The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 31, 1870, Image 1

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Office, 84 and 86 pore Avenue
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nen"red by camera. per watt..««..—••uoe
Etalittstragirj Gaptts.
Erns is affected with burglar&
lizscr, a worthy citizen of Dan
ville, bung himself last week.
Tnn Scam= FErnit is violently ra
ging iv rainy parts of the State.
TOE church property In Philadelphia
ht vetoed at nearly $11,000,000.
A. vim prison has been constructed in
Wilkesbarre, ►t a coat of $208,000.
Tag Reading brewers have put down
good lager beer to nine dollars per buret.
Tug new Episcopal Church at West
Chester, just completed, cost about $33,-
. Tint body of an unknown young lady
was found drowned in a dam near West
.1031:111Ixonzw, an aged and respected
citizen of Knoxville, Tioga county, died
TIIAIiT.I4 the circus men, is in the oil
regions looking about for fresh ring
°RILED parties - are trying to have the
prohibitory liquor law of that borough
A nam. is before the Legislature for the I ,
charter of a railroad from West Chester ,
to Pbeenixville.
Row. Gmaran• A. throw has located in
Philadelphia and engaged in a large man
nfacturtag busines•
Wrimmt Amasow, of Waynesburg,
fell on the street and sustained injuries
from which be died.
Churcrilierr ten dollar greenbacks are
publicly peddled and sold on the streets
of Parker's Landing.
Tnit certificate of the Warren and
Sharon Railroad Company, with POPO
capital, has been flied.
NZAIILY thirty millions of dollars
worth of petroleum was produced in the
Venango region last year.
Ton colored people of the State are
preparing to celebrate in a Suing wanner
the XVth amendment jubllee.
Nean Sandy Lake a =maimed Evans
drank three plats of bad whiskey In a
coal mule and died from the effect'.
Hun ITAILON GRANT of Boyenstown,
was nearly burned d eath by trying to
make a fire with the aid of petroleum.
Pmur A. /TOTEM reeetved from an
Erie jury a plaster of .9.000 for !ninths
received on the & G. W. Ittilroad.
Tns sales of eight of the lead's& bud
nos houses of Titusville, in the ague.
gate last year. amounted to $2,780,000.
Mauna. E. IL &W. M. 13cEtunx
Marled n new Republican paper at Som
erset, Pa., under the title of the Standard.
ADDISON EDWARDS lost his life at
wagon shop near North East. List week.
by being caught in the 'debris of a falling
Tux Erie county Monuments] Associa
lion have raised the sum of 0.000 to.
van% carrying out their praiseworthy
CAPT. Joint HOUSTON. a veteran 01
the w ar of 1812, died in 'Montgomery
county last week. He was elghtylive
years of age.
E. Bnowx and J. M. Moore, of North
Liberty, Mercer county, were buried
alive, and taken out dead, In a well they
were sinking.
MATIELIS SAULI.N., of the Colebrook
dale iron works, near Reading, was In
stantly killed last week by the bursting
of a mill stone.
• Tun annual meeting of the Baton
Lynne will be held in Wheeling on
Wednesday, the second day of February
at 2 o'clock. P. X.
Bean Lewisburg, - a woman name!
Bridget Clark while drunk, fell into a
creek with an Infant babe in her arms,
and both were drowned.
Psalm ARMSTRONG. colored, died of
hydrophobia, near Lewisburg talon
county, lately. tie was bitten nine years
ago, but the dog died first.
Ton eldest daughter of Mr. John C.
Glenn, of Mercer, died recently ofscarlet
fever. This is the third child he bas lost
within the past two weeks.
A rtzw railroad is to be constructed
from West Cheater to Downlngton, and
the, route will be put _under survey as
soon as the weather will permit,
AT Brady's Bend, in a violent quarrel
between a father and mother, a little girl
fourteen years old, In trying tqflart them,
Let twee reason, and is now hopelessly In.
HOT. G. W. HALM:MAN has resigned
the pastoral charge of the Eleocnd Ltt•
tberan Church of Harrisburg.' .and ac.
ceptdd a call to a church at Lancaster,
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Tun boilers of the Elhenango Iron
Work', of New Castle, have resumed
after a suspension of four weeks
for repairs. They are working "double
A NOntritsurroir comrrr coed
awarded tlity dollars damagesagsinst the
Superintendent of a cemetery who shot s
dog that had entered the grounds in chase
of a rabbit.
in Wi i m n Ha rri n s u b m ur b o onfe b
oys - thweemts
lime in the face of the other, which re
sulted in the sight being almost if not en
tirely destroyed.
FIFTY am barrels of whisky were sold
in the city of Lactates. a few days since,
by General Gregory. Marshal of the East
ern District of this State, for seventy...ll
cents a gallon, tax included.
Me. SAMUEL BLAKELY, for years past
the able oil edito and rorter the
Titusville Herald, r
has resi gned his of
and gone into oil brokerage. He is suc
ceeded by C. C, Leonard, Esq.
WE CONNELLY, of Franklin, has made
a claim on the Government for the value
of a large lot of tax which he purchased
for the use of Commodore Perry's fleet.
on Lake Erie, jest priori° the grestruund
Tama will be unite in emigration of
Dinners from Northampton county next
going. Of these some are going South,
but the majority prefer the West, and of
Ude number much dui huger portion will
settle in lowa.
A CAM of poisoning by saugageS oc
curred in Clinton county lately. An in
' vesfigatlon showed that the grocer kept
his pepper and dry Urbane near each
other, and the supposition Is that the
articles somehow got mixed.
Elm. L. L. Loss, the Methodist mints
- ter at Middleboro, drives a pair of Indian
ponies arrayed m sliver plated hornets
The latter was a New Year's gift from a
num ber of young men, members of his
congregation In lionunit tovship.
AT Gettysburg last week a calf, nine
months old was killed 'lab weighed
four hundred and six l b . clou meat.
The tilde weighed 85 its. A sheep Widrii
weighed, when dressed, one hundred and
thirty.two pounds was also killed at the
same time.
Lear Wednesday a new Lodge of L 0.
• 0. F. was instituted at Corry. Delegates
nom Erie, Titusville, Otl City, Tidioute,
Warren and Youngsville were present to
assist on the occasion. The new lodge
is composed of youfg and active bushiest'
men of the city. .
Tux Franklin County Grand Jury
recommend that the 'arm attached to the
coanty_po.m house be sold, as it don't J
pa y. We caeca a very common urea.
kn o t by journalists of other counties
that farms worked by paupers don't bring
Intelsat on their value.
Weave the engineer of Harvey's paper
g um, at Neshancock Falls, was greasing
the ,b e ttinc his clothes were aught and
stripped off of him, leaving him as naked
as the day of his birth, with the exception
• of Itia boots. and It seems almost amine-la
that he was not seriously injured. • I
A VOX CISSO to make fun for the boys ,
yeas held et Gettystmrg last week. The
animal' was started from the Diamond,
:followed by a troupe of boys numbering
ififty or more, who went it
uluough streets and age, sometimes
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over heels, until We fox was cap-
A SCHOOL novels at ..,aston took fire
the other day, in which was a lame girl,
who was always allowe .1 the privilege of
dismissal advance of the other schol
_ .
When the alarm was c yen ,
a el l y kent their seats until the cripple
the door and they then
tusked out.
Tem ibrldge over French creek, Ye
nango county,' for the Jamestown and
Franklin Railroad Extension was finial:-
0 last week. The work on the bridge
on Two Mlle run, and on the trestlework
at Reno Is well under way, and will be
rapidly pushed incompletion.
,' ANDEZW Ilszronewr, of Washington,
has Instituted a civil snit against William
Taylor for 12,000 damages in a slander
ease. Both are butchers. The allegation
Is that Taylor asserted that Hershman
was doing business on money belonging 1
to Simon Albert, a colored man, which I
had been lost. • ,
Taw bogus twenty dollar gold piece
confidence opersiors are reaping a rich
harvest in the farming districts. We ad.
vise our country readers to boot out any
chap who offers a twenty dollar gold
piece for greenbacks, promising to come
but and repay the amount as they
"don't like to part with the pocket piece
Carried all through the war."
