The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 29, 1870, Image 4

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ttaiitt.sbuttl ;Att.
putiaiiiCou meet Monday af-
kad kir pocket picked of forty.
, tbe Diamond market; yea-
A lad
give dol
Pratt. the °Golden Naar," in base
ball parlsone, la In the city on a risk to
• hls!dead& •
The weather =Urines very pleasant,
- with gently sharp windirelear atmoit,
phere and warm sun
Justice liar, or hi!Oltirs township,
youesday summittigi to Pill Elijah But
ton, for trIAI, for whippinq his with.
Joan Olivine, tor drunkenness aid dlaa
orderly amduct, was committed for
twenty days byldayor Adieu yesterday.
There are now one hundred and ten
producing well. at Parker's Lending and
da vicinity, ranging front 4to 60 barrel. per
Wart on the elegant new Dollar Sav
ings Bank building now in the processor
ursotlon on 'Fotirth avenue, will shortly
be restrakkL. .
Greys will win hero s
usiMdium, Two °emplanes have
been orwanised sudmearly filled up to
The Oftliefinersheresbont propose to
pnah things nest spring, calculating to
do a grind business for the remaining
part of theyear.
A Fate daughter of Achilles named
Emma was sent yesterday to the Boum
of Refuge by Mayor Callow at the request
of Mrs. Achilles.
Alderman Taylor has received his
casemhalen and been sworn In for hti
third term. He completed his tenth
year In office yesterday.
MM.—Alfred. youngest child of War
den fikandrett of the county jell, died last
night. The funeral will - take place to
morrow afternoon at two o'clock. • -
Yesterday marnlng Joseph Kincaid, an
employe at the freight depot of the Fort
Wayne Railroad, was slightly injured by
:fitging falling upon his bend from
Thome Thompson complained to Al.
dorm= Taylor yesterdaY. that George
Shaffer had Mt him on Ms !Matador with
• slab. - The Alderman homed • warrant
Pm the arrest otOsorge.
Casseesalsa -Raceme—The com m i e .
don of H. 0. Elmuneson, Esq., as Jus.
Roe of the POllOl9 In Lincoln township,
was received at the °Moe of Thos. H. Han.
ter, Recardar,lesierdap.
George Jena, a colored gallant, threat.
sued to Immolate Fanny Crable, ■ dusky
damsel.' Fanny objected to such treat.
ment, and Alderman Butler has burned a
warrant int George's arrest.
The Great Revival
at John WeeDO'
Chapel Mill pror; and since MT
there has - been three hundred end eighty
Imola converted. ' Dr. Williams and the
Trustees keep the best of order.
Tbe Printtag Comedies of Connell,
mat yesterday afternoon and agreed to
advertise for proposals tor the job work
of city minting. Sealed proporrali to be
received and not , opened until next
It veltrOort the county three hundred
dollars to dlsoover by means of the W
ince of chemistry, - whether Philip Ban.
lon Invocational, or not. The Coroner's
Jury will meet to conclude the Inquest
John sall's now violated a city ordi•
nanoe lnAlleghetty yesterday by walk
ing the publio streets, and was run over
and killed by a passenger train at Bu dge
street. In the loss neither Saul nor the
row deserve any pity. that's all.
A late private letter from Rt. Rev.
Bishop Bowsaw., Rome, antiounoes that
bit is in assalleat-health. He la unable
to form any correct Idea as to when he
will reach hems, the Ecumenical Boras
oil as yet Wviag no signs of adjournment.
. . . ....
arms of late In the counties surround
in ns. Qui of the staunch new 12011
cla g d
and stone cared Pittsburgh jail
thertris no such thing as escape, esp.-
easily while Wardens Eleand.rett and
Smith has the management.
Jarrell. Trlansph.—Muter John Mar
,lay, a bright eyed and Intelligent little
am of Mr. Thos. Murray,-of the Com.
sasrei,sl composing rooms, carried off by
an overwhelming vote, the elegant dress
Sword. contested for st the Orphans' F
by a number of spirited Juveniles.
May Adams alleged before Alderman
Taylor Tegmdsy that Mts. Clark had
obtained the loan of a lot of furniture
and bedding from her, which she bad
since Waved to return. She Alderman
Limed a warrant for Mrs: Clark's arrest
On an information for laroeny as bailee,
The Financial Operation.—We learn
that there were other banks besides
those mentioned yesterday victimized.
Is reported that ona prominent Mad
tattoo was swindled by the sameMITXI6
=cod on the Second and Thir It..
out of 16,000 and another for a
lase amount. • -
A Cern!aerate Tussr.--Ona of oar en
tarpriaing Sour dealers, says the Erie
Dirpatek, noticing, h i p s the victim of a
mint biarglary had flour stolen, en
closing the item from the paper contain
ing the prioes of floor. The burglarised
acknowledged the Joke by sending for
barrel of the best brand.
A Cal I.L-The United Preabvierlan COL ,
gremilons of sloo3on and New Scotia •
villa, Beaver county, have extended
unanimous call to Mr. .T. P. Sharpe, ■
!Mirth year student in the United Presby
terian 'sinlogteal Seminary, JaietthotlY
edgy. Salary , one thousand dollar., azu
it is lixelyu parsonage.
Rsßena—Rev. D. B. Wilson, of
Philadelphia, will preach in the Reformed
Presbyterian church, Sandusky rebore
Ohio) street, Allegheny, to morrow
fifabtath) at 105‘ A. le. and 234 P. IL
Um Wilson is Odle an Interesting and
Papular preacher, and we have no doubt
ht will hays a large audience.\
-- Postponed. -Owing to the alight India
pi Wien of some of those te
eipecd to
to e part In the entertainment , the extd.
bi on at Moorhead helical House, which
wt announced yesterday would take
last evening, has been postponed
th.:..1 this *Timing. 'The entertainment
promisee to be a acme= in emery par
Small Thlating.—Thunsiv evening
some sneak thief entered the hall of the
Pittsburgh Denials College building and
idols from the rack a valuable new over.
coat belonging to Dr. Pershing. Tester.
day °Meer Dressler found the mlssiog
&Tnt at De Roy's fawn shop, Smith.
r Lae, where it had been left as a
pledge for the loan of six dollar". - The
Dr. recovered his mat, bat the noose of
the thief eannot be ascertained. ,
-=A Hearing wee had yesterday before
Alderman Humbert In the case of Flora
Di Hadley teat= Monte St. Clair for
assault and battery. Flora staled Motile
had sent for her a few due ago. Upon
answering the summons, Flora alleges,
she was rust on the ttireahhold by Mollie
with a poker.- A • fight ensued, Flora
.gsoming otT victgrlows, although bearing
;the marks of a severe conflict. The
haring resulted in the accused giving
ball for court.
Felonious Aseasit—lnformation was
toads bettors the Mayor yesterday by
Peter O'Neil, charging William altos
°Mall" White with felonious easant:. B
I. alleged that the accused went into the
prosecutor's stables on Webster avenue,
and wm acting in a disorderly manner.
Mr. O'Nell requested him to leave.
whiamtpon White made an assault upon
him with a hitch fork, and threatened to
kill him. White was arrested and looked
up for a hearing.
Testerdav John Mcßride, an unfortn.
sale Weediest of Bomb Pittsburgh, made
Information before Alderman McMaster',
setting forth that his matrimonial part.
leer had recently taken *to drink, which
Induced snob a dislike for him that be
was enable to reside In the same home
with hie family._ The latest ace—riming
hint out of the domicil with an axe—
risclusd the limit of hl* endurance, and
the aid of tbe - .xnegietrate was Invoked.
Pilary will be arrested.
IffeUee--The appropriation for the Po..
line Department, his been aced at 1100,.
000; which will scarcely be sufficient to
nut it through the_ year. 190 000 were
.1 91 4 ' 0 1 0 .11and lard year, and since then
twang-are .men have been added to the
force. Out of the 180.000 110.000 was
expended In the . liquidation of biLa
remaining over from the precious year,
which left 180,000. This sum was itonf
&dent, and a considerable amount had
to be transferred to the apFeoprlation In
order to run the Department through
Insane Man,—A telegram was receiv
ed at the Mayor'- office about-twelve
o'clock last night. signed Mrs, A. Kap- .
Ihr, Johnstown, Pa.. elating ' that her
haat:end, A. Koplin, was insane. and
that he had left that place-last evening
with four children in charge, and re
quested that he bearrested an d detained.
Hertous Arabic:R.—Robert Watson,
Br., was thrown from his buggy on Penn
street about seven o'clock is evening
and seriously Injured. He was driving
,along Penn street, in the Tenth ward,
when his borse took fright a d started to
run. The buggy was capita and Mr.
i d
Watson thrown out, atrikln his bead on
the (*bele Stems. He was temoved to
'his residence at the corner of Penn and
Twenty-eighth streets, and Dr. Gallagher
Jim Mackerel, a "Pointer," somewhat
noted as a disturber of the pewee, having
been released from the Workhouse yes
terday; where .ho had served a term of
thirty - days, celebrated the event by get.
ting on a "drunk" and raising a row.
tie drew • knife and swore he would
kill any man who came near him. OW
oars Moon awl Dresher were sent for and
notwithata rid I mg Jim's threats to au t and
kill, he was arrested and taken to the
lockup, where he wilt be retained for a
bearing this morning, when he will prob.
ably go back to the quarters he so re.
neatly vacated.
