r 3 c i s latsbutti saptts. CITY AND SUBURBAN. ii=eny Pollee bayenot yet De in • Ire - Dly completes the Allienth year of Alderman Donaldson's continuance In Chet cram. ?en Dollars.—Darby MoDonotigh was =y required to lay s tine of ten a lor Indulging In the very cum 'lnent luxury of . beating Ids wile. Astonishing fesidons in swing hats and tonms• are promised. Perhaps the bonnets will be worn under the chin, sod • bow knot, Sled on the top of the Lad. Vonareay Alderman Shore committed tojall flannel Johnson for • hearing on • eitungoof Amwayproferrod by John llsentltdo Tta dtspute being eon mind 'Muttons dolnrs. 11. Coloolladooer.—Solin Y. Woods, bq" of Greensburg, Westmoreland otoudy.. woo yesterday appointed V. S. - Geounisalener. Hls appointment was teeesamanded by the leading lawyers of liroosoburg. _ . Cerrection.—ln our report of the G. A. baagnst yesterday ws erred In stating that 1$ was prepared by Mr. Smith. Oar old him:4 the prince of caterers on each oesulonhi'W. H. Simpson, 293 Liberty street, Is ettitled to the credit. As Mart wilt, be made during the weeentsemakregrees to so amend Use prstal la allow all newspapers sent from or publication Logo Imo to soy pp At:present they only go free Is bleenounty of publication. Iteideniey Wm. Cunningham made Inibrmal4on before Alderman Taylor, eharging John Barrett and Edward Fa gan with obtaining from him $33 by false pretense. Bribseguently the matter was explained satisfactorily and the proseen•• for withdrew the charge. Bente Agent. —B. B. McCarthy, of Huntingdon, has been.appolnuat Route Agent between Philadelphia and Pitt. i tl if u gan d en haa Nt' a e t l a m ma rnTilTlS l . l r. Bingham has been promote d to the post. Hon of lirst_Rente Agent. • lam "Unitla /1100iC D. D., of the M. I Z. Chisrch, one of the most eloquent pulpit orators of Ms day, died In CallPyr. Ids Daltuday night last. The Reverend p•ethesnan was a native of Beaver, and was very popular In this section of the BMW. HL remains wallas taken home kr hurls& • with Beater.—,John Hobson, a man who has gained some notoriety by beat ing and shooing his wife, wee arrested on Wednesday night at the Instance of Mrs. Hobson, and yesterday morning sifter shearing was committed to jail for ridays, in delimit of a One of twenty. naollars and costs. Caught at Lest.—On November 30th lB Information was made before the May obarglng Ben• Wallace and Leonard Shiner with the larceny of a new, valued at it 50, the property of Coleman, Raton a Co. A warrant was Issued, bat the Onsets were unable to and either of the eteneed until yesterday, when officer Blears eaught - Wallace. After a hearing before the Mayor he woe du:omitted for L.Hb Waten.—Wm. Morris states IL lost a direr watch valued at 513 In this wise. He left the timekeeper at the store of J. -Lincoln, jeweler, on Wylie street, a abort time since, and subaequenty, be alleges, Ltresoln gait hateness, since when he has beard noth ing of the watch. Alderman MeMasters ripen Morris' Information Issued a war. rant ter the arrest of Lincoln for larceny as bales. Minds! Ice.—ln many large cities artificesl toe is procured In large quano• ties by means of, steam. Water, eplrlte of ammonia, salt and steam are neoeuary for its production. The machines In use can produce I,asi founds of ice in about four bolus, and it I. said to cost 'about one Lahr muon as toe same quantity of natural loe. Should the weather continue as mild as It bee been, it will be neces sary to resort to this method here in rittabrirgh. Bird Boxes.—Our suburban people who desire the mule of song birds, or the labor of birds to aid in the protection of fruit front insects next lesion should loss no time in putting out among their tressand shrubbery a goodly muster ot bird boxes. ell who supply houses for the birds this winter will find their gar dens next spring resound with • the twitter of the wren and blue bird. while thairehrnbbery will bo cleared of vermin by the English sparrow. ; The Minter Esttlbuton this Evening.— Otir Junior friends will do -their beet to those who may anew:trams them Vtheir premium this GTOEder. We hope the University chapel will be filled as handsomely—in every sense of the word —ea It has heretofore been on oncsalaus =oh so this. The University has not been wont to disappoint public expecta tion in such, or any other entertain stoats, to which they aro Invited. The new term begins next week. The Iron Trade.—A. lad about eight mat age was brought beers Mayor yesterday morning by hie mother. who wished to have him committed to the House of Refuge. He had acquired a habit of picking up articles—not par ticular as to ownership—especially old Iron, which he converted into money, throigh the agency of a jpnk dealer. The Mayor dismissed the lad after a wholesome lecture, and then bad the junk dealer brought before him and warned to dealst from Ede "practice of purchasing from children, otherwise him. lon would be entered against Darbre Treebtite.—Daiby McDonough ranges on Tunnel street. Yesterday he was before the Mayor for disorderly con duct. on oomplaltdof his wife. The visit cost him ten dollars Soon atter he wee coiled upon by Alderman McMaster.. pence, whe Induced him to visit that magistrate's office, where an information rxr assault and battery bad been mime against him by Me wife Margaret. She charged him with attempting to take her life with a knife—an attempt which was Mutinied through the- agency of her mad efforts, which summoned neigh bor] amistanos. Eta was held for a Meal wettings. IS" regilermouthli meeting of Conn die trill be d next Monday at 2 tr. x. A meeting o the Fire Engine and Mee • Ooatialtsee be held this evening at 7 0'c10ck...:.. This Clity Printing Coning thee will mem today at 2 o'clock r. se., In the Control let's ekes. " Board ot Charity A quorum or thhi Botrd, contistini or Dr, Worthlngton, George & Itaniaon .oaoryM Dimon Ooleumn end F. B. Pon. • mmerl, met In • this city. Wedneeday Morning wee trent in visiting the Wyatt ern Penitentiary end House of Reroge. Yesterday, they anent the day in Salt Dinnor.t Eimpitat. They leave to day for,iCale to pay a visit to the Marine : - Beepitel In that city, where they will be sewed ! ey'Ciatmet Kane, President or the BOara. Calk Iwurance Company. ,/fileiwltere in this Issue will be ftnind sa official statement of the Asset. and IXanursements of the Cub Insurance • 06aspany, one of our local underwriting • fgalltutinint, which, since its 'organna Uwe, bas done an settee and large but . gees, paying promptly all its lows and adding 44 per cent. to its °dens! - mem. •"10111 pallebe have been so well appreciated that the amount outstanding exceeds two and a quarter millions. Ifo better eel. dance than this could be delfts& of the .steoeral confidence of the oommunity.'n well In the integrity and prudence of its • management, as in the abundant • re ammo' of the Company to meet'svery Candidates for the noose of Refuge. Janus Scanlon and West Sill, two ',ring lads were arrested on a aurae of larowsy on oath of John Padden, nude before the Mayor, Wednesday evening. reddest resides at the corner of 'Fourth swoons and - Sagas street, and Scanlon fa his nephew. White stopping at Ms un cle's house the boy learned that there Ware one hundred and eighty dollars In cold and aLuty dollars Miniver laid away - s drawer. About two weeks ago the money wits mimed. mid the noels rum =tbat Eloanlou had stolen it. made glom as stated. Wilma blm and him couipsnloo. Atter a bearing- the Mayor held them to ball, for their app sues IA tbe next term of Court... B o w an ave .- - -111mii required bail and younglen less mmitted to jalL Kr. Padden 40am t hat. Eloankm confessed to haying • taken the money before be yam smiled. 'Mew that sat had got it and had even blot. abouS Xl3 in paper mousy, as his 'l ' ;.'' C .:;!•`l": .', ':'. 