The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 28, 1870, Image 1

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PENNimix, RERD k 00,
Office, 84 and 86 IVO' Anima
F. B. mnmui r ,
Tel. Roam,
Zprrou um tsolaQfoal.
ET tag. per year,
V eltrerediry earner,, per Iteek",..--,1110...
Ctrs Eittstrao Gait*.
Thus has many mad dogs.
ALTOONA 10LS ft market hones.
Lae►aoa claims .s population of ten
plaint throughout the State.
TUE Baptists of West Cheater have com
menced a protracted meeting.
tun banking house of Stowell & Co.,
Booneville, suspended on Friday hat
11.2w-vsnrruo, Indiana county, will
held a horse lair on the 2nd and 8d pro".
dais! . Flurasnus died soddenly in Har
risburg lately. He Lad ffiled several pub
Ox the public buildings and grounds at
Harrisburg 439,268 71 were expended
during the year.
Jno. 3P.Evov, brakeman on the Phil
adelphia and Erie 'Unread:l,as recently
killed scar St. Mary's.
THE bridge over French creek for the
Jameston and Franklin Railroad erten.
Mon was finished last week.
Tire story going the rounds that the
Lehigh State Co. 'e works are for sale,
• denied by the Superintendent.
Sationt. Dzonson's barn, with Its con
tents, sear Blairsville, was destroyed by
flip lately. Loss about $ 3 , 00 1
THICIIEHI a report that the Baldwin
Locomotive Works of Philadelphia will
shortly be removed to Altoona.
A corrts whose united ages reached
175 years; named,' Schlosser, were buriscl
Within week of each other in York.
A Pmariaraveszi farmer lately fell
into his hogpan, and we, nearly dOvoured
by his bogs before_he could be rescued.'
TRH Pennsylvania Central is erecting
a large building in Philadelphia to facili
tate the increased business of the road.
THE subscription to the Drake Faradis
slowly creeping up toward four thousand
dollars. It should be $20,000 by this
3lictusr. Darrunottn, father of the
present member of the Leglslainie of that
name, died suddenly on thin4sy last et
3110. OLIVIA LYNN of Brownsville,
was born in 11114 and le hale and hearty,
thinking nothing of mile tramps over
country roads.
PETER Bruoar., a 'brakeman on the
Pennsylvania ' Railroad, was caught,
crushed and killed between two awit at
Bt. Clair on Saturday.
PELL4DELPkIIi has invested twelve
millions of dollars (half paid in) in six-
teen street Call ways, which have two
hundred miles of track.
THZIITY years ago " Seth T. Hurd, of
Brownsville, a' Whig, and Edwin 3f.
Stanton, a Democrat, _ bed a public de•
bate on the issues of the day at Steuben-
A LITTLE son of Wm. Efanzah, Sum
mit township, 'llontinedon county, wu
left alone In the home by his mother,
and in playing with lire, wise burned to
Tun scarlet fever scourge still prevails
in Richland township, Cambria county.
Over thirty children have already died,
and many mime are sick and not likely to
Trot Tionesta Preen says: We are ill.
formed from a reliable some. that the
t A. R. Railway Company propose
to build a bridge across the Allegheny
r at this poink •
Tam:moms Scroirrns killed in the
'wends"' In - Tell: township; - Huntingdon
county, on the Uth insL. a klankanalisi
measuring four and a half feet. He cut.
Ita head off with an au.
MR. J. A. SPIIINO6I4. while at work in
his brewery, at Lancaster, slipped- end
fell with hie leg and foot into a vessel of
boiling water. On removing his boots
and stockings the skin peeled off his flesh.
Carr. WAIIIIHN F. Branum, recently
elected Prothonotary of Susquehanna
county, died at Montrose on Thursday
night last. J. F. Shoemaker succeed*
hint in Cake by appointment offloyemot
IT is proposed to build ft DOW railroad,
to be called the Pennsylvania & Bode"
Bay It. R., connecting with the Lehigh
Valley road at Waverly, N. Y. and ran
Ding through between the Seneca and
Cayuga lakes to Sodas Bay on Lake
TVILISTT !imam families, have moved
from Stockton, the cane 'of the& late
mine cataatrophe, to Hazleton ' fearful or
their homes sinking. It Is sald that •
ler:Demi exodus Is preparing. Seven
bodies are still buried In the debris of the
sunken mine and haulm
urriat boy named Charley Henry
swallowed a small pen knife, with bison
open. last week at a Princeton public
school. Medical assistance failed to get
back the missing article. The boy has
not yet shown any utiessincsi with the
hardware to degest in his stomach. .
Tug revival in the Methodist church
of Huntingdon continues with unabated
' About treventy five persons of both
' sexes , have sought forgiveness of their
sins, .of whom have smiled
Ere admission into the church. This is
one of the most successful revivals on
ON Wednesday last, while two young
men, A. Lloyd and Michael Baum, were calve: down a tree in Smi
guehanna township, Cambria county, the
former bad the misfortune to strike his
axe handle against the trunk of the tree,
the bithavleg caught In tho limbs of an
adjoining sapling, canting the axe to fly
froni his bands and enter the , abdomen of
Baum, who died from the wound.
Boa time since parties representing
themselves as agents for anewgrain drill,
traveled through Washington county and
obtained by fraud the signatures of a
number of farmers to papers which new
turn out to lie notes or tends. It is re.
ported they are offering these for irale,
and the public are cautioned against buy
ing them. As they were obtained by
• fraud and misrepresentation, payment
will be contested.
Tag !quest on the bodies of the vic
tim!, to jhe Stockton disaster, the caving
• in of lanittrille an old coal mine, returned
ibiamdiaarft-Ephmmendation: "That
from the evidence•• obtained through a
long and careful eclair:A-Bon, the jury
are not,preriared. In this case, to hold any
person•pr persons as criminally rtiponsi.
- ble ferthe death of the above mentioned
persons. With thl examplOefore them,
the jury cannot b utinsist upon the rte.
ceseity of surveys of mines, showing the
relative positions of lade Workings and
outside structures; -tile -keeping. of all •
tenements at a safe distance from the out.
crop of the Teilir and the holding to
accountability of all parties, for
emissions in guarding, as Jar as possible,
- against every accident whereby life or
property may be endangered." •
Alin., most • noted butter maker in the
" i l ettittiorPhilade/pbbs uses a stamp in
-. hi cited from hl tither, and not a pound
or inferior butter has evergono to market
with that stamp upon it. He would ra
thi lose a churning of one bendred
pounds or more and disappoint his cue
. wn,ers, than to allow his trade marl to
lose Its value. Als herd is composed
entirely of comm cows, which he beYe
fresh, and fattens for the butcher when
they fall off in their yield; feeding 'most
bountifully of the richest (sod from the
time he buys them until they are tit for
the shambles. He colors his butter artifi
cially the year rani, and be receives
never less than ono dollar per pound,
sometimes more, for all that he makes.
, He le Lis own dairy maid, works; salts
and colors his butter with his own hands, prepares It for market himself. By .
al io :4190 site ntion to details and the same
ktiow iudge of butter leaking, you can air.
c•impl the same result, and five hue
drrd pounds ~f such nutter could be sold
in Piusburgh to pleat* customers for , tke
earneprice. • • •
_ •
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OHIO rrEms.
ZAFEffrII.:LE expects a new daily. -
Amnon is lighted with peps:avian.
Fonts ate the only game at Piqua. •
Wanniar has a citizen named 0. Death.
SANDI:MIT City wants s street railroad.
Oslo husk year, built 933 achool homes.
ilanatax!s taxable real estate is 11,078,-
Gov. Mims is the champion short men.
sage writer.
WsTaita : r freestone has been found In
Noble county.
Tan Reform School of the State is fah
and prosperous
SPIIM3I7E. SYOI/11100WII burglar,
ill In jail at Canfield.
Tun village of Shiloh, Richland county,
has been incorporated.
Zanssvim.r. Coonaitn are moving to
establish a work booze.
L T. Hackman, a promineit citizen of
Teledo, died last week.
Timm are twenty-two thousand more
boys than girls In Ohio.
A PARKER was killed at - Greenville on
Tuesday by a falling bough.
Onm has nineteeen Republican jour
nals against four Democratic.
Tan Meigs County Telegraph Compa
ny is started. Capital, $lO,OOO.
BuaLL,43...Fter launder arrest in Tele
do on a charge of poisoning his wile.
