:.~~ _. ~. ett lash* Cap*, 01171011 s 1117311711151LD1NG, 81 AND 6611111 AT .• OFFICIAL PAPER ‘, Of Pitidnaasli. &Regroup' Wad ALM =CZ= Fetnyvv, JAN. 2N, . &ntoLzina at Antwerp quiet 11. S. Barre at Frankfort, 911 Goats adcmd ta New York yesterday at 1211@121i. - /1* nasro that there are but two mrm bars of Ike Virginia Legislature, who can not take the oath of the new law. ;Tre returns, Sled with the Secretary o theDottamonweallh elect Senator Way . by dear majority of one hundred and leiwitsti-llee. More than that; It is said that WiTy's counsel will undoubtedly be able to show that Diamond received over Are hundred fraudulent votes. . . . Tria editor of the Corry Rrprbffees, A! Mr. A. X. Martin, is Assistant Memenger i" , .; of the Senate. Ile Is also Senator Low• 2. ry's private Bectetiry. Senator (hussar q• wa g go Ita right In calling attention to the it fact that the scrivener for the Erie Berta tar was paid out . ot the State Treasury. Cfassimilli prints a letter from Harrisburg; which charges Benstor GRA 1131.11 with m►ting an unjust bultmation agalsattlarman Lowry, and adds: "Sen ator Lowrylum faults—perhaps grlewa► onea—but he la the peer of hie malignem." One' own Senator's twenty thousand Made he Allegheny county will mat at ml. childish exhibition of malignity. • Itt Banatsatmo Ides rap: Reprseentenins litmpbries, of Ail& ghsby, has Introduced • notr bill with. fahresoe ,to the Insuranqe busbraws. Although none of the Intended features am becorporated in the document.. Yed one of the sections grants extraordluary powers, under which the prep:wed sea tam will be allowed, to be adopted. The bare - 11l Incorporate" as Insurance com =at Plttehbrith, whop .proposes to banks, merchants, eto, against flefalmUon by employes, and to Insure tie ball gbrettby prisoners for their ap• =at court, This la an exceeding suesiare in this country, but the Inelltution will be patterned after a sim per one baSratire, where, It is said, the plan tuts terebeeded admirably. PIZ MORTAL ILIMAINS 0 f OZORGE PIA aunt have been brought to his native had. The relies will be committed to their last rating-place during the neat weak. with ceremonies in which the sovereignties, u well u the peoples, el thei two formast nations on the globe will partielpauk with a sincerity of respect es deep as the formal pomp. of the ocaudon will be Imposing. Thus the civilisation of the whole earth pays tribute to the worth of a simple, althea, arEadrgue the moss stain illustration, known to any times, of an unireisal recogakilan of the 111!ath—..an booed mu's , * noblest. . work of_God" • r . r.'' - • .Tarr Lancaster Esevarar refitito. the • l activity or ore roma. aeon. Ile a go. In . consolidating the .lIRIt-Lowing- Democrat* Coslition. • Can that be the .Joaeptis,* ale celelented mortgage Ina among-the resets attempt-td to be =raw Mier by , a foriser State Treasurer, as a portion of the public funds, to his sac armor, osi retiring from once? The people have a special Interest to clearing dp this part of the arrangement. It will - then be in order to Inquire how that most :gage got into the State Treasury, without . a criminal violation, by somebody, of thr 'lothseraion of the Statute of Crimea. Is this Josephs the same Josephs, Demo antic Representative from Philadelphia, who, the other day, voted to naked Irwin State, Treasurer? end if so, what thent WI HOPI that the Democmtic partners - in our Coalition of reformers it Harris ' burg will not follow the example of their political friends in Ohio, pumping the Treasury dry and leaving the State with. out means to support its govennuent, except under new and iscreased taxation. -This Um been the result following a Dem ocean@ legislation for two years in the neighboring State. Its chid financial of floer, the Auditor, announces that in Ho. vembernext there will be but $64,000 of cub gleans to meet liabilities, accruing and before that data, of over half a mil: ' Mon:dollars. This menacing embarrass. meat, which can only be obviated by an ingrain of 610 of a mill in the rate of lir: for State purposes, has been pro• duced thus : . ' By the Increased expenses of the last two eeselooe of the lioneral Asembl , by the addition of eleven new Judges o the ndloial forces of the Matey by the of land and establishing theca co a Befbrin School for Girls, the un usual expenses of traveling ocimmittese of.the. Legislature, and the extraordinary appropriations for miscellaneous pin• pas made at the last two sessiorut of the Quainat Assembly. rent flail; AND THaT TOGETUEd. `VS• Harrisburg Telegraph says : Tag Pipit the .committee on lb. owe . Of Watt and Diamond met to vote on the ...,suonen of Watt's counsel to quash the Petition of Diamond. This .vote was of vital importance. Quashing the petition at ones ended thecae.. Yesterday morn • • letal the Democratic members of the Leg " Munro beld• caucus and decided to sup. .port the new county project of Morrow D. Lowry solid, as • party. Lowry, it is --alleged, owns a large amount of real estate at Titusville. Titusville la to be the new county seat. The building of wart hones, jail, ito., at publlo cost, wilt ealtaaos the value of property there very • largely. Lowry went against quashing the petition of Diamondl Will any gentleman be kind enough to pat that and that together? CHEAT RAILROAD MOVEXEIITH. . The Little Miami Railroad, extending -from . Columbus, Ohio, to Cincinnati, bat Jest been leased to the Pittsburgh, CM ointudi and St. Louis Railroad Company. The lease is perpetual, and the rental • *480,000. per annum, payable quarterly, and guaranteed by the Pennsylvania • Central. Tye litter is the great contrast. lug party in this cue, for the Pittsburgh, Cinainnatl and St. tools road is really - arieiteralon of the Pennsylvania Omit% in that direction. This great corporation has now the absolute control of the roads extending to Cincinnati, and thence, on the south side of the Ohio, to Louis. tulle, to St. Loafs via Columbus and Indianapolis, and to Chicago by the Fort . Waylle road. It kaa, morlMver, lately purchased the Cincinnati and Whaling. ton rood. Speaking of these movements, the Cgasianad Gan' says : "Already she Pennsylvania Central le bridging the Ohio at this place; it con trols the road south of the Ohio to Lou. • Will% and the time is not far distant when It will control the lantern'. and road. Other great Interests now terminating here wiff stimulate the Dionatruotton of the proposed great trunk • mad to the South, and we are thus on :the etre of mend dovelopmenta-lp that dlntelikni—developmenta that will make '-Olortlinsti to the_ Southwest what Chi - sego In to the Northwest. • “But the end is not yet. The Cleve land and Columbus, Lake Shore and • . • Few York Central lines, are without an ••;-- independent entrance Into Cincinnati, and are excluded from the game that is • `,` hsoln played for the Mutinous of tbs.! SOutbwast. In the lease made by- the yule Miami, the Cleveland and Comm. ' t . bus road is provided for se well as it vault be don% but • comps:horn= Um Thla of course will not be eat. to -the Lake Shore interest,. - ..',knew fine, therefor% that will give the Pcn:kp,Wol:-...' • • - , - Spy :a , yac t 7 • Vanderbilt link an independent en trance Into Cincinnati, le Bare to be con atnicted." . - . • The .Pennsylvania Central