0 I tiksbutlt elk& .0171011: MITI MUM, 84 MID 88 PIM AT. • OWIMCIAL !AIWA Ot MU*litany sad au.. gassy amaty. lATURDAY. JAIL 29, 1870 Pirrsourtria as Antwerp, 6O U. 8. BONDI at Prinktort, 911 Gota *load la New York yefterday at 121* Teri Lee sWore of Georgia le at last legally.organleed fortruilneas. We shall hear, within a week,-tat It has ratified the Xittt Article, thee antldpatiog the action olliebreaka. Ciziont ,Beatern journalists are dia. tressed , by the discovery of forged Cuban bonds on the market. Imagine the Incl. sty with which they are scrutinizing their own inireitmeate in these securities, _paid for with scr many and such frantic sp. Peale in. behalf of Cuban liberty. Ws El►n from Harrisburg.' this the Consolidation bill for the Bouth•Bide bo roughe has, by consent of its friends, undergone an Important amendment which should be satisfactory to all. It Is now Fonided that South Pittsburgh. Ormsby, and both the Birmligharas shall vote, each 'separately for itself, upon the questlonof consolidation. Tas enerntorte of Mr. A. R. Conant, before Ale ,congrsti . atonal Investigating Oommftteei-complettae acquits the Presi dent, and treaty member of the Pres'. dent's family, of the slightest oomplicity to or knowledge of the Septimber gold oPrmalla! street.. „A- dispatch He a:halted he was In otinammee with Ptak and Gould in operations to make money, sad knew that he vim dea li ng with tuneemeohma man, and did not re= gird it ea very wrong to fool them In say manner.he clime. He fond he would ex. Pain ruMblttoe had country. mitten to the =tire eatlattotlo , g of abs e Ir riimaktatitg to learn, from the Wit. IlamaportVasa., that thallium:nor that municipality ire once more on a solvent footing. 'This result is, aye the Oarsus; manly no be attributed to the =ceasing efforts, of the Mayor, Mr. Prnm Han Drs, mita yrair last year 'elected to that officehy itt4 urge majority of the citi tens. • His latest act of publioephited beneficence has been to advent* • very, large sitterothe emierrassed city treasury. The Gautis makes the handsomest co. knowledgement• of Me personal and opt dal mania thissomewhat distinguished Innctionary. TirsiTsizunnur. instatigatke twee dregs along 'lowly at Harrisburg. The Benate'llnijacepointalitee met - on Vie Ileth for set* in the . martins, an a& jeurnedwlthoat action. although-Teen mar /641113.2 Wet present azid -willing to answer, ill , questions." Thhi was putting mattert too au& in earnest to suit the coallesrlttinngfelt, 'whoa sole !die of an hrtegtietioll 1111440 W if to ICLlktr meddle ai &SU pendble. He very Justly rn*lars that the people will let him oft very epty, when they call him simply tilninthug,- and his inuatigation Two . . HILLS. of much local importance , have bait- Introduced by f3eastor, How sari. The first empowerthe Court of Commoiinits to !select fiepadieria "for the county I,ands,.takitte ample security and staming the highest rate 'of Luteres MI their/met talesee/.. yt.twerttNtliaigtitikTiotiti Boer/ ,to select a Tree/Dna who:Vain pay the highest rate of interest, to go to the credit of the fund, with suitable - regulations for security. These bills must be admitted a. have this merit, that ifilbelkurexpeadefi balances" are to yield "any 'profit at all, that profit /Denature to the public benefit. Now iscr Ohio hasratifted the XLVth and 21Tth Articles, and Is prepared to malntaba herself right on the record, her Legislathii iLonTd 'nit fill to repudiate the Democratic attempt, of two years ego, to rescind heriptiroinl of the former arti. cis. We alluded some months ago to the propriety et thls disavowal, and observe with pleasure that the matter attracts at . Manion low. A' letter from Columbus lays: What're, ntay trate been the legal ef• feet of that action, the present 1. eglalatore owes It tOjthepeople of the Btate to take early action to , reacted the-rescinding neinlutlon: wax adopted in direct do llop.", of,she plalnlyerpremect will of the people, and ettoold not be permitted to Longer tandeltpaintatat• hooka of Ohio. Wm ant gratified to learn that Hen. 7. Moottuman, the President of the Monongahela • tilackWater Navigation Company, in his 'report to the recent animal =Mlles 9f the stockholders of that comply, expressed himself decidedly in favor of such as enlargement of the Erie Canal ai would admit the passage of loaded Lake craft. Ho thought the •*canal should be navigable for boats carryleg three to dve hundred tons." This I. the right Ides; ft contemplates a tail ship canal,, while the depth of only seven feet, otherirlre proposed by the - Mar, (wko mein to go deeper than that tato they Sinking Fund it they can,) would, says Mr. W. M. ROBILTM, have only "a sufficient . m . tpturit•y to pass boats carrying 800 tons or steamers carrying 240 tona";t4,desM : of of craft which would neither pay to run, nqr be safe to navigate, on the greet Lakes. Tun qumnicot of making anew comity L' in the oil. regions, was before oar State E " Scuds yesterday, but without decisive 4- action. Of course, the proposition will be carried through that branch s bat Ils --: fate in the Ifetise would be doubtful, were 1 not its pausge a matter already • stipule- tad between the Democrats, the Senator from Erie, and the Mg rag•andbobtail 'following who are believed to have sold -'. theirvotes on all questions to Irwin: We ' have no original objection to • this new oonnty rupject. In itself,: it commas manly the Populations directly interested. But, when we see that it- is one of the • - considerations of a corrupt COMition, the Democrats. agreeing to support -it as a : . party, ettd.A Benatcm, who was elected as a Republican, selling out his constituents, and, in effect, his entire party In the . , Bute, to secure the 'success of a project which fair, add so largely to the value of ~...° his Titusville .'property, we feel that all ti 4.• .... _ PeoroMakthe State have an interest in its defeat. •:* ~ • . . , , . - • - COMMISSIONER EATON. • , The President hap done a wise ae well il is a gracefolitit; hi calling General Jour ef' Evros, Jr., to the charge of the National Kei Bergen of Edniation. As i3uperintea. 14 dent of Education in Tennessee,-until t, the rebel. Legislature . abolished the sys. tam, he ho exhibltedthe most .complete qualifications for the - . peculiarly respond . Ma trust which these Mrsitions involve. 1 And as the fearless and able author! of . the Memphis Post, by odds the best Re 7. '.• :, • publican journal ever printed in the South, the compliment tithe paid to Geri. - Paiws will be sorer:4od by .all the esimblicans of that ERIC- -- - ~~ ~_;~ - _—_".~.a u2~..:s"~:c.:aiS:~~-;~`~,r ~ :,~ ~... ~ .~., ~ ~...~ ._.,.~.0 ~ ~ k.5.v r .. .._.-._,._~ .2.V..~_ .., <,. .., _, A el. ~,. , r .a:~? P '" '~r + 3 .i ✓F.. ~..~ ms s .. r.(yt,ti :~yx.+)iu.'