A. urna boy named Johnny Pifer
strayed into !the woods at Catlettsburg,
and was lost for three days. When found
his feet were badly frozen, and his clothes
frozen to his body. He was taken home
and Is rapidly recovering. He was asked
If he was not afraid in the woods. "Ohl
no," he replied, "I asked God to take
care of me, and I knew He would do it."
A ingress on "Emperor Maximilian's
Life In-Mexico," wee announced for Erie
one evening last week by the Y. M. C. A,
but the lecturer got on a "high," and
-was arrested and tombed. His eng&ge '
malt was canceled, bat be delivered a
splendid lecture on his own account to a
slim audience. That lecturer is rather
unfortunate in keeping his engagements
Taw pig iron makers of Columbia
held a convention last week and endorsed
a memorial to Congress, requesting that
the present duties be raised one dollar
per ton on bar iron, and three dollen per
ton on rails, scrap, boiler iron, and all
other description@ of manufactured iron,
and that • direct tax be imposed of one
dollar upon all pig, bars, rails, plates,
and other descriptions of iron mantifae.
tured in the country, to compensate 'for
the less of revenue on tho importation of
foreign iron.
Ale effort Is now being made in this
State to abolish the employment of the
gallows. Thus far the movement has
excited but-little attention, although a
large number of petitions, mostly from
Philadelphia, asking for its abolishment, -
have been presented to the Legislature.
It is now said Morrow B. Lowry will
advocate abolishment Should`nt won
der that be would, as he has must see
whither he is drifting, and without gal
lows in the State his neckmight be safely
Insured against all accidents. •
Couronnes:a excitement jut now
prevails in Lehighton ' concerning there.
cent developments of Iron interests there
and the probable early centreing of large
improvements and heavy outlay of capi
tal on account of it. The fact of the ex
istence of Iron in large quantities in that
place is no notion or freak of imagination.
There has been a thorough examination
of the ground. The locality Is about two
miles west of town. Oaths surface Is from
two to three feet of paint of a vermillion
color. The iron, besides being found
quite largely In some spots upon the sur
face, is found in quantities that cannot, of
course, be estimated, but surely indicated
as almost exhaustless, at a - depth of tin
or twenty feet:
A. CULP has been interviewing, the
Williamsport ghost in the dark haunted
house. He says: At "the witching hour"
a low treed was beard in the bill—the
step approached the door—the lock gently
turned witht the aid of a k—the door
opened and a ou light burst, t h ey the efful
gence of the noonday ann, upon the val.
hint watchers I There, clothed in a cu
rious mantle, stood the outline of whet 1
appeared to be a man. His countenance
seemed !serene, hie eyes
half closed. and gently raising his right
hand, pointed at each one in turn . ; than a
ghastly smile seemed to i ll umine his I
countenance, when ,he turned upon his
heel, glided out of the room, the door
closed, the bolt of the lock distinctly
clicked, and the sound of his - receding
footsteps gradually died away and all was
1 still 1 The correspondent proposes to
"watch for the curious stranger again,
and if anything remarkable occurs, will
communicate it."
Tax locksmith who altered the key
with which the Berlin Sebeeppe opened
the safe of Count Blakensee, was con
fronted on SathrdaY last, with Dr. 1
Sehceppe In his cell at Carlisle. On en
the cell the locksmith surveyed
the persons present, until his glance I
ltnallfell on the prisoner. After cumin- i
leg h im intently for some time the visitor
exclaimed, " les, you are the men."
When asked what he meant, he said:
" Ton are the man who came to our
workshop in' Berlin, and had the key
altered. You remember that you Care
fully pointed out the places for me to file
off ; that you asked me when the key
would be done, and tilt I answered at
three. In the. afternoon." Dr. Sample:
declared that he did not know the lock
smith, and said with an earnest tone that
his visitor would have to make good by an
oath what he Wintered. The locksmith
said he would do what his conic:loU
required. Later the visitor said that be
recognized Sebeeppe not only by his out
ward appearance, but by a certain pecu
liarity of voice, and that the prisoner had
behaved In the same manner when first
confronted with Me:its:fore Ike examining
magistrate of Berlin, es ke did in the
present interview. This mskes the mud
dle more complete.
Tax Lyeorning Gauttis nye:
Below we give the letter found upon
the body of Samuel Landow'. the new ,
mute young man who destroyedhis
life with a pistol, at tae City H.' otel, on
Wednesday • morning. The - letter had
first been dated at Wilinunsport, but it
I seemed be had afterward decided lo go
to Scranton, and bad erased William}
port - and sustituted Scranton in its
stead: We gi b ve the letter entire :
BoBANTOF, Jan. 21, 1870.—Dear
father, mother. slaters sad bra's, fare-
well I I can live no longer. lam going
to commit suicide to-day. Enclosed find
pawn ticket for my watch and Urall
have along. Yon will have to write to
the firm, telling them to send on the
watefi C. 0. D., and send them the ticket,
or the beet way would be to go there and
get It Caution Willie not to follow in
my footsteps, or Übe does he will regret
l i t. re ll t 3 s iv a ir m lni ts tile to Ettle y l i l es tni n use r , v E ni ttl y e
debts to the boys and to Mr. Goldsmith,
and let me base rest in my grave. /- 4
I t
me be buried only in a plain bog, and
do not wish to have any but relatives at
my funersh Willie, the last favor I ask
of yod is to 'quit spending so much
money, as that was what ruined .me, lied
not go with companions that hays more
money to spend than you, as that will
lead you to wish you had more yourself,
and therefore von will try to get it, no
matter how. Keep Henry out of harm's
reach. as if he is not checked be. will he
rained also. Take good care of Maurice.
Farewell !It is no new for me to live; ivt
will be nothing but aplagne and cause of
inTrw i d y oa all. 4 thousand kismet to
1 Jalins and Clarence,
tell them rh e r I
I will never 001IIe again tO SCP them, am
tell /able that be must forget me, as I
am not worthy of remembrance, eyes
from the meanest cur living.
We have since learned that he ran away
from home of his own accord, and prolm-
bly became discouraged and ashamed, '
and resolved on snielde as the quickest, If '
not the most honorable and sadist .ailory
Tay of terminating his troubles.A.
young man, pent by tho parents, ar r ived
h ere yesterday sloop g end took charge
of the body. It sees phieed nhouti the
cars at 0:25 yesterday morning and take n
novae to his parents. We learn that the
father if distracted by the tragic
era or b ird . .
Erie Shares/Ale Infallibility
Dogma—The French Press Law
—The Recent Fighting in Cuba
- —Further and. Contradictory
Details—The New Spanish Gun.
boats—Duelista at Rey West—
Bavaria Repudiates theUerman
087 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossett4.)
Losnorr, Janniry 29.—Thie morning's
Telegraph exults in the unlooses of the
Erie shareholders herein defeating Fisk,
Jr., by having the shares stamped before
the fresh batch came over.
It Is reported, the Pope had
yielded to Prance and . hid Withdrawn
the project of Infallibility.
LIVERPOOL, January 29.—The receipts
of cotton at this port the put few days
has been unusually heavy.
LONDON, January
,80.—The Sunday .
papem urge the Erie share holders to'
have their attires Mapped before Mon
day night. •.
Ex Clove mor Darling, of Victoria,' la
PAD" January has
addressed a circular to the Procurers
Generaux, on the abbject of the press
here, in which he nays polemics are to be
free but: attachs en the - Emperor. &polo.
Ries for crones, attempts to turn the sof.
dierafrom their duty, • matter that tends
to canoe disobedience of the laws, and all
, libels are to be severely punished, ague.
' chilly the latter, with heavy tines. Ida
also enjoins the observanoe of great vig
ilance in the matter of political meetings.
January M.—The American
realdents In Paris have signed a petition
to Minister Waatiburne• requesting him
to do all in his power to hasten the com
pletion of a saUsractory postal treaty be
tween Franco and the' United States.
HAVANA, Jan. E.—Galierraz Vega,
ex. Governor of Havana,•haa been Dan.
lehed from the Island of Cuba by order
of Mend* Banana.
The steamer Montezuma has arrived
from Neuvitas. Gen. Puello had return •
ed to Nenvitsa. He did not reach Geis
mar* and was beaten by the Insurgents
under Gen. Jordan. Puello lost thirty
six officers and four hundred men killed
and wounded.--Ills horse was killed
under him. The Montezuma brought
one hundred and .twenty 'rounded sol
dier* including two colonel. There
was severe fighting ten leagues distant
from Santiago. The Spanish lost
one officer end four men. A
mule train engaged In carrying previa
, ions for estates near Ban Toe area or
dared to return, because the insurgents
I were in force between the Spanish troops
and Santiago.