Alleged Larceny.—James Lauffman
made information before the Mayer yes
terdayarharging James Duffy with the
larceny of a watch. It appear. that
Lauffman and Daffy were together
Thursday night drinking, and that
after they had been moving round
for some time, Lauffman missed
his watch and friend Duffy also.
Daffy was subsequently found by officer
Garrison and arrested for drunkenness.
He was locked up and yesterday morn
ing in default of a fine was committed to
jail. A warrant was issued in the lar
ceny case, and Daffy will have a hearing
this morning.
Alleged Elaine Pretence.—Mr. James
T. Simpson appeared before Alderman
MaMasters yesterday. and made informa
tion against Hugh Stone for false pre.
tonne. Mr. Simpson has a coal yard in the
Fifth ward, Allegheny. He alleges that
Stone obtainatl coal to the seine of
twenty-two dollars and forty-eight cents
from him by representing that he wait
employed by Messrs. Moijoy,t Heed at the
dry dock, and that the'llrm owed him
nearly one hundred dollars. These
statements, it is alleged, were siabse
grimly ascertained to be entirety devoid
of truth—efforts of Stone'. vivid imagin
ation. Warrant leaned. •
Burglary Developed
A few nights ago the store of J. D.
Thompson & Co., Liberty street, was en
tered and a quantity of goods carried off:
The police set to work to ferret out the
burglars and yesterday arrested a chap
on suspicion. The fellow after being
taken into custody ' , peached," and Im
plicated Jeff Douglass, a well-known
character. Information was made be
fore Alderman McMaster's, against Taff,
and about four o'clock. yesterday after
noon Officer Blondin succeeded in ari
prehendlog Jeff in a house on Smithfield
street. He was locked up for a hearing
on Tneedaynext.
, Id Rooberlea.
A number of robborlee have been per
petrated recentlyon the borders of Alla.
gheny and Beaver counties, of the cooleat,
yet boldest character we have board of
for a long time. The robbers walk right
Into the farmers' stables, take out the
horses, hitch them into the .-.wagon, and
fill it with bogs, turkeys, chickens and
whatever else they can conveniently get
at. As seem as they make up their load
they drive deliberately towards the city,
and having din neat of their ill gotten
spollsisbandon the bourns and wagon.
The farmers in those regions are amply
prepared, and if these scoundrels ehould
return, they will likely meet with a warm
City Expenatures.
The thdlowing Is an exhibit of the oily
expenditures for the month of Decem
ber, 1869, showing the amount of war
rants drawn 'and countersigned by the
()patroller In the month ofJannery; 1869,
on the several appropriations:
1. /uterest
I. . ....
P.4tra (01113)..
I. Water Wont..
7. rrracta
9....1• ILI
Mt. TM W. d •Mutel •
Ttre ilexes T.Jeamaoh
• Ratede
Rll:mr•xt noon Lomat '
a. Water Siteasion Loan, Lutereet
Wafanf• on 13:nkleg Fond
Alleged larceny,
A few. days since a box of dry good,
was broken open on the steamer . 4 Mary
Ebbed," and a piece of cloth taken out.
The box was then milled up. The mat
, ter was made known to officer Dressler.
I who yesterday found the cloth at
O'Rourkhi saloon, on Wcod street. and
socertalned that it fad been brought and
left there by Jim Stull and Andrew Hoz ,
Iran. - He than mid a visit to the "Mary
Hobert," on which Stull was employed
as deckhand and Morgan as *. roust
about," arrested them, took them to the
watch house and locked them up for a
hearing. Stull states be found the cloth
to the "hole" of the boat and gave it to
Morgan, who lets It at O'Rourk'ti. Theis
fellows, notwithstanding they were ar
rested without warrant and not on
"view," have as yet expressed no inten,
Lion of bringing an action for false arrest
and Imprisonment.
Travellers over the Allegheny Valley
Railroad will be pleased with toe greater
accommodations which have been affor
ded them In the now and handsome
roaches placed on the road yesterday.
They are fom the celebrated works -- ot
Jackson & Sharp, and are models of ar
tistic finish and superior workmanship.
The trussed platforms, compression buf
fers and automatic couplings, all new
inventiotell, will prevent th e oscillation
of the coaches, and make It much easier
and pleasant to ride in, while adding .to
the safety of employes and 'travelers.
Abobt the beginning of February the
Oompany design placing two new sleep
ing coaches on the road. We are glad
to note Inch evidences of prosperity as
they indicate, that the pretent thrifty
management Intend keeping the road,
as It is now, in admirable working order,
anti always up to the demands of the
Plymouth Church Fair
Our readers should bear in mind that
the ladles of Plymouth church (and they
ire Ladles) have prepared for holding a
Pair, beginning on Tuesday, at City Hall.
A. great variety of fancy articles will
adorn the tables (and they are fancy ar
ticles). 171mA:1i articles alto (and they
are useful) will mingle with the fancy.
.Dinners and rappers that are dinners and
suppers will be served by ladles that are
good looking, and better than they look.
The fairs of the Plymouth people have
hitherto always been wall managed and
made attractive by - 'Menhirs - not found
elsewhere. -)Yan..e- Ingenuity never
tells. It I. . sah to -promise• that visitors
will be pleased with the entertainment
and the taste/miners. and we might- add
that they ought to and pleasure also In
helping to. await the proceeds for the
lake of the g e. 3d cause which these ladies
are etrugglinglo advance.. ' •
gamuts Inconstancy
Charts' Slater has lied a revelation of
the inconstancy of the female sex. His
, experience was of a mos: unpleasant
character. He set his affections upon an
affair of this wbrld, and of comae was
disappointed. His.. Margaret Ater. of
Lower St. Clair township, was the object
of his deiotion. He became acquainted
with the fait creature aotnetitne aso, and
from toe unfortunate hoot. 011 within it
f . ,-sr days ego was most usidnom in tile
a:tendons. 'me wedding day wax Set.
In the ardor of his veneration and cond.
ding nature, he bestowed' upon his reir
charmer - trainable presents of Jewelry,
thereby diminishing-hie ready thuds to
the extent of nineteen. dollars, not to
_Abe twenty. do ll ar green
back which, .went . into , the lady%
hands towards -.enabling • her. to
appear In goodly sourel on the
happy day.. Alas for .man's , hopes
and woman's inconstancy; As the time
approschbd'Margeret became leas willing
to become hie .dear, arid in the end,
Charles beard the words which emphat.
fully expressed her intention not to be
Mrs. Slater. His love was changed to
wrath and walling. He resolved on re
venire. Calmly and dallberatetyle pro.
ir.ded- to Justice Conrsd's office and
affixed a signature to an information
charging her with larceny as ball ae—the
jewelry and money—in alight. She was
indemed to vlan the magistrate's °Moe,
but again Charles was disappointed. Hs
received en additional Insult. She re
fused to return the property and he was
compelled to NY the meta, the Justice
dismissing the cue. He retired from
the official sanctum a sadder and a wiser
man—unquestionably in some matters.
His provocation is au aggravating one,
and his next effort to obtain Justice still
be recorded -with littered by every lover
Or 'down trodden humanity.
Another or .t7b4ters WeLnu»Death
twin eiranteroni-Itte' Plana in Akell
The effects of excessive drinking were
Illustrated in a sorrowful manner in Al
legheny yesterday. - Thursday evening
the attention of nn the.pollee Was called to a
, .
man ruing et the top of his wised along
Western • itietine. The runner was ar
rested, and 'fbitiscl to be an old mattanf
feting frons in ',attack of mania pet s u In
Its most Violentferm. • He was taken to
lock-up, where boon after is friend appear
ed, when his name was awtertai tied to be
Joseph Grubbs. He was employed as a
driver by one of our large marinfactu
, Luring firma,' resided with his family on
Allegheny, near Western avenue, and
"." about MY years of ago. Generally
sober, for some unsoconntable reason for
the past few days he had; been drink
tug freely: and on the evening when ar
rested had been 'attacked with mania
polo. He became so violent that it was
found necessary to send for medical as
alstance.' Dr. Thorn was called in and
was prescribing when he broke out of
the noose and was running away when
he was arrested. He re malnedi n the lock.
up during the evening and yesterday,
but notwithstanding every effort of
medical skill and kind friends, the at
tack resulted in his death, which 00-
carred about six o'clock last evening.
Endeavors were made to have a Coro
oar's Inquest Immediately, but owing to
the absence of the Coroner from the
city, this was found - Impossible: The
body was taken to the late residence of
the deceased, where an inquest will be
held to-day.
District Coscr cage . Kirkpatrick.
FRIDAY, Jan. 28.—The case of Bassett
vs. Hill, previously reported, was re,
atoned and 'concluded. The jury had
not agreed when 'Conn adjourned.
The meat case taken up was that of
Kennedy vs. Schultz, action in case to
recover mcaey alleged to be due and
unpaid. Kennedy wee a stock broker,
and some time since was authorized by
Schultz to Purchase a certain amount of
Erie Railroad ttock. The stock was
bought at 90J4, and as is customary, Mr.