_[..., f ~`y_, _~~ .v.. Y':. ANOTHER ISTHMUS CARAT.. A.Prench engineer named Lucien de Puydt, after long and careful explora tion', announces thit he has found .a more favorable route for a ship canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific than any hitherto dlicavered. It begins on the Atlantic aide at a port called Puerto Escondido, on the Gulf of Mitten wkers vessels can anchor In a depth of twelve R k to forty.foar fathoms... is In about north latitude EP. Thencei e proposed canal folio*" the valley of the river Te nd& to its source, which, he reports, is only forty-six metres (151 feet) above the level of the sea; thence it descends the Pal:Mc slope by the valley of the rivers Pucro and Tema, reaching tide water forty miles above the entrance of the Tuyni into the little Gulf of Ban Miguel on the eastern aide of the Bay of Panama, about two degrees south of the city of Panima. The length of the canal Is thirty-eight and one-four leagues, or, say, one hundred and fifteen miles from sea to sea, sixtrsix miles of which require ex csration. - The total cost of the is estimated at seventy millions of dotiars, - and It is to be completed, If all goei well, in from three to sii years.. The canal Is to be 10 metres (231 feet) wide at the top, and 50 metres (165 feet) . at' bottom, and deep enough to float the largest steamers. A French company In conjunction with the EOlumbiansovernment Is to carry out the enterprise. - The financial part of the scheme is for the Columbian government to issue her bonds to the amount of $160,000,000, wherewith to ray off her existing debt, construct this canal, and devote the bal. Ince to "help the country onward to her career of progress and civilization, ena• ble her to establish banks, to'promoto ag riculture and manufactures, better her ex isting roads and open up new ones, and, finally, assist in the education of the musts." Whether inch a loan can be negotiated is to bo sum. We think it rather doubt -31.111 if this canal rouse he as fum ble u lir. De Pnydt represents it, this will be the route for a skip canal across the Isthmus of Dalai; and it the French oimpany and - this Columbian Republic cannot succeed in raising the wind as they propose, some rich Yankees will go in and do the. work. Vanderbilt, Fiske and Gould' had. better go down them. They could do the lob without any out• side LOUISIANA . IsILIG tR Probably no interest in the South was to thoroughly broken up and ruined by the war of the rebellion as the growing and manufacture of sugar in Louisiana, and but little has yet been done to nem- dude it. It is an interest well worthy the attention of capita:lsm, for it is ques tionable If the capabilities of Louisiana and Texas in that line have ever been de veloped to the amount 'of five per cent. Almierespondent of the New York Esen. slegi Post, who ham just made tour through the edger district, Writes : 7_1:10 places generally run from MOO to TierrOweres, but some are ranch larger; About one-third or one half la, or can be cultivated: Probably not one plants, tion in three has done anything since the wan end not one in sit Of the old owners has been able to do anything dove yet they will not divide up their places. It Is all or nothing with•them. The fences were all gone tor Mar 100 miles where I was, end on a majority of places either the house, cabins 'or mill had been burned, and In some 'cues all of them. 'these 'places 'now rate froml3o,ooo to 5q6.000, woman* to sire, situation and what !may - rim:Pain on them. They are cheep enough, but it will cost from PO,: 000 to sBo,oto and three years' time to work:them up eo as to produce form. to . six hundred hogsheads of sugar. and seven hundred. to one thousand barrels of molasses. It wilt oast from 11 00 . 000 to 1160.000 before any return is made; but sitar that it pays finely—from twenty le forty per cent. With sager at tea cents and molasses at fifry•flos centers gall On. a crop of Ova hundred hogsheads and the minicamera brfougingto it, will bring from 075,000 to 190,000 at a oast of about 025,000 current expenses to run tile plantation. The present cost to grow end make sugar, -after all thing,. are In order, is about b3f to 3,4 cents a pound. -The land produces from one to two and -a half hogsheads an acre, the average befog about one and a half hog, beads-an acre, when properly cared fur. =TM ....The Convention now engaged Ins re vision of the . Corktuition of Tennessee, is playing the part of the crab—advancing back Wards. Their work will result in an instrument more in accordance with southern ideas than the one which it will supersede.. Th e Committee on Suffrage bare made a majority and minority. re port, the first of which recommends that ..thecolored citizens shall retain the right of suffrage, and that that question shall not besubmitted to the popular vote as a iniglnct proposition; while the minority urge strenuously that the .question be so submitted, forgetful or regardless of the fact that the XVth Amendment of the Federal ConstitutlonLwill render nuga tory any denial . -which "the people" of that. State may vote. The very submis sion of such a question to .pepalar vote Is but a repetition of the action of 1861, which put that State in a libstile attitude to the Government of the nation—rebel lion in a mild form, but none the less real for all that. The course proposed by the minority Is sustained and vehemently advocated by a large party in the State; and but for the XVM Amendment, the colored amens would almost certainly be disfranchised, and the party of the rebel- lion restored: W' poker. It is In the presence of such facts as these that the immense importance of that crowning act of the work of reconstruction Is seen. Irt T Convention now' ratting to amend the Constitution of the Butte of Illinois, the Committee on the tegialative Department In their report make among others the following excellent recommen dation.: The styli of laws ahall. be "Be It en acted by the (lateral Assembly of the State of Illinois," 'may originate in either bona* and may be altered or amended by either house, and on a hoal Tote the ayes and nays shall be called on each bill separately, and no bill sheathe come • law Cow pawed by a majority of. all member* elected. Bills for salarlee shall contain nothing upon any other subject. Every bill shall 'receive three separate readings on as, many difibrent cloys, and whoa passed shall be signed by she f th Speakero Se er the Home and . Presi dent oe . . No law snail embrace more than one subject, and thstsball be expressed In the title; but no law shall bo amended by reference to its title only. Any bill con taining a subject not embraced In the title alien be void es to all not Contained in the title. No law shall take effect until the first day of January after Its passage, unless to CM of emergency th e legislature vote a different date from which the law shall take effect. The cause of the emergency shall be em. bodied In the preamble. . - Eitrmtn'e speech in reply to newels fell coldly upon the House, for thew reasons: rust, he imputed unworthy motives to Mr. Dawes, when there is not a man In Congress who Is clearer of them, and Mr. Butler, as well u everybody else, knows It. Second, Butler seems to be making a plea, which if It has any effect, is In the direction of checking the spirit of retrenchment and economy. Third, It is out of character that the Administration or any of the Departments should need Butler's vindication. All the defence they need is a correction of the errors whereby *Mr. Dawes did them Injustice, and which Mr. Dawes will doubtless himself correct to-morrow, whenle pro poses to reply to General Butler. The Impression which Mr. Dawes prodaoed in the general scope and object of his