TnE Wellsville people are agitating
the question of water works In that
place. . *
A euxun QUARTER was found in the
entrails of a slaughtered bullock at Mil•
Taros is talk of the Panhandle Rail
mad Company bOlding a branch to New
Maa. ABIGAIL Fsarnean wad found
dead in Fulton Wednesday morning, of
heart dhiease. •
TRH New Lisbon Coal Company, with
a capital of $30,000, has been organized
and chartered.
A Lerma girl named McCord, at Ban
&Ay, while kindling a fire, waa burned
to death last week.
NAPOLEON, Henry county, is trying to
raise- 00,000 stock for the establishment
of a machine shop.
Tam citizens of Massillon are petition.
log the city council to suppress tippling
houses of all kinds.
Fon want of Council encouragement
the fire department of Zanesville is lan
guishing and Inefficient:
Ray. Mx. HAGUE, of the M. E. Church
at Doncan's Falls, was drowned on Tues
day while attempting to cross Salt creek.
HARD times, want of money, fear of
God and good sense caused Hiram Mow.
ry, of Warren, to blow out bia brains on
Tux Canal Dover rolling mill has been
Idle for over a year, and the Welsh em
ployed there have removed their famillea
Tan Cincinnati folks have an idea of
concentrating all their • school funds,
$1,500.000, into the establishment of one
great university.
Tag local preachers' association of
Canton District M. E. Church, meets at
Hanover. Columbiana county, on the
18th of February,
Tim Tuscarawas Valley coal operators
have reduced the-price paid miners from
one dollar to eighty cents per ton. A
strike will probably follow.
Tag Rev. J. McD. Matthews, who for
six years has made careful daily meteoro.
logical observations at Hillaboro, 'finds
that the avenge annual rainfall is forty
two lichen.
A CONORATEILATORY dispatch was sent
yesterday to Gov. Hayes, of Ohio, sign.
ed by over Ally Senators and one bun
'dyed members of Congress, thanking the
Ohio Legislature for adopting the Tif
leenth Gonstittition4Awurtilment. , .
TOE Cadiz First National Sisk re
jokes in two full sets of officers, both
elected by opposition parties of stockhol
ders and both claiming that they are
legally chorea. The subject has been re
ferred to Washington for settlement.
Casa. Brown, of Kirurndlle, Ash's
bola comity, has a bog which will be
three years old in February, that is seven
feet six Inches In length, seven feet two
inches in girth, -three feet high, and
weighs nearly twelve hundred pounds.
Tux Stark County Commissioners and
Canton City Council are making arrange.
merits for celdhreting the opening of the
new Courthouse, and the inauguration
of their city water works, with appropri
ate exercises on the 22d of February
dour Farce=, of Bedford, wu buried
and resurrected by medical students last
week. ,The tiliooTery wu made when
the friends concluded to lilt the corpse to
bury elsewhere. There is more body
snatching done than most
.people im•
Easurntawrux has made &decided ad
reacesin architectural tasteand beauty by
the handsome buildings here and. there
erected dozing the past few years. The
addition of two handsome • modern
churches will further odd to the appear
ance of the city. _ -
Axone the . "parcels, tracts and lots"
of land sold for delinquent taxes the
other day In Medina county was a lot in
Liverpool which, it now appears, is a
graveyard. The Mayor of the village
purchased it and he is now trying to get
it off his bands, as it is too much dead
capital.. •
Tun Employment Agency of the Young
Men's Christian Association of Cincin
nati, has recently received information
that a demand has arisen among the plan.
ten in the South for families to work for
wages "on shares." Danes, Swedes,
Scotchmen, Welshmen and Derma= are
Tux Morrow County Commissioners
'recharged with paying sixty dollars an
acre for an infirmary farm of two hun
dred and seven acres, "a tract of as poor
land as there is in Morrow county—so
poor that the bumble bets must get on
their knees to extract honey from the
sickly white clover."
Tux minima of KW Lillie Groesbeck.,
second daughter of Hon. Writ. Groesbeck,
to an English gentleman of distinction,
created considerable Interest in Oincin.
nati, yesterday. The gentleman's tame
is Digby, and he le the younger eon of a
member of Parliament, instead of a lord,
as some of the papers have stated.
Mn. STILAWDER Bruns, of Washing
ton, 0. H , writes: "I killed a pig this
week, 7 monitis and 10 days old, of the
Chester White wkly..'" ' Its gross weight
was 000 pounds, and it netted 230 pounds
—only one sixth offal. It was fattened
with corn on the ear, and we think it a
pretty pod result, considering the raising
- A lUD =diktat accident occurred at
Hamilton a day or two ago. A little boy
was picking chips at the depot, near a
train on the C. IL. A . , D. Railroad, not In
motion, and crept under a car to get
chip. The Beim lust then started_ In.
attqmpt to escape, the little fellow
was caught under the wheels, cut in two
and left wrangled corpse.
Tna collection In the Igth Wind
Reaeoue District for the quarter ending
Dec. 31st amounts to $400,000. During
the first half of the fiscal year the collec
tions amount to $820.000. Of this sum
Noistpunty paid ;313,000. The taxon
whisky' alone in Its various forms
amounts In the last six months to 1.702,
000 within the District. Tabs= reaches
SIIOIOO, and beer 113,600. •
Amnon end Canton are swords' poluti
over tie location of a pro . posed extension
of the Baltimore and Ohio and Councils.
villa lino through Ohio westward, The
extension is to be made through the or.
gemination of the Pittabiugh,-Baltimore
line, with Judge Welker as
pad Chicago
- President
The initial point of the Ohio
Dee is to be at Beaver, and thence the
line Is to extend to Toledo and Chicago.
The gap between Pittsburgh and' Braver
Is to oe supplied by, other lines under gar.
say, The contest between Canton 44
Akron Is on the point which plug the
line shall tea throughle fteprogrese west,
. .
- •
.trzn.rog Kr.
SENATE: House iesolution Pc o•
hibiting Assessments for Fires
_ ents to Officials—Virginia n
ators—Currency Bill Faer
Discussed Without Acti9n--
ROUSE: Bills Introduced l and
Reported—The Tirginiti Mem
bers—An • Exciting and DiSor
duly Discussion—Bill AbiAsh
ing Franking Privilege Pasied
—The . Rid District (Pa.) Cim
tested Election—Report is
Favor of Nr. Covode—Rr.
Dawes Defends His Speech on
(By Teleyreon to the rittzburgb Gezette..l
WASHINGTON, January 27, 1870.
• Mr. PATIERStIN, from the Committee
on Retrenclameat, reported fa4orably the
House Joint resolution - prohibiting
assessments upon or collections from
subordinate officials to make presents to
their auperlor officers. Passed.
The resolution rousting 'to the rece nt ,
selzure of distilled sprits In Elan Fran
dsen yea discussed end indefinitely post
BUI to establish a eport of delivery at
Omaha was discussed and pawed.
Mr. ROSS. from the Committee on In
dian Adair*, reported with amendments
a joint resolution providing for the sale
of certain lands In Kansas by the Chino.
kee radians.
The Vice President coinnumicated to
the Senate the fact that the President
had signed the Virginia bill.
Mr. BORESIAN said one Senator elect
from Virginia. Jno. F. Lewis, ten pre,.
ent and moved be be qualified.
The credentials of JOO. 1. Lewis and
Jno. W. Johnson, Senators elect, were
then read.
Mr. Lewla appeared and the usual
oath of Mlles was administered by the
Mr. WILSON offered • resolution for
the rearrangement of seats of Senators
and for addltlonal seats, If necessary.
Referred to Committee on Public Build
The currency bill was Liken up, and
Mr. BOWE reviewed the various propo
eitfons stiggeatiM by the Senators who
had smokers In the discussion. The Ben.
ator from Ohio (Mr. Sherman) believed
145,000,000 of an Increase to be sufficient.
The Senator from Indiana (Mr, Morton)
thought- $65,000,000 would be enough.
and cue Senator from Massechusitta be
lieved 5200,000.000 would be about right.
Re might pertinently ask each of the
Senators. why did they stop at these
amounts? How did they know these
would be all that were neceisar)? Why
not take off ail restrictions and let the
people waste ell the money they
wanted to invest in banking? Our
currency would not be endanger
ed, If care was taken that one
class of pisper 'should be retired as
fast as another came Into use. The ob.
jaCtlol2 to sills was based upon the sup
plaid= that the people would prefor
National note, to bank note., but the
answer to that was, that the good-sense
of the people would give preference to
the beat circulation. and that, would be
the one most readily convertible into
coin. If this object coUld net at once he
accomplished, Congress Should et least
Wart out on the road tbatoirould reach to
It. As a western man, he asked that
the west should have the bulking
facilities which they needed, nod of
which they 'wine deprived by the
present grossly unequal distribution.
