The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 29, 1870, Image 1

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Office, 84 and 86 Fifth Avenue.
nun me."
I. P.
a Dltollll Aril
! I Ift". s b Y Per
EDt glttburo Gapits.
Mauro has another :evolution.
Wen. Vinornia has no State debt. .•
Tony have sleighing In remote portlons
of Maine.
BRAD are being caught In York river,
NEW Tonic has 'a Oheap and Hemgry
tiociat club.
IN Paris, Worth makes *e lady, the
want of him the dowdy. -
bar. of Victoria's! sixteen - grand ! chil.
dren bin had the diphtheria.
Ara ;wedding recently at Ottawa, WOO
were contributed to the poor.
Tun largest vineyard in California has
206,000 vines, covering 450 acres.
NILIIILY all the olHoes In' the lowa
Legislature are sought later by women.
\AtPants correspondent says It. Emile
vlet gets along with only one servant
,iTICSIZ minks are used for rat catching
br an Indiana family, with great succesa.
PliVisc . omirs has 1,205,= sheep, show
ing both wool and mutton to be cheap
Alumnus Is anxiously demanding an
immigration of school teachers and black.
GEOUGE FRANCIS TnAnt save that cold
feet are ;sufficient ground for a divorce In
' Tire sparrows in New York, deceived
Iv the mild weather, have J:Jegun to build
their nests.
Tea latest novel announced
York la'"nedged In." Its sequel will be
•Spread Oat.'
Tna Illinois Legislators got furnished
at public expense with penknives said to
cost 1143,23 apiece.
A NEW York editor wants a brother of
the quEl "to be scalped and supplied with
respectable brains.'
TITIEIRE gets a pension of V,OOO a year
from the publisher of his history of the
Consulate at Madrid.
Mits. Ann Orr LAwasorbz, of Boston,
has contributed . $25,000 toward , a fine
art museum In that city. ..
A coltnn In a Hartford Ilfe insurance
office Its-9 written stile miles of policies,
numbering over 40,000.
A CLOUD of "specials" and artists are
waiving it:Portland, prepared to report
the Peabody obsequies.
Tao retest theatrical sensation in New
York is entitled "Back, Buck, How
Many Horns ;or Gold at 165."
ONE hundred and ninety-two, persona
were killed in the streets of London:
last year, by horses or vehicles. •
Tint New Jersey Legislature Is after
Erie, and threatens to take away all its
chartered privileges In that State.
THZATEE parties. including a supper
at De'm elee's. have taken the place of
the German in Now York society.
New York se wing women make Bal.
moral skirts for seven cents apiece and
they can earn fourteen cents a day.
A TAME indiaD. who is also a preacher,
is lecturing in Indiana. He closes.his
lecture with a war whoop and scalp dance.
A NEw Burtru, Connecticut, battery
and the Providence Artillery aro about
"to drill for the championship of New
BoglamL "
Gov. Boma, of Maryland, In Mare.
cent uses/sage, calls upon the United
states to pay Maryland for her emend
ated slaves.
Wi . I.DELL Parma:re is to deliver the
oration in Boston on the sth of March,
the centennial anniversary of the "Boa.
1 ton Maniere." •
Tnit Allstate Constitution speaks of
Judge Joseph B." Brown and.Genend A.
44Terry u the probable United States
ors from Georgia. . •
JAMES Fume is said to have talked at
the rate or 100 words a minute for six
hours in his gold 'corner" teanmopy st
Illashington last Week.
Mon Lamar, the dancer, hu bought a
farm in Idaassehusetts, and intend" to
bring her father over from Italy and
establish her home there.
Tna publisher of an Idaho newspaper
gtv-5 notice that all libel salts !Mould be
against him personally, "or they won't
amount to s toll of hamar
Trts Kentucky House of Representa
tives has passed a bill substituting ha
prisonment ror stripes as a punishment
for a ime. Now for Delaware.
Donna the put year over $BO,OOO
worth of goods have been stolen from the
Budson'Rtyer Railroad. by thieves, who
broke into the cars along the route.
"Miss Rosz; E. Ronson, Bachelor of
Arta," is [ninon, to enter Into competi.
lion with Miss Anna E. Dickinson. for
the "lecture championship of America."
AT Appleton, Wisconsin, the mer-
chants have an orgaditation to protect
themselves from bad debtors. Those who
will not pay at one store are ndt trusted
VIE Bon. Jeremiah 8. Black Is writing
a history of Buchanan's administration
from November, 1860, to March, 1861.
He was Buchanan's' Secretary of State
alter the retirement of Cue.
A N English bankrupt reoeetly had Ms
ease adjudicated on hisver*a petition,
"debts .£5OOO, meets . £5 cub and two
burs of cigars; no accounts. Do .oppotl•
tlos, unconditional order of discharge.'
A. mozamte ram, in its Congres
sional report, says that "Mr. Pratt pared
of There is no Senator would bear
"paring cif" any better than kr. Pratt,
whose average weight is said to be 850
pounds. .
A MONSTER lobster has been caught
off the coat of Scotland, withering two
feet eight Inches from the tips of the claws
to the Up of the tail: One claw measured
;eleven inches and three-quarters In dr
,clainfergoC-: -
••• Tinialtine in the British Navy 004
iiinnceable fighting. hada. There are
'AS' armored Teasels, iron and wooden
liulks, with a capacity of 170,000 tonnage.
Fourteen other armored iron shire are
now building.
A lIAILTIMILD papers appologists for
reporting that a temperance lecturer said'
that he was a hard drinking man for
eighteen yeah, by explaining that he
merely said he was a . citizen of Radford
for eighteen yearn.
Tns Rev. Dr. Osgood says of wine
drinking in, Europe .—" My experience
favors the general impression that the
water is often debilitating, and that a
moderato allOwance of light wine Is prop
er. as 'Cis common."
Is It not a little singular that Gottschalk
and Lefehuro-Wely, one a great pianist
and the others great organist, • should
have died Within a month, and that each
should be stricken with death while play
ing his favorite instrument. -
Teens is a proposition before the WI.
nois Suite Constitutional Convention to
abolish the Senate, and to vest the leg's.
lathe authority of the State in a single
body, to tee calledthe Legislative Ahem•
bly, composed of COO members.
Two brothers have long been in the!
habit of attending a Cincinnati Sunday
school on alternate Sundays. One Sun.
day the %tither asked her' pupil If be
wools be present next week: "I can't,"
said Le; "it's my turn to law wood."
Tare Petersburg (Va.) firwas in
velgied into a violent burst of 'bilking.
t oe by MI error of the telegraph. •It
thought a certain measure was booted
down in that dignified body, the Amerii
can s ena t e , when it wu only voted down.
Oa the first of January Ida jailer en.
feted Trauplunannli cell. "WDY don't
you with me a happy New Tear I" wired
the eel:atrial with a bitter smile. "Oh,
I'll content myself with wishing You 'boo
voyage,' this time," replied the turnkey.
.so. w o op, of North Adana,
li me , was garroted at No. GS Wall
street, and robbed of a aartlued cheek rot
$13,000.' *as choked so sever/4;km
he !elated. Ile was afterwards connyibi
to the Metropolitan BoteL The thieves
. ~._ . nt .
1 • , . .- , • ire ~.! 1 ... .. :.
it tit. LA v, u. ,
- - ifQDJrIGHT.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
SENATE: Public Debt Reduction
—lnaugural . 'Expenses New
County Bill. HOME : Amend
ment of Libel liiw—lte.solu
' tions—Allegheny County Gas
Inspector—Coal Tax on Monon
gahela !Backwater.
nectar Dispateh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
HARRIBRUItiI, .Tannaiy 28, 1870
• . SENATE. •
By. Mr. BILLINOFELT: For the
speedy reduction of the public debt,
making it the duty of the Sinking Fund
Commissioners in July next, and every
month thereafter, to receive sealod pro
posals for the redemption of State loans
becoming due, opening said proposals on
the first Tuesday of each month and
awarding to bidderi at sLlch rates as can
be paid to the Interest of the Common.
wealth. On - the first of August next
an every mouth thereafter the Com
adaidenera shall publish In one news.
paper In Philadelphia and Plttaburgh a
statement Of the balance In the Treasury,
amount of lamb redeemed and at whet
By. Mr. WRITE: Appropriating 61,900
for iroLugural expense%
• Die. Lowry's new county bill passed
second reading.
A - communication was received from
the Thinuailvania Editorial tusaociation,
recommending the amendment bf the
libel law, requiring edits agalind news
papers to be brought In the county where
the office is located, admitting the truth
In evidence, and allowing good motives
to operate for acquittal. •
By Mr. RELINOEHL: Directing the
clerks to have the Journals •of both•
Houses printed and laid on rosmberp .
deaks daily.' Laid over. _ ' •
By Mr. - DILL, of Union Giving each
of the Harriabigg Were Keoo .kir six
columns daily of proceedings, three
thousand copies to be furnished. Laid
over. •
By Mr. PORTER. of York: Empow
ering a spacial committee to examine
Into the expediency of employing steno
graphers to take debate on public Mlle,
for publication in counties interested.
