, KANllriciunzas OP BEET REFINED CAST STEEL Of Avery duesiptlois, ADO. berg lieflrked Omuta Plow and kiring goel. OORNEI BOSH AND =INT AVZNIII. Pit*. burgh. Le. DUQUESNE FORGE. • • WlLuret MILLER, (Successor to JOS. HAIGH & C 0.,) Has taellalea co-extensive . ..faith° Texans Tore ailletrl E l7lll tir r .Te p ri e t f lo gra i frO s S PINTON,IIODeI. LBV Rate PITMAN JANIS. lie HMS ReglLßog.. AXLIs, LOCOaaTIVE TR 41.411, together with e'en* cboaerlption of 138631 t OOoe sad rorge Corner or Doonesno Way and First street. 5013:040 ELLERSIIIIISEN PROUBSS. The Trnatres are now oreo.re4oagee N t linen tea ter the nee of Abe ELLLR9I,I PRU gnat rttet! w.iceoAZ ft' oommead.lt to all manaractorers of "rai,les wishing to use It can obtain licenses by al:influx ' JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney. for the Trastadn, BMW 1 and A IngllW. SuUdl g. VGA Fourth avenue. Parties Interested are Invited to "Lit tha BROXldgElthicit WORKS, where On howls. sneeesslul operation. tenalgt 404,000 00 SEEFFIELD STEEL wciuis. SINGER, NIMICK & 00., 81.449 119 .41,11.1197 .2.W1511 -- 43,355 77 I 6.1 13 - 6,357 00 Msontscinrers of ovary description of CAST AND GERMAN STEM &AMWAY SFRI7%Os, ALLIATIo AND PLATFORM !SPRINGS, AXLES, bTL&L liux, Au. de. Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 Pint S. I===l BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. , PARK, BROTHER & CO., Hanufsetureni of mil dine-Minions of Vafe and Varebonse, THERV ET_ ,H Tm T - P . M.,. sod Balm:oAD BTRICET3, ' IPITTRBVIIOI7. 1.811 vi . 1.1.13 V 3 STOVES. CAraINGS. &fa. 040011 STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH. FOE BITTIMINOUB ' C?Alet Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast ae well as any other Store to the llalos. _ BISSELL & No. 235 Liberty Street. Also, on hood .6 for WO. PARLOR =MEL HEATING KTOPME. GRATZ /ROAM FEN DER& COOKING RANtiNA. At. PITTSBURGH, PA. GRAFF,. BOGUS 8t10.,• KANE.AETENsas Os APART TANDET • lig r roVVAIS, • BOSTON COOKING- RANGE, "THE NM! FORNAO)I," PORAPAILMIN. Bin:Loma& TRY NEW lAN. TI -D L COOKIND EMDEN: v"lfg teT4l:;:'A'Lvilittlt. COMATl'irrg a i . • E 4NOK OkB Dom MANTLE. ) , WELLMAN . .. troadDt wad OM: 208 and SOS Liberty Street, • inzurt PITTEBOBOB. PA. BEADLE, CO" NO. 80 WOOD STREET, Nastateetarere of the Greatest Vetlety of -Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, FOIL THS Itl assonmAnt 'drib. roundel' , the tATIZT PA' TEI:Nd AND ROVS.MENTLI. nee Alb,. repluntiJo of our diens LC ouch that Ant one In Watt Of a gold snick otionis waist's o.nze but ihof e insinalsonored ay nil, as they will be fogad I. r onossenssnie Os well as eroponaul. Would esll'pastlettlits aLt.nt:on to our new VOLCANO tar thMellanin uw. ...10ci...' nut Inn Itral tho Mtn Ot , ill inn It c..lat: -0 n • . Want .I.tnl to. os to any owes su 1.01 CLIC ap . emu n° ant. °MCC Lan. Ken • CM= BARR & MOSER, OntIIT 310466 -.5......90CUM0N 3117.D1X06 Rot. Saud AS St. Clatr Street. rittaboxith. P. dream itttutica even to the 4et!cator rod 0411dtao or onmer TTMO•XO i•A • onlll.lo WEST COMMON , lfaehino Stone EV/4%7. Ansa QUantnal. ♦ Allegan., .874.30).14 ATV on CO. Roxii Lasymte snort notlzelLearti and Map tlioner, Ting s for tUdeanlks, ltr Vomits. ac. Elul and Tann Slone& *a. an, P 6. I V. 8 7, 1117 • SLIT SFVEVI . c nasTT, MICHITZ 217 EAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVRIN, No. 66 Sandusky St, :Allegheny, Pa . .ALLlSTl.na.nmaw or n s n iwkri MOIRMS InW loteEkg FAST ise.corr. . rugs. Brand aur cored ßraskrast. 