is now by far the most powerful corporation in this country, and probably controls more miles of read than any other in the world. Still, it hu formidable rivals In the two great New York roads and in the Balti more and Ohio, all of which are laboring like giant's to extent their control over the North-weal, the Central-west and the South-WA and have been so far inc. orssful )hat the Pennsylvania road, great salt is, is not and cannot be an absolute monopoly. But so far uitis a salutary check upon the all ! grasping power of New York, we, as Pennsylvanians, may rightfully rejoice in Its great success. A great trunk line is about to be con. 1 ( 4 structed from Chitin aU directly south through Kentucky . bill to Incorporate this company is now before the Legisla tore, ono of the prov giant of which Is to authorize the city of 'lnch:matt to borrow ten millions of doll and' Issue bonds secured by mortgag on the road for that amount. This protilaibn, of course, will require concurrent legislation In Ohio. Under what control that road will come may be Inferred [tom the fool stated above, that already the Pennsylvania Central Is bridging the Ohio at Cloche natl. IMIR t.llllllAlNlttlk The corning of them quiet, docile. In dustrious, Ingenious, and alseulatly lmi tally* people to our shore*, titst to tbrot a distinct and strongly markrd clam, and ultimately, we sut , pose, to slough op these distinctive marks of race leaguer\ mato= and nationality, and boxmoi panted among the tztaay dune elements that la to make up that peculiar type of nationality which will result' trout this unique agglameratioa of all the peoples, that are Cowin together on this conti nent, With 110 rigid laws to keep them uunder or I. hold ego set up and keep smother down, and which will be known as Asurioam. Here, for the Int time in the annals of the race; people of all na• tionalides - are thrown together, not as such, but as individuals, and here only it What ode all mastering language swailowe up the dlrente tongues which would, were they adhered to, make a Babel of our country. Heretofore Western Europe and Africa hare furnished our natiosal stock, the white and the black, the moat widely separated in that most obvious feature. But now cones the yellow, to take its place In whatever. position Providence and Its own capabilities may assign to it. All came to labor, either voluntarily or Involuntarily, as freemen or as slaves. Slavery neossearily made two cloves or castes; but that distinction, so far as law Is concerned, was recently abolished, and all men were set'upon an even platform legally; ilio*a third party from the farthest Orient steps upon the same platform, and asks • place where he may earn his bread and better his condition. The En glishman, the Irishman, the German and the Chinaman all come in obedience to I thlrame impulse. 14.?Plie coming tether° people of strange linunge, and still stranger religions. idesa, without the faintest notion of po. Utica liberty in accord with our ideas, and contift, as they are doing, like a locaill4 atthat ocean of humanity whence thnikaingnires been to many of our pee pirs • Casire-of solicitude. The question is, are ear Institutions strong enough to take in, educate, elevate and assimilate this dark-minded, heathenish horde ? Or will they, by the sheer weight of their In tellectual degradation, drag us down to a lower plane ? Can our Christianity grap ple with their Binh's% 1 and shall Christ or Confacious dominate the faith and morals of the communities to be founded on tranZanikoAshores by the netting of these two 'Vest htiman tides ? We have thought a good deal about this, and the result of our rtg,etions is, that no apprehension need be Mertalle ed that the aide of civilisation and of progress is in any danger of being check el or retarded by the Influx of Chinamen, no matter .how fast they may pour in. The civilisation they bring (and we would by no means despise It) is nonprores. sive to the last degree,. and their rell s: gn as us faith h nothing in it In the ght, est manner aggressive. The large ma jority of those who have yet come over are not Bndhists, bat followers of eosin. du, whose system in its pirity hardly reaches ton Blunt= Being or another , world at all; but is rather a system of moral ethics in which are many excellent things, among which filial reverence is made supreme. Bo great has been the influence of that precept of their ancient teacher, that this reverence to ancestors has long been carried beyond the gnu, and many superstitious rites hue grown out of It. But that is not all. They have for centuries lived like so many children of one family, of which the Emperor is the acknowledged head; and the same sentiment of veneration felt for an imme diate parent is carried up to him as the great father of all. Hence their govern. meat is patriarchal rather than autocratic. We have said that they are like chil dren of one family; and indeed they an but children, docile, submissive, patient and teachable. - Their reasoning Powers are extremely feeble; yet they are won derfully ready and ingenious, but only by imitation. !now a Chinaman how to perform any kind of handicraft, and be will do it at once, and do It, well; but If you err or blunder in the operation, he will do the same every time, until he is told not to do so. This =undone. imitative power nukes the Chinamen very valu ta. u operatlies In many kinds of man ufactories, especially in those of textile fabrics. Where the work to be done is a flied and unvarying routine of operations, requiring close care and watchfulness, no people in the world are their equals. In a short time, when the Northern Paclic Railroad Shall be made to Paget'a Bound, running, u It will, for hundreds of miles through a country of mild and equable climate, very mach like that of Great Britain, abounding in water power more, probably, than any other. of. equal extent to the world, and terminating in the midst of rut and exhaustless coal mines, we may expect to see that country become very won the seat of immense and various manufacturing industries, In which these Chinamen will be to a great extent the opera Urea They are willing to work for less wages than are our own people; and, indeed, their frugal and aim , pie habits, acquired in their own over crowded country, enahli them to de so and still save money. With a railroad leading to the Atlantic Station one side, and the Pacific Ocean on the other, at the point where the most ancient and un progressive myriads of the world are met by the most energetic people that ever feted. bringing with them their machinery, their skill, and their' gentle yet resistless dominating power, that country, watered by the Colombia and its branches, sad resting upon that niagnidcent harbor which for hundreds of miles affords se. curs anchorage to seagoing Teasels, will become the theatre of more business, more produtive Industry, than any other part of this continent. ' The Influx of the people of China is destined to have :quite es important a bearing upon the industelal interests of this country u upon its civilization, and that Influence will reach back to 'Europe. That mine of cheap labor upon the oppo site shore of the Pacific le quite u inex haustible as the coal mines on Van Coo- Ter's Island aad around