FINANCIAL. • AMERICAN BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH /WENDT, . . . - Prril031:02011. taxa carves'. . . . . - 11200.008 Eltickbelders Ipilvidailly Liable. • simem of DIFICOIIIIIT AND rtzrosn. JOHN FLOYD WM. rboyn. Prechlreit. • Gabler. . utuct - roltil. Thou. K. Maryhall, Jobs K. Murtlend. W. T. rilusuou. • Afullltml4 Wallace. 41.113 e. W. A rnm, Jas. D. Kenn ( A. , . B. Lath, ' Vim. Fluid* 1 ;i:Itat; nu.. fully or[uutyed sad MP Uta - to do • [eland BlLlaiglibutnem • fel otiii GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, sought at Highest Prices. PIL R. MERTZ, Banker, Car. Wood St. and sth Avenue Uri LIES T. Liu & Co., tellaCiaars to H. JOl4lll i Co Onset Foarthlvenne and Wad St, 33 . 1K3aEtS, B.y and gel] an iumt. GOVERNKENT SECIALITIES, SOLD, SILVER AND COMO" ON YOST IAVONABLZ TIMM. Whined Allowed ea Depodts. 1111r1towe y lowered on Uovernment Bonds' at Minot auto% Tates. Orders executed for the Purchase and hale or "MOCKS, BONDS and 11OLDc SKIERS T. BRADT d CO, tbs Vittsbut tiapits. FINANCE MD TRADE. Orr= or P1TZ53171011 Mormar, /an. lelo. There was a general disappointment among the bulls In Wall street and the apecsidative public In general. The very 41/orable bank statement of Saturday Induced every body to beittiVe Matto day there would be a Mineral rise In all the Markets. Reid advanced, some of the fan -4Y stoeka advanced likewise, and bonds Wore firm without any material rim; but the upward movement was rather feeble and the eta* market yielded immedi ately after the first call, and gradually declined about one to one and onequar ter per cent. especially In Northwest, common and preferred, New York Cen tral,.Reading and letkeaborm The be . once of the list were less affected. .. Gold opened at .1..114e, advanced to . 121% and closed at 1203 rather weak and dull. - It appears as if our remarks about gold, in regard to its future course, walla prove correct, despite the mo tnentat7 strength it shows at present. Bonds were less fluctuating today and malntaised fully tho clueing quota tions-of Saturday. gnomon, •an received try Ph. R. Hertz Gold, 120;‘; Silver. 117; Eighty. One's, 118, Five TwoviLies, 18 . tM, 116%; do 186 i, 11534; do 1866, 115%; do 1866, 11.4%; Consols, Tan 114., Forties. do 180 112%; A d ams ls do Ex. 1868, press Company 64; Merchanta Union Expo= Company. —; American Ex. Cr:Company, 38%; Weatern Union graph. 83g; New York Central, f'''Ail" Reading, RN; Pittaburgh, Fort Wayne■ it Chic go. 67%; Ohio it Mis. 28; Michigan Southern, 543; Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 90M Chicago. Book Inland it Pacific, 1.1.134; Chicago & North Western 7254; Chica g o h North Waders' Preferr ed 637;; Erie 2334. ri.lcs,rfre. imam rano, perArano. 9O 24 l6 =Mrt. aier.2534 90. 92 forth. . 62 64 --Curing qinantlons received by Janis T. Wady A Co. Gold: 121; Vatted States 11.1xes, 1881, 1181 Plve•Twentler, 188 , 115%': do. 1884, 115%; do. MS, 115%; Tan•Fort.ea, 112%; Ylve-TwenUee, Janu ary and July, 1985, 114%; do. do. 1887, 1143 f; do. de. 1888. 114%; Union Peal& Rallroad. 88; Central. do, .do, 911;• Cy. Waldo, ill; Lake Superior 98. ley Telegrasbb to tn. Pttlaberet Cluttte NZ - w . IEOIM, January 244870. Money active at 4@7 per ceut. on call loan. Sterling steady 8%(9. Gold watt, opening at 121. advancing to 121% and dieing at 1=%®12:1%. Clearances 1128.01X1,000. Govern:unit bonds at fralalonal de cline. Coupon!' of 'Bl 17%®18; do. 62, 25 340 15 %; do. 15%®1614; do. '66, 155(4415%; do. new. 14%@ 1 4%; do. '67 14%01434; do. '6B, 14%01434;. 1040 s, 1230:12%. Pactlice. l lCll ll %. State secunties dull and heavy; hlia. tomb, 879; old Tennessees, 5534; now, 4774; old 'Virginias. 55; new do, .8334; old • North Carolinas, 40; new, 26; Louisiana Levee Gs. 63. - A bill .has been introduced Into the Soothe-Wolin& Legislature for the silo of public lands and the devotion of the pro deeds to the purpose of the sinking fund for liquidating the State debt. Stocks lower, closing heavy.. • Ave Thirty Iticca--4.lanton ' 65; Crud beriand, 35; Western Union Telegraph, gil%; Quicksilver, 14%; Mariposa, A do preferred. 17; Pacific Mall, 4t; Hartford a Erie, 8%; Adams Express, 6331; Walla d Fargo. 20; American, 3834; United States 5634;, New York Central, 9434; do seri, p, 8034; fisrlom, 189%; do prefer red, 1411; Erie, 1:334; do preferred, 40; Reeding, 94%; Lake Shore.' 83%1 Michi gan thintrel, 117%; Pittsburgh, 9134; .North Western, 72%; do preferred.'B9%; C. C. a C., 7434; Sock bland, 107; St. Paul, 73%; •do preferred W 86_%; Wabash, . 8,5%; do preferred, 71; Pah ayne, 87%; Terre Haute, 2234; do preferred, LA Chicago and Afton, 140; Ohio and MU ithialppl; 23K. ' - • Boson prices: Calumet, fitk Copper Palls, 634; Friuli:lln, 10; Heels, - 70; Quin -8- • Bub.Treseury balance: Gold, 174,915,: •!k currency, 13,627,713; general balance, 179,719,438. esritoLr.un MARKET. Omar or Prrrestrsou Gamerri, Mom:lir-Jan. 24, IRO. The oil busman wee very dull sod .weak to day, and compared with Satur day Pricey ant lower. The feeling tree not as strong as it was last week, and, as has berm the case since the opening of this'year, there Is not much life or ani mation in the trade, and operators . gee. Orally awfsalit inclined to- hold off and, she ptillaY of ••keeping clime to shore" is pining ground. and from oresent indica. SUM will be very generally adopted. asumt. Buts single ads reported, 1,000 bbl. spot at 12%. Oa Friday and Saturday 13 was bid with but few If soy sellers tee. low 13%1 yeller till July Is reported as offering freely at 13 with no buyers, so d buyer option, same time, 15.• Market vary quiet—no salts reported, and as In the case or crude, Prom are 'Mellott downward. January quoted at Marokto Juno, odsrtog at 3130 and It bid for FebrUsey to August. SOOZIPTO OF CRUD • OIL SY A. T. IL I. J. Wilkins 80 WM, on account 'Pox & P l l l Bll , Peerleas Oil Works SO. on ao want B 8 Minoan; Tarentam 'Oll Works 240. on amount Butehloson; A B 131, on account W Bartle. 480 bbl. straltailve Ot OIL BY A. V. R. IL Lyons A Co.. 200 bbl. relined to Poole nay & Koala, lialilmovs. OIL ;HIPPED LAYS DOPO/YINII 0811)T. Plemtbg A Co. 513 bble reflood oil to Warden. Frew A co.. Philadelphia. • Dry Coeds Mortal. • New Yeas: January N.—Business Continues without . activity, but prior notwittatantUng are firm and bold. era look for renewed activity after the Brat proximo. Grain taws are in im• =lrtreat, howe v e r, and held with oirm..4o.f.. g ei el t , Arkwriaht and And AMOS.-b mem 412tie or Great ram sad ,Lewistou 450 for Stark A, 8730 for premium A. and 51%0 for Uulon. Tad Bedford R brown nottorm Ire rather Armor and - command 9Me: Atlantic A abtrtinge • 61113f0, and heavy . shadings of best brands 18a016,tio. • . • 0 - 9 0 PITTISBURGH PIAXICETIS 0171Ull or PITISKTROH GATRTTE, Mormayr. Jan. 24. ISt). The wet and very Inclement weather had a tendency to retard out door bast• ness to-day, which at heat, la very slow and nothing to timid of. The detraind for all of the leading artibleit Continues light being restricted mainly to supply. lag the immediate Wants of the, local trade, while in regard to values, there aro no changes detierving of special notice. • Oar dispatches from ehWager and New York continue to report wheat and dour active and advancing, confirming the partition wetook on this point in our last report. That Speenletors have entered the market and are ibuying la evident, rut nothing else could'Citise the sharp upward moVintient that has already ta ken place, and that wheat at present prices is a good and Safe inieendient, la generally coneeded. Them Is a vary handsome margin already to those who bought it week or ten days ago, about ten center per bushel, and while we are not disposed to eaeourage speculation, it may be that those who buy now may re alize as big a margin within thb heAt two weeks. It is not to be expected, of entree, that prima will get back to where they ware alear ago, this is out of the question; but that wheat has been and is still very cheap, is a fact that cannot birdisputed. Then again the weather has been and contannes Very =devote. ble for the growing eibp, and tills, of course, la not without, Its etect at this particular time; It the prospects for the next amp shonld oontintin discouraging, farrnersaa a general thin: Out hold on to what they hate; while, if on the other nand, the indications, should turn out favorable, they will feel like closing out their surplus. In any plow of the cam, however, wheat ischeap, cheaper, to fact that almost anything orab that Can be named. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 760 86. APPLES—In fair deinand and steady but unchanged, eat= at 0,60153,60 per bbl, at to finality; BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DOB; 8 3404. BUTTER-1s dull with A *Opply in ex ams of the demand, but prime are On cblogtxl-28®30, tor good to prime roll. BEANS—The demand is light and market doll; we continue to quote at 1<2,25@2,75 par bushel. BROOM 0011 N—Sates at 13;4)14 eta. ORANBERRMS—BaII: 112®,5. ClDER—Oontlnueadull and nominally turhanged, ri 15,00@8,00 per bbl, as to quality. CREESR.--te hinter, bat not quota. bly higher. Western Reeerye, 17(91734; Factory, 1E0)lb%; New York Dairy, V3X ®l9; Ckanen, 20. VeRBON OI b—ls quoted at 33f4.2yri eta., for round lota, and 1hg.20 cut. In a reiall stay. DRM3ED HOGS.—In bettor supply and dull at It®ll% eta, DRIED FRElT—Rulet and. un clatotteth APidea at nePo. Peaches at e;7 for quarters, and le@ttc for halves. Blackberries 14 cts., and pitted cher ries 80 eta. EGOS—DuII and we stow ante fru% packed at ;0142111 ela ElfATHEßn—in : better demand and higher, and we now quote at 86@90 to the trade and the usual advance ;An mall lota In more. FLOUR—The market la finnan Mid the demand is a elude better, though prima are unchanged. We continue to quote at ;5,00(0,50 for coring, and gi,75 @6,00 for wintor wheat. Rye flour 0,00 (t 5,25.. DRAW—Wheat IR scarce and the de mand rather. better, though prices aro unchanged, g1,16Q1,18 for good to prime red. Oats dull and. Unchanged; 47@48 ou wharf and track and 411(gi60 In store. Corn is still quoted at 80 fur ear and 65 for aliened. Rye la dull and nominal at 90c595. Barley fa nominal at IL far spring and $l,lO for fail—but little offer ing and net much inquiry for it. quoted RUSKS—hake at it 0131318 per pound. HOMINY—BaIes at f 6,0044: ~ 50 per bbl. LIME--Bales of Cleyoland white lime at fit 02.25 for bbL ONIONS—SaIes at 92A0K43,(10 per hbi, tho.outtdde figure fbr Choice. - - LARD OlL—Sales of No. 1 extra at 91,43@1,46, and No. 2 at 95. PEANUTS—Quoted at 94310 eta. PEAS—DuII; 92,50 oer bushel. • PROVISIONS—PIain Shoulders, 14; Sugar Cured, 15; Ribbed Sides, 1.6@1614; Clear dq 17(3117 5 4; Breakfast Baron. 1934; Sugar. Cured Ram; 1934@20. Lard, 17 in stoical% and 181 n kgs. Dried Beef.2o. POTATOES—DuII, notwithstanding the arrivals are very light; quoted at 60 by the car load and 55 in store. • POULTRY Market almost bare. Dressed chickens, 1543114, and dressed turkeys, 18(320 .SEEDS—Clover seed is in demand with small antes at 18.25668,50. Timothy 1t1c10 019411 at $l. and flaxseed 'at 42,10qi 2.25. SALT—Ia quoted al 1,75 by the ear oad. RTRAW—fialom at 114015 per ton. WEICISKY-13Ighwines firmer at ;98@ 91; rootinad, 11,90; proof notified, 11,1 u. Old wtdakloa scarce and firmer. • ALLEGHENY CATTLE MAGNET • , °incr. 07 Plat BINTSGEI (Learns MONs...ILY, Jan. 24, 11370. $ MEM The number of cattle mettle, although by no means large. was somewhat larger than last week, averaging about 800, and as will be seen below, the great pro- portion were from the west: 8. Kaufman, Chicago " 1 car L & J. Blomberg, Chicago 1 car Greenwald & Shamberg, Chicago.. 4 cars 8. Marks Bro., Chicago - 4 care Haas & Kraus, Chicago 2 cars Katz & Keefer. Chicago 3 cars Kothokilds & Zeigler, Chicago I car Greenwald & Kahn, Chicago. 2 cars Hallman & Lowenstirto, Chicago.. 1 car M Verner,Chicago 2 care Haziewoo &B. Chicago ..... _ car Traurman & Lohman, Ch icago..... 1 car HIMI dr. Zeigler, Chicago . 2 cars F. Brown, Cincinnati 1 car A. Vannatta, Mansfield 1 car Alsdorf Jr. Bmoots, 'Mansfield 1 car Gaines & White. Loudonville 2 can J. & 8. Needy. Newark-. tear J. B. Graves. Newark ..... -......-.... 1 ear S. Murphy, DAUM . ..... 1 car Prepaid 3 cars Total ..... The market is devoid of anything really new or Important. The demand seemed to - be fully up to the supply, and while prime fat cattle .sold readily at fun prices, In some instances at an ad- vance, the common grades . were a little dullish, though by 11 A. at. the rent were alt pretty well cleared. There were fewer commission cattle than usual, most of the offerings being owned and In the hands of regular dealers, and the market in nearly always firmer when this is the case, as operatera when'they have in open tteld very frequently play Into the hands of .each other. There were several car loads bold to go east which of omirte redact d the number for. the butchers, and then again there was a number of stock cattle wholesaled. In regard to quality, the average was perhaps a little better than last week, though not any better than usual, and as already Intimated, the demand was manned chiefly to the better grades. As will be seen by reference to the re port of sales, prime cattle' sold at 714 . ® 7% some few extra, told at 8 and !IX, but 73{ may be regarded as - the ruling price for prime fat steers, Stook steers may De quoted at 54534, as to quality. , Henderson -A Elliott wholesaled 11 fairish Ohio steer; averaging 1,800 to Haas d Kraus, at 6,92. Stouffer d Sholtmantle 12 head MOM and bolls, from Enter .cennty..ra., at 3 1G O. Bantle/told 6 heed Butler county stock at an average of 4%. . Btakely Bro sold 15 head of cows, steers and heifers at 4E06. .- Railcar. t Lowenatine sold •16 head good to extra sterna at 0%03. Iledgee &Taylor bold In bead Indiana stock at 53036%. " ' ' Rothchild' di Zolglei 4010 40 head "teen, front Chicago, at NV.714, altat, 41 head on commission for Gainoa & White. from Ohio, at 4%®6%. Jacob Needy "old 35 bead Ohio Mere at 54 aLti. M. ifernar sold 116 head dhleago steers at RM. 2Vaurman dk Lohman sold 80 bead of fat came, from Chicago, at ea.% 40 stock steers at 63(. Haas a Kraus mold 60 head from DU nobs and Ohio at 5,8712)7,45. Our 4 McAllister sold 18 head of Ohlo stock, for Vannatts, at 647,4 - B. Markle Bro. mold 15 bead of extra ',tears, averaging nearly 1,400 lbs, on irri tate terms; 84 head Chicago Mears at 6% 4g13%; 14 stockers steers averaging about 800104 at 6 , 4 0 Et head common Ohio steers, at 63044 - Greenwald et Kahn retailed 70 Chicago steers at b%@s; shipped 6 loads to East Liberty, Hitalewood 4 Blackstock 67 hand from Chicago; laid 32 at 7%, 37 at fagaN. Holmes; Lararty &Co. Sold afttlead. There wee a fair jibinip on /ale to-day, about 1.300 head, but with a :good retail demand and some Inquiry. for shipment.. the market vat arm and prices telly sustained. The sudden sp. pearsnoe of an eastern buyer who seemed for a time disposed' to' take all the good sheep on aals, created a little consternation among some of the hutch. - ere, and caused them to -bny quicker ME than they would otherwlee have done, and that they paid bigger prices than they would have done had it been for this eastern, man, there is not much doubt. All grades, both acalarraga and prime fat sheep, 1014 readily, and that, too, at full prlesa, 51.2542,00 per bead for the former, and LIM% eta, per polltid foe the latter. Pollowing is the report of eaten: . Stouffer .t Slreltemant le cold 140 head from Butler county at. 1 1,80 per head to 5,1; etis per tamed. - Adam Eckert bought 72 head averag ing about 76 lUs, for 1.. llotruiau, at $2,76 per head, C. retailed 1.14 scalawags at $1,25®1,75. M. Flintier wholecaled 90 averaging 92 Iba at 5 etet retailed 111 at an average of nig per bead. litanelyißro: sold 31 head to Moss; aver agog 8 0 Ihe, at 63.00 nor heed. Jacob Thou sold 131 head for Dies, at an average of 62,135 per head: Johnathan Davis sold 60 scalawag to Patridge at 111,25 per head. - Jdtin P. Neely Wholesaled 230 scale. wage of 111,25 per head. Jas. Kerr sold 80 head - of extra to Joe. Harrison. aver aging about 105 lbs at G.%; also 100 head at an average of 14,85. QM . , theft, *as a fair mina demand tmdayi. If anything a little bettor than last work, though prices, have undergone but little change. The fact that butchers are now enabled to buy at a decline 0f,11.504 . 400 per OWL, has a tendency to increase the demand. We now quote at 9 .!4(itakti eta. grows, for NV to prune n%wragee. 111AltiirirS BY TELEGRAPH; Toni,NEW: January 2t.