The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 26, 1870, Image 1

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Oilaa,,g4 and 86 Fifth Avenue.
Z B. YElMan i
Trams or TIM DAILY.
0447 .7 d by camera, Per
tbs Ilittstrao Gaittts.
clataxvizur. baa organized a Library
Eicaawros supporta a first clue danc
ing academy.
Tun pews in the Scranton Presby,
Innen Church wild for $B,OOO.
Tanya CARD morn: Is openly played
In the streets of Parker's Landing.
Tax hundred and fifty persons were
arrested by the Reading police last year.
Tux Pennsylvania bay crop of 1808
reached 2.448.000 tank valued it $BO,.
Joeffarowx has an average dilly at.
tendanco of 745 einholen - at her public
HOTEL business in Erie is said to been
dull that some of the landlord' are grow
ing crazy.
Wn.cromaroter has a real ghost worth
a two column account in the Gamete of
that place.
Sown 'harpers in the Interior are sell
ing'dough cakes covered with butter as
lime print. -
A FALLLIM use,, recently killed Mr.
Henry Hudson, of Pine township, In.
diana county.
TIM bonds of the State of Pennsyl
vania command a higher figure than those
of any other State.
"Criers,, COMITY Worms," the
famous breed of pigs, are being sent from
West Chester to Texas.
G. W. Hoerr, Esq., a rising young
member of the Sunbury bar, died last
week of consumption.
A STATE Temperance Convention will
be held in the Court House in Hazleton,
on Tuesday, February Bth.
Gov. Goonr's last message was the
seventy-ninth since the organization of
the present State Government.
Mint EMBER REED, aged ninetraix
years, died suddenly last week at her
residence in Woodward, Chester county.
M r PKTIIIITIOTON, of West Grove, Ches.
ter county, has been appointed Palmas.
ter of the Wilmington and Reading Rail.
Ar Oil City, on Saturday night, James
Furlong was run over and killed by a
train of cars. He was a blacksmith and
about sixty years of age. A
TOUNCI EON of U. S. Assessor Bu
ller, of Synder county, had his. brains
knocked out by a tailing stick blown
from the roof of a shed.
T. S. REED, Elnj a veteran Cambria
county editor. Is about to write the re.
zninlscences of his life. Forty-one years
age he printed a paper in Johnstown._
Amex Lot:miner, of White township,
Indiana county, had both itegs bloke"
and wasotherwise dangerously Injured
last week, by being kicked by a vicious
Mn.: - Grimm Masorr, formerly imm
inent coal .operator and- merchant of
Schuylkill county, died at his residence
la Pon/villa on Tuesday night last, la
the 68th year of his age.
Tax Allentown Rolling Mill. Company
has dabbed rails on hand to the amount
of,over $300,000, with no demand. The
Roberta Iron Company have about $OO,-
000 worth of iron laid up awaiting par.
Oa the 15th inst, the body of a Herman,
apparently a pedlar, was foand near
Meadville..ln a barn belonging to Rufus
Smith. He was apparently 45 or 50 years
of age, and had lost the second finger of
his right bend.
- . AT Allenti;wn a little girl named Butz,
while with her mother walking beside the
railroad track, becoming frightened at a
sodden locomotive whistle, jumped under
the wheel& of the passing train and was
ground to atoms.
Ar Wilkesbane last week, a young.
man, named Vear a y, while intoxicated,
stepped into the trough of the great fly
wheel of a rolling- mill, was caught and
crushed to jelly and thrown forty feet
from the place. So much for intemper-
Mama Moons, editor and publisher
of the West Chester Republican, has
been appointed Appraiser for the port of
Philadelphia In place of Dr. Werthington
resigned. The office le an Important one
and has a salary of 11:1,800. The Major
has our congratulations.
Tag Pennsylvania Fruit Growers'
Society held Its annual meeting In Lan
caster but week. A number of distin
guished fruit growers from all sections of
the State were present. The display of
den ,wu very fine. The proceed.
lugs were highly entertaining and in.
Tug puddler' employed by the Bus.
Iron Company of Columbia
mopped work at eleven o'clock Tuesday
forenoon, bemuse two men whom they
wished to be engaged with them were not
employed by the company. The strikers
numbered upwards of forty men, all of
whom are Welshmen.
A GINTIXMAN of Heading who
weighed 318 pounds, died hat week after
two days of sickness, caused by taking
ooldand it settling on hip ltrigs. He bad
not' been ill a tingle day previously,
during his whole life, though he had at
tained middle age. Another result of
the present unhealthful weather.
Tug Interest in the meetings in pro
gress at the Methodist Episcopal Church
at Johnstown continues unstated. On
yig a irtay last seventeen were added to the
bers of the church. More are cora
g forward nightly, and it Is hoped that
the influence of the revival will spread
wider and wider still, for "there I. yet
Tux rolling_ mill belonging to the Phil
adelphia and Reading Railroad Company
at Reeding, turned out last year seven
teen thousand and thirty-seven (17,017)
tons of finished rails. The company
made in 1888 about half this number of
rolls. They are first-class, and cost the
company an average of less than the mar.
list price.
A PII2IIfeTLYLNIA editor has been poat
lag books, and sums up as follows:
"Weathered athree.montha spell of sick
ness; built a new office; purchased &nom.
pieta outfit of new type for the paper;
adding the names of many new advance
paying subscribers to oar list and an
other boy baby to , our family circle."
Good bye, 1869.
A GAY young man of Thiloute, being
d ece i ve d by a far and frail lady, thought
of retiring from the busy scenes of life by
drowning himself; Manila %search along
the banks of the Allegheny river for a
convenient bole to plunge in, brought up
at Parker's Landing. where abandoning
the notion of self destruction, he Is spenib
lug • happy time among the "free and
air' or that "free and easy" place.
&As &indent of a serious nature watt'
red on Wednesday in the ore mine of the
Cambria Iron Oct, known as Kidney
Vein, whereby two men, Harry Bennett
and James Vincent, were seriously in.
Jared by a premature blast. The former
bitd his leg so shattered that II was found
necanary to amputate it below the knee,
while Mr. Vincent was seriously burnt
In *oboe. They are both doing well.
James McConaucx, Req., a member
of the Harrisburg bar since 1825, and
well known as one of the ablest lawyers
In the State, died on Wednesday morn
ing, at an advanced age, alter ad -ilium
of about three weeks' duration., had
filled nrious oMces of honor and trust
with fidelity. At the ttme.of his decease,
and for about thirty years previously, he
was the President of the Dauphin De
malt Bank, and for nearly sa = a a
length of time President of the
burg Bridge Company.
Ram' all of our country exchanges
are "charm' , over the big things killed
In the pork line. For instance in the Lan.
caster inquirer we'hare these announce.
meats: Jacob Erhart, of Warwick town.
"hip, has killed two hogs, which weighed,
when dressed, 918 pounds. The one,
fourteen monthsold, weighed 890 pounds.
the other, fifteen moat's old, 588 poundL
'S;tetW k : 4 ''' ( s';
, r 7
' I 4J_I Ile lli Itt4 tritt * ij ( 1 Zet
I. P. MD.
John EL Schlegebtlilch killed, on Monday
lut, two hogs eight months old, which
weighed, when dressed, M 1 pounds.
This is about sweetness long drawn out:
Michael D. Weidman made a sausage a
few days ago for Peter Hernley, of
Hiram twp., which measured 71 feet, and
weighed 51 1 1poundaL Can't our farmer
readers smiles on notices In the same .
line to eclipse the above ?
Trouts ie now manufacturing at the
Scott Foundry, Reading, a breech-load
lug cannon of very peculiar constrac
tion, and which the employee have named
"The Sow." Itia now in the lathe for
riding. It will hue a bore of six inches
In diameter, including the riling. -Ar
ranged along the bore are four side cham
bers, each of which are intended to hold
eight pounds of"powder. The breech
will -contain four pounds of powder,
which, when loided and fired starts the
ball, when the powder in the other cham
bers is Ignited as the ball moves forward,
thus receiving Impetus at intervals from
the escape of Sieges from each chamber.