Laid over.
.By Mr. WEBB: Instructing the State
Printer to hart:Leh one hundred coplaaot
the Journal daily. Laid over.
The soldiers' orphans' department den•
cit bill passed, but was subtiequently re
coneldered and recommitted.
Mr. KERR, of Allegheny, called op
the supplement for Gas Impactor of Al
legheny county, authorising the Thermo ,
for to appoint deputies and requiring an
anal Tacoma of Balm Pawed. ~ •
TAX OX 0061.
Mr. 'WALTON introduced a supple
ment to ram Oration sot of 1863, in effect
taking off the tax on o3al pawing
through the Monongahela Slackwater
Both Houses adjourned until Monday
Official Statement of the Situation
Tonorrro, January 03.—The Leader,
Government-organ. publishes the follow
ing intelligence from Ottawa :
It will appear, when Parliament meets,
that tlip random assertions of the Mobs,
with regard to the composition of the
Rad River OD o uncilf and as to the inten
tion of the Dominion government to goy
ant the territory from Ottawawithout
consulting the interests of the resident
population, are without foundation. Mr.
McDougall's instructions will show that
so far from its being contemplated to im.
pose a ready-made Council uponthe peo
pie, and to ignore their wishes, he was
authorized to make himself fully
acquainted with thewants of the
country and character of population,
and to report the names of the matt
capable men he found to represent the
different classes, to be confirmed by the
Dominion government. The number of
the Council was to be extended to twenty.
four members, if deemed advisable, so
that instead of being without represents.
limo the residents world have a major
ity In ;the government of the oountry.
Rim Instructions were of the most liberal
character arid ,designed to give careful
consideration to Wishes of the Red river
rattler". If he eiceeded hie &aeration,
au powers in organizing an armed' en
trance into the territory and premature•
ly issuing a proclamation as Lieutenant
Governor without inatructions from the
Dominion Government, be alone Is re.
'patellae.. As to the recent temporary
complication, anyjnst demand of the half
broods will be attentively listened to, but
any rebellions or annexation movement
will be put down. The responsibility of
completing the transfer of the territory
rests with the Hodson Bay Company
and the Imperial government. The let •
ter Is fully advised Of the situation and
will not avoid • the responsibility of TO.
storing order In the Queen's dominions..
The interference of the United States la
even more improbable Marvin .the Case
of Cuba, ind would be met promptly,
and any filibustering movements that
might be made In defiance of the hen,
Utility laws would only becontecuprlblA
Gov. McDougall has placed at the dia.
poet of the government the commission
he held from them to undertake the ad
minuttratlon of Walls at the northwest. •
Onicsuo, January SS.—A special tote
Trandie from St. Paul sayehdesars. Cun
ningham and Robertson, correspon
dents of the Toronto Globe and Telegraph,
who were imprisoned by Melt on -their
arrival at Fort Garry and subsequently
escaped by bribing a guard back across
the boundary, arrived In that city today
route for (Amide. They left Pembina
on Tuesday 18th and Fort Gamy on the
Friday previous. Oa that day a
council was held between the in
surgent leaders and the Roman Catholic,
dignitaries from Quebec, but without
any rands ; as the insurgents demanded
credentials of Vicar . General Ibiebalt,
who had tone to give. Another ounuell
wu to have been hold Wednesday fol.
lowing. The two correspoodenta are
sanguine, from what they new and heard,
that the insurrectionary movement will
be over by spring and Rupert's Land be
agate Under the government of tho Hnd•
The Suffrage Question In Tennessee.
cur TICIOMPII WU)) rittatunth Gl•zoVe.)
Nsaavtlas, January :IS ..-The sub
(rage amendment to the State Consti
tution was adopted by s vote of fifty to
sixteen. It confers the right of suffrage
On all mole citizens of the United Slate.
tWI)Dti One Years of age. who shall balm
been residents of Tennessee twelve
months and of the county in which the
vote is offered six months previous to
the election. It also requires each voter,
before exercising the right Of➢
suffe a t
a ny election, to show that he ha s paid
pall taxes assessed Against him.
Both branches of the Legislature
adopted unanimously resolutions thank:
log the Convention for accepting the
foregoing amendment.
The Georgia Legislature.
ter Tel eirseit tO me Museums oases.. I
Aviariva, January 28.—The House to.
day by a vote of 66 to 66 decided to
qualtty and seat those Demons whore.
oelved the :next highest vote to those
members who were declared ineligible
and those whose seats were declared va.
Pint by General Terry. Nine members
were Worn in to•day, of whom three
(SECOAD 8E+3610N.)
By Telegraph to the Plttabargh Gazette.)
WesillsaTos, D. C., . Jan. 2.13, 1870.
• Mr. John W. Johnston took the oath of
office as Senator from Virginia.
• to amend the act admitting
Virginia to representation in Congress,
allowing an affirmation to be made by
those conscientiously a:rola:done against
taking en oath, passed.
The Chair auntoltted a communication
from the Commissioner of Internal Rev
enue containing information relative to
the cost of American pig Iron. Tabled
and ordered printed.
Mr. CRAGIN presented a petition of
Admiral Formant, Vice Admiral Porter
and other naval officer,: asking the
serve of tho navy lobe divided into two
classes. .Refertsd to Naval Committee.
Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to an
thorirki the settlement of. accounts of
officers of the army and navy. Referred.
Mr. EDMUNDS offered a resolution,
which was agreed to, instructing the
Committee on Judiciary to reportsvrheth
er further legislation is necestuu7On the
antloct of the organization of the provis.'
tonal Legislature of Georgia _
Mr. SUERMAN offered a resolution,
which was'agroed to. directing the Com
mittee on Appropriations to inquire into'
the expediency of transferring to the cur
pins fund all balances of appropriations
reinalnlng unexpended on the tat of July
next, except such permanent and bide.
finite appropriations as may', be repealed
without injury to the public service.
•Afr.:HOWARD introduced a bill an
thori4ng the Kansas Pacific Railroad
Company to extend and construct a
railroad and telegraph. line to Et:Paso,
Mexico. Referred and ordered printed.
The bill extend* to. that Company, all.
the rights, franchises and land grants
given to the Atlantic Jr. Pacific Railroad
Company by act of July irt 1868.
Mr.WILSON, from.the Itilittary Com
mittee, reported. the Military Academy
appropriation bill, with amendments.
Mr. summit?. mtrodueed a joint rem
lotion directioirthe payment of bounties
to colored soldier. and seamen, regard
, leas of former condition of servitude.
Referred to Committee on Military M.
• Mr. 17.A.MSEY Introduced &Joint reso
lution allowing settlers on theiste Sioux
reservation. Minnesota, to make proof
and payment of their claims up to the lit
of next March.'
Mr. McDONALD, from the Committee
on Poston:ices, reported a substitute for
the bill to encourage the es:ablishment
of a line of American steamettipsbetweee
the United States and Snrope. The Ma
and amendment's were recommitted:
Mr.. RAMSEY oared a resolution,
which•was agreedln, requesting the gee.
rotary of War to communicate she result
of eurveyaof the harbor of Duluth at the
head of Lake Superior with a view to its
improvement. • 4 • • . 4 • •
The Berialti proceeded to the conalde•
ration' of the message from the Presi
dent vetoing the bill for the relief of
Rollin Wham, which proposed an exten
sion of the patent for an improvement
in pistols.
At the expiration of the morning hour
Mr. SIIERMAN proposed to proceed
with the untiniahod badness, which was
the Cinrency'bill.
• A discussion followed, Mr. Hamlin
urging the claims or the special order,
via: District of Columbia business, anu
Mr. Sa3wart desiring action on the Con
sus bill. •
. Mown. Conkling and Sumner debated
to some extent the merit. of the bill,
the former In ins favor, thelatter against
taking the maths under the law of 1850.
.The Senate finally determined to adhere
to theorderspecially appointed, and the
hill for the temporary relief of the poor
and destitute in the District. of Columbia,
appropriating $3U,000, wee taken up and
Pm by Warns Thurman, Davis,
Pooseta.V. Hamlin, Wilson and. Calearly.
Mr. POMEROY submitted an amend
meet, providing that the money in part
be appropriated to provide labor and
material. for than of the poor who were
able to work . .
Mr. WILSON moved the further
artendment, so as to provide certain ac
commodations for indigent women.
Mr. TEIIIRSIAN, who opposed the bill
because it proposed to give local officers
control of the appropriation, favored the
tbe. project or a territorial government
ilse2the District.