Schultz was required to deposit a thous
and dollars as a margin to protect the
purchaser against lose if the stock should
decline. The sock, it appears, did de
cline, and when the tnousand dollar
margin had been covered by the fall, an
addltionel margin was required, for
which Mr. Schultz gave Mr. Kennedy a
check on the Allegheny Savings Bank.
The check was presented by Mr. Kenne
dy, but was not paid because Mr. Schultz
had no funds in • the bank. The stock
subsequently, declined still lower and
was finally Bald, and this action was
brought to recover the amount of the
check and a further sum aufelelentlio
cover the losses sustained by Mr. Ken
nedy on the decline of the stock. Verdict
for plaintiff . In the sum of p 787 88.
Common Pins—Judge collier.
Faineor, - January. 28.—The case of
Blakely ea. Mooreland &Mitchell, previ
ously it sported. was resumed, and was
still on trial when tkourt adjourned, •
Happy Jade well SWIM Pumpluf—lf ew
Development—tWen—New Town.
tYrom our own Catirspandent.3
PASUSERS LLNDI2IO, Jan. 28, 1871
The Happy (or unbapp➢) Jack well
has been tubed 1111 y-ulna fee; deeper and
le now ateadUy pumping between 2.5 and
SO barrel,' per day. Some Plttaburghern
are Interested In this welt.
At Martlnabargh, four ndloa west of
this place a new well has been struck
and le now pumping about 12 barrels por
day, caumng great excitement In that <I.
dolly. Mere walla are to be at once put
At Ben Hogr.n's "Free and Easy" lad
night a dearsrate light oceurred, two
girls being the contedan , s. • One bad •
linger bitten off in the melee. Bometlret
class apart& interfered and had their ears
tilled with flour after which they beat
• retreat In goo d order.
A new town is to be laid out near Bear
creek to be called with the classical taste
of the 01l reglona, “Ranatown.".
.1 '77 649 71
2 . 1.50 03
314 14
• 7,7=41
411 7%
Pleasaut . Supper Peru.
A abort time since a lair was given by
• • • • •••• ;ADM at Bir
mingham, which resulted in a handaome
income to the Treasury of the organisa
tion., The managers, were assisted
in the enterprise bye number of ladles,
o whose energy and tarn Its simessewan
Ina large measure Indebted. The gen
tlemen fully appreciated the service.
of their fair . friends and wiahlng
to express their gratification in a
tangible way, arranged for a
complimentary supper Tor them, which
came Offer blaglnley7s, Wood street, law
evening. The entertainment commermen
at ten o'clock, when the coot pany,•nutn
b3ring about thirty-Mx persona from the
youth and beauty. of the borough, oat
down to k Stimptuoue repast. ,prepared
in beat style, which la ell the
endorsement it need.. Part of the
evening was imam in a most agrt-e
-able manner in discussing the edibles,
after which conversation music, vocal
and instrumental, and ge neral socialiW
I , y, prevailed. A couple of hours were
thus happily spent, and at midnight the
compaoy. ratntued Ingham with
pleasant recollections of the enjoyable
1113.3(C 0)
Llterary Eniertaiameat
We were present at the public exorcises
of the junior class of the Western Uni
versity, held lard evening, in the Hall of
the University. Tett young gentlemen
delivered original' compealtioni which
were highly creditable. The delivery
was to several caws too rapid, and the
riled thereby somewhat impaired. We
fear it may be doomed unjust to others
to discriminate In favor of any, but we
think the class itself Will accord to Mu
ter George Hersh—a lad of thirteen—
greet precocity of both style arid manner.
tfis subject, " The Power of Popular
Thought," wu - treated' with decided
ability, and, his alocciUon was 'equal to
that of any of the older students. 'The
Real end Imaginuy." by . I. N: Patterson,
"Restraint as a Guard of Liberty," by
W. B. Mowry, and= "'Aristotle and Ba
con," by John P. Roger., were model.
of diction and • perspicuity, every - way
worthy of older beads, and were wed
spoken. The performances of the whole
clam Were creditable to Its members and
the faculty undo! whose training so
much proficiency has been attained.
Committee on Fire Engine@ and Hose—
David Pb,i, Esq., encoon Chairman
—A Vold Piro Depirtment to be.ltt
This Committee framed by appoint
ment of the Presidenie of the Plitebtugh
Councils, met last night for the. purpose
of effecting an organization. Mr. David
Slimy of the Third ward (Common Won
ell), was chosen Chairnian— an admira
ble selection, as no gentleman more
thoroughly understands tho wants and
wOrklogs of the Fire Department.
,The Committee bad before them the
propbsed Act of Assembly providing for
the creation of a Paid Fire Department;
whiph was presented for action and nega
tived in the - Councils of- 180. After
making a few amendments the bill was
approved and the Chairman authorized
it to be presented to Councils, with affir
mative recommendation, for adoptiOn.
The: meetings of the Committee will
hereafter be 'ISM In the afternoons . Inl
stead of night in order to better accom
modate the members.
'Mi. Barter, of Cincinnati,- hoe made
no response to the challenge of George
Armisberg :: the !ePittahnight Yekei. f
Wei" and it Is reported that the former
is tee Mach dleabled by illness to attempt
• Contest. - A recent letter from New
York Mates dud lit a trial of his speed.
Mr. Areneberg composed in seven days,
of seven tours per day, /01440 ems type,
an average of &boot 2,071 ems an hour.
When we state to the uninitiated that in ,
what is called one tbensand ems kmong
printers, there are almost four thousand
pieces of metal to he' picked .1313, env: by
one, the magnitude of this trial becomes
apperent. In each of the seven home
employed, Mr. Arensuerg would haven:,
pick from his case and place in his com
posing stick over B,ouo pieces of metal.
nosey meport.
The following are the interments In the
city of Pittaburgo, - as ' reported by W.
Einlvely. Phyidebut to the Board of Health
frau:Jan. 15th to/an. 22d, 1870:
Unknown; 11 - drowned, at accident on
B. R,l: asthma, I:erysipelas, 1; abeam,
cresertmle, 1: cancer of Heel,- 1: wroth
la, 1: debility. 11 Measles, /: convnla!one,
5: plettro•pneamorda, 1; -pneumonia, 1;
coo:melon of lunge. 1; toteephalltil, 1:
congestion of brain. 1: tuberculate, 3:
premature birth. 8: atilt born, - 2.
Of the above there were, under 1 year,
18: from 1 to 2. 5: *am 2 to 5. 2: from 15
to 20. 1; from BO to 40, 2: from 40 to 60. 8;
ham 50 to 60, 2: froM 70 to 8 0 . 1.
Males, 15; females, 14; white, 27; ool
oradt 2; total, 20. .
The .h.ttit Marriage.- -
Several days: since we priblisfied . tfie
fact that Rachael Ann,; Verneri; cum.
glib apparently tot over twelve or thir
teen years of, age, had nude -. two inter,
'against 'Anthony , Snyder; a
, .
youth of eeventeeti'Years, ' one charging
him with abandonment and alleging that
he was her husband, and another charg
ing him with fornication; stating at the
same time that the parties bad en
tered into a contract of marriage
by articles agreement, through the
advice a pettifoger and a
quack doctor. The twee came [IP
for a bearing before His Honor the Mayor
yesterday, When the following novel art!-
cle of agreement as produced andread:
"Agreement entered into tuts Bth day
of December, 1869, between Anthony
Bnydef, of the city of Pittsburgh, of the
one part, and Rachel Ann Verner, of the
same place, of the other part , as follows:
The said parties hereto hereby- agree - to
obligate and bind themselves to go to
gether as man and wife from this date,
and live as kWh, and to treat each other
In all resew:Li In that relation; the said,
Anthony Snyder hereby obligating, ern.:
dertaklng and agreeing to provide for
and protect the said Rachel Ann Verner
for all time to come, during life, as a!
dutiful husband aneuld do: and the said:
Rachel Ann Verner undertaking and
agreeing to do and perform bar part 1121
dutiful wife towards the said Anthony
Snyder, end this to operate as evidence
of the undertaking and agreement upon
the part of each, to become man and
wife and to-govern theineelves, and to
act henceforth accordingly. •
Witness the hand and seal of Anthony
Snyder and Radial Ann Vernier by
their marks."
ANTHONY Etrynan. •
Wolneat--L. C. HALL
L. C. Hall was called and testified In
s.nbetance ae, foilowe: The parties to the
snore agreement came to his office on
Grant Street and asked his advice !Mont
getting married. He told them to do so,
and said he would go and aim a lawyer.
He went to' the unite of J. Charles
Decken;a potiroger, who was some tune
since strioken from the roll of attorneys
in the Cburt - Of COl3llllO/IPletutand quar
ter Sessions, and consulted him. He then
returned to'hls effice and some t after.
wards Dicken came le' with' the article of
agreement, of which the above is a copy,
and the children signed It In his pres
ence. The gui,,Eschel, gave him two
dollars and some small change, did not
know how much. He gave the two dol
lars to Dickeii, who put It In hie pocket
and left. He, Hall, pocketed the. small
change, and the parch:it - lel hie office.