It is estimated that lids gun will throw a
ball &distance of ten miles; and that, at
short range, the ball will pass 'entirely
through a six Inch wrought iron plate.
Tmt Erie Dispatch says: On Saturday
night Mr. Hall, of Waterford, met with a
fatal accident. On Monday, while his
body was yet lying in the house awaiting
burial, 'a prominent citizen of that bor
ough called to offer his condolence and—
collect a debt of sixty cents alleged to be
due. The widow told him that Abe had
no money with her, but would see that
the, bill was paid, and the creditor de
parted. The circumstance got noised
abroad, and some ot the young men
thereabouts, fearing that the man might
possibly be cheated out of his dues, have
started a one cent subscription and col•
lected the amount, no one being allowed
to contribute more than one penny.
They Intend having the account duly cer
tified and ,sworn. to and a receipt given
for the change, which they are now pre.
Pared to pay. -
GOLD' has been discovered in Tam
Bemis has 8,500,000 acres timbered
In Bacnitnento the boot blacks are uni-
PEYST hot dinners are ituaished in
Kunz exports kindling wood to for.
elan Darts.
CE►aco►r. pipes havejust Fetched Cal.
Miele smokers.
Sx apple tree in Vermont yielded 70
bushels last season.
A KW/MICKY town of 8000.1nhahltants
has no school house.
Cmcsoo has Just dedicated its first
German High SchooL
Taw Innings are to put a new loan for
the city of Boston on the English market.
Tux Washington Star urges a Terrltol
vial Government for the District of Co
Tex southern papers are printing a
Peagreat many verses In memory of George
Cenittaaa College has been started in
Hancock ,county, Illinois, with a capital
of $540,000
RAILWAYS kn o wiatOCTlLL They teach
every man to his own Station, and
to stop there.
Ravin., the negro Senator elect from
Mississippi, is a native of Ohio, and is a
Methodist preacher.
GEORGIP R. PEnOLSIONi . to deliver
an oration to the students of Glen. Lee's
college, 4th of July next.
Tim Baptists have a chapel at Mr
per's Ferry whose chapel bell is heard In
Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Nnw Torm is actually rivaling Phila.
delptda. The New Tort Health Board
says that town has thirty miles of dirty
stints. •
A: WELL =kora= Ohio paper informs
its readers that the French Emperor's lit.
tie son shot and killed an editor and then
gave himself up.
IT is asserted that the dispatch," of the
American Minister at the Spanish Coon,
on file at the State Department, reflect
distinguished credit on Gen. Sickles.
A Lirrur. Vour•yar old, watching from
the window aproaission of children from
the orphan asylum. exclaimed: "How
I•d like to be an orphan and play sol
diers I"
Dueux, a new explosive agent disci:e
ered by a Prussian officer, sad tested in
the Room tunnel, is declared to be mon
ger than nitro glycerine, and devoid of
any of its dangers.
Byrum. of the large manufactories in
Bridgeport, Ct., have been closed to
visitors during working hours, owing to
the' number of visitant having become
business great u to seriously interfere with
A JOLKT resolution hu been Introduo.
ed Into the Kentucky Legislature provid•
lug for the removal of President Taylor's
remains to Cave Hill Centettn7, Urals.
"vile, and the erection of a suitable moo
nment over them.
A Rom to accommodate Chinese has
been opened at Connell Bluffs. The
mock consists of card paper, foo chock,
orange peel, pak ko, sugar candy, Balt
shrimps, Are crackers, chop sticks, Jose
paper, Jose sticks, At.
Is reference to the candidature of the
throne of Spain, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs in Italy hu decided that no prince
of Savoy can accept . * foreign throne on.
lees elected by universal suffrage in the
country in question.
1117.6DVAN -found, at the Station
Souse, in Toledo, Ohio, a few days ago,
his old master, with his wife and two
daughters who were begging their way
from Virginia to Chicago, whither Mends
had gone before them.
A ncensun In St. Joseph, Mo., pa
tiently bore his loss when his wife de
serted him, but when's dry goods Am
sued him for goods bought by her as an
outfit, be stoutly resisted the claim, and
the court sustained him.
A BOT at Mishawaka, Ind, went •sks
ling sgalnst the wish of his father. Be
fore returning home, says a load paper,
he put a dosen old newspapers Inside his
clothes, and thereby succeeded in break.
lug the force of the blows.
Tule Zanesville Courier is autborind .
by the best authority to say that if Zanes
ville will come up promptly with her
hundred thousand dollars subscribed, the
Northern road . will be built at once. If
she refuses to do this it will not be built.
Tna Tusearawes Advocate says that
citizens of New Philadelphia have inter.
viewed Judge Jewett, President of the
Pan Ilandie Railroad, and that be In.
formed them that if the citizens of that
place would subsaibe $30,000 towards
the work, that the company would build
a branch road from teir road to Nevi
Philadelphia: The Adv h ocate thinks that
the amount can be raised m twenty•fottr ,
Tin Hon. George G. Wright, the new
P. S. Senator from lowa, In his profes.
sloe of faith addressed to the Legislature
jest before his election, rays:
"Finally I would stand by Protection
to Home Industry and Manufactures.
This is part of my boyhood's faith, and Is
the conviction of my manhood ; and this
not to build up the Individual, but to pro
tect and benefit the Million."
Tun New York nastily. : The Prim.
Went is right he advises the, more
tolerant• ....p ublican of the House to
accept the hi lan it goes back from the
Senate. There are mischief makeri in
the House who want but the opportunity
to undo what bas been done, and to con.
summate the evil begun in the Senate.
These men-would revive the thumbscrew
if they dare. The spirit which animates
them In other days sanctioned the rack
and the faggot. It is important that no
chance be given them for the attainment
of their purpose. The unconditional ad.
mission of Virginia would be moat pro.
per. But that being clearly Impracticable,
the Senate bill in its present shape is
preferable to more delay. Letthe matter
be ended at once if possible.
. 1 11111.476117.
Medal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Duette.)
PA#Bllll.B LANDING. Jan. 25. I M.
A Well owned by C. lideCandleas Co.
on the Robhison Farm was struck yes
terday. It la flowing about aeyenty,flve
barrels per day.
Peisylvania Legislature.
SENATE: The Bergner Record
Contractlndefinitely Postponed
—The Pesters and Folders—
Warm Discussion—Personali
ties Indulged ln-111r. Lowry
Growls—Els Indiscreet Private
Secretary: HOUSE : Variety
of Bills Passed—The Sand Bar
Job.. -
(Fascia Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Ciasctie,)
llanniseuno, January 25, WO.
Mr. WHITE, from the Legislative
Record Committee, reported the same
contract with Mr. Bergner as in ths amt .
report, with i condition that no speech
shall exceed * four squares.
Mr. LOWRY moved the Indefinite
postponement. hoping that the Clerk's
Journal would be printed daily. Infamy
was attached to the Record and the man
that published it. The whole thing was
unpopular. The butohera•.were afraid to
wrap the Record around their meat, fear
ing it - would taint it.
Mr. HOWARD seconded the motioic
which was adopted.
Yeas—Megan. Billingfelt, Brooke,
Broadhead, Davis,• Duncan, Graham,
Howard, Kerr. Linderman. Inwry,
Nagle, Furman, Ratan, Turner, Wallace,
Nays—Messrs. Allen, Beck, Brown.
Connell, Hemzsy, Mclntire, Miller,
Mumma, Olmstead. Onerhout, Randall,
Robinson, Watt, White, Stinson —l5.
di M ha r B g E in CK .
w ffer h e d p a
oo da lu e al l
legislative °Dicers, except clerks, ear
liteent-atarms, an assistant door keeper,
one aealatant postmaster, me/tenger.
audeasietante. .
Mr. CONNELL moved its reference to
the Retrenchment Committee.
Mr. BILLINGFELT favored the die.
charge et the pesters and folders. They
were lying here idle.
Mr. GRAHAM Bald it was necessary to
discharge some of thom employed. He
- understood salientl individuals were etn
ployed at the Btate's experuie as private
aecretaries to Senators.