Toe amenduumta were finally adopted,
as also one by Mr. Bayard, for a report
upon the distribution and review of the
expenditure by Congress.
Toe bill then passed, and after Exact,.
Mr. lames K. Robinson, member elect
from Virginia, wait sworn In.
A number of Mils were Introduced end
referred. among others one by
Mr. DOCKERY : Amendatory of the
bankrupt law. •
Rills were repotted from Committee's
. .
By . Mr. CLARK., from Committee on
Indian Affairs, for remand of Osage In
diana to Indian Territory; to dispose of
their lands to actual, settlers only. Re.
By Mr. SHA.2III-S, from the same Com
mittee, for a similar iimoral of Hamm
tribes of Indiana. Recommitted. _
By Mr. CAKE,' from Conn:natal on
Printing, for the abolition of the office of
Congressional Printer , and election- by
concurrent resolution or joint ballot of
Superintendent of Public Printing to
to perfbrm the same duties at a salary
of $1,000..
Tb 6 bill was explained and advocated •
by Messrs Cake and LIME', the latter Pik
lug pelt:into exhosierate the Congreasiotud
Printer from the newspaper charges af
fecting his character in the management
of his Waco. Ii was then passed without&
Mr. OWNIettILL, from Committeeon
Elections, made a report In the cue of
claimants for seats from the State of
Georgia, under thee/action of April 20,
1868, declaring them not entitled to their
aeons. !The claimants were admitted to
seatain the last Congress, and claim to
be entitled under the earns election to
seats In the present Oortgresa. _
"-later some discussion and =plans.
Con. the resolution waeadopted.
Mr. PAlNFefrOto the Committee on
Jiexelens, asked that the committee be
thiichinged from farther consideration of
the claims of -Mr. ;Simpson. a member
elected from the fourth district of South
Carolina, he being unable to take the
By Mr. CULLOM: To organise the
territory of Linecdis and Consolidate the
Indian trite' into territorial- govern
ment; also, to provide a- territorial gov
ernment for the District. of Columbia.
Mr. STEVENS offered ■ resolution
calling on the Secretary of the Navy for
reports . of Rear Admiral Davis on the
subject of the Darien Canal. Adopted.
Tne Rouse then. at 2.20, went into the
"Committee of the Whole, Mr. Cessna in
the chair, on the Legislative, Executive
and Judiciary appropriation bill.
Mr. VOORIIEES addressed the House.
At 4.30 the House adjourned; with the
understanding that to-morrow's session
be for debate only. '
. . .
C4nvenUan - In lityr, , liampantre—Patty
corganix%UonLKoudnabon for Goy.
eruo4 -- - •
(By Tlltirrapti to the rlttaborgh thuott..) .
Coriconn,•.Tanuary 28.—The Labor Re.
form Workingmen'i Convention,
leg to Control over 8,009 votes in the
State, assembled to depend chose Chu.
R. George, of Banded, President. Reso
lutions were- adopted organizing a dia.
end Political party, not to make war on
the rich but to protect the labo•er; op.
posing the repudiation of the national
debt, but saying its paymentsaboaid be
made in such manner u tO fall titan
alike; opposing grants of public lands to
railroads and apoculatore ; declaring
national banks monopolies and
greenbacks the beet currency; endorsing
Congressman Dawes •In his late
speech; exacting that duties; shall be
taken ones and sugar; demanding the
repealuf the State law preventing sav
ing banks taking over Aye per mot. in
terest, while National banks take from
eight to seventeen per cent; demanding
a law to prevent the employment of fe
males and minors In 'famorles ovarian
hours per day; and complimenting the .
Wolters of the late war.
damnel Flint, of Lynne, was nomina
ted for Governor, 'Be is an old free
'oiler end an advocate of payment of
bonds lo currency and tne taxatlonof
the same.
4labaina Claims—Seized Feabodi
Lands Restored—Cotton Spin
ners' Strike—The Council at
Rome—The French Commer
cial Treaties Conciliatory
Speech of M. 011iver=Adrices
from CniktiSvere' Cemliat
Fought—lnsurgents Defeated.
(By Telegraph to the P):tablargh Gazette./
Lonna's, January Pali Matt
Gazette States that the negobations on
the Alabama olefins question - haYe been
The lands belonging to the estate of
the late George Peabody, :ishleh were
recently seised by the...otlpsztra. of She
Crowarhive been , released by order of
the Government.
The cotton spinners In thehtetorlee at
Wigan, Lane-eater, are on a Attrike, and
three thousand_ are Idle. ,
, . .
Sir John Ooleridge, Lrom Exeter, ad
dressed a meeting of hie constiMenoy
last evening, defending end defining the
policy of the **Wiry.
PAH* Jammu the debate - cin
the commercial treaties in the Carpi
Leglalatif yesterday the opposition wan
violent, and them Mere; ti . Oliut:itortny
scenes, but the Government :developed
expected strength. At the sitting to-day
thetheousalon was continued. hi. 0111-
vier made the closing speech. He
created a sensation by announcing the
Cabinet would support eitimithig treaties
but they were in favor of the freest dis!
cusaiim, for it was their purpose . to af
ford equal protection to all. He added
that the Ministers -desired .the conduct
of the Govern merit , to. be sustained by
• =dare,' of 'distill:ere,' Which was'
the real expression of the will of the
nation; that the majority was not an
ancient groope, but part of .this assem
bly, sustaining the policy of the Cabinet,
not because it wits an accomplished fact,
but with the intention of maintaining
;union., He would say, not in • bashful
spirit, but with , medeatyjund dignity.
that be Government would accept the
aid c! ell, but would neither solicit nor
accept t he erotection of any.
Thoa:...en was received with cheers
add lho Government sustained by a vote
of 20114/aura 82.
HAVANA, January 28.—The Diar4
nounaee tho capture of Gnahrtaro capital
from the Insurgents by a force nuder
Mon Puello, atter a severe combat; ind
that }Mello la now returning to the coast
on account of the scarcity of provisions.
A. steamyr arrtnntrtp-dsty from Nowt ,
tea She oorditnis "Me 'arrival at' that
place of General Pnello on the 22d inst.
Letters of a late date received from
Puerto . Principe make no mention of the
taxing of Gualmsraby , Pnelha althorn&
they state that his troops look a strong
position in the surrounding country and
occupledetitudinars clizopans, the:. Old
alte of Ottalatra: ' "
The.Diario publishesa report:hymn eye
witness of a heavy engagement on the
let of January, which resulted in great
destruction of life: Daring the night
the hisurgenblionarnictedurritte.iid
trencbments, and the Spanlards:being
unaware of the fact, werestirprised srith
• heavy volley of musketry and cannon.
The tn.:Tatham stormed the' eutreneh.
menta The rebel loss la estimated as
over 500 Wiled, and the. 'Spanish ken
nearly 200 killed and. wounded.
pally;wounded. Gem. Pnello remained
on the battle Geld several dais.'
Rolm, January 28.-4 t the' meeting Of
the Ecumenical Donned today Dottie
' was given or the noznination of Cardinal -
Rainabo to be Prealdeut of the Clotrunis•
aloe on Eastern Mee and Apostolic Ms.
Cons. :
The death of the .I..rchbishop of Yers
Cruz Mai been announced to the Conacil.
SIX Pattutra.addreesed the body. but
no new subjects of discussion were intro.
duced. The el:leeches were confuted to
questions under discussion at previous
meeti Au ngs. . • • -
The bblahlp Algient bat left' Mai
for Paris to ascertain the views of the
Emperor on the dogma of the personal
infallibility of the . Pope. The meet,
tainty • sit to 40 Enivuor'4 poaltion
the queston nausea the holy fathers seri
ous uneasiness.
VIENNA, Janury 28.—The Deputies of
llerrel threaten to withdrist from the
ALMAIM Diet, because they are denied
the right to vote and Influence la that
body to which they are entitled. ,Prince
Anereberg, .:by advice of the leading
members of his family, has refused over
tures to Itwm a new Osbinet.
biaratto, January 28.—The exalt:talon
of the radieslaifrena that:Se:duet &nese I
feeling , of discontent which le daily gain.
leg etrength.
In the recent eleilalotiti liOttaretdism
polled Ave sevenths of the popular vote.
LONDON, January 28.—Risinkim.—Vois
sols Clamed at 92%; American secuiltfei
quiet and steady: 62e, Gk . 655, old, 661;
675, 86; 10 , 10 s. SIX. Stocke firmer--
Eden, 1830 Illinois Central, 103)(r Atka
tie de Great Western. 25.
Lowliest, JUL 28.—Tallow - anmen
Linseed Oil easier. CbmstionlineiridUG.
Turpentine firmer. - _
Fiwrzponr, January , 2&-:-Bondi
five and firm at 91%.