—Cotton firmer cod more Active; sales 45,000 halos at 234 for middling uplands. Flour: re. celpta 7,430 bble; market 50t0e hotter on low grades; 'sales 6,100 bble at 14,13035 for eupertine Bieth and Western: 1 5 ,256i - li fur extra State; 5506,15 Ihr extra western; 55,80036,40 for white wheat extra; 6875 46,24 or rOlind hoop Ohio; /5,5050,25 (or extra St. Mule; 66,2548 fur good to choice do. Rye Flour qUlet; hales 250 bbl. at 69,50035,20. Cornmeal quiet. Whisky heavy; sales 550 bble western at 11E91,01 for free. Wheat: receipts 14,440 busht opened Brands firmer,closed quiet withent decided changer 46,000 hitch at 51.:31q1,22 lot No. spring: 51,221311,25 for Nu. I do, and 11,30031,33 for winter rod and amber weetarn. Rye quiet and heaityl 520 bush Skate at Si. Barley dull: 1,5111 biked Canada St ant at 51,10. Barley Malt quiet. Corn : recelple 2,607 sales 24,000 bush at 910960 for now mix. tut western; $1,02031.03 for new yellow southern: old mixed western notnlnet at 91,0610 "tore. Pate dull: receipts 0,031, setae 17,000 hush at 5/148153 for weaterm Stock of grain In warehouse -wheat 5,122,158. corn 500,717, oats 1.23305, rye 63,260 barley 332,906, utak 07,443, pea. 12,17 . 4 bush. Rice dull at tigac for Caro lina. Coffee 400 eke Rio or; private terms. Sugar quiet: 100 hhdsCuba et 10e. Molasses dull. Petroleum quiet, 17c for crude and 311(o for relined. Hope quiet suet firm. Linseed oil dull, 110(elbk. Pork steady; sales of 02.5 obis at 580 28,50 for new moss, 11'50323,50 for prime and 624 93 03"5 for prime mews also 2,750 for new tunes, :seller January, February and March, at 11.1,50fda7.7.5.. Peer steady; Bales of 2ell tibia at aloud for new plain nicks, 5140317,50 for new extra mesa. Tierce beet quiet and steady; rale, or 140 domes at 526029 for prime mere; 520.31 for India meas. Beef hams steady; owes of 175 Ulla at $28(02 (or new. Cut tneate quiet; sales of 1•.0 pkgs at 1135®120 for 'shoulder's, 14@1514c for hams. kliddlta firm; salea tir 230 boles at 143ic for Cum beriand cut, and 15c for abort ribbed; also 600 boxes, deliverable in Chicago, at 13,,,:c (or Cumberland cut, and 14016i:for abort ribbed. Dressed hogs 'firmor, 1134 01194 e for western. quiet and heavy; Belem of's6otiercea at 16,40317 c for [exam and 17346:111e fur kettle rendered; also Saturday evening 750 tierces steam, seller March, 1734®17,t4c. Butter quiet, 170331.3 for Ohlo. Cheese steady, 16qt: I so. Freight, to Liverpool Itrtut ahlpinenta per steamer of 15,0100 bush Wheat at 530, and MI bbl, flour at 1. 9tl. • Latest —Flour closed rather quiet and without decided change. Wheat nouil nal at 9119@1 2a for No. I string and 91 30934. 03 for winter red and amber western. Rye nominal ra05698c, Oats dull and heavy at 58; for western. Corn • nominal at 9598. c for new and 91 05 in store Tor old mixed western. Pork cleeed quiet; 927 bid for mess for February and 427 50 asked; sake 000 bbla mess, seller March, 9-750. Beef very firm; with a moderate Inquiry: Cat meats quiet and unchanged. Bacon in moderato request and unchanged. Lard dull; 17c bid and 17%c asked for prime steam for Feb ruary, 173.4 c bid for March and 17:•,,c tusked. Ergs dull and declining. Can:no°, January 24—Exchange weak' at 1.10 per cent. Mean demand is aluicht exclusively for low medium and good grades coring extras and spring super fine to MI eastern and southern order.; high grades dull and nominal at $3,95(2) 4,25 for spring extras; $3,373.4@4,50 for do. superfine. Wheat unsettled and Ir regular, with a nem:dative demand Mr early; sales at 83%081c, tnibsequently prices receded, closing at 192.q4.M234c, csatt, and seller February; 8334%850 for buyers do.; 83341 80c. seller March; prites for other grades are firmer; slight sales No, 1 at 1.12W3c; after 'change the Market was Irregular, and No. 2 wax fairly active for speculation with 92 1 . .1a 83 c cash and seller February Corn: offerings are liberal and thede mand less active; No. 2 sold at 7 . 2%@, 743.5 c cash, closing at inside price, and 72®72%c seller February, 72.34e73c, sel ler mouth, 73P73ge seller March, cies lug at 74e, froth receipts at Tic for Feb ruary; In the afternoon the market was nominal. Oats easier at 40€,4034c for No. 2, cash, 40@t401.jc seller and buyer month and seller February, 41c buyer February, 419.1g)12c seller.e.A.pril, closing at 40@ 40tTo cash, and 3951640 c seller February. Rye easier, at 72@74c, closing at outside price for strictly fresh. barley dull and nominally : unchanged, at 77@ too for No. 2. Rlghwines nominal 9234@83c offered and 910 asked for Wood 'bound. Provialons opened dull and easier, but subsequently became more active. Meer pork quiet and 25c lower, closing at 926 75 cash, $27 seller February, 92725 buyer February-and teller March. Lard steady, closing at 160 cash and sel ler February. :Meats In good demand but easier, at 10,t4c for shoulders, 12Ne for rough sides, 139T0 for short rib mid• dies: hams quiet at 1434@1514e for Sweet pickled and 140 Air green. Dressed hogs quiet at 910@1075, closing dull at $1025 2410 50 for lota dividing on 200 its. Re celpte, 2617 bble flour, 17,514 brut wheat, 15,520 bus corn, 21,344 bus oats, 350 bus rye, 3574 bus harley, 8264 dressed luxe and 6588 live; shipments, 66. Z: bbls flour, 9393 bus wheat, 10,058 bus corn, 5385 bus oats, 1520 bus barley, 2185 dressed hogs and 873 live. • • Corernertaxi; Jan. 24.—Flour unchan ged; family at .15,21@13,50. Wheat steer day at $1,10@1,12. Corn unchanged at 76 gni. Oats firm at 60®013e. Rye 630 and dull. Barley steady at v 4061,20 for, spring, 11,25@1,30 for fall. I.,,litton firm at 241;®2434e. :Whisky steady at 96e. Hogs opened Arm and In good de mand at 20(49,70, the latter an extreme rate, and closed dull at $8,759,60; ceipte of 3,700 head. Sloes pork wild at .127, but is generally held at 127,25Q)27,60 and difficult to buy below these rake. lard firm; gales 2ott tea prime steam leaf at 16%ci, kettle 1634 e. Green meats quiet at 100 for shoulders, 12340 for 'aides and 14®1434.3 for hams. Bulk moats and Bacon quiet and unchanged in all re spectia. , Nutter dull at 2842)32e. Eggs at 1260 and dull. Cheese IN Lin e seed oft dullat 90c. Lard oil 31,45. Pe: trifler= 300310 for refined. Sugar firm at 1.1%®14e for Now Orleans. Crait, steady at 119321.3. lidulasses firm at 76© 780 fur New Orleans. CLEVELAND. January 24.—Flour mar ket dull and unchanged. Buckwheat flour market steady and demand fair at 97,1006. Rye flour In moderate demand and steady at 23.60®6.65. Wheat mar ket firm and holders asking higher rates; No 1 rod winter held at 11,1101,12, No 2 do at 31,031g1,61; receipts small. Corn: no receipts and market firmer; old No 1 mixed held at 88g690.. No 2 do at tifo" , new 82483 e. Oats =let, but holders were firmer and askleg 110©50c for No I State. live drill and nominal, and hold at 80®900 for Noe 2 and 1 respectively. Barley: nothing doing, and held at 90% Si for State and Canada. Petroleum mar ket quiet and unchanged; refined In large lota hold at 7.734 c, and email lots at 29@31:k; crude held at 15,75., Loorsvittr, January 24 --Cotton toilet at 24... Flour quiet: extra family gs. Wheat: rod .$1.95; white $1;10. Corn: sacked $l,lll. Oats: sacked 03c. Aye: sacked 95c. Tobacco: sales: of 91 hhde, at $490@5,80 for green and frosted trash. towedor sound legs. 68.50 (31%50 for low i= leaf and 111@b3 for falr to good leaf. , Provisions quiet. hiosarork $28,50." Bacon: shoulder. 13!".;13. char4lb ioyo and clear sides 10.4 r. Balk Meetal shoulders 11,,0, clear rib 150 and clear shies 1534 e. Lard: tierce ITO. Hams 20c. Whisky 950. ST.. Lows, January 21.—Tobacco steady; offering' smalL Cotton steady with good demand at 241®211340 for middling: • Hemp steady and tumbling. ed. Whisky Orin at 980. Provisions arm with an upward - tendency. Mass pork at 12734g28. Dry salted shoulders at 1.1.3. clear rib 'Odra at 14!‘c, clear aides at Ittigibc.. B6601:1; • shoulders at 1110, clear sides at 1034@i6x0 clear, rib side' al ffigile.qc. Sugar oared .hains at . 1634 (319340. lard firmer at 16Q1634e for prime steam. TOLICDO. January M.—lime dull. Weilat 212y30 better, with rivulet' white EMI PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY I °ENING, JANUARY 25, 1870 Michigan at 11,0814, amber SI,OBX, No.l red $1,16, N 0.2 do. $l,OB. Corn dull and Sc lower, with now at 75e, no grade 84: Oats dull; No. 1 nominally at 48 to 49c. Dressed hogs dull, and held at 105fc to -111fe.. Clover heed la a ahade better, at itlitwautag, January 24:—Flour un changed. Wheat steady at 87lic for 110. 