Mr. LOWRY understood the remark
Se applied to him. Ho could afford to
pay for ataistaxtee t when he could net
Mite with his right arm, being lame.
Mr. GRAHAM disclaimed personal al-
Mr. LAWRY replied be understood it
all. He (Mr. Lowry) bad never brought
hare a son or relative to receive State
patronage and never would.
Mr. CONNELL withdrew the motion
for reference and moved that only the
"peMr. sters and folder." be dischargod.
MUMMA, of Dauphin. replies! to
Mr. Lowry, characterizing his bitter op.
Position to Harrisburgers as unwarnuot
able and his personalities uncalled for;
asserting that his (Mr. Lowry's) potation
with the Democrats was of questionable
propriety, mid alluding to the action of
Mr. Lowry's Private Secretary as indis-
creet. If what the Secretary said in a
public letter wastrue, Mr. Lowry should
not talk About tinge or corruption.
Mr. RIJTAN moved to strike out all
messengers and doorkeepers as useless
Mr. LOWRY said because he. had ab
sented himself from the caucus and
smashed the ring into a thousand atoms,
be had been pursued with malice.
was not opposed to Harrlaburgers; be
pitied them; they bad an affliction bare
worse than smallpox. The general Gov
ernment had sent here a man as post
master who bad presented bills to the
L•glalature for postage that did not look
honest. He could stand any abuse from
the TdegrapA.
Mr. HOWARD said be was opposed to
the franking privilege, or tho public.
tion of the Record, but moved that the
Retrenchment Committee be instructed
to consider with this matter the propris
ty of printing the principal departmental
Mr. Rutsn's sod also Mr. Connell's
amendments were defeated. Pending
the discussion, the Senate adjourned.
Supplement to the wit making appro•
priatione from the old to the new wards
of Allegheny City fbr school purposes.
Supplement for Allegheny county .
Wirth •
Extending to Wanhlngkui wanly the
act exempting mortgages and .other
money semaritles fromilitate taxation.
Extending the boundaries of Lower
payesta Island In the Aileen:ly river.
' -Increasing the fees of eurveyore as wit-
Malan' in Allegheny county.
Exempting coupon bonds of East
Birmingham from all taxation.
• •
Senator Ratan will drop hie bill denier
- ins the .and bar In the Ohlo river.
.eppoelte Middletown, an bland, having
misapprehended the purport. It was
she t by a
prominent gentleman In All.. .
A Scrap of War Inotory—The Intended
Removal of Gen. Thomas:from Gm:
Oland at Rubellle—Ralroad Lease
ttli Telegraph to the Pletzbargb thisette•) -
0121c12aNVIT, January !LS—To-morrow.
Gazette will contain &letter showing bore
dispatches on Ale at Washington the ex
act nature of the contemplated removal
of Gm. Thomas just before the battle at
Nashville. It shows that General
flalleak's account of it at the San .
Francisco dinnir stets himself more
credit for retaining General Thomas
than the official records warrant, and
that 'lnstead of Hansel; assuming the
responsibility to delay the transmission
ofGeneral Grant's order relieving
Thomas by Schofield. Grant himself sus.
minded the order before it was trent.
mated to Thomas. OlDclal dispatches
show that Grant was exceedingly Imps.
tient at Thames' delay in making the at
tack, and that he had actually gone as
far as Washington on the way to Nash.
Title when he received a dispatch an
notutting Thomas' engagement, and Tin
The stockholders of the Little Miami
and Columbus ez Xenia railroads have
ratified by a unanimous vote their per•
perms! lease of those roads to the Pitt*.
burgh, Cincinnati & Bt. Louie railroad,
guaranteed by the Pennaylvanla Central,
beginning December ha, l&l9,; at an an.
rind rental, free of tax and assessments,
of four hundred and eighty thousand
dollars, the stock of the Little Miami
road to be Increased by a seventeen per
cent. stock dividend, making the total
stock of both roads tax millions. This
arrangement gives the stockholders an
eight percent annual dividend, payable
quarterly, leas the expenses of organiza
The Collector of Internal Revenue has
received instructions to discontinue the
collection of manuhulturers' tax on pork
peckers until March let. The tax has
been collected Mole January. lat.
Upper Rivers.
Ma Pan** and Atlantic Telegraph.? • •
Raownevims, January 25.—Rlver
titling. with nine feet water In the
channel. .Weather clear; thermometer
thlrty.four at five o'clock
OIL crnr, January 25.—River rising
slowly. with four feet one Inch water
In the channel.. Weather dowdy; that..
foometer thirty-Ave at dz O'ClOeir. P. al.
SENATE: The Currency Bil
Further Diseinised Withou
IFinal Action. HOUSE: Ms
4elloneons Business.
(By Telesriph to the Hlttsbereh Hearne. )
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25. 1870.
Mr. THURMAN presented the pro.
Inge of • d public mooting of mer
ch to of 4:Wieland- egainst•the oonlinn •
one of the InManie tax. Referred to the
Committee on Finance.
Mr. ROBERTSON,. from the Commit
tee on Political Dlaabilltiee,leported fa
vorably a bill to relieve certain persona
from legal and political disabilities.
Mr. HAMLIN called up the Joint res.
caution relating to the seizure of distilled
aplrMs in California, the question being
upt its inde fi nite postponement. -
A ter. some discussion it was laid add and at 2 o'clock the currency bill
was taken up. . •
Mr. FENTON spoke against any ex.
pension of the Currently and in favor of
en early return to a specie basis. The
pending bill neither retarded nor tended
to advance the latter desirable result.
He favored the gradual contraction of
the currency, but concluded that this bill
contained Bills to aggravate the evils of
the hoar.. The Secretary's plantar fund-
log the debt,.and fdrnishing new bonds
for bankinotpurposes In place of the old,
might be the beet. we could hope to got.
A t all events he had no pet measure of
his own.
Mr. SUMNER moved an amendment
by subetituting for the bill a eh:niter but
, recently Introduced by him, for the in
crease of bank circulation m 2.500,000,000,
upon the retirement of greenbacks.
Mr. RAMSEY Inquired whether 'twee
proposed to take Settee on the bill to.dsy.
Mr. SHERMAN, on behalf of the Fi
nance Committee, desired the Senate to
take action on the bill today. He said
It was a preliminary measure, and upon
its disposal the Committee would pro-'
coed to consider other important meas
ures before them, among them the one
now offered as an amendment,but which
had no pertinence here. The plan of
retiring three percent. certificates was
recommended by the Secretary of the'
Treasury, %rid ao objection to it that he
knew of hid been made in the public
prints. It seemed to be conceded this ,
woe the Most Innocent way in which the
pressing necessity for • partial dietribu. '
lion could be made. The other provision
of the bill was also generally assented
to. The only doubt now was whether
each banks would be organized. Large
corporations, chiefly on the Pacific meat,
were actually organized on the hotels of
thin bill.
The bill was further discussed until
4:25, when the Senate adj turned.
Mr. JULIAN, from the Committee on
Public Lands, reported a bill providing
that no title shall be acquired or per
fected to any agricultural public lands
to the State of California not heretofore
disposed of, except by settlement under
the homeetead or preemption laws.
Mr. HOLMAN suggested that the bill
be made general In its application to all
States and territories.
Mr. JULIAN said that question 'was
before the thromittee.
The bill passed.
Mr. ARN ELL offered a resolution call.
Jug for Information as to payment, made
by the Nashville and Decatur Railroad
Company of Tennessee for materials
p u rchased from the Government.. Adop.
Mr. WHEELER inuced a
an the Northertrnod Pacific Rail
road Company to leen, ite bond, for the
eenstructlon of ita road. and to secure
the same by Triortgagir. Referred.
Mr. HCOFIELD, from thet.Committee
on Naval Affair.. reported a bill for Me
reorganization of ,the navy. Recommit
Mr. BENJAMIN,,of Mo.. Introduced a
bill granting • pension of fifty dollars a
month to the widow of Major General
James A. Mower.