Poget's Sound, and as the streams which gush front the lofty and far•extending sides of the Rocky Mountains. We have glanced at the Impression which the influx 01 these strangers will have upon our civilization, our Chris. tianity, and our industrial Interests; now what Impression shall our more energetic civilization have upon them ? Clod seems to have sent them to Our shores not only to. labor but to learn. What shall we teach them ? Shall It be that " whatsoever yc would that men should do to you, do ye not so to them ?" for that will be the ice son, If wo do not treat them justly anti Kkele4peßklennt, e 1 thr. ritiol.4rilt 1/ e,t Ile., HARPIIIIIUIIII, .lets. 27, 114 W. For the Information of your yonder, Omit% me to give the of the Alin (twos delegation herr. NOIIIIIOII lira hint end !toward, with Itsprcaeutatlsse Millar, Walton and Kerr, owe at tha Ito °ldol Illinutlireys and Teylor err at the Jones llouse, 41111 WllllO 14 111 Mra Hips'*, 1111 Front 'drool. I rlluy p to 411 111 tool health, sloop% Mn Kerr, who Ie *lightly latilllpOried, 11t11 to tepidly he Reining hie twain' good health, 71111 Alleg,hrtiv delegation fide year 41111 i4wm 1 . 1111 , 1 V0.1%.4 11 , 0141414 wail any of Its pre deotaanut hit want yeate 004111114; libmw4o. Joivimv, Atkr*Awq 44111 FllllO, tgontidatiaa tur Flour lotion**, with Marmite Sett% and Thins , Itartio, 5T1101 , 41%4 KM t 14411.4 ttf )VOl4lllll 41.1 111444.‘11411., 111 V 011 (141144 10111111111 opt Welt Ullol'ol4 44 heat 11144 pill, '1•04 00444%04 iet'on roty rettornt, and glint gootoents may ++llsll4cllon, rho ludloatione, however, hi Wow' who ornend to know, em the% Wilson of Wsahnorstathl, will make the Flour In ',vector-4'lN end Smith the :teeter of Weights and Itraoures. Yours, &e., Font )'ITT, The lute Canal—The Level er the Two eerie, It appears from the support of a careftll survey by a nautical man, published in the London Skipping Galata, that the Sues canal is in every respect a great success, and is working handsomely ; but the most interesting fact reported is that throughout the canal a steady current moves from t h e Red Sea into the Mediter. Tatman, varying In its velocity from three knots an hour, near Suez, to a knot and a half at the Mediterranean outlet. This proves that the level of the Red Bei is higher than the level of the Mediterrane an, and the question naturally recurs, if so why t It is simply bees - use of the tremendous evaporation of the Mediterranean, This great inland sea is led from the east by the powerful current of the Bosphorus end the Dardanelles from the Black Sea, sad from the Atlantic Ocean in the west through the Straits of Gibraltar, and by numerous rivers on both sides, and yet the .hot and thirsty winde which sweep scrota it from the great desert of Africa keep it down by evaporation below the general ocean level. The evaporation from the lied Sea per square mile, with a roasting descent on each side, and nearer the equator is im mensely greater than that from the Medi• terranean; but as the Rod Sea is only a narrow gulf running up from the Indian Ocean, its aggregate loss iscompsartively small and easily supplied. At its north. era extremity, at Suez, therefore, it is kept nearer the general level of the ocean than la the Mediterranean along the AL. slam coast. But granting all this, what does it wig airy Ina practical view of the Suez Canal? It signifies that the canal has become a river or an armor the Indian Ocean. flow ing into the Mediterranean, and that unless this continual current be checked, the flow- of this Inlet will in time wash down the Balmy banks of the canal into its channel and Lill it up. That iq what it signifies "in a business point of view. If the report in question is correct—and we have no reason to doubt pair of locks will be necessary at the Suez inlet to regulate the flow from the Bei Sea. Otherwise, a heavy wind up this sea fie several days duration, may create such al current bathe canal as to choke it up with the waehlngs froth.tts.banlui in a single night. Tue following facts and figures are ad. firmed In Administration circles as • evi dence that the figures upon which Mr. Dawes . of Massachusetts based his charges of extravagance against the present Ad ministration were erroneous, to the ex :zrit of at least 133,000,000. The error seems to be in the estimate book, from Which Mr. Dawes appears to have taken his data without much- examination of details. It wilt be remembered that he stated the estimates of the present Admin. titration, for the year 1870, were $391.. 000.000, and those of Johnson's for 1889, were only 3303,000,000. It turns out that the estimates of Secretary Boutwell, in his annual report, were only $29 WO,- 000, or 312,000,000 lees than those Gl' Mr. McCulloch, instead of $28,000.000 greater, as stated by Mr. Dawes. Of this any one can satisfy himself by referring to the Secretary's repect. This wide difference is mainly explained by the tact that the gross estimated expenditures in the Part office Department, amounting to $25,181,. 093, are Included In the aggregate of 3331,000,000, which feuded the balls of Mr. Dawes animadverrlons, whereas McCulloch's aggregate of $303,000,000 includes only the postal deficiency, I. e., the excess of the postal expenditures over the postal receipts, which of course is the true measure of the cost of that Depart ment to the country. Singularly enough the, postal deficiency Is also Included in the present aggregate, being added to the estimated gross expenditures, and is moreover exaggerated by a typographical error of $7,000,000. To put the estimates of this year on a par with those of last year, In respect to the items embraced In them it is therefore necessary to subtract from the $331,000,000 above mentioned, the $23,581.093, and leaving less than $300,000,000 as the total estimates. Other item, which should also be deducted, make up the slightly remaining discrep ancy between the estimate book and Sec retary Boutwell's report. There can scarcely be any mistake in these figures, as they are based upon a mlntate and care ful examination 01 the public accounts. It seems, then, that the actual estimates for the year 1871 are only $291,000,000 Instead of 3331.000,000. It may also be mentioned that, of this comparatively moderate sum, $3,020,000 is for interest on the bonds owned by the Government, and designed to go Into the sinking fund as a contribution to the liquidation of the public debt. Pamela being prepared for another exciting time. Pierre Bonaparte is to be tried before the High Court of Justice for the killing of Victor Noir. The court, according to the London Spectator, is lers liable to illicit influence from the throne than an ordinary court—its jury, which is very large, being composed of men selected by lot from Councillors General of two years standing, that is from the most eminent men of France— and its Judges have nothing to hope from any one except Milder himself, who, a short thee since, told all his subordinates that be imitated on one thing , only—pa tios. The decree sending the Prince for trial accuses him of "homicide,r' a word which in France covers any kind of kill. lug from murder to misadventure, and extenuating circumstances cannot be alleged except by *heavy majority—three. fifths, we believe, of all present. The proceedings are of the ordinary kind; the accused can be interrogated, and his-past life must be given as prima facia eel. deuce of his intention in the act—a piece of evidence which in this Instance will tell hijavily against the Prince. Tux oath in the Virginia bill, which disqualifies all who, having sworn to sup. port the Constitution, afterwards engaged in rebellion,ls in fact not Mr. Drake's, but that wh ich is in the old Reconstruc tion acts, and was required in all the re. constructed States. It is that known as article 8 of the Fourteenth Amendment ; and under it only one or two members of the legislature will be excluded. Gweiraitx CREsurxxx. has made the fallowing changes ,in p en ". svlvania Post Offices: Rice's Lending, Greene county—Thomas Lucia, vice L. Hughes, deceased. Helstersburg, Fay. ette county—C. Hostetter, vice J. Arm strong, deceased. New Scottsville,..l3.m. Ter county—D. Shafer, vice S. Shafer, declined. Oak. Grove, Erie county— Change name to Mill Grove. 