1. and 8'25 e . for No. 2. Oats !steady at 40c for No. 2. Corn dull and unchanged. Rye and Barley nominal. Dreamt!! Hogs weak and lower, with salmi at slo@li. DExaorr, January N.—Wheat 3@sc better, owing to the limited supply; ex tra White 11,20, amber $1.05, regular $1,05a Corn a shade weaker at 93c for old. Oats dull at 41e. Barley lower at $1,89 per rental.. Dressed hags $10'25, dirlding on 200, but aro extratao tiguros. January 21.—Cotton firm. etc low middllaga 22!„.‘c and good otdi. Flat 9 Bulk oleat.t clear aides 155.1 c, clear ribbed 1451 c, shoulders 111,ic. Rump pork $24. MAIIIPHIN, January 21.—Callon firmer at 2140, telt h receipts of 1.007 hake and exports of 2,017. Live Stone Market. Now Tons, January 24 —Lighter run of cattle, sheep and hogs; the 'markets are (trifler without much advanno. The weather 6630011 es Warm and CIO Chicago dressed beef and park Catuee lit bad or der. Total heaves for week, illly•three hundred and Seventy, with thirly.three hundred and eighty today. There Via.: considerable life to trade and nearly all were sold. ,The qualit4; Was had; many very thin Talent. being attlong theta, which, (Mid at Ile; a few of tiro b e st cattle brought 17c,' hilt Mon fait to goottateets Went at 140 KC. A uroVeol tine hlindred and twenty-lour Kentucky cattle medi um 7 cwt sold at 14416 c; two hundred poor - Texatim 5,4 eel at 268; two hue. dred and forty fair to prime cwt et 15417 cams .; 85 Ken tucky gred6e, dwt, at 16417 cents; 00 Indiana, 11 arch at 11414 e. row State Cattle were on male. Twat sheep, 28,400; to day, 12,4051; prltiwt a shade stronger, but not all selling; Ohio sheep of 73 lba brought 534 a in ear; Canada', 03 Ile, 6'(c; and a iew.duite aheep, 100 lbs., Oct ewes of tail Ohio sheep made. during the week averaged 0467 each. Hoge quiet anti In higher, with receipts of 12,25 e for the week and 29 CAM to day; they are 9,4 410 cents; 9 care Ohio, 198 pounds, brOught 10 cents; 1 ant Michigan, 180 iba, 934% 1 car Ohio, '248 potiadtt; Urought 101.10 c; ill - haled are *drill 191,,(11 higher, with 12,210 head received for the week, and 29 care to day; they are worth 9M4 10e; 2 can Uhl°, 100 pentads, byoUght 100, 1 car Midbigan. 180 potinds, 1 1 14 c; 1 Car Ohio, - 244t pounds, brought 10 1-160; 1-car Ohio, 240 pounds, brought 101.16 e; dream ed worth 12 , 41412 Ne; 1 car western dressed Nought. 114lc. CHICA.OO. January 24.--Lsittle fairly active for shipping . malesat T 1.5045,92% for butchers' cows and steer.; 08,2547.25 for good to choice; p 7,50 for extra ship. ping beeies. Flogs qthet and '10415b lower, with 28,6549,10 for common: 19,10 49,55 lor lair to medium; 29,6549,75 for good to choice. Sr. Lonta..fantrary 24L.tfog. firm and active at D4 . j,:(3. rm and with brink demand at 434@6 for good to choice. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD CLEVELAND A i rDJITIEDITIVID RAIL. ROAR danilary 4. card lekestruperldr ore,. McKnight, P ditto; I do do; Hinkley, Wells & (to; 2do do, McKnight a 1.53; 2 do do, Coleman, Rahm & Co; 2 do do, Union Iron 51111 a; Ido do, .1 Reamer & Lb; 13 do Iron bee, Shoenberger, Blair & tio; to bble oil. J Spear Lt Cu: 10 bble :shoulders, sdo bacon, Dalian dc T; bra trainee, Pickeirklll, & Co; 15 drunter tobacco, K McMullen; 3 saxes, db, Bailee; 75 eke barley, 87 do ogle, 15 do rye. J dr. W Fairies; 7 wheels, 7 abollers, W W Knox; 7 pkg. sundries, W H Kirk. patrick d Coi 3 bus beano, 2 bblo eggs, H Riddle; 4 rode leaflet', II nefiange; bbla oil, Dilworth, Pdt Co; 4 obis pop corn. 2 do dry apples, P Dull& Son; 5 do applea, 2hl bbia butter. Woodworth & 11; 25 she corn meal, Strickler dr. 51; 12 obis vinegar, J Wilson 4t Sam 10 cases c pips. C Ibursen & Son; 0 bble oat meal, fl W amingo h Ski; 4do do, Munhall & McGraw: 4 do do, 8 kegapearl be Icy - W Franco; 4 dodo, 1 kel, h Wheat, IS Ilea zietob. PITTSBURGH FOBS WATITI AND SAGO HAILHOAD. January 24.-500 bbla dour, T C Jenkins Bro. 100 do do, D Wallace; 100 do do, Segh ' myer A V; 200 do do, Watt, Lang, d 00; flasks wheat, Jl4 Liggett d: Co; 44 bga,barler, Schield; 4 bbls o IC, fay A Co; 4 kge butter, Volci, Mandist& Co; II hain Birthstone, Graff B &Cm 44 bills shovels, Myers A A: 3 bbls butter. Broggerman & 0; 22 reame Vra r ilat a y n ; d 32 "" ball% E lar ps k , ; .1 0 rllt rB e Jr; 5 his soap. g,LtudsaY; 0 organs, C Blume; 100 bbls dour, D • Wallace; 100 green bide', Harney. Melte° A 10 tom biros, Heller' & (~b; 24 eke wool,..Vraff & F; fear mlllfeed. H nichnoltarb; 50 Able hlghwlnes, M McCullough; 100 tibia dour. Sehorriaker & L; 1,359 pas &bould ers, J P Hanna dt Co; 29 aim metal. Mut ton & Co; 3 do do. Brown & Co; I do do, J Moorhead; 2do do, Zug &Co: 3 do do, Pitt Forge; 2 do do, Brady's Bond Iron Co; 1 do do, Bryan& Caughey. OINDUMASI ADD LOINS RAILROAD; janbary 34.-8 bdie bags, 20 bblo pork, Watt, Lang & Co; 110 tge corn, 43 do barley, 32 do oats, P Duff & Son; 2 care blooms, Nimiek ,t Co; 1 car bulk meat, Zl bbla pork. F Sellers & Co; 30 kegs pigs feet, .1 II Parker; 22 pkgs tobacco, Johnston & Colvin; 3 too hams, 0 W McClure; 25 kegs pigs feet, Dairen & Townsend; 45 pkge tobaoro, W I. lone.; 2 ISMS bacon, E H Myers & Co: 3 pkgs tobacco, T J Blacktnore; 6 bbla Whisky, Ditilogor & !Bayamon; 30 tea lard, W H Howard; 30 ban candles, Rine hart & Stevens; 14 tubs butter, F 0 Craighead; 10 tubs butter, W H Graff & CoP2•pkgs do, M W Rankin: 50 bgs bar 109‘i Mottnor & Harper; 7 bales hemp, Oerwlg & II; 50 bin candles, F Sellers & Co; 11 pkgs tobacco, John McGraw; 21 bbla flour, John Porterfield. ALLEMLENT VALLST RAILSOAD, Jan. 24.-61 empty carboys, .1 Irwin & Co; 1 car bay. Moreland &BC 4 pkgs market ing. J MoD Crosson; 360 rails railroad Iron, S W Hopkins & Co; 2 bbls tobacco, Knox & Orr; Ido do, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 6do tallow, J Hanna & Son; 1 do fire clay, Star Fire Brick - Lk.; 1 car grain, Henderson Jr Bro; 15 eke onions, 12 do flour, Woodworth & D; 52 g bides, Ci H Anderson & Co; 71 she oats, Scott' .& 0: 1 box butter, H Freese; 1 do do. J Voskamp; 3 d hogs, W Hoffman; 39 cars coal, Armstrong, D & Co; 1 car metal, Nimick & Co; 1 do do, - McKnight & Co; 1 do do, Rees, Chaff & D; 3 do do, John Moorhead; 2 cars limestone, Shoenber ger &B. • e• • i 4 at 41 LW LW PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. The New snd Splendid Side-wheel St'r ARLINGTON, DAN'L MOORE Master, A. S. SHEPARD Clerk; LEAVES tiITTSBTIR,GH _ C1214313133:1491,t1 Every TUESDA .Hill St M. romptlr. Wetnrit• li i , l , ,, d4a4 , ll2l , t i linfor PIETSOUBAIII Ot 111 TEN nue Messner la motel. ;lIA every comfort and Canaan inina. and no paint .rl . l be spared to net entire ratisfr MOO to both passensere sad • Ft. trete ht. mow, or Aber IntaralatiOn, aT. on Warn or to SAKES ODEEttrn. 'el • VIZ NAtili - Vl - L - LE. FOR NASHVILLE.—z ei gge . The flue twenrer ...earner KATE PUTNAM . Jae. Hussy L. Com r r Will leave for .he above and Intermediate W.I. WaDreadDAT. the 10th Inst.'_ .• • - For Inlcht or pauare away on board or to int /LACK .1 COLLINtiWUUD, Agent... CAIRO AND H?. IANUIA. CAIRO,AND Ella 1.01.113.—Th. Ano pactenir am., • aicK WALL Ciht. Taos. PoP. WM lent for the abort sod Imarandlsta ports an ' Til URA DAY. SI th los, or trelphtorAlsoeura apply onboard or to lU4 FLACK • VOLL.INOWOVU, Agents. 1" 5 / , P.Plf:W.1,11f. TVA Fog DIEM P 1118.agEi n VICK4HDRU and NEW OR Lk:ANS.—The Ina pannier Deamer • MESSENOZE No. 51....CePt. DMZ Driar, Will leave for the above and Intermediate Port. On WEDNESDAY. 116tb teat. Fur acitu i t. p ie t 4wal board, or to lan FLACK • EOLLINUWOOD, Ag.nta. STEAMSHIPS - - TO LIVERPOOL-MOW& QUEENSTOWN. TEE MOWS MAIL STELSOMIPS, Slumberln ff 'Wm fint-elus Toads, imam t cl W YWralilis,_" 4 ; yO7 WTY or IHNSTuri ETT or SALTIMCIIT, CITY or tournoN. ffisAiglitalaClLllAT. tram r PIe T .IIB Infonlationappty ranuer • MLLE MORAY, Sr., B/FrIirtILDITAI4T. RIVER NEWS. Upper Risers. (By raclac and Alluttic.TeleAraph.) BROWNSVILLE, January W.—Riser stationary with six feet water in the channel. Raining. Thermometer thirty. nine at four o'clock P. M. thrtneNsnottp, January 24.—River eta timutry, with Lire feet water in the chart. net. Raining. Thermometer thirty. eight at four o'clock r. x. Atottu.uvrowm, .January 2 1.