Mr. FARNSWORTH remarked It was
going beyond any precedent yet east.
halted to give pensions, except In
oases when an officerdied In consequence
of wounds received or disease acquir
ed in the army. The bill should be sent
to a committal,
Mr. BENJAMIN._ said be Introduced It
at the 'Nuest of the President and Gen
eral of the army: He withdrew the bill.
Mr. BOLES Introduced a bill granting
lands to Arkansas and Missouri for a rail
road from the Arkansas to the Missouri.
Mr. ELDRIDGE presented a com
munication front • Son Du Lac Medical
Society, In regard to naval medical
Mr. UP/30N asked leave to offer •
resolution calling on tho heads of de
partmente for eutteuumte whethic and
why their annual estimates exceeded
three for the preaent fiscal year.
Mr. WOOD objected, static,/ that the
House was already in possession of the
estimates. - •
The House then eannied the commit!.
oration of League r Maar' Navy Yard
bill. Speeches were made in as support
b 3 Messrs. Myer; O'Neill and Routing.
The morning hour having 'expired at
two o'clock; the bill went over until to.
morrow. •
Mr. DAVIS introduced a bill to amend
the act passed yesterday for the adults
Mon of Virgil:us, providing that the Word
oath Whereever It Mere shall be COIF
etruedls it:eluding an affirmation.
The SPEAKER suggested that as ho
official information had been received of
this act having become law, the bill lie
on the table for the present.
Mr. DAVIS acceded. . ,
Mr. BURDETT,"from the Committee
on Elections, called up the report, of
April last on the contested election, Case
from the Fourth (bogreolonal District
of Smith Carolina, declaring A. S. Wal
lace entitled prim% facie to the seat.
The questioe was duonseed pro and con
by. Messrs. Burdett, Randall, Burr,
Marshall, Cessna, Bowen, . Whittemore,
Stevenson azd Peters.
Finaily the debate closed and the reds
lotion offered as an amendment by the
minority •of the Committee, mesas.
Randall and Burr, that neither claimant
was entitled to the seat, was adopted—_,
yeas 103, nays 73.
After • good deal of dlacrutelon the
whole subject was laid on tho table, and
then a resolution recommitting the quee.
tion to the Election Committee, to be
examined on themerits, was offered by
Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, and
agreed to.
Hama tor evening cession for debate
dosmore of than a
dozen members were present. Mr. Mc.
Craig occupied the chair. After Speeches
by Mr. Johnaon'agalnut Chinese emigre.
Son, by Mr. Heaton on - Southern poll.
tics, and by Messrs. Prosser, Hawley.
and I t lekeinburg, the Rouse adjourned.
Lite Superior Rahrsadi-eke wed_
Interesting IlasnebteCaso—Wtiolesale
Bodnar or the Clay. •
air TalentsPh to the Plithblurb Ossette.)
CLUOAOO, January SA—The strike of
the Swedish laborers on the Lake Supe
rior Railroad has ended and nearly all of
them have returned to their work at the
reduced wages, one driller and fifty oents
per day. There was no bloodshed and
no shanties burned as reported.
The trial of Mrs. piton Ibr killing her
huaband In &fay last, was commenced at
Rockford, 111., today. The Court House
was packed to Its utmost capacity, neon
bars o f ladies being present. The prisoner
Is In such feeble health as to render it
necessary to carry her In and out of the
Court Rouse on a chair sympathy
very strong in her favor. The
Tbe dream
stances of the ease will be remembered.
Sheand her hturband had beeneeparatedt
he paid her a visit for the purpose of
obtaining a reconciliation: during the
interview she suddenly draws pistol and
shot him deed. She was quite 111 at the
time, it being within s week after the
birth of her child. Her Mends claim
that she was Insane.
By returns jest completed, it Is sewer
tained that the genes sale, of . wholesale
&melanin Chicago daring the pan year
amounted to four hundred and seventy
one million dollars, an Increase of
tW01113 , 0110 and a half per cent. over last
You- The hotted 'hare of this Increase
is owing to the greater efilaiency with
which work hat boon done by revenue
Another Mysterious Murder—New
Charter for Brooklyn Tit l e
Erie Strikers—Rioting in Jei
soy City—Government Inspec
tors Arrested—Revenue Viola
tors Arrested, &T.,
(BY Telesrapb to the Plttaborgh Gautto.)
NH w YOBS, Jan. 25,1870.
The city Is startled this morning with
the report ors fresh mystery and the
probable murderer a sea captain named
Alexander, who came to this city from
New Orleans In September, 1868, and
took lodgings at the IMerding house of
John C. Gardner, on One Hundred and
Twonty•seventh street, near Third ave.
nue. Ho disappeared suddenly, and had
with him a large sum of money, and
sixty thousand dollars In Government
bonds. Subsequently hie body vas dis.
covered In Greenwood Cemitery, burl
under a false name. The contents of his
stomach were placed In the hands of Dr. I
Doren:at for examination, and In copse.
quer* of-his report the Gardner family
was last night arrested, charged with the
murder of Captain Alexander. Their
condition of life has apparently improved
vary much lately. which adds to tho sus.
pinion of their guilt. They have hereto.
fore moved in respectable society and
have been accounted honed people.
Jean C. Gardner and' wife, accused of
the murder, have been committed to the
Tombs to await toe result of the chemical
analysis by Prof. Doremns of the atom.
ach.of the supposed Murdered man.
A eollision occurred In JersoYeity this
evening between the Erie -Railroad
strikers and the men who took their
places. As the latter were leaving for
work at 6 r, ta they were assaulted by a
crowd of a thonsand 'mil l and women.
The prompt interferon of the polio°
prevented se r ous res ts. Patrick
licanion, who etruckona of the new men,
was arrested, and as the police were
taking him to the station house the
mob attempted • rencoe and at.
tacked the police with atones.
The officers drew thoir pistols and
dleoharging them Into the air, ono.
needed in frightening the rioters away.
Patrick Meagan, another striker, who led
the attack, was arrested, and with both
prisoners the police reached the station
house, followed at a Metering by the
entire mob. Three of the officers were
hit and bruised by brickbats, one severe.
ly. As soon as the prisoners were safely
housed the mob dispersed.
A new charter for the city of Brooklyn
was propoaed by Mr. Whiting In the
Brooklyn Board of Aldermen yesterday.
The leading features were tho election of
a Mayor and coven Aldermen for terms
of tire years eack, the bonds of each to
be thousand dollars, and the
eatery of each to be fixed at five thou
sand dollars per annum, laid officers - to
be balloted for with ticketa endorsed by
Common UNNICII, and the ticket to non
talus more than five names for Aldermen,
tai as to Insure alwaye a majority of the
represontation In the Board.
A telegram wee yesterday received by
the strikers at Long Dock, that the men
at Susquehanna had struck at about
noon. The men at Port Jervis had not
yet taken a like action, but It was
thought that some Information to thit
effect would roach them either through
telegram or delegate this forenoon. The
men anxiously await the decision of the
Buffalo mon. Mr. Finley Is expected to
arrive during the coarse of to-oay with
favorable report. At the meeting yes.
torday nothing was done of any coned
Limon P. Wetmore and Ezra W. Far.
rington, U. B. Revenue Inspectors, have
been arrested, charged with baying false,
ly gauged whisky, the former to the
amount et 783 gallons and the latter to
the amount of 6 817 gallons, with Intent
In defraud the United Mania. The whis
ky was withdrawn from bond by E. B.
White, Gordon, Fellow. d ddebtillan,
Armour, Planktriton it Co., and others.
Both were held to ball in 83,000.
Collector Bailey has filed charges
against the stocks of whisky of John
Tracy & Co.. Ii Webster & OD., and J.
P.-Boyle Co., for violation of the rove.
one laws: and the rectifying house of
Webster & Co. has been seized.
J. M. Wood, of North Adams. Mum.,
was garroted In banding No. 69 Wall
street, at two o'clock this afternoon, aad
robbed of a certified cheek for $18,006,
obtained shortLr before from Jay (kstke
The examination commenced to-day In
the Police Court of the cue of John Me.
eikeehY, alleged forger of an ingerot con.
alignment for beef from Chicago to New
York. -
The steamers Russia and City of Ant•
warp, from Liverpool, have arrived.