Rama. January 28. — . Airaii ou Arai
'Arrrivsnr, January, 28. 7 .1Ntraleuro
firmer at 60y,f.
Itwrits, January 28.—Cottoit Bat at
Baurszw, January 28.—Petrolawn firm
at 7 Osiers 6 groats.
HAligunO. January .28.—Petroleum,
firm atql9ixiartibarcoe 14 shillings: • •
LIVIIMPOOL. January 28.—Cotton: sales
week MOW liaParia 111 . 00 0, 9 9• 011 .
Latino , 2 5,000, 'stock 80000," Ataerloan
111,000; reseipte week 28,000, American
8.000, afloat .296,000,: ineludipit . 14090
American. 'The Manchester market
favorable. and tne markt* hare , 1$
steady; sees 120,000 bale uplands; 11gd
Orleans, Illiggl2d. Breadatuftli dull—
Callfori•la waste wheat 9s 2d; - red west
ern 7s 2,1; winter, 8s Td; Weetern flour
20s 611, Corn, No. 2 EMMA 27. Bd. Oats
and Barley unchanged. Peas, 114 s. Re.
misty wheat for the past three days 12,-
500 quarters. American pork firmer at
102/ Odf beef 10.,* lard 70a, cheese 71s 6d;
bacon boa 6d, acid firm.
Accident on the Great . Weitern Ran
ss TYemtoll to!.ha Pit!apn.trb Duette.)
itharsanatos - Bathea, January M—
en accident on the Great- Western Rail
road occurred tonight to the Elvin=
train from Detroit. The train consisted.
of two panonaer and two. Pullman oars.
A rail which caused the disaster, though
new,. broke into several - pieces. One
passenger car was completely turned
over and wreaked beyond repair. Ano
ther wits badly shattered. When the
train was brought to-a halt; all the can
were so Jammed into each other that the
panengers could not get through the
doors. The conductor dlecovered - that
the over-turned car was on the, broke
through the window and smother'd the
flame with cushions, Only one passen.
air was killed. • His name is un
.own. He looked like a mechanic
and was shout- thlrty-dvo ,
or forty:
five - Years of age. - Ile came from
Petrelle, and it Is believed be was going to
Philadelphia* or Washington. When
found he had no coat on.- Mr. Rose, ei
commercial -traveler. of Iteration, O.
W.. had his ankle dislocated. Many
other passengers were injured. No one
In the Pullman care sustained harm,
;hough the panto was fearful. ;
The . Supreme Court—Nomina
tions—The Gold Panic lumati
gation—The "Vacant dndgeglil
—The Tariff Bill—Prince - 1/1-
.1 feed—Enforcing the Iletenue in
(er. Telegraph to the Plttibursh Omens.)
WASHXNGTON Jantutry 28, 1870.
The Committee •of Ways and Means
were engaged on the free list tariff MI
t.otley. •
In the Supreme Court the L:b
lowing cases were up:
. No. 10, original: State of Texas agaLtud
Geo. Peabody. Judge Poichal moved
tne return day of the subpoena In this
ease be corrected and fixed for the first
Monday of December next. It was so
ordered.- -
No. 337.. : .J. 1). Cox, Secretary, of the
Interior, vs. Win. McGarratum.. Oman.
eel for IdoGarrahan moved for a *At of
certiorari to bring up a _portion •of the
records which are now made up and do
notappear. Upon the suggestion of-she
Attorney General, however, the parties
stiptasted that the miasing portion may
be brought up by oonsent.
War Joni:dog, Aisessor Lef Internal
Revenue of the Fourth Georgia dietrict,
reports to the Commissioner the discov
ery and destruction of about • dozen
stills In that district by a mount,,
en expedition of revenue officials.
The operations were in Heard
and Carroll counties. During the expo.
(Won special detective Cowlan. while
making search for hidden stilts was
tired upon by a concealed . party, the ball
prundrig through his bal. The Assessor
believes the laws can only be enforced in
Carroll county by a strong force.
The President sent the following nom
inations to the Senate this afternoon: L.
H. Carey, Collector of Internal Revenue,
2d District, .Callfornla; Leander Holmea,
Attorney forWashlngton Territory; Geo.
W. Forest, Postmaster at Lewiaburg,
Pa.; Wm. W. Hurts, Postmaster at
4 11.thans, Ohio.
Tne Senate to-day confirmed the fol
lowing nominations: Frans/34W. Ames.
nor Internal Revenue, 6th District, N. Y.;
Horace Coleman, Assessor Internal R6l ,
eons, 4th District, Ohio; Wm. B. Mason,
Postmaster, Marietta, Ohio; Michael
Vidal, Commissioner on part of United
States under the Oonventlon with Peru.
Dec. 4, lfifiEn Chester H. Oruro, Attorney
Eastern District, Md.; Wm. embank,
of Indian; Mulder resident to Ports•
gal; E. S. Nad■l, Second Secretary of
on at Landoll.
,The Oominittee.on Banking . sod Oar.
rency have authorised the statement that
no portion of the testimony taken before
them in regard to the gold panic of Sep.
timber last, or the =Manes thereof, has
.given to the press, and that all
statements; purporting to be snob were
unauthorised and to a large extent ins°.
curate. The Committee have nearly
onsoluded the examination of witnesses&
The /ass series of Miners la honor of
Prince Atithur Was given this evening
at the British legation, at which were
present Bottators Schurz, Mlle= and'
Anthony, General Banks and the
Argentine, Partorhut . i llanish;
Spanish, Brazilian and Nether kiln-
ISN'T*. The Prince will probably leave
for New York to-morrow. .
of Defamers waited ou the President to
day tp urge the appointment of Judge
Fisher, now on the Supreme Court bench
of this Dietriet, to the VIICILLICY In the Su
premo Court of the United States.
The examination of Mr. Corbin was
continued by theCkinnnitteecrn Banking
and Currency to-day. The next tattoos*
will be Mr. Smith, of Smith, Gould rt
.Martin. Subpoenas have' been sent for
other parties In New York. •
The Pneumatic Railway—The
Pope and the Pentane—Wool
BT . TOttisill to the . PittsblyTh (Untie.)
Nrom Itosie, Jan. IS, 1870
lathe Supreme Court -, before
..Burdoe Pritireso, apidicetiOn' was made
on behalf of the oily for an absolute Ili.
;unction restraining the Beach Prisms
tic Trepan Company from far th er too.
netting Broadway and to noropet,PetntO,
repair theiniSeldefaireadi Ott the:
ground that such a tunnel as ihe'Com•
party proposer to construct will Interfere
Materially with thrOsying of sewer/time;
sod water pipes. The application is op.
posed on the ground teat the , apace oe- ,
=pied by the. Vinipirly' is so small
not to Injure le any ,_way the free and un
obstructed use of Broadway by the city,
and that sufficient space is left to lay ten
times the number of pipes and sewers
altesay there, in case such number was
required. The decision was reserved. '
THE porn. Aerate= eiraneaua
A cable dispatch the Pope has is.
erred a: special ellml on.' against the
Pentads. both in America, - end Ireland.
ga charged their , meeting in secret con
clave as danprocollo' the nem. of so
ciety.. the welfare of the ohn ro h, and
well doing of Its members; it .dlearders
their Minds from the regudar.end EltilOtt
-41 pursuits of life and tenders. them
ble to be led alittly. by *don thiboill ;
the 'Miner* of desipelag men.
. •
At thaiwartion asle,Resterdarot brat.
.200;000 ipmnds of wool, the: mfrs a s
WU large. and the wool takee, csa
entirely by matalanalo et Wool apt.
litairoxinuttingmarltet prices.
Ohio Legislature.
(By ayairmta, to Lye PUSAN.Iib 011541141
Cottnainni,' O.; January_ 28.—The
Senate to-day . indefinitelr
by a vote of 'SI to 12; tho'bill tid=l
tieNlaryof Suprema Judginovhieb is
A otritiotion ' was created lrylloilt•
etes of the Leidalattcre to day by the
rnor tranamitting acommunlealion,
aliened by_ nearly all tte, Pmpubllean
metubers .of Congreas.eecespyahsathut
Ohio upon her raddeatien. of..' the lit
teenth amendment . Thb , Senate finally
ordered the same to be spread pporl fta
I.Jan:um', and in the Hotuan'illar along
contest, it wan laid on the pada. -
A Helena (ifilidans) 4apatebof We
27th says that on the 15th inst. an acaa.
dition was sent %Wind certain trite" of ,
Indiana, who have been stealing mock.
and murdering white, Mr The past air , I
and months. The expedition Left Ant
Shaw, under command of Lol. Baker,
and la comprised of four companies of
the Second Cavalry and one comp any
.. of
the Thirteenth Infantry. An .”,”
runner from Fort Benton reported that
early on themorning of the twenty-third
Colonel Baker surprised sear Quer"
camp, of over_ thirty lodgeaend
men, women and children. Naquiirter
was gien. The 'stir pribe Was 63topitite.