—Rlver stationary, with three feet water In the channel. Weather cloudy.. Thermoreb• ter forty et four o'clock r. M. w, OIL Cert, January M.—River at a eland, with four feet three inches water In the channel. Weather rainy. Ther mometer thirty•three at six o'clock F. IL The river wan about stationary last evening, brit under the Influence of the recent rains, another flee of considerable magnitude, Is almost certain. This ban boon a remarkable winter ao far fOr rain, and fears aro beginning to be entertained that there will pa no lee. Thin was .the ease, hoWerbr, lad year at this lime, but In February t sere was - plenty of cold weather, aed, nisequently, no scarcity of Ice, and It la probable that this will he the cede this year again. The Carrla V. Ronnie, is onroute trot New Chicane, with a good trip. The eaninitil drrited from Cincinnati yesterday with an excellent trip, about all she could carry. The now Blattner Arlington, Capt. Dan Moore, with Capt. A. S. Shepard In the °Mee, will ponitively take her departure for dineinnstl to day, and pievumgers and shippers should hear this in mind. Bile will no doubt have, an she deserves, a good trip. An we have repeatedly noted. theltrllngton was built egoreealy for the Patent:lmb and Cincinnati packet trade, and OM leate here regularly every Tuesday. The Nick Wall, Capt. Thomas Poe, will he the first host out for 81. Loch.; as will also the Kate Putnam, Capt. Russell for Nashville; and the Messenger, Capt. Sense Dean for New Orleans. These are all good boats. In out notice of the now steamer Arlington, yesterday, we lnadverdently made an error In regard to her engines —we stated they had five feet stroke, It should have been seven feet. Th!l following hones were !n port lad A i'link-To.Rifai;--Pi;t4En, =S Nick Wall, Clastmer,idcenen ger, Camelia and fronshies. Capt. Brennan is getting along finely *lib his new packet, and eke, also, will be ready to take her place in the Plus. Corral and Cincinnati packet trade with 'in the nen reit*sake. Capt. 11. T. pastor 'a new packet - , City of. Evansville, for the Evansville and Cairo trade, la progressing satisfactorily. She la MlMl:thing to present a formidable appearance. Buslnesa at the landing wax better yesterday than could reasonably have been expected when the miserable con dition of the weather Is taken into con sideration, and but for tide, It would .httee been much batter still. The re ceipt/I slid shiptileina *ate fah- end but for tho almost Incessant Felon, theto would undoubtedly have been quite a stir. It . wasi cold and raw last evening, the mercury-being down to 37, and we are In hopes that the wet season wilt Isom be over • The Sulfa IVo. gla hosing now P , moke atdeka motinted, whit% 0111 add ma terially to her outward appentaride. —The Wild Duck and Mollie Ebert, from Now Orleans, are among the fret boats due. —The • (?Japan*, Pittaburgh to Minh ville, was at thnoinnntt do P4attleday. BPEOULL NOTICES WnILIO2HIV/IPT/ONs 1,11. SCIIENCA'S PIII.NONIP EVICT for the cure of Dyspepsia and RI the Dtb Mated (Wit., • lions uf I h • et., • ache lilt eCifF.ACK'S MANDRAKE P.1.L8, for Dire.. of the Liver or to act as • klentle ter. gate. Alt of these three Ifed'el -es we often recite . ... In coming ConsoniptlOrt, though Painioule IV: Re reg e e einting thtoreach and Liver, and tel the Pultanthe dyne waren and search Mount the SOMA 0c1.1.1: by stolen means a mot Is noun Of feet.. Tben Medicines are coamientidany offered to the Public s toe only safe, crone sad reliable reflect fee l'etmonm y Comanaption. end for all those morbid conditions of th- body which lead to that fats! else., Liver Comp: Met and Ilya p.a4 are often forerunners of Contortion... sad w to they manifest themselves they emitter themm "AnlZT°:*l7' 4 ,`l , l"n medlOre has al o n g prebs before Inc public. ...TA. has t h r o u gh eeved by tho teousaud cure* thirty. has Ingle a period of mere than Il rears. to all of which t roe Its reputation has creased and the most coot nate siteptichni can OFlonger doubt that it is a rented! wet. maY used with cooed.. In all cases which admit of aeon. II the patient will pens' efetriagly follow th e dl. recite. which acCompany each bottle. be will certataly be cored, If tits teen are not too much wasted to tasks a ett , Te Mee. to dim,. :rP....r=vlazthn.:f>t°,l'4lTagge has sal. the l i fe of the patient att... restored km to perfect h nth. Dr. Schenck does not say that all eases of Pal. Innen oneuropP. Are wttbin aunts t hat ch of medicine bet he empildakally aunts oft. when paarau have tne m-st alarming sr stemma, sac, as a violent cough, mended chill% night tweats. general delnlty. to such • degree hat they an .biked to Il e e In bad, and when they. e dyne se by lade physicisn can may snit beefed o hoed eat treansent can mean new il o elf:Ct b oleueTt ' er ti:.% " 4 . n n z • nrg leered lir. Ilehtesk. medlanes. Also, in Perorate.' Matzen, these esedklnew are eq.lll nee eat Dr. gebenek has photo. graph. of a number . of persons who bays be. nearly torered wi th reeelnd sons and now all bealtd up. Sets shows lid purifying properties, watch must be able to hence Ilice le the langs. In the tre meet in Consumption Out of the maim Import.ce to give vigor and n wealthy tone IA te• mime, lien. It is necessary to et nregthen the appetite of the portent Sad im More the Man gallon. Propel...Whennt is re entree together with such means as will mate the .e.nd disentibie. The article, most sellable for the diet of rennet, tire patients are dell/cant to Dr. Schenek's ch whi are disuleuted stratnitottely. is dente lb m ost hidely nutrition* ankles are to be pre imredommbe digestive organs moat be at each Cried In order to make Maier teed °medicine nnicentle. Ibis tevelrement is met. by the nehweed Tonle, and for thla PeriMl6 it was des Wen. Waco the didestlec p wen art put to good order, the (Meth all Ito proper (Perot thenyatoe of the pathos Lendorattd andll lungs be en to extrelee their reunions ton normal and healthy summer. Torn the benne( powers of Pelumnie byre p will ed.. the mare. Manton' n Consumption Is almost always con. aced with lryarepria and Lifer tlemplairth beheneVa /I.etrada Pills art la ended to or 01000 n44llolose from tilt Liver and restore Its Matter action. 'They bare MI the efficacy Which Is accribmi L, calonel or ••Olon mass. , ' and nee rearnetml not to coot Lin a• darnel min eral memo. Them Pills cure the Most obstinate costivenese, net headache. plies, Miens affect tioa, and all other Mumma which -thee from • torpid or übstour ed f the Liver. One boo of these will prose the clime of the medicine. In (Memnon& on to. Pea Weed Tonic mth Man. dente Pigs an invaluable auxiliary mediclece 'They rollers toe euffertngs , or tn. hntleot and assist the Pelmonic Clyne In effecting a moth They b train.. found useful In adrammelfttates of Consumption. where the lungs are almest en tirely destroyed end all el Melons aocordlsg to Misjudgment of the Monetan livinted speedy death. The Ores of put. M.. ., were aotemly In a dying t annos han beet penning for Months by the on of eche:olOn three great rent. *dies. Dr. techanekls Alma= contain. it full trestles on the Tartans' fortes of disea.e • hie mode of treatment, eta deems: dlrectarons how to health, medicine, nbe had aratts. or putter mail by atitiressum hi s Principal Waco, Pio. 113, North Moth street. Philadelphia, Pa. Price o the Palmomoloan Be mined TO.. le nub $1,60 per bottle. O r r 11. and 50 • Waldo.. Mandrake P 111643 cents • bor. roe tale by all •druddLsts. tlel7:dal arnocron tforg TINUYA TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DIREASIEL that °ammo's, lass of eases result ing from mit-ahem, iproenelne numataluese nerVons emlsstuns. and neatly impotency permaerntlY awed.. Perilous afilleMd with dentate. intricate. and long standing eonetituth.rmi menial ts ere politely Invited to call foe o.ffallotlito. which wets nothing.. Experience. the belt of teachers, hu bp. imperfect remedies at one eel ..ft, perm an • and which In most mum can be used withoet Itedranes besin sm which„ed. Icings prepared to the establPhmeat. em brace:solace, reIMPIJOP Sall stalling rooms; also poanttng and steeping apartments for petients dailynal 1•140111t1011. UM vapor and them batches velment rattan the famed mineral orbs. o natter who have failed, stet., your ease. gßead what ha says In , h s p am hepfasßwedenepo T y o de a u o o eases trotted annually, at orn. e and all over the cone- In ! I 'm t?ji ri Pittsburgh. Pa. Roars Va. W. to BP. Y. nun day . s fur two st. to e. ramohlet cent to any Mi /Risme. r4g - TANicEits, TUMORS , lIIL. cERS, tn.