Rejoicing Over 'the Restoration of the
note to the Union..
(By Teterraph to the Inttaborga Ossetic)
BiCnnoND, January 25.—A • salute of
ono hundred guns was tired in the Park
to-day in honor of the admission of the
State. About 6.000 persons were present.
two-thirds colored. National Asp were
raised on this custom house end aseital.•
Governor Walker spoke *few minutes,
congratulating the people on the admis
sion of Virginia and predicting &glorious
future for the State. A colored Comer
vativs and • number of colored Reptibil.
cans made political speeches, the burden
of the latter being that If the State did
not follow the spirit of the rec.:lmam°.
lion acts she would be put back. as a
The guns used to -day were the same
used In saluting the United States flag
when the troops occupied the city In 1866.
The officer commanding was a natty. of
The Peabody Fleet.
(By T•lerr , s , ptk so the rittsbart Clasetto.)
PORTLAND, Me., Jan. 2A—A messenger
who arrived Ws evening from Cape
Elizabeth report'. tiring at sea, which
some think is front the Peabody fleet. A
north.eaat storm prevails. Weather
very thick.
The Monarch and Plymouth arrived in
the outer harbor bet weeneight and nine
o'clock to-night.
—Henry Placidet. a veteran actor, died
at Babylon, Long Island, on Sunday.
—A great Fenian military and eivio
demonstration will take place at Buffalo
on Saturday.
—The Missouri Legislature desires the
removal of the Brunet( Mint at New
Orleans to St. Louis.
—The h U NMI°
Railroad Ibrearnings
the al:m o a t
ending De.
oember last wore 14,611,161.
, — Charles Thomelon, American mer
chant at Needford, Yorkehlre,• England,
.00mmitted suicide on Monday.
—The Belknap Mills, it Limonla and
Lake Village, N. H., impended for two
months, have resumed operations.
—The British ship King Lear, from
Cardiff for Hong Kong. foundered at sea
recently. Thirty •dre lives were lost.
—ln the New Jersey Legislature peter.
day a Committee was directed to report
the 16th amendment to the Federal Con.
atltution st an early day.
—The nomination c i f H. Bucher SWope,
as United States Attorney ear the West.
ern District of Pennsylvania, wail co n ,
firmed by the Senate on Monday.
—Tee remains of Bishop Chime were
buried yesterday at Claremont, N. 11.,
with Imposing services, many distin.
gulehed clergymen being present.
—The State Committee of the New
York Commercial Union le drafting bills
to carry out the policy enunciated at the
Rochester Canal Convention. 'think will
soon be presented to the Ugh;lawn.
—Three prominent Wall street (New
York) tankers paid one thousand dol
lars each Into the registry in the United
States Circuit Court ou Monday—money
representing the penalties which were
Imposed on them for violating the rm.
nu* lawn.
'Virginia Congressional Delega
tion—The Duty on Coal—Con.
tested Election Case—Prince
Arthur—lnquiry Answered—
Notice to National Banks—
' Nominations Navy Rank
Proposals for Government
Printing Paper.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh lialette.)
WABHINOTON. January 25, 1870.
The Rouse Committee on Elections
have decided to retain for examination
the credentials of Mr. Porter, on account
of his alleged disloyal record; of Mr.
Seeger, by reason of the question of the
right of .Virginia to send a Representa
tive at large; and of Messrs. Booker and
McKcinzie, became their seats are con.
tested. The credentials of the rest of
of the delegation will bo reported favor
ably at once, subject to their taking the
usual oath. It is expected no objection
will be made to the swearing In of the
Senators without reference of their ere
dentiaLs to the Committee on Judiciary.
Secretary Robeson has sent to the
House Naval Committee• bill relative
to assimilated'ranks In the. navy, which
gives the auxiliary carpi twenty-eight
Captain!' In all, also forty-live Command.
ere ranking with Lieut. Colonels, which,
with thirty one officers of higher grades,
gives them seventy.six officer. ranking
with or above Lieut. Colonels In the
army. He has retained in the bill eight
chief engineers and constructors of ma. -
chinery, In viewer the number required
at the various navy yards and stations,
and also followed the recommendation
of the Naval Board In regard to the offi
cers on the retired list. The Board made
no recommendation In regard to the
rang of assistant and passed aseistant
surgeons, paymasters and engineer.,
and he recommends these to remain as
now fixed by law. He recommends
the reduction of (Miceli' of the marine
corps, as well as a change in proportion
and reduction of the number of line
officera of the navy. Thus he has recom
mended a large reduction In the number
of lieutenant commander. and an In
crease of Ilbutenants, a diminution of
the number of ensign. and an enlarge.
went of the number of mestere, en
deavoring at once to promote wine econo
my and to bear constantly In mind the
actual necessity of the service and. the
beet method of ensuing Its effielency.
The Committee of Ways and Means
to day had belbre them a proposition to
admit all coal free of duty. - It was agreed
to by yea*, Metiers. Hooper. Allison,
Maynard. Brook. and Marshall, 6; nay;
Mount. Reify. 'McCarthy, Blair and
Schenck, 4. This subject caused a greet
deal of excitement. It is probable that '
Mr. Maynard will change his vote to the
In response to a resolution heretofore
passed, the Provident sent a message
‘ to
the Donee to day enclosing a letter tram
the Secretary of the. Navy, in which the
latter says no appropriations for the
navy have been diverted to the survey
of the Ifilimus of Darien. The act of
tionarest approved July 28, PM, appro
priated IltiO,N.lo for the purpose of survey.
tog the Dittman, with a view to the con
struction of a chip canal.
The bids for the supply of paper to the
Government Printing Office for the en
suing year were opened te-day. -They
numbered over fifty, and were from six
teen of the leading manufacturers of the
country. No awards will be made until
after the prop - male are ex - eminent and the
bids are classified. It is understood the
proposals are generally somewhat lower
than last year.
A cONTI:STED cues.
Some time ago the Committee on.Elee.
Mons decided to report in favor of giv
ing the seat In the House now occupied
by Mr. - Greene to Mr. Van Wick, of
New York, the contestant, bat on furth
er consultation. it Is said,. they have di
rected both parties to catmint,' the votes
in the contested district.
cioEs To nICHYOND.
Prince Arthur has promised to visit
Richmond before returning to Europe,
but declined the present Invitation.
The Priem andkulte to day visited the
Treasury Department and were escorted
by Secretary Boutwell through the build
. . .
C. K. Wellird and Mr. Marlin, of the
firm of Smith, Gould, Martin dr Co., and
Mr. Carver, of New York. were exam
ined by the Committee on Banking and
Currency to day. Mr. Corbin la expect.
ed to-morrow or the . day after.
ROTICE TO liana&
The Comptroller of Currency bee fa
inted a notice to National Benim requir•
log them to forward to hie ofnce Imme•
dietely a report of their condition, ea
shown by their hooka at the close of
business on the MI lost.
The President .sent to the Senate to
de) the following nominations: Frans
Sbre, Amasser of Internal Revenue,
Sixth District New York, and Joseph R.
Blackburn, Marshal of Middle District
of Tennessee.
The bill to admit Virginia to represen
tation In Congress was laid before the
President this morning. It la expected
that be will tomorrow acquaint' the
House that It ban received his sanction.
—The New York Herald says a gentle
man connected with the Icantl govern
ment of Nova aeons, staying in that
city. has recently had interviews with
the President and Vice President of the
United Staten, and also with Secretary
Fish, upon the state of political feeling
in Novalkotia, and the . desirability, by
a conciliatory policy, of winning over
the Nova Scotism; to more decided de.
monstrations of alliance with the U. S.
government, anti ultimately of becoming
independent .of Dominion influence.
Re urge§ that as New Foundiand is a
farming and flatting country. It would
be good policy on the part of the U. S.