speech, Is growing deeper every day. REPIIBLICAS SETILSENT ll= Gen. Irwin's readiness to unite with the Democrats to overthrow the Repub. Bean organization, shows that the Cour ier understood the man when when it suggested the movement over a year ago for his defeat last winter. We never hake, and never shall, respect that clue of politicians whose whole aim in public life is to obtain office. Their harmer for the treat makes them mercenary, and a mercenary can have, no fellowship with fidelity. "Beware as the o ffi ce leech," may be set down as a healthy rule for honest party men to observe. Harrisburg Cor. ChaTbersburg Sphit, Dem.) Thevotes of !deism. Lowry and Rill tauten. awed Mr. Findlay. .A. 1.1. HONOR =RN DEMOCRATS TO THREE TWO Re. PUBLICAN Szttarona. The election of Gen. Irwin to the Treasurership, he justly claims u a Demecratic victory, and 'doll that they (the Democracy) . thtweby threw a bombshell into the Radical tanks. El= That W. W. Irwin—who had once en joyed the emoluments of • the office through the favor of the party—should, after again submitting his claims to a nominating caucus or committee, in dvfl mace of every principle of manly honor, strike hands with the common enemy to Insure success to himself, at the menthe of the regular nominee, most conclusively proves not only. his put but present un worthiness. The Pittsburgh Commercial and the half score of Republican journals In the State who follow lie lead, attempt to ex• rennet() their support of the bolters by the allegation,- that the bolt was made for the purpose of breaking tip the "Cameron ring" that has for years controlled the Treasury; but this pitiful excuse Is ex. plotted and exposed by the fact that the regular nominee—Mr. Mackey who has held the office but a few months, la the only friend of Gen. Cameron who ass Occupied the potation since the Re publicans controlled the State; Slifer, who held for three years, being a bitter enemy of Cameron's; Moore, who held for three, and Kemble for three, being close personal friends of Governor Curtin; while McGrath, who was Treasurer Iu 1863, was a Democrat. II The Butte has a second time been dip graced by the eitandalons wholesale use of money in the election of Gen. Irwin: t* * . : Does any person suppose that Ander son, Taggart, Bomberger, Irwin and Company were willing to spend their money for the mere pleasure of beating Mr: Mackey? No sane man believes that. The money of as Braes will be used again by them to make it.,, their Mood money, up. The disgrace and Infamy of this transaction when it comes to be written will make every Pennsylvanian shudder at the villainy perpetrated under the garli of "reform and "honesty.' But the people shall know it all in due time. • • • If the Exuma wants to learn or a respectable citizen who knows that Mr. Billlngfell Is a treacherous man and a liar, we refer it to Solomon of Nato Rolland, or William Bucklus, of the 9th ward of this city. The Invest'. gallons Into the transactions of the Treas ury dewing the last two years (Irwin and Mackey) started at the beginning of the session of the Legislature, we are reliably 'thinned from Harrisburg, will not be' pushed by the Irwinites, who Instigated them, and the lIZTVRT WILL on a wurre WAIRTEG 47•14. Neither will any law be passed inarnsay any Siting, to interfere with Oen. Irwin running the Treasury daring the coming year as as to pet hie =meg back. • • We ray it is already "set up," that the whole thing is to be whitewashed—that no one has done any thing wrong. • • These are the honest rascals who cried thief I tblef II to justify them In selling out the Party to get hold of the Treasury bags, andthen throw up their hands and say what is the use to investigate—there Is notbingwrong—the laws are good enough --see ere honest, me bought the ape ;Ince and paid for it, and must get our money back! t from the lisnisairt iciesravh., The traitor Lowry ever since the elect• tion-haa been prating, With the !emit.• ranee of aberration, of imaginary wrongs which his party has inflicted upon him. If anything could show his actual mental condition this would do it. • • Bemuse othen cannot see his fitness for every office he may desire. • • he teems on his party and his friends like a wolf. The usual amount of money held by individuals, from the State Treas ury for their private benefit, has not been permitted by Mr. Mackey. Mr. Lowry is theretore a furious opponent of Mackey, and shocked at the corruption of the Treasurer's office. Mr. Lowry flamingo to Congress tem his own district—be cause he is known there; lie cannot be made a Foreign Minister, because be is not known in Waabington; and he can not go out as Governor of Utah, because Ills well known why he wants to go._ As a consequence he wheels on the party which, in the natural course of events, he was bound to betray, and betrays it. The desired opportunity presented it self in the case of Scull against Findlay. His contae—yelled under a pompous air of nonpartisanship—has been bitterly partisan. Long before the merit; of the case were known; long before they were discussed; when not one word of reliable evidence had been produced on either side; before the Senate met; Lowry bed taken open ground against the Re publican and in favor Of the Copz perbead. He bad become the , idol of newspapers that had formerly made us wince by just castigation of his corrup tion, his ignorance, his insolence, his blasphemy, and his untruthfulness. While blathering about the judicial aspect in which this case should te considered and decided, he was as =livens a Itinatic could be in prej udicing thecae and pre judging it . e has done his worst to drag others alter hid into the - villainous plot. Be has made his appeals to their pride, to' their vanity—he has even para ded his own disappointments, and ap pealed to their pity to help him. in his treason to the parts which bee borne with the milletono of his association, and now meets ttus reward which an Ingrate always bestows. •• • Mr. Mowry R. Lowry has defiantly left the Republican party. But with the devilish malignity of the Un clean spirit he has torn her before he de - However .much be may have g i j r ite d d her, however permanent that Injury ms_ prove, this at least is a conso lation:. e have at last been relieved-of his presence. tb. Wmnegrueg Mentimer, Dtm..l The two honest Radicals were Lowry And Billingfelt. Let their names be borne In grateful remembrance, as the friends of truth and right, in this instance, at least. A DISPATCH from Harrieburg,_ to the Philadelphia Be /Jelin, says: Additional facts - have been made pub. Ito in regard to the proposed enlarge ment of the Erie and Pittsburgh Quist. It appears that the State expended three and a half million" dollars on' the work; and then gave It to the Company If they would dotoh it. The Company expended'one million, but failed .to pay, the Interest On their bonds, and are cambered with a debt of one and a half million. At taut slx•evenths -of the bonded necurities were recently in the' handac.f one man, who is repo. ted to have sold his interest, for the aggregate sum of three hundred and fifty thousand dollen, to parties In Pittsburgh, Beaver, Harrisburg and Erie, The proposed voile of operations' will probably be to lame one million