Advice's from Reaches to the 24th
Inst. are to the following effect : General '
Queeada had Non relieved' of the coin- 1
mend of the army and General Jordan
appointed. The late tight with Puello
wagon the that of January, near Cigualzl.
Alter the fight the Insurgents left for
Nyasa to meet Gam Gogearche, who left
Puerto Principe on the 16th, since which
, time nothing hae been heard of him.
Puello's column had gone to Puerto
Principe by train from Nenvitas. .
I '
TA:ijan7 ne w
Heels, iasmpletelcut HlCrew I
have arrived at this port. 1
The steamer lately captured • off Nos- I
vitas by a Spanish man-of-war was' ',
brought to this city today . It turns out
that she Is the American tug Lloyd, of -1
idminwall, now in the ilsyllen service, '
and was carrying dispatches to the Om
and General of the tutted States at i
Havana and the Admiral commanding
the United States navy in West India
waters. An Liu, volelgatlon is now In pro
and the tug will probably be re
leased to-morrow.
The serond lot of Spanish gunboats
built at. New York have arrived W. Ws'
Is:and." Thelle of them entered the I
harbor this morning and thirteen have
arrived at Cardenas. They experienced
a very heavy storm on the FiceVa 'gran.
Bre *aim Jan. ISL—Gotizati Caste•
man editor of the Vow De Cuba,
with four Spaniards, arrived this morn I I
log from Havana for the yourpow of I
fighting . a duel with the editor of the
Key West Republican. At the meeting
at the hotel an altercation took place be.
tweee the- two ' violent editors. Caste
man was arrested and - placed under
bonds to the amount of two hundred
dollars in gold to keep the peace. The
Cubans in this city are excited and
threatening. Guards from the barracks
have been stationed about the streets to
preserve order:' Both Facto are deter-
)(MGM, Jan. 80.—In the Homo of
DoPules. yesterday. Prince Hobanloh
decided to defend the Government from
the Influence of Vitro rpontants..
pronounced the Confederalist of the
South German States a phantom, but
of to • union with the Confedera
tion of the North.
MADRID, Jae. BO --Orders have been
issued for a grand review to-morrow of
all the troops In and around Uhoupltori•
tor, The weather le very unfavorable
for a military dlePlaY• The annOunea ,
went causes surprise, and the motives of
the Military authorities are called in
Lumen. January 30.—The mall steam
er Rio JanelTO has arrived. The Argen
tine troops had returned from Paraguay
to their home and bemuse Ulan volun
teers were expected Sp wive In a taw
days at Rio Janeiro. --
801414 January 80.—Ther ex.Orand
flake of Tuscany. Lpopold 2nd, died
yesterday, aged 78 years.
litraradrerows , January 29.—Tbe g u m.
ships Cpba and Idabo, Grops New yealv,
have arrived.
Loroxnr, Jan. 29. —Reening.-.oonsols
cloned at 924. American securities=
'o2s, 9150; '66 old, 67: '971,. 85;
64%. Erten, 18141 Illinois Central,lo3.lo
Atlantic A Great Western, 25.
Petals Jac. 713.,..80nr5e quiet.. Dents
7lr. 2a. '
Ltresterse.4 ;Tani 2A—CPDOP dP11; ttp;
lands 11,%@1150, Orleans 1134"; Wee
1 0 40 00 hi^ Broadetelle ealemigee,
Pork 102 e. I. rd 24a. Cheese
con Ike tkt.
ANTWERP. Jan. 2L—Petrolenm Nnlet
at 7 tbsters.
liannuno, Jan. 29.—Petroleum erm
at 16 ware Was 12 ebllllngs. _
LONDON. 29. Mused cakes
sealer at 9d. Sterling 12s. Sperm oft
Hans, Jan. 29..-Cptton . steady.
FttazortonT. January 21). United
States bonds Hat as 91KG9116'.•
41crions iiire at Holyoke, Man.
(By Telezrott to the Plttsetirsti Gazette.)
BrIGNOPIELD, Tamar! 80.—The Ex
change spd 'patentee blocks, two large
four story handlings, at llolynke, wen
destroyed by2lire early this
Tbe bre caught In a clothing store.
E'even inereitants, five dopt.n, two
dentists, • photographer sprier cane
yenta war; bttro opt. h a OP i t
1114,00; total insurance 000. The
principal lawns • are Craft, Ells. I
worth t Oci., proprietors rpobjeage
block, 140,000; IneWanee 1112,000; 0. A,
Caren, boots and shoes, $50,000; rally le.
eared; Mellor et Co., clothiers, 17.0001
fully immured. A strong - wind wu blow.
log at the time and many other ball&
logs would have been destroyed but for
the tlmely arrival of the Henry Cray,
steamer from this city, winch wee seat
tip on a Tidal Wilt" - ,
House in Session for General De
bate L-3 he National Debt and
Tel to the rituseratt tiarstle.)
, Weantriciron, January 29, 1870.
The House met for general debate, Mr.
Churchill Inthe chair. Very fair mem
bers were present.
Mr. CONGER submitted some remerks,
in reply to Mr. Dawes' attack on the Ad
ministration, In eulogy of President
Grant and in favorer the free delivery of
newspapers through the malls in counties
where they are published.
Mr. WILLIAMS, of Indiana, made a
Speech against railroad monopolies and
in favor of Government interference with
railroads to prevent extortion in rates of
transportation. • -
Mr. WILKINSON made a speech on
the same subject, asserting that agricul
, tural interests did_ not suffer near so
I much from the tariff and taxation asthey
did from the extortionate rotes of trans.
pertation exacted by •S: railroad , mo.
newly, • -
Mr. GOLLADAY made a speech in
favor of the doctrine set forth in Mr.
)tdungen's speech before recess, a repudi.
'anon of the National Debt. Referring
to Uoorhees' speech of yesterday, he
said ho- was not only edified but highly
I entertained at the remarks of hi. die
tineulshed Democratic , friend. He was
captivated with his logic and struck
breathless as it were at the gorgeous
splendor of his Imagination, depicting
the horrors and wrongs and the injuries
inflicted on the people by the handhold.
era. His logic, however, was not con
vincing. There was an inconsistency In
Much that he said, which if it could be
reconciled with what he had said else
where, would - wipe out the effector-two.
I thirds of his speech, and make his "peach
one directly in the interest of the -repu
diation theory. which he (Mr. GolLsday)
advocated to-day. If that contractroved
'anything. It proved that the did
not bind the people, became:they had not
received any moral or legal considera
tion. • Be adopted his friend's argument
in support of his own theory. His friend
declared that he was not a repudiator,
and yet the whole face of his fi gures and
argument was to show the immorality
and inicumbee of the bonded debt. No
man could read the gentleman's speech,
outside of that part of it which declared
himself not a repudiator, and dream that
he had not swapped places with himselL
Mr. VOORHEES—Can the gentleman
appreciate the differenoe ?
Mn, GOLLADAY declined to yield.
Mr: VOORKEES—Perhaps the gentle
man does not appreciate the difference
bet ween_peying what we owe and pay.
lug what we do not owe?
Mr. GOLL &DAY —The gentleman
made an argument in favor of repudia
tion, much better and atronger than I
can hope to make. I adopt it. It was as
good a speech for repudiation ea I can de,.
sire. If the gentleman from Indiana
submitted entirely to the naked question
of eontrect. It was a plain rase, that the
bond-holder held his bonds according to
the legal contract. If he tone other ;or-,
nowt of the argument, that there was no
consideration, that there wag usury and
extortion, Then the gentleman was
squarely upon his (Mr. Golladay's) plat
form, and thatgentientan and the Demo.
matte party were upon his platform,
although they had not toe courage to say
eo in the fees of the country.
Mr. ELDRIDGIETtie gentleman hav
ing made such a charge, will he now
allow urea word?
Mr. GOLIADAY declined to yleld.•
Mr. ELDRIDGE- 1 must say that I
outsider the gentleman's course rather.
