IC El tip Psiturgt Gaittti. CITY -AND SUBURB/LB. -Tie Printing Committee or Allegheny Oaluidls will meet tonight. The alone of Ore from box 71, about half pug five o'clock. iSaturday ezenitig, waa fahM4 The now Allegheny Councils will hold their [lntros':du meeting oaxiTlutradav Plain. Callow disposed of six. easel which constituted the tualnetia of yys tarday. Moyer Cancer will oppoint his new police force the present week, subject to :Approval of Police Committee. - The new steamer Arlington, one of th ' • finest bate ever built here, will slut, on her drat trip to Cincinnati tomorrow. The ureic of the parties engaged M the Allegheny elopement is chronicled In Phibuleaphia. They will Iwt brought . _ liter .11. P. Van taene has accepted the call of the Leetsdale Presbyterian on '. 'minion, and wilt enter upon his duties next 'Sabbath. , It b said four hundred and nlnety.two b the exact number of applicants for the thlrtymtne appointments of police under Ilagor . Talmo to Dizatont.—Ed. Ryan, the in mane toan who was °donned In the look up all last week, was on Elntnnlay moved to Dixmont. The pleasant spring like weather of the paw few days has had an enlivening erect on trade. Our merchant.. are pkweed with the change. ' has u r made decided &dunes a in tecturat taste and beauty by the handsome buildings here and there sreeted dudes the past year. Invite the attention of 'Pittsburgh ,Manufacturers having spare room Ind M m m pOWSr, to the anverthsement of Hallows in today's issue, . Saturday marniag Diary Steel. diode In formation before Justice Barker of South PitiabWill. snob= her husband James ht. Steel thr desertion. Warrans Issued. 71st Dualitate...—hisaires. Charles W. Batch.ler and David :Kirk deny that .their names are authoritatively used for the adios of Mayor or any other posillou of honor within the gift of the people. . . Thomas Lemnos was badly burned in !the face and eyes by a slight expiation as Ciarit's rolling mill, Lawrenceville, Friday afternoon. The accident was , esused by c portion of hot metal falling 'into a cinder box and scattering the hot embers all around. He is not dangerous. Slight Fire—About twelve o'clock aettirdarnfaht there was an alarm of Ore from box 51, welch wu occasioned by a slight tire In Burkbardt's tobacco Sore, on Pride street. The fire origin. ate& by some paper Igniting from the hest of the stove. The loss was very ,slight. Murderer at Large.—A telegram` was , reoelred at the Mayor'. office yesterday ':addreased to the Chief of Polloe from A. ...J. Beath, elterift of Knox. county, Ohio, 'requesting . the arrest of a man charged ...with murder.. A description of the al• Jested - murderer was given but his name not mentioned. A new clock has been pieced in the waiting room at the Union Depot. It en waned that the time of the depart. are of each train on ail roads oenterum at the depot, will be Indicated on a Mat It la an elegant gotten cap piece of furni ture. alike an ornament to the room and Tonyettlence to every traveler. Mayor , . Court.—There were forty-two awes dlepoeed of at the Maples Sunday 'Morning court. Twenty-twowerecharg ed with dleorderly conduct, twelve with drunkenness, end eight were vagrants. They were Mimed of aa follow,: Nine :ware discharged, nineteen paid flutte,tuut iburteeu were committed to jail. Caumbeisb ateeelved.—The commis. don of August Ammon, liog., of East ,Blrmlnghant, as Interpreter of the French- and German languages for the sevrotalbourts of Allegheny county, war :essayed on Saturday at the °Moe of Thos. H. Hunter, Recorder. The con mission Is to take egret from the first day of February, 18711 Loot Out for Them.—The ”three card ;Monte Men" have taken • new lease of life and are again teaching medical-Im :eons to the uninitiated on the ears: Treaders should beware of them. They. are very unreliable. Just when - a man thinks he has • ante thing and is certain to win. he discovers that there are some little performances with pasteboard .he has nem burned yet. lath Among' the El . 'OnThursday evening next Cant. C. F. Hall, who for IMMO time pod has been marching for Sir John. Franklin In the Arctic regions, will detail hie experience among the Icebergs in a lecture at Way . ette Hall, ender the auspices or the, Young Men's Mercantile Library Assn dation. The Captain will be' accom panied by an Emulmaux family, • father, mother and daughter. The leo , tore will be illustrated by, maps and charts of the Arctic regions, and numer ous relics -of the Franklin expedition. A sublime of so flinch intermit cannot fall to draw a large and intelligent audience. Columned to Death. Gaunt* morning. about two o'clook, eliMikeman on the Pennsylvania lltdl. initedlnizned Peter Bridge. received in. juries at St. Clair station which resulted . few hours aterw`ards: 11.1 s; brain wee astateding an up grade eherea' octioling gave way and pars of the can . started beak again. Bridge was on our unborn bat found it Impossible to cheek up. A collision occurred with another titian lit • the foot of the grute. The' Woken:ten, was caught between two oars cad fatally crushed. He died at his reel. deuces few miles distant, whither be Lad tom carried. He wan a widoWer, rulleft two, children. • rldon, of Wards. There Is a talk in Allegheny of divid, ing late ; Third and Fourth wards, Alla. gheny, 'end • making two new wards. The matter, it Is likely, will come before 4kitincilit at an 'arty_ day.. Atlinneent thew wards are divided Into twoelectlon precincts, each or which Is urge enough to make a vrair,L• In the Fourth ward thete are two school buildings, and but little trouble would be exoeilenoed In making the change. The Thirdl ward, however,. tuts out one school building, that in the Fleet precinct, and a new one would have to be built In the Seqond. pkils , iltaller • 'might be equitably ar ranged. As it 11, one school bon.. Is not suilicient, and a new one will have to be built mon. The division, It Is thought, will meet with general favor among all The Pier insane In Saturday's Oafgrres we referred to a arse where animus man was permit. ted to oocupy.a cell in the. city, tombs, instead of being conveyed to rams pulp. . er phut.' for the treatment of tile malady. That ease was one of many that have pine under our ebeervationi Whet"; for want of properly midersbuiding 'where duty it Seto look altar the welfare of Ino• bodice,. nobody ;interferes or takeithe riiipooriblllty of providuir more mita ' ble quaking for the victim. Publio toinlon ie. ruunilmous In -condemnation of a ontam which treats the dentenr edin like manner .with the veriest eriudnaL There should be - come pertment -to - the .nortulceP4l go ve r n . went tepectelly charged with tits rare of Insane person. in indigent dream. pianos% Slams should not be at tached to any °Meer of the eau diens of the , Poor in. mice like" that repotted on tilatnrilay: nor could we ex =filSexititzttif.that body toresolve insane as well as to fhOzalck. ness needtgg dharessed. has. Mere work on his his bands than any Individual eon prop. any *Send, hiving the whole city, from boundary to boundary, to elleVale, dallY VMS to Delia wherever called and *Moe dudes to perform. ".The City etiCrele be divided into districts, four at least, ands disbursing officer to look after the pear - appointed for each. " Then we COUle. de. mend and exact closer. attention fortZe wants of the suffering, sane or Leans. In the absentee of such regulationk, how ever.We would =Wiest that when an in -I,AUs _person is found, hornelese and .nollullPr. thm to at the May a .