Hall is • quack doctor, and his manner
and appearance no the stand Was any
thing but preposseasmg. Ho evaded a
direct answer whenever he could do so,
and It smutted all the Ingenuity of the
counsel to get him to tell what he knew
of the case.'
The little girl was then requested to
make a statement.: She said that she
and Snyder had called on Dr. Hall for
advice, and be advised them to get mar.
tied, and said he would go and get a
'Squire to marry them. Hethen left the
room, and In a short time returned; ac.
companted by a man (Dicken) who bad
tho paper written they were - requested
to sign. After they had signed it, Dr.
Hall toad them they were married, and
for two or three weeks sf:erwards abo
Snyder-livedwed _ together la man and
wife. Hall did not give her the article
of agreement the day tt - .lnur !Caned, but
two or three days' afterwardi ho brought
it to her at her mother's house.
s: Charles roldkn o had been Ruig*.
need sea witneks but was not present,
and the bearing wen postponed until
Monday next at two o'clock P.. ii., when
Charley's presence will be required. Be
will have
an Opportunity of explaining
hts conneetion with the transaction. It
certainly needs explanation, as writing
marriage contracts for obildren at two
dollars a piece bremail business for an
attornewor even a pettltoger.
Literary leiattere. at Payette.
Mmesa. EDITORS: The Fayette Lit
erary Sodity of North Fayette town
ship gave an iraieresting literary enter
tainment :ra pre School House Friday
evening,. January. 2/st. The perform.
auras Consisted of .readings, dee/arDS.
Mous; debates, and the readlng of the
Society. paper: Am ong the selections
was "The Riven," read In a very excel.
lent manner by Mr../. C. Eaton. of Clin•
too. The most noticeable declamations
were those by Miss
..Annie Drawibrd and
Miss Bailie A. Dickson, both of Which
received merited applause.
Miss S. Emma Dickson read every fine
essay on the subject of "Reflections on
the Past:" Miss Mary A. Leech, the lady
who ravietde the birchen stick" sod
teaches tne young idea of Fayette Ville
how to shoot, discoursed in chaste and
poetic language on ..beutte Words." and
Miss bathe Mcßride wa2cd up the storm
king and waded feirleesly into the ice
and snow of . ..Winter." Mina Emma B.
McKee ale° disorratted in well chosen
language on a cartel a &abject, but that
subject has been forgotten and therefore'
cannot be recorded, George &Mcßride
read a lengthy essay ou "Tne Woman
Five extemporaneone speechee were
made. David W. Wilson, of Turtletown.
expatiated on "Ltierary Societies." Jo
seph M. Dickson argued affirmatively
on the question, "Deem the ellenealppi
river .run kap hill 7" and G.A. Mcßride
discoured on "Society Papers." Gideon
B. Logan convulsed the audience with
laughter. In recounting the difficultlea
anti pertilegines or "Railing Chickens."
After the extemporaneous speeches,
there was an' akausing dialogue or our.
buena entitled "Hamlet and the Ghost."
An able debate was had on the quoit.
Don. conacience .a. correct moral
guide?" Samuel Dickson arguing In
the affirmative and David W. Wilson In
the negative.
The evening'a per was closed
by the reading of th e rmance
Society paper, the
editors of which were Wm. N. Webster
and Jos. M. The paper was
named "The Spider," Dickson:_nd abounded In
spicy and mane-Lig articled.. .
Mr. George Y. McKee performs - the
duties of presiding officer with tact and
ability. and the tOBL3N9lllllave, reason to
:congratulate themselves on his reilec
tloa. , '
At the meeting of the Society to be held
On Friday, February 4th, a bandittd
dialogue will be riven by Mimes Mary
A. Leech, Mary E. Crawford, S. _Emma
Dickson Maggie Stewart, Sadie Craw
ford, &dile Mcßride, Sallie A. Dickson.
Emma B. McKee, .Liszle R. Heed and .
Annie Crawford. "May we be there to
Rev. 0. Beacom, of Montrose, lee.
tared on "Church' music" before the So:
clay OD the 17th..- There ivies • good at.
tenesuce and all were- profited and
pleased whit entertinunent..
Rev. F. A. Hutchison will deliver a
free lecture on ..ktohlbitlen" in the M.
E. Church, Fayetteville on - the evening
of February 14. He Is ;aid to be an elo•
quoin speaker and good thinker, and a
large audience la anticipated.
0. Parents STTL
Oar town gives 'evidence of a steady
growth and improvement. The new
bank building has been Completed, and
Is now oCcupied by the banking corn.
patty for wheat It was built, . !0L a tine
large building: and finished in good
style, And is quite ,sn ornament to that
part of the town Yti which it is located.
Mr. Henry Heintz, Sr., la erecting a fine
new house on Maine street, which, when
completed. will be one of our beat real.
dances. The new parsonage of the First
Mathodllit Church of, this place Is to be
finished' the coming spring, which will
also be a credit loony little town: Rev.
Mr. Wilson, pastor of the Fresbytetian
Church of this place, owing to lit health,
has been! under the necessity of resign,
lug, In order to seek a more salubrious
admit° In the west. The lotting of Rev.
" Mann is universally regretted by
all the good people of our town: agile is
highly esteemed and respected, told be
will not only harry to his .western home
the kindest regards and. best wishes of
hls:parishiouers, brit the most ardent
dealt's% of all the good people of =utter.
ough far hie future health and happiness.
May he find ;'! ln In open door," and lohg
be spared to bless the Church with his
service& '
OrESA: Holnin,:eMr. Foriesi closed a
very successful engagement of 'five
nights atthe Opera Douse, last evening,
on which mission •• king Lear'. was
presented, Tile hones was crowded to
its fullest extent long before the perform.
Inca commenced. , 'The • bax
closed and hundreds were turned away,
there not; being :standing mem; *This
afternoon •• Uncle Tome Cabin" wilt - be
presented; and. Osoritie Dickson will gl
some the role of.lbpsy. This evening-
Mr. Chester, the leading man, tskes a
benefit and of course the beast' will be
co AHL—The basem or
the Cat hedral ntinues to be tho ent
five Mint of thontmeda of Pbt/CPOS every
night. Too F•ir now In progress there
promisee to bo more succeashel thisneha
ly than any (bat nava preceded
Any:utter op blviio.—The Llngard
Troupe' are creating a artrusatton at the
Academy of lacono. . ,
Real Estate Transfers.
- • -
The following deeds were admitted of
xemed In the office of Thoa. EL Hunter,
Recorder for Allegheny county, Thurs
day, January 27.1870: :
G. L. !luau:4 to'Wen. G. Reciter and Wen.
JOLT 1. 18©: lot SOTS n 7 tr_ Itet ID
Yonh b ie:r d ,i,
(horse Z. Warner to
30. MIR log 21 by 100 feel on Bank Lane, Stile-
J o feTZleSSs7;jaeob Lechler. Dec. 17. IVIC lot
Jima Us'irell*V= ;f t. .1 . 1 1 4 " Pr - 16. 5 17?_,
lot CO bYI3) feet In Rut klltabe , n . 4 !_f - --011eo
Tharissa klaalden to L. Legulnpoat, Garen 13.
1,33: mine as aboe. -
Anna John eon to R.obert and Josiah Jehnson,
Dec. 21. DC acres and to perches In For
ward tbsetwelp 131.033
Robert Young Clarlettan W. Ammon. Oct.
1312; lot 111 by 100 feet to Lower St. Clatr towr
_ptooo. r. Lincoln street
''lo[4l3o4 britnerd a r p tieflr4rll:: 1 1371 . o:r .
Jet P P Ile ol • 4*
wirier ea - reTt i rirrlVl L T.irect sp z:u l i P 4 3 1!
dairri• to s°
33, Z . and 38, Bra7' l l 3 L o brn. '. &at BlimUl74:111:
Boht Gray to Jno. Brown, Jan. 21, 1100, 8 lots .n
above man 60.00
N. 7). Jona. to Jno. BrOwn. Jan. 11, 1:70; lot 5h
• 0780 feet on Mary street. , Birmingham.... 888
Juo. Brows to TOL tin. . Jan. :1. ISO; lots 8
and 7; Brown'. plan, U on t0wtah10....45L500
Cutomlng. Cherry et at. to Chicago a. Pittsburgh
.111111Ing anti Transport& n Comny. Jan. 25.
1 :70; arroral tracts° r co& l andau cost in Woo.
—foams township. amount lig In all to 75 acres,
and the right of way o er several Mama of
ground :IMAM
Mn Agnes Young to Geo.l J• n. 0. 1972;
4 lots In Young's plan. 10 h Wri ght, ard, Pittsburgh. '
; cco
Davldli. Long to Isaac B man, Jan. IS. 1a
lot 30 oy;7 legit ou Parryi street. Pittsburgh.
John 84. Pare to Elleateto Welter, Nov. 1 ,1109:
lot M 89100 !felon Bolt street. Lower at. Clear
T":: 01 1P1 700
Jo A . to Illza D.H.Day% 119 1 91 lot
1007110 feta an holt Ht., Lowertilt. Clete tp.