Mr. SA WYEM said he would favor the
bill as propped to be amended by Mr.
Morton, increasing the volume of cir
culatten beyond that proposed by the
Committee. He advised prudence and
caution, so that business interests might
not be disturbed. '
Mr MORRILL (Vt.) favored tbeprop
°video of the Finance Committee, end
explelned the circumstances under
which the prevent evident of distribution
had been adopted, claiming it bad been
put in operation as • war measure, and
that the west at the time declined to
avail itself of It, while the south, in con
sequence of the rebellion. could not. Ile
thought the banks of the loyal States
should not suffer because of their support
of the Government.
Mr. MORTON 'advocated the bill as
proposed to be modltled, to authorize
502,000,f00 additional and taking $i3,000,
000 when accessary from the excess of
the north and east.' He opposed the pro
vision In regard to min notes, I:eliciting
that if the banks' were established oa
the basis proposed, they would ho used
for gold gambling purposes.
.Mr. Morton quoted from statistics to
show the disparity In National circula
tion, establishing the fact that the west
ern cities, with a united population of
1,...N10,000, have but ii 8,84000 altogether,
while the Eutem cities, with a copula•
tion of 12.250,000, have 5130,9410,000, show
ing that the great States of She west
needed to have more than double their
present circulation. Referring farther
to the Facile Eitlit6l4 he said haancially
they had not been friends to the credit
of the United States, having uniformly
rejected our currency and preferred to
adhere to gold and silver.
Mr. CASSERLY explained that the
Constitution of California before the war
prohibited paper currency, and said tills
was not in consequence of any unfriend
ly feeling to the United States. -
Mr. PATTERSON said New England
had been made the Scene goat in the
present discussion, but the National
Bank circulation bad been forced upon
her. She had done her duty to the Gov
an:anent tinder compulsion, and the
gentlemen from the south and west
row ought not to complain because,
though New England had the lion's
share of capital, abo took it under cora
Mr. CAMERON moved to adjourn,
and after art ineffectual effort by Masers.
Drake and Sherman to secure ■n under
standing that a rota would bo taken to.
morrow, the motion was agreed to, and
at 4:12 r. M. the Senate adjourned.
wero Introduced and referred u
follows: •
By Mr. SCOFIELD: Authorizing the
indemnity fond paid bY ebinasodJapiln
to be carried Into the T ry. -
By Mr. WASHBURNE, Wleconsin
To establish steamboat lines.
By Mr. OILFILIAN: Requiring na.
tionsi banks going Into liquidation to
deposit lawful Money in place or tbOir
circulating holes and to take up their
By Mr. JULIAN, from * the Committee
on Peblie Pumas, to prevent further sale
of patine Janda except ea provided for in
preemption and homestead laws and
LIMB for disposing of town sites undo:dn.
sear hinds. - • -
_ By hfr, INGER3OLL, from the Only
mittee on Railroads and Canals, to aotho• .
rise the construction of a railroad and
telegraph line from Waablornon City to
Cleveland, Ohio, or Erle, Pa., by the
nearest direct route.
Mr. DA.VIB called up the bill introduc
ed by him yesterday to amend the Vir•
alata blll,, by ennetrulug the word "oath"
'to Include “afflrmetlon." Pas.ed.
BE solutiona of Inquiry wore offered and
adopted as follows: By Mr. MOORE, of
New Jersey. to why :harbor muter
fees. health reef and State !mutts' fees
are allowed to be culleeted at the New
Yore Ciltuom .Iloose, notaithatandlng
the dochtlon of the enpretne °butt that
sorb fees are unlawful.
By Mr. wiLsori, Minn.: Relative to
the improvement of the nsvfirsthelef the
hilealselppl river at or near the Falls of
St. Anthony.
The SPEAKER announced the follow.
log as the raiser oommUtedon the Postal
Telegraph bill t !dews Washburne.
Lawrenoe„ Deem, Awls, Palmer.
Wo alward and Brook.
Mr. PAINE moved that inch of t he .
VlrFinia members in to whose righl
seats there wan no objection should now
be sworn Ir.
Messrs. Platt, Ridgeway and Maxim
thereupon came forward and took the
'oath of office..
Mr. WOOD objected to the oath being
administered to Mr. Porter, and read as
the ground of his objection charges and
specifications upon which Porter had
been convicted and sentenced to Mx
months imprisonment, which sentence
was approved by ?d.j. Gen. Maier; that
Porter was eciiveted of declaring pato.
hely in a tavern at Norfolk that this
government "was a God d—d humbug,
from beginning to end: that Abraham
Lincoln was doing everything he could
for his own election, and that this was a
rotten, bogus, corrupt government from
- beginning to end."
Mr. PAINE, in answer,
sent to the
Clerk's desk and had read a telegram
from Gen. Butler, dated May Gth, 1888,
stating that Chas. H. Porter in a heated
discussion had used words which being
reported to him he was obliged to notice.
He had, however, omitted all the oner
ous part of the Judgment of the Commis.
elan, because the case and Ms previous
acts showed that Porter had not in fact
been dialoyaL
Mr. Boor remarked the gentleman
on the other aide of the House frequent
ly made such Imputation/0, and If men
were to be ruled out for such snows-
Wong, members from that aide would
rule thettwelven out.
Mr,' ELDRIDGE inked Mr. Paine
whether Porter had ever taken back the
expressions charged against him?
Mr. PAINE said he did not know; he
had never conferred. with him on the
111:: SARGENT naked Mr. Wood
whether he was prepared to say any
person should be excluded from mem
bership in the Howe for having used
such lattguarro? •
biz. WOOD Bald be bad no diffintilty In
answering that question. He did not
believe anybody was fit to sit in the
House who considered the Government
of the United States .a humbug, or who
denthrmed the President In such sonrrlt.
oun terms. ' - 7
Mr. SARGENT Ant/irked ho had elm.
ply wantnd to get a profession of faith.
Mr. WHITTEMORE asked Mr. Wood,
sarconlcally. whether he did not thin k
it better to treat that clue of people
with conciliation and kindness.
Mr. WOOD—Yea, but not to give thaw
(rout seats.
ELDRIDGE—Sot to put them
alemteldo the gentleman from South
Caeolhaa.; (letuglitai.) I whet the gen.
Llamas) - from , Vellforum to tell me phut
be thinks of such eentlmemu.
Mr. BARGER IC, in reply to Mr. Lid.
ridge, raid he would hazard the opinion
that if gentlemen were to be excluded
from the House who could be proved
to have used such language, meats on his
left (Democratic aide) would be pretty
generally vacant. (Laughter.)
Mr. WOODWA.RD declared, with some
excitement, that the casertione of the
gentleman from California were slander-
Mr. PAINE resumed the door, and
lasisted on the previous question.
The previous question having been
seconded, and.the main question ordez.
Mr. HOLMAN moved to reconsider
the vote ordering the main question,
which motion gave him the right to the
floor for an hour. He divided his time
among the members on both sides. An
excited discussion -ensued.. between
Messrs. 'Holman, Smith, (o:erm ) Beck,
Yeerbecs. Sargent, Oa& Ma am,
Woodward, Butler, (Msaa,) Wood,
Morgan and Eldridge.
Mr. llOLMAN"reminded the Rouse of
the excinalon- of Mewl. Young and
Brown, members elect from Xentucky,
on the protean, of having need expres
sions that were regarded as disloyal.
-Mr.. VOOREIEES remarked that the
ustly good effect of the objection to Por
ter was that it would involve member,
on tne opposite aide in contradictions and
necessitate a change of front. The cue
presented no difficulty to him. There
was no reason agalobt Porter being
.worn In, as he held that the House had
not the tower to make inquiry Into his
record, if hie constltttente sent him here.
MI...SARGENT readied the feat that
during the last Congress Mr. Wood had
been censured by the Floosie for declar
ing Ina speech that he would vote against
•qtde moot infamous bill. ef moatinfe.
monis thingtess'? . end isserted that the
Democratic party had from the begin.
ning of the rebellion thrown its influence
in the male sus net the Government.
Mr. COX declared that the statement
was eat true. He wee in Concrete at the
breaklngent of the re - bellied and wu
one of the first, If not the first, to de
ammo secession. Toe great body of the
Democrats had stood by Douglas e and
Union. When a member from Kan.
au (Mr. Conway) offered a series of ree
olutions for dismemberment, who no the
other aide moved to expel him? But
when a member from Uncionati (Mr.
Long) made a epeech for seceealon and
disunloo, a majority of the . Giber aide
anted 110 expel him. But one seas la Eta
publican and the other a Democrat. If
all thou whamade expressions against
the Union before the war were excluded
from thls House, half the 'meta on the
other aide would be empty. Ho . Weed
with his friend (Mr. Voorhees) ea to the
right of representation. No wrongs on
either side 'could make a right, and they
should set no roles for them.