6 : , '',k - ':;-, 1.,i'.::;'i''.;'-'.'''4'd;'';'..;:''''f'.'-;W:i' '''''s`,.' ", - .., , ,i' - '''. ,.. ;',,: . ,;`,14« . .. ,- ,4t4...'t.', - ,A , ~ .' •'.1'4'", ' .1, 1 .1..15,,i. • -,A .- , '.'7,'A'!!-... '1..:Z.-i'i..,',.*'f''',l'--.4fif.,:';:. ' ._ GRAND ARIL Departllltllt CAIITentIOU of the D. A. R.— beetled Daps' Proeeediegl•—leattula tom of unieere—Resetutleue. The Department Convention of the Grand Army of the Republic, which met In this city on Wednesday, reassembled yesterday at nine o'clock, In Lafayette Hall, and wee called to order by Grand Commander 0.-ct.Boebyekell. The exeroisea Were opened with prayer by General Wagner, Chaplain General pro tem. The link business, as announced by the Grand COmmuander, wee the election of a Medical Director. Comrade Dewitt, M. D., of Post No. 2, Philadelphia. was unanimously elected to the pbsition of Director. The election of Chaplain General was next in order. Rev..1..1. Marks, of Post No. 144, Brookville, and Frederick A. Tencate, of Post No. 45; Phoenixville, were nominated. The election resulted ln the choice of Rev. J. J, Marks, who wu declared elected. On motion of comrade Crosby Grey the election wu declared nnant• mots. The election of members of the Coun cil of Administration, resulted in tne choice of comrades Chas. B. Green. T. A. Nichols, C. H. Campbell, Lane 8. Hart and Frank Ruder. On motion, Gen. John F. Rartranft wee elected Delegate at Large, to repro• Sent this Department In the National Enoawpment. _ . . The choice of the place for the -next semi-anneal convention of the Depart ment, was next in order. Erie, Reading and Wilkesbarre werelainated, and Wilkeebarre was chosen b a considera ble majority. The anno , cement was received with applause. ' An electlen of delegates - to represent this department in the next National Encampment, wax next gone into. It resulted in the choice of comrades Bodine, Wagner, Beath and Pearson. The report of the committee to whom were referred the reports of the officers. offered yesterday, wascalled for and read by the Chairman. Captain Frank Reeder, of Easton. . On motion of Captain W. B. Cook, the report was accepted and the committee discharged. On motion the report was taken up and considered acrestim. Most of the points of the report were adopted without oppo. anion. ' The following preamble and resolution. were offered by W. B. Cook, and mum'. mouldy adopted. - . vtAw.. • .atosbyshell, our . ••. • • ties, during ;.'. - • undivided atteri t on to the , ; y of the Republic, and by hie seal and perseverance greatly Done dtted the organisation, therefore, Bemired, That the thanks of this .De pertinent be and they_ are hereby ten dered to Comrade Bosbyshell for his zeal and activity in the interests of oar organ !ration. Resolved, That the Commander and Assistant Adjutant General are directed to transmit to Post Commander Booby shall a certified copy •of this Preamble and resolutions. Resolved, That a committee of five members be appointed to obtain andpre• rent to Comrade Boebysbell a badge of :he G. A. R; as a mark of our esteem for him parso:ally, and a alight token of our appreciation of his servloes as Om wander-of this Department. The Commander appointed the follow. Inc committee to carry out the °biro: of the foregoing resolution : Comrades W. B. Cook, Generals Al. bright, Wagner, Bodine and Colonel R. B. Beath. General Albright offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of the Con vention are hereby tendered to Posts No. 8. 88, 117 and 151, of the cities of Pitts burgh and Allegheny, and the borough of Birmingham, for the generous and fraternal reception and entertainment which they gave to the members of this Convention, and that copies of this rear. lotion be tranemitted to the Posta named. After the transaction of much other business of a promiscuous . and private , character, on motion of General Wagner. the officers elect for the opening year wore called forward and installed. .On motion of Comrade Wagner tbe officers of this Convention were instruct ed to return the thanks of this Conven tion to the various railroads and hotels which had_ reduced their !idea, and s tended courtesies. On motion of General Blakeley, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this De partnient be tendered to Comrade Curtis S. Haven for the. badges 'gratuitously presented tathe deegates. - On motion of General Bodine, the fol. lowing rwoonatioa woo monorloocnioly adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this Con vention be and they are hereby tendered to Comrades A. L. Pearson. W. B Cook and S. P. Gamble, of Poet No. 8, of Pitts. burgh; Comrades. Wm. Blakeley, A. Patterson and S. It.. Donaldson, of Post No. 88, of Allegheny City; Comrades El Woods. D.-A. Jones and John J. Bert. zog, of Poet No. 151. of Birmingham, and to Comrades C. S. Haven, S. F. Dennis ton and John Grayson, of Post No. 117 or Esat Liberty, for the excellent and satisfactory manner In which they have performed their duties as a committee of ; arrangements for this Convention. After the transaction of some, private business, the Convention adjourned rise die. THE PETROLEUM DEALERS Annual Meeting of the Petroleum Awe ciation—Eiectton of officers ter 1810 —The Contract Question Again— Wei m of contract Vuhu.ly Adopted— Oti In. speckle. Yesterday morning the annual meet lug . g Of the Petrolettm Association was held at their room, ate. 4 Dalzell's build lug, Dcquesne Way. JamosrA. Hutchinson. Esq., presided, with Mr. A. F. Brooks Secretary. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. On motion of Major Frew,: the election of allure were taken up as the first buaines to order. Messrs. i.e. A. Hutchinson and John A. McKee were nominated for President. Mr. McKee declined the nomination, and on motion of Mr. Long, Mr. Hutchinson was elected by acclamation. In the same manner I Messrs. Wm- Frew and J. T. Stockdaie were chosen Vice Presidents. Mr. A. F. Brooke Secretary and Treasurer, and Messrs. Waring, Lockhart and Fo rsythe as the Executive Committee. Mr. Lung then read the report of the llommittee appointed at the last meeting no form of contract. He stated the Corn mitts* bad adopted the paper passed at the last meeting with the provisions printed on the back, only altering a little the face of the contract. The Committee had also slightly, altered In reference to the weight In barrels, and so otherwise amended it as to givothe seller the priv ilege of delivering the oil on the last three dam either of the expiration of the contract, or in case notice was given the tut three days ofthe notice. . A motion was made by Mr. Kirk to lay the report on the table, which was lost. A motion was then made and subse quently amended co as to provide for the Adoption of the contract as reported. with an amendment in relation to the weight of barrels. Mr. Loot; offered the following: .Resolved, That hereafter In the dells , ery of crude oil, under sellers' option amtracts, the seller shalt have one week in which to commence toe dells cry after ho shall have received the con. levee or place of delivery, and ruiner, shall bave one additional week la which to complete the delivery of the whole quantity called for, by the contract for which a consignee wee furnished. In 'case at the endof the first week the de. livery has not been commenced or-the end of the accord week the delivery has not been completed, then and in either event as far as the seller is con owned the contract la to be considered a. expired. and the buyer has the option or buvlog the said non delivered quantity and holding the delinquent seller fir any loss which may ensue. The resolution was referred to the Ex. eentive Committee. Mr. !Rockdale presented a bill In rela tion to inspection of oil In Philadelphia, which he bad received from Senator Gra ham' and said it was now pending before the Legislature. The President then read the bill in detail, and It was then referred to the Executive Committee. . AD informal discussion then arose in regard to the lespection of refined oil in Pittsburgh under the conditions of the new contract, and oil motion of Mr. Long, the sixth condition which related to this inepection, was stricken out. The Association then adjourned. NM School Exhibition. Tanis - fa the first of a series of three ex hibitions will be given in the Moorhead Public School House by the pupil. of tlieschool. The exercises consist of rect. latione„ readings; dtalonges, music, vo cal and instrumental. The young me. formers bare made great preparation for the oomxion, and the entertainment promises to be very plaasent and enter tithing. It ta given for .the purpose of rasing a fund for the perchese of an organ for the school, and aside from the pleasure derived, etwald be patronized by all ovels of the divine art who wish 10 Ilse it eretOttliphi. THE COVETS. District Court--Juage iiirtpatrict. THIJRISDA.I. January 27.