Jolts S. Knowl.on to Jacob Hay., Jan • 21. 187,
1 More In Baldwin , bweehlp
Chas. Beblelfer to Jos. Saurbler, et• rob 24. INN;
tot cm Itt alley, Allegheny. V) Ur 07 rt..6.tat
B. J Mot ley to W. C. H00p... Deo• II 11/8 1 1
parts of lots N 0.6 and 71u Blaze, apt.. w &Non
Pottabmgh $l9 CO
James Ittebaroson to Jolla A. bample. Atm. 24
00791 lot 11107 1M feet. to Braddoeala Boroupb.
John Boone to Joseph Snyder and John Nan,,.
Nov. 24, 1 1 e9; let . No. 2800 J. Coulter's plan.
Conlb,.7llte IN
Marianet oniter to John. Boone. June 111, 180 O 9;
ure In Connersville Vat
aaaaa et Coulter to Rd, Morgan, Doc. 17. 860; N sereln Coulterzellle $lBO
FRIDAY, JID. 3 11C0.
Il m i77l4 " ft o . ACTindVelljr.',l7tiblTA
JOtif %%%%%%% JO. Adana. naval. 3. Iffnl• lot
/I to 94 .on Boyle Allogbeny...•
o o p t p ,
Geo. Contd., to Gob, If. 0 Lou.nclo. INSY:
lot II by 103 R . on Pastnre Allegheny
V.. Condon to Om. Lyle & Boitti January 25.
1.800; B. acres ln 01111110 to M.MM
M. Downes to Jon. Hartman, January 27, 18711:
lot% by leo it. on Cburen et., Blrtaln irhanut
Davld IMinlap to and. thaw. 11e5..9,1089,
oerebee la Indiana tp $l.lLi
Norman Tustin to Mary Jona Linn. J 000.7 .52.
D; lots %and DI, liergeri plan, Braddock.
d 1,251
Remy Jacoby . b Deo. %laid; 11%
Jo l4ol hn Preemam•a_ imi r y t t o, ti ti.
lellg m j n iangt a i:4 "
%, DM; lot 2: DT 1% It on %linnet et., , A Ile•
1:1 0 . 0 0 " . /err , to .1. M. CoMn. Due. 13, 1887; 12 Vera
I rood and le pembes 1p
A l ll4. ;1 l .1.4 h , .. K i e.p l cc.
0 . 1
0 1
' AI: gl . s° V; 4.7 .t."'kwi),l l l:4:..fg..°•gtE:
o.ritek 10.,e1)„ ,
McCombs, Toonsends & Co. lo 00,10 Cballlnor,
Jamtary M., 1870: lot leo by SD 12. on %natat
ion sc.,_2llrinln•honi 1 , 12.0
John IL %twin to D. R. %err. •pal 13. DC; 1:
Sera 1 rood and 111 perches la Lent tp $4,001
Petaplt's Specialties
None of our readers require an Intro
duction to the favorite establishment
of kir.. Wm. Semple, at Nos. 180 and
182 Federal street.• Allegheny. These
who ddinuch to the . way of purchasing
dry gboda have been to tho store, and ere
glad they went, and those who have not
been there have heard so much about
tho place that it seems a familiar spot.
Great as are the advantages in visiting
the store at any time, Meyers extrema
nary now. The stock is remarkably
full, and comprises everything that is
desirable that a thorough first class es.
tablishictent ever affords, and the prices
are wonderfully reduced, reduced even
below the low prices that usually prevail
at Semple's. For instance: Excellene
dark and light, calicoes aro sold (or ten
cents per yard; bleached muslin, of good
quaLlry, for twelve and a' half cents; la.
olea felt skirts, worth four dollars, at
two dollars and seventy-five cents; table
linens, at thirty-seven and a half cents,
linen table napkins at one dollar and
seventy. dee cents a dorm; white buck
towels at twenty.dve cyanic large sized
white honey.oomb quilts at , orie dollar
and a. half, and a large and complete
stock of housekeeping dervish* ad at
the remarkably low 'prices; - To anyone
desiring good bargains, we would re
commend a visit to Semple% Nos. 180
and 182 Federal ittreeti Allegheny.
Doctor Darrth
A stranger In the city pausing the Roh
l:won bongo at the present nee would
entertain the Idea that the building wan
some sort of a hospital. ao eoristantJy
the entrants) to the office of Dr. Darrln,
the Healer, thronged with sufferers
seeking roust at bla hands, and teat! - '
moray that they do not hope In vein le
being continually presented,:i •
J. J. Campbell, of thhi opyr we. re.
racily cured of catarrh and Inflamma
tion of tho eyes; R. A. McDonald, In the
hospital two month■, was cured of partial
blindnew, and rheumatism In two weeks;
Mrs. H. Nolen. city, neuralgia in bead
and aide, cured; R. Sanders, near Irwin
Station. white swelling on loft knee,
cored; Mrs. J. J. Cc ok, lung trouble and
female weakness of seven years' duw
lion, restored. Dr. .1. Palmer, of 66
Lack street, Allegheny, can be con
mulled in regard to the Doctor's treat
ment. We might mention many cures
did not apace forbid. Truly the days of
mirlekse are not passed. Dr. D. remains
at the Robinson Hones, Pittsburgh. until
April Ist. saspw
An Excellent StMX
Mr. Win. Hespenbelda, Nor Be Sixth
street, has on hand one of the finest and
moat select aafortment of tailoring cloths
and gent'. furnishing goods to be found .
In tide ally. Ho Is now engaged In
making up business and fine dress cults
at reasonable prices and in ovary case .
with satisfaction to the patrons. The
goods are al ways warranted to be exactly
as represented, and satisfaction is always
guaranteed. Tbo stook of neckties,
gloves, paper and linen collars and cuffs,
and each articles Is also Very full and
varied. Young gentlemen can do no
better than patronizing . lleepenhekle'a,
No. 50 Sixth street. - - t
Count Otto Von Beanarct is a great
Inver of malt liquors. He does not drink
them to excess, nut considers them when
need moderately, conducive to physical
and mental health: At his maids be
always drinks ale In preference to tea,
coffee, or wine, and at other times rarely
drinks anything else. Wo believe that
he ham expressed an opinion that the
cream ale made by Pier. Manual' it 00.
Is the best In the world. •
St. Valentine's 'Dry Is approaching.
and In anticipation of that occasion,
Col.,Egan, No. 4L tilath avenue,- has sup
plied his store with a very large and
complete assortment of the missives
appropriate to the day. Some are sen
timental and others are comic, and all
are' from 'hew and original designs.
Every Mita 'can he• supplied from the
Immense stock.
A calm and peaceful and contented
smoke is a luxury, which no man need
ever expect fo enjoy unleee he Is fortu
nate enough to know where to get the
Tight kind of a cigar or brand of tobacco.
Megrim!' N0!45 Ninth (Hand) street, Is
soon a piece. Thomands of smokers,
Ma patrons can estfy,- to this hw and
thouaands more Wt ill i have that privilege
to all
.poselhillty in yam to come..
Don't think that because erntiffe and
strong or palliation, solutiorut will not
core Catarrh. that you cannot tin cured.
The proprietor of Dr. Sage'. Catarrh
Remedy offers f5OO reward for a case of
Catarrh Which he cannot. cure._ It costs
bra Any cents rePacissete.which.prepares
one }hit pint. Sold by-druggists, or send
sixty center.° Dr. R. V., Pierce,, Rultdo,
N. Y., and get it through the mall.
liter & Keyosoni Pottery; 863 Llb•
orty street, have on hand a very select
assortmentof the Moist gneentorare for
table use. No tablet, complete yrlthout
a good set of guestimate, and' no place
In the elty offers better advantages to
purchasers. Patronise home.. manufao-
Imersand purchase the Reystone'vlare.
Oysters in every style. at •Youngson's.
corner Smithfield 'treat .and and:
alley. Finest confectionaries In the city.
Everything in the sweetmeat and pastry.
line. Banquetaprepared with care and
promptness. Private suppers gotten tip
In the heat style at the house or In the
spacious dining rooms." cell at 'Young.
son's. • •
Duly arrivals of new and fashionable
ladies' goods at Modrhead'e, 81 Distract
stmt. Everything' from the finest nee•
die to the most vastly Indian shawl may_
be had a; this establishment. Ladles in
shopping should remember the number,
81. They cannot Sad a better bonze for
dime gash la the city
' • The BantritiPatut Penton sewing ma
chine Is the most simple tnoonstructlon,
and therefore the more readily under
stood. Office. 71 - Fourth avenue. •
Constitution Vs aux is a aortae cure for
Diabetes and all diseases of the Std
tarp. DV sag b9 all Ihniggisaa.
There seems to be no exaggeration in
the wonderful things attributed to the
Burdett Organ, if we are to judge from
the number sold by Kleber dc Bro. The
tone of the Burdett Organ le so touching
and pathetic that even strong men have
been known to abed tears at the per
formance thereon of some simple home
melody; The Burdett furnishes the mu
sic for the heart—the true music, and no
one has ever heard that instrument with
out feeling a strong desire to become the
posessor of one of them. A refined and
mulling lady remarked that "The Bur
dett was the only instrument of its kind
which deserved the name of 'Organ'—all
other makes sounding in her ears like
overgrown Accordeans." Any one inter
ested In seeing this beautiful Instrument
will fled them at the music store of H.