- intend of PerMittlzur hi octupy cell. ahould Immediately send =7l office of, the Guardians' of the Poor, Where* conduct to the City Poor Penn *Mr be flunlabed promptly or> Nome goodreesen kw a Sawn %eons° he given. . ~"''~.FSJ~-e `~~ .i.^&:r, 3i,.ri..cc '~ivr-a~x., F rv:a:,r~s, .cwYa~~~ci~+~~a'"'~f`F.~.;~.u~:~~. , ~ e --..x~Sic-w' - >~Y. ~'4°~r~r.'`t~' Y~3~ti'~,~,~. i .~ „-..`~ ,~ c .^r S~~Y.s: ~v`..Y,.~~ COUNTY 718C11 LVFLUIS. Report of Henry lambert. Fad., County Controller, of the antra of the Couhty for toe Year ll6ll9—fha BeCelpto and Elspentlitsres..-lrna Wort came; am: ". The report of Heory Lambert, Eaq., County troller, of the fiscal affairs of the eountr for the year 1869, lilts presen- - ted In the Court of Common Pleas yes terday, when it wai approved and order ed to be printed. The report is very elaborate In its prepatation,' giving ih detail every Item of expense incurred and revenue received by the county during. the • year. Accompanying the report It a statement of the Monty Treasuer, Joseph F. Deonlaton, shonhi the amount collected, paid out and remaining In the Treaiury Jan. let, As the report will be printed and cir culated throughout the county, we hive Only made a brief synopsis of it. cOrrltoMsn's starmanwr. . . The regrowing InA summary of the ex- I PendSures as shown by the Metroßees report of ws:11418 Wined during the year 1869: amount 'mei for 'Funded Debt paid Q melon pi IDS 003 Work noose bond.. $ :IMO CO Airman. mood for Judgment Interest and expeasse on o. b0nd......... Man hi amount honed for, Oanslos niniting rood r 7.0 n MO Amount halted for !Merest of colon. Leer to now and WOrk Holm bond.. 7.710 50 an Fon neal.a lased for Annual atoning d. Amman Issued , lot Commonwealth of "") es. irylvanla 1,510 LlllolllllllllUed f.c . Improvement en. - ArdttriisielVr gag " co mp WM" itlXlB3 r. Total . 11.17,744 bD Of this amount-there la but the small suzutif trAtr-oniatanding, the remain der of the warrants having been pre. seated to the Treasurer and paid. In speaking of the financial affairs of the county the Oontroller loge: The: aggregate ordinary expensee of the °Amu for 1869 do not exceed those for 1689. -'l'ne funded debt he. been redo, Cod during the year $172,363,17; the inter est imoount Ina corresponding proportion and the net deficit, "county anthill iv," la 1106,783.07 lees on January lag, 1870, than 'on January 1'4,1869. The State officers comprising the Rev enue Board here assessed on the person. al oroperty of Allegheny county, for .1860, a net State tax of 147,753 60. The amount of snob tax' returned by the custty wowasere for collection a 17,000. To meet this deticdenoy and the amount fbr 1670 an Increase of two mins to the present rate of county tax will be re quired during the current year. This Is practically compelling real estate which is exempt by law to pay the State tax default on personal property, which if 'fairly returned would be sufficient to . 'liquidate the claim. So long as' the present defective system of. assessment permitted this anomaly will continue. laxasutuot'a BTATEXiNT. The Treaaurer's account Is stated as follows: Salome. In Treaturn.lan. I. in on 85 St.to int collected 003 tecatm_tat collected Ina it , Wert Hotite tax eon. rted to Improvement Lax 0.11 clod 64.1410 it Sm. Mkt stirew woos niseallaseem source. tr..= 3 lnial• ►meant of Warrants paid. Inlet balance to $euap0r.......• Itt SR The total of the county are LB follow.: . Foods" &tit— r,osslag attn. The Gnats are Balance doe from hewer,. toa!ause o.ollag Wand. eatataadtai taxes sod •. V. X. X 01.16 rACGO C Tow delleltmeT ' • VALUATION The totil valuation of Allegheny coun ty is 111,078,969. distributed as billows: Clay of rat Vet —Real EstatcsLs,63,7so Peen ...• • treropatli;; 2.111 150-11..011,718 CHI 101,14:itg , •• • Ote:attoni 1 Ztt 330-7477,11117 1111818170i 7 1=-Riil tste. 3,401471 •• - 44 - , 10411en51...: 117883 44 744 0 eapathnis —14:0. Ttairty-sdne Tp—ktal e 000.. 8 00,0110 •. "OCClapsl/01i; 1.1117.4=-11,084 810 Total yoloatloo s* TAX•ILILL - - Bestiont. Nott pee. Ton — lt, 21 t 24 2_4111 Wl= cf a timbuti.....4 :Janis Lira IZEI 10.413 Ma 11 410 Townsnlys _ll 530 1,:113 24:43 cm 7ff °REMOVES. The,totaleipendittireeet the County Work Howse to January 1, 1870, Is X289,_ 010 17 . Of aux sum. 1104.409 60 have been expended since tut report. modraus. the revenue received from liquor 'cense during the year 1869 netted the urn of 150.75806. The report will be printed and ready for circulation during the present month. - DA= a beeD Pterstred With great mu*. In volving a areas amount of ,l abor, and reflects credit on Mr. Lumber , OBI7IIARY rite •Dtath of George llegley—Resolo Um; of Iteopect, to tits Memory. . At aytneeting.of the teachers and sin. dente of the Pennsylvania State Normal School, Hillereville, Pa., the Principal havingannottnced the death of George breitirk; late a iiitideat of the inaUtntion, theiolkerlog Prhamble arid resolutions were unanimously adopted : Virnmuses, God In those ways of lets. docit whkilii aguish not understandmg, sm. would always acknowledge to' be good, has to His providence seen It best to call from us to Himself one of our number:therefore. Bewthed, L That hi dm death of George Negley, his teachers have parted with one whose ready obedience, Industrious habits Ind quick intelligenoe had won their hearts: nisclosmates with a friend whose courage and kindness were se at trsctive as t her Were endearing. Beaelvect. 2. That while the death of our young friend gives us sorrow, we take a _pismire.. mingled. Inceigh, it may •be With a;sdrltets.' in:ticalllng his bright, nihitery ways: his, - frankness' nd math nestle healthar item sn his patience and gentleness In sickness. Efesobrd, 3. That we offer to the family of the deacturd the tribbte rif;entr sym pathy: - Mar boyhood was a prophecy of a manhood that would confer honor upon a name already. hormrable.. Though the hope of expected friends Is crushed, we are, glad tatty may know that he whom 'they so affectlanately loved on earth fa cow, with ampacitles and tastes greatly. ennobled, fallilllogin • far higher sense his boyhood promlem. Besid.ved, 4. Tr at • copy of these reuse lotions to sent to the family of the de ceasedt that they be published in the Pittsburgh Gszarrs, Philadelphia Press. Lnacentar Z.:press, and Lam:inter Inquiet. , Janis E. LBONAILD, CHAS. WALTO2I, flt.lloenorrrin, d o i ntniste ,k; Ficivretto Jenne, Hamm illnitine, ••ro the Rtheee." The Academy'. 'of Blind° was again crowded Saturday evening by one of Pittsburgh's - lin eat audiences, assembled to hear Mies Anfts Dlekinson'i secood lecture, "To the Rescue." Owl:3v° a delay, of _MO. train, it wee nlne dafleek'before the' lady appeared on the platform. As had been expezted„, the lecture • was mainly i Toles for woman suffrage—a rational, logical. earnest ad. otkecy O the cause to which the fair speaker his devoted her energies, time, and remarkable talents. ' was deliver. ad With unusual vigor and earnestness, sod-abounded in passages andllimitra. tions brilliarrk and fervid. Into which she seemedioltave breathed all the totes. dryer the most intense nature. A pecu ilarloature was °tremble in the absence pfaliatiartnealind' dispoiltion to rant and scold, of whim she has been molten accused. It was 'simply throughout a calm, atromrr peumasive,, and :withal thrillingly eloquent argument in favor of sncoslcg to woolen: the priellege of the ballot as berright, and as a means of parifyingthali which now is mou frzdt. faleoureeofoorrtiption. About an hour and a quarter was occupied in MI deity cry, during which the "attention of the audience weefully ,ahaothed. 'The' ap. Ale* neither unfrequent nor lagging, atteated_the hearty cordiality end /num. shorn' iiittfwhichthe sentlmentis ware . . Capt.,,E6411, the -Amato ezplorer, will deliver'the next leen:tr. of the irons Pill*hii'evealtittaannko Pt I • Aikapiatata, OPERA; lioinli.-,Thilrevmalnig :Edwin FoTrel!t.,l32sTraictiilan, will .commence in etitagernent:of eve @ede et the “Rlehellira" 'wilt lie trie ,eiptedi end from the epteessaes , of the dlaigint,tinere wilt he linen' any meant ' i mipianiEF the offlint closes thin allernoon. ! VAIMICt _ OP MUSIC.— Wednesday even?* the Adogard croup* will co.in menoe an ozuregemeot at the Academy of Mute. The ghat popularity of this troupe in the East la an evidenoe of It. excellence, and we anticipate that their Wier wupwetruint at the Academy will be attended Witklutusual auotamia THE COMT& Monlet Court—Pelt Mixt: Elattranav, Jan. 22—The usual Bator. day business? was disposed of, after Which the tonrt heard the argument of counsel on a motion for a compulsory nousudt in the case at .litioClarkert vs. ThOmpsott. Decisien reserved. SELL ran vort KOEIDAT. 134. Heineman re. Hervey. 34. McCullough vs. White. Trustee. S 2. Hill, Patterson & Co. 'N. Baker & Hanlon. ' 36. Flinn vs. Graham. 196. Smith vs. Tough. Iron and Coal Co. 110. Citizens 011 Berg Co. vs. Dilworth & Benny. 112. Jacoby vs. Schoen - 8r Laurent. 114. Nichols vs. Modes. Common Pllesaiudceskiterrett and Col. BATUBnLT, January 22—The regular Saturday's buslnese'vras transacted In which there was nothing of special lru- Porters* to the public, except the report of the Controller, which was presented, approved and,ordersd to be printed.. • TRIAL 'LIES Yoh MONDAY. 384 Shields vs hiceboir. 22 Roger Jr Bro. vs Hays. 41 Bradshaw vs DuiZ - 67 Fisher vs Taylor. 76 Delaney vs Baldwin. IR Christ et r. vs Delman. 82 Welbet v same. 83 Murray Schreiner. 102 Shaffer vs Wolf. 103lott vs Mc No. 981 a flied tor trial on Tuesday quarter eleastotu,Judge Stowe SATURDAY. January 22,—The tonna Saturday buslneur was transacted after which the following persona were Den. termed... , . &lichee' flogmeyer, found guilty of an Romig. and battery on oath of Fredoline B‘usinger, was sentenced top a fine of fifty dollars and eland committed until complied with. Henry Ellrab hanger, convicted Kir keep. log a ferocious dog upon oath of William Schemer, was ordered to pay a fine of live dollars and abate the nuisance. William Heckert, convicted of larceny, was loatnnand to pay a tine of live dollara and undergo alx months Imprlaonrcent in the workhoueo. Margaret, Andrew and Jane kbilliest for surety or the peace, on oath of George Hunter, was discharged by the Colin on payment of costa. George McCombs, convicted of insult. Ink en Alderman in the execution of his °Mix), was sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar and the costa of the prosecution. • .George„ Nanny and Aura Hunter. surety of the peace, on oath of Margaret Philltria, sentenced to pay the costs. In the case of Geo. F. Harbaugh, wife desertion, settled on the defendant pay ing the fall =punt of dues yearly instead of weekly. Edward Lynch, an Alderman of the Frith ward, was the next person called up for sentence. Lynch bad been found ' guilty of a misdemeanor in Milt*, and also of an' assault and battery. Judas fillowevbefore pskalug sentence, uses the Alderman a wholeeome lecture, which he ehould profit by in the future to save himself • from further discredit. The sentence of the Uoun wan, in the asnault and battery ease, that he pay a tine of five dollars, the costs of the proiecution and two months In the Workhouse; and 133 ISt St 447,223 72 .... . - In the miademeanor In office conviction, a fine of live dollare,the (mama prosacu.. ;lon and eight tnontlis imprisonment In the Workhouse. Thomas Whittaker, convicted at the last term of Court, of perjury, was then called up fur sentence. An in the for mer case, Judge Stowe addressed the prisoner. alluding to the enormity of the crime of which he had been found guilty. and to the extent to which professional informing we. carried on, and also to the unlawful measures persued by those engued In it. Whittaker was then eau t enced to pay a tine of ono liclndred dol lars, the coats, and to undergo en impti ',Dumyat in the 'penitentiary of live years and two menthe. 12 WOLIN OS 1.2 12111 MCI= MEZCZI Real Fatale Transfers. The following deeds were admitted of record In the aloe of Thom. FL Ranter, 'Recorder_ for, Allegheny county, &lir-. day, January V., ' I=3 jnl,b Seim's Hoy. Obtabor I. MA &Ls bba. IS,Oleatlao's tit. Ca.tro otreos.,l*- 01,.by city VYO 0. erre W•ltovital to Y buogern. Nor. I. //OW lot io 150 by t 9 (bet on Mao strict. caper.. - Bo v ßob.,A if.asastaill AO ie. lietvilltr. tier. Is, 18/18; lot 9by 101 feet on lloamloty street, 141 , s wacd OrnqvSO J , Oles W. 161,01 iiVa. WO: I 1, op glariOn Weer, booth • • tag . A. Ainstaa et al. to Tbonza. Og.t. n. Jan 9 I ! NC. lot 1z0.f.9. Aso •at• plas L.nater tic 17/alr brora. JJliaship Jzeob 44 A. YE WoJte. Uareb 71.1810; Ic NW % 24 . !mein 131 ft. t au Aurelia street. Eta ward. Pi‘l• • Ella -bath T. Denny to Mary A. Meliolltald . • pOO 4, 1999, l: by .rti feet on Beeen ett44Y. • Ilegnen• .... . .... •• ....... •.. . lanDonald . to Age 1,4444 Heerivd. /an. .7. Igo: tot 99 by .117ly NLoa BHea stare . Alla nc. 9.090 E. H•ed 7 loata be! t• to Henry Ylanebeeter. I Jan_ 7. ICI; lot No. 11. Harding's pi.ta, Abater We, tblp ..... 14;1 . ........................ 1321 eol street. Allegheny.... Si AZ Tr. B. H alle tt to Teo, Noon, Jan IC 3970; lot: El by 1713 t fee. on Tanneblll street, PHU [rural, . , a otwari to J o hn Putman. Jen h . ab ) 117 M C6O raeXbys 0o Cnt•y. e s e e lrt, •I G e o. V. Jon, glVlteti 21 by 72 tee” corner MIAMI 604 Mantsatoto; street..illegto 0r....... 56.000 J..bn Plokettoll to X.C.allont•tlo3. 5•70: Mt X 0770 X ft.t onleFerson Greet.. llrilYc •• ' • 01.0 °Oval eine Whatton w James Brute°. Dec. 00 MA; lot 30 of 120 lee" Jerre.strott, Km , MIT , mlogbanc. ..... ...... . . ........ All About a. 00%. . John Carroll and Terrence Meidannns are neighbors, and reside on Fourteenth street, In the Ninth ward. Terrence, Rap . pears, was at one tune the owner and. possessor of an English terrier, which he valued at a high figure. Said terrier was a friendly creature. and often visited the neighbors. A. few days since It went to Carroll's, where it remained. Yesterday , morning Terrence macertalned that his dog was at. Carroll's, and started forth with to recover it. He went into the, house rather unceremoniously and de. =laded the dog, end was informedtbst the dog was hot there: that the only dog ; on the premise* was the property of Mrs. Carroll. Terrence became indignant, and a row ensued, which not only col lected a crowd of citizens, but a couple of mllcemen, who took both Carroll and hloMannua to the lockmo. Am the dog had been the cause of the difficulty, It wee also taken in custody by one of the office - re and carried to the station house, and Mrs. Carroll followed. When the cesiliad been stated to Ceptain Graham, he discharged the dog and locked-Mc. Hennas and Carroll up for disorderly conduct. ri Mrs. Carroll took charge of the dog; and without waiting to see what would be.done with her husband, took her departure. Wife hipping. , . . Saturday Morning Mrs. Margaret Ire. land, a colored lady, appeared before Al derman MO:fastens and lodged two in formations against her husband, Louis lrealand. for assault and battery and -surety of the peace. Louis, she alleged, came home the evening previous, 'and not finding hie supper ready, war eery angry. To regulate affairs he proceeded, she nays,' to tie her fast, and then,.. after divesting her--of . her clothing, with a heavy rope gave her thirty lashes, when the. neighbors came In and atopPed him. • Elbe threat ened to sue him next moraine, where upon; she alleges, he' made all, aorta of violetit demonstrations, and finally car ried off all-bar .clothing, thus Intending teprevenxher ,leaving • the house., Übe larreeral clothlng of that:Mil/liberal end ***enabled to make her appearance at the Aldernian's office. The accused was arrested and oonimitted to Jallfor trial. oMuMmiMm Almond, Walnut, Fruit, Cocoanut, Mountain Tea, Rose, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Everton Taffy Cocoanut Caramels and 'Cowtb Candy, Manufactured and mold by ExLvErt. .At 119raders1 street, . Wrested number ' of ge,iitiewad yesterday met la a saloon In our city when the party called for ale. Afterimbibing they replaced their glasses= the tle, when the oheuemo. nort of a perfect imitation of frosted pined t s h em r y a s y teerdy. The n b o s rm -e i n gh n m that it 'was' the rich cream from Pier. Danner! A - Ort.'s ale, which always ad: 'bans ter Umaide of the glee when tbe ale is emptied. - Cuoica canned . Fruity and Vegetables At the eery' lowest At 112 Federal street t Allegheny. City. , Eizo.llsuctss. t hitiGLIRGEf DAILY , GAZtrilt • . MONDAY , MORNING, JANUARY :.2 1870 collecting. Board - BIM We have frequently nad occasion to refer to the priscliceltadulged la by police magistrates of prostituting the criminal law for the collection of civil debts, and have always condemned It, There are. however, cases Odds character in which the magistratea are excusable to a cer tain extent, as they are imfosed upon by prosecutors, 'who, na . order to collect their money, will Make statensinits to the alderman or justice which the facts of the Case do not warrant, and whenever such meat Occur . the' Magistrate should promptly dismiss the 'case on hearing the facts. A somewhat remarkable cue occurred on Saturday evening which was an attempt of one Charles F. Good to collect a uoard bill from John Weikel:ld. About seven o'clock In the evenlngagod name Into the . Station Sousa having Welkand In charge,. and asked Capt. .4am:lam to look Welland lip. -Tile Cap. tats, who Is very judicious in the dia. charge of his official duties, asked what charge he had against the man and by what authority he urinated him. Good replied that Welkand owed him for two • week 'board and wits going stray with. out settling his Will, that ho bad followed him to the Union Depot, where with the auseletanee of an officer he had arrested him,' and that ho must be looked op., The prisoner made .a state. Mout to the Captain that he owed flood for tw i f o reks , board. but said he had no intern to cheat him oat of It. - He wan going East for his family, and had not the ney to spare, or lie would pay the bill, ut would settle It tut coda as here. turn . The Captain told him that he coal go If he desired, as he had no cha doors which tO detain him. Good rush out lof the Watchliouhe to an Aid man':llll , 7 and made information eh og W d with obtaining board i undo Glad pr tense. A warrant was hem , and the accused arrested and look uo. What further disposition was made of the case we know not, as the wan was not in the lock-up yesterday mom. log; and we wore unable to learn what had been done with him. Beuent of Ltfedusurauee . . • Frutzecistr, PA., lannary 19,1670. "Received from the Iron City Mutual Life Irsmrance Company of Ponnayl vents, One Thousand Millars in full, for Polley No. 178, on the life of my late husband, Jacob Osterman,Ntteee death occurred December le, 1869. "SABAH OSTFUthIAN" " The above receipt 'fritim Wide* *Oster man is another proof •of the benefit of Life Insurance. hir.-Ciatorman was only Moored about laid months previous to his death, and had always been a healthy man until within" strait two weeks pre clone to his death—showing how wise it is for a man to wake •.provlalon while in health fur the protection of 1111 family, who are depending on him for a support and' for an education. . mist, the second payment or losses by this company. The drat was to the widow of lames -L. An derson. The prompt manner in which this company adjust its lawn 'tumid en courage those (melting to make an in vestment of this kind to, remember the Iron City -Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, it being the only purely mutual company in PennaylVatua.- Ell: Wm. Semple,' 180 and 182 Federal . street, Allegheny, returns his altioare thanks to his friends and a kind and dia. eliminating publit; for their very liberal patronage extended to him Inc so many years, and respee'fally informs them of bls return from the different markets with a large stock of goods and some extra bargains in fancy and staple geode imitable for the protect season,which are now open for inspection, and as usual will be effaced at very low prices. there. by rendering all clearance salsa 1112E160(115- nary. Daring the past season, owing to Ilia iron* throng many of oar ell/dowers could not be waited on. In the future, ar rongementa will be made so that CU can be waited on promptly, pleasanUy and profitably, by able and .s.aparianced abdanta, at filo and 182 Federal' atreet, Allegheny. . , Ile rdahlio of thei lndl►n: Fighterr A correspondent of the •Chicairo 2W. iglus has 'lnterviewed Lkuterutut on the plains and gathered' from him a . lengthy . tale of woes. We quote .e per Lion that will be of Interest to those hay. log friend's on •the frontier whom they wish to see: An officer who has had much experienee'on the plains fighting Indians said to rue the other day: 'You have lit tle idea of the life we lead, and wha gross injustice is often done us by the people, the editors, and Congress. Ear la the spring we go out withour cavalry, and from April to ,December we are on the go constantly. Often withoot shelter =don abort rations we ride hundreds of miles Deer wild and desolate regions in pursuit of the Indians, and when we get to ace a newspaper we find It has been I reporting us ;as hunting Indians with brass bands and cannon. Lying out lin the rain at night, and riding I bard all day, soon makes us old and 'Ur, and when we can't go any more we are retired on half pay, or more frequently turned out of the army on a year's pay, and left to snake a living as best we can in ins old age. A- cavalryman on the plains rarely rides less than 2,000 miles per year. and does not come into the funs until November or December, when the cold drives hignin. During the whole of the summer neither officers nor soldiers are with their Larillies, who remain In the forte or go east on virile to friends. When the troops come in for the winter they are generally greatly reduced in numbers, and horses and men much bro• ken down." " Then yoe •rest," I said. . 4 Not ex achy," be replied, "for then our work begins In preparlng for the next cam- Palen , First, recruits are sent for sad these must be 'set up'—that le, drilled, taught bow to take care of their arms and accoutrements, bow to ride•and care for their horseß; and what a labor Is involved in this -rya may know-when I tell you it takes aye years to make a ISIS a first. class cavalry soldier. Drills, - dress par. advs, schools tor. officers and .non-corn. missioned officers, feeding up old horses, curing sore backs and getting new mounts and equipments, occupy the whole win ter, and early In April, ores Boon Ss the prairie grass grows, we are off again." ' "When do you go -on leaver" I in. gutted. "It is custom ary to go =l on leave of absence once in two years; but few officers now can affird 10..g0 oftener than once In dye years, because the gov ernment takes away ono.half of- an offi cer's pay II be Is absent from his post thirty days, and as an officer can't go home from the frontier and return In thirty days, most of. them- cannot go et all, for they are unable to lobo so much pay. I have known officers who waited three years to goon leave, and then gave it up inmate they mild not save money enough to pay their expenses." "Why does It cost so much?" "Be. cause the distance is generally . two to three thousand miles, and the fare will amount to over two hundred dollars, and than the officers who keow of the great prejudice in the East agalnat the army, bay, a citir.en's suit to travel in, and than avoid notice and comment. These ex. penses; , with the cost of-living, amount to a great deal, so that an Bffhper cannot well go home on less than four or live hundred dollars, and it takes years to nave up that Down Into the Depths, Althongb, 'thr - so far this 'winter; the skleahave boon unusually comvustlontte 111 . 23 t aggravating - with condemns, in tense cold the hunger and rage of pover ty, yet an occasional bleak shaft from the north transfixes a -honselesa wanderer at the cruel corner of some of our streets. .Buly on Friday ; morals& a poor young Waif, apparently of the put mght, with her. Ohtani -.llgnro,scnlptured re lentlessly through a thin cotton dress, wu found, almost famtshed, - leaving against ,a lamp post 'in 111 street leading itdo one or our principal' tborotilhitties. Her condition baying been recognized by a kindly.housemaid 'who had been dusting mats at a neighboring door, the wretched sufferer was humanely led into the . bastnent, where, 'after some she was restored to life and animation. Subsequent , ;castled the fact that she was the daughter of once re. spectabloand zwitalthy Weal% who lost isairything—pride, virtue, and for tune—ln the wine cup, and who recently, dyigg Palifittni.tuld :left heron that bitter Friday morning without a home, a hope, Or*CrWli laiho world. , -When discover,: ed,' she , yeas grdpinr . her' array towardalhe flyer, to end her miseries. rather than enter upoicis career of shame. Rig touching and aimple story reaching the ear of the lady of theimmte, ahe-was summoned to her- presence ;-' when, strange to tell, it was ascertained, beyond the sbadow of a dona, that she wee the child of Bones dear friend, whd had been lost eight of for years; hut who, through a singular Interpoaltion of- Providence, waa now restored in tho person. of her Prof., - Hiovs bentra Ultetien—Goid.bye =I Prof. Pierre Blot 'will open kis "Cen tral Kitchen," at 105 Hamilton street, Brooklyn, on Monday, for the purpose of supplying families with well cooked food at extremely low prices. A regular bill of fare is made out dilly and furnished to customers. From thia bill, which comprise* two binds of flab; two of soup, four of meat, (our of me, tables, four of cake, &a., selectionifor any or all of Abe lent day's meals may be made; and as the price of civil dish le marked, the cuitomer knows just . what his morrow's food Will Cost him; The dishes ordered are put np in portable kitchens; so constructed as _to keep their contents warm for several hours, and de livered at the door at the hoar designated In the order. Ttri'empty vessels are col lected When the meal is over, and taken back Lathe "kitchen" by servants em ployed Ibr that purpose. All the culina ry arrangements and operations are tin der the direction of Prof. Blot, who Is masted by a corps of the beat Preach nooks, Prof. Blot demonstrates that lie is tn. tailed to famish food of the best quality, cooked 1n the best Manlier, at about what the individual.phruliaser now. lotyll for the raw material at the grocer's and the botcher's. In his bill of fare, which is varied from AO to day; are .dishes which, besides belifibetter cooked than by the generat.ton ;of striatum heals wives; axe mark 44 it one.half alift one third the pribes for which the same arti cle* ctin be borighiat retail ror,„ In !once, he furnishes broth. it 'rem 10 to 20 cents a pint ; beef tea, 40 to 00, ammo, 15 to 80; gumbo, 25 10 40; dab, such as flounder, 1704 dock, porgy, In season, from 12 to 8D cents pound; bass, pick erel, halibut, ita, 20 to 40; eheepahead, salmon, Am, 80 to 15;. boiled beef, 20 to 80; vegetables, 5 to 25. accordini to - Mud and season ; a la mac beef, 40 cents; shoulder of mutton (boned), 25 cents; and roast game, game pies., Ac., Ac., at about what the material costs In market. Desserts of all kinds are marked at very low figures.—.N. Y. .Koaaing Post —.raa . ear? 81h. A COBREBPONDSiT of the Chicago Tribune writes thus of Caroline Richingsi "I think Caroline Etchings Is more 'de. serving of the respect and admifetiott of opera goers thananY other ening oti the American etago. Bho 1s• the mother of En gnats opera. She has watched it; and tended It, and brought It up through evil report and good report. She stood by it in Its stormy days and rejoiced in Its sunshine. Through days and nights of incessant labor no other woman could have endured, year in and year oat, she Perfected it: She sang in sickness and In health. She has endured work enough to kill a dozen ordinary women. She has always fulfilled her promises; has always given the public jut what - she engaged to do. And when at last the clouds seemed breaking and the sun coming out—when the good seed she had sown was just blossoming into the prom ise of golden fruition—she loses some of her best artists, who go over to a rival troupe. Nothing daunted the little iron woman gets together the beat she can, and keeps on her way through the black eat of discouragement,. And she Ids got grit enough to spend her last dollar in fulled." =I e,epiag. Jan••cy 112 1110, Bald auehter et Yaw. Will am J. and limy Bald aged 2 yate• and la moult!. The Potent will tate plate on TO Day, (Sot -day.) Jon. Sliitt, at 11 let at T. K., at the nal demo or her pareota No 121/ediral anat. WAT.TETT —0- Saturday, J.., 22, jton% WALTETT. aged SO years. 2.11ral will tale piney from hts tato rearl4ance t •etT Claremont, It:Pans loatublp rail NOR.. MCI. at It o'cl.c. Tait blend* or the family are raersattally luottad to attend. Cecelia/es Will have LeTuree, No. 104 Grant street, at 112, 17NDERTAIUM8 R. PATrzesorr— .Janze L. intl.Lissul. ,rTTIi MON & "IF ILLIAMS, Cludersast.rs, earner of aerate sad s. street. Pittsburgh. C.lg as of ell UM% shrouds. CIIMII•u3d Moves, sad every desert,- tles of .11aserit far alpines stood• tarnished on the most r atesatde terms In the city. Hearse and earns.. t..rolehed. toe • • day. antinlekt. t eLES & EL L pinf2REP EI ISFri ES, INZAC PR T Allcsharay City. era al. j.ll HAVONIa are mainsails air ,:er way real au . 73.11111,004. 111 , Men., at inlets .ants{ from VI to 11170, Ha • elleaevire.l (orb:unman - a. Hearne sad nava pr Carat:4,ml; shaft of statt @sodv i . If Malted. 0150 e man at all koala. dal JOSEPH /RETELL & SON. Errowarreamisoff, No. 4514 PZISIS 117111 ST. Carrlags* liar ricasaals. IMAM dveraco rmns sad all hums' Plan Maul at re. rates. . au, JOHN M. COOPER & CO; Bell and BUSS Founders, LOOOlO7lll i EILLIIIII BRASSES .Made Prompt/1r to Order. BABBIT*A METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Prowlatani as/ Kaasbatsrus of J.it.Coopeeslmprondßalance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Mee, 882 PENN STREET. resoirriCeraitlousd Namaland% =2 HENRY O. HALE, MERCHANT , TAMMII; Cornet of Penn and Stith Streets FAO. AND , WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE MSC STOWE'S' BOOR. LADY ETROIt WNIBOLTED. A ble , ory of the Ayres Controversy. fr om the ge . ittOr t i::; . the present thee.. B/ 'Beret TP NA s KM% HOLY dUALL.. nor volume. 1511nml 41.00 One ?M u m, I SIM,. IMPer , Oue volume. 0..1 VP. , hAELIEY.B •PHYBICAL LING UT vro soPf. 01.50 GIiEELEW - REUULI.ECTIUBB or BUsT . . ....... Wilf./11 , 1 ,a 0 us . LIBIUBB BELIEF. By B. Bee eg Beale T.XIeOM °le PROvEIIBIS ' • ' 01.00 lIITH ERE By the sa.too of Yeah Bartrov, • It, ... ••• ... 1 1.°° FUR BALE BY B. DAVIS. dr. C 0.,. in Liberty Street, li=l=l LADIES.' :OR `GENTLEMENI,'' Attpr ic r.Gudebaaa.dinano preheat nor their • CIF+. Would do well to etrop In Odd examine my Matt or WATCIIIIII. OLOOIId."JEWILLILY and OIL.. WAttnot the moatdealsabla paitarnaJuat _reeatred Y. . • DirlirgEATEl'S. ..rr.wstax xn oiritaiur. - • 117111 AVZIII7I4 •merchante The Wage ASSETS, $1141,8411.03.: MARKET FIRE - INS. CO., N; Y., • f: Participate*,• ASSETS, ses*.ssAAQ. .Conneottent Elie Ins. Co., Hartford. A.SSTS. saoo,ooo oe. . AtElowAnn lU:floor's's, Awboik: rt.io - yed to 108 10URTH - AVENlllkbetwoes Feat ..a iladmica.treoh rtitotriN 1 , 12.110 • . putts= HOLL' rOVNEIHY, CM. LOEWY sal I,m 13111:6 IT& POLLIVI API & BACALEY, , , - iimman.i.oreuzsrior Chill-Rolls, Sand Rolls & Pinions. VIPS SALE. --ENGINES . AND 1301T4718. new iisd' see3no-4°Ld. , cor Staler =bawl ma boaxlm. = • • kiII:MOE a BRO . , Corm. llertaleana sod Pike .wasts. nolslll pitubarek Ps iDs - it ,„ t pur.L, CLEVE,LAr SOO bbl Eas m tern White ;Jam for sale by J. N. CANFIELD. VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURWI o • • VINEGAR , WORKS. -- • - BALLOU & ADANS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE, kmtk orotund so ItirnistlYntiOA9 at the LOTIN .13 ' T MARE= BAUM. Attoatton la Par timal, called to °tit UM Inn VINEGAR. DIEROHANT TAILORB 'FITEBSON & . lIUMANBRING, succEmosa TO • W.•B WOMB & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, Ea. 10_ BATH ET„ late EL Clalt. :111%" Die piety. U. 1.1 01.2.1 lillt N . O whi etlll .s tend to the Caul,ll4 , Wiartsee.t. de1:00 YertlEkidob t MUHLANBILING. P. 31.'AJR131....10, PAZEI3OI9ABLIII MERCHANT TAILOR, ' Keep. oonstantly o¢ hand Rothe, Vassiffseres and .11.1..41ENTLIMEIVIS 6001)0. No. 93 1-3 Smithfield Street, iqtr91299911. PA. sty artiliews Clothing nude to order In the DOM le.. eel;o31 MEN AND BOYS'• CLOTHING. gre",44°.iit==" Medium GRAY & LOGAN. 47 Sixth SL;S9 Filth Avenuey {Late eft. char. • 0030 NEW FALL GOODS. . •• splendid new Moak of OLOTI4. GASSLIMBEB, v Jut TeCCITI4 by LIST XICTX.II. seas IleraOmit Tailor. II lsoltheleld strnat. COAL AND OOKIL P.RADDOCK'S FIELD Gas Coal Company, .1.11.0 AND OP GIS, BLICIIIITH AND FAMILY COIL, Nut Coal, Slack and Coke, • ANTHRACITE COAL. Of all slses. and of Vo last quality. eon be fur. abbe. , as reasonable rates. Lear. aide's at .1, dog and rants, 1.0. IC ANDENSON isTIMPT„ Alleheny Mr, and Liberty pate Inn s b siren tPut batik. lath,. roa often Son &of, eluabarde. sad the? sill aecette tramps atte.uos dierrsonst attention Ores - to Instant ship ments. &Loa CRAWS _IL ARMSTRONG, StALIS r: Yonetloghony and Connellsville Coal; • • • Am/ Itaasilbetoret of COIL. BLICI DESULPHOBIZED tOIE. OPTIC& AND TARO, earner Boller 504 iron. atreet. Linen? and Clpmer meets. Math ward; also Peanut street, plinth tratel. and .% foot of thou street. P. A /t. Depot, Itreond ward. orders heft le either of the above orlon, or ad• dross to me tbroogls Plttaborgh I'. V.. trUl re cell,. prompt attenthon. /Idler to labels lam snelito s tl._.ttuater, liens It 3 . br,.71 . 1174 h a eTt. n 8 . 111;111 . 7 Co., Ora . rt & Matas, Alex Bradley, FOIL Bro. & Ce., Park, IlloCurdy • Co., /tees, throe& Doll.. Wm. H. labor • Co., J. B. Lyon • Co., James israllall • Co„ Allen, Ifeliee & Cu. Coma Da pot Hotel, Cosnellsettle IL IL, Petoisylratila B. R., All Vallee IL PL C 0..: COALII COALIII DICKSON, STEWART t CO., removed thiar to • NO. 567 . LIBERTY STREET, uataloity . rmar AMU SEVOIM ELOOIL Si:LE H R ' Motto; Ear M 4 ,.1.01201141. %el/L I VE: I 64%Iw lawart VO. All Went left.. adz *Ma, 001441....4 fa awns lit!wwili ta.. vulli will in emitwied 10 LIVERY & SA.LII STABLB3 ROBERT IL PATTERSON & CO, , 00101111111. OW Seventh Avenue and Liberty St,, rirrestmaz, Pit Wu; on Every Eksturday Hold _ AN AUCTION BALE 07 RORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, ArarrionntinajrrerAPp tee Ho rn. • e Malt. notion of eonalsnment on or of Tburadzy ot. non T on o t at on Proupt at wrie and do can toll be Oren Wino.% ten JOHN H. vrrEwurr, unetirmeer. ARMD. FIXWART XOST. MYATT/IMM ROOT. H. fATTCO OON. & CO.. ZatirEFISIC. OdI.LIII..A6ND . . . CO ON EMLBILIESI COB. SMITH 11)0111 k LIDKIIT L!, rirTspunint, re. Rogra... Ipll ; ll*. A VAIltalf.:1.1111 SM=3T FRIDAY, =Pi 111P0111121121 91 WIRES, BRANDES t GPI, &I, C PLUM RYE WmSKJEB, *. 4091 6 }412f8T8EtT e l Hove. Remotred: to NO& 884 AND 888 PENN, Car. 81eventh St., (formerly CanaL JOSEPH EL. & 01.4 . aim viaara, lash, Nu las awl 1 1 105 i MS= STRAW,- P1TM11713.011. comer ' Diatillad Para , Ry e 'MANN &Jas. desben II•701121112h tIISIS sad la. QUtildi. HOPe. ff. •• FL 01711 NOTICE TO FLOUR DEALE B B AND( or , 1 0 0 riaM- I. We ur now reeelV. Wlirn AMBER. ' ANS " Pecrarigri WUCAT. g r e °boob. Fm.. theen sao co etlet,lodlatia.. TEL tot of Wheat 10 we very best to be found awl cannot t,...cd.lo7,osrauhtllbe UnltAgtKatzs. 11settbony. Hobble Clatter .1.14 =l . t&t, ltd s ere=TVA= tej4lll4sh m it . r .. best floor =Area as tle ions erodes o i l lea. 81e.7. lIM3ISICDT.A.IIIIM• • , • •• , Furl BM= 1111111, 41alegbips*. . . . FL!) , 130 ,- ultrit, mown: _ • • Olio Me& bbla Irreales, 170 WAN Unmade Mule Imbibed wlsoae Nip tees Red Rau. Lai Ws /war main mecums novas: ' me WI lilnrelde 005 bble White Mgr, Ma bt,dir ror r ind. /whose Vow. • 47 . 14% .4 31 Sleteseer and MOWS. tree. eteloWir - • ter it later taw an be mantra trout the wad. • • Wart Lana a 00.. • "Jra on sad /TS Wood Wed. -.- ifiStrEANOII. TR NSW ERNI Mutual Life Insurance Co., NEWARK, N. J. Assets, Ovet 050'0,000. ALL Policies Issued by thls Company nee perpet• 405-Y.ifeltlng altar the payment of one sinnnal Premlord. Dividenda annually declared and &Dolled on third anneal premium, either on the permanent Increase of oil policy. or In 1 . .1110th:a 0 preen!- , . HENRY KIRKPATRICK, General Agent, 187 1-2 Wood Street, (2d lloor,) 123Z1E:12 .SD - reg R•11•0110 /441111**1044 deM TIE IRON Urn UTUAL LIC INSIIIARK CO. Of Pettneviva.nia. Office, 75 Fedenti St., Allegiteay City • DIRECTORS: Hon. JAMES L. • 11:•1 1. 3 k. li n CAAILIE,1). RVU A. IL Rev. 8. H. NRIBI W. A. RAZD,bier Allegheny Treat Co JACOB HUM Heel Casale Ascot. SIMON DUVAL Mayor of Allegheng. Q A . W. BENIN, Hatter. , d BELL i f.a.T.Tn n ertekerehant. • . D. BWOUNO. tasnraace agent. Capt. RCIIPP. P.COUPIti Prastd•at. Ray. .7:II:CLARK MEP,e• lPraslisat JACOB ILUSIL, &Ire 0. H. BENNY. Tr 11•111.111, H. W. WHITE. MiDICAL LDY!fII. DANIEL SWOOPS, fienq Agent. COMMIVAIONED AMINT3 FOB VIZ co,: John M. Dons Kw.. Auesh.ny, W. W. Karr, cheerer, B Bev James ollicrshead, . r.. F. Ce!ps.l., Mairesport, Ps. Cienrge H. Johnson Blairsville, Pa. J. B. Strayer, Johnstown. ra. Coruratry strictly mutual. All profits accruing &relic?, holden by divid.od returned sunnily rd the nag of the firm year. All purities urn furkitins.lata STATEMENT OF THE • • ENTERPRISE INSIJRANCE CO. Of Plttelmegh, Pe., from creamery Let to De. eember 3lst. 1869. Publisher'. ra meanie.* with the regalement* el' the lath Section of ht:7l; nteneT p " lor o aft t irp fntrll7llsl " let. Cefollel Stock... ....... ....• 60,000 00 I= Demand N Bond. ski Moonier... ....... .‘" 001.550 00 Apprortd oun wit!, Mao. 25,000 00 Caek Book Account/1 far Pko• • Itteelvapie Office, Furl:lllam aud Data 31 ,; l A B m . o u vul. of Presolanaßte.'d * .3 ' 415 " 0 13,405 04 ECM . • 14,1198 ID DlliallitalMENTa. Vire fa Irmailsek.oe airstrips a run. Retained Vere.levir Salaries sad Mace Expel:me I 5,445 TO fitb mo Aunt of Untrand Ituo. Alut. 1868 g $1.1319.5174 33 TM. ...übm and ..Ixont.lut o. J. S. ALIMATZ. traitor,. !° 0 12 H INSURANCE COMPANY. rum-aws Erinunita._ as Binh Monate. 01143011141 PITTISBUILUIL PA. Capitol All Paid Vick . N. J. leY. IlL i renrer.iricaet.m.nailer, Dauvl alloce,jS. Hartman, A. Cbasebers, Jake MIL_ S. 11•Crerkan.• Jas. Y. Sala. ThOsne dm= Jzto.S. Willa*. MHZ TH. Kl2ili Pr /NO. P. Jar:malt N JOSI. T. JOHNSTO ,Se Capt. H. J. UKMIE. Os • lames on Liberal Terms EM!!!!I &oat. ou on Inn 11/1 EirSOILLNICE If ilr ' l . M T Olt ITTISIKIBOH. • LZMANDER MlKlati. President. WM. . HERBItIt_L__ _Secretary. CULPT. GLOW' M1X4,13, Ileaaral Mee. ell Water street. Ilpanir it Cal/ Vase lay" up stales, Pltisharsh. MU! ta:nte esalnet all 'kinds of Yin an 4 •boate Inetttatlon, the amrod by MI. ration mho ar e tretl known to emsrmuntly, sad who are 4etesmlned by pry:cantata.. and Übe... allty to null:tate the cheese...which they heel Issuuse4. ea lan:Ting the beat prOtentlon 10 thi.l who dean to be Insured. nniaCTosul: Alexander Otatlet. Jean IL Me(Nast, Mince. Jr., Chas. J. Mutt.,' Juan McAuley. Wllll.l lev.s. Alesandez apaw, Joseph Kleltpeula„ Autrey Acalen. David . ong, c b 1 1 1 . rtor, U. nausea. air pENNISIELVAIIILI INSURANCE cumin OF nmseurstu 01114:1Z. No. 157 M WOIMMITNIIZT, BANK UP OM:UM StItLDING. TPL. I •• Plane OmPPIPT. sad farms maul 10•11_02 71n ozinslvelf. uz011.11111) WALTSII. rmads3l. 0. O. 301gbatop Prei aYBH al117:117.. r. " 84: 6 4 4 k1et 6. 7.1171111. 2.. rt Pa, J.M Pe b Mo J. or, h g ear, en... 1. rye AGAINST trainir AGAINST LOS 3 ET FLEUR. FIANCIMI 111111IMICE CO.OF 01120E.41171 4ST caurnsur Ifr..sast iftz. ••• . . Dame ra airlyavr— itztv,i, nt, ..e Le t wee R. two b , 7..hvgal O. Dalg. Cgrill U. HAN W W. SUDA LLLZ., , g Ix em Prn ge u r d/ . 0 Worth Wtt=rilagt= 31621:g15 • I, ATIONAL I ORDNANCE COMPANY. Car, Neal It. ad. Bland, Illegkay, B r i a r p e. thi =GOND BALTIONAL /MIX W. W. Kumla' reeteas rE j z il ar e v4o... rreameas„ M A MA: . . . ..... Joh. a. Myna, la. Lockhart. J. Dryers. Jaa.L.Grahrat. Robert Loa. 0.0. Bo I, Jno. Broarn,Jr. George Gkrrk. Jaaok kkoIIP. 0.11 PWlLllarns Jno. Thom:pooh J. Yeihnogbacr ar# • . . • • A. L comma wooly a firra wza. Maw Ossivani.taktas Firs =1 *ulna Mika r 0.... , Mill* Curt. Oka t.. Mom* cam Watt, timstrat P. BMW:4 tra E. Parts,Omits Attract's, 0. U. Lorat, Jand WA Brut, Wm. Vat mirk, Wm Jim.. D. Verner. ~mom llCtlit . 17 t 1s n i m P w lilk i t r apit, k,. =. s. , .. . ... w. V. timinirims. drams", ALL EG ENV 11111911111ANCE CONPARY or PITISBOUGH. • 03.11 e. ampTA MiLICET.Buti BLOM tonna against au at Pin all/ YAM. Riau. • . • . . . JOHN LIVATN. . • T. J.IIOISILLNKIN. Tloo neddnii. • O. G. DUNNlCl A lt,_l9Dernetary. JOb tun, wx. General Asa& - DISIRTOBS: Jr.. R. 1.. ntinettock T. J. Ho-mason. W. H. KV..., 0. O. Hog •16.1 nanny Ts. thmt. J. ld.. 84121rariedall4 Cnt. virni. tpay. T. R. Nervia. • 100 WOOD'IITTIEET. =iv: (mom FINE VASES, goinurzim Lab 'CRUM& 1 9. 11 V MIAS 'atm 'omis, .t= SILVER PLATED GOODS I • of att ditscetvilou. re zei= r id . = L z a r = w ag we law E. BREED .& CO. 100 WOOD WrREI?I. C ULLL AND SEE •• • . sun usw China-Seth, Parkin Statuetts, Vu. sae Teeei n treleaalma as a.: 13. H. Ellekinr it& ars. ; • • No. 189 MEM. N. 8.—.-lama aneartatese i of Mae lariat* finals* Wale artaualy mad bold age elwaTe ea Anownicirs: Bass Al )110SER, ism moil 'Alg omaxoi strnanns, Nas.•isad feu. caiag amt.' Pittoszah. .atteatioa strinta the dutpuss beam/ of 00t1 BOVnia asta SUELDIXIiik i i 11 I i i=al IM 1 I Mt , EJ PROPOSMAI. --P t d "TW PA er:lri r tia 4 . PROPOSALS Foie MAIL' LOCKS. attAtiti #itotosAtz tot totolobtor Locks and Keys of nisi Was. to be aP . I Mut4 " I for the Locks sad Key. now defer on the Untted etatee malls. will be recelmd at id& Dust• went mull 9 o•elt ck - A. the ad toot Es- HU •Stlt, 1870. 11 I. desirable to obtain Locke Sad So/. Of • new cenatractionior the excluaise nee of tbe Unftedd at e3malls.sed.lf practicable. intreited einteasee for that Moen. •s the .1..- 9. mm of n Model Loris and Key to rabble crud !nation sgOdle D..a if not .eel..?, Us nt iltY for the malls. the Detntrtaneed prescribes lo model fOr bidders, bet retie. for Ms "electron O. the opecimo us of a:iceboats:al alslll and Insrelnlty which • fair compeslt'on among threats:lre. ban , by. Inelled.. may &lain/. It Is. ueleleat to de. scribe the Drthelpii felristsltes of a Mail Lock, no follows telf•Lotklng unifoNsOty. seceritr. n.. 04 derabillty. nevelt,' of rot elm:T.D. and [mint' of use- To . o kind. el Locke on Keys, one of brass and the other of Iron,' dlffereit to exterior form. and Interior constrnaton or arnuittereefft. are required; and Proposalashould specify sepairstatr the Prim of each bray Lock. rack Hey for the wee. tub Iron Lock and each Kay for same. Dttptlmle samples Of each kind of Looks and Keys pro. posed. ore 'required to be thbositted with the Propotals; ohs of each sample Lock to re rivet ed op and tstsbed, stsd soother to be open or nurlreted, so that Its internal strnoture and sz nlejetsseet any gully oe examined. .lErcry nimbi thould Do plainty marked with the bid.' dors name, sad, If the same or any part of IV bit covered by a patent. the date of suds patent and the estale Of thlr patentee mast De also at. tacked thereto. . . iLltllll3l, Wee or Arrangententof ars Leeks ottered, and the netticular shape of tboXey re-, q elan. to do en dal, tenet not be like Any no► r heretot r rr. In ese. They must be warranted not to isildtranalant. or cou filet with any patentee Invent:los Of Which' be bidder le lof the patent ea. Preferesoe oe glexii Wier. the Key of which has not been exposed to SenErat Amen/lob or. bees, publicly deecribed. diacJoei dor &Sliest ad. A deeletoo on the venous spectmetle End Pro w:44. will ton made en or before the 5d d. 7 of MARCH. 1574): and totem the Postamiter Oen, era! alai' deem It to be for the interenta of the Dnpartnient to njeot s'l the Proposal& and /feel." mans • htunftted under this advertisement, tee right hereby eiPertly rsaerved to ,Illne,) eon- Insets 0111 be s mend Info LB foci thatenttp. Disetteable t with the eueeesetut tddder whole Lock. Abel be ant pled, for flirulablog Locks and Ness for four years, as they may be required ail ordered. If mutually agreed in In writing ..y thncontractornad POZWllller for an , sites bring. not les. than Alt months before Its expiration, the contrast may be ex tended and continued for an iodations] term = .f either term of the 'cos tract, or on .4 after Its rightful gnat:ll.lUL at goy time, the roam.. ter General attall have the light to contract with or amioy_.y other party to fttritlati the mune, or any other kind of Lodes as 1 Kn.; and U. shill diem prone to demand and receive Irani the late or dersultlig contractor all Inisbed or unlashed Keys and the Intelsat parts of the Locki eentralted itei.auf all ars. gauzes and designs. (which would s ruble others to make et fore. such Locke and KeiS)ltt the ireeepikdiet such eonisactor:Whis, ifteFtbstr eartitidei , ta the Denertmerit shall be jritd . .lbr thkeitkai such price u may be ascertained hl ;ble!Was malsement. 9.913 34 1119 00 1.050 19 The contractor 'must age xe and be - eble to his. ulsh, If required and ordered, SlO.OOO Brame Locks arid 3,000 Brass Keys within tittles monthit from the time Of entering Into contract. and 80,000 Iron Locke and 60,000 Iron Keys wilt; In ten months from each time. Bet the Post% master Urnera: e 111 reserve the right Co increase or drettinbh, la the Tints or Interests of the ter. sloe may demand, the quantittei of the Locks and Keys above specleed, with a Droportlowal allowance of time to furnish them. =III 163 00 / 000 01 MI 0 46 7.678 16 All the Lochs f.tralsbed by the contraetor taus, be warranted to teep la [nod ',cretin order lb! two years to the ordinary • .e of the nervier'', when not ankh:cud to ohs' violence; such L • become defective within teat time Leto replaced with perfect Locks without charge. All SW Locke furnished wader contract are lob.; tea'. cUstlnctly marked ••11. S. Mall," In either mini or railed letters; and all the Key. are *he hum tiered In the natural order; each Key Hiring Its approprtMe heather dlennette etimped hpeio Ode of the Dew and "U.S. Kell" en the Tim eantraetor will be required to delher the Locks at Ms expenm at the Postale, Deem* meet. WasJammu. D. 0., put epee siJeki,ibruil Ind se paraie bundles al live Locks each, and del cutely parked Is *wooden bone. aintardeg suld mom than tare hundred Looks each. The NeTt are tote delivered to as eltent of Ihe Deimmemot doll and apecially authorised 10 tedium., le take charge of sad elinety the mine fnesithe conmactore 'inasursctory to the Deperweent, where both Locks and Keys are tole Dope 0W.4 and approved before they abiall be Paid Tor. the liontricter will le 'required I.OWIte bond with mantis eveulty In the mom of Tlftrltioni. seed lioLani, to be forfeited to the patted BMWS as liquidated damages, In use or his Llienrte falthrldir Perform the 0011STMS, either sew for. wahine the supplies ordered - within a reasonable time, or .as to guarding the maouraclure of the Wail Links and Hera with duo Privecr. Integral and ere: No props.' will therefore be doer otedlf uot accompanted with stand of the Nebel seta of Twenty Thousand Dollars. duly executed by the proposed swedes, twheme rerponrlblllly must be certhled by a audit., of &Connor Record nearest te their pleat of residence. atl Mel by the Clerk of =eh Comet under the seal thereof.) WA thodltioued far their tecordlng respounlbia ad sanded on the required bold foe the felallinend of the courraet, la use ruck Proemial libel:lW accepted. The manufacture or Xall Letha Cad Eels. la. of am...lM • idgair Importaot and delicate truer. which the Department will con , 'Ade , 40 no bidder whom Proponls are not aim aecompanled with testimentala of teed thane: • . jII deeming on .tba Prenatal' and .anecLocite the PoMmuter General may deem It expedient to intent the . Brom Lock or one bidder and tee Iron hoes or anotntr. lie. tboefelbre:•remrren the Meet of contraction nun different Indict& nolo for melt different alnda or Locks Ito De ma, Attlee'. Prom:nolo obettld be eafeittlly sealed Mid , adi dressed to lb. , • •lieeond Amietant Poonnooter Gan. ray , and endorsed on tie anyelope 'totals for Mall Locks:. JOHN Ai Z. CRECEIVZLL, . Roll . - Poontoomar General. (T n . CONTuOLLsn•a 07Arn • - PlTTssitaan. 1 . A.. January 1 . 74.6,111T0.1 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL ice.cdred at this omce to Jima:ay oath; isto, for tarnishing the city with STATIONi EAT and pcianc notace. : - J.17:672 J. MO:IOWAN. Controller. j WILLIAM MILLER & Nes. 221•1nd Eli Liberty Mint Conant. of Irwin, now offer rho tram at low O:- area, sulcUr Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Oalassen. • Porto RICO, Cob. and Poollsh Island Bazars. Pew York. Phitodetphla. and Baltimore Err 'golden Dena: Lacrimal', Bread% Stisarc•. Ar., and Long Island Barmy.. • •• • onto Rico. Outma and In[ lab Imian6lll.olmeo. andoug Hymn. Japan, imperl4, uoapowder olong. Teas. - .'• ' ,• Carolina sad Mangan alma. Jav Latnarrs, and Mu Coifed.: Tobacco, Lard Oil, Nab, Nana,' Masa, amps Dorton Yana. ad., amstano7 es band. ALSO; Elle Brandies, Wines find Itherdrb; &well* and tloarkling kloa S lNT l e at Motel & Co.. In bottler. . • Sparkllsk MOselle,tlebanbe,fr and Johan* tor rr„, trookbelmor, de. lizadoldrarg & Irene - Me ollvo 011. . • do du' Clarets. Imported IP WWl* do do White boLtlea. • kr. Work & dparkllng Catortaa. • • • • • rum Old nem.. Madeira sad Port .Wlne. /rroo o.d Alosurogahels P,• skles, pord. • do Very.Elapcoor Ola mold. do 40. ALSO, - B,l4l4ireote f Poet i Chandon , s Grand Vim a Si,oy c lid Bellery naeonn =gu.4 _110:44:1 D IL6SOLVTION. ' - - , • Pisa? Pcnyrr Pt mai ' , 1. ItYi 1 . , ANI.I.UST /SUL , . . The Arm or BIRTH ik W.IIIIWION. hasAbbl day bees almaillyed by mutual cement. WM IT WICK tetlibm. . ..... • • The wwwwesi or the hoe firm wi I be settled *deem:lased In the enearshined *Oar theft*, L. H. toarriz & co.' Ja193121 tarrara 8. airni A.LPERT&KOHLERi - sad L btrgbLlD 01.1211/13: No. as magi, I . Pa. atte,OClon tOOnirtensk*Oit, IN beg ler. to direct the esteems. of to , public to. the feet that we. Imo pow impend Ur .surethours 'Rom end Shoe. for. tom. troubledCOMß, Itunlons, or doomed ...der the personal thperthrlon et pas UM. ester, tbrateriy Allereherty •OM ntr4..),„r.". Dished Lone nu old clatatMen NOW , ndd whic h Airo MOO. or steuurrUht tho b y wt can be ufli wstranilas en nod thri th ethble Boot * .4 blues for th e Una.. olt g.n. fifth 6.1•U1al end be convieced. - • - ALICYRT 110/114th =then" thereat etreet L•MOI.Taba.• LARGElinwilueerri4 aor:ALL LL ergir r gee. Jake 1.11 . tritIll o ; I?tainatd Martin, lEtasgsb. sea ss tee Tette An•gb— , clts.. caner aeration' adOielo streets. tier loot _.l4salstn)..,,„thr Inuillms'ensbles as to sissr vi r , " "'""' class lintels. sad ess ss list. Sigmas. ! ( ctrl.l/ . 1.41. Bus sod Whigs Wal yr" wa any i s: r eslA a r sr A v i t =re liinz KEYSTONE POTTERY. S e M. sum & co, IMMENSW*IIOt4 IIIIPTOZ;1111111011 caw and Woxibods% 868 iJBLITY ertuant aa-An maws mamma, latwattool tw• 3 0 CABNVEIA4II; .11!' • a..s. ouritua) ..&241113111/dENTS tarpINVI OVEN& 13911711 E, 4 -- Ka gotelient for Ili. nIOU only willk UN at aeat ?nodlan. Mt.. EDWIN FORREST, Wbo will MsNet on THIS Mande)) NIPZIONO. 51 , 11 th. 1170, In Butner,. mnaterldtt4l In SW Se. en{lilea , mcitEmEo; or. the Ceesetrerry. ClduMal de it kettle 10. T. Anima—Mr. YORREST as WS -011.11176. un k ye neat, Matinee