191 4 11• BU RGII PA TIN GA 2. EWE FRIDAY MORNING; JANUARY 28, 1870, ra= Bohner and Vanbordenberg, the mur derer' of the Peichtal family, in October last, have titer' convicted at Huntington, Pa., of murder In the first degree. It will be remembered that the murder wan the most brutal that baa occurred in Cen tral Pennsylvania for many years. On their trial, the Intoning translations were read, of letters written by the pris oner!' and found on their persons. Could one read anything more shockingly bra tal UUNTIMMON, December 95, 1669. in open latir to the farmers (rough neo• Ide in German) and obod hounds in auntingdon: in strength of my office and In the name of the devil Itake the pen in order to announce not my death but yours on this Citriatmiut. Rascals that you are, you wanted to kill uses we didn't do the crime. We .were four of ui—the two whiadope the crime made their escape. Ily tiler reason 1 came to the conclusion to save my life for the merciless fate did threat n me with death. „We resolved it was tier for see man to dto time two.We ore to be gone long ago, but we i i had ant yet weapons. , But fur that pur port+ we received them, for the proverb dart, "Patience, reason. and time, (that will be three noble things) a man that is able to welt can make everything posal Ida" Who the min IN Re that done the crime you needn't know, you Can ask - himself. For that purpose I gave up my belief that I knew h— itters Is no tied in Heaven The I hod shepherd sitting lu the, court knows It. bytie—or vrhateVer • his load OPIUM may be—he wanted to bring 11111 e,nie mule, the damned blond hound. lie will rtmelve not tobacco ,but a pistol shot to iu to hell. Yes, you Herman, pm said that you were ashamed -, --you shall not shame yourselves-much longer, .you will merit() in the same time a ball of (WWI. Who these are I keep it for ItipAr. Yllll were right In telling in the 110VINpaptlit. -I have laughed heartily meet that mime, and I shall kill you-like mad dogs. Now - we deserve death. It you want to fellow us you can doll; then our belle will kill you. If you believe on a Hod you can pray once before you meet no tor our balls will bore your breast. Ton must not believe you are going to capture us again lo *quickly like Altoona. We were not prepared for that, hut sow we can see how heti:Ms—every body we will, cross will be knocked down. 0, with what pleasure we will receive them who are coining atter us. It Inaba no difference whether brother or friend, yob-ate - all lost in death, for wo have money and good weapons already this...very. day. Yea, we are going in company and woe to you people of Hun tingdon. Your town shall be laid in ashes and whoever will resist shall be shot down. I repeat again, you shall not fol low as and if you will do it I shall make a trial with you then. I have got a good eye which never mines the , right centre. I need only one Linger of my right hand and you • • must leave the' world and go to hell. That : all this will happen I testify it here with my sign*. tare. GoDFILLZDT. From devil from hell, from death and , destnietion. Y. M. and B. Hunmerworr, Jan, let, 1870. I'm taking the pen' to the new law which after centuries Ull the close of the world will be remembered by me. You wanted the history of my life so I want to give it to you with the pen this Ume and the next time with the balL I get along better with the ball than with. We could have left Altoona but was too light. I wanted to get Into pillion and then to get out of It; that makes the law book full. The watcomen in Altoona (the rascals) have stolen all the money and we should suffer for it; so is it; the small ones get hanged and the big ones get free. Those bloodhounds of watchmen in Altoona; they shall die the drst day. I wish they could enjoy that stolen money. I will enjoy too, to use my new weapons for them. They shouldn't fall by a murder. er's hand, but by the hand of a noble one. Yes I dgitwith my hand. Others are doing it with the mouth and the heart; that I call murder. I want to explain to - you everything right, for you are all madepf a bad stuff. Ido not wonder you are going to a church and sleeping with a wife that keeps you in dullness till you die like a dog. But we, we are made of gold and Jewell'. Hurrah; hurrah, bur rahl in the name of the devil and hut servants may live. You damned cattlel Yon believe in God, you want to go to heaven. You can go. • • The ministers of the gospel came to see too. k I sent them off. right iiway. Vid . theth that I ran all these things off with my shoes. All the ministers of the gospel ihould be hanged, only it lea pity for the ropes; bet one I will notcoodemn, that la Mr. Steckel. Ile speaks German and Is a man who I like. I'll get shut of him otherwise—l'll get tired or sleepy. I'll change my mind with the world and today, on the new yesr, I'll count how much lead and shot I need in the neat twenty years; especially for the dogs who are sitting In the Court aud who. -are made of the same bad stuff—and nch dogs want to take our lives. Every ha. man beteg has that right. but they must not catch themselves. Yes, you would have laughed If you would have seen •ns hanging on the rope. • • • The thick Brown and that dog which has taken my money in the jail—prepare yourselves for death. I'll come like a thief in the night and deritand your lives: Here follows eighteen verses of jargon, profanity and threats alike senseless and unintelliglbikandthe writing closes as follows: This night you yoei will all become angry on account of me for I will slay the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. Behold, here a pen mark brings the death, death, death. I make three crosses for my name is from a Cross. From NAN Dcvm. The Porehin Perdition of Melee A correspondent of thei Boston Journal writes from Maine, concerning the report Of the special commission appointed to ascertain what measdres, if any, should be adopted by that State to encourage set tlements in the unpeopled townships. The commission made an extended tour of observation through the county of Aroostook, where nearly all the import ant townships of Maine are situated. Some time since, the cultivation of wheat nearly ceased in Aroostook on act. count of toe ravages of the weevil. Two years ago an experimental crop of wheat was grown. It