—1 n the case of Flinn va43iaham and Moline, action for damages for false arrest and imprison ment, previously reported. the jury re• turned a 'verdict for plaintiff in the slim of *75. FALSE 131PRIAMIXENT. The first care taken tip was that ot George Bassett vs. James B. Hill, action to recover damages for an alleged fain imprisonment. The facts in the case so far as we could ascertain them are as fol lows: In February, 1866, Mr. Hill lost a wagon which he ascertained was in poe. session of Bassett, Morrow ,t Co., and on the 21st of February of the same year, he made au information before Mayor McCarthy, upon which a search war rant was issued. The warrant was placed in the hands of officers Rivers and Hague, who forted the weg..l on on the premises. of Bassett, Mor row dr. Co. The Information upon which the search warrant — was leaned, it ap. peen was then changed so as to charge Alfred Pearwn, Alexander Morrow and George Bassett, members of the firm, with the larceny of the wagon, which was valued at $175. The parties were ar rested and entered ball for their appear ance at Court: and at March Sessions. 1868, of the Quarter Sessions Court, a true was fonud against the accused. March 14th, 1%6, the care was tried and a verdict of not,gullty was rendered. Mr. Bassett then brought this action against Mr. Hill to recover damages. Mears. BPatterson and T. M. Marshall appeared 'for the plaintiff, and Meows. A. Ai Brown and John Hampton for the defendants. . It appeared in evidence that the wagon was not really the property of Mr. Hill, ar at least that there was some difficulty about It; that Pearson bad purchased the wagon and had, after notify lug Mr. 11111 of that fac , , gene in the night time and taken the wagon from Mr. Hilre premesis and removed it to where It wu found by the office & A number of wit. nesse' were examined but the evidence was in substance what we have stated above. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR MONDAY. 143 Morrow va. Hill. 112 Jacoby vi. Schoen di Laurent. 04 TOMO V& Morrow. 1111 Kennedy vs. Schulte. 1114 Grant va. Boon. 127 Ewing vs. Thompson. 128 Morgau's Ad'ms. vs. Ewing, et al. 131 Rector, sto. of St. Andrews Church vs. Hoag. Common Pleas—Judge Collier THTMODAT, January 27.—The first CMS takfM9P WWI that of Geo. H. Stoner, Ti. R Edwards. Action in assompait. Ver dict for plaintiff In the snm of 447.12. Coleman. Rehm dr CO. VO. Wm. M. Leech. Action bn book account.. Do fendant was an employee of plalutilDi and It appears had overdrawn his wages, and this action was .brought to recover the balance dna plaintiff.. Verdict for plain tiff+ in the moon of 1.620.90. Jns. Bl.kely vs. Moreland Jr Mitchell. Action to recover damages. Oofendanut ore proprietors of a livery stable and hired a home and buggy to plaintiff. The horse shied and threw tee buggy over o bank, throwing plaintiff's wife out and injuring her. The case was tried before Judge Collier and a non•auit taken, and this is a second trial. On trial. 'TRIAL LIFT TOR FRIDAY 160 Erale vs King. 162 Hazlett vs Porter. . . 165 Simpson ye Idutttal We Inannunce Company. 184 Kennedy et al. vs Dititridge. 185 McCOl:miss vs Hamilton. 187 Peeples ye McCune. k 190 Skating Association vs Kerwin et al. 194 Spaug at al. va Hoffman. 195 Rama vs Seibert._ _ Alleged Larceny • On the list !net., Wm. B. Shaffer made Information before the Mayor charging Emanuel Matchey with larceny. Shaffer le an officer in the employ of the Cleve land aruPPittablugh Railroad Company, and It was alleged that Matchey, on the 4th Inst., carried away Irom the freight depot of the railroad Company, at the corner of Penn and Eleventh streets, two boxes of merchandise, one chalet and one trunk, all containing household goods . reigned to John Wolf, Pittsburgh, end marked "W." The whole amount of goods taken were valued at about 1160. It appears front statements made that the accused end Wolf had boarded together at the came house somewhere down the river, and that they came up the river together. Wolf had his goods 'gent to Pittsburgh and left them at the depot while he went to McKeesport to setk ork at his trade, that of a cooper. Matchey, It is said, went •to tba depot, represented himself es Wolf, and task the — goods away. - • . The articles were subsequently called for by Wolf, who mud he had given Matettey no authority to take them Mr. Shaffer, accompanied oy officer Rivers, went in search of Matchey and the geode. They succeeded in finding a portion or the goods In a store on Sixth street, end the remainder were found by officer alyer• in a house on Church alley, Wit Matchey could not be found. It was sub sequentiy ascertained that he was in New York, and a detective was sent on from this city and had him anodes:l. The fact of .his arrest was telegraphed to this city, and officer Long and Mr. Shaffer, armed with a warrant for his arrest and • requisition from Governor Geary, went on after him. They found him in canto. dy and returned to this city with him yesterday morning. Matchey admitted taking the goods and gave as his reason for so doing that Wolf owed him more money than the goods were worth. Tne articles taken were valued at hl5O Matchey was, In default of ball, commit• tad to Jail for trial. Capt. Ball's LeetariT, A vary large audience assembled last evening at Lafayette Hall to hear -C;pt. - 0. F. Hairs lecture descriptive of scenes and Incidents in his Aiello tour 1n search of Sir John Franklin's 'expedition. The gallant Captain is not by any means an orator, but be tells his story In a genial, colloquial, manly style. which is quite attractive and always engages the anon. lion of the hearer. He illustrated his remarks by reference to large charts hung on the stage In full view of the audience, which tended In a great meas. ure to make him easily understood. Ten years' experience of Arctla life have made him thoroughly familiar with all 1 the manners and costume of the people, sd of the character and geography or the land. He gave In detail accounts 01 same of his most Important expeditions, especially that of 1169, which resulted in finding positive knowledge of the ol.pct of his search. The lecture was Inter. sponged with descrlpans of the people, their mode of life, and other Information welch rendered it throughout very en tertalning and Instructive. He was ac companled by an Esquimau: family, who appeared on the platform toward the close of the lecture, clad In full costume. and loge:her with the many relics and curiosities exhibited ad.:el much to the Interest of the entertainment. Before bidding adieu to the audience he ex. pressed his determination to proceed to Washington at an early day and if possi ble have an expedition fitted out by the Government for exploration about the North Pole. He was frequently op. pleaded and made a very fine 