of new bOnds, exchanging them for Allegheny Valley Bonds now owned by the State.. The bonded securities, which have thus actually coat three hundred, and 114 thousand dollars, will realize the holders • pinta of six hundred and fifty thetosand dollars, besides any additional profits that may be made on contracts to enlarge the canal. As ssi It le Impoble kir tho work to pay the interest on the debt, the State will be the loser. Parties connected with the scheme bete been et Iferdeburg recently. Tan British government instructed Captain Commerell that iho remains of ur. Peabody were to lie instate on beard the Monarch two days after the arrival, so they will not be landed until Saturday, when they will be taken to City Hail, and will lie in state until 'Tuesday. On that day the funeral servicts In the hall will commence at nine A. IA The pro. gramme is aa follows: Pint quarter and chorus from "Blenstatie , Lachrymose, from Mozart's "Requiem." Prayer by Bishop Neely, of Maine. • Music Chorus, from "Messiah." Prayer fiono 'Moses In Egypt." Chorus from . Handel and Mendelasohn. Chorus from "Hym: of Pelee, while the remains are being taken from the ball. General Hill, of the sth Artillery, in command of a battalion of troops, will receive the remains from the city authorities, and escort them to the depot PITIStITRGH • DAILY . GAZETTE: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1870 I= We may dimity the petty incivilities of church like this 1. Bms/fa—Violent perfumes, especi ally those containing musk, are alsagree% able to most persons, and to some poet tively distressing. There is no small so universally pleasing as no marl'. Never scent yourself when going into a crowd ed assembly. The same is true of the res iduary smell of tobacco which hangs about the garments and affects the breath of those who habitually smoke. But to bacco almost invariably makes men self indulgent and regardless of other's con venience. More brutal yet are those who go to - church braking; like il)atchtish's soup,' with the smell of onions. Thee, are scores of people who have lost in profit of a Sunday service by the sickert;- ing smells which have surrounded the • Sounds.7-Whispering In . church during service Is an affront to patens*. Much of the coughing which goes min . churth arises from the poisonous gsees and personal effluvia which exist in un ventilated churches. But the power of the will over the muscles which do the coughing is very great. A heedless per son will cough twice as much as Is need ful—will cough at the worst time pc ai. ble, wlll cough plump upon the necks of those before him ' instead of emtmlmllit Abe sound In his handkerchief as, with a little skill and politeness, he might Wily do. We would not forbid men who can not sing to "make a joyful noise"—but it should be, a softly noise. In all cases when It is a man's duty to sleep In church, it is his duty to snore with the soft pedal down. 8. Sight.—Every one likes to see the minister. It cannot be ditne through your body.. True, you cannot help be. lig before somebody, unless you are on the back seat. But, with a little thought, you may very.much, help those behind you. Any conduct which shall divert the attention of others from the service, such as ostentatious playing with swatch or opening and shutting It, reading books or papers, looking about inquisitively, Is impolite. _ Many churches have the Ten Com mandments set up upon the wall, in sight of the whole congregation, although. not one of the sins reprobated is likely to be committed in church time. Would it not be well to have another` tablet, enumera ting the sins which men are prone to commit In church time T. ' PiabodVaSaglish Land - An inquiry wee' 'held lately in the Sew Mons House, Newington, ' before 8.8. Haul, Esq , and T. D. A rchibald,.' Esq., (two Commissioners epeeially appulAtesi) and e special jury, respecting 'cerfaba laiada and premfm at btockwell, wblch had been purchased on behalf of tha bite George Peabody, Esq., and were now sought' to be transferred to the Crown (Mr. Peabody being an alien and not be ing legally entitled to purchase - or hold real estate) prior to being banded over to the trustee of the Peabody Pend. The order from the Crown tailing the court, and the srariousdeeds and documents hay. In been recited, Mr. Commisaloier Maul said they had been called upon to try whether Mr. Peabody was an alien, and what lands he died possessed of in fact. The reason fhr this Inquiry waa that by the law of England persons not subjects, born aliens, are unable to hold land In tbli country, through an legal or equita ble title. • • • • ' The jury found that Mr. George Pea body was an alien, born in parts beyond the teas, and not naturalized; that in vir tne or an indenture made between the London, Chatham -and Dover .Railway Company, and certain persons, the Com pany, in consideration of the sum of £15,025 paid to them; did grant and con vey certain pieces of 'land and premises lying on the south aide of the railway at Stockwell; that the said lands were con veyed to Sir C. M. Lampoon, were par chimed by George Peabody out of nisown money, and conveyed in trust for him; that the lands,' hereditantents, .ke., con. veved arc of the yearly value of ass, arid thatthe .lands and premises do now belong to the Crown, by virtue of 'the royal prerogative, all which has been seized into the. hands of Her Majesty. The finding of the jury then received the signature of the Commissioners and the jury, and a copy alitied'hy the two Com missioners was given aver to the foreman of the jury, Mr. Jesse Wood; for safe ketil• lig and production In case of dispute— Leaden Deur . ,1 New Wey. ith Wa LosiJans. The .President made a -remarkable speech the other day while convening wub the chiefs of the Cherokee and Creek nations. Here Is the debate: lamest thury—"Mr. President, we call here today to over our fealty to you aa our recognized guardian end ward, and to pray you, sir; to continue our, good friend and Whir," THE PSSISIDENT—"You are welcocrie, and 1n reterence to continuing your!good father,' as you sty, I must answer that I have long thought that the tam nations which you represent. and all Sumo Milli. tad nations in the Indian country; should ha their own wards and good fathers. 1 amp/ ha opinion AM they should become eitizem4, and be entitled to all the rights at citizens—acme to be nations and. be come States." • ''' • ' 'This is the boldest and bravest thing that lute bash said on this sad qnestion. Iv has been developed . that "although Jay Gould and J. Fisk, Jr., bought at first. ono Million and a quarter or gold for .