Mr. LOLL ADY—The gentleman has •
right to form his own estimate of what
constitutes cowardice. and If he so
desire It; there are other theatres in
which he may, show his bravery, " - and
other means by which he , may testify,
than by niaking such& statement.
Mr. ELDRIDGE—I only referred to
cowardice in delete.
Mr. GOLLADAY—I return the wards
of the gentleman in tie spirit In which
they are offered. I presume he does not
mean to impute cowardice to me. IC he
and the gentleman from Indiana 'mean
to make such an imputation, I defy them,
morally, sodally; politically and intel
Mr. ELDRIDGE—You don't show It.
Mr. GOLLADAY proceeded with his
speech and claimed that Mr. Butler,
of Maireackusetui, was himself a practicel
repudiator, as announced tn a speech of
his in July, 1868, in • which he (Mr. Bat.
ler) took the ground of equal taxation or
Mr. BIRD followed in a speech
againstg repudiation, dissenting from the
views of Moms ?dungen and Golladay.
Mr. ELDRIDGE took the goer and de.
nied the right of the gentleman from
Kentucky to charge him or his associates
wish standing on his (Mr. Gonad-ayes)
platform, wittont having the courage or
manhood to assert It. He had never hese
need to declare the position which be
maintained on these financial questions.
Mr DAVIS desired to hear the gentle
man state what that position was?
Mr. E`,DRIDGE Informed him if he
would be patient he would hear It. Re.
ferrina to his remark to Mr. Golladay,
he said that remark did not can in mime
non the physical courage of the gentle
man, or his moral courage in debate.
The Democratic party had expressed rte
views in no uncertain morals on the ques-
I don of currency and finance. The en.
I dareement of the live dollar bill was that
It wage legal tender for all debts, public
land .private, egonit duties on. Imports
I and interest on the public debt, and was
receivable on Sites and loam made
to the United Was there any
uncertain sound In that? Was there any
I want of courage In Id The venerable
leader of the House, who had gone WM"
fi na l emu (Mr, 13teirepe, of Fla.) bad de.
dared Weds House that it rase public
crime to attempt to pay the debt In any
other witY.
Mr. VOORHEES remarked that he hag
lased Mr. Stevens declare on the floor of
..the Hones that he wouldrather vote for
Arank. Itblir• than vote for any man who
construed that law to mean that the
5.20's were payable in gold t so Instead
of making war upon the Demoorstio aide
of the House, the other aide ought to
Make war on Mr. Stevens, ((as preachers
sometimes said about the doctrine,' that
they did not like to make war upon
Paul.) cult not IMO blip, Mr, Stevens
lbeir loader; Gild LIM 04 0 11 1 4 §th
ewer MM. They lihorildenzwer SeeMor
I Morton, of Indians. They &mould answer
Senator Sherman, of Qhio.
14, ELBB.I.pGE—And when they get
through answering tease, log them afl
ame! Benj. F. Butler. - :
Mr. VOORHEES—I beet that gentle- •
man's paidou for not naming him.
(Laughter )>
Iff. pews—On that subject does the
opposition adopt /de.-Buller as their lea
Mr. ELRRIAGE—Not • just that, but 1
we never go against a correct prineiple
because a bad man, or even the leaderof
the House, goes for It. [Laughter.?
.The discussion was carried on for
some time longer by Megan. Eldridge,
Hliblack, Stevenson and Gollsday. -
Mr. C.LEVELAND addressed the
House against repndlation anti against
ell attempt" to pay off the debt fit:tinkly,
and in favor of an expansion of the cur
renal and of a general reduction of ex
pendlturee and tegation.
• At 4166 the Hansa adjourned.
Tha - Artington and ,Mmjor Anderson.
pp. 54.1 Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ousattg.)
Wgzaurrp. Jan. 30.
EDITODJI d►attrrsi The Artipsiop 4F'.
rived at lllee (9) o'clock. The Viejo/
Anderson best her ono (1) hour and a
half to BeHalt., where she ls reshipping
freiFht to Pittsburgh.
(B 7 radlla ash AUsatia Tetempb.) - •
Bpowersvi 11
;Tannery 0.-41ver
etatioppay, With stow els ands half feet
of water in the channel. Wepther clOIL"
dr. Thefdluirletur thlrty•feor at seven
W. If. p.
Gnsumelled.o. January W.—River fall
ing slowly with roar feet water 10 than.
nal. !Wowing. Thernwimeder thirty-five
at flour r.
Ott.'Myr, January. SP.—River Dining
slowly with three seat three Inches of
water In the channel. Weather cloudy.
Therwornaterthlity.nine Matz 1..
.-.~"a~;~%:n"^ ~:+r.crrv~:u.:::uNz:.-.sue
137 Telymph to the Titteburget Ossetm.l
Monsoomanr, Janu ll 9 214— The 8011-
ate ooneumed the entire day In discuss.
lug a memorial- to Congress Ifor the re
moval of political 'disablllll
The House debated six l ei locual over a
resolution to expel Mr. Randolph, of
Tweaking, became of a letter he wrote
to his paper concerning the:Legislature.
The debate will be continued Monday.
ATLANTA, January Do.—The Senate
received a communication to day from
General Terry, through the Governor,
declaring two Senators elect Ineligible
and the Wit of another vacant. A luso.
Intim was passed to sive the oat to pee
wee receiving the next Dished vote.
Two white men and ten colored men
were sworn to 511 the vacancies.
A special dispatch says that after the
swearing In of the members of the House
yesterday, the House proceeded to the
election of a - Clerk and minor °Moen.
Newton, Repnblicanrwu elected Clerk
by . twenty-eight majority; Bentley,
(colored) Messenger, by fifteen majority,
' and Lineberger Doorkeeper, by eight
majority: - Mucha/WWI= prevailed In
the House during the seadon. Mr. Bry
ant called Mr. Tweedy, his colleguefrom
Richmond, a miserable liar, and alter
the adjournment TWeedy demanded a
retraction and apology, which Bryant
refused. Tweedy then struck him with
• ratan walking stick, and Bryant fled
into a bonne for range.
The Republicans held a very large
mass meeting last night, and great en
thusiasm was manifested.
New Oetseits, Jan. 29.—A resolution
was today introdnoed into the Legisla
tors inquiring whether Article IS of the
Constitution, relative to equality of citi
zens In steamboats, steamships and.
places of public resort, had been com
plied with. It wan adopted.
Another resolution was introduced In
gutting Into the feesibility of selling
the stock of the State and city in the
New Orleans and Jackson Railroad.
The election bill today Passed the
Senate. The bill .gives the Governor
almost unlimited control of the elections
In the State.
A mass meeting was held at the St.
Charles Theatre. Five thousand persons
were present and the meeting was very
enthusiastic. The object of the meeting
was to take steps to protect citizens
against oppressiveand unjust legislation.
The meeting adjourned without definite
A call is published fora mass meeting
of citizens, irrespective of party, at La
fayette Square, on Monday evening. to
take into consideration the best means
for the protection of the credit. of the
State and liberty' of the people from
dangerous and ruinous legislation with
which we are threatened. Between
three and four hundred perwma have,
signed the call.
Comramtra, Jan. 30.—The Senate yesi
terday ward the Edll repealing the law
of the last General Ampere - Lay which pro-
Minted the moldier' of the National .Aity
lam at Dayton from voting.
—The shoemakers at Albany, N. Y.,
belonging to St. Crispin's Society, wean
a atrtke.
—Nearly If not quite two thousand em
ployes of the Brooklyn Navy Yard were
discharged on Saturday.
—The Terra Colts Works of D. S.
Brows, at Gloucester, New Jersey, were
burned on Friday night last. Lao 520..
--Orders have been the
Charleston Navy Yard for the &schwas
of thirteen hundred men in the naval
construction department.
J. Ramsey, a well known citi
zen, wee murdered near Cherokee. Mks-
WOO, on the 28th by a negro who
out Ma throat. The assaealn eacafied.
—James H. Henry has sued the Chicago
City Railway for damages to the amount
of tmooo, for ejecting bun from the can
In • 'Ardent way after be had paid ht.
—William H. Keith, prominent In the
coal interests. and Prsident of the Pitte
burgh Gas and Cos t Company, died in
Cleveland on the 29th, of Injuries re.
oeived from s runaway horse.
—Following the example ofit Phl
m p
phis and einalimatl all.dy
eetings will commence at7dueull rayer
Chicago. to-day. They will oommence
as nine a. ie. and close at live x.