Mr. SARGENT repeated that the Detn•
ocratle party of the North had not been
during the war in sympathy with the
Government. A-Democratic President,
• Northern man, bed sent &message to
Congress stating that he bad no power to
coerce a State, and In that he had been
fortified by Attorney General Black, •
Northern Democrat.
Mx. MAYHAM made a remark as to
the editor of a New York Republican
paper advocating the right of accession.
'At this time the confusion and excite
ment had increased to such an extent
that the Speaker had to resort to a stmt.
you, one of the; gavel and to request
members to resume their seats.
Order having been restored, Mr.
WOODWARD said he roan, to reply to
the alenderont charge made against the
Democratic party by the gentleman
from California. He bad denounced it
as slanderous at the time it was altered,
and he repeated It now again. I( the
Democratic party of the north had not
recruited the army of, the Union, the
Southern Confederacy would be now an
accomplished hot. The gentleman from
California ought to know that faat; and if
he:did know It, ho ebould not have
brought such aslandmous charge against
a great party. Three
.a.embere of his
own family, and many biter- relatives,
had marched to the war / ;,He hadalwaya
()teethed that those persona Who brougut
thin charge again/it the Democrats were
generally thepeeplo who did . the least to
/umpteen the rebellion.'-
Mr. BUTLER, of Mess., made wine ex
amatory remarks la, favor of Porter,
saying the words uttred' by - him were
an ebullition of ill nature in an excited
political dismaion, and reminding the
the other side of the Howe the amount
of joy In Heaven over the one sinner that
repentant,. 'As to the rankandple Of the
army having been chiefly Democratic,
ho agreed with the gentleman from Pa ,
(Mr. Weidward) but the soldiers citing
ed very aeon. He had himself a body
guard of one hundred and one from
and withofit one word from him they all
voted lbr Lincoln except the trumpeter,
and be hee l been - court.martialled that
monalog for being late in sounding the
reveille. He voted for McClellan,
[Laughter ]
Mr; WOOD considered this a good op.
pertuoity to teat the noneittency of the
other aide and to present the poisoned
chalice to their own lips. He 'did not,
however, agree with the members on
his own side, that tho Hones would not
be instilled in inquiring Intothereeord
of a member elect. He would not alt
here with an enemy to hie country.
- Mr. ELDRIDGE; referring to Mr. But
ler's quotation as to Joy In Heaven - over
the repentance of one sinner, said he
could not help but think that there wee
no gentlemen on the filer of the Home
who could - create such a thrill of Joy In
Heaven as the gentleman from Maseachtt
.by repenting. [Laughter.]
The motion to reconsider was finally
laid on the tab's—yeas 164, nays 6, and
Mr. Porter was sworn In as a member
from Virginia.
Mr. FARNSWORTH reported a bill to
abolish the franking privilege, which he
wished to have made a special order. He
yielded. however, to ',general expression
of the House to put it on Ate passage at
onse t and alter an hour's disensatou the
bill was pissed—eyes 116. tele / 4 . It
goes Into effect on the Lt of July.
The nave were Moms. - Biggs, Bolts,
Butler (Tenn), Griewold, Haldeman,
Johnson, Reeves, Ridgeway, Rogers,
Root., Sheldpii, Stone, Wood and Wood.
ward. •
Mr. cnivricimt, from the Commit.
tee on Elections, reported a resolution
that H. D. Boater was not entitled to a
mat from Ito Twept7•drat Quagres4mal.
District, Pa., and that John Crinxis was,
and gave notice that he woffl call up
the resolution for action next Tuesday.
The House at 3:30 went intofkmanit.
tee of the Whole,Mr. Cessna in the
Chair, on the legi slative, entiontive and
Judiciary aonropriation bill.
Mr. MEYERS called the attention of
the Chairman of the Committee on-Ap
propriations (Mr. Dawes) to the fact that
the appropriations for Construction and
steam engineering were erha , and
hi consequence an order had ' en sent
ant a few days ago to several y yards
to stun:end all work in t bureaus
after February lat. lie said five thou.
sand men would thus be thrown out of
employment, and asked how, soon an
appropriation would be made. -
Mr. DAWES replied be wu not in
formed of, the fact officially.; When he
ahOuld be, the Committee would no
doubt take action. '
Mr. DA.WES then add the Com
mittee in reply to the speech o Mr. Butler
yesterday, undertaking to t o that his
ewn speech, which had been be arraign
ment yesterday, was made n a fi tting
occasion, that the speech w true, and
thatit was proper he should e
~...4 t a
Pennsylvania Legislature.
SENATE: Printing Departmental
Reports— Bills Introdiced—
Resolutions. HOUSE; Public
Bills Passed—Legislative Re
cord Contract Defeated.
(BDacia' Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
.11Anntsnona, Jan. 27, 1870.
Mr. BILLINGFELT called up the bill
allowing Ole publication of departmental
Mr. TURNER offered an amendment
effectually restoring the franking privi
lege. Lost—yeas S. niya 28.
Mr. BUCKALEW offered an Intend
ment providing that alter the • present
contract with the State printer, only halt
the public documentsAuthorised by law
be printed. Carried.
The bill as amendedipused.
By Mr. DAVIS: Repealing the twenty
fourth section of the election law of 1888.
By Mr. WALLACE: Authorizing the
election of • Judge of 'Nisi Palms in
Philadelphia and Axing bin eider,' at Mx
thoussand dollars.
~By Mr. WHITE: Allowing execntors
and administrators in a repraeentatlve
capacity to be witneeses.
Lamiting the punishment of contempt
of court to five Yens imprisconent at
the utmost.'
By Mr. HOWARD: Authorizing Pitts
burgh to purchase property and erect •
market house.
Extending the time far filing claims
for costa of sewer on Fifth avenue, and
continuing liens thereon.
Releasing Allegheny county fruitnay
meat of Interest on penalty for default in
payment of State tax of 1868
Oupplement relative to Allegheny
County Treasurer, providing that the
people of the county shall have the ben
efit of the use of funds, and not deposi
By Mr. LOWRY: . Making the new
county bill the special order for tomor
row. Adopted.
By Mr. ROMAN: Recounting the al.
legatimil of the miemanagotnent Of the
Pennsylvania Agricultural tkilloge :tad
providing for a special committee of
three to Investigate.
Oppesed by Mown. Olmsted, Graham
amid Wallace, and defeig,ed—yeas, 11;
nays, ft.
•By My. OSTEREIOUT:, Atdhorising
the Finance .okogatteet , to cuilland Rte
inveatigation of the Treasury back ton
rearm Adopted.
RaiieTitling the third section of the act
of. 1867, relating to judicial melee.
Acquiring interrogatories to be filed In
attacbment mos on or before the return
lot, of the writ.. .
Bergner'. Legislative Record contract
was discussed till retain, and renewed In
the afternoon.
Messrs. Smith, Elleis, Davis, Humph
rice and Bowman spoke tbr and Messrs.
White, ,8413111,. Belneetd, McCreary,
Skinner and 'Vankirk maned.
The contract was defeated. On the
call of yeas and nays Messrs. Adana,
Beans, Church, Cloud. Comiey, Davis,
Del ranger, Ellis, Hill, Hong, Humphries,
Josephs, McKinstry, Millar (of Ali o.
chesty); Niles, Parsons, Smith, Stokes,
Thomas and Strand were the only Rep.
roseutativee voting aye, and before the
vote was announced Messrs. Adam,
Davis, Josephs "and Smith changed their
votes to no. The vote then stood ayes
Mr. WEBB (Bradford) understood the
changeedf 'iron* to be made for an oppor
tunity, to reconsider when the job was
set up; and immediately moved a recon
sideration, which was voted down by a
heavy viva vas voto. thus cutting all the
right to make smother similar motion.
—Mrs. EWA', Of periods, Jo Darlene
county, Illinois, recently 'mune latrine
do religious matters.. On Tuesday last,
hi the absence of her husband, she ob
tained a razor mid attempted to cut her
throat, when her daughter, aged twelve
years, !matched It from her, and ran to
ward an warehouse to hide It. The
mother overtook the daughter, and after/.