• • Butterfield, and another million and a quarter-when gold fell oil in price, and in which he had put up one margian or other security against low and though he was to furnish tbem with the first news from the Treunry Deportment in refer 'lnce - to say new orders he reitved, he sold them out on that fatal Fndsy, by giving another firm:the' first news of the order to sell, and which firm had it for nearly half an hear before. Gould & Flak knew of it, and then the market, had broken 012 it from 60 to 90. Thd Carctudt tee -have some ,specillo data on ,whledr they propose to qUestion 7dr. Butterfield, and when he learns what they already know. he _will probably tell what As knows. . NEW Ave dollar legal tender , noted to the 'amount of nearly $BOO,OOO are ready for tune, and will shortly to transferred to the Treasurer. The plates for , the • twenty dollar notes are ready, and this denconination will probably be in a con dition to be fretted In ttiro weeks. The five dollar notes are very finely engraved, On the left is an admirably executed vig nette of Jackson, while the canter of the note has a picture of frontier life, - repre seating a pioneer and his family alarmed at the approach of. Indiana. The bad quality of the paper, used prevents the printers from making...such impreuions as could be done on better paper. The Secretary of the Treasury; however, is of the opinion that the protection the paper affords against counterfeiting IS of more consequence than finely finished notes. Acconorso to the Rome correspondent of the Memorial . Diplom:aims, who says he has derived bid' inforination from the best; authority, their te.be a compro. mine between the partisans and the oppo. nettle of the infallibility of the Pops. In. stead of, decreeing without reservation that his holiness is infallible, and compel. ling adhesion to the dogma under pain of racommituleation,lt Is proposed tore. strict the lufallibility to matters purely religions; and 'belief even inthltis not to be rigorously exacted. The Council will merely proclaim that it Is Important, for the unity and good government of the Church, to belleve.that the Holy rather cannot be mistaken when be pronounces upon matters of faith; this will be a sim• pie recommendation without any penal sanction. THE Steubenville Hera/Lissy': A mon. ument to the memory of General 'Reuben is to be erectedever his grave at Steuben ville, Oneida county, New York, on the let or June. Horatio Seyinom and Gen. Siegel will deliver .addresses on the occa sion. A fort, most '.(if our. readers ire aware, was erected On the site where this city nnw stands, in honor of this same Gm. - Stiuben, in. the year -1789, from which Steubenville lake& its name. Tee fort stood on High streM, near where tbe Female Seminary now stands, and was dismantled at the time of Wayne's vic tory, previous to which It had ,been garrisoned by United States infantry, Muter command of Col. Beatty, father of Rev. Dr. Beatty, who founded the semi nary in IVO. • ' tha w Dawei . eibmitted Ithi, summary of the legislative appropriation bill, showing that his committee recommend A large reduction, It wu noticeable that the House almost unanimously grnted hls request; that sections of the bM which ate in th e direction of economy, but which are in conflict with Celstinglaws, shalt not be liable to points of order. The House goes with him almost unanimously, nuarlimm tharnoiss.—Ben. Franklin once wrote i 'Re who by the plow would thrive,; Himself must either hold or drive." These lines were very populist In their day, and even now they are occasionally quoted by old fogies. Mat some person has; eclipsed them by bringing out the following;; "He " , He who by biz biz would rise, Must either bust or advertise." Onnzl Drava Hews In Warren, Ohio. When he was marriedthe minister said, "Thou doat take this Iron= for thy wife, to watch over in life, Orrin DeithP tcuoet celebrated the,cvent in some line; beginning, "Thou Mult all. seasons for thine own, 0 Diath." . vAßtcoga. OR BRiOILEN • T b 0° ... , !4. 1 of Prons ildfre yeu la and year out with a broken down pinaltlon of itio veins Of the kikr.i4itilob In• ot Wu. kutly rs flared sad freoently . plAt'le et con, and 'offer 00 ;9.17 because they do not know ohtie wad to *limn 'te apply for tenet. 'Nom; Milts.. the needf.l Information In clues like ibis, teems to us a proper duty on part of the newipaper 'press, and is rives as wrest pleasure to be able to recommend ail each so Pr. ILLIDIER, OP UT WOOD STREET, whose vast number of appli &noes, and. his great skill le cereal.: • disease& enables him to afford the ffreateetainonnt ot re • led that the present state of eetenee can afford. Benniee thee. veneer. Cemented. to which we have' referred above; theni are other aouren of locoovettleitee end suffering, ech atewellinge ud aboormil'irrowthe, whleli the poetor, with applienets; !setae to relieve. Then again the abdominal ereakneues tad sinking feeling peal:Marro femitn, L inure. off terrible suffering and armlet); for these the floeter be. belts - sad supporters width 'are . eo construcie4 do to Innis atieastidmhnity fetid sneering when . they do not primise a certaintY of ante. The Doctor , . exporloace cover. a period of titer thirtyYesra.besides; a natural solos!" for this department or his. - aroterston..trialles alto more than ordinarily skillful. Tbosaltsa lea tits& Is ostallod ape! Altars esseratloas by as- fleet of thoixcom sumo, to correct to. ➢resent evils, matt cLI luau Os s inalicloat cacao to smut apt oak, the lineation of 13..**1.4 thou. Nivea. bat alsolbatof glitenallitestiiblfeligarks. Dr. Keysteli,rolaco' sad bredletne Store. '167 . • . JAXIImix 115,1170.', _ . A BODY' AND 111111111 • DINEABE. !nett a dmpepels.. The stomach and the brat, are too intimately allied for the at to sager I without the other,.. that. &Menge and dee. pondeaetare Imesarable. It may be added. too. ' that Irritation of the stomach Is aimed Insane- ' by accent:muted Isylnitation of the temper. The havigotating and trazipelliting ohentlol of 'Listener , . P.n.s le moat powerfally devel oped, in cases of tad lae linen. The first tam% Of this agreeable tone, It ecinforting and enc.., egine. A mild idow pervade. the system. the chronic I:Metairie...tit the region of the atomach . II lessened, and the ner emu reetimsuen which characterizes the ditease to abated: This te.‘ prover.. is tot trineatent. 111. mot succeeded et the nines of the old Allalttoms with annet added force. as Is alwaya the' case when awned cited stimilants are ateen for the 00100 slat. kern don foies“ . fo trdpirt • permanent W.- :lon of healthfal Invigoration- Bat this toast all. The knerLatatidanit Onion. oropartls. of the preparation ere Scarcely secondn over- parlance to Its Wale virtues. I r th en ten over- Cow Of bile. the Mere ton a• soon trouts within. pr. Per Mans; and if the Misery orga% Is Inert tooidd It 'Stoned and reaulated. The area sum the dimbarring Grimes Ls salutary. aeri l• ease. of constipation th• ea tharlie itettonts iast snMelent to prod.x tee waled men andnally sod without man. The Bitten lso phnnete healthy *rap ers/lon /men the ao r tae. wake is pluttienlarly deslrabla - at Ws Matey when sad den •pells of twee. weplenstnt Weather Sr. ant to Cheek the natural periptratton and orator. row 1.11.0 htie liter, Wages and fiefee. 'Yes Sod ekrogneard onnlner al/ d e . Le I+l/4 vino, and nem their... Teachable tteetornUe• num tially promote,. . . • • NCYTIOB3. W InITWaX Santana Waltz. Jaoeat7 f 7, 11110. f rgrAN - ELECTION FOE DTI RECTORIA held Sank te rem faiths ensatew year will be t the Sable Horan. :fa. h 9 Fourth ay. nee. on TUabOSY , lthllll7. ART •th, 1670, between the Wm, el twelve • .I.tht Ilf. BILL. ' ' Cashkee. AlAnascang VALLET ftAte.ao•ts C 0.."/ Plitabargn. uslary.2ll,lwiro. IargTOIC NAIOLDERS • -.. 