—About eleven hundred mon, em
ployed In the Naiy Yard at Philadel
phia. have received notice of discharge
to take effect to-day, the construction
and steam engineering departments.
—A resolution was passed at the New
York Stock Exchange on Saturday, pre
venting the telegraph. which sends gr.o.
tat:lons to the different offices In the city,
from sending priees of Reek Island over
their wires.
—Eleven primers escaped from: he
jail at Camden, N. J., on Saturday, by
removing a bar from the door of theAxir
rldor where they were permitted to be
for a abort time. None of them have
been recaptured.
—A portion of the delegates to the
Workingmen'a Assembly at Albany held
e meeting and resolved to forma Labor
Reform party. blesspres were taken to
organize a party union in every ward and
district in the State.
----- -
—John Webb, balling from Pittsburgh
and Chicago, was arrested at St. Louie
for stealing several hundred dollars'
worth of jewelry and other property
from various house' be had visited under
the pretext of being a borne agent on a
tour inapectionwftn &view of making itr.•
—The remains of Generals Eotareau
and Watkins retched Louisville Satur
day morning from . New Orleans and were
conveyed to the Court House under mili
tary escort. They , were Interred Sunday
afternoon with civil and military honors.
Efforts are now making to erect-a monu
ment over Tioneen.
—Pb. Hamilton county (Ohio) Solici
tor baigireti an opinion to the County
ffeninthisiouenthat they have nOsittlicer
alty to appoint a county clerk in place
Gen.MoGroarty, elected last fall. but
who died - before the time to enter .upon
his duties. This leaves the present in.
eumbent in the office until after . the
October election.
The Cuban Charitable Aid Society
hes published In address to the people of
the United States asking for donations.
as it is their purpose, should an maco,
table rrovidence decree the lapse of the
mine people Into despotism, la project
a chanty for this ruined and desolate
'people. such has not been more deser
ved end urgently needed since the Chris
thin PPS,
—Jay Gould, President of the Erie
Railroad, has Issued a circular, saying
that hereafter there will be kept in the
general office a careful and complete ran
old: of all the employes of the company,
showing the date. each emend the ear
vice, the position when find engsgsdand
date of any promotionorchange, together
with a memorandum of any special ear•
aloe and mentorione or other noteworthy
act performed, for the purpose of lay
ing the fonpdatlou of Iv Intelligent aye,
tem of promotions to each department.
—ln Chicago. Friday night lan, police.
man Pechter went Into a saloon kept by
Joseph O. Daiqui, in Italian, to steal a
barkeeper named Joseph Months, who
had just assaulted and severely injured
Pechtertomer named Henry S. lefore.
ward Was toning his prisoner toward
the door. Detain entered. and, after •
f e w words, fired two /hots at Feebler,
one j ne t en tering tds neck. and inflicting
adangerouswound. Tbepolloemen then
drew his revolver and "hot Rabiui in the
heart, horn the elleole of Which be died
:in a few mint:Vim Dalcial was a noted
desperado, and Ida death is a subject of
—Tee tynetees• of the estate :of J. P.
Parbe.V. benkfttPt. buys brought slut in
the United Wales Illitrtat (joint at elt.
Von% against the Itestinen's Savings
Institution fin one hundred and sixty.
one thousan edit o
rs claimed as belong.
lug tq the cof Darbey In muse
canoe of various trainagtions by the
defendants and Ditrbe7. whereby the
]utter obtained fictitious credit when he
was In realitvinsolvent , Mum preventing
the proper dlstribetion of hie mw ",
Under the bankrupt Mt A sirrilburieit
has been entered against the National
Bank of the State or iffhtsourt for one
hundred and tblityarlght thousand
- . •
ill of E. M. Stanton—Congres
sional Business Court of
Claims—liold Sales and Bond
Purchases—Postal Convention
with the Nitherlands.
By Tslayrsith to the Plttsenryti oisette.)
WAsanurroN, .Tan. 290870.
Gen. Butterdeld's testimony today
before the Banking Committee contra
dicted that of Fisk.
The will of the late Edwin M. Stan
ton was Sled to day In the Orphans'
Court, and being proven, was admitted
to probate. The will is quite abort, being
contained In one page of ordinary letter
paper. It bears date July 19,. 1889, and
la witnessed by J. K. Bernie, Surgeon
General, 0. G. Chapman and B. 8.
Harrison. After directing his just debts
to be paid, he bequeaths two thirds of
his property, including his piste and
household furniture, chargeable with
the payment of two-thirds of his debts,_
to his wife, Ellen H. Stanton, and the
remaining third, chargeable with one
third of•his debts, to his mother, the.
surplus at her death to be divided be:
tween his three youngest children. He
names G. H. Watson, of Ashtabula,
Judge Andrew Wylie, Gen. E. D. Town
send and his wife as executors, and
glees a majority of them power to sell
his property.
. _
Genera Tate, wno had been invited to
the diplomatic dinner. of the President
next Wednesday, has sent a polite letter
declining, on the ground that be has
been banished; by the provisional gov
ernment of Hayti and his chief Sainave
shot. ,
The mechanics lately discharged from
the several navy yards are to be retained
by the Secretary of the Navy transfer
ring appropriations from other bureaus
to that of Seam construction and one
A displtch from Geo. Sully, dated Jan
uary 28, mama no official report of the
fight swith the Blackfoot Indian has
been - received. The newspaper re s
are greatly exaggerated.
Waantworox, January 50,1870. .
lICISZNIM or 00210116118.
The calendar of the Hones of Repro.
aentatlvea showa that during the present
weston nine hundred and eighty-five
Willi have been Introduced In that body
and thirty or forty joint zeaolntlona•
The Senate calendar exhibits a proper
ileum number of bills.
Notice La leaned by the Pod Office De-
partment that by the new convention
with the Netherlands the rate of inter
national letter poleaxe on letters ax.
changed in closed - malls via. England, is
from is 15 to 10 cents per single rate of
IS grammes. half ounce; or under. pre.
payment optional, to take effect Febru
ary Ist, Ig7o. The rates of poatage,
conditions of payment, ac., on newel's
pars, book., plata. and samples of
merchandise remain unchanged. •
Several thowiand aces ere pending
before the Court of Claims In connection
with extra pay of offlcemot the Govern.
meat. They aro of Bosh a character that
• decision in several of them will settle
all others. There are many cotton cases
before the Court and the Treasury De.
partment involving millions of dollars.
The Secretary or the Treasury has di
rected the Assistaint Treasurer at New
York to sell one million of gold each
week during the month of February and
purchareone million bonds on each al
ternate week. on account of the sinking
The Ninth National Bank, New York,
and Central National Bank, Booneville,
Missouri, Viva at their own request been
discontinued as financial agents of the
Government and depositaries of public
' • - • • '
The Senator elect. Revel, of Mlsalselp•
I, bu arrived, and is the guest of Goo.
. Downing.
The Late Inalan kehOt—OteelaL
(By Tslegman (Atha Pittsburgh Unarm , /
Carcrioo..Taituary 29.—The following
dlipatch containing the details of the
victory of Col. Baker over the Begin
Indians, was telegraphed to Gen. Sher-
man to-night, by Lieut. Gem. Sheridan.
from these beadquarterta.
Headquarters Military Division of the
Miasmal, Mirage, Jae. 20, 1870.—Geu.
W. T. Sherman, Washington, D. C.: I
have the honor to transmit the following
dispatch, forwarded by Gen. Hancock,
from Gen. De Treble:id/as Anther juror.
mutton on the cabled of my dispatch this
The expedition was • 'complete me
cum. Col Baker basPostreturnell,haVlll
killed one hundred add eeventy.three
Piegans, destroying forty Raw lodges,
with all their winter supplies robes, do.,
and captured over three hundred horses.
Toe Bloods turned over all the horses
taken from the white people which were
In their possession. The moat of the
murderers and marauders of last sum.
mer are killed. Poe and Mountain Chief
escaped with a few followers, leaving ev
erything but their horses. There were
on our aide one Ipso ig Illed and another
accidentally woundW by falling from his
horse. *pan by mall without delay."
This dispatch Is transmitted verbatim
r. 11. hilisrainert, Lieut. thin.