—Astonishing and almoat miraculous cures of Cancer ma being daily made by Dm It. 11. ALUM • Iv.. at the pntadaipa la (Moose Internam 931Aach Marna, Philadelphia, reuse.. and at the brazen of • Lee In charge of Professor Z. IL DALTON, Ind Nlm Lt., Clortnea , l, Ohlo. The 'treatments used are Cancer Antidotes, the most selentlge cud 11 , 1C.11/a4 known in the Minted *mid. They ain not caustic, eating or bunting medi cine.. They glee titVe or no.nale. 'They are en dorsed by an WO surgeon., of the Ago. No giber persons have them ,antldotes. No other treatment Amid be ased. For partleolara eali or address es above. Uall.(111•T17111 errBATCLIELORPH Wain DYE Whir IX TWO WoNlX—Toro not eontalutead—go vittiot potsose to paralyse lb. 'smarm or OrWisoo oroth• IS .IsrAcTLT sagamges—reitatole—lN RR . .DOB. 'Avoid v tl j eLhr ni ti b t4l d als o d .o d i e ,.. boilve !rr n .pa o r,lli w o o li dd heas...t o lo p. g wo danger. The rpoulue .A. • ateholorts Mil Dye HAS YUltaT image riartrratiON to osholdlts Integrity. Sold by Druggists. Ap plied at la Hood .N. Y. . ll.ll orrvior . °CHUAN rstritlo/ 1 / 4 TROCHES . 9 TON 00L103. COU R O IIII. HIT RN' THROAT AND pONC BO Nose m coml. None ao pleasant. None Care es gala. 10 Ate N D u o tl n N a oN e wlota . Use no more of more horr ible toned names. Una •lorown Unbeb tabus. de= . nlaer2 lloll - ,3, 7 l:) L rio lr w O vitaiti Ns ar. •,,,:r4 40 / I . I X DOM:. rltubargb gleaylas stet Limn. OM . B. JIGAULTY, Devitt., ill FINANCIAL. S. McCLEAN & CO., - BANKERS, E111:M=E1 Government Securities, No, 75 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBUIZGII, Pa Personal and prompt attention given to every Meg In the Cosine... Collections made. Cer tificate. Issued, and lot allowed on Time Deposit.. Advances made on Prang Collaterals and Government' Securities st liberal rates. Dealer. In Foreign and Domestic Exchanges Gold, Silver. Ilan" Note.. Ac., At. All local or other Mace) ancous Stocks. Bonds, Mortgage.. Cuinmercial Pa er, Ae.. negotiated at the 00051 loter of commission. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK IME3 f Alle Cor. Federal and Lacock Streets. I=l Z. P. TOWN% Cashier BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. Hbekholders luvidnely Liable. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. CIS rrrIr.I3I3I.TINGH, IM3IO Safe Beeping of Valuables, Under guaraatee, and the renting of gate. 1 its Fire aid Barglar•Proof VaullL No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. PresMeat—WILLIAM P/lIIA.IPS. Viee Presideat—ElENUT. LLOYD. WIT. LIAM PIhILLLB, BYRON 11. PAINTER, HENRY L.V.1(1), JUN. M. KOKEIS"N. WLLIAM MLA- OILORON BLACK. WILLIAM K. ILYON.I: r 3UUTIC G. LIU/KEY. JAN. I. 116NNSLT. lisc , T Tluusll. F. OM BONNIIMIST. Open dolly from 9 o'clock A.X. to 4 o'clock TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL -BANK, • Wood St., or. Second Avenue. MEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Conpona, sonde and Stocks DOOM= AND SOLD, A. BEADL.r.T, rmiaent. W. VANSIRX. VkA Presldeaf, odr4A7 01 - litrn CLARKE. Jo.. Castile, N. HOWIE* & SON& 13A.N1:32EIEt . S, 57 MARKET STREET PITTSB1711(111, PAL Caliente. made eat all the intone.' Pol.. or the United Mt. and Caned.. titoeks,Bonda and other Seenritlee BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION Particular atanitlou paid to Slia purchua aria ula of U.Lki u teri States Securities. J HART, CAUGHET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, . PITTADVIOU, PA" 0317C0103501116 TO HANNA, HART i 00..1 mum to Exchange, Coin, Coupons, kad particular attg l iz e r4d to the ousrlase GOVERNMENT BONDS; Si h i t Drafts on London. CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa CAPITAL. •1.,.000. - ITICIROLDEIS MilltllllllT LIABLE imam PAID DK DEPOSIT& POSZION 7.XCHANUf. Bonghi, and sold. and when desired remlited ie Europe. Colleeilans wade an all de principal pante a d dt of Dowinte the United ntanw, mate an Preat red Cana. m I. JAlaire MCClfill, VICO Pet eldest. W. N. MORGAN. CaOtler• DIEWIMI2I. James McCabe.' Hugh Keating.Terence Campbll, James Phelan, N. A. Ifterroale. D. amen, Thamaa Roark*, Ptric% Haim ea a ts. B. Barr. Chu. Marisa, B. J. Grace, lam J09.111...&ZZA1f. SoMika SAID BY SOBIE TUBED PEA"- Elni IS TO BA ' , • VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY: FOR SALE. • Oo a long erOlt If desired, la the Sermateentb weed. (Lmera&wellle,) 100 feet more or Sr... fronting on Butler street., running teach 4011 feet to liammit stroce,lo feet wide, with two houses on It, renting for $940 per a ear, with the best salt water, and fruit, shrubbery, de. Also, 100 feet mere or leen frontlet, an Davison I street; evening back to said Summit Great 340 feet, with one bums and • good melee of soft water. Heat for 41140 Far year. !loth pieces contains large quantities of loom and sharp mend. N. 11.-1 will nit tbe naked ground at the rate of dl.OOO less than has recently been raised by Viewers for • etreetaine by, and all the Ireprova meats at • fair valuation. Also, for sale. that fear story Warehome on the camera Liberty and Maumee streets, Pitts. burgh, accepted ho Messrs. M. MOUallosech, Jr.. C0...110 feet front on Liberty street, /10 fact on llsacock and 30 feat on Exclaim. • lay inquire. no recommeridatirn. Also, Soar two story Brick Douses, all In • row, elzroeme each, three on s door, oe LeMek Street, Allegheny, sear Heed street Midge. Rana for 4344 each PM Year. Also, four acres of choice land with • now Mieten tad papered Brick House, 0 rooms, wash house, two wells, cistern. stable, Ae.. An. where I now reside. Allen any eau be bought on st long credit, or short, as it may salt perchance. lamina E. WILKINS, at John Hays% •No. 1130 T.lberty street, Pittsburgh. JANUARY 10 11110. MIOO7I LATEST OIL STRIKE. Mnar.: • LIBZUTY I Z 00240% , . To sem* CMS banded JOnTICI. Jolt come and on what mended bargains an offered In the for /eons week of ISOM, • and Slimmer Clothe. Nat lerePated and eLhlblteet to tate_pablte h 7 - 8. O. The fullest UMW*IT to be entoyed when the inan who enjoys It Is neatly detaaed Ina salt o new Summer Clothes which comfortable: ae not to abridge the freedomofd b la Motion,. Such Clothes are to ho tilid at S. C. Trumann...a. To nraettee lhoonowy, don't spend vast suns of mdery where es tortlooate people Charye fancy pares for ensattalletoryelothleir, bet Come* wit the worth of every dollar you trend, at S. C. Tnarraellan.l. 711. Tirana of 11. be free. sort, practiced every day Hol , . end all day, al the Ple No. 11 Clothing There the people bring their sb, and there they rict their cloth.. • Every. man free to tidy at alittmet. Trade [remand°. Jae taro lit the Bla No. "t C lenVilleh 111.11. Came mat sults tor 67 reortblllll. . Ilia nit, ifiX inn= ?o a r; h 851 3 Kw mt., Imo, at 114 earth worth el . . Mask Wm for. qqo worth 900. Boys , MAU far SD worth Oath And s great many more too .1,11010911 to me Ilion. ball muly and secure your 'napkin, as w nave tad it few dsym sell. limaember N • 1181 MA reet. S. C. TRATIERMAIL APPLE PAGERS . -I have a NII sasortmentof Apple Pe rieg.Corlas and Blieleg Illachtuee. which I Witte all to call and. see them tried. The PARING. CORING AND SLICI2IO MACRONS, takes only three tom o the crank to para. eore.And slice an ordinary sled. apple. It MN pare without elkdat or =lnd required. Dried Ahnfr; sell much higher when sliced with thts machine than when ensnared hl the oblprocess. Also. *tall assortment of Ligh*g is Turn Table Apple Parers. l iter eels. wholesale sad Retell, by ira JAMES BOWN, . N 186 WOOD STREET. Imposter and retail dossier In WINE ErrAMIONEDELY, VIEMIIIB..TANTY AND 111JED.IESA auto irJklilltall3ll, 03011160/3. ARM. ILLITAIINATING Se, o r d. ? , by bun recetvorompt attention. dna fat mast& Lou Camtant NIE .~~:c~:cF~~.,.~.:~.