7 iNSUIL MEETING. She ilegalax Annual Ife•llng et tbeglockhold me of the Allegheny Valley Itallroad dinavan7 .111 b bald as she t/P/10111. Of TIM (MN PANS% No. 110 rise etteel, Plttabargl, us , WLDNISDAY, February sad. I$ O. as 11 ershasit S. Z.. for Ike of itskaarore for tee turd!!'{ 'air; and far the 1.101184[114 of Inch other Med..* as nay be pre-enled. .1.21.1 M JOHN 6ALLIRYIYY,Nmetue arAIVAP FORT' PITT FOIIN Ditr CI. DIP ITIIIIIIIJR6II. Annoal 114•Uag ofthelltoelpoiders or tel. Com bt Mid at tata toes es Miss ruses, be Ttrn.qe 'burn....[ M. St 11 ....as 2.. tt.. at ...situ sites there vrtil br so. else Ilsa tbr PILVit4 IT: DIRICCTOILI. - Jeauti Trasmtsr.. , Cnertcx or riiribillen • corn•r of Merk.t sun te otter rtrrenctinit. Jaenety 00th. 1110. 110 , THE ANIMAL EILECTIOA • for'IEVTITIO.II DIREI:TORII of this C* 7 . o.V4tVarYtt l itt teP Miff balk - x l lO. between the boars of 11 ceel:,E •. x ndlio•eleek e. , Joann D. C. 1101.1 Z, Bente,aty. DIVIDENDS Orrses or tiortanSoll.moixaVOltruvr, • • • Cornet 990 and KaLauri dtreati6 • . SOMOD DRIN IW.TOR3 'THE E MIN Company OF tdcro Lb E • 4lnd E de clam!' from tn. carafe. of Ito DIM twin* month.. • dlvldend of TW/LVId. 1111 CENT., ald Dim ate olnefd Vim pet rent. to the Ofldit of t jnVirgEMIGE, Presided. T.'A..W11.20/IT.lieteglarr• •r • ' .I=oo, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, IL BIeCOSINICIL, AttoyxuSyrat-Law. •-• • No. et GRATIS terRZT,T . . 4Pr04214 teLlO3llll,llO 10 all kinds et INtal .41 :tie 112 . 01rEle AND Tmw•HS, 172rD8ais, oust BOZO. irriA /7103 re. la • 'P. V. Dorms, JOS:" 146 attst stmt. CGriLASi GLASS ... • QUEENIFIVARE. luSi usortment of im pattil as sad shapes Jeutneavad. ?laud airs Beltiants Was. ' , toms sit Pariall Ware. 110 W. openln[ ano for ea 4 at very low Wes at:" •;' EL Emmy ac. CO'S, Jae No. 189 lIMBIT STIIEEr. REMOVAL., Merchant's Mf -:vane.. •141,0411.03. MARKET fIRE INS. CO., N. Y AtEiTti. 4, 11611511.1111.40. (lonnectiontlire Ina. Co, Hartford, aeesie 1400,000.00 • 'ED.WARD.X.-lIMINEIN Respond so 106 POWSTII AVENUF., totwoni Weal And sloOttsiltlOossoos, rislsbonelss J.11:6110 DREK — ik, ..steetersad retail 'dole? In WEDDING. VIiRIIIO..PAIITE • IWO ERMINES! CARD ENGiAVINO; ' IIONOEIRIMS: ARM, ILLITIUWATitiff 80 Prden. bi mud naitTe "ramp% sitanUon. egual toteimples. . Lanickestaut TREGO'S TEABERRY TOOTERVISIL la the neat 'Vaught, oheatiest and hOt Dew teee.x..t. Warts/2140,M0 tram leduelons iredlonfil. • . it es ev urTe e and hi teo • therete-tb! •.. • to wleto rate. awl soothes tn. tegla - rirredeell.fipeoltimes the breath! • • Per vehlei seam olduus ne Ttlelt hl irigentilViter''gg ruder! ! ' • . 11014 eg t!,...elgiDeeettats.'.' ;Mill: 7 :emile i rVair.SletiereNg h. and M. EINODIMAW *Mahe. T. .2,31." c~a~ Corner Pm find Sixth Streets, crumerir se. ails.) . PITTEBURGU, TES molt sambas Bust:it's Collets 122,1 Es Malted States. OPEN' DAY AND tVINING: Rides:it. Cl= enmesh neerai any tites. - je- B.—timeless eon' Males fell Pardeulho " addressing the Principals natrni a COSeI•IT, 00:17441 1 114T rtustnugo. NNW mnriarensEranwrs. SATURDAY, JA 131: 1 ECIA1_4 WILLIAM Nos. 180 FEDERAL, STREET. At 10 Cents, Light ,and Dark Calicos, GREAT BARGAIN: - At 12 1-91. Cents, 4-4 BLEACH E D .MUSLIN At 62 75; . ADM' EMBOSSED FELT SKIRTS. WORTH $4.00. At 87 1-2 e.. 8-4 TABLE LINEN A NEW BTOCE Or Black and Colored Corded Poplins, RILLIAM SEMPLE'S, - Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, BELL MOORHOUSE, = BATES & BELL, = WINTER .16100D8 Of All Kinds NTery• C7l3.earo, TO CLOSE lIIE STOCK. Jatital DECIDED BARGAINS!: itiOts Ladles' loop Skirts, latest skape Mutsu hoods. - , it Re. tilt Shoulder Shawls. It 71a. tail Ihoalder iwwls, lags hire. Wk. Cklldria's Salt Cloaks. At 1k Boys' Wool Lifted Buek lilts. it 7k Wei's Par Top Wool Lined Bask stow. It tit lea's ud Boys' Wool Itocka. It 1111-tc.,ltea's Wool Nixed Saks. At 4014, Ita's Berry Grey brine, Skirts. At 40e. Ilea% Hem Gray Merino Drawers. Al $l.OO Ladles' Merin Usderrests, good • • cut ity.'' Lv $l.Ol Lollies' lartn-brawm, pod 4 quality. New Goods Daily Opening ♦T NA CRUM, GUDE & 78 and 80 Market Street. ALT HONE & CO'S . . . Ti'irrier to rtill (nether reduce .stoek t before taking our mend tarlatan,. we will coating* to Offs 'OW !neck at . . GREATLY _REDUCED PRICES. ManyAipxls Below Cog. , :Woole4 Goode, Hosiery, Gloves. tinderrwear, Leos and Lace Artfoles, Enitadderiee, IMinery, floods, Bash &antes ., Ribbons, Satin and Bonnet Velvets, Dresa Trimmings, Cloak Loops and Ornaments, Boulevards Skirts, de, its, AT RETAIL BARGAINS. 77- 79 JIAREET STREE.2I, f o II g ONIE THREE PER VERY TALuABLE PROPERTY. FOR SALE On a lola Credit if nutria, In the Eleveuteetali ward, (Lawreeinellle.) 100 feet moire or km, frontier on . Batter street. runnier beet 404 fret to Deemll Meet, 40 feet near, tritium° houses en resting for 6940 pert ear, with Ile but soft water. and fruit. shrubbery, So. kint. 100 Net were or leinfrouthis on Dawson atrdß rennin* beet to sal* ansimlt Wert 340 Awl. with one home Lad a good aertairof soft water. Rent for 9940 per year. Mtn pieces mmtsiee large uusuilUee of loom and diary tend. B. 11.-4 Will sell the eaten Apnoea et th. rota of 114.000 less than hes meetly been Yinura by Viewers fora stripes atom by, annall the improve., meats atn telt valuation. • . . Also, for We. test Auer story IPartlinurs tbs earner of Liberty end limience streets. pm, .bernb, occupied be MUM. M. Motholoueb, Jr., • 00..00 fort front on Liberty street, 110 fort an lianas* tad 110 feet on Iceboats 'airy. Requires no recommendation.. Also. four. two story, Mink Primes. all In a row, 010 romni mob, um on a Roar, on Lanett einiet, niiennenp„ near Hand street bridge. State for 9315 emir Per fear. Also. four none of ebotee landcrlin new panted sod papered Brick Rouse, 6 room., weak loam two wells. cd•Mrn. stable. rte.,. 46, 00ers1now reside. All or miy can M boned on a long credit, et snort, as It cosy cult purnimm.• Inquire of ,E. IVILRIN3. at John Hays', .• .7.136t31 0 19, 3 1119 Liberty street, Plombareb. an on irr 70. L. B. 111LT0P•.»„:...........U:'J. weAa■ HILTON & NUNN PitAASTICAS. P . L.T.LbelLirmatel QAi AND MAN wrrrEnsr, Pull Avian% Neer High streot, • • PPITABIINAnt PA. Lesd PIO. am Mir. Gas Bli l .ll Blake, Bath SIDS sad Wash needs. zros Pep. and Mins. Ale sad Beer ramp.. dad du.u.rij ea : Merin.. on head. Pdtdle sad -Prtmte Bafltt►jd SUM 55 with Oda. Wasar lad Uwe Huila( Appusins. Jobblag promptly &swam to. ~i' NEW ADVER NUARY 29, 1870. TIES AT SEMPLE'S, and 182 1 ALLEGHENY CITY. Ate 75, a New Lot of LADIES' EHB'SED CLOTH SKIMS, WORTH $4.00 At $1.75 a Dozen, Linen Table Napkins, A GREAT BARGAIN, At 25 Cents, WILLIE HUE TOWELS, Worth 37 1-2 c. .t $1.50. WHITE HONEY COMB QUILTS Large Size. A Complete Stook of HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S. Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, EIM=2 corric. in Pittsburgh Can I=o3 SHORT! TIGITE LaNGER, AT THE ROBINSON4HOUSE, Corner Dnqaesne Way and 7th at., ROOM No. 7. roa:A. SHORT VIZ. ONLT. PROF. E. S. FMB, M.D., Leeturer 'ou the neman eye.' 151 diseases and emetaeles. 001.1e!au liked Oculist, to the New Tort liossitilatui Eve aid War ludessarsorith a large stock of his Patented and Improved Vim tacks ;or sale. =I ==l . Prof. 