*struggle regained the razor, and 'wax
about to draw It memo her throat a
wand time, when another daughter,
fifteen years old, placed her band there,
and received a terrible slab. The
mother then succeeded In eating her
throat from ear to ear, dying lmmedl•
A dig:sada from Hayti states that
Heiman wee shot on the 20th. Other
advisee state that he was captured on the
13th, in tho woods. near Sal Tien, In the
South and taken to Port au Prince. where
he was heavily ironed and thrown Into
p r i son; The, pwpie there went Into
tentacles at hisfoaptuest, and the event
was celebrated,for days by processions.
end dancing In streets, and festivities
of all kitids. One hundred and artyor
Salnave's followers were captured with
him, many or whom have been executed.
A now President will be elected on the
lit of February. , .
. •
—At the annual meeting of the Masai,
chusetts Antlalavery Society, hel4 at
Boeton, yesterday, resolutions were
adopted rejoicingln the near prospect or
the ratification of the Fifteenth Amend-,
merit, urging that the Nation should'
give land to the megroes and (Mender;
Ising the precipitate admission of half.
loyal States as a needless betrayal of the
Nation and a Ibtil wrong to the loyal
mama who bolt to Congrese for protec
tion. Speeches were made by Auol2
Powell, Col. T. p_r HI gg lu so n. Rev. W.
H. Charming. Wendell Phillips, Mr.
Laughlin, of Ohio, and others.
—At Provideisee. R. L. Wednesday
evening, Mrs. gintellife, wire of Henry
-Sutcliffe. romidliag, Manchester, N.H.,
attempted to ki Mrs. Adrian". Mercer
as she was enteritig her residence, by
abootiug her with a revolver. Mn.a Sut
cliffe was able 'id discbarge tint one
chamber of the. pistol, the ball frotu
which slightly wounded Mrs, Memoir.
Mrs. B. was taken Into custody. Both
parties moved InWeepectable society, but
there bad been trouble caused by Jest.
may. Mrs. S. Was in Providence for
the purpose of prosecuting Mrs. M. for
breaking up her family.
—The House of Representatives of the
Georgia • Lsaislatura organized on Wed.
newlay. B. R. McWhorter, (Rep.) wu
chosen Speaker over .1. E. Bryant (Don
lervative) by twenty•ibur majority.
Three members 'of the House—Do w at.
son, Mann and Talifero-have been de
clared ineligible by the military corn.
minion, and the seam of ehrteen mem
bers were deolaredvicant, owing to their
refusal and halms to take the oath re
quired by the htwa of the United States.
—A. northern bound Mock train on the
Cleveland and Columbus railroad met
with an ancident 'at Wellington on
Wednesday =riling. By the breaking
of a car axle: eight or ten cars freighted
with cattle and hogs , were thrown from
the. track.
The Georgia Legislature—Pis
triet Affairs and the President
-Mr. Corbin Appears'and Tes
tifies, &c. •
WAShINGTON, JIM 27, 1870.
The following telegram was receive&
at the War Department to-day:
Atlanta, Jan. 26.—T0 General E. D.
Townsend: The House was organized
to-day by the election of Mr. McWhorter,
Republican !candidate, as Speaker.
Three persons were . excleded as Ineligi
ble.. Eleven of those whose cases were
Inquired into, were pronounced eligible.
Sixteen who had refused to take the
oath were declared to have been Meligl.
bL by their refusal, and one whose cue
was sent to the Board, having failed to
appear and being absent from the .310,
was forbidden to take a part In the
organization: After a careful examina
tion of the act of December 2.2.1,' 1
decided that the fourth section would not
permit me to seat the candidates baying
the next highest number of votes lu
place of parsons found to be ineligible.
LSlgned] ALVA= H Tartar,
Brevet Major General.
The Mayor of Washington and Regis.
ter of Deeds have had an interview with
the President In regard to District mat
tern in the canna of which the Presi
dent Is represented as saying. referring to
the former visit of citizens, be did not
know how they Came to suppose he
would recommend to Congress that ap.
priationa ought to be made for this city.
Such had not been ner was it his
intention now. A reoommendation of
this character at present would be
disregarded. Western members are
specially tenacious In regard to this Nob
jetzt. Time and more information would
.often the asperities' of the moment. It
had been his desire for years, and was
his wish now, to see before the close of
hie term of Milos the Capital take rank
with the first in the world, to beautify,
adorn and improve it so as to be &source
of pride to the natlou and worthy of our
great achievements and admiration of
foreigners visiting the United States
The year closing March .Sd would show
a great reduction of the public debt
and leo taxation, and by that time Con
gress might see the necessity of Improv
ing our avenues. and publio works, and
he bad no doubt the time would . come
when Cabinet Ministers would- be fur
nished with houses free of rent by the
Government. To suppose that men rep,
resenting the nation maid, on a pittance
of 18,000, give grand dinners. and recep
tions was simply ridiculona.
terPresident was askod by the Regis.
ter whether it was not beat under the
circumstance. for the Mayor to draw up.
In brief, a statement as to the wants of
the District, and what would give almost
entire satisfaction to all clams, and that
tha Provident indorse the same, or so
.sempany it by a letter of his own to Coo- I
arose, and thing do something practical
for the relief of our citizen.. The
Mayor desired to know - whether
the plan suggested and brie fly mentioned
by the Re A lster was eatudectory to the
President.. He doubted very much if
any other would give satisfnitton. Poor
fifths of the Republicans of the 'District
*ire opposed to the curtaltmont of the
franchise. This plan might harmonize
conflicting opinions end result In unity,
if ho would In that letter explain what
weeeneemially mammary, how the ave
nues and streets ought to be improved
and why the Government shoidd feel au
Interest In our loyal existence.
The President replied be would take
great pleasnreln being the medium of
transmitting such letter to Congress,
with such endorsement as he might deem
proper and expedient; that be could not
son why the Government, which owned
hallo( the taxable property of the city,
should be exempt from Its due warn of
liability to adorn and embellish the Cap
Enoch • Hoeg, Superintendent of the
Kansas Indian Superintendency, and •
CoMmittee of the Society of Friends, in.
eluding George W. Winter, of Philadei.
pals, appeared_before the Senate Com
mittee on Indian Affairs this morning to
submit their views as to the proper
treatment of Indians In that State and
to urge appropriations to carry ant their
plan for- educating and civilizing the
various tribes under their charge. 'The
Committee promised careful considera,
Mr. Corbin, of New York, wail before
the Committee on Banking and Curren 7
cy to-day and was examined at some
length in reference to the - recent gold
pinto in • New York. His examination
will be concluded to-morrow. He posi
tively declines to divulge any of hie lee
ttmony, on the ground that it would be
showing disrespect to the Committee.
The President today nominated James
B. Jenningareadverbf Pabilo 1130111611 at
lonia. Michigan. John Eaton, Jr. 'of
Tenni:nee. Comarinuoner of Educa tion,
In place of Barnard, to be removed.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Bloodgood,
convicted by court martial or assaulting.
Lieutenant O'Connor, has been dl►
missed the service.
All the disposable colored :troops at
Carlisle barracks have been ordered to
Fort Leavenworth for assignment to the
10th cavalry.
The Comtnissiouer of AgrMulture la
unable to accommodate applicants for
supplies of seeds, plants, do. •
OINTNCI 818 rTzwa.
Secretary Bootwell was, today, attbe
Capitol presenting him view, before the
Finance Committee.
JoAn F. Lewis was sworn In this morn
ing as United Sures Senator from Vb.
-Tbe =atom receipts ME week were
ve,:7,426. -
Mee Colored Men Lynehed—The Suf
frage question in the. Constitutional
tar Setsursub to the Pittsburgh chosstio.)
Iffainivitaxe, Teuatutry 27.—The detail.
of the remit tragedy In Carroll county
were received today. The five colored
men who oonfeased the' murder of Col.
Coleman, Sunday night, were examined
ai Huntingdon, Tneeday, before the
Magistrates' Court, and sent to jail for
trial at the May term,. of the. Circuit
Cont. - About ton o'clock. P. x., some
two hundred • horsemen rode Into the
town, took the prienners from the jail,
carried them a short distance, and shot
them. One who was nut killed, dropped
and feigned to be dead, but upon at.
tempting to escape returned. in search
of - food and was killed. The mob thou
rode cir, carrying the five dead men to
be burled. None of those who. partial.
pated in the killing were masked. , ,
The discussion on the franchise quo*.
Lion closed In the Constitutional Con,
ventlon to-day. The proposition to ants•
mit the question of colored suffrage to a
vote of the people separately falled-Lieasi
20, nays 02. The amendment retaining
colored auffrage••will bo adopted by a
The Ohio Legbdatare.
tB7 Telegraph to the Ihttatntrch Mune.)
Coinence.Jenuary27.—The preeddlng
officers of both bra nches
i of. the General
Assembly to-day Maned the enrolled
resolution ratifying the XVth Amend
ment., and the same was sent to the
Doventor to be forwarded to Washington.