'writes. elon. ElEa There are times 1n the lives of persona In =dont of blislnese circles, when it la a matter of great importance. to. know who to select In the legal fraternity to conduct Important cases In either the civil or criminal branch of the law. IF any of our readers should be so perplex• - el we should un besitatlogly recommend our highly respected friend H. H. Mo Cormick, Mg., a • gentleman who is thoroughly teed in all legal matters, quick to comprehend the exact annation of a case, indefatigable and 'untiring in looking after and guarding the interests of his clients, end a elective as possible to all office and court dudes. Mr. Mc Cormlck lea rising lawyer and le des tined to occupy a high place In his pro. fession, and we do not marvel at the large share of confidence and patronage awarded him by the general community. We cheerfully commend him to our readers es a lawyer whom they can rely upon, so they wilt find him in all legal transactions honorable, Just, fair dealing and upright. His office la at No. 68 Grant street, where his friends and the public generally, will find him constant iy on hand when not in court. Orpbane talc The Orphans' Fair continues to draw urge audiences. The voting omtest for the elegant gold watch to the moat popu lar pastor was decided in favor of Rev. P. Kerr, who received over 11,000 major ity on a vote of 25,1711, at three vote. for • dollar, netting $8,390. The recipient la well worthy the honor conferred M. J. McGann, the. Filth avenue druggist, as we learn from the affable Col. W. .1. Dick, is considerably ahead on the con test for the silver mortar and pestle. Mira Mettle RatUgan carried off the la dles gold watch in a spirited voting con test by a' majority of several thousand Nearly $20.000, it Is thought, will 'be ceared by the Fair, all of which goes to the 81. Paula Orphan Asylum. rrraßuitmi DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY - MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1870 }INAIiCI&L OPERATION A Successful Swindler—The Second and Tti.rd National Rants Vic Walled to the *Mount el sq,cloo—A new Conti. dente Game—kioWll. we. Done, The officers of the Second and Third National banks were thrown Into a state or excitement yesterday afternoon by the discovery of a noonday operation, by which.they had been victimized, the for mer to the amount of 52,000, and the lat ter 53,500, by a sharper. It appears that on Tuesday morning, shortly after-bank hours, a man, a stranger to the officers entered the Second National Bank and deposited 51,000 in the name of B. Cather wood, stating that he was about to embark in an extensive business in the city and desired to open an account with the bank.l .0n the same day he called and madh a similar deposit with the Third National. Yesterday morning the same man came to the Second National • Bank and deposited a check for 18,000 ' on the Exchange Bank of New York, .1 payable w B. Catherwood, purporting to be drawn yJ. H. Both & Sons. About the same me a check, similar in every particula to the one described, was de. peeled a the TbirdNattonal Bank, and of mu in both Instances entered to the .credit et B Cathetwood. Later in the day a man called at both banks, and presented Catherwood's checks, at the Second National for 53,500 and at the sided National-for 54,500. The checks were cashed, and some two hours after wards it appeara that the officers of both books. began to think that there was something wrong, and telegraphed. to Dm exchange Bank to ascertain Km.. thing about the affair. They received a 'reply Mating that .5. H. Roth a; Sons had no money in that bank. This confirmed the suspicions of fraud. but, unfortuentely. It was toe late tr. prevent it. An officer from the Third National Bank' rushed frantically to the Mayor% office to make information , against B,- Catherwood for forgery, and was not a little surprised to find an officer from the other bank on the same errand. "Misery loves oompany." and each party sonnyd considerably relieved on ascertaining that the other bad been victimized. The informations were made and warrants issued. but Mr. B. Cattier. wool has not as yet been discovered. It would appear from this affair that business men are liable to be victimized by confidence operators. . . Wheeling It appears that our prosperous and lively neighbor down the river has a Health ()peer who la a physician of fair intelectual, literary and professional cul ture. James E. Reeves, M. D. We would like to see the ordinance under which the Doctors labors have teen so. complished, and to have • similar one for Pittsburgh. We regiet that thegteut length of the Doctor's pamphlet preoluds its publication In the Gazarrn, but would recommend a copy to be furnished to every member of our .Cl:y Councile. Its value consists in the very learned and thorough manner to which the author has opened up to puts. lie view as nearly as possible evory thing in and about the goodly city of Wheeling. Nothing seems to nave eluded hie vigilant research. The facto ries and what la done in them, the thing made, the quantity produced, the market where sold, the number, nativity and habit" of the working people; the shops, store. and dwellings re entered and ex plored; the streets, alleys and sewers are described; the population is enumerstal and 'classified: the hill; valleys and Islands are mapped; the Importance of sanitary science discussed; thegeological stratification described. The ethnogra phy is the subject of a brief chapter; ' diet, drinks and habits aro other Interesting themes. Tabular exhiblUons of births, deaths, marriages, he , enrich the report. Edldemica, eridemics and sanitary regulations are among the items reviewed. The wept* is an ortniunt gruherum of useful Intelligence such as should be oollecunl and made available in every city. The sat, of Wheeling Ls fortunate In having for its health officer a gentleman so learned and capable as Dr. Reeves, who, It smears, Is also a moat earnest and diligent investigator. His capital report evinces a hearty zeal in his subject—a determination to neg lees no detail. The - people of Wheeling cannot fall to appreciate highly the service rendered, and profit by the advloe of Dr. Reeves Indeed, every one who reads his pamph let will derive from it much information of great practical tmportanoo. It le en titled "The Physical . and Medical Topo graphy, including Vital, Manufacturing and other Statistics or the City of Wheel ing," by James E. Reeves, M. D. = Sunday afternoon Mrs. Beynan, mid b is= Penn street, Tenth ward, natrow• ly escaped death In a singular manner. She had just returned from church and was laying aside her shawl, from widen she had taken .a pin and put into her mouth. Al this instant. her husband made some remark. and In replying she forgot the pin, which as she began to talk slipped down her throat and lodged there. Finding it Impossible to dislodge the unwelcome substance, a physician wao sent fur. Dr. Aid came In a few mo menta and • succeeded In relieving her from strangling by pueblos the pin downwards. Tee throat subsequently became very sore and continued so for two or three days, although no serious consequences resulted. The lady had entirely recovered yesterday.. Burglars Wrastrated On Wednesday night the residence of Mr. Kearney, on Wylie avenue, above trulum street, was entered by burglars, bat by a alight Inciden t : , the buglers, It appears, were frightened away and Prue. trated to their designs. They effected an entrance to the house through.a back window, into the pulors, and on getting Weide they found tho parlor doors locked. While they were in the house, Mr. Kearney, who an invalid and In the habit of sleeping but little at night, got out of bed, and his bed roots being over the parlor, the burglars heard him and fled. without taking any plunder with them. A light