'EDWARD C. FRANKS. Optietan : I take great y ou II Statism Mat 1 bees and the •Peettlele• you adjusted tome eye,. ben her% and UM,' ely. {DM MO Man entire latisf.etio a. I have barer before had a Calf eatlrel7 with Ube t sd thato t n r v i e s n to t .e e d e emee omd . Wei - • • alatr.ll2 • / 11. I. . - T. tome ba4 tba 'roved Sreetagles adjagte4 tg soy sight Dom an rz•ggstattas of the eta aloes. hy Notwar4 4. Fr: sits. M. D., • bleb sa. I .010 Vast , . IN, elearlr. easy. arid much bat. MR Quit nt sat. (base listatotore ' ADEARAM. Lth DULN. Ptes't E. • `WO hare every sattata-tion Ia Moms twandlnd De' WI/ WAIL° S. YILLNXti• Itenreven sad Pi %ailed P peel metes to •he coeddence of our c01t... t... He le auto:Wien of rarttneteettnr. be, ens a d apt. els opectatie. with great and re melt able skill to tee VW lons diteases of the eye. He selects stectsclan for as with the dolt palr. at the nest awes I. bleb stabled •• to reed sritb treater ale fettnesa en* comfort then thaw wre Adam*? postmen. We with frees keerfatnees retounneno the. lo all weal" nd 'peewees. • a. CURTIN. of rtnnsylvanta, A. 1.. Mist* AaJt -Gen. of rg11¢1111•141l RO"Salt..alli, W. D., Penn street. Pah. it. DICK. It Innate, latearllle. Penner Tani& -Herln/had the pleura of eximlnlig Dr. E 4 ward s Irmalva P &thee Imp toted Siete.lea, we fled them, expettliteltt.ll,• retell? valuble aLse•o deter lye Men. • • - . lb/ susses are /toned. polish* 4 us/ centred h)machtaera t loasheseallessl/ ace/rate to sm. Moos a seal) perfect leas. 'As .t Cll, IV* moose• moo Itsat. Jobs W, Geary, MOTO/20r of Penbryirents. Jobs, ec iltsbehet Pennb Hickson, M. D., street,Phtsburgh. n. -hiercett, Mt D., ((Midge.) Penn street, Plstetsursh. JUNO KeParland. President Merchants Mattonal harm. X:ad, tile, Pennsylvwls. It ipets n• 1215e0 measure to say that we have Unheated Dr. 0. 8. tr.nke , very e•tablete no a rimiestef BPfctseles so t Leone, sod end them excellently calcula.ed to remedy each Im perfections of vision se can be benelltted oy the o VeTtaterlai used In the menn'aeltire of OM pews • Is or reniarkab'e pertty and twenty. and noes very much to their vs ex. We r.comm ma him with cheerthiness to the WMUdence • f al J or dany Y gnaw Ms melees. Hon. trawls beer terfi of remit. d. sew,. ie. 1.0., Elart , Bbnrg. Pa, Vie have esanstred vast 1.1, .oneslng to be , aleortrocot of tfolatse.ca. manufactured ander Dr. • e•ard S Pre kt , f•attot. aciatrablree.p.. tad to the/mime %amities o• utaz ezeotslie ly delicate orgea. toe ii92111.11' f. ere. toes the Imoalrail 'lgloo la tbe r-aolt of disease, for Dia mound •IVILX72Ct• in to o'd ote W. e rtgafti Via apeclota mi of D . Treats the bes e t we b awe,ac. ever men, and as such fem. we lion. W.. W. Elam Way., of Ilarrlgrant Thomas J. Joedsa, Mfg. Onn.U.B. A., rants • znyr. 6See boura from 9 , A. Y. to 6 P.Y. •TEST OIL STRIKE. MSnor.r LIDXIII . 7I - sooitorr I AND . TO sect= rep _banded ltrertall. WM come 064 nee er . bs . l mjt , a r de n haritu d ,etwoabred to Um Clothe) !or. Warm and a1t.11.1 ~.s i ttrk,b, The Yolleit LIZIMTI to be enjoye Tee d wriest the taut who erdaye It ls neatly deemed In a mdt. o new hummer 04016 ea *Nebel htm comfortable( as sot ;oat/ridge tbe freedom or b motions. huh. clothes are to be had at 8. 0. Tnamen.llso/11. cd T ge!fggrgtl7:4l.arpl;T 'd pekes for uneutsfactory cloutlut. htti 0/0.1 tnd eat the worth of every dollar Abend, at nuar o ' t Na free; motntwesleed peuue ftZl.3 4 3.VisTl n eeoge taini l l ' ol a c l- sUrgi there they gettletr clothes. 0100 Quite toy at alittmea. Trade tremendous Oa ROT at the Ble NO. 11 Cloth/ea Hall. o„:so,,,,nitvjEdiqu p.p.; aptulala aula nu Warmth 620. *Mahon tart malt. C l 60 worthll96. 1100 sults, linen, at E 60 each worth • Mack volts ror $5 10 worth 020. • Bond sons Irorss worth 610. And a treat many more too • nontensos Kr nen , lon. all early and secure you bermalas, wait to 5111.1. Somember , .B.th Bs S. a. TBAIIIIRILIN. READ: urAin BEADI Removed In one minute. wlthOut Oleedlas er leaving soreness; /Malone and Disused Palle Removed In • few megieles. AU over/Alone per- '• tined without patu or bloodshed I raft% eatnfort Immediately: =II No son teat attar operating! Insage4 and PUP Janata treated soma many. Prost-Blie and. ClnlbWas gored to a raw darn. Ballsbation given or asoner ratandon. Good City Reltrences given. • • Mica Boon Came a: 9,11131.; and /to 0.4 8tt047..9 to 11 A. Y. Remember the place, No. •e Illailittroat, old In. Clair. op van... Dr. D. RETICHBON. Plttabargh, Pa. • galOnnao TD PERSONS RAYING LARGE BUILDINGS, WITH STEAM POWS% TO BINT.,WantEd, to mat. for a term of flare with privilege of boring, a large boildingwith strain power, and reliable Gm manofeetariesitir , Vienitnial Implements and otherllghtwieldnery, *d my, to or earatected with a laundry, On tinsel*, St. ,Loitle or, Mut:loth Preferred, or inteb point ii will afford river or rallrwad corn- reflex, tooled ..c& property for re.O or We will Dieue addrees, wlth pothadaol. extent of Boar room, =Oa.% al Power. nal sad "boa poeteseloa effla be bed. . H. HALLOWS, C. )12 . 1 Bayeaae. OLIN A PPLE .have a t 1 lyl easertrieritAt Apple Parled.Corindand lUcthE Naar:AA which' I Invite all to aell end see them tried. The PARING, CORING AND SLICING MACHINSB,Adren Gale three tares o the ettutk W pare. 03.4 eAd Wee an orDAAT deed apple. It will pare without slicing 02 Drl.4 Atrohe eW mach lilsber • when Wad grub MU mod,. tun wt . = waxtueil by 61 =Tsb asoortment or . Llghtelng & Tam Table Apple Parer& far se. wbolesale sad Itstan, b 3. • JAMES DOWN, N .188 WOOD STREET. WiDEBSON LIkIIItOTBERS; fite• Liberty neves, Dealer, La D.... sad PURI MelLislasi. TmEmws. NEW ADP rTfq FIRST MORTGIGII BONDS OF THE CHICAED, DANVILLE AND VINCENNES RAILROAD. Total amount to b. tsauad...oll,ooo,ooo Capital Stook paid la 2.100,00 Estlmatod Coat ot i llead, (140 eaten Estimated ZaraLai* las aa. •,600000 la AAA A .839, 300 Not Earnings . per annum—. SWIGS Interest on the Loan per an- . ==l or road ....... .......... 16.000 Amore torso% por mils. 1,960 Amosist at Net Earsdairs par I=l = hate the Union Trust Comp ani of N. Y. as their °Metal Ihiester and Transfer Agent—tad are sold at Mimi as liiandletwoed totems, They bear examination ned comparison. bet. ter, It la hollered, than any other now Infbre the public, La the teed and unchangeable elements of Seely. Rensrity and Prop. They bar goad Interest—Seven Per cent. ROM for fate years—and are secured On • Riskin/ Fend, and Y.rst Mortgage upon tae road, Its until and not 111601329. the Trathises, and all pretest and future property of the Company. They depend upon no new or halfattled ter ritory ler business to pep tier Interest, but tlisUel an old, well settled and. Proacilse e%entrrt— ammisig that • railroad en ftt throe eh the heart of such a region offer. better security for both _lateral and f'rfactatot than a road gets hail through tie most Idgbly extolled wilderness or ' sanely settled territory. Tiis Railroad panes. Special selvage/re., In running Into and out of the City of Chicago, en Important Railroad Center; he running through a line L ot tillages and old firming set- . laments In the richest tortion of the State of linnet.; in arming near to deposit a of Iron Ore of great extent and value, and over broad Selds of the best coal In the Statewideb tulning In terests are its monopoly. And besides the local and other business tens assured, there will be attracted to Ma road the considerable tragic al ready springing up "From the Lakes to the Gulf;" as with its Southern Connection. It forms • Trunk L... 45 miles shorter than ay other ante flan Chicago to Nashville. These Bonds are tarefonbsged upon altealty and • Business that a few yearn must Inevitably double—and eompetent Judges ' any treble—ln Talus. Goorromontis ✓rolling white the "Hee UAW pay WHY Tot into tharllenult. 