The Senate adopted • resolution pp.
riding that the General Aawmbly shall
adjourn ott.the 16th of March turn until
the first Monday of Janusry, 1871. The
'senate also elected 8. Shaffisr, Democrat,
Entailing Clerk; H. H. Leta, Republi
can. Engrossing Clerk; S. ff. Laden,
Republican, Resierdffir 0/erk,
No Reduction of French Arniy—
The Franco-English Commer
cial Treaty—Exciting Debate
in the French Legislature—
The New Press Law and
nesty—The Elections in Spain
—Erie Railroad Shares—For
midable Conspiracy Discovered
in France.
OJT Telegraph to the Plttsblugh Gletetter)
Pants, January 25.—1 t is said no re
duction will be made in thaFranch army
Me year, because of the recant troutdea
In Paris and elsewhere.
The majority in the Chambers have
resolved to leave each member free to
dismiss the commercial Questions accord
ing to their own convictions, and not to
make the thud vote a test of the strength
of the Government. It Is probable that
this action will prevent a change in the
Palms, Jan. 27.—The glemato yesterday
discussed the propceltlon for an Interne-
Vona, coinage ayatem. Moca. Chevalier
and Lavernler and others participated
and urged the adoption of a mold coin
equivalent to twenty five franca as a tin!•
versa! mint.
The Duke of Brogllo, a leading mem.
bar of the. Orleantsts, died yesterday,
aged eighty-rive years.
Nothing further has been hoard of the
rumored death of the Pope. ' •
.Many of the troops recently sent to La
Crettrat to preserve order among the
strikers have returned to their garriwrns.
Prealdent Schneider now, ICCUlire Eng.
Hallman of having fomented the trou
There was a stormy session of the
Corps Legislatif this afternoon on the
Fraco..Eogilsh commercial treaty. M.
Thlers, in a speech, demanded the
renunciation of this treaty and reproach.
ect the majority, asserting they did not
truly represent the country, or they
amid overthrow a ministry having
principles that the country repudiated.
Great agitation ensued.' Fs-Minister
Foroade replied that the majority upheld
the Cabinet. It le not understood why
M. Tillers opposed the ministry and
Forcade upheld it, but it is supposed
Thisra wished to force Messrs. Darn,
Louvet and Barret to resign in order to
be replaced by members of the majority.
Lard Clarendon has arrived here from
London 'to ascertain for the English
Government the real intention of the
Cabinet of the Turneries in regard to the
treaty of commerce, which expires on
the fourth of February next.
After the passage of the new law rola.
:ore to press Miele. the French Gove:
inept Intends to grant amnesty to ail
press offenders!. including Rochefort,
WllO wail convicted under the old law.
MADRID, Jan. 28.—Election . returns
from the provinces are delayed by heavy
mows. As far as beard from the country
has declared against a monarchy. Of the
emdidates known to be elected, four are
Unionists. five Democrats, ten Progres
sives, six Republicans and one Carnet.
The defeat of the Dake of Montpenaler
at Oviedo is confirmed. The Spanish
Consulates at Mobile, Galveston, Charles
ton and Sidney, and Vice Consulates
at Savannah and City of Mexico are en.
pereeded. The present Consul of gpaba
at Mobile Is transferred to the Vice Con..
sedate at - New Yerk.
MADRID. TAO. 27.—N0 further returns
from the elections for members of the
Constituent Cortes have been received,
but the - authorities Isere classify those
known to be elected somewhat differently
now: Progrelationlats 18. Republicans 4,
Unionists 3.
Dtrzr.sir, Jan, 26.—A Tenant Rights
meeting at Dangaryon was broken up
last night by Fontana .
Lattnorr, Jan. 27.—1 t is said that a large
number of Erie shares held In this
country have been stamped by the Erie
Shareholders Protective Union. H mem
ber of the firm of Burnham, Dalyrtiple
.t Co., wilt soon leave for New York to
protect the holders by voting on stannad
shares. -
The Alabama negotiation, continue
in atispvnae. No definite arranges:ow:Ha
are yet arrived at.
The Telegraph asserts that the Franc!'
Government has discovered the exist
encraor a conspiracy spreading through
out France, implicating trades. unions
the English International Society and
• Iliontrs, Jan. 27.—The Fenian. of Tip
perary advocate the reelection of O'Don
ovan Roue In cue hie right to the seat fa
denied by Parliament.
Rotes, January 27.—The report of the
death of the Pope in false.
Col. Dargy, Commander - of the Anti•
hes Legion, this city yesterday.
Daring his last alokneas he called the
officers of the Legion together and en
loined them to fidelity and honor to the
Pope and Franco. • .
Lospow, January 27.—.Evenem.—Itt
crease of specie In the Bank of England,
£860,940 ulnae last Thursday. Consols
for money, 92%. American securities
quiet and steady; '62s, 87: '6ss, old, 86%;
6711 , 85.14; - 10-40 s, 84X. Stocks steady;
Erie.% IS: Illinois Central, 103; Atlantis
a Great Western, 25.
Lrvitaracm, Jan. 27.—Cotton quiet and
'toady; uplands 1130, Orleans 1114(312d;
salesl2ooo hales. California white wheat
9a 15d@9h ad: red western 7s 98137 a 10d;
winter Ba 7daBs Bd. Flour 21s Oats 24 6d.
Barley se. Peas 34a 6d. Pork 102 s ed.
Beef 102 s. Lard 74a. Cheese 71s. Ba
con 58s &I. Naval stores and petroleum
LONDON. January 27.—Tallow,tee.
Linseed oil armor. Clover s eed 6411.
Turpentine firmer.
Faerrawonr, January, 27.--Bonda fiat;
ANTWERP, Jan. 27.—Petroleum quiet.
Pants. Jan. 27.- Bourse firm at 73t
Haynie, Jan. 27.—Cotton firm, 1593 if.
—The funeral rites or Henry Placide,
the veteran comedian. were celebrated
at old St. Paul's, New York, Wednesday.
The edinoe was thronged with women.
Rev. Dr. Dix °Ml:dated, and the oeremo.
nies were very Impressive. Among the
pall bearers were Messrs. S. L?M. Bar.
low, Therlow Weed, Philip B. Ruggles
and Lester waveck. The remain" were
taken to Greenwood.
—ln the morgue at New York, Wed.
needay afternoon, the body of Captain
John Alexander. formerly of New Or.
leans, supposed to have been murdered,
was examined by Coroner Flynn and Dr.
Doremus. Dr. Doremus took charge of
the stomach for chemical analysts. No.
body yet knows what has. beoome of
Alexander'. sixty thousand dollars, and
the myatery deepens.
—Gov. Walker, of Virginia, upon tbe
receipt of information that the President
hoe signed the bill admitting the &ate
to repnesentation in Congreaa;will Issue
a proclamation calling the Legislature
together Fe'bruary Bth. tlen. Canby
will give no control of State lathe when
the Legislature mate and tine the civil
°Mesa Row filled by military appoint
Addittonal Markets by Telegraph.
CH/CAGOlJarinarY markets et
the afternoon board were quiet. NV heat
closed at 820 cash; seller March sold at
gio. Corn quiet and nominal. Oats
inactive, prices about the same as at the
close or 'Change. In the evening the
fr a l n . m t r tzwralre;qaWc . tilt . „ P a
t 1 ,
1 : 1 :1 7
ranee of Mc Marchrk: sales of coal
at 1126.50, seller t $27. Dry salted
shoulders, cash 1 1:50510143, buyer Feb.
roar/ :
BUFFALO, Taimuy 27.—Cattle: re
eelpts'2,loo, making Igaithla week i
sales 800 head, mostly ordinary to
medium Canada in single ear lots, at 6,11(
@No for falr to prime: shiPPing 4603
quiet and a shade firmer, with sales it
0%®730; extra B@lige. Hop firmer,
but with no quotable change. Sheep
11112 is light and prima a shade better,
with sales prime extra Canada at o®7c
do western -4,40610; common nominal
at NW for western, and NAM for
'Saxe Fauecnaco, January 27.—Fiour
44,7605,60. Wheat; ash% cholo at
111,63 m. Legal Tandem 823(
.—The death or the Pope was rumored
In Paris Wednesday night. •
—The National Hotel on Race street,
Philadelphia; was 'damaged by fire yes.
terday to the amount of 18,000.