I=l returjnan uary
ed from Gal — lir:M en
saOr be saw Gustave Fischer, Chicago's
absconding /Medd, in that city, and that
he intended to purchase a Lefxu and la
cafe there. . .
A comrcalter in the Chicago Evening
Itict claims to have stet last week eighty
thousand ems in thirty.elght hours, an
average of twenty-one hundred ems per
hone of the ordloary_ran of Itast matter.
Edward Thomas Woodely, a brakeman
on the Rock Island Road, was raft over
yesterday morning near Blue Island and
so badly Injured that he died in two
redder, the policeman who was shot
on Friday night by Dainqui. the Italian
roman, will probably die from his
wound, the surgeon having been unable
to and the ball, which Is supposed to be
lodged in the cavity of the chest. An
inquest wagheld on the body of Dainqnl
yesterday and a verdict rendered of jug
'triable homicide.
It Is understood that the grain elevator
men In this city refuse to oome to a prac
tical arrangement with the Board of
Trade for registration of If afohouso re
celpts. eald their reply is In sub.
stance that an agreement to the proposed
plan of registration, making receipts not
negotlible until registered, Would be
I equivalent to aoknowledging that they
San Lab, retell Declares tor ladepene
(87Toemott to we leltutnanto Quetta )
SAN FtutitouNN, JAN 12217 2 1— Me:dean
mdtioes via . 00111ria 14 1 0
mento-wasissaed at San Lula Potosi De
°ember Setb, declaring the Independence
of that State, on the groundfifths re.
repeated violation of the Nati:ell 0311-
satUtiON J Nitroll• Tile
was numerously signed by leadl n g rail
itaryand civil cid/emend received with
great favor by all classes. -
suaorobsit Bugged ind aunt.
air Tito. roph to (be rhubarett rtezetto.)
may/rine, January 20.—The steamer
Anterioarbnf the Memphis and Arkansas
m an' line, hence from bbst Smith with
the Nineteenth infantry, struck a snag
on Thursday night above Little Nag
and snot In fourteen feet water. Four
duet hands were drowned. The boat
wars valued st 111(1,000. Insured.
Prince Arthur AdTices from
Hayti—The• Samana Lease—
RerenneFrands—Varioua Local
!STTeleintott to the Pittsburgh Githette.)
Now Yono, January 29, 1870.
Prince Arthur arrived from Wash
ington this afternoon an - d proceed
ed to his 'quarters at the Bre•
voort House. He will tomorrow at
tend Trinity . Church and occupy the
same - pew occupied by the Prince of
Wales ten years ago. He dines - Monday
evening with Wm. Butler Duncan, Tues
day with L. P. Morton -and Thursday
evening with August Belmont. The
grand bail conies off Tuesday evening.
The steamer Stars and Stripes, from
Port au Prince, is detained at quaran-
tine. Two of the crew are down with
yellow fever. - the Captain died on the
voyage. The Stare and Stripes reports
much agitation of the Semen* question,
and that the Provisional Government of
Hayti will probably assist Cabral in the
movement to defeat the plans of Preel•
dent Baca of St. Domingo in ceding the
bay or otherwise parting with any per.
tton of it or neighboring territory to the
United States. A French war steamer
had last forty of her crew by yellow
fever at Port an Prince.
The Spanish Consul at New Yark o®•
cially contradicts the renort from Ha.
vane that the Spanish General Peello
was detested by. Gen. Jordan near Goal.
mare, with heavy lose, and denounces It
as entirely without foundation.
Another dispatch says strenuoua ef
forte are being made by the Canadian
agent here to Induce our government to
open negotiation', fora reciprocal treaty
and free navigation of the Elt. Lawrence.
naturiun IrEsuns.
F. A. Stevens, an ex-ganger, has been
arrested for making alleged fraudulent
certificates. He was bailed In 1.5,000.
The authorities believe they have a glue
to another large revenue fraud.
A. Washington special says Gen. Can
by is to be appointed to the command of
a new department, to be carved from the
Department of the East and including
Injunctions have been served on the
officers of the Patterson and Newark'
Railroad, and one of the directors of the
Erie Railway, who are lessees of the
former road, restraining it from running
over the lands of Peter Weller.
Jay Gould has replied to the request
of the Jersey City Council to restore the
strikers by peremptory ref riaaL
An organisation has been commenced
by the Democratic soldiers In Brooklyn,
entitled ' , Grand Army of the Constitu
tion." Eight Generals and a large num
ber of others have joined. Gen.- Roslay
was elected Commander. Applications
have been made to open fourteen Camps
In the State. •
. A collision occurred on the Erie Rail
road yesterday afternoon, just west of
the Bergen tunnel. between a passenger'
and an oU train. George Waunaker, a
carpenter, was killed, and two persons
slightly Injured.
Two men and a woman fell into the
water while climbing a ladder to a
schooner at the Brooklyn dock last mon.
mg and all were drowned. Names not
Wm. Townsend. agrocery man, at 192
Hudson street, was murdered In his own
store last night, In the presence of his
femlly, by a loafer named Jack Hay
fields, to whom he refused lodgings. The
murderer was arrested.
Afire occurred last night In the bonded ,
warehouse of Mason d; Co , Bridge and 1
State streets, doing much damage. I
Two cars of the Washington train on I
the New Jersey road, due at Jersey City
at It o'clock last night, were badly
smashed by a collision with an Adams!
Express car, owing to a misplaced
switch. Many passengers were slightly .
injured. The only Ila/Zll3B grven are John
Kelley, of Jersey City, leg crushed, John
Cahill, Of the name place, arm fractured.
Tne second Ittjty in the case of Edward
Perry. charged with the murder of Thtis
Hayes, in Brooklyn, disagreed and were
Lefferts Bergen, a farmer, was robbed
by three highwaymen on Friday night
at Hyde Park, L. 1., of some 12.000.
Joshua Purdy, colored, has ham sen
tenced twenty years to the State prison,
for an outrage upon the person of Mae
Beek, a school teacher in Harrison,
West Chettersounty.
On Friday night the Custom House
officers seined 18,000 worth of smuggled
elks and other goods In Hamburg and
Weaken houses, near the docks of the•
German steamers at Hoboken. The
goods were removed to the Custom
, The Government tax on the legacies
' of the late Edwin A. Stevens, paid yes.
terday, amounted to ;Kw. This does
not Include the legacy to the widow,
which is exempt.
A general strike of piano =km In
this city is Imminent.
The plaster mill of Geo. Brainard, 10. I
cated In South Third street, Williams
burg, was destroyed • by fire early this
morning. Loss S1B 4 O00; partially insur
ed. James Fielding and Thos. MoCal
fray, firemen, were severely Injured.
Railroad Acedent—Navy Yard Sus
pension—Moor Convicted of
trace—liich Gold Ihseuvenes—Earth. '
quake Dhotis—henna Theatrical
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh fisrette.)
Sax Fnaleonsco, January 110 . — Auftue-l•
dent occurred yesterday evening on the
Pacific Railroad Bast of Ogden. Three
men are reported killed and five cars
smashed. No further particulars.
Work at Mare Island Nary Yard wax
suspended yesterday by orders from
Washington. About 1200 men were dis
charged. The cause of the suspension
is unknown. There was plenty of work
for two thousand men and no lack of
The jury in the case of the Mayor of
Los Aegelos, indicted for malfesussanie in
othne. returned a verdict of guilty. The
result created much excitement at Los
Angela,. as the Counellmen are indicted
on the name grounds. A motion for •
new trial was granted, and the defend.
ant has moved for a change of venue.
Reported rich gold discoveries In Low-
er California caused considerable excite
ment at Santiago.
There was a heavy shook of earthquake
in the vicinity ofNevada yesterday. No
damage is reported.