Only s ix or eight men camped. Bear
Chief was among the slain: He ielmown
to have murdered several whites. Col.
onel Bakersloss is trifling, The other
tribes Of Black Feet up= hearing of the
affair, immediately made ell haste to
reach the British poaseedona, but
Understood B
ib expedition bse got per. '
mlmion to moss the boundary in pur,
m a. Tale report is oontirmed by other
arrivals at Benton.
' —New Tork city residents era pr, E =.
yig an address of weloome to
Altbar. At a recent meeting—convened
Mr that pumas, Mr.' Archibald, Thitisb
Consul, I,lr. Preston. President of Bt.
David's 8 •olety. and Mr. 'lrwin. of St.
Andrew, were elected a committee to
prepare the address. which, It Is under.
stood, will be presented lo the Prince
next week by aCOMMittab representing
the various national societies and British
intensts In this 0111. ..
_ .
. .
—The steamer Etna arrived at Boston,
&tip Ltverpool, yesuirday.
-The Mends or the Rev. Horace Cook
give it out that he is In an Insane asylum
—Rev. James IL Matthews, of the Re.
fornied Freabyterian Church, New York,
died yesterday, aged M.
—Fifteen hundred to two thousand'
workmen are to be dlaoharked from the
Brooklyn Navy Yard to-day.
—General Canby yesterday issued an
order =Minx over the administration of
the stele of Virginia to the civil authori
ties. . •
—The Boot Cork=Mee of the New
York!Methodist Book Concern Is engs
gedlti the consideration of the recent al
leged defalcation.
The Curling tournament at Detroit
ended yesterday. Alter a close contest
,Buffalo defeated Milwaukee and takes
the Gordon medal.
—The Legislature of Maine will pro.
ceed Ina body to Portland this morning
and attest in the ceremony of mceiving
therdmairm of Mr. Peabody.
-L•fignJudge Hearle, of the Marine
Ceurt, and Mr. Jessie 0. Vanderpool, of
the Surrogate's office, both well known
genuemen In New York political circles,
died Thursday.
Jticsob Reid, Sr., who took a dose of
pollen) at Chicago. on Wednesday. died
Dom the affects of it yesterday. He was
to have been tried In a few days for kill
ing • martin a drunken brawl.
—The report sent from St. Louis that
an Injunction had been obtained against
the Security Life Insurance Company of
that city wan a mistake. The injunc
tion was against the Security Fire Co.
' Ekingman, late Treasurer of
the Muth Congregational Church, Chi
cago, has been arrested, - charged with
beings defaulter to the church in the
sum of $24,000. The defalcation is coy.
tired by false entries.
—Orders have been received at the
Portsmouth Navy Yard to suspend work
in the constructing and steam engineer
ing departments, the - appropriations
having run out. This order will cause
the discharge of six hundred workmen.
—Mr. Snyder introduced a resolution
into the Illinois Constitutional Conven
tion yesterday to remove the convention
to Chicago. He thought that the bad
Whisky of Springfield would kill all the
Democrats and the rad water slay the
—Thomas Gordon. • plasterer, corn.
milted suicide at - Nashville, Monday
eight, by taking laudanum. Before
taking it he wrote a note stating his • in
tention, and asking the Bed Men, of
which nil was a member, to bury bJm.
Cause, Intemperance.
—A disease, new in this country, has
broken out In New York. It Is milled
the redspeing fever, and lion been quite
common in Europe. Though the fever
is very violent In its symptoms, it is not
attended with great mortality. Several
coma have been detected in the hospital.
—Ther Meat Inspector of Cincinnati,
under direction of the Board of Health,
yesterday seised a lot of one hundred
and twenty•five hogs, brought from
Kentucky to one of the slaughtering
houses. The canoe of the seizure was
that they were affected with bog cholera
or some other disease.
- .-The programme Is announced of the
funeral cortege for the removal of Mr.
Peabody's remains on Tuesday next.—
The procession' will be very Imposing.
The pall bearers consist of Fs-Mayors
and Rs.-Presidents of the Portland
Board of Trade. U.S. troops will acoom
pany the funeral train.
—Burglars made an all but successful
attempt Thursday night to rob the pram-
Mee of Solomon Mlget, diamoua mer
chant, New York dty, of 1110.000 worth
of diamonds. A hole was drilled In the
age and lilted with Powder, the explo
&ion of which brought the police to the
spot. The thieves escaped. - -
-Another attempt to flood New York
city with spurious fifty cent currency
bee been frustrated, and a clue discover
. • •• • marewittit firths detection of
■ number of dealers. Charlealhamond,
a notorious "queer" shover, has been
arrested, and Is said to be one of the
principal parties la the movement.
—The St. Louis Times publishes an
secanot Man outrage committed upon
Colonel Wm. A. Lewis, formerly Colonel
of the One Hundred-and Fifteenth La
nds Regiment, at Calrey. Franklin
county, Missouri, by members of the
Grand Arms , of-the Republic Pest, at
that place, of which Col. Lstria Is &mem
ber. • .
—Joseph Pulitzer, a member of the
Lower House of the Missouri Drees:
ture from St. Louis, shot and wounded
in the leg ledwara Augustine. Bopervt
ear of Registration. The affair grew out
of charges made against Augustine by
Pulitzer in his correspondenee to the
Wentiche Pod, he being a correspondent
of that paper.
—The trails from Detroit. nn the Great
Western railroad, due at Hamilton, Can
ada. yesterday at 2 r. ran. off the
track near Cape Town. One car, earning
in contact with a bridge, was precipitated
aver the embankment and badly smash
ed. Ooe man was killed and four slight
ly injured. .The cause of the accident
was a defective rail:
—.6 man named Earaman while going
.to his. home from Washiniiton. Illinois,
to - Deer (*eh, on Tuesday night hat,
Dose to death. Be was going home in a
wagon with his wife, somewhat intoxi.
canal, and' the wom an drove while he
tnplca in the bottom of the wagon.
When' they reached home he was stiff
and and in death.
—Willie - Atkinson, the lad whose pun
ishment at the Skinner school, Chicago,
isst November, created such excitement,
died, yesterday. He laid to a state of
stupor ever strum, he occurrence nearly
.three Months ego, never 'peaking and
scereety giving a sign of life. The loves.
tisane - 1 at , the time of the occurrence
failed to - Abo W-that undue violence was
used: -
-The:distillers at-Cincinnati met on
.Thursday and s
ite-soloed. That, the members present
record'Atieir namesin opposition to the
forty-eight hoar ayatens, and that they
express their 'determination to teat the
,questkloin the mum:
' Theti, also agreed.tO brlng 'a
teat case at
.once, tied' employed Catumel to carry on
—Long lidandtitiat prat beeleged .
by Alaimo& prints and elftrs, who bold
powerful revivals almostrightly, and it
as said with good effect, as a number of
converts is, &prowled. General Balton
is at present in Bildwiturville holding
nightly revivals. The people of Jamaica
.thrtateet to exterminate them should
limy attempt to bring about a religious
oriels in that village.
O'Flytut, at New York, coin
manned on Thursday an examination in
the case of Capt. John Alexander, whose
rlestif is alleged to have been caused by
poison, administered by Mrs. and Mr. Ira
C. Gardner, with whem he lived - at the
time of at death at Harlem. •- The ea
olive& were abeenti, but hire Burke, the
daughter of the r2seealled, was present
during the examination, which was not
'concluded. The evidence so far is strong
against the Gardner family.
--A dispatch froth Bt. Cloud,
stye a pwenger from Ft. Abercrombie
reports that Cunningham, of Toronto
Globe, end Robinson, of the Toronto
Te legraph., were arrested on their arrival
at Ft. Garry, on the evening of the 12tb,
and lodged in Jell. Reports describe the
storm last week as the most fcarfal ever
experienced. Seven men were frozen
dead between Pembina end Ft. Aber
crombie. On Sunday, the 16th, the
thermometer was 95 degrees below zero.
—Col, Baker', expedition against hoe
tile Indians returned to Fort Shaw.
Montana, yesterday. They killed one
hundred anti seventy-three Indiana,
destroyed forty-four lodges, with all
winter supplies, robes do., and captured
three hundred horses. The Indians
delivered up all the stolen stock In
their camp. Malt of the murderers and
marauders of last summer were killed.