—The Obio Dairymen's Asiociation
oomroenced Its sixth annual meeting at
Wellington, Ohio, on Wednesday. -
—The Erie Railroad strike •Is about
over. The strikers failed, and number'',
It is said, are begging to get back to
verdict of not guilty wad returned
In toe libel snit of Geo. Wilkes pgalnet
the 'proprietors of the Turf, Fuld
—Henry • Watterson will deliver a
memorial address on Geo. D. Prentice,
before the Kentucky Legislature, Feb.
!nary 24.
—rhe remains of the late lifaJoi Gen
eral L. H. Rousseau and Brig. Gen.
Watkins, arrived at Louisvillelad night
from New Orleans.
—Colored claims of New York city
are arranging for's grand celebration of
the ratlike:Aim of the Fifteenth Constitu-
tional Amendment.
—Six new cases of small pox were re
ported In New York on .Wedneaday, six
lees than on the previous day. Ten
deaths were abso reported.
—The two houses of the lowa Leiriala
tura here settled their differences about
the Xlirth Amendment by adopdng the
conference committee report.
—A Committee of the National To
bacco Ass,..clution have goneto Washing-
ton to lay the grieltaneee of the tobacco
and cigar men before Congress.
—The Ohio river bridge at Louisville
will certainly be completed to morrow
(Saturday) night, and the drat train will
pan over it about the middle of next
—The celebrated Harrison-Vreeland
breach of promise cult at New York
hes been settled. Mrs. Harrison, who
originally talked about 140,000, accepted
—At Gowanus, New York, the Wife of
Francis P. Mills was committed to prison
for contempt, in refusing to testify
against her husband, who had attempted
to kill her. .
—The Erie Railroad strikers have been
defeated and dlasolved their Jersey City
organic diens. The men will return to
work es soon as the company Is ready to
employ them.
—The call for a meeting in Chicago to
organize a Vigilance Committee turned
out to be a broad farce. Vigilance is not
the price of liberty, or morality either,
in that locality.
—ln an .encionnter with a gang of bar
ters in Chicago; Wednesday night. officer
Miller shot one of them named Idarphy.
It is hoped that beta fatally wounded, as
he la a noted desperado:
—The Illinois State Auditor has re
ported to the tkinstitutional Convention
that the appropriations by the twenty
tlfth and twentyaixth General Assem
blies of that State were $5,254,9E1L
—The lottery business, involving John
Morrissey, Bevjamln Wood, John An.
(foram Zechariah Simmons and others,
wee before Jadge Cardoso, at New York,
Yesterday, but the &incitation was not
—Arizona advice& stale that the Big
Bug quartz mine was yielding largely,
and that nch gold discoveries were re
ported roar hundred mllos north of Pres
cott. Provisions were high; flour forty-,
two dollars per barrel.
=-The mammoth passenger steamer
Richmond was libelled and seized yea.
terday at Columbus. Ey., by the Untied
&idea Marshal, under a process from
the Louisville Court. She was from
Cairo bound fur New Orleans with an
Immenaa cargo.
—The. thirty-sixth National Antt ale.
very Festival wan held Wednesday.
evening in Horticultural Hall. Boston,
and attracted many well known leaders
of the cause. The time was mainly de•
voted to a,cial converse, cloalng with a
speech by Wendell Phillips. •
—At Cincinnati, yesterd.Dishy,
of the English army, was ay married ta
Miss Mlle, daughter of W. ti. Groes
beck, the ceremony taking. place at the
residence of the father of the bride. and
Bishop - Apsecrana (Catholic) and Moll.
,widnesilecopal) officiating. _
.=-ThO marriage certificate of Albert 1).
Richardson and Mra. Abby Sege has
me:lonely disappeared from Mei:Mice
of lqtui Bunts!.ics, at New York, where
ft was Sled on Saturday last. It will be
replaced by a duplicate; to be obtained
from the officiating clergyman.
—The thirty•thlrd anniversary of the
admission of Michigan as a State in the
Union was celebrated at Washington
City, - Wedlirsday nista. It was attended
by a large number of ladies and gentle
men from Michigan, sojourning triWash
ington, Including Senator Howard and
RepresentaUver Ferry, Conger, Stuck.
land and Stoughton.
-Jacob Rehm, Sr., father of 'Jacob
Rellm3, formerly Superintendent of Po
lice of Chicago, attempted suicide on
Wednesday by taking poison. lie Is In
a precarious condition. Rehm Is under
indictment for killing a Man lost fall In
a drunken affray and his trial is tip
proaching. Tele is supposed to be the
cause of his intended seltdeatraction.
—The first annual meeting of the
Northwestoin Flax Asacciation was held
at Cleveland en Wednesday. Ohio, In
diana, Illlnele7Mleseuri and Wlsconain
were represented. They will memo' tal-
Ire Congress to pass no. laws that will
reduce the present import duty on gunny
c:oth, but If a change be made to In
crease the proteetionnow afforded to flax.
ClZTY.—rba Crat Itehearall with Or.
.ehtstra will Whet t at th". oftha &misty
A fall altandanae Ls taquesied.
• January 11111.11170. •
BEC7IINtIVas hank to •erve far the
entutwe veer will be held at tee Banking Hoer..
No 89 tt'onrh as. nee, on TO& do AY, iEBNU•
ARY'llatt- /810, between the howa et twelve
and two. • • JAB. Y. BELL. ,
Attorney-as -I. aw.
girrrompt attention glean to all kinds of legal
bottneee. la 2
will tut Alum or loan, ream
r. st..nann & oco ,
A large asiortiaint erne w - patirtie and slept,
Jest received. gl.o Ylated ago BrMails Weft.
Vases and Vied. Were, new opening gad for
sale at very low Prices et
H. 'RIGBY & CO'S..
No. 189 LIBERTY Milt% -
Light Iron ,
Cs Ja.
Light Work: our specialty.
Lawr John Bolts, attunes sad Oats Efleres,
Pssa Punts, and o.ber sattalas of Bandon ,
Ha, •Iwati on bawl.
C it
W y
and Works. near 0111. Depot, Allashroy
kostoSts dress. Look Hoz3os. Plltsharsh,
OPBA DAILY from 9 to 4 o'dkek. ant N o.
BATUADAY NVENINO, from Nay 111 to No.
vember ht, tram 7 to 9 o'clock, tad from. No.
'ember lot to My lit, 6to lloelor.X.• Interest
plad at tat raze or
per mat . Demo( taalowd
laatt Dot olthiratra COMpatillat seml.assially,.
um 7 and July. Boas of By-Latta. 9 ....,Wx•
MOM matte °Mee.
Bawd olltaaageri,Geo. Prtidelikat;
B. H. Harunart. JO.. Part ix., VkR Pnvldtata
!Wei; Beemdary- amt Yrerult ,,
A. Bradley, J. 1.. Graham, A. B. Bell, Wm. K.
Jotot 0 .1)11oaruk. I Raton, to Adds a.
bt..Jolnua. ittoAet4.o.9tota.B4W-0-"Won.4
Chrloopber Zoe.: • • . ,
.1); W. A 013014 'Quetta" .. • • •
Is um bonead abascoan: comatardalOad ManY
amnsdkoe, iimilliabed In W e stern Putaxylvtala..
No farm., mechanic en merchant ahool4 bill
without ti.
Single az se
Claim of Iv. 111111
Cuba of ten ........ 1 le
A copy Is tonntstted grainnonsly to the cotton
OP Of a enall of lan. ronnumert w rignmnint
to act ais meaLe.
014“ . . 4
"Lost," SI . '"' out'
de., not ea . L.72, , at mid?
be msertoet c•rt--e
Nona! Line
r.-. 4 arc :'•
WA NTED - A PA Inn ER --
few Itwndred Dollar. to invest Ls
• Road plying bust...
epoly at . 1 .13 rens atm et.
W A t
• U"T'Sh'oilY2Mlllirnro3llBo3.
83 Diamond. ••11.8bely.
few more boarders me be se...v*o6lN
per we boar e d at 2.0. 16 ANN SI KEST is ot
114.00 ' L
PLOYMENT (4710(.. No.l 4. CIO/
Planet. 1101V*M1M3 and MEN, for Mamma
Rinds of enaploynnmc icroon. wantlas help
of all C ca.oda an ben - craned oarbart
WANTED.—ReaIed Proposals
'ml be r- tor one web for PM
thou , and 11111.000 i MKT Me CUPP inhtleZ,
to be delivered in Pittsburgh or Laurrenoevtlius
Must be of Preen:at or Papsa Iwo,.
• CASH tell , be AI On ..slivers. reSenlug • goer
tentage for Man= nt of cocci net.
1e.17011f Bealatatate Anent. Laveitneuvllls.
430.009 aa Loan to Way at small asacontia
at • Ealt tato' et laterest. . .