Kleber it Bro., oppoette the Finn Nation
al Bank.
Mountain Pala;lota
The Squire's Daughter.
The - Yachlyvllle Boys .
Captain Charley
Eugene Cooper
Baby'. Ohrtstwas Gift
He That Overcometh..
_ . .
Temperance Llbmry
For sale by F. G. RelneMllo,
113 Third avenue.
. .
Special inducements will be offered to
WOOClEllL ibaary. purchasing book'. ter Sunday
The Books of the; Season for sale 'at
John W. Pittock'e. opposite Postottlee
Tennyson's Complete Poems, with,
numerous Illustrations and three charm,
tertstlo portrait& lye, paper, 50 cents;
cloth 11.
Adventures of Caleb Williams, by Wm.
Godwin, Eaq,. author of "St. Leon,"
Cloudesley." dtc. Complete in one
volume. lemo, paper, 87 costa.
Medara Leigh: a History of an Auto
biography, edited by Charles Mackay,
wuth• an Introduction and a Commentary
on the Charges brought against Lord
Byron by Mrs. Beecther Stows. Bvo,
paper, 25 cents.
Miss Mitford's Lifo and Letters. The
Lilo of Mary Russell Mitford. authoress
of l'Our Village," &c,, told by herself in
letters to her friends. Edited by Rev. A.
G. R. L'Estrange. 2 vole, 12mo, cloth,
13 60.
• Haltzbelmer Continental Filth avenue
below the Postoffice to always ready for
the reception tot vialors from live o'clock
in the morning until midnight. The
genial boat of the establishment endeav
ors to be always pp to the times In every
arrangement connected with bin
business, and bow well ha sue.
coeds le evinced in the immense
patronage enjoyed by his famous
Continental. Oysteta. game, fish. Poultry.
In abort, everything In the edible line
will be found on his tables In season.
Meals are ready at any hour, and thus
the business man or traveler may suit
his own convenience, a consideration
which is very Importa nt In the saving of
time. For a healthful repast there Is no
place In the city better than the Conti—
nonfat, Fifth avenue.
Fire lesnianee.—lt is highly gratifying
to the many friends of Deng Swoger,llaq.,
to learn that he has received the entire
agency. of Pittsburgh and vicinity for
she Farmer. s' Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, of York, Pa., ono of our old
est and most reliable companies doing
business In' the State, established 1553,
and now having a • capital of over ;875,-
01X1. Pnlleles leaned and special atten.
lion given to all brialnesa of the Company .
Office, 75 Federal street , Allegheny Cit y,
The recent declaim of Judge Kirk
patrick:ln reference to the liability of of
ficers in making arrests bas created
almost as ranch excitement In the coin.
=unity as that occasioned by the low
prices and superior workmanship of the
articles manufactured at Leibleen
Trunk Emporium, and which sold off
rapidly from the warehouse, No. 104
Wood street. The same policy prevails
now, and explains the great patronage
enjoyed by thte house.
Nooks, 130ess, Boots it‘ endlesa
sty, in relation to every conceivable
subject, large - irttl - email, at Egan'a No.
41. laixtb-avenuo. Some or - the latest
publications In science, are, philosophy
and theology have been received. Gall
It Niemen and look at the-atock;
DestrueUon or Ottertetn Oalvenity.
A letter of the 26th from Westerville,
Ohio, to the - Columbus Journal, says;
About 1 o'clock this morning the sun:
clone college building of Otterbein UM.
versity: an institution under the auspices
of the United Brethren in Christ, wee
discovered to be on fire. The alarm was
promptly given by ringing the bell of the
burning building. The citizens from all
directions rushed to the scene, but the
flames spread with such fearful rapidity
that It was soon apparent that no efforts
could stay their ravages. By great eau.
tionand peril of life, most of the chemical
apparatus and furniture of several of the
lower rooms were saved. N ly all else
t i
was lost. The college II and cab!.
net and the libraries and f hire of the
three literary societies w ho halls were
located In the building were consumed.
The building li an entire ruin. - Nothing
but the bare walls remain of the once ins.
posing 'structure...,
How the Oro originated!' not known.
The point at which it was first seen, (near
the head of the north stair-Way) remote
from all stoves, strongly excite" suspi.
dons of indendiarism. The loss Is a
heavy one, at least 05,000; of which
$20,000 is covered by Insurance in the
Fireman's Company of Dsyton, Ohio.
Of the books destroyed, besides many
others of great value Was a copy of the
Sinsitic Manuscript of which there were
only six copies in this country.
At a meeting of the Faculty, held at 4
o'clock this morning, it was determined
to continue the Instructions of the Col
lege without intprruption. Recitation
rooms *ill be fitted up at once in the
remaining buildings of the institution, of
which.there are three. No students n eed '
stay away on account of this calamity.
Meanwhile let the many friends o the
institution devise liberal things th at f
braiding may be speedily replaced. .
Add Maud alarkets by Telegraph.
Burk Lo, January 28.—Cattle receipts,
Who'd; market active and No higher;
Wes 1,800 bead, embracing WO Illinois,
averaging 1,200 to 1,250 Re, at 7341g47,0;
68 averaging 1,840 lb. at 83‘cx Soo Can.
ads thin steers end coarse oxen at 63i(gt
6c: 13 premium Michigan, averaging
1,600 lbs, at 930. Horst supply moder
ate; market dull, heavy and unchanged.
Sheep: supply light and quality extra;
Market Arta and unchanged; sales extra
western, at 41.34@60; Canada at 15,;(0)6,4e.
ORLIILLAB January 28.--Cotton lower at 24g@pic for middling; sales
for the week were 9,600 bales; receipts
to-day. 0.811 tales; exports 7,941 bales;
receipts tor the week 46;200 balee; ex
ports 40221 bales; stock 182,483 bales.
Sugar dull and decidedly lower; sales
prime at 1 11;®11340. Molasses firm; I
prime 68®70c. Whlaky 9 sc®;l,ls. Cof
fee 16@173(c.
MiLwauttenr, January 2 8.—Flour un
changed. Wheat quiet at Ode for No. 1.-
1 and 80,4 c for No. 2. Oats steady at 400
for No. 2. Corn and Barley nominal.
' Rye steady at 70c for No. 1. Dressed
Hoge tirmerat 4 1 0®10,60.
Sezt Friawomoe, January 23.—Flour
quiet hod--unchanged. Wheat dull at
11,65, outside figure for choice. Barley
weak at 11,273 i. Legal tenders, Mg.
JAs4rl.n T H rd
HayA ermine, January 97th,
ulnay KA Hsage. , Jr, nhe twenty_
Thimberei Pia aka niece from the residence
or hls brother 'it Isar. Willista McClurg, Orme.
by borough; on aa'reanAr, the twants•ninth
Inst.. at 511o'c ock r. Y. • •
SCANDRETT—On FrMeg erenlae. Jammee
.5111te.*ALTRICD, 7oaneeet nand of Wm. A. and
IlaraWcanotett. aged 0 month.. .
.The funeral will meet:dam Own the reeldenee
the Dalwala. JW Wafdtn'e dwelnop . Conn
frouselfaildieg Rae. Bartel, TC-lioanow ('n o .
daY) Arlg.l4oo/1. , at M oieicek. The friend,-
and anquallitaneasof the Camila Me emintethillr
Wafted to fttaad..
/31IAyr' 11130 H & WILLIAMS,
Unaertageig. comer of Pitth sverme
gh Mott.. Pittsburgh. 11.Olus of all Mod.,
Shrouds. ritre. sad Mores. god every demrlO
tion of fltusivi furstehlug good. Ihrulthea on Um
Mon sawmill. tarns In Os city. Be". "d
"m"" banished. I , tOrs on" dgr and Orin.
COrnex f 8.4.141X 78 X1C BUM= AND 01111E141
tri o rat==V4V4 l. o4llWitil
WWl= 1t0..., X Mtn, .4 XV..
sf faleff rom Lona°. Tic • •
Wei ffrer Itn:line mem: flea.. sad Cf.
ft.. .4 . 4.1:4/1 clacta ot Mound.
Goa% If rot... , waa °Dm at sub.. day
No. 494 PIGISIT 998449.
Carr!lase' r tote,. Passrolo, 43.00 gull.
COPTISIS 41.4 44 Irtmenti lunklatunout it rq•
BOILER& new and weend4tand, cop.