'AI.O La.• CI 'H.m.-and Dried fleeter eta tam.' brand Jon rtulvo.d awd (or 'Wail . • JOHN A..RearictrAwi--' Ira Coro,' Llthen• land /stn. b gtfeems. (- 4 IC I CLAMING. UATer. ?ANIS. OVIEMAIMS, cia% at. . . 011cd Clothing Lot all kluda-alwayr• o. band and for map, aliolesa'e or ralall,l4 • Hi. B. !WON, 7 • of Weights and-Revans, Olice-440. 5 VOUNTH 'AVENUE. PltutVartb. i g C . Z . JOHNKILMISZE. Deiity. - EltubonV: LimM ark.GE . O. B. NONVI.TY. /AMU/. boyst IRON AND STEEL, PITTSBURGH, PLL., kt.c)NIMfICTB b`l ONit J. & H. /IMAM& 96 end ZS Wirth stmt. IUIXaOADS N•LA CANT:LAI. !UAL Al). 00sas :Ist. 11 0. 9., dandle,' NOV. 14t1t. 1559. im:* arrtra at awl depart t. tr. Sta the 111tott pepol., rural, of Wenslllsllll atulilbetts /21215. as follows: - • Arks , . lam - Dspoyl. Stall Trots.... 1:80 ars aths= ail 5.20 US 1.-4111 am, •P 9:10 • Wall's No. 1:. 6SWa. 1 t ar '!, No.. N 0.1.. a 30aa Firtztoxao Not 7:60 aXll2llll7aln as A'.11.• No. 2.. N:.00 em I Hrtelon 10,29 ale tXaclansta d7.t...111a5,111 - s . tsitt No • 5 10 pa Joanna - yrs at 10:59 amWtacla`t: x. 17 75 09 0t1 . e.6 At Nof 2:00 pull No. l VIII Pat. , •gl 1:30. Ae. 5 W 5 7 75 nectele i•Xpt.. padltro• St At: 02 am I , r 04: No. Waal No. ° 4. 2I i:V3UP. N o. 4. : 810550 . . 110Atouits No21:10 ptA . lO.l. Sl2O —.7:5 0 577 o.y. reAS:l'y tOtaltt r.lWell , o e.. 1111 M. 09 .1 hese ttat'ae trAlef: 0.10.10 WC 0 eet:a a A. tia.7lll. 4c.r tor . Me etursa TrztAt 1031.Veit'W ...3!1 Matto, ass,' - e t.usy at 4tt0.% 11Vht);* m. • el%"ZittPt.e'irWeni'%2ol 3 .111aCsarstl ZAS:ces .1- arcs daily. Aautlo46 • Stsprats leases dstl. azcost Moaday. All lbot Lt . !, as dal:y ex,er.t. Ifer t • W. 21.. BECERITH. Ikgent. 'Pb. Pettneyi..1•14111.1.i...4 CVmpitily 0111 sots/. sylhe any iltS far SeitChßO.te.../. lt gg. r" nll3.l7 "Y ;.4 ua • ...kourt la value will ao =sta. Of ers. ans. ual'ass U.Seta stmeisl ountrast. • • • • evtI.AED 11. WILLI4XIS. tleaoralEaDeristenacut. Altooatt. yrEATER PENICAYLV Lr.0.1.1).—0u uklartarNOV. 14, ixev. Rai!toile!. 21E1113 OR stit,wfotOOß rtillalryWlß•l6 Trill melee at and depart from VIII / 0 . 01 gtr' .o Depot. AIL:IIRM Clt7. as folio :set nrir. '6 14o!is e .10 ° ::1 1 / 4 1 e " . 1m 1:4 t 17 : 11.79. ; "110 :: Itsprass.. . 10:110 m,neurpbs Nollllllo►ll abaspb's migttprees.—..„ RIAU p rreepon 414 I A :03 pm klyringd4: Not 3:10 PM p m Presmrt No.211:30 P Aboveen No 36:1110 113011 nOl. No 10:111 Above end. ran dslly except Sonasf. The ehmen Train leaves Allegheny irmetlo3 -,. Olems -v surnley at 7: V) a. in.. reesAWS Allngimnlr t, at 1010 m. turn Mg, terms Alleglicny Otty at 1:110 p. m. and =TITO at Allegheny June. Men at LAO na. Tba mans o n CitT ea. male erect emsnectlon at FreepOrt ernenWess kers line of Magas forSotlemmd Hasumbstomne Thrones tiMeis maLbe putrnmel at taelbEel. No. ISt, oialr