The expedition .was a complete mucus&
Baker's law wee one killed and one
wounded. ,
—lnformation has been received at
Omaha, from the Pawnee reservation,
which shows t ha t the reported disaster
to the Pawnee raiders was somewhat ex.
aggenned. Four Indiana had their feet
and hands frozen and were unable to
reach the reserv a tion. The others ar
rived safely. They captured . one bun.
deed e nd twenty-nine ponies from friend
ly Indians In Arkansas, but claim that
they bad no tight. Superintendent Jan.
nay Intends returning the stolen proper
ty to the owners, and to have the leaders
put:defied. The hunting expeditions have
im returned very enewesfal, having
killed a m
large number of buffilo and
other W
~,._, _
A Well Managed. Railroad-The Modern
Piece of W 'cited nres—Doparted Treas.
urea—A Word About ild Lity--Stirewd
Business Men—Tltuarilte—The ?Jew
County Project, etc., etc.
TrrueVlLLe, Jen. 27, 1970.
The Allegheny Valley - Railroad was
never In better running order than at
the present time. It enjoys is perfect im
munity from accidents and bee deserv
edly grown popular with the traveling
masses. The credit' of its successful
operation and prosperity Is largely due
to the iron will, the Indomitable per
severance and high order -of executive
ability on the part of ha President, Cola
William Phillips. Every department I.
well officered, and the operating ma
chinery works As smoothly and fault
letsly as that of any other road with
which we happen to be acquainted. The
new bridge at 011 City, over the Alle
gheny river. Is well nigh completed, and
trains will be passing over it before the
first of next March. It is a handsome
wooden structure with lofty cut atone
piers. The bridge is a decided advan
tage secured just in the proper nick 'of
time, as having connection with the Oil
City side of the river, thus securing sev
eral convenient outlets and connection;
the Company will be able to aaccessfully
contend against the new road now being
vigorously pushed forward to comple
tion. between Franklin and 011 City; a
continuance of the .Jameatown and
Franklin Railroad.
This place of sin, wickedness, big welly,
gin mills, gambling heileand fart women
is richly deserving recognition as the
modern Sodom, and is equally ripe for
destruction. owded into very narrow
confines Is-gathered a population large
enough for a small city, and generally of
each character as would do credit tosome
Five Points of civilization. All. however,
must not be judged by the majority, for
sandwiched between the rougher els•
merits are found many very worthy and'
respectable people, some of them
residents preview' to the oil excitement,
and others drawn thither to seek their
fortunes in tho prolific bowels of the
earth In that particular locality. Par.
ker's Landing is, perhaps, the very beat
producing region in the State, and. pre.
Bente the singular record that nine welter
oat of every ten that have been put
down proved yielding and paying invest
ments. So much cannot be said In rela
tion to any other- region. The territory
is being enlarged almost daily by fresh
developments. An experienced opera.
tor assured an that if some pet theory of
hbewas the correct one, - and If the same
spirit of exploration prevails for a year
more to come that has marked the past
twelve months to the region of Parker a
Lending, a veal expanse of. new territo
ry, now hardly thouget of, will be added
to the Pennsylvania oil regions.
It would be better for the • fresh and
timid operator to ride into and •through
the oR regions by night, so thattda vision
may be spared the aightof the thousands
of dry and weather-beaten• derricks
which have no other mission than to
stand,sa ghastly finger poets, marking
the slots where innumerable dollars
have been sunk, never more to be
seen again. It to enough to discourage
the capitalist —these monuments of
blasted expectations; but the oil pro
dudng business has always been a rare
game of chance, and the lucky man was
generally the winner. Where one
princely fortune has been made, hund
reds of medium ones have been cast in
the last ditch of dry wells. The forest
of old derrick. standing In • the oil re
gions over holes as destitute of oil as a
stone is of blood. matte a train of thought
which moat make onorktors grow sick
at heart and entirely discourage novice.
in the business. The reader who has
never been on a tour through the land
of petroleum, can form no idea of the
multitude of derricks which greet the
visitor's eye. On MU aide& In valleys,
everywhere, they rise up of hundreds
and thousands, and, while
p ot very at
tractive, still present a scene so oddand
;intuited as to attract much admiration,
especially from the tourist who sees them
for the first time.
011 City is a peculiar place. Its muddy
streent, dingy looking stores, mattes in
• the air thrown up in the shape of elegant
residences on the sides of surrounding
hills `which reach far enough heaven
ward to earn for them the designation of
mountains, are • things out of the tine of
the ordinary to make strange and con
spicuous this city of modern grease.
Toe flat on which Ilea the business por
tion of the city is narrow and contracted
and by no means conducive to any greet
expansion. However,ihe city is grow
ing up behind itself and may be re
garded as one of the most Important of
oil centers in the country. Cottage Hill,
on the northern side of Oil Creek. over
looking the town, has recently doffed its
aristocrats, and pretty appearance
and taken to itself all the se.
pacts of a live oil field. Manygood wells
have lately been found there, and opera
tors are yet busily engaged in develop.
log. Altogether 011 City is a proud
tittle municipality sod much busi
ness is transacted within its boundaries.
The city has not entirely outlived Its
greatness, like most of the mushroom
growth tonne of oildom, but is slowly
and steadily increasing in aim and tee
portance. It wilt hardly ever again see
the palmy days of a flushed and wild oil
excitement as it did of yore, but it wilt
continue, so hinges mother earth gives
up her oleaginous treasure, to transact a
healthy trade and to to 'regarded as a
commercial point of great importance..
'Oil City does not boast of very many .
large or floe buildings or store rooms.
The place was rapicity built or thrown
together, and hence but little 'attention
was paid to architecture; but the stores
are all well filled with goods, and will
compare - favorably with those found In
most cities of greater Importance. The
Duncan House la the leading hotel of the
place, and Is admirably kept and man.
aged. There are other well conducted
and popular hotels in . the city, all Hof
them doing a right lively - trade as the
transient custom la large. Re cently a
daily paper has been started In Olt City,
entitled TM Times. It Is ably edited,
and all Its departments are well man
aged. It is designed as another organ of
the oil trade and - interests, and from the
tone of its present management, the care
exhibited in all Itslocal and general oil
intelligence, its liberal political primal.
plea and general good qualities ass live
newspaper, we can confidently predict
for it a brilliant-future; and it can have
no greater piCeperity .
.than we wish for
its enterprising conductors, who are men
of worth, ability and intelligence.
The population l made up of ashrewd
class of young and active business men,
most of whom were drawn by the oil
excitement a few years ago to the neigh
borhood and settled down to makes for
tune and' a permanent home in this
city of Petroleum. We do not know
where on 'change lin this country there
could be found, taken altogether,
a ahrewder, sharper or more intel
ligent looking body of men than
those in whose—hands now principally
rests the oil producing business of the
Pennsylvania regions. While they are
neither wild nor reckless in' their trap
sections or operations, still most of the '
plodding merchants, who prefer travel.
lug lately, would hesitate and tremble
before they would assume risks in sped
Wagons which are, throughout this re
gion. daily made. The great majority of
oil operators have been at times pecuni
arily unfortunate and lost vast sums of
money, but having pluck , and courage
they again went at the greasy tiger with
determination,' u the Roman Father
would Ray. "to give him the beat tight
in the shop," and In most Instances they
have retrieved what they lost and added
considerably thereto. They are quick 10
deal and with a plain yes or no coact ude a
contract which involves thousands and
thousands of dollars on either the debt
or or credit aide of their profit and loss
amounts. Most of them are men , of
means, but as unpretentious as dealers
in peanuts and des.
This city Is one of the prettiest cud
cootiest In the Mate. It Is progressive,
and with each returning year. presents
molt gratifying Improvement , both as to
buildings and population. Its leading
citizen/ claim It is the true and only
centre of the oil regions/ that more busi
ness is transacted within its boundaries
than hi any other city In the petroleum
domain. This we are fully constrained to
believe, fors more bustling, active and
enterprising place we have seldom visit
ed. There are pa latial attires , elegant
residence', roy alsaloons and all the
other appointments of a first class - city,
and besides • pion or theatrical entertain.
ion i_{'.utivurek'u'~ilvi~ce..'iryi~~'.~`.'..S.l:~~t:".Y.~„
NO.• 25.
merit which is rarely unoccupied. The
people jive well, dress well and act well.
They are hospitable, courteous and kind
and present, a society into which any
body might feel proud to be permitted
entrance. In Titusville many of the
original oil princes have settled down to
euluy their fortunes and their oil palaces
are pointed out to the stranger as edifices
worthy of spacial note.
-The Herald, a spicy and well conduct
ed paper, is published here. Its circula
tion is quite large, and Ita business profit
able- The subscription list comprises
names of subscribers in all parts of our
country, and many localities of Europe.
Its oil reports have made for It an lint
venial reputation, and it has cometo be
regarded as the organ of the crest 'oil
Interests of our Commonwealth.
In this locality the project for a new
county, with Titusville as the head
centre, is universally regarded with
fever. At a recent meeting of Councils
of the city 'a resolution was adopted
which guarantees that the entire cost or
the county building• of the 1313 W sub
division shall be wholly paid by the
municipal corporation of Titoaville.