turned out wall. Last year double the quantity was sowed, with like good result; and this season sufficient .wheat has been harvested to feed the entire county. The dwellers in the fertile valley of the 81. John—refugees from Acadia—are lg. norant and peculiar, bat still an interest ing people. Doren from their homes by time conquering Briton, they were wise enough to select for the place of their exile the very 'garden of Maine.' The farms of these settlers me is ear row stripes from river: to road, and to the hills beyond. In this way a farm a mile long is frequently but a few rods In width. The dwellings are chiefly built on the main road, and the commies:on drove for my . miles from the eastern boundary of the State through an almost continuous village. The houses are nearly all wooden and of a uniform pattern, low studded, with concave roof and projecting eaves. In doors, the spinning wheel and loom or. copy an honorable position, and here the mixed wool of white and black flocks Is made Into homespun grey clothing. A bole burrowed Into the nearest h ill side serves for cellar—a structure of small stones and mud In the door yard is their oven, and water is heated In a large pot slung over a pole by the brook side. The language of the fdadawaskans Is French—their mother tongue. Of the men, a very few speak English well— many. can bold a broken conversation In our tongue—but most of them, together with the women and children, speak al most exclusively French. In: some lo calities scarce an English word is uttered or understood. Even the town records are often keptln French. At Grant Isle, while the commission were examining the books of the towel clerk, it was im pestible to prevent a smile, in ascertain. lug that there had been voted the. put year for school ptuposestbe sum of "(bus cent piestrss"—certainly an un usual kind of money with *high to edu cate children in Yankee land. Traveling south from Fort Rent, along tke West Aroostook road, houses and clearances became less and less frequent; and lair the plantations of Wallagrass and Eagle Lakeare passed, It Is an almost unbroken solitude till the settlemtmt about Portage Lake is reached. In fact, nearly all the settled part of Aroostook is along the Eastern and Northern boundary of the State, and Is in shave like a scythe laid upon the ground ; the Eastern tier of townshbps is the handle and the valley of the St. John the blade. Inside , this imaginary scythe is a not unpeopled country, larger than the State of Massachusetts, whose virgin moll awaits the real scythe and• plough of the settler. The commission then disease the ques• tion of Scandinavian immigration, which they contend naturally fIOWID to as. They say the climate of Maine, especially of Aroostook, is much like that of Sweden and Norway. IZECOM "Bhe has no . mother." • What a vol ume of sorrowful truth Is comprised in that single_ utterance, no mother I We most go down the hard, rough path of life and become inured to . care and. sor row in their sternest forms before we can take hems to our own experience the d read realitYno mother, without a strug gle and a tear. Bat when it is said of a fail young girl, Just passing from child hood toward the life of a women, how sad Is the story summed up In that short sentence l Who shall now check the wayward fancies—who shall now bear with the errors aud failings of the me. therless daughter Let not the cup of sorrow be overfloWed by the harshness of .your bearing, or your sympathizing cool nesa. Is she heatless of your doings ? I Is she forgetful of her duty ? Is she care less of her moyeensate ? Remember, oh, remember, she has no mother. And the poor boy too, with none to care for him or to administer to his com fort-. .You see him sportive with his com paitioas, perhaps rude, may be at times wicked—he has no mother to warn and chide 'him—no, no mother to shed her softening influence over him.. And when he gees .to bed, strange (mire creep over hits, and a desolation of spirit that no tongue can express. • He is turned out Into the world sb battle its storms alone, end when Painted weariness press upon him, no words of pitying sympathy 101 l on his ears—no soft baud soothe and sup. ports hint.. Remember, oh, remember, he has no mother I—Ex. VARICOSE OR BROILIOI Thousands of persons ease year is and year out with a broken down condltlon of tne reins of the lege, which in oar Illisea 0e emdly rm. (loved aid - frequently susceptible of care, and suffer on, only because they do not know rhare and to whom to apply for relief. Now, to give the needfsl lafointatton In cans like this, Moms to as a proper dote on part of the noaripaper prase, sad it /hal us great pleasant to be able to recommaiad all men to Pr. INTEIZN, OF 167 WOOD STBILIST, whom vast nominee of appli ances. and his great skill In chronic diseases, enables him to afford the greatest amount of re • lief that the recent Stale of Won. can afford. Beside. them varicose cloudlike. to which we bare referred above, there are Otbor Imames of incOareniGare nod suffering, such a. strolling* sad abnormal growths, which the Doctor, with hie appliance, Maim to relieve. Then again the abdominal weaknesses and Making feeling peculiar to female., i.e source of terrible suffering and society; for these the = I=l ==l 19=2 The Doctor's * experience covers a period of over thirty ream healdve, a natural spines. for this department of hiss profession, make. him monthan ordinarily a►Wfel. The sneer tog that la entailed upon future generations by ne glect of the proper mune to cornet the prenent ousht of Itrelf. he • sandlelent cense to enlist not Only tne intention of persons them selves, her also that of %Inn telllseut rbydclua. Dr. Kr TAW* 01110. and Medletne Mona 161 I.lherty street. =! A BODY AND BIND IDISBAIIE. Pooh I. elyopepela. The stomach and the bral • are too Intimately allied fur the eat to Bode .Ithout the other. no that dt 'bevels wad dee baud. any are lam...table. It maybe added, Soo, that Irritation of the at math Is also. t Invent. hip accompanied by Irritation of the tempti. The Invigorating and tranthlllzlnt oceratlon ot Lloetetter'•ll.ttet• Is most PotherlallY devel oped in oath. of Indite! .lea. The drat tlfoot of We, agreeable Levee ta ertelortthe sod tacos. , Mlle/. A. mild glow pervades the athlete, the ehroble Inc., In the legleti of the etemaeh Is tenoned, sad the menthe nualesnows which characterizes Oa dlaelth I. abated? This Ls prrventent Is not transient Ills slot subeeeded by the nth, of the old smote= With super.. added there se is always the ease when stentedl eates etiolate.e, re elven for the comp alat.• /tomb dote sets. tao luteart a permanent actua tion of healthful le ythoratlon. lint this It not alt. Tbe•pert. at and sett 011lotte pnagertleil of tne prevent'• an wercel74.7thtll fib rx.of the oteoire lon t.thi;no ." Pre sod to Ileatts, woo e d the Weary erg.. loin And toreiri It is.ll" regulated. 