of glass bad Mon cut out of the window, and an attempt bad been made to force the parlor door open . as was Indicated by the appearance of things next morning. . Sisterly Solleitu4e Borne time since Mr. John Vetter, an enterer lain g youth,. was Indentured to Mr. Jobb Hitforth to be Initiated into the mysteries of the tonsorial art. He was pleased with the profession and equally so with his employer, at least be ex reared himself eo. His slater, Mims Mary Ver ter, was not so well initialled with the arrangement.' Yesterday she called on Mr. Haiforth, and requested to fee the article of Indenture. upon getting it into her hands It is stated ebb qrtickly reduced ft to Intlniteselmal fragments. Mr. Nafforth thought this en nowarrnet. able proceeding, and to have it Investi gated made information before Alderman Irconig against Mho Vetter for =tilde. , mischief. The lady was arrested and will haves bearing. Not Centrally Known. It lea fact not generally known that the value Ind title of a deed may depend entirely upon the proof that It has been regularly recorded; fur in case a person should sell the same hew,e.lot, or farm. to different parties giving each a deed foe the same, the coed first recorded within sax months after its being given, accord. log to law, would he the only one that would give the title to the property, and the original grantee, not hayloft recorded hie deed, would be ejected.• Bo also of a Mortgage. It should be recorded Immo. dlately after it Is given, as it does not become a lien upon the property until it has been regularly recorded." Etllittn Thieads. . It may interest some of our financial friends, who believe In the beauty of such things, to know that hereafter on all legal tenders that are printed, there will be a wide margin of white unprinied paper, in order to let the effect of the ailk threads in the paper bees conepicu one as poentble. The curious milk threads which appear In the noted are made by mangling and mixing with the paper pulp, Chinese Bilk handkerchiefs of red and bine colors. Chinese milk. is used ' because no other will bold itacolor under the mangling and soaking process. The new gold oerftficate has only three blue threads in it, while the legal tenders nave both red and blue. House and Lot le Allegheny at Auction. —The property No. 75 Perry street, near Cheetnut, Third .ward, will be mold to day, (Friday), 28th Instant, st two o'clock. The lot to 26 by 95 feet. The home in a good brick of nine rooms. A rare chance for purchasers. Owner mov ing west. A. Lsnewra, Auctioneer. - - For Hate.—The "took of ille 6 goelsr Diamond Front Shoe Ronne, kinti avenue. W. T. Wlleyla Diamond Froni 9ha Houma, 63 Finn avenue, for ..la • Cloelug out entire stock of Boots and Shoes al, Wiley% OS Filth avenue. R 4~.a , n a3s ~e~yE'~''~ , .b~~r , ,~ir'~~ -,'..5Fx"x~..z.~,:,,r~''.~:.~wa,..rc°-J.~.i'S`~s:3. ~3z~-s u rL.'•i~:'is 3 ~:;:r.:~~c's::~'rans ,[,, .s - ~i:~~", w._.~~•;;r..s=r-~ - ~wr~;r ~-: ClM=l=l Prrt!ssossEt, Januiry 27,1870 MESSRS. ERITOIII3 : In the "expose" of a foreign Insurance Company, published in the Commercial, this morning, it is ' announced that London was almost en tirely destroyed by fire in theyear 892. No living man can dispute the truth of the assertion, and avers logical mind will draw, from the connection, the ferenoe that the said company stood up like a man on that. disastrous occasion and, by the prompt payment of its lessee, enabled its inhabitants to rebuild the next day. Neither can it be called in question that, as stated, in the "expose" that Moscow wan destroyed by fire in 1783,, and, consequently, everybody should, now, "take Hebonback" and insure in the aforesaid carpet-hag concern. The assertion, however, printed in italics, that "Not one local insurance company in Pittsbnrgh survived the 1 1 3th of April, 1845," Is false. 'At the date mentioned. April 10th, 1845, there were in existence throe local Stock Insurance Companies in Pitts burgh.. • .. Tneeldest of these three, .'"The Fitts. burgh Navigation and Flre,r paid every dollar of its large amount hf loss. and continued, for year', to transact a safe and profitable bustnesa. Tho "Fenn Inarranos coinpany" paid ninety.four per cent. of theamount of its looses, and the "Firemen'. Insurance Company" paid eighty-seven per cent. of theolalaus made under its policies. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, BORT. FLNNEt. For Bale.—The stock of 'the popular Diamond Front Shoe Howie, 63 Fifth avenue. .W. T.. Wllltra Diamond' •Front Shoe House, 03 Fifth avenue. for gale. Closing out entire stock of Boots and Shoes at Wiley's, 63 Fifth avenue. .The Laat Chance Is now offered to the public to procure the beat end cheapest winter clothing. The closing out sale at Tobias', No. 13 812th street, will be discontinued by the first of February. All winter goods will betiacked away totuake room for spring. All heavy goods, in consequence, Mr. Tobias will offer for a few days his outfit stook at BO per centless than coat. Over. coats, Boys' Clothing and heavy suits At half price. The Prince Arthur Slink. Joel out, very handsome... And cheap. Tobias solo agent for this country. Call and Bee them. Remember the entire winter stock must be sold, no matter what price they bring. It von want to save money go to Tablas, No. 18 Sixth street. Remember the Prince Arthur snits. The Oregon Brewery still remainsbn Stevenson street, and the quality of the ale which it distributes through the country is still op to its reputation. Or. dery are always promptly attended to by Messrs. Pier, D3OlllOll AC CO., It left in person or mat by mall. For fashionable hair-nremung, plain or by curling, and a frizzle, for a lazurlows shays or bath, and for skillfal cupping and leeching, call at Williamson's ele gant Baleen at No. 199 Federal stroet. Allegheny. • Far stock 'or the popular Diamond Front Shoe Hones, 63 Fifth evonue. W. T. Whey's Diamond Front Shoe House, G 3 Fifth avenue, for sale. ' Gloalnk out entire stock of Boota and Shoes at Wiley's, 63 Fifth avenue. A Minister Sentenced to be Hong for the Murder of Mitilegitsmate timid. Rev. Samuel R. Naakervis, for mut. daring his Illegitimate infant child last Nevember, at Ringtown, Pa.,was sen tenced to bo hung by th, Court of Singed:mina county last Monday. The peculiarity of the case, the comparative youth of the condemned, his condition of being a. stranger as It were in this country. has excited an interest rarely felt in criminal eases in this country. The circumstances of the case are these: Mary .1. liankervie or Treganza, who was tried with prisoner and acquitted, came to that county and proceeded to Shickshlnny; there she remained but a day or two, when she started for Cen tralia in Columbia county, where Sam. eel R. Nankervis was stationed as a minister. It became necessary to change cars at Rupert's Station. and having forgotten her destination, she had to re. main until the could telegraph to ascer tain the name of the plaite abe was going to. This delayed her until after the train upon the Catawissa Railroad had gone and she was compelled to remain over. While there, Samuel R. Nankervis met her, and during her stay at this place the child was born. She remained there till the Sd of November last, when Sam'! R Nankerris left with her for Centralia by the Catawissa Railroad. -Having arrived at Itingtown Station on that road, the prisoners left on foot. Having gone be tween one and two miles they met George Llndemuth, and Samuel R. Nankervis walked with him a short distance and wanted to know if he knew of any one who wonatake the child (which he then held,) to keep for a short time; that he was willing to pay any-price. This is a private road. From this place the pris oners proceeded towards Centralia, and were seen upon the public road after ward! without the child. The child was found the next