TllOll4lB B. prey,
. Btu, Baud an dtaal )taiala Haan,
No. 17118a0thfic1d strut.
T O LET:—The Store and Bard
Ung recently fitted up at th. cortterof Moe
street und fourth aveene. Ming Mar.
Welt, Store Ream, Hfehrn, Luang Itoot tuad
two eltambere with .a• and ...tar plot. oont.
plete. Anneal rant 1400. Apply next agoras
gonna avenue, to'
rpo • LET.—A very superior
Brielnllwelllng, containing Ton Zoom.,
huh Baum end Wish ,0111:: a nee dee Cellar
under the whole, hon-e. l• Miran open lot MI-
J.ilnlair, cc...halos from and goners; la ertthln
qn e toe and the mane dlitumm
from ma street can Thl• le a ram chanem
obtain a mint dmlrablo remit. ere. of
RASlrilElf A HALL,
jenitlll 91 Brannen... All , ihn o 7 onz..
TtLET.—Elegant room 01111
ILA avenue. 13.411 , OD. Se.. &Maned.
ern,. reunuqdv Bare ons=v. Add•eu
immedt.rlV. X V . G.zree
large Front Room.
1 fan:doh...l. on •ICOII4 now . , apening g
b .leopy, for vutleman and I.dr. re Inn
single gentlemen. rat/cation.' leg. IS Wylie
TO LET.-Ho. 77 Wood stied,
ow , coooted by James Coeur. & co.' Z..
qu•re *t.42 Wo slrokt.
mO LET.—The NewBl ore build.
Pane s
irtreet 6B Wasa Amt. Zuqulre at Mo.
TO LET.;—Desk Room in a
haudromely fl A p p l yc lu r*utrallo.
cavort for burl.. ut No. NI fourth
&recur. Breen° Zoo,
Tea.w:T. Fut nibhed Front
110*. , 311, with or wltoon horrdtoir. hr b•
o T sr, ..c.k
or .
month. Amply at No. 69 0/1662
Tu.,. ET. —A desirable St-re
It 0 , 1.1 on St. Blair ttr.e., Also. movers!
tor FIB nn on 11 , it and Oa Cot 411 or r. and s !OMB
BO by )80 on OW input". o r
WALK B. Milo office, No. IL 131018 ttrent.
,TO LET.—The 'Large v tore
1. Room No. 95 Vivi.'
To .LET.—Toro 2 story brick
out., Nos. 58 stol UN C. us,.
eonialulrg ten rooms tomb, with sli In
Imams. Empire at..N0.64 Conte Maw.
T O rooms—ex.
t.t.htTreiran:l.C7Trre.97. `.;;.17.;`,445
400•1,1,r. rvhe VI% and semen toutna. d
at 3171 t 2113
rpo.LET.— R oo ms..— Several
fin..'lerg. 1.411 ferelshee rbowe hi
wan e... location, quie 1.. t
and near Io
bed be bed by Itebtleneeb Y eheylez tob.e,
Tb se rouble's, vary be alrab.e. leelb , re ed. la
NINTh bTREET, late peen.
fro.- LE v.—A - Salt' of : Boon is
4. comp. lug Two Lug, we I Ugh ed f out
Rooms on Ant) guor. On. hare,
front itoom,on 3t• Olojnrge,ltall • fly
two sato-room, on . 4th 222. - Ono atom Roma. •
not Itior, No. 92, in If,ng 4b`• .w bstlello4.
IN•nrth annne. For ter.. trontre of A•
ENGLI•II A CO.. ho. 98 Fourth IVIVIire.
TO LET.—A lot of ground-782
bAckt.VT, '" lt r i,ll"at:(74l: `4",e2lt.
tee , Do !d . tnirlttv i tza torlrlo p nlr a
i firx t r u i m at
.M41 1 :4 1 yakr:ou
:utea. First speeta to:. It tine
burto. mal table for laarktfactarLog purposes or •
astlilery. Aprhy to • •
Carson and Truth streetal.
TO iE T .• • - •
scouts Aria orrzaes.
GA ZZild I 00..
90 Pllth AI•511416
"FOR SALE.-Stock and Fix
drat-ciao Or 'eery. doing . good btu lam. The
nude, elgurd being engaged In nthr: Deadness la
Ma rear.nn fbr dating. 0. W. PUSYY. 49 red_
irgl erect.. Allegheny.
STORY WIWI( OWELLTN N O 1101 2ra, ree
6 Stern:an avenue. (routine°. %Tootmum,.
tgown), ingot, of H. SIcEI.III[XY onus
r n rftielleortia lusurauca OuniDeS7. /GU Weßni
Wlthln the city Mena:. Wilt beeold eheirentet
en fan term. - I ogotre Of WIC BLAZZLIC.
Alt rimy -at-La,. 91 Giant strg •I. WI!
Moe Hiaam Prraws And a Wt. 411.1AUST at
tips: More work than Oa out rant aim.
. .
/1/nA areono sad 1 oaaai 8 inst.
Van VA -
sines and Bent
• Ea% New anel Second Head. °hal khan
nonstnuily on hand. '
- Ord.,gi from' al parteof ft* billlarT prOmpetY
Corner Marion AUDI'S 191 d a.. W. a
AlLritgene. Pa. '
totheralithed otrrs Int is •Ms toweillag
Posse. 8 abse .0 Wooed. situated la Pie
rtllb ward *lles hotly City. getter... Itldes gad.
!sot streeth bastes al , ow or 180 trthe,usB
deoth of 71180 feet to Itge street. 'ibis Is OM
OP ttkobtof. , lrable sod - bso Pal di astderra
m masatiml
1 bat three stall - BMOC D1WZ14.11)9.
desirably Located. 210. lie Elyse readdidahie L -
IlhedY City. coo:aisles tearooms tad easasism •
ovt ass told staler la linnet:ll deeded. aidiNeal -
In the moms • remge It ktletext. Ihrejnaw
sted oncoin•r 01 Br Vs alley. latrafillipeell
suc VOlatliated. Po• •bril - ;
Y1..1.114 D. PA
1.7 . 2
2io. 1 • Ytorth Stead&
—NOT E 'NO LOT. No. TO r.MUe
ofT " inwll " lllnr24 3 1(. 0 ' . - Teptitf l i
by litO to bn per. fiord frame o nl y
ori row wt.
Tbls pr. pert, ir
.nby the WOW soot dbOrtre-yt }meta. real esuw. llo• e h ws of
acoooer a( Ica lees fob ard roarer itowe, or..
taTezttrOlt , '. It world ;solos br bowl
Fer rear. ca the cost. Trove easy. Prft.j....
or tomb. r Ibrazzapon. appler.
• -
. .
FOR ILWEI. , - •
. ...
• . • tt .
— 115 , ...a.i., .. s neon. Mao*. rt. Wan*
I. A boa. and 3 ioss in 17orainst vale%
1 am anon ad In Bellevue Bora: Imam end
Hat.tollaabetts name nous. 004 lett:lX
e, It...mar onoenljt 17 sops at (Pree 1
end A LOU 02 bonintrel 6•0•Ae...14
11./ota on Premout want. 204 warn; 10 sans tti
Row towween Boaters:id ...o. 04 assairs a
341 ware: Bone and Ina White Vat attest.
rd; ward; b., a sod los ?etre PIA ~ a Min
boobons* inn lot on Otter treat. 2/ 21 .22
boo Le aed it, 97 . ..belle .1 etre. t: II 'eta h %law
snaloon: 3 tote and Wean/ a Beivvaltal, 4; tow
~ 4OA .ipriAj hal. nevenen ward , Earl WI
int Malta tor sale.' Por-tortbar partlealssill
E. l iv - rirriic.
Rest Estate ar ot ms. am= Uhlo luut Ilaiiteav
strus, Ansitoser. • •- - i
nio Homes, 0: Invent:ll.AL in Bag is
tete. vtU gave Uu - .e, trouble and demo
cuing • copy of tad I •PITTEIBUSISIIV
ESTATE Uhl alun !wart/
Pr will .ent by In.ri VIVO [Ol4Ol
oisons cannot flu to get salt•d•ot
Ust IL mutants. (MART e
!Liners and KW Ah
Ler,. anntolee ISII4 In ton etas Own anon.
I •In town near Oa tile ef. 1110,Chlerwo
Nartbwrster , wet .4.4. " gt:• 4 l 4'- ill b.=
A.,p,t,i.trl•_o.t..ths.. 27. AA ..„
f3.411.211111711GU• ' PROVEarg
iro • vALIC.—Thee born Itealitto
dTg:xllturg,°lll4..".-1,;meh',lo;o° l ":.
30 ,