'The erect be n the dlstbarroqf ores,. lasaletary. mud It eawo of eonotlpatlau the cathartic actlee I. put a umbalkiest t &erode. tee ,e•lreel 101011 zradathr and without polo. The also areniotto be•li he evaporation newt the serfs. or•lteh is porticalarly desirable at this *taunt when sud den epeps el row,ea Wessel weather arc apt to cheek the natural p er plc and erode.. to , th , lon of we leer, maths so d tole, TA. best eofo r th od ogrthu t V a ge t&be psl O r /t a o t oth ee y u igo g r ,. pr •taet-e. NOTICES ALCM/NEXT P♦6L[T RArcso kr. Co.. rltt.strumn. Jaeeary 114, 1570. ISTOt ILIHOLDERS ANNIAL NIETO& 1 hs Segel. Alumni Mani...rot the Stoehhold e. of the Allegheny Valley Railroad Connetay be held at the (Wale! or_Tnr, COM. PANT. X. 26 Plge atreet. /Ittabergh. on WEDNESDAY. Tebraerg Aid. 1919, at It o'.goelt ter the vars..* of electing I.E.'S Of Manager. , for the geeing gear, sad thor the transaetleg of sea otter badness ea any be ore fated, Weald) JOAN BALLANTINE.S.MtwI. arRNAP FORT PITT roux. ofl7 Co. UT PITTEIBUIUttI. re..—tb• Anneal Nestles of the eteekholden of thls Com peer will be held at the on 1111th street. Re TIJ/LOD elf. February lab. et it o•elect 1, N., at ' , dada time there 'flit ho as .lectlon for BEY/C1 IT. DIRICCTUE.S. • 022:191 . 0. METCALF, TreUefen Orrlca or PrrrAso nou Inerwcz Col, Corn, of Market and ‘A Ater .troets. Prrralsva.., Jaeotry lOW. /110. IarTINE ANNUAL ELECTION for TIEN DIRLAJTORII of this Compton wt.l be b• • Id ttttt Whoa of sald Com- Poor on TDIODAY. the bo o ny of rebrour mat, 1010, betwt.en of 11 o`cdoo2 A. IA and 14:o'clock r. Y. ..I.lltsal D. 0. HOLTZ, Booro.o.ry. DIVIDENDS Onrics or Corinna tonal CONEACT, t ' Corner MEd and Ito Dread IStmem. I arTHE HOARD OF DIBEC. TORE of this Compaey bare the day de. dared from the earelemor the past twelve month., • ateldend of TWELVE PER CERT.,. add here Wee Mseed IMAM per .eat. to the meth of the Contingent Coed. EDW. DITHEIDOE, Presldeht. •T. A. Wawa.. Seeretert. • DEWC7 NEW ADVEIRTIBEMENTS. ray a_Lannran's Florida Water, The Most celebrated and most" delightful - of all per fumes, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. Ja2I:IIWIP REMOVAL: Mach/ugh fire 10w.T.0., Mug% ..11145ETEI, $141,611111.03 MARKET FIRE INS. CO., N. Y Participation, -MBICTS, Connecticut Fire Ina. Co, Hartford, ABETS, .10111,000.00 EDWARD I. 1101111 BES, Ages% reeteree to IM TortRTH AVILetIIII, Mertes Wood sod emitelleld street. mu Wan. P.. piStsao SILVER WARE! . . e have on bang and ar• receiving • very bandeau.. aseortment of DIST QUALITY 11 YAK PLAVLD .WM11; which we will low as ameba bought in Keg 'req. • AMU, MITTIER C TZJI. tIYINUP PITGIIZA3, /OR priewsses. OOLIT.IIIs, • HOOP TUUSENS, VAX , BASIN:STD. 11P001.18, ' POEM te. WATTLES lk slumma • 101 /MU ANENI7O., ahonßmlthaeld street. lA= FOR ILLLE , -CHEAP. e:ooe POUNDO 07 'Timm Naomi sismaiLL ram& H. IL LOBO t CO., =3 === ==MI FM ABI4 TONS BEST OAN BRANDS Soda •.• Zee Nag blf J. B. ILILD. NEW ADVERTISEIVECNTS FRIDAY, JA Nos. 180 and 182 Fedora At 10 Cents, AST COLORED DARK CALICOS, At 12 1-2 Cents. A GOOD ARTICLE 4-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN. At`6o Cents. All-Wool Cam'mores. At t5O Cents, ALL-WOOL POPLIN PLAIDS A NEW STOOK or Black and Colored American Poplins, Pillow Cue rid Sheetion Intlino, Abiding tulles dad Irisl•Linees, Plaid and Embroidered Dirt Proms, Wholesale and Retail WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nook 180 and 182 Federal Street, =M BELL MOORHOUSE, IiILICOMOBS TO 1- BATES de BELL, OMB W INTER GOODS - Of All Kinds - "Very- C.lierwro, TO CLOSE THE STOCK. Jalealp DECIDED BARGAINS! At M. Okirts, West slope sew clean goods. It ik. lait Shoulder Shawl'. It 7k Tit Shoulder Murk largo aim It 7k. Childea's Halt Cloaks. It tic. Boys' Wool Lined Buck Intl. It 7k. ER's For Top Wool WO Buck GIOTtS, At lea's and Boys' Wool Books. At 11 1-t0.." ~Ico's Wool Lied Soda: It 40e„ Ilen'a Heavy Grey WAR. Eltirts. It 40e. It 'a Brary Gray Merino Drawers. It $l,OO Ladles' Merino Uoderersts, good qua ity. it SLOG Ladles' Merino Drawan, goo quality. New Goods Daily Opening AS MACRUN,GLYDE &Co's, 78 and 80 Market Street. pat .41. T HORNE & CO'S: to order to stUl Nether rsolere nook, before taking oar annual larentorf. to will coati/lee to offer oar stook at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Many Goods Below Cost. Woolen Goods, Hosiery, Gloves. Underwear, Igoe and Laoe Articles, Embroideries, Millinery Goode, Sash and Bow Ribbons, Satin and Bonnet Velvets, Dress Trimmings, Cloak Loops and Ornaments, Boilevexdo Skirts, ao, ho,, - AT RETAIL BARGAINS. 77 17 '79 JIfdIRKET STREET. .1.11 SSAID DY 80BEE THREE PER SONO TO BE VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY. FOR SALE. On • lop' credit It desired, I. the Seventeenth erssd, (Lawrenceville.) 100 feet mare or loss, frontßur on Butler stmt. Yenning Wet 409 feet to 3timmlc street, 40 feet aldr, with two houses on lh renting for 5940 per I ear. with the beet Cott water, and fruit. shrubbery, *o. Si.., 100 feet mere or bate, frontlet' on Davison street, running back to sold annimlt street 350 feet, with one house and • goed sprier: of soft water. Beat for 10140 per year. Both yletes son Wee large onantltiesof loom and sharpund. 8. 11.-17011 sell the anted ground at the rata of 66,000 less than has recently been veined by Viewers for • street elate by, and all the Irepusys. meats at • tab valuation. Alen, for gale. that beret:oy Warebenee on the tusruar of Libuty sod Han coca Meseta. Pitt. burgh, occupled br Ifeesrs.•ll.ltethallough, Jr.. ♦ Co.. 110 feet front on Liberty etreet, 110 feet on Hancock sad U 0 feet on lathenge airy. Require. no :commendation. Also, leer two story Brick Toques, all la a row, slg room. emelt. three on a door. on Logoelt street. Allegheny, ANC Hand street bridge. Heats for 1050 each per year. Alen, four acres of choke load with a new voluted and papered Brick n 0..., 0 rooms, wash house, two wells. Metes.. stable, as,, ac., when Imo. maid. All or any can be bought on • long credit, or short, as It may snit perchmeri. Inquire of H. WILKINB. at John Bays. • Wm 1139 Liberty street, Pittsburih. ZAPPARY 19 ISITO. sifortg L. B. TULTOR FULTON & WBANN, kitscrrxesx. px,umnialis . GAS AND WEAN PITTED", kink Alrfame. Near High .11tripet. PITTIVITINOR. PA. Lad mpg, Bas Hose. Gas nature, alai. lath Tabs sad Waal Mad.. Dna Pipe sae Pitting,. Al. sad Boer Pampa, lad ate...cow always re hand. Pate% aad Private Ilaildlass fitted ap with Gas. Water lad 1t.... Beating ApparallgA Jobbing Prairotly aUsaded NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NUART, 28th. SEMPLE'S, I Street, Allegheny City. Ladies' Gored Cloth Skirts, Infant's Robes, Lam and Hamburg Edging?, Ho4ery and Gloves, 'Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuffs. At 81.50. HONEY COMB QUILTS. Large Size. At $1.75 a Dozen, Linen Table Napkins, A GREAT BARGAIN, At 25 Cents, WIiITJ HUM TOWELS, Worth 37 1-2 c. At 75 Cents, Ladles White Merino Underskirts, I= ♦ Condo to Stock of BooookieDiog Eq7 Good WILLIAM SEMPLE'S. Nes. 1110 aad 182 Federal Street, =! WILLIAM MILLER & Co ., Nos. and Hi Liberty street, Oorner of Irwin, now offer the trade et low lig• new, itrlouy Prime Now Crop New Orlem Sugar aad Porto Moo, Cubs and naglish Wand Bazar. Rue adoP York, Philadelphia and BaMaur. Br . G.;11 Drips. Lovering*, Smalls, Stuart' Adams , and Loo[ Leland Syrups. Porto Moo, Cuba and Swish Island Molasses Younn Srwn, Japan. linpertal, Um:pow& and Oolong Tans. Carolina and Bangola Mee. Java, Lansayra and Rio Coleco. Tobacco, Lard 011. llsh. Palls, Glans, doaps :Cotton Yarns, Le.; constantly on band. ALSO, Fine Binindies, Wines and familial, Moselle and Spvkling Heel= of