day lying by the side of a fallen tree or log,"evlth a piece of red flan nel wrapped around it over its other clothing. The child was deed-but there were no external, marks of violence (which have`been shown to leave been I the cause of death.) The clothes_ of the child Were wet from the upper part down aroundthe body of the child, and one witness says down to the feet. A post modem examination was held. A very large quantity of blood was found in the cranium, the brain itself not having suf fered any injury. The lungs were in filtrated with blood throughout. The stomach and abdominal viscera were healthy. The pupposition is that the child tied been drowned or its head compressed. If died from exposure the court held that "If these prisoners or either of them left the child alive where It was subse quently found dead, with the specific in tent and design' then.tfomiad; that the child would and might there perish by exposure and cold, this tiettld be murder in the first degree. If the intention was formed to take the life of 'the child, and in pursuance of that intention the child was placed where it might and did die. from exposure, It is deliberate and pre meditated murder." The prisoner is young, of good educa tion and from appearance he is a German, and his c-too in that element attracts nearly as much attention as that of Paul ISehoeppe. As' employe at Gorge Coal Mines, wcdt of Kittanning Point, was rode on rail around the whole works for marry. log a gram widow who has tviobusbands living, and he himself having a wife liv ing and one dead. TIM party that did the act consisted of ten' persons. They marched to the house, entered It, want up stairs to his bedroom, took him out while he was in the act of going to bed, curled him down stairs and out of the house and mounted him astride of a mil, sad then started on the march, cheering as tiey . want and making a public exhibl dor! of him.atevery door. E!=11 RATF—rn Thursday mwnlng. J.usor7 270. PIPE Ja IbO Fl • 2 LYS. in.. to the twealf utn•h par of his age. The funeral will Ike Waaa tram the realdrnes hts brother 'n law. 11 , 1111arn IdeOlorg, rms. by boroigh. on BASIVIDAT, the twenty ninth Inst., at A tre 'oak,. se. • Car , Indus will I:aye 7alttuan d S mpson.a. corner Seventh avenue and el.nrhlldd street, at oat "olrltek. The Mends of the family are relMetfallY It'd to attend. • . 117EU9—At go. 73 Aberdeen r treet,. Chl ca,. liunday 3nnrrlne. Jar urn , On, INTO, or Tea ir.t fever. NARY .WAREZ3I oTli Thad or . Warren and A:111. S. IfTersi as"' Scan M marlins •nd 60aya. ••Tor of seen ra the gland= of buret... • UNDERTAKERS B. pATITZSON JAMBS L. WILLIAMS. rATTI lISOP & • WILLIAMS, Uneertasers, corner of Fifth stenos and ah street, Pittsburgh. Ortans of all %loam !Arenas. Crapes and Morey and ever!' &mit. lion of f°° "" ftralablog good' Waisted on the most Alooable terms In e cley. Hearse and earn.. &meshed. tifftee th epen dsp 500 night. CITAUB ft PEEBLES, EN. M RTAXERS AND LIVERY OESHEAS area_ ,rI3.IISDITSETOTREXT AND CHUM: EVEIIE AliseLentClty, where Otte corn Rooms eonstantl7 Ira-Jolted NM rest sti Itultat:on Itrosgrood. Mahogany .4 Wairatl Comae, at toloes %vying Emu 14 to 11100. Wes pre,nr4 for to.rokerkt. Mesas. eurt - ear• Mires farnt.ked; al.. .11 slods Moccrotts Roods, It essiles4. °Mee moo aou koan. au JOSEPH SIEVES do SON, , EPTHiramumWS, No. 324 F 7.44 518 Carriages BM Funerals, $3.00 Alma. 00171N1 sal nasal Tazsielimest st. els Mend cash NEW ADVERTMEMMENTS REPORT OF THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANS Of Pittsburgh, Pa., At the close of !mariner sUßCH January BUM, 1670 : RESO Loans and Dtwounts 91,991.994 or U.S.l4onds to %enure ctrcu , atton 040.000 00 Dee from Isedeemlng and lie scree Agent 237,586 97 Doe from other Nat'l Banks.— -119.5411 411 Dee from other 'Bantu and Banters ............. 911,7 0 3 39 Ranki g n House 86.300 00 Current Expenses $4 943 54 ' 14 296 sl— Taxes row Cash Items Exchanges for Clekring nonce.. hills of other National Banks... Tractional Currency, 4lncludlng E 01.) • 11.512 07 lcke 40.71 4 1 00 17. 4 ,000 60 10.345 15 3,846 71 38,13& 7 11,608 110 Tender Note, *3,524,000 00 L1A91L26133. • CiODD/lock paid in. 6/.700,000 00 Ourplus bond / 34 0 06 6, Discount 3/,3133 CI Exchange. n. 1•1372 31 P Cop t . and Loser 48,3J3 59 449,693 73 Ns ounl Plink circulation out -6 log . 600,000 00 tol Et, o Bank clroniation outstond• 66.391 OD 530 650 67 *9.640 AB 7.760 .31 Ins • Duedepostte Due to National D.ks Due to other Banks and Bankers 53,594,069 60 ErfArs or PxxxgrxrAlSti. Bs ; ColGirT or AxcgoillOsT. I. s_NIOLEW LONO, cashier of the Exchange Nstional Bank of Pittsburgh, Ps., do solemnly swe that the shove statement Is true to the ar beLt of my knowledge and belief. s. LONG. Cashier. Sworn band subscribed before me this 96th day erJeeeery,lol7o. WY. Butth. Notary Pnbils. =NM . D. He 'ANI.GEBt MARK W. WAIIS4N. Directors R. RAKsWELL. J... I• Salt EPORT OF THE CONDITION OF HE ALLEGHENY, NATION AL 'B. at close of tngoes., January 5111 d, In7o. RESOURCES. ' Loari rd s4 . l4 Oiseounts $ I 8111 :8 0 3 5: 3 5 u 1 U United States Bands to .ovate . Cumulation i 000,000 00 Other ...As. floods and Nio!t. • 50.417 79 Ore g iro . m Bedeemint and Ito. DunlerTr"o Agent r Bat • 1 Baa k t . .. . . Duo fromotherltanka Rya Bank , era 1,515 AI fla aar nking Rollie ' 39.313 23 ' M ltaal Estate 32.715 51 ' Cut !lona. 11V:1 1 g Taunt gald , Check. on Banta and Banters . not In Clearly, Hon. , — : .... 1,303 25 Exchange. fee Clearing Bowe.. 54,1111 4. Bids of other Na.lont I hanks..:. 1(.01100 HIM of Banat 104 - U0 "motional Currency, Mending N Ickr Is 1:500 81 5,850 00. 214,158 .0 30,1h.0 0l) Legal Temier Notes.- 2 Per Cacti Certificates . • LIABILITIES. 21,969.999 29 Captal Stock • •1565860 p surlus, Fund , Interest ' 184 83 kachanne ' " ' 1,7118 95 National Bank Cirtulation ou.- 'l6,rutinir . .•. ... ....1.. , 4351,5516 UO 16.18 flank Circulation ornsiarill. . . . Individual Depit. ous au National os ßanks. Date leather Banks and Bankers Dividends Unpaid • 1.,8615,5713 29 • SPATS. OF PENNSYLVANIA,' K. I. Cetrgei Or ALLILUILIXT. Pre.luent or the alleshtny National Hank, do solemnly swear toot the Wove Its /mew is woe to the beet of my knowledge and belief. Men . J. W...:001, Prealdsot. Son.erleed an° awontbe t ote me Oda day of Jatnary,lB7o. D. 531170, Notary Public. Correct—A , test: C. C. ItUnnltY s .1 Hell. KIND, Directors. - C. W. BATCSILLOR.I Jaral4 DEPORT OF THE CONDI it Or TEM FIRST NATIONAL BANK, I= I=l REBOUUOLS Loam and Dl eounta " 211— 4 ' 7°4 93 (Tolled Ot otto Bowls to oecort dr. MMMM tes D ro . from Dedtemt-if and der. Wee.. 177t.0t0 09 Doe from Otte-r Delxe! hanky.. 110.968 41 11en from other Hooks and bout. Raul 1.948 77 alUce House 37,000 00 arrant rxco nue 11 591 30 Cub Items. (ln - m81.3......7).• 7 5 77 7. Trauma. for Clem lug House... 45.1153 90 tails of other Nation*. 84111..... 90.001 90 gract out Currency. ancladlog Mae.. Legal Tender Notes... =Min I= Capital BtOck peld in 500,000 00 surplut Funds 74 55 'nat. reek etrautealon • 345,500 UO • .1104001 1)epr01ta....4919./0 to Oug National Banta.... ittraS 19 Due to other Panks and Bankers 11,90411.000.141 10 . • 4111.3111,015 fitgT3 OP Pt NtIRYLVANIA, ": • 0 5 ••_ Oomirr or A antlingerr. J. 11. neo ly, Cestoer or the First gatlonal Bent of Pittsburgh. no solemnly stn. 111.1 the chore vegetates la true , to the bent or ml knowledge and belief. JOHN D. ECULLY. Haabla. Pnlretlbed and sworn before ma this 27als day t J.s.aro7. & WITH. Notary Ponllo. Correol—Atte D at, AIsIISA. nit SPLIft, JACOB PAD...rigs, ) Directors. JAS. S. MoJISED. jatsolo REPORT OF THE CONDITION OT ITHE liercinutta and lannfactarers National Bank, Of 1111.1.1 1 - P 9.cs at tag cl m ove al:dulness, lane oar, Mk, 870.- . 993008CX8. Loans and IDDcounts 5759,795 54 LITCI dram 4.800 93 U. Bonds to secure Circulation 500,000 01.1 U. B. Roads sad Bezniiiles on band 10.000 e 0 sheens sks. Bonds and Muria's. .