strOet. near the` aspemlonßYl4lll Pillsbury]; cad at the Donee. Anegnely. falthsr Information 113013 LE !MKT% Agan r mat Street not Tn. Westerns rannsylsanla 1:01roed 1.1.1 not Imam coy risk ter Baggage. encept tor sreartiell spirmel. and their responsibility to One weeding Dollars Its vont. All 10.1gsge OX. seeding tills amount Meese witlise at & 01 t btu noun, ulus tateb by rpYyle contraot. EDWARD Y. WILLI bolll General Szoerinterident. Alta:lM • I • :pl;idcle7- a- 2Eg a it it EIPAlfW. an diM; ralaswßT:' ?ma NOV. Ma. MP, t itara • nom lead arrive at. the Milan Daigle sinalbaidat /WM: lenrell edlaW, la ralllll4l . , , &tow .11"_... .18:911 a la.. /:53 a m Zile V Yia =.liiin al 'wide 1tx...121:011p a CM 1151.2,44•18:411• ea riateltnei Ex 10:4M. a ,_ caleata mat,.6:3P a m al.a. In. L. Ex SAS pm. ., Put No: ..... 9:68 a m Cargo Ma M.11:5111 r, is r .I. a in'etlia WON pm Cleveland liv . ant*. m , • AileagoZi..• AliSHSete A Wu Fa6:031. ay.r :a a Xrle ZaL4:O pm CL a Wh . p raT:Olopia • , *mar= A 14rmy. Armee fa Atl44m/1.• 'Beep Os A.c.le; II a= inelndale An...eita NM' - 'l Lae ) •• 10:10 am bear Palle •• Ode Vma •• " 11:33 a m Wove Ciatla .. 10:03 am nochesta " $1:40 pm Enna . •• ailie am - Mum " is p a Leal:Z.le .. 12:113pm:'," I.eatsdale Acc.o:l3 pm Beer RUA •• 31:4$ Ns .• Hea•aPalls " .6113 pm LusAadalls 4 . 4:321em Leetsdale "11.1plipM. " ir:32 VIM /Mr Oats gun- Italy Chalu linn ientmen. 1:13 p m day charca. 0158 am'' )11118 v. m. Chlevien rmiinuni loama daily. • • tiginii v. m. QV leava lespreeeearrivecdallY e • . P. IL 11.1 - ZU.IS, • J . N. ideClll.LOLltill e Gm!. Pal. & Ticket Avant. Gall. ILmisiver. nedlS VLIANGE OFWIGani GE1397 , 17 VALLEY 111111.130.6 D THY ,ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO TIM OTh REGIONS WITHOUT CIiANOII OIOINE. A l litrss"Tmiliatl.r.urtmr= leave Pttlauurel Der , :43r...' of NM.. eatll anal rik. U4Oll Taus- Rae. and all wawa tte R.041=5. . LEAVE imaramon. assn. LE Yrrnalalll66 Day Ex..... 7:16 - ara Ray 6.309 rittaftet; . ..... rat ZAIN: Haltaa...ll:so•to Haltee 11:00• id 6:00 yin 3.1 Hallam 51:10 p 4th Ilalt0n..11:00 91 Ith 1101140 , 7:169 lat, Preepart. PAL 9:30 am Soda Work. 7:a5 pal liodaWeryka.. 6:30 pm Fteepeet Az One Bradro II le 3:15 11 La 10:011 aSe Chaveh 100 p Chnt:D. . 10:10 as Express trolls stop vat/ yrliaeival pots% iceolamalatlon tarns 11 v at all eI•U am. 414 3 411... NWM"-{l94,'AL'.t.""iggli• ITTSIDVILGE4 . alicifaitV-Atr" PAN HANDLN itOIITE. oF.A.FF. OF `ITTILF.,-31. d attar RIF/DAS, cm. T40.,111,3C. [ - nix. %ritsars anti arrive SI Nse U.Lift DM; Pittsburgh, rlttahumgh Thus. HMI " sa. LA:I3 p.m. Soothers Exprees.4.... 8:28p. to. 8:03. m. raiz Lme— 9.44 a. m. p. m. lifted 1:43 m. 43333.18 Metal:lll2Pa Leen, 270.1 11:38 a. Ct. Tt34e. ateetteavfne keen 3:43 p. m. 9:401 MeDopet , l , . keen, No. 8:88 D... 3A3 0. enndaFerch Tref n.. 1 , 11:48 P. m. 9:811a. is. Mr 8 r. s• Expre IcZle di In m. Mad mr3l arrive dep. • klePeraViletet. W. Alen, C0 1,8361:31 abt • NT. W. CARD. app , t.. Densama. Otda =SOUR 40. WRUOIMO' coNliioS43 V 3 LL L. moa .6 Ar Voyent., then: win arrive. awl departamsi iwrr. of Urn. ILlid vac? drank • C=2l ilanto lade= llsion. town. .... 1%30 A. It. 4 • 0 :00 r. Y. xtKee von Accomdt'n 11.00 A. ar.. !We V. 112 Xi. to Sal from fre.t•.s. 3:00 P. 10 West Newton Aecom'd 4:30 P.' m. oar 4. It BrAddock's twea=4.ll.'n.B:l3 r. 7:80 r. 1: , 141,cht toMeß'sport4o:3ol1 I.‘ 1 .‘ •11:141A.1 touday Chrzth Trato to sod from NontOn — rllo e. 10:1114, Yoe ticksta appts , • ."' N. BANISOND, Agent. W. B. 81'017T, IteperistAndent. - neo7l OILS OIL N. M. LONC •ilk 0111oN,D1I4ELL.11 BUILDUW. Docricana Way, TAC BROTHERS, COACHNSION MERCHANTS • AND DEALERS Ig . . . Petroleum: - And Its Pioduebt:';' ritut.re Odie;-VALZELL% Ifru.nzse: coral:o,4 Nouse Wa7 sad Irwin .Gees. welanrr err Su1:•10 WAIIMG a; aura, CountffloT!.Morcbalats sad Broken is Petroleum and Ha Produeth, DALZELLM imp!, DUQUESNE Mt rEgLii4itsall aiwassa., 'itoon4l7. c%ouwseo• of allalmovo,',. 1.33 - sourB BZOOND STEPXr.: mgCl CLIP;E PETROLEUM REFINERY. inqfpirr, w. c TwEDDLE. =I Lultricating &High Test Burning Oils. . • Eel I poo n itathroad axis 011, •,•" • gr , at Mat. trtitwot, etaddi; !Main .etanls .' limpid wit:meat temp, ta. Special ell let .:trordcalethelatta or hot vet +Ober. LLocomotive. Nati so. i■cbfse Shop.. ' 4 •' law 11111 glad Planing. NMI . , Adapted tor tdob•ipe..d. • , i a Illptrakto Oil. Ilroull , llolld.l4liii Oil, OIL Tetialaora.l4l..M.llestsolet,.. ' • • Allmon . V.AILNIbIe ptra.ne Dried work and Madrartery Rota Nast ['redacts are plaauese.tored oneer lio Dr. ~.. Tireddle , a patet t by dope heated the= lo Vac. ...ibli.obelcatsur 'Ws alO.ost Odddiaaa.. pare,,•rollorm, utd m.rty bight eel. h. , °red, stand /ugh temp., noon unchong•dreatel realado limpid 4.ring - este , me • e Id. Ton rill. Mau adedualled; Lt are to Constant " on many of the prlne/pal 141 0 Me4a. K. , 4 1 .• be examined and - older. len at 174 WOOD We ReN.T, War.. at eltarpaletrt ST/laMSMPS ►TO I,LVERPOOLIisSa QUEENSTOWN. Tun Dill 41141 L STElADniaps, Nambethth !Leon.stlrthalats Ythooth, noon them the eels hmted • CITY O. CITY Or ANYWESP. CITYOT AXTON,- • CITY OP lILLTIILOSE.' _ . CITY OP MOLY NATUNDA.Y. Com Pier WI, North litre:. New fork. Not Dosasseor Oxtbar thformathisooDlT !WILLIAM 8113611131, Jr" 1435WITRittraniTH1ZT. Pittlbstta 6 TRADE MARK. • DITEIDGET - , . . , , . ~....... M7OOOIP Lamp , • Ofilltiria ..- -g ,A.I.PERT I& KOHLER,' Mintiactnieni 'sad' AniPlYl7l. ia AND 01.11TILEV Froa.3Bautes lUtd. F lu.. ..„ rant:all! attention area to Custom Went.' Ilex leave to direct the attention of tbs Mello to the foot that we ate nowprepared te nianotheiatro , 800 Ca and Shoes • for persaall larotibled with Cocas, Heise k or estortasd Red. L. ander the personal imp, talon of oar Mrs Ate., -- rVatT, leamerly of Allele/ray Cltf; whOWIll pleased tn sea Ids old comma's NM.; • .adopted Mr. Linen's noes of moosalrldf foot, of which we can be safe In emanation *a ? , 'and eontfortan's Boot. and oboes for the We eat foes-. Otva laa a.trtal awl be morn: uL rood. • Al..ezirr hoa; • . saisall • - washes uxalv elttabtorolt.ra. atuar.Ls ar.r.vicLifn),l?- 1 19,M•Nratont r,,a,re„" belP by 4 Whfinir,usi, • 44 For MU by • .B. CaNnifspa 0 & 0
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