Minitel t en., In bottles. • . .. • . Sparkling Scbsirsberg and Jokaaa biog. hock Palmer, Si , moody, le. Brscienborg & Freres , Ft. Oliva On. do do Clarets, Pap. Led In bolting do do weird Winos, la boating. W. Work & Pons• Sparkling Lit, obs. 7 , 10 Old Stain 7. Madeira and Port. Wine■ Prot Cad !dolma kabala P 7 ~ -dates, pm. • do Very Superior OW watch do do. ALSO. • Sole n t,' uts Itkr Xoet Cbututon's OranVl2 im t i rrarnar and IS. Ilery ra Cti:n , m )r. o._ Bandies of our own tel and warranted J10:1113 STATEMENT. OF I) ITIDENDIS le the Company ter. greeting a Bridge over the Allegheny River, tipposlte Pittsburgh, le the ()Ginty of Allegheny. Which have been an drawn and e:aod on the Berns, sobject to the provisions of the Act of •ueiribly.. which di rects the publication of all Mvidends of Wear. Vacated Compaules within the Commonwealth Matinee net been called for within three years previous to the dine of vindication. • o. N of ' Whin Name. Dls l d. brat Nada. • Tbus. Cassllly. deold, 70 •ITC* J. I, IS SL Came, do. so la SO July I, ICU. Came, do. Si 1 CO Jaa. - 1, pH, Clone, do. = A Os July I. I II S4. C 0.... no 113 10 CO Jas. 2. MP. ' Same. * do. •SI .5i11.04 July 4 _ l 1.118. bone, do. SI INA CO u.T Corse, du. lb $211.00 J il uly2.. 300$. COMITY or ALLsonSsT, / ~.. Coq of Pittston gb. • I --. Pomonally aims ved before me, a Notary rob ins In and for the city atm county aforesaid, W. Roseburg, Treasurer of the Company afore Bald, Into being by me duly swam according totals, deposes and says that the foregoing Stahel...A Is Jost and true to the best of his knowlmtite and belief. WK. RoB6lll3ltti. Treasurer. Sword and oabsortbe4 befbro tbla lid or Doomber, 1889- • I=l2 IIE=fl==1!! READ 1 REAP ! READ ! Removed la oae salaam, wino:rot bleed Lag of leaving rammer: Baotou aad Dlressed Nana Removed la • few minutes. AU operations per formed without polo or Moeda.]: Perfect comfort hamedlataly I =I No more feet alter operettas! Nalareed and MI6 Joints treated enooesa /zest-elm and Calltdalas eared In a ie. days. naUersoUon even or money refunded. Good City Berm.. eye.. ON,, Hoare nom B A. le. tont!, sad / b OM r. ee. anedays. 9 toll Nalmmtar tie place. No. 49 Beth street. old Bt. Char. ao eters. . Dr. D. PETKILION. Pittsburgh. Pg. delthout rra PERSONS HAYING LARGE BUILDING!. WITH SULU/ POWBB, TG leliNT.—Wantod, to rent. ibr emu of rare with privilege of baying, O Janie buildlng with nom power, and rrltable for manufacturing ag ricaltst rat Implemo nth and Mbar Mitt machinery, and near to or rounemed wilb a foundry. lilo moat!, IL Loll. or Pittsburgh profaned, or oath pilot as will afford river or railroad eon maalcialan roma. hooter loch Imperil' for root or We will plowe addi4st, witlt particulars, girtag ow all of Soar room Moan of power, rest and who g possesdon wiz:WM.4. • ' - Z. HALLOWS, O. Z., JW Ravenna. 0010. iTRADE MARK.I DIERIDGIPS IPMEI. PROOF Lamp CHIMNEYS. ALPERT &KOHLER, Namfactorers sad Lenten to BOOTS. SHOE. AND GAITEWS, No. 38 Market treed, Pitts. beret. Pa. Parthmlar attsablow stwo to Comore Wort. We beg ham to Wrest the attention of the Pablle to we are repared te sanufactare tbe 800 fact that ts d Oboes tow for perms troebhal with Cora., Be sa aton& or deformed Mt, mder Me personal seven Igloo of oar Mr. AL. PEST, to of Allerbeey tttty. IMO will to pleased to see Ma old customers again. We Om adepaed Mr. Alpert`, mode of mamma:ls the foot, ar //Melt we ma be aalls In warren Use may mid comfortable Boot , ood Ohm for the tender. eat feet. Eileen. a Mal dbe etrp•lned E . AL m PSRT WIL% MUM . SS Market Mere'. Plttsbargb.Pa. PUBLIC NOTICE. Daring been appointed GAB and GAB METER INePECTOR ter Allegheny Connie, net.* I. hereby given that until tt e necessary OVICO sat Mechanical Testing Machinery can be provided, I will be wand_ et the OFFICE OF IRS NA. TIONAL FOUNDRY 'AND PIPE WOSE4 Twenty-third lama, near Pena, Pltlsbargh. M. H. MUM, • pillme Gas and ell Mahn Impeder. j i AIIGE SHIPMENT'S or ALL kinds of fresh lake Oh ara raeatrea daily DI atfill i tid gal i nfrat h a itM d. tek l i e i • City Stand. Allashany City. comer of Yeti and es a tang a:paktum la lb. Nuttiest enables as to away. hare. bands lint elaas utlale, sod do goell WWI& 1141. gallaaa. Harrill. Mack Bass and Waits [Web all at eery wa sk.ar .. ot w s. 4. ti les ita l r or atall n i al. we w Ail ill 1= &Au Intanotly. pagErax ROLL FOUNDOY, ' cor. LIMIT! and . 514 Ta macre. DOUAI & BACALEY, Xasafteumrs of Bapulor Chill Bolls, Sand Bolls & Pinion& C&IIIWICCANDLESS & 00.9 Wawa. an a Oa.) WIIOLML3II DW.I II foreign, sad Dwindle Dry Gook, No. VA WOOD maim. mut *ow Om Diaimailm mints IL Pa. 30 CA SKS PEARL AMR IN suns •Ald fOY able, by J. S. 111111113111 NEW -ADVERTISEMENTS 7 PER CENT. INTEREST IN GOLD, 'nage May era November in Neer York and Loedos. free of Garet:latent Tax FIRST MORTGAGE Convertible Sinking Fund Bonds AT 95, ISSUED BY' TEM - BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS Minnesota Railroad Company. id.0.0.b..“ 10 per tent• curreiney: principal ally years to run, payable la gold. levered by the. railroad, Wenches', depot groeudei rolllna stock, eglantine% and humid. of the company. These bonds are only blued upon each me- Lion of the road Si feet ise the lame I. emnpleted and la succesefhl operation. Two and a-half Inllllolle of dollars lave been expended on this road. Mighty-three toile. are nearly completed and equipped, and nre•dy show largo cartage, and the remainder of the line le rapidly prom*. dud In eonetructlou r This Loan has been selected by our torn afttr • thorough and careful investigation, conseqoeut ly we hare no hesitation le reeommiendlog it to our Mends es a perfectly min. Molitaile and Iltst•elms mairity. Our opinlon le tally congrm • ed by ilia following strong letter from the expe rienced and eminently to omelet massager of the Pen:L.7ll . mM II illsoad Company: =1 • PIISIDZIIT . 6 0/11C. PRILADELrBIA. May 11. 18139. i Motors. HENRY ULEWB • CO.. Ho. MI Wall street.—Gentlemen: In inner to your re• eesst of the 7th alt. for oar opinion aa to the co edition and prospects of the Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota Railway, the chaneter of the cannery thiongh which It pYNI. tad the probable anecee• of the enterprise, we would state that before accep ing the trust Imposed epon no by the hlr t Mortgage Honda of this Oompany. we had folly satiated onrseivn of the practicability of the enterprise. The road titan. at one of the most fowl/Mae cities on the Niortkma YluWtppt Elver. and nisi In a northwesterly direction op the great rich Cedar Valley centneeting at premium , *date along thelinewlth six diliereniSallreeds, now In attire operation, nenrl7 en of wt.!. met be, sore or ten, trbetary to or feeders to this road. This enterprise I, destined to became, In eon. Vetton with other. now In operation er being roestreeted, on. of the great trunk lines from 'Lake Superior Paul Ceder Hankie, led Harlington to St. Lents and to the lot, over the Toledo. Peol I. and Warsaw, and the Perinsylva ale Railroads. which we represent. But aside from this, the pomades none Ilion of the country along the line of thls road, its great productiveness and wealth give entadtut gear eats of a good local troslaus. which, for - mt7 road, le the best reliance for Bootees. good Index of the prosperity and amith of the count!) through whist, this road pants may be found In the feet that the Company report. eye, a million ad a quarter foliate subscribed and expended by Indlyldaala reeldlag along the Una la pushing on one hundred mad slaty miles of the work. and It Is also a .trout proof of the local popularity and rieteselty for the road. boor. impeetfolly) J. ILltiAnt THOMPSON. 