-• 17.647 57 Do. from Redeeming and Bee D A9tut• 519. 1 / 4 144 53 Due from other Nations,. Ranks... • 90.604 14 Due from other Banks t Bankers. , 19.353 Os Banking House • 05.5110 1.7 vent aspens. ' 1.955 94 roses Paid . 4.14999 eremleaus 93 MO Cash Items (Including Stamps t.... 34.594 69 Elealt4Pllfor the Clea• lug House SI 314 371 II Rs et other Ylatlonal Banks 790940 irneDunal Currency. tincludiag alekol• 9.964 GI Legal Tender T °t.. 174.860 00 $3,079,788 83 . . CaplOd Beak Wad I. ndue Food %u Dowonot E•chooes National Book Oren:dation Out . 030,106 00 Q===!=l todlrldpal Deposits Dividends unpaid Doe to National Itaa ta E==== 6.0111.768 63 STATE OP PEENtTLVANIA, t 3 Conn . .. or .tr. Yon ant. 1 L JOHN SCOTT. Jo..caahler of the Merr.hinte and Manufactory,. N00k...16.k of rltteborett. do solemnly ewer 11.1 a lb% abovestatement!. true to the beet of my lottorledg. and bolter. JOHN SCOTT. Jr tAidder. FUOSetibed aea .1•01 . 6(0 Ware?. tbts9Tth day of Junta.. 1570 JOE. SNOWDEN. Correct—Atte,u Notary Pohl e. IT. L. BOLLMAN, HENRY LLOYD. .Ikrecto.. IL A. STEWART, AMMO 11 1 12E47r_ or TIM CONDI -1.7!: c o in! crier Ye 1 1 i t ELM:: 99, IL7O, R 0.017)108 • !Aces and I helmet. iverdrafts .19.130nds b secure, etre la. 800,000 00 Doe Vow Nada/ming oat Re- Doe.re A gent 130.7115 18 from other National Boon. 13,388 83 . Do. from other Banks au* Manners B, gin 74. otherog. Hoax 831141 58 neat tabl e 5,0110 ell unite , . end rixtoree 9,480 9* flurrent Eipaimea 1.1091 98 P,tulkme 4,388 80 Cash Items, for e.taditig staps., 4.105 Di Exchanges for lllearlus no m ose. 24,3.37 78 Ulna of oat, Natiorialllanka, 1,5111 U 0 WrieUonal Corn sicy arid Niel, .Leual fender Notes Shree'for Cont. Certificates. 11481L171E9. 17119tal Eitel:B33W to ' g 600,000 air =plus Wood 11.00E100 Dtscpult, 7,04106 . Exuhanin I,BBR 93 Profit •ud Lou 1,350 VI National Book Cloophatou out- --- . . . .. .. • . scasdlog 460,000 00 Individ.m. fiepoitlie 11611,1119 ua Dos to listionid Banks' '' 66.113 01 Dividends er Bank v and Banton 17 447 In Unpaid 11.1101 00 584,003 1341 STA= Or $l. COUNTY Or A stIasIZIST. I. Jo.irywi N. 0,10. 44444 of the NalJewe bek of Lotonittes, do'solambly swear that lb reatalrlerst la tree, t tee bat of my Li ease IMO .108. H. HILU C•thler. Sotoorthed sod warnm to bar,. ma th.a Alth day of Jar.uaty. Iblo. . SMITH, Notary Comet—Afloat: AI, E. KIHILIULTRION, . • • M. SI aItLORSOs: • Dittatmi. H. H. A JOHN M. COOPER & 00. Bell and Brass Fenders, MINE, LOCOIO?ITB a EGON ELI iIEASEIES made Promptly to Order. RABBIT'S METAL Blade and Kept on'ET.and Proxistars sad lirawdiNtuse at I.M.CoopeeBimprovailklancelilee f3TEAM (*ice, 882 PENN, MEM • roatarbarankiatiedittrests, ==MI /411 M CLOTHING. ' rAre, TM:ULM agns, msg. elbia"Cletlasgs of MI lands 'always cm !Lasagna tar sang wlsollg i Valalli . by den SS aid /111 Malik areal. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS REPORT `OF THE CONDITION OF THE IBON CITY NATIONAL BANK Of Pittsburgh. At ibe dose of bush:less, January 23. 11170. Rascal-acts. . . Loans and Hiseonnts * 501.034 16 t. &Roods to necure Clrenlat•n. 400,000 00 Due from HatlaSMl.Cla sod Re- _ Doe Agana /i4.osi as Doe from other National Banks 20.4651 37 Due from o. Cr Banks 3 Bausers 14.413 35 Banking. Hence 20.000 00 Current Crocuses 9.056 03 Taxes Card 1.559 ST Cash Items *47 99 Es changes (01.C:raring House.... 27.3101 51 MIS of other National Hauls.... 5,200 00 Frootionnk Curronor.. Coln NNIE=M UMM=2= . , . . LIABILITIES. • Caplol.l Stock ;dd to $ 40n,000 00 Surplus lupd 300.00.1 00 sichange 1.11 11 53 'Emus. to 21,654. 03 Profit and Los. ' 89,49959 . . • Hattonal g ßank tnrealaLlon out• standin 3.14,0111 00 State Bank emulation oatstand. 11,41v!dual D.poflM... Due U National Bank. I)Ue w usher : Multi so'd 81,128.183 31 STATE OF PFKNSYLVANIA, COUNTY Or AL SQUINT. 1 8. 1. JOHN IlattOr FIN. Cashier of the Iron CILy Nationol Ittnk of rlttaborgh, do solemnly &tam that tee above ralementO true to tbeibest of my knowledge and belief. • JOHN 31A0OFFISr. Cashier. Affirmed unto aud nuesertbed before me this day, January 82, 181 U. N. . - Publlc. Correct—Attest: JAMS IdeaIJLEY, 11111.31A113 HAYS. ja93:4M JAMES HISKUMAN. REPORT OF THE CONDITION MEM CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK of Pittoburgh, At the clot+ of butiness on the 21511 day - of an, 1870 ItEk>OO3lOEL Lon. and Discounts $ 1.153,058 51 ilverdraftg 1,480 43 U. Ir. Bonds to secure ...REM 514.000 00 U. 8. Bonds. hand 3.000 Mo other ...a. POW , a and Moe., 11,833 33 Due framt Redeeming and lin ger gen....,. . ...... ..... 89.273 01 Duo from otger N o t ional Ran. 34,5411 63 Doe from other Banes Banken 4 609 89 aanki , g Honor SU 761 01 Eximnaes 3 . 927 79 Tax. Pala - 7.310 26 items. 111C'0011 , 4 stamp.... 2 706 11 Exchanger for Clearing HMI... 59.310 IS Bilis of other National Barks— 1.700 1.0 reactional Currency, Including 1. inlets 2 667 75 49,258 BO 15,432 06 Coln Legal Tender Notes LIABILITIBB Copttol Btock paid In YUnd lat.,. and Er harm,. National Rant Circulation out , ntllng e nant Clrcolatlon oat•tand- Ind,elnunl Depcolte and Unpaid 520,726 67 Duo to Nattonol Books 23.910. 38 7.754 00 044,249 10 12.917 91 3 310 71 7.0/0 We and Banker, BTA E OF PENN YLVANIA Cooxer OF II.LZMICHT. 1,, J, lt. BRADY. Jr.. teenier of the Citizens' National Bank of Piltsher. b. CO solemnly swear trot the Melee statement is floe to the best of ay knowledge and Yeller. J. E BRADY, Jr., Cashier. Pubsirlbed and sworn to before me this *7th tisk Jennaly, BE sDREBON E. DAVIB, Notary Panic. • Cermet—Attest: • B L. FAH NEBTOCK, GEO. A. Be RUE, IDlreeters. • UM,. B. BEAD, REPORT OF THE. CONDITION OF THIRD IIATII/NAL BANK, of o,t.sborgh, at the close of easiness, Juse7 :SAO, ISI7O, EI=EIE! Lout. sn4 Dlsouttuts $ 769,157164 U. S. floods to reenre (Arcola- Dlort 40161100 00 ue low Approved Boni. Now York 1111,04 80 liar from other Itattertat Banks 6,83103 Doe from other Bouts sod Bookers 18./1148 - 01,749 96 .46,118697 . 2.9880 451,311/5 77 178819 . 5.613 6,249 99 •25,000 00 1012311 Aral L.cate - If urnlture and Ylrturcs Expenses. Exchanges for Clearing House 33.71.2 73 Bs mitt.. es Check a and Revenue Olinips 41 gliS 73 National dank alias ...... 23W ou Fractional Currency 4402 rl Legal T.nterNotes 111,1110) 3 Per Cent. CerUggates.... 60,070 00 --240,532 39 5.1170 ID 'no va no,ooo uo • sLsau.ota es LLABILITISIL Capital Rook 3500,01)0 00 anspineYnnd ...............11t0 am au Discount and Interest 14 ONi SO Premium and itschange.. 1,511 04 Pront and Loss' lid 6 ---- 118,938 501 356,100 00 Individual Icetioot. 1)431645 • Due National hank 5........ 24.172 24 Due other Planks and Bankers 61 1563.053 34 Itediscsonta 000 00 1414Ideuds unpaid 339 00 . 11,840.071 88 I. Sabi B. LlOngston. Cashlot or toe Third National Bunt or Pltorhurgh. do solemnly Meer that the abase statement to true to the twat or MT knowledge mind welter. JOHN B. LlVlNlSErrelfCastder. hubserlbed and sworn before me th is 97th day . . January. 1870. torrent Attrst . AUO. .AtiraE C. MEYUAto, !~ REPORT OF THE . CONDITION OA TEL Meehanlaa Nitlonal Bank of Pittsburgh. It the close or frailness Janusz, 22d, 1270. lIISSOURCES Loan. and Dtseonnta $ ' T 98.370 73 ti.S. Roods to secure Oscillation. 