~:... ~.r , :a , :~..i07~i;r~. e IRON AND STEEL. • DUQUESNE WORKS. • COLEMAN: RAKM & CO., Xassfactureto ol IRON. NAILS AXLES AND SPRINGS. DUQUESNE. LX AND] VN IATA. 1.1. AT BA lt, HOUND AND SQUARE IRON, RAND. %HE itT A ND lAN li IRON, BOILER I . I.ATES AND LIMA Ds. kItIARD IRON. I AG see DittIPPF.R RAM, • PLANNER. CUTTER BARS. C f RI.INDE IRON. T N D FLAT RAIL. for CANA Roads. CROWBARS WEDOEs A HARROW TEETH. BPRI NO. PLOW ANDCU I.TIVATuII STSF.I., RTEIf, WINOS AND lIUULttB eta to pattern. STEEL TIRES. STEEL CIiAirTINU, A. R. STEEL. CoACH, ROBOT ida WAUON BP/MIMS sad AXLES. UUP NAILIAND SPIKES. All Nada First Clan and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS: 11Leteenth Street and Allegheny Myer and 11 VVnter Invest., Yittalargh. MILLER , BARR & PARKIN. rASTNIMS: elaraitTlek CIPLCIAL Paarnsa-13. M. KIS& CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, RILLER, BABR & PARKIN, OFFICE. So. HO Liberty Street, rITTIBURUH, it.111:1:1421 pITTEIBUIRGH STEEL WORKS. 112STABLISIIED IN 1545.. ANDERSON & WOODS, HEST =FINED OAST STEEL Of every description. Also, best Refined German Plow end Spring Real CORNER ROW AND YIRET AVENUE, PM.- buoth. •1011:n4 DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAII HILLER, (Successor to JOB. RUM a C 0.,) Has tunnies ewenenalge Rini the leading Pop .I,7i.7.tftair;;;',P,4llftrlrATONtira4 SRA "TS, 'itANKA, PISTON RODS. LAVERS. INTRA N J It RIOTS, ItAILIP PA d AXLES. LOCOMOTIVE, FEARER, together with CT.,' description of ISHAPE WORE. Once awl Pon,. Corner of Duquesne Way and First Meat. apllW4o FILERSHIESEI PROCBSS The t7l,"."E.l.l"2=trsTlit lleeo CRS°. The superior quality Imparted to food Iron, the great Itoprovcment la 'orator Ron, and the re. daced coot, commend lam all muintsetarers of Ron. Parties wishing to one It can obtain Itemises by applylnd to JAMES P. SPEER. Attorney for the Trustees. ROOM 1 and 9 English's Building; 96}1 fourth e. Parties interested are tallied to Melt the SHORNBEIRiER WORKS. 'where the pro, es* in now In succtmlui oneration. • felnds7 lIEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MUCK & .00. 1 ITTTII3IIRGB, PL, Ilmistsetnrers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL. RAILWAY SPRINOS,_ ICLLIeiTIO AND PLATFORM PPRINOII, ASLEL OMR!, IInIC, tn. A. Wanking+, 1113 Witter arid 100 First Sta. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Mustfactnrenof all .IGerlptious of entur:=Taz i y ' Nap, Tummy. PITTSBURGH. STOVE,. CAt.TINGS. 000$ STOVES. lJ CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CG'S TRIUMPH,. FOB BITUMINOVN COAL, Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast sis well as any other Store In the Cam BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty PtreEit. /Liao, op band and An PARLOR trio9l9, ' - HEATING STOVES, ORATE FRONTS, FINDERS. COOKING RANGES, *e. GRAFF, RU6118800., OS XVirt2 .Alto[ oP • SPCOV - E3Si BOSTON COOKING RANGE • 'TEM FIERY FURNACE,", • roz WAIIXINQ BUILDING& TflIS NEW . A)Pri-otna . COOICIFIV STOVE. ..11.6(1ULATOIL. ,, (:OLUYPIA COOK VA_l4.B lelacianall Pattern) PuRTABLK BANtn own r Koh MANTLKS. WALLMANIS RICFILECTOS, Et KATES, free from dirt arra data . . GRATE IItUNTS, rzzarass, ac. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, twS:7D PITIVIBMIGH, PA.' A. BRADLEY & CO., NO. NO WOOD NTREET, Yanafutures, at the Greatest Vastett of Cook, Parlor and Heating IStoree, TO HZ POUND lo oar aseortnient wlilb• Inane all the LATEST PATITUrid AND /111 . 130VAMENTB, and the rept:tali. or %nr Mona le inch that any one In want ot a good an lacono:ale purchase nooe bat lhoeoAr nilotare4 oy or. aa they will be toned t.^.o datable ga well as erorognical. Woold call pan tutu attention to oar ocw,VOLCAliti tsTOVIt. tor church.. hal I n tendedores. Mat' 0 , 00 sold In three mon th .. lb, with or without cuing. All who have need them tiro- Doings. th•m sorer or to any other and tar Cbeap er, tend for Catalorne and Price 1-111 tas - NOVELTY W 03103 EIITTSWITRaII NOVELTY WORKS. Wounded /1:. D. IMD. 111110111=1 ADAMS co. • iwcoracronzas or 111WrIrtrytti 11 " AVEAI SCALES. last need e.t.a Door Locks sad LatCbe% rain. astet Coffoe Hnl /re. VZIES Cirata4TMOttliAnng STONE vonnoN • • Machine stone Works. • WartlrestoornarefWealOcalmi. &MOM. ra&DOC ATVATICA & CO. OM& tuna or mewn of snort •otlce If earth u• amp TUJO fenr•idetwalk• Swam, : V. ? 4 . t .t . .!:' , 41. L . 1 ::.°2:°T.'.0 ° •!M . ..f "" • ARCHITECTS BARU & ftIOtIER, 4111C}LrIrECTS. /Burr Hot= Ahnowniix lIMULIteII. Roo. II sad*St.Clsir &tree:, Pittsburgh, ra. Special atteattos even to the deslgalog ass baUdlog of COUYT ROM= sad rustso 1111.11,,,,,Tard 1131,T01 , 1 0. J. M•f1•H11 FULTON & NUABTIV, putsc-rxesz. Fmtratisnwei GAS urn swim vrturrec . /1114 A , Near High Rarest, . rrnistosen. PA. Lead Pipe. Gum Ham au 11B , arra. bath Tutu, aad Wash ?toads. nroa I . lpe and Pitting. Ale sad Beer twates, and Steam Cocas &Ilea,. =hand. Pablta sad Printer Buildings true ,1p with dia. Water :and Steam Beatty APParathr• Jobb/at PrOMPßllttilided ?:,f'±C... • ENGINES, BOILERS, &c„ FORT PITT BOILER. STILL MB TANK WORTKS. , CARROLL ANDONYIDER. MAIIIIPAOTUBJEES OP ,Tilir-"1: Xlts,' et trribts AND DD, TANNs, I:MN lIKEEMIINO AND ASH PANS. CswiTLINU. PANS, SALT PANS AIM CON STEAMIIIO [was. twOMITERS AND 16.0 N 1111 PIUSOI.4 D(X11111AND COAL SHIITES. • °Mee aid Wanheme censor Reemsd. •rhlrd,lllion and Liberty Street, "" H ". 1311 GU. PA. nt to the ob.. atlitreso no 1_ led to. mh7:011 JOl•Orders promptly all! Htrog N. BOLE & 00, Con Point Alley and Duquesne St, (NW Ma POOR.) Engine Builders; Founders and Machinists. • Manufacture STEAMBOAT MNOINZS lad EITATIONARY RIM IN id. souriases. Special attention invited in new RITATION .OII. W KW. Err AND PIM/TABUS BM halt, ofls horse power. CASTIN6b. Greyer, kind, made tdr order straw roundly, on Timm STRZIKT. below Market. Mud for till Wells, IiHAYTISG,PULLM LIAM/had, and TOBACCO /StiltiNtl add IKON TOBACC) eIiESIEU, on baud 'mad made ko order, at Pao • • • INDUSTRIAL WORKS. fronting on the Allegheny Baur, .sir lh. Pollt, lOTTHRUPOff, AdrAll °Moo; promptly tilled. TAY lIIA, O'HABA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & C 0... Mannlnetomers of STEAM EVILER/3, (ML TANKS, STILLS, At VLINIATA,LTAItAI • BoIOILEN Itlmlt BEDS. to.. Cor. of second Avenue and Liberty it., PITTSISMIGILI. PA. KrpOrtne done promptly. Orders nest to Um above at drew will ne promptly alumina to. Y. Merl-lAN, formerly JUmagre atVAILEOLL 132iYDEIP0. RIESICH & BRO., 7/RE & BURDLAR,PROOP SAFES AND VAULTS. NO DAMP. NO MOULD. ENGINES AND XACHTNEBY, BREWERY WORN. REPAIRING AND fll. TING UP MACHINERY, Coy. 17th and Pike Bth., Plthsteiree, WIC BM:WHIM & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 210, 519. AA •ND 115 MUM SIT HSTSUir oesured s largaLyant- and tarnished It Salta MOIL approved machinery, • re Pre red to manure , tare every deverlption or BOIL- Iltd In best ,manner, and warranted eq.! to any made la the mummy. Chimneys, Brreehlay. Vim beds. Steam flora. Locomotive Bolleas, Condensers. calf Pam, Tanks, 1)11 ' , BILL Anita tors, nettling Pann. Bolter Iron. Bridges, SejSZ Pan., and attie trinonfactarersalSarnall's rat ent Boilers. klepalrtne done on shortest aortae. jalmill • SAIIND 11. BAIIIIII NIMI•ND D. MOM JAILED M. BRUSH &SON, • • IIaNtITACTLIZEinI OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WOZUL, to. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, NATIONAL FOIUNTIRT AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll sad iimallmala Streets, MOTH WARD./ .I.rrTI3I3IJFKM. WILLIAM SMITH, NANOPAOTIIIIIN OP . OAST IRON BOWL PIPE NH au AND WATER WORN/. NY Pipes ars all oat Invariably In MA bi as rand and IS net DAVID , MI 0. (id' smidlrulD of general Castings for Gas & Water Works. elnrs.vvv.=Oramett.. - IMP FORT Prrii FOUNDRY COMPANY. ornoi AND WORM TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. tor Enginek. nailing BM !Ma chinery, Nall Machines, Re torts. and Castings generally. ANDERSON R. A. PRZTVOOLE. MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY, W. 1. ANDERSON & CO., • • Nanalteturera of IRON HOUSE ramros, WINDOW LINTELS and !DLLs, and - • • Castings of all Deliceptlona. ,,l.riAßtki T Wind . ov; et... Homes. STREET. Pit ANDubarst. NOUNDNY—ND. MD WATER • ROIMP SON, BEA /116 CO., • „ • Finer-emu to Roznrsox, MINIS •Ittiiii'L • WASHINGTON WORKS, FOMDERS MD MOBMSTS. rirrssimax, Manufaetareii at BoataEltall lllss ranr Stem ft - Ara irar. 7,:arg 'kr IV, *A47"" 7 11•1 1 aartmlibleli arkilll . D.ll PATZIiTI2I4I723II. THOMAS CABLIN & CO4. Patti !aid l'auedtynd Nulaine Verb, RANDOM Fr., ALLICOMINICM Pa« 11lanstactmers ointailonara lad Portaldeatri Zaa on and Law . 