1 • .President of the Peens. h. H. Co. True. CH•ELLB 1. PROIVIT tees. PieenToledo.Peorta • Warms It. Co. AA a eel:fence of the relates. and Immense trams of the seethe. of the country thraigh which this road reel, we 9rr.eut the following Official btatenient of the Semi.. Apical/oral Product. chinned from the BUM! of Ickes by the different railroad. therein, during the year Ced ing April 30th, 1669, Jest Weed by the Beene tar, of ellatet Feather of horsey 1,693 I. Number of bogs = =I =I Wool. lb. =1 1=1:1=2 E=l Other grainy, basket • /48011,047 Other thericaltural product+, lo•:. 27.11011,V01 . leloar and otherdarlehltoral pro- Animal prodatts nos. othezelse aped/ed. lb. The preceding °Metal statement la made op almost cacimbrely of the'mipments Eastward. and does not tooled, the 'mount of produce shipped Eastward from Debugae eiMetlreften erh eh would swell the totals materially. lithe shipments Westward by thandiroade vexes:Den they would swell Immensely the surprising ex. Mit of movies products, Ttlltl ROAD ALSO RUNS THROUGH THE RICH AND GROWING STATE Or MINN/. sors. Reference to the mop I Ito United States inn sOnw that TRIO ROAD PASSES THROUGH THE MOST EllitrarstalNU AND GROWING PIRTION 00 THE WEST AND 70R113 OWE OF THE GREAT TRUNK LINES Id DIRECT COHMUNICA LION WITH. NEW TORE. CHICAGO and 111`. LOUIS, being, to the latter tlty, 90 miles ureter from Northern lowa and all portions of ths State of Mlonesets, than any other road now WO cr projected, and aloe the nearest Knit, from trePtial and SoOth• ens lowa. This toad le required by the wants of that see- Oaf where slugs and Increasing Ostia Le watt• Ingefor It and needs rOlroad oanunneluttoa. THE BUYER OFT/1103E BONDS IS, THERE FORE, GUAI/LIPIZED BY A GREAT .BU I. NESS ALREADY IN EXISTENCE. AND Hall NOT TO RUN ANY OF THE CONTINGENCIES WHICH ALWAYS ATTEND UPON THE OPENING OF THE ROADS INTONEW AieD UNSETTLED COUNTRY. We offer than bonds for the nrement at accrued Interest. WE RECOMMEND THEY TO MUSTERS AND OFFICERS OF /JEAN. (MIL INSTTI7TIONS WHO DESIRE TO CHANGE THEIR HIGH PRICED INVEST. YEN IS TOR A SECURITY WHICH PRE TESTS EVERY ELEMENT OF sAraTy. AND AT THE SAME TINE YIELDS A MUCH HIGHER RITE OF INTEREST. Pampttlet • and thlfpneucalara turVabed by HENRY CLEWS 4 CO. No. 32 Wait Street, YINAHcaI. AGENTS OP THE COIiI'ANY ores S. McCLUN tt CO., POSIRTS ANIMUS., PlUdbargh, . Pa:, Bankers and Dealers In (Amman:mt. Gold. Ix. anwTa to ilirGonernment and all claws of Becaelnlcs taken In azobanne for the above drst.e.laaa bond,. alt.St:wr, M , , rA cg: r 4 c,D A . * 3 1 5 0 1 .0 a 0,, c , z ~ 1 gz . . 4 1 , 4 .11:1g11 g1ez 1 41.4y4 P l i Cia 1 E cg 0 bt . o 0 2 11 rt ° : il ,„hisi r 4 g _ 4 Z Q 12 41 THE ADMINISTRAT CLOSIN 3CYJEVir Is Now in BARK 7PO. 59 3311E.A.REC. .Ervery artkie Ma been reduce 80 deg!. oaie sectuavelyfor Cr CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. CARPETS. NEW 'FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. DEUGGET&: DBUGGET SQUABEF, Ingrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Ofered. BOYARD, ROSE it, 00.1 21 FIFTH ATKNIIK Er 2711 CARPETS. RL DUCTIONS. The alterations and im provements of our Sales rooms now in progress, make it necessary for us to im mediately dispose of a large portion of our stook of CIAIIPETS. OIL OLOTH4r. Hearth Au m s. &c.. Many goods will be sold at prices below the present whole,sale cost. Call at once at OUTER XeCLINTOOI & COI, SS Fifth 'Means. HOLIDAY - GIFTS. ' Positive Reduction in Pikes or PIANO COVERS, 'Mosaic, aznednater, Wilton Rues, Crumb Cl.Uss, 4ce. M'CILLUM 01101 .ffe. it FIFTH *arr./40yr, dc23 ABM' WOOD mm: WOOLEN DRUOGETS Aarxr FELT CAI:WETS, 4, lb 2, 24, 3, 31, 3s ud YARD WIDE. BORDERED : EIQUARMI Suitable tbr Parlors. DINING BOOM CRUMB CLOTHS, ?Wen, Linen and Cotton, If LOWER mucarnwi LIST BIM Noterithelatullur the etelhelatehed tett, on these goods. M'FIRLIND. it. COLLINS, 71 and 73 Filth Avenue. =1 =1 MT= El=lol3 Ea= =EC] 13=1211 =TM =EMI I=l3 =9 BIIIHNEIS3 CHANGES. MAC FIBBI •OF BAILIFF, ChIISON 'rod, thla , ay dtmmimall bl mutual emusent. JAME% W. CANON db. mtr .. ol u t r it . ts . teleAt sa. Joseph Q. aae save. tudebtta .1811 7 2:V1U tre ' ara l` e:lr mate linmeelate oeyletlt, Iliad tenant hay• leg claims will memo t the tatee342oha../... Wat son, at oar Mace, 53 !Went Meet, be bang antlOrtiol to settle •Il .!. o h 108/114 0 HAMM THOMAS DROWN Jaime at. OA .DOW, Alaroll7Xr Otis, Ja nary Is 4 1870. Ti retirlio from U.. Prat of lialllff. Brown t Commit I would lake itio opportunity of tapas. ring m f tank. to my 'Meads for Col P.M favor.. and 'mold respect:ally pot Mt • amnia. Brawn an. of Mum farms for Um dm of Bar II I BAILIP/ • BROWN. Plumbers. ell• sad 11./Itterr.lNl /tders. nreet. Allribeay Cny. would r. tank then than. to then jruclor th• public geaenclly for thtlr•o7 Itheral rano.. duna■ s pen. exteurPag over VA yews. &no would respercolly fort aro.. thnnalon their <armed (neon Me old anginal Ono. Jan.. WANT POINT r. tritosT, I JANuNAT 1, INTO. The Ilna of BYITH A WASWICE. but*. d+l bets dlasolred by =Mil consent. WY. 11412- WICK rettrLog. The baiter.* et the late Arm wl I be eettltd and eoutlened by the underehmed anger the den twee et . . " • L. H. SMITH & CO. jalles7ll LIFTMEN H. DR. 111731=21. rowan= TO =LILT 'ALL yrtvate dileaseei l 1f u iras In all U. tones. al 5: M altaus ano Impateney. reth or illai Mt or ether mess, and which eces me at the tollowlth Mete.. blotches, bean weakness, Indilenlon, commtlon, avethial la nalmllaess, Creed a MM .. = =rm.,. Maims, mama rad e nall , ==trim; k V: n. rheseOrVire d re i" * " s. 1.41 duag ....14704024 .Lt OW 010 Declare Mali he tither rm. oi kar . t..l&l4=l:4=4l u rat t ": Mahon or Ulceration of the 17amh. inns, Amenontiosa. Sanorrhscla, ea. , • s 1 Dl MAIM ar Barmithen are luest. I ed with the gesatail seems. t In self-endratendinatto tb & phMain Who MIMI Mauna thelustrely s euftot•oethathalase dtreata thousand. th eth a m wary r ot thr Am ara greater 11l "thethilth Yam one In mesa practice. Till Motor pabliskes • stedlcalAntill 61 tillAnte " =lneenWs ail tree se= .w br mall for two Mms, Maned envelops. Milani.* to the at. =, '"" er e rann ler= to deamthe the pre. cies ns atriot Mil conliltheth "the eabliehmeat. ectsynishat tax AVM =tit ritr thaMtar owari. Mask by 'Mac • • mines statement of 10, and nammes can be forwarded by man or 00. le eone lartanee.„ homier, • tililantl is &heaily' neilmary, ere tally pilsoual 011 . mnon le hilthi w udi ekd for the amananlatlon teeth patina. there ath 'ZlLlVirg4l4'. l ,Vdt=' o irgittrla 7F; bromote imenery. 'Meaux meditated Irsy.,l bathu premintloas the yillamd la the Denton, am Ithorabily, 00401 hi. pilseall ponsion, Medical pamphlets at °Zoe Mil es malltor two Mem No natt i er a 9 tt a e w he hate P b i to 7 het" t ilyX. rsukNbitsti A IVl•Wrni; ilo eto oa's REIT FELL G SALE CO CO II Progress at ED'S, .v49r d in price, and noun be add in CO =1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers