The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 25, 1870, Image 1
a MEM TRW DAILY OAKETTE: PENNIMAN, HEED a 00, Offlce,B4 and 86 nth dvenow. SIXLLI ma P. s.platimuir, I. Y. =DI ZDITOII.II A 173 TIMIX,2O". T. P. 110118701. IMUIIIIII Or 411lS DAILY. s a.n p alut 4 bY canicrs, Fee k..--••••••LW. FIRNT EDITIO). JEradriolir. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. (SEQOTII SESSION.), SENATE: Ingukry as to , the Georgia Military Commlindon to Provide a Cur rency of Coin Notes, &e., Con. sidered. MOUSE: Contested EleetionsA • Communication I l iom Gen. Sherman in Wet puce to, Gem gia Matters—The -.Senate Yirffinialy Souring, Between Messrs. But ler, Bingham .and Farnsworth —The Bill Passed by a Pak': Tote. • in' Fetrctine to net littabereh UUett&t WAtittittetTON..b.G.All, Ze ; /CO. SENATE. • • REQUEST D=l6D Mr. 6TEWART desired tir.make a personal explimation In order to correct rtlaatemmat of Mr. Sumner in the dia. giusidon with Mr. TruMbull On 'Friday. Tipon,the suggestion of Mr, Sumner, he said howould. If his request was granted, go Into the wnole history of the quer . , The order Mi b ni:Mom was called for, seat the rtqueat or Mr. Stewart was not granted. 1=33:=1 Mr. yENTON presented a memorial tor She'reinaval of the duty on Caniolan timber. - Petttions were presented for the *boll Mon ot the franking privilege and again the continuance of the income tax.' lIILLb rasazetztp. Ns. HAMLIN introdueed a bill for the of the poor of the District of Co. Antonia. Referred. Mr. DRAKE reported a bill from the „Naval Committee for the relief of - .certain contractors for the oonstruction of vessels of war and steam machinery. L .affieda opportunity for proof of calms upon the buts of the act of March 2d. .1867. The bill was laid over. - ..nn.SOLUTION OP IN - Print. Mr. NORTON offered a resoluthin dl ratting the Judiciary Oommittes to re. port to the Senate as soon as practicable by what authority, If any, General Terry has organ:zed and convened a military crunmaadou to inquire into the eligibility ant Senators and RepresentaUves elected *to the Legislature of Georgia, and re. <pasting the President and Secretary of War to communicate copies of all orders :and correspondence with General Terry or Goy. Bullock, and all Information trtheY may have with reforence , , to the an. lion of such commission. eir. BU.IdNEI3,- objecting to present . .ame:deration, the.. resolution was laid IiNNSION FOIL MS& LTACVLIG /Mr. WILSON offered for reference's 3oint resolution granting • pension to the widow of the late President Lincoln. the Committee en- Finance. ryM : ❑ Tierczasualar zua.: - - - .0n: Melon Idro, SBERMAN, the gamut proceeded to the consideration of I we , ,to provide a national currency , cifn notes, and to equalize • the. ' • union end clronlatton of Detre, which an:" Nod. • guEIZMAN, chairman of the Fl. m itiu g t ;we, said he did notpropcse r''..tilenter into an e..4.."001Ls uncial • `.Mtentln opentgettie t• on the mg .MI4 *wild mamat" main -/t pre ..sejed, Met, the partial equalisation of the . Obtfibu t iP of the banking eurre...ey.tru oo l3 :no States; second, free tanking OD • o, ° , bade. The present distribution of bank clicidation was greedy and palnaitiy un fair. Three States, Massachusetts, Rhode • island and Connecticut, containing • population less than ZOOO,OOO, have over V 6,000,000 circulation. Ono-fifteenth of •our 'population have thus 34 of all the ' • bank. circulation. The rapialp growing Western States, where. credit .1s . most needed, have scarcely three dollar* Man inhabitant, while all the late rebellEnates idol:same:shy without any banking cir culation. This unfair distrllmtion, he aald..grew out of a palpable violation of law by the then Comptroller of the Currency and Secretary of the Treasury. The first " banking act of. February 25, 1863, provided". rule of diet:rib:Dion, by which the whole amount of circulation was not to exceed 8300,000,000, 1150,- 000,000 of 'which • was to be appal , - tinned among the - States according population, and the other 1150,000,000 - 'according to banking capital and so ' horses. The revised :set of June 3d. 1264. was silent as to distribution; bat give to existing State banks the right to ' • • enter Into the banking system without limit. The growing Inequality of the distribution becoming Ed, Can act ch Ed, 1885, restored • ge • old rule of ruleof distribution. At that time there was. leas than $150,000,000 of banking circulation, and if this law bad been observed each hate would have had reserved for it not leis lean five dollars - for each inhabitant. Thle law wit Lis gristly and boldly disregarded. and the pretense to justify it was thisproviston In • the Internet revenue actor March 3,1864 which continued up until July 1, 1806, tke privilege to existing banks to be- come national banks. On the &Mot oo tober, 1865, the whole banking 'l:bent/b. Oen OEI /190,000,000. leaving, three months after the expiration of this act, 5110,061.000 for distribution according to population. But in open ilizrogard of law, the remaining circulation was Is>oed :o the old States to the exclusion of s ciat h,wn and Western States, AA= i ncr ,,,,zeng all the didlenings of. Under the sestem on now comp nea. - It s t an d s . nat i ona l banking was, he said, a monopoly, cecifinig° to States where the population et excluding all the rapidly : I , O Wi rds • of the West, the majority of. the Sena tors anon epresentatives being fst` m . baying loath= oneeeventh of to:. circulation. This endangered the . system and would Inevitably overttu 000 Monies. corrected. . Mr. Sherman referred 'to the advin. I spoof the national banking system over. that or State bank., which, with the 'tor. " tendon of the injustice of adz Wean,. :tveuld be the beat pirmanent, hankies system that could be adopted. The West • demanded more circulation, and were deprived of it by violation of law. The Dag enjoying its monopoly, demanded contracting yet was not willing to yield' to the West one dollar of circulation for three years. A remedy for this had been long sought. During the teal • Congress the Senate and House each palmed bills recalling from some piths meant States a portion of their outer for distribution in the West and gown. • but there was a diffarenoe as to the man. Der and extent of doing it. The House • leensted on a general and 'the Senate C.,'; cemented only to a partial adribiation. not exceeding 140,000,000... Objection was made that the eastern banks 'were Innocent of fault, and the withdrawal of their circulation would derange business and remedied'wester evil than the one to be . 'To avoid this, the Own. mittee on Finance made the following suggestion-to the President and Seem tory of the Treasury : Proposing to Increase tlio,litnit of bank, elreulation sls,eooteoo, the citadel inn tall be distributed to the Southern and Wesl ern S:atini, which was the proposition-of The tirat objection was that this was aD expansion at thecurrency, to which the Ccounittre was Oppreed. and In no event, , daring . the suspension of specie par/ merits, would he (Mr. Sherman) favor a proposition to inervime the bulk. log circulation without withdrawing Circulation in some t Cher from. To av cad, the: °spats:on of the two measures Mid been proposogs-lai t ia the withdrawn' of greenback's:OM this I plan would not receive 'thump:gen of i • the House. The other Van wu theone . adopted bv. the Senate Committee, the withira wet of the three ear pant. cites now held by banks ad*lirt of their reserved in plane of legal lender notes. Mr. Sherman tnen gave the history of _Ste - three per matt cartilleues, <~~;:K.. . . . . . . , . . . . _ . . • • ,•• / . , - 1 - T • ) I , . . 1-• - -..3, t 1 1 1 4 1 : tit 1 A listifl :,. 7 i l l , _ .: c , . ~...., • .... ~. .. , ... . , 0 ~,it,_. I •,,.._-„. , I \ . , ... , , • • . . • ~...-. --. , „ 'VOL. IMV. whick -were substituted for compound interest notes, and were a temporary expedient to avoid an increase of the the bonded debt. 'They were the least objectionable. Being payable on de. mend, they 'might be preaented to the Tresusnry when most inconvenient. They draw interest and are mainly held in eastern banks, where circulation is In excess. By their payment the United States eaves three per cent. interest, and will net three per cent. taxes I n new banks to be organized, and thus leave the currency without either expansion or contraction. The remaining prepositions Of the bm authorised, be laid, free banking, or coin notes. Tide was an *inauguration of a true system of banking, embracing ab solute security to the noteholders and the United States. The agency of private corporations, as hanks, to give flexibility to currency and to meet the ebb and flow of exchange, its redemption on demand in gold coin and freedom from monopoly or restrictionsiexcept such as are noes. nary to protect its debtors and cred itors. The banks to be authorized will be organized only on the Pacific coast, or in New York and the t3outh, where large transactions are based upon gold values. Mr. Sherman further announced that the possible objections to the bill would befoUowed.let. dire, time by a bill for funding the public debt and for the re. vision of the internal revenue tax and tariff. Mr. DAVIS remarked that the chief feature or gold notes was dependent upon the facility with which they were redeemed. To make them equal in val ve to gold their certain and prompt re demption must be secured when pre sented by holders to the bank. In case of Oho Bank falling to make them equal to coin, the Government moat be ready and able to step In and redeem the notes. Mr. SHERMAN replied by reference to the 4th section of the bill, requiring every national bank to keep ow:hamlet least 2.5 percept. of its circulation in gold or silver coin. Then, too, the taw under the present system was thit If the Dote was presented to the bank and not paid, the holder might at once present It to the Government., which would redeem it within twenty days. The banks were bound to redeem-their notes at the cen ire of redempt [emend the same general 'principle that' applied to circulating notes applied also to gold notes. • Mr. HOWE delivered a lengthy &Mu. ment in review of the financial proposi tions which had been suggested. He advocated the proposition to allow legal tenders to be funded in six per cent. bonds, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, conferring the privilege of funding to those who will use the bonds as a bads for new bank circulation, and giving preference to those portions of the country which may from time to time be deficient in circulation. Ho eimpisined. . • , the Government eimpellet -Public creditors to carry Its own overdue obligations and made them no compensation for so doing, and the pending bill did not attempt to right the wrong. He complained that the amount in circulation was limited by inflexible law, and this wrong the pending bill would perpetuate. The franchise of banking was a monopoly, arbitrary, tultatly distrituted among I a few to the exclusion of many. -But the pending bill created a new monopo ly. It also proposed to silence the corn. Wets that the south and west were de nied equal rights under the law, by ding ing to them the pittance of 145.000,000 to growl over among themselves. Above all legitimate trade was Imperilled sod hones effort demoralized by man who are dally making contra to for future delivery of gold. While this bill would charter great corporations to engage in that very business, he would have a law which declared the gold gambler a crim loll and consigned him to the peniten bary.for life. But this bill proposed to lieenae.him,se.l:llol o pilltrede under the unction of the racrediaw. • Mr. SUMNER believed the prop Lion to supply P 6,000,000 additional .would not ; meet... Present ,retrareenents. The prepbsition tolnovide a National currency of coin notealmnitnted asystem of free banking upon a specie basis, which was imposaible until we, had specie payments: Beattie., this would create a currency In addition to that of greenbacks and , gold notes. Be Intl- mated heir:Ml6 prole an amendment the nature of a substitute for the MIL The proposed emendment Is the bill re. candy Introduced and explained by him self, to prowl le for &Nations leurreney of Coin notes and to equalize the distribution of cireulating Rotes. COIiE gave 1101100 that he would offer an amendment to Insert In lieu of the former portion of the bill...the . renewing . -.That 1a addition to the atooreit of United State& notes hereto. fore Issued and now to circulation, the Secretary of the Treasury- is authorised to Leine to ezehithge for United States Interest bonds, at their garnet value, *46.000.000 attach notes for circulation." The Senate went intoEseentiveseasion and after about an hour's melon at 4:26 adjourned. • • • ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. c, • :BILIS SLIVSBODUCID. Among a large numbet of bllis Intro duped were the following; Ramming the land granted for a railroad from the elle olsalopt-titior opposite : the motan of the Ohio via . Little Rock to the Toros bound. ary near Fulton. Ark.. and regranting It to others engaging to build the road.' Fixing the oompensatton or letter car Sere at $t.200. Tit increase the number iintidgce or, theSunreme-Cotul of the United States. To regulate the mode of determining the ratlikatiOn oina,tltutlonal amend- To anthorke the building of a railroad from Washington City to Schuylkill county, Pa. Granting one hundred and tizty sr ies: ofland to soldiers wboverved in the lite wiz. To adjust the payment of Pensions on a gold male. Providing for tho health and safety of persons employed in coal mines. Allowing citizens of. Wete.Virgitiia to stores of ,tlla presen , dt e.. to o claims f Q inuartte. termaster's To authorize the people of New Idemica to forma constituttorrend State govern. mein preparatory to admission masticate. Greeting agricultural wheal hinds to several Territories. • oorrserso lys.crrioan Mr. BURR introduned a resolution do. cluing that from the nature of iti duel( 0 ' the Ltommittoe on Elections was . a Jed dal body. sod thatln deciding contested Median cues tho 'members thereof should act ecoording to all tbe rules of law without pirtiality or prejudice, as if tinder a nodal oatn in each came. The previous question wag seconded, ' 7 3 to 33 _ Ittr. KELSEY, of New York, moved . h .y the resolution on the table, stating d ," t cast imputations - on th e &mmle tee CM Na°ll°oo. • RFIELD suggest. an amend ment, ex portin the same principle to a ll m embers of the House in voting is masted etesOcso cases. .xtre.rletlen was not tabled—vele, 44; nays, 130: and was adopted, 130 to 23. ?OSSA/. VXMORAPH. Mr. WASHBURN:g. Wis., Introduced a bill to establish postal telegraph HOW. He moved to refer It to s.special commit- tee of seven. Mr. FARNSWORTH called for a dl• vlatozi; and remarked the minter was al. reedy Whitt a'staatatiaraMailttoe, the BAWD* Commit:se. • Mr. PERRY moved to redoilhe bill to , the PostoMoe Committee. Negatived , , - 67 to 70. • The bill was then referred without di• vhdon tea select committee of seven. IiPPROPRIATION DILL. - Ur. DAWES, frem the the HomtiMee on Appropriations, relented Lisleism% Eiecotive and Jul!nary appropriation till. It was ordered to be printed and msdeithe special order star Wednesday next.. hIr..HAWES stated to the :House the gores oomposlog the bill compared with the estimates, and there were sev eral legislative provisions in the MU ren dered neosseary to cut off abuse,. He Ooviello sawed the ntlea.that. an or. Om 'Wald up made that the usual point of order cannot be made against these provlslOna ln oomml t le of the whole. After considerable diem:mien the me. Clop wee agreed to. . .. TUC GEORGIA KAMM. . , Tho noose then neocsedbd to basinaga on the Speaker's taiga sus fanners Iteply of the General of the Army to the call for Information on Mr. Brooke' resolution as to the authority for certain military °Meers acting u Committee on Emotions In the Georgia Legialature. stating they are not acting u such Com. OM =~.-, -«. ,w...~.• mittee, but as a board outside the Leg's. hums, to assist General Terry In thee:o ctal= of his most unpleasant offioe and dutlec, imposed on him by an act oICon 'NIL • Mr. BROOKS addressed the House on the subject, contending that the military authorities had no power whatever to Interfere with the organiztion of the Legislature of Georgia. It was an entire assumption on the part of General Terry and hie subordinates, and was utterly lawless. Governor Bullock had intro duced a railroad master, who had not been elected to any legislature, to pre. side over the Legislature. He hoped he was not misinformed In being told that Gen. Sherman and Gen. Grant were stoat sending a special meake n ger to correct these illegal proceedings. Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, de fended the Executive and Gen. Terry. He said Gen. Terry had only done what Gen. Meade done on the first organiza tion of the Georgia 'Legislature-under taken to find what members were eligi ble. That wag authorised by all the reoonedruotion acts. Mr. BROOKS asked Mr. Butler to point to the acts giving. such authority. Mr. BUTLER said be was ready to give all that information on the principle of the carpenter testifying in court, who was asked how far he was from the place where the incident ()marred, and answered four feat two and • half inches from it, and being tusked, how be knew -that ao 40. eurately, refdled that he thought some fellow would be fool enough 'to ask him that question and be measured It. [ Laughter.] He referred to Sec. 11 of the Act of July 19,1887, Oil:weather. Up to the General of the Army to act In' this reconstruction batter. He knew there had come up a report from the As. iodated Press of the Booth—which Paver reported in favor of loyalty, but always In favor of - secesaltm and rebellion, and• he hoped to see that monopoly . put . down —that General Terry had organized a Military maim's don -to try a member of the Georgia Legislature, but that was not so. He. be had only appointed a board of goy. erntuent officers to find out who were hot eligible. itte spoke whereof he knew wnen be armed that the action of Gen. Terry had been and would be sustained by the administration, and thattleorgla would be constructed in the interest of loyalty. Mr. MOrtGAN protested against these accumulative acts of usurpation, not only on the part of Congress, but on the part of the Executive. . After • thriller discussion between Messrs. Butler, Morgan, 'Voorhees, and others, the papers were referred to the Committee on Reconstruction. VIDAIDI4 ADMISSION DILL. Mr. IFARNSWORTII moved to pa over all Intervening business on the Speaker's table, In order to take up the Virginia bill, with the *nate amend ments. Mr. ELDRIDGE Inquirid whether any Opportunity for debate was to be given? Mr. FARNSWORTH declined to make law Promisee on the satinet. 9 - The motion was agreed to, the Demo crats voting in the negative. The bill wag then taken up and the Senate substitute was read. Mr. FARNSWORTH moved to concur in the Senate substitute, not, however, became. II Its provisions were presented originally he would have au ported I them. Some of them be thought very bunglingly drawn, and they would do more harm than good; but he made the mama because he thought to throw the queetlon open again to the ass of disco"- ston, and to keep Virginia longer out of representation, would be a greater evil than to adopt the Senate bilL Mr. COX asked whether the passage of the Senate MU would not be yielding up the position of the House, without even the chance of II mmittee of Conference/ Mr. FARNSWORTH . replied that was a question for the Hone°. Mr. BINGHAM said It would be borne on the journal of the House that more than three to one of the memtera bad declared for' the admission of Virginia without con. ditions That vote would coot. mend itself to the approval of the coun try He had no apology to make here Er elsewhere for the position which he bad been assuming, and which he now rent. orated, that It was not in the power of Congress, by exacting fandamentatton datum in the admission of a State.M en , force what could not Do legitimately enforced on all otherStetes. That being 113, he asked tbd the Sate of Virgil:de De admitted under the Senate bill. He eti logised the constitution of Virginia as being more liberal that the constitution of any State west of the Alleghenies. If he thought that under this bill Virginia could be subjected to conditions which might not be imposed • on New York er Ohio, he never would vole for the bill. Mr. COX suggested the Senate bill was se obnoxious as the bill reported by the Reconstruction Committee, and which was voted down by the Howe. Mr. BINGHAM replied it was not quite so obnoxious. He hoped the House would concur In the Senate amendment. His chief purpose was to state to the gentlemen on his own side , of the House— Mr. BUTLER. Mass...-Which side Of the house is that? Laughter.] Mr. BINOHAM, (inaignanlly)—The gentleman is very whet wise beyond his yeara. He.cannut read me out of the party with which I a i m crenrcted, nor can he blot out my record. Vulgarity is not wit assumption isnot power. There was no occasion for the inquiry. As• (anther. Sid a linal .` • Tent basest Man 'a the sesta w ort °TOM. \ ' ITAllebter and much exeitemeit on the door. • Mt. BUTLER, took the floor l and the interest in the Maccusdon seemed. to be on the tomes& He .said- he ;would be. gin where the gentleman from Ohio had left off, DOA Lib misquoting, but simply to say that he had never threatened to read that gentleman out of the Republt. ISM ; patty. Noboby could do that but himself.' Whether he had done that .in issuing the Virginia bill through the Douse by snap Judie, moot, and with the aid of his Democratic allies, the country would judge. Wheth. er the gentleman was to have an ovation whoa he went to Virginia, be did not know, but he had seen someldnt of that hied In the papers. He !should try to be resent in Writ, where he could' look not embodied, and see Vir &dans toasting a man whom all their papers announced am • the , murderer of Mrs. Beirut. (Exciter went.) What aright. The lion? Not' Hot Not_ths_jamb, but another animal. (LiughTerY He referred to the eulogy paired - by the gentleman from Ohio on the Virginia Constitution, and uld It wu not theerork of a V.e. statesman, but of corper..basteers and scallawags and negroes from the fields. He regarded the renditions intim bill es notice to Vir. Kinds., and all the country, that if she did not maintain In spirit and tan'ti the spirit of rooonstcuatlonas Con gress bold and claimed, Congress w i t h the help pf Cod and of the loyal People of the country, would exercise the Dow. er to place her back again where she had been. He did note know what new light the egotism= from-Ohio had got which. Induced him to support the bill from the ' Sonata, which was substantially the bill reported by Aso Reconstruction 0:101. COLN , Mr. FARNSWORTH cold he under. stood very well the 'Muttons made by Mr. Butler to the setlegeheirman of the Reconstruction Committee, and he bad a word to uy on that subject. He would not allow himself to be In structed in Republicanism by the gen t ic men frnm Maseachtunetts. Ho had , been a Republican for teren'y.five yet r ; 1 when the gentleman from Mass was I chasing fa Odom slaves all over the State. (Laughter and clapping of hands doing Democratic side.) Be had been all he could at the Chicago Convention ' for the nomination of the Republlcan President when the • gentleman from hlauschnietts was .al the Charleston . Convention voting _ for Jeff Davis (Laughter.) Be had voted for the Re publican party in 11,60, when the gentle man from Masesehusette was voting for Breckenridge of Kentucky. Mr. Farnawerth's motion was agreed to and the Senate substitute concurred in by aatrict party vote—yes'lltd.nayeaL House adjourned at five o'clock. • • - The XTth Amendment m ter Telemann coins inttsbanre 0 melte •t CIIIOAOO, 'January 24.—The lowa t3en• Ito to day sent to the House the resolu tion ratifying the Fifteenth Amendment, with a refusal to cosear, The Honseap• pointed a tklmmittoo of Conference. Doubtless the Contbreuce COrnmittee will reconcile the difference between the two Houses. —Many Mahe lager beer establishments In New York and Brooklyn were open on Sunday Met and the beverage pu b lic. ly sold. I fi PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1870. SECOND EDITIOL FOUR O'CLOCK, a. .IEI. HARBLSBURG. Pennsylvania Legislature. SENATE: Franking Privilege Reguiating Interest Rate—Sate Keeping and Disbursement of Public Fends—Bills Consider ed. HOUSE : Printing of De partment Reports—Treasury Investigation Extended Over Three Years Past—Bills Intro duced. Swim Dlepateb io the Putebnegh Gantt%) ' IlAnntanona, Jan. 24.1679 SENATE. iqtAs ncraonrrozo. MA PtJRMANi Antherfling de— 'sated wives' to sell their property or sue (or the same. • Inereiudng the Supreme Judges, by adding two, who shall ho elected In 0o- Leber. By Mr. HOWARD: Relative to evi. deuce In motions on contracts. For an additional Notary Public In Allegheny county. By Mr. TURNER: Repealing the twenty-fourth motion of the appropria tion act of 1869. This repeal allows the publication of departmental reports. end to effect restores the franking pri Paaaed unanimously. By Mr. OLMSTED : Allowing seven Per cent. interest In absence of agree ment, and not more than twelve per cent. By Mr. WHITE: For the safekeeping and disbursement of public revenues. It provides that %beaus Treasurer may,' with the approval of . the Sinking Fund.' llommleatoners, select depositaries at Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and other planes convenient for public badness; ell required to girt; security in double the amount of the current ball awes deposited, to be approved by the Courts of the .countles in which said banks are situated and by the Gov ernor ; to give • interest at not less than three and • half per can's, and such greater rate as the Treasurer, with the consent of the Sink ing Fund 'Commiastoners, mayde mand; monthly rerorts to re made by depositaries .of payments and interest paid; unlit of depositaries to be preserved by the Auditor General and Treasurer and reported from time to time; all transfer of balandee to be made by the State Treasurer's draft; counter signed by the Ilmudealonere of the Sinking Fund; depositaries to pay out on drafts of the State Treasurer, counter signed by the Auditor General, including the same in monthly statements; penal ties for making personal offers to the Treasurer for deposits and far aocepting indorsements. BILLS CONSIDERED. Mr. DAVIS called up the bill extend ing reductions of gentencea for good con. duet to county Passed. Mr. HENSZEY called up the bill pun ishing baggage masters, hackman and others by line of one hundred ,dollara for injury or destruction of bsggage. Pained. ' - Mr. ILLLLINGFELT moved to recall from Bones the NU just plumed renewing the franking privilege. and allowing the printing of departmental revolts. The Senators, he sell, did not know what they were voting on. - Agreed to. Teas—Mews, Bllllngtelt. Broadhead, Buckalew. Davir, Flndlay, Graham, ilesstel, How. r I, Kerr. Lowry, Mum ma, Nagle, asterism; Forman, Ratan. Wallace. Warfel, Watt, White, and Stinson-7231 Nays—Allen Breit, - Brown, Connell, Duncan, Linderman,Mclntire, Miller Olulstead. Turner an Roblnem-41. Mr. ALLEN called up the supplement for the Freeport and Shenango Valley B. B. Passed. . _ Mr. TURNER called u p the bill requir ing as quailOcationi for preparing medi cal prescriptions a service of two years In a drug more or graduation from medi cal college. Passed second reading. Adjourned. . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. is:SOLUTION TO TAINT. A resolution from the Senate ordering three thousand Auditor General's reports was considered. Mr. DAVIS moved an amendment an thorismig the clerks to place postage *Lampe thtreOn. Adopted. Mr: ADAIRE moved an amendment for printing railroad reports. Adopted. The resolutkin was then defeated— ayes 12, nays 71. At-rectories. ' Mr. ADAIRE called for an attachment against Edward Sherry, a witness, for refusing to appear in the Forsyth con. testes election. 'Granted. vazasunv IRVISTICIATION. Mr. ADAIRE offered a resolution an. thorizing the Treasury Investigation Committee to employ a clerk. Adopted. Mr. HONG offered aresolution author. ling the Treasury Investigation Com. riittee to go back three years. Mr. DAVIS offered an amendment to go back ten years. Negatived. Mr. Hong's resolution was adopted. Mr. RELNOEEIL moved -to discharge the Committee. Negatived—yell 15. nays 65. • Mr. BUNN offered a resolution in creasing the Committee to thirteen. Negatived. . HILL DIUM/LTIOD. The bill from the Senate repealing the 24th section of the appropriation bill waa defeated. TUX TRAIIIING Mr. HERR offered i resolution grant ing the franking privilege to member?. not exceeding ten cents on any package. Laid over. DUTY ON PIO LIMN The resolution urging Congress to op• pa* a redaction of the duty oo pig Iron wee reported favorably. DILIA INTRODUCED. By Mr. WALTON: Incorporating' the Duquesne Grays of Pittsburgh. Inoorporating Mount Oliver Inclined Mane flobmpanv. 'By Mr. HUMPHREYS: Increasing Ormsby Borough taros. Incorporating American Fidelity In. @urinal company. Adjourned. TENNESSEE. The Legislature and Constitutional ann.. ventlen—The Suffrage Queation• (By Telegraph to the I.ltistrorgh kieeette.) NASHVILLE, January 2.4.—The !louse to-day adopted unanimoualys resolution deploring the death of Ueo. D. Prentice, and tendering sympathy to Kentucky In her loss. The Constitutional Convention took up the report of the majority and minority of the committee on franchise and elec tions. The majority repel Proposes to citizen o f the e righUnited Stat of suffrage on every male itizen tes residing in Tennessee. twenty-one years of age, who has paid his poll tax. The minority re. port rejects colored suffrage, and pro. poses that It be submitted as an inde pendent proposition. Mr. Jones. of Lincoln, astonished the conservatives by moving that the minor ityproposition be added to that of the majority, Considerable debate followed, but no vote was taken. Fire and Lon of Life. Mr Tourers to QS risubsrra emetic.) BT. Jossrg, M. 0., January 24.—Five =all business houses were burned yes. Ibrdsy morning, 'Wm: Fowler, brother. In-law of. exAMngressman Lone, who slept In one of the buildings, was burned to death, While • number of firemen wore trying to rescue hie remains, the walls fell In. Charles Argus, whom pa. rents reside in Buffalo, was Injured 00 hadlythat he died In Wootton& Frank Hill had hie skull fractured. and was badly burned. He will probably die. Jule Bidekam, Frea. Matte, Wen. Boro. guar and Arthur (Ullman were all so- verely burned and otherwise Injured, killed. Wesley The ims by gre Plante. • negro was not hullo,inatantly • .' • - -• 1„ NEWS 'BY CABLE. New Steam ild Bail Line Pro: ject—Fille4 Persons Crushed to Death itittPailley a Church. EY EtUinta to UM Pittston Gazette., GREAT BRITAIN. Losroorr, Janteszy 24.—A. project has Men Introduce 4 here looking to the es• tablishment of ea steamer and rail route from Anemone: New Zealand, etc., to London, by way of San Francisco, Cal., Portland, Ide.; end Milford Haven, Wales. It is thought-le . route may be sworn plished tturou these points In about forty days. . Gladstone bar/issued the usual nptioe to supplitin of the Government id the Souse tO be In their seats on the Bth day of February. • The Austbuig Gazelle of Saturday prints the protest of ()indium! Rauscher against Papal infallibility, which is shortly to be presented to the Pope. LIITZEPOOL. January 21.—Daring the services at Bt. Josephs Chapel, In thin city, yesterday, it false alarm of fire was raised, and a. panto and rush occurred, during which fifteen people were traw -1 Pied to death, and great many badly Injured. • MADRID, January 24.—The Duke Moot. ponder bee been elected Deputy to the Oonstltuent Dottie from the city of Munich. . 8 NEWS. Qtrikkereolur) Jan nary 24.—The %team. ship Mho) elkdo, tom Now York, has arrived. •„, RINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Lennon, January 24—Evening.—Von sole for money; 92%; amount, 92%; 6.20 bonds: 62a, 87; 651, old„ 116%; 675, 85%; 10.40 a. 64%. Steaks quiet; Mies, 18%; Illinois Central, 101%; Atlantic; dt Grind Western. 26. Lorimer, January M.—Linseed Oil, 20s. Sterling, 60. Linseed quiet at 69059 s 6d. Patna, January 24 —Bonnet exalted at 73 francs 60 centimes Livitaroor...Tannary 24.—Cotton buoy ant; uplands, 11,401; Orleans, 11%%d: sales 18,000 bales. .larlettiffs firmer; Cali foredo white, 9a 8409 s Ed; red western, 74 9.1(g17a 10d; winter. 8s 7d; flour, 211; corn, 271. Bd. Otis, 2e o d. ss. Peas, Sts Bd. Pork firm at 102 s 611.. Beef, 102 s. Lard aelive at fat. Cheese, 71e. Bacon. 68. tid. Turpentine. 28$ od. CHICAGO. The Dry Goods Deana s—RaUroad Le. Doren on a strße and Bieting—Pen. tentlary Eitspenses.-Aossi•ln Sentenced. (ity Telegraph to the ?Mabee/la Gantt.) Cinceoo,..hintotry 24./rhe vales of the dry goods house of Field, Letter 6. Lb., to this city, during tits past year exceed ed twelve !Milton dollars, while that of J. V. Falwell R Co, to thqsame business, exceeds ten millions. On the 20th Ind. the laborers' warm on the Superior Railroad were reduoed from 11.75 per day to jLbO. The Swedes struck and maven hundred are reported as rioting at Hinckley. They have stopped all work on the road and threat en to ace': baths. Reports say they burned oust hundred and fifty shanties last night, toot this La contradicted. A special train, with officers of the road and a police from, left St. Paul today at 12 o'clock !be the memo of riot. According to the report of the Illinois State Auditor, mode to the Constitution al Convention, the expentea of running the State' Penitentiary at Joliet, since Nave been MAW Edward Casey, who attempted to as. seminal. Robert Wilcox. when detected by the latter In stealing, was tried In the Recorder's Court to-day end sentenced to fourteen years In the State Pennon- . dory. Geo ' . me Seaton. night watchman In the Chicago FoittoMce. has been arrested charged with robbing the mails. Ile wal committed to await a further examine. Son. CINCINNATI. Homicide Trtikl—lnsurasice Compaiipiro. elguisent,Water Works Contract -IRaMead Excordos. (By Telegmh to the Plttiborgb amt..) Ctercnterem, January 24.—The trial of Philip Wareham for murder In the drat degree began to-day before Judge Mar- • dock in the Common Pleas. The defend ant is &egged with killing David Kirby, at the C. B. and D. B. B. depot In this city. in .August last. Both parties rerlded in Dayton. The Central Insurance Company made an atedMi r. . lir t it to.ds bas. g for the beentaki be n nellt of i for moms time. 6 . . The city council of Covinrden voted tonight to contract with the Holly Man. ufacturing Company for water works, to wet a quarter of a million dollars, and to have a capacity to furnish live million gallons daily. A delegation from the chamber of commerce and hoard of trade left for Loolernlle, termite to tbo opening of the Macon and Brunswick railroad. LOUISVILLE. Funeral of G. D. Prentlee—A Dreneb. lng Fain. ttr Tetteesaa to lte rittsooraasammi Lethenu.n, Jan. 3L—The remains of the late Ueorge D. Prentice wen removed from the !ductile Temple to Christ Church this afternoon, where the solemn and imprimatur burial service of the Episcopal Church was performed, after which they were escorted to Cave Bill Cemetery by the Masonic trate:nifty and a large Dumber of citizens. A drenching rain has prevailed for the last eighteen hours. :II OVIIIR.I I —The cheese factory of Jaekeen .t Roper, Greenville, Ohio, was destroyed by tire on Banday morning. Low l / 2 1110,- 000. Inaustmee. MOM —A. number of Germans in Brooklyn met and adopted resolutions. on Rotor. peal of demanding the total re peal of the Excise law bythalwgislature. —AI an induoement to the employs of the Erie Railroad along the line riot to' Join their Jersey City brethren In the strike. they have been given full work ing time at Increased wagee. —On Saturday the New York Anode lion for the restoration of Amerman ship. ping interests, sent to Hon. H.O. Calkin, a petition to Congress, closely signed by mechanics' and over eight feet In length. —The N. Y. Herald Keys the feature pf th g e' gle current week proud's to be a stru orthwestern raild . ' - of which in Dan Niel Drew is reported roa larg dock ely abort, while Commodore Vanderbilt lo said to have been buying It ever since September. —Workmen are now engaged In ex. caviling for the foundation of the Brooklyn tower of the proposed But river bridge. The foundation, it la ex. meted, will be finished by December lid, Blie; after that the upper work will pro ceed rapidly. The bridge la to be flash ed in five year". —The Mormon Temple In Williams. burg. N. Y., was packed daring the Barrios Sunday. The congregation seemed to be composed of English and' German. of the poorer clam. An Eng lish alder 'harangued the Saints on the glory 01 the religion which had stood the tent of thirty years, despite the ridicule of the world and the stories of the news. Mom —The N.Y. Commercial sayst Baur& y evening an agreement was entered and signeci between the Adams and American Express Companies, by which the latter surrendered to the former all the routes and advantages given by the Adsmii.Othe Merahantallnlon ander the arraasngem of December, 11167. which waretranderred by the UerehantaUnion to the American upon their late anisoll , dation of Interiada. In oonalderatlon of this re•transfer of ronteathe Adams Om pany pays to the American Company Illiklooo cash withal the Darted of four years as oompensation. Pb? the transfer of the Fort Wayne and Chicago route the Adams Company gives to the Ameri can the transportation over the Melo. yeti and Indians Road, the lower end of the /111aote Central Road and the alfer ttonvllU Indiana Road. NEAPS AND IISCIELIMY VENUE' Is giving mathiees. LAILIIELK has just become a mother. Curcsaci Law tolvendty admits ladies. A " clarinet. mon "—Row. Mr. Cooke•s, . Ito] mars Bo:trim was once the cham pion compoeitor. GEE. LEE prefers European emigrants to Chinese coolies. LONDON is furnished with gas by thir teen gas companies. Tan Mobile Register!' iiifitted on paper made from the okra plant. SOMEZIODT thinks the clerk of the wee. then lass committed suicide. Pitrianustaa has • Citizens' Antocia tlod, to keep the streets clean. NEW Yoree spends three times as much money for liquor as for bread. Fenn Democrats in the Mums House Toted for the 15th Amendment. SNOW six inches deep fell at Athens, Alabama, January Bth and 9th. A Cnic.too dentist pulls teeth gratul• thusly on Thursday aftern-ohns. Tam christening cake of -Wales' new baby weighed eiztydve pounds. Ctuvonkra is about to abolish the law prohibiting Sunday theatres. You can buy a three cent cigar In Hayti for $250 in Hayden money. A PRISONER at Portland, England, was lately whipped to death with the "ad." Witimmovords birthday is to be cele• basted in Paris this year on a grand scale. Daum man, woman and child In Ame rica uses on an average 500 matches a year. TER Mayor of Bridgeport, West Vir ginia, has been impeached for drunken ness. Mount, the philanthropist, Is after the men who shave their hones' sad mules' tails. Goy. Rumen= recommends the abo lition or the Grand Jury' system in . Wis consin. • Tux latest notion of a Paris paper is to offer wedding rings to all new sub• scribers. Has. Manx Saint has added another member to ; the great Smith fill, in London. Ourtinuesa are exported from this country to England, Cubs and South America. A MURDERER'S skull was sold by Luc- tion the other day near Ebembarg, Penn' sylvania. Tax original "General Boum" Is said 1 to be in the possession of Offenbach and is a huge dog. ENOLIBII steamers are reported to be going through the Suez Canal without any trouble. Mos. LTDIA. Barron has been appoint• ed chaplain of the Leavenworth (Kansas) Penitentiary. BENUMB boa even up lecturing. Us found he couldn't d 6 that any bettor than he could fight. CARLOTTA PATTI and Kellogg are to I slog together in tho Lyons (France) Opera House next summer. . A WOMAN in Indiana was Eaton the other day; she riu since married. Can nihilism extraordinary. A rem.ovr•Who won 200,000 francs at Baden last year has been arrested in Parts for picking pockets. Ton ben; or the Wisconsin Legis lature are carpet baggers—not a native of the BM among them. Tog di and wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin wan, - of Emex, Vermont, was celebr ed on the 7th ult. ' A Jitney. t t•N put Nap In his friend's LI beer for a joke, and _the result proved that )alap fatal toSezveymen. A Nov • Judge recently sentenced a man to a eof one hundred dollars for cuffing the ears of a local preacher. L :ouzo woman of Indiana keeps twenty,aeven engagement rings hang up in her boudoir, the spoils of five years. Tux Apaches are industrious in Ari zona. They have lifted the scalp of one out of every nine whites in the Territory. Tue youths of Detroit are dangerous. A boy of 20 has been arrested for sadly trifling with the affections of a girl of 40. Mr. A. DOTY. of Banta Barbara county, California, raised some corn last season weighing one pound and five ounces to the ear. Tu tell a story in Washington of an official who"feanked" trunks, weigh- lag 850 porunia, [tom Washington to Ban Francisco. IN the last week but one of December, there were seen 8,659. more paupers in London than in the corresponding period of last year. A ourrursoth in Petersburg. Va., the other day, for a wager, ate one gallon of fresh oysters, minus the shells and liquor, at one sitting. • Man Du. War ass returned the en trance money to a disappointed audience at Jackson, Miss., the other night. It wu just $l. 95. - Is the picture gallery of the Jesuit con vent at Lisbon, Is a painting representing Adam in Paradise, In blue pants, and Eye in full dress. A Raw Yong undertaker says that his most liberal customers are the surviving partners of marriages which have been the most unhappy. Tess Wyandotte &sure learns that corn Is used for fuel in Johnson county, Kan woo cheaper at 26 cents a bushel thnu d or coal. Wyonneo offers to send Anna Dickin son to Congress if she will comeout there and live. She prefers to make $5OO a night without stealing. Tan Rey. Mr. Millburn, the blind lee. hirer, will average, during the present lecture season, twenty-four engagements a month, at $lOO each. Wass • Suffolk, England, man wants to tell his friend that be is making too much fuss about anything, he says quietly, " Now, don't spume." Gamin CoMITY, lowa, bought • $2700 safe last month and at the begin thing of the year its treasurer had just eleven cents to put into it. Tug late Marquis of Westminlster led about five million dollars In personal property. The value of his real estate has never been estimated. BastinzaenD has patented and put In operation In New Orleans, a system of propelling street cars by means of a rope worked by sleaze anginal. "Raw &mum) Caucames" are plac arded In Ban Francisco markets, and fresh oysters from the east are opened at twelve and a half cents apiece. Ores hundred and fifty babies have been found in the little basket crib at the door of the New. York Foundling Asylum since the 20th of last November. A MINNIBor . gentleman has a libel suit against one of the papers. It screw ed him of treating his friends to drinks of whiskey too small for hospitality. A ism round the globe in seventy seven days and hours Is pub• lisped by the Erie Railway, the trip be. ginning by a journey over that road. : * I II.U/A KieoWLE2I and Mrs. Frank Reid, two spiritualists of &filth Innen, Michigan, married themselves, a few day s since, by repeating a abort ceremony. A New variety of cinchona yielding a larger per centage of quinine than any species yet analyzed, has been discovered by the quinologlat to the Madras govern. ment. • • . Tun tournament of the New York Chrss Club closes to•day. Capt. Macken zie is alter the first prize, and Mr. Ware of Boston, and Dr. Barnett, are contest: ing the second. ' A CAXIC alas was swung across the Kennebec river, at Waterville, Me., last week, in order to make a menage across the liver for teams. as there la no bridge now at Waterville. Tug Det4Sßepublican organ save of Charles Somas;'.tie Is the perpendlett• tar of the Senate, and all opinions sdvene to his are too apt to be accounted by blin u fatal deflections." Five hundred and sixty-nine vessels are licensed by the State of Maryland to engage In the oyster catching business. Thmtake 000 000 of bushels a year, andemploy 5,000 men. Alain BT. Menne, whose side was shot away to 1822, in such a manner as to expose the action of the digestive or gans to the surgeon's eye, Is still alive and well in Cavendish, Vermont. - REDDY, the blacksmith, doesn't keep his pledge. When the revenue officers went after him the other day for selling liquor without a license, they found him gloriously drunk in his own cellar. Ray. Senses Coons, the New York eloper, preached at Stamford, Connecti cut, a few Bundays.ago, mud before leav ing town borrowed two hundred dollars of apious brother, who is still his creditor. FONTANA, the Paris singing master, who committed suicide, broke several galls from the wall by his weight, and was finally forced to hang himself to a strong hook, only three feet from the ground. AN uncommon and melancholy sight was that witnessed in the streets of Oak kosh, Wis.; a day or two Since. A wo man, clad in tattered raiment, was car rying home In her arms the coffin of her child, four or five years old. Tne Btillwster (Minn:) Republkan says that Mr. Dalrymple, the great far merof Minnesota, whose farms are In-the southern part of that county, has made one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, clear gain, in three years of farming. An enterprising journalist got into the secret wildcat of the (Ecumenical as an Eastern Bishop in fall rig. Bus Latin betrayed him, and the Papal police escor ted him to prison. The Salim-Abet made his Bishop's robe was sent to keep him company. Cot.. Josiss, of Monmouth, New Jer sey, owns the original copy of the famous Lecompton Constitution, over which the country tvol such a wrestle somewhere I about 18118. It is on a square' yard of parcbr , red durib. ...ehment, *as twice Saptnred during the Kansas' troubles, and went safely through the milking of Lawrence. A nninrra asfo the relative merits of sheep and goat's meld in a town of South ern California, is to be settled by cooking two sheep and two goats, and.: duly serv ing them up before a committee of twelve impartial Judges. Two sheep and • two goats ought to make a square meal (deny twelve men. Tax Baltimore and Ohio Rtilrottd took to Baltimore, from the Cumberland and other mines along - which it runs, for the year just closed, 1,388,157 tons of coal, against 815,506 tons in 1868, showing an increase for the past year of 573,651 tons. These figures show an increase in the de. velopment of the Maryland and War. Virginia mines for the past year amount ing to 741,062 tons. Prior. LOOMIS, of Yale College, has written a letter in favor of the scheme for taking observatiOns or the approach of great storms. He says such storms tem ally come from the southwest to the north east, and can be easily traced. He rec ommends the appointment of a compe tent meterologiat to superintend the mat ter, and believes that the increased seen rity to commerce will more than compen. sate for the expense. Pence Awraurt is about nineteen years old, with a good humored eye, and a first crop of blonde whiskers on his healthy looking cheeks. Bin hair and complection are also light, and, together, he is a genuine "English blonde." On his arrival In New York hls costume was each as can be seen on Broadway every day. A coat, pantaloons and vest of the same material, a mixed black and white, covered with a yellowish overcoat. He wore canary .colored gloves, carried it light cane, wore a very large silk hat. Taw Davenport (Iowa) Gazette, of the 17th, says: "The beantiel of the frank ing privilege had apt illustration on Sat urday evening, as the postollice in this city. This was In the arrival of a regis- tered letter, duly. franked and conveyed, free of cost, to person mailing or person addressed, or to any one else, except the Plutonic:a Department, in the shape of a large canvaacoveted trunk, weighing at least three hundred and fifty pounds. Tris pretty little letter was mailed at Washington and is directed to Ban Fran cisco. It bears the name of a gentleman appointed to an important cilp:omatic position abroad, midis consigned with all care to the charge of a United States Con- wal GeneraL" A case has just been decided by the Supreme Court of Alabama, which is re garded as nettling, in principle, that all the marriages which toos place in that State during the war are null and void, and that the issue of such marriages are The law requires that licien ses to marry shall be obtained from the Judge of Probate; and as thepersona who undertook to discharge that office by rebel authority were no Judges at all, their licenses, ills said, are of no value. It Is probable, however, that the principle will not be carried to its full extent. but that the doctrine that the living together of a man and woman as husband and wife constitutes a sufficient marriage, will be adopted instead. Tag staircase of the St. Cloud was blocked with boarders endeavoring to get away with their baggage, One young women exhibited a heroism worthy of record. She was pretty, with dark curly hair, and hadlust env ied on the first landing with her ands full of knick knacks, when she suddenly dropped her load; putting her band to her head ex- claimed In heart-rendering accents, "Oh, my blonde hair!" rushed frantically back and disappeared In a volume of smoke. There was a minute of awful suspense to the bystanders; by presently the courage ens girl appeared at the top of the stairs carrying about ten pounds of blonde hal; capilliary ornamentation. One of the boarders said that the hair was lately im ported from Paris at a cost of $175. TIDE following Personal is from tte New York herald : "Dear Know ing you to be cognizant of the circum stances that surround us both, and also how deeply anxious I am to have You know my Inmost thought', I am embold ened to use this Personal column as a means to write to you, hoping you will excuse the liberty I take in so doing. Dear —, It 11 now several years since I first saw your sweet face-flit before my enraptured gaze. causing this perverse heart of mine to vibrate with the keenest and exquisite emotions that have ever agitated the breast of mortal since the . days of Adam. I lovedyou, and through years of trials and vicissitudes has this fond heart kept tune to that sweet melody that was first awakened In me on that auspicious time, hoping against hope that I might once more behold you, and that the fates would relent and let me look Into the depths of those sweet eyes again; but years flew by and still I saw you not, until at last I gave you up as one who had gone to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. Can you imagine what must have been the electrical effect upon me *hen I once more beheld you ? Oh, God, what fervent thanks I gave Thee that my prayer had been heard at last. Now can you read the secret of my actions since your resurrection? And as I hear your dulcet voice once more making mu sic on mine ear comes the old longing to this foga heart of mine, and although the circumstances which surround us look daticand lowering still, I will make an appeal to you, an appeal which your actions toward me cause a' lingering ray of hope to illuminate my path, that this will nut be In vain., I have long wanted to ask you a question, a question fraught with all the Ware welfare of my life. Have you in some remote corner of your heart some tender feeling, and does your thoughts ever revert to me? Do you love s me? Will you answer this all absorbing question the next time we meet? Will you utter that winsome 'yes,' fraught with all the golden dreams of heavenly reams, or will yen pronounce . the dread 'No,' and consign my soul Ig., darkness and despair ? Please answer and oblige yours, forever. Crum= Nate Tong, January 1870." NO. 21. Lake Nlogon The story lately told in 'some of the Canadian papers, of a remarkable dis covery made by Prof. Somebody. engaged In a geological survey of the region north of Lake Superior, who found Lake Nipigon to be one of • the great Inland seas of the St. Lawrence chain, rivaling Ontario, Erie, and the rest in point of magnitude, is flatly contradicted by the Houghton Gazette. The following description of the lake Is given by the Gautte: - "The west sbore of Lake Nipigon is more irregular than eau be well Imagined. There are dcc. bays Within deep bay' yet within deep sI, giving an Immense amount of coast line, but a very small amount of navigable lake. The only familiar comparison we can make is to take the hair of an Intricate braid pattern for the toe of a slipper, which will convey "fair idea of the coast lines as to the body of thq lake. There are but a few strums emptying directly into the lake, and these have their rise and flow only fifteen or twenty miles away. The two heaviest are :stspectively from the southeast and South west, the _latter being the lobgai, and rising wj thtn but a few miles of Thunder Bay, ony on the other slope of the mountain, which forms a portion of the bay shore. There are quite a number of rapid streams, their head in some small mountain lake, which empty Into liiplgon river, 'Whose channel Is cut deeply through the hills, and whose cur rent is rapid and. strong, and frequently broken by. small falls and cascades, re quiring frequent portages." The Mormon bishops and elders are making great exertions to extend their faith in Long Island. A Conference was begun there on Friday lad and closed Sunday._The business session of the Conferenc wu conducted with closed doors, but public meetings for instruc tion in doctrine have been held daily. The Conference was attended by dele gates from Bali lake City, headed .by Bishop Burton. As a result of the ger vices the Bishop stationed in that neigh borhood expects to establish branch con gregations In several other MOW ADVERTISEMENTS WACIDITIIIt Or aarvos ruin limns ostir.--ai WEDNESDAY, THWISDAT. 7111 ,, LY ►SD SATO RDAs LIT J.. 1111. 97, AS sad 49. the Lt fat inimitable muMeal smiths, WI HORACE MOM In A 0 tonp and Impersonations. (written and contrinned by Miami.) Ann ALICE DUNNING LINOARD'S Burlesque Company. ' , or part...colas.. tea Posters. Tke ole of ticket; to coloveace on Tuesday mains. at Sieber Bra. Nude atore. moon r at ot 1; to coatroom at II o'clock. OWN, LINtikRU-DUN +INES NATINCIC n mpany vU r•tureac.l &r at ye. o . 3. 'clock. In which the scum o 5 O'S TEABERRY TOOTIIIYASII. =I . .• Warranted Tree hens ball:Mous le reedlenta. It preserves and latittens the Teeth: Invinerates Ltd Booth. Inc Mews: Perilleaaad pedants the breath! Pr. vents steam Blanes of Tartar: • Cleans and Purities Artldetal Teeth! boldb s a o l p Dr o am t c ne n D ‘ a ti t ll ata. n t Proprietor.. . M. WILW`M. Plotadalptila. Poe sale he l C. MATTIMN. Plitsbars h. and II M. 8:7013611481. Allebhs 1. • j o E i CALDWELL & CO. JEWELERS AND nreaarzsg. 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Keep only first-elase goods. An Immense vs tasty or Gold Wech...lllanin - ds, jesteiry. `Meer Ware. Woodier Ware. ' • . Clan. Bonner. Foreign fancy Goods. • Floe PaGGlngs, &C., de. All persons desiring really line articles, tilla ble to • minty and moderate it price. are cattalo, to tm plea. ed b rue eseeedingl) Itt le and led c diretien. Our ttoei Is kept a.grays ttesh by ad ditions Oxon drat sources. Our store di proneuteed one of the most eltgasit to the world; and any• glalung the nay are cordt.lly tart PA to call and ln.peet It Si thee letiute Jr'Zd.l LOUIS MR'S NEW BOOKS D. APPLETON & CO., Non. 90, 92 and 94 Grand Street, PUBLISH THIS DAY, REPTILES 4WD BIRDS, • A Popular Account of teals VarJou Oman. wan (ascription of THE H►OUTS AND ECONOMY O 1 THE MOOT INTEILEBTING. By LOUIS FIGUIEB illustrated with 807 WoNa►ts. 1 vol., Ivo, c10th,16.00; half cli!. 040; till. 110.80. ' , ln presenting to the publteashe En gneti Ur- Mos or Loeb Yignier'► Interesting wort (maw tiles and Md., I b. g to state that where altere. Mons and addlitons hare been made. 107 addict ens been that the arrle end matter abon'd le salted toile present 'Meer ;Meerut knowledge; and teal a 1 classes ahould be &Moto obtain.... • fat lofonastLsn and anntsennet from the pages •hiett 1 have sow She honor and pleasure of Pei: seining totem- Vaserator , s Pmfaeft: D. A. & CO. a/so publish, by the same gather; THE INSECT WORLD. Being . a popular count of the orders of Tweets, together with a. description of the hob is and economy of some of the most tatereeting specks. By Lorne /locate. Illostrated 11th eleven full meta. Vert sits LA 503 bealtitally petaled woodcuts. Cloth. N. half calf. $1.110; full calf. $lO.OO. - THE 001AIEWORLD. •descriptlic hlstory of the Sea and ID lnhaidtante. By Loma 110- rugs. 111estreted lith44T 'nominee. 1.1..• Oro. Thee In cloth. 110: Ilea' call, extra, 00.50; !anent. $lO.BO. • THE WORLD BEFORE THE DELUGE. 101 Loots Tionnis. Contenting thtrty.(ooo ron. page . Blastretione of extlect ealmale sad idea landircaPes of the ancient world, and SOS louts. of animals, plants and other fossil restates and restoration. 1 vol.. Om, 417 pave. Cloth 115; half oil. $11.10; full Ulf. extra. $lO 50. THE VEGETABLE WORLD. By Lours 110. max: Being a history of planes. 11th their bo tanical descriptions and Decanter properties, lastrated 11th 440 t111T.Ti•1t.... 4 114 fell nage Itiastratlens. ,1 ;rot, too. , Cloth.. MI; Inner of Ins abo:re notfres tnany addrau to OW United Slatnik ninnecelpl et tai, pitta. SPOONS AND TOMS • Of tl4 . BUT METAL aaa tiIIAVIEWf PLATY—will lAA for Athos to taretO Tetra. Tor solo by i J.'S. ZENO CO se. es nisi - soirmirr. • & M. NATIONAL NANA. ANJI• NS 'PLIES .SAT. BANK. elle UPtigeealt) i VBFLNY. Jae.. T I3d. 1%0 OD ee , en a leer of Coemberefel Bales Room., lb° Salttlalesdr street, lOU be added to er 114 of vale OA. mete: AO genres le. Ali. Natioast Beek; Zu !Mares rebroms Nations. neat. . jai A. eteU.WAtlllf..,AbelJabear. SITNDRItI6-13 , ballea cotton, 111 IS ruOID 14 To arrivi by • 10 *acts rels pP ”". 'l' lll%lll DICK' . IC U4 a co. PEP PitITA.-36 Ban pu steam- Zit "Pink Varbluointifijitistaapja. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE L!lik loon sad cheapen eautmerdal sad baXl7 ►►v~D►Dar DaDW6a4 la Wa.t►rn panagl~W►.! =E!EMMMI =EI I= Mule attleerlbara—.— Cuba of tee • —...... Char or tea—. .... ... 118 f . ♦ eopy 11. thralsbee trirollooBY tote Otter t no of a club of tea. Poermsettra are rimeted t to act ms L4d11:51. PENNIMAN,. REED Ar CO., =ZI2 rir „ Tra ,"..,.p owid ."..a m ,,,,thwi <be., not exceeding POUR w2rms. ma be innericd in Moe whom ewe ft. , TWAWTY-PIVB CIENTBI each add& Clonal line FIVE aItN.M. WANTS. vire NTED. MADDER/I. • few more beat dere ...I be setorg-cklatell Ith irf,o , l board at De . 10 ANN UTILES? at 4.60 per wel.k. t kt X? ANTED.—By a small tam- V? TLY. a GIRL in di, atuaral boomorott. a! 3T •tnithleil "frt . . cf. Iar4II2IITED.--UELP.--AT V V PLOYIKENT 0/710E, No. I St. our MAW. SOT. tillilLS sad IMF, for 41100101 ►lddd of tooplortneit. Yawn. .11 dada na W noolim 0* AIINTEDr-A GENTS icU every- . ttgli tp .. 3.1314 MT. !Catlin; Mutant ' ever !gate. 1 . 44 MN Wul knit IM) ,000 stitches per memo, A*. dr.+ AMIUMAN ILMITTIMO MACHIN/AVM. Doe.. Kam, or tit. Loall. Mo. WAZTED.--fiesaled IPriirria . l4 (117.6LAITA.PLri!olgt ; twitted to /Arisen:mg% or I...tread,We. Pretp at or !Morn stose• I. be lat on ochre.). rittetitt.g spa, I r. I"l"'"' ,:itlinl;lltrileatirir ' • lirsl Estate •senas Ls.. ANTED.— MORTGAGES.-- .000 to Loss Is lan* or)sosill Mossts, f, et a fsk rate of Interest. Su; an rc .. b., belt. Most te .4' I (Melt. vril e taNte 10, THOltallEl 8. etym. MU, Bond and Mal LW" Bicker, No. 179 Ihr.lthilald stmt. WANTED. ADENTa. —IM O mouth to sell tali onir sIiNOIY 111 , 0ViD elf.Nne. OZWINO CHINE. Price on! y 8111. rest lodummeuts agents. Tots is the most popular liewleg . tr . chine of the Oar—mske. the famous "MI Look lititoti"—will do 001.11,d of wont/tat ems be done on as) meals —100,090 sold and the demand cou.tautly lusressiug. Noah, Ocilla* To ar s e Of maid for circulars Tel; ware Address 49.0.1 CO.: ,Boo n, ass.. rittsbutalt, 1%, Or !t. Lea% TO-LET TOMO LET.—No.II Wood ' street, noir •uteriuled qu re at 47 Wo,sl gest. a' C.' 1"" rEOLET.4TheNewlitorebnild. log. No. Gil Woos .treet. Intrattn> at No. 1 Pena street. TO LET.—Desk Room la a tundsomely Ls. ea up .5111usju coutral use fur tame. .wol7-.t I+o. SO 0[001:10 SOOT. - rpt i ll*T.—LET.- House No. .5.e ..Ts raril.:2lll:slist e e .. . 4.4u50 4 r. x. TO-LET—Wezettonse No. 328 • Inert? ' , rest, from Jaastry lest last. to April Ist. 1111. ittlgalre at rear ogles oa tin - LET. Fur Illslli T080010..11.0 r witnnoboser; Fro n t ny.b• o UNANT dellrable It re R on tit. eta Also. *avant TIC IN on 6_ st and unclad ancr. and a ROOM 60 by AO on .thltd 6,0 r. RuaUß* of D. IS. WALK , H. Stn. ailed. So. I ISDOb short. LET.—The large Sto re r glioons No. 05 Wylie 1 ., Ave eon, • 'of rtt.bwit b. A. M. BROWN. TO LET.—Two 1 story brick eoutea. Nos. ()Sand US (Mitre avenue. contelotog ten roosateatli. with ell m.den Ina : rovementa. Montan at No 54 Centre avenue. Met:ALLUM. 'X 0 LET.—Fite rooms—ice' Tv?, tame—on the e , rsof of R•• 1 •• aith(liaococklelnxa. Alfro two EwellllllE. saJo.ll4, wttb e•ghiand seven room. E 41.11. A ot Wit neon the L. • LET.--Tbal large. 4 itoried !! • rtAH3IIOIIIA, corner of rlror National Wood meet. ocroplWl brOto National Haut. lumina( ILOBLAT 90093 ,1 8. e P 39 meat Aroma. or A. V. HOWARD. No. p 4 Wood straw - - TetU,lLE'n BOONS. -- Several I. One. lards and well (drab bed rooms is a 1. ais re loostion. quiet and newt* bealaesa. ~ Tbn be bad by geutheen as sleeping rooms. is ,se rooms are very arslratoo. Zuriaae at 45 f_ ... N INTh bTREET, late bane. tf f,. , v.: TO . LET.— A Suit at Rooms r, compel Ind Two Large, we 1 high ed f oat ri s on. And lour. .. floor. lays, II Ilubted V. i (root HOOMOD An. ' Oat large 1 1511 •IA =3 two ante, reed. en 4th door. Owe dune Naos. ~.,,, nest !for, No. 9.2. In hog ist`a saw bundle.. g..ortn *venue. .Tor tones Inquire of A. 11. ~ i EN GI.InFI. • 00.. Na..4llrourth armee. . ~.: 'TO LET —A lot of ground 194; feet by 11961 etvnlb a bum abbstanUal ~ [ brick build'. g 6..L,et by 140 teal. avid II 01- ace bul.dmg coalyibina two lb em., tnyber y Sc. Laybed by Jamobbillbetgar aY a p &abut pall att- , ystyd, Carson ana biro! a Deets TOOLS ritu- .1 cum.,. suitably for 111.11191/1,C1.114 pliblaoael or • :, distillery. App yto ATTESSURIf IL CO.. 1. 7 ; Carson and Tt nth Wens. btrabbgbabh I ,i TO LET.- MORELS, DWELLINGS, . I?, DOOMS AND OFFICES. Inquire of 2 e li Z gignes. i i ! i.,_. FOR SALE. FOR BALE. ' new acres at Men lox Retina. - Vt. Warns 9.1"4 ft.; 9 houses and 3 lots to Pleasant Vol.' :V; 1 sere (rotted In Bellevue Boto.; Settee sad 1111 sent la 1131sabeth Bora:boas end lot In Brise/1 water, Beaver county; 11 acres at Illeedaletti House and 9 LOU on tammud aleens 30 marl;‘ ,, .ots on Fremont strum. Mud weed; 10 soros Ross township: Boone and Lot. 64 Jantesstatte.htl 34 warm Hoe.. .140 Lon Whlte Oak meet. le ward; boon and lot Belleville Pla 800 .11 ward; haute and lot on nitre treat, 94 nitetll.l. boute sod lot. Itlreltedle d street:9 tots Is Slaw., ihiant 3 lots andhouse In Beaver Ba hr ; hosts Oil Stoat s foe d lot:seems sale. 700 further ttar not. nemesia Wart Bank sub. , Stoatlenlavel Moine of WHITIIOIII.2. Zeal Estate Anent, corner tlblo and elanduklr, elanote. Allelfbesl. FOR BALE—PROPERTY. rue andeetlffned of vs for Meade Deralllail House. 8 ab' a and Wound.. situated in tie{ Istfth ward Alin bony City. balm... , Rid., westl. J Asp. siren , .. having a Von , of 1.00 le. t anal 4 960deoth of 50 feet (01110 meet. 1010 Is of M 40 r most d,Mrable and an /MI sttnallone I If ; tbe city. Tenni accounnod•tint Anotthe oft. SMALL No. 177 Lllxt ty treat. Bltteburgh. R SALE 08 ...Ahrei;F i 6rlllo l oB. TORT BUICK DWI:LT.IIW 1130136x.. - 15 , 00 Sber.r.s. avenue, froo t lex on Wrut ColouT loqulrt of H. IIeELEINN T. nor prnosihrmalaliaaranee Comm.! r. 111116 W malt. Fag WALE.' SIX ACRES, Or LAND 1.•1 Withtn ine - etty Ilscmi.ll be sold clean as on nary terms. 'mantra of Wit. BL ltt , .. 91 front istr , et. 7.Daf F OB SALE—Stock and MO TilllKe, LEASE AND 000 D WILL orij, A.V.l..oe•eierl. doing a good tartness. Sni.4 aside alined Lulus engaged to °thee badmen the mann for idling. 0. W. PURE!. 49 1.14' ,ral street. Anaphase. tr. FIB SALE • PRINTING OFFICIO. .14 • Plea -gteato Prase*. and a large quantity type. Wore IrOrk than they leen terC oat. JUItli.A. Ben. -If Fifth sag 411111•0111:1“i• • VOn• NALE.—oplendlla Vanci s - or 'SO./WE- d. tau int. 4 In awl calks troCti Midway azattola Paulaadlu 1•1110•4 Ira darlalo arith.• six test malluluf MIL s*dill agricultural runwas Um rob WS. 1. bet rill limes •ona. tb. whole gall. gad ell al , l .011 us a Dargl n Full partlecaaraotlfgart Pit Esutta aircatu. Lw ..112 -- _.... VOR PALL—Engines and 80l - :4 .+: sits. w.. and 0.c.0d OnnO. or aft Sint -- 1. eonrisni IT On Mad. . ... , , li, .Orden from all Dart* or th==.irr = , =M3 4 ~1 =United. . JAMS 4 HILL a co., iv rA Corner Marion Arcane and P.. P. W. sC. It. oi *Haitians. Pa. [.' i; FOR PALE.,. TUBES SUODDIF 11 1 / 1 01111X115,1 t. Platen and Om Manlier.' ' .- . . . Inpalsit at Ho. At DIAMOND, Lilt/ben Oil .. . . .. , -. . _ __l l REDJKI . NALL—AII persons nem. .lAO HO ilar 'invastsnants t n Ira 1 -sitil tar eti I tr. e .t iliztatra rwrll.a iriaarra.,lit,,,,,... a a or will Ls sent by mail Vass loans ra:All_idi • Parsons casnot ball to Msnintt.oraiir .. 1 list It contains. Clliiirr A rsi Ushers and real math Aseats: So. 139 )'ear l - .3 =CU= ''t lOWA LAND FOR PA ' Lem of choice and In WS*ofthe ben 00.44.5 •In lows star We Use of Os Chicuit Norttorestat• oat. road. and ta • .rir 0r We 15045111 e portlou ot Ws etsta. Will be low, the wimbe as pad. rody st v_ I la= A"*.. ancaudt S ' , • • >l'l%l bONxa W 1 alms 0,4 191119 eTAVaxtr a mom •µl, 29 Mita .al/se LOST Tarr.—MONDAY, II th lot C h i:II I: A.7: TO p•& latZPrl/1:4 .111 'Duke ands , as lOir IL at lho M.O. *1151 11 ../ 1, " near drivre yards. . ' . • • . M 11