They are prepared to propose more.
-They will relieve the taxpayers of Craw.
ford county, swallowed Into the new
county, of all taxes assessed on them
for the recently completed court - home
at Meadville. The course of Senator
Lowry, in betraying the Republican
manses in the-late State Treasurership
contest, has weakened the prospect for.
county very materially, inasmuch as
the project is solely in his keeping. Most
people have lost confidence In either
himself or his influence, and be may
as well retire from political life on his
own motion an to await the kicking out
process. Ile is not respected in Ma own
district any more than he he ^•
...riot any more than he is outside of
.i, bat to the contrary is looked awaits
a hardened old political reprobate, who
won sell the beat interesta of the cam.
mown:oth to aubserve a private and.
So far as we could observe, Bob Mackey,
defeated, has more than ten friend, to
every ono who, in hie own district, clings
to the coat tells of /seariot Lowry, the
ennoessfal in treachery.
ApproPos to Lowry, the Oil City
Time., an honest as It is outspoken and
fearless, says: •
' , Some peoples' ideas of economy are,
to say. the . least, .extraordinary. -We
know of one Sisk, Senator who claims to
bo the champion of rearm' and bitterly
opposed to oorruption ' one of whose
Plans of retrenchment is to have a per
son appointed to two offices in the State
Senate, draw pay for both, and act en
tirely as Meamanneneis, Instead of doing
the •Btate aome service.' See the rec.'
ores of the Senate .end Senate Com
So much for Lowry. Let him be paned
along the line. The morrow be lowering
for some patriots, and he la oertalnlyone
whom the goda have made mad to de•
atroy. We nominate Benjamin, the
Pittsburgh hero of reform, as hie mucosa.
sor. If Ben hasn't the same unexpended
balance of brains at bla command, he has
at /east as much honesty.
This pretty little loin, the county seat
of Forest, is ea dead as dead can be, at
this part fouler seam= Without • bridge
across the river to tap a railroad, without
• plade of amusement and hardly a Sab
bath sermon once a month, the town is
as golft . as a country church yard. The
people are good, the Jail is empty and
the Criminal thmirt docket exceedingly
light; and these facts speak volumes In
praise of the citizens of the town and
county. Tionesta Is sleeping and dream
ing of agoidart harvest to be , brought to
her by outside capitalist., who have
already commenced to prospect for oil
about her doota. If they are successful
the town hi made; if not, the people Will
ba none the poorer.
Several wells are t o be put down at
once on the hill sides above the town and
several more on Tubbs' run and Tionesta
creek. The prospect. are quite flatter
ing and weleel confident that the future
will dibre than realize the dreams of tba
most enthusiastic pioneer operators in
this section.
On the farm occupied by Mr. John
Carney, a gentleman as courteous, hos
pitable _and clever and as much hon
ored !and - eateeed as any in. Forest
omnsty:llai Ms g m ood traits of character.
three new - Wells win be' sung
al many - months. On John'. account,
and or has estimable lady, we wish a
thorniest& barrel Bowing well may be
struck. and that be may own It all, for
few could make better use of a tartans
and few are more deserving.
LIET.—A lot bit ground
hfickiMr:n r ee l L'lr 11074: 7 . l . l??_ar ni
flee boldly eonta Mine Mar. erne; y
ot 4 - aene., MP Pupae •. • • mei up Mtn , en- • •
esetd, Cana. se, /lien sPe.ete een,Lri
berg sul ut , le fu, ileaunt•eappliarpeitip•se• Or .•
CO. ••
Carlon ifld fah streets. bironneltuas. '
CH ILI /ICH, Mal road ntreed_ near Depot.)
,rxtr Ilidolrrox. e itWTII Pastor.
Preaching !Mani Bann/AIL at 107 i a: M. and
Ir. H. Pablo cordially Invited.
BELL BR,OKF. etor, tit oteclare medi
cine screlce In lOU Church On TO 3111181 MM at
hall , paat ten o'clock n. /1., and half,aac wen
o'clock F. X.
11 C:1111111.11 OY PITTBBUROIL WW S.
atatedln In NEVILLE
Vai, P ror:ket On.lbertY r?.rth
Irmo ever. Lord's 'Day at 10).
P Tte mbllt'are normally tnyinea.
CHURCH, comet Ramer street and
Montgomery avenue, Aueglien City, JoSEPH
KIM. Pastor. Preaehuta ItamUltßOM(Lord , s
Day/ at ItHa A 11. MI r. U
-eau ent.ttly free and a cordial Invitation to
alt. nundar tattooist 9A. U. •
11:45r1n1r., GEO. P. HAY.,
Y. P 48.
Avderson streets. 10-3( W )1..1M et. as
10;a o'clet . The MeantO livet sermon* will be
cantina-A at Welk, Seel eet—"Lae erayttaer.'•
:tett. 314:3.
corner •Or car , frees and Third ATaliva.
Rev. W. N. VAN - 113.1 d \UK Pastor. Services
EVERY et/DAY at /0% A. and Tr.
cuuda• Evenug. Jan .ary 30 b. Mr. Van de
Mart ml 3 delluer ac on trio al lecture. Soli vet—
Barlpa,a‘meaulug fKeU.4 the bevil."
'Beata free and o araluome to all. elands) school
at 9 a. M.
lar PL V 111010TH CONGEI EGA
TIO , AL CRU , ECEI. Itev.7. T. Wig-
HELM . = Pei tor. Preaching wornlog and 11•011•
[at len and a half o'clock (10.4) and nye° (Ti
at Kicelsior Hall. corner of Law oct. sedge&
6jfdsr.ets, Allegbroy. diatileet for the dandily
evening disooorse—i•Tso Way of Saivatlaw,the
teats are free •on *welcome to HI.
arltICH, IILACV, • -
Instructive Common tense Lectures,
corner of Decoct, sad Anders. streets; Alla
rebnnry tiIeTED fIUbLANYTY. •
_Blvpe akkels, 1:10e. Fore the reataleleg far .
Leetorce of the tonne. Joklarsie
: CITY corraor.l.llVP Orrick . k
Y{nnnnuou, Pte., devour Strat, 1870.
SEALED P,IIO I •OI9ALe will be
ej reetred at doe o ro Fr tr.
ry_ 3 t.
_roe Iticalskatier the City with JOB
.pee _
ktury.Nll fee the epealat year. peen. m or
the erotic to be donee= be seen at Ms atm
Br order of , '•
Sousaand Sign Painter,
No. O 4 Ninth Ripest,
(Late Rand street.) rltteburab. pr.
Another tarn lot of
Ladies' Gold Watches
Just neared at.
101 /117/1 AVEINIIL.
WATCHIS than MILO° upward., .t
warrizs & sacatrzwa
Ladles` aid Cbildrta•A
Ladkw, KM. mid Children's
W9D.T.. 'MYR! 11N.7/318H111713
Ot9; , ' a'id Toßths
• tliflaTs AND MIA *WC%
Old Stand Stocking Store,
a. 24 'FIFTH AVE/IV*
Jons -
T EAD Toy Pip Fact Galena
.L4114..W. /9 ' . " 1. " J. 1 4 C42inina.
la the Una and alas at canamarclal and Daft
Nefermer, aecheale or mereasat &mild be
&We nil
• eon Is tarnished rtatutioosly to UM Monet
up of a club of tea.. FOC.Mitilall telleated.
to ea as spats. -
"Lod." " Wa/A...Found," “Boraylimp,”
die., "no[ exceedtr-g FOUR LINES, MtW
be inaerkd in these column/ owe /or
TWENTY-FIVE waxily; alai
U.:postal Line FIVE CENTN..
Wit- a tee 11..odeett Collars tolavett tie '
54.4 peeing buelne-e.
• Apply at 643 Peas street.
Wit i tl . !l• . E. re lli. — d r 5 A
th nua.d at a. 111 4 .1. b g 2174 . 111 NT ".4
44.5 U per weLk.
__ - 1
WANTELIBEL.Pr....AT Es , . PLOYXENT OFF/CH. No. / 81,.. Clain
woes, .110.Yn 01111.5 and MEN. for algarnal
[lads of smplor_vena. rernonn wanttas
of all kinds .an M ononll.l on Own *rare*.
WANTED Pealed Pltoposals • ~
in be r ' for ste 'Asa for ten f'
thou and 1111.0001 VESTOI MPH ETUNZ. I
to be dell•ered In PAtt.bUrfb or LtIrrenCIITMO.
Mast se of Freq....nor Bag en atone: , 1
CASU wit be ,a 1 OLE atllrery, rsta . ututa per
footage for faiddrOS al Of Coot: ars. Ad Orrus. :, I .
ICTeltf Heal Estate Arcata. Lawriarevllle.