Madly na band and Mantle:
• Innyinstaantn Me magi&
• nog • rBtabnagb. ra
4 371/-1 :q.41 V C331‘..1.1141kii
At clue of businm. Jou. 224.1870
Loan. and Discount. .II 028.691 40
isr.rorafts 12.951 10
U.S. Bonds to secure Circulation 100.000 00
tither Stocks. Bonds and Mort-
Du g e from Redeeming O lifter',
154,314 04
BC;'!Fa i iiVr'itrgruldl,7,l! ,11 ' 4" 03
era 11,1145 01
Ranking Rouse. ~. ......... ..... 93.514- as
Yurnloon •od Plxtares. . . ... 3.0111 40
Current Expenses
205 15
m. 10 599 01
Cot, Items. InclnAtor Oramps.. 1.772 11
Exchanges f-r Clearing House.. 17.310 It
Rlllr un other National Rant.. 3.10900
• ractlonal Carrencre and Mae,* 3,079 29
Legal Tender Nutta 101,70000
3 rer Cent. Certificate. 16,000 00
11l 50
1 26
Capital Stock paid In
tiurplus Yard
Demount, Exchange and Inter-
National Haut Circulation—.
Indtrldust Deposits
Certified rhea..
Du, to Natlona! Hanks
Due to other Banks and Bankers
kg. 3921.717
I. F. M. GORDON, Cashier of the Peoples
Iketional Beek of fltteburgb. eo sesierenly swear
that the above &telecom. is true to the baste(
my k .o.idge and tyslief
.. GORDO'S. C.b.r.
Subscribed and sw ornto before Du this 97th
"Y " J anoar7,lB7o.
C l.
(1.0-/Lltest: JOS. SNOWDEN. N. P.
BARCLAY Pit...RYON, Director.
A.'/C , af Pittsburgh, at close of bustnen, I.n.
99k1, 11170. .
Lb.. and Discount. $1,054.1144 09
United litotes ?tondo to seem . *
clretifulon 300,000 00
Due from ftedeenilng and Re.
Agents 1051.6911 31
Duo from Ott, National Hanka. 31.998 SI
Due from Ranks and 'Milken—. €lB 790 40
flanking House 10,080 00
Currant Expenms 783 54
.7aze• Paid 3,981 07
Premlning.... , 1 U9O 11
frill Item. including stamina.— 12,654 111
NATOntfi r slTtltti l iri g fl i ,l,lg!:: -1 5 AW a
10. of !Data took. 138 00
Fractional Carrencr. (Incluillnle
Nickel. ... •... .
7. ° ,7likVier Notes
Three per cent. Certlelattes.
9.8" "
Capital Stock paid Is 6 300,000 00
Unruh.. fund 60,0013 00
Pront and Lusa .... ""
N. B. circulation 1"
of.•• 263.061 00
Dividends unpaid • 3,510 00
individual Deposits... wl.Bl 01
Doe to lentil links.— 31,475 83
Doe to other Banks and
Bankers 63.116
91,009.695 97
Cotnery or Am...mgr. "'
1. 7. L. Stephenson. Cashier of the Farmers ,
Dap • it IYetional Dank of Pittsburgh. do sol-
Imnly swear that the above statement le true to
to beet of my knowledge and belief.
F. L. STIPHIN SON. aleblem.
Sworn to and mbeeribed heron, me We 29th
day of JantiarY. 7950 .
L. T. C.I2SIDAY. Notary
JAB. MAP.SRALL, Directors.
)ateWM. WALE 910,
No. 91 Federal Street,
WINTER aoops,
To Blake Room for Spring Stock.
Pull Line Old Ladlea• Cape. wholesale ood re
tell. .
; Colored Corsets Wk.
4 pairs Chndren `a Baltutuat. Mom for 1150.
Ladles' Hanakeretnets. 100. •
Ladime Style Chignons. 90e.
All Other Goods in Proportion, at
91 -Federal Street. • etileghenth
7729 ,
Bell and Brass Fotinders,
TO;1. A F..RVA,
Made Promptly to Order.
Made and Kept on Hand.
Proprietor. aod Itertrasetstrers of
I. X Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel
Mee, 882 PENN 'STREET.
rooadry, Co. 3.7thand Railroad Meth
PlTTBArrßiere. 7.•
8,27 28, 1870,
Baxter 1:1.
Mao L I Pat
Hog., Martin
Csniaban. n
Weal nano., John
Mari, John • -
Craig. Mee al Johns..l.ob
AJMT. •ana Johns. , X
Campbell. A - - Itealinkrat
dam? Klein , in •
Carnet. Woe
iMatibewa, Jae
Danloi,Jno 'lloyser * J.aph
• Ir.
Keane .11 • iblioholaon. Wm
'Norton. n
Swanson. Moe, P
toed, DI M A , Plir! 1‘111•0
j yelpers. lalehn
Gamble. Marry ;Pal • DaW d
Gullosh•lo It I "" D.
4°ol, John I Itllen 'rho.
ttme.te, TEM Jritobtaabs“ Thoa.
Cotner of Penn and Sixth Streets,
A tViTart. t,b zirpmerttalerTfrtmg:
** ***** s i *"
' Lao
11 a AN
tallifer'rraskistrEtrz ur word ;
august , s ugcoguscrrioss or L 1 P- A BURY
ktig 7 / 4 5. 1 11;Tb E e R IZbor of FattaQ Vim
4. et mks:via et co.,
ISt Llbouty Street.
gativi o t i o n, poxebaze • wee present for Mar
gt i llt ft W*" %.1*1,12 to 11.V17211.1?ttte
Vitt WARE of the rop i itdastrable plata =Liu
W. G. 11117NSEA.TEL'ai
. • . '5ll VT•Tif /1416.711 i.
0 1811
Re: if Avenue. ilenead 111wei.
CaD.1001,141.. pall" XrD•
H; 3. Blinz.rzw.olleal...N.lClPtaLßanal.
DWI Wallace, S. B Hartmaa. A. Cambers.
J aka Mil • ti. WC lark. Jac. U. sang.
T4'3 " . 41,. i.itgiark---
- JNO. Y. lgtreiwets, 'a
• Capt. B. J. OBACI. Oa
Insuring on Liberal Tatung'
r _iviNesToNt &
-L. .butatturara of LIGHT GEST 'BON.
.ata. a r IV 11:3•13.
Llubt wort our ',attune.' Loa. ',ant Butte.'
Pitiable. &Gate Ittneea. bash Pullers. and other
&Malta of Halldun , Harden &wan on baud.
• Offtes and Work.. ow Outer Depot. Alleebeaty
Gay . Pompidou addreia. Lock Box 300. Pitts.
busgb. Pa. • • • .I•si,ta
• •
§surtinustow PROPERTT
.1%)..".AGX r. .—ltree boo Old • from Plata
ratt. elvy feet trona OA Main street by 150, to the Empoad. elti.aba In entre of the
toted. • %Po meant** Houses. tb alutt morns.
Pete. for both 113,000... wy& to
5. 0 v - 4.4 BERT 48034
late3o With avenue.
1 , a4;13;c71:11
-7- •
167, 16S,, 1
' 1.69. and 170
Are now premed toi torotak VINEGAR at Um
tkalazlr called to On/
41.000.000 00
• 00,001100
3.420 12
600.000 00
6113.834, OS
3 000 en
104 4T
'rho Yery Best in the United States.
981.../frorth Seventh Street,
Heferenees—All the leading Pcoses le PAHA
de , ptila. • J.ZaPO-Trilis
Have Removed to
Cor. Eleventh St.. (formerly Canal.)
3.032 OT
43,993 DO
95 000 00
100,000 00
Mrs. 1" 117,109, 191.192 sad 326.
11131er grazer, 1T1T331710111.
. . .
Celine Distilled Pans Ws_ Whistler.
aum. dodos fn PORZIEIN WM= sad LI.
11110/125. HOES. az. : 114.11111.1
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
To make shell room tarot. goods. We will sel
till the first of March stows now an store,
Without nrr d to Cost,
AL°, n tine wortment of &REAP ?MIMS 'at
Itnatneled Wall Papets to 11Wn tints niper-
Maas to • soot and stook. Venalllloofiroands
f la rlf a Mfa h ailigNß - 17: 'w"BAPPAITATI
stamped and wined gold.
Newly Imported and not to be foul elsowhord
In the amass. Yoe sale at ,
...yr. Pa ruin* .
191 Liberty Street.
Ii .j-:, a
Seventh Avenue and Liberty SL, •
Will on Every &gravity Solo
"AMIMIII7 t.c l fil b 'pLt t eZe the;
ige i rtUe'lt`it: l gf p" "4"
Canton and goal sue relit be g tr en ail Pro% /en
JOHN H. STEWART. Aadlonear.
.11710 E,
. nyder. Chas
Stua d W e e
C e
envder, Jona
Stook, Levi
ReTiTt, tf o ILIC
: 1,1N6 c ,757A:
Pitmans. wood.
Deleon keeper
IWeaelt Y r.
• ito7 b
COR.BITENTE 1410111 g & &T.
sTrrsninzaia, 'A.
Youghiogheny and Conneßsville Coal,
' And kanninetamr of •
071101 AND YARD, earner Better • and
Morton street. Liberty and Cls t er streets.
Slash ward; also Second street., lath ward,
andat Amt. of Boss street. P. at C. IL DeDot.
Second ward.
Orden, left at either of the 'bora °Moos, or ad.
dnam to me ttuoush Piptstnultt P. (A, wl/1 re•
eels. prompt attenuon.
Baler to wham I Unionlms , numz, Wen.
•00.,Wm. Iron Mlle. S. a. Pow.