612 Trust or Santo Pond, can bo pat fat* NOTHING BEIT.TER. ratnnhlata, with Yap., to., on hand fur dl► trThatlon. Honda may Oa had directly of us, or of our manta la Plttobargh. 8. M'CLEAPI & CO., '75 pouivra-i A.VENIIE W. BAILEY LANG & MERCHANTS, 64 CLIFF 131,REET, New York, Agents for the Sale of the Bonds. i 2 ; 4ag e 4 Rs p 0 Oli . 0 41:1 Z I H gZ;4 - 4 1 - .t 8 1 IT) : 1 P i c,2 a 4l M g A 1 w z r 4 'O, -4 E-; a' ~) t a .4 E. a' 0 0 - al 14 d A . 4 ~, 0 'E4 I E.' •="-% S Di ;4 Ng AA Ir. PI as . . A' 4 °" tZi , 1;1 - • WILLIAM !OILER & CO., Nos. dil and ill Liberty. Street. Omer of Irwin, mow otter ttot trade at low If PAM New Crop Nei Orlessi Sugar and Molasses. - Pond Med. c0u...4 !mei& 'mum sagir.„ New York Philadelphia mid HaMaori Mt. • ed 60. tiolden Dr!Po. Levering; Mango', Stout% *dune. and Long .finand &flute. rotto Moo. Cabo and gondolalossea Young Bison. Japan, Imperial. Onnpowder and Oolong . _ yuoano and lee. TOTteet= Teu.4 l manna 4 ViNatt. 01nno. Son. Cottoa Yurnu. fick, =atom?, on bond. • ALSO, Fine Brandies,, Wines and 'se . en fibbab, Wotan. tool 'Sparkling /idea W . Of Hinkel-A fn - bottlea. • igr ath fhtV'e th "tr e. ., obua aradeabarg TrisrL. rtne T ollra 011. •do do. . Clarets, Impor bed In bottles do do • White Wind. to bottle.. M. Work • Bona' dparkllns Catawba. Lae Old oberry, sad Port Winos doo.d lionondanel aP, ...dotted. We. Very elven*, Ms mold. do do. ALSO. sola r anits tbr ,&,Cbaad=7N Wmfim y fou Bors4 • 'aloe On and warn/did HCEIIII BOLL FOIINDiti. urrtm luta BOLLMAN & : BAC&LEY, : :36,Ltheuneri.ors.pertor - Odli Dills, Sand Bolls & Pintas. . • • 4ARGESHIPMENTS OF ALL kinds of INA Isla fish uselesslyee .1 'I rig 9 lrrYli 7irrssho " e d* the ". klitehewf u uttF. b. eenter Varerri an Ohio stress.. One loaf. esherieu.• I° the Owens/temente. Da to 0.57. have on hands hest sell Whits Pith s halms., errl BlAelt Mass had White. PeIPO t I at serf . 0 W a • ss. tits* a5...14 we will toms Asst sTurJ. Whale/11s of Ll.l. All erglees.Alle4 OaiIig h IacCAPIDILICSII& CO, ado wawa. car, it 00.1 WROI.LSAIX DZALXI3 Ibreign BIS Domedle Ih7 eloods, W0. , 211k WOOD lITLIZZe. Maid Gen signs Dlsaionelgq". THE , ADNEISTRAT CLOSIN 3orrir 4ar =1 Is Now in BARK 1 4 (0. -59 Afverip artieie here been redrew 30 dam lksis ectotosaively for 0 . k an~...MiYt`.': ~.a:yrN;ss .s=~ .~.,.~;~ >-s, w.r` >:~ , ~a-y.,5, `~„~, '.6,..~ ~'.r .4rcw..wt .j~'+~.Y» CARPETS;OLL" CLOTHS, &c. CARPETS. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window. Shade?. DRUGGETS.: DIIIIGGET SQUAREF, Ingrain Zarpets, 'ld the Lowest Prices Ever Oferel. BOVARD, ROSE h CO; 173.000 31 FilTh AVENUE. MEM I=ol CARPETS. REDUCTIONS. The alterations and im provements of our Sales rooms now in progress, make it necessary for us to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Hearth Rugs. &0.. Many goods will be sold at prices below the present wholesale cost. Call at once at OLIVER xecurspact & 'co,s, 23 Fifth Avenue. HOLIDAY GIFTS. Positive Redue,tion in Prices OP PIANO COVERS, Jrfosiate, - 'allsmitmter, Wition nuts, Crumb Cloths, crc., he. I~'GALL hi BROSi .4ro. it FIFTH 4.1PE.,1714 dCJ ASOVZ WOOD OTBSIT: WOOLEN' DRUGGETS AND • Riff.T . CARPETS, 11,.11, 2, 21, 3, 31, and • YARD WIDE. , • . BORDERED: sqtrtmes Suitable ibr Faecal+. DIVING 1001 Cllllllll CLOTHS, Woolen, Linen and Cotton, AY LOWER PRICER l'IlE LAST SEASON Notwithatanals: the undl.mbeatied tariff on. these good.. COLLINS, 71 and '73 Fifth /venue. Bt7SYNI7B3• CHANGES. MOW. . FIRM OF= RAILIFF BY.OWW ,k CARSZIR teas this e•y dissolved by mo deal e repent. .1.2,11 Es M. CAR'ON T;.0 .0 54. " B i gtselT ' V nt ' rfe o :: P ilti ' s; j ln " 7o:l o . set.. es Indebted to sal.. a - in eate t l and Make inhordlate payment, and t all persons hay- Innelannt will present the same is John to. Wal ton. at oar Mike, 85 Federal Street, he Md./ authorised to settle all .Groan's. • . . JOSSEPII 0 HAMM, THohlan BnO ALLialliat J j A"tittry Ed C li WN tr7ll ° ) s4 .reppirr-trAM,tie•- Ittiftelyt-Yrom tios • aria of Ratliff. Tircrint Carsoal I ..0140 take itieorpoMunity of ...pre. slog my Mang s to my Ittemts for tlic:r past favor., Imo Nyttild rem peetfolly not cif 'a matino ame aCtufse tuorsjor. Me. Om of .•• - • lIAILTIM .BROWN, - Ph:timbers, Ogg and . Steam Pipe Fitters : sS Federal street. Alleghouy qty. vroald rfnarn ittelr thanks to lbtlf friends sun the dullereneral foe On Ir very Mend nationaga• mir•i••%••••••t•••r ten yawn, •nu would respeetddly golleit • eon. tiunallon their esteemed tavors for she old original • •- .L 1a12445 DVSS . OLIIriI y NA T j Tit.; Iltne or 6MITH W A L T WIOB 07 0 . b l as1s doT been di/seared be lautuil consent, WIS. WAR WICK tttirinjr: - WY. WARWICK. The bedlam if the late Erin eel 1 be eettlrel nod contlneed t. 7 the undersigned under the fins Gem! OC `Ls SBZITH & OP. Lyra= H. num. DR. CWATECUES , •TO TREAT ALL 11. j pthata Macaw. BratMa In AIM, Alan, an Zt i ta i rr t . O @Beata cg t largrklNl: ir al Wallis, an& ligat=l . oafailat from I.elf-abascor other causes, a 4 which proaneel lona al tie tallowliag dteeta. blaletta, bOalrit Wasaaeas.l.4lgalittagi, eaasamation, &vandal. ial• sLoouci or ) iarlr aayca.lltanaetaras, dr a e a , c se a t t a r r n o a t tasal3evn a / 1 4 sad .ma 4alca4exaal amfaat otaa/Irsoyrvaa lany,jthara readaysaog t V7 aa4 leroM te. 2:1t7, tio;n axl4 , -- , lt a alaw 4 a a lat Ta a aiettan - fir cousilicilanalsomoL artery zirtora We.% be nerer fans. ter attention elven to all/mule emus el ta. Lcoroxrhos to Whit.. Waning. Indoor. merlon! or Ttlcermion of the Wonib. - Or OMNI* 'Amenorrhoea. Idenontesis4 urzttotzadlit /ro = or grertmow. ma Maas It • a elltersiderit let a Mires who realm Unmet! esseinskrely to theme yof • orris. class of diseases and treats thousands of aze= ~,sore s skin= Um: than one ID general analog. The Doctor peleinthes a medical . pantoblet of eftY Pales test glee's. DUI arroattrote of venereal ano plicate disessaft.that can be had free at office or by mall _for swd stamps, in sealed envelops. Ilea and ens= them to d r a t=. t eVit e prt . Mae ca.. or their complanga. Tee Mtahnelaform, Is ten & mo s rocarl , he mural. - When It Is not eouverdent 'Mit a dry. the Doctor's opinion can de ot.• taloa hr . MMus & wriwar d e d- ment oral, case, and sardirlies eon be' by hull or es. am. In some Instenees. bowers,. a personal e raboation Is absolutely, necemary. while en laity scrsonal attention , . nog tired. .11 be (Of the liocommodation r resort Datlants there are lima i 4e2as c .i onnee , ied , esitalle . o t elleg i a=r e ProrliOte More.. eclat:Lie Medicated 'favor bathe. All prosannloas an brewed In the Doctor's awn latoratory. ender his as . Uwittal pamphlets at o to free, or malt two stamps. No matter who hare failed, road what he says. RPM 9 L.U. tOto M a in , " .9 1 t VI P T; .917'i 1 0 ; tt OR'S GREAT FINAL G SALE CO 0 31:1 M 9 Progress at ER'S, ET S Tit EEPr d in price, and must , le sold in' CM