The new Sunday law goes Into effect
to-day. Theatrical amusements are ad.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oa:cite,
PORILLICD, Jllll/11Ty20.—The Peabody
obsequies were celebrated today. An
Immense crowd of people were present,
business throughout the city suspended
and Sep on public buildhiga_and ship
ping &splayed at half mars: The Gov
ernor end Legislators of Maine were
present and several military organisa
tions, with tends of must° eta About
own the rellllllnlWl3/0 debarked and re
ceived by Governor Chamberlain. Ciwt.
mon:este% of the Mooarch, made an
appropriate sPeecb, to which Governor
Chamberlain replied. The prooteedon
been formed and the body was conveyed
to the city ball. Notwithstanding a
heavy snow storm the streets through
which the procession passed were dense.
ly packed with people.
porrrbann. Me,, Jan. 80.—After the
wooer:ion retired on Saturday, the Hall
was opened to the public until eight
o'clock e. et. A line bust of Mr. Pea
body was placed at the foot of the come,
and a line of sentinels was drawn across
the Nall, with one at each corner of the
eatalklarte resting .motionleas upon his
reversed musket. The Hall today has
not been open, bit la eluded by State
The ship of war Benicia arrived on
Saturday Just as the naval display was
ektaing. The Maine Legislature retuned
in special train to Augusta on Saturday
—The Tennessee LLnatitutfoual Don.
Tentlon on Saturday adopted an amend
ment limiting the regular session of the
Legislature to seventytlya and Milled
Mello= to twent y days.
NO. 26.
Naval CerEMOrlieS at Portland
J 9,11. 27.—The only CLRE•
monies to-day, In connection with the ar
rival of Mr. Peabody's remains, has been
the official visit of Admiral Farragm to
Capt.' Commerell.
As soon as his vessel was seen leaving
the dock. the whole fleet beat "to quar
ters." The marine guards filed out on
deck, and the yards of the Monarch and
the Plymouth were illy manned, the
former vessel sending aloft nearly' 200
men. The Admiral and the Governor,
with their respective Maas, put off from
the Leyden in a smaller tug, and went on
board the ship a little sooner than the rest
of the party. Capt. Commereil received
them with due ceremony atthe gangway,
the marines presenting arms, the bugle
sounding a flourish, and the baud, of the
ship playing the National airs, while the
guests passed down the long line of offi
cers who stood drawn up in imposing
quay; all wearing their showy full dress
uniform, with chapeaux, side arms, and
white kid gloves.
Capt. Commerell, a Courteous and vi
vacious gentleman of middle age, has
won distinction in the service, for he
wears the "Victoria Cross," and is a
"Commander of the Bath." The Ad
mind spent a long time with him entrain.
lag the ship, and in particular studying
the peculiarities of the guns and defeat&
bki armor. The turrets were set in mo
tion' the machinery for loading, raising,
and depressing the guns, was tried,-and
caps were exploded to show the peculiar
method by which both pieces in a turret
be discharged at once.
can —.charged
• The Mortuary Chapel was, of course,
visited. Its appearance was Mr more
impressive this morning than when Ifirst
law iL A rich velvet pall wee thrown
acroes the lower half of the coffin, natural
flowers were spread about the steps of
the platform, the =idles were all alight,
and at the head two sentries, a sailor and
a marine, with averted facet, leaning
upon thel;minkets. -
PTITSBUZCio..Ies..B9. 1910.
aTi/Itl'aCi CV —The mussel meeting of
the Stacktio deft of the National Neg. log an
Stool., Company. for ts.e el.uos of °Scent°
serve tor the an ulng gear anti to business.
II be noble , the Italloi P. A. Mierach t Bros.,
No. 114 tTethetreet..ate ht. Cleft. on MON
DAY. I.broary 7 th. 0110 o'clock 10 It.
JaSiri J. Lig OLU. hedge WT.
ScriphateHistory in Tableau *Wants
,(3. S T A - V.E D 0 R•E
Twelve ErhibUtons.
Januaa7 31.1, 1870
By Gnat WeEtern Band.
1. Tablesnz..Cre►lion of Ile World—Let the.*
be Vint.
()emelt,: Clkepter 1.
Iq - '.,
The Deluge—The DestreeU
or all Fl att.
Omuta: Chapter VU.
5. Tableaux No ab Clams Ham
• fitoellf: Chapter IX.
O. Tableaux....Xsoulslon of ishmeel and 0
• Mother.
Genesis: Chapter XXI.
7. Tableaux ItsuskoDation of Isaac
Geaests: Chapter XXII. - -
Oen°lst Chapter e lY ce lVe." the
G. Tablama— Macula-6dt Bahama.
. .
10. Tableaux.. ..... Jogeph Bold by ht.Brothe...
,oenesis. Chapter XXVII.
• An excellent Orchestra (Great Wrttern Band)
will entertain the audience while the Tableau'
are arranged.
The Turner Society have done everything to
secure aen endid Execution f the undertaking,
widen Is under the Immediate • conduction of
Prof. C. CJNRAD. and solicits a blue rat patrol
Ste of the vette.
1.11 Tr ot.' TODIEPORT
, of i
or COVMERCE. et close or bust....
January XS, 11170.
Loans and Dbeount.
Overdraft ,
U. S. Booth to al ca re
IL hoods on hand
Dee Tom Itsdmtning
and Reterre alien,. 139 71115
Wm from other Na
tional Banks... .. 13,51 53
Dus ftom other 11 . an . ks
Bankcrs G MS 74
159.437 46
63.941 58
5,000 00
9,489 94
1.039 9 •
1-?!!!! 80
Bnking FRAM
"t a ber beat Estate
itirsits•s and Fixtures
Fitment EXpeuses
.. • ..
Cub I amt...
6,599 10
Eietuu/69 for 056.1.57 ‘ ,07,5, 95 537 75
Coln and Legal Tender 101,610 ini
Three Per Vent. Certificates... 90, 00 00
Capital Stock paid lo 5 500,000 00
-smote. rand 71.(01 03 '
D4c vet LW 0
rkettange 1.145 Si '
Pion and Lofk.... .... 1 'OO 71
Discs:dation 450,000 00
Individual Deposit.... 469.20 03
Due Beak s Saute 0,113 07
1501 and Sauk-
. 17.927 90
•-•-.....-• 554093 00
f 1,904 00
.Dtrldends Unpaid
111.5a51. 063 114
The above etatem eat Is true to the beta of my
kaowle ge and belief.
J. H. HILL, Ciskles.
WM. etg.l3.-
DgaraWan. }Directors.
. La
nubrab. at lb. elOle Of Owllam, On
, nnnarj 22, 1870.
Lesaa aud 01.10.1*. bMle.%4 BO
It. I. Booth. tanietunt Catalano& 408.1100 Cu
Due fr^m Mowry., ',pent* 97,00. 011
Dae Irmo her stlonal 8u1k... 1.313
Cron other Banks & Brunet. 10.1.01
Cash Item. V* 16
lizekaarea for 01e00 , 80 Roan.— 22.100 On
BIDS or o . her Natumal Vaults— 1.10000
Yractl. sal enTronef. tulBoooo
Capital afoot paid In $ 400 INN) 00
Ponds. Tend 90.000 00
li.era.t sod Zachary.. —_ 9;1119 00
Natleatal Bank Ctr001at10n........ 340 500 00
Indual Depo Its
Doe to Natio”i Banta. 310 331113
133.0711 MS
D.e to other Hanka and Bankers 94,09 l 39
• Cysts Clone, Jr.. Costlier 41 the Ti ode.
National Dank of rltteatitati. pa., do
solemely meet that the above 110Rn:seat 111 tree
t • the beat of my knowledge and beef.
• GYIIUS CRARKIt. 40.. Caabl.r.
notrerttped and oto bet,. me De. 00th
day of Jar may. 10 7 0.
HY.NDEttoON DAVIS, Notary Pablte.
c '•".7o7sr"Pitzli. AT.
52 Wood Street,
four doors above o*. Marie* Hots
Country Merchants S' lwrlted le
call amid examine, our •toelt when lo
, _
the City. --'' . . ...
A fall sleek of Eseldnists, Mack.
smiths and Carpenter's Tashi, apes.
punt, Leather Belting, Lace
Leather, as.. altrey• on hang.
The SPRING sums. of bee midis
cm mem ea TUE9DIY, 7ebsuss7 Ist. Term
The Institute olltra tborc ugh tralnis, foresee
lane or Cl.tite. it No. sin FZU nairr,
sad a.tM•cWr Home Ilebool for TPlDfLadles
la a all•aaala bolidlooy lap 47.1512 i
STUrr L '
EarNO DIMS—. lb-Let," ...For 0“4"
"L o w. 4. jranfa." °round," "Dxsrekifh"
die., not eum:ling POUR tINRS, win
be inserted in these eoZnvuu mei jbr
timid! tine FIVE ORNTS.