$3 . 0.000 to Loci In lam or =all =MUM;
at a far rote of lotare.t.- • •
BM, Bond iad Heal &nate Broker,
No. 179 dr.11111•14 stmt.
kOPT:t-fit/ME DAT@ 'AGO.' . a
Mk &Entel Money and Sualrestd
eels •lte owner's tam e. ' ander will be
Illeerally rewarded we leartert It with J. J.
MeCtlUSllCK:lo6Bmittilfeld street. 1-U.
T O LET.—The Stoke and Bwe!_
ling recently Stied op at tb a corner Of ROllll :
street and Yourth avtaue.. tom^rlslng
Vault, Store Room, littabuu, Dtatng ltoomnd
Mot:lambert. with Ss. and winter piper eon.
plate. Annual rata 11400. Apply oast door out
Garth avenue, to
. . .
0' LET.--A' very, superior, • •
7 , Brick Dwelling. eantatals re. Bow..
bath Room .d Wash Home:. Iliae•dry cellar
under th e whole tion.e, win la ge open lot ad. •
Jolaine, contang' fraltand Dairen: la wtibla z t •
on. ado sse or the market and the same Meta..
from toe Street ears. ?Ms le 11 nee ehalterrks..-- •
obtaln • most d aaaaa ble
brililre of , • .
, ISADIdir *HLL, '' •' • '-
ja.7:(12, 01Beever 86. Aileen ny Cler.. ,
pal-LET—A large Front Room; •
funnehtd. on arcond floor, panlng as a
b Irony, Suitable for gantlesnan and hd•,
or rno • • '
Mania genilemen. s.ocatton, 1n Writs , 5
910 LET. —l7cp. 17 Wood . strebt,
9 + i474TIVVI:rd„Irt co.
0g..14a. 68 Wood West. -Enquire 'at - BIV.
Penn wee,
• •
rpos LET.--nesk • Roomy to a
hsodsomer Aged op ofilesin se,stral/o
oss.On for business. APPIY• Ai ' Na. so asuar
avenue, second floor.
O.LET. Fur - rriont
mama. witaltar rapardlna. by , tia
week or Apra' t No. 691i121NT
L if Bt. •
-ET.--A 0 desir ableAlio; . Frore
ICS n,n on 1..1r;
s nesetst'
, IC on Si; wad saooad Boor. sad Igo2l
60.n7 20 on' third .Banalra or D. B.
WALK I 4 Starr odic,. llasta strut • .t
LET.—The ':Large store.
Room No. 06W71t0-Avrour, corner of.
r nal stmt.: Pittiburigh. A. M. BROW!.
Il• Fifth soon, a.
mo LET.—Two .story
S..ouses, Not. 58 MA 118 C. nue .....
cental 515 if lOU room. Pet,: mason lm. ,
rovemeat.. Roquiro Indio 54 'esss. ayes . ..r
jo hta wanaanLi r wibogdararooa..
• ._, .•
- LET.— zooms. S x
everal '
r r.e. late .d ..11 • ferntalied rein. la •
0 ey..0% incettun, quiet and, near , in , bunesesa,.. ~ :
0 , 0 ~,, 0.4 by - gentlemen ZS Sleepier realm.
Ti, me rm... XI, very. aetirable. Xscril3l at 44' ~;
NINTid ' , MEET, la. Lane. t: .
__ __ ._____
To LET.--A Suit of Booms
edtripti• les T., Lat., tiered t ot.
Sao 11 , nir. tin - luso, ..11 Itaing.4
Malt XOOll3Olll 3g. tnnr. tine tarn Hair +HIV
anten naims on. 4tH Mao... tine Eta.. Boom
ton 951. t Knirtsnis
Fon rsb tV.a. 17. r ry, • •-• • • ot- , ,U• ..?
Booms Arm orrwas
Inctutza of
ctAzzAst a 00..
wlll be off rod for tee to ibi hithrielci
oQ .
b. it bidder, • McArthur. Vinton
the 160 day of ~ ..Inuarv, Sego, te e • AD.
UNACII., wit.. the Mode lei:caning thrills. -
These had, cr‘tain 10010.041 lend' MO( ore
and coal. and the' Burnam L neer .1* yell blest
Manage* We':len lila;t A tirrosi Imn weeder.
l.n Bainbridge. H0e..... ty, Ohio.
FOR 841.11.-1 . steam Emanuel - .
to by 30. l 0 go od mouths. oreer.:
ousfOrg, - eating. wallies Loam and ti
11F He ie. all ae word eo new. 'Alto. TW OI6.
INCH a.104.1T AND BMWS Billten. Will be
Y•A low. Can be seen at tee Wortsoif the
ournlocheny Gas Coat Company. Wert' New=
ton. rn.
OH 841L1t.-:-AT A BARGAIN:
—IIOU-E AND LOT WO. le LectlM ttreet.
tscond weld, Allegheny. Monte. 511 non
of roams well:nab. •a 0 nfplrlr. i Let NO
by SO tow icier. Geo.] frame 'table et %err ' •
tllrertr"niu'V gm •
ucone- of he lurks. sed•conytmlelece. et as' •
Inyeatment It would IT•Ille. bt reap:cisme
per rent. cn the cost. Terme guy, nee law.
for firth r Infumoetlea. 7
Si 011131101 id. Al 1•10.11. • - •
That - . 4eeslgSted off is fee n e his &elites
Noose. 8 Mee, .8 Umnalls, Masud. la' Vae t• •
Fifth ward •All belly Cl ry: 'between Me.° .4 •
lepa strees. beaten • from of ltaltleet. ea la'-• •
aeon, of 980 feet tb Bldge street. Ibis In one e
if the most b. an Bel
g.etty. Terms acet=tlr. ustAtag...
•Th No. ETV Llbe•ty treat. elttabebe 'h. 4 "
gnu BATE.-DINELtdr
That tin Cow BUIOS DINA aymej.' •
rabs/ located. No. SO Meer evenne,...l.lbse; • - • t
ea% gr'grr'rT'74llll°l, - 71
In all the moms Halle at then.. • Being Itp.. "?.
1a- • ju- " , 110 1 11111.trilt; "
VOll LE.--En gimes andXfoil,-
Eat, Neririnia Second Hand, or .I klt4l - •
couttaully on band. •
Ordera from all patto of the amnia, ;
'tams cb.,t. ""•
Corner Marlon Ayenaa mid P., Y. W. IC.
F 3lll SALE. ..
Plve /Wave Prestos and Istria Iteentity.Of .
OP.. More wort than they centurion/1.7
.10filif A. Daß7
TIM aveoxe seolaaserBti
Fos 'due. - '
Within the city Unit.. Will be sold
es,l7 levee. leepelre' of WIC lILLOLY• .
Alt nery•st-Laer. 91 Greet etr.e..
Foe PALE.—Stock and Fa-
TIIPEe, LEASE .1.31 D 0000 WILL Ole
Bret.clarsprxery. 4We, a coal he Woo, flu* .0 . ' ;
vude:gieelf 'bring eogeged in other twitter te
IDIU F1(.7 ' E i r e Ins
tato. will rare
Pero, Trouble and mangy be
2,415,„ gEtimlall...` t dpveaargea,ain •-•
or will be mat by Ps= tottly , ~ ,
Pr= cannot tall to eet o tor tha /au,
Ilat It eeeWa. (113ulirr PHLIALIPei ?Vb. • 7 • 7 "
llehers zed Real Intel* Annie, lie, Joy vow* . •
• . . . .
OWA LAND NOD li , Alie.-800q- ' l.- • . `".
*Wel of choke land In one or the tetlt noun. ~ '1 :, , t
a tin lova near the. line of the Clneaeo 111
. orthweater- ttataaad, walla° •• of taw
prodsott ••eart'ona or the Mats. Wlll ta al?hn . . ,
low, 1.04 "holt or a ton. ADV .4 <mos to 1 1
B. CLAW A Co..
- 10* Wooten mans.
WEsTERrir - 1118THIer or.
AI Pittsburgh. the 1115th dor of Jaanar7. .. ` D. . :
uhe tinttersiamd A ma,. idyl, 1411, of its
appointment as Assignee Of J . . 41., ergziti,,te
sae.eau. NMI toms. of Alleilteny. sad Wats of
Peau•Yleaul.. 'Maths saiSsrstetet. wk. tembOMl
• Judged a FLUIRIOpt dorl /1 . als men peiltlOn
the Disukt Vhset. , ,,
~gy,l &Mt. •
JAIKIA 2fUlta•T. Antrum
latil AtMeasy •t-Lair. Alf euu,11.111:11, 1
~54 4" e
• . POT:
51 .• 1,60• Hpartil Kaska: . •
si ...jos readies.:
i raj ' t ' Ytnte° .h.l. Litt eoVu- ,
MKIIVII ea IS Haver. for We by
inatatt DAUlgislt co.
:, z ty ~' r;?,J