600.000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand 32.000 ID Doe Irons Redeems= and Reserve Agents 07.91 Y in' D from other Nations , Banks 1,935 OS Due from othsr BILISLA and Bank. era RO! 79 Current Innrontutt Tires raid • Exenenses f Cleartus RCMP) . roctlooal Greleile? (LneludLog Nickel.) Taint Tender Notes 3 Coe Cent.Certtneates ELM= Capital stock pain In Onrplua Fund Dl.count L.schnono 69 1650 ,1696 59 St • National Bank Circulation oat eianolue 441.513 00 State Bank Circulation outstand. Ina Due W d elber Bank• Sun Banker , Dao to National Omits 10 160 00 333'261 14 672100 31.34270 GLUE JNO. G. MARTIN, Cashier of the Mechanics Nlitionet Rant of Pittsburgh. do . soleintile mem Met the above sf...inset Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JNO O. MARTIN Coakley. Herons end sqtrer bed beton me this RIM 4.0 Of Jannsty, 1810. IL BIRTH, Notary PubUo. r j r , ,a7Adligt t EDWARD — hOI:IISII., DimictOrs. HENRY RANO, .3MS:tI6 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, NOILEN/AN AND DRINA. NIW s DIxN L BIM tip BATA eirr CUM BIIOSING $ 456,5114 54 1.154 55 smvut: PLATED GOODS C==3 rE7171 r. tlaar tm exem. f n z , = br a R. E.B D&CO. 1,000 1/0 100 110 00 110,1 00 CRI ==l 100 WOOD BEL% HENRY G. HALE, EMIGRANT TAILOR, either of Penn and Sixth Street. FALL AND WINTER STOCK t a OW COMPLETE LIMES OR GENTLEMEN, Tatilutel a veFtheas \ asee Ws`aot Du thole WH„r 00. n Lo I.' tDopAY CIFT. ofWATHES. t tLM M . o ma'a Y .0 t NO& Vflt WAY= el the most dealroble pottdros just W. G. DIINSEATEII3, nwsugn AvD onicus. C AM INSURANCE COMPANY. PIiIILLIVI BUILDING, ik; Foul Awv" r " r e nzeitfir . rrtte- captes6l.L.DrirellUzo,. Begie rri=tiw at eni, fat.B. 11.Clurtan. au. Y. Molloy. nano j ah i pte i tp o loop i _ lEtio ff it6TON, Y caw,. N. J. GRAM lnapAa On Moral IT= IaitITER-1 0 Ws Hall la bbls prime JJI roll Satter. tor J. f. CIMULD. VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR WORKS. BALM & ABANS, 3.OAS MS 10.044 00 viti:flo OU oo 167, 168, 169 and 170 I== SECOND AVENUE. Are now 'prepared to harnith VINEGAR at We LOWEST MARKET RATES. Attention la Van tkalzrly called to oar 10,102 00 04L1 , 01 32 9,001 1 T fl O ik e EXTRA WINE VINEGAL = WINES. LIQUORS, ar,o. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, The Very Best in the United Rates. IdAIIIIFACTURYD BY WILLIAM WAGNER 981.1rorth Seventh Street, Refereneee—All the leading hoists In Ph.ll de , phia. jan.49-Twill SCHMIDT &FRIDAI, rE=ll:l3 WINES, BBANDIS, GIN, all WROLESALE DEALERS IN 7,467 67 100,000 00 PURE RYE WHISKIES, !==l .1 800,000 Oa 141,089 67 . 116,961 43 409 PM= STREET, Have Removed to 11.500 00 NOS. PBB4 AND 886 PENN, ==l = Car. 'llaeireiath St.. (formerly CanaL) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., =OE. 11M. 5wi.169.191. 193 aciilioa, 111912 STREET. 1171111313516 H, K/011:17.1CM.X21% Copper Milled Pure Bye Whiskey. Mao. dealers to Y 0853611 WIPES and • 1.1. QOM'S. HOPE, 0111121.103 WALL PAPERS WALL PAPER At Greatly Reduced Prices. To make en•lf room for new &anis. We will e till the nest of Morel stone now lo store•. Without Regard to Coat, HANDSOME PAST.OI2 PAPERS. DIAI.G NOON PAPERS. _, HALL AND CHAMBER PAPERS. 1.110. a large assortment of CHEAP PAPERS at N 0.107 MARKET STREET, =1 JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. EST PAPER HANGINGS. • Enameled Wall Papers In_plabs tints Paper elotm. to soot andatoolta vermilllon gran n letth sold and Int•Pl_fgarrs. Malin) VEL. VETE. INDIA. TAPE6SKY, GEMCIt PANICLE stamped uld petered gold. Newly Imported and not to be toned &ambae to_thanonntry. For Ws at W. pow &MUT A TIT,IS • NEW WALL PAPER 'STORE, 191 Liberty Street. Ffl 2 i *41. 1 1:7 3 ItaVAI ri 11. E. DAVIS, Notary Yoblt, ROBERT B. PATTERSON & CO. CM= Seventh Avenue and Liberty St. PTTTSBIZIFIZGII, PL Will on Every Saturday Sold AN AUCTION SALE • OP • HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES , WAGONS, none. Pagi enthl ie deerin7 pizsse leave theft notion of consignment on or Denim Thursday of each week In order fen mivertleing. Prosno I at. bastion sad good cam will be given WI/Stook 101 l JOHN H. STEHLE% Auctioneer. 408 90 A. 849 39 14,404 41 516 00 61.553 VO 15.000 00 E=l=l JOHNIIL 111.111L2T EOM 11.T.11.1111160N 14 OHM H. PATTERSON • & CO. -Le 1300.000 00 51111,000 00 10 , 77 011 6,111:1 CI . . ILIVIMEtIC. 1941-TaIES AND EEEMI • ;tit ifls :311.'43 19.990 00 943.94000 nova 1100 Y 0 COL IEYBITE ITEMS & LIBERTY IT GOAL AND OOZE. CHBLES H. ARMSTRONG Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coal, COIL, BLACI MID DESULPHIIKIZED COLE 077'108 AND YARD. corner Butler arLO Norton armee. Llbers7 sod Clym. street& Nlath WlLrd; alio Second arrest, Zliatta ward, and at Root or Boa sheet. P. i 0. H. B. Depot. Second ward. • • . Ordin left ♦♦t etcher of the abet e °Mom. of ad• irem to me through Pittatearsh .111 fo• eel,. prompt MitlitAoll. Refer to whom I am .1 , 11.171ux: Well* a co., Wm . timitb. Colon Don n. Fow ler & Co., ntepbe neon & Co., Bissell It Co., Groff & Howe, Alex Bradley. reek. Bro. It Co., korki mccurdi a os.,_ azalea Doll. Wm. ie. palm! Allen . , .1. B. Lieu Co., Jamu Marshall & Co.. Moline & CM. [lnnis D. wt. Hotel, Connelsville M. H., resuirrivaata R. 8.. &Deputy Vallmit. R. 31E no CIOALI 4OALII COALM DICKSON, ST WART & CO., Hamlett :waved UWE Olen to NO. 667 LIBERTY STREET, 6114.17 Cl* Flo MIII36SUOND 1.14101. 1251,7 rtri ur ZaWN A T Sage= "'" Aga Mke lgrthetr ottes, oU add:m.4V •Mat thitag b the mil. will b. atton44/3 rrnrotty. (Y&TICE TO FLOUR DEALERS AND CONSUBinftd.—WeAre now met,. . lot of 40.000 buzbela carefully .elect e d WHlTE AND ANBEIL AND- TEN.IOI2/32.2 WILLAT.rgan punalssed In Gibson. Pam, um', and Mo , mutates. a. This lot of Wheat la me my beat to be Illndianmn d and minuet - be mewed by any to the United /Pate!. We 2“111 0.110 Mashed our issproveursuts In Kaeldnery. Dotting Cloths and CeoUng rustirna. • and are now weDared.to furnugh the best we bare made for ten Team at price. that Ilari onMpetltlon on the same grades of tour. --"" St W. 11./22111EDY 4/, tap.. • Pearl lite= nertember 12. Mg. • FLOM! FLOr,a morn r _XINFr BAWER:S bbl.S".ric'atelli Winona! b., BID bills 3 :1 2 11170r. 13310/IMM Day.- CHOICE WISCONSIN SWORN RIO Ws Blomlae. Web Ws White Mr. 111 bt"4ll9llnatrlaithlolll,4 /lour. ITIT MCI nra u tn= io no : Crld Illesd p er atad Crown choke St.iritr * • raw woe lower th an' can be bronrht Oran the Wear. LANO Ir r atarl r irw Wart prat- WEST CORMS ifachirsell4~ Works, ItartlnrestixtroorotWort.Comnos, Amour. TMKWIC. ATVAITICEL i CO. Ilan ea bond or Drepass on lan tours Heart) W iat., OtrtmL T flfg ry elnak etlMl7 .4. Moo.. ur50r71...., ••••aws• Von sALE. ..:lINGINES AND 11011.XELS. • new sad seeealehand, cone; nanny wo hand end Wufnacr. t BRO. . 15 JoracrsnyeaSsentb and e rine u e street. EMI 6321 1 (AO BARRELS CLEVELAND , " g ad'etd.cligtoai 809 6bl- Sanas 4114 Mae. T ur gam by J 1. CAMILA " En= orNEW OPERA HOUSE. =I =! EDWIN FORREST, Wbc.rrm Impear on THIS (Fltday) EVEN - IX% • Aft, UM In Simkspesse's .obil [may ot ZING LEAK. ..Z. YORE T. Saturday RevaIue—III:REFIT of the 111 , 00 ctor. Yr. S. E. CHUTES. A great t)lit prepara , lo ll . Saturday Afternoon—torte Tom Mai lure. QM= IarACADEWIT OF MIMIC. Dlnscrs r93.....i1aCZ DONNING I.INGAI!D ^HOWDEO WITH THE ELITE or THE eiTT. GRANO btIFB.S. TGE GAND•d. THE TALE T IIZ TOWN. E= WILLIAM HORACE LLNUARD, In 20 Skeiel el. written. esmpored and siren by blzi slyer 3.000 times In Europa and Amer- . pnq To rancistle with (first that ) ❑e. great letfire ext., With all Its StOrgtOUS sublime mos C. arced orchestra, .11c...&a: • . Orpheus, foi the 334th Time, ALICE.DUNNING HD, GRAND MATINEE SATURDAY. Rests can be scoured at Bieber & Dco., TRIa Wes& street. IRTEXIIIBITION. • MOORHEAD PUBLIC SCHOOLS, Eleventh Ward, will sive sin Esllibltlon, eon. slating or MUSIC, DECLAMATIONS, READ, INEIS and COLLOQUIES, ID= Thursday, Friday & Saturday Evenings, Doors open at T:l5. rerformsrme to cum. .esee .t• 1 TICKETS. The nnorerde ID be itppror rioted I oche patella. of an 011 ti A a'. kr lee nee of the eCilool.. Any atidetanee tendered to the Hide mita la their el rola to procure an titian will he duly appreateet and kindly reciprocated - by mantled in their needle.. . .o=3 a ggrAT CITY HALL. PLYMOUTH CHURCH FAIR Tbs'l.adles or £lltoootb Cburob Lord a' Fair, during next weik, at City :ota•;.• merclng on TEIMILLICEVENINCI. February 20, IE4U: Dion, each day from 13 to 3 Tableaux. Musical and att.? entertainment* very