WANTED.—A smallibut ciom-
FORTAII toe a. ant.ty with
out child... The•audent convent, news n• • 5
Rued nelabb. rhood Indlevitusalv._
•praPetivd Will Poe not over $ 00. Adoeitay,
mita,. office, • Ito location and ten.,
. few Winifred Dollars to lava. la t
• go4d ming twitter.. •
A poly lit 543 Pews strut.
Ire more Warders era be aerammorated.
_good beard es 200. 16 ANN reran's% .1
114.5 u per week. 1:1
PI.OIICMITT 0171 CL, No.l Et. oUtli
Street, 801 re LURIA sad SIMe, tor <Mersa*
blade of emplayment. Persons trsa . V e.. lUlts
Dell Sled s eon be retrollseloo short
WANTED.—HeaIed Proposals
thou a:VII4 . :O4IT_IVEI T' U ' cIuII.E.
to be delivered in elltaburgli or Lawrenceville.
Moat he of Freeport or Babe ri aloe,
.CASH wit tos oaf on delivery, rate:Wog per
cantase ler faleilnient of .cl , riet. Addoodh
!ellen( Real Estate Asada. Lew. •
*30.000 to LOWS In lama or =all moot.
►t • lair TOW of Interest.
Bill, Bond sad Bent Estate Broker,
310.179 n=lihneld Wert.
ro, SET. eon/Mth nt
as Mea Saliembn.
Lieu etth owner's name. The ladle wiU ti
rewar..ed at leaving It
nIeCOSMICK, t On Hmittineld meet. ;.1-1/
►IM/-LET.—The Front Doom Of.
R. Second Mr. or Nn. 129 tlmlktd Id .irest.
Wo. Um ...tiro THIRD FLOOR of am.. ElDD
ted Into two room.. Can be rented Winevalain
or nHog.tber. Inquire of J. HORlORR,bornor
or Vs rain alley atm iimlthaeld etrert. ' •
TOLET.—That old, establish.
YD- sod well•tn:wn DIIOO STOBI. on
rr o LET.—The Store and Dwel
ling recently 'Mail op at llle earner of Seas
street. and Fourth aveoile. com•rtotai 3 OtUar.
Vault, More Room. Irt . cheat; Vtalailloosa awl
two camber.. wlth p.. and OP" 02 ..
plot. ♦OOO.l rent... 400. •ppll stiadoar oa ,
ionellt avenue, to - •• •
aZata • "
T •
0 , LET.- , AL very superior
Aria Dwelling. contsduag Tre Breams )
Meth Room avid Wash enure; Aar dry cellar
ander the whole boo,. wilt boas op M
ea 'ad.
eantsisdoe trauma do•ete Is wl• bin
WoMT:AelltiP:rti';; morose
:V it ' gre . ., :In t egra '
obtain a moat desirable resit/etre. Ingulat at
11.111bEY UAW,
91 Beaver bt.. Alice/HIT Cll7.
• •
ritO-FF.T—Allstrge Front flown.
fornlsttrd. on second Aunt . , oration on
btleasy, suitsble lor gentlentsn and - a-dr. cr two
dolts gen:lemen• adtcatlon, No. .1 Writs
str. et. 1 V. ,
TO LET.—No. 77 Wood_ street,
now reesalett by James Cothran A Co. Zw.
qo re st 42 Wo4 sl rest.
LET.—The New Storebillio
o. 6B
Woad 000001. Enquire et 110.
1 Meet.
LET.—Desli Rooni le; a.
e fe o ur for cbndnoo •pply etNo.
SO booth
. -
LIF:T. Fur nit& ed ••• Trout
uuru, .rilb or rritorar_rorrrdilir. - v7
wrotrorllr Or month. April M. 110.119 OWT
isTu.SE r.
0-LEC—A desirable St
On St. Clair sine. Mao, aii=
u r fricrs on 0, ac and mimed 000 r. and a
GO sly NO on star. , floor. narialr• QC. At. 11.
W AT.K• It, Kate &nee. No. Italzta street.
LET.—The Large Store
oomlio. 96 Wyll• Amen 410,11
116341176iill"Uth'gb* BROVB•
T •
0 LET.—Taro 2 story brick
oases, Not. 59 awl lib Cram, annul.
M 112112119 ten rooms each. wlth all m Ana
ro :einem. Enquire at N 0.54 ceatFe &TOMO.
O LET.—Five rooms—et .
•wery Bret—on the eg . rn- r go
Penn t
Thtb(lleoeggek) ••teg ts. Alto two dereillogs
soloteltg. wsth ettat and seven room.. t hake
ra- LET. BOOMS. Several
r floe. late., and teell tarnished rooms ta.•
toenot location, quiet •enti nut to banns.
ter bad by geutleteen as slecipiner room.—
Tboost"... eery oettratne.
/UNTIL eTakET, into band.
11 656.584 54
1.1311 SI
6011,000 00UO
ITO LET.—A Suit of- Rooms
compri.friefwo Large, we I f oat
room. Slad door. One hove. Uallta4
front 9..m0n 3ro floor. Ma lute Hall• Ital
two solo-rooms on 4th door. One MOT. Roam.'
fart.No.99. In Log Uti , a arfr bollatal•
avenue. tor tan.. laqulr• of - 4. It.
ILNOLIIH I CO.. No. 90 fourth aaaaa
To LET.—A lot ot grofind 19
feet by 090 t•et a large, substantial
brink building Du feet'by 1110 feat, and ga of
foe building contolnlini two name, former y
en pled Jame. Mtilingar Sl a ;Pinning mill. ell
stated, Carson and lira amnia evretti
burg u suitable for ntansithotturing
aU""1" . "" to
C 0.. ., •
Carson and Tenth streets. BLeopia
81.592.066 84
noongs AND Oman:
96 /Mb Lynne.
L4an 66
16,140 .0
56 346 OD
Will Opn Daily This Week
, 1.2i:132
WORK', 013 PZ 2 / ..0 , B nN Ca.. r AS'
21011212 PUNCH 11/Ivolll/13
.Toesday orto . og .robroo,'lat, at 234
n ..:Ireo.'VlßL.Wldvnutotd Boor orCommos.
dot Sale* /to WI. 100 1h01t101.1.1 street. • • ~. •
La starer Nomovat Bo oa of Ctoomaret:
shore. M. &DI 20100 Vont; • 1
110, r.ople• • do.:
VD solves Alleemov do. Co.;
004 s ZSCIUMNa do, do.;
• 40 obare.. .Morloophels Atte! Co. - (1140.
20 sham tiape.lorirati Co.; ,•
10 'bor.. Atlas Wolk.:
40 Mares C...lalab , sollCo. •-•
Alto tl2O Ono.h.lf Inverse. 111 • Yidetil Rtatl
tor `lospronment 1111LC01.1011 for r0n.1042
oboe. of „Metal," su trout to 1 . 10•Ip lieylnatbr
L. 2. IrAronhar, one of Ok. p0r..0w.0.
A. MelLWAllgt./Loolloorm,-
late of A leabeny City. deed.
ettcn tostamestarY apart U p tortat• Ma
Jona Lanett haying beau granted to tat Intact
signed..alt per.on• ulabted, an reetahod CO
make payment. and •11 penes,. b•••• 4 %Maw ,
anal,t_ta , d estate telt* alms proses& teem at
go. 117 Boa•.r atree jii tiltaa t eler t. ,
win Szeciitor of Jobs Barry•s•
COUNTS. Jle.-11.1ESDAN wrist:ca.
h lat, on woad ,11floy of Cfotenurrctal Salsa
Hoops: 106 smithlleld street. by prier ot.llesltaa
II Mar. Jr.. sad !Portia b. ArTurtra - s."AaalasiM
lb Bankruptcy of J. P. Dean. SIB be wad**,
'Prot Acuranta add Notes' of J U. !nave, •
Buuuuu 1%. • • ' • •
..1.31:5 lfelLWAlNß,Ai•tleneer.
Veit SALE.'-1 Steam Enstn
10 o:vee 30. Iwirood manta; Greer.
rieg, NV wiriest Stem Sad e anfa:
ilfer 1.11 , 1 1 rdirtniern.bitta.D.TAA 11;.! ,
' a rliP O L OArill: -
FftamitketirOal Cdel COI2PeaY. OA 0. "
Proptietol , ..