Government to reduce the duties on
breadstuff& Also, that the trade should
be with the United States rather than
with Cabada. Prince Edward's Island
le a largo potato growing country, and
the same liberal policy would also be
beneficial. For Nova Scotia he urges a
reduction of rates on coal; which would
Presiden e n a e n fi d t N i o ce w P Ernegldannd
p ß m h i s th d e
all these suggestions should receive at
—Monday night, alter a session of
nearly twelve hours of confusion and
1 disorder,•the Chattanooga Railroad bill
passed the House of the Longtime Logic.
Imre. The Babette says: It la doubt
ful if a more confused, excited and dis
orderly Legislature has ever been seen
on this continent, or any where else. At
one stage of the proceedings Mr. Lowell
distinctly charged there were members
voting for the bill who had been
paid to vote for it - The charge brought
around him • crowd of excited mem
bers. and to picture the scene of disor
der at the moment would be simply Im
possible. A score of members were ad
drooling the chair, - and Lowell at the
same moment gesticulating le a memo
log manner. Yesterday Mr. Willa asked
leave to record his vote against the Chat-
Unwire Railroad bill, which ho did not
hesitate to pronounce the moat outrage
one and villainous bill ever enacted by a
deliberative assembly.
—Duringsreliglous moms in the Boa.
inn Theatre Sunday evening an alarm of
tire was raised by the friends of a pick.
pocket, who had been detected and ay.
rested, and but for the promptnets of the
police and doorkeepers. In, elating the
000 n, and assuring the congrantion
there was no danger, serious aasater
might nave ensued. Several ladles
fainted, but the panic quickly subsided.
English Miners' Strike for Eight
Hours as a Day's Work—
Workmen's Meet log Amounted
—Reassembling of Parliament
—Elections for the Spanish
Cortez—The Proposed Exclu
sion of the House of Bourbons.
(By Telegyeph to the rittetoxyge Gazette.)
Lorinorr, January 25.-1 n consequence
of the pressure brought to bear by the
Queen, the Duke or Cambridge has
withdrawn hte resignation as coat.
The minute of Cheshire, Tienemahlre
and North Wales have struck for ■ re
duction of a day's work to eight hours.
The new Bishop of Oxford was conse
crated at Westudnlater Abbey hxday.
The Greek Arch Bishop lecurgus wee
Announcements are out for a work
men's meeting to promote a cloeernnion
fa Eoeland and the colonies. Earl Grey
is to prealde. and Metiers. Rankin and
Fri:Like will make speeches. Carlyle,
Mill and Tennyson express aympattiy,
with tbs movement. The stock board
has placed the Dominican loan, negoti•
atoll last year by President Baez, on Me
Parliament will restesemble on the Sib
of February. Hon. Francis Egerton,
member of East Derbyehlre, will move,
and Mr. Charles Wentworth
member for Chelsea,' will second, an ad
dreaa to the Queen.
The report that the Duke of CaMbridge
has resigned his position u Commander
In Chief is positively contradicted.
MADRID, January W.—The proposition
for the exclusion of a house of Bour
~....wat h
bon from the Spent' , throne came be.
fore the Constit t Cortes yesterday
for final action./ General Prim, In the
course of his debate, declared that the
proposition was unjust. He explained
that bin words were not designed par
ticularly to favor the Duke of Montpen.
tiler, but that he would ko with the ciut.
Jofftf. whoever might be chosen. At
length a vote was reached, and the pro.
poaal was rejected. Yeas 38, nave 161.
The report that the Duke of Montpan
aler bad been returned to the Cones
from Oviedo was premature. The elms.
non mere has not ended. The Republi
can candidate running against the Duke
le now ahead, and the defeat of the latter
la considered certain. Elections are still
in progress eleawhere to till vacancies In
the Cortes. In Madrid the Marquis of
Peiallii is a candidate for the seat of Mar
shal Serrano. At the closing of the polls
teat night he had received 19,009 votes
while the Republican candidate, Cols
'saris, bad 15,500, and the Ca.rlist candi
date bad 5,000 votes. The elections here
will continue three days longer.
PARIS. Jan. 25.—At the trial of Prince
Pierre Bonaparte, Deptity Gambetta will
appear for the family of Victor Nair.
8017TH A IIirPTON, JllOlllBl7 25. The
steamship Laipale, from Baltimore; has
Quaaawroww, January2s.—The steam
ahtps Alps and City of Parbi, from New
York, arrived to-day. .
LONDON. January 25. The United
Niobium, steamer Richmond has arrived at
LONDON, January 25.—The steamer
Minucaota, which went ashore near
Liverpool, was gotten off yesterday after
noon. uninjured.
LorlDoN, January —Lbening..—ckin
mix for money, 92%; account, 92%.
American securities quiet; 'CM% 87;
'6se, 88 ti; 'B7a, 80; 10 40e, 84%. Stock.
quiet; Brien, 18; Illinois Central, 103%;
Atlantic Great Western, 25%.
PAWS, Jan. 25.- Bourse Brut at 731 7c.
LONDON, January 25.—Ta110w,48a. Su
gar dull. Limited oil. 2 9 C 12e. Unseal
quiet and steady. Turpentine firm at 29s
9d. Manchester market firmer and
FRANKFORT, January 25.—Bonds firm
at 9t;Ei%92.
Basilian. Jan. 25.—Petroleum quiet.
HAMBURG, Jan. 25 —Petroleum quiet
at 15 mare unmet 12 schillutga.
ANTWERP, Jan. 25.—Petroleum quiet
and unchanged.
HAVRIt. Jan. 25-Cotton active and
firm at 138 f on spot and afloat.
larsurotm, Jan. 25—Cotton buoyant;
mtddling uplands 11;6(3111NA Orleans
Ilygiil2.3o; sales 15 000 Dale. California
white wheat Os 2dig,9o. 3d; yesterday sales
were made of 25,000 quatters; receipts
of wheat for 8 days, 20.000, all American
red western No '2 7a 9d®75 10d; winter
7d@Ss Bd. Western flour 21a 3d. Corn,
.No 2 mixed 27a 6d. Oats 2,6 d. Barley
So. Peas Ms Sd. Pork quiet and steady,
lint 6d. Beef liNs. Lard excited, 735.
Cheese 71s. Bacon 58.1 6d. Turpentine
29a. Linseed oil 31510 d. Linseed cakes
SENATOR MORTON, Of Indians, the
ablest It.pnbllaan in the Senate, in debate
on the Vireinia resolutions, Wednesday.
January 19th, made this declaration,
without dissent from one Republican
.1 think, Mr. President, that the expe
rience of the last eighteen months has
brought the Congress of the United States
now to the point that we should declare
tnat we accept of the legal consequences
of the doctrine of reconstruction. I know
the common idea was, without consider
ation, a year and a half pgcp, that when
these States were once admitted, or, it
you please,restored to representation,
they passe d entirely from under the juris
diction of Congress and we were done
with them. Sir, that wee illogical, and
experience has now shownlthat we can
not stand upon that doctrine. We mutt
follow the .doctrine of reconstruction to its
con leguences, and, if necessary, we must
deal with these States after thsy have deem
readmitted." .
Tint Steubenville Herald says: This
morning our bulletin board and big flag
announced the ratification of the XVsh
Amendment by the Ohio Legislature.
The announcement was espied by an
Irishman and "niger" at the same time.
The Irishman, not able to read, and yet
curious to know what was going on, was
obliged to ail: the "nigger" so read the
news to Am, when the Hibernian exclaim
ed, 'dam the nager." Education the
basis of suffrage. How's that for bight
Tux Cumberland doilain says: The
ansount'of coal shipped into this country,
on both coatis, has never exceeded 400.000
tone, while we shipped from the Cumber
land re g ion alone last year almost two
millions tons. How the limited trans.
postilion of foreign coal as shown by these
facts, Could give any substantial benefit
to the consumers , in the United States is
not easy to see.