10111%**orho'i'3472 Waflnl. Bros 111 .1.1 ILIIMII Vtinme s tng .6, ll:l l Zgalln. w ir a nannl Bona all dans. • Mali, BRASS FOUNDERS. HInT DIM GILTIITAYI SUCH. HENRY BIER & CO., BUCCrEO3O23 so MEIN M. COOPER a 00. 1 Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MAIM PROMPTLY TO ORO= lea's and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, . 71110M13, WERT IND CUM 1116116, ALL GLO/111 PATTI:RN. mom r cicovTcs, Briss Work of every description for - Steam, Water - and OIL MARITNACTLIBMI 0/J. 11. 000PZR I COM Improved Bilance•Wied Blom hap. Arista Pr Drepfuss Potosi Oii errs, the beat in the Market. Oeatsgke . sad Wort . , emu TtartelsaLli, sad Piss M sP7 ATivooD & Conn* Mberty strret sad TWA Avum, ilititnargly Pa., ewe rooms AND JON APE rrrnas. sod ACILISTS for ti . L CAMIXON & 0011 ISTALIN VMS AND BLOWIAA. HE RAlLtva 5 PENNBYLV o roas NIA. NTAL MAIL On and otter 11 P. N., aanAa Nov 1411, 1800, Traits will arrive at and .I,parlt from the Union Depot, °Corner Of Waahlortef and Liberty etreetii. as follows: Angst. DOOOl.. Mall 1:50 ac:toothern Er. 5.00 ale rest Line 1.45 am °FIO2OO 111,1410.0 Wall's No. 1..0 140 asa 140. 1.. 15.30e1e BrintonAo Nol T:5O am' Mall Train .... 11:10 aV Wall`s No. 2.. 8:50 am NnOIOOAO.. 10.00tani ClaelfulaU En.11:1110 101.1• As Plo • 5 . 11Foni JoindoersAo 10:50 ant etncle%l etz. 1h.35 1'W Ae Nol TAJO pm Wall , . No, t.. a 1:51 as Pittabwa Ka. 1:30 pm Johnatowa An.4:521 Fertile Lope. 1:50 pm Itra , ts An Non 13:2‘. tos Well`e No. 11.,.11:50pra1 POU.. Neon:4.3:3opm Bra`leoAeNo 10:15! pm Wall , . -No. L. azlrivra WallM No. 4. 5:0050 Wall`e No. 1.. BrietenAo No: 1:10 oni,•Past Woe .... 7:40 pm Way Faeces 10:1101.0::Wall's No. 1 1 :00 . aThese [reins mate clove Connection at 111, , ,.• bu 'anti n ging•ftin leave. Wal:a orsithro tit ry nerolay at 11:01 a. wt. rrsehlns Pi ilsburs bal 10:011 a. au Re torstasr, karts at .15:110 el. tn , and arrli ea at Walls set at 11:10p. afiluelonatt lerprcee I. area deli): Iloninern Farm. leaves doll r eletept Montlaf. All ther trolls daily except Beeler. Tor farther lisibrotanon acme, to . .• W. N. mccs.wrre. Aiwa. rat Pennsylvania flallrOad Company will not aim aumeany 11.1 g Inv Itarcsage, errynt for weariall pare% and limit their responsibility to One men. 41,1 Dollars la value.. All liargaae eiceedlee that amount to value will be at the 11st of Oil minter. an!". talsenAina t i eo l tAraca. • - • nom General Alperin:indent AhLeantna. E ST ERN-allaellift PENNSYL ftelA andsr NOV. 14. I. kk• Train.. the Western reartrosuss 4tal•road will arrive atand derail non ten , redarrl Street Depot. Allegheny City... Iblitweet An*. mjl D.port. • Ann' '4l4= i•cttifairy:l ■ „ v t.ii;„ r,f.3 ti 414 1 1.% e r t4ll:: . Above trees ran daily a.aceet .standaf. The Church Train !tavern Allegheny Jai:tenon even dunday at 7:40a. reaching Allem:n.7 CM at 4:40 a. Netanting. leave. Alleghelt Clity at 1:30 D. nt. and atrive at Alleghpy Jane. Ma at 3:40 n. tn. ' • • • The trains hating Allealtenj OttY et TWO e. m. make dimes oonneet ion at steepen telt/Ma ker,. line or Stages for - Better and Hanastistown. Through for may be perk at tee N 0.111.00, stret, neer 0 01. p 0 Pittenurah, and at the nelmt. Anaginnp. rot farther Ineonnallowapply • • /AIS EN/NNTOi gederal Witt 1. The Western nenenhanir Railroad nee "sr ”o f . x y . r 1 "1 141% I ti ff A 4lo, ' Sir w arin: o .tundreit moll., 'in ' valv e. All All haiage .U. ending 101 a amount in val. , rlllbtokt flak of the owner, =Iam EDW A taken by s pedal eoetraar • tel note Banns] ennenatendDYent. 3 /§§att7 .—'. ll,. T 017 WA YLA Y a , B. W. and OT..E ..LAN VI ... tVIO/3...1.2 ~., B. Prom NOV. lath, 1869. trains wit:lmre from mid arrfto et the Union Mao% aorta old,. Pltta. burgh ell tlme. aa follower Chle Ex. " ...11:4111 am chimao tan: 33 a . Brie ols Yra Ne.itittl • m ruble Ex. • IMMO P . 01. a Wleglag 6:3t1 leen Wheellog N . .x lOtall. m Chleac r llall..o:sll a m U.ilit. L. Km Trill t m Jam I . .... 9:38 am Olel , goNia/Carille rse Vt.* •gE.Ic 9:08 pa. Clewelaid Ea 3:3M0 m ("Mew NI. . la:91 so Zeta a Yea Ifte..o3pea We aMe Zit:o3 a. Cd. &Whop . TaTAMIpm D•Dartfrom Alisel p. t3 tewswe fek. 41Primr. Beer Fallale• 8..3a ate "NUM .111 . 4.N3 am 1.. " " . •• . Prin :ft irie . r r'lli .•434lll:ra I Ithelteeter .1 Streß pm ram -. ::-.., 9:19 am Neon e• 4.pealom Leetedele - ',.lllniapm Leetsdale Am.:lavas Bee/Palls •• BOW pm BeeriaUs •• .6:11Ipm LeetadeJe " aril pa Leetsdale •• 10:411pat •• •• Tr= pm Tar Oak. eon- nu, Oaks 5e,... 8 2/1.• Inn. g t trAoitipugnt." d.g. scrrismosp. nu Chleaeo Ravens arrives dellWe P. N. MTZ .ltd • J. N. MeOULLOtleiJi. Geed. ras. a =Met Lamm. - (1021. Meeeeter. Jame O ghfli.N "L . of sizz2Gmain x'vALuLET StAILII041: • TILL ONLY DIESOT ROUTE TO PHIL OM REGIONS WITH O UT CHANGE OP OA Ell. t)on No . ;.:4111, Iti6Dl Two THBOILIWI TILAINIS DAILY fraocpc will leave Pltleborgt Depot, enruer of enth sad Pike coin Oil DIM TD.I. (Do. awl all volute In De 011 keelona. yrrieateme92. Liar" ; is ilTersietno. - II Day YE I:16 am Day 6630 - p Eight Ex.... • 1000 Tem HightEZ.:•••• T:00 LL Haltom... 6:00 am Ist Ilaltsen.y 6eVI6 al Haltan...ll:6o am 24 Halton.., 9:00 a En 6:00 pm 3d Melton .. ear DI pea HaRem...11,90 pto 1110 Hanna. Tab p m Vreeport An. 9:30 ato pods won.. lena en Bona Works.. 6:31/ pro WeLreport Ao pis Brady.. B Ao 7016 p IS Bra nts II At 10036 • so Otearoh 1210.29, Cb0mb....... 10:10 a ne YaDercsa Daleu enure only at min .al flora, Acomenerodallon tratas ito_p at an ateetTnea. • J. J. LAW - 9990a, 61000 .109 . 1; TRONAB K. Knit , . AWL. 9,01. rITTEIBURGI3 CINCINFATI s. Ull7lll RAILWA.Y. Ea RIME ROUTE; • ONANOX 0/ T73[1. , -OBiml alloilioNDA Woo. 84th, 1809, trains rut low,n mid arrOo. tta 13IlloaDIPOt.. rlttdsumd. ' I . ltudrorgb Stmt. . 14. pa. m. 11117 ' Boat/kern Zipress......AlMS p. m.. 5:00 Fant Line .... 9.48 a. 311. 7:10 p. a. 4:43 0. M. 6:50 p.m. .11oeo.Nall 1:31a. r. Moubenvillo ALOOUIMOti. 3:43 p.m. 0,4 00.28. MoDonold's dee'n. No. 5:53 p.m. 3 513 Banda• (Morel Troia.. 122:18 p. m. 9,5 d a. m. air ROW P.M. Plsprom 'no move dali). 1.1113 m. Mad will arrive dolo • • 5../. 'lie 4 801 Mast Aga**. floluliTatb. - W. W. OA.RD, Densdoon. 00 to. non rI L TTSBURGHts, CONNE . LL'S V 1 L ROAD Os stul•after TUESDAY. , 'S 11611. DO. MB arrive al 'OA irt ruler ot Host sea Water . stroons, at _ • liati to. Lo and tram ram. _ 249 ' l ' :OO 47L' e}Oe MaKRIMPOZIACI:OIIIdtiIi 171475 A. x. 31. Lo•skl nomTint , n. 3:00 r. 0:10 1 .l*V • Welt Newton Alecom.d 4:30 r. N. 4:35 A. 3.444oeV•A Me moce4Vn. S 0:16 r. x. • TIOO r. Mita tosarr..l4:3o 11:41A.3 9417rog'VvIit. Hawto6' 1:00 T. 14 Met A. 'Por Llattilapply to • , Z. ,IM. .lIATIIIOND. Assaf. W. 11..0TOUT. o%o43tautent. • • witi rroozfoßy.i foto ;:tiao MIWORTII, Jill 4-:110. 243 LIBERTY STREET, (Oppostta bead et-Weed.) = New Cup 'New Orleans SUGAR and MOLASSES. IST They gfve 12 per cent. tare on allBugar by the Rogwhead ESTABLISHED HI & 1.-001111'C 1812. W. DI. BODILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DLUNTFLT cur. LAOLI HOTZU) ' IZZ= N." FITZZLIC I A. 117ZZLIi. lellEitLE AL - SON, Merchgtste AND IMALUIS IS szAstrn,onerrir,v - zumixato. 2(o. 95 OHIO SMEIST, NaarEYt Cielosnos, M==M=l PST=, t ....TLYII2I BICHABT 111CAIL & MICHAEL% onsonssiox witageints, MID MALLS *. • . mut, osts, 1311ED13,11:111, no, ea 44* Liberty st., Rum. IVIMAN OII 86 ILIPPF" ) '; moms. 011•12 i An* 1.4201)1Joi Commission Merchants. wizlaT i r ri !! 4 o. 00211nusest"olleited. W. C. ARMSTRONG, Isom orb rstiot II Anagram) eitopuezvoiliseams igncyArr, ' No. 25 Marlcot Street.. L J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail' %Seer, No. 31N1 ?INN STBSZT T J Ti Er ' BAIRD & PATTON, Mlioiessiellrocers, Commission Merabast• ■adq Deals...a Prods.. /War. Baena, Ow., BIM. Larissa and Lard Otl, 1r.. , lisliahr n s4 FlLT ‘nr r . l . llrior tar gi7,4lNriZTutirr, sows s. 110raiL.zaw. ROOM. olial I. HOUSE &BRA", Iltie• ► atm» to JOHN. L HOUSE s-GO. WWI.- sale Groaan &so Commission Illerdiant4 Dorms of Paittbiltid and Maser street*. 1114obargIL tOul Sinn= WALLACI. § I D IPTON x s4Risv mi S s ß cnow L bDote .Nos. ft 811THM iN M% PiODCshAP MARSHALL'S ELELHL ,- "ilizszuttnrztaxus HL • glvzz::: "ILL CINU. DT =114 . .. Dine Of MM11111•• =it:. $3.00 MPS:W.I y Pima. Llollo* et street. ssA.WIA Oss, DevissistA r.Trt" l se: -. ..siZO. :artsin'taret , "uuTATkroirrns.s 'On CASKS ASH IN ‘,1"" a I=l