& oo.,Mitettell, Stephenson & Co., Bissell
CO., Bras & Buena, Alex Bradley, Park, Bro.
CO., Ant, McCurdy & Co. Been. I) rad' &
Wm. M. labor & Co., .7. B. Lyon & Co., Jamea
Marshall & Co.. Allen. McKee & Co., Utl , Ola De.
Dot Hotel, Connellsville It. 8., Permsylvanin B.
its Alleshany e.Uef H.B. - -
• Hiring sosorred thou °Coo so
maws my
OEINY igirrArJess the
ire=teitttaar ozse, or arlds.ollllo
I ber , 10, 000 llts run. will to fats:law to
'"P 3""
Workman, Moore & Co.,
Mannincturen and Dealers In
Mai. 41, 44, 46 and 18 Beam Bs.; Mightily;
warranted to sire aattsfaction avert puma.
eill42lll 7 4 ' fPf rk F ' :P tl en Al
Whorl Zlll pAErdgVvt:e.:ll4.r.a a441l Batrica Shafia
El. RICHARD DAVIS barter parzmutt Itte
leeeeest of Alex. le. D. Beare: lie late
nn of Woll.B.hle •110ti/LY the buti
mesa will hereafter be continued iv the old stand.
ni der the name ats.lstyle of 171/liffltAN
DAVIS. O rder.
, Joni sr Q:i14110:11•N.
R. Itlctl &RD Davis.
Lase 0114 Cellsens , National Itamt, Pittsburgh.
— 1131( acres at Pier ins 1it5t1.2,71., Warm
12.; X Souse stod 3 lots. to pleasant Va eel
1 acre tro need to Same Som.: boost and X
acres In 11.11sabetb Bore: bonne mod lot lo Bridge
water, Starer email; 17 owe L Glenuale;
Routs an Fr emon t Lotsn Lombard ward : . 3d mut;
St iota onstreet. Snd 10 was la
Rod. toret , s l llP: Boole and Lot 44 a:m.2watt,
40 want: House 'and Lot While Oak street, 3d
...II boon and lot Partsilile Pia at Kee 2d
ward; tome sad lot oil a err. treat, 2d Ward;
Soo. e aod lot. 47 Phalle street; 9 lets In Saw
t i ter Mit ";„,d 4 "•°, 1 . iitraifl iS PlVlTl:
071 Stocks tor sate . ror further Trartlatdats
/agalre of
to %earns: 02110 and Sands*,
'streets, ell",
papalar actor.
irhe perform. edit commence leltl the drama
1 To ea followed bye variety of
To conclude wlth drama of
moodey Eiunllll—The latlugu.obeaCoae' ton
and Toca Ist, r. JOHN <
E 3153
iViiiiana Maraca, Alice Dunning
And Company.
.471 --
Eleventh Wald, will et re an Exhibition. ror
On Thursday, Friday & Saturday Evenings,
JANUARY 97th, 28th and 510th
lllDoors pen at 7:15. Par/arms.° com
CLIOG3t / : 45. •
Tht proceeds to be appr,riated I o the purchase
of an °RUA tor the use or the reboot.. Any
areistance rendered to the little ere. to trete /-
/bit to tinware an tire. will be doll awe! taled
and kindle' reciprocated by Inmate/tar r:a In
their atedles. panto
Thu Ladles of Plymouth Church will bold ■
Fair, 4urlng text week, at City Nall. rout
taerelng on TU11111,11( EVENING, February
Dian:reach day from 12 to 3.
Tableaux, Musical and other . eubertalomeats
5413 e.; Including dinner. Slic
.V ° .4II.3OFILy
APPLICATION of ••The Cllisenbi Mutual
Bed Idlug at d Loan Asiociatiou Of Sharprburg
and Etna for aabatterof Ineorporatlon.
And now. to t 16th day of November,
.1. D. 1I6?. the 'eaten net tion and Instrument
of writing haring been presented to, parused
and examined by the Court, and the objects, sr
titles and condnibris therein se: torch and con-
Putted, appearing Jobe lawful and not Injurious,
tile ordered bad directed that said Ip.m/silent of
wilting ba filed to the °Mee of Ihe Prothonotary
of the Court of Common Pleas, ind the. notice
Df seed application beinterted teethe Pittsburgh
olly Morn :Zit OAZLirI for at least three week.,
setting forth that atiappliptlon has beau made
to the Conn of Corona= Plan. of the Oeonty of
Al:cantor to feint ilba mid ••ClUsen's Mutual
Banding and Loan Asseelatlon of bharosburg
and letna! , .4. _Charter of incorporation," and
that anch Charter will be .granted at the next
tern" of Bald Court, tuti
le. exception. DC fiLed 1p
_. BY THE C ,, UET,
B. A. IiecLUNO,
CarnerGrautitia Dlsmoaa Isollettor.
SPEIICE ALLEY.-- Notice is
.bkkeby' erten that at No. 41, December
Itesslo me Of Quarter Betaloat Court, a rale wYL
granted Jo eheni cease why eald alley, from.
l!earer avezue to the Blear,
Sionld not be Vacated and Closed
which will be made ab.olute eels. exeepLlte.
a» Mee In Draper time.
IN THE. DlSTRlCT•voarivr OF
' WILLIAM A. CHESd4Hiii,.•
abankre the Act Of Comeau
Sid, 1167. hayin ot g applied Ihr d ocher. hl. hie dente, .d her e1..r0
ptable under .
Act, by order of the Court, male, lc he
'given to all Creditors Who proved lb
debt!, and other pen... thieretted, to appear
o'elnvb t 26th dry of JAHN/LICE, INT% /it 10 .
Eca A. yr, before JOHN N. FULLY IANOZ, •
. Brener In Benkruptey. at blit otdee,
ate Federal street. Allegbeny CI tr. Pei. to show..
cause. If sAv they have, why a discharge clionlel
not be granted to the calif bankrup t.
• )a/•S • B. 0. MCCANDLE&S. Clerk.
itN THE Distiller COVET OF
THE UNITED STATEn,forthe Wastr.riiDis
et or Permsylrenta. •
J AMID ”.• *Pies% • Bankrupt ender the
Art or Comma of March 2,. 1807, baring up
pled ftir • dismr•rge, from ad Me debt*. and
other claim. prime.: inkier said Act. by order of
the Court. notice la bettbr glean to nil creditors
Who base proved lbelr debts,auti other perms.
interested. to aphear ou thellOth day of J. N-
U a ItY, 1070, at le Web et •• is , issforeJoll/1
.27. PERSIA, r . Iterster in Beat redcy„,
e ether. No. li l federal West. gib elm,.
Whereas lettere
testamentary to the E,tate o (JA DA-
Age,ilbag=l.l.or.tor e:',..Eritc,...brragnyhattz4
to the Dobler' hem sol venous Irdebta/ro
said mate are rtgnerted - to make Itna.edlata
payment. end tnote taring •elaima or demands
against Abe estate orltur said decedent will man
known the sawe without delay. to .
W. C. AUtifillinnUGH, nerrenter, &a., •
WilliaManel strata.
Prrrsnonen,J.• ,IklQ. ' • Je... 1 . 1
tanurn , 110 _day of January, A.D.
iitel;nderligned hereby Fires notice of bla ap
pointment as Analinee of ANDICILFON J. 11A
nod Rate Plttabu In the nonnty of Alleltheof.
oi Penna., within said Dlatrict who
bu been odludged • baotrOt open nla own
Petition, by the na Comm sr anid Dlsmict.
w, SO Want street.
RRr —Lettrrs or aelnalalstretlon barlpf u been
W. iteNt.t.V.ellgql=rh°lllllceoe'r
ohm. AU rem.. indebted Jettel ovate era
reeeested to mato tokosolpee payment,. sod
Qom Parlorol.lols prereattoem properly
..a..q."ll.""rtelf"art 11.71 D. •
luarvrAormizaa or
Superior American
Quality Trtsurpossed.
.Destrablerneer Dollars. and all the well.known
styles of Y►Ule Cutlery. Aso to stock, a !arid
lot of cAnvens, BCTCHEILS , 0 .
04 /MEAD
KNlrTiti cf all descriptlass. All kluda of
A lISTAII. 9ALESBOOK. open Ip no.en don
inch ibe fanners! 'Olden and Vinoleaala Depart-.
No. -70 Wood Street,
P/ 1 79111M1111, PA
n iho:lalter of Opu➢ing Lincoln Street
- .
NOtler is bertbre leen Met the teceurnent for
dummies onede t 7 eite—V/etrers teethe ovenbur
of Ltneoln.street has bean died In ray °Mee ter .
coneetton;• that tt rid meet accents are not vela:
Wlthlo thirty dos. Into therebte bereo4 liens
wilt. be filed therefor &rebut the prownr
tetsed II hlr terest, cost. sad remand the same
colleetad by leg .l paver*, •.
• •
2"7> R.
e t
it 1. 4 1n1 " : 4 2e .
rvenviau. Jan. 29. 1370. J ea:al3
& 5108E14:
Bo" 1114 4 , 1415t.01ate Street. PliDlPargh. Bs. "
Special etureuen stem to the deettelter ant
lemmas of nom? smuts mai roamo,
12111 MEI