Tax London Directory for 1870 com•
prises 8.864 pages, exclusive of 800 pages
of advertisements. and is moat complete
in Ita details. It is divided Into thirteen
departments, each of which is a directory
itself. Fifty.three new trades have been
added to the "trades department," this
year, a fact which would seem to imply
that the division of labor is fast being
brought down to itafinest point. Ninety.
six new names of stresta have been in
troduced. It may be of interest to know
that In the commercial drpartment alone
there are 800 Browns or Bmwnes, rather
more than that number of Jimmies, 400
Robinson; and es many Robertses, 500
Thomson@ (with and without a p), 400
Woods, 400 Whites, and 850 Green;
Bmitb, Smyth, and Smythe reach the
number of 1.600 in the commercial de.
partment and 600 in the court directory:
—Citizens of Selma, Ala., Irreepec.
Ova of party, last evening adopted rev*.
lotions denouncing the endorsement of
• loan of bonds to any railroad for more
than .10.000 per mile, as dangerous to
the credit of the State and bad - faith to
those who had already invested In such
bonds: also condemning all special aid
Many railroad more than another as a
violation of sound policy. The occasion
of this action was the passage - of
thb,Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad
bill by the State 80114:4).
. _
—The weather has been Ito warm at
Richmond, Va.; for a few - weeks past,
that the trees are leafing.
—The London JIM-Meg Rid on Mon.
day published a letter from New Yolk,
tilled with Abele on American society
and women.
—The mall oar on New Jerse Cert.
tral Railroad took Are the
at Commun y
on Monday morning, and was entirely
consumed. The mails were saved with
much difficulty.
—Gen. John A. Dia. M. Et. Grinnel,
August Belmont, and a number of other
prominent citizens, have determined to
celebrate the return of Prince Arthur to
New York by giving a Malin his tutor.
—The resolution In relation to rs.
Lincoln, introduced into the MEL Senate
and referred to the Finance Oommittee on
hiondayarrants her a pension, of 1.2,000
per annum from. the death of Mr. Lin
--The Congressional Oommlttee of
Witya and Means have raised the duty
immann &cm red steel 334' percent. There
is • disposition to 'make a general In
crease of duty on manufactured Iron and
—Revenue Supervisor Fulton Is se
verely handled by the newspapers of San
Francisco, In consequence of his stren
uous efforts to prevent an investigation
of the recent heavy whisky seizure In
that city.
—So far only slight rains have fallen
In Southern California and fears of
drought were expretse : Some settlers
are looking for pastor further north,
and others nil nk Ingof k ng their cattle
for hides and tallow.
—The lose by fire of . teamboata con
nected with St. Louis, d nit MO is es'
limited at 1950,000; by sinking, 180.000;
by other
barges, 1100 , accidents,;
tb 1150,000; by accidents
to 000tal $1,280.0X/. The
The losses include damage to cargo.
—Fifteen cause of small pox were re
ported to the New York Board of Health
on Monday, in addition to the three oth.
era reported on Sunday. These cases'
make a total of about two hundred which
are known to have occurred in the city.
—Rev. Dr. G. W. lleacock, a leading
Presbyterian clergyman ot Buffalo, iv
lecturing Monday night on oßomanbun
and the Public. Schools; their grievance,"
advocated the disuse of the Bible in pub
lic echoola. The lecture created much
oomment. '
—Charles Eaton ban note verdict of ten
thousand dollars against the Delaware
and Lackawanna Railroad Company in
the Supreme Court of New York. He
was a dead head on the train, but was
Injcired by alleged careleasnem of the
—Titter Phillips, who was to have been
hanged at Rohl:amid yesterday tor the
murder of his wife, was respleed until
the 25th, thli being the ninth respite in
his case, having been taken out of the
hands of the Mate authorities by-the
Reconstruction Laws.
—The /Litany .drgus Mix a rumor that
the two canal appransent just removed
from office. had decided. without argu
ment, the Blacleriver claims, amounting
to t'iree.foculta eta million of dollars.
It is fund that canal appraiser Brooks,
knew nothing of their action.
- '''' •
anniversary of Hobert Barns
was celebrated at New York teat night
by .a dinner at Delmonim's, and also by
another at the Amor Home. John O.
Saxe delivered s very witty speech, inn
Wm. Roes Wallace recited a poem en
titled 'limns' Island Vision."
—Citizens of New Orleans held a
meeting last evening for the purpose of
concerting measures to check the ruin
and abuse of the credit of that:hats by
the p usage 'through the Legislature of
uncoustitutional measures and in the ex
travagant use of the money and credit of
—The prizefight between Seddon and
Lafferty tockaukee/peassrday afternoon,
on Carrot's Wand, a short distance Ns.
low St. Loots quarantine.- Seddon. won
the fight in nineteen rounds. Lafferty
was much cut up. Seddons announced
that he wool tight any man in the west.
at one hundred and twenty pounds. for
81,000. After the "mill" between him
and LaffeftY. Carey end Gallagher en
tered ths ring and fought eighteen
rounds, when Carey threw up the sponge.
Tom Allen and Pautey Curtin seconded
Seddon, and Jack.• Losney and Tom
Kelley acted for Lafferty. Only about
two hundred persons were present.
—Prince Arthur and suite and Mini o i.
ter Thornton visited the President n
Monday, at the Executive Mansion. The
presentation took place in the Blue
Room. There were no speeches, but
merely pleasant conversation, the Prince
announcing himself thus far pleased with
his visit, and the President expressing
the hope that it would continue to be
thee. The party were invited Into
the Red
Room, where the Prince and
party were presented to Mrs. Grant and
Mr. Dent, the lady's father. The Presi
dent and the PrinCe occupied moat of the
time in conversation. The visit was of
only twenty minutes duration. The
party subsequently visited the diplomat.
SI galleries of boib Scows of Commas,
The Ranier Annual Ire•llng of the Steckhold
era of the Al!comer TOOT Railroad Company
will be held at the OFFICE OF THE' COY
PANT, No. AS Site street. Pittsburgh, on
WEDNESDAY rehouses 113 d, 11110, et 11
o'o'ocky, , or OW pa rpon of electleg•Hoard
of )(s.a.e . s for the tolling tear, Sad for the
tnotssetlue of Ouch other haziness As may be
pre toted. •
Artsloo JOHN BALLANTINZ, Secretary.
Oustabtlag . 1, 0.6150 aorta. about ROO am.
cleared; the balance good, heavy Elates. tie
Improvements, two orcharde, £o. The property
It located in Booth Payette Township, at Oak
dale Station, Panhandle Railroad. Tarsus Hey.
Entiotra or •
Hoar County Hon% or
Of All Kinds
Very 4:Mtea,p,
mamas, OVAL sozia, 13 8 6 IRONS, &a.
11NI Grain street,.
Of all ins different Yaffafieteres4ll Geld
ens Sneer =us. For side by
J. a. *seri& co.
No. 5$ 7IPTH 131111171.
. NIITL-42 sacks, now
i t s 4 .04 • for. nettle? Moot, Its
le Os lan sad obessast oosussecdal sad SmaDl
assltspar published Is Waiters ruaurylvards.
No Ans.. iseduals or sulfsisit Italad t
Eases SI
Clop of et SS
Chas of tea 1 IS
• oopy Is farnlebed grataltously to the getter
UP or a eel or ten. Poe - Masten are requestag
to set as steals.
Sadism •
IarROTIC72O—...7b-Let,"!..Ebr awe,.
...L ost " .6 W 0,4,111 “BoaNNVI
4e., not ezeerdingi POUR LIRAS, wQJ
be innerted fn Mesa cohursila CM:4 ft , "
lima! line FIVE CENTg.
47 tV'd b re 'IT ire; In t lr n arrt"
44.30 per week. aT H6 c r .
1 311,
• -
Pr o palT u rln ki lt . o.
ISZ" Of amploptent. Persona vraatlsar bale
of an tied. eon no numlled as Mort WWI.
mit RAIL to Sell
I r 3 MAeLIINZ, the Mastics' • rarsltq
EnMani Macelns Geer Instated. mrSes MN.
.Wal kelt RIAOOO stitches per MACH INE . Ad
Boma. Km.. or Elt. Cools. Mo.
UrAIITED.--Sealed" Proloosala
v .111 esnerd for oter•Vree for tog
thou and flit IWO) gligT CURB EITU/fX.
to be dellyrred io Pittsburgh or Lawrelnutvills•
Molt be of grtepdrt or Boren ologe.•
Clinit be denrelli rarnlng o per
eetitago for fultillnien t t i o&colla i l l . l lBidr i r. •
ItfL.7:' Beal Halals Agents. Lawteriosullle.
e 30.000 to Loam In arra or man manna.
a far Mr of Intarat.
8111, Band and Real EMMA, Brofier,
No. 159 Smithfield event.
rEov Team' .to cell N e 217.41Miti
()RINE. PM. only $lll. tireat Inducement. to
mtienta. f This Is We mat rata.. Itattir Ma
et.4Zl3.?ltott',72:ll7doltli aft li Th ro!. " l"lmi ik'
be done on any mankln- - 10lit099 . cold Ana the
demand constantly Intreent:g. Now ti th e W.
to take an Agency. ben I' b gamine", MD*.
wan of Inftingv_tmlikill_Addreve OSCUMB a
Bo.aag. YNA.. Plitabargb, PL. or
T" LET.-No. Wood street,
A. now • counted b James Cothran f. Co. Mn . po re at 4 7_Wowll at nett
log n No. 611 Wood ..reet. /WNW. of NO-
Peo wee,
0 LET.—Desk Room le 0.
rici handsomely dt,ed op oaks, In a irmtrallo.
est on for bmlness. apply au No. 10 lourth
avenue, second door.
ep to IF El on:: No.
striteL, ~e loe r ken the poor. ,rilhlrn9A.lllr.ra
SI and ik
T O-LET—Wsirehouse No.: ass
Apritiriart' j ' ""rY
• auerare at rear ea:Wean tea
Dreinlvel. •
ytirztuz24l.4 Front
l , APP/ 7 c Nohy cm..
rra-LET.--.4, desirable .11t . .re
R. 01( on St alr. Aar..., Ails, uoveml
0 rIPOZS on fil. so doecoad door, and a 1100 Y
60 by AO on .t.birgi fboyr. Enqnlon of D. S.
WALK o bt. Ma. °Moo. N. It SUM sUebt. •
%91.... L .7 .— T i v ie La n ge rto
us ezl=t ni :gtisbrr i :b. Av ent trittlirir
. 7 0 4 51 .1 story k .
I, T „
LLUm. on No, 54 co l m trio
0 LET.—Five• rooms—et. ..
T h ae ( rd .i large—or the Ot •
lstreets.•llse isrq thrslllsts
:f.trzoittlt4itt.trAtttandsevettroosos..Z quire
T0 -LET.— 1100a18. --:Several
doe. la.we and ll forulabed'avoina In a
o esaaat •
location. quint 'end near lo looduanw,
5.,ta be hod by rantletaan 51 sleeping room..
NINTh /319111TE;:litadrar'.. Enquire
ritO LEU',—A Suit of Rooms
comer'. log Two Lame, ' la m e,
/lighed f *en
um on Mott Soar. Ono large, well 1001144
front Boom on 3ru floor. • One large Hell with
two • 1 110 . I.010.• OM 4th &nor. One Store Boos.
drat Mow. Nu. 02. • to 2oelrh'e tow bolleln
wo .
&rth arenas. For le.we 1090 1 1 Or U .
SNOLInfI & (XL, No. 92 Fourth avenue.
TO LET.-A ground 193
A feet by litttl f .et te,lh • Witt, su costs Inuit
brbtk building SO fret by 140 lett. 44.1 •• or
ate bulldln centarninctsro oms, se.
curled b• .I•uses itililegar as • p.aslng mill lito
via d, Carsonago • lust attests rout!, gifts
burg., sullable Sur toarloranteentr PurprertS.M.
distillery. Appay to
Carson and Tenth meets. blismingusa.
rllO LET._ •
faoolze of somas AND oho!!,
00 rmh avenue.
Ebee Tß a Y ' n ß erne,
UAz ..
Allegbeny. loquOe of H. IIeg.LHENY at ogle.
Proosylvaula /Immo. Coapany. /GU Moat
street. tr
Wind* the elty be sold thestiond
on easy terms. Inquire of Wit. BLAKELY.
Ate rear-at-Lsor. 91 Greet sine. Jel7rtr
- pion SALE.-Stock and nit
last-Nu. Gram. dole*. • good bang.. • Thg
us4s , botog sugmed In other banning
lb. rean for selling. 451. W. 4.usimr, 49 9c4-
era area. Allgeten.
F°s ssLr.
PRINTING 0/71011..
Me OW= Powers awl a large quantity or
type. More work than thest7Arin....g.iT.
tr nth usklVß trelL
F ( O l t 1 184 4 1131 1 . tttleendid Farm
Yloway ntetlos, Pardnuodelagdala'ae..
de:Uhl - wile a als. feet of eopetior coal, and fur
apt at a tarrrlo. yartloelara of_4`ittorr •
PHILLIN,HeaI Zalate Ho. ?worth
Ike Picker. sad fine Lamp
Imp4re at No. , SIIIDLIAOSD. Alltegbelo City,
Fos. BALE.-Enline• aid Boll
kw, Raw anti Ilccond Rand; •or all Matta
constantly on hand. .
Ormain from all puts of tie cone winaply
donler ifirloat Menne and P.. I. W.,
Allegheny. Pa.
s Dwelling
tea/ Ea 41.
• 1 1 14•eaall
ir lvr.•
1 Unities=
The aleerolined of ra torus'
ranard . 1711railielara;.4 Ziatettl
tzar or IP
of the moat arvirable nod b. .as
Um city. Telma ateonuanal ;tine.
Id 3 No. 177 Lmv,..igt•
FO gum.
;7. , !' 1,7, mit I,4'athfor Lt .t.
1 sere groaad In Italleroa Bora.; noose asd
acres tit Itlizabatti Bon; boas, nod lot la
water, B
mono IT Berra at We a r, " ZZ .
Holm no/ A Lota on Lawsuit arson, Id ward:
X lots on Wren:mat strewt, And ward: 10 amain
Rau township; House and &X mum saran
WI tram }louse and Loat'; White Oat &treats as
ward; bona arid lot Perrwarllle Pla .1 Boa ,
wail; hostas and lot on Qaarrr Wet, 24 ward:
B m ri h t n s
3la n 97 n h bon eo .MW ro r + a s . hoops
.44# kdadral wart.l IMPS and '
Oil Mock. tor sale. 1%!! Bulbar :partleillara
• "It'r. a. WI7I27IIORSIN
Zatats Ascii. mini: Ohio road 111.0.117
Meant. anallaa.7.
.. . ,
ElitiONll.--All persona seek.
11.511110/1 1 / 1 1, or laser manta II Real Za-
Ee l . sal says 111 , ,1 , 1. ss.d i otiniat
=ASA riarrial.. • w • 7 MIAMI
or srlll to ee•t nun to sanssras_ 16
Persons emsnot to.l to Les suited_ost o WI.
elsotsbas. 07WYT PHIL Pe, Wt.
llalten, slut Bog iststa, stS, NO. 1097 our&
Ural ars/lobe laud I . ea, or the bandoos,
•la lava year I. I . a or tan Waco o
Ziontioratarn Bab rar o.e. at Um oast
tz:lval . a z zlar t Eltsa. Will be sold
!COs • . !CO s Valuta imam.
AlamB b46E.—Too cl do.lllog bows
&son or ball. Tour room., rand and•eo9aroo4 toll
oT g•no .00, to good tocoMort. Ottwoda Wil4,
tllOO and PIM sytess. booty to
, • ts„ If • xbir SON& •
0•11 ' •
89 blxtb mosso. .
T 0117.--NtomnsT, 17th
TAT% •I',VVl4.l4riut
It tee:1 . 1110e beid to U. a".... 0
lag It at the 01 . 8116 mime, t-111
. .
4gar 11.akd Davikrsid •
mad Dried beef tt 4 l
oranatiest race ad as 4 *Or sale ty
lad Carer itiettfl:ww7.: